#but never deny a dragon their deal
asayuriofficial · 2 years
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"Watch your back, shoot straight, conserve ammo, and never, ever, cut a deal with a dragon"
The one talking is the elf in the red suit. Goes by "Nemo". The Face of the group. The other one facing the camera is my character Issi aka “Angel”. This is at the point of the story where the team knows that this will be their last run. Whether the dragon kills them, the job kills them or if they survive they are all retiring.
A scene from one of the last sessions in a Shadowrun campaign I was in.
We had been playing it for two years and it escalated. This group was playing in a mirror shade game but two of the characters are leaning black trench coat. Mainly the two in the pic.
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anantaru · 10 months
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— ꒰ synopsis ꒱ — who was the man you fell in love with? why did it seem like he was hiding his true self away from you, and why, at last, was he hesitant to deepen the connection in your new relationship?
— ꒰ word count ꒱ — 3.4k
— ꒰ warnings ꒱ — [ns]fw, fem! reader, first time intimate, playing with your tits (tit lover neuvillette), unprotected, he has marks on his chest, loads of cum lmao, virgin! neuvillette but skilled, quick learner, established relationship, size kink (dragon cock giggles), sweet sweet neuvillette he's the sweetest man
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there are no two ways to go on about it, but you can clearly hear the words neuvillette doesn’t say to you, you can see it in the light of his eyes. hidden verses evaporating in slow heaves, how rain puddles disappear on a hot day, when he ultimately decides against reciting his longings out loud to you.
instead, he imagined it in his hankering memories, how you'd feel under him, topless, bare and exposed, how it would feel when he was luxuriating in your velvet walls of your entrance and the vivid heat that would envelope him every time he sinks his cock all the way inside.
nonetheless, it's futile, he couldn't do it, he won't make the first step, but he knows, he could swear on it, that there was nothing warmer nor more welcoming then being inside of you.
in such predicament, neuvillette doesn’t know what to do nor on how to get rid of those improper fantasies circulating in his psyche, because, as it happened, he felt disgusted in himself to even daydream in such manners, about his significant other— someone he regarded as infinitely perfect beyond the limits of his own imagination.
besides, he's never done this before, again, he’s fucked his hand while thinking about you, feverish pants and hot breathes exposing him behind closed doors, most of the times it's uncoordinated and without knowing how to bring himself to a nice, proper climax.
neuvillette could never stop his digits from traveling down south before rutting into his hand so fucking desperate, with a heartfelt heat plummeting on top of his body, shudders when he drags over the slit of his cockhead, brows furrowed, pale skin battered in champagne rose, wishing it was your soft, warm cunt he'd be fucking into instead.
and it's not like you denied yourself to him, because there certainly were enough moments in the past where he was presented with the opportunity of advancing it forward, magnifying your new, fresh relationship— souls nurturing in the most sacred, wonderful way, while right before it could be turning into that direction, his eyes would suddenly be unable to hold yours any longer and his worry kicks in right afterwards.
then, as it happens so often, he could feel his embarrassment bottle up when he pushes himself away from you, leaving you behind, yet— remember, he doesn't lie upfront to you, he'd never defy your trust nor succumb to altering the truth, which made it even more awkward to begin with.
to be transparent, gone were the days where he wouldn't have to deal with the enriched pressure and heaviness in his groin, new, unlocked desires that if he were to ignore them, or at least try, only would bounce back with a more intense power, until he was painfully hard all day, not knowing on how to get rid of it once and for all.
to counterbalance, you eagerly note and remember the words he did speak out to you, and despite the veiled meanings behind it all, sheltered below a smokescreen of mysteries, it's there.
furthermore, it was perceivable in the doubled seemings, and despite that, the mysterious man seldomly exchanged words of affirmations, protecting the hidden truth that had been stored in his heart for decades on end.
the man rather spoke in the elusiveness of his delicate glances, and in his imperceptible touch, because there was a primordial light inside the action of his trails. from first principles, he never sought out any of this, because the way he saw it was that unclouded emotions for another individual are best left unrevealed in life. all that mattered, in the end, was what the brain spoke out to yourself, because strict rules must be followed.
but if any moment in time anchored his very soul, created a strong tether to this plane of reality he found himself bound by, it was the moment he fell in love with you.
neuvillette never let you touch him more, currently, he only kisses you smoothly, plants wet, open mouthed pecks along your collarbones before lapping his tongue up, sharp teeth slowly grazing over the soaked skin. it's as if he was scared of unspoken consequences if he were to move this forward, or of the sudden possibility to hurt you.
humans were fragile, he said, like a vase falling on the ground, broken into a million pieces and unable to be fixed again.
presently, your hands find his hair, and the bed dips as you shuffle your frame into him, smothering the small distance of your bodies, laying your warm hand against his clothed chest, just above the little jeweled medallion he always seems to wear. he gulps out strongly when you lock your digits into his form-fitting garments, just to pull him closer to your body as you open his mouth with your tongue, lapping over his wet muscle before pulling away with a pop.
"feel me." you say intimately, guiding his trembling hand over your chest, and awaiting his reactions, testing the waters, while his luminous eyes watch you contently as you pause, his touch reaching your covered breasts, and neuvillette draws his fingers into the concealed mounds, his lips parting for a low grumble, eyes opening wide as it got hard.
"feel how my body reacts when you touch me," you speak in a hitching voice, whining when he pulls at the erected nipple, whilst the fabric of your shirt turned his traces all the more roughened, intense with the garment rubbing against your sensitive tits, "feel how i love you." 
neuvillette sucks in a breath, crossing his tongue over his bottom lip, "i do not want to hurt you." he whispers, his cock growing hard and heavy squished against your core when he unintentionally grinds down a little, both moaning against each other, his breath hot, his noises hanging across the walls of the room. it's without a doubt that this time it's different from prior instances where he was, although with enough discipline, able to remove himself from you, faster and without making a complete idiot of himself.
now, neuvillette was unable to keep his own hips to a complete stand still, he moves them, softly grinds against your clothed cunt before fisting the pillow right next to your head, knuckles turning white at the sheer intensity and power he was graced with, chasing more of the incomparable relief that you are so preciously giving him.
you whine, a noise all winded and hot when you wrap your legs around his hips, "you won't hurt me." you murmur, catching his face with your palms so he could rest in them, "because i trust you."
he believes that maybe you miss it too, desire it, the pleasure that was unlike others, perhaps it had been lacking in every aspect of your relationship which neither of you expected to have in the first place.
and you're ravishing, he can't say if often enough, believing that you were made for living once, because you were one of a kind, made of mesmerizing lights and clear, pure water and a soothing birdsong, sprouting flowers and the finest silk in teyvat.
... unlike him.
neuvillette groans into your lips when you lick across his mouth, leaving his infectious tunes stretch the need in his rough voice, stretching it out long and slow enough until it sounds like a clear beg to fuck you, or at least continue with this.
but besides that, you cannot look into his mind, blinking up at his reddened face that was towering on top of you, "do you want me to stop?" you breathe out, smoothly circling your thumb over his bristling cheek, stilling your hips and attempting to close your legs when he wishes you would just kiss him again.
"no.." he replies almost a little too fast, as if he was ready to beg for it, and his cheeks catch on the color of scarlet red rather quickly, his hands scattering down to your hips to keep you from concealing your movements away from him, fuck, it just feels so fucking good he cannot believe himself.
"i apologize.." his face crumbles with the vulnerability in it, exhaling from his parted lips, "i've never—"
"that's okay." you mouth a spot on his neck, reaching his earlobe, "but i want to hear you." you tip your head forward and give a twist of tongue into his lips, skillfully arching your hips to rub over his erected groin yourself— teeth colliding against each other bound by a crushing sensation that was growing each second.
with a muffled, breathless laugh giving way to a soft whine when he adds more strength to his thrust, you longed to let him know how you felt— yes, right there, you say when he at last, slips his fingers into your shirt to touch your bare breasts, just like that, do it more.
you aid neuvillette in unclothing you as his body flexes under your hands, shivering when your eyes lift to meet his glowing ones, and there’s a moment— you can never forget it, crystalline and trembling on the edge of a leaf, that you could tell that he has been buried inside of his own mind but instead of going back to suppressing his desires, as he did countless of instances before, he answers now, without words— and oh, he gets bolder, the faint, needy whines that crawled into your ears made you rock into him, his digits slipping over your skin and circling on top of your nipples.
the prickles and vibrations in your veins and in your bones multiply and the temperature in your room changes into humidity— your craving body lightening up and threatening to float away by his ever so subtle, sweet traces and rounds on your tits, getting himself to work while you're anchored here only, all eyes on him, under him, by the rhythm of his fingers.
"take your clothes off for me." you say, pinching the hem of one leg and giving it a gentle tug. neuvillette hums in agreement, nodding right after, tongueing at the roof of his mouth in nervousness, because everyone could clearly see that he was tense, yet his cock was turning harder under your attention, he feels like it's going to explode if he doesn't do anything about it now.
he drops all the way back, body lifting off the bed as he slides his high-priced pants down yet not before opening his belt one handed, the "click" of the metal making you tremble, followed by the rest of his clothes which you aided him on, reaching down to drag down your soaked panties as well.
his cock bounces as he kicks the fabric away, and by the time he’s back up on both elbows towering above you, the fullness of it rests long and heavy against the crease of your thigh. His long, slender fingers giving it a slow tug as you watch, entranced by its size and shape— he was way above average, not even that would do it justice, coated with a bunch of small yet thick veins that reached all the way up, hard and aching, right under his cock head that had been desperately glistening with his pre cum.
time slows, stops, holds entirely; he dares to glance down, looking at your drenched pussy and how your hole fluttered around air, shimmering with your slick.
and you wrap yourself around him, arms out so he could lean into you. you know he's sharpening his senses to catch your reactions, adjusting his rubs on your tits when he notes a particular place being a little more sensitive and how you moan out when he touches it.
everything hits all at once, and he cannot get enough, both of you cannot.
for the first time, he experienced actually being free from his shackles and neuvillette needed your affirmations that it was in fact okay, you wanted to continue, because he never kept his eyes off you, always watching you closely through hungry eyes— for all that could happen, despite him continuing to be content with you.
the man was intoxicating, he was handsome from the depth of his ocean eyes to the gentle, sweet expressions of his voice when he whispers sweet nothing into your ears. neuvillette was beautiful, as if carved by literal gods, his chest defined, blue'ish traces, reminding you of tattoos, outlining the sides of his torso— but they weren't tattoos, they appeared to be a part of him since birth, how beauty marks are visible on some bodies, his were larger and resembling the kindest, most soothing waves.
neuvillette kisses down on your collarbone and you gasp out when he suddenly moves a little lower to take a nipple into his warm mouth, shudder when he crosses his tongue over it for the first time, it feels warm and wonderful with his complete weight on top of you.
and you can feel his hand, the rhythm of it on your other breast as it’s wrapped around the solid heat of your bud, continuing to palm your tits when his warm breath fans across your skin.
in this room, the man experienced so many different emotions now, but he feels more alive, within seconds, more awake, more present, and he doesn’t try to talk nor voice too much in the beginning, he just wanted to listen to the pace of your breathing, your whines and what your moans did to him.
he was waiting for your heaves to even out, align in soft decrease whilst he certainly doesn't realize that if he were to continue to hump your bare, thudding pussy the way he did, in accessory to playing with your tits and lapping his tongue across as if famished, there was no way for your heart rate to ever go back in an even pace.
regardless, neuvillette alters his breathing to match your own, his heaves on your wet skin, breathless, hot, when you begin to move your hips up a little, his cock nudging on your hole but never sliding in, his tip alone seemed to be big in it's own right and you wondered if you could even fit him in you.
of course, you were plenty wet, he made sure of that, always so kind and gifting.
your entire face buzzes with pins and needles when he draws himself back from your tits and your hand travels down to catch his girth in your warm palms, fisting him a little and spreading his pre over his drumming girth, grinning when he hooks his hands to your hips, pulling you straight down so his cock would be perfectly situated and ready to feel you, for real this time.
"tell me.." he mutters, "if you want to stop." and you kiss his lips featherlight, "of course, don’t worry about it." and nodding when you drag him across your folds to collect enough slick before slowly, agonizingly slow, push his tip inside.
your eyes flare wide and you arch your back instantly, no thoughts, no judgements, only your breathing getting cut short by the sudden piercing thrust burying inside your tight hole with a stretch that's more shock than anything else, and you hide yourself in his chest when you whimper into his ears, "slower, please". he understands and the restraints in his chest loosen as he wraps his arms across your body, as if protecting you in a sense.
neuvillette shuffles his knees wide and splits your legs further apart, holding you how he wants you, how he thinks will hurt less and even out the burning split on your cunt— he proceeds and fucks into you slowly, inch by inch, waiting a little, before adding another.
you ease up into him eventually, your walls getting used to his girth, the slap of his body against you quiet yet precise, his hips pumping in a slow, rhythmic roll that grinds the low of his stomach against your clit, spotting the prickling point on your cunt. you're turning hazy at the fullness, dipping your fingers into his long hair before pulling him in for a sloppy kiss, lapping across him in slow twists, pinching your hips up to meet his blows.
now, all you could do was to relish in his warmth, curve your back like a bow and let the most desirable, filthiest moans spill from your pretty, pursed lips. neuvillette was quick to catch and watch you, swallowing down every gritty moan and whine that you offered him, because of him, he couldn't fathom that he was the reason you felt that good, passing his cock back into you, in, out, in, out, humming in appreciation between sucking kisses that leave a pinching trail from your neck to your tits that he ever so graciously played with.
neuvillette got a pretty good first impression of it now, and he doesn’t slow, while, his thrusts become faster and more, greedy, not until he unthreads an arm from the mounds of your breasts and caresses the length of your body— slowed and appreciative, sliding his hand over your stomach and up, reaching to your shoulder before hooking his fingers on it— thrusts now faster as he drags you into him, harder, and your tits bounce back and forth with each jolt of his large cock splashing into your hole.
of course he blushes when you tighten your muscles, clenching down on his girth and milking him preciously, it was a dead give-away that he wouldn't last long when he releases a long, lagged moan of your name. like his warm, wet kisses, the drags and fondles of his traces left a wake rippling along your entire skin, a sensory memory, never overridden by anything else.
the coil in your stomach builds up quickly, nerves lighting up when his tongue flicks out to tease the sensitive point of your neck and jawline, body sizzling as if electro infused as pleasure jolts down your flesh until reaching your cunt.
"make me cum," you cry, "i need you!"
"—you have me."
throat tight, body tighter, your hands quick to push him from your neck to your mouth, lips pressing together as you arch and jolt off the bed, up and down, his cock faster than before as the wet, filthy smacking sounds almost overrode your noises. you squeeze around him, hungrily, strongly, suckling in his cock with your thudding hole as his hand on your shoulder clasps behind your neck, pushing you so far up against his glossy lips that you exchanged breathes and whines, throaty groan and cries.
you turn your arms around his chest to strengthen the touch, throat bobbing, mouth dry. there’s no space for anything left and when he pushes himself in you completely, cock disappearing in your used hole, your eyes roll into the back of your head and you shake viciously, climaxing around him, making a mess of yourself, when the bubble in his stomach popped instantly whilst seeing you become free, your liquids drawing a white ring around his girth— neuvillette couldn't go on about it any longer, not when you gnaw down on him so fucking desperate, so loved and fulfilled.
he cums hard, and a lot, and he tenses up, a thrill running over his flesh as his brows furrow, releasing his warm whites with shallow thrusts into your pussy before tucking your body tight to his front and pulls you even more tightly against him, messing you up with his seed. he has been so touch-starved that he can feel drizzling tears form and connect under his lashes in tune with his own orgasm taking him hostage.
his expression softens afterwards, looking like a heavy burden has been lifted off his shoulders, and he dips his head forward, foreheads resting. it's quiet for a while, well, if it weren't for your loud breathes and the clear exhaustion quelling on your facial expressions. the both of you are puffing and blowing out air, finding comfort in the silence when a torrid heat of swirls casts on your bodies, the atmosphere in the room on-fire and fiery.
you decide to kiss his lips, when you finally smirk up at him, eyes aglow, and his own lips are pulled up into an ethereal, handsome smile, his demeanor cascading with an intensity, an honesty, a gentleness and love.
real love.
"i craved you." he whispers, "and i desire you." and kisses your lips one more time.
alas, neuvillette came to terms with himself, knowing that there would never be anything, nothing, that could ever beat the feeling of this.
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©2023 anantaru do not repost, copy, translate, modify
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radiance1 · 10 months
Dick, Jason, Tim and Damian get kidnapped to be used as sacrifices to offer to the Ghost King for when he arrived, the cultists went on and on about how they'll become the king's servants and that he will cleanse the mortal world.
Which, obviously neither of the four of them wants, especially when the Big Bat was off world on official league business too. So they try to sneakily remove their bindings and all of that, with Dick making conversation and the others piping in to distract them and stuff.
Unfortunately, the summoning still went as planned, but the result was not what any of them expected.
Instead of the ancient, ghostly eldritch king they expected, what they instead got was a giant ball of flaming feathers looking down at them sleepily, with a silence passing as if it were slowly processing what was happening before asking.
"Do you have any clue as to how hard it is to put a child godking to sleep."
Vlad and Danny have outlived everyone they knew in Amity Park by about 200 years. During those years, Vlad and Danny have gotten, better, with each other.
Now, you see, the Duke of the Black Flame did not care what exactly the boy did outside whenever he was summoned, but it then became his problem when he was told to go and collect the boy due to some complications.
He went along with it, but was irritated about it, he never had to do this before. So of course, as if to spite him, he found that Danny went and turned himself into a damn toddler.
So of course, his first reaction was to carry him to Clockwork and make him turn him back. He had some very choice words when Clockwork said no and didn't even tell him why that he didn't say.
And then the child was thrusted into his care.
He protested, of course, he was only 242, and this was a child he didn't even like on the best of days. To which Clockwork brought up how, didn't even always want to claim Danny as his son back in the day?
That was a younger phase in his life, the him now doesn't want anything to do with the brat.
But alas, he was still forced to take care of the child, claiming that only another halfa would be capable of properly taking care of another, which Vlad tried to refute, he truly, truly did.
But against the Observants and the Master of Time, he had to fold.
Fuck, he misses the time when he didn't have a title and thus, had to be involved within politics.
At least human politics were predictable.
The time following his caretaking of one Ghost King were utterly, terrible. First, Danny whined like, well, a toddler, when he brought him over to his domain because of the heat which, rude. Then he had to move into the castle to properly take care of him which he had to suck up.
It was either this, or the Far Frozen.
The palace was cold, which made him made feel a bit discomforted in prolong periods of time, due to always spending most of his time around heat, but nothing he couldn't handle.
Then he found out that dealing with a superpowered toddler was unpleasant, to say the least. The boy kept disappearing under his watch, flew through the palace halls at high speeds and seemingly boundless amounts of energy with even worse self-preservation instincts, and when he wailed?
He wailed.
Vlad already had his damn talons full with dealing with the brat.
And then came having to take on the king's workload due to said eastern dragon being a toddler. He had to physically deny himself from screaming when he heard of it, to keep Danny from joining in with a wail out of fun if anything else.
Three years passed, a blink of an eye to him now really, and Vlad was not having that great a time. He was stressed, tired, and not amused by both the lack of sleep and trying to keep Danny out of harm's way.
Did he mention that during those two years, Vlad had to be forced along whenever Danny was summoned? No? Well now you know.
The one time, the one time that the stars aligned to have Vlad neither have to deal with his shared workload and Danny finally asleep at the same time.
Of course, as soon as he closed his eyes and rested surrounded by his warmth. Of course, of Observants-damned course did the brat have to be summoned at that exact moment when he was finally getting some precious sleep.
He stared down at the cultists sleepily, his usual dignity and elegance lost to its basic functions as his mind slowly tried to process what was happening. When it did, he felt himself be irritated, before a wave of resignation flooded him and he asked one, simple question to hopefully drive the meaning into their thick, stupid skulls.
"Do you have any clue as to how hard it is to put a child godking to sleep."
Rhetorical question, really. He didn't expect an answer.
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chilschuck · 3 months
So... How about Laios x a dragonkin reader? (Specifically an ice dragon, they just look so fluffy!!)
I can imagine having sections of her body covered in soft feathers! Something like Falin at the end of the manga. I also think her body runs on the colder side of things, you know? For one reason she's partially covered in feathers. So I imagine her being quite affectionate, the warmth that others radiate is just something she can't deny!
I can picture Laios basically vibrating with excitement as he asks questions about her and her body, and, can you llame him? Come on! She is half dragon! How could he pass up this opportunity!?
And before any of the party (Marcille) can stop him or say something, she accepts perhaps too calmly (I can hear the "HUH?" from Marcille rn)
Laios' enthusiasm is like that of a child at Christmas as he asks questions and lets his hands explore his feather-covered wings. He compares and looks for the less noticeable differences between her and a real dragon, measuring her saw-sharp teeth and making comments without any shame, while reader just sits, answering the questions that she can answer, looking happier than she should.
`✦ ˑ ִֶ 𓂃⊹ WAHHH THIS IS SUCH A CUTE REQUEST and i hope i did it justice!!! i did some headcanons but writing a piece for this one day would be sooo fun!! i hope this is close to what you were thinking!!!!
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— LAIOS x ice dragonkin!reader.
꒰ rating: ꒱ sfw fluff! gn!reader.
꒰ wc: ꒱ 365
✦ i’m fighting off allergies and brainfog so i apologize if this is incoherent at all, lol. if you’d like a drabble, feel free to submit something again and i’d love to do another dragonkin!reader piece for you!! hope you enjoy! <3
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✦ Laios is instantly drawn to you. This isn’t surprising considering his fascination with monsters, but it doesn’t help that you’re cute, too. Don’t even get him started on how sweet you look with all those feathers. And if you let him run his fingers through them, you’d see his face light up so brightly with delight!
✦ You aren’t naturally very warm, so you’ve found yourself sneaking into Laios’ bedroll and nuzzling into his side. Laios doesn’t mind this at all, and even encourages you to take all the warmth from him you need. (As long as you answer some of his ramblings!)
✦ Laios is extremely excited when you first meet, eyes filled with wonder and chest giddy with curiosity. Expect him to start babbling out questions and watching you closely. “Wow… Look at those feathers!” or “Is it okay if I touch your wings?” will definitely be said a bit too loudly as he’s basically vibrating on the spot. Before Marcille can reel him back in, to her bewilderment you give a sweet nod and a calming smile. (I think she just about falls over from that.)
✦ When he finally does get to feel your wings under his palms, he’s so enchanted he could implode. This was an opportunity he may never get again, so best believe he’s going to take full advantage of it!
✦ “So this is different from others I’ve seen. Interesting…” he mumbles to himself. “Can I see how sharp your teeth are?” You hum, opening your mouth to bare your fangs and he’s taking and comparing notes in that head of his.
✦ You’re probably a bit too happy to be dealing with something like this. The others wonder if and when your patience for his questions will run out, but they watch as you beam right back at him. (And there he goes, enamored by your fangs again.)
✦ Laios is very determined to make sure your needs are met. Is what you’re eating fitting to your natural diet? Are your wings in need of stretching? Are you able to get enough warmth? It honestly makes you giggle a bit. You’ve never had someone so interested in your wellbeing. It feels nice.
