#caitlyn connors
owlzshitshow · 5 months
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i'd like to introduce y'all to an underrated crackship of mine
the mirror's edge brainrot also came back
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drinkingdrunk · 2 years
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@giftober 2022 | Day 6+7: "Heroes" + One colour
Brightburn (2019)
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meanscarletdeceiver · 2 years
tttetwt backup: new build edition
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(kyrie's subthread)
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Whats Whiffs, Hanks, and Connors love languages like? (Towards friends or even their partner) (also sry i HAD to pick those 3 bc i couldn't make up my mind-)
Oooooo; I like the choices! I need to talk about My Hank and Connor more; Let’s go!!
Let’s Start with Whiff. His language to friends is “I’ll treat you like how you treat me”. He can be nice to someone if they are nice to him but he will also show that he isn’t gonna be nice when someone is mean to him. He’ll be a jerk 2x worse than the other person if they are rude to him.
As of Lover wise; The last time he was in a relationship was before the Shed 17 and Project G-1 incident. His brain represses that event very well that he gets headaches a lot, but he remembers that he was slow in the relationship and he waited on his partner to be ready with things. Nowadays; He’s still like that but he doesn’t have long relationships. However; He does have likings towards a few people.
Now for Hank! Hank’s language towards friends is honestly so gentle that even Big old Gordon can be easily tamed by Hank. Hank doesn’t like being mean unless you get on his nerves hard. Like if Thomas is yelling at him; Hank would take it and when he thinks Thomas is done; He will ask if Thomas has more to say. If Thomas does; Hank will hear him out. If not then Hank will thoroughly apologize and comfort Thomas.
As for Lover wise; Hank is married in my AU. He’s a flirt when he wants to be. Otherwise he likes to take things at a pace; He doesn’t wanna force nor rush into things and it’s something his wife loves about Hank. Hank takes his lovers feelings and thoughts into mind and keeps them close so he knows what to do.
Now for Connor. Connor; When with friends; will have a big smile on his face and be very nice. He will have a wall up if anyone tries to be rude to him because Connor is not gonna take rudeness from anyone.
As for lover wise; He’s in a relationship with Vinnie and Caitlyn (Idk if the two are twins but they certainly don’t act like they are in the show so they aren’t related in my AU). Connor will be a love bug and will be the sweetest teddy bear that he is. He does show he is shy sometimes but when he has to be the one to admit things; He’s willing to step up to the plate. He’s going through relationships at a pace like Hank is. He’s at least less shy than Vinnie is that’s for sure lol.
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Caitlyn Clark as your girlfriend headcannons (Part 1)
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She’s big on cuddling. Like super big on cuddling
She will hug you and cuddle you no matter what time or day or place it is
Even before a big game shes definitely cuddling you somewhere private
When she wants kisses she will pout and pout and pout when you dont give her any kisses
She’ll give you a look and a side eye until you kiss her
That’s your way of teasing her hehe
When she started to develop a crush on you and she left Connor for you she played the song confessions by Usher (Part 2) on repeat. Especially the part “If I’m gonna tell it then I gotta tell it all”.
