#but I find the slaughter of innocents like. hard to deal with. you know.
daxromana · 10 months
The thing about Anakin in TCW is that he has already committed atrocities. He killed an entire village for what happened to his mother, a village of a species that he chose to regard as animals. So any AU that diverges before Anakin goes full Dark Side still has to grapple with that!!! He’s still a murderer, on a scale and in a way that is extremely hard to be sympathetic to.
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evilwickedme · 1 year
Re the Israel situation: how are you doing, mentally and physically? Are you (relatively) safe?
So like here's thing.
Physically I am safe. I have yet to end up in a place without a safe room during an alarm - I also managed to be in a place that wasn't under attack during the first 24h bc I was at my parents' place; my actual apt and workplace were, however, major targets, and I've already experienced one alarm and several large booms today.
Luckily as of right now all my friends and family are alive. My brother hasn't been called into reserves yet, but I do know several people who have been, or who are in active duty and are suddenly being called into combat. Frankly, I'm terrified for all of us. I'm fully aware that there is every chance I'm going to end this thing going to funerals, multiples.
I am in the unfortunate position of literally being unable to avoid the news, as I work in a news org subtitling the live segments, which right now is... all the segments. I've already cried today at work as a young girl described her grandmother being murdered and the terrorist who killed her filming her dead body, using her own phone, and putting it on her private Facebook.
It doesn't feel real. I pulled a shift yesterday that was nearly 12 hours long, and then I got up to a siren, and then I had to head to work. I see the numbers rise - 700 Israelis dead, 400 in gaza; 2500 injured Israelis, 2300 gazans. I was closely following the story of the peace music festival down south that was purposefully targeted and the way those people were systematically slaughtered, and then I went online and saw people celebrating over 260 bodies of innocents. Some of them were tourists, bedouins, Arab citizens of Israel. Plenty are themselves activists who've been protesting for 10 months against the current government. But it's dead Jews, so I suppose that's okay.
Those 260 bodies are a so far kinda deal, by the way. They stopped counting.
It's so frustrating to see the kind of rhetoric spread online, the misinfo, the one sided claims. The frankly complete misunderstanding of what is happening here even among leftist Jews, let alone the insane amount of antisemitism and islamophobia and racism in the discourse in general.
Mentally? Mentally I am not okay. I'm losing friendships. I'm blocking dozens of people a day. I am very quickly finding out that there is nowhere safe for me to be, except right here where I am. The people around me who share my plight and are trying to survive and help others as much as they can. Mentally I've been in a hard place for a very long time, but I thought I was getting better, and I don't know what's going to happen now.
I'm alive, tho. And I'm safe.
Here's a meme my dad laughed at.
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msfcatlover · 2 years
I am insane for your tma x dc headcanons! I have to ask, do you think any of the other dc characters are entity aligned? Heres a few hcs i had:
The Scarecrow: honestly might be an avatar touched by all the fears like Jonathan Sims. Probably like Sims, he started researching the fears and Scarecrow became obsessed w them. If i had to go with a single entity, i would say he is Dark/Corruption/Eye alligned
The Riddler: Eye or Spiral alligned
The Joker: slaughter or corruption (the angst if Jason shared an entity w his murderer!)
Poison Ivy: Extinction?
Harley Quinn: hunt or stranger aligned? She was hunting down the cure for Jokers issues, but he wasnt who she thought he was and she became the prey
Killer Croc: Flesh babey!
Two face: maybe another slaughter?
The penguin: Web
I dont know enough about non-batman characters to do others tbh
Okay, so in my opinion plenty of characters have been touched by various Entities or even marked by them in ways that can motivate them without fully being Avatars or aligning themselves with those Entities. Like, Scarecrow just screams to me of someone who was touched by the Spiral (and is probably in real danger of becoming an Avatar,) but he’s holding on to his own sense of rationality as hard as he can and trying to make Fear make scientific sense. Someone who would walk out of an impossible corridor, and spend weeks measuring the outside of the building trying to find where the hell that corridor was supposed to fit, before sending someone else in to see if they experienced the same thing, only to become fixated on the differences… Not saying that’s what happened, but Jonathan Crane had some kind of experience with the embodiment of Unreality itself, and he definitely feeds it regularly.
(Harley, likewise, seems more like a victim of the Spiral, Corruption, or Stranger than anything else. Oh, she’s still a supervillain/anti-hero depending on the day, but her origin story is of her mind being broken by the Joker’s abuse. That is either depressingly mundane, or being chewed up & spat out by one of those three Entities.)
I hadn’t thought much about most of the villains, but I am 100% with you on Ivy being an Avatar of the Extinction, and I can definitely see Croc as an Avatar of the Flesh. I’d throw in Hugo Strange as probably being at least aligned with the Spiral, and Pyg has definitely at the very least been marked by either the Spiral or Flesh (though I don’t know him well enough to say if he’s a full-blown Avatar or not.) If you only saw my first post, I also decided Talia & Ra’s are both aligned with the Web, though Talia values her own freedom enough I don’t think she’s a full Avatar. They’re the ones who helped Bruce find the Mother’s embrace. Damian was supposed to be a Web Avatar as well, but he’s just a little too desperate for love when nobody’s looking; his swarm is silk worms & moths, and he does manage to fake it for a while. If Joker’s an Avatar, it would either be the Stranger, Spiral or Slaughter, in my opinion, but I always like when experts of every kind take time to study Joker and are like, “Yeah, IDK WTF is going on with that guy, but I hate it.”
(Jason is an Avatar of the Desolation in my version, because the Slaughter is about the violence on as large a scale as possible while the Desolation is about the very personal aftermath. The Slaughter is War, where the Desolation is something taking out your entire life in one single night and leaving you behind to deal with it. Jason absolutely wants his targets to be scared of what will happen, what he’ll do to them, but in a “destroy everything you’ve ever worked for & drive away everyone you ever cared about” sort of way; not a “blow up an entire city block for no reason” sort of way. And given how much Jason cares about protecting innocents, he’s actually partially starving himself by not following through on complete Desolation the way people like Jude Perry do. Imagine if The Archivist (around s3) tore out the last page of a statement & threw it away without glancing at it before he started reading. That’s basically what Jason’s doing to himself.)
Some people in the DC universe, though, are just Like That(TM). Sure, it can be hard to tell supernatural trauma apart from genuine mental illness, but it’s still a superhero setting and some people are just little freaks (affectionate.)
Like, Oliver Queen? Just a little freak with a bow. Just a weirdo. Black Canary? Superpowers, but not of the Fear Entity induced kind. She’s just Like That(TM).
Speedsters? Oh honey, you better believe they’re all just Like That(TM). Anti-Avatars, if anything; those bastards basically became one with a potential aspect of the Vast and went “But what if I was just. Like. Nice about it? Or only mean in extremely specific, petty, personal ways? What if that?”
My main “outside of Gotham” thought is that Amazons are aware of the Entities. Primarily, they have to be very careful & monitor eachother for signs of potential influence of the Hunt, but they’re aware of others beyond it (though they might define the Entities along different lines thanks to cultural differences & all that; I don’t have any specifics, I just really like that headcanon that while certain fears are nearly universal, the way different cultures group & view them are going to be different. Like, if spiders are viewed as purely benevolent & good luck by the culture you were raised in, it’s very unlikely any capital-f Fear is going to have a spider motif. Smirke separated the Buried from the Vast, but aren’t they both primarily about being overwhelmed, about Too Much? At the bottom of the ocean, is there any difference? Why should other cultures draw that same line?) This created some tension with Batman at the start of the Justice League, as Diana knew even if he wasn’t lying when he swore to have the best intentions, Batman was still walking a razor’s edge; he could become a monster so very easily. On the other hand, it was a huge relief for Dick (who, again if you’ve only seen my first post, I’ve changed my mind on and decided he’s a Hunt Avatar) when he first met the other Titans and they all went over their powers, to have Donna realize what he was talking about and promise to stop him if he ever lost control. A promise she has actually had to follow through on a few times, when a villain got into their heads and pushed Dick too far; he sleeps better at night knowing Donna is both willing & able to wrestle him to the ground and keep him from hurting anyone, even when Dick’s gone full-feral.
(The tag for this AU on my blog is "tma crossover," if you wanna check out the... everything I have for it.)
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percontaion-points · 1 year
TOWB chapters 45-48
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Chapter 45
“Ghosts. The people that leave us too soon. The people we can’t let go of.” He paused. “You need to let her go, Ranka. May I?”
It’s rich considering that the entire premise of Ranka’s magic hinges on her inability to move past trauma. 
“One day at a time. One hour at a time. One minute at a time,” he said, not unkindly. “I expect I’ll always be dealing with it.”
It’s okay to grieve after somebody you love dies. 
But the problem is, as I’ve said, Ranka literally turned her entire personality into her trauma. 
I hope that I don’t have to explain to people how unhealthy that it is. Magic or otherwise, people are more than their traumas. 
For the whole evening, Percy talked about the Star Isles.
Not even the author cares about this! So it makes it hard for the characters to give a shit.
“Let’s go,” he said. “We’ve all had enough misery. I’ve got a surprise for you.”
Chapter 45 summary: Ranka’s magic is now gone, reduced to a heavy thing inside of her that she can feel but not access. She mopes around until it’s 2 days left until Galen’s coronation, more mourning her own upcoming death than the slaughter of innocent witches, but whatever. 
Percy finds her as she’s brooding on a cliff by the sea. He forces her to take off the bracelet Yeva made for her, and tells her about his own shitty life. However, his life is glossed over, so nobody gives a shit about it. 
In the end, Ranka stands up and chucks the bracelet into the sea. 
Chapter 46
Galen and Aramis glanced at each other, and Galen turned to Percy with a twinkle in his eye. “I might have somewhere in mind.”
Chapter 46 summary: Percy takes Ranka to Galen’s room, which is filled with windchimes and books. The wondertwins show up a moment later; Galen is upset because he’d gotten a note from Percy stating that Galen’s room had been lit on fire. 
A second later, a bunch of servants bring three cakes in. Percy explains that they don’t know when Ranka’s birthday is, but figured that they could celebrate it along with the twin’s birthday. 
Ranka thinks about how her 17th birthday was 4 months before shit started to get real. Yeva had shown up in her tent early in the morning, her hands full of strawberries. So much had changed in such a short amount of time. Ranka starts to cry thinking about how thoughtful it is that Percy would have them make a cake for her. 
Chapter 47
“I failed them,” she whispered. “I will not fail you.”
Chapter 47 summary: The four of them get shit-faced drunk, and go hang out on the roof. The clock chimes that it’s midnight, and they know that in the morning, the city will celebrate Galen’s coming of age day. 
They start to joke around, but like… can we please get back to the plot? I literally do not care about them having one last good moment. This book has not made me care about these assholes at all. I’m still low-key rooting for the cult to win. 
Percy and Galen pass out drunk. Aramis and Ranka ask each other what they would do if they weren’t who they are. Aramis says that she’d be a healer; it’s literally her only hobby that doesn’t involve her mom’s research. Ranka has no such hobby, having been forced from a really young age to learn survival skills. So she’d build a cabin in the middle of the woods and stay there forever, being isolated. Aramis says that she’ll join her, and they’ll sing and paint and teach Ranka how to read. 
Chapter 48
The Murknen came first, dour and scowling, with moss woven through their wild hair. Ongrum had always said the Murknen hailed from a territory of swamps and little sunlight—and they had the personalities to match.
Again, I feel like the author created all of these tribes, but ended up never actually using them. 
But she was determined to shove in all of the info that she made, so she ended up dumping it on us. So the end result is this really long scene that pauses the plot simply so that she can describe these groups of people that the readers don’t fucking care about!
“The humans want to support the twins…”
Do they though?
Ranka could not find Ongrum. 
She’d searched for her for the better part of an hour, but the Skra leader was nowhere to be found. When Ranka questioned her coven mates, they’d simply shrugged and said something about her having business to attend to. They were lying, and it stung. She’d asked them as a Skra—and they’d responded as strangers. Even the witches she knew well—Tafa, Sigrid, Nadya, and so many she’d trained alongside, gave her the cold shoulder. 
You are not one of us, their eyes said. We do not recognize you. You will have to earn us back.
Their rejection of Ranka probably happened the absolute millisecond the gate closed behind Ranka. 
Ranka steeled her nerves and stepped into the crowd. It was time to stop a coup.
Chapter 48 summary: Our four heroes stand and watch as the city is filled with the different witch tribes. Percy assures Ranka that their plan is perfect, and that it will work. 
Later, Ranka goes in search of her tribe leader, but her former clans-women literally lie to Ranka’s face about Ongrum’s whereabouts. She hates it, and hates them even more. 
But forget about that. Let’s talk about how fancy Galen looks now! This is clearly the more important plot point!
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heartfullofleeches · 2 years
from all your ocs, which ones can deal with your death in a less worse manner kinda living on ig and which ones just, cease to be themselves after their beloved is gone? like a range id say
(Death, heavy angst, implied suicide)
Well in the case of Host, Maddox, Alasdair, and maaaaybe Baron and his siblings; they have a chance to bring you back/see you in the afterlife. Doesn't mean it doesn't hurt.
I'd say the ones who take it the absolute worse are Baron, Selene, Lee, Daina, Static, and Casper.
Baron is already a destructive force, but your death only adds fuel to the fire. He will slaughter everyone in his path. With Selene, her hallucinations/ghosts(still unknown as to what they really are) and grief would drive her past insanity, especially if you became one of them. She may even make an attempt on her life as she has nothing else to live for and the voices won't let her rest
Lee's whole life is a facade. She is not completely human, she can never be human; only act like one. Her emotions are still real to a degree, but after losing you they become an afterthought and could lead her down a path of bloodshed with an empty end. It's hard to explain with no context, but in cases of danger or extreme distress her kind do something know as "abandoning the host personality" meaning she will become truly hollow and not who's she's grown to be.
Daina goes out with you in a big blast. As you'd most likely die being a murder with being the final girl, she traps the people in question and whatever innocents around in whatever the location they're in and lights the place ablaze. Throws a middle finger to the sky and pours one out for you before getting completely trashed. Either gets caught by the police, or never seen again in classic horror fashion
Static and Casper are monsters, but ones with big hearts. Static is slightly more aggressive, actively going against whatever humans come by. Living off fear of the people it finds for the rest of its days. The loneliness it felt before you arrived returning.
Casper is only hostile to people who near your grave. Unlike other humans, they see your body as something that has to be protected and will do so as long as it lives. Sometimes tries to speak with you through their veil of nativity and leaves candy by the gravestone.
On the other hand there are the ones who can take it a little "better" Verona, Alasdair, and Travis
Verona understands its the way human life goes, even if it hurts. She'll try to form a pact with you before your death so she could potentially still be with you, but if not she just becomes numb. Alasdair also has another chance as your guardian angel, and clings onto that hope. Travis will "move on" by burying himself in his work. There is a high chance of him working himself to death, but he tries his hardest to live on for you.
Onto those I can't really put into a category. Host either makes you a new body or copies your conscious if you've become part of the collective. If somehow neither work, he relives the days when you were his co-host constantly, but eventually starts a new show. Gives the new contestants absolutely no mercy.
Depending on the way you died, Jeremiah either loses faith in humanity or pushing for salvation further. There's a possibility he can bring you back through weird sorta God means.
Maddox is used to death as a reaper, but if they cannot see you after you die they'll remain alone in the sands of time for eternity; thinking of you and unable to cope with the grief
C.C is similar to Baron, but on a smaller scale. Completely sees humans as mere objects and will not interact with them afterwards. He tries to deny missing you, but is a wreck inside and destructive to everyone and even himself. Disgusted by the touch of another, as he can never feel yours again.
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faroreswinds · 2 years
Azure Moon - Chapter 10
We are now in part 2 of Azure Moon
Ashe is worried about what will happen between the Kingdom and the Alliance after the war a bit but... why? Listen, we know Claude is a snake but we don’t really have a reason to be suspicious of the Alliance this time around. 
An NPC talks about all the commoners who have been promoted to high positions in the Kingdom. Wow, it’s like all the lords wanted to make these changes to their lands or something...
Gilbert was sent to the Alliance? No, give him back. I don’t share my dilf harems.
The Central Church is helping refugees from the Empire, the very people who once attacked them. Jesus, this game has two routes where the Church is “evil” and yet this route is just tearing all that down. 
Whoa, the main theme of Houses (and Foldan) is a motif in the background for the camp music. Did they do that too for the other routes and I just wasn’t paying attention? Totally possible. 
There is an NPC who was helped by Dimitri. He lifted a wagon out of the mud for her, and she didn’t find out till later that it was the king. Cute. 
Yuri says being hired was a formality- he has friends and family in the Kingdom so he’s happy to be back. 
There is an Imperial General in the camp that joined the Kingdom. Says Ferdinand and Hubert are missing. They are 100% dead, I tell you. Lame....
Uhh.... What do you mean, Felix, that you thought the emperor’s actions were rash but not totally unreasonable? Do you mean the war? Uhhh, no one was liking it six months ago. Unless you mean the reforms? I have no FUCKING clue but you better not mean the war was not unreasonable.
Some NPC is talking smack about Kingdom food. But dude, we ARE in a war. Grub is war food, deal. 
I’m disappointed we didn’t get... more out of Miklan’s death. Sylvain does mention his mom is taking is hard since she loved him as if he was his own son, but I feel like... there should have been more? Disappointing. 
Seteth doesn’t really have issues about people not being religious but he would like to see the faith spread. He has issues with the Western and Eastern Churches in their own ways
Damn, Dimitri passed out for three days after the last big battle? Poor Dedue, must have worried him sick
Randolph appears in a side map. This boy will die soon, I know it, lol
So the Empire is now just destroying fucking everything. And they suspect the emperor is a mere puppet. 
And now the Western Church is attacking? Oh, whoa, now the main map has changed. I’m trying to remember if GW did something similar. I don’t recall, honestly. I’ll have to check back on my recordings, but I don’t think so. 
A little annoyed that they are doing the ol’ switcharoo, a surprise attack and changing targets. Not as bad as GW did but still, annoying.
Ah, the Slithers are involved. Cornelia’s people rearing their ugly heads. 
Shez is really wondering how he is related to Thales, Tomas, and Cornelia. 
Ah, we recruit Balthus this time. Interesting. 
Metodey is on this map! My evil son! And he’s an Imperial General and not just a bandit this time.
Oh wait, Balthus is an ally, not an enemy? Very interesting indeed. I think that makes more allies you can recruit than the other two routes but I’m not sure. Technically he did join the other side but he’s decided to not help them since they are killing innocents. 
We aren’t even in Kingdom territory, they are just killing anyone really.
Metodey is dead. Myson says that we are only descendants of inconsequential beasts. 
Even the Western Church is like “nah man, I’m out of here, this slaughter sucks”. But we took them out for being assholes anyways. 
Whoa, Myson actually approaches Shez, asking how he got the power of Epimenides. Hmmm... his core? I guess that’s what is implanted into Shez. Then the asshole fled. 
Shez is starting to fear his power. He’s is sure he is connected to the Slithers now. 
