#but every time we try and do that the symptoms the medicine is treating come back in FULL SWING
drchucktingle · 4 months
wanted to post today about recent health journey of chuck. ALL STARTED at texas show when i began to feel tightness in throat. i have learned this is called GLOBUS which is a tingler character name if ive ever heard one. got through appearance and had blast but felt terrible
plane journey home was even worse. first thought i strained my voice, then tested for covid (negative) and then figured it was just some kind of virus. had running nose and hoarse and extreme pain behind face and MOST of all this golf ball throat
figured i would get better as viruses tend to go but I DID NOT. after a few weeks went to way of urgent care and they took one look and said you have EXTREME FORM OF ACID REFLUX called laryngopharyngeal reflux (also great tingler character name)
basically this is when your stomach acid comes all the way back up into your throat and erodes it. they immediately put me on medications name of pepcid plus tums plus gaviscon and on and on. was inhaling a dang pharmacy every morning
problem is, NO CHANGE. in fact it started getting worse. in addition to previous symptoms i now couldnt keep any food down. upset stomach all the time. could barely sleep. plus it is scary to have a sickness that gets WORSE over time like this
more doctor talks. i up doses of medication to combat sickness but does not seem to work. one night wake up and think 'dang i need to go to er my stomach is going to just melt or something' (keep in mind because i cant keep food down i am always hungry too).
i go to hospital and they say 'WHOA we need to intervene right now we are doing some tests and putting you on SERIOUS LIFE CHANGING MEDICINE. but here is catch to do the tests we need you to stop all your medication for 48 hours and it will be HECK but you gotta do it bud'
so i stop all medication in preparation for new SICK LIFE and suddenly… i start feeling better. not just a little but after weeks of this awful way i wake up in ONE DAY and feel fully cured. now heres twist: at the same time this was happening I started taking allergy medicine
you may already know where i am going with so i will just hit you with it. my INITIAL SICKNESS was just extreme seasonal allergies that required nothing more than claritin and flonase. however i was misdiagnosed with ACID REFLUX and medication was making my stomach a wasteland
the second i stopped taking acid reflux meds and started on allergy trot i was better almost instantly. today i feel HECKIN GREAT. (SIDE NOTE: after 4 years of chronic pain i am so thankful to not have some OTHER long term health trot to deal with. DANG)
so what is lesson here? first of all please do not think this is in ANY WAY anti-doctor rant or anti-medicine. my doctors were trying their best and made a mistake, they are just people. ALSO while acid reflux medicine made me sick, allergy meds made me better. i am SO fortunate
but what is REALLY fortunate is that chuck is covered under SWEET BARBARAS HEALTH CARE (she gets very good coverage under the frozen lake). most artist buckaroos, even WILDLY successful ones, do not have health care which is huge issue that should be talked on more.
point is EVERYONE should have healthcare. this whole adventure was bad, but it also only cost me 50 dollars. hundreds of thousands of other buckaroos would have to deal with this PLUS it would completely upend their life to cover medical expenses because of a SIMPLE MISTAKE
so that is my story, usually there is more of a lesson to these rants but this one is really just ‘dang what a trip.’ so grateful for my health and my way and the fact i can get simple allergy medicine over the counter. most of all THANKFUL FOR MY BODY it is such a treat to exist
thank you for reading and remember to advocate for yourself and your feelings both BODY and MIND at the doctor. listen to your trot and do not forget that LOVING YOURSELF AND THE SYSTEMS OF YOUR BODY proves love just as much as loving others. trot on buckaroos
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tavyliasin · 7 months
In Sickness, And An Elf - Halsin Comfort Short
Written for a dear darling who is feeling unwell, a short and sweet SFW piece of Halsin x Reader to comfort someone suffering from flu (or a similar ailment)
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Short below the cut~ (Yes, the title is a pun, and yes I am proud of it~) --- ---
“My heart?” Halsin’s voice was soft, quiet, his hand already pressing to your forehead. “Too warm…” He muttered, already channeling a little magic to cool his hand. He was right, too. You could feel the fever burning in your cheeks, your head spinning every time you tried to move, your throat raw from the cough that woke you every hour. “Hal-” 
“Shhh. There is no need for you to try so hard, my love. I have no intention of going far.” His hand smoothed back the stray hair that had fallen forwards, pushing it behind your ear before cupping your cheek. The kiss on your forehead felt achingly tender. “Close your eyes, wait here.” You nodded silently, earning another brief and chaste kiss to your heated skin before his presence withdrew. The sickness was dreadful, taking its toll on your whole body with the fever, the ache, the shivers that seemed to go from your skin and deep into your bones. Still…there was some comfort to know that the druid was near. Halsin’s footsteps roused you from an uneasy sleep you hadn’t even realised had crept back in, his face a blur as you blinked away to find him kneeling beside your bedroll. “Here, let me help you.” His arm slipped behind your shoulders, his other wrapping around your chest to brace your shoulders and help you sit up. More pillows had appeared behind you than were there when you lay down, providing a place to lean back a little. Your vision cleared more with a few blinks, the worry lines in his brow far clearer now. Golden eyes traced a path across your flush skin, assessing your symptoms quickly. 
“Drink this first, my heart, it will help. Even if it does taste terrible.” The mug had a smell of fresh lemon, spiced ginger, and a few bitter herbs mixed into the brew. He chuckled softly. “I am not fond of it either, but it will work.” 
Your nose wrinkled after the first sip. “I’m not sure how torture is a cure. Or is this poison to put me out of my misery faster?” “If you are good and finish it quickly, I may consider giving you a reward.” Halsin winked, a wry smile playing across his lips. “But that means no more complaining. Come, now, all of it.” The flavour did not improve, so you decided it would be better to just hold your nose and drain the lot in a few quick gulps. You fought the urge to gag, but true to his word your chest felt eased, your throat stinging yet strangely soothed by the spiced burn of the ginger. “There, that was not so bad, was it?”
“No, it was worse.” You managed a lopsided smile as you handed the mug back to him. “See? Empty. All gone.” 
“Very good, my love.” He kissed your cheek, a distraction as he reached behind him. “Just my cheek?” You huffed with mock disappointment. “I thought you promised a reward.” “I do not think raising your temperature further is wise.” Halsin dabbed the sweat from your forehead with a cool and refreshing cloth, the slight scent of mint infused in the water it had soaked in. “We can save anything like that for when you are fully recovered.” “I hope your medicine works fast.” “You’re not the only one…” His reply was so quiet you might not have heard it, especially with your ears feeling as blocked as your nose, but you could have guessed how he felt from the way he shifted his position. “Now, your reward. Open wide.” You closed your eyes, trusting him not to feed you more poison, or medicine if that’s what it was. You were pleasantly surprised by the sweetness that hit your tongue, the slick treat melting down across your tastebuds. There was a slight sting as you swallowed, but it was warm and soothing. You should have guessed this was what he meant. “Honey?” “Yes, my love?” Halsin laughed, already pouring another trickle onto the spoon for you. “A little more, it’s good for you. Then we will see if Gale is done with the soup he has been preparing for you. Karlach has been helping with the bread to go with it, though luckily Wyll is there to ensure it does not burn. Shadowheart and Lae’zel were very insistent on gathering and hunting the fresh ingredients, too. Even Astarion offered to supervise the pot so it doesn’t boil over, though truth be told he may be picking the job that allows him to put in the least effort.” 
