#buckle up kids we are all going to die
lqlarry · 1 year
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Jjk team i need you to be so fucking fr rn. this man is literally just breathing and i feel like i need a lobotomy
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BG3 Characters Safest Driver Headcanons
I've been thinking about that poll from months ago way too much, so I've pulled this from my drafts. In this essay, I will explain why Boo is the best driver. Astarion: Terrible. Absolutely terrible driver. He is doing his makeup with the visor down, looking at the mirror more than the road. Suspend your disbelief, he's driving in this universe. He can use mirrors. ♥ You have to grab the steering wheel, regularly. Without warning, the man twists around to find his purse in the back seat because he wants a different eyeliner than what he grabbed. You are on aux duty. He hates everything you've picked. 2/10, he lawyered his way into that license Gale: You would think he would be safe, but then you remember that Gale didn't pay attention in boring classes. And how hard could driving really be?? The man knows how to drive perfectly textbook. He also thinks he knows how to do it better than everyone else. He does not adapt well to poor drivers. The roads are full of poor drivers. He is yeling "Zipper!" at the merging traffic. You spend five minutes in the parking lot so he can find just the right song for the trip.
6/10, you will probably not die Halsin: The man drives slow, I'm sorry. He's fuel efficient as you can get with the windows down. He pulls over and stops traffic for ducks crossing the road, no matter what the current road conditions are. He stops to show you the new tree the neighbor got. He is a Yellowstone Park tourist. He wants to show you the world, one traffic-stopping mid-road parking job at a time. There is no music, we are listening to nature today. 4/10, you will be rear-ended with him and not the way most people want Jaheira: I stand by what I said last time: Jaheira reminds me of so many older women I know. She drives like she wants someone to start shit with her. She's so conditioned by having 5 kids fighting in the backseat at all times that every time she's behind the wheel she's having Vietnam-level flashbacks. Her blood is pumping in her ears. There is no road, there is only the red of her vision. She won't start the road rage incident directly, but by god, she will end it. (You tried to ask about music, but the look she gave you when asked killed the question.) 5/10, you make it to your destination intact. But at what cost? Your pants are a different color at the end of the trip than they were at the beginning. Karlach: Karlach is talking with her hands while she drives. She's fiddling with the radio constantly. You've blown four red lights. Three of them were the same red light because she took a wrong turn. She will not use GPS, she's got the vibe of where she's going. She was trying to show you something on her phone at the same time. It cannot wait. It was so good you have to see it right now. The tunes are so loud she hasn't heard the sirens behind her. 4/10, the tunes almost make up for it Lae'zel: You are helping her check her mirror distance before you get in the car. You are buckled in before the car even starts. You are not allowed to touch the light in the car if it is dark out. She was taught that it's illegal to have on at night and she takes that shit seriously. You are on blindspot-watching duty at all times. You're not allowed to have music on the in car, it is a distraction. 7/10, we are efficient, but we are miserable Minsc: Minsc cannot drive. Minsc was meant to drive today, but Minsc got into the wrong seat. We are all relieved. Jaheira trained him wrong on purpose and will kill you if you correct him. 0/10, don't even try. He will survive the accident, you will not. Minthara: Minthara, light of my life. She is gremlin cackling and riding bumpers the whole time. People are pulling off constantly to get away from her. You are white-knuckling in the passenger seat and are too afraid to let go of the bitch-bar. You pray her airbags are up to date because your life has not stopped flashing before your eyes since you got onto the road. We are exclusively listening to The Flight of the Valkyries. 7/10, it is shockingly efficient when no one else is on the road anymore
Shadowheart: I have been in many a 'Shadowhearts' car. The car is more of a problem than she is. She drives the type of car that makes people go, "You live like this?" She drives a manual. She was not trained to drive a manual. Almost every single dash light is on, the ones that aren't had their bulbs die out years ago. We don't know how old that trash is, but it lives here now. She has one of those cassette players that has to hook into your phone to come out the speakers. Good luck finding the right adaptor in the mess. 4/10, girl get your shit together Wyll: Wyll is the best driver, hands down...when he is alone. Like all things in his life, his greatest flaw is being too polite. He turns his whole fucking head to look at you when you talk because that is the polite thing to do. The road is secondary to how important your conversation and companionship are to him. And you can't not talk him! He's asking you genuine questions about your day because he's interested. You get to listen to whatever you want and he's totally down for it even if it's not normally his thing. He'll find something he likes about it. Alone: 100/10, he somehow makes everyone better drivers by just being on the road With you: 5/10, Wyll, please, look at the road. ;_;
Boo: My eyes are closed. It's better this way. We made it there in record time. I don't know how it happened. I don't need to know how it happened. ?/10, it's best if you don't think about it
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faeriekit · 5 months
Immediate Roadside Assistance Required
Phic phight fill for sapphireshield (no tumblr listed)
Warnings for: extremely mild depictions of domestic violence
The car that pulls over is a SUV. Beige. Kind of grimy. There’s a mom at the front; inside, Dani bets there’s probably one or two kids.
The mom rolls down the window. She looks nice. Kind of soft. Tough, in a kind of mom sort of way, but soft enough to see a girl with her thumb out at the side of the road and actually pull over. It’s a sweet gesture; Dani has a vague idea that hitchhiking hasn’t been trendy since the eighties, so this’ll have to do.
The mom sticks an elbow out the window and looks Dani up and down. “You alright, sweetheart?” she asks, a different twang on her tongue than the vowels Dani’s been used to all her (short) life. Dani might be out farther than she thought.
Dani grins. For this mom, it’s nice ‘n sweet. “I’m good! I need a ride, though; I’m trying to get to my stepparent’s place. Tryin’ to get as far as the border.”
The woman flattens her lips. She probably thinks Dani’s a runaway, but she’s not. Dani’s something a lot worse.
“You sure?” The mom looks up at the sky, even as her kid squeals about something snack-related in the back. “It’s about to get dark out, honey. Storm’s coming.”
Dani’s grin doesn’t let up. “I’m gonna go meet my brother! I already know where I’m gonna lay up, so don’t worry!”
The mom is for sure worrying; worrying her lip between her teeth, and worrying over a scruffy kid in a torn-up hoodie. “...Well. ‘Long as I get to see him when we get there. Hop in.”
Dani grins, and hops up in the car.
It’s a little warmer in there. Smells like cheerios; there’s a baby, Dani notices, in the back seat. It’s got her middle two fingers in its mouth and big brown eyes.
Dani waves. The baby stares, since babies do that, and Dani occupies herself by making funny faces over the shoulder of the passenger seat, eager to elicit a giggle from a little kid. She loves little kids. She wishes she’d been allowed to be one.
“You might want to turn around and buckle in, young lady,” the mom drawls, wiping stress off her forehead. “Don’t want you to die if we end up in a crash.”
I can’t, Dani doesn’t say, because she’s nice. I’m already dead.
So she turns around and buckles herself in. The mom flicks on the radio, and a woman’s voice starts growling over an electric guitar and a roughed-up drum kit. It sounds fun.
This ride’s going to be good. Dani grins, all teeth and brimstone. There’s a storm rolling in, bad luck hanging in the air like vapor and sparks. Lightning’s on its way.
It’s a long way to the state border. Dani’s going to enjoy every minute she can with the window down, electricity in her fingers, and the quiet humming of the driver singing along.
They make it to a rest stop about three quarters of the way there.
Dani’s not against stopping, so she just peeks out the window, watching cars and exhausted drivers slog through the paved flats of the rest stop parking lot. “What’re we doing?” Dani asks, entertained in her own way. Maybe this nice mom is going to try to hand her off to CPS!
It wouldn’t work, but, you know. It would be kind of annoying, if ultimately well-meaning.
“Diaper change for the baby,” the mom offers, and, yeah, that’s practical. “Vending machine break for me. Bathroom break for you, probably.”
Oh, that checks out. “Alright!”
The child lock pops, and Dani hops out of the car; she waits, patiently, for the mom to bring out the baby, who looks even more luminous asleep and spitty than when it's awake.
“It slept through a lot of Rock ‘n’ Roll,” Dani admires. The baby gets held to mom’s chest, a blanket wrapped around them both. “That’s cool.”
“He’s heard a lot of Joan Jett since he was born. I’d be shocked if he couldn’t sleep through a hurricane at this point.”
Dani trots after the mom, patient in her wake. They don’t look too much alike, so maybe there are other people wondering if they even know each other at all, or if Dani’s getting kidnapped or traded away for cigarettes. Or probably they just think Dani’s getting babysat, helping watch a baby while the mom ends up driving them over and away from wherever Dani’s landed herself this time.
The diapers the baby uses are a thick, sort of plush material. They look soft. There are little pastel teddy bears on them: one blue, one pink. Dani gets to touch one when the Mom asks her to pull one out of the big blue bag. There are a whole lot crammed in there; they’re packed in so tight that it’s hard to pull one out of the stack without pulling out all the others, but the baby can only wear one diaper at a time!
“Thanks, sweetheart,” the mom says. It’s the nicest anyone’s been to Dani in ages. She’s glad she lived long enough to hear a soft mom call her sweetie and sweetheart for no reason other than being convenient. “You have to go?”
Dani shakes her head. The mom gives her a look. “We’ll be in the state for another hour. You want to try, at least?”
…She hesitates. The baby doesn’t notice, busy playing with its toes as its mom tries to wriggle it back into its butt covering for the sake of covering its butt. She doesn’t usually have bodily functions that actually…function. But the mom lady didn’t know that.
Whatever. She’d play a game of Snake in there. “‘Kay.”
Dani goes into a stall, flicks open her phone, and manages to eat like twenty little pixels before she actually runs into her own little snake body and dies. Ugh. It doesn’t take up too much time— how much time are humans supposed to spend in the bathroom, anyway??— so she fires up a new game and almost gets through it before she hears someone yell. Dani jolts.
The baby starts crying, faint and far away. Dani quickly grabs herself together and puts the phone away. If something’s happening— something happening to the mom and the baby—
Dani dashes out of the bathroom. There’s a guy at the door. There’s a guy holding the baby by the arm so that the baby is dangling and the guy is yelling at the mom who’d driven Dani here, physically pushing her when she tries to get her baby back.
The instinct to hit him is impossible to wrangle. It’s too bad, but Dani has to help the baby and the mom. Hitting him might hurt the baby, if she isn’t careful— doubly true if she uses an ecto-blast.
She goes invisible instead.
Carefully pulling the baby intangibly through the man’s grip is a quiet, tense process. The baby keeps crying and crying and crying, but the more she hides it, the quieter the cries seem.
And then there’s a baby shallowly crying in her arms.
The guy doesn’t even realize, too busy shoving and hitting the mom who’d done nothing wrong. Dani hates this guy. He reminds her of Vlad— too angry that he isn’t getting his way, and never understanding why no one’s obeying him fast enough.
Dani hoists the baby into one arm, mirroring the way the mom had carried it into the rest stop when they first came in. The hold doesn’t feel as secure as Dany thinks it ought to, but it frees up a hand.
Dani grabs the mom’s hand.
The woman disappears into thin air. The guy looks so spooked.
Dani giggles. Either way, it’s super easy and simple to fly the mom and the baby through the bathroom walls, and hiding them in the bathroom cleaner closet seems safer than hiding them in a stall. Dani doesn’t pause when the mom gasps, frightened by the change in scenery; she pops the baby into her arms and disappears back the way she came.
Dani Phantom has a guy to beat up.
There are lots of ways to scare humans, Dani finds; humans are afraid of the dark, and afraid of what they can’t control. They’re afraid of pain, and they’re afraid of loud noises. Humans aren’t afraid of everything all the time, but they can be afraid of more things when they’re combined than when they’re not.
So Dani flexes her aura. The lights flicker in the main room of the rest stop. The man stops, but his hand is still raised.
He looks to see where the baby is, and realizes that he’s empty-handed. The woman is gone.
The lights go out.
Dani loves being seen sometimes. She doesn’t like being bothered, but she loves attention when she knows no one can call the cops on her; so she drips green. She lets herself glow, gloopy and malformed, as she pulls herself through the wall. She turns melty eyes onto the man who took the baby from its mom.
The guy kind of looks like he’s going to piss himself. Good.
Dani starts to fake cry. It starts out as little sniffles— and then moans, and sobs, Dani clawing herself out of the wall until she’s floating, midair, half-formed and wailing. She kind of hopes she looks super spooky, like one of those CGI gross guys from Stranger Things, or that girl who walked down the stairs in a spooky backbend one time.
The guy steps back. Great. Dani inches forwards. The guy steps back again, face pale as a china plate, looking inches from giving up the ghost and bolting off to the parking lot.
Dani takes her hands off of her face to show melting, distorted features. And she screams.
The guy is gone in seconds. He should just be a sprinter instead of bullying moms and their little babies! Dani huffs, hands on her hips. Whatever. As long as he’s gone, he can do whatever he likes.
Dani barely remembers to set her face right before going to get the mom and baby out of the closet. It doesn’t matter how human she looks, though, because when she opens the door back up for them, the mom looks like she’s seen a ghost.
Dani grins, and probably her teeth aren’t showing anything too weird or spooky. “That guy left! Can we go now?”
The mom takes a deep, rattling breath. She does that thing where she touches her forehead, her chest, and then the air above her shoulders. No one’s told Dani what that means so far, but she’s seen it a lot.
“...Sure, sweetheart.”
Dani beams.
They make it to the edge of the state just as the rain starts to pour down. The mom is still looking for Danny by the time Dani points them into a gas station, but Danny’s not here; Dani made him up long enough to get a ride as far as she thought she could get tonight. The mom is still peering through the gloom of the driver’s side window as Dani turns herself transparent and flies out and away.
The mom was nice. The baby was nice. Dani liked this ride.
She walks, intangible, through the rain. The highway is dark, and wet, but Dani’s optimistic; sometimes people feel bad for her, so she gets more rides in a thunderstorm than on a sunny day. After an hour, somewhere on a rural road she’s never seen nor heard of before, Dani sticks her thumb out for a low little car going exactly the speed limit.
The car has a little old couple in the front and passenger seat. They look like grandparents. The grandpa rolls down his window, white eyebrows pushed together. “You need a ride, honey?”
Dani grins.
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loonylupinblack3 · 5 months
Could you do fic for Mark Webber with wife reader? Just her being their children to the paddock and everyone quickly gushed over the kids. Both Lando and Oscar act like big brothers to them and felt very protective of the Webber's family. Would absolutely do everything the kids asked them to. So, there was chaos every time she brought them to the garage. But everyone wouldn't trade them for anything. Just something fluff and cute. Tag me later!! Thanks:)()
Pairing: Mark Webber x Reader
Warnings: extremely vague suggestive content
Summary: Mark brings you and your kids to the grand prix
A/N: was very fun to write this request, hope you enjoy <3
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You fixed your son’s hat, turning it the right way and giving it a slight pat. Ever the moody nine year old your son Connor scowled up at you, batting your hand away.
“Now, is that the sort of way you treat your mother?” came your husband’s voice, accompanied with an arm around your waist.
You smiled as your husband finally finished getting ready and as your five year old daughter waddled behind him, ever the follower. Wherever Mark went, Lily went with him. You knelt down and picked your daughter up, the girl giggling and hugging your neck.
“Ready to go?” you asked your family, though it was Mark who answered, nodding his head and putting his hand on the small of your back, leading you outside to the car.
You buckled in Lily, Connor insisting he could do his seatbelt himself, and got into the passenger seat as Mark started the car. Lily was full of questions about her first grand prix event, a constant stream of words leaving her mouth at all times.
You answered them the best you could, though some of them were quite….. Unique questions.
“What if a dinosaur went on track during the race?” Lily asked, kicking her feet. “Would the race stop? Would people die?”
Lily looked a bit too cheerful at her words. Connor rolled his eyes at his sister.
“That wouldn’t happen, dinosaurs went extinct ages ago.”
You smiled at your son through the mirror. “Someone’s been doing their research.”
Connor smiled, puffing his chest out slightly. His early defiance was forgotten and he was looking quite pleased that you’d noticed his education on dinosaurs. 
“I learnt it at school. Also, did you know….”
You listened intently as your son explained his learnings of space, smiling at his excited rambling. Mark’s hand moved to your thigh, resting there comfortably. Your smile widened. You’d known Mark a long time, and during that time you’d figured out whenever Mark was happy he’d touch you. Like he felt contentment and touching you just mirrored his feelings. Like touching you was the icing on the cake, the perfect addition to his perfect feeling.
You looked at Mark with a smile. He noticed your gaze and smiled back, squeezing your thigh gently. 
“Also Mum,” Connor continued, “when we get to the race can we have a hot chocolate?”
Lily gasped. “Please Mum!”
You sighed at your children’s antics, and you knew sugar would just hype them up and then have them crash down, but how could you say no to them?
“We’ll see,” you conceded, which was basically a yes.
You arrived at the circuit, parking in the VIP car park Connor was all too excited to talk about as you walked to the grid. You held his hand as you walked, something Connor had complained about at the start but you were insistent. It was a crowded place and you didn’t want to lose him.
Mark was holding Lily, the girl curled up in her father’s arms. You smiled at the sight before listening to Connor, paying him the attention he expected from you as he swung your arms back and forth, chattering about his latest discovery.
Hefting Lily to one arm, Mark took your free hand and together your family walked into the paddock, receiving the sudden flash of cameras as people tried to get your attention. You held your son closer, feeling his hand squeeze yours in panic, though unfortunately he was used to this. You could see Mark doing the same thing for Lily, letting the girl hide her face into the crook of his neck.
When you’d passed the paparazzi, entering the VIP section of the grid where they didn’t have access too, Mark gently put Lily down and you let go of Connor’s hand, trusting the two of them to walk freely.
Mark held onto your hand more tightly, tugging you closer to him. You laughed, shaking your head, and Mark grinned, pressing a chaste kiss to the side of your head.
“Oscar! Oscar!” 
Lily started bolting forward, making your eyes widen and an immediate reaction to run after her seize you, but when your brain understood what she was saying your gaze travelled further and found the Australian driver grinning, arms out for your daughter.
Connor was quick to follow, running after his sister, and you and Mark shared a wry grin before walking after them. Lando appeared next to you from who knows where, giving you a tight hug.
“There’s my favourite F1 wag,” he murmured into your ear.
You laughed and hugged him back. “It’s good to see you too, Lando.”
The two of you pulled back just as Lily noticed Lando, letting a dramatic gasp leave her lips before she was running after him, Connor hot on her heels. You smiled, watching your two kids embrace Lando as Mark greeted Oscar, squeezing his shoulder.
As they talked you kept an eye on your kids, making sure they didn’t overwhelm Lando with their questions and chatter. The young Mclaren driver seemed to be doing just fine however, enjoying the conversation almost as much as the kids themselves.
Oscar walked over to you and you tore your gaze away from your children, instead focusing on your other child that Mark and you had practically adopted. Oscar gave you a grin and hugged you tightly, his figure towering over you slightly.
“Thanks for coming,” he murmured into your hair.
You pulled back, giving him a fond smile. “Of course. We wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
A faint blush spread across Oscar’s cheeks and you grinned, letting him go. Mark immediately replaced him, hand snaking to your waist and pulling you to his side.
“Mum! Mum!” Connor asked, running up to you. “Lando said he’d take us to the Mclaren garage. Can we go? Please.”
You smiled and nodded. “We can all go.”
Your kids let out a cheer and trailed behind Lando and Oscar who’d joined them, the two Mclaren drivers listening to your chattering children as they led them to the garage.
“How about you and me disappear somewhere?” Mark whispered into your ear, a devious grin on his face. “Lando and Oscar can mind the kids for a while.”
You turned to your husband and smirked, hands wrapping around his neck. “What did you have in mind?”
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starandcloud · 6 months
COD boys + Farah and Valeria
Summary: you call them after a fight with your parents/relatives and they pick you up and see you with injuries that weren't there when they dropped you off
I literally forgot like five people-
Characters used: Ghost, Soap, Price, Gaz, Sebastian Krueger, Nikto, Alex, Farah, Valeria, Konig, Roach, Alejandro, Rudy, Nikolai, Grinch, Sandman, Laswell, Graves, Makarov, Frost, Horangi, Keegan
CW: Bruises, slap marks, cigarette burns, implied sprained/broken limbs, just abuse of reader all over tbh ;-;, no Y/N is safe from me tbh, they all gotta be messed up in one way or another-
Simon "Ghost" Riley
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He noticed the shake in your voice IMMEDIATELY when you called
He's observant y'all
He 100% was concerned off the bat, he's a good boyfriend but a better killer
He pulled up to you sitting on the tire on top of the driveway and went to call you on your phone only to notice you halfway down the driveway before he could dig his phone out of his pocket
He was also keenly aware of your hair being down, something you rarely did
His automatic instinct was to brush it out of your face, so he did
He noticed how you shrinked away
Then he noticed the ugly bruise forming around your eye and on the side of your face.
"Luv? What happened?"
His voice was angry, but not at you.
Never at you.
You gave a little shrug and tucked into yourself
"Can we just... leave..?"
He couldn't remember the last time you sounded this small, so he did what you asked.
He kept his hand on your leg, rubbing little circles on your skin as he drove, but not home you noticed.
He kept glancing at you from the side of his eye and smiled as he saw your eyes light up as he pulled into the parkway of your favorite food place.
He was still angry as he watched you drink the milkshake you ordered, but was a bit more calm as you played with the kids menu
Something you did whenever you were anxious, so he asked the waitress for one who looked concerned for you and he gave her a little look that made her heart shatter as you started to anxiously babble to fill the sudden silence.
So he reached over and grabbed you're hand
Darling, you're fine, you're not going back there. I promise."
Johnny "Soap" Mactavish
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He was already on his way ass soon as your caller ID (which was something like "Tatertot" or some weird Soap shit) popped up on his work phone
He answered as he drove.
"Johnny..? Can you come get me..? I-I got into a fight and need to be picked up at my parents..."
He heard your voice break and someone yell something in the background making your voice waver as you stepped outside
He was there in twenty minutes...
out of an hour drive
You didn't really hesitate as you rushed down the driveway and into his passenger seat and slammed the door.
