#but yeah!!! give me your thoughts pwease :pleading:
yay new event
a trey love request pls :
hello trey-boo <3 you know we have valentines day today right
you are in every way perfect and I cannot have anyone stealing my picture book perfect boyfriend from me eveeeer so I got you this for valentines <3 *gets out marriage contract* go on love of my life write down your name and grant me with a life supply of your baked godly goods tehehe~ <3
.... yes I lost a bet... *whispers* yes it's Ace... Sorry Sir...
I swear to Michard 😩 Trey prompts have so much potential for fun awkwardness… Love it 💕
Sweet on You.
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Well, that’s a new one.
He blinked, cautiously eyeing you as you sauntered over to him, hands folded behind your back. Between you, his younger siblings, and Heartslabyul, Trey had always thought he’d get accustomed to high-octane antics—alas, here came another curveball, courtesy of his significant other.
“Yeah, I know the date.” He cocked an eyebrow. “… Is there something you want to tell me?”
You let loose a torrent of mushy praise, whipping out a piece of parchment paper and waving it in his face. Singing of his perfection and even more perfect baked goods, you urged him to sign, your eyes large and pleading.
Trey startled, setting his glasses askew. The honeyed drawl and the sprinkle of a giggle on top was, perhaps, a little too much for his brain to comprehend at once.
“Ahahah…” He readjusted his frames, a pithy laugh at his mouth as he tried to collect his thoughts. “I see that you’re taking a page out of Azul’s book. Maybe a little too much of it.
“… So, what’s this really about?”
You glanced at the ground, shyly kicking it. The confession slipped through your lips before you had even realized it—you were so honest with Trey, so comforted by his presence. It was only natural to spill your heart out to him.
He nodded understandingly. “Ah, I thought something was up. You know, you really shouldn’t let Ace bait you into these dares and bets. It always ends up badly for one of you—or worse, for both of you.”
Wise words from a wise man.
… Too bad you weren’t so wise.
You pouted, your brows turning up and your eyes starting to water. “Pwetty pwease, Twey-senpai?”
“Aw, don’t look at me like that. It’s not fair,” he sighed—though his tired tone tinged with his own brand of playfulness. “How can I say ‘no’ to that face? Sure, I’ll sign for you if that’s what makes you happy.”
It took but a moment for Trey to scrawl his name on the dotted line. You furled the paper back up and pumped your fist triumphantly. Victory tasted as sweet as one of his cupcakes--but even sweeter would be Ace's shocked expression when you rubbed it in his face later.
"Alright, alright, settle down." Trey's hand coming down upon your head and giving your hair a good ruffle. "I know I just signed my soul away to you and all, but you really don't need a contract to lock me down. You call, and I'll come running."
Your cheeks warmed at his promise. Perhaps you'd have said something just as charming and sincere, had the growl of your stomach not cut you off.
Trey laughed lightly. "Come on, I have a cake cooling in the kitchen. You can help me frost and decorate it, and then we can cut you a slice. Gotta make use of my perks and get some of those 'baked godly goods', right?"
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feastfic · 3 years
On my computer right now and I just spent like, I think maybe only an hour on this??? 
But hi!!! I wrote a thing! And I really want to say things about what inspired me to do this and why I thought of this, so if you wanna know please lmk! (Please I really wanna talk about this AU digjasobjn)
So since this took less than an hour and it’s currently almost two in the morning for me (and I took my sleeping meds) this is probably rushed and doesn’t have as much going for it as I wanted, so please keep that in mind!
This will be under the cut for spoilers, and tw in advance for implied/mentioned murder. Also wildly out of character behavior but it makes sense in the context of the AU I promise; but enough of me going on. Here it is!
He was just… mad these days. Well, not mad. But certainly unhappy. Upset, maybe, was the best word to use.
Ever since he and the rest of Team Snakemouth left the Swamps, he seemed a different bug. Ever since he’d killed The Beast- a rightful act of revenge, of vengeance for his previous friends- he was bitter.
He didn’t even quite know why he felt this way. Kabbu couldn’t tell if it was a new onset grief for losing his team, rage at The Beast, fear of losing the people he currently cared about. There was so much to feel about, and not enough of him to contain all of these feelings.
So he just decided not to contain it. Not around Leif or Vi, of course. There was no way he’d expressly show them how he felt. Not when these feelings were so destructive, so unlike how he normally was. Kabbu was not a bug to hate easily or quickly. But he had a feeling that that was what was going on. He hated- no, loathed; utterly despised this feeling. He wanted, needed to take it out somehow.
He didn’t seem to care about much anymore. His fighting skill wasn’t any better or worse off, but both Leif and Vi knew something was up. Other bugs that the team had previously encountered also could tell very easily that something was up with the typically gentle beetle.
Where he was once careful in battle, he was no longer. His caution was thrown to the wind, it felt like. More nicks and scratches collected themselves on his body, not out of the battles he’d won, but just out of his lack of self-preservation.
“What is up with you lately?” Vi popped the question as they took residence in the hotel underneath the termites’ dome. “Ever since we left that swamp you’ve been acting all weird.” Even her normally sarcastic tone was tinged with real and genuine concern. Not that she’d ever say that she cared any time soon, of course.
Kabbu gave her a side-eyed look, his arms held crossed as he leaned forward on the leaf bed he got when the room was rented out. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He stated bluntly, his gaze focusing on the bee on the bed right across from him. Behind her was Leif, silently watching the two of them talk. The moth had gotten quieter since the swamps, too.
“You’ve been all… all- I don’t know! You just haven’t been yourself and there’s no reason for it, Kabbu!”
“We agree with Vi. You’ve had a big change in character.” Leif said, quiet but as direct as ever.
With both of them on his case, there wasn’t a lot that Kabbu could say. He didn’t want their sympathy, he didn’t want them worrying about him. How could he ever tell them that he didn’t know if he even wanted to be part of the team anymore? Well, he didn’t have to. And, well… he could always just leave out of nowhere. Not that he was thinking of doing that.
He waited until the lights of the dome dimmed- the termites were going to rest as well now. To his side, he heard Vi’s soft snoring, but had to sit to make sure Leif was asleep too. It was a good thing he was, or else this would get awkward and stressful fast. 
There was nothing he chose to bring along. Except for the explorer badge that he and Vi got on their first day as an official team. It’d be only Vi now, but she had Leif. They’d be like every other team- a party of two, instead of their devious three. And that was it- he was never the item carrier; the bag with all of their things always went to Vi, where she’d protect their belongings as valiantly as she could. So the badge was just another thing that she’d keep.
Well, that was basically it now. Bringing along nothing with his person, Kabbu slipped out of the room in silence. He took the elevator back down to the ground floor, leaving for the great doors that had welcomed him into the dome just yesterday. The guards there of course asked him about his intentions and why he was leaving- alone especially- but he just coated his answer with a white lie.
“I’m only going to take the ant tunnel. It isn’t far from these gates.”
The two termites glanced at each other, their antennae twitching between one another like they were exchanging a telepathic message.
“Well,” one began, before letting out a sigh; “alright, but just go to that tunnel, alright? We don’t need any of those Farland beasts coming through. I’m sure you understand.”
“I do; don’t you worry.” 
The other guard worked the mechanism that opened the gate. Not all the way, only just enough to let Kabbu step through. When he entered the foggy abyss of the Forsaken Lands, the gate clanked shut behind him not long after. He nearly disappeared into the pressing grey surrounding him, so much so that he could barely even see the two termites standing watch outside their kingdom. That was certainly a good thing for him, at least.
He wasn’t going to the tunnels. What he needed was time to himself. Figure out what he was going to do now. Because leaving the team was sort of a big deal, even if he’d been considering it for a while. 
In theory he could join something like the bandits, or stake off for himself somewhere out in the wilds. No, the bandit idea wouldn’t work- they’d recognize him, even if that Astotheles character gave them heed about his defeat to Team Snakemouth before his disappearance. And while he could just live off in nowhere, that wasn’t the life he wanted to live now.
What he wanted was to make a big change. Something that’d get the attention of everyone. With the Wasp King being under high pursuits and being a bigger threat, he could get away with many more things. But what? What was there that he could do? He just wanted to break something, really. He wanted to do something to take out the way he felt so crushed about everything that happened in the swampy grasslands. Let everyone know what The Beast did to him.
By doing the same thing to everyone else. 
He looked down at his carapace in the deep fog, turning over his arms to look at all of the scratches that would remain on him either until he died, or until his next molt. But he was an aged man- he hadn’t molted in forever; not since he was much younger. These scars might as well be permanent, then. All of these would bear witness to whatever he decided on doing.
Oh, did he know it was wrong. He hated himself for it. Hurting innocent bugs was still something he didn’t want to do from the bottom of his heart. It wasn’t that he felt that it was all he could do though, but it was the thing he wanted to do most. He was scared. Both of the possibility of his actions, himself, and if he’d be caught. 
It was what he was going to make everyone else feel.
The same suffocating, horrible, gut-wrenching fear he once felt.
If he couldn’t bring himself to be the grand hero that everyone held Team Snakemouth up to be, then he simply wouldn’t. He was no team leader, he was no Green Ranger. He was Kabbu, damned.
If he was so sure of this course of action, he’d become someone like who he was once fighting against. 
The wasps were the enemy, or perhaps once were. He’d start there. Keep the pretense of doing good.
Those troopers wouldn’t know what hit them, or any of the other damned… things he’d sparred with. 
Oh, no. He wasn’t going to stop there. He just needed a gateway. Surely he wouldn’t feel bad about hurting a few of those folk. He’d work his way up; he just needed a way to get his initial anger out is all. It just so happened that a certain kingdom worked in his favor as a target.
He’d go from revered to hated, to where bugs would fear to speak his name for the things he’d done. Where exterminating a few wasps would first be looked up upon by other kingdoms, when the numbers began stacking higher and higher concerns would rise. Nobody would know it was him, not for a very, very long time.
From hero, to anti-hero, to villain.
He’d be a bad guy if it meant he didn’t have to live in guilt and sorrow for his own past. 
Only he mattered to himself now, and he was going to make sure that nobody got in his way or tried to change this path he was choosing. 
He walked further in the fog, until all he could make out of his surroundings were the cracks in the rock beneath his feet. This would be a long path for himself. 
Many countless nights full of himself hating himself, nights where he thought this was the best idea he’d ever had. Nights where he cried, where he laughed to himself. Going from his past self to whatever he’d be called was nothing easy.
But time passed. Days turned to weeks, which turned to months. He was only a fraction of his former self. Down the line he’d forgotten most of what inspired him to go on this outburst, but there was no turning back now. He’d abandoned his humanity just a month ago- these past thirty days were the easiest he’d had in what felt like years. 
And there was no telltale signs about Leif or Vi ever since he left. He’d heard of the talk when he first left; he entered towns from time to time cloaked in leaves and scraps of fabric bugs left about, shielding himself from observant eyes. People wondered what could’ve possibly happened.
They weren’t finding out any time soon.
At least, not from him. He was a little busy with… other things.
Which reminded him, as he sat alone in a small pub off the center of Defiant Root. The bar was a common ground for other bugs in shady business, so Kabbu fit right in. Ironic. But that was besides the point.
He didn’t like calling his craft murder. Nor assassination, or anything like that. But terms meant nothing when anyone else would know what it was called. What he was doing was never anything he’d thought he’d be able to do, but as it turned out, dealing with crippling survivor’s guilt and other feelings for so long made you numbed out to such things like death.
There was no joy out of it, but he didn’t do it just to do it. There was still the motive of fearmongering. He just didn’t know how far he’d take it.
Well, he’d find out in a week.
Because on his marks right now was a certain general. That’d surely get people to talk.
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moemoemammon · 3 years
yay! requests are open! y'know that thing where the s/o being so weak for their partner? I wanted to request the demon bros being weak for their s/o? does that make sense?
like, for example, MC would pout a little, and say 'pwease 🥺' and the demon bros would be like, 'yes, go on, what do you want from me? would you like my-' they'd just be so weak for mc.
I hope that makes sense! also, if it's too much characters, you can just do mammon and satan :) thank you ;3
Their One Weakness: MC!
(Feat. GN!MC and the Demon Bros)
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Lucifer is known as the cruel eldest of the brothers. A sadist whose word is law, whose will can only be bent by Lord Diavolo himself. And yet since you came to the Devildom, all you ever seemed to do was the opposite of what he asked. Yet he still came to love you. He wonders if he spoils you too much...
Especially when you always seem to get your way one way or another. When you proposed the chaotic idea of a massive get together between the House of Lamentation and Purgatory Hall, Lucifer immediately said no. It’d be way too noisy and he had things to do.
But THEN... You fixed him with those damn EYES of yours.... The big eyes filled with sparkles and hopes that pleaded to him.... stop staring at him with them big ol eyes-
Lucifer REFUSES to acknowledge how cute you are when you look at him like that. Well, verbally anyway. You look like a kicked puppy...and he loves puppies...
"............I suppose if we prepare right now and get a dinner menu ready, it could be possible. And if you pout any harder you might pull a muscle, and I doubt I could explain that to Lord Diavolo. Now, go tell the others what you have planned."
Mammon is practically the biggest MC simp in the world. You always occupy his thoughts any time of the day. 'Oh, MC would probably like one of these'. 'MC's always eatin' this for lunch. I'll grab one.' 'This would be way less borin' if MC were around...'
But as the Tsundere 🤢 king of the Devildom, there's no way he'll admit to any of that! So what if he's head over heels for you?! That doesn't mean he's gonna be all weak in the knees the moment you-
Wait, you're saying that because he lost a bet yesterday and promised he'd take you out to Ristorante Six and pay for the whole thing, now he's gotta pay up?!?! No way! He doesn't remember what you're talking about, and that voice recording you've got on your phone is clearly fake!
Mammon's dead set on weaseling out of his promise, until you freeze him in place with your pouty face... then you hit him with a "please..?" and the Avatar of Greed swears he might die right then and there.
"Tch..! Damn it, I ain't got a choice when ya look at me like that!!! What're ya playin' at, pulling' my heartstrings like that?! Hurry up and get dressed so we can go! A-and ya better eat your fill, too!"
The founder of the top secret MC Cult Fanclub, there's not much that could keep Levi from becoming putty in your hands. He's used to idolizing the objects of his affection, and you're no exception!
So when it comes to bending to your will, he's definitely the easiest. Except when it comes to n-...normie stuff...
Seriously, do you think someone like HIM should be going to The Fall?!?! No way! Not in a million, billion, trillion years!!!! You shouldn't get him to go to that crowded club even if you dragged him there!!!
Then... you hit him with the cute act... You declare your loyalty to him as his beloved Henry, fixing him with a pleading look that shoots him straight through the heart, and... GAH, HE'S GOT NO CHOICE!!!!!
"At... at least help me choose something to wear..! I don't know how I'm supposed to dress for normie stuff like this!!! Aaah... I wanna stay home, b-but when you say something like that, I just can't win-!"
Satan openly admits to how he likes to spoil you. It's cute seeing how big your grin becomes when he gives you something you wanted, and how happy you are when he takes you out for the evening.
But there are some things even he doesn't want to do, like when you suggest going to a chess tournament with Lucifer. You've been pressured by Lucifer wanting to attend, but figured it'd be easier to sit through with someone else. So why not Satan, who'd mentioned liking chess?
Yeah... he'd go if Lucifer weren't involved. As much as he'd love to go and pull some strings to ruin the match for the dear eldest, he's got something else planned involving a well timed glue bomb and Lucifer's study. So he'll pass.
Or so he thought, until you started poking your fingers together and mentioned how you'd hoped you could both enjoy it together. Kind of like a date..? Gah, his heart and its weakness for unconventional dates-!!!!
"...I... suppose I could go. It’d be nice to study how Lucifer plays, so I can finally beat him. Don't you think the look on his face will be priceless? And if you're there as well, I'll be able to stomach watching his face for an hour."
Asmo LOVES you more than aaanyone!! There's no one who loves you more, you know? Why, he wants to involve you in every aspect of his life, and actively tries to do just that! He's even tried dragging you into the tub with him a few times...
And when it comes to spoiling you, he loves it! He's always the one being spoiled, so it makes him giddy when he can give a little back. If there's anything you want from him, just tell him and he'll make it happen!
Eh? You want to play fangol? With HIM?? Um... pass. You know he just got his nails done, right? Asmo's not really a fan of running around with a ball and getting knocked to the ground, so... no thanks! ❤️
Wait, don't make that face! What're you looking so glum for?? He'll kiss your sadness away, and- Eh?! You don't want a kiss?? You really wanna play THAT badly?????
"....You really don't have me mistaken for Beel, right..? You really want to play with ME? ...Haaaah, fine! I'll play one game with you, and in exchange, you have to spend all of tomorrow with moi! Sounds good, right~? Now let me see if Satan will let me borrow some of his clothes...urgh..."
As a 'go with the flow' guy, there's not much Beel won't do with you, even if it's not really something he's interested in. As long as he has you around and a surplus of snacks, he's fine with anything.
Until you suggest going to Majolish to try on some stylish outfits. You mention how Beel wears variations of the same thing all the time, so it's time for an update! He thinks you're spending too much time with Asmo...
Beel isn't really into tight, itchy, stiff fabrics like the 'stylish' things they sell at Majolish, and decides he'd much rather go to Hell's Kitchen instead. He's hungry. Are you hungry?
'Stop changing the subject'? Ah.. damn it 😔 Wait, now you're saying you just wanted to buy fancy outfits because you were planning to take him to Ristorante Six?! You can't tell if he's blushing over your consideration or the idea of food, but now Beel's looking through the clothes with earnest.
"I didn't know you were the winner of that 'all you can eat' coupon lottery. When I didn't win I was pretty upset, but I'm glad to know it was you. Even if these clothes are weird, I'll wear them. Can you pick something good for me?"
Belphie likes to spoil you in more subtle ways, instead of simping as hard as his brothers. He's still as much of a sucker for you as they are though, much to his dismay. All you have to do is smile and you've got him wrapped around your gross human finger.
But when you mention wanting to go biking with Lord Diavolo and wanting him to come along, Belphie suddenly discovers that his ears don't work anymore. Anyway, goodnight-
Hey, stop poking him like that. Can't you see an deaf man is trying to sleep here?? And what's with that face..? You're pouting so hard you look like you're going to explode. It's cute, but Belphie can close his eyes an not see it.
But then you scoot into bed with him and hold him from behind, and the sleepy demon starts feeling his resolve crumble. You have some dirty tactics, huh..? Getting all cozy with him just because he's got a soft spot for you...
"...............Why Diavolo of all people..? I'd prefer anyone over him. Ugh... Hey, they still rent out those two person bikes, don't they? I'll only go if I can ride on that with you. I'll sit right behind you and cheer you on, okay? ..What's with that look? I'm joking...maybe."