Man, this route is doing a better job with the Slithers and Shez tbh. 
But I think SB still does the best with the Byleth/Shez dynamic, alas. 
Claude. Hi there. 
He’s trying to make it look like they are attacking the Empire to keep them distracted as we try to take back the monastery. I... kinda forgot that’s what we were doing, lol. 
Ah, those traitorous houses are keeping their lands for now, but have new people in place to keep them from being assholes again. 
No one really trusts Claude though. Which is a bit odd, since they really haven’t done anything to warrant this distrust in this route. 
Rodrigue is asking if Dimitri can strike down his stepsister.
“In a way, she and I are no different. Starting wars of our own volition”. UH, NO. HOLY FUCK, I AM SO TIRED OF THIS ROUTE INSISTING THEY STARTED A FUCKING WAR. 
Whoa, Patricia left a note behind. 
It was a request from her to another traitorous house to help her kill her husband, and as well as express sympathies to the changes Lambert was bringing that the house was going so suffer through.
Dimitri says Patricia always looked past him, as if she was looking for something else entirely. 
“There is no guarantee that a parent will love their child” True, but cold as fuck. Did Patricia every truly love Dimitri? 
Shez would rather die than kill Dimitri (much to Arval’s horror)
Catherine, Ashe, and Yuri....
Catherine and Ashe talk about what happened in the past (but we don’t get to see it. Well, we learn about it in Houses anyways). 
Then Ashe went off. Now he’s in trouble, Ashe is surrounded. Catherine and Yuri are worried about him. 
The enemies are after Ashe. House Gaspard in particular. They probably think of him as a traitor. 
Yuri has a lot of confidence in him. He roots for him because they both came from nothing. 
Ashe starts to doubt himself and his chosen path. Thankfully, Yuri is very supportive and snaps him out of it and encourages him. 
Pallardo? Wtf, why is he here as the commander? 
Did we kill him? Will he not play a role in the main story like the other two routes? 
Well, it’s weird that Pallardo is the one who started the attack... like, why? Weird. A little forced, but I like the idea behind the paralogue overall. Just wish it wasn’t fucking Pallardo. 
Ok Yuri and Ashe.... now kiss. 
Or am I?
The other paralogue available is Lorenz, Raphael, and Ignatz. We have already done that one, so I won’t comment on it here. 
Lots of Supports Opened up after the time skip!
Dimitri and Felix A - The only thing I find disappointing is I wish we got a bit more main story build up to this one But beyond that.....
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And more of what he suffers!
Dimitri’s “enjoyment” that Felix saw all those years ago was Dimitri smiling at the voices cheering, not his own glee to be killing. 
Felix is actually being fucking nice for once. 
And Felix likes being Dimitri’s right-hand man!
Ok, this wasn’t feeling too shippy until..... Felix literally carrying Dimitri to bed.
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Dimitri and Dedue A - “Dedue, would you avenge me if I asked?”
“Yes, I would”
“If I told you to forget me and live in happiness, would you?”
“No, I could not know happiness without you by my side” 
“Perhaps if I had been born to a different fate, I could have traveled with you as a mercenary. Or be a farmer” 
“Every time I see you slumped over your desk, I fear death as taken you”
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T-they were written to be a couple right.... RIGHT?!
Sylvain and Ashe A - Sylvain wants to steal Ashe for his territory (but Ashe only serves Dimitri). Dimitri, however, has asked Ashe to consider taking over Lonato’s territory instead of being a knight forever. Looks like Ashe is seriously considering it, especially for Lonato’s legacy. I like this support, seeing them being friends and stuff. Ashe is right, though, Sylvain has always been a serious man deep down. 
Dedue and Annette A - Dedue is stressing over the fact that the gap between him and Relic users is so big. He’s opening up. He’s jealous. But Annette says he is awesome (and he is!) because he can really just do about anything- sew, cook, garden, swing a big axe, woo Dimitri....
Mercedes and Ingrid A - Cute support. Not much to say, really. Just nice. Ingrid is looking out for her squires by being strict. Mercedes brings sweets. Mercedes just being a big sister, really. 
Mercedes and Annette A - A much better support chain than from Houses. Friends forever <3. Travel together, grow old together, and many more things. 
Annette and Shez A - Shez hasn’t seen sheet music before. Oh, and a mercenaries dying was singing Annette’s song till his last breath, smiling. That is fucking depressing as shit. 
Shez and Seteth A - With many saints resting at the monastery, it must be really hard to know that Seteth can’t go back to his home. To him, it was a safe haven at last, only to be taken away. Seteth at least is trusting Shez now. 
Shez and Flayn A - Flayn and Seteth were alone, only each other, for a very long time. Poor Flayn, she just wants a normal life, but being a dragon basically means she won’t be able to, huh?
Shez and Sylvain A - “I feel bad we roped you into this war” Uhh... Sylvain? Shez is from Foldan. The war is literally ALL over. He was roped into it by literally existing there. But you mean the battle on the kingdom side, fine, just bad wording. But Sylvain says they are fighting for their homes. The Kingdom is a rough place, but it’s theirs. Oh, and he’s still working on that gun. 
Shez and Felix B - Shez has a hard-to-read fighting style because he developed it himself. That’s... that’s it, really. Felix’s style is.... apparently “reacting to how things play out” which is how... fighting works, Shez.
Ingrid and Shez A - There has been some prosperity in the Kingdom despite the war. And Ingrid is thinking about how she can better help Dimitri in the future, like teaching farming, even if she couldn’t be a knight. Shez is going to have a hard time being everyone’s personal merc (he throws his offer to quite a few people in their A support). 
Shez and Felix A - Rodrigue taught Felix the fighting stuff. But it’s their family style of fighting for generations. But Felix is too keen, he feels like Shez talks to someone in his head in battle (and he is, lol). 
Felix and Ingrid A - Aw, Felix was worried that Ingrid may have gotten injured and came to check. And it’s nice to see Felix might be fucking learning a lesson, about “sentimentality” and maybe the dead helping the living. Then Felix suggests she go put flowers on Glenn’s grave. I liked this one. 
Felix and Sylvain A - Felix defended Sylvain when someone soldiers were talking smack about him. Felix, you tsundere. But uh, Sylvain, why did you have to play that role? You really honestly didn’t have to. That’s just bullshit. Holy fuck, Felix is blushing now, saying how Sylvain helps Dimitri and himself. 
Annette and Ashe A - Annette really wants to be a teacher. That’s it, really. (Maybe an implication there are more schools? Idk).
Ingrid and Sylvain A - Sylvain is such a big brother, lol. He is happy to see Ingrid eat a good meal. I mean, I know they can become a romantic couple, but eh. The four of the childhood friends are family. (Makes her death in SB hit even harder). 
Dimitri and Bernie A - What a waste. 
Literally, it’s just Flayn’s support about Dimitri eating food that tastes bad because he literally can’t taste. 
Except annoying as fuck. 
Shez and Dimitri A - Hm. Well, Hopes really want to push this idea that people don’t have a choice in life due to the way things are. Like... being a prince. Which is what Edelgard wants to end. So does Claude, technically. But... Dimitri’s choice in Houses when he decides to live for himself is to quite literally... to make his people life a happy and peacefully life. It’s really no different than what Hopes Dimitri wishes to do, honestly, just that he’s viewing it a bit differently. 
Plus, the truth is is that people sometimes don’t have a choice. That’s just life. I don’t have a choice to work. I have to work, I have to make money. Some people are rich enough to have that choice.
What about someone who has to care for another person? They didn’t get a choice either, unless they decide to abandon that person. 
The reality is is that life is not fair. And we must choose to live life we can with what was given to us. 
And technically speaking, Dimitri CAN abandon the throne if he really wants to. He just has too much of a strong sense of duty to even do that. 
I also think people are putting his “Upon my death” thing a little wrongly. Yes, he would be “happy to die”, but he also says he would be happy knowing that he created a world of peace for his people. Sure, it comes with his death, but it’s the idea that he could look back and see that he was able to make a difference throughout his entire life. 
It’s is a bit dismal since he can’t think of anything else, but I think most of the discourse around this particular line is just focusing on the wrong aspects of it. The real issue should be not the death part, but that it’s all he could think of. That he can’t focus on the more simple pleasures, the things like feasting with friends or watching a sunset. That’s the bigger issue. 
Dedue and Ingrid A - Dedue is a fucking giant, lol. But my man is a fountain of wisdom. “It’s human nature to generalize” Yup. This is a great support. Also, nice to see Ingrid’s love of food playing a bigger role in these supports. Oh...  oh no, Dedue is going to scold Dimitri for just walking around and going to places like a random inn, even if it’s run by a Duscur person and even if Ingrid is by his side, lol. Poor Dimitri. Poor Dedue.
Marianne and Ingrid C - Why wouldn’t Ingrid know that a horse would need more hay than oats? She’s... grown up around pegasi and shit.... :/ Also, I haven’t talked about this much, but Marianne basically being able to understand animals in such fine detail is basically a superpower. Is it a Crest thing? They never attribute it to Crests but surely it’s basically a crest thing. 
Dimitri and Mercedes A - Mercedes shows Dimitri the town she took shelter in. Dimitri hides the fact he is king, as he usually does. Basically, she is showing him what he is protecting. Places like this village, a nice little place where everyone is accepted. Then Mercedes teases Dimitri that she will just introduce him as someone very important (making him flustered, since it implies they are together). Of course, she was just teasing. Not really a ship I care about but it’s sweet. 
Shez and Dedue A - Very cute, just Dedue earning the trust of fellow Kingdom Knights, and that Dedue trusts Shez despite his powers. (Followed by if he did betray him or Dimitri he would cut him down in an instant, lol)
Shez and Catherine C - Man, I wish we could actually meet Count Charon. Catherine is basically just super loyal to Rhea, and for Shez to challenge himself and make his past self proud. 
Felix and Raphael C - Felix is being weirdly nice and sharing his food with the hungry guy. “Meat buddy” kek. And Petra is mentioned. Can you not get this support if you don’t recruit Petra, or does the line change? 
Catherine and Dedue C - Dedue is a little suspicious at first cause Catherine showed up out of nowhere. It’s a town of Duscur people and they don’t follow the teachings of Seiros. But Rhea decided to help the town out of the goodness of her heart, nothing more. (The town suffered a major fire). 
Damn, more “starting a war in the process for us” why tf does everyone keep forgetting the Empire started the war? 
Seteth and Yuri C - Yuri is investigating the Ten Elites because he doesn’t know where his Crest has come from. He had heard the Ten Elites did not get their Crests at birth so he wanted to start there. Seteth encourages him and says that not to hate the power but to cherish it. But Seteth clearly knows something more. 
Yuri and Dimitri C - “A funny knight” lol, cute way to describe Dimitri. (But what kid says “obtuse”, damn educated commoner kids, lol). (Also, Dimitri completely unfazed by being called “idiot”). Yuri is pissed that Dimitri is waltzing around unprotected and unguarded in unsafe streets, since if he dies a huge war of succession will break out. But Dimitri wants to learn about the commoners as much as possible, to see how they live and to understand them better. Then, Dimitri asks Yuri to protect him then, which Yuri finds amusing and agrees. 
What I find particularly ironic about this support is that Yuri says the area isn’t a outright slum but still dangerous to the king. However, in Houses, Dimitri quite literally lives in slums for 5 years. Dimitri in Houses def understand the common folk better than probably any nobles, and maybe even some commoners. 
Catherine and Dedue B - Catherine is impressed that trust between Duscur and the kingdom is there. Then they compare Rhea and Dimitri to each other, that they can’t abandon people in need. (Also, Catherine says that she not religious at all). And apparently Rhea and Dimitri are often seen with children. (Which is funny, because Dimitri worries about being with children since he doesn’t know how to act with them, yet he enjoys being with them). Damn, this entire support really tears down the “RHEA IS EVIL” nonsense, truly. 
Damn, but what a way to end that support “But if they cross swords, we would kill each other without hesitation.” Damn girl calm down.
Sylvain and Ignatz C - Some culture lore, there are different painting styles across the nations. Apparently the lady in the painting (an Imperal painting apparently) looks kind, like Lady Rhea per Ignatz’s words. Sylvain thinks the lady might be Miklan’s mother since she is from the Empire. 
Also, Sylvain is interested in fucking everything, kek. Saint Macuil is apparently associated with birds (lol, makes sense). Kingdom is also not super good with art, not in their general interests. But Sylvain is (despite it originally being because he wanted to impress the ladies).
Annette and Lorenz C - Lorenz mistook Annette for a maid years ago when they were back at the school of sorcery. And was an ass about it years ago. I still like Lorenz but yeah, he’s sometimes an ass to commoners. Lorenz left the school not long after that because of the Tragedy. 
Sylvain and Yuri C - Apparently, the two of them have been keeping an eye on each other. Sylvain has been waiting for Yuri to make a wrong move. But Yuri respects Sylvain, despite calling him cunning and very dangerous. But he’s right, Sylvain is dangerous, despite all the smiles and playing a fool often. I would even argue Sylvain is more dangerous than Felix or Dimitri. Those idiots wear their hearts on their sleeves. Sylvain is sneakier. In a way, Sylvain is kinda the Hubert to Dimitri, the clever one who keeps their ear to the ground and swords pointed to the backs of those they don’t trust. Except, Sylvain isn’t as evil or doesn’t stoop nearly as low. 
Whoever wrote Sylvain for Hopes really knew the character. I’m impressed. 
Annette and Ignatz C - Annette’s model literally just materialized, lol. Anyway, Ignatz is worried if he’s a good knight or not. So asks about Gustave, who is legendary. Apparently, he was just a soldier over 40 years ago at the royal castle. Lambert, who was still just a kid, was fucking around and fell off a ledge. Gustave saved his life by fucking throwing his spear and pinning the young prince’s clothes to a wall, saving his life. That got him promoted to being a knight. Then he changed his training to throwing a spear at leaves to a tree trunk. This motherfucker never missed a day of training (and it’s no wonder his training regiment with Dimitri was so... intense.). Ignatz becomes... disheartened. Who can blame him? Gustave doesn’t have a Crest but the dude is a legend. Why isn’t he as legendary as Holst?!
That’s my DILF, he belongs in my harem.
Royal Territories of Faerghus: Book Two (1180 Edition)
A margraviate situated at the northernmost point of Foldan. 
The Ruska Mountains on its foreign border guard against invasion from Sreng. Most of its territory is covered in conifer woodlands and the climate remains cold year-round. 
Chief products are fish and lumber, but the vast plains around the capital also allow for raising of cattle. 
A desolate county of rugged rocky mountains and barren plains. 
Ill-suited for farming, has very few large-scale settlements,
Does boast the exact type of pasture favored by pegasi near its Fraldarius border. Has become well known for its pegasi stock. 
A small but beautiful barony. Coastal cities have become a hub of commerce through trade with Albinea. 
A viscounty with northern mountains that produce gold, albeit in modest amounts. 
A county. Features robust ironworks and smithing centered around Arianrhod. East is known for its Bacchus production. 
A viscounty that boasts unique culture due to influence of the Western Church.
A grand duchy. Mercenary dispatch and the small-scale hunts that take place in the Itha Plains, which cover the majority of the region, form the main pillars of the economy. 
A viscounty. Fishing and boat construction have long been its chief industries. 
A county boasting pastoral countryside throughout. The basin of the Taranus River that runs through the south provides fertile plains. 
A viscounty famous for its high-quality wool. 
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sirthisisa-wendys · 4 years
Half Past Five: Geto Suguru x Fem!Reader
synopsis: an innocent request turns into a long night (and early morning) with you and Geto Suguru. 
words: 2049
tw: nsfw (smut)
It’s too hot. 
Your entire body is soaked with sweat when you shoot up from the bed, panting while your stomach cramps wildly. Breath hisses between your teeth as you toss the covers aside and pad to the thermostat across the room, your feet dragging along the dorm’s wooden floor. After you tap the down button one, two, three, four times, you shuffle back to the bed, crawling into the memory of your body shape.
As you sink into the bed again, a gentle groan escapes Suguru’s lips. He turns over and places his arm around you carefully, tucking his nose into the crook of your neck before inhaling deeply. 
“Too warm, sweetheart?” He wonders sleepily, and you roll your eyes at the fact that Geto doesn’t notice the heat his own body emits at all hours of the night, like a furnace.
“Hmm,” you reply, the half-answer enough to send the sorcerer beside you back to sleep. But this suffering was mild compared to the nights you spent alone in your room when Suguru was away. The chill in the room reminded you of your utter loneliness, and sleep would not find you unless you had him - or at least some token of his - nearby. 
But on nights when he was with you, you fall asleep before him - the fuzzy outline of his figure hunched over some book at the desk or in the chair. Other nights, you would fall asleep without him completely, cradling yourself in the sheets before succumbing to fitful moments of rest, which was not so easy. As you think of those times, your pulse quickens and an uneasy feeling settles in the pit of your stomach. 
You weren’t the strongest by any means. You were sure there would never be a time when you and Geto would be paired together to take on a curse user or a curse itself. No, you would always be confined to the back of the line, watching the other sorcerers go before you; some to the slaughter, others on to glory. Each time, fate would roll the dice and you would be beholden to the outcome of a single roll. If the dice was loaded, you would expect a favorable result. If the dice was not… 
“Su?” You breathe, and you feel him stir slightly. Before you ask your question, you lace your fingers through the hand that rests on top of you, and at this motion, Suguru opens one eye, prepared to answer whatever you ask. “What happens if you don’t come back?” 
A stunned silence stretches on between the two of you. 
“Why are you thinking about that, y/n?” Geto whispers, tightening his grip on your fingers. 
“Don’t answer my question with another question.” He exhales deeply and sits up a little, thinking before replying slowly. 
“If I don’t come back… things will go on like they’re supposed to.” 
“And what about me?” A sigh.
“You will go on as well. You’re strong, y/n, more than you realize.” Suguru places a tender kiss in the space between your neck and your shoulder, pulling you closer to his furnace of a body. “Besides, if I don’t come back, you’ll have to deal with Gojo alone. I have every intention of continuing to shield you from that mess of a man.” A smile spreads across your lips as you think of all the times Gojo has purposefully picked on you, which causes Suguru to quip back with a stinging retort. You never had to speak up for yourself when Su is around - except, of course, if he was doing the taunting. Usually it was followed by a pinch to the thigh or a playful swat at your backside; all signals that he was just having his fun. 
“I would really hate that,” you sigh into the pillow, but Suguru doesn’t reply. He’s still awake; you can feel the uneven breathing on your neck hairs. In times like these, you assume he’s deep in thought, working out all possible scenarios to whatever situation his mind is stuck on. Suguru hadn’t let you out of his sight for one second while you were together. The past two weeks were full of “come here” and “sit here” and “stay right there” and “don’t go anywhere” and - surprisingly - “Satoru will take you” if you needed to go somewhere while he studied, despite not trusting the white-haired man to be a chaperone instead of the child Satoru always tended to be. 
But even so… you turn to face the man beside you, pressing a hand to his warm cheek. His eyes are already open, now running over your face earnestly. 
