#can’t believe it took this long for me to post it XD
moonstonemoonlight · 9 months
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A commission I did for Fire Child, their character Kur’ek!
lots of fun with this one :D fluff and feathers are my favourite to draw
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chalkeater · 2 years
About the timeline post, i saw someone mention that Ralsei's manual in the files says 202X
oh FR? if that’s true then I’m sorry to everyone who thought 201X 😔
will look into this… It does say that. On one hand I get why we think 201X- because Deltarune came out in 2018. but if 202X is the case then Toby Fox had it that way to accommodate for the fact that Deltarune should be completely finished before 2030.
So canonically because Ralsei made this manual to give to Kris (or anyone else) the game can’t happen any earlier than 202X. Let’s say in-game Kris is 17 and let’s say that everything happened in 2020. just to keep it close enough. if the guess for Spamton Sweepstakes is that it took place in 2009 Kris would be 6 years old help
I don’t think I have the brain power to think of when everything took place IF connected to our human world out here. There are alternative ways to think about it though:
Everything took place in around 2018 anyway which makes it more possible (age wise) to start running tour own forum with enough clarity
Everything does take place in 202X but there’s something going on with technology not being as updated in the town (Maybe Ms Toriel’s old school with her antennae TV? and everything coming to this town later than the rest of the world?
or Ralsei wrote 202X as a typo
or Deltarune’s timeline just can’t be connected to our human world and how technology and the internet changes and evolves didn’t happen at the same pace- either in just Hometown or entirely in-universe. At the end of the day it was definitely probably written as 202X so we subconsciously see it happening as the same time as our own lives anyway and so we’re even more inclined to relate to everyone maybe
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deus-ex-mona · 2 years
when you try to write a parody of what is practically a parody, ig…
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ivonhart · 6 months
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the moon | steven grant x fem werewolf!reader
+ marc spector & jake lockley
— chapter six
| next (WIP)
| previous
cross posted on ao3
gif credit: @paper-n-ashes
summary: You've always hated the moon. Hated the way it made your body bend and break into a new form every month. Hated the way it tied you to one of the many gods of it. But you couldn't hate what the moon connected you to...who it connected you to.
a/n: !! chapter warnings !! PTSD, unintentional s*lf-harm / It is NOT gonna get better for her XD!!!!
You woke the next morning to Layla scurrying around the room you slept in. You weren’t surprised to see the woman here. You knew she would’ve been hot on your tail the moment you left London. “Layla?”
You noted how hoarse your throat felt as you slowly sat up with a groan. The woman stopped in her tracks and quickly made her way over to you with a soft call of your name. “How are you feeling? I started to get nervous about whether you were going to wake up or not.” Your eyebrows were furrowed as you shook the drowsiness away.
Memories of what happened the previous day came flooding back and you looked down at your bandaged hand. It was clear it had been cleaned and rewrapped but there was still confusion floating within your mind. “What do you mean you were nervous? I just slept through the night.” Layla sat at the end of the bed with a look of pity. “You’ve been asleep for almost two days.”
A few beats of silence followed before you shot to your feet…almost pushing Layla off the bed in the process. “TWO DAYS?!” And as quickly as you got up…you fell down. All the blood rushing to your head, causing black dots to encase your vision. If it weren’t for Layla catching you, you would’ve fallen to the floor.
The woman hissed out your name with worry as she slowly sat you back on the bed. “The Scarab? Harrow? Marc?” His name left a bitter taste in your mouth as you dropped your head into your hands. You remembered what you said…what you did. Layla rubbed your arm silently. “I’m guessing Marc told you what happened?” You asked without lifting your head.
A small hum of confirmation left the woman’s mouth before she spoke. “He was lucky we were in the middle of a market, otherwise I would’ve punched him.” You couldn’t help the smile that tugged at your lips before you raised your head. “I can’t believe I snapped like that. J-Just Marc simply saying ‘sorry’ and thinking that would fix everything sent me over the edge. And Steven.”
A wave of shame washed over you as you sighed. “I can’t even imagine what he must think about me now.” You turned to Layla with tear-filled eyes. “He probably thinks I’m an animal.” Layla slightly shook her head and allowed yours to fall against her shoulder as she began to speak.
“I can tell you one thing, Marc deserved everything you gave to him. What he said was disgusting and shameful. We know that man is not easy and I’m surprised it took you so long to finally snap at him…but I am surprised he said sorry. I mean…Marc never took accountability for his actions like that.” As Layla continued to speak, you had moved your hands to wrap around her arm. “But he did it with you.” You felt her shake her head.
“I am not saying that what Marc did was okay, but it is clear that he does regret it. He regrets it because he cares about you.” A small grumble passed your lips as you snuggled closer to Layla. “What has he been doing while I was asleep?” You questioned. “Mostly running around trying to find leads. He just left this morning chasing after another. He’ll probably be back later.”
A few seconds of silence followed before you whispered. “Also…I may have confessed to him.” Another pregnant pause filled the air as Layla took your words in. “WHAT!?” Now, it was Layla’s turn to almost knock you over as she shot to her feet. There was always an unspoken thing between the two of you about how you felt.
She never got confirmation about your feelings towards the man, but she always knew something was there. And she knew it went both ways even if you didn’t. Now, that once unspoken thing was gone as you spent the rest of the morning talking to her about everything.
“KHONSHU MAKE IT STOP!” Your pleas meant nothing to the god as he gazed up towards the moon. The full moon. “You know this is your punishment for what you did all those years ago.” He spat the words out with hatred. “You are nothing but a disgusting dog.”
Then he vanished, leaving you pushed up against a wall as you buried your head into your knees. You could hear them…calling you…cursing you. “–YOU MONSTER–HOW COULD YOU DO THIS–YOU KILLED US–IT’S ALL YOUR FAULT–”
You tried to scream back at them, but each time they grew louder and louder until you eventually found a spot curled against the wall. Knees to your chest whilst your hands covered your ears in a futile attempt to drown them out. It didn’t work.
“–YOU WOULD BE BETTER OFF DEAD–BEAST–MONSTER–MURDER–” Wails tumbled from your mouth as you rocked back and forth. Mouth wide, spewing apologies that would never be heard…eyes snapped shut but still seeing what Khonshu forced you to see.
You slid along the wall until your head pushed into the ground. Now, fully on your knees you began to smash your forehead against the floor. “stop…please stop…” was all that left your mouth with each hit. That’s when Marc finally made it back.
The moment he stepped out from within the pyramid and saw the full moon he was quick to make his way back to the hotel. Unfortunately, he was too late. By the time he got there you had already busted your head open, causing a small puddle of blood to pool against the floor. Your cries came out low and cracked as your throat grew weaker and weaker.
“stop…please stop…” A lump lodged itself within his throat as he made his way over to you. He wasn’t going to abandon you…not again. Slowly, Marc bent down and said your name. His hand ever so lightly brushed against your shoulder as he spoke.
With one final smack you went still and the room went silent once more. “A-Are they here?” Your words dripped from your mouth in the smallest tone Marc has ever heard. He muttered your name once more. “No…no one is here. You’re okay.” Steven watched from inside and his heart never felt so heavy. You carried so much. Suffered so much.
Steven could feel the guilt growing in Marc’s chest but he didn’t know it was because Marc blamed himself for being so late. If he got here quicker the night would’ve been easier. You wouldn’t have slipped so far to the point you believed what Khonshu made you see was real.
He watched as you slowly lifted your head to look at him…and when you did a fresh wave of tears fell from your eyes. Tears of relief. In a blink of an eye you had launched yourself into the man’s arms with sobs. “You came back!” You wailed. Despite the blood, tears and snot that began covering his shirt he held you as if you would disappear with the wind. “I got you. I got you.” And he did.
With effortless movements, the man pulled you into his arms and led you to the bathroom where he cleaned your head. Then he moved to the bed where he pulled the covers over your heads like a child would in an attempt to hide from a monster. All while you clung to him. “Don’t leave me, Marc.”
The warmth from your breath crashed against his skin and created goosebumps. Your head was tucked into his neck as you curled yourself into his body. Hands clasping handfuls of his shirt. His chest burned as he placed a feather-like kiss upon your head. “I’ll never leave you again.” Was the last words you heard before you drifted off to sleep.
The warmth he offered melted away the cold that seeped through your bones with each passing second. As you lay tangled within his arms, Marc heard Steven softly speak. “You love her…don’t you?”
You woke up during the early hours of the morning. The sun barley began peaking over the horizon, slowly changing the dark sky into one filled with hues of yellow and orange. With lazy blinks your vision steadied as you sat up, careful of the arm that fell across your stomach.
The day after a full moon always left you in a strange state. A state in which you almost weren’t in your body. Like bits of your being floated around…desperate to return to you. The pain along your head didn’t help with the feeling either. The only thing grounding you was him.
You looked over your shoulder to look at Marc…and Steven. Quickly, you shut your eyes to combat the sting of tears. You were embarrassed…ashamed at what Steven saw. Marc was used to the full moons. He helped you through them so many times…but not Steven. Because of your internal struggle you didn’t notice the bed sheets move until you heard his voice call out your name.
You kept your back towards Marc as he sat up, the warmth provided by his arm disappearing as he moved it away. “H-How are you feeling?” His tone was lighter than a feather, almost as if he was afraid to spook you with anything louder. Your mouth opened to say something but the only thing that came out was a soft sob.
Marc sat straighter and hesitantly brushed his hand across your forearm. Then he said your name again, causing you to slowly look at him. The moment your eyes locked he watched tears pool over your puffy eyes. “I’m sorry, Marc.” His eyes saddened as he shook his head. “You have nothing to apologize for.” That’s when his gaze dropped. “I should’ve been there sooner. If I had, it might've not gotten so bad.”
That’s when he started telling you about the meeting with the gods. “I know you’re upset with me right now, but you have to know that I would never leave you alone during a full moon.” And you believed him. You believed him, because since your first full moon together he never left you alone. Marc watched as you wiped your tears away and slightly moved so you could face him better before replying. “I can never stay upset with you, Marc.”
The man took note of the new look that swirled in your eyes. You inhaled deeply before you gently cupped the man’s cheeks. Your eyes never leaving his as your thumbs lightly stroked his five o’clock shadow. “I could never stay upset with you because…” A soft gasp left your mouth when you felt his large hand graze your thigh as he leaned closer.
His scent made your head spin as your mouth ran dry, making it almost impossible to say what your heart burned to say. “I know.” Marc’s words kissed your lips with how close he had gotten. Both his and your breathing grew heavy with each passing second. Then, in the blink of an eye, the tension snapped and your lips crashed into one another.
The kiss was different from the one you shared with Steven to save him from a panic attack. While that kiss was gentle, this one was rough and hungry. Teeth clashed together while hands wandered. Your arms wrapped around his neck while his hands gripped your thigh and cupped your chin.
Your bodies were so close it was as if you would mold together. Despite the words going unspoken, both you and him knew just how much you meant to one another in that moment.
a/n: Sometimes I find it hard to write romance because I've never really felt it before so forgive me if it's kinda bad. Also finished writing and posted this around one in the morning sO.
taglist: @n1ght5h4d3-24 / @sunipostsstuff / @blackholegladiator / @ajeff855 / @daughterofthequeen / @faefanatic / @dropdeadbec / @sgt-morgan / @milk-bulb / @dev-angeline / @griffinkid2187 / @mxltifxnd0m / @badbishsblog / @local-mr-frog / @khaleesihavilliard / @rmoonstoner / @thewinterv / @oscarissac2099 / @peachyrue-777 / @queerponcho / @aristokatastrophy / @phoenixgurl030
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animeomegas · 2 years
helloo!! can you do another part of the alphas being late from a mission, like finally the alphas are home i wanna know the reactions of their omegas and pups🥺🥺
This is a popular request, so who am I to deny it?? XD
Okay, part 2 to this post!
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Neji was so caught up in his anger and frustration that he almost walked head first into someone as he left the hokage's office.
"Excuse me-"
Neji jumped at the familiar voice, focusing on the person he'd almost bumped into. It was you. You were there, still in your mission clothes, standing there like you hadn't been missing for a month.
"Alpha?" Neji normally used your name in public, but he couldn't stop the title from slipping out as he stared at you in shock.
"Appa!" his pup squealed, holding out her arms excitedly. "Appa! Appa up!"
You immediately scooped your daughter from his arms, leaving Neji feeling strange and empty as he watched you spin her around, excited giggling coming from both parties as the other members of your team watched, amused.
Were you really just back like this? All those sleepless nights... and you were fine all along.
He suddenly felt very, very tired and like he needed to get his family bundled up in his nest where they'd be safe. The urge was so strong it almost burnt him.
"We need to go home," Neji said, voice strained.
"Of course, let me just debrief and-"
"No," Neji said, trying to convey with his eyes that he meant what he was saying. "We need to go home now."
You looked baffled, but hesitantly agreed, thanking your teammates you agreed to debrief on your behalf.
You and Neji walked home, your pup babbling to you about the time you'd been away as best as she could with her limited vocabulary. Neji felt like his brain was in a fog, and he couldn't remember most of the walk by the time he'd reached the front door.
"Shower," he commanded. "A quick one, then come to my nest."
With that, he took the pup back from you and climbed the stairs to the bedroom where he immediately crawled into his nest. He sat, tensed and waiting for you, every bone in his body screaming at him to drag you in there, to make you safe, to protect you, to bring you back into the family when you'd been away for so long.
It felt like an eternity had passed when he finally crawled into his nest, hair still damp from your shower. Normally he’d be unimpressed by such a thing, but right now he couldn’t care any less. 
You greeted him with a kiss and a worried look before your attention turned to your daughter. You played and cuddled and joked with her for almost an hour until her nap time hit and she fell asleep. 
Neji just watched you both the whole time, trying to ignore how fast his heart was beating. 
“Neji?” you asked hesitantly, gently laying down your daughter to sleep and crawling your way over to him. “Are you alright, darling? You’ve been so quiet.” 
“I’m fine,” he said, voice strained. But despite his attempts to believe that, his hands started to shake and tears burnt behind his eyes. 
You settled beside him, gently reaching out to cup his face. You looked so concerned, and your scent was clouding his mind. He had started to believe that he wouldn’t get to see or smell you again over the past few days. 
“I’m home,” you whispered. 
And that was all it took to push Neji over the edge. A sob clawed its way out of his throat and the tears started to fall. He pressed a hand over his mouth to smother them. 
“Why now?” he asked in between sobs. “I was fine, I was fine, but now I can’t-”
“You were so strong,” you agreed easily, pulling him into your arms. “So strong for our pup while I was gone, but you don’t have to be strong right now, because I’m back. Let me be strong for a bit, my darling.”
Neji was so grateful for the embrace. You were home. You were safe. And his tears wouldn’t stop. 
“I’m sorry, so sorry, Neji,” you whispered quietly into his hair while he cried. “The mission got delayed in every single non-life-threatening way and we couldn’t get back. I should have tried harder, I-” 
“Stop it,” Neji interrupted. He didn’t want to hear about it, he didn’t want to think about you going on another mission ever again, he wanted to believe, just for a moment, that you would be staying with him and your daughter forever. “I don’t want to talk about it.” 
You fell silent at his request, choosing instead to run your fingers through his hair as you embraced. He had missed you so much. 
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A week later and Shibi found his son once again sitting at the kitchen table with him. Today marked one month since the day Shino’s mate was supposed to return and although neither of them had directly acknowledged that, it was clear that they were both painfully aware of the fact. 
Shino and his daughter had moved into Shibi’s house a few days ago, seeking refuge from living in a house full of reminders of the person who wasn’t there.
Shibi sighed and placed his hand on his son’s shoulder. Shino was clutching at an empty mug and staring down at the table. 
“Shino, I-”
A frantic knock at the door interrupted him. Shino made no attempt to move, so Shibi just squeezed his shoulder gently and went to answer the door himself. The frantic knocking didn’t stop and it grated on Shibi’s nerves. 
“Can I help you?” Shibi said coldly, swinging open the door. The air left his lungs when he saw who was there. 
“Shibi!” you exclaimed when you saw him. You looked panicked and upset. “Where’s Shino?! And my daughter?! I just got back and our house is half empty! Where-” 
The sound of a kitchen chair clattering to the floor stopped you in your tracks. Shibi saw your eyes sharpen. He stepped aside for you to enter, just as Shino entered the hallway behind him. Shino’s skin was paler than normal and his eyes were fixed on your form, unblinking. 
“Shino!” the relief in your voice was palpable and you didn’t waste any time pushing past him and clasping Shino’s arms in your hands. “And our baby? Where is she?” 
“She’s fine,” Shino said breathlessly, still watching you with wide eyes. “She’s at the academy.”
Shibi saw the relief on your face at that information. 
“You scared me,” you admitted quietly, pulling Shino to your chest. “I thought something awful had happened when I saw the half empty house.”
Shibi privately thought that something awful had happened; his son had spent a month believing his alpha to be dead. 
Shino’s arms didn’t come up to embrace you back, but instead hung limply at his sides. Shibi watched as his son’s knees gave out. You simply adjusted him and lowered the both of you to the floor. 
