#but at the same time i don't want to accidentally reveal too much so i just end up sounding even more insane
stormyoceans · 9 months
i've abandoned anonymity
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but this scene is also gonna happen right. HOW DO WE PLAN TO RECOVER?
the way they’re gonna go from outright flirting with each other and being absolutely fond smitten delighted idiot fools in love ready to finally go on an actual dinner date to pain suffering torment agony anguish sadness despair?????
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AND I HAVE A HUNCH ON WHO’S TO BLAME FOR THIS [GETS SLIPPER READY] (i don’t wanna reveal too much because while it’s not exactly a spoiler, since it’s a hint from the bts pictures that were shared during filming, i still don’t wanna ruin anyone’s fun)
but then again i’ve been moving like a clown all this time thinking this was gonna be episode 11 WHEN IT’S ACTUALLY EPISODE 6 (INSANITY) so. i could definitely be reading this wrong ;;;;;;;; that picture does seems to be pretty heavy and gloomy and sad BUT WHAT IF IT'S JUST VERY DECEPTIVE AND WE'RE GETTING A CONFESSION INSTEAD
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amomentsescape · 3 months
Slashers x reader with wings. Reader's wings are bound, hidden and look heavily damaged from that.
How do the slashers find out? How do they react?
Add the crow guy, Eric, I think?
Slashers with Winged! Reader
Slashers x Reader (Separate)
Includes: Freddy, Michael, Jason, Thomas, Bubba, Brahms, Norman, Billy, Stu, Vincent, Bo, & Eric
A/N: I am once again sleep deprived, so I apologize if there are any typos or nonsense that I didn't catch reading through this. Thank you for your request!
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Freddy Krueger
As mentioned in many previous posts, you can't really hide anything from Freddy
Whenever you sleep, you're in his territory, and he can do whatever he pleases
And one of the last things he'll ever let you do is hide yourself from him
He could see the damage from all the years of hiding your wings, binding them up in hopes no one would notice
And this honestly pisses him off a bit
Why would you ever want to be like everyone else?
Your wings were beautiful, and they made you that much more special
The moment he sees your wings free, you better believe he'll never let you hide them again
Anyone who even gives you the slightest look will be dealt with that same night
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Michael Myers
Another one that you can't really hide anything from
He may let you think that he doesn't know about your wings
But in reality, he's known about them this whole time
However, he won't push you to reveal yourself to him until you're ready
It's not like it's a huge deal to him anyways
He's neutral about the whole situation
Wings or no wings, nothing will sway his opinion on you
Just don't wait too long to talk to him about it though
The more time that passes, the more irritated he'll become
Because after this much time together, you have to fully trust him now
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Jason Voorhees
Jason is pretty much clueless from the start
It's not that he isn't observant to you (he watches you 24/7)
It's just that he fully respects your boundaries and won't even hold your hand unless you tell him he can
So when he accidentally walked in on you one day and saw your damaged wings, he just stands there in shock
He snaps out of it when he notices your bashful and worried face however
He's just so confused on why you would hide this from him
He thinks your wings suit you perfectly
In fact, it makes him feel even more assured that you two are meant for each other
He also grew up wanting to hide a part of himself
But having each other means fully embracing the insecurities of the other
He doesn't ever want you to hide your wings from him again
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Thomas Hewitt
He honestly would have never even knew about them if it wasn't for his need for late night affection
He just wanted to cuddle up next to you in the middle of the night
But he was met with something out of place on your back
He couldn't help but peek, and the moment he did, he was stunned
But did he even think about running?
No. He just decided to wait until morning to talk to you about it
When he asked you, he could tell you were uncomfortable
And because of this, he did everything he could to reassure you that he wasn't upset or grossed out by your wings
He loves them!
He took them in his hands gently and carefully removed the bindings
There will be no more hiding from him after that
And he'll happily caress your wings every night until you feel reassured
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Bubba Sawyer
Bubba didn't mean to walk in on you like this
But the moment he sees the wings, all decency goes out the door
He stumbles in further, his hands reaching out to them
They're breathtaking... but why are they so damaged?
It physically hurts him to see you in any type of pain, and yet you've been carrying this around with you this whole time?
He's a bit hurt you didn't feel comfortable talking to him about this, but he's even more hurt by the fact that they look painful to you
He doesn't even let you protest before he's breaking the ties and freeing the wings
He's blubbering to you, making you promise to never hurt yourself like this, especially when it's something so cool
He spends the next few days playing with your wings, admiring them like a kid with a new toy
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Brahms Heelshire
The day he finds out about your wings is one of betrayal
Brahms refuses to let you keep secrets from him, and hiding such a big thing from him upsets him greatly
How can he trust you?
You’ll need to give him some time to cool down, but once he does, he’ll be on you
Will force you to free your wings so he can play with them
It honestly hurts him a bit to see the destruction brought to them
He empathizes with you a bit
He has also spent a good portion of his life hiding a part of himself
But it’s because of this experience that he refuses to let you do the same any longer
You’re with him now anyways
He’ll never let you leave the house
So there will never be another soul to judge this part of you ever again
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Norman Bates
He’s kind of speculated for a bit that you were hiding something
He didn’t know exactly what, he just could feel it in his gut
This insecurity was beginning to eat away at him until the day he finally saw the truth
It would be a lie to say that he wasn’t a bit scared at first
Angels have wings, but so did the devil
But seeing your pained expression reassured Norman that you were far from something evil
Once he let everything soak in, he’ll be all over you asking questions
He wants to know everything about you and your wings
He doesn’t want you to hide them anymore, and he’ll take the time each night to clean them and help heal them from years of damage
These are a part of you, and he loves everything about you
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Billy Loomis
Billy doesn't really speculate anything
He's confident that he would be able to tell if you were keeping anything from him
Until the night he sneaks in through your window in hopes of surprising you
But instead, he's the one with the surprise
He sees you looking sadly at yourself through the bathroom mirror, your damaged wings on full display
He spends the next few days going radio silent towards you
But on the fourth day, he storms your room and interrogates you on your wings
Why the hell would you lie to him?
He doesn't care that you have something that makes you "different"
He's simply hurt that you kept it from him
However, it only takes an open conversation for him to calm down
He's still a little pissy but happy to know the truth
Just don't keep anything from him again
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Stu Macher
This boy is absolutely clueless
But his unconditional, completely suffocating affection is what finally makes you feel comfortable to open up to him
And when you do, his eyes widen and his jaw drops
You almost think he's going to be upset until he speaks
"That's fucking sick"
Has you unbind them immediately with the promise that you won't keep them hidden away like that anymore
He constantly reassures you that anyone who sees them will have the same reaction as him
There are thousands of people that would kill to have wings like yours
Stu included
So don't ever hide something that literally makes you so unique
He loves them
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Vincent Sinclair
You honestly told him about your wings right away
It was after a deep conversation about his own insecurities over his appearance and scars
He showed you his face, and you showed him your wings
It was a raw moment of vulnerability between you two, and all it did was strengthen your bond
After that night, you rarely saw him wear that mask, and he refused to let you tied up your wings like that again
He wants to love the real you
And any part you hide from him is a part of you that he can't love freely
He thinks your wings are beautiful, and you become even more of a inspiration for his art
You are quite literally an angel in his eyes, and he won't ever take advantage of that
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Bo Sinclair
He was being flirty and touchy, as Bo does
And the moment he felt your back, he was throwing questions at you left and right
There was no lying or hiding the truth from him any longer
Bo hates secrets
So when you fully reveal yourself to him, he's shocked
He doesn't really know what to say at first
He didn't think something like this was possible
But after finally accepting the reality of the situation, he angrily begins tearing off your bindings
How dare you hurt yourself like this? How could you willingly lie to him after all this time?
He's a good mixture of disbelieving and pissed at you
It'll take a couple days to fully understand the situation
But once he does, it's smooth sailing
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Eric Draven
Eric is all-knowing
And he knows that you're keeping something from him
But unlike a lot of the others, he's not upset or angry about it
You'll tell him when you're ready, and he trusts you enough to know it isn't anything terrible
And once you do open up about it, he's in absolute awe
His companion is a crow for goodness sake
To think he was ever going to react in any way other than admiration would have been stupid
He does get a bit emotional seeing your wings all tied up and damaged however
He's gentle with you as he sets them free
To see that pain you put yourself through really upsets him
He doesn't ever want you to do something like that again, especially when he sees this as a true gift
He'll spend the rest of the night cleaning and taking care of them, lulling you to sleep
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reareaotaku · 5 months
Superboy vs Robin
Summary: The life of 3 best friends that get confused when realizing they have a crush on their other friend, Y/n Prince, daughter of Wonder Woman Pairings: Jon Kent x Fem! Reader, Damian Wayne x Fem! Reader Tw: Love V [NOT TRIANGLE!!! IT'S A 'V'], Slow Burn? Taglist: N/a
Pt II: Love in High Places | Pt III: Apple of My Eye
[This probably would have been better to write as a multi-part story instead of a one-shot, so I can really get the slow burn and such... Might make a part 2 if yall like this? Also hope this isn't bad because I've been wanting to write this for over a year....]
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You had met the two boys when in the league's spaceship. Your mother was on business and sent you off to do, as she put it 'Children things', before taking off with Batman and Green Lattern. You rolled your eyes at her dismissal, but decided to find something else to do. Besides, hero work was boring anway. Nothing interesting about discussing rules and such anyway.
You walked around the large spaceship, before coming across a particular room. In the room where two kids, boys, around your age you didn't recognize. One of the boys, the one in darker clothes, must have felt your presence, because the second you stepped in he turned around.
Damian knew who you were. He knew who everyone was. He would look like a real fool if he didn't know the daughter of Wonder-woman. Too bad the same couldn't be said for Jon.
You awkwardly stand at the door way, now having both the boys' attention on you. You awkwardly wave, "Hey."
Jon's face lights up and he rushes to you. He loved meeting new people and you were nothing short of pretty. "Hi!" He grabs your hand, engulfing it with his own. "I'm Jon, Jon Kent."
"Y/n Prince." You tried to keep up with his handshake, but he was fast and strong, and by the time you could gather what was going on he had already let your hand go.
You looked past Jon back at the emo boy, but he was just staring at you. Jon looked over to see what you were looking at, before gesturing towards his friend.
"Oh, that's Damian. Don't mind him. He's.... Shy."
"I'm not shy. I just don't have any reason to speak to her."
Jon gasps, before glaring at his friend, "That's rude, Damian." He turns back to you, his face flushed in embarrassment. "I'm sorry about him. He's not good with people."
You nod, still staring at Damian. "He's Batman's kid, right? The son of those assassins?"
Damian's eyes widen, but only for a brief second. He could let such an emotion out.
"My mother mentioned it a while ago. She didn't say much, just that you were... Different."
"Yeah, he is different." Jon jokes, causing you both to chuckle, but Damian just rolls his eyes.
You and Jon stuck your faces to the fish tank. Neither of you had ever seen a fish tank before. You were both stuck in the house by your parents in fear of you revealing yourselves on accident. Your parents have isolated you both- Even Damian was isolated, but he wasn't as naive and foolish as you and Jon.
"Oh, that one's purple," You point to a triangle-shaped fish.
"No, it's a dark blue," Jon argues, causing you to side-eye him.
You rolled your eyes, but don't respond.
"Hey, Y/n."
"Yeah, Jon?"
He looks over at you, wide eyed and excited, "You ever been Tire-rolling?"
"I don't know if this is a good idea, Jon-" You try and reason, as your hands grip the tire's rubber.
He smiles, his hands gripping the tire, "Oh, it'll be fun. Promise!" He then pushes you, but instead of pushing you at a normal strength, he accidentally uses his super strength and sends you flying. His eyes widen as his mouth drops, before he runs after you, hoping you don't get hurt.
You scream as the tire jumps and hits multiple things while going faster than you've ever gone before. You grip the inside of the tire so hard, that you can feel your nails digging into your palm. You hear cars honking, but there's nothing you can do, without using your powers.
Though, luck must have been on your side, because while you're mid way in the air, something goes through the tire and harshly pulls you down. Your face slams into the tire, your hands ripping the tire's rubber. The tire falls flat on the ground and you sit up, rubbing your head.
Above you was the one and only, Damian Wayne. He was in his school uniform and he was looking down at you annoyed. In his hand was a grappling hook, which you assume he used to save you.
You quickly stand up, brushing off your clothes, "Uh, thanks."
Before Damian can respond, like he would, you hear Jon calling out to you.
"Y/n! Oh my god, Y/n! Are you okay?" He's nearly out of breath as he runs up to you before he stops. "Oh. Uh, hi Damian."
There's a moment of awkward silence, before Jon goes back to his normal self.
"What are you doing, Damian?"
"Nothing." Damian is quick, calculated even.
You had only known the two boys for a few months, but it felt like you had known Jon your whole life and this moment felt like the first time meeting Damian. Though, Damian was busy, so you couldn't really blame him. He was the son of a man with an empire and an assassination group. He was bound to be tied up from time to time.
"Uh, do you want to hang out, Damian?"
Damian is taken by surprise. You wanted to hang out? With him? Why?
Jon went to speak for Damian, but Damian interrupts him, "Sure."
"Really?" Both you and Jon speak at the same time, before you both blush out of embarrassment.
"I mean, great. Wow, okay. Yeah, let's hang out."
Damian groaned, before laying down on the roof. He could hear Jon and Y/n snickering to themselves, probably over something stupid. He closes his eye, their voices slowly fading from his mind. He didn't know how you had convinced him to hang out with you on a roof in the middle night.
He didn't like you, so he didn't know why he listened to you. He had no reason to care about what you said or thought, but yet here he was.
You had some kind of pull over him and he didn't know why. There was nothing about you that was different from the other superheroes. Sure, you were pretty, but so was Starfire, Raven, Super-woman, etc.
He looks over at you as you lean on Jon's shoulder, whispering some secret into his ear. He wondered what secrets you two were sharing. Maybe if he asked you'd let him in? He didn't know.
He takes his eyes off of you and looks back at the sky. It was a dark and cloudy night, like most nights in Gotham. Though, unlike most nights, it was quiet; Almost peaceful.
It bothered Damian. More than he'd like to admit. He felt an ich in his skin, like he was supposed to be doing something, but there was nothing to do. There was no fight to fight or crime to solve. It was peaceful for the first time in a long time.
Jon liked you, a lot. Like more than he's ever liked someone in his life. He feels immense emotions when he's around you, even if your mother doesn't like him. Though, your mother didn't like men period.
He was thankfully you didn't receive that quality from your mother. You were much nicer and happier than your mother. But that could be because you weren't tortured in the same way your mother was by the women of Themyscira.
In fact, they adored you. They treated you like some kind of goddess and cherished you. Jon understood though. You were perfect- At least to him you were. He thought everyone should treat you like the perfect person you are because you deserve nothing less.
You were alone with Damian for the first time in all the years you've known each other. You sighed, squeezing your eyes shut. You didn't know how you were going to tell them you were going to be leaving for Themyscira.
Your mother wanted you to be trained by the Amazons to be able to control your powers and abilities. While she herself was banished, she knew they would welcome you with welcome arms.
You knew Jon would take it hard, but it was only going to be for a year. Just a year. A year you'd be away from your best friends. So, there was a part of you that hoped if you told Damian first, it'd be easier to break it to Jon.
"So, when do you leave?"
You looked over at Damian, confused, "Leave?"
"I heard your mother talking to my father. She said she was sending you to Themyscira to train. So," He sits up on his bed, making direct eye contact with you, "when do you leave?"
"Next month. I'll be gone for a year."
"A year?"
"Yeah. My mom wanted me to stay for 3, but I was able to talk her down from it."
"Have you told Jon?"
"Well, you know he's not going to react well."
"Yeah. That's why I've been procrastinating it."
"Can I write you?"
You frown, "No. The island is cut off from the world. So, no contact at all. Not even with my mom."
He now frowns, but says nothing more.
You sigh, leaning on your hand, your sword tossed on the ground. Before you stood Philippus, your mentor.
"Princess Y/n, what is bothering you so?"
You couldn't tell her you missed your friends. If she knew they were boys you knew you would get scolded. The Amazons didn't like men, because they were chaos and destruction and they were peaceful. A part of you understood, because you've seen the terrible things men can do, but your friends- they weren't like those men.
"Nothing... Just tired."
She takes your answer, even though she knows you're lying. You were frustrated and annoyed. You had been here for a month and found yourself making no progress. This was pointless.
You could have been with your friends, but here you were on some stupid island. You wanted to your friends.
"You know, if you don't get these down in the upcoming year, you'll have to stay."
You straighten up and glare at the woman. "No, I won't-"
Philippus quickly turns around, looking at you offended, "Excuse me?"
"Nothing." You quickly respond not wanting to repeat yourself.
She huffs, rolling her eyes, but decides to leave the conversation.
It had been a year since you were forced, by your mother, to train on the Themyscira Island. They wanted you to know how to use your powers to the fullest potential. It was fine... But you missed your friends. You wondered what they were doing. You wondered if they missed you too.
Jon was estatic. You were finally going to return from the island. Though, there was a part of him that was worried that you wouldn't remember them or even worse, you would hate them.
"You worry too much," Damian told him.
Jon sighs, trying to collect himself, "I'm just worried." Jon fiddles on his toes, as he repeated looks out of the window, hoping to see you pull up. Though, you were no where to be found. He walks away from the window, his shoulders dropping. "How far is that place?"
"Themyscira? It's a few weeks by boat, but she'll be here soon. She's home now."
Jon lightens up, "Home?"
"Yeah, she won't be here for a few more hours."
Jon glares at Damian, "You had me here looking like an idiot!"
Damian chuckles, "Yeah. I did, didn't I?"
Damian wasn't surprised by your appearance, unlike Jon. Damian had already seen you, without you knowing of course. You think he'd let you leave without any kind of contact? He knew everything, thanks to his connections. Though, nothing could compare to you really being in front of you.
Jon was the first to hug you. His arms squeezed you tightly, nearly causing you to lose your breath. He didn't want to let you go- Just hold you forever. He didn't want you leaving forever, but he was forced to let you go.
"You look great, Y/n."
You smile, a blush forming, "You too, Jon." You look around Jon to see Damian, who was avoiding eye contact. It almost reminded you of when you had first met the boys. "No hug, Damian?"
Damian finally looks at you, his natural glare on his face. Unlike Jon, who had let his hair grow out, Damian still had shorter hair, but his features were sharp. Though, that didn't surprise you. What did take you by surprise though is how much he looked like his father.
While Jon looked like a mix of Clark and Lois, Damian just looked like his father. Well, minus his golden skin- He got that from his mother.
Speaking of Jon, you felt him squeeze your bi-cep. You looked at him confused and he blushed.
"Uh, what are you doing, Jon?"
"Your biceps. They're like... Huge." He's fascinated by your arms, even comparing it to his own. While he was naturally strong, because of his powers, you had trained relentlessly for a year and it showed when your arms were bigger than his.
You chuckled at his amusement, before his eyes lit up, "Ah, Y/n you've missed out on so much- Come on," He grabs your arm, leading you inside the headquaters of the Justice League. You are stopped though when Damian grabs your arm that Jon didn't have. Jon looks back, wondering why you stopped when realizing Damian had grabbed you.
"Jon, why don't you head up. I just want to talk to Y/n."
Jon seems reluctant, but you turn to him, "I'll catch up. Promise."
He sighs, but ultimately goes up the stairs and inside the building.
"You look nice."
"That means a lot coming from you, you know?"
Damian avoids eye contact. He's worried that you might see all his emotions, feelings and thoughts. He didn't want you knowing his darkest thoughts. "Yeah.. Uh, Jon missed you a lot... Obviously. Um..." Damian had never been like this- Lost for words. He always knew what to say. He had everything calculated, but now... Well, he felt lost. He felt your stare on him, waiting for him to finish, but he felt his tongue felt twisted. "It's good to have you back."
"Yeah, well, it's good to be back. You know, I've missed you a lot... And Jon. I've missed you both a lot."
Damian finally looks at you. Your eyes bleeding into his own. For a moment it felt like you two were the only ones in the world. Everything else was just dark and all that was left was you. That was until another voice spoke.
You both looked up to see your mother. She gestured for you to come inside and you looked back at Damian.
"Well, I guess that I have to go."
"Yeah... I'll see yah."
"Yeah... you will."
You rush up the stairs, trying to stop the blush from forming on your face. You were so embarrassed and felt like the conversation was stupid. You wished you could have done it differently, but it was Damian. You were sure he wasn't as pressed about it as you.
If only you knew how much your life was about to change forever- All thanks to teenage boys' puberty.
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libraryraccoon · 7 months
Hey lol uh this is my first time requesting and stuff so I hope I won’t be a bother and stuff but could you do a male reader who’s a lot like mommy long legs from poppy playtime.
And basically he is the older sibling of angel dust and always been the parent for him through his struggles, but one day male reader decided to visit the Masquerade While filming, reader arrives and Angel Dust immediately tries to get them away before Valentino sees then. When the reader accidentally ruins the set, Valentino takes Angel Dust away and abuses him when made the reader very angry to the point realizing what’s happening to angel they became deranged to the point there eyes are now completely dilated, giving off an unhinged vibe there hair is now twisted and mangled, no longer the neat curls in there previous form there hands are enlarged maniacally, and his fingers are splayed and elongated to resemble claws. His body is also twisted in even more alarming and unnatural angles.
(Er I don’t really want to put that much but you can definitely decide if you want male reader to do something to Valentino but you don’t really need to do this if this is too much and I’ll completely understand😭)
Gender : Male
Pronouns used : None
Info : Reader is the older brother of Angel Dust.
Message of Raccoon : I didn't have too much idea for that one tbh. I will maybe rewrite it in the futur.
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You were like the big brother/father of the Hotel Hazbin crew, and you were Anthony's biological big brother, or Angel Dust as he liked to be called in Hell.
You treated the entire Hazbin Crew like if they were your children, even Lucifer.
You cooked for them, helped Niffty with her work, you helped your kids the hazbin crew to solve their problems, you loved them like any good father would…
A perfect father !
But that also brought problems.
You wanted to break Angel Dust's contract with Charlie, but unfortunately some problems happened.
Charlie had set fire to the set/studio by accident.
But Valentino didn't want to know anything.
He took Angel Dust aside, and, fearing for your little brother, you followed them.
Seeing Valentino hit Angel Dust revealed why you were in Hell.
I neglected to mention that you, Mommy Long Legs!reader, were very protective and that you would do anything for those you saw as family.. This was also the reason of why you were in Hell.
Your eyes were big and black, completely dilated. The smile on your face didn't say anything good.
Your size had greatly increased, making you touch the ceiling of the room and making you appear much more intimidating and strong.
Your body was twisting every which way, in ways that shouldn't be possible. It was like you had no bones.
