#but i've ALWAYS felt that the jump from jason to tim was…
dandelionlinolinaline · 5 months
ok rant time, stick with me.
the reason i don’t like damian wayne is not that i don't enjoy him as a character, it is that he feels like the final nail in the coffin that is 'robin'. now what do i mean by this? dick grayson as robin is obviously fantastical. he is an interesting foil to bruce/batman, he i tragic and complex, but his backstory is very much not real. he feels like a fictional character, so it isn’t a stretch to suspend disbelief and 'buy' him being robin, so to say. the family dynamic he has with bruce is NOT like father and son (argue with the wall on this one), it's paternal, but regardless of age difference in different interpretations, it is very much an unconventional family dynamic.
now, i've never really had a major issue with jason todd as robin (maybe because he has been red hood for basically my entire lifetime), but he was the first step in a direction of a more traditional family; son, father, grandson (and older brother), which i strongly dislike. now say what you will about jason todd, but he was arguably the most 'real' of the robins (in terms of backstory). he has a much more plausible family background (not counting sheila working with the joker) and feels less like the fantasy of dick grayson and more like wish fulfilment of a poor kid (ultimately this is what i think led to his downfall at dc - they couldn’t sell the 'fantasy' of jason todd in the way they could the other robins).
tim drake is where i kinda take issue. he is the 'normal' robin, but is very clearly an 'upgrade' from jason todd. he fits into the socialite life, bruce is significantly older than him (enough to be his actual father), and dick also takes a much more active role as a 'big brother' than he did with jason. tim drake, as neither dick or jason did, seems like the successor to bruce wayne, as well as batman. he is a genius, brilliant detective, rich and well-versed in the upper echelons of society. he is a HUGE leap in the direction of this sort of 'born for the role' idea i really despise for robin.
(i will take the liberty of following dc's example and overlook stephanie brown's robin)
lastly damian. not only is he batman's biological son, he is a prodigy who has trained since birth to be the next batman and is the heir to the league of assassins (i also hate what his creation meant for talia as a character, but i'll let that rest). he is now amalgamation of this slow trajectory towards robin as an heir who is divinely 'destined' to become batman (evidenced by the fact that damian is the only robin to consistently have the surname wayne).
don’t get me wrong, i greatly enjoy damian wayne and think he has an interesting dynamic with a number of characters and has some really lovely character devlopmemt and arcs, but i hate hate hate how robin went from 'orphans make do' to 'the heir apparent to not only batman but bruce wayne' and i. idk, i just wish dc had kept more of the charm and choice that the relationship between bruce and dick.
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mokulule · 3 months
The Number You Have Called Cannot Be Reached - Part 14
Let's just ignore I've updated this story three days in a row, @ailithnight asked me to make them cry, so we're giving the challenge a shot. This was written today and may very well have typos. Also it literally can't go on like this, I have work tomorrow.
First | Masterlist
Ship: Dead on Main (Danny/Jason) Fandom: DP x DC Summary:
Danny is just trying to build a portal home, becoming a thief was just an unfortunate side effect of that goal. Now if only this vigilante family would just leave him alone. Especially Red Hood - the semi retired crime lord whose ghost-like presence keeps drawing Danny to him.
Jason had called ahead to let them know he was coming to the cave and then promptly turned off his comms again. He didn’t need to hear their questions. Not on comms. It was bad enough he had to face them. 
He drove into the cave, his resolve the only thing keeping him from turning right around. Everyone but Bruce were in their civvies at this point. Jason shouldn’t be so surprised Bruce had called it a night. Not after ghost jumping off a roof in front of them. 
Bruce did care, and Jason could tell himself that now without poison dripping into his ear about how it was only to keep his little soldiers at the top of their game. He was too exhausted to appreciate the missing put at the moment, he just wanted to go home and try to forget for a moment that Ghost had left again, but he had to do this. 
Dick was sitting with an arm around Tim on the meeting table. Tim looked wrecked - good, he thought grimly and immediately felt guilty. He didn’t even have the pit to blame and yes Jason was angry about what had happened tonight, but really he was just as angry at himself. Jason might have tried to make them understand that Ghost needed help, but he’d done a poor job of it and they didn’t hear his grief for themselves. 
They hadn’t felt Ghost’s terror in their electricity trap, his desperate fight to control his panic, they hadn’t felt it as he fell or the shock of pain as he landed. They hadn’t felt the panic reach a fever pitch and then utter silence.
They hadn’t been 50 yards away on another building, running, because they knew something terrible was about to happen. They weren’t the ones who thought they might have already been too late even as they caught him out of the air. 
But Ghost had been alive. He’d been breathing. Panicked, but breathing, yet still utter silence. 
Jason had been terrified. 
And yes he was angry. He should have never let it get so far even in his desperation. They needed to stop chasing him. It wasn’t working. 
It had nearly cost him his life. 
He was a fucking burglar, not a rogue! He wasn’t a murderer who would kill someone if he wasn’t stopped. They should have never used this level of force. They never would have used this level of force if it wasn’t for Jason and his erratic behavior. It was on Jason, not Tim who was a seventeen year old kid just trying to keep this cursed family together. 
Damian was sitting at the meeting table a few seats away from where Tim and Dick were sitting on the table and for him to willingly be that close to Tim without any needle-ing commentary it was practically the equivalent of a hug. 
Jason sighed, then pulled off his helmet and left it on the bike. He couldn’t hide behind the safety of its smooth surface, not for this. He walked over to the meeting table, knowing it would draw the rest over there.
Damian took one look at him, with that sharp judgment that was always in his eyes. “You let him get away.” Jason grit his teeth, refusing to rise to what was just an observation, but it had been a trying night and it was tempting to snap, that he didn’t let him do anything. 
“His powers returned,” he said finally, carefully even-toned.
Tim looked up shortly at that and Dick squeezed his shoulder. Normally, Tim would have been on that detail like a hawk. How long did it last? Did the powers return gradually or all at once? Were there other adverse effects? And probably more questions Jason had not even thought to consider because that was just Tim. Now, Tim was silent.
“Jason?” Bruce asked carefully from somewhere to Jason’s left. Jason couldn’t look at him. Last time they’d been this close Jason had almost shot him. 
Stephanie and Cass joined Tim and Dick to sit on the table, and Damian allowed Cass’ hand in his hair only because she could kick his ass six ways ’til Sunday. Duke was the last to join their loose circle standing to Jason’s right. 
Jason didn’t have any excuses left. He even saw Alfred standing a ways further by the wall. Everyone was here. Babs was definitely still on comms with Bruce, even if the cowl was pulled back. 
He tried to take a steadying breath without being too obvious about it. He probably failed, horribly. 
“You have to leave Ghost to me.”
“Jay… you’ve not exactly…” Dick said carefully, the only one willing to even go near the fact that Jason should be the last person to go after Ghost. That he had been far from rational about the whole thing. That he was invested, personally more than they could even guess. 
“I need-“ Jason looked to the ceiling, breathing for just a moment, before looking down again. “I need you to trust me on this, to let me handle it. What happened tonight… it cannot happen again.” 
He clenched his hands, gathered every shred of courage, then looked to Bruce. 
“Dad, please…” He ignored the gasps from his siblings, from shock or outrage that he of all people pulled this card, maybe both, it didn’t matter. Jason only had eyes for Bruce’s stunned face, for the way his jaw tightened and his eyes were moist under pained brows. He only had ears for the way Bruce’s voice broke partway as he said: “Of course, Jaylad.”
“Thank you,” Jason whispered, afraid his voice would fail him if he spoke any louder. He held Bruce’s gaze with his as he said it, because he deserved to know how much that meant to him. The urge to go over to Bruce was strong, to see if his dad would hug him if given the chance - he thought he would, but that, that would be too much, and the pit would be back in a couple of days. 
Jason couldn’t handle any more tonight. 
He gave Bruce a tight nod and turned to leave, avoiding looking at the reactions of his siblings. 
Out the corner of his eyes as he left, he absently noted the purple backpack he’d stolen from Ghost sitting by the evidence board and that metal cylinder, Ghost had left behind the night Jason had met him, sitting on a shelf amongst other knickknacks. 
In the back of his mind an idea was taking shape, but he'd only realize that the next day.
I made myself cry writing this, that happens very rarely. Jason has had a really bad day, but it was the father-son feelings that did me in.
I do not know when I will update next time, the chapter this part belongs to is like 2/3rds done now, but it's the middle I need to fill out. Oh well, I'm enjoying the writing bug while it lasts. Update: Next
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killxz · 11 months
Lost and Found
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Pairing: Young Justice!Jason Todd x Fem!Reader
a/n: i've loved young justice since I was like 8 and i recently rewatched it again and i was disappointed that they didn't let dick or tim realise that jason was right there. so if i can't have it, imma make it. also, i've been writing on the web version of tumblr and i always make the text on my post small and i just realised that the small font on the app is miniscule 🤏🏻. so sorry to anyone who i may have given myopia to. TUMBLR STOP EATING MY DRAFTS! also don't forget to like or comment in your enjoyed! this takes place in season 3 episode 6 'Rescue Op'.
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Conner broke down the door.
"This is why you don't go in unprepared." Dick mutters as you and the others rush into the prison cell. "Now, hold still." Brion and Forager grunts as Dick pulled out the control devices on the back of their necks.
"There you go, girl." Conner pats Sphere after he tore down the chains holding her in place. "You gotta figure the Shadows are on their way," You peered out of the door down the hall.
"Then let's go!" Dick orders, urging everyone out of the cell and down the dark hallway. You and the others ran down the winding paths in the dark, relying on Oracle's directions to escape the base. When Conner kicks down the final door, you see the so-called 'Sensei' some bald guy with Apokoliptian tech and a red-hooded ninja.
The group glared tensely at the trio, preparing for battle. Dick, ever the meditator, steps forward. "We just wanna leave," he says, hands up in a placating manner.
"Your trespass must be punished," Sensei declares, waving his glowing blue sword menacingly. You almost laughed. "Wrong answer." Conner growls as everyone kept into action. You faced off with the red-hooded ninja, blocking his katana slashes with your own. Somehow, this felt...familiar? It was like you fought with this person before. It almost felt like...
It's impossible, you told yourself firmly. He was dead. You just hadn't gotten over it yet. You got your head back in the game and started lashing out at the ninja with your own moves. With a clever strike, the ninja's katana clatter to the ground a few feet away. "Ha!" You exclaimed triumphantly. A bit too soon, perhaps. The ninja lunged towards you striking your blade out of your hand. You winced. "I guess we're doing this the old school way, then," you got into a defensive position. The ninja jumps towards you, aiming a punch which you blocked with your forearm, ignoring the sting that ran down your arm.