“You’re all going to these lengths for me? Why?” You felt a few tears threatening to spill from your eyes. You hadn’t known them for long, and often you worried that you were bothering them with your questions or talking to them at camp. “Does it matter?” His thumb gently dried your eyes. “Let yourself be cared for this time. You have given enough of yourself to solve all of their problems, and no doubt you will continue to leap straight into the hells for any one of them.”
You tried to find the words to respond, to tell him that it was only the shared burden that kept them with you, but even in your mind that felt sour. They were putting in an effort, they were showing their care in their own ways. 
“As for me,” Halsin continued, pulling the blanket up to wrap closer around you before the chill of the night air could make you feel any worse, the energy slowly leaving you again as your eyes grew heavy. “Well, my heart, that is simple.” The whisper of his affection in your ear was barely audible, the depth of his feelings reaching you at the edge of your dreams as sleep won out once more. The druid pressed one last soft kiss to your head before standing to leave. “Rest well, my love. I hope you feel better soon.”
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g-n-c-quoi · 19 days
i feel like the idea of “treatment” when it comes to being disabled is a very complex and nuanced concept and the way able bodied society as a whole but doctors especially approach it fails to address most of those nuances and in doing so fundamentally fails to meet the needs of disabled people. which, of course, is nothing new really, but i think a lot about this particular aspect of it and how deeply detrimental it can be
anecdotally, a lot of my personal experiences with doctors involved them prescribing me treatments that were, at best, completely asinine, and at worst, actively harmful to my health, and then treating it as a personal moral fault of mine that i wasn’t enthusiastically pursuing them
for example, i insisted repeatedly to my parents and providers alike that physical therapy for my EDS was proving not only agonizing in the short term but appearing to have little if any benefit in the long term, and was repeatedly brushed off because i “just wasn’t doing it consistently enough” and it was insisted to me on multiple occasions that this was the only way for me to feel better, while at the same time i was being denied access to mobility aids because they didn’t want me to become “dependent”
a lot has changed since then and as i’m learning more about my body and how to take care of it it baffles me how much more pain i was in on a daily basis and how little anyone around me was willing or able to help
and, like, i know none of this was a result of outright malice. i am lucky enough to have had most of my doctors be, at the very least, genuinely intending to try to help me. where the shortcomings were was in the response to me not engaging with a form of treatment that was proving to do more harm than good.
i think this happens for two reasons, the first being one we know already, which is that people in general- doctors in this case, but people as a whole- do not like being wrong. when what they have learned to be immutable fact proves to have exceptions, the way every rule does, they cannot comprehend it. some even take personal offense. it’s like, “i know your body better than you because i went to school for it and you didn’t”. a lot of disabled people are deeply familiar with this one, because it’s deeply pervasive in the medical field especially.
the other reason is that people cannot comprehend the idea of refusing something that is intended to make you feel better. when i went off my meds, when i would refuse over the counter painkillers, when i would flake out of therapy of either the physical or mental variety, i was met with shock and outrage because “i wasn’t trying to get better”, never mind my repeated assertions that these things were not helping me get better in the first place. no one could imagine i would opt out of something that was done to improve my symptoms for any reason other than teenage petulance, and so all of my concerns and complaints were dismissed as just that.
and, of course, now that i’ve found things that do help me- occasional mobility aid usage, medicinal use of cannabis, etc- it’s dismissed by all the same people as risky and not worth it. the same concerns i had about the treatments i was receiving.
another issue is the fact that once the one default Thing for your condition doesn’t work or you don’t want it they basically treat you like you’re out of options and are just doomed to feel like this forever. for me it was physical therapy, and in another case the stimulants i was prescribed when i was first diagnosed with adhd that they took me off of and then never tried anything else until like four years later
the whole thing is set up to make disabled people as reliant on doctors as possible for things that may not even be the best option for them
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hiya we stoked for ateez comeback yesss! can I make request pretty please! yander ateez caring for their sick darling? 💌
ATEEZ caring for a sick darling
Yandere ATEEZ(separately) x gn reader
a/n: how did i miss this ask ???? i'm so sorry anon 🥲 the comeback has come out and i'm beyond hyped LMAO stream bouncy . shoutout to my gf for helping me with mingi and jongho🤍
♡´・ᴗ・`♡ genre: yandere, headcanon drabbles
ಠ_ಠwarnings/content: mentions of; throwing up, doctors and hospitals, sickness(headaches and colds), poisoning, captivity, none of these are healthy relationships
if you or a loved one is in an unhealthy or controlling relationship- there is help and there is ways out. know that you deserve better and don't be afraid to reach out
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Hongjoong has severe trust issues. The amount of times you've attempted to leave him has him on high alert for every little detail that may mean you're tricking him. So at first, when he hears you dry-heaving behind the closed bathroom door, his brain immediately says that you're tricking him. You're trying to pull the sick card? Really, Darling? He doesn't do anything at first, he sits down on the couch with his arms crossed and waits for you to give up your game of charades. But when you come out of the bathroom pouring sweat and pale as a ghost? He drops the idea that your tricking him when you collapse.
After his initial denial and suspicion, Hongjoong will be the most attentive of his darling, only rivaled by Hwa and San. He will treat you like a porcelain doll and give into your every need, no matter how demanding you get. Too hot? He gathers every fan in the apartment to wherever it is you are. Too cold? Welcome to the Kim Blanket Fort™️. Hungry for something he'll never usually give you? Eat uuuuup Darling.
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Seonghwa almost breaks the door off of the hinges when he hears you crying. He won't leave or shut up until you've opened the door and are secure in his arms. Poor Darling, was it something you ate? Is your stomach upset? Are you running a fever? He bombards you to figure out just what's wrong so he can fix it for you. If you're sick enough by his standards, you'll be at the doctor in ten minutes flat.
Hwa is the yandere you want if you get sick easily. He isn't suspicious or overly possessive. He will take you to the doctor without a fight and babys you until he's certain that you are in good health. If anything, he is overbearing. He just loves his Darling so much, he'd just never forgive himself if something were to happen.
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Yunho is a big baby. When he sees you trying to sneak some medicine from the cabinet, he snatches it up and starts crying as he pours it for you instead. Why didn't you come to him immediately? When did this start? Isn't he good enough to take care of you? In all honesty, he is. He takes great care of you but he is also such.a.bummer. He blames himself for letting you get sick in the first place and will be even more strict about going out or even opening windows. Say goodbye to Friday date nights for months- at the very least.
If you can handle a debby downer, Yunho isn't such a bad option. He rubs your back if you're aching and holds you warmly if you have the shivers. But he will cry and whine more than you will. One major problem if you get sick with a yandere Yuyu on your hip is that you will never go to the doctor. He believes that they are a breeding ground for diseases, all of the sick people in one building? Yeah, not happening. He can do anything a doctor can with the help of a little Googling.
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Yeosang is similar to Hwa in the way that he will drop everything to take care of his Darling. When he's about to walk out the door for practice and hears you sneeze for the tenth time in an hour, his shoes are off and he's back in bed with you. Oh, don't worry Darling, Sangie will take good care of you. No matter how little sick you are, if you have symptoms he will be right by your side to make sure he can take care of you if they get worse.
And they will get worse. Because he will make you feel sicker than you are with a little dollop of his stash. He needs you to need him. You will never catch on because he only does it when you're beginning to get sick anyways. He doesn't see the harm in it. Yeosang loves to take care of his Darling and will make sure you always end up curled up to him begging him to make it better.
