#buff little rat he is
suiana · 4 months
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(yandere! gym rat x gn! pilates princess/prince/liege)
"cutie! you're back again!"
"...yes? this is a public gym."
you stare at the buff man before rolling your eyes and going back to doing your squats.
he's weird, you think. always watching you, trying to chat you up while not so subtly mentioning how he knows where you stay and some private life details.
you don't want to get close to him even if he seems nice.
i mean, he looks and acts pretty dumb. kinda like a beefy himbo. but what if he isn't a himbo? you'd be in a precarious situation then. men are emotional creatures after all. who knows what he'd do?
"hey want me to spot you! you're doing squats-"
"yeah, without weights. i think I'll be fine, thank you very much."
you snap at him, eyes narrowed as you turn up the volume of your music. ugh, will he just leave you alone? all you ever want is to exercise in peace! do your silly little pilates... but no! he has to annoy you all the time!
"w-well... if you need me I'll be in my corner... doing pilates... you know, because i picked it up for you..."
you glance at him as he walks to his pink mat near you, pitifully getting on his knees as he does some pilates exercises. you would've totally ignored him if not for the moans and whimpers he let out with each rep he did.
you pause your squats, raising an eyebrow as your cheeks flush slightly red. was he always this noisy even with his normal exercises?
"dude can you shut- and you're not doing it right... you need to do it like this."
you walk up to him, taking off your headphones as you adjust his position. hopefully this would help him to shut up... he probably just made the noise because he wasn't in the correct pose. your hands brush against his sweaty skin, helping him to get into the correct position instead.
but as you were doing so, he let out even more noises, flustering you beyond belief. what the heck?! can he just shut up?!
you immediately retract your hands, staring at him like he just murdered somebody before walking away.
nuh uh, you're not dealing with freaky men anymore. you tried helping him but he just wouldn't stop his silly acts.
"s-sweetie wait! I'm sorry! please keep going!"
the male whines, immediately crawling after you as his cheeks flush a beautiful hue of red. however, you obviously ignored him, walking back to your own mat as you resumed your squats, headphones plugged in with music blasting loudly.
ugh, so he really is a weird beefy himbo.
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deanssluvr · 15 days
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PAIRINGS: joost klein x fem!reader ,, ski aggu x fem!reader ,, joost klein x fem!reader x ski aggu
SUMMARY: two frat guys are betting on who can have you first, but why choose when you can have both of them.
WARNINGS: RPF. SMUT. threesome. aftercare. mentions of alcohol.
A/N: i hope you guys enjoy reading this because i loved writing it. not proofread. also fyi aggu’s real name is august for those might be confused when it’s brought up. <3
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In the bustling heart of college campus life, two fraternity brothers, Joost and August, stood amidst the raucous energy of a late-night party. This event marked the last night before winter break started, a chance for everyone to get together before they all left campus. It was usually the biggest party of the year, and luckily this year Joost and Aggu were in charge of throwing it. Surprisingly setting up a party was easy since the frat house was almost cleared out. In only a few hours, the entire place was a chaotic mix of red cups, music blasting, and students weaving through a maze of people.
You arrived quite late at your friend's invitation. Now you had wished you had taken her offer for a ride, but your roommates had insisted on pregaming. Luckily it was the point of the night that they were letting in anyone because you left your invite with Sadie. As soon as you stepped inside, your roommates ditched you to find their friends, leaving you to yourself. It was more packed than you expected. The air felt heavy as smoke and sweat filled the room. The house was covered in multiple bright colored lights but soon settled on a dark blue. Now here you were trying to make your way through the large crowd looking for Sadie. It was like looking for a needle in a haystack. As you moved through the crowd, you tapped on a few shoulders thinking they were her. It was awkward every time you touched the wrong person. You gave up after a few minutes and made your way to the drink table.
On the other side of the room, Joost, with a cocky grin, turned to Aggu, who leaned casually against the wall.
"How about a bet?" Joost challenged a mischievous smirk on his face.
Aggu raised an eyebrow, his smirk matching Joost's. A chuckle left his lips. "Sure. Why not. What are we betting?"
Joost's grin widened. "Loser has to clean the entire house tomorrow. Alone."
Aggu’s eyes narrowed but he accepted. “Deal. So, who’s the catch?”
Joost’s eyes scanned the room, finally focusing on you as he watched you look around the drink table. He pointed in your direction. “First one to get with her wins. No sleazy moves, though. We’re talking genuine charm and conversation.”
Aggu nodded, sizing up the competition. "Sounds fair. May the best man win."
The air buzzed with anticipation as the two friends separated and made their way through the crowd of partygoers. Both were determined, but only one would walk away with the number and bragging rights for the semester. Little did they know someone had been listening to their whole conversation. Your friend Sadie quickly made her way across the room before either of them could reach you. Luckily both guys were stopped by what she assumed were friends, putting a brief pause in their plan. She caught you by surprise when she grabbed your arm and pulled you aside. You were a bit confused, but just happy to finally see your friend.
“You will never believe what I heard.” she was shaking with anticipation.
“Hello to you too.” you laughed. “What did you hear?”
“You know those two frat dudes in our math class? Joost and Aggu I believe are their names.” You nodded. They were both relatively popular on campus. Mostly for the parties they throw, but also because of the broken hearts they leave in their tracks. You’ve avoided them for that reason, not wanting to end up with the same fate as the other girls. But you could see why they fall for them so easily. They were both very attractive in their ways. Aggu was a gym rat so he was very buff and fit, but also very soft-spoken and kind despite what people like to believe. Though only you knew that because of the one time you both worked on a project together. On the other hand, Joost was a bit thinner but still very good-looking. He had fluffy blonde, almost white, hair and was littered with tattoos. He also had a cocky attitude to match.
“Well first off, both of them find you really pretty. Second, they made a bet to try and sleep with you.” She smiled at you as if she was proud to have given you this information. On any other occasion with any other guys, you would’ve been disgusted and repulsed at the thought of two guys betting for you. But you did like them and found them very attractive, so you decided to turn this around for yourself.
“Thanks for letting me know.” You smirked and looked around the room. Your eyes landed on them both as you spotted them with their friends.
“So who are you gonna pick? Personally, I couldn’t,” she admitted, pulling your attention back to her.
“I think I’m gonna take both.” You winked. You watched as her expression changed from confusion to surprise. She playfully hit your arm.
“You naughty girl.” she teased. You just shrugged innocently.
Aggu was the first to pry himself away from his friends. He wasn’t contributing much to the conversation anyway. Joost was too deep in said conversation to notice his absence. Sadie peered over your shoulder to see him walking your way.
“Incoming. Good luck.” She giggled and slipped away before you could say anything. Not even a minute later you felt a soft tap on your shoulder. You turned, realizing it was Aggu who was approaching you first. He had a warm, genuine smile on his face. You smiled in return.
“Hey.” He greeted, speaking loud enough to be heard over the music.
“Hey,” you responded as if you were surprised to see him.
“I’m glad you came. I don’t really get to see you outside of class.”
“I mean if you want to see me more, you could just ask.” You both laughed, but something about him seemed off. You turned to pour yourself a drink, but he gently grabbed your arm causing you to drop the ladle.
“I wouldn’t. Joost made it. He dumped whatever we had into that.” You scrunch your nose at it. “Here. Let me get you something else.”
He walked you over to the cooler and opened it revealing various alcoholic and soda beverages. He dug around in it for a moment before pulling out a particular can. He handed it to you.
“Still your favorite right?” What he handed you was your favorite soda. He only knew because you’ve given him one before. During your project, you both were pulling an all-nighter at your dorm. It was late and you both had decided to stop working and just talked. That was the night you learned more about him beyond what other people tell you. And as a nice gesture, you offered him a soda. That moment meant more to him than you’ll ever know.
You were shocked that he still remembered considering that was a year ago, but sweet nonetheless.
“Yeah, it is.” you smiled sheepishly. You opened it and took a sip. Though he was wearing those ski goggles, you could feel his stare. The brief silence soon became apparent as you became more aware of the music again. He leaned into you, his lips barely hovering over your ear.
“Can I take you somewhere quieter?” He asked and put some distance between you both once more. He looked over your face, waiting for an answer. You nodded and he softly grabbed your arm. As he guided you through the crowd, his hand slipped down so now he was holding your wrist. His fingers gently grazed against your palm, sending a slight tingling sensation up your arm. You were glad he was the one guiding you because the crowd seemed to be way more packed than when you first arrived. Your shoulders grazed against random partygoers, but all you could pay attention to was the small connection between you and him.
There was a brief moment where you passed a group of guys. If you hadn't been paying close attention to your surroundings, you wouldn’t have noticed Joost amongst those guys. You saw him share a glance with Aggu and then his eyes fell on you. He forced himself to smile rather than let you see his jealousy. You sent him a quick wave and he raised his cup a bit, waving back. Aggu led you down a hallway that seemed to be noticeably less crowded than the main floor. It was a bit awkward having to pass the people in this space. Most were either smoking or making out against the wall. A lot of them didn’t take notice of either of you as they seemed to be in their world. But those who did see you, glared at you as if you were the odd one. He stopped in front of a doorway and let you step inside. You looked around. The room was quite clean and cozy compared to the rest of the house. It was dim with only a small, warm lamp emitting light. In the middle was an old couch that clearly had been loved. You sat down, sinking into the soft fabric. The loud music outside became nothing more than a gentle hum as he closed the door behind him. He walked over and sat next to you. He watched as you continued to take in your surroundings. He leaned in, his voice soft.
“This is our second living room. No one uses it since it’s not close to the front of the house.” You hummed in response. Turning to look at him, you weren’t expecting him to be so close. You quickly became flustered under his gaze, so you picked up your drink and sipped it. If Joost wasn’t in the question you would give into Aggu right now.
“So how did you remember this?” You gesture to the drink in your hand. He shrugged.
“I try to remember everything about you. And since we don’t hang out, it’s not much.” He paused and thought about what he just said, letting out a small chuckle. “Sorry if that came off creepy.”
You reciprocated his laughter. “No, it's fine. I find it cute that you care about the small things. Not many guys do these days.” He smiled in response. The energy shifted between you. It was less tense and you felt more comfortable around him. And maybe it was how close you were to him, but you swear you felt the air become warmer. You leaned further back into the couch and felt his arm under you, lightly supporting your head. There was silence between you both, but it was a comfortable silence.
“Can I tell you something?” He asked. His voice was softer now.
“Of course.”
“That night in your dorm,” he looked away for a moment, avoiding your gaze. You make him nervous but he’d never tell you. “meant more to me than I'd like to admit.”
“Why? Because we had finally finished our project.” you were joking, but you could see he was serious.
“No. Because for the first time in a long time, it felt like you saw me. Like actually saw me. No front, no expectations. It was just... easy." you couldn’t say anything. You didn’t know what to say. He paused, looking for the right words. He still hasn’t looked back at you. "I guess what I’m trying to say is I like being around you. More than I thought I would. And it’s not just about finishing projects or hanging out because we’re supposed to. It’s more than that."
His honesty hung in the air between you, heavy and sincere. The noise of the party seemed to fade into the background, leaving just the two of you at this moment, the weight of his confession settling into your heart. You moved your hand under his chin and gently lifted it so he was looking at you. He leaned into your touch.
“I wish you had told me earlier because I feel the same way.” He smiled, a little nervous but relieved, as if a burden had been lifted. His hand hesitantly reached out, brushing against yours, a silent question in his touch. The softness in his voice, the way he looked at you. It was clear this wasn’t just another flirtation for him. This was real, and it meant something. Your hand moved to his cheek and your thumb rubbed gently into his skin. He leaned forward, closing the distance between you. Suddenly the door flung open. You both turn to see a guy frantically running into the room.
“Oh. Sorry. I just needed to tell you that something happened upstairs in your room. Some drunk dude and his girl broke your TV.” Aggu sighed and muttered something in German. He looked back at you with sympathetic eyes.
“It’s okay. Go. I needed another drink anyway.” You gave him a reassuring look before he got up to leave. You watched as he and the random guy walked out, and then you were left alone. The energy shifted again since he was gone. The room became noticeably colder and the music started to fade back into your ears. You decided to get up and head back to the main floor. You quickly walked through the awkward hallway as before, though the people didn’t mind you this time around. The music became louder as you made your way into the living room. The crowd didn’t seem any different than when you had stepped away. The idea of trying to find Sadie in this crowd again seemed pointless, so you made your way over to the drink table again. As you weave your way through the crowd, you wish Aggu was here to lead the way as he did earlier. You were bumping into far more people and even caused someone to spill their drink. But eventually, you made it.
Joost was still in the same conversation as earlier but wasn’t talking as much anymore. He was too upset with the idea of you and Aggu. He didn’t want to lose the bet when the night barely started. But he was losing hope with every minute you were spending with him. That all changed when he saw you walking up to the drink table. Alone. He watched as you dug through the cooler. Taking this as an opportunity, he walked up next to you and leaned on the table. You finally found what you were looking for and turned around, but immediately bumped into someone. Their drink fell to the ground.