You watched the wildlife speed by, zoning out, when he asked
"Yer dad give you those?"
You were confused at first before pulling your sleeves down farther and stayed quiet
Which was all he needed to get mad and grip the steering wheel
You knew you were safe, but his anger scared you
So your breathing picked up and he gently put his hand on your arm.
"Yer okay Bonnie, I'm not gonna hurt you. Him? Absolutely. You? Never."
John Price
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Dad instincts when you called him
He hadn't really heard your voice like that since you thought you were going to die on the field
He picked up your favorite foods and a new blanket, hoodie, and stuffie
He walked up to the house door and stood like a harbringer of death as you answered the door.
He delicately pulled you out and tucked you behind him
He had that look in his eyes he only had when he was livid
You gently touched his arm and he got you to his car, lingering beside you as he gently kissed your head.
"I got ya sweetheart, just stay in the truck..."
He said as he buckled you up and tucked the blanket around you with your snacks and drinks before going back into the house
You heard yelling, which made you flinch, then silence
John came back out and calmly got in the truck and kissed your hand before giving it a gentle squeeze
"We'll be back for your stuff tomorrow hun, you're staying with me now"
Kyle "Gaz" Garrick
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Just pure rage
Your caller ID popped up and he KNEW something was wrong
You don't call him
Not on the actual phone, always over Instagram on a burner account or Facebook or something
He left the room and answered your call
Soap had come to check on him and was concerned at the gleam in Kyle's eyes
Gaz didn't speak, he just left, and picked you up
He had your favorite music playing and a few snacks that he picked up at the corner store and just walked in
He didn't knock
He didn't announce his presence
Just walked in and scooped you up in his arms and left
You didn't ever go back
When your stuff went to be retrieved
Kyle did it
Along with Soap and Ghost who were really just there to keep Gaz from flipping his shit
I see him as a very protective boyfriend
Sebastian Krueger
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Just a brooding asshole as he stood in the doorway
He had gotten your call and sped to get there
He didn't speak he just stood there as you got your stuff
The red marks on your face and the bruises forming on your arms made him angry
Everytime you left the house to but your books in his car, he rested his hand on his side weapon
Which he may or may not of forgotten he had on him until a family member pointed it out
Protective as fuck
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(i literally could find any for him 😭😭)
He was halfway there anyways
He just sped up and made a pitstop to grab some stuff you liked before picking you up
You gave him a sad little smile as you climbed in
You didn't buckle and just laid the seat back
Something you've only down a few times before curling into yourself
He gently ran his fingers through your hair as he drove off
He knew the area well, he grew up there
So he took you to a vacant field and flipped the center console of his truck up and slid over
He pulled you close and kissed your head as he rocked you slightly
His uniform uncomfortably rubbed against your skin as you gripped it tightly fighting against the tears that wanted to fall
"You can cry sweetheart, you're safe now"
Then you broke
You ugly cried against him
All the while he held you close and let you cry
He wasn't even mad right now
He was hurt
Hurt that someone that he swore was a divine being that couldn't be hurt
He buried his face in your hair once you cried yourself to sleep
"I'm sorry my sweetbaby, I'm sorry they hurt you... You didn't deserve that... I swear on whatever God is out there that I'll never let anyone hurt you ever again..."
Alex Keller
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Kinda just showed up after your call
He stood there and kissed your head and pulled you close
He took you out for food, in his hoodie, and held you close as you ate
He kept pressing little kisses to your head and playing with your hair
He's a golden retriever so anything you asked for, you got that night
The two of you fell asleep on his couch, you curled up on his lap and him doing that dad sit with his arms around you
Farah Karim
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No one fucks with her baby
She showed up with that angry lesbian look
She just has that look y'all I dated a lesbian and can fully saw they have this when pissed I thought I was gonna die- and I didn't even do it- my bestfriend does it too and i get terrified cause i have ✨anxiety✨
Kinda just stood there glaring down whoever the fuck put hands on you as she tucked you into her side and rubbed your back
You hid your face with your hair until you got on her bike and a bit down the road
"She hit me Far..."
You whispered and the bike slowed to a stop, she got off her bike (Putting the kick stand down of course) and circled around
She gently removed her and your helmet and pressed a kiss to your head as she gently inspected the bruise that was turning a hideous color
She looked like she was going to cry, or she was unimaginably pissed but you weren't sure which one
"I'm so sorry sweetheart, you didn't deserve to be hit. My sweet dove..."
She whispered as she held your face in her hands and pressed her forhead against yours
10/10 girlfriend
Valeria Garza
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Showed up in a black SUV
Like four henchmen behind her as she knocked on the front door, when it opened she forced herself in and looked for you
She found you at the kitchen table and bent down, she gave you a little smile and laced her fingers with yours
You didn't look her in the eyes, you kept your gaze as low as you possible could, making her sad.
"Cariño? Look at me, tell me what happened..?" (Sweetheart)
Her voice was gentle and soft, but held an angry undertone as she hooked her finger under your chin and raised your head
Your busted lower lip told her everything as it quivered
"Are you mad..?"
Your voice was so quiet it sounded like a ghost
The broken words squeezed her heart as her hand moved up and held your face, her thumb rubbed your tear-stained skin
"Not at you, nunca a ti mi Amor..." (never at you)
She whispered and kissed you softly, and carefully as to not hurt your lip any
"Oh great. You're here to take that little bastard. It's your issue now. Now you can listen to it cry and call you a bitch and controlling"
Your mother's voice rattled off the inside of your skull making you look away as a bag was tossed at your feet and you reached down to get it only for Valeria to pick it up before you could reach it.
There was a dangerous gleam in Valeria's eyes as she helped you from the chair and noticed how you stood funny, all your weight on one foot as you leaned against her.
She helped you towards the door and gave your mother one last nasty look before leaving, she got you in the backseat and sat with you. Digging through the medkit in the back of the car and delicately cleaned your split lip as she gazed at you with such soft eyes.
"Mi hermosa mariposa … te mereces algo mejor que esto..." (My beautiful butterfly… you deserve better than this)
You didn't understand anything except "butterfly", she always called you that.
She always treated you so delicately and like you would break if she breathed to hard around you
At times like this, it made you glad for that school trip all those years ago. If you hadn't gone, you wouldn't have meet her and you wouldn't be safe.
You leaned into her, burying your face in her shoulder as your arms slowly went around her waist; holding her tight as your fingers gripped her vest. The material was uncomfortable, but you'd rather be uncomfortable than feel like you were a burden.
"Thank you," you whispered, "thank you Val..."
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Was quiet about it when getting you out, he stood outside your home late that night
Catching your important things as you tossed them out the window
Then you when you jumped
He held you so delicately as your dog whimpered
You looked up at her as he carried you to his car, which was a bit down the road
Then he left
When he came back, your dog scrambled into the truck making you laugh and hug her tight as you cried
You gently pet her fur as you kissed her head and curled into Konig's seats
You were asleep by the time Konig got into the car
Your dog at your feet, her head in your lap, as he delicately put a blanket over you and softly pet your dogs head
"You did good protecting them girl, I'll take you to the vet as soon as possible..."
He spoke gently as he remembered how hysterical you when you called, not worried about yourself but instead your dog which had been kicked by your mother when your baby had jumped between the two of you and growled
He remembered how scared you were and how hard you cried as you screamed at your mother how that just wasn't right to do and that your dog was protecting you from her batshit insane ass
He remembered a loud slap, then the call ending
And now you were here, fast asleep in his car as he drove. His eyes floating over to your sleeping form every now and then when your dog whined.
the first thing he did, after getting you home, was take your dog to the vet to get her checked out
She was okay, just a bit bruised and had a tooth taken out
Konig took good care of her on the ride home, even ordered a pup cup (through the app, because he was to anxious to go through the drive through) from starbucks and sat in the parking lot holding the cup and feeding her dog treats.
He took good care of both of you the following morning and made sure you were patched up when he woke you up
He would've done it the night before, but he knew where your priorities were
Your dog and him.
It was always your dog and him, never yourself
Which was something he admired, but worried about you
Gary "Roach" Sanderson
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He doesn't do anything confrontational
Just takes you and your cat in the middle of the night
Lets you know he's there and holds your hand while he drives
Keeps you on base with him
Makes you breakfast in the morning and keeps you distracted
Non-stop touch EX: puts in his hand on your back when you're walking, hand on your thigh while he drives, plays with your hair while cuddling, completely focused on you
Gets your stuff at a later date
Replaces certain things and loves you unconditionally
Alejadro Vargas
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What's calm? Never met her
So many curse words
Literally broke so many road laws to get to you
Very angry
But very tender with you
Holds you behind him and holds your hand when you grab his
Very carefully drives with you in his car
Movie night after and kisses your head a lot
Bandages up the gash on your forehead
Every time he sees it though he gets angry and holds you tightly
When it scarred he felt guilt for not protecting you better
Still loves you so much though
Rodolfo Parra
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Scarily calm
Stands there while you pack and follows you like a puppy
Notices your limp then kisses your head as he picks you up
"You're safe now, Me encargaré de todo, ¿vale?" (I'll take care of everything, okay?)
Sweetest boyfriend 10/10
Made you coco and kissed your head as he bandaged the splits on your knuckles
Extremely gentle with you and was slightly paranoid he'd hurt you
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Silently angry Russian
A very... terrifying person when angry
Just leaned against the counter as you shuffled your important stuff out of your house
He genuinely was concerned about you, but was extremely mad about you being hurt
"Sweetheart... are you okay..?"
He whispered when the two of you were in his car
"Yeah just a little beat up..."
You whispered back with a giggle on your lips as you held his hand gently
Hs amazed that you were still so... hapy
"Fucking sunshine..."
He grumbled and lovingly pushed you before driving off
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The Southern came out
Made no sense in his bitter, angry, southern words
Pressed you so tightly against his chest you thought you were gonna break
The situation esculated and he had you behind him as more southern threats came from him, some of them made you giggle. Which did calm him down slightly.
The two of you got ice cream after
You ate your ice cream as he bandages the gash on your arm and the burn on your upper arm
He never understood how you could be so... happy when you just went through something so traumatic...
But if you were happy, so was he
Which it was hard not to be when you kept smearing ice cream on his forehead and nose and laughing so hard you'd cry
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Literally ruined their lives, starting when he picked you up
He messed with the front steps when he went into get you, he carried you out and set you in his truck with a gentle kiss on the forehead
"I've got you sweet love, you're safe..."
He promised as he gave you a gentle kiss on the lips before buckling you up and he shut the car door
He held your hand as he drove but kept his jaw clenched so he wouldn't remark about the slap mark on your face
Was very grumpy until you gave him kisses
Which was often because you craved his comfort as much as he craved yours
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Your called ID popped up
He has you saved as some weird shit like "Twinkle Toes" (if you know you know)
He didn't asnwer because he was in a meeting but your voice was so broken in the voice mail it made his heart ache
You were sitting outside when he pulled into your driveway
He noticed the cigarette burns on the back of your hands when he approached and felt his blood boil
He gently bent down and pushed hair from your face, making you lean into his hand
"Hey babydoll... Are you... okay..?"
You gave a little nod and flinched when his hand completely rested against the tender skin on your cheek
"I guess..." you whispered "I hurt everywhere..."
Your voice was so broke and weak it made his stomach sick to know that someone had broken you down this far he barely recognized his stubborn and strong lover who sat in front of him
"Come on baby, let's get you out of here..."
His voice was so gentle and tender you broke down crying against him before leaning against him as he lead you to his truck.
He gently scooped you up and set you in his car with the compression blanket he used for his legs after really rough mission
He was gentle where he laid and pressed a kiss to the crown of his head before hearing the screen door slam shut behind him.
He put his military grade headphones on you and called Sandy (sandman) to talk to you as he shut the door
He made sure the volume was up loud enough you couldn't hear the screaming outside the truck as he stood there listening to it all before reeling back and knocking the mother fucker to the ground
He got back in the truck to see you dozing off, he smiled sweetly and raised your hand gently and pressed a kiss above the burn marks
He drove carefully and made sure to avoid the potholes as he saw them and glanced at you every now and then to make sure you were still sleeping well
He slept in his driveway that night, he didn't want to move you or leave you alone
So he slept out there with you
He took out for breakfast the next day, through the driveway of course
Kate Laswell
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Mmmmnnnnn angry
Just angry
But she was calm as she called the police and drove calmly to meet them
She only lost her shit when she saw your torn clothes and battered up state
Her touch was so gently as she pulled you into her arms and watched as your parents approached you
She felt the slap but didn't make any action towards it, you on the other hand reacted in an aggressive way
She had to lead you out, still very calm, and sit you in her car as you screamed and cried as she held you softly and rubbed your back and soothed you
"You're okay baby, you're safe now, I won't let them hurt you, they'll never hurt you again."
She reassured you as she kissed your head gently and gave you a gentle squeeze, she was so calm it put you to sleep as she waited for the police
She greeted them with you in her arms and her lips pursed
She let them check you over and took you to the hospital and let them take care of you before taking you to her home and laying you in her bed, after putting you in one of her sweatshirts
She stayed up until you woke up the next morning and kissed you softly
The lack of sleep didn't bother her, so she was perfectly fine as she drove around with you and distracted you from the day before
She was definitely the calmest out of everyone-
Phillip Graves
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He's not the government
He's a complete jackass
Made sly comments like:
"So... you wanna die?"
"I can see those burns on their pretty skin, do you want the same?"
You literally had to calm him down so you wouldn't have another fight on your hands
The black eye made him furious and how you limped made him see red
He was so gentle and docile with you as you gently held onto his arm
His hand delicately patted yours but quickly pulled away when you flinched
It wasn't until the late hours of the morning you actually left, you were to busy packing and calming Phillip down in between shuffles of his truck and your room
You fell asleep in his truck but woke up to him gently rolling your sleeves up to put some soothing cream on your arms
"Hey Sweetheart, have a nice nap?"
He asked with a chuckle before pressing a gentle kiss to your arm
You giggled gently and softly played with his hair
"I love you Phillip..."
"I love you too babybell"
Vladimir Makarov
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He's a terrorist
He was a terror (pun intended)
He pulled a gun on your mother and held you close
No fucks given
You had to coax him into putting the gun away
"Mak... put the gun away... please put the gun away sweetheart... I don't want a murder charge..."
He put it away with a scoff when he saw how gentle your eyes were
He didn't understand how you could be so... concerned about the woman that had shoved you down stairs and sprained your wrist, making the skin an alluring purple and blue mix
The woman that left burns on your pretty hands, the woman that wore you down to the point you were almost unrecognizable from then you left to see her a week before
As he stared down at you his gaze softened and he delicately wrapped an arm around you
"Anything for you darling..."
You led him out and sat in the back seat of his car with you
You laid out on his seats with your head in his lap while someone drove, you looked up at him so sweetly as he brushed hair from your face
By the time you arrived at his safe house you weren't really upset anymore
He had amused your silly little thoughts the entire ride and made silly promises that he'd take you anywhere you wished, so when you named Paris he was... hesitant.
He didn't want you in the middle of his war, so he asked about Sweden
Which you agreed
You laughed as you stepped into his safe house and wrapped your arms around one of the thin support beams and swung around it
"We'll lay in the flower fields, if they'll let us, and cloud gaze!"
You yelled as you laughed, pulling a chuckle from him as he wrapped his arms around your waist
"Whatever you want to do, we'll do my love"
He muttered before kissing you gently, he could taste the blood on your lips making him worry that you had a busted lip
So he took your jaw in his hand and squeezed gently, making the bottom part of your face squish up and you look confused at him
"Open your mouth sweetheart, I wanna make sure that nothing inside that pretty, smart, little mouth of yours isn't hurt."
You rolled your eyes but complied, sticking your tongue out slightly for extra measure as you did
Which he quickly found the cause of the metallic taste
You had bitten your lip, really hard in fact, and it made him gently press a kiss to your tongue
You exclaimed and pulled back and laughed as you covered your face
"You're disgusting Mak!"
You yelled with a laugh as he gently grabbed your wrist with his hand and pressed a kiss to the inside of your palm
"Yeah but... you love me Darling"
You couldn't really argue with him so you just shuffled your hand out of the way and kissed him
"Damn right I do Sweetheart"
You eventually got into his bed as you tugged your shirt off and let him take care of your wounds
"How the literal, and I mean this as loving as possible Baby, did you get cut THERE?"
He asked as he moved your bra band up and gently put medical glue on the wound
"uuuhhh I dunno dude, I probably got it when I tumbled down the stairs"
You said with a shrug making him pinch your stomach
"Ow! Asshole that hurt!"
"Well don't move when I'm patching my doll up!"
He shot back, and you wouldn't yelled but you honestly were to flustered to
Your face burned and you scoffed
It took a few hours to actually get in bed
When you were dozing off, you had your head on his chest as he watched some stupid show in Russian
Though he had been nice enough to put on subtitles but you weren't really paying attention as your eyes fluttered shut
His arm was around your waist and delicately tracing shapes into the shirt, which was his, you wore
He pressed a kiss to your head and whispered:
"Sleep Маленькая кукла, you're safe now" (Little Doll)
Kim "Horangi" Hong-jin
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Kinda just lurked behind you like a shadow
Very silent as he helped you pack
It was like two in the morning
He got you out of that house in an hour with all your stuff
He kissed your hand as he drove
He was the sweetest with you and held you while you cried at a pitstop and then drove with you in his lap when you passed out
10/10 boyfriend
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we're all just going to pretend like I didn't forget him-
Definitely just showed up out of the blue and waited for you outside
You ran into his arms and hid your face in his chest
You pressed your face into his chest and gripped his uniform in your hands
He held you so gently and rubbed your back as your parents came out screaming
His eyes narrowed and one of his hands rested on your head and he held you tighter as he took a defensive step back before his arm went around your ass and he delicately picked you up.
"Is there an issue here?"
He asked, his voice so cold and detached as he held you up and laced his fingers with yours, calming you slightly
Your ankle was swollen and he caught a glimpse of a hand print on your upper arm and on your cheek as you shrunk into him and whispered:
"They hurt me..."
His grip became slightly tighter on you and he retreated to his truck, never turning his back
He treated this like a war zone, he pulled his truck door open and set you in as he pressed a kiss to your temple.
"You're okay now baby, you're safe. I promise..."
He whispered as you shrunk into his seat.
"alright... I love you Kees..."
"I love you too, come on, let's get you out of this shit hole..."
He gave you a lopsided smile and kissed you softly before closing his truck door
His scent, which was mostly sand and sweat if you were honest, soothed you
You found on of his hoodies, which he just carelessly threw in the back seat, and slithered into it
You pulled the hood over your head and pulled the string shut, fully engulfing yourself in his smell, which put you to sleep
You were passed out by the time Keegan got back in the truck, he smiled softly and carefully backed out of the driveway and headed towards his home
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apocalypseornaw · 1 year
Wanna be Yours (Pt 1/5)
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Sam Winchester x Reader
After years of hunting with Dean you finally meet his younger brother
@lacilou s genius idea
Every hunter had one thing in common, tragic backstory. The one event that fucked their lives up bad enough that they not only discovered that the things that went bump in the night were very real but they decided to not sit on the sidelines and to actually do something about it.
Your event? You'd gone camping with your family, your parents along with your aunt and uncle and a couple cousins. No one had heard anything about the so called animal attacks neither did anyone know how the hell to defend themselves when the wendigo attacked.
The initial bloodbath had been hell. Your dad and uncle were first gone, going at the beast straight in an attempt to save their families. Next came your mom and aunt, a last ditch effort to distract it while you and your cousins ran. The three of you barely made it half a mile before the beast caught you.
You'd assumed that was it, you'd die just like your family had. The beast had kept the three of you for days in a cavern. You'd seen it kill your older cousin, Derek was fourteen and had fought like hell so you begged it to spare to your younger cousin, Allie his little sister who was only four not knowing if it even understood you.
The begging seemed to lure it to you. It raised its clawed hand and you prepared for a slash that never came. Instead you heard someone yell "KIDS GET DOWN!"
You nodded to Allie and you both tucked down in as small of a ball as possible. The heat that filled the cavern was unbearable mixed with the scent of burning flesh along with the sounds of the creature as it died.
When it was over you untucked and was met with a woman, she was probably around your aunts age. Her brown hair braided back, wearing jeans and a red flannel of all things. A flamethrower was in her hands "You girls ok?" You nodded numbly "Help Allie first"
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That was how you met Hayley Lynols. She was a second generation hunter. When it was discovered you had no legal guardian (Allie had gone to a relative of her dad's) Hayley had stepped in to offer you a place to stay.
She'd given you three options. One was a normal life, one was the life of a hunter and the third option was what she wanted you to take "I'll train you just like my dad trained me but you go to school and get a ged at least. Any kid of mine isn't going to be dumb in any way. If you want to hunt on your own some after you're eighteen that's you but just know I'll always be here to help"
You'd taken the third option. You'd buckled down on school and studied hard. You'd gotten a ged by the time you turned fifteen and started hunting with Hayley.
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That was how you met Dean. You were nineteen, on the very first solo hunt Hayley had allowed you. She deemed it simple enough, a haunting case that seemed like it'd be a simple salt and burn.
She hadn't realized another hunter was already on the case. You stood across from the guy that had to be around your age, both of you carrying a duffle and a shovel.
Neither of you blinked so you decided to go out on a limb "Anthony Rowen?" He sort of laughed "You a hunter?" You nodded then motioned towards the grave that was about three feet from where the two of you stood "I say we work this together and it goes a lot faster" he nodded "I like that idea" then offered his hand "Dean" you shook his hand "Y/N, let's get to it"
Since the two of you weren't old enough for a bar you ended up at a diner, coffee and pie in front of you both as you talked about your lives. He told you about his father and brother and you told him about Hayley. Before you went your separate way you exchanged numbers and swore to keep in touch.
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You'd see Dean off and on but when you were about twenty six he fell off the map for a while until he resurfaced about a year later with a simple phone call of "Y/N, I need some help"
You pulled your challenger to a stop next to Dean's impala and grabbed your phone to check the text as to what room he was in but before you could the door to room one fifteen opened and Dean walked out, shadowed by another guy. He looked a little younger than Dean with hair that borderlined shaggy but it was clear they were related. Could that be Sam?