“What are you thinking about?” You murmur, and the side of his lips twitch up a bit before he whispers back. 
“I’m thinking about sandpaper. Who came up with the concept, you know? What drove them to innovate such an invention?” 
“Su…” you warn, catching him in his lie. He huffs a breath in a chuckle, then runs his fingers across your exposed collarbone. 
“It’s always how I’m going to protect the people I love. I never have thoughts about anything else, kitten.” 
“Can I distract you from those thoughts for a little while?” You wonder, sliding a hand down from his face to the waistband of his sweatpants. A low growl resonates in Suguru’s chest as you finger the happy trail leading to the hair above his dick, pausing to run a finger around the small swath of hair. 
“Tempting,” he replies, taking his fingers off your collarbone and snaking them around your waist. “How do you propose distracting me?” 
“Well, first -” Your nimble fingers clasp around the base of his already-hard length and tug slightly. “I want to feel you.” Suguru squeezes his eyes shut as you work your hand back and forth over his dick, tenderly feeling the thick veins. He’s breathless while you swipe a thumb over the bead of pre-cum at the tip, then work your hand down the underside of his dick with care. That only lasts for a few minutes before your other unoccupied hand pulls down his sweatpants - no boxers here - and you duck under the sheets with ease. 
Your tongue flicks out to caress the tip of his thick cock, and when Suguru moans out loud, you know you’ve achieved your initial goal. For now, he wasn’t thinking about others. He was thinking about himself, which is just what you desired. 
“Y/n…” He groans, tangling his fingers in your curls while you begin sucking his length eagerly. “Fuck.” It isn’t until you take him in your mouth completely that the second goal forms in your mind: make him cum twice in a row. He’d been caught bragging to Satoru about his prowess in bed… now he might as well put his money where his mouth is. 
“Mmmph.” The cock in your mouth releases with a pop and the sorcerer who is beholden to your spell sucks in a sharp breath before pulling you up to his face. You weren’t done, not at all, but Suguru kisses you deeply, tasting himself with pride. While your tongues dance around in each other’s mouths, he makes quick work of your underwear and slides it down your hips, leaving it under the sheets. His sweatpants are already gone, and he grips both of your arms, hoisting you on top of him. 
“Ride me.” The command is followed by another rough kiss and a harsh smack on your left cheek. You reach down between your legs to position Suguru’s cock at your entrance, already soaking wet, and press down on the tip with some resistance. The tight fit makes the man beneath you toss his head back and curse as he slides inside, and you echo his words as you work more of him into you. “Goddamn, y/n…” When you bottom out, a shudder works its way up your spine, and Suguru feels it too as he runs a hand up you back. 
You start off slow, placing a hand on his broad chest as you slide up and down his cock. The way he looks at you sends shockwaves to your core; his lidded eyes and grip on your ass enough to send you over the edge this early in the morning. You catch a pleasurable rhythm as you bounce on his lap, closing your eyes and fondling your own breasts as Su watches from below in awe. It isn’t long before he presses you down to his chest and takes over for you with intense strokes, letting the sound of your skin slapping together echo around the room. 
“Fuck, Su!” At your exclamation, he looks up at you with intensity. 
“Cum for me, baby.” He breathes, staring at your face full of ecstasy. “I want you to cum.” The urging from Suguru did absolutely nothing for your resolve - but you didn’t say you had to restrict yourself. The orgasm rippled through you like waves from a stone thrown in a pond. But Suguru didn’t stop during your moment of intense pleasure. “That’s it…” He cooed, running a hand up and down your back as your grunt, the orgasm finally abating. 
When you recover, Suguru rolls you onto your side and wraps an arm under your top leg, beginning his strokes again. This time, they’re deeper and hit that spot just right, and you notice the raven-haired sorcerer’s hands clenching tighter on your leg than before. 
“Fuck me, Su,” you pant, and he obliges, pressing a tender kiss to your lips before really giving it to you. The sense is knocked out of you, the bed frame shakes violently, and you swear you can hear his neighbors waking up to the sound of the headboard bucking against the wall. Not again, they’ll moan, but you don’t have enough bandwidth in your mind to ask Su to ease up. 
“You… cum… twice… too,” is all you can gasp out, and he nods. 
“‘Course, babe, I’m not going to let you have all of the fun.” While he fucks you, Suguru litters hickies all over your neck and upper chest, ensuring that everyone would see that you’re with him. It’s not like they don’t know, but every once in a while, he likes to make a point to mention the cracked footboard (from that time he fucked you backwards on the bed and held onto the footboard so tight that it gave out) or the time you scratched him so bad that it left a mark for a week. This is no different. 
Your plan is failing, you realize, as the tally for orgasms is you: 1, Su: none. Another slap on your ass brings you back to the present moment, and your eyes snap to Suguru. He’s frowning a little, and jerks his chin at you.
“Don’t zone out on me.” He resumes fucking you, and you wrap an arm around his large body, trying to touch his other shoulder and failing. Your arm slips from his shoulder anyway and your hand lands on his neck, where sweat and cords of muscle bunch underneath your fingers. Su’s hand moves from your ass to the back of your knee, where he pulls it up a little higher. 
The immediate reaction for you is to cry out; his reaction is to start massaging your clit with vigor. 
“Cum with me.” His request is met with unquestionable agreement; you nod eagerly while he pumps into you before faltering for a second. “Oh, shit.”  Your grip on his neck tightens as the waves of pleasure crash over you one more time, which nudges Suguru over the edge as well. 
“Oh, yes, that’s perfect…” He breathes, shuddering as warm cum shoots into you. But instead of sighing and resting against the pillows, you feel him shift his hips again, pulling out and turning you on your stomach before sliding back in easily. 
You squeak as he sinks into you, still rock hard. 
“I’m not done with you yet. I still have one more to go, and you haven’t squirted yet.” As he starts his strokes up again, he grunts with each push into you. “Be careful what you ask for, kitten. We’re going to be here for a while.”
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candyopala · 3 years
Your Beating Heart, Chapter 1
This work’s initial idea was based on a prompt by @closer-to-u
Summary: During the preparations for the edo tensei, Obito is conflicted by his own heart and curse and ends up saving a ninja from Konoha from slaughter. He now has to deal with the consequences of his actions and fight his own urges to go back into his innocent past self. Can he return to his heartless actions after this?
Words: 1k
Thank you for reading! This is a fic I’ll be working on as I finish Stuck on His Ways. It is a little bit angstier and closer to canon than my other ones, I hope you enjoy! Leave a like or reblog, it helps a lot!
WARNING: mentions of blood, gore, death and su1c1de under the cut
The Uchiha ties up the scratches on his skin, tokens from his last battle. He has been getting hurt more often, getting too sloppy in combat. One more week of preparations for the war. One more week enduring Kabuto on the hideout, bringing in nin to slay for the edo tensei. The constant screaming eating away Obito’s mind and patience. Even someone with a track record as dirty as Obito’s would be bothered.
Obito is sick of it, his heart constricted by the anxiety of the plan nearing fruition, his head far too worried about every detail. He feels tired, tired of working so hard for something he is not entirely sure about the logistics of. Catch the tailed beasts, become the ten tails jinchuuriki, cast the jutsu and? Is that all that there is? Immediate dream world?
The Uchiha lays his back against the cave’s wall, the same dark and cold place that Madara dragged him to all those years ago. He can clearly picture himself training to no end near that left corner, crying about Rin on the right one after that terrible night…
His heart tightens even more. He misses her despite his suspicions that they will not meet again in life, not even in dream. Took him years to realize that death is his only escape, that this fake and forsaken world cannot bring her back. He might as well ruin everything as he leaves, bringing the moon’s eye plan to fruition. Serving as the tool he knows he is.
The feeling of anger and anguish consumed him along the years as his dreams slipped by, sanity chipped away inch by inch every time he had to commit another atrocity. He fully gave himself away, trying his best to kill every ounce of humanity he ever had. He is no longer Obito, this name resides only on the confines of his mind.
He could not. Obito could not fully kill himself. Obito knows that his heart still beats despite Madara’s seal on it. It still hurts tremendously despite the curse’s attempts of killing it. He knows that he is himself deep down there; he just will not dare utter his own name, not anymore. He watches his actions and secretly hurts because of them, the small naïve boy inside of him still shocked at everything that surrounds him, still looking to find some sort of affection or appreciation.
As Kabuto and the Zetsus bring in another batch of shinobi for slaughter, Obito faces the other way. A man and a woman. He hears the man scream as Kabuto slays his throat. His heart tightens at the sound but is soon soothed by the curse, making him feel empty again, not sorry for those people.
“NO!” the woman screams, her pained cries tearing through the stone.
The slain nin trashes around, gagging in his own blood, fighting for every breath.
By pure reflex, Obito looks at the scene. Kabuto briefly leaves the room, seemingly going to fetch something he forgot. Obito seem the poor shinobi fumble around her partner’s blood, dirtying her hands as she tries to heal him, picking up his limp body from the ground as best as she can with the shackles tying her. A familiar scene for him.
Zetsu lets out a chuckle at her struggle, provoking her delicate face to twist even more with anguish and disgust. She notices that she won’t be able to save her fellow nin, he has already bled out. She screams again in frustration, letting out every inch of pain she feels. The woman looks around the cave in desperation, her eyes closing in onto Obito’s orange mask as she finds him against the wall. Obito notices her stare, boring into him. It is as if he were not wearing a mask, she looks directly at him despite having no clear visual ability.   
“Kill me! Kill me!” She feverishly yells at him
The Uchiha is surprised by that, caught off guard. The curse tells him to kill her, to cut through her throat with a knife and shut her up. His heart, on the other hand, beats slowly, giving a small and rather annoying reminder of him that it is still there, keeping what is left of him in check.
“I don’t want to live in this world! Fuck this! Fuck this cursed world! Do what you have to do already!” She screams at him again, seeing the he barely responded to her previous plea.  
Obito’s heart drops. It drops as it has not in years, he feels a rush of sadness and empathy take him away. He approaches her, kunai in hand, looking at her teary eyes filled with despair. The Uchiha tries to raise the weapon and do it, but to no avail. He knows he has to kill her, but something in him prevents him from doing it.
Her smaller hands filled with blood, her partner in her arms. Something he experienced himself all those years ago, something he saw repeatedly over these awful years in the field. Her face, ever so delicate, dirtied with ugly feelings and her colleague’s insides. She was in hell, Obito knew that.
Kabuto returns in a hurry and swiftly goes to finish his job, only to be prevented to do so by Obito. Obito acted on a whim, threatening him with the kunai and his sharingan. The curse is overwhelmed by his instinct, for the first time in ages, he takes it over. It had been weakening for months and it finally reached a point where he is now strong enough to fight it, albeit briefly.
“I’m letting her go.”
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melishade · 2 years
So there have been some questions asked in the comment section of Attack on Prime and I’ve given my responses to them in detail because I like to explain my writing process. So I’m going to post the questions and answers here so you guys can get a little more context, and hopefully prompt more questions to be asked. The link for Attack on Prime is on my blog, and enjoy:
(Oh and spoilers for Attack on Titan in general)
Ultra Battle 99:  I am wondering why Annie hates Reiner and wants to kill him, is it because she blames him for not saving Bertholdt or simply continuing a pointless mission?
melishade: A few reasons. One: Annie has stated in the manga that she has thought about killing Reiner and says it directly to his face, and really, who could blame her? He forced her to continue a mission that she didn't want to do. She thought going back after losing Marcel was the better option, and she was right, considering the outcome. He also forced her to take Marco's 3D gear off and leave him to die because Reiner didn't know when to keep his mouth shut. She went on the undercover missions while Reiner and Bertholdt slept soundly. She was the one who had to pursue Eren while Reiner and Bertholdt played hero. She was the one who had to crystalize herself for four years to prevent their secrets from being discovered.Also, Annie is going through a lot in the Attack on Prime storyline. In AOT, Annie is in a state of limbo for four years where no one can really touch her. In my story, Annie:
-gets her arm disintegrated by Optimus Prime, even if he didn't know that would happen. -gets kidnapped by the Walled government and experimented on with energon. -gets thrown around like a rag doll when fighting against Megatron, who threatens to kill the one thing she's truly fighting for, which is her father -gets experimented on again in Marley, and she's been stuck underground dealing with the abuse from the Marleyan scientists.
All of this would not have happened if Reiner had listened to her. If Reiner turned back when she said, they may have lived. If Reiner turned back, she wouldn't have had to kill Marco. The Flying Titan wouldn't have beaten her to the ground if Reiner had just waited for him to leave Shinganshina. Bertholdt would still be alive. She would not have been tortured and experimented on by both enemy and ally. Her father's life would not hang in the balance. 
And yes, Annie is not innocent. She's killed and slaughtered without a care in the world, but it is human nature to find someone else to blame for our own faults because it is easier. And with the continued experimentation Annie goes through as of right now doesn't give her mental stability. Annie blames Reiner for everything he forced her to do. Annie blames Reiner for the torment she goes through now. Annie hates Reiner because he's selfish and stupid. But her hate of Reiner will come back to bite her.
Question 2:
KryptoKnight_Rao:  However what prompted me to comment was what's going on between Megatron and Willy? Did I see a hint of romance or was that just brotherly affection? Either way I'm here for it XD  
melishade: I'm actually glad someone asked about this. For Megatron, for the time being, Willy is a means to an end. Willy is literally the only thing protecting him from prison or interrogation, and if he didn't save Willy's life, Megatron wouldn't have been able to move about freely. Also, learning about Willy, getting to know him, could lead to him knowing the identity of the War Hammer Titan an any other perceived weaknesses. So Megatron will, at the very least, feign a weird sense of friendship if it means gaining his trust. However, some of the responses that Willy has given him throws him off, and the acts of kindness Willy gives doesn't sit well with Megatron. That's because he's not used to it. He's always used to people trying to kill him or be afraid of him. He knows if Willy knew who he was, he would run. So he tries not to think to hard on Willy's acts of kindness. He knows what would happen if the truth was revealed.
Meanwhile Willy, is both grateful and fascinated by Megatron, or Matthew in this case. Grateful because Megatron saved his life and his family, and fascinated because of how different Megatron acts from everyone else he's met. He's so used to people respecting him, treating him with dignity, and worshiping the ground he walks because of his name and title. But he knows without that, he would just be treated like filth. Just like every other Eldian devil on this world. Willy doesn't have the luxury of being treated like a normal person.
But Megatron shows up and is not walking on eggshells around him or trying to be respectful. He's actively calling Willy out for his hypocrisy, and Willy is happy. Because someone is treating him like a normal human being. Not a god or a devil. And Willy's fascinated with that because he wants to know how someone could even think like that in a world that hates Eldians. How can someone be kind to Eldians and say they and the Marleyans are no different? Because that mentality has been heavily indoctrinated in this world. Oddly enough, Willy sees Megatron as a genuine friend.
Question 3:
Useful: Megatron could in theory destroy Marley and be done with it. But after infiltrating Marley and learning the discrimination Eldians receive is Megatron lowkey counting Eldians as....allies to Optimus and the island? Because it makes sense. Megatron started a revolution for bad reasons but can he rectify it and start something for good. Honestly Megs should just begin transporting Eldians to the island from Marley. Eldians learning that they can live life normally would be -french kiss- and start some crazy shit.
melishade: Well...in theory. But it's too risky for Megatron to try any of that at the moment.
Before I hop into that though, I wanted to explain even though Megatron eventually became corrupt, he actually did start the revolution with good intentions. Violence has just been so ingrained in his nature that it's hard to separate from that, and he depends more on it as the war goes on, which ultimately leads to said corruption. The explanation we get from Ratchet about Optimus and Megatron's beginning are quite biased since Ratchet has been known to very specifically hate Megatron throughout TFP, and I'd recommend taking a look at Transformers Exodus for more context towards Megatron. I think there's a pdf of it online somewhere.
But it regards to Megatron helping out the Eldians in Marley, it's still to risky to try that for three reasons.
One: he doesn't have the resources to transport them in masse. He'd only be able to take one person at a time, and even if he did, Marley would immediately start an investigation into the Eldians and that could lead him to getting outed. If he had resources like a ship or a spacebridge, this wouldn't be a problem.
Two: the Eldians in Marley are too ingrained in the brainwashing and it's the world against the island. The Eldians in Marley have been dead set on killing everyone on Paradis to make amends for something they had no hand in. Sure, we've seen Eldians and Marleyans be proven wrong in the show, but Eldians in Marley are not going to listen to Megatron when they don't feel the want or need to leave. Also, even if the Eldians in Marley saw the truth, it's still the world against Paradis. It's the world against the island. Paradis is still behind in technology while other countries have weapons that can decommission the Armored Titan. They would not take that kind of risk, especially someone like Reiner who's lived among the Eldians for about five years. The safest option for the Eldians is Marley.
Three: Who the hell is going to want to accept help from and trust Megatron? First of all, Megatron is a titan, and titans are vehemently hated throughout the world. And second, he's the Flying Titan. The one who ripped out the heart of the Armored Titan, defeated the Colossal and Female Titan with ease, and captured the Jaws Titan. His bipedal mode looks like the devil, which isn't wrong since he got possessed by Unicron. The Eldians would be scared to accept any help from that if they were able to get past one and two. They'd be scared shitless.
Megatron's goal right now is reconnaissance. No more, no less. Get the information useful for the island without getting caught. Megatron can't count on any of them as being allies to Optimus Prime. Hell, Megatron doesn't even trust Zeke. He's not going to take this risk unless there is a reward.
Again, I don’t mind answering questions that help explain my thought process in writing this story. So ask away.
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starshiningsirius · 4 years
Lone fae (Yandere Malleus x reader)
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To my favorite lonley dragon fae happy birthday!
Malleus had been told about a fae living in a town of humans for quite some time now. At first he had become angry seeing as he was King and someone would dare ally themselves with the enemy. He'd punish them himself. As if any traitor could stand against him and live was a mistake that'd cost them their lives. He told his advisor and guardian Lilia that'd he'd be back after dealing with said traitor.
Only to get to said town and notice a woman with pointy ears, beauty beyond belief, picking berries within the forest that surrounded the town. At first he kept his composure watching for a moment maybe a bit longer considering she acknowledged his presence.
"Ah, hello sir."
She didn't know who he was? That was surprising literally everyone whose anyone knew the Fae King and would tremble at the mention of his name. Yet this naive little fae knew nothing about who she spoke to. How cute.
'A fae in the village? How strange do they not know about our hatred towards humans?'
"Hello." He had his arms crossed and came out into the open.
She noticed the ears and instantly became curious.
"Our ears are similar." She murmured it under her breath, but Malleus still heard it. She noticed his horns too and realized that she must have been a bit different since she lacked them.
'So she hasn't met her own kind before?'
That was how their first encounter went. They chatted for a little while exchanging names as Malleus wanted to test if she knew him by that but got no reaction. Malleus watched her go back all the way to her house in secret of course. From high up in the air. As soon as he saw where she lived he went back home.
'This so called "traitor" would require a bit more inquiry.'
* * *
He decided to find out himself, her background by asking a different question to gain some information.
