#btw tell me if any of them hurt your eyes and i'll tone them down
cepheusgalaxy · 2 months
so what do you guys prefer
i have three sets so far and dont wanna decide
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*def not gonna keep the banner
**not sure about the banner. might put the aroace flag there.
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freyito · 8 months
I'm in that 'damn I'm too feminine guess I'll die' phase right now, pretty sure it happens monthly, so, I was wondering if I could ask for Liu Kang with a ftm reader who's normally happy just crashing down one day, specifically because they think they're too feminine for people to perceive them as a guy?
Thank you for writing such amazing stuff btw!! :D
anon, you saved me. you SAVED ME. ive been in such a mood and ive been wanting to write something comforting!!! but i havent been able to think of a prompt and i didnt really have the energy for anything in my inbox. and then you BLESSED me with this absolute banger of a request oh em gee.
and don't worry, you're not alone either anon, im also lowkey goin thru it. twinsies!!!! letting you know, from a very feminine (androgynous, but apparently i seem fem aligned) trans man, its okay to feel this. there really is no definition to masculinity and you are a man regardless of what people say!
added some bonus characters for myyyy self indulgence if you don't mind
cw: male reader, ftm, just fluff, implied romantic relationships w/ all, proofread
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ʟɪᴜ ᴋᴀɴɢ (ᴀɴᴅ ʙᴏɴᴜꜱᴇꜱ) + ɪɴꜱᴇᴄᴜʀᴇ ꜰᴛᴍ ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
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-Liu Kang...
is almost disheartened at the sudden change of behavior. Just the other day you had been so vibrant, bringing color, a certain tone to the world. Something even he didn't think was possible. When he had met you, he was smitten. With your positivity, your optimism, and above all else, you.
To find you, quiet, sullen, hiding from him, it was heartbreaking. The absence of your voice and your light was something that very clearly rubbed off on him.
Finding out you've broken because you do not feel yourself, because you cannot look in the mirror without seeing the man you aren't, it fills him with sorrow. Because, he sees you as a man, regardless. He always will, and it will never change.
To be honest, he's quite unsure how to comfort you. He's by your side, reassuring you that you are masculine, that he and many, many others see you as a man. And he wants to make sure you see that. The best he can be is sympathetic, it hurts that he can't necessarily understand you on a deeper level.
However, that does not change how he sees you. Nothing defines masculinity, nor what makes a man in his eyes. Even as a god, he believes there really is no definition to anything, aside from what you make it.
He lets you know exactly that. There is nothing in the world that could change his mind, no insecurity- no matter how big- you find will ever change his view of you.
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-Kuai Liang...
originally thinks you are playing a game with him. So suddenly, you disappear. He looks for his sunshine around every corner, every closet, any possible hiding place he can think of. You are the light of his life, your shining brilliance cannot be matched.
So when he finds you sulking in your room, hiding, back turned from him and the world, suddenly concern eclipses his light. The pit in his stomach forms, ever expanding with worry.
Hiding because you do not see yourself as... yourself. You can almost hear his heart shatter. You are afraid other people see this, too. That you are not a man in anyone's eyes.
At first, he believes someone had put this through your head. Someone had told you this, had made you feel this way. And the fire burned within him, something telling him to find whoever had said this to you. Yet, when he finds out it is simply you perceiving everyone else's looks towards you like this, his mind slows down.
Kuai insists you are wrong. His usually calm temper replaced by him adamantly denying that you are seen as anything else. You are a man, regardless. He has never seen you as anything else but one.
Knowing you put yourself down this this claws at him, he partially feels guilty. But he puts in the effort to make you feel exactly like who you are, to bring your radiant light back into his life again.
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-Johnny Cage...
can't stand loosing your positivity, your light is an ever-burning warmth that keeps him rather grounded, despite his wit and charm.
He's plunged into sudden darkness when he wakes up to you with your back turned to him, pushed as far away as possible at the edge of the bed. In an instant, it feels like his whole world is ripped away from him.
But, he's determined to make sure it isn't, and he begins with the questioning almost immediately. This was the quickest you've ever seen him wake up. And to find the reason you've pushed yourself away from him is because you don't see yourself how he sees you, and that you are ashamed- no, no. He can't have that.
Johnny cuts you off immediately, showering you and pampering you with affirmations. He does not allow you any room to let your mind twist your identity. He makes it known that you are a man, he sees you as a man, everyone sees you as a man.
He's serious, too. All traces of the signature Cage tone are wiped out, his voice soft, yet heavy. He doesn't let you, not even for a second, get back into your dysphoric mind-space. He tries, real hard, anyways.
Johnny only lets up when he finally sees even a potential smile on your face. And once he's so sure he's affirmed your gender,- and you've affirmed yourself- he's back to his over-the-top persona, bathed in wit and perhaps even a little bit of pride.
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© freyito, 2023 | masterlist | queue | kofi DO NOT REPOST AS YOUR OWN OR USE FOR AI/AI CHATBOTS.
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sonicblueartist · 7 months
Rayman x Reader
A/N: He is the Rayman from the games, there is no other choice for this story, sorry~ But you can think either romantic or platonic for this :)
I'll try to make this as fluffy as I can. My angst loving soul don't know how to write fluff lmao
Writing Rayman from the games is something else for me. In really good ways
Nothing written in this story has anything to do with games plot. I wrote it all myself ;)
Summery: We both try to escape from some weird creatures
Warnings: Intense cursing
Words: 2.6k
Taglist: @blorbostation @eateableworm @livelaughluvvfaithyy @darkchanx @astoraa @shiroisotto64
Btw does anyone want to be in the tag list?
Dear anons; I would really appreciate it if you could choose an emoji while sending your asks and requests (and stick with it) so I can tell you apart. Thank you~
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Couldn't choose between all these moments for the gif so I added every one of them (probably gonna regret that later lol Because I no longer have any good gifs for him any more but whatever.)
Seeing Rayman angry is just a cherry on top.
I am going to post this but I feel bad for not writing fluff/comfort/pure lovely moments like I planned to, so I might write down something cute for him soon~
I really wanted to write something cartoon-ish too because, you know, Rayman is very much 'cartoon-ish', he is made for that. I guess at least I made that come true instead of a full fluff.
Also, I may have relieved my exam stress on him 👀💦
On The Run
What's happening? You don't have a clue. You only knew that Rayman ran past you in the forest ten minutes ago without even stopping to say hi, he looked really panicked too you have to say. And quickly after Rayman's hand came back, finding your own and quickly sweep away your taken aback body before the spears met with you. And, well, you were suddenly included in a chase you don't have a clue about.
You two run for your dear little lives, in the meantime dodging a few spears thrown to pierce through your guts and quickly jump behind a few bushes out of breath. Hearing angry yells and screams increasing you both held your breath in. A few seconds later all of them ran past you. You heaved a relieved sigh.
What with this all about? Well, obviously you don't have all the details but you knew someone who did. You can finally question him about all this. With a scowl you turn to face him, finding him invading your personal space, not that you minded (it was funny, really), sticking to your side desperately, maybe that's not the right word to use but he was definitely, on purpose or not, sticking to you like a little kid would do to their mother, still eyeing for any intruders. If you weren’t so angry you would find that cute. Honestly at that moment, you didn't give a fuckthought. Your blood boils in anger. You weren't mad at him. You were tired and worried. Okay, maybe your tired body turning your worry into anger a bit. But you are angry at his reckless side. How wouldn't you be? You know he did something again that bothered these people. (It could also be the fact that because all people on this planet are either crazy or whatever) But it's not like he is doing that on purpose. But he still needs to be more mindful of his surroundings.
You whisper shouted, nudging his chest with your finger, causing him to look at you, "What the fuck did you do this time Rayman?!" You panthed out with a glare. Asking nicely? What is that?
He stared at you surprised (maybe a bit hurt) and huffed out, "What do you mean this time? I didn't do anything!" He scoffed, a hand over his heart with an offended tone.
You rolled your eyes at that and glanced outside, you quickly duck seeing more of them walking past the bush. You cursed under your breath. Thankfully they were dumber than they look.
You glanced at him, "Why do they want you?" You whispered with a hiss.
He smirked, "Who knows! I mean I can't blame them. Everyone wants me!" Here he goes again, you were being dead serious and he starts joking.
You stared at him with the most dumbfounded and sour expression you ever weared, "They fucking want your guts out, you idiot! Don't start with me with those cheesy lines!”
He mushed his lips and stared at you. You stared back with a raised brow. He couldn't hold his stare much longer with how you're glaring at him and finally grumbled out defeated, hiding away from your intense stare, "Okay, okay fine! It might be... a little bit my fault."
You scoffed, "A little bit?”
"I admitted didn't I?”
"What did you do?"
He avoided you with a comedic sweat, "Ahhh…”
"Rayman. What Did You Do?”
"You're going to be so mad." He chuckled nervously.
You can't be more mad then you already are. But again, your expression softened with how actually nervous he looked about all this. You knew he felt guilty. You know him after all. You let out a long silent sigh and reached out to hold his hands, pressing your thumbs over the back of them, kind of stroking to ease him up, "Rayman, I promise I will not yell at you anymore then I already did. Just tell me. I need to know." You sounded more like reassuring yourself then him. Did you forgive him? No? You don't know what you are even forgiving him about! But you did actually soften up on him.
He didn't believe that but confessed anyway, "I uh... might... accidentally woke up a whole civilization??" He sounded unsure of himself.
You stared at him, and he stared back.
"What... the fuck?" What does that suppose to mean?
He laughed, "I said the same thing until you find me and drag me away, my divine savior~" Wasn't that the opposite?
You sighed and grabbed the bridge of your nose, "I feel like I am gonna regret asking this but... how?"
He tapped his chin, "Well, I also have no idea! I was walking around the forest a few hours ago then I found myself in the underground. I guess the ground may have shifted or the place I was standing in collapsed. Either way I find myself exploring the cave to find a way out and, well, that's how I find the burrow. And here we are!" He continued despite seeing your progressive disturbed expression, "They were really aggressive and grumpy, I think they want some kind of revenge for disturbing their sleeping ritual or something—”
You reach your hand and shut him up with a tired face, "Okay, I think that's enough information. We are gonna think of something now. We need to avoid them and find a way back to send them whatever place they come crawling from. Okay..." You muttered to yourself.
Rayman grabbed your hand off of his mouth and muttered your name.
"Not now, I am thinking.”
You sushed him, "No, nope, sush, no talking! I don't wanna listen! Just lemme think!”
He stared at you unamused but his expression quickly changed to something nervous. He called out your name again this time a bit louder.
You groaned, rubbing your face, "Ray, What part of "be quiet" don't you understand? What do you want?! You want them to find us?!”
He choked out, "Ahh, about that…”
"Look I only wanted a peaceful day today, getting chased by a crazy herd, not what I had in mind- annnd.... They find us, didn't they?" You sighed.
He nodded, "Pretty much." Soon enough all kinds of sharp-tipped spares were extended towards from all sides. You both quickly raised your hands in the air, surrounded by them. You cursed under your breath not amused at all.
"Well, this could have gone much worse.”
You soon find yourselves in a cell, soon to be turned into a chewing toy. Surrounded by many of them readying the meal you will be in today.
"You have to jinx it, didn't you?" Before he can open his mouth again you threatened showing a rock, "If you open your mouth one more time I swear I’ll force this inside your mouth—”
He raised his hand, "Jeez, alright, alright. I am sorry! What got into you today?” He knew you wouldn't actually do that. You love him too much for that. (But, did you have it in you? Yes. Would you actually do that if he was someone else? Most definitely. Is he afraid of this fact? Absolutely. He definitely know to not underestimate you.) He couldn't help but admit that it sounded so absurd coming from you in that moment though. It also shouldn't amused him but it did.
You forced a short laugh, "What got into me? Oh, lemme think." You sarcastically mumbled, mocking him and tapped your chin as if you were thinking.
He frowned, not letting you start sorting it all out, "Okay, okay. I get it. I said sorry, didn't I? It was lame of me to even ask that. Sorry for trying to be nice.” He stuck his tongue out playfully.
"A sorry not gonna save us from becoming a MEAL OF THE DAY!!" You groaned.
He hummed and shrugged, "I wouldn't worry much. After all this isn't the first time I was imprisoned.”
You stared at him, "We saved your ass when you were imprisoned."
"Saved me?" He smirked, "If I remember correctly, which I know I am, you and Globox were also imprisoned for the sake of saving me, I am touched really. Though it was a weak plan, assuming being held captive was part of your idea~"
You grumbled grimacing, "It was Globox's idea. I didn't have anything better to do so I just followed along. BUT we did save your ass didn't we? That's what counts! Besides, I'm not seeing you having any bright ideas!!”
"Who said I didn't have any?" He grinned, noticing your pause.
You give him a face, "If you had a plan this whole time... WHY DIDN'T YOU JUST SAY SO?!" God, so that’s why he has been acting so relaxed! He has always been some kind of a laid back person, but this would be too much (Not counting the fact that he knows when to strike). In fact, he should have been happy that he had a reasonable explanation for this situation because you were about to slap him hard for how careless he had been so far and how careless he had been all day.
"Calm down! It was a work in progress and now I am not gonna jinx it again. So, are you in or not?”
You give him a side glare at him and turn away.
He sighed, "Look, I am sorry. Sincerely, coming from the deepest of my heart. I really didn't mean to cause all this. It's also my fault that you are involved in my mess too. So, at least let me help to fix it, okay? You can kick my ass after this." He kind of dragged you away, yes, but it was to save you and you were thankful that he did (how wouldn't you?) but that doesn't mean he is also the one to start all these.
You heaved a sigh, and shook your head with a soft smile, "Lead the way, eggplant." You grinned seeing his little eye roll. You definitely gonna remember the last thing he said.
“I will save us. That’s a promise.” He sounded even more genuine.
“Yeah, yeah. You better be. I don’t wanna end up as a snack before bedtime. So, care to tell me the plan?”
He grinned mischievously, a determined glint in his eyes, "You will find out soon enough. You know me. It's not that complicated to figure out. Even better when you know they are not too smart to figure out."
You raised a brow not fond of him still depriving you of an explanation. But you guessed it was better to leave like that seeing those creatures still roaming all around.
Soon after your 'nice' conversations you both find yourselves tied up together in a cauldron full of water with a fire burning underneath. The creatures throwing chopped vegetables on you.
Your unamused expression hardened, "How much longer are we going to wait?" You grumbled. "They are slowly cooking us alive!"
"Yeah, I won't be a good dinner for them. You have more areas where they can chew off." You swear he was laughing behind you. You growled and hit him in the head with your own, you had no other option. Your arms were tied. "Don't start again! I'm serious! I'm starting to get worried. My feet are burning!”
He hissed in pain, "Sorry, force of habit... or maybe coping... either way..." he took a sharp breath, "My plan gonna work."
"You are not even doing anything! What kind of plan is that? Just admit already that you have no idea how we can get out of this station!”
"No, because I do. I'm just waiting for the right moment.”
You rolled your eyes, "Yeah, yeah. And I believe that. I am sure you do-- Wait a fucking moment." You hissed. You can't belive you forget about his ability, "You fucking have control all over your body! Whatever the floaty, gravity bending thing you do! You can easily get out of this rope!! They only tied our bodies, not hands or feet! Fuck! Why didn't you do something about this earlier Rayman?! Are you trying to piss me off on purpose! I swear---" Your words are stuffed inside your mouth, literally. One of the creatures got annoyed (or tired) of your talking and harshly pushed an apple in your mouth. Your eye twitched in annoyance. Rayman glanced back with a stuffed laugh. Okay, maybe you did deserve this but you are not gonna admit that. You gave him a death glare and he quickly looked away. But you still heard his stuffed snickers and feel his shaking body.
He nudges your side with his hand and your eyes quickly widen, "For your concern, ya think I would forget about something my own body capable of since forever? I already handled that. And for your nice question, like I said, I am one step ahead of you, darling~" he quickly hid the key before one of the creatures could see and cautiously examined the surroundings carefully.
He whispered, "When I came back here there was no way out of this place but the hole I fell down from. Thankfully, I was able to crawl back out but there is no sight of that hole anymore so I am gonna assume they blocked it. So there is only one option left for us to choose. What we're gonna do is, use the real door. The one I couldn't pass before. And for that we needed the key. Though one of us is gonna need to distract them while the other opens the door. Then we both escape and lock them in here, like it should have been." You're gonna kick his ass for not telling you about this sooner and made you believe that he actually didn't have any clue. Though you didn't know which one is good, his acting for the sake of the creatures (you have no idea what they are) not notice? Or him playing with you just for fun. Actually... you were happy that he did have a plan. Because it would be the worst tragicomic death in the hero's history.