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Weekly Jungkook Fanfic Recs
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Some fine JK fics for your reading pleasure. 🔞 Please show your appreciation to all the wonderful authors :)
Over The Odds: Billionaire CEO Jungkook makes you an offer you’d be a fool to refuse.  https://jungk0oksthighs.tumblr.com/post/682441385035644928/over-the-odds-collection-completed-ceojungkook
Dungeons & Dick: Your DnD group meets weekly and this time your DM, who also happens to be your boyfriend, plans on killing one of your party members until you thwart his plan leaving him pissed off and embarrassed. But Jungkook is not so secret about how much it turns him on when all the others have left.  https://jungkookiebus.tumblr.com/post/190268088251/dungeons-and-dick-jjk
Just Friends: The transition from best friends to best friends with benefits is never easy, especially when there’s a daddy kink involved. https://kinktae.tumblr.com/post/172263702969/just-friends-m
Bitchin': The 80s were a time of choices. Which perm was right for you? What color neon would you wear next? None of these choices, however, were more questionable than a certain deal you made with Jeon Jungkook. https://kinktae.tumblr.com/post/185646704844/bitchin-m Blackjack: Bangtan is one of the most vicious mafia on the West Coast, only six members are known by name though, with a mysterious seventh member dubbed as "The Shadow". You become indebted to the worst of the worst - how to get out? https://kpopfanfictrash.tumblr.com/post/165138875526/blackjack-master-list Ember Burning: The dragon riders of Duret Ghal are known across the continent: fierce warrors who take to the skies on their winged beasts led by their king Jungkook. You are the last dragon queen of Ashya, ruler of a dying species able to transform from human to dragon. When a foe emerges threatening both kingdoms, you find yourself forced to broker a peace with your former enemy. https://kpopfanfictrash.tumblr.com/post/643137431841947648/ember-burning-m A Holiday Snowdown: The Inn On The Hill is in trouble, you need money and you need it fast. Namjoon proposes a weeklong social media blitz with celebrity guest Jeon Jungkook: two-time Olympic gold medalist, world-class snowboarder and the nation's sweetheart. You happen to have met Jungkook before and sincerely hoped you'd never see him again. https://kpopfanfictrash.tumblr.com/post/671401371365507072/a-holiday-snowdown-m Paralian: A very loose retelling of The Little Mermaid. Pirate x Merfolk au. https://kpopfanfictrash.tumblr.com/post/186345871706/paralian The Monogamy Diaries: Namjoon is getting married and somewhere between the laughter and drinks, everyone has the same realization: Jungkook has never been in a serious relationship. In the name of all that is holy it is decided to find Jeon Jungkook a girlfriend. https://kpopfanfictrash.tumblr.com/post/190709693371/the-monogamy-monologues Love To Hate: Your mother ropes you into a blind date with playboy billionaire Jeon Jungkook. He stands for everything you loathe about the world you left behind, but you can't deny the spark of attraction between you. Intrigued by the promise of mutual satisfaction, you agree to one night in bed… and quickly realize you're in far, far deeper than you ever intended. https://kpopfanfictrash.tumblr.com/post/661587797603401728/love-to-hate-master-list
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massiveladycat · 3 days
i will never get over people laughing at octavian's death personally,,, he was SHOT INTO THE AIR!!! thats so painful. all the burns and the impact, plus being flung from a cannon and probably slamming into gaia (literal earth goddess) plus festus (gigantic metal dragon, i bet that HURT) and leo (pretty sure leo was burning)
he was a kid and he was annoying to some people and he was usually antagonized but he didnt deserve to die OR go out in that way. the gods are a thousand times worse than octavian, and apollo told him that he'd be a savior of new rome, but people still justify them. not to mind there are much worse people in the PJO universe (gabe, LUKE)
octavian ily they could never make me hate you EVER. idc what you say he could have been redeemed. did he do bad things? yes. but he was so deeply influenced and the day meeting with leo and the others, in which i remind you octavian literally was watching new rome get blown up (no wonder he was livid, his home was on FIRE).
like come on. octavian is a complex character and people aren't willing to admit that he could've been better and he was just a literal teenager in the sake of hating him because everyone else/pjo characters hate him.
he is such a tragic character imo because he grew up in new rome and all he wanted to do was protect it (and he was highly ambitious and aiming for praetor, i won't deny the fact that he was selfish but that is a quality that can be REDEEMED) and sure the way he went about it was messed up but most of his actions (except killing that one centurion) were justifiable
btw im not saying octavian's like an angel or anything im pretty sure i remember him "killing" a 5th cohort centurion once but then she was revived which . . . what was the point of that?? was it just to like make us hate him more?? huh??? and then was it even ever talked about again?? also yeah he blackmailed hazel thats not good also judging from the wikipedia it only said frank suspected octavian because.. he didn't have his spear?? what?? reminder that there is proof that a lot of pjo characters are unreliable narrators and for all we know octavian could've screwed up somehow and left his spear somewhere (just saying i'd do that too ngl)
also "I am the savior of Rome! I was promised!" i didnt know why but that quote DESTROYED me but now i know that it was because he genuinely believed he was doing the best for new rome and he'd finally have someone's praise and they'd praise him like they praised percy and reyna. pretty sure his mental state was not very good in that scene either and nico and will just let him shoot himself out of an onager on accident. also are we just going to gloss over the fact apollo told him that and encouraged him he was doing the right thing?? of COURSE octavian trusted apollo on that and believed it was the truth; apollo was his ancestor and someone he worshipped as an augur and trusted in for omens and prophecies and allat
yeah. octavian's an asshole. but he was a kid and he couldve been redeemed. then again i am a huge octavian apologist and im not saying you have to have the same opinions as i do also i will not be responding to any asks in my inbox im 2 tired to deal with that!! anyways dont go and insult people or me if you think the opposite thats fine !! i was just bored and found this in my drafts so whats the harm of posting it because im not going to get sent threats over this right,,, right??????
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kckt88 · 2 months
Closer II
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Both Aemond and Lucaela deal with the concequences of their mating as certain revelations come to light.
Warning(s): Language, Angst, Uncle/Niece Incest, Kissing, Smut – Fingering, Oral Sex, P in V, Knotting, Marriage, Pregnancy, Child Birth, Character Death.
Word Count: 6623
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the House of The Dragon or Fire & Blood characters nor do I claim to own them. I do not own any of the images used.
Comments, likes, and reblogs are very much appreciated.
"You fool!" Otto roared, his voice echoing off the walls of his chambers. "You can't keep your damn knot in your breeches, can you? Irreversibly tying yourself to Rhaenyra's daughter, of all people!"
Aemond's jaw tensed, his own frustration mounting as he bore the brunt of his grandfather's wrath. "I never intended for this to happen, grandfather," he protested, his voice tinged with desperation. "But Lucaela-she's my mate. I couldn't deny our bond any longer."
"Your mate be damned!" Otto spat, his fists clenching at his sides. "Do you realize what you've done? You've single-handedly destroyed any chance we had of securing the throne for your brother. All because you couldn't control your urges, I thought I had to worry about your brother, not you”.
"Grandsire-“ muttered Aemond.
Otto's mind raced as he tried to salvage the remnants of his meticulously laid plans, the very foundations of which now seemed to crumble beneath his feet. With Rhaenyra and Daemon demanding that Aemond marry Lucaela, Otto saw a sliver of opportunity amidst the chaos.
"If we can't control the situation," he mused aloud, his voice heavy with frustration, "Perhaps we can manipulate it to our advantage."
Rhaenyra's attachment to her daughter was well-known, a weakness that could be exploited if handled with care. If Lucaela became a pawn in their political game, they might be able to force Rhaenyra to come to terms and bend to their will.
"Force her hand," Otto murmured to himself, his mind churning with possibilities. "Use Lucaela as leverage to ensure Rhaenyra's compliance."
The Alpha within Aemond roared in protest as he listened to his grandfather's plans for Lucaela. Deep within him, a primal instinct surged, rejecting Otto's manipulative schemes with a ferocity that matched the flames of a dragon.
"No," Aemond growled, his voice low and dangerous. "I will not allow Lucaela to be used as a pawn in your games”.
Otto's gaze hardened as he locked eyes with Aemond, his own resolve unyielding in the face of his grandson's defiance. "You are willing to risk everything," he countered, his voice laced with frustration, "Your own life, the lives of your brothers and sister, the life of your mother, all for the sake of this bond?"
Aemond squared his shoulders and shook his head, his grandsire’s words playing on a loop in his mind.
But the Alpha inside him was furious, demanding that he protect his mate.
"If Rhaenyra is crowned queen, we will all be in danger. She will see us as threats to her rule, and she will stop at nothing to eliminate us."
“Grandsire-there has to be another way“ muttered Aemond.
Otto shook his head, his expression grim. "What of the realm?" he challenged. "Do you not care about the stability of the Seven Kingdoms? Aegon is the King’s firstborn son, the crown is his by right”.
"But at what cost?" Aemond shot back, his tone fierce. "Do we sacrifice everything we hold dear in the name of political expediency? I refuse to let Lucaela suffer for our ambitions, to see her used as a pawn in a game of thrones."
“I implore you to see reason Aemond-a living contender invites challenge. We must work together to secure your brother’s succession,” said Otto.
“Not at the cost of Lucy-“
"You're being used, Aemond," declared Otto, his tone cold and unforgiving. "Can't you see? Lucaela deliberately placed herself in front of you, knowing full well you wouldn't be able to resist her scent."
Aemond's jaw clenched at the accusation, his Alpha instincts bristling with indignation. "You speak as if Lucaela is some kind of manipulative pawn," he countered, his voice sharp with defiance. "But she is my mate. Our bond is stronger than any scheme Rhaenyra could concoct."
Otto shook his head, his expression incredulous. "You only lost one eye how could you be so blind" he scoffed. "Do you honestly believe Lucaela's actions are purely out of love? She is her mother’s daughter, and she’s been raised by Daemon. You think it's a coincidence that she presented herself to you on the day of the Driftmark petition?"
Aemond's chest tightened at the implication, his mind reeling with the possibility that he had been deceived. But even as doubt crept into his thoughts, he refused to entertain the notion that Lucaela's feelings for him were anything less than genuine.
"You don't understand” he asserted, his tone firm and resolute. "Through our bond, I can feel her emotions, her feelings for me. They are genuine, I would know if they were false."
“A fools notion” scoffed Otto.
His Alpha instincts surged within him, reinforcing his conviction with a primal certainty that Otto could not hope to comprehend. "You speak of manipulation and deceit, but you underestimate the power of our connection," Aemond continued, his voice steady despite the turmoil within him. "I can feel her love for me. No scheme or plot could fabricate such emotion."
Otto's scepticism faltered slightly, a flicker of doubt crossing his features as he regarded his grandson. But he quickly regained his composure, his resolve unyielding in the face of Aemond's protestations.
"Feelings can be fickle, Aemond," he cautioned, his voice tinged with warning. "Do not let your emotions cloud your judgment”.
But Aemond remained steadfast, his faith in Lucaela unwavering despite the doubts cast upon their relationship. "I trust in our bond, grandsire," he declared, his voice ringing with determination. "No matter the challenges we face, I will stand by Lucaela's side”.
Otto's voice carried a solemn warning as he fixed Aemond with a steely gaze. "When the time comes, Aemond," he said, his tone grave, "You had better pray to the Seven that your bond with Lucaela will be enough to save not only your life but the lives of your siblings as well."
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As he rounded a corner, Aemond's heart skipped a beat at the sight that greeted him. There she was, Lucaela, radiant and alluring as ever, standing in the company of her stepfather, Daemon. His presence sent a surge of possessiveness coursing through Aemond, the Alpha within him bristling at the sight of another Alpha in such close proximity to his mate.
For a moment, Aemond stood rooted to the spot, torn between the conflicting urges warring within him. On one hand, the desire to assert his claim over Lucaela burned fiercely within him, driving him to emphasise his dominance over any who would dare to encroach upon their bond.
But on the other hand, a voice of reason whispered in the back of his mind, reminding him of the consequences of giving in to his primal instincts.
With a deep breath, Aemond forced himself to calm, the turmoil within him subsiding slightly as he approached Lucaela and Daemon. "Lucaela," he greeted her, his voice husky with desire yet tempered with restraint. "I was hoping to find you."
Lucaela turned to him, her eyes lighting up with warmth and affection. "Aemond," she replied, a smile gracing her lips.
" I was wandering when you’d have the courage to show your face after defiling my stepdaughter” said Daemon, his hand wrapping around the pommel of Dark Sister.
Aemond's jaw clenched at the barb, his Alpha instincts bristling at the insult. "Things will be set right by our marriage," he retorted, his voice sharp with indignation.
Daemon raised an eyebrow, his smirk widening into a knowing grin. "Of course, of course," he replied, his tone oozing with insincerity. "Nothing like a hasty ceremony to make up for your indiscretions, eh?"
But before Aemond could respond, Daemon continued, his tone dripping with condescension. "I do hope your grandsire hasn’t taken the news too hard, now that you can’t be sold off to forge alliances" he taunted, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips. "I suppose his carefully laid plans will have to be put on hold now that you've tied yourself to my stepdaughter."
Aemond's fists clenched at his sides, the Alpha within him roaring with fury at Daemon's jibes.
Just as he was about to respond, Aemond felt a surge of panic course through him, a jolt of raw emotion that cut through the haze of his thoughts like a knife. It was Lucaela, her distress echoing through their bond with an intensity that sent a shiver down his spine.
His mind raced back to his grandfather's words, the insinuation that Lucaela had deliberately placed herself in his path, tempting him with her presence.
Could it be true? Had she orchestrated their meeting, knowing full well the effect she would have on him?
The doubt gnawed at him, a relentless whisper in the back of his mind as he struggled to make sense of the tumultuous emotions swirling within him.
“L-Lucaela” exclaimed Aemond, his hand reaching up to his mating mark that had now started to sting.
Lucaela stared at Aemond for a moment before she turned and fled, her steps quick and determined as she disappeared back inside the Red Keep. Without a moment's hesitation, he followed, his instincts driving him forward with a single-minded purpose.
"Lucaela, wait!" he called after her, his voice echoing off the stone walls of the keep. But she did not stop, her form disappearing around a corner as she continued to flee from him.
With a surge of determination, Aemond quickened his pace, his footsteps echoing loudly in the empty corridors as he chased after her.
Finally, he caught up to her just outside her chambers, his chest heaving as he reached out to gently grasp her arm, turning her to face him. "Lucy, please," he pleaded, his voice filled with urgency. "Tell me what's wrong. Why did you run?"
Lucaela's eyes were wide with fear and uncertainty as she looked up at him, her breath coming in ragged gasps. "I-I can't," she whispered, her voice barely audible above the pounding of their hearts.
But Aemond refused to let her push him away. "You can't or you won't?" he pressed, his voice tinged with frustration and desperation.
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As Aemond searched her eyes for answers, Lucaela's resolve crumbled under the weight of his gaze. She took a shaky breath, steeling herself to confess the truth that had been weighing on her.
"Aemond," she began, her voice trembling with emotion. "Daemon found out about Otto's scheming-about your family's plans to usurp the throne and have Aegon crowned instead of my mother."
Aemond's eye widened in shock at the revelation, the implications of Daemon's discovery sinking in with a sickening sense of dread. "How?" he breathed, his voice barely a whisper.
Lucaela swallowed hard, her hands trembling at her sides. "Someone overheard a conversation between Otto and one of his advisors and word got back to Daemon," she confessed, her voice barely audible above the pounding of her heart.
“What does that have to do with me?” asked Aemond.
"After Daemon found out about Otto's plans, he knows that you and Vhagar are Otto’s biggest asset.  He-he told me to place myself in front of you, to allow nature to take its course."
Aemond's eyes widened in shock, his mind reeling at the implications of her words. "What do you mean?" he asked, his voice trembling with disbelief.
Lucaela swallowed hard, the truth spilling from her lips like poison. "He knew that as a newly presented Omega, no unmated Alpha could resist me," she confessed, her voice shaking with shame. "He told me to use that to my advantage, to tempt you into-into succumbing to your desires."
A wave of anger surged through Aemond, his hands clenching into fists at his sides as he struggled to process the betrayal that lay before him. "And you-you went along with it?" he demanded; his voice laced with accusation.
Tears welled in Lucaela's eyes as she met his gaze, her own heart breaking at the pain she had caused him. "I-I didn't know what else to do," she admitted, her voice cracking with emotion. "I thought-I thought I was helping, that I was ensuring my mother’s claim”
How could you?" he demanded; his voice thick with emotion. "How could you deceive me like this, Lucy? To use our bond for your own gain, to manipulate me-“
But before he could finish his tirade, Lucaela scoffed, her own frustration boiling over at his accusations. "And what about Otto's scheming to usurp the throne?" she shot back, her voice tinged with bitterness. "Did you really think that Daemon would stand idly by while your grandsire plotted to undermine my mother’s claim?"
Aemond recoiled at the venom in her words, the truth of her accusations striking him like a blow to the chest.
"Lucaela, I-" he began, his voice faltering as he searched for the right words.
But she held up a hand, cutting him off before he could speak. "I'm not excusing what I did, Aemond," she admitted, her voice softening slightly. "But usurping the throne from the named heir, it’s wrong”.
"In order for your mother to secure her reign, she would have to eliminate any potential threats to her power. Aegon, Me even Daeron. A living contender invites challenge," he continued, his voice heavy with resignation. "And in Rhaenyra's eyes, any one of us could be seen as a threat to her rule”.
Lucaela's eyes flashed with indignation, her voice rising with anger as she countered Aemond's grim assessment. "How dare you, Aemond," she spat, her words sharp with frustration. "My mother would never harm anyone. You are her blood. You would be part of her rule as Queen, not victims of her ambition."
“Did she not demand that I be sharply questioned-to discover where I heard slanders against her bastards” snapped Aemond.
The fire in her eyes burned bright, fuelled by a fierce loyalty to her mother and a deep-seated belief in her righteousness. "Otto has dripped his poison in your ear," she accused, her voice trembling with emotion. "You've let his doubts cloud your judgment, but I refuse to let you believe such lies."
“How can I be assured that they are lies” replied Aemond.
"Aemond, please," she implored, her tone softened with earnestness. "Search our bond. Feel the truth in my words. My mother has no intention of harming you or your siblings."
Aemond hesitated, the weight of her words hanging heavy in the air between them. But as he gazed into Lucaela's eyes, he saw nothing, but sincerity reflected back at him, a raw honesty that stirred something deep within his soul.
Closing his eye, Aemond reached out through their bond, searching for the truth amidst the tumult of emotions that swirled within him. And as he delved deeper, he felt a sense of clarity wash over him, a profound realization that cut through the fog of doubt and uncertainty.
Lucaela wasn't lying. Her mother, Rhaenyra, harboured no ill intentions toward him or his siblings. It was a truth that resonated deep within him, anchoring him in the certainty of their shared bond.
Aemond pressed his forehead against Lucaela's, their bond pulsing with the intensity of their shared emotions. "My grandsire told me that crowning Rhaenyra would divide the Seven Kingdoms and start a war," he murmured, his voice heavy with concern.
But Lucaela shook her head, her eyes filled with a solemn conviction. "Usurping the throne is what will start a war," she countered, her voice steady despite the turmoil that raged within her.
“I’m worried Lucy-“
“Aemond, please listen to me," she implored, her gaze pleading with him to understand. "My mother is the named heir. It is her birthright, recognized by law. To challenge her claim would only sow further discord and violence only begets more violence. If you take the throne by force, it will only lead to bloodshed and chaos."
Aemond's expression softened as he regarded Lucaela, her sincerity and wisdom shining through in her words. "But what if-“
“-The House of the Dragon needs to stand together as one. Let the realm see us united, witness our strength and unity."
She reached out to take his hand, her touch warm and reassuring. "We can show the realm that we are not divided by ambition or greed," she continued, her voice filled with conviction. "That we are bound by blood and loyalty, and that together, we are stronger than any external threat."
“I want to believe you-” whispered Aemond.
“What do you think would happen to us-to me if Aegon was crowned King? It works both ways Aemond, my life would be forfeit as would that of my mother, stepfather and brothers-Otto wouldn’t let us live” whispered Lucaela.
The Alpha inside Aemond bristled with anger at the thought of Lucaela being killed, as angry as he was at her scheming, he knew she was right.
The only thing to do was make a choice-believe his Omega and trust that her word was true, or side with his grandsire and stand on the precipice of war.
In the end it was the Alpha inside who made the choice.
"My Alpha, issa zaldrīzes," she murmured, her voice a gentle caress against his senses (My dragon).
The bond between them pulsed with a primal energy, igniting a fierce longing within Aemond's heart. The Alpha inside him roaring to life, demanding that he seek to make amends with his mate, to bridge the divide that had grown between them.
Unable to resist the pull of their bond any longer, Aemond leaned in close, his lips brushing against Lucaela's ear as he whispered his own confession. "My Omega, I need you" he breathed, his voice husky with desire and regret.
“Then take me Alpha-claim what belongs to you. Now and always” whimpered Lucaela.
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Aemond suddenly lunged forward and pressed his lips to hers.
Their kiss was rough and vicious. Consisting of teeth and tongue.
It was an eruption of frustration and passion. Hands everywhere, grabbing, scratching, and pulling at one another.
He spun Lucaela around and pressed her face against the wall, with one hand on the back of her neck and the other quickly untying the laces of his breeches.
Aemond nudged her ankle with his foot, signalling for her to open her legs wider.
His body covered hers as he sucked and licked the delicate skin of her neck, leaving red marks in his wake.
Lucaela moved her head to the side and moaned loudly as she felt Aemond’s teeth nipping at her skin.
Not having the patience to properly prepare her, Aemond spat into his hand.
Aemond ran his hand up and down the hard length of himself, eyeing his Omega with an animalistic hunger, a smirk on his lips as she bent forward for him.
He pulls aside her small clothes as he guides himself to her entrance, she barely has a moment to adjust before he is pressing his cock forcefully inside and stretching her brutally, causing her to cry out.
“FUCKING TAKE IT!” growls Aemond.
Lucaela can’t think of anything but the intense pounding thrusts that greet her, causing her to wail and moan, causing tears form in her eyes, before running down her cheeks.
Aemond sets a brutal pace, his hips crashing into hers.
Then he withdraws from her and spins her around, lifting her into his arms, his mouth pressed against hers as he quickly thrusts back inside her.
“YES! YES! AEMOND!” screams Lucaela.
“FUCK!” shouts Aemond as he feels her cunny clenching around his cock.
“P-Please Alpha-“ wailed Lucaela.
Aemond digs his fingers into the soft flesh of Lucaela’s hips, pulling her body against his as he thrusts forward, his singular eye focused on where they are joined.
His cock shining with her slick, the knot beginning to swell at the base, but he doesn’t want to finish not yet, not like this. So he withdraws from her again, making her whimper in frustration.
But Aemond ignores her as he lays her on the chaise lounge and falls to his knees.
Sliding his calloused hands up her legs, bunching the fabric of her small clothes in his hand before he rips them from her body.
“Aemond” shrieked Lucaela as Aemond’s mouth descends on her cunny.
Ravenously, he pressed into his Omega’s dripping core with his tongue, in and out, much faster than his cock ever could.
Still gasping, Lucaela clutched at his head with one hand, her other digging into the fabric of the chaise.
Aemond withdrew from her soaking wet core and lashed hard at her clitoris with his tongue, pulling on it with his lips. He was hard, fast and brutal, alternating between her assaulted bundle of nerves and drinking deep from her cunt.
Lucaela ground down on Aemond, hard; his tongue speared deeper inside her, and she felt the warm curl of her peak approach.
Aemond growled, deep in his throat; a sound that she didn’t hear very often. The vibration of his vocal cords rippled through to his tongue and Lucaela gasped; she felt every vibration keenly. Her body tensed for her peak– But Aemond pulled away from her and smirked, his chin shining with her slick.
“A-Aemond” gasped Lucaela, the tears of frustration spilling down her cheeks.
