#bugbear fluff
sarcasticsra · 2 years
Fortune Found
You know I need you like you’re oxygen Be my atmosphere, let me breathe you in So I can try to tell you I love you I've been lost, I've been found But I know who I am now, I am yours I am yours now and always Wouldn't dream to be anything more You take my breath away every night Still can't believe it when you say you're mine And I am yours, I am yours, I am yours I was free fallin' through the open sky 'Til you smiled at me and you saved my life And I knew I was put here to love you You got the universe swimming in your eyes I'm an open book when you look in mine You'll find that I was put here to love you
I Am Yours | Andy Grammer
Hob stirs gently as the first rays of sunlight manage to streak in through the windowpane, the curtain drawn all for but a small slit that has allowed the morning to finally peek inside. He is warm, surrounded by fur and feathers, a still-sleeping Rue tucked in close around him. 
In his former life, he would have been awake an hour ago, in the midst of a rousing bout of calisthenics to greet the day. While he may enjoy a brisk workout later, he certainly feels no hurry to leave the bed in this moment. He feels no hurry to do much of anything, in fact, except to lie here in contentment, basking in the warmth of them, of their beauty. They are resplendent as ever, and he can’t help but marvel yet again at his fortune.
One of Rue’s eyes squints open, then the other, and they yawn, giving him a smile that melts his heart anew. Every day they smile at him like that is a perfect one. 
He’s had nothing but perfect days recently.
“Good morning, my darling,” they say, giving him a tender kiss. Their smile turns almost shy. “It’s silly, perhaps, but waking to your presence still gives me butterflies. How did I get so lucky?”
His heart swells and he kisses them again. “I was thinking much the same thing, my heart. To awaken in your arms is to know true bliss.”
“I love you fiercely,” they say, drawing him in as close as he can get.
“And I love you in turn, with all manner of passion, ever-burning.” 
They kiss again, entwined, and when they finally part, Rue is smiling at him in yet another way, deliciously wicked. “Perhaps you’d like to demonstrate some of that passion?”
He growls, a little wild, delighting in the way they shiver against him. 
It seems they will both enjoy a rousing workout this morning.
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cake-chad · 2 months
Find my sun in the dark side of my shadow
Fandom: Once Upon A Witchlight (Legends of Avantris)
Words: 4753
Warnings: Descriptions of blood and injury, this is a whump fic
Description: Torbek has a nightmare and winds up lashing out, injuring Gideon and Kremy fears for the worst
Read on Ao3
It's a peaceful night when Gideon wakes. For a few moments he lays there, staring up at the branches of the tall trees surrounding the small clearing where they had set up camp, faintly illuminated by the low glow of the embers of the campfire in the center as he tries to figure out what has awoken him. 
He holds his breath, listening for any sign of movement and slowly scans his eyes across the clearing. Kremy sleeps in his usual spot, positioned between him and the campfire for maximum warmth. To the left of the campfire he sees Hootsie, wrapped around Gricko so only his feet are visible from underneath her fluff and feathers. To the right, Frost sleeps with his head propped on his backpack, arms folded tight across his chest with his robe draped over him.
Everyone seems to be deeply asleep, undisturbed by whatever had awoken him. It's odd. For years now he's been a heavy sleeper, especially since Carnival Lecroux, where he felt safe and secure amongst friends, and nothing short of a horn blown directly in his ear could wake him. What could have awoken him tonight?
He’s just about ready to settle back into sleep again when a noise from the opposite side of the campfire draws his attention, something shifting in the dirt with a distressed keening noise as he bolts upright.
He feels a stab of guilt as he realizes he has once again forgotten about Torbek. The bugbear is fidgeting in his sleep, his brow furrowed in distress as his lip peels back into a snarl. His fingers claw against the ground, as though he is weakly trying to drag himself across the ground in his sleep.
Gideon carefully pushes himself up, moving quietly to not disturbed anyone else as he makes his way around the campfire, dropping to his knees beside Torbek.
“Torbek? Come on man, wake up, you're having a nightmare,” he says gently. As he speaks, Torbeks movement only gets more frantic, his breath becoming heavy. Gideon reaches out a hand and places it on Torbeks shoulder, wary of the canisters on his back that start to hiss and bubble with magenta witchlight.
“Gid, be careful.”
Gideon glances over his shoulder to see Kremy sitting partly upright, balanced on his elbow as he rubs at one eye with his free hand.
“He's having a nightmare, Krem, I gotta try to get him out of it–”
He can't finish the thought as searing pain shoots through his torso, his breath knocked completely out of him with a groan as he's caught so completely off guard. He sees Kremy staring at him, his eyes wide as he stares at Gideons chest. Gideon slowly turns back towards Torbek, whose eyes are open and staring at him with glowing magenta and malice. 
Gideons eyes drop and he stares down at Torbeks hand, where his fingers and claws have elongated and brutally stabbed into Gideons stomach. He drops his hand from Torbeks shoulder to his wrist, weakly gripping onto him as he looks back up at Torbeks face. 
He faintly hears Kremy yell, though it sounds like he's miles away as he feels his energy draining. His vision starts to dim, but he sees the glow from Torbeks eyes flicker, a look of confusion crosses his face as the glow fades and he takes in what has happened, looks at his fingers embedded just under Gideons ribs, before the confusion turns to horror and panic.
“Torbek–” Gideon chokes out, trying to keep his grip on Torbeks wrist as the bugbear starts to pull against him, wrenching his blood drenched hand free before he turns and scrambles across the ground and off into the forest. Gideons hands fall to his sides, unable to even staunch the blood he can feel soaking into his shirt and down his stomach.
Kremy almost immediately notices when Gideon gets up and moves away, the loss of such a strong heat source enough to rouse him from his sleep. He rolls towards the low burning campfire, not as comfortable as Gids warmth, but better than sleeping in just the open air until he comes back to sleep. 
The last thing Gideon is aware of is collapsing backwards, feeling Kremys arms catching him across his shoulders, and the terrified looks of the rest of his companions above him as he loses consciousness. 
He's just about to close his eyes again as he sees Gideon kneel down and speak quietly to Torbek, goading him to wake up from his fitful sleep. 
“Gid, be careful,” he warns, partially pushing himself up.  He knows that Gideon knows exactly how bad of an idea it is to wake someone from a nightmare, especially someone who has been through what Torbek has.
Gideon is in the process of responding to him when Kremy sees Torbeks eyes snap open, light pouring out of them as the bugbear sits upright, and faster than Kremy can even comprehend, sinks his claws deep into Gideon’s lower chest. He can see the points of Torbeks claws poking through the back of Gideons shirt, glinting in red.
“NO!!” Kremy yells, unable to tear his eyes from Gideon’s, who blankly stares back at him. “Torbek, no!” 
His yell immediately rouses the rest of the crew, snapping awake with a jolt, but he can't tear his eyes from Gideon or Torbek. The glow of Torbeks eyes flickers before eventually dimming and a look of distress crosses his face as he starts struggling to get out of Gideons grip, wrenching his hand free with a spurt of blood. 
And then Torbek is gone, and Gideon is wavering on his knees, his hands dropping to the ground.  Kremy scrambles across the campsite and manages to wrap his arms around Gideons shoulders just as he collapses, catching him against his chest. Gideons head lolls against his shoulder and he stares up at Kremy for a moment before his eyes roll back in his head and he goes limp in Kremys arms.
“Gid! No, come on man, you gotta stay with me,” he babbles, lightly slapping his cheeks. “Don't you dare leave me alone with these freaks, I need you, Gid!”
Frost falls to his knees on Gideon's other side, making quick work of his shirt, tearing the front of the thin shirt open with a claw. The wounds exposed made Kremy’s stomach roll, the blood seeping out was thin, flowing easier than it should’ve, with a slight magenta glow to it. Gideons chest rises and falls rapidly, gasping with a horrible wheeze from deep within.
“Gricko! Where are those fucking bananya’s,” he demands. 
When he tears his eyes away from Gideon he can see Gricko is already going through the motions to summon the healing items, his hands suddenly overflowing with small bananas that he quickly mashes into a messy poultice.
He snaps his attention back to Gideon as he wheezes out his name. “Gid! Oh my gods, hold on, we’re going to get you fixed up, okay? Just don’t move.”
The instructions come too late, as Gideon is already trying to raise his hand towards the wounds. Frost catches his wrist in a soft grip, keeping his hand away long enough that he can wipe the blood from the wounds. Gricko follows closely behind, smearing the poultice across them, pressing it into the torn flesh as much as he can. Gideon gasps as the two of them handle the wounds, his face twisting into a grimace as he throws his head back, pressing hard into Kremy’s shoulder, eyes clenched tight. 
Kremy places his hand on the side of Gideons head, gently rubbing circles against his temple with his thumb. He can't look down, he can't watch as Gricko works on Gideons injuries, so he focuses on his face instead. Seeing him in pain makes his stomach turn, but he feels like if he looks at the wounds, he might actually snap. When Gideons manages to open his eyes again, they are half lidded and barely focused, vaguely staring back at him when he can as his awareness ebbs and flows. Every so often when he blinks, his eyes stay closed a little longer as his consciousness fades and then returns. Kremy fears that any time he closes his eyes, it might be for the last time.
Which wouldn’t be the first time he had thought about what he would do if he lost Gideon. Hells, it wasn’t even the tenth time. But those had been thoughts, hypotheticals. What ifs. Worst case scenarios that should never come to be. 
