#can u tell from the fact i stayed up until one in the morning making these gifs and they arent even good
miwtual · 1 year
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You wanna know where my treasure is? I’ll tell ya. Wealth. Fame. Power. I’ve found everything this world has to offer. Free yourselves. Take to the seas. My treasure is yours to find.
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r0semaryt3a · 4 months
Loved your dating hc's!!! They all felt really convincing and in character 💕💕 How do you think the pt (preferably chrollo, uvo, phinks and feitan if thats too many) sleep next to u?? are they cuddlers, kickers, white noise users, midnight bathroom breakers, snorers or whatever else?
Ahhh glad to hear it!! I’ve only really wrote a lot about Chrollo so I was worried the others were OOC-
I’ve only really been thinking of writing for Chrollo, Feitan, Phinks, Shalnark, Machi and Paku but given as you asked for Uvo I’ll add another onto that list! (Small spoiler warning: I love the troupe, but they’re all messy sleepers and I won’t be convinced otherwise!)
He definitely has a night mask, incense and all that to help him doze off. Chrollo is a chronic suffer of predormitional insomnia: his mind runs a million a minute, man is NOT used to sleeping a healthy 8hrs.
You can guarantee if Chrollo falls asleep before you (a very rare event) you’ll find him stiff as a log. He falls asleep in whatever position he’s in and will stay there until he wakes up. Honestly, it’s a wonder he isn’t ridden with all sorts of issues (get him a chiropractor one day.)
On the other 364 days a year when he falls asleep after you, well aren’t you just the perfect little teddy bear! His arms are always wrapped around you tightly.
If you happen to be a light sleeper? You’ll definitely wake up in the middle of the night to his face buried into the crook of your neck; fingers tapping away at your abdomen as his breathing settles, the smell of lavender drowning out any other senses. So definitely a cuddler. (I will die on this hill)
Sometimes he might even pepper your neck with kisses if he notices you’re awake.
If you’re a heavier sleeper? You better get used to waking up in the morning under a vice like grip, a mat of black hair brushing against your cheek and -whether he’s awake or not- you’re not getting out of it
Big spooner, you could be twice the height of him and he’d still demand it.
Not much of a snorer, maybe the few light hitches here and there but overall he’s sound asleep.
Most nights when Chrollo can’t sleep, he’ll sit up with a book in one hand and his other arm wrapped around your sleeping form. Sometimes he’ll doze off and sometimes he’ll only be brought away from his book by your stirring.
On particularly bad nights, where his insomnia truly flairs up, you’ll have to listen to a plethora of podcasts or “soothing sounds” for him to actually sleep. And yes, you’ll have to listen to them. There’s something innately intimate about having you indulge him in his interests: makes it far easier to sleep.
You cannot tell if this man is awake or asleep 9/10.
“You sleep. I watch.” Kind of deal, he has many things to preoccupy himself with: like watching you! (In a: ‘someone takes even one step in this general direction, you’ll have a lullaby of screaming to doze off to’ kind of way)
It’s not that he can’t sleep, it’s that he doesn’t want to. Feitan sees sleep as a waste of time, it bleeds days into days and he could be spending that time well, instead of sleeping.
Everytime he wakes up he mentally kicks himself for having made such a waste of time
That’s where you come in! Hope you’re willing to have a human sized cat latched onto you every single night! Big spoon, little spoon, doesn’t matter to him: you’ll wind up with him clinging onto you for dear life regardless.
Despite this fact however, you’ll never know the plethora of times he wakes up in the middle of the night, painstakingly, detaches himself from you and paces around the room feverishly. Muttering about who knows what, head flicking to every angle at even the minutest of sounds. Feitan doesn’t like not being alert: loathes it, so this is his way to regulate the nerves that rest often brings.
Feitan is a very light sleeper, any slight movement may set him off and cause him to completely switch back on (sleep maintenance insomnia hits him hard).
He doesn’t strike me as a snorer but definitely isn’t quiet, sounds like a Guinea pig sometimes. A total teeth chatterer. Seriously, you’ll wake up and hear a light ‘Tch Tch Tch’ from wherever the hell he’s grabbing onto you tonight.
Will not ever wake up in the same position he falls asleep in (not that you’ll ever know that fact, he’s always looking over you long before you’re awake.)
Trust me: you’ll know if Feitan has a bad dream. His claws (yes claws) will be digging into you, his hold on you tightening with a particularly sharp ‘hiss’ of his teeth.
Likelihood is: his sleeping patterns will leave more marks on you than any other activities ever will. But, don’t worry! It shows he cares (I think?).
Kicker, oh he is a real kicker.
You’ll wind up waking up off the bed more times than you will on it.
On and off cuddler, there’s very few times that you’ll fall asleep cuddling but by god is it a wild guess as to whether you’ll wake up doing so.
Phinks will fall asleep with his back towards you, teetering off the edge of the bed. And, In the matter of minutes can have one leg half way across the bed, the other swung over the edge, left hand across his face, right on his chest, mouth slack and whole body at a 45* angle.
Other times, you’ll find a knee digging into your back as he’s (very awkwardly) cuddling you from behind.
Surprising the masses (not): he snores. Has a whole box of nose strips to stop this.
Despite all of these, interesting, idiosyncrasies. The few times you fall asleep cuddling: he’s an entirely different sleeper. It’s like he takes a page out of Chrollo’s book and doesn’t move an inch (aside from rolling, he’s a total roller).
The snoring won’t stop though.
Doesn’t need anything to help him sleep, his head hits the pillow and he’s out like a light. Real heavy sleeper as well, you could roll him off the bed with an almighty thud and he’d still be sound sleep. It’s actually fairly endearing.
Will sleep for 6 hours, wake up for 1, roll around for a bit, settle down and then sleep for another 2.
Best pray you’re a heavy sleeper: that’s all the advice I can give you.
Honestly? It’s like sleeping next to a bear, vaguely adorable as much as it has you fearing for you life (and place on the bed).
If Phinks is like sleeping next to a bear, Uvo is a bear hug.
You’ll find your place settled neatly against his chest, as if he’s one of those comically large backpacks (like Johnny’s from Hotel Transylvania). Don’t worry about anything, truly, you’ll be snug as a bug in a hug.
Surprisingly, not a snorer (when sober at least). Often needs noises to fall asleep to though. If there’s not calamity afoot then Uvo tends to get angsty; you may have to deal with the occasional outburst.
So, you often have loud games or shows blaring in the background as he rests his chin on your head. Uvo doesn’t fall asleep easily, meaning there’s very few times that you can turn the noise off before you head to sleep yourself. You best get used to sleeping to the volume of a rock concert! (with his constant screeching he blew his own ear drums)
Invest in earbuds of some kind, it’ll help the both of you.
The LOUDEST snorer when drunk. I mean LOUDEST. Cotton buds line your bathroom cupboards for whenever he drinks, you’ll have to pick out bits of cotton on particularly bad nights.
Absolute hoarder. Whether it be you, a pillow, the duvet, he’ll have it and he isn’t letting it go. It’s honestly quite comforting, his presence isn’t exactly small, so with this hoarding comes a sense of security.
He’s surprisingly gentle as well, it doesn’t feel infantilising, more like you’re something from a heist that he doesn’t want to break.
Can fall asleep anywhere there’s noise. It’s a skill, you’ll find him contorted in a corner just so long as the TV’s humming in the background. Don’t think of moving him, you won’t.
Probably takes a good few trips to the loo during the night. Which, unfortunately for you, given your nightly position: leads to you being woken up every time he does.
Not a fan of cuddles, like at all. Shalnark is quite the squisher when you’re both up and about or even just lounging on the covers, but when it comes to sleeping? He’ll do it, sure, but he won’t be too thrilled most nights. There’s the odd time that he’ll be uncharacteristically for the idea, pulling you close and running off a mile a minute! He doesn’t tend to actually sleep those nights, more ramble on like you’re at some two person sleepover; the sentiment’s there nonetheless.
Despite this fact, he’s very specific with having at least something pressed up against his back -little spooner- and will get agitated if this requirement isn’t met.
Podcasts, lots of podcasts. Shalnark has about ten to twenty playlists that he’ll be sat scrolling through: trying to find the one he wants to sleep to. You’ll never be privy to these of course, he tends to keep a pair of headphones shoved in some drawer.
Oftentimes, before even attempting to sleep, he’ll be scrolling through some forum or busy doing: something. Though, for some reason you don’t remember any of his chronic scrolling…
Bathroom breaker, it’s nothing annoying but you’ll never not notice the shift in weight, as he swings his legs off the bed and heads to the bathroom. He’s always careful not to make too much noise, which winds up causing more in the process.
Has a small assortment of glasses of water that will accumulate through the week, all filled to different volumes. He swears he’ll drink them! He never does. It just ticks that little box of ‘just incase’ and he can’t sleep without it. Same with most other amenities.
Late sleeper, this man will never be up before you. That may be attributed to the fact he never falls asleep before you, but who’s to say!
The fact you don’t have single beds is both a gift to thank her for and a curse. Machi is a sleep tosser; she tosses a lot.
You tend to sleep on opposite ends of the bed. This is both in part to her overall distaste of sleeping together and the kicking. Oh boy, the kicking.
You know how the immune system can sometimes misinterpret things as threats, causing autoimmune reactions? That Machi when asleep. It’s like a subconscious instinct, a defence mechanism is you will; it’s certainly a good one! It’s just, not always needed. Especially not when you wake up at 4:34am after a particularly sharp jab at your side.
Though, some nights she’s stiff as a board! Not one movement or peep. As if death herself had stole Machi away.
She’s not a particularly picky sleeper, Machi can rest to almost anything. However, there is one thing that seems to expedite the process. Fire - whether the simple crackling singing off in the distance, or the chocking scent of smoke pervading the air. It seems to calm Machi, there’s no foreseeable reason for it. She just, likes fire.
L i g h t sleeper, you can’t count the amount of times she’s jolted awake, swearing she heard something. Windows, doors and anything else that might throw the room into disarray or stir up noise are a must close.
Sleep mutterer. It’s a rare occurrence, but Machi will sometimes have whole conversations with the air. You’re usually both asleep when these conversations take place (there was once that you overheard one to its completion. You’ll never tell her of course).
Incense galore.
Seriously it’s everywhere.
Pakunoda needs some form of soft scent to lull her to sleep. This often comes in the form of floral scents, but can branch off into other soothing smells. Her particular favourites include cedar and amber.
You wouldn’t describe what you and Pakunoda do as cuddling, per se. She treats you more like a support pillow than anything else. Arms wrapped around you tightly and chin resting upon your head.
Neither of you will be able to move an inch throughout the night. Pakunoda has a very specific pre sleep schedule that she’ll run through every night (including final bathroom breaks, cleaning and small talk) and after that, it’s lights out. It doesn’t matter if you wake up and need something: she’s out cold. You might be able to escape, if you can pry yourself out. But just know: getting back in the same position will prove twice as difficult.
Not a snorer, hell, you can hardly hear her breathing most nights. If it weren’t for the subtle rise and fall of her chest against your back, you’d question if she even was.
Up long before you are, usually has one half of the bed already made (haphazardly as not to disturb you.)
I had a lot of fun doing this one; might return to it for further Troupe members at a later date, so cheers for the ask Anon! (Little irrelevant thing I just want to mention for future reference: if any PT ask includes Hisoka or Illumi please specify as such.)
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hqbaby · 4 months
four — just a little
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mess it up — gojo x reader & sukuna x reader
⁀➴ when i told you i’m fine, you were lied to. when the love of your life falls for someone else, you decide to move on—by pretending to date your best friend, the campus fuckboy.
previous — masterlist — next
word count. 1.8k content. profanity, alcohol consumption, a lil bit of tension???
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booger: r u up?
It’s 4 AM and you should not, in fact, be up. But you are. And apparently so is Sukuna.
You contemplate ignoring him. You can get back to him in the morning and act all high and mighty like, “I’m a proper human being with a life, so no, I don’t stay up until 4 AM like you, loser.” It’s not like anything good has ever come from you replying to his late-night/early-morning texts. You recall another time you replied to him at this hour; the two of you ended up almost getting arrested after sneaking into a reservoir.
Alas, you’re still up and you’ve been rotting your brain on your phone for hours, so your better judgment has gone the way of your last few brain cells.
you: what do u want
You watch as he types something. “Damn, so hostile,” probably. He deletes it. Then, he types again. “Why are you up?” maybe. Deletes it. Then, “Wanna fuck?” before he remembers who you are. He types again and actually sends the message this time.
booger: be there in 5
Part of you wants to prank him. Go to sleep and let the poor guy pound on your door until one of your neighbors—probably the grumpy old lady who lives beside you—scolds him and threatens to call security. It’s a good prank. You go as far as thinking about it.
When gets there, he’s got his hood pulled over his head. He’s wearing a pair of sweatpants, black sunglasses, and a serious expression on his face.
“Damn, you look so cool,” you say. He cracks a grin and you crack up. “What the fuck are you doing? You look ridiculous.”
His face falls into a frown as he steps into your apartment, closing the door behind him. You’ve already left him behind, crashing onto your couch as he changes his shoes into one of the slippers you keep for him by your door.
“You’re a real bitch, you know,” he says. He sheds the sunglasses and pulls his hood away. You’ve ruined the whole vibe he was going for. “Aren’t you gonna offer me a drink or something?”
You lift your head and point at the console table by the door. “There’s a bottle of Cuervo there,” you tell him. “Get it for me.”
He huffs but does as you say anyway. He picks the bottle up and walks over to you, sitting on the floor in front of the couch. “You’re a shitty host,” he says as he opens the bottle.
“You’re an intruder,” you say, snatching the bottle away from him before he takes a sip. You raise it to your lips to take a swig. “Why are you here?”
“Am I not allowed to see my girlfriend?”
You choke on the tequila. “What?” You cough as he laughs and pats your back. “Don’t say shit like that.”
He grabs the bottle from you and chugs a good amount. “I love teasing you,” he says, pinching your cheek. “It’s so easy.”
You slap his hand away and sit up. “I hate you.”
He just grins and passes you the bottle. “You love me,” he chirps. “Wouldn’t put up with me otherwise.”
“Haven’t you heard? Everyone’s saying I’m incapable of love.”
You don’t know why you say that. It’s not part of the script, the usual back and forth between the two of you. For a moment, you worry that you’ve said something wrong.
“Who says that?” He looks serious now. Like he’s about to beat someone up. You know, the usual. What were you even worried about? “You got a gun for me to use on them?”
You laugh at his dour expression. It’s true, of course, that people have been spreading this new rumor that you’re a cold, ruthless bitch who doesn’t have room in her heart for someone, let alone a boyfriend. It’s why you broke up with Satoru apparently. You know it’s stupid and people don’t really know what they’re talking about, that they’re bored and just making shit up, but for some reason, you can’t shake the thought.
What if they’re right?
You put the Cuervo on the floor beside Sukuna and hug a throw pillow to your chest. “I had a dream.”
“Is this where you break into song?”
You roll your eyes at him. “I’m not talking to you anymore.”
He doesn’t take the challenge lightly, immediately hopping onto the couch beside you and dropping his head onto your lap to stare up at you. He bats his lashes at you and says, “What did you dream about?”
You place your hand on his face. Then, you feel something wet on your palm. 
His fucking tongue.
“You’re so gross,” you whine, wiping your hand on his hoodie. “What do girls even see in you?”
He smirks. You’ve just given him an opportunity and you wholly regret it now. “It’s not so much what they see, but how big it is,” he says, amused by the disgusted face you make. He pokes your cheek with his finger now. “Tell me about your dream.”
He pouts, his lower lip jutting out as he looks at you with big eyes, practically getting teary-eyed now. He’s a great actor, you’ll give him that. He’d probably get better grades if he was a theater major.
“I wanna know,” he says softly. “Tell me.”
There’s something about the way he looks at you that feels unnervingly familiar. You’re used to his antics, you’ve had to deal with them since the two of you were in high school, but it’s moments like this that you remember just how much you know each other. It’s a constant thing, always lurking beneath your banter and jokes—it just surprises you when it’s in your face.
You place your hand on his shoulder and sigh. “It’s stupid,” you say. “I just keep having these dreams where I’m running from something. Different things every time. Zombies, ghosts, clowns—”
“You run away from clowns?”
