#but also kind of funny because I never actually took a music class at that school I was just in like 3 choirs because my mom made me lmao
theholypeanut · 9 months
Otoya Eita x Forced Proximity
Peanut’s Wheel of Fortune Event
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Cw: Otoya is a cw on its own, slight nsfw themes but no actual smut so 16+(voyeurism), suggestive, Otoya is taller than the reader, Yukimiya having a girl crush, gn!reader, 1,5 k words
Plot: You didn’t expect to get stuck in a closet with Otoya, and having to listen your friend getting handsy with his crush…
Event Masterlist
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Otoya has been annoying you for a date since you started college. 
You had a couple of classes together, and even if you did not click with him right away, you and Yukimiya (one of his closest high school friends he went to college with) vibed very well. Unfortunately in your second year, you and Kenyu had fewer classes together, and instead you had to spend almost every day with Otoya Eita. And even worse he took it as a sign from god that he has a chance with you.
At first, you were absolutely not interested in any interactions with him, as he constantly tried to use the most obnoxious pickup lines on you. As time went on and you were forced into the same places together, you found out that he could actually be quite funny too. Even better, he was an amazing gossip buddy - you could always count on him to have the spiciest pieces of information on campus, and you tried not to be any worse. After a while, you could say that you kind of considered him a friend, just a very… flirty one. 
Because you ended up in a similar group of friends, you were also going to parties together. 
For the past months with Eita you’ve been trying to get Kenyu together with this girl from his English literature classes, that he would never admit that he had a crush on. To be honest he never asked you for help, even more, he even told you specifically to „stay away and not try to stir anything” but both you and Otoya were not the type to listen to his suggestions. Like, what could be wrong? If he couldn’t get together with her till now, maybe he just needs a little help? What are friends for?
And you really tried to be the best wingmen he could think of. “Accidentally” asking him to go to places she was in, always ordering coffee from the cafe she worked at, especially during her shifts, invite her on their matches… nothing worked. Yukimiya was just so dense.
This time again, nothing went as planned. It was a Friday night and you went to this huge party thrown in a building looking like a villa. The vibe seemed good, and most importantly: The Crush was also there. But something just felt off.
First of all, Yukimiya for the first time ever was drinking. At the beginning seeing him with a red plastic cup made you and Eita send each other knowing glances. It was very suspicious, especially since Kenyu always joked that he is a „sober friend” who takes care of everyone. He was, in fact, a mom friend at his finest. 
You started to look around if maybe the Pretty Literature Girl is somewhere around, and she was indeed talking to some basketball jock in the corner of the room. You could almost hear her giggling from across the room. Otoya was fast to keep up and after exchanging some secret hand gestures, he came over to Kenyu. 
„You know, for me, it feels like tonight is the night” he said and patted his friend. „You should talk to her, as you are already a little tipsy”
„I'm not tipsy” Kenyu said defensively and looked in the direction of his crush. „I don’t think there's a point.” You fast step up to the conversation, and put an arm around your tall friend. 
„Look you will never know if you won't try! Maybe she just tries to make you jealous?”
In an answer, Yukimiya only sighed and drank all of the remaining alcohol in his cup in one sip. Seeing him so gloomy made you wonder if maybe this is the type of drunk he is going to be. You felt a hand on your arm and after looking around, you saw Otoya suggesting you to go upstairs to retrieve. It was very loud in the dancing area, so without trying to yell over the music, you left your sad friend and left with a white-haired up the stairs. 
It was a big house, and you had no idea who it belonged to (Maybe Reo, the rich kid?) but the upper area was full of doors. It was still quite loud in the corridor, so Otoya opened the door to, what looked like, one of the bedrooms. You followed him there and closed the door. 
„I don't think our plan will work today” you said and sighed. „Yukimiya looks like he will start crying and talking about his childhood traumas any moment, I’m actually kind of scared of what will happen if he keeps drinking”
„Yeah, it’s really not looking good for him” Otoya nodded. „I'm pretty sure he is also more drunk than us, which is an entirely different kind of issue. I don’t think I ever saw him drinking.”
You were about to answer, when you heard a familiar voice coming from outside the door. Was it…. Kenyu’s crush? You looked at Otoya in panic, and without thinking he grabbed your hand and pulled you inside the spacious closet in the room. 
Well, it looked spacious from the outside, when the two of you fit inside, you could feel Otoya’s entire body hugging your back. 
„Move!” You whispered to him, feeling a weird tingling in your stomach from the sudden closeness. He leaned closer to your ear and his breath was tickling your neck. 
„I can’t. Just wait, maybe they won’t…” and then you heard the door to the bedroom open and close. 
„I thought you’ll never talk to me tonight” you two heard the girl. 
„Well you looked really busy with that guy…” you couldn’t believe when you recognised familiar voice. 
„Mmmm, Kenyu, are you jealous?” She purred teasingly, in a way that even you blushed. 
„Maybe” you heard your friend teasing her back. You didn’t have to see anything to know the tension between this two was very high. The girl giggled, and you could hear a sound of a kiss. Your body tensed up. 
„You know I’m yours” she said so quietly you could barely hear. You felt Otoya’s hand touching your waist and you tried to turn your head to him without making any sound. „Are they…” you whispered as quietly as you could when the sound going from outside of the closet answered your question: there was a heavy making-out session going on right outside the closet door. 
You thought you could not get more uncomfortable until you heard the girl moaning your friend’s name. What made the situation even worse is that not only you were stuck to listen to your friend getting all steamy with his crush, but you also could feel Otoya’s getting more and more aroused, as you assumed feeling a sudden pressure around your ass. 
„I’m sorry” you heard him whimper in your ear, which sent a shiver down your spine. You heard another loud moan and Yukimiya’s groans, as you assume he was kissing her neck. Well, you couldn’t really be mad at Eita right now. You turned to look at him to say something, but as your faces were so close to each other you could feel his nose brushing your cheek, you heard a sudden noise of an opening door. 
„Oooh fuck!” You heard some male voice from outside. „Sorry, I was looking for a bathroom…” 
The sudden noise made you jump and for a split second, you could feel Otoya’s lips on yours, before you turned back to face the door. From the sound of it you felt like Yukimiya and his situationship decided to stop after the sudden entrance. The door closed again and you heard Kenyu clearing his throat. 
„How about we get out of here?” He suggested. „I will just text my friends I’m too drunk and that I ordered the taxi home…” The girl giggled. 
„I don't know why you won't just tell them that we are dating” she answered. You heard Yukimiya sigh and with your imagination you knew he was massaging his temples with annoyance. „They are just so noisy and dramatic… I will tell them, one day” 
After that, the only sound going out of the room was the door opening and closing. You waited a couple of seconds, to be sure they wouldn't be coming back, and then you opened the door and walked out of the closet. 
There was an awkward silence between you two, as you felt too embarrassed to address what would have happened if both you and Yukimiya hadn’t been interrupted. 
Otoya cleared his throat. 
„I cannot believe he was keeping it a secret saying we are annoying” You smirked with relief after this comment. 
„I cannot believe Yukimiya almost hooked up with someone at a party… without closing the door.”
The atmosphere felt a little less tense. 
„I think we should leave this room before someone will think that we are here for…” you didn’t end the sentence, a little embarrassed. You saw Eita blushing before he looked away.
„Yeah right. Wouldn’t want to be cockblocked like that…” As you put your hand on the doorknob, you felt Otoya standing right behind you, as he put his forearm on the door right above your head. 
„We would at least close the door on a lock, right?” He said right to your ear.
You stood there for a second, feeling your heart speeding up to a dangerous pace. Your face felt hot when you turned the lock on the door. 
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Okay I've been thinking about this pretty much all day since I saw the hbomberguy and then todd in the shadows video i just have so many thoughts. While I wouldn't necessarily call myself a Video Essayist™ (I've only made a few over the years) as a youtuber and someone who has made video essays i definitely have more experience than the average person. There are so many things that stand out to me about this whole debacle i dont even know where to start.
First I want to just give a little insight into the process for making video essays from people who've never given it a shot and just how absurd it is to do the type of plagiarizing James has done. Video essays take a fuckton of research, even for pretty simple topics, but on top that you also have to make them with the medium of video in mind. it's really not enough to just take an essay you would write for a class and read it out loud. the flow is different, you have to have accompanying visuals, often background music, etc. They're a beast to make. My Twisted video for which i used literally two sources for my research (Sondheim's books and the musical Twisted) still took days of thorough reading, note taking, watching the musical, watching the musical again, watching the musical and taking notes, cross-referencing my notes, etc. For videos that synthesize multiple sources or are covering multiple pieces of media, that time goes up exponentially. Then there's writing, recording, gathering clips (often one of the most difficult parts depending on how obscure what you're talking about is), and editing. Even for a silly video like my Glee video, I still had to do a ton of research to make sure I was getting things correct, and that was a funny tier list about freaking Glee! There is just no way you could come up with a thorough analysis by just copying and pasting. Which brings me to my next point.