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lemonyko0 · 3 years
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your disinterested boyfriend reluctantly agrees to letting you put pretty butterfly clips his hair, but under one condition.
» genre: smut, fluff, established relationship <3
» word count: 2.4k
favor for a favor - jjk
i feel excitement rush through my body as i grab a small package from outside the door, rushing to the kitchen to open it.
i ogle at the sparkly, bright colored butterfly hair clips i'd ordered days ago, along with a cute outfit that would match perfectly with them, but was unfortunately not here yet.
i walk back into the bedroom feeling slightly disheartened but excited i could at least play with them.
"what's that?" his voice almost startles me, he must be taking a small break in between rounds as his headphones are off one side and he takes a drink from the water bottle that was once sat by his feet.
i sit next to him on the bed and hand him the pretty clips, watching as he examines them with a smile, "they're adorable, do they go in your hair?"
i nod, "yeah, can i show you?"
he chuckles and nods his head and i eagerly turn my body towards him as i reach up to put one in his hair but he swiftly catches my wrists, "what do you think you're doing."
i look at him with pleading eyes, "y-you said i could show you right? let me put them in your hair please~~"
"but why? you'll look so pretty babe."
"no y/n."
"pwease~" i puff out my bottom lip and look up at him, knowing i'm using his soft spot to my advantage but i would literally die to see them in his dark and wavy long hair.
he sighs, indicating he's given up, "fine, but you'll have to do something for me."
i smile and bounce on the bed, too excited to take a second thought to what he said other than his consent, "yes! thank you thank you!"
the pink in his cheeks and the way he smiles at me doesn't give unnoticed as i slide into his lap and place two clips on either side of his head.
i wrap my hands around his neck and lean back to review my work. his hands resting lazily on my hips as he draws small circles on them with his thumbs, raising a brow he asks, "do i look as pretty as you thought i would?"
i kiss his cheek and nod, "even cuter. if you would let me, i would be begging to take a picture of you right now."
his face contorts into one of disgust, he's always hated being the one in the photos and much prefers being my personal photographer, which i've never understood, seeing as women practically fall to their knees at the sight of him.
"i'll let you take a picture, but this means your favor to me is going to be a lot bigger y/n, think you can take it?"
i scoff, "i'd do anything if it meant this could be my future lockscreen."
he shakes his head with a grin and i grab my phone off the bed to snap his picture.
i take three actually, one of him looking awfully unhappy about the situation, the second one i decided to squish his cheeks to make him at least smile, for the third i succeeded in capturing a rare smile from my seemingly emo boyfie <3
he interrupts my giggling with his voice, "okay okay your fun is done, now it's my turn."
i remain unbothered, feeling fully satisfied and happy already as i wrap my arms around his neck to cuddle into him, "what would you like handsome?"
i watch as the smirk grows on his face, "i want you to give me head as i play this next round." he says shamelessly, sporting a cocky grin.
i whine and cuddle into his chest, this isn't the first time he's asked for this and i always say no. "jungkook you know i don't like that."
"aw baby." he coos sweetly, before slapping my ass causing me to jolt in his lap, "you got to do what you wanted with me, this is only fair."
i look at him challengingly, "head is not equivalent to butterfly clips."
"and a picture." he adds.
"and a picture." i roll my eyes.
"fine, but now i forbade you to use those photos for anything, that means no sending them to ur friends, posting them anywhere, or putting it as your lockscreen."
i look at him with a heartbroken expression, "you wouldn't dare take that from me."
he leans his forehead against mine, his light rimmed glasses falling to the brink of his nose as he speaks, "yes, i would."
i scoff, "you sound awfully desperate to get your dick sucked while playing video games with your friends. isn't that weird? what if they hear us?"
he grins darkly, and that's when i put all the pieces together, "i don't care if they do. i'll actually reward you if you can get me to moan loud enough for them to hear it."
i stare at him speechlessly, knowing he's got me wrapped around his finger now, "or if they can hear you choking on my dick like the cockslut you are, i would reward that as well."
i huff and push his chest, "fuck you."
he shrugs with a smirk, "please do."
that's the last of his words as he slips his headphones back on, setting his water bottle down on the ground and rejoining his game.
i continue to sit on his lap, unsure of what to do as he talks with his friends like any other night.
he suddenly looks at me, eyebrows raised, "i'm gonna need to see the screen to play, mind getting on your knees instead?" he poses it as a question, although i know it's not.
i don't comply right away, instead i move my head out of his way by attaching my lips to his neck. peppering kisses up to his jaw then back down, paying careful attention to the way he's breathing, being sure to give extra attention to the places that make his breath hitch.
my hands run up and down his chest, touching him exactly the way i know he likes. i rut my hips against his crotch, feeling him growing underneath me as i rock harder and faster against his boner.
he lifts his hips against me and i pull away, grabbing his attention as he watches me slip out of his lap and onto the ground in front of him.
he grins before looking back up to the tv, speaking strategies with his friends. i decide to make this hell for him, instead of getting to work like he wanted— jungkook absolutely hates being teased— i decide to do exactly that.
i put a hand on his crotch, palming him above his shorts and feeling how hard he is in my hand already. he thinks he can get through this silently?
i run a finger lightly across his tip repeatedly, smirking as i watch him squirm in his seat. sure, he can't make any noises. but he also can't scold me. i can tell he's figured out my plan as he glances down at me with dark eyes, trying his best to convince me it's a warning but his cocky attitude makes me want to wipe the smirk right off his face.
i tug at the waistband of his boxers and he lifts his hips up to help me slip them off. his dick stands tall against his stomach, beautiful as always, truthfully. just the sight of his dick would have me wet but it wasn't about me right now.
i get to work slowly peppering kisses from his base to his tip, being sure to swirl my tongue around the top before going back down.
sex with jungkook is always great, but his patience wears extremely thin, especially if it's not on his terms. i can tell my pace is causing him excruciating pain, and he'd like nothing more than to force my head down and fuck my throat till he's painting my face in his cum, but he has no control in this situation.
i take his balls into my hand and squeeze them gently, taking note of how tight they are. i look up at his red face with his bottom lip caught between his teeth as he's already struggling to keep his attention on the game.
i take this as a sign he's had enough, and surprise him by taking his entire length into my mouth at once.
his thighs twitch underneath my hands as i hold onto them for support. i stare up at him as i move my head back and fourth, taking him as deep as i can without choking around him.
his breathing grows heavy and fast, showing me that if i kept this up he'd cum embarrassingly fast.
and that's exactly what i want.
i pull his length out of my mouth, stroking him with my hand as i bat my eyes up at him, "am i doing good jungkookie? seems to me like you're already close." i fake pout as he seethes.
i smirk before getting back to work, sucking his dick expertly and just the way he likes it. i take him in all the way again and feel him hit the back of my throat each time causing my throat to close around his cock.
that's when he lets out his first moan. i'm too focused to tease him about it, yearning to hear nothing but his moaning in the room.
he grows squirmy in his seat, cussing lowly as he lets out strangled groans, "fuck y/n s-slow down." he whispers, but his request falls on deaf ears as i moan on his dick and his hips rut into my face, he was milliseconds away from cumming down my throat but i pull away.
looking him in the eyes as i wipe the spit and precum from the side of my mouth before licking it off my fingers.
the game far away in his mind as he stares at me, stripping in front of him and sitting myself in his lap again, grinding my core onto his length so he could feel how wet i was for him.
i bite his ear and whisper away from the mic, "you might wanna turn that off, unless you want to give your friends a free show."
he tries to put up his bad boy act again, "it's your loud mouth they'd be hearing."
i chuckle darkly, immediately sinking down onto his length and bouncing on top of him just to catch him off-guard.
my plan is a success as he grunts out, followed by heavy breaths as he tries to push his orgasm away.
"fine then, let them hear your pathetic groans as your girlfriend fucks you."
he whimpers hopelessly in response, throwing his head back and i can hear his friends questioning it.
"fuck it." he says before throwing the headset off and dropping his controller. "is this what you wanted? you've got my undivided attention you whore."
i stop my bouncing and grind against him instead as i grab his face, "you can call me all the names you want baby, we both know you're so close to cumming, you're fucking putty in my hands."
he growls at my words, hating that he wasn't in charge right now and hating that there was nothing he could do to change that.
"shit baby just please, let me cum." i giggle and attach my lips to his for a quick kiss.
"i like hearing you beg, you look so cute."
he just whines, having no more energy to argue with me. i let up my act, feeling awfully close to my orgasm as well as i pick up my pace, working even harder to make him cum.
his eyes screw shut and his mouth hangs open, i've never seen him this fucked-out, and i fight the urge to ask why he never let me do this before if he enjoys it so much.
he grabs at my ass and i feel his cock twitch inside of me as he moans, "i-i'm so close, harder baby, fuck please go harder."
i tug at his hair as i ride him as hard as i possibly can, "you're in no position to be asking for favors when i'm already doing more than you asked me to, right?"
he hums in response and i can tell he's so close he's in pain, "come on jungkook, i want you to cum inside of me, fuck i want it dripping out of me, can you do that for me baby?"
he nods his head and responds with a grunt, "y-yes, i'm coming y/n shit." he thrusts his hips up into mine and spills into me.
the feeling of him releasing inside of me along a few more thrusts, i come too. making him hiss in overstimulation.
i chuckle and get off of him, "sorry babe."
he falls against the bed, still trying to catch his breath. i watch him closely, slightly afraid he'd reprimand me.
he peeks an eye open, "why are you just staring at me?"
i nervously play with my fingers, "i-i'm sorry? i know you like being in charge and i guess i for a little carried away, i just wanted you to feel good."
he stares at me blankly, almost so long i think he's just zoned out, until he breaks into a fit of laughter.
once he finally stops he grabs for me, wrapping a blanket around my naked form as he pushes me into his chest, placing gentle kisses on my head, "i haven't came that hard since i was in high school y/n."
i look up at him speechlessly, "so it was good? you're not upset?"
he chuckles, "absolutely not, you did amazing baby."
i blush and nuzzle into his neck, whispering hundreds of i love you's into his ear just to hear him giggle.
i lean back into his embrace, drinking in the sight of him so happy and bubbly, when something else catches my attention.
he notices it and stares back at me, "what? what's that face for."
i bite my bottom lip to prevent me from laughing even harder as i reach for his hair to pull out the butterfly hair clips that were there the whole time.
"y/n~~" he whines, but he can't contain his laughter either.
* ੈ✩‧₊˚* ੈ✩‧₊˚* ੈ✩‧₊˚* ੈ✩‧₊˚* ੈ✩‧₊˚* ੈ✩‧₊˚
thank you for reading! this is my first time posting here so any feedback or support of any kind would be appreciated! <3
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hobis-hope94 · 3 years
~You Don’t Like Dogs, huh~:
Summery: Ransom doesn’t like animals. But he soon caves and let’s Y/N and his adorable little boy, George, get the dog of his dream for his fourth birthday.
Paring: husband!dad!Ransom x wife!mum!Reader.
Characters: George Drysdale (your son).
Warnings: mentions of food, baking, dogs (?) and loads of fluffy fluff.
(gif not mine):
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Ransom didn’t really like dogs. In fact, he didn’t really like animals in all. He thought they were “pointless”. He was never ever cruel to animals, he understood why people liked them and why you adored them, but other than that, he just couldn’t see the point in them.
When you and Ransom got married, you two never thought you’d be parents. You both have high demanding jobs, so very little time was spent at home.
But when you gave birth to your son, George three years ago, you both stepped back from your jobs to raise George to the fullest.
You and Ransom went from having high demanding jobs to working part time, making sure at least one parent was with George (if not both on the weekends, birthdays and holidays) at all times.
Ransom changed when George was born. He grew more comfortable with emotions, and he absolutely adores his son. George is basically a mini Ransom, always following his dad everywhere he goes. Safe to say he gets a little upset when Ransom has to work - you lowkey are upset, but you know George loves you, you give the best hugs, always know how to make him feel better and you bake the best cookies E-V-E-R.
“So, Georgie, what do you want for your birthday this year? You better start making a list,” you said gently.
You were sat around the table, George was “helping” (making more of a mess) you make cookies.
“Hmmm. I really would like a doggy please momma,” George said as you gently helped him tip the chocolate chips into the bowl of cookie dough.
“A dog? I’m not too sure daddy will be happy about that,” you said slowly, mixing the chocolate chips into the dough.
“Pwease ask daddy for me momma. I don’t want anything else. Just a doggy,” George pleaded, his bright blue eyes shining up at you.
“I’ll see what I can do. No promises though, baby,” you said gently, George smiled.
After the cookies were baked and half of them eaten, you got George ready for bed.
“Is daddy working late tonight?” George asked sleepily as you tucked him in.
“Yes baby. He’ll be at home with you tomorrow while momma works,” you said, gently giving George his favourite The Great Gonzo soft toy he can’t sleep without.
“I’ve already thought of a name for the doggy if daddy says yes,” George said sleepily.
“Oh yeah? What is it?” You asked gently.
“Gonzo,” George said, looking at you as if you even dared asked a question like that.
George was completely obsessed with The Muppets. His room was coated in all things Muppet related. You smiled.
“That’s a perfect name,” you said, kissing him softly. “Good night my darling. I love you.” You said gently, pushing his golden hair out of his face.
“I luv you mama,” George said sighing contently.
You smiled as you gently shut the door.
You were sitting with Ransom while he ate his dinner when he came home from a long day at work that evening.
“George has his list sorted,” you said quietly, sipping on your drink.
“Hmm?” Ransom said, looking up at you.
“He really wants a dog,” you said.
Ransom looked at you.
“A dog? Really?” Ransom asked slowly.
“Ran, he doesn’t want anything else. He doesn’t even want a birthday party. You know he’s been desperate for a dog since he first laid eyes on the ones at Harlan’s house….we know he’s good with dogs,” you said gently as Ransom finished his meal.
“I dunno, Y/N. A dog requires a lot of care,” Ransom said slowly standing up to load his plate in the dishwasher.
As he walked past you, he gave the top of your head a gentle kiss, you smiled as he gave you another one when he sat back down.
“Please? He’s such a good boy. He hardly wants anything anyway….” You said. “He drew a picture today of the dog he wants and he’s already got a name.” You said, handing Ransom George’s drawing.
Ransom always melts at his son’s drawings. He has dozens of them in his office, and your fridge is filled with them.
“What’s the name?” Ransom asked gently, smiling at the drawing of George next to a big brown dog.
“Gonzo…what else?” You laughed softly, so did Ransom.
“Alright. He can have a dog. But I’m not cleaning up after it,” Ransom said, gently finding a spot for the drawing on the fridge.
“Of course not,” you smiled as you stood behind Ransom and wrapped your arms around his waist. “You’re gonna be the favourite after this.” You added, kissing the back of his shoulders.
“I already am the favourite,” Ransom smirked, turning around in your arms.
You and Ransom found the PERFECT dog for George. You had arranged to pick him up on George’s birthday. But first, you had to get all the bits and pieces for said dog.
When George’s birthday came, you and Ransom watched as he opened some small gifts - more Muppet things obviously - and then came the big ones.
“So baby. When you open these next things, we can go out for a little while to collect your main big present,” you said gently, handing George the box of dog toys and Gonzo’s dog bed and bowl.
George’s face lit up as he took each thing out of the box.
“Oh momma!! Daddy! Am I getting a doggy???” George asked excitedly.
“Yeah buddy. We’re picking him up today!” Ransom said, you smiled as George yelled happily.
He threw himself at you both hugging you tightly.
On the way to the kennel, George was very excited. And when you arrived, Gonzo, George’s new puppy, came running over to George. They instantly clicked. You and Ransom couldn’t help but smile.
A few weeks went past and George was madly in love with Gonzo. And you could have sworn you see a glimmer of love in Ransom’s eyes for the dog. George and Gonzo have become fast best friends, Gonzo sleeps next to George every night. It’s adorable.
“Boys! I’m home! Boys?” You called, shutting the door.
You hunted for your boys. They weren’t anywhere to be found in the apartment.
You soon found them fast asleep on yours and Ransom’s bed. Ransom had both George and Gonzo on his chest, both of his arms tightly around the pair of them. You smiled and quietly took a picture on your phone.
You changed out of your work cloths and into your comfies, then gently scooted next to Ransom.
“Hey, babe. Sorry. They were sleepy,” Ransom said, looking at you sleepily.
“You don’t like dogs huh?” You smirked, kissing him.
“Gonzo’s kinda cute,” Ransom shrugged, gently pulling you into his side.
You draped your arm around all three of your boys.
“You big softie,” you smiled as you cuddled into Ransom as he kissed your temple. “Should we order pizza tonight?”
You asked quietly.
“Sounds perfect. But let’s let these two wake us up first,” Ransom said, hugging his family tighter.
You smiled, you four stayed in each other’s arms until your son and his puppy woke up ready for dinner.
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realcube · 4 years
haikyuu!! boys’ reactions to you speaking 💗 uwu💗
characters: tsukishima, ushijima, yaku, kenma & iwazumi
thank you anon for this cute request 💕 idk what i just wrote but i had fun 👍
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tw// fluff, swearing, uwu language, cwinge
kenma’s hcs tw// sexual themes, implied switch!reader, phone sex(?), mentions of a blowjob, mentions of punishment
iwaizumi’s hcs tw// breeding kink, fem!reader, orgasm denial
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Kei Tsukishima
you realised he didn’t like it so you did it just to annoy him LMFAO
he was scrolling through tiktok and a girl popped up on his fyp talking like that, so he snarled and immediately flicked it away, muttering something along the lines of ‘why do people speak like that? do they think it’s cute? ‘cause it’s really not; it’s just embarrassing.’
so you wasted no time in responding, ‘sowwy? what was that?’
his blood literally ran cold, he was aware that you liked taking the piss but he didn’t expect you to do it to this extent
 ‘what did you just say?’ he murmured, silently praying that he had just misheard you
you rolled your eyes before scoffing ‘nothing.’ you deepened your voice, just playing around at this point tbh
tsukishima hummed in agreement, deciding not to inquire further as he figured that he must’ve heard the echo of the girl’s voice in his head rather than yours
so he was just about go back to scrolling until he heard you coo in a high-pitched from behind him, ‘tsukishima is a lil’ bitch.’
