#but I'm still pouting about what you said
gyeomsweetgyeom · 3 days
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[2:14 pm]
(cw: cursing, reader is a lil teensy weensy bit toxic but it's fun!!!)
"Did you still want to go get food?" you ask from your position on gamer!Haechan's bed. The same spot you'd been in for the last, wow, almost 3 hours.
"Fuck off! Get my 6 motherfucker!" Haechan yells, before answering softly, "yeah, of course, baby."
You rolled your eyes, he wasn't even listening to you. He had been listening to you when you showed up 4 hours ago when he was very calmly showing you all the changes he made on his Animal Crossing Island. Then, and this was smart, he slid his Switch over to you and told you to make any changes you'd like. So you spent about an hour on his Switch, placing decorations and buying clothes to send to your own island before you realized he was keeping you busy so he could play Fortnite.
Just like he'd been playing last night when he insisted you call him to talk. That casual, and some might even call it cute, conversation lasted all of 20 minutes before he was screaming so loud, you heard him across the room even when your phone wasn't on speaker. Since he'd been so adamant about playing last night and played for so long, you thought today he'd be over it. WRONG! Apparently, there had been some update or something and that reignited his Fortnite obsession.
"Well, do you want to go out like we planned or do you want me to order something?" You asked, turning to lay on your side.
"Of course, my love- oh you stupid fuck! Get back here!" Haechan groaned as the keyboard clacking got even louder.
You pulled a blanket over your face to muffle a groan of your own. A groan of annoyance an frustration more than anything. You'd give him 10 more minutes and then you'd take drastic measures.
You checked the time, 2:14, perfect. You figured you could have at least a little fun while you waited.
"I think it would make you totally ugly if you shaved your head, but why not do it anyway? What do you think?" You asked with a smile.
Haechan nods, "Totally agree, babe. Someone come get this stupid ass little 10 year old that tried to steal my loot."
"And you should pay for our food! And dessert!" You added.
"Of course, baby! Oh, oh, dude! Dude! Headshot! That was a headshot! Holy shit! That was gold!" He exclaimed excitedly.
"And I was thinking maybe after dinner we can go sell your whole set up. Maybe to the first guy we see for like a dollar even less!"
"Yeah, definitely. Dude, I'm out. Fuck, I lagged. Let's join a new game, I'm tired of playing with these fucking kids," Haechan groans, running his hands down his face.
Perfect, you stood up and quickly moved to his computer, pulling at some random plugs until the screen shut off. You placed your hand over his mouth with a sickeningly sweet smile, "We're going to go eat now. Then, because you agreed, we're going to shave your head, you're going to pay, and then we're going to sell your little computer and the whole set up."
You could feel his lips moving beneath your hand, "But-"
You tsked with a fake pout, "Baby, you agreed."
"I wasn't listening! I don't remember what you said!"
"You don't listen when I talk?" You ask with an arched brow.
He opened his mouth and quickly closed it to take a second to think. He hummed, "I promise, the next time we have plans I won't get distracted by games." You gave him a look as if to ask, and? he cleared his throat, "and I won't try cheap gimmicks to distract you. And I will pay for dinner and for the rest of the day all my attention will be on you and no one or anything else. But I won't shave my head or sell my set up."
You smiled, "I was joking. I just wanted to see if anything would catch your attention. Now, let's go, I'm hungry."
You were both on your out when Haechan asked, "do you think I'd look good with a shaved head? Is that why you asked."
You couldn't even look at him, choosing instead to focus on the sidewalk beneath your feet, "yeah, baby. Of course..."
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yerimbrit · 2 days
on my mind (all the time) : k. haerin
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synopsis: is it love? and if it is, was it platonic? or romantic? does haerin even like girls? ...you give her a headache.
# : pairing ! nonidol!kang haerin x fem!reader
# : tags ! requested, haerin pov, self-discovery, bbangsaz mention, hanni appearance, complicated feelings, pining, but in a haerin way yk, so sorry this is short(er than most of my stuff), they're watching mean girls (2004) , THIS TOOK SO LONG, IM SORRY
# : wordcount ! 1.7k
# : warnings ! none
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there is no name to put to these feelings that haerin holds for you. probably.
well, at least no name that haerin knows. she knows that it's different from what she feels for, say, danielle. or minji. or hanni, or hyein. she doesn't have it in her to play tom and jerry with you, because you amuse her, in a different way.
you're an interesting individual. (sometimes) high-energy. proud member of the go-home club. procrastinator. (haerin wonders how you still manage to get top marks in exams despite only studying the night before.)
there's just something about you that draws her in, seizing her attention with whatever you do.
"hello? earth to kang haerin, are you there?" oops.
when haerin looks up, she's met with hanni, who's sitting in front of her waving her hand back and forth. they're currently sitting in the new boba shop which opened two weeks ago. hanni's been begging everyone to go with her, but the other girls came up with excuses on the spot except haerin, who was zoning out at the time. this is not where she was planning to be on her saturday afternoon, usually reserved for her regular napping session.
but, well, there's barely anyone here and hanni opted for an even quieter corner and paid for haerin's slice of red velvet cake, so who was haerin to complain? the cake does well to make up for the energy she could've restored with her very-necessary-not-to-be-disturbed-4-hour-nap, anyway.
"thinking about y/n?" the older girl wiggles her eyebrows, but her smile drops at the sight of haerin's brow twitching, a telltale sign of something about to come out of her mouth that would have hanni regretting she ever spoke up.
"why worry about what i'm thinking, when you should be thinking about if minji's even picking up on your signs?"
the receiver of the comment pouts and blows her bangs out of her face. "i hate when you're right."
haerin takes another bite of her cake. done and dusted. this is a frequent interaction between the two—hanni is the only one who knows about her infatuation with you (though only because haerin accidentally said your name out loud as she was zoning out one day), and haerin is the only one hanni has confided in for her feelings for her best friend.
the only thing haerin hates about this is that it's hanni, of all people. hanni, who keeps insisting that whatever she's feeling for you is romantic. that part, she hasn't really figured out but she doesn't think it's romantic. or if she's interested in girls. haerin isn't the type to have many crushes, that or it was so minor that she doesn't remember. she wonders if the random boys she used to pick to be her "crush" count, because it was mostly to satisfy the nosey girls in her class that wouldn't take "no one" as an answer.
"she came over yesterday," haerin muses, taking the last bite of her slice of cake and setting the silver fork neatly on the empty plate. she stares disappointedly at the lack of sweet delights. hanni should owe her another slice for the unsolicited therapy session she's about to go through.
at hearing her words, hanni slams her hands on the table as she leaned forward. the fork is slightly pushed from its perfect position on her plate, and haerin frowns. +1 slice added to hanni's tab.
"and? what happened?" the girl asks after settling back down into her seat. the few people that were also in the shop are staring at the pair. she mouths a 'sorry' as she looks around, bashfully scratching the back of her neck. this, too, is one of the frequent happenings in haerin's life.
haerin takes a sip of her unsweetened iced tea. "nothing in particular. nothing that would interest you, anyway."
she gets a push to the shoulder from across the booth table. it doesn't make her budge, no, hanni is too soft on her for that, but it does make her frown. in retaliation, she steals a bite of hanni's castella, earning her another push to the shoulder.
"well, tell me anyway. i need all the details."
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"it's not my fault you're, like, in love with me or something!" you passionately exclaim, following along with the movie. you and haerin are sitting on your bed, watching mean girls on your beat up laptop that you got from your sister. the movie has been one of your favorites even before haerin met you.
'it's funny,' haerin thinks, resting her head on top of yours when you lean on her shoulder. she's been thinking a lot since the last time she has seen you. she's so, so close to figuring out why her heart speeds up automatically at the sight of you, or why your smile is so much more contagious than usual. but... she just can't put her finger on it. 'what if hanni was right?'
she just needs one more push in the right direction to pinpoint the answer she's looking for.
"oh," haerin grins, "we're almost at my favorite part."
incredulously, you smile up at her. "regina's about to get hit by a bus."
you burst out into a fit of laughter, shaking your head. haerin is so peculiar.
you're always so sure of herself. maybe that's why haerin's interested in you. she's never been unsure of herself until you showed up.
"you're so warm. and pretty," you look up at her through your eyelashes. "so pretty, kang haerin, did you know that?"
haerin is blushing. but she only nudges your shoulder.
you snuggle more into her neck. a warm feeling spreads through haerin's body, and it only furthers her confusion. you've always liked skinship with her, not that she minded. she's never admitted to it (declaration is unnecessary) but she does enjoy it. again, it's different from hugs from hyein, hanni and minji, or holding hands with danielle. your touch is electrifying. in a good way, of course.
"do you know what everyone says about you?" she mumbles, a smile overtaking her face as it is made clear that regina george's "death" is imminent. you smile as well at the sight of hers.
you bury your head further into her shoulder, the both of you reciting the lines, "they say you're a homeschooled jungle freak, who's a less hot version of me."
at one point, haerin's smile breaks and disperses into giggles, starting to uncontrollably laugh when the girl on the screen gets absolutely wrecked by the bus.
you stare dumbfoundedly at her, even though this has happened before. "there's seriously got to be something wrong with you."
despite your words, you let out a couple of giggles too, joining haerin in her fit of laughter. look at you two, bonding and laughing over the (not) death of regina george.
you watch the rest of the movie. you laugh as regina socks jock girls in the face with her lacrosse stick, boo when kevin gnapoor shows up with janis in tow, and bop your head along to the ending credits music. haerin observes you closely with a smile. 'so interesting.'
abruptly, you stand up and away from haerin's shoulder. she frowns at the loss of warmth, but watches you stretch out your arms and smile towards her. then, you offer out a hand.
"dance with me?"
you weren't expecting her to join you, but hum in content when she does. your hand is warm in hers as she allows herself to be pulled up by you. the credits song of mean girls isn't really a song to sway to, but you sway to it anyway.
"why are you looking at me like that?" haerin asks. your arms are wrapped around her neck, hers wrapped securely around your waist. you're so close that she can smell your lavender-scented shampoo.
"like what?"
"you're looking at me weird."
you bury your head into the crook of her neck. it's a bit awkward because you had to bend your knees to do it, but haerin lets herself bask in your warmth.
your head is still buried in between her neck and shoulder as you smile. "hmm?"
haerin pauses, wondering if she should ask her question. "how did you know you liked girls?"
it's obvious you weren't expecting her to ask when you stiffen, and she's about to take back her words until you sigh.
"i'm just curious."
there's another pause, and the silence is enhanced by the music on your laptop fading out. it switches to a more mellow song, and you start swaying again.
"i guess i've never really liked guys that way. and i realized that i've only ever had a crush on girls, but it never came to mind that i just wasn't attracted to guys. you know?"
you tap the back of haerin's neck with the tips of your fingers. haerin doesn't really get it, but she nods along.
letting out a lighthearted laugh, you slightly pull away to look the cat-eyed girl in the eyes.
"what i'm trying to say is that i've always known. but it's only recently that i've come to terms with it."
ah. there it is. an epiphany came to haerin, and her eyes light up. hanni was right. she's never been more sure of herself since meeting you. all the clues, connections, and reflection time has led up to this moment.
and without thinking, haerin blurts out, "i like you."
well! there's no going back now is there? "i wasn't sure if i liked you or if you were just a good friend. i didn't even know if i liked girls. but, i think i know now."
and now it's overwhelming, all five senses coming at her with full force. your lips are warm against hers, and they taste like lifesaver gummies. on your end, you can taste a hint of red velvet mixed with castella from earlier. haerin feels it all. your bangs falling over your face, the sound of your soft breathing in between kisses, the faint smell of your perfume.
the two of you go back to swaying to the beat. neither you nor haerin say anything, but all the words have been said through the kisses you shared.
...hanni's cake debt has reversed.
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a/n : sorry if it is not what you were looking for; you can request again if you'd like!! i had a lot of fun writing this so thank you for suggestion :-) i'm also so very sorry this took me like three months and you had to wait that long 😭
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v3lv3tsin · 3 days
defiant hearts: park jongseong
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| pairning: jay park x reader
| genre: bodyguard!jay, princess!reader
| spotify playlist 🎧 (recommend listening to it while reading)
| warning: swearing, angst, smut (slight mentions of it), minors dni
| word count: 5.0k
| stefy's note: i told myself that i'll stick only to finishing my drafts but here i am writing another ff, and yes random update, i'm still alive just sick, so enjoy ;)
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You were the Crown Princess of the Asterinian Kingdom. Well-loved by all, you were the favourite of all royalty and civilians alike. Nonetheless, there were still potential threats to your safety, of course. There were people still vying for the throne, and that enough had your father deeming you unsafe. He assigned you a bodyguard, Park Jongseong, who was like a puppy, except he wasn't playful or cuddly, he doesn't make you happy, and he definitely wasn't friendly. All he does is follow you around all day, checking everything you were about to eat, about to do, heck, even the ground you were about to walk on.
Although... He was a pretty handsome chap. And he seemed to like you more than he let on.
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Today was no different. You were sitting down at the wooden table, waiting to be served. Wondering where Jay was, until you finally see him making his way to you. Of course he was there to check the food for you. You rolled your eyes and blur out. "You're stressing too much."
Your bodyguard sighed, crossing his arms across his chest. It was the third time this week you've rolled your eyes at him, the second time this hour, and he's had enough of it. "I'm doing my bloody job," he muttered in his low, velvety voice. There's nothing stress-inducing about any of this, nor anything that warranted an eye-roll. "She really does have a short temper." he thought grimly. His pale eyes met yours with a firm gaze.
Wanting to annoy him, you decide to take a bite from the roasted chicken sitting in front on you, knowing that it'll annoy him. You liked messing up with him, it really makes your day better.
Jay bristled and grit his teeth under his breath at the sheer insubordination on this woman's part. "She truly did have a death wish, didn't she? He thought to himself That could've been poisoned, you know," he hissed lowly.
"Sadly it isn't." You fake pouted, rolling your eyes which you knew drove him crazy. Not caring about what he'll answer you continue to chew on the roasted chicken.
Your bodyguard felt a headache beginning to grow on the nape of his neck. "How does such a young woman have so much attitude at her disposal" was his thought. "You really do enjoy making my job a living hell, don't you?" he said gruffly, raking a hand through his raven black hair in agitation.
"It's a pleasure." You smirk keeping eye contact with him. Confused as to why he isn't eating with you, like he always does, almost questioning him with your eyes, you decide to continue munching on the chicken.
Jay scoffed, looking at the food on the table. He had no appetite with how aggravating you always were. Although, if you were such a pain in the ass, why is he so damn obsessed with making sure you were healthy? No, never mind, he didn't want to get into that. "Are you going to force me to eat or something?" he asked with a growl, looking at you with a slight frown. He just wanted this to be over already. You were always making him tired, not physically, but mentally tired.
"You're exagerrating." You rolled your eyes at him and try to ignore him knowing that he's overreacting as always.
Your bodyguard snorted, rolling his eyes in turn. She thinks he's exaggerating? He'd like to see you try his job for a change. "Exaggerating, she says," he muttered under his breath, watching her eat. He's pretty sure he would've had grey hair already with how many times he's had the thought of putting his hands around a particular someone's scrawny neck and-
Never mind. Focus.
"You know i can hear." You looked at him, trying not to stare at him due to how handsome he is. He was your bodyguard, you shouldn't be thinking about that. He's there to protect you, nothing more, nothing less.
"I know." Jay's gaze landed on your slender neck; pale and unblemished. Not a single bruise in sight. His fingers itched to just-
Ugh, he's a professional, for crying out loud. What the hell is wrong with him? He was here to do a job, not daydream about the woman he was assigned to protect like a schoolboy with a petty crush.
You see him thinking and blur out. "What are you thinking about?" You ask him curiously, as he seemed to be focused on your neck for a second. You knew what he might be thinking about, but hearing him confess sounded better.
"What it would feel like to close my fingers around your neck," he said lowly, not even realising the words leaving his mouth until it was too late. He froze, going pale in shock. He looked down at his hands, curling his fingers into a fist; the same hand that would've fit around a slender, pale throat so well. He looked back at you, his pale gaze hardening as he forced himself to look away from your neck that was so tempting... To him?
"Kinky." You comment sarcastically, teasing him. Trying not to show any reaction to his words, you take a bite from the smashed potatoes with drizzled butter on top of them. Focusing on the taste of the potatoes, you look at him curious about what he has to say.
Your bodyguard's breath hitched slightly as he heard you speak, and a flush spread across your cheeks. He'd be lying if he said that your voice didn't send tingles up his spine, but his expression remained stoic and his gaze hard. "Is that a request, princesa? I'd be happy to choke you," he said lowly, his tone laced with a dangerous edge.