“Clowns with murderous intentions.”
“Okay. Valid.”
You shake your head, smiling now as the teasing reminds you of who you’re talking to. It’s just Sukuna.
 “Anyway,” you say as you stare off into your empty living room. “I just… run. And I get to a point where I feel safe until I realize that I’ve actually been cornered. I wake up before anything happens.”
When you look at him again, his brows are furrowed, already in deep thought. He considers your dream carefully. You wonder if he’ll crack another joke, change the tone of the conversation, but of course he doesn’t.
“What do you think it means?”
You squeeze the throw pillow beside you. “I don’t know,” you say. “I should probably ask Nobara. Psych majors know all about that shit, right?”
He nods. “Yeah, they got that Freud dude.”
“I’m not sure that Freud dude is necessarily accurate about dreams.”
“You never know until you try.”
The two of you are quiet for a moment. You can hear the air conditioner buzz, the fridge rumble. You’ve gotten used to these sounds of silence, what with you being more alone than you’ve been in a while. This time though, you can hear Sukuna’s breathing. Quiet, but steady, a reminder that you’re not completely alone this time.
“Is that why you’re still up?” he asks eventually. “You can’t sleep?”
“You’re making fun of me.”
“I’m not.” Earnest. Sincere. “I just wanted to know.”
You look at him skeptically, but he just stares up at you from his place on your lap, blinking in the light of your living room.
“I mean, it’s not just the dreams,” you tell him. “I’ve been feeling a little lonely, you know. Since… Satoru.”
He cringes at the name but schools his expression before it turns into a full on snarl. “Still don’t know what you saw in that guy.”
“He was good to me,” you say. “He didn’t do anything wrong.”
“He must’ve if you broke up with him.”
You hesitate, but you find it in yourself to insist, “He didn’t do anything wrong.”
Sukuna stands up. “If you say so,” he says. He reaches his hand out in front of you. “Come on. You gotta sleep.”
You stare at his hand. “You don’t think you’re taking me to bed, do you?”
“I am taking you to bed.”
He stays there for a moment, watching you watch his hand, unmoving. “I’m not getting in bed with you. Chill, bro.”
A beat.
“It’s not that,” you say, taking his hand and letting him pull you up. “It’s just…”
He raises a brow. “What?”
Yeah. What?
“Nothing,” you whisper. This is stupid. “You can sleep beside me. It’s fine.”
It’s his turn to be taken aback. Suddenly, he thinks that your hand being in his feels terribly comfortable. “Yeah?”
“Yeah,” you say, pulling your hand away. You pad over to your bedroom, walking straight ahead without looking back. Pretending like you don’t care if he follows. “We’ve slept in the same bed before. It’s no big deal.”
But it is. Somehow, you feel like it is.
You’re already under your blanket when he follows you into the room. He stands at the foot of the bed a little awkwardly. Like a lost puppy.
“When was the last time you slept in the same bed as a girl you didn’t fuck?”
He’s sheepish now, stripped of all his usual brazen demeanor. “A long time.”
His hand reaches for the hem of his hoodie.
“What are you doing?” you ask, eyes wide. “This isn’t—”
“Relax,” he says, pulling the hoodie off his head. He’s wearing a t-shirt underneath. Plain red, one you’ve probably seen more times than you can count. “I just run warm is all.”
You feel your face heat up. What did you think he was doing?
Your best friend slides into bed beside you. This isn’t anything strange for the two of you. You used to sleep over at each other’s houses back when you were in high school and one of you wanted to avoid the chaos of your home. You’ve slept beside each other before. It was never a thing.
But it’s been a while since then. You’re no longer the kids you were, all playful and shameless.
It feels different this time. Somehow.
He’s keeping his distance and you can feel it. Your body is turned away from him, but you can feel his eyes on you. He wants to be closer to you.
You want to be closer to him too.
“You can—”
His chest hits your back as he rolls over to lie directly behind you. “Is this okay?” he asks quietly. You can feel his breath on your neck.
You swallow. “Yeah, it’s okay.”
You feel his hand carefully move around your waist. He doesn’t touch you, his arm hovering just above the thin fabric of your top. “Is this—”
He rests his arm on your waist and you feel yourself relax into his touch. He wasn’t lying when he said he runs hot, it feels like you’re melting against a furnace. Still, somehow, you can’t find it in yourself to mind.
If anything, you might just admit that you like it. Maybe. Just a little.
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notes. soooo the besties are doing a thing 👀 how do we feel about reader and sukuna so far 👀 we also haven't seen much of gojo yet but next chapter is gonna be interesting ;)
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simpjaes · 6 months
JAKE... SLEEVELESS... IN THE POOL... pls write something i beg u
wc: 952 warnings: public fingering, ex boyfriend jake, he's kind of a dick [he didn't wanna be seen w u previously] [visual stimulation]
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Water vs. wet.
You thought they were the same thing. Really, you didn't think anyone would be able to tell the difference while floating around trying not to ogle your ex boyfriend from too long ago.
It's not even that you want to fuck him, it's just that it's...him. Seeing him brings back the memories of all the wild and sleepless nights, hungover mornings, and messy afternoons.
Sure, he's not exactly a green flag, but in the moment he doesn't look so red either. Not with the way his arms flex when he wades around with that stupid snide smile on his face, stealing glances at you just to see if you're looking at him.
The difference between this water and the difference between being wet is that...well. You're wet in more ways than one. Sure, there's cool droplets running down your shoulders, just like the ones dipping and sliding down the lines of Jake's muscles, but there's also the other wet.
You feel it between your legs. Thicker than water, slipping down your folds in these bikini bottoms in an embarrassing reminder of who it is that does this to you, warmer than the water. If anyone were to walk up behind you and cup their hands over your core, they'd know. But no one would do that.
Except, someone definitely would. You stay in the pool as long as Jake does, wading around and pretending you're not dripping. Anyone else in this water would be horrified, surely, but not Jake. Not you.
It was always fun to be messy, dirty, and unashamed of it. Behind closed doors of course.
By the time night begins to take hold and you're still wading around, across the pool from Jake and being caught in the act of staring far too many times in the past hour and half since you've dipped in, he appears to be fed up with gawking.
Fed up with putting on a show. Fed up with pretending he doesn't miss fucking around with you. The pool lights shine from under him as the sun fades, still enough light from above to give him a warm glow. His hair half dry, the ends of his strands dripping, his muscles protruding and smile glistening and wide. You can't just look away, your mind racing in the realization that he's coming up to you. Like so many times before, when it was normal and expected for him to come up to you. It feels familiar when it shouldn't, thrusting you into the mindset of the smart-girl persona you had during that first year of college. Perhaps you haven't grown as much as you thought you had, especially when he's just as bold as he's always been. He touches you before he says anything, wading around you until his chest is to your back and his arms wrap around your waist as if the two of you never broke up in the first place. "You're not very subtle about it." You can hear his smile against your ear when he says it, dropping his head to prop on your shoulder. "You miss me?" You nod to him, all while breathing out a small "no." The feeling of his arms, bigger than before, making you feel the same comfort and intense need to cling to him. "Always were so bad at communicating too." He chuckles against you, pulling you closer against him and intentionally pressing his hips up, lining his length up with your ass. He's wearing shorts, hell, he's wearing a shirt too, goddamn him. But ah, that. That's still the same delicious size. You remember how hard he'd get himself for you, letting you ride him til he's dizzy and drowsy like he had no power to stop you. He was always bold, but never this confident. You remain silent against him, trying to ignore the people all around the pool and wandering in and out of the house. These things are expected at a senior college party, but still, you and Jake never were too crazy out in the open like this. In fact, you and Jake were never even supposed to be seen as an item at all. "Oh, suddenly you're okay with being seen with me?" You bite back at him, your body still betraying you in the way you hold his arms against you like you used to do in bed when he'd cuddle you. "Mhm." He smiles, walking backwards in the water with you in his grasp, up until his back is against the pool wall. "I was still thinking like a high schooler back then, not sure why I ever broke up with you." Ouch, your heart. You'd managed you get over him months ago, still took far too long though. "And you still stare at me like you could punch me in the face." Jake laughs this time, shaking one arm from your grip to trail down, cupping his hand to the seat of your bikini bottoms. "We always fucked instead, remember?" You can only nod at his boastful reminders. All those times where he'd blow you off in the hallways that first year of college. He needed a new image after all, one that you weren't part of. But goddamn, his hands are the only ones that know how to work you, especially when he's gently slipping a finger under your bikini and sliding only slightly. "Always got so wet too, just like this." He laughs almost as if he's mocking you for being so turned on by him. "You still want me?" You shake your head, ultimately trying to pull from him now, but he slips his finger in quickly, moaning against your ear with a tighter grip. "C'mon," He encourages your deep inhale to release in any sort of sound. "I'm letting everyone see now, aren't I?"
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thatfreshi · 1 year
Can I request Astarion x reader and he drinks from u when your standing and your legs buckle and you start to collapse from the blood loss but he catches you and Carries you to your bedroll and takes care of you?
Forgive me if it's rough, still trying to figure out the speech patterns!
Recommended Song: Ivy - SALES
It usually wasn’t often that Astarion asked to feed on you. Sadly, resources have been scarce, wild animals included. Anytime Lae’zel is out scouting she tries to bring something back for him, but to no avail. Recently, he had been asking quite often, and there is always an air of guilt in his question. 
“I’m sorry to ask my love, I just worry the others will see me differently, if I were to feed on one of them.”
It’s not as if your other companions aren’t aware of his situation, or the fact that you have to satiate him every once in a while. You think he simply feels like a burden, having to ask people for the very thing that sustains him. He just feels a little less like a burden when he asks you.
“Of course dear, no need to be sorry.”
You’ve gotten used to how this goes, as you’ve been travelling together for quite some time, and you and Astarion got smitten rather quickly. He’s always quite gentle, even if it does hurt at first. Instead of sitting down however, you continue working on stitching up a piece of your sleep-wear. With powerful magic from the likes of Gale and Shadowheart, you think such minute things could be fixed easily, but alas, they still require a realistic solution.
While you’re busy putting to work the simple stitch he taught you, Astarion moves to drink, wrapping you in a warm embrace. Many would think that the act of being drained of your own blood would be, well, terrifying, but something about it is quite intimate, heartwarming even. You don’t even really think about how your veins start running cold, how you start to feel much worse than normal. Then, you’re on the ground, needle and thread along with you. 
“Darling! I apologize, I should’ve had you lie down first, I should’ve-” 
He cuts off his own words as he scrambles to think. You’re still not fully there, but you want to tell him you’re fine. Sadly, eyes can’t always tell all. Even your parasite seems too drained to connect with him. When you regain some of your senses, you see that Astarion has brought you back to your bedroll, muttering something to himself, pacing the tent.
“I could’ve waited, I would’ve been fine. I-”
He pauses, realizing you’ve started to stir.
“Tav, darling, are you alright?”
You try sitting up, and he quickly moves to support your back, wrapping his arm around you waist.
“Yeah… yeah I’m okay.”
“I apologize, I knew it was a risk to feed on you again so soon. I put you in a terrible position, asking you like that.”
You reach to put your hand over his.
“No, it’s alright. I’ve become so nonchalant about it, I should’ve been much more considerate of the circumstances.”
He’s silent, trying to find another way to blame himself. The truth is, both of you were quite tired from the recent adventuring, and weren’t thinking straight. 
“I’ll tell them all we should stay at camp for another day. Or perhaps they can journey back to the Grove and we can stay for another evening.”
You tighten your grasp on his hand until he finally make eye contact with you.
“Astarion, it’s fine, truly. I’ll be fine tomorrow, come morning.”
You smile at him, despite the nausea caught in your throat. He feels bad enough, no use in making it worse. 
“Here, come lie with me.”
You meet the ground once again, and he joins you shortly after. He still has that look, that dreary mist across his eyes. Instead of trying to tell him in words, you nestle into his side, wrapping yourself around him, a way of saying ‘I still love you, no matter what.’ He leaves a kiss on your forehead, and finally lets the tension go. You close your eyes soon after, exhausted. Astarion never tells you, but he stayed awake and by your side the entire night, unmoving, just in case.
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kookstempo · 1 year
in the end, it's him and i - jjk
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pairing(s): taehyung x reader if u squint, jungkook x reader, brief mentions of namjoon x oc
genre(s): fluff and smut.
word count: 5.4K
warnings: some strong language, both jungkook and y/n being idiots lol. for the spicy content: fingering in front of a mirror, dirty talk, praise, mentions of an erection. (hope i'm not forgetting anything).
summary: how long will it take until the dam bursts and one of you says what the other one longs to hear?
A/N: i gotta thank my beautiful @daechwitatamic because she's always there to help me, she read this SO FAST (wtf). pls go check her profile <3
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he had grown so used to it that he kept looking for it the first time you stopped doing it. with a silent, simple tug on your shirt or a whine whenever you’d cut the hugs or kisses a second short. full of hesitance, you’d simply wrap your arms around him tightly, closing your eyes and taking a deep breath; you’d cup his jaw with your slightly tremorous hand, pulling him to your mouth again as he had wordlessly begged you to.
meanwhile, for you? you noticed it that time he held your wrist as you walked behind him between the crowd. his touch had never meant anything special outside the bedroom, until that night. he had made you feel a thousand things in mere seconds, your heart lighting up the same way the buildings’ lights lit up the street. it was amazing how something as basic as holding one’s wrist had helped you put the puzzle pieces together. suddenly, it made sense how you kept running away from his touch when possible, skipping reunions where you knew he would be.
because your heart couldn’t handle the truth. it couldn’t bear knowing that jeon jungkook only belonged to you behind closed doors, between messy sheets and underclothed bodies, where only whispered pleas were welcomed and not love confessions, nothing but lust. and as much as it hurt, it only hurt more trying to deprive yourself of him.
“y/n?” his voice calls, warm hand finding its place on your thigh, giving it a little squeeze.
“i’m sorry, yes you can press play.” placing your hand on top of his, you give it a squeeze back and lean backwards on the couch, looking for a way to ease your internal discomfort by getting comfortable externally.
“it’s been rolling for at least seven minutes, angel…” he trails off, not being able to take his eyes off your constant fidgeting with the blanket you were sharing. “are you okay?” 
“mhm,” was the only thing that left your throat, making sure it came with a reassuring - yet very fake - smile to ease the tension. everything screamed that he didn’t believe you, knowing him well enough to notice it was a huge effort from him to stay quiet and not ask any more questions. jungkook thought it was best to let you be. maybe his touch was offending you? or was it the pet names he had decided to use for you as they were worth it only for you? one thing you hadn’t managed to notice, though, was the fact that his hands were the fidgety ones now. they were itching to pull you closer to him and wrap his arms around your waist like you’re used to every movie night.
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“it was hilarious because taehyung was complaining about her, talking about how she had eaten the last donut and that it was his favorite flavour and he hadn’t eaten a single one. suddenly, she enters the office and you just hear him go: ‘good morning, miranda!’” tone chirpy and mocking, seokjin tells the story from his point of view, not being able to hold back the cackles that leave his lips.
“taehyung! i didn’t know you despised her that much.” covering your mouth, unlike seokjin, you giggle quietly.
“i just know you wouldn’t have done that to me, you would’ve defended that donut with your last breath,” the aforementioned man rolls his eyes, head resting on your shoulder as a pout rests on his lips.
“i’ve already apologized thrice. i was in a meeting, okay?” you shake your head as a smile slowly makes its way onto your face, looking down at taehyung and ruffling his hair.
"you look like you want to explode his head." yoongi whispers, next to jungkook who’s been looking at your interaction with a clenched jaw and his tongue prodding his cheek.
"i'm trying." jungkook admits, glaring at taehyung like he had just insulted his family when all he was doing was acting cute with you. with a forkful of pasta into his mouth, he decides to take his eyes off you, knowing deep inside him it was useless feeling like that when you were coming home with him at the end of the evening. or that’s what he hoped.
“anyone up for dessert? i am full, but my sweet tooth is asking me for that cheesecake i read on the menu. i’m willing to share.” looking around for someone wanting to share the creamy dessert with you, you lean forward, resting your weight on your forearms.