"Y/n do you have a family?"
"Hm? I have a little brother named Aiden at home but that's about it."
"What about your parents?"
"I can't recall when I was kid all I remember was waking up in an alley with Aiden crying in my arms. There was a- .... lot of blood about the place my dress that was once white had been stained. Anything before that isn't anything I probably want to remember considering that scene alone." She trembled for a second before continuing to pick herbs and berries from bushes. Malleus sided eyed her reaction feeling slight guilt towards it.
"I see, my apologies for bringing up troublesome memories." Malleus wasn't hard of hearing considering how she paused as if she didn't want to recall the gory scene. Yet still she smiled without much effort it was small but it did make him feel some what relieved.
"It's fine your the only person I've told. No one else talks to me in town and I'm not ready to tell Aiden yet with his innocence, I'd rather not taint. He's all I've got and I don't want to lose him."
* * *
He understood quite a bit now pertaining to their situation. He had to admit though, he had become fond of the female fae. Someone so innocent and docile couldn't be a traitor. Lilia saw that the situation was taking longer than expected and decided to accompany Malleus this go around.
He wanted to see for himself if Malleus was being fooled, though he doubted it. Not only that but for the sake of his own boredom in the castle and to satiate his own curiosity.
"Y/n this here, is a comrade of mine." Malleus stood next to his comrade, a short cheerful looking child with bright magenta stripes of hair under the black side. Two pointy ears stood on the side of his head too.
She was happy to say the least to know two new similar people to her at the very least. Today happened to be the day Malleus was going to meet Aiden. She didn't mind Lilia tagging along of course.
"Lilia Vanrouge, Ms. a pleasure." He looked rather young in her opinion but his voice signaled to not be fooled by his appearance. She shook hands with the male who brought a pleasant atmosphere with him.
* * *
"So your Malleus huh? My sister speaks very fondly of you sir. She's been talking about you for centuries!" The little boy exaggerated making Malleus's eyes widen and at first he felt an overwhelming amount of happiness with how he had made a good impression.
Both him and Lilia chuckled to themselves as the girl who had been in the same room blushed furiously from embarrassment. Taking her brother by the arm she glared at him.
"Aiden you know that isn't true, you asked where I had been and I answered." She strained her voice to try and put emphasis on her truth only to receive laughter from the boy.
Lilia came up to him patting his head with a smile.
"Fondly and centuries such large words for a child so young." Lilia had felt a slight connection to the energetic youngster. He thought it'd be fun to get to know him better.
"Sis is teaching me to read and write words from the dictionary! I'm very ingenious!" He was smug about the new words he was learning with a proud smile causing Lilia to laugh.
Malleus had a smile on his face small and affectionate but a few other thoughts came up to his mind upon thinking about the boys words. He looked toward his sister who was now in the kitchen making dinner.
"Aren't there schools about here he could go to?" His concern for the child was showing.
"There are but with his ears, I'd rather not take chances until his hair grows out, not to mention his abilities are still uncontrolled, and we're kinda barely keeping this house, so school isn't much of an option at the moment." She looked down chopping vegetables but was still focused. Until her brother spoke again.
"Look I can do magic!" He was so enthusiastic, but the dread look on his sister's face said it all.
"No! Don't you dare we can't hope to fix the ceiling!" She yelled but Lilia stopped her seeing as she yelled she covered her mouth in realization.
"Worry not my dear, let me see this young lad do magic. I'll make sure he doesn't damage anything." He was calm and collected which was shocked her but she let him do as he wished.
Aiden whose excitement had been on the rise at the thought of showing someone else raised his hand and emitted a large slew of green flames rising fast. Of course it actually shocked both Lilia and Malleus to see the color itself and how big the flames he conjured were.
Lilia had regained his composure for a split second and created some wind to dispell the flames before they could reach the ceiling and burn a hole. Malleus and Lilia looked at each other knowingly for a moment before Lilia showed a smile toward the young boy with his fangs gleaming in the light.
"I see the problem your letting out all of your mana at once young one, still your mind and channel the flow to ignite a single flame." He advised carefully with hand on Aiden's shoulder.
Malleus felt as if he was watching a younger version of himself seeing his guardian teach another. The young fae had followed Lilia's teachings to a tee and a small green flame became lit in front of him.
"Sister! Sister! Did you see I got it! I did it!" He was jumping up for joy at his achievement.
"Yes I see thank you Lilia. You thank him too Aiden." She was happy to say the least, it was as if good fortune was brought with them to have met these two.
"Thank you Lilia!"
"Your welcome dear child you can learn with me anytime. You have a lot of potential that shouldn't be wasted." That made his eyes light up in pure unadulterated excitement.
"Sister did you hear that!"
"I did." She was just relieved someone could teach him besides all her past failed attempts.
"So does that mean you can use magic too then?" Malleus had wandered closer to her without her knowledge it made her flinch. Seeing the anticipation of her answer in his eyes, she answered him.
"Yes though mine's is a bit more controlled. I can conjure wind and green flames. As well as levitate a multitude of things toward me at once but that's about it. I haven't had too much time to practice." She waved her hand with a slight glow and brought a couple of ingredients in cupboards down on to the counter letting them shut on their own again.
Holding put her hand she conjured a small green flame that wouldn't cause any damage over the palm of her hand.
"Seems like your well taught." Lilia mentioned.
"That's only because before we got this house we lived in the forest and magic made things a bit easier, but otherwise while we live here we don't have a use for it. Aiden still wants to learn but my teaching can only go so far as I don't know much on the subject." She looked somewhat frustrated at her own uselessness. Malleus could tell she wasn't lying about what she could do that's for sure.
* * *
After dinner both fae left the home walking out but saying goodbye to the siblings. At first they walked away from the house, but soon to prevent from being seen by any late night walkers they teleported to the castle.
"A pair of fae with royal blood is rare. I do wonder how the both of them ended up in that human village though." Lilia started off by saying.
Green flames were the insignia to regal blood for fae even Malleus knew that fact. Known to be the most powerful of all faes. Yet two were living in a human town right within the heart of the enemy and neither knew.
"Yes but from what I've been able to tell whoever had taken care of them is probably dead. Slaughtered by humans most likely. She said she wasn't able to remember anything before that. I'm assuming her and her brother come from some line thought to have been killed when the war against the humans started." Malleus recalled all he learned about her over the past few weeks he came to know her.
"Such a shame those two don't even know their own kind. Living their life in solitude as outcasts when they could be a lot more free if they lived here." Lilia did actually feel pity for the pair of souls having grown an attachment toward the younger sibling as he had taught Malleus when he was young as well. Those days were reminiscent for him. Aiden just happened to be similar to young Malleus in that regard.
"Malleus, if any humans discover royal fae over in that village they'll be killed. It's only a matter of when." He stated that matter of factly considering he was a general during the aforementioned war and many fae had been chased out of human villages. The ones left had been unfortunate to be victims that were sacrificed.
"I know, I won't let them lay a finger on either of them. Get Silver and Sebek have the staff prepare two rooms in the castle for our guests." Malleus walked away from Lilia without a second thought after saying what he wanted done.
"I was hoping you'd say that. Seems you've gotten attached to her in a different way. Ah, I'm so glad to see you chasing after someone, it feels like ages since you've been small so long ago. I'll have little Aiden to teach all the stuff I once taught you. What a joyous occasion to think someone will finally sit on the throne next to you." Lilia smiled feeling eager and chipper at the future ahead.
He went to go get the two knights that would always await orders from their master. Skipping down the halls all the while humming an unknown tune.
* * *
Something has been different with Malleus as of today. He was fiddling with his fingers a bit more often than usual. He didn't want to meet her gaze at the time either.
"Malleus is there something wrong?" Worry laced in her tone for the man sitting next to her.
"Yes." He replied rather swiftly but ended it there.
"Would you like to tell me what about?" She at least wanted to try and comfort him however she could.
That's what made her different than most fae, most feared him, she didn't of course she and that oblivious little head of hers didn't. Before she could even grasp how much power she could have held it was taken from her.
Malleus had turned his head and looked her directly in the eye.
"Me?" She was surprised and confused about what he meant by that, lowering her head for a second to think.
Of course it didn't last long, as Malleus directed her chin to gaze at him instead of the forest soil.
"Y/n, my alluring little darling, would you do me the honor of staying with me?"
He said with a gentle smile. The proximity and his words had her face red within seconds. She still had to give him a reply and sadly she didn't want to upset him but she didn't have much of a choice.
"I'm sorry Malleus I can't. This place is all I've ever known. Going somewhere else with all that could happen, ... It's not that I don't like you but my own fears are holding me back." She was trying to come up with the right words so he'd hopefully understand.
It stung, it truly did. The rejection wasn't something he hypothesized but it was still an option. It was fine though, all would be well. That sheltered mindset of hers would just have to broken a bit. She'd come to rely on him, she'd have no other choice afterall.
She hadn't experienced much of human cruelty, he'd just have to show her how cruel they could really be and then she would have to seek his aid.
* * *
Everyone in town today had been on edge it seemed. She left Aiden at home sound asleep, while she went out to go and buy veggies and meat she couldn't get in the forest. As she walked toward a thrifter many people side eyed her. She was the only person to walk with a hood on. In fact many people generations before this one too when asked had seen her.
As she got up to the vegetable thrifter the man in front of her had scowled. She saw this but just thought he was having a bad day. That's when someone came behind her and pulled her hood down abruptly.
"A fae! A fae in the village!"
"She's the one who cursed the crops! If we kill her the curse will end!"
"Someone grab her!"
Before she knew it she ran, someone did lay a hand on her but she pushed them away with wind magic. It wasn't on purpose, but fear overtook her person and magic required self control.
She wanted to run back to her house but with how fast the mob was chasing she couldn't put Aiden at risk like that. Maybe just maybe if she went back to the forest, he'd be there. He could help her, or Lilia either would do.
* * *
She didn't see him. Maybe her words struck a cord. She should have agreed. A stupid decision on her own part, he could've probably taken them somewhere where people like her were accepted. Where magic was used and no worries to be had.
She just narrowly dodged an arrow fired at her. It seemed the mob had caught up. Turning her attention back toward their screeches, what could she do?
In a last ditch effort attempt she called his name.
"Malleus!" The crowd closing in on her arrows knocked and aimed. So this was it huh?
Suddenly something slithers around her body, her waist to be more precise and holds her in a vice grip.
A tail? Of long reach with a purple scales of a dark pigment.
Before it pulled her into the darkness of the forest behind her. Until she felt a chest that placed her gently to the ground freeing her from the grip the of the tail that had once gripped her tightly.
She saw a light emitted from where she had once been, green flames took its place in her stead.
"I do hope you'll accept my offer to stay with me now, my love." Malleus's voice brought her out of her stupor, a frown seeing her in such fear. He didn't want to go so far but he would rather have liked her to willingly agree to living with him as his Queen. She wouldn't have any worries should she live her life on the throne worshipped by everyone.
"Wait! Wait! Please let me bring Aiden I can't leave my brother behind!" She had gripped his clothing turning around desperate tears spilling.
Speaking of said boy who popped his head from behind the fae that stood in front of her, smiled and ran to hug his sister.
"Y/n! Malleus let me up on his shoulders he was so tall! Wait why are you crying?" Her brother's happiness went away for a moment at the tears he saw from his older sibling.
She was shocked, since when had he been here. He was asleep before, she was sure. It didn't make any sense.
"Aiden how, ... why are you here?"
"Lilia offered to teach me more magic! He said it was dangerous to teach me inside the house so we came out here." For a second she thought it was a dream. A bad dream turned good.
"Were you worried? Sorry, I'll tell you next time I promise." Aiden hugged her after finishing his sentence trying comfort his sister from her state of fear. It worked a little having her shoulders relax.
Malleus had stroked her head to sooth her worries as well. A small smile graced his lips at the scene before him.
"Worry not my dear, I'll accept all parts of you. Of course I'd never forget your dear brother. Will you accept my proposal now?" He was awaiting an answer, the same look in his eyes akin to when he asked if she could use magic.
"Yes I do, it was my mistake for denying your offer in the first place. I'm sorry Malleus."
He was happy that the situation had caused her to regret her answer. Of course he didn't outwardly show it. But he was internally pleased. His new queen and energetic little brother would make a wonderful addition to the Draconian line.
As they disappeared instantly to where their new home would be, Malleus left behind some what one would call fireflies by the looks of it. They were just traces of his magic to other faes. It was a calling for someone else though.
The town the two faes once called home was being destroyed as soon as they left. Screams upon screams could be heard one after another. Flames of red and orange to destroy and have no one alive to recall the prescene of two royal clan faes.
All done by three, one wise fae, and two knights that served to do everything their master asked of them. It would all be gone while Malleus would help them settle into their new lives, the one they deserved from the beginning, if humans hadn't taken it from them.
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franniebanana · 3 years
CQL Rewatch - Ep 21
Note: I will be critical of Jiang Cheng in these posts. If you can’t handle that, please feel free to scroll on.
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I really like this hug. I mean, if you've been reading these from the beginning, you know how much I love wangxian, but I'm really glad that Wei Ying's first actual hug after returning from the Burial Mounds is with Jiang Yanli. I'm not counting the hug with Jiang Cheng, because Wei Ying didn't hug him back. That hug was thrust upon him and he did not reciprocate. This reunion is very sweet, and tear-filled, and if I hadn't been up since 3 am, I might be feeling enough to shed a tear, myself. That being said, it's hilarious how they keep showing Jiang Cheng in the middle, looking awkward as he tries to balance joy and sadness. I get what the director had in mind, but it just looks weird lol.
But this part is also super sad, because Wei Ying again makes a promise he can't keep: that the three of them will be together forever. Now, I realize that if you hadn't read the novel or weren't familiar with the story, you should already know from the first two episodes that things do not turn out well for the three of them. However, if you're like me and have the memory of a goldfish, you probably didn't realize who everyone was in the first two episodes and even if you did, you've already forgotten long ago that Jiang Cheng was pissy and angry around Wei Wuxian and that Wei Wuxian's inner monologue reveals to us that JIang Yanli is dead. All that being said, his line about staying together forever hits a lot differently when you're very aware of how the story turns out, because Jiang Yanli dies, Jiang Cheng grows to hate Wei Wuxian more and more every day, and Wei Wuxian, of course, defects to save the Wens from slaughter. I think "let's stay together forever" is something you say and mean, but something that you know can't ever truly be. I think Jiang Yanli is old and wise enough to know that she will eventually marry and leave Lotus Pier, even though she will resist it for a while. The rest is uncertain, but I think at this point, Wei Wuxian really does believe and want to stay with the Yunmeng siblings and to stay at Jiang Cheng's side as he leads the Yunmeng Jiang Sect.
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I will never not be heartbroken by this scene--even knowing how everything turns out--by how Lan Wangji looks at Wei Wuxian, how if things had been different in Yiling, he would have gone into that room and greeted him, how Wei Wuxian would have smiled at him and beckoned him inside, how they would have sat and Wei Wuxian would have talked Lan Wangji's ear off, like old friends. It's just so upsetting to me, and I can't ever shake that feeling in the pit of my stomach. I know what happens, but these two episodes, until they reconcile, really get to me. It's a horrible feeling when you want to help someone, but they don't see it as helping, and they only get upset with you. I deal with that on an almost daily basis, and I wouldn't wish that feeling on anyone. I really identify with Lan Wangji here, and I think that's why I get such a visceral reaction to seeing him like this.
I don't know if I've said this, but Lan Wangji is my favorite character in CQL and in every adaptation of this story. He is kind of my perfect character--he checks off all the boxes: one-sided love, pining, standing by the main character no matter what, practically abandoning his own family for the person he loves. I love that he has an almost child-like innocence, but he's still very wise; he's smart; he's strong; he has a strict moral code and he sticks to it without fail, even if it means going against his friends and family; he's a loner, but he loves deeply. When I first started watching the donghua and reading the novel, I liked Wei Wuxian the best, and he's still my second favorite character, but Lan Wangji has stolen my heart.
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Of course, Wei Wuxian goes to this awkward dinner party, after spending three months around ghosts (and then killing a shit-ton of Wen soldiers), and all he can think about is that empty seat behind him, the one where Lan Wangji should be sitting. It's interesting how the Yunmeng siblings each react: Jiang Yanli starts to become concerned and commits it to memory. She's probably wondering why Lan Wangji isn't there, and then seeing how Wei Wuxian wistfully stares at the empty seat, she finds it even more unsettling. Jiang Cheng just seems embarrassed by Wei Wuxian here and his motivation is to get Wei Wuxian back on track so he doesn't make fools of the Yunmeng Jiang Sect in front of the other leaders. He obviously knows what happened between Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji, and I don't think he's bothered by it at all. He doesn't seem to care whether they're friends or not, and I'd say that even at this point, he'd prefer if Lan Wangji stayed out of Wei Wuxian's life altogether. He knows how close they were, and I think he also knows that Wei Wuxian would choose Lan Wangji over him if given that ultimatum. With Lan Wangji out of the picture, Jiang Cheng gets to maintain more control over Wei Wuxian than he otherwise would. Even later on at Lotus Pier, he wants Wei Wuxian around, helping him, being his right-hand man. He doesn't want him wandering around the city or galavanting off with other cultivators. Granted Wei Wuxian was drinking at the time, but I don't think that invalidates my point that Jiang Cheng wants Wei Wuxian to stay in line and stay at his side where he can control him. You know, because he sees the relationship (as Wei Wuxian suggested) as the same as their two fathers: where Wei Wuxian is in a subservient role to Jiang Cheng. Mind you, that's different from seeing him as a brother, and I think, while there's some of that mixed into his other feelings, it's a very small portion.
No screenshot, but the following scene, after Wei Wuxian leaves the dinner party, Jiang Cheng follows him out. And even here, he asks what's wrong--asks if he's upset because of Lan Wangji--but then scoffs at how that could really be what's bothering him. He says something like, "Why did you come here just to be disliked by him?" I think while he gets that they have a close bond, he doesn't really understand the depth of the relationship. He's jealous of Lan Wangji, but doesn't fully understand why. Ultimately, I think Jiang Cheng, because of his parents and the way he was raised, really doesn't understand what it's like to have a good relationship with anyone. And this ignorance isn't his fault--he's a product of his parents and surroundings, and no one, including himself, has ever tried to fix this. So, without being able to really understand how relationships work, he scoffs at how Wei Wuxian could still be upset over what happened with Lan Wangji. Jiang Cheng essentially gave Wei Wuxian what he wanted in that moment, which was unconditional support to carry out his revenge, and yet Wei Wuxian is hung up on Lan Wangji not being supportive there, and in fact being in opposition to him. Jiang Cheng doesn't even really have friends, so he thinks Wei Wuxian should just get over Lan Wangji and move on with his life, but it's not that simple. Lan Wangji isn't just an acquaintance, he's not just someone that Wei Wuxian partnered up with to fight a battle or carry out a mission--he's a soulmate, a kindred spirit (if you want to go down a less romantic route).