“It’s okay, it’s okay, I’m back, I’m so sorry, my love,” Shibi heard you whisper. You sounded like you were on the verge of tears and Shino wasn’t any better. 
Silently, Shibi slipped on some shoes and grabbed his keys, leaving the couple crying on the floor in each other’s arms as he stepped outside. It was almost time to pick up his granddaughter anyway. 
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Iruka carried his son all the way home, glaring harshly at any person who gave him strange looks for carrying an 8-year-old. The crying eventually petered out and his son just lay limply, sniffling into Iruka’s shoulder. 
“Shhh,” Iruka idly hushed as he approached his front door, trying to fish his keys out of his pocket. “It’s alright, appa’s okay sweetheart.” 
When the door finally clicked open, Iruka came face to face with you and he froze. You were walking down the stairs, towel drying your hair. Your face lit up when you saw him. 
“Babe! I was just getting ready to come and pick you both up! But you’re early!” your voice was so light and joyful and Iruka suddenly wondered if the whole of the last week had been a hallucination and you had never left at all. 
His pup, having heard his appa’s voice, launched himself from Iruka’s arms and ran across the short entryway before latching onto your legs, sobs starting back up. Iruka didn’t mind the shoes in the house on this occasion. 
“Appa! You’re alive!” your son wailed, clutching at you with every ounce of strength that he could. 
You looked baffled and Iruka didn’t blame you. Just shy of a week really wasn’t long enough to start getting worried, and you had been later than that before with no problems. 
“Of course I’m alive,” you said, dropping down to your knees and lowering your joyful voice into something more gentle and soft. “One of my teammates was hit with a paralytic, that’s something that means they can’t move, and they were our only medic, so we couldn’t fix them and had to carry them back to the hospital to get them help, that’s why we were a bit late, that’s all.” 
Iruka could tell there was something you weren’t mentioning, but he knew you would tell him later, when your little one was tucked up in bed. Probably your bed tonight. 
Your pup wound his arms around your neck, nodding at your story but still refusing to let go. You stood back up, taking your son with you. Iruka had a feeling that he would be impossible to separate from you for a while. 
“What happened?” you mouthed at him. 
“Tell you later,” he mouthed back, stepping closer to rub his son’s back. 
You nodded, adjusting your son into one arm and using the newly free one to drag Iruka to your side. 
“I’m home,” you said, pressing a kiss to Iruka’s head. 
Iruka took a moment to bask in your scent, banishing those final flickers of anxiety that you wouldn’t be returning to him. 
“Welcome home.”
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formulaonesmut · 2 years
pretty in blue f.t PG10 & GR63
Summary : Jesus, i don’t have the right words for this, your on a date with Pierre but you got caught. What will George think? 
Warnings : SMUT, P IN V, THREESOME, BlOWJOB, FINGERING, GETTING CALLED SLUT, WHORE ECT, BOY ON BOY STUFF XD, GETTING CAUGHT, NO MENCIONTS OF PROTECTION ( wrap it up before you tap it)  probably way more, but don’t wanna give spoilers 
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Word count ; 9.000 + words  
a/n:  Sooo i am so so so sorry for not posting this long but I’m currently busy with school. I started with writing this fic i think 3 months ago, but every time i just didn’t got the motivation. I don’t know how to feel about this fic, its a lot, its long and its sometimes bad written. Please tell me what you guys think about this, and please share it. Because i still think that many people want to read this.
A BIG THANK YOU TO @carlos55edits 🫶🏼
18+ WARNING!!!!  
It’s a Friday night and you and Pierre are as usual on a date. He showed you every nice spot here in France. And yes you got butterflies…  
Later in the evening, George would come over. He came to talk about his new contract with Mercedes. You and George were gog friends, so you didn’t mind that he was coming over. 
He had a boat tour ready for you two. It took us to an island and it was beautiful! You were there the whole afternoon. 
Not a while later, we sat down on the beach by the water. Your back against his chest, settled between his legs watching sunset.  
‘’Y/n?’’ Pierre spoke from behind, his head was buried in your neck. His warm breath on your skin while you watched peacefully the sun going down.  
‘’yes Pierre?’’ you blushed, his hand letting yours go. Making you frown confused. Did you do something wrong? 
‘’ I have something for you. Can you turn around?’’ he asked.  You felt him grabbing something out his jacket.  
 You slowly sat up, turning around, facing the handsome boy Pierre Gasly in front of you.  
‘’Well uhm.. I wanted to give you this today.. I uhm’’ he stutter. You bought your hand up, letting it fall on top of his. 
He held up a small red box. When he opened the box, you immediately let out a gasp.  
‘’Oh my! Pierre!’’ Your voice broke, tears forming in your eyes.   
Was he proposing already?  
‘’I hope you like it. It’s a promise ring y/n. I can’t promise that we don’t have our downs but believe me,  I will fight for you and iI wont let-‘’ you interrupted him with a kiss, a few tears rolling down your cheek, his hand coming up to cup your cheek. The kiss was soft and sweet.  
He pulled back, smiling proudly while putting the Diamond ring around your finger.  
‘’I really like you y/n’’ he blushed, his bottom lip, sucked between his teeth. 
‘’I do really like you too Pierre.” You blushed while looking down at the ring. 
Everything was so natural between you and Pierre. It was like you were a couple for so long. He is always so sweet and caring but he also has his dominant days, or you better could say. When you were teasing him too long or not listening.  
Few minutes later 
You were between his legs as he sat on the ground leaned back on his hands looking at the sea as you got an amazing idea. 
You quickly turned around, your belly hitting the hot sand underneath you. You propped up on your elbows as you looked up at him, your head  dangerously close to his crotch.  
Pierre looks down at you and just smiles, not knowing what you are gonna do. 
‘’What are you doing princess? Ruining the peace?’ ’he giggled. Your cheeks immediately heating up. You looooved his smile and he knew that.  
You slowly laid your head on his lap, dangerously close to his dick. Your head moving a bit, making the fabric to move with your movements, causing it to move over his boxer.  
You enjoying the view huh? ’’ his hand came down to caresses your hair and to stop your movements. 
You smiled to yourself before lifting your head up towards him, His cheeks are coloring red.  
‘’Oh! Do you have it hot my boy?’’ you smile, biting your lower lip as you lay one hand on his crotch, slowly pressing a bit. 
‘’Yeahh.. not weird huh when I have the hottest girl in front of me, acting shy as always but I know you were your going to’’ he chuckled before laying back, popped up on his elbows, staring deeply at you.  
‘’Oh, I don’t know what your talking about Pierre’’ you smiled, slowly palming him between your giggles, ‘acting’ like you didn’t do it on purpose. His dick slowly harding at your movements.  
‘’I dare you to finish what you just started’’ he smirked down at you, biting his lip. He knew that you never would do that. You just didn’t like the idea of getting caught. 
You quickly glanced around, seeing almost one around you two. Some people are swimming, but that’s at least 100 meter further. You looked down at your watch, 19;32, so we had enough time to finish it before George would meet us.  
‘’Oh your shy now? ‘’ he smiled ‘’I knew it!’’ he laughed  
Your hands flew to his pants, pulling them down until the middle of his thighs, smiling as your both hands ran over his boxer. 
‘’Fuck- mon amour...  You don’t have too’’ he breathed out almost shy to beg for your touch 
You and Pierre were sex addicts, no but literally. Pierre may seemed like he was a bad boy but he was always so caring and made sure your comfortable with it. Buttt... He did have his dominance days.  
Your hands pulling his boxer a bit further down, his cock sprung free against his abdomen. And Jesus, Pierre was really big. Your jaw dropped against the sight, him on a beach, watching sunset while sucking him off. Your eyes tracing the veins on his hard cock that are about to burst. Pierre was so easily to turn on and you loved it. 
‘’Baby girl, I don’t think I can last any longer. Please do something’’ Pierre whined 
Your mind flashing to yesterday night. Even though you were drunk, you had an amazing night. The bed, the shower, and even the toilet there was ruined by you too.  
‘’Oh? Already begging before we even start?’’ you  teased him, repeating his words from yesterday night. 
‘’Please. Baby please I promise I will make it up to y-‘’ before he could finish it your tongue was circling over his tip, licking the precum up.  
‘’Mhm shit. ‘’ he glanced around, checking if no one was looking. 
You leaned down, licking a long stripe up following a vein that runs to his tip, his body immediately reacting. His breathing quickens as he got goosebumps all over his body.  
‘’Baby girl, you don’t know how much I love you’’ he breathed out, his breathing is heavy and seriously unsteady.  
You slowly close your lips around his red tip and start to suck it while your hand is pumping his shaft. Your mouth stays at his tip, making him whine and begging for more. Spit starts stringing down your bottom lip, making a wet spot on the hot sand underneath you. 
His hips started to trust upwards, trying to get something more from you. But instead off taking him further into your mouth, you pulled yourself completely off his dick.  
´´ cherrie? Did- did i-i do something w-wrong, did i go to far´´  
Before he could rumble more you stopped him. ´´ ofcourse not, dont be silly babe its just- you really need to stop acting like you didnt got touched´´ you chuckled. ´´ oh and stop trusting upwards, i have time today´´ you winked, he clearly understood you but he almost exploded and he just need to come, NOW.  
You saw him thinking, searching for something to make you keep going. And then he just found the perfect dare .‘’Oh- don’t get me wrong princess but not that someone would see that your sucking me off. I’m way to big for your pretty mouth so you can´t hide it’’   
Pierre his smile is big, his cheeks are red glowing, his bottom lip stuck between his teeth, waiting for you to responds. 
“Oh watch me’’ you dared him.  
 You knew you could do it, taking a sharp breath through your nose before leaning in, taking him all the way in your mouth. His tip hits the back of your throat, stopping the movements there making you splutter around him. 
His tip hitting the back of your throat occasionally. Your nose touching his pubic bone as your head starts to bob up and down. It makes you gag every time while you took him all the way down your throat. Yes, he was big and you knew not every girl could do this.  
‘’F..fuck mon amour’’ he moaned his legs moving a bit nervously up. The chance off getting caught is big, its besides that just a normal and public beach. 
‘’Your mouth.. feels like heaven princess’’ Pierre moaned while you picked up the speed, yes you had time but you knew that George could arrive at any moment.  
Your head bobbing up and down, gagging every time his tip hit the back of your throat. He threw his head back, eyes fully closed and his mouth open, moaning things in french while trying to act so normal as possible. 
You could feel yourself drowning in your thoughts. ´what if´ ´ is someone watching  us´ Pierre immediately felt it. 
‘’Get back to work babygirl. I need you to make me cum before George will find us’’ he smiled, his voice cracked. It’s low and full hunger as he bulks his hips upwards. His hips are off the ground as he bottoms out in your mouth, stopping his movements there while he moaned loudly. 
You can hear it in Pierre his voice that he really tries to be quiet, his fingers dinging into the sand and his bottom lip is stuck between his teeth. 
“Fuck p-please f-f-fin-ish it please’’ he struggles. His voice grows lower and lower, groaning as he lowers his hips back down.  
You got immediately back to work as your head bobs up and down, quickening the pace, sucking him off like your starving. Your hand pumping the rest of his cock as your mouth is focused on the tip, circling your tongue and closing your lips around his tip sucking. And yes, you could bet that your thong is a soaked pool. You closed your thighs moving a bit trying to get more friction  
“Fuck! I’m close mon amour’’ he moaned out, looking down at you. “Do you want to swallow it, because if you don’t, you don’t have too’’ he struggled with talking but of course you wanted to swallow. And for the last time you bobbed your head down, nose touching his pubic bone as you felt a warm liquid spilling down your throat.  
You were quick in swallowing, showing your tongue as a quick reminder that you swallowed it all. But before you could show your tongue, your saw 2 long legs standing behind Pierre. And those legs were so familiar.  
It was George. Yes George! He had an amazing view from there, he was perfectly looking down at you.  
Pierre saw your face and immediately knew who was standing behind him. you admitted a few weeks ago that you wanted george to join you and Pierre, but Pierre was a guy, that don’t wanted to share.  
‘’fuck! Uh-’’ Pierre cursed before tugging his pants up, you were quick in turning around. Not that George haven’t seen you already.  
Your hands flying to your face, trying to hide your already watery eyes. The only thing that was on your mind was ‘’how am I gonna face George again?’’ 
You could hear George chuckle ‘’ I’m sorry mate.. didn’t .. uh didn’t really saw that coming’’ George laughed nervously, his hands were folded together in front off his crotch. 
‘’Its okay mate’’ Pierre spoke before shoving a bit towards you, hugging you from behind. ‘’It’s okay princess’’ Pierre whispered in your ear, trying to calm you a bit down. ´hey baby look at me´  
‘’What if he tell-‘’ 
’’Don’t worry  y/n, I wont tell anyone. Besides that you uhm’’ George smiled, Pierre tilted his head to him.  Seeing George standing there, both hands before his crotch. Pierre immediately understood why. It turned George on 
‘Its okay baby. Come on. Lets go home’’ Pierre giggled before getting up, pulling you up also.  
Oh and believe me you struggled. You immediately buried your head in Pierre’s his chest. God this is so embarrassing. 
‘’How did you find us so quickly?’’ Pierre asked george  
‘’Well, no one has that Louie bag like you. So, it wasn’t difficult’’ he chuckled while greet hugging Pierre. 
Pierre motioned to George to come over. George leaned forward and gave you a big hug. You could smelled is cologne and all you could do was relax in his arms. When George pulled away from the hug, he kept standing close. His eyes searching for yours.  ‘’Don’t worry about it angel’’ George smiled softly. Pierre softly pushed you forward making you stand fully pressed up against George, already feeling his hard on poking against your lower belly. You had to look up at him, because George is so tall. The moment your eyes met, it felt just like a movie. 
 Staring deeply into his eyes. It felt strange but something inside you told you that this night wasn’t over. George was the first one to break the silence, 
‘’Oh you uhm-‘’ he points at your mouth ‘’uhm I think you have uh-‘’ George struggled, his cheeks turning red. Your hand came up to take it away but Pierre slapped them right away.  
‘’Let him take it off’’ Pierre smirked while George swallowed hard. It wasn’t weird that Pierre loved to have the control. Normally George was a dominant person too, but somehow he let Pierre instructed him. 
‘’Go on mate take it away then’’ Pierre winked while he settled himself behind you.  
Your standing there, sandwiched between sir Russell and Pierre Gasly. Pierre settled his hands on your waist,  while looking down at your mouth. Seeing his cum dripping out the corner from your mouth made him instantly hard again. 
George brought his hand to your face, his thumb sliding over the corner of your mouth, slowly taking the cum off your red, swollen lips.  
‘’Stick out your tongue baby girl’’ Pierre commanded you. And you were very quick in obeying him, sticking out your tongue to George.  George was quick in understanding and brought his thumb to your mouth. You quickly closed your lips around George his thumb and sucked the cum of george his thumb.  
The ride home was normal. You went upstairs to change into your bikini. Pierre was so lovely to put the Jacuzzi on for you.  
While you were upstairs, Pierre and George settled themselves down at the kitchen table 
The moment you walked down only covered in your blue bikini, a towel under your arm and your phone in the other hand.  ‘’Damn’’ Pierre spoke, leaving both of the boys totally speechless. George immediately felt his cheeks heating up catching himself looking. The bikini wasn’t covering that much and the color blue suited you perfectly. Even better was if it was a Mercedes one.  
‘’Oh come on. Pick up your jaw boys’’ you chuckled before you walked to the fridge, grabbing a drink. While you were bending down to grab it out the fridge, you felt a hand spanking down on your ass cheek. The sudden contact made you moan. 
‘’Hey!’’ you half shout while smiling, immediately walking away leaving Pierre and George there, Pierre´s mouth still open while he was smiling too.  
‘’Don’t stop walking, otherwise you have 2 boys to help’’ Pierre smirked before nudging George.  
‘’I don’t mind though’’ you winked before walking out.  
And within 20 minutes both of the boys came out the house. They were only wearing a pair of swim trunks. George borrowed a set from Pierre.  
‘’It was boring without you two’’ you pouted while the boys got in. They were still talking to each other. Pierre leaned down and gave you a kiss on your forehead.  
‘’Don’t whine so much, otherwise I will bend you over and make you whine.’’ Pierre smirked while he sat down beside you while george took a place in front of you. 
You all had an amazing night, talked a lot about f1 but also about your life’s. The mood was amazing and you all had so much fun.  
´´Cherrie are you gonna help that little boy out there? Only if you want it of course.. but I bet he wanna fuck your slutty pussy cherrie´ Pierre whispered while he kissed your neck. His puffy lips sucking on your skin. George was minding his own business on his phone. 
You immediately understood what Pierre his plan was.  You swum up to George. Immediately getting his attention. He laid his phone outside the Jacuzzi while you made yourself comfortable on his lap so you were facing the handsome boy George Russell.  
´´ That bulge here´´ just when you said ´here´ you rolled your hips over his crotch, making him bite his lip.    
´It’s painfully hard huh?´´ you smiled. George looked at you, fully in shock. when you leaned down and kissed his lips he thought he was dreaming this. Your tongues finding each other easy, lips moving synchronic against each other. His hands easily finding your but, softly squeezing your ass into his large hands.  
