#but then i remember everything else and i go haha nope
elmaxlys · 4 months
Writing an essay on groups of two to four sentences reminds me of the students who, when faced with either a sonnet or, like, La Bruyère, looked me straight in the eyes and told me there wasn't much to say.
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twstreverie · 2 years
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soft headcanons, (dorm leaders)
requests are open!
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riddle rosehearts
he is literally so inexperienced with relationships let alone even being in love with someone, he’s afraid sometimes he goes over the top or just does too little for you. this guy will literally be scouring old romance love stories and try to replicate what the guy in the story would do. cater poked fun once and said to look at the internet instead but… riddle has an acquired taste.
your room is hardly seen without some sort of flowers — usually roses of course from riddle. he just loves the look on you’re face whenever he presents some he had gotten for you. he has told you that he believes they’re as beautiful as you. :)
you’re always treated the best whenever you’re over at his dorm — he wants to make sure everyone is treating you nicely and special. he’ll make sure you’re favorite sweet is saved for whenever you stop by, so he can offer you some with him. everyone usually enjoys it whenever you’re there because he’s in such an elated mood that their chances of getting scolded or in trouble by him are less haha.
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leona kingscholar
leona is a man that has a hard time trying to convey the fact that he does love you — frankly he hasn’t quite admitted to himself that he really does. but here me out, he always listens to you, like you could be sooo chatty and talk and talk — it’ll seem like he’s not listening, maybe even had fallen asleep but nope! you’ve got his attention almost always. he is extremely good at reading you and your body language.
he’ll remember basically every detail, he is very intelligent anyway. something you mentioned wanting or needing, you’ll have it trust me — he can have his hands on practically anything as a prince hehe. even if you want him to take it back he’ll stubbornly deny and insist that you just take it because it’s “useless to return it.” hes not saying it but please just take it.
he respects you — he values your opinions and concerns definitely much above anyone else. and that’s a very special thing coming from him. he wouldn’t necessarily tell you but trust me he respects you greatly.
leona has a “don’t go wandering into savanaclaw to find me” attitude but then he kinda noticed that after like 1 incident of someone from there messing with you…. they would be to nervous to, knowing leona.
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azul ashengrotto
I don’t care what anyone says he is so smitten with you… like he’s just always thinking about you and things he wants to treat you with he can’t help it. he could be in the middle of making a scheme-y contract with some distraught student and he’s just thinking about some necklace he saw in a magazine that would look pretty on you.
number 1 rule for his employees (mostly ppl working under contract lol) is that you are treated as a priority when at the mostro lounge — even when he’s busy they know about you. jade or floyd are usually there to give you something special along with your meal haha, they’ll tell you it’s courtesy of azul.
but he really enjoys time with you, he could be dealing with work but he loves knowing that you’re there by him in the vip room. you could be talking about anything or just reading, doing school work in silent. he just loves being with you.
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kalim al-asim
kalim talks about you so… much. like he just can’t help it, he doesn’t even try most of the time — he’s got a lot of positive things to say about you and everything basically reminds you of him. he can go on and on, jamil is the one who hears this the most. but he’s literally done this with his teachers before. when I say he thinks the world of you, he does.
he wants to bring you to his homeland so so badly — he’s always telling you great things and stories, stories about the land of hot sands or stories from his childhood there. he gets quite excited being able to share about that place.
speaking of which he buys you clothing and accessories from there — love is an understatement when it comes to seeing you wear them!! he is obsessed.
carpet rides>>> okay minus the fact that he has crashed it multiple times and it gets jamil pretty pissed off at him he promises to be careful and begs him to let him share them with you more often.
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vil schoenheit
I don’t care about whether or not it’s ooc to make him a lovey dovey man with you but can we just think back and remember how he was and acted throughout chapter 6?? like?
with that being said, he makes sure to look out for you, not even just for your looks and stuff he genuinely does care about whether or not you’re taking care of yourself. it may come off in a lightly scolding way but he can’t bring himself to actually be upset at you. like if he figures out you haven’t eaten or have been sleeping right he’ll get this stern look on his face but that doesn’t stick for long.
you get access to like any major and fancy brand when it comes to basically anything but especially facial products, but he prefers just giving you his own. and he also loves doing your facials for you before bed. it is so sweet, I can just picture him rubbing in lotion on your cheeks as he’s softly humming… just yes. once he’s done he likes to kiss you on the face, both of your cheeks.
vil tends to ask for your opinion a lot when it comes to something he should where, a shade of lipstick, perfume scent, etc because it helps him figure out what you like more so he can use it more around you.
will invite you to the film research club he’s in and in charge of, mostly because he wants an opportunity to act out a scene with you but even if you don’t want to there’s always some way you could help him and assist him that he’d love if you could do. writing scripts, video editing, making costumes or props.
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he is embarrassed about it whenever he kisses you (or you kiss him haha) but his lips are scarred and almost raw and chapped because he bites them so much. if you put balm on them with your finger to help heal them he would die. please do it for him he loves it.
while he’s no picasso, I can see him being very pretty talented when it comes to drawing. he totally has a habit of doodling and even full on sketching you on papers and such. he wouldn’t saw no to you if you asked to see them, but he’d be hiding and shoving his face into a pillow the whole time while you look through.
he would honestly do like anything for you, he loves being able to show that he’s useful — especially with his talents, he can fix things for you — like if you have a device or item not working he’s got you. you better believe he got rid of that phone Crowley gave you thats probably like older than crowley himself and have something WAY better he made.
would melt if you got along well with ortho (well honestly who couldn’t?) you’re literally the two most important things in his life — seeing you two happily converse and chat with each other would make him on cloud nine. also ortho definitely was a major assist when it came to getting you and idia together, he was rooting for the two of you since the beginning.
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malleus draconia
it’s so funny, especially to lilia seeing malleus become lovesick by you, his behavior is definitely noticeable towards you. bystanders, students whether in his dorm or not that fear him and know him as an extremely powerful prince melt within your vicinity… it’s a habit he’s gained ever since he’s caught feelings for you — it’s a bit odd but he can’t help but stare and watch you lot of the time.
you’re with him, you’re apart of his “family”. basically lilia, silver, and begrudgingly Sebek who takes a while to warm up to you. still, nevertheless, they treat you as one of them!! lilia would simply adore you by the way. like ortho with idia he would be a proud supporter of the two of you.
he loves to wow you with his magic and shamelessly show off a bit. you could show the tiniest bit of like being cold and rubbing your arms and boom he’ll just bring out the sun with a smug smile like wasn’t that cool of him? or if you enjoy the rain he could just make it happen hehe.
malleus enjoys bringing you gifts a lot its mostly because of well a dragon thing but he will have a habit of just randomly gifting and adorning you some priceless jewel he can’t help it, he thinks you look so lovely in them.
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httpknjoon · 1 year
(re)starting over again | kth; 10.5
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plot | Your four-year relationship with Taehyung was going well and strong. Until he was involved in a car accident, resulting to him losing some memories. By some, it means everything that happened five years ago. Things he remember? His friends, his bakeshop, and his ex girlfriend from the past. With that, you tried to keep up, restarting over again.
words | 3.5k
genres | fluff, angst, amnesia au
pairing | taehyung x reader
warning/s | -
note | more angst haha I swear rainbows and sunshine are coming soon. icymi, I made a spotify playlist for this series! it gets updated every time I write for mc and taehyung. expect it to be angsty haha! anyways, enjoy reading this one. let me know y'all's thoughts.
main masterlist | series masterlist
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“Are you sure about this?”
Gail, your supervisor, looked at you while holding the paper you gave her just minutes ago. Your heart beats heavier and louder as you stood in front of her. Gail was never a terrifying supervisor to you. She was always considerate. But this thing that you’re doing right now is still nail-biting. You came to work early today just so you can talk to her. No one knew about your plan except you. 
“Yes,” you replied, unconsciously fiddling with the fabric of your scrub pants.
She stared at you for what felt like a minute. You cannot even read what’s going on in her head. Her eyes wore no emotions and her lips formed a thin line. She moved her sight to the paper again. You felt like you needed to say something.
You cleared your throat, “I’m sorry if it seemed too soon.”
“Oh, it’s fine. We all know two weeks is the minimum time for notices like this.” Finally, her lips broke into a small smile, easing you for a little, as she looks at you again. “May I ask your reason for making this decision?”
You didn’t hesitate on telling your true reason, “I need to take a break and a new environment due to recent circumstances.”
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That was two days ago. Gail approved your resignation letter after that exchange and was supportive of your decision. She said you can come to her anytime if you need a recommendation letter for your next employer. Your two-week notice began that same day without anyone– even Jisoo or Julia– knowing. You don’t want to disturb Jisoo because she’s already stressed enough with her wedding.
“You coming home?” Julia asked as you two get your bags on your lockers. 
You two just finished your graveyard shift at seven o clock. You just had a twelve-hour shift but you’re still off to somewhere.
You shook your head, “Not yet. I’m taking a train to Incheon.” 
Her head tilted in your direction, “What? Why? That’s like an hour's ride from here.”
“I’ll be checking this studio apartment unit I saw online,” you answered like it’s not a big deal.
Her eyes widened almost instantly, “You’re moving?!”
You quietly nod your head to her surprised question. A hint of excitement was also obvious in her tone.
“That’s far! Have you told Jisoo yet?”
“How about Taehyung? Is he going to travel from there to his shop every day? And the house–”
“I still haven’t talked to him about it.” you cut her off calmly before she can ask anything else.
Julia was quick to understand what you meant. Your lips formed into a small, sad smile after saying that. Julia just waved her hand back when you waved yours as you bid goodbye. She instantly knew that moving to a new place isn’t the only life-changing choice you’re making in your life right now.