"Already daydreaming about seeing me dead?" You teased him, thinking that he's saying that just to see a reaction out of you. He knew how to make you feel wanted, even just for a minute.
Jay smirked slightly, his eyes glinting with the barest hint of something wild and possessive. "No," he said firmly, his voice low and husky. "I was just imagining what you'd look like... Submissive. On your knees."
You rolled your eyes at him thinking that he's just playing with you. Making jokes, trying to get under your skin and make you choke on the food. Rolling your eyes, you take another bite from the smash potatoes not letting him have the satisfaction of seeing you flustered by a simple sentence.
Jay watched you, his smirk growing at your reaction. You clearly didn't like it, and that stirred a sick sort of pleasure in him. Why did he enjoy riling you up so much? Was it because he wanted you to know just how utterly and completely at his mercy you were? Yes, that and the fact that you looked even cuter when you were flustered. "What? Cat got your tongue?" he laughed softly, his voice laced with a taunting edge.
"No..." You stir into your seat, trying not to give him the satisfaction of seeing you like that. He affected you in ways you didn't know existed.
He chuckled softly, a wolfish grin creeping up on his face. Seeing you all flustered and worked up was amusing. Maybe he can have a little, tiny, eensy bit of fun before the job is done after-
No. Nope. He can't do that, much as he wants to. He was a professional after all. Well, even professionals have their vices, don't they? He cleared his throat, attempting to compose himself.
You rolled your eyes at him, curious to see what he's thinking about. You hated seeing him satisfacted by seeing him happy of how much he affected you.
Jay sighed softly, his eyes flickering to you neck. Oh, how lovely it would look to see it with a necklace of bruises wrapped around it, to have you writhing beneath him-
He's just tired, that's all. Yes, he was just tired. It would explain why he can't seem to stop thinking about doing the most unspeakable things to you-
He stopped his thoughts again, realising that his pants were becoming tighter. Damn it. What the hell is wrong with him?
"You're staring..." You turned around to look at him, feeling his eyes linger on your figure. Focusing on eating, you try to ignore his presence in the room.
He flushed slightly as he realised you noticed. Of course you would notice, you were perceptive. That, or he was losing his touch. "You should get used to it, princesa," he muttered under his breath, raking a hand through his black locks in an attempt to compose himself. Unfortunately, the thought of those beautiful curls tangled around his fingers was not at all helping him.
"And so should your boner." You scold him, showing to his visible boner that has been forming as you two were talking. Finishing eating, you get up and leave, leaving him speechless. Just as you wanted.
Jay's breath hitched, his jaw clenching slightly as a sudden flare of white-hot humiliation filled his chest. Did she just-? No. She didn't.
He quickly regained his composure, letting out a scoff and rolling his eyes. "You're being vulgar, princesa," he muttered, his blush creeping over his cheeks as he followed and fell back into the familiar routine of sticking to her side while she continued her routine.
"And you're horny." You said turning around looking at him, as you go to the library to choose a book to read. "Your point?" You teased him, trying to understand what was his point and hoe he was trying to prove it.
"...Tch. You're so damn infuriating, princesa." He sighed, shaking his head slightly. Her attitude was just as attractive as it was aggravating. It just made him want to put her in her place, to show her just who was really in charge. He looked away, his eyes shifting around the library. His eyes drifted to her figure, noting the pretty dress she was wearing... And how easy it would be for him to lift it up- What the hell is wrong with him?
"Yet you can't stop thinking about me." You leaned against the bookshelf, opening the book to look at him. Slowly tracing through the pages of the book, tracing over the page with your fingers, choosing to read the book or not.
"Don't be so full of yourself, princesa," he said, his tone somewhat mocking. But there was a hint of truth behind his words. You really are making him crazy. "I'm merely keeping you company and keeping you safe. If I had any choice in my life, I wouldn't be here," he added, sighing heavily. Jay rolled his sleeves up and leaned against a bookshelf as well, his eyes roaming over your figure and your pretty dress, his mind wandering to sinful places.
As soon as he rolls up his sleeves, you shift your focus onto his arms and veiny hands, biting your lip as you do so. Hearing him saying that, you asked "Would you not want to protect me?" You make puppy eyes at him, coming closer as you put the book back in its place.
Jay's breath hitched as you moved closer to him. He was suddenly all too aware of your proximity to him, the light floral scent of your perfume hitting his senses and making him dizzy. Just what the hell kind of perfume was that, again? He swallowed hard, his gaze flickering down to her slender neck. He really would love to mark that beautiful canvas of blank white-
...No. This is his job, not his pleasure. He had to get that through his head, no matter how badly he wanted you.
Seeing that he doesn't say anything you say pouting, as you wrapped your hands around his neck, inhaling his scent curious to see what he'll do next. "After all aren't i just an innocent and naive little princess?"
He froze on the spot as you wrapped your arms around his neck, your scent hitting his nostrils intensely. His hands itched to touch you, to grab those hips and pull them against his- No. He couldn't, he shouldn't. He closed his eyes, sighing heavily as a sudden flare of frustration and pent up lust hit his chest, threatening to boil over. What is happening to him?
"Cat got yout tongue?" You teased him while smirking deciding to play softly with his hair.
Jay tensed slightly, feeling his breath catching involuntarily as he felt your dainty fingers running through his messy black locks. No one has ever touched him like that, especially not someone as stunningly gorgeous as you. He opened his eyes slightly, their gazes meeting. He was close enough to feel your breath on his lips. Oh, gods you were beautiful. He wanted to lean in, to taste you on his tongue more than anything. But he couldn't. Not here.
You rolled your eyes annoyed, leaning yourself onto the shelf still playing with his hair and having your hands still wrapped around his neck.
He leaned closer, placing a hand on her hip to support her, his heart beating faster as he was filled with a sudden burst of protectiveness and possessiveness. You were his to look after, his to touch, to... He immediately stopped his thoughts. He was your bodyguard, dammit. This was getting out of hand. He had to maintain professionality, even if you were being so damn enticing.
You rolled your eyes annoyed taking your hands off his neck and stopping from playing with his hair. "Just fucking forget it." Taking a random book off the shelf, seeing that he doesn't seem affected at all by your actions.
Jay swallowed hard, his head swimming as he felt your hands leave his body. He felt the loss of your touch, even when he shouldn't. He just wanted to push you back against the bookshelf and- He quickly recovered, clearing his throat as he regained his composure. "What? You don't want to be a tease anymore?" he asked lowly, a sardonic smirk playing on his lips.
You looked up at him from the book ignoring him, giving him a taste of his own medicine. Knowing that he'll come to his senses at some point.
His eye twitched slightly, his smirk faltering as you ignored him. No one ever ignored him. Especially not you. He hated that he wanted you more with every second he spends with you, that he wanted to hear you make those pretty little sounds as he brought you to ecstasy- He shook his head, trying to rid his mind of the impure thoughts.
You looked at him as you still layed against the bookshelf while reading. Trying to focus on the book and not on him or his presence in the room. You hoped that maybe maybe he'll let his guard down for a second and show his true feelings for you as you were curious.
Jay sighed in defeat as you continue to ignore him, focusing instead on the contents of the book in your hands. He'd be lying if he said that having you wrapped around his arms, yourfingers playing with his hair didn't bring a rush of... Happiness? Pleasure? He honestly doesn't even know anymore. He watched you read the book in your hands, leaning your body on the bookshelf and feeling your slender figure pressing close to him- Oh gods. What were you doing to him?
"You're lying to yourself and you know it" You blured out finally looking up to him from the book. Knowing how much your words affect him, you still decided to say it. Without giving him much of an explanation, knowing that he'll understand.
He swallowed hard, a sick twist of confusion and humiliation running through him. How did you know- Wait. Was he that easy to read? "I don't know what you're talking about," he muttered, his expression hardening. His eyes flickered from you slender neck, to your pretty lips, then to your slender legs- Damn it. He was really falling prey to his desires for you.
You tilted your head looking at him as you roll your eyes. "You know damn well what i'm talking about." You said not wanting him to give him more explanation. There was none needed.
Jay bit the inside of his cheek, his fists clenching as a sudden flare of frustration, embarrassment and helplessness ran through his body. He was never helpless. How the hell did you manage to make him feel this way without even trying? Gods, he wanted to just lean in and take you lips with his, to pull you to his body and make you scream his name- What the hell was wrong with him?
"You just don't wanna admit it." You said reffering to the fact that he liked you and wanted you all to himself. Flicking through the pages of the book, you checked to see if he was still there or if he has left.
He looked away, his hand raking through his already messy hair in frustration. Why does your opinion suddenly matter to him so much when it never has before? Why did you have to be so infuriatingly, wonderfully, absolutely irresistible? He was drawn back to reality when he saw your fingers flicking through the pages idly, feeling his throat going dry. He wanted to take you hands in his and kiss and nibble on every inch.
You roll your eyes as you looked at him and whisper hoping he doesn't hear you. "You're thinking again..." You see him messing his dark hair, that's when you try not to stare. Taking in every feature if his. His brown eyes. His pinkish lips.
Jay's breath hitched slightly as he heard your angelic voice, a husky edge to it making his body shiver slightly. You were so perfect, so beautiful, and the sound of your voice... It's enough to drive anyone crazy. "How do you know-" he muttered, his eyes roaming over your form, his heart racing and his body burning hotly. His eyes settled on your neck, his fingers itching to reach out and grasp your slender throat and- No. He had to stay professional, to maintain his image.
"You do this thing when you focus on something for a long time and zone out for some time, or even bite your cheek." You explained to him your reasoning, smiling at him and feeling proud of your observation.
He blinked slightly, a strange feeling of pride rising in his chest as he realized that you had been paying close attention to his mannerisms. Of course you did, he shouldn't really be surprised. "Well, you do this other thing," he spoke lowly, a smirk creeping in his lips, "you bite your lips when you get lost in thought."
"Am not." You looked away embarassed, hiding your face from him with book. Noticing how observant he is off you. You liked that. Were you gonna admit it? Hell no.
Your bodyguard smirked, a sudden surge of amusement and satisfaction stirring in his chest, feeling it tighten with a sort of warmth. The fact that your were so oblivious about that little habit of yours only made him want to kiss you more just to make you bite your luscious lips again. His smirk faded slightly, his gaze flickering down to your lips and his own lips suddenly feeling dry. What he'd give to taste and claim those lips as his own.... He shouldn't.
"You're doing it again..." You sighted and pointed out his habit again. Knowing that he is looking at your lips. Maybe he wanted to kiss you. Maybe not. He looked so good standing there. Doing the bare minimum.
Jay hummed softly, his thumb grazing the edge of his lip as his head buzzed with the sudden idea of leaning in and capturing your lips with his. His eyes travelled from your lips to your neck, to that smooth and beautiful canvas of soft skin that he really wanted to bite and mark as his own- No. What is he thinking? He can't do that, the job is the most important thing here. He swallowed thickly. "What am I doing, princesa? Tell me."
"Thinking..." You mentioned barely giving him any explanation, leaning your head against the bookshelf. Getting a better view of him, in the familiar suit you see him wearing everytime. The tie that hasn't been loosen up yet. You wanted to take him by his tie and kiss him right there.
He bit the inside of his cheek slightly, his eyes flickering between your own and your slender neck, which was now on display for him as you tilted your head back. His mouth watered, wanting to kiss that exposed skin so badly- He took a deep breath, shaking his head and regaining his composure. For once in his life he wanted to be honest, to just tell you how much he wanted you and how badly he itched to claim you as his own. "Thinking about how beautiful your neck looks."
You tilted your head to have a better view of him, biting your lip trying not to give him the satisfaction of seeing you think of him in that way so you decided to tease him. "Such unholy thoughts, mister."
Jay rolled his eyes, the corner of his lips twitching as he tried not to give you the satisfaction of seeing him crack. You were so alluring when you were teasing. He wanted to see more of that. More of you. He shifted his stance, his eyes flickering down to your perfect neck as he imagined how it would look with a necklace of red hickeys around your slender throat. "I can't help my thoughts, princesa," he replied.
"You can make them come true..." You whispered hoping that he doesn't hear you. You looked at his lips taking every detail of his. From head to toe, lingering on his lips.
His breath hitched slightly as he caught the whispered words, the sound sending shivers down his spine. You were tempting him, almost as if you wanted him to snap and take you for himself. His eyes darkened with desire, flicking between your own and your deliciously-bitten lip. He wanted to just grab that perfect neck of hers and pull your mouth to his- "You're such a bad girl, princesa," he muttered lowly.
"And yet that hasn't stopped you from wanting me." You smirked as you kept eye contact with him. Playing with your fingers that are currently on the book, wishing it was his tie.
Jay swallowed slightly, taking a step closer to you so the two of you were only inches apart. Your breathing mingled, and he would be lying if he said he didn't like the feeling of your breath ghosting over his lips. His fingers itched to reach out and cup your cheek, to tilt your face up so he could have a better look at you, to run his thumb over those pretty lips of yours and pull them in for a sinful kiss... "No. Nothing will ever stop me from wanting you."
"Not even my father..." You whispered to him, leaning into his touch as he cups your cheek and parted your lips slightly as he touched them with his thumb.
His breath hitched slightly as you leaned into his touch, your soft skin against his palm making his whole body shiver with desire. The soft warmth of your breath made him dizzy, your parted lips so close to his and so tantalisingly forbidden. His thumb swept over your lower lip, feeling the softness and fullness of your lips and suddenly feeling almost desperate to taste you. "Not even your father," he repeated lowly as he met your gaze.
You parter your lips further deciding to bite his thumb playfully. Realizing how close the two of you are, so you started breathing heavily.
Your bodyguard's breath caught in his throat as you bit down gently on his thumb, a shudder of sheer excitement and lust shooting down his spine. He stared down at you, a dangerous sort of heat rising in his chest as he looked at the pretty, full, perfect lips... He couldn't take it anymore. He needed you, right then and there. His thumb brushed over your lip as he leaned in slightly. "...You're driving me insane, princesa." His voice was low and thick with desire.
You played with his tie, your fingers fidgeting the silk black tie material as soon as you see him distracted by your lips. "When am i not." You replied to him smirking.
Jay hummed softly as your fingers played with the tie at his throat, his eyes fluttering shut for a second as the fabric lightly tightened around his sensitive skin. His fingers grazed your chin softly, tilting your face up ever-so-slightly to gain better access to your sinful lips. He leaned in, his breath ghosting over your mouth as he hovered over it, a mere inch away. "You're not playing fair, princesa," he muttered, his voice low and husky.
"Shhh...." You whispered to him, taking him by his tie and smashing your lips to his. Finally you kissed him. Your lips were against his. Ever since you saw him for the first time or even when he became your bodyguard.
He shivered at the feeling of your lips touching his. Soft, warm, perfect. Every inch of his body felt like it was on fire as all the pent up tension from days of being close to you and yet not being able to touch exploded and came bubbling up to the surface. His hands immediately went to your hips, grasping them tightly and pulling your body towards his, crashing his mouth against your soft one and tasting you on his tongue, letting out an almost feral groan of possessiveness.
"We are so dead..." You whispered against his lips as you continue to kiss him, moving your body closer to him. He tasted just as you imagined. Perfect. Suddenly you thought of your father finding the two of you making out in the library.
Jay hummed lowly as he heard your whispered words, bringing your body tighter against him and tilting his head slightly to deepen the kiss. You tasted even better than he thought, and he never wanted this kiss to end. He wrapped his arm around your waist, his other hand coming up to caress your cheek as he kissed you passionately, almost desperately. His thoughts completely turned off, the only thing on his mind now her and the sinful sounds you made against his mouth.
You wrapped your hands around his neck, suddenly pulling away from the kiss, grasping for air. He looked so handsome. So yours.
He panted softly, his chest rising and falling quickly as he gasped for air, his breath mingling with yours. His eyes roamed over your face, your swollen, reddened lips that he just had his mouth attached to, the rosy blush on your cheeks and the dazed expression in your eyes. The sight was almost too much for him to handle, seeing the effects of his kisses on your pretty face. "...What have you done to me, princesa..." he whispered lowly, his voice thick with desire.
"Made you a mad man..." You whispered, tilting your head, caressing his cheek. Maybe the two of you can keep your relationship secret from your father.
Jay hummed lowly, shivering slightly as your fingers grazed his sensitive skin. The light, intimate touch made his chest stir, his heart racing. He wanted to keep kissing you, to pull you against him and keep exploring your mouth and body with his hands and his lips. But the thought that you would willingly keep this a secret sent a rush of possessiveness and affection through him. "... You promise to be mine, princesa?" he asked lowly, his eyes flickering to your lips longingly.
