#but he's still in awe everytime they show this to be true
sphylor · 11 months
Not sure if it'll work, but consider this to be your reminder about kitty dew & his emotional support apple
aaa thank you!!! nature programme is now finished (and so is the series im so sad) so i can talk about kitty Dew and his emotional support apple!! (original post here) credit to @gh-woah-st who came up with some of these ideas too !! <3<3<3
so he brings it inside at the end of the day and shows it off to all the other ghouls, proudly strutting around the den with the net in his mouth and a smile on his face. then Copia pops by to check in on the ghouls and as soon as he hears the door open, Dew sprints towards it and stares at Copia with expectant eyes. the poor guy still doesnt quite understand the whole regression thing but when Rain steps in and is like "Dew's kitty and he wants to show you the apple he picked today" he remembers and is immediately like "oh that is such a beautiful apple, piccolo gattino" (pls tell me if that italian is wrong btw) and Dew starts chattering up a storm. he bumps his horns against his shoulder and rubs his cheek against him, purring so loudly, just so excited that Copia likes it.
he ends up falling asleep with it and the next day Mountain asks if he could add it to the crumble he's making with some of the apples they picked the day before. Dew lets him because "whatever its just an apple" and carries on with his day like normal. but as the crumble is being dished out after dinner he gets really sad. how is he going to know if he's eating his apple or not? he's starting to feel genuinely upset over this until Mountain places a seperate mini crumble in front of him and tells him that his apple was used to make that one and that it has more of the crumble on top because he knows he likes it more than the actual fruit part. Dew sits there and stares at it for a moment, not making any move to eat it even as Mountain dishes out his own crumble and sits back down. and even as Dew does start eating it, he's slow and he takes his time, not immediately inhaling it like he does with most food (an old habit from being a runt in the pit). Mountain's scared that he didn't enjoy it, or that the gesture was too much, until Dew stays behind after dinner anf gives him the biggest hug he can, whispering a small "thank you" into his chest.
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solargeist · 3 months
What the relationships between different Hermits and Kid Xelqua are like:
Mumbo - Pretty positive all things considered. He manages to entertain him, and generally is a good uncle figure.
Scar - The favourite. Scar gives him unlimited access to snacks and all sorts of unhealthy food (much to Grian’s chagrin). Once gave him so much sugar, Xelqua entered a 5 hour long sugar rush. Grian still hasn’t forgiven him yet because it was an absolute nightmare.
Doc - Surprisingly positive. Despite Doc’s turbulent relationship with Grian, Doc has a soft spot for kids. He’ll drop any kind of tension when Xelqua’s around to not worry him. He’ll still absolutely body Grian, but usually when Xelqua isn’t looking.
Pearl - Due to her leniency, Xelqua likes her. He can get away with anything when she’s around and generally doesn’t impose any harsh rule of punishment on him
Etho - He just thinks Etho is cool (usually because he keeps maple candies in his pockets). An Ethogirl in the making.
Joe Hills - He’s a living Sesame Street styled puppet and Xelqua keeps mistaking him for a normal puppet toy. He once nearly suffocated poor Joe by hugging him a little too tight around his neck.
Xisuma - Barely sees him and for good reason. Xisuma has enough on his plate as admin, he doesn’t need to have to add “babysitting a god” on his plate as well.
Impulse & Skizz - They help Grian out occasionally to watch over Xelqua. Typical fun uncles you can find, but Xelqua doesn’t know much about them or why Skizz gives him the heebie jeebies when he unfurls his Angel wings or when Impulse reveals his full demon form.
Gem - Like Impulse and Skizz, generally friendly with Xelqua, but he’s unsettled by her, but he doesn’t know why. Maybe he senses that Gem isn’t truly a deer satyr and something to do with the rustling in the forests and night and the lingering smell of blood on her.
Cleo - She’s scary to him. Like how you would be scared of the principal when you were a kid in elementary school.
Cub - All the fireworks he uses this season are too loud for him. He has to cover his ears everytime he has to go near the shop.
Joel - Xelqua keeps walking in in Joel in the most embarrassing moments. Like seeing him cry in front of the statue of his wife because she isn’t in the server, falling down an entire flight of stairs, reading Iskall’s creepy Yandere letters, etc. There were several moments where Joel had to cover Xelqua’s mouth because he was about to air all his dirty laundry.
of course Scar is the favourite, Xelqua would love his builds, he’d like the animals and Scars silly voices and rambles. He’d also love Scar’s off road wheelchair/ATV, it’s so fast ! He’d absolutely eat all of Scar’s snacks, he’d be talking a mile a minute when Grian shows to pick him up, he just silently glares at Scar.
I love when people draw Doc with Doccy on the server, just a big scary goat and his little goat kid, it’s why he has a soft spot around Xelqua, he’s so tiny. Tho I can only see them interacting if Xelqua accidentally ends up in his base area, got lost maybe. I think Xelqua wouldn’t be scared of Doc despite his looks bc 1) he looks like Scar’s zoo animals (big Goat) and 2) Doc has a kid too, so he’s gotta be safe. Grian is very confused when he sees Doc calling him.
The Joe Hills part almost made me choke AKDNDKSK Joe being a puppet is my favourite design it’s so silly. Xelqua watches a lot of TV, he’d be in awe… so happy to see a real life puppet… Grian has to grab his hands to stop him from choking Joe out.
I think Xelqua would just be intimidated by Cleo at first, he’d warm up to her ! Him being scared of Cub bc of the fireworks is so true tho, Xelqua very much hates the noise and is actively afraid of thunder, he’ll wake Grian up if a storm rolls in at night, and probably hide behind him if a firework went off and no one told him it’d be so loud !
poor Joel 😭😭⁉️⁉️ tho if Joel grabbed Xelqua and covered his mouth like that, Grian is immediately there, he crosses the room so quickly man Watchers don’t play around abt their kids 😭💥 Grian doesn’t even realize he moved or separated them, for a split second his brain didn’t see this as a joke or playing around. Joel gets to see those purple eyes up closeeee and shouts
this was very cute and silly to read ehehehe, also for some reason I think Xelqua would think that Xisuma is Grian’s uncle, no idea how he came to this conclusion.
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bubbly-parker · 1 month
Isaac Request
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Requested? Yes
Isaac Lahey x witch afab Reader
I didn't know if you wanted pure fluff of smut too so this is pure fluff I think I will add a second Chapter with smut, tonight or tomorrow. If anyone has any ideas what to add please drop them in my inbox <3333
4. "I'm staying. Stop fighting me.”
9. "let me take care of you
The reader thinks Isaac doesn't like her, but he's just awful at showing his feelings.
Since the reader doesn't have healing abilities like the rest of them Isaac never wants them to come with them because it stresses him out too much, he feels the need to protect her and he can’t fight and keep an eye on her at the same time
The reader thinks Isaac sees her as a burden but he is in loooooooove
Challenge: take a shot everytime i wrote Isaac.
“Don't even start again. Just let me help without complaining for once.”
A small “why” was all you could muster in return, too tired to start a whole argument. “What do you mean, why? To make sure you're fine, obviously."
“In case you haven't noticed, but it's always me looking after you.”
You woke up on your living room couch, halfway slumped over the side, with a pounding head and blurry vision. You couldn't remember getting home; all you remembered was a pretty bad fight.
I should have just stayed out of there.
But of course, you could never stay out of other people's business. No one in Beacon Hill could. Supernatural was drawn to supernatural.
When you changed schools, you didn't expect your parents to drop you off, and ending up immediately running into a WHOLE PACK of werewolves. You kept your head down and walked right past them as if they didn't exist.
You are a witch, so you smell like an average human to them, but they can’t fool you being born a witch. Your third eye has always been open, and they can’t hide their true forms from you.
One day during lunch, you overheard some of their troubles—of course, you weren't eavesdropping...
you'd never..
From what you gathered, they needed a rare plant that happened to grow in your witch mother’s garden.
You've only been here for a few weeks but befriended Allison and Lydia quickly, so you understood the pack was keeping the town safe and are no danger, of course, they didn't know that you had already seen through them, but you felt the need to help them regardless.
You heard them talking about meeting up after school, so you dropped a tracking stone in Lydia's bag during class when she wasn't looking so you could find her later. In hindsight, you should have maybe just approached them instead of using Lydia to stalk them, but you aren't exactly the most extroverted, so they would have to deal, you thought.
Later that day, you went home and plucked the flower from your mom’s garden while she was still out. Back in your room, you placed the second tracking stone on your map, and it moved exactly to where Lydia was at that moment.
Back then, on that day, you should have learned to mind your business, but whatever
You got out of your car in the middle of the woods, a map and a mason jar with your flower in your hand, looking for Lydia when you heard screaming.
A fight was happening in the middle of the woods, and you ran right into it.
“The fuck are you doing here?” You turned around to see a rather angry Isaac right behind you, unsure whether he had turned since you pretty much always saw through their facade. You could feel the anger rolling off of him. Taking a step back as he took on forward, you pushed your hand out, shoving the jar under his nose while avoiding his eyes. You said nothing.
Isaac accused you of spying on them and trying to sabotage them, but thankfully Stiles stumbled towards you guys, perplexed by your appearance but thankful either way he took the flower and did god knows what with it.
Ever since that you involuntary became a part of the pack. You told them how you knew from the first time you set foot in the school, but Isaac didn't trust you and kept his distance. Now, a year later, close to graduation, you still end up coming to the rescue every single time together with Stiles. You're keeping the boat from sinking, really.
And that's why you found yourself in your current position. You came to the rescue again. Some sicko alpha was rampaging through the woods, and while you were laying a trail of mountain ash, he attacked you from behind, scratching open your side and throwing you through the night sky, lovely.
You didn't register any pain at first, but now that you're coming to be, your entire side is burning, and your head is pounding even stronger.
You don't know who got you home, but you could hear water running in your guest bath down the hall, so with a shaky breath, you pushed yourself up to make your way over to the bathroom, but your vision got blurry, and you had to lean on the armrest.
“What are you doing? Sit back down.” Isaac came rushing towards you and helped you sit back down. You didn't know who to expect, but it wasn't Isaac.
Over the last year, Isaac had warmed up to you a little—not that you could tell, but that's what the others kept saying.
To you, Isaac still seemed closed off, but you wrote it off as it being his personality.
He didn't want you to come today. He protested profusely at lunch, saying that there was nothing you could help with anyway and that you were just putting yourself in danger. You knew that you probably should have sat this one out, but Stiles was feeling under the weather, and you didn't like that Isaac made you feel like a child.”