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It was a couple of days before Jisoo and Namjoon’s special day, exactly three days in your two-week notice. Raindrops just happened to visit every night you have a late night shift. You didn’t notice the weather until you heard the roars of thunder while you were in the shower. 
You were busy the whole day in your room. Just cleaning up, feeling like a robot, numbly working so much but eating less. You only had a late breakfast. Taehyung made you buttermilk waffles with fruits, leaving it in a Tupperware on your kitchen counter. You ate and made sure to leave no dishes in the sink. Like a ghost, that’s how you liked to describe your recent presence in your shared home.
You find yourself busy since morning, removing photos in the frames you displayed before and folding some of your clothes from your closet to your luggage. Then, you prepared for your eight-hour shift. Just five minutes past ten in the evening, you walked out of your room ready to go.
You saw Taehyung sitting on one of the chairs on your kitchen counter. A thin sheet of smoke from the cup on the table showed he was drinking tea. 
“Hi.” you greeted him shortly.
The shorter your response is, the smaller the chances of small talk, you thought. 
“I packed you some light snacks there. Just some granola and fruits. Also, yogurt.”  
You want to feel something. The joy and giddiness you always have when Taehyung does nice things for you, pre and post-accident. Something that will make your day and shifts your mood. But you almost felt nothing now.
“It’s raining hard tonight,” he mumbled, looking outside the small window in your kitchen.
“It is.”
You tried to busy yourself with putting the snacks he prepared in your bag, not even looking up at him. Not until he said,
“Can I walk you to the stop?” 
Finally, you looked at him. He cannot assume if you’re surprised based on your expression because your face remained blank. No emotions at all.
He continued, ”I just want to make sure you’ll get to work safely.”
“Okay.” Whatever you say.
“You know, you don’t have to do any of this.” You were just looking ahead as you resumed, “You’re not obligated to do anything with me.”
“I wanted to do this.” He replied.
You knew he was looking in your direction through your peripheral vision. As much as you wanted to believe his sincerity, you don’t want to get your hopes high. He was just being nice. That’s it.
Before you go, he handed you another extra umbrella. No one said a single word. You sat away from the windows, just at the back of the bus. Because you knew damn well that you might feel guilty if you see Taehyung frozen on the same spot, waiting for your bus to leave.
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“Wake her up. I’ll take out our stuff.”
Jimin unfastened his seatbelt after parking the car. Taehyung turned his head back to your direction. You have been sleeping throughout the whole night and none of them bothered to wake you up when they had a quick stopover since they knew you came from an overnight shift earlier. He got off his seat, gently closing the passenger door.
“YN….” he softly calls for your name.
It took him two more calls before you hummed and moved on to your seat. Your eyes were still closed as you respond to him, still half-asleep,
“We’re here…”
Slowly, your eyes opened. You blink a couple times before rubbing your eyes as you sat back properly. Slightly confused, you looked around. He watched as you slowly get back to your senses and realize that you have arrive at the event venue.
“Oh…” you said under your breath. You ran your hand on your dress to smoothen out the tiny wrinkles. Unexpectedly, you turned to Taehyung, “How do I look? Did my hair–”
“Lovely,” he murmured.
For a moment there, you thought you heard a small beat inside your chest. You stare at each other’s eyes and the first thing you sense was familiarity. Then, longing. Then, abruptly, you looked away. Taehyung wasn’t sure if your eyes began glistening before you blinked away. He was about to ask when Jimin spoke outside the car,
“Is she awake? Let’s go. The rehearsal is starting soon, we still have to get these bags in the hotel.”
Thank God, you found a slight relief. Taehyung moved out of your way to let you get out of the car. Minutes later, you, Taehyung, and Jimin are walking to the entrance of the hotel when someone greeted you.
“Oh, my god. Hi!”
Yoonji, Jisoo’s cousin and also one of the bridesmaids, greeted you on your way into the small hotel meant for guests. He recognized her as one of the girls who brought you home after Jisoo’s bachelorette party. You two hugged for a quick second while she smiled politely at Taehyung and Jimin, who introduced himself.
“You can just go tell the receptionist your names. Then, they will say what’s your room number,” she instructed in a little hurry. “The rehearsal will be starting in a few minutes!”
She was pulled by another woman, who you assume is Jisoo’s other relative. You followed what she said and the receptionist was pleasant when she asked for your names. After that, she handed out two keys.
“Room 23 is for Mr. Park. Room 27 is for Ms. YN and Mr. Kim.” Kath, the said receptionist, said.
Your jaw almost dropped while Taehyung froze. Jimin, who stood between you two, immediately noticed your silent reactions. He took the initiative to ask,
“Uhm… May we request another room?”
Kath shook her head, “I’m sorry, sir. But the Kims were the ones who arranged everyone’s rooms.”
You cleared your throat as your brain began processing again, “But do you guys have other available rooms that we can pay for?” 
“We’re currently fully booked, miss. We assume the Kims already booked enough rooms for their relatives and other important guests. So we had our further rooms booked for other visiting guests in town.”
After squeezing your eyes shut while listening to her explanation, you just forced a smile, “Okay, we understand. Thank you.”
Your rooms were on the upper floor and there were only stairs. Taehyung offered to carry your small luggage for you but you declined. Both men could not tell if you were pissed as you kept a straight face until you and Taehyung stood in front of the twenty-seventh room. He unlocked the door for you two.
You unconsciously let out a heavy sigh as you and Taehyung scanned the whole room with your eyes. The room was not that… spacious. But it has what a guest needs. A king-sized bed, closet, own bathroom, a table and a chair, and flat-screen television mounted on the wall for entertainment. Plus, a big window with big curtains. 
“You know, maybe I can just go to Jimin’s,” Taehyung, who’s standing behind you, suggested.
But you looked at him, “Do you want to?”
“What?” he blinked, maybe he misheard it.
“Do you want to go there? I mean, this is a king-sized bed. I’m fine sharing it, less hassle. We can put a divider or something.” you recommended, pointing to the bed.
“Are you okay with that?”
You nod, “Yeah. Are you?”
“Okay.” Taehyungs nods too.
“Okay,” you whispered.
It was silent again after that. The atmosphere was weird and maybe suffocating. You are starting to hate this kind of air every time you’re with him. It’s encouraging the decisions you’ve been thinking about lately. Breaking the ice, you looked up at him.
“Uhm, we should go. The rehearsal’s starting soon.”
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“Thank you for helping make tomorrow the perfect day for us.” 
The wedding rehearsals earlier were quick as it was not that complicated. Everyone was later invited to the rehearsal dinner. Your seats were pre-arranged. So of course, you two sat next to each other. 
Jisoo was in the middle of her dinner toast when Taehyung took a glance at you. Your sights were focused on the couple who stood in the middle of the event. Your lips formed into a relieved smile as your eyes brighten.
"Tonight, we appreciate you, the people we treasure the most. We toast to having the best wedding team ever!"
Everyone raised their glasses of wine and champagne and took a sip from their drinks. Then, everyone began talking to someone while enjoying the rest of the dinner. Everyone around you and Taehyung is having fun conversations. Even Jimin, who is now talking to some guests. After stealing another glance in your direction, he thought of making a conversation with you.
“I’ve never seen Namjoon that happy,” he mumbled as he looked at his friend.
Unexpectedly, you responded, looking at the couple, “So is Jisoo. Look at their smiles.” 
“How did they meet?” he asked.
“Oh, it’s a really good meet-cute.” you chuckled, shoulders visibly relaxing. 
Then, you began talking about the beginning of your friends’ love story. You were proud as you shared that you were present when they first met. And after days of getting blank stares and rejections from you, Taehyung can see a genuine smile on your face again. He can listen to more of your stories if that is what it takes for you two to be okay again.
The conversation plays out until you and Taehyung decided to get out of the event since guests began going too. From Jisoo and Namjoon’s meet-cute, the topic jumped to how you had a couple of double dates with them. You were enjoying telling stories that you almost forgot about that gloomy feeling you’d been having in you for days now until Taehyung asked another question while you two stroll your way back to your shared room.
“Maybe we could do that again with them?”
You turned your head at him, raising an eyebrow, “What?”
“Double dates. It seemed like we had fun with them,” he replied, hands in his pockets as he smiled softly.
Then, once again, these heavyweights slowly landed on your shoulders and you can feel something breaking inside of you, making you clutch your palm on the skirt of your dress. Taehyung quicking took notice of you pausing and looking at him with lips slightly parted and the joy in your eyes faded, worrying him.
“Hey? You okay?” he asked gently, looking at you.
With that, you snapped out of your trance and nods, “Yeah, sorry.”
God! Get ahold of yourself. You remind yourself. You remembered your things packed back at home and the resignation you signed days ago. You already had a plan and this sudden idea from Taehyung should not change any of it. Unconsciously, you let out a sigh. Taehyung’s heart beats faster.
“Did I say anything wrong?
“Oh, no.” you forced a smile as you took steps with him to the stairs. You let out an awkward chuckle, “I just don’t think we can do double dates anytime soon.”
“Ah, yeah.” he went along.
And it’s silent all over again. But this time, there was this air between you two. You both can feel that someone wants to say something to another. But, both of you two can’t. With every step closer to your room, the air gets thinner and thinner. And when you stood outside your door,
It shattered.
“Can we talk?”
“Can I talk to you?”
Both you and Taehyung said at the same time. You two were staring at each other when you said that. And when you two realized what happened, you looked away with an airy chuckle. You opened the door and he followed inside.
“So… are we going to talk here or outside?” Taehyung spoke when he saw you opening the curtains, letting the fresh air get into the room.
“Uhm, here’s fine,” you replied before inhaling again on the small balcony.
The original plan was to let Taehyung know about your plans after this event. But you just can’t keep it anymore. Especially after you reacted with Taehyung offering ideas like double date again. Taehyung wanted to wait too and he was willing. But he felt he needed to say what he wants now. It might help your relationship at the moment.