The what ifs were supposed to just be that little voice of anxiety that rattles around in the back of his mind, able to be squashed behind a front of confidence, thoughts that are unable to manifest anything into the world. If they ever came to be, it should be years down the line. Maybe after they start turning grey with age, not now in the prime of their lives. 
And yet here he is, kneeling in a clearing by a dying campfire, holding Gideon in his arms as he slips in and out of consciousness, choking on his own breath as pain courses through him. Completely helpless. 
Even now he can't get that image out of his head, of Torbeks claws stabbed completely through Gideons torso. 
“His back.” His voice comes out as almost a whisper. Frost looks at him with that intense gaze.
“What did you say, Kremy?”
“His back!” He says louder this time, frantic panic growing in his chest again. “Torbeks claws, they went all the way through!”
Even before he finishes, Frost and Gricko are already dragging Gideon out of his arms, turning him onto his shoulder as they lay him on the ground. Frost has a hand pressed to a strip of fabric covering the poultice on Gideons chest as Gricko uses what little of the mix he has left to cover the wounds on either side of Gideons spine. 
It feels wrong to have his arms empty, he desperately wants to pick him back up again, keep him close as he can, while he can. That anxiety creeps up in the back of his mind again, what if Gricko’s healing isn’t enough? 
He still can’t look at what Gricko is doing, focusing only on Gideons face and running his hand through his hair. Gids eyes are closed, his face lax as his head rests against the dirt. 
“Come on, Gid. I need you to wake up,” he finds himself whispering aloud. He's got both his hands tangled in Gideon's hair now as he leans over him, desperately begging him to wake up!!
Gideons brow tightens and he gasps as Gricko is now pushing another bandage against his back and Gideon blindly searches for something with his hand. Trying to shoo Gricko away, perhaps? Kremy catches Gideons hand in his and immediately Gideon is squeezing his hand as tightly as he can, pulling it towards his face where he presses the back of Kremy’s hand against his cheek. 
He can feel dampness, tears that he hadn't noticed before at the corner of Gideons eye and tenderly wipes them away. Gideons breath catches in his throat as he groans and Kremy can almost feel the bones in his hand grinding against each other with how tightly Gideon clutches on to him. 
“Gricko…” Kremy mutters, an unspoken warning in his voice.
“Trying me best here, Kremy.” 
There’s a flash of light as Gricko claps his hands, the spirit image that had crouched over him dissipating as he sits back with a worried look on his face.
Gideon gasps, his eyes snapping open and he lurches upright, arms flailing.  Kremy’s heart leaps into his throat as he jolts upright and begins to waver, his chest heaving. Frost gently pushes Gideon back and he lands in Kremy’s arms, immediately ensconced in his arms.
“Oh my god Gid, easy now.”
Gideon coughs and then groans as he lets himself slump against Kremy. “What in the hells just happened?”
“Quite literally poked a sleeping bear,” Frost said, sitting back and turning to look out into the forest.
“Where's Torbek?” Gideon immediately tries to sit up again, nearly bowling Gricko over as he tries to wrap Gideons wounds.
“Oi, easy there, Big Red,” Gricko says, trying to push him back down. “Need to get these wrapped up.”
Gideon relents, hissing as Gricko works to wind the bandage around his torso, but turns his attention to Kremy and Frost. “Where’s Torbek?”
“He ran away, off into the forest.” Frost says, still looking into the trees.
“Is he okay? Is the other guy still in control?”
Kremy shakes his head. “No, he looked like himself again before he freaked out and ran.”
Gricko finishes securing the end of the bandage and sits back, followed immediately by Gideon pushing himself to his feet, faster than any of them expect him to be able to move in this state. He wavers a bit and Kremy pops to his feet to support him.
“Take it easy, man,” he says.
“I can’t, I gotta go find him.”
“Gid, you need to rest, let someone else go find him,” Kremy insists, keeping a hand on Gideon's arm. 
“I’m okay, Kremy.” He claps his own hand over Kremy’s, squeezing it reassuringly. “I need to show him I’m fine, and besides… I need to talk to him.”
Kremy nods, knowing what Gideon is thinking about and reluctantly lets go of him.
It's not hard to follow where Torbek went, the panicked bugbear having left a trail of loping footprints and broken foliage through the forest. The walking and calling out his name makes Gideons chest ache, and he runs out of breath way sooner than usual, much to his annoyance.
 “I’ll make waffles for when you guys get back.”
After several minutes of walking he hears heavy panting and dirt being thrown around, and as he calls Torbeks name again he hears wailing in response.
“Has mister Gideon come to haunt Torbek, Torbek is so sorry, Torbek didn't mean to kill mister Gideon!” Torbeks voice is muffled as he cowers in the small hovel he has dug under the roots of a tree, which is nowhere near big enough to house his lanky stature. His back is exposed and Gideon can see that the canisters upon it are full again and not bubbling, and despite his hunched posture his limbs appear to be their normal length again.
“Torbek, it's me.” Gideon says, gingerly lowering himself to his knees next to the gnarled roots of the tree. “I'm okay, alright? I ain't dead.”
“Don’t lie to Torbek!” Torbek howls, covering his head with his hands, hiding his face.
“Torbek, stop!” Gideon grasps onto Torbek’s wrist, gently pulling his hand away from his face. Torbeks eyes are clenched tight, his face wet with tears, and his other hand moves to cover his eyes again before Gideon reaches out for that hand too. “Hey man, open your eyes. It’s just me, Torbek.”
Torbek sniffs loudly, but he doesn’t fight against Gideons grip on his hands. He tilts his head back, trying to control heavy sobfilled breaths that make his shoulders shake, his whole body trembling. Torbek slowly manages to pry one eye open and squints at him, and Gideon smiles at him with a lopsided grin that he hopes is reassuring.
Both eyes pop open and Torbek pulls his wrists out of Gideons grasp and reaches for his shoulders, as thought to verify that this image in front of him is a corporeal form, solid and able to be touched. “M-mister Gideon?”
“In the flesh-” Gideons words turn into a groan as Torbek suddenly grabs him into a hug, squeezing him tightly and jostling his wounds. “Ow! Easy, big guy, still a little tender here.”
Torbek quickly lets go and scampers back a few paces, babbling as he goes. “Torbek is so sorry, Torbek didn't mean to hurt Gideon, Torbek didn't know what was happening!”
Gideon places a hand over the tender wounds and sits down on a fallen tree nearby, patting the space next to him. “I know you didn't mean to, Torbek. Come sit down.”
Torbek folds into himself as he hunches his back, his head nearly sinks into his shoulders as he makes himself as small as possible, carefully making his way to the tree and sits down with a space between them. 
“Torbek had a nightmare,” he says as he settles on the log. As hunched over and folded into himself as he is, he still looks ready to bolt at any moment.
Gideon nods. “I figured that's what happened. I've been there too, man. What was it about?”
“Torbek…” Torbek looks down at the grassy forest floor, shuffling his feet as he searches for the words. “Torbek can’t really explain what Torbek was dreaming about. Torbek was in pain, it was so bright, there were people who didn't have faces, and there were needles,” Torbek groans as he looks down at his hands. Gideon can still see some of the blood on his hands, though most of it is coated in dirt and wood splinters now. “And then suddenly Torbek was awake and Torbek had hurt mister Gideon and Torbek was so scared!”
Gideon reflexively puts a hand on Torbeks shoulder, making sure the anxious bugbear doesn’t bolt again. Torbek sways a bit, as though internally fighting with himself over sitting still or running off into the forest. 
“I’ve been in your position before, Torbek. We don’t talk about it anymore ‘cause there hasn’t been a need to, but I’ve hurt a dear friend during a nightmare like that too.”
Torbek looks at Gideon, his eyes wide. “R-really?”
Gideon lets go of Torbeks shoulder and looks off into the trees as he starts to speak.
“I still remember the dream very clearly. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to forget it. It’d only been a few weeks since I escaped from the train- hells, I still had wounds of my own still healing from my escape,” Gideon gestures to the scars on his arms and shoulders, visible through the open front of his torn shirt. Torbek follows the gesture and cringes into himself as he looks down at the bandages around Gideons torso and averts his eyes. 
“But in my dream I was stuck back in that engine, deep in the heart of the furnace. The chains were anchored into the walls and I was stuck, just like I had been for years. When I looked up, the hatch at the top was open and I could see those damn hobgoblins looking down at me, taunting me. Must not have been much for entertainment on the train, cause they sure loved doing that.
“The faces were getting closer to me, sorta floating in the air around me and they were prodding me with their weapons, grabbing at me with their hands. I was pulling on the chains, hoping that maybe this time I’d be strong enough to rip those damn anchors out of the wall. I felt one of their hands touch my chest and it was like ten years worth of rage just imploded and I ripped those anchors out like nothing. I whipped my chains,” he mimicks flinging the chains out in an arc around him, making a whip crack noise with his mouth, “and wrapped them around that fuckers throat and dragged him down so I could watch the life drain out of his eyes.”
He pauses and takes as deep of a breath as he can comfortably take. He grabs a tiny twig of a branch and snaps it off of the fallen tree the two of them are sitting on, twirling it between his fingers. “As I’m strangling this guy, in the back of my head I heard a voice that said ‘would you kindly let go of me.’ 
“And suddenly I was awake, and the face in front of me wasn’t that goddamn hobgoblin. It was Kremy, and the chains were glowing hot around his throat, so tight that he couldn’t breath.