When you both pulled back George immediately looked at Pierre . ´´  Your really okay with this´´ 
´´Yeah I am. In for a threesome?´’ Pierre smiled, he almost chuckled it. He didn’t wanted to admit that it was not easy to see his girl making out and going to fuck someone else.. But it made something loose in him, and it made him instantly hard.  
´With her always!´´ George smiled, your hips started to roll forward over his crotch. His abs spanning together when your  hips rolled over his already semi hard dick.  
´Its so easy to turn you on´ you breath out while you quickly lifted your hips so you could pull George his swim trunks down.  
Your hands flied down to his semi harden cock. Your tiny hands ( if you see Pierre or George his hands, yes your hands are small and tiny) around his cock. Your hands found a easy and steady pace. George closed his eyes as your hand worked up and down his shaft.  
And within 70 seconds he was solid hard. And damn, Pierre was big. Bigger then a normal person but George?!?!? George was HUGE veiny and not to forget, he was long and thick. 
´Cat got your tongue princess?´ George chuckled, his cheeks were glowing red. He always dreamed of this, but he knew you were off limits. You were Pierre’s, not his.  
´Uh woah.. no but uhm.. ´´ you struggled while your hands quickly made work from your bikini bottom. Pierre got up and settled him behind you two.  He sat up on his knees, his hands were on your waist and your back was against his chest to support you.  
Pierre handed you a condom and opened the package for you. You rolled the condom around George and settled yourself above him.  
´Relax cherrie´ Pierre whispered in your ear before helping you sunk down onto George, Pierre’s hands still on your hips.  
You were speechless, Pierre was your first one ever and you never had sex with anyone besides him. Pierre was already a bigger size then a normal person, but George. It felt like this was your first time again. Pain, that was the only thing you could think off.  
´Mhm fuck.. your so.. fucking... tight ´’ George moaned, every time you sunk lower and lower until his whole dick disappeared into you.  
´´Give her a little bit time George´ Pierre smiled, kissing your neck while both men gave you time to get used.  
´´Jesus baby girl. It’s like your already cumin around me.. ´´ 
´´ I- I never had someone that was this .. tight.. fuck .. please relax, I think I’m not gonna last long´´ George moaned, pulling you forward to connect your lips on his. The sudden movement made you moan into his mouth. George took that chance to explore your mouth.  
His lips made a way from your mouth, to your jaw, back to your neck. Pierre hands settled them down on your hips, he slowly lifted you up and down. George was big, but it felt right. The pain slowly started to turn into pleasure. Pierre immediately felt that. Your hips started to move up and down faster and deeper. But Pierre immediately stopped you.  
´´No no cherrie. you gotta follow daddy´s hands now´´ Pierre whispers in your ear. He pressed his hips into your lower back, letting you feel the outlines of his already harden dick.  
´´Go on cherrie, ask George what he want´´ Pierre’s lips grew into a smile. 
´´Georgiee what do you want-´´ you breath out, your eyes closing as George’s tip started to hit your G-spot. 
´Fuck princess!  I want you to cum over me, fuck Your so tight´ George repeated, your walls clenching around his cock.  George started to trust upwards. Pierre stilled your movements while his puffy lips are on your neck creating some purple patches.  
´F-fuck G-Georgie.. ´’you moaned out as George was thrusting upwards in an amazing pace, not slow, not fast.  
George his hands were beside his lap. Steading himself while he trusted inside you. Pierre hands were on your hips, stilling your movements so George could set the pace. George’s hips were thrusting upwards, his dick hitting your g-spot perfectly.  
´Fuck baby girl. You have- you have to stop squeezing me- I-I- im gonna cum´´ George moaned out, his trusts became sloppier. His breathing was fast and deep and he was moaning like crazy. It felt weird at the first time, moaning your name while Pierre was facing him too.  
´I fucking tell you y/n, you're NOT gonna cum on his dick.´’ Pierre commanded you. He could tell you from your face impressions that you were running close.  
´No.. need to be.. jealous Gasly. You can fucking make her cum so many times!´  George snapped, he was close, his hips not slowing down. Besides that, he sped up.  
´Who said this was the last time?´´ Pierre smiled. ´´ Even when we are in a relationship, I don’t mind sharing her with you, but we can talk that later on´´  
George only moaned in response. His dick hitting that sweet spot inside you as his abs started to pull together. His breaths became more and heavier, he pushed Pierre his hands off your hips, to replace them with his own. his hands helping you move faster up and down as Pierre his hand slides over your breasts.  Pierre quickly untied your bikini top, making it fall down as one of his hands grabbed your throat. His hand squeezing your throat a few times before sliding it back down to your breasts.  
´Fuck fuck- I'm gonna c-cum´´ George moaned, and within 5 seconds, his whole body was shaking, he was moaning, his head was thrown back and his eyes were shut.  
Something triggered you, the well-known knot in your stomach. George was driving you to the edge, but before it could snap, Pierre was there. His hands gripped your waist and pulled you upwards off George.  
´Noo- Pierre please- please let me cum´´ you begged. He knew you hated this so much. His grip made you turn around so you were facing Pierre instead of George.  
“Do you want to cum baby?´´ Pierre smiled. You could only nod in responds.  
´´Please daddy. Let me take care of you two´´ you begged Pierre 
´´Only if you ask nicely baby´´ Pierre smirked. He wanted to hear it.  
´Please, please please daddy. Please let me take care of you two´´ you smiled, George got up on his knees too, pressing his body into yours.  
´Oh? Are you gonna be our good girl then?´´ George whispered in your ear, his tongue running over the purple patches that Pierre made.  
´´Yes yes yes Georgie- I will´´ you breath out, you throwed your head back on George’s shoulder. Pierre leaned down and attached his lips on your harden nipple. It made you arch your back forward, pushing Pierre face into your boobs.  
´´Eager?´´ Pierre smiled. His face was tilted upwards and he was slightly blushing.  
´Mhm´ you mumbled. George’s hands were on your ass, kneading it into his hands.  
´How do you want it baby´ Pierre smiled. ´Tell us your dirty thoughts baby´ George added. 
´I know it maybe sounds weird-´ you spoke, but George cut you off.  
´It isn’t weird princess, look we are having a threesome so go on´’ George smiled.  
´Blur it out cherrie´ Pierre bit his lip, waiting for you to go on. His mind was running like crazy. He knew you were kinky in bed but this was something he didn’t saw. 
You hesitated a little bit before spitting it out. ´´ I want you two to kiss, like... With tongue´ ´ 
Pierre and George´s eyes shot wide. Pierre immediately started blushing harder.  
´Oh wow, uh- I- I take my words back´ George chuckled.  
They both stared at you, completely in shock. It was like they were frozen. They just couldn’t find the rights words for this. Not that they didn’t wanted this because deep down, Pierre really wanted to kiss a boy for once.  
´´Only if you want to- but please it's so hot and I- I'm dreaming about that for really long now´´ you blurred out, your cheeks started to heat up. Slightly embarrassed that you said it.  
´Look I know your both straight- but please, if we are gonna have sex more- it's just really hot´  
´´Okay- uhm let this dream of yours come out then´´ George spitted out. Pierre only could blush. He was off the world.  
And before you knew, you were sitting on the edge of the Jacuzzi. Pierre and eorge were settled in front of each other 
Pierre was the first one to make a move. He brought his hand upwards to cup George’s cheek, pulling George forward and kissing his lips. At first, they were slow and it was a little bit awkward. But it immediately felt away when their tongues found each other. Lips moving synchronic with each other. Tongues fighting for dominance. 
George pulled Pierre on his lap. Pierre could feel that George was hardening underneath him. Lips not coming off each other as they kept fighting.  
George could only moan in response. You told him so many times that Pierre was a good kisser and now he could only say yes. Pierre kissed a way down to George’s neck, slowly sucking on his skin.  
´I bet that she is watching us like we are a god Georgie´ Pierre whispered before sucking on his earlobe.  
´Oh fuck y/n.. You didn’t lie when you told me that Pierre is a good kisser´ George breath out while Pierre pulled back. Admiring the purple patch he made on george his neck. 
Pierre turned his face around looking at you.  
´Enjoying the show baby?´ Pierre smiled, accidently rolling his hips over George’s crotch, feeling his already hard dick poking underneath him, George’s heartbeat is fast and he could bet that Pierre could hear it. 
´´ That seemed-  hot..´´ you blushed, you patted beside you on the edge. George smiled and took place beside you. You got off the edge and settled yourself on all fours in front of George.  
You got an idea. An idea that wasn’t normal.  
George pulled his swim trunks off and thrown them away. Meanwhile you took place in front of George while one hand settled itself on George’s length.  
You turned your head to Pierre before saying ´´come on daddy are you gonna help me´´ you tried to put your best puppy eyes on Pierre who swallowed  hardly. His breathing hitched before coming to you to. He settled himself beside you.  
´Yeah fuck it´  Pierre mumbled before licking one long stroke up George’s dick.  
´Oh- fuck yes Pierre´ George moaned when Pierre closed his lips around his red swollen tip. You only could sit there watching this;  
George was a moaning mess while Pierre worked his mouth up and down. Spit dripping down Pierre’s mouth while his hand was working on George’s balls. 
Pierre started to hollow his cheeks out, one hand on george his shaft while his mouth was fully focused on George’s tip. George was sensitive and overstimulated. It wasn’t hard to bring him to the edge  
´Fuck Pier- daddy please, I'm so f-fucking c-close´ George moaned his body started to shake, and the moment he was gonna explode you pulled Pierre off his dick. 
George only could groan while he was trying to catch his breath. This was unbelievable. He got sucked off by Pierre, Pierre Gasly. 
´Already tired ?´ you smirked ´gonna fuck your little slut?´ you asked, Pierre his eyes shooed widen before taking place behind you. 
He made you sit in doggy style, your face facing the edge of the Jacuzzi. George was still in front of you while Pierre was behind you. Pierre’s hands were on your ass, while his knee was kicking your legs open.  
´´Put that slutty mouth to use cherrie and show him how good you are´´ Pierre spoke from behind, his hand coming down and slapping your ass cheek. Because your whole body was wet, it hurted little bit but it didn’t care . Besides, it made you moan and George took that opportunity to fill your mouth up with his dick.  
You easily closed your lips around George as you started to suck him. Your eyes fixed upwards looking upwards through your lashes. While your mouth was all over George, Pierre shoved this tip up and down your slit, circling his tip a few times over your clit.  
Muffled moans came out your mouth as George slowly started to thrust into your mouth. Pierre slowly pushed his tip inside your entrance. You moaned around George, which made him moan too because of the vibrations.  
´Don’t hurt her. If she squeezes your arm, stop´ Pierre commanded George, his dick slowly disappeared inside you.  
George his hips started to buck forward into your mouth, hollowing your cheeks out, letting his tip hit the back of your throat while he praised you. Pierre and George worked in a tandem. When George trusted in your mouth, Pierre got out.  You sucked and moaned around George while Pierre was hitting your G-spot repeatedly. You were sensitive and when Pierre brought his hand back to rub your clit, It almost felt too much.  
George saw that it was to much and immediately did something. 
´´Woah calm down angel´´  George´s hand gently tugged you of his cock, giving you a moment to breathe as he held your head in place. His other hand moving to cup your jaw gently, his thumb wiping some spit from the corner of your mouth. Waiting for you to come a little bit down. Pierre didn’t slowed down. His thrusts became harder and his dick disappeared every time he trusted inside. 
´Look at you, so quiet now huh? Go on and take my cock like the little slut you are ´´ George smiled as you got back to work. You were sucking his tip like you were dying while your other 2 hands pumped his shaft.  
The constant impact at the back off your throat had your eyes prickling with tears, threatening to ruin your mascara. At least what’s left of it. When George could feel that your jaw was growing tired, he took it over, using his hand that was already intertwined with your hair to move your head. The other one was on your jaw, trying to help you. 
´Yeah baby you better listen or daddy wont fill that pretty pussy of yours´ ´´ Do you wanna get filled baby? Because daddy is gonna fill you up if you want to´ Pierre added, Before you even could nod or say something, you already got filled. Pierre’s cum filling you perfectly up. His hand rubbed faster over your overstimulated pussy and making you almost seeing stars. 
´Come on cherrie let it go for daddy´ Pierre praised you, as body started to shake while you really tried to focus. 
´Yeah be a pretty slut like you always are and cum over daddy’s cock´ George added while moaning loudly. The sounds he was making was enough to make you forget the pain and tiredness in your jaw. Low groans, moans, and French swear words filled the air.  
You felt him twitching in your mouth while your orgasm was on the point off exploding, Your orgasm hit you hard, almost like a rock fell on you. Your body was shaking and you were a moaning mess. George came at the same time as you, filling your mouth up with his hot, sticky cum. You easily swallowed it and when George pulled you of his dick you showed him your tongue, as a reminder that you swallowed everything. 
You couldn’t even come down from your high or George was already questioning you. 
´Can i clean you?´ George spoke, his cheeks were red and his hair was messy.  
´´Uhm- yeah of course ´´ you mumbled. Not really knowing what his plan was.  
George picked you up before walking out, laying you down on the sofa before getting back on his knees. 
´What are you-´ before you could finish, you felt George’s tongue on your clit, slowly dragging it up and down your slit. Making sure to eat the dripping cum while George’s hands spread you open while he ate you out.  
´George- fu-fuck yes!´ you were again a moaning mess, because of the overstimulation your body was so sensitive. His tongue lapping perfectly on your throbbing pussy. His lips easily finding your clit while 2 fingers made their way into you.  
His fingers slowly angled upwards and settled a quick and rough pace. His lips and tongue focused on your clit. One hand was on your waist to stop you from bulking your hips up, while the other one was playing with your nipple. His fingers were perfectly hitting your g-spot.  
You could feel your orgasm approaching and before you could tell it, it was there. And you thought that you couldn’t come harder. But this time it seriously felt like you were passing out, a delicious feeling rushed through your body while your hands gripped down George´s hair.  
´´’you did amazing princess´´ George kissed your head and helped you to sit up.  
´´ i have no words for today..´´ George chuckled ´´ can i get you anyth-´´  
Before George could finish Pierre was there. He had his hands full with stuff and even a blade.  
´´ you look ..-´´’pierre paused while putting the blade down, his brain was searching for the right words. ´´ fucked out´´ he smiled  
´´ here, put this on´´ Pierre handed your pajamas and a bra and thong. You mumbled a quick thank you before shooting it on. Pierre was already dressed and so nice to bring clean and dry clothes for George.  
Aftercare was second on the list, and it was definitely something that was important. Besides clean clothes, Pierre also brought drinks and some snacks.  
´´ so is this gonna be our weekly relax moment?´´ pierre chuckled.  
 This is my work, and I do not consent for it to be shared to other websites platforms or apps nor can any of my original story lines re-written or continue by others, love all your support x
Soooo should i make this a story?  
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beauty-and-passion · 6 months
TMA - Chapters 11-20: Familiar names, familiar names everywhere
I didn’t make you wait too long, didn’t I? ;)
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MAG 11 - Dreamer
Oh, that’s some heavy foreshadowing.
Instead of a full story, this statement could’ve just been: “Yes, there is a continuative plot and yes, there is some very creepy shit that is coming soon. And we will find out what happened to Gertrude Robinson too”. Thanks, I got the message and it was very convincing too XD
Also, Jon got a few additional points on my list, because if anyone comes in ranting about my death, I would want to hear them too. Thank you, Jon, for being relatable.
(A-ah! Graham! Is he the same Graham from MAG 3? I’m pretty sure about it)
MAG 12 - First Aid
And right after Graham, Gerard Keay comes back too! That’s so cool, two stories in a row with a recurring character! So I was right, the characters can and will come back.
According to this statement, our man Gerard has already been around for a while, following supernatural shit. This time, it was a burning man, sumeric demons and more burning things. I suppose Gerard doesn't want to live a simple life.
(Also, this supernatural shit reminds me of MAG 9 and that other supernatural shit that blew all lightbulbs. Are they connected? And if you're asking, yes, I will keep naming these things “supernatural shit”, until I will find out if they have a name or not.)
Are you kidding me, my man Gerard died of brain tumor?! Nah, I don’t believe it in the slightest. No, not even with the corpse, so don’t even try: my man is alive, I feel it. He's alive and he's still following some supernatural shit somewhere.
I also noticed this is the second story featuring mysterious eyes. What are all those eyes? Have they a meaning? Will they come back too?
One last thing: Jon loves to diss Martin. First all the “urgh, Martin is useless” comments, now “Martin talks nonsense”. What will he do next, punch him? Come on, man, be a little nicer. I know you will improve because you’re the protagonist or whatever, but for now you really act as if you have a broom stuck up your ass XD
MAG 13 - Alone
Another statement in which it’s evident the Magnus Institute isn’t very appreciated. I feel we will learn more about this in the future, so I’ll register this information in my mind and wait.
Speaking of the episode, we have two people talking, so I suppose we will have more people talking while being registered too. That only proves to me that this series isn’t just about statements, but that there is a plot that will come sooner or later.