He then did something that made your blood run cold. He did a roundhouse kick , followed by a punch. Your mind was whirling. Bruce thought us that move...
Taking advantage of your distraction, he lunges towards you pinning you onto the ground under him. You yelp as your back hit the hard ground. Instinctively, you wrap your leg around his waist and rolled over, causing you to be onto of him. The ninja's hood and fallen off in your little tussle, showing a familiar head of messy black hair. You eyes widened.
It can't be... He's dead. Jason's dead.
"Jason?" You wavering voice whispered. The ninja flinched, his movements coming to an abrupt stop. With shaky hands, you reached for the mask covering his eyes, lifting it slowly. Beneath it, you see sickeningly familiar teal eyes. "Jason? B-but how? You're dead..."
"Enough." Ra's Al Ghul's voice echoed in the garden, causing all the fights happening to stop. Jason snatched the mask from your hand and put it back on, hooking his legs around yours and flipped you over, causing you to crash against the ground. Jason got off you and went to stand by his apparent master's side, leaving you shell-shocked on the ground, trying to process what had just happened. Dick rushed to your side. "Are you okay? Are you hurt?" He asked worriedly.
You could only shake your head wordlessly, your mind still too shocked to come up with coherent words.
"Well, young man, are you proud of this little debacle?" Ra's Al Ghul smirked. "I believe the detective will be quite disappointed." He glanced at Dick. Dick growled in response. "I assume you came to recover these children?" Ra's continued. "Take them and go."
"Not without my sister, Tara Markov!" Brion bellows. You smack a hand to your head. Seriously, this man has more anger issues than Conner when you, Dick, Wally and Kaldur first rescued him from Cadmus. "We know the League of Shadows has her!" He continues.
You zoned out for the rest of the conversation, your eyes locking onto somehow-resurrected Jason's form. As if he could feel your gaze on him, his head turned to your direction before turning away again.
As Ra's Al Ghul and the others engaged in a tense discussion about Tara Markov, your mind couldn't escape the overwhelming shock of seeing Jason once again. He was supposed to be dead, lost to the relentless grip of the Joker, and yet here he stood, seemingly loyal to the League of Shadows. The flood of emotions and memories rushed over you like a tidal wave.
Flashbacks of your time with Jason during his Robin days, his cheeky smile, his reckless enthusiasm, the secret, sweet moments you both shared, and the unwavering loyalty he showed to his comrades filled your mind. The pain of losing him all over again was too much to bear.
As the conversation with Ra's Al Ghul continued, you couldn't help but feel a growing sense of hopelessness. You had come to rescue Brion and the others, but now your heart ached for something else entirely. The prospect of reconciling with Jason, the possibility of bringing him back to your side again, seemed like an unattainable dream.
"Get out." the annoyed voice of Ra's snapped you out of your thoughts. As the others group together to get their bearings before they leave, you made your way to Jason, tugging on his arm to face you. "Jason..." Your voice was quiet, broken.
"Ah, it seems like you have found out who he is," Ra's chuckled. Anger rose within you as you whipped towards him. "What did you do to Jason?!"
He chuckled again, unbothered by your outburst. "Nothing, in fact, I have done you and your little Bat family a favor."
"By brainwashing him?!"
"He's not brainwashed, he's just...learning right from the beginning." Ra's shrugged.
You scoffed. "And that's supposed to be better?!" You stepped forward angrily, ready to bash in his skull. Jason grabbed your arm and shook his head silently. He tugged you away from the crowd and came to a stop behind the trees out of everyone's sight.
He took off his eye and face mask, leaving his face bare for you to see. He whispered your name, something that you have not heard in a long time, something that you used to desperately wish you would hear again. "Look," He begins. "I'm fine, okay? I'm perfectly fine-" You tug him into a fierce hug, squeezing tightly.
"You're not okay," You sniffle. "I missd you, so much..." Jason hesitantly wrapped his hands around your considerably shorter frame, squeezing lightly. "I-I missed you too," He mumbled, burying his face in your hair and pressing a kiss on the crown of your head.
You pull away, looking up at him. "Do...you think that things can go back to they once were?" You asked quietly. "There was something I didn't get to tell you, before...you died. I-"
Jason cuts you off by grabbing your chin and pulling you into a kiss. It was a tentative, cautious one, his lips as light as butterfly wings. He was waiting for you to take the initiative. You pressd your lips against his, hand snaking up to grab at the hai at the base of his neck, cuasing him to groan softly. His hands snake around your waist as he tugged you closer to him, your bodies flushed against each other,
In that moment, the world around you seemed to fade away, and the only thing that mattered was the connection you had with Jason. It was a connection that had never truly broken, no matter how much time had passed.
As the tension built between you, Jason's lips met yours in a hesitant, tender kiss. It was a kiss that held a confession of emotions too strong to be expressed in words – love, regret, longing, and the hope for a second chance.
When the kiss finally broke, you both pulled away, but your eyes remained locked onto each other's. It was a silent acknowledgment of what had just transpired – a rekindling of a connection that had been lost in the chaos of life as a vigiante.
Jason's voice was soft as he spoke, "I never thought I'd see you again."
You smiled, tears glistening in your eyes, and replied, "I never thought I'd see you again either, but I'm glad I did."
The moment was broken by Dick calling out your name. "Where are you? We gotta go!" You looked back at Jason, placing a hand on his cheek. "I'll come back for you," You whispered. "I promise."
Jason gives you a slight nod. "I'll be waiting. I...love you."
You kiss his cheek, stepping back. "I love you too, so much." You push the branchs of the tree aside, half stepping out into the light. "'I'll see you soon."
a/n: part 2? ;)
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808airsoftbros · 1 year
Under The Red Hood (S) (BXG) (Natty)
Author: This one is hella long just so you know and I just love Red Hood. Also if you want to check out more of my fics have a look at the Masterlist.
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People say they know the definition of suffering... But what they don't know is feeling the end of it. I was abandoned by my parents and the one I looked up to as a father figure for that clown to torment and use me as his ragdoll.
I was left rotting in that abandoned wing of Arkham City for a damn year with that bastard. He beat me, stabbed me with a hot iron to mark that I forever belong to him, you name it.
Foolishly, I kept faith that Bruce would someday come to rescue me someday but that day never came.
"Tell me kid what is your name?"
My name is Jason Todd...
"Who do you hate?"
"Hahaha... Good... You hear that Bats? The kid is not yours anymore!"
"Hey, I never asked... Who is the big bad bats?"
Of course sir... His name is-
That was the day Joker put my lights out and I thought finally after all that hell he put me through, it would be all over. But no. There was more.
After my death, the League of Assassins recovered my dead corpse and took me back to their underground lair.
Ra's Al Ghul has always used the so-called reviving gooey shit, the "Lazarus Pit, " which allowed him to live for over a thousand years, but he had a theory...
The Lazarus Pit doesn't just revive or recover an hosts injuries but it also has the power to bring life to the deceased.
However, when I was dropped into the pit, I wasn't myself, I was confused, forgotten who I am, and all I felt was agony. I became a monster.
I killed and destroyed everything that came my way, but eventually, I regained my composure and my memories and came back to a city absent of the so-called hero Batman.
To my surprise, Dick Grayson, Barbara Gordon, Tim Drake, and Damian Wayne were all gone too. Curious to find out what happened to them, I interrogated Gotham's street criminals and did some research on the internet.
Breaking News: Bruce Wayne Confirmed Dead in Fatal Car Accident
Turned out that the others were apparently with him during that accident but I knew better... It wasn't a car accident that killed them. It was something elise.
Luckily, I managed to get some information from Harley who was working at an adult entertainment restaurant and she didn't bother resisting since her beloved Mister Jay is dead too.
"You live under a rock or something? Bats and the whole gang were going all out in Ace Chemicals and Mister Jay as a result blew the whole facility taking not only his life but everyone present in the plant." She explained and I sighed.
"Thanks alot, Harleen," I thanked her and she rolled her eyes.
"Just the hell out. I don't want to see you again," She replied and I chuckled.
"Don't worry, you won't be seeing anytime soon," I assured as I got up from the table and exit the restuarant.
With that clown bastard gone, crime actually plummeted and the GCPD was able to finally handle themselves without Bruce assisting them everynight.
There wasn't much for me to do besides just watch over the city as my new identity the Red Hood. I don't exactly follow Batman's moral code of no killing.
Not every criminal is redeemable like the Joker, so I cannot fight crime without bashing some skulls in.
"Where is Black Mask?" I sternly asked as I point the barrel of my gun at his forehead.
"I've got nothing to tell you!" And I bashed his skull using the bottom of the grip making him grunt in pain.
"Last chance," I warned as I pull back the hammer.
"Fine! I'll tell you! He's holding up at his tower east of Gotham! But you won't get to him!" He confessed.
"Thank you," I replied before knocking him out cold.
Calling in the Batmobile to my location, I jumped high in the air and landed in the cockpit, and drove off to Black Mask's tower.
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Seeing that Bruce won't be needing his car or any of his assets anytime soon you mind as well put 'em to good use.
With the fast mobility and maneuverability to do sharp turns and drifts I got to the location of Black Mask in no time but I parked it into an dark alleyway to avoid losing the element of surprise.
Grappling onto the rooftop, I activate detective vision on my mask to see the inside of the building to get a recon on the number of goons.
"Great, this is going to be a massive waste of ammunition," I said to myself.
Using the line launcher to infiltrate the building I ride the ropes and broke through the massive glass window and catching Black Mask and his goons off guard.
"W-What the?! Who the hell are you?!" Black Mask asked as he drew out his pistol.
"Your worst nightmare," I answered as I smirked under my mask.
Swiftly drawing out my pistols, I shot the gun off his hand and in just a blink of an eye, neutralize the guards leaving him defenseless.
Grabbing Black Mask by the collar, I held him out of the broken glass window at my mercy and it pleasures me to see the look of fear in his eyes.
"P-Please I-I'll do anything you want! I can give you territory! Drugs! Money! Guns!" He begged.
"How about you go to hell?" I proposed and let go of him to fall to his death making him scream as he quickly descends to the streets.
"Say Hi to Joker for me," I said as I turn around to exit the building as my job here is done.
???'s POV
Walking down the streets of Gotham City, it was surely more peaceful and quiet ever since the death of the notorious criminal Joker.
But that doesn't mean that all crime and corruption didn't stop lurking and hiding in the shadows.
This city needed a change or otherwise, it needs to be cleansed. There are so many orphaned children helpless in the streets and not even our full efforts is enough to save them.
How cruel humanity can be? Batman is no different... Even though he fights crime every night his ridiculous code doesn't solve the roots of the problem.
I did hear that the caped crusader along with his assistants are now gone after Joker suicide bombed Ace Chemicals. Good riddance to that evil doer.