I think James may have thought (or more likely rationalized) what he was doing as analysis based on like the vaguest definition. When you do any kind of analysis, what you're doing is taking research from multiple different places (news articles, primary sources, existing analysis, etc.) and coming to your own conclusions, whether that's a synthesis of those different sources, or applying it to a specific thing like a movie. Really simple example is my Twisted video where I take Sondheim's writing and apply it to a specific piece of media (in this case Twisted). I'm using existing work but coming to my own conclusion. In the Spies Are Forever video, I took existing research about the Lavender Scare and the Hays Code, including primary sources from the time period, and applied it to the musical Spies are Forever. What James seem to do is take a bunch of existing scholarship, copy and paste it all together and then come to a "conclusion" that was not actually his own original thoughts but either "facts" he completely made up or something that didn't do anything to actually link his other "sources" together. I can see why it has the veneer of analysis, but making up a random "fact" you think might be true is not the same as a drawing a conclusion based on research.
I also think Todd made a really good point in the part about England's propaganda campaign against Italy around 9:30 that it's just really bad video making to not include examples of images from this so called propaganda campaign. I have a ton of examples of news clips, government reports, etc. in my SaF video about the Lavender Scare because...it was a real historic thing that happened! If something was supposedly so widespread and not even that long ago, you can probably find evidence of it somewhere. Kaz Rowe (who is also linked in the queer creators playlist on hbomberguy's vid) talked about this a lot in their video about tiktok misinfo where people often make these outrageous claims but the thing is if something so outrageous happened (like people constantly shitting on the floors of versailles), other people at the time would probably be talking about it somewhere. It's a big red flag when someone makes such bold claims and has no evidence to back it up.
Putting this last section under the cut because I go talk about WWII, Nazis, and HIV/AIDS a bit (watch Todd's video for some more context) so if you don't want to see that post is over here.
Lastly I wanted to talk about something else Kaz brings up in a lot of their videos when talking about historical topics and that is the tendency to dehumanize people of the past, often as unwashed, unintelligent masses who would just do any ridiculous disgusting thing because they were so stupid and disgusting. There are a lot of things to criticize about the people of the past and their actions obviously, but we cannot forgot that they were in fact, people. Real individual people with their own lives and dreams and ambitions and individual opinions and they have never been and never will be a monolith. Claiming anything is broadly true of "the victorians" or "the ancient egyptians" or whatever other vague historical group you want to talk about is usually a lot more nuanced than "they all thought or acted in this one particular way". I'm certainly not a historian and i've only done one history focused video but James Somerton seemed to make a lot of broad historical claims in his videos that I think fall into this trap.
The one that stood out most to me in Todd's video was the claim about Nazi body standards which is a whole mess in general that Todd goes into for a while, but the way he talks about WWII soldiers was just like...weird. Besides the fact that a lot of his claims about Nazis seem to be bordering on glorifying them and their aesthetics (gross), I think we should remember that WWII was less than a century ago. There are still over 100,000 surviving WWII vets in the US. My grandfather who was in the Army during WWII (he didn't serve overseas but he was an enlisted soldier I can literally look up his enlistment records in the national archives online) was a real person who I obviously knew personally and who died fairly recently. To think he enlisted because he was jealous of German fitness or whatever and wanted to prove how tough Americans are is an absolutely hilarious thing to think if you knew him. I'm sure there are as many reasons for enlisting as there were enlisted soldiers. When James talks about even as relatively narrow of a group as "WWII American soldiers," he's still talking about a very large group of real and diverse people and to make such broad claims that "most" or even "a lot" of them were just so taken in by strong german physiques or whatever is frankly insulting. I haven't watched the entirety of James video so maybe he does address this at some point, but from the clips I've seen it seems very generalized and implies some level of racism when WWII soldiers in fact included a lot of racially diverse people. IDK, i think if you're a supposed historical researcher and you're making a video about WWII and you don't know about groups like the Tuskegee Airmen or the Navajo Code Talkers, that's on you. I don't want to discount some of the really horrible shit that American (and obviously other countries) soldier's did in the war and how many of them held disgusting views (even my grandpa who I love dearly was not the most politically correct person to put it lightly) but Jame's claims are not criticizing any real ideology or the consequences of them, they're oversimplifying complex and harmful historical ideas and attributing them to something he pretty much made up. I'll also give you a little hint about something. When people fall into Nazi ideology, it's because they ultimately agree with the ideology, not for some surface level aesthetic reason of "fitness" or whatever. They are antisemitic, they are racist, they are eugenicists, plain and simple. They don't just think the Nazis are cool except for all their beliefs. I also think (and again I could be missing a part of the video here) the hyper focus on the Germans and the Soviets and not mentioning Italy is at the very least an oversight too. Mussolini, like Hitler and Stalin, had a pretty big campaign of promoting an ideal strong race which he tied to ancient Romans. Like this was also a country controlled by a fascist dictator that American soldiers fought in idk it just seems weird to me to leave it out. (okay edit i looked up the transcript and he does talk about Italian fascism a little bit but only about how Mussolini rose to power, nothing about his ideologies or anything really related to the main topic of body image).
And one more thing on that note that bothered me a lot. I think his claims about HIV/AIDS is probably the most well-known here on tumblr and has been pretty thoroughly destroyed by this point, but I do just want to say one more thing about it which is that AIDS isn't gone! I feel like they way he talks about it from what I've seen of this video makes HIV/AIDS sound like a problem of the past now that we have drugs for it, but that is just not the truth. There are still tens of thousands of new infections in the US each year and way more globally and yes, people do still die from it. I just don't like when people talk about AIDS as if it's this problem of the distant past, a separate era that people went through in the 80s rather than an ongoing epidemic that still does not have a cure. Safer sex, clean needle usage, and getting tested are just as important now as they were in the 80s and 90s and don't forget that.
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malereadermaniac · 1 year
Drunk words are Sober thoughts ~ Your crush x Male Reader
Crushing on a straight guy is a tragic yet wholesome part of every gayboy's formative years, however the lucky few's straight crushes turn out to be a little more bent than originally thought... word count: 1k m!reader (no genitalia mentioned) / FDNI
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(Y/c) and you had gotten close over the past few weeks
Ever since your eyes landed on his (h/c) hair and attractive figure in the one class you two shared, you made it your mission to befriend him
So you did
You grabbed a seat near him and did your best to draw subtle attention to yourself
You participated as much as you could in class
Talked just a tad but louder to your friend next to you
And caught his eye at every chance you got
And it worked out for you
The two of you started to toss banter around between the two of you
Joke about the teacher being shit at his job
And even chat about clothing, clubs and work
(Y/c) and you actually became good friends, to the point where you two would look for each other at parties to chat
Even your other friends noticed how friendly the two of you were towards each other
But it never went further than that
Although you yearned for it to
You wished every night and day that (y/c) liked you back
But you and everyone else on planet earth was convinced he was as straight as a ruler
Many weeks had passed, the two of you starting to hang out outside of school and parties, just the two of you
(Y/c) would even visit you at work once a week, tease that he had the afternoon off and give you cookies from the store over for your lunch break dessert
(Y/c) is kind to you
Truth be told, he took a liking to you
He was never like this with his other friends, but it never clicked to him why he was so fond of you
He would tell himself it was just because he saw you as a little brother
But deep down he felt it was more than that
Tonight, you had invited the (h/c) to watch a movie and get drunk
It was the weekend after all and there was no party to attend
Of course, (y/c) agreed and was over an hour early
Just because "He had nothing else to do" he totally didn't rush out of the house after making sure he looked and smelled good to get to see you as quick as he humanly could
You picked out a typical action that the two of you could enjoy and busted out the alcohol
Pretty run of the mill shit, just some bears for (y/c) and vodka for the two of you to enjoy
3 shots in, your face was reddening and the movie was getting louder and brighter for no apparent reason
(Y/c) on the other hand wasn't affected by the movie
Instead, he couldn't take his tipsy eyes off of you, drifting between your flushed features to your slightly damp skin to the skin-tight dress shirt you had worn tonight
Two more shots in and the both of you were pretty far gone, movie long forgotten and music now playing from your phone as the two of you stared at each other and talked about shit
(Y/c) was a lot slower at replying though
Because his attention was almost fully on admiring you, as a friend
Totally as just a friend
But man was his close friend pretty
(Y/c) liked your hair
He also loved how your lips were more parted than usual due to the alcohol
And he admired how effortlessly pretty you looked, with your shirt slightly unbuttoned and your head resting on your fist
"You good, (y/c)?" You ask
Snapping him out of his daze
"Yeahhh... I'm good, (Y/n)... (Yyyyy/n) hehe..." He mumbled just loud enough for you to hear
"You've got a pretty name... pretty name for a pretty guy" the (h/c) says a little louder than needed
"Thank you, (y/c)~ let's get you some water" you say with a chuckle and get up
But as you go to walk to the kitchen, (y/c)'s hand is around your wrist and pulling you down to him
"Nah nah... stay, I feel good when I'm near you" (y/c) says
His face is too close to yours
Not in an uncomfortable way but in a way that makes you question his sexuality
"(Y/c) this isn't funny" you say with an awkward smile, tugging your hand to try and escape his warm touch that you've wanted this whole time
"I'm not joking though... y'know I always... thought I saw you as a little brother to... protect y'know.. but now I..."