“I can take care of myself. I'm not a child,” you told Isaac, who acted like you would just be a burden. You feared he might have been right.
Now that he was in your home, treating you like a child again made you angry. One day, he was nice to you—distant but still somewhat nice—giving you class notes when you were sick even though you were sure he never took notes. He shrugged it off like it was no big deal, and then he acted like a first-class jerk again.
To be real, his cold-shoulder, mysterious attitude had you crushing a little at first, but when you realized that he only cold-shouldered you and Stiles, it just felt like he was excluding you.
While you could be more of a help to your friends if you would be focusing on spell crafting like your mom instead of potion making, it comes in handy in times like this where your healing salves would aid your healing process, not having the natural advanced healing of a werewolf.
You take a staggered breath in, grind your teeth together, and got moving.
“You’re shitting me right now; you shouldn't move in this condition.”
Ignoring Isaac, you moved towards your hallway, one hand on the wall stabilizing you.
“I mean it, Isaac, just leave. I brought this onto myself anyway."
But instead of Isaac leaving, you could hear him move towards you.
You went to turn around. “ Wh-
Before you could even start, Isaac picked you up.
Paralyzed from the shock of what was happening, you just gasped up at Isaac like a fish as he carried you to your bedroom. He placed you down on your bed, and without looking at you, he immediately turned away. Your eyes followed his figure as he moved towards the other side of your room, where you kept your potion cabinet.
“Which one is that healing stuff you gave Allison last time?” You just looked at Isaac, not quite understanding why he was still here.
“the purple container that says Clinique” (reduce, reuse, recycle old containers)
Isaac moved back over to the bed. You sat up and took the salve from him.
You waited for him to leave so you could lift your shirt and apply the salve but Isaac sat down next to you.
“I'll help you." Isaac moved closer and tried to lift the side of your shirt, but you flinched back—wrong idea. A stabbing pain ran up your side and temporarily made your vision go black.
One part of your brain enjoyed the idea of taking your whole shirt off in front of Isaac—maybe that small part that still had a crush on him—but the other side didn't even want to slightly lift it.
“I can do it, Isaac; seriously, I'm not getting naked in front of you,” you glared at Isaac the best you could. "You don't need to be here.”
In reality, you didn't look mean at all, the pain too clear in your expression, and your wound far too concerning in Isaac's eyes. “You’re not getting naked; I just need to rub this on, and in case you haven't noticed, you're not even wearing your own shirt, so I won't see anything I haven’t already.”
You looked down at your own body and noticed he's right; the shirt you left the house in is long gone; instead, your blood is soaking into the shirt Isaac wore earlier under his jacket.
While you were distracted, Isaac quickly applied the slave to one hand and went under your shirt. As he went to apply it, you still tried to wriggle out of his hold; you don't know why you did it. You could tell that Isaac, for whatever reason, just wanted to help you.
Nice Isaac was complicated. It made the irrational side of your brain fuzzy, and maybe one small butterfly woke up in your stomach. "I'm staying. Stop fighting me and let me help you, goddamit.”
Isaac’s grip tightened around your waist. You couldn't go anywhere. As he rubbed the salve around your wound, he decided not to lift your shirt and just moved his hand under it.
You titled your head to look at Isaac; his eyes moved from your middle to your face. “Is this okay?” he asked while looking into your eyes.
You nodded your head, not sure what to say. This side of Isaac was weird; technically, you should be happy. This caring side is what you dreamed about months ago when you started crushing on the mysterious wolf, but he made it so incredibly hard on you by always treating you like a little kid.
When Isaac was done, he got up off the bed, washed his hands, and put the salve back where it belonged.
You dropped back on your bed, facing the ceiling, energy fading. You couldn't even move up the bed, legs still dangling off.
Isaac came back to your side and kneeled. He started taking your boots off; you felt too exhausted to even lift your feet to help him.
You groaned, thinking about how Isaac would use this against you for all eternity to prove that you are nothing but a danger to yourself.
“Don't even start again. Just let me help without complaining for once.”
Okay, that wasn't what you expected.
A small “why” was all you could muster in return, too tired to start a whole argument.
“What do you mean, why? To make sure you're fine, obviously."
You didn't really understand what Isaac was on about.
“In case you haven't noticed, but it's always me looking after you.”
You tried to make sense of his words when a conversation you had with Lydia came back to mind; you brushed it off, but Lydia had said something about Isaac always being way too close to you, not in a literal way, but if you were walking in a group, he was next to you walking on the side next to the road, and if you split up in groups, Isaac was always with you, and now today.
“How did you find me? You were supposed to be at the other end of the woods?” You asked Isaac, who gave no reply. He was supposed to be with Allison as backup and setting up traps.
Isaac had put your shoes next to your wardrobe and came back to the side of your bed to help you move fully onto the bed.
“I was going to go in position once you were inside the Mountain Ash Circle... But then he came out of nowhere. I was too focused on you to notice him. I'm sorry.” Now you knew Isaac wasn't a man of many words, but you realized that Lydia might have been a little right; Isaac was always watching you.
A blush crept up on your cheeks, but you couldn't quite believe the conclusion you were drawing here.
Isaac looked down at you lying on your back. "I’m bad at this talking thing, okay?”
He rubbed the back of his neck, avoiding eye contact now.
“it’s okay” You patted the space beside you on the bed and signaled Isaac to sit or lay down. You realized it must have been pretty late, or early? You looked at your alarm clock 2:43 am; well, not too bad.
You felt the bed dip beside you as Isaac laid down on his side next to you, somehow facing you but still avoiding looking at you, fascinating.
“Thank you, Isaac." Your eyes met, and the usually confident Isaac suddenly looked everything but that.
He brushed a strand of hair out of your face with his hand. “Just let me take care of you from now on, okay?” he asked.
Okay, more than one butterfly woke up again. You nodded your head and tried to scoot closer to Isaac; instead, he wrapped his arms around you and did the work for you by pulling you in. “Will you stay?” you said as Isaac moved to sit up. “Of course, but you should change your shirt; it’s bloody.”
“You mean I should change youuur shirt?” you purred. You smiled at Isaac and pointed to your chair, where your PJs were lying. He reached over and gave you your shirt.
“Can you help me get this off?” You sat up; your side was healing. You could feel the wound closing up faster than humanly possible, but it still ached.
Isaac helped you lift your arms as little as possible as he lifted your shirt above your head.
Shivers ran down your spine, but you didn't feel uncomfortable. He helped you put your clean shirt back on and moved you to lie down with him, setting the blanket over you two.
You laid together in silence, your back pressed to Isaac’s chest; you could feel his breath on top of your head; you should sleep, but your emotions were running wild, and you didn't want this moment, these feelings, to end.
As if he could read your thoughts, Isaac said, “I’ll still be here in the morning. You can sleep.”
He kissed the top of your head, and you drifted off to sleep. Today's events were a little too much.
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kotton-kandy953 · 2 months
➛ yandere!tokito twins x fem!reader
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❝ your love's got me looking so crazy right now ❞
5:40 PM
"Shut the fuck up, Yuichiro." Were the sudden words that caught Yuichiro Tokito's attention.
Brushing off his shocked and semi-hurt expression, he smirked at his younger brother.
"Aw, you're pissed because you know that's true!" Yuichiro hops off of his bed.
"You know Y/n will never love your sorry ass!!"
Muichiro clenched his fists, "You're speaking as if she'll ever love you back."
He scoffed, "You make Y/n uncomfortable everytime you come around her."
Yuichiro couldn't help but blush at the mere thought of you. But it soon disappeared at the sight of his drenched twin brother.
The sound of your perfect name leaving his mouth disgusted him in way he couldn't put into words.
"It's very obvious that you lov- like Y/n as much as I."
Muichiro crossed his arms and began to mutter "delusional ass-"
"—Of course I do, Mu-mu!" Yuichiro stomped his foot to the ground.
"Why the hell else would I go through all this shit just so you wouldn't be near her for a few hours." Yuichiro spat, shoving his hands in his pants pockets.
"I'll love her more than you ever will in your entire fucking life."
Those were the last words that left Yuichiro's mouth for a while.
Because Muichiro, acting on pure impulse, sent his fist flying towards his older brothers face.
He watched as his brother stumbled back against his bed. Shock painted on his features as his eyes went wide.
Yuichiro gently grazed his fingertips across his face where he could still feel the pain from the punch.
He removed his hand and glanced at the blood coating his finger tips.
Did he make my fucking nose bleed!? Yuichiro thought as he locked his gaze onto the sheets of his bed. Quickly, he jerked his head over in the direction of his livid little twin brother.
Muichiro's usual expressionless face showed one that was more sinister than normal.
As if he felt zero remorse for his actions.
Licking off the blood trickling down his nose, Yuichiro did not retaliate, surprisingly enough.
"That's only the first part of my revenge," Muichiro grabbed his backpack off the ground.
"Watch your fucking back, Yu-Yu." He turned and left.
7:55 AM
The twins didn't speak to one another that morning. They were still angry about what happened yesterday.
Yuichiro managed to cover up the bruise mark on his face with a little makeup.
Coming to the realization that he had ran out of foundation, he decided to steal some from Muichiro's bathroom.
As if he would ever notice.
When escalating the steps of the school bus, Muichiro snickered to himself, he didn't even properly blend the fountain properly...
Once arriving at the seats the three of you usually sat in, they could help but notice that the key element was missing.
"Y/n's not here. You think she's late?" Yuichiro pondered in a semi-kind tone of voice.
Muichiro just rolled his eyes at his futile attempt to be "nice," "I'm surprised you didn't kidnap her with your Ayano Aishi ass." He mumbled under his breath before sitting in your window seat.
"I heard that, jackass." Yuichiro threw his stuff on the floor beneath his seat behind his twin.
"That was the point." He replied bluntly and stared off into the window.
As the bud stopped, Muichiro forcefully shoved his way past his brother and got onto the campus before he could.
Yuichiro glared at the black and turquoise haired student before rushing up behind him with his own things in tow.
The twins entered the school without even passing a glance to the other, still angry.
At the shoe lockers, Yuichiro was replacing his with his uniform shoes when he spotted Muichiro slide something in between the cracks of your locker's door.
Muichiro then stood up, confusedly tilting his head at his brother, "Why are you just staring at me? Hurry and get to class or you'll be late."
He turned on his heel and left.
For some reason, Yuichiro's mouth felt dry. Or maybe even sewed shut?
He couldn't think of anything rude to say in response and it pissed him off even more.