However, just as I was sitting on the bench on the lookout for any orphaned child I heard a scream coming from above the building and soon after a man plummets on the streets to his death.
Everyone was shocked and screamed in horror as they were confused as to what was going on. Looking up I see a shattered window and what seemed to be a silhouette of a hooded figure.
Unfortunately, I was only able to get a glimpse of the figure until he disappeared into the building.
With police and EMS arriving at the scene, I decided to vacate the area for the night as I was unsuccessful to find any orphan children for the clan.
Utilizing my super speed abilities, I got back to my clan's hideout, I unlocked the door using my key and walked inside the house.
"Welcome home, Sister Ahnatchaya Suputhipong~!" Mother Kwon Eunbi greeted as she gently hugged me and I return the hug.
"Thank you, Mother Eunbi but just call me Natty. I've told you that how many times already?" I jokingly replied and she giggled.
"It's still a courtesy to greet you by full surname, sister," Eunbi-Unnie said and I nodded.
"From what I can see, you were not successful to bring a child," She mentioned.
"That may be true but I did see something of interest," I replied and she raised an eyebrow.
"Is that so?" She asked.
"Yes, mother," I simply answered.
"In that case, please do tell me every detail," She insisted as she guides me into the living room.
Recalling and explaining my encounter with this strange hooded figure and the falling-dead criminal Black Mask, she was intrigued by my encounter and wanted me to tell me more.
"Do you perhaps know what he exactly looked like?" She asked and I shook my head.
"I'm afraid no, he was too high up so I couldn't get a good look. All I could make out was that he was wearing a black and red leather jacket." I answered.
"Oh, that gives me an idea of who this mystery vigilante could be... There had been rumors going around in the criminal underworld that there is an anti-hero who calls himself the Red Hood." Julie-Unnie explained.
"Anti-hero? What's the difference between him and Batman?" Hanuel asked.
"Well, Red Hood actually kills criminals if he sees it necessary while Batman's righteous code forbids it," Julie-Unnie answered and she nodded.
"He could be a huge help for us, IF he agrees to that," Belle pointed out.
"In that case, we shall recruit Red Hood into our cause, but Natty seeing that you saw him first, you may claim him as his wife," Mother Eunbi settled and we all agreed.
Heading into the Batcave, I parked the Batmobile on the platform, seeing the cave once again brings back memories of when I used to fight crime alongside Bruce and Dick.
Those were more simple times, until I was kidnapped by the Joker and tormented to death. Now, it's all lonesome with just myself and the bats lurking around the cave.
All the artifacts, souvenirs, and trophies were all still here like the giant robotic dinosaur that the museum owner gave to Bruce as a thank you present, the giant penny from battling two-face aka Harvey Dent, and the big ass clown card.
There was still some work to do in the Batcave and make some adjustments to the gadgets to my liking and come up with new tech.
"Who the hell could that be?" I wondered as I went to the bat computer to check the surveillance cameras.
Looking at the footage coming outside Wayne Manor, I see a woman in a black coat with pale milky skin, with black high heels, and what I could tell she was concealing two katanas.
Suddenly, she busts the front doors open and walked around the manor like she owns the damn place.
Deciding to confront the uninvited guest, I went to the elevator and ascend to the study room and quickly made my way into the ball room where the intruder is located.
Getting visual of the woman, I draw out my gun and fired a warning shot.
"Who are you? And what are you doing in Wayne Manor?" I sternly asked.
"Are you what they call Red Hood?" She asked and I raised an eyebrow.
"Are you fucking stupid? I asked you a question! Now answer it!" I angrily replied and she sighed.
"Now that is not how you greet your future wife~," She mentioned as she takes off her coat and sunglasses revealing her thicc figure.
"What's the matter~? Do you like my body that much~?" She teased and I shook my head.
"I have no time for games lady! Get the fuck out of my house!" I barked and her eyes turned a crimson red.
"Oh will be fucking soon, darling~. But first, will you cooperate?" She asked and I fired another warning shot.
"I guess not," She replied before drawing out her katanas.
Leaping in the air she dives toward me but I blocked it using the fins of my gauntlet. Attempting to shoot one of her kneecaps I missed as she misdirected the barrel of my pistol.
Giving me a turning kick in the stomach I stumbled back and in response I threw shurikens but she avoided them by leaning back.
"Silver ninja shurikens? Did you perhaps knew I was a Vampire?" She curiously asked.
"I'm always prepared for anything but I have a question..." I paused and she gave me a smuggly smile.
"I'm all ears," She replied.
"Do you bleed?"
Loading in hollow point incendiary silver 50 AE into my pistol, just one of these is enough te kill a Vampire and meet an unpleasant death.
Preparing a shock blast from my gauntlet, the Vampire charges toward me and once she was close enough I let her have it.
Taking this as my chance with her senses blinded I fired a shot and landed a direct hit on her knee causing her to scream in pain as she feels the burning sensation in her body.
"Hurts doesn't it? Just one bullet should've killed you already but you seem to be more persistent," I said before chuckling.
"Alright, darling, I didn't want to do this but it seems that I'll have to force you to submit to me," She angrily said and I smirked.
"I'd love to see you try, sweetheart," I replied.
Drawing out my combat knife which is also made of silver, I used my close combat knowledge against her whilst using my gun.
Indeed she's a tough cookie but I've faced tough opponents before and not once have I lost.
But she was starting to get more quicker and aggressive with her swings and even cut parts of my jacket. Which is hella expensive btw.
"Someone trained you well," She complimented.
"I can say the same for you," I replied.
Throughout our duel, I could catch a glimpse of her massive tits and ass. Clearly she takes care of her body and outshines any woman I've met in my life.
Starting to lose stamina and energy to fight while she was still energetic and vigilant. I knew I wasn't win this one so I have to come up with a plan.
"Just give up baby, there is no point in fighting," She insisted.
"I'm just getting started," I replied as I threw a smoke bomb.
"I can still see you," She mentioned as she casually walked through the smoke.
Attempting to grapple onto the gargoyle statue at the wall, she snatches the hook and crushes it with her bare hands. She's fucking strong that's for sure.
"Running out of tricks?" She asked.
Throwing a wave of shurikens she catches one by hand and deflects the others with her katana.
"You know you can't hit me," She mentioned.
"Who said I was?" I asked and the shuriken in her hand began to beep loudly and exploded.
However, she survived that and gave me a front kick in the stomach launching me into the wall. How much firepower can a Vampire take?!
I'm out of those special vampire hunting bullets leaving only my silver knife but that was knocked out of my hand and she soon pinned me to the floor.
"Looks like I've got you~," She said as she smirked.
"So what are you going to do? Kill me? Suck me dry of my blood?" I sarcastically asked and she shook her head.
"Oh no, darling, we don't feed anymore... We are not just Vampires anymore. We are Demi-Gods." She answered and I scoffed.
"Now, it's time to teach you who you belong to now," She whispered into my ear.
Start of Smut
The Vampire who apparently is now my wife drags upstairs to the masters bedroom and pins me on the bed.
"Now let us see who you really are," She said as she grabs a hold of my mask and takes it off revealing my face.
"Wow, such a handsome face you were hiding~," She complimented as she examines my cheeks.
"Jason Todd, what's your name?" I curiously asked.
"Oh, how rude of me! My name is Sister Ahnatchaya Suputhipong but you'll refer to me as jagi, darling, or babe. Understand?" She instructed and I nodded.
"I want an answer, baby~," She whispered into my ear sending chills down my spine.
"Y-Yes mommy," I nervously replied and she giggled.
Locking lips with each other, she easily outclassed me as she was more experience in this while I've never kissed a girl in my life meaning she just stole my first kiss and soon my virginity.
Strangely, I put my hands around her hips as she goes under my shirt and I take my hands off her to take off my jacket and shirt revealing my chest.
"God, you're so sexy, I can't hardly believe this is all mine now~," She admires as she traces each line.
"Why don't you stop talking and let's get to it," I suggested and she smirked.
"I like how the way you think~," She replied.
Taking off her tight dress, revealing that she wasn't wearing any bra or panties and showed off her huge mounds and clean shaven pussy which instantly made my cock hard.
"Enjoying the view~? Good, because I'm going to make sure your balls are drained tonight~," She seductively said and I gulped.
Not wasting any time, she pulls down my pants along with my underwear and was surprised to see my ten-inch dick. Comparing my size to her head. It was a sight to see a beauty right by my cock.
"Uhhhhh~," I moaned.
Taking my length into her mouth, the tightness and the feeling of her tongue as she bobs up and down. I'd be lying if I said I haven't fell in love with this lusty Vampire.
What made it more exciting is that she kept eye contact with me the whole time she was blowing me and she switches position with her pussy on my face which is dripping wet and I can smell the aroma of candy.
Without hesitation I devour her pussy making her moan as she works on my cock tasting her was so addicting and we kept going until we came into each other's mouths.
"You taste amazing, baby~," She said after swallowing my load.
"I can say the same, it's so sweet that I just want more," I replied and she smiled.
Getting into position she sits on my dick before slowly inserting it in taking away my virginity and slowly begins riding me and it was fucking tight down there.
"Oh my God, you're so fucking huge baby, no man has ever stretched me out like this~!" She screamed as she increased her pace.
"Your fucking tight as hell!" I replied as I grabbed onto her hips to match her rhythm increasing the ecstasy.
After riding my dick for a bit, she decided to switch positions to missionary style.
"Now darling I want you to fuck my brains out! No more holding back!" She demanded and I felt like a beast inside of me has awaken.
"Fine, you want me to fuck you so hard until you can't walk! You got it!" I replied and she bit her lip.
Not giving her any time to get settled into the position I rammed her in and out as rough and fast as I possibly can making her scream out of pleasure.
Thankfully this room is soundproof and the manor is on an isolated island so nobody will be able to hear me fuck my slutty Vampire wife.
"Baby I'm so close~!" She warned.
"So am I!" I replied.
"Then let's cum together!" She said and we did just that.
"Hehe~. You still got more in there don't you~?" She asked and I viciously nodded.
Agreeing to go for another round, we switch position into doggy style and I rail her until she was screaming on top of her lungs.
"Keep going baby~!" She encouraged as I hit her G-spot.
Feeling the beast wanting more and more of her gorgeous pussy, I increased the pace and groped her ass whilst giving a few spankings increasing the pleasure.
"I want you to fuck me until I'm pregnant baby~!" She demanded.
"Oh, don't worry, I'll make sure that you'll get pregnant!" I assured.
Feeling the tightness of her pussy and fucking such a beautiful Vampire really takes my mind off my problems and traumas that I've been through in the past.
Maybe it was destiny that lead her into my home, guess I could use the company and she has an amazing body.