About the story… I don’t know, I think there is something I should remember and I don’t. Maybe the name Evan Lukas? Maybe the umpteenth Michael (Getty, this time)? However, the mysterious fog and the chapel and the cemetery… all along Evan’s weird family… I really don’t know what to think about this story. It looks as if it’s telling me something, but I am not getting it. Maybe it’s nothing and I’m just overthinking it.
MAG 14 - Piecemeal
Oh, that was interesting! I’m quite sad the supernatural shit took a while to appear, but it was worth it. Whoever Angela is, I don’t want to meet her, nor her hungry supernatural animal or whatever it was the thing that took Mr. Rentoul piece by piece. It was creepy, but also very captivating: a bit like witnessing an incident, you know? That feeling of “it’s horrible, but I can’t stop watching”.
Goddamit Jon, I just scolded you for being too mean with Martin, and now you call him “Useless ass”? I bet you're very funny at parties.
MAG 15 - Lost Johns’ Cave
Jon might be a bit of an ass, but I agree with him on this one: this is a weird statement indeed.
Wait, not “weird”. “Unexpected” might be the right word.
The statement is just like many others before: it’s a coherent story with a premise, a protagonist, a supernatural element, weird stuff happening and a conclusion. You read it and you immediately realize that the supernatural shit appeared when Alena asked Ms. Popham how lost she was “in a low, grating voice”. I immediately thought that thing talking wasn't Alena anymore, but someone/something that took her place and Ms. Popham luckily escaped from it.
But then the statement ends and Jon tells us a completely different story: the two women hadn't a permit to visit the cave, Ms. Popham was surrounded by candles, then the weird record with the “take her, not me” sentence… that’s not what we just read, that’s another story entirely.
I was so focused on the statement, thinking it was just like all previous ones, I didn’t expect this little twist. And I enjoyed it a lot! I love when an author tricks me or takes me by surprise like that. Great job :D
(When Jon said Martin didn’t want to help with the investigation because he’s claustrophobic, I almost expected Jon to insult him, his parents and all of his ancestors. Luckily, he did not XD)
MAG 16 - Arachnophobia
Moral of the story: if you kill a momma spider, she will come back for revenge.
But seriously, that was a funny statement. My main concern was for Major Tom: I was praying and hoping he would get out alive and luckily he did. He looked at the ghostly spirit of Spider Mom and thought nope, not gonna mess with her. Better go away for a while and let the human deal with her. I literally smiled when Mr. Vittery said the cat left by giving him a look of pity: sorry bro, he just wanted to live.
But seriously, I really enjoyed the idea of a female spider being so resentful because the human killed her babies with his clumsiness, to come back from the death with the sole purpose of haunting him. Mothers really are the scariest creatures ever - even scarier than the supernatural shit.
(Speaking of the small worms: are they the same from Jane Prentiss' story? Are they related to her?)
MAG 17 - The Boneturner’s Tale
Woah, this story was packed with people!
Ruth Weaver: I was sure I’d heard this name before. I knew it. So I stopped and checked the previous statements, but couldn’t find her. But still, that was such a familiar name… where is she? Where have I heard it before?
So, I searched on Google and the first result made it clear why I remembered this name so well:
Tumblr media
The Ruth Weaver I remember was from goddamn Mandela Catalogue. Maybe it’s just a huge coincidence Mandela and TMA share the same name for a female character, but it’s a funny one. Who took inspiration from whom?
Michael Crew: since I remember the name Michael, the series decided to feed me 200 different Michaels and good luck finding the right one. Will I ever find the right one? Is there even a “right” one or are they just random characters who keep popping up everywhere?
Miss Herne: oh, I remember her! Naomi from MAG 13! And it looks like the Lukas family are patrons of the Magnus Institute. Welp, that doesn’t reassure me the slightest: the Lukas family is creepy, they clearly hide something (read: supernatural shit) and the Magnus Institute isn’t held in high consideration by “normal” people. What does this place hide? I remember MAG 11 and creepy eyes and tentacles/whatever converging into the Institute, so I think it's quite clear there is something inside and I can't wait to see what it is.
Jared Hopworth: that’s another familiar name. But he’s not from the Mandela Catalogue, so I suppose he’s from some TMA fanart of yesteryear I saw and that’s probably why it sounds familiar.
So he became some sort of… flesh-y blob? And was it because of the book? Well… he kinda became the Boneturner mentioned in the title, didn’t he?
Wait… wait… is this what Leutner’s books do? They turn you into the topic/main character? So if someone ever read Ex Altiora, they would’ve lost themselves in space or whatever, while The Boneturner’s Tale turns you into the protagonist? And this is why, every time the guy from MAG 4 looked at Ex Altiora, he had some sort of vertigo?
If I am right, this is fucking cool as hell - and terrifying, sure. But also cool as hell. I am in love with this guy, now. Jurgen Leitner, you are a menace to mankind, but also: this stuff is sick, teach me how to do the same. No, I don't want to kill people in creative ways, I just want to know how you can do it.
Come on, I don't think I'm asking too much. I mean, my previous wish has been fulfilled: I wanted more Leitner books, I got more Leitner books. I just want to know more about him.
One last thing: Martin is sick. Is it because of some supernatural shit in the Institute? Is the supernatural shit attacking him? Is the supernatural shit attacking everyone? I hope nothing bad happens to him: he’s already bullied by his boss, he doesn’t need a supernatural shit bothering him too.
MAG 18 - The Man Upstairs
Uh, that’s not really a scary statement, but I agree it’s a bit disgusting. Mostly because of the idea of layers of meat stacked on every surface while the old ones are putrid and rotten. Eww but also kudos for making such a vivid image that will haunt my dreams.
Okay, maybe I’m being paranoid now, but Toby Carlisle is another familiar name. This series is made of familiar names only: every name rings a bell, every name makes me question my life, my choices and my life’s choices.
Speaking of the statement, what the heck does even mean that the pile of meat opened “all its eyes”? Is this pile of meat actually Jared Hopworth from the previous statement? Are all these things somehow related to the man “with all the bones in his hand” mentioned in MAG 8?
I want to know more.
MAG 19 - Confession
Holy shit, I would’ve never expected this.
I just mentioned MAG 8 and here we have Father Edwin Burroughs from MAG 8. Is the series listening to me and my thoughts? I am scared.
It’s kinda funny I recognized him not by his name, but by Annie’s name. I simply thought: hey, what if she’s the same nurse? And yes, she was. And that’s how I recognized him too. Am I an idiot for not noticing it? Maybe, but I'll blame all these goddamn familiar names that are messing with me :P
Aside from that, this story is very interesting, because we see what happened with this priest before MAG 8, we see his perspective during MAG 8 and we have a spoiler of what happened after MAG 8. Sure, it was just a spoiler because the author of this series is a bad person who wants to tease me all the time, but you know what? I love it. I want to find out the next part of Father Burroughs’ statement. I want to know more about him. I want to know more about this incident.
Also, I love how all the stories are slowly connecting into a huge web. Cool, but I fear I will lose track of something, so if I lost any connection between these chapters and the previous ones, please let me know.
MAG 20 - Desecrated Host
As soon as I heard “Continuation of the statement of Father Edwin Burroughs…”, I literally exclaimed: “YES!”. TMA's author truly is the biggest teaser of all time <3
Oh boy, this statement was like a drug trip. We had a preview with Not-Father-Singh/the demon/whatever that listed Father Burroughs’ sins and that was disturbing already... but then we have the mass and oh gosh, that was a wild trip.
The parishioners, the sound of the bell, the Host that is not a Host because it’s goddamn human flesh... my favorite moment is when Father Burroughs or the parishioners try to talk, but instead of hearing a voice, all he can hear is the sound of a bell. It's such an uncanny, unsettling, creepy image, it scared me more than any disgusting shit. Amazing <3
I also really like how Jon turned, for a moment, into a little detective and realizes that hey, according to the hints, there should’ve been another person with Father Burroughs. And I bet everything that it was the same supernatural shit that looked like Father Singh first and the altar server later.
And finally, how can we close this statement (and this post too), if not with another familiar name? As soon as I heard “Breekon and Hope Deliveries”, I knew it was the same delivery company from MAG 2.
I am enjoying all of this so. Goddamn. Much.
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In conclusion
So far we got:
supernatural shit
people dealing/being involved with the supernatural shit
200 books wreaking havoc all over the world
a delivery company that delivers supernatural shit
Well, the world of this series is surely growing bigger and larger! After 20 stories, it’s clear that there is a bigger scheme, that these stories are connected somehow and that the Magnus Institute plays a role in all of this - other than just “being the place where all the statements about the supernatural are”.
If I was curious after 10 chapters, I’m even more curious now. I want to see where this story brings me. I want to read more and find out more connections. I want to be surprised and to be tested, I want a good brain scratch and I want to be captivated by this story.
I can’t wait to see if it is truly as well-written, well-planned as it seems or if it's just me being blinded by hope.
>> Next post
(How about a coffee? ☕)
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celestiarambles · 6 months
You Can’t Catch Me Now
trigger warning: suicide, overdose, hospitalization, psychiatric hospitals, mental disorders
hi i broke down yesterday so i wrote this… now i’m sobbing once again, but now it’s because of angela xD
this takes place in canon btw, but the fic kinda details it enough (i hope haha)
also, i’m not a big fan of listening to music while reading, but i recommend listening to you can’t catch me now by olivia rodrigo while reading this because i listened to it while writing this fic haha
i apologize if there are any inaccuracies, i hope you enjoy!
Summary: Years of grief and guilt has made Angela believe that she is a horrible human being; a monster… or at least she thought so.
Also cross-posted on Ao3: You Can’t Catch Me Now - celestiamirasol - Criminal Case (Video Game) [Archive of Our Own]
Angela thought she was dead.
She thought she was dead when her 8-year-old self ran through the forest of Kyushu Island, desperately trying to find something, somewhere to hide. 
She wasn’t strong enough for this, and they were looking for someone strong. Someone who could survive.
Thankfully, she found a closet in an abandoned building. She hid herself there for god knows how long, shaking, sobbing, listening to the bloodshed and cries that she could hear from afar.
2 recruits left. Her blood ran cold when she heard the intercom. It was only her and -
The closet door flung open. A girl who seemed older than her, probably in her teenage years stood in front of her, holding a huge rifle. Tears stained the girl’s cheeks, her hair a mess as she stared at a young Angela. 
And then the girl pointed the gun at her own forehead.
”Y-you probably have s-so much ahead of you…” The girl cried… and she pulled the trigger.
Angela thought she was dead when her 29-year-old self went to face her adoptive parents once and for all. When she wanted to put a stop to all of this.
“You know that you can’t marry someone else outside of SOMBRA, Angela.” A woman that she called mother - an endearment that left an odd taste in her mouth - scoffed at her.
”Oh, I know.” Angela took a sip of water. They were talking about this over dinner. “But I’m not asking for your blessing. I’m just leaving you a warning; if you ever try to hurt him -“
“Cheon-sa!” Her adoptive ‘father’ gave an eerie chuckle. If anything else, she hated her birth name. It reminded her about who she truly is… and what she lost. “Don’t worry, he seems like a nice fellow.” He took her hand. “Maybe you could introduce -“
“No, I’m not going to let you meet him, and I’m not going to let you recruit him!” She stood up, slamming her fists at the table. Her outburst earned her a slap from her ‘mother’. That was the first time they ever hit her.
“You ungrateful brat!” The woman pulled her hair. Angela was a grown adult, but she felt like that same 8-year old girl who lost her real parents all over again. “We raised you, fed you, dressed you, gave you an education… a life… and this is how you’ll repay us?!”
Fear pooled in her eyes when her ‘father’ stood up and calmly took out his prized gun that he had on display. It clicked. She was definitely that same girl who ran through Kyushu Island. It was her all along. “Cheon-sa… you’re a good girl. A smart one, even. You should reconsider this. Surely, you’re not going to throw away everything we’ve worked so hard for just for some guy… right?”
No. She definitely was the same girl, but girls grow up. They fight. And in this moment, she knew that she had to fight. “Lars isn’t just some guy!” Angela yelled, pushing the woman who held her. Her ‘mother’. “Unlike you, he has integrity! He’s smart and kind and has treated me like a family more than you did over the past few years!”
“ENOUGH!” Her ‘father’ shouted, firing a hollow shot at her. There were no bullets in that gun. Angela took that cue to run. To leave. She left Busan that night, weeping.
SOMBRA - her adoptive parents - told her that the strong rule and the weak die. Crying was weak. She wiped her tears. She had to be strong. Not for SOMBRA, but for Lars. For her family.
And thus, she never left. She stayed to protect Lars. Her family.
She thought she was dead when her 41-year-old self survived that plane crash that targeted the Bureau. That targeted her and her family.
She knew her efforts trying to sabotage the Bureau weren’t enough. But deep inside, she cared for them. Lars saw them as family, so she began to see them as a family too, especially during the times when they’ve put up with her daughters’ shenanigans, comforted her during the times she was down, supported all of her achievements and all of her crazy hobbies. They made her feel like a little girl again, freely exploring, healing the childhood that she lost.
However, she was not a little girl anymore. She had to prove herself. To fight.
And she paid the price heavily.
During her time in prison, guilt wrecked her for months. Her arrest made her realize that she wasn’t a lost and scared little girl, nor she wasn’t a woman who knew how to fight. She was a monster. 
And like the fairytales that she would read to her kids to make them fall asleep, monsters had to die.
So when SOMBRA broke her out, told her to bomb the Bureau, her family… She had to accept. But she had to go down with them. 
She snuck through the Bureau’s break room, planting the bomb while drunk. After planting it, she took another shot of whiskey. She is a monster through and through. She is SOMBRA. 
She thought she was dead when she planted that bomb. She thought she was going to kill herself along with the Bureau that day, but the agents caught her and brought her back to prison. And instead, Jonah was the one who took the hit.
Deep inside, she was thankful that the Bureau didn’t get hurt, that no one died due to the bomb she planted. That they had finally stopped SOMBRA. But she was still a monster. She killed someone and betrayed the Bureau. Tried to kill them, even. She tried to kill her family. 
SOMBRA may now be over, but she was still SOMBRA through and through. A monster. And monsters didn’t deserve a loving family.
She pushed them away. She made them believe that she was angry, full of hatred… she even told them that Dupont deserved to die… but she didn’t mean anything that she said. She was that same little girl in Kyushu that was begging for help. That was begging to be saved. 
But she believed that she was a lost cause. She cannot be saved anymore.
She thought she was dead when she drank a whole bottle of sleeping pills the night she returned to prison. She wanted to end everything. Her time in this world was now done anyway. She lost her purpose, everything she had worked so hard for, her family. The world hated her. The people she loves hated her. 
Still, she was a villain. A monster. And monsters didn’t deserve anything good in this life.
But instead of something else, probably the burning pits of hell, she found herself in a dreary hospital room when she woke up. On one side was a beeping heart monitor, and the other was a fresh bouquet of flowers.
Her heart thudded. She wanted to scream, cry, get out of here. She didn’t deserve this. She didn’t deserve this life.
A doctor entered the room, eyes widening once he saw her sitting up. “It’s good to see you awake, Mrs. Douglas. You’ve been in a coma for three years.”
Tears fell down her cheeks when she heard that surname. It reminded her of the girl she could’ve been. All this time, even when Lars said that he didn’t love her anymore, that he vowed to never see her again… he still never divorced her. 
No. He should hate her. Despise her. She didn’t deserve him.
Due to the thoughts running in her mind, she didn’t understand what the doctor was saying about her. All that she understood is that she won’t be returning to prison anymore. They were taking her to a psychiatric hospital.
She didn’t know who thought that she was still worth redeeming. She didn’t deserve empathy, not even pity. She was a monster. 
A therapist told her that she had a severe case of bipolar disorder and PTSD. They said that she was also admitted to a psychiatric hospital in Australia, which made her break down. Of all the places, why here? Why in the place where she once believed that she could run away from all of this, to just live a normal life?
Even though they told her that she wasn’t responsible for her actions, that she was brainwashed, manipulated by SOMBRA, she couldn’t believe them. How could she? She still did what she did, and she had to pay the price. Her family hated her. She did all of them on her own accord.
A year later, her therapist told her she had a visitor. She didn’t want to believe them. However, standing behind the therapist was Lars, wearing a visitation badge. 
He excused the therapist so he could enter the room. “Hi. How are you -“
Angela started to cry. Why was he here? Why was he like this? She didn’t deserve him. She wanted to push him away… but she couldn’t find the strength to.
Lars glanced at the therapist and then hugged her. “Hey, shh, it’s alright…”
“W-why are you here?” She managed to speak in between sobs. “You hate me.”
”Shh, I don’t hate you.” He whispered and then turned to the therapist. “Could you… give us a moment?”
The therapist nodded. “I’ll be nearby if you need anything.”
Once they left, he continued to comfort his wife. “I brought flowers, but they didn’t allow me to give them to you.”
”Why are you doing this?” She quietly asked. “I ruined everything… I tried to kill you… the Bureau… I killed someone…”
“Angela…” A tear fell down his eye. “I’ll admit that I wanted to hate you. I wanted to forget you. But I didn’t. I couldn’t.”
