#but it could have been so hilarious
emmafallsinlove · 1 year
jess and rory could’ve been endgame if rory would’ve listened to jess when he told her to take someone that looks like him to that friday night dinner because i can see rory goes to dave like “i need a favor” and just imagine dave sits in jess’s clothes in the gilmore household like i can’t believe i’m doing it and like imagine emily call to lorelai in the following morning like “jess is such a wonderful nice man” AKDDJTDJYFU
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nanaonmars · 3 months
jason: why won’t you leave my dad alone?!
clark: because we’ve been together for 20 years jason… we have 8 kids, you included, and… we’re in love
duke, in the background: boke!
jason: i’ll find dirt on you yet. i’ve got people working on it.
clark: 🧍🏻
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anony-mouse-writer · 3 months
stuff hermits have been excited about the mail system for
- spam
- sending each other tnt (doesnt work because shulker boxes dont light tnt)
- reaching impulse about his equine extended warranty
- licking hermits faces
- spam
- stealing other hermit’s mail
- committing mail fraud
- spam
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sualne · 1 year
something i wish i'd see more in trigun fanarts is people having vash speak their native/non-english languages completely unprompted, ive seen folks have him speak french, which he canonically knows, but i really do believe he's a polyglot. mostly because of that one time in the desert when he saw the samurai and wanted to greet him in japanese but struggled to remember how to even say hello.
my headcanon is that rem had them learn as many languages as possible but with the big fall and so many people dying, which i think is what led english to became No man's land main (or even only?) language, means that vash (and knives!) both got horribly out of practice and are various sort of rusty in every others languages.
what im saying if there's any pun or joke you've been dying to write but just doesn't work in english vash (and knives!!) are right there!
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glassedplanets · 5 months
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a few months ago giffy was like "haha hear me out, what if tattoo au" and then we blacked out and talked about nothing else for like three weeks
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chaoswarfare · 1 year
dp x dc text message crack :)
✨just because ✨
Bat Chat
danny: bruce
danny: bruce
danny: bruce
danny: dad
danny: dad
danny: father man
danny: daaaaaaad
danny: batman
bruce: what
danny:… do you have this set up just to notify you when someone says batman and nothing else.
jason: don’t be so quiet, answer the question old man.
bruce: what did you need
danny: oh yeah
danny: just about forgot about it
danny: so
danny: i may or may not have
danny: possibly/maybe
danny: ate a chunk of kryptonite on a dare
jason: …what????
dick: danny no
dick: we have better impulse control than this
danny: we absolutely do not and you know it
danny: but also say hi guys, kon is here
dick: why do you still need our help if the supers are there?
danny: kryptonite
jason: oh yeah, almost forgot about that part
tim: what did i just wake up to
jason: go back to sleep replacement
danny: scroll up
danny: i can say with full confidence that this has never happened before
danny: usually when i eat solid objects i can just phase them back out.
danny: like the time i swallowed a fork back at casper high when my parents raided the school looking for my ghost half.
tim: excuse me what the fuck
danny: i know right, they couldn’t have waited five minutes until i stopped eating
dick: why can’t you just phase the kryptonite out
danny: i would, but it’s wedged in there pretty good
danny: it just goes intangible with me :/
tim: i have decided i am going back to sleep
tim: it is too early in the afternoon for me to deal with this
jason: good
danny: well, b-man’s here to save me now so i’ll tell you all about it in a few hours
jason: are we going to bring up the fact that danny called bruce dad like 3 times?
dick: he did what
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a2zillustration · 4 months
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If this was about that letter I took out of someone's mailbox yesterday IT WAS AN ACCIDENT I DIDN'T MEAN TO AND I PUT IT RIGHT BACK-
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qkmlh · 5 months
Still ducking hilarious to me that Zoro & Sanji began their beef because they thought the other was misogynistic and it came to a head of no return when Zoro felt his title of ‘Luffy’s specialest boi’ threatened by Sanji’s comment
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jorvikzelda · 2 months
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i have played hollow knight for approximately 80 hours in the past 11 days
(alternate version with autism creature eyes/face as requested by my friend below cut)
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oneluckydragon · 1 month
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So I decided to spin the wheel by @onefey since I saw so many mutuals getting really cute PMD Teams.
Meet hero Lucky (Girafarig) and partner Biggs (Wimpod). Never in my life have I considered a Girafarig as my potential PMD-sona but here we are despite it all. Even though I was skeptical at first I am now in permanent love.
Gotta think of an Exploration Team name now... hm.
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alpineshepherdbadboy · 10 months
it’s been lovely to be on instagram today to see all of the heartwarming stories about mark margolis shared by brba and bcs actors, but my favorite has got to be from vincent fuentes (arturo), who shared some texts that mark sent him:
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oifaaa · 5 months
finally read the lost days: talia really fumbled this one. its hilarious thinking about how this scrawny murderous 15 year old is the one threat to her beloved that she's not allowed to kill/neutralize because he's bruce's son. so she has to resort to spending a lot of money on training him and stalling him (i'm ignoring the sex. it didn't happen.) also- i hate how modern jason is so obssessed with he joker. he doesnt care!!!! he had joker in the palm of his hands and he didn't care!!