"I'm going to cum!" I warned.
"Good! I'm close too!" She replied.
In no time, I cum deep into her womb and we screamed one last time as I came inside of her and I felt my dick was in the shower.
"No I want you to keep it inside of me," She insisted as I was about pull it out.
Cuddling with each other on the bed despite it being all messy and wet from her juices, I was too tired and exhausted to care as long as I was in her arms.
Natty's POV
It's been three days since I officially claimed Jason Todd aka Red Hood as my husband and partner in crimefighting. I still crave more of him but I have to let him rest.
Eventually he started opening up to me about his past life when he was the second Robin to Batman but was left to be tormented by the clown and how he was revived by the Lazarus Pit.
To this day, he still has Lazarus visions and behaves erratically at some nights but I can handle it with no issues whatsoever and he told me that he was grateful to have a loving wife like myself.
As for my clan, they continue to patrol the city for any abandoned children to take in while we clean up the streets for them.
Based on observation his abilities were growing faster, before he could take only ten men at a time but now he can take on about fifthy criminals at once.
With Jason being forged into my heart and soul, our relationship is eternal as I've granted him the gift of immortality.
"I love you my dear Jason~,"
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lollipencil · 2 months
ITPM: What If...Khonshu sensed Jason's Resurrection?
Thought this would be an interesting idea. Hey @harleyification, fancy some tears?
Enjoy and be gentle ---
It was a calm night. Always an omen in Gotham. It was like the rogues saw stillness as a threat to eradicate whenever it occured. So Jake knew to make the most of it while it lasted.
He sighed into the steam from his coffee.
Six months. It had been six months since Jason's murder, and they were only just becoming ok again. Steven had spent an evening doing something which seemed to help, Ian Doescher's Star Wars books had drawn Marc back up from deep within, and Jake.
Well, Jake found his peace at Jason's graveside. At listening to the birds singing and imagining that maybe, Jason was with them, flying despite the Joker's best efforts.
The coffee burned his tongue as Jake took a sip. And the stillness broke. "My sons!" Khonshu was suddenly by their side, "Jason's grave-!" Jake didn't think; the coffee went straight into the nearest bin and he just barely dipped into the darkness of the alleyway before summoning the suit, and soaring into the night.
Rage muffled everything else. Who dared, dared to do something to Jason after everything he'd been through? They had better hope that Bruce got there first, because Jake was not feeling like keeping to Batman's One Rule tonight.
Touchdown at the graveyard revealed nothing. No one was there, everything was as it should be. "Khonshu, what-?" "Shh, listen," Khonshu urged, standing by Jason's grave. Scraping. Knocking. Panting. Underneath the dirt.
Breath seemed to evade the body's lungs. A moment passed, and then Jake was on his hands and knees clawing at the earth.
Steven and Marc were awake, but their questions were like static to Jake. He just kept digging. Halfway through, the sound of splintering wood spiked right through all three of them. And the dirt shifted down. Jake's digging grew even faster and, before long, a hand emerged. "How?" Steven gasped almost silently as the hand grasped Jake's forearm. Jake didn't answer, he just pulled.
Jason Todd-Wayne flopped against their chest, and breathed. Their head was completely silent, the only sound was the air filling and leaving Jason's lungs. Jake's arms went numb. The one holding Jason tight became a suit jacket and glove, while the other a mix of bandages and bronze crescents. Marc's hand slowly and carefully drifted to Jason's neck.
Lub dup, lub dup, lup dub.
Something deep inside uncurled. Jake didn't cry, but the breath he took felt deeper and fuller than he'd felt in months. Idly, Jason's hand lifted to trace the moon and bat on Jake's chest. Steven's arm shifted to hold Jason closer.
A thought, and Jake's cape moved, wrapping nice and snug around their precious cargo. Footsteps approached the grave, and Jake tore his eyes away.
Batman and Robin stood above. Disbelief and paused grief couldn't hide behind their masks. Robin jumped down, and placed his fingers to the side of Marc's. "...There's a pulse," Tim whispered, "He's alive."
Instantly, Bruce was there. His hands hovered uncertainly over the bundle in the system's mismatched arms. Jason didn't say a word. Instead, he turned his head to look at Bruce's cowl, and reached for it. Bruce lowered his head and let Jason latch onto an ear. A spark appeared in his vacant eyes. "Jason," Marc whimpered, and the tears finally flowed down Jake's cheeks. "We should get him back to the cave," Tim gently urged, "It's cold out here."
Bruce unbuckled the batcowl and let Jason press it into his chest, and helped support Jake's wobbly legs as they all climbed out. He didn't try to take Jason from them, and they were grateful. Marc and Jake traded places once seated in the Batmobile. "Heya Jay," Marc spoke softly, "I've got you. We've got you. You're going home."
As they raced through the streets, they could have sworn that Jason's lips twitched into the faintest smile.
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arcticwolfpaws · 1 month
Chapter 6: Gala part 2
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As this is getting long I've posted it on AO3, and have linked it below.
All chapter's that I've posted here have been uploaded there
I hadn’t seen the hall before the party but as I stepped in with father and everyone seemed to look at us I didn’t know why but I hid behind him suddenly feeling deeply uncomfortable, I felt someone touch my shoulder and realized it was father who spoke loudly.
“I’d like to introduce my son, Faraj Wayne.” I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before waving and giving the room a soft smile, everyone seemed to quickly ignore us as father headed down the stairs, I followed after him not knowing what else to do but he was pulled aside by someone talking about Wayne enterprises. I quickly looked around hopping to find a good place to hide when someone spoke sweetly.
“Come on, let’s get you were the fun people hang out.” I looked be hind me and saw a young woman in a black dress her hair a shock of red but her eyes as soft blue, she waved for me to follow her, I glanced around once more and found myself slowly following her into a corner where Jason a red head and The older one were all standing there, they were talking but I couldn’t differentiate their voices from the low murmurer of the room.
“Hey, I can’t believe you two would leave him to fend for himself.” She scolded and Jason and the older boy looked a bit nervous at that, however I noticed the other red head staring at me his eyes slightly wide. I looked him over but nothing about the dark suite he wore stood out to me and I found myself lightly tilting my head at him before someone walked up and spoke their voice close enough that it caused me to jump.
“Hey, you’re Faraj, right? I’ve seen you at school.” I snapped around and found another clone of father, and I was starting to have questions however I wasn’t ignorant to the fact that father’s looks weren’t uncommon.
“I umm yes, I am” Well at least he didn’t know me however I wish that I knew how I was acting before, I doubted from what I had heard that I was friendly so it felt odd that he’d chosen to approach me.
“Cool, I’m Tim drake we have history together.” He chirped holding out his hand to my I hesitated for a moment to shake it but in the end I did. I hadn’t noticed that the conversation of the older ones had gone quiet.
“I uhh honestly don’t pay much attention in class.” I admitted, I wonder if this is believe able.
“Yeah, I guessed as much you always looked half asleep, I kinda thought you might be robin.” He said sounding sheepishly, I found myself rubbing the back of my neck.
“O-Oh,” He smiled and kept talking not seeming to be bothered by my frankly clumsily interaction, I was about to try and say more but he’d seemingly started a rant and I was just going to let him talk.
“I mean you have to admit it’s kind of suspicious, you falling asleep regularly and no one would suspect it if you wore a wig but the more I thought about it the less sense it made. Seeing as Most albino’s need glasses but the whole night thing worked but robin isn’t as pale as you.” I blinked at him and chuckled well this hadn’t been what I was anticipating but I think I could live with crack head conspiracy,
“I mean what dark hair athletic build?” I asked and he seemed to perk up realizing I was humoring him.
“Well no neither robin really was well the original one was before someone else took his place,” Wait, wait ‘Original?’ well my interest was peaked.
“Original?” I asked and he brighten up,
“Oh that’s right you’re fairly knew to Gotham! Alright come on I’ll fill you in.” He grabbed on to my wrist as he started to pull me away, I stumbled a little as he did before I got my feet under me. With a deep breath I kept my feet under me and followed him as he lead me to a blonde boy who looked to be the same age as Tim.
“Bernard, You’ve seen Faraj right? We need to fill him in on Batman.” He stated excitement in his friend seemed to look me over for a moment before he spoke.
“Umm Tim he broke-”
“I know but maybe he just needs some proper friends I mean I haven’t seen anyone hang out with him since he was enrolled.” He stated pointedly, then spun to look at me and smiled, I think it was supposed to be reassuring but I couldn’t help but imagine the horns on his head.
“Besides from what I heard they had it coming.” I suddenly decided I was going to do some guessing Bernard hummed softly before speaking again,
“Could you teach us how to fight like that then?” He asked, Was that a good idea? I guess I could teach them discipline along with it but that I wasn’t sure how wise that was.
“I-” Tim cut me off and I glanced at him
“Yeah we could easily find Batman if we could fight.” Oh I was not teaching them if that’s why they wanted to learn, they’d get themselves killed,
“Lea-” I was cut off again,
“I mean that or we could become our own hero's.” With that I decided it was best to slip away, while I didn’t know how badly a hero got hurt I was sure it wasn’t fun. I mean I had lost my eye and while I didn’t remember a lot of that I do remember the scars on Mr Wilson. My thought process ended as I bumped into someone an older man with mustache, his red hair looked like it was starting to go blonde and even gray in some spots,
“Oh careful there son.” He sounded kind as he spoke but I knew better then to assume such a thing, taking a step back I noted his trench coat and the badge on his belt.
“Wait, Your The young Mr Wayne.” He said hit tone stayed light and gentle,
“Faraj.” I realized how quickly and sharply I had said it and cleared my throat,
“I umm I mean you can call me Faraj.” I sounded so damn nervous like I’d never been under cover… well this wasn’t exactly that, and to be fair I hadn’t. He chuckled it was a deep warm sound
“No, need to feel nervous around me. Your father and I are Friendly,” He said before looking over me as if he was trying to memorize my look, that didn’t exactly make me comfortable but I didn’t know how to get out of this,
“I’m sure you’ll grow into a man as good as your father, peaking of….” He trailed off as my father walked up,
“Faraj, I wanted to meet Selina Kyle.” he said stepping aside and showing a woman in a tight red dress that felt far to short for anyone to be comfortable in.
“Hello.” Her voice was almost a purr and I couldn’t help but frown at her as I looked away and mumbled.
“Hey…” Father cleared his throat, before he spoke.
“He’s a bit shy, but a lot has changed very quickly for him.”
“Oh it’s no worries I don’t expect him to be welcoming to every face he meets.” She stated and I ran a hand through my hair,
“Faraj?” Father’s voice was soft and worried and I’d almost mist it among the sounds of clinking glasses clicking heals and endless chatter, the sensation of a hand on my shoulder made me jerk away from it as it was all very quickly becoming to much, I pulled at my hair when suddenly I heard father’s voice.