“Be a good little Omega and take what your Alpha gives you” said Aemond as he reached for the laces of her dress before he grew impatient and tore it from her body, leaving her breasts bared.
His tongue licking at the stiffened rosy peak.
“P-Please. Alpha” sobbed Lucaela as she felt his hard cock sliding against her folds.
“Hmm” growled Aemond as he wrapped his hand around his wife’s throat and sheathed himself inside her once more.
“God. Yes. Aemond” moaned Lucaela.
He began to thrust in and out of her in deep achingly slow thrusts.
“Your cunt is dripping, it's so beautiful” sighed Aemond.
Slowly thrusting back and forth. Over and over, withdrawing further each time, until his cock entirely withdrew from her warm wet entrance. He marvelled at her body. Such a beautiful, succulent thing his Omega was. Allowing him entry into the most sacred parts of her body.
Aemond began to fuck her in earnest, his fingers digging into the flesh of her throat, using her as leverage as he repeatedly plunged his cock into her cunny, over, thrilled to hear Lucaela’s moans of need echoing around their chambers.
His thrusts, brutal and unrelenting.
“Come for me, love” breathed Aemond.
Lucaela’s. screamed as her desperately needed peak exploded from her body, making every limb tremble as her body bucked around Aemond’s cock.
Gods, he needed to spill his seed, to see her swollen with his pup. But he wanted to watch her ride him to completion.
So, with his cock still nestled inside her, Aemond manoeuvred himself into a sitting position with Lucaela on his lap.
“Give me another-I want you to come on my cock again” growled Aemond.
Lucaela ripped open the cotton shirt he was wearing and ran her hands over the defined muscles of his chest, her nails digging into his pale skin.
“Oh” gasped Lucaela as she rolled her hips against Aemonds.
“That’s it baby, take it. Take all of me”.
Aemond placed his hands on Lucaela’s hips and marvelled at his Omega as she rode him.
Lucaela dug her nails into Aemond’s chest as she moved her hips against his, his cock hitting the sweet spot inside her perfectly.
“A-Aemond” moaned Lucaela as he moved his hand to her breasts and once again took one of her nipples into his mouth, his teeth gently grazing the rosy bud.
“Let go baby, I can feel you clenching around me” exclaimed Aemond, as he moved to the other breast and lavished it with the same attention as the other.
Lucaela’s thighs began to burn, as she felt her second peak approach.
“AEMOND” screamed Lucaela as she felt Aemond’s knot slip inside her.
 “God. Lucy-my Lucy” groaned Aemond as he exploded. His cock throbbing and twitching as he finally spilled his seed inside her, collapsing against the chaise, breathing hard.
It took a good while for Aemond to regain his senses. Meanwhile his Omega had collapsed against him, her face pressed into his neck.
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Kings Landing was a buzz with activity. The guests were arriving, the preparations had been made and it was finally here. The day Lucaela and Aemond would stand together in the great sept and get married.
Lucaela was so nervous that she decided to skip breakfast, as she wasn’t sure that she could actually stomach food.
After bathing, Lucaela’s maids began to help her get ready. Her dark hair was brushed and twisted into elegant braids and the Valyrian steel necklace that had once been gifted to her mother by Daemon was placed around her neck.
The cool metal resting against the mating bite that already marred her pale skin.
Her wedding dress had a fitted sleeveless bodice with a modest neckline. The skirts flaring out behind her like a cloud.
As soon as the gown had been buttoned and her maiden cloak tied, there was a soft knock at the door.
It was her mother.
“You look beautiful” gasped Rhaenyra as she looked her daughter up and down.
“Thank you” replied Lucaela smiling.
“I’ve come to escort you to the sept and Daemon will walk you down the aisle”.
“D-Do I look like a bride mother?” asked Lucaela.
“You look perfect my sweet girl-but tell me is this what you truly desire?”
“Yes mother-“ replied Lucaela.
“I do not agree with Daemon’s scheming-“ said Rhaenyra as she took her daughters hand.
“It was for a purpose mother-I was always meant to marry for allegiance”.
“I hate that you have done this for me-“ replied Rhaenyra.
“I do not. You are my mother and my future Queen, I would see myself from this world if it meant you were safe” said Lucaela firmly.
“My sweet girl what a precious gift you are-“ exclaimed Rhaenyra as she pressed a series of kisses to Lucaela’s face.
“Aemond isn’t all bad mama-he makes me feel desired” whispered Lucaela blushing.
“I can see the marks of Aemond’s desire for you” quipped Rhaenyra.
“Mama” gasped Lucaela.
“Right, shall we get going. It’s almost time” said Rhaenyra brightly.
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The sept was decorated beautifully, but it all paled in comparison to Aemond who was stood beside the High Septon.
He was elegantly dressed, his black tunic decorated with silver dragons and his Targaryen cloak tied loosely around his shoulders. His long hair tied back in its usual half up, half down style.
The horns signalled the beginning of the ceremony and begrudgingly Lucaela took Daemon’s arm.
“You look beautiful my daughter” muttered Daemon.
“Thank you, father,” replied Lucaela.
“Be mindful Lucy-Desperate men are dangerous” whispered Daemon as he nodded towards Otto and Larys Strong who were muttering to one another.
“I had assumed that the traitors would have been dealt with already”.
“In due time-I cannot wipe out half of the Kings council, we must be vigilant and strike when the cunts least expect it” said Daemon.
“Mother must be persuaded to remain in Kings Landing, returning to Dragonstone isn’t the solution” said Lucaela softly.
“I agree” uttered Daemon.
“Thank you for escorting the bride Prince Daemon. If you would be so kind as to wait for the Princess to remove her maiden cloak” said the Septon.
Lucaela undid the ties of her maiden cloak and handed it to Daemon who nodded respectfully to the Septon and took his seat next to Rhaenyra.
“You may now cloak the bride and bring her under your protection” said the Septon loudly.
Aemond removed the cloak bearing the colours of house Targaryen and draped it around Lucaela’ shoulders.
Aemond then took Lucaela’ hand and smiled as the Septon tied their hands together by a ribbon.
“In the sight of the seven, I hereby seal these two souls, binding them as one, for eternity. Now you may look upon one another and say these vows together” exclaimed the Septon.
“Father, Smith, Warrior, Mother, Maiden, Crone, Stranger. I am his and he is mine from this day until the end of my days” said Lucaela, her lip wobbling slightly.
“Father, Smith, Warrior, Mother, Maiden, Crone, Stranger. I am hers and she is mine from this day until the end of my days” declared Aemond loudly.
“The vows have been spoken. You may kiss your bride”.
Aemond hesitated for a moment before he leaned forward and pressed a gentle kiss to Lucaela’ lips.
“ñuhon” whispered Aemond as he pulled away (Mine).
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The grand feast in the throne room of the Red Keep was a sight to behold, a dazzling display of opulence and extravagance befitting the union of two noble houses. The room was alive with music and laughter, the air filled with the tantalizing aroma of exotic dishes and fine wines.
Aemond and Lucaela sat side by side at the head table, their fingers intertwined as they shared stolen glances and whispered words of love. But despite the festivities that surrounded them, the Alpha inside Aemond was restless, his senses ablaze with the primal urge to claim his mate.
As the night wore on and the feast reached its crescendo, Aemond found himself increasingly unable to resist the pull of his desires. The mating bite on Lucaela's neck called to him like a siren's song, its intoxicating scent sending waves of arousal coursing through him.
Desperation clawed at Aemond's senses as he struggled to maintain his composure, the need to reclaim his Omega growing more urgent with each passing moment. But amidst the revelry of the celebration, he knew that they would need to wait until they were alone, until they could be together in the privacy of their chambers.
Suddenly Aemond’s senses sharpened, a strange scent tickling at the edges of his awareness. It was faint, almost imperceptible, but to Aemond, it was unmistakable.
Nosing Lucaela's mating mark, he inhaled deeply, his heart pounding with anticipation. And then he caught it—the faintest hint of milk, sweet and intoxicating, mingling with the scent of their bond.
With a surge of excitement, Aemond turned to Lucaela, his eyes shining with joy. "Lucy," he whispered, his voice trembling with emotion. "You're carrying my pup."
Lucaela's eyes widened in disbelief, her hand instinctively moving to rest against her stomach. "Are you sure?" she asked, her voice filled with wonder.
Aemond nodded eagerly, his heart soaring with pride. "I can scent it as your Alpha, the scent of milk is unmistakable," he explained, his voice filled with excitement.
Tears welled in Lucaela's eyes as she processed the news, a radiant smile spreading across her face. "Aemond," she breathed, her voice filled with love and gratitude. "I can't believe it”
The Alpha inside Aemond surged with a primal delight, a fierce sense of pride and joy coursing through him like wildfire. To pup his sweet Omega mate was a dream he had scarcely dared to imagine.
As he gazed upon Lucaela, his heart swelled with love and adoration, his Alpha instincts urging him to protect and cherish her and their unborn pup with every fibre of his being.
With gentle caresses and tender words, Aemond showered Lucaela with affection, his touch a promise of the unwavering devotion and support he would offer her as they embarked on this new journey together.
As Aemond and Lucaela reveled in the joy of their news, their moment of intimacy was suddenly interrupted by the boisterous arrival of Aegon. With a mischievous grin, Aegon sauntered over, his eyes dancing with amusement.
"Well, well, well," he declared with a playful smirk. "I think it's time you two lovebirds got a room, don't you?"
Aemond's scowl deepened at his brother's teasing, but before he could retort, Lucaela gently squeezed his hand, a knowing smile playing at her lips. With a soft chuckle, she rose to her feet, her gaze locked with his.
"Shall we, my love?" she whispered, her voice laced with laughter.
Aemond's heart swelled with affection as he returned her smile, his Alpha instincts urging him to protect and care for her above all else. With a nod, he rose to his feet, his hand entwined with Lucaela's as they made their way out of the crowded hall
-Months Later-
In the dim light of the birthing chamber, Lucaela's laboured breaths echoed against the stone walls, her grip on Aemond's hand tightening with each wave of pain.
Aemond stood by her side, his heart heavy with worry yet brimming with pride as he watched over her, offering words of comfort and encouragement with every contraction. "You're doing amazing, my love," he whispered, his voice a steady anchor amidst the storm of pain. "Just a little longer, and our pup will be in your arms."
With each passing moment, Lucaela's strength grew, her resolve unwavering as she pushed through the agony with unwavering determination. And then, finally, after what felt like an eternity, their pup emerged into the world, a tiny bundle of life cradled in Lucaela's arms.
Tears welled in Aemond's eye as he beheld his newborn pup, his heart overflowing with an indescribable sense of joy and wonder. "He's beautiful," he breathed, his voice trembling with emotion.
Lucaela smiled through her exhaustion as she gazed down at their son, her fingers gently caressing his soft, newborn skin. "Aeron," she whispered, her voice filled with love as she spoke his name for the first time.
As Aeron let out his first cries, a sense of awe washed over them, a profound realization settling in their hearts. For even in his first moments of life, he emitted a scent similar to that of his father—Aeron was destined to be an Alpha.
As Aemond cradled his newborn son in his arms for the first time, his heart swelled with a love so fierce and profound that it felt as though it might burst from his chest.
"My son," he whispered, his voice trembling with emotion. "My precious Aeron. My boy"
Tears welled in Aemond's eye as he looked upon the small, features of his son, the exact mirror of his own, his fingers gently tracing the delicate curve of his cheek. In that moment, he vowed that Aeron would always know his attention, his kindness, and his love and devotion.
"You will grow up strong and brave," he murmured, his voice a soft promise. "I will teach you to be honourable and just, to stand up for what is right and to protect those you love."
With each word, Aemond felt a sense of purpose settle within him, a determination to be the father his son deserved. For Aeron was not just his son—he was his legacy, his hope for the future, a symbol of the love and bond that he shared with Lucaela.
As the joyous celebration of new life echoed throughout the halls of the Red Keep, a solemn hush fell over the chambers of King Viserys Targaryen.
Beside him stood his loyal attendants, their faces etched with sorrow as they watched over their beloved King in his final moments.
“With a final, gentle exhale, Viserys' hand went limp, his eyes closing.
"Aemma," he murmured, his voice barely a whisper as he reached out through the darkness, his thoughts drifting to the wife he had lost so many years ago.
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"Queen Rhaenyra of House Targaryen," he intoned, his voice carrying the weight of centuries of tradition. "The First of Her Name, Queen of the Andals, and the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Lady of the Seven Kingdoms, and Protector of the Realm."
With a graceful movement, the High Septon lowered the golden crown onto Rhaenyra's brow, the weight of it settling like a mantle of authority upon her shoulders. And as the crown gleamed in the dim light of the sept, Rhaenyra felt a sense of pride and purpose swell within her heart.
"And her Consort King, Daemon of House Targaryen," he declared, his words ringing out with solemnity. "May their union be blessed by the Seven, and may they rule with wisdom and justice for all the days of their reign."
A ripple of applause swept through the crowd as Rhaenyra and Daemon exchanged a knowing glance, their hands clasped together in a silent vow of unity.
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In the quiet chambers of their quarters, Aemond stood watch over his mate as she recovered from giving brith. Beside them lay their newborn son, Aeron, his tiny form cradled in the warmth of his mother's embrace.
Despite the grandeur of the occasion unfolding within the walls of the Red Keep, Aemond had made a solemn vow to remain by Lucaela's side, his protective instincts as an Alpha driving him to ensure her safety and that of their pup.
And so, as the sound of cheering crowds echoed through the castle walls, Aemond and Lucaela remained cocooned in the quiet sanctuary of their chambers, though they may have missed the pomp and pageantry of Rhaenyra's coronation, Aemond knew in his heart that their absence was a small price to pay for the precious moments they shared as a family.
But as Aemond gazed out of the window, his thoughts were consumed by the weight of uncertainty that hung heavy upon his shoulders. With Rhaenyra now crowned as Queen, the future seemed more uncertain than ever before.
Would their lives be in jeopardy under her rule, or would Lucaela's assurances of her mother's intentions hold true?
The memory of his grandfather's warnings echoed in his mind, a haunting reminder of the dangers that lurked in the shadows. Otto Hightower's schemes had been thwarted, but the threat to their family still lingered, a dark spectre looming on the horizon.
Lucaela stirred from her slumber, her presence a comforting balm amidst the storm of his thoughts. As he turned to look at her, her eyes fluttered open, and she reached out to take his hand in hers, her touch a silent reassurance of their bond.
"Are you alright, my love?"
Aemond forced a smile, though the worry still gnawed at his heart. "I'm fine," he replied, his voice strained. "Just-thinking."
Lucaela's brow furrowed with worry as she squeezed his hand gently. "Whatever happens, we will face it together," she said, her voice filled with determination.
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As Daemon sat next to his wife, his sharp eyes trained on the trio of men engaged in hushed conversation across the room. Otto Hightower, Larys Strong, Jasper Wylde, and Tyland Lannister—men whose ambitions and treachery simmered beneath the surface, threatening to undermine the fragile peace of the realm.
As Daemon's gaze met theirs, they offered him a hesitant smile, a silent acknowledgment of their unease of what the future would bring. But Daemon remained stoic, his expression unreadable as he raised his goblet of wine in a silent toast.
The time had come to confront the traitors who sought to plot against his wife, Queen Rhaenyra. With a sense of purpose coursing through his veins, Daemon wrapped his hand around the pommel of his sword, the weight of it a comforting presence at his side.
The blood of the treasonous cunts would serve as a warning to all who dared to oppose Rhaenyra's rule. With steely resolve, Daemon vowed to root out the rot that festered within their midst, to ensure that justice was served, and the realm remained united under his wife's rightful reign.
As he took another sip of wine, the taste of it bitter upon his tongue, Daemon knew that the road ahead would be fraught with peril. But with his sword in hand and his wife's reign to defend, he would stop at nothing to protect what was rightfully hers.
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luimagines · 7 months
I dare you to do one with your favorite trope to write (unless you've already done it)
Oh my goodness, this might be longer that usual. XD
And I really had to think about what I wanted to write. I think I'll make this a one-shot. (unless you guys want more anyway) Prepare for this to be as self indulgent as hell. :D
And I'll make it Time while I'm at it.
Content under the cut!
This was the third time this week that you found something like this. You didn't know who was doing this.
A basket, filled to the brim with goodies and trinkets alike, sat properly outside of your window sill. It would be charming if you weren't on the third floor. Someone was climbing up to your balcony and leaving the baskets for you to find.
It was creepy- to a degree. There was never anything malicious about it though. The baskets typically held a flower, a warm meal (or groceries) and some little thing for you to put around your apartment.
You see, you moved to the Kingdom of Kokiri with nothing but a backpack and small child's wagon. Your apartment wasn't even on a nicer side of town. But it hard to be worried about robbers when you're home is bare and empty.
Slowly, that's been changing though. The baskets always had a poem attached, but no name. You secret admirer would give little things from time to time. The baskets are getting more frequent too.
What used to be a small monthly thing, turned weekly then bi weekly- and you're beginning to suspect that they're turning into a daily thing.
Part of you worries that whoever this is, is spending too much on you.
But seeing that the last basket had a new set of dining wear with plates and cups and a some nice utensils to match- you're not inclined to have them stop anytime soon when they're improve your very living conditions as it is. Even if you feel a little guilty.
That being said, this basket had a warm meal already prepared, still steaming in the glass tupperware. There was a small bouquet of roses near the top and a small little box that you opened to see a single slice of chocolate cake.
The card was attached on the inside but it lacked the typical poem. It simple read: "Rest well, Love. You've worked hard today. Dinner's on me. I just want to see you smile in the morning."
You smiles and tucked the card back into its place, bringing the basket back into your apartment.
You have to figure out who this secret admirer of yours is. It has to be someone with access to your floor but it can't be a neighbor. Right? You're on the corner so it can't be anyone to your left. But maybe your neighbor to the right? That's a creepy thought. You hardy ever see him and you don't think he showers throughout the week.
It can't be him. Or at least you're going to deny it.
Maybe it's someone from above? That's more likely. There is this cute guy that you know lives on the floor above you, but you don't know which apartment. It wouldn't be hard to drop the basket secretively onto your balcony from above if that was the case.
The thought rotates in your head as you eat the food. It's delicious. Decadent, even.
Gratitude fills your heart and soul. you have to return the favor somehow after everything this person has provided for you. But how?
You head to bed with a smile on your face and a full stomach. You'll have to start small but you can think of something.
The next morning you head to the castle and walk straight to the throne room.
It was a deal that the king had proposed personally to you. You get to work concern free in his kingdom but you have to report to him every other Tuesday. Seeing as you had nowhere else to go, you didn't think it wise to refuse.
You've grown somewhat close, but with his power and status by his side, you couldn't help but slightly intimidated by him even now.
The king- like most Royals of Kingdoms of Hyrule- was a dragon. Sure, he could take the form of a typical man, but he stayed in his half form more often than not. His age and strength add to his credentials. As the current senior amongst dragons, all you've gathered is that he's lived longer than he appears. The older the dragon, the stronger they are.
King Link is a force to be reckoned with.
However, he's kind and patient with you. He's not all that bad.
You nod and grin at the Captain, who's affectionately called Warrior. Another dragon hidden among the people. You don't know his story, but he's a hard working fellow. He also came to the king in a time of need, looking for asylum and has been working under his employ ever since. He is the king's right hand man.
Warrior smiles back and salutes you softly as you enter. You'll never understand why you've more or less been given free reign of the castle, but with his approval, you feel better to head on in.
You meet the king and curtsy clumsily, still feeling rushed. He's asked you call him Time and he stands from the throne. His face is kind, amused even. A chuckle tumbles out of him as he walks toward you, his marble like tail swinging behind him. "I thought we were passed the formalities, my dear."
You clear your throat. "Were we? I don't recall."
He laughs again. "Come. We have much to discuss."
You nod and follow. He leads you to the back room with a gentle touch the small of your back. It's a familiar routine that you've grown comfortable with.
There's a small rounded table with a pale blue laced table cloth. There's a delicate tea set and it's covered to the brim with snacks and treats alike. You think you see a few of your favorites and your eyes light up at the sight.
King Time notices and he smiles, pleased. "Sit."
You nod and take your usual spot. Time sits across from you and serves you the pieces that you eyes earlier. You almost feel bad. You're still full from the night before.
Time notices. "Something wrong, dear?"
"No." You shake your head, afraid of insulting him. "Someone gave me dinner last night and I'm still a bit full from it."
Time seemed to be shocked by the tidbit. "Really?... Was it good?"
"It was delicious!" You can't help but gush. "I would normally cook for myself but they send food from time to time and it was still warm so I couldn't resist."
His smile turns a little tight. "Is that so? I'm glad that you were fed adequately then.... May I ask who?"
You falter, the smile on your face turning more soft and shy. "Um... I think it was my neighbor..."
"...You don't know who it is?"
You blush and look down onto the table, playing with the treats on your plate. "I know that I should be more cautious. But they've only ever left it on my balcony... It's a secret admirer so to speak. They've given me trinkets and flowers and food. It seems as if they've slowly been furnishing my house for me. I don't know... I've been trying to think about who it may be, but I'm coming up short. Regardless, enough about my lack of love life-"
Time abruptly puts his hand under the table but you catch the reason why before he can hide it.
He's bent the fork in half with his hand, seemingly without realizing it. He smiles brightly, as if nothing happened and the thought gets put on the back burner for now. "Right... Well, you can always ask for my assistance, Darling."
You shake your head with a small smile. "Thank you, but I'm here to report my work. Let's get to business then."
Time clenches his jaw slightly but nods in agreement. "Right. I believe last time you mentioned that you were following a trail of some suspicious individuals on the property of the farm lands for relief efforts. Did that bloom into anything substantial?"
You pull out a manila folder with a smirk and hand it to the king. "Did it ever."
The time passes before you know it. Little by little, as you give your report, if drifts away and you're talking about your lives as much as you can before you leave.
Warrior comes in, informing Time of another meeting has to attend. He looks apologetic.
The king winces but you're quick to stand up, mid panic. "I'm sorry. I've overstayed my welcome."
"Impossible." Time blurts, standing abruptly as well. He reach out as if to stop you and moves around the table as if to block your path. His tail curls around your ankle, stopping your in your tracks. It's gentle but firm. Even if his grip is painless, you can already tell that you wouldn't be able to escape on your own.
You freeze and after a beat he lets you go. Time gulps and stands, seemingly more aware of what he was doing. His grip falls away and he takes a step back. "R-right... I won't keep you from your work much longer then."
You can't help but blush. He's always been fine with putting a hand on your shoulder or your back... but the tail is one of the most sensitive parts of a dragon. And he just grabbed you with it. For some reason, you find yourself blushing.
You nod dumbly, as if your schedule is jammed packed like his. Your heart is pounding. You follow Warrior out of the room as he leads you back to the main gate of the castle.
"Sorry." Warrior says quietly. "I didn't mean to interrupt."
"Nonono-" You're still shaken by the phantom feelings of the scales around you. Even if it was just a brush, there was a power there. You don't know why you're so out of whack suddenly. The act was more intimate than you were able to admit. "If you didn't say anything, I would have kept going. Honestly, I swear he's just humoring most of the time."
"This is the only time we get him to actually take a break." Warrior tells you. "He'd work himself t the bone if it weren't for you. It's not like he can't afford it. He's two years ahead of his work. By all means, keep him there longer."
You flush and look away, walking out of the gate. "Oh please, he'll get sick of me before we'd know it."
Warrior is quick to bite his tongue, biting back the instant retort that no doubt sat on his tongue. He takes a breath and shakes his head.
"...He likes you." Warrior looks pained. Like there's something there that he wants to say but can't. You don't see it. "Would you like me to walk you home? If I recall you live far enough away-"
"Not enough to cause concern, Captain." You smile and pat his shoulder. "But thank you."
