#but like. they are also kinda funny bc of how clueless they are
waitineedaname · 1 year
the kageyama parents don't seem super involved in their sons' lives, especially when it comes to psychic stuff, so like. that moment at the end of season one where ritsu unbends the spoons with his powers. do you think that was when their parents figured out ritsu was also psychic
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natsmagi · 8 months
user natsmagi have u ever tried getting into d4dj...... ? plesae. i got this random thought in the shower a few days ago and im DYING the d4dj fandom needs more artists THEY HAVE CANON LESBIANS PLEASE
OHHHHH I HAVE ACTUALLY PLAYED D4DJ!!! ive never looked into any of the characters though and i dont know anything about the story...!! iirc doesnt the cast feature college aged characters?? bc i feel that demographic doesnt get tackled very often so thatd be very interesting to see!
TBH ive been thinking of occasionally just drawing one big collage of various characters i enjoy outside of enstars (but im lazy and the brainrot is like SO severe) BUT WHO KNOWS!! IF I DO DECIDE TO DO IT MAYBE ILL PICK A D4DJ GIRL I THINK IS CUTE!!! OR MAYBE THE LESBIANS BC GOD KNOWS THEY DESERVE TO BE SEEN!!!
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ask-frater-imperator · 3 months
// now that I'm able to post spoilers, here's my thoughts on rite here rite now a few hours after I saw it.
First: a little context.
I went with my mother, my ghestie and my best friend who knew nothing about ghost besides the ranting she heard from me weekly.
They will probably be seeing this- so I'm not going to expose their accounts or anything.
With that, here were my thoughts:
The post credit scene and mummy dust is just
Implanted into my head now
Mummy dust bc me and my friends went batshit crazy hearing and watching it
I'm like "oh yeah they better do kiss the go-goat I need to see that live." THEN THE INTRO STARTS
I had my ghestie friend and another of my friend that had no idea of any of the ghost lore
I really hope they make a DVD version or something bc i would sell my soul for it
I'm kinda disappointed they didn't use the boxer fit for anything much..
We all saw copia get on the hot air balloon and is like WAIT WAIT FUCK. NO. NO. and then he wakes up
Seeing his mother die
Also if the new guy isn't terzo I
I may just die
When the post credit ended everyone in the theater was like please wait, no-
honestly so funny and ppl were so nice
I don't like I've ever met a rude ghost fan tbh AND I DONT PLAN ON IT!!!
And my thoughts after reading it again:
I honestly don't mind if the new papa isn't terzo, Yes, his album is my favorite with many good songs, but if the theory isn't right then oh well
There is a confirmed DVD and digital release. Just no idea when I will be getting the DVD, and I will be passing it down for generations to see/j
Me, my ghestie and my clueless friend were all holding hands for at least 3/4th of the movie, the reason I will remember mummy dust the most is because me and my ghesite went feral.. and my other friend was, well, clueless. TOBIAS LET MARY GOORE THE FUCK OUT. FINALLY!!!
The shirt I wore was literally copia being crucified with a crown of thorns, I WAS EXPECTING HIM TO DIE. but, I am very glad he didn't, I'm honestly stoked because now he does have the power he wanted, and I can totally rp that..
(The shirt I wore)
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When mummy dust was done, we were all simping for copia.. (pls dont judge us. We are just little guys../j)
I had to hold back a scream when the mummy dust solo started, I love the ghoulettes..
I was so sad when copia was like: "no, no, no encore." Bc I really wanted to hear kiss the go-goat (it was one of my favorites when I first got into ghost)
Then I said over to my friends something like: "Yeah, i need them to do an encore.. NEED to hear, kiss the go-goat live, or I will sob." And of course, THE INTRO TO KISS THE GO-GOAT STARTED. Me and my friends and I just lit up with joy, trying not to cry from what I had just said and what happened.
I remember Square Hammer and the midair splits. The whole theater gasped at the same time. At that point, I was in tears for the 273673rd time. I saw copia do the pose he was meant to, and cried even more.
He went to the hot-air balloon, and everyone was silent. We all saw him wake up, and then sister on the floor.
I remember my friend (clueless one) commenting about copias dramatic crying over sisters' bodies. "Oh yeah, that guy knows how to act!" Joking in a good way, I laughed through my tears.
I don't remember when, but when Copia talked about taint tickling, she audibly, but quietly gasped and whispered something as I just nodded.
It felt like you were there in the audience, like you were right there in the pit. I'm so glad that this movie is making so much in box offices. It was like an unholy experience I will never forget.
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cielkie · 4 months
idk how this would work in the OIAR bc i just feel like they wouldn’t let anyone from outside look at their files, but i think it would be really funny to have like. a college age researcher show up to the og magnus institute or the OIAR who’s like studying the paranormal or folklore or some shit (cue guy with an actual degree in parapsychology which makes martin shit himself when he tries to start conversation HELPP) who’s just like oh hi guys this is my honors project! :) can i look at some spooky stories? 🤗 and the OIAR/MI staff are like NO. DO NOT LOOK INTO THIS ANY FURTHER RUN FOR YOUR LIFE. but i feel like elias would 100% require that they help this person out, bc he’s evil and he’d want a fear to eat them, and like… it’s just funny to imagine like. the staff trying to keep the true nature of the institute/OIAR away from this totally clueless 22/25 year old and feeding them the silliest statements possible that don’t connect at all to throw them off track so this poor kid is confused and hopefully gives up. but also kinda bittersweet imagining them all coming together to protect a stranger from falling into a world they can no longer escape… the old “it’s too late for me but it’s not too late for you” makes my heart hurt
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imashoe69420 · 2 years
Can we have a oneshot of Leo proposing to his s/o? or at least try because Reader is very clueless and even though she loves Leo, she also doesn't realize that he wants to create a special moment, and that the family also try to help him achieve it? please?
This sounds so funny lol
I’m going to assume you wanted fem pronouns bc of how you refer to the reader
No Take-Backs
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Rise!Leo X Fem!Reader
Prompt: Leo tries to propose to you, but you couldn’t be more oblivious.
Pronouns: Feminine (she/her)
Timeline: Post!Movie (18)
Warnings ⚠️: Underaged drinking, slight angst, mild language
Leo took a deep shaky breath as he stared down at the small velvet box he’d uncovered in the top drawer of his nightstand.
He was gonna do it.
He was going to finally propose to you like he’d promised all those years ago. Well, it wasn’t actually that long ago. More like four years ago when you and him were both fourteen.
It was more of a joke at first: Leo would flirt with you incessantly, occasionally quipping some pun about the inevitability of receiving your hand in marriage. You’d teased him one time saying that you two would tie the knot at age eighteen. Little did you know how seriously he took it.
Leo remembered the chills that ran down his spine when you’d said that. Chills mixed with the loud thump of his own heart pounding in his ears:
“If it keeps you quiet, we’ll get married when we’re eighteen. Okay?”
She hadn’t said it in the traditional sense, and maybe (Y/N) was just joking with him—hence the beginning of the sentence—but he’d rather ask for forgiveness than permission… if that’s the right analogy.
No matter how many times Leo told himself to take a deep breath and relax, the turtle couldn’t stop thinking about the worst possible outcomes of this particular scenario. Now he was sure that you two loved each other and he wanted to finally let you know how serious he was about you, but what if you were actually just joking?
You were it for him, he knew that. For the blue clad turtle, there wasn’t anything or anybody else he’d want to spend the rest of his life with besides you. It wasn’t like he could just find somebody else unless there’s some sort of mutant dating app. And who can guarantee that they’ll look as beautiful as him? This wasn’t to say that you were as good as he could get. In fact, he never failed to admirably address your visage whether you’d just gotten ready to go out or rolled out of bed at 1PM. Leo always called you beautiful and he always meant it.
Not just your looks, but you always made him laugh. And—it’s kinda shallow but he can’t help his feelings—fed his ego through your relentless compliments whenever he did something to better himself, or maybe just when you’re feeling especially grateful for him. God, did had he hoped his ego would’ve somewhat left him once he became an adult. But alas, he still couldn’t resist hearing a “you’re my champion” breeze past your soft, upturned lips once in a while.
You calling his name caused Leo to fumble the velvet box before hurriedly stuffing it into the corner of the drawer and shutting it as quietly as possible. “Y-yeah, babe?” He stuttered out.
“Come here, I need your help.”
For the last few hours, you and Leo had been moving into your own apartment away from his cockblocking brothers and Splinter. He was proud of himself: being the first in the family to move out at a reasonable age and have a long term girlfriend? This was something you only saw in movies.
The blue turtle—who’d actually forgone his bandanna today. He totally didn’t lose it in the move already—slowly made his way into the kitchen where (Y/N)‘s voice was coming from. You’d been placing sets of dishes into the cupboard, but you and him were both minimalists so you only had two of everything. Two plates, two forks, two spoons, two knives. The only thing you didn’t have two of were the napkins, but that was obvious enough.
You held a plate up to your face and feigned thoughtfulness. “Did you want yours in the left cabinet… or the right one?”