You climbed out your car with a smile "Winchester!" Dean grinned and met you halfway pulling you into a hug "Y/N! It's good to see you" when the two of you separated he motioned to the other guy "This is my little brother Sam"
You turned your eyes towards Sam with a smile and offered your hand "I've heard about you for years, weird we're just now meeting but good to meet you" he grinned as he shook your hand "Good to meet you too" you had to admit, he was cute. Broad smile and dimples along with green hazel eyes that followed your every movement. You cut your eyes at Dean "Also, little brother? He's taller than you"
Sam laughed at your words, the sound was enough to pull a smile to your face "Oh I like her already" you winked at him "Stick around cutie, I'm a very likeable person" Dean shook his head "Let's get to work"
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After that day you and the Winchesters started keeping in touch every few days. You hadn't known they lost John so you weren't able to be there for them but when you lost Hayley they'd driven straight across two states to get to your side.
You stood between them both, staring at the flames as they engulfed her body. You felt a shiver run through you and weren't sure if it was from the cold night air or losing the only parental figure you had left. "I'll go grab your jacket" Dean offered and headed for your challenger.
You and Sam stood silent for a few moments before he said "When dad died Dean wouldn't talk to anyone, let anyone in until he finally broke one day. Y/N I know we're not as close as you and Dean but you're my friend and if you need anything I'm here" you nodded, eyes never leaving the flames "Thanks Sam"
About that time Dean walked back over with your jacket and draped it over your shoulders "You know Y/N, I was thinking" you cut your eyes at Sam with a weak smile "Should we run?" A small smile slipped onto his face "Let's hear him out then we'll see if we need to"
"Ha ha very funny" Dean replied before continuing "Hayley always said she didn't like you hunting alone, you can always throw your hat in with me and Sam. We don't mind the company" you nodded "Maybe I will" a silence fell back over the three of you as the flames began to burn down to just embers.
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bloatedandalone04 · 1 year
Bury My Love
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➪the one where you and leon go on, what neither of you knew, was your final mission together.
Part 2
Warnings: swearing, angst, more angst, fluff, mentions of injuries, descriptions of injuries, very sorry if some scenes are a bit confusing to read <3
Word Count: 4.6k
Do not repost this anywhere, reblogs are fine <3
It was easy. 
Damn near too easy, and that should’ve been the first red flag. 
The woman you had just saved was breathing heavily next to you, her hands on her knees as she looked around in shock. 
You turn your head to Leon and grin. He smiles back and the two of you embrace in victory as it was another mission completed. Another job well done. 
Or so you thought. 
As you found comfort in your partner’s arms, who had only just recently became your lover after half a decade of working alongside one another, you miss the way the woman, Talia, stood up straight and widened her eyes. “Where’s Matteo?” 
The urgency in her voice had you pulling away to look over at her. Leon kept his hand on the small of your back as he furrowed his brows and asked, “Who?”
Talia looked around her frantically, her chest beginning to rise and fall quicker than before. “Matteo,” she repeated the name, making you and Leon share a confused look. “Where is he?”
You couldn’t recall a single time where that name was mentioned, but chose to believe he existed as Talia began calling out for him when she couldn’t find him. You quickly walk over to her, dropping your hand from where it rested on Leon’s chest, and gripped her shoulders. “Who are you looking for?” You ask and wince at the way she tightly grabbed your arms.
“My son,” she whimpered and you watched as tears gathered in her eyes. “Where is he?!” 
Just as she asked that, the sound of a cry was heard to the right. Your eyes closed in dread when you realised where it was coming from.
Somewhere underneath the rubble was the sound of a child calling for help, and judging by the way Talia began rummaging through the debris, it was definitely her son who was trapped.
When she pulled on a large piece of wood that caused the fallen house to shake more, Leon quickly grabbed her arm and pulled her away from the pile. You crouched down near the rubble and tried your best to look for a safe way to get in, straining your neck when you called out, “Matteo? My name is Y/n,” you tried to sound as trusting as possible as you didn’t want to scare the poor kid. “We’re gonna get you out, okay? All you need to do is keep talking to me, can you do that?”
“I want my mommy,” he called back.
“I know you do, buddy, but-” you were cut off by Talia yelling her son’s name as she tried to free herself from Leon’s grasp.
He only tightened his hold on her and gave you a knowing look. “You have to keep your voice down. There could be others still around,” he told her as you turned back around and began looking for a way in.
His words shut the mother up and allowed you to concentrate on finding a suitable entrance to the broken structure. You did, a few feet away and your eyes lit up when you realised that it would probably lead you right down to the kid. “There’s an opening over here,” you say and Talia bolts free from Leon and stands next to you. “I think I can fit if I lose my belt.”
Just as your hands begin fiddling with the buckle, Leon grabs your wrist, surprising you as you didn’t even see him walk over here. “You can’t go in there,” he says and tugs you away after giving Talia a look of warning, more than likely putting a stop to any thoughts she had about going after her son. You let him pull you a few feet away so he could continue the semi-private conversation. “You’ll kill yourself going in that mess.”
“And if I don’t her kid will die.” you whisper back, not wanting to upset the mother even more. While you look over at the woman, Leon keeps his eyes on you as he silently begs you not to go through with what seemed to be set in your mind. “We can’t just leave him down there.”
“Search and rescue-”
“Won’t be here for hours,” you point out and he knew you were right but he would never admit it. 
Leon locked his jaw. “It’s too dangerous,” his grip on your hands tightened when you rolled your eyes and tried to go back to the rubble. “You’ll get yourself killed, Y/n, don’t you get that?”
You sigh and lace your fingers with his properly. “I could get killed on any mission, Leon, and so could you. It’s just part of the job,” you try to tell him but he just shook his head, glancing at the weeping woman before his eyes met yours again. “Look, the more time we waste, the longer that kid breathes that stuff in. We have to do something.”
“Fine,” he says and releases his hold on you. “I’ll go get him.”
You give him a tight smile, poking his bicep that was nearly the size of your head. “Leon,” the way you say his name tells him all he needed to know. You weren’t letting this one go, no matter how many excuses he gave you. “You and I both know you’re not small enough to get in without causing more damage.”
His hands were back to holding yours when his plan of taking your place fell through. “But-”
You just shake your head and wrap your arms around his shoulders, pulling his body close to yours. Leon tugged you closer, one of his hands coming up to caress the back of your head. “It’s going to be fine,” you murmur in his ear, your fingers gently running through the blond strands of his hair. “I promise.” 
When you pull away, Leon’s lips were on yours in a chaste kiss that easily took your breath away. You melted against him, your hands gripping his shoulders while his held either side of your face. His forehead pressed against yours when he pulled away and his blue eyes stared into yours. “The second something happens, I want you to retreat back the way you came, okay?” 
You nod at him, your hands sliding down to grab hold of his forearms as his hands caressed your face. “I promise,” you say again, brushing your nose against his before pulling away completely and making your way back to Talia. “How is he doing?” You ask, ignoring the way Leon’s eyes burned a hole in the back of your head, still against the plan of sending you into a collapsed house. 
“Oh, I don’t know,” she said, looking at you with desperation in her eyes. “Please, help him.”
Placing a comforting hand on her arm, you offer her a small smile. “I’ll get him out,” you say and unclip your belt from around your waist and hand it to your partner. Leon watches with worried eyes as you carefully slip your body in between two large piles of wood and stone. He grabs your walkie from off your belt and holds it out to you, silently pleading with you to just take it without an argument. 
Knowing how stressed out he was, you grab it from him without saying anything. Your fingers brush against his as you did so and you tried to ignore how tense his touch was. “Be careful, please,” he whispered the last word and you only nodded before turning your back to him and grabbing the flashlight that was attached to the belt loop of your jeans.
You were starting to regret volunteering to go get Matteo as the house was demolished at this point and any wrong move could send you straight to your death. You tried to ignore the uneven beats of your heart as you looked for a way to reach the kid. “Okay, buddy,” you say and shine the line in every direction. “Call out to me and I’ll come find you.”
“I’m down here,” he calls out and you turn to your right, narrowing your eyes at a small gap between the debris. 
“Did you find him?” You hear Leon call from the surface. His voice was quiet as you had already ventured pretty far into the rubble, but you could still hear the waver in his tone. 
You don’t answer right away, unknowingly making Leon’s heart drop, as you lean over and peer into the gap. You let out a sigh of relief at the sight of the kid that was cowering in a small opening. “Yeah, I got him,” you call back as best as you could. 
Up on the surface, Talia let out a cry and moved to rest her hand on Leon’s shoulder. To anyone who didn’t know the man, the expression he wore looked cold and angry, but the relief he felt when he heard you call back to him had his eyes closing and his shoulders dropping in relief.
Maybe the stress that was currently eating away at him was for nothing after all. 
“Okay, buddy,” you say in a kind tone, offering the child a smile as you look around the opening. “I’m gonna come to you, alright? Just stay there.”
Matteo just nodded, holding his arm in his hand with a pained expression on his face. It was clear that he injured it during the collapse, and you knew you had to get him out quickly in case the bone was broken.
You quickly swung your leg over and avoided touching any of the rock and wood that surrounded you as you entered the opening. Holding your arms out to him, you felt your heart sink as you heard the crash of stone falling. A stream of dust and dirt fell into the opening and you curse as you grab the kid and duck for the nearest gap. 
You fall a few more feet down, the hold you had on Matteo making you take the brunt of the fall. You land with a thud, refraining from crying out when your ankle twisted at the abrupt stop. 
Matteo began crying when you both looked up to see rocks, stone and wood fill in the gap you were just in. Cursing under your breath, you begin looking for another way out when the sound of your walkie going off disturbed the eerie silence. 
Back up on the surface, Leon watched in horror as the rubble sank and closed off the entrance you took. He called out for you while holding Talia back, his eyes widening when you didn’t answer. 
He sat the crying mother down a couple of feet away from the debris before grabbing his walkie and looking for you amidst the cloud of dust that had yet to settle. “Y/n, answer me,” he spoke into the device 
Leon felt as if his chest was caving in on itself when he was met with silence and he had to stop himself from going in there after you - if he could even find a way in, that is. 
Before he could even begin to look, the device in his hand let out a muffled sound before your voice filled his ears. “We’re okay, we’re good,” the relieved sigh Leon let out when he heard you was one that was shaky and uneven. “We just need to find another way out. The path back up is blocked.”
Your voice came out broken and he could barely understand you, but the important thing was that he could hear you, meaning you were okay….just quite far down.  
Leon shook his head before bringing the walkie to his mouth. “I told you this was a bad idea,”
“Yeah, yeah,” you mutter. “See if you can look around and find another way out. We’re in some sort of tunnel system. Looks like it runs under all the houses.”
“Or what’s left of them,” Leon mumbled to himself before answering you. “Yeah, okay.”
“Let me know if you find anything,” you say before pocketing the device and turning to the kid. “Okay, buddy. It may take longer than I expected, but you will see your mom again, I promise.” 
Matteo just nodded and you could tell he was trying to hold back his whines of pain and look strong, something that made you smile as you reached over to wipe away some of the dirt that covered his face. “Okay,” was all he said and began slowly walking down the pathway, still cradling his arm. 
You watched him, a nervous glint in your eyes when you realised that the state of these tunnels were almost as bad as the collapsed houses on the surface. The walls were cracked, bits of rock falling with every step you took. You knew that the tunnel system would soon be buried because of the weight above. These were carved many years ago, back when they didn’t have steel or the tools to prevent the ceiling from caving in, and the thought had you scared beyond belief.
Attempting to distract yourself from the situation, your mind goes to the only person who could ever give you any true comfort. Leon was probably keeping his cool up there, but you knew he was secretly refraining from pulling his hair out. He always worried about you, even on the simplest of missions. Not only as your partner, but as your boyfriend, now, as well. 
Though that title was still relatively new, you two had been side by side for five years now and knew each other better than either of you probably realised. It was easier to pick up on someone else’s nervous habits or signs of worry rather than your own, and Leon was a hard guy to read to those who didn’t know him. 
He threw himself into his job, stayed focused (for the most part) the entire time, then went home to deal with the trauma and guilt that came with what he did. Lately, though, he had been going to you after a mission so the two of you could deal together. It was easier that way. He had kept it to himself for years and only now decided to let you in completely, and that was something you held close to your heart. 
Your relationship was moving fast. Really, you had been dating for a while. The two of you would constantly flirt back and forth, he had your back and you had his, you’d go over to his place and make food for him (usually without him even asking you), and he’d come over to yours for a night of drinking. Those nights always ended up with him falling asleep on the couch and you falling asleep on him, which was always a bit weird to wake up to, but neither of you would admit that you liked waking up to each other. 
That seemed so far away now, seeing as you had woken up to him in his bed only a few days ago, before you were informed of a new mission - the one you were currently still working on, now. 
You were sure that in a few more weeks you’d be living together. It may seem too soon to those who were outsiders, but you’ve known him for years. You trusted each other, you had been together, even if neither of you even realised it. 
His relieved eyes and annoyed expression at your persistence you’d be met with after you resurfaced was what kept you going as you made your way through the tunnels. It was more of a maze, really, with some pathways being blocked completely by rubble. 
It was getting harder to breathe, but you pushed forward as best as you could. There was a six year old who was relying on you, and you weren’t going to let him down. 
As you continued to look for a way to reach the surface, your walkie pierced the silence and you quickly grabbed it, your hand slipping from Matteo’s in the process. “Any luck finding a way out?” Leon asked and you felt your racing heart slow at the sound of his voice. 
“No,” you answer, giving Matteo a smile in an attempt to reassure him. “But I think we’re close. These tunnels have to end somewhere.”
“Look around for anything that can indicate where you are,” 
You shine your light around the area, avoiding shining it to where the walls were beginning to cave in, and squinted at something that reflected off in the distance. You nod at Matteo to follow you and head off in the direction.
Your eyes widened when you realised what it was. “Hey, I think I found something,” you say into the device, bending down to pick up the object. 
“What is it?” You could hear the agitation in his voice and all you wanted to do was get back to him and leave this behind you. 
Your mind went back to earlier in the day, when you and Leon ventured into the town’s church in hopes to find something that would lead you in the right direction. Leon had accidentally knocked over a gold figurine that was carelessly placed at the entrance. It seemed as though it was just waiting for someone to trip over it and that unlucky soul was none other than Leon Kennedy. 
“You remember that thing you fell over when we were in the church earlier?” You ask as you look at the figurine. 
“Yes,” came his reply. “I didn’t fall over it, though, I just knocked it over.”
You shook your head and looked up. “I think we’re under the church,” you say. “Do you remember where it was?”
“Yes, we’re not too far from where it was, just hang on,” 
You knew it might take him a while to locate it as every structure in the village had collapsed. He would have to rely on his memory of the area around the church to be able to find what was left of it, and you knew he would stumble across it eventually.  
You let out a quiet sigh as you look down at the kid. His fingers were gripping the sleeve of your shirt as he gazed up at you. The amount of trauma this poor child would have growing up made your heart ache for him, but you just gave him a kind smile. “We’re gonna get out of here, soon,” you tell him, your knuckles softly brushing against his cheek. “You get to see your mom, soon.”
Matteo nodded and took the figurine from you as you  moved further into the rubble. Looking up, your eyes widened when you saw the thin beam of sunlight that shone down. You carefully moved aside a few pieces of debris and nearly cried when you saw a clear path that led all the way back up. 
Just as you turned back around to get Matteo, you could hear Leon’s muffled voice. It didn’t come from the walkie, but from above you. “Leon!” You call out, hearing him shout your name back down to you. “There’s a way up!”
You gestured for Matteo to come over to you and when he did, you lifted him up and pointed upwards. 
“Go on,” you tell him, ignoring the creaking sound that was coming from behind you. The space was small and you would have to wait until Matteo was all the way up before you could go after him. It was good and bad, good; because it was your way out, and bad; because Matteo was slow as he had a probable broken arm he couldn’t use to help him climb out. “He’s on his way up. Be ready to help him when you see him, his arm isn’t doing too well.” 
Leon shouts down an, “Okay,” before a loud bang from behind you makes you jump. Shining the light down the dark tunnel, you felt your chest tighten when you saw the cloud of dust that formed. The walls were caving in, and soon there would be no more room to do anything. “Okay, Y/n, you’re next.” Leon called down and you quickly grabbed onto a piece of wood and lifted yourself up. 
You climbed as quickly and carefully as you could and felt your heart jump when Leon’s figure came into view. You shared a nervous look when the sound of stones crashing was heard below you, both of you knowing that you had to be quicker. 
When you were a mere few metres away from him, your eyes caught a glimpse of a folder that was half buried under dirt and rocks. You squinted and were able to read the letters ‘ENTIAL’. Confidential. 
You glanced back up at Leon, who gave you a confused look as he stretched his arm out to you, ready to pull you up as soon as you were in reach. “Come on, you’re almost there,” he said and you give him a conflicted look before turning to the side and reaching out for the folder. “What are you doing?” He called out, leaning further down in hopes he’d be able to grab onto you. 
The pathway up was beginning to shake and you grab onto a metal wire for stability as you stretch your arm out further, your fingertips brushing against the folder. This is what you had been looking for. This is the evidence. The platform you were crouching on shifted and dropped a few inches, making the flashlight fall from your hand. You watch as it fell into the dust below before returning your gaze to the files. 
“Y/n, come on,” Leon said louder, his heart beating loudly in his ears. “Whatever that is, forget about it. You need to move, now.”
“It’s what we’ve been searching for all week, Leon,” you say back, biting down on your lip as you feel your arm beginning to ache at how stretched it was. “This could be what they need to shut this place down once and for all.”
Leon shook his head and he felt his heart stop when he saw the cloud of dust rise as the pathway began to collapse. “Y/n, move, now!” 
You finally grabbed the file and turned back to climb the last few metres. That was when the platform gave out completely and you were left to grab onto the wire again. “Shit,” you muttered and watched as the place you were previously standing fell and was consumed by dust. 
You heard Leon curse as he moved further downwards. “Y/n,” he said, making you look up. Your hand was beginning to slip as you didn’t get the chance to properly grab onto the wire, your other gripping the folder tightly. “Let go of the files and take my hand.” Leon ordered.
“I can’t,” it would’ve been for nothing. 
“Damn it, Y/n, take my hand,” Leon shouted as he watched the ground cave in around you. 
You blinked away the dirt that fell into your eyes before reluctantly dropping the folder. It fell down and became lost in the dust and debris, the only evidence you had been able to gather being whisked away right in front of you. 
“Here,” Leon said, reaching out to you. Now that you had a free hand, you pulled yourself up and reached out. Your fingers grazed his before the wire gave away and you nearly fell. 
“Oh, God,” you cry out as Leon ducked down and wrapped his hand around your wrist. “Oh, my God.” Your body swung uncontrollably as the surface collapsed, rocks and dirt falling into your vision as you tried to blink it away. 
Leon’s grip tightened, his fingers bunching up your sleeve. “It’s okay,” he tried calming you down as you hung above what looked like a never ending drop. “Y/n, baby, look at me.”
Taking your eyes away from the darkness below you and looking up at the man you loved, you felt your heart skip a beat. You grabbed onto the edge he was crouched on as he began pulling you up, your legs lifting to reach the surface. 
What neither of you saw, though, was the hole in your sleeve that had formed just seconds earlier, when you were forced to grab onto the wire. It cut your shirt up and made the fabric useless as it tore the second Leon tugged on it. You weren’t expecting his grip on you to release so soon, so you weren’t prepared to grab onto anything when you felt his hand leave your arm. 
Leon fell back as your sleeve tore off and your body was pulled back. He recovered quickly, but not quick enough. He watched in horror as you fell, your arms stretched outwards as you tried to grab onto something, anything, on the way down. “Y/n!” He yelled and felt his entire body ache as he watched your body get consumed by the dust until he could no longer see you. “No! No, no, Y/n!”
The rest of the broken structure began crumbling around him, but Leon couldn’t bring himself to move. He ducked down even further, his hand holding onto a beam tightly as he desperately searched for you amidst the debris. 
“Y/n!” He yelled again and felt hands begin to tug on his arms. “No, Y/n, please.” All strength left his body as Talia pulled him back and away from the collapsing church. The same church that Leon stood in with you a mere four hours ago. 
He fell back onto the dirt of the pathway, his eyes never leaving the sight of the crumbling structure. 
His heart couldn’t take this as it began beating quicker than it ever had. You were so close. 
Even as the dust settled and the church was laid to rest in a large pile, he couldn’t tear his eyes away. He was praying to whoever might have been listening that you would emerge from the wreck and be in his arms once again. 
The seconds turned into minutes and the quietness haunted him. You were gone, just like that.
He told you not to go after the kid, but you did anyway and now you were gone. 
He should’ve gone after you, fuck, why didn’t he? Setting aside the fact that he was a lot bigger than you and likely would’ve caused more damage if he did go after you, he still felt like he was to blame. 
Knowing you like the back of his hand, if you were up here with him and witnessed the rest of the village collapsing, ensuring the young boy’s fate, you would’ve felt awful. You would’ve blamed yourself, like Leon blamed himself, and it would’ve taken years for you to move past it, if you even could. 
Leon was in shock, that much was clear when Talia reached her hand out and comfortingly grasped his shoulder. He didn’t pull away in anger or lean into it gratefully, he just sat still. After everything he’s seen, everything he’s been through, nothing would have ever prepared him for the day he had to watch you die. He watched you slip away when he was an arm’s length away from you. 
He took his eyes off the demolished building and looked at Matteo, the boy who you had saved at the cost of your own life. He couldn’t bring himself to feel mad or envious of the boy, as he knew the sacrifice that allowed him to still be here would be enough to haunt him for the rest of his life.