“I am so sorry.” You looked up to find a familiar face. The worry dissipated and was quickly replaced with relief.
“It’s okay.” He reached down to pick up the now empty cup and tossed it in a nearby trash can. “It wasn’t that good anyways.”
“Didn’t you make it?” you asked.
“I mean yeah. But I never said it was good,” he said playfully, making you giggle. “You know you owe me now.”
You looked at him confused. “For what? Spilling your drink?” he nodded. “I mean I already apologized. What more do you want?”
“Dance with me.” you laughed. You assumed he was joking, but his face told you otherwise.
“Oh. You’re serious.” He nodded. You paused considering his offer. Just pouring him another drink was probably a safer choice, but this option seemed way more fun. “I’d love to.”
He reached his hand out, offering it to you. You hesitated for just a second, feeling a flutter of excitement in your chest, then slipped your hand into his. His grip was warm and steady, reassuring in a way that made you feel both safe and exhilarated. With a gentle tug, he guided you through the crowded room, weaving effortlessly between groups of people until you reached the pulsating heart of the dance floor. The music was loud in your ears, the bass thrumming through your veins as you stood within the crowd. The lights flickered above, casting the room in shades of blue and purple that washed over the swaying bodies around you. The energy of the room seemed to only intensify. The beat vibrated in your chest, making it impossible not to dance.
You started to dance, quickly letting the rhythm take control, your hips swaying to the music. The world around you seemed to blur with the people around you fading into the background as you lost yourself in the moment. Then, you felt Joost’s hands, firm yet gentle, slide around your waist. His touch sent a shiver up your spine, grounding you even as the music threatened to carry you away. He pulled you closer, his body aligning with yours, and suddenly it felt like it was only you both on the dance floor. His breath was warm against your ear as he leaned in, the scent of his cologne and faded cigarette smoke mixing with the electric atmosphere. The music pulsed around you, but all you could focus on was the way your bodies moved together, perfectly in sync with the rhythm.
The song changed to something more slow and sensual. And, as if on cue, the lights changed to a deep red causing a noticeable change in energy. Your hips moved to the new rhythm of the song. It was unfamiliar to you, but that didn’t matter. You felt his grip on you tighten as he pulled you closer against him. He dropped his head into the crook of your neck. Your scent was intoxicating and he bit his lip, blocking a groan that threatened to leave. You weren’t stupid, you could feel the tension between you. As well as his bulge pressing against your ass. So you knew it was time for the final step of your plan. You turned around so now you were facing him. He looked as though he was in a haze. His pupils were blown and his lips were parted. You closed the distance between you both only to move to his ear.
“We should go somewhere private.” your voice was hot in his ear and sent goosebumps across his skin. All he could do was nod in response. He led you out of the crowd and up some stairs. You stopped him.
“I want to freshen up a bit before we…” you lied. You just needed to go get Aggu before things got too heated. “Where can I meet you?”
He looked down the hall nearest to you and pointed. “The last room on the right.”
“Okay.” you nodded. “I won’t be long. I promise.”
You gave him a sincere smile and watched as he left. When he was out of your view, you turned and began walking down a hallway in the opposite direction. You were familiar with the layout of the house since most of the time this is where you and Aggu had worked on your project together.
This part of the house was surprisingly empty. Though the trash scattered about and the smell of smoke told a different story. You assumed they cleared the hallway after the incident in Aggu’s room. You continued down the hall until you heard voices. After turning a corner, you saw him. He was leaning against the wall talking to the other guy from earlier. You walked towards them and they were quick to see you. Probably because the clicking of your heels was the loudest sound in the hall. He smiled before turning to his friend to tell him something. You saw him nod and walk away.
“Hey.” he smiled as you walked up to him. “Sorry for taking so long.”
“It’s fine,” you reassured him. Your hands slipped into his and you placed them around your waist. He instinctively pulled you closer to him. “but I was getting bored without you. I want to continue where we left off.” you bit your lip hoping he’d get the hint.
“Oh. Oooh.” It’s like you could hear the gear moving in his head. He was a bit flustered at your eagerness. “Of course.”
“Okay meet me in the room at the end of the hallway across from here.” He looked at you confused. “I’ll meet you there. I just want to freshen up first.”
He nodded before leaving you for the requested destination. You quickly walked further up the hall to the nearest bathroom. It was quite small and the scent of cheap lavender was strong. In front of you was a little sink and a mirror that had multiple cracks in it. You had no time to find another bathroom, so you made do with this one. You rummaged through your purse for your perfume and deodorant to freshen yourself up with like. You also took this opportunity to touch up your makeup. Once you deemed yourself ready, you left the bathroom and headed to the room.
Anticipation built in your chest the closer you got. You were also a bit worried. Sure you were able to lure them in, but what if they don’t want to do this? Hopefully, you’ve played your cards right. As you approached the door, you could hear what sounded like bickering. As expected. They were both under the impression that they won the bet. You took a deep breath and opened the door. Immediately they both went silent as they saw you in the doorway. You hesitantly stepped inside, closing the door behind you.
“Finally. Please tell him that you came here for me.” Joost had his arms crossed over his chest, eyes glaring at Aggu who scoffed in response.
“We were just in the hallway together and she said she wanted me.” he looked at you for support. In fact, both of them did. “Go ahead tell him.”
“You’re both right.” Aggu looked at you in confusion and Joost seemed like he was trying to find the right word, but was coming up empty. “Look. I know about your bet.
Their demeanor changed and they looked defeated and embarrassed. Apologies started to pour from their mouths, but you raised your hand, silencing them.
“I’m not mad about it,” you reassured, which confused them even more.
“Wait. So then why are we here?” Joost asked. You set your bag down on the dresser next to you and walked closer to them, leaving little space between the three of you.
“I thought it’d be more fun if you both won the bet.” It took a minute for it to click. They were both silent for a moment. You could see the hesitation in both of their eyes. You almost thought that this wasn’t going to happen, but then Joost made the first move. He stepped up to you and held your face in his hands. He pulled you into him. The kiss was gentle, but only for a moment as it quickly became hungrier. His tongue swirled with yours, and you could taste the alcohol and faint cigarette smoke that lingered. Aggu, feeling left out, came behind you. His hands find their way to your hips and under the soft fabric of your shirt. The feeling of his cold fingers against your skin sent shivers across your skin. His lips were quick to attach to your collarbone where he kissed and sucked. He trailed up your neck and nipped at your sweet spot causing you to moan against Joost’s lips. The air around you became hot and the clothes on your body felt restraining. He was the first to pull back for air and you both looked at each other, panting. Aggu took this opportunity to lift your shirt over your head and throw it somewhere on the floor. You immediately caught Joost staring at your tits which caused you to bite back a giggle.
“Get on the bed for us.” Joost cooed. You nodded before walking over to the bed. Luckily whoever room this was had a decent comforter. It was soft and plush under you. You looked over at the boys who seemed to be held up in some sort of conversation. You sighed and took this opportunity to remove your pants, leaving yourself in just your bra and panties. You were glad you chose to wear a pretty set. It was black with lace and rose embroidery. It was one of your favorites. Finally, they walked over to you, removing their shirts as they did so. They stopped when they saw you. You watched as their eyes gazed over your body.
“Fuck she’s hot.” Joost blurted and Aggu quickly nodded in agreement. Aggu stood at the foot of the bed while Joost was at your side. You watched as he crawled onto the bed, stopping when he was between your legs. You bit your lip as he lowered his head closer to your clothed pussy. His warm breath against you was enough to pull a whimper from you.
“Someone’s needy.” Joost breathed in your ear. He brought his hand to your chin and pulled you into another kiss. His hand then dipped under your bra where he gently squeezed your breast. You moaned into his lips when you felt his cold fingers pinch your nipple. Aggu had already taken off your panties and delved his tongue into your folds. You had to pull yourself away from Joost to let out a loud moan. It was quite a sight when you looked down. He was relentless in the way he was eating you out. His hands were holding onto your thighs tightly, keeping you exactly where he wanted. Your attention was pulled back to Joost when he pressed his lips to your jaw and down your neck. He took your hand and placed it over his growing bulge. You got the message and started palming him through his pants. Even through the loud noises coming from you, you could still hear him groan against your neck.
You unbuckled his pants and pulled out his aching cock. There was precum already dripping from his tip. You swiped your tongue across your hand before firmly grabbing him at the base. You started jerking him slowly which pulled another groan from him. He was still pressing sloppy kisses into your neck and you were sure he was leaving marks at this point. You gasped as the other man pushed one of his fingers into you. Your head fell back against the headboard giving Joost more space to explore your neck. His breaths were quick and hot as you pumped your hand faster. Then Aggu slipped another finger in, pushing into you at a frantic speed. All of it was too much as you felt yourself rapidly approaching your release. Aggu could tell by the way you were clenching around his fingers, but he didn’t let up. You felt that familiar coil in your stomach snap as you came. Your knees tightened themselves around his head, but that didn’t stop him. He let you ride out your high on his tongue.
Once you calmed down, Aggu removed himself from between you. His face was wet with your juices. He climbed off of the bed and wiped his mouth as he did so. Joost moved from your side and took his place. Aggu didn’t sit next to you like the other man did. Instead, he stood there waiting. You were panting and still a bit dazed from your orgasm, but Joost’s voice grabbed your attention. He told you to get on your knees. Although your legs were slightly shaking, you got on your knees anyway. You turn to notice they’ve both taken off the last few articles of clothing they had on. Aggu climbed into the bed in front of you. The first thing that caught your eye was his thick cock which was only a few inches from your face. When you looked up at him, he had a smirk on his face causing you to become flustered. Your attention shifted as you felt a dip in the bed behind you.
”Look at that pretty pussy.” His hands came to squeeze your ass and pulled them apart to get a better look at your pussy. You were still wet with Aggu’s spit and your orgasm.
“I know right.” Aggu’s hand came to your chin, making you look up at him. “Tastes even better.”
Without warning you felt Joost swipe his tip along your folds. You moaned when he went over your sensitive clit. Remembering the man in front of you, you leaned down and licked up the base all the way to his tip. A low groan left his lips as you took in only his tip. Joost deemed his cock wet enough and slid into you slowly, allowing you to adjust to him. You moaned onto his cock, sending vibrations through him. The noise he made was a little more vocal than before. He grabbed a handful of your hair and pushed himself further into your mouth. Behind you, Joost had bottomed out. He pulled back out and pushed into you again. This time a little rougher. Then he started rutting his hips into you. Aggu, his hand still in your hair, was guiding you up and down on him at his own pace. You were a drooling mess all over him, but you were too lost in pleasure to care. He managed to find the right amount you could take before you started gagging.
Joost’s relentless thrusts into you were quick to bring you to the edge again. You couldn’t say anything with Aggu in your mouth, but you’d doubt you’d get a coherent sentence out anyway. Behind you, Joost brought his fingers to your sensitive clit. It only took a few strokes to bring you over the edge again. Tears rolled down your cheek and you lifted yourself off of Aggu to cry out in pleasure. Joost’s thrusts were messy and becoming out of rhythm. Then his hips stuttered and stopped as he came inside of you. You felt him fill you up and spill out as he pulled out. He leaned back watching his release drip from you and took a mental picture.
“She’s all yours.” he panted over his shoulder to the man in front of you. You felt his weight on the bed disappear, and look to see him walk into the bathroom that’s connected to the room.
“Come here.” Aggu brought your attention back to him as he gestured to his lap. You weakly crawled over to him and straddled him. He traced his hands up your back and unhooked your bra. He slid the piece of fabric off of you and tossed it somewhere. You felt the cold air of the room against your nipples, hardening them. His hands grabbed your waist and he lifted you up. He moved you so you were hovering over his cock. You sank down on him slowly. He cursed under his breath as he watched where you both connected. He filled you up completely and then some. His hand came up to your cheek where his thumb rubbed gently. You melted into his touch. He pulled you into a kiss. This was different from his counterpart. He was soft and sweet against your lips. His tongue slipped past your lips and danced with yours. You shifted slightly, thrusting him into you. He gripped your hips tightly, nails digging into the plush skin.
Even with his hands and lips all over you and having his cock buried deep inside you, you were still desperate to feel him more. You whimpered against his lips. He was quick to pick up on what you wanted, so he pulled away and placed his hands firmly on your hips, guiding you to lift yourself up and then back down. With his help, you were moving at a steady pace, but it still wasn’t good enough. You were tired but still trying to chase your release. He watches you try and fuck yourself on him and senses your struggle. Taking control again, he meets your movements with his own thrusts. The way he was drilling into you had you seeing stars. Broken moans and incoherent noises were all that could be heard. For the third time already you felt yourself getting closer. His hand dipped down to rub your clit.
“Go ahead. Cum for me.” he breathed. Those words went straight to your core and were enough to bring you over the edge again. You cried out his name as you rode out your final orgasm. Hearing you say his name like that brought him to his release soon after. His grip on you was tight as he spilled into you. You both just looked at each other panting. Then a smile came across both of your faces. You were about to speak before you heard the door to the bathroom open. Joost walked out with his eyes covered by his hand. When he didn’t hear anything he removed it and sighed in relief.