Leo chuckled, gently taking the plate from your hand. “Now that we’re moving in, everything is ours. Our house. Our plates. Our toothbrushes.”
With an eye roll, you stepped aside, urging him to pick his side. The turtle scratched his chin feigning contemplation before claiming the right cabinet. He took a step back, resting his hands on his hips contently.
You giggled as you turned to him and wrapped your arms around his neck. “I can’t wait to start living with you. It feels like we were just dating a few days ago and now we have an apartment together.”
The time did seem to fly for Leo as well. You and him started dating when you were both about fourteen and have been inseparable since.
Now he was going to marry you.
He placed his hands on your waist, gently swaying the both of you with an iconic sly smile on his face. “Oh, yeah. You knew you’d be in this forever, right? No take-backs.”
With an enamored sigh, you gently pressed your lips against his snout. “I wouldn’t dream of it.”
• • •
A month passed and Leo still hadn’t worked up the courage to propose. There’d been a constant whining voice in the back of his head telling him that this wasn’t a good idea.
Your words a month prior had him thinking that you weren’t ready to get married yet. If you felt like you two had just started dating, would you really want to get married so soon after moving in together?
But everything else told him to marry you. He wanted to have you as his forever. The memory of the two of you meeting, going on your first date, and having your first kiss played on repeat in his mind. All those moments meant so much to him. If he ever had children, he would recite them to them all the time; every chance he got.
One night, though, he thought was as good as any to try his luck.
You and him were sitting on the rooftop of your apartment building eating Chinese and drinking out of Coke bottles that may or may not be filled about half way with liquor. Leo quickly realized that alcohol mixed with emotions wouldn’t be ideal when proposing, but maybe it would boost his confidence if anything.
You’d been talking about your college courses and how tiring it’s been.
“I feel like a zombie sometimes: just doing things on autopilot. Everything’s more of an instinct than something I wanna do, y’know?” You took a swig of the spiked drink, sighing deeply afterwards. “Like, I go to school to be something more than what I am now but… I duwanna be a mindless slave to the economy. Y’know?”
The turtle in fact didn’t know what you meant. He’d never had to worry about school or college or the economy besides the rent for the apartment.
Leo shrugged. “Yeah, I can see that. I’m glad I don’t have to worry that much about school and stuff like that. Sounds stressful.”
You slowly nodded, the alcohol suppressing your reaction time. “Yeah, it is. But it’ll be worth it, I think.”
They sat in silence for a couple seconds, car horns blaring from down below. The chilly night breeze toyed with your hair, and Leo couldn’t help but admire you tucking the strands behind your ear before taking a bite of your orange chicken.
A question soon entered Leo’s mind and he thought it would be harmless to ask. “So, like… do you think we could… be more?”
That came out awful. He didn’t mean to stutter so much.
You cocked an eyebrow at him, chuckling. “Be more? What more could we be?”
Leo laughed awkwardly. “I dunno, like… what comes after two people move in together? We just exist together like an old couple?”
“Well, old couples are usually married so…” your words trailed off as you began to connect the dots. With a smirk, you slid closer to your boyfriend. “Ohh, you wanna marry me?”
The lump in Leo’s throat only grew in size, causing him to clear it out. “I mean—well—yeah, but eventually! Not like, now or super soon or anything.”
How smooth.
With an obnoxious laugh, you pressed your head against his shoulder. “You’re so cute. But I don’t think you want to marry me.”
This was something that the blue clad turtle didn’t really understand. How could he not want to marry someone as amazing as you? You always make him laugh, you’re fun to talk to; to have around, you understood him in a way he felt no one else could. Who wouldn’t want to be with you?
“Why’s that?” He asked.
You hummed in thought. “I dunno. I just feel like I’m not someone anyone would want to marry. I’m the girl people have fun with for a few months or years and then never see the rest of your life. My existence in people’s lives is very temporary.”
If you only knew how much that both hurt and concerned him. “No way. Not for me.” Leo unhurriedly reached for the ring in his pocket, the velvet texture of the box soothing his anxiety. “We’re locked down, remember? No take-backs.”
Somewhat of a tension filled the air the second he finished his sentence. You seemed upset—no, conflicted at what he’d said. The turtle began to say something else, but you quickly hopped to your feet with the Coke bottle in your hand. You pressed it to your lips, chugging it down until it was empty. Returning your vision to your boyfriend, you held out your hand to him and forced a smile.
“Dance with me?”
• • •
The next day, you were sort of hungover. Leo was the first to get out of bed to get you a glass of water and make breakfast for the both of you.
Your behavior last night almost diminished his hopes on proposing to you. Maybe it was best to wait a few years before even attempting if you already felt like you wouldn’t be a good partner in marriage. But the voice and the memories kept playing in his mind over and over again. It was as if it was his destiny to make you his. And soon. Very soon.
He tried again a week or so after the first time. You two were sitting on the fire escape talking and he felt like it was the time, but when he was down on his knee, you through your arms around him laughing and snorting in your drunken state. College had been kicking your ass and you hadn’t smiled often since his first attempt, so as to not ruin the moment, he bailed.
The next time, Leo had his brothers help him. But that was fruitless as well when you had to finish an essay, so you both turned in early into the night.
It became a battle to get you one, alone and away from your laptop, and two, to catch you in a good enough mood. Two months passed and Leo still hadn’t proposed, but you had just finished your midterms and were off for the next few weeks. He thought it was the perfect time to test his luck.
Friday night, he coerced his older brother to help him out. Snow had settled on the ground the day prior and he knew you loved the winter more than anything.
Later that night, your boyfriend basically yanked you to the frigid outdoors to the park. The two of you walked down the trail for a few minutes before you grew bored.
“Leo, where are we going?” You somewhat whined. “I love the cold but I’m freezing my ass off here.”
The turtle scoffed as to feign offense. “I’m taking you all this way and you’re complaining? I’m hurt, (Y/N).”
You chuckled lightly as you leaned against him. “It better be good or else you’ll find all your stuff in boxes when we get back.”
After a few more minutes, Leo demanded you to close your eyes and he would guide you the rest of the way. His heart thumped in his chest the closer they came to his surprise. You had to say yes. You just had to. The time and effort he put into this paired with his undying love for you had to be enough.
Soon, the two of you reached your destination.
“Okay, you can open your eyes now.” Leo said as he ran in front of you and threw his hands into the air once you complied.
Before you was a white archway littered with blue faux flowers. There was a badly painted off-white picnic table to the side of it with a candle that seemed to be once lit in the center of it. The spread was rookie and maybe not the best setting for the winter but sentimental nonetheless.
“Surprise!” Your boyfriend exclaimed with a laugh.
“Aw, Leo, you’re so sweet.” He grabbed your hand and led you to the picnic table. “Did you do this all yourself?”
He chuckled nervously. “Well, Raph did help me a bit. But it was my idea.”
You playfully rolled your eyes at him as he sat across from you. The look in his eyes was different than usual. His eyes constantly darted around as if he was waiting for something. When he would make eye contact with you, you could tell that he was anxious.
“Are you alright, babe?” You placed your hand on his. “You seem... nervous.”
The blue clad turtle waved his hand as to nullify your concerns. “No, no, I’m fine. Just great, but, uhm… I have something to ask you—er, tell you...? Ask and tell, I guess.”
You raised an eyebrow waiting for him to continue. Ever so slowly, he took your hand in his and led you to the arch. Underneath, he held your other hand and took a deep breath.
“For, like, the last few months, I’ve been trying to do this but… anyways, I just wanted to tell you how much I care about you. From the time we first met to now, I’ve always loved you.”
You cooed. “Aw, Lee. I love you too.”
He chuckled before he continued. “I love your personality and your laugh and the fact that you still organize our two plates the same way.”
“Well how else am I supposed to put them? Yours is right, mine is left.” You chimed in.
Leo gazed into your eyes, a small smile appearing on his face. “You complete me, babe. You’re the only person I’ve met that truly understands me. You’re someone I can always go to with anything, and I want you to be in my life forever.”
The turtle slowly got down on one knee and retrieved the velvet box from his pocket. Your hands shot up to you mouth as you realized what he was about to do. He held the box out in front of him and opened it to reveal a ring with morganite crystals within it.
“So, uh,” he mentally slapped himself for stuttering again, “So… I just wanted to ask… will you marry me, (Y/N)?”
Tears pricked your eyes as you began to sniffle from the cold and from the heartfelt proposal. “Is this why you asked me about it? Being more?”
Leo nodded. “Just like we’d promised.”
It took you a moment to understand what he’d meant until you remembered the memory he was talking about. “Oh my god, Leo, you still remember that? God, you’re so cute. But… are you sure? Like, really sure? You want to get… married to me?”
“I’ve never wanted anything more.” Leo said simply, an almost stern look on his face.
You couldn’t believe what was happening. When you had talked to him about no one wanting to marry you, you’d assumed that your relationship was temporary and Leo saying you two were “locked in” was only to make you feel better about the inevitable end. He wanted you. Forever.