"I'm gonna stop you there! You're drunk, you aren't thinking straight and you look pale, let's get you to the bathroom" you say quickly
You wanted to let him finish, but you couldn't do that to yourself
You couldn't go through the whole process of him telling you to forget it once he got Sober
After a trip to the bathroom, which ended up with (y/c) throwing up and crying a little
The two of you sat on the bathroom floor
You forced (y/c) to brush his teeth but he couldn't, so you did it for him
His eyes locked onto you while you brushed his teeth, his face blushing a faint pink
After, the two of you talked about earlier
But to your surprise he didn't take his words back
Instead, (y/c) teared up and hugged you
He rested his head on you as he cried
No words, just quiet tears as you hugged him
He hated that his strong man reputation was crumbling in front of you
But he loved every second of the cuddles he was getting from you
"(Y/c)... listen I-"
"Please don't (Y/n). I meant every word I said and I especially meant the words you didn't let me say..."
His hand was now on your cheek, you admired his face, slightly puffy from his crying and lips looking as kissable as ever
Before you could even register what was happening, his lips were on yours
You closed your eyes and let yourself go
You had been responsible enough tonight, it was time to let loose
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15, 16, 21, and 28 for the soft ask game 😁
Also, how are you doing?
Hey, sorry this took so long, i just realized some of these questions are actually pretty difficult, but here you are! This is a long one, sorry in advance hahah
15. Comfort food?
Any kind of pasta with any kind of tomato-based sauce i would say, i absolutely love italian food
(although if we were talking about stuff that’s not technically cathegorized as food as well then i would totally say chocolate
16. What’s something you want to create soon?
I’ve been wanting to knit something, because it would be nice to have something to do with my hands when like watching a movie or sitting in class, so I’ve started making a sweater for my sister!
Also, I’ve had this painting stuck in my head for a while that i would like to transfer from my mind and onto a canvas, but i can never seem to get it done😭 procrastination, my archnemesis
I have a lot of ideas for both original works and fanfics as well, but same problem as the one above, they are currently just a lot of notes. So we’ll see if the procrastination gets the best of me or not
21. Tea, coffee or hot cocoa?
This one is really hard. I don’t really know, I mean, all of them are a huge comfort to me, even though I’ve kind of become caffeine-intolerant if that’s a thing, but i still drink it anyway and get the consequenses lol. But tea is great when it rains. And cocoa is nostalgic and feels like home. I mean, i guess it depends on the day and my mood
28. What are you proudest of?
This one is also pretty hard. I guess one thing is that I’m not really scared of spiders (though if i moved to Australia i’m guessing that would change real quick)
I’m proud of my musical talents, and of all the instruments i play
But it’s kind of funny because one of the things i’m most proud of is my gigantic hoard of knowledge about zelda games and lore from the games, having played all the games and recognizing all the soundtracks from the different ones. My problem is that this knowledge is literally useless in the ‘real world’, which is actually kind of tragic
Also, I’m good, thanks for asking! School has just started again and university is kicking my ass already, but if you ignore that then life’s great lol
Hope you’re doing good as well! Thanks for the ask<3
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niko-jpeg · 4 months
NIKO!!! HAI!!!!
Got any fun facts about Camp Green Hill (or any other AU's you might have) you'd like to share with the class?
Also stay safe! It's getting hot!! Drink water and wear sunscreen!
HI SCRAP!!! I do. I always do. I'll run through a bunch of misc Camp Green Hill stuff <3
Blaze has a family! She's the eldest daughter and in line to inherit the throne when her parents step down, and has a pair of twins for siblings, who are a few years younger than her. Silver is quite well liked among her family (and in the Sol dimension, lol), and they have a little nickname for him: Slipper! Both in regards to how clumsy he was growing up, and also just because its really cute. This is based on the intentional incorrect spelling of his name when referring to him affectionately in the fandom. It tickles my brain, lol. Not only is he practically a member of the royal family, but one time, one of the twins asked who would get the throne if Blaze were to not be able to. Without missing a beat, their mother informed them that it would be Silver, actually.
...He doesn't realize they're dead serious, by the way. If things really were to go wrong, they want Silver to take over until the twins are old enough to take care of the empire. lol. Also, Marine! She comes way late, but she does eventually show up!
Shadow is not only a trained agent, but also a trained therapy hedgehog! I'm serious. He was taught how to manage other people's emotions and act as temporary therapist. He's also warm, fluffy, and okay with being cried on, so he's perfect for the job.
Omega is in the au! He shows up later down the line, and after the events of the au, goes to live with Rouge and Shadow in the city working for GUN too.
Sonic has a horrible history with water activities and accidentally getting stuck in the mangroves and brambles lining the shore. Its really funny how horrible his luck is.
Shadow was based loosely on a hedgehog to appeal to Maria, since he was planned to be part time therapy-hog from the start. Mephiles was loosely based on Shadow. This makes Mephiles EXTREMELY far removed from a real hedgie to some degree. Its kind of hilarious.
Amy has a never ending stash of jelly bracelets, Shadow has a never ending stash of coffee beans, and Tails never seems to be in short supply of goggles. Where does he get them?
Tails and Sonic have their own rooms on the camp, but stay in the dorms with the rest of the campers during the summer!
Tikal is a really sweet ghost who haunts the ruins nearby. She's plot relevant, trust me ;)
The Storybook games are planned to be fever dreams from our dear Sonic while fending off a cold. But they could have a little more validity behind them than it may appear...
Rouge plays saxophone! In fact, there are several musically talented members of the camp, both campers and staff!
Uncle Chuck eventually gives up on paperwork and makes his campers swear that whatever happens in camp stays in camp. He decides this after the SA2 plot equivelent. Especially now with 2 whole government agents there, one working as a counselor and the other a camper.
The Chaotix are a fun bunch! Vector works whatever misc job he can get around the camp so Charmy and Espio can go for free. They're an inner city family, and don't have much money. He also has a crush on the camps' nurse, Vanilla. Espio wants to be a detective, and has a special interest in detective work. Charmy came into the equation more recently, as Vector took custody of the kid after a family friend begged him to.