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San learned everything he knows from Joong and Seonghwa. That includes the way he treats his Darling. That's why at first, he's suspicious when you start whining and curl up on your side of the bed while clutching your head. Do you really think that's gonna work? Hongjoong has taught him better than to fall for that act. But when your tears won't stop and you start to snap at him, he knows it's for real because he's taught you better than to yell like you are. Oh, sweet Darling, you must really hurt. Is it too bright? Is the show too loud? Do you need water? After he clears his mind and realizes the truth, he's even more doting than Seonghwa.
San won't take you to a doctor unless it's life threatening, but that doesn't mean he won't treat you like you're dying if you have the smallest of colds. He will bathe you and feed you and cuddle you to no end. And he'll do so until he's sure you're better. After your initial roadblocks of getting him to believe you, you won't have to lift a finger.
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Poor Mingi. He has no idea what to do when you wake him up in the middle of the night as you shiver in your sleep. He's immediately turned to his best friend(Google) and looking for solutions to make you feel better. Will a hot rag make you feel better? Oh- but you have a fever! Maybe just the blanket- why are you still shivering? Before you came along Mingi never had anyone to take care of him when he was sick or vice versa so he's lost.
With a bit of your own guidance on your needs, Mingi will help you get better however he possibly can so that he makes sure you know he can take care of you better than anyone else. He'll get all the medicines you recommended and be at your beck and call, all while taking down mental notes for when you get sick in the future.
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With Wooyoung, it's business as usual with a bit more caring actions or a little more leniency with you. He knows your sick when you ask for the first shower in the morning, he always gets the first shower but he lets it slide because he can tell how nasty you feel with the sickness on you. Of course, Darling. Do you want some hot tea when you get out? He isn't overbearing in any aspect.
Woo will let a lot of things slide when you're sick that he usually won't but that doesn't mean he won't catch on if your trying to draw it out. He will be nice for a few weeks before he gets tired of it and takes you to a doctor. If the doctor says you aren't sick? Good luck, Darling. Nice Woo's stay is over.
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Jongho to the rescue. He is very obsessive observant when it comes to his Darlings health. He and you both take vitamins and supplements religiously, and have regular check-ups. Health is one thing you can always count on him to take care of, so it isn't a shock to him when you come to him right away when you feel sick. Oh, Darling...how did this happen? Come and have some medicine, let him give you a little check up. You'll still have to go about your life regardless, the world doesn't stop like it may with other members.
Jongho has a list of things to make sure you do to feel better while you both go about your regular life. He fits in a nap for you, along with extra veggies, and a longer daily walk for fresh air and sunlight. He doesn't leave you to the wolves, but he won't coddle you either. Unless you go and stray from his checklist. Then he'll take a few days off and watch you like a hawk, force feeding you your medicine if he has to. He won't let his Darling be sick.
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kafkari · 1 year
Reader being sick <3
Characters: Atsushi, Chuuya, Dazai
CWS: Illness, mentions of vomit, and thats about it. (I think)
A/n: My first head-canon! Enjoy!
Best song: Apocalypse - Cigarettes After Sex (In my opinion)
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-He would notice the morning of when you’re sick, and would most likely panic a bit before trying to calm himself down and helping you.
-Need anything? Perfect guy to ask! Food? He’s already cooking it! Medicine? He’s off to the pharmacy! He acts like a personal butler when you’re sick!
-However, if it was a work day that you got sick on, he would either do two things:
Go to work and check in on you every 30 to 45 minutes.
He would call off sick and stay home.
-He was already very caring and gentle with you, but when you are sick? Oh boy, this guy is so gentle and caring, it makes your heart weep.
-If you throw up, he would pat your back while holding up your hair, whispering sweet praises into your ears.
“You’re doing so well, just a bit more.’
‘Baby, you’re doing great! You’re so strong!”
-All in all, he is a perfect boyfriend when it comes to taking care of you, and yes, he may have minor flaws and issues, but he is an overall green flag.
Rating: 10/10
-He would notice symptoms the night before. 
(One thing that bothers me is that people depict him as a much stupider person than Dazai, and while he is not as smart as Dazai, he is still incredibly smart.)
-Again, another boy who would go around and be your personal butler, except he is extremely rich, so you’re in good hands.
-And we talking RICH. Like, you are going to be treated like royalty.
-However, he will snap a bit if you are acting like an asshole, but immediately feels guilty once he remembers that you’re more likely to be mad since you might be in pain.
-Unfortunately, he would have to go to work because he’s not the one sick or injured, but he would check in every 45 minutes to an hour.
-and when you are sick? He will be gentle, but understands to be careful so he does not get sick.
-If you throw up, he would be there for you for EVERYTHING. Holds your hair up, rubs your back, grabs you water once done, and whispers words of affirmation.
“You are doing so well darling.”
“Just a little bit of water, doll.”
-Overall, another good boyfriend, except when his anger kicks him, but we love him.
Rating: 9/10
-He would notice it by your actions. 
-He would call Kunikida and tell him he can not come in today, his poor belladonna is sick. ):
-He may not be the best at observation, but you are his light and life, of course he will notice anything wrong with you.
-He would be another one to be a personal butler, with hints of light teasing.
“Oh? I am at your service, belladonna.’
-and although he will do light teasing, you will notice that he is much gentler to you.
-However, you might have to help him with cooking unless you want to have canned crab while sick.
-If you were to throw up, he would do very light teasing while holding up your hair, while also rubbing your back.
-and if you think you are getting left alone? No, he will be by your side at all times.
Overall, he is a very good boyfriend, but you may get annoyed of his teasing from time to time.
Rating: 9/10
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Sick Day Magic
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It may come as a shock to some that I am, in fact, a human being and not a 500 year old oak tree with internet access. /j
Being human, and actually being alive, means you will get sick! Exploring biology for my biomed degree has taught me a lot of things about virus's, bacteria, and how exactly they work! For example: All living things can be effected by virus's, they are nanometers big for that reason, and not much is known about their origins here on earth which is really cool! With that said, every living thing gets sick, and with that we can pair magic to help us through our sick days!
I know I am, simply because I am writing to you now while on sick leave from all 3 of my jobs. Currently the summer flu has hit our home really hard, so lets talk about recovery!
Obvious disclaimer before getting started: Doctors, medical professionals, and health organizations are here to help you. This post is not to discourage you from using modern medicine, or seeing a doctor when you need one. I actually am very much against using spiritual bypassing to discredit medical research, especially as someone who is entering the medical field. If you are sick it is always important to speak with your doctor before trying any holistic remedies, especially if you are on medications that can conflict with herbal supplements. Know the warning signs for when symptoms escalate. This post is mainly about illnesses that can be treated at home and go away within a couple days or weeks (cold, flu, etc)
Lets get started!
How do living things get sick?
To keep this as simple as possible, living beings get sick from small organisms in a couple different classifications. You have virus's, bacteria, fungi, or parasites, and they all have one goal: to use your body as a host! Some things cant reproduce on their own like virus's so they hijack your cells, some things feed off of you and your daily body functions like parasites! In all, we are exposed to all sorts of pathogens, and our body will react with the nasty symptoms like fevers, chills, coughing, vomiting, and more because your body is trying to fight off all the pathogens using your body to reproduce. There are some circumstances where medical intervention is required however, for things like the common cold, flu, and sore throat you can find remedies over the counter!
All living things get sick, including tree's, seals, and even grasses. These pathogens are really good at evolving with us!
What did people do historically?