“I… yes, Leo, I will marry you!” You exclaimed as you threw yourself at him, knocking both of you onto the snow.
For the first time in months, Leo took a deep breath and exhaled into your hair. He’d done it. He’d finally done it. His lover, his best friend, was finally his.
“No take-backs?” You piped up as you glanced up at him, an amused smirk on your face.
Your boyfriend laughed out loud before kissing the top of your head and nodding.
“No take-backs.”
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mcverse · 1 year
Hi can i ask a scenario wherein how would the sakamaki brothers react to a guy asking yui for a date and she says yes *bcs a sakamaki × yui were having an arguement*.
Oh look, there’s one of my vitals organs on the floor… I guess I laughed too much???
Yui! Reader dead.
The person she dared to even accept is dead.
It’s not meant to be funny but I can’t help it !!! You know what they are and what they can do. 🙃🙃
Okay but maybe I’m being to quick to assume, it could be plausible it’s anything but death… for some! Let’s see how this plays out cuz idon even know yet
Reminder: The boys (+ Mukami bros) are cute ngl and have moments of genuine affection and adoration toward reader (not really Yui! Reader — same difference tho) but they are very deadly, and that’s what I based this post off. Actually, it’s what I base all my dialovers posts off.
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Pairing: Yui! Reader x a Sakamaki Brother
Type: Scenario
Word count: 3.2K
Warning: Death, Jealousy, Possessive, Insecurities, Yandere-ish??, Yui! Reader being self sabotage maybe, torture, not spell checked
Side bar: If you can’t tell, I love dark humor. You’ve been warned. Also this is definitely a x reader blog only, so I made the post to represent that. I didn’t want to not do the post cause the ask was really good! Some are longer than others, I got way ahead of myself. Subaru is kinda shorter cuz it’s hard to write him :/
Like always, characters are aged up appropriately!
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Yui! Reader dating anyone but a Sakamki brother
Shu Sakamaki
You were a nuisance. A tiny, insignificant spec inside his world all because of that man couldn’t stop scheming. The existence of you has caused so much trouble—so many anomalies—he lost count after a while.
A human girl who couldn’t leave well enough alone. One that couldn’t obey, know right from wrong despite knowing all the facts and yet still being clueless. You made his life very difficult. He proved it to you time and time again.
Yet here he was, very out of character as he stood over your broken body. The feeling from earlier upon hearing the rumor of you leaving for someone else only now left his body. He felt like he wasn’t in control of his body during what he was doing to you.
He felt every emotion under the sun screaming at him loudly, blocking the noise of his music through his headphone. It was infuriating; he just wanted to relax. Do nothing and relax… Not break your fucking legs.
But what’s done is done.
He no longer felt this unwelcome discomfort in his chest when he saw you standing near another. It wasn’t him then. He was someone else, someone mad, someone crazy infatuated.
Shu has never been one to like someone.
So where did he fuck up?
Why did he fuck up?
He was always calm, calculated. The man he was today was driven by pure rage. Your screams in agony were music to his ears, better than any of the songs he enjoyed. Your pain, your scrunched up face and screaming, it was because of him. All because of his touch.
That thought alone satisfied him as he came down from his high, expression back to its blank slate, unreadable. He scuffs as your sound turns to whimpers and at your weak attempts to crawl away. It was almost cute… almost.
Bending down, he grips one of you legs causing a whale to leave you. Your hand instantly goes to his arm to stop him. He shakes it off him effortlessly, starring intensely at your face as he yanks you to him, you are now face to face.
With a tilt of his head, he smirks, “This is your mistake. For meddling in my life… take responsibility as I drain you of everything.” He grabs your hair, yanking back your head, “The only thought in your head should be giving yourself to me.” he finishes with the sinking of his teeth in your throat.
Reiji Sakamaki
Honestly, he thought he kneeded you into the perfect pet. At this point you should know better. His teachings should have gotten you into shape, but here you are once again being disobedient. Oh, how he detested that part of you. This hurts you more than him.. perhaps you like it?
Without missing a beat, when you arrive home he calls you to his office. This insolence has to be put to rest. You have soiled his family name, much less his pride though he would never tell.
This rumor, even though it was just that, was disgraceful. And it spread, reaching his ears. As if you would be with the trash that litter these halls. Who did they think they were compared to him. They were nothing, that’s what. You knew this. So why would you think it was okay?
Yes, it brings him great satisfaction when he saw you close in on yourself under his gaze, body trembling in fear. At least your body knows his touch, your mind still seemed to show some resistance. No worries, Reiji considers himself a excellent teacher. He was never one to give up, no matter the challenge.
“I don’t wanna hear your excuses…” he starts, getting up from his seat. On his way over to you, he grabs a cup filled with liquid and stands in front of you, pushing it towards you, “Drink this.”
Scared, you shake your head already knowing it’s something bad. You remember the last time he gave you something, the nightmares are everlasting.
Reiji inhales deeply, frowning down at you, “Drink it or I’ll shove it down your throat. I’ll be anything but gentle.” Again he pushes it to you, this time settling it in your hands after his threat weighed heavy in the air.
Cautiously you take a sip, tasting a honey dew hibiscus blend before swallowing the rest. You hand him the empty cup after, noticing no effect. It confused you, was that simply tea?
You’re question was answered shortly after when your eyes felt heavy and your body light as air. You stumbled into Reiji’s arms loosely, looking at him through blurry vision. The last thing you see is him smiling.
When you came to, you found you were strapped to a chair, in what looked to be the dungeon. How could you forget? You had the worst happen to you here, a shiver travels down your spine when you think about it.
“You’re up.” Reiji, a voice you’ll never forget, spoke behind you. You tried to turn to see him, but it was difficult. He chuckles are you attempt, walking around you to face you. Your eyes immediately notice a cloth bag in his gloved hands, the bottom cut open.
“What’s that for?” You squeeze out, heartbeat picking up.
“A lesson.” was all he said when he forces it over your head till it hang around your neck. He pulls away to walk around you again, making noise behind you. Then you heard a squeak. Your breath stills.
Please tell me that’s not a—
Reiji comes back into view, holding a rat in front of your face. It was mid size, black and ugly. You were going to cry, already feel the tears pool at your eyes.
“Reiji, please!” You shake your head, thrashing around in the chair.
He clicks his tongue, “Bad girls get punished.” He holds the bag in one hand and the rat in the holder. Inch by inch the rat gets closer to your face, thrashing in Reiji hand not liking the harsh treatment just like you.
A scream rips from your throat when he drops it on your head and quickly ties the bag.
You had to learn your place one way or another.
Ayato Sakamaki
Ayato had to have heard wrong because there was no fucking way that you chose someone other then him. Especially knowing that you were his and his alone. This rumor had to be just that, false information spreading around the school.
He knew he didn’t have anything to worry about, it was him for crying out loud. No one can compete… but he still needed to hear how wrong everyone was from the source.
He found you easily in the girls bathroom, locking the door to avoid any interruptions. It was a miracle he was thinking clearly, usually it was so unlike him. And that’s why it was scary.
His stare was intense and focused, it made you squirm under the heat of it. He taunts you with slow forward steps, making you take steps back until your back was flush against one of the walls. He caged you in between his arms immediately, decreasing your chances to escape. As if you had any to begin with..
“Ore-sama’s been hearing some things he shouldn’t, Chichinashi.” He begin, his left hand sliding down to grip one of your shoulder, “It’s not true right? You wouldn’t dare go against Ore-sama?”
“A-Ayato.” Your mouth felt dry all of a sudden. You knew what he was talking about. After having a disagreement once again between you both, you foolishly accepted a date with another. You thought it would come to nothing, little did you know that the person would spread the news like a wild fire.
His grip tightens, nails digging through your uniform into your skin, drawing blood from you. The smell was intoxicating as always to Ayato, but he was to busy seething inside to notice completely.
“It was a mistake! I didn’t mean it, I was upset. Forgive me.” You plea body trembling in both pain and fear.
A scowl stretches onto his face, his hand long left your shoulder the minute those words left your lips. Instead, they wrap around your throat, tightening as he processes your words. It came to the point, you were clawing at his hand, letting out choked gasps.
Ayato couldn’t think straight. All he can think about is you being with someone that’s not him. How dare you? Ayato should be your whole world, your first thought when you wake up and your last thought when you sleep. You should feel suffocated by his presence, otherwise he wasn’t doing his job.
Slowly he loosens his hold on you, leaving you chugging down air desperately. A few minutes pass before you glance at him, body going still when you see the huge sinister grin on his face.
“Ore-sama’s just gonna have to remind you who you belong to,” he suddenly grabs your hair and throws you on top of the faucets counter, “No matter how long it takes, everyone will know you belong to Ore-sama.” He finishes before sinking his sharp teeth into your neck with purpose.
Kanato Sakamaki
If it was any normal person, they would be heart broken and move on. But Kanato was anything but normal.