He'd usually just snap back at his brother and start an argument.
But he didn't.
Yuichiro got to class a few minutes later than Muichiro.
He was lost in his own thoughts about something...
You're probably wondering what it was he was obsessing over at the moment.
But I'll leave that to be found out later.
Muichiro looked as if he had his head in the clouds as his dreamy, blue irises locked themselves on one particular object in the classroom: the front door.
He was waiting on someone and I bet you have a pretty good idea of who it is.
Yuichiro entered the class, making the already sat boy frown.
Walking over to his assigned seat, he could hear the many voices of other female students in his class quietly giggling and gushing over how cute Muichiro looked or how attractive Yuichiro was.
But he didn't care, he actually learned to tune out those annoying-ass voices and focus on what was most important to him.
And it wasn't Muichiro.
Yuichiro sat down in his seat that had a vacant one right beside it. He couldn't help but feel this void of sadness whenever he looked over at your empty seat.
When you weren't around, both twins equally felt this sort of emptiness.
As if you were some type of drug they were having withdrawals from.
"So, she's not here?" Yuichiro looked over at his brother with a face of slight worry painting onto his features.
Muichiro replied with a simple nod, not feeling the need to verbally reply.
Then, just when all hope was lost, you burst through the classroom doors. You were panting and out of breath, like you ran to school all the way from your home.
You threw your backpack on your desk and began unpacking your binders and books. You wiped the sweat off your forehead as you glanced over at the older twin's smirk.
"Well look who decided to show up?"
You frowned at his teasing voice.
"Shut up." You pulled out your chair and slumped down in your seat.
Muichiro, who was staying silent this whole time, let out a quiet snicker.
You barely noticed it but Yuichiro definitely did.
"So what took you so long Mrs. Tokito? Were you doing your pretty little makeup and lost track of time?"
You dug in your bag for a mechanical pencil as he spoke.
"Haha, so funny..." you sarcastically laughed in response.
Once pulling out the pencil, you couldn't help but notice the poorly blended patch of foundation on his cheek.
"It seems to me that you were also playing in makeup this morning." Yuichiro's eyes widened at her words.
"Who's foundation was it? Your mommy's?" You laughed as Yuichiro stared at the side of his face in the camera app of his cell phone.
"Muichiro! Why didn't you tell me I looked like a fucking clown!?" Yuichiro panicked, not really knowing what he could do to fix his problem.
"Dunno." Muichiro mumbled with a shrug of his shoulders.
3:55 PM
For you, today was a really weird day.
When you first got to school, a strange note fell out of your shoe locker when you were changing them into the uniform ones.
The author is too lazy to write an actual letter, but the anonymous person asked if you could meet them on top of the school building. They had a really important question to ask.
Of course you couldn't go on with out telling Aoi and Kanao. They thought it was a really sweet and gesture and that you should actually go.
It'd be rude to not anyway.
Now here you are, standing on top of the school building waiting for said "anonymous person" to arrive.
Figuring to be standing there for a while, it surprised you when you saw the door swinging open and hearing footsteps.
But who stood at the door shook you to your core.
"Yuichiro!?" You shouted, sounding a bit disappointed.
Yuichiro stood there with his hands in his pant's pockets as the door shut behind himself.
"Did you miss me, princess?" He smiled smugly before taking a few steps closer.
You couldn't help but feel a bit disappointed at the fact that it was Yuichiro Tokito asking to meet you here. It's like attractive boys just don't to have crushes on you.
You took a step back every time he took one forward, "What do you wa- Aah!" You yelped as  you were nearing the edge of the school building.
"Why're you backing away from me?" He pouted, "You know I won't hurt you, right?"
He offered a hand to her.
You reluctantly took his hand.
That was a mistake.
Yuichiro forcefully pulled you closer, causing you to stumble on your own feet.
"What are you d-"
"—can you please shut up? You're ruining the moment." He muttered as he grabbed your other hand.
"What mo-"
Shutting you up completely, Yuichiro leaned in and pressed his soft lips against yours.
Your eyes went wide with shock and bewilderment. He squeezed your hands tighter as he leaned in more.
Somehow, you managed to push him off. If you didn't, he probably would ever let go of you.
"Did you just fucking kiss me!?"
Song Name: Crazy in Love — Beyoncé ft. JAYZ
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Back to Chapter Three?
Proceed to Chapter Five?
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neoarchipelago · 1 year
Switching it up from the last ask, what if the 141 were gods and the reader was human?
Greek gods: Price: Zeus, Ghost: Hades/Ares, Soap: Posiden, Gaz: Hermes, Konig: Hephaestus, etc
Norse Gods: Price: Odin, Ghost: Thor, Soap: Loki of course lol, Gaz: Meili, Konig: Jotunn, etc
If you don't know a ton about these Gods it's okay, you don't have to do this one lol
This was such a good idea!!! (I chose the Greek gods even though I still suck at it, the thought of Ghost being Hades won me over.) Also I feel like i completely got carried away with the NSFW part... I hope you like this my love
Task 141!Greek gods x F!Reader
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The gods themselves. The pantheon. It has been a long while they had decided to walk down from their pearly little castle. They had decided to mingle amongst the humans, now free from having to look after them. Unfortunately, chaos and wars are something they were used to so of course taking part of military activities seemed to be the best thing to do.
Squad 141 had quickly become one of the best squads there could be. Of course, how could it not when gods themselves were part of it? Of course, they enjoyed themselves, being able to fulfill their cravings while living the normal 'human' life.
Until you arrived. It was unexpected. Not the first time of course, they had already added some humans to the squad for short periods of time but you. Oh sweet you. They had been confused by your sweet cheerfulness. The way you skipped through the dorms. Poseidon... Hum... Soap, above all, had found someone he enjoyed playing around the base with. Gaz himself enjoyed your company, and even Hades ... Usually so gloomy found himself almost smiling in your presence.
Of course, Price kept reminding everyone that this... This should not be happening. Not at all. Bringing you on missions with gods was an absolute awful idea. They had to cut ties and quick. They'd find something to complain about on the first mission, making sure you get removed from the force.
Unfortunately, nothing had gone as planned. You had found yourself in an extremely dangerous situation, to protect them. Fury had taken the gods, as blood and wails were the only things on the battlefield as they carried you to safety.
From that point onward, you never left their side again. They decided that you'd be their little pet, little adorable human they'd keep close to them.
Price enjoyed above all discussing with you. You were such a witty and smart person that he simply enjoyed siting with a cup of tea or coffee and talk with you about anything.
Soap had found a partner in crime to play pranks around the base, showing you his explosives.
Gaz him, often took you out to shop with him, you had become gossip and shopping buddies. Which you obviously enjoyed, merely to spend time with him.
Ghost... Ghost was a silent man. But he enjoyed listening to your read, even if you were completely unaware of it. He was the most protective of the group, always keeping an eye on you, keeping recruits or other high ranks away from you.
Konig always found a way to bring you little gifts. Little jewelry he made or even knifes. You beamed everytime, blushing and he enjoyed it. You always praised him on his amazing handcrafting, making proud.
Things changed a bit on one of the many missions. You were fighting off a soldier who had ran behind you, cornering you. It was a sticky situation and Ghost had found you pretty quickly. Unfortunately, a knife thrown your way had let it slip. A glimpse of his true self, your wide eyed stare only comforting him in the idea that yes, you did saw it.
The way home was silent, and he tried to avoid you. You didn't seem scared but mostly confused. It took a few days for the boys to sit you down and tell you the truth. You had been very curious much everyone's relief. You had felt like the safest human on earth.
NSFW poly!141 x f!Reader
It had started in a Blur. A pretty dress as you had announced you had a date to attend. The room had turned colder than it seemed. Rainy clouds in the sky. You had sighed, scolding the boys for being so over protective.
You had skipped your way out the door under the tension of the gods's gazes. Price and Ghost had remained home with Konig while soap and gaz walked ou to get some air. In reality they had followed you around, keeping a close eye on you and making sure to stop any attempt the recruit had towards you.
They wouldn't say it out loud. Any of them. But the thought of some random idiot having the privilege to own you... To kiss and lick that pretty little cunt was unbearable to them.
When you had walked back home, annoyed and irritated by the boy you had met, the gods could barely hide their happy moods.
During one of your movie nights, when you had cuddle a bit too close to price, head resting on his chest as you dozed off, short a bit too short on your thighs. Wandering eyes and huffed breaths. You had seemed to drift into some kind of curious dream, little moans and whines escaping you parted lips. Your body reacting to slight touches Price gave you, little trails of his fingers along your arms or your back, soft squeezes of your delicious thighs making you whimper.
They wouldn't dare to go further. Not without your consent. The gods looked at each other, way too aware of the reaction you were causing to them.
"We have to play nice. No wars my brothers." Price had reminded.
"There's no need for wars. We all want the same thing. Same goal." Gaz had answered.
"To take care of her." Konig added.
"Make her. Ours." Soap grinned.
After that night, you had felt them change around you. You could sometimes feel their hungry gaze but you weren't sure. Little touches and featherlight kisses on the cheek. You weren't sure of what you were feeling. The affection you had for them was obvious but the more they acted like this towards you the more your feelings grew into something twisted. Could it be love? It was surely lust...
A little booze had given that little push the group needed. A poker night, game night with gods. The burning liquor in your throat gave you too much determination. It untied tongues, held back too long. Soap was the first. The blush on your cheeks too irresistible. Of course always under the supervised gaze of the rest of the task force. He had carressed your cheek as you leaned into his touch, feeling the heat rise.
"So cute darling. You look hot" he had grinned, proud of his pun.
You had giggled, now their hungry looks were perfectly visible. Of course you were blushing. The room itself was too warm. You had discovered a new voice to yourself, as you had teased them.
"You all look like you want to pounce on me..."
The silence after that was deafening. Only their eyes burned into you.
"you... Do?" You questioned, bewildered.
Curses were heard under mumbled and hissed breaths.
"listen darling." Price had started getting closer to you. "We do not want to scare you. We mean no harm at all."
"we simply feel... Very... Attracted to you." Gaz whispered close to your ear. How did he get so close...?
"we... Want to worship you my dear..." Konig's lips on your ankle made you shiver.
"but only. If you wish for us to do so." A firm hand wrapped around your neck from behind, a strong chest pressing again your back the familiar scent of hades.
"me..? For... All of you? Isn't that... Odd?" You had questionned, the obvious wetness in between your legs betraying you.
"if one thing is sure, you are worth sharing. As we share mutual feelings towards you." Price explained.