“Faraj, I need you to follow me alright?” I took a moment to open my eyes but when I did Father was knelt in front his face was calm and gentle but serious, I nodded slowly as he lead me away from the party. As the door shut and the noise was cut off I let out a heavy sigh,
“Alright, Stay here as long as you need I’m not going to push you to go back out.” He said kneeling in front of me again,
“It was to loud.” I mumbled my hand still tangled in my hair, he spoke softly,
“That’s alright, lets start with letting go of your hair.” He gently pulled on my wrist and I slowly let him pull it away,
“There you go, Now I have to go back out but you stay here till you’re ready.” His tone was soft as he gently tried to settle my hair before he headed back out I winced as the noise of the party greeted my ears at full force again, as the door shut again it was quickly muffled and I sat down letting my back hit the wall as I closed my eyes and took a deep breath setting my head against the wall.
I wasn’t sure how long until the door opened again and when it did I didn’t find the noise to be quite as overwhelming but I opened my eyes and found myself looking up at the worried oldest boy that lived here, he sat down next to me and spoke softly.
“Are you okay kiddo?” I nodded but didn’t actually speak and he hummed,
“let me guess you got overwhelmed?” I just nodded again, he just sat there with me for a long moment on some level I was expecting him to try and keep talking but he just seemed to want to sit there with me.
“Are you making sure I don’t randomly run off?” I asked and he chuckled,
“Nope, I just didn’t think you’d like to sit alone,” He told me and I watched him for a long moment before nodding slowly and we were left alone after what felt like an hour, I got up I glanced at the door hesitantly.
“Hey, you know we don’t have to go back out there.” He kept that kind tone, even if I couldn’t remember his name I liked the kindness,
“I know but I also know that I need to get use to it.” I told him and he frowned at me before speaking.
“That’s not how this is going to work if you don’t want to be in the lime light, Bruce’s son or not he’s not going to force you to put your self in uncomfortable situations.” His promise rang clear and I took a deep breath.
“one way or another it’s best to try.” I opened the door and stepped back into the noise, I breathed heavily and didn’t get more then 10 steps away from the door before a woman walked up to me. She was in a dark dress and heels but held a small note book.
“You’re Faraj Wayne right?” She asked and I looked up at her and blinked a few times,
“Uhh Yesssss.” I stated drawing out the S sound unsure of what this woman wanted,
“I am Vicky Vale I wanted to ask you some questions… about your family.” I hesitated as I wasn’t sure who was who but I nodded, I just hopped she didn’t expect me to know anyone by name.
“Who’s you’re mother?” She asked looking at her little note book and I hid the frown that wanted to deepen and tried to think, I knew who my mother was and I also knew it was best not to share that.
“I don’t know her name, but I know what she looked like.” I told her deciding int that moment that it would be believable seeing as I was only 11. she frowned at that but nodded,
“And I imagine you don’t want bugged about her right now.” She took a deep breath before speaking again.
“What’s it like living with Mr Wayne.” He question gave me pause, I could easily compare it to my life with Mr Wilson however that just didn’t feel right to me, but I couldn’t avoid the answer either.
“It’s… different, my rooms probably bigger then some apartments.” I wasn’t lying the room was wild as far as I was concerned, she nodded and started writing things down for a moment before looking back up,
“Anything else?” I had to think for a moment, I still couldn’t remember the nice old man’s name and suddenly I did.
“I like Mr Alfred he cooks for us and makes the best fruit salad ever.” I stated before licking my lips, I should defiantly find some refreshments once she left me alone. She took a moment to write some things down before looking back up at me,
“Have you noticed anything odd?” She asked and the first thought that came to mind was how early they went to bed,
“Father goes to bed much earlier then most people that I know of but I also under stand his job must be stress full.” I told her as I tapped my chin in thought she gave me a soft smile before she spoke again.
“You know I think if you give it some time you’ll be gotham’s newest heart throb” I was confused by her statement, I knew of girls having some kind of crush be me? Most people thought I was some kind of meta, and will they weren’t wrong but I wasn’t exactly broadcasting that unless I had to.
“I don’t think so.” I told her and she chuckled shaking her head before she spoke,
“Just give it time kid.” She stated as she walked off leaving me wondering, There wasn’t many people who would see me as intresting
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makethatelevenrings · 2 years
Okay, if it's okay for you to write this little idea I had. So, uhm, you know a little angst in which reader is a vigilante (a very good one) but they get hurt protecting some people, Jason has no idea until they see reader in the Batcave sleeping and trying to get better. All this for him to have an epiphany and understanding he wants to be with reader even tho he's afraid and kinda sucks at feelins. Happy ending, please, because reader vigilante is a badass and wouldn't let Jason alone in this big bad world uwu
"Mission report," Jason announced as he climbed off his bike. "Got the victims safely out of the building and to medical care before the warehouse went...boom."
"And did this building go boom because of them? Or you?" Tim asked as he typed Jason's report into the database.
"Need to know, Timbo." He removed his helmet and tossed it onto the desk next to his younger brother. "Am I the last one in?"
Tim stiffened just slightly, but he dipped his chin in affirmation. "Steph and Cass are back with Oracle. Damian is...he's in the med bay."
With you, the words went unspoken. Jason pushed away from the desk and beelined for the med bay. Bruce, still in his suit, was bent over you on a cot while Alfred flitted about the small area. Damian sat next to the cot, his face drawn tight with shame.
"How are they?" Jason asked quietly. "What happened?"
Your eyelids didn't flutter. Didn't crack open at all, giving him a glimpse of the mischievous glint always present in them. You just stayed still and limp against the white sheets.
"It's my fault," Damian explained. "I...they jumped in front of me and took a knife aimed at my back."
Bruce was silent as he bandaged up your thigh. Jason moved to stand next to his father and he reached out to smooth a hand along your cheek. Dirt smudged along your nose and jaw and he rubbed it away.
"Nah, not your fault, baby bird," Jason assured him. He knew the kid was beating himself up. "They're the most stubborn, self-sacrificial motherfucker I've ever met."
It's why I love them, he wanted to say. Hell, he wanted to scream it. He wanted to pull you into his lap and cradle you, keeping away all the violence and rage he had experienced. He knew you chose this life just like he did. You wanted to help in your own way. Didn't mean he had to like it.
"They'll be okay," Bruce finally said. "Bed rest for a week and no patrol for a month, but they'll be fine. It'll leave a scar, but that's about it."
Another scar on your precious skin. Jason nodded, but he didn't tear his eyes away from your sleeping face. "Dilaudid?"
Bruce hummed an affirmative as he secured the bandage and pulled a blanket up to your shoulders. "It'll wear off in about four hours. They'll get a painkiller every six hours. Alfred will make sure they stay on schedule. You'll stay here?"
There was some sort of unsaid hope in Bruce's eyes. Jason hesitated but if it meant you being safe and secure in the Manor with top of the line medical care just a few feet away, then yeah, he would stay.
"Let's go, Damian. You need rest. You can come see them in the morning," Bruce ordered.
"But-" The youngest Wayne clearly didn't want to leave the side of the person he felt he failed.
"Go, demon brat. I'll be here all night. Promise," Jason assured him. Damian looked between him and the sleeping figure between them and then nodded sharply.
"I expect you to care for them to your upmost ability," Damian said. Little shit was terrified of admitting that he cared.
"With my life," Jason swore.
The cave slowly emptied out as people headed to bed. Jason waited until Alfred left before he slipped away from your bedside and returned with a small cloth and a bottle of mask solvent. Carefully, he eased the glue off of your face and removed your domino mask, laying it on the small nightstand next to the cot. His followed shortly after.
"Jay?" you slurred. A small smile lifted at the corner of his lips and he gently moved you over before sliding in next to you. His arm encircled your waist and he nestled his chin on top of your head.
"Go back to sleep, sweetheart. I'll be here when you wake up."
I'll be here every day. Every morning and every night. I'll be here as long as you want me to be around. As long as you can stand me. Until I end up in a coffin again and even then, I'd dig my way out and crawl back to you all over again.
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https-maxine-stuff · 1 year
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Chapter. 1
Vampire Empire
It's not everyday that vampires try killing you on patrol.
Maybe every now and again but not nearly every night.
What concerned me the most was the way the acted. How feral they were. They never got as close to me as they'd liked, it's almost like it was a goal to get me to be one of them. That's a crazy thought though, it's not like it'll ever happen, besides the Justice League is investigating it. Everything will be fine.
- Lucia. 4/20/XX
Vampire Empire
I've never quite felt such fear before.
It's scary how the person you love can turn into a bloodsucking monster but here we are.
I remember the smell of blood filling my noise, the metallic smell just purely in the air. My heart dropped, almost instantly.
"Tim..?" I muttered, I know I was late to getting to the warehouse, I knew I was but.. my eyes had widened. It didn't feel real, I turned to see Jason next, his body sprawled out on the floor. A single green arrow buried in his chest.
You may be wondering what even happened. I'll explain from the beginning.
⋆。‧₊°꧁ ༺𓆩❦︎𓆪༻ ꧂‧₊˚.⋆
"You have any idea why Bruce asked to meet?" Barbara's eyes meeting mine as I asked the question.
"Your guess is as good as mine, Luc." She entered the large manor. "But I'm going to sunbathe while we wait." She gave me some finger guns before leaving to the balcony.
The manor always gave off this cold feeling, not always actually, just.. today it gave off that feeling.
"Ms.Parker, I'm preparing tea for everyone, what would you like?" Alfred snuck up behind me, like always. I jumped slightly.
"Oh.. uhm.. Strawberry tea if you have it." I smiled softly.
"Of course, right away. I suggest heading to the sunroom while you await for, Master Bruce."
"Of course, thank you, Alfred." I nodded my head and turned promptly to the sunroom. Same leather chairs and seats in their standard placing.
I just stood there for a moment before taking a seat, I never thought spandex and leather wouldn't feel uncomfortable with each-other but here we are and I'm finding it hard to want to keep sitting. My mask was uncomfortably sticky today but I had to keep that thing on.
Only a few minutes later did the meeting start.
"Weird time for us to meet, isn't it, Bruce?" Dick spoke.
"And weird place to meet. Not that we all couldn't use the Vitamin D." Tim said with a tad bit of sarcasm in his tone. I watched as Alfred poured me some tea. I looked into the cup for a moment and then drank some of it.
"That is all part of it. And Alfred made some tea." Bruce chimed in.
"Yeah and mine is really good." I tipped my teacup slightly with a smile.
"Okay, do I have to be the one to say it?" Damien waited a moment. "Fine, why is the crazy one here?" He pointed to Jason.