And she finally asked you out and you said yes
Connor seemed like a cool guy at first. But he he treated her like shit. Still blamed her that he didn’t get drafted into the NBA. And when he was free he never attended her joke games like the way you do
When she hugs you her hugs are strong. She’s great giving you hugs oh wow
She gives great advice too. And is happy you help your family a lot and your family LOVES Caitlyn and her family and friends love you too
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orphicrose · 7 months
Want to do
Hazbin & Helluva
- Old man vs Iphone (Alastor x Reader)
- Tiny spider (Alastor x Reader)
- The co-host (Alastor x Overlord!Reader) [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
- Stolas
one shots
- The sunset between us (MyloxFem!Reader)
- In fire and anguish (VanderxFem!Reader)
- Legend of the horse (MyloxFem!Reader)
- Arcane Augmentation (ViktorxInventor!Fem!Reader)
- Buttercup (Caitlyn x Zaun!Fem!Reader) [1] [2] [3]
- Close friends - Modern Au - Being taken in by silco
- Connor&Hank
Rick and Morty
- The only one (Rick x Fem!reader)
Red Dead Redemption 2
- Fish out of water (Arthur x OcPirate!Fem!Reader) [0] [1]
One shots
- Stray (Mentor!Hosea x Child!Reader) - Colter (Hosea x Male!Reader)- Brothers in arms (Sean x Male!Reader)
- Kiss the girl (Sean x FemReader) - Had it coming (Camp x Reader)
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crona-gorgon2312 · 1 year
Happy pride month!!! 2023 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈 [this updated list my of my favorite ships. some new ones and some old ones. and my opinion[ so don't @me to complain] 1 year of being in relationship with my Gf and being out an as an lesbain
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[Credit to the artist]
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Honorable Mentions
-Tali x Female Shepard
-Dina x Ellie
-Caitlyn x Vi
-Kim Possible x Shego
-Langa x Reki
-Hinata x kageyama
-Hank x Connor
-Dorothea x Petra
- Juvia x Lucy
-Eda x Camila
-Shiho x Ann
-Peebee x Fem Ryder
-Vetra x Fem Ryder
-Pamela x Harley Quinn
-Pacifica x Mabel
-Supercorp (Kara x Lena)
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writerpey · 9 months
Omg wait, you have so many fandoms I love, ok, ok could you make like a list of characters from theses shows and what they’d be? Like regressed, caregiver, ect? (So I can send asks based on that) I’m so excited right now
Arcane, Detroit Become Human, Last airbender, Our flag means death, and Six of crows/shadow and bone
happy 2024! this has been in my inbox forever but looks super fun to do! here’s my take on what characters would be regressors/caregivers for arcane, dbh and atla. I totally wrote way more than I expected to but here u are! <3 I’ll do a separate post for ofmd and soc bc they have so many characters I have opinions on.
Agere Character Headcanons
(Arcane, D:BH, ATLA)
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(jinx is me cooking up this thread)
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Vi: As much as she’d be a wonderful caregiver, she’s absolutely a regressor. Being small reminds her of days spent with her parents and Powder, family trips to the fish markets of the coast and sunny days building sand castles at the beach. She tends to be on the older side, a natural tendency from a life spent as the older sibling, taking care of Powder. Vi’s a very active and vivacious little, playing outdoors and hanging off Caitlyn’s shoulders. Loves physical touch, hugs and high fives are the way to go.
Caitlyn: Caregiver all the way! I think she loves kids in general, and despite her awkward nature and sheltered upbringing, she finds it easy to take charge and step into the role of a protector. Definitely looks after Vi and is oftentimes too concerned about her safety. She loves taking the little out to the playground and to eat at Jericho’s food stall (even if she still refuses to eat a bowl of slop herself).
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Jinx: Tiniest, cutest, moodiest little troublemaker there is. Jinx regresses to about four or five years old, and absolutely bounces off the walls at all hours of the day. She’s not the quiet, sweet child she once was as Powder, but rather gets herself into trouble and feigns innocence. She loves to annoy both Silco and Sevika, clambering on the latter’s lap and hiding under Silco’s desk for games of hide and seek. Her mood changes rather drastically as well, as she can go from completely happy to hyperventilating sobbing from anything as simple as scraping a knee to refusing bedtime.
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Jayce: He’s a very attentive and high strung caregiver. Looking after Viktor is much easier than Caitlyn, Silco, or Sevika’s jobs, but Jayce always fusses over the little. He’s quick to scoop him up whenever it’s deemed necessary, and goes to Mel for help when he needs another pair of hands. Jayce loves caregiving because it gives him something to focus on other than his responsibility to Piltover, and enjoys simple play with his little like story time and building blocks.
Viktor: Super small and quiet regressor! Viktor can get very young, and has no qualms with depending on Jayce for help when he’s little. He likes to be snuggled up on a couch in a mound of blankets and is also content to sit and watch Mel paint the ships that go by the balcony of her apartment. Viktor is sweet and shy and doesn’t tend to verbalize his needs, but because Jayce is so attentive they mesh well together.
