#but 2 binders are TIGHT and hard to get on and off
ftmkinki · 10 months
I had a dream i was in a mens bathroom and there were two stalls i was in one and someone was in the other. There was a gloryhole so the guy next to me shoved his cock through. I didnt react negatively, i touched it and said "oh big"
He slid a pair of breifs underneath the divider and took his cock back. I put on the briefs (which in the dream were somehow translucent pink and had a 2 inch inseam) and, wanting to reciprocate i sat down on the bathroom floor and showed my pussy to him by sticking my bottom half underneath the gap under the door. (Idk how it was a dream)
Suddenly it was several hours later and i was leaking cum, they had shaved me at some point, drugged me somehow, and destroyed my clothes. My pussy ached from over use. the man was the last one left and he told me he was glad i entertained him and his friends so well. The underwear i was wearing at first was completely gone and the new translucent underwear was ripped at the crotch and covered in cum. I asked him where my pants where and he reached deep into a pocket and pulled out a micro skirt and dropped it on me. (I knew with dream logic that i had been targeted specifically for something but was too foggy to be scared)
He then watched me get dressed, my shirt was in tatters, and my binder was unsalvagable. i was woozy and sluggish so it made perfect sense to take off the top two garments. But what did i have as a replacement? My tits are DD, they need support. The man suddenly grabbed me and set about putting two nipple pasties on me, insisting he needed to grope me and fondle first to "find the best spot", then he had to pinch and suck on my nipples to "make sure they stuck on correctly" and then he spent way too much time smoothing them down and "getting out air bubbles", circling the erect nubs with his fingers.
I was too turned on by how fucked up this all was for my own comfort, so i was desperately trying to be modest now. The problem was the underwear exposed my pussy and dispite the skirt being so low on my hips you could see a significant amount of my pubic mons it didnt cover all the way down to my clit when i was moving (or like.... any of my ass). I steadied myself, prepared for humiliation, and tried to leave the bathroom, but the man was still blocking the way out.
When i tried to move past him he grabbed me. One hand on my tit and one hand on my waist he pumped my pussy full of one last load while i moaned on his cock. He then forced me to cum 3 times in a row until i screamed and pushed a plug in my ass. Next 4 bullet vibrators were put on my pussy (one on either side of my clit, two as deep in my pussy he could shove them using his still hard cock to get to the right spot).
He then showed me his phone. He expained that he could tell if they were taken out or not with pressure sensors, he could tell how many times they made me cum, and he could tell where they were at all times. They had a battery life of 48 hours and i was to return to the bar before they died.
He told me that if i took them out or let them die he would find me (i knew with dream logic this was his way of telling me he could and would rape me anywhere from in my own bed to a crowded city street if i broke his rules). Then he smacked my ass Hard, and shoved me out into the bar. Full of drunk men who clearly appreciated my attire (i knew with dream logic they had all taken an turn earlier with my body)
A new face, a girl, came up next to me and grabbed me by the waist. She was new so she must be someone safe. She steered me to the womens bathroom and took out her bag. She began to look through the huge bag and pulled out a sheer bra that looked way too small but i happily accepted it. I told her it was painfully small and too tight, she appreciatavely stared at my tits spilling over the cups while smiling to herself for several seconds. She then said it was the biggest she had, and took it off of me. She asked what size i was and i told her, 42DD, she smiled at me and wrote it down. I was still too woozy to feel suspicious.
She then grabbed my face and began to put bubblegum pink lipstick on me. i fought but she was stronger, eventually turning me into her pretty fuck doll, she then asked me if i wanted a shirt. I begged her for one. She smiled condescendingly and pulled put a large amount of fishnet and began to wrangle me into it.
After i was in the humiliating shirt she said i don't need pasties if i have a shirt. And, taking her time to grope me thoroughly, she use the opportunity to pinch my nipples and make them tender before roughly ripping the pasties off. She continued viciously pinching and twisting my nipples for several minutes watching how my breathing got heavy with a small smile.
At this point i let out a noise. A little moan, and she immediately reached down and began to finger me. I knew with dream logic that she and the man from earlier were trying to condition me to enjoy this.
"Aww" she said "are you fucking wet from this? We're gonna turn you into a free use slave who sometimes serves drinks and youre getting off on it?? You were made to be abused like this, slut." (I knew with dream logic that she was going to pass me around as a party favor later and would accept payments for "special services" like oral, anal, or requesting "outfits" for me. I also knew that she and the man would make sure i came after every customer until i could cum off of being used alone)
And then tragically i woke up
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one-piece-aus · 1 month
Unbottle Your Emotions
Eustass Kid x Reader (Part 6)
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6
Taglist: @lingxio @h0n3y-l3m0n05 @tremendoushorsepatrolgoth @lil-skelly-bones (ask or comment if you want to be added)
Ahoy! This has been a fun chapter to write! A few important characters are introduced in this chapter and emotions are building up in [Y/n]. For a little context, Koby is living in the Monkey household because I said so :3
Enjoy ^-^
"He's going to kill me, Hawkins."
You worried as you strolled through the halls with your fellow loner. The poor textbooks were suffocating from your tight grip.
"Who is going to kill you?" Hawkins inquired for clarification.
"Eustass." You eye the hallway for any of Kid's crew. Only when you noted no signs did you turn your back as you reached your locker and opened it.
"Don't you think you're being overdramatic, [Y/n]?" It's rare for Hawkins to brush off your worry, but it only happens if he already read the cards.
"No, I'm not. I might know how to avoid ticking him off with words but actions are an unpredictable minefield, and I might have set one off." You stressed taking your backpack out of your locker and shoving your books inside.
"Why don't you just ask-?"
"I can't ask him!" Your words straining through your teeth, looking at Hawkins as if he suggested you should spoil the ending to a popular franchise to a bunch of die hard fans. "Because if he wasn't mad before then he will be since I planted that idea in his head. I'll be dead either way."
"I was going to suggest asking his friends..."
"Oh..." You turn back to your locker and grab your binders to put them in your backpack. "I don't know about that either..."
"My club starts in 5 minutes, I believe Heat and Wire will be there, if you'd like, I could inquire for you," Hawkins offered.
"But you're coming over tonight to practice your math."
"What? Nooooooo, come on. Can't it be for lunch tomorrow?" You pouted.
"It can't be helped, remember? Your family only allows you to go out if it's for homework."
Your face grims. "That's right." 
Thing is, it's more complicated than that.
"I'll let you know when I'm home, try to remain calm until then." Hawkins rested a hand on your shoulder.
"I'll try."
With that Hawkins takes his leave.
A sigh escapes as you finish packing your bag, mind filled with dread. Closing your locker door, you turn to head off when you see Law two lockers over, closing his locker. He notices you and smirks.
Fuck. Your cheeks start burning as you know exactly why he has the smug look. Bastard won't let you live down your embarrassment from two years ago. You face your locker, ignoring him. He seems to get the message and walks away. Once you're sure he's gone, you hit your head against the locker. Sadly it does nothing to shoo the memory of what happened in gym class. Great now your face is heating up more. Why did that have to be the reason he knows you exist?