"I thought he was the crazy one." Tim mumbled to Alfred.
"I maintain that all of you would be helped a great deal by a therapist." Alfred said. I saw a few of them side eye him when he said this.
"He's not wrong, I've seen Tim have a breakdown over spilled milk.." I replied.
"It was the LAST bit of MILK." He hissed.
"Touched a nerve it seems, sorry."
Bruce stared at us and just ignored it. "I was recently visited by Andrew Bennett. The vampire." He looked at all of the hero's in the room. "He came to the front door over there, looking for Batman."
"How?" Dick asked.
"I believe Lex Luther told him my identity."
"Luthor?! That's—" he was cut off by Bruce again.
"That isn't the part that upsets me."
"Really? Because it upsets me. A lot." He frowned drinking his tea.
"I didn't speak with Andrew. I was away at the time, but he left a note with Alfred." Bruce looked down, the look in his eyes distant. "The contents of the note are why you are all here."
"What was in the note?" I could hear Babs asking Alfred for something stronger but chose to ignore it.
"Well, I attempted to track Mr.Bennett after he left here, he was making great efforts to cover his tracks and I believe he was being followed for at least part of his journey." He looked at all of us this time. "But I know he was headed to Washington, D.C."
"Washington?" Dick mumbled.
"Then his trail went cold and I have found no trace of him since. Likewise, I can't find any trace of Luthor in the past two weeks. No one on earth has seen him."
Damien got a mug of hot chocolate.
"Andrew Bennetts letter claimed that vampires are waging a war on humanity soon."
I never thought I would look at Bruce with such utter confusion and almost.. non-belief.. but considering the shit we've all been through I decided to trust him.. enough.
"Is this a joke?" I muttered.
"He doesn't really do that." Dick whispered into my ear.
"Really? Feels like it."
"I assure I am not joking." Bruce spoke. "Years ago I encountered a man named Niccolai Tepes, The Mad Monk." He looked down. "This was before most of your time."
"Lucia, be quiet."
"Dick, will remember his female counterpart, Dala."
"I bet he will." Jason had a teasing tone as he ruffled Dick's hair slightly.
"Stop." Dick swatted his hand away.
"She was a bloodthirsty vampire who lured innocent people to their deaths at the bidding of her master, Jason."
"I wasn't judging him. Everyone's got their type." He replied, a little defensively.
Bruce just stared for a moment. "The best we can do is make educated guesses on who they'll go after. They'll hunt meta-humans of course." He then looked at me. "I want you to be more careful when you're patrolling Blüdhaven."
"I always am."
"No you aren't, I watched you fall down a fire escape LAST WEEK." Dick chimed in.
"No one asked you, Richard."
"No, no, he's right for telling me."
"You love me."
"Die." I hissed.
Cassandra just looked at us all before replying to Bruce's statement from earlier. "Which ones?"
"Villains first. They go to ground prolonged stretches between jobs. It'd take us a long time to notice if they were being disappeared." Jason spoke.
"They'd need to take out telepaths and psychics, anyone who could find out their plans." Barbara chimed in.
"Magic users, that's a weakness for them too right? Sure know ones a weakness for me." He turned to me with a dopey smile.
"Oh stop it," I blushed.
Tim gave us the biggest side eye. "They're susceptible to sunlight, right? I'd totally kill people like the ray and doctor light." He paused for a moment. "I mean... if I was one of them."
"We shouldn't be thinking of just who they'd kill. Who would they convert." Bruce spoke up again.
"Young hero's. If I was building an army I'd make it 'NO OLD DUDES ALLOWED'."
"I'm sure you would little man." Jason spoke. "So where does that leave us Bruce?"
"Damien is partially right. They'll need to start making inroads into the hero community, they'll try to infiltrate us.. It's what we'd do." He placed his hand on his chin. "They may already have members in the titans.. the outsiders... The birds of prey.." he looked up. "But getting a member of the Justice League initially would be too difficult." He looked back at Damien. "They'd use the younger hero's to get to the old dudes, as you said."
"So if literally anyone could be be a vampire, why do you trust us?"
"He doesn't." Spoke Barbra once more, she was staring into her teacup.
"Did you poison my cocoa!" Damien threw his cocoa into a plant angrily.
Bruce seemed offended at the accusation. "No, Damien I didn't poison your cocoa. All your drinks were made with holy water, if you were a vampire it would've burned you."
You know when it's a really bad time to make jokes? When your talking about vampires. But Jason couldn't help himself.
"I swear to god I saw Lucia's tongue burning." He pointed at me.
"You know what I saw, Jason?"
"You getting your head smashed in by a crowbar again, not by joker this time." I hissed.
"Rude.. I was just joking.." he frowned.
Bruce looked at us and then away again, because lord he hates being interrupted. "Anyways, we're meeting in the sunroom instead of the cave so we can all see the U.V light coming through the windows isn't hurting anyone. Now if you'll all follow me I have something to show you." He motioned for us all to follow him.
Damien got a top of his cocoa.
⋆。‧₊°꧁ ༺𓆩❦︎𓆪༻ ꧂‧₊˚.⋆
We all traveled down the stairs. Jason was speaking. "So you invited us here to spike our drinks?"
"Also I've had Cassandra studying everyone's body language and reactions for anything unusual since you all arrived."
"Anyone acting unusual?"
"Not more than usual."
"Spiked our drinks and spying on us. Anything else?"
"Yes." Bruce slipped his glove off, grabbing a cross. "I need everyone to hold this."
"Okay." And one by one everyone held the cross in their hands, and everyone passed.
Everyone looked at Damien. "Everyone needs to stop looking so surprised when I pass the tests." He mumbled.
"Sorry, it's hard to believe it."
"Now we can began," Bruce pulled a curtain down revealing new tools. "These are our new tools."
"These will help us catch vampires?" Spoke Babs.
"Half measures aren't an option anymore, we aren't trying to catch them."
Dick seemed stunned by this. "So you're expecting us to kill now?"
"You can't kill them. They're already dead."
Damien was smiling so evilly. "Cool."
⋆。‧₊°꧁ ༺𓆩❦︎𓆪༻ ꧂‧₊˚.⋆
Would've been cool if half his family wasn't dead on the ground right now.
I fell back my hand covering my mouth, preventing the scream that threatened to exit my lips. I was gasping, I was terrified.
I looked around, the warehouse was destroyed, I felt sick.
"I- I need to call, Dick... and- and Babs- oh fuck where's Alfred and Damien?" My words scrambling out of my mouth as I took my phone out of my pocket, Dicks number the first one I dialed.
"Hello?" He sounded confused as to why I was calling but I started to break down in tears.
"They're dead! Dick.. they're dead!" I cried.
"Who's dead?" He asked softly.
"Tim- Tim and Jason.. the warehouse it was attacked oh god.. there's so much blood and and-"
"Where are you?"
"The- the safe house that Bruce sent us.. earlier.." I was shaking.
"..I'm on my way." He muttered, he hung up without a good-bye. I sat there in silence for a moment before I felt my phone buzzing in my hand, I looked and answered it without hesitation. It was Oliver.
"Oh thank god you are alright, Lucia where are you right now?" He spoke.
"The- the warehouse.. Tim and Jason are-"
"I know. I know." He spoke.
"..what happened?" I asked. "Jason- Jason has your arrow in his chest- ollie.." I whispered.
"Dick.. he's uh a vampire. He killed Bruce, Tim and Jason. Diana and Hal were apart of it. I killed Jason out of his own request.." he mumbled.
My blood ran cold. "What..?" My mind went blank. "He's on his way here now, Oliver.." I'm began to hyperventilating.
"Lucia. Get the fuck out of there, now." His voice held urgency to it. I don't think I've ever moved that fast before.
I bolted out of the warehouse, my legs moving faster than my mind was processing. I made it to empty field, I don't know how long I was running for before I had collapsed into tears and sobs.
I remember squeezing my eyes shut as a warm fuzzy feeling hung in the air around me suddenly. I opened my eyes realizing I had bubbled myself but that too quickly went away.
I could feel my phone vibrating in my pocket, I took it out.
📞         ❌
I slipped the phone to my ear, I could hear his heavy breathing.
"Where'd you go?" His voice sounded scared, weepy even.
"..." my mouth was dry, my words stuck in my throat.
"Lucia, where are you?"
"..Dick.. what did you do..?"
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toomanyrobins2 · 3 years
First Cup of Coffee
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Summary: Three moments between Tim and the love of his life
Pairing: Tim Drake x Reader
Content warning: sickeningly sweet fluff
Notes: I'm sorry to anyone who's been tagged in this before, but I've been forced to start from scratch on this account and I'm going to be reposting all my old works
main masterlist // dc masterlist
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Tim went in through the window of his apartment and was greeted by the sight of his girlfriend asleep on the couch. He smiled softly at her crazy, hair sprawled across the decorative cushions she had insisted on for their apartment. He scooped her up in his arms, wincing when his shoulder twinged, and carried her to their room.
After placing her on the bed, he peeled off his Red Robin suit. By the time he had pulled on sweatpants pants and he turned back to the bed, she was awake and staring at him. Neither of them said anything as Tim climbed into bed and pulled the covers over them. He wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her in for a soft kiss. All the pain from the fights that night melted away when she ran her fingers through his hair. One thought was running through his mind, ‘Being with her felt like that first cup of coffee in the morning.’
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They sat in the living room at Wayne Manor, along with the rest of the extended Bat Squad. They rarely got together like this and when they did, it was always an event. Today they were together to celebrate Batmom’s birthday. Everyone was crowded around the table and singing happy birthday completely off-key. Tim watched as she held Dawn, one of the Tornado Twins, and cooed at the small girl. One side of his lip quirked upwards at the sight of her with a baby. Jason followed his look and sighed, before clapping Tim on the shoulder, “My man, you are whipped.”
“Shut up, Todd. At least I can hold onto someone.” Jason just laughed at the lovesick eyes Tim continued to cast at his girlfriend.
“Is she aware that she is the second in your heart?“
Tim was confused, “Second?”
“Yeah, coffee will forever be first.”
“Being with her is like that first cup of coffee in the morning.” Jason snorted and along with that came what suspiciously sounded like whipped under his breath.
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Tim walked into the kitchen and saw her there in his ratty, old shirt. He leaned against the doorframe and watched as she swung her hips and flipped pancakes. She danced to the music in her head, as she worked on Tim’s “surprise” birthday breakfast. Tim moved slowly, trying to remain hidden, until he wrapped his arms around her waist, making her jump. She groaned, “No, go back to bed. It’s supposed to be a birthday breakfast in bed.”
“Is there any coffee?”
