#can't possibly shut up XD
jintaka-hane · 3 months
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Summary: Kid can't sleep without you. He tries, but... simply can't xD. Word count: 600
Dark, deep circles framed the honey-colored eyes of Eustass Captain Kid.
His hair was more tousled than usual, his clothes wrinkled and unkempt, and he barked orders irritably while roaming the deck with slumped shoulders.
Killer, concerned about his friend, had already tried several culinary remedies to help him: from lighter suppers and calming infusions of linden... to the strongest alcohol stored in the hold.
But only one thing could truly help Kid find sleep.
Or rather, one person.
A person who had been absent from the ship for five days to handle some matters.
Kid hated feeling vulnerable and exhausted, and he despised even more not being in control of the situation. But accustomed to your body fitting perfectly against his under the sheets, he found no solace on a mattress that felt cold and desolate without you.
Night after night, the same scenario played out.
He collapsed into bed, drained, angrily tugging at the sheet, hoping to replicate the sensation of your skin against his. When that failed to comfort him, he would clutch your pillow and press it tightly to his chest, burying his chin in one corner, longing for the curve of your neck. But despite having your scent, the pillow didn’t have your curves, nor did it radiate the warmth of your naked body, so he growled and ended up hurling it violently against the wall.
The blanket, suddenly too warm, was kicked to the floor, only to be retrieved moments later as the chill set in. His hands roamed over the sheets repeatedly, searching for you, finding only frustration in the places where you used to bring tranquility. His body shifted a thousand times, unable to find the right position, and his eyes squeezed shut in search of a peace that never seemed to arrive. With exasperated sighs, he surrendered, lying on his back with his gaze fixed on the ceiling.
And so, dawn arrived, leaving behind yet another night of agonizing insomnia and bringing forth a Kid with an increasingly sour disposition.
The captain needed you to return.
And so did the crew.
They needed you back as soon as possible...
The day you did, as you were climbing the gangway to board under the midday sun, you had barely reached the level of the railing when Kid caught you mid-air. Without letting you set foot on the deck, he hoisted you over his shoulder and swiftly carried you to his cabin with long, purposeful strides.
"K-kid? AAAAAAH!!! Let me go!" You writhed to free yourself.
With only a grunt in response, Kid kicked open the door to his room and entered, tossing you onto the disheveled bed unceremoniously.
"Ouch! What the-!?" You groaned, trying to sit up as you watched him quickly strip off his clothes and pounce on you, tearing off yours. 
Completely naked, you scrambled swiftly across the bed in an attempt to escape, but before you could reach the edge, Kid seized you by the ankle and pulled you back towards him.
With an effortless twist of your body, he toppled you onto your side and dropped himself heavily behind you. Immobilizing you by entwining his legs with yours, he encircled your waist with his bulky arms and pulled your body to his, making you gasp as he hugged and cradled you as if you were a doll.
Perplexed, you attempted to lift your head to speak to him, but he promptly pressed it back down onto your pillow.
"Sleep," he muttered, burying his face in your hair.
And within seconds, before you could even shake off your astonishment, you felt his body relax against yours and his breathing steady, inhaling and exhaling calmly as he held you close.
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anthurak · 3 months
Okay so rewatching The Full Moon with the context of Apology Tour made me realize something VERY interesting about how Stolitz could actually be different from all the other relationships Blitzo has been in and burned down.
Consider what we hear from Verosika in Apology Tour: that she told Blitzo that she loved him, and this confession was what prompted Blitzo to completely nuke their relationship, to 'send a message in the shittiest way possible' as Versoika put it.
And you know that does actually line up with what we see in The Full Moon, ie; Stolas ALSO confessing his love for Blitzo. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if what we saw in that scene, specifically Stolas' confession and Blitzo's initial reaction to it, is how many if not most of Blitzo's breakups have played out. Certainly the really BAD ones: Blitzo's partner makes some admission or confession of genuine affection and love, only for Blitzo to believe they can't possibly be serious and proceeds to mock and belittle their feelings, just like we saw him do with Stolas.
But here's the thing: A lot of people have pointed out that Stolas handled Blitzo's response to his confession in kind of the worst way possible; immediately assuming that Blitzo really didn't care and shutting him out entirely without trying to clarify things to Blitzo or otherwise give him time to process.
So, what if Verosika and really most if not all of Blitzo's other ex's actually handled things better than Stolas? What if she/they actually DID try to explain their feelings and make it clear they really DO care?
Well, given what we've seen, it probably did NOT end well. As in, Blitzo's self-loathing and belief that no one could possibly love him are so DEEPLY ingrained and internalized that the more someone tries to convince him they really DO care has likely only caused him to double, triple, quadruple and QUINTUPLE down until he's trashing his partner's hotel room, stealing her care, maxing her credits cards and whatever else Blitzo has done to the DOZENS of people who tried to convince him that they cared.
Until Stolas.
Have you noticed the twist yet? :D
Stolas DIDN'T try to convince Blitzo he really did care. Instead, he took Blitzo's response as proof that Blitzo didn't care and proceeded to shut things down and walk away.
(Part of) What makes Stolas so different is that he unwittingly BEAT BLITZO TO THE PUNCH. He effectively nuked their relationship BEFORE Blitzo could.
And for Blitzo, this has NEVER HAPPENED BEFORE.
