#burnout discourse
zebulontheplanet · 1 year
Autistic burnout vs autistic regression
Autistic burnout has been described as a phenomenon that happens when you get burnt out. Leading to loss of skills, exhaustion, and extreme fatigue. But what’s it called when you aren’t burnt out. When you do lose skills but aren’t fatigued and didn’t mask that causes burnout?
It is often debated on if autism regression can happen in adults and teens. I would like to remind people that autism regression isn’t researched a lot, so forget about teens and adults.
Autism regression in teens and adults, also referred to as late regression, is referred to as the phenomenon that causes sudden decline in social, developmental, and language without any underlying cause.
Difference between the two? Burnout is caused by burnout. And does get better with accommodations, self care, and time. Regression isn’t really known to have a cause, and can only be fixed with professional help and time.
I know many of my friends who have gone through regression, yes, burnout and regression do have similar symptoms, however are very different. Stop saying regression isn’t real.
Please feel free to comment, correct me, etc.
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manichewitz · 2 years
i wish less of the conversation around being a gifted kid/former gifted kid is about the pressure of academic achievement and success and more about the complete lack of resources for learning to manage every day life. because tbh after i left high school, the pressure to succeed in school pretty much went away because it didn't matter nearly as much what grades i was getting in college. what did matter was that i had absolutely no way to take care of myself or manage my life, because i had a disability that had been completely ignored for 18 years. i have autism and adhd--the problems i had once i graduated high school weren't feeling inadequate when i got a B on a paper. the problem was that i wasn't eating, showering, sleeping, brushing my teeth, showing up to classes on time, or talking to people for days and weeks on end, because my executive dysfunction, sensory processing issues, and social anxiety were getting in the way of my life.
personally, i think that's the real price of being a "gifted kid" (i'm talking about myself here--lots of neurodivergent ppl experience this even if they weren't gifted). it isn't just that i was expected to excel at everything and then shamed when i acted like a flawed human, it was that those expectations distracted everyone from actually trying to help me function in society. and now as an adult i have to contend with the fact that i suffered my whole life from a disability because people were just too ableist to accept that, despite having good grades, i still needed help. i needed to learn how to take care of myself and function in the world for fucks sake
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strawberrystepmom · 3 months
ngl writing for less “popular” fandoms has really reignited my spark
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myfandomrealitea · 11 months
Because I'm seeing a lot of vile accusations and guilt tripping thrown around lately, I feel the need to reiterate:
Its okay to need a break or a space away from real life events and real life horrors.
Yes. Its okay if you don't reblog that death count post to your Marvel fanblog. Yes, its okay if you need to turn your phone off for the day so you're not staring at horrific headlines. Yes, its okay to not join in a conversation or to move away from a conversation if you need to.
Needing to appropriately manage your mental wellbeing is not the same as being wilfully ignorant or uncaring.
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The gifted kid system didn’t just hurt the gifted kids
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vaugarde · 6 months
YEAH ON THE HXH COMPARISON because like. the zoldycks are literally a tourist attraction but that doesn't mean that hxh is saying that murder is okay. like you don't need the series to say that murder is bad because 1. you're supposed to know that going in, and 2. you pick up on how much the business sucks from killua and his experiences. like after gon saves killua from his family, killua doesn't kill anybody else aside from a few ants before the mutual understanding of their species happens.
so like, when it comes to rgu and pmmm are people just so used to viewing girls as not being able to be complex that they take everything in either show at face value? because that's really what it sounds like to me lmao
YEAH LIKE basically what im getting is that if killua was a girl, she'd get people calling her either a mary sue or having the fans get pissed at the writers for putting her through a devastating character arc.
plus ppl devalue both shows to the point where they say they're similar enough to be alternatives to each other. like if you call rgu and pmmm basically the same "but one has less torture porn (therefore its less bad" then ngl i dont think you actually respect either of these shows.
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howdoyousayloco · 2 years
Getting older as a "gifted kid" is just coming to terms with the fact that you're not going to be famous and rich and will probably just go to college and get a normal job because you are not driven enough to succeed in unconventional ways because you're used to things being easy
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taehyungfirst · 6 months
I think the problem with the fandom is only going to continue. Because yes, there will clearly be a comeback and group efforts. That's the whole point of enlisting together. But there is also no way they are going to give up on their solo activities. They want to continue in their own individual endeavors, which are not only unique from each other but from the group. And that will be hard to navigate with a fandom this splintered and dysfunctional. There will be clear pressure points. And like we are seeing now with Tae and JHope, when members activities overlap or seem competition, the dysfunction shoots through the roof.
There is likely the most potential for that when it comes to JK's solo efforts. His sound and his goals (mainstream/Western pop success) are in most direct competition with the group. JM solos are bonkers but committed. So they will keep streaming and crying about how persecuted he is. And while Tae clearly has challenges when it comes to the company and the fandom, I do think he has one of the strongest long games because he has spent this time wisely establishing his unique sound/approach and continuing to build not only his immediate support network but his broader one.
Hi! I agree it’s going to continue but they will have to wait some time when they come back for other solo content. I believe they will be immediately rushed into working on the bts comeback, then the tour, and after that (2 more years?) they will resume again their individual projects. Or else they’re gonna be overworked and exhausted. In the meantime, they’re gonna have to interact with group content and I hope that stan twt will grow a backbone by then and bully off the akgaes. Or at least don’t be intimidated by them? 😭
When projects overlapped, for awards season, they always said to vote it for the member who was leading, what changed is that they get jealous when it’s the member they don’t want to lead, so they should drop the ot6/ot2 mask.