“But why didn’t you?!” She cried, turning her back on him. “I’m a terrible person, Lars…”
He had to choose his words for a moment. After a while, he spoke. “The prison told me you… overdosed. I was angry at you, but I was also worried. I honestly… didn’t want to lose you. I remember you said SOMBRA took you in when you were eight… That made me think and review your case.”
”That doesn’t excuse anything…”
”No, listen.” He took her hand, making her face him once again. “The Bureau was disbanded already, so while you were in a coma, I hired a private investigator to investigate your early life and your ties with SOMBRA. They manipulated you, Angela… they abused you emotionally… something was wrong. I even asked Marina for help, and she agreed with me. She and I petitioned the court to review your case once again, I pleaded that you were not criminally responsible for what you did.”
”But I am, Lars! I killed someone! I have a long list of crimes that I have to pay for!”
”Your sickness and trauma are to blame, Angela. Not you. SOMBRA is to blame.” He brought his hand to her cheek to wipe her tears. “The private investigator found your adoptive parents, and I met with them… in jail.”
“You’re not supposed to meet them, they’re dangerous! I made sure of that…”
“Shh, I chose to meet with them, okay? They told me how you fought for me… for us…” He started to cry as well, tears continuously streaming down. “I remember how you told me that marrying me was the first time you disobeyed SOMBRA. So this time… I wanted to be the one to fight for you.”
“But… no…” Angela pulled away in disbelief. “I am SOMBRA. You shouldn’t… You and the girls deserve a better life… a life without me…”
“Hey… SOMBRA’s over, remember?” He smiled at her, his voice breaking. “They’ve been gone for years now. You’re not SOMBRA anymore. You’re free.”
She remembered how she heard that the Bureau took down SOMBRA. How she silently rejoiced. How all her fears and worries came to an end. She knew that Lars was right about one thing; she was free.
”Oh -“ Lars stopped upon seeing her break down again. “Can I hug you again?”
He didn’t have to ask her twice. She threw her arms around him, crying. They both cried together for who knows how long. 
“I shouldn’t be telling you this, but…” Lars sobbed. “I tried to move on, to find someone else… but they were just not you.”
“I honestly don’t blame you…” Angela knew that he deserved to be happy. Even if it meant that she was not the source of his happiness anymore.
”I’m also seeking help, y’know. What happened to you hurt me horribly. There was a point where I visited you everyday in the hospital, and the nurses scolded me for bringing you so many flowers…” He laughed in between tears. “When I heard that you woke up, I wanted to visit you, but the doctors didn’t let me. They said you were unstable. Then I requested them to transfer you here, but they still didn’t let me see you! This was the first time that they let me. I sent you letters instead, by the way… my therapist suggested it.”
She recalled the letters her therapist gave her. She broke away for a moment to get a box of papers hidden under her bed. They said they were from Lars, but she refused to believe them. “So they were really from you… I’m sorry, I thought that… I didn’t…”
”It’s okay, I understand.” He helped her with the box and they both carried it to the bed. “They’re also not letting the girls see you since they’re still young. But they’ve grown so much.”
”The… girls?” She would understand if her daughters hated her, if they didn’t consider her as their mother anymore. She understood if she was dead to them, mourning, grieving, but most likely hating her. She disappeared from their life at such a young age. Like her real parents did. 
“Yes, I’ve been trying to explain your situation to them. They’ve been having a hard time understanding it…”  They both looked at each other’s eyes. “But they still miss you. I miss you.”
For the first time in a while, Angela smiled. “I miss you too.”
“I love you, okay? I hope you’ll always remember that.”
In that afternoon, Angela rummaged through the papers, reading them with Lars one by one. Some made her laugh, some made her cry.
But at that moment, she realized that she was not dead. She was very, very much alive. And for once, she didn’t have to fight alone.
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i-me-mine · 1 year
As time goes by | Chapter 17: Gone
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x fem!reader
Word Count: 8k
Masterlist | Previous Chapter | AO3
Chapter Summary: Enjoying your last days in Hawkins before leaving for college could have been easier if you hadn’t had to deal with the fact that Eddie ran away and left you alone after you kissed.
Notes: Sorry it took so long for me to update this! Life got in the way, then I got locked out of Tumblr; it took me a while to get back to writing… and then I wrote this super long chapter - I thought about splitting it into 2 chapters, but it’s been so long since I posted that I didn’t want to delay it anymore xD.
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People spend their whole lives experiencing moments and sensations that become memories that, over time, will weaken and disappear. But you were sure you’d never felt an emotion like the one that washed over you when Eddie kissed you. The feel of rough guitar-playing fingers on your skin felt etched into you, and his lips’ soft, urgent touch felt like you were meant to merge into one. The wave of feelings invading your being in those moments changed you fundamentally. You didn’t see how you could be the same after that.
And knowing that Eddie was gone and that you probably wouldn’t get the chance to feel that again was unbearable. It was one thing to dream of what it would be like, a wish lost in the realm of imagination… and another to have that vivid memory bubbling up inside you. You already knew you were going to suffer, like a drug addict going through withdrawal.
The sounds seemed far away while you were still deep in thought, but you could hear Steve’s voice, with a falsely excited tone, trying to encourage everyone to return to the backyard, drawing attention away from you. The room grew quieter, and you felt Robin nudging your shoulder.
“You are full of surprises, huh? I was betting on Harrington... But, you like Munson, then?” 
“Yes,” you murmured, admitting it. 
“But you like him, like… for real? How much?” Nancy urged, trying to get more information from you. 
“Obviously more than he likes me, not that I can help that,” you sighed, ashamed, remembering how everyone saw you being rejected. 
“Judging by the intensity of that kiss, I’m sure there is more love than you may imagine. I was worried we wouldn’t be able to keep things PG here.” Robin tried to cheer you up. 
You shook your head in doubt, though your heart throbbed at her words, and you wanted more than anything to be able to believe them. At that moment, when you were his, and he was yours, everything seemed perfect, making it easy to feed your delusions that he could love you back.
Robin and Nancy started commenting on the boy’s dares, making fun of their performances, trying to make you laugh. After a while, you were feeling a little better, and you joined the rest of the gang, and gladly, no one else brought up the subject of Eddie up, so you tried your best to enjoy the rest of the night. As everyone returned home and you and Steve remained, he opened his arms, and you ran to his embrace, allowing yourself to cry. He knew you were hurt, and you knew that you could let your tears run freely around him, that he would offer you comfort, not judgment. 
“It was too good to be real.” you breathed deeply. “How can the best and worst thing that has ever happened to me be at the same moment?” you mourned. “Why doesn’t he love me? Am I such an unlovable person?”
“Please, how could you think he doesn’t love you after that kiss? Seriously, I’ve never seen anything like that… I can’t even imagine what it was like for you guys who felt that. Someone who doesn’t love you wouldn’t kiss you like that; it’s impossible.”
All you could hope was that it had been as special to him as it was to you.
“But still, it wasn’t enough to make him stay. I think I’m just gonna have to leave it at that.”
Steve frowned. “Why are you saying that? Are you going to hide from him?”
“I won’t need to.”
“I’m not sure I’m following you…”
“He will do it for me. That’s what he does, what we do,” you explained. “Except that we used to do it together, hide away from our problems, from the world… But now I’m the reason why he hides away. So I have no other option than letting him go.”
“Don’t bullshit me, little lady... You may get hurt, but that doesn’t mean you stop trying.” 
But you were not sure how many times you still wanted to try. Sometimes you thought that you just don’t know Eddie anymore, that you don’t understand his signs… or that maybe he is not giving any signal at all; it’s just you wishing to have something to hold on to.
“The truth, Steve… the hard truth is that if he wanted something with me, he would have made it clear already, he wouldn’t leave.” you used the back of your hands to wipe your tears, “but he always leaves. And I love him so much, but I’m tired of being on this alone.”
Your suffering hurt Steve deeply. He didn’t understand why things couldn’t be easier for you - if someone with a heart as good as yours was not happy in love, how could anyone else? It wasn’t fair.
“You know, some people live their whole lives and will never get the chance of getting a kiss like that or loving someone as much as you love him. Why don’t you just admit how you really feel? He deserves to know the truth. You deserve to get this out of your chest. I can’t stand you keeping secrets about this.”
“It was just a kiss out of a dare, and look what happened. I can’t say anything; I’m afraid it will only worsen things.”
Steve knew you were confused and hurt, and he didn’t want to push you further, but he also loved you too much, so he couldn’t help but be honest and try to open your eyes.
“Have you noticed that usually bad communication happens out of fear? Fear of conflict, fear of the result, fear of reaction…” he noticed how you looked down, avoiding his gaze. “This fear is a little monster that, if not crushed at the first opportunity of being honest, will grow, and this will become an evergrowing snowball jeopardizing everything.”
“When did you get so wise, big boy?”
“I think you bring the best out of me” he kissed the top of your head.
You were grateful that Steve let you stay there that night. The warm shower, plush sheets, and comfy bed in Steve’s guest room were welcoming, a lull in the middle of the hustle and an escape route from the trailer park, where you’d deep down wanted to be if only things had gone your way, but couldn’t think about going back after all that happened. You were daydreaming in bed when a light tap on the door caught your attention; Steve walked in and sat next to you.
“Are you feeling better?” 
“I am. I’m sorry for my little breakdown earlier… I’ve changed my mind… I’m glad that I’m able to love him so much.” you spoke a little too quickly as if trying to justify something to him. “Could you imagine how hard it would be going through life without ever feeling something so great?” 
“That’s my girl! Things won’t be this bad forever.”
“I know… and I could have avoided all this pain… but it would also mean I would miss all the awesome moments I shared with him. Things are not perfect, but I think I can live with that.” you shrugged.
“Speaking about the pain that could be avoided, but gladly was not… I think I never told you, but thank God I met you when I did… you changed my life.” he held your hand. “I was so heartbroken because of Nancy… I could have easily gone back to being a douchebag that didn’t care about anyone…”
“I doubt that, Steve…”
“I mean it.” he interrupted you. “I was confused back then, but you helped me. And you made me care about you. You showed me that there are still people with good hearts out there.”
“And you are one of them! Come here, big boy” You hugged Steve tightly, and he gently rested his chin on your shoulder.
“You saved me… and I can’t save you… that makes me so sad.”
“I don’t know how I would have survived all of this without your support, Steve. You are the best, and you are very special to me.”
You genuinely enjoyed spending time with him and getting to know him as a person was undoubtedly one of the few good things you got out of the whole nightmarish period when Eddie was with Samantha. You appreciated Steve’s kindness, loyalty, and sense of humor. He deserved so much more credit than he got. 
“Same here, little lady. I just wish you didn’t have to go so far away… but I’m sure you’ll do great things..”
“Just wait and see what I’m about to do with my life.” you laughed. “But don’t worry, a part of me will always be with you.” 
“I’ll miss you so much! Who is going to hang out with me now? No one understands me as you do. How am I going to keep myself busy without you here?”
“You won’t be alone. The kids love you, especially Dustin. Robin is great too.”
“Yeah, but she hates me.”
“She’ll learn to love you, just like I did.” 
“I’m not so sure of it! I’ll miss having someone to take care… and be taken care of.”
“Take care of our kids for me, will ya? I’m sure they’ll need you. And don’t stop looking, you’ll find someone.”
“I’ll try my best! I’ll let you rest now. Everything will be better tomorrow; you’ll see.” 
He kissed your forehead softly and stroked your hair like a loving father saying goodbye to a child at bedtime. All you could hope was that his words were true, that things would improve. But in the meantime, you could still find refuge in the memory of the kiss that changed everything.
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It’s strange to see how a whole life fits into just a few cardboard boxes. Memories of years, happy and sad moments, little pieces of you separated into piles, cataloged as things to take to college, leave at home, and donate. Packing up your things was a long process over days, but it helped you physically stay away from Eddie, even though your thoughts were always on him. Until one day, as you were putting out the garbage, he approached slowly as if afraid you would run away from him.
Eddie, the vivid chaotic boy, who just couldn’t shut up about things, who always narrated so many campaigns, who had a quick mind ready to counter any smart player in D&D, was now tongue-tied, unable to find the right words to say, with a heart full of emotions and words stuck in the throat, repressed. He tentatively raised one hand as a ‘hello’ and just got a slight nod of your head as a response, which made his stomach ache. 
“I’m sorry for fucking this up. I hate the silence between us. Shit, I miss you.” he bursted.
“A little late for that, don’t you think?” 
You shouldn’t sound so wounded, damn it; you also missed him, you shouldn’t be pushing him, but your instinct gave out that reactive response before you could control yourself. You could see Eddie closing his eyes and taking a deep breath before speaking again. 
“Look, I don’t want us to go on like this, ignoring each other in life, knowing that soon you are going away.” the dark circles under his eyes indicated that he hadn’t slept well in days. “So I thought if I stopped being so, you know, stupid, and if you were merciful, we could take a shot at just pretending nothing changed and being friends again.”
The sad look in his eyes reminded you of the face he used to have sometimes as a kid. You hadn’t had an easy childhood, but you also knew that you’d somehow muddled your way through it because you had each other to hold on to. Time has passed, but somehow you were still those two kids, not knowing what you were doing but always there for each other. And you had to believe that it wouldn’t change. 
“Ok, I can do that.” you would rather have small pieces of him than nothing. “I miss you, Eds.” you gave him a small, shy smile, thinking how it was so good to tell him that, knowing all the feelings behind that.
Seeing your shimmering eyes and smile made his heart beat quickly. He wanted to take you in his arms and kiss you, but he wanted to take things slow, not wanting to risk losing you again.
“So, you should come to see us at The Hideout tonight… that could be your last chance to see us making a fool of ourselves on the stage before leaving us here.”
“I’ll be there; Gareth invited me… I’ll always be Corroded Coffin’s number 1 fan, no matter what happens or where I am.”
“Then let me show you firsthand the new song I’ll be playing today!” His eyes were now glimmering with barely contained excitement, holding your hand and guiding you to his trailer. 
He showed you the setlist, played some songs, and told you how they almost secured a fixed weekly day to play at the hideout. He was so happy - It was so good to have that soft, funny Eddie back - that boy willing to make a fool of himself just to make you laugh and feel comfortable and happy. It was easy to forget all the worries while standing with him in his bedroom. 
“We should stop running away from each other; things are always better when we are together,” he said, out of breath, after playing a few songs. 
“Hey, don’t look at me; maybe the problem is you.”
“Oh, the problem is definitely me, I’m sure.” 
“You have been nothing but trouble since our younger years,” you said, throwing a pillow at him. 
“But it was fun,” he threw it back. “I didn’t know how much I liked you until I realized every time I saw you, I just smiled…. even you being an annoying little girl, I couldn’t stay away.” 
And you smiled hearing his words, without even meaning to, like some infectious effect that Eddie had on you.
“The idea of having an older boy to protect me was too good to let it pass. I’m glad I found you.”
“I’m glad you never gave up on me.” As much as it was true, those tiny confessions were still hard to come out of Eddie’s mouth, so how the hell was he supposed to say anything else? He was trying to take small steps, but it was not getting any easier. 
He laid down next to you without a word. It could have been an awkward silence, but staying next to him was too good of a sensation for you to complain about.  
“Do you think I’ll adapt to college life? Sometimes it does not feel like something for me,” you said in a shy voice, as that was a genuine concern in your heart. 
“I’m sure you’ll do great! You were made for this! I was not made for college, and unfortunately, I was also not made for anything else” Eddie hugged you and started to brush his fingers through your hair.
“You were made for being with me,” you thought but did not dare to say. As much as you wanted to kiss him and tell him how much you wanted him, you were also happy to be able to be there, hugging him again. 
When you embraced Eddie, you felt like it was a kind of energy transmission, and it made you feel at peace, even if for a few seconds. Staying there with him like this was like the world stopped so you could be truly happy for a while. Even if just for a bit.
And in times like these, feeling his arms around you, you thought that there was nothing greater in life than your love for him… and that it should count for something… but you also knew that it was nonsense, that you were just living the last few breaths of something that had already ended. 
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“That was amazing, guys!!” you exclaimed as you entered the backstage. 
“Things will be way quieter now that we won’t have you single-clapping for us after the show anymore.” Jeff laughed.
Acid remarks were being thrown on each side - you would surely miss spending time just hanging out with the boys at the hideout. Eddie, however, was grumpy in the corner of the room, clearly not sharing the fun vibe that was going on. When he noticed you taking gifts from your backpack to give to the boys, the farewell gifts you were distributing to everyone, he couldn’t handle that anymore and stormed out of the room.
“Don’t worry about him; he is just having a hard time dealing with… you know… the fact you are leaving soon” Gareth face transformed with a huge smile when he saw the red flannel shirt you gave him. “I love it, by the way.”
“Yeah, you rock!” Jeff added, proudly looking at the Black Sabbath shirt you gave him. 
“Would you mind if…” you started saying
“Go, he needs you.” Gareth encouraged you with a smile. 
You found him smoking a cigarette, looking to the stars, and he let out a startled gasp when he noticed you approaching. 
“Would you mind sharing?” you said tentatively, getting a small smile from him, and he handed you the cigarette. 