You took Angel Dust in one of your hand (kind of like Mommy Long Legs with Poppy) and pulled him away from Valentino.
“Don’t you dare touch my brother.” Is everything you said.
You would have killed Valentino right now if Anthony wasn't there, he don't need to see you kill him.
Valentino just nodded silently in fear, your shadow covering him.
"Great !" You said happily, placing Anthony on the ground before changing back to your smaller size.
After that, you, Charlie and Anthony had left the studio.
You might not have been able to cancel his contract today, but that's okay. You will do it another day.
And if Valentino was smart enough, he would do it himself without you needing to ask again.
After all this, Anthony has avoided upsetting you, not wanting to face the same anger as Val had to face.
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d-targaryenshoe · 8 months
Frozen Pain - Jackson Avery
Word count: 1600
Summary: Love that's real, doesn't know a distance, does it?
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You're holding a cup of coffee, comfortable in the luxurious beige couch in your penthouse apartment in New York. You held a letter in your hand, visibly upset.
Hey y/n
I hope this letter finds you very fast. It has been quite some time since we last saw each other at the hospital, or even had a good talk.
And I wanted to let you know that everyone misses you so bad. The hospital just isn't the same without you, or our after-shift drinks at Joe's.
There have been changes since you left. So stay calm when reading this. But Jackson and Maggie are dating now. It came as a surprise to all of us, and it may seem evil but I miss seeing you happy with him.
 I thought you should know since you were...you know what I mean.
I know it's been a while since we last spoke, but I hope you'll find the time to write back when you receive this letter.
Take care, I hope to hear from you soon.
"I can't believe this... Jackson and Maggie?" You muttered to yourself placing your cup of coffee on the table and folding the letter closed. 
Images of you and Jackson together, happy and in love, flash across the screen. The memories of your past relationship flood your mind.
You take a deep breath, trying to compose yourself. You pick up your phone and dial Amelia's number. After a few rings, she answers.
"You have no idea how much I waited to hear you." Amelia sounded emotional about the fact she noticed you calling for the first time after you had left. "Y/n?"
"Amelia, why didn't you tell me about them when I was still there?" Your voice trembled even if you didn't want it to. "I should've known, you know I should've."
" I didn't know how to break it to you. I thought it would be better if you heard it from me." Amelia spoke, sounding apologetic.
"Well, thanks for that. I can't believe he moved on so quickly." You sighed, leaning back into the couch, staring out of your window. "Maybe I left at the right time."
"I know it hurts, but y/n, you decided to leave Seattle. You had to follow your dreams, remember?" Amelia reminded you.
You sighed deeply, nodding your head even if she couldn't see. " I know, but it doesn't make it any easier. I thought what we had was special."
"It was special, and it still is. But sometimes life takes unexpected turns. You deserve happiness too, you know that." She answered on the other side.
" I just wish I didn't have to find out this way." You muttered, wiping away the tears that fell from your teary eyes.
"I understand. But remember, I'm here for you, no matter what." The Shepherd sister spoke. "Just remember, you're strong and capable of creating your happiness."
 "I will try to remember that." You hang up the phone and take a moment to collect yourself. Despite the pain, you know deep down that you made the right decision by pursuing your career in New York. 
You open your laptop that's on the coffee table and check your emails. You notice a mail from Jo with the subject 'Don't hate me'. You click on the email and start reading.
From: Jo Wilson 
Subject: Don't hate me
Hey y/n,
I hope you're all settled and doing great. I wanted to let you know something that happened yesterday. 
I bumped into Jackson and Maggie in the parking lot, and it seemed like they were arguing, or breaking up, or anything else that wasn't any good. And yes, sometimes I'm too nosy.
 I know your history with Jackson, so I thought I should let you know.
But here's the thing... I accidentally I repeat, accidentally, let it slip that you live in New York.
 I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to reveal any of it! Not without your permission. I just wanted to give you a heads-up that there's a big chance he's on his way to you. 
You quickly close the laptop, unsure of what to do next.
You grab your cup of coffee and walk over to the sink. You place the cup in the sink and turn on the faucet, letting the warm water flow.
"Might as well do something productive to distract me." You whispered to yourself, looking at the dishes. 
You proceed to wash the glasses, rinsing off any soap residue before placing them on a drying rack. 
Suddenly you hear a knock on the door. You cautiously make your way to the door and open it, revealing the last person you'd expect standing on the other side.
Not thinking for another second you tried to shut the door.
"Even three seconds is enough...I just need to know that you're okay." He said, placing a hand on the door, making sure you didn't close it. "Wilson told me you took the offer in New York. I just- I had to see it for myself."
"Well, as you can see. I'm in New York not in Seattle." You shrugged at the man you once fell for or still had, but you couldn't show. "Maggie knows you're here?"
"Who told you that..." He furrowed his eyebrows, taking his hand off the door. 
"Amelia wrote me, Jackson. I know you've moved on, so I think it's best if you do as well." You gave him a small smile, trying to close the door once again. 
 "You've been avoiding my calls and messages. Can we at least talk?" Jackson asked, his eyes staring back at yours. 
" I guess we can talk, but I'm not sure what there is left to say." You sighed, opening the door wider for him to walk inside. "What do you want to know?"
You closed the door, sitting down on your couch.
"I just want to understand why you left so suddenly without talking to me. I thought we had something special." He folded his hands on top of his knees, looking at you. 
You shook your head in denial, staring at the ceiling, feeling the tears pricking in your eyes. "Jackson, it's not that simple. Andrew died, Alex left, Meredith was going to leave, and I needed some time to process everyone leaving me."
"But why didn't you talk to me? We've always been open and honest with each other." Jackson turned his body towards you, leaning an arm on the couch headrest. 
" I know, and I'm sorry. I should have talked to you, but I was terrified. Scared of losing you, scared of facing my own emotions." You answered, placing your face in your hands. 
"I broke things off with Maggie, she...she doesn't feel as home as you do. We've been through hell and back, we can do it again." He said.
"Jackson, it's not that simple. We both have our baggage and unresolved issues. We can't just start from where everything ended?" You got up from the couch, walking over to the huge window, staring down at the busy city.
"I believe in us. I believe that we can work through our problems together." He spoke as you felt him standing behind you.
"I need time to figure things out. I need to understand my feelings and what I want. It's not fair to either of us to rush into anything." You replied, turning around, your heart quickening as you stared back into his bright eyes. 
As Jackson stood in front of you, his eyes filled with determination, you felt your resolve waver. 
"I'd do anything if I have to, only to make things work out between us," he said earnestly.
You let out a heavy sigh, "Jackson, you know it's not that simple. You've just left Maggie behind."
"I know, I know," he said, running a hand over his head. "But I've let go of things in the past that I regret now, but y/n, you? You're, you're something I could never regret, ever."
You turned back around, fighting back the emotions swirling inside of you. "I don't know if I can do this again." You whispered.
"Just...just give me a chance to show you." he pleaded, taking a step closer to you.
The memories flooded back, the laughs, the tears, the late-night conversations. Despite your best efforts, you felt a small smile tug at the corners of your lips. 
You looked up at him, and he smiled back, a hopeful glint in his eyes, and the city lights twinkled outside the floor-to-ceiling windows of your penthouse.
 He leaned in, and your heart skipped a beat as his lips met yours. The kiss was intense, filled with both longing and regret.
"What are we doing?" you whispered, breaking away.
"Right now? I don't know," he confessed. "But I miss this and I miss us."
The ache in his words mirrored your own emotions, but you knew it was dangerous to reopen old wounds. "We can't keep doing this to ourselves," you said, trying to keep your voice steady.
"I know, but I can't walk away." Jackson pleaded, his eyes searching yours.
A surge of conflicting emotions coursed through you, and you let out a frustrated moan. "And you think, I can?" you admitted, feeling the weight of those words hanging in the air.
He pulled you close, and a bittersweet laughter filled the room. "Then let's try," he said, his voice determined.
As you looked into his eyes, the city hummed in the background, and you knew this decision would change everything.
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nexysworld · 1 year
i know i don't really much to say but probably something like leon just renovated his house or something and calls his neighbour over for a party and boom they end up having sex in the pool
Hi Anon, absolutely loved this concept! This first one I wanted to do with RE2R Leon and there will be a second one with SugarDaddy!ID Leon x Reader as well. Hoping to have that out either later today or tomorrow, since it's mostly written. Wet Times, Fun Times P1
Read on AO3 🖤 Make a Request 🖤 Masterlist
Pairing: RER2 Sub!Leon x Female!Reader Summary: You just can't seem to keep your eyes off the new pool boy. His shy nature has you wanting to eat him alive. Tags: NSFW, Smut, Pool Sex, Super subby Leon, unprotected sex, outdoor sex, accidental voyeurism, nipple play (male and female), no use of y/n, creampie, fem receiving oral, cum eating, slight dubcon elements, not beta read.
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As you laid in the lounge chair, soaking in the warmth of the sun's rays, a cool shadow casted over your closed eyes. Thinking someone had blocked your view of the sky, you opened one eye to see who it was. Lo and behold, standing before you was a young man looking anxious, nervously rubbing the back of his neck. The logo on his swim shorts revealed he worked for the company that serviced your family's pool.
“Can I help you?” You asked, irritated that your sunbathing had been interrupted. 
“Sorry for bothering you Miss. My name’s Leon. Leon Kennedy.” He reached out to shake your hand, and when you didn’t reach forward to match the gesture he pulled back immediately, letting it go lax at his side. “I just wanted to let you know I’ll be working on adding chemicals to the pool, so you might want to stay out of it for a while.” 
“I’ll keep that in mind” You rolled your eyes, before closing them again. His timorous nature would've been endearing to you if you hadn't been so focused on wanting to go back to your state of pure relaxation. “Now if you could please move, you’re blocking my sun.”
“Oh sorry.” He said, shuffling out of the way quickly, walking over to the equipment and buckets of chemicals that were stored by the shed. 
Despite your efforts to resume your relaxation, you couldn’t find the same sense of calmness from earlier, just boredom. You tapped your fingers on the lounge chair, hoping to self sooth. When it didn’t work you sat up, looking over at Leon who was currently skimming the water of debris. 
Eyes running up and down his body, you came to the conclusion he was attractive. His physique was slender but with enough definition for you to see the hint of abs. A wicked thought crossed your mind that  maybe he could help alleviate your boredom. Wanting to observe him more closely, you walked over to him. 
“Hey.” Your voice clearly startled him, causing him to whip around, eyes wide. You’re not sure you’d ever seen eyes that matched the color of the pool so perfectly before. Fully scanning him up close, he was definitely cute. His face had this boyish handsomeness to it and while you could do without the 90’s boy band haircut, it kind of suited him. 
“H-hey.” He said bashfully. “Sorry, you startled me.”
“I see that.” You said with a smile. “Sooooo….” You paused thinking of a way to get more information out of him. “You said I had to stay out of the pool for a while after you put chemicals in it, right? How long do I have to wait?”
“Oh, yeah. Well once I turn the system back on no one should go back in the pool for at least 30 minutes. Not too long a wait, luckily.”
You nodded, taking in the information. “I haven’t seen you around here before, are you new?”
“Yeah, first day on the job actually. I guess you could say I’m the new pool boy.”
“Well, Leon… ” you said, dragging out his name a bit. “Since I can’t swim for the next little while, why don't you help me make the most of this sunshine?” You gestured to the lounge chair you had vacated moments earlier. 
Leon’s face contorted into a nervous look as he tried to parse the meaning of your words, without any clarification to help him, he landed on the safest answer. “I don’t think that’s appropriate, Miss,” he stammered.
You leaned in a bit closer, letting your cleavage spill out of your bikini top a little and laughed. He seemed so sweet, you just wanted to eat him alive. "Inappropriate? But I just wanted a little help putting some more sunscreen on.” 
“Oh.” Relief washed over his features and he let out a small laugh, eyes darting away from your chest immediately. “I suppose in that case…just let me finish this ok? I’m almost done.” 
“Sure thing, handsome.” You said making your way back towards the chair. You swear you could almost hear the gears in his brain start to sputter when you called him that. As he finished cleaning and adding the chemicals to the pool, you saw his face would go red each time he dared to glance in your direction. ‘This is going to be really fun.’ You thought to yourself. When he was finally standing next to you, you handed him the bottle of sunscreen before flipping over, making sure you untied your bikini top. “Start with my back m’kay? I don’t want any tan lines now.” “Uh ok.” He said, squeezing a glob of the white cream out onto his hand. “Careful this might feel cold at first.” He warned, before his hands made contact with your back. It was a little cool at first, but soon it melted into a pleasurable mix of pressure and warmth as his large hands worked the sunscreen into your back and shoulders. 
“You feel amazing.”  Each movement of his broad hands slowly eased more and more tension out of your muscles. “Well thank you. I guess I have been told I’m good with my hands.” He said with a small laugh and there was a strange tone to his voice that you couldn’t quite catch. Daring to turn your head to get a peak at him, your eyes landed on the newly forming tent in his swim trunks. Deciding not to mention it yet, you put your head back down over your arms. 
“So, how many more houses do you have to stop by after here?” You asked, wanting to determine how much time you had to try and play. “Actually, this is the last one on my route.” He admitted.
‘Perfect! Jackpot!’ You thought to yourself as his hands pulled away. Taking the opportunity to sit up and stand, you reached a hand out gently teasing along his abdomen with the tips of your fingers. “M-Miss…your top…” He said, turning his head away. You shrugged and kept gliding your fingers upward before splaying your hand over his chest. Despite his exclamation, he didn’t stop your movements but you could feel his heartbeat speed up under your hand. Leaning in close, you whispered against his ear. “So? You’re telling me a guy as cute as you has never seen a girl topless before?” The hand on his chest worked its way down again until you gently ghosted your fingers along the hem of his shorts. “If this is anything to go by, I’d say you like what you see too.” You teased, pressing a kiss into his neck. 
He gulped dryly, mouth opening but words not coming out. You kissed him again, this time sucking gently on the skin of his neck earning a whine in response. It was music to your ears, and you pushed further nibbling as your hand ran down to cup him through his shorts. He bucked into your hand slightly, now draping an arm over your shoulder to help steady himself. Pulling away from his neck you smiled at him, bringing your free hand up to rub your thumb over his cheek. “Ok to keep going?” “Yeah - more than ok.” His mouth hung open slightly after he spoke. Taking the opportunity you leaned forward and captured his lips with yours, pressing close so your bare chest was pressed against his as you lapped your tongue against his bottom lip before sucking on it, earning more breathy whines from the man in front of you. You could feel your own heat begin to form, wetness pooling in the center of your swimsuit bottoms. You wanted to toss him down onto the lounge chair and ride him until neither of you could walk, and you had nearly planned too until you heard a door inside your house open up. “Shit! No one was supposed to be home yet.”
Leaving little time to think, the second the sliding door began to creak you whispered to Leon, “Go along with it.” Before nearly tackling him, causing you both to land in the pool, hoping enough time had passed that neither of you would die of chemical poisoning. 
Your heads popped up from the water just in time for your dad to slide the door open, arm coming to your chest to keep your breasts covered under the water. Luckily your dad didn’t come close enough to see anything besides your raised heads. “Hey Bug, you out here?” Your dad called from the doorway. “Yeah dad! Just having some fun in the pool. Aren’t you supposed to be at that work event with mom?” “I had to come back to grab something, just wanted to check in on you…who’s this?” You watched Leon’s face turn to absolute panic the moment your father’s eyes land on him. Deviously you worked your free hand over to cup Leon again under the water, causing him to tense up – he was still hard. He shot you a pleading look. “Oh this is Leon, he’s a new friend.” You answered on his behalf, continuing to work him through his swim shorts, feeling the heat radiate to your palm even through the cold water. A choked noise left his mouth that he covered by faking a cough. “Wouldn’t you believe it, we met at school and he just so happens to work for the pool company now too!” Your dad paused, processing the information. There was a slightly suspicious look on his face but he seemed to let it go. “Ok, well you know the rules,doors open at all times if you bring a boy into the house.” “Ah Dad, Leon’s just a friend. We aren’t gonna do anything.” You said with a smile, sticking your hand into the band of Leon’s shorts to make direct contact with his hard cock. The feeling caused Leon to wince slightly. You pumped it slowly, pussy clenching around nothing as your mind processed the feeling of him. He was thick and heavy, you couldn’t wait to be split open by him. Mentally you wondered what he’d look like under you, whining and begging. “ Bug , you know the rules. Leon, I'm sure you’re a great guy, but you know a father can never be too careful with his daughter.” You squeezed his balls slightly causing Leon to gasp, hiding it immediately by spewing some words out nervously. “Totally understand Mr. No worries here, doors open at all times, got it!” He put his hand up in a salute. “Alright well, you two kids have fun. Your mom and I should be back around 7.” “We will! Drive safe!” You called, as the door slid shut. You stood in place waiting until you heard the front door open and close before returning your full attention to Leon. “That wasn’t cool! If he caught us I’d have been a deadman!” Despite his protest he made no move to stop your hand. “Oh, you’re so right. How mean of me.” You teased mockingly and pulled your hand away so you could close the gap between you, wrapped your legs around his waist in the water. Using one arm over his shoulder for support, your free hand came up to slick his wet hair back, giving you a better access to his face. “Want me to make it up to you?” 
Not giving him a chance to respond, you smashed your lips together again, using your tongue to coax his out so you could suck on it. He used his hands to grind you against his still clothed erection, the sensation making your clit ache with need. “Staircase, baby.” You whispered in his ear, licking the shell. He obliged your order, wading over to the short steps while you worked more bites and love marks into his neck. Once at the steps, you halted his movements, lowering your legs so you were standing on your own. “So, what’d’ya say cutie. Wanna let me make it up to you?” “Well uhm…I think …” He trailed off in a tremble of nervous mumbling. “Gotta be a good boy and use your words for me.” You said, tugging down the waist of his swim trunks just enough for his cock to be freed above the shallow water you were standing in. Using your other hand, you untied your own  bottoms, letting them float away freely in the pool. 
Pushing Leon down, so he was seated on the step, you leaned forward bringing your wet thumb up to circle one of his hardened nipples, he bucked upwards again mewling. “Sorry baby, don’t understand that language. Gonna need you to speak more clearly.” 
Your teasing didn’t relent as you positioned yourself on his lap so his cock was trapped between the both of you as you toyed with him. “I know you can do it baby.” You cooed softly as you rubbed his cheek and ground down on him slightly adding a small friction between the two of you. “Yes…” He managed to get out as his head lulled back. “Yes what?” “Yes I want you to make it up to me.” He bucked upwards again when you brought your other hand up, pinching at circling both of his nipples. “I didn’t hear a ‘please.’” You added, tweaking one a little too hard on purpose. “P-please… please…please make it up to me…fuck…” The sound of him begging sent electricity straight to your clit, and if you weren’t half covered in water you swore your slick would’ve been leaking down your thighs already. “Such a good boy, asking so nicely.” You brought your hand up, to rub a circle in the small cleft of his chin, taking in the sex-drunk look on his face. “What do you want me to do to make it up for you?” “Need you so bad….please….” To punctuate his words he squirmed under you, the side of his shaft rubbing perfectly against your clit making you let out a moan. “Need me how, baby? I’m not a mind reader.” “Need to be inside you. Please ,I need to be inside you.” 
“S’that all?” You obliged his request, reaching between the two of you, feeding his cock into your hole as you sank down until he was as deep as possible. The hot and stinging stretch felt great, especially contrasted with the cold water covering your lower half. You didn’t move, just letting your walls flutter around him, enjoying the sensation of being full. “Can I touch you?” He asked through a pant. “Please?” You brought your hands to his, pulling them to your chest a silent confirmation. He happily kneaded at your breasts, leaning forward to suck one of your nipples into his mouth. “So good.” He mumbled, words muffled by your breast in his mouth. He used his tongue to circle the hard bud making you roll your hips on his cock, earning a gasp from him. “You like that? Like when I fuck myself on your pretty cock?” You rolled your hips again, before lifting yourself up and sinking back down. Your tit left his mouth with a pop and he gripped the concrete sides of the pull to steady himself. “Feels so good…you feel so good…” The sky blue irises of his disappeared as they rolled back. The sex-drunk look on his face made you move faster, wanting to hear more sounds from his kiss-swollen lips. You bounced yourself up and down, letting out gasps of your own each time the head of his cock would hit your cervix. “Such a good boy letting me use his cock.” You said, hands on his shoulders as your own head fell back.
“You…you’re so tight….love your pussy…love being in your pussy…” He bit his lip as he spoke, eyebrows knitting together as his eyes squeezed shut. You’d alternate between bouncing and rolling your hips, letting him thrust up with need. Between your previous teasing the way you were fucking yourself on him, he was already close. “I’m gonna cum! I’m gonna cum!” You took a moment to look down at him. The desperation for release burned in his eyes, his brows knitted together, tongue out slightly. He looked adorable, akin to a puppy. 
You stuck your tongue out, licking at his lips until he returned the motion with his own tongue. As you continued to ride him, the water splashed around you. Your walls began to flutter around his cock, internal muscles clenching him and drawing out his orgasm. His yell of pleasure was muffled by your mouth as he came inside you, the hot spurt of his seed making you moan in satisfaction. “Look at you, so pretty when you cum. I think that more than made up for being a little mean, yeah?” 
He nodded in response, words not coming to him as he worked to catch his breath. 
He was still trying to regain his breath when you stood, what was left of his cum leaking out slightly against your thigh mixing with the pool water. You sat on the edge of the pool opening your legs so he could get a look at your splayed out pussy, his cum dribbling out of it. “Look at what a mess you made, baby. Come clean it up for me.”  He managed to get himself standing on his own wobbly legs, thankful that the water helped keep him upright and moved forward, stopping in front of you. Leon didn’t hesitate to dive forward, tongue out. 
He pulled your legs over his shoulders as he sunk a little lower in the water to get a better reach. He lapped a line from your messy hole to your clit, loving the way he could taste himself mixed with your juices. He continued to clean you, slowly, languid, lazy licks that had you squirming. You reached between your legs to grab his hair, pushing him down slightly desperate for more traction. “Just like that baby, go deeper. Suck on my clit.” You squeezed his hair in encouragement as he did exactly what you wanted, sucking your swollen nub into his mouth, alternating sucking between your slit and your clit. “You taste so good.” He moaned between sloppy kisses to your cunt. “S’a treat, so good.”
You rolled your hips in time with his mouth. “That’s right, a treat all for you baby. Be a good boy now and make me cum” You released his hair to clench the edge of the pool once more, bracing yourself as he lapped furiously at your pussy. Licking and sucking greedily, it wasn’t long before he sent you over the edge. Your legs shook with the release of your orgasm, and in true good boy fashion, he didn’t stop until you were thoroughly cleaned out with his tongue, extending the aftershocks of your orgasm. 