His eyes widened when he felt your weight on his back... more than normally. You two were back to back forcefully pressed together yeah but... you were leaning on him? In relief? Comfort? He didn't know. But he couldn't help his lips turn into a soft smile.
"Well, I might ruin our moment here..." he trailed off. "I love hot baths as much as the next person but we should get moving. I don't think I like vegetable soup especially if we are in it.”
He felt the vibration of your laugh on his back causing his smile to widen. He glanced back at you with a smirk, his hand helping you to remove the red apple as he whinked.
"You ready to kick some little ass?" Those green creatures were nearly half of your height. You still can't believe how you two get caught that easily. You two were unprepared. But this time will be different.
You smirked, "It's always so nice to fight alongside you.”
"That's good to hear because I really needed that." He hummed as he slowly unwrapped the tight rope from around both of you, "You know, thinking our situation it's both humiliating and funny as hell. It could be our little secret. How's that sound?”
"Like heaven, and also the thought of what I can do after I get back home. Sleep all day long. Sounds good, huh?" You snickered knowing that's exactly what he will do too.
"After kicking my ass?”
You held back a laugh, "You want to be beaten up that much?” You pressed your back on his on purpose this time with a smirk.
He glanced back at you, "I think all the fighting we are gonna do here will be enough.”
"Agreed." You both jumped out of the cauldron within a fighting stance, raising up your fists.
You bawled, "Who wanna have some of these?" You showed your fists.
The creatures stood staring. Soon all screamed a war cry running towards you. You two smirked and launched.
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seelestia · 2 years
SUMMARY. playing a silly pick-me-up game with the wanderer is all it takes for him to realize that he is a liar and he hates you (this is a lie). (1.0k+ words)
CHARACTERS. scaramouche / kunikuzushi / wanderer + GN!reader.
GENRE. fluff.
CW. set after the events of sumeru's archon quest, reader says one attempted corny line, scara is called kunikuzushi here, light references to scara's lore.
THOUGHTS. an offering to scaranation because this man has been on my mind without paying rent (disrespectful btw /j). also, this work is inspired by this tiktok! <3
(+ tagging @medeaheartly aka the most persistent scara stan i know. ily, jae <3)
✰ masterlist.
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"This is stupid."
KUNIKUZUSHI has lived for half a millennium and this is, by far, this is the stupidest thing he has ever heard — or rather, the stupidest idea that has been suggested to him.
After all, who even thinks that sitting down together and saying what you like about yourself is a good idea?
Not that he has heard many in his life; the Balladeer was known for coming up with his own ideas and executing them to perfection himself. If a subordinate even dared to utter any sort of suggestion, he'd make sure those were their last words. What, did they think he was incapable of thinking for himself?
...Or at least, until now after the Balladeer became a discarded identity, a fragment of his past. But still, it doesn't mean he is fond of this particular idea and what is more stupid is that he can't even object to it.
Well, he can just outwardly say no if he wants to. There is nothing here that is stopping him technically... Oh, but there is one obstacle, you see.
You are holding his hands in yours — and the most mortifying part here is that he doesn't want you to let go.
Ugh. Holding hands is such an unnecessary and useless step, he scoffs to himself.
Although Kunikuzushi said all that internally, he doesn't do a spectacular job at concealing his annoyance well. It is portrayed there so clearly across his face like a stroke of bright color on a blank canvas that you can't help but frown.
"Well, Nahida said it'll help. So, it won't hurt to try once, right?" You then give his hands a gentle squeeze, just a little gesture to pass on a sense of encouragement through your linked fingers.
But it is more than just "a little gesture" to Kunikuzushi because for one moment, he almost wants to retract the last statement he said about holding hands. Almost.
"...Fine," he mumbles sharply.
"Good," you nod in response, but he doesn't miss the hint of enthusiasm in the way you do it. "I'll start first," you say, the ends of your lips starting to curl into a smile.
Is that smile supposed to be intentional or not? He can't tell, but what he can tell is that he already dislikes this stupid game.
He dislikes it because he can't understand why he is holding onto your every word in anticipation. Kunikuzushi can't fathom just why exactly is he so curious about what you like about yourself? Whatever, it isn't as if he cares that much, hmph.
"I like..." You trail off and the male listens intently, way more intently than he expects himself to. "—Your smile," you end your sentence with an ounce of satisfaction so evident in your tone.
All the amount of focus he invested gone to waste just for you to say that? "Tsk, you're the one who wanted to play this game so much. At least, stick to the rules, idiot," he grumbles lightly.
He wants to come off as indifferent, but the way the lightest shade of red begins to graze his cheeks betrays him. Kunikuzushi averts his gaze away from you behind the pretense of rolling his eyes. By all means, he thinks your attempt was terrible; after all, he rarely ever smiles but you've seen him smile before, even if it was once in a blue moon.
...You can't actually mean that corny line in a genuine way, can you? No, that must be a ruse to catch him off guard, he is sure of it.
"Okay, okay," you seem to find enjoyment in his reaction, letting out a chorus of amused giggles. At this point, Kunikuzushi doesn't even dislike this game anymore, he hates it now — and that stupid lightness in your voice as you laugh, he hates that too (what a weird thing to point out).
"I'll do it for real this time," you stifle another giggle before eventually retiring from your fit of laughter. "You better," the male in front of you scrunches his nose in, what you assume to be, a menacing way.
Intent on keeping your promise, you take a deep breath, "I like..." For some reason, your gaze just lands on him as if on instinct as you continue, "—My eyes."
And to Kunikuzushi, too, it is on pure instinct when his own pupils suddenly look up to meet yours. Your eyes, you say? He examines the subject of your words closely, indigo irises clashing against [E/C] ones.
There, inside them, his reflection almost seems to drown completely in the colour of your irises. A brilliant [E/C] color surrounds his figure at the sides, not as if it wants to consume him but to douse him in that very same color. Kunikuzushi used to despise looking into a mirror; he despises looking at his face, the very product of what his creator constructed... but not right now.
He waits and waits for that same feeling of hatred to resurface, but he can't feel it. It's still there, but subdued. Subtle, as if a lid was placed above it. Why? Is it because he is looking into your eyes and not a mirror? What an irking conclusion. Just what kind of sorcery are you and that little forest god casting on him?
But how ironic, he can't find it in him to look away from you. His brain is shouting at him to make a remark about how "irritating" your eyes are — yet, in the end, the only thing that escapes his lips is a confession murmured under a hesitant breath.
"...I like your eyes too," he murmurs quietly.
You can tell that those words are meant to be taken away by the wind, never meant to be discovered again. Perhaps, Barbatos isn't on his allogene's side today because you can hear those words as clearly as day.
"I heard that," you smile softly.
Embarrassment instantly takes over and Kunikuzushi snaps out of his trance in the snap of a finger. He looks away with that disgruntled look again as he says, "Ugh, I hate you so much."
"Is that a lie? Do you really hate me?"
"...Shut up."
(Yes, it's a lie.)
─ ⊹ ⊱ ・・・・・・☆・・・・・・・⊰ ⊹ ─
✰ TAGLIST: @meimeimeirin @hcikazu @tsuk4sa-yug1 @catcze @semi-orangeapple @yuuki4646 @d-a-r-k-s-w-a-n @daisydkj @omgscaramouche @coquettemaiden @lemontum @herdrops — [ bolded names are unable to be tagged + register here to be a part of my taglist! ]
© SEELESTIA, dec 2022. do not repost, plagiarize, translate nor claim as your own.
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starsign-fics · 2 years
Henry Bowers and Kevin Khatchadourian (Either one or both!) with a motherly reader? For example they’re well with taking care of people and etc !
𝓜𝓸𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓻𝓵𝔂 𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓮 (H.B)
Paring: Henry Bowers x Motherly!reader
Word count: 923
Warning: threatening, swearing, Basic Henry bowers things, no use of y/n, No pronouns used
Note: OMG this is literally my first ever request and I started screaming!! Thank you Sm anon!! Btw i'm sorry if you wanted hcs <3
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It was the middle of the night, You were cozily lying in your bed drowning in your pillows and comforter. Suddenly the sound of rocks being thrown against the window of the room enter your ears awakening you from your blissful sleep. You remove the comforter from your body and walk over to the window peaking out the curtains which conceal your room to spot Henry bowers awaiting your gaze while standing in the middle of your front lawn like a serial killer.
Opening up the window to seek what kept Henry awake this late at night. "Henry?" you question attempting to read his expressions from the darkness of the sky.
"Can i come up. Please." it was low almost a whimper, the presents of sadness imported in his voice, Most likely from crying before appearing in the yard of your home.
Henry had been coming to your house recently, He had gained an unexpected attachment to you one day out of the blue and hasn't left you since. you had no clue on what caused the obsession to grow into the mind of Henry Bowers but it grew quickly it had only been a month since his claim over you and he had visited 15 times. Just like this one.
Opening the door to enter the hallway you softly step outside of your room carefully to not awaken your parents, You make your way down the stairs the anxious feeling flowing through your body in worry of a squeaky floor board blowing your whole plan to comfort Henry.
Finally making it to the last step you slowly unlock the door and open it to find Henry staring at you like a kicked puppy. It hurts you every time you have to see him like this, In so much despair from what he goes through at home, To know that he's found that you're his only moment of peace among his heartbreaking life. Every time you think about it your eyes begin to water.
You both stare at each other taking in all features shown by the light of the moon. You softly pull him into your arms careful not to touch any wounds that possibly be open from early on, He leans into your warmth while you take his head into you hands caressing your finger tips against his scalp in a attempt to calm his racing breaths.
"It's okay, I've got you. He won't hurt you while I've got you. I promise." You reassured him. You know he needed it, He needed Someone to take care of him. To be his safe haven to run to in his darkest times, And you couldn't lie. You loved being his safe haven.
You released your hands from his scalp and took his hand, guiding him up the stairs. One you both made it to your room was the first time he spoke since you found him in the yard.
"You tell anyone about this and i'll Fucking kill you. You understand?"
You could hear the shake of his voice while he spoke. The genuine fear in his tone. You knew he was trying to scare you, To keep you in his grasp longer in fear you would leave. The fear you would abandon him like his mother, The fear you would lose control of the pressure applied to you. That you would snap.
You fall back onto your bed signaling him to join you. He lays down next to you as you pull him into your chest. You hold him close to you as you wrap one of your hands into his dirty blonde locs and the other to rub you hand up and down his back.
"Do you need anything to eat or drink? Do you need me to clean any cuts? Cause i just bought a pack of band aids if you need them." You kept your tone low and soft so you wouldn't terrify him more than he was. You wanted to make sure he felt safe, Protected within you.
He stayed silent. Snuggling deeper within your chest snaking his arms around your waist to fully assure you were stuck with him. He squeezed you so hard you thought you were going to burst.
Henry didn't really talk during these moments, He didn't need you to talk either. He just needed to feel you, To have a space of comfort. You begin to get sleepy again from your bodies colliding, Adjusting your focus to each breath Henry took. Watching as his chest rises and falls. You heard him mutter something that you barely caught, But you were so glad you did.
"Thank you."
You felt your heart melting from the compassion he had for you. The trust he put into you to allow you to nurture him to comfort, To allow you to see him in his weakest of times. The motherly love he allowed you to gift to him.
"You don't have to thank me, Allowing me to care for you is enough. I know how difficult it is for you to put your trust into people." You spoke softly.
You felt as he finally let go, His body fully relaxed from your words. You could hear as his breaths got softer and more organized while he slowly drifted into a peaceful slumber.
He started to snore lightly, slightly letting go of his grip upon your body. You shut your eyes and listened to his snores drifting away into sleep with the boy you cared about the most.
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komitomi · 2 years
NSFW! WARNINGS: reader is afab, cunnilingus, oral (both receiving), mommy kink (it's at the end), masturbation, reader is bold, reader has a "crush" on kaeya, fingering, usage of nicknames like "cutie" "darling", please tell me if I missed any, + not proof read, this is my first actual smut fic ever so I'm not experienced!!
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“so you like him eh?” you jump at the voice coming from behind you, you look over to see Lisa smiling at you and not knowing what to say, you just nod.
“I-i just don't know how to tell him” you manage to speak out and look back at Kaeya, you've always liked him, he was your main inspiration to join the nights of favonius after all, that inspiration slowly turned into a crush.
“Well, I bet he wouldn't even be surprised if you told him that you like him, after all he's used to this type of attention.” Lisa says shrugging her shoulders, this made your heart clench, you're very aware of it, Kaeya is hit on by a lot of women, of course since he is charming and handsome after all so who wouldn't hit on him?
Besides its very well-known that Kaeya is a mild type of a playboy, he occasionally flirts with everyone, except you and you'd always wondered why, this hurt you a lot.
“yeah, I'm aware of that” you look down while saying that, “hey cutie, I didn't mean to get you all sad, I apologize.” Lisa says looking concerned, you just give her a small smile.
“it's fine, you were telling the truth anyway,” you say.
“oh btw what are you here for?” you ask Lisa “oh right! I totally forgot about that since I saw you staring at him, but anyway, I came here to collect the book you borrowed from the library? It was due 2 days ago but I was busy with other work.” she says which makes your eyes widen
“shit! I totally forgot about it, forgive me Lisa!! but I'm busy with my knightly duties right now, my shift is till 7PM, and the book is at my house, if you don't mind can you come collect it later??” you join your hands together and say it in a begging tone, you know how annoyed and scary Lisa gets when someone doesn't return the book on time.
“Sure cutie, I'll pick it up at 7:30 then~” she accepts, which takes you by surprise, you expected her to be stern and tell you bring it right now but she was so chill about it.
“T-thank you Lisa!” you say “I-i have to go now, see you later!” you say before walking away from her.
Lisa stares intently at you walking away, look at you from head to toe, before smirking and walking the other direction.
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You just got home from your shift and closed the door behind you, taking off all the knight equipment and placing them in your closet and decided to wash yourself, you got undressed and went into the your bathroom, and got in the wooden tub before sighing and relaxing.
You thought about today's events, ‘Lisa will be here to fetch the book soon’ you think, closing your eyes for a brief moment ‘she's so hot.’ your eyes shoot open “what the fuck?? Did I just think that.” you ask yourself “but then again, she is indeed hot.” you sigh.
You go out of the bathroom to get dressed before laying down on your bed, today was so stressful, you had a surprise endurance test which you barely made it past cause it was so difficult.
Your hands trail down to your clothed vagina and press your clit lightly, making you shiver, you start rubbing small circles, trying to imagine kaeya eating you out but you can't, it turns you off for a odd reason. You try again but you still can't get yourself off to him.
Your mind wanders off to Lisa, the hot librarian every guy wishes to fuck, you feel yourself getting wet down there and start rubbing circles one more time.
You start imagining how Lisa would fuck you, how she'd eat you out and make you cum, you shove one finger up your hold imagine how Lisa would finger you, “f-fuck l-lisa~” you moan out her name, you were reaching your high, and were about to cum soon— but a knock throws you off and you quickly stop what you're doing
Making you get up and run to the door, you open it and Lisa stands there with a sweet smile on her face “c-come inside I'll get book” you invite her in, “thank you cutie” oh that fucking name, the way she always says that makes you cream.
You wash your hands and dry them up and get the book to give to Lisa, she sits there watching you come with the book.
“Here it is Lisa, it's in good condition.” you reassure her as she checks the book for any damage, she looks straight at you and gives you smile before saying “thank you, I'll be on my way now” she says and gets up to leave.
You don't what came over you but you suddenly yelled “WAIT” making her halt in her place surprised, “I-i mean, fuck, I'm sorry for yelling— I was going to say something but I forgot.” you try to make up an excuse.
“What is that 'something' if I may ask?” she looks at you and you look down, not knowing what to ask, “You want me to finger you?” she asks boldly which takes you by surprise, “W-wha—” before you can finish your sentence, she slams her lips into yours, throwing the book on the ground.
She grabs you by the back of your neck with one hand and deepens the kiss before wrapping the other one around your waist, you were surprised at first but wrap your arms around her neck, deepening the kiss even more.
She lifts you up without breaking the kiss and takes you towards your bedroom and lays you down on it before breaking the kiss “Y-you think I didn't know? I heard you moaning my name you know, you're lucky nobody lives around near this area otherwise they'd hear and peek into your bedroom seeing you commit unholy acts, should've atleast closed the curtains you slut.” she says the before going over to close the curtains
“Y-you saw me? masturbating?” you ask baffled and she simply gives you smirk, before pushing you further in the bed to make a place for her and rips off your nightdress making you shriek and cover your chest in defense, you weren't wearing anything under, you usually don't at night since you have no where else to be and since it's more comfortable.