Before the introduction of germ theory in the 1860's, and the introduction of modern medicine in the 19th century cultures all around the world were still evolving to combat common sicknesses! From medieval Europe using cupping and leaches which assisted in medical standards and theories, to indigenous tribes using the herbs around them to pave the way for medications, cultures all over the world had their own tips and tricks for staying healthy!
In general most cultures followed a 3 way system, prevention, coping, and resistance, where methods were followed to assist in times of sickness. Often times they had distinct prayers and rituals, and would combine it with local remedies and folklore to help the general population.
Later on, herbs would pave the way for medicine as scientists discovered exactly what about an herb could help someone and isolate it into a pill, salve, or tincture!
What is some illness prevention magic?
When getting vaccinated create a prayer or chant to not only take your mind off it, but also for a metaphysical boost
leave offerings to gods of health during cold and flu season by your front door, and leave offerings to spring gods during pollen season by windows
have fire tonic, elderberry syrup, and lions main mushroom tinctures prepared (reminder: always consult a doctor)
Keep crystals like jade, green aventurine, and carnelian by your bed for health
Keep fresh flowers in the home, as scents can represent healing
Visualize sickness being repelled away from you as you practice hygiene
keep sigils in your shoes to 'draw illness back to the earth'
Mundanely make sure you are also having regular checkups (if you cant afford to see a doctor regularly, see what option you have for free clinics, or public health options like medicaid in the US), going to see your dentist because the teeth has a lot to do with health, and practicing good health habits can all be really helpful with preventing illness
What is some illness coping magic?
When sick, keep lavender and chamomile under your pillow as a sleep aid
Contrary to popular belief: Don't burn incense when you have a stuffy nose because the smoke will irritate your nose, instead use a humidifier and optionally put essential oils in it for drainage
take healing spiritual showers
create soft broths, and plain foods using kitchen magic and infusing it with intentions
Optionally if you are having trouble eating because of vomiting or fever, enchant your water bottle with healing energy with even just a simple chant
Put cold or hot compress on pressure points, optionally while you rest research what those pressure points symbolize and how you can translate that into your healing rituals from bed
visualize a healing green or blue light enveloping places that may hurt like joints or the head
Listen to gentle music or healing subliminal during naps to draw out illnesses
enchant your tissue box so every tissue you use is one less you have to use later
create a salve using willow or birch bark, camphor, mint, and chamomile for a soothing joint pain relief
Enchant medications with chants or sigils on the bottle
Mundanely, we see a lot of spiritual hacks, don't put garlic in your nose (The only reason you think it works is because it irritates your nose lining creating mucus), don't use elderberry (It puts your immune system in over drive when you are already sick and actually hinders the healing process), its better to limit herbal and holistic approaches other than things that are rich in things your body needs like fruits, veggies, and electrolytes!
Recovery goes into this much like prevention, our bodies begin to process and understand the invaders making it less likely for you to get infected by the same problem again, however as mutations grow, make sure you are taking care of yourself!
Spiritually, your body is a temple, and its the only one you have, love it and it will love you back, take care of it and it will take care of you back. As a human being I recognize the struggle that concept can be. Its easy for someone to say "just sleep lmao" without having insomnia for example. In general, finding a routine that works for you, your body, and your mind is very important! You are a spiritual being, but you are also human! Don't let people try to sell you the idea that modern medicine is out trying to hurt you, because there are people out there like me who will stand for making the medical field a safer and better place! Don't let people try to sell you the idea that your sickness is because of "bad karma" or that your "low vibes" or something silly like that because the truth is, you get sick because you are alive. Cherish being alive in all of its forms.
Fair winds friends!
And remember, if you took nothing away from this I will say it again, Cherish being alive in all of its forms.
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deadmomjokes · 1 year
oh wow I am so sorry to hear about your daughter having EOE - that sounds really rough. How do you navigate that?
At this point, with a lot of flailing.
It took 3.5 years to even get her properly diagnosed, not through lack of trying-- it's just a hard thing to differentiate, and the specialists that can actually do the test are dealing with a huge number of patients so they're always backed up. We're lucky: we live only an hour from the state children's hospital where they can do the diagnostic procedures, and it has a dedicated EOE specialty clinic that's one of the best in the country. It still takes 2 months to get an appointment as an established patient, and it took even longer to get her in on the initial referral. We're also lucky that she was able to explain to us what she was experiencing in a way that a doctor could take seriously and act on, and we're lucky that her primary care doctor did so.
But generally speaking, things suck spectacularly for pediatric EOE and GERD patients right now, at least in the US. The best medicine for treating it is omeprazole (prilosec), and there was exactly one manufacturer that made it in a suspension that small children could take. Well, that manufacturer decided it wasn't profitable enough, so they quit making it altogether. So now the next best, lansoprazole (prevacid), is on national back order for months because every child that was on the other one is now needing to switch.
So my daughter is currently on the next next best thing, because it was that or nothing, and it's just not working great for her. It keeps her from the worst of the pain, but she's back to not wanting to eat anything but bagels, one specific brand of cereal, and string cheese.
Back when she was officially diagnosed, her doctor gave us the option of going on a super dose of PPI meds, jumping straight to the steroids, or doing a full elimination diet with a nutritionist. For a kid, none of those options are great.
The PPIs reduce absorption of nutrients, which are already few and far between for a growing person with only a few tolerated foods. The steroids may have effects on a growing liver and kidneys, and also make you more prone to fungal infections and upper respiratory illnesses. Both have to be routinely dose-adjusted because the child is growing constantly, but you have to get an official weight/height check at the specialist to do so, which is always backed up. Then the elimination diet is...well, it's hard, to put it mildly, and it takes a really long time because of how delayed the reactions can be. Plus when you already don't like eating and only have a few 'safe foods', it's hard to cut back. Most people with EOE also have more than one trigger, so you have to eliminate a ton of things and hope you get them all, and you can't be on any medication while you're doing it because you have to be able to identify the point at which symptoms get better and then return.
In short, all the options suck.
We eventually decided on trying to get it under control enough with the meds to hopefully expand the foods she was willing to eat, in preparation for doing the elimination diet. It was working. Then the forced medication switch blew that all up. So we're just gonna grit our teeth and go with the elimination diet unless her specialist has another option for us.
But aside from that, it's been a lot of phone tag and appointment waiting, and a lot of readjusting the way we look at food and eating.
For her, whatever she will eat is a win. We've taken pressure off her to try new things. We still offer it, but we don't press if she's not feeling up to it. Reducing stress around the concept of trying new foods is super important, because she's already up against the stress of wondering whether it'll 'get stuck' or feel yucky or make 'the fires' worse.
We've also had to make sure we don't fall into the trap of trying to dictate how much she eats and when. Unless a meal is coming within the half hour, we let her have a snack when she's hungry-- wait too long, and she's in pain. Plus we want her to kind of train herself to respond to those hunger cues because her appetite can get so drastically reduced at times, every instance of her listening to an 'I'm hungry' is a win.
We also had to abandon the idea of the 'perfectly' balanced diet. Proteins are a struggle for her. Leafy greens are a struggle. So are other calcium containing foods like dairy and dairy alternatives. She really only likes carbs, mostly bread and fruit. But it's not like she can help it. Nobody purposefully restricts their diet just to be difficult-- a "picky eater" is someone who is struggling and needs accommodation, not judgement.