Afterwards, you watched as he pulled himself out of the water, pulling his shorts back on. Extending a hand to you, he helped you up and steadied you on your feet, legs still feeling like jello after your orgasm. The two of you wandered together over to the lounge chair, wrapping yourself in a towel and pulling him to lay down with you.  He wrapped his arm around you, spooning you as he kissed your neck. You leaned your head back to give him better access and let out a content moan. “So good Leon, best I’ve ever had.” You said softly, enjoying the light pressure of his chest against your back. “Wanna keep being my good boy?” He hummed in agreement, the two of you relaxing as the soft breeze blew any remaining water droplets off of you. “Only if I can take you on a date though. A real one too, like dinner or the movies.” He finally spoke, voice soft in your ear. “I’ll pay for everything like a gentleman.” He peppered kisses to your neck and shoulders between words. “I like the sound of that.” The feeling of his breathing against your skin and the sounds of the crickets chirping as the sun began its descent had you feeling sleepier than anticipated. It wasn’t long until you’d both fallen asleep, wrapped in his arms, not even remembering to put your own swimsuit back on. A while later you woke to the sound of a car pulling into the driveway, your sleepsoaked brain took a minute to process what had happened. “Shit, wake up! Wake up!” You said, shaking Leon until he stirred. You worked quickly to haphazardly tie your bikini top back on, before wrapping the towel around your waist– forgoing the bottoms left in the pool, knowing you wouldn’t have time to grab them. “They’ll kill me if they see the marks on you. Quick.” You whispered, hurriedly wrapping a towel around his neck like a scarf. You’d just finished playing some music on your phone, trying to set up an ‘act normal’ scene as you heard the screen door open, the familiar voice of your mother calling for you. “Hey mom, hope the event was fun!” You said with an innocent smile. “It was and…oh this must be the boy your father was talking about. Leon, was it?” “Yeah, nice to meet you ma’am.” He said, shaking her hand, doing his best to keep the towel in place. “Will you be joining us for dinner?” “Unfortunately he can't, he was actually just leaving.” You said quickly. “Oh well, maybe next time.” “Oh I’d love that, Ma’am.” Leon added. “Ma’am? I already like him more than the last boy you had over, far more polite…and cuter.” She said with a laugh before slipping back into the house to begin cooking. 
You turned to Leon giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. “See you next time, handsome.” He returned your kiss, making a b-line for his work van around the side of the house. You made your way over to the pool reaching in to try and fish your bottoms back to you, so you could head inside. The padding of footsteps nearly startled you this time as you turned to look at Leon. “Sorry, I almost forgot.” He held out his phone to you so you could type your number in. Tapping away at the screen, you handed it back to him once you were finished. “See you this weekend?” He inquired, eyebrow raised. “It’s a date.” You added, stepping into your freezing wet bottoms. “‘Night, Leon.” “Night.” He said, making his way back to the van again. You waited until the ignition started and you could hear him driving away to make your way inside to sit with your family for dinner. 
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lynnimini · 1 month
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₊⊹ 𝘧𝘪𝘳𝘴𝘵 𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘦 𝘮𝘦𝘦𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘣𝘰𝘯𝘦𝘥𝘰 ₊⊹
Description: fluff ⋆ oneshots ⋆ cute
⋆ In which y/n meets bonedo for the first time in memorable ways.
Words: 1.65k
Pairings: bnd x gn!reader
Warnings: N/A
p. sungho
you and sungho met on your guys' very first day of college. you were running frantically and trying your best to navigate your way to chemistry, already being half an hour late. the moment you ran down the stairs, you saw sungho standing awkwardly outside the room contemplating whether he should go in and risk everyone staring at him.
"you late too?"
he shot you a sheepish smile and nodded in response to your question. you couldn't keep the spreading smile off your face, half relieved that you weren't the only one late. the other half of your smile was because the boy in front of you was the perfect mix of cute and pretty. you thought this was most definitely the silver lining to being late the first day, your prior regrets going out the window.
"let's go in together. i don't wanna be alone walking in while everyone judges me for being late"
you laughed and motioned for him to walk with you while you pushed open the door. surprisingly literally no one cared that you guys were late. a small nod from the teacher, a couple glances your way, and that was it. you and sungho made your way to an empty spot together and started laughing while pulling out your stuff. you two became really close over the course of your freshman year and never stopped mentioning the unfortunate circumstances of your first encounter.
l. riwoo
riwoo always thought you were beautiful, but never got the chance to talk to you. he was the kind of guy who was always surrounded by a lot of friends, both inside and outside school, so you would have never thought he was actually shy.
that is until one day riwoo decided to approach you for the first time since all his friends were telling him to just man up and go. he tried so so hard not to look nervous and just be confident, but riwoo couldn't stay calm in front of his 2 year crush.
"hey y/n"
riwoo's voice was all steady and calm but his eyes looked at anything but you. you were all confused because why was he talking to you of all people? you liked to stay within your friend group, and were pretty sure you'd never talked before. his friend group was so big he seemed unapproachable. nevertheless, you thought he was pretty cute.
"hey riwoo. what's up?"
you said in the nicest possible tone you could to make up for your rbf when he approached you. his friend group was trying to be quiet but they were all cheering for riwoo so loudly it was a miracle you didn't notice.
"i was wondering if maybe you wanted to walk home together later? i mean you don't have to of course! i just noticed that we always walk in the same direction every day and live in the same neighborhood and-"
"riwoo, i'd love to"
you laughed softly at his cute rambling and it sounded like pure heaven to riwoo's ears. you guys walked home together from then on, allowing riwoo to slowly reveal his long kept feelings for you, one day at a time.
m. jaehyun
your first time meeting jaehyun was extremely chaotic, but memorable all the same. jaehyun was looking for a job in the cafe you'd been working at for two years. he passed the interview process and was enlisted to you for training. you had groaned at the time, hating having to train the new hires who always asked small questions over and over again.
it was no different for jaehyun. he messed up over and over again, from scooping way too much ice to accidentally breaking the coffee brewer. he even ended up flinging an uncapped cup of iced coffee in the air, splashing cold coffee all over the two of you.
"i'm so sorry y/n"
he said every single time while laughing and smiling. at first, it annoyed you that he could find the situation so funny when it could get you two in so much trouble if the boss walked in, but with every mistake, you realized that that's just how jaehyun was: positive and joyful.
the only difference with jaehyun in comparison to the other new hires was his smile. you weren't oblivious to his cheerful personality. jaehyun constantly making jokes about his mistakes and smiling no matter what happened was contagious. instead of forcing a smile and rolling your eyes, you found yourself genuinely smiling and having a good time with this new hire, even if he was the worst of all the new hires at the beginning.
h. taesan
you and taesan were classmates, but you guys had never spoken or anything. you guys just existed in the same environment together.
all the girls in your class thought taesan was handsome and fawned all over him. half of them had never even talked to taesan either. you didn't get why girls in your class went straight for looks instead of personality. maybe that's why you haven't had a boyfriend yet, but you liked to reason that it was because you were too mature to date someone for looks alone.
on your daily walk home, you always ran into a sweet black cat that lived in a secluded ring of bushes. at first, the cat didn't come out of the bush, but with a little encouraging and lots of treats, the cat always waited outside the bushes for you at the same time every day.
every day except today. you walked up to the bush and wondered why the cat wasn't walking around waiting for you.
"holy shit- taesan?"
taesan walked out from the other side of the bush at the sound of footsteps, scaring you in the process. you looked down at taesan's hand to see a packet of liquid cat treats.
"she doesn't like that brand of cat treat"
you laughed softly as your gestured to the cat who was stirring at the sound of your voice. you pulled out another packet from your bag and handed it to taesan. he opened it and held it out, successfully luring the cat out of the bush. taesan smiled widely and pet the cat for the first time, clearly elated at the satisfaction of winning over the cat.
"thanks y/n"
he grinned and you smiled softly. maybe taesan wasn't just handsome like you thought he was. he had a really sweet side too.
k. leehan
leehan's obsession with fish was a mystery to no one. no one but unsuspecting strangers like you. you were minding your own business at the aquarium, having come with a friend who abandoned you to go look at the sharks you were deathly afraid of.
you opted to separate and go look at the stingrays. you stood at the shallow tank and watched the stingrays gracefully slide through the water. you saw other people washing their hands and petting the stingrays, so you went to wash your hands as well.
you went back to the shallow tank and just stared at the stingrays. petting them seemed like a cool idea but you were afraid of the possibility of getting stung. leehan noticed you hesitating to pet the stingrays, so he gently reached down and pet the one closest to you two.
"are you scared?"
leehan asked. you glanced over at the tall, rather handsome man standing next to you and nodded sheepishly.
"i just don't wanna get stung. they looked so peaceful and graceful that i wanted to pet them"
you explained and leehan hummed thoughtfully.
"aquariums remove stingray barbs so people can safely pet them. it doesn't hurt the stingray, so it's okay to do"
leehan said as he motioned for you to pet the one that was about to swim by. you tentatively put your hand down and felt the slippery back of the stingray gliding across your fingertips. you pulled your hand out and smiled at leehan as if to say 'i did it!'. he thought you were cute as you continued to pet the stingrays passing by, promising himself that he would get your number after you were done.
k. woonhak
you didn't know whether to indulge in woonhak's antics or smack him on the head to force him to pay attention in class. despite having been in class with woonhak for three years, you guys have never really had any reason to talk. halfway through year 4, however, you had been assigned to sit next to woonhak.
you knew woonhak was chaotic and silly from what you've seen, but you never really knew the entirety of it until you got to be next to him. woonhak literally could not focus in class. you would think this kid has adhd or something the way he tries so hard one second but moves onto something else so soon.
even when you thought woonhak was paying attention and taking notes, he would be writing song lyrics in his notebook. woonhak noticed you staring and wrote on the corner of his notebook, 'no one knows this yet, but i want to be a songwriter'.
you thought it was nice and endearing that he was putting the effort into being a songwriter but also? you guys were literally in math class??? you wrote right next to it 'i'll be your first and biggest supporter if you can tell me how to do logs on a calculator'.
woonhak widened his eyes and turned to quickly pay attention to how to use a calculator, eliciting light laughs from you.
"i'll be your biggest supporter even if you fail math"
you smiled and whispered to woonhak who playfully shoved you and finished the draft of his song. and when he debuted you really were his biggest supporter. right in the front row at Music Bank. cheering for your boyfriend and the other members of boynextdoor :)
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Sketch me down, see me through – pt. 2
Summary: A couple of days after the sketch, things got a bit more complicated than what you expected
Pairing: Astarion x Tav
Words: 4.4k
Warnings: mentions of blood/sex/abuse, bit of violence, Astarion is a bit of a bitch but what's new, physical touch as a love language, first kiss, fluff
A/N: Enjoy the second part of this Astarion fic, here you can find Part 1 <3 (i wanted to post this tomorrow but i don't know how to queue posts correctly so @tripleyeeet @yn-ymn-yln enjoy!)
The cold light of the moon woke you up. It had slithered into your tent, bathing your pillow —and thus your face— with its silvery shine. You turned around, trying to fall back into your warm slumber, but with no luck.
Your head started roaming, thinking too much about everything. About the last few days and the subtle changes in Astarion’s behavior, his lingering gazes and the tension that stiffened his body every time you happened to tug him playfully or accidentally bump into him.
It was confusing, to say the least; making you rethink everything and pondering twice on every word you said before even uttering it.
With an irritated sigh, you pulled yourself up, sitting on your blankets as you stretched your neck and sore muscles. With another groan, you put on your boots and then walked outside.
The fire had burnt out, leaving behind just a few glowing embers that were bound to soon become cold, lifeless ash. The air stung the bare skin of your arms, colder than what you expected. You soon got used to it, thankful to that chillness for waking you up. Apart from a couple of owls shrieking in the distance and the snoring coming from some of the tents surrounding you, the camp was calm, a small Eden…
A rustling of leaves broke the silence, followed by some muffled swearing. Before you could reach for the dagger in your boot, a figure stumbled out of the woods, barely keeping themselves up. After a couple of unbalanced steps, the silhouette managed to stop, taking a deep breath as he straightened up, passing his hands through his silver hair.
The moment he noticed it was you in the shadows, Astarion quickly passed his hands on his shirt, brushing away the leaves and branches that had stuck on the fabric. Then his signature smile was back on his lips, his grin as smug as ever as he leaned against a nearby tree.
“Hello, darling.”
“What are you doing out here?”
“I was performing my duty and keeping watch.” He crossed his arms, tilting his head slightly as he scanned you, his eyes moving slowly up and down your body. “What about you, sweetheart?”
“Couldn’t sleep,” you shrugged, trying to ignore his piercing gaze. “Too many thoughts.”
“Ah, yes.” He nodded, his focus shifting to his fingers. “I am familiar with the notion.”
You watched closely as he picked his nails. What you first mistook for a nervous fidgeting revealed to be something different, a thorough cleaning that also had to do with the red streaks on his shirt —barely visible in the darkness— and those same scarlet hues that painted his fingers and the corners of his mouth.
You narrowed your eyes, putting both of your hands on your hips; in the same way your mother used to when she found out you had done something that was against her rules.
“Why were you lurking in the forest?”
He chuckled, showing the tip of his canines and his teeth, still blood stained. “Lurking… such an evil word. I’m almost flattered.”
Astarion looked at you expectantly, waiting for you to indulge him in his jokes the same way you often did since you had become… friends? Close acquaintances? Occasional lovers? The label on your relationship —if you could even call it that— seemed to change with every new dawn.
Whatever you two could be considered, you stared unimpressed at him with your hands glued to your hips.
“I was just having a midnight snack,” he explained with a shrug, his head tilting backwards against the tree but without ever leaving your eyes. “You can stop torturing that pretty brain of yours now.”
“I thought we had an agreement.” You took a step forward as you frowned in confusion. “I feed you so you can stay strong and defend us.”
Defend me.
“That was the deal,” you continued, ignoring those few words stuck in your throat.
“Indeed it was.”
Astarion was still looking at you, staring into your eyes as he always did —with a grin plastered to his face— but there was something different in them this time. A dark glimmer you had only seen when he was on the battlefield. The look he reserved only to his enemies.
Your entire body crumbled in confusion, your face losing its frown, your arms falling on your sides in defeat. “Then why didn’t you ask?”
You hated how your voice almost cracked at the end of that sentence. How small you felt, how desperate as you begged for an explanation, and all of this, because of that softness near the fire.
After that night and the sudden indifference that followed, you had wondered many times if you had misunderstood that look in his eyes. If that tenderness you felt in his touch had never been there in the first place but created by your delusional mind, always craving for something more. Something real.
Or worse, if he had faked it so well that you had fallen for it.
Astarion’s gaze softened ever so slightly as he moved from the tree and stepped in front of you. You cursed mentally when your breath caught in your throat.
“You were sleeping too peacefully for me to disturb you,” he murmured, taking your chin in his fingers. His nails grazed your skin but you bit down a yelp of discomfort.
“But I’m glad to see that you’re as eager to help as always.” With a flick of his wrist, Astarion hit the bottom of your chin. “That’s what I like about you.”
It didn’t hurt, you had endured much worse treatments in your lifetime, but you knew it was not meant to. Not physically at least. You felt the strike tear into your belittled pride, his condescending tone ripping through it like teeth in the flesh.
“You didn’t want to disturb my sleep,” you repeated, your voice almost trembling in anger.
He took a step back, his arms open as he shrugged with a smirk until his back met the bark of the tree once again. “That is what I said, darling.”
You scoffed, rolling your eyes. “Like that’s stopped you before.”
As you waited for a sassy retort that didn’t come, Astarion remained silent as he crossed his arms. His eyes wandered away from yours to the deeper and darkest parts of the forest where the light of the moon couldn’t get past the thick canopy. You couldn’t tell if his elven ears had sensed something you were physically incapable to, or if he was just ignoring you like he did the past few days.
Before you could stop it, your tadpole squirmed behind your eye, reaching for Astarion. Searching for answers he wasn’t willing to give you with his own mouth. You managed to get only a glimpse of that darkness behind his eyes —an anger that he was barely able to contain— before your conscience smacked against a wall.
At the same time, Astarion’s head snapped towards you. “Did you really try to slither into my mind?”
An irritated surprise dripped from his voice, but you caught the flash of betrayal that crossed his face.
“I’m sorry.”
You pressed your palms to your eyeballs, trying to get rid of the prickly sensation of blooming tears. You took that moment in the black void to put your thoughts back into place; to calm your racing heart and give some sense to the storm raging in your head. “I just want to understand what’s going on, if I did something-”
“Why do you even care if I feed on you or not?”
Another wave of confusion washed over you as your hands fell to your sides. “What?”
“It sure must be draining for you,” —with a smooth movement, he pushed himself away from the tree— “letting me drink your blood every other day. Yet you always come through.” He smiled, his teeth poking through his grin almost menacingly. “So zealous and happy to please.”
He started circling you, like a murder of crows over a carcass. A sense of unease started creeping up on you, sending shivers down your spine as you followed closely his movements. You didn’t think he wanted to kill you, but if he put his mind to it, he probably could.
“But the question remains…” He took a step towards you, close enough for you to smell the blood stuck on his clothes. You moved backwards, immediately hitting a tree in your way. Astarion stood in front of you, his eyes almost piercing your soul. “Why do you do it?”
“You said it yourself,” you said calmly even though the blood in your veins had never pumped so quickly, “you’re stronger when you drink-”
He chuckled, clapping once his hands together. “I fear my point is not really coming across, so I’ll rephrase my question. What do you gain from that?”
“I… I don’t think I-”
Your words were cut when Astarion’s hand wrapped around your neck. He leaned closer, his breath tickling your skin and waking up a desire that was entirely uncalled for while you stared into the eyes of a predator.
“Sex, darling.” His whisper ran down your spine, shaking you to your core. “That’s what you gain from it.”
Memories flowed in your brain and you couldn’t tell if it was you who brought them up or Astarion. The digging of teeth in your throat and the metallic scent of your own blood stuffing the air around hit you harder than a sledgehammer. You were back on the ground, pinned down between him and the dirt. His hands held you down as he drank, roaming over your clothes, unclasping buckles and grasping handful of flesh.
There was the aching between your legs and the release that followed when his undivided attention moved from your neck to the rest of your body. And above all else, the pleasure of being wanted.
“That was not in the deal.” You shook your head as much as you could while your neck was still in his grip. “It’s something between us and you also gain from it.”
“I gain nothing from it.”
His grip tightened around around your throat as he hissed in your face, his nails digging a little too deep into your skin. Your tadpole squirmed, anticipating a wave of disgust and shame that shook every nerve and cell in your brain. You squeezed your eyes, almost overwhelmed by the revulsion pouring into you.
“You started it.”
You still remembered the first time it happened, a week or two into your agreement. Slightly light-headed from the blood loss, when Astarion moved away from your neck it took you a second to realize that he hadn’t left. He was still there, looking down on you with blood still dripping from his mouth.
“I could ease your pain, if you want. Just this one time.” His hand accompanied his words, slowly gliding down your chest and along your thighs. “But you have to ask first.”
Then it happened again. And again. And again. And then there was not one time when he fed on you that he didn’t eat twice.
You swallowed the memory, your throat barely moving in his grip. “If you didn’t want it then why-”
“Manipulation, sweetheart!” Astarion widened his arms, posing dramatically and thankfully freeing your neck. “I saw an opportunity to bring you to my side and I took it. It was instinctive, really,” he continued with a shrug as you massaged your sore neck, “almost too easy creating a connection between pain and pleasure so you’d feed me willingly.”
A crease appeared between his eyebrows while his face crumpled in a pained expression. “It didn’t matter what it took to achieve it as long as it served me and my safety.”
Despite the fear still screaming inside, despite every survival instinct left in you, you stretched out your hand to him. Your fingertips brushed his bare forearm for a mere moment before he pulled away, his face distorted by an angry smile.
“But you have outplayed me.” He clapped slowly, loud enough for an animal nearby to scatter away in fear. “Bravo to you.”
You shook your head, even more lost than before. “What are you talking about?”
“Do you truly think me so foolish?”
His scream left his mouth like a curse, raw and jagged at the edges as his hand clenched his shirt right above his heart. The smug facade had crumbled, leaving behind a boiling anger that contorted his face. You heard more scattering in the forest: a rustling of leaves, flutters of wings, terrified chirps and squeaks as all the creatures in the surrounding area ran away.
Not you though. Immobile as the tree you were pressed against, you stood where you were, looking Astarion straight into his eyes as he pointed his finger to your face.
“You hide behind words of selflessness but you’re playing with me just as all the others before you. Always wanting,” he hissed, despair slowly filling his eyes as he lowered his hand and raised his chin, “always pushing for more.”
You clenched your jaw as the lump in your throat grew with every new arrow that Astarion aimed at your heart. “You’re painting me as someone I’m not.”
He scoffed again, as if your words were the mere whining of a spoiled kid. Taking another step closer to you, you could almost feel his anger blurring the air around him, its heat tingling on your skin.
“Then what was that? That desire next to the fire?” He tilted his head as his index moved up along your neck. “For a moment there, when I looked at the portrait you made, I thought you actually cared,” —his lips trembled with ache— “that I wasn’t just the pleasure I pushed you to want… but then I touched you and I saw it.” Astarion grabbed your chin tightly, making you impossible to look away. “That craving in your eyes.”
He leaned even closer, until your faces were barely apart.
“What did you want so badly?”
Finally all the pieces of the puzzle that you’d been gathering in the last few days finally snapped together. The blur in your head cleared and everything —or at least, most of it— started making sense once again. Sighing shakily your relief, your fingers slowly reached for the steel hand clawing to your chin
“I just wanted that,” you whispered as your fingertips brushed the pale skin of his hand. “That soft, kind touch.”
His muscles tensed under your touch, but this time Astarion didn’t jolt away. Inhaling sharply, he let you encase his fingers in yours, gradually loosening his grip around your face.
“The interest that you showed in me, the pleasure you gave me,” you shook your head, your gaze lowered on your joined hands. “It was flattering and I can’t say I didn’t enjoy it, but I always knew it wasn’t entirely genuine. However, that closeness,” —your thumb moved almost instinctively as it caressed the back of his hand— “that softness you showed me…”
Your gaze snapped back up to him as you tried to breathe in as much air as you could. “I just wanted more of that intimacy.”
Astarion remained silent for a while, looking into your eyes as if —by not breaking eye contact with you— he would be able to catch a crack in your act.
When your tadpole squirmed, sensing Astarion’s doubt as he searched for more reassurance than just your words, you didn’t oppose any resistance. You pushed down the tiny ache of knowing that he still didn’t trust you completely and let your truest emotions come to the surface.