Lisa pries your hands apart before pinning them to your side and kissing you, you kiss back, she lays you flat on your back and kisses you down your neck, reaching your breasts, she looks up at you before sucking around the skin of your boobs
She let's go of one of your hands to play with your breasts “M-my God look at them, I always wanted to squeeze these fucking tits, I fucking love them.” she says before she sucks on your other breast, she takes your nipple in her mouth, making you arch your back “L-lisa~! Fuck that feels so good.” you moan out, she plays with the other nipple with her hand.
Her mouth leaves your nipple with a 'pop' and she looks down on you, all blushing and panting, she takes off her own clothes and gets completely naked.
You both get into a scissoring position, one of your leg over her shoulder and the other laying flat while she positions her cunt near yours, she presses lightly making you and her gasp.
She starts moving slowly, rubbing her cunt against yours, her clit and your clit kissing, “L-lisa~ nggh! You feel so good.” she starts going faster “F-fuck cutie, you feel so good.” she goes faster and faster and you're on the edge until she stops.
She quickly gets out of the position and sits in a kneeling position before bending down and putting her face close to your cunt.
She blows on your puffed up clit, teasing you and making you whine in the process, she latches on to your clit without a warning and starts eating you out, she shoves one of her fingers into her own cunt while eating you out and fingers herself, you grab her hair and buck your hips as she keeps on sucking your clit.
She pulls apart from your clit and takes the finger outside of her cunt dripping and covered in juices and puts it inside you, and starts fingering you hard, “f-fuck, faster. Please.” you mewled and look at her pleadingly, she smirks and goes faster.
“you're such a good slut for me, aren't you?” she says before playing with your clit with her other hand, “f-fuck I'm close- lisa- I'm gonna cum~!” you say and throw your head back as the orgasm hits you, sending shockwaves throughout your body, you lay there panting heavily.
You look at Lisa and she gives you a satisfied smirk, she takes out her finger from your cunt and licks it, your face turns red at the sight while she simply continues licking “you taste so fucking delicious cutie~” she says.
She lays down next to you and plays with your tits, massaging them and pinching your nipple from time to time, you suddenly change from your position and get on top of her, she's surprised by this and before she manages to say anything you slam your lips against hers and kiss her.
“I- i want to make you feel good” you say breaking away from the kiss, and slowly go downwards, kissing her breasts, stomach along the way before you stop at her cunt.
“You wanna make mommy feel good?” Lisa asks and you nod shyly, although surprised by the word mommy, you didn't care.
“then do it little slut, show me what that mouth is capable of.” that's all you needed before you latched onto her cunt, dripping juices, you lick her folds making her arch her back in pleasure, she grips your head tightly pushing you in.
“F-fuck you're such a good little whore~ making mommy feel so good~!” she moans out, her grip on your hair becomes tighter, signaling that she might be near her orgasm, noticing that you fasten up your pace.
“A-archons! I-im cumming f-fuck—” she releases all of it in your mouth, you lick all of the cum up, your mouth still attached to her cunt.
You slowly leave with a 'pop' sound and look at her, she's panting for air while looking at you, she pulls you up by your hair and kisses you roughly. “I've always wanted to do this.” she speaks out, breaking the kiss, “you don't know— you don't know how many times I imagined you like this, how much I wanted you to fuck you—” she gasps for air before continuing “I love you y/n, I fucking love you.” she slams her lips against your once again.
You pull away for a bit “You know what's funny? I thought I was always weird for liking you, I saw it as a friendship attraction— but.. everytime I masturbate, it's always who I imagine- I've always felt ashamed.” you confess shyly.
“there is nothing to be ashamed of darling, we can be together now, I love you my cutie” she says and kisses your forehead.
“I love you too”
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pineappleciders · 1 year
Y’know how you did a South Park request of Kyle and Kenny finding out you self-harm? Can you do that again, but with Butters and Tweek instead?
A/N: yeah!! i love doing requests like this. this is platonic btw,, tweeks part is a lot longer mostly because theres more dialouge!
TRIGGER WARNING: blood, self-harm, relapse, blades
BUTTERS and TWEEK reacting to reader self-harming
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sitting in your bed, you were doing your usual routine.
swipe, stop the bleeding, move on. it was a ritual that brought you comfort. something that was always the same. something you could always return to.
you barely have any time to react as someone twists open the knob of your door and opens it, knocking on their way in.
"hey, Y/N! you gotta come see what- oh jesus!"
his tone switches up and he steps back in shock at the sight of you bleeding.
his first instinct is to look away and walk out, apologizing. but he doesn't, he can't! you're hurt, and you need his help!
he cautiously steps closer to you. "jeez, are you okay Y/N? you're hurt pretty bad.." he looks at the cuts on your arm, automatically assuming it was not intentional.
you cover it up and hide further into your bed. "no, i'm alright. thanks though."
he lingers for a moment, playing with his hands, before shouting "i'll be right back!" and running out.
he comes back with a box of hello-kitty themed band-aids, and sits next to you on the bed. he sees the blade, he sees the bloody towel, but he doesn't say anything.
he gently takes your arm and places the band-aids over your wounds, strategically as to hold them close. "there! ooh, you probably need some ointment, hold on!"
as he gets up to go get it, you stop him. he looks at you quizzically, and he's a little shocked at the tears in your eyes and your sad face.
"h-hey, what's wrong? does it hurt? i bet it does, i can get some-" you sniffle and cut him off. "no, i just wanted to say thank you."
he tilts his head a bit. "well, of course! i'd do anything for my best buddy!" he does his silly little smile.
it fades as his eyes trail downwards. "hey, Y/N?" "hm?" "why did you do that? did you mean to?"
it hits you that butters hasn't had any experience with self-harm and doesn't know what it is.
"we-well... uh... yeah. it's.. it's like a coping mechanism. i dunno how to explain it.."
"coping? cope with what?"
you sigh in exasperation. you wish he didn't ask. "erm.. like my mental state and stress and stuff. it's not good, i know, but it's the only thing that helps." you look away in embarrassment.
he has a little frown on his face. "well i don't want you doing that, Y/N! it's not safe!" he takes one of your hands in his. butters always knew how to be corny.
"i know it's rough, but i'm here for you bud! sometimes.. sometimes i wanna do that too. like when i get yelled at and i just wanna hit myself cuz it's all too much. but.. but we shouldn't! it's dangerous."
"anytime you wanna do that, you tell me and we can color, OK?" butters doesn't treat it like it's a sensitive subject. he's honest, and he's genuine.
you lightly smile. "okay. thanks, butters."
he goofily smiles again. "now lemme go get the ointment!"
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you shut the door and slide down the wall of the bathroom. the floor was probably gross, but you could care less right now.
you're having a panic attack again. in a coffee shop.
it happens often when you're ordering food, and you rushed to the bathroom when all of the red flags started showing. you needed to relieve this pressure, and quickly.
taking out your 'cutting bag', you hold the blade in your finger, and start slitting. each cut is wobbly and painful. you're shaking.
you let yourself bleed. usually you stop it as soon as you cut, holding toilet paper or a towel to it, but you just wanted to bleed. you've been so exhausted lately.
a bit passes and you're about to get up to start cleaning up, but a loud knock pounds on the bathroom door.
"h-hey, Y/N! what's taking so long, are you okay?" tweeks voice cracks from the other side of the door, and your heart drops.
"er, yeah i'm okay! just finishing up!" you're still catching your breath, freezing in place as to not make a sound.
"are you sure? you ran in there pretty fast, did the coffee give you diarrhea? ACK!"
you stifle a laugh at the random comment. "heh, uh, no i'm fine. just.. really had to pee."
a moment of silence passes.
you nearly piss your pants when the doorknob moves and unlocks. scrambling to stand and cover yourself, you hold your bag close as he opens the door.
"dude! a little privacy!" you shout, backing up once he shuts the door behind him. you keep forgetting his family owns the place and has the bathroom keys.
"aha! so you weren't peeing! you're holding everyone up, we only have..." he trails off when he looks down, seeing a small splotch of red liquid on the floor.
"is.. is that.. BLOOD?" his voice freaks out, and you put your hand over his mouth to shut him up. "ssshhhhush!!!"
you uncover his mouth, and he takes a deep breath to calm himself.
"why is there blood on the floor."
you awkwardly chuckle. "uh... haha. i'm... on my period??" you grin, trying to crack a joke.
he deadpans and looks at you, expecting a real answer.
you sigh. "okay, um, promise not to tell anyone."
he does a motion mimicking zipping his mouth and throwing the key away, eager to hear what on earth you've been in here so long for.
you were about to tell him, but you backed out last-second. "i, uh, cut my finger." you blurt it out, averting your eyes.
he's vibrating a little, and he twitches.
"you don't want me telling anyone you cut your finger?"
"do you need a band-aid?"
"..yeahh." you say that, hoping he'll leave to get one. giving you a chance to escape.
he pulls one out of his pocket, but you aren't really shocked. you're sure he has tons of little mishaps with all the violent movements he makes.
"show me." he unpeels the band-aid and holds it out to you, waiting for your finger to place it on.
you know you're fucked at this point.
"i can put it on myself."
"show me it." he tries to be stern, but you can't take him seriously with his wobbly voice.
you snatch the band-aid from him and turn to the side, playing with your finger. "i don't need help."
he huffs in frustration. "alright, what the hells the matter with you? are you okay? like, actually?" he has a lot of worry in his voice.
you feel tears pricking at your eyes. this is kind of a weird and funny situation, but it didn't start like that. "yeah... i'm fine."
his eyes are full of concern, and his eyes dart around before landing on your arm.
"...can i see your arm?"
"i said can i see your arm?"
fuck. you're busted now for sure. how did he know?
you lift up the sleeve of the shirt you didn't cut. "the other one," he says.
and so, you hesitated, but you lift up the other one, revealing your freshly cut wounds that are still seeping blood. he gasps and covers his own mouth, as if to keep himself from screaming.
"ssshh, i know, i know. it's fine." you go to roll your sleeve back down, but he grabs it and holds it up, inspecting your cuts. "jesus christ! give me that band-aid," you give him the one in your hand and he places it over your cut to hold the skin together.
you can't help but notice his attempts at keeping his hands calm and slow, despite the incredible urge to shake like crazy. his fingers are rough and vibrating, but he tries to be calm near your injuries.
he gives up trying to get the band-aids on your skin and rushes out, coming back quickly with a first-aid kit. he unboxes it and treats your wounds with ointment, cleaning them and bandaging them with gauze.
"yeah, it hurts, i know. you'll be okay."
he does it all with an incredible sense of urgency and speed, but he purposefully doesn't speak or start tweeking out for your sake. the last thing he wants to do is stress you out.
he cleans you up and rolls your sleeve back down, and holds his forehead, sighing. you start to feel really terrible for making him deal with you.
tweek suddenly engulfs you in a hug. it's warm, maybe not so comfortable as he's very clearly on edge, but it's warm and nice. you slowly wrap your arms around him, and he lets go.
tweek wants to show more.. affection?? he wants to show that he cares but he doesn't know how.
"listen, uh.. i-i know it's really hard. i've been through stuff like this and.. i just want you to know i'm here for you, dude. like, i care and stuff, and ACK! i don't want to see you hurting!" his voice cracks and speeds up at the end, and he's twitching a lot.
you almost smile at his attempt to make you feel better. it's obvious he cares, even if he can't express it well. it makes you happy knowing he cares.
"yeah, thanks tweek." you wipe your eyes and grab his hand.
"can we just.. pretend this never happened? like please don't tell my parents. or anyone." you ask, cleaning yourself up.
"y-yeah, 'course. but you can talk to me, o-okay?" he grabs toilet paper and wipes the blood off the floor, throwing it in the trash.
you slightly smile. "yeah, i got it. thanks, again."
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gregorygerwitz · 1 year
Hurt/Comfort prompts: number 13 (“you’re safe, I promise.”) for scream au.
I love this idea so much btw I already feel unhinged about it ❤️
13. "You're safe, I promise."
He wasn't shaking anymore. That was probably a good sign. But it was hard to focus on the good when there was still blood on his hands, barely dried under his nails, where he could feel it everywhere it coated his skin. It made him want to itch until it was all gone, until he was finally clean again, but that seemed impossible. There was too much of it, too many things he couldn't forget about, things that appeared whenever he closed his eyes long enough to blink.
Greg would have scars, he knew that, but that seemed like nothing in comparison to everything else he'd seen. There had been too many bodies. Jay had gotten stabbed in the side. Hailey had gotten a bullet in the leg. They were the survivors, the ones who made it out, but how long would that actually last?
The sound of the door opening across the room was enough to make him flinch, and he flexed his fingers as if the gun was still there. Then the trembling started again, the shaking of his fingers, and he tried to grab the edge of the table to make it stop. He'd been at the hospital for a grand total of twenty minutes, refusing to let anyone bandage him up or even help him get the blood off his hands. The last thing he'd wanted was to have so many people touching him, even if they were just trying to help. He'd had more than enough of that for one night.
But denying care and not having the same life threatening wounds as his friends meant he had been taken to a different building instead, and put in a police interrogation room. There hadn't been the chance to give a statement at the house, not in all of the chaos of it and the ambulances rolling up, and he had been reassured countless times that he wasn't being questioned and he wasn't a suspect in anything. It was just a safe, quiet room, and he'd appreciated it when that was all it was.
As soon as he wasn't alone, it wasn't exactly quiet anymore.
"I'll try to make this as quick as I can, kiddo." The voice was practically familiar, and he didn't have to lift his head to know that he would see the face of the officer who had first breached the bathroom door. She seemed nice, but that night had already taught him that the uniform didn't necessarily mean safety. "I'm sure you want to get back to the hospital to check on your friends, hmm? You've already been through enough tonight, and the last thing we want to do is keep dragging this out."
Greg kept his head down and didn't even try to say a word. He didn't want to. Words hadn't helped him all night, and they weren't going to help him there. Words wouldn't bring back any of his dead friends, and they wouldn't help Jay and Hailey. They wouldn't erase the entire night like he wished he could. So, he didn't even try to find them, staring at the surface of the table.
"Can you tell me about what happened tonight, Gregory?"
He blinked but kept his eyes down, staying silent while time dragged on. It felt like an hour, but it was probably only a few minutes, potentially even less.
The gentle tone made him blink again, finally looking up. His expression was kept carefully neutral, almost blank, or as close as he could make it. But a careful mask couldn't hide everything, apparently. Something must have alerted her to the emotions rolling in his gut, the terror that hadn't quite subsided, the worry he still felt, the fear that something could still happen even if everyone was acting like it was over. One uniformed officer had already robbed him of his sense of safety that night, and he was more than hesitant to trust another one.
"You don't have to give a statement right now. You've had a hard enough night, and you should take the time you need to process all of this. Whenever you're comfortable, just come in or give us a call, alright? We can get other statements from your friends, and we caught the people who did this on the scene - red handed just isn't a phrase we usually use so literally. They can't do anything else to you, Greg."
Catching his tongue between his teeth, he made himself nod. It was the best response he could give, his voice still stuck somewhere below his throat. They weren't caught there. They didn't even exist.
"I know you've had a very frightening night, but it's over now. You're safe, I promise."
[ hurt/comfort prompts ]
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krizaland · 1 year
The Sleeping Princess Chapter 6
First Previous
Be warned: There’s kidnapping ahead.
Here’s the song I used btw
Once she left the tree, The Sleeping Princess fumed all the way back to her bed.
“I can’t believe that creep! Trying to bring me back to a life of misery! Well I won’t let that happen! Oh no! I’m staying right here in my cozy bed-Huh?!”
The Sleeping Princess’s rant was cut short by a very worried Lance sitting on her bed.
“Oh my Princess, where did you go?! I’ve been looking for you high and low!”
“Well I…”
The Sleeping Princess looked over in the direction of the tree.
As much as she wanted to tell Lance about The Hat Man, something in her gut told her not to.
“I was…just exploring! Yeah! I was just exploring and got lost! But as you can see I found my way back!” The Sleeping Princess chuckled.
Lance’s eyes narrowed as he noticed the glowing markings that covered her skin.
“Just where did you go exactly? What did you do and what did you see?” He tried to sound calm but his tone was harsh.
The Sleeping Princess was caught off guard by the sudden harshness of Lance’s voice.
She had never seen him angry before! She wasn’t sure he even could get angry until this point.
“Well you see…” The Sleeping Princess trailed off as her mind searched for something to say.
“I’m waiting.”