I've always got more, if anyone would like to ask about a specific character, game, plot point, or ask about details on the camp! Asks for the characters will open very soon too, and you can send them in if you'd like. Thanks for asking <3
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random-brain-dumps · 5 months
Does anyone have the most random headcanons or au's for characters they like, even with little to no reason to have them? I never know if they come to me in a dream, if I get bored too easily and start imagining things, or am combining fandoms without realizing it (sometimes I imagine my fav characters as musicians because I'm a musician and am biased haha)
Here are a few of my random hc/au's for some characters (I'll try my best to supply any logic I might have, but again, these are mostly unrelated to their fandoms)
•Link (LoZ: Twilight Princess) is a bookworm and loves to read in his treehouse when relaxing (he just seems like an introvert who would like reading)
•Spongebob (Spongebob Squarepants) can actually cook other foods pretty well; he took culinary courses in college (Patrick went to community college, so maybe Spongebob did too; some episodes portray Spongebob as only being able to make krabby patties, but he cooks other things at home multiple times)
•Nico di Angelo (Percy Jackson series) grew up around classical music and playing piano and/or violin and is rediscovering his love of music in Camp Half-Blood, maybe even composing a little (his father loves music (the myth of Orpheus), so maybe he encouraged music in his children; classical music is for everyone, but is often common among the upper class; I've seen people headcanon Maria di Angelo as being an opera singer)
•Link (LoZ: Skyward Sword) had a crush on Pipit when he was younger (Link being the protagonist means we as players can sort of decide parts of his personality; Link gives me bi/pan vibes; Pipit is attractive, kind, and brave, so who wouldn't like him)
•Yuki Sōma (Fruits Basket) plays guitar (electric and acoustic) and enjoys rock music. He also starts to dress very casually in grunge/punk clothes (I imagine that he starts to get into his preferred hobbies more with the help of his friends; he rebels against his family's strict and traditional values and also against his perfect and "princely" features and reputation at school)
•Spain/Antonio Fernandez Carriedo (Hetalia) is a scientist/really into science, and is very good at it/intelligent (could be any kind, but I often imagine him as a physicist, no particular reason; science and logic are often put first in many Spanish-speaking countries; the main reason for Spain being a scientist in my head is because I always see him portrayed as a himbo, dense, dumbass, etc. mainly in FanFiction and I feel bad, and I'm a bit annoyed at the flanderization of Hetalia characters; other "stupid" nations are sometimes portrayed as secretly smart (N. Italy, America, Prussia), but I never see it for Spain)
•England/Arthur Kirkland (Hetalia) plays saxophone (literally no reason at all, I can't explain why; I once imagined America constantly asking England to play Tequila or Careless Whisper and thought it was funny)
What are some random au's or headcanons you have for your favourite characters?
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resident-gay-bitch · 7 months
Modern au where the girls meet in college and get assigned random roommate and they’ve never met before because they are all study abroad students spending a year in the US. Lily from England is with Dorcas from an African country ( I don’t know which one to choose if I don’t choose mine lol so I’ll leave that to you). Mary ( not sure which country but I’m getting middle eastern vibes) is with Pandora ( I kind of want to give her mythology roots like Greek yk ? ). Marlene ( I want to give her Indonesia what do you think ?) with Alice ( definitely Europe vibes here )
Anyway they meet and bond about discovering American culture and how ridiculous some of the stuff is and they do make American friends but they keep coming back to each other and they become closer and closer but also the time comes that they each have to go back to their countries and you have a really tearful/angsty goodbye
Just feel like giving them really different backgrounds because it’s women history month and women from all around the world should be celebrated and also people from a lot of different countries are just really cool as a friend group
Anyway some head cannon for this au
Each of their dorm is fully decorated to the point you can see their personality when you enter the room
Mary is the kind to stay up to do homework and Pandora wakes up really early which creates some funny situations between them
All of them fight over who has the best cultural food ( Lily is not allowed to participate she is British/lh)
They do the American college thing to the full extent like going to football games, having parties and stuff and still aces their classes somehow
That was really long but oh well here are my two cents lol hope you like it <3 I really like your writing btw
Hi hi!!! Sorry for taking so long to respond to this, I saw it a few days ago and was too tired to respond and I’ve just been in a state of brain mush ever since.
Okay, I love this idea SO SO much! Especially them all coming together to be confused about American culture lol, I think that’s so funny.
I 100% agree with all of these ethnicities for them as well, I can see it all clearly (the Pandora being from Greece just makes sense idk why more people don’t HC this).
One headcannon I’ve been having lately is that Marlene is Australian because like, she is literally the definition of an Aussie bogan in my head (if you’ve never heard of Amyl and The Sniffers go check out their music because I think they’re SO Marlene Band Au coded).
And any Aussie out there will know this well and true, but for some reason all aussies just dip to Indonesia (specifically Bali) every winter to escape the cold, like it’s actually amusing how many just disappear over there. SO many of my friends have gone on Bali trips it’s ridiculous.
Anyway, you suggesting Marlene be from Indonesia just popped the best idea in my head where like her dad is Australian and took a trip with his mates to Bali. I’m thinking they would frequent the bar next to their hotel and get drunk there every night and he fell in love with one of the bartenders that snuck him free drinks every time he complimented her and then they hooked up one night and she got pregnant without realising and then he went home and she freaked out. Luckily she got his number because they fell in love and then like she moved to Australia to raise Marlene. I think that’s such a funny cute way to tie our headcannons together.
And yes Mary is 100% the type to stay up so late where as Pandoras in bed by nine and up with the sun.
Their rooms would be the swankiest rooms you’ve ever seen.
They would 100% all bully Lily for her comfort meal, which is beans straight out the can, and would all shove their fav foods down her throat. She’d love it though and pretend to complain about it all the time so all her friends would keep making her all these amazing snacks and meals.
They definitely would get involved with the whole American college experience but no one is prepared for how Marlene acts at the college football games. She’d spend one third of the game complaining about how this isn’t real football (Insert AFL which she grew up watching with her dad - footy), a second third of the game skulling beer and challanging random college boys to drink offs and shoeies (idk how to spell it, when you drink out of a shoe), and the last third screaming so hard when their team gets a point or goal or however it works and going balisic and booing the opposition and screaming about the unfair umpiring, and she’d 1000% be the loudest there.
Sorry, I’m passionate about Marlene.
But yessss this is such a good idea lol I love it! Thanks for sending in the ask, I really appreciate hearing about the girls <3
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ambrossart · 11 months
I have more questions👀
In chapter 10 of it's said that Eddie started liking the reader because she made him feel like it was ok for him to be himself...but why did she fall in love with him? Was it love at first sight after his performance at the talent show or she got interested after the talent show and then she started liking him?
I'm curious because her feelings were already pretty strong before talking to him, since she went out of her comfort zone to get close to him. And they were obvious enough for Jeff to realize that she had a crush on him😂
It also mad me a bit sad to read that everyone knew she had a crush on Eddie but Eddie himself, and everyone knew Eddie had a crush on her except for her..even Gareth (that never knows what was going on) knew.
Paper men:
The same question popped in my head about the reason Evelyn fell for Henry, since he spat on her when they first met I doubt it it was love at first sight (or maybe it was lol). It seems to me that Evelyn has a thing for "unconventional" boys (Vic at first, then Henry and now Patrick), is it because it's in her nature to see the best in people/situations? I've said it before but I'm team Vic 100%.
Actually, I'm team Reggie (not as a potential lover because he's with Christie) I just love how you are portraying him. Will there be some Christie Reggie content in the future?🌝
Thank you for taking time to answer to all this asks❤️
I have more answers! 👀
I wouldn't say it was love at first sight, but the reader did develop an instant crush on him during his talent show performance. That night, Eddie got up on stage and was absolutely terrible, but he was so lost in his music that he didn't even care (until he heard someone laughing at him). And I think that left a huge impression on her because that's something she could never do herself. We know the reader struggles with anxiety. She doesn't like public speaking. She doesn't talk a lot during class. She's in theater, but she doesn't perform due to stage fright. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if the reader was supposed to perform at that talent show but backed out due to anxiety. So, yeah, seeing Eddie do what she couldn't do was very attractive to her, and I think that's why she was so adamant about him "embracing his weirdness" when they were kids. She wanted better for him.
However, since the reader didn't really know Eddie, I think her initial feelings were pretty superficial. They were strong, yes, but ultimately superficial. She liked his spookiness and his weirdness (not to mention those beautiful brown eyes), but she definitely wasn't in love with him at this point. Those feelings developed gradually over the summer as she got to know the real Eddie. She quickly discovered that he was even better than she imagined he would be. He's funny and charming and very, very kind. He listened to her and encouraged her. He made her feel like her thoughts were interesting and had value. For the first time in a long time, the reader felt heard and seen and supported, something she'd only ever experienced with Chrissy, and that's a very special thing.
I love their relationship so much. 😭
Paper Men
Okay, so I think in a way it was love at first sight... but not necessarily romantic, if that makes sense. You'll see what I mean over the next two chapters.
We know that Evelyn was instantly enchanted by Henry's blue eyes, so she definitely was attracted to him in a very innocent, little girl kind of way. But it's more than that. From the moment she met Henry, Evelyn's always had a very strong desire to take care of him. That's the way Evelyn is. If she sees someone suffering, she instinctively wants to comfort them, and I think Henry is a very special and extreme case due to his family situation.
But it took a long time for their relationship to turn romantic (or perhaps for Evelyn to recognize it as romantic). This is mostly because of Victor. Up until the 8th grade, Victor Criss was the object of her affection. She was obsessed with him, so Henry wouldn't have been on her mind like that. She wouldn't have let him be on her mind like that out of loyalty to Vic. That being said, I do think she and Henry developed a very intimate relationship regardless. It's hard not to when you're dealing with that situation. There are so many emotions involved. Evelyn is seeing Henry at his most vulnerable. He needs her. He truly, desperately needs her, and to be needed like that is a very powerful thing. It can really rip at your heartstrings, especially as a teenage girl.
