#but i might have missed a 'he' somewhere
teecupangel · 2 years
vampire au but (almost) every assassin is a vampire bc i mean.. vampire edward tho 👁🫦👁
I promise I'll make an actual long fic idea but now, just let me drool over the idea of Assassin vampires.
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Alright, now that I got that out of my system (absolutely not), I guess we'll start from the beginning.
Buckle up, it's long because I 'accidentally' included all main AC protagonists in this fic idea hahaha
For a Vampire AU, my top two ideas are:
Let's make it full AU. We replace the Isus with Vampires.
Vampires are one of the 'failed' experiments of Juno and Aita, just like the werewolf in Atlantis (maybe it was meant to give a body that can survive the solar flare but, instead, it freaking got a weakness for sunlight, super fail)
Regardless, one of the vampires survived the solar flare. We'll call this one the 'progenitor'. This progenitor vampire has a body that needs blood to survive. Human blood is the best because they're the closest to the progenitor's body. Animal blood barely helps. It would take dozens to be equivalent to one adult human.
So this progenitor drinks human blood. Through trial and error, they understand the limitation of their body. Sunlight burns them. They're faster and stronger than humans, being able to easily pin down a man three times larger than them.
Their senses let them see everything clearly. White means food. Red means danger.
They stay in the dark. They keep to themselves.
Then, one day...
Someone finds them.
Has been tracking them down.
Because one of the humans they fed from had a rich father who was willing to pay handsomely for their head.
So they fight the mercenary that found them. They fought and overpowered the mercenary.
But the mercenary manages to nick them. And their blood drips to the panting mouth.
And that's when the progenitor realized.
They could make humans loyal to them by giving them a bit of their blood.
To make them a thrall.
And that's how the Misthios Kassandra from Sparta became the progenitor's first thrall.
With Kassandra, the progenitor starts to experiment with just how much blood is needed to make a full thrall. Kassandra needed more than a drop but the drop was enough to hypnotize her, just like how their progenitor could hypnotize humans with their voice if they focus hard enough.
So he kept feeding Kassandra more blood until she became a full thrall. Loyal to a fault. With the same limitations as a human but just a tad stronger than humans and wounds that will heal the same quick speed as them. Unfortunately, even a full thrall must drink their master's blood regularly. Otherwise, the thrall will be removed.
And that was what happened with Kassandra. They fought once more. This time, the strength she received from the progenitor was enough to scare the progenitor and they hurt her too much. As she's dying, the progenitor tried to feed her their blood, in hopes that she will become a thrall and her wounds will heal.
She dies.
They bury her.
And she raises from the ground the next evening.
Not as a thrall.
But a vampire like the progenitor.
The thrall was gone.
Her hatred stays though. Not only that, but she was now a vampire like them. She tries to attack them but she cannot.
For the progenitor is her sire. Her blood refuses to harm them.
So she leaves.
And the progenitor is alone once more.
Years passed.
The progenitor travels. They can feel Kassandra still alive, still angry.
But just as lonely as the progenitor.
So they stay away. Travel elsewhere.
That's when they saw her.
A human yet not.
A vampire yet not.
A dhampir, a union of vampire and human.
Kassandra's child.
But why was she alone?
Did Kassandra not realize that her child was not fully human?
Did she leave to give her a chance for a normal life but accidentally give her a life of loneliness, full of fear and confusion.
So the progenitor adopts the scared child, taught her all they know.
They treated her like their own child.
And experimented on what will happen if a dhampir was given blood.
As a dhampir, she grew the same as humans. Sunlight does not harm her. But she was as strong and as fast as a vampire.
Her senses were the same as a vampire.
Yet her stamina was the same as a human. Her body bruised and bled like a human.
She was better than a thrall in some ways, sure, yet limited by her half-human body.
And when she drank vampire blood.
Nothing happened.
How boring.
Yet she was loyal to the progenitor. Not because of any thrall, she was immune to it but because they were her parent. The one person who taught her and took care of her. Blinded by loyalty and love, she stayed with them. Became their eyes and ears in the daylight.
She glowed as blue. Their very first blue.
Their daughter.
And she fell in love.
To a medjay.
And he loved her back.
They give the progenitor humans to feed on. Criminals. Bad people.
The progenitor didn't mind.
Blood was the same regardless of how many laws a human broke.
If it soothed them, gave them an excuse not to feel bad about sacrificing fellow human beings... Then so be it.
The dhampir married the man. The progenitor stays with them. More like an in-law than anything.
Everything was peaceful.
They could not have any children.
The progenitor realized it was because the dhampir was sterile. A common trait of 'hybrids'. Still, the dhampir and her husband were together and in love.
But all things must come to an end.
Egypt is thrown into chaos and they are caught in the middle. The man lay dying in his wife's arms.