‘(Y/N), FUCKING STOP!’ he let a throaty scream at you
‘you’re so boring, tsukki-’ you spoke, quickly cutting yourself off so you could switch to your uwu voice, ‘or should I say; bowing.’
you said, hopeful that your voice would make it clearing that you meant ‘boring’ rather than the act of playing an instrument with a bow
‘go to hell.’ he grumbled, trying his best to tune you out by pulling his headphones over his ears 
‘babe~’ you purred, shuffling over to him and peppering kisses along the nape of his neck as you were feeling extra evil today, ‘wuv you~’
‘jail.’  tsukishima simply stated as he switched over to Spotify so he could blare some Mother Mother to drown out the sound of your voice
the worst part was that he couldn’t even tell if he liked it or not PFFT
like it was cute but the fact you weaponised it against him annoyed him
but you were also giving him kithes so he couldn’t exactly complain 💞
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Morisuke Yaku 
ok don’t even lie yaku does a variant of the uwu voice whenever he’s trying to insult kuroo IUGBEIGVA
it’s something like ‘aww, kuwoo, does your lil’ undewdeveloped bwain not undewstand algebwa?’ but in a mocking way yk?
so when a he watches a lil’ tabby cat approach you on the street, then you busted out the uwu voice that he had never heard before- he was taken aback
at first he was like ‘woah why are you making fun of that cat?’ bc he always associated that voice with ridicule LMFAO
but when he processed all the nice things you were saying he realised that you were being nice lol
so then he was like ‘awwww 🥺 (y/n) + cat = SO FKN CUTE!! 💕💗💖’ *click click* and he just starts taking photos
he probably puts them on his private story with the caption ‘their an angel 😍’
(then kuroo probably replies with ‘they’re*’) (don’t ask why yaku put him on his private story ✋)
anyway, he’s probably so fond of the voice too like ofc he thinks it’s cute
bc it’s a lil’ kitten and you’re talking to it in a high-pitched voice as if it can understand you SO FKN CUTE
he’s not too effected by it tho- it’s mostly how well you get on with the cat that he really admires
then he couched down beside you to talk to the cat too and y’all had a whole conversation with it in uwu
‘aww, look! are you hungwy, baby?’ you asked the cat as it licked the back of it’s paw
‘i think, it is!’ yaku continued, aware that if anybody from school caught him doing this, he’d pass away on the spot but what can he say? he’s soft for you (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)
 ‘i have some blueberries in my bag, you can have some if you say please.’ he told the cat
you were both met by the cat’s blank - but adorable - stare, accompanied by silence until the kitten let out a faint, ‘mew’
‘AWWWWWW!!! 💞💕💖🥺👏 ’ you both squealed in unison, impressed by the kitten’s response 
‘it understands us!’ you gasped while applauding the cat for it’s excellent communication skills
‘the voice must work!’ yaku concluded as he scrambled to throw his bag off his back and rummage through it in search of the tub of blueberries
you nodded, watching in awe as yaku pulled out the tub to carefully pick out the plumpest berries and feed them to the cat
yaku noticed your expression out of the corner of his eye and chuckled, ‘what?’
‘you’re so cute.’ you snickered, lighting bopping his nose with your index finger as he continued to allow the cat to feed out of the palm of his hand
a furious blush immediately covered his cheeks as he hastily turned his head away to hide it - in a typical anime fashion, ‘be quiet.’
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Kenma Kuzome
it’s a sex thing-- it’s 100% a sex thing
a kink perhaps?
ngl he loves it when you do the voice in bed 
like don’t ask why it turns him on so much
he’s weak for you whenever you do the voice tbh
BUT it’s only hot when you do it 
when any other person does it - especially if it’s over text - he literally gags 🤢🤢🤢
when a streamer he watches does the voice, he’s just thinks ‘ew ✋ that isn’t cute. pls stop.’
but when you do it- boner alert pfft
especially when you moan in that voice yES HE LOVES THAT
you just execute it in a way these other bitches just can’t, okay? 💅 IUERBGFERIBG
he doesn’t mind putting the voice on sometimes if you like it when he does it but he’s really embarrassed by it 🙈
he’ll try to say something in the voice while you’re rearranging his guts for a change and you’re praising him like 👏👏👏 ‘awh, precious kenma bb.i love that voice on you, i might just let you cum early--’
and he’s fucking groaning from pain, pleasure and humiliation 
‘never again.’ was the single coherent thought he could form
you’re only giving like 20% of the time but if you happen to giving on a day that you’re feeling especially evil, you might make him do the voice in exchange for orgasm privileges
but he gets you back for it though 
you’d call him, whining and pleading for him to help you with the throbbing between your legs or at the very least, give you permission to touch yourself
but considering that the day prior, you had tortured his ass to the point were he was now struggling to sit down, ofc he was just like ‘no ❤’ when you ask for his assistance 
even after your continuous begging, he didn’t budge 
‘don’t you dare put your hands on yourself until i get home. i’m leaving right now so i should be back in half an hour but if you keep pestering me like a little bitch, then i’ll be sure to go extra slow on the highway.’
although, for kenma ‘extra slow’ is probably the speed limit lmao
(istg he drives like he’s in mario kart)
however, half an hour was just too long 😩 i mean, you had probably been on call with him for 5 minutes already and it took you 20 minutes to get him to pick up the phone so by now, you were clearly on the brink of madness
‘kitten~’ you whined, desperately trying to think of a way to convince kenma to aid you 
then you remembered; his weak spot
‘pwease, baby?’ you softened and raised the pitch of your voice
kenma perked up as he realised what you were trying to do, the tips of his ears burning, ‘don’t bother to try that with me, (y/--’
‘i’ll suck you off when you come back.’ you promised, keeping the voice on, the aching getting worse and worse by the second
kenma was now partially able to relate to your circumstance as he began to feel a straining of his own, between his legs at your cutesy tone along with the image of the last time you blew him tormenting his mind
‘whatever. but only use your hands. i can tell when you use a toy so don’t even try; or else i’ll dick you down ‘til the sun rises- okay bye.’
atm the moment, that hardly sounded like a punishment but then you reflected back on how you’d be crying for a mercy after the fourth round with kenma so- yeah
anyway, moral of the story, if you perform the voice well enough, it’s basically kenma’s weakness so use it wisely 
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Hajime Iwaizumi
you first did the voice in front of him while you had a friend’s baby in your arms and you were trying to communicate with it 
it kinda looked like 
you: hewwo babyy~ who’s the most precious thing? you are! 
the baby: 🤠
the parent: 🙂
iwa: 😶
iwa ON THE INSIDE: breeding kink go brrrr 😩 i want to put a baby in her so bad- she’ll scream my name in that fucking voice tonight
and he was right
cut to him pounding you while demanding that you say his name in ✨the voice✨ or else you won’t be allowed to cum
ofc you had too much pride for that so you just let him dick you down and cum whether he likes it or not but he could tell that was the plan you had in mind so he suddenly pulled out just as you were about to reach your high
he looked at you with a mean scowl, ‘fucking say it or i’ll stop right now.’
if he were to stop, it would kinda be a punishment for him too but he didn’t care- anything to see his lovely gf suffer tbh 😇
also he could get off to you fingering yourself, struggling to orgasm- he’s done it before and he’ll gladly do it again if you don’t say his damn name 
‘iwa..’ you groaned, gripping at the sheets as you anticipated him sliding his cock back into you 
‘in the voice.’ iwaizumi reiterated, delivering a hard smack to the side of your thigh out of annoyance
you hissed at the sharp impact , gulping to lubricate your dry throat before choking out in your best imitation of the voice he desired, ‘iwa~’
he was only half-satisfied with what you uttered but i mean, it got the job done
his dick was throbbing, practically begging for the comfort of your warm cunt once again so he hastily slipped back in, letting out a low groan as he did so
so he’d continue hammer you from behind, probably muttering incoherent things about your babies and your voice while doing so but you chose to pay little attention to it as you couldn’t help but focus on your own intense pleasure
once he finally climaxed, he did it inside you which you wasn’t surprising as y’all had already established that you love being being filled up and he loves filling you up 💕
but then he insisted that y’all go for another few rounds to increase the chance of pregnancy 
like- sir-
you didn’t have the heart to tell him that you were on birth control 
bc surely......he would’ve known
but he didn’t
you eventually told him that you had no interest in coming off birth control and he wasn’t mad LMAO he didn’t even want a baby tbh he was just caught up in the moment 
yeah no but if you do the voice again, the cycle will continue
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Wakatoshi Ushijima
you were both hanging out in your bedroom, doing your own things, and you were sending your friend a (video) snap so you ironically used the uwu voice
ofc this caught his attention so he shifted his gaze off of his revision sheets and onto you, shooting you a weird look
you couldn’t help but snicker, turning to him and continuing with your little impression, ‘can i hewp you?’ you tried to ask in all seriousness but you couldn’t suppress the smile that was tugging on the corners of your lip
were you a little high? yes
ushijima just blinked rapidly, wondering why you sound like a cuter version of mickey mouse all of a sudden
was it a trend?
or maybe it was for one of those ‘tiktoks’?
either way, ushijima couldn’t help what he said next
‘no. i’m fiwne.’
HE SAID IT LIKE ‘fi - whine’ THO
you passed away 💀⚰
‘TOSHI!!!’ you screamed, feeling your soul leave your body
ushijima gasped, thinking that you had just been possessed or sumn, ‘hm?’
once he realised that you were in fact sane, he figured that your reaction must have something to do with his response 
‘did i say something wrong?’ his lips curling into the tiniest of smiles, simply because you looked so joyous so ofc he was he was happy seeing you happy
‘nope! please say it again, toshi! i’m beggin’ ya’
although he loved hearing you laugh more than anything, the man had his limits
ngl he doesn’t mind when you do it - it just doesn’t especially effect him, that’s all
you could just randomly start talking like that during a conversation and he’ll just go from 😐 to 😐
but he gets butterflies when you call him ‘baby’ which is something you usually pickup whenever you put on the voice lol <3
pls call him ‘baby’ or ‘babe’ more he just wants to feel cared for and loved for a change instead of always having to constantly put on a front of ‘big, stoic man with no feeling that you can push around to your hearts content’  around literally everyone. sometimes he just wants to come home and feel like he can actually express himself and be soft without getting ridiculed  
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champagne-bucky · 4 years
The Things We Do for Money
Summary: Your boss is a pain in the ass… sometimes 
Warnings: Chris Evans x Reader, smut, oral (female receiving), a bit of drunk! Chris
Notes: I know Chris Evans has big brat energy and I needed to get it out of my system.
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There was no one on this planet who could hate their job as much as you hate yours. Sometimes you’d curse yourself out for agreeing to take on this stupid assistants job, but you were in a pinch and desperately needed the money. Now here you are, stuck three months in with the most absurd and demanding boss. He always has you doing his bitch work for him.
Okay, you’ll run out and get him a coffee from time to time when he’s at work. You’ll go run the errands and make the phone calls he’s unable to make, but you drew the line the second he asked you to do the most dumbest tasks for him. 
He started acting ridiculous literally a month into the job, when he called you at the ungodly hour of 5 a.m. Turns out the dumbass couldn’t find his running shoes and you had schlepped yourself half an hour to his house only to find them under the bed the first minute of your arrival. Then, he’d call you for things like tying his shoe laces “because his hands were tired”, whatever the fuck that means, or picking out his evening wear when he’d go out with the guys (and he’d never end up liking what you picked out!)
Now here you are, in your cold ass car in the middle of a Boston winter, driving to your bosses house at the crack ass of dawn. You were annoyed because the night before he’d kept you up till late rattling off your To-Do list for the very next day, half the stuff would probably be scratched from the list anyways. 
Your phone started to ring and you groaned knowing exactly who it was... BECAUSE WHO ELSE WAS UP THIS EARLY!?!?
“Yes, Chris,” you grumbled.
“Whoa, whoa, someone’s a little grouchy for 5:30 in the morning. Speaking of, you’re 30 minutes too late,” you wanted to cure the bastard out, but then he followed up with a laugh.
“Kidding, kidding, anyways, Assistant, I need a favor,” here we go…
“I’m your assistant, doing you favors is my job description, and I have a name you know.”
“Eh, Assistant suits you better. Anyways, if you could run to the shop and pick up my shoes for that award show I have later, oh, and schedule me a haircut would you? You know what to tell them,” this man was way too cheery for this early in the morning.
“No, it does not, the award show is three months away, and no, I do not know how you get your haircut, and I don’t want to know,” Chris responded with a low whistle.
“Gee, someone’s a little cranky monster. Let’s fix that frown before you come over okay?” you grit your teeth. Chris didn’t like a nasty attitude and he had the power to fire you for it.
“Yes, Mr. Evans,” you huffed and he hung up the phone after telling you a few more demands.
As much as this man was slowly pushing you towards your breaking point, the job came with perks. One of those being travel. You never had an opportunity to travel a lot and working for Chris gave you the chance. From Singapore to Australia, you finally got to see what was beyond your small town of Massachusetts. 
Right now, you were in Atlanta where Chris was filming a new Marvel movie. You didn’t get to see much of the set, or the cast, or the inside of your bosses trailer, but you did get to see a lovely highway every couple hours while running around for that pain in the ass. However, when you got done you got to have lunch in Chris’ trailer without him, which was a big plus. Actually, every moment away from Chris was a true blessing.
“ASSISTANT” you groaned as you heard your name being called from outside the trailer. You put down your half eaten sandwich and swung open the trailer door. There stood Chris in his Captain America suit, arms crossed and tapping his foot.
“Yes, Mr. Evans?” Chris put a smile on his face and motioned you to come closer to him. You stepped closer, but he made you come even closer. You came as close to his mouth and he whispered in your ear.
“Do you know what time it is?” you pulled back from his lips with a confused expression.
“Uh, no. W-What time is it?”
“Time for you to help me out of this tight ass costume,” your eyes went wide in horror. Not this shit again.
“No, no, please Mr. Evans, can’t you ask someone else, like a male, to take off your costume,” you pleaded as marched past you.
“Nope, that’s why I hired an assistant, Assistant. Now hurry up, the boots are the hardest to get off,” you groaned and stepped into the trailer.
Chris sat down on the couch and motioned for you to get by his one boot. You grimaced and got to your knees and started to take the boot off. You tugged and tugged until it loosened a little. When it finally did, the whole room filled with a stench.
“Mr. Evans, ew, can’t you wear socks with these things,” Chris let out a deep chuckle and shook his head.
“Can’t do that or the boots will be too tight on my poor little feet,” he put out the other boot clad foot.
“Little is an understatement, sir,” Chris covered up his small groan with a clear of his throat.
“Well Assistant, you know what they say about big feet,” you choked on your spit and looked up at the man.
“They sign you big paychecks. Now hurry up, I’m getting drinks with the guys tonight,” you groaned again and worked the other boot off.
When the costume was fully off, averting your eyes where necessary, Chris was changing back into his regular clothes while a knock sounded at the door.
“Get that for me, Assistant,” you went to the door and swung it open and were faced with two of his co-workers, Anthony and Sebastian.
“Oh, assistant girl? We aren’t interrupting anything are we?” Anthony winked and Sebastian chuckled. Your cheeks were heating up at that comment when you felt Chris behind you.
“Yeah guys, just one second I gotta put on a shirt,” your eyes noticeably widened knowing Chris was right behind you, shirtless. 
The men suppressed their laughter at your shocked expression. They probably thought you were sleeping with your boss! Oh god, listen, Chris wasn’t an unattractive man, hell no, but he was your boss (and also a pain in the ass), you couldn’t cross that sort of line. 
“I’ll be going now, Assistant. Clean up for me and finish up that list,” Chris grabbed his wallet and left the trailer.
“Yes, Mr. Evans.”
Anthony and Sebastian stopped in their tracks to laugh a little. When Chris turned around to give them a ‘what’ look Anthony finally spoke. 
“Yes, Mr. Evans. I’ll clean up the trailer and then clean you up later, sir,” Anthony mocked your voice as Chris punched his arm lightly.
That blare of your ringtone made you shoot up out of your peaceful sleep and clutch your heart. You peered over at the time to see that it was 3 a.m. Groaning, you ignored that call without seeing who it was and tried to sleep again, but then they called you back.
You turned your light on and grabbed your phone and saw that Chris was calling you. Pissed off and tired, you answered the phone with an angry ‘what’.
“Oh, Assistant, I need you,” Chris sounded like he was slurring his words. He was still at the bar?
“Mr. Evans? Are you drunk?”
“Yessssss, I made an oopsie and had tooooo much to drink. Can you pwetty pwease come pick me up. Pleaseeeeeeeeeeee…” he dragged out the last vowel as you started looking for your keys.
“Fine, but you’re paying me overtime for this,” you slide on your shoes and run out of the hotel room to go get the big drunken baby.
It took you awhile, but you finally found the bar Chris was at. Luckily, he has always shared his phone location with you for emergencies like these. It didn’t take long to find him either seeing as he was moping on the curb nursing a beer in his hands. 
You rolled your eyes and got out of the car. Chris’ ears perked up at the sound of a door slamming shut and he immediately was smiling like a dope. 
“ASSISTANT!” He screamed and held his arms out for you. The people passing by on the sidewalk gave him dirty looks.
“Chris, shhhh, let’s get you back into the car, okay?”
“HEY! THAT’S MR. EVANS TO YOU or sir if you want to spice things up,” he barely whispered and gave you a wink. Scoffing, you shoved him into your tiny car before he took off down the street.
The drive back to Chris’ Atlanta home was a bit of a drive, but there was not much traffic on the road so it would be quicker than usual. Chris was falling asleep in the passengers seat, but would come to every so often to slur something stupid. This time, when his head went up to speak to you his words were loud and clear.
“You’re pretty,” your cheeks were heating up, but it was too dark to see.
“Thank you, Mr. Evans.”
“And kind, sweet, lovely,” he was showering you with compliment after compliment and you didn’t know how to respond.
“I like you, Assistant,” you tried to keep your composure, but you were stunned. He was drunk so that meant nothing, right?
“I would figure since you keep me around all the time,” you laughed off.
“Noooo, I really like you. Not in a “like” you, but in a “like like” like you way,” his body was now fully turned to face you. 
“Oh, well, Mr. Evans I’m flattered, but you’re my boss. I can’t ruin our professional relationship,” Chris let out a whine just as you were pulling up to his house and getting out of the car.
“Then as your boss, I demand you to like like me,” you laughed as you opened the car door for him to get out.
“Mr. Evans, you know we can’t allow that,” you tried your best to joke with him, but he kept up pestering you.
“How about a thank you for helping me get home,” you furrowed your brows as Chris unlocked his door and was leaning up on the threshold.
“Umm, Mr. Evans I-,” you didn’t get a chance to finish because Chris grabbed your face and was leaving a sloppy kiss on your lips.
Your eyes were probably wider than they have ever been in your lifetime. Chris Evans was kissing you. Chris Evans was kissing his assistant. Chris Evans was drunk and kissing a woman who he signs her paychecks for every week. 
He pulled back a few moments later with a satisfied look on his face. He was still stumbling drunk, but it seemed as if he didn’t care. Chris had a cocky grin on his face while looking at your frozen expression.
“Um, Mr. Evans, um. I’ll see you tomorrow,” and you sprinted back to your car and pulled out of the driveway, not even glancing back at your boss.
It had been a while since the whole drunk kiss incident. The day after that night you didn’t bring up what had happened and neither did Chris. 
You assumed that he was so drunk that he probably forgot about the kiss. To be fair, he didn’t even remember him calling you to come pick him up or the whole drive back home. He must’ve forgotten about the kiss and you intended to never bring it up.