I mean, come on, a cute boy with pretty blue eyes wants Evelyn to take care of him?
Okay 😳
Say no more, right? 😂
Honestly, I think it was inevitable that their relationship would turn romantic, just because of how emotionally charged it already was. Then you add puberty to the mix and... yeah, shit's gonna get messy real quick.
Finally, regarding Reggie and Christie, you will absolutely see more of them. They're actually going to be in Ch. 32 together, so you'll get a little glimpse of their relationship. It's really sweet, a welcome contrast to all these problematic relationships.
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novel-nook-blog · 2 months
Writerly Question Tag 🦋
Thank you so much for tagging @leahnardo-da-veggie 💗
About You
When did you start writing?
It's funny, that I remember the actual answer 😂. I was in the fourth grade in elementary school, so I was around 9 years old. The reason why I remember this is, that my mom's friend was visiting with her son and he wanted to be a writer. Until then it didn't even cross my mind that there is a job like that. But that day when he left, I took a notebook and started my writing career, I even came up with a pseudonym but I remember only the first name "Dominika". It's kind of sad, that I lost the notebook somewhere, I'd love to see what came up in my mind back then.
Are the genres/themes you enjoy reading different from the ones you write?
Yeah, I love reading fantasy, contemporary and romance so the mixture of all that can be found in my "books".
Is there an author (or just a fellow writer!) you want to emulate, or one to whom you’re often compared?
I haven't been compared to anyone, probably because not many people read the things I've written so far. But I love Sarah J Maas and her writing, she can ALWAYS get me out of a reading slump (and in one too :((( ), so I'd definitely love to be compared to her, though I don't want to emulate her in any sense.
Can you tell me a little about your writing space(s)?
I love to write on any couch/armchair in the house, in my bed and I've even written in university between classes, but that decreased when I made more friends. So I usually write at home.
What’s your most effective way to muster up some muse?
Definitely music. It's a BIG part of my life, I play instruments, sometimes sing (for myself though), and always listen to it. The best combination is my almost 2-hour train/bus ride to university when I'm listening to music and looking out of the window, that's when my creativity comes to life.
Did the place(s) you grew up in influence the people and places you write about?
No, I don't think so. I usually write about fictional places that I made up. For example, the house Lysandra and Damian live in, I haven't been in a similar one, but I know exactly where everything is. Or the palace in my other book, never been in one that looks like that – inside or out. I also live in a village, so maybe I tend to write about remote places, but I think that's the only influenced thing in my writing.
Are there any recurring themes in your writing, and if so, do they surprise you at all?
Yeahhhh... the main theme in my writing is usually an enemies-to-lovers relationship in different variations. Sometimes it's just rivals-to-lovers sometimes it's I-hate-my-brothers-bff, ... I guess I need a little loathing to write about a relationship.
Your Characters
Would you please tell me about your current favorite character? (Current WIP, past WIP, never used, etc.)
From my current WIP I think my favourite is Damian (don't tell Lysandra, haha). I just feel like he went through a lot growing up and he deserves true happiness... but I'm that mean author so Dam, you'll have to wait for a bit longer and I promise, there's a chance for a happy end, but there's also a chance for something so faaaar from a happy end for you... I'm sorry. And from my past WIPs I think I really love Maxine Kate, she was my first main character in a bigger project (project Zodiac). She's fierce, like a literal fire that she can control (on most occasions). I'm so looking forward to coming back to her story when I finish project A. N.
Which of your characters would you be friends with in real life?
This may be funny but... I don't know? 😂 I don't think the guys would want to be my friends... (Not Matthew – project Zodiac, not Nicholas – project Ice, not Damian – project A.N.) and I'm not sure about the girls either. I think the only one who would befriend me would be a side character from project A.N. – Aerilyn, and maybe I would somehow talk to Lysandra from the same project or Maxine from the project Zodiac. But Ezgi (the name is in process – inspo from a Turkish soap opera) from Project Ice would be too scary to approach 😂.
Which characters would you dislike the most if you met them?
I think me and Lysandra would get into each others hair? The same goes for Maxine I guess. We're all stubborn as hell and very temperamental. And we all love to fight about nonsense. I've never got into a girl fight before but if we three met, it wouldn't end well. But I don't dislike them. The only character I hate the most is Bryce. A side character (a potential villain) in the project Ice. I HATE HIM. But the person who hates him, even more, is @themoondkid.
Tell me about the process of coming up with your characters?
That depends, sometimes they appear out of thin air, and sometimes I know them. I think the biggest problem I had with coming up with characters was for Damian and Lysandra. I somewhat knew what they looked like but the names? Loooong process and I'm still unsatisfied (not Damian tho, love his name and it really suits him).
Do you notice any reoccurring themes/traits in your characters?
They usually have a very deep problem that slowly destroys them. For Matthew, it's the "weight of the crown and high expectations." For Nicholas, it's the "being the black sheep of the family that everyone hates" For Damian, it's the "My father loathes me" For Maxine, it's the "I'm the daughter of the devil and demon controls me and my powers and I don't even know about it because I've got blackouts" For Ezgi, it's the "I hate my powers, I want to be normal again" And for Lysandra, it's the "nightmares that are far too real."
How do you picture your characters?
I see them. They usually are a bit hazy with no sharp edges but I see them as I write.
Your Writing
What’s your reason for writing?
I created a very strong relationship towards writing. I write a diary from a very young age, I write poems when I need to cope with my emotions, and I write stories when I want to escape reality. I love it so much, I can't even picture my life without writing. I think without it I wouldn't be able to handle my emotions and thoughts as well as I do now.
Is there a specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating coming from your readers?
I love when my friends just ask me about my book without me mentioning it. When they want a simple update on my writing. I feel so seen and appriciated.
How do you want to be thought of by those who read your work?
I want to inspire them, to show them there is nothing you can't reach if you put your mind to it. I want to show them that every problem can be solved, and even if they suffer, a happy end is just around the corner, you just need to push through and hold on for a bit longer.
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
I feel like I overwrite descriptive parts and use a lot of metaphors. So hopefully that's my strength.
What have you been frequently told your greatest writing strength is by others?
I need to let more people read my stuff for me to be able to answer this question.
How do you feel about your own writing?
If I go through my previous writing, there are parts I love so so much and parts I hate and know they need a rewrite. With my current writing I hate every word. I feel like it was written by a robot. So many unnecessary difficult words I use and I can't stop.
If you were the last person on earth and knew your writing would never be read by another human, would you still write?
Yeah, at least I wouldn't feel so alone. My characters would keep me company.
When you write, are you influenced by what others might enjoy reading, or do you write purely what you enjoy?
Ha! I do the exact opposite. When I write and I get to a very sad part, I always think I would hate the author for the thing I just wrote. Then an evil laugh escapes my lips and we're good to go. I put my mind at ease that my friends promised to unalive me for every sad part I've written. But there are parts I enjoy and I know my readers will enjoy them too.
Tagging @creative-author and open tag!!
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princehrry-writings · 2 years
Let Light Be Light
i've been on a lizzy kick and also experiencing college for the first time so this is what came of that.
warnings: BRIEF mentions of a serial k*ller, slight angst, fluff!!!!! mentions of family trauma
wordcount: 1894
But my therapist says To just let light be light So I'm letting him stay around
I’m alone almost every night and I don't know if I’m processing right.
The days grew shorter and the nights colder. Y/n spent most of her time studying, trying to stay on top of her school work. Fall semester was in full swing and while she was sad to be away from home, she was happy to be allowed to think her own thoughts and feel her own feelings instead of everyone else’s. It was a breath of fresh air she didn’t know she needed until she took it. 
Another late night at the library, nailing down her answers for her music theory midterm. She found that she loved the smell of old books and dust. Something about it made her feel so studious. She thinks it must be some kind of placebo effect or something because anytime she studies in the library, she feels like the information sticks better. 
Her friends had invited her to a study session but she's never been able to focus in group settings like that. She had to figure shit out on her own growing up and that's been a running theme with everything she does in her young adult life. She does shit by herself. She’s never had anyone to lean on before so why would she start now? 
That’s not to say Y/n doesn’t appreciate her friends because she does, but if something isn’t broken, no need to take it apart and put it back together. 
It’s nearing closing time at the library, meaning it’s closer to midnight then she realized it was. It’s dark out and she forgot her pepper spray in her room, but her dorm isn’t too far away from the library. A 10 minute walk when she’s really moving, so she packs up and gets ready to head out when a voice stops her. 