“me, me! i’ve been eyeing that cheesecake since we arrived, too.” taehyung chirps, eagerly raising his hand to call the waitress’ attention. his eagerness is short-lived, though, since jungkook speaks up.
“i want cheesecake, too. you think i could share with the two of you?” 
“uh… let me ask the waitress how big the slice is.” shooting jungkook a tiny smile, you turn your attention to the kind waitress who is expectant.
in the end, you two do end up sharing the slice with jungkook, as it turned out he only wanted “a couple of spoonfuls” of the dessert. he is not a cheesecake guy, which makes you wonder what had caused him to suddenly crave some of the dessert.
leaving your bills to pay your part of the check, you get up and walk to the restroom, letting everyone know they could head out if done before you came back. they tend to complain about how long you take in the restroom, and knowing jungkook is waiting for you to ride together, you make sure you hurry.
your memory sometimes fails you. and one of those cases is tonight as you can’t seem to locate jungkook or his car. letting your legs lead you to where you think you might be able to find him, you recognize taehyung’s back and hair. he might know where jungkook is.
“for god’s sake, dude. just confess your fucking feelings for her,” taehyung groans at the younger man’s behavior, covering his face.
that sentence alone makes you halt, leaning back against the brick wall so they can’t see you. eavesdropping is not appropriate, but right this moment it feels like it is. 
has he had feelings for someone else this whole time he’s been fucking you? are you his go-to option when he needs it?
“what are you talking about? we were talking about cheesecake and now you’re telling me i should confess to y/n?” jungkook scoffs, about to walk away when taehyung grabs his wrist, preventing him from leaving. 
“you don’t get all whiny over cheesecake, jeon. all it took was me saying i wanted to share dessert with her for you to go all ‘oh i want dessert, too’ when you weren’t even halfway done with your pasta. you kept giving me death stares if i even breathed around her.” 
“whatever,” jungkook laughs, a little too loud for his liking, making him scrunch his nose. “i’m not going to confess my feelings just because of some cheesecake.” he mocks taehyung in the last word, carefully releasing his wrist from the man’s grip, walking to the car.
does that mean… no, he never confirmed it. 
“jungkook!” you call him, jogging to where he is, “are we still on for tonight? you were about to leave without me.” you adjust your purse that’s almost falling off your shoulder, rocking back and forth on your tiptoes.
“yeah, i’ve been looking forward to it all night,” he confesses, pulling you closer to his body by your waist. one of his hands removes your purse from your body, the other cupping your cheek. “you ready?”
“yeah! bye, tae-tae,” you wave at the man, flashing him a smile before getting inside the car.
the traffic at this hour is never heavy, if anything, it’s the best it’s ever been. the wind coming from outside is making you get goosebumps, but it’s nothing jungkook’s hand on your leg can’t provide relief to.
his phone lights up just as you’re reaching the last traffic light before his house.
taehyung [21:02]: i’m pretty sure she heard us talking. just so you know.
jungkook scans his phone screen, reading the text quickly before shutting off the device and placing it somewhere else where it won’t distract him.
“what did tae want?” you ask, tilting your head. 
“nothing important,” he murmurs, tone leaving no room for discussion as he speeds off once the traffic light turns green. “is it my turn to pick the movie tonight?” trying to change the topic, jungkook squeezes your thigh and parks the car smoothly, but doesn’t get out yet.
“uh, i think? but maybe i can bribe you with some kisses? there’s this movie i really wanna watch,” you confess, leaning over the console once your seatbelt is off, your face dangerously close to his.
“bribing me, huh? okay, hit me with your best shot,” he smirks, hungrily latching his lips to yours, hands holding your cheek softly - the perfect juxtaposition to the way he laps at your mouth.
the kiss rides like a wave - intense when needed, but also soft at times, steadying you and leaving you craving for more. more him, more jungkook, all the time. 
“mmm get inside before i change my mind,” jungkook whispers against your lips, already chasing them for more, but you’re quicker than him, getting out of the car and using your set of keys to unlock the door.
he seems pretty compliant tonight, agreeing to everything you say, letting you kiss him all you want even if you had bribed him already to choose the movie… yet he never complains, never says anything about how you’re not paying attention to the movie, eating at him or his snacks.
“did you bring your pajamas this time?” jungkook turns to look at you, moving some strands of hair off your face so he can look at the blush that’s starting to cover your cheeks. “i’m gonna take that as a no.” he snickers at your pretty much silent response, pausing the movie and pulling you to his lap.
“i keep forgetting them. i don’t really use them around you, but they’re pretty and comfortable,” a pout takes over your lips, playing with the hem of his shirt.
“i mean, i’m never against seeing you in my clothes. but you gotta start remembering to pack your pajamas, y/n.” jungkook carefully secures an arm around your waist as he moves to take off his shirt, letting it rest on your lap once taken off. “put it on. let’s get our pajamas on and then we’ll continue with the movie, sounds good?”
you nod, giving his nose a tiny kiss, enough to hear him chuckle and make you leave with a smile on your face. the floor feels cold under your bare feet as you make your way to the bathroom next to his room; the night is chilly enough that you already know you’re gonna be seeking jungkook’s body warmth throughout the night since you tend to get cold pretty easily.
it's almost like your heart is inside a cage and fighting to be set free the second jungkook's fingers trace your curves. every square inch of your body responds to him - blushing, smiling, getting goosebumps. your body knows better than your mind. and as much as you try to tell yourself that you don't have feelings for him, you do. you hope he does, too.
slipping the cotton material over your body, you look at your reflection on the mirror, adjusting the shirt so it covers your body the most it can. his shirt smells like him, like the cologne that drives you crazy and can’t get enough of. a knock interrupts your train of thought, and you open the door for him to come in as you move away from the door to collect your clothes and fold them.
“wanna know something funny?” is the first thing jungkook says as he sees you, leaning against the door frame, shamelessly eyeing your figure.
“what’s up?” you turn to him, looking at him as you finish folding your pants, recognizing the hunger in his stare but saying nothing about it.
“as i was getting dressed this morning, i kept picturing you in my clothes every time i picked out a shirt,” he starts, taking a few steps to be closer to you. “wondering which shirt of mine would look best on you. but now…” his tongue wets his lip, removing the pants from your hands and putting them next to the sink.
“n-now?” you murmur dumbly, waiting for him to keep talking.
“i think i picked it for another reason.” he pulls you closer to his body by the shirt, cradling your face in his hands. “i think i picked what shirt to wear based on what i wanted you to wear as i fucked you. or as i took it off your body.” he simply states, moving one hand down to your neck. he doesn’t even bother to apply pressure on it, he just lets his hand rest there.
"so what are you gonna do? are you gonna keep it on or should we take it off?" you trace the ink on his forearm, moving your head to place a kiss on his palm.
"wouldn't want you getting cold, would we?" his hands move you in mere seconds, letting your pelvis rest against the edge of the vanity, right in front of the mirror. 
you can see him, can see the way he puts your hair up in a messy ponytail so he has space to scatter kisses around your neck, decorating it with a couple of marks. your hands replace his on your hair, holding it up the way he wants it. jungkook hums, pleased, while you quietly gasp when his hands move to your inner thighs, making you spread them wider so his hands can roam freely where they want to.
“mmm, good girl.” he praises, his fingers leaving feather-like touches on your clothed cunt before they wrap around the waistband of your underwear. jungkook crouches down as he removes them, leaving a trail of kisses on your legs, too. 
“no matter,” he starts, hugging you by the waist once he’s back to his full height, “how hard i try, you’re always on my mind. it’s not fair.” 
“it’s as fair as it can be. you’re always on mine, too,” you whisper to him, almost like you’re telling him a secret, even if it’s just the two of you in the room. 
maybe it is a secret with the way you’re baring your heart to him by saying that.
silence follows your words, filling your chest with something close to restlessness. had it been too much? did you cross the line with your words? your gaze moves to the floor, enjoying his embrace the most you can because you’re sure he’s gonna step away–
“look at me. not at my reflection, but at me,” he orders, and you’re surprised by the way you quickly obey, without second thoughts.
“what’s going on in that little head of yours, angel?” jungkook whispers, hovering your lips, giving you space to talk freely.
jungkook’s not sure what just happened. he is sure, though, that with the way your expression fell in that moment, he doesn’t wanna see that again, ever. the sincerity in your eyes when you confessed that he’s constantly in your mind too had made him feel… something. not sure what to make of it, but with a persistent thought in his head:
taehyung was right.
“i want you.” you respond after a while, taking a deep breath to calm yourself down. your nose nudges his playfully, a grin on your mouth rapidly replaced by his lips on yours.
jungkook kisses you as if he’s never going to see you again, feeling lonely when your mouth’s not on his, when your body is half an inch further than he’d like it to be. his lips chase yours, they chase the sweet, lingering taste of the chamomile tea you had drank during the movie.
the movie. he doesn’t even know what the fuck it had been about since he was just thinking about you, when you were next to him the whole time. what if taehyung found the way to your heart and stole you from him? he should confess, shouldn’t he?
at least he’s past the denial phase. 
your confession should be more than enough for him to know you probably feel the same too. unless you’re constantly thinking about him because you’re needy, because you want him. 
deciding to shove those thoughts away, he pulls away from the kiss, pushing you with a hand on your back so your chest is against the vanity, making you hiss at its coldness.
“thought you were gonna fuck me with it on,” you confess, angling your hips so they’re slightly lifted. you rest your chin on your forearms, finding a comfortable position; you know you’ll be here for a long time before he fucks you. 
“tsk, who says i’m not? don’t be greedy,” he tsks, running his cold hands over the warm skin of your butt, squeezing it a little. “i don’t think i’ve ever fucked you in front of a mirror, have i?”
“nuh-uh. there’s always a first time with you.”
there’s this side to you that only comes out when jungkook’s around. he knows who you truly are and helps you express that side, a judgment-free zone if you will. if restlessness ever clouds your thoughts, a look from jungkook is all you need for everything to quiet down and dissipate.
“keep your eyes on me, or i’ll stop.” jungkook leans down to leave a trail of kisses on your upper back, allowing you to feel his hard-on right on your butt. “y/n.” biting down on your skin, hard enough to leave a tiny mark, he tilts his head when you only blink at him, whining desperately. “did you hear what i said?”
“yeah, yeah, not taking my eyes off you,” you reply, gripping the counter as his fingers make contact with your now-bare cunt, collecting your wetness before easing two fingers in one go.
every drag of his fingers inside you manages to turn you into a moaning mess, legs trembling because of his touch, eyes trained on his just like he expected. it takes a huge effort from you to not close your eyes once he curls his fingers, aiming for your g-spot.
“look so pretty bent over the sink for me, aren’t you my pretty girl?” he whispers, hot breath fanning in your ear as the fingers from his free hand move to rub your clit, enjoying the way he can tell you’re about to lose it. when jungkook has you like this, you let your inhibitions get lost. your body trusts jungkook, feeling safe under him, letting him do whatever he wants to you because you know he would never hurt you.
it’s about time your heart trusts him, too.
you manage to nod, trying to keep your eyes open as he instructed you to. the sound of your whimpers and loud moans fill the bathroom; as jungkook pulls you by the hair so your back is against his chest, you lean your head on his shoulder, turning your head so you can kiss his neck.
“words, princess. let me hear you say it.” he requests, slowing his thrusts as he expects your reply.
“i-i’m your pretty g-girl. i’m jungkook’s pretty girl,” you whine, hips having a mind of their own and rutting against his hand to get some more friction.
“what was that? i’m sure you can be louder. no need to be shy.” he pouts, smirking condescendingly right after he angles his palm so your clit rubs against it, thumb wiping the fallen tears on your cheeks.
“i’m your pretty girl, fuck! jungkook, please. i need you.” moving your head to face him through the mirror, your hands grip his forearms in order to control yourself. “yours, all yours. just– take me, please.”
he takes his sweet time with you that night, reminding you that you’re his, and reassuring himself he’s not gonna lose you. even if the voices in his head wouldn’t shut up about how he could lose you any second, the way your hands reach out for him so you can hold him a little longer, how you won’t stop showering him with kisses as your eyes struggle to stay open because of how tired he has left you… 
eventually, sleep wins the fight. you pull the blanket jungkook got you closer to your body, scooting closer to his body - his chest has always been more comfortable to you than a pillow - and clinging to him like a koala. 
he can’t take his eyes off you. you’re laying there, asleep, and he feels like you’ve cast a spell on him. when jungkook used to think about you, he’d either picture you naked or as someone who’d be there unconditionally like the great friend you are. 
however, now? he cannot focus on anything other than your lips and how he yearns to kiss them over and over again just to hear your muffled, angelical giggles; how your body feels meant to be next to his like two puzzle pieces.
despite the fact that everyone can see how much time you two spend together, they know you’re not dating. they know about your - basically - best friends-with-benefits relationship, leaving both of you on the market. all that jungkook can think about is changing everyone’s line of reasoning from “they’re fucking” to “they’re dating”, they’re in a relationship”.
yeah, he’s screwed.
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he feels like his heart is gonna explode, and he tries to convince himself with all of his might that it’s because of the way you look tonight and not because of taehyung’s arm around your waist as you both move to the table you got assigned for tonight. if he could rip it off your body, he would, but the weight of someone else’s body on his arm reminds him you’re not his date, this other girl is. he’s walking with somebody else, too, so he has to keep it together for the sake of jimin’s party. 
when jimin sent the invitation to the group chat, both of you felt excited and had already started to plan what you’d wear, who was going to drive who, and what you two were going to gift him. the conversation fell when you reached the bottom of the invitation, where in bold, it said: remember to bring a date!
sure, it said other things, but that was all both of you could focus on.
“so… uh, you and i are not dating–” 
“yeah,” you squeak, interrupting jungkook. “we aren’t, so we should find a date, right?”
“yup, you could go with taehyung! he’d love that,” jungkook lets out an insincere laugh, keeping himself busy with another app to stop thinking about how badly he wanted to be your date. 
fast forward to today and jealousy is eating him alive. that night, he had texted jimin privately, asking him to sit you at another table in order to keep his feelings controlled, to be able to spend time with leslie, his date for the party. now, he doesn’t know if it was a good idea. 
you two fit perfectly together, he realizes. he’s mesmerized by you, the color of your dress suits your skin incredibly well and he finds himself smiling when he sees the way you grin at the others at your table, greeting them quickly in order to continue listening to whatever taehyung is telling you.
right, taehyung. 
he’s one second away from getting up, chair in hand, to sit between the two of you because he can’t stand one of his closest friends taking his place, talking to his girl. 
“is everything okay?” leslie asks, noticing jungkook’s clenched jaw and tight grip on the tablecloth. 
“what? yeah, why do you ask?” he turns to look at her, eyebrows furrowed together subconsciously. he’s quick to soften his gaze, moving his chair so it’s closer to leslie’s.
“you seemed… angry, i don’t know. if something’s bothering you, we can leave,” she suggests, wrapping a hand around his wrist, trying to intertwine her fingers with his.
“the party hasn’t even started,” he scoffs, pressing his lips together right after. “sorry, i’ll keep it in mind, okay? i’m just a little distracted, had a small situation at work before coming here, that’s why i was late.”
because he was certainly not debating whether he should go to the party if it meant seeing you with somebody else. nah, not at all.
jungkook manages to keep his feelings at bay for the second half of the night. almost like the situation had been flipped around since you’re the one about to lose it now. 
the food was delicious, taehyung kept making you laugh every now and then with his funny stories and bad jokes, you had also met namjoon’s girlfriend, kimberly. everything was sailing smoothly. jungkook who?
that was, of course, until he and his date joined the other couples on the dancefloor. you feel like they’re dancing on top of your table, too close for your liking. too close to you, too close to each other. leslie keeps laughing like a teenager in love at prom; at this point, you think he’s a second away from kissing her if you don’t do something soon. taehyung’s deep in conversation with jimin, so that leaves you without your dance partner.
almost as if he’d read your mind, jimin stands up and pulls the two of you to the dancefloor. taehyung moves his free arm to be able to reach your hand, making sure you don’t get lost in the crowd. bingo, you think to yourself, standing up and reaching for his hand, securing your grip on his.