The moment the realization hit him, the anger on his face disappeared into thin air like smoke after a fire; all that was left behind was a broken relief. Astarion took a few steps back, letting go of your hand as he turned his back to you. He threw his head back and took a deep breath in, his hands planted on his slender waist.
As you followed him from a distance, you noticed a movement coming from one of the tents. Wyll was looking at you, his eyebrows creasing in worry as they keep darting from your face to Astarion, who was now pacing back and forth on the grass.
You wondered how long he had been standing there. How much he had seen. The mere thought made you feel extremely exposed, as though your clothes had suddenly became invisible to the naked eye. You silently reassured Wyll, your tadpole squirming even more behind your eyes while connecting to the warlock’s. You waved quickly at him, responding to his small smile, before he disappeared back into his tent.
You exhaled slowly, moving your gaze back to Astarion. He was still giving you his back, however he stood still under the moonlight, his hair almost reflecting the silvery rays. He looked like the moon itself: so beautiful, and yet so unreadable.
A sudden thought crossed your mind, the question that had been bugging you since the start of that entire ordeal, and to which you hadn’t got an answer yet. You took a deep as you got ready to utter those words, terrified of what the answer was going to be. Scared that the response would break your heart.
“Was it real, that kindness?”
Your voice trembled, barely able to contain the worry that threatened to spill from your eyes. “Or was it just another ruse of yours?”
Astarion turned around. His face was scarred by hurting despite the smile that was pulling his face.
“Of course it was real.” He held out his hands, almost trying to grasp the words he needed, before his arms fell back to his sides. “Otherwise, it would’ve made keeping you away much less painful to bear.”
You had never seen him look so helpless, so defenseless as he stared at you. Your heart broke at seeing him like, but there was still joy gushing through the cracks as you moved towards him. Taking those last few steps that kept you apart, you stopped only when your bodies were just a breath away.
“Why didn’t you talk to me?”
Moving carefully, you pushed your fingers forth until they gently brushed his hand. Once more, he tensed under your touch but didn’t move away.
“I’m not like you, darling.” His smug smile made a brief appearance before it split into an aching wince. “I don’t open up easily.”
“Really?” You couldn’t help but let out a soft chuckle, which gained you a raised eyebrow from him. “It took me over a month to bring myself to sketch in front of anyone else. Honestly, I might be more mysterious than you are.”
Astarion scoffed playfully. “Darling, I am a riddle in vampire form: forever unknowable.” As you softly chuckled, his fingers moved and hooked onto yours. “However, I must admit that your secrecy is… very intriguing.”
“There’s nothing that interesting about my life,” you admitted softly, lowering your gaze. “It’s been a pretty boring existence before meeting you and the others.”
A second later, two fingers moved your chin up until your eyes were back into Astarion’s. Your breath stopped for a second when they moved along your jaw before gently cupping your cheek.
“There is —and never will be— nothing boring about you, sweetheart.” His thumb caressed your cheek as you stood still, too scared that he would take it back to move even the smallest muscle. “And even if there was, I’d be happy to hear all the tedious details. And perhaps contribute with some exciting tales if things do get too boring.”
You shook your head with a chuckle, gently tugging his hand. “I expected nothing less from you.”
He grinned, his hand moving down your neck and then brushing along your arm. “Am I already becoming so predictable?”
Before you could answer, Astarion wrapped his fingers around your wrist and brought your hand to his face. He placed your palm on his cheek and leaned into it. You immediately felt the tension in his clenched jaw, the sharp breath he took in and the way his fingers tightened around your hand.
“You don’t have to do this, if you don’t want to,” you whispered softly.
“Trust me, I do.” He closed his eyes as he leaned more into your touch. “I want to feel your fingers trace my features and remind me of their existence. I’m just…” —he inhaled and exhaled shakily, before a small grin appeared on his face, “adjusting to it, you know?”
You nodded with a smile. You understood completely as your palm adapted to the edges of Astarion’s face, to his heat —slightly lower than yours— and to the way your cheeks were also flushing as you watched Astarion slowly relax into your touch.
Freeing your other hand from his grip, you cupped his face and gently pulled him with you as you sat on the grass beneath. The ground was moist, the due dotting the stems slightly dampening your pants, but that was the last thing that could bother you in that moment.
When Astarion sat in front of you, you leaned forward, kneeling as you pointed at his crossed legs with a nod. “Can I sit there?”
A mischievous glint shone in his eyes, something you should’ve expected, but you shook your head, your serious frown never leaving your face. “And feel free to tell me to go fuck myself if you don’t want to, because I will.”
His hands had moved to your hips before you were finished, pulling you in his lap as his smirk grew even wider. “Oh, I’m sure you gladly would, wouldn’t you?”
You rolled your eyes, shaking your head and biting your lower lip as your cheeks started burning up. “Shut up.”
Then your thumbs moved, circling on his cheekbones. Astarion closed his eyes for a moment, his eyelids shuddering at every brush of your fingertips. His fingers dug slightly into your hips when the warmth of your hands left his cheeks to the chill air of the night; when your fingers started wandering on the rest of his face. You traced his eyebrows and then moved your fingertips along his nose and back up, always under Astarion’s scarlet gaze. When you passed them on his forehead, the tension in his face disappeared under your touch. It was almost like a spell, some secret magic that your hands had always possessed but kept hidden from everyone, even from you.
While your fingers moved almost on their own along those features you knew like the back of your hand, you studied those smaller details that you couldn’t make out from a distance. The wrinkles and circles around his eyes, the small imperfections in his otherwise flawless skin.
“See anything you like?”
You smiled, mirroring his grin, as your indexes followed his smile lines until they brushed the corner of his lips. “What’s there not to like.”
“Good answer.” His smirk grew wider as his hand cupped your face. “Please, don’t hold any compliment back.”
Your thumb brushed over his lips, pulling down ever so slightly his bottom lip. “The same goes for you, fangs.”
Astarion cocked his eyebrow. “Fangs, really?”
“It’s cute, don’t you think?” You passed a hand through his hair, noticing the way his lips slightly fell open when you did. “Just like you.”
He snorted, shaking his head. “I would never use that word to describe me, darling. Not in a thousand years.”
His hands left your hips and moved to your face, caressing your cheeks before gliding to the back of your head. Your breath hung in your throat as he stroked your hair; as he pulled your face closer to his until your foreheads touched.
“But I have to admit, it sounds quite nice when you pronounce it.” His whisper hit your skin, warm and intoxicating, setting your face —your entire body— aflame. His fingers traced your mouth, a feather touch that you were not expecting.
“Perhaps,” he breathed again, even closer than before, “your lips could transform any monster in a docile and submissive creature.”
“Is that a request?”
“More a suggestion. For another time, perhaps. ” His fingers moved along your jaws, dreadfully slow. “But I wouldn’t mind a taste.”
His other hand, still wrapped on the back of your hand, pulled you in but your lips didn’t meet. Your fingers, that you had moved on his mouth, were keeping him away. When he moved back, eyes narrowed in confusion, Astarion was met with a mischievous grin.
“You should ask more nicely, fangs.”
His confusion was soon replaced by a pleased glimmer in his eyes. He snorted before cupping your cheek with his hand, his half-lidded gaze on you.
“May I taste your lips, darling?”
The low growl in his voice sent shivers down your spine, stirring your insides like a boiling stew, but you weren’t done. Not yet. You leaned in, stopping inches away from his face as your thumbs kept stroking his cheeks.
“I said nicely, fangs.”
Under your eyes, Astarion swallowed, his tongue darting in between his teeth and licking quickly his lips before he grinned.
“Very good.”
Your whisper brushed against his mouth a second before yours pressed softly on it, in a kiss so different from the rawness you were used to with him. So sweet and calm, even when he kissed you back, slowly opening and closing his lips on yours. He was in no rush as his hands stroked your hair, as they tentatively moved on your shoulders and along your bare arms —sending shivers alone your spine as he did so— until they covered yours. His fingers were almost trembling as they intertwined with yours.
You gently pulled back, gasping for air as you looked him in the eyes. They were still studying you, scarlet pools reading into the darkest depths of your soul and seeing things that they couldn’t understand yet. You weren’t used to that emotional closeness, to someone else being able to see you and wanting to know more.
It was terrifying, no denying that; but also kind of exhilarating.
Astarion smiled, almost as if he had just read your mind —and maybe, he really had. Nudging his nose against your cheek, he squeezed your hands in his.
“I believe you will truly ruin me, my dear.”
“For good or for worse?”
He kissed your lips again, a quick kiss but somehow deeper than before that left your head spinning even when he pulled back and shrugged. “That’s still to be determined.”
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zynxwrite · 1 year
hey darling <3 hope you are well rested today! may i request something like when neteyam and lo’ ak say something hurtful about sibling!reader thinking she’s not there but she accidentally overhears? if its not too much, can it have fluffish ending? no pressure take your time 🦋
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pairings ❰ Neteyam x Sibling!F!Reader, Lo' ak x Sibling!F!Reader (Separated) Spider x Reader (briefly)
You overhear your brother talking hurtful things behind your back. How could he?
GENRE: Angst, comfort after. WARNINGS: none.
You, the middle child of the family had always tried to fit in. Never really had a role to take. You were just you. The plain old [Name] with no purpose to being a sully. You were always what they call annoying; A brat who can't behave. Even you really don't know why you act like this-you can't control yourself and just eventually do something. Or you accidentally shout and hurt someone just by it.
"Freak. She does not deserve to be a Sully." What you commonly hear when the Na'vi speak of you.
"That girl is mad. Disrespectful. A dog to her family." And it can even come to this.
You were an outcast to them. To your family, you think. You were nothing but a dog to them. Still, your family loves you. Maybe Especially your sisters, Kiri and Tuktirey. Even if they cannot understand your situation-they're always there for you. Kiri was your adoptive older sister. And you were her first sister. As children, you were both inseparable, like how glue sticks to a paper.
The relationship of you and your edest brother were never really that close. But you admire him a lot. A lot. You admired him more than your father. He was more likely the father of your siblings than your actual one. Jake was always hard on you and even your siblings.
"I will never treat you like a nothing. Promise." A lie.
Scratches, injuries were present to your legs. You were not supposed to go hunting, you disobeyed your father again. All you wanted was just to prove your worth.
Neteyam began to speak to a mutual friend, assuming you were not there to hear his words. But there you were, behind a tree listenig to their conversation as you watch them just finished fishing.
"I don't get [Name] at all! I always try to teach her but she just does not listen. It's getting annoying, truth. She's a brat." Neteyam crossed his arms while sharing something to a friend. And the friend happens to agree. Of course it will. They always do.
"I do not know how she can even be related to you at all."
"Neither do I. She's not a sister of mine."
The words hit you like a punch to the gut, and your eyes welled up with tears. You had always admired your sibling, looking up to them for guidance and support. Hearing them talk about you in such a hurtful manner shattered your heart, leaving you feeling vulnerable and betrayed.
He continued, "She thinks everything is so easy, and she can just coast through life. It's infuriating how she goes about her days, seemingly without a care in the world, while the rest of us are trying to keep it all together." Unable to bear the pain any longer, you accidentally reveal yourself, finally being seen.
Neteyam's eyes widened as he saw you. Knowing that you probably heard all that he said about you. Feeling a mix of sadness and anger, you managed to whisper, "I didn't know you felt this way... I never meant to disappoint you." The voice of yours cracked with emotion as you turned and left the place, needing time to process the hurtful revelation.
"Shit. Wait, [Name]!-] But you already left both of them before he could even say another word. You were also known for being fast, your legs were like the sibling of the winds. Fast.
Oh, great mother. What has he done? Such shitty thing to say.
What you didn't know that Spider was also in the same place as you. Hearing all the words your brother said to you. His plan was to scare you so he followed you. But he didn't know that it would lead to this. Your human friend then followed you.
You didn't know where you were running. But the speed of your legs just kept running. Running to whatever you stop to. Before you could even realize you were completely far away from the village.
A sound coming from a bush entered the core of your ears. But you ignored it. Not wanting to pay attention to anything anymore. 'Neither do I. She's not a sister of mine.' This. This piece of crap. Such words.
Tears welled up in your eyes as you clenched your fists, feeling a knot the my stomach. You wanted to run away, but your feet felt glued to the floor, unable to move. The pain of his words pierced through your soul, leaving me feeling worthless and unloved. You always knew that the people disliked you. But never expected your brother to hate you as well. Thoughts started to circle all over you. Do your sisters find you unlovable as well? Your mother? Overthinking made you hurt more.
"[Name]?" That voice. You recognized it. Suddenly, you felt a gentle touch on your shoulder, and turned to see none other than Spider, the closest friend you had. The only one. He had been your rock through thick and thin, always there to lend a listening ear or a comforting hand. You two shared a lot in common. Being disliked by the people.
"Hey," he said softly, his voice filled with concern, "I heard what happened. Are you okay?" What do you think. You couldn't hold back the tears any longer. They cascaded down your cheeks as you whispered, "I don't know what's wrong with me. Why did he say that?"
"Am I that much of a brat?" You were sitting, and he was standing. Spider pulled you into a warm embrace, letting you cry on his shoulder-accidentally wiping the blue paint off his skin.
"You're not the problem, and you're not alone," he said firmly. "Sometimes people say hurtful things out of frustration or their own issues. But that doesn't define who you are. You're strong, caring, and deserving of love." More tears started to form you. But this time it wasn't tears of that feeling.
As you cried, Spider stayed with you, providing a safe space for your pain. His presence and words brought some comfort to your shattered heart. While the hurtful words from your so called brother lingered, Spider's support reminded you that you had someone who genuinely cared for me. You hope your sisters didn't hate you too.
"Thank you, Spider."
"How stupid can you be?!" Kiri yelled. "Brother...Why would you say that? You know she's sensitive! Norm said she had difficulty expressing herself." Kiri had heard about what he said from Spider, but never told Neteyam it was from him.
"You know how much she looks up to you and cares about your opinion. It's not fair to speak about her like that behind her back." Neteyam's face flushed with embarrassment and guilt. He fumbled for words but remained silent, realizing the gravity of his actions.
"I understand that siblings can have disagreements and conflicts," Kiri continued, her tone softening slightly. "But there are better ways to handle your feelings. You could talk to her directly and try to understand what's going on instead of making hurtful assumptions."
Neteyam looked down, clearly grappling with his emotions. "I didn't mean for her to hear that," he finally mumbled. "I was just frustrated, and it came out."
"I get that," Kiri acknowledged, "but you need to be more mindful of your words. They have consequences, and you hurt her deeply. She's your sister too, and she loves you despite everything. Don't take that for granted."
A mix of guilt and regret washed over Neteyam's face. He knew Kiri was right, and he had to take responsibility for his actions. "You're right," he admitted, his voice filled with remorse. "I messed up, and I need to apologize to her." Kiri nodded, appreciating his honesty. "It's not going to be easy, but you owe it to her and yourself to make things right," she said.
Later that day, Neteyam approached you. "Sister," sister.
"Can we talk?" he asked softly, and you hesitated for a moment before nodding. Sister... the word kept ringing inside that head of yours. "I need to apologize," Neteyam began, his voice genuine and vulnerable. "I said some awful things, and I can't even begin to express how sorry I am. I was frustrated, angry, and I took it out on you. But that was never right, and you didn't deserve any of it."
"I felt so disconnected from you," he continued. "It seemed like we were drifting apart, and I didn't know how to handle it. But I realize now that pushing you away was the worst thing I could have done." Confusion stirred in you. Was he actually sorry? You couldn't help but overthink.
"I'm sorry. You are my sister." Really?
Not even a second-You hugged him. Forgiveness has already been granted. You always thought how warm his hug was.
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As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the room, you could feel the tension in the air. The gathering at the village had started out joyous, but now it felt heavy with unspoken words and unresolved emotions. You had noticed your brother, Lo'ak, acting distant and on edge all evening, but you couldn't pinpoint the reason behind it.
"Hey, [Name]! Dance with us!" Your little sister, Tuk tried to pull you from the crowd. Sorry, Tuk.
"Uhm-I think I'm gonna go for a walk first. I'll dance with you later, promise!" Feeling overwhelmed, you decided to step out onto the crowd for a moment of solitude. As you moved away from the chatter inside, you overheard hushed voices and recognized Lo'ak's distinct tone. Curiosity got the better of you, and you couldn't resist eavesdropping on the conversation.
"I don't understand her," Lo'ak's voice carried the weight of frustration. "She's always so needy and emotionally sensitive. It's exhausting to be around her. It's so annoying." He sighed. "She doesn't act like a relative to me, bro." a friend of his nodded.
"Why did I even have a twin." why did he?
Each word hit you like a physical blow, and the tears that had been building up in your eyes finally spilled over. You felt the sting of hurt and betrayal, listening to your own brother talking about you in such a hurtful manner. You had always looked up to your twin and thought he cared for you deeply, but his words shattered that illusion.
Before you could retreat, Lo'ak's voice wavered with realization, "Wait, where did she go? Did she hear me?"
You took a deep breath, trying to compose yourself, but the pain was too raw. Still, you couldn't bear the thought of confronting him, not when he had uttered those words in the heat of the moment. Instead, you quietly slipped away and found a secluded corner on a tree to hide your tears.
It was already dark. You have been gone for almost an hour or two. The people have been worried about you. Where did you go? Were you safe? Tuk couldn't help but ask Neytiri every minute if you've already returned. But you were just nowhere to be seen.
Thankfully, Lo'ak eventually found you. It took him 30 minutes to find you with his Ikran. There you were, hugging your legs under a tree. He almost thought you fell asleep. But you weren't.
He landed his Ikran on the ground. There he stood, his expression pained and regretful. "I-I didn't know you were there," he stammered, his voice thick with emotion. "I didn't mean what I said. I was just frustrated, and I didn't think before I spoke."
Tears welled up in your eyes again, and you looked away, not wanting to show your vulnerability. "It doesn't excuse what you said," you replied, your voice shaky. "You really think I'm that unbearable?"
"No, no, that's not what I meant," Lo'ak pleaded, taking a step closer to you. "I've just been going through a lot lately, and I didn't know how to handle it. I never meant to hurt you." Despite your anger and hurt, you could see the sincerity in his eyes. You knew that he was struggling, but that didn't make his words hurt any less.
"I can't believe you said those things about me," you said, trying to hold back your tears. "I thought we were close." You were his twin.
"We are close," Lo'ak said, his voice cracking. "And that's why it hurts so much to see you upset. I've been a terrible brother, and I'm so sorry."
The pain in his voice tugged at your heart, and you felt conflicted. Part of you wanted to shut him out and protect yourself, but another part wanted to believe that he genuinely regretted his words.
"Please. I know you can't forgive me that easily. But you need to come back with me. They are worried about you."
"Take all the time you need," he said softly. "I'll be here when you're ready to talk, and I'll do whatever it takes to make things right." He took his hand out and placed it in the air. Gesturing it for you to hold on. But as you held his hand-he pulled you into a hug.
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I am also open for requests pookies <33
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thelovelywriteress · 3 months
➷ With Zodiac Cursed Reader (2)
▶︎sᴀᴋᴜʀᴀ xғ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
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────────────────────────────╰┈➤ Sakura accidentally find your secret and now is unknowingly close to you due that that secret. (Part1)
You weren't able to find Sakura before ask day when he enter the Kotoha's cafe and you immediately cornered him: making sure he didn't say the word of what he saw yesterday.
"So that wasn't a dream?" He said with a blank face that you always fall in dramatic manner.
So he even believe what he saw yesterday? What a boy. . .
Well you simply ask him to keep your situation quite and walk away from him while he in return ask you to make sure it's only him hiding your secret. You pout and walk away, almost bumping into a male customer while Sakura wondered how you even manage to hide it for so long.
Sitting at that particular corner of Kotoha's cafe, you wonder about how these days you seems to be getting more and more in trouble that may end up revealing your secret.
While you were in your thought, Kotoha brought your order and ask you about your interaction with Sakura earlier.
"Never thought I would see most anti-people kids talking to each other. You both go anything between you?"
"I am not anti-social. And about your other statement it's wrong too!"
"Don't sweat much, I was just teasing you but Sakura is a good boy. He may act tough but if you would go to him for help, he would never reject you."
You did think about Kotoha's last statement very deeply. You do need atleast one person if you do not want to reveal your secret on mass level.
While Sakura was walking around, you pulled him in a dark ally from his arm. You throw a punch that you avoided and was in fighting posture before he recognised your face.
"Oh it's you." He sounded disappointed,"I heard you at once. My mouth is seal, no need to abduct me."
". . .Do you think you can help me to make my secret a secret." You said in a low tone that Sakura catch quickly and brought his all focus on you,"I need someone to accompany me. I. . .I did let out my secret before but thankfully he also thought it was some dream but I don't know if next person to find my secret would think same."
"So you want me as your bodyguard?"
"Oh yeah, it's good way to put it. I am hiring you!" You exclaimed with arrogance as Sakura throw you a annoyed expression.
Long way, short. You both have officially emerged into each other's life. You don't consider yourselves 'friends' but you guys were pretty cilivised with each other. This made Kotoha almost teasing you daily about it.
"Oh well, my anti-people ship sailed. I knew from the first day." She said like a proud mother.
"What the heck is anti-people ship anyways?!" You both yelled at her with red hues on your face.
"Like the hell I would like this prick." Sakura crossed his arm and turn away while you clutched your fist that was tempting to hit his head.
Verbally you would agree with Sakura but emotionally you would little flustered to know you guys were shipped (even if that ship had a werid name).
Before you realised, you have been crushing on Sakura and unconsciously tried to spend more time with him. You ask him to accompany you on random places, saying you got some work there when in truth you just wanted to enjoy his presence.
You didn't realised that you were of that type, who chooses their crushes over themselves. Well not until today where you're head feel like spinning but since you ask Sakura to visit market with you, you're ready to ignore that throbbing feeling in your head.
Despite how you were feeling, you still choose to come. You made your presence known to him and at first glance he seems to know something was wrong with you. He enquired you about it but you just brush it off as summer heat. You thought once you're with him it will eventually go away.
You were wrong! If anything it has become worst and you feel like burning too. Ahh, you wonder why didn't you cancelled the meet up. It's like he would have care anyways, he's so idiot: idiot for noticing your affection towards him. And before you know you black out.
You slowly opened your eyes and started to observe surrounding around you. It was an unfamiliar surrounding. You were almost worried before you heard a familiar voice.
"So you're wake finally?" Sakura come in your view. His head little tilted, so to level your eye level.
"Didn't know you transform while backing out too." He comment while he sit back straight. Unlike now you didn't notice that you had transformed.
You sit and swing your face like an animal brushing off dust themselves. Something Sakura compared your movement too.