The ice in Lance’s voice and the lack of a rhyme chilled The Sleeping Princess to her core.
The Sleeping Princess swallowed thickly as she started to sweat.
Lance’s eyes practically pierced her soul as he awaited her response.
Just when she thought fear had gotten the best of her, an idea finally graced The Sleeping Princess’s mind.
“I was…trying to see if there were any other stages! I’ve been wondering if I was the only one here! So I decided to go on an adventure! Heh. I don’t know how it happened exactly but I got a really bad flashback. That's why I came back here.”
Lance continued to glare down at The Sleeping Princess for a moment, letting out a low hum.
“Makes sense to me,” Lance’s face returned to its usual gentle expression, “You must have found one of your more unpleasant memories.”
“You can say that again! It was awful!”
The Sleeping Princess was telling the truth this time. She hated every second of that flashback.
“I can’t even imagine what you’ve just been through. But at least now I’m here to comfort you.”
Lance sat back down on the bed and patted a spot next to him.
The Sleeping Princess reluctantly sat beside him.
“Lay your head in my lap and rest. I’ll make sure you’ll no longer be stressed.” Lance offered as he gestured to his lap.
The Sleeping Princess got a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach.
Her mind was practically screaming at her to run away but she brushed it off.
Lance was a nice guy despite his weird vibes. He gave her everything she could ever want.
He had no reason to hurt her whatsoever.
On the contrary, Lance was in love with her.
So what was the harm in laying in his lap?
The Sleeping Princess did as she was told.
Lance’s lap was nice and warm.
The Sleeping Princess tried to relax but her mind refused to calm down.
She tried to speak but Lance simply caressed her face.
“Shh…It’s going to be alright, my dear. There’s nothing to fear,” Lance whispered sweetly. “Just relax and focus on me. All will be exactly as it should be…”
The Sleeping Princess was a bit confused but Lance’s movements convinced her to relax.
It wasn’t long before she was whisked away into the comforting arms of sleep.
Once he was certain she was asleep, Lance carefully scooped her up into his arms bridal style.
“Come, my dear Princess. I'll take thee away. Into a land of enchantment.”
Lance sang softly as he carried The Sleeping Princess away into the shadows.
“Come, my dear Princess The time's come to play. Here in my garden of shadows.”
Lance’s hypnotic voice attracted a few very curious Negati.
However, the Negati quickly left the moment Lance glared at them.
Once the Negati had left, Lance turned his attention back to The Sleeping Princess.
She was still fast asleep in his arms, completely unaware that she was being carried.
A large smile cracked across Lance’s face as he resumed singing.
“Follow sweet Princess. I'll show thee the way. Through all the pain. And the sorrows.”
The shadows grew darker as Lance continued to walk with The Sleeping Princess.
In the ever growing darkness, Lance could see The Sleeping Princess’s markings give off a faint glow.
“Weep not poor Princess. For life is this way. Murdering beauty and passions.”
Lance’s heels clicked against the floor as he walked.
Luckily for Lance, the noise didn’t bother The Sleeping Princess in the slightest. She was still fast asleep in his arms.
“You look so beautiful whether you’re awake or at rest. No one else can compare, you’re simply the best.” Lance sighed dreamily as he carried her into his room.
“Hush now my Princess. It must be this way. Too weary of life And deceptions.”
Lance sang as he gently laid her down on his bed.
“Rest now my Princess. For soon we'll away, Into the calm and the quiet~”
Lance planted a kiss on the mark on The Sleeping Princess’s forehead.
The mark gave off a bright, colorful glow that spread to rest of the marks on her body.
Suddenly, The Sleeping Princess’s cheerful pink hair slowly started to drain to an empty white.
“Ah, there we go. Everything is going perfectly. And here I was worried he was turning you against me.”
Lance chuckled darkly as he stroked her hair.
A few of Lance’s tentacles slid out of his hair again.
They excitedly wriggled towards The Sleeping Princess but Lance cut their journey short.
“I thought I told you to hide! I can’t let her see my other side!” Lance hissed as he shoved his tentacles back into his hair.
He cleared his throat and looked back at The Sleeping Princess.
“I’ll admit, I wasn’t expecting this to happen so soon. I was really hoping the process would take a bit longer, so I could really make you swoon. Oh well! This too is fine. After all you’re still mine~”
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clairecrive · 3 years
Billy idea that I have no time to write myself loool: reader and Billy are friends with benefits. Reader is happy with the arrangement and knows Billy is sleeping with other women but she doesn't care. It's not serious with them. Billy however hadn't really thought about Reader sleeping with other people and he finds out. Maybe from friends (Frank, Curtis and Karen because hello AU) or maybe all of them are out at a bar and he sees her go home with someone else? But he gets suuuuper jealous about it and realises he wants more. I'll leave it up to you if Reader wants more too. Angsty jealous Billy though, am I right? Lmaooo (this is faulty-coding btw, hello 🖤)
A/N: omg hi! I love your work so much I feel incredibly honoured that you chose me for this request! I hope you like it x This is also for this anon, I've combined the two requests since they were similar.
Warnings: angst, jealousy, slut-shaming, hurt-comfort, smut at the end
Word count: 3K +
Tags:@blackst0nes7077, @thefictionalgemini, @tarkanelima-blog
@pansysgirlfriend, @acciorudolphx @supernaturalcat7, @crazyclownchick (I don't know why it won't let me tag you)
To add yourself to my taglist, fill in this form.
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"Hey, stranger." A familiar voice and then his familiar touch on your back before he sat in front of you.
"Hi, Billy."
"it's been a while," he mentioned casually while his eyes took you in.
It had been more than a while, actually. Last time you saw Billy had been over a week ago. Well, you hadn't really seen him, that was the problem.
Ever since you had started your "agreement" you'd drop by his office from time to time to surprise him. He had told you that he deeply enjoyed office sex while you had never had it. Needless to say, it soon became one of your favourite things.
And that was why that day, you were at Anvil. You hadn't told Billy that you were coming. It wouldn't have been a surprise then, would it? However, when you stepped in front of his door, just one touch away from opening it, you heard it.
Well, heard her actually.
It was Billy that ended up surprising you that day. You usually loved surprises but that one you would have gladly skipped.
Although it had taken you most of a week to come to this realisation, you realized that it was actually a good thing to happen. The thing you had with Billy wasn't labelled. It was fun but it wasn't serious. Despite the fact that you were friends and hang out with the same group, you had never committed to each other.
And you were honestly fine with it. You enjoyed your time with Billy, outside and under the sheets.
It had been months though and you hadn't wanted to acknowledge it but it wasn't enough anymore. Billy's role in your life was ambiguous. He was your friend sure, but one you'd have sex with. He wasn't your boyfriend but he was the one you'd spend the most of your time with, the one with whom you were intimate.
You wanted more, you realized. Enough with these half measures.
Billy will understand, you told yourself. He inwardly made it clear where he stands. Time to broaden your horizons.
And, as matter of fact, you had. It was true that the ocean is full of fish but you hadn't had a lot of luck with them before. Sure, Jake was nice. He was polite and nice. An overall good guy.
He was just lacking a... je ne sais quoi that made you unsure about it. But you were willing to give him a chance and so you kept going on dates with him.
Needless to say, you hadn't spoken to Billy since that impromptu visit to his office.
"Been busy," you offered him taking a sip of your beer. It was a lame excuse but you couldn't care less. Karen offered you some appetizers. You stared at them for a bit before shaking your head refusing them. Ignoring Karen's questioning look, you took another sip.
"Yeah, she's been busy alright." Frank's low chuckle came from the other end of the table.
"Meaning?" Billy asked, now curious about the implication seeing how your cheeks had suddenly turned red.
"She met someone," Karen chirped in, winking in your direction.
Mentally facepalming you, you swore them off. It wasn't the way you wanted Billy to find out. Not that you cared what he thought since he couldn't be bothered to be as transparent with you, but still. You hated being put on the spot.
"Has she now?" Billy's eyebrow arched and he gave you an amused look. But his jaw clenched and that gave him away.
"Not that it's any of your business. But yes, I have. His name's Jake, he's a nice guy." You explained briefly, ignoring the intensity of his stare.
"So you're that kind of person then." Leaning over the table, his voice took an edge he had never directed at you. "Ditching her friends as soon as she meets a guy?"
"You know that's not true." Narrowing your eyes at him you were almost offended by his institution if it wasn't for the fact that you knew that it was his bruised ego speaking.
"Tell that to my many unanswered calls on your phone."
"That's not on Jake," you scoffed taking a sip. His eyebrow arched while his hands gestured to you as if to say "do tell".
"Let's just say that I saw firsthand just how busy you keep yourself when I'm not around." You tried to keep the bitterness out of your voice, you really did. But without success.
Billy's lips pursed in thought. You had no doubt that he had an inkling about what you meant but he couldn't figure out to what exactly you were referring to.
"So is this what it is? You being petty because I've been with someone else?"
"That's me wanting more for myself and taking it."
"If you were that insatiable, y/n, you should have just told me."
"Stop making me sound like a slut, Billy. That is not what this is about."
"Isn't it? Because that's exactly what this looks like to me."
Pursing your lips, you refused to show him just how much he had hurt you. Nodding your head you decided that you'd had enough. You did not have to sit here and take his bullshit.
"You know, Billy. Slut-shaming isn't a good look on you." Waving to your friends, you quickly told them that you had to go. An emergency you said. But they knew better, their eyes fixed on Billy as he watched you walk out of the bar. Hands tightening around the bottle of beer he had ordered, he stood up once you disappeared amongst the crowd.
Without bothering to explain himself to the group, he simply followed you outside.
"Y/n." He called your name once he saw that you were already a bit far from the bar. In a couple of quick strides, Billy had gotten to you since you had slowed down.
"Go away, Billy." you didn't bother to look at him.
"Wait, wait," he said gently taking hold of your arm to get you to stop. And you did but stared at his hand on you until he dropped it and took a step back. "Look I'm sorry, I was an asshole." he apologised.
You only nodded to show him that you understood him but didn't offer any words to assure him that you forgave him.
"And I'm sorry you had to find out about Madani that way." He added hoping to make things right between you.
"Don't worry, it was actually an awakening for me." You added briefly looking at him. Tone harsh and unapologetic. You were still too mad at him to care about being considerate of your voice.
"Yeah, it made me realize that this," you gestured between the two of you, "was not working out for me."
"Oh really?" now the word had lost every tint of disbelief it had before. It was more like he was challenging you. Like he didn't quite believe you.
"Yes." you stood your ground pushing your shoulders back, "I figured out that I want more. And I know that I'm not going to get that from you."
"It was good while it lasted though," you called over your shoulders as you turned, ready to get the hell away from him. But the words he said though, made you halt on your feet.
"Who said you're not going to get that with me?"
"That would require feeling something for me other than lust, Billy." you snicked not fully turning around to face him, just your head.
"Who says I don't?"
"Madani, maybe?"
"She doesn't mean anything, y/n." He scoffed rolling his eyes.
"Of course you'd say something like this, Billy. Doesn't help though." As if him admitting to having meaningless sex with other women could help his case. Men. Fully done with this conversation you gave him one last look before turning away again.
"I know why you didn't eat those appetizers before." Again, after a few steps, his voice made you stop. This time, the implication of what he meant, sat heavily on your shoulders making you tense. Still, you didn't turn around.
That didn't deter him though.
"I know that you love them but they remind you of your grandfather. He used to make sure there would always be some of those at home whenever you went to visit him. And I know you haven't eaten them since-"
He stopped when your head whipping to him, eyes glaring.
He was right. You knew it, he knew it. But him strumentalising your beloved grandfather's death to get through to you? That was low, even for Billy.
Not only it called for you to acknowledge out loud that your grandfather wasn't there anymore but it also surprised you because you didn't think anyone would notice something so small.
"What are you saying, Billy?" Eyes glossy, like everything someone mentioned him, you tried your best to not let your voice waver.
"What I'm saying is that I care about you, y/n. I care enough to notice things. The tiniest details that you don't even know are there. Like that every time you're reading and something bad happens, you press your hand on your chest over your heart, as if you wanted to stop the pain from coming or something. Or that you always cook whenever you miss your family even if you never say it out loud. Or-"
"I get it Billy." you raised a hand to stop him. "You're observant. I knew that. That's basically what you do for a living. Not counting that you're a fucking sniper."
"Maybe," he conceded slowly taking a step in your direction, "I notice things, that's true. That doesn't mean that I store them in my mind, though."
"I care about you, y/n. A great deal. Enough to notice all the little things that make you you and enough to memorize them."
"I don't know if I can believe you, Billy. If you cared you wouldn't be going around sleeping with other women. And I know-" you added when you saw his mouth open to protest- " I know that technically we weren't together but still Billy. A technicality is not going to earn you my trust." Shrugging your shoulders you opted for being honest with him. You had never lied to him and you certainly weren't going to start now. Billy had never lied to you either, not that you were aware. And even if this thought should have reassured you, you were still hesitant about believing him.
"Then give me a chance to do so. Let me prove to you just how much I care about you and how little I care about everything else." He insisted, taking another step and then another until he was in front of you. Hands on your jaw, he delicately craned your neck so that your eyes could meet.
The height difference had always been a reason for jokes among you. It was no secret that Billy had a slight size kink, at least not to you, and so more often than not he'd use that.
Thumb slowly caressing your jaw, his eyes flickered between yours. They were full of hope, of promises but there was also a lot of vulnerability. Billy was not the type to be so forthcoming about his feelings. The fact that he had been with you, on a side street nonetheless, was a demonstration on its own.
Sighing, you knew you needed to decide. Yes, hearing Billy having sex with another woman had hurt you but you were not together. While that didn't make it hurt any less, it made the situation slightly less grave. He hadn't cheated on you, not really. You hadn't told him you wanted more. Hell, before that you didn't even know that you wanted more.
And now that you knew, now that he knew as well, here he was promising it to you. He wanted to give you exactly what you wanted. So could you really say no to him?
Of course not.
"Yeah?" a big smile grew on his face, his eyes twinkling in joy.
"Yeah, I'm going to give you a chance. Only one, Billy. So you better not mess this up." Poking his chest with a finger you warned him that this time around, things were going to be different.
"You're not going to regret that, babe." His eyes held a solemn promise. Just briefly though because soon, they were back to their usual mischief. Billy leaned to you, his lips meeting yours in a small kiss.
At first.
He kissed you soundly, his mouth perfectly on yours, building his tempo slowly. Then, you felt his tongue on your lower lip and you knew that things were about to escalate quickly.
Not that you minded of course, but it was not appropriate to do what you had in mind in the middle of the street.
"Billy," you moaned slightly leaning back to warn him that you couldn't get too carried away.
"Call that Jim guy," his mouth peppered small kisses along your jaw, "tell him that it's over. That he never stood a chance," he moved down on your neck.
"Let's go home so that I can show you how much more I can give you."His mouth had trailed back up and stopped so that it was hovering over your ear. His voice was low and breathy and husky and fuck it sent a wave of pleasure right in between your legs.
No sooner had you stepped over your threshold than Billy's hands were on you. The door barely closed, he pushed you against it. His hands cradled your face, effectively keeping you holding you in place while his mouth ravished you.
You gladly let him do as he pleased. Mouth opening to welcome his tongue while your hands gripped his jacket to keep you steady.
"Billy," you whimpered his name as his lips left yours. You tried to follow them by getting on your tiptoes but he didn't let you. Chuckling, he gave you another small kiss.
"Yes. Remember that it's me that it's making you feel this good. Me. Not Jim or whatever his name is, not anyone else. Me." He growled on your lips while one of his hands gripped the hair at the nape of your neck making you gasp.
Staring at his glowing dark pits you couldn't do anything other than nodding feverishly. You were at his mercy. Completely. And Billy knew that and it did nothing but please him to no end.
You'd always enjoyed whenever Billy was rough with you but him being jealous and kinda possessive too? Game changer.
Smirking at your reaction, his hands moved lower on your body until they hatched behind your knees pulling you up. Biting your lower lip, he swallowed your whimper for the friction once you wrapped your legs around his waist.
Billy didn't waste any more time, in quick long strides he was in your bedroom and threw you on the bed. You'd almost giggled when you bounced on it if it wasn't for the savage look in Billy's eyes.
Fuck, he looked so sexy. A sin.
For a moment, he just stared at you laid there waiting for him. A hand quickly wiped his face before he unbuckled his pants. Now it was your turn to stare at him. More like ogle but you knew he didn't mind.
Shedding his pants, he crawled over you until his face levelled yours.
"I'm going to give you exactly what you want. And then some more." He promised, nipping your earlobe. "You're never going to feel the need to look for other guys."