So we let her eat what she will eat, and work to find options that can get her the stuff she needs. Protein bars are a big hit with her right now, for example. A better texture than meat, they come in 'treat' flavors, and there are options that don't have all the added sugar that's gonna trigger the acid flareup. We make sure we get enriched flour and bread products so she gets at least some iron. We pick varieties that have added protein and calcium. We get juice with added vitamins and minerals. We stock the pantry with things that cater to her capabilities and needs wherever the two overlap. The goal is nutrition, whatever form that takes and whatever it looks like right now. Getting it "right" will come later. For now, we just need her to be comfortable with food and to learn how to work with her body.
This has also meant teaching her about nutrition, so we can help her take charge of her body's needs and help us think of ways to meet them. That's hard for a 3 year old, but there's a show called Storybots on Netflix, and they have a great episode on nutrition called "Why can't I eat dessert all the time?" Super accessible for kids, and has a catchy song describing macronutrient categories and why we need lots of different kinds of food, not just one kind. It was a perfect starting point, and we just kept at the explanations. Like when we would eat an apple with breakfast, we'd talk about how it has Vitamin C to help her cells be strong, fiber to help her tummy and intestines work well, and carbohydrates to help her have energy. Every time we try a new food, we talk about what's in it to help her body. That includes things like chips and cake--we're big on the concept of "all food has value, it's just some has more than others, so we eat the most of those."
So now, when she's had a "just bread" day we remind her that her body needs more than just carbs, and we can't get all our protein, fats, vitamins, and minerals from bread, so we should probably have something else too. 9 times out of 10, she'll add something to her request, like some blueberries or carrots. She might not eat a ton of it, but she tries, and that's what counts.
I know this is a mile long and probably way more than you were asking, but it's just one of those things that I have a lot to say about. I could talk all day about accessible eating and nutrition, as well as Going Off on our current medical system in the US, so if anyone has further questions, feel free to reach out.
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kaapstadmk · 9 months
Mulling over something right now.
My journey into understanding neurodivergence and my own AuDHD-ness has changed how I doctor, and sometimes I can see this when looking at things like auto text scripts I set up previously.
For example, when it comes to picky eaters, I used to do a lot of education about how to get kids to eat, discussing strategies like gamifying intake of fruits and vegetables, enforcing #-bite rules, and having cutoff times for meals. I also put a lot more weight on having a balanced, whole-food meal. The only thing I discussed that was focused on any underlying reason was involving kids in meal prep, though I didn't necessarily have a reason as to why. And, to be fair, these strategies work for picky, NT toddlers.
Contrast that to today, where I'm asking questions about texture sensitivities and taste preferences. I'm acknowledging that processed foods are more predictable than fresh. I'm discussing meal prep involvement as a means of sensory food play. I'm discussing about how stressful #-bite requirements can be and I'm encouraging having safe foods available and permissable - not as a means of giving in, but to make trying a new food less stressful. I'm also acknowledging that some food is better than no food, as long as we get the basics/macros in as we can always supplement micros with multivitamins.
These are things that weren't taught when I was in medical school or residency. I attended in 2015, just after the DSM changes and the focus then was, and largely still is, eating a "well-rounded", normativized, white, upper-middle class diet. Anything other than that was treated as subpar and is bad medicine, let alone parenting.
You know the other thing? When I started asking, do you know how many of my picky eaters DIDN'T have some kind of sensory basis to their eating patterns? Do you know just how many undiagnosed, unseen neurodivergent kids are out there, masking along, not making waves, with equally ND parents who don't know otherwise?
The number of times I see at least one parent squirm when I start asking the kids, especially older kids, autism symptom questions and autism distinct anxiety questions... Why, if I had a nickel for every time, I would definitely have more than two. It's not a coincidence.
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Love Sick - No Meds Please
@im-notbean this is absolutely based on your comment, so thank you!
I start a new job tomorrow and should ABSOLUTELY be asleep right now, but I live to make Aizawa stressed sooooo >:)
*time skip to when I finished writing this*
That's a lie- I started already- but I DO have to work the next 10 days and I am using this time to write >:D
Aizawa X Sick!Male Reader
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Taking medicine can be incredibly difficult, especially for Y/n
Pills? No.
Liquid medicine? Not gonna happen.
It didn’t matter how badly Y/n wanted to take medicine, it wasn’t going to happen. And if he tried to force it things almost always got worse.
Aizawa didn’t believe him at first when Y/n mentioned his problem.
“Shota?” Y/n’s voice cracked through the phone. The busy man had only picked up because his boyfriend never called when he was at work, so he assumed the worst. “When are you going to be home, I feel like I’m dying.”
“Y/n?! Is everything okay? Did a villain attack you? Which hospital are you at?” Aizawa was always worried this day would come, the day when his work effected his lover. He shoved papers into his bag, making a mental note to call Mic to cover his class.
“What? No!” Y/n’s pitiful laugh did little to calm the man’s nerves, “I just have a cold or something.”
Aizawa stopped dead in his tracks.
“Sho? You there?”
“You mean to tell me,” Aizawa let out a deep sigh, “That you called just to say you’re a little sick?”
“Well…. yeah.” Y/n grew embarrassed as the silliness of the situation dawned on him. “But I feel really bad. It hurts to move and I can’t breathe and-”
“What medicine have you had? I’ll grab some on my way home.”
The silence sat between them was uncomfortable even over the phone. Y/n hated having to open up about his medical habits, it felt so childish. What adult couldn’t suck it up and pop a pill? Him. He couldn’t.
Y/n tried to explain this is his lover, but he was met with resistance.
“Look. I’ll be home in a few hours with some medicine, I don’t know what else you want me to do. You won’t get better if you don’t take anything. I have to go. Try to get some rest, okay?”
It wasn't until Aizawa got back to their shared apartment that he realized just how serious his lover was. Aizawa had truly figured it was just a matter of 'Oh you'll take medicine if it gets bad enough.' but as he watched Y/n's labored breathing he knew that wasn't the case.
That is when the soup ritual started. Growing up Aizawa didn't always have the money to buy whatever medicine was needed to make himself feel better, but his mother always seemed to know just what to throw into a soup to fix him right up.
"Okay kid, what hurts?"
Y/n knew whenever that question was asked that he was in for a delicious treat.
It didn't matter what symptom y/n threw at his lover, Aizawa would figure out how to make a soup that would have him back on his feet by the end of the day! Y/n knew he didn't need to worry about a little capsule when his boyfriend got busy in the kitchen. Very few people knew how to deal with Y/n's aversion to medicine, and even fewer were willing to learn. Maybe that's why Y/n seemed to fall a bit more in love every time he caught a cold.
The hot soup was often accompanied by a glass of cold water. If y/n set down an empty glass, Aizawa would quickly refill it.
"Hydration is important right now, Y/n." Aizawa sighed, "We have to get this sickness out of you."
It took Y/n an embarrassingly long time to realize his lover's trick to get him some vitamin D.
As the day came to an end Aizawa would open the doors to their small balcony. The setting sun covered everything in a golden glow.
"You are so beautiful." Aizawa wasn't one for compliments, but as he saw y/n laying in the sun he couldn't help but say something.
"Sho, I am still in my pajamas and I'm pretty sure I'll be scrubbing soup stains out of this shirt tomorrow."
"Absolutely stunning. Come stand with me."
Aizawa's outstretched hand urged y/n to stand on his weakened legs. The two of them stood watching the sunset, feeling the fleeting warmth upon their skin give way to the crisp night air. Yet as the stars began to show neither of them dared to move. In this moment, everything was perfect. There was no evil, there was no good. There was no suffering, there was no health. There was only love.