Things between you and your boss went back to normal after that. You were still dealing with his antics and absurdities, but it paid your bills so you couldn't complain. However, Chris seemed to be lenient with you nowadays.
You couldn’t put your finger on it, but he definitely changed his demeanor recently. He let you come into work an hour later than usual, anytime you said you were unable to do something he let it slide, and he also had given you a raise out of nowhere. Maybe he was changing…
“ASSISTANT,” nevermind…
“ASSISTANT!” you followed Chris’ voice to the backyard where he was standing by the pool.
“Yes, Mr. Evans,” you rolled your eyes.
“Assistant, can you do me a favor?”
“Will I get fired for saying no?”
“Then what is it,” you walked over to him as he started to take off his shirt.
“I want to go for a swim, but I don’t want to miss an important phone call I should be getting.”
“And I want you to sit out here and watch my phone till it rings,” you looked at him in disbelief. He really wants you to babysit a phone?
“Are you serious? You just want me to sit out here and stare at your phone?”
“Well, I’d invite you to join me in the pool, but you don’t have a swimsuit,” Chris scoffed and jumped into the pool.
You rolled your eyes and took a seat on the lounge chair. If you were going to babysit his phone you might as well relax a bit. Plus, you didn’t mind the little show you were getting courtesy of Chris.
About an hour went by and still no phone call. Chris had been busy swimming laps in his pool and playing with Dodger who would jump in for a swim. Either Chris was pulling your leg just so you could watch him or this phone call was never happening. You’d think after an hour someone would call soon.
You moved to get up and go back in the kitchen to answer some emails to the rest of Chris’ team when he called for you to come back.
“Mr. Evans, it’s been an hour and no one has called. I have work to do, I can’t stand around all day watching you swim and wait for your phone to ring. You’re a big boy you can do it,” you didn’t hear him get out, but Chris was hot on your tail as you entered back in the house.
“So, you were watching me, huh,” you tried your best to hide the blush creeping up on your face.
“Not the point, sir. I need to get back to work,” Chris clicked his tongue between his teeth. 
“Alright, while you get back to work, I’ll be in the shower,” you went back to your computer and hummed in agreement with his plans.
You heard a ruffle of clothing hit the floor as you looked up from your laptop screen. You gasped in horror as you saw Chris had shucked his bottoms off right in front of you and turned to walk to the bathroom. You put your head down as he turned around to look at you with a satisfied smirk. 
The faint sound of the shower running filled the silence for a few minutes as you contemplated your next move. The swim shorts stayed where they were and you refused to pick them up. You still couldn’t get the image of your boss and his bare ass out of your head. 
What did this mean now for your job? 
“Assistant,” you froze at the sound of Chris’ voice, “I need you.”
“Yes, it’s urgent,” he sounded anxious.
“Yes, Mr. Evans,” you said from behind the cracked door.
“Can you get me a towel from the closet? I forgot mine.”
You went to grab him a towel and stuck your hand through the door. When you didn’t feel him take the towel from you you got worried.
“Mr. Evans,” you called out.
All of a sudden the door opened and you were face to face with a naked Chris Evans. You kept your wide eyes on his and pushed the towel to his chest.
“Assistant, I need some help getting dry,” you were stumbling over your words, but not for long until Chris pulled you in the bathroom with him and brought your hands up to his chest.
You kept your eyes on him and you dried off his upper body. Chris looked into your eyes with adoration and a hint of lust. This was getting too serious way too fast, you went to pull away, but he grabbed your wrists.
“You know, I meant what I said. You are very pretty,” you gasped. 
“Chris,” he pulled you closer until your lips touched. Fuck it. You couldn’t fight this anymore. This gorgeous man wanted you and a part of you wanted this pain in the ass too.
The kiss started slow, but descended into something so raw and animalistic. Your tongues were all over each other’s mouths and your teeth were scraping and hitting together. Chris pushed you up against the bathroom door and moved his lips to your neck.
“So good, wanted you for so fucking long,” he continued to kiss down your neck to the collar of your shirt.
“I want this off, now Y/N,” you gasped again. That was the first time he ever used your real name.
You couldn’t deny his orders, so you happily took off your shirt, bra included, and threw them on the floor. Chris went to praise you for being so good and attacked your sensitive buds. 
He scraped, licked, and sucked gently on each nipple, giving him all the attention they deserved. You moaned loudly and he went to kiss you again. He pressed himself into your thigh and started to grind.
“All for you, baby. It’s all for you,” you let out a breathy moan.
“Please, Chris, please, sir. I want it,” Chris growled in response.
His hands began to wander. They rubbed up and down your sides before they inched their way towards your center. Chris took his one hand and put it under your shorts. You whimpered as he went and rubbed your center in teasing strokes.
“Chris, please,” he removed his hand and opened the bathroom door.
“Patience, baby,” Chris picked up your shaking body and carried you throughout the house towards his bedroom.
He kicked opened the door and laid you down on the bed. Chris removed your shorts and stood back to admire your bare body. His thumbs drew small circles around your hips as he looked up at you with dark eyes.
Chris connected his lips with the top of your belly button and started to kiss downwards. He came in contact with your pussy, but wouldn’t kiss it. His lips ghosted yours, his beard was scratching the surrounding area. It seemed as if time had stopped when all of a sudden he attacked your core. 
Your hands flew down to his hair and began to pull at the roots. Chris groaned into your pussy as you arched your hips into his mouth. He brought his thumb to your clit and started to rub fast and hard circles. You were so close to cumming, but you could barely form the words.
You tried to tell him, but it felt so good and he was doing all the right things to restrict your speech. The tiny bubble within you had grown bigger and bigger and was going to pop any second. Chris started to thrust two fingers in you while his lips sucked your clit and that’s when it happened.
“Holy fuck,” you looked up with a heaving chest to see Chris’ beard, lips, and fingers soaked. His eyes grew darker as he grabbed your chin and kissed your breath away.
“Fucking squirted all over me baby, how you gonna clean me up?” He nuzzled his face into your neck and started to pepper kisses all over.
You were at a loss for words, but your body was doing all the talking. Your hips started to thrust up into Chris’ thigh and he looked down with a smirk.
“I know you want it, honey. Give me one second,” Chris moved off your body and made his way to his nightstand drawer. He pulled out a condom and rolled it on.
Now, he was back on top of you and drinking you in. You kissed one more time before he lifted your leg over his shoulder and positioned himself at your sensitive entrance.
“You sure?” You shook your head rapidly at his question.
“Yes, get on with it, sir,” he smirked as he entered you.
The stretch hurt, but the pain was replaced with pleasure as he started to thrust. He started off slow, careful not to hurt you, but he was going deeper into your pussy. You cried and slapped his bicep, urging him to go faster.
“If that’s what baby wants, then that’s what baby will get,” and Chris went into overdrive.
You screamed his name and moaned so loud that you were sure the neighbors would hear you. Chris loved hearing those sweet noises and was doing all he could to make them louder. You were reaching a second high, but Chris was still keeping a brutal pace.
“Chris, I’m about to cum.”
“Hold on, sweetheart. We aren’t finished this just yet,” he grabbed your other leg and threw it over his shoulder, attempting a deeper angle.
Chris kissed you with all his might. His tongue evaded your mouth once more and his thrusts were getting faster and faster. A sweat broke out on him and he was getting close. 
“Baby, you can let go whenever you want,” a final scream ripped through you as you arched your back and came for the second time.
Chris fucked you even harder through your orgasm. He wanted to fuck your pussy so that it was be sensitive for the next couple days. He wanted you to never forget this moment.
Tears formed in your eyes as he kept going. You were trying to keep up, but your body started to get weak. Chris noticed this and worked faster to get himself to the edge.
When he finally came, it felt as if his eyes had rolled back up into his head. He was sweaty and growing tired, but he didn’t want to leave your pussy yet. He knew he had to because the position you were in was starting to get uncomfortable. Chris finally removed himself and threw the condom out.
He saw your eyes were dropping and quickly picked you up to take you to the bathroom. He let you do your business and went to grab you a bottle of water. 
When you came out of the bathroom, with shaky legs, Chris was there with a water bottle  by the bedside table and the sheets drawn back waiting for you to get in beside him. You gladly accepted the comfy spot next to him and soon you drifted off to sleep.
When you finally woke up, you felt something heavy weighing down across your abdomen. Your eyes shot up as you looked around a room you didn't recognize. As if right on que, Chris groans beside you and opens his eyes. He smiled and pressed you closer to his body and gave you a sweet kiss to your temple.
“Evening,” Chris buried himself in your hair as you lifted your head to look out the window, confirming it was night.
“What time is it?” your voice was strained.
“Close to 11. Didn’t think we���d be out for this long,” he winked and for a moment you forgot why you were in his bed.
“OH MY GOD,” you gasped and shot up and Chris followed suit.
“I KNOW I WAS THERE. WHY ARE YOU YELLING?” Chris matched your voice.
“I’M YELLING BECAUSE YOU’RE MY BOSS. I SLEPT WITH MY FUCKING BOSS,” you slammed your head back down on the pillow and buried your face in it. You only lifted your head off the pillow to hear him laughing at you.
“I get why you’re laughing, but I’m not. I’m a slut,” Chris laid back down next to you and pulled you into his arms.
“Hey, hey, you are not a slut. Please don’t think of yourself that way,” he cradled you into his arms.
“I did the one thing that nobody is supposed to do. I shouldn’t have ruined our professional relationship,” you tried to break free from Chris’ hold, but you wouldn’t let you go. 
“Listen to me, you did not do anything wrong. I wanted to ask you out for a long time… I just, well, you see-”
“You got piss ass drunk and ruined your plans,” you giggled into his bare chest. 
“That’s one way of putting it, yeah,” and he laughed along with you.
“So, I guess this means I should resign now shouldn’t I?”
“Not necessarily no, I still need my assistant.”
“So I get to sleep with you AND be on payroll? Wow, what a dream come true,” Chris laughed some more.
“We don’t have to tell anybody for a while. I’ll help you find a new job so it won’t look so fishy whenever we tell people we are dating.”
“I don’t know, I am gonna miss that fat Christmas bonus I get every year…” 
“I think I can think of a way to make up for that,” Chris’ hand was stroking up and down your thigh which made you shudder.
You turned to kiss him as you hummed in agreement. Things started to get hot and heavy once more and soon the sheets were pushed off the bed, Chris was attacking your lower half with kisses. Right when he got to your center, his phone rang.
“You wanna get that for me, Assistant?” 
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avengerscompound · 4 years
Running to a Standstill - 13
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Running to a Standstill: A Captain America Fanfic
Masterlist PREVIOUS //
Buy me a ☕ Character Pairing:  Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers x F!Reader
Word Count:  2646
Rating:  E
Warnings: Smut (MMF bisexual threesome, oral sex, vaginal sex, come play if you squint)
Synopsis: While on the run from an unknown organization trying to take your son, you meet two super-soldiers.  While they try to help you get to the bottom of who is hunting you and your son, feelings come out and admissions are made that make your personal life even more tricky.
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Chapter 13
Bucky held back as Steve rushed over to you.  It was rare that either he or Steve felt helpless, but that feeling was particularly strong right now.  They'd promised to keep you and Geo safe and the first time you go out of the tower someone tailed you.  Someone they didn't catch.  Tony has lost them in the library before a chase had even started. No one knew who they were working for or what they wanted with you or Geo.  They were helpless.
Steve had said this incident might make you run again and Bucky wouldn't blame you.  If it was him he would too.  It would also make sense.  Bucky had started to feel happy and at home for the first time since he broke HYDRA’s brainwashing because of the relationship with you and Steve.  Actually happy.  Not just neutral or not afraid.  Of course, it wasn’t going to last.  He didn't get to have that.
Steve cradled your jaw and looked you over.  “You're safe?  Did they hurt you?”
“I'm fine.  He was just following us and Happy acted quickly,” you said.  “Did Tony catch them, do you know?”
Steve shook his head.  “He said there was no sign of him when he followed the guy inside.  He's still there looking but it's such a big building and he never got a good look at whoever it was in the first place.”
“They know I'm here,” you said, as Geo started to whine in the backseat of the car.  Bucky went over to help Happy get him out of the seatbelt.  “They're never going to leave me alone.  I know you don’t…”
“No,” Steve said.  “I obviously don't want you to go.  And you're safe here.  We’re going to get to the bottom of this. I promise you.  So don't run… Please…”
The last word was delivered so differently from the others it made Bucky look around in shock.  He had been in full Cap mode for most of it, telling you confidently what was going to happen.  The ‘please’ however, was a heartfelt pleading for you to stay.  It was laced with both fear and sadness and Bucky hadn’t heard that tone from Steve for a long time.
“Bug-key,” Geo whined, kicking his legs.
“Sorry, kiddo,” Bucky said, unbuckling Geo from the back of the car.  “Let me help you out.”
He unbuckled Geo and got him out of the back of the car.  “I god books.  You wanna see?”  Geo asked.
“Sure do,” Bucky said.  “Where are they?”
Happy got the books out of the back of the car as Geo started babbling about Tony and FRIDAY and the robot suit.  Bucky’s attention was still on you and Steve as he tried to convince you to stay.
You slowly nodded and moved into Steve’s arms and he closed them around you, holding you close to his chest.  “Alright,” he said.  “It’s alright.  I’ve got you.”
“I’ll head up and give my report,” Happy said, handing the books to Bucky.
“Thanks, man,” Bucky said.  “Thanks for keeping her safe.”
“Just doing my job,” Happy said and headed to the elevator.
“Alright,” Steve said.  “Let’s get you upstairs.”
The four of you went up to Steve’s apartment and Bucky took a seat on the couch with Geo in his lap as the little boy went through the pictures of every book he had.  You and Steve sat on the two recliners and you curled your legs up under you like you were trying to make yourself seem smaller.
“I think you might need to stay with her from now on, Buck,” Steve said, getting out a tablet.  “Happy was great but if this is people with some performance-enhancing drugs are tailing her, she’s going to need one of us.”
Bucky wasn’t sure if that was the answer but he didn’t want to say.  He wanted you to be safe above everything but if he was assigned as your bodyguard, it would mean spending time with you became his job and he didn’t ever want to think of you like that.
Thankfully you voiced his thoughts for him.  “Steve, I don’t think Bucky’s job should be spending time with me,” you said.  “Besides, I don’t want to live like that either.  I should be able to just be able to go out.”
“I know,” Steve said, running his hands through his hair.  “I know this isn’t ideal.  None of this is ideal, but I don’t want to lose you and it won’t be permanent.  We’re going to get to the bottom of this.”
You sighed, and sank back into the couch, rubbing your temples.
“How about we order some dinner and have a nice quiet night in?”  Steve suggested, getting to his feet.  “I’ll go run a bath for you and you can relax for a while and then we’ll eat, watch a movie, and put this all behind us.”
Bucky watched Steve go into the bathroom and looked back at you.  “I wish I had the kind of faith he does,” you said.
Bucky let out a puff of breath.  Not quite a laugh but almost.  “He’s just good at faking it,” he said and shook his head.  “We don’t want you to go.”
“I don’t want to go either,” you said.  “I don’t … but they never stop and I’m a target here.  What would you do?”
“Honestly?”  He said and bounced Geo on his knee.  “I would have gone already.  I know what it’s like, you know?  I got out of HYDRA and I ran.  I was on the run for two years and Steve tracked me down.  He can be pretty determined.”
“Tell me about it,” you scoffed.
Bucky chuckled.  “Which means when he says he’s going to get to the bottom of it and keep you safe.  He will.”
You pinched the bridge of your nose and slowly exhaled.  “Right.  You’re right.  I’ll sit tight.  It hasn’t been long and at least Geo has some kind of stability.”
“Yeah, that’s right, bud,” Bucky said.  “You like it here don’t you?”
“Yep,” Geo said.  “FWIDAY is weading to me.”
“Is she?” Bucky chuckled.  “What a nice AI.”
“Yep,” Geo agreed.
You got up and stretched. “Alright,” you said.  “I’m making a drink and trying this bath thing.”
Bucky held out his hand to you and you took it and squeezed before heading into the kitchen.  He sat reading with Geo for a little while before Steve returned.  He came up behind Bucky and kissed him on the crown of his head.  It was the first really simple intimate boyfriend gesture Steve had made and it made Bucky smile and a warmth spread through him from the inside out.  He looked up into Steve’s blue eyes.
“What shall we order for dinner?”  Steve asked.
“How about I just cook,” Bucky said.  “I like doing it anyway.”
“You sure?” Steve asked.
“Yeah,” he put, Geo onto the couch and got up.  “You want mac and cheese, Gee?”
“Yes, pwease,” Geo said.
Bucky went into the kitchen and started on dinner.  He had time so he thought he’d try his hand at Coq au vin.  He’d made similar things in the past and even though it was a relatively simple recipe, he was hoping it struck a balance between romantic and comforting.
While it was in the oven, he made mac and cheese for Geo, hiding little pieces of broccoli and cauliflower in it.
“It smells so good out here,” you said, coming out of the bathroom in your robe.  “I thought we were ordering in?”
“Felt like cooking,” Bucky said as you came in behind him in the kitchen.  You looked over at Geo.  He was sitting on the floor with his tablet, totally focused on his game, and you took the opportunity to kiss Bucky’s neck and run your hand over his ass.  He smiled and turned, quickly pecking your lips.  He was really enjoying being a boyfriend again, and he couldn’t wait for you to feel ready to let Geo know, though he understood completely about not wanting him to get too attached to the idea that the three of you were together.
“I could definitely get used to that,” you said.
“Yeah, you’re gonna have to get used to…” he trailed off not sure how to end the sentence.
“What just happened?” You chuckled.
“I was gonna say something dirty, but I think I’m out of practice,” he said.
You started laughing and rubbed his shoulder.  “You can do something dirty to me later to make up for it.”
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After dinner, you put Geo to bed and the three of you sat cuddled up together on the couch watching a movie called Stardust.  Bucky was enjoying it, but not as much as he liked the intimacy of holding and being held by you and Steve.  He liked how the three of you shared kisses and gentle touches as you watched.  He had been a boyfriend before, but it was so long ago that it felt like it had happened to someone else.  This felt new and exciting.
As the credits rolled Steve stretched and switched off the TV.  “Shall we go to bed?”
“I think that would be a very good idea,” you agreed.
Bucky followed the two of you into the bedroom and as soon as he closed the door Steve pulled you into a deep and hungry kiss.  Bucky stepped up behind you and Steve pulled back from you and drew Bucky into a kiss.  You started to unfasten Steve’s shirt and you pushed it off his shoulders.  As Bucky and Steve kissed you kissed your way down Steve’s chest and down his stomach.  Steve pulled back and looked down at you.  The pale blue in his eyes was blown out black with lust.