“Wait, you’re not gonna walk alone are you?” She turns around to see this boy, who she recognized from a few classes and he worked here, standing at the counter, lookin at her like she's about to jump off a cliff. He seems cute enough, more than she would ever admit to herself, really. He’s tall, long legs and arms, built muscles. His hair falls right above his ears and is curly, but not too curly. It’s very flowy from what she assumes is him running his fingers through it all day to keep it out of his face, and it looks really soft.
“Yeah…?” She says, wondering why he’s so concerned for her. She’ll be ok, it’s not a bad walk. 
“It’s not safe… haven’t you seen the news? There’s a suspect for a murder case running loose on this side of town. His targets are college age girls. Let me walk you home?” His accent makes her a lot less annoyed than she normally would be by somebody telling her she can’t take care of herself. 
“How do I know you're not him?” She quips, hoping he’ll give up so she can just go home. Well, as home as a dorm room can be. 
He raises an eyebrow, making him more attractive than she thought a random boy in the library could ever be, chuckling a little bit and picking up his bag. She notices that everyone else is already gone and it’s just the two of them, and wishes just for a second that she didn’t listen to true crime podcasts because she’s a little scared he could actually be the murderer he just warned her about. But when he comes over and she gets a good look at him, she just can’t see him being a murderer. She couldn’t really see him hurting a fly if she had to be honest. 
He grabs his bag and a ring of keys off the desk and pads over to where she stands. 
“M’ Harry, by the way. Figure you should know my name before I kill you behind the library.” He smirks. Oh, so he’s funny too. Now Y/n really has to put up a wall. Funny guys are dangerous. 
“I’m Y/n. Figure you should know the name of your latest victim.” She smirks back, matching energy but mentally she detaches herself because she can’t let herself form any sort of attachment to him. 
“What hall are you in?” He asks, leading her to the front door and turning off the lights, locking the door behind them. 
“It’s only like a 10 minute walk from here. I live in Greeley.” She answers quickly, shoving her hands deep into her pockets. Fall nights can be brutal but there's something that endears her to them. Something about the promise of the seasons changing, new beginnings, a fresh start. A cycle you can always count on. If nothing else, you always know that summer will turn to fall, and fall to winter, and so on. 
They walk quickly, making small talk and learning little things about each other. Like Harry is in three out of 7 of her classes. He talks to her like they’ve been friends forever and she can’t figure out why he’s being so nice to her. Can’t figure out what he wants, not that she really has much to give in the first place. 
 Too soon do they arrive at the front door of her dorm building. He says goodbye with a charming smile that she has to consciously not blush at and she makes her way upstairs. 
The butterflies win anyway, flooding her with a warmth she swore she would never feel again. She just met him today. What is she doing with herself? 
Is this what it’s supposed to feel like?
Suddenly, Y/n sees Harry everywhere. She knows it's crazy to think he’s following her, but that’s what her brain tells her because why would she be seeing him everywhere all of the sudden. She definitely doesn’t think it’s because he’s all she's been able to think about since he walked her home from the library. 
The nights had continued getting colder, and finally the first snow of the season had fallen upon them. And as cynical as people think she is, Y/n absolutely loves all things winter. The cozy nights with a lit candle (that she hides from her RA), ice skating, christmas lights. All of it, she loves. So as the snow falls, Y/n sits out on a bench wrapped in her heavy coat, a hot drink in her hand and wanderlust written across her features. 
She doesn’t even realize there's someone sitting next to her until Harry scoots a little closer, waving his hand in front of her face. 
“Aren’t you freezing?” She startles out of her daze, seeing the boy sitting next to her. Something between a goofy smile and a concerned stare paints his face and it's almost enough to make her laugh, but she stops herself. 
“Not one bit…” She lightly smiles, thinking about how much she loves the weather right now. He can’t seem to wrap his head around this girl, why she seems so… distant from him. 
He thought maybe it was him specifically, but he hadn’t done anything rude. At least not that he knew of. Maybe sometime ago he had accident;y been a prick and she still remembers and holds it against him.
She doesn’t say anything else so he just sits there with her, quietly people watching and trying not to freeze his bits off. He wanted to figure her out. 
“I don't know why he’s so persistent… I see him everywhere now, after the library thing. And last week he sat next to me on a bench outside for like an hour. Just quietly sat next to me, didn’t try to talk to me or anything. I don’t understand him at all.” 
“Have you ever thought that maybe he wants to get to know you?” Y/n’s therapist wonders out loud. 
“Why would he want to know me? What even is there to know? My family trauma, my anxiety, that I’m jaded because of what happened with my last relationship? I’m not exactly a ball of sunshine…” She rants back, wondering what this boy could possibly be interested in when it comes to her. 
“I think you should just let light be light. Let him be a good thing in your life. Don’t try and mess it up before it even starts because you’re scared to let someone in.” 
Y/n pauses, suddenly realizing why she was pushing him away so hard. 
The boy turns around quickly, zeroing in on who called his name. He does a double take, not believing who was trying to get his attention. 
“Hey Y/n…” He’s confused but elated. She’s never really shown interest in trying to talk to him unless he comes up to her first so seeing her calling his name is a bit jarring. He feels a little thrown off his game. 
“Hey, I was wondering if maybe you wanted to grab lunch with me, if you’re not busy?” She asks. Y/n feels like she might pass out or throw up… or both. But she’s trying to take her therapist's advice and let good things happen to her and she figured she would take matters into her own hands. Again, she always had to do shit by herself so this isn’t really any different. She didn’t feel like waiting around hoping he might make a move. So here she is… 
Harry’s face lights up in that stupidly cute little smile that he has and she can feel the warmth it radiates flow through her body. Maybe her therapist is on to something… 
“Are you asking me on a date?” He quips, the smile morphing into a smirk. Her cheeks glow bright red and something tells him it's not from the cold weather. 
“It’s about time, jeez. I’ve only been flirting with you since, oh I don’t know, I offered to walk you home that night!” He lets an exasperated sigh leave his lips and he takes a few steps closer to her, giggling at how this situation had turned in his favor so quickly. He’d actually been working up the nerve to ask her that exact question. She just happened to beat him to the punch line. 
“So that’s a yes?” He softens, seeing the look in her eyes. The genuine vulnerability. She was scared, putting herself out on the line with no defenses. He knew she didn;t do this often, if at all. 
“S’ a yes pet, where would you like to go to lunch?” He reaches out for her hand, pulling her into him. She slowly wraps her arms around his, burrowing into his chest like she had belonged there this whole time. He wraps her up tight, one arm around her waist, the other cradling her head. She fit perfectly against him, like his body was built just for her. He would like to believe it was but he doesn’t want to get too ahead of himself. 
“I dunno, m’fine with anywhere.” She mumbled, her cheeks squished against him. She feels weird, like she never had before. But a good weird.
She felt at home. 
I think that he’s good for me, this boy that I’ve found.
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chinsims · 1 year
15 questions for 15 mutuals
Thank you @nectar-cellar for tagging me! I enjoyed reading your answers.
I think it’s my first time participating in one of these, so hopefully I can do it right!
my answers:
1. Are you named after anyone?
Legally, an actress. By choice, I took a masculine version of my grandmother’s name.
2. When was the last time you cried?
I’m actually not sure. The most recent time I can remember was last month when I got overwhelmed after worrying that a coyote had stalked me (don’t worry, it ended up being fine). I have probably cried more recently, though.
3. Do you have kids?
Nope! It’ll probably be a long time until I’m ready for that kind of responsibility.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Not as much as I used to, but still quite a bit for someone who can’t tell when other people are being sarcastic lol.
5. What sports do you play/have you played?
I’ve never been that interested in sports due to all the rules, but I used to be really competitive about running for some reason.
6. What’s the first thing you notice about other people?
The way people walk tends to stick with me. I know some people with very distinctive walks, so that tends to stand out. I’ve even had to double check that strangers weren’t secretly people I know because the patterns were similar.
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
I like anything that I find personally compelling. I tend to pick up mostly on the choices made with the style and the theme, so I think both have their strengths. I do tend to lean more towards darker themes, however. I (unfortunately) really enjoy Funny Games (1997) and what it does with fourth wall breaks. I could ramble quite a bit about just how much I love (and hate) that film. I also really like the short film Meshes of the Afternoon (1943). I need to get caught up on more recent movies though.