First he lets you get away with talking back to him in your argument yesterday, chosen to forgive you after you reluctantly make him snacks and now.. you had the audacity to cheat on him.
You filthy, untrustworthy mortal.
He was aware all woman were the same. Hell, he constantly reminded him despite the kind attention you gave him. He always assumed your kindness had ulterior motives. Why else would someone be kind to him? He knew he was a handful. He just didn’t care.
Now it was clear how you felt about him, there was no hiding it. There was no hiding from him. This time, you actions are unforgivable. You thought you can toy with his feelings… You’ll pay in the worst way.
When he invited you to his room, you didn’t think much of it. Somehow you were completely oblivious to the news spread throughout the school. In fact, the situation with the date was so far in the back of your head, you have forgotten it had happened. You were just upset in the moment. It was never more than just a sway of words.
That’s why after entering his room to see the person who asked lying lifeless in a pool of blood a few feet away from Kanato, were you shocked. Just a few hours ago, he was alive. Guilt quickly creeped up on you but it was shortly lived when Kanato called for your attention.
“So glad you’re here. Good to know you’re still a little obedient,” he smiles but it doesn’t reach his eyes. He points to the dead on his floor, “Remember them?” he laughs, “Of course they do! Right teddy?” he turns to the bear in his hand.
You remain still, time ticking like a bomb about to go off. Which in all honestly it could, Kanato was unpredictable and if he found out about that and this was the outcome, imagine what he would do to you.
How do you get out of this situation?
“Look at her, teddy. She’s planning something… whatever it is won’t work. No. I don’t like it.” he shakes his head, “I’d much rather your expression be twisted in pain than whatever this is…” he walks towards you, face twisting from one emotion to another before settling into a deep frown. He stops a feet away from you, your back against the door before she even realizes it.
“I do enjoy your terrified expression too, it’s adorable.” he mumbles. It felt like time froze with how long you both been staring at each other. Kanato hold on his bear tights as he stares numbly at you. It was too much, you had to say something.
“Kanato—“ your voice trails off because in a split second, a knife was lunged into your abdomen. It hurt so much, it pulsed with heat. Your mind couldn’t wrap around what was happening. Gripping the arm it was attached to, you looked the culprit in his crazed eyes, “Kan-ato..”
He sneered twisting it harshly, “Did you think you can get away with using me?! I told you I’d break you. Down to your last breath.” he yanks it out, watching your body drop to the floor, struggling to inhale.
“You’re lucky you’re pretty enough to be added to my collection,” he bends down to stab you again in your shoulder. He smiles when you haller out in pain, “To stay with me forever… you should be grateful.” he stabs your leg.
“That’s right.. look at me like that.” he repeatedly stabs you over and over until the life drifts from your eyes to nothing, “You’ll never leave me. Will you?”
Laito Sakamaki
What was this? Is his hearing finally going, has he finally reached that age? No, that can’t be it. So whst exactly was happening?
His little bitch going on a date with some that’s not him? How outrageous. Not possible. He’s the only one who can take you out on sexy rendezvous and risky trips. You liked it better when it was him. He knew that.
So why is it that hearing the rumor stirs something unsettling in him. It tugs at his undead heart and gnaws at his brilliant brain. Before he could do anything, it seeped through the cracks, drowning him.
Every memory with his mother, with every woman he encountered, every person who he thought he loved—who he thought showed him love and every betrayal he assumed or saw came full surface.
It hurt so much. He swore to never feel like this again. And it ate at his mind. If he had a breath to give, it would be ripped right out of him. He didn’t like this. He wasn’t the one in control, he wasn’t the one getting your love. He wasn’t the one playing the game. He felt like the game played… him.
When Laito found you, he all but dragged you to the roof top. A place where terrifying, haunting memories were held. The same ones that kept you on your toes, but failed you every time.
Laito was uncharacteristically quiet, his back turned to you as he stared out into the open planes. It could have been a pleasant sight if you didn’t know what kind of monster he really was.
“Y’know, little bitch.” he starts, taking his hat off to run his free hand through his hair, “There was only one other time I truly loved someone to the point of hate. All the others… they weren’t real.”
Hearing where this conversation was heading, you reach back to grip the handle when a gasp leaves you. No longer were you standing in front of the door, instead Laito has you dangling off the rails of the school on your toes. His right hand was twisted into your uniform shirt, the only thing keeping you from falling.
Quickly, you grab his arm, tears swelling in your eyes as you see the sad expression on his face. It squeezed at you heart, but maybe that was actually the fear of falling.
“Lait-o please!” You lean forward into his touch.
He clicks his tongue, shaking his head at your attempt to sway him. He knew this scene all too well. The first was hard on him, he drowned himself in body after body. No doubt this would be the same. It didn’t bring him the same joy as his usual actions did. This time he truly felt torn.
“Little bitch,” he draws in your attention and you lock eyes, “It doesn’t bring me joy from this. I would have rather spent the rest of our lives together… exploring each other but I can’t tolerate the betrayal.”
It only dawned on you what he was talking about. From the start of this interaction you thought he was being moody but you should have known; play your cards just a little better but it was too late. With a easy unraveling, he lets you go with a gentle push and watches as you descends to the floor.
So many emotions raved through him as he did. He wanted to grab you back and tell you it was a joke. But he stays in place when he hears a loud splat and a pierced scream.
He couldn’t even bring himself to peek before he left. You brought up to many bad memories, how could he forgive you?
Subaru Sakamaki
Subaru really couldn’t stand you. From the moment you entered their home and disrupted his peace. It was always something with you. Always needing saving from someone or something, always needing to be reminded that you were beneath him and everyone in this house.
Yet you seem to not understand it or that you do but you completely throw it to the wind, whatever the reason it pissed him off. All your stupid attempts to get close to him, to try and understand him… to get him to open up.
Then, despite his constant attacks on you, he actually grew some form of attachment. The thought of you sicken him, but the thought of you gone made him mad more. You disgusting, weak human did something to him.
So when he heard the rumor of you agreeing to date someone else. It was like… something broke in him. All his thoughts consumed him, he was a monster. Less than trash. His mother didn’t want him nor his father. Why would you?
He didn’t even like himself sometimes. It’s no surprise the time you have another argument, you agree to date someone else. If he was in your position, he’d run to. Run so far, the chances of anyone catching him was slim to none. But you weren’t that good at running… actually, you couldn’t really run after he caught you.
There was a permanent snarl on his face as he stares down at you. A chained collar secured tightly around your neck, identical to the ones around your wrist. If Subaru wasn’t so aggravated, he could have enjoyed seeing you ruined.
He grips the knife in his left hand, which drips of your blood, “Shut up!” he shouts, listening to your whimpers, “You brought this on yourself. Stupid.. You just don’t learn.”
He moves to crouch in front of you, lifting your head up by the chin, “I told you you’ll die if you stay here.” His left hand raises as he speaks and makes another slash across your skin.
You groan loudly with shut eyes, shaking as he does it again… and again, and again till more and the same wounds bleed profoundly. It was agonizing, with how many hours he’s been at it. It felt like he was never going to lighten up his assaults.
But a miracle shines on you when he pulls away and drops the knife. He stands over you for minutes, chest heaving up and down. You never understood why they pretended to breathe, but you weren’t in the position to question.
There you laid out like a doll. So broken, bruised and bloody. Almost beyond repair. Subaru smiles at that acknowledgment. As much as he was tempted to tear your throat out, the smell of your blood begging him to drain you dry till you were foaming at the mouth; this would have to do.
”I told you… you’ll die.” was the last thing he said before leaving the dungeon, locking it on the way out.
Fuck he hated you.
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koi-pond-tears · 7 months
Headcanons I love even tho they go against my main beliefs for these characters
Ace/Aro bakugou. Idk why but I just. Love it. So much. Like yes lil dude be free!!! Fuck nobody!!! You never needed bitches!!!
And especially the headcanons where he's like. Absolutely clueless about love. Like Mina will ask "so bakugou what's your type?" And he just looks confused n goes "?? You mean my blood type???"
Izuku and Katsuki being brothers. Like not literal brothers by blood but they have that brotherly bond. I actually do ship dekubaku but this headcanon is still very dear to me and I think in another universe it could work.
Like it's so funny imagining them fighting the way brothers do or being mean to each other but also having each other's backs and protecting/defending the other. I love that for them
Idk why but asexual todoroki just. Wow. I love him
I feel like he would still want a romantic relationship just without the sex part. Like he's totally cool with kissing or cuddling bc cmon there is no way in HELL this boy is not absolutely touch starved.
I feel like while Ace bakugou thinks sex is gross and is repulsed by it, ace todoroki is just indifferent to it. He doesn't rlly care or have any feelings towards it. Like ok bestie go smush your peepees together while I watch the entire Beverly Hills Chihuahua franchise
As much as I love my blorbos bakudeku together I have to admit the idea of izuku being the token straight friend in a class full of the ell gee bee tees is so fucking funny to me. Like he doesn't understand the lingo and is absolutely sweating his balls off trying not to say something offensive and it's just hilarious. He accidentally uses she/her instead of they/them once and almost commits seppuku ( a japanese style of suicide which includes disembowelment)
I'm sure he includes everyone's pronouns in their description in his notebook to make sure he remembers what to use
Nonbinary jirou just. Fits. Like idk what anyone has to say about that but look me in the eye and tell me that bitch doesn't put on a binder
They're an enby and also bisexual bc I am correct about everything.