Bucky took a deep breath and crouched down behind you as you started unfastening Steve’s belt.  You turned your head and kissed him.  Your tongue coaxed Bucky’s lips apart and he brought his tongue out and circled it with yours.  You swirled them together graphically like it wasn’t just a kiss between you and Bucky but it was also for Steve.  Steve watched you both as he unfastened his pants and pushed them down.  His cock sprang up against him, long and thick and as perfect as the rest of his body.  Steve’s hands went to both yours and Bucky’s heads.  Bucky moaned softly into your lips at the soft tug on his scalp and he pulled back a little.  You took Steve’s cock in your hand and pumped it, your eyes locked onto Bucky’s.  He leaned in and you followed, so that you were both kissing over the length of Steve’s cock.  Steve groaned and his hand tightened in Bucky’s hair.  You and Bucky kissed graphically up and down Steve’s shaft.  Your tongues swirled together, massaging it and licking up the salty pre-come that leaked from the head.
Bucky had never done anything like this before and it was making him rock hard.  He knew he liked it when he got his dick sucked, he hadn’t expected that he’d liked doing it as much as he was.
You started sucking on the head of Steve’s cock and Bucky ran his tongue down the shaft and over his balls.  He ran his metal hand up Steve’s stomach, tracing the flawless skin and running over the hills and valleys of his muscles.  His other hand he used to explore your body.  He teased your breasts and ran his hand down into your pants and began to finger your clit.
You moaned and bobbed your head up and down on Steve’s cock faster.  Bucky hummed and sucked on one of Steve’s balls as he thrust two fingers inside of you and began to fuck you with them.  Both you and Steve began to pant.  Steve pulled back and cupped your jaw, guiding you back up into a kiss as he took Bucky’s hand and guiding him to his feet too.
Bucky ran his hands down to your hips and pushed your pants down.  At the same time, Steve broke the kiss and lifted your shirt up over your head.
Steve picked you up and carried you to the bed, laying you down on the mattress.  He pulled your panties down and off, and moved between your legs and began to lap at your folds.  Bucky began to undress as he watched you.  He was achingly hard and it was almost a relief to finally push his jeans off.  When he was naked, he moved up next to Steve, pushing your legs a little wider.  He brought his head in and began flicking his tongue with Steve’s over your dripping cunt.  The salty tart fluids coated Bucky’s tongue as he danced it with Steve’s.  Your moans got louder and louder and your cunt dripped more and more.  Your hands bunched into the sheets and you arched your back.  Bucky gazed up at you, watching the way your muscles clenched and contorted as your orgasm got closer and closer.  Bucky sucked on your clit and Steve pushed two of his fingers inside you and twisted his wrist and you came, crying out and arching hard off the bed.
Bucky couldn’t take it anymore.  He scrambled up between your legs, barely even giving Steve a chance to get out of the way.  He brought his lips to yours and lined himself up and sunk deep into the wet warmth of your cunt.  You both moaned into the kiss and Steve moved up behind him.  Steve began to rut against Bucky’s ass as Bucky thrust into you.  The feel of Steve’s cock moving against him, leaving a sticky trail from the small of his back to the crack of his ass, added to the pleasure Bucky was feeling.  His cock throbbed inside you and he pulled back and leaned against Steve, turning his head slightly as he panted and thrust hard into you again and again.
Steve captured his lips and reached around his waist and began to rub your clit.  “Fuck!”  You mewled, bucking your hips in time with Bucky’s thrusts.  Bucky’s hips began to stutter and his cock twitched.
“Oh fuck,” he groaned, breaking the kiss with Steve.  “‘M Close.”
“Me too,” you moaned, arching your back.
Steve pinched your clit and you cried out as your orgasm crashed down on you.  Your cunt squeezed tight around his shaft, milking it.  Bucky groaned and snapped his hips forward and came with a low groan.
“Steve,” you moaned, gesturing to him.
Steve moved around to you and you pulled his cock into your mouth.  You bobbed your head up and down and tugged on his balls.  Bucky watched on, slipping from inside you and lying down so he was spooned around you and you sucked Steve’s cock.  Bucky reached over and teased his fingers over Steve’s ass and with a loud groan Steve’s balls tightened and he came into your mouth.
You moaned, holding his cock in your mouth until it still and you rolled over and brought your lips to Bucky’s, pushing some of the thick salty liquid into his mouth.  It was one of the dirtiest things Bucky had ever experienced but somehow it had this strange level of intimacy too.  It was dirty yet sexy and Bucky loved it.  He swallowed it down and fell back onto the mattress with a contented sigh.
“Holy shit,” you hummed.
“Yeah,” Steve said.  “We’re getting pretty good at that.”
Bucky watched your face as you tried not to laugh.  You couldn’t hold it though.  You snorted and broke down into giggles.  That was all it took for Bucky to start laughing too, and he knew, he was going to do everything he could to hold on to this.
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unloved-cadillac · 4 years
Secrets of the Forest
Something I came up with since I started reading Beren and Lúthien.
After being injured on field, Levi wakes up in a comfy cottage deep in the forest. He has never heard of people living in there because of the threat of Titans. But to Levi’s surprise, it’s not people, but Elves.
As the Titan ran towards Levi’s horse, Levi activated his gear and slayed the nape of the beast. But being caught up, another Titan comes from behind and slams Levi into a tree. Gears broken and swords broken, Levi was convinced this was the end. As the hand of the Titan moved to grab him, something slayed it. Levi’s eyes started to close and he could feel himself slipping into unconsciousness but not until he saw a glimpse of h/c hair.
Levi’s eyes start to open but were quickly closed as the light shone too brightly in his face. Am I dead? He wondered. He could feel his stomach, covered in bandages and a sweet aroma around him. He forcefully opens his eyes and sees that he is in a cottage. Dried hay as a roof and few funiture. He sees his coat and shirt neatly folded on a chair which pleased him a bit. At least whoever lived here knew how to keep tidy. Levi wakes up,still in pain and looks outside. His eyes widen at the scene.
It was a little stream with some people and children playing. There were roses and daffodils in bloom, which were odd since this wasn’t the season for them, each growing in different parts of the year.
“You shouldn’t be up. Your wounds aren’t healed yet.” A beautiful voice tells him. Levi turns to the source and his eyes widen. She was...beautiful. Like, abnormally beautiful. Her h/c hair was put up with a few curls falling from it. But it seemed familiar. She was dressed in a green and yellow robe, very long. So long it dragged while she walked. She had a jug in her hands. “What am I doing here?”, Levi asked. “Well, you were going to be eaten by a Titan. Luckily I killed it before it did. But before I could call out to you, you lost consciousness.”,the mystery woman tells him as she pours water into a bowl. “Please. Come and lay back down. Your back wounds are still raw and would not heal yet. You shouldn’t be up.” She pleads with him. Levi was still unconvinced. “Who are you?” She smiles. What a pain she thought. “I’m Y/n Randar.” She answered sweetly. Levi nods his head and makes his way back to the bed. He laid down and Y/n tended to his wounds. Her touch, was gentle. It did not seem like warrior hands. “So if you killed the Titan, doesn’t that make you some kind of soldier?” Levi asks her as she wraps his hand. “Yes. But I’m still in training. Just some basic things, really.” She replies. Levi watches her intently. Y/n lifts her head to catch him watching her. “It’s not nice to stare.” She tells him. He quickly looks away and she chuckles. “It’s also rude to not tell your savior your name. Or should I just call you Mr Grumpy?”, she jokes. Levi looks at her and scoffs. “Tch. Name’s Levi. Levi Ackerman.” He answers. “That’s a beautiful name, Levi. As much as I love it, I love Mr Grumpy more.” She laughs at him. It sounded like music. Levi takes another look at her. As she tucks her hair behind her ear, he notices it. A pointed ear. “Why are your ears pointed? And why are you living in a forest infested with Titans?” Levi asks seriously. Y/n widens her eyes at his seriousness. She clears her throat and smiles. “I’m an Elf. We have been living here for years, protecting the forest.” “An elf?,” Levi starts to say,”I didn’t know they existed. Erwin spoke about them but I thought he was full of shit.” “Your friend Erwin sounds educated. You should listen to him more.” Y/n says. Tch. “Ok,Mr Grumpy, I’m going to make some healing tea for you. Don’t move around too much, okay?” “I’m not going to answer to that name” Levi pouts. “Hahahaha oh, Levi. I’m teasing. Okay, L e v i?” She drags his name at the end which earns a glare from said man. She laughs and goes outside. Elves? What the fuck is going on?
A few days have passed and Levi could finally walk outside the cottage. Putting on a robe that was left for him by Y/n, he opens the door and steps outside. It was warm. Like the middle of the day. Many children were playing by the stream and many were picking flowers. Levi looks around and his eyes land on the woman that saved his life. Y/n was currently sitting down with a child on her lap while she was manipulating the flowers to make a flower crown. In the sunlight, her skin glowed. Her smile was as radiant as the sun and her eyes, golden. Just like the rays. Levi feels himself smile a bit but stops as soon as she sees him. Y/n smiles at him and lift the child and walks towards him. “Hello Mr Grumpy. How are you feeling?”, Y/n asks him. “I thought I told you to stop calling me that, brat”, Levi says and looks away. “Brat”, the little child mimicks his words earning a laugh from Y/n. “Oh my heavens. Lux learnt a new word.”, she catches her breath. “Is he your kid?”, Levi asks curiously. “No. He is my little nephew. He loves the outdoors. But his power is starting to show. Hydrokinesis.” “What’s that?” “The power to manipulate water.”, Y/n answers him. Levi merly nods. Y/n puts Lux down and he walks to his mom. “You do know that nobody knows you exist outside this forest.” Levi tells her. She giggles. “Yes. I know. We have kept it a secret for a long time. But those Titans. Oh how many Elvish lives were taken by them. My father being one of them. But not by an ordinary one. It was hairy. Like some kind of...ape? I don’t know. But what I do know is that he took my father and ripped him into pieces. Right in front of my eyes.”, Y/n explains to Levi, as she recalls the memory,voice filled with rage but face devoid of any emotion. Levi’s breath hitches. Zeke. “I know of whom you speak of. He killed Erwin too.” Levi says, earning a shocked look from Y/n. She didn’t know Erwin was dead. Levi spoke so highly of him. How he was a commander that came once in a lifetime and how he rescued Levi and his friends from “the underground.” “Oh Levi. I’m so sorry. I didn’t know.”, she tells him. “Don’t be. How could you? I never told you.” He says looking at the sun. She frowns and looks away too. It’s quiet but then Levi breaks the silence. “I’m gonna kill him. For you and me. That’s a promise.”, Levi tells her. She smiles. She knew he meant it. But she couldn’t help her next comment. “You should heal up first, Mr grumpy.” “Tch. Seriously? Still with that name? Are you ever going to give it up?” He asks a bit annoyed. “Never.”
Almost a week had passed, and Y/n and Levi make their way to a tree by the lake. Y/n and Levi had grown very close since that day. When she showed him the tree and the lake, he moved in to kiss her. Luckily for him, she returned with a smile. He knew she felt the same way he did. Those lingering touches she gave when she changed his bandages and applied her ointment on his wounds and the way she looked at him. It’s wasn’t the doctor-patient look anymore. It was that lover look. It was also the way he would catch her staring as he sat down where the kids were playing with his hair and putting flowers in it. It was like they had a little family together. Now, the young couple were sitting underneath their tree, with Levi’s head resting on Y/n’s lap while holding her left hand while her right brushed through his hair. He sighed and closed his eyes. Her touch was really magical, especially since it was just her. No magic involved. “I’m gonna have to leave soon”, Levi says softly as he slowly opens his eyes to look at her. “I know”, Y/n whispers as she leaves a kiss on his forehead. “I know”. “But I don’t want to. I want to stay here. With you. I feel at peace here.” Levi explains, voice filled with hope. “Levi..I want you to stay too. But we both know you can’t. You gave a promise to humanity. To Erwin. To me. They need you.”, Yn softly explains while his eyes close in understanding. “Yeah...I know. But I can dream, right?” Levi asks. She smiles. “Yes. Yes you can” she replies. “Let’s just stay here. For a few more minutes. I want to remember what it’s like to not have the weight of the world on my shoulders for while. Can we do that?” He asks as he opens his eyes. She looks down at his face and nods. And so they laid there and until the morning sun rose.
Goodbyes were never the best. Today, Levi was planning to leave. But before he left, he wanted to tell Y/n that he loved her. She needed to know, in case he never made it back from the battlefield. Levi put on his shirt and cravat and looks for his jacket. Surprisingly he couldn’t find it. He swore he saw it there yesterday. Levi puts on his broken gear anyway and makes his way out of the cottage. He looks around to find Y/n and when his eyes land on her, there it was. His Scouting Corps jacket, with the Wings of Freedom jacket big on the back. She looked more like an angel than Elf to him. Y/n was showing the little elves and friends it and they looked in amazement. Lux saw Levi and ran to him, hugging his legs. “Pwease Wevi. Don’t weave.”, the little elf tells Levi. He could feel his heart squish in cuteness. He looks at Y/n and she smiles. But he knew it was a sad one, because that smile didn’t reach her eyes. Levi looks down at Lux. “Don’t worry, Lux. I’ll be back.”, Levi tells him. “Pwomise?” Lux asks. Levi eyes widen a bit. He knew he couldn’t make that promise. He couldn’t even promise Y/n he would make it back. He didn’t know what to say but luckily Y/n stepped in. “Okay Lux. Go to your mom.” Lux let’s go of Levi and runs to his mom. “Nice jacket”, Levi tells her. “Oh. I just wanted to use it. It seems comfy.”, Y/n chuckles. She was about to take it off when he stopped her. “Leave it on. I’ll take it when I leave. You said you wanted to give me something?”, he asks her. “Oh yes. Come with me.” She takes his hand and leads him. They walk together to the stables. There was Levi’s horse, eating hay happily. “Hey, boy. You saved him too?”, Levi asks Y/n. She nods. “Of course. When you got knocked out your horse was around you somewhere. He is lucky no Titan didn’t eat him. Like his rider.” She teases. Levi smirks. “Yeah. Come on, boy. Let’s go.” He puts on his horses harness and Y/n takes him to the exit of the village. “Levi, listen to me now.”, Y/n tells him as they make their way to the exit,”Once you leave here, you can’t come back without an Elf accompanying you. It will be like this place never existed. But just because it isn’t there doesn’t mean I can’t see you.”, she explains to him. All he does is nod. He doesn’t want to speak to her just yet. He might not leave. He might just say fuck it and stay with her. He knew that was impossible though. So before they could leave , Levi turns to Y/n. “Y/n. I never thanked you for saving me. You brought me here and showed me a new world. Thank you. For everything.”,Levi tells her. Y/n smiles. “Oh that reminds me. I have something for you.” She says as she takes out a necklace from her neck. Y/n takes it and puts it around his neck. “What’s this?” He asks her. “Protection.”, she tells he. Y/n takes his hand in hers and looks up to him. She just wanted to memorize his face for a while longer. She doesn’t know when she might see it again. She runs her hands along his cheek. His blue eyes that shone grey. His onyx hair and his stone face. His lips. Her hand runs along his jaw, down to his neck. He catches her looking at his lips and he closes the gap between them. They melt together, savoring each other. This wasn’t an ordinary kiss. It was a goodbye kiss. None of them wanted to say it, but it was reality. Levi had to save humanity.
After a few minutes, they pull apart, the need for oxygen becoming too great. Levi rests his forehead on hers as the breath into each other. Now he had to tell her. “Y/n, I-“, he starts. “No.”,Y/n stops him as she puts her finger on his lips,”No. Don’t say it. Not now. Not when we might never see each other again. Come back. Come back and tell me those three words I desperately want to hear. But come back to me. Don’t make me miss you more than I already am.”, she whispers, afraid that if she spoke louder her tears with come crashing down. It was falling already and Levi carefully cups her cheek and wipes them away. “I will come back to you.”, Levi says sternly. She sniffs and looks at him, smiling. “You better.”
And just like that, he left. He walked through that gate and when he looked back, he couldn’t see her. As he rode and he could smell her scent on his jacket. That chain that she gave him close to his heart. Levi rode as fast as he could and luckily for him, it was early morning so no Titans were here. Levi made it back to base and everyone was so happy and relived. Humanity’s Strongest was back. “Levi! Oh my god. I thought I lost you too!”, Hange exclaims and hugs him. He hugs back, a rare thing for everyone to see. Hange pulls away. “Where have you been? You look like you were reborn.” Hange jokes. “Don’t worry about it. Now, where’s Zeke?”
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hajimes-erect-ahoge · 4 years
Postmortem- Chapter 17
PING PONG TIME ao3 Approximately two weeks had passed since Ouma had sustained his concussion, giving him ample time to recover. During these two weeks he mostly rested and stayed in the apartment, albeit hesitantly. Ouma was impatient; He wanted to be out and about as if he had never been injured in the first place, but Saihara and Momota had other plans for him. It was incredibly boring to him, but Ouma reluctantly saw the point in their strictness as he soon felt better.
Now, however, he was itching for a chance to leave the apartment. Even if it was something as mundane as joining Saihara and Momota for their nightly training once more, Ouma craved an excuse to get out of the apartment and do something. What he would do, however, remained a mystery.
That was, until he overheard a rather interesting conversation between Saihara and Momota.
”Hey, sidekick!” Momota’s voice greeted enthusiastically, “Got any plans this weekend?”
Saihara peered over his mug of coffee, carefully recalling if he had any plans coming up. “Not that I know of.” He observed Momota’s cheerful demeanor, expecting an invitation of some sort.
“Great!” Momota slammed his fists together in excitement, grinning at his sidekick. “Then you and I are going to check out the game room on Saturday!”
“The game room…?” Saihara repeated Momota’s words back to him, faintly recalling that the apartment complex had a game room reserved for leisurely activities. “That’s right! I remember the paperwork we had to fill out mentioning a recreation room of some sort…”
“Yep! What do you say?” Momota beamed, radiating liveliness.
Saihara gave a soft smile, “Sure, sounds fun.”
“Great! It’ll be just the two of us then so don’t forget!” Momota told Saihara, who nodded in agreement.
Meanwhile, Ouma stood right before the threshold of the living room, fingertips lingering on the door to the bedroom. He smirked to himself, a plan manifesting itself in his mind. At least he wouldn’t be bored this Saturday, he thought.
The awaited day came quicker than expected, Ouma’s mind buzzing with excitement. He glanced at the clock before practically leaping out of bed, making sure everything was going according to plan.
Saihara-chan and Momota-chan should be in the game room right now… Time to get to work!
The layout of the apartment complex only facilitated Ouma’s plans, the game room being located in the basement while the apartments and common room were ground level. He quickly set his plan in motion, knocking on Amami’s door.
After a few short knocks the door opened, revealing a nonchalant Amami.
“Hey, Ouma-kun. What’s up?” He leaned casually against the door, awaiting Ouma’s response.