Detroit: Become Human
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Kara: Caregiver. Need I expand? It’s in her coding in the first place to protect and nurture. Upon her deviance, Kara realizes that even if she was made for it, she can still reclaim that part of herself for herself. She is quick to console whomever her little may be, and projects the kindest and warmest energy to the person she’s taking care of. Kara enjoys making up her own stories, and loves playing make believe with her regressor.
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Connor: One hundred percent a regressor. This little guy was shy and uncertain when he first started regressing, as he didn’t know what ‘normal’ behaviour from a deviant was, let alone how to process all the new emotions he was feeling. Connor loves to spend time at Hank’s house with Sumo, revelling in the feeling of the dog’s fluffy fur and laughing happily when he teaches Sumo all sorts of tricks. Connor is usually happy when regressed, but struggles with anxiety and asking for help. Hank is always there to walk Connor through his big feelings and encourages him to use his words.
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Markus: He’s one of the most chaotic caregivers there is. You picked the pacifist route in the game? Doesn’t matter. This guy is unhinged when it comes to caregiving. Spoiling his little at any time possible, letting them stay up hours past their bedtime, giving them candy for breakfast and encouraging colouring on the walls. He spent so many years being exactly who Carl wanted him to be while also tasting freedom through Carl’s art that it brings him so much joy to see a regressor’s eyes sparkle when he says yes to whatever their heart desires. He’s also amazing at comforting a regressor. Big hugs and gentle eyes!
Avatar: The Last Airbender
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Katara: Is a caregiver! Incredibly kind yet less patient than one (Sokka) might hope. Katara is quick to caution her little, always on the lookout for anything that they might hurt themselves with or on. But this doesn’t mean she hates fun! She adores the beach and using her bending to splash around, and is always ready to get her little an extra blanket or any snacks they ask for. She’s super sweet and falls into the role of a caregiver like she was made for it. Katara has even sewed a plushie or two as gifts, and has a knack for settling a regressor in front of a crackling fire and braiding their hair before bedtime.
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Sokka: Regressor for sure. Even though he’s a big brother he never let go of his goofy side, and it plays into so much of his behaviour when he’s regressed. He’s on the older side, around 6-8, and has so much energy he doesn’t know where to put it all. Queue him running around for hours, laughing at absolutely anything that Aang says and bothering Toph just so she’ll play with him. Sokka doesn’t cry, even when he takes a tumble (which is quite often) but is fussy when he doesn’t get his way. He’s a troublemaker, but his beaming smile lets him get away with plenty.
Aang: Honestly I think he’s a caregiver, but is more like a fun uncle than any other label. His sage airbender wisdom doesn’t come through often, which means he’s all about fun all the time. His childish side matches a little like Sokka’s constant energy, and he seems to vanish into a cloud of smoke when any tears come his way. And how did Sokka and Zuko get chocolate all around their mouths, you ask? Well, there’s no one to ask because Aang’s just taken off on his glider on some very important business.
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Zuko: LITTLE! REGRESSOR! TINY! Oh my goodness, he’s the first fictional character that I ever headcanoned as a regressor. There’s no need to delve into his trauma here, but the boy is in such a desperate need of healing his childhood that he regressed long before he even knew what it was. Regresses very young, between 2-5. Before meeting the Gaang he’d hang off of Uncle’s shoulder during Pai Sho tournaments on his ship and would shyly ask the crew members to play songs during music nights. His tough demeanour disappears completely when he’s regressed and he turns into a shy boy that is insistent on doing things himself and is quick to cry when he’s unable to, for example, wrap his robes the way he wants. Zuko has a turtleduck plushie that Katara sewed for him after Aang asked him what his favourite animal was and Sokka caught him cuddling up to Appa at night. Sweetest boy in the whole world.
Toph : Caregiver! Matches more with Aang’s style of caregiving than Katara’s, but still lands somewhere in the middle. Her earthbending gives her the ability to pick up on every tiny emotion that a regressor feels, and it means she’s prepared and in tune with every need, happy or unhappy, that someone needs. She tends to playfully tease Zuko and Sokka, but knows exactly where to draw the line with either boy based on the rhythm of their heart. Toph helps Aang when it comes to letting the boys do something Katara has specifically told them they’re not allowed to, and will always feign innocence when confronted by the eldest caregiver.