"When I am exhausted or not well my body transforms then too." You corrected his assumptions.
Sakura notice how you still look out of breath and speak out the question, he is wondering whole time,"Why did you lie? I knew at first glance something was wrong." You feel like targeted and almost let out confused words,"I-I think-thought it would go and I-I can handle, no want I am fine. But I would b-be." Your mind wasn't functioning properly.
Sakura notice it and just put a hand to your head, making you lay back,"Just rest quietly for now." He said and turn his head away.
It was at time moment when his hand touched your forehead, you feel little better and you transform back to your human form.
Sakura bring his gaze back to where his hand was and almost wake the town with his scream. He was fine when you were (animal), he can't handle your human self, not especially when his sheets are only thing covering you.
He quickly search for your clothes he picked earlier when you turn into your animal form and ask you to put them while he walk out.
You wondered where was he going. You liked the feeling of his hand earlier and you don't feel like wearing clothes for today. You dozed off again.
You wake again, calling the name of Sakura, he appear again in you though he didn't dare to look directly at you. You without care sir up straight as Sakura's face almost exploded. Now it was even more clear you were naked.
"Sakura. Sakura." You repeatedly called his name as with a hand on side of his face, hiding you, he question the reason you were saying his name like parrot.
"Come here for once. I feel like my temperature is getting worst." Hearing this Sakura reluctantly started to come near you. His whole situation may be embarassing but your health is still his top priority.
How much he regret agreeing with you cause moment he was enough near around you, you jumped in his chest.
"What-!" And before he could exploded due to your action, you already transformed into your animal. You told him to take you in his arms and come with you at your home. You get better medicine there.
Holding (animal) in arm, Sakura walk on the way you guide him. Unlucky for him he bumped into Neirei, who obviously question him about animal and where he was talking it.
"I know a vet near by." Neirei offered with pure intentions.
"It's someone pet." Sakura lied quite smoothly,"Oh ok-Sakura-san is that girl's clothes?" Neirei exclaimed as Sakura's cheek also flare up,"T-The pet r-run away with c-clothes." He lied through his flustered state and run out.
He didn't stop before he reached your house. You did bad for getting tangle with you, heck you always feel bad for everyone who gets involved with you. And for some reason "always feel bad for everyone" feeling get too much today that you started to ramble it to Sakura out of all people.
"You don't need to. I may don't want to catch in this mess but if I was given choice, then I would be involved with you again and again." Sakura state with a serious but sincere tone.
"B-But I always get too much. I order people around and act so arrogant."
"That's true."
On your second statement Sakura agreed nonchalantly and you kicked his head with angry expression. He is truly a idiot. He was supposed to comfort you like mc of shojo manga you read sometime before.
"Weren't you sick!?" He questioned as you keep biting his head to express your angry.
You didn't say anything and even bite his head harder, making him let out a 'ouch'. Sakura didn't know why was he suffering for being honest but in some sense he does think it wasn't right moment to be honest so he tried to manipulate his statement a bit.
"I was just being honest. That's real you. The you I like."
Sakura was being totally platonic. He would even punch himself if he realised his wording but for now he just wants to you stop biting his head to death.
He didn't realised his wording but you did. You stop with dreamy look in your eyes. That same moment Suo and Nirei weakly open your door, calling for you and was also left in shock by the scene in front them.
"He said he liked me." There was you, naked on Sakura's back with blushing and dreamy face,"Put some god damn clothes!" Sakura ordered with his eyes shut closed but his face rising with colour red.
"Let's go Nirei. We are distrubing Sakura-kun." Suo put a hand on blond boy's shoulder and started to walk away.
Sakura notice him and started to quickly move towards him while Nirei remind him about your cloth-less figure on his back.
While everything was in choas all you can think in your sickly state is that boy you crushed over told you he liked you.
"What the hell you giggling for?"
"(N-Name)-san is about to black out!"
"Let Sakura-kun be worried about it Nirei."
"He liked me."
honestly part two isn't like i imagined but it was still fun! Honestly sorry if it wasn't much good like I said in first part, I honestly lost some motivation mid way but hey atleast it's completed now. Haha that was some fun writing.☁️🏂
Also this @systemix girl was one of my biggest motivation. Like you don't know how much her headcannons motivate me to complete part two fast. And girl you need to make your own headcannon post with wind breaker boys with zodiac cursed reader fast! Us readers & fans would definitely like it! 🙏🌬️
Well then everyone take care and don't forget to eat your meals<3
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ultimateissuessimp · 4 months
Ohhhh can you write cat king x dog king please? like enemies to lovers so cute I think! feel free to decline obv
Oooh you guys have no idea how much I adore writing for the Cat King 🥹 If the word count doesn't express that, I don't know what could. Thank you for this amazing request, I had a field day with it 🙏
Fleabag and a Dirty Mutt
The Cat King x Dog King!Male Reader
Word count: 2,759
Warnings: Mention of a character dying (Don't worry, he's alive 🙌), animal cruelty (does that count-?), violence, suggestive language (Nothing happens tho 😔), can this be passed off as hurt/comfort? I don't know, really
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When people talk about the stereotype of dogs and cats being mortal enemies, they're not that far away from the truth. They may bit be exactly mortal enemies, but the hate and deep rooted dislike is there. There are instances when dogs and cats live in harmony, but not these two. The monarchs. The royalty. The Dog King and the Cat King. Both too stubborn to change places where they rule, one at the docks, the other keeping closer to the woods, trying to stay as far away from the other as possible.
They had so many run ins with each other that it was a miracle they hadn't tried to kill one another yet. It surely felt like they were close to it though, especially from a point of view of an outsider. Those outsiders being two certain ghosts alongside a quite powerful medium visiting Port Townsend that started causing a little ruckus. Naturally the Cat King at first didn't care even though he was aware of them, of course until one of them used magic on one of his cats. Then he started closely observing them. While the Dog King, being the, well, being that he was, couldn't help but grow interested the moment he caught their very interesting scent, unlike any other ghost's or person in the town and the number was quite big. From the beginning he carefully observed them, before revealing himself when the, now group, clearly needed his help.
From that moment on they began something akin to a business partnership. They get rid of the damned witch that was only causing troubles for him while he protects them and helps them however he can, either his strength, wisdom or resourcefulness. They worked together, both sides diligently fulfilling their side of the agreement and everything was going really well until that new boy appeared. When he first sniffed the air while the new guy was around, his nose immediately scrunched up in displeasure. He reeked with magic, but he couldn't quite place it why or where was it coming from. Then he started talking about astrology and everything else with Edwin and Y/N's demeanor, while still cautious and distrusting, changed from an on guard one to a more relaxed stance. He thought that that was probably where the stench was coming from. The boy was either practising witchcraft or had it deeply rooted within him which was slowly waking up. He was wrong though, big time.
Then was also Thomas. That fucking fleabag that was a constant pain in his ass. He wanted to just rip his throat out with his teeth over and over again until the being was out of lives, but at the same time he felt like he would probably, ironically, miss the damn cat. That didn't change the fact that he was absolutely getting in his nerves whenever he could. This was one of those moments, the two accidentally bumping into each other at the viewing spot that the Cat King visited previously to talk with, and slightly torment, Edwin.
The large fawn and tan coated Doberman trudged up the stairs, from time to time looking up to the starry night sky to see if any star was shining much brighter than the rest and letting out a quiet, pleased sound when he found one. It was a little something to pass the time, especially when he was on a walk like this one.
When he finally got to the top and took a whiff of the air around, wanting to feel the freshness of the air coming from the water, but instead he could smell a very distinguishable scent of a certain fleabag. He immediately snarled when his eyes finally found the orange cat sitting on the stone ledge. He got an angry hiss in response and a swat of a paw, hitting the air, not even close to the dog. Y/N swiftly turned into his human form, an orange swirl forming around him before quickly disappearing when he stood on two feet instead of two pairs of paws, Thomas doing the same, the cat dissappearing in a purple flame, letting the human form take his place.
-What the fuck are you doing here, you damn mutt? - the Cat King asked, clearly annoyed as he looked at the Dog King with an disinterested look.
-I could ask you the same thing, fleabag. Don't you think you're treading a bit too close to my territory? - Y/N fired back, slightly baring his teeth before crossing his arms over his chest and walking over to the stone ledge, looking out into the view despite it being quite dark.
-Oh don't flatter yourself, I simply felt like having a bit of peace away from everyone and everything. This place seemed ideal, but now that you're here everything is ruined - Thomas answered with sass, he couldn't help the eyeroll that followed his statement as he stayed on his spot on the ledge, sitting on it with his legs crossed, one on the other, arms keeping him up behind him.
-Hm, sweet as always I see? Can your mouth do anything other than talk a load of shit? - Y/N asked another question, his eyes going to the Cat King without turning his head, a clearly unamused look on his face.
-It can also take loads, but you will never get to experience that, so why bother? - the man fired back with a smug smirk tugging at his lips, his canines showing off as the smirk grew into a satisfied grin at the Dog King's reaction that only spoke of disgust.
-As if I'd ever even let your face get anywhere near me that isn't at least six feet of distance - the Dog King said, distaste in his mouth at the simple thought of such a scenario.
That night went by in snarky comments and teasing before finally one of them decided they had enough of the company and went back to their kingdom. That was a few days ago, after that more pressing matters appeared that had the Dog King speeding to the forest in his Doberman form, picking up speed with each small sounds he was hearing in the distance. He knew those kids would get into some serious shit, but the fact they had a spy between them? A spy that worked for someone that wanted to kill them without any remorse? That was beyond trouble.
He was slightly late to the party, Monty already being exposed by the Cat King at whose sight Y/N rolled his eyes, before he reminded himself why he was there. He needed to help the kids, even though if that meant going against Esther and the agreement they made a long time ago.
He changed into his human form at the moment when Thomas was telling Edwin that the second kiss was always better before pressing his lips to Monty's for a brief moment. Y/N stared in surprise, as if frozen in his spot a few feet behind Edwin. A weird feeling started to appear in his chest, tugging as if someone smashed their hand into his chest, wrapped it around his heart and started squeezing. He winced in displeasure, before becoming mortified at the realisation that what he felt was jealousy. He was jealous of Monty.
He quickly shook his head before finally coming into the light, facial expression serious as he looked at Monty, trying not to let it slip how he felt not too long ago. There were more pressing matters to tend to than his silly feelings. He could take care of them later on when there wasn't a second death threat looming over the two ghosts and a first one for the two girls with them.
-I think it's time for you to go, Thomas. You've said what you wanted to say, if you have no intention of helping further on, just go bother someone fucking else - Y/N said, a little growl behind his words as he remained an eye contact with the Cat King while speaking, his nose scrunching slightly.
-Whatever. I'm out. Have fun, mutty - Thomas said, rolling his eyes before disappearing in purple flames, taking the source of light with himself.
Y/N looked at Edwin and then Monty carefully, assessing if there would be any action necessary like protecting the ghost from the crow or any other threat that Esther might have coming for them. When he didn't see or feel anything wrong in particular, he relaxed just a tiny bit, still on high alert for any danger while Edwin went at it, spewing out how betrayed he felt because of Monty.
When they were done there and reunited with the rest of the group, took care of the massive mushroom that tried to suck them into itself and be ultimately their demise alongside Esther, seemingly getting rid of her by sending her into a different dimension with the mushroom, only then could they let out a breath of relief while resting in Niko's apartment room. After some time Y/N decides that it's time to go back to his territory, letting the group properly rest after a night full of, well, bullshit. That was also his excuse to think about his feelings towards the Cat King. After just a minute of thinking he realized he was fucked. Utterly and royally fucked.
It was not that long after, a day or two maybe, when Y/N felt something was wrong. His mind was running a thousand thoughts per second while he felt squeamish and uneasy. Finally one thought became the beacon amidst the sea of them. The Cat King. Something was terribly wrong and it made him worried. That's why he turned into his dog form and sped towards the dogs, being careful enough with the cats he was passing, but also not letting them stop him in any way, growling at some that tried pouncing on him.
When he finally got to the docks and basically slammed through the warehouse doors, uncaring about the damage, he felt a sense of dread fill his body when he saw the last hit that a very pissed and determined Esther delivered to the Cat King's body, easily taking away his third life with her cane. He knew the man still have quite a few lives left, but it still mad him enraged with the witch, that damned fucking witch that was an ever bigger pain in his ass than the Cat King that was currently trying to get used to his new life and changing into his human form.
Before Thomas could even get a word out, Y/N let out a loud growl and a warning bark before launching full speed at Esther, leaping over the Cat King who slightly covered when he heard Y/N approach quickly. He landed right on her, making her slam down onto the ground while his full weight rested on her. He bit harshly into her upper arm before standing up and trashing his head around, tugging on it, causing some damage to her body, her head hitting concrete already making her slightly dizzy. When she got the chance to free herself, she shouted in frustration and anger, clutching her arm tightly to her chest before landing one strong blow with her cane to the Dog King's head. While she put some space between them, he changed into his human form, a clear sign of damage she made also visible on his temple that was bleeding down the side of his face. Yet he still stood there seemingly unfazed, shielding Thomas with his own body, standing in Esther's way if she happened to get another surge of violance out of herself.
And then of course when he got out of his initial shock, the Cat King had to start shouting about Esther making his lose his third life and blabber out the fact that Edwin had been through Hell, literally and metaphorically, clearly giving Esther an idea, judging by the look on her face. He simply couldn't shut the fuck up when he should.
When the witch left, Y/N turned towards the Cat King, assessing his new look, his heart skipping a beat once or twice. While he didn't like the circumstances of the change, he really didn't mind the new aesthetic. It suited him. Anything suited him right ally, but the black looked especially... Nice.
While Y/N was taking the view in front of him in, the Cat King started ranting about how stupid he was for even risking his own life like that, taking a couple steps towards the Dog King and taking his face firmly, yet carefully into his hands, turning it to the sides however he seemed fit, checking for any other damages than the most obvious one on his temple. When he didn't see other wounds, he sighed before tugging the sleeve of his coat more onto his hand, trapping the material with his fingers to his palm to keep it covered and bringing it up to Y/N's temple, gently cleaning it off of blood.
-Why the fuck would you do that? Have you gone completely insane, you dirty mutt? - Thomas huffed out in concerned annoyance, wiping away at the side of the Dog King's face, being careful not to irritate the wound further on.
-Long time ago, kitty. I felt that something was wrong and I just couldn't ignore it. You were in trouble and you expected me to just stay away? Really? For how long have we known each other that you still think such bullshit? - Y/N replied, raising one eyebrow at Thomas while his half lidded eyes slowly traveled all across the man's face, the Cat King clearly not noticing his stare since he was too engrossed in patching the Dog King up, even whipping a small cat themed bandaid out of thin air and placing it on the wound.
-Yes, clearly. If you were in trouble and I knew, I wouldn't give two shits, honestly. One annoying mutt less and did you just call me "kitty"? The fuck? She really smacked you hard, damn - the Cat King said, shaking his head and huffing out in an annoyed way, yet the concern written all over his face spoke of something else and so did the barely there blush that appeared when his brain finally processed what Y/N had called him, his heart doing a little flip.
-Mhmm... For sure - Y/N replied shortly and simply, a small cheeky smirk pulling at the left corner of his lips, his eyes still roaming all over the man's face before finally settling on his eyes, the Cat King's own dilated ones staring right back into his.
They both continued looking into each other's eyes, before Y/N finally had enough and leaned in after cupping Thomas' face in his hands gently. His chapped lips pressed sweetly, yet a bit needily into the Cat King's own soft ones. Needy to feel that everything was okay. That Thomas was okay. That he himself was okay. That they were and will be okay. The Cat King responded rapidly by wrapping his arms around the other man's neck tightly, keeping his close. They only pulled away when breathing comfortably started to be a struggle, chests heaving as they breathed deeply, forehead pressed tightly together.
-Don't... Don't ever do that again. Don't try to save my life or one of them when your own gets compromised because of it - Thomas whispered out, his eyes closing and scrunching slightly as an image of badly wounded Dog King entered his mind, but he quickly shoo'ed it away. He swallowed hard before opening his eyes once again just to be met with a big grin on Y/N's face.
-Can't promise that, kitty. Especially not when I know that now you're an unlucky black cat - the Dog King fired back teasingly with a chuckle, his nose rubbing softly against the man's in his arms that were now comfortably resting, wrapped around Thomas' waist.
-Oh fuck you - he got as a reply, a chuckle of his own leaving the Cat King moments before he was the one to initiate another kiss. That one softer, filled with gratefulness and something else entirely. Something as sweet as a cherry blossom tea with a plate filled with chocolate chip cookies.
-If you wish, sure - Y/N said into the kiss, both of them unable to contain the smile that were gracing their faces as they kept close to one another. All they had to do now was simply revel in this new feeling and let it grow like a bush of roses.
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lovely-showtimes · 11 months
Saw that your requests are open and felt a tiny bit of whimsicality in me😈 anyway, if it's not too much, can I request Rui, Honami, Nene, and Tsukasa with a s/o who's always eepy? Like they just woke up then says "I'm sleepy" and goes back to sleep? Something like that! I love your writing so much I just had to request something to indulge myself wawahwahaa take your time with it!!
feeling sleepy . . . ♡
characters - honami, tsukasa, nene, rui.
type - hcs.
a/n - reader just like me fr </3 i love to snooze it's so fun. i hope you enjoy ~
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Honami is very... curious about your sleeping habits
How could someone always be so tired like you?
But eventually, she just decides not to question it. It's not like it's harming anyone
(Well, maybe it's harming your sleep schedule. But you're somehow always sleepy, so maybe it's okay? ...Honami tries not to think about it too much.)
If she notices you falling asleep somewhere kinda uncomfortable, she'll try to move you to somewhere that is
And sometimes, that place is her lap. She's embarrassed about it, but you never seem to mind, so it's probably fine
...She also enjoys being your pillow sometimes but she isn't ready to admit that yet
"Oh, you're waking up! Good morning, sleepyhea- ah, there you go again..."
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Tsukasa is incredibly confused by you
How do you never wake up and feel energised?? Are you okay?? Do you not get enough sleep at night??
He bombards you with such questions out of worry, but when you reveal you're just sleepy for no real reason, he calms down a little
He's still concerned about you, but he'd probably worry no matter what you do
If you ever fall asleep on him, he'd just kind of... freeze up and panic
He doesn't wanna accidentally wake you or anything!
But at the same time, he doesn't want anyone else to wake you either. And he does that in the most 'Tsukasa' way possible
"OI! Stop talking so loud, can't you see they're sleeping?! W-What do you mean I'm gonna wake them up?!"
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Nene doesn't mind how sleepy you are. She thinks it's nice to be around someone so calm
Somehow being around you makes her feel more exhausted, so it's not uncommon to find the two of you napping together
You're someone she can collapse beside at the end of a long day to relax with, to feel her worries washing away
...Although sometimes she does get mildly annoyed by how tired you are
Not that there's anything particularly wrong with it, but... She wants to spend time with you! In more ways than just napping with you!
Don't be surprised if you ever wake up to someone poking your cheek, okay?
"Are you awake yet? Finally. Come on, I want to- did you just fall asleep while I was talking again?"
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Rui never once thought it was strange or out of the ordinary for you to be so sleepy all the time
And somehow he's always ready for a 'sleepy spell', as he calls them
You feel tired when you're out and about? He just... picks you up with zero issue
You fall asleep on him? That's fine, he's got a blanket and pillow handy. No matter where you are. Somehow.
You wake up and immediately fall back asleep? Rui didn't have any plans later anyway, he'll keep you company while you nap
This almost always leads to him dozing off with you, too
"Asleep again, hm? That's alright. If you're going to be asleep for a while, then I... *yawn* I might as well get some shut-eye, too."
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astrophileous · 1 year
Love Bugs was sooo good!!! Do you think they’d let Penelope plan a baby shower with the entire team? Maybe even a sex reveal and Penelope truly trying her best to not reveal it early, the others on Garcia duty to make sure she doesn’t let anything slip LOL
and I hope you don't mind me putting my own twist to this, but you literally just reminded me of this insta reel I saw a while back of a couple who was doing a sex reveal privately on the beach with a cake, and then the wife, very innocently pulled out the candle so that the husband could cut it, not realizing the cream sticking on the candle would prematurely reveal the sex to them 😭 now I just can't stop imagining Penelope accidentally doing the same thing KAJJSJEJ IT WOULD BE HILARIOUS
btw thank you so much for reading love bugs, I'm soooo happy you liked it <3333
Love Bugs Masterlist / Criminal Minds Masterlist
You couldn't have been less inclined towards the idea the first time Penelope had brought it to your attention.
The next time she did, Penelope knew better than to come empty-handed. Thankfully for her, JJ and Emily both seemed to be partial towards Penelope's brilliant suggestion.
"I think it'll be great, (Y/N)," JJ had said. "I never did one for Henry, but I helped a girlfriend host hers once. It was fun."
"And I, personally, am always down for a party." Emily grinned.
"But a gender reveal party, guys? Seriously?"
"It'll be great, Beets. Trust me," Penelope swore. "Plus, you don't need to worry your pretty little head with anything. You just sit back, relax, and let us three do the heavy liftings."
Eventually, with the right doses of persuasion and incessant pleading, you agreed to let them throw a sex reveal party for the baby; with one condition: you wanted to keep the whole thing small and simple.
But small and simple weren't exactly Penelope's forte.
JJ and Emily tried their best to keep the tech analyst in check during the entire planning process. It was bad enough that the two of them had to take turns monitoring Penelope to make sure she wasn't stepping out of any line, but when they finally received the envelope from your doctor containing the sex of the baby, Penelope grew even worse.
"What the hell are you doing?"
Penelope yelped when Emily's voice suddenly appeared beside her. The blonde scrambled to click a few buttons on her computer screen to close the page she was looking at before Emily could see what she was doing, but it was too late.
"Wasn't that the archive of the hospital (Y/N) goes to?"
"What? No. Of course not. Why? Did you think I hacked it? That's ridiculous, why would I ever hack--"
"Garcia," Emily's stern voice cut her off. "Did you seriously just hack a hospital's records to find out the sex of (Y/N)'s baby?"
Penelope's silence was all the confirmation that Emily needed.
"It won't happen again," the tech analyst murmured shamefully.
But it did, in fact, happen again.
"Pen?" JJ's eyebrows creased when, just a few days later, she spotted Penelope sitting behind the desk in her office.
"Yes? Oh, hi! Hey, how are ya? Nothing to see here!"
Penelope offered JJ a sheepish smile, one that was intended to conceal trouble but instead spoke of one. JJ's eyes squinted.
"What's that in your hand?"
"Oh, this?" Penelope raised her right hand, showing JJ the figurine of a duck dressed as Superman that she, for some reason, was holding. "It's my new buddy. I got him at a flea market last week. Isn't he cute?"