"Does this answer your question." You kissed him softly and lovingly and slowly, pulling away looking at him with puppy eyes.
His breathing hitched as you kissed him again, the softness and the love in that small gesture only making him want you more. He smiled softly and nodded, bringing a hand to your cheek and caressing the soft skin with his thumb. His dark eyes darkened slightly, filled with passion and possessiveness. "Good. Because I don't think I could stop myself from having you from now on, princesa," he muttered.
───────── ౨ৎ ─────────
Not long after the kiss you and Jay found yourselves making out in the library, garden, bathroom etc. Still being able to keep your secret relationship from your father.
Jay found it incredibly hard to control himself, his hands constantly finding themselves wandering over your body and pulling you close to him when the two of you were alone. It was almost as if all his restraint had vanished, completely replaced by his need for you. He would constantly take you by surprise, pulling you into deserted rooms or hallways and kissing you fervantly, relishing the taste of you as he pinned you against the nearest wall and claimed you as his.
You missed him when your father was spending time at the castle or when he suggested that you make your duties as a princess. But Jay was there to help you, squeezing your hand or rubbing your back. At night, the two of you would find yourselves in his room, sleeping together or making out.
He found himself craving you presence, feeling almost lost without you when he had to do his "bodyguard duties". Everytime he looked over at you and caught your gaze, he had to physically hold himself back from reaching out and touching you.
He couldn't get enough of your taste. Your soft skin and your melodic moans that he would muffle with his own mouth, wanting to memorise every part of your body.
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© V3LV3TSIN ⎯ do not translate, plagiarise or claim any of my works as your own.
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cassandracain52 · 2 days
The Batfamily on a roadtrip:
Bruce: The Driver. You really thought his control freak ass was gonna let someone else drive? Be so fr. Has a migraine the size of the WatchTower and has been seriously contemplating pulling over, getting out of the car, and just walking. Not anywhere particular, just walking away. Has already had to pull over twice to swap seating arrangements around and they've only driven 3 1/2 hours out of 11. (They will do this at least 3 more times before they reach their destination)
Barbara: Shotgun. Declared that as second oldest and second most experienced vigilante that the front seat was her birth given right. No one contested it(successfully anyway). Has been helpfully navigating the fastest route much to Bruce "I know where I'm going" Wayne's annoyance. (Her way was in fact more efficient and she is incredibly smug about it.)
Jason: Behind the Passenger seat. Wanted the front seat but wasn't willing to physically fight Babs for it which was what she assured him it would have taken to get her to move. Brought a backpack full of nothing but snacks that he is only sharing with people that aren't actively annoying him aka Cass. Keeps playing words with friends with Roy on his phone and is Kicking Ass
Cassandra: Middle Left. Volunteered for the middle seat because she wanted to sit next to Jason aka the Snack Source while still being close enough to comfortably talk to Babs and Steph. Is one of the few enjoying the drive and just in general living her best life. Somehow painted both her own and Steph’s nails perfectly while the car was in motion. No one is sure how she did this and they were watching
Stephanie: Middle Right. Was originally sitting Middle Back next to Tim but caused the first seat swap when she got bored and decided Tim made suitable entertainment(imagine like in Detective comics #1000). Bruce declared the car a "No Flirting Zone" shortly after. Pouted for all of thirty seconds before she realized she got to sit next to Cass and abandoned Tim without a second thought. Is also the person pointing to the window and going “cows!” Whenever they pass some
Dick: Behind the Driver's seat. Chose his seat while everyone else was fighting for shotgun because he wanted to be able to see Babs during the drive so they could talk without shouting.(he knew good and well she was winning that fight). Has had a few arguments with Jason but they didn't last or get out of hand with Cass between them. Did manage to steal a bag of chips from Jason’s snackpack while he was on his phone. The roadtrip was his idea and he refuses to admit it was not well thought out.
Tim: Back Left. Was thoroughly betrayed when Steph abandoned him to be left with the two youngest bats and said so at length. Only quieted when Jason threw a pack of gummy worms at his head with a demand for silence. Brought an abundance of handheld electronics despite knowing he gets car sick. He threw up on the side of the road 90 minutes into the trip and Dick confiscated anything that had a screen until they reached their destination. He is his own worst enemy. Has since resorted to playing the license plate game with Duke
Duke: Back Middle. Was originally in between Cass and Dick but had to move to sit Back Left next to Damian when Steph took his spot. He stayed there for exactly 45 minutes before Damian caused the second seat swap when he attempted to strangle Tim with his headphones because he was "breathing obnoxiously". Is now a human barrier and he hates it. Jason offered him a small amount of sympathy by offering him some Sour Patch Kids. Duke accepted them. Bruce was more sympathetic and gave him DJ control. Is mostly just talking with Tim who is bored since his electronics were taken.
Damian: Back Right. Attempted to attack Stephanie with a pillow because he “couldn’t listen to her and Drake anymore and she was closer” before the first seat swap occurred. Did not regret his actions in the slightest. Warned his father that nothing good would come from him sitting directly beside Tim, was ignored, and then moved when "nothing good" did indeed come. Despite these to things, he actually spent the majority of the drive with his headphones on full volume and messing around on his phone while he pretended to be anywhere other than there.
Alfred: In The Car Following Behind Them. Yeah there was no way he was getting in that car. He knows a recipe for disaster when he sees one. Didn't hesitate to "offer" that he would happily transport all the luggage and supplies and meet them there. Was already loaded up and ready to go in a separate car before anyone could question him. Somehow got there first and had made dinner for them when they all finally showed up with half the car at war with the other half. Peace was made only in the name of Alfred’s cooking
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whose-lozerrr · 2 days
what about denying Bachira (+ whoever) his kisses because readers lips are chapped
(No pressure ofc!)
Summary: Denying kisses from bllk boys because of your chapped lips
Characters: Bachira, Rin, Chigiri, Isagi, Nagi
Genre: Fluff <3
AN: I'm so so sorry this took so long. I've had such a horrible writer's block. 😭😭 I hope this is good. Kinda oc but I hope you enjoy reading this!! <3
Bachira Meguru
How could you deny this cutie patootie his kisses!!??
But you had to because your lips were chapped
He would definitely get upset and complain that it's fine that you have chapped lips
Would probably end up stealing a kiss or two anyway
"Meguru, no. No kisses, my lips are chapped badly right now." You say while pushing him away and denying his attempt to kiss you. He looks at you, his mouth agape in shock that you just denied his kiss. He pouts and storms off but not even a few minutes later, he storms back in and says, "I don't care about your chapped lips, I need my kisses." Then he would kiss you. Oh, you only thought once? Oh boy, you're in for a ride.
Rin Itoshi
What a mistake you made, denying Rin his kisses.. 💀
Honestly, he probably wouldn't care about your chapped lips. He just wants his kisses
Wouldn't listen to your pleas and just continue to kiss you
As Rin leaned in to kiss you on the lips, you backed up not wanting to kiss him with chapped lips. He looked at you kinda hurt that you denied his kiss. "Why won't you kiss me?" He asked softly. "Ah, sorry Rin. It's just that my lips are kinda chapped right now.." You admit bashfully. He then looks at you with annoyance in his eyes and grabs you by the waist to pull you in. "So? I don't give a shit." Then he continues to make out with you. Poor you. 😉
Chigiri Hyoma
Imo, he would be kinda hurt that you thought he would care that much
If anything would give you Vaseline or chap stick before he kisses you to make you feel better
But truly doesn't care
He just lives for his kisses
"Really? [Name], you're not gonna kiss me cause your lips are chapped?" He looks at you as if you just said the dumbest thing in the world. "Well.. Yeah, I mean I thought maybe you'd be grossed out.. " "Seriously?" He looks at you a bit flabbergasted before reaching into his pocket for a chap stick then applying it to his lips and kisses you very, very roughly. "There, now your lips aren't that chapped anymore."
Isagi Yoichi
Man, this precious boy 😭😭
Wouldn't give your chapped lips mind at all
If anything he probably has kinda chapped lips too
Would comfort you about and still kiss to show he loves your lips no matter what
"Um, Yoichi" You said softly as Isagi leaned in to kiss you. "Yes, [Name]. Is something wrong?" He backs up looking at you with a worried expression on his face. "Uh, I can't really kiss you right now because my lips are pretty chapped." As soon as you said that Isagi just stared at you in confusion before he laughed. "It's alright, love. So are mine." He says to reassure you before he smiles at you then leans closer to kiss your chapped lips.
Nagi Seishiro
Genuinely wouldn't give a damn
Probably wouldn't even give you a chance to tell him
He loves everything about you
Plus everything's a hassle to him so his lips are slightly chapped as well
"Uh, Nagi. My lips are chapped. So let me get my chap-" He cuts you off by kissing you. You look up at him in shock after he pulls away. Your face is flushed. "Nagi! Seriously! I didn't get to finish what I was saying!" Nagi holds you by your waist. "You were going to go grab something and that's too much of a hassle. I don't care about your chapped lips." You sigh, rolling your eyes. "Omg, you big baby" You say voice coated in annoyance but you have the cheesiest smile on your face.
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gunilslaugh · 3 days
a small soft drabble of the reader reacting to ot6 changing their hair color!! I thought of it since Gaon changed his hair color again 😭
All members •_ ^ - ^_• Summary: You reacting to Xdinary Heroes' new hair color. (idol au) WC:825 Warning:none
I wasn’t quite sure how to write this, so I'm sorry if it sucks.
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photo not mine credits to owner.
The door cracks open catching your attention. You turn your head to look at the door from where you’re currently sitting on the couch. In walked Gunil and you immediately notice the different color of his hair. 
“You didn’t tell me you were changing your hair,” you said, standing up from the couch and walking over to Gunil. 
“I wanted to surprise you. How does it look?” He gently looped his arms behind your back. You reach your hands up to inspect the freshly colored strands. “It looks good. I like it,” you say with a smile. 
“And I like you,” he says. 
“What?” you laugh. “I would hope since we’re dating,” you added, still laughing a bit. Gunil smiles. 
“I just wanted to tell you.” He pressed a kiss to your forehead. 
“Are you trying out every shade of blonde or what?” you asked, coming up to Jungsu and ruffling his newly dyed hair with your hand. Jungsu laughs, catching your hand in his.
“I’ve had brown and black hair before,” he defended. He pulls your hand away from his head.
“You’re right, but you like blonde the best don’t you?” you checked. 
“I think it looks good on me,” he states. 
“It does, but with your handsome face I think any color would look good on you.” You cup his face in your hands. 
“Don’t exaggerate.” He tried to hide his blush.  
“Yeah, thinking about it, neon orange would be a very hard color to pull off,” you note. 
“Yeah I’m not that bold,” he states. 
“I’d still like you with it though.” You kiss his cheek.
“Oh it’s actually dark blue,” you say as Jiseok sat down next to you. “I thought it was black at first,” you tell. 
“Is the blue a disappointment,” he joked. 
“No,” you chuckled. “I think it’s better actually. Like a fun surprise,” you smiled. 
“I thought so too,” he told you. 
“Did you lose a bet or something though?” you questioned. 
“Does it look bad?” He looked at you slightly worried. 
“No. It looks great. I just feel like in Xdinary Heroes you’re the one who dyes their hair unnatural colors the most,” you explained. 
“I’m just the fun one,” he bragged. 
“Well keep being fun then I like it.” You brought your fingers up to play with his blue hair. 
“Whatever you wish.” He leaned into your touch.
“Why didn’t you tell me we were getting a blonde hair Seungmin,” you say, taking in his lighter colored locks. 
“Cause I’ve been blonde before,” he chuckled. 
“But that was when your peach hair was fading. This is on purpose. It’s different,” you state going over to him to get a better look at his new hair. Seungmin chuckles at your reaction. 
“Well do you like it?” he asked playfully. 
“Yeah I do.” You playfully tickled him with his own hair.
“Stop.” He caught your hand in his, making you pout. “You like playing with my hair that much?” he teased. 
“Mhm, it’s fun,” you say. Seungmin shakes his head, but lets go of your hand, letting you resume playing with his new hair.
“You have officially gone full emo,” you state aftering seeing Hyeongjun with his long black hair. Hyeongjun softly chuckles at your reaction. 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” he asked. 
“Nothing, I’ve been waiting for this moment. It suits you so well,” you tell him. 
“Thanks,” he says. 
“Come here. Let me get a closer look,” you waved him over. Hyeongjun can’t help but smile at your excitement about his new hair. 
“Do you like it?” you questioned, looking at his darkened strands. 
“Yeah, I’ve been wanting to do it for a while,” he tells you. 
“It looks good. Rockstar vibes,” you say. 
“You mean an emo rockstar?” he joked, making you laugh. 
“Yes, an emo rockstar in the best way possible,” you state. 
“So you think villain’s will like it?” 
“Oh they’re gonna love it.” You nod your head affirmatively. 
Jooyeon comes and takes a seat beside you at the table and you have to do a double take.
“I did not recognize you for a second,” you laughed. Taking a moment to look at his new hair.
“Wow, you can’t even recognize your own boyfriend?” he says quasi-offended. 
“It’s not my fault I got used to your long hair.” You brush your hand through his now shorter locks. “You dyed it too,” you say. 
“Do I really look that different?” he asked. 
“At first glance yeah, but you still have the same pretty face, so not really,” you squished his cheeks. 
“You have a pretty face too.” He squished your cheeks back. You two sit there like idiots smiling while squishing each other's cheeks.
“Does this mean I get comeback spoilers?” You raised your brow. 
“I don’t know what’s in it for me?” he challenged. 
“Kisses,” you say. 
“Deal.” He smiled brightly.
taglist: @purplelady85 @gingerjunhan @chewednails @ezlynkisses @mon2sunjinsuver @mxlly143
comment or message me to be added!
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the-fiction-witch · 3 days
Media - House Of The Dragon Character - Lucerys Velaryon Couple - Lucerys X Reader Reader - Y/n (Betrothal) Rating - Flirty Word Count - 1709
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Lucerys makes his way to the Dragonmount, the stone entryway to the large intricate volcanic tunnels and caves where the dragons reside when in Dragonstone, where the many dragons linger during daily business. As he arrives the Dragonkeepers usher him to the caves Arrax calls his home, There Arrax was lying in his cave surrounded by hay and pig bones, with another familiar dragon, Silverspike the two dragons seem to be comforting each other, even cuddling each other.
Lucerys gives the keepers a strange look as he sees Arrax and Silverspike, the two young dragons intertwined with each other among the piles of bones. He takes a few tentative steps into the cave, careful not to alarm or anger the two dragons. He whistles softly, the way he trained to make Arrax come to him.
However, Arrax didn't listen.
Lucerys calls to Arrax again, a bit of a pout on his face, starting to wonder if Arrax was mad at him for something. He tries once more but this time in a different tone, a bit of an authoritative one this time, to make it seem like he meant business for his dragon.
the dragon keepers left to attend to other business and Lucerys tried repeatedly to get Arrax to listen but still, the dragon ignored him.
"You’re wasting your time Luke" a voice comes from behind him,
As he turned he saw Y/n, dressed in her red leather trousers and black silk shirt dress her boots high and her archery equipment over her shoulder, he blushed a little as she was of course very beautiful but things had been a little strange between them since his mother confirmed their betrothal before the court just a few weeks ago,
Lucerys clearly frustrated, his cheeks puffed up from blowing air out of his cheeks, his pout even more prominent. He turns to face her, that pout disappearing and replaced with a smile, but he was unable to make eye contact with her. “I don’t know what’s wrong with him,” Lucerys grumbles. “Seems like he’s mad at me or something..”
"Awww sweet Luke, don't take it too personally." She smiled as she came through to stand with him, "Dragons have Their own minds and intentions and clearly he's very busy. It's alright I can't get her to listen to me when she gets cuddled with him either" she explained as she too tried to get her dragon Silverspike to come over, but Silverspike and Arrax where too happy together to care that their riders had to say,
Lucerys chuckles as he watches Silverspike stay put, despite her best attempts. He smiles over at Y/n, looking at her for a few moments before turning his head back to watch the two dragons cuddle, sighing with annoyance. “They can be so stubborn sometimes, I wish I knew what they were thinking…”
"ohh I'm pretty confident I know what they are thinking about Luke..." She chuckled,
Lucerys gives her a side-eye, raising an eyebrow as an indication for explanation. He chuckled and folded his arms across his chest. He looked at her up and down, before he finally focused and returned his eyes to hers. “Oh yeah? And what exactly are they thinking about?”