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angelltheninth · 4 months
Fandom and Character Masterlist
Alastor, Angel Dust, Husk, Lucifer Morningstar, Lilith Morningstar, Charlie Morningstar, Vaggie, Cherry Bomb, Valentino, Vox, Velvet, Rosie, Blitzo, Stolas Goetia, Striker
Jinx, Vi, Caitlyn Kiramman, Ekko, Sevika, Silco, Marcus, Finn, Viktor, Jayce Talis, Mel Medarda, Ambessa Medarda, Cassandra Kiramman, Enforcer Grayson
Jujutsu Kaisen
Ryomen Sukuna, Nanami Kento, Yuji Itadori, Megumi Fushiguro, Nobara Kugusaki, Maki Zenin, Gojo Satoru, Yuta Okkotsu, Geto Suguru, Haruta Shigemo, Mahito, Junpei Yoshino, Choso, Toji Fushiguro
Boku no Hero Academia
Keigo Takami, Bakugo Katsuki, Izuku Midoriya, Dabi, Shoto Todoroki, Eijirou Kirishima, Aizawa Shouta, Tomura Shigaraki, Hitoshi Shinsou, Mirio Toogata
Twisted Wonderland
Riddle Rosehearts, Ace Trappola, Deuce Spade, Trey Clover, Cater Diamond, Leona Kingscholar, Jack Howl, Ruggie Bucchi, Azul Ashengrotto, Jade Leech, Floyd Leech, Kalim Al-Asim, Jamil Viper, Vil Schoenheit, Epel Felmier, Rook Hunt, Idia Shroud, Malleus Draconia, Lilia Vanrouge, Silver, Sebek Zigvolt, Dire Crowley, Divus Crewel
Avatar the Last Airbender/Legend of Korra
Aang, Katara, Sokka, Zuko, Suki, Azula, Ty Lee, Mei, Jet, Korra, Asami Sato, Mako, Bolin, Kya II, Lin, Kuvira
Call of Duty
Simon “Ghost” Riley, John “Soap” MacTavish, Kyle “Gaz” Garrick, John Price, Alejandro Vargas
Blue Eye Samurai
Mizu, Akemi, Taigen
Honkai Star Rail
Blade, Dan Heng, Jing Yuan, Himeko, Sampo, Caelus, Gepard, Bronya, Serval, Welt, Kafka, Stelle, Luocha, Yukong, Fe Xuan, Luka, Argenti, Veritas Ratio, Gallagher, Aventurine, Jiaoqiu, Moze
Wuthering Waves
Calcharo, Jiyan, Rover, Aalto, Mortefi, Yuanwu, Scar, Xiangli Yao
Genshin Impact
Kaeya, Diluc, Itto, Gorou, Thoma, Ayato, Xiao, Al-Haitham, Kaveh, Cyno, Tighnari, Scaramouche, Dottore, Pantalone, Pierro, Childe, Arlecchino, Neuvillette, Wriothesley, Ororon, Zhongli
Zenless Zone Zero
Anton Ivanov, Wise, Billy Kid, Von Lycaon
Bruce Wayne, Jason Todd, Dick Grayson, Clark Kent, Connor Kent, Hal Jordan, Oliver Queen, Kara Danvers, Lena Luthor, Diana Prince, Selina Kyle, Harley Quinn, Tim Drake, Wally West, Garfield Logan, John Constantine
Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes, Sam Wilson, Clint Barton, Natasha Romanoff, Yelena Belova, Kate Bishop, Bruce Banner, Thor, Loki, Druig, Wanda Maximoff, Pietro Maximoff, James “Logan" Howlett, Scott Summers, Remy Lebeau, Kurt Wagner, Stephen Strange, Carol Danvers, M'Baku, Peter Parker, Venom, King Valkyrie, Shang-Chi, Matt Murdock, Steven Grant, Marc Spector, Jake Lockley, Peter Quill
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decipheringsidelines · 4 months
MEET THE ROSTER MASTER LIST (A continuously updated post)
The meet the roster site can be found here.