Eventually, though the moment would come to an end as the night air got too cold for either of them to bear. Aizawa would leave Y/n standing alone in the cold for only a moment, quickly returning with a blanket for his lover. He would carefully cover Y/n and pull him close, leading him to bed.
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laele25 · 1 year
I had a dream...
It was a weird dream that didn’t make sense and that’s not the point. Right before I woke up, in this dream I was telling my ex (my son’s birth father) that he needed to love our son for who he is, not who he wanted him to be.
This stuck with me because in the dream (as in with real life) everyone else in the dream who met my son (who was at various ages in his life for no apparent reason but dream) adored him.  My son is completely nonverbal and has a lot of trouble expressing himself with his AAC.  But he is also extremely sweet and social.  He has always been popular with his classmates and teachers, and charmed so many nurses and doctors I’ve lost count. 
How strangers react to and treat him has never, ever been a problem in our lives.  Children on the playground immediately accepted he couldn’t talk and that was the end of it.  Most adults go out of their way to be patient with him when he tries to express himself, even if it’s just a random cashier at the supermarket.  His smile is infectious and he’s a show off so he does everything he does with glee. 
Our problem has always been with family, which has been painful.  His birth father was completely overwhelmed at first, then distant and argumentative.  He refused to give him allergy medicine because he wasn’t showing allergy symptoms.  He got my son walkie-talkie’s for his tenth birthday.  He always wanted to talk to him on the phone, but got upset because my son got bored of just listening and wandered off after a few minutes.  He has my son’s cellphone number so they can text, but as far as I know, he’s never contacted him. 
We tried living with my mother, who was the person who taught me to be the mother I am now.  She took everything he did personally, even though he was five.  Every tantrum was the end of the world and she lamented that “You’ll have him for the rest of your life.” as if it was some huge tragedy.  As much as I love her, we had to move out and get our distance, for both their sakes.  Their relationship is distant, because she gave up trying to interact with him at all.  He sits on her couch and pets her cat when we visit and she gets a hug and a kiss when we leave.  He likes going to Nana’s, but I don’t think he ever forgot how much she fussed at him and the things she said to me about him.
I moved here because this is where my family was.  The support network that made me the person who could handle all of my son’s challenges and needs absolutely failed me when I needed them.  When I had abdominal surgery and was supposed to be resting, I got a call from my nurse brother-in-law that I needed to come get him because he wouldn’t eat or sleep or let them tube feed him.  So the day after surgery, I had to take the bus across the city to get him. 
That was the last time I asked for any member of my family’s help.  Until he was thirteen years old and my now husband moved in with us, I did everything alone.  School was my respite and when I got things done.  I took him with me on every errand I couldn’t do when he was at school, including my own doctor’s appointments. 
But it still hurts.  The people who should love him and want to be part of his life chose to be petty about small mistakes he made as a child or upset about who he’ll never be.  My in-laws are better with him, but maybe because they came in with realistic expectations.  But my family has shown an appalling amount of ableism towards him his entire life that I just can’t condone. 
His birth father is useless and since my son turned 18, I haven’t spoken to him.  I have no reason to, my son is an adult and he chooses who he has contact with.  If they remain estranged, it in on my ex, because I told him when we split not to be my father, who was the absolute reason punitive dead beat dad laws exist.
I dredge up these old hurts for a reason. So that people with a disabled family member can see how much hurt indifference causes.  It is difficult enough to parent a child like mine in this world without having the support network you relied on your whole life fail you.  Learn from their mistakes. 
Listen to the parents, we want you to interact with our children and we will tell you how and then you’ll show us new things about them we didn’t know.  The world is a better place for people like my son and as my husband proved, if you meet them at their level and don’t try to change who they are, you will find out how wonderful they are to have in your life. 
So leave your expectations at the door, make yourself a safe person for that family member and learn something new about yourself in the process.  It doesn’t have to be big, even a simple interaction at a family event goes a long way to making life easier for the disabled person and their parents.
Okay, rambly emotional essay over.  This goes for everybody, but especially family members who are disabled (mentally, psychologically, physically), love people for who they are, not who you want them to be.
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Health Updates May 28, 2023
So I've been feeling much much much better recently. I felt so miserable and unhealthy for the past few years and felt like I was physically (and mentally) declining. I didn't have any severe or dire illness or symptom, but a bunch of unpleasant systemic symptoms happening and adding up caused me to feel unwell and miserable and hopeless. I did a mineral scan at a holistic dentist's office and it turns out I had many nutritional deficiencies and some heavy metal exposure.
I started supplementing since then and have been feeling a lot better. My skin is healthier looking, my nails don't break as easily and are sturdy, my angular chilitis disappeared, I don't have dry nor irritated lips anymore, my hand eczema is looking better (zinc combined with some plain old Vaseline did the trick) - while I do deal with some dryness, I do not have deep cuts and flareup anymore, I feel more energetic and optimistic, I recover quickly when I'm sick, my teeth sensitivity is gone and can drink cool water without any problems (glad that I am taking phosphorus as it's hard to find a supplement with phosphorus), and less cravings for sugar and junk. So overall, I feel much healthier.
I do plan on going back to that holistic dental practice to do a retest (they told me to come back 2-3 months if I want to do a rescan). So I'm going to be doing that and I hope my deficiencies end up looking better. I'm still going to supplement even after doing the scan and I know some deficiencies take a bit longer to correct than others, but I just want to ensure that I'm getting out of the deficiency range for each vitamin and mineral. I have also been taking some chlorella for omega-3 and heavy metal chelation (trying to find ways to reduce heavy metals). I also wanted to meet with a holistic doctor sometime to talk about this and to also get a gut health evaluation so I know if I have any issues and if I need to alter my diet or to take and probiotics/prebiotics/digestive enzymes. Probiotics should be taken cautiously as the gut microbiome is delicate and altering it can lead to some adverse effects. So it's best to take a supplement if absolutely needed and to also make sure I'm taking the right kind of bacteria.
While I did see a holistic dentist for my health concerns, I have also made some changes to my oral health routine. I'm using a new toothbrush and toothpaste and ditched mouthwash. I've also started using woven floss since it cleans better than the gliding floss I've been using all this time (I use Cocofloss). Only issue is that floss is pretty expensive, so I'm on the lookout for a more cost-effective floss with the same texture. Also oral probiotics are super helpful too. I don't want to bombard myself with too many new products and supplements, but I'm still looking for a cheaper floss alternative, wondering if I really need to floss in the morning/water floss and if I need to consistently take an oral probiotic. I had a question about my gum health which I will be asking my dentist about and then we can decide what to do from there. I think simply switching up my toothbrush, toothpaste, and floss helps with that. Not sure if I really need to water floss or oral probiotics. We will see. Vitamin C can help with this too.
So overall I am so happy I've been taking measures to improve my health holistically. People think holistic medicine is pseudoscience, antivaxxer/treat health problems with essential oils and prayer and healing crystals nonsense. But what it really is - looking at the root cause of health problems instead of addressing symptoms by giving temporary quick fixes like pain meds, antibiotics, ointments, etc. The root cause of many health issues is stress, poor diet, poor sleep, insufficient physical activity, nutritional deficiencies, hormonal imbalances, poor gut health, and heavy metal exposure. So I hope. toaddress each and every point so I can lead a happy and healthy life.