You stayed there for a moment when you finally broke the silence. “What’s wrong, Eds?”
He ran his hands on his face before looking at you. 
“I just can’t understand how everyone could be so okay with you going away.” 
“And I can’t understand why you are acting like this and wasting our time before I’m gone. It’s not easy for me, you know.” you countered. 
Your sudden sincerity took Eddie aback. He opened his mouth, but no words came out. His facial expression seemed confused for a moment, and suddenly he wrapped his arms around you, and you rested your head against his chest. His hands slid up your back, and his cheek leaned against your hair.  
“I’m sorry if I’m making things worse… I’m just feeling lost,” He admitted.
“So am I,” you whispered.
The scariest thing about distance is that he didn’t know what to expect. Maybe you would miss him or completely forget about him. He never planned to fall in love with you, and things could be much easier if he didn’t. But at the same time, thanks to you, he knew that his life was way better.
“Let’s go home, shall we?” he offered.
The ride home was quiet, both of you with a million thoughts running in your heads but not verbalizing a single one. There were so many things you wanted to ask him… but you knew that Eddie would lose it if he knew what you were thinking and feeling. As you got to the trailer park and climbed out of the van, you asked the question that was burning in the back of your mind. 
“So… what should we do with our last days here?” 
“I just want to spend every possible minute of them with you,” he admitted.
How could someone give you so much strength yet still be your only weakness?
“Come on, then,” you said, pulling him into this trailer, feeling his warm and sweaty hand in yours. It was insane to think how you were both afraid of speaking about your feelings but were also unable to deal with how starved for each other closeness you were. 
Laying on the bed beside him felt like a luxury you couldn’t afford. You wished that you hadn’t wasted so much time shutting him out, maybe it was already too late to live what you would really want to, but that didn’t mean that you couldn’t enjoy what you have now. 
“I know you are giving gifts to everyone, but would you accept one from me?” he whispered and smiled when you nodded, agreeing. 
He then turned to hit play on his stereo, and you waited silently. Then the music began. And his voice, sweet, deep, passionate, started singing, and the lyrics described the travels of an adventurer in a distant land with his companion. Under that disguise, you recognized some of your own adventures and moments you both shared, and you knew it was a song about you. You listened, speechless and wide-eyed. You knew he was waiting for your reaction, but you couldn’t find the words to speak. Tears welled in your eyes, and you reached up to wipe them away before they streamed down your face. 
“I thought that maybe you could take the tape to listen whenever you miss us.” his voice was low, and he couldn’t bring himself to look at you.
“Oh, Eds…” you started, but he interrupted you, putting a small package in your hand.
You opened it and couldn’t help but smile. It was a guitar pick necklace, but that wasn’t a typical guitar pick. When you were younger, you started doing small jobs here and there to get some coins, and the first thing you bought wasn’t something for you. You went to the music store and chose that pick for him. He used to tell you it was his lucky pick and used it in important concerts or whenever he was too anxious. 
“Take it with you… maybe it would make you remember me once in a while. You know how it is, out of sight, out of mind.”
You took it in your hand and felt it for a moment. Its energy was warm and comforting, like a warm hug. You placed its chain over your neck and held it close to your heart. 
“You’ll wear it?” he asked.
“Of course, I will.” 
He grinned at you with that wide happy smile that melted your heart. 
“You may not be able to be around me, sweetheart, but you can carry a piece of me with you,” he added shyly. 
You reached out to touch his cheek, and he caught your hand, pressing it against his lips. He stroked your cheek With his other hand, and you could feel the blood rushing beneath your face. You stayed there, pressing your foreheads together, inhaling simultaneously. You wished you weren’t able to be so comfortable in silence because there were moments when things had to be said, but you both were, again and again, choosing to avoid speaking about what really mattered. Once again, you decided to delay a hard conversation and sank into sleep, enveloped in his warmth. 
Eddie, however, was having a hard time falling asleep, afraid that if he closed his eyes, you would disappear. He slowly realized how much he would miss that intimacy - holding the other in the middle of the night, cuddling, holding hands, laughing about something dumb the boys did or said, listening to music, reading to each other. All the lingering stares. All those conversations without speaking. He knew he would not find that with anyone else, and knowing that he was about to lose made him want to cry, and it took a long time until he finally gave up and slept.
Despite the gray day, the sun escaped and entered through the window. When Eddie woke the next morning, he gazed at your back as you slept and felt something that he couldn’t name in the pit of his stomach. It could have been desire or affection, but he knew it was more. 
Your bat tattoo on display seemed to tease him. You made it as a promise that you would fly away together, but now you were leaving, and he would stay behind, left, forgotten. He wanted to hold you close and not let you go away, but he knew it was selfish. 
“I’ll make you proud someday. I promise,” he murmured, knowing you could not hear him. 
He lightly touched each of the bats in your tattoo, trying not to wake you, thinking if they would somehow help you fly back to him one day. A gasp left his lips as he noticed you turning to face him. But you were not awake, not yet. He noticed how your eyes started to blink and knew you were close to waking up, so close… he ran his hand over your face gently and wished he could keep you there. He wished he had the power to know what’s on your mind and wished you couldn’t know what’s on his as he was ashamed of all the messy thoughts clouding his mind.
“Are you awake already, sweetheart? Let me get you breakfast then” he kissed your forehead, getting up and leaving the room. 
An idea has been forming in your mind the whole night, and you looked around, finding Eddie’s notebook and his pen. You hurried and wrote what you wanted desperately to tell him on a piece of paper, folding it and writing “For Eddie” on top of it, leaving it on his bedside table before leaving his bedroom. 
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You had existed in a blissful bubble for the past few weeks, living in the moment, savoring every second of the time you spent together. You watched movies, read to each other, went on hikes, laid on the top of his trailer, and gazed at the stars. You took advantage of any opportunity to find comfort in each other’s arms without crossing the line of a kiss again, but you were happy anyway. It had been easy during this time to put off any serious discussion, any talk of the future. But as your last day in Hawkins approached, Eddie started to get sad, and in his heart, he began to believe he wasn’t good enough for you and that soon you would realize it, so it would be better if you were not there by his side when it happened. 
On the morning before your last day, you got up and left the trailer while Eddie slept on unawares, snoring softly. You promised Will that you would play one of his campaigns before leaving, and the boys would meet very early in Mike’s basement. You knew the campaign would likely go through the whole day, so you had already planned a sleepover with Nancy, and Max would join you. Joyce was kind enough to convince Hopper to let El join the boys during the day, so you had the chance to also say goodbye to her, but unfortunately, he didn’t allow her to stay the night. 
It was fun playing D&D with the boys. You couldn’t wait until they got to high school; you were sure that Eddie would love to welcome them to Hellfire. They were excited when you gave them your old miniatures and D&D guides. You knew you wouldn’t have time for it in college, and D&D stuff is usually something that you pass from one player to the other - you hoped that maybe you could pass your guides to Max, but she wasn’t interested in it - hopefully, your old things were safe with the kids until they could find a new player who would benefit from them. 
You had a great time during the night with the girls. You knew that Nancy cared about the kids a lot, and you wanted Max to know that while you would be away, Nancy would still be someone she could count on - that’s why all the moments you three shared mattered a lot to you. And you knew you were going to miss them.
The morning of your last day finally arrived. Steve planned a farewell party for you, which was good, as everyone was busy with their summer jobs and you didn’t see them as much as you wanted to. But that was the last time you would see Max before leaving. When the time for the goodbye came, you gave her your gift: a Walkman. 
“Music always helps, no matter what you’re going through. I’ll be listening to mine, so whenever you listen to yours, we’ll be connected,” you explained when you gave it to her. 
Unexpectedly, Max threw her arms around you. “You be careful,” 
You hesitated just a moment before you hugged her back. “You, too,”
She still kept her arms around your neck, head on your shoulder. “I’ll be all right,” she said, clasping your face. “But I’ll miss you, for sure.”. 
“I’ll miss you too, Max. You have Nancy… and you have El too. She needs her time, but I’m sure you two will be great friends, be patient; it will happen, I know it! And I love you, don’t forget that!”.
“I love you too,” said Max, not wanting to let go of you.
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When you got back to the trailer park, Marc was already waiting for you. He was there to get your things to put in the car, so you could go right after the party, not needing to come back to the trailer park later. You were glad he was there to help you - your boxes were heavier than you thought. 
“Need a ride for the party?” he offered after loading the car with the last box.
“I’ll go with Eddie… but I’ll see you there, right?”
“Of course.” his smile diminished a bit. “see you later, princess,” he said before driving away. 
Your house suddenly felt so empty. Your father was drunk already, snoring on the couch, and didn’t pay attention when you tried to say your goodbyes. You left your house and met Eddie in your usual spot in the woods near the trailer park. Without a word, he understood how you were feeling and held your hand, guiding you to the old tire swing where you used to play when you were kids. 
“I think you need a little bit of fun, m’lady,” he said while helping you get into it. 
He pushed you, and you started singing silly songs as you did as a child. He laughed and started to sing along, and at that moment, the sound of your voices made you forget all the things that were worrying you. It was like being back in those simpler times.
“You know I’ll stand by you, support and love you, no matter the distance between us, right? Nothing will ever change.” He said in a choked voice. The fact that he wasn’t looking into your eyes made it a bit easier for him to speak. 
“Things change, Eds… in a moment we were kids playing here.. And in a blink of an eye, a decade goes by, and here we are… with me getting ready to move to another city, having to deal with living by myself, going to college, finding a job, adapting to a whole new life…”
“All of this seems too much for only one girl.”
“Well, don’t blame me for trying. I’ll try to have courage.”
And Eddie thought it was beautiful becausem deep down,  he was a man afraid of many things - and he got distracted for a moment and didn’t notice you tried to jump off the tire swing and fell to the ground.
He hurried to check if you were hurt, and the sound of your laughter echoed while he helped you get back up. The rest of the world dropped away when you took each other’s hand and looked into each other’s eyes. You felt as if you could hear the flickering of birds, water lapping, and the wind blowing, and then all at once, you couldn’t. Everything around you fell silent. It was just the two of you.
It could have been minutes or just a second; you couldn’t measure how long you stared at each other, unable to break eye contact. Eddie looked like he was about to slam you against a tree and make out to you, or maybe it was just the burning desire playing tricks with your mind. Being so close to him was torture. You were tired of pretending.  
“Eddie, I have to admit… I’m scared.” you were on the verge of tears
“Just saying that makes you more brave than you imagine… but you don’t have to be scared, sweetheart.”
But you were scared about the new life ahead of you and the things you were leaving behind. 
“What if I’m making the wrong decisions, Eds? What if…”
He interrupted you: “I’ll be damned if I let your insecurities win. I have never met anyone like you; if there is anyone that can conquer the world, that one is you.”
“The rest of the world may not agree with you, Eds.”
“Sweetheart, other people’s judgments are meaningless… unless you allow them to mean something. Don’t do this”.
And as soon as the words came out of his mouth, Eddie realized something - He was always fearless, not worrying about the bullies in the school, always doing as he pleased… but it was different with you. He usually got speechless and was always worried about messing up and afraid of what you could think… and that was the reason. He didn’t care about what others were thinking except for you. What you could think about him meant the world to him, the opinion that mattered.
There was a lot he wished to confess, but he struggled to let the next phrase come out of his mouth: 
“You know… I’m scared too. Things are easy when you are here… but life will be hard again once you leave.”
“And what does that mean, Eds?” you paused. “Is there anything you wanna tell me?”
His heart was hitting his chest, and he hoped you couldn’t feel its ragged rhythm. He, a man who could talk to anyone, was now tongue-tied in your presence. He just couldn’t seem to control his words or his emotions, though he tried his best. Every time you were together, he held back. He wanted to be all over you but was cautious, not wanting you to see how he was burning for you. 
But time passed, and he kept quiet. You felt your chest getting heavier and bit your lip to avoid the tears pooling in your eyes. You took his silence as a sign of indifference.
“We should get back,” you murmured, defeated, walking back without waiting for him.
The sadness of the cold goodbye you got from your father and the silence from Eddie faded away when you got back to the trailer park, as Wayne was waiting for you with warm eyes and a smile. Saying goodbye to him was more challenging than you thought, and you could already feel the tears pooling in your eyes, and you looked down, not knowing how to say goodbye to him. 
“You should get Hopper to arrest me - leaving you and Eddie alone is practically criminal negligence; who will take care of you now?”
“Our lives won’t be the same without you here… but I think it’s important to get away from where you’ve grown up for some of your life… Go see the world, kiddo! But don’t forget you’ll always have us here whenever you want to come back.”
“What if I don’t want to go?” you mumbled, pouting like a small kid.
“Keep your head up, my sweet, beautiful girl. This is just the beginning. Don’t forget this old man will always wish you all the best.”
You were never good with words, and this time you wished you were because there were so many things you wanted to tell him. 
“I love you, Uncle Wayne!” You hugged him around the waist, tears streaming down your face. 
“There, now. You don’t want to miss your party. Go have fun, kiddo. I love you.”. He patted your back and tried to hide that he was almost crying.
Eddie was also trying to keep his emotions under control and tried his best to distract himself by singing in the car while going to Steve’s house, knowing that was probably the last car ride you would share. He didn’t want to think of all the preparations you did - how you left him a copy of the keys to your trailer, how you let him store some of his belongings in your old room, to declutter a bit his bedroom in his trailer, how you were wearing his favorite shirt, and wearing the guitar pick necklace you gave him. He just couldn’t believe this was the day he would lose you. 
When you got to Steve’s house, everyone was already there - Eddie let you go and join the others, he knew that everyone wanted to spend time with you, and he wanted to let you enjoy it. He was happy to see you all playing and having fun together. 
And during all that, he gazed at you, trying to memorize everything about you. Your hair, your eyes, the clothes you were wearing, your lips, your cheeks, the color of your skin when the sun hit it, your voice, so beautiful while singing along with the boys, that smile that he loved so much. 
He looked at you and wished he would never stop looking at you, but he knew it was the end. He could already imagine that the weeks would pass, maybe you would stop to write back his letters, to answer his calls, there would be that unspoken thing, the heavy silence, and you would then forget about him. So he knew he had to remember every little detail now because those were the last moments he would have the chance to see and witness them.
And you were smiling so beautifully, playing catch with the girls when you stopped and looked at him. And then you started to run to him, and without thinking, he also ran to meet you. He picked you up and spun you around, inhaling the sweet scent of your hair. Being around you made him feel giddy and excited. It made his heart race, and he could not string a coherent sentence, but he was glad it didn’t bother you. 
“You know that not a single day will go by that I won’t think of you, right?”
“Good!” you replied, smiling.
He could picture the whole life ahead you would have, and he couldn’t help but feel like he was holding you back. He had no idea what would happen in the future, which scared him. 
“You and I are going to be okay; you know that, right?” he didn’t know if he was telling that to reassure you or to convince himself about it. 
You nodded, and when your lips opened to say something, Robin grabbed your arms, making you stand in a chair to make a speech to everyone before you left. Shyness washed over you, but you did your best to mumble a few words to everyone.
“And we may have had some ups and downs,” you concluded, looking fondly at the group, “but I love every one of you. I know that I’m moving on to the next chapter of my life, but please know that I sincerely hope we can hold each other close in our hearts. I know I’m taking all this love with me wherever I go.”
“She is smart. Too smart to stay stuck here,” Steve murmured. He could feel the tears falling, and Robin, standing by his side, was surprised to see that he wasn’t trying to stop the tears.
You raised your cup, your eyes shining with tears. “Cheers, everyone. I’m so glad I met you!”
“Cheers!” They all responded in unison, tapping their cups together and wiping their eyes with broad smiles. No one was smiling brighter and crying harder than the curly hair boy in the corner.
“That’s my girl!” you heard Steve call out from the sidelines - you were thankful he was there trying to cheer you, although it made you feel the blood hot under your cheeks.
He held out his arms for you and brought you in a tight hug. “I’m so proud of you, little lady,” he murmured into your hair as you leaned your head against his chest. 
“I know you are, big boy!”
“I’m gonna miss you so much” Nancy stole you from Steve’s arms to hug you. 
“Don’t. Be. A. Stranger.” Jonathan wagged his finger in your face. 
You pretended to think about it for a second. “Sorry, Jonathan. Can’t make any promises.” You patted his face giving him a confident smile.
Eddie stepped into the space Jonathan had once stood in, finding himself beside you. The indescribable urge to touch and kiss you welled in his entire being, but he attempted to keep it at bay.
“Are you gonna say goodbye? I don’t wanna hear it.” Eddie said quickly. 
You shared one last hug, hiding your face in his neck. You mumbled what you knew could be your last words to him.
“I’m afraid we will forget this. I don’t wanna forget how this feels.” 
He stepped back and gently cupped your face, staring into your eyes. “I won’t forget. I could never forget you… it’s hard to forget someone who gave me so much to remember.” 
You were unable to speak another word, lost in those chocolate-brown eyes. You hoped that your eyes would say enough. 
“shh,” he whispered, brushing his thumb across your bottom lip. “it’s okay, sweetheart.”
Your eyes locked, and your breathing quickened. A tiny spark of hope that you would kiss crossed your mind, but the sound of a door slamming snapped you out of the moment. You turned to find Marc ready and waiting for you by his car. 