"Stupid dodgeball!" You kick the locker next to yours. "Stupid teammates!" Another kick. You're at least grateful no one else witnessed it since it only happened early game, and Trafalgar hasn't bothered spreading rumours about it, not that it'd do any good in school since no one knows who the invisible kid is. However, you had a feeling, he would use it as blackmail over you if he knew how.
Gripping the straps of your backpack, you exit the hallway. Most students have disappeared to their clubs or already left the building, you take extra precautions sneaking around now that you have no cover. Your hand finally reaches the exit doors, opens it and you step outside.
"Hi [L/n]."
"AHH!" You jump out of your skin, startling the boy who greeted you. Your eyes flicker to him, calming down. "Oh, it's just you Koby."
"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you." He bashfully scratches the back of his neck.
"Just don't do it again." You subtly place a hand on your chest, feeling your heart rate return to normal. "What are you doing right next to the doors anyway?"
"Drake said these are the doors you normally use," Koby explained, you gave him a weird look and for a moment you thought he was going to bring up seeing you with Kid at lunch, until he elaborated. "I wanted to walk home with him so he told me to wait with you."
"Oh? So that's all?" You double-check, raising a brow. He nods, so you gesture for him to follow you. "You know my dad doesn't like Strawhat's grandpa, it might be a problem if I walk home with you."
"It's alright, we'll be stopping by my house first so you and Drake don't get in trouble."
"Right." Your voice becoming monotone.
A moment passes as you stop at the meetup tree, Koby looks up at you, worry written on his expression. "...You seemed to be on edge earlier."
"I'm always on edge," you blatantly reply. "Most people just don't realize or scare me like that."
"Sorry..." Koby looks away, seemingly dropping the subject.
Guilt nips at your heart, you don't want to make him feel bad. Though as much as your conscience yells at you to comfort him, you don't. It may be selfish but if Koby associates you with this feeling after greeting you, he's more likely to ignore and avoid you. It'll help prevent future eggshells from being broken and getting you in trouble, so you hope.
A notification from your phone goes off. You grab your device, turning it on to see who it is.
New Message from [Leader Eustass Kid]
You were about to open your phone to read it when you noticed Koby perk up.
"Hey Drake!" Koby greeted his friend.
"Hey Koby, [Y/n]." Drake nodded in acknowledgement.
"Hey..." You briefly wave.
There's a bit of an awkward silence, Drake staring at you as if wanting to ask how your day was and you avoiding eye contact, not wanting to interact with him. You began walking, Drake and Koby following in tow. Koby begins rambling about something Luffy has done. You're grateful Koby came along now, Drake's attention is on him and not you. 
With room to breathe, you pulled out your phone and checked Kid's message.
[Leader Eustass Kid]
Where were you at the end of lunch?
Crap, he did notice you disappearing. Not good. Should you make a likely excuse? ...No, you have a feeling he'd know a bullshit excuse when he sees one. Just keep it brief.
I left
Lunch was over so I left
. . .
Your eyes anxiously stare at the loading dots, his response being typed. Fingers tapping to the rhythm of the flow. Fear sits on your shoulder to watch the screen.
[Leader Eustass Kid]
Say something before you leave next time
Right, he'll be inviting you again when your project's over. Reminder aside, you can't tell the emotion behind his text. Whether he's mad or letting it go, you'll only know when you go over to Hawkins tonight.
"Koby! No club today?" Garp asked welcoming the pink-haired boy home.
"Nope, the club president had to plan some things for next week so I got to walk home with Drake today," Koby chirped entering the house.
"Great it's lasagna night. You can help out with the cooking."
"Yes sir." Koby turned to you and Drake who were standing outside. "Thanks for walking with me, guys. See ya tomorrow!"
"See ya, Koby," Drake said. You just waved bye until Koby disappeared from the doorway.
Garp turned to the two of you. "Do you guys want to stay for dinner?"
Drake shook his head. "I have to work tonight."
"I need to get home before it gets too late," you decline chewing the inside of your mouth, wanting to leave already. "Also I don't know anyone here."
"Nonsense, you're friends of Koby, and I'm sure my other grandsons would be happy to have more guests."
"More guests?" Drake raised a brow.
"Yeah, Ace has his friend over-" Garp explanation got cut off when there was a crash in the background. "THE HELL DID YOU BREAK THIS TIME?"
"oH NO! RUN YAMATO!" Ace warned.
Garp left the doorway, off to scold the boys. Drake narrows his eyes and goes to enter the house when you stop him, a tight grip on his sleeve. Drake looks back to you, your face is neutral yet your hand is shaking.
"Can we leave?" A small demand.
Drake doesn't say anything, glancing from you to the house. You could hear something fall over and it causes you to flinch. Drake looks back at you, sighs and starts walking. Internally, you thank him as you release your grip on his sleeve. Your stroll is silent for the most part until Drake inquires you.
"Who were you texting early?"
"...Hawkins," you lie. "I'm going over to his place tonight to practice my math. My dad won't tolerate anything but the best."
Drake hums, believing your lie sprinkled with truth. It wouldn't be the first night you'd go study with Hawkins, and as for texting others, he knows just how small your contact list is. It pays to be known as a ghost amongst those who do know the invisible kid.
You'll have to change Kid's contact name, you can't risk getting caught. It's fine if Hawkins knows you're talking to Kid, you trust him, but not Drake.
The two of you near the front door of your home, you unlock it and enter inside. You glance around, seeing your father's workers frantically running around, too busy to greet you. Good, your brother's antics made you invisible.
"I'll go inform your father where your brother is," Drake told you as he took off his shoes. "They're probably wondering where he snuck off to. You can let one of your uncles know you'll be studying at Hawkins tonight. We don't want them thinking their other child snuck out later."
"Right..." You slipped off your shoes, observing Drake leaving to inform your dad.
You're thankful to your brother, yet at the same time, you wish he put more thought into his actions. There were consequences, and it affected more than him.
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heejayy · 6 months
Young and Beautiful
Nanami x black reader
Warning: none
Word count: 1.2k
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You let out an exhausted sigh as you slipped your hair out of its tight bun; you'd finally finished sifting through and responding to all of your emails, as well as reviewing some documents your boss had sent you. Your eyes are dry and strained, and your fingers are cramping after hours of typing. You checked the time and it was 10:53 p.m., which wasn't too bad given that you'd previously left work much later. Ready to depart, you stood up, stretched, and began gathering your belongings before heading home. You collected your binders, slid your home computer into its case, and grabbed your heels, which you had kicked off hours before.
As you closed your office and approached the elevator, your watch chimed with a message.
Bossy pants:
Mrs. Y/l/n, please meet me at 6:30 to look over the paperwork I handed over to you. There was an error.
"Fuck me!" you muttered, feeling rage rise in your chest. This man never gives you a break; he always relies on you, and he never bothers anyone else, which is driving you mad.
"Ugh he's always bothering me he acts like he doesn't have two other assistants to go over his project with but no it has to be m-"
"Y/l/n is that you?" You froze. Every muscle in your body stiffened up; you didn't expect him to be here so late; he usually leaves around 7 p.m., so what on God's green earth is he doing here at 11 p.m?
"M-mr. Kento?" Your chest tightened as you feared he had heard your angry rant.