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iloveabunchofgames · 1 year
Anti-Depressants Are So Not A Big Deal
from Crazy Ex-Girlfriend
I first diagnosed myself with major depressive disorder when I was 16. Looking back, it's clear depression had always been a part of my life, but that was when I first identified a depressive episode as a distinct event. It was sudden and all consuming. I wasn't depressed about something. Something was happening in my brain, and it was debilitating. So I did what any reasonable person would do: Not seek medical help for another 16 years. This song wasn't the only reason I finally agreed to accept outside help. Things got bad in my life. I got bad. I would have ended up on an anti-depressant sooner or later. Crazy Ex-Girlfriend just gave the push I needed to see that I was foolish for trying to make it on my own for as long as I did. I listened to this song dozens of times while psyching myself to make a call and set up an appointment. I wish that was the whole story: That I got on anti-depressants, and it's been smooth sailing ever since. My psychiatrist likes to say that she's running out of pills to prescribe. I have what's called treatment-resistant depression, which is exactly what it sounds like. I have been on everything, and the results have been a nightmare every time. Beyond standard, at-home prescriptions, I've also been treated with months of electromagnetic pulses and even psychedelic nose drugs. (I swear to you, these are real, FDA-approved treatments with super-high success rates.) Nothing has worked for me. And yet somehow, I had never been on any of the drugs named in "Anti-Depressants Are So Not A Big Deal" until very recently. I started taking fluoxetine (Prozac, if you're nasty) a few weeks ago...and about an hour ago, I sent a message to my doctor explaining all the awful symptoms I've experienced this week, including an uptick in anxiety and depression. I fully believe I was a fool to think I could handle a brain-chemical problem without the aid of outside chemicals. As exhausting as it is to start and stop a new prescription every month, I'm going to keep at it until something works because come on, what's the alternative? Whether it's a once-a-day tablet or electro-convulsive therapy (another real thing that I'm told is our best weapon against treatment-resistant depression, and one that I would have tried by now if I had the means to get to and from sessions), medicine will one day help me tolerate this thing we call life. That will be a very big deal.
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Hello, um, first time I'm actually asking for advice on a blog so I'm very sorry if this is breaking your boundaries in any way.
I've suspected that I've had an eating disorder since I was a teenager due to various reasons, but every single doctor shrugged me off and that it's good that I'm thin. I've known that since I was a child I've felt...self-conscious about my weight, but not in the expected way: I feel too thin. I've known for years my eating habits are unhealthy and there's no one but me to support me through this, with all my friends wanting to become thinner and doctors ignoring me.
Self-awareness in time has allowed me to try and change my habits, try and eat more, and although I struggle I've somewhat consistently eaten recently even if money is hard to come by nowadays. But a few weeks back I had to undergo two heavy surgeries to fix worrying issues with my mouth, and now that I stopped the antibiotics I've been incapable of eating enough due to pain and fear of messing something up and have lost significant weight. I feel ashamed that I feel so thin when everyone around me, especially coworkers I don't know very well, are praising me for looking "healthier" when I can barely communicate and getting back to my usual work routine is still difficult in post-op recovery. It scares me.
Is this actually a thing? Maybe I'm not looking hard enough but I can't find anything on "feeling like I'm too thin with a suspected ED" in my own research. Is it just body dysmorphia?
Hello dear,
It is absolutely okay to ask for advice and support, that’s why I’m here! I’m so sorry that you’ve been ignored for years and years because of others people’s perceptions. Prejudice, fatphobia, and body shaming run so deep in our society and medicine, and radiates into everything we try to do. It is deeply upsetting that those around us equate thinness with health so much so that they would praise our illness.
We often reduce eating disorders to a person becoming obsessed with losing weight. However, there are a myriad of different eating disorders that happen for vastly different reasons. It’s a disorder about eating, so at the end of the day it doesn’t matter what causes the issues. If your eating is consistently disordered, you have an eating disorder. It is not uncommon to struggle with feeling too skinny, in fact many people ask me about the same concern. Body dysmorphia isn’t defined by thinking you are fat, but by having an altered perception of your body. So it is absolutely possible and even common to have dysmorphia surrounding feeling too thin.
NEDA is always a great resource for learning about eating disorders and seeking the right help. Here are some articles that may help:
When it comes to the issue of self perception, it is treated much the same as it would be if you were struggling with feeling fat rather than thin. There is no moral weight, the fear comes from around us and within ourselves. Therapy is incredibly helpful, as are support groups. However, even just small changes in mindset build up. Practicing affirmations to change the mindset around your body and eating is important. You don’t need to eat to gain weight, you need to eat to sustain yourself. Intuitive eating is your friend!
It sounds like your struggles with eating are an ongoing mental health issue, however with your recent surgeries it seems to have been heavily exacerbated. The immediate concern is eating at all. Consulting your surgeon will be vital, ask what is safe and appropriate to eat when and start making a sort of meal plan. The approval of the surgeon may help ease some anxiety. If all you can comfortably get down is protein drinks than so be it! That is still nutrients for your body. However it will be important to practice pushing those boundaries of fear. As someone who just underwent a major surgery, it’s so scary to do anything that could mess it up! But it also isn’t nearly as easy to mess up your results as you feel it is. Trying to gave liquids like smoothies or soups is great, then eating small pieces of food or mashes, then working up to bigger bites and meals. It will take time but it’s worth the effort.
Overall, seeking professional care will be important. It’s not always easy, but there are ways you can find support. I’m here to chat if you ever want to or need some advice! Take tender care.
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drendocrine · 1 month
National Happiness Month: The Importance of Wellbeing
August is National Happiness Month, and we wanted to highlight the importance of both mental and physical wellbeing to your overall state. Creating a positive outlook is essential for maintaining your wellbeing, especially when even the very thoughts you have can color your perceptions of all in your life.
We break it down for you below!
Let’s Get Physical
Movement is medicine, and should be a cornerstone of your daily routine in order to make physical wellbeing an achievable goal. Walking is a gentle form of exercise that’s easy to incorporate into your daily routine: if you work a desk job, periodically getting up and walking around your space is a great way to stay active throughout the day. Setting a time each day to perform the same exercises helps build routine, and don’t forget to incorporate stretching!
Don’t let exercise become a source of stress: find a physical activity you love, and make it part of your life! Exercise is the best thing you can do for your body, from sports like kayaking and pickleball to joining a running club, anything that allows you to develop tangible achievements is something you’re more likely to stick with. Get those endorphins booming and start your day with some movement!
Mindset Matters
It can be difficult to maintain good mental wellbeing with all the daily stressors in modern-day living. Incorporating relaxation techniques like deep breathing and Buteyko breathing exercises can help, especially if you find yourself riled up. Ditching sources of stress can be as simple as unplugging from your phone and social media (screens in general) or as complex as reevaluating what is truly important to you and your values.
For deep relaxation, find an activity that resonates with you. These can be nonverbal, like knitting and playing an instrument, or journaling and reading. Meditating with a set intention and trying to hone in your focus will also help decrease stress levels. And having a creative outlet is an excellent way to ensure that you have a way of expressing yourself that’s also stress-relieving!
Social Saviors
Spending time with loved ones, be they friends, family, or pets, is a great way to relieve stress and feel happier. Dedicate yourself to activities that don’t involve money or consumption, and find common ground with those around you. It’s important to interact with people of all ages to put life into perspective, so help out a neighbor, volunteer at a park or the zoo, and plan a picnic with friends!