“Amami-chan, I need your help!” Ouma balled his hands into fists, looking up at Amami with pleading eyes. “It’s an emergency!”
“Oh? And what could that be?” Amami chuckled to himself, unfazed by Ouma’s antics.
“Saihara-chan and Momota-chan are hanging out in the game room without us!” Ouma frowned.
“And this is an emergency because…?” Amami asked, not following Ouma’s logic.
“Because...” Ouma smirked, “We can’t let them have fun without us, riiiight?”
“Okay…” Amami replied, starting to put the pieces together. “So you’re suggesting we show up and crash their hangout?”
“Not just us!” Ouma grinned, beaming up at him. “Help me gather the rest of the guys! Pwetty pwease?”
Amami snorted, now fully understanding Ouma’s plan. While he could chalk it up to his typical mischievousness all he wanted to, it was clear that he missed spending time with everyone despite their grudges. He nodded, agreeing to Ouma’s plan.
“Yay! Amami-chan is the best accomplice ever!” Ouma cheered.
Amami cocked an eyebrow, “Accomplice?”
“Yep! Now come on, we’ve got a party to crash!” Ouma grinned, having successfully gained Amami’s cooperation.
The two of them thus set out to gather the remaining boys and bring them to the game room, Saihara and Momota blissfully unaware of what was going on.
The game room was full of various means of entertainment, such as a ping pong table, a foosball table, a pool table, and an overabundance of couches and other forms of seating. Saihara and Momota stood at each end of the ping pong table, paddles in hand.
“I win… Again.” Saihara gave a sly smirk, picking up the ping pong ball.
“T-That’s because I was going easy on ya!” Momota declared, aiming to save his dignity. “One more round!”
Saihara chuckled, choosing not to point out the fact that Momota said the same exact thing after the last round. “Sure.”
Raising his paddle in the air with one hand and holding the ping pong ball in another, Saihara prepared to serve and start the next match. But just as he was about to strike the ball after tossing it in the air, the doors to the game room swung open. Saihara fumbled with the ball as it fell to the ground, instead turning his attention to the now open doors.
“Guess whooooo!” Ouma sang as he stood proudly in front of the open doors, the rest of the boys standing behind him.
“Ouma?! What do you think you’re-” Momota began, only to be cut off by an impatient Ouma.
“Hush, Momota-chan! I’m still mad at you for making plans to go to the game room without me- I mean, us!” Ouma pouted, haughtily stalking over to the ping pong table.
The other boys filed into the room, following Ouma. Shinguji and Hoshi seated themselves on the couch, having come here against their will more than anything. Meanwhile, Gokuhara explored the many different games set up in the room with Kiibo following him, offering him an explanation and answering any questions he had, having studied thoroughly about human forms of entertainment.
“Sorry about that.” Amami chuckled.
“Wha-?! Amami, you helped him?!” Momota was more dumbfounded than anything, surprised that Ouma managed to pull this off.
“Yeah, he seemed pretty determined about crashing your private little hangout session.” He approached the ping pong table, picking up a spare paddle. “Since we’re all here, how about a game of ping pong?”
“Ooh, ooh, I wanna play!” Ouma excitedly searched for another paddle, holding it up proudly once he found it.
Momota grinned, “You guys are on! Shuichi, come on my side! We can take ‘em!”
“We’ll see about that.” Amami retorted, getting into position along the other side of the table with Ouma.
Saihara held up the ping pong ball, preparing to serve it. “Ready?”
The members of the other team nodded, Saihara promptly serving the ball. A rally quickly formed, mostly between Saihara and Amami. Ouma would jump in and hit the ball whenever it was on his side, both him and Amami staying on their designated sides. Noticing that Momota was sitting back and letting his sidekick do all the work, Ouma hit the ball straight towards him. Momota fumbled for a moment before haphazardly striking the ball, sending it flying over Ouma and Amami’s heads.
“Hey, that wasn’t fair!” Momota protested.
Ouma snorted, “Last time I checked there are two members on a team, Momota-chan! Stop making Saihara-chan pick up your slack just because you suck!”
“I don’t suck! It’s just our strategy!” Momota argued vaguely, “You’ll see!”
Amami had retrieved the ball from the other side of the room, holding it in his hand. Once Ouma and Momota had stopped bickering he served it, starting another round. Momota received the ball, striking it with a particularly fired up exclamation. Ouma rolled his eyes, hitting the ball back with ease. Another rally started, only to end when Amami sent the ball right in between Saihara and Momota, causing both of them to hesitate in receiving it.
Ouma gave an impressed whistle, “Looks like I chose the right teammate! No one beats Amami-chan!”
Watching Ouma and Amami share an excited high five, Saihara couldn’t help but feel a pang of jealousy.
Were him and Amami always this close? It was just a game of ping pong anyway, it’s not like it was a big deal…
Saihara was brought out of his thoughts upon hearing none other than Amami’s voice.
“You’re pretty good at this, Saihara-kun.” he complimented.
“Thanks…” Saihara awkwardly replied, still staring at the ground in thought.
“Both of you seem to have a knack for this, if my opinion means anything.” Hoshi’s deep voice spoke, eyeing Saihara and Amami as he stood up from his seat and walked over to them. “I may not truly be the Ultimate Tennis Pro anymore, but I’ve still got some skill when it comes to these types of games. I know talent when I see it.”
“W-What about me?” Momota asked, seeking validation of his own skills.
Hoshi shrugged, “Not everyone is meant for this, kid. No sweat.”
While Momota stood there in shock, Ouma proposed an idea. “Hey, Hoshi-chan! Why dontcha go up against Amami-chan and Saihara-chan?”
Hoshi thought for a moment before responding, “I’m a bit rusty, but… if that’s what you want to see then I don’t see why not.” He gave a small smile, his ever-present love for tennis, even if in ping pong form, still palpable.
Saihara and Amami also agreed, lining themselves up to play against the former Ultimate Tennis Pro. Ouma stood with the still sulking Momota alongside the other edge of the table, eager to watch the game.
Hoshi promptly served the ball, striking it with enough force and speed that neither Saihara nor Amami could react in time. It was silent for a moment, with even Shinguji, Gokuhara and Kiibo looking on in awe.
“Woah..! How cool!” Ouma cheered. “Do it again!”
“Heh, sorry about that…” Hoshi apologized, “Guess my instincts took over for a second there.”
Saihara and Amami shared a nervous look, simultaneously realizing what they had gotten themselves into. Nonetheless, they continued the game, Hoshi promising to take it down a notch. The rest of the boys watched on, fascinated at how Hoshi’s tennis skills translated into also being great at ping pong.
Many rounds later, Hoshi decided to end his brutal winning streak and call it a day. Saihara and Amami thankfully agreed, both of them exhausted.
The rest of the boys were ready to head back as well, everyone saying their goodbyes before heading out. Gokuhara even bowed and thanked the others for inviting him, stating that he had such a great time despite not actually participating in their games.
Saihara looked towards Ouma, seeking an opportunity to speak to him in private. The boy in question was currently gushing over Hoshi, praising him for his superb ping pong skills. After Hoshi said his goodbyes to Ouma, Saihara swooped in.
“Ah, Ouma-kun…? Can I talk to you for a minute?” Saihara asked him.
“Sure!” Ouma chirped, “Anything for my beloved Saihara-chan!”
There it was again, those honey-laced words that made Saihara’s heart swirl with affection. For a moment he caught himself wishing those words would only be spoken to him, however he quickly chastised himself for having such selfish thoughts.
Once the room was empty asides from the two of them, Saihara tried to speak but struggled to find his words. He had so many things to say, leaving him unsure of where to begin. Forcing himself to speak, he said exactly what he was thinking.
“I… have a lot to say, but I’m not exactly sure where to begin…” Saihara admitted, feeling the power of the moment slip through his fingers.
Ouma tensed, his anxiety about the lack of control over the situation beginning to get to him. He wasn’t exactly sure where Saihara was going with this, and that scared him.
Amidst Ouma’s silence, Saihara spoke once more. “I’m really happy that you’re feeling better. I… After what happened to you the other day, I was just so worried, and…” Saihara instinctively clenched his fists as he spoke, being overcome with emotion. He didn’t want to overwhelm Ouma or, even worse, bore him with his outburst of emotion, so he kept it simple. “I’m just so happy to have you here with me, Ouma-kun.” He smiled, attempting to put the blank-faced Ouma at ease.
It was quiet for a moment, neither of them speaking. Ouma repeated Saihara’s words over and over again in his mind, panicking at the fact that he had yet to respond. He didn’t want to seem uninterested, yet he didn’t want to pour his heart out either. Deciding that he had been quiet long enough, he told Saihara what he had been hinting at since the very beginning in a feeble attempt to gain control of the situation.
“I like you.”
Saihara paused for a moment, then chuckled. “I like you too, Ouma-kun. Like I said, I care about you a lot, and-”
“No, I mean I like you, Saihara-chan!” Ouma repeated, more emphatically this time.
Saihara froze, processing Ouma’s words. There’s no way he could be serious, right…?
“But that’s a lie, isn’t it?” Saihara gave a sad smile, wishing that Ouma’s words were indeed true. Someone like Ouma would never have feelings for him, he was way too shy and awkward for something like that to ever happen to him…
“Aw man, you caught me!” Ouma admitted cheerfully, ignoring the uncomfortable surge of negative emotions running through him. “I can’t get anything past Saihara-chan, now can I?” Before Saihara could respond, Ouma took off running towards the stairs, giving one last shout. “Welllll, I better get going now! See ya!” And with that, he ran up the stairs as quickly as he could, not wanting Saihara to see him cry.
God, I’m such a baby… What happened to the me during the killing game that could hide his emotions like a pro?
Meanwhile, Saihara stood dumbfounded in the game room all by himself.
Why did he just run off so suddenly? There’s no way he…
Saihara froze, not even letting himself finish that thought.
He felt himself start to panic as he acknowledged the fact that Ouma may have truly meant what he said a few moments ago, and it was his fault for screwing it up and accusing him of lying.
I have to find Ouma-kun, fast!
Saihara called his name and ran up the stairs, attempting to chase after him. There’s no way he could just let Ouma go like that, not when they were so close to revealing their true feelings about each other. With a newfound determination and a pinch of anxiety, Saihara set out to find Ouma and make things right between them.
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jootsmcgoots · 4 years
Like the Sun and the Sea (Abbacchio x F!Reader) SFW
So of course the first fic that goes up during my Fanfic Writer Appreciation fic-posting spree is, well, the very first fic I wrote for this fandom.
This was my very first work for JJBA and it was based off of a match-up i got from @headoverjojo (Sorry to tag you again Tricia ^^; while i’m here tho, love ur work and all that you do!) It was my very first match-up and I still remember it extremely fondly ;w; So here we are again boys to throw the first baby back onto this blog. 
I’m not gonna repost the matchup because I abandoned my old blog due to personal and safety reasons, but the tl;dr is that I got Abbacchio and I was like “wow that’s neat I didn’t see that coming but hell yeah i’m down to clown!”
And so I wrote a fic based off of it.
I’ve written way more work since and I can see the bits of my style that I kinda miss or feel like I’ve lost in a way, but at the same time I’m proud to have come as far as I have. I don’t really write that much (as I only write on a ‘when i feel like it’ basis), but I can see where I have improved. 
More on that later. We’re here to read cute shit now.
Rating: General
Genre: Fluff
Word count:  2194
Summary: You spend a nice quiet day at the beach with Abbacchio after everything that happened with Diavolo.
Except you’re a big dumb and your boyfriend is a big grump, so things hardly stay quiet.
Banter, fluff, and shenanigans at the beach.
AO3 Link!
The gentle crash of waves, the distant cawing of seagulls, and the wind brushing past you were some of the few noises that you registered as you sat on the beach in relative silence. You absent-mindedly drew some random doodles in the sand with your finger while you waited for Abbacchio to come back from the car with the ice box.
The two of you had decided to take some time off together and decided to spend the day at the beach. It was currently vacant, as the spot you had chosen was a little out-of-the way and not very well-known. But for the two of you, it was perfect. After all, you simply wanted a bit of quality alone time with your lover; he deserved at least that much after what he had gone through with Diavolo.
You recalled the memory with a shudder and shook your head. Pressing harder, you sketched more lines into the sand to distract yourself. Sure, the journey wasn’t pleasant for anyone involved; you’d had a few close scrapes and near brushes with death yourself. But the very thought of Abbacchio’s near-miss with the boss sent shivers down your spine. You didn’t even want to begin to think about what could have happened to him.
Thankfully, your thoughts were interrupted by the soft thump of the ice box against the sand. You looked up to see Abbacchio setting it down and rising back to his full height to survey the scenery in front of him.
“Not too heavy?” you asked, tilting your head at him. He looked back to you and scoffed at your words.
“Of course not.”
“Still, I told you I could help...” Even though you knew Abbacchio was probably the most physically fit member of the gang and could probably handle the ice box just fine, you always felt bad whenever it felt like everyone else was doing all the work.
“I can handle it by myself.” He bent to ruffle your hair a bit, to which you couldn’t help but give soft laugh. “And anyways, I don’t know how much help a little twerp like you would have been.”
“Hey now, I might be littler than you, but you know I’m stronger than I look!” You offered a confident look on your face that made Abbacchio chuckle. While you rummaged around the box for a drink, he looked down and stared at the drawings you had made in the sand.
Abbacchio raised a brow. “What are those? Is that one supposed to be me?” You mumbled out an affirmative as you took a swig from the juice bottle you had selected.
Wiping your mouth with the back of your hand, you responded, “Yeah. I was bored while I was waiting for you. See, that’s you,” you pointed at the grumpy face with long hair that pointed upwards at the ends. “Bruno, Trish, Mista, Fugo, Narancia, Giorno, and me.” You pointed to each drawing as you listed off the names, one by one.
Crouching down, he inspected the crude drawings and hummed. “Do you always do dumb little things like this when I’m away?”
You huffed at him, indignant. “They’re not stupid!”
“They’re stupid and ugly,” he shot back, egging you on.
With a short “Ha!”, you responded, “I’d like to see you do better.”
“Maybe on a proper medium.”
“Ehh? Art is art. It doesn’t matter what medium it’s on. And anyways, art is subjective! I think you’re just being an ass.”
Abbacchio just chuckled in response as he sat down next to you on the towel, staring out at the ocean. Not saying much, he chose to just enjoy this moment with you. Then he felt you plunk your head down onto his shoulder, leaning on him while you puffed your cheeks out in that adorably huffy way. He reached for your hand, which had been resting in your lap, and moved to lace his fingers with yours. Abbacchio smiled to himself when you offered no resistance and in fact eagerly reciprocated the gesture, holding his hand in yours on your lap.
A moment passed before you broke the silence. “Well, it’s fine. It’s not as if my drawing skills are what…drew you to me.” Your face split into a stupid grin as you heard Abbacchio groan in exasperation.
“Ah great, here we go…” You heard him say, and you turned to see Abbacchio tilting his head backwards in annoyance.
“You’re just envious because I’m quicker on the draw when it comes to these things.” The grin on your face grew wider as you returned your gaze back to the sea. You didn’t even have to look at his face to know that he was grimacing now.
“(Y/N). (Y/N) please.”
“It’s not my fault that you’re so draw-matic about it! I’m just having fun!”
The last one earned you an even louder, even more annoyed groan. “Really?” he deadpanned, unamused. You merely flashed him a cheeky smile full of teeth and giggled as he released your hand to pinch his brow in annoyance.
Once you had come down from laughing at your own jokes, you took a breath and continued. “I swear, it’s amazing that you haven’t thrown yourself into the ocean after all of these dumb jokes,” you said with that stupid, cute sunny smile of yours. He both adored it and wanted to smack it straight off your face. “Honestly! I would have expected you to go into one of your fits by now.”
He snorted and began to stand, a wicked idea coming to him. “Why would I do that,” Abbacchio said the words slowly, and suddenly you felt his hands grabbing for you. In a swift movement, he had you hoisted into his arms as you squeaked in response to suddenly being lifted and being much higher up than you were before. “When I can just get rid of the nuisance myself?”
And with that, he began striding towards the shore with you in his arms. You kicked, struggled, and squirmed the entire way while pleading to him in-between your laughter.
“Leone! Leone, no! Don’t! Leone Abbacchio, you wouldn’t dare!”
Alas, your struggle was futile as he kept an inescapable hold on your wriggling form and your complaints fell on deaf ears as your boyfriend waded out into the shallower waters, deemed his position to be a sufficient launching point, and chucked your screaming form into the air. You soared a short distance before plummeting straight into the deeper waters with a large, satisfying splash.
Waves lapping at his shins, Abbacchio stared at where you landed in quiet amusement while you emerged from the water, splashing and gasping for air. Even then, you couldn’t help but give him an incredulous laugh. “What was that for?” You shouted from the waves. He huffed, calling back, “You know damn well what it was for.”
You pouted and made a whining noise. “That’s mean! What if I drowned or something? That would be on your conscience forever, you know.”
Abbacchio merely shook his head at you, a grin of his own forming on his lips. “Well, at least if you drowned, I would never have to deal with your stupid jokes ever again,” he teased. You feigned shock and hurt with a dramatic gasp.
“Yeah? Well, I’d just come back as a ghost and then you’d never ever be free of me.” You wiggled your fingers in a way that was meant to be spooky or creepy. “I would do nothing but whisper puns into your ear all night.”
“Then I would just ignore you and pretend that I never noticed you. Then you would be left haunting me the rest of my life, but would feel alone for the entirety of it.”
“Whaaat!” You drew out the word. “You’re such a mean boyfriend.”
He threw you a somewhat smug look. “Am I?”
You pouted and idly splashed around in the deeper parts of the water for a bit before a dumb idea surfaced in your mind. “Okay, let’s test it then!” you proclaimed in a cheery voice, and put on the highest, cutesiest voice you could muster.
“Oh no, Weone! Pwease hewp me! I’m dwowning!”
You could see Abbacchio tense up in annoyance in response to your antics. It was subtle, but you could see his lips flatten into an expression of irritation. You knew he hated that joke, but you pressed on.
“Pwease Mr. Abbacchio! Pwease hewp! I’m dwowning!” You couldn’t hold back your giggles anymore as you kept pleading to him in an obnoxious, sing-songy voice. “W-Weone! Weone, I’m dwowning! The water is wising! Ub-bwub-gwub! I won’t wast wong!” At this point, your words started to peter out as you had fallen into full-blown peals of laughter that filled the sky as you struggled to keep your eyes open from the tears forming in them.
Which is probably why you hadn’t noticed Abbacchio wading out farther and farther into the water where you were until you noticed your surroundings getting darker and felt him firmly grasp the back of your head. He held you there for a moment, and, without missing a beat, you threw him a sultry look and commented, “Oh. I wasn’t aware you were into…underwater sports.”