"Well, as mysterious as dragons are they are animals, just as you and I. And Arrax is growing into a big strong gentleman dragon, and Silverspike is a lovely lady" She tried to hint at what the dragons were clearly up to,
Lucerys’s face slowly grows in realization as he sees where she’s going with this, his mind trying to connect the dots. His face starts to grow red as he imagines two dragons trying to… ”You don’t mean…” Lucerys gasps suddenly, turning around to face her with horror on his face, his eyes wide. “But… they can’t… they’re not… are they?”
"mhm," she nodded,
His mouth is agape as he stands, dumbfounded, trying to process the gravity of the situation. He thought it had to be a joke, but the look on Y/n’s face said otherwise. ”Oh gods…” he muttered quietly, looking over at Arrax and Silverspike, who were still cuddling together. He couldn’t believe what he was seeing.
"I'm sure you can't blame him for not listening, I'm sure you wouldn't want to go off on a flight if you had a pretty lady snuggling up with you,”
He chuckled his face still blushing furiously. “Yeah, I guess you’re right… I’m just… I didn’t think they’d be… in the mood for that anytime so soon…”
"they mature faster than we do," she chuckled,
He chuckled with her, shaking his head. He looked over at the two dragons as they lay together in a pile of bones and hay, cuddling comfortably. ”Is this going to be a regular thing now?” he asked, turning to face her.
"Possibly, it could be. Maybe they've fallen in love" she smiled,
He chuckled, smiling warmly at her as she spoke. The thought of Arrax and Silverspike falling in love just like a boy and girl would made him chuckle again. He thought for a moment before replying. “You suppose they’ll lay eggs together anytime soon?”
"They might, Silverspike is certainly old enough to lay eggs, and the dragon keepers do think she will be a very fertile dragon just like Syrax"
He swallowed as he heard her say that. The thought of Arrax and Silverspike laying eggs together made his heart flutter, in a mixture of anxiousness and nervousness. He chuckled again, running his fingers through his hair. “So.. They’ll make little dragon babies then?”
"they might, if they have eggs together and they hatch." She nodded, "Who knows... Maybe Silverspike will lay a clutch of eggs not long after we get married," she suggested, "perhaps we could even put one of Arrax and Silverspikes eggs in our little one's cradle someday," she smiled giving his arm a gentle elbow,
His heart began to race as she continued to speak. The image of him and her, husband and wife, together with their child, with an egg in the cradle for them to hatch and claim, was almost too tantalizing. He chuckled softly, the thought of it filling him with excitement and anticipation. ”That actually sounds… kind of wonderful,” he admitted with a shy grin, rubbing the back of his head.
"I think it would be too, One day" she smiled "When we are lord and lady of Driftmark, Arrax and Silverspike can cuddle up by the beach all day in the sun, their little baby dragon struggling in your little heir's cradle" she encouraged,
The very visualization of it made butterflies flitter in Lucerys’s stomach. The image of him and Y/n, lord and lady of Driftmark, ruling together, raising their child together, and being a family with Arrax, Silverspike, and their children together… it was a beautiful thought. ”You paint a pretty picture,” he commented with a grin, looking over at Arrax and Silverspike again, his grin growing into an excited smile. He paused for a few moments, continuing to watch the two dragons cuddle together. He imagined what their baby dragons would look like, what colour they would inherit from Arrax and Silverspike, and the thought made him even more excited. ”You really think this is something that could happen?” he asked, a bit of a dreamy, hopeful look in his eyes.
"Well we are betrothed, and our dragons do seem close so I'm sure it's possible"
He chuckled, agreeing with her. He looked at the two young dragons, cuddling and snuggling up together, their eyes closed as if they were already asleep in each other’s arms. He smiled at the sight of it. ”So…” he started off slowly, looking over at her, a playful smirk on his face. “… what if I was to want to do something along with this whole cuddling thing?”
"What?" She chuckled
He chuckled, taking a side step closer to her. They were pretty secluded in the cave, and the dragon keepers weren’t paying attention to either of them. He glanced over at the sleeping dragons one more time, the coast clear, before he turned back to look at her, his smirk still present. ”What if I said… I wanted to cuddle with you too?”
"oh do you now?" She raised an eyebrow at him for a moment trying to test if he was serious
He was dead serious. He took another step closer to her, now practically standing right in front of her, his smirk now a cheeky grin. “Yes, I’m dead serious.” he stated bluntly, his eyes looking her over and up and down as his cheeks grew flushed pink.
Y/n chuckled a little and gave his cheek a kiss, "You’re a sweetheart" she smiled tussling his hair
The kiss on his cheek made his heart skip a beat, and the way her hand went through his curls as she tousled his hair made his cheeks grow even more flushed pink. He chuckled as she called him a sweetheart, his smile almost as bright as the sun. He looked up at her, tilting his head up to meet her gaze, despite being a few inches shorter then she. “Only for you,” he replied with a grin.
"Well, you're more than welcome to come up to my chambers for a cuddle if you'd like Luke, I'm pretty sure we're not going out riding with them today," she chuckled, "Then again I suppose that all depends on exactly what sort of cuddle you intend?"
His mind began to race as she spoke. A mix of excitement and nervousness washed over him as she mentioned the idea of them going to her chambers. His heartbeat quickened, his cheeks flushed, and his palms grew a bit sweaty. He swallowed before replying, trying to keep his voice steady. “That… that sounds nice.” he said simply, his eyes looking from her face, down her body, and back up again, He smirked at her.
"All alright" she smiled turning his chin to her and giving his lips a quick kiss before she bolted through the caves "Race you!" She yelled
He jumped in shock and surprise for a moment as she suddenly turned his chin and kissed him on the lips. It felt good and he wanted to lean in for more, but before he could, she bolted through the caves.
”HEY!!” he yelled out before starting to chase after her.
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rafyki · 1 day
Goth! Nico/ Surfer! Percy AU Part 6!
Sorry for the little wait, I couldn't find a moment to write lately o<-< good thing I had this half written already! Anyway, have some more Nico&Leo dynamics and some more pining - and also, I promise things are gonna move forward soon!! (but I needed more setup before our two boys finally start properly acting on their crush lmao)
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
You can also read it on AO3!!
Percy didn't come to the beach the next day, the day after that, and for the whole following week.
Nico wasn't sulking about it, he was not. Maybe panicking a little inside, questioning every single word they had said to each other and trying to find in them some hidden reason that would push Percy to never go back there and leave the country just to make sure he wouldn't see Nico again. 
But he wasn't sulking.
“Take that pouty look off your face, goth boy, you're gonna scare the customers away”.
“I’m not pouting”.
“You kind of are though”, Leo said. “Which is fair, I guess, you miss your surfer boy”.
Nico felt a blush coming up to his face at the same time of the familiar find annoyance he associated with no one but Leo.
“He's not my-”, he started, then stopped and took a deep breath. “I'm not pouting”, he just said again. “It's not like he lives on the beach, right, he must have a life outside of surfing”.
Maybe he was trying to convince himself more than Leo, but that didn't matter.
The way his eyes moved around scanning the beach was automatic, as was the sigh that escaped him. Maybe he was being silly, and a little pathetic - he knew that, but still couldn’t help the way his heart kept falling again and again, nor the way the empty chair before him (Percy’s chair) seemed to lay in wait just like Nico was.
He definitely needed to find some way to distract himself.
“Sure, which is why I told you to ask for his number”, Leo replied. “And if you had listened to my genius advice, maybe you could be texting him right now, instead of sulking and hoping he shows up”.
“Why are you even here, Leo?”, he said, ignoring Leo’s last words and trying instead to change the subject. “Jason’s not coming today, you know that”.
“Am I not allowed to visit a friend? My dear friend who’s pining and suffering and definitely needs my support?”, Leo said, accompanying his dramatic words with an overdramatic hand on his heart. 
Nico just rolled his eyes at him.
“I definitely don't”, he said, even though the truth was that he actually enjoyed the company. Leo’s presence was the only thing saving him from a long and lonely work day. “And non-shift days for Jason are usually when you have your dates”, he added.
“I knoow”, Leo said, a pout forming on his lips. “But Thalia came back yesterday, so today is their brother-and-sister date”.
“Ah, that’s right, Jason did mention that”.
“Can’t interfere with siblings time”.
“So you had nothing better to do today and came here”.
“I came here to save you from your loneliness, goth boy”, Leo said. “Also, I do enjoy your company”.
Nico smiled, and offered him ice cream as a silent thanks. 
“It reminds me of when it was the other way around and you helped me when I was pining for Jason”.
Nico made a face at the memory, then laughed. “Oh my god, you were terrible- absolutely pathetic”, he said. “Thank god you’re together now”.
“Yeah, that’s exactly what I’m gonna say when you and your surfer boy will finally get together”.
Nico’s smile faltered, his heart jumping and then growing heavy at the words - like it couldn’t decide if he felt more pleased at the idea of it ever happening or more glum at the prospect of Percy never going back there.
Few long moments of silence followed, and Nico’s mind went back to the thoughts tormenting him.
And there was also something else, something that Nico was trying not to focus too much about. 
Leo looked at Nico in silence for a while, his cheek resting on the palm of his hand. Nico could almost see the gears turning in his head. “Are you worried about him?”
Nico looked away. He felt stupid thinking about it even more than he did when panicking and making everything probably bigger than it was. 
Logically speaking, it was unlikely that Percy would stop coming to the beach just because Nico was there - there wasn't really anything between them, after all and, from what Nico knew about him, the ocean and surfing were way too important for Percy to give up. 
But it had been a week, and Percy usually came at least two or three times a week, even just for an hour (Nico spent way too much time thinking about him and looking for him to not notice this) - yet, there the beach was, full of people but with no Percy in sight. Nico felt his heart fall again as he scanned the shore around him, looking for familiar black hair and beautiful eyes. He couldn't help but wonder if something had happened, if Percy was doing alright.
“You know he might just be busy”.
“I know”.
“So I think there's no reason for you to worry about him”.
Nico sighed. “I hate it when you make sense”, he said. “Jason is definitely rubbing off of you”.
“That's what love does to a man!”
Nico felt that now familiar pang of not-quite-jealousy as he looked at the smile growing on his friend's face. His eyes scanned the beach again as the thought of I want that too crossed his mind, side by side with the image of two sea-green eyes and a soft smile.
Nico didn’t expect anything to happen. He spent the whole day waiting and waiting in the hope of Percy showing up, his heart feeling heavier and heavier with every passing hour. 
The truth was that, simply put, he missed Percy - which was stupid and ridiculous, but Nico had been dying to talk to him again, to feel his eyes on himself again, to be on the receiving end of his smile, to get to know something more about him.
He’ll come back at some point, he told himself. Maybe. 
The sun was coming down, the sky colored a pretty shade of yellow and orange and red. The day had felt infinite, time dragging on and simply refusing to pass by, but Nico’s shift was finally almost over. He looked at his phone to check the time, wishing the next fifteen minutes would simply come to an end faster.
He cursed all the gods of all the pantheons ever existed when he saw someone sitting before him. God, how he hated when customers did that.
He forced his usual work smile on his lips and looked up. Then did a double take - the girl sitting in front of him looked strangely familiar, even though he was pretty sure he didn’t actually know her.
All the while taking her order (just a cold water bottle - who even came to a beach kiosk at that hour to ask for nothing but a water bottle?) Nico kept thinking and wondering; maybe she just came there often? But there was something about her that kept pulling at Nico’s memory.
It hit him at once when she was handing him the money to pay.
Ah, it was her. The girl who usually came to the beach with Percy. Nico felt his heart starting to beat faster at the realization.
Would it be weird to ask her about Percy?
Yes it would!, his mind yelled at him. 
But at the same time, every cell in his body was telling him that it didn’t matter, that this was too much of a lucky chance to just let it pass by.
Lost in his thoughts like that, he was definitely taking way more time than necessary to get her change.  
He was worried, he missed Percy so much it was frankly absurd. And he thought his friends would probably back him up in this
“Here”, he said, as he finally handed her her change.
She thanked him and went to turn around. “Uhm!”, Nico started before he could really think about it and stop himself. “Excuse me-”
She turned to look at him again. Was Nico imagining the weird look in her eyes? Yes, she was probably simply annoyed at being called back. “Yes?”
“Ah- sorry”, Nico said, feeling so incredibly stupid. Maybe he should just back out. But then he thought of the long day he had had and of the hole he had felt the whole time. He pushed the words out.
“Uhm, you’re a friend of Percy, right?”
“Yes”, the girl said, nodding. This time Nico was almost certain that there was a weird look in her eyes that he couldn’t exactly interpret - but she looked more curious than anything else, so he counted it as a sign he could go on.
“I just- I just noticed he hasn’t been coming here lately…?”, he said, trying and failing to will his heart to calm down a little. “... is he alright?”
“Oh yeah, he’s been talking about you!”, she replied. “He’s alright, he’s just out of town. He went to New York to visit his mum”.
“Ah, that’s good”. 
The relief was soon pushed aside when the words the girl had said finally hit him.
He’s been talking about you.
He only vaguely registered the girl saying goodbye and waving at him before leaving.
Nico waved back, feeling numb. He hoped his expression wasn’t as dumbstruck as he felt.
He’s been talking about you.
Percy had been talking about him? Nico’s heart was playing athletics in his chest, the butterflies taking residence in his stomach were throwing the most chaotic party ever.
He’s been talking about you.
He put his face in his hands, hiding behind his palms the foolish happy smile that was growing on his lips.
Suddenly, the day didn’t feel as bad as before.
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pomefioredove · 3 hours
What do you say about Lilia with "Don't bite your lip, I want to do that."
I would say hgghh💕💖❤️
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summary: "don't bite your lip, I want to do that" type of post: short fic characters: lilia additional info: romantic, reader is gender neutral, reader is kinda implied to be yuu but doesn't have to be, not proofread, Lilia is shamelessly flirty thank u a part of this event
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There are very few things that still manage to catch Lilia by surprise.
At his age, he's simply running out of new experiences; school, politics, even the wonderful world of the internet have started becoming monotonous and boring, leaving him in a slump.
Perhaps, then, that's why he's taken such an interest in you.
Such an intriguing little creature, he thinks, watching you from the shadows of the Diasomnia lounge.
You'd come by to drop something off for Malleus, the sweet thing that you are, and, once again, Lilia finds himself shamelessly staring.
He knows he shouldn't, but, oh, he truly can't help himself!
He inches closer. Lilia can't help but wonder what sort of noise you'll make when he startles you this time. A gasp? A shout, perhaps? Maybe even a cute little squeak... the thought of that is strangely exciting to him.
Only one way to find out.
He drops out of the shadows, blocking you from the exit just as you turn towards it. "Hello!"
And... Nothing.
You smile. "Ah... hello again, Lilia. Did Malleus tell you I was coming?"
His arms fall to his sides with a pout. Nothing? Nothing at all? You look at him like he has something stuck in his teeth.
"He may have mentioned," Lilia sighs. "You're impossible to tease these days. It's quite disappointing, really."
You smile slightly, much to his bemusement. He hates letting you have the upper hand... "Maybe I've started anticipating your pranks. You'll just need to find some new material,"
New material...? He scoffs. You're not even the least bit concerned about him!
"It used to be so easy to get a rise out of you. Humans change far too fast," he laments.
"Now I'll never get to see that flustered look on your face ever again! Or I'll have to come up with something new to tease you with..."
"Orrrr... you could just not tease me at all?"
He chuckles, shaking his head as if you had just said something ridiculous. "With your precious reactions? Impossible!"
You sigh.
Lilia tuts, tapping his chin as if lost in deep thought. He circles you once, twice, then stops in front of you.
"I can't think of anything," he sighs dramatically. "It'll come to me later... Is that uniform new?"
"Oh, uh..." you mutter, caught off guard by the sudden change in topic. You turn around yourself in a circle. How cute.
"Well, it's the same uniform, but I got my measurements taken at Pomefiore, and they they got me a better fitting one."
"I can tell,"
He hums pleasantly, dragging his eyes over your body. "They did a wonderful job accentuating your features,"
You huff and look away, much to his delight, clearly taken by surprise by his change in tone.
"...Thank you,"
"Fufufu. Don't mention it," Lilia says, eyes narrowing. "You don't get complimented very much, do you?"
"Not regularly,"
"I could surmise as much. Why, if I didn't know any better, I'd say you're almost flustered by little old me. Is that right?"
Hook, line, and sinker. Your eyes widen as you realize that you've walked right into his trap. "Oh, no, no. I'm not. I'm fine!"
"Really? Don't get shy on me, now. I'm beginning to like this even more than scaring you,"
He takes a step forward, drinking in the sight of you, your body's nervous reactions to his teasing. "How cute,"
"Tease," you say, biting the corner of your lip.