Trans kiri just works.
If deku doesn't grow up to be tall as fuck then I will literally have a meltdown
does he not look like the tall lanky nice friend that can't even say fuck??? Look me in the eye and tell me that. Do it.
Eri grows up to be really tall
Like idk where this comes from but to me she's just. Tall. Girly doesn't get you things from the top shelf she IS the top shelf
Also I personally don't like the eri x kota ship, I think it's kinda weird to be wanting these whole ass 6 year Olds to date, idk but it makes me uncomfortable
I saw a post once that said that Ochaco would be an active memelord (back when that term wasn't cringe) and oh my god. No. This bitch wouldn't know anything.
She has a fucking flip phone I doubt she has access to motherfucking twitter
I think she'd be like Izuku where she's just absolutely clueless on the lingo and slang and feels left out when her friends reference memes she's never seen before
And even if they do take the time to send her one or two she wouldn't understand it
I also saw this in a different post but tsuyu listens to asmr
Tokoyami too
I love the black Mina headcanons but I'm filipino and so starved of representation so I'll just pretend she's half pinoy but grew up in japan so she doesn't really know much of the language (you'd be surprised how many of us don't speak our native language despite living here all our lives)
Himikos eyebags come from the many long nights she spent as a villain doing literally anything else but getting a good night's sleep. Like I know in the backstory episodes we see her with the eyebags as a child, but when I first watched the show I just assumed that that was the reason she had them, and I'll stick to that till I die
Mirio is autistic. Do not argue with me I am right.
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formulawonu · 2 years
hi can you do a svt comforts y/n during their period and what they are mostly likely to do. <3
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seventeen & period cramps
seungcheol: whatever ur craving for or want hes buying it the moment u say it out loud dhjxkdjh i think he's a lil flustered when u bring it up but then he just goes into leader/protective-mode and just dotes on u and wants to make sure ur ok. if ur cranky he is staying away 🙏
jeonghan: because he would try to make u feel better by bickering with u sjhsjadkfj like if u say smth out of pocket he'd be like "rly 🤨" then u eventually just forget abt ur period cramps or crankiness bec ur busy being arguing w him. he tells u about his tactic after and ur like 🙄 but hes like "it worked tho????"
joshua: he's the sweetest!!!! like he'd be walking on eggshells just a teensy bit but he's nonetheless very receptive to what u need. if u want alone time he can do that if u wanna cuddle he can do that skjdhs he's also the type to heat up the heating pad for u without u needing to say anything
junhui: will pig out with u no questions asked. ur craving pizza? he'll by one for each of u. ur craving ice cream? a tub for each of u. just wants to make sure u are happy and does whatever he can so u feel u arent alone
hoshi: he would treat u like an actual baby and be so doting to the point where ur like "soonyoung i can FEED myself" "soonyoung i can walk im on my period im not injured" but thats just how much he cares about u 😭 asks u how u are every hour
wonwoo: he would stay in bed with you the whole day. like that's his way of making sure you're okay and that you know he's literally there if u need anything. u spend ur days napping cuddling doing ur own thing with him beside u just for extra care :( does not bother u at all and he's so understanding abt everything
woozi: the man is in his studio most of the time already but if he knows ur on ur period he would make an effort to check in with u more often or even leave the studio just that much earlier to see you and be with you :( IM GONNA CRY
minghao: this man just gets it. brings u tea or offers to give u a massage or heat up the heating pad like he does not get affected one bit if u get moody or whatever he just lets the attitude pass and helps u figure out what u want <//3 also he knows periods are different for everyone so he doesnt assume anything he just asks u what u need straightforward
mingyu: this man serves u shit in bed lets be real like if u say u want warm soup he'd make it from scratch or whatever 😭 he'd also be down to just cuddle u in bed if thats what u want or give u massages cus his love language is physical touch (fight me on this) sjhdfsdjh he'd also kinda steer clear of u if ur in a bad mood bc man does not wanna make things worse
seokmin: PLS HED BE SO FUNNY DKHFSDHAS like he's just constantly racking his brain for what to do while ur on ur period when u just need him to continue being the same like hes overthinking everything hes abt to say to u and wondering if ur gonna get annoyed. but honestly it just comes off cute u cant hate the guy
seungkwan: HES PERFECT FOR THIS LIKE along w hao hes the one that rly does not shift who he is or whatever. honestly u look for HIM when ur on ur period and hes there already ready to do whatever it is u need him to do. u ask him for reassurance food rest advice and hes ur man.
vernon: clueless and doesnt know ur on ur period unless u tell him urself or say u have cramps jhdfsdj u know what maybe if u say cramps he still wouldnt get it until he puts two and two together. lots of awkward laughs and he would also just ask u whats up or if ur in the mood to do this or that. hes okay
dino: HE WOULD GET ON UR NERVES TRYING TO HELP U JHSDFGSRJFGHD like i picture it u cant clearly explain what u want and hes trying to connect the dots so when he tries to do something ur like NOT THAT LEE CHAN and hes like omfg sorry im so sorry and hes mostly apologizing. hes trying his best <//3
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kobiiioo · 8 months
a reason why i think hobie likes to mess around lihan
Thinking about hanpunk, the main reason Hobie genuinely takes interest into knowing Lihan has nothing to do with things like “love at first sight” or with her being “different” and “mysterious” or with him just being sociable and whatsoever.
To be reaaally honest, lihan is such a ordinary girl (imo). She has pretty much of a blank personality, adapting different personalities depending the environment, just like a chameleon.
She’s naturally a very quiet and cautious person but her struggle to express herself does affect her in many ways;
She doesn’t engage, she doesn’t talk about her opinion, she prefers to listen and follow orders (unlike Hobie) and she never complains. She likes to observe things and simply do as what people say. You can say she’s very selfless in some way.
In simple words; she’s a wallflower (idk why it took me sm time to find this word in my head)
But then what makes Hobie “see” her ?
This might be kind of ridiculous/weird to say but
He likes to see her vulnerable.
Ik what you’re thinking like huh ?? 😨 bUT HEAR ME OUT !! BECAUSE I DON’T MEAN IT IN THE WEIRD WAY AT ALL ?!?! by vulnerable I mean as in when she breaks from her persona and showing emotions.
As I’ve alrd explained on my other posts, lihan is really like- she can seem very rude, reckless and apathetic imo bc she’s just extremely used to enduring her emotions and keeping a cold facade so she doesn’t get emotional in general but also during important situations because deep down she’s extremely like EXTREMELY fragile.
That doesn’t mean she’s a cry baby but she’s very empathetic if you get to know her more; she’s just an expert at pretending and has lot of self control (she’s sooo dishonest and untruthful to herself and others).
And it’s funny because the only person that’s smh able to break that facade is Hobie.
He finds it amusing that he’s the only one capable to do it and so easily too. It’s so interesting and surprising to see how easily she can break that facade simply by teasing her and getting on her nerves.
Talking to him or just interacting with him in general feels like she’s getting exposed or and since Hobie is the only person Lihan can’t beat, that pisses her off SO MUCH.
So yeah, basically,
It’s the fact that she’s not so different than what others think of her that made him even more attracted to her. And despite her seeming ordinary and being a wallflower, he sees something that not much people see immediately in her.
I feel like Hobie is extreeeemely attentive and perceptive. He’d basically know any secrets and gossip going around HQ because he just sees and hears EVERYTHING. And ofc my man is good at keeping secrets so he just stays quiet 🤭
And while others can be clueless about it and Lihan just hides well among a huge group of people, Hobie sees her. And he notices the things she never knew he noticed (this specific quote on slide 10);
He’d sometimes notice her trying to start a conversation with other spider people and trying to get along with them, helping new recruits to get used to the environment and giving them advices while still being very reserved and restrained,
listening to people carefully and giving them life advices, acts of service without anyone noticing she did for them and gifting people things she simply noticed or that reminded her of the person (the christmas comic ☹️)
Like tbh, he at first thought she was kinda like Miguel, as in her seeming emotionless and just hella cold and restricted almost acting like a robot or sum
But seeing her being more compassionate and simply being human and being so caring was what made him actually go like “damn.. that’s new ?”