“That was the first time he ever used his abilities on me, and he only barely managed to do it with what little air he had left. It scared the hell out of me, the way his eyes rolled back and he crumpled when I got the chains off of his throat, I was sure I had killed him too.” The twig snaps in two in his hands and he quickly snaps them into four smaller pieces before flinging them into the underbrush. “I didn’t know what to do, all I could do was get the chains off and shake him until he took a breath on his own, which thank fuck that that worked, ‘cause if it hadn’t… I don’t know what I would’ve done if it hadn’t. I don’t know anything about healing, so I was useless to him there. And I don’t know if I’d even be alive today if it weren’t for him.
“He couldn’t speak for three days after that, and the heat from the chains burned his neck pretty bad. For the most part, it healed, but I know he still has some scars under his shirt collar. I still feel terrible about it, but we've talked about it and worked through it, and he has never held it against me.”
He claps a hand onto Torbeks shoulder again, startling him. “So what I’m trying to say is that it’s alright, Torbek. I’ve been where you are, and I know I should’ve been more careful. I know you were scared and you didn’t mean to hurt me, just like I never meant to hurt Kremy.”
Torbek clenches his fists and presses them against his head as he shakes it, his face twisted in despair. “Torbek would never dream of hurting Gideon, Torbek would never want to hurt any of his friends.”
Gideon gently grasps his wrist, pulling his hands away from his head as the bugbear starts squeezing his own head. “Hey man, don’t beat yourself up about it.” He spreads his arms wide, as if to display himself. “Look, I’m alright! A couple new scars ain’t gonna kill me, hell it just makes me look even more badass.”
Torbek shrugs, looking sheepish. “Scars are pretty cool.”
Gideon throws his head back with a laugh, to which Torbek gives a sad smile. “Torbek just wishes that Torbek didn’t give you the scars.”
Gideon manages to contain his laughter, once again clapping Torbek on the shoulder. “Just as I wish I’d never given Kremy his scar either, man. The both of us have gone through some shit, and we can't control our nightmares. I knew it was risky to get close while you were having one, so if anyone's to blame for tonight, it's on me, okay? This isn't your fault.”
Torbek makes a face, expressing his doubt. “It sorta is Torbeks fault though…”
Gideon pushes Torbeks shoulder so he twists to look at Gideon, his face serious. “No. It's not, Torbek. I don’t think it was even you in control when this happened. I think the other guy woke up first and he was the one that did this.”
Torbek’s ears flattened back and he sunk even further into himself with a groan. 
“So it really isn’t your fault, Torbek.” 
“Torbek doesn’t like the other guy.”
“Yeah, he’s kinda an asshole,” Gideon laughs. “Which is why we’re going to figure this out, okay? We’ll figure out what his deal is and see if we can get him outta ya. And in the meantime, we’ll just have to… I don’t know, stay out of reach if you’re having a nightmare.”
“Torbek gives Gideon permission to throw something at Torbek to wake him up next time.” Torbek winks at Gideon, his lips peeling back into a toothy grin.
Gideon laughs and wraps an arm around Torbek, pulling him into a jovial side hug. “Well, I just hope you don't have any more nightmares, okay? But if it comes to that, I'll make sure it's something soft.”
“Torbek appreciates that.”
Gideon feels Torbek relax into the hug and holds him there for a few moments. He squeezes Torbek tightly one more time before releasing him and pushing himself to his feet. 
His vision spins when he stands and suddenly Torbek is there, bending his lanky posture to duck under Gideons arm to support him until the dizziness passes.
“Alright, that's about enough of that,” Gideon mutters, blinking his eyes rapidly as he tries to focus on their surroundings. “I feel like I'll need your help getting back there Torbek, but a little birdie told me there's waffles waiting for us at the campsite.”
It isn’t until he hears Gideons laugh just a few paces away that Kremy realizes just how much he had been holding his breath, waiting for him to return. Though his sigh of relief turns to distress again as he looks up from his cooking and sees Torbek supporting almost all of Gideons weight as they exit the tree line. 
Torbeks ears flick up, his eyes widen, and he emits an excited hum, almost entirely lifting Gideon off the ground as he straightens up and all but carries Gideon back to the clearing.
Gideon looks terrible still, his brow tight despite the grin on his lips, and his shirt hanging off of him in tatters. His face twists into a grimace as Torbek moves his arm off his shoulders and shuffles away, slinking into a crouch by the fire that Gricko is pushing another log into.
Gideon makes his way over to Kremy, moving stiffly as he lowers himself to the ground next to the stump Kremy is sitting on. Once seated he groans, placing both hands over the bandages and slowly allows himself to flop back onto the dirt, almost in the same spot he had been sleeping before the night's interruption, and closes his eyes. 
“How are you feeling?” Kremy asks, using his foot to nudge Gids' satchel-turned-pillow against his shoulder.
In response, Gideon raises one hand in a thumbs up before letting it flop into the dirt, absolutely exhausted. He lifts his head to shove the satchel under it and once he’s settled, opens his eyes to look up at Kremy with a soft smile. 
“Feel like I could sleep for a week right now.”
“Don’t blame ya at all.” 
Gideon yawns so widely that Kremy hears his jaw click and he winces at the sound. He turns back to the fire, checking the waffle iron buried in the logs, and then looking around at the rest of the group. Frost has Torbek holding out his hands, using a towel and one of his water skins to wash the blood and dirt off of them. Gricko is yammering away, telling some wild Goblin story that Torbek seems to be enthralled by, laughing loudly when Gricko says something in a language only the two of them understand. Hootsie is laying on the ground next to Torbek, leaning against him as she slaps at her fly-pad. 
Kremy pulls the iron out of the fire and deposits the fluffy golden waffle onto one of the small plates he carries with him, quickly refills the iron and shoves it back into the fire before getting up to move over to Torbek, presenting the plate to him. 
Torbek looks up at him in surprise before gratefully accepting it. “Thank you, mister Kremy. Torbek is really sorry for hurting Gideon and scaring mister Kremy.”
“We’re all good, Torbek.” Kremy says, patting him on the shoulder with a small smile and then moving back to his stump.
“You want one of these, Gid?” He’s barely finished asking the question when a loud snore rends the air and he looks down at Gideon, splayed out on the ground and completely out for the count. 
Seeing him sleeping so peacefully again makes Kremy’s heart flutter, a far cry from how he felt only an hour ago when he thought he would lose this man. He’s okay, everythings going to be okay, he tells that little voice of anxiety in the back of his mind. 
“You probably need to sleep more than you need food right now, so I’ll make you one in the morning, you big idiot,” he says, smiling fondly at the sleeping form beside him.
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ubtendo · 1 month
Nah fam, the joke is on YOU bc I LOVE when people share interests. Gimme the bug lore and the Briggsbek content. I'm shaking the bars of my cage.
Not really bugs, but imagine Torbek having a higher resistance to spider venom and/or scorpions. He had a "'"pet"'" scorpion named Bobby.
He's like a Disney Princess but Specifically For Bugs/insectoid things.
Also visually impaired Briggsy AAAAAA. Tie in neurodivergent Torbek with a wide vocabulary and I bet you dollars to donuts that this bugbear absolutely describes the colors and looks of different bugs, but between guiding gentle touches and stating colors, he follows it up with like. The sensory experience of the colors. Similar in a vague sense to synesthesia, but all the colors and shades are independent to each other.
As for nicknames, Briggsy would call Torbek fitting things like Atlas (big) and such, but also stuff like Bugaboo, lovebug ((not literal ones bc Torbek may have OPINIONS on those, but the term is still cute)), honeybee, buzzy, and tying in some self indulgent stuff, when Torbek is overstimulated, it's burrito bugbear hours and Briggsy calls him some variant of caterpillar.
Torbek personally isn't big on pet names, but he does have special bugs that he holds up apropos nothing and goes "this one reminds me of you" and then he goes on a total in depth explanation as to why and how and what features contribute to that explanation.
((P.S. don't imagine Torbek being near illiterate but able to read Sylvan near fluently after his capture. Don't imagine him having a decent grasp on most spoken languages but still struggling to read. Don't imagine Torbek casually being a polyglot and never realizing it's smth impressive.))
((P.S.S. Don't imagine briggsy having mapped out all of Torbek's features by sound and touch. Don't imagine his terror of eventually losing those senses as well. They send audio messages mostly. And then Do NOT Imagine the metamorphosis in the EoM campaign and Briggsy's sheer joy of semi-lucidity of senses, of the knowledge that he'll one day be able to see and taste and touch his lover in full. But of it only happens when they're worlds apart and trapped as such))
You are killing me, anon
Anon my heart
I don't even know how I can add to that, this is perfect
First of all I wanna bite myself in the butt for not thinking of Bugaboo (I love that nickname, I'm so mad at myself) and Torbek would call Briggsy "Captain" to ground him when his temper is acting up
And Torbek being the princess of bugs is cannon now to me. I imagine especially after being modified with the witchlight, he would have not an immunity but a resistance to bug venom
Also, even tho I haven't seen it yet, it would really frustrate me if someone just hears Torbek talk and think that he would be "stupid" because of the way he talks. You would just need to really listen once to what he is saying to realise that Torbek is actually quite eloquent, so thank you for pointing that out, he would be sitting there for a lifetime visualising world verbally for Briggsy, and he would switch between languages when he thinks that they would sound nicer as a description
And everytime (fiction or non fiction) a visually impaired or blind person asks "to see someone face", it just melts my heart. Cause even tho they can't see too know what the eye color or hair colour of the other is, they know every wrinkle, every mole, if you have dimples or acne or a sort of facial fluff, the way your nose is shaped and how your lips feel, the unique way your ear is shaped, they know your face better than you yourself and better than every other seeing person (sorry had to get that one of my chest) so Briggsy doing the same with Torbek is just -GAH💕
(I haven't seen up to the metamorphosis episode yet but I know about this already because I've read through Briggsys, honestly very empty, fanwiki article but his thrill of that he might be able to actually SEE him? I'm bawling)
We are all building this ship together and that is really something special
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caepirii · 2 months
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Other than studying to reach your dreams as witchy student in saint spell , a little smear of love with certain individual wouldn't put hindrance if it means growing together.