“Up you go,” Eddie said, in a voice he was fighting to keep steady. He leaned in close, gently, and whispered, “I’ll miss you.” 
He stepped back again, you both just staring at each other awestruck. Dazzled. In his mind, he kept repeating, “I’m never gonna be okay with being apart. I’m gonna keep missing the hell out of you,“ but he couldn’t find the strength to tell you that.  
One side of his mouth pulled up into your favorite uneven smile. You couldn’t catch your breath soon enough to reply and just tried to smile back. The words stuck in your throat as you saw the lost light in his eyes just before he turned and walked away. 
You waved your goodbyes to the others and joined Marc, ready to start the ride. Through it all, you sat numbly in the car, tears leaking steadily from your eyes, while you left your heart, your whole life behind, heading into the unknown. 
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Several beer cans were spread out in the trailer’ living room, and Wayne’s heart ached when he noticed a wasted Eddie with his head on the table. 
“Boy, are you ok?” he asked, knowing already the answer.
“She left. Why leave me? Why no one stays? What am I going to do now she is gone?” the intrusive thoughts were fighting their way into Eddie’s mind and were winning. 
“C’mon, boy, as much as heartbroken you must be now… she must have felt the same pain when leaving; she is crazy about you.”
“All I ever wanted was to be enough for her. But I’m not. Do we get what we deserve? Because it seems that I surely don’t deserve her. Why would I? She is now going to college while I’m here, stuck repeating the senior year. I wanted to be a perfect guy and be important, but why would she want someone like me? She would never want…” 
Eddie was speaking so fast, his breathing increasing as he was getting increasingly anxious, until Wayne put a hand on his shoulder, trying to calm him down. 
“You need to stop being so hard on yourself, Eddie. You need to see yourself as worthy of love, son, because you are.”
“I’m not; I’m just a fucked up mess.” he tried to push Wayne away, but Wayne decided not to leave Eddie’s side. “I always thought that loving someone, giving that much authority to one person was scary, but you see… that’s the easiest part. I would give my whole life to her without thinking twice - but the problem is that my life is not valuable, not enough for her, and that’s scary.”
“Being receptive to affection is one of the things that trauma steals from us, boy, and it hurts me to see this happening to you.” Wayne caressed Eddie’s hair. “I’ve already been in that moment of not accepting, or rather forgetting how to accept good things… and I can tell you that pain can put us in places that are complicated and far away from the ones we care about, and we can get lost… you don’t have to go through that.
“It’s not that easy! When I saw all those romantic movies with her, I understood why she loved them, but I never wanted to live them... I mean, can you imagine loving someone so deeply that when they leave, you crumble into pieces?” he sighed. “And here I am, feeling just like them. And I know what comes next, a pain that will engulf me so much that I won’t be able to eat, sleep or drink properly… I felt it before when we were apart, and now it will be even worse.”
“So you would rather not love her, then…”
“Loving her is the best thing that could have happened to me! But it’s the worst for her! I only mean trouble for her.”
“Life is trouble, son. You’ve got to fight for what you want.”
Eddie spent so long trying to convince himself he did the right thing but wasn’t so sure anymore. He didn’t know what to think. 
“I don’t have the right to hold her life up. I can’t fight for her if that’s not what she wants. I need to respect her decisions, and she decided to go away. There’s nothing I could do.”
Eddie got up and left, not wanting to argue anymore. Wayne sighed - He knew how good for each other you were, how you always encouraged and supported each other, how you saved each other. And he could only hope that this would not be lost forever because he didn’t want to see Eddie suffering. 
Eddie’s eyes drifted across his bedroom as he slowly entered. Every corner had something that reminded him of you, of the connection you two had, a sense of bittersweet nostalgia. What once was his happy place now felt empty and hollow. Whenever he closed his eyes, he saw your trembling lips trying to form a smile in that farewell moment. The weight of unspoken words pressed heavily upon his heart.
He sank onto the edge of the bed, letting out a sigh, replaying the moment of your parting in his mind - you have left for college, to your new beginning, while his feelings remained locked away, unvoiced - as these emotions surged, a whirlwind of frustration and regret filled his chest - he wanted to believe it was the right thing to do, he didn’t want to hold you back from pursuing your dreams, but with every minute away from you, his doubts gnawed at his resolve.
Amid his thoughts, a sudden flicker of color caught his eye. The folded piece of paper was on the nightstand amidst the chaos of scattered textbooks and old photographs. Seeing your handwriting in “For Eddie” made him smile. 
He hadn’t dared to read it when you left it for him, but he hoped that your letter would have words of comfort and would help him cope with your absence. His trembling hands reached out to retrieve it, and his heart skipped a beat as he unfolded the note.
“FUCK! SHIT, SHIT, NO!” Eddie yelled, his frustration growing into a potent mix of anger and regret, settling like a heavy fog, enveloping his senses, making him throw things around - while broken fragments stayed scattered on the floor, his tears burning their way down his cheeks. 
He sank to his knees, clutching the note tightly in his hands. It was a poignant reminder of the depths of feelings and the missed opportunity to express them. With every fiber of his being, Eddie wished he could turn back time and rewrite the script of your farewell.
Instead of the heartful, lengthy letter that Eddie expected, you wrote only 4 simple words to him:
“Ask me to stay.”
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💜 For all of you that are still reading this, thank you, thank you! This story is my little baby, a coping mechanism for me and writing it helps me feel better, and I can't believe that there are people that actually read it! 🥰 Your feedback, likes, reblogs, and comments make my day!
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@sidthedollface2 @bimbobaggins69 @moonmoosblog @corrodedseraphine @ghosttownwherenoonegoes @basketcaseeeeee @chloe-6123 @tlclick73 @them-cute-boys @mushroomelephant @crook3d-strang3r @ingridvasquez @vulcrum332 @1paire2vans @strangerthingsstories5255 @stranger-messenger @mitenchii @sherrylyn628 @sapphire4082
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sillygoofymeikao · 2 years
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Can’t believe that my childhood show has ended last week😭. I would just like to say thank you Ninjago for all these wonderful 11 years and thank you for being apart of my childhood :) it’s sad that i came back into watching this show not long ago and it just ended, i will miss this show.
Also this took me 12hrs omg and its legit 12am rn and i am posting wth 😪😪😪 yup im going to bed right after this. Goodnight everyoneee (or morning for ya XD)
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creative-blade99 · 6 months
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(From November last year. I can’t believe it took me this long to post it. Since then some stuff has changed and been added and I am thinking of making a new, more detailed ref sheet.)
I have fallen into the Spider-Verse fandom. Here is my Spider-Sona. XD
Lara P. Robinson (not my real name) is the spider-person of Earth-19037. Her hero name is Pastel-Spider, given to her because of her suit.
A radioactive spider bit her at age 15; since then, she has been the protector of a city in the UK. She is currently 25, and when not doing hero stuff, she works as a part-time barista at a local café.
Her powers consist of wallcrawling, spider sense, web shooting, enhanced strength and speed, and teleportation (which allows her to move to any spot within a few feet of her current position).
Lara joined the Spider-Society after Miguel O'Hara helped her take down a Doc Ock from another dimension. Sometime after joining, she found herself falling for Miguel.
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gayleviticus · 9 months
dude I can’t believe i took that long to follow you back that is so on me I’m gonna have to dig back for your original posts are there any ideas you’ve had you reckon I might like that i should look for first?
hahaha i was actually like 50/50 whether we were mutuals or not and I never got round to actually checking my follower list xD so that's OK.
looking back thru my tags I suppose these are the posts I've made on queer christian stuff that I think were the most interesting and would be curious to hear people's opinions but certainly be my guest in stalking back through the archives if you so desire
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julia-bunncat · 2 years
Oh no, she found tier-lists again | DRV3 version
❗WARNINGS❗: huge text, some negative opinions and spoilers !!!
Well…. Happy new year of Rabbit, ahah! 🐇🎄 I went missing again for a while ;) But it doesn’t matter, because despite all the difficulties and festive fuss, all these weeks I continued to play DRV3 – my progress reached the beginning of the 4th chapter since the last post... And oww, if you only knew how much I love a full-fledged playthrough, how many emotions have been received, how many thoughts..! It was to be expected that no Wiki, fan's articles freetime- or other events would replace this experience. And of course, the kind of information that I’ve been posting about myself a long time ago, and that (because of my love for such stuff) also included all the Danganronpa characters Tier Lists, became… a little bit irrelevant ^^” So now, in order to avoid any misunderstandings and to make my position clear to all passers-by, I decided to update the V3 related tier lists!
1st category, which has finally become more definite for me – female characters:
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What was my problem? Well, I treated all DRV3 girls (except Kirumi and Tsumugi) in a sort of same-neutral way with a slight negative shade, but now I know how I feel about them.
First of all, I want to clarify one thing: although in the orange group all the girls seem to be in the same position, in fact, for me personally, they are located in TOP3 xD In other words, after Kirumi, my favorite girl is Tenko. I like Tenko more than I like Miu. But also I like Miu more than Kaede.
Yes, perhaps someone would find such a clear distribution odd, if not wrong… But I didn't signed the orange tier that way for no reason. I have clear reasons to «underestimate and compare» each of them. Everyone has some shortcomings that repels me more or less, so… OK, just read it, I’ll go right-left:
Kaede Akamatsu. Ooh, I'm like walking on thin ice right now, judging her in some way, because I’ve seen from the very beginning HOW MUCH 90% of DRV3 fans love her and how upset they are that she never managed to become the main character…
But, you know, I’m not upset and I’m not afraid to talk about it. Her action in the first chapter only strengthened my belief that Shuichi is in the right place. Yeah, I understand why Kaede can be loved. I also like her energy, enthusiasm, companionship, liveliness, positivity, belief in the best, the ability to quickly get it together and not give up (in this regard, she's similar to Kaito, and Kaito is my favorite male character)… And I’ve often heard the phrase like «Yes, Kaede has her faults – and that’s fine, it makes her just like real people». But you know, it’s one thing to love a character DESPITE the fact that they does wrong things in the canon… When, in the case of Akamatsu, she seems to me to be loved for EXACTLY what she did. I mean- come ooon, by the murder attempt she betrayed not only Shuichi, not only all her friends (who prefer to see through rose-colored glasses), but herself first and foremost! By saying «I believe in you», she still succumbed to the selfish desire to "save everyone", although Shuichi's plan COULD'VE worked in theory – and without any victims that Monokuma needs so much for his killing game. Kaede is considered strong, but I don't see a drop of strength, not a bit of heroism in her wilfulness "for others", cause all this time she could confess, tell about her concerns to the same Shuichi, but chose to remain silent, fearing that «no one would want to be friends with a murderer» (selfishness again) and wishing at trial to figure out who's Mastermind in some unknown way. Overall, this foolish hasty action makes her interesting, right – everything would be okay if we stopped here… But I just can’t understand why she remains a heroine worthy of such blind compassion for so many people! 😩 She took on too much responsibility by agreeing to be the heart of the group, didn't handle with it, and on top of that, finally left it all on the shoulders of the survivors by making them promise her an unsustainable thing. For me, Kaede is a weak, insecure person who has pave the road to Hell with good intentions – and to some extent she admits it, saying repeatedly that she’s not really such a good motivator and that she’s highly susceptible to positive reactions from others.
Simply speaking, I like Kaede, but I can’t forgive her completely for the way she treated everyone (and Shuichi in particular) + I’m annoyed by the fact that the rest fandom are see her in the wrong light (we should take Kokichi’s assessment as an example – it has always been quite fair). It would be nice if Kaede could stay a survivor and go through a good arc of self-consciousness, admitting her mistakes and complexes. And also, to be honest, sometimes I’m both laughing and annoying by some of her carelessness / excessive curiosity, which she mostly exhibits in FTE's with her classmates (with Kibo, for example).
The next one is Miu. Weeell here, the reason that prevents me from fully loving her is obvious (perhaps) :’D But let’s start with her merits (in my view).
First, how Miu combines incredible self-confidence + rudeness with blatant cowardice when you just give her the slightest resistance – it's both amusing and interesting phenomenon. Seriously, she is a MASTER of giving funny (and often inappropriate) comments that will relieve any atmosphere! 😄 Plus I cannot fail to acknowledge how talented she is and how valuable her ingenuity is. And this intuitive ability to guess the right culprits based only on inner certainty… (if only she could find impenetrable arguments, she'd be truly golden-mind, ahah!)
However, it’s time to name the chief characteristic that pushes me away from her. That’s her vulgarity.
Don’t think anything wrong, these horny jokes and comments are mostly harmless. I wouldn’t mind saying something like that in a joke too xD But Miu's FTEs and Love Suit event… There’s a certain hyperbolic overkill here. DR scriptwriters EXTREMELY love to hyperbolize everything and in almost 100% of cases it leaves a negative impression. You just want to erase it from the memory forever. So, honestly, if it was a little less vulgar, I wouldn’t be so picky. For good, Miu could have opened up as a character even better (although I haven’t gotten to her death) and she, with that emotional jumps, needs psychotherapy (like almost any Danganronpa's child). I hope her true fans took care of that, yeap..~
And finally Tenko 💚 Honestly, I didn’t expect she’d end up being my second favorite girl :0 thought I’d be completely neutral… But she’s wonderful. Really. Sincere, devoted, heartfelt and generous, bold and cheerful – a real lifelike fountain of energy!
The shortcomings that were embedded in her just for meme (it’s pretty obvious if you look at most of her sprites) even all together are no match with the shortcomings I don’t like about Kaede and Miu. On the contrary, the fact that her misandry and excessive attachment to Himiko are imposed on the player – exactly allows me to ignore them against the backdrop of adequacy, which she demonstrates most often. Misandry generally seems to me insignificant, because at certain times she felt sympathy / respect for both Shuichi and Kaito (who is considered the most manly man). Yeah, she can be fiery, she can be weird and she even got really clingy to Himiko, regardless of her personal boundaries, but until her own death Tenko was in a continuous personal movement. She is another character who has earned a longer life, but was just unlucky… in every possible way.
Meanwhile, I’m getting to the yellow category!
It’s ironic that here I put the girls who remained among the few survivors, and they’re supposed to have plenty of time for me to like they, yeah..? ^^”
But no, I’m definitely gonna be a little biased. This is the case when the first impression turned out to be so negative that there is hardly exists anything to block it. At most, my attitude towards them will develop into completely neutral… And I’ll be brief, ok.
Himiko seemed to me either boring (due to her slowness, passivity, immobility and completely childish way of thinking) or completely useless (for exactly the same reasons) from the start. She is morally weak, easily susceptible to stress and manipulation. Yes, later she's rehabilitated; she grows over herself, becoming a little more active and emotional, but that only happens after Tenko’s death.
And Maki. Maki I like much more than Yumeno – she might well be in the same category as Tenko/Kaede/Miu. Most of the time, she means well. Her story is worthy of sympathy. But the character and personality… So prickly, cold and detached... Even after «Kaito’s therapy» reinforced by Shuichi’s help and belief in the second trial, she keeps. leaving. her crude. insensitive. comments. like she’s the only sane person who knows everything.
Yes, I understand that transformation/adaptation requires more time and it would be so much weirder, if she become a sweetie-deary in just a couple of days… But really, she can be neutral or at least a little empathic-respectful, while staying true to herself! I even read an article in which the author complained that Maki's crush on Kaito had ruined her personality. And even though I haven’t gotten to chapter five where their relationship (Maki's crush) blossoms, I can partially agree. In both her and Himiko's cases, characters development occurs mainly due to the influence/death of another character = a potential lover that doesn’t seem right to me. Anyway, if my first impression changes, I’ll let you know.
The last one – gray category (I remind you that it doesn't mean full-fledged hatred!)
Tsumugi and Angie… Okey, first of all, Angie went down a great deal in my eyes after chapter three. REALLY. A LOT.
Earlier, based only on fanworks, I thought - well, she's funny. Strange, silly, a little creepy, but in general, she seems amusing and pleasant, maybe she's even a sunshine..? But NO. Not for me, at least. I had no idea how manipulative, selfish, thoughtless and – I'm not afraid of that word – insensitive person she really is, that (as it turns out from her FTEs) just got used to getting away with anything, because she’s a preacher. Her way of recruiting a new student into the student council sect just underlines just how dangerous she could be – and those who think it’s cute actually fall into her trap :'^
But really, she either scared me or simply annoyed. Especially with that habit of changing decisions on the go, contradict any logic, and hiding her own desires/intentions behind the mask of the divine's dictates. I’ve seen theories that she’s actually brilliant, and all her decisions were to the benefit of her classmates, but I don’t really understand what makes its authors think like that. She always acted to please herself. And only.
My reaction to Tsumugi is less intense perhaps. First of all, I don’t like her because she’s a Mastermind, and I treat all Masterminds equally. Their philosophy and way of "having fun" are simply not close and incomprehensible to me. Second, she’s creepy too. I am repelled by her artificiality, her feigned "ordinariness" and affectedness with which she maintains this label in herself. I’m afraid to imagine what happens when her mask falls.