"There's no one else I'd rather be with, Billy."
Your hands trailed over his still clothed back before tangling his always perfectly styled hair. "Only you." You whispered in his ear.
If it wasn't for your hand on his back, you would have missed him tensing. "Say it again," he demanded, his head still in the crook of your neck.
"You're the only one I want, Billy." You repeated knowing fully well how he struggled with accepting love and affection. This meant to him just as much as it did to you. He was giving you the promise of commitment but so were you. And despite the fact that you had already been loyal to him, you knew how important it was for him to hear the words.
"There's no one else for me either, y/n. Never was, never will be." He raised his head to say this. It was a confirmation, yes, but it also felt so much more coming from him.
He had been telling you how much he cared about you since you left the bar but somehow, him saying it again now held more meaning.
"You promise?"
You felt childish and it was probably pathetic of you to ask him again. But this was you being vulnerable, letting him know that you needed him. And you trusted Billy.
"You're mine." He said instead. One of his hands coming to cradle the back of your head while the other closed around your right breast.
"And I'm yours."
And here it was, the promise, the reassurance you needed. His lips met yours in a bruising kiss. It was wet and more teeth and tongue than anything but it was passionate. You were claiming each other.
Not separating your lips, he used his hands to get rid of your clothes. While he unbuckled your pants, you took his shirt off. Him doing the same with yours while you pushed his brief down on his legs.
Once you were completely naked, Billy crawled back over you. His hands resting at the sides of your head. He was everywhere. You could feel him between your legs, your arms wrapped around his back, your vision field occupied by his beautiful face.
He was everywhere, he was everything.
"And now, I'm going to leave no room for doubt in your mind anymore." He whispered on your lips, his cock rubbing over your slit teasing you about what was to come.
You had asked him for a commitment and fuck if he didn't commit to it. All night long.
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laskyy · 3 years
Hey guys! I'm back from my little break! Sorry for talking so long, but now I'm back and that's all that matters! So now let's get to the imagine!
(Btw this is gender neutral)
You're all that I want
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Tw: mentions of food and drinking water, kissing, mentions of making out (let me know if I missed something)
Genre: Fluff
It was currently 10 p.m. and you were with the boys of P1h on their practice room. You were Theo's best friend and he invited you to come see him practice, because he knew how much you liked to watch him perform.
"Hey guys, what if we played something?" Jiung suggested as he took the final bite out of his food.
The members had already finished practice and you guys were all just talking, eating and goofing around as usual.
"Sure, but what should we play?" Intak asked as he too finished eating.
"Well we could play truth or dare!" Keeho said excitedly as he picked up his water bottle to take a sip.
"Okay, sounds good! What do you think Y/n?" Theo asked while he softly looked at you.
"I'm down!" You said as you becme shy due to Theo's gaze.
"Me too!" Said Jongseob as he smiled.
"Yeah, let's play!" Soul said as he clung onto Keeho.
"Okay I'll start!" Jiung said. "Uhmm... Jongseob, truth or dare?"
"I'm going with truth!"
"Is it true that you think you're better than Eminem?"
"WHAT? OF COURSE I AM!" Jongseob said as we all started laughing out loud at the youngest's confession.
"Okay Jeminem it's your turn!" Jiung said as he wiped a tear that he shed because of laughing.
The game went on for a while and everyone was getting kind of tired and besides that you still had to clean up the place before going home! So you agreed to play one more time and then everyone would clean up, but things didn't really work like that.
"Okay, Theo truth or dare?" Intak asked like an excited puppy.
"I want to go with... Dare!" Theo answered while smiling. God his smile was beautiful.
"Well..." Intak started but stopped when Keeho whispered something that made the puppy like male smirk. "I dare you to stay here with Y/n and clean up!" He said and everyone besides you and Theo started cheering.
"You can't do that! We all agreed to clean up together!" Theo said trying to sound mad, but he sounded quite excited... Did he want to be alone with you?
"A dare is a dare my dear friend! So have fun cleaning up!" Keeho said while smiling.
"Do I not get a say in this?" You asked kind if shocked by the while situation.
"Well... No! Bye bye!" Intak said as he waved goodbye left the room with the other members following suit.
"Jeez! Sorry that this happened!" Theo said while looking at you with an apologetic look.
"It's fine Taeyang! It isn't your fault! And at least we have each other's company while we clean up!" You said as you smiled at him.
"Yeah you're right let's clean up so we can go rest! I'm sure you're tired!" He said as he patted your head softly.
"But definitly not as tired as you are! You killed it during practice!" You said smiling att the blush forming on his cheeks.
"Thanks Y/n, that means a lot coming from you!" He said as you guys started cleaning up.
Your little cleaning session was made up of you guys talking about random events that had been happening and laughing with each other while cleaning the mess on the floor. Once you were finished you went to the door to open it in order to walk home.
"No no no no no no!" Theo said as he pulled the doorknob as hard as he could.
"What's wrong Tae? Why isn't it opening?" You asked as you watched the boy in front of you struggle.
"It's locked! The boys must have locked it out of habit! Oh my god and they're probably already at the dorm!" He said as he put his hands through his hair.
"Okay let's calm down! You can just call one of the boys or something and they can come unlock it!"
"You're right, you're right!" Theo said as he picked up his phone to call Jiung since he was the last one to exit the practice room.
"Hello?" Jiung said.
"Hey Ji, uhm did you lock the practice room door?" Theo asked trying to sound as calm and collected as he could.
"Uhm no I didn't! I even left the key next to your bag so you wouldn't forget to lock it when you're done."
"WHAT? THEN WHY DOESN'T THE DOOR OPEN???" Theo said very distressed and because of that you put your hands on his shoulders in order to calm him down.
"Bro I don't think anyone is is the company at this time! You'll probably have to wait until tomorrow but I'll see what I can do!
"Alright thanks, I guess." Theo said.
"Bye." Theo ended the call with a stressed look on his face. It's not that he didn't want to be with you, it's the fact that he feels bad that you had to be dragged into this situation.
"Calm down Theo, we'll figure something out! But now while you seem stressed we should distract ourselves alright? Now come here, I can tell you need a good hug right now." You said in a soft tone while you opened your arms for Theo and he gladly wrapped his arms around your body in hopes to relax and feel some warmth. You really loved being hugged by him.
Some time passed and you guys finally let go of the hug while making eye contact with each other, but you broke it off for being too shy to look at him for any longer.
"Uhm.. How about we talk about our first times doing things! Like your first time riding a bike and stuff like that!" Theo said as he still had his hands rubbing up and down on your arms.
"Sure! That sounds fun. Who's going first?" You asked as you both took a sit on the now clean ground.
"I can start and ask you something if you don't mind!" Theo said gently.
"Of course! Go ahead!" You answered while showing a small smile to Theo.
"Okay then, your first time having a partner, like romantically. How was it?" He asked with a teasing smile on his cute face.
"Oh my god! Well it was in middle school I think! The most we ever did was hold hands and then he broke up with me because my hands were too sweaty!"
"Really?!? Oh wow!" He said as he started laughing at your story.
"Yeah, oh well. It's my turn now! Let me think... How about your first kiss?" You asked innocently, waiting for his answer.
"Oh uhm this is embarassing actually, but I've never kissed anyone before." Theo said as he scratched his neck and laughed awkwardly.
"Oh it's okay Taeyang! You don't need to have had your first kiss at a certain age! If you didn't find the one yet, then just wait! It's better to wait to have it with the right person than to just have it to get it over with, you know?" You said reassuringly as you grabbed his hand and rubbed soft circles on it.
"Yeah I guess, but I think I already found someone." He said still not looking in your eyes.
Even though you were his best friend, you had strong feelings for him and the fact that he said this kind of hurt your feelings, but you couldn't just ruin what you had with him. You'd much rather have him as your best friend than not having him close to you at all.
"Oh, that's great Theo! You should tell them!" You said with a heavy heart.
"Well, I think I already made it obvious to who I like, but I don't know if they got the memo." He said as he finally looked at you blushing.
"Do you think the person likes you back?"
"I mean, everytime I display affection, they blush and they always hug me longer, but they might just not want to appear cold, so they reciprocate the affection."
"Maybe you should tell them clearly that you like them!" You said while looking down at your feet.
"But the thing is I'm awful with words!" Theo said while running one of his hands through his pink hair (I know his hair is not pink right now, but I pictured Theo from the image above for this imagine).
"Then maybe a certain gesture, like gift them something, like a letter or whatever." You said hoping he'd let this topic go.
"You're right! I can do a gesture, but maybe I could do something that would show my love to the person through affection... I COULD KISS THEM! Oh wait but I don't know how to do that... YOU COULD TEACH ME!"
"CHOI TAEYANG ARE YOU OFFICIALLY OUT OF YOUR DAMN MIND?" You yelled as you were shocked he would ask you such a thing.
I mean, sure, you always wanted to kiss Theo, but not just as a one time thing... You wanted him to be yours only.
"C'mon! I trust you with my life and I promise you that things won't stay awkward afterwards! Please! For me!" Theo said as he kneeled in front of you with both of his hands clasped together as he gave you puppy eyes.
You weren't going to accept, but then you thought this might be your only chance to kiss him, and as selfish as it sounds you wanted him just for yourself and for a moment you could have that.
"Fine, but just this once!"
"THANK YOU! YOU'RE THE BEST! I LOVE YOU!!" Theo said as he hugged you so hard you both fell down.
"Y-you're welcome." You said shyly, because of the proximity between you two.
"Can we stand up for this? I think I'm tired of sitting down!" Theo said as he stood up and straightened his back.
"Sure, it's fine! Wow! I never thought I'd be in this position with you!" You said as you both giggled softly.
"Well, but you are! Better make the most of it!" If only he knew.
"Okay now, for this you should be holding the person you're going to kiss in a way that's comfortable with them."
"Okay, since I'm kissing you, what do you prefer?"
"Well you can put your hands around my waist if that's okay with you!" And as you said this, his hands were around your waist and he was smiling sweetly in your direction.
"Right, what's next!" He asked enthusiastically.
"Well now you need to get closer and just do it. You need to move your lips against your partner's in a way that you enjoy, this doesn't have some sort of formula or something, you just have to go with the flow. And you might wanna picture that I'm the person you like so it's more enjoyable for you!"
He got closer to you as your lips were barely touching as he said "I don't need to imagine anything, when you're standing right in front of me. You're all that I want."
You barely had time to process what he said because he looked in your eyes and closed the gap between your lips softly and you felt as if you were on cloud 9.
You guys were lost in each other's lips. For someone who never kissed someone in his life, Theo was amazing. Your lips fit against each other's perfectly.
He moved his lips against yours in a very slow motion, almost as if he was calculating what his next move would be. You mentally gasped when he took one of his hands that was on your waist and put it in your hair as he deepened the kiss. You didn't feel fireworks like they all mentions in the movies and books, but instead you felt warmth, you felt loved, you felt high on his lips, and you never felt this way with anyone ever.
You and Taeyang kept making out. It seemed like you just couldn't get enough of each other. As if the moment you let go, the world would end. But much to your dismay, Theo pulled away from the kiss to breathe and you couldn't get enough of the sight in front of you. Your favourite boy was standing in front of you with his hair disheveled, lips slightly red and a boyish smile on his face.
"Are you sure you never kissed before? Because my god!" You said as he giggled and pecked your cheek softly, a gesture that made you blush.
"And also, what you said before you kissed me... Did you mean it? Do you like me?" You asked as your voice only got smaller. But by the look on Taeyang's face he still heard you.
"I do mean it, I always did! And I should have confessed first and then I should have courted you and only then kissed you. But I just saw an opportubity and took it. But I truly had never kissed anyone before, you were my first!!" Theo said as he smiled at you.
You didn't have words to answer so you just put your arms around his neck and kissed him as passionately as you could. Theo reciprocated the kiss and this time he went all out and even dared to lick your bottom lip, a gesture that surprised you to say the least but you granted him entrance anyway. Your tongues moved in sync as you held on tighter if that was even possible.
You didn't realise how long you guys were making out until you heard the door open.
"Guys we made I-OH MY GOD MY VIRGIN EYES!" Intak yelled as he appeared shocked by the scene before his eyes.
You guys quickly pulled away and soon the members entered the practice room and they rapidly caught on what happened as your guys' lips were slightly swollen and your hair was a mess.
"Theo! I didn't know you had that in you man!" Jiung said as he put his arm around Taeyang's shoulder. "And Y/n, I'm glad you like our Theo back! He never shuts up about you! It's always Y/n this, Y/n tha-"
"Alright! They get it Jiung! Now let's go to the dorm, me and Y/n are tired" Theo said as he interwined your fingers.
"I wonder why you're tir-OW! WHAT DID YOU HIT ME FOR?" Keeho yelped as Theo smacked the back of his head.
You all went out to the dorm and while in the van you and Theo couldn't help but share small kisses to express how happy you were. Not only you got to kiss Theo as he is now your lovely boyfriend!
Hope you liked this imagine guys! I decided to post it sooner to be able to finish Intak's imagine in time for his birthday! By the way this wasn't proofread so if there are any mistakes I'm sorry! Let me know what you thought of this and please do request something if you want to! Love you guys 💖💖
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goji-pilled · 3 years
Okay @princekirijo you want an essay? Well here it is now, or as I like to call it Felix's "Asumari is great and this fandom has no fucking taste" rambling and infodump. Congrats fellas, thanks to Prince you ALL get an asumari essay. But before that I'll try to give you a rundown of Mari and Asuka. 
(I'm also so sorry for putting this long ass post on everyone's dashboard)
(Spoiler warning for Evangelion 3.0+1.0 Thrice Upon a Time!!)
Alright on one hand we have Mari Illustrious Makinami. Her whole deal? She's a walking ray of sunshine, literally lol. Unlike any other character in the Evangelion franchise she doesn't suffer from her trauma, she's quite literally the only healthy and functioning human being, she's just slightly leaning towards "batshit crazy" with the stunts she pulls 🤷‍♂️. Other than that she just loves living, she loves being with people, she keeps moving forward, stays positive and decides to live life to it's fullest even after she experiences loss and multiple apocalyptic events (Second Impact, Third Impact, etc.) and she really just embodies the joy of living. That's all there is to her, or at least all we know.
On the other hand, we have Asuka Langley Shikinami who is... well it's hard to explain what she is to be honest. She's part-German and part-Japanese and part of a line of clones specifically made with the purpose to pilot an Evangelion and later on be used as a sacrifice to trigger another Impact (ITS COMPLICATED I KNOW-) Asuka is, unlike Mari, very much suffering from her trauma. She doesn't have her parents and has a very deep seated belief that she's completely alone, which she says doesn't matter as long as she can pilot the Eva. She also very much wants to fight and kill angels all by herself, and it's seriously messing with her when she can't achieve that.
Now we get to the more interesting parts (hopefully this so far wasn't too confusing, then again it's Eva and even I can't fully wrap my head around it all LMAO)
In the second Rebuild movie (Evangelion 2.0 You can (not) advance) we get introduced to both of them, Mari's introduction scene (in the original English dub) has her pilot an Eva and singing about how she'll take the world on by herself, while in the third movie's (Evangelion 3.0 You can (not) redo) opening scene she's piloting the Eva again but this time it's together with Asuka (in her own Unit 02 though) and during that Mari sings about how wonderful it is not to be alone. It's nothing big yet, but it's a really cute detail me thinks,,, you know what else I love about them? They bicker and they banter and it's genuinely so fun to listen to shskdhsuwj
(For a quick catch up: During the end of 2.0 Shinji (the protagonist) triggers another apocalyptic event, the Near Third Impact, and was only stopped due to Kaworu (the guy in my pfp) stepping in. Also between 1.0/2.0 and 3.0/3.0+1.0 are about 14 years (without Shinji bc he's like comatose) where A LOT happens AND we learn in 3.0 that Eva pilots don't age physically bc of "The curse of the Eva"... honestly Eva is wild lmao)
Okay okay I'll get back to it!
So one thing that happens is that Asuka during 2.0 develops a crush on Shinji (girl why-), unfortunately things take a turn for the worse. Asuka had volunteered to be the testpilot for a new Eva (Unit 03), she seemed happy at the time and it was a really sweet build up with the "I can smile, I didn't know I could still do that."-line. And then? Then it turns out the Ninth Angel had infected Unit 03 (Angels are basically the Kaijus they fight using Evas btw). The thing goes on a loose and Shinji is forced to fight it (With Asuka inside mind you), he refuses and his father uses an autopilot to destroy Unit 03. And boy did it destroy the angel, well it and it crushed Asuka between its jaws (you can actually hear her scream btw haha pain :)).