“Finally. I thought you’d never finish.” Aggu rolled his eyes and you giggled. You carefully got off of him, wincing at how sensitive you still were. You stood up, or at least tried to. Your legs were now jelly. Joost was quick to come around and help you before you fell.
“I just want to go to the bathroom.” he nodded and placed his arm around your waist to support you. You both carefully walked over to the bathroom. He let you go and you leaned against the sink while he went to ran a shower for you. Aggu walked in and leaned on the counter next to you. You watched through dazed eyes as he reached his hand out and ran his finger under your lip where your lipstick had smudged. You were trying to avoid the mirror behind you so you didn’t have to see how much of a mess you were right now.
“Do you mind if I join you?” you shook your head. You were relieved he asked.
“Me too?” Joost asked. He didn’t want to be left out and you could tell. You laughed tiredly.
“Of course.” He smiled as if he was proud of himself. He turned to feel the temperature of the water. It seemed warm enough, so he helped you up and into the shower. Aggu entered behind you for support. The warmth of the water felt amazing against your skin compared to the cold air of the bathroom. If you were being honest, you were worried they would try for another round in the shower. Luckily they were just there to help you. They both lent a hand in cleaning you up. They lathered up small towels with soap and rubbed them against your skin while placing soft kisses all over you. After finishing up you were the first to step out of the shower. Neatly folded on the counter was a white towel. You picked it up and dried yourself off. They finished up a few minutes after and you stepped back out into the room. The sudden change in temperature made you shiver. You quickly put your undergarments back on and laid down on the bed, not caring to put the rest on.
Your mind can’t help but start to wonder what this means for your relationship with them. Of course, you have feelings for them and it’s clear that they’re reciprocated. The problem was having to choose. You sighed and pulled the covers over yourself. You were too exhausted for these types of thoughts. Then you heard them come out of the bathroom. They were talking amongst themselves then went quiet when they saw you.
“Are you guys gonna go back to the party?” you asked as they both looked around the room for their clothes. You were nervous about their response. They had no reason to stay. They got what they wanted. But you would be lying to yourself if you said you didn’t want them to stay with you. There was a brief silence as they shared a look.
“I wasn’t planning to,” Joost admitted.
“Me neither,” Aggu responded.
“Good.” You couldn’t hold back your smile. You watched as they quickly changed into their boxers and joined you in bed. Your worries melted away as they laid next to you, arms lazily on your waist. Maybe you’d have to make that decision at some point, but that would be a problem for another day.
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kookslastbutton · 1 year
Love's Remedy ༓ jjk (m) l ch. II
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✑ Summary: Jungkook is a romantic. He comes from a highly intelligent family who wants him to carry out the lineage. Being this way, he goes to college to be a pharmacist but his friends say college isn't just about studying! With a little persuasion, he goes to his first frat party thinking his hat will help him pick up a girl-or woman he means.
Pairing: STEM major!virgin!jungkook x STEM major!hot girl!reader
AU/genre: angst, smut, fluff, s2l, college au, mini-series
Rating: M, 18+
Word Count: 2,783
Warnings: angry koo, jealous koo, gym rat koo, thicc thighs koo, protective koo, kook checks his abs out, koo gets in a physical fight with an aggressive jerk that involves punching, name-calling (half pint, hermit crab, b*tch, Bambi, honeysuckle, kookie), mention of blood (minor), jk is very cute and determined towards oc, oc has philophobia (fear of relationships), oc has poor self-esteem, cussing, bit of crying...sorry lot of warnings this chapter
Now Playing: seven, summertime sadness, she’s kerosene, angels like you+
A/N: Yes, I'm aware this chapter is short, still Jungkook is shirtless in half of this and I am not sorry. This chapter also gets heavy but I hope you enjoy! 💞
<< ch. I ༓ ch. II >> | series masterlist
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A week passes since the frat party and Jungkook hears nothing from you. He's reluctant to accept that you've likely already deleted his number but why else would you be radio silent? Why would someone like you ever be interested in a shy little nerd like him?
He's disappointed but when he gave you his number, it's not like he was expecting anything in return.
Well, he can’t stay hung up on you forever—he'll give you one more week. In the meantime, it’s 5 p.m and he’s off to do his daily lifting at the gym. He read somewhere online that evening is better for building strength, and that is exactly what he intends to do.
With a basic black tank top and gym shorts on, Jungkook scans the expanse of the facility. The place isn’t too crowded being that it’s nearly dinner time but it’s still moderate. He’s hoping Jackson will join him soon, considering they’re buddies now because isn’t that what guy friends do? Workout together?
When he makes his way to the weight room he quickly finds it's packed with guys double his size. Half of them look like they're upperclassmen while the other half is split between first-years like him and a small handful of women. He sheepishly strolls over to an empty pull-up bar, deciding to start with chin lifts.
Jungkook sets his water bottle on the ground, reaches for the handle, and lifts his body up until his chin is level with the bar, legs swing in the air slightly. He then extends his arms back out. The burn in his biceps feels good. He repeats the motion a few more times but has to stop when he hits six.
He takes a big swig of his water, already sweating evident from the tank top sticking to his back. The coolness of the water helps but between his own sweat and the sweat of others around him, Jungkook is tempted to throw his shirt off. Most of the men in the room aren’t wearing any more than shorts anyway so why can’t he?
Jungkook grasps the edges of his tank, pulling it up a little. How did his abs look? Were they good enough to show off? He’s working out diligently since 14 but he was still on the smaller side compared to the rest of his peers.
The mirror to his left helps him get a better look so he shifts his body over. When he does he catches a slight glimpse of a familiar face in the top right corner. Jungkook instantly drops his shirt, whipping his head around.
What were you doing in the weight room? And with some buff guy twice his size closely behind you? All he’s doing is staring at your ass in those tight purple shorts which so happens to have a matching crop top.
Jungkook scowls at the sight.
When you take a seat at one of the bench presses a couple of feet away, his eyes widen. The guy you came with stands behind your head as you lean back. He helps you set the barbell. It’s too far for Jungkook to hear what he’s telling you but he’s convinced it’s nothing good. Whoever this guy is he won’t stop grinning, and you’re grinning back!
You said you don’t do relationships. You said you'd think about going out with him. You said a lot of things but here you are with some guy that looks an awful lot like a boyfriend, how disgusting…
Fuck it.
Jungkook turns his eyes away from you, yanks his tank off, and grabs the pull-up bar again. He’s gonna knock ten of these out in one set.
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Shoulder-width apart, he keeps a steady pace though he makes sure to take deep breaths to prolong his stamina. His eyes fixate on the back wall of the weight room to avoid you and your supposedly new boo from getting in his head.
Apparently, you just didn’t want him. It’s fine. Jungkook exhales. It’s all fine.
After three sets of chin-ups, Jungkook releases himself from the bar to check his phone. He takes another glug of his water too.
Jackson: hey Kook, I was planning to join you at the gym today but I got my family in town tonight. Man, it’s only been a week….can you believe they’re here to visit already?
Jungkook: Wow, all I’ve gotten from my family is a short text saying good luck. They must miss you a lot but yeah, it’s no problem. We can work out another time?
Jackson: You got it bro. Thank you for understanding 🙏🏼 Also, there’s a second thing 😬
Jungkook: ??
Jackson: I might have told my parents about you so are you free to get lunch with us tomorrow? My parents want to meet you. Our treat.
Jungkook: Really? Okay yeah. I’d love to meet them. Time?
Jackson: We don’t know yet but likely 1pm if that’s okay?
Jungkook: Sure, I’ll just be studying so. Text me when you know.
Jackson: I will. How’s the gym?
Jungkook hovers his thumbs over the keyboard. When he glances up to think, he’s reminded of your lingering presence. You’re no longer bench pressing anymore but instead doing a set of bent-over dumbbell rolls. With the way you’re torso’s angled, anyone who’s anyone has a direct view of your rear end. Any decent person would pay it no mind but that same douchebag next to you keeps gawking.
“It’s not meant to be a fucking sex position,” Jungkook mutters and types out a response. “Fucker.”
He makes his way to the black punching bag on the other side of the room, passing a strong glare at that young man as he nears the two of you. He doesn’t know his name but he’d really like to go over there and knee him in the balls. His eyes flicker at you for a moment, so pretty.
“The hell are you staring at my girl for half-pint?” The man calls Jungkook out in an aggressive stance. “Keep your eyes in front before I fuck you up.”
Frazzled, Jungkook scurries to move past the both of you with his head down. “Sorry, I didn’t mean anything.” He doesn’t get three steps before a solid form blocks his path.
“Who are you apologizing to? Your feet? Look me in the damn eye when you talk to me.”
“Jun-ho stop,” you come up beside the man, tugging at his arm. He yanks himself out of the grasp, however, jolting your body back. You nearly lose your balance.
“I’m just trying to teach this little hermit crab what happens when you stare at another man’s woman, baby.”
Jungkook clenches his fists as you struggle to re-stabilize yourself. You should not be with this asshole. He doesn’t deserve you, he doesn’t deserve to be calling you his baby. Who the fuck does he think he is shoving a woman like that.
“Don’t fucking call me that,” you spit. “I’m not your woman. Now leave Jungkook alone. He doesn’t need this.”
Jun-ho gives you a cocky smirk. “Oh? So he’s Jungkook huh? You know him too. You fucking him behind my back or something?” He takes a step towards you. Jungkook lunges forward seeing your obvious discomfort.
“Don’t touch her!” Jungkook stands between you and Jun-ho. He’s shaking so badly but he doesn’t budge. “Take another step and I’ll–I’ll–“
“You’ll pound me in the ground? You and what army? You can’t even talk.” He snorts and moves to toss Jungkook to the side. “Get out of my way.”
Jungkook feels the back of his neck heat with rage, his ears red and burning. There’s no way in hell he’s letting Jun-ho get to you.
“She told you to stop, so why don’t you just–fuck off!” Jungkook shoves Jun-ho back with as much force as he can. His body’s not built and his arm muscles aren’t as ripped but he’s got some big fucking thighs that manage to anchor him to the ground.
“You shit.” Jun-ho grits his teeth and punches Jungkook straight in the gut. Jungkook doubles over in agony. His hand clutches over his abdomen as he groans. You hurry in front of him but you’re thrown to the side by a pair of large hands. “Move bitch,” Jun-ho snaps, eyes bolstered on the smaller man.
“Hey, what the hell is going on over here?” The manager of the gym rushes over to the three of you. He grabs Jungkook and offers him support. “You can’t be doing this young man. You need to leave now.”
Jun-ho shakes his head. “Count yourself lucky this time Jungkook. Could have been a lot worse if it weren’t for this old man getting in the way.” He stares at the manager and then at you. “Come on __.”
“You’re fucking nuts if you think I’m coming with you. I’m staying with Jungkook.”
“No, you’re fucking not.” Jun-ho reaches for your arm until his head is knocked backward by a clean, punch to his jaw. “Fuck! You Fuck!” He holds his jaw, stumbling into a rack of dumbbells behind him.
Jungkook’s knuckles bleed as he holds his own wrist. He winces at the sharp throbbing and stinging from the punch. “Okay no more, no more,” the manager anxiously darts his eyes back and forth between him and Jun-ho. “I want you all out of my facility this instance.”
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After being thrown out of the gym, Jungkook returns to his dorm room. He insists he takes care of his injury himself but it doesn’t sit well with you so you follow him.
“I’m so sorry about this Jungkook. Jun-ho’s a bastard.” You finish wrapping his knuckles in the elastic bandage then lean forward to place your hands on his shoulders. “Promise me you won’t ever do that again.”
Jungkook holds your pleading stare from his seated position. Your soft hands are simultaneously soothing and unsettling. He’s not mad at you for what happened at all. But seeing you with a jerk like Jun-ho when you rejected him, someone who’d never treat his girl like a piece of trash causes all kinds of knots inside him.
“You’re not going to see him again right? Because I can’t make that promise if you do.” His voice is low, nervous that you'll say yes.
Jungkook might not have personal relationship experience but he's witnessed his share of unhealthy relationship dynamics more times he'd like to count.
“Jungkook…” You muster up the best reassuring smile you can and tuck a few loose strands of his hair behind his ear. “Nothing's going to happen between me and Jun-ho anymore. We weren't anything serious. But you care too much about me, I’m not worth the trouble.”
Hearing this, he reaches a hand up to close over yours. “Please don’t say that. Everyone deserves to be cared for and as long as I can help it, I’ll be the first to do it.” His big, doting eyes search into yours. "And good, don't go back to him __. He's not the type of man you need."
"And what type of man do I need Bambi?" You stroke his puffy cheeks and quirk your head to the side inquisitively. Jungkook flinches at the touch.
"You didn't like it when I called you baby so, had to come up with something else."