8. Any special talents?
Depends on whether the emphasis is on special or talent. A somewhat special thing about me is that I have very flexible shoulder and hip joints and have double jointed fingers. I’m also fixated on altered states, so I forced myself to be very suggestible to meditative states and learned that I could auto-write when I dropped lucy (it was supposedly for spirits, which I don’t think I believe in personally, but at the very least I’ve been slowly able to tap into something in my own subconscious, so that’s kinda neat!). 
9. Where were you born?
10. What are your hobbies?
I’m a musician, I’ve been getting into auto-writing, I used to be obsessed with inventing this thing called polyrhythm hopscotch, I’m working on some film stuff with a few of my friends (which is super exciting!), and making cc for the sims 3 :)
11. Do you have any pets?
Yes! I have a dog and a cat. They are both cuties.
12. How tall are you?
5′ 2″ last time I was measured, although I think that was 4 years ago. 
13. Fave subject in school?
I liked most subjects for different reasons. I was the least jazzed about my art classes though. This was mostly because it was actually an instruction following class, and I feel compelled to do at least one thing that goes against instructions when it comes to anything creative.
14. Dream job?
Full-time musician. I recently switched my major to music, so I’ll always be working in the same field, even if it’s more of the technical aspects!
15. Eye color?
Let me see who I haven’t seen tagged yet:
@xiasimla @nornities @simdreams @venusprincess-ts3 @getboolpropped
@omedapixel @tripstaysnoided @tsims
I think most people I’m mutuals with have either already done it at this point or don’t typically do tag games, but if I can think of anyone else who might want to do this I’ll add them to this list!
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hauntedliz · 9 months
For the BG3 ask, for any except your durge (only because I've not played one yet and am dancing around spoilers, so I guess if the answer wouldn't be a spoiler then go for it!)
6, 15, 23, 40
Aye aye captain! I will keep this durge spoiler-free. Thanks so much for asking! Probably going to be pretty Phoebe-centric just for time's sake.
6. What is your Tav's origin story?
Drama timeeeee.
Phoebe is the oldest daughter of Helene (elf wizard) and Silas (human bard). She has a younger sister named Arden and two younger brothers named Gilbert and Leon. Her father taught her to play the violin and love music. Though he was a bard, he never went out adventuring like he'd planned to as a young man. He met his wife and started pushing back his plans to leave. Then Pheobe came, so he never did. He got a job in town at a shop. Unfortunately, one day the shop caught fire and he was unable to escape. Pheobe had aspirations to go out and study music in Baldur's Gate, but once her father passed she wanted to stay and help take care of her siblings. In her grief, her mother could not bear the thought of her daughter having the same fate as her husband, so she studied and prepared until she was able to use magic to alter Phoebe's memories. Helene took Phoebe to the city and erased her memories of where her hometown is. As hard as she tries, Phoebe cannot remember the place where she grew up. She has all the memories of her family and her life, but where it happened she cannot recall, so she can never return there. In the city, Phoebe goes all into her studies. Eventually she starts travelling around, playing in taverns. That's basically what she's up to when she gets scooped up.
15. If your Tav could/does multiclass, what other class would they choose?
I have not multiclassed before so this is all what ifs and could very well not be good decisions lmao.
Phoebe- a couple options here. Wizard bc of her mom (and because she sorta maybe sent Gale away during act 1... don't hate me please I was young!!!) or rogue because I think the idea of couples picking up little things from each other is cute. I could also see ranger.
Lapis- Barbarian or fighter
Honeylark- Cleric maybe?
Pippa- Paladdin maybe? Really not sure for Pip. Rogue?
23. What is your Tav’s favorite moment they’ve had with their lover?
Probably any moment post-game where Phoebe and Astarion are sitting together and she realizes they are truly relaxed. No one is coming after them, there is nothing to fight. Astarion's guard is down, and they are just existing together in a moment laughing and talking.
40. What is the biggest mistake your Tav ever made?
So funny story actually... The biggest mistake my Tav has ever made was entirely my fault, but it is canon to her run so... When I played Act 2 I kind of didn't understand the fact that I needed to go to Moonrise Towers to save the tieflings before the final battle. I kind of thought I would just do it all when I got there at the end. So the tieflings in Moonrise Towers did die. And it is Phoebe's fault and totally not mine and she has to live with that not me. (IT JUST FELT LIKE SO FAR TO GO BACK!! I DIDN'T WANT TO DEAL WITH THE GAUNTLET AGAIN I'M SORRY). And also I didn't realize Zevlor was there in the mindflayer colony, so I literally walked past him and Orin did some terrible things to him. Act 2 was traumatic for Pheebs. Luckily this is not canon to the LTFU (liz and toad fanfic universe).
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zot3-flopped · 1 year
Dogs is actually so funny because I truly think she believes her own hype and the nonsense she says.
Back in the 1D days I was still a Larrie and I followed a lot of big Larry blogs. I really thought Dogs discourse was intelligent because I was a teenager, and then she had a huge fight with a big Larry, I think it was Emmie, who at the time could barely contain the fact that she hated Louis and the Louie narrative that dominated larryland 😂
Anyway whoever it was pointed out how Johannah had attended Leeds University when Daisy and Phoebe were babies and how a low income family would never be able to splurge on that, plus maintain four children on only Mark’s salary, and that midwifery in and of itself was expensive, that Louis owned a car and brand name clothes and gaming stations and their house looked big in pictures
And Dogs went berserk and started saying that she didn’t believe Johannah had gone to Leeds and that this person was making it up and that Louis owning a car didn’t mean anything, that Harry’s family was much much more well off
And this other blog was like “actually that’s not true dogs” 😂 and explained that Harry’s mom didn’t have wealth of her own and that the one who was wealthy was Robin
They went back and forth for a while but the whole thing was the other blogger saying things that were backed up by facts and made sense and Dogs was just trying her damnest to prove that Louis was actually working class and had grown up a lot “less fortunate” than Harry, and that Harry was a privileged rich boy. She had literally nothing to back it up other than the words 1D’s marketing team had made Louis repeat. Harry was marketed as posh because it was what worked with other pop bands in the past, but his family was working class and probably faced as much if not more difficulties than Louis’, they just never played the victim card and never tried to use it as a marketing tool
Dogs was just the other day trying to act outraged that Harry had said that if he could be on that stage then we, fans, could do anything. Like, she was UPSET. And I’m like… ma’am, the boy grew up in a working class home with zero access to musical education and no contacts in the industry whatsoever. He didn’t get vocal lessons or instrument lessons or acting lessons at all until he was in 1D (and he had no time to actually learn because of 1D’s insane schedule). He learned to play guitar and piano proficiently to perform live in front of an audience and record it for posterity on his albums as an adult. Does she know how hard that shit is??? He expanded his vocal range from 2 octaves in 1D to almost four octaves as a solo artist. He also learned to play other instruments and worked himself ragged to be able to endure 2 hour long performances running across a huge stage and covering all that space
He did that, he worked on that. He got in 1D through sheer luck (right place and right time plus his raw talent) and worked his ASS OFF in it, not only performing but also networking and making the right moves and being kind to people, which took him a long ass way and it can be extremely hard at times.
Harry being on that stage in front of 100,000 people does mean we can do anything. She’s so stuck on the stan twitter mentality of “white man” when the only white men who get to that level of success are extremely hardworking ones (Ed Sheeran for instance).
White men have it easiER than women or people of color and nobody denies that but that doesn’t mean that accomplishing what he accomplished is EASY. Especially because the odds were stacked against him! In Britain 9/10 celebrities come from generational wealth and she knows it. She’s just acting brand new because she refuses to give him his flowers
She’s so salty that he became a megastar and her precious Louis is struggling to sell 4,000 seater venues. I can’t believe I used to look up to her when I was 15
👏👏👏👏👏 Well said!
Jay was also the only 1d parent who had connections in showbusiness, something else Dogs ignores. She had the twins and Louis signed to a theatrical agency and knew James Corden.
Another major nepo baby Dogs finds fascinating is Matty Healey. His father is an actor and his mother a famous TV presenter.
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transitorri · 2 years
Being a Gender Pioneer
I was in high school, another obnoxious pep rally when the dance team came out to do their thing. Smiling, dancing the routine to the music and mixed reactions of the crowd, some cheering, others making taunts about the girls in the squad, because high school.  When a stray thought passed through my mind “That looks like fun”
I disliked sports, I had a unit in grade school for PE that required me to do soccer drills that I hated, I tolerated running as best I could. I took the “Weightlifting Gym” unit specifically so I didn’t have to do other team sports. I got pushed around in basketball, despite being pretty tall. Generally speaking, the aggressive ‘Slam my body through you’ attitude of most sports was… distasteful.    