"we want to make you ours, protect you, make you feel... Adored." Soap grinned against the skin of your shoulder.
"say no... And we'll stop..." Konig warned, teeth grazing at the soft skin of your leg.
"say stop. And we'll walk away and never try to have you again. It won't change a thing to us" Gaz explained, kissing your knuckles softly.
"Or give in. Be ours for eternity. And we'll make you burn for us..." Ghost whispered into the back of your neck.
You closed your eyes, their breaths and hands were overwhelming but oh so good. Did you? Would you? You wanted to.
One nod and it was all it took. All it took to lead to this situation. As you sat in Soap's lap, his cock buried inside you as the men watched closely, listening to your every moan. He had laid you down, as you felt the strong chest of Konig behind you, his arms wrapping around your waist, softly caressing their way to your chest.
Lips and kisses made the room feel like some secret sinful place. Each had marked a different place on your body, you'd be covered in hickeys by morning. They were sweet, careful.
"You alright little dove? Tell me, can you handle more?" Gaz whispered in your ear as the men stood to attention, waiting to hear your answered. You a mewled a little yes, the men thrilled to please you more. Price and Ghost had been the limit for you. Your first time with them had been crushed by the intensity of your orgasm as price pumped himself in and out, feeling you clench around him as sweet nothings pooled from his lips.
You had needed a second to breath, and the men gladly did so, kissing you softly one by one before kissing your body. Ghost did not seem annoyed or angry to see tired and probably not able to take more, he was willing to leave it at that, seeing you fucked out and hazed making him way too happy. He'd have you another time for sure.
But you had wanted to. You had given him puppy eyes, kissing him deeply, straddling his lap. He was big. Not as big as Konig, but he was thick. His cock might split you open. He had tangled his fingers in your hair making you look at him.
"We don't have to. You're exhausted. I can feel your nervousness darling... Do not force yourself."
"I'm not... I want this... I do... Will you walk me through it... Gently?" You had asked in a little whine.
He had cursed under his breath, helping you sink slowly unto his cock, the feeling bringing out a glimpse of something darker, belonging in the underworld.you had felt the boys step closer, praises and kisses to your back.
"You're taking him so well" Soap whispered.
"you're doing so good my love" Gaz cooed.
"Such a good girl" Price praised against your ear.
You bounced up and down on his lap, the overstimulation and sensitiveness making you loose focus and your ability to speak. Only your moans and whines filled the room alongside their words.
They had started storming themselves again, the sight of you, completely fucked out and dumbified by their cocks and the several orgasm you had gone through making it simply impossible not to get hard again.
You his your face in Ghost neck, tears filling your eyes, falling down your cheeks as you felt yourself completely crumble. He hushed you, helping you bounce faster on his length, feeling you clench around him.
"f-fuck..." He groaned.
You were so close, tipping off the edge when he kissed you, tongue battling to muffle something almost pornographic. You only separated when he felt you shiver, that tightness on your pretty pussy around him making aware of how close your were.
"go on my love. Cum for me... Cum again for us..." He praised, hitting a sweet post deep inside you.
You came, vision blurry, fading to black as your hearing left you as well, the sound of stranded moans and grunts, only telling you that they had found their own release.
The next morning your awoke in the middle of soft pillows and blankets, the men sleeping all around you as you blushed heavily at the memory of last night. But you felt happy and proud and God... Were you lucky.
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haddonfieldwhore · 1 year
safe and sound - jeff hardy
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2000s!jeff hardy x fem! reader (requested)
word count: 1.9k
warnings: none i think, fluff, ended up mostly gender neutral except for a few pet names
november 8th 2001:
you were standing ringside as your two best friends, lita and jeff, took on lance storm and ivory in a mixed tag team match. originally, matt was supposed to be out here with lita, but he ended up in an intercontinental championship match instead, leaving her without a tag partner, until jeff stepped up. lita and jeff were both amazing to watch, but it stressed you out just how easily they threw themselves off the top ropes and around the ring. you hadn’t been wrestling as long as they had, and you were still in awe everytime you got to see them in action up close.
jeff jumped over the top rope, taking out lance as lita slammed ivory down in the centre of the ring. the redhead climbed up to the top rope and hit a perfect litasault, pinning ivory to win the match for her and jeff.
jeff, who was still outside the ring next to you hugged you and spun you around, before lita pulled him into the ring for the official to raise their arms as the winners. the three of you heading up the ramp and backstage. the three of you hugged to celebrate the victory, and you and lita went to your shared dressing room so you could get changed.
“you were incredible! you and jeff make a really good team, ya know,” you smiled, as she grabbed an outfit from her suitcase and began getting changed.
“thanks. you guys would make a better team though,” she replied.
“i doubt it. i’m nowhere near as good as you.”
“that’s not true. but even if it was, you and jeff have this… insane chemistry that i don’t have with him. you understand eachother in a way i’ve never seen before,” she said as she finished getting dressed. you and the hardy’s had been friends for years, and while you also considered lita to be your best friend, you and jeff did have a special bond; a closer connection than you’d ever had with anyone.
“maybe. but you guys work great together regardless. i don’t think i could do some of those moves you did tonight.” you knew that you weren’t on the same level as lita, and you were okay with that.
“yeah, but you and jeff are really on the same wavelength. maybe one day it’ll be you two against me and matt. that would be fun,” she laughed, grabbing her bag and getting ready to leave the venue.
“that would be amazing,” you agreed.
“that is, if matt actually showed up,” lita added, still a little upset that he had not been the one in the tag match with her tonight.
“are you guys okay?” you asked, concerned.
“yeah, we’re great. it was a title opportunity for him; i can’t really blame him for taking it.” you nodded in agreement.
you picked up your own bag, following lita out of the dressing room, and heading back to the hotel.
you and lita were watching tv in your hotel room, when she received a call from matt.
“right now? oh- okay,” she laughed. “i’ll meet you downstairs in a minute i just have to get dressed,” she spoke into her cell phone. “yeah i’ll ask them. okay see you soon.” she hung up the phone and stood up off the bed, and you looked at her expectantly.
“matt and i are going out for drinks or to the club…i don’t know he didn’t specify. you’re coming too, and jeff,” she explained, sliding her shoes on and checking her appearance in the mirror.
“lita, you know i hate the club -“
“i said i don’t know if we’re going there, matt just said out. it’ll be fun, pleaseee,” she begged, pouting and tugging at your arm to get you up off the bed.
“okay fine, but only if jeff’s going. i’m not third wheeling with you and matt again,” you laughed, recalling the last time you went out with just the two of them, and you had felt like a buzzkill the whole time.
“fine, go get him. matt left their extra key card here for me, the room numbers on it.” she sighed, grabbing her purse and putting her shoes on. “meet us downstairs in a few minutes.” you nodded, quickly fixing your appearance as you hadn’t been planning on going anywhere, before leaving the room to go find jeff.
you got to his room after a few turns down the hallway, and knocked on the door.
“who is it?” you heard jeff’s voice from in the room.
“hey, it’s me. lita gave me the key card; can i come in?” you called.
“yeah, o’course,” he replied, and you swiped the key, letting yourself in. “what’s up?” he asked, sitting up in his bed as you walked into the room.
“matt and lita want us to go out - i told her i would only go if you do.”
“where are they goin?” he asked, looking uninterested in the idea of going anywhere. he was wearing a black tank top that was tight to his torso, and some black track shorts that you could see as the blanket had gathered around his waist when he sat up.
“i don’t know, lita wasn’t sure. i guess matt didn’t say,” you answered. “they’re waiting in the lobby.”
jeff groaned as he flopped backwards to lay down again, his eyes closed. you laughed, sitting on the edge of the bed next to him and gently shaking his shoulders.
“c’mon, j.”
“do you really wanna go? baby, you hate goin’ out.” you didn’t think much of the pet name, people from the south said it all the time.
“not really, but- hey!” you yelped in surprise as jeff grabbed your wrist, gently pulling you down to lay next to him.
“good, let’s just stay here then,” he said, rightly wrapping his arms your waist, clinging to you like a koala.
“at least let me call lita and tell her we’re not going before she sends out a search party, you laughed. jeff let go of you enough for you to sit up, and you dialled litas cell number.
“hey, i think jeff and i are gonna stay in tonight. i’m sorry lita, next time. yes i know that’s what i say everytime but i promise. i know i say that too. okay, be safe, i’ll see you later.”
you hung up your cell, placing it on the nightstand before you kicked off your shoes and cuddled into bed with jeff. you had been friends for so long, it wasn’t wierd at all, often sharing a bed or falling asleep on the couch together after too many horror movies.
“your match tonight was great, by the way,” you complimented, and jeff smiled.
“thank you, i try to put on a good show. maybe one day we’ll have a tag match together,” he hummed as you laid back down, curling into his chest as he pulled you close again.
“that’s what lita was saying. she thinks we have some magical bond that would make us unstoppable,” you mumbled, your voice muffled because of how you were laying.
“i think she’s right,” jeff replied. “one day i’ll get you in the ring with me and we can prove matt’s theory. he thinks we can read each others minds and that’s why we think the same thing all the time.” you laughed at him, and jeff smiled wide at the sound.
“we’ll see. you scare me sometimes with how much you throw yourself around. and i don’t know about wrestling guys yet,“ you admitted.
“c’mon, you’re better than some of them already,” he said, ignoring your concern for his well being.
“i don’t know,” you mumbled. jeff pushed you back gently so you could look at eachother.
“well i do know. you’re amazing. and i would never let anything bad happen to you,” he promised. “inside the ring or outside of it.”
“i know. i feel safe with you,” you admitted, and jeff smiled.
“darlin, that’s the best thing i’ve ever heard.” you relaxed into him again, nuzzling into the crook of his neck.
“i don’t want anything to happen to you, either,” you said. you knew jeff was amazing at what he did, but that didn’t make it any less scary when he threw himself off of twenty foot ladders.
“you don’t have to worry about me, i ain’t going anywhere,” he said, kissing the top of your head.
“promise?” you asked, and jeff’s arms tightened around you.
“i promise, babygirl.”
“i love you, jeff,” you sighed happily.
“you mean it?” he asked, and you kissed his cheek.
“of course.” jeff rolled over so you were both laying on your sides, face to face. “you don’t know that already?”
“i just like hearin you say it,” he smiled, and you laughed. “ya know you do this little nose scrunch when you laugh sometimes, it’s really cute.”
“shut up, i do not.”
“you just did it!” he laughed, and you hid your face in his chest. “it’s cute, don’t be embarrassed.”