"But." There's that pout again. Jungkook doesn't like being called a baby but when someone reaching this level of adorable, its so hard to shake. "But I just knocked a bitch out for you. How can you keep calling me baby names?"
The chuckle that leaves your lips is heaven to Jungkook's ears. "Aww Jungkook," you coo. "It's 'cause you're a little honeysuckle. So sweet to the taste." His ears perk up at that, gnawing on his bottom lip. "But if you want me to call you something else that might take some more time for me to figure out. Until then do tell me, what do I need?"
"Someone that'll protect you."
"Mhm, okay but—"
"Emotionally, physically, and mentally." Jungkook lists out loud. "That means someone to stand up for you, support you in the ways you need. Someone to help keep losers like Jun-ho out who only look out for themselves." He pauses, contemplating thoughtfully. "You need someone you can trust too. When you're sick you'll be taken care of and he'll never ever cheat on you. Even if you fight, he'll always stick by your side. You'll watch movies together, cuddle under the covers, and stargaze on summer nights. He'll also peel perilla leaves for you and love you until sunrise. Finally, when the time's right he'll ask to marry you, only if you want, of course."
Jungkook waits for you to give him a reply, a little breathless. He notices the distance between you and him somehow got larger. You're now about two feet away from him when you were only mere inches before.
"I'm sorry." He lowers his head. "It's silly I know. Everyone tells me I'm some kind of dreamer boy, just a hopeless romantic."
"It's not silly Jungkook." You soften your expression. "It's a beautiful idea and somewhere out there will gladly share those things with you. You'll live a full life together having all those wonderful experiences."
"Wanna have them with you though." His eyes flicker up at you. "I really like you __."
Oh no, no no no. You push down the pressure building from inside you. "No, I can't. I'm sorry Bambi, I want to but you don't know me." A small tear spills out of the corner of your eye. "I'm not able to....I can't love you like that."
Jungkook gets up from his chair and reaches for your trembling hand. You're tempted to pull back if it weren't for the fact that your hand feels warm in his.
"I can," he says. "I can love you if you let me."
You shake your head, and another hot tear rolls down your face. "Sorry, I don't know why I'm even crying." You quickly wipe your wet cheeks.
"You don't always need a reason. Sometimes it just happens and that's okay. I cry all the time when I'm by myself." Jungkook grabs your other hand slowly. "Just wanna be here for you."
You blink back the remaining tears welling in your eyes. You're embarrassed this is happening at all. Jungkook is the sweetest, most kind-hearted, and most selfless person you know. He shouldn't have to be dealing with any of this.
"If we can't go out, is it okay that we are friends?"
"I don't want to do that to you Kookie."
"Hey, I like that one," he says with a lifted voice.
"You do? I didn't even think about it like the others."
"You were thinking about me?" He bounces in the air a little, at least that's what it looks like to you by the sudden rush of energy Jungkook responds with. He likes knowing you've been paying attention to him, even if only a smidge.
You dart your eyes past him, fingers curling in his hand. "Well I mean..." Jungkook waits intently. "I guess...yes, some."
"Oh please __, please let me take you out. We don't even have to call it a date."
"You're too persistent, you know that?"
"But is it working?"
"I'm not ready yet Jungkook." His shoulders slouch and he opens his mouth to say something though you continue before he can get anything out. "To give you an answer. I'm not ready to give you an answer yet is what I'm trying to say."
"Well, that's okay. You wanna think about it longer? We can four years until graduation."
"You're such a goof, you'd wait that long for an answer?"
Jungkook shakes his head. "No, I'd wait that long for you." He pauses. "Okay maybe I have been watching one too many Korean dramas. Even I threw up in my mouth a little."
Too both share a laugh, this is the weirdest, emotionally exhausting day ever. "Thank you for what you did today with Jung-ho. And for trying to comfort me. Will you possibly be able to wait another week? If it's too long you can tell me. I've made you wait long enough."
"A week from now, let's meet up okay? Or call at least. Even if it's a no, I don't want this to be the last time I get to see or hear you."
"Okay." You nod. "I promise."
And that was the end of that night, as Jungkook walks you to your dorm soon after. It was getting dark out after all.
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A/N: tysm for reading! Lmk what you think and if you wan to be tagged comment/ask 💞
no reposting, copying, or translating my work– © kookslastbutton
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0x1lovebot · 2 months
cooking mamas😚✌️
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y/n — culinary school student and aspiring restaurant owner. very upbeat and kind. loves cooking so much! like she’ll cook for her friends when ever she gets the chance. the only thing is she’s pretty terrible under pressure. any mention of a timer or test and she will lose it. she always ends up doing well though. also an avid cooking mama player. if she’s not cooking irl, she‘s cooking in the game.
jimin — barista and gym rat #1. really into lifting and pilates. her friends call her the mom friend because of how much she looks out for them. she’s been friends with y/n for over 10 years and is one of her main recipe testers. y/n cooks so much that there’s always too much left to finish so her, chan, and changbin tend to swoop in like vultures to finish it.
chan — producer and part time lifeguard at the neighborhood pool. this man is the biggest sweetheart ever. always helping his friends and looking out for them. he’s like a big brother to y/n. gym rat #2. that man can and has done every workout and used every machine that there is. he always gets his best ideas for songs after midnight so he doesn’t get much sleep. y/n always gets on him about that.
changbin — manager at his parents gym and of course gym rat #3. him and chan almost always go to the gym together. this man is a serial cutie patootie. like I know he’s big and buff but he’s the cutest person ever and it pisses his friends off. mostly seungmin. changbin is a little unserious but he gives good advice and he’s a great friend. he’s also a protein fein and has raided y/n’s fridge in search of it!
seungmin — owner of the most popular plant shop in their neighborhood plant co., which just so happens to be next to the cafe jimin works at. the youngest of y/n’s friends and they treat him like it! he’s their baby for real. he’s very cool and calm on the outside but a maniac on the inside. and a bit of a menace. he says strange things sometimes but that’s part of his charm. he wishes he could cook but every time he enters a kitchen something bad happens.
masterlist →
🔖 — @savgogh @gongiz @ferxanda @binchanluvrr
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©2024 copyright. all rights reserved. @0x1lovebot.
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ratgrinders · 4 months
HIII i’m also a rat grinders fan in the “not interested in pretending they aren’t fucked up” but rather “interested in Why they are so fucked up” way 💥💥💥 i have Thoughts on how the shatterstar ritual affected the rat grinders in different ways and i wanted to know if u had any similar thoughts :3 - @teenagerebellion
THIS IS SUCH A GOOD ASK thank you for sending it!!!!!!!!
Ok so I AM gonna be working off the assumption that a rage crystal functions less like "mind control" and more so amplifying existing feelings to murderous extremes. Think Adaine in the mall fight when she's asked to picture "what would the world look like if all Adaine thought about was rage" and we see a destroyed Sylvaire from Adaine's search for her mother. We know that Adaine would never do that, but we see the underlying motivation is the same.
Off the bat we know Kipperlilly's ritual is different from the others since she chose to do it "willingly" and wasn't forced to choose via death (it's described as having no scar, unlike the others, so she may have not even had to die at all). That doesn't mean though that she wasn't infected with a rage that caused her to do things she never would've done normally, as I don't think Freshman Year Kipperlilly, whose biggest grievances were "I think Aguefort likes them more", would jump to coldblooded murder. I think the fact that Kipperlilly chose the shatterstar affects her mindset pretty greatly going in to rest of the year, because there's no easy way to differentiate between what's "her" and what's the rage star. She probably is constantly thinking things like "This is all me. I am in control of my own faculties. There was no coercion involved I'm just naturally a villain", partially because she doesn't want to admit that she, a mastermind, let herself get controlled like that. Essentially, the ritual itself was so seamless and the descent so gradual, I don't think even Kipperlilly has a strong sense anymore of who she is without rage.
Ruben we know canonically has a bit of amnesia after being revived, not even seeming to remember the entire year he was shatterstarred. Ruben basically has the opposite problem from Kipperlilly, where his change in identity post-shatterstar is so drastic that his sense of self is almost completely eroded, because "how could I have been motivated to become someone like that?". Ruben's not a naturally angry person, but still though, that WAS Ruben, the rage star just tapping in to Ruben's underlying desperate need for approval, emotionality, etc. and bringing it to the forefront. The rage star imbued Ruben with such an intense pain and rage that he felt he could only express it through his music. Post finale revival I think was Ruben just being in shock at how much he's changed, but I think the memories will come back to him and he'll have to reconcile these two Vastly Different versions of himself.
Ivy I believe was still kind of a mean girl before the shatter star, the shatter star just made it more likely for her to say it to people's faces rather than behind their backs. Honestly, I'm imagining her maybe as a young Sandra Lynn before, in the sense of both having this constant bemusement. Beyond that, though, I think Ivy may have been the most likely to take the rage star willingly as opposed to being killed for it (I actually think most of the Rat Grinders still could've been persuaded to take it willingly, but that's a post for another time). Ivy seems to have a lot of pent up rage and disdain for the world around her, and the shatter star only amplified that.
Oisin got buff after getting shatterstarred, which is a really funny canonical fact to think about lmao, because I'm just imagining him doing a bunch of angry push-ups or something. Anyways Oisin before the ritual I'm honestly imagining him to be the type to hang out with guys like Skrank and Shellford, aka those kind of nerdy unpopular guys who nonetheless are still kind of egotistical and little dicks sometimes. (This is actually why I think they were the ones playing pong at the party with Oisin, because they were actually kind of friends before.) Just like Ivy, the rage crystal just gave Oisin more of an excuse to externalize his rage at the world, but I think the main thing it did was just give Oisin a little more self-confidence because now he has all this power backing him up.
Mary Ann was EXACTLY the same before and after the ritual, it was actually a little disconcerting to Jace and Porter and they didn't know what to make of it. The main thing for Mary Ann, I think, is that she really doesn't have much of an emotional stake in the rage ritual, or the beef with the bad kids, or anything like that. She's just Entirely Indifferent to whatever atrocities are being committed, which is just a different type of fucked up lol. Honestly, I think as a barbarian Mary Ann's a bit more used to controlling her rage which is why the rage crystal might've had less of an effect, Lydia Barkrock style.
Buddy's death was so sudden and traumatic, with such a short amount of time to get used to the implications before the finale, I think Buddy's mind is just in a tailspin post-ritual just trying to grab on to anything that makes sense lol. He knows worship and devotion, its been a crutch in his life for so long, and that's what he defaults to when he can no longer reach Helio. In fact it almost seems a bit like a coping mechanism, latching onto it so securely even in the face of all other logic.
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Harpy anon is here with dumb shower thoughts.
I don't know if you've brought it up already but Owls, despite how big and Intimidating they can look, are actually really skinny.
There's actually a pretty famous image online of someone lifting an owls feathers up and showing the skinny little Owl legs underneath.
Just imagine doing that Rook. Just grabbing that lil French bird and hoisting up his feathers to reveal he isn't as strong and buff as he looks.
Also I don't know if anyone has said this yet, but cockatoo Kalim. I know most Cockatoo's are actually pretty aggressive when it comes to breeding, but I can't think of any other animal that really fits Kalim in my mind.
Birds in general look like scrawny ugly wet rats without their floof.
But Rook has muscles as a human, so it makes sense for him to have him as a bird beasty, you just don't realize it till your hand sinks through the floof and hits warm muscle.
Hmmm horny birdy Kalim. He's always so sweet and nice but something about your scent gets him bite-y.
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the-froschamethyst4 · 10 months
My Gym Rat Husband
𖤐Pairing: Gym Rat! Soap x Wife! Reader
𖤐Pronouns: She/Her
𖤐Warnings: Fluff, kissing/making out, some smut, slight arguing, language, fingering, eating out, P in V, make up sex, blowjob, quick face sitting
𖤐Summary: Soap likes the gym a little more than coming home, he thinks he needs to keep being buff for his wife Y/n, but Y/n doesn't need him to be buff, he needs him to be home with her.
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Soap woke up at his usual time at 4 in the morning to get ready for the gym, this is his morning routine, wake up at 4 in the morning, get his gym clothes on, make a pre-workout smoothy, and then leave the house by 4:30 to get to the gym and he sometimes doesn't come home till 12 in the afternoon.
Y/n always wakes up to an empty bed instead of looking at her husband. She liked seeing him asleep in the bed but when he got a gym membership, he's gone in the morning.
Y/n woke up to the birds singing and the sun coming into the bedroom, she rubbed her eyes and looked to her right not seeing her husband like usual.
She moved the covers off her body and went to the bathroom to take a quick shower.
Once she was out, she grabbed some sweatpants and a long sleeve t-shirt. She headed downstairs to make herself some coffee, grabbing her favorite mug and pouring in the good morning mud in her mug.
As she grabbed her creamer from the fridge her hand touched something powdery, she rubbed her fingers knowing it was Soap's pre-workout powder.
"Every time," she says. It's true Soap will sometimes spill his workout powder on the counter and not clean it up and Y/n will have to do it.
She grabbed a towel and placed her hand just under the counter making sure to catch the powder, so it doesn't land on the floor causing more of a mess.