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spinnysocks · 7 months
TLG Outlanders Jumanji AU that i have suddenly become obsessed with :) buckle up
i'm mainly basing this off of the 2017 movie, with elements of the 2019 one too
wema, tunu, dogo and kijana are playing when they find a hidden cave, they go in and they find lots of weird paintings on the wall and the floor. ever the inquisitive one, dogo steps into a circle in the middle and they all get sucked into... Jumanji?? or maybe in the TLG universe it's called Mchezo
the adults look for them. the leaders (plus kenge and sumu) and the idiots (plus mwoga, nne, tano and neema) go in two groups to search since the kids were missing for a while. the leaders find the hidden cave first as sumu noticed it in his small size. they get sucked in, and eventually the idiots find it after them
they turn into human versions upon entering the world. yeah they're pretty freaked out lmao
the premise is that they go through trials to "prove" themselves, at the risk of their 3 lives, to get to the final task of saving the kiddos. i'm thinking each of them get a task focused on their skills but all of them are at the will of it, aka any of them could lose a life in any trial
i think the Strengths & Weaknesses bit would be funny. kiburi has no weaknesses, he says smth like "I'm too good to be weak 😏" and then 'Pride' pops up hfgdhdh. tamka's weakness would be cake because i think it'd be funny. nduli's is picking up cool rocks. i would say goigoi's would be sleeping but he'd lose all 3 in an instant. the list goes on
reirei is mad because she gets the boring map-reader job lol, despite that she saves everyone's asses so
i imagine sumu is like Milo, he gives them the information in a really deadpan tone lmao. it's like "... Oh no..." "Spit it out, will you?!" "... Mandrills. We should go" and he just continues spilling knowledge while they're running for their lives lmao
you know how in the second movie Bethany/Milo is a horse? yeah nne and tano are straight up just themselves- they're hyenas but realistic, like they didn't change 💀 they're just there doing hyena laughs and absolutely savaging people in the fights
the ostrich scene from the second movie would be funny. maybe the hyenas are the drivers 👀 NONE of them trust their lives with janja, chungu or cheezi but somefuckinghow.. they don't die
in a trial where the leaders are really trapped, guess who sneaks in and saves them? Ushari!!! that was actually all of their reactions as soon as he spoke and they knew it was him. shupavu hugs him on impulse and then gets awkward about it lol, they're happy to see him
ushari explains how he didn't actually die when scar was destroyed but he escaped the volcano and happened across the hidden cave. he's been trapped ever since and obviously presumed dead. he's been stuck with 1 life because he needed the others to complete the rest of the trials :(
there's a dance fight where kiburi has to defeat the guards without being all guns blazing about it. literally the same as the scene with Martha. it's so funny at first bc he doesn't know what the fuck to do - i hc him as demi, he can't flirt with someone he doesn't know😭 - but when a song (prolly rap?) starts playing he beats their asses easy
little did they know the exact same thing was happening on the opposite side of the building, just with the idiots. tamka, nduli and neema also get their cool moment of beating people up, dance fight style! it's mainly tamka because he actually DOES have a strength in acting :)
the leaders and the idiots enter the building at the same time and it's an "Oh Shit!" spiderman pointing meme moment lmao. from this point on they do the trials together
the vultures fly the helicopters. you can imagine how well that goes. it's just like in the movie where something immediately breaks 😭 i think it'd be cool if kenge was the one to fix the helicopter, giving him a hero moment! imagine it
"Kenge, you did it! :D"
"Guess I did"
"Um... Oops"
"What Janja?"
"I dropped the jewel 😶"
"YOU WHAT?!?!"
janja loses a life in that scene from the rhinos 😭 do i wanna traumatise mzingo that much? idk. i just feel like that is such a janja thing to happen. fridge's character is janja-coded lmfao
that scene where fridge pushes spencer off a cliff? yeah that obviously happens. i'm thinking reirei and janja squabbling. would be funny if janja pushes reirei off impulsively and he just stands there, in shock, waiting to get yelled at when she respawns 😭
there's one of those Step On The Right Pieces trials. kiburi is being all cocky, steps on the wrong one and loses a life- bro gets absolutely humbled lmao. i think the skinks would be good at that trial for some reason
some random trial ideas: a "sleeping lions" type trial for goigoi. a "follow (copy) the leader" trial for mzingo. a food temptation one for the idiots??
jasiri definitely has a trial where she helps someone or shows that the "bad guy" NPCs can be good or somethin. that's probably the last trial before the finale
at the last trial they all work together to save the kiddos! it's really wholesome at the end because they saved the kids, they actually achieved something, they worked together, AND they got ushari back! :)
based on the second movie, i was considering a different version of this au where janja purposefully enters the game to prove himself and it's more of a lesson of how it's not just about his strength, but the strength of all of them
janja just thinks he ain't good enough, especially not being leader of his clan anymore, but it's through working together when the others come after him that he realises that ain't true. just an extra thought i had :)
might make a follow up post because i came up with this in an afternoon just for fun 😭
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pearlsinmyhair · 1 year
₊ ⊹ the price of the name.
synopsis: reader has had a hard life, and now she’s an orphan. but someone just as lonely comes into her life to take her under his wing.
warnings: death. suicidal thoughts. grief. angst. miguel being a hardass. cursing/adult language.
notes: ok, here we go. the last part. star girl kisses hobie on the cheek, and they have some romantic implications. HOWEVER. i did not write them to be romantic. i just see hobie as a very physically affectionate person (especially since i’m this way.)
part i | part ii | part iii | part iv
word count: 2.6k
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part v : void
   .     ˚     *     ✦   .  .   ✦ ˚
cursed daughter,
uttering insanities no one believes,
do you regret taking the vow?
“you die.”
it felt like the ground was dropping out from under you, like the void had somehow traveled from your dead universe to this one to drag you down where you belonged.
in the grave. in the ground. gone.
you were staring at lyla. or maybe you weren’t. her orange form blended and swirled as tears overflowed your eyes and dripped down your cheeks. all the fight, the rage, the energy, was gone. snuffed like a candle flame.
just like you should be right now.
“i was supposed to die.” you whispered, more to yourself than miguel or lyla. “but i was somewhere else.”
anger lit in your chest fast, ignited by the frustration that had grown for months in your mind, words yelled at mirrors and whispered to the ceiling.
you turned to miguel, still on the ground as you raised your voice.
“i was somewhere else because of your sorry ass beating a mother fucking teenager to death! because i had to protect a child! from you!” you stepped up, rising slowly even as your knees shook. “if i hadn’t been worried about miles or you or your determination to keep the canon intact, then it would have been fine! i would have died, and everyone in my universe would have been okay!”
deflect, ignore the problem, fight, rage, scream.
you hated how similar you were to miguel.
you hated him.
he stood still as a statue, watching you with a defeated expression as you self destructed.
“y/n…” he tried, voice the softest you had ever heard it.
and you broke.
your knees buckled, but he was there in an instant, hands looping under your arms so that you didn’t fall. he pulled you into him, even as your fists beat against his chest.
“i hate you so fucking much. i hate how you make me feel and i hate what you did and i hate you-“ you sobbed, trying and failing to grapple with the weight of what had happened.
and through it all he just held you, tucking your head under his chin.
“i know, mija.” he whispered, his hand resting against the back of your neck to pull you against him.
“if you hadn’t been an asshole and chased a kid then it would have been alright. all those people would be alive and-“
“and you’d be dead.” he finished, his arm around you tightening slightly. “and i think we both know i wouldn’t let that happen.”
you felt repulsed, like his hands were burning, a betrayal to a boy beaten by the same palms. but you were also desperate, clinging to a life you lived for nine months only to be stripped from it completely. you wanted this contact, craved this hug.
your mind cried TRAITOR and your heart cried HOME. it was a contradiction that made you ache, a reminder of what was gone and would never return.
your hands clenched the material of miguel’s suit tight, bunching it as you wheezed. you felt so small, and yet so large. grief scratched at you with newly sharper claws, and guilt followed at its heels.
miguel’s hold tightened.
your mind switched to analytical thinking, trying to procure a solution, to fix what you had broken.
the answer came clearly, emerging from the darkest spot of your mind like a banished creature.
“you need to kill me.”
miguel pulled back just enough to look down at you, his hands moving to your upper arms to grip you in an unyielding hold. his eyes filled with a solemn determination that made you want to sob, made you want to scream.
“it won’t bring them back.” he whispered, resting his forehead against yours. “nothing you or i or lyla or anyone does will bring them back.”
the void at your toes, ready to swarm. an ocean of black silence, waiting to drown you.
“there has to be a way, miguel. please. if my universe collapsed because i didn’t die, then maybe if i died it would come ba-“
“do you think i didn’t try that when gabriella’s universe disappeared?” he asked, voice firm but expression soft. “i tried for weeks, never truly sleeping. i went through data and experimentation just for a chance to reassemble a universe. it doesn’t matter.”
your chest tightened, your breath limited as you tried to force a rhythm.
in, hold, out.
all those children.
in, hold, out.
mothers and fathers.
in, hold, out.
miguel pulled you into him, wrapping his arms around you.
the thoughts muted, the world dark and warm as you pressed your face to his chest. his arms, keeping you safe from the outside.
the tears didn’t stop for a long time, and neither did your choked cries. but it didn’t matter to him. it didn’t matter that there was a wet patch in his suit that most definitely included snot as well as tears.
he guided you through breathing, moving his hand in rhythmic circles on the upper plane of your back as he whispered “in, and out” over and over until your heartbeat calmed.
miguel knew that this was just the beginning. there would be late nights and frustrated yelling and breakdowns for a long time. it would take months to heal, months to work this guilt out of you.
but he’d be there every step of the way.
he refused to leave you again.
“you’re a hypocrite.” you whispered, and again he pulled back to look at you.
your eyes were set in firm decisiveness, as though you’d been thinking about this for some time. his gut twisted and his frustration flared slightly, but his inclined his head to let your speak.
you took a breath. “you’d save me for the sake of your own benefit. you care for me- i make you less lonely.” she held up her hand when his mouth opened, and his words died on his tongue. “you’d let my entire universe die just to have me.”
your voice faltered as tears balled in your throat, but you swallowed and carried on. miguel needed to hear this, and you were pretty sure you were the only person he’d hear it from.
“that’s selfish. incredibly so. but.” she trailed off, piecing the words together and preparing for his rebuttal. “when miles wants to save his father, it’s a cardinal sin.”
“y/n, it’s diff-“
“no, it’s not.” you cut him off, and again his mouth shut. he had forgotten just how quick your words were, no doubt sharpened by your temporary grounding.
“you’re sympathetic to me, but you slam a boy, a boy, miguel, into a train because he wants to save his father. meanwhile, you’d save your daughter without so much as a second thought? that’s hypocrisy.”
his eyes widened slightly, but he didn’t interrupt.
“all i ask is that you give him the same grace. can’t you understand why he refuses to follow your orders?
miguel sighed, keeping his eyes on you.
“miles is an anomaly, he’s was never meant to be spider-man-“
“enough of that. that has nothing to with the canon event. the universe didn’t collapse when he was bitten. it’s not his fault.”
“he is the beginning of this, the reason why there even is a spider society.”
your eyes narrowed, anger rising as you remembered the broken boy with bandages on his chest. “so you’re going to traumatize him? as punishment? he doesn’t deserve this blame, and you should never have reinforced it into his head. he’s fifteen, miguel. fifteen and scared. and now his head is full of your rhetoric, full of this hate that he doesn’t deserve. it’s not fair.”
you paused, and miguel worked his jaw, speechless.
“there must be another way. the canon has been flexible before. we can’t bring my universe back, but maybe we can save his. without making him watch his father die.” a tear slipped from your eye as you shoved down your sadness, forcing yourself to move on in order to help miles.
miguel’s thumb caught the tear before it fell, and you leaned into his palm.
“i think you need to sit this one out.” he whispered, eyes full of concern as your own blinked open. “i made the mistake of training you too early after your mother died, i won’t make the same mistake by allowing you to rush into this while you’re falling apart.”
you watched him, processing his words.
he was right, of course. it wasn’t healthy to push grief aside for later, especially this kind. the kind that poked at your throat and dug into your stomach. but the clock was ticking. a little less than two days.
you wanted nothing more than to curl up into a bed and cry. but you didn’t have time.
“i need to do this. and i need you to be there with me when i do, at my side. not against me. and after we figure this out, i’ll go to therapy and we can eat ice cream or whatever shit people normally do when they’re sad. ok?” you said.
this was the price of the name. sacrifice. pain. suffering. all for the greater good of the people.
miguel’s thumb stroked across your cheekbone as his jaw feathered.
“please. let me finish this.” you whispered.
miguel’s decision appeared in his eyes before it came out of his mouth.
“is this our tradition now?” he asked, and your face broke into a watery smile.
“fucking shit up despite our metal health? i guess so.” you laughed as you rubbed the heel of your hand against your eye, rubbing tears from your face.
“lyla?” you called, and she appeared at your shoulder. “can you help me reach hobie?”
lyla nodded, but miguel’s eyes hardened. “what do we need him for?” he asked, already sounding exasperated.
you smiled. “if you want to really fuck the system, you call the anarchist.” you said as you tapped at your watch.
i need some help defying the canon. you in?
it only took a few seconds for a reply.
let’s raise hell. meet you at my place in an hour.
i have miguel. but he’s leashed.
miguel looked over your shoulder, scoffing at the message.
“leashed?” he asked, and you smiled wickedly.
“you will be if you don’t listen. i’m not above webbing you to a wall and taking Rapture away from you.” you patted his shoulder. “just behave.”
you opened a portal when a thought rose suddenly.
“do you have any causal clothes?” you asked over your shoulder, and miguel raised a brow at you.
“for what?”
you grinned. “hard to be incognito in a spider suit. we need to blend in where we’re going.”
he smirked. “and what about you? think no one’s gonna stare at that suit just as much as mine?”
your teeth flashed as your grin widened. “i have clothes at hobie’s place.”
miguel’s amused expression dropped, and the glint in his eye told you that you may have to stand in front of hobie when he came back.
when he returned with clothes, grumpy as ever, you turned to the portal and jumped in, miguel at your heels.
₊ ⊹
“i cant fold it right, mine keeps bursting open.” you sighed, showing miguel the embarrassment of an empanada in your hands.
he shook his head at you, having already made a pile of at least ten. “it’s too much filling. you’re smart: use deductive reasoning.”
you elbowed him in the side, and he pretended to be wounded, letting out a fake gasp of pain.
you had both gone to the grocery store as soon as you entered earth-138, grabbing the necessary ingredients for a meal for the kids.
you had resolved that, if miguel couldn’t fully verbally apologize yet, then he could at least make them dinner.
and miguel had dragged his feet, refusing to give his input as you walked the aisles of produce and food. but when you fixed him with a glare and a sharp word, he had straightened up, explaining what exactly you needed.
and that brought you here, assembling empanadas with salsa verde and mexican rice on the counter of hobie’s house boat.
the group was late, though hobie had messaged you telling you that it was because they were talking miles into actually going in. the boy was terrified, but hobie and gwen were assuring him that everything was fine.
miguel placed the empanadas in the oven as the door to the boat clicked open and the spider band stepped though.
thank god it was spacious, you thought as the filed in.
you stepped forward to hobie, who embraced you with an arm around your waist and his mouth to your ear.
“one word and he’s a dead man.” he murmured to you as his eyes stayed fixed on miguel over your shoulder.
you garnered that miguel was staring back based on the tingling feeling of your skin.
“i got it. but noted.” you replied, pressing a kiss to his cheek as you pulled back.
his hands found your shoulders, leaning down to level a look at you. “you good?” he asked earnestly, his eyes concerned.
your smile was small, but it was a start.
“i’m good. better now.” you whispered, and he squeezed your shoulders.
he moved to the side, and your eyes caught miles’s, who stood with his arms limply at his side in a corner of the room.
you walked over to him, and his jaw clenched.
“i’m so sorry.” he whispered, and your heart ached.
“its not your fault. fate is a bitch sometimes.” you said as you slung an arm around his shoulders and pulled him close. his arms wrapped around your back gratefully.
you reached a hand to gwen and pavitr, and they joined the hug.
“my baby spiders.” you cooed. “i missed you.”
you pulled away to look around at the others, nodding to noir and peter b and fist bumping peni.
you met miguel’s eyes, and he nodded.
deep breath. it’s not like this is the end of the word or anything.
“we have less than two days to find a solution to save miles dad. the cannon is temperamental, but it is flexible. there must be a way other than jefferson’s death that can prevent earth-1610 from collapsing. any ideas?”
you gazed around the room to blank stares and thoughtful expressions. silence pressed against your ears as no one replied.
“my dad stepped down.” came a hesitant voice.
you turned to find gwen staring at you with a hopeful expression.
“he stepped down from being captain.” she said again. she looked to the side at miles. “after he found out my identity.”
something like hope grew in your chest as you glanced again at miguel. he looked back with a soft expression, tilting his head at you.
“he’ll never step down.” miles sighed, his fingers finding his temple.
“but it shows that there’s wiggle room.” you said, and miles’s eyes peeked at you.
“nothing is black and white. it’s not simple, but it’s a start.” you said as you walked over to the oven, getting out the empanadas.
“brain food?” asked peter b, and you smiled.
miguel stood beside you, preparing plates.
“not bad, y/n.” he said, and you leaned your side against his for a moment.
“where there’s a will, there’s a way.” you said, passing out plates before taking a seat next to hobie on the floor.
you looked around at the group, a smile rising on your face.
“spot’s on the move in 1610.” announced lyla, and hobie turned to you.
“okay, star girl. what’s the plan?”
   .     ˚     * fin ✦   .  .   ✦ ˚
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taglist: aka my little stars
@brittany69 @ladyfairenvale @teamwolverine @kinkybandages @lunamhm565i @dhadiirah @pearlssdiary @zeyzeys-stuff @alexisabirdie @ifuckyourmom @hagdgishr @migueloharaslxt @ladynecromancer @leviathxn @khaylin27 @dulceteris @mouthfulofpearls @alecmores @kissitoffme @mvlanchqly
oh my goodness. thank you all so much for your love and kind words. this is my first finished series, and it’s crazy to think that it all started with a thought of
“what if miguel had a daughter who’s universe collapsed?”
and it’s become a series with followers and people who love it. i’m so incredibly thankful for both your love and your patience- i went through a very hard friendship breakup that kind of ruined my spirit for a while. hence why this took so long.
i know there will be some of you who are not satisfied with this ending. i myself am never truly honestly satisfied with what i write. but i wanted to get this out into the world. BUT. my asks are always open for questions, requests, and headcanons for this story. it’s very dear to my heart, and i’m just so amazed at you all.
my little stars, i hope you enjoyed ‘the price of the name’.
all my love,
pearl ♡
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clownery-and-fuckery · 7 months
Alright buckle up here's my actual genuine reaction....
First episode:
First of all, I regret asking for more Hemlock, this was fantastically awful, I will not be recovering.
Second of all, that shaved clone has done things to me. Horrible, horrid things that made me actually pause it and look away. It made me physically ill, it was the worst. Great, but the worst.
The passage of time really did fucking get to me BUT HER LITTLE PONYTAIL UGH
crosshair..... I need a moment
I literally don't care that she was allowed to keep the doll, btw. I dont give a shit. I hope Emerie dies in a fire.
nala se.... ew............
I think the whole episode was just pure horror, it was so fucking disgusting to watch, idk about you guys but watching the clone who had probably faced the true horror of SCI-FI warfare crying alone in his cell genuinely had me pausing the episode. Really great work there, Jennifer, I will be billing you for my therapy
Crosshair and Omega bonding !!! The little "What's your mission objective" was definitely a tactic he used on his brothers to have them pay attention, I refuse to acknowledge that he's the youngest, he just isn't. That's big brother keeping his little brother(s) on task behaviour.
Everything about Hemlock gave me chills. I love him. I hate him. I hope his guts cover the screen. I am fascinated by him.
I had a sneaking suspicion Emerie was taken under Hemlock's wing, and her undoing will be her endless loyalty to him... they did not have to say it as obviously as that, though. Glad they did.
Crosshair is sick. There is no way you show us all these sick, dying clones then Crosshair and expect us not to figure that out. He's going to die. His shaking is just the first symptom. I am not ready.
I definitely have more smaller notes I will make once I am not sobbing hysterically about it !!!!
Episode two!!:
This is the one that made me cry, actually.
Watching Wrecker and Hunter march in, quiet and covered in countless injuries, made me so sad. I couldnt recognise them. Those aren't my lads.
Wrecker begging hunter not to go because people didn't make it back.... hunter I get you're desperate, but you will NOT survive another brother being killed. I can't bear to watch him tear himself apart and neither can Wrecker.
"99ers???" THERES FUCKING MORE ??????? I want to know the lore behind this line particularly.
Theyre so cute..... they're so CUTE ugh sedate me immediately
anyways that little fucker who was good with tech..... I see you. I love you.
They were so used to letting Tech do his thing.... they immediately moved to cover fire....... for a second they forgot it wasnt him, I'm weak
wrecker playing with the kids..... laughing with them....... ohh i will not cope when he dies.
Hes going to die, btw. In case you didn't know. I know. I am aware. I am unprepared. I dont want to discuss it.
i cannot express my feelings for this episode.
Episode three!!!!!!:
I want that man. Yes, i do mean that masked man we saw for two seconds, I want him.
The Emperor had me actually screaming. I was so hyped. He scares me so bad.
Hemlock!!!!!! Evil !!!!!!!! CUNT !!!!!!!!!!!!
nala se was so obvious about her "Get tf out" speech..... why don't you say it louder, the whole fucking room couldn't hear you
The fucking timer. Chills. CHILLS.
Crosshair and Omega !!!! He was so unserious I love that
....sorry to all the lovers tho, have to say i DIED laughing at his "gUaRdS"
And the SCREAM he scrumpt when the door opened, who allowed that 😭😭 it was so fucking funny whbeisbwiba
They were so messy this entire ep, they're everything to me......
Crosshairs trigger finger shaking so bad he gave his position away....... that's a major fucking problem, isn't it? That's gonna bite him in the ass.
I want more of Hemlock having a damn tantrum, that was fantastic. Him this season has me in a chokehold. I can't wait to write more of him.