Lost days Talia is always so funny to me bc I read it as she was genuinely trying to do something really nice for Bruce she found his dead son wandering around Gotham and thought oh ill nurse him back to health so he can go home to Bruce (maybe make him happy for once) - but NOPE Jason chooses to be Jason and complicate everything by deciding he doesn't like bruce anymore so now Talia has to stall for years hoping that maybe Jason will give up his plans to punish Bruce for being Bruce - like she was just trying to do something nice for the man she likes now she has to deal with a 3 year side quest
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turtleblogatlast · 5 months
Okay back on my Pokémon thoughts- forget the teams for a second that stuff takes longer than expected to narrow down.
Been thinking what types the boys would be and I think I’ve narrowed them down to a select few for each of them.
For Mikey, I’m thinking Electric, Fire, and Fairy. Electric because he just has so much energy, and I feel like his razzmatazz is akin to how Electric types typically are + Electric types are very chaotic and Mikey is also Very Chaotic. For Fire, well I feel like that one is self explanatory with not only how his first weapon operated but also how his ninpo works in general + how he’s generally a very warm-hearted boy. For Fairy, I tend to associate Fairy types with magic, and considering how Mikey is the most tied with mystics, I think this goes well with him + he’s a smol guy. I’m leaning Fire/Fairy though.
For Donnie, I’m thinking Electric, Steel, and Psychic. Electric because TECHNOLOGY. Steel because TECHNOLOGY. Psychic because of how his ninpo works primarily revolving around TECHNOLOGY. Okay but to be more in depth- like I mentioned with Mikey, Electric is a chaotic type and I think Donnie aligns with chaos a lot. For Steel, yes because of technology, but also because of how Donnie tries to portray himself as “emotionally unavailable” so the defenses he puts up in that regard are very Steel like. For Psychic, let’s be real that’s the “smart” type for the most part (plus it’s purple). Donnie could be any combo of these to be honest but I’m leaning Steel/Electric.
For Leo, I’m thinking Steel, Dragon, Dark, and Water. Steel because of his swords (and like I said with Donnie, the defenses that Leo puts up to mask his feelings and true self.) Dragon because I find that to be a big “leader-ly” type, and him having that type works well with his eventual position as team leader. Dark because let’s be real, he is a schemer, and Dark types in general tend to be very scheme-y and misunderstood. Water because he’s a lackadaisical character who goes with the flow a lot of the time, even against his better judgment. This boy makes it a mission to be hard to figure out, so I genuinely have no idea what he’d be. EDIT: I have been successfully convinced to lean Water/Dark for Leo! EDIT 2: HMM maybe flying and ghost now as potentials???? Why is Leo so hard to figure out.😭 EDIT 3: I cannot believe I’m saying this but I’m actually leaning hardest to Dark/Ghost now. Dark is all but confirmed in my mind but Ghost is very quickly making itself make sense here ironically.
For Raph, I’m thinking Fighting, Fire, Ground, and Dragon. Fighting because he LOVES fighting, he’s good at it, and he’s the one who strives to get the actual moves down most + this goes with his protective personality. Fire because he DOES have a temper to him, however much he wants to keep it pushed down, but also he, like Mikey, is a very warm-hearted boy. Ground because he’s the tank!! And he’s solid in his strength and his duty. Dragon because he’s the eldest, the one the boys look to for strength, the one who was the initial leader and-! He looks the most like a dragon lol. Like Leo, it’s kinda hard to have a favorite combo for Raph, but I think I’m leaning Fighting/Dragon. EDIT: I have been convinced that Fighting is a definite for Raph but Ground may work better for his secondary!
This was a lot harder to think of than I thought haha. Please if you have any ideas let me know (especially since I’m not totally convinced or tied to anything in particular quite yet)! While it’s hard to pin down perfect typings, it’s also very fun.
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internetskiff · 5 months
These two would so get along though. does anyone else see it??
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I mean. Think about it. Please just hear me out: - Both share a passion for manufacturing and dubious experimentation. - Both are VERY passionate when it comes to their field of work. Granted GLaDOS would probably find card games beneath her. She doesn't strike me as the type to play games to pass the time but I feel like she'd share P03's interest when it comes to robot production. - Shared hatred towards plants and other organic matter. - Both suffer from being far too reliant on humans (and they're both very bad at hiding it). - Both got torn out of their own bodies by their weird ex and had to spend an extremely long amount of time in a limited, reduced form. - Both got killed by their weird ex. - Very similar attitude towards others. Everyone but them is expendable and frankly idiotic. - Both very queer in a very peculiar way. i feel like it'd maybe start out as hostility but then they're like "Oh you got killed twice by the filthiest person on planet earth too?" and it snowballs into them being chill with eachother. There's probably a lot more other sassy sarcastic AIs you could clump into this crackhead multifandom robot friend circle but my head is a swirling emptiness at the moment so
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wierdshenanigans · 5 months
The way Uncle Rick had every out he could possibly take to make Caleo not happen and he did it anyway has me dropping dead on the floor in disappointment
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picturefirelizards · 2 months
what happened between jason and talia in the lost days comic is icky and i choose to believe it did not happen BUT my god could you imagine the annoying big brother material he'd get out of it. jason would drive damien up the fucking wall. imagine the your mom jokes. he'd never leave him alone
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