“Okay,” you whispered.
You sat on the soft mattress of the bed. Taehyung took a seat on the chair next to the table, just a few feet away from you. He watched as you bit your lip, looking down. You fiddled with your fingers and he can see your chest heave. You were visibly nervous and it makes him wonder what are going to say. 
He nods at you to continue and you did, “I was just going to ask if I can go first.”
“Sure,” he answered, leaning back in the chair.
“Okay. Thank you,” you said every word with the heaviest sigh since you find your heart pounding like crazy just now. 
With all the will in your body, you focused your sight on the man in front of you. His hair was pushed back and the first two buttons of his shirt are unbuttoned. His eyes gaze back at yours, you wished you can just communicate with him through this since it might be easier. But you can’t. And within seconds, you can feel the tears at the edge of your blurring sight.
“Taehyung…I… Uhm…” you stuttered when you see a flicker of concern in his eyes. But you continued, “I’m leaving.”
He just stared after you said that. Then, you read the confusion on his face, “What?”
You gulped, “I’m leaving this… arrangement … or whatever this is called. Us. I’m leaving us.”
Your hands shake while waiting for a reaction from him when you said that. But you cannot read his face anymore so you went on.
“I’m moving out of the house. I already looked for an apartment. I know, the house is our shared property. We can talk about the whole splitting thing when I–”
“Are we breaking up?” Taehyung finally said something. His eyebrows were scrunched and his eyes were surprised. But his tone was in between shock and sadness. And maybe mad. You cannot tell.
“Is there even any relationship to break?” 
That was the first thing that came into your mind and you barely thought about it as you said it. You matched his tone. Now, it feels like you two were overwhelmed with emotions and the silence that followed after your question helped to at least make you calm a little. 
Taehyung, on the other hand, is not off his peak of emotions. But he was quiet. He doesn’t know what to feel. He cannot tell what he’s been feeling. Even after what happened these past few days, he didn’t expect to hear this from you. 
“You don’t know me, Taehyung. I’m basically a stranger to you and I’m more than grateful to you for at least letting me take care of you after the accident. But it’s not your obligation to be with me just because I was your girlfriend. The last thing that I want is to force you to stay committed–”
You were ready to end the conversation just like that. But Taehyung cut you off,
“What if I want to? What if I want to be with you now?”
You didn’t sound happy. Because you’re not. Taehyung sensed it, you felt quite the opposite when he said that. Still, you stumbled with words.
“Wh– No! N-No, you don’t.”
“I do,” he said like you were challenging him to say it.
You remained unhappy and let out a firm, “No.”
“I do. Why do you keep–”
“Because that would just make me feel shit! You only want me now because you learned what happened between you and Lily!”
Taehyung’s mouth immediately ran dry. For the first time ever since the accident, you raised your voice at him. It’s like watching a volcano explode. Warm drops of tears flow down your cheeks. Your lips were quivering as you continued. Your shoulder shakes as you continued,
“You can’t just choose me like that! That’s fucking unfair! I– I’ve been feeling nothing but awful and lonely for the longest time. I can’t even sleep without having a nightmare about that night! And now that I’m trying to do something for myself, you’re telling me you want to be with me? Right after talking to your ex behind my back? The ex that you originally remembered as your girlfriend? Taehyung, that’s just so fucking unfair.”
You remained seated on the bed but your hand was clutching on the sheet under you. Your voice became weaker as you reached the last sentence. Wiping your tears, you cleared your throat,
“If you want me now, that would make me feel like someone you just kept around as a second choice. You know?”
Hearing that, Taehyung instinctively shakes his head, “No, it’s not like that–”
“But that’s how I feel right now,” you confessed in a sad whisper. “And I’m scared that the longer I try to keep this relationship, the higher the chance I’ll lose myself in the process.”
That was another confession. After countless talks and reflection with yourself and your close friends, you knew that sooner or later you have to go for your own. It just took you long to accept it and take a step. You were hopeful then.
It took some minutes for someone to say something again. There was like a big question in the room with you, asking, what’s next. Taehyung who remained speechless in the same chair, just watched you quietly. While you got up from the bed and reached for your phone and room keys. 
“Five years was a lot to be missed and forgotten, Taehyung. I just think that if we go on our separate ways, you can focus on exploring what you lost without the pressure of being committed to me. And I can try to focus on myself again.”
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I'm so eager to see more from your amazing Otome AU. How about Riddle, Azul and Vil with a player that chooses to ignore the plot and choose them instead?
Otome au
I do not take any responsebility for you reading this no matter which age group you are from!
WARNINGS: Yandere themes, obsession, kidnapping, possessiveness, murder
Riddle Rosehearts/Azul Ashengrotto/Vil Schoenheit-Player ignores the plot and chooses them instead
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With how excited he is he might as well just say that you two are egaged (we al know how much he values a married life)
Riddle’s thought process behind all of this is that he was born for loving you so… mhm you are not going to leave his side ever
But hey, maybe you can bring his tyranny to an end?
One day you were just playing the game, being dissatisfied with how cliche the thypical “good” and “bad” was being portrayed
And then you started a new chapter but… it looked different…
“Hidden route, chapter 1-Welcome to the villains world”
And suddenly you are thrown into a world full of betrayal, murder and obsessive villains that are all after your hand
Congrats! Now try to survive
But once you have reached the end of the now unlocked route of Riddle, the red “Queen”, the tyrant, you have experienced a long journey far more interesting than the normal route which is filled with the typical magical girl saviour complex
But damn was there a lot to unpack
But now everything is fine! The ending CG was so beautifull and… and… godness is it just me or are you getting sleepy?
If you thought that Riddles reign of terror would be ended just with that then I’m sorry but nope
He is determined to get you into his world, to play crocket with flamings and behead soliders who planted the wrong roses
Riddle won’t just turn into a good “Queen” who is a pacifist, no
He just wants you beside him now, and who is there to stop him? Defenitely not the Fairy of thorns
Say goodbye to everyone that matters because soon he will be the only one you will have real human contact with, believe me, silent servants aren’t a good thing for loneliness
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I mean, it is already hard enough to even unloc the normal underwater routes but now you even want the hidden one?
Well congrats because you just did! Please enjoy “The merchant from the depths”
And look at that! It’s the two eels you shish kebabed in the normal route… thank goodness they can’t remember that… haha… ha… O_O
And that cave is also a lot more friendlier than shown before! Maybe you always just had a wrong image of the mersorcerer…
Azul is very kind as well. Before you know it you are one fourth done with his route because it is just so much fun
What you don’t know though is that behind the screen Azul is more than just happy that you finally found your way here
Finally he was able to break through the fate that was bestowed upon this world!
It is also such a sad and also beautifull route as well! Who would have thought he had such a connection to a certain ruler that was never mentioned before in the normal routes?
When you finally were able to bring to light that the supposedly royal family had in truth stolen their seat from Azuls family everything finally became better
The octopus was no longer shunned and hey, he looked geniunely happy! What else do you want?
Now back to that chapter with the hidden missions with which you could unlock the other hidden routes… why are you automatically back to his?
You really shouldn’t be that surprised. He finally got a taste of how true affection really tastes and you think he would just let go? Let you continue to the others?
I would recommend forgetting those cute CG in which he hugged you shyly. They are of the past
Now that you think about it… that trident would probably not something good in his hands…
But no need to worry! He will take good care of it. There is just one thing he will do with it for himself
I don’t know why you are suddenly getting sleepy. But maybe you should be more concerned about the… arms (?) closing around you…
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Will say that he expected this to happen sooner or later (he didn’t)
Imagine, one day he was asking his most trusted reflecting surface what you were doing and the thing says you are right now nlocking his route
The poor thing expected for his king to do something damaging to it out of shock
And then suddenly Vil was thanking it with a singsong voice, dusting it’s frame free of nonexistent dust
Finally he finally had you! Almost… But still!
Whilst Vil is celebrating you are more in a “What the heck!!!” mood
Who would have thought that the man ruling this place had been an outcast shunned by the other Nobles who only looked at his brother, only his father looking after him
And what happened in the normal route made so much more sense now! Neige had always been pampered, skill and talent coming to him wiithout any effort
No wonder Vil had such a vandetta against him
It was also such a relief for Vil when he didn’t end like he was supposed to in the normal route, remembering how he felt the burn and how the world slowly turned black
Not only that, it was also nice for him to know that he wasn’t seen by you as some powerfull person but rather the ordinary person that he was deep down
And his after story was also one that was so heartwarming! Him talking to his raven about you, saying that he was happier than ever…
This is where I end the fluff and start to recommend tossing the game out of the window
You see, him talking to his raven was one of the red flags that wouldn’t be red flags in a normal relationship but are in the one you have
Did he just look at you instead at your avatar in the game??! Why was he so pricky? He was softer in his route…
Just at least try to stay away from the Shaftlands. There has been talk about their king looking into arts that are able to influence other worlds…
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mellomak22-blog · 1 year
Can you do a pre-wednesday Tyler, like right after he comes back from boot camp, and the reader goes to the coffee shop and he's working there, and the reader doesn't realize he's back and she's always had a bit of a crush on him but is still weary of him because of the incident that happened with Xavier.
The show Wednesday! Okay, I can do that. Here's a cute and awkward first interaction with Tyler Galpin ever since he returned from boot camp. Here goes :)
Desc: awkward fluff, feminine presenting reader. Use of she/her
Warnings: none
Ding ding! The tiny little bell on the counter rang through Tyler’s ears. Normally, the Weathervane never got busy. They got a few of their regulars each day, and during autumn, it got a little crowded. But it was never this busy.