“too late.”
“you don’t have to be embarrassed around me, hell we’ve seen eachother at our worst and we’re still friends.” jeff was right; you had been through a lot together, and at this point you didn’t think there was anything that could come between you.
“i know,” you sighed. “i don’t think anything will ever change that.”
“good. and i love you too.” you hummed in response, and there was a comfortable silence for a minute.
“we would make a good tag team though,” you admitted, and jeff laughed, and you could feel the vibration in his chest.
“damn right,” he agreed.
“lita said we should have a match against her and matt.”
“oh hell yeah, that’d be so awesome. any excuse to wrestle my brother, and you and lita against eachother would kick ass.”
“you mean she would kick my ass,” you laughed.
“you don’t give yourself enough credit. yeah she’s great but you are too.”
“thanks jeff, i appreciate that.”
“o’course,” he kissed the top of your nose, and you giggled. “you did it again -“
“shut up!” you laughed, punching his chest playfully.
“yeah? you gonna make me?” he asked, and started tickling your ribs, causing you to laugh harder. you wrestled around until you managed to get on top of him, straddling his hips.
“stop - or i start tickling you next.”
“alright alright, truce.” he held his hands up in surrender, and you caught your breath, realizing the position you were in. jeff sat up, holding you in his lap.
“you said nothing could change our friendship right?” he asked softly, his eyes looking into yours.
“yeah, why-“ jeff leaned forward and kissed you softly, his lips barely touching yours before he pulled back. he waited for you to react, nervous that he had ruined everything, until you kissed him back, hands tangling in his messy blue and purple hair. jeff’s hands rested on your hips as he returned the kiss, smiling against your lips, before you separated.
“okay, maybe something could change the friendship slightly; but in a good way,” you smiled, and jeff bumped his forehead against yours softly, before laying back against the pillow, pulling you with him.
“i love you,” he said for the second time that night, perhaps meaning it a little differently now.
“i love you too,” you replied.
“say that again,” he breathed, squeezing you tighter.
“i love you.” jeff smiled as you kissed the underside of his jaw softly, and he turned off the lamp on the bedside table as you tangled your legs together under the blankets. jeff’s hand slid beneath the hem of your shirt slightly, drawing little shapes gently on the skin of your back as you both drifted off to sleep.
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xo-cod · 1 year
baby steps
a/n: i've never played the game before so my bad for the ooc lmfao 🫣🫢 pure fluffy fluff with simon! <33
hope you enjoy! 🤍 please feel free to request the other 141 + konig though! :") <3
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"they're beautiful, ain't they?" a small sigh escapes simon's lips, his eyes alight with awe and wonder at the night sky and that stars that glittered against it. it made your heart warm, such a simple experience and yet he was completely entranced by it all.
you wonder if he's ever encountered such an experience with others but, the way he's eagerly telling you stories about the north stars and the moon, his hand never once leaving your warmth a small part of you hopes he's sharing this experience with you firsthand. you hadn't pegged him to know anything about it but you certainly weren't about to stop his ramble.
his eyes are so incredibly expressive, it's so hard not to drown in them everytime he looks to you with a soft smile. it makes your heart ache just how innocent he seems here, so happy and free. so different from the usual stoic military persona he dons every day.
"they do indeed" you nod but you're no longer looking at the stars. no, you've found your beauty in the soldier laying contently besides you. he points to dark sky once more, undoubtedly telling you another story about the constellations but it's hard to hear him. you try to pay attention but his woody cologne fills the air around you and paired with his fingers gently toying with your finger, you can't help but look at him so hopelessly in love. his warm eyes drifts upon the moon, inhaling a deep breath of relaxation.
a moment of calm in his world of chaos
simon's eyes close, the small smile on his lips never faltering. his balaclava is pushed up to his nose bridge, exposing just how tender he really was underneath all the hard exterior. god, his smile is absolutely one of the things you love about him. you know that it's never forced, it's never even put on for a show. so it makes all the times he was caught staring at you with his cheeks softly dimpled and the corners of his eyes crinkled, lips curved into a sweet grin all the more precious to your heart.
he's only ever shown you his face a handful of times but every opportunity you had, you couldn't help but marvel at his beauty. he was hesistant for you to see the true him and even if you had been dating for a couple months, it had taken him a while to be truly comfortable and safe with peeling his safety layer away.
"ain't it considered rude to stare?" he chuckled softly, his eyes still shut as his fingers ran soothing circles on your knuckles. your eyebrow perks a little, burning slightly at the embarrassment of being caught. but you're too happy to even care, even if it makes you wonder how he's noticed you through closed eyes.
laying your head back on the grass, you look back at the stars while the cold air dances upon your skin. your body starts to cramp a little but you daren't move, in fear he would retract his hand and the moment will be over. and to your utter surprise, he moves closer. closer until your hand is completely enveloped in his big warm ones, his head settled upon your shoulder. it makes your heart do backflips, feeling the soft material of his mask graze ever so gently across your cheeks. is this what love feel like?
his cologne fills your nostrils, his scent sending a flurry of pesky butterflies invading your abdomen. his muscles stretching next to you, to have better access to hold you and it makes you gush just how soft he truly can be
biting your lip to hide the growing smile on them, it's taking you everything to not desperately wrap him around you until he was skin to skin. but here though, you let him take the pace. you were happy with whatever amount of affection he was willing to give, however much he wanted to show. you know from experience not to test the lieutenant, not to cross the lines he's drawn. you're not fully yet affiliated with his dark past, figuring he would tell you when he was good and ready. but the cracks show every so often, leaving you wondering just how scarred he truly was.
he laces your fingers, bringing the back of the skin for a small peck. he lazily slumps your intertwined hands against his chest and the back of your palm feels the steady beating of his heart. it makes your breath catch in your throat, leaning closer to him.
no more words are shared, for the love between you both radiates in waves. and simon want nothing more than to bask in it. you know he isn't a public pda man, feelings aren't something he uses all that often. he couldn't, not in this field. he was never one to wear his heart on his sleeve, any and all emotions were suppressed.
but despite all of that, he allows you to see the vulnerable side of himself. his guard is down, those walls have been cast aside for now while he lays beside you. the worries and stresses he tends to carry in his day to day life have been left back at base, ghost is placed back at base, ready to be picked up tomorrow morning
because here, this is the true simon you have in your arms
you love every side of him, but this side.... the warm and tender, the gentle and cuddly simon has to be your favourite by far. and though it was merely hand holding, it's so intimate and so loving to you. you could only hope he could feel the same. the adoration you both share is private and it's everything you could've ever dreamed of, it's what you've always wanted. it's only yours. for now however, your eyes close in peace and your hand holds him a little tighter.
baby steps...
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panjakes · 1 year
Let me request a lil sum sum........
Idol! Jake x Model!reader
He goes to a fashion show which she will be opening and closing. (Meaning the reader will be the first and last model to walk the runway)
Let's say the brand is Mulger or Prada. Ouuuu maybe Chanel or Versace. Whichever you like.
This would be a dream come true if you could write it.
Omg not you requesting something from me!!! I love your blog!!(ps ion know shit about fashion shows so I’m just winging it🧍🏽‍♀️)
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Jake took his seat next to the runway nervously. He had never been to a fashion show. He didn’t even know what to do. Should he clap for all the models? Should he just sit there? He was very conflicted
“Dude chill. Your visibility sweating” sunghoon says making Jake sigh
“I don’t know why I’m so nervous. What do I do?” He asks sunghoon in a worried tone
“Just clap for all the models when they walk” he responds
“Dino have to clap even if I don’t like their outfits?” Niki asks with a frown
“Yes now sit back the show is starting” Sunghoons whispers as the lights go dim in the crowed. The lights went to the entrance of the run way as a women walked out waving to the crowed as the screamed and clapped
Jake awkwardly looked around before slowly joining in on the clapping. The women explained that the brand would be Chanel and the name of the line.
Soon she moved out the way and music began to play. Jake sat up in his looking towards the entrance of the runway.
The spot lights pointed in its direction and it was as if everything stopped. A women stood at the entrance with a smirk on her face. She blew a kiss before she started walking.
She walked with a natural cat walk and her head held high. Her sharp eyes stayed forward never once looking to the side of her. Her long dark literally shined with every step she took.
She got to the end of the walk way putting a hand on her hip doing a quick spin before continuing her cat walk to the back.
Jakes jaw dropped to his lap as he watched her walk. He clapped with the rest of the crowed still in Aw. Who was she?
“She’s really good” jay says making the rest of his band mates nod
“Who is she?!” Jake asks causing sunghoon to whip his head in his direction as if he was offended
“That’s THE Yn. Chanel’s TOP model” sunghoon says
“She’s also his bestfriend” Sunoo says rolling his eyes while clapping for the models that came after Yn
“Bestfriend?” Jake whispers
That smirk still engraved in his mind as he just clapped for the other models. He wasn’t nearly as interested in them as he was Yn. He wanted to see more of her.
As the night went on Jake only really paid attention to Yn. Everytime she walked he wanted to stand from his seat to applause and cheer for her. As of right now he had to be her biggest fan.
As the last articles of clothes were announced jake noticed Yn wasn’t in the line up. He peeked up and down the runway waiting for Yn to come out.
“Where’s Yn?” Jake whispers to sunghoon only for him to shush him.
Just then the music got louder and that’s when Jake knew Yn was coming out. Jake smiled as everyone including him, started clapping.
The outfit was cute. Simple. It was a black and grey skirt blazer set with a cute black beret with a Chanel pin. She wore black sheer stockings that were paired with black platform boots.
She strutted down the runway, one foot in front of the other. She put a little switch in her hips as if she knew Jake was watching.
Once she got in front of him she looked over her should at him before smirking and winking at him. Jake felt a little bold and decided to return the smirk and wink.
His band mates all smacked his shoulder and ooh’ed at him.
She got to the end of the runway standing there looking for the cameras before putting both hands on her hips. The crowed gets louder as she hits a quick spin before walking towards the back
“She winked at you!!” Heeseung says to Jake
“And you winked back!” Jungwon says giggling
“Don’t get your hopes up she winks at everyone” sunghoon says
“Your such a stick in the mud” jay says sticking his tongue out at sunghoon
Just then all the models come out to the runway and stand next to each other with Yn in the middle. She owned the show. It was her show.They all took a bow at the same time and came back up clapping.
The host thanks everyone for coming before ending the show and leaving backstage with the models. Jake frowns as he watches Yn disappear. He had to see her once more.