I’ll continue to update as people are added, but I’ll also create a post for each explaining why I believe who is who and also to potentially debunk all things posted.
Tiger King - Joe Burrow
Little ‘Roni - Rory McIlroy
Ice Devil - Jack Hughes
Wounded Bird - Caitlyn Clark
Mediocre Duck - Trevor Zegras
Dr. Dutch - Max Verstrappen
DD Dunks - Donte DiVincenzo
Killa Klown - Travis Kelce
Big Bird - Jason Kelce
Sky- Lashes - Angel Reese
Blonde Baller - Cameron Brink
Fresh Fruit - Ricky Pearsall
Pretty Boy - Jalen Hurts
Tin Hat - Aaron Rodgers
Zeus - Justin Herbert
Little bear - Nick Bosa
Big Bear - Joey Bosa
Oxen Free - Ollie Bearman
Mississauga Menace - Vince Dunn
2Pm - Patrick Mahomes
Sad sibling - Quinn Hughes
Home town - cole sillinger
The ace - Kelsey Plum
Sharknado - Mikey Essyimont
Allons-Y - Esteban Ocan
MoanA Lisa - Andrei Svechnikov
The prodigy- Lily He
Bon Bon - Alex Albon
Curly & Confused - Luke Hughes
Puck Baby - Connor Bedard
2 Pretty 2 Play - Mat Barzal
Open Wide - Tee Higgins
Peppa pigskin - Josh Allen
Pasta pro - Tommy Devito
Certified Loverboy -Jordan Love
Eyebrows - Jamie Drysdale
New Kid - Matt Rempe
Play that funky music - Lauri Markkanen
Chubby Cheeks - Kirill Kaprizov
Mr. World Wide Web - Braxton Berrios
Mouthpiece - Matthew Tkachuk
Cupcake - Brooks Koepka
Big Purr - Mac Jones OR Caleb Williams (?)
Four leafed forward - Jayson Tatum
The Viking - William Nylander
Goldfish - Noah Hanafin
Greasy K - George kittle
Simba - Spencer Knight
Minnesota airlines - Justin Jefferson
Goldie locks - Trevor Lawrence
Old Head - Sidney Crosby
Oscillate - Jeremy Swayman
Magic Mule - Luka Dončić
Miss USA - Simone Biles
Pirate Skeeze - Paul Skenes
Flying Tigress - Livvy Dunne
Skipper - Dylan Crews
Buddy - Cam York
Paul Bunyan - Connor McDavid
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strslv-4sh · 10 months
I was re-watching some movies and thought
Brightburn but it's Jon Kent
Damian Wayne as Caitlyn Connor or smt
Huh? Huh?
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owlzshitshow · 1 year
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this is an isabel kruger moment (also me fucking around with my art style a bit)
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im-not-a-l0ser · 11 months
I need a fic where Hatchetfield High puts on Dear Evan Hansen, and Max watches it and he fuckin cries and it changes his goddamn life.
Here's my casting decisions, but yknow
Trevor- Evan
Ziggs- Connor
Richie- Jared
Caitlyn- Zoe
Ruth- Alana
JDS- Larry
ADS- Cynthia
Brenda- Heidi
Hannah- Ensemble
Brooke- Ensemble
Agree? Disagree?