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pairing ; eris , simon , bugbear/reader ⌇ sslg
tags ; fluff , headcanon , established relationship , friends to lovers , slight gore/blood (bugbear) , sslg spoilers , slight suggestive(?)
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Time spent, time used between slip of chances, ticking clock upon the wall count each second, minutes, and hours, new memories will be written, and past memories will be collected neatly or messily inside the book for remembrance.
Another timeline, another beginning and ends, watching everyone make their place in your heart as your desired.
Darling sweetheart, a sunflower upon the field, unlike other sunflowers facing the rising sun. His gaze filled with adoration for you only.
Eris's love language would be physical touch and quality time— he loves running towards you through the hallway and tackling you into a hug, enjoying the time you spent together inside the arena - fight upon fight in the arena that exhausts the body further. Yet, he can't find anything more rewarding than spending time with you doing mundane stuff together.
To have you by his side is nothing but a blessing after losing his friends in the past impacted him greatly, and to have you by his side through everything even though he can be a little bit too much for some people, he can't be grateful more for you love him.
Though I said his love language is physical touch and quality time, gift-giving is never out of the question! Every day he'll bring something new for you to show off, it ranges between trinkets, food, and cute little heart-shaped rocks he found on the ground. It's a good luck charm he'd say!
If you can bake, don't be surprised if there's some suddenly missing in a second before you can decorate them, little breadcrumb trails help you find the culprit hiding inside the drawer he slips in - giggling innocently as he offers you the half-eaten cookies he took.
cute aggression, maybe it starts with you or him it doesn't matter, there's always some playful fighting between the both of you, from the field into your dorm - tossing pillows and blankets in a fight at each other, watching who will raise the white flag of surrender, so far even result of cuddle fight where both of you fighting who hold who at night, it'll end with him always winning and you giving up under him, exhausted from the brutal strength he own.
Cuddle time? Cuddle time. Big spoon or small spoon doesn't matter after he held you, with his hands and tail, you find yourself trapped with his surprisingly strong grip, sometimes he invites you to his dorm for the cuddle sessions. One thing assured for sure, you missed some classes, but hey, free cuddles.
He enjoys biting you a lot, surprisingly. Don't be surprised when the both of you cuddling and he nuzzles his head against your neck innocently at the start, it'll end with him planting kisses against your exposed skin, gently nipping the skin, not enough to hurt you, but enough to make you feel feverish before he pulls back and looks at you innocently after his advance.
Because of his habit of biting and leaving a mark upon mark against the exposed skin, he could sink his teeth into the need to start clothes that were enough to cover the bruises he left.
He just stares lovingly at you across the class with his tail wagging happily like a puppy as you wear long clothing to hide them, and you feel like dying as some couple of stares are thrown at you as they watch Eris looking at you with heart in his eyes.
would it be wrong to say you adore the lovely man? Many people may think differently of him, but not you, it'll never be you, watching him grow and become the best version of himself, you're honored to be his anchor as he is to you.
Simon's love language would be act of service and quality time — he does his best to help you in any way possible, trying his hardest to work better to prove to you that all you did for him all worth it, please tell this baby to take a rest once awhile because he wants to impress you how far he had gone, tell him how much you're proud and love him, and watch him melt and become putty in your arm, face redder that possible even with his already natural red skin.
a date with him can vary between casual dates, where you spend the most time talking about anything on your mind and keep each other's company, or studying or general reading in the library.
You always watch how his fingernails thrum, fidgets, and scratch against the table, leaving scratch marks against the wood, it helps him focus on studying further, But unfortunately, it's not good for him as he always gets scolded for ruining the class property. So, to change that you bought him the fidget cube toy with tiny plastic buttons, gears, and a joystick, he's skeptical at the tiny cube-shaped toy you gave him at first but soon starts to love it, it helps him focus on studying, and no longer get scolded for destroying the class property.
Being in the same classes as he is, you had resorted your place to sit by his side, not that he minds. Rather he's glad that you're next to him during classes, sharing notes and offering help if others don't understand certain subjects, so it becomes a habit to whisper answers and questions.
Sometimes so far accidentally brushing lips against one another ears when getting too close than anticipated, which ends with both of you becoming a flustered and stuttering mess and being called out by the professors to keep it down and a couple of stares from other students.
the more he gets comfortable with you, the more he starts to open up - not that he's never opened up to you! In a way, you'll see bolder fiendish, that'll lazily wrap his hands around your waist, pressing kisses upon your lips almost every moment given.
watching his gaze softened, no longer shy away or stuttering when caught staring. His fingers would trace gently against your skin and brush against your hair, staring with so much love in his eyes as he held you, no words were uttered, but gazing at his eyes and stupid charming smile as he held you close, body molding with one another and just stay like that, feeling the thumping of your heart against his, it feels wonderful.
Silly whimsy little nightmare fuel. will stay silly whimsy little nightmare fuel.
Bugbear's love language would be physical touch and gift giving. — dare you say he's attached to your hip, no matter how much you try to ignore his presence, you could feel eyes from the dark corner piercing behind your back, how the shadow around you embraces you like a longing lover before the familiar creature of nightmare would come to greet you by wrapping his arm around you in death grip, not allowing you to escape his grasp as he hold you.
Do you love your personal space? how unfortunate, Bugbear loves it too and wishes to annoy the living shit out of you. Good luck with that.
To say Bugbear is an enigma, and there's nothing to hide from the truth, one second, you'll be watching him shoving many ingredients and spice inside a still bloody pig and call it an offering, a prank more likely as he drags you to watch another student scream at the horrendous sight of a dead pig on their bed. The other time he'll cook a delicious well-cooked meal for your lunch while using his cute bear apron in the kitchen.
At night, almost every night, when everyone has fallen asleep and ventured into their dream world. Bugbear would always keep you awake, sending your heart fluttering from his playful tease, pinning you to your bed with the Cheshire grin you adore, soon your body is engulfed in his shadow magic and ends up in the ballroom with him. Dancing to both of your heart's content, once in a while just spending time on your or his bed wrapped in each other presence - leaving you breathless as he marks you with teeth sinking to your skin, sleep schedule be damned.
The more time you spend with him. the more you learn of his mischievous antics, it becomes easier to know when a shadow moves behind the corner of your vision before being tackled to the ground by the anima himself when you thought you were ready with his upcoming attack, he makes you think twice.
But it got him more excited as you get more aware of your surroundings. The sight of you being so anxious yet on guard of his presence in the shadow sends his heart fluttering with anticipation. Act more attentively, and get faster with your response, oh how much he loves riling you all up before teasing you again by appearing from the shadow lazily to disappoint you with the lack of tackle attacks. It's okay, it's worth the playful antics as he pecks your face with good morning kisses.
For a bad student who always ditches classes, is surprisingly smart, and able to help your failing classes, of course not being left with sarcastic remarks and playful tease.
"Oh, dear me, is my little doll can't understand some basic spells casting equations, who's fault is that for skipping classes just to meet little ol' me? Hehe, stupid. You miss me? desperate much~" (´∧ω∧`✿)
countless times you'd freeze as he cornered you in his nightmare-fueled dream, claws covered in blood and carcasses of his meal scattered upon the ground, you're aware he had brought you to his nightmare land once more and he waited patiently until you're nothing but a fragile toy he used to play and cry your weary eyes out.
but it never came as you slowly start to get numb with his antics, to say your fingers would trail across his maw that wishes nothing but devour you whole yet, held back as you pull yourself to him, desperately clinging to him and wish his torment to end. Such a vulnerable toy, such an easy prey, so precious. not yet.
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© CAEPIRII — all rights reserved. Any sort of plagiarizing, copying, modifying, translating, editing of my works are strictly prohibited
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tealfling · 9 months
This is Us.
Fluff drabble for our favorite brain.
Named Tav x Astarion
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"Us!" Amaranth gasped approaching the cage. "I can't believe it's you! Don't worry, I'll get you out!" Amaranth rattled the cage door, then stood, heading to the ask the bugbear about a key.
"Is she talking to one of those--brain things?" Astarion asked disgusted.
"Is that the one from the nautiloid? The one that was following you?" Shadowheart asked Amaranth.
"She had it following her on the nautiloid?!"
Shadowheart continued, "When she freed me from my pod it was following her around and led us to the command center. Which is more help than Lae'zel offered."
"Of course she did. I'm not surprised." An audible metallic click, made Astarion turn toward the cage, door now swung open. "Ugh, Darling, what in the Nine Hells are you doing?!"
"Taking them with us," Amaranth said matter of factily.
"What!? No! We're not taking some brain creature on this little adventure of ours. Do you have any idea where we are?!" Astarion's voice shrilled.
Amaranth gave her love a sweet look, "But they said we're friends and I freed them from their skull. Of course they can join us. We have plenty of room back at camp."