Asuka survived though, but the whole incident cost her her humanity and she ended up becoming an angel herself/she took the place of the Ninth. But despite that, there's one person who keeps believing in Asuka's humanity, who fiercely believes Asuka is still a human and tells her as much.
Yep, that one person is Mari and she keeps holding onto that belief until the very end when Asuka uses her last resort, which is using the power of an angel (Doing so was a guaranteed death sentence btw). Mari's own words (in the German dub) were, "Princess, you're giving up being human…" AND IT MAKES ME SO EMO GOD FUCK
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While I'm at it, Mari and Asuka are a fucking killer combo as a team. They rely on each other for support in combat, listen to the other's orders and advice. Especially in Asuka's case it's kind of a big deal that she so openly relies and counts on Mari's support. Like these two trust each other with their damn lifes!!! Holy shit!!
Guess what though, they also have nicknames for eachother. Mari always calls Asuka "Princess" or "(Your) Highness" while Asuka calles Mari "Four-eyes" / "Four-eyed chrony (idk how you spell that tbh RIP" Even better though, in the German dub Asuka calls Mari "Brillerella" as in a combination of "Brille" (German for glasses) and "Cinderella",,,,Cinderella and her Prince,,,Brillerella and her Princess,,, man, that was a gay fucking move of the translation team. Spoiler: I owe them my life.
Funfact: There's exactly two times throughout the Rebuild movies where Mari uses Asuka's actual name. These two times being when she watches Asuka "die" and be used as a sacrifice for Gendo's selfish plan and when later on she begs Shinji, "So please the Princess… Asuka needs your help!" And the best part? That wasn't even the first time she did that. The mentioned line came from 3.0+1.0, but she did that too in 3.0 with the, "At least save the Princess!" line (although her tone was much more...pissed, like she was really angry lol)
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Remember the crush Asuka had on Shinji? Well due to the Unit 03 incident a whole lot of other shit got mixed into that and her feelings for him in general became really bitter (understandably so). Now Mari being who she is sometimes teases Asuka about said old crush but she really does want Asuka to get closure and sort that mess out. 
As an example for the teasing, in 3.0 there's a scene that goes like this (please imagine Mari with a literal :3 face while saying that):
"Unit! Are you back in the game?"
"I'm on it, your Highness. But first things first, how was our little puppy (Shinji)? Did he sit like a good little boy?"
"He's exactly the same! Same stupid face talking mayhem!"
"That goofy face of his, that's what you wanted to see? Riiiiight?"
"Shut up! I went there to bat him one!... And I feel better!"
There's also a very short bonus manga that was released in Japan for Thrice Upon a Time's release that has Mari trying to convince Asuka to come with her on the mission to get Shinji, given everything that follows, it's just another thing to prove my point. And the final bit relating to that is this:
"Feeling better now?"
"Yeah, I do feel better."
That's the exchange Asuka and Mari have after they talked to Shinji, it's nothing special but I think it's really sweet and this time Asuka actually sounded like she was feeling better instead of when she was screaming after she nearly broke pretty thick glass with her fist (If she had hit someone with that much force she definitely would've broken something omggg #violentimpulsesgang)
To get back on track though: I already mentioned it but during the second half of 3.0+1.0 Asuka "dies" (and honestly that entire scene is worth its own in-depth post because its just one huge parallel to The End of Evangelion), the point is: You can tell that the loss of Asuka honestly hits Mari hard. Not only because of how Mari screams Asuka's name but also because of her expressions. They're pained, like really fucking pained and Mari even apologizes to her that she has to fall back due to the fact that she's injured AND because eveything is going wrong.
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After the events of Evangelion 3.0 these two got seperated from eachother, Mari was with WILLE (the organization both of them are with) and on board of Wunder (the ship WILLE basically operates from) while Asuka was in a Village full of (Near) Third Impact Survivors. When they do meet again it went like this:
Asuka, barely back, comes to the door and calls, "I'm back." And within seconds of Asuka stepping into their room after the door opens Mari already runs towards her, arms wide open and she says, "Welcome back, your Highness! Good job. I missed you so much!" And she says that while she literally nuzzles into Asuka,,,like,,,what the fuck gay people real!!! 
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Best part? Asuka clearly has enough strength to push Mari completely away if she were uncomfortable, but she doesn't. Asuka merely wanted enough space to look at the room (because Mari managed to horde even more books lol) and play her game. During their entire renunion Mari keeps hugging her, and part of me thinks that perhaps deep down Asuka actually enjoys the feeling of physical affection.
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Before we get to the last point though, let me say that Asuka and Mari have scenes in 3.0+1.0 that parallel Shinji and Kaworu's from 3.0. (Fyi Kaworu loves Shinji (yeah, like that, and 3.0 was basically them being gay as fuck for an hour) so like...do I even need to explain? 
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And then of course there's also this, the "Take care of yourself, Princess…" line. That is the last time Mari talks to Asuka and as much as that line alone already is so much, it's Mari's expression in particular that kills me. Because this? This soft, almost bittersweet expression she has, as she basically says goodbye? Because she knows Asuka will finally be happy and safe? It just makes me feel so much actually. Man.
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In the end it's a fact that Mari loved Asuka, wether that is interpreted as platonic or romantic by someone is up to them. But it is a fact that Asuka was loved enough that someone wanted to hug her, was happy to see her, to praise her, was hurt by her loss, wanted her to be safe, that someone told her "Take care of yourself…" Asuka was really and honestly so loved that someone would tell her, "I missed you."
But Asuka? Asuka was too hurt, too wrapped up in her own head to actually see how loved she was by Mari (and other people) that she genuinely believed she's completely alone and always will be alone.
It makes the "Take care of yourself" line hit even harder to me, because it's not only Mari's goodbye, but it's a goodbye during the one time Asuka allowed herself to be vulnerable and admit what she really wanted.
And honestly? All of this? Its makes me feel so many things and I just love them  so much man.
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catzula · 4 years
Seven stages of falling in love.
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Synopsis: You're afraid of needles and Bakugou is not the most suitable person that should be handling your shots for seven days.
Pairing: bakugou x reader
Warnings: cursing, I have no idea how long it is since it's written on my phone this time, probably a lot of errors
Genre: fluff, some tiny bit angst but a happy ending so no worries
A/N: I was on a 9-hour road trip and wrote this to keep me sane.
BTW 50 followers yaay!
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Day 1
"What do you mean I need to get antibiotic shots for a week?!" You exclaimed, refusing to believe what you just heard. It was just a sore throat, or so you had thought. You never liked doctors, so you rarely saw one, but when your 'sore throat' lasted for a whole month, your friends literally forced you to go see one.
You knew it wasn't anything important, but maybe it would help to get a home rest for a day or two, giving you a little more time to binge anime study for that one exam that was coming up.
All your hopes and dreams died when you;
a) didn't get to have any home rest, cause apparently, you didn't have to stay home for a sore throat,
b) had to get shots for a week?!
This was why you hated doctors! You went in for a sore throat, hoping to get a home rest, and got what? A week of-
"It means what I just said." The doctor answered your question gruffly, making you send him a questioning look. Weren't the doctors supposed to be all nice and smiley? This one sure wasn't.
"I don't want to!" You whined, "Isn't there a pill or something I could take?" He sent you a look that could only mean, are you dumb or something?
But you couldn't care less about what he thought about you, though he was one of the most handsome men you had ever seen, all you were thinking about was doing whatever you could to not get any shots. "Is there no other way?" You asked, once again. This caused him to sigh loudly, turning his red eyes once again on you.
"No. You'll come here every day for a week to get shots, no pills, no nothing. Okay?" The harsh tone of his voice sent chills through your body, blood-red eyes of his made you wonder if they were real. "I- uh... Yeah, okay." You told him, feeling a little intimidated, though you wouldn't admit it if it killed you.
He turned his back to you while he prepared the syringe, giving you the perfect chance to look at him without being crushed under his crimson gaze.
His shoulders were so wide and his waist so narrow, it created the perfect triangle. You could see his the muscles of his arms flexing with every move, you almost felt unable to take your eyes off of his arms. But what stood out the most was his ash blonde, spiky hair. It defied the gravity in a way you had never seen before, and you just wanted to run your fingers through them, wondering if they were as hard as they looked.
He turned his face to you, you knew he noticed you staring, you could see that by the smirk he sent you, though he didn't comment on it.
You took deep breaths in, trying to calm yourself, though you could feel the blood draining from your face, your hands shaking ever so slightly. His brows furrowed, a look of slight frustration on his face. "You okay?"
You gulped, biting your lip. "I- I'm just..." you didn't want to admit you were scared of needles, not to him, but he did it for you. "You're scared."
You shrugged, still not admitting but not denying either. "You could say I'm not a fan." He rolled his eyes, looking at you as you were dumb. "Nobody is a fan." You could swear you heard him mumble, dumbass under his breath.
He pressed the base of the syringe slightly, testing it, not noticing or simply ignoring the look you had sent him. He rubbed alcohol on your arm, bringing the syringe closer. He was about to stick it when you couldn't stop yourself and gripped his wrist with all your might. Your hand couldn't wrap his wrist at all, and he could have ripped it free so easily, though he didn't.
"What the-"
"Wait!" You told him, not aware of what you were doing, your fear taking over. "Please don't? I don't- don't want... it."
"Come on, it doesn't hurt that much." He told you, feeling his frustration growing bigger with every second that past. He was Bakugou Katsuki, for fucks sake, he wasn't supposed to deal with little girls afraid of needles.
He was the number one of his class, he always was. He decided he wanted to be a doctor and save lives when he was so little, and he always had that dream in him. He worked so hard to achieve that, and now he was spending his summer as an intern in the best hospital of Japan, the hospital he always wanted to work at.
But this wasn't it! Ever since he started, they gave him small, insignificant things to do, like check-ups he was doing now. Sore throat? Who did they think he was, making him check sore throats and runny noses?
He felt so frustrated, he didn't notice you trembling like a leaf under his touch. Your eyes were so wide open, filled with pure fear, your under lip trembling, your hands gripped his wrist like it was your lifeline.
"I'm sorry-" you told him. "I just can't... can't stand needles."
He sighed, though he could feel his frustration disappearing slightly.
"That's fine, I guess." He told you, earning a hopeful glance from you. "Just look at me, nowhere else." That wasn't hard, was it? You couldn't take your eyes off of him anyways. You locked your eyes with his, noticing how oddly soothing his hard toned voice was.
"Listen to me, okay?" He told you. "My name's Bakugou. I went to UA Medical school, and this is my third year, 'm an intern here." You never would have guessed he was that young, only a year older than you, and he went to one of the hardest universities in Japan?
You never once looked away from his eyes, trying to forget the sharp object that was about to enter your skin. When he asked about you, you gulped, you were about to send a small glance at your arm, the one he was holding, but he gripped your chin with his free hand, not letting you look anywhere else, but his eyes.
"I- I'm Y/N." You whispered. "I'm going to ****, and I'm a second year." He nodded, and you smiled weakly.
"That's cool." He told you, "though not cooler than the fact that I finished your shot almost two minutes ago." A smug grin was now curving his lips.
"You what?!" You exclaimed, you looked at your arm, which now had a small band-aid. "You- you... how did you do that?" You asked him, smiling uncontrollably.
"A doctor never reveals his secrets." He told you, though you saw he had a small smile too.
You took your bag and coat, about to exit the room when you sent a small glance his way. "Thank you, doctor Bakugou. " You told him, earning a surprised look from him.
Nobody had ever thanked him this way before.
Day 2
"Hi," you stood at the door, not sure whether you should enter or just stay there.
"Why the hell are you standing there?" He asked you roughly. "Oh, uh, sorry." He shrugged, sipping his coffee. You could tell by the smell that it was pure poison, or in other words, espresso.
"Don't apologize and sit down already."
You sat down, feeling uncomfortable, though you weren't sure why. Maybe it was because you showed him your vulnerable side the day before? You weren't sure. 
Your eyes wandered over his figure, he looked as handsome as he was the first time you saw him, or maybe even more? It shouldn't be allowed to be so handsome, you thought. And why did that white coat look so good on him?
Though he was aware of you watching his every move, he didn't want to say anything about it since he could feel your growing panic as he walked towards you with the syringe in his hands.
"We're doing it as we did it yesterday. "He told you, "You're looking at me, and me only." He smirked when he saw you nodding. "Good."
"Now, tell me, what are you studying?" He shook his head, genuinely looked interested as he listened you blabbering. "Why are you doing this?" You asked him. "Is it for the money?"
He shrugged, though he had a smirk on. "I'll tell you about that another day since you're good to go."
"No way!" You told him, looking at your arm, which was once again already stung, cleaned, and stuck with a cute little band-aid.
"You're the best. " You told him as you giggled, still not over the fact that he already gave you two shots without you even noticing.
"Of course I'm the fucking best." He told you, making you giggle once again. "Not sure you should be using that language around your patients, Doctor Bakugou."
He made a tch noise, turning his back to you. "Whatever, go complain to the administration or something." His voice was harder than you had ever heard from him, though to his surprise, you giggled as you walked to the door.
"Of course I'm not going to do that," you told him, smiling sweetly. "Don't expect me to complain about my favorite doctor."
With that, you left the room, leaving Bakugou once again struck with shock. Nobody ever told him he was their favorite doctor, on the contrary, people loved to complain about his angry behavior and foul mouth.
And though he would never accept it, he smiled ever so slightly, noticing a warm feeling spreading to his chest.
Day 3
"Hey, doctor." You entered the room, a big smile on your face that you didn't seem to have any control over.
"Hey." He answered, making you surprised. This was the first time he said 'hey' back. "I noticed you changed our appointment hours." It used to be in the morning but you had learned just today that he changed it to 13:00.
"Yeah." He answered, looking a little uncomfortable. "Why?" You asked further, but your eyes widened a little when you noticed his cheeks had a pink tint to them. "I fucking wanted to, okay?"
"Okay," you told him, laughingly. "I was just curious, you know?"
Nope, you weren't just curious. You wanted to know if it was because he had a date or something, and even though that didn't make any sense at all, you just couldn't help yourself.
What he didn't tell you was that he did change your appointments because of a girl, you. He switched your appointment to right before his lunch break so he could spend a little more time with you, though he couldn't even admit that himself.
"Don't be." He answered as you sat down. This time he had prepared the syringes before you came so that you wouldn't get anxious as he prepared them in front of you.
"That looks like a nice book." He told you as he rubbed your arm with alcohol. You were so stressed that you couldn't even understand what book he was referring to, not aware that you were holding the book in your hands for your dear life. "It's my favorite book." You answered, not looking away from his eyes. You could swear you saw his eyes in your dream last night.
"What's it about?" He asked, once again, looking genuinely interested. You loved talking about books, so much that people would sometimes ask you to stop. But he looked so interested, like he was actually listening, not because he had to, but he wanted to, you couldn't stop.
You started talking about this book, jumping to talk about another, then another. He joined you some time, you weren't really sure when. You started to talk about your favorite books, you talked about his favorite book, argued on one book that he liked, but you hated, did the same with a book you loved, and he didn't.
The conversation lasted so long, and you wouldn't have stopped if your phone hadn't ringed. "Oh, fuck." You mumbled under your breath, realizing you were in there for at least an hour and a half. "I'm so sorry, I lost control!" You told him, laughing nervously. Did you bore him to death?
"It's okay, I guess." He told you, his hand scratching the back of his neck. "You do talk too fucking much, but it wasn't necessarily bad. And it was actually my lunch break, so I won't get in trouble or shit."
"Oh, okay." You answered smiling once again. "I guess, I owe you lunch now."
You exited his room before you let him answer, you were afraid he was going to tell you to fuck off or something, though you had never thought he would agree, he was about to do just that before you sprinted out the room.
He realized only minutes after you exited that you left your 'favorite book' behind, only for him to read it.
Day 4
"Instant noodles?" He asked you, with a look on his face you couldn't quite interpret. It resembled something along the lines of trying to hold his laughter in and thinking you were the dumbest person on the earth.
"I did owe you lunch, you know." You told him. 
"Yeah, I know, but I thought you meant something like a bagel or some shit, somewhere outside the hospital."
Thinking back, maybe instant noodles were a bad idea.
"How about tomorrow?" You asked. He shrugged, "Fine, whatever." He looked indifferent, but his pink-tinted cheeks told you he wasn't.
He shrugged, you noticed he did this a lot when he was uncomfortable, you also noticed how fast your heartbeat was every day you entered this room, and not because of the needles.
You noticed how, since the first day, you woke up feeling excited about seeing him. Thinking about what you were going to talk about that day, as you go about your day when something happened, you found yourself thinking about telling it to him the next day.