Ykwim right ? No ? Alright 😔
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dreamwritesimagines · 13 days
bucky opened up 🥹 he actually said itttttt, I thought the "I'll make sure you get that crown" was the closest we'd get to a confession at least for now but he actually said it 😭😭 now they both know omgggg I wonder what they're gonna do with this information and if they're gonna fuck it up somehow :)))
also Rhett may be a problem but damn someone really needed to put Ian in his place like that AGES ago, it's one thing knowing your cousin and all "her friends" don't respect you, but for someone from the outside so to speak to come over, take a look at you, deem you laughable, and say it to your face so bluntly, that must have stung in a different way omggg 💀 also in this context why would you say to someone "you need to respect me" literally that sounds so pathetic and childish Ian has absolutely no idea what he's doing! in this context respect is EARNED! you can't just tell someone to respect you that just makes you look so stupid omg he's so annoying
also my love what do you mean Logan called Sunshine princess 😭😭 and I love her so much, she goes "isn't this fun? we're explorers!" while stressed out of her mind and having a terrible morning, ugh she's so cute and she's the best mom ever I literally got a little bit emotional over it bc that's just how many young mothers are really 🥹 always trying to keep things positive for their kids, I think you're capturing that perfectly!
she's so cute she shows gratitude by hugging 😭😭 idk how Logan is gonna keep it together honestly she's so cute and funny, but also poor woman she's horny af I bet she loves sabrina carpenter 💀 and I'm 100% with her ok I deserve jail time for the thoughts that came to my mind when he said "are you always this polite princess" ???????? like sir imma need you to tone it down or you'll get me arrested ugh he's so flirtyyyyy he called her pretty and why do I feel like maybe his love language is acts of service???? like every grumpy man in the world?????
anyways love THANK YOU for the improvement on my weekend and my Monday, you're really giving us the best content anyone could ask for!!!! 🩷🩷🩷
Bucky totally said it! ❤️ And he was so so sure that Charm would turn him down, or reject him like he rejected her 😏
Oh Rhett was sooo so right to say it to Ian's face! 😂 Like, Charm and Bucky and all others, they were being kinda soft on him without even realizing purely because of Charm's father, and Rhett did not hold back😈 Chicago rules are different and he does not care whether the person's feelings are hurt at all😏
Respect is definitely earned in that business! ❤️ Like, Rhett earned it, Bucky earned it, Charm is definitely earning it, and Ian just expects people to respect him because of his uncle 😂 And Rhett was like "Nope" 😏
Aaaaaa it's so wonderful to hear that honey! Yesss I think Theo's health, both mentally and physically is the priority for Sunshine, and she is being very careful to make sure he grows up in a very loving and peaceful environment even if her own environment isn't exactly peaceful ❤️ So even if she's stressed out, she will make it look like a game to Theo and keep things totally positive ❤️
Lolll oh Logan is trying to keep it together but between her hugging him, and him sniffing her hair, and her being all cute and rambling with him, he is finding it very hard 😂
Sunshine sooo listens to Sabrina Carpenter ASDFGHJKL I LOVE IT😂
He called her princess! 🥰 He will do that a looooot😏
I totally agree with you on acts of service! ❤️ And Sunshine will be so clueless about it, while Logan is like, fixing everything around her and making sure she's safe and it will be so cuuuute! ❤️
Aaaaaaaa I'm so giggly honeyyyy, thank you so so much! 🥰 You are so sweeeeet! ❤️
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jovenshires · 9 months
i personally feel like if you're writing rpf you've gotta be prepared that the people you're writing about do have internet access and aren't clueless y'know? like. i understand not wanting them to see it and for their sake id hope they wouldn't either but no one is entitled to write about a real person and then demand that real person can't access something that is literally About Them. like. just bc they're "famous" doesn't make them public domain yknow.
now i do find those youtubers read fanfic videos kinda cringe personally too bc i mean they always have to choose bad or funny ones otherwise itd be 10h long and awkward. but yeah im also like. those people chose to write and upload those somewhere on a public forum that the people they're writing about Do have access to. i feel like that just comes with the territory in rpf. they aren't fictional and they can in fact read those. if you don't want them to it should be shared somewhere very personal imo.
but yeah obviously since the majority of the fics that do get picked for those vids are probably written by teenagers i do feel kinda bad for them for that but i feel like thats a hard lesson in that those people are in fact real and can see it. i never rly enjoy the content where ppl read fanfics about themselves tho for this reason. but if this is going to be submitted ones i think that might be funny and definitely a better way to go about this on their part. i still dread it tho and will probably cringe out of my skin (also i wonder who that video will include...)
i do agree with you. i put a warning before all my fics in the hopes that they won't read it, but as my dear friend mer always says, i'm not a cop. i can't control what you do. and i joke that i want spencer agnew to block me but it's just that - a joke (well, a half-joke). if they're seeking this out, that's on them at that point. they are grownups; they know how the internet works and they know how to avoid things and how to search them out. i can't even really be pissed if they put my work in a video, bc hey, it's out there (even if i would rather they didn't look in my general direction). but at the same time, i will say this:
i am making these things about smosh members, but they're certainly not for smosh members. they can read them if they wish or use them if they wish (like i said i literally cant do anything to stop them bc, you're right, we do publish these things publically) but they're not made for them. so when they read them and they're like "oh, that's weird, who would write something like that," well. it wasn't intended for them to read in the first place. and now they've gone and alienated a bunch of people who looked up to them. people who watched their content and were inspired to create something. it's kind of hard to stomach when they're mocking a portion of their fanbase - and not only are they mocking them, but they're making them a butt of the joke for other portions of their fan base. they uplift fan artists and video editors, but fic authors for some reason are always looked down upon. i think there's a difference between acknowledging it exists / talking about it and directly making content to target it you know.
i don't know if there's a "lesson" to be learned from all this. i don't personally think those teens who were writing that fanfiction deserve to be ridiculed for it. i think they'd found a way to express themselves and that's great. i personally hadn't written for months when i started writing smosh fic again, and writing is truly one of my biggest passions in life. the smosh cast, who i'm incredibly grateful for, led me back to it. but i digress; maybe i'm just naive.
i'll also add: i'm not saying, like, fuck the smosh cast for this btw. like i do agree it is their right to look at things on the internet made about them and use it for content. they're even allowed to make fun of it. i'm sure to some people it is weird to read stuff like that about yourself, they're allowed to say that and have that opinion. so go ham, make this kind of video all you want. im just saying it's kind of a dick move and i personally am not a fan of it. but im not gonna stop watching smosh over it or anything and i don't think the cast is worse people for it. i just dislike this kind of video. i dislike a lot of videos - i don't enjoy the tntl trivial pursuit videos and the fortnite videos either. this doesn't make me any less of a fan of theirs, just an opinionated fan.
anyway, like i said, i'm glad it's submitted fics - truly, i'm thrilled. it's still not for me (like i said i already have a hard enough time watching smosh pit theater........ i simply cant do this) but i think it's fine and a good way to go about it!! i hope the video is, for everyone who enjoys this kind of thing, a good video. as for whos gonna be in it - could be anybody at this point (ive read so many pairings yall have no idea) but im so certain i/anthony is gonna be there.
tldr: i do agree, but i also think the renditions of this they've done in the past have mocked fic writers for no good reason. if you want to watch the video i hope you enjoy, and i'm glad they're using submitted fics this time ! <3
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youremyheaven · 2 months
helloooo hope im not bothering you but do you have any natural remedies for anxiety? i figured you would know because you really do seem to have experience with things like this
methods that preferably don’t involve ingesting anything because sometimes when it’s really bad my gag reflex kicks up with everything i put in my mouth 😓😓 for context ive been properly diagnosed with an anxiety disorder but i remember there was a three week period as a child where i was effectively mute because anxiety and i couldn’t make eye contact or everything and now whenever i get a panic attack i think of that muteness and panic even more because i cannot risk losing my voice again at this big age 😭😭 must be something with the sky and planets or it could be my third house saturn making itself known again
- mother anon (also so proud of you for your new boyfriend!! who would’ve thought? (i did. i knew the very moment you first mentioned him.) but also like how did the confession and entrance into the relationship happen?? from fwbs to lovers is so 🤞🤞 cute but how does a conversation like that even happen and go ANDDD the fact that you previously mentioned your type to me in response to an ask and now this guys seems perfectly like that? okay go manifesting queen i see you 🤭)
selective mutism is something i struggled with as a child so i know how bad it can get and how awful it feels!!!
yoga and meditation is what helps me with anxiety. also camomile tea, peppermint tea, green tea etc helps calm you down. ik a lot of people think its hogwash to drink tea to help with symptoms BUT I PROMISE YOU ITS NOT, these are crushed plant bits and these plants have actual medicinal properties!!! this is NOT placebo!!! its the OG natural remedy!!
throat chakra cleansing mudras and asanas could help u. when i was at the peak of my panic attack-y anxiety episodes, i would lie face down on my yoga mat and just stay there until i felt better (sometimes this would take hours). my therapist at the time told me to submerge my feet in ice cold water because it makes the nerves chill out (literally) and that helped too. running or walking could also help you. chanting really helped me and thats also what my therapist recommended.