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I rarely can say anything bad about Jiang Yanli (except how she's almost always making soup), and here's another example: Chenqing. She's so far the only one who supports Wei Wuxian having a first class spiritual tool. She immediately shows interest in the flute, even encourages him to give it a name. Lan Wangji immediately sees the flute as something bad, while she's completely supportive. And this is really what Wei Wuxian needs right now, and I love her for being there. She's also about the only person he will genuinely smile around. He gives everyone else forced or fake smiles, but not Yanli. At this moment, I think he only wants to be with her, and I can't really blame him when everyone else is either opposing him or just wanting something out of him. She really is coming from a place of sympathy and comfort that's different from how the others are handling things. Lan Wangji wants to help, yes, but he tries to force it.
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Imagine being in this room, listening to Jin Zixun (I'm not even sure if that's his name lol) trash talk Wei Wuxian, wanting to say something in his defense, but being unable to, not just because it's not your place to do so, but also because you're not even sure if you can defend him anymore. I think Jiang Cheng is struggling with the same. He stands up to Jin Zixun, finally getting him to shut up by saying that it's a domestic affair for the Jiang Clan and none of his fucking business, but Jiang Cheng also struggles to find excuses for Wei Wuxian. And that would certainly be difficult, because Wei Wuxian is somewhat like a stranger now. He's similar, but he's not the same Wei Wuxian that Jiang Cheng grew up with. He's really a shadow of his former self. But Lan Wangji has the added bonus of not being able to speak on his behalf because he's not even in the same clan--who is he to defend Wei Wuxian? He can't even stand with the others at the table (can't or won't, I'm not sure), so he certainly can't speak to Wei Wuxian's honor in front of all the other leaders. I'm sure the conversation back in Yiling is still running through his mind: this is a Jiang Clan affair--and to have that repeated again to someone else. That very much puts Lan Wangji in the "other" position. He's not in Wei Wuxian's clan, therefore, it's none of his business. He should care about him. He shouldn't try to protect him. He shouldn't try to guide him. But the problem is he still cares deeply about Wei Wuxian, and he wants to help him and protect him and guide him.
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These scenes are always hard to watch for me (thank god for the special edition cut). It's really hard to watch the clans doing to the Wens what the Wens have done to the other clans. As if war wasn't already terrible enough, you also have what happens to the prisoners of war. In this case, Wen Qing's sect are all healers and have little to do with the war that the rest of the Wen Clan was waging on the other cultivation clans. However, they are still treated as enemies and imprisoned. It's difficult to watch the other clans, who you want to root for, making the same mistakes and transgressions as the Wens, who we are supposed to look at as the proper enemies in the story.
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As we've seen a few times in this episode already, Wei Wuxian is having trouble controlling all the negative energy that's surging through him and the Yin iron, and on some of those occasions, he's touched his old wound. As he does this here, everyone looks at him, but he just looks at Lan Wangji. This is the person he cares most about in this room, the person whose heart his closest to his. I have nothing profound to say--I just like it.
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And of course Lan Wangji looks right back at him. He knows Wei Wuxian best, even better than his own "brother", Jiang Cheng. He knows what happened in Xuanwu Cave, he saw the effect the sword had on him. I feel like each time they exchange glances, they are both crying out to each other, but Wei Wuxian is too stubborn to ask for help and Lan Wangji doesn't want to force the issue and strain their relationship further.
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The way Lan Wangji hesitates here before saying, "I don't know," kills me. To him, it's just further proof of how Wei Wuxian is getting farther and farther from him, how the chasm between them just keeps growing. He's upset here. He doesn't know what to do. He doesn't want to force Wei Wuxian to do anything--that's against his clan rules, but more importantly, against his own ethics--yet he doesn't want to stand by and do nothing while his friend destroys himself. I think we see Lan Wangji as a character who always knows what to do, someone who always knows the right path, but here we see how that's not true at all. This is a man who is very smart, very clever, but who is also unsure of himself. He's struggling with what's right and wrong. And he consults his brother here, hoping to get a clear answer, so that he'll know what to do next, but he gets nothing of the sort.
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It would have been easier for Lan Wangji if his brother has simply said, "Wei Wuxian is wrong and an enemy," but of course he's more wise than that. Nothing is black and whit, and humans cannot be judged for what's on the surface. You have to look deep inside a person, know their intentions, and then you can judge if they are doing what's right or wrong. The problem is Lan Wangji doesn't know Wei Wuxian's intentions. Months ago, he know Wei Wuxian wanted to defend the weak, protect people who couldn't protect themselves, and live by such a just moral code. But now Wei Wuxian seems like a stranger, has murdered many, many people, and has taken cruel revenge upon Wen Chao and Wang Lingjao.
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What I've noticed in this episode is that Wei Wuxian will look at Lan Wangji, but he always averts his eyes fairly quickly. It's as if he's afraid if they make eye contact for too long, he'll be letting Lan Wangji in, which he does not want to do under any circumstances. Letting Lan Wangji in means admitting what's going on as well as opening up Lan Wangji to danger. Wei Wuxian does not want anyone else getting hurt or dying because of him, so it's better to reject everyone and focus on his own clan.
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Honey, I'd walk away too. It's hard to tell if Lan Wangji is about to cry or about to punch Wei Wuxian in the mouth--either one would have been excellent, but I'm leaning towards the latter. Lan Wangji had to answer Jiang Yanli. She met him by chance, but it was she who initiated the conversation. Of course, angst rules being what they are, we had to have a misunderstanding a la Wei Wuxian walking into the conversation midway and making the asinine assumption that Lan Wangji was just breaking his confidence by telling her EVERYTHING. Of course, anyone who knows Lan Wangji knows he'd never do such a thing. But when Wei Wuxian's shijie comes to him, voicing her concern and asking about him, he has no choice but to empathize with her and tell her what he knows.
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I really like this little exchange. Reliving the fight on the rooftop, before they were acquainted, before they were friends--before Lan Wangji fell for him. This time when he attacks, it's not about malice, it's not about breaking the rules and bringing liquor into the Cloud Recesses--it's a man, looking at the one he loves, scared out of his mind, worried that that man is going to destroy his mind and body, using a taboo cultivation method. This fight is a love letter, as far as I'm concerned. It's an act of desperation.
Also I fucking love that around four or five people have asked Wei Wuxian where Suibian is, and each time he makes up a lie: he forgot it, he isn't in the mood, he didn't bother to bring it. But when Lan Wangji asks him, he doesn't respond. He doesn't lie, he doesn't laugh it off--whatever he does, Lan Wangji will know that he's lying, and Wei Wuxian knows that.
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wondernimbus · 4 years
battleground — draco malfoy
pairing: draco malfoy x female!reader
request: could i kindly request a draco x reader where they get into a fight before the war, and draco chooses to stay a hogwarts and voldemort but reader pushes herself in front of him to save him? but they both survive 🥺 if it's too complicated dw about it :)
a/n: i tweaked the request a little bit but this is set when the slytherins are sent to the dungeons during the battle of hogwarts! also it isn’t explicitly stated in the text so just in case there’s some confusion, the reader’s parents are death eaters
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The cold stone hallway leading to the Slytherin common room is eerily quiet despite the hundred or so Slytherin students trickling into their common room. No one bothers to quell the uneasy tension hanging in the air or makes a move to address the sounds of chaos coming from just up above them, a mere stone floor away.
But at the very middle of the pack, there is someone shoving past people on her way back towards the way they came. Back to the first-floor corridor; back to the war. No one pays her much heed. Everyone is too busy lost in their own conflicted thoughts, and even if they do register the fact that there is a girl among them turning back to head into the very battle they were kicked out of, they make no move to stop her.
Somewhere along the back of the group, she catches sight of a face that brings with it a sudden rush of relief. [Y/N] pushes past the crowd of students clad in green until she stops right in front of him, grabs onto his wrist and drags him along.
The last of the Slytherins have filed into the common room. [Y/N] and Draco stand in the middle of the cold dungeon hall, illuminated only dully by the torches hanging on the walls.
[Y/N] wastes no time. She leans in and presses her lips to his, and it's all force; there is no time for passion or tears or dramatic farewell. She kisses Draco like a starved man, lips all pressure and no tenderness, and Draco kisses her back with just as much fervor, hands gripping onto her waist almost desperately as he holds her to him as close as he can.
And they would stay like that for as long as they can if only they are allowed to, but there is a war to be fought and there are people to be saved. So [Y/N] pulls away, breathless, forehead on Draco's and their lips mere centimeters apart as they breathe in each other's air the same way they have done so many times before.
Draco can think of no words to say; all that leaves his lips is a breathless exhale of her name. Just her name.
[Y/N] nods just a fraction of an inch as though she understands completely, and in a way, she does.
Against her will, she pulls away, fingers gently gliding down his shoulders and down to his middle, where they rest almost hesitantly. In a voice just as quiet as his, she whispers, "I need to go up there, Draco."
Silence. She opens her eyes only to find that he is already looking at her, gaze unreadable. A feeling of uneasiness settles in her stomach.
"Up where?" He's frowning. His hold on her waist has tensed.
"I'm going to fight," [Y/N] says, and her voice is throatier than usual, like a lump has already formed in her throat.
Draco blinks. There's a crease in between his brows; she reaches up to smoothen it out with her fingers out of habit, but his hand flies to her wrist and holds it there, hovering just above his lips.
"You're going to fight," he repeats, still frowning.
[Y/N] swallows. Nods. "And you should, too."
Draco stares at her, brows furrowed. It's at rare times like these that [Y/N] can't quite figure out what he's thinking, but she guesses that it's something along the lines of—
"You can't," Draco says, shaking his head. "You can't. I won't let you."
She reaches up and gently pries his fingers away from her wrist, but his grip on her only tightens. "Draco."
"I'm not letting you risk your life."
She stares at him for a moment, brows drawing together in the middle just like his, but the way she is looking at him is a sharp contrast to his suddenly stern gaze—she looks incredulous, like she can't believe what she's hearing.
"I thought you'd understand," she says, tugging her wrist out of his grasp and taking a step back. A foot of space rests between them, but for some reason it suddenly feels like they are thousands of miles apart. "I can't just hide here while people risk their lives to save—"
"What—to save ours?" Draco cuts her off, scowling. It's unimaginable to think that mere moments ago they were entangled in each other's arms, kissing as though the other will slip away if they don't hold on tight enough. Coldly, Draco says, "They'd throw us to the wolves if they had a chance."
"To save everyone's."
"Don't be ridiculous. If they saw you fighting alongside them, they wouldn't hesitate to turn their wands on you."
"And how do you know that?"
He advances towards her, and for a brief split-second [Y/N] thinks that he's about to kiss her again, but all he does is grab the black and green necktie hanging around her collar and hold it up for her to see.
"Because of this," he snarls. "The moment anyone fighting against the Dark Lord sees you're a Slytherin, they'll think you're an enemy. And the moment any of the Death Eaters see you fighting against them, they'll think you're a traitor—which you are—and they'll kill you. You'd be fighting against both sides."
She scoffs, the first few traces of anger surfacing. "You are making assumptions."
"It's the truth and you know it. You have no choice. Stay here and save your life." He grabs her hand and tugs her towards the direction of the Slytherin common room. The dungeon door has closed. There is no one left in the cold stone corridor but them.
But [Y/N] wrenches herself away from Draco's hold. "I can take care of myself and I am fighting," she says sharply, a sense of finality in her tone. "And I would have asked you to fight by my side but it seems like you'd rather stay and hide here like a coward." The final word escapes the confines of her lips without her even realizing, but the anger in her chest makes it hard for her to feel guilty for it.
"If wanting the love of my life to live makes me a coward then so be it." Draco turns to face her, jaw taut and his eyes flashing. "You're asking me to let you put your life on the line—"
"I'm asking you to trust me—"
"And what happens if you die? What do you suppose I do?" he hisses, and then, his face contorting into a sneer, "I apologize for my selfishness, [Y/N] but I'd much prefer other people die than you."
She scoffs in disbelief. "Always a selfish prick, aren't you, Draco?"
[Y/N] doesn't mean it. Of course she doesn't. But the frustration in her chest is reaching boiling point and the words that leave her lips do so without her even pausing to think about them.
Doing little to mask her scorn, she snaps, "I'd rather die in battle than sit back doing nothing while innocent children are slaughtered."
"Those innocent children hated us for the house we were sorted in," Draco sneers. "They saw the green on our robes and they made sure to stay away from us—they spoke ill of us and spread vile rumors about our families and you're willing to sacrifice yourself for them?"
"And you want to let them die just because they disliked us." She doesn't phrase it like a question.
Draco clenches his jaw. She would have been able to feel the slightest empathy for him if he showed even a tiny bit of guilt, but he holds his gaze in hers resolutely and shakes his head. "I don't want to die for them. And you shouldn't, either."
Her lip curls. "You disgust me."
And it scares her because she isn't sure whether she means it or not.
In one swift movement, [Y/N] reaches up and roughly yanks the green Slytherin tie hanging around her neck. "I don't care what they think about us or what you think about them," she seethes through bared teeth, throwing the necktie at Draco's feet as she holds his gaze with just as much fieriness as she sees in his. "But I refuse to stay here while those people risk their lives fighting for what they believe is right—what is right."
Draco narrows his eyes at her, lips drooping downwards in a scowl. "Even if it means fighting against your parents?"
Her parents. The people who had raised her her entire life and made her believe in things she held true not so long ago. Things that entailed the uselessness of Muggles and Muggleborns alike. Her mother and father, who once cruelly punished her for helping a lost Muggle boy when she was no more than a mere child eager to offer a helping hand.
Parents—do they really deserve to be called that?
With her jaw set, she nods. "I'm done doing things for them. It's time I make decisions for myself."
A cold glare is all she has left to offer Draco before she turns her back on him and walks away, wand in hand.
Part of her understands. She knows that Draco is not much different from her. He has told her stories based on his own experience; stories just like hers that tell tales of pureblooded prejudice and exiled blood-traitors in the vicinity of his own home. But even if he hadn't found enough comfort in her to tell her, she still would have known.
She recognized the look in his eyes the very moment they first met. It was the very same one she saw whenever she looked in the mirror.
But [Y/N] has been luckier than most. Somewhere along her journey to what some would call self-discovery, she'd found something a great deal more important than bloodlines and family trees. Though hesitant at first, she met and came to know people whose blood was perhaps not as magical as hers but whose hearts were purer than any other she had ever seen. Purer than hers, certainly.
She came to know Muggleborns who viewed her as an equal, and everyone else along with her. Muggleborns who treated everyone with kindness not because of the blood in their veins but because it was right.
And because of them [Y/N] has learned to differentiate what is right and what is wrong; what is important and what is not. Now she knows fully well which category one's blood type falls under. She may have been a little late on the uptake, but if risking her life is what it takes to redeem herself, then so be it.
But Draco has a harder time wrapping his head around things. [Y/N] understands; truly, she does. He has been raised to think a certain way and so has she—but if she can break out of the box that her parents have caged her in for so long, why can't he?
Just before she disappears behind the staircase leading away from the dungeons, she stops, and with her gaze fixated on the stone steps, takes a deep breath.
"People like us—" she begins in what was meant to be a stone-cold voice, but her voice is shaky for the first time that day. "They think we're a lost cause. They think we're cold-hearted and we're rotten to the core because of our last names—and you're right—because we're in Slytherin. But if you don't want to fight against the Dark Lord because of your hatred for the people who looked at us as though we were devil's spawn, then at least fight because you want to prove them wrong."
From here, she can make out the sound of spells hurtling through the air and people screaming from up above. She hears panicked voices of people a tiny part of her feels as though she recognizes. Voices she must have heard in her classes. Voices she could have heard in the hallways or in the Great Hall. And despite the fear in her chest and the voice in her lovesick heart telling her to stay with Draco, it's those voices that urge her to put one foot in front of the other until she emerges in the middle of the first-floor corridor, right in the heart of the battle.
Death. Chaos. Destruction. She sees it everywhere around her—in the corridors and the classrooms she grew up in, and in the Great Hall, where the large glass windows have been reduced to mere shards and the long house tables have been flipped over and cracked to splinters.
Why take this away from her—from everyone who has lived their childhood in that castle?
For so long Hogwarts has been her sanctuary. Her safe place. The only place in the world where she feels as though she could be at peace. And now it is nothing more than crumbling stone foundations and broken glass and soot and dust.
Jets of red and green light whiz past her almost every step she takes. Fear: she feels it in every fiber of her body like a parasite waiting for the right moment to consume her whole and render her immobile. Part of her wants to run back down the dungeons and join Draco and the rest of the Slytherins—it is so much safer down there—she doesn't have to narrowly dodge recklessly-aimed curses every corner she turns, wondering which one will finally hit her—which one will kill her—
But then she sees none other than Colin Creevey amongst the blur of destruction around her, and just like that she remembers why she's here.
"Colin!" she yells, darting forward. He stands in the middle of the corridor, wand drawn in front of him but looking so lost and confused he might as well have just been an innocent passerby unfortunate enough to come across the Battle of Hogwarts. From this distance [Y/N] can tell he is shaking but no one seems to notice him amongst all the madness; "Colin!"
His name tears out of her throat again as she wills her legs to move as fast as they can, weaving through all the dueling and in some cases, brawling—and she doesn't know what she aims to do, exactly, but she just knows that she has to protect this timid little fifth-year Gryffindor who she has treated like her brother for so many years. The same one who, despite her infamous blood-smattered family tree, was one of the first ones outside of Slytherin to treat her like a normal human being.
She shouts his name again, and somehow, despite all of the noise and the yelling and the sounds of spells being cast all around them, Colin hears her; his eyes meet hers and they flood with relief and recognition, flood with the same bright light [Y/N] has grown so familiar with—
And then the light dies out.
[Y/N]'s entire world freezes.
"No," she gasps.
From behind Colin, a jet of bright green light hurtles straight towards him and hits him in the back—he jolts forward at the impact, and then falls to his knees. A half-moment later, Colin Creevey crumples to the ground, lifeless.
She skids to a stop. A dry sob leaves her lips as the hand holding her wand falls to her side.
Five minutes.
Draco spends five minutes in the chilly dungeon corridor, staring at the stone steps [Y/N] had disappeared through only moments before.
If he walks up those steps, it will be to the sight of the school he has come to call his home destroyed. He will see numerous spells hurtling through the air, some finding their targets and others lodging themselves into stone and causing walls to crumble in on themselves. He knows that he will bear witness to a nightmarish scene, but that is not what has Draco hesitating: what stops him is the thought of fighting alongside students just like him who will give him mistrustful glares, as though they are waiting for him to jinx them when their backs are turned.
And perhaps worst of it all is the fact that he will have to fight against familiar faces. He will recognize his aunt, his uncle, his best friend's father, his own parents. And he will point his wand at them and hope that his curse hits them before theirs hits him.
Draco is scared.
He doesn't know if he has enough courage to climb those steps and fight alongside people who barely trust him, and fight against the people who have raised him.
But he can't lose her.
He may be scared, but he can't lose [Y/N].
So Draco unravels his Slytherin tie from his neck, takes a deep breath and walks up the stone steps. He can't lose her—not in this lifetime. He loves her far too much to care about who he has to kill and who he has to fight alongside.