She laughed and nodded as Tim burrowed his face into her hair, and breathed in the scent of his beloved beverage. He groaned softly and thought, ’God she evens smells like coffee.’ They stayed there for a moment before she kicked him out of the kitchen and back into the bedroom. He laid back in bed and waited for her to come back into their room. She placed the tray in front of him along with the newspaper and settled back into bed. She snuck a piece of toast from the tray and started to read the spread-out newspaper.
Tim sipped his coffee and stared at his girlfriend. Her stubborn, messy hair fell around her face as she read the paper. She constantly tried to push it behind her ear but to no avail. “Marry me.”
Y/N choked on her bite of toast and turned to Tim in surprise, “What?”
“Marry me.“
Marry me. Be my wife. You’ll wear a white dress and I’ll even put on a tux. Marry me.“
She stared wide-eyed at Tim for what felt like forever. "Well?”
“What about a ring?“
“Is that a yes?”
“Of course, you idiot!”
She flung herself at Tim and kissed him soundly on the mouth. Tim pulled away and reached into the drawer of his bedside table and pulled out a ring box. He opened it and slid the ring into her ring finger. She gave him one more peck, before rushing off to call the family and tell them the good news. Tim watched as she talked animatedly on the phone, pacing and gesturing with a huge smile on her face. At the moment, a thought popped into his head, 'Being with her was better than that first cup of coffee in the morning.’
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themandylion · 3 years
For the fic meme I would have to say its the very first fic I've ever read from you, the series "Cats, Birds, Bats, and the Occasional Spoiler"
Haha aw, yeah. The first story I wrote in this series (Of Cats and Conjugals, which ended up becoming the third story) was written in part as an exercise in writing something short. And then I made into a series. Ah well...
So the second story, So It Goes, was originally supposed to be this whole retelling of the first arc of the Red Robin series (or, as I call it, BruceQuest), revealing Tim's big character backstory secret. Some of that gets touched on in WWCSD?, because I realized I'd never finish the big story. But still, this scene lingers on...
He tosses some clothes and toiletries in a backpack, then does a much more careful job packing one of the special bags that gives a false X-ray reading that Bruce came up with for when they have to travel and can't just jump on the Batplane. Grows a mustache and lightens that and his hair to a dirty brown, adds a false nose and chin, and the finishing touch of some grey contacts. It's nothing drastic, but between those small changes and styling his hair differently, it should be enough to keep anyone from recognizing Bruce Wayne's second son, especially overseas where they have their own, homegrown celebrity screw-ups to obsess over.
Jason's not sure if it'll be enough to fool Stray. As an unknown element, Stray's never earned enough trust to know the civilian identities of Batman and his partners, never mind that the guy is more likely to help in a pinch than Selina. Still, with the way things seem to be going between Redwing and Stray, Jason's kind of hoping that keeping the secret won't be so important in the future.
Gathering everything together, he leaves the safe house he's been using to get his face on. Catches a bus and rides it out to the airport per the instructions Stray texted him the day before. He can't go through security yet, since Stray's the one bringing tickets and a passport for this new identity.
"Alvin? Is that you? Oh, good, I thought it had to be, you've got a very distinct silhouette," someone says, and suddenly a girl in a big red hat is looping her arm through his and chattering away. "I told you, darling, we're taking the train to Metropolis, it's silly to fly, a complete waste of money."
"Sorry, I think you have the wrong person," Jason says, trying to somehow extricate himself from the woman's iron grip.
She tilts her head back and pushes up the floppy brim of her hat. Dark brown eyes twinkle at him over ridiculously huge sunglasses and bright red lips tug upwards in a smirk that never fails to send Jason's heart racing. "No, I'm sure I've got it right, Alvin Draper. Or don't you recognize your own girlfriend?"
"…Stray?" he checks, not-quite whispering. He's pretty sure it's the cat burglar, but this is definitely not what he expected when Stray said he'd be in disguise as well.
The question earns him an eye roll. "Duh, who else?"
"You're a girl?" Sure, Bruce wasn't certain of Stray's gender back when the kid first showed up and was running around in a too-large hoodie, but since Stray graduated to the spandex catsuit, they'd been pretty sure they had it figured out.
"For this I am. Why," Stray asks, pulling back while removing his sunglasses to make direct eye contact, "is that going to be a problem?"
He gulps. It's the first time he's seen the other boy without the goggles and while he's not foolish enough to assume Stray is without any kind of mask (Jason was trained by Alfred), he's still just as pretty as Jason always imagined he'd be. "No, of course not! Just—I wasn't expecting it."
"Most of my international contacts all think I'm a woman named Carolina Sandiego. Since I'm not sure how much we'll need to deal with them, I felt it would be easier to just travel as Carolina." Leaning over, he rummages through the bag slung over his shoulder, pulling out a passport and several tickets, all of which he hands over to Jason. "Stateside, Alvin is Carolina's boyfriend. Whenever we meet with my contacts overseas, Alvin is Carolina's bodyguard-slash-grunt."
Taking the proffered items, Jason winces slightly. "I can't believe you gave me a name like Alvin."
"I figured we're trying to stay off the Bat radar, so I couldn't exactly fall back on 'Robbie Malone,' could I? Plus, this was all pretty short-notice, so I had to adapt one of my existing aliases for you. Now, c'mon, we have less than thirty minutes to schlep over to the trains."
"Wait, we really are taking a train to Metropolis? Why?"
"Because we're trying to be sneaky and the first thing Batman will do is check all the plane manifests for someone matching your build. We'll board a late-night flight out of [someplace] when we get there."
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excuseme-howdareyou · 4 years
Day 2 of Tentatodd Week : Technology and Toys
"This is not the intended use of my limbs, sir," he quipped, even as he hefted the item higher. Jason grinned when he saw Tim's head peek over the edge of the thinga-ma-jig ("It's a sonic cannon, Jason, try and keep up.") to stick his tongue out at him.
"Don't worry, I've got the extended warranty," came Tim's snarky reply. Even from all the way down on the ground, Jason could see the the concentration on his face as he screwed the component Jason was holding into place. "Can you bring that stabilizer over here, please?" he asked, pointing to a piece of metal with several different layers of rings. 
Jason's 'limb', long and thin and the same color as he helmet, curled around the component and lifted it with ease up to Tim. " 'Extended warranty'?" he teased while Tim gently guided it into place," I don't remember you buying my services in the first place, Timbo." But even as he said so, another of his limbs reached out and wrapped around Tim's waist when it looked like he was about to fall off his stupid sonic cannon; leaning over too much like the idiot he was. 
Tim paused in his work to pat affectionately at the long, red tentacle ("Stop calling them tentacles!") that originated from Jason's lower back. This particular one was the largest of the six, as wide as Jason's forearm and almost eight feet long when fully extended. It could also easily bear the full weight of a grown man, which Jason often used to its full advantage, usually by throwing people across entire rooms. "Thanks," Tim patted the red limb, grinning mischeviously then stroking it a few times when he felt it shudder under his fingertips. 
A third limb reached up and bobbed him on the head. "Stop that!" Jason scolded him," Do you want me to drop you?"
With the red tentacle ("For the last time, they're not tentacles. Do I look like an octopus to you?") still wrapped around his waist, Tim readjusted his perch so he could better brace against the top of the cannon and finish screwing the stabilizer into place. Once they were done, he'd weld it into place, but Tim didn't dare use such extreme heat around Jason's limbs. 
"You're not gonna drop me," he retorted.
"Not yet, anyways," came Jason's mumbled reply," It's no fun when it's accidental."
Tim raised a brow at that. "Got plans for later, Jason?" he questioned. 
The third limb, the one he'd forgotten about, came back and slithered up Tim's spine. It was a light touch, more of a tickle really, and it made his back arch at the sensation. Jason grinned at his reaction. "If you hadn't been so insistent on finishing your project tonight, then you would know them already," his voice was smug and self-satisfied, his eyes flicking down to make sure Tim hadn't noticed the two other smaller limbs slowly making their way to him," But noooo. Timmy has to build his sonic cannon before bedtime."
Completely oblivious to the two creeping towards him and doing his best to ignore the one petting his shoulders, Tim resumed his concentration on the cannon. "Not all of us have six extra limbs, Jason," he grumbled. Oh, the things he could get done faster if he had six fully functional tentacles! The multitasking he could do! 
"You like my extra limbs," Jason shot back, which okay yeah. Tim did like his extra limbs a lot, for more reasons than not. They were handy in a fight, and the number of times Tim stared in awe as Jason descended on a bad guy with all six shining red like blood was probably better not mentioned. And watching Jason work in a kitchen, red limbs all a flurry as he prepared three to four different things at once, always keeping at least one free to push back nosy brothers and sister who wanted to try the food before it was done. And in the bedroom... 
Yeah, definitely better not mentioned in polite company. 
But right now, he'd asked Jason's help for the multitasking aspect of it. "I promised Bruce I'd have this cannon ready by Friday," he explained and tightened the bolt to ensure the piece stayed in place," And I still need to weld it, test it out, and- Jason!"
Tim jumped and very nearly fell of the cannon were it not for the one around this waist and the two limbs that suddenly wrapped around his upper thighs. His bracing stance had left himself wide open, and by the time Tim noticed them, they were twined around his thighs twice over and the tips of them threatening to go even higher. 
Down on the floor, Jason smile was smug as could be. "Yes dear?" he drawled. 
Tim tried pushing them away from his hips, to no avail. "Not the intended use, sir!" he snapped, using Jason's own words against him," You're supposed to be helping me finish this cannon!"
"Which you still have three days til Friday," Jason argued back, the smile never leaving his face as his two smallest limbs continued to torment. He glanced at the two still holding the pieces of the cannon up, but was unsure if they were fully into place yet and decided to leave them there for now. That still left him with four though. Plus the usual four attached to his torso, but he wouldn't be able to do much until he could either bring Tim down to him or he went up there. 
"Take a break, Timmers," he tried bargaining with him," It's late, and I know you're tired, and wouldn't you rather relax and get some sleep tonight? Tomorrow morning I'll even make you waffles." Food was almost always Tim's weakness, especially Jason's cooking, and for a moment he swore he had him. 
"Something tells me you're not thinking about sleep," Tim retorted, gesturing to the three tentacles wrapped around his lower half. The other hovered by his head, which Tim glared at as if daring it to try something. Jason thought it was adorable. 
"I know the best way to make you tired and sleepy," Jason grinned. 
Tim switched his glare from the appendage to Jason's face. A long moment passed, Tim's glare meeting Jason's wide grin, before the fight drained out of his body and he let out a sigh. "Five minutes?" Tim asked," Just let me get these two pieces into place."
Jason grinned like the cat who got the canary. "Deal."