She tosses her rag in the laundry room and washed her hands, she went to the living room and turned on the TV and watched the News, as she placed her mug down, she also tripped over Soap's other workout shoes.
She groans and kicks them away from her feet and the couch.
"Come on, Soap," she groans.
Soap was bench pressing and Ghost and Price were spotting him.
"So, how's the married life treating you, Soap?" Price asked.
"Great," he said, through huffs.
"Really?" Ghost said.
"No reason," Soap placed the weights on the bars and sat up.
"Is marriage supposed to be tough?"
"It can be," Price said.
"I think it's easy."
"Does Y/n do all the work?" Ghost said.
"A bit-"
"Ahh~ there it is," Price said.
"What?" Soap asked.
"Help her Soap...she can't be doing all the work around the house; I know you two don't have kids or anything...but help her out, Soap, that poor woman probably does the most in that house," Price said as Soap rubbed the back of his neck.
"I guess, I should help her."
"Should? You need to, happy wife happy life," Ghost said, crossing his arms and looking at his friend.
"When was the last time you helped her?"
"If you are having to think, it's been a while then," Price said.
"Why are you two bring this up?" Soap asked.
Y/n cleaned the hard wooden floors, there were so many scratches and dirt on the floor, she cleaned around and even cleaned the marble counter tops and even the stainless-steel fridge and dishwasher.
She wiped the sweat from her brow as popped her neck from looking down for so long. She cleared her throat and continued cleaning around the house.
She stopped when she heard the front door shut and keys drop on the ceramic bowl by the front door.
"BABY!" Soap called for his wife. Y/n stood up from behind the counter making Soap turn to her. "Oh, hey, whatcha doing?" He asked.
"Cleaning," she huffs. "The house is a fucking wreck," she said, going back down and cleaning the dishwasher.
"Are you stressed?"
"You clean when you're stressed, so, are you?" He asked, putting his water bottle in the sink.
"No, I'm not, it's just a mess," she said, scrubbing at the steel.
"Love," Soap looked down at her.
"What?" She asked.
He grabs her wrist making her stop. "Let me help you clean."
"I don't need help right now."
"I'm fine, Soap, let me clean up," she said, jerking her hand away.
"Baby, let me help you," Soap's voice was a little louder.
"I don't need help, I don't need your help," she raised her voice like him.
She tossed down the rag on the counter and walked away holding her head. Soap groaned and took the rag to pick up where she left off. Y/n went to the bathroom to calm her nerves. She never really got mad at Soap and didn't want to say anything she could possibly regret.
Y/n later went back out and looked for Soap seeing him clean, she grabbed a rag and went to the guest bathroom to clean. Soap could feel the energy had changed shifting from an anxious wife to an annoyed wife.
He stops cleaning and tosses the dirty rag in the laundry room and put the cleaning spray back under the sink. He changed out of his gym clothes and took a quick shower.
After the shower and getting better, clean and comfortable clothes on, he saw her in the guest bedroom and then went to go get some tea.
Y/n was fixing the bed and didn't hear her husband come in, she was done and bumped into Soap spilling the tea all over him.
"Don't you fucking Soap me, I was trying to bring you something to drink."
"Why were you quiet?!"
He got a new shirt on and then headed downstairs to watch TV like his wife asked him to do as Y/n scrubbed the rug to get the tea out of the carpet.
Y/n felt her blood boil, but she knows Soap was just trying to be nice, Soap was usually at the gym so much that he hardly ever done anything nice for her.
She sat on her knees after getting the tea out of the carpet, rubbing her neck again and getting up off the floor.
"What?!" He sounded annoyed.
She stood in front of the TV and looked at him, he tried to move around trying to stare at the TV, but she was in the way. She grabbed the helm of her shirt and lifted it over her head and exposed her bare breasts to him and her nipples were perked.
"W-What are you doing?" Soap asked.
"I..." she tossed her shirt and started to untie the jaw strings of her sweatpants and pulled them down exposed her cute lace underwear.
"Y/n," he said.
"I'm sorry for yelling."
"And this is how you are going to repay me-no, no, I need to repay you," he quickly was following Y/n's suit stripping from his clothes except for his boxers and standing up.
He made his way towards Y/n kissing her lips and his hands going to her ass and squeezing her.
She moans into the kiss as his hands kneaded her butt, her hands were trapped between both of their chests, her eyes were closed taking in this moment as Soap picks her up.
Her legs and arms instinctively wrap around him as he walks to the bedroom, shutting the door with his foot and plopping his small wife on the soft King-Sized bed.
"Let me...take care of you..." he says crawling above her kissing her lips, her hands cupping his face, his fingers touched her wet folds, his fingers hooked on her panties and pulled them down.
He then shoved two fingers inside of her. She moans and grips his hair and the sheets beneath her. He moves his mouth from her lips, and he looked down at his fingers moving fast inside of her lower half.
"Ahh~ S-Soap," she moans catching his attention to look at her.
"Does it f-feel good, my love?"
"Y-Y-Yes," she moans.
He smirks and kisses her lips; his fingers were removed from her wet clit, and he goes down kissing her chest, stomach and her inner thighs, he smirks and licks between her folds.
"Ahh~ h-holy shit," she moans, he pulls her up, he sits up her legs on his shoulders and her back was on the bed. His tongue glides over her wet folds and shoves her tongue inside of her, she moans and grips the bedsheets under her.
Her thighs squeeze on his head, and he moans loving the feeling of her thighs wanting to pop his head.
"Ahh~ Ahhh~" she moans.
He moves his tongue and then drops her butt back on their shared bed and he pulled his boxers off his lower half, his dick sprung out hitting his lower stomach, she smiled at his dick and crawled towards him.
She touched his toned lower stomach and then his hardened dick she touched his tip and smiled up at him before taking his dick into her mouth. She started to bob her head up and down moaning and he gripped her hair pulling her off him.
"No, no, my love...this is your day, not mine," he said, pushing her back on the bed and pushing himself inside of her.
"Ahh~ b-but why?"
"Because you've d-done so much for me t-that I don't treat you like a Queen...you're not happy..." he said, cupping her chin to get her to look up at him.
"I-I am happy, S-Soap."
"How? I don't show it," he said.
"You do...you come...come home to...m-me," she said through moans.
"But...we've...we've almost g-grow apart," he said, lowing his head to hers.
"Just a b-bit..." she admitted. "But we...we are...in the m-middle of sex and...and...I'm just glad that you are h-here," she said, kissing his lips.
"I love you...I know I haven't said that in a while," Soap said as Y/n leaned up and kissed his lips again, he thrusted balls deep inside of her as their tongues fought.
"I love you too," she said, kissing his lips again.
"Oh my god," he moans, he looked down seeing his dick poking her stomach from the inside. Y/n's head went back as she moaned at the feeling.
She felt him twitch inside of her and then something hot rush inside of her. She moans and throws her head back and she came on his dick.
He pulls out and then laid on his back, Y/n looked at him and he motioned for her to come to him. She crawled towards him.
"Come on," he said.
"Sit on my face, baby," he said.
"Sit on your face?"
"You've sat on it before, come on," he said as she crawled on top of him, and she lowered herself on his face. His hands went to her thighs and his tongue went between her folds again.
She grips his hair again, her hips bucked against his head, she rode his face as he cleaned up her cum.
"Ahhh~ S-Soap," she moans.
She could feel him smirking as he licked her clean. She felt herself close again and then came in his mouth, she moved down a little bit seeing him just swallow her cum.
"Jesus, you taste so good, baby."
After a while Soap had run a hot bath for Y/n. She was in it cleaning herself up and just taking a nice, hot and relaxing bath, the bath was hot and had a bath bomb in it and she moved down deeper into the tub.
Soap had cleaned up around the place as Y/n relaxed, his sweatpants hung low on his hips and went back upstairs to the bathroom. He looked at Y/n he could see the top of her head, her eyes and nose.
"Love?" She looked up hearing her nickname.
"Yes?" She said as she sat up looking up at him. She rested on the side of the tub looking up at him, he bends down cupping her face.
"I love you," he said again.
"I love you too," she said, kissing his lips.
He sits down next to the tub and was admiring his wife, Soap was always at the gym to keep for his wife, he feels like if he doesn't look a certain way then she won't want to be with him anymore but that could not be farther from the truth. Y/n loves Soap, hell she married him for fucks sake.
His hand went to her head as she talked about what she should do tomorrow. Soap smiled at his wife and kissed her forehead.
"I forgot to go to the store, I'll go tomorrow," she said.
"I'll go with you after the gym."
"That's fine...Soap, why do you go to the gym?"
"Because I have this fear...you may leave me if I...if I don't look a certain way, the fear of you leaving has played in my head too many times that it scares me every time..."
"Soap," she cups his face. "I will never ever leave you, we are just like every other married couple, we fight, we argue, and we make up, shit happens, but I will never leave you because you don't look a certain way...I don't look like a certain way but you leaving me has never enters my brain because I know you love me too much to leave...like I love you too much," she kissed his lips.
"You are my husband...and I will never leave you over something so silly," she said, kissing his lips again.
"Goddamn, I love you," he said. She giggled and he started to attack her face with kisses.
Y/n was asleep next to Soap. Soap was still awake, and he looked at his phone, he's never missed a day of working out with Ghost and Price but today, he wanted to skip it and spend time with his wife.
His phone went off with Ghost and Price texting each other as Soap put his phone on 'do not disturb' and went to asleep holding Y/n close to his chest, playing with his hair and kissing her cheek.
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lixie-phoria · 1 year
ੈ✩‧ 🎀🩰 ➛stray kids (hyung line) as taylor swift lyrics
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pairing : skz!hyung line x gn reader | maknae line ver.
prompt : which taylor swift line fits the dynamic of your relationship with him
word count : 888 words
an : likes and reblogs are appreciated <3 (+ are you interested in something similar for the maknae line too? lmk!)
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🎐| chan !!
"I don't wanna look at anything else now that I saw you"
chan was a dream; the nicest thing that had ever happened to you. he was a breath of fresh air from all your previous s/o's.
you met him for the first time at the campus café, right after the worst break up of your life. it was obvious you had been crying, so everyone gave you a wide berth. but not chan.
you'd previously only seen him a few times around the campus, so when he slid into your booth with a shy smile you were so confused you nearly forgot about the asshole who'd broken your heart. he gently nudged the coffee you'd ordered towards you, asking you what's wrong.
and maybe it was his adorable smile, or the little dimple that formed on his cheek, that pulled you in, and you found yourself ranting to him about stuff he probably couldn't care less about, but he was so attentive, looking at you with those warm brown eyes that slowly spread warmth all over your body.
that evening, as he walked you back to your dorm, you had never seen anyone look more beautiful. the setting sun cascaded its rays gently over his features. and that evening, you knew. you knew things would never be the same. you would never be able to look away from chan.
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🎐 | lee know !!
"our secret moments in a crowded room"
lee know met you through chan, who seemed to know just about everyone in the kpop industry. you were a part of an up and coming rookie group, so new to his world, that he couldn't help but take a liking to you.
all his members told him how this wasn't like him. he kept to himself usually, only socializing when absolutely necessary. but there was just something about you.
unlike many people, he loved the thrill of your blooming relationship. it was so risky, considering your dating ban and the constant fear of a scandal. but he lived for every stolen glance during award shows, gentle shoulder brushes as you shared the same stage and the subtle flirting if you were MCs together.
he couldn't control the small smile that would light up his face whenever someone spoke about you. it amused him how the world thought they knew him, but they really had no idea.
he remembers every detail of your first meeting: the color of your hair, the dress you wore, the rings that adorned your fingers, your scent that intoxicated him. it was all so beautiful, and god he hopes it never ends.
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🎐 | changbin !!
"never wanted love just a fancy car"
everybody knew changbin. buff exterior, fluffy interior. he was everybody's dream boy. yet he didn't seem to be looking for love.
besides being a gym rat, he was known for rejecting every confession that came his way. nicely, of course.
all changbin really wanted was to finish his degree, get a job and then maybe find himself a s/o. he didn't want anything to side track him from his studies.
then you waltzed into his life. you worked at one of the clubs he performed a gig at, and after he was done, you had shyly introduced yourself to him, offering to make him a drink. and it was like he was hooked.
changbin isn't sure how it happened. one second you wore pouring him a shot and the next second he was giggling like a school girl at the jokes you made. maybe it was the alcohol in his system, but one encounter turned into another until he was able to accept that little flutter in his heart every time he looked at you.
yes, he had promised himself that he was going to concentrate on his academic life, but he knew he couldn't let you go. life had given him the perfect opportunity, and he would be stupid to throw it away.
your eyes were full of stars, and changbin wanted to do nothing more than stare into them all his life.
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🎐 | hyunjin !!