You back yourself against the wall of the lounge, to his absolute delight, and he takes that as an invitation to get closer.
"That I am," Lilia admits without a hint of shame. "But don't bite your lip... I want to do that."
That long sought-after squeak finally escapes you, music to his ears, and he leans closer. For a moment, it seems like he's about to close the distance between you... then, at the last second, he pulls back.
He chuckles. "Oh, what fun! I haven't felt so young in ages. But I do have other business to attend to,"
And so, Lilia leaves you stunned, trembling against the wall as he merrily walks off before you seem to come to your senses.
"Vanrouge, you little shit! Get back here!"
A slight giggle escapes him as he starts off running, with you not far behind. He was right; this is much, much more rewarding than scaring you.
Maybe, if you make another one of those cute noises, he'll even let you catch him.
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h2llish · 1 day
wait uh requests are open wait um
Its been really hot out lately so what if like reader and vil go out on an ice cream date or something? :3
Remember not to overwork yourself and have a good day :3
VIL SCHOENHEIT ─ you and vil share a cold treat ♡ fluff, you guys tease each other, gender neutral, lowercase intended,, established relationship ig, reader calls vil "my queen" and "my liege" (mostly in a joking manner but also yk like a nickname)
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it was a sunny day, hardly many clouds to block out the sun. many students found themselves inside rather than sitting in the courtyard, while a few didn't seem to mind the sun as they joined their friends after a day of classes, excusing themselves from club work or joining study groups.
and it wasn't all that different for a certain housewarden and his partner ─ they were making their way towards the mirror with one of them looking all to happy to leave the school. with permission to leave campus (although he's not quite sure how you got it) so long as you returned at a set time, you were walking with a smile and a hum.
"will you tell me what exactly are your plans?" vil asked as the two of you stopped in front of the face starring back at them through the glass, ready to transport you into the island's village.
"nope!" you answered with a certain chirp to your voice that almost gave the impression of mischief. "you'll just have to wait and see."
he huffed, "a surprise date? is that what this is?"
you had barged into his room just before you two found yourselves here. ─ is it really barging if you knocked and received his permission to enter? ─ you asked him if he was free, and when given the confirmation, said the two of you were going on a date. (although through your demands, you really did make sure he was okay with it, you knew he was quite the busy person.)
and vil didn't offer much of a argument ─ you two hadn't spent much time together as of late. a date when he wasn't bombarded with housewarden duties, school work or gigs, didn't sound all that bad.
"sure is." you huffed, and turned back to the mirror, the reflection swirling as it awaited your entrance. you gestured to vil with a exaggerated but small bow, "after you, my liege." vil rolled his eyes, lips twitching up affectionately at the nickname as he turned to the mirror, not allowing you a chance to see his reaction as he entered. and you followed quickly after.
with a queasy feeling and an illusion of darkness and bright lights, the two of you soon found yourselves just at the edge of the village located on the isle.
you bent over with your hands on your knees and let out a breath. vil sent you a concerned look as you stood back up and shook your head. you turned to vil, lips pulled back into an almost embarrassed smile, answering the question shown in his expression, "i'm still not used to that."
vil sighed, shaking his head, "and how long have you been here?"
"oh, hush." you shushed him, pouting as you grabbed him by the wrist, and began to guide him towards the entrance to the village, "come on."
vil met your pace easily, letting you lead him without protest, "will you tell me about your plans now that we're here?"
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but vil didn't have to wait long to realize what you had in store for this sudden date. as you led him straight to a small shop in the village, one that was praised for their ice cream and its rich taste. you stopped in front of the shop, and turned to him, looking almost proud with yourself.
"ice cream?" he hummed, although it really wasn't much of a question despite how it sounded. he looked back at you with raised brows, as if to say really.
but you only smiled, "yup!" sliding your hand down from his wrist to his own hand and lacing your fingers, you explained, "it's been hot lately. and you know, you looked like you needed a break. so, well, here we are."
you looked back at the shop, and shrugged your shoulders, "i did a bunch of research when i learned this was here, and it said this place has all sorts of flavors and no one has really said anything bad about it! even though it's not that popular. even some of the guys at school said it's really good, so i wanted to try it." you smiled at him again, a little bashful as you added, "and you know, i thought trying it with you would be nice."
vil smiled, "thank you, [name]."
"of course, my queen." you snickered as vil rolled his eyes. you tightened your grip on his hand and began to march towards the entrance with vil, "now come on, i want ice cream!"
inside the building was small, but cool and almost cozy, there were a few people inside, an older couple, and a woman with two kids. an older man greeted the two of you from behind the counter displaying the many flavors, smiling kindly.
"welcome!" he cheerfully exclaimed, glancing between the two of you, "what can i get you?"
you turned to vil, "what do you want, my liege?" vil hummed, brushing off name as he eyed the flavors. once he ordered, you followed.
as the man began to scoop the ice cream into cones, you watched, pulling vil along with you. you commented on how good it looks as the man handed over vil's cone, and vil chuckled nodding his head.
when you received yours, you released your grip on vil's hand, "thank you." you smiled, waving goodbye to the man before taking vil's hand again, and leading him outside.
"i thought we could walk around while we're here." you explained to vil, "is that okay?" ─ you had never been to he village on sage island, only ever the port so you wanted to have a chance to look around (while spending time with one of your favorite people).
vil looked down at you, your attention forward and glancing around the buildings and the many people around you. he smiled and hummed, pulling you closer to him as you guys set into an even pace alongside each other. "of course."
you guys had a limited time to spend off campus, and if you wanted to look around why would he not indulge you?
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the village wasn't very big, as expected, and eventually, you found yourselves sitting down and just enjoying the rest of your ice cream. ─ or well, you tried.
"my ice cream!" you whined, holding it out in front of you as it melted and dripped onto the pavement. vil had long since finished his own during your sightseeing, but you were slow and now you were paying the price of trying to eat the half-finished cone while avoiding anything sticking to you. (you weren't doing a very good job.)
vil held a hand over his mouth, trying to hide his amusement in watching you ultimately fail in finishing your ice cream with as little mess as possible.
"maybe your ice cream should've been your first priority, we would've still had time to look around." vil teased, and you huffed.
"don't laugh at me."
he chuckled, "i'm not laughing at you, darling."
"you are!" you pouted.
"shouldn't you be worried about your ice cream?" he gestured to the still melting ice cream.
you turned back to the treat in your hand and deflated. you feigned a sniffle and stood to approach a trashcan nearby. when you returned, vil was waiting and holding out the napkins the two of you had thought to grab before you left to walk around. you sat next to him and continuted to pout as you took the napkins from him and began to clean off your hands.
"it's not funny."
"no, of course not." vil agreed, although he made no move to hide his smile.
you narrowed your eyes at the actor, before sighing dramatically, "my liege is so mean to me."
vil shook his head, but his smile remained as he took your face into his hands and used his thumb to wipe away what you assumed to be ice cream from the corner of your mouth. "am i?" he hummed, raising a brow in question as you continued to pout at him.
"yes," you sighed, trying to keep your mouth from forming into a smile.
"we still have time, do we not?"
you blinked, tilting your head in his hands and humming in thought, "yeah, i guess so."
vil released your face and grabbed your hand to pull you along as he stood, "i'll buy you another as an apology for laughing."
"in that case, i accept!"
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oh, that was longer than intended erm. hope you like it sapphy!
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do not repost, translate, copy or run my writing through an ai
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ezxlyn-vanasal · 5 hours
Bodyguard!Ghost x MafiaPrincess!Reader
Summary: Ghost is the newly hired bodyguard for y/n and he's the type to never take no for an answer. It's his way or the high way. However, y/n is a little spoiled and you are determined to go to your birthday party even if it means flirting with your new bodyguard.
Warning: a bit of a spoiled brat and whiny y/n but nothing too much. Drunk Y/n
"It's a no for you, y/n. You are not allowed to party tonight," Ghost said as his body leaned on the doorframe, towering over you.
He had his hunky arms crossed as his deep ocean eyes stared at yours. He's the recently-hired bodyguard recruited by your father. Unfortunately, he is quite annoying and overly controlling.
"Now, go back to your room or else..." his tone was stern and commanding, making it clear that you would face consequences if you disobeyed him.
"But it's boring in my room!" y/n whined a little. "And what's the use of a bodyguard like you when you can't protect me without locking me up like some king of prisoner!" You were already ready in her red bodycon dress and overcoat, her five inch heels did nothing against the bodyguard's tall height.
He couldn't help but chuckle at your little outburst. You looked incredibly cute when you were upset, especially with your pouting face and your tiny frame compared to his large muscular build. But that didn't change his firm stance.
"First, I'll call you whatever I want," he responded with a growl in his deep, gruff voice. "And second, I am protecting you by not letting you go out and do God knows what."
He pushed himself off the doorframe and stepped closer to you, his eyes narrowing. "You're not going anywhere tonight."
"I doubt I'm the worst hire you had. I rarely go out and it's not like I'm a daredevil. Come on....whatever your name is. I'll be a good girl." Y/n tried to convince him with your infamous puppy eyes. "It's just that it's my best friend's birthday party and I always go every year, you can even ask my father about that."
Damn her and her cute puppy eyes.
Ghost grumbled as he glanced away from you, his tough exterior faltering for a moment. He was trained to withstand psychological warfare, but even he was a sucker for puppy eyes.
His voice still retained some of its authoritativeness, though.
"Don't try to charm me, little one," he warned. "And it's 'Ghost'. Just Ghost."
Y/n mirked internally and pouted up at him. "That's a cool alias. Ghost." Unexpectedly, you leaned forward and left a gentle touch on his shoulder with your hands. "I'm not trying to charm you, I'm just stating facts. All we're going to do is have a party at her home and drink. Once I'm wasted, I'll just be a cute sleepy thing in your arms."
Ghost’s eyes widened momentarily at your touch, his body instinctively tensing up. He was caught off guard by the unexpected display of physical contact, but he masked his surprise quickly.
"Ah, the drunk sleeping-beauty routine," he said gruffly, attempting to keep his composure. "You have a habit of getting drunk, don’t you? Maybe that’s why I have to keep a close eye on you."
"Only on occasions. But I never drink till I forget, so don't worry." You waves your hands nonchalantly.
Ghost chuckled a bit at your words, his eyes glinting with amusement. He knew he should be annoyed by your carefree attitude, but there was something about your boldness and confidence that intrigued him.
"Oh yeah? You say that now, but let’s see how drunk and needy you get later." he said with a smirk.
You huffed and crossed your arms. Who said I'll be needy? You looked back up into his eyes, considering that's all you could see. A grin formed on your lips at the implication. "So is that a yes?"
Ghost raised an eyebrow at your question, his smirk growing wider at your stubbornness. He couldn't help but admire your determination in convincing him to let you go. But he wasn't going to admit that so easily.
"I didn't say that, I'm just saying it's a possibility."
He leaned against the wall again, his arms crossed as he looked down at you. His intense gaze held yours for a long moment, considering your proposal.
You looked at the watch around your wrist and gasped, "Uggghhh, I'll literally do anything at this point. I'm getting late!"
Anything, huh?
Ghost's mind briefly paused at your last sentence. Did you really mean anything? His mind immediately started contemplating the different ways he could take advantage of your careless promise.
He chuckled darkly and stepped closer to you, his towering form practically caging you against the wall. His expression shifted into a smirk, his eyes holding a dangerous glint.
"Anything, you say? Careful with your words now, little one." He smirked, but you knew better.
"Anything that doesn't have my father kill you, sure." You snarked back. You knew your father's strict ways and you'll be more than happy to use that to her advantage.
Ghost chuckled darkly once more, his smirk growing wider at your response. He could see the cleverness in your smirk and the way you were using your father's protective nature to your advantage.
He moved closer until his body was pressed up against yours, trapping you against the wall with his muscular form. He lowered his head slightly, his deep voice a mere whisper in your ear.
"You're a sneaky little one, aren't you? Using your daddy's protection to get your way." His breath was warm and intoxicating against your skin.
You gulped as you felt the cool wall on her back and Ghost's warm chest on her front. "W-What do you think you're doing? Back off. If this is what you mean, then get your head out the gutter. I'd rather die than use my body." You tried pushing him away.
Ghost chuckled at your attempts to push him away, his large hands firmly grasping your wrists and pinning them against the wall next to your head.
"Calm down, princess," he murmured, his voice a low growl against your ear. "I have no intention of forcing myself on you. I'm not that kind of man."
He held you there for a moment, his eyes watching you intently before he let go and took a step back. He smirked again, his gaze sharp and intense.
"I was just testing your limits, sweetie."
You grimaced at him and just took out your phone. "The feeling is mutual, but I am definitely not liking what I found out about you." With that, you dialed your father's number and waited till he picked up. After a few words, your father gave her permission to leave noting that Ghost can just follow her. You made sure that the whole conversation was on speaker.
Ghost watched as you called your father and put him on speakerphone. He raised an eyebrow at your unexpected move, intrigued by how you were playing this game. His expression remained neutral as he listened in on your conversation with him.
Once it was clear that you had gotten your father's permission to leave, Ghost's gaze shifted to you once more. He let out a soft scoff under his breath.
"Sneaky little minx," he murmured quietly.
You hung up the phone after thanking your father and gazed at him smugly. "I could have just done that at first, but I wanted to see what you'd do. Guess we both had the same thought in mind."
Ghost chuckled softly at your words, a hint of amusement in his deep voice. He crossed his arms over his chest and leaned against the wall behind him, eyeing you with a wry smirk.
"You're more clever than I thought. Trying to see how far I'd go, huh?"
He took a few steps closer, his large frame towering over yours once more. His eyes were fixed on you, his expression a mix of curiosity and intrigue.
"And what thoughts were you having in that pretty little head of yours, sweetie?"
"To see what it would take for you to break and be a good little dog." You replied.
A good little dog, huh?
Ghost's smirk widened at your words, his gaze turning dark and intense. His eyes never left yours as he took another step closer, closing the distance between you even further.
"Breaking me, eh? You think you have what it takes to do that?" he asked, his voice a low rumble. His hand moved to gently take hold of your chin, tilting your head up to meet his gaze.
"Careful, little one. You might bite off more than you can chew."
You opted not to answer and just got your bag and walked out of her room. You just gave him a look. "Let's go. I'm already late. You're driving and I sent the coordinates to your phone."
Ghost let out a soft scoff as you walked past him, the smirk still on his face. He watched you grab your bag and stride out of your room confidently.
He followed after you, his footsteps silent despite his large frame. He got his phone and checked the coordinates you sent, nodding in acknowledgment.
"You're going to be the death of me, I swear," he muttered to himself as he led the way to the garage.
"Didn't know ghosts die." You said back, clearly hearing him.
Ghost rolled his eyes at your smartass comment, but couldn't help but chuckle softly. He couldn't deny that you had a sharp tongue, and he actually found it strangely endearing.
"Oh, shut it," he retorted back with a smirk. "Even ghosts can expire from annoyance, y'know? And you're testing that limit right now, sweetheart."
You acted nonchalantly, although getting a bit irked by this new bodyguard. While checking your french-tipped nails, you responded "Hmmm, duly noted. Do you want me to call father and just have you replaced? I heard you never had an unsatisfied or dead client. Should I change that?"
That little minx...
Ghost's smirk vanished at your words, his eyes narrowing slightly. He knew you were just playing your little game, testing his limits to see how far you could push him. And unfortunately for him, you had a way of getting under his skin.
"Watch it," he warned in a low growl. "You're walking on thin ice, princess. Threatening me won't end well for you."
"And threatening me ends well for you?"
Ghost's expression softened momentarily as he realized the truth behind your words. He let out a soft scoff and ran a hand through his hair in frustration.
"Fair enough," he conceded. "You've got a point there, I suppose. But don't think for a second that I won't take action if you cross the line, sweetie."
"I'll be good if you are." You winked at him before stepping into the back seat.
Ghost rolled his eyes again at your wink, his heart fluttering just a bit at the charming gesture. He tried to hide it behind his gruff exterior, but damn you had him feeling all sorts of things.
He got into the driver's seat and started the car, his eyes darting to glance at you in the rearview mirror.
"Don't tempt me, princess," he muttered under his breath. This job was going to kill him. With irritation or something else, he wasn't sure yet.
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shuenkio · 11 hours
Misunderstood | Ksn 🌻
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Paring: Sunoo x male!reader
Genre: Fluff, crack
Cw: a lot of jokes play.
Summary: He thought you're already in a relationship with someone else however-
Non proof read/wc: 1.0k
Eng is not my 1st lang
Note: started from today I would be less active but don't worry I'll try my best to update a small update like this when I have time.