"Come here," your body responded to his instruction before you could even think about it. You found yourself at the doorway of his office, playing with your acrylic nails, too frightened to look him in the eye, so you looked elsewhere.
His tie was unfastened, and his hair was tossed all over the place, in direct contrast to how it had been precisely slicked back and combed that morning.
“Mr. Kento "I didn't realize you were here this late... why is that?" You asked cautiously, hoping he hadn't heard your dramatic outburst earlier.
"Had to finish some paper work, I'm assuming you did as well?" You nodded, giving him a forced smile. An uneasy silence settled over his office.
"Tell me y/n do you think I work you too much?" He clearly heard your small outburst.
"I- listen I didn't mean-"
"I made you the senior executive assistant for a reason. You're a hard worker, honest, and trustworthy. You and Suguru are the only two people I trust to oversee this floor and manage my schedule; I wouldn't assign you anything you couldn't handle."
“Mr. Kento I understand you mean well, but this is just too much at times, and I'm not saying I don't want this position; I do, and I thank you for it, but I'd like some extra help if it not too much trouble." He took a sharp breath in and pushed his chair from behind his desk, then opened a drawer and pulled out a wine bottle and two glass cups.
"Join me?" You were taken aback by your boss's casual approach toward you; he was always known to keep matters strictly business-related.
"Um sir-"
"When's the last time you had a chance to wind down or hang out with your friends?" You blinked quickly, unsure of how to answer this question.
"My friend sort of abandoned me a long time ago due to me flaking on them for work." He gave you a kind of frown. "I know exactly how that feels."
Your boss strolled over to his couch and patted the empty space next to him, "Join me?"
You tilted your head in confusion, but decided that one drink wouldn't hurt.
2:45 AM
You ended up having more than one glass, and now your cheeks are heated, and you're leaning slightly into your boss, giggling at a story he just told you.
"You don't even seem like the type to get wasted I can't believe you did that!" He chuckled, savoring the last of his wine.
"Yeah well I was young and foolish and I also had bad influences for friends."
As you rested your head on his shoulder, a comfortable silence descended over the room; perhaps it was the wine, but your mood was subdued. Your mind wandered away, thinking about how you'd become drawn into the toxic work culture and how it was draining your youth.
"Nanami i'm tired."
"Tired of what love?"
"I'm tired of feeling as if I have to work until I drop, as if even if I achieve every goal, something is missing, as if I haven't done enough because there's always someone who will outdo me." Sometimes I just want to quit and move to a remote island to be happy."
"Keep this a secret yeah, but sometimes I feel the same way." Your head snapped up.
"Really? No way!” You spoke sarcastically, he chuckled “do I seem that miserable at work?”
“No you just- you don’t seem like this is something you enjoy doing.”
“Don’t get me wrong I do appreciate having this job but if I had a chance to run I’d take it.”
“Run where?” You asked curiously. He glanced down at you with a small smile “let’s make a deal, when I make a break for it I’ll take you” you giggle feeling flustered.
“Ooo where we going?” You asked with a hint of flirting.
Present Time
"Baby you ready?" You snapped out of your daze when your husband called for you. You placed the photo frame to the nightstand; it showed you and your husband celebrating your first anniversary on the beach in Malaysia. You were both young, happy, and much in love. To think you ended up marrying your boss, the same guy you used to gripe about on a daily basis. Now, you can't picture living without him.
"I'm almost done my love."
You're now in your 50s and still go to the same beach on your anniversary, but sometimes you wonder if you should've taken advantage of your youth and explored more instead of being locked up in an office all day.
"What's on that pretty mind of yours?" He inquired, and she wrapped his arms around your figure, rocking you back and forth.
"Nothing much, just reminiscing back to when we were younger. I feel like I wasted my youth chasing something I didn't want only to impress others, and now that I'm older, I feel like I missed out on the opportunity to be young and happy.
I wish I could rewind time to tell myself to enjoy life before it’s too late.”
"What are you saying before it's too late? We're only in our early fifties. We still have so much more to explore, and now that we're retired, we have all the time in the world, so put all this 'I'm old' rubbish out of your head and let's get ready to leave," you smiled at his attempt to cheer you up.
"Doesn't matter what age we are I will always love you."
"Yes beautiful?"
"I love you more." You cupped his face and kissed him gently, but that wasn't enough for him. Nanami gripped you by the waist and pulled you closer to him, deepening the kiss. One thing this man knew how to well was make you weak in the knees.
"That's impossible love."
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©heejayy 2024 — any reposts or translations of my works are strictly prohibited unless granted permission.
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wildlife4life · 7 months
Fuck-It Friday
Tagged by @fortheloveofbuddie @exhuastedpigeon @rogerzsteven @disasterbuckdiaz @tizniz @daffi-990 @diazsdimples @lemonzestywrites @wikiangela @evanbegins @buck-coded @devirnis @glorious-spoon @thekristen999 and @theotherbuckley Thank you all so much! Excited for all your upcoming works!
Seeing a lot of Fuck's in fuck-it Fridays today, so I'm joining. Here is a somewhat spicy snippet from NFL Buck, which is a continuation from this post I shared a long while back. Hope you all enjoy! (Everything NFL Buck)
Eddie tosses his phone away, uncaring of where it lands and more concerned with Buck's hand stripping his cock. Apparently his conversation with Chimney had him flagging a bit and Buck saw the need to remedy that real quick. Thank god the surprise phone call did not have the same affect on Evan. His cock had stayed pressed deep in Eddie's ass and is still hard as rock. The edging pleasure begins to build once again with each stroke of Buck's hand and the rocking of his hips making his cock brush Eddie's prostate periodically. "Still need an answer Eds." Buck murmurs in his ear, mouthing the delicate skin before leaning away. Eddie whines and pants, squirming in Buck's lap. He had the perfect answer earlier, one that would very much please his torturous boyfriend and allow Eddie to finally tip over into the throws of orgasmic ecstasy. He is going to murder Chimney next shift. That lost edge is in reach and Eddie does his damndest to lift his hips to try and fuck himself on Buck's cock at a pace and physicality he so desperately needed. He doesn't even get an inch upwards. The hand jerking Eddie off disappears and joins the free hand that had been resting his thigh, to clutch Eddie's waist and hold his ass tight to Buck's pelvis. Eddie cries out at the loss of not only the grip on his dick, but also the orgasm that was just at his finger tips. All of Evan's movements come to a stop and Eddie can't hold back his frustrated shout, "Buck please!" "Two high safeties. Five man rush. What should I call?" Buck growls deepening his grasp. Somehow, in recess of Eddie's pleasure soaked mind, an answer springs forwards. "Four verticals out of 2 by 2!" He sobs. The hand on his right hip releases, and Eddie barely hears the scratch of Buck writing the play note in his binder. "Perfect. You're so damn smart baby." Buck purrs and Eddie can't help the shiver of warmth at the praise. He loves knowing when he's been helpful for his boyfriend. Buck turns off the film before giving his full attention the trembling mess that is Eddie. "So... my hand or my cock as your reward?"
Hehehehe. A stressed Buck can be a bit... teasing.