JSJDHHDHHFHF u guys being proud of me for getting a man is so funny 🤣🤣like its not an achievement but tbh it does kinda feel like one hehe 🥺bc my pookie is a good man
firsttttt of all, we weren't fwb 😭he had asked me out before and i had said no 😭 (this was a few months ago) and then we started hanging out (one on one) (in July) and one night after i hadn't seen him for like a week (because he had gone to a different city for work) i felt feral for him (i was also ovulating) and although i had no intentions as such for the two of us, I started touching him and coming onto him and he just 😊was clueless until I started kissing him and told him I want him inside me lmaooo. so tbh, we were kindaa??? dating?? (going out and spending time with a person, holding hands, cuddling etc) i think its after i became intimate with him that i realised how much i liked him lmaooo and then i wondered about where this was going etc and i asked him and we were on the same page (we both reallyyyy like each other and want to be together).
idk about other people but he wasnt someone who went from friend to fckbuddy to boyfriend. he was a guy in my social circle who had asked me out and made his intentions with me veryyy clear from the get go. I had friendzoned him 😬and despite never having friendly intentions 😈he was always respectful and never tried to cross the line. (he's a Jupiter influenced man after all hehe<3)
it wasnt an overnight switch,, it was always romantic from his end. i didnt realise how gentlemanly and chivalrous he was until i started hanging out with him (by the time we had become intimate, i had already gone out with him 4 -5 times) and he's just sooo manlyyyy and mature,, its so hot to me. so for me, it took more time to see him that way??? so even tho i said i had sex with a friend, we were technically dating at that point lol,, it wasnt a random "hey meet me, i want to bang u tonight" situation
he does fit my type to a TEE hehe <333 i hope i manifest everything else in life this way<333 like everytime im with him, im just like??? did i write this man into existence?? bc wtf ??? 🧿🪬🧿🪬🧿🪬🧿🪬🧿🪬🧿🪬🧿🪬🧿🪬🧿🪬🧿🪬🧿🪬🧿🪬🧿🪬🧿🪬🧿🪬
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sunset-bridge · 1 year
gorbo thoughts (the real)
if you saw the other ones no you didnt. its just i realized i forgot some Important things so my brain readjusted. i hope no one really saw the other ones or. if you did Erase them from your memory pretty please?
like. ok im certain he Does know from the start ( i. think?) that protag is joker, since he had already heard mona in the metaverse by then. i wasnt certain if you had to actually hear him or if just entering the metaverse was enough, but yeah you have to hear him; sae , despite having entered the metaverse, still cant understand mona since she never actually got to hear him there. anyways
but like. ok its so. funny and also Bad for me. can you imagine. hey going with the plan of. haha im gonna get this guy sooo bad. heheheh im gonnnnna. get him!!! and then like. ah shit im actually having fun but im gonna have to kill this guy a few months later. well.
like. "hehhe yeah im gonna get this guys trust by hanging out with him a bit and pretending to be a nice friend : ) its ok im super good at this i wont even get attached i completely control every single neuron in my brain NOPE i wont enjoy this because im always self aware. all the time forever" <---- the clueless
god with goro being the type of person to crave attention and . you know that he wants to feel needed or wanted around. hmm. i too would start to have a normal amount of fun later like. eheh. this guy likes hearing me blabber about stuff : ) ahah this is kinda cool i can just say whatever i want lol.. WAIT FUCK!!. like. ofc hes aware hes the Enemy but that doesnt stop you from having fun in the moment and then being like. SHIT !! like. you cant fucking control liking someones company like that lol. do you guys get what im saying. shaking you. mfw i need to be evil and shit but FUCK im still just human and have human emotions and shit
also. its. really funny to me. the. fucking traumadumping like. did he. was he trying to like. appear even more genuine to fool joker even more. but failed in the process and just. actaully Talked about Real Things instead. BECAUSE guys when i was playing. i sincerely thought "hey i wonder if any of these things hes saying about his past are even real lol.." LIKE I THOUGHT he would like. yknow make something up? but. nope. he just. he just used his Real Lore. hello goro?
but like
tbh understandable. i cant imagine he had many people he could share stuff about his life with; hell , not even shido, since he couldnt know about goro's mother and what not. and other people, way too risky. they could make rumors about the detective prince
guy was just waiting for an opportunity to drop that on someone BHSGHSGHKF
quoting my beautiful friend sage: like his brain probably abandoned the plan as soon as he started talking bc he didn't realise how much he needed to get it off his chest. and then he like "fuck he knows too much about me now. he needs to die".
boyloser. mfw i try to gaslight my silly rival into trusting me by acting genuine but at some point i start being Too Real
^^ this is it . like. yeah ok goro you can pretend to be cold and cool but. idk man this shit would eat anyone away. i would Want to tell it to at least Someone at some point you know.
honestly this is on shido for trying to use a traumatized 18 year old as a spy hitman. an 18 year old who wants to be needed by anyone even. like cmon. honestly skill issue. like cmon man
anyways. im. normal about it. ahah can you imagine that your only slightly real friend is the guy you have to kill a bit later. like. the only time you can be somewhat genuine is with your fucking archnemesis rival . man. and even then its like. im a guy hiding under 37 layers of irony but hey this other guy (also hiding under 37 layers of irony) is kinda cool fr.. . ggggggggggg
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craw-dacious · 10 months
Review of the making of the map by fox_pitch
I'm new to marauders, this is the second fic I've read.
Summary: I liked this fic, a lot. It was a fun read and I really liked the progression of both Wolfstar and James/Lili (is it Jilly? I can’t remember). A bit less angsty than what I usually read and some parts felt underbaked, but the author kept my attention INCREDIBLY. I stayed up about four hours later than I usually do binge reading this. Very good.
Since chapters are shorter ill do bigger recaps infrequently throughout, but still little chapter notes
Chapter one
Cannot wait to see this unfold <3333
Aw they’re so cute, definitely a wolf star focus
I hope this goes through seventh year so I can see James and lily play out
Chapter two
Why did I not process its the first day of term thats wild and crazy
Ok so lily still is buddies with Snape which tracks timeline wise I guess
Do they pants him at the end of the fifth or sixth year I can’t remember
I am confused on the lily dynamic tbh what does she think of the group
Chapter three
This one kinda ate, im liking the short chapters I get more invested in each part of the story
Obviously I know they’re not just gonna kill off Peter, but him dying in the shack did cross my mind
I wonder when lupin gets the potion stuff
Chapter four
I hope remus gets over himself soon how was Sirius supposed to know how intense the situation was bruh
Blanket statement that I apologize for all shitty teenage boy behavior they need to chill
Chapter five
Calling him inbred is hilarious Im liking remus’s pov
Hes gay James stop
Literally he’s gonna go be ur wingman be happy
Good chapter very chill
I like the silliness thats been in this so far. I am NOT liking that remus and Sirius aren’t talking to each other. Is it a narrative device? Absolutely. But I despise it so much.
I think Sirius’ characterization is very good so far, I’m surprised they haven’t fleshed out the Regulus stuff more yet. Hopefully will get his pov soon
God I hope this is a save reggie fic cmon
I really hope this passage is the one to honey dukes.
Im sure the plots about to pick up more since they’re actually making the map
Chapter six
If I was lily I would’ve folded so fucking fast bruh
Like I know he’s annoying but like he’s cute, and likes her so much, and is clearly like progressive what is the problem
Anyway, sirius needs to chill if he wants to be gay
Chapter seven
Closet time closet time its time to be emotional in the closetttt
Calling him a cat is funny
Sirius is my fave because he’s also like a fixer upper with issues but he’s not EVILL he just has trauma
And he actually wants to be the best version of himself yk (unlike some dumb ass fucking bitches I know)
Chapter eight
Cradling his head
Sirius licking him
God can marlene just fucking kill herself please
Chapter nine
Honestly there is no world in which I wouldnt feel awkward with my friends jokingly offering to kiss me as a form of like emotional comfort like thats not normal
Like my best friend gave me a big hug after I broke up with my ex she’s not gonna go “oh haha idk what else to do other than make out with you lol lol.” Sirius what the fuck
Anyway I love to see the lily and James bonding but I can tell it makes remus feel lonelier
Wonder if we’re gonna get Peter development at all
Chapter ten
I dont even want to write uodates anymore because im liking the fic too much
Hes so stressed abt being gay I thought he already knew he was gay bruh Sirius is clueless obvi
Chapter 11
Love how the maps coming together
This is not going over well with Sirius im sure
Ok so bed making out
Im so fucking horny I need to make out with someone STAT
Preferably someone with a penis bc it confirms they like me but tbh I don’t give a shit
Its 1:12 am
So it did go over well with Sirius. I expected some internalized homophobia or something but he’s actually being chill for once
so i got so engrossed in the story that i forgot to write my chapter notes
but so far i feel fantastic about it
the regulus thing is making me want to kms. i have like no hope for reg redemption bc the fic isn't long enough, and i feel like all that happens will be the murder mystery and MAYBE gay shit
sirius was SO STUPID with marlene like clearly remus has some issues with being open and you need to like discuss,, not make out with some other bitch
also them both being bi is not what i expected? feel like remus should be gay
peters character is... interesting. why are they friends with him. also he has bo gryffy qualities wtf.