“Tyler, get that!” His father shouted from the break room, sitting in a chair with a newspaper in hand. Tyler was in the back, making practice of his latte art. The clover he just tried to do getting messed up, adding to his frustration. A long sigh draws from his lips. Sheriff Galpin was a hardass. He was especially hard on his son when he didn’t live up to the expectations Donovan wanted him to meet. Acting like a total dick in school was just the icing on the cake. His dad sent him to boot camp, with the hopes of his son returning “a better man” who’d get himself a job (Apparently being a barista boy would do that).
It was only Tyler’s second day working at the Weathervane cafe, and he wasn’t thrilled having to work on such a busy day when normally all he could do was make a cup of coffee from a Keurig machine.
Y/N sighs. When am I going to get a coffee? She slams her palm on the bell, ringing it rapidly. Dingdingdingdingdingdi-
“Coming!” Queue Tyler Galpin. He flashes a polite smile and pushes his annoyance down into his throat. “Sorry about the wait! What can I get you?” He leans in, folding his arms on the counter and looking joyfully at his customer. Y/N gulps, and it feels like all the eyes are on her. Tyler wasn’t supposed to be here, she was supposed to ring the bell and her best friend was supposed to drag herself out and her mood would change and they’d bounce up and down together and-
“Hello? Miss?” He chuckles nervously when y/n breaks free from her thoughts and meets his gaze of green eyes. “Oh, sorry. I was just- I was trying to remember everything I needed to order!” She skillfully lied. “But um… is Lilli here?” Her gaze scans the area, trying to find something else to focus on to take away from this god awful experience. “Nope, she’s taking a day off today. It’s just me.” He forces a smile. “Oh, okay. My bad. Can I get an iced mocha latte with 2 pumps of chocolate syrup in it?”
Tyler blinks and there’s a beat of silence as he grabs something. He lifts up a bottle of Hershey’s chocolate syrup. “...This?” Not something he had seen often, but it could be done. Y/N looks like she wants to curl into a ball. “Oh! Haha geez I meant vanilla syrup. Like the flavoring!” She scrambles the last of her words out, wanting to smack herself upside the head. “Oh. Alrighty. And what size…did you want that?” Doing his best, he smiles again, softer this time, in hopes of alleviating the pain this was. She gave a helpless looking grin back. Could it get any worse? “Large is fine. That’s it.”
He turns around, getting to work on her drink. Oh god. Are you fucking kidding me? What was that shit? Y/N went to school with Tyler and they had shared a few classes. He sat behind her in math class, where she daydreamed about him just reaching forward and playing with her hair, and he sat next to her in history. They had english together too, but he was across the room. Seeing him here after having disappeared for a while caught her off guard and it threw her out of her rhythm at the Weathervane. 
His agitation gradually went away as he got to work on the drink, and soon enough it was done. “Hereee ya go.” He presses a few buttons on the screen at the register. “It’s $7.01.” Tyler offers a plain smile. Y/N fights off making a face. Geez. Lilli must’ve usually given me a discount every time. Damn. She braves a brief grin and pays for the drink. With a quick thanks, she scurries off and out the door. The bells on the door jingling again as she leaves. 
“Are you kidding me?! You took a personal day?!” Y/N scolds her friend. A muffled response comes from Lilli over the phone as y/n sips her latte. She fires back. “Well, no. Oh but you DID kinda forget to mention that Tyler was back in town and that you  w o r k  with him! When were you gonna tell me that?” Y/N stomps away, heading to her next designation. Tyler is back to practicing his latte art.
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marymary-diva17 · 6 months
The past of the dream walker
female Jake sully and others
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Ever wonder what it will be like to see what someone life was like, so many years ago. Well now that was happening as Jane and her friends lives were going to be shown to their spouses and kids, along with the rest of the clans as well. It was time for navi to see what the dream walker past had been like before, they had arrived on Pandora and see what lead to being what they are now.
???? " welcome my children I have been aspecting you" it had started off normal day on pandora or as normal as it could be, until something had gained everyone attention.
Jane " well this not normal"
neytiro " not normal indeed ma Jane”
mo'at " who may we ask is speaking to us"
???? " That will be told later on for some time I have watched you all and I think it time to see the past through the eyes of other, to help with some understanding and healing"
Jane " that sounds unusual"
mo'at " Jane did you know of this along with the rest of your friends"
Jane " nope but we do have logs about our lives that helps us remember"
norma " yes you are right"
tsu'tey " so you gather us all here but what of the kids of the clan"
??? " don't worry they are here as well" soon the children had came home they all seem starstruck about everything, that was going on right now.
neteyam " what is going on here we were all coming home and saw this all happening"
kiro " it so beautiful"
neytiro " well it seems like we are going to see your mama life and your aunt as well, along with everyone else"
loak " it seems like we missed so much"
Jane " yes we have"
tuk " can we see mama life beauty please nice lady"
????? " yes you can my child"
spider " wait who talking with us"
moat "we don't know yet it seems like she seeked us out"
liwu " so we get to see past before the way"
norma " yes"
Vewsu " then let see them we want to see what you all were like" Jane and norma looked at each other and soon at their friends, their lives on earth had been way different from the lives they have now.
Take'a " yes can we see them it will be good for us all, as you all talk about your lives back on your old home"
???? " well children it up to the adults to say if they wish to show you all"
neteyam " mom dad"
neytiro " yes it will be good for the kids to see the what had happened in the past between us and the sky people"
???? " neytiro there will be much to learn for you and the rest of the clan" all the navi looked at each other having a hard time understanding what was going to happen.
Jane " well we have told you all about some of the past it, will be good to see some of it as well"
???? " yes the past can help you all understand and see the life, through someone else eyes"
mo'at " then we agree"
???? " thank you and I promises who lives will be shown, not everything will be told" Jane and the group nodded their heads happy to hear that.
Jane " thank you"
kids " yes"
neteyam " wiat will other here will be seeing that same thing as well"
???? " only that is know to myself and select few young one but in time you will and maybe see more as well"
tsu'tey " this going to be interesting but nothing will surprise us"
neytiro " yes we know our mates very well"
navi man " we can see if they actually were what they said when they were sky people"
Jane " haha very funny you are going to be surprised"
???? " then let start it" it seems like great mother had done some magic as everything changed a bit, and soon a made theater had come.
Jane " theater pandora style" Jane word had gotten some laughs from norma and there others as everyone soon sat down with their families, there are enough spots for everyone in the clan.
???? " now lets start the show but I most waring you there will be seeing, you all see that will get to you all that reflects these people lives watch and listen"
neteyam " yes"
???? " there will be breaks here and there just remember what you see, is from the past and some of it can't be changed ... this time will help with healing and understanding" everyone nodded their heads as the screen had been shown, and soon enough something started playing. Soon a titled an appeared and everyone was looking at it.
title : The past of dreamwalker
soon pandora had been shown the beauty forest of Pandora had gain everyone attention, as mist had bene shown around the forest showing the the past of pandora and all the secrets she held.
young Jane " many years ago I had always been having these dreams of far away place, that looked so beautiful to be real and having these dreams of flying and being in this forest ... sooner or later thought you always have to wake up"
neteyam " mom is that you"
Jane " yep that me kids"
Kiro " wow mom you had thought about pandora all those years back"
Jane " yes I did"
tuk " it so amazing mama"
Jane " thank you baby"
lani " yeah mom that cool"
Jane " thank you my wonderful kids"
young Jane " after my career in the army had ended life had become hard for me, I had done everything I could and soon it had all been taken away"
young Jane " life on earth become hard this the people here ruined everything, and now there was plans to go another planet called pandora .... Tommy had gotten a chance to go and asked me if wanted to come as well saying it will be good for me"
young Jane " I think he is right Tommy was always like that to me and anyone else he cares about, trying to make sure we are safe and right now our homes is never the same" Jane was standing near a cross walk waiting for the lights to turn, and once they did she crossed the street.
young Jane " I will like to see what this pandora is like and maybe it was time for change to happen, as nothing else were was getting better for some of the population"
neteyam " mom what happened with your ... career as warrior"
Jane " I had left it as something had come up and I could no longer stay"
spider " but you are a good fighter aunt Jane"
Jane " thank you"
tuk " mama you are so beautiful as human"
lani " yes mom you are very beautiful"
kiro " I have to agree"
Jane " thank you sweeties"
neteyam " I wonder who dad was able to win you over mom"
neytiro " I had my ways kids and hey I knew she was the one right away"
tuk " aww that sweet dad"
neteyam " hey mom what that paint on your arm called"
Jane " those are tattoos humans get them"
Young Jane " here are the drinks girls" Jane was seen carrying some drinks in her hand, as she soon placed them on the table. Jane had gone out with her friends that night for some fun.
young norma " thank Jane you are a sweet heart"
young Jane " anytime norma"
tv announcer " Pandora a far away planet come and join the rda and making a better new life for humanity"
Young ????? " they have been playing at everyone lately"
young Jane " you are not kidding it seems like a great opportunity, I know this might sound crazy but have had dreams of that place so beautiful and has places we don't have anymore here"
young ???? " that not something to be ashamed for Jane we all will love to see new places, and get back to what we once all love"
young ???? " life here has become miserable and sad we have lost everything, due to everyone else greedy and now looks where we are nothing"
young Jane " I can agree on that"
young norma " they are still taking anyone who wishes to come to pandora, it will be many years"
young Jane " Tommy said he going to pandora"
young ???? " really when"
young Jane " In a couple days I think he been planning alit for it"
young ???? " maybe with him going it sign for us to take some change it will be good for us all"
young jane " yes you are right"
young ??? " there are many reason to leave there no more planet or animals life here that much, and second our lives have become difficult a bit and third the pick of partner has become very low"
group " that is so true" the group had cheers to the statement while laughing and smiling.