Tagging (no pressure): @hippolotamus @spotsandsocks @cal-daisies-and-briars @aroeddiediaz @malewifediaz @watchyourbuck @lover-of-mine @hoodie-buck @elvensorceress @gayedmundodiaz @giddyupbuck @jesuisici33 @jeeyuns @bekkachaos @buddierights @try-set-me-on-fire @rainbow-nerdss @thewolvesof1998 @eddiescowboy @eddiebabygirldiaz @spaceprincessem @athenagranted @911onabc @911-on-abc @ladydorian05 @bigfootsmom @spagheddiediaz @honestlydarkprincess @doublecheekeddiaz @prosperdemeter2 @transboybuckley @nmcggg @monsterrae1
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mxjackparker · 21 days
Rating the kinds of binders I used at different times in my life (including weird DIY shit), before top surgery:
Neoprene waist support as a binder - 4/10 I got them from PoundLand and put them over my chest. I used them a lot and I know I was wearing one in this Jack Frost cosplay. Hurt a bit, constricted breathing, so much sweat, but I could undo it fast and easily. Got me very flat.
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Layered sports bras as a binder - 2/10 Did not get me totally flat and also constricted my breathing more than other DIY methods. I'd wear 3 or 4 of them at a time and I'd have really deep red lines afterwards that were sore. Also annoying to take off.
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GC2B binder with a Spectrum binder on top - 5/10 Worked to get me about as flat as could reasonably be achieved without being dangerous. Couldn't reach up without dislodging it and making weird wrinkles. Had to readjust my chest a lot. Breathing restriction was minimal, but it did feel uncomfortably tight.
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GC2B full-tank binder - 7/10 Didn't ride up. Flattened effectively. Absorbs sweat in a way that was kind of gross and meant I had to wash it a lot. Did restrict my breathing a bit and was hard to get into, likely because it was a little too small. Notably, with my size chest, no binding option that didn't cause some discomfort was going to get me anywhere near flat.
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Top surgery - 10/10 Binders were never going to work the way I wanted in the long-term because my chest was huge and a binder that didn't hurt me wouldn't have gotten me totally flat. I should have compromised flatness for health... but I wasn't gonna do that. :)
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fakeboy008 · 10 months
You feel confident and masculine, enough that you decide to try out for a local men’s softball team. It’s a beer league, sponsored by the local brewery so you each get free liquor. More often than not games turn into piss drunk shouting matches and end in fights. You’ve been working out and hoping you can show off to your crush how tough you are by winning a fight.
You show up to your first game ready and excited, but there’s nobody watching and no other team to play. Your teammates offer you a drink and assure you they just got the time wrong. But after a second beer, then a third, nobody shows up. You see them staring at your ass and eying you up as the hour is almost up. The other team still hasn’t arrived. You start to ask what’s going on but one of them grabs your arms and pins them behind your back. Another other tilts your head back and plugs your nose until you gasp for breath, then pours hard liquor down your throat. They take turns tearing off pieces of your uniform and one of them uses a knife to cut off your binder. They grope and grab at you, slap your tits and call you a stupid dyke whore. Too much of a dumb whore to be a real man. They force another drink down your throat and tie you up and gag you leaving you in the dugout with your tits exposed.
After a couple more drinks one of them decides to use your mouth as a cumdumpster. “Good girl” he says as he pumps into your throat. “Good little fake boy.” After one of your other teammates sees him viciously fucking your throat it becomes a feeding frenzy. Your clothes are gone in a flash and rags are all that’s left. They take turns fucking you raw, and pumping load after load into your tight fakeboy cunt. You can barely find space to breathe your throat is being fucked so hard. The pain of being violated starts to recede and is replaced by this heady euphoria, your pussy is dripping and you can’t help but let out a small feminine gasp every so often. Each cock that goes into you fees better than the last and they start to taunt you as they notice your moans growing louder.
“Ohhh is the dumb dyke gonna cum? Does the little fakeboy like being raped? Are you gonna be a good girl girl and cum on your rapists cock?”
Your muscles start to involuntarily contract and you can feel a violent orgasm coming. You cum so hard you pass out. The softball team uses you until they’ve all had a turn and leaves you in the dugout a sloppy drunken cum-stained mess.
After that they said you earned your place on the team. Not as a player of course, that’s for real men. But they’re happy to let you stay around as a cocksleeve and to serve beers to the players as long as you dress in tight clothes and show off your tits from now on.
came 2 tihs
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starandcloud · 1 year
Bullet Proof
Chapter 1
TW: Panic attack, PTSD episode, PTSD induced night terrors, Medication, Death
Chapter 1 -> Chapter 2
Bulletproof Mainlist
COD Masterlist
Bullets flew across the battlefield, hitting buildings and people. The ground was painted red as the crimson life drained from his fellow soldiers. What happened? everything was fine everything was supposed to be fine everything was going as planned this wasn’t planned this wasn’t supposed to happen why couldn’t he move why couldn’t he scream why wouldn’t his feet move why why why why why
Waking up in a cold sweat, Lieutenant Simon “Ghost” Riley sat up. The once comforting blankets tangled around his legs and he could feel the puddle of sweat he had created. His shaking hand found his hair and pushed it from his face, the soaked strands that fell back into his face were enough to make him sharply inhale. The disgustingly dry desert air was suffocating, his binder cut into his ribs making oxygen an occasional thing. Forcing himself out of bed he fought with the tight fabric. The way it bit into his skin and the sweat trapped under it made him sick, the sand between his toes made him want to tear his feet off. Everything was too much. He could feel his skin touching him, the way his hair stuck to his skin made him want to throw up. Simon’s breaths came in short and sharp bursts, the Lieutenant didn’t notice the feral growl that left his lips as he ripped the fabric that restricted his movement off his shoulders, and sank to the floor. Why the fuck did he have to wake up like that? Still breathing heavy he glanced at the foldable table where his medication and a glass of water sat.
That’s why.
Closing his eyes, Simon rested his head against the wooden support pole of his tent. The wood dug into his skull as he started to relax, he hated waking up like that. In a panic with overstimulation nagging at his body. He had pushed himself too hard during training, he knew he had and had planned to sleep it off. He could see how well that plan had worked. “L.T.?” The thick Scottish accent poured through the tent, making Simon tense ever so slightly.
It’s just Soap.
“Yes Johnny?”
“Are you okay?” ‘No I’m fucking not MacTavish. Do I sound okay?’
“I’m fine. Go back to sleep.”
“Actually L.T. I was wondering if you wanted a smoke with me?”
Silence filled the tent as Ghost contemplated getting up, a baggy shirt would cover his chest. He just had to wait a bit longer until he could go on leave, he had everything planned out. Captain Price was more than helpful with planning, Simon had never been excited for something like this.
“Yeah. Just a minute Johnny.”
Simon pulled himself up and pulled on a tight bra and a baggy shirt, slouching slightly he grabbed his cigarettes and lighter.
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Actual things no one talks about with top surgery: 1) it is extremely hard to tell the difference between sweat, pus, and blood underneath the surgery binder (I’d always get paranoid I had ripped a stitch but I would just be sweating) 2) the surgery binder hurts- it’s tight and straight up cut me in a few places because of chafing 3) going off your hormones messes everything up- my skin broke out and stayed like that for days, my feet swelled at night, and my hair got oily and brittle
Submitted March 17, 2023
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noeysnowy · 1 year
Binding for newbies
(This is not a comprehensive list and your welcome to add if i missed anything)
SO! You want to bind your chest, well your in luck i have some info and tips so you have somewhere to start off!