Abbacchio scowled slightly at you, muttering, “Ugh, (Y/N), you immature, little…” You could see his brow crinkle further in annoyance as you tittered in sheer amusement at your own dumb joke. Before you could make an inappropriate joke about regular “watersports”, you felt your head being forced downwards. His annoyed expression was the last thing you saw before Abbacchio roughly dunked your face into the water and held you underwater for a moment, watching the bubbles rise up to the surface. After a second, he raised your head up from the water, gave you another second to breathe, and then dunked you once more.
“Aughh--!” SPLOOSH!
“Leo--!” SPLOOSH!
“Come on---!” SPLOOSH!
“It was just---!” SPLOOSH!
“A joke!” SPLOOSH!
Once you had ceased all talking and were reduced to coughing, sputtering, and the occasional giggle, Abbacchio released his grip on your head and settled his hand on your shoulder as you leaned up against him. You were still giggling from your own shenanigans, as well as the sudden rush of playful (albeit somewhat rough) actions from your boyfriend.
He sighed out, “You really are a silly idiot. What am I going to do with you?” Despite the bite in the words themselves, you heard the teasing and loving tones in his voice and smiled to yourself.
You peered up at him, slicking back some of the hair that was covering your eyes. “Apparently you’ll throw me into the ocean like some sort of cursed object, and then dunk me in the water several times. What kind of boyfriend does that? Do I look like a Lebowski? Do you want me to tell you where the money is?” you quipped with an impudent grin that only grew wider when you saw his expression crack into a grin of his own as he shook his head at you once more.
Then you felt the hand on your shoulder dip lower to your back as Abbacchio pushed you close to him, pulling his arms around you into a hug. You shuddered as a pleasant warmth enveloped you, contrasting against the cool water you two were standing in.
“Hmm? Haha, Leone…” you breathed out. “What’s this all about?”
“Don’t ask stupid questions.”
“Pffft. To you, everything I say is stupid. So I get to say damn well what I please.”
“Hmm.” He seemed to ponder your statement. “That sounds about right. So, fair enough.”
“You asshole.”
During your exchange of words, you had wrapped your arms around him and held him tightly in a hug of your own.
“Hey, Leone?”
“I love you. I really do. I’m glad that you’re here.” Your grip on him had grown tighter at these words.
Abbacchio closed his eyes for a moment, committing the feeling of your arms around him to his memory. In those seconds where you two just held each other in silence, the water splashing against him gently, he began to think to himself. After everything that had happened, he was glad to be able to spend this time with you like this, to be able to listen to your silly jokes, to be able to just banter and tease each other like this, to see the corners of your eyes crinkle with mirth and your lips turn upwards into an unashamed, jubilant smile that would give way to a laugh that would cause his heart to flutter and threaten to cause his lips to pull into a small smile of his own (no matter how unamused his reaction seemed to be).
You were a stupid little fool, bright and brilliant. And you loved him.
He hummed affirmatively in response.
His voice came out as a low rumble that you could feel emanating from his chest. “I love you too.” And his heart blossomed with warmth when he opened his eyes to see you smiling widely at him, for him. 
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writingkeepsmewhole · 4 years
You Remember.
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This is part 3 of Angel Eyes I hope you like it.
Fic Summary: Dean, Callie and Bobby find Sam.
Dean Winchester x OC Claudia
Warnings: Language, talk of death.
Taglist: Let me know if you want to be tagged. @magssteenkamp​ @deanwanddamons​ @lemondropirwin​ @vicmc624​  @lilulo-12​ @eternalevie​
Part 1  Part 2
After we ate lunch we decided to try and find where Sam was. I was sitting on the counter in the kitchen Dean leaning next to me drinking a beer as I started to call Sam.
“Yeah?” He answers, sounding out of breath.
“Whatcha doing?” I ask my eyes locked on Dean.
He didn’t seem to mind his eyes meeting mine as well.
“You sound happy, did your hunt go well?” He asks, sounding like he was messing with something.
“Yeah, but where are you?”
“Illinois why?”
“I thought we could grab a bite to eat.”
“Alright I’ll text you where I’m at.”
“Thanks love you.”
“You too.” He says hanging up the phone.
“So where is he?” Dean asks, turning to face me.
“Well let’s go.”
By the time we got there it was dark. We found Sam’s hotel with ease. It was right off the interstate. Knocking on the hotel door I felt a rush go threw me realizing this was the first time Sam would get to see Dean again.
I was a bit shocked when a dark haired woman opened the door. She was dressed in a tank top and panties.
“So where is it?” She asks looking at us as if she was expecting something.
“Where's what?” I ask.
“The pizza that it takes three people to deliver.”
“Hey is the pizza-” Sam says coming out of the bathroom, him stopping in his tracks when he sees Dean.
I watched as Sam's face went through the emotions of shock, and unbelief.
"Dean?" He says sounding like the wind was knocked out of him.
"Heya Sammy." Dean says stepping into the room.
I jump and the other girl screams when Sam slams Dean into the wall trying to kill him.
"Sam stop!" I yell as Bobby jumps to get him off his older brother.
"It's really him Sam! I tested him myself." He says pulling Sam back.
I quickly move between the Winchester's, my back to Dean.
"Sam I promise it's him." I say pleading with me eyes and voice that he will listen to reason.
I watch the light bulb go off in his head, him once again looking at him.
"Dean?" He asks again.
"Yeah it's me." Dean says Sam quickly pulled him into a hug.
"So are you two like together?" The dark haired girl asks, making me turn to look at her.
I get this weird feeling in my gut like dejive. Or when you see someone you know but can't remember their name.
"What? No? He's my brother." Sam says looking at her.
"Right, uh I should probably go." She says pointing to the door.
"That's probably a good idea." Sam says.
She quickly gets dressed grabbing her things and walking to the door, Sam holding it open for her.
"Well I'll see you around Becky." He says smiling.
"It's Becca." She says her face, dropping.
I wrinkle my brow. It's weird for Sam to forget her name.
He wasn't normally like that. How bad did Dean's death affect him? Probably just as bad as it did me. I doubt worse. I don't think Sam had the hallucinations.
"So how much did it cost?" Dean asks looking at him from my place on the hotel bed not wanting to know the price of Sam's date.
"I don't pay Dean." He says putting his shoes on.
"Funny but that's not what I meant. What did it cost to get me out?"
"I don't know what you're talking about."
"Don't lie to me."
"I'm not Dean. I wish I was." Sam says standing up just for Dean to get in his face.
"Don't lie to me." He says his jaw clenching.
"I'm not, I wish I was. Dean I wish to God I was. I tried everything, you were in hell for four months and I tried everything to get you out but no demon would deal. Dean I'm so sorry." He says, his voice getting tight.
"It's okay Sammy I believe you." Dean says softly.
"Well I'm glad your soul is still intact but that does raise the question. How'd Dean get out?" Bobby says, making me bite my lip.
"Whatever it was has got to have something up it's sleeve. The bad thing is I think it might be Dean." I say running my fingers through my hair.
"What do you mean?" Sam asks looking down at me.
Standing up I join the three men standing in a weird circle.
"Well we've spent our lives putting demons back in their fiery cells so why would they want Dean back out? They know he would never join team black eyes so what does him coming back mean?" I ask knowing none of us had the answers but I just needed to vent my questions.
"Well whatever it is it ain't good." Bobby says making a pit of worry settle in my stomach.
"I have a question? Did you call me before or after you knew Dean was back? If so why not tell me?" Sam asks, changing the subject.
"I didn't want to rune the surprise besides I didn't know if you were behind his resurrection." I say shrugging.
"I promise you I wouldn't make a deal." 
"Yeah, which you tried to break clearly."
"Well what about you? You weren't exactly dealing with his death." Sam says my face darkening.
He knew about all the twisted things I saw and said about myself.
"Yeah I wasn't but-."
"Will you two shut up?" Bobby says using his dad voice. Both of us closing our months and taking a step away from each other.
"It doesn't matter about that now. Dean is back and we need to figure out why. So you two stop fighting like cats and dogs and let's get to the bottom of this."
"You're right. I'm sorry Callie." Sam says looking at me.
"S'okay." I say shrugging, wrapping my arms around myself.
"Good now what we're you doing here if you weren't making a deal?" Bobby asks looking at Sam.
"I was tracking some demons and they packed up and booked it up here."
"Yeah well that makes sense where I popped up at it looked like a nuke went off." Dean says just as a knock is heard on the door.
"Ooo pizza." I say turning to go answer the door.
The three men behind me turned to hushed whispers as I opened the door, a teenager standing there a pizza in hand. He looked bored out of his mind that, quickly changed when he saw me.
His eyes bounce from me then to the boys behind me then back at me.
I roll my eyes a slight smirk on my face wondering what is going through his head.
"How much is it?" I ask, placing my hand on my hip.
"Oh umm 10.70." he says snapping out of it.
"One second." I say holding up my finger then walking over to Dean.
"Money pwease." I say holding out my hand using my little kid voice.
It's his turn to roll his eyes but he pulls a twenty from his pocket and hands it to me.
"Thank you." I say standing on my toes and quickly kissing his cheek.
I give the money to the pizza guy and walk back to the table.
"Where's my change?" Dean says looking at me.
"There's no change." I say open the box and hand him a slice of pizza.
"You gave that kid a ten dollar tip?" He asks looking down at me.
"Yes I just made his night."
"He looked confused outta his mind." Sam says taking a slice from the box.
"Well duh a hot chick like me in a room full of men is kinda weird." I say Bobby shaking his head, Sam lifting an eyebrow and Dean smirking.
I smile and move to sit next to Dean at the table.
"I'm gonna go rent a room and leave you idjits alone." Bobby says looking like he was done with us for the night.
"Goodnight Bobby wove you." I call after him as he walks to the door.
"Yeah yeah." He says leaving.
After Bobby left Sam stood up giving Dean his necklace back that he gave to him when we were kids.
I smile at the touching moment from my seat at the table.
“So what do you remember?” Sam asks the question that’s been bouncing in my head but I couldn't bring myself to say it.
“Not much, I remember being a hell hounds chew toy, then waking up in a pine box. Everything else is just blank.” Dean says, making me sigh in relief.
“That’s good.”
“Yeah.” Dean says nodding.
“We should probably get to bed, we’ll start looking for whatever pulled you out in the morning.” Sam says, him always the responsible one.
That’s exactly what we do, within an hour all of us were ready for bed. Dean climbed into the free bed. Sam is already asleep in the other one. But I wasn’t in either.
I changed into some baggy sweat pants and an old shirt of Dean’s without thinking about it. But it hit me when I walked out of the bathroom seeing Dean laying in bed.
I was wearing his shirt because it was the only thing that helps me sleep at night. Sleeping next to him for most of my life had my brain wired that if I couldn’t smell him I couldn’t relax. I didn’t feel safe. Now that he is back, and in the same room as me I felt frozen.
“What’s wrong sweetheart?” He asks looking over at me.
“Nothing just not tried.” I lie. Something I must have gotten better at because he nods and lays down.
“Don’t stay up too late.” He says making me smile.
“Okay dad.” I say earning a chuckle.
I stared at the TV till I felt like it was too late for it to be on then just sat in darkness. I should have been jumping at the chance to lay next to Dean. To know that he was real and okay but I was scared if I did in the morning I would wake up and he would be gone. Or worse his dead corpse would be there.
I chewed on my lip worried that whatever was happening was temporary and would end soon. Maybe this wasn’t about Dean, maybe this was Lillith trying to get back at Sam and me. Let us see Dean again just to snach him away again.
My mind raced until it couldn’t anymore. Me finally falling asleep at the table around 2AM. I didn’t get to rest long. My body decided it needed to pee.
I don’t make a noise as I get up not wanting to wake either brother up as I walk to the bathroom.
I opened it jumping when a figure was standing inside of it looking in the mirror. I quickly realized the figure was Dean staring at himself.
What worried me was he didn’t seem to even react to me coming inside. I look at his reflection realizing he was staring deep into his own eyes as if he was trying to figure something out, or forget something.
It doesn't take long for me to know what’s going on. I shut the door gently not wanting to spook him or wake Sam and lock the door.
Walking up to him I slowly touch his shoulder, making him jump and spin around to face me.
“You remember don’t you?” I say softly, him blinking as if he’s just now noticing me.
“I-.” He says his forehead wrinkling up.
“You don’t have to lie to me Dean. I won’t tell anyone. You don’t even have to talk about it. All I need is a yes or no.”
“Yes.” He says nodding.
“I remember all of it.”
“Okay.” I say as I pull him into a hug.
He wraps his arms tight around me. So tight it hurts but I don’t say anything. Okay wrap my arms around him as he buries his face into my neck.
“I missed you so damn much.” He says surprising me.
“I missed you too. Come on let's go to bed.” I say pulling away from him just enough to land back on my heels. 
He nods and takes a step back, our arms leaving each other. I grab his hand and lead him back to the empty bed.
It felt strange to put him to bed when it was always the other way around. I wasn’t used to Dean being broken.
He gets under the covers laying down then holds his arm out asking me to join him. I do just that. Laying down next to him, he wraps his arms around me, his head on my chest. I play with his hair as his body heat starts to seep into me.
It doesn't take long for either one to fall asleep. It was just so much easier when we were together. 
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allthingsteenwolf20 · 7 years
Lisp - Pack Mom (Part Three)
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Scott joined the others and sighed.
"What happened? Is he ok?" Lydia asked concern lacing her tone.
"The kid hates me." Scott told her.
"Well you didn't exactly jump to his defense." Malia retorted. Scott sighed and nodded.
"You're right. I should've done more." He sighed.
"Y/N and Derek are taking care of him. He seems to have calmed down now." Scott told them.
"It doesn't surprise me. They'd make great parents." Kira smiled at the thought.
"Look man, I didn't know tha-" Stiles began but the true alpha cut him off.
"Enough Stiles. I don't want to hear it. You've already done enough." Scott replied annoyed.
"I know man but I-" Stiles continued to Scott stopped him again.
"You know if it wasn't for you acting like a dick and provoking Liam, we wouldn't be in this mess." Scott replied angry as he walked out of the loft.
"What's going in here?" Derek's  voiced boomed from behind him.
"You know he's right, Stiles. You're going to have to delete the video and apologise to Liam." Lydia told him to which the others nodded.
"Not now, the poor kid has just managed to calm down. He's not seeing anyone tonight. He's staying here with us for the night. Get his backpack from the jeep and you should all get going too. We'll meet up here tomorrow at noon to continue the pack meeting without anymore fiascos." Derek told them dismissing them. Lydia gave Derek Liam's backpack from Stiles' jeep and headed home telling the former alpha to call her if they needed anything. Derek smiled and nodded telling her how much he appreciated that since things were going to be alot more different at the loft with a newcomer staying with them.
"Honey, remember earlier this afternoon you asked if you could stay here with us? Why was that?" Y/N asked him. Liam sighed and shrugged his shoulders.
"You can trust me sweetie. You know that." She told him gently stroking his tearstained cheek with the pad of her thumb. Liam sighed and nodded. He hid his face against her shoulder.
"My mom and s'ep dad are neber eber home. They work away and weave me awone aw de time. Pwease don' make me go home. I don wanna be awone," Liam pleaded with them.
"Oh honey, why didn't you say so? Of course it's ok with us but you need to let them know you'll be staying with a friend so they're not worried." Y/N told him.
"No matter, they're neber home. They won' notice am gone" Liam told her.
"Oh baby. I'm sorry to hear that; still send them a text to let them know." Y/N insisted. Liam nodded and did as he was told.
"Here you go, pup. I got your backpack. Do you have some spare comfy clothes you can change into for the night?" Derek asked him. Liam nodded up at the alpha taking his backpack from him.
"Let's go get comfortable and then we can watch a movie before bed ok?" Y/N told him. She showed Liam to the bathroom where he freshened up, relieved himself and got changed into a plain cotton black top and cosy grey sweats. Y/N changed into her black night dress with the lace trim, put on her matching robe and brushed her hair putting it up into a messy bun for the night.
"All ready sweetheart?" Y/N asked him. Liam nodded. She had him head down to the living room to wait for her so she could wash up and relieve herself before joining them for a movie.
Derek was in the living room where he was waiting patiently as he had set out a mug of warm milk for Liam.
"Ready to wind down with a movie, pup?" Derek asked him ruffling his hair. Liam nodded.
"Waitin' fo' momma." He replied.
"Here she is." Derek smiled as Y/N walked down the stairs to join them.
She sat down on the couch and pulled Liam onto her lap seeing him instantly shrink down into her lap and nuzzle into her getting comfortable. She covered them both with a cosy blanket and pressed a kiss to his forehead.
"Are you comfy, baby?" Y/N asked him to which Liam nodded against her.
"What movie do you want to put on, pup?" Derek asked him.
"Pwomise you won' laff?" Liam asked them.
"Yeah of course, pup. What is it?" Derek urged him.
"Nemo" Liam replied blushing.
"You don't have to be embarrassed pup, it's ok." Derek smiled at him as he put on the movie.
Liam settled down and watched the movie slowly sipping the mug of warm milk. His eyes began to droop as he rest his head against Y/N's shoulder.
"Babe..." Derek called her softly. She looked over at him and he pointed to Liam. Y/N sighed and smiled. She adjusted Liam in her arms and hushed him letting him fall asleep properly before getting Derek to carry him to bed.
"I think he's out, babe" Derek chuckled. Y/N smiled at the young wolf in her arms and pressed a kiss to his forehead.
"Poor baby. We're going to have to get all put right tomorrow when everyone's together, Der." Y/N told him.
"And maybe give Stiles a slap around the head." Derek added as he took Liam from her arms and carefully carried him to one of the spare rooms with Y/N following behind. She pulled back the cover and had Derek lay him down that was until Liam whimpered in his sleep.
"Hey, sssh you're ok pup. You're ok. We're here." Derek hushed him gently rocking him. Liam snuggled into the former Alpha's warmth and settled down. Y/N couldn't help but smile at the sweet scene.
"You'd make a great dad, Der." Y/N commented with a big smile. Derek chuckled and shook his head.
"What? It's true. He already likes you better than the others." Y/N pointed out to him to which Derek thought for a moment and nodded.
"Yeah I suppose but it's like you said, he's just a kid. He needs us." Derek repeated as he laid Liam down in bed, gently ruffled his hair and pulled the covers over him.
"Sleep well, pup." Derek smiled down at the sleepy beta.
"Sweet dreams, sweetheart," Y/N cooed and pressed a kiss to Liam's forehead.
The couple stood in the doorway watching over Liam for a few seconds seeing how he had settled down and fallen asleep. They switched off the light in the bedroom, kept the door slightly ajar so the light from the hallway could get in and headed to their own bedroom for the night.
Tomorrow was going to be another tough day.