The rest of the world be damned, so long as he doesn't lose her.
"You killed him," she whispers. Tears are in her eyes but they haven't quite fallen yet, and despite the invisible hands that have reached into her chest and started squeezing her lungs to a pulp, she manages to say louder, "You killed Colin."
[Y/N] looks up at the Death Eater standing amidst the countless fierce duels. She thinks she hears him laugh behind his mask; cruel and jeering and oddly familiar.
She doesn't pause to think. As soon as the feeling floods back into her arms, she cries "Stupefy!" and a burst of red light explodes out of the end of her wand.
But the Death Eater deflects it with little to no effort. He lets out another laugh, this time louder.
[Y/N] is sure of it this time: she knows that voice. She catches sight of a strand of long platinum blond hair trailing beneath his hood and recognizes him even before he reaches up with one hand and wrenches the mask off of his face.
"Foolish girl," Lucius Malfoy snarls, stopping a mere few feet away from her. "Instead of saving your own skin, you decide to betray the Dark Lord and your own family along with him."
He brandishes his wand; a jet of green light rushes straight towards [Y/N] and she cries "Protego!" at the very last moment, stumbling a little upon impact.
Lucius advances forward, long black robes billowing behind him as [Y/N] backs away, wand trembling slightly in her hand. "You care far too much for those who do not deserve your sympathy," his face contorts into an ugly, spiteful glare, "For Muggles and Mudbloods and filthy blood-traitors—"
Just like the one before it, Lucius deflects this one effortlessly. His upper lip curling contemptuously, he stops in his tracks, wand still pointed at [Y/N] as her chest heaves with deep, heavy breaths of both anger and grief that hasn't quite gone away. "I have always wondered why my son adores you so much."
Another jet of red light bursts from [Y/N]'s wand, but her attempts are futile.
"But he will move on," continues Lucius. "He will forget you and wed someone who is worthy of being a Malfoy." And then the jeering smile on his face droops and intent floods his features as he sneers, "I just have to get rid of you first—Avada K—"
"Petrificus Totalus!"
This time, the spell hits Lucius and his limbs snap to his sides before he topples to the ground, spine rigid.
But [Y/N] hasn't even opened her mouth.
Standing right behind Lucius Malfoy is the last person she would have expected to see—
"Draco," she breathes.
Draco's wand is still drawn and his eyes are blown wide, mouth slightly agape as he stares at his father, who lies face-down on the ground unbeknownst to the fact that it was his own son who had cursed him.
Shock is etched into every inch of Draco's face. He is just as stunned at his actions as [Y/N] is. But when he snaps himself out of his trance and finds it in him to tear his gaze away from his father, the first thing he does is stride towards [Y/N], pull her to him, and hold her with the desperation of a man who has been longing for his lover for centuries.
"You—your father—"
"I know."
"Draco," she exhales into his shoulder, breathless. "Draco—"
"Are you hurt anywhere?"
"No—no, I'm okay."
Draco takes a deep, shuddering breath and nods. Keeps nodding.
And when he takes her hand in his and runs with her to the courtyard, where there are more Death Eaters to fight and more innocent lives to protect, he can't help but look back and catch a last glimpse of his father on the floor. His father, who is still rigid and unmoving, at the mercy of Order members who might stumble upon him.
Draco doesn't regret it.
The rest of the world be damned—including his own father—so long as he doesn't lose her.
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swqns · 3 years
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“ If it meant mending your broken heart, anything.” — 🐋
synopsis ;;
You and Childe were enemies since the moment he arrived in Liyue. You held a silent vow to protect Liyue Harbor from the Fatui after they took your home and family away from you. They were all apathetic monsters anyway... right?
— childe x gn reader
— cw ;; mentions of death, fighting, you tell Childe about your traumatic past lol
— note ;; the ending of this is awful I ran out of ideas 😭😭
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You weren’t exactly favored by the Millelith or the Liyue Qixing, to say the least.
You still remembered the first time you fought. In the dark of the night down by the harbor, where the moon reflected off the deep blue waters and cast the entire port in a white glow. It had started as a report of some treasure hoarders up to steal any unguarded goods that had traveled by word of mouth but ended up being the Fatui instead. You drew your weapon, the energy inside of your [element] vision swirling. That small squabble on the underside of the dock had ended with you fighting the harbinger, and you both backing off at the end. You can still hear his voice ringing inside of your head from that night. Gosh, how he annoyed you.
“ My my, you sure do put up a fight. Is your ignorance giving you strength, or are you that confident in your abilities that you continue to fight against a harbinger? “
His hydro blades clanged against your weapon, using the hooked end of the dual blades to try and pry your weapon from your grasp.
“ Harbinger or no, it matters little. Your title does not prove anything to me. “
Your retort had him chuckling, breaking away from the contact of your weapons as he twirled them in his hands.
“ Haha! [name], I had not expected you to be so snappy when you’re moments away from dying. Normally, I wouldn’t go through the trouble, but I deserve to get back at you for killing half my faction. “
“ A punishment deserving of fatui scum. Maybe you should be saving your poetry for your gravestone. “
Your arguments tend to run through the entire battle, his stubbornness, and immaturity not allowing himself to just shut up for once. Yours wouldn’t allow you either.
You shook your head, clearing your mind of the harbinger as you focused. Sitting atop of a roof, you looked out for trouble. This was how you spent your nights since you arrived in Liyue. The Millelith had not been fond of your meddlings with the Fatui, and thus, you were also wanted by the nation. However, your constant state of alert allowed you to continue your work long before the Millelith ever arrived in a scene.
Save, for one incident.
You’d been keeping your eyes on a Fatui agent as he strolled through the now empty streets of Liyue. When the agent suddenly slinked into an alleyway, it piqued your interest. Following him from the rooftops, noticing the glint of his blade as he drew it... you sighed. No rest for the wicked, they always say. Before he could leave the alleyway he had snuck into, you dropped from the roof in front of him.
“ You have no use for your blade here. Sheath it, or die. “
“ I do not take orders from you. “
“ You should’ve. “
Your fight with the agent led you both out of the alleyway and into the Main Street. Thankfully, the hour of the night meant no one was around, all in their homes and asleep as they regained energy for the next day.
During the day, where you sparsely slept in between watching out for your ‘nemesis’.
Your weapon of choice was easy to fight with against the agent’s close-range blades, and you were able to get him to retreat with a minor injury to yourself. It was hard to say the same for him. As you heard a soft, slow clapping behind you, you sighed and slouched forward in annoyance.
“ What a mighty display, [name] ! I was beginning to wonder where my favorite sparring partner had gone until I heard the commotion. “
You sighed again, turning to face him.
“ Childe! Who else would I expect to run into during this hour of the night? How lovely to see you. “ you replied, malice and sarcasm dripping from your voice.
“ Come now, you can be a little more kind to your friend. Do you remember the first night we fought? The moon was just as bright, in the same position it is now. Oh, how time flies. “
“ You bore me. If you came here to call a draw again, then get on with it. “
Boring? No no, he wouldn’t have that, now. A chuckle left the harbinger's throat as he drew his blades, the swirling hydro energy in his hands and his vision emitting a gentle blue glow. He’d never back down from a fight, you knew, and he wasn’t just bark. His bite was just as bad.
You were wanted by the millelith not for meddling with treasure hoarders or thieves throughout the night, but for fighting with Childe and his men. It greatly interferes with the Liyue Qixing’s dealings with the Fatui.
Your fight with Childe went like all the others. You fought on and on for hours until the sun was rising early in the morning. The millelith had finally seen the situation and started closing in on the two of you. Within the mess of elemental reactions, no one wanted to get close. Except for one bold soldier, who was able to cuff one of your wrists before being knocked backward. You grabbed the loose side of it, snapping it around Childe’s wrist as he went in to try and attack you with his blades. He inhaled through his teeth, and you gave him a sly grin. Finally, you had won. And also, you had finally looked at the situation around you.
You were pulled out of your shock by Childe’s grip on your wrist, tugging you to begin running. You thought it was odd, but you hadn’t noticed the Millelith reaching for him also. Were they trying to arrest him, too? You shook your head. Run now, questions later. The harbinger had ended up leading you to the top of Mt. Tianheng. Chests heaving and breaths heavy, you both collapse onto the grass.
Your first reaction was to fight him. To kick, to punch, he was so close and couldn’t just slip right out of your grasp this time. You screamed a string of curses at him, the frustration of everything coming forth when he just couldn’t get away. Childe grabs your wrists, moving them to your chest and away from him as he gives you a chance to calm down.
“ [name], calm down. Did you think this through?” The harbinger sighs, holding up your connected wrists. You huffed, calming down slightly. You hadn’t.. how were you going to get this off??
You couldn’t just go back to Liyue harbor and ask the millelith to remove it. No, they’d try to arrest you. You sat in thought, thinking, as Childe summoned one of his hydro blades. Seeing the blue glow through your swirling thoughts put them at a still, as you hastily reached for your weapon. You ended up pulling your wrist close to you, which yanked Childe forward. He sat back up, using his sleeve to rub the dirt off his face.
“ Hey! Now that was uncalled for, buddy. “ He called, the hydro blade dissipating into the ground after he dropped it. “ I wasn’t going to try anything, you know. “
“ The only time I ever see those blades is when they’re trying to cut my throat. You can’t blame me for that being my reaction. “ You hiss, malice once again dripping from your words.
“ You need to relax. Let's find a way to get these cuffs off, then we can go back to trying to kill ea- “
Childe doesn’t even get to finish his sentence before you cut him off. You can’t help it after all the anger and sadness bubbling in your throat are so close to spilling out. You’re angry. You’re livid. But under all that angst is a heartbreak. The fatui had shown no mercy for your family. They were all slaughtered in cold blood and left to rot until you returned home. God, how the sight pained you. It iron casted itself into your memories and you remembered it every time you saw one of those damn uniforms.
“ Are you insane?! You’re finally right here, you finally can’t slip away from me like you always do, and you expect me to just let you go? Have you lost what little sanity you had left?! “ you scream. You’re so angry, you can’t help it. Childe hadn’t directly been the one to take everything from you, but the association was enough for you to hate him. You can feel the hot tears prick at the corner of your eyes before you harshly wipe them away. Archons, this entire situation is stupid, you think.
“ What caused all this? No one can be this... angry without some prompting. “ He finally speaks, way calmer than you are right now. What caused his sudden change in attitude? How could this bloodthirsty monster have any ounce of empathy for you, someone he’s been trying to kill?
You laugh. You probably sound more crazed than Childe at this point, but you had no control of your emotions. Your insane lack of sleep and bottling of heavy emotions was starting to wear you down.
“ Ohhh, right! Not like the slaughter of an innocent family is enough for me to seethe with hatred at the sight of your damned insignia. “ You hiss. Memories from the day come flooding into your mind, as well as all the bottled emotions that come with them. The anger, the guilt. Oh, if you had just been there. If you had come home earlier. If you didn’t decide to stop on the way home, you could’ve saved them. Childe doesn’t say anything for a moment. All he does is pull his legs closer to him to sit crisscross next to you.
“ Was it your family? “ He asks. He may be a harbinger, nothing more than the Tsarista’s dog, but he knows the importance of family. He knows he’d protect his with his life.
You don’t answer, but your silence speaks volumes. Childe speaks instead. Soft laughter, followed by his words.
“ You know. I started caring about you around the fourth time we fought. The first three.. you were just a new challenge. Never before have I had someone that equaled me on the field. I haven’t been trying to kill you since. Maybe.. just maybe... one day you won’t think of me as an enemy as I saw you. So for what it’s worth, I’m sorry. No one deserves to have their family taken from them like that. If I lost my family... I don’t know what I’d do. “
You stay silent. Not out of anger or guilt this time, but shock. Your gaze shifts to his, sitting in stunned silence for what felt like hours.
“ If there’s even the slimmest chance something I could do would mend your broken heart back into one piece, I’d do it all. In exchange for a good spar, of course. “
Maybe the fatui weren’t so bad.
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Thank you for reading!
— with love, vellichor
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liquid-luck-00 · 4 years
Consolation + The “Talk”
Bio!Dad Bruce
Day 9: Consolation and Day 10: The “Talk”
Ao3 ~~~ First ~~~ Previous ~~~ Next
This got a little long, sorry not sorry
One week, one week has passed since Damian started school in Paris. One week since the tower of lies that Lila has built began to crumble and fall. 
By the beginning of the next day she had backed off all her lies about the Wayne family but she just re-doubled all her efforts on lies that included Prince Ali, Clara Nightingale, and Jagged Stone. But the tower she had built was going to fall. 
And Damian was ready to bring an end to this liar’s reign.
So you can trust that he would find a way to avenge his sister without the use of violence against her, especially in Paris, and especially knowing his father’s mantra of vengeance not revenge. But revenge is needed. So, Damian made a few phone calls. Over the course of the next week he would have enough video and audio evidence to prove his little sister is innocent. But what would really put the icing on the cake is if he could convince the principal to hold a career day or week. Granted it shouldn’t be too hard, he is the only blood son of Bruce Wayne after all. So, telling his sister that he would meet her after fencing practice he went off early in search of principal Damocles. He found the man quite simply and was it far too easy to convince the man to go to career day parents of the students will be able to come in to do you demonstrations or speeches as well as anyone else who they would like to invite.
Damian left for his fencing practice which left me packing up my things getting ready to leave. I was one of the last ones out so of course something had to happen. Adrien came up to me then “hey Mari can we talk.”
‘Sigh’ “If this is about the highroad again Adrien. Her lies are hurting people it doesn’t matter if you think it’s right, she’s hurting people’s futures their chances it…” He cut her off, great this is going wonderfully.
“It’s not that, well it is that but that’s not what I wanted to talk to you about.” He was stumbling over his words and she softened her expression slightly “Marinette what’s the difference between infatuation and love?”
“What?” That was not what she was expecting. This is confusing, and where was this coming from anyways. Never mind why “can you explain it to me more I’m having a little trouble wrapping my head around the question.”
He had sheepish smile and started “I. I love ladybug but I’m not sure if I love her or what she represents more”
“You don’t know if you like the idea of her more than the person who she is?” Marinette asked him seeming to understand where this conversation was going. 
“before we go even further down this rabbit hole, Adrien why don’t we meet up somewhere more private”
“why? “
Marinette simply pointed towards the door “We seem to have gained an audience”          
There at the door was Alya filming but unknown to her someone else was behind her. “Bean we have to go” Alya you jumped at the sound of Tim’s voice.
“OK Tim I’ll be out just give me a minute,” Tim nodded and left Alya having scurried off when she was found out. “I’ll text you place and time to meet up and talk further that is if you’re still confused about your feelings about this girl”
“Sounds good and thank you Marinette” he whispered as she left the room. Once she got to the car she glanced at him oh no, was the only thing that went through her mind “you look like a cat who ate the canary Tim spill” she was moving in to tickle him to get the info out. “Fine, fine, fine I give I’ll tell, but” she shot him a look. “only if you make me some coffee, today feels like an all-nighter”
“Deal! Now spill”
“Damian set up that next week there is going to be career days for the entire week at the school.”
“Okay” she nodded her head understanding where her brothers’ train of thoughts were heading. “The career week will be the perfect opportunity to expose the rest of Lila’s lies. At least that’s what you and Damian are hoping to accomplish isn’t it.”
“Mari, you do know you’re my favorite sister” Tim replied with a smirk that would rival even Damian’s.
So, the two of them got to work. Damian may think he’s clever and the most discrete out of everyone, but he wasn’t able to pull off hiding the cameras and microphones well enough that Mari wasn’t able to figure it out. This means they are going to have plenty of video and audio evidence use against the liar.
Now when Damian got home from practice the three of them really set out to destroy the liar. With all the audio evidence as well as the footage proving it was Lila speaking Marinette made several phone calls.
Jagged and Clara were both on board completely and wholeheartedly, especially after hearing what was going on. With those two she called the principal and he had agreed to keep them as a special surprise for the last day.
She called her father and he was willing to fly out to speak on one of the first days. Her father also happened to be able to get into contact with Prince Ali, and once hearing of everything that was going on, he to agree to come and speak.
Damian had called the Kent’s so Lois Lane, Clark and, and Jon were all going to come to speak, well Lois Lane in Clark were going to speak, Jon was coming to hang out with his two best friends.
Once Mr. Kent heard it was going on well it wasn’t long afterwards for Barry Allen to come to speak about forensics science, Oliver Queen to speak further on different aspects of business, and several other members of the league who seem to have fallen in love with Mari.
Everyone knew that as soon as Lila saw the names on the list, she would be tempted to spread the lies about every single one of them, so they would continue to record everything that was said in the class.
And who’s to say that a couple of the heroes may or may not make an appearance was well, but it was to be determined if Lila lied about them or not. Within the hour the three Wayne siblings knew, oh they knew this liar would not have a chance to escape. And anyone left believing her by the end of the week, well they felt sorry for those poor souls who still believe her every word.
After about two hours getting our allies ready for the incoming slaughter of the liar I met up with Adrien. And that was different.
“Mari” Adrien seem unsure of how to start. We had we decided it would’ve been best to meet up at the Wayne Enterprises Paris branch that way we can have a conference room to discuss it somewhere private, I won’t have to worry about people eavesdropping. Well everyone except for my brothers but it’s a price I’m willing to pay. “This is the first crush I’ve ever had, I, I don’t know…”
“Adrien I’ve known you now for about a year. You are quite honestly still sheltered. Well that’s the best way I can describe it.”
“What I’m not! I’m no?” Adrien began to stutter because that was not where the conversation was originally going.
“Adrien you are still quite sheltered. The way you think things should be handles when it comes to lies or personal space is the same way that people deal with the paparazzi and those are not the same at all. But I’m saying that because it’s normal to be confused when it comes to a crush. I had a crush on you for the longest time and was unsure how to act on it. I got to know about you a bit more and the crush well it changed.” He was looking at me shocked by my proclamation.
“How? Why? What are you mean? I’m not.” Adrien seemed a little taken back before he finally decided what he was going to say. “You said had?”
“I had the biggest crush on you until I learned you were a coward, or what seemed like cowardace. You decided that someone you didn’t know was more important than the person you claim to be a friend. This past week has shown me that you are a pacifist, not a coward, but you strive for peace with everyone. but that’s not how everything goes. I learned that about you that’s what made me move on. So what is it about this girl that makes you stay or is there something about someone else who makes you want to stay with them instead?“ He was silent he wasn’t staring at me, but he was starting off into space. He seemed to not know exactly what to say, but the thought was there. 
“Ladybug she’s my…” He was about to say something but stopped himself, almost as if he knows her as more than just the heroine. But that is not possible the only ones who interact with her while in the mask are now her family and…
“Your Chat Noir” she said it’s so calmly and as such a fact that he just stared at her calm and unblinking until the inevitable freak out which cost him to pass out. Great now she’s stuck at a conference room trying to revive her partner who doesn’t know she’s his partner. Once he finally came to, she just watched as it to make sure he wasn’t about to faint again.