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Ksn: He is likely to be the brightest person in the room, very kind, lovely, approachable, making the first move, and a whole walking forest (flag). Your relationship with him was inseparable since you're his one and only bff who understands him the most. Till he couldn't stand anymore, he realized he liked you, but he was too shy to confess his feelings, as many thoughts were running through his mind. When he found out you took a liking on someone else, he was taken aback. You had always been with him, but why did he not know about your crush? Nevertheless, that didn't stop him from having a feeling for you still, even though there's a time Sunoo catches you staring at your phone, giggling with your face while texting.
You've definitely had a crush on someone, and you're now in touch with them for real. He was low-key hurt by it, but he knows it's wrong to ask you such a question. Demanding your answer was a no-no for him; he does respect your boundaries and matter. Days had passed, you started to give less attention, participate in less group projects, and hang out less with him. The closeness between you and him began to spread apart.
He was afraid—afraid that one day he will lose you—and will lose all the memories both of you had together back then. He's scared that you'll slip away from this blooming friendship. Until he couldn't bottle up his tight chest any more, he decided to plan for his confession. He doesn't care right now if you reject him; he was desperate to let it all out in front of you to be heard and known. It took place at your childhood spot with him when you were young.
The swing is still hanging strong on the tree's branch. Nothing has changed at all, even after almost a decade. As you dragged your feet forward, you were greeted by him, who's sitting on the swing, with his face covered in tears and sadness. He looks like a complete mess right now, but you still find him very pretty in his state right now.
You were dumbfounded by the very new greetings. Usually he would come and ask about your day, but today was totally different; he was bowling his eyes out silently.
"M/n...!" He looked up to see your oblivious, confused expression as he continued to sniff as he pulled you into a warm embrace.
"What's wrong? Did you lose your earphones again?" You ask as you caress his back gently while he lays his hand on your shoulder. Sunoo couldn't gather his courage and words to respond to your question; he was still inhaling your scent, missing your small figure around his arms. His mouth was zipped, replaced by a whimpering pout instead.
You open your mouth and attempt to ask again, but you stop midway and decide it's better for him to calm down first. Soon enough, you're pulling away from the hug as you trace down your slim finger on his face, wiping his shred of tears away.
"Can you tell me what's going on?" You utter it softly, so he will be able to answer your question.
"I know you would be mad at me if I spit it out."
"Mad? Why would I be mad? Unless it was something serious, you mutter, looking at him in the eyes while he takes his time to admire your face again.
"Promise?" He quietly said this, extending his baby finger for promise. You chuckle at his childish behavior as you move your hand to intertwine with his. He flashed a small smile at your gesture before making you sit beside him on the swing, which was big enough for two.
"I'm sorry, but I like you, m/n. I like you so much that's not nice for my heart. I keep bottled up this feeling too much, trying everything to distract myself from missing you when you distance yourself away with your crush. I assume you're probably in a relationship by now. I don't expect any answer back from you—
I just want to tell you how I felt. I'm really sorry for liking you as your guy bestie. You can hate me all you want by heart, but please don't leave me. Can we still be friends, please?" He explained that as another wave of tears started rolling on his chest once again, his nose was now flushing in a pink hue, despite how emotional he was in the moment. Sunoo was sad.
You were caught off guard by the sudden confession from someone like him, whom you've known for so long. You thought it only happened in the movie, but you can't believe what you were hearing. Does he like you? Instead of feeling sympathy, you feel the rush of laughter at his misunderstood. So he believes you had someone?
"Why are you laughing? It's not funny." His gaze sneered, and his face was still wet from his tears as he questioned your unexpected mocking.
"You've been thinking I'm in a relationship this whole time?" You snort in the middle of your sentence; you can't hold back your ijbol.
"T-then hwat?" He narrowed his eyes, the embarrassed emotion about to cause him to have a seizer if your answer were opposite from his point of view.
"That was my cousin! She just returned from Japan" Your body is shaking from your howl, and as the latter feels like he wants to dig himself into the bottom of the earth alive, he is about to see the light of heaven from his self-consciousness. Sunoo began to look in the other direction; his cheeks were burning from shame as he folded his hand across his chest, sulking.
"Hey, don't be embarrassed, but at least I got you to confess your feelings."
"What do you mean by that? You're almost causing me depression."
"Because when two people have feelings for each other, what should they do?" Sunoo slowly turned his head toward you. He felt the chill sending down his spine at your words as reality hit him hard in the face.
"What did you just say?"
"Nothing; if you don't understand, I'll take it back."
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🗣️ please mind my English! ><
🗣️Reblog and like is much appreciated (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧
🗣️ crd to all pics dividers Owner.
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kodathings · 1 day
𝐹𝑜𝑜𝑙 𝑖𝑛 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒
Aeri Uchinaga x drunk!reader
Gender: Fluff
Warnings: drunk reader, slight mention of blood and fight with someone else at first.
a/n: Hello 😁 It's been a while since I've been here, hasn't it? Anyway, I came back with little creativity and I'm still writing something about Winter, but it will take a while to come out. I hope you enjoy what you read and if you could give me suggestions on what I should write soon. Oh, and this fanfic was inspired by a materialist about aespa that I read, I don't remember who wrote it but if you search you'll find it here on Tumblr.
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"You fucking bum!" You scream, drawing the attention of the entire bar as you attack a drunk man who confronted you. With your weight you managed to knock him to the ground and punch him in the face, which were difficult to aim with in your drunken state. This all didn't last long when he pushes you, making you hit your head on the table and some glasses of drinks fall on you along with a perfect punch in the middle of your face and soon after your vision goes dark.
"You know how stupid that was, don't you?"
"But he was talking about you, I heard it!”
"That was stupid" Giselle shut you up by putting alcohol swabs on your wound under your eye, making the area burn. She was with you at the bar when you fought with that strong man, she was the one who brought you home in fact. You went to the bar to drink because the next day she was going to visit her family in Tokyo and you were staying because you still had to work, so it would be good drink with her before that.
You mumbled something under your breath when she pulled the cotton away with little blood this time "I was just trying to defend you...". Well, she can't send it, it was cute to see you this way, flushed from the drink and with a pout on his lips trying to justify yourself to Giselle.
"You didn't have to do this, just accept that you have a hot girlfriend." She joked trying to lighten the mood. You can't help but laugh at this and go back to sulking when you remember that guy. "But I didn't like what he said" she could even count how many times you've repeated that tonight "Drink really messes with your little head, doesn't it?"
Once again the cotton made contact with his skin, this time a new cotton that went to another wound in the corner of his lip. It was incredible how powerful that man's fist was in you face. The cotton came off and her soft fingers brushed against his skin for a perfect bandage that she had done before, she obviously knew very well what she was doing. Her glass came a little forward with her eyes focused on your bruised face, Giselle didn't even notice how you silently admired her.
"You are very beautiful" a shy murmur escaped his lips with a goofy smile. Now it is clear that the drink was messing with his head. You felt like a fool falling in love again, it was so strange in your head, out of nowhere you felt that way as if you had hearts in your eyes when you saw her.
Aeri smiled at the sight of you just being a jerk for her "You're so silly, Y/n" she pressed a quick kiss to your cheek leaving the lipstick mark there. You liked that, you really liked that. It wasn't like you to like physical contact, this wasn't really your love firm, but this time it was different because of the sparkle in your eyes and she noticed. A smile painted her lips painted wine red, the perfect tone to mark her skin as if it were a painting and she was the artist.
"Why are you like that, babe?" Cynical, she knew how to play with you according to what you was feeling. Your eyes just stared into her dark orbs, you're too stupid and in love for that. You have a headache, your nose still hurts from the punch, your hand hurts a little but you continued to look at her and your girlfriend's red lips "You're going to Tokyo tomorrow...I don't think I can stay without you around for three weeks".
It's cute, but it's sad at the same time. She felt the same way, of course she would call you every night to see how she was and not to mention that she wouldn't be alone in Tokyo since she will see her family, But knowing that I would be far from you is kind of painful to be honest. It would be fair if she left you with a memory of her even if it was just for a little while.
With a sigh she left you lying on the bed comfortably, you didn't understand anything, you just accepted your fate and the soft bed that made you lie there without protesting. She sat on top of you and leaned in close to your face, dangerously close to your lips that tasted like a strong drink that she didn't particularly like the taste of, but it would be worth it later. Your arms were wrapped around her involuntarily quickly, not letting her leave now.
"Silly..." she called you with the new nickname that would be acquired for the rest of your life. It was then that the kissing session on her skin began. First one on his left cheek, he moved up his lips to his forehead forming a path to his right cheek and chin. She was careful not to end up undoing the bandages, which was the reason to make a trail of kisses to his jaw and neck. Meanwhile you were soft with the amount of kisses you received from the Japanese woman.
You felt like you were in heaven, the angels were granting you this great woman before you entered the gates of heaven. Her hands were roaming over your shoulder and arms to make sure you would have blurs of memories the next morning.
Suddenly the kisses stopped, making an irritated groan come out of you in protest, everything was so good. Your eyes opened to see what happened but closed soon after with the quick kiss that was placed on your bruised lips, you swore you just melted like butter on the bed. Aeri had surreally soft lips, a feature you considered very advantageous.
"How it feels?"
"I won't get this off my face until tomorrow"
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imaushiji · 1 year
Oh? Feisty you say? I’m rather intrigued to see what you have in store. But don’t think I will go easy on you, just cause you’re my doll. You know I like to win when it comes to you 🥴
The sky tower can try! I am faster than he is, so we will see who gets hit with the ticket. All I know is that I will pay it with his card.
And I have no clue what kind of magazines they are specifically. I only know that he has circled and market certain clothing items and has written your name beside them. I suspect that he wants to buy it for you, but wouldn’t it be more fun to go to the store and have you try different outfits there (and do smth else if you’re down 👁️)
I’m also trying to convince him to make a tumblr account, but this man is even worse with technology than Shin. He said he would try, but he’s already stuck on choosing a username 🤦 maybe you can help him, love? I’ll just be there for ✨mental support✨
Plot twist, I don't plan on winning 🥴 but I definitely won't make it easy for you, love 👁️
"sky tower" the way I CACKLED lksdfsldfkjb he's gonna be so annoyed but I'm sure there are things you can offer in return hehehe
Ohhhhh Keiiiiiiii 🥺 he's so cute, it's not fair! I am so down to go shopping and model some outfits for ya but we're still banned from a few of my fave stores after the last time we went 🥲 you say I'm loud but we both know we got caught bc of you
I don't know if I'm ready to handle both of you online 💀 but I'll talk to him and see if he really wants to <3
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nanaslutt · 7 months
Bodyswap w/ Gojo part 2
part 1, here
Contains: fem reader, caught masturbating, teasing, dirty talk, rough sex :3, unprotected sex, multiple creampies, multiple orgasms, kinda selfcest?? (they’re in each others body’s while they fuck), spanking
"Ahh! F-fuck, mmm-" Gojo's voice could be heard from the other side of the door, with squelching accompanying the lewd moans into the hallway. Gojo pressed your body up to the door quietly, listening to you use his body to get off after telling him to not even look at yours in the shower. Someone's a little hypocrite~ he internally cooed, fighting back a giggle.
As full of Gojo was of himself, he wasn't the type of guy to get off on his own moans, but he did find it arousing that you were in his body and were using him like some slut for your own pleasure. He waited patiently until he heard his body cum, still pressed against the door until the sighing and shuffling on the other side of the door died before he knocked to announce his arrival.
Here the two of you lie, in your room in silence while Gojo stares at the poorly tucked away cum rag you used to clean up your mess under your bed. "Ahh~ I always feel so much better after a shower." He sighs, starting up a conversation. "Mmm, me too." You mumbled, still staring at the ceiling from your place on the bed. "Yeah? Why don't you go take one?" He asked, walking over to your bed and making himself comfortable as he lay against your pillows.
"Gross Satoru, I'm not taking a shower in this body, unless I have to.. and who said you could sit on my bed?" You chastized, setting yourself up on your forearms to look at him, finding that it was still hard to make eye contact. Every time you did you were reminded of what a pervert you had been, and how you probably almost got caught.
"No? You don't feel dirty?" He asked pouting out his bottom lip teasingly, insistent on keeping his eyes glued to yours even tho yours tried to avoid his like the plague. "Why would I feel dirty? You had your infinity on during the fight, you're spotless." You rambled. "Maybe, but don't you feel the need to wash up after you cum?" He said, leaning your head in his hands as he smiled at you from under your lashes.
You felt your entire body heat up at his words, you had the same feeling as when you took one too many candies as a kid and your parents called you out for it. You could feel your face heat up and your palms become sweaty. You tried to play dumb, making brief eye contact with your body and noticing the smug look Gojo had manipulated on its face, before plopping your head back down on the bed as you laid flat and made yourself at home by staring at the ceiling once more.
"W-why is that relevant?" You questioned, hoping somehow that Gojo hadn't somehow caught on to what you did in his body, you thought you had been so careful! "Playing coy doesn't sound good when it's coming from my voice~" He said, dragging out his words for emphasis as he sat straight, looking down at his form as you lay still on the bed. Fuck, how did his technique work again? He could teleport, right, maybe if you just closed your eyes realllly hard and focused you could excape this horribly awkward conversation.
You tried, you really did, but to no avail. When you opened your eyes you were still looking at your tan ceiling, and you still saw your body looking down at you through your peripherals. "Did it feel good?" He asked, making your face heat up. "It sounded like it felt good." He giggled. "Y-you were listening?" You gasped, looking into your eyes now as the two of you kept eye contact. "I don't think that really matters when you violated my body when I was away~" He cooed, making a strong point. You still couldn't help but feel embarrassed thinking about how much me might've heard.
"S-Satoru I'm sorry, really, I have no excuses I just- fuck I don't even know what came over me." You blushed, trying to keep eye contact with yourself to seem more sincere as you spoke to him. "Ahh~ I cant believe you would do this after you yelled at me to not even look at your body~" He said dramatically, wrapping your arms around your body to block off your view and make you look smaller as he pretended to feel violated.
The white-haired man was having so much fun right now, it wasn't every day he got to tease you like this, so he figured why not drag it out a bit. You started apologizing profusely, saying over and over how sorry you were before your own laugh cut you off. "S-sorry." He stuttered through a laugh, whipping his own smile off your face as he dropped your chin down to look at you in faux seriousness. Something told you he didn't care as much as he said he did.
"It's amusing to hear you grovel like this, I didn't mean to laugh out loud." He confessed, making your face heat up in annoyance. You were mad that you had zero ground to chastise him right now as if he really was upset about this whole thing, you didn't want to make it any worse. "It did feel good though right?" He asked again, biting your lip as he scooted closer to his body. "My cock is sooo sensitive I bet you were having a field day~ I don't blame you for not being able to stop~" He sympathized, using your hand to rub over his abs, a sensation that made your skin tingle under his touch.
"S-satoru-" You tried to interrupt him, "Did you play with my balls too? I never last long when I do that." He added, lowering his hand to rub over his v-line as he watched the tent in his pants grow slowly and steadily at his words. "Satoru what are you d-doing?" You managed to ask, his voice coming out meek and submissive. The man hummed, caressing his hand lower and lower until he reached the band of his sweats, teasing your fingertips under the waistline.
"I guess I'm just a little envious that you got to experience cumming in my body, and I didn't even get to look at yours~" He pouted, playing dumb. He made a good point, you had perved out on his own body like this when you set such strict rules for him, that he sounded like he actually followed. "So what does that mean?" You asked hesitantly, swallowing hard when he pulled back his pants and boxers before letting them snap back against your skin. "Well.. you must be a little curious to see what fucking something other than my hand feels like, right?" He asked, hitting the nail on the head.
"Satoru if you're talking about us having sex right now I don't-" Your voice cut you off, you felt a hand start to rub in tantalizing circles over the tent in your pants, and you quickly dropped your gaze away from your face to watch. "That's exactly what I had in mind~" He cooed, tilting his head at you while he rubbed his cock in your smaller hand. "Isn't that.. going to be uncomfortable?" You asked, surprising Gojo when you weren't immediately put off by the idea, the hand that was rubbing his cock definitely aiding in your answer.
"Does it feel uncomfortable?" He asked, sliding his hand under the waistband of his boxers as he gripped his cock with your hand and started stroking it directly. As good as pleasure felt in your body, he wished he could feel you touch his cock like this, but maybe after this, he would have an easier time getting you into bed when things went back to normal. "Hmm? Does it?" He cooed in your voice, making you blush at how seductive you sounded.