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daniarts19 · 8 months
Characters in my LGBT headcanons
I just putting this because I can’t open my old account because of my google account being hacked,
Lesbian: Catra (She-Ra), Namaari, (Raya and the Last Dragon), Ivy (Carmen Sandiego 2019), Amity (The Owl House), Spinel (Steven Universe), Cassandra (Tangled), Andrea (The Ghost and Molly McGee), Mary (Total Drama), Apple White (Ever After High), Sammy (Camp Cretaceous), Alex (Dragons the Nine Realms) , Julia (Total Drama)
Gay: Ryan Akagi (Infinity Train), Shiro (Voltron), Benson (Kipo), Ryan (The Wild; my version of Ryan), Logs (Dead End), Bia Zao (Kung Fu Panda legend of Awesome; rewritten), Raj (Total Drama), Aristotle (Billie Bust Up), Diazo (Strange World), Bowie (Total Drama)
Bi: Frey Holland (Forspoken), Lapis (Steven Universe), Owen (Total Drama), Min-Gi (Infinity Train), Carmen Sandiego, Marcy (Amphibia) Luz (The Owl House), Alberto (Luca), Bodi (Rock Dog), Mirabel (Encantó), Jun (Dragons and the Nine Realms), Luisa (Encanto), Krel (3 Below), Edric (The Owl House), Moxxie (Helluva Boss), Tulip Olsen (Infinity Train), Lance McClain (Voltron), Raya (Raya and the Last Dragon), Naomi (Elena of Avalor), Lena (Ducktales), Savannah (Ron’s Gone Wrong), Viper (Kung Fu Panda), Mr. Snake (The Bad Guys), Priya (Turning Red), Eda (The Owl House), Tyler (Turning Red), Lil'Foxy/Francine (Rock Dog), Chizu (Samurai Rabbit), Kitsune (Samurai Rabbit) , Sasha (Amphibia), Ethan (Strange World; respect that opinion), Norma (Dead End), Priya (Total Drama), Hunter (The Owl House), Naida (Lego Elves), Lucy Santana (Daniel Spellbound), Peng (Kung Fu Panda Legend of Awesome; rewriten), Wakko (Animaniacs), Yaz (Jurassic World Camp Cretaceous), Millie (Total Drama), Star (Star vs the Forces of Evil), Ellody (Total Drama), Mermista (She-Ra), Lily Lightly (MLP G3 My version), Raven Queen (EAH), Abe (Clone High), Soleil (Fright Krewe), Hal (Wish), Starlight Glimmer (MLP), Axel (Total Drama), Frida (Clone High), Marianne (Strange Magic; my version ), Floyd (Trolls), Connor (Ruby Gillman Teenage Kraken)
Ace: Twilight Sparkle (My Little Pony; Biromantic), Mantis (Kung Fu Panda; panromantic), Mr. Peabody (heteroromantic), Hans (Frozen; heteromantic), Libby (The Ghost and Molly McGee; biromantic), Ms. Tarantula (The Bad Guys; panromantic), Anne (Amphibia; panromantic), Ezekiel (Total Drama; heteromantic), Luca (heteromantic), Lilith Clawthorne (The Owl House House; Aroace), Po (KFP), Abby (Turning Red; Panromantic), Angus (Rock Dog; Heteroromantic) Lauren/Scary Girl (Total Drama; Aroace), Peridot (SU; Aroace), Sierra (TD; Aroace), Douxie (Tales of Acardia; Biromantic), Byx (Endling; Panromantic), Jay Snake (Descendants; Demiromantic), Octavia (Helluva Boss; Biromantic), Elian (Spellbound; Biromantic)
Pan: Adora (She-Ra), Kipo (Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeast), Sam (Green Eggs and Ham), Jo (Kid Cosmic), M.T/Lake (Infinity Train), Wander (Wander Over Yonder), Camilo (Encanto), Molly McGee (The Ghost and Molly McGee), Val Little (Monsters at Work), Blitzo (Helluva Boss), BeetleJuice, Emira (The Owl House), Rider (Centaurworld), Nooshy (Sing 2), Yuichi Usagi (Samurai Rabbit), Zack (Carmen Sandiego), Willow (The Owl House), Casey (Moongirl and Devil Dinosaur), Kitty (Total Drama), Wandering Blade (The Dragon Knight), Valor (Bravelands; my version), Briar Beauty (EAH; my version), Cheng Lonnie (Descendants; my version), Tom (SVTFOE), MK (Total Drama), Ruby Gillman
Queer: Katie (The Mitchells vs the Machines), Stolas (Helluva Boss), Honeymaren (Frozen), Vi (Arcane; into being lesbian) Caitlyn (Arcane; possibly Bi)
Trans: Barney (Deadend; also gay)
Non-Binary: Thunder (Nine Realms; Pronouns as He/Him), Nari (Tales of Acardia: Pronouns as She/Her), Raine Whispers (THO), The Collector (THO; Pronouns as He/Him), Asher (Kipo), Billie (Billie Bust Up; pronouns as she/they and her/them)
Demi:, Tin Tin (Heteromantic) Doom (The Bad Guys Books; biromantic), Vee (Panromantic) Aira (Lego Elves; biromantic), DJ (Total Drama; heteromantic)
Well I hope you like this. (Please don’t send rude comments, just respect this).