"I meant your other hand, Pen."
JJ raised her eyebrows expectantly.
Soon enough, Penelope surrendered to JJ's stare of death--the one that she had perfected since becoming a mother--and handed the envelop into JJ's awaiting palm.
"I'm sorry," Penelope said meekly, like a child being scolded after being caught with her hand in the candy jar.
A week before the party was supposed to be held, JJ had safely dropped the cake order at the bakery, along with the sacred envelope that you had entrusted in her care. In hindsight, it looked as though everything was finally going according to plan.
Until the D-day rolled around.
As Emily held down the fort back at Derek's and your shared place, JJ and Penelope resorted to cake duty. JJ let Penelope go into the bakery to grab the cake while she stayed in the car for a quick phone call. When Penelope didn't yet reappear after five minutes, JJ decided to follow her inside to see what was holding her up.
"Hey, Pen?" JJ called to Penelope, who was standing like a deer caught in headlights in the middle of the room. In front of her, the baker was holding the box of cake with visible confusion on his face. "What's wrong?"
"She's just been standing there like that. Frozen. Like she saw a ghost," the baker informed.
"The apron," Penelope whispered.
"The apron."
"What ap--oh no."
JJ's eyes widened almost comically when she finally registered what had Penelope looking so stunned.
"Sir," JJ began, "you didn't happen to be working on this cake before we came in, did you?"
"Yeah, I did. I was just finishing it up. Filling in the buttercream and adding some final touches."
JJ sighed. "So, you're saying that the buttercream on your apron is the buttercream you used to fill in the cake?"
JJ's question prompted the baker to look down at the apron he was wearing.
More specifically, at the colored buttercream that spoiled the sex of your baby.
"We've got a situation," JJ said to Emily as soon as she and Penelope found her in your kitchen half an hour later.
"What is it?"
"Me and Pen accidentally found out about the sex."
"You what?!"
"I found out about the sex. I know the sex," Penelope murmured from where she was standing behind JJ. "I know what it is. I know what--hey, you two!"
The three women swiveled their heads towards the doorway, seeing you standing there with Derek practically gluing himself to your back.
"Hi, girls. Everything alright in here?"
"Everything is fine! Why wouldn't it be?" Penelope chuckled nervously.
A frown appeared between Derek's eyebrows. "Babygirl, you okay?"
Penelope waved him off. "I'm fanta... bulous."
"Fantabulous?" Emily whispered.
"Pretty sure it's a combination of fantastic and fabulous." JJ whispered back.
You stared at Penelope in concern. "You sure you're okay, Pen?"
"I'm fine, Beets! Splendid, even! I'm just so happy to see the three of you! God, look at that. You're all so perfect together. My Beets, Chocolate Thunder, and your beautiful baby--"
"Okay!" JJ exclaimed, cutting Penelope off before she could spill the main surprise. "We've still got a lot of work to do here, so... go, both of you."
As soon as you and Derek were out of earshot, JJ said to Penelope, "Pen, you gotta calm down."
"I can't. Oh my God, I can't calm down. It's the knowing. I hate knowing secrets, I'm not good with them."
"It's only for one more hour," Emily reasoned. "You can do this. Just... take a deep breath."
JJ and Emily somehow managed to keep Penelope from spiraling any further, long enough for them to finally commemorate the main event of the night. Your living room was crowded with beloved and very familiar faces: members of the BAU and a few friends of yours and Derek's. The speakers were blasting "September" by Earth, Wind & Fire, and you stood in front of the guests with Derek to your side when Emily and Penelope finally brought out the cake.
"Ladies and gents, we're about to witness a very important moment in history," JJ announced to the room. "In a few minutes, we'll finally find out the sex of the newest member of the (Y/L/N)-Morgan's household!"
The crowd erupted in cheers. You felt Derek give your hip a squeeze.
"Does anyone care to share their guesses?" JJ asked.
Shouts of "boy" and "girl", and a very vague shriek of "twins", all piled on top of one another. JJ quickly gestured with her hands for the crowd to calm back down.
"Without further ado, I present to you, Derek Morgan and (Y/N) (Y/L/N)!"
As your guests exploded in a synchronized ovation, Derek pressed a gentle kiss to your temple. "You ready, Bug?"
"As long as you are, Mr. Morgan."
You and Derek each grabbed a knife from the table, but before the blades could touch the cake, Penelope's voice stopped you in your tracks.
"Wait, let me remove those candles for you."
"No, Penelope!"
Emily's warning came too late.
The entire room held their breaths at the sight of the candles in Penelope's hand. The tech analyst darted her eyes in confusion before she realized what she had done.
"Oh no."
"Is that--" Derek's voice sounded lost in awe.
"Yes, it is," you breathed out.
"The cream, it's--"
"I know." A humorous chuckle escaped your chest as a lone tear fell down your cheek. "It's a blue buttercream. We're having a boy."
Derek didn't waste any second before gathering you in his arms. Around you, your crowds of friends celebrated along in a sequence of hoorays and applause. But even in the midst of that ruckus, you felt like there were no other people left on this world with you other than Derek and your baby.
Your son.
"Hey, Little Man," Derek whispered as his hand landed on your belly. "I can't wait to meet you."
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I genuinely don't understand why people still bring up the "Alya knows Marinette longer then lila" argument since it kind of Falls flat for multiple reasons.
The fact everything takes place in a single school year means Alya at best knew Marinette for a month or two longer at best, and that's even including Lila being absent for a couple of weeks to a solid month
The fact Alya knows Mari WORKS AGAINST that whole argument since she knows Marinette has a massive tendency to overreact, especially when it involves Adrien( exhibit A Kagami) which Marinette herself has accidentally made it about more times than not
It's heavily implied that Alya did hang out with Lila enough outside of school to the point of trusting her to babysitting Chris, Ella, and Etta, so it isn't like she's trusting some rando.
Despite what salters tends to think, Aya has never actually taken Lila's side over Marinette's, 99% of the time, she's a neutral party with the 1% being her on Marinette's side.
I'll admit, you make several good points there, and I will admit, I never saw things that way. Unfortunately, I still have two major problems with this argument, mainly related to Season 4 and beyond.
The main problem people have with this conflict is that the show heavily markets Alya as Marinette's best friend. She was Marinette's first friend in "Origins", she was the first to become a temp hero in "Sapotis", she was the first one to learn Marinette's identity as Ladybug who wasn't a Kwami or Guardian, and she was even trusted enough to temporarily use the Ladybug Miraculous twice in "Hack-San" and "The Kwamis' Choice".
The show keeps making a big deal about how close Marinette's bond with Alya is, but it still wants to tell a story about their trust in each other being tested. It was more understandable in Season 3 because Alya wasn't given as much responsibility as Marinette's confidant, but after Season 4 made it clear that Marinette revealing her identity to Alya was a major show of trust, the fact that we're still making a conflict over something like this is absurd. How the hell can Alya not trust Marinette when she knows she's a superhero, and can testify about Lila lying about knowing her (Volpina) and about turning a new leaf (Chameleon)?
This leads into my second point. Yes, the implications are that Lila and Alya have spent time together to become friends, but that's just it, implications. You have to do a lot of reading inbetween the lines to pick this up when the show doesn't even bother doing something as simple as showing Alya and Lila hanging out. Just give us a few scenes of the two eating lunch together or going for a walk without Marinette around so we can at least buy Alya seeing Lila as a friend. Alya got more focus in Season 4, so there's even less of an excuse here.
Or, in other words...
And remember, this is the same show where the new main antagonist's deal is lying about things she can't prove without fudging the results or hoping the people she lies to don't ask too many questions. In other words, Lila would be the perfect writer on this show.
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idanit · 5 months
Dear Jeeves and Wooster fandom, lovely fic writers, my betters in bertieprose. Why are we sleeping on Lady Malcolm’s Servants Ball, held annually in London from 1923 to 1938 specifically for people in domestic service, with a reputation of drawing in queer and gender-nonconforming working-class crowd? A servants' ball where people were, for a time, "allowed" to crossdress and dance with same-sex partners? (Before it drew too much attention and got banned.)
Where are my fics about:
Jeeves moving his day off around so he can attend the ball, crossdress, and/or dance with other men?
Bertie finding out about the ball and asking questions?
Bertie sneaking into the ball pretending to be a servant and crossdressing in order to dance with other men? Perhaps he has been doing this for a few years until the year he hires Jeeves, and that year they accidentally meet at the ball. Perhaps they're both in drag, or only one of them is in drag. Perhaps only one recognises the other, or both of them do (I believe this was a costume, though not necessarily a masked ball). Perhaps Jeeves has to explain that if he has questions, they're not precisely objections, and he only worries that Bertie might be recognised and blackmailed — or perhaps Bertie has to explain that Jeeves is not in any danger of losing his job and Bertie doesn't mind him crossdressing at all. And they dance.
Bertie ordering a fancy bespoke dress for Jeeves so that he can go to the ball? ("Wealthy households would fund their workers to go, with some even loaning them evening dresses." [link 2 - though it probably means dresses for maids]) Bertie getting some jewellery for Jeeves and watching him apply make-up?
Bertie finding out that this is the best ball for servants around and telling Jeeves that he should totally go because he always has to attend the fancy parties as a butler or Bertie's valet, not there to have fun, and Jeeves agreeing because he's very insistent? Perhaps Jeeves is very secretive about the costume he's preparing even though Bertie's dying of curiosity. Perhaps once Jeeves leaves, Bertie starts having all these Very Strange Feelings, and after suffering in the flat for a few hours, he ends up going as well. And then he either can't find Jeeves until Jeeves chooses to reveal himself to him, or he finds Jeeves and almost perishes on the spot. And then, of course, they dance.
or whatever silly plot come on this is so juicy
ADDED: I wrote all this and then I discovered a great Jeeves fic that does make use of the ball, except it's not Jeeves/Wooster, but Wooster/Haddock (which is how it initially escaped my notice). If you don't mind that, go read it and enjoy the queer dancing, the crossdressing, and a delightful version of Jeeves: We Want Haddock.
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minhosimthings · 1 year
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Someone Older, Just a Little Bit Colder.
Summary: Yoon Y/N and Lee Minho. Perfect enemies. But when some guns and roses get mixed up with both of them, I wonder what the fates have weaved for their story.
Pairings: Fem!reader × Minho, classic Enemies to Lovers. Includes rest of Skz and other groups
Warnings: lots of violence, blood, murder, guns, swearing, mention of food, mention of dead bodies. There is a lot of violence so please do not interact if you are sensitive to these things.
A/N - I finished this finally. This took a lot of time and it is probably my longest work till date. I took inspiration from an edit I saw on Instagram. So here you go! Please enjoy this and feel free to give me feedback. I don't like some parts of the fic that much tho. Cause I was very lazy when I wrote them.
Song rec:
1: I need someone older
"No, no, no" Mournful voices were surrounding your frame. "No this can't be happening. Please Y/N!" Tears, not yours, dripped onto your skin as something red mixed with it to create a pretty little cocktail. "Fuck princess wake up! Fuck no....."
"Y/N! Come down quick! You've gotta get to school!" Another day of school. How mechanical was your life. In your final year of high school, you'd have thought that your life would have sugar, spice and everything nice. But instead, you got stuck with a robotic schedule, which consisted of waking up, going to school, coming back, food time, homework, checking to see if any colleges had sent you mails and then going back to sleep. But you couldn't really complain, because you were in Jeju Island. Literally everyone here had the same robotic schedule. Well maybe except for the richest people here. Your family was what was known as the middle classes. You lived comfortably, but not too plushily and your mom and dad both had jobs. Your elder sister Jinhee and you basically raised each other and now, with Jinhee, already graduated and married (since she was seven years older than you), you were left all alone in your turquoise room, with white borders and black finishes. It wasn't the fact that you weren't happy or anything. But, as a child of the Cosmos and as a ruler of the skies and tides, you wanted to feel that feeling that people had when they would roll around in the grass, or buy flowers from a sweet old lady, or wear ridiculous nail polish with someone, keeping the stories of the stars to yourself, whenever someone asks 'what did you do last night?'. But wasn't that why fairytales existed? To tell you that getting all those things was nothing but a mere dream? A dream which you hoped would come true? Which you hoped that the universe would understand your heart's desire and grant it to you?
"Be safe alright? Got your pepper spray?" "Yes ma don't worry. Im always safe aren't I?" Your mother kissed your forehead gently before letting to walk off to school, pepper spray in hand, knife hidden up the sleeve of your blue school sweater. The road from your house to your school was one of the safest ones. It was a suburban area, with families like yours lining up the street. You had no problem walking by yourself, and casually greeting the wakening families, with their toddlers and teenagers. You felt safe here and in the rare times there was some danger, you knew you could kick their asses (flashback to that one time you thought your dad was a stranger and accidentally kicked him hard in the shin. He still doesn't forgive you for that)
"Miss Yoon. Are you walking alone your highness?" That voice. That voice was perhaps the bane of your existence (not the object of all your desires. Sue me for using Bridgerton right now). A smooth black car pulled up next to you as you were just a metre away from the school. The windows were rolled down to reveal a young boy, your age with fluffy plum brown hair, cat like eyes, a sharp nose and a smirk on his stupid face. Lee Minho. Also known as the worst person you knew. And no this wasn't an enemies to lovers scenario. It usually is but this? Yeah absolutely not. Lee Minho had been your childhood neighbour since he was six. He lived with his grandparents since he was six, with his parents being in one of the richest families of South Korea and working in Seoul. He also went to your school, which was weird considering he was basically a billionaire and still chose to go to the 'middle class' school along with his his seven friends, who coincidentally were also from the seven richest families of South Korea.
"Oh no Minho. I wasn't walking alone. I have an invisible friend that you can't see from behind those stupidly pretty eyes of yours." You threw him a glare as his smirked just increased in size. "You think my eyes are pretty?" "Oh for fucks sake. What do you want?" "Language, princess." Minho chuckled and unlocked the passenger seat door. "Get in." You let out a chuckle and said "With you? Oh no thank you. I would rather go to Hell and dance with the devil." "Oh come on princess." Minho's face only widened even more to form the face of the devil himself. "You know people who die to even touch my car. You're lucky I'm offering you to ride in it." You rolled your eyes at him. So fucking cocky for no reason. You decided that you couldn't take it anymore and just started walking with a small 'I'll see you at school Minho goodbye now.'. Minho seemed to have taken the sign as he locked his doors, rolled the windows down and sped away to school.
Finally some peace. You breathed in the September air as you watched the Magpies fly around with their mates. You always loved Magpies, courtesy to your dad always encouraging you to birdwatch whenever you were free, with the pink binoculars you had. And today, in the serene September air, it felt good, watching two birds in love fluttering around, probably having a conversation about who knows what. There was that odd feeling in your chest again, that feeling which you pretended wasn't loneliness. People never understood the difference between alone and lonely. Yes you can be alone and you can enjoy it to your fullest. Some of your friends loved to be alone, eating chocolate, reading a nice book, sitting by the rain, all of those aesthetic things those Pinterest people do. You always craved to be like that too, but you never could. And you still had to learn to accept the fact that being basic wasn't a bad thing.
"Babe your foundation isn't blended properly come here. Hasn't Mama Huh taught you anything?" Your best friend Yunjin greeted you at the stairs of your school, with her bright unicorn bag and her perfect makeup as usual. "Sorry sweetheart. I really can't focus today." Yunjin gave you a sympathetic look as she blended the foundation on your neck with her hands carefully. "Is it Lee again? I swear to God one of these days I'm gonna go and tell him that you like him and then he'll confess to you and then this can be an enemies to lovers novel where I'm the sassy, amazing best friend who saves the day." You laughed at Yunjin's rambling. "And I thought Chaer was more delusional than you." "Do I hear my name?" A pretty girl with long black hair and perhaps the greatest jawline in the world came up behind you. Lee Chaeryoung, cousin of Minho and your second best friend, also your prettiest friend (sue me she's my wif- I mean my bias) "Hey Chaer. By the way have you guys completed Mr Hong's assignment?" Yunjin groaned at your words as she pulled out a red copy from her bag and opened it to reveal her messy handwriting. "I stayed up to finish this shit. Why do we need to analyse what a curtain means in Shakespearean language? Like I don't know. It could mean the heroine wants to be at an orgy for all I know." Chaer hit Yunjin's arm as you laughed at went inside the school to go to your English class along with Yunjin. Chaeryoung stalked off in the other direction, to her biology class, as you entered the class, where Mr.Hong wasn't present yet. You always dreaded English period, not because you weren't good in the subject, but because of the seating arrangement. Yunjin would always sit at the back of the class while you were stuck in the front with Minho. You internally groaned as you walked up to your seat, where Minho and Chan were talking to each other. Chan was a good friend of yours since your mom was the head of the Jeju Island branch of his dad's buisness. Curly haired, eyes filled with stars and the most gentle behaviour ever, he came straight out of a goddamn book. You always wondered how he became friends with Minho, considering both of them were as different as chalk and cheese. But then again, they has been brought up together, by their grandparents while their parents would stay in Seoul to run buisness.
"Hey Chan. Did you get those physics notes done yesterday?" Chan greeted at you with than omnipresent smile on his face as he nodded fervently like a puppy. "Yeah I got them done! It was really hard though. I really hope Mrs.Choi is absent today. So she can't call me out on my 'mistakes'." You smiled fondly at Chan as he took his seat on your other side, while Minho toyed with a blue hairband. Your hairband. "Minho where did you get that?" He turned to look at you and gave you that smug smirk again. "Why princess? Is it yours?" You scowled as you reached forward and grabbed the hairband out of his hands and stuffed it into your bag. "Yes it is mine! I think you'd know that considering I have been looking for this ever since the playground incident from when we were seven! Oh but I think you wouldn't remember that would you? Considering you're an ajhussi." It was Minho's time to scowl now and he scrunched up his nose like an angry bunny and stuck his tongue out at you, all while mumbling "I'm only two months older you know.", As Mr.Hong entered the classrooms in his pinstriped shirt and began asking for the assignments.
The rest of the day went as normal. You went to all of your classes, had a gossip-filled lunch with Chaeryoung, Yunjin, Miyeon, Sunoo and Jake, accidentally spilt water over Sunghoon from Chemistry, and got top grades in biology as usual.
Gosh September was good. September was lovely. People don't really get why September was so comforting to you. And to be frank, you didn't get it either. But there was this aura that September had that you couldn't shake. It wasn't just all pumpkin spice lattes or orange scarfs. It was..... Something else. Something you couldn't describe. You know that feeling when you bite into an ice cream cone? It crumbles all over you, but you love that feeling, that crunch combined with the sweet ice cream inside. That's what September was.
The bell rang loudly as school got over and you went over to the the basketball court. Being captain of the girls team, you always needed to stay back after school in order to train your team. "Unnie come quick would ya!" Chaewon, the team's greatest shooter called out to you. "Im not that late today Chaewon. That's a record for me!" Chaewon rolled her eyes as she adjusted her shorts. "Y/N are we gonna discuss some tactics for next week's game then? Cause I drew a lot of shit last night and I don't want it to go to waste." Wonyoung, the team's co-captain was nudging some papers into your hands. You gave her a quick smile as you looked over all the loopy drawings she did. "Oh and girls! Please remember to get your registration documents tomorrow! I really don't want to submit them late to Coach Kim." All your teammates nodded at your words and went on to the court, where to your dismay, Minho and his team were also practicing. You were annoyed. You had booked the court for today and has specifically checked with both of your coaches and yet again, your mortal enemy was playing with his team on what was meant to be your court. "Yah Minho! Get off the fucking court. We have it booked for today!" You gave him the biggest glare that you could muster, while he simply strode up to you, ball in hand, and that stupid smile on his face. "Aww princess. You booked the court for today? Well sad because I booked it earlier. I have a signed consent form from Coach Kim too. So either you can get off the court or we can have a practice game together." You felt like blowing up the earth below his feet right now but you couldn't do anything when he showed you the piece of paper on which Coach Kim had signed specifying that the boy's team could play today. "Fine then. But a practice game? Together? Boys versus girls?" Minho simply nodded at your words as you looked back at your girl standing behind you who were currently looking like they wanted to go to war. Seeing their determination, you extended a hand forward to Minho and in a assertive tone, said, "You're on then Lee. I wanna watch your pretty little face when you lose really badly. So what's the prize then?" You regretted asking that question when you saw Minho's face turning into that evil little smirk again. His team was assembled behind him and now you were a bit scared, considering that your tallest player was the size of their shortest one. "How about........ loser has to take the winner to that nice ice cream place that just opened down the street? And it'll only be us two. You know, captain to captain." Hearing that both your team and Minho's team broke out in high pitched 'ooohs' (yes even the Bois) as if you were doing something scandalous. You had no choice but to accept so you extended you hand again as Minho gripped it with his veiny hands and shook it firmly.
Chan and Chaeryoung were sitting by the stands since neither of them played and you smiled gently at them talking and giggling so fondly. The game started with one of the assistant coaches, Jungwon, refereeing. You were more determined now than you were at last month's regional games. You had to beat Minho and he had to take you to that stupid ice cream place. "Scared princess?" Minho asked as you assembled on the half line. You didn't say anything but threw him a smirk, hoping that it would catch him off guard. "Alright, ready set. Rumble!" Jungwon blew the whistle and threw the ball up in the air as you reached forward and managed to slap it onto your side of the court, where Wonyoung caught it and swiftly passed it on to Chaewon, who was standing by the hoops. You heard Minho scolding Jeongin, who was defending Chaewon, for not blocking her properly as you high fived Wonyoung for the quick pass.The rest of the game pretty much went the same way as you kept using witty tactics while Minho kept using speed and strength, which you knew was his greatest weakness. From time to time, his shirt would fly up ever so slightly and you would get distracted for a split second by his abs (which you scolded yourself for).
"Guys can you stop now please? It's 7:30. I'm going home now and you guys should too before they shut the school gate." Jungwon finally ended the game as you looked over at the scoreboard. You had won! You hugged Chaewon tightly before striding up to a very sweaty Minho who, not even in the slightest, looked defeated. "So, Mr Lee. You owe me ice cream now." He gave you a small smile, which made your heart leap, and said "Of course your Highness. Do you wanna get changed and then we can go? Or would you like to come being all sweaty?" You scowled at him and stuck your tongue out as you made your way to the changing rooms as he shouted behind you, "Meet me at the gate!" You quickly took a shower and changed into the tshirt and yoga pants you usually brought with you to change into after a sweaty game.