This entire season so far is amazing. I can't wait to watch more, there are so many more points I wanna make, I'm freaked. I'm so happy, I'm still crying, I can't wait I can't wait I can't wait !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Making more coherent thoughts about them soon <3
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whatifyoulivelikethat · 3 months
ep 7. let's be happy together | myj, jjk
sugar, spice, and everything nice ep 7. let's be happy together.
pairing(s): yoonji x reader x jungkook
summary: After that faithful? sinful? night, surely Min Yoonji and Jeon Jungkook were cool now. Surely...? Ah, nope. Looks like a certain someone (their girlfriend) needs to talk (and fuck) some sense into them.
warnings: rated M (18+) for language; pan!f!reader; pan!Yoonji; internalized homophobia; fluff; f/f/m relationship; threesome smut (mostly wlw focus, fingering, voyeurism, m-receiving oral damn JK is a lucky man, edging, handjob, f-masturbation, nipple play, pussy slapping, face-fucking); non-idol!AU - Yoonji's POV
“Do you always eat like that?”
“Like what?”
“Like you’re starving and gonna die tomorrow.”
Her lunatic swallowed roughly and nodded. “Yeah, kinda. Why?”
Min Yoonji sighed and waved her chopsticks over the steam.
“You remind me of someone, that’s all,” she commented dryly. She tried very hard not to smile. The other woman at the table licked the edge of her lips and smiled back. Yoonji’s resolve cracked a bit.
Speaking of.
The restaurant was noisy and packed full of families. Her partner was wolfing down tteokbokki and sauteed pork as if a food thief was gaining on her fast. Could be likely. A gaggle of elementary-school-age kids was staring at their table intently, although it could have been the black furry cat-head-shaped purse sitting on the table that was catching their interest. Yoonji was fascinated by it too, and fascinated that the woman didn’t seem to mind the stares.
“You’re wearing the first date ‘fit.”
Her cheeks ran hot. It had been a little less than a week since the… incident. She was indeed wearing the sheer aqua top and black dress, figuring the other would notice, or didn’t. Not that it mattered. At all.
“You look cute,” that silky voice remarked with a smirk.
Her heart did a quick pit-a-pat. Yoonji cleared her throat and played it cool. As cool as she could with a bright red face. “And you’re wearing pants for once.”
Surprisingly, somehow their roles had reversed. Loose black t-shirt, grey jeans, black cap. Ink-black nails with silver chrome flames on them. The furry cat bag was the anomaly. Or perfectly suited, depending on if one noticed that the buckles of those black boots were silver cat heads.
Her fellow cat-lover was unfazed. “I wore pants when I met you in the park that time.”
Oh. Yeah. She had almost forgotten. Their first meeting seemed like forever ago. Yoonji had even forgotten about how she wanted that industrial chandelier for her living room. She still had that stupid paper ball pendant light.
“I mean, I wasn’t gonna carry a big heavy box in a miniskirt. You might have liked that though.”
She would have, but she didn’t react to the teasing. One point for Min Yoonji, woohoo. She stared at her noodles, chewing on her lip.
“Can we… talk about Jeon Jungkook?” she hesitantly asked.
“Mhm. Although you can talk to him too, you know. You have a mouth. Talented one too.”
Yoonji was too uncomfortable to relish in the praise. She poked at her food.
“It’s… weird.”
“So weird I got him brooding in my bed after railing me. It was bizarre. Spill it.”
She guiltily glanced up at her. Scrutinizing dark eyes looked back, seemingly bored and scalding her at the same time. Ouch. Those deliciously full lips were dark pink, flushed from the hot meal. Yoonji noted that she was distracting herself again. She sighed. It was true that she hadn’t spoken much yesterday when the group had gathered to go bowling again. Jungkook hadn’t brought her along. Yoonji invited her herself, but the response had been, ah, yeah, not this time, he asked but I figured you two should talk at some point. They didn’t. Instead Yoonji had stuck to a tipsy Kim Taehyung and his off-the-wall conversations. After, she had made up some excuse and quickly gone home.
Jungkook, evidently, had gone and fucked himself to sleep.
Yoonji wished she had thought of that.
With a loud slurp of fish cake, that burning stare told her to get on with it.
“Tch,” Yoonji grumbled. “Ah, I don’t know.”
A cocked eyebrow. “That’s really helpful.”
She glared at the dismissive response. “And what about you, hah? That’s part of my issue too. I don’t get what you two are.”
“That doesn’t really matter,” the other woman replied, taking a sip of water.
“It does.”
“Currently, a lot closer than you are to him, which doesn’t make sense because you’ve known him longer and are in love with him,” was the dry, uninterested response, munching on a piece of lettuce.
It must have been quite hot in the restaurant. Or perhaps the collar of her shirt was too tight.
“I… I-I’m not…” Yoonji sputtered.
The other woman gave her the look.
Shit. She withered. Maybe. Still, Yoonji tapped the air with the end of her chopsticks. “Aren’t you?”
The lettuce disappeared with a crispy crunch. Those lips turned upwards, thoughtful.
“Mmmm. Yes.”
Just like that.
Yoonji stared at her until she turned back.
“Are you… Are you being serious?”
The expression Yoonji received was not a withering one, or even one of distrust. It was an analyzing one, searching for her intent. “I know you’re projecting.” Her voice was no longer playful, but calm. “And I can guess why. But I’m going to tell you anyway,” she said, lowering her chopsticks. “As you may have assumed, yes, in the beginning I was hooking up with Jungkook simply because he was hot and obsessed with me. I am not impervious enough to say no to that face. And,” she added, with a half-smile. “Now that you’ve come to know my personality, you know damn well I act the way I act to maintain shallow relationships on purpose. I don’t think I’m a good person. I’m okay with that. But, well, guess who never believed that?”
Her eyes rolled in the fondest of ways.
“I am someone who walks the walk. I gotta put up or shut up. I’ve decided I am not going to deny him simply because I had a bad childhood or a poor self-image. And I’m not going to deny what could potentially make him happy either. I am not conventional. Never was. I do not want to follow the rules, especially unspoken ones that hold no ground. For me, relationships are about honesty and respect. He is honest with me even if it is easier not to be. He respects me over other people’s judgements about me. So, I must be a good judge of character, at the very least. I trust myself. I trust him. And I believe I can trust you, too.”
The other woman shook her head.
“I’ve decided I am not going to deny him simply because I had a bad childhood or a poor self-image. And I’m not going to deny what could potentially make him happy either. I am not conventional. Never was. I do not want to follow the rules, especially unspoken ones that hold no ground. I trust that I am a good judge of character, at the very least. I trust myself. I trust him. And I believe I can trust you, too.”
She raised her head and did not falter as she spoke.
And yet.
And yet, Yoonji balked under that intense gaze, still unable to let go of the unspoken rules that had been alluded to.
“I… I have no right.”
Instead of confirmation, Yoonji received a look of confusion. A tilt of the head even. “Right? No, of course not. There are no rights when it comes to things like this. Just as there are no wrongs – unless I’m mistaken somehow, and you’re planning for the long con, smooth like butter, like a criminal undercover.”
Yoonji blinked blankly at the sudden English phrases.
“… What?”
“Oh, come on. The worldwide number one hit on Billboard Hot 100 for weeks – never mind…”
But even the random jest couldn’t break through years of internalized intrusive thoughts. Despite all of her hard work in becoming a decisive person that vowed to escape the shackles of society, there was more to let go of every day. And, anyway, Yoonji could never prepare for a moment like this. Life was an unpredictable and unforgiving bastard. The possibility of the impossible being possible was a pipe dream.
And yet, now the impossible was waiting for her reply.
The woman in question rested her chin on the back of her hand, narrowing her eyes. Yoonji felt like artwork on display, publicly dissected with sight and mind, and yet she couldn’t bring herself to pull away. After a long ten seconds, her dinner companion exhaled and smiled.
“He is willing to follow our lead, whatever that looks like. He told me so himself. You know he’s got jealousy issues, so that has to mean something.”
Yoonji frowned. “Well, he has also always been a closet pervert.” She puffed her cheeks. “I’m not worried about him.”
Those eyes sparkled with laughter. “Then you’re worried about me? Think I’m gonna stab you in the back over a goofy boy? Rest assured; I would at least have the decency to stab you in the front. And I’d finish the job.”
“Hah, no. Don’t speak nonsense.”
“Then what is it?”
As usual, she got it out of Yoonji too easily.
“It becomes real.”
If she sat Jungkook down and tried to somehow hash out whatever this was, then it was real. It was alive. It was true. All the heart-thumps and cheek flushes and the wanting to hold his hand nonsense. How weird. How thrilling. How complicated and confusing and dangerous such territory was.
Her mind raced with all sorts of thoughts and feelings and complex shit like that.
“All of it becomes real. You. Me. Him. Us. And then what? How do I explain to the rest of my friends? My family? What if I lose you down the line? What if I lose him? What if I lose both of you? I don’t think I could survive that, and that’s selfish and damning to say. It’s also probably the truth. What do we do in the future?”
She felt the sharp poke of the back of chopsticks on her wrist.
“Ow.” Yoonji made a face.
The culprit seemed undeterred.
“You don’t have to explain anything to outside parties for it to be real.”
Yoonji’s brows knitted together. But the other woman simply shook her head, chuckling.
“Share what you want to share. Or don’t. Live life the way you’re comfortable.”
“But you–”
A hand came up to silence her. “Trust me, I don’t need anyone yapping behind my back about how I fucked best friends. Again.” An exasperated eye roll accompanied her words. “Listen to me. I don’t have a family you need to care about. I don’t talk to them and I’m not going to ever again under any circumstance. Jungkook, well, as unhinged as he is, I trust him. I should. I spit in his mouth. As far as I know, he has never told anyone.”
Her panties dampened a bit at the reminder but she ignored it.
Those scorched eyes turned serious.
“Do what you want to do. Yoonji, you have one life. This is your first time. Who cares if it’s messy, confusing, or not understood by others? You have endured hardships and new unknown ones will come. The present is where it’s at. The only promises that are true are the ones that we consciously acknowledge every day. Regardless if you stand still or run forward, time goes on. Do what feels right, now. Trust in you. The future is gonna be okay.”
There was something about that mischievous grin that lit the world with infectious fire and a lust for life.
“Just talk to him. And fuck him, please.”
Yoonji stared at her.
“Anyone ever tell you you’re a real piece of work?”
“Feel free to frame a photo of my ass. Oh, and one more thing.”
Her black tote bag had toppled over in the spare chair. Yoonji plucked it upright and then spied the small purple trinket inside. Oh shit. She stuck her hand in, absentmindedly responding with, “Hm?”
“You don’t have to wear girly clothes if you don’t want to. I know you’re only wearing them to flirt with me, which I appreciate.”
The item in her bag was evading her grasp. She tried not to make it too obvious as she looked back up, frowning. “What are you talking about?”
The chopsticks waved in the air. “Just saying that you should wear what you feel comfortable in. Don’t do it for my sake.” That cocky tteokbokki-enthusiast winked. “I won’t forget what all your bits look like. Believe in me.”
Yoonji narrowed her mouth and eyes into lines.
That was the exact reason but she wasn’t going to admit it so easily. Then Yoonji shook her head, sighing.
“Actually,” she said, releasing the tension in her shoulders. “I was going to wear something else before I saw the tags were still on these clothes.” And recalled how she had felt in them. Pretty. Why am I afraid of being pretty? The reasons were obvious now, even if Yoonji hadn’t known her subconscious avoidance back then. “It seemed like a waste, so I wore them.”
“Hm, ho. Nothin’ to do with me, huh?”
She tried not to balk under that knowing, amused expression. Clothes are just clothes, Yoonji reminded herself stubbornly. But. She thought about it for a moment. Then figured it couldn’t hurt to ask. “I’d like to try your clothes sometime. To try different things and not be intimidated by it.”
The other woman raised her eyebrows. “Uh…? Really?” She tilted her head as if seeing Yoonji in a different light. Grinned again, sending her heart aflutter once more. “Ah, yeah. I would like that. Dunno if you can tell, but I’m pretty proud of my closet.”
This entire time Yoonji had been fiercely clutching and squeezing the soft purple plush keychain in her hand – stress relief, probably – and finally she let go, quickly pulling it out of her tote bag and holding it out. Her dinner companion recognized it instantly.
Her face lit up like fireworks, excitedly exclaiming, “Gengar!”
It was hard to place, and yet Yoonji swore she had seen that wide-eyed joyous expression somewhere before. She impatiently shoved the Pokémon keychain toward her. “I saw it on my way here.”
“For me?”
A simple gift was not supposed to generate this kid-at-a-candy-store exuberance. “Uh, yeah. Who else is here that loves Gengar like you?” Yoonji muttered awkwardly. “Take him.”
“Ah, thanks!”
The little plush Ghost Pokémon jumped off her palm and to his new home. Yoonji had never seen her smile like that. She watched her happily clip the Gengar keychain onto her black sling bag and pet the top of its head with precious, childish innocence. She even gave him a little affectionate squeeze, her shoulders shaking with glee at her new friend. It gave Yoonji a warm, settled feeling for some reason.
And then she realized.
Her reaction reminded Yoonji of Jungkook.
Min Yoonji and Jeon Jungkook stared at each other, wide-eyed, not speaking a damn word.
This was totally working out.
Not sure what she expected after sending that text. Can you come over sometime this week? I think we should talk. It made her feel pathetic sending such a message. Wasn’t like her at all. Necessary? Duh. Did she want to? Hell no. Once again, she was reminded of why she chose to be alone. Or thirst from afar. I don’t need this. Sure, she didn’t. Meanwhile, Jungkook was fiddling with the hem of his big white t-shirt and chewing on his lower lip, looking everywhere but her face. Since when had Yoonji become a scaredy cat? Since this dumbass admitted to having feelings for me. He was wearing dark blue jeans and a grey beanie that he seemed tempted to pull over his entire face. Do I like him or not? Yes, she did. But what do I wanna do about it? She didn’t know. Fuckity fuck. Fuckity fuck was right.
She rubbed her fist against the smooth fabric of her black skirt and sighed.
Jungkook stole a look at her.
Yoonji pretended there was a stray fluff coming off her faded charcoal crop top. She had cut an old band t-shirt in half just because. Impulse. And also because she felt that she didn’t have a top that matched with this new black skirt she brought, which had been an impulsive purchase. Just because. It wasn’t that she was attempting to be more accepting her inner femininity in some small way by wearing a single piece of traditional gender-aligning clothing.
“Is that new?” he asked hesitantly.
She paused and patted her covered thighs. “Y… Yeah. I didn’t have a basic like this, so I figured…” An awkward trail off.
Silence again.
Yeah, Yoonji didn’t know what the fuck she was supposed to be saying.
Time to call in the big guns.
He sat up, attentive. “Y-Yes?”
She wanted to slap some sense into them both but ultimately violence wasn’t going to solve this. Unfortunately. “Could you please… Could you call her?”
He pulled out his phone from his jeans. Said her name automatically, as if he was thinking it too. Without honorifics. Then he reddened, fake coughing to his own fake rescue. “I mean, noona?”
Yoonji knew they were both gonna get shit for it. She didn’t care. “Yeah. Do it.”
Less than a minute later, they were greeted with a sing-songy, “Helloooo?”
He stuck his cell phone out on his palm, between them, putting the recipient on speaker. That thing is huge. Like his – never mind that, pushing the thought away. Yoonji noticed he had a silver chain bracelet on his right wrist now. He was a gold guy. A gift? Perhaps he borrowed it from a certain someone. The bright silver shone in the light. It looked nice with his dark tattoos.
His forearm was very nicely defined.
“Ah, hey, noona.” Jungkook sounded just as anxious and jittery as Yoonji felt.
The voice on the other side of the phone sounded playfully irate. “Hm, aren’t you supposed to be with Yoonji right now?”
“I’m here,” Yoonji spoke up.
A pause. “Uh, why are you calling, then?”
“We can’t talk,” she clarified. Jungkook nodded even though he couldn’t be seen.
An even longer pause.
“Are you two shitting me right now?”
“No,” she replied flatly.
And didn’t elaborate.
There was prolonged silence. Yoonji was sure the person on the other side of the line was in disbelief and staring at her device that it had three heads. What did she expect? It wasn’t like she gave them guidelines or anything. Jungkook tilted his phone to peer at it, probably confused or worried it had disconnected. Yoonji took his wrist and pulled it back to her, scolding him with her eyes. He pouted, but didn’t resist.
At last, an exasperated sigh interrupted the tension.
“Well, did you tell him you wanna suck his dick? That usually gets his jaw moving.”
“No, I didn’t.”
“Don’t you?”
The tops of her cheeks felt very warm. Yoonji glanced at him. She cursed the gods and his parents for giving Jeon Jungkook his amazing combination of genetics. The fuck he needs those big, starry, fall-for-you eyes for? He looked a mix between frightened and hopeful.
“Kinda,” she mumbled.
They could practically hear the roll of the eyes over the phone. “Okay, then stick half his dick in your mouth then.”
The aggravation was setting in. “You think I won’t?” Yoonji shot back.
“At the trajectory this is going, no, I don’t.”
She glowered, clenching her jaw. Jungkook started, backing away slightly. She kept the tight grip of his wrist and yanked him back. “Then tell us what we’re supposed to be talking about.”
“The fuck I need to do that for?” Their maybe-kinda girlfriend sounded as irritated as Yoonji felt about this entire situation. “You’re both adults. Sort yourselves out.”
“You started this,” Yoonji snapped stubbornly.
But even this minor squabble was calming her nerves. Just knowing she was there, a phone call close, was a wash of relief.
How strange.
“I started what? A sex cult?” A puff of hot air. “You know what? Fine. Jungkook.” He squeaked, either to confirm his existence or because Yoonji viciously squeezed his hand. “Remember you said you had something to tell her? Go on. Just say it.”
He tried to catch her eye. She deliberately avoided him, staring at her coffee table.
“Yoonji-ah, I really want to try and make this work. Us. Together.”
She felt her hand tremble a bit so she gripped him tighter to make it stop. His voice still trembled, but there was a resolve to it now. Not rehearsed. Simply honest.
“I… No, we. We’re not strangers, you know? I think we could… I get it if you don’t want to, if you only want noona and not me, but…” He stumbled a bit through his words, but the voice on the other side of the phone did not.
“No. We are a package deal. Like I said at dinner the other day, Jungkook is important to me. He’s given me too much for me to disrespect that for someone else.”
Embarrassment quivered in Jungkook’s tone. “I… I know it sounds selfish, and I am… I know.” He cleared his throat, attempting to be more resolute. “Even still, I wanted to ask you. If there’s any chance at all, any chance that I, that we can be…? If there’s any chance that you can accept us.”
She almost let go of his hand.
The conversations haunted her. Listen to me. If there’s any chance that you can accept us. She heard them, and yet. “I can’t.” Yoonji mumbled, blinking hard. Took in a deep, shaky breath. “I can’t do this.” She didn’t know who she was truly referring to. Maybe them. Maybe herself. Maybe fate itself. “I want this to work so bad. I want to know the right answer so I will never lose you both. But I don’t know. I can’t promise I won’t ruin everything, us, your relationship with each other. And I’m gonna break for real if I fuck this up. Twice the pain? I can’t.” You’re surprisingly stubborn. “I know. And I know I’m running. I have to. I have to run.” Her chest tight, suffocating. That splinter of envy, that knife twisting within. She tried to breathe and it was more difficult than she thought it would be.
A finger brushed against her cheek.
“Don’t cry.”
She backed up a little. Reached up herself and there it was. Clear, sparkling drops glimmered on her fingertips. Slipping down her face. Jungkook was wiping them off her cheek, worry etched on his face. Shaky breath, and the tears continued to fall.
“You… the guys…”
Yoonji grabbed Jungkook’s hand and held it tightly.
“You all s-saved my life.”
His big eyes were full of stars that had lit the darkness and he didn’t even know.
“You helped me believe in me.”
She took in a shivering breath, trying to sniffle back her tears. His gaze softened from surprise to soothing. He carefully turned his hand so he could hold hers too, covering her fingers with warmth. He smiled in that clumsy comforting kind of way and it was perfect.
“I’m just a kid who doesn’t know anything,” Jungkook said ruefully. “All you did was put up with my bullshit.”
She shook her head, strands of her hair sticking to her cheek. “No, I–”
Her refusal was cut off by a soft but firm voice. She glanced down at the phone in their hands. It was still connected. Still there despite this catastrophe of a call. She let go of Jungkook’s hand but only to wipe her face as she wetly mumbled back, “What?”
“If you don’t want this, say it.”
She let Jungkook use his palm to pat away the last of the crying. “I… I don’t…” But Yoonji trailed off, knowing it was false. She missed his smile. His laugh. The way he would lift her up as if she was nothing and carry her around just to piss her off. The way he scooted in close to learn how to cook from her with earnest. The way he was always there, his hand on her back, his head on her shoulder, saying again, wow, Yoonji-ah, you’re so good at music, and making her heart flutter as he said it.
She placed her hand on Jungkook’s arm and stroked his skin with her fingertips.
“But, remember… As a wise woman once said, life is too short to not try.”
Yoonji let out a weak chuckle at those familiar words.
The audacity.
“You’re such a bitch.”
The response was a sinister snicker. “You’re welcome. Now I’m gonna go so you two can fuck and make up. Bye.”
“Hey,” Yoonji called after her.
She bit her lip, debating on whether or not she should ask. So, instead, she looked up and stared into those big brown orbs. Trust that I trust you. His lips parted in question, tilting his head in confusion. He proved to me that a body is more than just a body. The answer was right there. Still, she wanted to hear it for herself.
“Have you ever been in love?” Yoonji asked her while staring into Jungkook’s eyes.
A pause.
“I am in love,” was the answer.
A pink flush crept to his cheeks. Relentless, she didn’t break eye contact.
“Come to my apartment so I can tell you, face to face, too?”
“Is…” Whimsical laughter drifted up between them. “Is that a threat, Min Yoonji?”
She tilted her head.
She pressed the end call button and kissed Jungkook.
Their first kiss had been in the heat of the moment, punctuated by lust burning all over. In the second kiss, she felt him. His two lip rings pressing into the side of her mouth. His gentleness, carefully brushing her hair away from her face. His taste seeping onto her tongue. His thumbs pressed into her cheeks and he cleaned away the residual tears, bringing her closer to him. Jeon Jungkook was a big tough guy, but not to Yoonji.