I did Engineering club and even with the other nerds was kind of an outcast. I didn’t go to the competition trip at the end of the project, to the confusion of the rest of the group. For some that was almost the reason for being in the club, so they could travel.  But wearing a crushed velvet uniform, getting dressed up, smiling and dancing to music as part of a squad? That looked really fun.
Fun enough that I did the unthinkable, I auditioned. With zero hours spent in any dance school or even a class. Never having learned a dance routine a day in my life, never following along to dance music videos. Nope, I just went to the meet up, which was all girls, and one guy who was there as a joke and then left when it stopped being funny. I stayed, because it wasn’t a joke for me. Fully aware that I would be catching flak from anyone who found out, for the rest of my time at that school. They didn’t have a policy against “boys” joining the squad, but even their squad name is a Spanish translation for “Mistress”
I did it though, I went, I tried my best to learn the routine and had so much fun, and the head squad instructor was super nice. I think she realized I was actually serious, and she tried to help me out. And then the next day, I had what was easily the worst audition of my life. I completely tanked that audition, I was an embarrassed and nervous wreck, forgot the entire routine, flailed about, and walked out embarrassed and confusing everyone why I was even there. The first, maybe still even the only, “guy” to audition for the all girl dance squad. I’d later go on to take dance classes and get a degree in Dance at University.
I bring this up, because, to live a trans existence means undertaking continuous acts of courage. We cross boundaries that have so much societal pressure placed on them that we will be threatened, demeaned, ridiculed, taunted, tormented, harassed, abused, possibly worse, and then, we do it anyway. Our drive and compulsion to live as our authentic selves is something we so innately require that despite all what may come, we choose it anyway. 
    Not everyone, people stay “In the closet” for their own need and desire for safety as they are able, not everyone can risk their lives to live authentically in the world. But, even there, small acts of defiance, a dress in a closet, stockings tucked in a drawer, a chest binder hidden in a T-shirt on a hanger, exist. The push and inner need to be an authentic self. To experiment with identity, and forge an image of ourselves that aligns with how we feel. To look at ourselves, and dress ourselves, and decorate and modify our bodies in ways that we find pleasing. 
Not the expectations placed on us by others, society, parents, friends, or even our birth. Gender Pioneers do not allow these things to be integrated into our sense of Self unless we choose to allow it as part of that identity. Our choice. It is OUR choice to make, because it is US, it is who we are and who we choose to be.
And that notion is, and always will be, at odds with systems that attempt to stifle our desires for self expression. Be they the peer pressure, social obligations, or some greater authority. There will also be acts of subtle rebellion and courage from those who push to live authentically and happily. The desire is greater than the acceptance of servitude to a decay of sense of Self.
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selfportrait27 · 12 days
That's definitely The Fucked Jam sound, right? It turns out as well that the MicroKORG had just been newly released in mid-2002, right in the middle of production for Quebec. That synth was the one the cool kids used in the 2000s - The Prodigy recorded the song 'Girls' on a MicroKORG, which I'm guessing is what gave it some street cred and legitimacy. (Even though it's really an instrument for weird nerds, but I wouldn't say that to any member of The Prodigy's face either.)
LCD Soundsystem used one in a couple of songs around the same time too. Pretty sure it was mostly used in dance music until that huge song by the Yeah Yeah Yeahs in like 2009. That 'Needy Girl' song by Chromeo was recorded on one, and that song stayed around for years, if you remember. (Which you don't, because I'm irreleveant and old, and I'm talking to a bunch of young people about the songs I remember from the dancing halls where we did the fucking Charleston and the twist, Jesus Christ.)
Basically that song was a big hipster dance music hit, the kind that doesn't lose the label money, but cultured middle class art college kids are still allowed to like it. And it came out before the Prodigy song did, so Mr Chromeo might have been the first really mainstream artist to use a MicroKORG on a commercial record. (Mr Chromeo may also be two guys, I really can't remember.) According to Discogs though, the 'Needy Girl' E.P. came out in September 2003, and if that's correct, Quebec pre-dates it by a month. I can't confirm that it's the first commercial release to use the MicroKORG, but Ween were in there before it took off in dance music, and long before it reached mainstream "indie" rock.
This isn't solid enough info for the wiki, plus I realize I may well be the only person on the planet who finds this interesting, but the point is, Ween didn't just do the cool thing before it was cool. It is actually kind of significant how ubiquitous some of those songs were, and bringing the synth back into popular music absolutely changed "the sound" of the mid-late 2000s (and believe me, any improvement on the early 2000s was welcome). I mean The Fucked Jam probably didn't directly influence The Prodigy, but they probably share more influences with Ween than most of us realise. At the other end, I don't know much about the Yeah Yeah Yeahs because I never liked them that much, but they shuould have been influened by Ween, put it that way. Any serious band coming up then should have paid a lot of attention to Quebec (and they should fucking say so in interviews too).
The funny part is, apparently the whole track is literally just one note pressed over and over using a factory preset, basically zero effort, and it could be anyone doing it. Some people said that hearing that was a letdown, that it took away the drama to know it was that easy, but I don't agree at all. Something very dark was behind the decision to give that noise its own track on the album, and to put it where it is. It's kind of nice to know actually, if that is how it was done, that at least that part was fucking easy.
Ween Wiki - The Fucked Jam History of the MicroKORG
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alecto carrow hcs?
I know she is a death eater and criminal in Canon but I am going to answer this question about my Muggle AU Headcanon. I hope it's okay.
Alecto is in the same year as Regulus. She is also in Slytherin.
Born in the 12ve of November of 1997 as well as her twin brother Amycus. They are both Scorpio.
English father and Japanese mother.
Her father belongs to a very important family of businessmen. Went to Hogwarts in his youth and his family is very important and rich.
Her mother is a model and actress. She had had many lead roles in popular Japanese movies and dramas. She is very beautiful. And Alecto always wanted to be just like her.
Pampered by her father as his baby girl. Always receiving expensive gifts from him. But never enough attention.
Pressured by her mother about beauty and the importance of physical appearance. Alecto is constantly taking care of her skin, weight, clothes. Constantly on diets even though she is very skinny. And very beautiful as well.
She appears to be sure of herself but is rather insecure in reality. If she thinks she is not physically perfect, she goes through a crisis.
Alecto and Amycus were constantly alone as kids. Because both of their parents have important jobs and are never around. That brought the both siblings closer.
Alecto has a stronger character and personality than Amycus. She claims she is older than him by seconds. And is constantly bossing her brother around.
She is a massive Britney Spears fan. Also Japanese pop fan. And when she was a kid, she made Amycus make up choreographies to pop, cheesy songs for fun. And even though Amycus said this music was girly, he secretly had fun.
Wants to be a model or actress just like her mother.
When she got to Hogwarts, she easily made friends, while Amycus was shy. So Amycus hang around with a bunch of girls at first. Thing their father didn't like.
Amycus then befriended older boys and both siblings kind of broke apart into their respective friend groups.
Alecto's best friends consists of Dorcas Meadowes, Alice Fortescue and my OC Josephine Bhatt. All of them rich and pretty girls.
Alecto is loud, an extrovert and very funny. Although she is a rich superficial girl for the way she was raised.
Classic mean girl but with actually good intentions. She just says what it is in her mind about people, thing that gets her a lot of enemies. And people think she is superficial and hallow.
Mary and Marlene don't like her. And they are constantly bickering with her. She bickers back.
Alecto had a crush on Sirius Black ever since she met him at eleven. She saw him taking care of his little brother on his first day of class and was immediately in love.
When she found out about his family, his name and who he was, she was even more in love. She always saw him as the man of her dreams. Constantly dreaming about their married lives together. Kind of her only crush through her teens.
Alecto was constantly doing things to gain his attention and she used to call Regulus his: "brother in law". Even though she wasn’t even dating Sirius.
In her fifth year, Sirius’s sixth, he finally noticed her in a party and they snogged for a while.
But Sirius was in a stage of his life that he didn't want anything serious (pun unintended). Although Alecto had already pictured their wedding and chose the name of their children already.
So when Sirius blew her off, she was devastated. Then when Sirius realized he hurt her, he apologized.
After that, they became friends. Sirius liked her because he thought she was genuinely funny and pretty. But everything made sense when she found out Sirius was into Remus. She was supportive even though her heart was broken when the boy of her dreams fell for someone else, specially a boy.
After Sirius, she wanted to be by herself for a while. She took care about herself. And she tried to get her brother back.
I like to think of her as this superficial mean girl that has a character arc and becomes more mature and profound with time.
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