You noticed how your heart clenched, a dreadful feeling in your stomach, when you thought about the week was coming to an end.
You noticed you were starting to... fall in love with him.
You talked about this to your friends too, and they were more than aware of how your eyes glistened when you talked about him, how you smiled unintentionally.
And the problem was, that he was also aware of all these too. He saw how you looked at him, and he wasn't dumb, he knew what these meant, as well as the tightening in his chest.
You weren't the only one, waking up, excited to see each other. When Denki said something dumb, he thought about telling it to you the next day, he thought about what he could talk about with you to soothe you the next time you gripped his wrist, asking him to stop with teary eyes, he never ever wanted to see you looking that afraid ever again. Hell, he even looked at wikihow, how to calm someone down when they feel afraid, and he was about to be a doctor for God's sake.
It was scary for him, to be this vulnerable for someone, to care so much in such little time, such a foreign feeling taking over his sensible part.
He was about to say something else when he noticed your knee and the very poorly wrapped bandage over it, you had 'wrapped' the bandage like a shoelace and he never in his life saw something so horrible. He sent you a look that made your cheeks all red.
"What the fuck is this?" He asked you, opening the bandage in one quick motion. "Oh, I fell yesterday, nothing too serious."
"You dumbass," Bakugou mumbled as he looked at the wound closely. "Didn't you even clean it?" He asked angrily.
"I did!" You told him. "I mean, I tried to. But it hurts when I touch it..." He rolled his eyes as he took some stuff from the drawers. "Are you afraid of these too?" He asked sarcastically, not expecting an answer, but you did anyway.
"No." You answered as you pouted. "Just needles." He shook his head as he laughed softly. "And trees at night." You mumbled and he froze.
"You have to be kidding me!" He told you, he wasn't even treating the wound anymore, but just looking at you like he waited for you to say you were joking.
"Hey! You have to admit they have a scary side to them!"
"Trees at night?"
"Don’t laugh." You pouted. "They look all shadowy and like... they have long arms, open wide like they're about to catch you and never let you go."
"Oh my God," he groaned as he went on cleaning your wound. "That’s the dumbest thing I've heard." Though he thought it was the most adorable thing he heard too. A girl afraid of needles and trees at night.
The wound stung a little, but you didn't even feel it, you were thinking deeply about wanting to touch his hair. When he finished, your knee was wrapped nicely, and it didn't even hurt anymore.
"So, you never told me why you wanted to become a doctor." You told him as you recalled your chat the first day.
"Thought you would forget about that." He told you as you laughed. "Never."
"I wanted to save people, ever since I was a kid, I wanted to be a... hero, I guess." He told you, not even sure why he was telling you such a personal thing when almost no one knew this about him.
You couldn't stop the words tumbling down your lips. "I don't know about other people, but you're my hero."
Oh, shit. Your words led to a very awkward silence, and you thought you probably shouldn't have said that, though you meant every word.
"Thank you for that." He mumbled finally, causing your head to snap up and lock your eyes with his. You didn't expect him to thank you, at all, but now you just couldn't stop grinning.
"I feel like I'm getting over my fear." You said as you looked at the band-aid on your arm, the band-aid which, once again, miraculously appeared there. There was no way he could give you a shot, clean the small wound, and put a band-aid without you noticing at all! He was either a magician or you were in too deep.
"Yeah, seems like it." He told you, though he wasn't very enthusiastic about it.
You both ate your instant noodles in silence, I'm telling you, it's a bad idea to eat instant noodles with your crush, especially if its the first time you're eating together, and you just didn't know why his presence felt so distant and so awkward all of a sudden.
After you finished your noodles, oh my God why did that last that long? you grabbed your stuff, feeling a weird tug in your chest. "I think I should go."
His crimson eyes found yours, but you had no idea what he was thinking. "Okay." 
"See you tomorrow?" You asked, but a grunt was your only answer.
Day 5
"What do you mean Doctor Bakugou has another patient?" You asked the receptionist. She looked at you like you were dumb. "He isn't available at the moment, miss. Doctor Kirishima will be looking after you today."
You didn't know who Kirishima was, but you knew you didn't want him to handle you.
"Can I maybe come later? When he's available?" You asked with the last piece of hope left in you. "I'm sorry, miss." She answered by not actually answering. You sighed as you looked at the red-haired man watching you with a smile. He looked like a nice guy, but he wasn't the reason you were here.
"Wow, " Kirishima rubbed his temples as he took a so from his coffee. "One patient really pushed me today."
"What?" Bakugou asked, his voice so stern, Kirishima's eyes narrowed as he looked at his friend. He was really moody lately, and Kirishima wasn't sure why.
"I had this one girl, apparently she was afraid of needles." Suddenly Bakugou's hand was gripping the glass he was holding it a little too hard. "I tried to convince her that it wasn't going to hurt, but she was crying so hard I don't think she even heard me."
"She was crying?" Bakugou's voice was nothing more than a whisper, he could feel how fast his heart was beating, and how tight the grip on his chest was. Kirishima had never seen his friend worry over someone, and he never thought he would either, but today he could sense something was up. "Well, yeah. Really hard. But it wasn't the crying that got me but more like... She was so afraid, genuinely terrified. Even after the whole thing, she kept looking at her arm and still looked scared."
Bakugou looked away, he didn't want to hear this anymore. "That must be tough."
Kirishima shrugged. "I felt bad."
That day, Bakugou left the hospital with an ache in his chest.
Day 6
You didn't want to go back to the hospital. You didn't. You were too scared.
You had thought you were over your fear, but obviously not. You could only stand them when... He was around.
The moment you thought about the spiky blonde hair and red eyes, you felt your chest tightening.
You entered the lobby, eyes instinctively going to the door that had his silver initials. Your heart fluttered in your chest, longing to see him, praying that he would be here. You walked to the receptionist. She was telling you the same thing she did yesterday -sorry ma'am, he's just not available- when the door opened, and the silhouette of a man you longed to see standing in the doorway with a cup of coffee in his hand.
A smile found its place on your lips as you started to walk towards him -the receptionist was trying to talk to you still, but who cares- feeling relief washing over you.
He was here! You felt so relieved having him here, not only because he could do your injection without you noticing -but you had to admit, that was an amazing skill right there- but also because you... trusted him. You trusted Bakugou so much, that you could open your heart to him. You loved how he listened to you when you were talking about nonsensical things, how angry of a person he was but actually so nice, how he told you he hated those 'dumbass' friends of his, desperately trying to conceal how much he loved them.
He didn't see you as you walked to him, his eyes on the paper he was holding in his hand. You were about to call his name when you heard your name being called, though it wasn't he who said it.
Your brows furrowed, eyes turning to ho was calling you. The doctor from the day before stood there next to you, with a smile plastered on his face, his hand touching your arm slightly, about to lead you to his office. "Miss Y/N, you're with me today."
Bakugou's eyes snapped up, finding you almost instantly as he heard your name being called. Realizing you were also looking at him, his crimson eyes widened a little. "But..." you started to tell Kirishima, but the guilt-stricken look Bakugou sent you that he tried to conceal told you everything you should know.
You felt like your heart that was just hammering your chest stopped, hurt spreading in your body. Bakugou wasn't coming to the appointments on purpose, avoiding you, trying to get rid of you.
Were you really that hard to deal with? He couldn't take it not even for a week? You thought about the chats you had and how much you laughed when you were near him, and your chest tightened. Maybe you just were talking too much. Or maybe, he just didn't want to deal with a girl who was afraid of needles.
You let Kirishima lead you to his office, trying not to look at the man that you just turned you back to.
Even though you avoided looking at him, Bakugou could see how hurt you were in your eyes. And as he watched you walk with Kirishima, concealing how afraid you were and how much your knees were shaking, he felt like the asshole everyone told him he was.
Bakugou went to Kirishima's office the second you left. "How was she?"
Kirishima sighed, taking a sip from his coffee as he watched his angry friend with curious eyes. "I don't know, man. It was just weird." Bakugou's eyes widened, his hand anxiously running through his hair. "What the fuck does that even mean, shitty-hair?!" Bakugou felt like he was going to punch his red-headed friend if he didn't give him straight answers now. And obviously, Kirishima was aware too.
"Woah, chill down. Why do you even care, Bakubro? Never saw you so interested in any of your patients." Bakugou gritted his teeth. It was true he never really cared for his patients, nothing else than their health. But it was different with you, he cared about you, and everything about you.
"Just answer the damn question already." Said Bakugou gruffly, avoiding to answer his question.
Kirishima shrugged. "It was weird." He repeated. "Yesterday she was crying, at one point she begged me not to do it. I don't think she's scared of the needle hurting him but more like the needle itself." Bakugou knew all of this, and he was going to punch him in the guts if Kirishima didn't get straight to the point. "But today she was silent."
Silent? He had never seen you silent.
"She was like a- a statue. Didn't even flinch when I stuck the needle in her, didn't cry, or said a word. She was just looking at the needle and my hand, genuinely terrified. I felt like I was stabbing her or something." Kirishima recalled the memory, and a chill went through him.
Bakugou wasn't very different either. Thinking you like that broke his heart. He could understand you crying, and he would still be mad at himself for letting you cry, but what Kirishima told him was something else. It almost made him afraid.
"Anyways, I don't know man, tomorrow's the last day anyway."
"Yeah." Bakugou mumbled as he tried to forget what Kirishima just told him.
Bakugou couldn't get the image of you frozen with fear out of his mind the whole day. He buried himself in his work, still not able to think about anything else but you.
He went home, exhausted.
He took a shower and ate something when he saw the book you had left for him to read laying on his dining table. Ignoring the tightening in his chest, he picked the book up, and he realized the book was the only thing that could make him stop thinking of you, even just for a second.
And as he read, nonstop, he could swear the trees he saw from his window were watching him, making him feel a little creeped out.
Hell, maybe trees at night were creepy after all.
Day 7
Bakugou was having a bad day.
First of all, he had read your favorite book the whole night, not getting any sleep whatsoever. He wasn't the type of man to stay up till night, he never liked to do so either, but he did just that. No cup of coffee was helping him either.
What was bothering him, though, was that you just wouldn't show up. It was almost the end of his lunch break, and you still weren't anywhere to be seen. He knew that because he had been asking the receptionist about you every 5 seconds for the last hour or so.
He sighed as he finished the last sentence of the last chapter, of the book he was so caught up on, and as on cue, you went in the doors as he closed the book.
Bakugou felt anxiety doubling the beating of his heart as he saw you talking to the receptionist. He started to walk to you, replaying the speech he had decided on the day before to talk to you. But as you lifted your head and your gaze found his, he forgot everything that was on his mind.
And awkward silence sneaked in between you both as he towered over you. "Uh, hey," Bakugou mumbled.
"Hey." You said. "Umm, where is doctor Kirishima?" Ouch, Bakugou thought. He knew you didn't do it on purpose but it hurt anyway. "He won't be with you today," Bakugou told you, you didn't know why he looked so tired today, but how did he still look so damn handsome? "I will."
Your eyes widened as you understood what he said relief and anxiety washing over you at the same time.
You didn't trust your voice to say anything, so you just nodded.
As you sat in his office, awkwardly tapping your fingers according to a rhythm, you didn't know he was trying to gather up the courage to apologize. You didn't even mean to come in today, but you just didn't want him to see you as a coward, even more so. So you anxiously eyed the room when your eyes found the book you had left. He saw you looking at your book that was on his desk, and he smiled. "I finished the book."
"Does that mean I can have it back now?" You asked, making him grimace. He expected you to shower him with questions, to talk about it, to hear your voice... but apparently not.
"Yeah- yeah sure." You took the book back, holding it so hard, your knuckles turned white.
Bakugou sighed. "I missed you, you know."
Your heart started to beat so fast you were glad you were at a hospital. "Well, that isn't my fault." Bakugou didn't want to, but he smiled nonetheless. "No, it's not, it was me being an asshole."
"Right." You answered cynically, earning an angry look from the explosive guy.
"And I thought it was... for the best." He went on.
"Oh, of course, what else could it be?" You just couldn't seem to hold your tongue back today, and he was aware of that too.
"Can you not make this any harder?" He finally said gruffly. "I'm trying to fucking say that I'm-" his eyes widened as he realized what he was saying, that he was apologizing. But for the first time in his life, it didn't feel necessarily wrong.
"That I'm sorry."
You didn't need him to explain why he did what right now, just hearing that he was sorry was enough for you, so you smiled. "It really hurt, you know?" You told him as he started to walk towards you.
"I know." He answered, "and I'm fucking sorry." His hands held your arms as if he was about to pull you into a tight hug. But it wasn't necessarily a hug he was pulling you into. "But I can make it up to you." He whispered as he leaned in.
"And how are you going to do that?" You asked, but those were the last words you said before feeling the soft lips pressing on yours.
Your hands went to his hair almost instinctively, and you smiled into the kiss as you felt how damn soft they were.
"Remember that bagel promise we had? We could either do that or I could keep kissing you." He told you, smirking when he realized how breathless you were.
"But what about the..." your voice trailed off when you noticed the small band-aid on your arm. "When did you even do this?!"
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morgansunflower · 4 years
Helping Hand's
Jason Todd X Reader
Y/N, asks her family to help her move into her new house. Her family unknown to the fact she's knocked up by non other than Jason Todd
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Middle of the day wearing my maternity dress, and shoes as the sun shines. Mid fall, I feel the gentle breeze. I saw my siblings walking up I smiled, finally.
I picked up the box of glass cups heavy! I look at, Dick "D-Dick, could you please?"
"yup got it sis!"
He ran quickly grabbing the box. I took a deep breath feeling my baby kick probably mad, I picked the heavy box up. I cradle my bump taking a deep breath
"sorry, Sweetheart" I mumbled to my unborn baby
Dick dropped the box I hear the glass shatter. His eye's wide in shock he pointed at my abdomen
I threw my hands up "Dick!" I say frustrated
"you... You're?"
I lowered my arm's taking a deep breath "what you've never seen a pregnant woman before!" I said frustrated that he broke the glass
"sorry" he picked the box up and looked at me
"I shouldn't have lost my temper" I rolled my eye's "hormones" I say taking a deep breath
"and.." He says meaning I should have told them I'm pregnant
I put my hands on my hip raising my eyebrows "don't push it, Dick"
He smiled "so who's the baby daddy?"
I sigh, looking at my older brother irritated "say that again and I'll kick your ass"
"I certainly don't doubt that"
As the the other's walked up seeing me and my very pregnant bump. I really didn't think this through.
"well I can honestly say that I wasn't expecting that" Stephanie says surprised
'"I'll second that" Barbara said sitting in her wheelchair
"tt" Damian said plainly but his eye's wide in shock
I sighed walking to my vehicle to grab another box.
"nope! I got it" Tim ran in front of me and grabbed the box.
"go sit inside Y/N we've got this" Dick said
"I'm more than fine with helping you guy's. I just can't pick up anything too heavy"
Cassandra, held my hand and nodded to the house. I sigh and nod. Cassandra and I locked arm's going into the house. It was a beautiful house. In my new home, my large open kitchen with a large table. A hallway on the left leading to three bedrooms. One the mane bedroom, a small bedroom for my soon to be born child and a guest room. Three bathrooms and the entrance door leading to my large living room. Another back door to a backyard with a porch. I sat on my long couch. I watch and direct my siblings of where to put my thing's. I hear my phone a text from Jason. I open his text message.
-on my way home, babe you better have your hot ass on the couch. BTW I got your favorite for dinner(Jason)
-ass is on couch. Thank you for getting dinner
Dick, walked in from the kitchen with a fast pace. I turn my phone off
"ok this as gone far enough Y/N. We helped you unpack everything. We do something for you, you do something for us, like tell us who knocked you up. Now you gotta tell us who the baby daddy is"
The rest of my siblings came in. Talk about a family intervention. I took a deep breath as I hear a motorcycle knowing it's the father of my child, Jason. I gently smiled I feel my baby kicking. The baby always kicks upon hearing the motorcycle or when Jason talks.
"did you call Jason?" Barbara asked shifting uncomfortable in her wheelchair likely seeing where this is going
I snorted in laughter "he would have had a heart attack if I hadn't told him where I was"
He walked in and stretched
"I'm home my lovely's!" he stopped seeing our Family
He sighed and looked at me. I see the restaurant bag's, two drinks he's holding that I've been craving for all day. All our siblings only stood there without a word. Cassandra smiling. Damian's arm's folded his eye's glaring at Jason. Tim shook his head and slightly chuckled. Barbara, had her eyebrows forward in confusion. Dick, was in complete shock. Jason, sighed walked to me and sat down.