"and you understand now why they lost their minds and fought the wars"
hyunjin was skeptical of love. he knew he was a hopeless romantic, he knew he fell too soon and too hard. he was so scared of having his heart broken. he never wanted to be someone's first love, always their last.
then he met you. you, who showed him colors he'd never seen with anyone before. you were like the final stroke of a painting, making his life absolutely complete. and gods, he had never felt this way before.
the uncontrollable beating of his heart every time your hand brushed his, the stuttering mess he became whenever you gave him a smile, and the roaring monster that sprung up in his chest every time someone else tried to make a move on you.
and then he nearly lost you. it was a simple argument, he couldn't even remember how it started, but when you didn't speak with him for an entire week, he knew. he knew that he couldn't do this without you, and he couldn't help but hope that you felt the same way.
when he showed up at your door step that night, drenched from the heavy rain and you threw yourself into his arms, not caring about getting soaked yourself, he felt like the weight of the world had been lifted off of him.
he didn't care what happened from then on. he would never lose you again. he was ready to fight anything to be yours.
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©lixie-phoria, 2023
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blu-oo · 1 year
Buggy was Roger’s good luck charm
So I’ve had a headcanon for a while now concerning Buggy and his place on Roger’s crew. It’s no secret that both fans and characters within the One Piece world will look at Buggy and go “How/Why the fuck were you on Roger’s crew?” Hard to say definitively whether or not Buggy actually has good luck considering the absolute hell he has to go through in order to face plant into his power/status, but you still can’t argue that he gains things he is 100% undeserving of lol. Oda’s trolling aside, let’s say that his failing upwards IS purely a result of him having his luck stats set to fucking max with a few buffs tacked on. We can even make this more fun and say the reason Buggy’s luck is so paradoxical is BECAUSE his luck goes to others instead of being reserved for himself (either that or the only reason “failure” is tacked onto this is because Buggy is a jackass and karma doesn’t sleep on her prettiest degenerates). I can see this going down a few different ways:
Maybe they were on an island along the grand line and came across a vendor selling good luck tokens. An ornate looking box catches Roger’s eye, and the vendor starts gushing about how it’s their most “luckiest item” and that it’s very VERY much worth the hefty price tag. It’s also most definitely “a worthwhile investment, trust me! It’ll all pay off in the end!” Whatever that means. Roger’s gut feeling doesn’t need to be told twice, so he buys it. This could be a moment similar to Shanks where they take the box back to the ship only for “SURPRISE! CHEST BABY!” :D to happen again. Roger is no longer allowed to go shopping/haul treasure back to the ship without Rayleigh’s stink eye supervision.
Maybe there’s something similar to the Sabaody slave market where he’s being explicitly advertised as a good luck charm. The person selling him shows off his luck by playing simple tricks (like using cards and gambling with onlookers. Look, if you’re gonna try to sell someone's luck, ya might as well make an extra buck while doing so. And hey, this just proves his good luck charm is working). While the seller is distracted, Roger easily sidels up and eyes Buggy’s mean mug. He asks if Buggy is actually lucky and gets a rudely gestured affirmative. “Great!” He says before yanking the kid up and running off laughing. Rayleigh: what the fuck is that. Roger, tankard in one hand, clown child in the other: a beer.
Maybe Roger just happens upon Buggy and and witnesses his luck in action. Sees how instant karma comes to collect after some pompous jerk spits and belittles little Buggy and immediately he’s shamed and humiliated in front of a bunch of people (in addition to Buggy pit pocketing him in retaliation). He witnesses a merchant make snide and haughty remarks and refuses to sell to Buggy because he’s a visible street rat and then immediately afterwards a flock of rabid seagulls dive bomb his stall and peck at his toupee (a piece of bread is flung and lands right before Buggy’s nose). A group of older teens beating the snot out of buggy and stealing whatever he gained that day only to then immediately run into Roger? Well. Etc. etc. etc. Roger sees all this and more and at this point he decides to take Buggy along just because of how hilarious this all is (Buggy’s eventual love for Roger and therefore his luck beginning to include Roger was just an added bonus).
And since this is such a loose concept (and ignoring that Roger was a D so the following woulda happened anyways lol) we can even say that his luck to Roger is the reason for all the success at the end of his career lol. Edd war? Buggy. Living past his initial expiration date? Buggy. Making it to laugh tale? Buggy, except wait- things didn’t go 100% to plan with that one, huh 🤔🤔🤔🤔 and guess who wasn’t there 🤨🤨🤨🤨 im playing or am i
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noctivagant-corvid · 1 month
fake social media content for @skittlebugg 's powerless pd au
julius seziure | @/thejuliusseziure shout out to the redhaired kid who saw me getting mugged and fully roundhouse kicked the guy. in the head. what the fuck and thank you | morrow!! | @/bythemorrow average day in new haven
goldie moldie | @/locksonlocks the new generation really is fucked bc there's this pale little emo boy who lives in my building and today a FUCKING BRICK almost FELL ON HIM from construction SEVEN FLOORS UP and he just SIGHED?????? | goldie moldie | @/locksonlocks WHY ARENT YOU PANICING LITTLE EMO BOY. THERE SHOULD BE SOME PANIC AT YOUR FUCKING DISCO YOU ALMOST DIED
sooth the sleuth | @/forsooth_13 watch really has built in copaganda bc one second im like "wow the way we idolize heroes and reward them so heavily for doing their jobs is really fucked up" and then the next second im like "OMG WAVELENGTH :3" | sooth the sleuth | @/forsooth_13 no i dont have a good relationship w my father thank you to the seven different replies for asking
julius seziure | @/thejuliusseziure hey guys. remember when i almost got mugged and saw a red haired kid (who i have now learned is a vigilante) roundhouse kick a guy in the head?? well i went near the same alley today and watched a purple haired kid eat a rat. whole. what the fuck is in the air | morrow!! | @/bythemorrow average day in new haven | julius seziure | @/thejuliusseziure MORROW THEYRE GONNA BRING BACK THE BLACK PLAUGE. | morrow!! | @/bythemorrow yummy :3
the wage slave | @/kiamammamia the other guy who works my shift at rusty's has been coming in looking progressively more and more disheveled and buff. wht happened to the skimpy autistic emo boy who started this job. what have they done with him | the wage slave | @/kiamammamia update: he got possessed by a demon
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nanamisflowerfield · 7 months
First Meeting (Dick Grayson x f!Reader)
A journalist meets the one and only Nightwing in a creepy warehouse. But they didn't know that this was their first of many encounters.
Blüdhaven. The one city that the vigilante named Nightwing called his home. But he wasn’t the only one who sees the city in New Jersey their home. Many people did that, including (y/n) (l/n). It was her new home. Leaving behind the bustling and bright streets of Metropolis, she had begun a new journey and life an investigative journalist in her new home. It had been a year since she moved to the city, and her life was now-.
“- Super boring.” You mumbled, holding your phone to your ear, while hearing your best friend chuckle on the other side.
“Ohh, come on, (y/n). I’m sure that Blüdhaven is pretty interesting. You have been living there for a year now and the way I know you, you probably haven’t seen the best of the city!” You rolled your (e/c) eyes at her. “Have you already seen Nightwing?”
You could only sigh at her question. Nightwing? You really hoped to see that idiot, but the dark-haired vigilante was like a damn ninja and always disappeared, once you were nearby! Even though you only needed one interview with the masked hero!
“Who cares about him? The better question is; is Clark late again for your little date?” You smirked, walking through the dark alley and past smelly trash bins, as a rat ran tried to eat something out of there.
You heard a loud “No!” and some shuffling, knowing that it surely was Lois’ husband Clark, who tried to put on his smoking as fast he could. The Clark Kent. A great journalist, best friend and also Superman. Yes, you knew that already. Not because they told you their big secret, but because you were pretty good at your job and figured it out by yourself and when you put the proof onto the table in front of your best friends and the sweetest couple on earth, they told you everything.
Your footsteps echoed in the silence of the street, engulfing your body with its darkness, while you walked near to the warehouse. The place that might help you with your next article, as you heard that there might be some information about a street gang, called Crimson Vipers. “Alright, Lois… Have fun at your date night, greet Supes from me and don’t do any funny business, if you know what I mean.” – “Yeah, yeah. And could you do me a favor and babysit little Jon next week?”
You told her that you might have some time, before you clicked on the red button on your phone and turning on the flashlight app. Time to investigate!
Your hand slowly turned the doorknob down, sneaking into the big and dark warehouse. At first, it looked like many other ones. The moonlight revealed neglected pallets and boxes. Only you and some abandoned objects were lying here. That was a good sign. A very good one. So, you could easily get some information about the gang!
Turning towards a corner, you found a door, opened it and saw some plans scattered around the room. Some were hanging on the walls, others on the ground. Perfect.
The door behind you closed with a soft click, as you walked through the room, trying to take as many pictures as you could, until you heard some loud voices behind the door. Probably some Crimson Vipers members?
Your heart raised, as you ducked down, trying to find something, anything to defend yourself, until your eyes gazed over a crowbar. That could work…
Tightly you held the dirty and rusty crowbar in your hands, hiding behind some crates while your breath shallow as the voices grew louder. You heard your heart beating loud and fast. Gulping your fear down, you looked towards the door, waiting for the right moment for you to beat them up.
The door creaked open, revealing a group of masked and buff individuals. One laughed sinister at the joke his friend and colleague did, sending shivers down your spine. But you tried to forget your fear. Adrenaline pumped through your veins, as you clenched the crowbar tighter and tighter, trying to figure out a plan. If they won’t see you, you could perhaps climb up the boxes and go through the window, but they were pretty high up.
But when three members suddenly gathered up and stood around in silent, one spoke up, pointing towards a map and explaining their next plan. Realizing the situation, you thought that this was your chance. Now or never!
You can gather some valuable information, which might make a sensational article! Your heart pounded louder, as you snapped some pictures and even tried to record it all. You needed to capture every single detail.
Your instincts told you to dash away and flee as fast you could! If only Superman could be here. He could easily save you, but you were now in Blüdhaven. “Damn…” You mumbled to yourself, preparing your nerves to make a quick exit.
But the gods might have heard your prayers as they left the room, making you sigh out of happiness and relief. But you still had one problem.
How should you leave this place? There were probably some gang members out there. The moment your feet slowly moved away from the crates; you heard a window above you open. Your (e/c) closed. You hoped that they didn’t find you and if one might grab you, you surely will beat them up with your new weapon.
And that’s what you did, when a hand grabbed your wrist. With your eyes closed, you swung your weapon in the direction of the stranger, narrowly missing them. “Woah, woah, calm down.” You heard the person say.
Your eyes widen. Was it not one of the Crimson Vipers?
The person in front of you, who stood there gracefully in unmistakable dark clothes and blue emblem on his chest told you who it was.
The vigilante’s hands went up in surrender. “I’m not here to hurt you, okay?” He tried to calm you down. But you ignored his words, as you asked him rushed; “Why are you here?”
The dark-haired man only rubbed his neck, shaking his head with a small chuckle. “Well, I’m here to, you know, stop these bad guys. But what are you doing here?” – “Uhhh… Investigating?”
“Hey! I forgot something, I will be back in a sec’!” You heard a voice behind the closed door and as it opened with a loud bang, the criminal looked at your direction. The bald guy grabbed his gun, pointed it towards Nightwing, who looked at him surprised. The vigilante probably tried to find a plan to safe you, while kicking their butts, but before you could hear the gun shooting, you stepped in front of Nightwing, crowbar in hand and adrenaline rushing your body.
Your hand swung once again and this time, you didn’t miss. The buff guy fell down and (e/c) orbs moved back to the tall guy behind you.
“Uh… Thanks.” He whispered, disarming the guy on the ground and turned his head towards you. “You shouldn’t be here. It’s pretty dangerous.”
“Dangerous?” You scoffed. “I just saved your masked butt with a crowbar.” You smirked at him, crossing your arms in front of your chest with a proudly, while Nightwing rolled his eyes. You swore that he coughed to hide his little laughter just now. He genuinely was amused by you.
But before any of you could say anything, you heard loud voices again. The criminals! How could you forget them so easily again? They might wonder where they friend was and why it takes him so long to get something back. Damn it!
Their voices growing louder, as they ran towards the door. Nightwing stood up, pulling you towards the crates. “You need to go. Now.” He whispered, glancing towards the window. You silently nodded, getting out of the window with Nightwing’s help, who guided you with ease. His movements were fluid, every step calculated. He was amazing.
When you reached the window, your hands gripped the ledge, while the handsome man boosted you up. “Go.”
You looked down to him, hearing the loud shouts of the criminals that were now aware of your presence. “Aw, come on, guys. Do you really want to hurt a lady? Focus on me.” He turns to them and with a swift kick, he engaged the bad guys, giving you the opportunity to hoist yourself up and through the opening.
When you took deep breathes in and out on the fire stairs, you looked through the large windows, seeing Nightwing holding his own against the criminals. His movements were mesmerizing, as if he dances around the criminals, kicking and punching them several times, as they fell to the ground. You took one picture of the fight, before climbing down the bright fire stairs. Sirens of the police wailed in the distance, signaling their approach. Their lights bright, just like the blue emblem of the chest of the Blüdhaven’s vigilante.