The 2 ways im familiar with binding is by using transtape and a chest binder.
Ill be talking about:
- What they are
- The pros and cons
- Application/usage (and removal)
- And the potential dangers
is a tape made from cotton and spandex that you apply to you chest, you cut two strips that you apply on your boobs and then pull your boobs out to each side. Youll find it in rolls like this
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Chest binders:
are a vest that compresses your chest. Theyre a very popular method of binding. They’ll typically look like this (you can also get a swim binder)
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- is great for shaping the chest into a masculine shape! It’s incredibly customisable because you cut the peices yourself and decide how flat you want it.
- It can be worn for up to 5 days! You can work out, shower, swim and do practically anything with it on and itll stick! Itll get a little icky after those days but you can enjoy your flattened chest for a whole week!
It usually comes in a range of skin-colours to match or you can get fun patterns and colours!
- its much quicker to put on and its an easy everyday solution
- many say their chest feels flatter with a binder
-feels very secure because of the pressure
- its just one purchase that last years!
- When you take it off your skin is sensitive and in my experience my nipples are very sensitive
-if applied wrong it can seriously irritate the skin, so the proper application method is a little slow
-its all about practice so you might not get the flatness you want on your very first try
- you have to continuously buy some instead of it just being one purchase (make sure to cross reference so you dont have to way wayyyy to much)
- you cant do any sports because you arent able to breathe like you should. I mean it, do not do sports with a binder. (You can get a specific swim binder though)
- it can get dangerous if you where it for more than 8 hours a day
- its a bit tricky to put on and take off
- get sweaty so you have to wash them
Application/usage (and removal):
So the most important part about binding is doing it correctly, but its often hard to find info on what not to do and what to do, so I’ve compiled everything you need to know.
Application is tricky and i find writtten instruction is basically useless so i found some great video tutorials on how to apply it!
Small chest:
Medium chest:
Big chest:
And a very important part is taking transtape off again, now i have personally commited the cardinal sin of just ripping it off, dont do that you will fuck up your skin. Instead you have to lather the peice of tape in oil (any oil is good, i use coconut) and lather the whole thing so its very saturated, then wait a 1-3 minutes for the adhesive to let go and then peal it off. If you feel its sticking to your skin still, put some more on and pull softly.
And heres a video for good measure:
In general the TransTape youtube channel is great for info about transtape, so definetly check them out if you buy some. Their website also offers transtape, nipple covers and oil.
Binders are a lot quicker to put on as its just a vest, but its tight and its a bit tricky so if you can get someone to help you on your first try id recommend that.
Now there are a few important things to know about wearing binders, so you can wear them properly and not fuck up your ribs
1. Make sure to get the right size, this is very important for your chest health (your website should have a measurement chart)
2. Never wear it longer than 8 hours
3. Take a minimum of 2 break days a week (as in dont wear it) I usually do that in the weekend.
4. Never double bind, as in wear two at once, and never wear a tight sportsbra over or under it to make it flatter, again you will fuck up your ribs and you cant fix that.
5. If it hurts take it off, I know dysphoria is an incredibly tough battle but your health is more important. I believe in you <3
6. Never and i mean never do sports with a binder on
7. Wash it! it gets sweaty and stinky over time so definetly wash it. I wash by hand with some warm water and delicate laundry detergent but your specific binder should have instructions on how to wash it on the tag.
Both of these methods sadly have some downsides, but they are avoidable if you use them correctly
can irritate your skin if you put it on wrong, it gets itchy and if you scratch, you can cause sores, which then means you cant wear your tape till its healed. Ive tried this and it is a HELL so put it on properly!
Are dangerous because they compress your entire chest and that means your ribs and all the important organs inside em, so when buying i binder make sure to buy yours size and if youre in between, buy the bigger one, under no sircumstance should you but a binder that is to small, it can seriously harm you.
When your ribs are bent, you cant unbend them and they will hurt when you sleep and breathe so please wear it correctly
All in all thats it! I sadly dont know every website for binders and transtape out there but these are the ones ive used (theyre DK specific)
Transting (for binders)
Peech (For transtape)
if you know of any other websites you trust your welcome to add them!
I hope this was a help on your journey with gender expression and euphoria, i love you, I believe in you and happy fucking with gender out there <333
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lifeanditsquirks · 7 months
Hi there, I saw your post about the gender counselor (great post btw, I'm so sorry for your experience there and I'm glad you're no longer going through that!)
I saw the part where you mentioned chronic constochronditis; I've just developed costochronditis for the first time in my life, I don't believe it's a result of overbinding (I went too hard at the gym a few days ago and that's when it started), but I do have a bad habit of binding for too long. I was wondering if you had any tips RE binding to avoid it becoming chronic? Were there any particular behaviours or steps that you took after it first started that lead to it becoming a long-term condition?
Hi! Thank you for the question.
For me, I was binding every day. Most of the time, for 8+ hours. I also had a binder that was a swimsuit that I wouldn't take off immediately when I got home. As well as exercising with my regular binder on.
I don't know how you exercise, but you should never exercise with a binder. It restricts movement and airflow, and you can bruise your ribs.
Take frequent breaks!! And make sure you don't feel any burning or ripping of your skin. This could allude to your binder being too tight.
Ice your ribs. Helps bring down inflammation. And make sure you wrap the ice in something like a small towel. Don't put an ice pack directly on your skin.
Since you have costochrondritis, you may feel the need to stretch or flex your muscles. DONT DO THAT! At least that's what my doctor told me. You need to give the muscles a break. So pretend you just got surgery and can only lift your arms about halfway up. Try to avoid stretching far past your head.
Personally, I think my costochrondritis became chronic due to my fibromyalgia. It made it so my muscles stayed inflamed and irritated. I haven't been able to bind in 2 years. Which socks. But I don't think you're going to get to that point. As long as you take care of your body, you should be a-okay.
Hope this helped.
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ftm2bbw · 4 months
You thought you had done so well. Taking your hormones, changing your wardrobe, always correcting people when they slipped up on your pronouns. Even wearing a binder despite how tight they had been getting. You were doing everything you could, practically pleading with the world around you to see you as a man.
You don't know how you got here. Your memory is fuzzy and your head is throbbing. It takes a few moments to even realize where "here" is, some barely furnished basement you've never seen before. You try to stand from your chair only to find your arms bound behind your back, ropes keeping your ankles by the legs of the chair. When you crash back down, the legs groaning to take your weight, that's when you realize you've been stripped completely naked.
You don't recognize me when I step out of the shadows. Why would you? We haven't exchanged more than a few words in passing. But I can't stop grinning as I circle around you, looking over your fat body, admiring every jiggle as you struggle against your restraints. I can't help a laugh when you give up. "Aw, what's the matter, piggy? Out of breath already?" Suddenly, I close the distance between us, my hands moving to your tits. I knead them, squeeze them, grope them. I clap them together, pinching and rolling your nipples between my fingers. "Fucking hell... I knew you were packing some massive tits under your clothes, but I didn't think your udders would be this big!"