"Yah are you going to take me in your dumb car?" You questioned Minho as he pulled up by the gate. Chan had taken Chaeryoung home today so you didn't have anyone to walk you home, which was a plus point (for Minho). "Yes princess. Since the ice cream place is not at a walkable distance, atleast for my feet, we are going in my dumb car. And you don't wana walk home this late Y/N. It's dangerous you know? So get the fuck in and let's go. I'm hungry." You begrudgingly got in the car, silently admiring the sleep leather seats as Minho started the engine and turned the car. "Oh and Chan hyung already informed your mom and dad. They're not gonna come home tonight cause they're busy or something so I'll drive you back if you want." You snapped your head from the flying butterfly outside the window to Minho's concentrated face as you shyly mumbled a 'thank you'.
The drive to the ice cream was long and silent. You simply stated out the window while Minho stared forward, trying not to look at the way the rays of the setting sun fell on your skin or how your hair fell in that particular way that just felt good. Do the boys usually confess first? He didn't know. No he hated you. This is absolutely not fucking happening right now. You were Yoon Y/N, captain if the girls basketball team, annoying neighbour, beautiful mortal enemy. No not beautiful. Get out of it Minho!
"Uh is this the place? Looks cute." Minho's car pulled up near a tiny cafe like building called 'Jureimi's parlor', lit up in bright pink signs. "Oh yeah. I'll just park and we can go." You got out of the car as Minho parked nearby and got out too. "Is that boba flavoured ice cream?" You pointed at a brown coloured ice cream in ghe booth. The lady at the counter smiled at you as she nodded and gave you little sample cup. You offered a bit to Minho, who shook his head and went to find a table. "Get what you want. I'll pay." You rolled your eyes at him. He had to pay anyway for losing the game so badly.
You tasted the ice cream, which tasted like heaven and decided that you wanted this. "Can I get this in a cone please? Two scoops." The lady nodded and told her co worker your order, who went to the back to make it. You noticed some pudding cups on the shelf behind the lady. "Are those puddings?" "Oh yes. They're a new addition really. It's a favourite among all the grandmas here." You pointed at the vanilla one and asked the lady to give you that one, while you handed her the money and she handed you your ice cream and the pudding cup. You strode over to Minho, who was sitting with his legs wide open at the little round table in the corner of the store. "Is that for me?" He pointed at the pudding. "No dumbass it's for the Magpies." He gave you a sarcastic smile and grabbed the pudding cup from your hands. "I only got it for you cause this boba ice cream is expensive. So stop smirking at me." He looked up at you with those cat like eyes and slightly pouted, but remained quiet as both of you savoured on the sweet, sticky food.
"Dude how slow do you eat?" You watched Minho as he has halfway through his pudding, while you had already finished your ice cream. "Just slow enough to annoy you baby." You frowned at his words. "Do not call me that ever again. It's makes me wanna vomit." You made a gagging motion as Minho just simply chuckled. "Fine then. While I finish this amazing pudding, how about we play truth or dare hm? Because our impatient princess can't wait for five seconds without doing anything." You thought for a while before finally saying yes. "Alrightly then." Minho smiled at you. "Y/N. Truth or dare?" You picked truth, which seemed like the only viable option, considering the fact that you were in a shop, and Minho said, "How's your brother?"
Your heart dropped as you heard that sentence. How did he know about that? The blue shade of the shop spun around you as you tried to focus on anything else other than what just came out of Minho's mouth. Silence. Yes silence would work. Just give him a glare and it'll be over. "Oh come on princess. We all know what happened to your brother. I just wanna hear it from you personally." Your blood turned cold as your mind kept feeding you memories of that night. That faithful night. That peace filled night. That night when the Magpies stopped singing and September ran cold once more.
"Fuck you Lee Minho." Saying that, you picked up your bag and got up, slamming the chair to the ground, behind you. The lady at the counter looked up to see you walking about the door, pushing it agressively. "No Y/N wait!" Minho knew he had fucked up now. He had never meant to hurt you like this. He had learnt from Yunjin that you were already over your brother's incident. This was just supposed to be normal mortal enemy banter. How do you still remember? He quickly pulled out some cash and slammed it on the counter to the very shocked lady as he ran out after you. You wouldn't have gotten far. After all, you had to pass the school to get to your house. Minho quickly got in his car and started the engine with a blast. You had also left your headband in the carseat. So, that was another excuse for him to chase after you. He wasn't going to lose you again. Not now. Not when he was so close.
The street was dark and cold, lit up faintly by the wavering streetlights. This wasn't September anymore. You could feel December taking all the love out of September. And as you walked upon the concrete, you could feel the Magpies talking about you. You could feel the crescent moon feeling nothing but pity for you. You could feel all the plants with their bugs, looking at you and saying, "Yoon Y/N. You fucked up again just like you always do." You shouldn't have let your anger take control. But then again, when we deal with anger so long, she never tells us that her actual name is grief. Your brother was supposed to be a closed chapter of your life, but like a faded page of an Agatha Christie novel, he lingered on in your brain. All your family had far moved on, but you loved your twin brother, older than you by 8 minutes, too much to let him go from the dusty cabinets of your brain. You tried to forget his screams on that day and that cold, hard cackling but you couldn't. You were right there. Right in front of all the destruction, when your heart broke into a million pieces. Yet how could you forget such a memory?
"Y/N!" Minho was rolling up with this car next to you as you reached your house. The magenta coloured door was locked, your parents were still out on work. "Minho just fucking leave me alone. And I mean it this time. Don't even fucking talk to me." "Yn would you listen to me? Don't go inside the house!" What was this maniac saying? You stared at his figure getting out of the car and swiftly moving across over the lawn to your figure standing at the front door. "please just don't go inside the house." You noticed some figures behind him and you realised that Chan and his friends Jisung and Changbin were also there. "Minho what the fuck are you doing?" Minho looked at with what you thought looked like an expression of pity. "Just please don't go inside the house."
No you weren't going to listen to him. Absolutely fucking not. The last time you listened to him, you ended up in a mud covered ditch. Not today. "Fuck you and fuck your fucking existence Minho! I'm not listening to one word that comes out of that stupid mouth of yours." Before Minho could stop you and before Chan called out your name, you opened the door with gusto, only to be met, not with the familiar scent of Eau de Perfume but with the stench of iron. Your world came crashing down again. Your parents. Lying dead. On the floor. Of your house. Covered in blood. You were frozen. You couldn't move. A sense of familiarity came over you. You knew this feeling. This feeling of feeling like a thousand icicles had pierced your veins. All that came to your mind was him. No this can't be September. September was his birthday! It can't be this bad. No please don't let September be bad. "Y/N. Princess are you alright?" "Min- Minho. They're- they're not. No." The tears weren't coming. This wasn't sadness this was shock. "Chan hyung can you get her out of here? Jisung call the police. Now. Y/N. Y/N what are you doing!" You had strode up to your parents' bodies. Your mom was covered in more blood than your dad. Your dad looked like he was peacefully sleeping. Your mum's head seemed bashed in. Oh god the smell of blood. That night. All that remained was that night. You were too immersed in looking at your parents, that you didn't notice the creeping black figure in front of you. "So you're their daughter are you?" That husky voice was the last thing you heard before a gun shot, Minho's voice and the thud of your body. There was something warm on your stomach. And gooey. And red. This felt nice, you thought. Dying felt nice. If only he felt like this before....
Chan and Changbin slammed the man who had stabbed you onto the wall, destroying some photo frames in the process. Jisung turned on all the lights and went over to the two other men to get a look at the stranger. Minho, on the other hand, had rushed to your side, picking you up in his arms, towel pressuring the wound on your stomach.
"No, no, no" Mournful voices were surrounding your frame. "No this can't be happening. Please Y/N!" Tears, not yours, dripped onto your skin as something red mixed with it to create a pretty little cocktail. "Fuck princess wake up! Fuck no....."
2: Just a little bit colder
"Well well well, Mrs Yoon. How are the children?" Your mother cowered in fear as your elder sister and your dad were tied up next to the fridge in the kitchen. Your twin brother and you were in the clutches of some buff looking men. Eleven years. That's all you were. Eleven fucking years. "Mr. Wang I promise I won't leak the papers. I swear on my children. Please do not harm us." Mr. Wang or whoever he was striding up and down the carpeted room, white papers in his scarred hand. "It's ok Y/Nnie. I'm right here. It's just another November. September will come soon won't it?" Your brother, Doowon tightly held your hand and calmed you down, as your tears threatened to escape from their prison. "Mr. Wang. Please I beg you. Please do not harm me. You have the papers. What more do you want?" Mr Wang smiled at your mother. A cold smile. Shivering and undaunted. "Oh my dear Danbi. I have the papers of course, but you know how I do my work. I do not like bitches who butt their heads into everything. So I want your children to see how their mother is a little bitch." Mr Wang pulled your mother's hair as she screamed and cried out. "Hey don't do that to my mom!" Your borther screamed out as you but the hand if the man who was holding you. Both of you escaped from the clutches of the two men as Mr Wang looked on, slightly amused. "Or what little boy? You gonna beat me up?" Your brother stood his ground, not even daring to break eye contact. "Doowon get back please!" Your mum pleaded with Doowon, but he wouldn't listen. He stepped forward to Mr Wang and stepped painfully on his smooth black shoes. Mr Wang let out a cold laugh as he grabbed your brother by the neck of his shirt. "Grab the little girl too. Let her see how her twin meets with death." A man grabbed you from behind as your family pleaded and you thrashed around, trying to escape. "Let me go!" You screamed as the man took you upstairs while Mr Wang followed with your brother. You reached your bedroom door, which you shared with Doowon and Mr Wang slammed it opened pushing you and your brother inside. "Open that window, Brian." He spat at the man who grabbed you, while you and Doowon stood still. "Now boy. Come here. Come. Here. Now. Unless you want your sister harmed." Doowon looked at you and squeezed your hand before going ever to Mr Wang. And that was the last touch of your brother you had, before Mr. Wang pushed him out of the window on to the green grass below. Your screams had filled the neighborhood, scared the Magpies and threatened September to never come again. September's child,you told yourself. That's all he was. September's child, at the mercy of October.
"She'll be alright Minho. Just give her a few hours. She'll wake up." You were lying on an oak bed with grand purple bedsheets. You had a white sheet wrapped around your waist and your stomach, which stopped blood from coming out of your stab wound. Minho had taken you to his mansion outside of town, where all the sons of the mafias of Korea would hang out. Bang Chan, Seo Changbin, Hwang Hyunjin, Minho's brother Lee Felix Yongbok, Han Jisung, Kim Seungmin, Yang Jeongin and Lee Minho. Stray kids, they called themselves. Basically abandoned by their workaholic parents and brought up by relatives. "Hyung she'll be fine don't worry. Seungmin's aunt is the best surgeon in the country. She stitched Y/N up all fine." Changbin put an arm on Minho's shivering shoulder. Chan and Jisung were also there in the room, trying to comfort Minho and convince him that you would be fine. "What if she's not ok hyung? What do I tell her when she wakes up? Ho-how do I explain to her how I knew that her parents' bodies would be lying in her floor before she even got home? How do I fucking explain that?" Minho looked up at Chan with teary eyes. Chan was worried. Minho hadn't eaten or drunk water for the whole day, ever since you came out of that four hour long surgery. Never before had he seen Minho's cold face so filled with emotion. "Minho listen to me. You can explain everything to her once she wakes up. I called her sister and she'll be coming over in three days from Busan. Now please. You've got to eat something or drink water atleast. I promise you, Y/N will understand if you speak to her properly. Now come on, let's get some breakfast. It's 8 am in the morning. The boys would have woken up by now." Minho listened silently to Chan's words and simply nodded. Words weren't coming out anymore as he slowly got up from his chair and let go of your hand. Taking one last look at you, the boys left the room, all the while commanding two bodyguards to stand outside the door, making sure no one else can even come near you.
"Y/Nnie! Look what I can do!" "That wasn't a proper cartwheel Doowon, it doesn't count!" "Atleast I can do a cartwheel." "Yah don't stick your tongue out at me! Jinhee unnie! Doowon's making fun of me!"
'Do you remember? Twenty first night of September? Love was chasing the minds of pretenders.' "Happy birthday Doowon! I got a CD of your favourite song!" "Thanks Y/Nnie. Let's listen to this song on my birthday every year!"
Purple sheets? This was not your bed. Your bed had dinosaur sheets and made a rickety noise every time you moved. You noticed the white tape wrapped carefully around your waist and dared not touch it. You tried to remember what day it was and where you were as you slowly moved and leaned comfortably against the bed frame, groaning slightly as your stomach was hurting. Gosh what day was it? Was it still September? Or did October come to take you away again?
Lost in your thoughts, you looked around the room, trying to figure out whether you were still in Jeju Island or not. You noticed a drawer close to the bed. Curious, you opened the drawer, to find your phone, a bracelet and a picture of a you and Minho in your jerseys. That bracelet. It was the one which your brother had made for you. Which you hadn't seen ever since that day. And the picture was the one which was taken when you and Minho were elected captains of your basketball teams. You grabbed your phone hurriedly as you realised that this had to be Minho's house. You had to get out. Now. Your memory was coming back to you and you remembered the events that had unfolded the night before. Blood. The smell of iron. The blade of a knife. The tears of a plum brown haired boy.
You threw the sheets off of yourself and made to get up. Stupid decision, you told yourself as the moment your feet hit the floor, you fell down witha loud thud. "OUCH!" you cried out loudly, hoping that this was a soundproof house. Probably not, because five seconds later, you heard footsteps coming down to your door. The oak door swung open with a loud crash to reveal a panic stricken Minho, who had dark circles under his eyes, a worried looking Chan, who was clutching a half finished piece of toast and a very confused Seungmin, who was holding a cup of coffee in his hand. "I knew I shouldn't have left your clumsy ass alone." Minho grumbled as he made his way to you and gently lifted you up, taking care not to touch your injury. You should have probably thrashed around, but for the sake of not accidentally injuring yourself even more, you resisted, as Minho put you back on the head and flicked your forehead painfully. "Yah!" You exclaimed rubbing your forehead. "Ok first of all, where the fuck am I? Second of all, what the fuck am I doing here? Third of all, I know my parents are dead now, so what I am going to do?" You directed the last question at Chan, who scratched his hair and glanced at Seungmin, who was looking at you as if you were his hero. "You know noona, you can come stay with me if you don't wanna stay in Minho's hyung's house." Minho glared at Seungmin as Chan took him by the arm and forced him out of the room, before saying "Minho explain everything. And no I will not help you stop pouting." He slammed the door, leaving Minho and you all alone. All alone in this wood carved room. All alone to face September together. "Alright" Minho took in a deep breath. "Im going to explain everything to you princess. But you will not fucking interrupt me, got it?" You opened your mouth to fire something back at him, but you decided against it in the last moment and quietly nodded. "Alright here goes. First of all I am really sorry for bringing up your brother. I know it was an asshole move and I thought you'd have forgotten about it. Clearly you didn't so I'm sorry. Please forgive me. Second of all, yes your parents are dead. Im sorry Y/N but they are. We informed your sister, she'll come in a few days from Busan. And the reason I knew that your parents were dead and tried to stop you was because my cousin killed your parents." Pause button. Wait what?
"Minho what are you talking about? If this is some kind of joke I will seriously kill myself right here and right now." Minho looked at you with an expression of pure sympathy. "It's not a joke Y/N. You know your mom is the head of the Jeju Island branch of Chan's parents' buisness right? Well all our businesses are connected. And one day when you were a child, your mother had found some papers which proved that my family was in illegal work. My family was ready to forgive her but my cousin, Jackson, wasn't. All those papers were related to his dealings and he wasn't happy that a mere woman had found out about it. So one day, without my parent's knowledge, he found out about your family and well. I think you know the rest don't you?" Too many things. Too many things for your brain to process as it went back to that night. Mr Wang. Jackson Wang. Pretty name, you thought, as you tried to bring his face back to your memory. Scarred. That's all you remembered. Scarred face, scarred mouth, scarred hands grabbing your brother by the cuffs on his shirt. "Chan had found out first. You know him having contacts and all. And when he told me about it, there was this thing inside of me that told me that your parents were probably already dead. I know my cousin pretty well. And he isn't one for patience." "But what did my mom do now?" Minho sighed at your question. "She, she found out some more information about Jackson and she decided to step up. But we all know what happens to heroes don't we?" Your breathing had gotten more steady now and your hands had stopped shaking. Sadness wasn't arriving for you. Not yet. Was it September? Or was it because you never actually knew your mother and father? Because thinking about it, you actually never did.
"Y/N I think it's time to tell you what my parents actually do. What all the boy's parents actually do. We run an underground syndicate over the whole of South Korea. We own every piece of land in Korea. We have information about every person existing in this country. And I want to tell you that your mom was actually one of the most important people for our 'buisness'. She wasn't just some head of the Jeju Island branch. She was a personal spy for my father and mother, put here along with your dad, to spy against, uh, some people." Your head hurt even more with all the information that Minho was unloading on you. You held your head in your hands and massaged your temples gently. Minho looked slightly worried at this and nervously asked, "You ok princess? Want some breakfast?" Oh gosh his lips. "Or a doctor? You know what I'll get a doctor. Chan hyung will say no-" Those lips looked so kissable" "- but what if you don't feel well later on a faint and then you become even more sick-" Don't kiss him Y/N don't you dare. "-and then I'll have to marry you and take care of you foreve-"
Yep you couldn't keep it to yourself anymore. "I wanna kiss you." You blurted out, instantly cringing and regretting your words and Minho turned his head towards you, eyes wide and mouth slightly parted in surprise. "This is adream right? Oh shit I had too much coffee." You were surprised at his words. Wait did he dream of this in a regular basis or what? Or were in you in a coma and this was all in your head? You slightly moved in the bed and as your stomach slightly hurt, you thought, yes definetly not a coma. "Or you could just get me some breakfast? Im hungry and in pain right now." "O-oh yeah I'll just tell t-the guys to get you some. K cool bye Y/N! See you later definetly don't wanna kiss you haha bye!" You were in a state of euphoria as Minho left the room, a blushing mess. Did you just make the Lee Minho blush and stutter? Oh you could jump in joy right now. Well if you could jump. Was this wrong, you thought. Not feeling sad even though your parents had just died? Or were you too familiar with sadness, that meeting her wasn't a big deal anymore?
The door opened again after fifteen minutes to reveal a blonde- haired boy with the most prettiest eyes you've ever seen, carrying a breakfast tray, followed by a taller long haired boy, who looked like he came straight out of those anime comics you read. "Hey noona! Here's some breakfast! Are you feeling better now?" The blonde haired boy, who had a very deep voice, said in a cheery tone. You considered asking him if he was a pixie or an angel because God did he emit that vibe. That positive vibe that just made you wanna pick some flowers and braid them in someone's hair. "Oh hello there. Um thank you for the food. Im sorry if it was of any inconvenience to you." This time, the long haired boy responded instead, saying "Oh no Noona it's fine. Minho hyung would kill us, well specifically me, if, according to his words 'you felt any discomfort', so please eat up. Im Hyunjin by the way and this is Felix." "Im Y/N. Yoon Y/N. But I'm guessing you already knew that?"
"Well of course we know about you. Minho hyung doesn't stop talking to me about you." Jisung had just appeared at the door, dressed in a leather jacket with leather pants, making him look like a biker. "He literally talked to me about your favourite ice cream flavour for five house noona I'm not joking. So please would you tell him you like or something so that I can get out of this hellhole of listening to him?" You were slightly taken aback by Jisung's words and as he plopped and deflated onto the purple couch, you looked at him with a curious expression, "Oh I'm Jisung by the way. Minho's amazingly talented best friend." You heard Hyunjin mutter something along the lines of 'he forgot to add annoying'. "Um I have a lot questions that Minho didn't properly answer. May I ask them,if you don't mind?" You directed this question at Felix, who looked ecstatic at the thought of answering questions, as Hyunjin pulled up two chairs. "Yeah of course Noona! My brother is really vague so please forgive him for that." You smiled at Felix's words about Minho. "Ok first of all where are we right now?" "We're in the outskirts of Jeju Island. This is Minho's hyung's mansion. Well technically our mansion, but my parents are the ones who own it. It's really old and no one cares about it. So we carry out our, er, operations here." Seeing Felix say all that was like seeing a chick with a knife. "So do all of you have like different jobs here? Like in the books and movies?" Hyunjin chuckled at that. "Minho hyung told us you liked suspense literature. Well to answer your question, yes we do have different jobs here. Chan hyung is kind of like our leader. He basically gives all the contacts and manages our profile and connections. You know all the administration shit. Changbin hyung and this idiot over here-" He gestured towards Jisung who gasped dramatically, "-they are our muscle and also so the money work. Lix over here does all the hacking work since his parents trained him and also since he's obsessed with gaming." Felix turned red at that, "Seungmin and Jeongin are our snipers. They are really young but I mean none of us really had an actual childhood. I run the interrogation work. And Minho hyung basically does everything. He doesn't really have a designated position." The way Hyunjin said all of that in the most casual tone weirded you out. He talked as if he was talking about morning coffee, as if it completely normal and nothing suspicious. You smiled awkwardly at Hyunjin who simply stared out the window at the sunlight. "Are all of you so gorgeous over here?" You blurted out, to which Jisung choked on his own saliva, Felix blushed pink and Hyunjin blinked multiple times. "I mean unless you count Jisung out, then yeah all of us are really pretty." You laughed at Hyunjin's statement to which Jisung looked like a furious squirrel.
"Yah Yongbok, Hyunjin are you coming down?" You heard Minho shout from below. "Oh gotta go. Anyways it was nice talking to you noona! I think Minho hyung called the doctor to come in the evening, so you should probably rest up until then. Oh and-" Felix paused for a moment and pulled out a sketchpad from nowhere. "Don't tell Minho I have you this. He told me you like to draw so I sneaked this in here." With that, all of them left you in the room, with a sketchpad, your phone and September's tunes.
You wiled away the hours by drawing the room around you. You tried to draw Hyunjin, Felix, Jisung and Chan too. The house was quiet apart from the voices of whom you assumed was Jeongin and Seungmin talking very loudly. But something was distracting you. That bracelet. The bracelet lying on the bedside drawer. You knew that bracelet very well. It was the bracelet which Doowon had made for you when you were eight or so. And you hadn't ever seen it ever since that night. So what was it doing here? Minho had told you that his cousin and his family don't talk at all, so how was this bracelet here? Was Minho lying? No he wouldn't do that. Yes mortal enemy things but you didn't think this man would be crazy enough to kill. You picked up the bracelet and twirled it in your hands. It was pretty, with gold lining the thing.
You noticed something on one of the biggest pink beads of the bracelet. The bead was... Open? It had a line tracing it as if it was a Pokemon ball, ready to split at any moment to reveal your Pokemon. Curious, you dig your nails into it to open it up. After a few minutes of difficulty (and you almost giving up), you managed to open the ball up. Inside was a tiny piece of folded paper. It was so tiny indeed, that you wondered how someone had managed to fold it. You dug the paper out and unfolded its many layers of folds. This definetly wasn't there when your brother had so lovingly made it for you. The paper was faded, but still looked relatively new. There were some words on it typed out in red, black and blue. The words:.