Back at your apartment, you found yourself running towards your desk, typing the newest article. and thanks to your bravery and skills, you found out that The Crimson Vipers' failed operation had become a headline. Your editor was very pleased to even see a picture of Nightwing and the city? Well, the city might have been a little bit safer now.
And you weren’t the only one who flipped through the pages of the Blüdhaven Bulletin. A young man’s ocean-blue eyes widened at a headline that read, “Nightwing Thwarts Crimson Vipers' Plot.” Curiosity piqued, as he read on and discover that the article was written by a (y/n) (l/n). That must have been the brave stranger he saved that night.
The same day, you found yourself at a crime scene, hoping to gather more information for your next big story. You approached the crime scene, your camera dangling around your neck. A police officer seemed to recognize you, as he left his colleagues alone with three handcuffed criminals that had tried to rob a bank.
“You know… I read an article about Nightwing and the Crimson Vipers. Impressive work.” You glanced towards the officer, who leaned on the wall next to you, while you were a bit surprised at the dark-haired man. “Oh, really?”
“Yeah. That must have been you, huh? You seem like a courageous person.”
You chuckled at the stranger’s words. Yes. Some might call you like that and others called you an idiot. “I’m just doing my job.”
“So… You are back for more? Trying to solve the crime before we do?” He teased, his blue eyes twinkling. You shrugged, feigning nonchalance. “Someone's got to keep you guys on your toes.” He chuckled. “Well, keep up the good work. Maybe one day, we'll get to see an exclusive Nightwing interview.”
Dick's gaze lingered on you for a moment longer, and then he straightened up. “Keep it up. Blüdhaven needs more journalists like you.”
As he walked away, you couldn't help but smile. Maybe Blüdhaven wasn't as boring as you thought. And perhaps, the masked vigilante and the police officer were both part of a wonderful story waiting to unfold.
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Reblogs, plot ideas, comments and a ko-fi are appreciated. ( ‘ω’ ) © nanamisflowerfield. Do not repost, rewrite, plagiarize my work.
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The Sides Are Dorks, Part 389534
I was wondering why the Sanders Sides tag was trending earlier, and then I saw. the Video. Anyway, here's my thoughts while watching the new vid (in list format) bc I haven't done this in a while.
[it's gonna be LONG knowing me]
"I would never be caught dead in a bowtie" *cuts to when Janus literally wore a bowtie in canon*
"yeah and I deserve it" -> ha mood
"Wrong, I ate an entire bottle of melatonin gummies" -> Patton. Patton, no.
"I could switch to green tea, and I'll still be a bitch!" -> also mood
hey. hey why you do that. why would you say that. (aka: Roman is offended by the mustache comparison)
"Where is my ruler" -> PLEASE it'd be so fucking funny
Virgil really be like "WRONG! I use the tildas you faker" (/j) (/lh)
Patton starts listing off every appliance that has heat stuff and I cannot. I CANNOT--
^and then there's the fridge. what did Fridge ever do to you? where's the lorreee
"wholesome friendship" // "how many holes we talkin'" -> yeah that makes sense
"No, he's just not worth an attack" -> Logan sounds like he's thought about this before
Roman Unscrews Imaginary Lightbulb, reaction is a family-friendly version of "Listen here, you little shit"
"get him" -> Virgil hates that Anxiety so much
Emile Picani Joins the Ranks of Rat Man by Sleeping in the Buff. it's canon now.
"It's no one's business what bites me" -> Janus. Janus, the implications. Janus--
Patton reveals Logan's secret: Love for Donuts, feat. wiggly fingers
"Which is rude...because I am not young" -> also Sheldon is missing The Tie, which is essential for Serious Smart People (I guess)
Roman likes My Little Pony
"No, I didn't--" // "He did!" // "He definitely did." -> LMAO the Others confirming that Virgil had a meme phase
Ah yes: The Sponsor Section
Patton being like "some cookies are bad??" is funny to me lol
"--vaccuums" // "No" // "ignore that last one" -> goddamnit Patton (/pos)
"There sneaky people out there" *cuts to Janus*
Roman loves Barbie movies. Barbie Movie? whatever, he likes Barbie
"war against the evil cookies" // "wait--" -> haha. this is why I believe in Intruality so much
"I dropped another laptop in the toliet" -> another one?
conclusion: Patton and Remus are both accident-prone. an Intruality win. also they interacted for like, 2 seconds. another Intruality win
Sponsor Ends!
"ACTUALLY it was four times. bitch." (Sleep, basically)
okay but like. when the glasses are on the head, it's like they're invisible. I say as someone who loses their glasses, only to find them in stupidly obvious places. also mood
Virgil DEFINITELTY watched Patton do this for five minutes before he said anything
Roman is in love with his sword, Exhibit D
^(D is for--)
Logititties. that's all
Janus really said "wanna go, bitch?"
also: "I wouldn't be caught dead in a fish fight. I would poison you" -> ah, of course, a snake with style (/j)
"calculator is computer" // "that's technically correct, actually" -> where's the Logicality enjoyers when you need them
Roman Rage Quits at Roblox. also Insecurity
"bitch, I'm not that out there" -> this helps deduce the scale of What The Fuck Is Remus's Normal At
"True...or is it false?" -> he loves fucking with people, doesn't he?
"yeah" -> he sounds so resigned, nooo :(
Endcard Moment: Logan loves jelly-filled donuts
and that's it, folks! This was lovely. Silly gay personality traits.
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zabala0z · 2 months
Welcome back to “I’m listening to season 2 of The Magnus Archives and yeah it’s official, season 2 is currently my favorite season”
Surprisingly some tamer episodes. By tame, I mean I didn’t shriek and pause every 5 minutes. Though some characters popped up again which I was excited about like yay reoccurring characters!
MAG 48:
Not much to note. But Gerard Keay appearance! Or maybe appearance since the man didn’t give a name but come on, he had long black hair, that’s Gerard. I was pretty happy he helped out Andrea. Like it’s clear Gerard knows some stuff but he doesn’t use his knowledge to harm people, he uses it to help them and for that, I am so thankful there’s one character in confident in. Okay not confident. I don’t wanna say anything or God forbid, someone is going to die or get “replaced”
He also said she was marked, whatever that means. I’ll prob figure it out later
MAG 49: The Butchers Window
All Pryor wanted to do was to get that bag 🫡 Also Jared Hopworth appearance! Low key I forgot about him until the name Jared was mentioned and then I was like “oh that’s that weirdo from the bone turners tale”. I had to read over the transcripts from that to refresh my memory and man, he was a shithead from the beginning. Also I like the signs showing of him testing his power like on that deflated rat (which might’ve been his pet?? It was implied the rat looked like a pet so I’m assuming it was Jared) and maybe his mom. Also totally screwed up that he (presumably on my end) killed Sebastian. Like they were childhood friends man 💀
But I find it hilarious that he used his power to steal bones from other people and make himself as tall and buff as possible.
MAG 50: Foundations
Not much to note. I usually zone out more during the old timey statements but I got the general idea. Robert Smirke appeared again, I’m wondering what’s his deal. They say his buildings have a higher percentage of supernatural occurrences and he was rumored to have suspicious religious values so my theory is that he did some deal with something and now his buildings are just fucking like that. Also he said like “Balance, Equilibrium. The hardest thing for an architect to achieve. Symmetry is easy, but does not, in and of itself, result in balance. To stir, yada, yada” so this guy is already a little weird.
Also Tim congratulating Jon is the funniest thing ever wtf. “Don’t worry, I’m cool. 😏😏😏 good luck boss” like god. I mean supportive friend???? I guess??? 😭
MAG 51: High Pressure
God I hate the ocean. On another note, Simon Fairchild is back. When Jon said the case number, I had to go through the transcripts to figure out when he appeared before (thankful I understand the very confusing system) and he was in Freefall!
Anyways, looking back, this guy is definitely evil. This like 85 year old has evil schemes to make people go through an open area of sky or ocean like bro. In Freefall, the instructors name was Harriett Fairchild so I’m assuming she was in on it or like related to him. For gods sake, Simon said to Robert, “enjoy sky blue” like this man is a bastard. He knew what was happening. And he did say something to Antonia before he went down which I’m gonna assume “enjoy ocean blue” or shit like that. I hate him. And it’s definitely not because I hate being alone and open spaces.
Also another thing to note; fake Sasha. She’s been staring at that table. Jon described it as a fractal and she described it as a web. Both things that have been brought up a couple times in this podcast. I had to search up fractals to figure out what it was. That one guy I think in “Burned Out”, his dad was super obsessed with fractals. I don’t know how it ties into the plot but they do in some way. Also Gerard Keay made that eye painting that was described to get more intricate and minuscule which I think is a fractal?? Again, I have no idea.
Jon said “Sasha” has been going to a wax museum during her extra long lunch breaks. I got no theories why because what. Although it’s interesting because wax museums are replicants of real people most of the time and whatever that replaced Sasha is a replicant of a real person. So. Yeah no idea.
Anyways, I think that’s everything! They were some pretty calm episodes compared to the last couple ones which I’m grateful for
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dogbunni · 1 year
listen im a rabid nensai truther and an avid kubosai enjoyer so it is now time for me to spread to u all the truth as it has been revealed to me: saiki has two hands and deserves two (2) extremely buff and overprotective dumbass boyfriends. nendo and kuboyasu would fill 2 very different emotional needs for saiki I think. the both of them in tandem would be good for him. they shake hands and call each other boyfriends in law.
saiki goes on motorcycle rides w kuboyasu holding on extra tight head pressed against his back and kuboyasu always takes the time to see that saiki's helmet is secured properly and that he's zipped into his leathers (that kuboyasu bought for him) to make sure he is safe and protected, and saiki keeps his arms wrapped around him, ready to use his own body to keep kuboyasu safe if anything were to happen (neither of them are guys who need protecting. they protect each other with everything they have.) they play video games together, mortal kombat maybe and saiki loses on purpose and says dead pan, "oh no, I lost. I think we should kiss about it" Kuboyasu is committed and devoted and will tell anyone who'll listen just who his man is and why he loves him.
nendo takes saiki to pet shops to look at the rodents. he likes when saiki "makes up little voices" for the rats and narrates their thoughts. saiki has genuine fun being able to share the telenovela level drama that unfolds within these rodent cages. nendo politely pretends that he doesn't know about saiki's powers, and praises his storytelling. they get coffee jelly and nendo never eats his, he natters away about unimportant things while saiki inhales his coffee jelly and then slides his own across. they get ramen and nendo has saiki try a bite of his food every time, even though he always orders the same thing. they go to see reruns of old classics at the cinema, and sit at the back so nendo can misquote every line. (Luke, I am your mother) nendo is ridiculously tactile and always has a hand around saiki's waist, over his shoulders, in his hair. he dabs food from the corner of saiki's mouth gently with his thumb, takes one of saiki's hands in both of his own and draws lazy circles in his palm and absent mindedly massages the joints, he turns saiki's head from side to side gently by the chin just to get a better look at him-because he could look at saiki all day and never get bored.
They lay on the floor of someone's bedroom together all three of them, a saiki sandwich, saiki wears his ring and feels small and tucked away, like his powers can't reach him, and someone nuzzles into the back of his neck, and he is so cozy and cared for and loved.
saiki has two hands <3
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flaneur001 · 8 months
As I was lounging about, I had this idea, what if Angel was buff, super into fitness and manhandled Ren thus giving me a little story inspo~
Ren/dacted x [Fitness Freak/ Gym Rat ] GN-Angel
(Ren Fluff) (proofread)
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Word count-1278
Its sfw
(The characters belong to @14dayswithyou )
Short summary- It’s a Ren/dacted fluff. Angel is a fitness freak and doesn’t like Ren eating unhealthy food. So they punish Ren by making him drink their special breakfast smoothie
(Also I’ve made Angel a ‘Brawns over Brains’ type of character, and comically exaggerated their strength)
TW-Mentions of Calories, weight
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Anything For You, My love
‘Slink…grab’ ‘Slink….grab’
The fluorescent pink yoyo bounced and wound back into Ren’s grasp, as he laid on his back lazily, long legs half dangling down the edge of the bed. His baby blue eyes burned holes on his bedroom door as he wearily stared at his handiwork. The new hinges securing the door looked stronger than the last. But he couldn’t be sure, so he had also stacked a chair against the door for extra measure.
‘Any minute now’,he thought. As if on cue a pair of heavy footsteps thudded on the hardwood floor, as they approached his room. An almost nervous smile broke onto his face as he waited, face scrunched up with anticipation at the complete uncertainty of the situation. His posture straightened and he sat cross-legged on the bed, watching, waiting like a big curious cat.
Knock Knock Knock
A loud rap at his door made his lips quirk up as he answered, “What’s the matter Angel?” He said in a feigned innocent voice.
“You know what! Now open up”, the low voice demanded.
“And what if I don’t?” Ren teased, enjoying it a tad more than necessary. A hint of a smirk lighting up his features.