"F-feels good but-" You choked out through a moan, your breath hitching when Gojo slung your body to sit on top of himself as he used your free hand to cover his mouth, stopping your words. "Just look at me in the mirror if fucking your body is too weird~" He giggled, watching as your eyes looked past your body sitting on top of you as you made eye contact with Gojo's body in the mirror. "I for one don't mind looking at myself like this, I've definitely had a wet dream about this before." He giggled, easing your nerves at his unseriousness, you doubted he was joking either.
He released the hand that was covering your mouth as he pulled his boxers down enough for his dripping cock to spring out. "Fuck, are you that wet because of the situation, or is that all my body's doing?" He laughed, rubbing his pointer finger over the top of his dick as he tapped the precum agaisnt it, making a lewd wet 'plp' sound. "S-shut up." You groaned through your teeth, feeling the coil in your stomach tighten when he wrapped his hand around himself again and started stroking at a propper pace. "Shit, this is so weird, heh." Gojo laughed, the feeling of looking at himself while he jerked himself off, out of body, was truly an experience.
"This was y-your idea, don't complain now." You said in his voice, watching intently at his hand that moved over his cock expertly. His precise and knowledgeable movements felt a hell of a lot better than your own, and the visual of your hand dwarfed by his massive cock was a sight to behold, one that aided in your growing arousal. "Yeah, yeah." He said, briefly sitting up as he pulled your shorts and panties down your body, leaving his cock hanging twitching in the air between the two of you as he disrobed your body.
The man turned around and faced himself in the mirror as he sat on top of you, the bottom half of your body bare as he pulled your shirt over your body and feasted his eyes on your naked form. "Shit, actually.." He smirked, biting his lip as he ran your hands down your body seductively. "Fuck me like this, wanna watch your body move while you do it." He said, reaching behind you to grab his dick again and stroke it while he continued admiring your body.
"Satoru please don't look it's embarrassing." You begged, covering your face with his massive hands as your entire body felt like it was on fire from the arousal and combined embarrassment. "Im about to watch you get fucked, you might wanna get over your fears." He giggled. "Besides, you're fucking hot, can feel your body gettin' all horny from just lookin' at it." He confessed in your voice, making you whine. The man grabbed his dick and lifted his body over his cock, looking down to line it up with your entrance before he pressed the tip against your hole.
"W-wait Satoru a condom-" You warned when you felt him start to sit down on you. "Trust me, you do not want a condom on when you feel this." He said, gasping when his tip popped past the tight ring of your cunt. Every alarm that was going off in your head melted away when you felt the tight and warm sensation envelop his cock, you felt his balls twitch and tighten the more he sat down on his cock, you would worry about the lack of a condom later.
"Fuuuuuck, that's the shit~" He groaned, bottoming out on his cock while he placed his hands on his body's knees and stared at your body in the mirror, specifically where the two of you were connected. "I feel so fucking f-fulll~" He wined, wiggling his hips in circles on your lap as he tried to adjust to the feeling of having a cock inside him for the first time. His dick was pressing up against all the right spots in your walls he didn't even find when he was fingering your cunt earlier in the shower, this was a hundred times better than your pathetic digits, he started to understand why girls kept blowing up his phone after a one night stand now.
"I- I think I'm gonna cum- p-please don't move." You wined, using Satoru's massive hands to grip your body's waist hard enough to leave bruises as you tried to make sure he couldn't even wiggle around. "I wouldn't mind feeling that~" He said, referring to you filling him up. You tilted your head back and took some deep breaths to steady yourself. Your cunt was incredibly warm and wet it felt like it was going to melt his dick as he sat still on you. The strong warmth that had blossomed in your tummy was almost overbearing, and your head was spinning at all the stimulation.
You knew Gojo was experienced, so how did it still feel this good? How did it still feel so sensitive? Was it because it was your first time feeling anything like it? You chalked it up to that, your train of thought getting cut off when your voice spoke through the room.
"Can I move? This fucking cunt is aching for it." Satoru wined, trying to wiggle his hips in your strong grip. "I think so." You nodded when he looked at you for your approval. It was so freaky seeing someone else control your body, but the pleasure of your own cunt squeezing around the cock you temporarily had eased your nerves significantly. "You might have to help me out, never rode a dick before." He giggled in your voice, turning his head back to look at your body in the mirror as he lifted his weight until his dick was almost completely out of him, before he sat all of your weight back down on his cock.
"Oh- fuck-" Gojo wined in your voice, coming out a little more submissive than he would've liked. He quickly started a fast pace bounding on your lap, your jaw dropped open as you allowed yourself to feel everything. "Y-eah it feels fucking good d-doesn't it?" Gojo tried to laugh through a moan, your voice getting louder when you started fucking his hips up into your body, poisoning his dick in and out of the man who possessed your body.
Gojo was right, you could think of nothing worse than something like a condom blocking your direct contact from feeling your tight walls wrap around his cock like this. You were impressed by your strength in this body when you used your grip on the body on top of you to lift it up and bring it down harder on his cock, making him scream out while your breathing picked up.
"S-so roughh~" Gojo smiled at his current body in the mirror, abandoning one of his hands that had stabilized himself on your thigh to rub his clit in fast circles, making your walls squeeze his dick tightly. "God Satoru- loosen" thrust "up!" you grit in his voice, your eyes threatening to roll back in your head at how intense the feeling of your pulsing walls around his dick felt. "C-cant ohmygod c-cumming!" He cried suddenly, his back arching forward as your cunt spasmed around his cock.
You fucked him through his orgasm, loud short wines and curses fell from his lips as he came, his body jerked as the waves crashed over him, his body going limp in your hold. You took the opportunity to manhandle your body, quickly turning the two of you around in one swift movement you forced him into a weak doggystyle position, his face being pressed into the sheets while drool dripped out from the corner of his lips.
You couldn't let up on his cunt, the pulsing around his cock was an amazing feeling and you were determined to feel it again, Gojo pressed your thighs together and crossed your feet at the overstimulation he was feeling as mindless babbles and whines of your own name could be heard in your voice underneath you. You prayed no one was around the dorms at this time, as they might be a little confused on what they were hearing right now.
"Fuck- make me c-cum again give it to me g-give it to me" He whined, his words being slurred into one as you fucked heavy and mean thrusts into his cunt. You don't know what came over you, but the need to respond and talk dirty back to him was overwhelming you, "Yeah? Wanna cum all over this cock again?" You said, making yourself blush as you aroused yourself hearing his dirty words in your ears. "Y-e-ssssss fuckk~" Gojo whined into the sheets, a cock-drunken smile plastered on his face as he took everything your gave him.
You felt his balls coil tighter, the knot in his stomach tying itself harder into knots as you fucked a particularly soft spot inside your cunt. The telltale sign of Gojo's orgasm was creeping over his body, making your thrusts grow sloppy. Gojo laughed from underneath you, the sound being chopped up by moans. "Y-you're gonna c-cum arent you?" He teased, trying to look at you out of the corner of his eye.
You probably should've felt more uncomfortable with how arousing fucking your own body was, but you would probably dream about this night for years to come, so you could ponder about that later.
The expression Gojo had on your face was so pretty, you had to admit. Your eyes kept rolling back in your head each time you fucked into him, the fucked out smile he had on, the moans that were forced out of your mouth, and the way your cunt pulsed around you pushed you over the edge.
Gojo whined when he felt you still against his ass, "Yeahhhh fill me up, fuck your cum into me~" He whined, taking advantage of being in your body to say shit you would never say, for his own pleasure. He bit his lip at how warm his cum was when it shot rope after rope inside him. Your clit was throbbing at the feeling, he so badly wanted to reach down and pet it till he came as well, but he would wait till you started fucking into him again.
Right when you started coming down from your orgasm, something akin to the feeling of a back scratch, or getting your head massaged at the salon washed over the two of you. Suddenly you had an intense ache in your lower back, and your tummy felt strangely warm. "Heh, what a fucking twist~" You heard Gojo's voice coo down at you, only this time, you weren't in control of it anymore. "I wanted to feel my cock cum inside your cunt while I was in your body one last time, but now I can feel it from my own." He grinned maliciously.
Even though Gojo had just cum, he started fucking into you like a madman, the squelching between your legs was so much louder now as your combined cum gathered around the base of his thick cock. "Have fun in my body?" He asked, giggling with his signature headache inducing giggle, "You liked cumming inside something? Glad you didnt use a condom huhhh~?" He teased, pulling his hips back to the tip before he fucked his entire occk back into you, making you scream out.
Gojo had adjusted surprisingly quick, I guess that makes sense for the world's strongest sorcerer. You on the other hand were still trying to come to terms with being in your own body again and having practically no time to adjust to the feeling of his cock before he started bullying it into your walls. It's not like it hurt, but the feeling of him fucking into your sweet spot so rough was almost too much. "Oh, you were aching down here~" Gojo remembered, reaching his hand under your body to rub your clit in little circles. "Let me help you~" He cooed, sucking air in through his teeth when your cunt tightened around him at the addition of stimulation.
"S-toru wa-ittt-" You cried, trying to warn him of how close you were but ultimately falling short. Your walls started to spasm around him as your body came for the nth time that night. "Oh shiiit~ Feels so fucking good baby-" Gojo groaned, letting his head fall back and his jaw drop in a small o as you came hard around his length, and he actually got to feel it this time. Your body was completely limp to his mean thrusts, your eyes rolling back as nonsense spilled from your lips as he fucked you through your orgasm, past overstimulation, and towards another high.
He lifted your tummy up from underneath you and pressed down on your lower back simultaneously to get you in a meaner arch, before he went back to rubbing your clit. The man placed his foot next to your body to give himself more leverage to fuck you harder, and that's exactly what he did. "Tell me you need my cum- cmon baby- say it-" He cooed, gritting his teeth together as he used your cunt to work himself up to his orgasm.
His eyes darted between the mess the two of you were creating at your fucked out, drooling face. He pulled back his hold on your hip to leave a mean spank against your ass, making you yelp out into the room. "What did I say, huh? Don't fucking ignore me when I'm this close~" Gojo chastized, shaking his head. "N-eed your cum 'toruuu" You slurred, "W-ant to feel you fill me up-" You begged, your words being chopped up by his mean thrusts.
"Again," Gojo said, leaving another smack on the fat of your ass. "C-cum inside mee~" You repeated. "Again," Another smack. "Toru- toru- toru-" You repeated his name as he groaned through his teeth. He felt his balls tighten quickly before he was thrown into his orgasm. His body jerked as his hips fucked load after load into your used and abused cunt. He released a long groan when he stilled his hips to your ass and let himself finish. Your moans had quieted as you laid under him, whimpering softly each time he fucked into you but otherwise trying to catch your breath from how hard he just gave it to you.
Once Gojo had released all of his seed into you, he pulled his sore cock out and gripped himself at the base as the both of you groaned in oversensitivily. "Fuck, think you milked me dry after that one." He laughed, pulling your pussy lips to the side to get a better view of your stuffed hole that leaked his cum in a steady drip down the back of your thighs. "I don't think I've ever been so sore in my life." You said quietly into the sheets, making him giggle.
"I think that was my fault, I might've worked your cunt a little too hard in the shower." He said, letting your body drop down onto the bed as he sat beside you and rubbed your thigh soothingly. You stayed silent for a couple beats before his words registered in your head. Worked too hard in the shower? What? Wait.. did he?
Your jaw dropped, you turned your head to look at him with an incredulous look on your face while he smiled with faux innocence down at you. "You fucking hypocrite! You made me feel bad for masturbating in your body when it sounds like you went ape shit on mine!" The man just giggled infuriatingly, "I like teasing you~ I'm sorryyyy~ You practically handed the opportunity to me!" He defended, throwing his hands up in the air.
You sighed, looking away from his irritatingly handsome face as you shut your eyes and curled your body on your side feeling a headache start to come on. "Oh come onnn~ We had a good time~" The man's voice resonated in your ears while he wrapped his large body around yours and started placing kisses on your shoulder to ease your frustration. Was it possible to kill a curse twice? You sighed as your body relaxed against him, your exhausted body welcoming the kisses.
Jujutsu sources are the worstttt..
tag list: @volmort-nipple @chicana698 @thehonored-one @famousfirefishgoth @reader69sviewpoint @prettymoonlightsworld @officialholyagua @nelliesthere @bobawh0re @maliakealoha @r0ckst4rjk
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emocheol · 2 months
seventeen when you call them by their name
instead of a pet name
a/n: i forgot how long writing 13 different scenarios takes T-T
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after a long day of practice cheol entered your shared apartment late at night.
even though he was trying to be quiet you still heard the click of the front door and his fumbling around in the entryway. so you decided to get up and greet him.
“seungcheol?” you asked sleepily, rubbing your eyes as you walked out of your bedroom.
he was so taken aback by his name that he didn't even reply for a good 30 seconds.
“i'm sorry for being home late,” he frowned, “don't be mad.” he whined softly, thinking you were upset with him. why else would you use his full name?
you looked at him quizzically and slotted yourself in his arms, he seemed to relax significantly at your touch.
“i'm not mad, what makes you think that?” you questioned, looking at him with raised eyebrows.
“you called me seungcheol,” he pouted, “what happened to baby?” his pout intensified, his lip jutting out further.
you couldn’t help but chuckle at his antics, “i’m sorry, baby,” you teased, emphasizing the pet name, “i didn't know you liked it that much,” you cooed, putting your hands on his cheeks and smushing his face.
“don't tease me,” he grumbled, pretending to be upset, which just elicited another laugh from your end.
“fine, fine,” you said with your hands raised, mocking a surrender, “let's go to bed, baby, you've had a long day,” you suggested, pecking his lips and taking his hand to lead him to the bedroom.
you had been basking in jeonghan's company all day. it was a rare off-day for the idol and you spent every second possible with your boyfriend.
you were currently in one of your lulls of conversation, just sitting in comfortable silence on two different ends the couch while you both scrolled on your phones.
you saw a funny video while scrolling and knew your boyfriend would love it so you looked over at him and called his name.
“hey, jeonghan? look at this video,” you giggled, holding your phone screen in his direction.
but your boyfriend didn't pay you any mind. thinking he didn't hear you, you called for him a little louder.
“jeonghan? hello?” you scooted closer to him on the couch when you went unanswered again.
you poked his cheek and turned his head to make him look at you when he still didn’t answer.
“hello?” you questioned, noticing his nonchalant expression.
“oh? were you talking to me?”he asked with a raised eyebrow.
“yes? i said your name twice!” you whined, knowing he heard you but he was clearly ignoring you.
“no, you said ‘jeonghan,’” he said, making air quotes with his fingers, "and that's not my name," he pouted finally, showing a side of him that you didn't often see.
you realized what he was talking about and tried to hide a grin at his demeanor, “aww, i'm sorry, let me try again,” you cooed, going back to your previous side of the couch to reset.
“hannie... my angel, my sweetheart, my precious?” you tried, “come look at this video,” you laughed, his attention already on you as you listed your names for him.
“of course, my love,” he smiled, getting up from his spot and cuddling up to your side, “look at how easy that was,” he whispered, plucking your phone from your hands and watching the video that you had pulled up.
he pulled you into his arms and nuzzled his cheek against your head, scrolling and looking at more videos with you. “you're crazy,” you said with a laugh, pressing a kiss against his cheek, but you wouldn't want it any other way.
“joshua?” you called out from the kitchen while you were making dinner. he had been playing video games in the living room ever since his practice was over.
hearing his full name from you made his ears perk up and he quickly shut off his game, rushing to the kitchen.
“love?” he asked softly, putting his hand on your shoulder, already thinking he had upset you he didn't want to anger you further. “is everything okay?” he asked tentatively, testing the waters.
“huh? yeah, joshua, everything's fine can you just-”you said as you stirred the pot on the stove, not looking up at him while you were focused on perfecting the food.
but, when he heard his full name again and the classic 'everything's fine' line he quickly jumped to conclusions and deduced that everything was not fine.
he cut you off before you could finish talking and immediately went into apologizing.
“i’m sorry, love, i don't know what i did to make you upset but i'll fix it, okay?” he said with a weary smile, still with his hand on your shoulder, “was i on the game for too long? did you want me to help you cook? was i too loud?” he rambled, facepalming as he thought he had messed something up and made you mad.
as he rambled you slowly started to look over at him, his words confusing you to no end.
“why would i be upset?” you asked, looking at him as if he was crazy, which he was.
“what?” he questioned back, “you called me joshua and you haven't looked at me and you said everything was ‘fine’, that's like textbook upset partner.” he said, as if it was totally obvious.
you blinked at him a few times before you burst out laughing, “god, babe, you're hilarious!” you exclaimed, slapping his shoulder as you laughed. now it was joshua's turn to be confused since he was positive that you were upset.