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dansphlevels · 7 years
A fluffy one shot about Phil meeting Dan's family dog Colin pwease
Christmas With Colin (And The Rest Of Dan’s Family)
Day 12 of 12 Days Of Prompts
Summary: Dan and Phil go to meet Dan’s family for the first time, and things go better than accepted, especially considering that Dan’s parents hadn’t always been accepting of his sexuality. They’re more interested in questioning him on other things- like, for example, when Dan’s planning on giving them some grandchildren.
Length: 1k
Themes: fluff, meeting the family, Colin the Good Boy (Dan’s family dog)
 They’d pushed their chairs even closer than necessary, so that their legs brushed against each other, a comforting presence in the commotion of family. At the table sat Dan’s parents, his brother, and a half dozen assorted cousins and relatives. They all knew Dan and Phil were dating, and when everyone was invited Dan’s mum made it clear that if you didn’t agree with it, you couldn’t come. Dan noticed that neither of uncles from his dad’s side had made an appearance with their families, but chose not to mention it.
 Dan tried to tune in to the conversation. His cousin, Emily, was talking about her new baby Lizzy. “She’s adorable,” his mum remarked. “And such a good sleeper! We didn’t even know what sleep training was when we had Dan, and even if we had known, he never wanted to sleep!”
 Dan laughed, “Yeah, a lot has changed.”
 “I bet Dan would have slept better if you’d let him stay up until three in the morning on Wikipedia,” Phil suggested seriously, as if giving genuine advice. “That’s what he does now to fall asleep. I don’t know Mary, it could have worked.”
 Dan squeezed Phil’s hand under the table, trying to hide his joy. Hearing Phil refer to his mother by name felt so surreal, something he never fathomed would be able to happen. In Dan’s mind, his family and Phil had always been two separate things, a past and a present. He loved his parents, but they hadn’t always approved of relationships like his own.
 “Calm down Dan, just tell them. Worst case scenario, you can celebrate with my family for Christmas.”
 Dan squeezed his legs together, hiding his face in his hands. “I don’t know if I can do it. I just don’t want to hear the rejection. Do you think I could just text them?”
 Phil rubbed his back. “You know that this is something you have to do. Just call them.” 
 But they’d accepted him. More than that- they’d accepted Phil. And now he was here, at the family home and Dan didn’t have to keep pretending their relationship was some dirty secret.
 The conversation went back to babies, with Dan’s mum Mary continually mentioning how much she loves kids and how she would’ve had a whole half dozen if she could’ve. She kept looking over at Dan pointedly, reminding him how much he loves children and how he was so good with them. Then, finally, as if he hadn’t noticed her ‘subtlety’ yet, Mary put her hands on her hips and asked: “So when am I going to get some grandchildren?”
 At that exact moment, Phil had been in the middle of drinking some water, which resulted in him choking on it and Dan patted him on the back a little forcefully to dislodge it. “I dunno mum, but really I think he’s too young to have kids.” Dan gestured at his brother, who was just started university and looked at him with a slightly scared expression, like don’t give her any ideas.
 Mary huffed. “No Dan, I was talking about you. You have a job, you’ve settled down, what’s stopping you?”
 Phil laughed a little awkwardly, feeling all the eyes in the room trained on them. “I’m pretty sure that’s not how biology works.”
 “Oh, you can get creative. You could adopt, or get a surrogate! You know, my friend Janice has the sweetest daughter-”
 “Mum, Phil and I aren’t married,” Dan interrupted, speaking slowly as if to make sure his mum understood. “I don’t know if I said something and you misinterpreted-”
 “Oh posh. How long until you get married then?”
 Dan looked to Phil, pleading with his eyes for help. “If we get married,” Phil started slowly, proceeding with caution, “then it won’t be for a while. We’re in a good place now, why change things?”
 “I’ll tell you why,” Dan’s father interjected, his voice low and rough. “Because your mother and I want grandkids!”
 Dan and Phil laid on top of Dan’s old bed, still fully clothed, the bed still made underneath them, just looking at each other and trying to process the eventful day.
 “We should get married right now,” Dan decided, his plain tone making him sound almost serious. “Just to placate Mum.”
 Phil snorted. “What are we waiting for? Tomorrow we can get a cab and sign the documents before lunch.”
 “Go to an adoption clinic afterward,” Dan added. “Sign up.”
 “Nah, adoption would take too long. Mary needs a grandbaby right now.”
 “We’ll get a surrogate. Whose genes should we use?”
 Phil shuddered. “Yours. Otherwise, they might be lactose-free-”
 “-And have bad eyesight,” Dan finished for him agreeably.
 “We could talk to mum’s friend Janice, the one with the daughter.”
 “Why wait? Why not just kidnap a baby? If we hurry, we can have one before it’s time to open presents.”
 Phil nodded. “That was strange though. I didn’t realize how accepting she’d be.”
 “No kidding. I guess she’s just glad I finally am in a relationship. You know, I think this is the first time I’ve dated someone since Madison.”
 Phil crinkled his nose, smiling as if the thought equal parts made him proud and grossed him out. “Madison? The one you dated for a few years in high school?”
 “Dan?” His mother called from downstairs. “Your father’s back with Colin!”
 Dan and Phil both bolted up, Dan grabbing Phil’s hand and pulling him behind him as they ran down the stairs.
 “Colin’s at the vet,” his mum had explained earlier, when Dan had first gotten there and was looking for him. “He  should be back soon, I doubt they’ll want to keep him overnight.”
 They hurried over to the kitchen, where Dan’s dad was just setting Colin on the floor. “His front right paw is still a little sore,” he warned.
 “Colin!” Dan exclaimed, practically falling to his knees in front of the dog. “I missed you! Did you miss me? Did you miss me?”
 Phil quickly followed suit, kneeling and scratched behind Colin’s ears. Colin limped a little closer so they could both pet him, and thought he couldn’t smile, his tail was wagging.
 “What a good boy, you’re such a good boy! So handsome too, aren’t you, aren’t you!”
 They laid on Dan’s bed again, only this time in only pajama pants, and underneath the covers, not on top of them. But they laid in the same position as they had before: slightly curled up, facing each other, so close that if they moved their knees would bump and their arms would touch.
 “Thank you,” Dan whispered. “For putting up with them. I know they’re a lot-”
 “They’re amazing,” Phil reassured.
 “Not amazing as you,” Dan quickly corrected. “Otherwise you’d have to change your branding.”
 “I’ll change my channel to AmazingMary,” Phil joked, cracking a smile.
 This made Phil’s eyes light up. “That’s it, AmazingColin. Guess I have to rebrand now.”
 “Guess so,” Dan giggled. He tried for a more serious expression. “But seriously. I’m glad you could come.”
 “Thanks for inviting me. I-”
 The door was pushed open and in barreled a ball of fur. Dan and Phil both bolted up into a sitting position as Colin leaped onto the bed, licking Dan’s face then changing his mind and rushing over to smother Phil. Dan climbed out of his bed and walked over to close the door as Phil called out for help, Colin standing on his chest and smothering him with wet kisses. “Aww, he likes you!”
 “He’s trying to eat me!”
 “Mm, just let him. Really, is there any better way to go?”
 Phil was laughing at the wet dog tickles, trying to push him off without hurting him. Finally, Dan decided he was content with the torture and helped Phil get Colin off of him.
 Dan climbed back into bed, Colin plopping down right in between them. “Cockblock,” Phil muttered.
 “I think my mum was wrong,” Dan decided, plugging in his phone. “I don’t care about having a kid right now. I just really want a dog.”
 Colin wagged his tail enthusiastically, as if agreeing as well.
12 Days Of Prompts Masterlist / Fic Masterlist / Request A Fic
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k-renne · 8 years
King of Pain Pt. III
Previously:  I, II
You watched the snowfall from the view of your window; it coated each branch in a soft layer of white. The sky was completely overcast, almost the same color as the snow. The cold from outside seeped through the windowpanes. It was invigorating. You were interrupted as Martha knocked on your door.
“Hello Martha, it’s lovely to see you again,” You greet Kylo’s handmaiden.
“You’re too kind my lady,” She smiles.
“Martha, I have a question for you about the King,” You start. She nods, signaling for you to continue. “I was wondering about his suitors, and if there was anything to indicate his interest in me, it just seems so random,” You voice your curiosity.
“Many women fancy the King, but he rarely pays them any attention. Speaking from personal experience, his majesty looks at you differently and after the duel he would ask around about you,” She explains.
“I see, I believe you, though I don’t appreciate that he expected me to marry him so easily.”
“Well he doesn’t have much experience with woman, he’s learning. But let me assure you that he has a great respect for you,” She justifies.
You take in a breath and let out a sigh, maybe Kylo was a bit demanding, but after getting to know him your initial opinion of him changed. You had suitors before, men trying to charm you, none of them had captured your interest like this one. His directness was almost refreshing, he knew what he wanted and he was honest. It was a change of pace from some of your past crushes who just wanted to play games.
Martha leaves you to reflect, Kylo was slowly worming his way into your heart, and you didn’t know if you really wanted to stop him anymore. Physically he was incredibly handsome, with his strong nose and pink mouth, all framed by his black hair. His stare was striking; it made you feel dizzy, and his voice. Oh that would be the death of you, just thinking about it made you flustered.
You open your door to see Kylo standing outside of it just about to knock on your door. His eyes light up when he sees you, flashing you a bright smile.
“Y/N, I was wondering if you would allow me to give you a proper tour of the castle today,” He offers.
“Sure,” You reply. Kylo offers an arm for you to take and you give him a skeptical look.
“Come on Princess, please,” He urges. He wanted to show you off to his people.
“Fine, I’ll appease you today,” You roll your eyes. You rest your hand on his forearm and you swear you can feel his muscles tense underneath. He smiles warmly at you before beginning to walk with you. He explains some of the history behind the castle, showing you various paintings a long with a self-portrait. 
“You looked so stoic,” You comment.
“I guess I didn’t have a reason to smile then,” He grins at you.
“It’s also off center,” You add.
“That’s because traditionally a space is left for the Queen,” He explains, eyes full of mischief. You scoff, now he was teasing you.
He continued to show you the palace, in all its grandeur. There were a lot of reds, silvers, and black, to match the royal crest. It was very modern and sleek, designed for protective and aesthetic reasons. The ballroom by far was the most extravagant, huge arching windows and a grand staircase that led to an upper standing area.
“Here we have many events, the biggest one being the Winter Soirée, which is actually coming up in a few weeks,” He says.
“I see. I haven’t been able to come in the past but I can imagine that it’s wonderful,” You speculate.
“Why not? I always invited you,” He questions.
“Well I never really had a date to go with, or even a friend. I don’t like to go to such big social events on my own with a room full of strangers,” You explain.
“Hmm, I’ve never had a date either, but I guess it’s a little different when it’s your own party.”
“Yes, I’m sorry I let my fears get the best of me. Maybe this year I’ll gather the courage to come,” You hope.
“Don’t apologize, I understand.” He squeezes your hand in a comforting gesture. “Although I’d love to see you come this time, you could stick with me, be my date or just go with me as a friend if you prefer,” He suggests.
“Okay, I think I’d like that,” You accept his invitation.
“Wait, as my date or as my friend?” He asks.
“We’ll see Kylo,” You answer, smirking at him. He shakes his head at your ambiguity, unsurprised at your refusal to give him a direct answer. You liked to mess with him, he was certain of it. He would just have to go along with your little games.
He continues to show you his palace; though he can’t show you every room he shows you the most important ones and the things that might impress you. An example of this would be the throne room, where he spends his time greeting the court and his people.
“What? Kylo why exactly are you showing me your bedroom,” You question.
“I just thought you might want to familiarize yourself with your quarters, know where they are just in case. It’s not easy to find,” He flirts with you.
“You’re impossible, you know that?” You sigh.
“Only for you Princess,” He teases.
“I mean do you really need that big of a bed, it’s excessive,” You criticize.  
“You’d be surprised how much space one might need, why don’t you try it out?” He suggests.
“What! Are you serious?” You question.
“Always, come on try it out. It’s very comfortable, I should know I sleep there every night,” He goads you. You’re flabbergasted by his shameless attempt at flirting with you, at the same time you kind of love it. Seeing his bed of silken sheets, thinking about him lying there got something going in you. Probably not the best idea, but you decided to entertain him, flopping on to his bed like a starfish.
“Isn’t it great?” He asks, lying down next to you on his side, eyes appreciated your form on his bed.  You push him away playfully, but he only moves closer, barely budging from your hand. You decide to lie back against his soft pillows and close you eyes, enjoying the feeling of the cool smooth fabric against your head and the delightful smell of fresh linen mixed with Kylo’s scent.
This gives Kylo a great opportunity to stare at you openly, admiring your features while at the same time trying to ingrain them in his memory, so he could see you clearly in his dreams. He shifts so that he’s just hovering above you, face just inches from yours.
“Kylo, What are you doing?” Your eyes snap open at the feel him his breath against your face. His brows furrow, he feels like he can’t control his own actions. Your eyes hypnotize him.
“Y/N-I, can I kiss you?” He says barely above a whisper. Your eyes widen, and before you can think you blurt out yes, too caught up in the moment. He leans in slowly and you tilt your head and close your eyes, anticipating the kiss. It’s so gentle and soft, like he’s afraid he’ll hurt you, and before you get the chance to deepen it he pulls away. He looks at you again, cheeks pink, completely bewildered that you would humor his request. 
“Uh, I should probably show you the library.” He gets off the bed and looks at the floor like he’s about to ask it a question.
“Oh yeah, right,” You agree, beginning to come to your senses. There was something about this man that made your brain feel all fuzzy, thoughts muddled. You felt your heart beat just a little bit faster at the sound of his voice; you couldn’t believe that you’d ever find anyone that made you feel this way.
You walk over to him, “What you aren’t going to offer your arm this time?” You tease him. He shakes his head, against better judgment you grab his hand and begin walking. You don’t see him smiling down at your hand, fingers intertwined with his own.
Kylo leads you to the library, where you’re greeted by a bunch of kids. They all come up to you and Kylo, leaving their story time. “Who’s this Kingy?” They asked, calling him by their nickname for him.
“This is Princess Y/N, she’s my guest,” He presents you to them, crouching down to their height.
“Wow a Princess! You’re even prettier then the story!” A boy remarks.
“She is pretty isn’t she? Just beautiful,” Kylo asks the children, they all agree with them in a chorus of voices.
“Aw you gonna get mawwied?” A little girl asks. Kylo laughs and you become flustered at the relevance of the question.
“Maybe if I’m lucky, it’s up to Y/N though,” He answers. The girl turns to you and gives you big puppy dog eyes, “Pwease?” She pleads. You laugh at her cuteness.
“I won’t say yes, but I won’t say no either right now. We’ll see,” You answer vaguely.
“Can I be the flower girl?” A girl chimes in. “Yeah and I’ll be the ring bearer!” A boy adds enthusiastically. In their minds you basically said yes and they’re already thinking of the future. Kylo laughs seeing your frown, and he can’t stop himself from smiling at your answer. No longer was it a complete rejection, it was much more possible now.
Next the kids all join hands and encircle you two, dancing around while singing ‘Here comes the bride’. Kylo gives you a penchant look, before snaking an arm around your waist. You let the kids have their fun with their little game.
“Kingy can you read us a story?” One kid asks and others join in until Kylo finally agrees, asking you first if you mind.
You’re surprised that Kylo has such a good relationship with these children; they’re completely unafraid in his presence. There’s always something charming about seeing a man good with children, it’s a sign of good character, patience. Kylo can be pretty monotonous, but he reads the story with enthusiasm, putting effort into entertaining the kids.
By the end of the story they’re all leaning in, fully invested. You sit on the floor with the children while he sits on a chair. The kids are sitting close to you, holding your hand and sitting on your lap. Kylo smiles down at you and winks, seeing how much they are taking a linking to you.
After the story Kylo has to leave you to go and get some work done, he still has to run the kingdom after all. While he’s gone you go into the training room, where his loyal knights who are eager to speak with you meet you.
“Princess Y/N, it’s wonderful to finally properly meet the one that Master Ren keeps on talking about you, we’ve all heard great things,” A Knight greets.
“And we were particularly impressed by your swordsmanship, who taught you?” Another one asked.
“Thank you, I started teaching myself when I was a kid, sometimes taking a few classes here and there. Eventually I was trained properly by a veteran from my kingdom,” You explained.
“We’d love to spar with you sometime if you’d allow us,” They say eagerly.
“Ah more challengers, well someday we’ll have to, but I don’t think now is the best time. I’m sorry.”
“Of course Princess, we wouldn’t want to steal you away from Master Ren, he’d get jealous,” A knight answers.
“It was lovely to meet you all, but looking at the time it seems as I must go,” You say goodbye. They all wave and you leave to meet Kylo for dinner. He looks much more exacerbated then before.
“Are you alright? You seem tired,” You voice your concern.
“Yes, I’m fine Y/N. Even though I have great stamina in battle the proceedings of the court never cease to drain me,” He sighs. “But let’s not talk about that, I want to enjoy your company,” He adds.
“Well I am great company,” You boast.
“Yes you are my lovely, now let’s eat,” He directs, gesturing to the food. His term of endearment makes you breathless. You eat dinner with him, discussing your encounter with his knights and telling him more about yourself while he listened with rapture. After desert he places a velvet box on the table, he gives it to you to open and inside is a silver necklace with an opal framed by more silver.
“It’s for you, I hope you like it,” He addresses.
“It’s beautiful, this is too much. Thank you Kylo.”
“Nothing is too much for you, here let me put it on for you,” He offers. You nod and he gets up and walks behind you, taking the necklace in his hands. He gently brushes aside your hair, fingertips lingering on your neck before unclasping the necklace and putting it on you.
“Beautiful.” He coos, placing a kiss on your neckline.
“You’re too much,” You shake your head.
“You know I’d give you the moon if I could,” He speaks honestly.
“I don’t need you to spoil me, I’m already a princess,”
“That’s the whole point, no one ever needs to be spoiled, and if you think you’re spoiled now just you wait,” He promises.
“You’ll never give up will you?” You ask.
“Never,” He replies immediately. It was the truth, giving up was just not in his nature. He would fight for you till the very end; he was determined to win your heart. If you truly detested him you would’ve left and more importantly you wouldn’t have let you kiss him. He was more than willing to be patient for you if that’s what you wanted. He’d even give you his heart if you’d let him.
Kylo walks you back to your room and gives you a kiss on your cheek goodnight. This is when a messenger comes running over out of breath, Kylo, not knowing who it is stands defensively in front of you.
“Princess Y/N, I have important news,” The messenger breathes. You move in front of Kylo, reassuring him with a squeeze on the arm that he could trust this man.
“Yes, go on,” You urge. Kylo looks at you with concern.
“It’s your kingdom, we’re under attack from the North!” He exclaims.
Fuck, looks like something from the past was coming back to bite you in the ass.
A/N: Hope you guys enjoyed this, I’m having a lot of fun writing it and it really makes me feel inspired. 
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