And so...
The progenitor tries once more.
The man who had never been their thrall was gifted with the progenitor's blood.
He dies that day.
And he wakes that evening.
As a vampire.
They are happy once more.
In their happiness they forgot to feed the man.
Deep into the night, when they have grown tired from the stress and the celebration, they go to sleep. The man wakes up and drinks the blood of the first person he sees.
His own wife.
His hunger fulfilled, his mind was clear once more. And he saw what he had done. He runs in shame. The commotion wakes the progenitor who sees the dhampir barely clinging to life.
So they try.
They gives up their blood to their daughter and prays.
The following night...
She wakes.
Not as a dhampir but as a vampire.
And she is angry.
Not at the progenitor but at her husband.
For running away instead of staying with them.
The progenitor tries to remind her that it was shame and grief that propelled him to leave. That he still loves her.
But she did not listen.
She leaves to find him. Whether to kill him or to bring him back, the progenitor does not know.
What they did know is that they are, once again, alone.
Years passed.
They feel Kassandra, Aya and Bayek yet they do not see any of them. The world is too big for their paths to intersect.
Or perhaps it was more accurate to say they themselves try not to get close to any of them.
For Kassandra, they knew it was better this way. Kassandra's anger still burns strong.
For Aya and Bayek, it is... pettiness that keeps them from following either of them. Their selfishness brings the progenitor nothing but irritation and tiredness. So they stay away.
In their travels, they meet a shieldmaiden who sees them drinking blood. She calls him a draugr and she hunts him. He runs and runs but she is a good hunter. A good tracker.
When there is nowhere left to go, they fight her. Pent up anger for his three stubborn childes propelled them to turn her into their thrall. To make her their slave. To do their bidding with no free will at all.
And when she grew old and weak, they let her go. Let her shout about the draugr that enslaved her. Let her words be heard and mocked.
As they returned to the shadow once more.
But someone follows them. Someone from the shadows. Not like them.
But their blood...
The progenitor could taste the blood of their daughter running through them.
Too weak.
Like this human had an ancestor who had been a thrall instead.
And that made him weak to the progenitor. To desire a closeness with them.
So they let the human live. Give them a bit of their blood, not to enslave them but to show them that they can be a kind master if they wanted to be.
And the human guides them to the Hidden Ones. A cult created by his daughter, taking evil men from the streets and offering them to her.
To their queen.
And they know of the progenitor.
The one they call the Master.
And so they took the seat their daughter left empty, all because she is still searching for her husband.
And, to the man who brought them here, they rewarded him with the title of mentor.
The man cast away his birth name of Hytham.
And became the first Al Mualim.
Centuries passed and they grow bored.
In their boredom, they grow complacent.
And that is how they are captured.
Encased in an iron chamber that pierces their body in places that will not kill them.
But will make them bleed.
So they bleed.
And the one who captured them...
The latest Al Mualim...
Uses their blood to create an army loyal to him.
Years passed.
They are forced to drink blood from a contraption Al Mualim created for them. Fresh human blood, yes, but fed to them like they were livestock.
They bleed.
And their blood creates thralls that Al Mualim controls.
They are powerless. Encased in an iron chamber that bleeds them. Chained and locked with an absurd amount of locks and chains.
But it was enough to keep them contained.
Unable to escape.
The chains fell.
The locks dropped.
And the chamber finally opens.
And the first person they see is a man with golden eyes.
Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad.
The first of their favorites.
To be turned became a reward only given to the most loyal of their Brotherhood.
Not a cult anymore.
But a Brotherhood of Assassins.
Serving the light by staying in the shadows. Assasinating only to rid the world of evil.
Blah blah blah
They didn't care all that much as long as they feed. And they were fond of Altaïr.
Being saved does that to most beings, even someone as old as them.
And perhaps they were lonely too. Estranged from their first childe, forgotten by their daughter and her husband...
Altaïr was a curious man, unafraid of them. He treated them like they were equals. He asks questions but he also indulges their whims. He never tries to keep them locked in a room. When night comes, he joins them as they sit on the top of their tallest tower, enjoying the cold breeze and the freedom they lost all those years ago.
He gave them a name. For he believes everyone must have a name.
From the French word 'des mond(es)'... The Worlds.
A grand name.
They like it. They will wear the name with pride.
And they gave Altaïr a gift in return.
For saving them.
For treating them well.
Altaïr was not their first childe. But he will always be the first childe they sired not out of fear or desperation or by accident.
A childe sired out of love.
There was a coup. By those who believed they deserved to be turned. They failed.
But many died.
The remnants of the Brotherhood returned to the shadows. The loyal thralls made their way all around the world. To build safe houses and connections that can be used by the inner circle.
By Desmond's inner circle.