young Jane " well whatever happens it will be good for us all"
take'a " mom you are very beautiful"
Vewsu " yes mom take'a speaks the truth"
liwu " you seem to be having a good time mom"
spider " yeah mom you and aunt Jane seem to be having a goo time even in bad times, and your friend are nice as well"
norma " aww thank you kids"
spider " so dad why did mom pick you anyways"
tsu'tey " boy"
spider " just asking that all dad"
neteyam " you two had been friends"
Jane " yes we had been friends even when we were younger on earth, and had our own friends as well"
lani " that amazing mom I hope to have friendship like that mom"
Jane " you will honey you will"
max " well it seems like you all had a good time"
Jane " hey we had to have some good times"
max " true"
neytiro " so there was no other male at earth that was courting you"
Jane " no all my old romantic relationship ended way before I came to Pandora"
neytiri " good these man not seem worthy"
tsu'tey " what about you norma"
Norma " same here as well"
young Jane " now what else is going on in ....."
lady " oh I'm sorry"
man " oh come on you got in my way now you messed up my shirt" the man was bothering that lady which had gained the group attention from their table.
young Jane " hey buddy leave her alone she didnt mean no harm, she bumped into you by accident maybe you should'nt block the way"
man " what are you going to do about little lady" the man had shoved Jane she had dropped her drink and seemed upset.
young Jane " why don't you sit down before you do something you will feel to regret and just back off, we have enough to deal with beside your mood"
man " what are you going to do about it girly"the man had shoved Jane again and started acting like jerk towards the workers of the bar, and everyone else with his buddies. Jane was not going to let this go this man was being rude to everyone and finally pushed her buttons.
young Jane "hey let me teach you some basic manners" Jane soon punched the man getting his attention, as he looked at her and he looked back as he had been humbled by Jane.
man " get her"
young norma " not happing buddy" soon a fight had started the group of women didn't seem to standing a chance but held up a good fight, soon some bouncers had came and escorted them all out.
young norma " I love it when you humble people"
young Jane " thank you I do my best sometime you need to put people in their places the nice way with words or fighting"
young norma " yeah well this my place see you tomorrow"
young Jane " yeah see you tomorrow and nice fighting skills"
young norma " hey I have my skills of the trade" the two women had soon separated from each other and went to their homes.
kids " that was amazing"
max " wow you your ladies did a good fight"
Jane " yeah that was a big fight"
neteyam " It had not fair that you two got kicked out of the bar"
Jane " yeah but all went home"
norma "I think I have picture we all took at the night together"
Jane " oh yeah I remember" the two women soon looked at their husband who looked mad.
Jane " neytiro"
norma " tsu'tey"
neytiro " if I ever seen those man here on pandora I will send them all to whatever deaths mean to humans"
tsu'tey " yes they will meet death for what they have done"
Jane " umm okay so that will be skipped for now because I don't, think they will ever come back"
neytiro " good and nice punch ma Jane"
tsu'tey " yes ma norma good fight and standing up for your friend"
lani " family mote"
Jane " family mote"
neytiro " what family mote"
Jane " sorry honey but this between mother and daughter" lani and Jane smiled at each other, as neytiro looked very confused about everything that is taking place.
young jane " huh" Jane had woken up to some knocking at her door she thought it was Tommy.
young Jane " maybe Tommy forgot his keys to the place" Jane had gotten up and rushed to open the door.
young Jane " don't worry Tommy I got you please don't ..."
agent " are you Jane sully the sister of Tommy sully"
young Jane " yes that me"
agnet 2 " please come with us it about your brother" Jane had nodded her head and got changed as she left with the agent, everything was rushing through her head. She never imaged the worst case scenario happening right away.
young Jane " Tommy" Jane was looking at her brother as she laid there dead, he had been killed tonight and no he is gone.
young Jane " why Tommy why" Tommy had been killed for the paper on him by someone.
agent " we are sorry for your lost your brother was a good person"
agent 2 " he was planning to go to pandora right"
young Jane " yes"
agent " well that unfortunate he would of been a good addition" the second agent had bene elbowed by the first one. Jane could understand what they meant. The agents soon left Jane alone as she watched her brother body burn as music played, Tommy was her only family left and now he gone.
neytiro " ma Jane" Jane looked sad and close to tears as she was remembering that night her kids soon hugged her.
neteyam " mom we are sorry for your brother death"
Jane " it was not your fault my loves"
kiro " mom we are here for you"
tuk " yes mom that is true"
lani " I wish we got to meet uncle Tommy he was a nice guy"
Jane " he would of love to meet you"
neytiro " your brother will be proud of you"
norma " yes he will br proud of you Jane"
Jane " thanks everyone"
mo'at " you have been through many trials Jane sully"
Jane " yes but the trails lead me here today"
max " they tried to get you to replace Tommy like it was nothing"
Jane " yes they did"
mo'at " shameful"
Jane " yes it was and very wrong but soon enough I came here"
young Jane " ......"
young norma " ........" the two women are looking at file it was information for Jane, that her brother had sent her DNA to make a avatar body for her and chance for her to go pandora.
young norma " so what are you going to do"
young Jane " I'. still trying to understand what is going on right now I can't believe Tommy had done this"
young norma " he was always thinking the best for you Jane"
young Jane " yes he was oh Tommy" Jane was crying a bit but soon stopped after a while.
young Jane " I know what I'm going to do norma"
young norma " what" the two of them had talked among each other other, the days leading up to leave Jane had gotten everything dealt with before she left for Pandora. She soon area at ships heading towards pandora.
young norma " hey are you ready for this"
young Jane " ready as I will ever be"
young ???? " wow we will be really leaving"
young Jane " yes will be leaving here"
young ???? " are we sure you are ready for what inshore for us out there"
young Jane " we will be ready for anything out there even we if we face it together or apart"
young norma " Jane right"
speaker " the ships will be leaving soon please get ready to go" the group of women soon got onto the ships as they looked at earth as it got smaller and smaller, none of them what was coming from them but it was Journey waiting for them all and everyone else. Jane a looked at the window as she places a hand on charm on her necklace, it something meaningful between her and her family. She knew she was going to live her bets life for herself and her family as well.
young Jane " well pandora here I come what will you have waiting for me
end of part 1
there seem to be some understanding when to comes to Jane and others, on how they were living their lives on earth and how they had been through hardship as well. The journey of seeing the past of the dream walker was not over there was more to come, with happiness and sadness as well. It seems like everyone was looking forward to see what, will be shown next in looking on the last of dreamwalker.
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bbimharuuu · 2 years
A/N: Sorry y'all for not updating, but here's a short blurb that I thought of because I've been working hard on a new story so stay tune 👀
Imagine if dream! reader could remember everything they experienced in said dreams, so they don't get confused as to who the random people are who keep showing up in their dreams saying that they miss them.
BUT imagine if reader used this to their advantage, as in learning for tests and exams. So imagine reader just stayed in their room or chamber after arriving (and maybe talking to the others), just to learn and review the materials for an upcoming exam.
All of the family would be happy the reader is here but they're sulking because reader just stays in their room, them making assumptions that they pissed reader off.
Luke: [Name], are you mad at me? 🥺
Reader: (Jolts awake) Huh? Wha—where am I?
Jace: You've been staying in your chamber for a while now. Did you get upset because of us?
Reader: What do you—OH! Yeah no, sorry. As you can see from the stacks of papers and books in front of me, I'm slowly dying just to get informations in my head 😀
Reader then vows to never make any self deprecating jokes ever again, they did NOT want the family to panic and lecture them about self love for over two hours.
But if reader took the time to explain on what they're doing, then the family would be more understanding of the situation. They don't necessarily understand what you're learning about but they try as best as they can to help you.
Daemon: So in your world, there were only two world wars? Wow, must be peaceful there
Reader: Haha...yeah
Rhaenyra: How about transportation? Surely you don't have any dragons there
Reader: Yeah, nope. There's lots of things we could use for transportation
Rhaenyra: Ooo, do tell
Reader: Uh all of them?
Daemon: Of course, we want to know our little ones world
Reader: ...shit
But seriously though, they're very interested about the readers world that they basically inform the maesters to write every important information that the reader told them. A big plus if you're able to draw, Viserys would be very interested at how their world works.
Back to studying, they will keep their distance when reader's studying. But sometimes they'll slip in their room just to observe them, maybe even begging them to come out so they'll study somewhere else.
They'll be very attentive towards the reader, making sure they're comfortable. Aemond would sometimes join, bringing his own book to read while the reader is slowly descending into madness. Aegon would tease or maybe disturb them, but not to an extreme one. Helaena would also be with the reader, maybe doing one of her stitching as she hums softly.
Jace would also join, maybe asking a few questions here and there; but he'll prioritize making sure the reader is comfortable. Luke and Joffrey would absolutely ruin readers focus, so Rhaenyra would tell them to wait after the reader done. Baela and Rhaena would sometimes join them, helping with materials and maybe making cute little notes.
All of the adults will be too busy to spend time, but they'll drop in occasionally to check up on the reader. All of them would tell them to rest well before the test, telling the reader good luck. Rhaenyra and Rhaenys will hug and kiss their forehead. Corlys will wish them luck, patting their head softly. Alicent and Otto would pray for them. Viserys would tell the reader if they fail that it's going to be alright, there's always more chances in life. While Daemon would straight up tell them to cheat if you need it.
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intotheelliwoods · 1 year
Woah lots of asks! Augh you guys got such good questions!
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That happened when Medium Leo was 26, and Big Leo 50! They got an extra 10 years after the movie to just, relax, honestly? Those were probably some of the best years of their lives
Then well, after that I think it only took about a month (as in they left a few days later after Raphs death to venture off to the horrors)
After that, 20 years of the newfound apocalypse, leaving Medium Leo at 46 when he gets sent back in time!
(and auguoahg ty wren you are amazing!)