"Camp!? You want to bring that thing back to camp? The dog, sure, that's a normal pet. The raven, fine, I get spooky things are your- thing. I even tolerate the owlbear cub, but this thing? Darling." Astarion gestures repulsed, "It looks so sticky. Bleh."
Amaranth didn't reply, lost to a mind link with Us. The lobotomized intellect devourer scurried off. "Come on!" The tiefling said running after them. "Us knows where to get to Ketheric!"
Astarion throws his hands, "Of course it does." He begins to jog after the group. "Darling if we live through this they're not sleeping in the bed with us."
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dinkythings · 2 years
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A new D&D character I made for a oneshot - a bugbear named Bodeca Brambleweald, Bo for short. She’s blunt, lazy and standoffish, and the only thing she knows how to show any affection to is her pet boar Porkchop - who was gifted to her as a piglet by her first (late) love. 
Yes, I realise she’s yet another pc in the long line of Big Angry Fluff With A Sweet Gooey Core... I have a type.
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sweetcafa · 2 years
No incest or familycest stuff
No non-Consensual acts
No pedo/ adult x minor
No teacher x student unless in college
No kinks that I feel are uncomfortable.
Plz no heavy lewd or gore request
No character x oc
If the creator is not ok with sexualizing there character I won’t.
If the character is a minor you will be A. 1-2years older. B. Same age or if not having a canon age will be hc one. If platonic any age will be fine.
Please tell me if you even want a one shot or a head canon or both just to make it easier plz😔
I can do
Light Lemon
Fluff / angst
Platonic romance
Any other specific request I find comfortable
Head cannons
One shots
Every student/characters
If it’s the staff/teachers it will be platonic
Saint spell book
(More will be added )
Project: Eden’s garden
Ulysses Wilhelm
Wolfgang Akira
Damon Maitsu
Grace Madison
(More will be added)
Murder drones
Mican yujin
Keir (the thief)
Cirrus (the priest)
Fancy stranger
Blooming panic
Trapped with jester
The mf jester
Dj roadkill
Witches x Warlocks
Spooky month
The hatzgang
VTSOM (Vincent the secret of myers)
Therpy with Dr.Albert Krueger
Dr.Albert Krueger
Taylor lee
Genshin impact
Every character 🫡 there are god Damm so many
MC (Mandela catalog)
Alt Gabriel
Alt ceser/ceser
( also dessert au )
Apple pie Adam
Blueberry mark
Lemon tart Jonah
Strawberry ceser
The owl house (TOH)
Hunter/possessed hunter
Raine 😩 bgg/puppet,possessed puppet
Maybe Belos 👹
Romantically platonic/or just platonic
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Thank you for reading my rules and list. Have a great day/night. Request are closed from now. Don’t worry if you request something before Jan 2 I will get to it.You may ask further questions if you want to ask.
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melissa-titanium · 11 months
jade harley for the ask game :33 ermm also terezi perhaps
OMG. ON IT BOSS!!!!!!!!!
favorite thing about them LITERALLY SO HARD. whats not to love!!!!! i liked her at first because she reminded me a lot of marcy (hehehe) but shes just!!! so . sweet. she loves her friends so much SO MUCH and i wish i was that cool . smile :)
least favorite thing about them ill say this again. whats not to love?? i think the closest thing to Disliking anything about her is. how she got thrown into obscurity towards the end of the comic. how her arc wasn't quite completed... but i guess everyone shared that issue x0 .. though with her character? like .herself? nuh uh! shes so awesome i love jade
favorite line not really a Line but her entire convo with jadesprite. yeahh girl LET IT OUT!!! YEAHHH!!!!!!! also her convos with callie were very sweet x)
brOTP i don't really know if this counts. but her and bec! i know that's like.. her guardian. but i just wish they had more OnScreen is that the right word time together. they're lovely.
OTP i dont think alot about shipping when i think of jade! but i'd have to say davejade, they're lovely. :)
nOTP pretty hard to pick, uh... I don't take shipping seriously enough to hate any particular ship with her!
random headcanon i have one hundred and one visual headcanons about her i could actually go on and on forever. there's some thin extra awesomesauce to me about how simple her god tier design is in canon because yeah baybee i can EXPAND on that !!! give her long trails of white ear fluff that looks like hair, strange doggy lips. perhaps fluffy arms! my MOST thought about headcanon is definitely my weird sprite-visualizing stuff. i talk about it alot, (or atleast did!) but i havent drawn it in a while so here's a little doodle.
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unpopular opinion alot of my opinions are amongst the popular but... i think jade would be pretty short! pre godtier. i think post godtier she'd gain a foot or so because bec is definitely a wolf and wolves are huge. i used to think she would be tall too, but floralmarsupial's character designs changed my thoughts on that. they're super cool you should check them out if you havent seen them.
song i associate with them bugbear chloe moriondo and roman holiday. both from different lyricstucks i saw with her in them so i always think of her when i see them, i'm bad at assigning stuff on my own so i cant think of anything myself.
favorite picture of them
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YAY!!!!!! this panel is so pretty :)))
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ateez-ao3feed-new · 5 months
styles make a fight
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/DUKSYHc by catchnrelease (bugbears) Choi San was a lover, not a fighter. He had a cat, a homely apartment uptown, and a roommate who gave him a glowing review on Roomster (it reads as follows: “quiet, out of the house more than in it. frequent smoker, but only outside w door closed. does dishes and takes out the trash without being asked. kind, considerate, respectful.”). His roommate, Yunho, never asked questions when he would come back from "work" with black eyes or split lips. He had a nice life, but there was something... missing. or: san breaks his hand, stares true love right in the face, and beats people up. not necessarily in that order. Words: 4580, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: ATEEZ (Band) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Characters: Choi San (ATEEZ), Kang Yeosang, Song Mingi (ATEEZ), Park Seonghwa, Jung Wooyoung (ATEEZ), Kim Hongjoong, Jeong Yunho (ATEEZ), Choi Jongho (ATEEZ), Park Wonbin (RIIZE) Relationships: Choi San/Park Seonghwa, Jung Sungchan/Park Wonbin, Choi San/Jung Wooyoung (ATEEZ), san/his left hand, I KID I KID - Relationship Additional Tags: Fist Fights, Alternate Universe - No Band, Alternate Universe - Boxing, wonbin and hwa are siblings.... don't ask, Fluff, Broken Bones, Hurt/Comfort, ok time for a silly one!! read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/DUKSYHc
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akielzx · 1 year
headcanons ! ✦
requests are open!
fluff, angst, smut
specific tropes (optional)
more fandoms // request more fandoms
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saint spells love guide
bugbear nsfw hcs, 16+
ashton and siri with an excited s/o who's a wolf anima
bungou stray dogs
life makeover
shawn kissy kiss, fluff
life makeover boys who has their female s/o propose first, f#ufF
honkai star rail
genshin impact
dragon raja
punishing gray raven
omniscient reader’s viewpoint
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acaciapines · 1 year
lol I meant to type actually the middle number of 46 but you can do 31 too! I love hearing about this au
both of them it is! im glad you love hearing about it bc there is. truly so much. <3
31. Baptisms – Radical Face
“it’s not that bad, you know.”
mari looks up at her, ears still pressed flat. whatever sickness has been hurting luz has left her mostly quiet the entire time amity has been sitting here, and though there’s a hint of pain in the way mari holds her shoulders her eyes are bright and alert.
in amity’s lap, alma shifts: cat, glowfish, spottedfish, lionfish, and cat again. amity rests her hand across her palisman’s back, brushing soft fur.
“it’s not the same.” mari looks away, out towards the window where the moon trickles in. “you never…you get to figure out who you are. i already did, and i…”
“got it wrong?” alma offers, and mari’s lips curl back in a growl. alma’s purr rises in volume, loud enough that mari should hear it, too. it rumbles though amity’s own veins. “that’s okay. we did, too.”
46. Bugbear – Chloe Moriondo
she’s not so sure why she’s here, at school, doing this, when eda and king and firefly and lilith and burkit and every single adult she cares about save for mom is back stuck in a world under the collector’s control.
“it’s to make mom happy,” hunter says, a tiny red bird on her shoulder. he’s been doing that a lot—the bird, and the slipping up. calling camila mom, just like she would. “this way, we at least are able to somewhat pass for normal.” he fluffs up his feathers. “but…yeah. i get it. i wish we were with mari and flapjack, too.”
“it’s not fair,” luz whispers. she’s hidden herself away in an empty corner of the hallway for lunch, because people always stare at her weird when she and hunter talk to each other—just another one of those ways where she won’t fit in, talking to her daemon in public. “i want mom to be happy, i do, i just…why doesn’t this make me feel better?”
hunter shrugs. “i don’t know.”
“yeah.” luz huffs. “just five more hours of this.”