They travel. Years passed traveling all over. They stayed in the continent that will later be called Europe. The Templars, the Brotherhood's hated enemy, change their name as well. Yet, they still hunt down the Brotherhood.
They hunt down Desmond.
The one they call The Devil.
But Desmond is not afraid. Why should they be? They finally had childes who care for them.
They had a family.
One of the thralls did well in Italy. His descendants became a noble house and they welcomed Desmond and his inner circle with open arms.
One of the children was a curious little boy.
And Desmond indulges him. Plays with him.
Even as the boy grows older, he still gravitates towards Desmond.
Not because Desmond was the progenitor, the most important secret of the Brotherhood.
But because of Desmond's kindness and smiles.
The boy is loyal.
The boy brings the entire Templar Order in Italy on its knees.
And cuts its head off.
Only then does Desmond realize.
That they had been blind for years now.
The boy they saw had been a man for years now.
And the man deserves a reward.
Ezio Auditore da Firenze was not their first childe.
But he was the most successful of their childes.
They continue to travel. To see the changes of the world. And to keep people from realizing that they do not grow old. It is during these travels in the high seas that they are attacked by a pirate ship. Their ship was damaged but they won.
But Ezio had been severely wounded, dripping blood all over the dying pirate who nearly cut his head off while he was protecting a wounded human brother. They didn't know it at that time though.
The chaos and Desmond's panic over Ezio almost dying were more important. They threw the corpses overboard.
That night...
Edward Kenway rose from the depths of the sea.
Edward Kenway became a rogue vampire. He only cared for gold and glory. The Brotherhood stayed and observed. They guided when they could but left Edward Kenway alone.
Desmond had asked them to.
For Desmond wanted to see.
What kind of vampire Edward Kenway would be.
Years passed...
The age of piracy comes to an end.
And Edward Kenway comes to them.
Comes to Desmond.
Asking for guidance.
Pleading for a purpose in life.
So Desmond welcomes him.
And gives him purpose.
As a member of the Brotherhood.
Edward did not know it then. That he had a daughter.
And a son.
Different mothers. The wife he left to become a privateer then a pirate later on. The woman he spent the nights with while on a mission for the Brotherhood.
Edward found his daughter. Welcomed her into their Brotherhood.
His son was lost. Taken by the Templars who whisper in his ears the kind of monsters vampires are.
The Templars are successful in indoctrinating him.
Haytham Kenway.
The Templar's very own vampire hunter dhampir.
Haytham Kenway became their very own boogeyman. The strength of his vampiric lineage and the weaponry of the Templars serving a keen and observant mind.
The Brotherhood learns of his history and things become more complicated.
Orders to not kill Haytham Kenway resounded all over the Brotherhood.
For he was of Edward Kenway's blood.
Of Ezio Auditore's blood.
He was their family.
But Haytham Kenway used this weakness to his advantage.
Killing any and all members of the Brotherhood he found.
In desperation, Edward did what was forbidden.
That winter night, the dhampir Haytham Kenway died in his father's arms.
The following night, Haytham Kenway awakened as a full vampire.
Haytham Kenway as a vampire did not change his stance. He was still loyal to the Order and he still hunted the Brotherhood.
All it did was make him hate himself more. Hate his vampiric nature.
And that hatred only made him more dangerous.
On the other hand...
As he was sired by Edward Kenway, he could not harm Edward anymore. As Edward's sire, he could not harm Ezio as well.
And, most importantly, he could not kill The Devil.
So he took in members of the Order. Trained them in his ways. He did not turn them, of course not, that would only hinder them.
And they became the best of the Templars' vampire hunters.
But one of them was better than all of them.
May even be better than Haytham as a vampire hunter.
Shay Patrick Cormac.
A man who used to be a member of the Brotherhood. A thrall that left after a horrifying event that changed him.
Haytham found his successor.
He found the vampire hunter that will kill The Devil.
Perhaps it had been a moment of weakness.
Perhaps it had been true love.
Regardless of the truth, the fact remained.
Haytham Kenway had a son.
And Edward found him as a babe, nursing from his mother's tit. Shrouded by the darkness, he took the child away and returned to Desmond.
He gifted the baby to Desmond.
A way to repent for how he had inadvertently created their greatest enemy?
A desire to have even just a piece of his son yet shackled by guilt and pain?
Edward did not say his reasoning.
All he asks is that Desmond takes the dhampir.
So Desmond did.
Connor Kenway was raised as a dhampir who believed he was Desmond's son. He was raised with love and his days were filled with happiness.
His favorite was Uncle Edward who sometimes visits to give him the nicest of gifts.
As he grew older, he learns the truth.
Of his parentage.
Of Haytham Kenway.
So he tries.