Just when you think the humiliation can't be matched, I take a step back from you, retreating to the shadows to grab three things:
1. A funnel and hose.
2. A bottle of gainer shake.
3. A vibrator.
Clearly delighted with myself, I put the end of the hose between your lips, pinching your chubby cheeks. "Spit this out and I'll put double the lactation inducers into the shake." Then I take the vibrator, turn it up to a strong pulse, and shove it between your fat thighs. I have to wiggle it around to find your puffy mound, but I can hear it in your moans when I do. I leave it there, buzzing away, straightening up so that I can start pouring the shake into the funnel. "Remember to drink every last drop. I need my cow as fat as possible. I used to think it was so funny when you insisted that you were a man. Anyone with eyes could see your humongous tits and your wide hips and, Jesus, your gigantic fucking ass." I reach down and grab a bit of your as that hangs over the edge of the chair. "But I'm going to fix it. I'm going to turn you into a blob of blubber. Everything about you is going to swell bigger and bigger and bigger. By the time you see daylight again, you're going to be unrecognizable. No one will ever mistake you for a man again." I give your belly a firm pat to encourage you to swallow. "Hey, at least you won't have to worry about going hungry."
God, I'd try to fight at first, try to struggle, try not to admit how good it felt. But it would be so hard between struggling to swallow down the thick gainer mix without choking, not to mention the ever-present distracting pleasure between my legs keeping me weak. All my pathetic struggling would result in is my belly jiggling, my ass wobbling, my tits bouncing. And me biting back a moan, trying not to give away how I'm getting off on the embarassment and humiliation of it all.
Even worse, I'd only grow heavier and weaker as time went on. Pounds piling on by the day even as my muscles waste away. Fattening up like a prize cow as my belly eclipses the little that's left of my lap, as my ass and hips widen and swell, as my heavy tits balloon.
And despite everything, it would only feel better the fatter I got. The vibrator conditioning me to associate pleasure with submission, with helplessness, with having my curves and blubber groped and felt up, with giving in...
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burnwater13 · 2 months
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Grogu sitting in a detention cell on Moff Gideon's ship with binders on his wrists. Image from The Mandalorian, Season 2, Episode 8, The Rescue. Calendar by DateWorks.
Grogu hated nightmares. They were absolutely no fun. They had all the feels and smells and emotions of things that were real but none of the comfort of the events moving on. They looped and looped and looped. It made him dizzy, sad, and he wanted to throw up. But he couldn’t do that either. Dank Farrik.
Moff Gideon was awful in person. In a nightmare you couldn’t make him shut up. That was awful. The other awful thing in nightmares was that his dad never reached him. Grogu could hear him trying. Trying so hard. But it didn’t matter. The nightmare wouldn’t let him follow through. No one was allowed to follow through. They were all caught in the loop. 
Which gave Grogu an idea. If they were all caught in the loop, maybe someone who wasn’t caught in the loop could help them? That was pretty tricky. This loop was taking place on a starship. A moderately big one. That meant it held a bunch of people Grogu already knew. Fennec Shand. Cara Dune. That Mandalorian woman who didn’t share. And Bo-Katan. They were all caught in the loop with him, along with his dad, Moff Gideon, and a bunch of Imps.
Grogu had no idea what Daimyo Fett’s status was because he wasn’t on the starship. But he knew that Marshal Vanth, Greef Karga and Peli Motto were definitely not on the ship. Yippee! He could contact one of them through the Force and have them save him. Phew. 
Grogu closed his eyes tighter in that part of the nightmare loop and thought about Marshal Vanth. The tall human had been good to him and Grogu liked him even if he was a chatterbox and made his dad seem like a chatterbox just from answering his questions. Dream Grogu preferred dream Din Djarin stay kind of quiet and menacing and after all dream Din Djarin was caught up with fighting that Dark Trooper things. Even in a nightmare those things seemed real.
“Hey, buddy, what’s up?”
The Marshal’s voice sounded far away and kind of distracted. 
“Need help. Imps.”
Grogu was glad that dream Grogu was able to communicate in Gal Basic. That took a big load off his shoulders. 
“Buddy, I’d love to help. But I can’t fight Imperial Stormtroopers without that armor your dad took. I’d be a fool to try. Where’s your dad?”
“Dad stuck in loop. Bye.”
There was no point asking for help, even in a nightmare, that couldn’t be delivered because the other person didn’t believe in themselves.  Marshal Vanth could have just dreamt that he still had the armor and that would have been good enough. He’d lost too much of his childlike wonder to be able to help. That was kind of sad. Grogu decided to move on.
Imagine dream Nevarro. It was a grey, sullen day. Imps were strolling around the market. Bounty hunters were laughing in the saloon. The protocol droid Grogu had met at the school was hiding in High Magistrate Greef Karga’s office. Apparently the place had gone to heck (wherever that was) because Cara Dune wasn't there to keep them all in check. That was a sizable skank in the scud pie. Grogu couldn’t imagine getting any help under those circumstances and he didn't really want to waste with the High Magistrate regaling him with ways his administration was fighting for the average Nevarro citizen. Uff. 
Grogu reached out a little farther. He had no choice. He needed Peli Motto’s help and that’s all there was to it. His eyes were closed tight, he could feel the nightmare binders cutting into his wrists and he walked down the ramp of the Razor Crest. 
“Oh! Thank that stars! You’re okay! I was just thinkin’ about you, you lil’ womp rat! Treadwell! Get me some bolt cutters or a plasma torch or a lightsaber! Yes! I said lightsaber you two byte tin can. The kid needs our help. Can’t you see he’s caught up in some sorta awful nightmare loop? Well he is. Because I know them when I see them.”
Grogu found himself laughing. He couldn’t see Treadwell because droids don’t dream. But he could imagine the ‘look’ on the droids exterior panels and it was nothing but funny.
“Stuck in loop. Need help.”
“Did you hear that? The womp rat spoke his first words in Gal Basic and they were ‘Auntie Peli please help me?’ You didn’t? Well, I’ll get your sensors tested. Your contacts must be rusty. Okay kid, Whaddaya need me to do?”
But she had already done it. Grogu had been able to laugh. In fact he just kept on laughing because the image of Peli with curlers in her hair and some sort of green goop on her face wearing what must be her pajamas, which were covered with little banthas, was so funny, so charming, so delightful to him that nightmare Moff Gideon had dissolved into a smelly grey cloud and Grogu knew he was no longer trapped in the nightmare loop.
“Hey, Buddy? Grogu? Are you okay? You must have been having a nightmare. Come on. Let’s get you a glass of water. Uff. Whatever you ate last night did not agree with you.”
The Mandalorian was waving at the air in front of them as he collected Grogu from the hammock and carried him out to the all purpose room in the cabin on Nevarro. 
Grogu just laughed. He was still imagining Peli, but he had to agree that half a dozen flash fried frogs smothered in Mandalorian hot sauce probably wasn't the best late night snack for peaceful dreams. Next time he’d have to add an ice pop or two. He wondered if they came in gorg flavor? 