He handled her with care.
“Oh. You’re not the owner of the home. Never mind. In any case, don’t you look marvelously disheveled–”
Jungkook didn’t let her finish.
He yanked her into Yoonji’s apartment and slammed the front door before pinning the beautiful woman to the wood and kissing her deeply. His shirt was somewhere on the floor. His beanie was behind the sofa. His jeans were partly unbuttoned and it was all Yoonji’s fault.
She lay on the sofa. Lips swollen from rough kisses, her skirt bunched to her waist, her body still tingling from orgasm as she watched them.
Yoonji vaguely recollected taking Jungkook’s hands and placing them onto her waist. Recalled pushing his beanie off and running fingers through his hair, messing it up, lip-locked, drowning in kiss after kiss. They probably should have talked about it or something. Then again, talking was clearly neither of their strong suit. She remembered grabbing the bottom of his shirt and pulling it up and over his head, exposing his chest to her roaming fingertips. And she remembered him pulling her shirt over her head too, whipping it past the coffee table. Remembered how they shared a hungry breath, need and instinct and anticipation, as he turned and covered her body with his larger one, trapping her between the sofa and him.
Her hand on his chest, feeling his racing heartbeat under her palm.
His breathing ragged, staring down at her, his delicate voice quivering.
“I… Sorry… Don’t mean to get carried away–”
And without a word, Yoonji had slid her hand up and covered his mouth, reaching up with the other to touch his inked forearm. His hand. Pulling it towards her, down, between her legs, and she turned her wrist with one swift movement, kissing Jungkook while pressing two of his fingers into her.
She had never done that before. Making out while getting fingered. Hadn’t wanted to.
He was good at it.
Probably had a lot of practice.
She had wanted to be the one to open the door, but currently she couldn’t move. And her clothes were fucked by this point. She had motioned Jungkook when the intercom dinged, and he didn’t need any more incentive, giving her a quick kiss before ravishing another. Their guest looked pretty today too. The tight, black velvet dress clung to her curves, barely covering her upper thighs – was that flash of silver a zipper down the center, you rascal – and she gasped as Jungkook cupped their lover’s chin and tipped it to his right hand, sliding his fingers into her soft lips.
She watched the deft pink tongue slide between his fingers.
“Heh, you’ve been busy,” that silken voice slurred. Yoonji could feel her radiating smugness from the damn living room couch. “What a slut you’ve become.”
The desperate groan from him made Yoonji shiver with pleasure. Shit, I’m tainted too. She watched his hips roll into hers, and a slim, sexy leg hooked around him. She was wearing simple black heels. Rush out the door shoes. That nimble tongue licked the air enticingly, beckoning. Even Yoonji was losing her mind at the sight. Jungkook was no better, bending to her will and kissing her again, her name a breathless plea.
“What is it?”
That purr was dangerous.
His other hand was fumbling at her décolletage. The sound of a zipper unravelling, and slowly the velvet slipped away, skin and lingerie exposed to their hungry eyes.
“Use me,” Jungkook begged, his low tone desperate. “P-Please.”
It was insane how down bad he was and it was also insane how much Yoonji reveled in it. Not exactly because she wanted it for herself, no. They had a different, softer dynamic. But seeing this contrast come out of him was…
Really fucking hot.
Maybe Yoonji was a slut for duality.
She was definitely a voyeur.
That was probably something to dissect for later. That was future Yoonji’s problem. Present Yoonji was appreciating the curves clad in classic, simple, well-fitted black bra and panties. She watched her squat down, her skin tingling at the sight of those legs, memories of those thighs pressed to her cheeks rising to the surface. Yoonji had witnessed this once. The second time was better. She had a much better angle. Jeans pushed down, followed by boxer briefs. He was pretty damn hard. Not quite full girth though. Yoonji bit her lip, remembering how she had cupped her hand around his growing hardness while he had fingered her.
Now she watched it disappear into another woman’s mouth.
Her pussy throbbed.
She didn’t want to touch herself yet. That probably meant she was a masochist.
Oh well.
The blowjob wasn’t like the pornos. There was nothing obstructing Yoonji’s vision because she didn’t use her hands to assist. She took him all the way to the base with ease. Classy and violently attractive. Her movement was swift, thorough, back and forth, the tip of her tongue moving past her lips in a flickering arc, turning his length glossy with wet friction.
His hand was on her head, his head falling back as he moaned.
Seeing those breasts bounce with every thrust was cracking Yoonji’s resolve not to touch herself. There wasn’t anyone telling her not to. She didn’t because no one told her to and she wasn’t ready to admit just was how down bad she was getting, knowing that in the future this would become one of many witnessed blowjobs.
Her pussy was definitely dripping all over her damn cushions.
And then all of a sudden that evil seductress stopped, pulling back and letting Jungkook’s dick slap her in face.
Yoonji was pretty sure a significant amount gushed out of her right then.
Frustrated, he punched the door and whined, “Noona, fuck, I was so close…”
“I know,” was the gleeful reply. “But someone is waiting for us.”
The hairs on the back of Yoonji’s neck stood on end. She knew what was coming.
Those predator eyes.
Yes, please.
“Well, look at you. Looking so ready to be devoured.”
She had watched her kick off her heels, so devil-may-care and so stylish at the same time, watched her cross the distance, and now the temptress with the burning eyes was descending on Yoonji. There was no time to be embarrassed. Poised arms, hands on the back of the sofa, that wild hair spilling over shoulders. Trapping Yoonji. She looked up as that sensual body covered hers, shrouding her in shadow.
“Miss me?” the other woman teased, licking the edge of her smirk.
She burned under that gaze, the coiling fire searing in her lower belly.
Couldn’t wait.
Say it now.
“Against all my better judgement, I really fucking love you,” Yoonji whispered.
That smirk widened.
“Well, fuck me. You meant what you said, huh?”
Yoonji cocked her head. “Figured I’d steal a page outta your book.”
A tense stare down.
“Take it back.”
Her eyes narrowed.
Those darkened eyes glittered.
“Then let’s suck a dick, lovergirl.”
The stubborn earth could tolerate a torrential downpour and blazing wildfire, right?
Jungkook didn’t know what hit him.
“Uh, what–gah!”
In retrospect, Yoonji was glad it happened this way. She was no stranger to desire, yet she recognized that hers was simple, straightforward, and never quite satisfied. She craved creativity, but without drive it seemed too much a struggle to achieve. In short, her libido, personality, and instinctive inspiration-to-action were all at odds. She had figured that she would probably always feel this disconnect, and maybe she would just have to settle in this area. Relationships were about compromise and all that. And, anyway, she didn’t believe in soulmates or the right person. In short, she had good sex, but she had never thought that she had great sex – until that night in her bedroom with Jungkook and their lover.
And now it was happening again.
Well, she had never considered that perhaps her soulmate was unhinged. After all, would the right person for Yoonji drag her to her knees and shove her face into Jungkook’s balls? Probably not. Was this aggression insanely arousing and exciting?
Her lovely aggressor slunk down next to Yoonji, wrapping her hand around Jungkook’s half-hard cock. He might as well have been a prop to this searing showdown below him.
“Noona, what are you–”
And then she rubbed the leaking head into Yoonji’s jaw, smearing pre-cum upwards. Leaned in, bringing close that persistent heat, and licked, trapping his cock between wet tongue and soft cheek. She felt him twitch, getting harder. Felt that tongue wrapping around the shaft and sliding back and forth, curling around the velvety head. Rubbing, floating along the length, kissing the hardness into her face. Yoonji stiffened, able to sense it all, her breathing shallowing, possessed by the wrongness of such performative foreplay. Used as part of it. She could feel saliva and cum dripping onto her skin, creating a slick surface to increase sensitivity, and Jungkook was moaning above them, but all she could hear was a damning whisper by her ear.
“What’s the matter? Cat got your tongue?”
So Yoonji pressed her lips to Jungkook’s balls and got to work.
Cupped her tongue under one and slid it into her mouth, surprised by the smoothness. Then again, he was meticulously clean about his appearance in general. Perhaps she shouldn’t be shocked. How lucky for her. Yoonji had always wanted to do this, but no one had ever deserved it or was patient enough, and so now she let her mouth run wild, sucking, licking, switching from one to another, stretching her tongue out past her closed lips and covering him in spit. She felt the hand above her begin moving back and forth, firm and fast. Yoonji tilted her head back, licking further inward, and watched Jungkook get jacked off by someone else while she sucked his balls.
Jungkook was standing in her living room, naked, with two hot women next to his legs in their underwear, getting the best manhandling of his life to date.
Lucky guy.
“A-Ah, h… harder… please…”
Seemed a shame that he was the only one having fun. Yoonji’s hand snaked down between her legs, rubbing herself through her soaked panties with her mouth full. She was vaguely aware that the other woman was very close to her, however she didn’t think much of it until she felt her bra unclasp.
This b–
She didn’t even have time to properly think her insult because a dexterous hand slid around her side, under her hanging bra. Against better judgement, Yoonji glanced down and spied graceful fingers tipped with silver-flamed black nails snake around her breast, gently cupping, the pad of the index rubbing her hardening nipple.
“Don’t stop,” that sublime, dream-like voice purred in her ear.
A muffled whine boiled in her throat, but Yoonji obeyed all the same, tugging down her now-useless undergarment and tossing it aside, before going back to rubbing frantic circles over her panty-covered clit, sucking harder as she felt the teasing of her nipple increase to rapid flicks and tugging pinches. She shut her eyes, knowing Jungkook was watching everything, getting off on it, getting off on me, and her whole body burned, shivered, delighted in that thought, bouncing his wet balls with her tongue, her saliva running down her chin, close, the undeniable fire rising.
Another body – feminine, powerful, dominating – pressed against her back.
“Cum in my mouth, Jungkook.”
Her chest tight, heartbeat like thunder, and Yoonji caved to the pleasure, gasping and slumping to her knees, harsh spasms shooting up from her throbbing, soaked core. Panting. Her eyes cracked open, seeing Jungkook’s hips jerk and their girlfriend leaned over, mouth open, catching the white strings of cum from his twitching cock, covering the head with her lips and swallowing as Yoonji stroked her neglected pussy after orgasm.
She reached over, fumbling for an anchor, gripping the other woman’s thigh.
Watched that expert mouth suck him clean, taking him all the way to the base, even as he squirmed, whined, almost buckled. Stayed there for suspended, spellbound seconds. Yoonji glanced up. His head was tipped back. Sweat beaded over his tense pecs. Clearly something was happening in the depths because Jungkook’s cries were morphing into desperate pleas for more, ah, p-please, again.
No words.
She simply removed her mouth and Yoonji replaced it with hers.
He was bigger than she thought.
Deeper, and Yoonji was still stunned by his hardness and size even though she had already seen it. Well, also amazed that he had continued to be this hard after an orgasm. There is magic in that mouth, though. She didn’t bother with trying to fit the length when she wasn’t used to giving blowjobs – it had been a while, sadly – so instead she focused on pace and steadiness. She felt a hand lightly press between her shoulder blades. With fingertips, she was guided to a rhythm she followed religiously, a-ah, please tighter, like that, oh, I like t-that, and she placed her hands on his sturdy thighs, gripping tightly, savoring him with mouth and hands.
Satisfied, the hand on her back began migrating.
Lips hovered by her ear.
Sweet, warm breath.
“You look good with your mouth full of Jungkook’s cock.”
Yoonji couldn’t respond or retort back. She could only crumble as those efficient hands covered her breasts, playing with them, toying with her hard nipples, all while she tried to keep her composure, moaning in her throat. Pleasure sparked from her chest, simmering through her nerves, feeling the now-uncovered breasts press to her back. Yoonji ran her tongue along the underside of Jungkook’s cock, shivering from the uninhibited low moan above her head. She was aware that he was praising her but unable to fully comprehend it, trapped between bodies. Her nipples were stinging with pleasure. Pinching. Rubbing. Rolling between fingertips. It was probably her stifled moans that were giving her away but Yoonji didn’t care, addicted to the lust, arching her back and spreading her legs more, her greedy pussy aching for punishment.
One hand left her chest.
Pinched her nipple hard as an open palm came smacking down on her exposed thigh.
A starved whine vibrated in Yoonji’s chest and sent Jungkook into a shuddering moan.
“You like that?”
She could only whimper in reply, keeping her mouth filled with hard, twitching cock.
“What about…?”
The hand slid down a little further. Yoonji’s breathing instantly quickened, moaning as she felt one of her nipples being flicked. It started a light pat against saturated fabric first. She made an approving noise and took Jungkook deeper, getting a better angle to bury the swollen head into her throat. Now her knees were on the floor, spread wide, and the pats became harder, more insistent. She encouraged it with renewed enthusiasm and bucking her hips to the hand, until they were damp, sticky slaps radiating throughout the room.
Indecent ecstasy rushed up her torso and into her head, making her dizzy.
Jungkook’s strong hand had navigated to the back of her head and tangled in her hair, leading her to increase the speed. He’s watching me, fuck, that’s so hot, gasping with her as two fingers gripped her nipple and pulled, lifting up her breast a little.
“You like getting your pussy slapped, Yoonji?” her husky, devious succubus whispered into her ear.
No chance in hell was she going to admit that.
Not that she could because her mouth was full of cock.
This bitch.
But Yoonji was folding, yielding into the oncoming pleasure, her hips involuntarily flinching towards each slap, further shackled by an arm wrapped around her as her free hand switched to her other ignored nipple, feebly rubbing the abused one, hitting her own high with a gargled moan. She wasn’t moving her head anymore due to the orgasmic bliss. Thankfully Jungkook had gotten the hint and was slowly fucking her mouth, stimulating himself without going too deep. The slaps became fast, determined rubs right on her clit. Yoonji let him use her, tightening her throat as her trembling pussy drenched her panties again.
She came, hard, with Jungkook’s heady, thick orgasm flooding her tongue.
They moaned together, both nonsensical, but inevitably the same name.
Hot, devilish tongue flickered against Yoonji’s ear.
“Still sure you love me after knowing what’s yet to come?”
Absolutely yes.
Yoonji received surprised looks when she pulled the box out of her nightstand.
“Uh? How’d you know, Yoonji-ah?”
She pursed her lips and held up the other object behind the box. “You left the spare condom behind. So I figured it was the preferred brand.”
“Oooh, so smart!”
“Clever girl.”
The night had been quite eventful.
Afterward, poor Jungkook was face-down again in a deep sleep. He was a hard worker, but he was no match for them. Especially for the conductor of this sex fest, who happily drained him four condoms later with Yoonji pinned down by her expert mouth. Kissing, touching, shivering from the friction of their bodies rubbing against each other with each thrust. In truth, Yoonji had simply wanted to touch her and be touched rather than orgasm again. She had already worked hard, after all. The tingling still remained, especially on her lips and breasts. Yoonji wiped herself down with a towel in the kitchen, letting her guest use the bathroom. She wasn’t quite sure why she hadn’t asked Jungkook to penetrate her.
Maybe she had enough dick in her lifetime and wanted a different flavor.
She ignored her heated ears and took the towel with her, tossing it in the laundry on her way to the bedroom. It would have been silent, if it wasn’t for Jungkook’s heavy breathing. Yoonji pulled the covers up a bit more and patted his back. She noticed the faded bite marks on his shoulders. Freak. But an adorable one, she added fondly. She couldn’t give him that. Not to the degree he wanted. She could acknowledge that without much guilt, because he could get it without her while Yoonji could be satisfied in other ways. It occurred to her that she was beginning to think this dynamic suited her.
Maybe I’m a freak too. But only a little.
She reminded herself that everybody tells themselves lies every once in a while. Nothing wrong with that.
“Waiting for me?”
She turned and scowled at the woman leaning against the doorframe, a white hand towel over her shoulder. Yoonji didn’t know how she did it. Body of a lady, dressed like a lady, and acted like a cocky son-of-a-gun. Emphasis on cock and how much she seemed to be into it.
“No, princess,” Yoonji sarcastically replied.
The response was a light snicker, stepping into the room and closing the distance. She moved to sit next to Yoonji, but Yoonji moved faster, pointing towards the center of the bed. She raised an eyebrow. Yoonji lightly pushed her in between her and dozing Jungkook. It was only then that she obliged.
“Something wrong?”
She kept her face indifferent. “No, just…” She shook her head. “Jimin and Taehyung always said Jungkook likes grabbing onto people when he’s asleep. But I’m a light sleeper. I’m dealing with the snoring, but touching me when I’m asleep makes me jittery and jumpy.”
“Ah, I see.”
Yoonji pulled the towel down and folded it, putting it on her nightstand. The only light on was the lamp by her bedside. “I might scroll on my phone a bit. I’ve always had trouble falling asleep.”
“Me too.”
Even so, Yoonji didn’t pick up her phone. She reached down and pulled up the duvet, covering them both. Her partner tugged a little harder, unraveling Jungkook a bit. He made a disgruntled noise and flopped an arm over her. Didn’t wake up though. Amazing. Although perhaps he was used to it.
“Hey… uh.”
The hum settled. Yoonji looked over and found her staring back. She seemed to have expected her inquiry. Her dark pink lips quirked into a half-smile.
“We’re… We’re a thing, right?” she asked those scorching eyes.
A playful head tilt. “Hm, I’d say so. At the very least I’d like to eat your pussy a couple more times before you decide to cut loose.”
She narrowed her eyes and smacked her thigh.
“Be serious.”
It was dark but Yoonji swore she saw something in in her expression shift.
“Ah, why so serious, though?”
She lowered her gaze and grasped the duvet a little tighter.
“Because, I am serious.”
She raised her chin again, and her lover did too.
“I don’t do anything I don’t want to do,” the other woman said quietly, lifting her hand and covering Yoonji’s knuckles. Her touch was warm. “And I don’t think you should either. We will figure it out as long as we’re honest. And talk to each other. Which I guess means I might have to interfere often when it comes to you and loverboy.”
She chewed on her lip. “Aren’t you worried about me fucking up? You fucking up?”
A stifled laugh. “Nope.”
Yoonji frowned.
Her girlfriend smiled.
“Well, obviously depends if it was on purpose or not. But we all fuck up. It’s what you do after that defines you.”
She wondered out loud. “Aren’t you afraid of anything?”
“Afraid?” She pondered the word, as if it was quite peculiar. “I think I gave up on being afraid a long time ago. I get sad, of course. Frustrated. But, afraid? I didn’t think I’d make it this far in the first place. I ended up making choices that a lot of people wouldn’t agree with and will continue to do so,” she added with a scoff, rubbing the back of Yoonji’s hand. “If this ends, I will learn from it and be better. If it doesn’t, then…”
They locked eyes.
“Let’s be happy together.”
She turned her hand and squeezed hers.
“All of us,” Yoonji whispered, unable to raise her voice lest the inner flood break.
Smirk. “Yeah.”
She leaned over and kissed her on the lips ever-so-lightly.
After a breathless moment, Yoonji drew away. They stared at each other, two kindred spirits of the night, and Min Yoonji couldn’t believe that a failed Karrot purchase, multiple awkward situations, and the horny-and-probably-unwise decisions of a certain Jeon Jungkook would put her here, right in front of her almost-angel-mostly-devil person. Plus, the weirdness between her and Jungkook was finally gone.
Yoonji couldn��t ask for anything more.
“I almost threw up in my mouth a little bit at all that sappy shit,” she muttered.
“Yeah… Don’t get used to it, lovergirl.”
They slid down into bed more comfortably. Yoonji reached over and turned off the light.
“Hey, Yoonji.”
She felt a hand by her neck. Fingers drew back her hair, patting her head. The warm whisper was teasing, close to her ear. “Remember when you said you loved me?”
“No,” she grumbled.
“Ah, right. Well, then. I won’t say it back.”
She reached back and grabbed the retreating hand, yanking it back roughly. There was a short tug-of-war that nobody was trying to win. Yoonji still put up a valiant effort, but in the end she was pinned down slightly with her wrist by her sternum. The lovely, silken voice lowered, right above her ear.
“I love you,” she whispered to her. “But, more than that, I look forward to loving you in the future.”
Yoonji pressed her hand to her beating heart.
“You tell Jungkook that, too?”
She did not say it enviously. Curiously, because she wondered. Because Yoonji was a little afraid that she wasn’t emotionally available enough for him. Because she knew he needed more, so she hoped, maybe…
“I say I love you.” The cheerful little laugh tickled her ear. “But I always tell him I look forward to fucking him even more in the future. That’s his love language.”
Why was Yoonji not surprised?
“Of course it is.”
“I’m looking forward to further learning your love languages, Yoonji.”
To be honest, she was pretty sure the other woman already knew somehow. But she didn’t press it at the moment. The tiredness was turning into sleepiness faster than she expected. Physical exertion did that. Yoonji woozily mumbled her name, holding onto her pillow tightly.
“And I, yours.”
– some time later –
“Oh! You…”
She paused at his wide stare, holding tightly onto the strap of her new crossbody bag. Simple and black, matching the black leather of her miniskirt. The skirt wasn’t new. It was borrowed, as was the tight white crop t-shirt and oversized charcoal shirt jacket.
“You look really pretty, Yoonji-ah,” Jeon Jungkook said, taken aback.
Min Yoonji still wore her slouchy long socks and sneakers though. Black-and-white Jordans. She had realized pretty quickly that she still didn’t like heels that much. “Thanks.” There was some self-consciousness about the paleness of her slim legs on such a sunny day. Sunscreen and her black cap were a must today. They would be inside soon, though. “You look the same.”
The blunt remark seemed to knock Jungkook out of his trance.
White t-shirt, light blue jeans with rips and a hanging silver chain, black sneakers. Sunglasses hanging on the center of his shirt. He still wore the several wooden bead ones on his left wrist and the silver bracelet on his right wrist. Yoonji knew by now that he had stolen it from a certain someone. It was a wonder that he wasn’t blind with how low his black bucket hat was. Then again, Jungkook had big peepers. His cheeks flushed pink.
“I didn’t know I was supposed to dress up.”