He tries to build a bridge between Haytham and them.
But the bridge he was trying to build was on top of a raging river that destroys everything that falls into it.
In the end, Connor had to make a choice.
A father who he knew nothing about and hellbent on destroying everything he held dear.
Or a father who raised him with love and gave him a choice.
In the end, Haytham Kenway dies in the arms of a son he did not know.
They followed Shay Cormac to Paris where he gathers what remains of Haytham Kenway's vampire hunters and the rest of the Parisian Rites of the Templar Order. Amidst the cries of the people and the growing tension between the nobles and the common folks, two young people are driven apart by their family.
Elise de la Serre becomes a Templar and trains under Shay Cormac.
Arno Victor Dorian is turned into a vampire by Ezio Auditore who takes the young man under his wing.
Their shared history comes into play as Elise starts to dream. Dreams that leave her hot and wanting.
Her nights are filled with such delicious dreams. Her days are filled with horror as more and more of their members are killed or gone missing.
Yet, this does not break her. She is a strong-willed human. She learns the truth soon enough.
Of how Arno had used their past, their previous romantic entanglements, to make her his thrall. How she gave him everything the Order told her or what she learned all on her own.
How her knowledge was the reason why so many of the Orders died.
She tells Shay all of these. Shay gathers what remains of their forces and they help her remember.
Remember the place that Arno always takes her when she is under his thrall.
The temple underneath Le Marais.
They go there to find clues.
What they found was a trap.
And they learn that Elise did break. After learning how everything was her fault, that she led all of those people to their death...
To be told that the reason why Arno had been able to enthralled her was because, underneath all that desire to be a Templar, to be taken seriously, was a lonely child wishing to be loved by a father and mother who were too busy trying to keep the Parisian Rites of Templars alive.
That underneath all that loyalty to the Order, she hated it for taking her parents away.
Two factions entered the temple underneath Le Marais that day.
Only one faction left the temple that night.
Evie and Jacob Frye were children of the Brotherhood. They were wild and brave.
And they had something to prove to dear old father.
So they travel to England to hunt down the Templars. They create their own gang and destroyed the Templars plan.
The words of their deeds (and the chaos that came after them) reached Edward Kenway who was... perhaps a bit estranged from the Inner Circle by this time. A self-imposed punishment, perhaps. He sees the joy and brashness of the two and it reminds him of how he was before.
So he turns the twins into his thralls. Not enough to enslave them but enough to just give them a little boost. And he guides them.
He helps them.
He builds a family with them.
Years later, when England is fully under Brotherhood control, it would be Edward Kenway who would greet his fellow favored childes with a grin. He would hug his grandson who was now a fellow childe, one of the progenitor's favorite if the rumors were to be believed.
And he would be the one to introduce the Frye twins to Desmond.
And ask that the progenitor reward them.
And Desmond would see the joy on Edward's face. The peace in his eyes.
And they would smile as they say yes.
Decades would pass and humanity will grow. They will develop cures for diseases that once killed hundreds, if not thousands, of them. They will invent objects and techniques that would make their lives easier. Humanity will prosper and destroy itself, over and over again.
And the Brotherhood will remain in the shadows. Forever foiling the plans of the Templars. Taking in thralls to keep them in check while securing their safety.
But there will be humans who will find their way into the Brotherhood.
Who will become part of the Brotherhood.
A girl raised in an orphanage being run by the Brotherhood.
A talented woman with a knack for technology.
A curious man who found the truth among thousands of conspiracies all over the world.
A broken man trying to keep himself together and looking for a place to belong.
A frustrated woman wanting to be acknowledged for the work she has done.
The Brotherhood welcomes them all.
Whether they stay as they are or become a thrall is up to them.
They might even be rewarded by the progenitor.
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excali8ur · 4 months
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So there's this AU,
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sneez · 2 years
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victor kain chronic pain nation rise up (credit to @transdankovsky for this idea :-D)
/ id: two digital drawings. the first image shows victor kain and daniil dankovsky sitting together; daniil is taking victor’s pulse. inside a speech bubble above victor’s head is a screenshot of a question from the duolingo russian course, in which the sentence ‘я – хороший пациент, у меня всегда всë болит’ is translated as ‘i am a good patient, i always have pain everywhere’. the second image shows daniil looking politely horrified. end id. /
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liquidstar · 1 year
honestly does anyone else think that the what:if routes are perhaps telling us that some sort of collision between subaru and reinhard is just inevitable in nearly every route
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sysig · 1 year
Ooo requestober eh? Something I've been curious to see a bit more of maybe is Jake interracting with Scriabin. Edgar wondering about what the two of them talk about together alone got me curious too 👀
(Resending to the main for you :3)
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Day 3 - Definitely not kissing! If that's what you think!