Jk is being recognized by the gp so he could get that push, Jm I feel is strictly connected to bts and still didn’t make a name for himself (must be the sound? I feel like he’s still navigating), Tae is being smart and building his loyal fanbase so we will see how things go.
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mrsblackruby · 1 year
I truly have never felt any type of pain from any discourse I’ve been in online but this hurt
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I know it makes no sense to anyone out there but me but
It’s because it’s not directed at me
I shared my story too about my intrusive thoughts and I was thought of as a suspected abuser because of it instead of the victim I am
Someone comes by and completely misunderstood my point and they get appreciation because they’re the good Victim the one who’s story matters and I’m the victim that can’t be saved
I think this hurt because this attitude is why I’m so hollow
It just reminds me how I get overlooked how no one really cares about if I’m doing well.
I have to be prefect. I have to fit into your confines before I can deserve respect
And the only reason it hurts so much more than the literally racial slurs I’ve been called online is because I see the value in people.
Yet thses people expect so much and refuse to see the value in me
And I just have to find away to move on
But I’m numb. I’m going numb.
Who’s gonna ask If I’m doing well after I share my thought out opinions
No one is
I’m the bogeyman but It’s because I just want to be respected So people deny me that decency.
I’m ninteen almost 20 and I really hope someone ask me if I’m doing well before I turn thirty or die
Because every time I share a piece of myself I guess it becomes a threat
I wish people would stop treating me like a threat
And it hurts so much because I know it’s out of my control
I can only speak my truth
I can only defend my peace
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onewingedangels · 1 year
thinking if I should finally move on from bg3 and delete it from my pc or go back and play a bit more and make some gifs again?
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"Discourse". Ha. You think people's experiences can be "discoursed" about.
It really upsets me when people think former burnt out gifted kids are lying about their experiences or assumes they're just sad they didn't live up to their expectations. Gifted kid burnout is real. It is not always experienced by neurodivergent gifted kids. Neurodivergence can be a factor in "gifted kid burnout". The way neurodivergent people are expected to perform in fast-paced, capitalist, contemporary society leads to "gifted kid burnout". Quit being shitty. Just stop. Stop assuming the worst about everybody. Not everyone is just an attention-seeking narcissist or a liar or someone who didn't perceive things correctly. They're not average people with a lot of privilege just overestimating themselves either. It's not "You thought you were smart but you're actually not!" (I HATE THIS ONE THE MOST, IT GETS UNDER MY SKIN) Sometimes really smart people suffer, okay? I saw people assuming bullied and socially excluded kids somehow deserved it because of one case of a "bullied kid" actually being a racist bully kid who sort of deserved what was coming to him that went viral. "Oh, all the popular kids at my school were actually super nice and that's why they were popular!" Good for you. My elementary school's popular kids were cruel and materialistic and they made fun of me because I was poor and ADHD/autistic. You do not know the minds of strangers. Every human being is an iceburg. I can't believe there is discourse about......... how people fucking feel about themselves and their lives. It disgusts me. Hivemind discourse and groupthink LIKE THIS makes me want to throw up. It's all over Twitter. I'm seeing it pop up here too. It SUCKS ASS. KNOCK IT OFF. There is A LOT wrong with the education system. It is traumatic much of the time. All of it, from gifted programs to special ed, needs to be re-evaluated. The way we sort children is wrong. But this is the same website that had a shit ton of discourse on asexuality as a sexual orientation. It just exists, people. Things outside of your experiences exist and people experience the world differently than you do. There are 8 billion + human experiences running right now and they are all different and complex. Imagine people complexly.
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I don't know if I'm going to publish the actual rant I have in my drafts, but some of y'all need to realize that making "former 'gifted' kid burnout" your whole personality is unhealthy, and that maybe you should take the "I'm not actually special" thing to heart more. Most people are bad at studying. Most people don't handle being bad at things well. Most people have shit self-discipline. Like, the whole problem was people telling you you're special and fucking with your perceptions. Why are you continuing that by acting like struggle is some exceptional thing only a small group of people experience?
Yeah, you had a weird/bad experience as a kid. Good news! You can choose to do something about it now.
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riellegaming · 1 year
my discourse energy is so so so so so low. ace discourse. slur discourse. flag discourse. of course i have opinions still but i just cannot be asked to argue with people or really care.
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aronarchy · 1 year
i need some horribly controversial post of mine to blow up so i can spend several weeks after the fact arguing with people in the notes instead of just. boring posts which everyone unambiguously agrees with, never any feedback or drama lol
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sol-flo · 2 years
painted such a fun little canvas today. maybe it's technically an assemblage even. but yeah it's a screenshot from my thesis + i dangled the synthetic image from wire to evoke the billboarding ^_^
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ftmtftm · 2 months
Honestly, my biggest issue with a lot of discourse on Tumblr is the way that people treat theoretical discussion - the discussion of THEORY - as definitive fact or objective truth or law of some kind.
Like - do not get me wrong, I love reading theory. I love engaging with theory. My original intent with this blog (that I eventually want to get back to once I recover more from my burnout) was making theory, specifically Intersectional theory, more accessible and I will talk about my favorite theory books and theorists until the cows come home.
But academic theory like this is also like - one part data or lived experience and three parts some kind of philosophy. A statement of "this idea objectively, empirically right / wrong" can be really antithetical to philosophy of this kind at the level that people are attempting to engage/disengage with it imho.
Theory like the kind Tumblr (broadly speaking) likes to act like it understands is primarily philosophy extrapolated from data and / or lived experience to explain the workings of the world around us, not objective rules or universal law. Always had been always will be. To treat it otherwise just demonstrates poor engagement with the concepts frankly.
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