“i love this song, i was about to interrupt your conversation,” you confess, taking advantage of the position you’re in now that taehyung spun you around to the rhythm of the music to peek around the room, trying to locate jungkook. 
your eyes meet his almost instantly, your gaze changing from soft to something close to “did i interrupt something?” when you see how close leslie’s mouth is to his. jungkook steps away from her at breakneck speed, making you smirk now that your line of sight is not infected. you don’t mind taehyung pulling you closer to his body if it means giving jungkook a taste of his own medicine. besides, his grip feels snug. 
“didn’t know you were such a good dancer,” taehyung’s warm breath in your ear startles you.
“we’ve never had the privilege of dancing together, have we?” the music is loud enough, almost like you’re in a club, making you lean to talk in his ear too.
you don’t step away or move your head when taehyung cups your cheek and makes you look at him, not even when he tilts his head and his eyes flutter shut, lips mere inches away from yours. 
“y/n, i think i left my gift in your car, can we go get it?” jungkook’s voice is heard out of nowhere, making taehyung jump and step away from you.
“but we didn’t even r–”
“now,” he growls, reaching for your hand.
there’s a tiny window open for you to refuse if you don’t want to listen to him. jungkook could be filled with rage, but he’d never force you to do something you don’t feel like doing. the moment you take your hand in his, he leads you to the hallway, hoping you two could have a decent conversation.
“this is not the way to the parking lot, i should’ve guessed you were bringing me somewhere else since we didn’t ride together, but i still don’t understand what we’re doing–”
you’re hotly interrupted by jungkook. “were you about to kiss taehyung?”
“were you about to kiss leslie before i caught you redhanded?” you closely scrutinize his body language. 
he is not going to put the blame on you, oh hell no.
“i think i asked you first, y/n. were you, or were you not?” he questions you again, tongue prodding his cheek.
“last time i checked, you’re not blind. you definitely saw my lips hovering over his, his hands on my waist, my chest pressed to his…” you trail off, biting your lip to contain the smirk that’s about to take place on your lips.
“if you were so okay with him kissing you, why did you get all bothered by me being close to leslie? if i recall correctly, she was standing close to me like this,” he pulls you to him by the waist, wrapping your arms around his neck. “and i was here…” he leans down, about to kiss you until you push him off you.
“if you wanna go kiss her, just go. sorry i interrupted your majestic movie scene with my jealousy.” it escapes your mouth before you could even think twice about it. your arms, that were still wrapped around his neck, leave his body in order for you to be able to cover your mouth.
“what was that? i’m sure you can be louder. no need to be shy.” he uses the same sentence he uttered the other day in his bathroom, enjoying the way you get all flustered. 
“imma go shove my tongue down taehyung’s throat. this is a waste of time.” you spit, eyeing him up and down before turning around and taking a couple of steps.
“over my dead body, get the fuck back here and kiss me,” he practically growls, making you halt in your steps.
“not so cool picturing the other person about to kiss someone else who’s not you, is it?” you reply, back still turned to him.
“i was not joking when i said you should kiss me. i was also not joking when i called you my pretty girl the other day.” 
that makes you turn to look at him. 
“it was the heat of the moment, don’t twist your words.” you’re able to recognize when jungkook is bullshitting his way through life, and you hope this is not one of those moments because that is the closest thing you’re ever gonna get to a confession coming from him.
“i’m not.” he simply states, walking up to you. “if what you felt tonight was indeed jealousy, then i’m not ashamed to say i’ve spent the whole night imagining it was me holding your hand in front of everyone, holding you close, making you laugh and dancing so close to you.”
“why now?” you ask, deciding to break the one-step barrier between the two of you, being able to spit one question out of the thousand in your head.
“because i hated seeing someone else take my place, and i’ve tried to hide it. i’ve tried to ignore these feelings, but i can’t anymore.” he gulps, throwing his head back in exasperation. “my date, you were supposed to be my date. not leslie.”
“why didn’t you say something?” 
“why didn’t you say something?” jungkook returns the question, obviously a nervous mess because of your interrogation.
“look, can we pretend i never mentioned i felt jealous? it was stupid and useless and this conversation’s going nowhere.” typical you trying to escape everything that seems complicated.
“too bad, y/n. because i’m not letting you go so easily now that i know you feel the same way.” 
before you know it, jungkook’s kissing you. if he’s kissed you before, this kiss makes you forget all those previous kisses. nothing feels better than the way jungkook leaves you breathless just by licking your bottom lip, or the way he breaks the kiss for a nanosecond before tilting his head to deepen the second best kiss you’ve ever had. 
the need for air becomes predominant, making you reluctantly step away from him. jungkook is quick to chase your mouth, eyes still closed and a low whine leaving his mouth.
“mmm. let’s go home, ‘kay?” you giggle, cupping his face like he usually does to you.
“i’ll follow you everywhere, y/n.” 
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pls don't be a silent reader! i love reading your reactions <3 hope u enjoyed.
just wanna thank everyone for the reblogging, likes, and even follow!! love y’all 🥰
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To Know - Part 2
aaron hotchner x reader
you can read Part 1 here!
warnings: none i don't think? just the usual angst.
tags: @jazzimac1967 mrs-ssa-hotch
word count: 6,4k
A/N: (scott foley (jake from scandal) is who i picture henry as). i'm aware that timelines don't match up, i simply just took the characters i wanted and wrote them into this story the way i needed them to fit.
**i haven't proof read this so there may be errors which i'll get to tomorrow**
hope u enjoy xx
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It was 8 am when your alarm went off, however you were already awake. You hadn’t slept at all, a mixture of guilt and confusion kept you awake. Avery was still asleep next to you so you decided not to wake him.
You made your way into the bathroom and turned on the shower, letting the water get warm whilst you slipped off your pyjamas. Once all of your clothes were off you stepped back in it and let the scolding water run down your skin. You began your shower routine but your mind was elsewhere.
You still couldn’t figure out if you regretted your actions. If you regretted going up to his room with that damn phone instead of leaving it at reception. You hadn’t thought about him for a long, long time and you were adamant that seeing him at your best friend’s wedding wouldn’t make you feel any different, but you were very obviously wrong. If you had known, you would’ve told Henry to remove him from the guest list.
You were happy with Avery is what you kept telling yourself and you never once questioned that until today.  Henry was the one that introduced you to one another and you were dating for over a year before he proposed and the two of you had eloped a few months later in Rome.
That was the fastest you had let anyone in, especially someone you were dating, but you thought surely things couldn’t end up worse with Avery than they did with Hotch.
You were now downstairs, fully dressed with a cup of coffee in your hand. You received a text from Henry informing you that there was a change of plans. Him and Luca were going to skip brunch but he didn’t want you to miss out on spending time with your former teammates so he left the reservation in place. Henry knew you didn’t get to see all of your friends from the BAU often anymore so he thought this would be a perfect time for a catch up. He had already paid for their flights and the hotel for the weekend and thought this would be a good way to end the trip before they all had to head back home tomorrow morning.
You heard shuffling upstairs which meant that Avery was now awake as JJ and her family were staying in the guest house which was situated towards the back of your garden. A few minutes went by and there he was in the kitchen with you.
“Good morning my love,” he spoke softly and placed a kiss on the top of your head,
“Why didn’t you wake me up?” He asked as he headed straight for the coffee machine. He was still in his pyjama bottoms and had thrown on a sweatshirt, you assumed it was because he didn’t know if you were downstairs alone or with JJ. As you watched him make his coffee, you couldn’t ignore the twinge of guilt that took over you.
“Just thought you deserved some extra rest,” you mustered up a small smile.
“Besides we don’t have to leave until just before 11,” you continued.
“Did you get home okay? I didn’t even hear you come in” Avery asked as he sat down opposite you.
“I did. Got in just after half past 3 I think, you were already asleep,” you replied and saw Avery furrow his brows slightly.
You could tell he was trying to silently work out why it had taken you close to two hours to get home when the hotel was only a 10 minute drive from where the wedding reception was, and it was only a 20 minute drive from the hotel back to your house.
“Emily threw up as soon as me and Spencer managed to get her upstairs to her room” you lied, “I stayed with her for a bit and got her settled,” you explained hoping that would be the end of the conversation.
You didn’t like lying to Avery. In fact, this was the first time you had done it, but you decided that for now you would keep what happened between you and Hotch a secret.
“That was nice of you,” he spoke and gave you a smile.
You heard someone slide the kitchen door open and turned around to see JJ making her way in with a cup of coffee in her hand.
“Good morning,” she chirped and took a seat next to you.
“Morning,” you and Avery both replied in sync.
“Looks like everyone is on the caffeine first thing today,” Avery joked as he stood up and saw the grip JJ had on her mug.
“Tell me about it – I could barely get myself out of bed let alone the boys so I’ve left Will in charge of getting them ready,” she replied.
Avery had excused himself to jump in the shower, leaving just you and JJ alone in the kitchen. 
You indulged in light conversation with her about the wedding yesterday, leaving the minuscule detail of you sleeping with Hotch out. She was showing you the pictures she had taken on her phone and you did the same.  She was swiping through pictures of Emily and Rossi until she got to one with Beth and Hotch. Her thumb hesitated slightly over her phone as she decided on what to do. She eventually continued swiping to the left, showing you the rest of the photos she had taken.
“Did you get a chance to speak with him last night?” She treaded lightly as she locked and laid her phone down to one side.
“Uhm no not really,” you lied once again. Although that wasn’t a complete lie because you genuinely didn’t… You were busy doing other things to him.
“Are you going to…?” she questioned sympathetically.
You let out a sigh, not out of annoyance but out of defeat. You couldn’t deny that you wanted closure, to know why he did the things he did. You weren’t stupid, you could piece most of the parts together, but you longed for the explanation to come out of his mouth and not out of your head. But that was something you were too stubborn to admit out loud. You had acted like this didn’t hurt as much as it did. You had put on a happy face for everyone and pretended that everything was okay and that you were fine, until one day it began feeling like this could eventually be okay, and that one day you were going to be fine and move past this. 
And you truly felt like you had reached that point, up until now where everything you had suppressed was coming back up.
“You need closure Y/N,” JJ said as if reading your mind. “I know it’s been years since the incident and you both have moved on but do you really want to waste any more time trying to figure things out on your own when you have the chance to do it now with him?” She placed her hand over yours, giving it a squeeze of encouragement.
“Just this once swallow your pride and go get the closure you deserve,” she finished.
The drive to brunch didn’t take long, you and Avery had taken both of your cars. JJ and the boys came with you whilst Avery and Will followed behind. It was a sunny day out and you welcomed the warmth you felt as you stepped out of the car. You had been to this brunch place several times with Avery before. It was a cosy little restaurant decorated with plants and flowers, with large floor to ceiling windows looking over the seating outside in the garden, which was where Henry had booked out a large table for everyone.
You made your way through the little restaurant until you reached the doors leading out to the garden area, you noticed everyone else was already seated and immersed in light conversation between themselves. Emily was sat at the end of the table so you took the free seat on her left with Avery sitting next to you. Opposite you sat Penelope and right next to her sat Beth along with Hotch.
You greeted Beth politely as you sat down, avoiding Hotch but you could feel his eyes on you.
The atmosphere seemed easy going as you all waited for the food and you had managed to avoid any direct conversation with Hotch or Beth, until the topic of wedding locations had come around.
“I don’t think I asked you where the two of you got married?” Beth asked innocently, aiming the question towards you and Avery.
Your eyes briefly shifted to Hotch who was watching you attentively. Bringing your eyes back to Beth, you answered her question.
“Rome” you said, “We got eloped in Rome,” you gave her a smile and placed your hand on Avery’s as you turned to him, your eyes silently begging for him to take this conversation over.  
“Aw that sounds so lovely!” Beth replied.
“Yeah it was quite sudden actually, we had been engaged for a few months and were on holiday and just decided to do it then and there…” Avery continued explaining, but you had zoned out completely and all you could focus on was Hotch, and the way his eyes hadn’t moved from yours since Beth’s question.
“I can’t believe we’re married,” you whispered in disbelief to your husband as he held you close during your first dance.
“I know. I am the luckiest man alive,” Hotch whispered back as his lips grazed gently over your ear.
He wasn’t much of a dancer and you knew he hated the attention so the two of you gently swayed to the music whilst your friends surrounded and watched in awe, probably all just as relieved that this day had finally come, knowing they didn’t have to watch you and Hotch hide your feelings for each other any longer.
“I want to go to Rome,” you declared softly, “just you and me, away from everyone and everything for a little while.”
“We can go wherever you want baby. I’ll have the flights booked for first thing tomorrow” he agreed.
The music continued to play and you moved closer to Hotch, resting the side of your head on his chest, feeling him breathe in and out which brought you some sort of tranquillity.
Everything after that happened in slow motion. Your breath was suddenly knocked out of you and your whole body felt almost on fire. You couldn’t understand what was happening, until you felt another blow to your chest. You had looked down, and what was once a white wedding dressed had now quickly turned into a deep shade of red.
You felt your legs give way and felt Hotch’s arms wrap around your waist in an attempt to catch you and gently lay you down. You remembered him taking off his blazer and using that to try and stop the bleeding that was coming from your chest. You could see his lips move and you could hear the commotion around you but couldn’t make out a thing he was saying. It wasn’t long until your vision got worse and the blurriness took over.
“I’ve never been to Rome,” Beth’s voice brought you back to reality, “I’d love to visit one day.”
“You should, its beautiful,” you replied and looked at Beth bringing your attention to her instead of Hotch.
“Just going to use the ladies room,” you said quietly to Avery as you stood up and excused yourself.
You were trying to blink back the tears that were threatening to spill as you rushed to the nearest bathroom. You didn’t know if it was your mind playing tricks but you could’ve sworn you felt someone run after you. Your suspicion was quickly confirmed as you saw a hand reach in as you were shutting the bathroom door. You hesitated slightly and considered slamming the door shut anyway, but Hotch had used a bit more force and managed to get the door open just enough for him to squeeze in.
You turned away from him and gripped the sink as you threw your head down. You really didn’t want to do this, especially not now but you heard the lock click and knew he wouldn’t let you leave until you had spoken things through.
“Can we talk about what happened last night?” Was the first thing that came out of his mouth.  The bathroom was already small enough as it is and it had now felt even smaller with Hotch standing behind you watching your every move. The air felt thick and your heart was beginning to race.
“Nothing happened Hotch, it was a mistake. A mistake that you need to move on from instead of locking me in a bathroom and forcing me to give you an explanation - I’m not the one who needs to explain myself!” You raised your voice slightly and turned around to finally face him.
“Have you told Avery?” He asked calmly, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Have you told Beth?” You retaliated getting visibly annoyed.
“No,” he stated simply as you looked away trying to focus on a painting that was hung on the wall.
The more you looked at him the more you wanted to crumble and you hated that. It made you feel weak. You had your own way of dealing with your emotions, which frequently involved supressing everything down and acting like everything was fine. Although it wasn’t the healthiest way of coping, it helped you become stronger. But there stood the man that was going to completely break down the wall you had spent so long trying to build up in a matter of seconds. 
“I wrote to you every day,” were the next words that fell out of his mouth.
“Where? In your diary?” You questioned knowing damn well you hadn’t received a single letter, email, text or call.
“I wrote you letters every single day,” he kept his tone gentle and calm as he tried moving closer to you.
“I didn’t receive a single fucking thing from you aside from the divorce papers!” You spat trying to take a step back but that was as far as you could go without falling into the sink.
“Maybe you should speak to Henry about that,” he replied dryly.
“So let me get this straight. You followed me into the bathroom, have practically trapped me in here just so you could blame my best friend for your own actions-“
“That’s not what I’m doing,” he interrupted to defend himself.
“That’s exactly what you’re doing Hotch, and the worst part is you’re telling me all of this now when Henry isn’t here to speak for himself!” You were having none of it. You couldn’t believe the audacity he had to try and spin this on Henry, who was the one that was actually there by your side when you needed him to be.
“Y/N I did what I thought was best. What everyone thought was best to keep you and Jack safe. I tried reaching out to you once Jack and I were safe to come out of witness protection, but you sent me a letter saying that you’ve moved on with your life, and that it was best for us to go our own separate ways.” He took another step closer trying to grab you but you pushed him away.
“Get away from me!” You warned as you tried to process everything that he was saying.
“Y/N please. Why would I lie to you? Do you really think that low of me?” You could hear the desperation in his voice once again, just like you heard it the first time in his hotel room. 