Meanwhile, Jake:
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#My art#Requestober#Vargas#Scriabin#Edgar#Jake#Since I already got my serious ''This is what I think they might get up to'' a couple Requestobers ago I opted for silliness this time lol#Plus last time I did Before so this time how about some After!#What situation would arise that Scriabin would have a one-on-one with Jake without Edgar? Maybe Edgar had work? Had to take Todd somewhere?#Either way he's painfully jealous on all sides haha poor lad#Jake's good to them I'm sure he'll get some affection later - Scriabin'll still hold it over his head for as long as he can tho lol#Can you tell I like lipstick stains haha ♪ They're legit some of my favourites to draw! :D#I think this is my first time - at least in a long long while - drawing them digitally tho :0 Fun!#They're just jkfdlsafd they're So cute haha ♥ Evidence of attention! Incriminating in their placement <3#Shows where someone was most focused on making them feel loved hehehe it's just so cute to me 💕#Like that they obviously went for each other's necks - of course - but also their foreheads and Jake kissed his nose#And also missed/got a bit too rowdy and got some lipstick on his glasses lol#Tell me that's not adorable!#And in classic fashion the lover returns home and sees lipstick stains and gets envious lol#Scriabin definitely used lipstick to make out with Jake specifically to make Edgar jealous lol - he could've avoided this and chose not to#Kiss him Edgar you'll feel better#Jake just having fun not thinking about the implications haha ♪#I may or may not have spent an inordinate amount of time thinking about how Jake interacts with each of them around kisses >.>#I mean - other than mainfic every time he shows up he ends up kissing them in some capacity! It's hard not to recognize his patterns! Lol
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aromanticasterisms · 3 months
oh man no wonder i'm missing my little guys recently. we haven't seen kaeya in almost a year
#personal stuff#delete later#a month from now marks one year since his hangout....#head in hands.... kaeya come back i miss you#yes i Know he has a hangout i can replay at any time that also has his brother in it. not the same#diluc showed up back in march with his normalguysona and kaeya sent a letter but it's just not the same...#i miss the ragbros insanity that 2.8 and 3.1 inflicted upon me. i miss bouncing off the walls thinking about them and their new lore#can they come back and do something that makes me relive that sometime soon. please. for me#not sure who's going to be in the summer event this year. probably not going to be either of them but can it be Someone i care abt#for the most part they have been? like 1.6 was THE found family slash siblings vacation#2.8 was my girlie fischl and also hidden strife#then 3.8 was kaeya and klee and collei and kokomi#come on let's keep up this energy. this will be THE mondstadt update TRUST#like come onn venti and lisa both told us to come back to mondstadt before setting off for somewhere new......#like at this point i have very little hope for mondstadt character story quest 2. i used to hope for it w every update but now it's like#who fucking knows. we'll wait until snezhnaya i guess. that's when venti and diluc will probably be relevant again#jean miiight get a second one after natlan depending on what happens to varka's expedition? since her mom is there i think#manifesting a second razor quest then too. we know what the rifthounds are now + varka coming back would be a good setup#and klee might get one whenever we meet alice. i have my thoughts but idk when Exactly that'll be#but lisa's thing probably won't be relevant for a while either considering its connection to the abyss order#and kaeya and albedo... yeah.#but like. i'd love to see amber go to liyue and find her grandpa or something :(#and like. fuck it i would love to see a second xiangling quest too.
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feral-peacock · 1 year
Idk if maybe I'm a clown (I am 🤡) or just in denial? But I don't think the couch theory is over???? Like I keep seeing RIP couch theory and just like who called time of death?