"His Majesty wouldn't like it if anything happened to you." Warrior tries to push it a little bit.
You shake you head. "And take more of your time away? You work just as hard, if not harder, than the entirety of the castle staff. I think only the King works harder than you."
He presses his lips into a thin line. His own scales poke from under his skin. Something is riling him up but you don't know what. You've never seen his dragon form or even his half. He seems to hide it more often than not. You would never know he was a dragon if the King hadn't said anything earlier.
Warrior sighs and runs his hands through his hair. "Very well... Just... be safe, yeah? I don't think the goddesses themselves would be able to calm the king should things go wrong."
"Like what?" You snort. "I end up in the hospital? I'll be fine. No worries."
You wink for good measure and head home, happy, fulfilled and ready to take on the rest of the week.
You miss the next three visits.
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dragons-and-handcuffs · 4 months
What about Stark!reader x Aemond but it's entirely political like, they can just about tolerate each other's existence until reader somehow stands up for Aemond - like full defence squad - and he just becomes instantly infatuated with his fierce wolf wife?
Ps...absolutely adore your blog ❤️
Your marriage to Aemond was arranged and was completely for political reasons. The first time you met him you two were both young and Aemond had both his eyes, and the second time you two met was just a month before your wedding and Aemond wearing an eye patch.
Aemond was more than certain that you had no feelings for him and he never expected you to. But he would be a fool to deny your beauty. He would be a fool to not admire your beautiful smile or how your eyes twinkle by the simplest of things or how you just gracefully carry yourself.
You have heard stories about the one eyed prince. You have heard how cold he can be. You were understandably worried thinking about your future and whether your emotional needs would be met. But you were raised well, and taught well about your duties. No one needed to teach you your duty as his wife or as the new member of the house Targaryen.
After your wedding night you rarely saw Aemond. He would either be away with his dragon or bury himself with books in the library or training armies. He would join you in bed after you fall asleep.
Aemond thinking you would never develop any feelings for him. And you were mentally prepared to have a husband whose interests lie somewhere else. But it doesn't mean that you two don't long for one another. But the hesitation has led you both to argue and fight. Small annoying fights, and both stubborn to back down.
But imagine moments like Aemond ruined his eye patch while training and can't wear it. He was angry and refused to go out of the room without it. And most importantly he didn't want you to see him like this. Imagine he was about to yell when you entered the room but stopped and instead he hid his face. "I..I made you this," You put the newly made eye patch near him. You didn't want him to be uncomfortable and you knew he would be if he doesn't cover his eye in front of others.
Aemond was surprised and picked up the patch. He turned to thank you but you were already gone. He put it on and it fit him perfectly, even better than the previous one.
One thing is for sure is that you respect your husband and you won't tolerate anyone speaking anything bad against him.
Imagine you heard some lord and ladies at a feast gossiping how you were forced to marry Aemond. One lord even said he would still take you as his wife since you deserve a husband who has both eyes. What they didn't know is that you heard them. No one disrespect your husband and not face any consequences.
Aemond was surprised to hear you defend him and even threatened those lords and ladies. He was offended by their insults but every word from mouth made him smile. You had no idea that he witnessed the scene.
That night you were surprised when Aemond came to the room much before you would fall asleep. Your maid was helping you get dressed for bed but you dismissed her.
"Did the library run out of books for you?" You asked, curious about his change of routine. "No," Aemond almost chuckled. "I just realized I have been a fool," He replied as he took off his leather robe and his eye patch, which surprised you a lot. Aemond was acting like it's no big deal, but this is the first time you are actually seeing his sapphire eye.
You stepped closer and gently touched his scar. To Aemond the touch was comforting, almost like his scar was waiting for the gentle sensation. Suddenly you realized what you were doing and immediately pulled your hand away, but Aemond caught your writing. "Don't stop," He breathed out.
As you traced his scar his eyes shifted to your lips. His thumb coming in contact with your lower lip. Soon you felt him close the gap between you two. He captured your lips with his own. "Aemond..." "Shh! Don't say anything," Aemond passionately kissed you.
The next morning you found yourself naked and in your husband's arms. Aemond was gently caressing your back. Overnight your relationship took a complete turn.
Imagine Aemond now completely infatuated with you now. The feelings that he tried to bury deep down his heart is coming out.
Imagine Aemond calling you "my fierce wolf" or "my beautiful wolf"
Sometimes you would find your favorite flower on the bed and you just know it's from your husband. You would tuck it in your hair and Aemond just knows that you know it's from him.
Now he has this constant need to know about your whereabouts. He will mostly find out himself. Looking at you from far away. You can just feel his eye on you and couldn't help but smile.
It's just the beginning of your marriage and it's going much better that both of you expected
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tornedheart · 1 year
Maiden In The Tower — Yandere Aegon Targaryen
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GIF by @alicentloyalist
Warnings: unhealthy relationships, isolation, captivity.
Opened Tumblr and the first thing I saw was a concept on @heartstalked's blog for Aegon locking his lover on a tower and I was sold! (Completely considering writing fairytale prompts with the other characters, but one thing at a time.)
Once upon a time an unhallowed dragon prince met a winsome flower maiden, they will never be the same after that. Each singer will have a different version of how it happened, some will say he was rotten from the start and she unknowingly fed his dark tendencies, others will say that she tempted him on it and was shocked to meet the consequences of her acts.
Not a single one of the singers will forget to mention how characteristic of a dragon is hoarding their treasures. 
The courtship had started with hopes for the prince becoming a better man, he is drinking less, a courtier mentioned, the servants are called sooner, for the prince desires to take a stroll with his betrothed, a septa whispers. And there is also something being built on the keep, he says it's his gift to his future wife, and no one knows what exactly it is.
No one thinks much of how whiny he seems when his beloved attention deviates from him, or how disposed he is to throw tantrums at everyone he thinks it's trying to steal her attention. It doesn't seem important at that time, everyone knows how young boys are with their little passions.
Each day the wedding grows closer and his whims get worse, and she does try to understand, he doesn't get much love, he's afraid she'll leave, she keeps repeating to herself, it's only a question of time for him to understand she loves him.
And then the big day finally arrives, he's all over her all the time during the ceremony, he turns his head when seeing his mother's scolding. But he doesn't turn down the idea of a bedding ceremony, even with his brother's disapproving gaze or the fear in his new wife.
After consummation, even with her a bit hurt, he tells her how he has a present to her, his wedding gift. There is a key in his hand and she can't deny her curiosity, so she trails after him, going up dozens of stairs until a door, she should have given more attention to the fact that this is the second door he is locking there.
There is an enormous and fluffy bed at the center of the room, shelves lining up in the wall, material for her needlework on a basket and a big wardrobe. 
It's a beautiful room and there is nothing in it to bring any mistrust to her, so all she does is pull him to the bed with her/
Only in the next day, after he leaves to deal with one of duties he preferred to not do, does she notice that the door won't open. She repeats to herself that there is only a mistake, he may have locked it by mistake, the anxiety inside her doesn't seem to hear.
Then Aegon arrives later with a tray of food to her, and she, oh, so innocent she, jokes on how he may have mistakenly locked the tower with her inside. When he tells her that there is no mistake, a smile on his face, one so sweet no one would think he did anything wrong, does her fear take control over her.
All the songs will agree on how no one ever saw her again, except her lovable husband, some will tell about the children he would bring down the tower, to never see their mother again, one or other will say that her love for him did not falter even with his drastic actions, others will recite how there was a constant cries that could be heard in the castle.
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twis-world · 12 days
The Duty of Friendship
Mentions: Malleus Centric (platonically), Second Person, Gender Neutral Reader
This takes place when Malleus and Reader are kids, this was meant to be nonsensical funny lil one-shot, remember that folks. It's very specific towards this post, not quite entirely but that was the start of the inspiration. So I'm gonna drop this off, run, and hope that it makes a bit of sense to be enjoyed haha...ha...yeah.
Word Count: 5k
Raising a fae child is never a small feat.
Fae were sensitive creatures, both physically and emotionally. Passionate but delicate beings with such heightened senses that in turn spun around their own inner dealings. It often took decades for the newly born creatures to get a hold of their own feelings, sometimes a century or two if needed in some cases. Patience was the key.
However, there was always an end to such tolerance.
Lilia resisted the urge to sigh at the sight before him. Time and time again he prayed to the Seven that the outcome would be different, and time and time again disappointment was thrown his way. Just once he would like to be called for assistance for a matter that didn’t involve yet another tantrum from the beloved soon to be crown prince. One that didn’t involve the smell of burnt paper, thrown books, and talon carved furniture. Dreadfully, the fact that the newest tutor was only cowering tearfully in the corner instead of screaming down the castle halls was the only hint that his previous lectures got through to the volatile child. If just barely.
Said child stood in the middle of the destruction with shoulders heaving as he caught his breath. Small wisps of smoke flowed around him with each exhale, showcasing the fury that had yet to quell in the time Lilia arrived. The fae glanced down at the fists that were clenched at his side, sharp claws barely poking out of them and making him wonder for just a moment if he potentially cut his palms. 
It seemed that Malleus was narrowly calming down, each breath he took noticeably longer than the last. Some relief flooded into the older, knowing that finally he was taking some of his advice from the last few instances, the main focus being on how to help the young one regulate his emotions. It was obvious that Malleus struggled with such a task, the current scene being very clear of that, but Lilia would not deny the slight sense of pride he felt at the sight. 
When his eyes clashed with fearful ones, however, that spark quickly diminished. No words were exchanged as Lilia tilted his head to the exit behind him and in turn he didn’t so much as blink as the tutor rushed to their feet and ran out with barely muffled sobs. Greatly unbefitting of someone employed by royalty, though no one would fault them. The temper of a dragon was a great one and to escape unscathed as they did was a feat in itself.
Glass crunched under Lilia’s boots as he slowly approached the prince. A quick glance confirmed that it was the remains of a thrown inkwell and he noted that at some point he would need to notify her highness that material alternatives were needed. If not for the safety of her grandson, then most definitely that of her citizens dealing with him. It would certainly once again test Malleus’s already short temper with his peeve of being underestimated, but it would just have to be another bump in the road he would have to help him get across. 
A slight twitch of his ears was the only indication that the younger noticed his presence, but turn he did not as he continued his breathing exercises. With each step closer Lilia got the less and less smoke there was to dance in the air. By the time he was a foot behind the sound of labored breathing was but a memory and the remaining smog an illusion.
The silence was undeniably tense. Disappointment flooded off Lilia in waves that Malleus would be a fool not to notice, but it didn’t stop him from pointedly avoiding his stern gaze. More often than not the other wouldn’t hesitate to begin berating the child, but he felt this time should be a learning opportunity. Malleus was already aware of what he had done, now was the time to address it.
“...I didn’t mean to,” his meek voice finally spoke, so quiet that even with his enhanced hearing Lilia needed to strain his ears slightly. Clenched hands unraveled to anxiously fiddle with one another before him, nails thankfully retracted into small points.
“That excuse will get you nowhere this time, Malleus,” Lilia replied sternly. The other’s head dipped even further, a small sniffle echoing through the room. Lilia’s eyes softened at the sound, weak as always to tears of the young try as he may, and this time he couldn’t hold in his sigh. Kneeling down he slowly reached out to cup Malleus’s hands in his and it wasn’t until after a soft call of his name did he finally look up to meet his gaze. “Your grandmother and I tire of repeating ourselves time and time again. You know better than this.”
“But they-” Malleus tearfully began, but hushed when a gentle hand cupped his face.
“They are only doing as they were told, which is to help educate you to the best of their abilities. No one is belittling your intelligence, we all know how bright you are, but you must not get offended at their attempts to help you grow.”
Silence is all he received in return. Shining orbs flickered to stare at the ground in contemplation, pointed ears drooping as they received the message. Lilia stared on knowing no further explanation was needed. At this point it was solely up to Malleus to conquer this fault, all that was left for him to do was to help encourage it.
After enough time passed, he spoke once more. “Would it help for you to get out of this stuffy old castle for a bit? You’ve been cooped up here for some time now.”
He couldn’t help the small smile that grew as Malleus’s gaze instantly brightened, snapping back up with glee. “Really?” Just as quick, though, his mood dampened with apparent shame and before Lilia could ask, spoke. “Grandmother told me that I wasn’t to be caught outside of my room and the study after last time.”
Ah, yes, the last instance was particularly violent. It was probably the angriest Lilia had seen her highness in decades…
His hand shifted higher until it rested gently between small horns, where it caressed ebony locks with care. “Worry not, I’m sure your grandmother will understand once I explain. Besides, I don’t think she would be so cruel as to not allow her favorite grandson from attending the new circus in the town~”
This time there Lilia was sure that literal stars were in Maelleus’s eyes. “A circus? Really?”
“Why shouldn’t I? You would do good with some sunlight,” Lilia teased, giving one last pat before straightening to his full height. “Now run along now and get on some proper clothing. I will be waiting in the foyer once you are ready.”
Within a blink of an eye Malleus was off, excited giggles echoing through the halls with the quick patterns of his shoes running on the fine tile. It was probably the most genuinely thrilled he had seen him in ages, the past few years being rather rough on him. Fae were sensitive creatures, handling new emotions had always been particularly troubling for their kind. It was simply in their nature.
~ ~ ~
For as long as you could remember your life was dedicated to the road and the traveling circus it took with it. The circus that your family had dedicated their lives to before you were born. The one that you as well cherished immensely.
From the Queendom of Roses to the Shaftlands, from the Sunset Savannah to the beautiful shores of the Coral Sea. From the Scalding Sands to the now whimsical Briar Valley. It was a tiring yet rewarding profession that you wouldn't dare trade for anything more. To be able to spend your life performing, thriving off of the loud cheers of the crowd was a blessing that you dare not take for granted. The joyous laughs they let out and the breathtaking grins each and every single one shone, that was what you truly lived for.
No matter how challenging the road has been, the many bumps and winding twists and turns it threw, you and your troop pressed on. Striving to never be delayed for even a mere moment, rushing to make it to your next ‘stage’ and try your best to bring dreams to life. Even if it meant the sacrifice of a proper home, a place to call your own.
It was your passion, so even as your fellow performers rushed to finish getting ready with clear anxiety and nerves for whatever reason you did not dare falter. You couldn’t help but continue to practically vibrate with clear joy and excitement, nearly jumping in place if not for your father’s continuous scolding.
For the hundredth time it felt like he called your name lowly, stern frown glaring down at you. “If I end up poking your eye out it’ll be all your fault. For the last time. Hold. Still.”
Despite the clear agitation in his voice your mood did not sour, your grin still just as bright as you brought your wiggles under control. “Sorry Papa,” you giggled, slightly gazing up and holding your eyes wide for him. Whatever curses he surely directed towards you went unheard, gliding in one ear then out the other with not a thought. Your eyes watered a bit as the mascara wand repeatedly pressed up against your lashes, over and over again until the older man felt satisfied and switched to the other. Once done with that he gave your face a quick once over and nodded in satisfaction, rushing to put all the other makeup products into a small bag. “Perfect, you should be all set. Go and make sure you have all of your props before the show begins.”
“Why does everyone look so nervous?” You questioned instead, small hands clutching the sides of the stool you sat on whilst swinging your legs. It was obvious tensions were high, the usual hustle and bustle pre-show seemingly more chaotic than usual. What would normally be a time of high spirits was instead one of great anxiety delving into near irritation in striving for perfection. Anyone could see it, even a small one such as yourself.
Your father paused for a moment, turning to gaze around and easily seeing what you were talking about. Many were panicking over the perfection of their make-up and costumes, attempting to make them even flashier than what was needed. Numerous shouts were passed around in hysteria, nitpicking over every little stage prop or setup. He sighed. “We got a letter about half an hour ago that the crown prince himself was coming down to watch. I didn’t think it was going to be that big of a deal but apparently this one in particular is rather important.”
“More than the one’s back in the desert?” You were referencing the ever so proud Al-Asim family, the rulers of the Scalding Sands you had come from. A rather large group that took up nearly three rows of your stands, yet were louder than the entire audience combined. You quite liked them. After the show they invited themselves backstage to meet everyone. You vividly remember several of the younger ones running circles around you, praising you to the moon and back on your various tricks. Despite being a kid yourself, the ones younger than you were always your favorite spectators. The way the tiny prince and princesses gazed up at you with such painfully pure admiration, it was that that you continuously strived for. That gaze, those feelings. Children were no doubt greedy creatures, striving for attention of any kind. You were no different.
“I guess,” your father simply shrugged. “They’re all the same in my opinion, but I guess this one is just that much of a big-shot. We had to reserve an entire section of the stands just for him and his…advisor? I’m not too sure who but both of them just cost us a good chunk of people.”
Clear annoyance was present on his face. From the furrow of his brows, the deep scowl, the way his hands clutched a few makeup brushes with more strength than needed. Whoever these royals were they really seemed to have tipped him off.
Not wanting for his mood to ruin yours you gave him a quick farewell before hopping off the stool and disappearing amongst the crowd. Sure, there not being as many people as usual was disappointing, but you really didn’t see how it was something to be angry over. Not just one but perhaps two royals coming to see your beloved circus? Oh, you couldn’t contain your excitement any longer and could not resist giggling gleefully as you searched for your show partner. 
You secretly hoped whoever it was would be similar to the tiny Al-Asims, one who would be absolutely mesmerized.
You could not wait.
~ ~ ~
Malleus enjoyed learning.
He liked it quite a lot.
More than any other kid or, in his case, fae child would. He wanted to know everything, learn all he could about every little thing possible. Never did he hesitate to ask questions and if none of the ‘adults’ in his life could give him a proper answer then to the castle library he went. So, he was no stranger to this supposed ‘circus’ Lilia insisted on taking him to. Though few, there were books that mentioned the extravagant traveling caravans dedicated to a life of entertainment on the road. He always believed them to be quite strange before, not quite understanding the excitement of it all.
Yet, simply knowing something was far different than experiencing it.
Such as the wonders of cotton candy.
“It really does melt!” Malleus exclaimed, hand raised to his mouth and eyes wide in awe. The delightful, sweet taste of the fluffy pink cloud he had taken a bite of danced on his tongue, the muscle coated in pure melted sugar. In his other hand he held the giant sweet treat, one far bigger than he had seen any of the other children having. The nice man at the candy stand insisted he take it and with Lilia’s gentle goading as well he seized it. After it took no time at all to find their seats, a giant ‘Draconia’ banner having hung just above their section. Now they sat front and center, perfect viewing for the show they awaited on.
Beside him Lilia chuckled holding a matching treat of his own. Unlike Malleus who insisted on waiting to eat his until they were seated he had taken to snacking on it during the walk over. Barely half of it remained but the man remained content. “Why of course! Such is the wonder of these delightful little treats. Humans never cease to amaze me with their culinary creativity.” He ripped off another large piece, humming in content as it melted in his mouth. “I urge you not to tell your grandmother about this though. She would not be too happy with me indulging you in so many sweets.”
The younger giggled, holding a finger to his lips in a show of secrecy.
Suddenly all entrances were drawn shut, the giant curtains blocking out any and all sunlight. It was pitch dark, silent, before a series of bright orbs began to light up all around. They started off small, gliding around and illuminating many faces of all ages in the crowd and drawing out faint cheers and laughter. Then they began to grow, continuing to get bigger and bigger as they slowly raised to the ceiling. In no time they were large enough to light up the whole tent, enough for every corner of the area to be seen in brightness. It was then that everyone noticed the once empty center was filled with the anticipated stars of the show.
They were unlike anything Malleus had seen before. They all wore different costumes of many different colors and designs, some unique to different individuals and some specific to the many small groups spread out. Extravagant makeup was painted on all of their faces, all of which he noticed held bright grins as they held a pose.
The audience erupted into applause at their long awaited arrival and once it died down the fun began.
With each act Malleus began to understand more and more the praise many of his books gave to the circus. Never before had he been able to bear witness to such magnificence. The jugglers, the acrobats, the tightropers, it was all so…so magical! He couldn’t remember the last time he had laughed so much, utterly delighted at every trick he saw no matter how big or small. The heat he felt on his face as the fire breathers sent raging flames into the air further ignited the sheer joy he was experiencing, face already beginning to grow sore at how much he was smiling. 
It never seemed to end. Various animals were brought out to perform as well, stage props dragged onto the stage to further the excitement with things such as knife throwing and plate spinning, all done with many trumpets and drums playing a silly tune somewhere around the tent.
Just as he thought it couldn’t get any better, his attention was directed to the ceiling above. Two towers stood across from one another on opposing sides of the stage, both of which held out a wooden plank. It was blinding at first looking up, all of the bright orbs still shining above, yet they dimmed down to allow a clear view of what act awaited next. That was when he saw them. That was when he saw you.
A small thing filled with nothing but utter confidence as you stood near the edge, dressed in a leotard. One of your hands held onto a rather long rope that hung from somewhere above, nowhere that he could see even with his enhanced vision, but that wasn’t what concerned him. It was that you, a human he assumed, stood in the face of danger. Inches away from a plummet that would surely injure you gravely. Yet there you stood, facing it all with a daring smile as you looked to your counterpart on the other side.
Then, you jumped.
Malleus gasped and along with him all the other viewers, watching as descended from the safety of plank and into the space below. Fall you did not, however, clutching onto the rope as you swung towards another, an older woman in the same outfit. She, too, swung towards you on a rope but as you neared each other you let go. Soaring into the air with a ‘whoop’ before clutching the hand she held out for you. Together you practically flew around the perimeter of the stage, closer and closer to the audience with each rotation. Closer and closer and when you finally flew close enough for Malleus to touch you if he tried to reach out, it felt as if time froze.
Your expression was one of pure, genuine happiness.
A smile so blinding yet he dare not look away from.
Eyes alight with such glee it was hypnotizing.
The very sight of you was more beautiful than any other he had come to see in all his years.
Even as you flew away as quickly as you came; doing one more circle around before your partner released you, allowing you to gracefully flip in the air before landing, his eyes did not once leave you.
Even as you joined the other performers in the many cartwheels and handstands they performed, his eyes did not once leave you.
Even as the show neared its ending and you had taken to doing personalized tricks for different children in the audience, his eyes did not once leave you.
Which was why he immediately noticed how your eyes eventually fell onto him, still shining oh so brightly as they did in the air.
When you began to skip over the smallest of nerves began to settle in his stomach. Small hands clutched the stick of his cotton candy tighter than before. Why he was feeling so anxious he had no clue, but just as quickly as it came it disappeared once you appeared before him.
“Heya!” You chirped, standing on your tiptoes in order to properly gaze at him over the separation barrier. A small sheen of sweat covered your face, an expression of your great effort during the show, and it seemed as if you were still trying to catch your breath. However, the same grand smile he was beginning to like remained. “How you folks doing?”
Malleus couldn’t think of anything to say. Even as Lilia gave him a small nudge of assurance, he still couldn’t think of something. It had been ages since anyone outside of his family talked to him so casually, without an ounce of trepidation. Even his numerous tutors couldn't accomplish that. Here you stood though, achieving more than any of them could.
“He’s a bit shy,” Lilia responded for him. Gentle hands rubbed the small of his back, still attempting to goad him into talking, yet his mouth remained shut. “You did a spectacular job out there I should say. You children are becoming more and more daring by the ages.”
“Why thank you mister.” You glanced at him for a second, seemingly contemplating on something. “Would he like a balloon? I’ve been working on a bunch of new animals lately. I can make almost anything!”
“Can you make a gargoyle?” Malleus found himself exclaiming.
Your eyes widened just a bit, head tilting in confusion. “Uh, not sure what a gargoyle is.”