“You don’t want to know the answer to that,” you let out a laugh. You felt dizzy, like the rug had just been pulled from beneath your feet. You could hear what he was saying but none of it was making sense, or you didn’t want it to make sense because that would mean the one person who was pretty much the only family you ever had, had spent years lying to you.
“I’m so sorry Y/N, you didn’t deserve to go through any of it. You may not think much of me now but you have to believe that I didn’t want for any of this to go the way that it did. It killed me leaving you behind, not knowing if you were going to be okay or not. I waited until you were out of surgery but I couldn’t stay any longer without putting anyone else at risk.” He was finally saying all the things you wanted to hear but instead of them bringing you comfort or relief they brought you anger and pain.
“You need to go,” you tried to keep your voice steady.
“Please just go, I need a minute,” you spoke as you turned your back to him once again, trying to focus on the sink that was in front of you.
After a few moments had passed, you eventually heard the lock click again and the sound of the door shutting told you he left. You walked back to it and locked the door once again ensuring you had the privacy that you wanted.
You let out a sob that you were trying so hard to contain when Hotch was in here with you. Your hands flew to your mouth in an attempt to stop the uncontrollable cries you were letting out. You let yourself have 3 minutes to get everything out of your system before you left the bathroom and made your way back to your seat.
You looked just as you did when you left and no one even batted an eye when you came back.
“Everything all good?” Avery leaned into you.
“Yes love, just got a text from Henry. I’ll need to stop at his once we’re done here if that’s okay? Something about a case he’s working on,” you lied to your husband once again, but it was absolutely believable. Henry was a workaholic so Avery didn’t even question why he was working on a case just a day after his wedding.
Once everyone had drank, ate and spoke as much as they could you all decided that it was time to wrap the afternoon up. The group began dispersing with some going to do some sightseeing, some going to do shopping and some had headed back to the hotel.
JJs family had decided to do some sightseeing and decided to walk from the brunch place so you didn’t have to worry about driving them anywhere, but you and Avery offered to pick them up once they were done.
Your incident with Hotch had left you feeling even more confused than before and there was only one other person you could go to for answers. Avery had some errands to run and you told him you might be a while with Henry so that pretty much cleared the rest of the afternoon for you.
You made your way to Henry’s and Luca’s apartment, you weren’t sure if they were going to be home but that didn’t matter as you had the spare key that Henry had given you.
You had banged several times on their door and were about to use your spare key until Luca opened it.
“Hey what are you doing here?” Luca asked, surprised to be seeing you.
“Where is he?” You yelled as you stormed into their home, completely ignoring Luca’s question.
“He’s in his office, is everything okay? Has something happened? What’s he done now?” He questioned whilst trying to catch up with you as made your way to Henry.
The door to the room was slightly ajar and he was sat behind his task typing away on his computer.
“Where are they?” You shouted angrily, marching into his office.
“Where’s what?” Henry replied not even lifting his eyes away from the laptop.
“The letters Henry!” You called out and slammed his laptop shut almost trapping his fingers.
“What the hell was that?!” He asked as he abruptly stood up from his seat.
“What letters? What the hell are you on about Y/N?” He continued but once he took a good look at your face his confusion was replaced with realisation.
“You know exactly what I’m on about,” you hissed, “the letters that Hotch had sent me. You know the ones you forgot to tell me about?”
You heard Luca mumble an ‘oh god’ before he turned around and left the two of you in his office.
“Fine! You’re not going to tell me where they are I’ll just fucking find them myself!” You spat and began pulling everything out of his cabinets leaving a sea of papers all over his floor.
“Okay! Alright! I will give them to you, just please stop and let me explain,” Henry finally blurted out after having enough of watching you wreck his office.
You stopped in your tracks and watched him as he moved to a cupboard near his desk which had a safe inside. You heard him enter his pin and shuffle around inside until he pulled out a shoe sized box.
He cautiously handed it over to you, and you took one of the seats opposite the desk Henry was sitting behind before you stormed in there. You opened the box slowly and began pulling the contents out. It was filled with letters; some were opened some were not but it looked like there was close to a hundred of them in there. You couldn’t stop your hands from shaking as you tried opening an envelope that was on top, and immediately recognised the handwriting as you eventually pulled the letter out.
“What is this…” you whispered “Why do you have these?” You began taking more out, skimming over the writing.
“Why do you have these?” You asked again but this time a lot louder.
“Henry why the hell do you have these?!” You asked for the third time whilst shoving them back into the box and standing up.
“I can explain everything Y/N but you need to promise me that you’ll see my side of this too,” Henry pleaded.
“Promise you? You think you’re in a position to be demanding promises?? You’ll be lucky if I ever talk to you again after this! Now you better start explaining why you have kept these from me for all these years!” You swallowed the sick that was rising up your throat.
“You have to understand that I didn’t want you to end up like Haley…” he began, “I was scared of losing you okay? I couldn’t live with myself if you had ended up dead and I did nothing to protect you. So myself, Rossi, and Hotch all agreed that it was best to put Jack and Hotch into witness protection as soon as possible once we realised that it was Peter Lewis who shot you. He was stalking both you and Jack for weeks before you got shot. You were still in surgery and it wasn’t looking good so we agreed that whatever the outcome was going to be, that I’d stay with you at all times and as soon as we would get the OK from the doctors we would have you moved to a private hospital in London.” Henry explained, but you already knew this information.
“Henry – I already know all of this. Can we skip to the part where you tell me why on earth you hid all of these letters?”
“I am getting there Y/N. Hotch only agreed to go into witness protection if he could still get updates on how you were doing which we agreed would come from me. Once you had come out of your coma and understood what had happened I had obviously told Hotch the good news. He wanted to reach out to you, but I thought it was too risky as we had gotten nowhere in locating Peter Lewis and I didn’t want to endanger you again. We then eventually agreed that I would set a PO box up where he could send you letters, which was still too risky for my liking but he wouldn’t give up. You were recovering well and it was such a relief to know that you were going to be okay...” He paused, “but then Lewis had kidnapped Tara’s brother and managed to escape once again, and that was enough of a reason for me to keep all of his letters away from you and ask Hotch to divorce you.“
Your mouth had practically fallen on the floor after you heard his last sentence.
“But that wasn’t your choice to make Henry,” you began sobbing.
“I know but I didn’t care Y/N. I was not going to have you at risk again, and this time if Peter Lewis came looking, you wouldn’t be a target anymore. Hotch had left you after you were shot and served you with divorce papers. That didn’t sound like much of a reason for Lewis or anyone else, wanting to get to Hotch to come after you again.”
There was a few minutes of complete silence before you spoke again.
“And what about me? What about how I was feeling or what I wanted?” You cried. “How could you do this to me? I am not some doll that you get to play with and control!” You felt the angriness come back in full force.
“How could you face me every single day knowing that you were lying about something this big and not have an ounce of guilt? How many times did you listen to me cry over Hotch and what a fucking mess my life had become and never once did you have the decency to tell me the truth!” You yelled.
“I was going to tell you everything once Lewis was caught but when that day came you were seeing Avery and you were starting to look and act more like yourself and I thought that it was better to not bring the past back up, so I decided to keep the letters to myself and-”
“You wrote one back to Hotch pretending it was me, telling him that it was best to go our separate ways,” you finished his sentence.
“You make me sick,” you uttered as you stood up and made your way towards the door not wanting to be in his presence any longer.
“That’s okay you can hate me all you want. I’d rather have you spend the rest of your life hating me than for you to not be here at all.” Henry replied.
“And I would do it all again if I had to!” You heard him yell as you left his office.
You made eye contact with Luca who was sitting at his kitchen island. He gave you a sympathetic smile knowing how cruel Henry could be when he wanted to.
“He’s despicable,” you sighed in defeat.
“I know. But he cares about you,” Luca replied.
Without saying anything else you left the apartment, making a run to the nearest bin and had threw up everything you ate at brunch.
You had spent what felt like hours in your car, reading through the notes and letters that Hotch had sent you. He had wrote to you almost everyday up until him and Jack came out of witness protection.
His letters were filled with apologies and things you had never gotten the chance to hear him say to you. They felt intimate, like he had taken the contents of his heart and spilled everything out on pieces of paper.
Once you had enough of torturing yourself you decided it would be best to head home. So you took the longest route back hoping the drive would help clear your head. That’s what everyone always says, that they’re going for a drive to help clear their head. Well they’re liars because you felt no different when you pulled up to your house. You felt like you needed to down at least 4 bottles of wine and that’s what you decided to do.
You noticed that Avery’s car was still gone and none of the lights inside your house were on. Part of you was relieved that he wasn’t home. He knows you well enough to know when somethings wrong no matter how well you try to hide it, and this was the last thing you wanted to explain to him.
You had grabbed the most expensive bottle of wine you had along with a glass and set up camp on your sofa, intending to completely drown your sorrows and be too drunk to explain anything to Avery once he finally gets back home.
You were well into the first bottle when you heard shuffling in the kitchen and JJ popped her head into the living room.
“Hey I didn’t know you were home, I thought you were still out, come sit!” You patted the seat next to you.
“Yeah we were, but the boys were shattered so we came back home. Will and Avery both left not too long ago for a drive and said they were going to grab some food. Is everything okay?” She asked as she sat down next to you on the sofa.
“Let me get you a glass before I explain everything, trust me you’re gonna need it.”
You retuned back to the living room with a glass for JJ and another bottle of wine and then you told her everything. From the hotel room, to the bathroom incident at brunch, to when you went to confront Henry, and lastly about the letters Henry had hid from you.
By the time you fished talking, the second bottle of wine was almost empty and her face was in complete disbelief.
“Wow,” was all she could say.
“I know.. But there’s one thing that I don’t understand,” you said taking a sip of your wine and JJ nodded her head indicating for you to continue.
“Why would Hotch agree to divorce me simply because Henry said so.. I mean I can certainly blame Henry for keeping the letters from me and feeding me all these other lies but at the end of the day it takes two to tango..”
“Henry could be very persuasive when he wanted to and Hotch would’ve agreed to anything if he felt it would help keep you safe, even if it was something that he didn’t want to do,” JJ spoke softly.
“I guess..”
“They had a fight at the hospital you know,” JJ revealed with a smirk.
“They did?” You almost gasped as this was news to you.
“Yup. Me, Morgan and Rossi were outside so we didn’t see it but Henry had stormed out with a bloody nose and a cut up lip…and then the weirdest thing happened..” she paused.
“What?” You urged her to continue.
“I don’t even know how to describe it.. But once Henry left the room Hotch had let out this noise. I can’t even compare it to a cry more of a wail or something. It was frightening.. Rossi went in to check on him but told me and Morgan to wait outside,” she shrugged her shoulders slightly and neither of you were smiling anymore.
“Believe me Y/N when I tell you that this has hurt him just as much as it has hurt you. I don’t think he wanted for any of this to happen at all..” JJ finished.
You considered her point. This whole time you had thought of Hotch as almost the villain, but you were thinking what Henry wanted you to think. You never considered how he must’ve felt, to have to watch his wife get shot on your wedding day and then not be able to stay with you through better or worse without putting you or his son in further danger.
The sound of the doorbell brought you out of your thoughts but JJ was already up on her feet and offered to get it.
You split what was left of the wine between yours and JJs glasses until she was back in the living room with a wary look on her face.
“Who is it? If it's Henry tell him to go away," you said to JJ but noticed there was someone was behind her.
“No Henry just me,” you heard Hotch speak as he moved from behind JJ and was now standing next to her.
“I’m uh going to check on the boys,” she announced as she grabbed her wine glass and disappeared from the living room.
"May I come in?" Hotch asked as he shifted his weight from one foot to another with his hands in his pockets.
"Why are you here?"
"I just wanted to make sure you were okay from earlier." He kept his tone soft and gentle just like he did when he had followed you into the bathroom.
You couldn't believe that this was still the same day and it still hasn't ended.
"Well I'm obviously not Aaron, you were right," you sighed in defeat and watched him take a seat next to you.
"I'm sorry," he whispered for what had felt like the hundredth time.
You sat in silence for a few minutes, neither of you knowing what else to say. Without realising the both of you were now inches apart, with your eyes on the ceiling whilst Hotch watched you from the side.
"We're horrible people," you mumbled and turned to face Hotch.
"I think we're just two people who are still in love," he replied as though it was the simplest answer in the world. As though it didn't matter that both of you had cheated on your partners.
"It doesn't matter, you're with Beth and I'm married to Avery."
"I know, but if things had been different you would still be married to me," you heard him say as one of his hands gently cupped your face and his thumb traced the outline of your lips.
The gesture alone was enough to make you melt into his skin. You had missed his touch so much.
"But they're not, you have a flight to catch and I have a life here.."
"I would move here for you. I would move to wherever you wanted me to. I would wait until Jack's finished school and we could both move here, all you have to do is just say the word, it would be a fresh start for him and me."
He was talking like a crazy person. You would never make him and Jack move to another country. It wouldn't be fair on Jack having to leave all his friends and family behind and start all over at a new school, that poor boy has gone through enough. In all the years you had known Hotch he never did anything on a whim, he always thought everything out to the last minuscule detail, so to hear him say that he would up and move his and Jack's whole life made you feel like he hadn't thought this out properly.
"But I don't want you to," you lied to yourself and to Hotch. "You ever thought that all of this has happened for a reason?"
"Please don't tell me you're into signs now, you're a profiler you should know better," Hotch rolled his eyes and you could see a small smile playing on his lips.
"Don't you dare laugh at me Aaron," you gave him a playful shove on his shoulder and at that point he couldn't contain his smile or his laughter.
The sound of him laughing was intoxicating and you couldn't hide your own smile that was now sprawled across your face as you joined in. You had to laugh or else you would cry.
"I'm serious, we already had one chance and look at the way that turned out. Maybe this is for the best.." You said as the laughter died down reminding you of what the reality was.
The light from Hotch's eyes and his smile were now gone, replaced by a stoic expression.
"You should get back to Beth Aaron, we're only making this worse for ourselves," you spoke and placed one of your hands on his knee giving it a squeeze and began standing up.
"I don't want to leave you again," you heard him quietly say as he followed your lead and stood up.
You didn't reply, you just slowly walked through your hallway and stopped at your front door.
"So I guess this is a goodbye?"
"I guess it is.." As much as you didn't want it to be, your gut was telling you that this was the right thing to do.
You took one last look at him as he took one last look at you, neither of you wanting this to be the end.
"Take care of yourself Y/N."
"Wait!" You called out.
"Kiss me before you go!"
And that's exactly what he did. He took three long strides to get to you and wrapped one of his arms around your waist whist the other ran through your hair as he pulled you in. All the tension between the both of you unravelled in the kiss. You parted your mouth allowing him to slip his tongue in, feeling his hot breath against your lips. It wasn't a soft, gentle kiss it was rough and longing. You had spent many nights thinking about how he would taste, how his mouth would feel on yours, and now that it's finally happened you didn't know how you could ever survive without him.
You were both almost gasping for air as he pulled away.
"Go before I change my mind," you breathed.
"But just call me sometime," you added as he placed one last kiss on your lips before leaving.
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u said i can send u more asks😼😼so basically
thinking abt.... making giant boys pliant and feel miserable 😖 soob riding ur thigh because u decided to be mean to ur sweet little bunny - it's not ur fault he looks so adorable all flushed and frustrated - why arent u helping him? he's too aroused to get himself off
wanna degrade him while he's rutting my thigh calling him my perfect little slut - but oh no little bun can feel tears in his eyes and starts mumbling "m not a slut, just good, m i not ur good bun? wanna be good, good jus for u" and u can hear him sobbing by the end while he's just repeating the same words over and over again
u kiss his tears away and say that yes, he had been a very good boy so u help him by placing ur hands on his waist guiding him and setting up the pace
he ends up cumming so hard he holds onto u for dear life babbling "am i good? pls tell me i'm good"
😩😩soob who lives off of ur praise>>>>>
pls there are so many mistakes here but😭😭i cant think straight atp
smth abt thigh riding and soob gets me goin every fucking time istfg-
-idk if it's like the size thing-the fact that this giant of a man turns into a whimpery little mess rutting against your leg, burying his face into the crook of your neck, moaning and mewling into your ear-or really idk what else it could be
oh but he'd be so into praise😩😩
it's the air he breathes, just wanting to be called a good little bun by you<333
i can just imagine-
one night you wake up, bc your poor little bunny can't seem to get comfy, shifting around and grunting quietly, you keep your eyes closed, arms still wrapped close around his body until you realize...realize...