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autumnrory · 2 months
woooo my niece took 5 of my 13 lego sets, one of which was one of the three larger ones, so that's one huge box out of the way and i'm just glad she wanted them because like they ARE twenty years old and they look fine ofc but sometimes kids aren't gonna want stuff that isn't new and shiny ya know, but she did seem to want everything which would've been fine with me but i knew there was no way they would take all that with them, and at least i still have stuff of my own to sell, plus should get at least a cut of my brother's stuff for doing the inventory and putting together that stuff that wasn't already done
#i mentioned the hp sets and how they had been pretty much left together and he was like '....i had harry potter sets?'#which once he saw them he did think they were familiar which was some of my feeling with mine#like oh YEAH i do remember these i just didn't remember having so many#i mean between 13 sets it's really like 3 categories so i would've played with like the whole ice palace and its related sets#i do just wonder how it'll be at the store like everything is pretty much in fine shape#and probably there are people who want older stuff that's rarer and whatever now#BUT then there might be more of a demand for newer stuff at a better price or whatever idk#anyway 6 sets left in the upstairs and then the bionicles and statue of liberty are still in the attic#i'm still not convinced there couldn't be another box somewhere bc idk how to explain the few sets#that are missing so much that i can't actually do them bc even if we had gotten rid of some why would we not include the huge base or w/e#anyway we'll see! but i'm getting closer! and i did a little one this morning#that seemed to be complete it didn't list some of the pieces as extras but based on the instructions i figure they have to be#so i don't really need them like i'll include them if i find them and they're not needed for something else but yeah#anyway i can go back to fic though these first two at least are short so i may be going back to another one tomorrow#can't wait to have my room back though fr like#it is not the only thing making it feel messy because i have newer jewelry and clothes and stuff that i just have to organize and put away#but man the jewelry situation is just. it's not even having so many pieces it's like big earrings that take up a lot of space or whatever#so i just have not wanted to deal with it but it's kinda out of hand#but i can really think about that after this particular project is done#and do puzzles again oh my god i have 3 puzzles waiting for me at least#plus my mom always has a bunch to be done since everyone knows to buy her puzzles lol but that has also gotten out of hand#i wouldn't mind getting rid of a couple of mine though just bc it is like okay you do it but then you just have it and it takes up space#would be cool to have pretty ones framed tho
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damnprecious · 7 days
I just noticed that my Aragorn keychain has fallen off at some point
Aragorn is Aragone :(
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ketavinsky · 6 months
i just want to be able to forgive her
#dellete#tw for discussion of SA + forced pregnancy in tags#the fact that im a product of SA doesnt really surprise me#i wish she hadnt told me like she had. like a GOTCHA! so she could win the argument that#she started and that i kept telling her i didnt want to have#i just want to be able to forgive her. for everything.#for all the shit when we lived together and for refusing to acknowledge any of it when i moved out#i just want to be able to forgive her#i miss my dad so much. despite everything i do. he was good to me. he begged for my forgiveness. my artwork and all my writing is all#dedicated to and inspired by him#hes an old man and he might die soon and i wont be able to thank him for any of it because my mother will probably attempt suicide if i try#to contact him#so ill never have much of a relationship with my dad#and ill never have a relationship with my mum because of what she did to me#and i know it takes practice and time and effort#but making friends is a real challenge for me sometimes#and im so lonely. im so lonely and i miss how it was to be a kid#to feel like i belonged somewhere or something like that#like i could make for myself a place in the world#when my dad dies my artwork will have been for nothing. and i want to forgive my mum#i want to go home. i want to go home to the place i grew up in#and i know she refuses to sell that house eventhough its a huge financial drain because she doesnt want to let go of th#the memory when i was a kid and not such a fucking disappointment#and i want so badly. to be the kid i used to be#i want to forgive her. i want to pretend that she didnt#reveal to me that neither she nor my father ever wanted me for no other reason than to make me feel bad#for setting boundaries#i want to forgive i want to forget#i want to forget#i just want to forget why cant i forget
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gophergal · 1 year
Mortal Kombat Rosters by Percentage of Female Characters
This is something I've thought about for a while since I really adore MK's female fighters, so I finally got around to it. Some notes before I start throwing the info at you:
This is only counting major releases in the main series. Ports and late revisions aren't considered (So nothing from MK Trilogy, MK Gold, MK:A for Wii, or any handheld ports)
The inclusion of New and Total is important to me, since some games have a relatively large number of female characters, but most are returning characters
For the total roster number (that is, both male and female characters) I'm counting individual characters. Cyborg Smoke and Human Smoke are counted as one character in UMK3, but Sub-zero and Classic Sub-zero are counted as two (as classic Sub-zero is Bi-han). That also means that duo fighters are counted as two
DLC characters are counted, but none of the Guest Fighters.
A character is considered "New" if this is their first playable appearance
Percentages are rounded very imprecisely
(info under the cut, tldr at the very bottom)
Mk1 – 7 character roster
F Total – 1 (Sonya Blade)
14% of roster
Mk2 – 12 character roster
F Total – 2
17% of roster
F New – 2 (Mileena, Kitana)
17% of roster
UMK3 – 21 character roster
F Total – 6
29% of roster
F New – 3 (Sindel, Sheeva, Jade)
14% of roster
Mk4 – 15 character roster
F Total – 2
13% of roster
F New – 1 (Tanya)
7% of roster
Mk: Deadly Alliance – 21 character roster
F Total – 4
19% of roster
F New – 3 (Nitara, Li Mei, Frost)
14% of roster
Mk: Deception – 24 character roster
F Total – 7
29% of roster
F New – 2 (Kira, Ashrah)
8% of roster
Mk: Armageddon – 62 character roster
F Total – 13
20% of roster
F New – 1 (Sareena)
1% of roster
Mk9 – 29 character roster
F Total – 5
17% of roster
F New – 1 (Skarlet)
3% of roster
MkX – 29 character roster
F Total – 7
24% of roster
F New – 4 (Cassie, Jacqui, D'Vorah, Ferra)
14% of roster
Mk11 – 44 character roster
F Total – 11
25% of roster
F New – 1 (Cetrion)
2% of roster
Highest Percentage of Female Characters: MK: Deception (29%)
Lowest Percentage of Female Characters: MK4 (13%)
Highest Percentage of NEW Female Characters: MK2 (17%)
Lowest Percentage of NEW Female Characters: MK:Armageddon (1%)
(Please keep in mind that this isn't a judgement of the value of ANY of these games. I love [almost] all of them and I think it's fun to analyze data like this.)