“Why don’t you try naming something simpler,” Lilia softly chided. Despite that, amusement shone clear as day on his face. Ever so persistent in his gargoyle obsession the young prince was.
Slight disappointment panged Malleus, but he considered his options for a moment regardless. “What about a…horse?” A horse was a simple animal wasn’t it?
Your smile grew. “You got it!”
From a small pocket of your costume you drew out a small balloon. It was green, a color Malleus rather liked. With a few large breaths you stretched it out into a long shape, then with speed he didn’t think was possible began to twist and bend it into numerous shapes. Within seconds you held out a horse shaped balloon in your palms, satisfied at what you had done.
As you should have been. Though…
“Why, I wonder what happened to the poor thing's legs,” Lilia pondered, voice strained in a poor attempt to contain his laughter.
Yes, you were successful in creating a horse. The upper part that is.
As Malleus gently took the creature into his own palms, mindful of his nails, he tilted his head in slight confusion. Was this a part of the act that he did not understand? A clown joke perhaps? Maybe he should confirm. “Are you sure this is a horse?” He asked gently, innocent and wide eyes staring up at you.
It was obvious how your smile became slightly strained, hands behind your back as you nervously rocked on the heels of your feet.
Maybe you should have practiced just a bit more…
Good on you to lie when you struggled to make the legs of any of your supposed masterful works…
“Well, uh,” you stuttered, face growing hot at the expectant gaze the two were giving you. “Um, you see, it uh…it was a horse! Yes, it was a horse, but then it ate too much sugar and its legs stopped working. So they had to um…they had to amputate it! Yes, yes, poor thing, so now it’s a worm horse!”
You took a large breath at the end of your rant, hands having lifted in a dramatic display at some point. Whilst one was rather entertained it seemed, the prince was still blankly staring. 
Your father was most definitely going to kill you if he heard word of this.
Your saving grace, though, came in the form of an unexpected burst of laughter coming from Malleus himself. Hand raised to his mouth in a show of trained courtesy, yet doing nothing to hide his reaction. 
Your mouth dropped just a bit, expecting failure from your improvisation, but you quickly got your act back together. “See! He gets it! These horses, they make no sense,” you finished, shaking your head in mock disappointment.
Just as you finished, the same woman who you first performed with came over, gently whispering something in your ear before giving a polite smile to the two. Whatever she had to say you nodded in response, giving a final wave before skipping away.
“How lovely,” Lilia said, giving a wave of his own before turning to Malleus. The other it seemed was still trying to get a hold of himself, shoulders still shaking with barely contained laughter. “Was their joke really that funny young one? I couldn’t quite make sense of it myself.”
The boy needed a few seconds, but once he regained himself he turned to Lilia with a wide grin. “A horse’s legs do stop working when they eat too much sugar. It’s called Laminitis.” In emphasis he held out the balloon a little. “That’s why it doesn’t have any legs!”
Ah, Lilia thought, of course the prince would be ever so knowledgeable.
Delighted as he was that Malleus was having such a grand time, he noticed something as well. As the show slowly began to come to a close, young emerald eyes never once left the very clown that raised his spirits so high.
~ ~ ~
“Do you mind waiting out here for a minute, Malleus?” Lilia requested, a hand on the other’s shoulder as he waited for a response.
In turn Malleus looked up at him with curious eyes, another thing of cotton candy held in his hand. The boy absolutely refused to go back to the castle without it and whilst Lilia was usually better at refusing such demands, the evening was supposed to be one of grand fun. He never did mind spoiling children. 
The other hand still continued to gently cradle the ‘horse’ balloon, not once letting it go the rest of the show. It worried Lilia a bit how attached he seemed, he did not think the other realized by tomorrow it would become wilted. However, that was a future issue he would deal with once it arrived.
A nod was all he was given, Malleus being more interested in his treat than whatever matter his caretaker may have. After ensuring that he was placed in a safe spot just barely outside the circus tent he waltzed straight back inside, though not without one final glance back. Most of the crowd had filtered out and all that seemed to be left were the performers getting to clean up. A few paid him no mind while many others almost approached him in what may have been a reminder that it was now time for everyone to depart. Yet one glance at the insignia on his chest was enough to remind them of who he was, and thus he was left to his own devices. 
The backstage was rather easy to find, nothing but another large curtain separating it from the stage. It seemed as if most of the people were on the other side assisting with clean up, the backstage being rather void of anyone. The fae found himself pursing his lips at the sight, but remained undeterred in his search. Further back, perhaps?
Lilia spun around at the sound, tilting his head up slightly to meet the gaze of a rather tall man. He wore no costume nor had a smidge of makeup as all the others had, instead dressed simply in a white shirt and overalls. A stage-hand maybe? It wouldn’t be an impossibility, the display of muscles in his crossed arms suggested as such.
“Ah,” he smiled, taking a small step back to create distance. “Pardon my rude intrusion, but I was wondering where I may find the one in charge of your wonderful crew. The ringleader, if you may.”
“You’re looking at him,” the man stated bluntly, glare undying.
Lilia took it in stride. “Wonderful! So you would know who the guardian of the little one out there would be? About…” Lilia put out a hand to the side, palm down. “This high I would say. (H/C) hair and the cutest little (E/C) eyes.”
“That would be my kid you’re talking about,” your father responded, eyes narrowing and deep scowl drooping even further. “The hell do you want with them? I’m warning you right now if I hear anything about wanting a personal show I have no problem pummeling your ass all the way back to the castle.”
Whilst Lilia found himself taken a bit aback at the proclamation, he couldn’t resist a chuckle. “Let's not get crass here. I assure you it’s nothing of the sort, though I do admire your confidence and fierce desire to protect your children.”
“Thanks. What do you want?”
“I do love a businessman. Now while it appears you all are packing up after only a day here, I do know that you will be resting here for a few more…Correct?”
An eyebrow raises. “Yes.”
The fae clapped his hands together. “Splendid. In that case I have a proposition to make. You see my charge happens to adore your little one. He simply could not get enough of them and I found that the two of them got along swell during their performance. That being said, I was perhaps wondering if you would allow the two to have a series of,” he paused, looking up in thought. “What do you humans call it? Play dates? Yes! Playdates?”
Both of your father’s eyebrows raised this time. “You…you came back here to ask if my kid could entertain yours for a few days? Does that brat not have enough toys back up at his castle?”
“You misinterpret my request. You see, his highness has a rather hard time making any friends of any sort and is quite lonely. I think it would benefit not just him but your child as well to be able to socialize with someone their age.”
“My kid socializes plenty.”
“But with someone else their age?” Lilia pushed. “I noticed you have no other children present in your little circus. I imagine it can get quite lonely, can it not?”
At that your father silenced, pursing his lips as he looked down in thought. While he knew you adored this life, wanting nothing more than to continue your days in the show business, he often regretted not being able to give you more. A proper home, a proper place to live, a place to stay and make plenty of friends of your own. If this was his one chance to give you that, even for a short while…
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literaryuppsala · 1 year
I’m not sure if your requests are open! If not just ignore me !! Can you do a Hvitserk x reader where she’s a Targaryen that has been exploring other lands on dragonback and comes across Kattegat which has never seen a dragon? I just love when the OC is the center of attention 💕💕
Alright this took me a while to make and I had so much fun while doing It, as an asoiaf fan, to write for a Targaryen character was always something I wanted to do, but just never had the opportunity so thank you for your ask, i really loved it.
I'm gonna need your willing suspension of disbelief in two things here: asoiaf and vikings maps and languages spoken, with that being said, there's no warnings, no smut, just a kiss, a few of dragon rides and Ivar being the bad bitch he's always been.
The end is cut short because I totally gonna need more than just one chapter to develop this relationship, let me know if you want something like this.
Enjoy ♥
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Life was a willow (and It bent right to your wind)
You were the center of attention since you were born, being the only daughter to the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, you inherited your mother’s title: the realm’s delight. You were Rhaenyra’s youngest child, not an heir, just a daughter and you loved that. Your brothers had to deal with lords and lands and battles, while you could do things as you will, and to be honest, what you loved the most was flying around on your dragon. 
You bonded with her very early and started flying at the age of seven, the same age your mother started flying Syrax. You named your dragon Seafyre, it was a she dragon, your favorite thing in the world, your best friend and your protector. She had a beautiful silver color with blue scales, her flames were blueish with a hint of silver and despite not being an adult dragon yet, she was growing very fast, you wondered If she would grow to be as big as Balerion was. 
Rhaenyra loved you dearly, at first she wanted to protect you from the matters of the Seven Kingdoms, but as you grew up, she saw so much of herself in you, she wanted you to do great things, wanted the people to know you not just as a beautiful young woman, but a strong princess. Seeing the love you had for your dragon and despite Daemon’s resistance, she decided to introduce you to the truth. 
Rhaenyra’s claim wasn’t as strong as Aegon’s simply because she wasn’t a man. Despite winning the Dance of the Dragons and killing her brother, not all of the lords accepted her power. They plotted against her and she knew she needed allies to call for when the time would come. You were smart and gentle, and the Queen decided to make you a messenger: you would fly to further lands and offer alliances with the Queen.
“You’re late.” Your mother scolded you as you entered the council room. 
“Lost track of time.” You answered a little embarrassed, taking off your gloves as you walked towards her. 
“Come, we need to talk.” She gently touched your shoulder as she guided you towards the table. 
Gathered around the table there was only the hand of the queen, your father Daemon and the Master of Whisperers, you knew what that meant. 
Every time the Master of Whisperers heard of new lands, he would come to Rhaenyra to tell her about the possibility of new allies, he was the one to tell her you were the perfect messenger for Dorne. After Prince Qoren’s death, his daughter Alliandra ascended to the throne. During the Dance, Rhaenyra asked for Dorne’s support but was denied, Prince Qoren decided he wouldn’t step into that fight. However, after killing Aegon and ascending, the Queen tried one more time, with you. Later, you and Alliandra ended up becoming friends and Rhaenyra finally had Dorne’s support.
This happened a lot of times. Rhaenyra would send you first, on your dragon, like a messenger of peace, you would study the place and the lord, would understand his needs and try to become a friend, then you’d come back home with information and most likely an invitation for a meeting with your mother and your father, this helped Rhaenyra to secure her time on the throne, but she knew she should use as much help as she could get. 
“We heard from a land of men across the Narrow Sea.” The Master of Whisperers started. 
“In Essos?” You asked with a frown.
“Beyond the Free Cities, beyond the Dothraki Sea. Where none of us had ever been.” He continued and you nodded. 
Rhaenyra held your hand before telling you: “We want you to go there.”
“That’s further than anywhere I’ve ever been…” You looked at her with widened eyes. “And I thought we’d had enough allies by now.” You crossed your arms in front of your chest. 
“It will never be enough.” Your mother answered. “We need as much support as we can get, you know that.”
“I know, I know…” Your shoulders brushed and you looked down, she cradled your face between her hands. 
“What is It, sweet girl?” She asked gently, making you look at her. 
“It’s just… Will this ever end? I mean… You… Sending me far away from home to find people willing to help you, offering your help, preparing for a fight that never comes.”
“This fight is lurking between the curtains of your mother’s house.” Daemon intervened. “It will come… Sooner or later.” He walked to you, taking Rhaenyra’s place and holding your shoulders, he gently touched your chin making you look up at him. “I don’t like this as much as you do, but at this point you’ve done it too many times…” 
“Seafyre will protect you.” Rhaenyra stated.
“We trust you.” Daemon caught your attention. “It’ll be just like the others.” 
Everything was settled and the next day you were ready to go. Seafyre was waiting for you at the pit as you said your goodbyes to your parents. 
“We don’t know their costumes, be sure to protect yourself and your dragon no matter what.” Rhaenyra started. “Your well being is more important than any agreement, so take care.” She kissed your forehead, a tiny smile on her face. 
“Yes, your grace.” 
“Be strong.” Daemon warned you, a gentle hand on your shoulder. 
You smiled at him before walking towards your dragon, you caressed her neck and mounted her, looking back over your shoulder before flying. 
You were used to traveling long distances on the back of your dragon, that was never a problem for you, but the thought of going to a foreign land so far from Kings Landing was still leaving you uneasy. Would they welcome you? Would they be aggressive? You had no idea. And after crossing the Narrow Sea, the thought became stronger, so did your fear. 
You crossed the Free Cities and the Dothraki Sea in one day, but what you didn’t know was that, after crossing those lands you would meet with another sea, a darker one. You caressed your dragon one more time imagining it would be a longer journey than you expected, she would be more tired as soon as you arrived, that would stop you from coming back right after.  
“Keep going, girl.” You whispered in hopes she would hear you. 
By morning you finally reached the sight of land and blinked incredulously: there really was a faraway land after the end of the world. You landed at the beach, Seafyre was so exhausted she laid down immediately. 
“This was great work, my girl. You did great, I’ll find you something to eat.” You murmured caressing her sides. 
You clearly caught the attention of the people there, the little houses around the beach had a few people gathering outside just to stare at you and your dragon. Women and children looked dumbfounded at both of you.
“Look, Lagertha!” A tiny voice sounded some place into the houses, you searched for the source, and it didn’t take long for you to find it, a little boy rushed towards you with a little girl running right behind him. 
“HALI! ASA!” This time a woman screamed, she ran towards the children. 
You quickly grabbed the two before they reached Seafyre and crouched before them with a smile. 
“Calm down, she’s tired.” You warned. 
“Is this… Is this…” The little boy stuttered.
“A dragon. Her name is Seafyre.” You helped him.
“Seafyre…” The little girl repeated, her eyes sparkling as she looked at the dragon.
“Is she yours?” He asked and you nodded. “You came from the sky with her, flying on her back!” 
“Not from the sky, from-”
Suddenly a pair of hands grabbed the children’s shoulders and pulled them away from you, the woman was defensive and you understood, so you stood up and smiled at her, trying your best to look harmless. 
“What are you?” She asked with a growl. 
“A woman, just like you.” You offered your hand for her, she looked at you with a frown and didn’t take it. You withdrew your hand and smiled embarrassed. “I come from another kingdom, one that is far away from here. I come in peace.” You tried again.
“What kingdom? Are you from England?”
“England? Is it another kingdom?” It was your turn to look at her and ask with a confused frown.
“What kingdom are you from?” She insisted.
“Westeros, I’m from Westeros.”
“Never heard of It”
“Never heard of yours either, yet here I am.” 
She was dumbfounded, suspicious to say the least. Looking at you and at your dragon with a deep frown on her face, It was clear to you that these people never once saw a dragon in their lives, you were shocked but no so much, you were separated from each other by two large oceans, a dragon is just one of the probable differences between you. 
“I believe your name is Lagertha, right?” You tried but she didn’t respond. “I know you’re scared but I come from a long journey, and I need to feed my dragon. I see you have a few animals around, I wonder If you could give me one.” 
“What if I don’t?”
“I can’t control her when she’s hungry.” 
Lagertha looked at the gigantic animal and gulped. 
“Come.” She talked to the children who whined and struggled a little to follow her, but did it anyway.
You waited patiently until she came back with two big pigs, showing them to you. You nodded before taking the leash from her hands and taking the pigs towards your dragon. That would give her enough strength for hunting for herself afterwards. You put the two pigs in front of her, she sniffed the air and opened her eyes. She quickly ate the two pigs with a loud growl, startling Lagertha who walked back two or three steps, away from you both. 
“She’s sweet most of the time.” You said loud, caressing her sides as she calmly laid back down. “But not when she’s hungry.” You joked before looking back at Lagertha. 
“I think we should go to see the king.” She mumbled under her breath, trying to look away from your dragon and focus on your face.
“Don’t you think he would like to see her first?” You tried.
“Come here?”
“Yes. This way he can see the nature of my offer with his own eyes.” 
She didn’t answer, just left without saying a word. You stayed there for a few hours feeling a little stupid but before giving up, you saw a group of people coming to the beach, one of them in a chariot while the others followed. They talked among themselves and looked at you with widened eyes. You prepared for their approach, standing beside your sleeping dragon trying to look as peaceful as possible. 
“So, is this the beast?” Said the man coming down from the chariot. 
“Her name is Seafyre.” You corrected him, noticing he needed the help of a pair of crutches to walk. 
“You wanted to see the king. Here I am.” He answered with a smirk. “I’m Ivar.” 
“It’s an honor, Lord Ivar.” You bowed. “As I said to Lady Lagertha, I come in peace, I come with an offer.” 
“What kind of offer?” He asked suspiciously. 
“An alliance.” You answered. “I come as Princess of Westeros to offer you an alliance from my kingdom to yours. My mother, the Queen, is willing to fight for you with all her powers when you ask for, as long as you fight for us when we do the same.” 
“Do you have more of these?” He asked, a sparkle in his eyes as he looked at your dragon and you nodded. “Can you bring them to the fight?” 
“I can.” You smiled and he did the same. 
“You can enjoy our hospitality for as long as you need, then you can teach me more about your kingdom and tell me more about this offer and your dragons.” 
You were all gathered in a place they called “the great hall”. It was very cold, and reminded you of Winterfell. You sat around a fireplace at the center and everyone was paying close attention to you. Later you learned they were all related, the king and his brothers: Ubbe, Hvitserk and Sigurd, their wives sat by their sides and all of them looked at you with widened eyes and suspicious looks. You were very different from them with your violet eyes and platinum hair, and your Targaryen attire in bold red drew attention against their black tunics. 
“Where’s this West- Westeros?” Ivar talked first. 
“Across the sea…” You started to answer but were quickly interrupted. 
“We traveled across the sea, never heard of a kingdom called Westeros.” He insisted. 
“You haven’t traveled enough.” You smiled and shrugged. “It took me almost two days on my dragon, and dragons travel fast.” 
“Why is it that you’re looking for an alliance so far from your home?” Ivar’s brother, Ubbe, asked you. 
“Why would you ask for an alliance?” You asked like it was obvious. “Cause it’s good for both parts.” 
“You gotta tell me what’s the good thing for you in It.” Ivar continued. 
You sighed. “My mother is the Queen, but she had to fight for her throne, she earned It… However not every lord of Westeros is comfortable with her power.” 
“You need support.” Ivar mumbled. 
“Don’t you need it?” You asked, a frown on your face. “Don’t you have your own wars to fight?”
“I can very much use the support princess, I mean we’re talking about dragons here…” He smiled. “But I don’t need It, I’ve been fighting my wars with my bare hands way before you came here.”
“So, you’re saying my offer doesn’t interest you?” You asked with a frown.
“That’s not what I’m saying…” He corrected you. “See, as I said, you are welcome to enjoy our hospitality here as long as you need. And we can keep talking about your offer in a way that can be good for both of us.”
Someone filled your cup one more time and you smiled kindly at her, Ivar poked at one of his brothers, Hvitserk, and whispered something in his ear, he looked at you before both of them left the table, excusing themselves, they crossed the curtains and vanished on the back of the great hall as you followed them with your eyes until you lost their sight. You looked around feeling very conscious of your own loneliness in that place, there really was a feast going on, they were quick to prepare the food, but all of them looked at you with fear in their eyes, whispering to each other while staring at you, being the center of attention never bothered you like that before, you drank from your cup and sighed, feeling frustrated already. 
“Are you sure?” Hvitserk asked Ivar, his voice low under his breath while his brother put himself a cup of ale. 
“I am sure. I can sense she needs us more than we need her…” He sipped from his cup before huffing out a frustrated laugh. “At least, in a way she needs us more.” 
“You think she’ll accept It?” Hvitserk insisted. 
“Well, why not?” Ivar shrugged. 
“She’s already offering us her dragons, I mean, she might feel like she doesn’t need to give us anything else.”
“So, we’ll convince her.”
The first rays of sun crossed the cracks of the windows and woke you up, painfully reminding you you were not at your own chambers back in King’s Landing. You sat at the bed and stretched a little, seeing a few clean clothes laid down beside your bed alongside a bow with fresh water. After freshening yourself and changing your clothes, you left the room they prepared for you, walked towards the noise you heard coming from the great hall, but as soon as you crossed the curtains, they stopped talking. 
“Princess!” The same little girl from the other day ran towards you, offering her hand for you to hold, and you smiled accepting her offer. “Come sit by my side.” 
“Of course.” You sat by her side and were quickly followed by the same little boy. “What are your names?”
“I’m Asa.” She answered with a smile. “This is my brother Hali.” 
“It’s very nice to meet you both.” 
“Do you have other dragons??” The boy asked excitedly.
“I gotta tell you, every person in my family has a dragon.” You answered proudly. “My mother’s dragon is called Syrax and my father’s, Caraxes. All my brothers and sisters have dragons of their own.” 
“How many dragons do you have?” Ivar questioned. 
“A lot. Like I said, every person from my family has one.” 
“Where did you find them?” Little Asa asked. 
“Well, that’s a long story.” 
“We’d love to hear It.” Hvitserk was the one to speak this time, you looked at him and nodded. 
You spent the whole morning telling the stories about your family, how they managed to escape from Old Valyria with a few dragons, how the family remained on Dragon Stone for centuries before Aegon decided to finally fly to King's Landing. They paid attention to everything you said, especially the kids who seemed in awe with all the stories about battles and dragons. You learned that Hali and Asa were Torvi’s children and that she was Ubbe’s wife. Ivar was married to another woman called Freydis, and Sigurd and Hvitserk were still unmarried. 
“And he was as big as the sky?” Hali asked with big eyes.
“Balerion could strike a shadow over a whole city when he flew.” You answered with a smile. 
“Did you see him?” Hali’s eyes sparkled.
“He passed before I was born, but we still have a dragon from his time, she’s almost as big as he was, her name is Vhagar.” 
“Does she belong to anyone?” Torvi asked you as curious as her children.
“My sister, Baela, is her rider.” 
“Isn’t she too old?” Ubbe questioned.
“She’s very old, that’s why she’s so big, we suspect her time is already coming to an end like It came to Balerion, we’re just waiting.” 
By the end of the day you were all gathered at the beach, watching as Seafyre flew around. You felt when a tiny hand grabbed yours and looked down, little Asa stared at you with hopeful eyes. 
“Do you want to fly with me?” You asked crouching in front of her. 
“REALLY?” She asked excitedly. 
“Really! Go and ask your mother.” 
The little girl ran towards her parents, Ubbe caught her in his arms and they both walked towards you with suspicious looks. 
“Isn’t It dangerous?” Torvi asked you. 
“No, you can trust me.”
They looked at each other before putting the little girl back on the ground, they nodded, letting her come to you, you grabbed her hand and walked towards the sea shore, you called Seafyre’s name and she immediately came to you, landing right by your side. You rubbed her sides before helping Asa on her top, mounting behind her very quickly. 
“You can hold here.” You pointed to the handle of the saddle, whispering in her ear. “Or you can hold my arms…” 
Asa was very brave, laughing and screaming through the whole time you were flying, she held your arms firmly, but for a moment she dropped it and raised them up her head, making you hold her against your chest with a little more strength. When you landed back on the beach she was already begging you to fly again, but her brother, Hali, seemed to have his own plans. You gave both children a few rides on your dragon, carefully handing them back to their parents afterwards and promising to do the same the next morning. 
After a few hours you saw yourself alone on the beach, watching as Seafyre made a show of eating fishes from the ocean. You felt a presence beside you, looking around to find Hvitserk standing a few feets away from you, you smiled to yourself imagining he feared to be close to you because of your dragon. 
“You can come closer, you know.” You told him and he looked at you, his cheeks reddened a bit and he looked down before approaching. 
“Hali and Asa are way more brave than I am.” He smiled to himself before looking at you, as if he was taking a moment, his smile slowly died on his face and he looked forward before starting to speak again. “Princess, I have to talk to you.”
“Sure.” You answered quickly. 
“My brother has an offer he wants to make to your mother.” 