“You would probably combust if you dress up for once in your life,” she agreed. The sunscreen he was wearing was making his skin glow and his dark tattoo sleeve stand out. He was getting some looks from passerby, but Jungkook didn’t seem to notice at all. He held onto his phone. Kept looking Yoonji up and down.
“I can look nice,” he was protesting, but then their bickering was interrupted.
Both she and Jungkook turned to see a certain someone jogging toward them in chunky heeled boots. The blazing sun caught the edges of her dazzling smile and filtered through her wild hair whipping behind her as she ran. Jeez, she’s crazy, but it was a fond thought. Yoonji recognized the Epik High t-shirt and Jungkook seemed to recognize it too, shooting her a quick confused glance before their girlfriend slowed down in front of them. She had paired the t-shirt with a black pleated skirt and a white zip-up hoodie draped over her elbows. Same ol’ black sling bag. The plush Gengar keychain swung to a stop against her chest, grinning in that naughtily cheerful way as all brats did.
“Isn’t that…?”
“Yoonji’s? Uh huh. I borrowed it. Borrowed your hoodie too. Thanks, JK.”
“Ah, I’ve been wondering where that went! Noona!”
“Where’s your hat?” Yoonji chuckled. “You need sun protection.”
A swift hand reached up, patting down that wild hair. “Ah, shit. I knew I forgot something at your place.”
Yoonji realized with a start that the glittery, shimmery nail polish on those five fingers were all different.
Red, yellow, green, blue, purple.
Rainbow nails.
“It’s okay, we’re about to go into the aquarium anyway. Maybe I’ll buy a fish-themed hat in the gift store.” The carefree, warm expression returned. “You two ready to do the Animal Crossing scavenger hunt?”
“Uh?” Jungkook wondered out loud. “Oh, I think I saw something about that on the news. A bunch of fish exhibits with stamp stations.”
“Uh huh, uh huh. And whales and sharks too.”
“I should have known this was really about games,” Yoonji teased. “I was shocked that you wanted to do something outside for once.”
She raised a hand in a defensive manner. “Ey, I brought you two something too, since you agreed to be dragged along by my request.” Before either of them could say otherwise, she swung the sling bag around and pulled out two brightly-colored vouchers. “Here. Waterskiing for you and Jungkook. I won them from work.” She held them out and indeed.
Two water-skiing coupons for an afternoon by the sea.
“Whoa, cool!”
Yoonji took one tentatively as Jungkook accepted his, reading the location and available dates out. “But there’s only two. What about you?”
Their girlfriend shook her head. “No, thanks. I hate physical activity and I hate getting wet.” When Yoonji continued to frown, the other woman smiled and placed an arm around her. “Haha, I’m sure you’ll see me in a bikini sometime this summer,” she snickered, her delicious perfume sugary and spicy against Yoonji’s nose. “I heard you say you wanted to go to the ocean this summer. Thought it would be good for you and Jungkook to go on a date.”
Someday, Yoonji’s cheeks weren’t going to heat up at the sound of that word.
“D… Date?”
“Mhmmm,” was the playful reply, letting go of her to pat Jungkook on the head. “Happy?”
“I’ve always wanted to try waterskiing! Thanks, noona.”
A rainbow-tipped hand grabbed Jungkook’s, shaking him impatiently. “Thank me after I get those stamps. Hopefully they haven’t run out of the cute stamp cards yet. Onward!”
He laughed and tugged on her hand, swinging her arm about and making her twirl on the spot, her pleated skirt flaring out with her playful movement. Two beautiful people smiling at each other, so in love, as it should be.
Those scorching eyes turned back to her.
A rainbow-tipped hand extended out.
Jungkook stuck his head out curiously. Yoonji stared back, clutching the promise of a future date. Then she smiled, tucking the voucher into her purse, and stepped to her girlfriend, reaching for her hand, three people so in love, feeling stupidly warm and fuzzy when their fingers interlocked.
“You’re a nerd.”
“Oh, okay, says the nerdiest music nerd we’ve ever known.”
“Keke, good one, noona.”
hug me unstoppingly fill the moment we met, love it our tempering relationship won't cool unstoppingly you and i tonight tell me, be the sea i keep swimming deep every day – 머리에서 발끝까지 (shutdown) by moonbyul ft. seori
min yoonji masterpost | masterpost
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fandomz-brainrot · 2 years
Far From Home... (Five Hargreeves x Male Reader)
“Where are we?”
Prompt by @soprompt <3
Five Hargreeves x male reader
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Tw: gang violence, guns, death, brief drug mention
You and Five have been friends for a while now. You met after one of the Umbrella's missions; resolving a gang shootout. A bit dark and extreme, as they usually deal with the simple bank robbers and the like, but oh well. They were growing older, around the age of 12 by now, so Reginald must deem them mature and skilled enough to handle a task such as this.
You were in the midst of this shootout, and a bit older than the Umbrella's at 14-- a one and a half year difference to be exact. Your family had been mixed up with crime for as long as you could remember. Your brother would end up becoming Klaus's plug in the future, a sign of solidarity between a small section of your family and the Academy. They did save your asses during the infamous shootout after all.
Speaking of the shootout, that was a thing that was happening. You had been taught how to wield a small pistol since a young age, and it was now your weapon of choice-- tiny yet effective. Or, it would be effective, if the rival gang member hadn't knocked it out of your hands. So it was safe to say that you were utterly screwed.
You couldn't even remember what the reasoning for the gang shootout was-- drug money, perhaps? A murder of a member? Who knows, if you wanted to survive out here you had to fight for your gang. So it was now fists or nothi-- OH SHIT.
You felt a boot roughly kick the back of your knees, causing them to buckle beneath you. You fell to the ground, scraping your palms as you caught yourself. The bullets were still being shot around you, and they were quite honestly giving you a migraine. Especially now that you had been injured.
A hand roughly grabs you by your hair and yanks you to an upright kneeling position. You felt the barrel of a firearm press against your temple as the person behind you held your wrists behind your back. You gritted your teeth, trying to keep your composure.
"You're the leader's son, right? I don't want to shoot you kid, so just tell me where the goddamn money is!" he yelled in your ear, pressing the gun harder against your head. Giving the answer would surely mean death by your gang, staying silent would mean death from the rivals. It was really a lose-lose situation.
So, you clenched your jaw and stared ahead. If you were going to die, you weren't going to be a little bitch about it. It was just the way these things were.
The man sighed angrily. "I'll give you one last chance boy, just tell me wh-" you didn't hear the last of his words because all you could feel was the lack of cold metal against you. You took this as an opportunity to headbutt the dude in the face. He groaned, letting go of you to hold his now bleeding nose.
You wasted no time grabbing your pistol from the ground and slamming the butt of it on the back of the guy's head. There was a small crack-- probably a fracture, hopefully nothing more than that. As long as he was out cold.
But where did his gun even go? You looked around, until you spotted it in the hands of a boy a bit younger than you. He stared at you, mouth slightly agape and grinning. He seemed very impressed with your movements.
You recognized him as an Umbrella kid-- that prissy little uniform and mask being a dead giveaway. You didn't know which one. And he was standing a considerable ways away, so how did he even get that from him-- HOLY SHIT WHY IS THERE BLUE LIGHT AND WHY IS HE NOW NEXT TO YOU-
"Nice moves, for a civilian." He said, now standing less than a foot away from you. He decided to stay with you for the time being. His siblings could handle it, the action was already dying down, and this would be a lot more interesting. Plus, once he was trained enough, he would be out of this shithole...
You looked at the gun in his hand, eyebrow raised. "How did you...?" If his eyes weren't obscured by the mask, you're sure he would've rolled them. You felt the metal of your gun leave your hand. It reappeared in the boy's, accompanied by what looked like some sort of blue energy and a small woosh type of noise.
"Are you... not familiar with us? With me? That's... literally my whole thing." he said, the same blue energy surging as he reappeared next to you. He kicked the unconscious man who had you at gunpoint moments earlier to the side, leaning on the wall behind you two.
"Um.. I've heard of you. Didn't know the specifics." you said shortly, your eyes slightly wide as you scooted away. "You guys are... strange." you said your words carefully. The boy huffed angrily, crossing his arms as he rested his foot against the wall. "Yeah, well, we just saved your ass, so..." he said pointedly, pushing himself off the wall. He started to leave, so you put a hand on his shoulder to stop him.
"And I'm um... that was like... cool of you... so... thanks..?" you said hesitantly. You've never had to thank anyone before. You really didn't like it. He huffed, starting to walk away again.
"Wait!" he paused again, growling in frustration. "What, what do you want?" he said grumpily. "Can I see you again... um..." "Five"
"Um... what?"
"Five. My name. It's Five. Five Hargreeves."
You chuckle under your breath. "Your name is... Five? Like the number?"
You instantly feel bad. "Wait, no, that was a dick move, I'm sor-"
"Yeah, I'll see you againnn..." He dragged out the last word so you could tell him your name.
"(Y/n). (Y/n) (L/n)."
"Well then I'll see you around, (Y/n) (L/n)."
"Yeah, see ya, Five Hargreeves."
He tensed his body as if to teleport, but stopped. "Get your side of the gang out of here quick. Police will be here in 10 minutes, give or take. I'll convince my siblings to cut you guys some slack."
And with that, he teleported out of there in a flash of blue, leaving you in awe.
It took you a second to realize what he said, and you hauled ass to get you and your people out of there.
Five kept his word. The next day you woke up to Five sitting on the windowsill of your shitty apartment, knocking on the window casually. That's how most days would go; him sneaking over to visit you and teleporting on to your windowsill or you sneaking off to the Hargreeve's mansion. Five would meet you outside and teleport you in, and your name became familiar to the other Umbrellas.
Whenever your home life would get too much to handle, you'd go over to the mansion. If it was Five's training day, someone else would look after you. You and Klaus would do each other's nails. You would teach Diego your combat skills and help him with his stutter. Luther would try to bench-press you. You and Allison would put on little fashion shows together. You'd sneak some comics over that you stole for Ben to read, so you guys could talk about them together. And you'd listen to Viktor play his violin.
The Hargreeve's children and even Grace, who kept your visits a secret from Reginald, had become more of a family to you than your own. Except for your older brother, Aidan, he was your best friend. He even accompanied you sometimes, and got close to Klaus.
But, as nice as all the other Umbrellas were, you would always have a soft spot for Five. You enjoyed annoying the prickly pre-teen, but also got to see a hint of his soft side. You were the only person who seemed to actually enjoy his company. You'd bring him coffee, which quickly became his favorite thing to ever exist. He would teach you basic skills; you had never enrolled in school because of your gang background, so he taught you how to read and write. Eventually, when you could read well, you two would read books together. Or he would just read to you and let you listen. Either was fine with you.
You were very childish by nature, since you had been forced to grow up quickly. Around Five you could just let loose. And that childishness complimented his uptight nature perfectly, allowing his hard edges to soften for a few moments.
You two were best friends. So, when Five told you his plan go in to the future, you offered to go with him without hesitation. You didn't have much to lose besides Aidan, so you didn't see the harm in it. You would follow Five to the ends of the Earth if you had to.
So, when Five knocked on your windowsill and told you that it was time, you eagerly followed him. You put the prewritten note you had ready next to Aidan's bed left with Five. And what a mistake that was.
You had a hand on Five's shoulder as you two travelled through time. Months, at first. You two grinned at each other as you watched the seasons change before your eyes. It was beautiful.
Then, you were met with the rubble of the world you had once known. Your hand fell from Five's shoulder, your eyes widening in shock and disbelief.
"Um... Five?" your voice was strained as you tried to remain calm.
“Where are we?”
Five didn't meet your eyes. He stared at ruined world around him, bits of soot and ash sticking to his face. "The... the future, but- no this... this can't be right..." he muttered nervously, his eyes knitted together in confusion and disbelief. He began to walk around, looking for any clues or signs of life. You followed him, slowly looking around.
All of a sudden he froze in his tracks. You followed his gaze, your breath hitching at what you saw. It was what must have been the corpses of all of Five's siblings. All of your friends.
Your brunette companion's eyes glazed with tears as he stared blankly. "N-no... this... no, this isn't right..." he muttered shakily. He let out a dry chuckle, his trembling hands tangling in his hair. He tugged at it, staring at the corpses in front of him. "This... This can't be what the future is..." He whispers to himself.
You go to comfort him when something catches your eye; a newspaper. You pick it up, reading the date before walking back over to Five. You place a hand on his face, tilting it to look at you. "Hey- this is the day it all went to shit. If we can get back... maybe we can get all of your siblings, and stop this from ever happening. You're like.. a genius, I'm sure you can figure out how to get back. And I'll help however I can, alright?" you reasoned.
He took a deep inhale from his nose, breathing out through his mouth. He blinked rapidly to clear the tears from his eyes, and grounded himself. He stared back in to your eyes. "Alright... we'll... we can prevent this." he said, mainly trying to convince himself.
You smiled at him, beckoning him to follow you as you walked away. "Come on-- lets try and find some supplies." you said, holding your head up high. "And plus, you still have me, right?"
You feel his hand brush against yours. He smirks slightly, trying to look confident as he walks beside you. "Yeah. And I know you'll still be a pain in my ass, even during the fucking apocalypse." he said sarcastically, but his smile never left his face.
"Awww, you know you love me!"
He pauses, a light blush dusting his cheeks as his smile widens. "Yeah. I do love you." he says, his words sounding clear and sure.
You smile widely, taking his hand in your own and interlocking your fingers. "And I love you too."
(2041 words)
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l13 · 1 year
cw: just badly written angst:) buckle up
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what if during the atsv events, you and Patrick choose different sides. Like you're on Miles' side, and Patrick is on Miguel's. That automatically creates conflict between you (obv), but the moment you saw Miguel kick Gwen out, you'd already made up your mind.
Patrick is so fixed on the situation at hand, that he doesn't notice you leaving till he bends to whisper something against your ear and he doesn't find you next to him. He looks around immediately, trying to catch sight of you, only to find you pushing past people to get out of the control room. He jogs to catch up to you, and squeezes your hand to stop you. "Where are you goin'?"
"I'm leaving." he frowns at that, letting your hand slip from his, lowering his bandana and letting it fall around his neck. "And go where?"
"Anywhere other than here. God, did you not see Miguel in there? He looked.. insane."
"I mean.. darlin', he's right."
You turn to face him fully, your eyebrows furrowed as you glare at him, "No, he's not."
Patrick says your name with a sigh, "Sometimes it's just better to do nothin'-"
"You mean to say that Miles should just let his dad die, even though he knows it's gonna happen? Don't give me that shit, Patrick."
He winces when you call him by his name, instead of one of your usual nicknames, sounding unfamiliar and wrong coming from your lips. He's scrambling to explain, try to make you understand what's at stake, "We've all lost people, it's how this works. It's what made us who we are. Hell, you and I have lost people too."
You scoff out a dry laugh at that, "Yeah, and if I'd known when and where that would have happened, you best believe I'd have done everything in my power to save them."
He takes his hat off to run a hand through his hair nervously, "So- so what, y're just gonna run off? Fight alongside that kid?"
"..I don't know, maybe. Come with me-" you trail off once you see the uncertainty in his eyes, and you felt a shiver run down your spine at the realization that at that moment, he looked like a stranger to you.
"No I'm... I'm staying."
You swallow around the knot forming in your throat, trying your best to ignore the stinging in your eyes as you nod curtly, "Okay." you turn to leave, despite every fiber in your body wanting to stay with him.
"Wait-!" you stop when you hear him call out, turning your head to the side to indicate that you're listening.
"Miguel.. is not the forgiving type. Once he finds out you changed sides he's not gonna hold back. Just.. don't provoke him. Stay saf-"
You turn to look at him once more, and he flinches when he meets your cold gaze, "Fuck you, Patrick."
You ignore the way your heart falls to your stomach at the way his expression crumbles, eyes widening a fraction, "Darlin'.. please-" you leave then, trying to forget how broken and hoarse his voice sounded.
And he watches you go, clenching his fists at his sides, "Come back to me."
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plzu · 1 year
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Just Water, Thanks - (Adrian Chase x Reader)
part four☕️
a/n: tbh if my 13 y/o self saw me updating a multi-chapter fic [redacted] months after the last update, she'd be impressed. this is shorter than i wanted it to be bc i had to cut it off. consider this an in-between chapter as we navigate (negative) emotions and such. anyway, hope y'all don't mind as i steer this story into angst territory! Summary: Adrian takes care of you while you are drunk and miserable in his home. Warnings: 18+, no Y/N, ANGST (reader is going thru it), mentions of assault, mentions of gore and blood and nightmares, a reference to one of the Saw movies (idk which, sorry), not beta read, if i missed anything lmk pls!! Word Count: 3.3k+
Revelations are dizzying. Revelations taste like vomit in the back of your mouth, and the backs of your teeth. Revelations leave you sore all over, more sore than you think you’ve ever been. Revelations are exhausting. They leave you parched as shit.
Or maybe that’s just the alcohol.
The night wasn’t supposed to go like this. 
It was supposed to be some girls from high school. Old friends. Best friends. The people that were your anchor in Evergreen, who made everything bearable. Late night talks and laughing over the dumbest things and whisperings about crushes and aspirations.
People you slowly stopped talking to once you moved across the country, to some city that could swallow you whole.
People that decided to return the favor. Two last minute ditches, and one that completely ghosted you. They’re just busy, you thought, a dirty martini and a half in. They have real jobs, and spouses, and… kids? Maybe?
Pouty and miserable at the sleek bar, drowning your insecurities in alcohol, picking at the olives at the bottom of empty glasses. They’re too- too good for me, anyway. 
Having found some semblance of happiness in an unlikely friendship with Adrian Chase, you thought you’d finally venture out, expand your social circle again. Feel like you have everything together, finally.
Learn to experience snatches of happiness elsewhere, outside of time spent with Adrian. Because, face it: there is something that feels slippery about him. Evanescent. Like one day he’s going to disappear, or get bored of you.
Or reveal whatever secrets he’s been clearly harboring, something neither of you could return from, and the wedge that it would drive between you would leave you right back to where you started: a ghost that didn’t even have the good grace to properly die. 
You walk -- stagger, really -- down the empty street, most of your weight supported by the masked Vigilante. Adrian is supposedly under that mask. You cannot wrap your head around this fact, even after watching Vigilante answer Adrian’s phone, and say some bullshit excuse only Adrian could come up with. 
“Alright, here we are!” Vigilante (Adrian?) declares. “The Vigilante-mobile.”
You both come to a stop. You squint bleary-eyed at the 4-door sedan, glance at the masked face beside you, then back to the car. 
“It’s just your regular car.”
Vigilante -- no, Adrian, definitely Adrian -- snorts. “Well, yeah. I can’t exactly afford a second car with a busboy salary.”
This almost makes you laugh, because Adrian is good at that, really. Effortless. But nausea stirs in your gut, so you decide against it. Grumble a wordless response instead. 
Adrian attempts to ease you into the passenger seat, asking if you’re hurt anywhere else. If they hurt you in any worse ways other than the obvious. You can only shake your head noncommittally, fighting back the urge to vomit again. There will definitely be bruises and sore spots on your aching body from the rough way they had handled you, but you know what he’s really asking.
Head slumped back against the headrest, you close your eyes for a few minutes. You have to buckle up, Adrian urges, but you cannot find the strength or the energy to pull the seat belt around your body. A pathetic little huff is all you can really muster before Adrian, patient and gentle, pulls the seat belt around your torso and fastens you in place. 
Unfortunately, the gentle action is buffeted by the coppery scent that washes over you, the roughness of his gloves and suit briefly scraping your skin; this doesn’t smell like Adrian. Not like the familiar Irish Spring soap, or coffee and caramel after visiting you at the cafe. This makes you whine. Whimper, really, dissatisfied and uncomfortable and very momentarily scared. 
Misunderstanding, he tells you you’re going to be okay, in a voice that’s a touch too animated for the general mood of the night.
When the door is shut, you try not to suffocate in the brief silence that follows. Keep your eyes closed as the muffled thud of the trunk jolts the car a bit, willing the queasiness away. Desperately wishing for water, or sleep, or death. 
You do not open your eyes when Adrian finally gets in the car, and starts driving, until he mentions something about taking you home. At that point, your eyes fly open.
“No,” you beg. “No, Adrian, please. I can’t go home like this. I don’t want them to see me like this.”
There’s a quiver in your voice. Nervousness builds in your chest, a rapid flutter in your ribs that makes you feel like crying. Adrian stares, eyes flicking from your face to the quickening rise and fall of your chest, and you realize it’s just Adrian sitting next to you, now. Wearing normal clothes. No blood-splattered suit or eerie red visor. Just the familiar--if slightly disheveled--curly hair and glasses, lips parted in confusion or concern. Seeing his bare face is almost a comfort, especially when he nods, and faces the road again. 
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The trip to Adrian’s apartment becomes a hazy memory. He walks you through the corridors of some small apartment complex until you’re trudging through the threshold of his home, where he guides you through the dark into his bedroom. You sag into the edge of his bed once he turns on the light. 
“Gotta get you cleaned up, but… do you need water?” Adrian asks. You only stare back up at him before he goes, “right, yeah, no, you definitely need water. Wait right here.”
When he comes back, Adrian is juggling a couple of bottles of water and a first-aid kit to dress your wound. He sets everything down, handing you a chilled water bottle which you gratefully accept. You cannot unscrew the cap of the bottle fast enough to immediately quench the discomfort of your sandpaper tongue. 
“Slow sips,” Adrian says, after some reckless guzzling causes you to choke and dribble water all over your chin. 
Setting the bottle aside, you notice stands with his back to you on the other side of the room. You realize this is him giving you privacy so you can begin the struggle of taking off the stockings. They get halfway down your thighs, dress rucked up around your hips, before the effort of it unlocks a well of tears; a flash of a memory of being six years old and left to fend for yourself for the first time in a fight to tug on tights for school.
It’s not that you’re so inebriated that you can’t take off your stockings, though it certainly doesn’t help. It’s that once you get the fabric rolled down to your skinned knee, a new wave of nausea overcomes you. You can feel the mesh of the tear sticking to the gooey wet parts of the wound, and your mind reels with the dizzying thought that if you tug anymore, you’re going to make it worse. Take more skin off. Bleed all over Adrian’s bedsheets. Throw up again, probably.