...he isn't shifting bc he's 'trying to get comfy' but in fact, he's grinding against your leg-trying his absolute hardest to stay quiet and not wake you up
well, it's a bit too late for that now, because you're already awake and a broken moan falls from his lips as your hands grip either of his thighs, setting a pace for him
"such a little slut, aren't you bun? Can't even wait for morning, you had to wake me up just because you were horny, baby." Condescending and mean, one of his favourite combinations yet he vehemently denies
"n-no, 'm your go-good boy. your good little bunny, right?
You agree, mostly because of how pretty he looks, all flushed and flustered, red and adorable. sounds so cute with high breathy pants and muttered words, just barely loud enough, going on and on about how much a good boy he is-imploring, begging-you to backup the claims.
"I don't know baby, look at you, all a mess, you haven't even taken on your boxers yet...not even thinking with that pretty little head of yours," your brush a lone finger over his cheekbone and he desperately pushes his face into the touch for more.
"you're acting like such a horny little slut right now~" The words have him moving faster, grinding down harder, mewling and letting out incoherent little hiccups in which all you can catch is something along the lines of 'good boy'.
“bun...b-bun jus' wans’ to feel good...please”
he's close. eyes glazed over, body tensing in trembling, tongue lolling out of his mouth with drool dripping down his chin. "please, please, please."
"shhh, shhh, don't worry bun'" you roll over and now he's under you, looking up with you with the biggest sweetest doe eyes you could possibly imagine.
"once i'm done with you, you'll be nothing but my good little slut."
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rs-wonderland · 2 years
This one's for the housewardens:
How would they like to have a female s/o make them a bento box for lunch? Will they crave more of her cooking?
Headcanons please.
Note { i did this but long time ago with all the characters so im excited to see how my headcanons change, so thank you anonymous and enjoy~♡}
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Riddle never as a child had his mother made him home food so this is new for him, and he loves it.
The bento looks so pretty it self! All the hard work you put in it makes it even better. And you did it all for him!?
He is really gratefull that you think of him.
Wants more, everytime you cook anything you cook he wants to try it! Even Trey says how much he likes your cooking.
Ofc Riddle would help you if can. You need more sugar or eggs? You will have Ace and Deuce bring them to you. Neer more space? You can use his dorm kitchen!
Leona lives for home made food. He would never said it out loud vut he loves your cooking.
He was so suprised when you hand him a bento. Didn't even bother to try it. Until Ruggie tried to steal it. Then Mr. Leona got his ass up and tried it
Send Ruggie next day to bring the box back for you to fill it up again.
If you ever need something he will send money and Ruggie to you, so you can go to Sam shop and buy what ever you need. And in return he want another bento.
The first thing he thought was how many calories it had. Interestingly, a small bento in the VIP room, and it's very tasty. What is that? message with your name? Azul stopped working.
He likes your cooking, don't get him wrong. He will suport yoi u to start your own bussnis. Like a little bakery.
Will have Jade and Floyd come to your dorm for his daily bento. You know what to cook for him right? Then why spend time to good and buy food in cafeteria when you made him a perfect bento?
Plus you will need to make one for Jade and Floyd too.
Now this is 50/50 situation...
We all know just Jamil and Jamil only can cook for Kalim. So Kalim will maybe taste your cooking.
But i think since you are his S/O that he will try it. Would look like a little kid while eating. Over all he loves your food.
Would probably let you cook with Jamil, and made him daily bento just like breakfest, dinner- you get the point.
Makes you make food for the parties. And tell everyone you made it.
"Have you tried that? My S/O made that, the are the best!" "Yea, my S/O cooks the best food! Even Jamil is eating it!"
Vil isn't suprised that he got a bento. He is famous after all. But from you? It's really special.
Your bento is really good. Not the best, but good. Likes when you make little shapes out of fruit.
He thinks it cute how you and Epel make little shapes in apples for fun. You craved him once out of apple, he put magic spell on it so it stays that way.
Once you said you will made him a bento suprise. He couldn't wait to see it so he send Rook to see what you are making so he can tell Vil.
This is like in one of his otomo games! You didn't give him a bento in person, Ortho gave it to him. Idia was so happy.
He would send Ortho holding a note that said: "Thank you. The bento was really good, i would like another one."
Would send you recepies from anime and games he is watching/playing and ask you to make them.
Everytime someone bring out the fact that you made him a bento, he gets all shy and red.
You brouth him a bento? All the way from your dorm? You got Malleus whole heart now.
He loved it, he didn't even want to eat it, he thouth he would ruined it. But when Lilia told him that you are supost to eat it, he did and god~! He wants more.
Would come to your dorm that same night with a bento box in his hands and he will tell your how greatfull he is for your kind actions and that now he wants more.
Stands right beside you as you fil him up another bento. And then he would come back tomorow morning for breakfest.
Sebek would yell at you for feeding Malleus (?) Tried to steal his bento so he could see if you put something bad in it. Malleus almost killed him.
Always leaves a little note when bring the bento box back to you.
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eoieopda · 2 years
jade. my soulmate. co-parent of our brain cell. the time has come—i have worked up the courage to send you a request.
i am thinking of the absolute love of my life park jimin. like estranged friends to lovers (not necessarily bad blood, just time and life caused distance between them)? fluffy like so fluffy but a hint of angst if you squint?? perhaps song inspo ‘find me here’ by hayley williams???
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love u, sending this made me NERVOUS LMAO
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As the saying goes, two things in life are inevitable: death and taxes. As far as Park Jimin is concerned, that list is non-exhaustive, woefully incomplete. It fails to account for the one thing he knows is certain.
When he left his apartment that morning, Jimin didn’t necessarily expect to run into you. The Google calendar you once shared had been out of commission for nearly a year; and your paths hadn’t crossed in the meantime. He had no reason to know that your plans for the day included sitting riverside, sipping coffee, and watching the water. Despite that fact, it doesn’t surprise him to find you there now.
It just makes sense.
You’re daydreaming when Jimin sits down next to you. He gets so caught up in that thoughtful crease between your eyebrows that he forgets to make his presence known for more than a few minutes. You don’t even jump when he eventually decides to speak rather than stare. Finding him doesn’t seem to be a shock to you, either.
“Hey,” you sigh as if you’re relieved, and you are all smiles.
Jimin echoes your greeting in that same, soft tone, and it’s easy, like the last time he said it wasn’t twelve months ago. He’s grateful for that — for the lack of theatrics. It isn’t a dramatic reunion; there’s no gasp, no tears, no oh my gods. There’s you and him, falling into lockstep without so much as a stumble.
Glancing down at the travel mug in your hands, Jimin confirms that he knows exactly what he’s looking at. Right above your thumb, he finds the accidental dent you made in the metal when you knocked it off his kitchen counter two years earlier. The sight of it has him warm all over.
He doesn’t have to guess that it’s full of the medium roast from that café up the street, but he does have to ask: “One shot of espresso, or two?”
You grimace and Jimin knows exactly what that look means.
Eyes wide with mirth, he snorts, “Three? Shit. Don’t tell me you’re still staying up until sunrise.”
“Excuse you,” you gasp in feigned offense, swatting playfully at his bicep. Thank god some things never change. “I’ll have you know that I went to bed at midnight last night like a responsible adult!”
Jimin makes a big show of rubbing the spot where the back of your hand collided with his jacket. He relishes the way you roll your eyes at him for doing so. “Responsible is debatable, but I’ll concede that — for you — midnight is impressive.”
“I know, right?” you snicker. There’s a beat, then you blink at him expectantly. “Please clap.”
With your face lit up like that, how could he not?
“Proud of you,” He chuckles as you bow through his applause. And he means it, he really does. Sleep never came naturally to you, yet here you are, willingly going to bed before the moon does.
When it grows quiet again, that feels easy, too. It’s just as comfortable as it ever was, sitting silently next to you. Jimin realizes now just how much he’s missed this. Missed you, missed existing on the same page.
In any other circumstance, with anyone else, Jimin would feel obligated to keep the conversation going. He’d volley small talk until he was exhausted; fill every lull and refuse to let the mood hit the floor. Social interactions have always felt like endurance exercises — but not with you. Not then, and thank god, not now.
You’re looking straight ahead, shoulder leaning ever-so-slightly into his, when you eventually do speak. “Thank you.”
Now, Jimin is surprised.
“I don’t think I said it before I left, so I need to say it now,” you quietly answer before he can ask.
You turn to look at him and find that his eyes are already trained on you. It’s hard to put a finger on it, but there’s more of you now than there was the last time Jimin saw you. The glow you used to have — the one that had started to dim — was back, brighter than ever.
Happiness looks good on you, he thinks.
“I don’t think I would’ve gotten my shit together if it wasn’t for you,” You sigh. Then, you slot your fingers into the spaces between his without any hesitation at all. “I needed to — like, really needed to — but I wouldn’t have seen it if you didn’t point it out.”
Jimin squeezes the hand he didn’t want to let go of in the first place. It would’ve been selfish of him to cling to it back then, but it was a gamble not to. He threw in all his chips and hoped that you were the boomerang he thought you were; that you’d come back to him when you were ready.
You were, and are, a safe bet — one he’d take every single time — so Jimin gambles again.
He leans in slowly and you lean, too. Even though it’s the first time, the way you kiss him back feels natural.
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itty-bitty-sunshine · 11 months
Not sure what to name that sub au, but some silly stuff some friends and i came up with while talking on discord instead of sleeping:
it would be nice if in this scenario the dca got glimpses of all the other times they've meet the immortal since they are less stuck to organic limitations of brain now in the body of a robot
These two souls have been countless things through the years. So may I humbly offer you the image of a bird Sun taking a nap on Perkeo's hair while under the light of the actual sun
Imagine your best friends repeatedly self sacrificing for you even though you could withstand anything over the span of eons. Now imagine them doing that knowing you could withstand it because would've done the same for them before
Sun and Moon actually know about the reincarnation thing. Or at least their souls do. Maybe they view themselves as protectors of the Immortal in a way, standing by their side through lifetimes and keeping them safe. Maybe they are not born knowing but it just clicks the second they lay their eyes on them, like an innate need to protect or just be by their side
Sun and Moon just casually found the perfect vessel this time, in form of an animatronic but y'know, can't be picky, so they decide to share it anyway. They must be soooooo proud of themselves for being smart boys and finding such a good body that will last long (bonus points I think it would be hilarious if they first meet because of the Immortal and they both agreed afterwards like "yep. That's what we doing now")
Imagine like the daycare attendants looking down at them with a lovesick expression (at least internally since yk, metal faceplate)/pla. Perkeo laughs as they look up to them, asking if there's something in their face.
The attendant just chuckles and tells them they got such a pretty smile. In their shared mind, they get to glance to a million other times they saw that same smile, that laugh
They adore it, and the fact this time they can last with you means the world to them. They don't need to leave you again.
Is Perkeo able to realize it's the same two souls? Maybe. They probably joke about it because it's happened too much to be just coincidence, but they have no proof until the dca, so we relying on vibes here
None of my aus are romantic. Not the Immortal, and not this version. However the unspoken loyalty and bond to eachother without labeling it gets to me everytime
How sad it would when soul mix with code if things follow the normal route of events, if they still get to get the virus. They've sworn to protect yet they are the reason they hurt. For centuries neither of them has ever made them bleed by their own hands yet the very same vessel that gives them longevity it's the curse that leaves them to watch without control as they do the opposite of the very thing they live for
Also. Nicknames changing between aus: name and sky related nicknames for the Immortal au, because of the whole celestial theme going on, they are the Sun the Moon and the Stars and yada yada
While on this variant au it would be nicknames picked from little habits of centuries, like Birdie because they liked to sing with the birds or would be the one singing early in the morning, or Little Owl because of that nasty little habit of staying up late doing stuff
Also "Mo(u)rning dove" as a nickname. They sing quite beautifully, the spelling is a play on words (both day themed, and dark). They actually represent peace, love, devotion, death and rebirth across many different cultures
Also Sun and Moon being an actual nickname given to the two centuries ago because of the cheerful/calm behavior, as well as how as sure as the Sun and the Moon will rise in the sky, the two of them will also be there with them eventually again. I think that's still applicable even if the immortal doesn't know it's them because the vibes are enough
Big shout to something Su said, "A fate designed by them" (@them not being soulmates but making eachothers soulmate by choosing to stick together anyway). Been thinking abt it nonstop
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reanbowful · 2 years
i have a thing for hickey.. so what about reader loves to leave hickeys on them (anyone u like) whenever she can *wink wink
Oh I got you bb. I got you 😉
*I was looking forward to write this lmao
“what’s that on your neck?”
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if you like to leave hickeys on them
*nsfw content
(ben, alex, gerard, jake, donald, wolf, dean)
ben park / park humin
Hmm I feel like this guy wouldn’t mind at all. In fact, he would wear it proudly. He doesn’t even wear his uniform properly, so it would just display your work for everyone to see.
Ben is the type of guy that if he likes someone, he will go along with any of their whims. AND enjoy them.
So if you’re a wild one and you wanna make out behind the school auditorium, he’s down.
Ben also has little to no shame, he wouldn’t really care if he got caught. But, he would care if YOU got caught doing this with him.
“Babe, are you sure this is okay?”
You gave no answer, pulling him by the neck to connect your lips into a deep kiss.
Surprised, Ben stumbled through his steps which made you fall back straight onto the wall. He made sure to put one of his arm there for leverage, as you gasp from the sudden contact.
Ben is.. an unexpectedly good kisser.
He’s also into intense intimacy, so he’s quite sensual.
His hands would roam around your thigh and your waist as you press your bodies together.
Pull on his hair if you want him to move his head, he likes the slight rough treatment.
When you begin to leave your marks on him, you can give him gentle grazes through your teeth. He’s not a loudest guy ever, but it will make him gasp. (I imagine him being a breathy, grunting type?)
After you guys are done, Ben would go back to class. Completely unhinged with the way his hair is all messed up and his reddish swollen lip.
The rest of the group would probably stare in disbelief when they see the numerous purple on his neck just displayed out in the open.
alex go / go hyuntak
I feel like with Alex, he’ll be one of the more conscious person on this list. He will subtly try to cover them up if he knows you left them.
So here’s how it usually goes.
You guys are hanging out at your house, it was during the weekends so he stayed over for the night.
From the time that he arrives until you guys have to sleep. Absolutely pg. He won’t even give you any weird looks or drop any hints or anything.
Just purely fun enjoyment. Watching movies, eating pizza, etc etc.
But when you both slip in bed. Well..
You begin by pressing your body close to him, or tangle your legs together so that he will turn his body towards you.
Man, Alex will be those types of guys who will move your hair strand behind your ear before he kisses you.
Unlike Ben, he kisses very delicately.
His hands would stay mostly on your face. If you move your body up to straddle him, he’ll wait until you lean in to touch you again. Otherwise he just kinda awkwardly let them fall? Idk Alex is weirdly bashful about touching you.
So now there’s 2 scenarios.
If it doesn’t lead to sex or if it does.
If it doesn’t, he will most probably remember in the morning to cover it up with a hoodie or something.
If it does lead to sex, I think he will be too tired to even remember.
He would be half-asleep walking out your bedroom one day to see your sister, eating cereal on the kitchen counter.
“Damn, Alex. She really mauled you, huh?”
Instantly awake, he would run to the bathroom to check on himself. Absolutely horrified that YOUR SISTER had just seen the numerous love bites on his neck.
He won’t come out until your sister knock on the door, laughing loudly telling him she was just joking.
gerard jin / jin gayool
I think it depends on where you put the hickeys.
He probably wouldn’t like it if you put them like too high up his neck that he can’t cover them (since he has to work and stuff). So if you like to leave marks, probably do it around his chest and collarbone area.
Gerard is slightly conservative, so don’t expect he will do anything intimate with you outside of private settings.
He’s pretty damn tall so you will probably have to sit on top of him or lay in bed together to even leave hickeys on him.
Gerard kisses slowly and romantically. He wants to enjoy the moment with you at times like this.