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renaroo · 7 years
This is so completely random, but you're very probably the only Batfam Stan that also loves the Superfam and knows the various members of both families. I was wondering, in your mind, which members of the Superfamily match up with which members of the Batfamily? Like for instance, I've always firmly believed that Linda-Mae matches up with Dick, while Karen goes with Helena. As far as Babs goes, they share her.
If I’m reading you correctly, you’re asking who roughly inhabits the same spots in the Superfam that the Batfam has, yes? It’s really a fascinating question because I think there are lots of comparisons to be made, but it’s also interesting because of the ways they don’t line up perfectly. Like there’s a big difference in their structure just by the fact that Lois is the clear matriarch of the family and almost none of the Superfam have been without a relationship with her. So getting comparisons for some positions does tend to get a little fuzzy. So, I’m just going to go through the family one by one, starting with the most obvious which is Clark and Bruce. 
Clark Kent: Obviously as the central family patriarch and the one who basically inspires everyone else to come into their own while attempting to live up to his impossible image, Clark is the most Bruce-like in comparisons. Which of course, their similarities are as strong as their differences which has been the source of their mutual respect and friendship over the decades and just make them incredibly fascinating characters to play off of each other in almost any circumstance. 
Lois Lane: In recent years Kate has kind of stepped up to be the momma of the Batfam in a sense, and to be Bruce’s equal which would be representative of Lois and Clark’s equal footing in their relationship, but Kate’s got much less of a background for this position and for obvious reasons her relationship with Bruce is nothing like Lois’. In that way I would put Lois much more as a Selina Kyle. They share a street smarts and sassiness, prefer to look out for themselves but can’t help but fall into the same circles as their romantic interests, and in most realities end up married. It’s not a perfect fit, but I would argue it on more than a few grounds. 
Jimmy Olsen: Definitely the Dick Grayson of the Superfam. Not only is he Superman’s pal, but he’s sort of the emotional bond that keeps a lot of the Superfam connected. He’s not only trusted by both Clark and Lois and inspired by both of them, but he’s also a confidante and romantic interest for Kara, was a friend to Linda, and in general is someone who is just by definition associated with Superman. It’s an iconic duo in a lesser sense than Bruce and Dick. 
Martha Kent: Originally I was going to say Pa is the Alfred, but honestly Martha Kent is most definitely the Alfred Pennyworth of the Superfamily. She is a supportive and endearing voice, full of wit, and is the first person Clark goes to when he needs advice or solace. She is beloved by all of the Superfam members and has ben denmother/actual mother to nearly all of them in one sense or another. 
Jonathan Kent: The more I think about it, the more I find that Pa is really a lot like Leslie Thompkins in Clark’s life. He has a bit of a harsher vibe to him and his disappointment is something that Clark is more conscious and fearful of, but it all stems from firm morality and a fear and protectiveness of his son. He is the guiding light for Clark’s humanity and is the sort of man that Clark tries to live up to without ever feeling he can fully achieve it. And all that despite clearly having well defined flaws of his own. 
Lana Lang: Hilariously enough, I would put Lana on the level of a far more important and far more relevant and updated Vicki Vale. Again this seems like a strained comparison (because it is) but she’s a former romantic interest and friend to Clark who loves him but also couldn’t deal as well with realizing that he is Superman or at least that he’s something beyond her comprehension. And there’s still some pining and nonsense there, fortunately Lana is with John Henry now and written much better. Speaking of which...
John Henry Irons: A less murdery and more accepted member of the Superfam than his Batfam equivalent, John Henry Irons is a lot like Helena Bertinelli in that they both were inspired by the “patriarchs” of the family, but did things in their own style and in their own ways. He relies on his background and heritage as much as Helena does and it has influenced him to where he is today. 
Kara Zor-El: An apt comparison for Kara is actually Barbara Gordon. Not only were they good friends in the Bronze Age, but they were similarly motivated. Despite both of them having just as much heartbreak and tragedy in their lives as Batman or Superman, they make the choice to not be defined by that and instead to invent their superhero identities as a way of fulfilling an obligation they feel either to law and order or to the sense of not wanting to lose their adopted new home to the same forces that took their old one. 
Natasha Irons: Is absolutely the Superfam’s Stephanie Brown for better or worse. Nat is selfmade, has a family history of criminal activity but chooses to follow her uncle and Superman’s influences instead to make herself a superhero. Despite all she achieves, for absolutely no reason that makes canonical sense to... anyone who’s read it, basically, John abruptly decides she’s undeserving of her suit and takes it from her? That causes her to make some mistakes and play into a trap by one of the family’s worst enemies and get held hostage and tortured. Fortunately she wasn’t needlessly killed like Steph, but she did come back in spectacular fashion. 
Mae Kent: Mae is a completely different character from Linda Danvers. Mostly. Kind of. So I’m going to treat them as such on this list. Mae is actually Clark’s adopted sister in the preboot and was taken in and cared for by Ma and Pa Kent. She’s fairly independent, making a name for herself outside of Clark even if they continued to have a good relationship. When Clark dies for a year, she is one of the top contenders for taking his place and becoming a surrogate Superman herself. In this way she most reminds me of Kate Kane, self-made while deeply connected to the family patriarch and sharing a family bond. 
Karen Starr: Completely depends on which version you’re going with but if you’re going with the most common, the preboot, I think Karen is the most like Harper Row. She’s a solid member of the family, but she’s also beyond the family, and it’s not in a bad sense. She’s still connected to everyone, and every inventive and set apart almost purely based on her industriousness (making her business empire!) but as much as she does team up with everyone and join frays, she’s mostly off on her own adventures these days and most of her drama comes from civilian life rather than just her time as Power Girl.
Kon-El: This is going to be so freaking controversial but here we are. If I was to pick any analogue in the Batfam for Kon it would not be his best bud Tim, but his fellow leap-before-thinking, bit of a bad boy, fellow leather jacket wearing Jason Todd. They both like coming back from the dead and having inexplicable genre jumps throughout their histories and their main angst comes from a conflict of ideals and perspectives with their parental figures. Kon also is constantly concerned with going over the edge and turning to a villain because of his “bad genes” which reminds me a lot of how Jason felt judged for growing up and being born into a situation outside of his control. 
Linda Danvers: It’s a bit of a cheat since they’re my favorite heroes I grew up with at the time, but when I think of Linda I always think of Cassandra Cain. Linda was not born into an abusive home life, but she was part of an abusive relationship and made mistakes that eventually led to a death. Unlike Cass, however, Linda’s death was her own. That was the turning point in her origins and from that point on she was led to being Supergirl out of not just a weird combining with Mae but through discovering a deeper level of morality and humanity than she had once seen inside of herself. And that became such a strong light in her life, she was even able to inspire the redemption of the very demon that had been responsible for her murder. 
Traci Thirteen: It might be a bit early to call this, but I think Duke Thomas is the most positioned in the Batfam with Traci. Traci initially was a pretty independent character who mostly worked under the “advisement” of Clark and came into her own with her own identity and style. They both have good families they lose to tragic circumstances and slowly find their place within the gaggle of other children in their families. 
Maggie Sawyer: Like I’m not saying it’s a purely lesbian thing, but it’s kind of the lesbian friend detective in the force who goes above and beyond and may or may not be a hero in their own right thing that I compare Maggie Sawyer and Renee Montoya. It’s a thing. And it’s a thing that unites them because they both have banged Kate Kane. Which is the real dream.
Cir-El: My poor sweet daughter is of course far too similar and too unused much like my other dear sweet daughter, Helena Wayne. They are both daughters of the matriarch and patriarch of the family from alternate futures that may or may not ever happen. They hold their father’s values and their mother’s attitudes and they both have awful terrible first costumes. 
Chris Kent: Even though their personalities are starkly different, there is definitely a common thread between Chris and Damian Wayne. They come from troubling childhoods and have difficulties with the concept of unconditional love. Their only aspirations are to live up to expectations and take the mantles of their respective fathers. And for as much trouble as it may cause them they stand up against the villains they fear most in the final hour even under threat of pain or death. They both have a “I choose my real family” moment with a parent that mistreats them, too. 
Jon Kent: This may seem like an odd comparison for now, but I get a Tim Drake vibe from Jon. Hear me out, there’s a lot of superhero worship and naivety about what his new superhero identity is going to bring with it. And while he’s much younger and less detectively minded than Tim, Jon draws on his knowledge of his father’s legacy as well as what he observes from his friends and other superheroes around him to creatively get himself out of jams. Not to mention he loves giving those moralizing speeches. 
Perry White: He’s Jim Gordon. Next.
Krypto the Superdog: THE ONE THAT ACTUALLY MATTERS. Ace doesn’t go out much into the field anymore so the most apt comparison here is actually Goliath the Bat Dragon. Aaaaand that’s what I’ve got. 
I hope this all made sense I had fun writing it out lol
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I've seen a few things where Tim has a gun to his head... have any of the batfamily ever tried to commit suicide?
Hehehe, these are the angsty kinds of headcanons that I love. 😈 
Well obviously, Tim's tried a few times or at the very least thought about it. (By the way, that Tim gun thing was from Teen Titans 51 when Tim was going to kill his future self so wouldn't become a murderous psychopath) I've always assumed him to be depressed and suicidal, so that's not really surprising. After all, his life does kind of suck more than his other family members'. At this point I'm kind of surprised DC hasn't outright showed him making an attempt. The closest he ever came to doing it without a reason like saving the world was one night when he was standing on the edge of Wayne Towers after a particularly bad mission went wrong. After hours of deliberation, in a rush of adrenaline he threw caution to the wind and jumped off the roof. He fell about thirty stories and was completely at ease. He was even eager to hit the pavement. But at the last possible second he shot off a line and swung safely to the ground. He never tried again after that because he has a family and a duty to protect Gotham, but he still remembers that rush he felt when he fell, and it helps knowing he still has that option.  
After getting paralyzed, Barbara considered it for the first few weeks. She figured she had nothing left if she couldn't walk, and if she couldn't be a hero then what's the point? She was just about to down a few pills, but at the last second she stopped and thought about what she was doing. She realized that dying would only hurt the people she loves, so she without thinking just flushed the pills down the toilet and rolled away, going to see Dick. For a while after that she stayed around her friends and family as much as possible so she was never alone, because she was worried that if she was left alone for too long she'd try again. She got better though, and now she doesn't have those thoughts anymore.      
Jason, too, has thought about it. He never actually made an attempt, but he's thought about just giving up and ending it all. The only thing keeping him from doing so is remembering how awful and lonely dying is, and he never wants to go through that again. So he doesn't try to kill himself, but he does wish he were dead again sometimes when things get bad. 
I can't really see Dick, Steph, Cass, or Damian ever attempting suicide, but I think those kinds of thoughts have filled their minds some time or other, what with the emotionally taxing lives they lead. 
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