It’s just for a brief second, you don’t let the feeling last too long, but-- the quick snatch and tug of the nylon on the tattered skin of your knee reminds you of one of the Saw movies, and how one of the traps involved gluing some poor fuck’s bare back to the driver’s seat of a car. And the way he had to peel off the seat, screaming and sweating, struggling to reach the -- the brakes? The gas? -- just to try to save some girl’s life. The stretch of skin, the vivid gleam of blood, your memory no doubt enhancing the gore of the scene in a new wave of despair.
When Adrian turns around, he finds you with your face hidden in the cusp of your palms, stockings only rolled down to the tops of your knees. Your dress is still bunched up around your hips, and maybe you should feel exposed, sitting on Adrian’s bed with your thighs bared. Embarrassed, even. But between the ick in your stomach and the sour taste at the back of your throat and the headache that begins to pulse behind your eyes like remnants of the bassline from the club, you don’t have any room to care. 
(And, admittedly. You don’t think you’d mind Adrian seeing this much of you. Under different circumstances, at least.)
You sense him hovering closer, probably paused at the sight of you all pathetic on his bed. Or the bare flesh of your thighs, more likely. Something unintelligible is mumbled into your hands in an attempt to draw his attention. Let him know you’re aware of his presence, and that you’re lucid, at the very least.
“Sorry- what?”
You sniffle, before mustering up the strength to raise your head up. But only enough to stare at his feet. “I can’t- My tights. I can’t… take them off.”
You watch as his scuffed up shoes approach you. Absently, you think about how Adrian hasn’t worn these before, even though it’s gotten cold. And, oh, they’re probably just part of his Vigilante costume. 
Ah. Vigilante. Adrian. 
“Whoa… what do you mean?” Adrian crouches down, his bespectacled gaze in your sight, and you realize the quick, short breaths you hear are your own. “Are you going to cry again? I have tissues here on my nightstand- for, like, normal reasons. Nothing gross. Ignore the lotion.”
There’s a very small part of you that knows this would have -- should have -- made you laugh. It’s the part of you that feels detached from this whole experience, as if watching from outside of your body. Like a muted, sober-ish ghost that can’t do anything but observe. Helpless. Unable to keep you safe.
You can’t even take off your fucking tights by yourself.
“The- the cut on my knee,” you attempt to warble through your explanation. “It’s, um- it feels weird. I don’t think I can take off my tights…”
“Well, we have to dress the wound otherwise it might get infected.” Adrian pauses, raises his hands so they hover over your lap. “Is it okay if I..?”
When you nod -- shakily, fearfully, desperately -- his hands continue their journey to your right thigh. His middle and forefingers, surprisingly gentle, slip into the scrunched up fabric at the base of your knee, and a shiver runs down your spine at the feel of his hands there. There is a feeling that slowly blooms in your chest at the sight of Adrian on his knees for you, taking care of you. But it’s being overshadowed by the anxiety gripping your throat and making your head spin in anticipation of the potential pain to come from your tights being ripped from your bloody knee.
No longer able to keep upright, you gracelessly plop back into the soft sheets, ceiling swaying in your vision. You make no effort to get back up; not like you wanted to watch the horror of Adrian potentially ripping the skin off your knee.
His voice, with a touch of anger that’s still unusual to hear, cuts through the haze of worry. “I hate those motherfuckers for doing this to you.”
A humorless, breathy snort escapes at that, shame sapping the energy out of you. “That wasn’t their fault,” you mumble. “‘M not tryin’ to defend them or anything, but it was my stupid, drunk ass that tripped and got myself into this whole mess…”
Because the truth is, if you hadn’t drunkenly stumbled down the wrong street when trying to find your Uber, if you hadn’t worn heels that don’t feel natural on your feet anymore, if you hadn’t felt so anguished and lonely that you sought solace in a few too many cocktails-
If you had just been a better friend to the people that made your high school years bearable, you wouldn’t have been crowded and overpowered by strange men with horrifying intentions. 
“Were you… by yourself?” Adrian’s voice carries over you while he’s still somewhere at your knees. “Where were those friends of yours? The ones you were meeting up with?”
The heels of your palms dig furiously into your closed eyes until you’re seeing black and red and you’re sure your eyeballs are just about to successfully squish into your skull. “They never showed up,” you admit, hoarsely, dejectedly.
Moments pass. There’s this light, almost lulling feeling, the tug and pull of your right leg. If you weren’t drowning in the barrage of negative thoughts and guilt and the kind of worthlessness that only creeps up on you in your own bedroom, you’d find Adrian’s ministrations comforting. 
“Don’t get mad, but it doesn’t sound like they were very good friends if they abandoned you to drink alone at club a in a sketchy neighborhood.”
But isn’t that what I deserve?
You left. Most people did after high school, but you made it a staunch point to never come back. 
You didn’t mean to abandon the friends you made in Evergreen. But life went on, and time passed quicker than you could make sense of, and fuck if you didn’t find any excuse to not come back home during breaks -- internships, supposedly important trips for school, job-hunting, moving in with your first love -- all so you could prolong seeing your family again.
What’s so bad about them, anyway?
They make me feel-
A sharp sting of pain rips you out of dark muddled thoughts, hissing through clenched teeth as you shoot into an upright position, lurching forward. 
“Sorry, sorry! But I did warn you.”
Oh, right. Adrian. You’re in Adrian’s bedroom, and he’s currently at your knees, hair still rumpled and eyes shining bright and concerned behind his glasses. And… he’s holding an alcohol pad. And your knee is…
“You got the tights off?” you ask in breathless disbelief.
“Yeah. I had to cut it up, though.” He grimaces. “Sorry. But it was already torn, so…”
Sure enough, the area around your knee is now fully exposed and free of any sticky mesh. The cut was beginning to scab over, but the alcohol pad made it newly shiny. It stings, but at least it doesn’t look like whatever nightmare scenario you’d been afraid of.
Adrian continues cleaning up and bandaging your wound as you look away, too light-headed to watch him work. It’s not until he’s gently pressing a bandage to your knee that you finally let out a breath you didn’t realize you were even holding. 
“There, all done.” Adrian stands, gathering everything up with careful, unrushed movements. “Let me get you something to sleep in.”
“Huh?” You blink up at him, confused. 
He’s rummaging through a dresser drawer, back turned to you when he responds. “Trust me, you’re not going to want to fall asleep in ripped clothes.” Turning around with some folded clothes in his hands, he continues, “I don’t imagine it’d be very comfortable. Plus, what if you wake up, not remembering what happened--you know, because of the drinking-- and you’re in my bed with a ripped dress? How does that make me look? It’d be pretty hard to convince you I didn’t do anything to you.”
He hands you the clothes--a big soft tee-shirt and sweatpants--and turns to leave. There is a cacophony of feelings clamoring around in your head and in your heart, and you find yourself helplessly overwhelmed once again but also, endlessly grateful for this man that saved your life. Not just tonight, but the night he stepped into your cafe painfully close to closing and made things feel silly and good again. 
“Adrian?” you softly call out as he turns to leave you to change.
“I think you’re my best friend.”
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Something expands in his chest when Adrian hears those words come out of your mouth. Like a frog puffing up with a croak, or a balloon that’s filled to bursting but doesn’t want to pop. He thinks he was a kid the last time he actually heard someone tell him, to his face, that he’s their best friend.
Sure, the admittance wavered out in an alcohol-infused breath, and he’s not sure how much you had to drink tonight but it may be enough to forget this moment.
But he wasn’t drinking. He’ll hold onto this moment forever.
A smile grows crooked on his face as he hovers by the door, meeting your gaze. “Yeah?”
You nod, holding the clothes handed to you lamely in your lap. There’s something glum about the sag of your shoulders, but he can’t think about that too much in his rush to assure you that you’re his best friend, too. Top 3, definitely.
This makes you snort, which he counts as another win for the night since it’s the first sound of laughter he’s heard since finding you in the alley.
He finally leaves you to change, and to get some much needed rest, and grins from ear to ear at the knowledge that the person he’s liked since high school is in his bed tonight.
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Despite the comfort of Adrian’s tee-shirt, the smell of him in his clothes and sheets, the softness of it all wrapped around you, you do not sleep well.
You dream of dark alleyways and even darker figures crowding you, overpowering you. Limbs boneless, unable to fight back. When you scream, it’s not loud enough. There’s a thumping bass reverberating off brick walls that drowns out your cries for help. 
It’s frustrating. This powerlessness. The feeling of utter uselessness, frightening to your core. 
Then, the dream shifts. You are no longer being crowded and pinned by the shadowed figures, yet fear still grips you, clings to your skin, hot and wet- when you look down, the sticky wet feeling isn’t fear but blood, splattered all over your clothes and dripping from your arms. You want to feel triumph, search for the feeling in the recesses of your brain, you want so badly for that to replace the anxiousness gripping your lungs now that you’re free.
But when you look back up, you see viscera-laden bricks. Bodies with holes where they shouldn’t be, missing pieces. This is still a nightmare.  A familiar voice, tainted by something dark and unrecognizably sinister, laughs at the mouth of the alley. It’s another shadowy figure, red visor glowing in your direction. “You’re okay now,” he says, tone unsettling, too-chipper. “They’re all dead!”
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taglist: @whatevermonkey @nobodys-baby-now @hiddlebatchedloki @pokoyolfhw
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malereader-inserts · 2 years
Spite Goes A Long Way
Fandom: Criminal Minds Pairing: BAU Team & Male!Reader Summary: Everything you do is through spite, you look at death and give him a middle finger. Word Count: 1,379 A/n: I apologise if this is not as good as it should be.
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GIF by reidamancy
You have no idea how you ended up here. Well, you do, somewhat. Your memory at the moment was fuzzy and incoherent, one moment you were with your team and the next thing you were coughing up blood, bruised in multiple places, and you swear you've got a few broken ribs.
Oh, and you were no longer with your team.
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
There was a lot going on even if you weren't doing much other than bleeding out profusely. You're an FBI agent, you know you're not going to die even with your injuries, and you live off spite - there are times you should have died and yet you still pull through.
There were a lot of gunshots around you, you kept your head down as you tried to crawl closer somewhere else, despite being in a lot of pain. From what you can gather in your condition, you were at the wrong place at the wrong time. You were held hostage in a library, and you remember that you were sent there to collect information by yourself - after all, no one actually targets a library, so everyone in your team thought it was okay for one person to go.
But, here you were, with many terrified people. Your heart sank as you could see some kids clinging to their parents, at least you were here you thought. The suspects quickly figured out you were part of the FBI team and focused on you primarily.
There were no casualties and you were thankful for that, even if that meant you had to take the brute of their violence.
There was a gun showdown, and the suspects (there were five of them) were too busy gunning down the police that were outside, there was a fair assumption that your team were out there as well.
That was your moment, you groan quietly as you manage to get yourself on your feet, crouched down, you quickly moved as you could try to see if there was a back door.
No luck.
This was an old library with a hidden archive room, this place was locked down to prevent anyone from stealing anything. There was the main entrance and the back entrance was down in the basement, your best bet was the main entrance to get people out or create your own exit.
You noticed that the suspects brought multiple bombs with them, now you had to figure out how to get a bomb to a section that, hopefully, people won't mind destroying.
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"He's in there," Morgan says, well, more like shouts over from behind the car, "He has to be!"
"I hope he's okay," Emily shouts back, unable to see you, but her focus at the moment was trying to get the suspects.
JJ scoffs and shakes her head, "We are talking about (Y/n)! The guy who refuses to die in any situation."
"But, one day it'll catch up to him," Hotch reminds the team, even knowing you - you weren't invincible, "I just hope it isn't today."
Suddenly, there was a bang on the side of the library, causing everyone outside to duck behind cover. The shooting from the inside ceases for a minute or two before it starts up again, but this time it's only three of them shooting at them.
"Emily, Morgan with me!" Hotch called out as he looked at his other team members, who nodded at him to go.
The three of them start moving towards the open entrance, noticing how people started to run out into safety. Noticing that there were police officers taking initiative by meeting them halfway and bringing them to safety.
But, there was no sight of you, and that worried them.
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You managed to headbutt one of the suspects, whose job was to keep an eye on you after creating an exit for people. They underestimated you, despite bleeding out from some stab wounds, broken ribs and mostly now a concussion, you were still in fighting ability.
You knock the man unconscious, and as you take a step forward, your knees buckled under you. And suddenly, you feel everything. You were running on pure adrenaline and when you needed it the most, your body betrays you as you found yourself on all fours.
You gasped, feeling your chest burn with every harsh breath. You were panicking and your chest was not getting any better with each breath. You started to hyperventilate, coughing and spitting out blood onto the floor, your vision starting the blur and your mind was convincing you that this was the end of you.
Your head snaps up at your name, and you choke on your breathing before letting out a slow heavy exhale, with that you push yourself up and crash against the wall. But, at least you were up from the floor.
Where are they? I can't see them, but you can most definitely hear them. Unless you were just imagining them, you blink a few times trying to clear your vision before sliding yourself up the wall, to your full height. You placed one hand against the wall, and the other on a stab wound that managed to break free from your homemade bandages from your flannel.
You pushed yourself off the wall as you walked out of the room and into the corridor of the basement. There you see three figures running at you, you bare a smile to see who it was.
"Oh, thank god," Emily expressed relief as she immediately hugs you, not caring about the blood, before pulling away to examine you.
Hotch placed a hand on your shoulder, casting your eyes to him, there was relief in his eyes despite the rest of his face not expressing as such.
“Now, I know what you’re thinking: that’s a substantial amount of blood, are you okay? And I’d like to assure you that I am perfectly fine.”
Hotch raised an eyebrow at you, his hand on your shoulder keeping you upright, “Your hands are shaking, you’re wheezing, and I’m pretty sure you’re going to pass out."
“Well. You’re observant. But I’m fine.”
Morgan was going to comment but suddenly there was another bang down the hallway, indicating that was your signal to leave quickly.
“Can you run?” Morgan asked, knowing full well that you were stubborn and did not want to be carried by him, even at a time when you could be dying.
“I can limp quickly.”
"Better than nothing."
Emily throws your arm over her as you leaned on her as support, limping quickly down the hallway. Morgan is on your six whilst Hotch is in front, you don't know if you managed to get everyone out successfully but you hope you did.
"Have we ever told you that you're borderline crazy?" Emily asked, laughing at you to chuckle - at least you still had some of your spirit left.
"I'm very much aware, but that's what you love about me."
"You give me high blood pressure," Hotch comments from the front as you grin, "I might have to start charging you my hospital bill."
"He jokes!" You exclaimed before laughing, "Man, if I die, at least I got to hear a joke from Hotch."
"I'm sorry sir," You shut up immediately as Morgan and Emily snorted at the quick response, it was like watching a kid getting scowled at by their father.
The four of you managed to get out from the back, Emily reassuring you that you were almost with everyone else. As you get closer to the shooting, you cannot help but flinched as they immediately wave down any paramedic to you.
"How is he?" Rossi asked, as Hotch and Morgan returned, Emily decided to stay with you whilst you were getting tended.
"Exactly how you think he is," Morgan says as Rossi cracks a smile at that.
"You know, I gotta know how he does it," Spencer says, ducking in the cover, hoping that the battle of shooting would cease soon.
"Does what?" JJ loudly asked.
"How he looks at the face of death and spits on him," Spencer replies, looking at his team with a smirk, "His ability to not die is extraordinary."
"That's (Y/n) for you."
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midnight-talescape · 2 years
Contract (Alpha Sebastian x Omega Reader)
Kinktober day 8: Alpha/Omega
I’m not late
Warning: Heat, marking, alpha omega, food play, lactation, ooc a little bit, etc, etc you get the point not for kid
Genre: filthy filthy smut
。・゚・。+☆+。・゚・。+☆+。・゚・。+☆+。・゚・。+☆+。・゚・。+☆+。・゚・。+☆+。・゚・。+☆+。・゚・。 “My lady, your afternoon tea is ready,”
You nodded your head without looking up, busy working on the stack of work you have to go through.
You was stopped when Sebastian took away the document you were looking at.
“Sebastian, please return that. I need to finish these before the next meeting,”
Sebastian look at you disapprovingly and took away the rest of your work, before laying out tea and dessert in front of you.
“Might I remind you that you haven’t eat or sleep since last night. As your butler it’s my responsibility to make sure you are in great care,”
Sighing you took a cup of tea. After all you are quite hungry, a little rest can’t hurt.
Just as you brought the tea to your mouth, you winced and dropped the cup as you were overcome with a very particular emotion.
Sebastian catches the cup before it can do any damage, and coming to check on you.
“My lady are you all right?”
You looked up, your face taking on a blush as you struggle to speak,
“I-I’m fi-eh… I-it’s seems like m-ha… my heat cycle started early…” you try not to lean into Sebastian as your mind start to blur and your body heat up, his cool temperature a welcoming change of pace, “Pl-please get m-uugh… m-my suppressants, haa….”
Sebastian gently rubbed your back as he said in a (fake) apologetic tone,
“I’m afraid we have ran out of suppressants, my lady”
“W-what? How?!”
Sebastian embraced you as your mind start blurring from panic and the desire of your heat cycle to noticed something wrong.
“I’m afraid it will be my fault, I accidentally dropped the last few vial when moving them. I have been meaning to get more, but I didn’t realize your heat cycle will come early,” Sebastian said with a sigh, seemingly disappointed with himself,
“—?!” you looked up at Sebastian in disbelief,
Acknowledging your disbelief at how a demon manage to dropped all the vial.
“I got distracted by, ah a cute kitten. I do apologize for my mistake,”
You groan and your knee buckled, you would have fall onto the ground if Sebastian hasn’t caught you.
You pant as you cling onto Sebastian desperately, as your body burned up from the inside. Just as you thought you might die from the stupid heat cycle, Sebastian lean closed to your ears and whisper,
“I can help you, you know my lady,” 
“Hu-“you suddenly gasp when you was enveloped by Sebastians pheromones,
You struggled to get out of his embraced, to get away from the pheromones attacking you, but to no avail.
“I’m a alpha too, my lady. I can help you, just a temporary marking, it won’t hurt. I belong to you, remember?” Living up to his species Sebastian seduce you into agreeing, by blatantly lying to your face,
Seeing you finally agreeing, Sebastian smile, seeing how the prey has fallen into his trap.
Sebastian carry you to the couch before undressing you like he has done many time in the past, despite your many complaints of being able to do it yourself.
He looked at your naked body flushed red from needs, your teary eye, and the smell of your orchid pheromone unknowingly being release by you.
He felt a itch in the back of his throat, the wants to devour you soul and body was overwhelming.
But no, if he does that you will be gone forever. A temporary satisfaction in a eternity of boredom.
No he will make you his, devouring you little by little.
He lean down to catch your lip and slipped his tongue in starting a mock battle for dominance. 
You gagged as Sebastian forced his tongue down your throat, craving more of you.
Eventually Sebastian let go and you pant as you were finally able to breath again.
Sebastian wiped away the string of saliva dripping down your chin, before putting his finger in his mouth and licking it off.
He squeeze your breast harshly leaving red mark on it, before putting your nipple in his mouth.
“S-stop biting, ha… hurt… let go, ahh!”
You let out a wail as Sebastian sucks and fondle with your breast, the contract above your left breast glowing warm.
Suddenly your mind went blank as you felt milk seeped out of your nipple.
Noticing this with a grin, Sebastian bit down on your nipple with his fang, forcing sweet milk to dripped out of you breast.
“St-stop that, ha… Sebastian I co-ah!” your mind went blank as you came undone,
Satisfied Sebastian let go of your nipple now hard and seeping milk, and with a mocking voice said,
“Look at you coming undone so quickly. With milk seeping out of you and your cunt dripping wet. I forgot how lustful human can be,”
With that he dragged his finger across your fold collecting your slick before sticking 2 fingers inside you.
“So needy and wet for me,” Sebastian purred as he shoved more fingers into you,
You mewl desperately holding onto him as he pumped his fingers in and out of you.
You widen your eyes as you shuddered and came again.
Seeing that you are ready, Sebastian lifted you above his member before pushing you down roughly.
You screamed half from pain half from pleasure, as you felt your tunnel being stretched open taking in Sebastian’s demonic dick.
Sebastian let out a groan as his member was stopped half way, your tunnel too tiny to take him in fully in one go.
Sebastian’s eye glow as he grip your waist tightly and slammed his member in and out of your dripping fold.
“Ah! S-slow down, haa… t-too fast, ughh..”Your eyes roll to the back of your head and drool drip down your chin, as your fuck dumbed on Sebastians dick,
“You’re doing so well, I always knew you would feel so good, fucking your pretty little body dumb,”
Sebastian licked away the tear streaming down your face, before saying sadistically,
“What’s wrong, my lady? Are you hungry?”
Sebastian wrapped your leg around his waist before carrying you to the desk, thrusting inside you the entire way.
You clenched onto Sebastian’s shirt feeling him member hitting the most vulnerable part of your body.
You was brought back to reality when Sebastian hold a fork to your mouth.
“You need to eat, my lady,”
You tried to refuse, but was quickly stopped when he land a particularly hard thrust inside you.
Bits and pieces of cake fall onto your body as you was forcefully fed, and Sebastian continuously fucked you.
“Oh my, I didn’t take you as one to waste food, my lady. I tried very hard on it you know? I think you deserve some punishment,” with that Sebastian bit down on the piece of skin with cakes on it, as you cried, your body sensitive from overstimulation,
Eventually Sebastian bite down on your neck injecting you with his pheromones, before cumming inside you, marking you as his forever.
After cleaning you up, he lift your trembling body into his arm.
“Now come on, it’s time for you to rest. You have 6 more days to go after all,”
“I-it was supposed to be temporary,”
With a smile he said cheerfully,
“I’m a demon have you forgotten?” Then with a kiss on your head he continued, “This will be my payment, you will be mine from now till eternity,”
Unknown to you, behind you hidden in a corner was your vials of suppressant.
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