“Then you leave me no choice RenRen”, they sighed mockingly as they cracked their knuckles.“Don’t tell me I didn’t warn you okay hon?”
‘Huh…no way…not again. They wouldn’t dare’ Ren thought as he peacefully closed his eyes and relaxed into the body-pillow covered with his Angel’s large hoodie. ‘They’re bluffing right…right?!” He opened one eye, a little nervous at the ominous silence in the hallway.
But the silence didn’t last long as a loud BAM followed by a CRASH almost made Ren jump out of his bed. The keyword being almost. The door to his room flew off of its hinges, as he stared stoically at the chair sprawled on the floor of his bedroom. His Angel stood over the remnants of the door with a self-satisfied smirk on their face. Smug little devil
“I can’t believe you actually did it Angel’, he murmured laughing beside himself, God how could he not adore such a crazy cinnamon roll?!
“And I can’t believe you snuck in an entire box of Ramen, when I threw away your last stash just yesterday. I swear if I didn’t love you, I would've…”, Angel trailed off and pinched the bridge of their nose in exasperation. Acting all patronizing as if they didn’t just forcefully enter a room by breaking through a door.
Ren’s eyes lit up half in amusement and half in excitement as he practically leapt out of his bed and wrapped a big arm around Angel’s waist.
Bending down he whispered, his lips almost touching the shell of Angel’s ear teasingly, “Complete the sentence my Angel. You would’ve what? Punished me?” He leaned back only to throw a maddening smirk towards them purposely riling his little firecracker.
They let out a bark of laughter as they simply stared at the pink-haired man, peeved at his baiting, “You would like that wouldn’t you? No but I’ve planned something much much better darling” They smiled condescendingly as they wrapped their arms around his waist, circling him in their embrace like a trap.
“Do you have any idea how unhealthy that is…you practically inhale that trash like it’s some godsend treat. And DO NOT get me started on those damned energy drinks”, Angel rambled, speaking absentmindedly about calories and whatnot, huffily.
What Angel didn’t know was that he was enjoying every little second of this conversation. His heart thudded wildly at the simple intimacy of their actions. ‘My Angel worries about me’ he mused.
To say Ren was whipped would be the understatement of the century. No, he was devoted to his Angel.
‘Aha! Gotchu!’ Angel smiled inwardly sensing Ren’s distraction.They didn’t miss a beat as they swiped a foot under Ren’s feet and knocked him off balance carrying that bulking man on their shoulders, in a fireman’s carry, as if he weighed nothing.
“Ah!” He let out a surprised yelp, but then let his Angel manhandle him, fondly surrendering to their wild antics. He mumbled half to himself, “Sometimes I can’t believe how such a small thing can pack so much strength”, his body shook with laughter as he swatted Angel’s bum playfully.
“Oi hands to yourself mister…right now you are nothing but a sack of potatoes”, Angel ordered as they carried the man towards the kitchen.
“Oh yeah?” He raised a brow, a smile dancing on his lips in amusement, “But I’m your sack of potatoes right Angel?”
Angel groaned rolling their eyes at Ren, but a small grin crept on their face. They too enjoyed these little moments between them, but they wouldn’t admit it to Ren’s face. The man was already so full of himself.
“I’m not answering that. And who are you calling small? Sure I’m a little shorter than you, but I’ve got a sleeper’s build. Annnnd I lift double your weight”, Angel huffed.
With a flourish they dropped Ren on one of the chairs lining the dining table. And went to grab whatever that they had left on the kitchen counter.
“So what is this much better-than-punishment-thingy you have prepared for me, my Angel?” Ren asked, swinging his legs like a child as he stared at his Angel, filling two mugs with a pitcher, emptying the entire contents.
Wearily his eyes scanned his kitchen, studying the crime scene. Broccoli, chicken breast, spinach, oranges, asparagus,kiwi, honey and eggs lay haphazardly strewn across the marble countertops. He stiffened, already knowing what his Angel was up to.
“Here” Angel smiled innocently as they slid the mug full of what looked like sludge—there was no better way to put it—towards him and clinked their mug with his as they winked cheekily,“Cheers RenRen”
Ren almost balked as Angel downed the whole thing in one long gulp. “Angel…what is it?” He asked reluctantly
“My breakfast smoothie duh…I made the recipe myself…here take a look” they said excitedly as they slid the piece of paper across the table towards him.
Ren flinched inwardly as he read the ingredients, surely enough his suspicions were spot on. His Angel had poured all the ingredients on the counter into a blender and made this poison smoothie.
“Darling, this recipe should be censored destroyed pronto, we don’t want people stealing this abomination treasure” Ren chuckled nervously scratching the back of his neck as he stared at the mug with apprehension.
“That so?”, Angel smiled knowingly, as they leaned back folding their arms across their chest. “Then taste it and tell me how you like it” they challenged, eyes gleaming with mischief.
“Ta-taste it Angel? Why, I wanna preserve it like the treasure it is. Pass it down to our children like an heirloom”, he said slowly inching the mug away from him.
Angel maintained a stoic expression, resisting the urge to burst into laughter at their RenRen’s cuteness.
They leaned forward, propping their chin on their hands as an idea formed into their mind. Angel pouted, jutting their bottom lip out as they stared at Ren with puppy dog eyes, “You won’t have it? But I made it especially for you. It’s so healthy. Pretty please?” They mumbled and put on a convincing show, batting their eyelashes and all.
Angel almost broke the façade ready to tease Ren, when he leaned ahead, grabbed the mug and downed the smoothie in one go, startling Angel. They couldn’t believe that Ren actually drank it. They were only teasing him, but he really did it.
As Angel regarded Ren with wonder, tilting their head to the side, the pink haired man simply beamed at them and whispered, “Anything for you my love”
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skiiyoomin · 7 months
ʚSinopsis: You try to cook something for your boyfriend, but your plan backfires completely. Thankfully he´s there to teach you, but you get a little sidetracked in that lesson.
ʚContent: smut with little plot, fem! pet names, reader has female body parts, swearing
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a/n After a very long awaited time, as promised, here is a part 2 of Cook Sukuna! @better-imagination-9 this ones for you <3 this turned out wayyy longer than i expected, but i hope you enjoy nonetheless
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The day you saw Sukuna cook for the first time, something sparked inside you. Your mind flashed with a sudden memory, of the chef from Ratatouille. "Anyone can cook" is what he quoted. If a rat could manage to cook like Gordon Ramsay, why couldn't you.
An hour later, your kitchen had paid the consequences of your actions. You had somehow managed to set your pan on fire and overcook the vegetables. Instead of delicious soft slices of carrots and onions, your eyes found hard black crispy pieces of what were supposed to be said vegetables. So the chef lied. Not everyone can cook. Damn him.
And if things could get any worse better, Sukuna had gotten home just in time to see the catastrophic mess you had made. Your attempt to cover the mess was absolutely futile, Sukunas eyes had already taken in the disaster, not like you could hide much anyway. To your surprise, instead of scolding you, he barked out a boisterous laugh, folding over hysterically.
Once his laughter turned into soft chuckles, he straightened his back and glanced around the kitchen once more.
"Wow, you are really bad at this"
He said between fits of chuckles, wiping a small tear from his eye. And if the massive blush on your cheeks wasn't an indication enough of your embarrassment, your figure turning around so your back was facing him definitely was.
In your defense, you wanted to do something nice....and you didn't realize just how bad your cooking skills were....
Strong buff arms circle around your waist. Sukunas chin nestles on your shoulder, his teasing grin never ceasing from his infuriatingly handsome face.
"Hey c'mon now dollface, you know I'm just messing with ya"
Out of pure spite and pettiness, you turn your head away from his sharp gaze, outright refusing to give in so quickly, you had too much pride for that. Sukunas own stubborness had him forcing you to turn in his embrace and tilting your chin up so your wide eyes were looking up into his own.
"Princess, don´t be so embarrassed"
His lips quirked up into that smirk that, out of your own free will, had your not very hard, in Sukunas expertised opinion, resolving in mere seconds. His smirk widened and his vermilion eyes followed your moves as you lowered your head with a sulk.
"Just wanted to do something nice since you always cook for me"
Your mumble was barely audible, but still loud enough that Sukuna caught onto it. Rough calloused hands cupped your cheeks and once more tilted your head up to his.
"How 'bout I teach you then?"
He suggests with an unusually soft smile, and honestly, who were you to say no? You get free cooking lessons AND get to see Sukuna cook, you´d be an idiot to turn that type of offer down.
With that said, you both got to work cleaning the mess you had previously made and instead opted for cooking a simpler recipe. And you would say you were doing exceptionally well with Sukunas guide, but truthfully, he was doing most of the hard work.
Sukuna, feeling your very blatant staring, smirked to himself and swiftly glanced at your figure by his side, supposedly mixing the veggies. He had a big enough ego, but the way your eyes intently followed his movements and the way you were practically drooling over him had his cock hardening in his pants.
He moved to stand behind you, his large frame towering over yours. With a strong hand on your waist and another above your own holding the wooden spoon, he began moving his arm in slow circles, helping you do a fairly easy task.
Nevertheless, your mind was focused on anything but the task at hand. Instead, you were fixated on the feeling of his buff chest pressed against your back, on his hands on you, of his strong cologne filling your nostrils and blurring your senses.
You gulped, your breath picking up its pace and your chest beginning to rise and fall in uneven paces. And of course, ever the so perceptive man, Sukuna noticed. In a teasing motion, he began pressing soft kisses to the back of your neck, knowing fully well that it was your weak spot. Your hand trembled as you slowed down the pace of your stirring, too focused on the feeling of his soft lips against your sensitive skin.
"Who said you could stop dollface?"
His low deep voice tingled in your ears, his warm breath causing a shiver to run down your spine. With a small whine, you attempted to speed up your pace, but Sukunas teasing didn´t cease, and your senses didn´t clear up, rendering your simple task to be impossible.
A soft whine escaped past your lips as he gently suckled on the side of your neck. His hand left its place resting above your own and instead made its way underneath your loose shirt. Goosebumps rose up at the sensation of the pads of his fingers feeling the warm skin of your torso, soon enough finding its way to his target. Despite the coverage of your bra, Sukuna had no trouble finding your hardened nipples and rubbing his thumb above the smooth silk of the fabric.
Much to his pleasure, your body trembled and your back straightened, the soft whines continuing to errupt from your throat. His other hand that was previously resting on your waist, made its way down the opposite direction. The movement caused you, in an embarrasingly instinctive motion, to spread your legs apart just enough to grant him space. With a low chuckle, his long fingers slipped under the soft fabric of your panties, massaging in a taunting motion your bundle of nerves, feeling the arousal that had pooled in your panties a while ago.
Your whines turned into soft timid moans that filled the silence of the kitchen. The movement of his lips on your neck didn´t stop as he continued to pleasure you. Instead, he turned the fire off and flipped you around to face him. Manhandling you with ease, he grabbed the back of your thighs, propping you up on the island and going straight for your neck once more. Without a moments hesitation, he began to lower your shorts and panties, revealing your achingly wet pussy.
Sukuna felt his painfully hard cock twitch at the mere sight, and without a single second to waste, he lowered his own pants down until his large cock slapped against his stomach. No matter how many times you had seen him, you could never get over the drooling sight of his long and thick cock. He had one or two prominent veins and the most beautiful achingly red tip that had your thight cunt throbbing to feel him inside.
It was almost as if he read your mind, because almost immediately, he lined himself up to your entrance and propped his tip inside. Even the feeling of his tip had your back arching just the slightest bit and your breaths turning into small pants.
You let out a long whine as he pushed the rest of his length inside, his words edging you on.
"Fuck babygirl, your pussys so tight"
He groaned low in your ear, thrusting at in increasingly fast past that had you seeing stars. He grabbed the back of your knees and pushed them up to your chest, folding you with ease. The position let him pound into your pussy mercilessly, the feeling of his cock filling you to the very brim sending you over to cloud 9.
You screamed out his name like a mantra, loud enough that you were certain the neighbours could hear you, but it´s not like you could stop, not with the way he was practically fucking your brains out.
"Shiiittt, taking me so good, you like that huh? Like the way im spreading you open?"
You could only answer with more moans, his dirty words clouding your mind and his tip slamming in your g-spot making you dumb.
Feeling your cunt squeezing him tight made him see stars and his cock twitch, signaling his reaching orgasm. You weren´t too far off as you arched your back and threw your head back, your pussy unconciously squeezing even more.
"mmgh ´Kuna m´ close"
Is all you can manage to whine out between moans, the feeling of the knot forming in your stomach overfilling your senses. With one last hard thrust, the knot snapped. Your body twitched and writhed uncontrollably, your eyes rolling to the back of your head. Sukuna grunted lowly as he spilled his cum inside you, filling you up to the very brim, and the sight of his hot sticky seed dripping down your hole as he pulled out was enough to get him feeling aroused again.
He leaned down to press a gentle kiss to your inner thigh. When he looked up, his eyes were darkened with renewed excitment.
"Don´t think i´m finished with you just yet princess"
You had a looong night ahead of you.
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