“I’m not! I can’t be! I’m not superhero, that’s crazy Mari your” he was rambling. In the past month she has perfected the Batman Glare and well Adrien was getting it, because she was not believing the bullshit that was coming out of his mouth.
“Are you paws-itively certain about that Chat.” He went silent, but doesn’t know if it was because of the pun or because she called him Chat.
“How?” Adrien whispered to her.
“Well I figured it out since it seemed like you knew Ladybug more than just a hero.” She stated hoping that her identity was not compromised. “anyways Ladybug’s your partner but what were you going to say afterwards”
“she’s my partner and my best friend. She’s the person who may know me the best out of everyone, except I think that goes to you now” he began to chuckle, but it evolved into full-blown laughter and Mari couldn’t help but laugh along with him.
“You know it makes a lot of sense of your Chat. Chat is always carefree and bubbly, but he always makes sure to keep it professional. Sure, flirting in the middle of the battle isn’t the best. But knowing Adrien and Chat Noir are the same person makes the whole so much more. What’s the word complete” she muses tapping her chin.
“Ladybug is the hero Paris deserves. But I don’t think I love her. I thought I did. I thought about this a lot, I love that when I was with her, I was free. I don’t know the girl underneath the mask. But I do you know the girl beneath the mask is strong and courageous. She is undoubtably amazing. But maybe you are figuring out my identity snapped things into focus, because I love the way I feel around her. But I also love the way I feel about my friends. Thank you, Mari.”
“For what I haven’t said anything this was all you.”
“Exactly, I needed someone to hear me, and not force me into a conclusion they thought was best. And at this point you are my first true friend. Can we. Can we be friends again Marinette?”
Mari looked at him for a second and then broke into a smile. “Of course, Adrien we’re friends”
“Good now let’s bring down a liar”
Of course the week leading up to career week was unexpectedly full of lies, all coming out of the Italians mouth. Oh, Barry Allen yeah she met him on Central city oh Oliver Queen she once saw him at a charity event in Star City oh she’s practically Lois Lane and Clark Kent‘s daughter, Jonathan their son, is her best friend. The list goes on and on. Everyone on the left side excluding Adrien do believe every word that came out of her mouth. The three in the very back on the right side, being herself, Damian, and Chloe couldn’t contain their laughter. This usually resulted in a Alya yelling at them from laughing that of course Lila wouldn’t be lying and then defending Lila as she began to cry her crocodile tears.
The entire school was informed that the entirety of career week was mandatory and missing a single speaker would be equivalent to failing a midterm for and class, meaning there was no skipping at all.        
Today there were three guest speakers, them being Bruce Wayne, Prince Ali, and John Stewart.
Prince Ali was the first to go up go up and just let’s just say that many people we surprised that he did not do go green charities but in fact did children’s charities called a few things in the question specifically from Rose and Mylene.
Luckily for Lila she didn’t lie much about John Stewart, who spoke of his time as a marine and about currently being an architect, but that was a short-lived victory on her part, when he showed up as the final school guest at the end of the day as Green Lantern. He gave her a speech about honesty and the importance of discipline and hard work in order to succeed.
Bruce spoke about honesty and a hard work when building a company as well as the importance of working with reputable companies and brands.
At the end of the day she had two ceases and desists, one from Prince Ali and one from the Wayne family.
On the bright side a new Wayne charity was in the works alongside Prince Ali for children’s medicine.
Was Barry Allen who spoke about pursuing forensic sciences and the work he does alongside the police.  
Wonder Woman who was speaking as an ambassador of Themyscira, and way at being an ambassador entailed. 
And Mayor Bourgeois spoke on what it means to be a part of the political and legislative sectors of the government.
Again, Lila received two cease and desists from Barry Allen and Wonder Woman respectively.
Went similar to the previous two. Oliver Queen spoke about ways to modify businesses and expanding them in order to change with consumers.
Wang Cheng, Marinette’s uncle, spoke and gave a demonstration of cooking techniques for the school.
Tomoe Tsurugi, Kagami’s mother, spoke about fencing and also about ableism against disability, mainly that even being blind she can hand many fencers their asses without breaking a sweat.
Lila only received one cease and desist.
Nora, Alya’s sister, spoke of being a professional boxer and the training she does for it.
Lois and Clark gave a joint presentation, and of course Alya wanted her idols to review her blog. And well that did not go so well for her, Lois tore her interviews with Lila apart stating she gives no further evidence and simply takes what the girl says at face value. However other interviews she did provide more links to her information which prove she is a capable journalist, but there is room to grow.
The Kent’s also presented Lila a cease and desist, luckily for Alya she hadn’t posted anything in the past two weeks since Marinette’s return about anything Lila had said, and she was glad for that right now.
Jagged Stone and Clara started Friday with a mini concert, that included a special duet with the two artists. Jagged spoke about Rock’n Roll and the changes and subcategories of the genre.
Clara Nightingale spoke on the pop side of the music industry and how she got started at a young age, as well as her background in dance and choreography.
Gabriel Agreste was the final speaker, we’ll he was on video call actually, and spoke on the fashion industry, the standards that come with the consumer market, and the way public opinion shapes brands and companies.
Gabriel was about to log off when Jagged walked in front of the camera.
“Too true Agreste, public opinion does shape the way many of those who have spoken this past week” many don’t know this about Jagged but mess with his family and he will not hold back. “That is why you should know, your model, Lila Rossi has had a total six cease and desists field against her this past week. As un-Rock’n roll as it is Clara and I will be adding two more to that list. I will also be suing for defamation of character as well. Clara?”
“Lies and cheats, make for poor feats. I will also be suing as well for defamation of character. This has made me so mad I can’t even come up with a rhyme.” She called out to the crowd.
“So Agreste, how will your totally not Rock’n Roll model affect your business?” Jagged asked. Everyone was watching the screen for Gabriel’s reaction.
“It would seem it is best we terminated contact Miss Rossi. Also, Adrien.” The poor boy practically jumped in his seat.
“There will be no contact between you and Miss Rossi until we are able to discuss this further. Goodbye”
The entire school was in a shocked silence. This final day as set up so the whole school would see it altogether.
Lila began to cry until she became furious. She jumped from her seat and yelled. “You did this! You set me up! You ruined my entire empire Marinette!” She was glaring daggers at me.
“If it’s any consolation to you Lila you made me miserable for eight months. You took my friends, those I’ve known since I was practically in diapers. You made my life hell and if that’s consolation to you fine. I will also be suing you for slander and defamation of character. But just know this I have people who genuinely care for me and I’m sorry if you felt threatened by me to blame all this on me, but I don’t care about your opinion or the opinion of those who turned on me without batting an eye not anymore.” It’s so liberating to say that to them. Oh, a weight has been lifted off my chest and so I walked out of the school side-by-side with Damian, Adrien, and Chloe with my head held high. And for the first time and I can’t remember when I could breathe. They weren’t going to hold me down any longer.
Just for to clear this up Marinette is the youngest out of all the children. She and Damian are the same age but he is older by a few months.
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𝐒𝐮𝐫𝐯𝐢𝐯𝐨𝐫 | 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟐 ~ 𝐃.𝐇 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
Just a little idea that’s been in my head for a while :)
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 2.4K
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: Um? Aliens? Bad language? Bad writing?
𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐒𝐲𝐩𝐧𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐬: There was nothing left, no one left. No one but you and the shy little girl you had learnt to love as a daughter. The two of you were surviving, praying to god that the company would rescue you, not realizing that it would only bring more danger, and introduce you to some of the most important people of your life.
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You and Newt followed the marines through what remained of the complex, keeping her close to you and flinching at every small sound.
Your footsteps were echoing dangerously loudly through the desolate corridors, and you couldn’t help but shudder at the thought of them knowing exactly where you were, and you were sure that by now they did.
Between the misfires, footsteps and terrible attempts at whispering, you were just a herd of lambs waiting for the slaughter, helpless and afraid.
“This is it.” A voice from the front of the group said as you reached Operations.
Your grip on Newts shoulder tightened as the door slid open with a hiss, and everyone was quickly ushered inside.
“Right.” A man said, smaller and far less intimidating then the others. “I need a medic for the survivors, and I want to speak with them when they’ve been cleared to see if we can find out what happened here. Ripley, you stay with them-” You noticed some of the soldiers rolling their eyes as he spoke, and the man who had helped you up let out a small chuckle. -”The rest of you are going to be with me and Apone.”
The marines lazily followed the man and ‘Apone’ towards the other side of the room, surrounded by computers and screens that probably wouldn’t even be any help.
A woman approached you and Newt with a somewhat sympathetic smile. “Who wants to go first?”
Newt’s eyes widened, scared, and you took a small step forward, silently letting the woman know that you’d be going first.
She gestured towards an empty desk and you were able to push yourself up onto it with a bit of struggle, only now realizing how much muscle you had lost since all of this began.
The woman began a standard medical exam as Ripley stood not too far behind her, placing a supportive hand on Newt’s shoulder as she watched you with wide eyes, observing the way the woman checked your eyes, ears, mouth and heart rate amongst other things.
“You’re physically fine, so there’s nothing to worry about there.” The woman said to you, taking a step back for you to push yourself up off the desk. “Have you got a name?”
You hesitated, wondering if you should trust these people. You knew they had been sent to rescue you, but they also had no idea what they were dealing with, and they had been sent by the company.
Ripley nodded encouragingly at you, and you opened your mouth, struggling to find the words. You and Newt had learnt to communicate either silently or as quietly as possible, and your throat was already aching from shouting earlier.
“Y/n.” You croaked out. “Y/n L/n.”
“Y/n.” Ripley repeated, and you nodded. “It’s pretty.”
“Thank you.” You mumbled as the other woman gestured for Newt to come forward. “It’s ok sweetie.” You said when you noticed how hesitant she was. “She just wants to make sure you’re nice and healthy.”
Newt slowly made her way forward, and you felt concern and worry rise in your chest as the marine picked her up and sat her on the desktop you hand just been on. After everything you’d been through together, you thought of Newt as a baby sister, or daughter even, and the only person you truly trusted with her was yourself.
Newt’s medical exam began, and a voice from behind you caused you to jump.
It was the same man from earlier, the one you had seen the marines rolling their eyes and snickering at.
“Hello to you too Gorman.” The medic smiled tightly at him. “The older one, Y/n, seems to be as healthy as she could be given the situation. I still have to check over the child though.”
“Good.” Gorman said, looking over towards you. “Now ma’am, Y/n, if you wouldn’t mind following me, we’ll get you something to eat and drink, and ask you a few questions.”
You looked over to Newt, wanting to stay with her, but the other part of you knew that you didn’t want to discuss all of this with Newt around. She had been exposed to so much, but she was still a child and it was your job to keep her as shielded as possible from it all now, keeping what remained of her innocence intact.
“Go.” Ripley said to you, with kind eyes. “I’ll watch her, make sure she’s safe until you get back.”
Something about the way she said it reassured you, and after a moment of hesitation you nodded.
“Ok.” You looked at Gorman, and he gestured toward the marines, who had all spread out by now and were doing their own tasks. “Follow me.”
The two of you walked through the Operations room, and you felt stares as you followed Gorman to a small group of about three marines who were seated by the door to what looked like a break room.
“Any requests?” He asked, throwing a glance towards the break room.
You felt your mouth begin to salivate. You hadn’t drank anything but dirty water for the past few weeks, and you almost forgot that other beverages existed.
“Coffee?” You asked in a tiny voice, sounding far more broken and defeated than it had when they had found you.
When they had first found you they had seen the hard exterior you had to put on to survive, a woman who would do anything and everything to keep herself and Newt safe, a woman who you wouldn’t even recognize in the mirror. Now they saw the real you; the you that came out when Newt was sleeping and you were crying silently beside her, mourning what your lives had once been.
This you was a broken shell of the past you, merely a weak, exhausted twenty year old woman whose life had been snatched away from her far too early.
“Hicks?” Gorman asked, taking a seat at the desk. “Fancy making the lady a coffee?”
You cast your eyes over to Hicks as he let out a small sigh, and felt your breath hitch in your throat as you realized you had finally put a name to the handsome face who had helped you up.
“No problem.” He said, looking at you instead of Gorman. “C’mon.”
You followed him into the break room, feeling guilty as he pulled out a mug and made his way to the coffee machine.
“Sorry.” You said quietly, surprised if he’d even be able to hear you.
“For what?” His eyebrows furrowed and he turned his head to look at you, seemingly shocked that you were apologizing.
“Well this isn’t exactly your job is it?” You asked, and you winced at your raspy voice. “Making coffee for rescued colonists?”
He let out a small chuckle, in turn causing you to smile, something you hadn’t done in a long, long time.
“No, I can’t say it is. I’d rather be in here with you then out there with Gorman though.” He said, turning on the coffee machine and fiddling around with it.
It was your turn to let out a small laugh.
“Yeah he doesn’t seem to be too popular around here. Can’t imagine why.”
Hicks exhaled sharply through his teeth. “Well if you need help we made a list last night.”
You laughed again, wrapping your arms around yourself. Laughing felt foreign to you after having gone so long without it. There wasn’t much to smile at in this miserable joint, let alone laugh at, and it felt strange to you.
“I don’t even wanna know if that’s true or not.” You shook your head as the two of you waited for the coffee machine to finish.
A comfortable silence fell over the small room, and you found yourself closing your eyes, pretending it was normal for just a few seconds.
“So.” Hicks said, pulling you out of the fantasy and causing your eyes to snap open. “Why, if you don’t mind me asking, were you so afraid?”
You tilted your head, confused.
“What do you mean?”
“When we first found you.” He elaborated. “You know that we’re here to help, right?”
You let out a sigh and ran a hand through your greasy hair.
“Look, no offense Hicks, but you were sent here by the company. I don’t exactly trust the guys up there if you know what I mean.” You said, peering out the door at a civilian looking man wearing a suit, who had obviously been sent by Weyland Yutani. “I think I’d be better off surviving on my own than trusting them.”
He just nodded, taking your words in before the coffee machine beeped, interrupting.
He poured the hot liquid into the mug and handed it to you. A small smile appeared on his face as he watched you gently blow on it and take your first sip of coffee in weeks.
“Beautiful.” You said with your eyes closed, savoring the taste.
He let out a small chuckle, and the two of you headed out of the room, joining Gorman and the others at the desk.
You took an empty seat and placed your coffee on the desk, missing the warmth from your hands.
“Ok Y/n,” Gorman said, jumping straight to the point. “Let’s start from the beginning.”
You let out a shaky breath and jammed your hands into the pockets of your thin jacket.
“Umm, well, I suppose it began when a few colonists were sent out to some coordinates. No one really knows what happened out there, they kept everything confidential, but when they came back...” You trailed off, staring out the window into the wasteland, wondering where the hell that thing had come from.
“Y/n?” Gorman asked.
“Sorry.” You let out an unsure chuckle. “Uh, yeah. They came back with this, this thing wrapped around the face of one of them, and uh, he kinda just went straight into medical. Barely any of us colonists were aware, so when it came off he kind of just went back to his normal life, and then,” you sucked in a sharp breath and when you started to speak again your voice was shaky, “then I remember one day, he was walking through the hallway, and I had been there, walking towards him. He um, he got these chest pains or something, and the next thing we all knew he was letting out these awful, awful screams, and some- something came out of his chest.”
You looked at the faces around you, all with sympathetic expressions, silently encouraging you to go on.
“There was blood everywhere. We weren’t able to get him to a doctor in time, and he died there in front of me. The thing that came out of him though, it was shrieking, and it ran off before anyone managed to get a good look at it really.” You felt yourself choking up as you relived the horrible memories. “And since that day more and more people just started disappearing, and the people who went looking for them never returned either. Some of us wanted to fight back, tried building barricades and fighting with everything they had, others, like me hid. Newt and I are the only ones left.”
Gorman let out a deep sigh from beside you. “Shit.”
“Yeah.” You said with a sad smile on your face. Some sick and twisted part of you was happy, glad that you had managed to survive instead of dying alongside your friends and family. “Now if you’ll excuse me.” You pushed yourself up from the chair and picked up your cup of coffee. “I have to go check on Newt.”
“I’ll join you.” Gorman said.
You gave him a small nod as the two of you stood, briefly meeting Hicks’ eye before turning and walking to where you could see Ripley and Newt.
You and Gorman walked side by side towards them, watching as Ripley gently wiped Newt’s face with a cloth.
“Hi baby.” You smiled at her as you reached her, before looking at Ripley. “Thank you.”
“No problem, I was just cleaning up Rebecca’s face.” Ripley said with a comforting smile, something about it was oddly maternal and it put you at ease.
“Newt.” Came a small voice from beside you.
“What?” Ripley asked, shocked at her speaking.
“My name is Newt. Nobody calls me Rebecca, except my brother.”
Ripley smiled again.
“Newt? I like that.”
“How did you know her name was Rebecca?” You asked, tilting your head.
“Her colonist ID number was stitched into her jacket.” Ripley explained. “I got Hudson to run it through your system.”
You nodded, keeping your mouth shut. You had spoken enough today, and your throat was starting to pay the consequences.
Gorman took the cap on his head off and turned to Ripley, speaking quietly.
“Ripley, based off of Y/n’s story we believe that your alien was here too, and lots of them. Right now I’ve got Hudson scanning for PDT’s to find out where all of these colonists are, and I need you to be ready when we find them.”
“I got it.” Ripley said, giving him a tight smile as he turned and walked off.
The lieutenant made his way over to where a few marines, Hicks included, were now huddled around a computer screen.
“So who’s this, hmm?” Ripley asked Newt, picking up the doll head she had found in the trash last week.
“Casey.” Newt mumbled.
“Hello Casey.” Ripley tilted her head sideways, getting a good look at the doll. “What about your brother?” She looked back at Newt. “What’s his name?”
“Is Timmy around here too?” Ripley asked and you nudged her gently, trying to silently tell her to drop it.
Newt stayed silent.
“No.” You said. “Can we drop this now?”
“Sorry.” Ripley said quietly. “What about you guys? How did you meet?”
“We bumped into each other in an air vent.” You let out a small laugh. “We both had found food, and decided to share it, and we’ve been together since.”
“Well I’m glad the two of you managed to find each other.” She said.
“I-” You were cut off abruptly by a voice from the group of marines.
“Yo! Stop your grinnin’ and drop your linen! Found ‘em.”
Your heart stopped. Had they found the rest of the colonists?
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pengychan · 3 years
[Coco] Mind the Gap, Epilogue
Title: Mind the Gap Summary: Modern Day AU. Tired of Ernesto’s snide remarks, Imelda decides to put him in his place and her husband is more than happy to help. It was supposed to be a one-night deal. Things quickly get out of hand. [OT3, mostly porn and humor. Plenty of instances of Ernesto being Dramatic, Imelda getting Sick Of His Shit, and Héctor trying to be the peacekeeper. Don’t expect anything serious.] Pairings: Ernesto/Héctor/Imelda Rating: Explicit.
Art by @swanpit​.
[All chapters are tagged as ‘mind the gap’ on my blog.]