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No he does not! Each timeline has its own goop fella, the one in the Krang timeline remained traped through the apocalypse and will probably never actually break free in that time-
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Yeah... :( Big Leo, the saddest character to ever exist. He tried his best he really did, but in the end though I dont think people will remember him for his failures. They will remember him for his kindness and effort
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Funny story, I do have a backstory for the guy in mind! A good one actually, I was going to make a comic for the backstory but I have no clue how to make it look visually? And I am also not sure if I am going to have the energy for it with everything else going on whoops, I might just type it out in text form by the end of the week to save my strength for everything else I need to draw aha...
But back to your first question, yes, they are intertwined! Very much so actually! The goop has a lot to do with the Krang and their similar trap!
As for your second ask here, nope! Well, yes and no? Hamatos are involved in the backstory but not involved in the freeing half- Anyways though, after that last update and the potential of some later nightmare sequences, that will be the last you see of the guy until the finale! In other words, not really any more lore for him! Again I have a backstory just not much energy to actually draw it! And by this point in time, the backstory is not even really spoilery, its just neat worldbuilding at this point :)
He/Him pronouns be good, or they, honestly the thing jsut has big he/they energy overall tbh
@amazing-captain-castiel (if I worded this weird I am so sorry, I answered your first question before going back realizing oh shoot you sent another ask aha-)
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Haha.. yeah.. yeah he does... (im so sorry, I would do something about this but I can barely keep track of 2 huggy leos)
Though in compensation he did have a relatively nice rest of life. This is also something I sooo wanted to make a comic for but I dont know if I will have the energy for it whoops
He found being in a apocalypse again relatively, surprisingly comforting. Felt like home, his old home, his first home, his own timeline. He thrived in this newfound worldly chaos for years until about 5 years before Medium Leo got sent back, where he ended up leaving the home base they set up with his mother, to explore what was left of the world before that was gone too. This was due to just some good deja vu but well, younger turtles, Medium Leo never stopped looking more and more like someone who would never come back so-
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yeah.... oops. But Sprout is alive and well🥺At least he will be well by the end of the series-
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<3 uhhhhhh oops <3
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Sweats, theres so much inspo pulled from FMA here my guy!
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rom-e-o · 6 months
✅Connie Turn Ons/Offs🚩
After yesterday's post about her chemistry with each Scrooge, I realized she has a lot of things she likes, as well as some icks, that I’ve never put to paper.
So, for another fun writing exercise:
(Info under cut, rated 16+ for innuendo and non-explicit sexual details)
Turn-Ons ✅
-Awkwardness. It’s her biggest green flag. Not that she doesn’t love a suave man, but a man who stumbles over his words a bit or blushes when he sees her, it MELTS her. Nobody pretends to be awkward (not usually, anyway) so she perceives someone as being more genuine if they stammer a bit or get tongue-tied.
-Suaveness. Both can exist in tandem, haha. Just like she finds awkwardness endearing, suaveness also sweeps her off her feet. Maybe it’s a smooth kiss, or seamlessly helping her avoid paparazzi, or maybe it’s flipping her over in bed like she is featherlight. That gets her going, for sure.
-Higher Libido. Connie herself has a below average libido. She definitely has one, but it’s not as pressing of a need for her to function. So, having a partner with a higher libido, or even an average one, kind of helps her feel a little more healthy about sex. It balances things out, so to speak. It stops things from feeling stagnant, for her. She finds it attractive when her partner pulls her aside and says, “I’m in the mood, and tonight, I want to be with you, if you’d like that too.”
-Touch. Connie’s love languages are touch and words of affirmation, so touch is big for her. Hugs, kisses, hand-holding, even her partner’s hand just lingering on her waist? She adores it. Even platonically, she’ll hug her friends, or kiss their hands during hard sobbing sessions. After Orin, it’s a little bit like trying to touch a wounded deer, but she relearns to trust and will SINK into an embrace like nobody’s business.
-Good Listening. Connie literally doesn’t care if someone is introverted or extroverted. Hell, she grew up with a talkative mother and a nonverbal father. It’s good listening that matters. She tries to do it, and if she sees her partner is giving her undivided attention and truly listening, she definitely notes it positively.
-Leadership. A partner to guides the way and paves a path for her will make her swoon. When she was a socialite in New York with Orin, she was tasked with always planning everything alone. Having someone that takes responsibility off her shoulders willingly, and gives her credit for all the work she does? It would move her to tears.
-Body Hair. Girl loves body hair on her partner. Not much else to say, haha. It also inspires her to no obsess over waxing and shaving twice a day, every day.
-Size. She honestly doesn’t care. Three inches or 10, she cares more about the visitor than the package they bring.
Turn-Offs 🚩
-Abusive Behavior. When she married Orin, she thought he was a loving, scrappy young man with a tenacity for life and a mind for finance. Instead, she got a controlling lunatic who used her for his own status elevation, and participated in a group assault on her on their wedding night. She was gaslit into thinking she ruined him, not that he was actively trying to ruin her for his own gain.
-Possessive Behavior. You know dirty talk that veers into, “I just want to lock you up and keep you to myself” or “I saw you talking to that other man - you’re mine, remember?” Nope. Noooope. Not for her. Even if it's roleplay.
-Public Grand Gestures in her Honor. So, Connie likes parties. Clubs. Dancing. She LOVES big events, like balls and galas. HOWEVER. She gets super uncomfortable when something huge and public is done FOR HER. Orin’s public proposal in a bar? No. A huge surprise party filled with people she doesn’t know? Super stressful. You want to erect a new library in her name? Please no, name it something more meaningful to the community. She doesn’t need the flattery from people she doesn’t know. You know in “The Little Mermaid” when Eric saw a statue of himself? Those vibes.
-Thinking Hygiene is Overrated. She is not a woman that’s impressed by “I use one bar of soap for everything”. Nope. If someone can’t take care of themselves and keep their body/living space clean and maintained, she’s not interested. She also isn’t deterred by partners who use a lot of beauty/hygiene products. She doesn’t find it weird or ‘too feminine’.
-Voyeurism. Especially nonconsensual voyeurism. She already deals with paparazzi and photogs enough. She doesn't want it in her private life.
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zootopiathingz · 9 months
I watched Zootopia like 6 months ago on a whim, and now the fixation is still hyper...ing.
Anyways, Judy and Nick are the best and deserve everything (I genuinely couldn't remember anyone else's names the first time I saw it) aaaaand yeah it's sad that the Fandom is basically nonexistent.
Actually, it's still going strong(?) on AO3 (i've made a few one-shots (shameless self promotion I'm Not_Quite_A_Moron there)) but still, kinda sucks.
Anyways, random headcanon time:
Nick has two moms (he doesn't have specific names for both of them, he just yells "MOM!" anytime he needs help)
Judy actually really likes eating meat, Nick just has to convince her to try it
Nick became really closed off and touch starved after the Junior Ranger Scouts incident, so now, he's a chronic cuddler (especially with Judy (which she loves))
Judy's on the autistic spectrum (she often stims by tapping her foot, and she likes to display affection via playful punches to the arm)
Judy was born on the same day that Nick got muzzled, as if the universe itself felt bad and said "here, have a rabbit" (definitely didn't steal this one from Tumblr nope certainly not)
Nick doesn't really like Gazelle's music, he's more of a rock kind of guy, but he'll stomach any song for Judy’s sake
Judy's asexual (Take one look at the nudist club scene and tell me she isn't at least demi)
Bestie I’d just like to say AAAAAAAAAA
Sorry, but I just got SO excited when I saw someone submitting headcanons! It’s been way too long since I’ve been able to have a good ol’ Zootopia discussion. Oh and I’ll certainly check out your fics! My user is Pixarpnflover so be on the look out for some kudos!✨
Anyway, I love the idea of Nick being raised by two moms! There was supposed to be a plotline about his dad—John Wilde, I believe was his name—but got scrapped along with a lot of other content. So until it’s actually mentioned in canon I’m choosing to believe his mom in the flashback was in fact a raging lesbian lmao🤷‍♀️ also would that make him a double mama’s boy?🤔
Ooo an herbivore converting to a meat diet? How intriguing! I like to think now that she lives in the city that Judy would be open to trying new foods, which would include poultry and fish. I can see her favoring sushi or even turkey.
Nick being openly affectionate after meeting Judy, and reserving most of that said affection for her? Hell yeah. He’s very unapologetic about it too. He’s waited far too long to share that amount of vulnerability and comfort with someone. No way he’s ever going to hold back🫂
Autistic Judy my beloved🙌🏻 You cannot convince me she’s even a little bit neurotypical, I will not believe you lol. I love that her natural rabbit behavior could actually be interpreted as stimming!