“Jake stop looking lost and let’s go”
He shakes himself from his thoughts and follows his group mates backstage. Once the reach backstage the host thanks them for coming and asks for pictures
Once they were done the host had let them know they were invited to the after party she was throwing which They agreed to go too.
“Sunghoon!!” All seven members turned around seeing Yn run towards them with a smile.
“Ynie!” Sunghoon says meeting her halfway engulfing her in a hug.
“Oh hoon I missed you! How’ve you been?” She asks
Jake too the chance too look over Yn as she and sunghoon talked. Her hair now flipped to the side in its wild curls. Her make up was now simple. Her outfit was very chic and it fit her. Jake assumed she was going to the after party.
“Bro stop staring!” Jay whispers knocking Jake out his thoughts once again
“He’s been staring at her all night” Sunoo says rolling her eyes.
It goes quiet as sunghoon and Yn’s attention turns to Jake.
“It’s okay, I’ve noticed his stares” Yn says smirking
“I Uh sorry about that” Jake says nervously
“Don’t apologize, I like when you stare at me” Yn says smirking even more
Everyone ouu’s and look over at Jake who couldn’t help but get as red as a tomato. Jake didn’t even know what to say.
Yn goes into her purse pulling out a black pinned that was outlined in gold.
“Here” she says grabbing jakes hand. She begins to write down what Jake hopes is her number
“Call me sometime,I’d love to get to know you” she says winking at him
“I- Uh…yeah sure” Jake says laughing nervously
“See you boys at the party” she says waving before walking off with her heels hitting the ground
Even off the runway, she had that natural catwalk.
Jake let’s out a breath he didn’t know he was holding before looking down at his hand
“She gave me her number” Jake says excitedly
“Yeah yeah yeah! Whatever you better call her” sunghoon says pointing a finger
“Oh trust me, I will” Jake says going to lock Yn’s number into his phone
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soapyghostie · 1 year
Hello! I was wondering if possibly you can write about reader meeting Bo Sinclair for the first time and him being charming and flirting with the reader…👁️ if not that’s ok, just sum a lil simple. Thanks!
Hey! I hope this is good. I didn’t really have very many ideas for this, but I tried my best. Hope you like it!
Bo Sinclair
When Bo saw you walk into Ambrose with all your friends, he thought you were gorgeous: the most beautiful human-being he has ever seen. Then and there he decided that no one would hurt you. Bo called up Vincent to inform him that he was not allowed to touch or harm you. 
Massive amounts of flirting. He’s probably flirted with you more than he has with anyone else. Also, he is constantly looking you up. Hey! It’s not his fault you’re stunning. He’s gotta get a glimpse of you every chance he gets. 
He gets a little too touchy with you. He’ll give you a lot of headpats and backpats when he walks by. Bo will slyly bump his shoulder into you and make it look like an accident. He’s done it way too many times for it to be an accident, but somehow he convinces you it was every single time. Also, when you and your friends go up with him to his house to grab a ‘fan-belt,’ he rests in hand on your back. Your friends thought it was weird and sus. 
He doesn’t acknowledge any of your friends at all, just you. Everytime you speak, you have his attention. He can’t miss the chance to hear your pretty voice. Whenever your friends try to speak or interrupt you, he aggressively shuts them down. He’s like, “how fucking dare you silence the most majestic voice in the world?!” It has your friends wanting to hide in their skin. 
Your friends are really worried for your safety. They can tell that Bo has an unhealthy obsession with you and that there is something off about Ambrose because of Bo’s demeanor. Yeah, Bo really let his act down. He has been showing more of his true self than his friendly mechanic persona.
Vincent has been watching. When Vincent got the chance to talk with Bo, he reminded him of the plan and that he was letting his persona down. Bo was letting you get in the way and he needed to focus; he needed to regain you and your friends' trust. 
Bo was able to collect himself. He apologized for how he treated you to your friends, using his charming smirk and southern accent. He easily regained their trust. Idk how the hell he did that, but your friends must be that much of imbeciles. He still flirted a lot with you though. 
Once time for the killing spree, he lured you into the basement below his gas station and locked you in there while Vincent was taking care of your friends. He didn’t tape you down in the chair because, again, he doesn’t want to hurt you. 
It takes a long time for him to regain your trust. Once you start living with him and his brothers, you avoid him a lot and never speak to him. You have no clue what he did to your friends, but you know he did something awful. Bo consistently told you they left you behind, but you knew better. You knew they wouldn’t leave you. Why else would he have locked you in that basement that one fateful day?
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im-robins-bitch · 9 months
hey, can you maybe write a fic about X (x ray) in you Robin Buckley headcanons?
I thought the idea was rlly different
Thank you for the request, I'm sorry it's a little shorter than I intended. I struggled with writing this, it probably turned out sadder than you wanted.
Give yourself a try (r.b x gn!reader)
Or, Robin is struggling and not letting you help, so you do the only thing you can think of to get her to stop and breathe. (1.1.1k)
Warnings: panic attack, self-hatred on Robin's part, reader lifts their shirt to show off their chest, but no descriptors of their chest, just that they lifted their shirt and Robin liked it. No explicit gendered language to describe the reader.
Robin Buckley feels like a dream wrapped in a bow. It’s a miracle she doesn’t just glide across the floor rather than walk because she feels comparable to the Greek gods you’ve heard about. Aphrodite cannot hold a candle to her. You’re sure any sound from her trumpet would make music from Apollo comparable to a child practising the recorder. 
You’ve been hit hard by Cupid's arrow. 
Robin is just so perfect… Ok, maybe not perfect.
She’s awful at applying bandaids, so whenever she’s trying to break in new shoes you find plasters all over the house. Fallen from her skin from her dismal application. They trail across the house, leading you straight to her everytime. 
She leaves all the kitchen cabinet doors open, which has resulted in you gaining multiple bruises. She’s also really forgetful. Her head is so full, different facts and tasks fluttering around, so sometimes a couple of bits get lost. She started writing things down on her hands, things she didn’t want to forget. Though, at the end of the day they would just be multi-coloured smudges, reminders of fleeting memories. 
Still, you would rather peel bandaids off the floor, to find Robin at the end of the trail than have nothing to follow or find at all. Plus you think it’s cute, the small notebook she keeps with her that has important dates written down, things she wanted to talk to you about. 
You’re utterly charmed by her idiosyncrasies, her faults, her Robinisms. 
When you first began dating Robin, it felt like spinning gold, too good to be true. You simply thought you were the luckiest person in the world to call Robin Buckley your girlfriend. You had your share of bumps in the road, but the two of you toughed it out every time. 
You know her like the back of your hand. Know when she needs a hug without her needing to tell you. Know when she needs space, needs to talk, needs to eat. 
For the first time in a long while, you find yourself unsure of what she needs.
Robin is rambling like she so often is. Usually, you love it, indulging in her thoughts and opinions like an addict. Today though, she’s spiralling. 
It’s like picking at a loose stitch, poking out a jumper, one moment it’s just one little thread, but the more you pull the more it unravels.
“I’m just so sorry you have to put up with me,” she seethes, “I don’t know how you do it,” 
Robin is unravelling faster than you can gather her. 
Every sentence out of her mouth is a scathing insult against herself. Against her character or her appearance. You wonder if she’s been feeling this way for a while, curse yourself for not noticing sooner. 
She’s burning holes in the carpet with how fast she’s walking. She’s circling the kitchen with a velocity you didn’t know she had. Tugging at her hair so hard you think tomorrow you’ll be sweeping up clumps. 
You keep trying to butt in, to get her to just stop for a moment and take a breath. To reassess and realise what a treasure she is. It’s just not working. “Rob-”
“Everybody only puts up with me because of Steve and I bet he secretly hates me, yesterday-”
Robin keeps looking at you for guidance but she just won’t stop. She flinched at your outstretched hands and talked over your every rebuttal. She can see herself falling but can’t bring herself to reach out. She doesn’t know how and isn’t sure she deserves it.
You just want to shake her and yell ‘Stop talking about my girlfriend like that!’ Even so, you just can’t catch her. You didn’t realise she was so athletic, she had no enthusiasm for it in school. You think she would have been the school track star given the chance.
She rounds the counter again, hip bumping unkindly into the corner of a cupboard door. You hiss at the contact. Resist the urge to reach out and soothe the stinging with your warm palm and a dozen kisses. 
“You probably hate me too” Robin mutters, choking on an angry sob.
You snap. The next time she rounds the corner, you step into her way, cutting off her pacing. She walks into you, unable to stop herself and stumbles backwards a little. She opens her mouth again, undoubtedly to say something cruel about herself. 
Unable to stand it, you do the first thing you can think of to shut her up. You pull up the hem of your shit. Bare chest on full display.
For the first time since you got home, Robin is silent. Her jaw drops cartoonishly, her eyes zoning in on your chest unabashedly. 
You take your chance and further invade her space, dropping your shirt back down again. You wrap your arms around her tightly so you can squeeze some sense and love back into her. She tries to return it, but her arms around you are so loose, so unsure, it hurts your heart. 
She smells like the valve oil she occasionally uses on her trumpet. The smell clings to her clothes. You untuck her face from your chest. Hands firm on her cheek, thumb rubbing up and down her pink-stained cheeks, soothing away her tears. 
“Robin, I adore you more than anyone.” You promise, unable to help yourself when you press a chaste kiss to her lips. “Please never doubt that.”
It cracks her facade, her arms once limp curl around you. She squeezes and clings to you like a lifeline and cries with ferocity into your neck. Her anger is gone and left is the ache of sadness, made worse by her exhaustive anger. 
You cradle her against your chest, hand tracing shapes into her back the way you know she likes. 
“I-I don’t…” She starts, unable to form a thought coherent enough to be worth saying. She’s still crying heavily, trying to understand the swirl of unpleasant emotions turning her stomach. Her chest is still thumping with anxiety, a tightness constricting her chest that makes it all worse. 
Even now, consoled by your confession of love, the leftovers of her extreme emotion remain. She tries to calm herself, but it takes time to adjust when it feels like you have just been stood at the edge of a building. 
“It’s okay, my love, cry all you need.” You say breathing steadily. You hold one of her hands to your chest, encouraging her to match her breathing to yours. 
She’s tired of crying, of feeling this way. She isn’t ready to talk about it but she knows you need to, she needs to. It won’t be solved overnight, things rarely can be, but talking about it will start the process. You’ll be there to help her, even if you can’t mend it all, you’ll listen.
You’ll talk when she’s ready, but until then, you’re content to hold her in your arms.