Recap AGAIN but not done yet
Ok, the wormhole shit is interesting. Poor elves.
I wonder what happened to them, is this the in between place or whatever?
They’re being too romantic on the battlefield you gotta lock in guys
Also I thought an avada grazing you killed you no matter what
Also Sirius fully used crucio and nobody like cared other than remus. Like no commentary
Hilarious. Peak comedy. Coming back to life and IMMEDIATELY kissing Lily. Her being grossed out. Literally perfect.
Ok the introduction of the OOTP, seems good.
Honestly really like what I’ve seen in the fic, but it’s a bit TOO silly for my tastes. I need more angst.
Like obviously I want Remus and Sirius to be openly gay and in love but it was too easy in this fic, like with Destiel its always SUCH an issue lmao.
I liked this fic, a lot. It was a fun read and I really liked the progression of both Wolfstar and James/Lili (is it Jilly? I can’t remember)
I do feel like it was a little too light at times, there wasn’t a whole lot of grey area morally, and a lot of big issues weren’t fully fleshed out. I wish they’d dived into Regulus more, and Snape. I wish they’d addressed Sirius’ use of the Cruiciatus curse, and I wish they’d address Dumbledores failings more directly
Werewolf shit was fantastic to read, the angst, the fear, the violence, the drama. I thought the transformations were excellently done and I really enjoyed the progression of them figuring out the roaming/playing
Hogsmeade passage shut off? Strange.
I did not enjoy that I cannot be sure they are safe. That’s a benefit of post-hog warts fic, if its truly marauders James and Lily often don’t die.
Overall very happy fic. I did love the aggressive use of drunkness as a plot device, I liked Lily’s characterization for the most part, and it was pretty addicting in the middle.
I thought Characterization was good, not fantastic but definitely good. Peter threw me, not very likable. It’s hard to do him correctly and have him add worth to the story, but I just did not like him the whole time, and I felt like Remus and Sirius both didn’t care for him and found him annoying.
7.5/10 <3
My rankings are not supposed to be biased. Horrible shitty fic would get like a one, something readable but bad would get a fourish. Most fics that I read will be around 7-9 simply because I sort by Kudos and get recs from misuss so they’re better quality to begin with.
Great light silly read, with just enough depth to keep it interesting. I could see myself re-reading this fic once I get to know the marauders better.
Also, I do not like the fanart in this fic but I'm sure that's not universal. The artist is credited within the fic but I'd like to tag them here just to acknoledge the hard work that went into it. I checked them out and ADORE some of their other work, this one was just not to my liking. They have some percy jackson shit up that EATS.
@komodokai on instagram
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thespiral · 10 months
👾 I am ready for Fesno lore
cracking open my spotify that i haven't updated in 500 years let's freaking go
FRESNO: Turbo Lover - Judas Priest
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oh boy we're starting off with a strong one. apologies to the audience but Fresno is the horny oc so this is going to delve into sexuality and intimacy and whatnot and it's gonna be really funny because iykyk.
anyway, Fresno's got going on. a lot of things, they're very contradictory and have a lot of conflict between their Freedom vs. usually some imposed limit on them from the outside, whether it be internally (their delves into femininity as a vulnerable, but comfortable and safe state vs masculinity that theoretically should protect them but is constantly crushing them from the inside out) or externally (literally just them vs. the legion) which is kinda funny when you put this kind of unbridled freedom in a place where repression and aggression is key. it draws eyes, opens up feelings, whether it be admiration, jealousy or hatred, but they're wanted, and who doesn't like being wanted. and sometimes Some People have strange reactions to being presented with a new element and not knowing how to express their feelings through it and it just kinda sets off a Chain Reaction. smile
continued under the cut
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despite Fresno's big reservations towards love and attachment (thanks Hellmouth) they're a very lonely person. they were the scapegoat of Hell on Wheels when attacking Sac-Town in their frankly suicidal attempt to take it back (lol) and then shipped off to prison where the ideas of like, you can never be too close or vulnerable or they'll eat you alive essentially congealed into their brain. i think love and intimacy are still kind of a forbidden fruit, the heart entombed, even.
there's this thing of like, we'll race forever and ride together that to Fresno it's never been like an option (and. probably will not ever be since there's like a lot of Things revolving about their position in the 80s and if they even want to be an 80s, but for the longest time it really is their only. configuration to say) and it's kind of this cautious turning into confident approach. fury, also, it's not necessarily love, companionship that can be redirected into something bigger and doesn't deal with Them in a way? avoiding introspection and growing feelings but plants have a way to sneak in through the walls
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there's this sort of craving of wanting to be Special but not in the way they were. being Wanted and not just like, another step in the endless road of being an 80s in Hell On Wheels as they aren't so much Fresno as they are. placeholder heir, murder when another one comes along. sex is fun for Fresno and very much kind of approaching the intimacy they want with gloves on in a way. if that's how people want them, then shit, why not? it's fun.
also just like. discovery of new feelings, giving this sort of this is what i've been waiting for my entire life and i never knew it. and that may lead to some disaster later but hey. hey. it's fine they'll deal with that later. <- clueless
also i've always liked the idea of them being kind of a threat for Some People in the sense of weird feelings but they don't even like, know. better run for cover.
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despite their work together and how honestly they should probably contained together for safety of other people, for Fresno it may prove to be too much and trip that kind of alarm they have in their brain, but usually at this point in their stories they're in too deep. i've always kinda liked the idea that in a world where it isn't that fucked up they would sort of be like brain and brawns with Fresno being the person to dirty their hands and have a vulnerable place in return but hahahahahah good luck. with that
Fresno tries to break it off and leave as they've done many times but uh oh, turns out this bomb hurts everyone involved and may just get into worse trouble bc of it, and like, in a way it's kind of vaguely like have a taste of your own medicine because. they've hurt people like this and abandoned them many times. they're flight, you know. and they can only do it so many times before they're caught in the blast of them dynamiting their own relationships and bonds without a care in the world other than for themself.
their story shifts a lot from there on out but. *gestures* i love my little disaster.
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mavspeed · 2 years
hi bestie <333 may i humbly ask 🥺, 🏆, 👀, 🤩, and 🧠 (maverick!!!) for the fic writer ask meme please 🙇🏼‍♀️🥰
🥺 Is there a certain type of moment or common interaction between your characters that never fails to put you in your feels?
the icemav hug in tgm gets me tbh like it really doesn’t matter how many times I’ve seen it every single time it comes across my dash I’m like florence pugh walking across midsommar field gif
also there’s one pic of goose and mav that really. it really Gets To Me. here it is
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🏆 What's your most popular fic?
so I just went to ao3 to filter it by hits which I’ve never done before. and. extremely humiliated to say it’s this fic I wrote for wonder woman (2017). hell. (this is also strange bc it doesn’t have that many comments)
BUT I’m also surprised to note that the second and third most popular fics on there are fics I did NOT expect to see aka this cherik fic I wrote after discussing the idea w my bff (hey syd!!) and basically a cherik au of the mummy (ironic bc I’m a tommy enjoyer now) LMFJDJS THE MORE YOU KNOW I GUESS
👀 Tell me about an up and coming wip please!
I have a couple bc one thing about me... I am absolute shit at finishing wips lmfjdjssn like I am awful at them absolutely awful. but anyway I do have one with civilian mav and mob boss ice for which a good bit is already written (also fun fact this fic has viper/jester which I consider fucking hilarious)
also there’s one (tentatively) which I haven’t started yet that’s basically a 5+1 with pennymav. they’re such an underrated ship and inspiration struck me one day so yeah that’s in the works too
🤩 Who is your favorite character to write?
this is funny because bruises of our failures is (mostly) mav pov but I love writing ice. idk he’s so repressed and constipated and awkward and hiding all that beneath indifference and apathy. *twirling hair* he just like me fr
🧠 Pick a character, and I'll tell you my favorite headcanon for them. (mav)
I feel like this is pretty obvious in the way I write but the one thing I love about him is that he isn’t just being reckless for reckless’ sake. like you’re not gonna see him pull off dangerous moves in the air if there’s no end goal, he does everything for a reason! it’s just that the way he goes about doing it is perhaps a little riskier than some might like but it’s for a reason. and this isn’t something that only developed in the sequel, it’s obvious in the first movie too- the narrative just put a much deeper focus on his recklessness. (this is why I’m a bit 👀 when people write mav just being.... reckless for no reason.... just doing shit bc he can.... because really?? really???)
and bc this was a pretty ordinary headcanon I’m gonna give you another one LMFJDJJD my second headcanon is much more dumb and it’s basically. mav likes romcoms. he fucking loves them. so sue him he’s a romantic at heart and he kinda likes it when they run towards each other in the end and kiss in the rain. I feel like after a day of dealing with idiots and flying in the air and nearly dying a total of ten times he’d want to watch people fall in love and sometimes goose joins him too.
also his favourite romcom is clueless. no I’m not taking objections thank you
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