Dude, I have believed this headcanon for so long!! The second I found out their age difference, I just knew there had to be some kind of coincidence going on there. I mean, Nick could’ve just said “when I was a kid” when beginning the story, but instead he specified his age (or an estimate, at least) and I think that a choice on the writers’ part. Anyway, I’m a big believer in fate/soulmates, so even just the idea of Judy being born, destined to cross paths with Nick someday to heal his childhood trauma and make his life better, just melts my heart❤️😭
Haha yeah, you can tell the concert at the credits that Nick was only there for Judy😆 Not to say he wasn’t enjoying himself, he just wasn’t nearly as enthusiastic as everyone else. But ya know, the things ya do for your girlfriend!😋 I can also imagine Judy listening to music she doesn’t necessarily enjoy either. A certain loud rock song starts playing on the radio and before she can even think about changing the station, Nick goes “oh I like this one!” And so she smiles and suffers through it. She may even end up liking it anyway!😌
As for this last one, I kinda have to disagree. Not to say she isn’t ace or demi, and no hate to anyone who shares this opinion! But idk, to me I don’t think someone not wanting to see a bunch of people walking around ass-naked makes them ace or a prude (which I’ve seen some fanfics try to claim her to be?) I mean, I’m horny asf and I’d be just as uncomfortable walking around a nudist club😆😅
…I never thought I’d type a sentence like that lol
Anyway, thanks for sharing these! I sure hope the fandom comes back someday, but in the meantime I’ll be here waiting and open to exchanging more headcanons! :3
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found-wings · 1 year
see like a dumbass I thought I could handle the angst but the SECOND you added phil begging Specifically for fit, forever, or etoiles is when I went nope nope can't do this anymore- calling out for the people who were always there for him in his worst times in the island. especially for someone like phil who canonically bottles up all his emotions and let's everything fester without wanting help from anyone else; calling to his friends for comfort. it'd hurt even more if after one of these trips, even if he can barely remember what's happened as he stumbles out the federation-sanctioned building, the first thing he does is check who's around and to warp to their waystone for help. if it had been a normal day, he'd isolate at home and tough out this pain himself, but just this once he lets himself have this, have a single moment of indulgence where he allows himself to find someone for comfort. whether that be going straight to forevers megabase for safety in the home's owner and his many basements and reinforced bunkers, going to etoiles half-built house with the hope that he'll be in there in between explorations in search for protection against any workers who may decide that they weren't finished yet, or to fit's base for the man's familiarity and connection with someone he trusted with his life and family before the children had been ripped from his grasp.
(haha point and laugh at the man who is often seen as more of a loner having FRIENDS and BESTIES and FAMILY and CONNECTIONS HA LAUGHING AND POINTING this is me coping with him supressing his emotions in canon GO TO YOUR FRIENDS FOR HELP‼️‼️) - 💿
He needs to learn it’s okay to indulge in the safety of your friends and family!!!! I will rattle this man to let himself be vulnerable to his besties sooner than later!! And breaking down & cracking when it all is too much!!!
( Phil in this au pains me so much and I‘m the reason for the pain. But I can‘t stop AJKAJA )
Gods just imagine Phil finally letting himself indulge in that safety and comfort instead of letting it build up. Instead of going back to his own abandoned home, instead of isolating himself until he cracks and attempts to go back so they others need to stop him - he goes.
He goes and warps to the home of one of his friends, looking and quietly hoping for them to be home right now and as soon as he gets close - let himself stumble into the arms of his friends.
He doesn‘t want to go back to an empty house again, he just wants to feel safe for at least a little while in the arms of his friends. Whether that means searching for that familiarity of Fit, the protection of Etoiles or the soothing safety of Forever.
On an extra note :
Y’know the mention of the room for Phil? Similar to how the whole Egg Hotel works but for Phil.
Imagine Phil asking for people like Fit, Forever, eventually Missa, Tubbo and Etoiles, etc. to help him decorate it. He knows the others can‘t constantly be there for him and he needs to start managing himself somehow, so the next best thing for him is creating his own safespace - taking what he felt like was a prison and adding things that reminds him of his closest people. Making it feel lived in, feel like a shared home.
Time to go pass out AJAJJA
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lightlycareless · 2 years
period care with naoya?
Hello again!! Thank you for sending in another ask 🥰❤
Ok so, this is something that I've been thinking about (because... you know, it's a scene happening in my fic haha) and because I'm on my period too, so this is turning somewhat self indulgent.
Now, do I think Naoya would be attentive? All over ya when he notices you're on your period?
Nope. I don't think so. At least at the beggining—He'll probably learn about it from the servants, your direct staff, after noticing your absence.
The way he react to it is so childish, he'd be upset, because it means you'll be locked away in your room for god knows how long, and all thanks of Zen'in procedures (and your ladies-in-waiting being like, nope, get this obnoxious man out of your mistress' presence, he's only going to stress her more) meaning that he won't see you—kind of when your best friend didn't go to school because they were sick that day; instead of worrying for you lol.
However, Naoya will quickly remember that he's the heir of the clan, and rules bend to his will, so after a few hours of begrudgingly accepting your situation, he'll make way to your room.
He'll find you lying on your bed, somewhat conscious, somewhat wanting to go to sleep. And he won't know what to do lol—all that he knows is to keep away but... he can't do that with his wife.
In efforts to ease the nerve wreck he'd become upon seeing you in that state, he'd try to strike casual conversation, topic: your period. Naoya would comment on the things he knows, such as how sensitive women become because of their hormones, the pain that's supposed to plague you and whatnot.
He'll think that he's being... well, supportive, by showing that he knows what's going on (and perhaps even attempt to reassure you that you'll be fine condescendingly may I add), but the moment your answer comes out as a simple groan, glancing away, not even entertaining his conversation... Naoya will know that this is more serious than he initially believed.
This is when he'll start feeling guilty, and will actually try to spend more time with you :> He'll ask your staff if there's anything else that they can do to make things easier on you, to which they'll be annoyed by because it's not like his family is micromanaging everything but ok.
From there, he'll hound the servants, ordering them to give him the medicine, food, whatever it is that you need, so he can supply it to you personally. You'd be taken aback by it, but at the end... you'll start accepting his presence, like it or not, he makes your situation a bit more tolerable—this forced isolation was something that you never liked, since it only made the evident more obvious. However, you wouldn't complain that much, being away from the insufferable members of the clan was good.
Nonetheless... when Naoya began to show up, and somewhat... decently, the perception of your husband... began to change.
Your favorite part of his visits soon became when he began to share details of his missions. Because of his rank, he gets assigned pretty dangerous missions, and you just love to hear the trouble he got himself into—and how he got out of it.
And if he doesn't have anything else to do... you two might end up watching anime for the rest of the day :> He'd set everything in your individual room, you just lay back and enjoy the show.
To end up in an off-putting way, Naoya might start liking the time when you get your period, at least this way, you won't be able to fight him off lol (He just wants to spend time with you without feeling you're being forced to it) However... you do like how he attempts to pamper you.
Or the way he spoke to you, softly, showing his worries for you and your pain, but being happy with your improvement as well, when he thought you were asleep.
Yet, you didn't notice when he kissed your forehead before leaving 😭
Ahhh I think this experience will certain soften him up :> menstruation and what not always seemed to be something so distant to him, and he didn't really get involved—that is, until you came along. Y/N out there changing lives.
Once more, thank you for sending in this ask 🥰 I can't write more of this specifically in my fic in the future hahahahah!!
Take care! Hope to see you soon ❤ And have a wonderful week.
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angelosearch · 7 months
Once you get this, you have to say five things you like about yourself, publicly. Then you have to send this to ten of your favourite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool~) 🌈🌈
First off, thanks for this! ❤️ yaaaay an ask game!!!
Second... OH MY GOD five things Iike about myself?! This is going to be hard. But my therapist would be so happy to know I've been given this challenge, haha.
And of course, I have to provide details and addendums to these because I have to treat everything like a personal essay. Ugh.
I am a loud cringe nerd
I have fun facts for days, if not weeks
Music is my religion
I bet I can make you laugh
I understand my narrative
Longer answers under the cut.
I am not afraid to show enthusiasm/honesty and be loud. You know the part of your brain that tells you to not do embarrassing/cringe/over-the-top-thing before you do it? I am not going to try and diagnose it but that literally does not exist for me. I will sing along loudly to songs in public; I am the person at a wedding who never leaves the dancefloor; I dress in bright colors and wear the weirdest prints; I will laugh or cry uncontrollably if the moment calls for it. I am incapable of holding back positivity and excitement. I will gush about how great something or someone is. If I like your shoes, I am 100% going to tell you, no fear. All of this can make life really fun. It attracts people with good energy into my orbit. It makes me feel like the last thing I am is boring - but I also go home and regret every minute of it because of the second-hand embarrassment later. Somehow all these things are wrong to do in my head (even though I am never moved like this by negativity, fear, or hate), yet I cannot stop myself from doing them. I loathe that I am a book with a broken spine that cannot stay closed. I hate every inch of space I take up. I cannot stop being vulnerable which is great for therapy but not so great for being a normal, functioning adult. I fear sometimes that people think that I believe my thoughts are all-important because I share them all. Nope. I just literally have no choice in the matter. The thoughts and actions pop into my head and they must be heard/done.
I am an endless fountain of "fun" facts because I am interested in a lot of stuff and love to learn. I think "did you know that..." is my most used phase. If I have a fun fact on a subject, you will know (it's something else I feel I have no control over). My hand will be up if I don't just blurt it out. And I am always rolling them up in my Katamari-Ball brain, listening to podcasts, reading articles, watching documentaries, and other videos. I remember these weird fringe things but then I will forget your name and your job. Don't tell me what you're into because I AM going to do a deep dive and suddenly be an expert in it. Tbh it's a great skill for a writer, but I am pretty sure it annoys people around me. Especially when all the fun facts are related to whatever I am obsessed with at the moment. You'll never guess what I have way too many fun facts about right now.
I connect with music, so strongly it's almost spiritual. Singing and listening to music have always been my go-to coping skills. I learned to drive very late in life (at 30 - but that is a story for another day) and at first I was a horribly anxious driver. But once I realized my car could become my little mobile box of music where I could just belt it out 24/7, I learned to love driving. Lyrics help me understand the prism of my experience and others. I love when songs make me dance, or cry, or give me goosebumps. My shower is my favorite place in my new house because of the great acoustics; plus, there is enough space to pull off an entire shower concert, complete with choreography. Concerts and karaoke make me feel like I am connected to the universe and everyone in the venue. I love my taste in music, which sounds weird, but I am just so proud of my eclectic taste. Also! I am mad skilled at identifying songs and artists and samples, probably because I have listened to so. Much. Music. The downside to this one is that I emotionally connect so thoroughly with every song that I enjoy that a bad association will make the song/artist or even the genre unbearable to listen to (see: country music). Also, some people in my life don't understand why I prioritize concerts so highly and are very critical of me for it. I can't help that a concert is the closest thing I have to a church!