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sunnixsunshine · 2 years
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I intended to do a quick no reference study of diverse body types to see where I'm at before I do a full reference figure study and it turned into my trans headcanons of some of the pokemon boys, oopsies :x
Anyway, headcanons under the cut :)
I think he rarely binds. He has a hard time finding a binder that gets the level of flatness he desires and due to the work he does, he doesn't even try double binding or layering tight shirts. So instead, he just wears a comfortable sports bra. He intends to get top surgery, but right now he's comfortable where he's at. That and he's so busy he doesn't have time to take off for recovery. I think he's at least 2 or 3 years on T right now.
His egg cracked pretty late in life. He was 53, and currently he's 67. While he doesn't think it's too late to transition, he is a little scared to commit to it. The only thing he's really committed to so far is taking his T shots, which he started when he was 55. He started balding pretty fast so he just opted to completely shave his head. When the facial hair started coming in, that's when he really started loving himself.
He's known who he was since he was little, he was just too unsure of how to express his feelings. As of right now, he is not on T and has no plans of top or bottom surgery just yet, but has thought extensively about it. While he doesn't exactly like his body, he is content with it. He does bind on the days he feels particularly crappy though. Otherwise, he just layers his clothes or wears a jacket over top. When amongst close friends, he'll swim topless confidently and comfortably.
He came out publicly on his second year of being a Galar gym leader. On live TV. As a way of defying and cutting his family off. He stepped onto the field sporting a new haircut, very short as he knew his parents wouldn't approve. As he had no access to safe binders at the time, he wore layered shirts and a too small bra underneath, which admittedly was unsafe and kind of really hurt. When the announcer spoke his chosen name like he asked, he finally felt like himself. I think he's been on T for a while now, about 20 or so years. He's had top surgery, too, and proudly shows his scars. Both he and Leon are very open and supportive of multiple trans movements in the Galar region, often doing joint charity events to raise money. He also takes part in donating large portions to charities based in Hoenn.
I have a Kabu bias, I love him, he is my gender envy, don't fucking look at me djsbsj
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I posted 3,241 times in 2022
157 posts created (5%)
3,084 posts reblogged (95%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,602 of my posts in 2022
#dsmp - 47 posts
#jackson rambles - 31 posts
#yeah - 15 posts
#dream smp - 14 posts
#unreality - 11 posts
#toh spoilers - 10 posts
#goncharov - 9 posts
#i mean - 8 posts
#stranger things - 7 posts
#minecraft - 7 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#i straight up didn't identify with it and i identified way way more with masculinity and being seen as a man and using he/him pronouns made-
My Top Posts in 2022:
First impressions of Underworks binders:
Very tight, I get a lot more compression out of it than I did with my gc2b binders when they were brand new
Kinda difficult to breath in, I see what people mean now when they say it can get kinda hard to breath in your binder
Goes down past my hips
I don’t feel like my breasts will move very much? It’s definetly something I would wear a thin tank top under to protect my skin but my tits were not moving
Overall, achieved what I wanted. I’d heard that Underworks binders work better for people with bigger chests, and I decided to experiment because I need new binders. Definitely keeping my gc2b binders for travel and comfort, but my Underworks binders are probably going to be my day to day.
29 notes - Posted May 26, 2022
Why is ‘Turning Red’ somehow the most accurate depiction of 13 year olds I’ve seen
30 notes - Posted March 12, 2022
For any and all 'empty 100-ish year old subway station' needs
44 notes - Posted January 2, 2022
C! Karlnapity is really two tiny murderous lil dudes with Issues™ and the one who can reach the top of shelves
48 notes - Posted June 29, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
A short lil thing for dessert duo in an Indiana Jones AU, with Double Life mechanics lol. Warnings for a broken bone, but nothing else
Grian was minding his own bloody business when his rib cracked.
He doubled over, books and papers spilling out of his hands with a strangled "SCAR!!"
There was no secondary explanation. Scar had, obviously, started some new dumb adventure in the time between breakfast that morning and when he was meant to be coming home. And as per usual, he'd gotten hurt. And also as per usual, he'd forgotten his soulmate at home.
He picked himself back up, hissing at the pain. It was a good thing he kept healing potions stashed about the house for exactly this (very common) scenario. And then it was to the maps and his usual contacts to track him down. As per usual.
He sat down in his chair and grabbed the potion he'd tucked under the table. Jellie jumped up as he drank it, wincing as the rib set itself back into place. He gave the cat a very exasperated look. "Are you as tired of this as I am?"
Jellie blinked at him, slow and deliberate. She reached out a paw, oh so delicately. And she slammed it, claws out, on one of his maps.
He peered around her paw. "Of course he's in Siberia." He mumbled to himself. Jellie had a built in compass to where Scar was, or something similar, because she hadn't been wrong in the entire time he'd known the two of them. And Scar tore off by himself more times than Grian liked to think about.
He stood up. "Best get packing, eh?" He asked, almost bemused. "I wonder who's chasing him this time.
69 notes - Posted June 23, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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sbknews · 1 year
Martin doubles up to home in on Bagnaia
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Martin and Bezzecchi pip Pecco to cut the Championship deficit as Pedrosa threatens to spoil the party at Misano. Pole position, Tissot Sprint win and a Sunday race victory. Jorge Martin’s (Prima Pramac Racing) weekend at the Gran Premio Red Bull di San Marino e della Riviera di Rimini couldn’t have gone any better as the Spaniard made no mistakes to take maximum points on his title rivals' stomping ground. The winning margin over second place Marco Bezzecchi (Mooney VR46 Racing Team) was just 1.3s as Bez homed in though, with reigning World Champion Francesco Bagnaia (Ducati Lenovo Team) fighting through the pain to claim an important third. And Pecco was only just ahead of some familiar company at Misano World Circuit Marco Simoncelli: wildcard Dani Pedrosa (Red Bull KTM Factory Racing).