And now… Yes, it turns out that this post will almost half of my (I underline) personal opinion about female characters, ahah!
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But that’s because I love ALL the male characters in DRV3. No exceptions. Just the different shades of my love – and that’s what I reflect on the tier-list о/ Adoration, maternal love, tenderness, compassion, respect… I can’t even highlight what I don’t like in someone of them, 'cause all of them are dorks and the sweetest one!! No offence, the heart wants what it wants! 💞
Which means, finally, I can show you a huge (and a last, I promise, aphph) list of my feelings about this or that pairings!
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I don’t want to go into too much detail here and to be too much negative either, so I'll explain only those positions that are important or/and funny.
First of all, I’ve had a big change of heart about Angie, so it's about pairings with her too. I’ll start with the so-called «traffic light» that in my eyes almost broke into pieces. Seriously, they were always drawn by such faitful, sweet besties… I'm almost disappointed. What healthy friendship is possible in a Himiko/Angie relationship, when Yonaga only used Yumeno’s weaknesses without conscience, trolled her on her own show and imposed illusions?? What friendship is possible between Tenko/Angie, if Chabashira was starting to literally fear Yonaga’s permissiveness at the end + never adhered to her principles and ideas (and Angie was indifferent to her most of the time)??
Only Tenko/Himiko are stand out from this circle of bewilderment. I still haven’t figured it out, that's right. For now I’m inclined to think that it’s a bad idea – Tenko’s energy was not combined with Himiko’s impenetrable passivity from the very beginning, BUT! they’d have a chance if Tenko was still alive and Himiko kept trying to understand her (and Chabashira, in turn, would reduce the rush on her).
Next, Shinnaga, i.e. Angie/Korekiyo… *sighs* Honestly, despite their location in a more neutral category «I don’t know why most people think it’s a good idea» – I’m starting to treat them more like to NOTP. Yeah, I realize, a lot of people think they’re pretty similar. They are both creepy, to some extent connected with occultism, with culture; they have the opposite kinda sun/moon aesthetics and character's dynamic, but… Ship Korekiyo with a manipulative, spoiled girl, who is accustomed to sectarian power and that all her wishes are fulfilled without bickering..? Are you serious..? It’s literally the same as pushing him against his sister’s figure again 😣 Sorry, Shinnaga's fans, but this is a decision I can never understand .-.
And now to a more positive stuff! o/
(because by the time I explain why Saimatsu isn’t working either, Tumblr is clearly not ready yet ahah ;))
The platonic has changed a bit..~ I've basically added the category «good friends only» and quite seriously consider that many of these pairs of students are able to become friends. Especially I was pleased with some intersections between Gonta and Kiyo | Kibo and Kiyo, because Shinguji clearly lacks someone to share his interests (in addition to Rantaro and Shuichi).
But why Gonta and Kibo exactly? Well,
Korekiyo’s quite capable of teaching Gonta to be a gentleman from a cultural point of view
Gonta can always be interested in stories about bugs, and all Kiyo wants is a heareth disciple/listener
Kibo is interested in Japanese/Asian culture + all human aspects, in which Korekiyo is generally the main expert. [Yes, it may be difficult for Shinguji at first because of the slight robophobic prejudices, but he’ll get over it just by thinking about what a Kibo is really a delightful product of human labor!]
Of the girls, Kirumi and Tenko were included in the category of besties, as those whose personalities Kiyo most admired.
Kirumi herself finds Kiyo admirable (just read her thoughts about him on the Official Relationship Chart) + they are matched with temperament, love of similar aesthetics + she possesses such devoted, caring, "maternal" nature.
While with Tenko, as paradoxical as it is… Kiyo could discuss similar problems. This cloudy subject with inc*st and unhealthy attachment to a certain person… I feel like they could understand each other a little.
Kaede, for some reason, became the queen of the lesbian party for me XDD But really, she pays a lot of attention to girls at first acquaintance – she called Tenko cute, Tsumugi sexy (and get under her skirt), was kneeling before Miu (although they bickered each other a lot and measured by breast size lol). I just think it’s kinda fun!
And almost all pairings with Kokichi turned out either self-destructive or destroying the world xD With Angie and Tsumugi in particular, they would have made the apocalypse; and Miu, Tenko, Maki, Kiyo and Rantaro, in my opinion, will gladly line up "ready to rip off Ouma’s head" line. That's just the way he is..:-) Hard to understand, units can handle it 😅
But that’s where I stop! As you may have noticed, I REALLY love DRV3 cast 😊😅 Tier-lists are just the beginning – next I would like to present my thoughts about Chapter 3 and Korekiyo’s role in it..;) That's the subject when I can’t be stopped... thanks for your attention and until next time, ehehe! ~
oh, and my askbox is always open!! see ya ✨
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ex-textura · 1 year
Hiya, Sebastian! ♥ I'm just passing by to say I really admire your art and your talent, and one day I hope to have enough money to share with you and support your beautiful work. :( ♥ I'd like to know a little bit about how you first came into contact with drawing and if you have any cheap/free tools and tutorials you'd recommend to someone who wants to start taking drawing more seriously (and knows 0% about it lmao), if you don't mind. Much love always! - tiefling enthusiast anon
Anon!! I’m so sorry it took me so long to get to this! This is such a kind ask omg thank you 🥺🥺
Don’t ever worry about not being able to buy anything from me, your kind words are honestly enough (and I know what it’s like not to be able to afford to support artists. It’s hard but I promise you messages like this mean so, so much more than money. I’m giddy rn lol)
As for getting into art, tbh I started drawing very young. I used to draw Pokémon and digimon on my desk in elementary school, and then going into junior high I started to branch out a little more though I stopped around high school and didn’t pick up drawing again until more than 10 years later lol….but it’s always been something I loved to do, and coming back to it has really filled a hole in my life I didn’t realize was there for a long time.
For a lot of my early drawings, it was just printer paper and ballpoint pens or plain old pencils until I got my first graphics tablet years later. So if you’re just starting out you don’t really need anything but the will to draw and something to scribble on. If you’re looking to start with digital art though there’s a couple of routes you can take. If you have access to an iPad, or can get one cheap (think used, past model… you don’t need much) there are a number of apps you can get such as ibis paint (which I think may be free or have a free version though I don’t use it myself) or procreate (it’s what I use on my iPad, but it has a one-time fee of I believe $13.99CAD). Or, if you have a computer I got started on a simple graphics tablet and you can get them for fairly cheap these days used (mine was like $80CAD) and I used a free version of Paint Tool SAI which works great.
Still though, if you’re okay not starting with digital art I would recommend just getting a small sketch book for under $10, a mechanical pencil and a gum eraser (those brownish ones). That’s all you really need to get started.
As for tutorials, I mostly watch YouTubers for art advice. I’d recommend Sam Does Arts, Drawfee, and Sinix Design
Sam does a lot of “rating art advice” videos, critiquing his followers pieces, and some goofy things but he has a lot of great tips and he explains things in a very easy to understand way. He also calls out his own flaws easily and teaches you to learn from his own mistakes which I find very encouraging.
Drawfee is four artists with different styles that mostly do art challenges among themselves but they also host art classes for their patrons and those videos get posted to their channel for the general public so you can still follow along for free. I like that they have different styles and different methods, and when they post their speed draws they talk through their process which is very informative.
Sinix is an incredible artist and while some of his videos are definitely more advanced he has beginner videos too that teach the very basics and I still spend a lot of time watching those ones to really drill them into my brain. He’s more informative than entertaining like the other two are, but his stuff is so good.
Other than YouTube videos, I also spend a lot of time on Line of Action which is a great site for practicing form and anatomy.
I’d also recommend the morpho drawing books if you can find a free pdf online (there are definitely sources for them I just can’t seem to find any right now…).
Im sorry this got so long winded xD I don’t even know if it makes any sense anymore lol. But basically…. Get yourself some paper and a mechanical pencil, a decent eraser and start with the basics. There are so many free resources online to get you there. After that… just get yourself a blorbo that you’re just so obsessed with and draw them over and over again until you can do it from memory. Then keep drawing them some more. It takes time and persistence and you might even feel frustrated when you start out, but remember that everyone starts somewhere and even the greatest artists are still learning.
And, please if you do start drawing feel free to share your art with me! I’d love to see it, and hopefully we can grow together ❤️❤️
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tuulikannel · 2 years
1, 2, and 3 for the ask game please!
Thanks for the ask, @solarsavoy!
1) Who is your favorite character to write for and is this the character you find easiest to write for?
Hmm… so I’ve written 16 fics for Assassination Classroom, and 13 of them are about Gakushuu. So, yeah, I think it’s safe to say he holds that position right now. ^^ And yeah, I think he’s pretty easy to write, too. The easiest? Maybe. Some other characters I struggle with much more (like Nagisa, for example) but Gakushuu’s voice just… comes to me without much thinking at all. I don’t know… maybe it’s just that I’ve always enjoyed his kind of characters. Reserved characters with misleading exterior (as solarsavoy put it ^^) who are not simply black or white.
2) What is your favorite fic of yours?
Oh boy. What a question. May I cheat and choose one for all of my main fandoms? ^^;
1) I’ll start with the oldest fandom, which is Yugioh (which, I bet, many didn’t even know. xD most of those fics are only on ff.net). I think the last one I wrote for that fandom is the one I liked best: the crossover with Solaris, which I’ve simply named Solaris, cause I suck with titles. ^^;; (Solaris the movie, as at the time I hadn’t read Stanislav Lem’s book, tho it doesn’t really make any big difference here.)
I don’t know, I just a) love weird crossovers, and b) remember I was very invested in this story when I was writing it. Which you might not believe, given that it took me over 4 years to finish a fic with 5 chapters. The thing is, when I started writing it I was already falling out of YGO fandom and fic writing in general. The fact that the fic wasn’t left unfinished is in fact the proof of how much I liked it. I ­had­ to finish it, no matter how long it took.
2) Then, my next big fandom was Hikaru no Go. I think my favorite of these fics (32 in total btw) must be the newest that’s still a WIP, Caught Between. It’s been such a huge project for me. Never before have I literally read entire books for fic research. It’s just that it deals with a delicate subject, intersex, and I (as a cis female) really wanted to do my absolute best not get things wrong. I’m so happy I finally started posting it after sitting on it nearly a decade, and I’m really relieved that the reception has been so positive. In a world of black and white, be 💜 ^^
3) And then it’s AssClass’s turn. Hmm. This is the hardest, by far. Maybe Blind Alley. That fic simply has a place in my heart, and I can’t even exactly explain why. Maybe because I’m a sucker for sad things? I don’t know. (All the Gifts might yet steal it’s place, depending on how well I manage to wrap it up, one of these days.)
3) What fic of yours do you think is underrated?
Looking at the ones I just named as my favorites, I got to say Solaris. It’s understandable, I guess, given how long I took to finish it. I’m afraid I lost a lot of readers then. On the other hand, it’s really not been popular at all on AO3 either (the only YGO fic I’ve posted there), tho maybe that is cause I just posted it all in one go there.
Also, of the AssClass fics, the prequel to All the Gifts, which goes by The Fall cause, like I said, I’m bad at naming stuff. I like that ficlet a lot, but it’s not got any big audience.
(And just so Hikago won't feel left out, cause I mentioned now something for the other two fandoms: The Sun Prince and the Frog. XD It's such a stupid story, but I like it. And even tho The Eve of the Battle is short and weird, I think it'd deserve more than 3 kudos.)
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Elle’s Unsolicited Thoughts on BOSJ 30 Night 2
I finally finished watching it XD!
Pre: No hate to Kevin Kelly, but A) no Chris Charlton :( and B) single person commentary always sounds weird to me. Glad he at least has the onion with him so he doesn't get lonely!
Match 1 - Kushida vs. TJP: mostly skipped 😞 Kushi loss sad
Match 2 - Yoshinobu Kanemaru vs. Dan Moloney: skipped
Match 3 - Ryusuke Taguchi vs. Lio Rush: I'm gonna be honest, I refuse to skip this match mostly because I need to see if Taguchi stays serious or not, I'm hooked. Otherwise I would have skipped it simply because I only have so much time and there is so much wrestling. During Lio's entrance they mentioned him being attacked by Evil yesterday, and like this is the oldest of news but I still can't even that they just have a wrestler named EVIL. Oh. Okay we have TJP on commentary idk if I can do this. He just irks me as a character. 😞 Poor Taguchi. TJP did not annoy me as much as I thought he would, at least so far. The continuing building lore of the onion lol.
Match 4 - Clark Connors vs. Robbie Eagles: Seriously need ZSJ's son to stop being cute on the ring apron.
Match 5 - Sho vs. Mike Bailey: Hehe, I hope Bailey kills him. HAHA I'M GOING TO FIGHT SHO FOR ATTACKING BAILEY WITH THE CHAIR BEFORE THE MATCH WHY ISN'T ANYONE STOPPING HIM HAHA GIVE ME A HAMMER, PAC. I'm going to shove Sho's wrench up his ass for attacking Speedball with it. DO Y'ALL NOT HAVE ANY OTHER REFS THAT AREN'T BUSY RN BECAUSE THIS GOING ON ON A LONG TIME WITH THE CHEATY CHEATING. Speedball still wins!!! YEAH!! Young Lions can we get the ref some ice please? Speedball using the chair as a cane 😢.
Match 6 - Kevin Knight vs. Francesco Akira: skipped
Match 7 - Titán vs. Taiji Ishimori: Pretty pretty Taiji, pretty Taiji. Can he not look directly into the camera I am FRAGILE. Why does his hair look so soft. I'm feeling so normal about him. Sidenote, TJP's comments on Titán were interesting to hear. TJP and Kevin Kelly memeing about Finlay sitting in an office, going over BC's paperwork to evaluate them lol. KEVIN KELLY POINTING OUT THAT GEDO IS THE ONE RUNNING BC.
Match 8 - El Desperado vs. Bushi: skipped
Match 9 - Hiromu Takahashi vs. Douki: Well I made post about how I DIED during his entrance, so let's just pick up from there. He took the jacket off and it's worse now because his pretty arms are out. He is bouncing around so full of energy it's so cute. I love seeing the Daryls and other Takahashi family in the crowd during Hiromu's entrance. I miss not having Chris on commentary to tell us what Hiromu's book says. OH MY GOSH SUDDEN CLOSE UP OF DOUKI SO PRETTY. I"m fine this is fine. Can we never let him wear my favorite color again please? The way he MOVES. Douki Chokey!! MAINTAINING WRIST CONTROL AND TRANSITIONING SO SMOOTHLY. Okay like I KNOW they're not gonna put Douki over the champ on night 2 BUT THESE NEAR COUNTS HAVE ME OUT OF BREATH TRULY I CANNOT BREATHE. Gosh, like Douki did SO WELL and fought SO HARD and I knew he wouldn't win against the champ on night 2 but OH MY THAT WAS INTENSE.
Just the main event. Wato and Yoh. Not sure I can handle it right now. OOPS HAHA POST MATCH ANGY DISHELVED DOUKI okay we're good now.
Match 10 - Yoh vs. Master Wato: If Yoh can stop with the cocky facial expression and put his tongue away that would be appreciated. The fact that his "ring jacket" atire has THREE SEPARATE LAYERS he has to remove before the match is so Yoh. OH MY GOSH HIS. HIS. And he's so. Is he. The LIKE. SASS? THE BRIDGE ALDKFJALDKJFA . Wato's tights are so elegant and intricatnly patterned. YOH IS POSING TO TAUNT. Still can't believe he's bearing his calves. DOES WATO HAVE A SCAR ON HIS SIDE? Gosh Yoh's movemensts are just so fluid. These two are really fun to watch work with each other. WHERE IS YOH GOING LOL HE JUST JOGGED OFF. He's talking a stroll alkdjaldkj. Is Yoh gonna turn heel (maybe it's already happened since I'm only on Night 2), I'm not sure I'll survive that. THAT TAKEDOWN. 🥺🥺Yoh patting the little boy's head🥺🥺 TJP referred to Yoh's arm/shoulder that Wato was targeting as his "hurt wing" and now I'm imagining bird Yohhhhh Sidenote: I love Red Shoes Wato lying in pain on the mat😞 I'd like a dozen more of these two against each other please. Yoh just did the most dramatic drop sell, I love him. WATO DON'T PULL ON HIS CUSTOM JEAN TRUNKS. THAT POISONRANA. OKAY THAT'S A STRONG HIT ALKDJALDKJ. DIRECT DRIVE THIS HAS GOTTA BE IT. Love a cover where the winner is JUST AS EXHAUSTED AS THE OPPONENT THAT MAN IS DED. Gosh he's so pretty. They're both so talented and I love them, amazing main event!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOH FREAKING ROLLLING BACK INTO THE RING WITH THE MIC AND JUST LIKE. FLAILING AROUND LMAO WHAT ARE YOU DOING. Oh he's standing now OH HE'S SCREAMING NOW LOL "Eloquently put" -TJP lol. I wish Chris was here to translate what Yoh was yelling about, but from what I can tell he's being a bit of a diva lol. He sure does love to yell this boi. He's walking to the back so sassily aldkjaldkja.
"For TJP and the Onion, I'm Kevin Kelly" lmao
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