“five more hours,” hunter echoes, flapping down to peck at her sandwich. “let’s get through them together.”
starting w 31: OH MY GOD I KNOW EXACTLY WHEN THIS IS FROMMMMM its from episode 9! eclipse lake! when luz is sick w. common mold i think its called? yeah that but anyways in that episode luz is super out of it but mari isnt (for Reasons like: it isnt common mold lol but they arent important for this scene).
anyways! that means that amityalma and mari have a really sweet scene together...both of them have been struggling over being unsettled (luz n mari bc they were settled but unsettled, amity n alma bc they spent all of s1 pretending to be settled as something they werent) and they get to bond over it...mari cant talk about this stuff w luz but she CAN with amity and alma, and sort of. figure it out then.
also this is before i decided cats in the demon realm were fun shadowy nightmare creatures lol. originally alma took the form of a white cat (like ghost in the show) but bc i have A Thing im doing w forms that changed.
and 46: yet another luz and hunter suffering in the human realm scene! i think ive said it before but bc of the four of them hunter is the only one able to change form, and luz needs to pretend to be settled for long plot reasons im not getting into, luz and hunter go to school together as a human-daemon pair and neither of them like. enjoy it. theyre still melding together a lot and this Doesnt Help, and luz is used to the demon realm way of human-daemon interactions (aka the way i like them) vs the human realm way (aka Every Other Daemon Au).
hunters also supposed to be a lizard here hence luz commenting on him being a bird. its a fun time! a fun fun time. these kids are Going Through It
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ryxmix · 6 days
HUI SHI SFW AND/OR NSFW HCS PLS IM STARVING I LOVE DRAGON CHARACTERS (I love Dan Heng especially his IL form it isn’t surprising for me 😭)
pairings ; hui shi x gn!reader
warnings ; vvv soft fluff and smexy times (khehehe), nsfw and sfw headcanons, he's very soft, y'all aren't married yet but might as well be fr, double ds...
a/n ; HUI SHI WAS MY FIRST MANNNN, unfortunately bugbear has my heart BUT MY BEAUTIFUL DRAGON (maybe that's where the dan heng obsession came from...)
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oh the prettiest boy, the bestest sweetest troublemaker in the world. the softest most ethereal man and yet your still probably RUNNING FROM PEOPLE EVERY DAMN TIME YOU MEET HIM IN THE HALLWAYS.
it's always the pretty ones fr...
pushing that aside...he's the MOST polite sweetest pretty boy around everyone but you KNOW he's shit talking people behind their back with you every. single. time.
he's not only a BOYFRIEND. he's a best friend. he's girlypop fr but only for his sweetest bestest s/o ever because he's amazing.
people probably won't have any idea you're together unless they really observe. you're his FIRST close friend, and that's fine that's cool, but people still think you're JUST friends...
until they notice the way he looks at you. completely focused, not interrupting not arguing, smiling. not arguing?? hui shi?? no QUESTIONS?? they don't need to see the constant hand holding and the clothes exchanging and messy clothes when you enter shared classes (oo lala, hon hon hon *french*) to know that you're dating or AT LEAST that he's enamoured with you.
our man is an over-thinker, so all though he's very open around you, he's very hesitant at first in the relationship. doesn't know when to touch, what to say, how to really show that he really really likes you.
you'll have to take initiative at first, be very verbal and very slow with the heading into the romantic affection, but when you get to the comfortable point HE WILL SMOTHER YOU WITH LOVE.
not a big fan of pda, but he's very content on giving you love at home. because of the excess of cutesy dates he takes you on, people are quick to assume that he's more of an acts of service person than physical touch, BUT HE'S THE BEST OF BOTH WORLDS 💪💪💪
he gets into trouble with certain people because he's a little bit of an interrogator, so he'll come into your dorm room with the most beautiful smile on his face, flowers in hand, pressing chaste kisses to your lips and go, "Please hide me, my dearly beloved."
Get your mans fr.
bro has the ddd (double dragon dicks)
I wouldn't say he's like big big, more on the above-average size. Like maybe 5.5 inches when not hard and 6 when it is?? That is MORE than enough so you are set.
I'd say the second one is a lil bigger than by like .2 .3, barely noticeable but it's there.
does not DARE put both in ever, one already has him panting and two is just going to hurt 😔
he will go feral and let out the cutest softest whines ever if you help him out with d no. 2
very much a soft service dom!!! you are priority no. 1!!
i'd say he might have a blind fold kink. because of the vibes.
he makes love and makes love ALONE
also don't think he has the biggest libido nor is ready to go the pound town every day. more of a healthy amount, like maybe once or twice a week, less during exam times.
he will always make sure to ask whether you're still doing well during sex, always stopping to press kisses to your neck
his horns are a lil sensitive, so kiss them or brush your fingers against them is fine, but he is NOT comfortable with holding them tight for support. once or twice is okay!!
he is a hand holder do i need to explain?
very teasing but in the sweetest way, will make the both of you laugh during prep and aftercare because he's the man!!!
aftercare is just talking nice relaxing showers and then taking a nap. it's the best thing ever (bubble baths)
idk what to say man he's just...the sweetest.
(i am not the biggest hui shi girlie so i'm sorry if it wasn't up to your taste!!! now bring siri + eleni, luca, OR MY BBG BESTEST BOY EVIL PSYCHOPATH BOOGEYMAN BUGBEAR and I think I'll be able to them better)
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aphrodict · 2 years
bugbear breaks into your window and now you're having a sleepover! oh and it ends with sleep cuddles
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an unexpected guest
bugbear x gn!reader // reader n bugbear arent in a relationship*yet*,, spoilers (small) for bugbears route, slight suggestiveness
hii! apologies for getting to this late, thank you for waiting anon <3
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clearly, you didnt see this coming. your cryptozoology classes had just ended a few minutes ago, and here you are, just looking over to the boy on your bed. “bugbear? whatever the hell are you doing here?”
he smiles, finger to his mouth, shushing you as he went so much closer to you. his hands go to hold your shoulders in place as some shadow’s close your door.
you did say he can come in anytime, though seeing him did give you a fright.
“hey—you could have sent me a text before coming, you know that, right?” though that doesnt stop him from basically breaking in your dorm. “well, i hope you dont mind that ill be sleeping here with you from now own.”
you stop. looking at him with your face just in pure shock.
“i dont remember allowing you to..”
“shh shh, dont be so loud!”
he rushes over to the window, seeing some of his things by the bag thats open, he jumps down and grabs them. “as i was saying…” the boy trailed off, fixing his things, putting random hats and socks on your spare drawer.
“you cant be here! this, it—its not your dorm, no, wait, its not even your house!”
“what? so now i cant have a few-day-sleepover with my best friend?”
“i bet you didnt even ask permission from the headmaster!”
“oh come on now, its too much work. besides, you already told me i could stop by anytime.”
he gets closer, drops the bag and pins you against the wall, your face heating up. he brings a finger to your chin and lifts it up, his smile widening even more.
“did you not?”
you gulp, looking deep into his eyes. then, he bursts out of laughter. “pfft.. haha! you should've seen the look on your face!” he clutches his stomach, pointing to you—now embarrassed and speechless.
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you reviewed for some tests, reading your material while the intruder in your house is just there. he’s not doing anything, just throwing a ball up the ceiling. you close your book, he sat up and got his cape, putting it on and opening the door.
“im gonna go for a walk.”
he tilts his head over to you
“sure, try not to head to the forest at this time.”
“i know, are you hungry? i can sneak some food in here.” he asked, generously
you shrug, tidying up your desk
“your choice.”
“oh? since when has the great top student rely on others?”
confusion written all over your face, he giggles and leaves.
bugbear, what a creature
the evening passed and its in the middle of the night, you agreed on letting the boy sleep on your couch instead of the floor. for some reason, he couldnt sleep at all, always bothering you and calling.
“hey are you still awake? what are your thoughts on really good bread? what things do you like? is it me?”
you grumble, turning on your lamp—it emits a yellow glow. you notice how bugbear wasnt at the couch, and felt something shift on your side.
quickly, it tackles you back down on the bed, hugging your sides tightly.
“oh yes, now this is comfortable.” he says, nuzzling his head onto your neck.
“you couldve said you wanted to use my bed instead..”
“its boring, too straightforward. you already know i love your reactions, dont you?”
you sigh, giving in and turning to meet his face. he blows on yours playfully, hugging you impossibly closer. relucantly, you stretch out your arms for him—surprised hes alot warmer than you expected
maybe you’ll get a good sleep tonight as well
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masterlist : @aphrodicts-imagination
do NOT repost, translate or redistribute.
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snugasabugbear · 2 years
D&D Pride Prompts 2022: "Cottage", Zandek / Galax
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Zandek was on the far side of the lake when he heard the teleportation, a sharp crackle that managed to travel all the way from the cottage and across the waters to his large, flat ears. It stood out well against the sounds he had grown used to while alone within the forest valley. The stillness of late summer had quieted the usual rustling of the trees, leaving it to the insects and birds to fill the air with their own melodies.
It was nearing evening, and he had just reached the treeline when the stark sound of magic drew his attention from his own song he had been humming. He stopped, taking a moment to readjust the entire trunk of a tree he had been carrying on his massive shoulder, and beamed as he heard the magic end with a light flourish. There was only one person he knew who crafted his spells with such embellishments, and him being here only meant one thing.
He set off quickly along the bank, moving as fast as he could without losing his grip on the tree trunk, a feat his eagerness made quite difficult. Less than two minutes later, Zandek had reached the path leading through a patch of wild shrubs and up to the cottage’s front door. It opened, and the small figure who emerged was barely out the door before she used her wings to leap into the air directly towards him. The blue kobold covered the distance between them before he even had time to set the log down. When she collided his chest and threw her arms around his neck (barely making it over his collarbone on either side) he let the trunk roll off his shoulder and thunderously crash onto the ground behind him without a second thought. What else could he do, of course, but wrap his own colossal arms around the person he loved more than anything else in the world after two whole months apart? 
“Galax,” he breathed through a tusked smile. No words other than her name came to him to say, but it was the only one he needed. She only stopped pressing herself into his mane when he repeated it again, and turned her yellow-green eyes up towards him. He would never tire of the blissful smile she wore on her draconic face when she looked at him this way. Her sharp teeth poking from her mouth drew a chuckle out of him; they were something she had used time and time again to scare the many people who pissed her off, but to him they had been adorable for a decade now.