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obanais-koibito · 9 months
𝐔𝐃𝐌𝐓𝐏 𝐀𝐔 𝐌𝐮𝐳𝐚𝐧 𝐈𝐬𝐧’𝐭 𝐒𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐲 (٥⁀▽⁀ )
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Muzan was a bit annoyed that he wasn’t as scary or intimidating as he was before revealing his true personality to the Upper Moons, he wanted to be feared and to have power. He tried to remember what he did before he told the Upper Moons his real personality but it would be difficult since they now knew he was sensitive and timid.
He would try to use threats and talk in a low voice but the Upper Moons couldn’t take him seriously since they thought he was adorable. When Muzan tried to threaten them, he would try to come up with something scary but he didn’t want to actually hurt them so he tried to make light threats sound more terrifying.
“And if any of you disobey me, I’ll uh…haunt you in your dreams!” The Upper Moons picked up on the fact that he misses being feared so they would pretend to be intimidated to make him happy even though they were just in awe most of the time.
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She would have to stop herself from giggling since she thought he was too cute for his own good.
She felt like a mother doting on her child since she saw Muzan’s attempts to be scary just plain adorable.
She would look away at times just to let out a small giggle before turning back to act fearful.
She was never intimidated by Muzan since she knew he wouldn’t hurt her since he was too kind to even dream of bringing harm to them.
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He wasn’t surprised that Muzan wanted to be feared again although Gyutaro was able to tell the Muzan still had a kind look in his eyes so he wasn’t worried.
He always saw his sister giggling and it would make him chuckle, he did think this was kinda adorable of Muzan although he never really showed it.
Gyutaro always had a softer look than normal when he saw Muzan acting all tough, he felt like a proud father and it warmed his heart.
Gyutaro would be the one to tell everyone to act scared so they could make Muzan happy despite Muzan just being cute.
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He would think this was amusing but not in a bad way, he wouldn’t make fun of Muzan or mock him he would just play along with a smile.
When Gyokko would speak to Muzan, he would become a whole entire actor and would be shaking and stuttering to act like he was scared
Gyokko wasn’t afraid of Muzan so he didn’t mind the ‘threat’s Muzan gave every now and then.
When Muzan wasn’t around, Gyokko would express his care for him through his art and keep doting on him like a proud father.
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He took his ‘threats’ seriously, he was the only one who was scared of Muzan and thought he was serious.
He would be shaking, screaming and crying and while the others thought it was an act, it wasn’t.
When Muzan saw Hantengu’s reactions, he felt a bit bad but was happy since he thought everything was going back to normal.
Hantengu saw Muzan as a terrifying yet somehow kind leader, he would try to do everything Muzan asked of him but he was still horrified.
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She also wasn’t intimidated but she just kept quiet, she would let a small smile appear here and there but never made a noise.
In Nakime’s eyes, she saw Muzan like her own child and would also pretend to be intimidated just to see that happy twinkle in his eyes.
She would watch over him and listen to his specific directions to make him feel happy and respected.
She couldn’t help but giggle at times since she sometimes thought Muzan was like a kid trying to act like a grown up.
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He did not hesitate to show many signs of respect towards Muzan, even though he knew Muzan was bluffing, he still took him seriously.
There were a couple times where he chuckled but he was quick to act formal and listen to Muzan’s commands and wishes.
He would scold and lecture Doma everytime he laughed at Muzan and called him adorable, Akaza did think Muzan was being cute but he got irritated when Doma wouldn’t take Muzan seriously
Akaza saw Muzan as a boss but also like a little brother, Akaza was willing to do whatever it takes to fulfill Muzan’s orders.
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He would just burst out in laughter when Muzan ‘threatened’ them, he would be wheezing on the floor while calling Muzan’s act adorable and cute in between wheezes.
Everytime he laughed, one of the others would either yell at him or bonk him on the head but it only caused him to laugh more.
There were many times where Doma was dragged out of a meeting by Kokoshibo or Akaza since his laughter was not only making Muzan mad but also it was really annoying.
Doma saw Muzan as a small little child attempting to be a big grown up but whenever he would say that out loud, Akaza would smack him on the head.
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He didn’t really mind Muzan’s act so he just sat there and listened as much as he could before a fight broke out between Doma and Akaza.
Kokoshibo felt like the father of Muzan and the other Upper Moons since he was the mature one and always took care of them.
Kokoshibo would remain the same and not really change even when Muzan was ‘threatening’ them, he was more focused on the task at hand.
Kokoshibo would some times have to drag both Doma and Akaza out of the meetings to lecture them while telling them to go along with Muzan’s act.
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honestmouse20 · 2 months
okay now that all 10 episodes are out on youtube in english, Ful lthoughts on monkie kid s5! spoilers under the cut :)
So, the big one. I really hardly notice the chance in animiation studio. I still see people being upset about it and saying its worse. But if no one had told me, I wouldn't have noticed.
On to the Fun stuff (pain)
This season is so freaking heartbeaking yall. Like MK has always felt like things were His fault, that he was bringing the chaos to the world. And then his Worst fear comes true. Nyua tells him that she created him For that reason. He exists for taht sacrafice and the demon (what's his name? the guy at the end?) only sped things up. Woke him up early. That's Insane! He really is the beginning of the end. And even when he Tried to do the right thing, sacrafice himself so everyone else would be safe, the universe/gods/whatever still were going to take his sacrafice and rewrite the world again anyway. And that's what Gets me about this season. Bc yeah MK listens at first and sacrafices himself. But the seccond he learns they've been pulling his strings this whole time and that his friends Won't be safe, he realizes taht he's still in control. He goes back to spend their last moments with his family and That ends up being waht saves everything. They share the power and prove that they don't need someone else calling every shot. it's just... a Lot for a lego show and im so so pleased with it.
Second thing! Uh we need to talk about Wukong in episode 9 and 10 bc oooh boy. NOt only was the man who was Terrified of dying to the point of becoming multiple times over imortal and taking his name out of the book of the dead WILLING to die so that MK wouldn't. But he fought MK with what I am assuming was his full power for the first time. MK wasn't holding back either. And that means a lot I think. MK is finally stronger (or maybe AS strong as him). Also the fact that MK used the circlet on him guts me everytime.
Also, adding onto the whole Wukong those last two episodes. What the Hell were those screams when MK 'dies'??? I have never heard something like that in a lego show. it gave me Chills. Like I fully expected him to yk get angry get Mean again but not just LIke That. That was so real sounding. Props to his va bc Shit dudes
third thing! Speaking of VA's god MK's was doing Just as good. All those little moments where his voice wavers as he comes to belive that sacraficing himself is the only way. God and the way his voice sounds as he tells Piggsy that 'jsut because it's hard doesn't mean it's not the right thing' (or something along those lines). This season Hurt me so much yall. Especially as MK chose to come back and Wukong catches him. And he just keeps telling him he's okay??? PAIN??
Oh and at the end when MK is just crying??? IM fine. Yep. His voice actor really nailed all of this. 10/10
Fourth thing! I said it in my other post but uhhhh Macaque?? He sacrafices himself Twice in this season. First into the Pagoda and then by using up a lot of his strength getting them all out of those bindings so SWK can save MK. For all their bickering this season (some might say like an old married couple) Maqaque and Wukong really do seem to be making up yk? and i mean not to mention at the end when they all think it's over and Wukong reaches for him????
Fifth! Are we gonna talk about the memory demon thign showing Wukong The fight with Macaque???? Like of all the shitty/awful things he's done and lived through, That is what the demon shows him to hurt him the most. And it is the Most painful thing bc MK's is all about his monkie side and sacraficing himself. And that's His biggest fear. SO it makes sense that Wukong( and the others) were shown Their worst memories. And yk the fact taht after he's cut free there are Tears in his eyes??? god Im gonna have to watch this season a few more times to pick out all the little details cause the tears thing I only noticed bc someone pointed it out in the comments on the video i was watching.
Final thoughts lol
This season was Incredible! Not only did everything MK has been through Finally catch up with him, something they've been hinting at since s1, but it did in a very satisfying way. I was on the edge of my seat all through the 9th and 10th episodes. I genuinly didn't know who was gonna do the sacrafice. And then when MK jumpped in, I was in awe bc this is a lego show. They wouldn't kill the main charcter. But I really like how they got around that. BC it doesn't Feel like getting around it. It feels like the thing mk Would have done. IF the goddess had told him that his friends were safe, MK would have stayed. 100%. The way his voice breaks as his knees give out when he realizes (incorectly) that they're safe. He'd have died to save them. The only reason he comes back is bc it was a pointless sacrafice.
The season as a whole was also really good. I was a bit confused why it was so easy for MK to get al the stones but then it was revealed that it was Meant to be. This was supposed to be his destiny so things litterally fell into his lap. That was a really nice touch I think. I also really loved all the character interactions! Piggsy calling him son Repeatedly. MK saying he has a ton of dads. Just. Big emphasis on family and i Can't Wait to see how MK's almost sacrafice is gonna change things in following seasons! Bc that was a suicide attempt guys. He saw a world better without him in it and tried to die. if you take away all the fancy wording that's what it is. And ik lego would never yk Say that. but they're already tackling bigger themes than they have before (in this show and dreams and ninjago) so I have faith that they'll go somewhere with this too. Clearly Mk is still terrified and hurt by everything so I really hope eveyrone will come together to try and help him through all this. And yk the next big bad. Can Chaos be a big bad??? I'm so excited for S6!
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gracefullou · 3 months
I’ve been thinking about this and looking at peoples reactions on the setlist and the biggest problem to me is not 1D songs but the fact that there’s THREE 1D songs and like genuinely if I went to the festival and I saw him then afterwards I’d left with a feeling of “he doesn’t have enough solo songs”& “he’s still stuck on 1D” when it’s not true and we as the fans know that but the gp doesn’t.