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puckthedrama · 4 months
I know it’s unlikely but could UPS be Thatcher Demko? A lot of Reddit bros are speculating trading him to NJD because they need goaltending help and Silovs has a promising future
Also if you haven’t already could you go through all of the sidelines nicknames we do know? Like who is curly and confused??? Because I low key thought Luke Hughes but I’m not so sure
hmmm interesting!! not sure though because it mentions something about “eyes set to warmer skies” and that seems to hint to florida! also lots of cat references throughout the post. but it’s a possibility!! good guess anon!! :)
for more sideline decodings follow @decipheringsidelines !!! they’re also explaining each post!!
here’s a list of allll the sideline nicknames:
• Tiger King - Joe Burrow
• Little 'Roni - Rory Mcllroy
• Ice Devil - Jack Hughes
• Wounded Bird - Caitlyn Clark
• Mediocre Duck - Trevor Zegras
• Dr. Dutch - Max Verstrappen
• DD Dunks - Donte DiVincenzo
• Killa Klown - Travis Kelce
• Big Bird - Jason Kelce
• Sky- Lashes - Angel Reese
• Blonde Baller - Cameron Brink
•Fresh Fruit - Ricky Pearsall
• Pretty Boy - Jalen Hurts
• Tin Hat - Aaron Rodgers
• Zeus - Justin Herbert
• Little bear - Nick Bosa
• Big Bear - Joey Bosa
• Oxen Free - Ollie Bearman
•Mississauga Menace - Vince Dunn
• 2Pm - Patrick Mahomes
•Sad sibling - Quinn Hughes
• Home town - cole sillinger
• The ace - Kelsey Plum
• Sharknado - Mikey Essyimont
• Allons-Y - Esteban Ocan
• MoanA Lisa - Andrei Svechnikov
• The prodigy- Lily He
• Bon Bon - Alex Albon
• Curly & Confused - Luke Hughes
• Puck Baby - Connor Bedard
• 2 Pretty 2 Play - Mat Barzal
•Open Wide - Tee Higgins
• Peppa pigskin - Josh Allen
• Pasta pro - Tommy Devito
• Certified Loverboy -Jordan Love
•Eyebrows - Jamie Drysdale
•New Kid - Matt Rempe
• Play that funky music - Lauri Markkanen
• Chubby Cheeks - Kirill Kaprizov
• Mr. World Wide Web - Braxton Berrios
• Mouthpiece - Matthew Tkachuk
• Cupcake - Brooks Koepka
•Big Purr - Mac Jones OR Caleb Williams (?)
• Four leafed forward - Jayson Tatum
• The Viking - William Nylander
• Goldfish - Noah Hanafin
• Greasy K - George kittle
• Simba - Spencer Knight
• Minnesota airlines - Justin Jefferson
• Goldie locks - Trevor Lawrence
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nickeverdeen · 6 months
i'm back
(and yes, being your friend would be really cool :)
Let's say you're going to a desert island, you can bring one character per fandom with you to help you to survive. Which character you probably choosing of each fandom and why?