“you’re not upset?” he questioned, you shook your head as your answer while you were still doubled over laughing, “why did you call me over then?” he asked.
you pointed to the glass jar on the counter next to you after you had composed yourself, “i was going to ask you to open that jar, dummy,” you teased.
joshua blew out a breath and quickly opened the jar with ease, “that's... it?” he questioned.
“yeah, that's it, you can go play your game some more,” you smiled, pressing a kiss against his cheek.
“but you called me joshua...” he grumbled, you never called him joshua!
“which is your name, if i’m not mistaken,” you pointed out, pinching his cheek. he swatted at your hand and groaned.
he opened his mouth to start complaining more before you quickly stopped him. “okay, okay, i’m sorry babe, you can go play your game again.”
joshua gave you a firm nod, as if he was finally satisfied with your name for him. “okay. let me know if you need anything.” he grinned, kissing your head and then strolling back to the living room.
“you’re a child,” you whispered to yourself, continuing dinner with a smile on your face.
“but you love me!” he called back, somehow hearing you. well, he’s not wrong.
‘thanks, junhui!’
that was the text that you had sent your boyfriend after he told you he bought you a book from the town he was currently in on tour.
he loved gift giving and he knew you loved books so he scoured every bookshop in the town to find the perfect book for you. he excitedly sent you a picture of the book he bought and that was your reply to it.
it made his head spin with reasons of why you could be mad at him.
calling him ‘jun’ was already a rarity in your relationship, but ‘junhui’? he wasn’t sure you’d ever called him that.
‘are you mad at me?’ he texted back, getting straight to the point.
you took nearly 10 minutes to reply, 10 agonizing minutes for jun.
‘not at all, i’ll see you when you get home’ was your response.
now this reply made him absolutely spiral, good thing he was returning home today. but because of your replies to him he made a few extra stops before hopping on the plane.
when you finally arrived back home from work you opened the door and was met with your sheepish looking boyfriend and what looked like a mountain of books behind him.
“babe! what are you doing here? and what is with all the books?” you exclaimed, jumping into his arms and hugging him tight.
jun was taken aback by your reaction, his mind stuck on the thought that you were mad at him. “i thought you were upset with the book i got you… so i kind of bought as many as i could fit in my luggage to make up for it,” he said, his cheeks slowly turning red when he realized you really weren’t mad at him.
you pulled your head back and gave him a look, “what made you think i was mad?” you asked, pulling away and starting to pick up the different books that were piling up on your coffee table.
“you called me junhui…” he whispered, saying it out loud made him feel stupid, it was just a name, his name in fact.
“are you saying that you bought me a hundred books because i called you by your first name?” you questioned, raising an eyebrow at him.
he nodded his head sheepishly.
“you are too cute!” you exclaimed, giving him another tight hug, “for the record, i’d tell you if i was mad at you,” you made sure to clarify.
“okay…” he said softly, looking at the absurd amount of books, “should i return all of these now, or-” he began to speak before you cut him off.
“absolutely not,” you said quickly, snatching a book and sitting on the couch beginning to read.
jun slowly made his way next to you and laid his head in your lap, getting comfy while you read aloud to him.
“honey?” you called out in your apartment, waiting for hoshi to reply to you. you needed help folding the laundry and hoshi was always eager to help you do whatever you needed.
you heard a distant, “give me a minute!” come from your shared bedroom where your boyfriend was no doubt playing video games again.
you rolled your eyes at his response and started folding the laundry on your own, giving him a few minutes before calling for him again. “honey? i need your help out here,” you called again, waiting to hear his footsteps.
but instead you got another, “just a sec!” which made you pull out the big guns. hoshi hated you calling him by his name, he said he sounded like you were scolding him. but desperate times call for desperate measures.
“kwon soonyoung! i said i need your help!” you called out even louder than before, knowing that would get him.
once his name left your mouth you heard fumbling coming from the room and the door opening quickly, his feet slapped against the floor as he ran over to you.
he already had the expression of a kicked puppy, “i told you not to call me that!” he pouted, standing in front of you.
you gave him a look and pointed at the spot on the couch next to you, “sit,” you said simply. of course, he followed with no question.
“‘m sorry!” he whined when you wouldn’t talk to him, “i was doing really well! you know how hard that game is, and we were winning!” he tried to explain, sloppily folding clothes next to you as he rambled.
“soonyoung?” you said, cutting him off with his name again.
“what,” he said with a frown.
“just fold the damn laundry,” you said with a sigh, grabbing the clothes that he had folded and redoing it properly.
“you’re scary when you’re mad…” he whispered, starting to fold every item of clothing meticulously so you didn’t have anything to be upset with.
he spent the rest of the day giving you his undivided attention and trying to make up for making you upset.
when you finally called him ‘honey’ at the end of the night his face lit up and you forgot why you were even mad with him in the first place.
you were out shopping with wonwoo when something caught your eye from the window of a store. you tugged on your boyfriends coat sleeve.
“wonwoo-” you started, but you were quickly cut off.
“try again.” he said simply, making you furrow your eyebrows.
“wonwoo?” you questioned, tugging his arm again and making him stop walking.
“try again.” he repeated, pulling his phone out of his pocket and pretending to scroll on it.
“wonwoo, what are you-” he cut you off once again with a look.
“one more time, sweetheart,” he said, pointing you in the right direction. this made it click in your head and you just scoffed.
“babe?” you tried, finally his attention turned towards you and he showed off his award winning smile.
“yes, sweetheart? what do you need?” he asked, his voice sweet as honey.
“you're impossible,” you laughed, “i want to go into that store,” you pointed at the clothing store next to where you were stopped.
“then let's go,” he grinned, pulling your hand and leading you into the store, “you know if you call me by my name people might not think we're together,” he said as if it was an obvious fact.
“we're literally holding hands and wearing matching outfits,” you pointed out, which just earned a shrug from your boyfriend as he started grabbing different pieces of clothing that he thought would look good on you.
sure, he was a subtle guy, but he wanted everyone to know that you were his.
“jihoon, i'm home,” you called out into the apartment. you had a meeting that lasted much longer than usual and it was already dark out when you returned.
your boyfriend had been home all day and by the smell of fresh food you could tell that he had been cooking.
you slipped off your shoes in the entry way and tossed your bag on the couch before slipping into the kitchen and coming up behind your boyfriend. you wrapped your arms around his waist and rested your chin on his shoulder while he stirred the pot in front of him.
“jihoon?” he questioned, scrunching up his face at the mention of his full name. he didn't hate when you said his name, you just never did. “what're you calling me that for?” he asked directly, not assuming anything.
“i realized i don't call you by name, do you not like it?”you asked, lifting your head up and looking over at him, your arms still around him.
“i don't mind, i'm just used to baby,” he said, pressing a kiss to your cheek, “or babe,” another kiss, “love, sweetheart, honey, my one and only,” he listed, pressing a kiss to your face in between each pet name.
you couldn't help but smile at the affection you were receiving from your boyfriend, you pressed a few kisses to his cheek in return and let him resume his cooking while you watched from a seat at the island.
“but you're okay with jihoon?” you asked, wanting to make sure.
“i’m okay with you calling me jihoon,” he said, turning over his shoulder to look at you, “but don't use it too much.” he said, giving you a pointed look.
he wouldn't say it out loud but he loved the sweet pet names you gave him, even the ridiculous ones.
“what did i do?” was the first words your boyfriend uttered when he walked into your shared home.
you looked up from your spot on the couch and tilted your head at him. “what do you mean?” you questioned, not understanding him.
“i mean, i can tell you're mad so i give you permission to yell at me, just tell me what i did first.” minghao said, bracing himself for whatever you would say to him. by no means did you fight often but whenever you got angry at him he would take it.
“i’m not mad at you,” you said, opening your arms, waiting for your boyfriend to join you on the couch. when he didn't come over you deadpanned, “well now i'm mad that you're not cuddling me.” you joked, waiting for him to come over.
he slowly walked over to you and pulled you against his chest, giving you a cautious look.
“then what was up with that text?” he questioned, pulling out his phone, “you said, and i quote, just wait until you get home, minghao,” he recited, “when have you ever called me by my first name?” he said like it was obvious.
“oh! i made your favorite dessert!” you said with a happy smile, pointing to the kitchen where his treat was freshly made and waiting on the counter.
his face went soft at your happy mood and he gave you a short kiss, “thanks, love,“ he said softly, “but your text did not make it sound like that.” he chuckled.
“oh right, i didn't want to give anything away so i called you minghao, was that too mean?” you asked, hoping you didn't make him worry.
he sighed with a smile and shook his head, “just a bit,” he said honestly, “you never call me minghao,” he pouted, half jokingly but also half seriously.
“i’m sorry, love,” you said, kissing his cheek, “i won't scare you like that again,” you teased, jumping up from the couch and pulling him up with you.
“come eat! i made it all for you,” you said with a smile, leading him to the kitchen and plating his dessert with a smile.
mingyu had a cold. and when mingyu got sick he got dramatic. he was currently cuddled up in bed while you took care of him.
you would take his temperature, give him medicine, cook him some soup, and keep him as comfortable as possible while you worked from home.
“mingyu, do you want some soup?” you asked softly, pushing his hair off of his forehead and feeling for a temperature.
his eyes shot open and his lip jutted out. “mingyu?” he questioned softly, “why are you calling me mingyu?” his voice wobbled a bit. but can you blame him? he’s a sensitive man.
“because that’s your name, baby, you don’t like it?” you asked, holding his hand, your voice softened at your boyfriend.
he shook his head at your question, he was always ‘baby’ or ‘sweetheart’ or ‘gyu’.
“sorry, baby,” you cooed, “but do you want any soup?” you asked again, hoping it would fix his mood.
“don’t want soup, i want a kiss,” he said with a little mischievous smile, then puckering his lips.
you rolled your eyes, he knew you couldn’t say no to him, especially since he was sick and was on the verge of tears after you called him his first name. “you’re such a baby,” you groaned, “if i get sick it’s your fault,” you reminded him.
“then it’ll be my turn to take care of you,” he said as if it was obvious, leaning up a bit and catching your lips with his.
sure, mingyu was a big baby. but he was your big baby.
dk had been stuck in practice all day while you had a free day. so, being the loving and doting partner that you were you decided to make your boyfriend some dinner. which also included making dinner for his 12 bandmates, but you didn’t mind. you were like a big family.
you were let into the building and made your way to their practice room, hands full of bags carrying multiple different containers full of food.
the boys were all sitting around the room during a break and you popped your head inside, leaving the bags in the hallway.
a few people looked over at you when you opened the door, but every head snapped your way when you opened your mouth.
“seokmin?” you asked, which caused some murmurs among the group.
dk couldn’t remember the last time he was called that name.
‘you better fix whatever you did wrong’ ‘why is she mad at you?’ ‘what did you do?’ different members began to ask all at once to your boyfriend, sending him into even deeper of a panic.
he jumped to his feet and made his way over to you. you didn’t look mad at him, but now he was worried. he grabbed your hand and gently pulled you into the hallway and closed the door to the practice room behind you.
“is everything okay? did i leave something on at home? did i forget to take out the trash?” he asked seriously, thinking of what he could’ve possibly done to elicit you calling him his first name.
you gave him a look in response, furrowing your eyebrows at his rambling. “no… i made you guys food,” you explained, pointing to all the bags on the floor by the two of you, “was just asking you to help me bring it in.”
“huh?” your boyfriend questioned, looking at the bags and then back up to you. “why’d you call me seokmin, then? i haven’t heard that name in ages!” he whined, tugging at your hand.
“oh? i texted jeonghan and told him i was coming over, he told me to call you seokmin,” you laughed, not thinking that he was going to take it that much to heart.
dk sighed and grabbed the bags, pecking your cheek, “thank you for dinner,” he said softly, opening the door to go back into the practice room with you trailing behind him.
his members all looked over and started laughing, apparently they were in on it too.
“you guys suck!” he groaned, “i’m keeping all this food to myself now,” he said childishly, hoarding all the bags by the two of you and trying to keep everyone else away.
eventually he caved and you all ate together, everyone thanking you and still poking fun at your boyfriend.
“seungkwan,” you tried to get your boyfriends attention, standing across the kitchen island from him.
his eyes left his phone and found yours, narrowing in the process. he didn’t say anything so you frowned.
“seungkwan?” he continued to stare at you and you grew slightly agitated since he was seemingly ignoring you.
“can you reply?” you asked with an attitude, crossing your arms.
“i’m just waiting for you to get it right,” he said, mirroring your body language and the amount of sass.
his words only confused you more. “get what right? you’re crazy,” you mumbled, basically having a staring contest with him.
seungkwan just scoffed and rolled his eyes, “my name! i’m waiting for you to get my name right,” he said as if it was obvious. “i am not ‘seungkwan’ to you.” he explained, putting his name in quotations with his fingers.
“are you waiting for me to call you sweetie?” you asked finally, a smile slowly starting to spread on your face. your boyfriend may be a little sassy but he was truly a sweetheart.
“maybe,” he replied simply, his arms still crossed as he waited.
you hummed at his response and then made your way around the island to hug him. “alright, sweetie, i was just going to ask where you wanted to eat tonight,” you grinned, pressing a few sweet kisses on his cheek.
his attitude instantly melted away at the pet name and he pulled you closer to him, “wherever you want, angel,” he replied simply.
it was that easy.
vernon isn't phased by much. but he does get a little salty when you use his first name on him. he says it sounds too much like a mother scolding him. so, of course, you tease him with it sometimes.
“hansol! can you come to the living room?” you called out in your home, not sure which room he was in.
soon you heard his footsteps and he walked into the room with a scrunched up face.
“yes, darling?” he exaggerated his pet name for you, hoping you'd get the hint.
you spun around in a circle and posed, showing off your new outfit to your boyfriend.
“what do you think? you like my new outfit?” you asked with a blinding smile, posing in a few different ways as your boyfriend watched.
“i think it looks lovely, babe,” he exaggerated again.
“thank you, hansol,” you replied with a sweet smile.
“you look gorgeous, sweetheart,” he tried again.
“thank you, hansol,” you repeated, trying to keep your laugh at bay.
“positively perfect, my love.”
“i appreciate it, hansol.”
“absolutely stunning, angel.”
“you’re too kind, hansol.”
“that’s it, i’m ignoring you for the rest of the day.” he finally said after surveying you for a few minutes. he turned on his heel and walked back to your shared bedroom.
“no!” you called after him, “i’m just joking,” you said in between laughs as you walked fast behind him to catch up.
he shrugged his shoulders and sat back down at his desk, continuing his previous task before you had called him to the living room.
“don’t be sulky now, i was teasing,” you pouted, putting your hands on his shoulders and turning his chair to face you.
“it’s fine, y/n,” he said with a grin, now using your own name back as revenge.
“hey! you can’t call me that!” you whined in response.
“watch me.” he smirked, flicking your forehead gently.
oh how the tables have turned.
this man rarely hears his name from anyone. it’s always ‘dino’ from his friends and ‘honey’ from you.
so when you started calling for ‘chan’ while you were asleep it made his heart break.
‘who is chan?’ he thought to himself, you couldn’t be cheating on him with another guy. right? you wouldn’t do that, he knows you.
but still, once the thought got placed into his head (by no one but himself) he couldn’t help but shake it.
the next morning he was nervous, he didn’t know how to confront you, or what he would do if his suspicions were correct. so while you were making breakfast for the two of you he mustered up the courage to go into the kitchen and talk to you.
“good morning, honey,” you said with a cheery smile, noticing him right away as he made his way next to you. you caught his lips with a quick peck but noticed that he seemed a little tense. “something wrong?” you asked, concern lacing your voice.
dino just wrung his hands together and frowned. “do you have something to tell me?” he asked softly, already feeling on the verge of tears as he looked down at his feet, not making eye contact with you.
“no? what’s this about?” you asked, turning the heat down on the stove so you could give him more of your attention.
“i just,” he started, “well um…” he tried again, “i heard you talking in your sleep and you were calling out for some guy named ‘chan’ and i know wouldn’t cheat on me or anything but who is chan?” his words spilled out of him and he was talking a mile a minute while you looked at him, your eyes widening.
he was bracing himself for the answer to his question, ready for the worst.
“honey…” you said gently, taking both of his hands in yours and making him look at you, “you are chan.” you explained, trying to hide your smile since he was clearly so distraught.
“huh?” he asked, not understanding what you were getting at.
“honey, your name is lee chan,” you reminded him.
you could see the gears shifting in his head before his cheeks immediately heated up. he snatched his hands from yours and slapped his face. he was chan. and he couldn’t feel any stupider.
he was so used to being honey that he forgot his literal name.
“forget this happened…” he mumbled, walking away as you stifled your laughs.
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