“This can be arranged, you can prepare your ships to follow me back to King's Landing to have a meeting with her.” You reassured him and he nodded. Both of you stayed in silence for a moment and you felt him uneasy. “But that’s not the only thing you want to ask me, is it?” 
Hvitserk looked down at his own feet, his arms firmly crossed behind his back. “No… It isn’t.”
“Lord Hvitserk I can assure you that my family always respects our alliances, you have no reason to fear, we’ll keep our word.” 
“But you understand we need more than your word, right? We’re not very much of a threat to you, I mean we don’t have dragons, and we need to protect ourselves.” 
This time you looked away, but immediately felt his gaze on you. It made you warm all over for some reason. 
“Is that the nature of your offer, my lord?”
A gust of wind crossed your body and you hugged yourself, knowing exactly when Hvitserk stopped looking at you by the way your skin raised in goosebumps because of the cold breeze. 
“It’s a marriage offer.” Hvitserk continued. 
“My mother is already married.” You joked. 
“Are you?”
“I’m not looking for a husband, Lord Hvitserk.” 
“You’re looking for an alliance.”
“In the name of my family, yes. But I am not selling myself in order to get It.” You looked at him with a frown. “And I thought your brother was already married.”
“He is.”
“Than who…”
Both of you looked at each other at the same time. Hvitserk was a handsome man, beautiful green eyes staring intently at you, studying your face like he wanted to know what you were thinking, he caught your eye before, especially that morning when he seemed so invested in your stories, but at that moment you didn’t know if he was truly interested in you or It was just because of his brother’s marriage offer. Seafyre landed by your side startling him, who walked back a step or two, looking dumbfounded at her.
“Do you ever fear her?” Hvitserk asked you while still looking at your dragon. 
“Never. She would never hurt me.” You answered under your breath. 
“You said you can’t control her when she’s hungry.” He insisted. 
“She’s very protective of me, she might resent me for a bit, but never hurt me.” 
You looked at her, rubbing her skin while Hvitserk looked at you with a sparkle in his eyes, he was mesmerized.
“She’s a wonderful animal.” He breathed out.
“She is…” You responded, taking a step away when you noticed she was about to fly again. “You know…” You sighed, looking forward while she flew away. “My mother married another man before she married my father. It was someone chosen for her, someone they said would be good for her. She wasn’t fully happy with him, this I know of, because she always loved my father. Eventually her first husband died and she could finally marry him…” You looked at him. “She promised me she would never force me into marriage, she didn’t want a life of sadness for me, she won’t accept your brother’s offer.”
“Would you?” He insisted.
”I don’t see marriage as a political deal.” You told him. “I want to marry out of love, not out of duty.”
“Are you already saying no?” He asked under his breath. 
That night you struggled to sleep, tossing and turning on the bed, you couldn’t keep your mind off of that man and how you felt warmer under his gaze. You sighed, stared at the ceiling and mumbled to yourself: “I need some air”. You changed your clothes and left your bedroom, walking over to the beach to clear your head. As soon as you got there you noticed Hvitserk sitting on the sand, surprisingly close from Seafyre, a cup in hand while he seemed to be talking to himself. 
“Can’t sleep?” You asked as you approached. 
“Too many thoughts in my head.” He answered after drinking from his cup. “You?”
“Mine too.” You answered, looking at him. 
“Yeah… A lot of things to think about, right?”
“Yeah…” You sat by his side, staying in silence for a moment, feeling the warm breeze of the ocean on your face. You looked at him as he drank another sip of his cup, Seafyre slept peacefully a few feets away from you both and you smiled to yourself before speaking again. “I see you’re not scared of her anymore.” You nudged his arm and he looked at the dragon. 
“I guess I’m too drunk to think of self preservation.” He answered and you smiled. Another moment of silence surrounded you both before he spoke again. “Would you take me for a ride?”
“You mean now?” You asked him with a frown and he nodded. “Yeah… Sure.” 
You approached Seafyre and caressed her sides, waking her up whispering something in valyrian, Hvitserk stood up behind you, nervously waiting. You mounted her and offered your hand for him, he walked hesitantly towards you, holding your hand before mounting the dragon right behind you, quickly wrapping his arms around your waist, sending goosebumps all over your body, you trembled. 
“Hold tight.” You warned him before flying and he heard you, squeezing you tight between his arms. 
 “I am…” He mumbled into your ear. 
Despite the cold wind cutting roughly through your body, you felt warm. Hvitserk’s hands held firmly on your stomach, you had your back against his chest while he rested his chin on your shoulders. To have him so close brought a different feeling to you, a sort of dizziness that would blur your sight, raise the beating of your heart and make your hands start sweating. You turned your head and looked at him, he had his eyes closed, face slightly red from the wind.
“Open your eyes.” You mumbled under your breath.
You watched as he obeyed you, opening his eyes a little hesitantly, blinking incredulously as he looked forward. You smiled to yourself while making your dragon go up faster and Hvitserk held you tighter. Your skin prickled, goosebumps spread all over your body as you felt his own pressed closely against yours. 
“This… This is-” He whispered in your ear and you trembled again.
He then looked at you, your faces so close you could feel his hot breath against your cheeks, you gulped, quickly looking forward. The ride was cut short, you feared for yours and Hvitserk’s safety considering how much he affected you and as you landed, he easily dismounted your dragon, offering his hand to help you do the same, as your feet touched the sand, your legs betrayed you, shaking from whatever feeling that man was causing you and you needed help to stand, his hands wrapped around your waist one more time and he used his own body to keep you still. Your hands went straight to his shoulders and you looked up at him. 
Hvitserk was even more beautiful from that close, his lips were a thin line as he stared intently at you, your stomach turned again and before you even thought about moving away, he kissed you. His lips softly touched yours for a second and you immediately closed your eyes, like reflex, he then kissed you properly, lips crashing against yours hungrily, tongue massaging yours into your mouth, when you ran out of breath and you separated, a thin line of saliva kept you connected for a moment before parting. His hands came to cup up your cheeks, your noses touching while you both looked into each other's eyes, gazing, lips swollen, still wet from your kiss. Seafyre growled right beside you, startling you both and making you move away from each other. 
“Someone is jealous I guess.” Hvitserk said, rubbing the back of his neck a little embarrassed. 
“I guess we should go back… And try to sleep.” You mumbled, still dizzy. “It’s late.” 
Hvitserk nodded and offered his hand for you to hold and you both walked back to your bedrooms. He walked you towards yours and kissed your cheek goodbye before going to his. As you laid down on your bed again, something was different. You smiled to yourself as you closed your eyes and touched your own lips, his face coming immediately to your mind as you thought about that kiss. That wasn’t your first kiss, of course, you had your little flings as you were growing up, but nothing ever left you so uneasy, Hvitserk made you feel different. 
The next morning you were back at the beach, wondering If you could just fly back to your home, trying to avoid Hvitserk’s thoughts but failing as the kiss found a way to crawl back to your mind. As a figment of your imagination, he showed up at the beach, walking towards you with a little smile on his face. 
“You were very silent this morning.” He told you as he approached. 
“Hali and Asa weren’t there to make me talk too much.” You joked, avoiding his gaze. 
“What are you thinking?”
“Coming back home, I guess It’s time.” 
He stayed silent for a moment and, again, you felt when his gaze abandoned your body, the ocean breeze engulfing you uncomfortably. 
“Seafyre is well rested.” You spoke again. 
“What about our alliance?”
“I told you, I’m not willing to sacrifice my entire life in an unhappy marriage just to make an alliance.”
“Would that be so bad?” His hand carefully touched your forearm and you finally looked at him. 
“Are you really interested in me, Lord Hvitserk?” You asked him back, staring intently at him. “You want me, or my dragons?”
He caressed your cheeks with the back of his hand and you unconsciously leaned into his touch, closing your eyes. 
“I already know you’re the most incredible woman I have ever met, I just want to get to know you more…” 
“What are you asking me?”
“To give me one chance, I want to be your lover, want to conquer your love.” 
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lisbeth-kk · 1 month
May Prompts (21) Fire
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The Luckiest Girl in the World (chapter 21)
Summary: Rosie muses about her peculiar family, and gets invited/ordered to come to the pub.
Twenty-One Years Old
My family wasn’t exactly what you would call average or normal, but as Dad and Papa constantly pointed out: who wants normal. Certainly, none of us. Being an only child and without any cousins, I was mostly exposed to adults outside school. By now, I think you can agree that that wasn’t as boring as it sounded.
Uncle Myc made sure that our small family was extended when he and uncle Greg finally realised that what they had was too precious to ignore. 
Papa tried to warn the DI in his normally dramatic flair.
“You know this is playing with fire, Gavin? Falling for a Holmes, means there’s no escape. You’ll be trapped for life, and our love is fierce and protective. A bit like that dragon. John, which film was it?”
“The Hobbit,” Dad answered and reassured uncle Greg that he had nothing to fear. “Deep down, they’re as fluffy as new-born kittens.”
This got him glares that brave men would’ve flinched under, but Dad only laughed and gave Papa a kiss on the forehead and uncle Myc a pat on the shoulder. No one knew how to deal with the Holmes brothers like my Dad.
Of course, this didn’t stop Papa’s attempts to abuse uncle Greg’s name but probably increased it. From that day, every name in the book was put to good use. Dad told him he was being childish, but Dad’s poker face in such matters was laughable at best, so he fooled no one. My uncles just rolled their eyes, knowing that arguing with Papa would accomplish absolutely nothing.
The less said about my aunts, the better, but I’m not exactly one who’s able to keep my mouth shut, am I... 
Aunt Harry, the one who was still alive, just barely, by the state of her liver, according to Dad, another one playing with fire, had never been a part of my life. Just like Papa’s deranged and murderous sister, thank God. Dad gave Harry an ultimatum after we moved to Baker Street; get help to get sober or stay away. It sounds harsh, doesn’t it? I had started school when I learned of her existence. We got an assignment to make a family tree.
“Extended and chosen family can also be included,” our teacher told us.
I had no idea what she was talking about, and neither did my friends, so I turned to my main source of information, my parents.
When Dad told me he had a sister, dozens of questions were instantly on the tip of my tongue, but he cut me off before I could utter any of them.
“She’s only my sister by biology, not by heart. You can put her name on the family tree if you like, but she’s sadly not interested in switching the bottle for family.”
“What Dad means, is that the biological part doesn’t always matter. Chosen and extended family can be just as good, sometimes even better,” Papa explained.
I found it comforting when uncle Greg moved in with uncle Myc, because the older I got, the more I worried about uncle Myc’s solitary life. He deserved to be loved by others, not just his family. 
The pair were even more peculiar than Dad and Papa. Dad and uncle Greg were much more similar, coming from the same upbringing and social class, while uncle Myc and Papa were posh gits. (Dad and uncle Greg’s words.) But still, they fitted together, just like Dad and Papa.
And where did that leave me? Somewhere in the middle, I guess. I wasn’t really that exposed to the upper classes. That was uncle Myc’s area. At least in the connection with his job. I had the advantage of being raised by people of both societies, though, so I coped better at posh events than Dad for example. Granny and Pops were quite down-to-earth people, who obviously rose to the occasion if need be.
Uncle Myc was unable to deny the love of his life anything, but he drew the line when it came to pub quiz nights. He didn’t budge a millimetre when uncle Greg tried to flatter him into participating.
“Myc, love. You would ensure that my team won the whole shebang. At least when the questions are about politics, language, history, mathematics et cetera.”
“Gregory, mon cher,” uncle Myc said softly and arched an eyebrow.
Uncle Greg admitted defeat and turned to me. I was twenty-one, drank alcohol on occasion, and was above average intelligence. Three good reasons to join the team apparently.
“So, do I call you uncle, Greg, or Lestrade?” I inquired before we entered the pub.
“Just avoid Gaylord and Grimmwolf,” he deadpanned.
“Those are his latest then?” I giggled.
“John said he looked up obscure ones online when he’d used up all the names in the book he found among Mary’s things.”
“Sounds like Papa,” I replied.
I had seen the book now and again, but I never knew it once belonged to my mother.
Luckily for everyone involved, Philip Anderson was no longer a part of uncle’s team Division. Sally Donovan was, but she and Papa had long since buried the hatchet, and she welcomed me quite civilly.
Uncle Greg mocked me the entire evening for my choice of drink. 
“Sour beer has nothing to do with beer in my opinion,” he scolded looking disgusted at my pink brew.
“I don’t mind what you call it. Your Guinness looks more like tar than beer to me, so I guess we have to agree to disagree,” I retorted. “Now, do you know the answer to the fifth question or not?”
“You’re a good mix of Watson, Holmes, and yourself,” Sally told me after that.
“Yeah, I get that a lot,” I said. “Thank you. I take that as a compliment, if you don’t mind.”
“Not at all. That was the intention. They’re…um…good men and are evidently skilled at parenting. I’ll obviously deny it if I’m ever confronted with this,” she murmured.
Uncle Greg placed another glass of the “undrinkable” beer in front of me and gave Sally’s shoulder a pat.
“Getting sentimental on my, Sally?” he inquired with a smile.
“Hardly,” she scoffed and headed for the bar, but her soft expression gave her game away.
Also available on AO3
@calaisreno @totallysilvergirl @keirgreeneyes @raina-at @helloliriels
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plutoccult · 4 months
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pairing: osamu miya x female reader
description: osamu wasn’t a fan of football nor parties. however, it is only you that could convince him to agree to atsumu’s shenanigans.
word count: 4.4k
also available to read on my ao3 here
author’s note: SURPRISE!!! i had intended to write for osamu before, but the idea instead went to another character. i never forgot about my foodie king though! plus, it’s super bowl sunday, so i HAD to put this out in enough time. the idea came last minute, so i was in a bit of a rush, but i managed! sorry if it seems rushed, i truly was trying my best to get this done in time. i also apologize if anyone seems ooc, i was honest to god trying my best. for timeline’s sake, i’d say the twins are 21 in this one shot, so not quite yet to the point where osamu has his own onigiri shop and atsumu is on the japan national team. anyway, happy super bowl sunday, and enjoy! (btw i totally named this after super bowl by stray kids)
tags: @toorubobatea @intorder @dragon-slayer5 @femme-lune @darthferbert @5sos-wdw @todorokiskitten @intheewrld
taglist form here
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osamu wasn’t thrilled when his twin atsumu sprung the idea of having a super bowl party on him out of nowhere.
“they do it in america! it’s huge there!” his twin argued, detailing everything he knows about the tradition. sure, they do air the event in japan, but what was the point? an excuse to eat and drink? hangout with their buddies from both the past and present? actually, no. osamu figured out atsumu’s motive quickly; it was an excuse for osamu to cook a bunch of food.
there was no denying atsumu was clueless in the kitchen. if it were up to him to cook anything more complex than eggs and toast, he’d burn the whole place down. osamu was better off handling majority of anything food related. his brother was lucky he enjoyed the art of cooking.
“i’m not dealing with a stupid party, tsumu.” osamu crossed his arms in protest. there was no way he was going to deal with an inevitable mess. having to cook all the food and clean up the mess after? nope, no way. he refused to do it alone. luckily, his twin could figure that out quickly.
“ah, ah, ah. i knew you’d say that.” atsumu smirked. “y/n already told me she’d help you make the food.”
the mention of your name immediately perked up osamu. best friends since high school, it was blatantly obvious you had captured the shyer twin from the start, although—like with everyone else—he could easily assume you were more drawn to atsumu as he was always so unashamedly outspoken. everyone talked to atsumu more, but even so, you always treated the twins equally. mayhaps that is why he longed for you so much.
“y/n did?” osamu asked.
“and she’s bringing cake.” his brother added.
a woman after his own heart, really, and a foodie just like osamu. you always joked about opening a bakery next door once he finally opened up the onigiri shop he dreamed of. the goal was sometime next year, so maybe catering this party would be good practice. plus, it was a good excuse to be close to you like osamu craved.
“she is?” he questioned further. if his brother wasn’t kidding around, then maybe he’d feel more inclined to agree.
“you’re not gonna say no, right?” atsumu teased. osamu grunted in response, too stubborn to say anything, which atsumu recognized. it is only his twin who can easily detect his weakness; you.
“you’re such a sucker, osamu.” he chuckled. even if osamu were a sucker for you, he wouldn’t want to be one for anyone else. and it’s not like he’s totally clueless. he’d mess with his twin somehow.
“i’ll do it…“ osamu said before stating his only condition. “if you clean up the place afterwards.”
“what?!” atsumu gawked.
“it’s only fair, right?” osamu shrugged. two can play at that game. “i cook, you clean.”
unfortunately, atsumu had no choice but to suck it up. truth be told, he orchestrated you assisting with food preparations for the sake of getting you and osamu together alone. if he says no now, then his little secret wingman plan would be a waste, so atsumu had to accept his fate.
“pft, ass.” he huffed. atsumu should’ve known better than to try playing games with his brother, knowing he could easily match his game.
“just be lucky i agreed to your idiocy.” osamu scoffed.
“only because y/n is helping!” atsumu whined. while that may be true, osamu would probably never hear the end of it if he said no whether you were involved or not.
“did i hear only onigiri on the menu?” osamu joked, knowing that would irritate his twin to no end.
truth be told, he couldn’t wait for sunday now.
over the next few days, osamu had kept in almost constant communication with you over text discussing food options for the party. his signature onigiri was a must despite atsumu’s protest, but other options were in store thanks to your combined brainstorming. osamu couldn’t help but ask what kind of cake you’d bring, and was ultimately disappointed when you said it was a surprise with many winky emojis involved.
when sunday finally rolled around, osamu was more energized than usual. whether that be from excitement or nerves, who knew? atsumu’s plan was going in motion quite nicely and you hadn’t even arrived yet. he truly felt like a genius assisting in his brother’s quest for love.
osamu paced back and forth around the apartment in anticipation for your arrival. the kitchen was spotless, plus the fridge and cabinets were filled to the brim with everything needed for the party. on top of that, he put atsumu up to the task of decorating the place. knowing who would have to deal with cleaning up later was the greatest part of all.
once a knock on the door emerged, the two twins battled over who got to open the door, osamu ultimately losing as his brother elbowed him in the stomach and made a run for it. if there were a best sibling award, it was clear who wouldn’t win it.
“hello, miya twins! i’ve arrived!” you said upon entering the door, your arms occupied with bags, hopefully full of sweet treats.
“hey, y/n.” atsumu greeted you, beating osamu to it as he was still recovering from what occurred just moments ago.
you—already knowing your way around the place—set your bags down on the counter before instructing that they put its contents in the fridge as soon as possible. atsumu obliged despite wondering how he would play tetris with the fridge. but before he could figure out that puzzle, he received a quick hug from you as that was your typical greeting for the twins.
“y/n?” you turn around and see osamu standing a few feet away. he wanted to curse his brother for getting to say hi to you first, but once he saw that smile on your face, all anger towards atsumu faded away in an instant.
“ah, there you are!” you exclaim, rushing towards osamu and welcoming him with a big hug, one that lasted longer than the one you shared with atsumu. you held him tight, almost squeezing the life out of him as you pulled him from side to side. it didn’t matter that he couldn’t breathe, osamu was just happy to feel so welcomed by you.
“ready to cook up a super bowl?” you ask once you finally allowed osamu the ability to breathe. “i already made desserts in advance, so i can help with what you’ve got planned.”
“i could’ve helped with that…” osamu pouted. any more excuse to be around you was all he wanted, really. plus, he was curious to know your baking secrets. he always figured you were born a master.
“but that would ruin the surprise, silly.” you poke his arm. if it were his stomach, he might have folded over. thank god you were gentle.
as much as you wanted your desserts to remain a surprise until the party started, atsumu had to immediately ruin the fun for you. “there’s a cake shaped like a football.”
“atsumu!” you scold him. “ever heard of surprises, or has your brain become mush from too many volleyballs to the head?”
“yeah, yeah.” atsumu rolled his eyes. “i’ll leave you two to get started with everything. i trust you not to burn the place down.”
“only you would do that, tsumu.” you say. the way you teased atsumu was something osamu always loved about you. you were just as relentless as him, truly. besides, someone else besides osamu had to humble the ever-so-bold twin.
“exactly. later!” atsumu said before he left you and osamu alone in the kitchen.
osamu let out a sigh the moment his brother left the room. you immediately take notice, assuming he didn’t want to be doing this for atsumu. you hoped at the very least he enjoyed your presence today.
“i take it you’re doing all this against your will?” you question, curiosity getting to the best of you.
“not exactly…” osamu replied.
“well, i couldn’t really say no to him, so…” you shy away from the truth. it would be embarrassing if you were to admit to osamu why you agreed to this, but he was painfully oblivious, assuming it was all for his brother’s sake. not because you wanted to spend time with him and only him. it seemed you were both hiding your intentions.
“yeah, of course.” osamu frowned. it’s atsumu we’re talking about.
tension quickly filled the room. you sense the uncomfortable vibe instantly, wondering if you said something wrong. was it really something you said? you didn’t seem to think so. maybe getting things started in the kitchen for the party will help.
“shall we get started?” you ask hesitantly. “i was thinking we shape the onigiri into footballs. ya know, to fit the theme.”
osamu chuckled at your idea. at least you could see him smile now. he seemed to find it cute, but also funny how you wanted to make as many items on the menu football shaped as possible.
“i could try that.” he said, trying to hold back any more laughter. if osamu were to laugh any more, he was afraid you’d think he was making fun of your idea.
“cool, i’ll get started on the wings while you get started on that.” you say without skipping a beat, immediately grabbing ingredients like you knew this kitchen as if it were your own.
osamu didn’t seem to mind it this way with you around. he’d spend the whole day in the kitchen with you, even if all you did was sit on the counter and watch while he did all the work. but that’s not who you are, you refused to leave him to do everything. most importantly, you refused to let him feel alone.
soon enough, the kitchen grew quiet, the sounds of timers beeping and water running from the sink on occasion serving as background noise. you and osamu worked together in perfect harmony, like a well oiled machine. your chemistry oozed in the room and neither of you had to say a word to each other. it was easy for you two to figure out who did what most effiently. osamu could never do this with anyone else this way, you feeling the same way, although those thoughts remained unspoken.
the lack of chatter made atsumu worried. he had been trying to eavesdrop while he was supposed to be decorating, but found it to be too quiet for his liking. as atsumu tried to lean a little more, hoping to hear something worthwhile, he ended up tripping over an extension cord, blowing his cover as he tripped right into the kitchen.
atsumu’s sudden crash startled the both of you, osamu almost dropping the pot in his hands and you almost slicing your finger as you chopped an onion.
“atsumu!” you yell as you set your knife down. atsumu was lucky you didn’t decide to threateningly wave it around right now. “the hell are you doing?!”
“it got quiet, so i was getting worried…” he answered, slowly getting back to his feet as he feared for his life. would atsumu rather face his brother’s wrath or your wrath? both of you together may be the worst combination of all, really.
“what, worried that we disappeared and left you with all this food to cook?” you cross your arms. “osamu said you were decorating, and this doesn’t look like decorating to me.”
“i was taking a break?” atsumu shrugged. that was the worst answer in the world, even he could admit that.
“just go.” osamu let out a groan. it was bad enough that atsumu used you as a way to persuade him to cook for the party, but to eavesdrop on what you two were doing? what was he trying at here? as much as osamu was curious to know, he just wanted to get back to cooking with you without any worries.
“fine…” atsumu sighed, going back to the dreadful duty of decorating all by his lonesome. the sacrifices he’s made for the sake of his brother and the girl he’s loved for years. how tragic… not.
once atsumu left, you burst into laughter. osamu furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. “what’s so funny?”
“oh, just the look on his face when he got caught.” you giggle.