(P.s: As much as I like the Klaus Hargreeves, I wouldn't choose him. Why? He would just try to plant weed, I doubt that man knows shit about survival. Cof cof neither do I Cof cof)
Hey, mate. Good to hear from you again
Shit, you got creative 😅
“Per fandom” you mean like from each fandom? If that’s the case then:
Overwatch - probably Tracer. I mean girl knows stuff and can literally pick you up and run like tons of meters in matter of seconds if there would be danger in coming. Or Genji as he probably knows how to survive, but we’d probably kill each other
Maze Runner - Sonya. She’s smart and definetly knows how to survive
Hunger Games - Finnick Odair. My man knows what he’s doing, like sure he isn’t the only one who won the Hunger Games, but in Catching Fire his allies… well would be dead without him, I mean sure Katniss also knows how to survive, but c’mon, she ain’t that experienced as Finnick
Harry Potter - Easy, Hermione Granger. Surely we’d have arguments sometimes, but we’d literally have that dynamic of “one is brain one is strength”
Arcane - Kidna tricky, but I’m going with Vi. I was thinking Caitlyn, but she’s more book-smart than street-smart and you kidna need street smartness in these situations
Divergent - As much as I hate to say it I’m going with Caleb Prior. He’s smart and would just say what would be the best way to survive. Plus he’d work extra hard to get out of there alive ‘cause he wouldn’t last a good day with me there
The 100 - This is kidna also tricky. I’m gonna go with Clarke as she’s a medic and is really smart (at least in the books) and like sure I could choose Lexa or Raven, but Lexa would probably end up killing me and I don’t think that Raven despite being smarter than both Clarke and Lexa… she’s smart with machines…
Detroit Become Human - Easy. Connor RK800 deviat. He’s ready for survival, like fuck empathy etc. If we gotta survive we gotta be smart. So Connor is smart af and skilled af and by him being a deviant and not a machine, he’d be more open to do things that aren’t part of his program.
The Legend of Korra - Yeah normally I’d say Korra, but I’m going with Kuvira on this one. She’s always five bloody steps ahead of others and it’s a desert. And what’s in desert under the sand. Earth. She could literally do anything
Avatar The Last Airbender - Okay I’ve got two options here. Either Katara or Aang. If there would be near some sea or ocean we’re going bon voyage home, but if there wouldn’t be I’d go with Aang ‘cause he literally masters air. Bon voyage guys, we’re flying home
The Arrow - Sara Lance. As much as I’d say Oliver I think he’d make some fucked up decision, but with Sara… we’d survive… mainly thanks to her though…
The Umbrella Academy - If it were only about surviving then it’s easy. Five. Like bon voyage teleport us away from the danger or home and you’re literally an assasin
The Sparrow Academy - Everyone there is an idiot so if I’m gonna die then let me at least die with someone funny like Jayme
The Last of Us 1 - Joel. He knows what he’s doing, he’s not old yet so he doesn’t have so many body barriers
The Last of Us 2 - Now, I know I wouldn’t choose Joel as now he’s older and surely his body wouldn’t be able to take some things like it would when he was younger. So I’m kidna torn between Dina or Ellie. Dina is smart along with Ellie, but probably Dina as she wouldn’t be “first punch then ask” 24/7
Horizon Zero Dawn - Aloy. Easy. As much as it’d be due to being smart better with Sylens one of us would be definetly dead by noon, Aloy is both smart and strong and we’d get along
Spider-Man Across the Spiderverse - Pavitr. Let’s face it, if I’m gonna die let me die with someone funny
Nimona - Uh… Nimona probably as she’d shapeshift into a bloody dragon and we’re flying home or at least getting rid of the danger
Outer Banks - Well… um… Cleo? She’s street-smart af and we need that. Or JJ, but we’d probably end up fucked up as things would go down the hill
Five Nights at Freddy’s - Vanessa. We’d figure something out and I’m sure she knows a thing of two about survival
Afton Family - Michael Afton. We’re both gonna die, but at least it’ll be a bit funny and we’d have some good convos
The Old Guard - Ah um… Andy or Nile. Like… okay Andy as she’s experienced af and she sure knows what to do and we’d definetly not be bored
Willow - Okay, my first thought was Elora, but no. We wouldn’t make it. So Jade is the safest option here I think. She’s smart, brave, rational, quick on her feet and determinated
Percy Jackson serie - Probably Luke Castellan. We all saw what he is like and how smart he is. And now sure the question would be “well why not Annabeth?” ‘Cause Annabeth from the show is straight up a bitch
Percy Jackson books - Annabeth. ‘Cause this Annabeth I trust to make smart decisions
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