You can pull on the hem of his shirt upwards if you want him to take them off.
Honestly, his body is a sight to behold. (hehe I know he has a nice body👌)
When you start licking his neck, he would hint for you to go lower.
“Teddy asked me about the mark yesterday. It was- Ha.. a bit embarrassing to explain.”
You raised your brow at him, smirking as you lean in to connect your lips together. He would, like Alex, brush your hair away if it obscures your vision. Hands going to your ass and your back to try and push you closer to him.
When you begin to suck onto his skin, he will hold you by the back of your neck. Rubbing small circles onto your lower back.
All in all, he really doesn’t mind as long as he doesn’t have to go out/have work. He actually find you marking him quite relaxing.
jake ji / ji hakho
I feel like Jake would be embarrassed but secretly like being marked.
He would try to subtly cover it up, but if someone notice then that’s that.
I imagine Jake to be someone who’s a bit shy(?) in initiating anything remotely intimate. BUT, he’s also curious about it.
So he won’t be as bold as Ben, but he’s still down to explore a more risqué scenarios with you.
This one is a surprisingly bad kisser ngl. Well not like bad bad, he’s just somewhat awkward. So you have to lead him.
“Jake, relax.”
Start with slow kisses, give him feathery touches to ease him into it while riling him up at the same time.
I would say to not straddle him. Rather, just sit like next to him. Like really closely.
Jake finds the “innocent” gesture in such a not so innocent setting a bit of a turn on.
Once you leave your marks on him, take a few buttons off of your uniform and ask him to do the same to you.
Man would blush like crazy, but he’ll be more than happy to leave his marks on you too.
Now, while he does try to cover the marks you give him. He also likes it if you put it like high up. Where everyone can see.
It’s a bit of a dilemma with him honestly. He likes it but doesn’t like it at the same time.
donald na / na baekjin
Idk if you guys would agree, but I don’t think Donald likes hickeys very much. Like out of everyone on this list, I feel like he would be one who would genuinely not like it.
However, if you do leave them on him, he wouldn’t really say anything.
I feel like this scenario could only happen with Donald is you guys are once again, having sex.
Because I just can’t see him letting you suck on his neck while he’s at the office. And if you guys are at home, then with Donald, it would more often than not, lead to sex.
With Donald, he would still be on top of you when it happens. You could kiss him and pull him in, before going to his neck.
He’s good at kissing. Idk how to explain it, but he has good techniques lol.
He would let you do it. But he won’t be showing it around honestly.
Not that he’s embarrassed or anything, he just doesn’t want people to know that he has a partner. Since being the leader of the Union and all, you could get targeted.
Now while Donald doesn’t like to receive hickeys, he sure does love giving them.
He would leave them everywhere, on your shoulder, your neck, your back, everywhere.
He loves seeing his work on you the minute he wakes up in the morning. And if you guys keep a mirror around, seeing the matching smaller teeth marks you put on his chest, he might find himself being more okay to getting hickeys in the future.
wolf keum / keum seongje
I think I mentioned this before in the love language prompt.
Wolf has a thing for napes. He thinks they’re quite sexy. Especially if you’ve just had sex together and you move your hair away to reveal your bare back. He’ll be ready to go all over again.
So, really. He sees it as a total win if you’re into giving hickeys.
Like Dean, Wolf would also wear it in the open. He just doesn’t bother to cover them up. Not that anyone would dare say anything about it honestly.
It started when your friend told you about the supposed “bug” bites on your nape and shoulder area.
“Y/N, are you okay? It looks like something bit you here.”
Oh something did alright.
So during one of your “sessions” with Wolf in his room, you brought it up.
“Wolf. Let me leave marks on you as well.”
He would stare at you. Shrug. Then walk over to you giving you a deep kiss.
Wolf, I feel like would be a bit of a rough kisser? Not so rough that he’ll hurt you or anything. He just has a really strong desire for you and acts mostly on instinct.
He’ll pick you up and sat you on his lap. Pulling away his shirt so you can have a better access.
Since you’ve never really leave marks on him so far, Wolf noticed that you are a little bit awkward. Not knowing where to suck on.
“Just do it how I usually do, noona. I’d get turned on by anything you do.”
After that moment, you became addicted to leaving marks on him.
Whenever you do, he would just sit there silently stroking your hair. And if you move to a particularly sensitive spot, he will grip your hair just a tad bit tighter, gritting his teeth.
dean kwon / kwon hyukjin
Isn’t it so perfect that he has a tattoo on the side of his neck? (I was literally thinking abt writing this prompt after seeing his tattoo)
Kiss. That damn. Tattoo.
Dean doesn’t really care if you leave your marks on him. He wouldn’t bother to cover it up but it’s not like he’s particularly really into hickeys either. He just.. doesn’t care.
Like you could literally be licking and sucking on his neck, and this man would be completely unhinged. Reading his book, playing a game, and such.
But that all changes if you guys are having sex together. Dean will be much much more responsive and he can be quite loud too(?)
This man is another rough kisser. Arguably even more so than Wolf. Because I feel like with Wolf, he’s more passionate than he is rough? With Dean, he’s just rough rough.
Mister gives off huge dom energy.
I think he would like the feeling of being bitten more honestly. Do it as he’s about to come on his shoulder, right below his flower tattoo.
Since his shirt necklines are quite low, it would be very visible. Your teeth marks on him.
He likes the idea of it tho. That you’re possessive enough of him that you would leave your trails on his body.
It’s also a convenient mean to drive annoying pursuers away when he subtly adjusts his shirt to show the marks.
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gorgeousundertow · 7 months
OTP: Brad/Nate
For @mutantmanifesto
inspired by this mega post. None are exact copies (that I'm aware of) but in keeping with the general tone.
TW: angst, suggestive content, etc.
Who would end a heated argument by defending their actions with ‘because I love you!’ ? Brad. I think the argument would get very wordy (obviously) and he would end up twisting himself into a logically impossible state, and have to resort to "Because I love you!" But - both do stupid things on account of love.
What would they do if the other woke in a manic state after a nightmare? matter-of-fact and reassuring; here's where you are, here's what's real.
Do they wear the other’s clothes? (sweatshirt, bandana, necklace, etc.) Nate steals Brad's clothes.
Which one is more protective? Who needs to be ‘protected’? Brad is more protective, but neither of them needs protecting.
Describe their cozy night in. Nate is reading, working on something, and Brad is fiddling with gadget. At some point they play a game like Risk or Scrabble and get really pissed at each other
Who would beg the other not to leave? Who has to leave to protect the other? Depending on the circumstance, either would leave to protect the other, but I could see it more likely to happen with Nate leaving Brad. I don't really see either of them begging the other stay bc they're dumb and don't use their words.
Would they build a pillow fort together just because? No.
What happens if one of them gets sick? Brad freaks the fuck out and makes soup and takes Nate's temperature every ten seconds. Nate is much more reasonable.
What are their thoughts on having children? I think they both like kids, but it might not occur to them that they would be good at it together for a long while.
Describe their first date. They don't have one. They just trip over themselves until they discover they've moved in together.
Do either try to hide their emotions if upset? Can the other still tell? Absolutely. They do not acknowledge the existence of emotions (maybe anger? Anger is fine) but yes, they can always tell.
Do they have many heated arguments? How do they smooth things over? They have some heated arguments, but a lot of the time everything gets said with the eyes.
Who’s the bigger tease? NATE.
How do their personalities compliment each other? How do they clash? They sometimes have disagreements because their values aren't exactly aligned; Nate is a lot more practical and ruthless than Brad is. In some ways Brad is more of an idealist--Brad pushes Nate to be a better version of himself, someone who doesn't need to compromise his own integrity, and Nate keeps Brad from getting lost in his own head.
Do they always say 'i love you' before leaving? No, but it's implied.
Can they stay up all night just talking? Oh yes, wandering down philosophical rabbit holes.
Who's more likely to pull the other in by the waist and kiss them passionately? Either one, whenever they think it's most likely to surprise the other.
How likely are they to have fur babies? How many and what kind? They strike me as dog people.
How do they feel about PDA? Uncomfortable with it due to Don't Ask Don't Tell, but in certain circumstances they might enjoy shocking their friends and family.
Choose one song that perfectly describes their relationship. R U Mine, Arctic Monkeys
Who would get into a fight to defend the other's honor? Who tends to the other's wounds? Lol both. But mostly Brad.
What reminds each of their partner? Little things. Brad of Nate: Baseball games, New Yorker Magazine, collared shirts, crossword puzzles, backpacks. Nate of Brad: Wired Magazine, Astounding Science Fiction, hydration packs, faded t-shirts, very organized dressers.
Who's more likely to convince the other to stay in bed come morning? Brad. Dude likes his sleep.
Who's more likely to give the other a massage? Neither unless there's sex involved, or an injury. If there's an injury, Brad.
Do they have any hobbies they share? They're very competitive, so anything that's a hobby becomes a competition.
What are their vices? Oh god. Being right?
Who is the light weight that needs to be taken care of after a party? Lol both. Brad's bigger, but he doesn't actually drink much because he likes to remain in control, so he's not used to it.
What are there thoughts on pet names? Do they have any? Only to annoy the other one.
Who is more likely to jump in an elevator? Who freaks out? Neither
Your OTP gets to pick out each other's outfits; what is each wearing? anything but a MOPP suit.
Can they sit side by side without touching the other or are they handsy? (lacing fingers, touching knees, etc.) They're pretty handsy actually. Nate maybe slightly more so.
Who's the better story teller? Brad. Brad Brad Brad.
Who's the better cook? Also Brad.
Who's more likely to tell a dirty joke or story to make the other blush? Definitely Brad, but occasionally Nate.
Who's more artistic? Nate
Who's more likely to fire up the stove at 2am because the other woke up in the middle of the night hungry? Brad
Which is more likely to swear? Brad
Who is more sexually experimental? Who's more vanilla? Nate is a dark horse.
Who would rescue an injured animal and nurse it back to health? What would the other think? Brad, and Nate would be resigned and on board
Who has an insatiable appetite? And what does the other do to help? Dark Horse Nate. Brad does not mind one bit.
Which one would take their jacket it off and drape over the other one because they were visibly shivering? Come on. Brad.
What's their favorite type of weather to enjoy together? (getting snowed in together, watching thunderstorms, etc.) These idiots would go out in the bad weather because it's neat.
Who would give their life for the other without a second thought? Both. Nate might try to think of another way for a hot second, actually, but he would still definitely do it.
Who would dance in the kitchen making dinner? Would the other join in or watch from the doorway? Brad would dance, Nate would join in (badly)
Can they fall asleep without the other? Yes, because they are professionals.
Would they get frisky at the movies by themselves? YES.
Does either of them have a secret that could potentially ruin their relationship? No.
Who's the better driver? Nate, because he's safer. Brad, because he's faster.
Does either of them have a hard time being away from the other? Yes, but mostly Brad. Not that he'd admit it.
who's more likely to do something out of spite? Nate.
What’s a non verbal way they say I love you? Sergeant/Sir (still verbal I guess but ya know)
Describe their weekend getaway? They each have a different version, and they try to meet each other's needs. For Brad, it's something adventurous, something that tests his limits, and Nate's game--so a long wilderness hike, foraging for food. For Nate, it's more likely more of a classic vacation
Would they ever go skinny dipping? Yes.
Who’s more likely to carry the other to bed? Brad.
Do they like watching clouds or star gazing? Star-gazing more likely, with Brad pointing out constellations and Nate telling the legends behind them.
What do they do turn the other on/put them in the mood? an eyefuck is all it takes
Whose the serious one when grocery shopping and who likes to toss random things in the cart? Nate makes a list, Brad tosses in anything
Who’s more likely to hold a grudge after an argument? Nate
Who tops? Who bottoms? Switch
Who pulls the other closer when they’re sleeping? Both
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streaminn · 1 year
Tongues & Teeth I (wenclair)
lil au where its after season one and semester break, more explanation in my past posts tbh but essentially Enid feels like she’s doesn’t deserve to be standing by Wednesday and does smth about it until some other pack of werewolves come strolling into town.
includes more indepth werewolf lore and mannerism
Perhaps it was the fact that Wednesday finally settled down after the whirlwind of events that is her first semester but she could not help but note that something seemed off.
She curses at herself for feeling so unsettled, you would think being away from the institution she so desperately tried to escape from at the start would be relieving but instead it left her with an irritating tingling underneath her skin and she did not know why.
Was it her abode? No, she did not think so.
Everything seemed the same in the Addams manor: Pugsley’s incessant cheap attempts at assault still lingered every moment, Thing scuttled around like the spy he is and her Parents continue to scorch her eyes with their over the top affections.
(She does not mention that emptiness in her arms, the shiver in her skin everytime she brushes near someone.
Something was wrong and she can not figure out why.
Perhaps she is ill?)
It is when she goes to visit the town's mall for a family outing, two weeks away from Nevermore, that she is sharply reminded of what's missing.
It was the background song of a song that strikes her like a sword. It had a familiar nauseating tune, so loud and so Enid that she had to physically stop at the sudden ache in her chest at the remembrance of her friend.
“No wonder,” Wednesday murmurs, pointedly ignoring her Mother’s look. 
Enid truly left her mark and to think she had slipped Wednesday’s mind is inexcusable. An Addams always honours their words and distance wasn’t supposed to make her forget.
Safe to say, after some scouring through the brick of a phone for the necessary information, she goes and sends a message.
Wednesday knows that her roommate is a phone addict, always having it on her body when she could and she vaguely remembers how fast it would appear whenever a notification would sound.
She was not unsettled when after an hour or so, no reply had come with her message. She also had not reread her words to make sure she came off wrong.
Enid, How has your early break treated you? It has been a while since we have come in contact and the fault lies with me. I may have forgotten to exchange information when Xavier has gifted me this phone. Do tell me about your recent days. Sincerely, Wednesday Addams.
Was it too blunt? Too sharp, too uncaring?
Wednesday didn’t know and so she settled with ending the night early, anything to pass the churning in her gut.
In the morning, she felt the crawling of bugs scuttling along her stomach when she opened the phone. Her heart felt like the repeating banging of the doorbell as she stood up fully.
Enid Sinclair has sent (6) message.
OMG WEDNESDAY?? THE Wednesday Addams!?
You type like a nerd 😮
Pls dont kill me, this isi all slash jay
Joking! All jokin
My days just go so much better now! Bc leik omg, i genuinely didnt expect this
This is amazing weds im telllin u
It brings something to her face, to see such familiar words. Although some of the diction was confusing, Wednesday chalked it up to being an Enid thing. Just with her words, it's almost like Enid was chattering right away next to her.
Wednesday and Enid continue to text all throughout their break like this. Always in the mornings then picking up in the afternoon.  One totally unaware of what is happening to the other.
Enid doesn’t frequent the library, simply because it isn’t exactly one of the most well known places in her town. Why was this being brought up? Well her mother kicked her out of the house, murmuring to stay out of trouble because another pack of wolves is coming to town. 
It made Enid slouch, a frown on her lips. She’s a little high strung but she doesn’t cause trouble unless someone starts it.
It's not her fault her brothers got too physical, she was just repaying the favour.
So now here she is, in a library. Why is she in the Library? Well, it's because the smell of old books caught her attention. It was so irritating, being so sensitive to smells because holy moly do people stink but here? In the aisles of dusty shelves and old paper, it's almost like she’s standing next to Wednesday again.
A part of her whines at the loss of lavender and ink, that was what's missing. She was missing Wednesday and she got reminded of it when she got her texts just this morning.
God, she really really missed that girl.
Who knew being in such close proximity made her so clingy?
But it's okay! They were texting and omygod does that make her heart race. She could spend her whole day doing this, except Wednesday has stuff to do and she’s left staring at the block of text.
With a sigh, Enid pulls a random book from the shelf, admiring the simple name pressed on its side. Ravens and Wolves, how curious. She was about to open it until the chime of the library bell alerts her to a newcomer.
Normally she wouldn’t really care, a glance maybe and then back to her own world. Until a smell hits her sensitive nose and she staggers back like a newborn deer.
The scent of overwhelming ash fills the building, one that makes her hiss and attempt to plug her nose with a hand. God, these powers! so infuriating. There's something else in the air, something the other wolf is projecting but it's so hard to focus when her eyes are watering.