Medical Assistance
When it comes to overall wellbeing, sometimes you need to take an extra step. If you’ve been struggling and haven’t found conventional methods to help, ketamine therapy is an innovative option. Our experts, led by Dr. Christofides, have a complete understanding of depression, PTSD, anxiety, and other mental conditions that are exacerbated by stress. Ketamine increases neuroplasticity, helping to form new connections in the brain that not only reduce symptoms but get to the root cause. Unravelling the secrets of the brain means getting closer to your true self, so you can live unburdened by psychological diagnoses.
Happy to Help
For more on wellbeing, reach out to us! Living a balanced lifestyle, eating and sleeping well, and treating your body and mind well go a long way towards improving overall quality of life. Whether you need help or not, it’s important to take the time to check in with yourself every day. And once you start, you’ll find you can’t go without, so embrace the enhanced self-awareness and live your best life!
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rametarin · 5 months
The solution to the Pension System thing
Finish medical science.
What do I mean by, 'finish'? Well, it's simple. The greatest expense in life is our bodies getting old, wasting away and eventually dying because the mechanisms that keep us alive when we're young are in substantially better condition than when we're older. Our youth is the time of our independence.
But why does it have to be this way? We are pushed to produce children, but the people that designed the social welfare system themselves decided to make it pyramid shaped, of the young being born to take care of the elderly through sheer numbers. But this cannot work in a world of limited space and resources. You just get people forever aging and with the oldest aging out slower, requiring perpetual growth.
Now, socialists try VERY HARD to emphasize the "infinite growth is unsustainable :^)" thing and point the fingers at capitalists for this, but like everything else socialists and related philosophers imagine, it's not true. It's the people that decided it's in the state's interest to use the citizen's money to make it possible to pay for peoples healthcare that got us in this mess. It offered an OPTION for our aging and diseased population problem that was unaffordable otherwise, but that's just the problem. It REQUIRED a social contract with the state to make that possible, just by sheer scarcity and dfifficulty of scale.
So clearly the solution is to reduce the cost of healthcare. The biggest expenses come in the forms of surgery, the overhead and charge for high tech, patented and trademarked, very sophisticated and expensive medical devices, the absolute racket that is the pharmaceutical industry, and the cost of hospitals.
These are all questions of the level of the science, logistics of production, and minimum standards. If we had cheap ways to accomplish all medical needs for gauze and bandages and gowns that were pennies to the dollar, ways to manufacture anesthetic that are extremely cheap, ways to manufacture even personalized medicine, and set those as the minimum standards, we could disentangle these elements from the proprietary healthcare system.
No more Emergency Rooms charging $100 for a high priority OTC pain killer.
And the biggest expense of all: Longterm care, and Disability, the mandates that society beat a path through the world for the disabled. If disability can be cured, then a means to provide ability should be offered.
A single person reduced to a vegetative state can effectively vaporize millions of dollars of wealth from the pool, subsidized by insurance and state funds to distribute the load across the rest of society. There's absolutely no justification for this.
Rather than trying to find solutions that force everybody else to cover everybody else, thereby making untold billions of wealth disappear, why not systematically solve disability and restore ability? Invest in stem cell regenerative medicine and restorative therapies. Invest in refining our life support machines with computerization, which is very cheap now, that can do the job of millions of dollars of specialized medical equipment for the price of your wall outlet in electricity.
Can the problem be boiled down to medicine? Refine the processes that make the medicines and find alternative, more cost effective products for better results.
Vaccinations are getting to the point where one can vaccinate against every single part of a virus, thereby immunizing the animal from them for hundreds of millions of iterations, as well as being usable against cancers. Your own tumors could be MRNA vaccined away.
Eliminate disease that has to be treated chronically by curing it, not covering up the symptoms. If it's a system in the body, it has a process to make a functioning one and a process to unfucking it and working properly.
Once you get the process down to a science, it's a matter of making it as economic as possible. Once the science is finished, a trinket that can provide '00s quality MRI from a handheld device, medicine that cost a few dollars, not thousands of dollars a pill, that leaves the biggest expense of medicine of all being surgery.
And, well... there's no real way around the cost and expense of surgery. So. Removing the massive expense that comes from our own ignorance and the cost of technology that bloats the industry, we still run into the issue where needing surgery is still expensive. There's some hubub about mechanizing surgery, but I just don't think that's viable.
There's absolutely no reason why, outside the government and corporatism collaborating to gatekeep the profitability of the industries and how much they cost, these refined and improved processes couldn't give people cheap, functional prosthetics if the business and technology to do it is there. In this modern day we should have technology that scans a toothless human's gums and print them off dentures for dollars, not tens of thousands of dollars.
Once the cost of mortal life is reduced so you could cover every conceivable surgery you'd ever need in your lifetime to one year's salary, indirectly, just from buying the other things in life you'd need to function (having a designated family sensor chair that'd diagnose everything you could possibly have) then the necessity of bilking the public treasury for overpriced, write-their-own-paycheque bullshit will go away.
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healthremedyhub · 5 months
👩‍⚕️ Period Pain Relief WITHOUT the Meds - This Natural Remedy is a Total Game-Changer! 🌱
Ugh, ladies - we all know the drill, right? 😩 That time of the month rolls around, and suddenly we're doubled over in agony, reaching for the ibuprofen. The cramps, the bloating, the headaches - it's enough to make you want to curl up in a ball and hibernate until it's all over. 🤕
But what if I told you there's a natural solution that can provide real, lasting relief from those monthly menstrual pains, without any of the side effects that come with over-the-counter meds? 🙌 Well, there is, and it's called turmeric! 🌿
Turmeric is a bright yellow spice that's been used for centuries in traditional Asian medicine to treat a variety of ailments, including inflammatory conditions like period cramps. That's because it contains a powerful compound called curcumin, which is renowned for its potent anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties. 💪
You see, during your period, your uterus contracts to help shed its lining. This causes the release of inflammatory compounds that trigger the painful cramps we all dread. But curcumin in turmeric can help block the production of those inflammatory agents, effectively reducing the severity and duration of cramps. 🧘‍♀️
Turmeric has also been shown to relax the smooth muscle of the uterus, which can help alleviate the painful spasms that occur during your period. And its antioxidant effects can provide relief from other menstrual symptoms like headaches, backaches, and breast tenderness. 💆‍♀️
To get the maximum benefits, I recommend taking a turmeric supplement with at least 400-600mg of curcumin per dose. Start a few days before your period is due, and continue throughout your cycle. You can also get creative and add more turmeric to your diet through curries, golden milk lattes, or ginger-turmeric tea. 🍵
So the next time Aunt Flo comes to town and has you reaching for the heating pad, skip the ibuprofen and give turmeric a try instead. This natural, side-effect-free solution could be the key to real, long-lasting relief from your monthly period pains. 🙌
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#PeriodPain #MenstrualCramps #Turmeric #Curcumin #AntiInflammatory #NaturalRemedies #WomensHealth #HerbalMedicine #AlternativeMedicine #NaturalPainRelief #PeriodSymptomRelief #HealingHerbs #HolisticHealth
The information and content provided in this video is for educational and informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.
The remedies and strategies discussed are based on research and traditional use, but individual results may vary. We do not claim that these natural remedies can cure or treat any specific medical condition.
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This video is for general informational purposes only and is not intended to endorse or recommend any particular product, service, or treatment plan. Consult your healthcare provider before making any changes to your diet, supplement routine, or lifestyle.
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