A/N: A family can be a mom, a dad, their baby, mom and dad's boyfriend who is also the baby's honorary uncle, a cat, and a total of five dogs. 
“You know, you and your brothers had been baptized long before you were six months old.”
The speakers are not on, but Ernesto is still able to hear every word Imelda’s mother is uttering due to the disease that seems to affect many people the age of fifty - the certainty you absolutely need to yell into the phone for your words to be heard on the other side.
Imelda would very much appreciate not hearing them, if the way she drops the side of her head against the passenger side window with a thunk is anything to go by. “I am aware, mamá,” she almost groans. “But we’re doing it now, no? We’re on the way there, by the way, that’s what I called to let you kno--”
“And I am glad, but I cannot see any reason why you had to wait this long.”
Imelda’s head thunks back against the window just as Ernesto changes lanes to get past a car whose owner seems to be missing the foot that’s supposed to go on the speed pedal. Somewhere in the back, Héctor groans quietly. 
“I had work to do, Héctor had work to do, and if we wanted to have the ceremony in Santa Cecilia we needed time to organize,” Imelda is gritting out. “I don’t see why we should have rushed things, considering that Coco is not at risk of imminent death. Nor has she had enough time to commit significant sins on the mortal plane.”
“Of course she has not, but you know it is important for babies to be baptized--”
“And besides, the Pope decided limbo is no longer canonical some ten years ago.”
“He also said it is no reason to delay--”
“Ah, we’re getting into a tunnel. Signal is bad. See you later,” Imelda snaps, and ends the call before dropping against the backrest with the expression of a luchadora who barely made it through the end of the match. “Remind me why cancelling the entire baptism out of spite is not a good idea?”
“Ceci worked really hard on the ropón and Coco looks beautiful in it,” Héctor speaks up.
“I already paid for the entire damn thing,” Ernesto supplies helpfully.
A chuckle. “Ay, we’re stuck, then,” Imelda says, and turns back to Ernesto. “... Sorry. What were you saying before the call again?”
“The concert next month. The latest piece Héctor wrote is a duet and we could use a woman’s voice. You should come with us, it will only be a couple of nights and you’d only need to be on stage for that song. Armando is already sold to the idea.”
It seems a very reasonable proposal to Ernesto, but Imelda frowns, pulling the car’s window down just enough to get some wind on her face. “I know he is, but I am not completely sold to the idea of leaving Coco in my brothers’ care for any amount of time.”
“It can’t be that ba--”
“You were not there when they came up with the self-rocking crib,” Héctor interjects from the back.
“The self-rocking crib?”
“Yes. Thankfully they tested it on Pepita first. She was not very happy about being ejected against the wall, but you know what they say about cats landing on their feet.”
“Ah.” Ernesto briefly debates whether he should tell them about the surprise the twins are planning. Not that he knows what the surprise actually is, they just briefly mentioned they were going back to Santa Cecilia a few days earlier than them to prepare… something. 
Ah, it will be fine. Probably. 
“Well, maybe we could find someone else to look after Coco,” he finally says instead. “Or keep an eye on them while they look after Coco. ”
Imelda hums. “I guess Ceci may be able to.”
“... Anyone else?”
“Don’t be like that, she’s her godmother.”
“Not yet she isn’t, you have time until tomorrow to change your min--”
“Your co-godparent,” Héctor pipes in. “Meaning that if anything happens to me and Imelda, you two will be morally obliged to step in and help her out. Together.”
“Uuugh. You both had better live long and healthy lives.”
A chuckle. “We’ll do our best,” Imelda promises, and for a time the car is quiet. Not for a long time, with Héctor speaking up again soon enough. 
“Are we there yet?”
Ernesto sighs. And there he hoped he would stop asking. “No.”
“My leg is all pins and needles.”
“Wouldn’t have happened if you sat like a normal human.”
“But Coco needed me to hug the baby seat, she wouldn’t settle otherwise.”
“Well, she’s asleep now. You can let go.”
Sprawled across the back seat in order to keep his arms wrapped around the sleeping child on the baby seat, his left leg folded awkwardly beneath him, Héctor shoots a very offended look which Ernesto glimpses through the rear view mirror.
“No,” he declares with all the defiance of a father refusing to hand over his baby to King Herod himself to be slaughtered in the Massacre of the Innocents. Ernesto shrugs.
“Suit yourself,” he says, and keeps driving. A boring task right now, the road straight and mercifully empty. They should be in Santa Cecilia within a couple of hours, he estimates, give or take a few--
“Are we there yet?”
“Por Dios, I was prepared for the baby to be insufferable throughout the trip, but you’re worse,” Ernesto groans. On the passenger seat, Imelda rubs her temple. 
“We could stop a few minutes, so Héctor can stretch his legs - don’t protest, you know you need it. I wouldn’t mind a break either,” she adds, and glances over at Ernesto. “Do you want me to drive the rest of the way? You’ve been at the wheel the entire time.”
“I can drive the rest of the way,” Héctor volunteers.
“Absolutely not,” Ernesto and Imelda say as one.
“Oh come on, if this is still about that thing with the level crossing in Colima, it was weeks ago and--”
“Coco is in the car,” Imelda reminds him, and Héctor promptly shuts up. When Ernesto pulls into a service station and stops the car in the small parking lot, he slowly disentangles himself from the baby seat. As Coco does not, in fact, bolt awake screaming in horrible pain the second he lets go, he finally gets off the car and takes a few steps. 
Or rather, hops awkwardly on one foot while trying to regain sensation in his left leg. Imelda watches him hop towards the toilet with a chuckle, and turns to put a hand on Ernesto’s arm. “I’ll be getting coffee for both me and Héctor. Knowing you, I assume you’d prefer a beer.”
“I’m supposed to be driving--”
“Look at you, being all resonsible with a baby on board. But no, you’re not. I’ll take over from here,” she cuts him off, and Ernesto smiles. 
“I’ll take two beers, then. One for me and one for the señorita in the back.”
Imelda laughs, and smacks his chest before she picks up her purse. “I’ll be right back. If the señorita in the back awakens and demands a drink, you know where the bottle and the thermos with her milk are.”
“I may have forgotten, Héctor only showed me sixteen times,” Ernesto calls after her, leaning against the side of the car. He arches his back to stretch, groans at the satisfying pop somewhere in his spine, and pulls out his phone. Sofía has sent him a photo showing the couch in Héctor and Imelda’s living room, currently occupied by four napping chihuahuas, an unimpressed-looking cat, and an upside-down Xolo dog.
Pet sitting them here is a lot better, she wrote. At least it’s not my shit they chew up. No shoes among the fatalities, though, so no need to castrate the big one. Tell Imelda that.
Ay, how unfortunate that Dante is getting the snip either way, Ernesto thinks, much like Diablo and Lobo did. He could have Clara and Zita spayed, true enough, but the procedure is more invasive and he’d rather spare them the ordeal if it can all be fixed, literally, by fixing Dante. They’ll book the appointment as soon as they get back, and then he and Héctor will have a drink in male solidarity. Soon, possibly before either Clara or Zita can--
Ah, so the señorita is awake. Ernesto puts away the phone and sticks his head back into the car. “You called?” he asks, and Coco grins up at him with half a tooth, absolutely delighted. She reaches up with a squeal, and Ernesto grins back.
“You want me to pick you up? Is that it?”
“Is that a yes? I’ll take it as a yes.” Getting Coco out of her baby seat gets another delighted squeal out of her, chubby hands grabbing fistfuls of his shirt. He bounces her a bit and she gives a joyous laugh. “Ah, look at you. Don’t tell your papá I said it, but sometimes I get what he means when he--”
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Getting half-digested milk and apple puree all over his shirt is not what Ernesto expected to happen, but in retrospect he probably should have. To his credit he doesn’t give in to his first instinct, which is to drop the baby to tend to his shirt, so he will get to live another day. He just stands there, staring down at his ruined shirt, holding Coco at arms’ length. 
Unaware - or maybe perfectly aware - of the mess she has made, Coco burps and laughs, legs dangling in what almost looks like a little dance. Ernesto sighs, and stares at her in the eye. “I take that back,” he informs her. Coco giggles. 
“... I suspect I know what that look means. I will not be the one to change your diaper.”
“Yes, exactly. We’ll leave it to your--”
“She’s awake! She didn’t cry, did she? Coco! Papá is here!”
Héctor takes Coco from Ernesto’s hands with a wide smile, not even noticing the condition his shirt is in, and twirls around with her in his arms, making her laugh harder. Ernesto would warn him not to spin too much, but it seems she’d already emptied her stomach, the little demon. In the end he just scoffs, gives her an offended look she absolutely ignores, and grabs a clean shirt from his luggage in the back of the car before he heads for the toilets to try and somewhat salvage the one he’s wearing. Maybe if he washes off the worst of it now, his mother will know how to fix the rest. He’s halfway to the toilets when Imelda calls out. 
"Here's your beer, it's not as cold as you like it but-- ah. I see Coco got you."
Ernesto turns to meet her gaze, his expression solemn. “I am afraid your mother was right.”
“... Qué?”
“You’re too late. Your daughter has now definitely sinned on this mortal plane,” he declares. “Do you know how much I paid for this shirt?”
Imelda raises an eyebrow. “Ah, more than you should have. It doesn’t fit you that well. You should just arrive at your parents’ place shirtless. They’re used to seeing you shirtless by now,” she adds, and laughs at Ernesto’s indignant sputtering as he informs her that was low. 
But then she kisses him and promises she will keep his beer in the ice box fridge until he’s back, and he can find it in himself to forgive the affront after all.
“... And this my mamá, see? Emilia. She is your other abuela, can you say abuela?”
“Heh. Close enough, querida. Close enough” 
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Sitting cross-legged before his parents’ grave, with Coco nestled comfortably in his arms, Héctor kisses his daughter’s head before turning back to the gravestone with a small smile. Ricardo and Emilia Rivera are smiling back from it, a few years younger than they were when they died. 
Finding that photo was a struggle, because the gas leak that destroyed his home spared none of the family albums. Ernesto nearly tore down his own home, but in the end he was able to dig up a bunch of photographs from one of their very last Nativity plays - and among them was one photo of Héctor, looking a little embarrassed in his angel wings and fake halo, with his parents beaming at either side of him. 
The original is now proudly displayed in the living room in Mexico City; Imelda’s parents have a copy, which Héctor always finds on their ofrenda when he and Imelda come to spend Día de los Muertos with them. Two cut-outs from a third copy are now gracing their gravestone.
I should make more copies. Just in case.
In his arms Coco squeals, and holds out a chubby hand towards the smiling faces of her grandparents. Héctor’s somewhat dampened smile brightens again. 
“Mamá, papá, meet Coco. She’s very happy to meet you.” He bounces the child a little in his arms. “She crawls everywhere and puts everything in her mouth, just like you said I did. And she's got my eyes! Yours, mamá. Not the nose, thank God - no offense, papá, but… come on.” He laughs a little. “Ay, I shouldn’t complain. I mostly grew into it, like you said I would. I’m sorry you didn’t get to see that you were right. I’m sorry you don’t get to be here today.”
Héctor pauses a moment, and kisses Coco’s head one more time before he speaks again. “... I wish you were here to give me advice, but I’ll do my best to be as good a parent as you were. I, uh. Well, my family is not really traditional now, I guess. I don’t know if you’d approve. I don’t know if you’d understand. I’m both relieved and sad I may never get to know, and then sad I’m relieved at all because-- either way, I wish you were here.” 
He pauses, and swallows. Oblivious to the painful lump in her father’s throat, Coco has managed to grab a flower and is trying to put it in her mouth. He takes it out of her hand gently, placing it back before the grave. “But I wanted to tell you, I believe I am doing the right thing. And I am very happy. We are all very happy, and doing our best, and that… that is the most important thing, I think.”
Their smiling faces stare back, forever unchanging. He never got to see their bodies - he was told it was for the best - and now he is glad of that. This is how he wants to remember them: whole, and alive, and always smiling. They would smile today seeing their granddaughter, he’s sure. He likes to think that somewhere, they still are. 
Coco sure is smiling plenty for someone with only half a tooth, still babbling and trying to reach out for the faces on the gravestone. Héctor holds her a bit closer, and her hands press on the glass over the photos like she’s trying to grab those smiles for herself. 
“Abbwaba,” she chirps, and laughs like someone just told a really great joke. 
Must be papá. Mamá’s jokes were terrible, Héctor thinks, and when Coco turns to look at him again, laughing, he laughs just as hard.
“Oh, you look so handsome!”
That is something Ernesto usually appreciates hearing - he appreciates it very much, truth be told - but it does lose some of its appeal when the person saying it is your mother as she circles you to make sure your jacket looks absolutely spotless.
“Uh, yes. So, are we ready to--”
“Isn’t he handsome, Estéban?”
Estéban de la Cruz, who clearly needs help getting ready far more than Ernesto ever did - anything vaguely more elegant than an undershirt seems to make him ill at ease - glances over and gives him a shrug that probably translates to ‘I have to listen to this every day, now it’s your turn’. 
“Looking good,” is all he says, causing Ernesto to blink. This kind of thing, his father looking at him and talking to him like a normal specimen of homo sapiens, is something he has yet to get entirely used to. He remembers times when he saw his father sitting on the couch while staring at the wall in an alcohol-induced stupor, and being both relieved and frustrated by it. A part of him rejoiced at the chance to just pass by unnoticed and spare himself one of his moods, while the other wanted to grab him by the shirt and shake him, knowing full well it would amount to suicide.
I am here, damn you. I’m right here. Look at me.
“So handsome,” Adela repeats for the eleventh time, snapping him from his reminiscence. “You know, you should find someone.”
As his father looks suddenly very busy fiddling with the buttons of his jacket, Ernesto holds back a groan. “Mamá, can we not--”
“You know Mirela’s son? He’s a nice boy too, and word is that he also may be--”
Oh no. No no no no no, this is not happening.
“Ay, look at the time, I really need to go! See you in church!” Ernesto yells, and sprints to the door, almost forgetting to pick up the sack of coins on his way out.
“That’s a very generous bolo.”
“Ugh, don’t remind me. Ceci would never let me hear the end of it if I gave anything less.”
“Ah, don't be modest. You wanted to be a good godfather and bring plenty of good fortune to your goddaugh--"
“No, it was definitely Ceci."
"Ah." As children swarm around them to pick up the frankly astounding amount of coins Ernesto has scattered around, Héctor laughs and puts an arm around his shoulders. “Ay, don’t worry, mi amigo. I have a song in mind that will more than make up for your losses.”
Ernesto, newly-minted godfather, snorts. “It had better,” he says, elbowing him in the ribs, but his lips are already curling in a smile. Héctor lets out a yelp that’s mostly for show, and looks over to where Imelda is standing, clad in a beautiful dress Ceci insists on tailoring just for her along with Coco’s pure white ropón.
“No, no purple, for God’s sake,” he remembers Ceci muttering as she took Imelda’s measures. “This is your child’s christening, not Lent!”
Imelda does favor purple over most colors, but she looks stunning in the blue dress as she speaks to guests, Coco squirming and giggling in her arms as Óscar and Felipe make faces at her. She gets to make some noise now, after being on her best behavior through… most of the ceremony, a few drum-shattering shrieks aside. Héctor finds himself smiling dreamily. 
“She is beautiful, isn’t she?” he sighs, and Ernesto raises an eyebrow. 
“Imelda, or Coco?”
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“Heh. Yes,” Ernesto concedes. For a few more moments they just look on, side by side. For just a split second Héctor allows himself to wish circumstances would allow him to grab Ernesto’s hand, but he knows better than that; they will not go out of their way to hide, but they have got to be practical. If there is anyone present at the moment they may try to come clean to first, it’s probably-- ah, speaking of them…
“The twins are planning something during the reception, aren’t they?”
“Of course they are. It may or may not involve explosive material.”
“Por Dios, tell me you talked them out of it!”
“Why would I? I like fireworks.”
To the boys’ credit, the display is pretty spectacular. The only casualty is a perfectly replaceable tablecloth, and Coco’s sheer delight as she claps at the lights, nestled in her grandmother’s arms, is well worth the loss. 
It also causes enough of a distraction for the three of them to slip their arms under the table and hold onto each other’s hands for a few moments, squeezing tight.
“Home, sweet home!”
Héctor’s dramatic declaration would be more accurate as ‘bed sweet bed’, really. When they made it back to their apartment it felt anything but sweet, with a baby cranky from the long trip and five dogs, plus a cat, either very offended by their absence or bouncing off the walls,  frantic for their attention after a grand total of two hours on their own after Sofía left. 
It took about an hour to put down their things, feed the pets, feed the baby, take the dogs out and put Coco in her crib. Then, and only then, can the three of them collapse on the bed and breathe in a sigh of relief. 
“We survived,” Ernesto mutters into the pillow. 
“Seems like it,” Héctor groans. “Now we can sleep.”
And then, of course, Coco starts crying. It takes Imelda approximately half a minute to pick her up, decide she’s not going to be able to keep standing on her own two feet long enough to soothe her, and return to their bed with her. She lays down with her and Coco settles quickly, nestled securely in her arms. She never moves around when asleep and Pepita is keeping watch as always, so it’s safe enough, Imelda reasons with a yawn. She only realizes she forgot to close the door when Pepita jumps in, curling up next to Coco. She groans. 
“For the love of God, close the door before--”
“Yip! Yip! Yip!”
“Agh-- Dante, no, wait--” Héctor trails off with a yelp when Dante jumps up on the bed, landing across his legs and just barely missing his crotch with a clumsy paw. Out of the corner of her eye, Imelda notices Ernesto reaching down. 
No dogs on the bed, she wants to say, but Dante is already up and she is tired enough to admit defeat, at least this once. She sighs and shushes Coco while she falls back asleep, trying to ignore Ernesto’s little monsters as they snuffle around to find a spot to snooze. Once they finally settle, Imelda closes her eyes and tries to sleep. And tries. And tries. 
On the pillow, Pepita is purring away. The dogs are mostly silent, except for the occasional twitch and half-snore. Coco is suckling on her thumb as she sleeps, Héctor is breathing with his mouth open as usual, and Ernesto is snoring softly behind her. She could blame any of those things for the lack of sleep, but she knows that’s not it. 
Finally, quiet and careful to stir no one, Imelda half-sits and looks across the bed she used to share with Héctor and no one else, and that used to feel so large. 
It’s quite crowded now, with the three of them and Coco resting on it, Héctors’ limbs splayed in all directions and Ernesto a solid presence behind her, their pets filling up all remaining space. Not a single gap left.
It is perfect. It is whole. 
It is home.
Imelda nods silently, and leans back down. She tucks a lock of hair behind Coco’s ear, kisses her forehead, and closes her eyes with a sated smile.
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Aaaand it's over, yet another fic that got out of hand and ended up at least three times longer than planned! Hope you enjoyed the read as much as I enjoyed writing it.
(Also, letting a baby sleep in the Big Bed with mom, dad, their boyfriend who is also a honorary uncle, their cat and their five dogs is really cute in fiction, but can go very wrong in reality if someone turns in their sleep. Don't do that.)
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