Also I do understand him putting the songs that the gp knows and blah blah blah but well the gp knows jho (or at least some people) so he could’ve sang it instead of another 1D song or a cover which no one knows anyway. But overall I think Louis is stubborn and he won’t listen to us (esp since we’re such a small group of people lol) buuuut I’m really glad to see that the fans are saying very loud that they want more solo songs on the setlist because Louis deserves to know that his solo songs >1D songs and that people love them more so I hope he sees all the complains lmao
Hi, anon. I agree with everything you said. No matter the angle you see it from, it's not looking good. At first, i was disappointed solely for the fact that all these covers are taking up the place that fitf songs should've had. Simply bc i believe in its potential, i believe that every fitf song is so much better than any one direction song. I believe that no cover (one direction or not) is the key to win people over, but fitf is. Not in i'm a solo louie only his solo songs are good kind of way but bc it's the truth. Everytime the transition between a fitf song and a one direction one happens, i feel the dip in the quality. It's frankly striking. Fitf is my favorite album ever but also, i always make all my family and friends listen to Louis' music (usually not in an obvious fangirl way) and never has anyone said that this song is bad or that they didn't like it. On the contrary, most are now casual fans/ listeners and get excited along with me when a new release of his aporoaches. I also know what i felt/ thought when i heard fitf for the first time and that's why i have no doubt in my mind that an artist could not ask for a better representation. Fitf is EVERYTHING. I just wish Louis believed that too 😔. Anyway, the more that i think about it, the more obvious it becomes that Louis is waisting a lot of potential with his setlist choices. First of all, it doesn't send the message of a solo artist that is confident in his work. It can frankly paint him as the ambitionless loser from a dead band who can't move on from the break that the media (and some of his so called fans) try so hard to make people perceive him as. When in reality, he's been up to SO much since the pandemic. People respect ambition, they respect hunger for success and validation so why put yourself in a position where you can seem to not care enough? Larries and ot5s are horrible we know that (see how they're celebrating fucking seven of all things and then they have the audacity to claim that they love him and it's the toxic solos who don't respect his previous work 😬) but i can't help but feel that somewhere, sometimes Louis is responsable as well. Fans take cues from their "idols" and Louis is not helping with the three covers. I don't even know what he's trying to achieve with it 😭. Bc he does sing an awful lot of covers even at the tour shows when he knows the crowd is mainly his fans. Like the directioners that do show up now will show up even if he reduces the number of covers to one (and everyone will be happy then ☺️). He also needs to stop thinking too highly of 1D and assuming everyone is a fan. A lot of people are not. A lot of people don't even know their songs. It's been nine years, people move on. Today was the first time that i was left feeling a bit underwhelmed and not on a high after his set. It's one thing to sneak 4 covers on a regular tour set (it used to be less rip 💔) it's a whole other thing to fill it with those and leave your own beautiful songs off in a tight set like he has on those festivals and he needs to understand the difference ASAP. And it's not that he doesn't have "popular" songs under his belt. Back to you, just hold on, miss you are more than enough familiarity for any audience. Also, as much as he cares about "popularity" when it comes to 1D songs, he doesn't seem to care for the same for his own. Hello always you has over 100M streams on Spotify with no promo or playlisting and it's not even a single. Hoth, Chicago, angels fly, bigger than me are the most popular fitf songs after waoyf but they're nowhere to see on the setlist 😃. Instead of wdbhg why not reward fans with a favorite? Megamix is a clear fan favorite. Or defenceless as a nod to the fans' dedication and effort in 2020 for example? Or maybe he does reward them... With one dead songs 😭😭😭
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dairy-farmer · 1 year
Dick finds out that Tim had a tiny baby crush on him when he was Robin and keeps teasing him about it. "We could make your childhood dreams come true, Timmy." Dick says, tone indicating that he was just joking despite the voice in his head telling him that he's not. "Timmy Drake-Grayson." Tim just groans. Dick puts it off until he sees Tim blushing and groaning over Jason teasing him about making Tim his bride.
dick would definitly be flattered when he finds out because timmy is such a cute, sweet, and earnest kid and it says only good things about dick that tim has a little baby crush on him. a crush in the same way little girls have crushes on rockstars- someone desirable that they ultimately can't have and so it's safe to fantasize and explore their sexuality through the proxy of someone so far away. only difference is that dick ISN'T far away. he's right there and dick jokes sometimes. he's reminded of tim's juvenile interest with how tim blushes and stares at dick before averting his eyes with some mix of shame or nervousness that he'll be caught staring.
tim gets older. taller, more confident...prettier. and yeah dick will admit that tim's cute kid looks have evolved and a larger part of him isn't fully joking everytime he jokingly hits on tim and makes kiss faces at him. he's not mocking tim for his crush at least not in a way in where he's trying to be cruel. and tim always laughs or rolls his eyes and it's their little inside joke with dick propositioning tim in a more...explicit way than when tim had been a kid.
but then jason butts in. and dick watches as jason's big form eclipses tim and leans in close enough to smother tim in the clinging scent of his cologne. jason is a rugged kind of attractive. the thick sole boots, leather jacket, gloves, and motorcycle give off a bad boy vibe and tim is still a teenager awe struck by those bad boy with a heart of gold tropes. even though tim knows. enter and mostly rolls his eyes at jason. he still blushes. he blushes at jason's husky voice and the way he calls tim "baby girl" and "sweet thing". at the way jason's hands rest on his waist and tells tim he'll make a hell of a bride. dick thinks it's mostly a joke yet part of him can't deny that simmer of discomfort and...anger whenever jason shows his face and beeline for tim.
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mysticpaintertraveler · 5 months
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I met my alternative self the other day. I was excited, after all, it’s another me. One of the first things that stood out when we first met them was that the other me was one of the leaders of the gang, even the other Freddy and Foxy would follow his commands. In fact, if anything, it seems that my and Foxy’s roles were reversed. The only difference is that the two are actually friends. I didn’t understand why at first, after all, who would want to be friends with a narcissistic fox.
I hang out with them all day, hoping to learn the secret to their success. Most of my ‘friends’ tried to step in everytime, hoping to destroy my plan. Luckily, their counterparts were able to put some type of stop to it. That was another thing that confused me, everyone, except for the toy’s counterparts and Shadow Freddy’s counterpart, acted like children. Even my counterpart and their behavior is confusing. One minute, they’ll act all serious and mature and have red eyes, the next, they’ll act younger and more cheerful with blue eyes. Sometimes it’s a mix with their eyes turning white, like mine.
"Maybe, that’s how they were programmed,”, I thought to myself. I wish that was true.
Foxy took it too far. He wanted to show our counterparts that my and Shadow Freddy were “disgustin' 'uman-eatin' monsters who be just usin' ye an' will ne'er care about the people they 'arm.”.
It led to a lot of commotion and the reveal that everyone, except the toy’s were possessed. Everyone is possessed by children, innocent children, who were murdered in their world’s pizzeria. The only exception was Shadow Freddy or Max, who’s 19, but still really young. My counterpart had two children possessing the animatronic.
Cassidy, the oldest at 12, was only celebrating her birthday with her friends and little brother before the awful man lured her into the backroom where he murdered her. Evan, a boy of 8, was a victim similar to my Bite of ‘87, the only difference was that it happened in 1983 and the kid I bit wasn’t called Evan. He’s the second son of the man who murdered the children, but luckily no one blamed him. They explained everything that happened to them. They sounded so tired in the end.
…I don’t think purple’s my favorite color anymore.
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istadris · 1 year
heyy lm3 time loop
that is true, on the whole king boo needs to find some new trapping tactics lmaoo—but he can expend some creativity into throwing those wild plants into the crevices of the boiler room, working some magic to get the dino skeleton and shark to team up, and getting the magicians to make luigi’s head spin in the tombs. has the perfect pattern between similar surprises and completely new ones that get luigi to relax then immediately throw his guards up.
luigi approaching a certain area and being very very scared of it and polterpup catching on. puppy goes first to show that he’ll be okay.
also. gooigi. it’s not technically the same as having another person understand what he’s going through, but since luigi shares his consciences with him at times, maybe it helps him feel the tiniest less alone. this might be a stretch, but in the instances where gooigis in control and luigi’s just kinda. there. it could be a little reprieve for him and he just lets himself go numb.
the visual of them chasing after each other like children pushing each other against walls and decorations and breaking everything in sight is hilarious. a race to see who can find the next clue first. all the ghosts are peering around corners trying to figure out what is going on. yeah, they’ve wrecked the hotel ten times over before they realize they need to calm down.
i think if luigi was desperate enough to go to some extreme measures he’d try his best to get mario out of the building. 50/50 chance of him succeeding and mario definitely gets caught in the crossfire a few times, but he tries.
also, i can imagine luigi giving up on finding e gadd first after a while to save time and just setting up the lab himself. gets e gadd eventually and man doesn’t question it, just scolds him for moving one tiny thing an infinitely tiny amount to the left.
luigi’s got plans for these ghosts and he’s got the time to make it happen. if he wants it, he’ll get it. helps that they all want a piece of him.
One day you'll have to come off anon so I can properly message you and we can yell together about this AU
(joking aside, I understand if you'd prefer stay anonymous, don't worry about it ^^)
King Boo would actually find this "game" very fascinating and entertaining. He can kill Luigi over and over, and he can afford to be creative about it ! He love his art and makes all his traps as detailed as paintings.Playing with "colours", "texture", experimenting and playing with that eternal canvas...but he slowly grows frustrated of the very issue with a perpetual reset : what's the point of art, if you can't immortalise it ? What is left of your ideas if they get erased and need to be redone everytime ? What IS the most perfect way of ending this duel between him and his nemesis ?
Polterpup going first into dangerous areas ;c; You know it's interesting because King Boo never seems to acknowledge Polterpup, even if he's essential to Luigi's survival. Even with Polterkitty, it got annoyed at best by the poppy's antics. Makes me wonder if even ghosts don't dare to hurt him or if he's got his own brand of Weird Ghost Magic...
That's a very interesting use of Gooigi! For some reason ghosts still have trouble distinguishing Gooigi from the real deal, so it does give Luigi a much needed reprieve. Sinking into the strange consciousness of the goo creature until he's ready to get back out and face the horrors.
The loops are totally a Bugs Bunny cartoon at this stage. Full Looney Tunes shenanigans as they work out their frustrations and anger through absolutely petty revenges and chases.
I agree with you there, actually. No matter what, Mario's safety would still be his priority. Maybe at the cost of the other's safety, leading to some awful moments in specific loops...
Pfff, of course E.Gadd wouldn't question the situation. At least until Luigi mentions the time loop, THEN only does E.Gadd become extremely interested ! His nagging doesn't change though, to the point Luigi doesn't feel as bad as he should for "forgetting" E.Gadd here and there. He's still very helpful in figuring out some of the knacks of the time loop.
Luigi walking through the manor banging on pots : "BRING OUT YOUR DEAD!! BRING OUT YOUR DEAD!!! And preferably to fuck me six ways to Sunday! BRING OUT YOUR DEAD!!" Chambrea whispering to the Bellboy : "what is wrong with that guy ?? And why is it so hot??"
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