"when I said get back up I didn't mean for you to call them" he said slightly irritated
"I know but we got it done faster than I could have done on my own"
He gave me my food and himself a, cheeseburger. He gave me my drink. I gratefully drank some.
"I didn't want you to do it on your own either, baby" he held his, drink and drank his drink "speaking of baby" he points his pinky finger to my abdomen "how's, lil' scout?" I gently smiled of his nickname of our baby
Before I could speak Dick spoke "wait hold on! Just hold on" Dick pointed at Jason and then me "are you two? Like really?"
"yup" I say softly
"so how long have you two been together" Barbara questioned "and haven't told any of us" she mumbled her tone genuinely hurt
Jason looked at them "Y/N and I have been dating for 3 year's, secretly. We moved here to raise our baby" he held my hand "and eat our dinner" he looked at me and softly smiled "anything I miss babe"
"nope, oh yeah thanks for helping me move in guy's. It really helps us focus on the baby and not have to worry about unpacking everything"
"that did help us a lot" Jason said sighing and glanced to my swollen abdomen
"so when are you due? And are we going to meet our future nephew or niece. You know since we're your family and all we did" Stephanie says hopeful
We were interrupted by a knock on the door. Jason pulled up his holograph of the front door, Bruce. I took a deep breath
"shit" Jason mumbled
Jason, kissed my cheek he stood and opened the door. Bruce, looks at me with a concerned smile. I waved gently with my other hand my bump. Please don't be mad he looks at everyone
"father, don't you have something to say" Damian said
He gently smiled looking at Jason "Alfred is making dinner tonight. I expect you all to be there, as does Alfred"
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shortyisweird9 · 4 years
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'Lonely ghost serie'
Building bridges- part IV
Tw⚠️: swearing
Corpse was panicking, his heart beating in his chest as his legs moved him one part of his secret room to the other.
The reason for his panick? You.
He wanted to speak with you more, he enjoyed the slightly pessimistic but still loveable personality you have, the voice changer being something he was curious about.
Why did you wear it? Do you really hate your voice? Or did something happened and now you are ashamed of it or were you more concerned about keeping the anonymity of your presence? The possibilities were endless and so the kind of message he wants to send you.
Should he say just hi? Should he introduce himself in a longer paragraph? Should he just...send you a meme? His mind inclined towards that more: I mean if she doesn't like memes, she isn't the one.
You woke up with a startle when your phone decided to go off. You swore beneath your breath, your joints popping as you reach for your phone placed on the desk in front of you. Didi wasn't with you and right now you were too tired to care for it.
You moved your hair out of your face hissing when part of it tugged on your piercings. Your eyes leaking from the pain.
-Pentru numele Lui Dumnezeu.("For the love of God.")
You puffed your cheeks and closed your eyes when your head made the unfortunate contact with your bed frame, it seemed today was not your day.
You were send this:
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"What the fuck?"
You giggled as you tried to come up with a response on your own.
You hoped this was the real Corpse not some fan account who tried to masquerade as him, last thing you need was some stranger to invade your private accounts.
You didn't made an account just for ghost since you didn't want to start a channel anyway. You have a lot on your plate between organising the festival and your numerous assignments, you didn't have the mental capacity and energy to entertain a mass of people even thought the idea interested you.
But leaving Corpse unanswered was a crime so you started to dig up through memes that will be matching his response.
Corpse in the meantime was freaking out, cursing at himself for thinking you wanted to chat with him. You already were a reserved person how dare he disturb your peace, how dare he comes in your DMs to only message you a lame ass-
Oh, you send him something back.
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'You liked avocados, right? :))'
His heart melted for a bit but wait...he never said anything about avocados in that stream, he barely talked actually preferring to hear you tease and blame others. Does that...DOES THAT MEAN YOU WATCH HIS VIDEOS?
His hands shook in excitement, the smile in his face growing that means you probably liked him enough to continue to chat with him and he couldn't be more eager to.
'Yeah. I like pineapples too.'
'Pineapples? Even on pizza?'
'Especially on pizza!'
":)))). Okay, pineapple boy. I mean I don't personally like pineapples, I think I might be allergic to them actually but still...my mom likes pineapple on pizza tho."
'Sorry to hear that ,what fruits do you like ?'
Really, ' what fruits do you like'? Oh my fucking God , I swear to-
He facepalmed himself before paying attention to your conversation once again.
'Well,um I like peaches,bananas and mango and green grapes. Man, now I crave a bowl of peaches.'
'Mother I crave PeAcHeS.'
'Lol, yeah. Violence too.'
'My neighbours been having a fucking sex orgy from how loud they were. Motherfuckers planning a milk farm.'
'Oh my god-ahahaha'
You sighed as you imagine him laughing, your knees melting everytime you heard him chuckle incoherently when he fails to swipe the card. Someone so precious,damn you need to be illegal.
'Up to play today?' He asked you.
You bit your thumb's nail,did you? I mean sure but your nerves were already extended to the max. Yesterday you went through an anxiety attack, but...
"Fuck it."
'Sure, I will love to.'
':) I'll send you the invitation soon.'
You sighed loudly as you held the phone as if it was the anchor that kept you from floating away. Smiling like an idiot.
Definitely, no one is allowed to make me feel this way.
You remained silent as you held in the pain from hitting your right knee on the chair's holders.
"Hello! Ghost?"
It was Corpse and he sounded excited,was it because of you? Nah, he is just in a better mood.
You couldn't except the idea of someone loving you truthfully as more than a friend, you couldn't let yourself believe you are worthy of such love ,not from an angel like him.
"Y-Yeah, hold on. Auch, fir-ai tu de scaun!" You cursed forgetting that your mic was on and that Corpse couldn't understand you.
"Ah, what?"
Aw,shit. Here we go again...
"H-Hi ah I mean ,hello. Yeah, hello...Corpse."
"Hello to you too goofball. What was that you said?"
"So you were basically cursing out a chair?"
"He hit me first."
"Honey, baby, a chair cannot hit you. It's just an object, a piece of furniture. "
"Easy for you to say, your chair didn't send you flying on numerous times."
You both laughed at the stupidity of the situation, you certainly didn't think that Corpse will be the one who will finally notice your ongoing drama with the chair.
"I am just saying , if I am found murdered, you know who to blame."
He rolled his eyes at you. Such a drama queen.
"Why did I thought you were American tho? Rae never mention anything about this and you even have an accent. "
"Is it Russian?"
"No, but it's there."
"Some people thought I have a lisp. I mean they are not wrong ,I have a gap in my teeth but still..."
"Probably, anyway ready to hang out with the rest?"
"Hey,hey. Calm down, I am nervous just like you."
"Even when you know them?"
You hated how vulnerable you sounded but he loved it every second because it meant you trust him to show your nervousness with him. To show a version some bitches may find pathetic, but not him. Never him.
"Well, it's not exactly easy to play when a beautiful woman is by your side."
Ah! You sneaky little-
"Well, that goes both ways you know? Now lead the way, gorgeous. I want to see just how flustered I can make you."
The Adam's apple in his neck trembled as he swallowed his shock, the voice changer did nothing to hide the flirtation and mischief in your tone. It only accentuated them.
"Y-Yes ,ma'am. "
"BOOYAH! That's how you do it! Man ,Corpse I wish I could high five you."
You jumped back into your chair, basking in his sounds of happiness and the sounds of disappointment of the others.
"Sucks to suck, Sykkuno."
Another wave of 'huh' send you laughing head back.
"Aw,man. Not you too, Corpse."
"YOU CORRUPTED HIM!" Pooki accused you.
"No comment. Anyway ,guys, I seriously need to sleep tomorrow I have a huge lesson to attend to."
"That's sucks."
"Tell me about it." You giggled, your hands clasped into each other." Goodnight, guys."
"But it's--"
Oops , sorry Grease.
You stretched, your legs and lower back hurting from sitting in the same crossed position for 2 and a half hours.
A bing brought you from the realm of thoughts. It was from Corpse.
'I hope you had fun playing with us. :)'
'I did! Thanks for inviting me.'
'Of course! Hey, umm... can I ask you something?'
You titled your head, what could he want at 3 in the morning?
'Can we talk more tomorrow?'
'Of course. Got me worried there for a second, I thought I did something wrong. '
'What no! You are fine.'
'Okay :)). Night.💗'
He sent you a voice message.
"Good night, baby."
Hey guys!💖
Hope you liked the fourth part of the serie. If you have any questions, ask away. Memes are obviously not mine, I don't have the talent.
Btw. What's your zodiac sign? Answer if you'll like.
Stay safe!💗
Tagged 💖: @moolujk @magenta-skyline @yoyoanaria @cherry-piee @simonsbluee @gaysludge @yikesyikesyikes95
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z-iridest · 4 years
(And now, some Kaminari Soulmate AU Fluff XD... I started this during a Deku Sprint @bnhabookclub )
Why Did It Have to Be Me?: A Denki Kaminari x Female Shy! Reader (Soulmate AU)
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Warning: Cursing
(Based off the song of the same name, please listen to it while reading this! :3 )
"Come on, guys, get a move on!" Mina shouted over her shoulder, Kaminari, Kirishima and Sero all attempting to drag a cursing Bakugou toward a karaoke bar.
"GET THE FUCK OFF ME, NERDS! I'M NOT SINGING!" Bakugou yelled as he attempted to dig his heels into the ground to prevent them from dragging him in. Out of all the stupid ass things they force him to do, why did it have to be a karaoke bar?
"No one's gonna force you to sing, man." Kirishima told him. "We're just gonna have some fun. Besides, you've been really stressed out lately, and Kaminari needs a night out with the gang to forget..."
"All right, all right, no need to bring it up again!" Kaminari interjected before Kirishima could finish. Kaminari had gone through a God awful break up about 6 months before. Despite the fact that his most recent ex had been horrible to him, Kaminari couldn't forget her. Hell, he wouldn't even flirt with any other girl.... The only good thing about the relationship ending? His Soulmate Timer tattoo finally popped up with exactly six months to go, the timer now reading 6 minutes, 29 seconds and counting. He felt a hand on his shoulder, bringing him back out of his thoughts. Turning his head, he saw Jirou.
"No worries, Kaminari, we're gonna have so much fun tonight, you won't have time to think about it." Jirou told him. Kaminari gave a half smile while Mina and the others dragged Bakugou inside, Kaminari entering behind them. Just as Bakugou was about to jump out of his seat to leave, Kirishima put his favorite soda in front of him. Bakugou automatically sat back down, though he had a pout on his face.
"Fine, but if we stay here longer than 30 minutes, I'm out of here." He grumbled. The entire BakuSquad got up on stage, except for Bakugou, and sang until their stomachs hurt from laughing so hard. While Kirishima, Mina and Sero were being goofballs on stage, Kaminari jumped a bit when he saw the time remaining. His gold eyes darted around the room. Less than a minute left on his soulmate timer, where was his soulmate? What did they look like? What were they like? Would they even like him? His mind raced with countless questions until...
"G-Guys, please don't." He heard a female voice and turned his head to see a beautiful pair of e/c eyes wide in fright as they were focused on the same stage Kirishima, Sero and Mina were now exiting.
"Aw, come on, Y/N, have a little fun." Kaminari nearly growled at the friend's tone of voice and the look on their face. Whoever it was, he hated them already. You, on the other hand....
Despite your best efforts to stay off the stage, your friends were stronger, managing to push you on stage. You were trembling with eyes like a deer caught in headlights. Your h/c hair was covering half your face as jazzy music started playing. It was obvious that you were scared, and the fact that your friends were laughing at you only pissed him off. Since he knew the song, Kaminari jumped out of his seat, racing over to the stage to get there before the introductional instrumental ended. You noticed that there were only seconds left on your soulmate timer,  jumping a bit when you noticed the blond joining you on stage. Something in that blonde's gold eyes made your panicked breathing start to slow down, bringing you back down from the panic attack that was coming on... He gingerly held your hands in his, his thumb smoothing over the back of your hands.
"It's just you and me right now. Focus on me, okay?" He whispered before he started singing the song to you.
"When you were lonely, you needed a man." He flexed goofily on man, grinning just a bit when he noticed the most adorable blush cross your face. "Someone to lean on, well, I understand.
That's only natural, but why did it have to be me?
Nights can be empty and nights can be cold, so you were looking for someone to hold.
That's only natural, but why did it have to be me?" He sang, dancing with you slightly as he sang.
"I was so lonesome, I was blue.
I couldn't help it, it had to be you and I thought you knew the reason why." His smile got bigger as he notice your growing smile. You were starting to relax. He really got into dancing on stage with you, grinning when a giggle left you.
"I only wanted a little love affair, but now I can see you are beginning to care, but baby...
Believe me...
It's better...
To forget me!" You sang before laughing as Kaminari danced with you to the instrumental, grinning all the while. It was working... The BakuSquad watched Kaminari with shit-eating grins on their faces. Kaminari was forgetting about his ex, and from what it looked like, he had finally found his soulmate... Even better... Kaminari pulled you close to him when the soft melody played, softly smiling down at you. No matter what, he wanted to keep you safe... To always make you smile... He grinned and danced with you as the tempo kicked back up again.
"Falling in love with a woman like you,
happens so quickly, there's nothing to do.
It's only natural, but why did it have to be me?" Kaminari sang to you as he spun you.
"I was so lonesome, I was blue.
I couldn't help it, it had to be you and I
thought you knew the reason why.
I only wanted a little love affair, but
now I can see you are
beginning to care, but baby...
Believe me...
It's better...
To forget me!" You sang back to him, giggling as you two danced on stage, forgetting the world around you. As the song winded down, you laughed as Kaminari dipped you as everyone cheered, the BakuSquad being the loudest. He grinned down at you before noticing that your so called "friends" had ditched you. His gaze softened as he helped you back upright.
"Hey, um... Do you... maybe want to join my friends and I? If you'll allow me to, I wanna get to know you better." Kaminari asked. You blushed and nodded. He got off stage first before helping you down. "I'm Denki, by the way... Denki Kaminari." He introduced himself as he led you to the BakuSquad with an arm around you. You blushed shyly.
"I-I'm Y/N... Y/N L/N." You introduced yourself, blushing darker when he pulled out a chair for you, gently cradling your hand in his as he helped you sit down. Once you were seated, he kissed the back of your hand and sat down next to you. He made the necessary introductions before staying by your side for the rest of the night, getting to know everything about you....
"And that, my adorable little princess, is how I met your goregous mother." Denki finished telling the story to the e/c baby girl in his arms many years later. His infant daughter cooed up at him before nuzzling into his chest. He chuckled as he held her close. "My little spark." He nuzzled his nose with hers, causing her to coo happily and giggle. He chuckled.
"Denki." Denki looked up at the sound of his name to see you, your h/c hair messy with the bedhead he wasn't supposed to see until that morning. "Don't you think it's time she goes to sleep?" You asked him with an eyebrow raised. Denki pouted.
"Not my fault she's Daddy's little girl, she was crying for me, babe." Denki told you before smiling sweetly down at the little girl in his arms. "Yeah, you're Daddy's girl, huh?" He asked her, getting a smile out of her and a squeal. He chuckled.
"Well, she won't be your little girl forever, Denki." You told him. The look that crossed his face in that split second looked like you had just kicked a puppy. He held his daughter protectively close to his heart.
"No." He whined. "Why can't she stay my little princess forever?"
"She has to grow up at some point, Denki. Besides, who'll fight as a hero in your place once you can't anymore?"
"Babe, can't I just enjoy the baby years? She hasn't even got a quirk yet." Denki replied as his little girl started babbling and playing with her little toes in his arms. He grinned down at her and peppered her little face in kisses.
"Fine, but it's still her bedtime." You answered him. Denki grinned at you before shifting his little girl to one arm and holding out his now free arm for you. You obliged, coming close before Denki wrapped his arm around you while holding his daughter. As the two of you sang a lullabye together to send your little girl into the land of sweet dreams, thinking of the little family that you and Denki had made together, neither you had any idea that her quirk had already begun to develop.
And it was quite... Electric.....
(A/N: Btw, there was an Easter Egg in there! Did you catch it? I'll wait while you scroll back up to reread it)
( A/N: Okay, if you scrolled down, you either know what the Easter Egg was or you're just lazy XD. Either way, I'll tell you.... It was the time on Denki's soulmate timer. The time: 6 minutes and 29 seconds, actually points to Kaminari's birthday, June 29th.... I did this one other time in the Soulmate AU one shot I did with Izuku... Can you find it? Anyways, that's it from me for now. See you on the next one shot!)
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