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Martin untouchable again as Pecco fends off Pedrosa Just like he did in the Tissot Sprint, Martin got a perfect launch and pocketed the holeshot as Bezzecchi and Bagnaia slotted in behind. Pedrosa got away well again and was up to P4, and the MotoGP™ Legend held on after a moment between Turn 1 and 2 looking for a way through on Bagnaia. But Bagnaia then picked his way past Bezzecchi at Turn 3 as the #1 immediately began to hound Martin. Unlike yesterday, Brad Binder (Red Bull KTM Factory Racing) made good progress off the start and at the beginning of Lap 2, the South African was up to P4 and began to chase Martin, Bagnaia and Bezzecchi. A fascinating early race fight was unfolding at the front. Martin, Bagnaia and Bezzecchi were locked together, with Binder 0.7s adrift heading onto Lap 5. On Lap 6, Bezzecchi passed Pecco for P6 down at Turn 8 but just like he did a lap previous, the Italian was wide at Turn 10 to allow the Champion back through. That gave Martin a little bit of breathing room – if you can call 0.3s that – as Binder went quicker than the trio in front of him. Disaster then struck for Binder at Turn 14 on Lap 8. The KTM star was down at the tight right-hand hairpin as his podium hopes ended, handing Pedrosa the lead KTM baton. The #26 was 1.5s off the leaders, as KTM’s afternoon then got worse as Jack Miller (Red Bull KTM Factory Racing) crashed out of contention after being involved in an incident with Michele Pirro (Aruba.it Racing). Elsewhere, on Lap 12 of 27, it was time to cue the jaws music. Who for? Pedrosa. The wildcard was beginning to close at a vast rate of knots and with 15 laps left, Pedrosa was just 0.6s off Bezzecchi’s rear wheel. Unbelievable. The Little Samurai was the only rider lapping in the 1:31s at this stage of the race. Pedrosa’s pace dropped off soon after but the gap remained at just over a second. At the front, with 10 laps to go, Martin’s lead grew to over a second for the first time as the #89 began to get the hammer down. Were the injuries to Bagnaia and Bezzecchi starting to take their toll or was Martin’s pace just too good? Bezzecchi was looking impatient behind VR46 compatriot Bagnaia, and a move came at Turn 8. By now though, Martin’s advantage was 2.2s. Bagnaia was fading. Pedrosa was coming. 0.7s split the double World Champion from the three-time World Champion, with Maverick Viñales (Aprilia Racing) and an extremely classy ride for Marc Marquez (Repsol Honda Team) putting him a further four seconds back after initially closing on the number 12. A huge six laps beckoned, could Bagnaia hold on to what would be a very valuable and hard-earned 16 points? With four laps to go, Bagnaia was holding Pedrosa at bay by 0.6s. Bezzecchi was now under two seconds away from Martin but it was too little too late, with the latter controlling his advantage nicely as he powered towards completing the perfect weekend. With two to go, Pedrosa was right on Bagnaia’s coattails. Catching the Ducati rider was one thing but as he found out in the Sprint, passing was a whole different kettle of fish. In the end, Bagnaia did hold on to a crucial P3 as Martin made no mistake to cap off a sensational weekend. Bezzecchi bagged P2 despite his injured hand to gain ground in the title chase.
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The points scorers in Misano Just off the podium of Martin, Bezzecchi and Bagnaia, Pedrosa took the chequered flag just 0.6s away from the rostrum as the Little Samurai again demonstrates why he’s a three-time World Champion and a MotoGP™ Legend. Unreal from the popular Spaniard, who finished six seconds up the road from fifth place Viñales. Miguel Oliveira (CryptoDATA RNF MotoGP™ Team) was sixth ahead of Marc Marquez, who somehow bags a brilliant P7 after racing with a soft rear tyre. Raul Fernandez (CryptoDATA RNF MotoGP™ Team) takes home his best MotoGP™ finish in P8, as the Ducatis of Luca Marini (Mooney VR46 Racing Team) and Johann Zarco (Prima Pramac Racing) complete the top 10. Alex Marquez (Gresini Racing MotoGP™), Catalan GP winner Aleix Espargaro (Aprilia Racing), Fabio Quartararo (Monster Energy Yamaha MotoGP™), a recovering Binder and Franco Morbidelli (Monster Energy Yamaha MotoGP™) closed out the points in San Marino. Pol Espargaro (GASGAS Factory Racing Tech3) and Joan Mir (Repsol Honda Team) joined Miller and Pirro as the riders to notch up DNFs.
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36 points in it heading to India! A brand-new challenge awaits us next time out as India hosts MotoGP™ for the very first time. Martin’s perfect weekend sees the gap between him and Championship leader Pecco sit at 36 points as the flyaway tour of the season begins... for the first time in some time, it's back below the 37 points on offer in one weekend. Don't miss it! For more MotoGP info checkout our dedicated MotoGP News page Or visit the official MotoGP website www.motogp.com Read the full article
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chriszidek69 · 2 years
Capstone - Journal Entry #1 - Week 5
Hey dudes,
First time being on Tumblr, wow. I think I got it in 2015 but never bothered to figure out how to use it. I still have no idea what I'm doing. Anyways, I'd like to talk about my experience producing this weekend and being on set.
PROJECT: Nathan Xia's 490 Film Adam's Song
MY ROLE: Associate Producer
DAY 0: On Thursday, I went with my other producer, Cole, to pickup a UHAUL. I was in charge of driving that, not my first rodeo. Then I picked up some PD stuff from Pinacoteca Picture Props in North Hollywood. Thankfully I had been there before and it was a quick load. Then I went back and dropped the UHAUL off at school.
Day 1: On Friday, we were shooting in a Korean restaurant in Koreatown. I had to get the art truck there by 8am so our PD team could start decorating the restaurant to their liking. I helped out hanging signs, making paper flowers, moving things, etc. We had a great team. Then once the rest of the crew started arriving to set, I made sure everyone was able to get into the parking garage and make it over to the location. My biggest responsibility on set this weekend was having crew fill out the health check in sheet and deal memos and getting actors to sign releases. It's simple but a lot of papers in one small folder. I need an accordion binder to organize those better. The rest of set consisted of me floating around, making sure everyone was working hard, drinking water, etc, helping out different departments, fire watching doors, etc. After we wrapped at the restaurant and I made sure everyone was out, I took the art truck back to LMU, we didn't need it for the 2nd location. I was allowed to go home for the day but I wanted to go to the 2nd location so I could see one of our actors who was a special guest. The scene was behind a bar in Culver City and it was my favorite one from the script so I had to be there. Great end to Day 1.
Day 2: On Saturday, we were shooting at a house in Glendale. This day was a heavy day for PD so I gave them extra hands as much as I could to help out. I learned how to hang wall paper!! That took a while but it was really fun. After helping out with that stuff, I was sent on a run to get two 4TB LaCie hard drives. Boy was that a treat. Do you know how hard it is to find 4TB LaCie drives in LA?? It was a nightmare but eventually I called and they were available at Samy's Camera on Fairfax so I had to drive there during a bunch of traffic to grab those. $350, what a rip off. But we needed them because we were shooting with 2 Alexa Minis so that ate up a ton of memory on the cards/drives. Anyways, that's really all of the eventful stuff that happened on that day. Drove the art truck to and from, art department killed it. We wrapped out quick. It was tough but we did it. This day we shot a very emotional part of the script and both actors killed it.
Day 3: On Sunday, we were shooting at a bar in the valley called the Celtic Raven. It seemed like the husband and wife owners were Irish, very nice people. I was so excited to shoot here because I went on the scout for it and we played pool and it's a great location. Our PD lead wasn't able to be on set so yet again the art team had to step up and work our magic but I helped out and they killed it, I just helped put up more wallpaper and handle a couple things. This day was pretty tough logistically because we were in a tight space and were bringing in about 10 extras to sit at the bar. I got releases from all of them and they were all pretty cool. The shoot went well although we were running a little behind most of the day. One of the actors was hilarious and did some great improvising. I wish it was appropriate for me to write in this post but it wasn't, lol. Anyways, the day went well despite being behind for most of it. We had a hard out at 8pm and made it right on time. A lot of people wanted to come in and frequent the bar so we made sure to be respectful to them, the owners, and employees. Fantastic day and we wrapped the damn movie!!
KEY TAKEAWAYS: I wrote way too much so not gonna list them all but basically I need to do a better job of organizing paperwork and coming up with a system to get it filled out more efficiently.
I was lucky enough to produce alongside Po Wei Su and Cole Sanchez, two incredible producers who gave me some great advice and were very patient with me. I'm super grateful to be a part of this project, I think it was the best student film I've ever worked on.
Nevertheless, onwards :)
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