It's when she sees someone's shoes on the corner of her vision does Enid finally look up. In the sea of overwhelming fear pouring over her head, a flash of confusion and annoyance strikes her brain. Who does this wolf think he is? To corner a teen like this, it almost makes her wonder what Wednesday would do.
Probably stab him but that isn't allowed here.
So her hand tightens on the spine of the book as her body screams at her to run. She does want to follow but a part of her doesn’t want to move and she agrees.
Because honestly, what's with people and prodding and pushing? 
She’s just here, trying to read and then some asshole comes to stare her down. This wasn’t just over some book either because she has never felt such curiosity and amusement oozing off someone more than now.
With a frown, Enid places the book back and quickly shuts off her phone before pocketing it. Not liking the way his eyes seem to stare at it for a moment.
He certainly didn’t seem that imposing, but he just had this serial killer vibe that made her give a shaky smile in turn, anything to try and keep the peace.  The man just tilts his head in reply, giving a lip closed smile in turn. 
It makes the hairs on her neck rise.
Honestly, she would’ve assumed the guy was harmless if it weren't for the amount of edgy vibes wafting off like smoke, just about threatening to choke her out. It claws at her senses and Enid doesn’t know if he’s even doing it on purpose.
It's like the air around him was naturally dense, making it hard to even stand so close.
“So you’re the blood moon pup,” he starts and the mention of that night has Enid growling, eyes narrowed as she stands straight. When had she slouched?
Blood moon this, blood moon that. She doesn’t know much of the significance other than the fact that it's a special night and that her parents told her to be hush about it. The other werewolf gave her side eyes but it never went more than that.
Almost immediately, the air went from slowly suffocating to thick and absolutely choking and Enid swallows on another instinctive growl. Oh shit-
The wolf is still smiling and in fact, it seems to have gotten bigger - amused - but Enid can see the hint of anticipation, of threat in his lips. Her mind screams at that, clawing at her shoulders and she steps back, trying to push down such bothersome instincts.
“Don’t be like that,” he chides, stepping forward as his lips pulled into a showcase of teeth. “I’m just curious about the late bloomer and it's not everyday a pup shifts in a blood moon.”
He says it's important, like a symbolism from some god. Enid is reminded of a delusional preacher at this moment. Honestly she should care about why so many people seem to care about the moon, but there was no point. She could shift now, she could protect now- 
That's all that matters.
Protecting what hers.
Protecting Wednesday.
“What about it?” she grits out.
He taps at his cheek and Enid remembers the scar on her face. She has it bared to the world to see, even securing a clip to keep her hair. She should be slouched about it, vanity was all she had before she shifted but now?
It was a trophy, a sign that she had taken care of what's her.
“I simply wonder what a pup like you had to go through to shift on that night,” he murmurs, all easy words and shrugging shoulders. “You’re an abnormality, did you know that?”
Those words nearly make her see red. Abnormal, outcast, not like the rest-
Who is this asshole to think he can say what he wants?
“What about it!?” she barks back, voice rising as she steps forward, ignoring the aching pressure rising in her chest. “I had to fight for someone and I would do it again and again if I had to!”
(Wednesday was choking and so small in that fuckers hands and she never felt such rage before, burning and coiling under her skin.
She blacks out after Wednesday calls for her. 
Enid wakes up naked and there's blood under her nails and something sticking onto her throat.)
Her words immediately tempered off as unease began scratching up her spine. Something is screaming at her to shut up, to stay away. Normally she would’ve chalked it out as her instincts being crazy about someone unnecessary but she has never felt like this before and the want to run suddenly comes. 
Other packwolves don’t feel like this, not even the pack leader that takes charge of her family. It's like there's a shroud hanging around the wolf’s shoulders, like a curl of death’s veil so ready to swallow her whole.
He’s terrifying, but if there’s one thing Enid is good at, it’s fake it till you make it.
“It's not everyday I meet such a pup with no manners,” he says. “You can call me Romulus and you’re Enid Sinclair, yes?”
“Just Enid,” she chokes out, trying to force down the churning in her stomach. His name rings a few bells and it suddenly hits her. This was the alpha, the pack leader of the wolves visiting.  What's the leader doing interacting with a kid like her? “What do you want from me?”
It makes her step back and she watches how the older wolf seems to follow her movements easily, trailing after like a creep until she’s caught against a wall. It makes a sound bubble out from her chest as she scowls. 
He laughs, throaty and almost borderline a growl. “Right, sorry Just Enid.” He waves his hand and she watches the tips of sharp nails.
It's not like she can just run, he’s standing at her only exit and despite the pride in her stomach, Enid has no choice but to cower. Her lips pulled back into a snarl and fully unleashed the low growl from her throat.
“So feisty,” he says, giving a lil chuckle.
Romulus laughs, all teeth in display as he leans to meet her eyes. Ice blue, she notes. Similar to hers.
It makes Enid’s face scrunch.
“Is that all you came here to say?” she asks, staring at him with a face completely open to her distaste. She knew other werewolves can be weird as hell, but to think that they were this weird. He looked too calm and if the glimmer in his eyes said anything, entertained as well. Even with her growling, he didn’t seem to take her as a threat.
If he keeps pushing, then she’ll fully fight back. Pack leader or no, no one is going to push her around like this. It's insulting- Wednesday would never stand for this!
It was unnerving. Even the sight of her teeth or claws was enough to make someone pause but not this guy.
“Hmm…” Every bone in Enid's body tensed as the older wolf reached out, and her eyes widened as the hand drew closer to her face. She briefly believed the man was going to destroy her eyes, but instead, he gently plucked at a lock of her coloured hair while twirling his finger over it.  "Every other day, go to the library. You're a very interesting kid. I want to know more."
No, no way.
Romulus didn't react negatively to the blatant disrespect; instead, he just hummed softly, his eyes gleaming brightly in the faint light of the building and his face expressionless. Enid would have been concerned, even terrified, but she is too furious to give a damn.
Enough with the passivity, Wednesday would not stand for this stuff any longer!
“Back away! Don't you see how weird you seem right now?” Smacking the hand away from her head, Enid growled. "You're sounding like a creep!"
"I'm the creep?" he laughs. "weren't you the one staring at that gadget off yours? Addams was it?"
Enid felt all of the air leave her lungs, shoulders rising as she tensed up. What did he say?
"What're you trying to imply you sick fuck!?"
She expected a shout back, instead...
For almost three seconds, everything in their small space was silent - aside from Enid's growls - before a louder, more menacing rumbling literally halted the younger blonde in her tracks.
Romulus didn't growl. He wasn't showing teeth, and neither were his lips pushed back. He no longer has that unsettlingly blank expression; instead, a slight smile is pulling at the corner of his lips and he looks pleasantly amused. He doesn't appear to be a threat at all, but the deep rumbling from his chest startled Enid and caused her to spill out a whine before she could control herself. Even though it sounded like a warning rather than a typical growl, this one  seemed more like a gentle reprimand aimed to get her to stop acting out without actually scaring her.
That only scared Enid even more.
Enid's eyes widened as her whining subsided, completely dumbfounded by her own response. She was used to being growled at by other pack leaders, who have also warned and scolded her but she's never felt a reaction like that, not even when some of the wolves at school snapped at her in the beginning. Sure,  she may have grudgingly stopped, but she never complained and she never caved so quickly. Enid was right. This wolf was a problem; something about him was off; like every part of her knew he wasn't a typical wolf.
“That’s better.” The older blonde cooed, hand reaching forward to comb through the pup’s hair gently and this time Enid was too in shock to slap the hand away. “I assure you, I have no interest in anything like that. Late shifting at a blood moon is particularly odd in my life so I'm curious.” Enid could only weakly glare at the title. “So humour me, you wouldn’t want anything to happen to that…” he seems to humm before giving a smile, all teeth and fangs on display. “Wednesday, right? You should really keep your phone shut, pup.”
“Leave her alone!” She hissed, tone on the verge of sounding desperate and far from the angry, defensive growling from before. She barely got out of a Hyde attack and a part of her fears what will happen if she goes against a whole pack but she isn’t going to turn her back to one person that holds her like she’s precious. “If you think I won't claw your face out simply because you're some bigshot then you're wrong!”
“Then just talk with me, come to the library every other day and i don't need to drag not just your friend but your whole pack." The subtle threat wasn’t even subtle at all and Enid just glared harder. “That’s all I want.” Romulus continues, removing his hand from Enid’s hair and trailing down the side of her face before drawing back.
So she tears her eyes away and nods because fuck, she couldn’t exactly say no, now could she?
She grits her teeth as she searches the other man’s face for a minute, trying to find something, anything, that could show this was a trick. But his expression is frustratingly equal parts soft and terribly amused. There’s no hint of danger nor anger there, even after he growled at Enid, even after the pup had been constantly disrespectful as a way to get the man to just go away.
Enid clenched her hands into fists to stop them from shaking. She was never this violent, never this quick to anger and that made her hesitate, made her think. This is fine, she tries to reassure herself. If she can handle a pompous werewolf, she can handle whatever dumb noble Wednesday’s family could throw at her.
Her scars ache at the touch and it's a reminder of what Enid is willing to do for Wednesday.
“That’s it?” She whispered, the fire burning in her slowing down to ambers.
“That’s it.” The wolf echoed.
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robinsvoid · 2 years
hii! could u do a blurb about robin taking care of sick!reader please,, just tooth rotting fluff!:)
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you’re here, that’s the thing!
p. robin buckley x sick!reader
content warnings. none, just fluff! it’s kind of a short blurb + fic lol. not proofread bc i’m lazy :]
calling robin in the morning to tell her that you couldn’t go hang out with her because you weren’t feeling the best was dreadful. it hurt hearing the disappointment in her voice over the telephone, knowing she was looking forward to being with you. like she always does. your parents were no help either, leaving early for work and telling you to stay home so you could get better. but the moment you started drifting, eyelids heavy as you laid in your bed, you hear rhythmic taps against your windowpane. when you open your eyes you can see robin and her cute face smiling brightly through the window, holding multiple vhs cassettes in her hands, motioning you to open up.
and it’s cute, the way her hair was all messed up from the wind, the way a leaf was sticking out from her collar, the way she was sweating on her forehead probably from riding her bicycle as fast as she could:( and when she climbs into your bedroom and places her backpack on the floor, she pulls you close, peppering kisses all over your cheeks and on your nose.
“robin, i’m sick!” you would say, hands pushing against her shoulders. but it’s not like that wasn’t gonna stop her anyway.
“but, i wanna kiss you.” robin’s clingy, especially when she knows that she shouldn’t be — when you’re sick, when you could get her sick, too. but she can’t help herself. she really just wants to be with you. she knows that you probably just want to sleep, in fact, she encourages it. after she’s done kissing you, she immediately urges you to get yourself back in bed. she brings a container full of hot soup she asked her mom to make for her, well, because she can’t cook and pulls your desk chair over by your bed.
she feeds you, all with a smile on her face, encouraging you to feel better. and you do. how could you not? being sick still has you feeling tired, even when robin’s here rambling about her morning, how she had to beg her mother to make her soup, hoping it wouldn’t spill all over her back on the way here, how worried she was about you. it was all worth it though, now that she got to see you. when you finish eating and finally take your medicine, she pulls out her movies, making you pick one out of the dozens she brought, before slotting it into your television. then she’ll lay with you, let you put your head on her chest as her hand plays with your hair, soothing you until you fall asleep. she’ll kiss you on the top of your head and she’ll do the same thing again tomorrow until you get better <3
navigation. © ROBINSVOID
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vanikolya · 2 years
Hi, you do x readers, right? Can i ask for some relationship Hc for spaceboy?
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cw: none
reader info: they/them, no gendered terms used
notes: i love him so much ty for this request!! i call him halkenna / kenna in this sinceee it's his original name, you can google for more info if you want it since i'd like to keep this note short but it's not too hard to find if you just search "halkenna fairway" &lt;33 also to the person who requested something similar, i'll still probably be writing a oneshot for you! you'll have to bear with me though as i haven't written anything other than headcanons for a while
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his main love language is physical touch so he's very touchy if you're comfortable with it, lots of hugs and kisses and hand holding
the type of person to be like cuddling with you in a morning and get all whiney when you try to get up and he's still half asleep, until you get back into bed or have him begrudgingly accept that you have plans and things to do and you have to be up etc etc
expanding on the previous point a little, i feel like he's not really the type to have many lie ins? idk i feel like being a space pirate captain is kind of a busy, "get up early" kind of ordeal especially if he and his crew have something planned
but especially if you're not always one for adventures and you decide to stay home sometimes, kenna will probably end up being extremely clingy with you when he gets back and spends the time he can to relax with you and have lie ins where he can just cuddle with you since there's nothing exactly impending he has to sort out
probably second is quality time fr kenna will jump at the chance to spend time doing things with you, most often he will also invite you on his funny little space adventures unless he knows it's going to be something dangerous (although fair play if he knows you could handle yourself there)
although aside from adventures i seem to have convinced myself that kenna likes playing videogames despite the fact i'm not even sure if he'd 100% canonically have any lmao i forgot if they're ever mentioned to be a thing in the dream world but oh well
"YES I WON AGAIN OMG" and then kenna's there being all proud of you for winning as if he wasn't consistently being distracted by how excited you were whilst playing the game with him so technically it was an easy win but he's not going to tell you that so-
he will like bring you cool things from other planets he goes to, like especially if you're a "collects little trinkets" type of person (im guilty of this ;u;), like cool little crystal things and stuff, or just things that he can reasonably bring back that reminded him of you
i feel like he can't cook because he's like never really had to? like he has his dad who woulda looked after him as a kid and then he inherited his position from his dad so he'd probably have people in his crew who cook for him now, or he just exclusively eats out or eats pre-packaged foods (wow i went on a little tangent here) but like yeah if you cooked for him even like just once he'd adore it so much, even if it was just like the simplest meal you've made in your life
he doesn't leave you alone when you're sick, of course unless you want alone time, but otherwise he is just completely unfazed by "but you might get sick too if you're staying with me for so long" and more concerned with keeping you company and making sure you're okay and looking after you
this one's kind of a given but he writes you music!! he's probably a little shy at first about showing you because what if you don't like it or what if you think he's being too much and it weirds you out? that doubt is completely gone after the first time he shows you something he's written for you though
he has. he has a little notebook he just carries around with him and it's like one of his most treasured possessions fr because he writes little snippets of things that could become song lyrics or he writes little ideas for "oh this song could sound like this" except it's just like the most wholesome thing because ever since you two started dating it's mostly just been like cute romantic stuff and like "i like (name) i like them a lot and this song is about them brrrrr <333" sjdhsjdsjd
gives you his cape to like use as a blanket (wrap around yourself, drape on your shoulders etc) if you're like waiting somewhere for something and its cold, even though it's not exactly the best solution but at least it's some kind of solution i suppose and he's trying sjdjdjd
also btw just know he'd probably go to the ends of the universe for you or something if you ever needed anything so don't hesistate to communicate about anything you need (i say, having communication issues myself help sjdjfjdd) i don't think he actually has the capability to ever see you as a burden
also goes pretty much the same with how he'd defend you with his life if he ever needed to go that far
you probably had your first kiss after some particularly precarious space adventure, either when kenna came home or when you had a peaceful moment if you were there with him, idk the whole "i know we've been taking things slowly but we could have lost each other today" type thing
but now at this point he will literally just pepper you with kisses whenever he gets the chance like fr he's literally just- most affectionate man to ever have lived. has also probably like kissed the back of your hand all fancy like or swept you up into his arms and kissed you all dramatically at least twice
you've seen how he reacted to a breakup now imagine how wholesomely dramatic he can get when he's actually in a relationship
he's also a really good listener!! he loves hearing you talk about your interests as well as listening if you have a problem- your happiness is his happiness so as mentioned earlier with the "ends of the universe" thing he won't hesitate to try to help with anything
do the same for him tho okay :(( he needs holding gently both physically and emotionally after his whole ordeal with sweetheart
i have no idea why i left this until so far down but space related (ig) pet names for each other are a must, like starlight and moonbeam and i don't actually have any others to hand rn those two just live in my brain rent free. also expect a lot of likely cheesy compliments of the same nature like "i've been travelling this universe my entire life and you're still the brightest star i've ever seen"
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