“yeah…” he said. it was funny, osamu could admit that, but he feared that his twin had devious plans up his sleeve. who knows if he’ll make it through the end of the day with some sort of dignity left?
hours later, atsumu’s teammates from the black jackals arrived for the party. osamu was acquainted with some of them—most definitely more than acquainted with a certain pipsqueak named shoyo hinata—but he was more looking forward to seeing some of his teammates from high school, especially aran and kita. he would talk to suna, but the poor guy looked like he wanted to leave more than anything.
you seemed quite occupied at the moment, mostly due to bokuto talking your ear off about how delicious the cookies you made were. you were more than aware of his loud personality, but seeing it up close was far different than just watching him play on the court. at least you knew it wasn’t for show during matches.
osamu considered being your knight in shining armor by finding an excuse to steal you away, but he feared facing the embarrassment of his friends who wouldn’t hesitate to tease him. even if you looked at him with pleading eyes, he still hesitated. if only osamu had the guts to be a little brave for once, not standing in the shadows.
“samu…” atsumu called for him. osamu turned his attention away from watching you to see what his brother wanted, although a little annoyed.
“we’re out of rice. can you make more?” he asked.
osamu blinked a few times, unsure if he actually heard that correctly. “we’re… out?”
“kita ate it all up.” atsumu said.
“really?” osamu groaned. he didn’t even want to think of the logistics of his former captain eating so much rice so quickly. “grow your own rice or something, man.”
“maybe i will…” kita replied calmly, now pondering over the thought of becoming a rice farmer. it didn’t seem so bad, actually. unfortunately, the rice couldn’t just grow and magically appear already cooked. osamu wished it worked that way.
“i’ll go make more.” osamu sighed. “call for me when it’s halftime.”
once he left to head to the kitchen, you watched as he walked away, tempted to follow. maybe if you found an excuse to leave the room, like go get a drink or go to the bathroom or something. that oughta work, right?
“hey, bokuto?” you stop him mid sentence as he was still going on about your baking. “i gotta go to the bathroom. i’ll be back, okay?”
“don’t forget to give me your cookie recipe!” bokuto exclaimed as you left the living room.
atsumu raised an eyebrow upon your sudden exit, a smirk creeping up on his face soon following once he put the pieces together. “she’s not going to the bathroom…”
you find osamu already cooking, the rice cooker at work while he prepared more rice to be cooked just incase. he’d rather be safe than sorry now. osamu didn’t notice you walk in at first, but your presence became apparent soon enough once you tapped him on the shoulder.
“man, you scared me.” he chuckled, you also sharing a laugh with him. “you don’t have to help me. i’ve got this.”
“what, want some practice for when you finally open up that restaurant?” you question. osamu furrowed his eyebrows, asking “huh?” until you explained what you meant. “onigiri miya. i’ve been waiting.”
“oh, right…” osamu said, almost forgetting that little dream of his. “that.”
“well, when is it finally gonna happen?” you ask. he had talked about it for so long, and you always waited for the day it’d finally come to fruition. you probably believed in him more than he’s ever believed in himself, honestly.
“mmm, i don’t know.” he replied shyly. “next year would be nice, but there’s so many things to think about.”
“wait, really? why didn’t you tell me?!” you gasp, shocked he’d hide such an important detail from you.
“it’s just, uh, kinda scary when you admit it out loud.” osamu said. his dream of opening up his own restaurant was as scary as trying to admit the truth of his feelings. dreaming is one thing, but trying to make it a reality was another.
“samu, you know you can do it! i’ve always believed in you!” you admit, taking osamu by surprise despite how confident you always spoke about him.
“you have?”
“yes!” you say without hesitation. “from the day i met you.”
“wow, thank you…” osamu blushed. you get lost in each other’s eyes, although osamu wondered if it’s just in his imagination that you’re staring at him so intently. suddenly, the moment was ruined.
“hey, do you smell something burning?” you question as you try to sniff out the strange smell. osamu figured it out immediately, knowing it was the rice everyone was waiting on.
“the rice!” he exclaimed, rushing to the rice cooker. “i put the rice cooker on high so it’d get done faster…”
“aw, no!” you say. “is it salvageable?”
“no…” osamu sighed, looking down at the damage. “if anything, it’s a sign i shouldn’t have my own restaurant.”
to him, this was stupid. if he doesn’t do everything perfectly, then what’s the point? it seemed to silly to immediately think the worst, that this was a sign of imminent failure. osamu was good at keeping that competitive perfectionist part of him hidden to most, always making it seem like he just gets everything right the first time, but only you can see that he has flaws. at the end of the day, you continue to be his weakness, but that doesn’t mean you don’t make him feel strong.
“hey, hey, hey.” you grab his arm, a jolt coming from osamu by your sudden touch. “you overcook rice one time and all of the sudden your dream is dead? chefs mess up all the time. you’re human, you know. i think you’ve forgotten that.”
“i mean, come on. you think i just magically knew how to make a cake one day?” you ask jokingly. even if you meant for the question to be a silly one, osamu took it quite literally.
“honestly? yeah. the first time you brought cake to school for me and sumu’s birthday was the best thing i ever tasted.” he said, recalling your first year of high school together. you hadn’t been friends with the twins for that long at that point, but you decided to surprise them with a cake for their birthday as it fell on a school day. like osamu said, it was the best thing he ever tasted. he felt like he found his future wife in that moment.
“samu, i spent all night making like five different cakes cause i kept messing them up.” you confess. it was a secret you carried for years, shocked you never said anything before, but only just now having the guts to say it. even so, osamu couldn’t believe it to be true. he always swore your skills came to you like second nature. how come he never knew before? you were very good at hiding things, it seemed.
“you did? why?” he asked.
“because…” you hesitate. might as well fess up, you suppose. “i really wanted you to like it.”
“me and tsumu?” osamu questioned. what an idiot.
you shake your head, almost tempted to laugh over how blind he was to what you were trying to say. part of you was a little frustrated, but you wouldn’t let that get to the best of you. “you really are oblivious, aren’t you?”
“i guess i am…” he replied, unsure of what else to say.
you let out a sigh. should you say it? the whole truth? you didn’t know it, but you were in the same boat as osamu. you did this for each other without even realizing it. it is you, however, who will be brave enough to admit such a truth. no going back now after you’ve already admitted so much.
“i only agreed to helping with this party because atsumu knew i wanted an excuse to be close to you.” you tell him, looking away. osamu swore you looked ashamed to say those words out loud, but even so, the truth shocked him to the very core.
“he… what?”
when you grant yourself the guts to look him in the eye once more, the look on his face made you think you shouldn’t have said anything. but osamu wanted to scream, scream about how long he liked you and how he never thought he’d see this day. he didn’t know if the universe planted the seeds for this very moment, but he couldn’t let it slip away. not when you believed in him like it was breathing.
“nothing. don’t worry about it.” you shake your head. “i’ll help you restart the rice. hungry people waiting.”
“no.” osamu stopped you. you freeze in your tracks, waiting for what else he had to say. “forget the rice.”
“why do you think i told tsumu i’d help with this party?” he asked. you’re at a loss for words, unsure of what to say. it is usually you who stood tall, but osamu took your place, taking charge for the sake of making sure you knew the truth. “i said i would because he told me you were coming here. he knew you were the only thing that’d get me to say yes. called me a sucker and everything.”
your cheeks flush, a smile creeping up on your face as the realization of osamu’s mutuals feelings hit you. “guess i’m a sucker too.”
osamu let out a sigh of relief, overcome with joy as he couldn’t control his grin. with that look on your face, he almost wanted to kiss you right then and there. should he kiss you right now? no, osamu should ask permission first. couldn’t be too confident, right? or were you trying to say something with your eyes? god, osamu didn’t have a clue on what to do.
“can you two please just kiss already so i can get back to the party?”
you and osamu share a gasp. it was atsumu, no doubt about it. that bitch, you both think to yourselves. was he eavesdropping on that whole conservation? pause. now they both knew atsumu did all of this on purpose. he had a lot of explaining to do, that’s for sure.
without having to speak a word, you and osamu find atsumu in the hallway, both tugging him by his shirt and pulling him to the ground. your combined anger undoubtedly scared the shit out of him.
“you!” you grab the collar of atsumu’s shirt. “you set this all up!”
“i bet you don’t even like football!” osamu yelled.
“yeah!” you say in agreement without thinking.
“hey, i’m innocent, your honor! innocent!” atsumu raised his hands up in the air, squeezing his eyes shut as he anticipated one of you to start hitting him.
“no wonder you agreed to clean if i cooked!” osamu exclaimed.
“he agreed to clean?!“ you loudly gasp. funnily enough, that was the most shocking thing you’ve heard all day.
“listen to me, okay?!” atsumu forced your hand away from his collar. you take a step back and give him the chance to speak, although you were more than prepared to start swinging if need be. “i just really wanted you two to stop being wusses about your feelings. now you both know, all thanks to me.”
you and osamu soften up. even if it seemed a tad bit manipulative, neither of you could deny that it was actually kind of… sweet? all that cooking was a pain in the ass, but it brought you together and pushed you to admit your truths.
“i really do like you, osamu.” you say, looking into osamu’s eyes, not wavering for a second. there was no need for either of you to hide anymore. “since the day we met.”
“me too.” osamu replied, the most beautiful smile you’ve ever seen plastered on his face.
“i sense a super emotional moment—” atsumu tried to say in the midst of his escape attempt. however, you grab him by the wrist, almost pulling his arm by his socket. “ow!”
“come here.” you pull him in for a hug, osamu too, practically squeezing the two to death. “you’re a pain, but thank you, atsumu.”
“can i go now?” he asked, trying his best to writhe out of your grasp. you were strong, atsumu couldn’t deny that.
“yeah, yeah. get outta here.” you scoff as you let him free.
atsumu mumbled some words over how it was “about damn time” on his way out, which sent you and osamu into a fit of giggles. once the laughter died down, reality set in. now both you knew that you liked each other, so what now? what else was there to do?
“you think they’re all still waiting on that rice?” you ask awkwardly.
that was the last thing osamu cared about in this moment, truly. he waited so long for this, never thinking there ever was a chance. dare he ask you to pinch him would seem silly now. all he wanted to do now was finally kiss you without hesitating.
“oh, screw the rice.” osamu said, grabbing your hand as he pulled you close and pressed his lips against yours. your hand that clasped his rested over his chest, his heartbeat thumping against your touch. has his heart always beat this fast in your presence for all this time, you couldn’t help but wonder. it was safe to say no one was getting their rice now, but neither of you gave a damn.
meanwhile, in the living room, atsumu finally returned, although with an irritated look on his face. he sat down in between bokuto and hinata, who were both curious about the food.
“hey, how’s the rice going—” hinata began to ask before being quickly cut off by atsumu.
“just watch the stupid game.”
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© plutoccult / 310802. please do not copy, repost, modify, or translate any of my content in or outside of tumblr. reblogs are appreciated <3
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melancholysway · 2 years
TMNT Imagines: S/O being mugged/stalked (2012)
Since this user PMed me about this request, I'm just going to put the message here :)
Thank you so much! Could I actually request one more? 2012 headcanons again because it's my favorite era of the boys 😅 Anyway, we know that the turtles can be real protective when it comes to their family being in danger, including April and Casey. But when their S/O is in some type of danger (for example, they get mugged one night or they're being stalked), how would they respond? I do apologize for the back-to-back requests, but your writing is so good I can't help but ask for another request! (Okay, that sounded a lot better in my head 😅) But my point is, it would mean the world to me ❤️
Okay! I'm finally finished! So sorry for the wait! For some reason along with college, I wasn’t sure how exactly to write for this one! Like I said I write TOO much, so I have so many ideas that I can only squeeze in so much Yk? Anyways. Hope you enjoy!
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- Now, 2012 Leo is usually level-headed, he thinks about everything before he does it. He’s a strategizer.
-But, if he sees you in danger, he doesn’t have to think of anything other than getting you out safe. He can deal with whoever is mugging you later.
-You’re his priority.
-Leonardo, much like Raphael, is protective over you. It’s in his nature as a leader to look after the ones he loves.
-You just so happened to be that person for him. He loved you, there was no denying that he did
-He trains you, to have some tricks up your sleeve if you were to ever get caught up by a Purple Dragon or some low-life mugger.
-Because he knows you can handle it. You can handle yourself.
-That’s why he fell in love with you in the first place. You were strong, especially during the times others would be weak.
-He spends his time with you, how to get into your fighting stance, how never to throw the first punch. Let them run out of stamina, and then go in for the finishing blow. It’s a bonding experience for the two of you, and it always ended in a beautiful kiss after every session.
-“If you ever get into trouble, Donnie made these, here,”
-He gives you a T-phone. It has a little shell as the case, and when you go through it, you see Leo is the only “special” contact. His name has hearts on it, and his contact photo is a selfie of you and him during one of your all-night Space Heroes marathons. It’s Leo holding up the camera and smiling while you sleep on his chest.
-You can’t help but smile. Leo is a very sweet boyfriend, that was the truth.
-Contrary to popular belief, and by popular I mean the fics about Leo mercilessly beating the shit out of anything that is a threat to his s/o because they mug them is…false.
-That’s more Raph’s style. Leonardo doesn’t handle things that way. -He thinks about you.
-Because that’s what matters here. His anger that someone hurt you doesn’t. He’d rather save you first and make sure to get you to safety before handling things his heart wants to.
-He thinks with his brain, not his heart. However, with you, it’s both.
-So when you press the emergency button on your T-phone to notify the guys, you’re hoping they can come and help in time before anything bad happens.
“Do you think it’s a butt dial?” Donnie asks, looking down at his Shell cell while the emergency alarm goes off. Usually, it goes off when April’s in danger, which is often. She’s the target of the Kraang or Shredder, not you. You- now see this as you want- had no value to either party.
This didn’t stop you from falling victim to any local gangs in your area.
Raphael and Michelangelo emerge from their rooms, yawning after a long day of training. They were visibly tired. Donnie was visibly tired as well since he’s been in his lab all day and night. Leonardo was somewhere in the middle, but the thought of you in any danger had woken him up.
“We should treat each one as an emergency, Donnie,” Leonardo says, a wave of nervousness going over him. This was the very first time you dialed them with the emergency button. After glancing at your location on the map, you weren’t in your apartment. In fact, you were a few blocks away, and the heart icon that represents you (which Donnie programmed to be a heart on Leo’s phone ever since you both started dating,) seemed to be between two buildings, and it appeared to mimic an alleyway.
So, yeah, fluke or not, he had to go see if you were okay.
Leonardo could visibly see the tiredness in his brothers’ eyes and decided to do this solo. He can handle it, he always could. He knew how, especially if it was a petty gang.
“You guys stay back, I’ll check it out,” Leo’s blue eyes stare at his brothers. Raph gives him a confused look, “Wait, you don’t think we can handle it?” He asks, now looking annoyed at his older brother.
“No no, it’s not that! It’s just…”
“Mwah mwah mwah!” Mikey teases, making kissy noises. Raphael and Donnie get the hint, and now Leonardo has a trio of kissing noises in his face, only for him to sigh.
“Guys stop! It’s…okay, it’s that. I want to be able to help Y/n out on my own. What kind of boyfriend would I be if I couldn’t do that? Right? Right? Say something, please,” Raph, Donnie, and Mikey exchange look, only for Raphael to do the talking.
“If you need us, just give us a call, bro. Go help Y/n,” That’s all Leonardo needs. He leaves quickly, while Mikey begins making kissy noises at his older brother, just for Raphael to smack him upside the head.
“Don’t make it any harder than this shit has to be, just fuckin hand over your bag!” You continue backing up into the alleyway, trying to buy yourself time, until your back hits the cement wall. You look up and realize you’ve hit a dead end. You think back to the defense lessons Splinter has given you, and right now, you wished you could move instead of being frozen in place. You were cornered like a mouse. The cat is holding a knife, hissing threatening words, and flashing its fangs into a sinister smile.
Your breathing becomes heavy, as you see the knife come closer to your neck, soon pressing up against it when you still won’t hand over your bag. There was valuable stuff in there. Your ID, a piece of Leo’s bandana that wrapped around your keys as a good luck cloth. Yeah, very valuable shit. You did not want to lose those.
“Don’t make me cut ya for it, love.” The man in a ski mask says, his beady eyes glaring down at you. The word “love” drips like venom from his covered mouth, and you can’t help but shiver in response.
You’re seriously wondering if the emergency alarm worked. It was late at night, almost midnight, what if the guys were sleeping? What if they were all busy or their t-phones died? These scenarios played in your head as to how you would respond to the situation you’re in but…they don’t end very well. You end up bruised and beaten for protecting your bag.
You don’t say anything, but your eyes say all the words your mouth doesn’t. You’re scared.
That is, until, a dagger that’s shot from God knows where perfectly grabs the knife from the loophole in the blade, taking it from the mugger’s hand as it flies and is stabbed into the brick wall off to the side. Nobody could do something with such precision except for one person. Err, turtle.
You don’t dare look around, because the man in front of you is also capable of using his hands to get what he wants. But. it seems that he’s confused, frantically looking around, yelling curses into the atmosphere. He doesn’t seem to look behind him, as can faintly see your savior emerge from the shadows, creeping up before grabbing the dirty mugger and bringing him into the darkness. You hear muffled protests and screams, only for them to go silent after you hear an angry voice whisper:
“Don’t catch me seeing you hurt them again.”
It’s quiet in the alley now, the only noises being the cars on the street nearby and their honking of them. You look into the darkness, trying to see your knight in the soft blue bandana.
“Leo,” You say softly. You can’t see anything, until Leonardo emerges from the shadows, looking at you with worry. Leonardo’s blue eyes scan your whole body, to see if there were any signs that he had hurt you. He looked panicked as if he had been dreading this scenario for the longest.
He has.
“Did he hurt you? Please tell me he didn’t.” Leo pleads, cupping your cheeks and checking to make sure you don’t have any marks. There is a small dribble of blood coming from where the knife was placed on your neck, and Leo notices, sighing to himself and kissing you on the lips. As you kiss back, you can’t help but cry. Leonardo feels your tears land on his cheeks, and he stops kissing you, looking into your eyes and wiping your tears. His big blue eyes were something that you could get lost in, and they could calm you down all the same. As he continued wiping your tears, your sobs passed, only into sporadic sniffles.
“Hey, love,” You feel better. That’s who you wanted to hear call you “love.” Leo was the only one who got the privilege of calling you that. You’re reassured by his soothing voice.
“I’m here,” He lifts your chin, making you look into his ocean eyes, “as long as I’m here, you won’t get hurt. Not on my watch.”
“L-Leo…I froze, I couldn’t…” “Y/n, you’re safe,” Leo reassures you before you can break down again in front of him, “We’ll work on defensive skills- together.” He takes your shaking hand into his own, and the shaking seems to die down. Slowly, but surely.
Leonardo was grateful he got there when he did, or you would’ve been hurt. Or worse, but he doesn’t wanna think about that happening. He knows he can’t be your bodyguard 24/7, and he knows things like this happen, rarely, but they do. The only thing he can do is train you. Train you like Splinter did April. For shit like this, for you to defend yourself, without freezing up. He hates that he never trained you for the actual beginning part of the fighting. How to not completely forget the training you’ve been through. How to calm your nerves. How to not expect the worst. He didn’t teach you that, Splinter wouldn’t forget to teach something like this, but Leo did.
“Come, I’ll take you home.” The leader says, putting his hand out for you to hold. You take it, as you would any other time he offered his hand. As you interlock your fingers with him, you can’t help but feel a sort of comfort. Like his presence is home for you.
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-Raph was never one to think as Leo does. He’s passionate, and therefore, he’s the type to think with his heart. If anyone hurt any of his family, they better be ready to feel the wrath of an angry green-eyed turtle.
-He was sure he would always be there to help you out. He wanted to be the one you called on. As usual, Raph is very reliable. That’s one of many amazing traits about him.
-Very cautious of you. He knows his strength, and the last thing he wants to do is hurt you.
-But, he WILL hurt those who hurt you.
-He’s fully devoted to you, so it’s only natural that he does this.
-“Need me to give little miss bitch an ass whooping?”
-Yeah, he was like that. And when you came around to meet Casey, ---Raphael made one thing very clear when he saw how the hockey player stared at you.
-“Back off, man. Y/n’s already taken.”
-“By who!? Casey Jones likes what he likes,”
-“Oh. Well, I guess Casey Jones can let this slide.” Casey knew he would never dare cross his good friend Raph. Plus, Casey literally falls in love with anything that breathes that isn’t named or looks like Irma, so, there’s that.
now, you were almost sure someone had been following you home.
-You weren’t sure who exactly it was, but you had a feeling all the same.
-So when you told your boyfriend about it, he was on it.
-He freaked, though. Because, who’s the asshole who wanted to watch your every move??
-“When I find them I- they’re getting the ass-kicking of the century!”
-He wasn’t one to plan out anything, so he decided to watch you. Watch you walk home at night, and make sure nobody was following behind you.
-Because, well, he cared. He told you that when he had the courage to spill his feelings out.
-You cared about him, too.
-This went on for a while. He would watch over you from the rooftops while patrolling on his own, making sure you were okay during the day, and making his way to see you at night. He would escort you to the lair (what a gentleturtle,) and take you home after if you didn’t stay the night.
-Raph had not seen anyone following you, up until one evening, when he noticed someone in the weirdest of places.
“What the hell?” Raphael squints his electric green eyes into the distance, trying to figure out just who is watching from above the rooftops down at you. What was their reason? As he got closer, he noticed the familiar face.
Now, just what the hell did this Salamander want with you? Why was he so infatuated with you? He looked to be studying you. How agile you were, how aware you were of the world around you.
Whatever he was doing, it wasn’t good. Because this quiet stalking would only turn into something worse. So, before Xever can do anything, Raph calls you.
“Baby, don’t freak, but I found out who’s watching you.” Your body turns cold, unsure of exactly who it could be. You start to look around frantically, wondering if someone is behind you. Feeling an overwhelming sense of anxiety wave over you, you walk faster.
“W-Who is it?” You ask after Raphael told you to walk as normal. There wasn’t anyone behind you, but the idea of someone hiding somewhere made you extremely nervous. As Raphael continued to watch over you and monitor Xever, he realized Xever had seen him.
“Fuck, he saw me. Okay, go straight home, okay? I’ll take care of Fish Face for ya.” That’s how he was, always. Always thinking of you.
“Are you sure? Raph, I-” “Of course I’m sure. I want you safe. I love you.”
“Be careful.”
“Do you know who you’re dating? I’m the most careful turtle I know.”
“Okay okay, I’ll be careful,” With that, Raphael takes his sai from his belt, preparing his body and mind to take on Fish Face by himself.
Xever walks slowly, not with a need to run. He eventually makes it over to Raphael from a few rooftops away.
“Turtle.” He says as Raphael scrunches his nose from the sudden smell of the walking fish market. What he hated most about being around Xever was that he smelled like…well…fish.
“The talking Unagi Don, what the hell are you doing watching Y/n like that? Lonely much?” Raphael seers, throwing the first punch. Xever dodges and counters it, sweeping Raphael off his feet.
“Foolish mutant, I knew this human meant a lot to one of you, and now I know it’s you, I only want to take them to Shredder even more.” Raphael charges, causing the fish to back up onto the rooftop's edge, only to do a backflip and get back comfortably off the ledge.
“You’re not takin’ them anywhere. Not while I’m still around here to kick your ass like our regularly scheduled programming!”