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buck-yyyy · 1 year
god, i fucking miss him so bad and i am SO BEYOND MAD ABOUT IT
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tyrannuspitch · 27 days
just looked at my playlist and briefly considered arranging into an actual playlist rather than just a jumble of songs. and then i remembered that loki's arc is fucking insane and he kills himself on three separate occasions. not even counting the loki show. jesus CHRIST someone get my son out of there
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ratspider · 3 months
laptop fixed. artfight starting soon. possibly also creative clash. i can now draw without worrying my laptop will shut down and destroy my hard work. life is ok actually
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princessbellecerise · 1 month
Court Shenanigans
Summary ✩ Missing their father, your children decide it’s a good idea to interrupt him in the middle of court
Warnings ✩ Mentions of pregnancy
Authors Notes ✩ Everyday I cry cause this man isn’t real but at least I have fanfic
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You tried to stop them, you really did.
But being almost nine moons pregnant and having the most swollen feet known to man, it was almost impossible to chase after and keep up with two rowdy tots.
Usually, their nursemaids would have them by now and would be helping to assist you, but Aliza was sick and Joanna was with her family. Both of them would have scolded you for trying to run when you couldn’t even see your feet, but your kids were a mischievous bunch and you had a sinking feeling on where they were headed.
Aemma, the eldest of the two twins, had been complaining all day about not being able to see her father, as Jace had missed out on breakfast and lunch with her in order to hear a few extra petitions.
It seemed as if the Kingdom was more unruly than usual, and Lords had come from all over the realm to plead their cases.
Wanting to be a good King and make sure that he could adhere to all of his subjects, Jace had opted to spend a little extra time on the throne and a less with his family.
This of course didn’t sit well with Aemma, and as her shadow Jaelin followed right on along with her.
Try as you might have, you weren’t fast enough to catch up to them and your protests for them to stop didn’t do much good, either.
Before you could even blink, your twins were flying past the Kingsguard and bursting into the throne room, with little Aemma’s excited shouting making you want to crawl into a hole right there and then.
In no time your baby girl ran across the room, interrupting some poor Lord under a pink banner. You thought that he might’ve been from White Harbor, or maybe he was from Maidenpool.
Whatever it was, you didn’t pay much attention as suddenly, all chatter stopped, and you were the center of attention as you wobbled towards Jacaerys and fixed Aemma with a stern glare.
“Aemma! Come back here!” You shouted after her sternly, and thankfully Jaelin was too afraid of your ‘motherly voice’ to get any closer.
He stopped just short of the Iron Throne, choosing to remain by Ser Darklyn’s side rather than follow his sister up the steps. With horror, you realized that Aemma was headed straight to Jacaerys, exclaiming happily as she threw herself in her father’s open arms.
She bounced excitedly as Jace pulled her on his lap, looking amused while you struggled to catch your breath.
Running at your size was no joke, and you ached to sit down somewhere and rest. You couldn’t do that though while your two year old twins were causing mayhem.
It was unbefitting of a Queen, you knew that, but desperation had you hiking up your dress, climbing the the steps, and holding your arms out expectantly while Jace chuckled.
“Aemma. It’s time to say goodbye to Kepa and go back to our chambers. Now,” You told her, but that only resulted in the toddler shaking her head and burying herself even deeper into Jacaerys’ arms.
“No! I want to stay with Kepa!” Her defiant little voice shouted, and you winced as a few murmurs echoed through the court.
You were painfully aware that everybody was staring at the scene, which made it even more embarrassing when you reached out again and failed to grab Aemma.
After about the third attempt to pull her away with no avail, your husband seemed to finally take pity on you and sighed.
“It’s alright my love. She can stay,” Jacaerys said, and upon hearing this Aemma beamed. “It’ll be her seat one day after all. Let her gain some experience; even if it is during the middle of a petition.”
You gave him an apologetic look, and you made a mental note to apologize to Lord…well, whoever you were currently interrupting. You had to admit, the sight of Aemma babbling broken phrases to Jace while she tried to grab his crown was adorable.
You sighed reluctantly.