Yoon Doowon
Birth: September 21, 2005 (Age: Unknown)
Job: Hitman, Ally, Possible heir
Status: Alive
3: Take the weight off his shoulders
'Do you remember 22st night of September? Love was chasing the minds of pretenders all while dancing the night away."
"God boss can you turn that off? It's been playing for an hour now." A stout man, dressed in tight black clothes, which fitted his muscles was sitting spread eagle on a nice blue cushion chair. Sitting in front of him on a much more bigger chair, was a man dressed elaborately in a white mink stole, a pristine white suit, with rings of all colours adorning his fingers, and a big black brooch on a golden chain stuck to his suit. "I won't turn it off until the chorus Brian. You know I love this song don't you? And you shall listen to it until your ears bleed out." Brian groaned and leaned back in his chair. "When is Mr Wang coming?" The man asked Brian. "It's possible he'll be arriving in a few minutes sir. But don't worry. I have intel that he got the job done well and good." "And the little rat? What about her?" Brian shifted uncomfortably in his seat. "Well she might have gotten away. Lee's gang was there." The man threw his long hair back and threw off the stole, a frown and a red scar decorating his handsome face.
They were in a large room, an office, but it looked more like a King's throne room, where there were chairs for the ministers and wine glasses all decked with pink fluid. There was no door, but a few handing blue beads, which tinkled every now and then. "How could she have gotten away? Who did you send to kill them?" "I sent our best assassin sir." The man scoffed. "Well, clearly he wasn't the best. Does he have family?" Brian nodded in response to the question. "Good. Kill them." "Of course sir."
The blue beads tinkled as a heavily scarred man came into the room along with two bodyguards. "Mr Wang." The white draped man bowed deeply to Jackson who bowed back, only a bit. "Well well well Doowon. You did good. Your parents are dead. This deserves a toast. Shall we?" Doowon smirked at the man and got a green bottle from underneath the table. "Only the finest whiskey for you Mr Wang." Jackson chuckled coldly, taking a glass from the table and extending it forward to Doowon. "But-" Doowon said as he slowly uncorked the bottle. "I do not wish for your bodyguards to be here. You know how the Lee Family works? Even the most trusted allies can turn into back stabbers when their money is involved. " If Jackson Wang was startled, he didn't show it on his face. Instead he motioned for his guards to leave the room, who followed suit, although with a little uncertainty. Brian also left the room, leaving the two scarred men alone.
"Well then a toast. To me and you. Buisness partners." Doowon raised his glass in unison with Jackson, who drank up the whiskey quickly. "Mr Wang I have something to tell you." Jackson looked up at the younger man and waved his hand as if to say 'go on'. "First of all I just want to thank you for taking me in that night, when everyone thought I was dead. You were so ever so good with your observations to notice that I was only playing dead. And then you trained me and everything so thank you for that. And for telling me the truth about everything." Jackson simply nodded. He felt a sharp jab in his stomach and his head started to stir. Doowon was going out of focus now and in what seemed like a split second, Jackson Wang rolled off of the chair, onto the floor. Dead. "But I wanted to tell you sir." Doowon spoke to the limp body on the floor. "That I would like to take over by myself now. You're getting too old and I don't want you to interfere in my personal matters."
"How do you feel now Y/N? Better?" A pretty older woman was checking up on you. She wore a doctor's coat with the nametag 'Dr Kim' on it. She was Seungmin's aunt, the surgeon who had saved your life. "Well the pain has subsided a bit Dr.Kim. I still feel a bit dizzy every time I move, but I think I'm good now." Dr Kim warmly smiled at you as she checked your heartbeat. "Well in any case, I think you'll be fine by tomorrow. You can even walk around tomorrow if you like. But for now, just get some more sleep. I'll tell Minho and the boys not to disturb you alright?" Dr Kim gently squeezed your hand and packed up her equipment. She spoke to you as if you were her own child, with such delicate words and a comforting voice, something that your mother never gave you. "Um Dr Kim? Could you ask Minho to come up here please? If you don't mind?" "Of course honey! I'll ask him. Take care now." She gently kissed your forehead and went out the door.
"You wanted to see me?" Minho was dressed in a blue shirt, slightly open at the top and white pants. He looked so.... refined. And hot, exactly like a K drama CEO. God damn he looked delicious. Don't lick your lips. Do not lick your fucking lips Y/N. "Yeah I have some questions." Minho groaned as he shut the door and came forward to sit on the bed. "What now?" "Where did you get this bracelet?" You held up the bracelet to Minho, who looked at you, perplexed. "That's my bracelet, for your information. My mother gifted it to me. It's been in my family for centuries." Wait what now? "Minho stop fucking lying would you? My brother gave me this as a surprise gift when I was ten. And it went missing ever since the day he fucking died! So could you please tell me where the fuck you got this? Or I'm getting out of this bed and asking Chan." "Woah there princess." Minho looked at you, worried at your outburst. "Alright don't get out of bed please. I don't want you bleeding out and dying. But I'm telling the truth. This is the bracelet my mother gave me when I was twelve. It's been passed on from generation to generation in the Lee Family. It's a special bracelet, because it has these tiny chits inside the beads, telling the person who opens it who the next leader of, well, underground South Korea is going to be."
Too much information again. Number one, you could not stop staring at Minho's pretty pink lips. Number two, why did the chit inside the bead have your brother's name? And why did it say that he was alive?" "Wh-who puts the chits inside of this?" You asked Minho, carefully hiding the chit inside of your hand. "Well my uncle Wang dies. Jackson's dad. His great great great grandpa was the one who made this bracelet. So he has the right to choose the heir." "Minho I think you need to see this." You handed Minho the faded chit. He looked at it for a solid fifteen seconds before looking at you, blinking rapidly, just like how he does whenever someone surprises him. "Y/N oh fuck. Shit come on get up. Quick. I'll help you." "Wait Minho what? What happened?" You asked Minho as he gently wrapped his arms around your waist, supporting you as you slowly got out the bed, and onto your legs. "Y/N we need to get to a safer place. If- if what this chit says is true, you're in more danger than I thought." "Wait Minho stop. Would you stop for a moment? Minho- Lee Minho!" You shouted his name, which made him stop in his tracks, arms still supporting your waist, even though you could still walk fine. "Would you please explain to me what's going on?" "Come down to the hall." Minho sighed and told you. "The boys, except Chan hyung, don't know either. So I can tell them and you at the same time. It'll be easier won't it?"
You nodded, not saying anything. Your mouth was dry and words were not escaping it. Gosh September was meant to be good. Why was it so full of surprises?
"Yah Minho Hyung! Auntie told noona can't get up until tomorrow." Seungmin said to Minho as both of you cam doen the stairs. All of the boys were pin the living room, immersed in their own work. Seungmin and Jeongin were playing chess and Chan was on his laptop as usual. "Chan hyung. I think I've figured out who the Mink Thief is." Chan's head snapped from his laptop to Minho so fast, that you swore you heard a cracking sound. The other boys' attention was also now on Minho. "Are you joking or are you actually telling the truth right now?" Minho smiled at Chan's words and set you down on the couch next to Changbin gently. "No I am not joking. Look at this." He handed Chan the bracelet and the chit, which Chan twirled in his gorgeous fingers, all the while looking at it as if it was some alien substance. "Oh fucking hell. Not him?" Minho nodded at Chan's exasperated words as Chan slumped in his chair, setting his laptop down on the table. "Can anyone explain what's going on please? Minho hyung?" Felix asked. "Alright bitches-" "language Minho" "Hyung stop being so old. Alright bitches listen up. So first of all let me introduce you to a man named Yoon Doowon, also known to us as The Mink Thief, who has been sending our families threats for a long time, also know to Y/N as her dead brother." "Yah! Rude!" "Anyways, one thing that Chan hyung found out a few days ago is that The Mink Thief has been in contact with my cousin, Jackson, ever since the day of Y/N's brother's murder. Also Y/N," he paused at looked into your eyes. "Whatever I'm about to say next will probably shock you so please don't faint out of surprise." You looked at Minho with the best offended eyes you could.
Minho then continued in a much more serious voice, "Yoon Danbi, Y/N's mom has been a spy for my family ever since I was born. Her and her husband had been placed here in Jeju Island along with their only daughter Yoon Jinhee, for an important mission. But soon, people grew suspicious of how both of them would act all the time, leaving their daughter alone for such long periods of time, coming home late at deadly hours and blah blah blah. So, in order to make their family seem much more 'normal', they took in two children. Choi Doowon and Jeon Y/N." "Minho what the fuck are you saying right now." Why were there so many surprises? Was your entire life a lie? Were you adopted for some stupid mission or something? What kind of Marvel shit was this? "Yeah this is why I said, don't faint out of shock." Minho slightly chuckled as Chan looked at repramandingly. "Look yes it's true your parents aren't your real parents. But the thing is your didn't even have parents. You came straight from the orphanage. So when my family took one look at you, someone with no background information which can be traced, they thought you were perfect for this mission. I mean, think of it Y/N, haven't you ever saw your parents hiding any documents from you or getting afraid when you asked for your birth certificate whenever you needed to register for your basketball games?" Yes, when you thought about it, they did do that.
"Hyung don't you think you should have had this conversation somewhere more private?" Felix looked from your distraught face to Minho's. "We probably should have but I have shit to tell all of you too." Minho said to his younger brother. "When Doowon supposedly died that night, Jackson Wang got a new partner in crime. Doowon was probably still alive. I know that no one can survive a fall like that, but I seriously don't know how he survived. So what I'm assuming from this tiny chit here, is that Jackson probably told Doowon the truth about his true parentage and all, and then like a basic villain, Doowon wanted revenge and now Y/N's life is basically a fantasy novel." "Ain't that right?" You scoffed. "My entire fucking life is a lie. I mean is my name even Y/N? Are we just living in a hallucination? What if all humanity is meant to do is just live our boring lives until a giant space turtle comes along and kills us all?" "That would be a cool way to die." Jisung said, not even a bit surprised by your rambling. "Jisung." Chan looked at Jisung with a glare. "Alright listen up everybody. Now that the sad backstory is out the way, we need to get down to buisness. First of all we need to get Y/N somewhere safe. Well safer. So Y/N, would you be willing to go along with Jisung, Jeongin and Seungmin?" You nodded at Chan, who looked very relieved. "Great. Felix, Hyunjin, would both of you search out if Vernon's mansion is still protected and everything? " Felix and Hyunjin replied 'yes' to Chan and quickly went out the room. "Um noona we should get going. Can you walk by yourself?" Seungmin stood up and extended a hand to you, which you gratefully took and got up. "Yeah I can walk don't worry. Um where are we going?" Seungmin smiled at you, revealing his braces. "Don't worry about that. Just follow me to the car."
Fifteen minutes later, you were sitting in the back of a Bentley with Jisung, with Seungmin driving and Jeongin stared out the window, sitting quietly in the passenger seat. "You're lucky Minho hyung gave us his car noona." Jisung commented. "He never even lets us touch it. But then again, we're with you, so I guess that makes up for it." You looked at Jisung's wavy hair and thought to yourself that how can a sweet boy like him, be Minho's best friend. "Jisung, when you said Minho doesn't stop talking about me to you guys, what exactly does he talk about?" "Oh noona I could write an entire seven book Series about that " Seungmin responded instead of Jisung. "He doesn't ever stop talking about what your favourite song is, or what you wore today or how your hair falls in such a perfect way. And when we tell him to just tell you that he is pathetically in love with you, he sulks and says that he would rather kill himself." Well that was certainly surprising. "Oh we're here." Jeongin said, as the car pulled up to a massive iron gate, which had the letters C, H and V on it. What it was guarding was a massive black mansion, which looked very much like a vampire's lair, covered in vines of ivy with a statue of bat hanging out in the big yard. "Chwe Hansol. Also known as Vernon. This is his mansion. He's a good friend of Chan Hyung's and he lets us use the mansion whenever we want. It's the safest place in Jeju Island so we'll be good here noona." Jisung told you, as you stepped out of the car. The mansion looked so ethereal and as you walked into the yard through the gate, you wondered if this was the mansion which was described in the story of the vampire Carmilla. You lived and breathed for that story and you were excited at the thought of hiding in a place which looked exactly like Carmilla's mansion, where she took the blood of her lover, weeping over her body, and complaining about her death.
The boys pushed open the big dual doors of the mansion with difficulty, but not before Jisung had entered a pass code on the tiny keyboard thing which was on the right side of the door. This was indeed Carmilla's mansion, you thought as you entered the big living room, which was decked from head to toe in gold and silver. There was a magnificent chandelier hanging from the ceiling, along with busts of some vague looking people.
"Gosh this is so pretty." You said to Seungmin, who smiled and said "Wait till you see the ball room." You were about say 'theres a ball room here?' when suddenly the lights went out. "Ah fucking hell. Guys stay here with noona. I'll go and see what's wrong." You heard Jisung's voice. "I don't think you need to do that, my dear Mr.Han." you heard a cold voice, which didn't belong to any of the boys. "Who's ther-" Before Seungmin could finish his sentence, you felt a hit to your head, and you blacked out, before hearing Jisung shout, "Noona!"
"Y/Nnie. Wake up." Doowon said in a sing song voice. The boys were tightly tied up to the chairs, with cello tape around their mouths. You were also tied up to the big blue cushion chair, with Doowon, standing in front of you, wearing a red coat and that mink fur stole. He had three bodyguards with him, all buffer than Changbin, all carrying guns and all looking scary as fuck. "Y/N wake up you stupid bitch." Doowon slapped your face painfully, which made you slightly stir. "Hey don't do that she's injured!" Jisung shouted out, having managed to chew through his cello tape. Doowon looked at Jisung with a sarcastic smile and said nothing, while one of the bodyguards punched Jisung. "Doowon?" You had woken up and the surroundings were appearing more clearly now. Your stomach hurt so much and your brain was still fuzzy, except for your dead brother standing in front of you, smirking. "Oh hey Y/Nnie. You miss me?" He asked you in a cold voice you didn't recognise. Never September. This was not September's child standing in front of you. This wasn't September's child, who used to chase butterflies and gift you cute little stones, standing in front of you. "Doowon you're alive." You managed to cough out some words, along with a bit of blood. "Ahh yes I am. I assume your stupid boyfriend already told you what happened to me. So I'm going to skip over the part where I explain shit to you." He let out a cold laugh which made you flinch. "Doowon this isn't you. What are you doing?" You asked him, tears welling up in your eyes. "This isn't me? No Y/N this is me. I've been lied to my entire life and Jackson Wang told me the truth. He taught me the way to survive in our world. He's dead now by the way. Just like our 'parents'." "Doowon please. Stop this lunacy! Atleast let the boys go they haven't done anything wrong!" Doowon leaned down to your level and lifted your chin with his finger. You shivered at his cold touch. "Aww Y/N. Always so fucking innocent. Baby the boys are leverage. Soon the rest of the boys will be here and then after some introductions, I can finally rule all of South Korea." Your tears had escaped now as you looked over at the boys, who were knocked unconscious by the bodyguards. You felt like the most lowest human being on earth, when you looked at Jeongin's bleeding lip, wondering what Chan's reaction would be when he arrived here. "Brian! Go check if the doors are open please. I want them all to waltz in here and call for these pathetic boys. And then we'll hit them where they don't even know it hurts. Maybe we'll start with this one." He moved over to Jeongin. The man named Brian laughed and winked at Doowon. "I'll get the door sir." He moved out the room swiftly.
Fifteen minutes had passed. Fifteen silent minutes. This was silence which you did not enjoy. Silence was sweet in September, when only the Magpies chirped. But now, as you watched Jeongin and Seungmin slightly stir, silence became bitter. "Is Brian not coming? You!" Doowon shouted at one of the guards. "Go out and see where he is! Does it take this much time for the rascal to come back?" The guard obeyed and made to get up from his seat on a rickety wooden chair. BANG! A bullet shot went through the guards head, and as he slumped to the ground, with a pool of blood around his head, Doowon screamed and grabbed Jisung by his chin. "You! What have you done!" Jisung merely smirked at him as Doowon lay frozen there, staring at the body. "Oh for fucks sake what are both of you doing?" Doowon spat at the two remaining guards. "Go upstairs and check if the rats have entered the house already!" The guards nodded their heads fervently and went off in opposite directions, only to be met with two gunshots. The door burst open, as Minho and the remaining boys barged in.
"Doowon." Minho said coldly to Doowon, who merely smirked, trying to hide the fact that he had peed his pants a bit. "Well you found me didn't you? Good job Minho. You know Mr Wang told me how your family works. So I'm honoured that I'm actually getting to experience a member of the great Lee family trying to kill me." You were disgusted by his words. Where did your sweet Doowon go? Where did the boy whom you had cried for day and night go? "Let the boys and Y/N go. Now Doowon. And we won't have any consequences." Chan said to Doowon. He looked furious. You hadn't ever seen Chan like this. "Oh you can take the boys first and then I'll give you Y/N." Hearing that, Changbin and Hyunjin hurried forward, untied the boys, who were concious by now and supported them on their arms, as they carried them back to safety.
"Now Y/N's turn. Give her back to me Doowon and maybe you won't end up choking on your own blood tonight." Minho's voice made your heart go warm. He had nothing but cold fury in his voice. If you thought you had seen his anger on that one particular basketball match in Busan, you were mistaken.
"Now why would I do that? Sweet little Y/N is all ok tied up to his chair aren't you Y/Nnie?" He pulled your hair and kicked you hard in your stomach, which made you cough out blood. Yep, the stitches in your stomach had probably opened up. Fuck no, not now. Don't die in September. Let me wait for October. October seemed more comforting now. The Magpies had their babies in October. Im October, you could get boba on discount. In October, you could hand out with your friends whenever you want. In October, Minho would turn a year older. Wait how did you know that? Why was this room so fuzzy? Hey Minho's face. His beautiful face. It was going out of focus now. Good way to die isn't it. You hoped death came to you, wrapped in white silk and picked you up in her arms like a baby and put you in a cradle. A cradle painted orange and yellow. A cradle with Magpies on it. A cradle which loved all the months equally. But especially October. Especially October.
"Doowon, stop that! Stop fucking hurting her!" Minho screamed at Doowon. You were blacked out now and as Minho looked at your gently sleeping figure, his heart dropped to the bottom of his stomach. "And what if I don't? What will you do oh great Lee Minho? I have her in my arms and I can do anything I wa-" That was the last thing Minho heard before all he saw was Doowon's dumb face, struck with shock, bullet hole in his big head, blood staining his already red suit and his stupid mentality finally gone from this world. "Good job Minho. Now come on let's get Y/N. Guys get Jisung, Seungmin and Jeongin to the car. We'll get Y/N." Chan told the others, while Minho had already strode over to you. He hurriedly untied the ropes around your arms and legs and got you to his arms, fingers looking for your wrists, to check your pulse. Tears were coming out now. Tears he never knew would come for you. He loved you. So much. So much it was honestly pathetic. The way you scowled everytime you saw him, the way your eyes lit up whenever you got a high test score, the way you cherished December for your birthday, the way you existed. He loved everything about you. And he can't lose you. Not now. Not ever.
"Feeling good kitten?" You had woken up in Minho's house again, with Dr Kim checking your heartbeat and adjusting your blood pump. "Minho." You managed to breath out weakly, making Minho's heart drop again. He was quick to stand up and cup your face in his arms gently as tears poured out of your eyes. "Hey hey hey don't cry." He said so gently, in a tone which he never used with you. "No Y/N. Shh. I've got you. You're safe. You're safe." He hugged you gently, supporting your head with his hands as you silently sobbed into his shirt. Once you pulled away, you noticed that his shirt was wet from all the crying and that his eye bags were more prominent. "Im sorry. I'm so sorry Minho. I-I really didn't know about..... about him and I caused you all this trouble. I am so sorry." "Hey hey princess. Y/N listen to me." You looked into his eyes, which were twinkling into yours. "None of it is your fault. You hear me? None of it. If anything, I should have told you all that I know earlier but I couldn't. Because- because I- I love you Y/N." That was it. That's all it took. That's all it took, for your eyes to widen, your hands to reach up to his jaw and for your lips to meet his, in a slow dance accompanied by the melodies of the Magpies outside, celebrating that you two had finally realised your love for each other. You pulled away after what felt like a very short time, but you were running out of breath. Minho and you stared at each other for a while and then burst into giggles. "That felt nice princess. You sure you haven't kissed anyone before?" You slapped his chest playfully as you said "Yah! Don't make me think back about being your girlfriend Lee Minho." Minho's eyes lit up and he stuttered out "Girlfriend? Yep I'm in a dream someone pinch me." You rolled your eyes as you pinched him and he let out a tiny scream. "Oh stop so dramatic. How long was I out by the way? And are the boys alright?" "You were out for two days now kitten. And the boys are good. Jisung is saying he finally got his 'Wattpad best friend gets kidnapped moment' and I think Chan told Dr Kim to double his dosage of sleeping pills so now he's crashed out. And snoring loudly."
"Noona you're awake!" Felix had come into the room, well more like bounced into the room along with the rest of the boys, Seungmin sporting a cast, and Jeongin having a pink band-aid on his lip. Felix hugged you tightly while Chan hugged Minho. "Lix let her go. She needs to breath." Chan said to Felix, who had been hugging you for a long time now. "Seungmin, Jeongin are you guys ok now? I am literally so sorry." Jeongin smiled at you sweetly, his fox like eyes forming crescents and said, "We're good noona. Technically we should be asking you that question. And it's fine please don't apologise." He bowed a bit to you and as you tried to bow back, whilst sitting, Hyunjin said, to Minho "So hyung. Have you finally got your ass together and asked noona out?" Minho glared at Hyunjin as everyone else in the room laughed. "You will be getting your mouth stuffed tonight Hyunjin. And yes I have asked her out. And now she's my girlfriend." "Yah who said I was your girlfriend?" You jokingly said. "Ok I'm gonna ask Jisung out then." Minho said standing up.
Four years later
You had been living with Minho for four years now, as his live-in Girlfriend. He had introduced you to his parents, who had been nothing less that kind to you. They had first apologized profusely for the whole Doowon incident, to which you told them that you really didn't care. You had Minho with you and all of your past had slowly faded away.
And every year as October and September came, you learnt to cherish ,not the month, but the memories you made every day. You learnt to forever keep memories of you, your boyfriend, your friends and everyone around you. You learnt how to let go of grief easily.
And when Minho proposed to you, on the twenty first night of December, you learnt, you just needed someone a bit older, and a bit colder, to teach you what it meant to love a person like you'd love a month.
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