With that, Raphael and Xever fight on the rooftop. It’s not unusual for Raphael to fight angrily, but right now, he was angry. Because, what exactly would Shredder do to you? Who was he to just pick someone he just happened to care about to use as a pawn? Shredder’s pointless vendetta was negatively affecting his family, and now his significant other. He didn’t want you to become another April. Someone that had to constantly look over their shoulder. You had a whole life to live, not that April didn’t, but, you were less involved with the turtle’s missions or issues than she was. It wasn’t right. And of course, he felt guilty.
He felt guilty, because, well, he got you into this mess when he revealed himself to you the first time you two had met. He should’ve thought it through, he let his personal attraction to you wind up to this point, where now you’re more than friends, yet at a cost.
It wasn’t right. And like Leo says, if you mess up something, it’s your job to fix it.
The fight was done. Xever had never experienced this type of Raph before. The “protecting their lover” Raph. Because, if we’re being honest, Raphael fighting for his significant other is a sight to see, yet an experience you wouldn’t want to be a part of. Unfortunately, Xever was.
And when it’s done, for the very first time, Xever feels defeated.
Because Raphael holds back a small part of himself when his brothers fight, but this time, no. There wasn’t Leo there to tell him to calm down, or Donnie to scold him for almost stabbing him on accident. No, right now, it was just Raph.
And as he goes running to your window, he wants to make sure you got there safe.
You hear the frantic knocking on your room window, and you open it, allowing the cold air to rush into your room. You stare at Raph, watching as the cuts and bruises littering his skin, with scratches on his plastron. He looks at you, smiling.
“You okay?” Another beautiful yet detrimental trait of Raph is that he thinks about you over himself. Right now, you were fine. But it didn’t matter. What mattered was Raph.
So you ignore his question and help him inside, sitting him on your bed and just kissing him as gently as you could. He’s a big boy, he can take some hits and scratches. But right now, you were there to doctor him up. He knows not to stop you once you’ve got that look of concern on your face; so instead of protesting, he lets you take care of him.
You clean the cuts and some small gashes, dressing his minor wounds. He doesn’t require any stitches and thank the Lord because that’s more Donnie’s thing.
You give him an ice pack (it’s a frozen pea bag) to put on his head while you retrieve some medicine for his headache when you stop as you see he’s staring at you.
“Nothin,’ just like seeing you so…dominant.” He smirks, causing you to smile and roll your eyes in response.
“Hush,” You hand him two capsules of Tylenol, “and take these, you should feel fine, I hope.”
That last part seemed to get Raph. The last thing he wanted was for you to be concerned like that, he was going to be fine and he knew it.
“I’m gonna be more than fine thanks to you, PhD in reviving mutants,” he jokes, bringing you into his arms as he gives you a chaste kiss on the lips.
As long as you were safe, Raphael didn’t mind a few boo-boo’s.
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-The weakest out of all his brothers so
-Don’t expect him to come alone if you need saving
-Sure, if it’s a few foot ninjas, he can handle. But do NOT get mugged by the Purple Dragons, Donnie kind of can’t handle all of them at once. He’s better when he’s with the team. He fights more confidently.
-He gets overwhelmed if he’s outnumbered. This happens even when he’s fighting with his brothers. He starts to overthink everything and, well, it’s just a mess.
-As your boyfriend, Donnie is pretty protective over you, I mean, look at how he was with april in the show!
-He really wants you safe, because that’s how Donnie is.
-Calls you all the time, especially while walking home, he has to know you’re okay.
-He sees how much you care for him, when he comes back bruised from a mission, you’re there to take care of him.
-Donnie always aids his brothers, but he was so used to helping himself, that it felt foreign to him to have you dress his wounds.
-But anyway, he would freak if you were in danger.
-Like right now, Donnie walked you home after a long day of spending your Sunday with the turtles. They were your therapy, and down in the sewers, there were no worries; just family.
As you’re walking through the alley to climb the fire escape to your apartment window, You both stop as a person appears to peer in the alleyway from the entrance. You and Donnie can’t really see who they are but their figure, but the purple-banded turtle assumes it’s a homeless person. So, you both act normal, standing still for a bit in hopes that they’ll leave, as they probably can’t see either of you.
Oh, but they can. Well, you, at least.
After stumbling a bit in front of the alleyway, you can now see the unknown’s face. It’s a man, an older, greasy-looking guy who doesn’t know what deodorant is. He grins at the darkness engulfing the alleyway, “I see you~” The man’s voice snarls, causing you to scrunch your nose up in disgust. You weren’t sure how he could see you, but one thing’s for sure, there was gonna be a little situation in regard to getting him to leave you and Donnie alone.
You feel a protective arm wrap around you, and you sense Donnie behind you, putting on that protective face of his. Not like Leo’s, where he’s a mama bear looking out for his cubs, no, like a loving boyfriend, looking out for his significant other.
He wouldn’t let anything happen to you. He couldn’t, and this low-life wouldn’t be hard to deal with at all.
“I think you should leave,” You say, feeling a wave of confidence go over you since having Donnie by your side. Usually, you would try and ignore, but right now, you felt confident that he wouldn’t lay a finger on you.
“And I think you…should come with me…back home, sweetie~!” After every stop between his statement, he takes a step closer to you, and now, this is when Donatello intervenes. He’s not one to show himself unless absolutely necessary. And right now, it was absolutely necessary if it meant protecting you.
“Nope. You’re gonna walk away,” Donnie states flatly, hovering his free hand on his bo staff just in case this drunk tries something funny. He steps more toward the man, ultimately revealing himself to him. Honestly, he looks so drunk that he probably won’t remember this shit in the morning.
“Eugh! What the fuck are you!?” After jolting back from the sudden dramatic jumpscare, Donatello sighs. He’s used to that. Although, he always remembers that you didn’t react that way when you first saw him. It was more of a friendly first meet, considering you were being cornered by the local Purple Dragon gang and was saved.
“The one that’ll….put you in a hospital if you keep it up!” Donnie wasn’t the best at clapbacks when he’s in protective mode, maybe while under pressure but, that’s more Raph’s thing. But, he would save all the sarcastic remarks for later, right now, his priority was you.
It’s no surprise that the man laughed at this, and retorted with a comment about Donatello being a…
“I ain’t listenin’ to a fuckin…lizard thing,” Yeah. That. When did lizards get shells is beyond me, dear readers.
As the man steps closer, Donnie tells you to back up and steer away from him, to lessen his chances of a friendly fire.
“Love, let me be the hero for once,” Your boyfriend was so used to being helped by his brothers when it came to saving you or his other 2 human friends, that he never got the chance to be the only one praised. He would love to hear praise from you.
So, you get out the way quickly, to respect Donatello’s request. He smiles gently and kisses your forehead, and he approaches the man head on. He doesn’t want to hurt him per say, just rough him up that he gets the hint.
It all changes when the man takes Donnie’s approach the wrong way, and gets hostile. So, he runs (sloppily, might I add) into the alleyway fully, coming full force at Donnie. It’s nothing crazy, he tries to punch him but, Donnie’s much more smarter and sober than he is, so, it’s not nothing he can’t handle.
So when the drunk pulls out a knife, it’s all a little too cliche. The turtle in purple got shot at, stabbed at, shell, even spat at by a big spider…thing. So, this was nothing. He swore it was nothing.
Donatello ditches the bo staff utilization for a pressure point instead. Yes, it was risky, but, Donnie was sober, he was not. His vision is most likely impaired, and his cognitive ability isn’t so well.
Except sometimes, humans get unknown superhuman strength when drunk. Not in a good way, either. They do dumb things, regretful things.
You watch as Donatello meneuvers around the man, taking notice at how focused your boyfriend was, seeing his rare face covered in self-confidence, up until he got to putting his finger on the pressure point right under the man’s chin. Long story short, he got a little stab in at Donnie’s arm right before he was knocked out. It happened so quick, the ninja didn’t even realize what had happened until after the fact. His body was pumping with adrenaline that he almost didn’t notice. Not until you said something.
“Hey…Donnie! Your arm!” You run toward Donatello, who’s now feeling the pain in his arm as he’s coming down from the adrenaline high. His breath hitches as he notices the new fresh cut on his arm. He wasn’t stabbed, per say, just grazed. He couldn’t believe the man who could barely walk in a straight line managed to get a hit in on Donnie- a highly trained ninja.
He stops to look at the blood trickling down his bicep and onto the concrete, staining the ground with drops of crimson. “Gosh, ouch! Okay okay, ow!” The sudden winces from Donatello break your heart, he’s not usually one to outwardly show when he’s in pain.
“Okay, Donnie? I’m gonna take you back to the lair, okay?” You’re already dialing for Leonardo and pressing the button to let him know it’s an emergency.
You rub circles onto your boyfriend's shell as he struggles with the new massive headache and the world around him spinning slowly, “Leo? Donnie got hurt, can you get the fir-” “Already on it! Do you need any help getting him here? Are you in danger? Is Donnie breathing okay? Is-” Leo’s slew of panicked questions are cut off by you.
“Alrighty mama bear, Donnie’s conscious. I got him-” You take off your sweater, wrapping it around the turtle’s bicep, it seems to relieve him somehow, as the bleeding has slowed, staining your cotton lavender sweater to a deep plum.
“I just, let me be his hero for once.” You say. You can handle getting Donnie back to the Lair. It wasn’t hard. As long as you kept him conscious and moving, you would get back to the lair in no time.
“I…okay. Call me if anything happens, okay?”
“Leo, I got this,”
And you do, you so got this. You get Donatello down to the lair safe and sound, already grabbing an ice pack from the freezer once you set him down on his examination table. Since he doesn’t have the strength to dress his graze, you take charge,
“Just order me around on what to get and what to do, I got it.”
He’s so appreciative. He can’t help but smile at you. How beautiful your face looked when you were concentrated on patting down his graze with peroxide, knowing it’ll burn, so you do it as quickly as possible. How you give him a soft kiss on the forehead when you’re done (he loves forehead kisses by the way,) and tell HIM to rest. You’re the doctor now, and it’s your turn to take care of Donnie. He smiles weakly after it, and his purple-red eyes land on your lips, as you get the hint and dive down to kiss Donnie’s lips, giving him reassurance that you’re okay, and he will be, too.
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-Mikey is very outspoken. He calls it like he sees it. Maybe not in the best way, he’s direct without realizing it.
-So he’s the best person to confront a stalker
-Because he’s not the “rah-rah” kind like Raph is, more like the “go away you’re weird” kind of confrontation.
-If it’s someone he doesn’t know, like a human, he’s not sure how to confront them.
-Like, should I show myself, should i not?
-For the past few weeks, someone on campus had a…weird obsession with you. There was a party coming up in a nearby house known for frat parties, and when you turned down their offer to be your “date,” they were upset. REALLY upset.
-But, they can’t get mad at you! You had a boyfriend.
-When you went down to the lair and complained that Romeo (this was Leo’s nickname for your new stalker) requested to follow you and message you again on Instagram, Mikey could feel a little mad.
-Which never happened, he wasn’t the angry or jealous type
-But when it came to you, he felt the need to be protective over you, and this Romeo guy wasn’t about to get in the way of you both.
-So, he does something kind of dumb?
-He does some FBI searching on the same social media site he found -Bradford, and was able to find Romeo. And trust me, it took a long, -LONG periodically time.
-Luckily, Romeo literally shows ALL of his life, where he’s at, what he’s doing, who he’s with, etc
He's status on facebook is that he's friends with you, which leaves Mikey slightly pressed?
For good reason, you were NOT Romeo's friend.
-When you reject him another time, the stalking gets worse, he begins going to your job, and sitting there, leaving when your shift ends. It’s until today that he tried to follow you home.
-Michelangelo just so happened to catch your emergency call as he was skateboarding on the rooftop, and he was on the job.
-He can handle it, no way he couldn’t. Some desperate guy?? ROMEO?? Yeah, he got this.
“Okay, seriously, stop fricken following me!” You decide to confront Romeo, head on. Although the streets were bare, you were still outside, meaning he seriously couldn’t do you no harm. The blonde haired football player couldn’t do anything but stop in place from a few feet behind you. He stands, slightly upset that you figured it out.
“One date, Y/n! One! Just one! I swear I’ll leave you alone! Or give me your number! Something!” This begging, coming from an soon-to-be adult is frankly very cringeworthy, and you’re catching secondhand embarrassment from the desperation his words hold.
“R-” You catch yourself from saying his code name, Romeo. You’ve been so used to saying it that it’s almost natural. “Steven, no.” You give a simple no once again, yet he persists.
“What could possibly be the reason why, huh?” Steven isn’t giving up, and now he’s just begging to be rejected again with that question.
“I have a boyfriend, that’s why! And honestly, even if I didn’t, I would still say no to you man!” What was so hard to understand?
“That’s harsh Y/n.” Steven’s demeanor had changed, he looked somewhat crazy right now, as he laughed after his statement, “I was being nice, but since you wanna be a fucking bitch to me, I’m gonna be mean.” The blue-eyed Romeo starts to walk over to you, and you back up, both going down the street. You make a turn, but instead of turning the curb, you wind up going into a more secluded area. As you back up even more, you realize the mistake you had made, as you were now in an alleyway.
‘Great,’ you think, ‘How cliché of me.’
You pressed the emergency button on the T-Phone your friend Donnie had given you a while back. This would be the first time you used the emergency feature on it. After pressing it, the signal had been sent to all T-Phones, notifying the turtles. Honestly, you were hoping that it would be quick, but you knew you had to do some serious stalling for the time being.
As Steven circled you like a cat honing in on its prey, you continued to back up, looking all around you for something to use as a weapon. Now, you had some training from Splinter, but you’ve only started to train like he taught April for a few days. So, you had no weapon of your own. But, Splinter always says that a great fighter can use anything around them as a weapon in some way.
After quickly glancing around you, scanning everything in the terribly lit alley, you find a potential weapon- a pole to what looks like an old american flag near the dumpster. Unfortunately, you had to get past Stev- you know what, Leo’s code name is funnier- Romeo, in order to get to the pole. So, you begin to look for ways to get around him. You’re unsure of what his intentions are with you, but you know they aren’t good. Romeo wears a…perverted look in his eyes, and now you realize that you need that pole.
You do something unthinkable, and walk closer to him. It’s a brave act, but you have tricks, dear reader. Romeo is taken back by the sudden change in your aura, as if you’re inviting him to touch you, yet…
When he gets close, you instantly knee him where the sun-don’t-shine. So bad, that he falls to his knees, whining in pain.
“Ow! My…my…my coconuts!” His voice is high-pitch like a school-girl, and you almost felt guilty for doing it so hard.
What makes this all so good, is that suddenly, Romeo is hit by what appears to be a balloon, yet as it pops, his hair becomes wet.
As you look around, you can see a two white slits that resemble eyes from atop the rooftop, as it’s dark, you can’t see who it is, but you have a good feeling who it might be.
Suddenly, a large puff of purple smoke appears behind Romeo, and after it fades away, you can see Michelagelo emerge, winking at you as he kicks Romeo back down as he tries to get up, feeling a presence behind him and looking back.
“Eyes straight, Romeo!”
“You questioning me?” Mikey challenges, throwing another water balloon on your stalker. It must be some cold water in those balloons, because Mikey has the poor dude shivering in addition to the cold temperatures tonight.
“Uh, no! No! Y/n, you know this freak?”
“The only freak here is you! Following Y/n around like…a stalker!” Mikey exclaims, now pinning Romeo down after his freak comment. Totally unnecessary by the way.
“You’re the freak! What are you!? Some kind of mutant?” Romeo should really learn to shut his mouth if he knows what’s good for him. After the second freak comment, Mikey twists his arms tighter, how Raph does when he wants Mikey to say “Uncle.”
“Yeah, a mutant, and theres 3 others that look just like me so, we better not catch you doing this to our Y/n again!” To finish off the threat, Mikey bonks him on the head with his nunchuck, causing Romeo to whine in pain, and finally agree to leaving you alone after Mikey wouldn’t let go, almost spraining his wrists.
~ “So, our Y/n, huh?” After getting to the window of your apartment, all is fine. You felt a weight being lifted off your shoulders tonight thanks to Mikey. And, thanks to Donatello for being such a genius and making those T-Phones.
“Well, you know,” Mikey rubs the back of his neck, laughing nervously, “You are our friend, but…you know!” He nudges you playfully, wathcing as you giggle and embrace him into a hug.
“Thanks, for getting rid of Romeo.”
“It’s kind of fitting right now, since, you know, we’re on a balcony and such, like a tower,”
“Mikey, that’s Tangled,”
“Oh, well, whatever! I’m just glad you’re safe, cutie,” Mikey always gets excited during loving moments like these, and after breaking the hug, you reach up to kiss him on the lips, it’s no surprise, he tastes like pizza. It’s always like that, but, you’ve come to enjoy it. If pizza lip balm was a thing, it would taste like your boyfriend.
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sombredancer · 3 months
Asian dramas and my favorite types of characters
There are my favorite types of characters as a list. A villain with a fatal weakness
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Drama: The Scholar Who Walks the Night /밤을 걷는 선비 Character: Gwi Screentime: Secondary Gwi is an ancient vampire and a master of puppets (and Joseon's king is the main of them). He is merciless, invincible and scheming all the drama long, until he accidentally kills a girl, who was his hostage and recalcitrant puppet from her childhood on and was the only one who could scold him and deny him. Nothing about it is said directly in the drama, but after her death he goes insane, kills all of his puppets and this way causes his own death. So, I suppose, she was his only weakness, and I like this type of a personal drama for a villain. Punch-Clock Villain / the Dragon
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Drama: 100 Days My Prince /백일의 낭군님 Character: Moo-yeon Screentime: Secondary Moo-yeon works as an assassin for the killer of his father, who is constantly threatening him with the life of his sister. Moo-yeon is a man of a very ill fate: his family was accused of a treason and executed, his sister became a fugitive, he was forced to sell his conscience for his and sister's lives and, as a cherry on the top of this cake, fell in love with the daughter of his captor. And died trying to save her... His story is sooooo sad, but it makes me feel for this character fully. Also, he is the king of whump because the half of the drama he is injured and suffers from his wounds. The whole sad story of this guy is analyzed by me here, here and here.
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Drama: The King Loves /왕은 사랑한다 Character: Moo-suk Screentime: Minor Koreans, obviously, like this type of characters, too, so there is another Dragon of the main villain, Moo-suk. In his free from dirty deeds time he h̶e̶l̶p̶s̶ ̶o̶l̶d̶ ̶l̶a̶d̶i̶e̶s̶ ̶c̶r̶o̶s̶s̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶r̶o̶a̶d̶ literally saves cute children and restores self-confidence of young ladies. And then he falls in love, rethinks his life and dies from the hand of his master. Predictable and sad. Still a memorable guy, though. 50 shades of a Byronic Hero
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Drama: The Wolf / 狼殿下 Character: Chu Youwen Screentime: Main A Mowgli boy was adopted by a wicked emperor, brought up like a cruel beast and was forced to do some dirty stuff for the emperor. He is mysterious, severe and you never know what's on his mind. As a true Byronic hero. He is some kind of Dragon, too, but it's a Chinese drama and he is a main hero in it, that's why he doesn't really do anything bad during the series. His soul is kind and his heart is pure, but he hides it from his love and deals with all of his problems on his own. It's the reason why all of this drama is a masochistic tango between him and his love. Whump lovers will be happy, too, because he is constantly in chains, pierced by arrows like a hedgehog or works as a slave in mines. As any other Dragon, he has a BE.
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Drama: Lost You Forever /长相思 第一季 Character: Xiang Liu Screentime: Secondary A mysterious demon general, whose name makes everyone shake in fear. A former demon slave, who is true to his word enough to fight for his benefactor even if he knows crystal clearly that it's hopeless and he and his army will die in the end. A man who has huge problems with expression of his emotions in a socially approved way. Edward Cullen of Chinese dramaland. He is enigmatic, with thick vibes of a bad guy, yet very loyal to his benefactor as well as his love and very selfless. SPOILER TO SEASON 2: because of this loyalty he will die and the love of his life will never-ever find out about anything he has done for her during the story.
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Drama: My Journey to You /云之羽 Character: Gong Shangjue Screentime: Secondary A guy was through trauma in his childhood and it made him look intimidating and unfeeling. A tsundere is born! He coped with his trauma by taking extra responsibilities for everything and everyone and turned to be a walking killing machine instead of a man. But an enemy assassin comes to his life and teaches him how to be a human once more. It's a painful experience, but it`s necessary in order to grow up as a character and is beautifully fulfilled. It was a great joy to know that he survives at the end of the story, it's a rare thing for this type of characters, so even if there is season 2 someday, I will not watch it in order not to spoil my impression of the first one. I wrote about him detailed here, here, here and here.
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Drama: Princess Agents / 特工皇妃楚乔传 Character: Yan Xun Screentime: Secondary It's the transformation story, too, like a previous one, but this time it's transformation from an ordinary man to a villain. Prince Yan Xun is a hostage colony prince in a metropolis empire, but he enjoys a noble life along with other nobility youth. The society around him is awful, each of these noble youths is a psycho who appreciate human hunt and so on, but cheerful and easy-going Yan Xun doesn't think their bloodthirstiness could turn against him. When relationship between the metropolis and the colony become tense, though, Yan Xun's friends of yesterday are happy to drink his blood. He loses his whole family and, insanely longing for revenge, slowly turns to one of those monsters himself.
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Drama: A Journey to Love / 一念关山 Character: Li Tongguang Screentime: Minor This guy has got a very realistic personality and background: he is a bastard who was deprived of mother's love since he was a child. The first circumstance made him power-hungry, scheming and outwardly emotionless, the second one made him longing for mother's love on insanely level. So he is invincible outwardly, but turns into a teary mess when it's about his female tutor, who is a mother figure for him. The contrast between these two personalities is enormous and makes this character very alive and interesting. During the drama he will not cope with his Oedipus complex but circumstances will solve this problem for him.
A pure-hearted hero
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Drama: Creation of the Gods Ⅰ / 封神三部曲 Character: Ji Fa Screentime: Main It's maybe strange to find this type of characters in the list of my favorite types, but morality and selflessness of a character is very important for me, too. This story is some kind of King Arthur's legend, but in a Chinese way. The emperor is bewitched by a demon and is bringing the kingdom to it's downfall, the Gods are here to find the savior with the help of a magic scroll that can be opened only by a true king. Ji Fa, a hero of this story, doesn't care about scrolls, but his heart is loyal to his kingdom and to his family (in this very order). He genuinely wants to help his friend-prince to be a king his kingdom deserves and, despite awful things that were done to him and his family, doesn`t harden his soul and betray his ideals. And, I suppose, although he isn't aware of this, he IS the future King Arthur of China. Interesting character decisions
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Drama: The Legends/招摇 Characters: Jiang Wu Screentime: Minor This character is something like a rival of the male lead. He is a xinmo - an inner demon of some other character and represents the darkest features of a human's soul. He is a ruthless killer, a dark sorcerer without conscience, but what was very unique, being literary the worst part of a human personality, he values his assistants a lot and genuinely cares for them. A villain is usually a lone wolf. He doesn't trust anyone and doesn't value anyone, his loneliness is usually his weakness and a key to his downfall. So I was pleasantly surprised that sometimes a villain is capable of building healthy relationships with his subordinates.
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Drama: Sh**ting Stars / 별똥별 Characters: Do Soo-hyuk Screentime: Minor
This guy truly surprised me. Firstly, he is supposed to be something like a third wheel in relationships of the main couple, but he just calmly got a refusal from the female lead, said "OK" and, absolutely relaxed, proceeded to live his life further. It's something unbelievable for me, because I used to see the insanity caused by an unrequited love to be the plot engine of a lot of dramas. Secondly, he is well-written as a character, straightforward, principled and has tsundere-ish or Byronic vibes - all the character features that I like =) Part 3 will be about other interesting types of relationship, mostly between men.
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