She put a hand on either side of his head, and he let her pull his forehead down to meet hers. They both closed their eyes, taking in nothing but each other’s presence.
“Missed you, Zan,” she whispered. She sounded tired, he thought, likely from the endless deliberation between the Circle of Eight and the Council of Waterdeep that she had been looped into some months ago. 
“I missed you too.” He hadn’t know exactly when she would be back, but he had sworn every day since she left that he would provide for her every relief he could when she returned. A throat being cleared from the open door of the cottage finally drew their attention from each other to a tall, blonde human in impeccably clean white and gold robes.
“Didn’t she cast a message to you every single day?” Merridoch teased lightly, his finger running over a small goatee beneath his chin. “Sorry to interrupt, but it’s getting late and you won’t be getting rid of me until I get some of Zandek’s cooking.”
Merridoch stayed true to his word, but Zandek was more than happy to prepare a dinner only one of his oldest friends was deserving of. Once Galax’s traveling things had been put away, the three congregated in the kitchen so they could talk while Zandek prepared their meal. Normally, he was limited by the ingredients that he and Galax had managed to stock up on. What they grew themselves they had in abundance, but any finer spices, seasons, or oils were entirely dependent on what they were able to find from traders who passed through the nearest village. However, this was not a problem when they had one of the most powerful conjuration wizards on the Sword Coast at hand. Within no time, Zandek was preparing a perfect spit-roast pheasant meal for the three of them, Merridoch conjuring nearly every new component as he needed it.
“Every time I’m here,” Merridoch said as he sat back in a cushioned chair, waving his hand idly and drawing a Moonshaen batter from the aether, “I feel like I understand what the rest of the world looks like to you, Galax.” He motioned to the spacious room around them, its ceiling reaching fourteen feet above the floor and a few of its tables standing over five feet tall. While the home technically only had one floor, it wouldn’t be unreasonable for someone to think it had two from a distance based on its height. When Zandek and Galax had started building the cottage, it had been an early decision to make it large enough for Zandek to move around comfortably. He’d greatly appreciated the improvement, no longer feeling like his nearly eight foot tall form was being confined like it had been by the low, cramped ceilings of Waterdeep. The house’s furniture had similarly been built with both his and Galax’s sizes in mind, leaving it filled with things like enormous cabinets right next to tiny arm chairs, giving the cottage an almost whimsical fairytale-like look in most rooms.
Galax snorted, perched on one of the shelves near Zandek. She had changed out of the stately outfit she had arrived in, a white and gold collared robe with long, flowing sleeves, into her more typical beige and brown bodice and hood.
“Hmm,” she squinted, a slight smirk on her face. “I don’t think you’ll know the experience of being me unless you also have to deal with a cocky wizard who thinks he’s charming enough to get away with whatever he wants.”
“Galax, please. I’ve cast Clone on myself multiple times. I know exactly what it’s like to deal with a wizard who is absolutely charming enough to get away with whatever he wants.”
“What I’m hearing is that the only person who can stand you is yourself.”
“What I’m hearing is you’re jealous I can give myself the gift of my own company.”
“We’ve got entirely different definitions of ‘gift’ then, Merri.”
Zandek couldn’t hide a grin as he listened to the two. Their version of friendship was not something he fully understood, but despite the bickering, or perhaps even because of it, he knew it was friendship nonetheless. He couldn’t help being reminded of the year they had spent adventuring together in Waterdeep, all of them living out of the bar previously known as Trollskull Manor but they had renamed “Leaf’s Spirits”. In spite of everything that had happened during that year: the explosion in the alley, nearly being killed by the Xanathar on multiple occasions, even the Blood War and the battle against the renegade demi-god that had called himself “The Emperor”, he would go through all of it again to keep what it had given him.
When the two had finished their current squabble, they told him some of what had occurred during Galax’s time away in Waterdeep, though they only went into light detail on most subjects. It wasn’t that Zandek didn’t care about the current events of the city he had once called home, it was simply that most things involving higher levels of the Waterdeep government went over his head. They did spend a bit more time on their meeting with one Rhyze Ascaelia, the newly named First Paladin of Valaeros. As far as Zandek could tell, the talks had largely been about how the city would approach relying on the divine in times of need, and if such a thing should even be considered after the incident with The Emperor. From the sound of Galax and Merridoch’s testimony, not very much had been agreed upon.
Over dinner their conversation turned towards the rest of their previous adventuring party. They had magic to thank for their ability to stay in contact with everyone regularly, but a short message spell still paled in comparison to getting to see them in person. Merridoch was the one who got to visit each person most regularly, and they couldn’t have someone better to tell the others the stories of their time on their own. It was nearly midnight when he reluctantly admitted he couldn’t delay his return to Waterdeep any longer.
“A wizard’s work is never finished it seems, something I wish I could have warned my younger self of before ever trying to become one,” he joked as he finished the teleportation circle they usually kept partially finished in one of the back rooms.
“Would that have really stopped you from learning magic?” Zandek asked from the doorway, Galax on his shoulder.
“Not in the slightest,” Merridoch said without hesitation, disappearing the piece of chalk into his hand with a wink. “Don’t be strangers, you two. And if you are, I might just drop by when you least expect it.”
“That really may not be the best idea, Merridoch,” Galax wryly remarked. “Surprising a cleric sounds like a good way to get a firebolt to the face.”
Merridoch laughed, turning back to them as the teleportation circle lit up behind him and pointing at the two with both index fingers.
With a final smirk, he fell backwards into the circle and disappeared in a shower of golden sparks. The air crackled again as the magic dispersed, returning the room to darkness and silence other than the insects chirping outside.
“He’s truly incapable of not having the final word,” Galax sighed, shaking her head.
“I think just when he’s talking to you. How are you feeling?”
“Exhausted, honestly. Would it be unreasonable to say I would prefer fighting The Emperor again over having to argue with the stubborn fucks on that council for another month?”
“You’re a lot braver than I am to go up against them in the first place.” He leaned his head into her as he walked them both through the main sitting room. Resting on the ground in the corner since it was too heavy to hang on the wall was his Starmaul. Zandek hadn’t looked at it closely for some time, and only now noticed the light layer of dust now forming on the large blue rock that made up its head. He smiled slightly, content in letting dust continue to gather on the weapon.
“How about I put out the rest of the lights? You can head to bed and I’ll be there soon.”
“Are you sure?” she asked, though she couldn’t finish the last word without yawning. Zandek chuckled, opening the door to their bedroom for her. Their ‘bed’ wasn’t on any sort of frame. Instead, there was a small horde of blankets, furs, and pillows covering the ground beneath the far wall, illuminated by the moonlight coming through the skylight that took up over half of this room’s ceiling. Zandek knelt down and offered his hand for Galax to use as a step from his shoulder to the floor. She put a hand on his cheek before he could stand and led him down again, his forehead pressing against the white line that ran from between her horns to the end of her nose. It was something they had done for so many years now, but it still made his heart beat faster every time. “Out of everything these last two months, falling asleep without you may have been the hardest part of all.” He sighed and leaned further into her. The exact same thing had been true for him.
“I’ll make sure not to be long, then,” he whispered, and kissed the scales between her eyes. “Welcome home, Galax.”
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here4theheartbreak · 3 years
Kim Taehyung Masterlist
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Key - be aware that this key is only a vague indicator of content, read any warnings on fics you intend to read.
🍭 - Fluff only - G or T; may include some innuendo/suggestiveness but nothing graphic.