“Alright,” You said, willing to leave Aemma where she was. At the very least you could persuade Jaelin to follow you and take him away, but as you turned to go back down the stairs you suddenly paused.
Had there always been that many, you wondered?
You hadn’t really paid attention that much, but now that your feet were practically screaming at you to sit down, the idea of going down so many steps didn’t seem so appealing.
Of course, you could’ve just asked one of the Kingsguard to help you down, but you didn’t want to be a bother—as silly as it sounded. You also didn’t want to risk your knees giving out and falling, either.
You were in a dilemma, but before you could even decide, Jace did it for you. Your husband, ever attentive, noticed your hesitation and immediately got up.
“Here, my love. Why don’t you rest and I’ll stand for now,” He suggested.
Even more whispers broke out at this. What Jacaerys was proposing was sweet, but it had never happened before and the idea of the Queen sitting on the throne in the presence of the King was…well it was simply unheard of.
You were sure a few people would call the action scandalous, but at the moment though, you didn’t really care what they thought. Your feet were aching and you needed a place to sit down before your knees decided where for you, so you nodded and accepted his offer.
“Thank you, my love.”
You sighed in relief as you sat on the throne. Albeit, it wasn’t the most comfortable of seats with all the swords and points, and you would’ve much rather been in your cushioned chair in your chambers, but it was better than nothing and the pressure on your feet was gone.
Nodding his head, Jacaerys gave you a small kiss on the side of your head and then he stood with Aemma in his arms, and gestured for Lord whoever to keep speaking.
Had you not been out of breath, you would have laughed at his face and the face of many others as they not only witnessed their King give the most powerful seat in the realm to his pregnant wife, but also witnessed him stand up while bouncing his baby daughter in his arms.
It was an unusual sight, but an adorable one that you cherished.
Motioning to Ser Darklyn to bring Jaelin up so that your family would complete, you smiled in content and Jacaerys once again motioned for the man who had been interrupted to continue his petition.
“Lord Mooton. Please, do continue,” He said with a large smile.
You giggled.
Ah, so that was his name.
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fanaticalthings · 4 months
I really like the idea of the bat kids designating Dick and Jason's apartments as sibling gathering spots but for opposite reasons.
Sibling needs some comfort? Some eldest daughter advice? A shoulder to cry on or just a lil getaway spot from the chaos of Gotham? Dick's apartment is perfect.
But if a batkid wants to complain, maybe wants to talk shit about Bruce, or maybe even wants to discuss a lil felony in a judgement free zone? Jason's place it is.
And I like to imagine that while Dick readily keeps his doors open and reminds anyone that they can drop by anytime, it's the opposite for Jason.
Dude's got his place riddled with traps and locked up to the high heavens. He makes it obvious he doesn't want visitors, and vaguely insinuates that there are bombs rigged somewhere in his apartment so there's a always a 50/50 chance you might get blown up if he's feeling particularly bitchy one day.
But does that stop his siblings? Absolutely not. Unlike Dick (who assigns himself as the guiding older brother), Jason has been forcefully labelled as the older sibling you go to if you need to complain and stir up havoc. The hundreds of traps in his place mean nothing. And it's worse because Jason is never prepared for when someone drops in.
[Jason, 3 hours into his sleep, blearily waking up to a weight on his chest at 4am]:
[Damian, perched atop him, eyes dead-centre locked onto Jason without blinking]: Hello, Todd-stop screaming it is unbecoming-I just came to tell you that father won't allow me to adopt another stray I found on patrol.
Jason, half-asleep and like 70% sure he's hallucinating: Wha-
Damian: I need you to blow up his car.
[Jason, arriving home after a 6 hour patrol, exhausted out of his mind, turning on the lights]:
[Stephanie, previously baking brownies in the pitch black darkness before Jason arrived]: Oh hey! Just thought I'd drop by, y'know, for fun.
Jason: Bruce yelled at you again.
Stephanie: Bruce yelled at me again.
And yes, while most of the time, it ends up as wholesome sibling bonding, sometimes the other batkids just feel like inconveniencing Jason just whenever, because what are siblings for?
[Jason waking up and seeing all of his traps and security systems disarmed and very deliberately broken in a way where he'll have to replace all of them instead of being able to reactivate them]:
[Jason, immediately dialing his phone angrily]: Tim, I swear to GOD-
[Jason giving himself a rest-day and cooking some meals]:
[Dick somersaulting in through the open window unannounced (he missed his brother)]: Whatcha up to, littlewing? :>
Jason: GET OUT-
[Jason casually reading a book, feeling a sudden chill up his spine]:
[Cassandra standing in the corner without so much as an exhale, watching Jason intensely. Who knows how long she's been there]:
Jason: Are you here to kill me
Jason: Just make it quick.
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