I have a great sense of humor (or at least I think so). If you have followed me for more than two seconds, you have probably figured out that I am constantly attempting (and hopefully succeeding?) to be funny. I try VERY HARD to make people laugh. If you were to talk to me in real life, you'd quickly discover that I would come up with puns in our conversation like we're having a funny rap battle. My favorite tools are wordplay and re-contextualization but I also have quote upon quote and will use physical humor, too. The good thing is that I can make myself laugh, for sure. Like I said yesterday, I embody Chrysippus. A lot of comedians claim their jokes are hiding pain. I've recently realized that I use my humor a little differently--since my social anxiety has convinced me that no one in the world wants anything to do with me at any given moment, I use my jokes as sort of a litmus test. If you're laughing, there is a very strong chance that you don't actively hate me at that very moment. I think this strategy probably annoys people and probably comes off at inappropriate. Don't bring me to a funeral.
I can contextualize my personal story. Somewhere between taking autobiography/memoir and essay classes in college and over a decade of therapy, I've become exquisitely good at taking an event in my life or facet of my personality and placing it in the context of my life. Does that make sense? Like in high school English class I took so much joy out of reading a novel and analyzing character motivations and author intent and "why is the wallpaper yellow." I am still very good at reading something and identifying symbolism, but now I mostly use this same skill to look back at the story of my life and find patterns and connections. I think this will help me as an Art Therapist, and, if my personal essays and posts are actually any good, then it is helping me as a writer as well. But this is a double-edged sword in therapy. It means I can sit in the chair and practically therapize myself. But lives are not novels. We are not characters. Sometimes the wallpaper is just yellow. My over-cerebral approach to my understanding of self makes me come off as "not sick enough" in some settings--I've been told by peers and staff many times while in treatment, "Why are you here? You seem fine!" Well, the truth is, just because you understand why the monster is in the book, you can't always outrun it. Sure, it can help to know where the monster came from and why he's chasing you, but if you get too caught up in that it may slow you down. Or you will run the wrong way because you are so sure you understand him. Or you will run so well that no one will notice you are running at all.
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i-sveikata · 7 months
Hellooooo! Wow! How are you?
I dropped by cause I was reading through the anons' question and the answers and then reading about pete getting really angry at vegas that he goes to mess around with a stranger and planning it in a way that vegas is there to be the 3rd wheel caught my attention. I'm so excited about it!!!!!!!!! 😁😁😁 I distinctly remember wanting if not a chapter at least a scene where this exact scenario happens, in the chapter when pete reveals what's going on to porsche after pete comes back from the safe house, porsche is telling pete "he (vegas) is not the only person who can give pete what he wants" or something along these lines and pete refusing because it will end up in someone's murder 😅 I really needed this specific scenario and my wish will come true ❤️❤️❤️ it feels so satisfying just reading the outline of the scene I will probably go insane and feral actually reading it, I'm just rambling so I will finish this with a big thank you!!!
Hello there i'm good how are you?
ooooooooooh yes the narrative is allowed some vindictive pete as a treat. he is absolutely going to lose his cool when vegas acts like a total shit about petes desire to bottom when he finally works up the nerve to approach him about it. because vegas was certain hed ask for it eventually and (even tho hes right) pete is going to make vegas SUFFER for it lol which after everything petes been through- totally fair.
the dude should have kept his mouth shut esp when his arrogance is a huge factor that sets pete off without fail most of the time. so even with pete having little to no interest in anyone else it makes him angry enough to go out looking for it!!! knowing that vegas will follow!!! and that it's going to make vegas insane to find him with someone else!!! petes like nope i have Something To Prove Now and it might not end in the point hes intending to make but for the both of them its a much needed catalyst to push through one of the last barriers keeping them from each other. preventing them from fully embracing their feelings/ sense of commitment etc.
so there will be a knife, there will be some blood but (fortunately for the random stranger) there wont be murder. tho pete has to actively convince vegas not to lol. not that it takes much when they're otherwise occupied immediately afterward...
poor stranger dude is gonna be traumatised for life lets be real.
but im so glad your wish has come true!!! haha no not at all we love insane and feral and also rambling but youre so welcome!
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bentosandbox · 2 years
better late than never amirite
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i think i haven't posted july (cause I thought global would have released TBC by now...) or october (commission) on here/twitter hopefully i remember to sometime this year
bonus chen edition because well i guess she is my cringefail girlboss blorbo
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bonus chenswire edition
bonus bonus extremely boring stuff
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films i watched in 2022 (tragedy of macbeth out of picture because it was on the next row)
top 10 (in watched order not a 1-10 ranking)
Marketa Lazarova (1967) Friend was streaming it, liked the script so much I asked my friend for the srt file after Everything Everywhere All At Once (2022) Rocks Petite Maman (2021) Personal Attack Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (2000) :) My Life as a Zucchini (2016) Celine Sciamma truly don't miss Saturday Fiction (2019) It's not a 5/5 movie but...the soul... the period noir... Nope (2022) The Spectacle dot jpg Hands Over The City (1963) yes i watched this just before il siracusano Decision To Leave (2022) yuriyaoi straight romance can't elaborate Puss In Boots (2022) i'm so glad i didn't watch this as a kid i would have nightmares, but as an adult i got to see my traumas on the big screen yippee!!!
missed a local screening of My Broken Mariko because it only happened for ONE DAY fucking insane (I recommend reading the original manga it's so good)
Speaking of books hmm
Swordspoint yuriyaoi... Invisible Ink reread. and I think I need to reread again Fire & Blood read it after watching hotd ep 1 pretty good series btw dare i say even ...the best on-screen yaoiyuri of the year... Eagle Shooting/Condor Heroes Book 1 Not bad Water Margin Didn't I write a angry rant on this. rite of passage i guess...... How to Keep House While Drowning its funny because i WILL do chores......still good though What My Bones Know - insane how trauma can be so isolating yet universal lol A Wizard of Earthsea if only i read this instead of harry potter back then lmao wow
you can now basically psychoanalyse my issues from the last three books I think
Uhhhhhhh what else am I missing - oh yeah I did 3 gamejams this year (Art/Design and a liiiiiitle bit of trying to do the UI in Unity myself instead of giving the pngs to my friends)
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my abysmal steam stats told me i only played 5 games this year so I need to get back my gamer license, backlog is like 75% VNs though what's up with that (there's only 4 games but. well)
had a really long blogpost (basically a 'look at all the things you did this year you didnt waste it' thing thus the above lists) but i think i'll just keep it to my notion notes lest this post becomes a traumadumping ground ecks dee tl;dr failed a Very Important (to me) Thing early 2022 that kind of shattered any crumb of self-esteem i had and made me question everything i did onwards (especially in regards to doujin stuff) and then basically physical health issues affecting mental health and vice versa which is fun but fuck it we ball.....(try)
don't really have any solid 'resolutions' (that i would remember to do) other than to 'live' more than just 'survive' as edgy as that sounds 🥴oh wait oc zine yea yea and go into illustration full time h-haha........... should really get around to making a patreon/fanbox but i really hate the idea of paywalling
also signed up for a AK doujin event in Nagoya in March so I now have a very heavy motivation to finish the second half of my LGD doujin and hopefully I get to table at AX too dot dot dot
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shellshocklove · 8 months
I swear, if Joel comes along with a “I was thinking of you the whole time!” I am actually going to push him off a building or something lmao!
I am very curious to see what happens next! Especially with you saying it’s going to get worse… I don’t think Joel is really realising something is wrong rn and the reader seemed very resigned at the end there which scares me a bit! I definitely wouldn’t blame her for ending things with him rn or even leaving her job or something like that. (I would absolutely not be okay or willing to watch my boy-something have sex with another woman, even if it’s for porn. Like nope, I’m outta here! Even though he was so sweet in the first chapter, he’s being real stupid right now. With Tess I feel like it was different because nothing happened between them yet. They definitely should’ve talked properly after the time they spend together. Especially with the reader being kinda inexperienced/a bit innocent and definitely insecure, I feel like it should’ve been obvious that watching him with another woman after everything probably wouldn’t have been the greatest thing for her. Joel being a bit of an oblivious idiot haha! And I also felt for her when she was just kinda downgraded to getting coffee and then pushed aside for Cheryl. And then also, Joel “using” her to get hard and then get sucked off by another woman?!! Just man, poor girl. Overall, it’s a very unfortunate situation that definitely hit her deeply and I can see her spiralling now. I’m so glad to read that they will have a happy ending and I’m excited to see how exactly that will happen! I remember reading the first part when it first came out and I think it’s really cool you’re continuing it!)
Sorry for the rant lmao! You’re a great writer! Can’t wait for more 🥰
don't ever apologize for ranting!! i love it and it makes me all 🥺
gonna put this under a cut bc it's a little long:
in the moment after the porn scene ended he probably doesn't understand that something's wrong, but he is not oblivious. you bring up a very good and interesting point tho, which is what drew me to the whole fic in the first place, or at least the continuation of it: would you be okay with your boyfriend fucking someone else? even if it was for work?
i also think it's especially interesting in the time period it's set where women are being liberated, but there is still so much misogyny. sex is taboo but it's also in everything we sell. you're supposed to be sexy but not a whore, and if you're not sexual you're a prude, right? then suddenly she's welcomed into this world where the attitude towards it are much more relaxed (and maybe it's a little liberating?), and that's what's normal for joel, but it's definitely not for her. she's carrying a lot of guilt and shame, and that's not easy to shake.
joel is older and more experienced, but he also said he doesn't seek out sex outside work. i'm sure this is all confusing to him as well. they have this already established professional relationship– which she kinda hammers down on. so how do you navigate that? especially since it's so fresh. their new relationship not even a week old. are we giving them too much credit thinking they're brave enough to have the 'what are we' conversation yet?
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