🔥 - Smut - Explicit fics; includes graphic adult content
💔 - Angst - Ratings vary, has some level of drama/sadness/upset
😂 - Crackfic - Ratings vary, primarily humorous
📚 - Series/Chapter - Denotes a chapter fic, does not speak to content
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Namjoon x Taehyung (Taejoon/Vmon)
🔥 Collared - Taehyung has a secret kink that Namjoon can't wait to exploit. (PWP, collars, dirty talk, light D/s) 
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Seokjin x Taehyung (Taejin)
🔥 💔 From Ordering Takeout to Making Out - Every week like clockwork, Taehyung orders the same meal from the same shop. The food is just really good – Or maybe it’s the unbearably handsome delivery boy that’s got a soft spot for his dog. (getting together, non-idol au, abusive relationships (not TaeJin), minor violence, domestic violence, bottom!Taehyung, top!Jin) 
🔥 Choke - Things get tense after an awkward night together. (PWP, mutual masturbation, deep throating, dirty talk)
🔥 Lazy Morning - Taehyung is self conscious about his stage performance. Jin helps take his mind off it. (PWP, dirty talk)
🔥💔 📚 Camshows & Camera Lenses - Jin knew it was a bad idea to get so involved with the camboy he knew as TaeTae95. But the young man was charming, beautiful, smart, and everything Jin could ever want in a man. Now only if those around him could see that too. (chapter fic, non idol au, parental abuse, camboys, smut, angst, breakups, fighting, happy ending)
🍭Ice Cold Warm Heart - Jin does not want to work with Taehyung. But maybe it’s not so bad. (figure skating au, fluff, e2l)
🔥 Night’s Delights - When Taehyung finally managed to summon an incubus, the last thing he expected was for him to be his half brother. (Dead Dove, Half Sibling Incest (Consensual), Double Penetration, Tail Sex, Excessive Come, Dirty Talk)
🔥 Early Morning Workout - Jin has some new ways to motivate Taehyung in their morning workouts. It goes better than he could have imagined. (PWP, Dead Dove, Deepthroating, Facefucking, Watersports, Wetting, Vomit, Emetophilia, Dirty Talk, Omorashi, Rough Sex, Choking, Gagging)
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Taehyung x Yoongi (Taegi)
🔥 Schoolboy Crush - Taehyung has a fantasy, and his boyfriend in that damn uniform isn't helping any. (PWP, uniform kink, rough sex, dirty talk, bathroom sex) 
🍭 Cooking for Romance - Taehyung is trying to prove to Yoongi that he is a viable boyfriend. (fluff, getting together)
🍭 Whistling Woods - Yoongi hears a strange whistling in the woods outside his apartment. What he finds will change his life. (fluff, getting together, fairy AU)
🔥 Wings - Yoongi wasn’t supposed to fall. He also wasn’t supposed to fall in love. (smut, supernatural au, angel!Yoongi, demon!Taehyung)
🔥💔 Mountday Afternoon - Taehyung has a secret that’s kept him from dating for most of his life, but Yoongi’s presence makes him wonder if it might be time to share it. (Smut, Angst with a Happy Ending, Past Trauma, Body Shaming, Anxiety, Crying, Arguments, Micropenis)
🍭 Sharp Reproval - The nobles shouldn’t mingle with the commoners. Otherwise they might get some of their opinions. That’s exactly what Yoongi is hoping for. (Slice of Life, Historical (albeit inaccurate), Daechwita inspired (loosely), Enemies to Friends to Lovers)
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Hoseok x Taehyung (Vhope)
🔥 Helpful – Taehyung just wants to be helpful. (PWP, cock warming, rough sx, dirty talk)
🍭 A Calculated Risk - When Hoseok sees the crying young man on the plane next to him, he wonders if the calculated certainty of his life is really worth the loneliness. (strangers to lovers, anxious Hoseok, fluff, slice of life)
🔥 High Tide of the Afternoon - Taehyung and Hoseok are spending the day at the lake when Taehyung’s shy bladder becomes a problem. (PWP, Watersports, Wetting, Desperation, Semi-Public Sex)
🍭 The Bugbear & the Barista - Taeyung is Hoseok’s loyal customer. But boy is he strange. (Slice of Life, Coffee Shop AU)
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Jimin x Taehyung (Vmin)
🔥 💔 📚 Paint the Roses White - Jimin’s life sucks. He’s miserable, beat down, and tired. That is, until a mysterious boy with purple hair and a dangerous smile slides into his life and turns it upside down. The White Queen is ruling and drinks are on the house in the Hat Trick Lounge. Caterpillar is missing and the Prince of Hearts is ready for a war, if only he could figure out where his damn rabbit ran off to again… collaboration with @i-live-so-i-love (Alice in Wonderland AU, multichapter, angst, child abuse, war, politics, smut, drug use, alcohol, homophobia, shape shifters, happy ending)
🍭 Skating Into Love - Jimin isn’t exactly excited to go to the costume contest as the back end of a centaur. But it might be his lucky night. (domestic au, fluff, pre-slash)
🔥 Afternoon’s Sunshowers - Taehyung had been warned to stay away from humans, but this one was just so fascinating. (PWP, Strangers to Lovers, Fantasy Creatures AU, Dryad AU, Tentacles (Vine Tentacles), Outdoor Sex)
🍭 Inane & Anonymous - Jimin is the subject of anonymous online hate. Taehyung learns why it affects Jimin so deeply. (Slice of Life, Light Angst, Coming Out, Anonymous/Online Hate, Twitter Hate, Nonbinary Character, Gender Dysphoria)
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Jungkook x Taehyung (Taekook)
🔥 Mile High & Mildly Bored - Jungkook is insufferable and horny when he’s bored. Especially on a thirteen hour flight. (PWP, semi-public sex, mile high club)
🔥Wedding Night - It’s their wedding night, and Taehyung will finally get to join the man he loves in bed. (pwp)
🔥Pent-Up - Jungkook is stressed; Taehyung is stress relief. (pwp, dirty talk, rough sex)
🔥Firelit First - They said a bunny and a dragon-dog would never work out. They were wrong in every way except for one. Jungkook’s need for physical intimacy - and Taehyung’s insecurity surrounding it - was driving a wedge between them. (hybrid AU, dragon-dog hybrid Taehyung, bunny hybrid Jungkook, Bad Dragon toys, dirty talk, rough sex, outdoor sex knots, mating)
🔥 Breadsticks & a Boyfriend - When Taehyung took a simple order of pizza, breadsticks, and a soda to a customer on a rainy day, he had no idea how good his tip would be. (PWP, strangers to lovers, rough sex, sex toys, face fucking)
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Taehyung x Reader
🔥 Green with Envy (F Reader) - Taehyung is a little jealous of your friends. He decides everyone needs to know who you belong to. (pwp, jealous!Taehyung, hair pulling, thigh sex, clothed sex)
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Maknae Line Members Only
🔥 Naked Yoga (Jimin x Jungkook x Taehyung) - Jungkook is just trying to do his yoga and relax a little. But it’s his birthday and Jimin and Taehyung have other ideas. (PWP, spitroasting, ass to mouth, dirty talk, rough sex, face fucking) 
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Maknae + Hyung Members
💔 Missing (Hoseok x Kibum x Taehyung) - After a fight, Taehyung refuses to answer one of his boyfriend’s calls. But this one involves their other boyfriend, and might just change their whole world. (Domestic AU, alcohol)
Taehyung x Jimin x Hyung
🔥 Detention (Jimin x Namjoon x Taehyung) - Jimin and Taehyung are stuck in detention for a very particular reason. (pwp, teacher/student roleplay, dirty talk, namecalling, rough sex)
🔥 Properly Chastised (Hoseok x Jimin x Taehyung) - Taehyung realizes that he really likes to be spanked. No way can his boyfriends find out. They would most definitely use it against him. (pwp, dirty talk, spanking, light D/s, comeplay, rough sex)
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Taehyung x Jungkook x Hyung
🍭 Snivel While You Work (Jungkook x Namjoon x Taehyung) -  Taehyung should know better to make bets he may not win. (slice of life)
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Taehyung x Hyung x Hyung
🔥💔 📚Heart on Your Wrist (Namjoon x Seokjin x Taehyung) - Soulmates are such bs. That was what Taehyung always thought. He’d kissed hundreds of people, and never received his soulmate mark. So what if he doesn’t have a soulmate, he’s perfectly happy. At least - that’s what he thinks until Namjoon and Seokjin come into his life in a whirlwind of emotions he’d never felt before. So what if he doesn’t have a soulmate? What if he’s got two? (soulmate au, soulmate marks, one night stands, rough sex, dirty talk, homophobia, friends with benefits, mild violence, mild blood) 
🔥 Run to Me (Namjoon x Seokjin x Taehyung) - Taehyung has a crush on Namjoon. Not like he stands a chance with Jin there though. (angst with a happy ending, pining, jealousy, HYYH au, alcohol, implied/referenced child abuse)
🔥 Best Pawwsible Day (Hoseok x Seokjin x Taehyung) - Taehyung and Seojin decide to surprise their boyfriend after a long day at the studio. (PWP, D/s, puppy play, dirty talk, collars)
🔥 Sensitive (Hoseok x Seokjin x Taehyung) - Jin has a sensitive neck. His boyfriends can’t help but tease. (pwp, dirty talk, frottage, dry humping, grinding, hickeys, teasing, no penetrative sex, handjobs) 
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4 Members
🔥 Three Times as Much (Jimin x Jungkook x Seokjin x Taehyung) - Jin needs a little punishment. His boyfriends are happy to oblige. (pwp, dirty talk, rough sex, ass to mouth, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, crying during sex, forced orgasms, light bondage, double penetration, triple penetration, aftercare)
😂 Either Or (Jimin x Jungkook x Taehyung x Yoongi) - “Are they fighting or fucking?” Namjoon asked. Tae and JK aren’t sure they want to know the answer. (fluff, humor, sex as a humorous tool, asexual Taehyung, nonbinary Jungkook)
🔥 Found Each Other (Hoseok x Namjoon x Taehyung x Yoongi)- Taehyung is feeling a little needy. His boyfriends know just what to do. (PWP, dirty talk, group sex, toys)
🔥 Mouthy (Jimin x Seokjin x Taehyung x Yoongi) - Jin’s been mouthy this week. His boyfriends wanna fix that. (pwp, rough sex, face fucking, face slapping, D/s)
🔥 💔 📚 Tasting Starlight (Jimin x Minho x Taehyung x Taemin) - Minho has been in love with his best friend since forever. But Taemin was determined to be unattached… Until suddenly he wasn’t. Taehyung spent his entire life pining after happiness with his best friend, only to have it ripped away when Jimin finds someone else. The rational response? Hatch a plan to make their respective crushes jealous. The part where they fell in love with each other, however, wasn’t part of the plan. (actor au, chapter fic, fake dating, smut, fluff)
🔥 Lazy Dog Mornings (Hoseok x Jimin x Jungkook x Taehyung) - Taehyung brings Jimin to spend a lazy Saturday with Hoseok and Jungkook for a puppy play date. (PWP, puppy play, dirty talk, rough sex, knotting cock rings, discussion of breeding, D/s relationship)
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lea-andres · 2 years
Oops I got distracted from WtDMtN, I'm writing an extremely self indulgent, no plot all fluff Jerk/Bugbear wedding and honeymoon fic, fuck you guys. 😍😍😍😂😂😂
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