HE'S always been the one to walk away first. HE'S always been the one to end things. Every relationship he's been in has ended on HIS terms.
Until now.
For the first time, Blitzo just happened to be with someone who is JUST as shitty at relationships as HE is XD
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justcallmesakira · 8 months
Bsd men with a childish s/o part 2!
Sypnosis: Bsd men with a very silly and goofy s/o with ranpo, akutagawa and nikolai! Genre: Lowkey fluff, crack
Warnings: poisoning with peanuts, sliding down a metal Rollercoaster railing, implied doxxing a Mexican kid, blasting, teeth 😇
A/N: Okay so my last post got loads of likes so I decided to do a part 2 because why not? I don't think I will do part 3 but you can request if you want..?
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Wow... look two autistic lovers challenging each other who can eat the most sweets without getting cavity!
You one time tried stealing his candies,, so he kept you in those childrens tents filled with colorful balls😧😧😧 yk those silly cages made for children so they think they are meant to have fun?
Nahh fukuzawa gunna call the CPS
If you think he will be all sweet with you.... No shit bro your in for a ride, AND I MEAN A LITTERAL RIDE-
"uhh ranpo I don't think we should use a Rollercoaster as a slide" "shut up you kid! Sliding not a crime xD"
Two grown up adults found sliding down a roller coasters rail
BRO let the news reporter have a break 😭
He's kinda like dazai but a bit more childish with you (awh how cute...)
One time he tried to play with a kid on the sandbox but he refused so you came and gaslighted the kid to eat a peanut butter lollipop 🍭🥜
Turns out the kid had allergy to nuts
Kid: AUGHHH AGUH AGHGh AEEEEUGHH you: :3 Ranpo: god must be happy
FAMILY GUY Reference??? YES
And so two totally romantic lovers go on a journey to poison little kids!
Hohoho if aomeone bullies you he's gonna go "Hello (first name) (middle name) (last name) who lives in (full address) and was born in (birth hospital)" on that Mexican kid who tried to bully you
That's hot😋😳🤭
One time you lost your left glove in the winter so he took your left hand and slid it in his gloved hand
YES THAT'S POSSIBLE I DID THAT TO MY hopeless romantic ass Self!!!!
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How did you get him to date you bro 😀
He does not even understand what wrong with you so he always has be the one saving your ass during a mission just in cas3
OH it's not for your protection.... It's him protecting the building so you don't blow it up
You know how he goes ◉ - ◉ sometimes? That's exactly how he questions your silly antics
"I can't wait for the tooth fairy to come for the teeth under my bed!" "◉-◉" higuchi: you are too old for fallen tooth what are you sa-- Y/N WHO'S TOOTH IS THA--"
He only glared at higuchi telling her to not question it with you behind him ":3"
Sometimes you play with his rashoumon by putting make up on it
"sir we bombed up the plac-" "good" 💁‍♀️💄👹---🧑
If anything akutagawa is questioning why he has to keep you in a children's daycare
BRO give him a break-
When dazai met you and you two had matching energy he was just staring at you two with respect... He felt a bit felt out though
Other then that he tries to understand you and protect you from danger because of your goof :)
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This is gonna get messy.... 😨
Honestly you have matching energy butttttt- BONUS POINTS IF YOU ARE A TERRORIST WHO Goes >:3 WHILE BLOWING UP A BUILDING-
Fyodor is questioning his life choices because you two acCidENtaLly burned his kitchen
"Damn.... It's 7 am..." Fyodor said calmly as he saw his only house burn down
Your gonna become his pretty assistant in his circus or sth🤡
Anyways you know those bumper cars? You two ride those and bump each other with it causing a friction and blasting the whole place
He will let you lay on his thi- I mean lap if you are too tired but don't be surprised to wake up with pigtails and heavy makeup :>
NIKO I love you but if you do that... Things are gonna get way messier😊😊😊
If you want anything he Wil just open up his portal and bring
"oioioioi koala (the name you gave him because of kolya) I want to drink shrimp and lollipop soda" *opens up portal and takes out a golden can* "here you go! :3" "Oh tank yew :3"
Totally sane and normal!!
Yes you call him koala instead of kolya but he always goes 😳🤭
I would too bbg wann-
Overall I think it's sort of good to be cheerful I mean at least you get too get away with his pranks (slightly)
Just make sure he doesnt sigma 3 breakdown hair you
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A/N: I know this wasn't good but I am not in the mood to write yk--so sorry it's not funny or anything anyways I am not sure whether I WI will write part 3 or not
Tag: @silverbladexyz
Reblogs and likes are very much appreciated!
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writethrough · 1 year
feel free to imagine a sexy interpretation. Also, I'm going to add a loss of virginity here just for fun. In this scenario, Dream is finally willing to admit to himself that he loves the reader, but he's still not willing to confess (and he's also still a possessive/obsessive jerk), so instead he chases after the woman's dreams, especially until even your wet dreams. And 2 possible catalysts here, either Dream sees that the reader is dreaming about having sex with someone else and becomes insanely jealous or he sees someone flirting with the reader in the waking world and becomes insanely jealous XD. This is so Dream, like a king, he feels entitled to the reader and his time, and while he's trying to work up the courage to confess, he makes sure the reader can't hook up with anyone else.
I Am Yours, But Are You Mine
(Morpheus x Female Reader)
Warnings: Minor language, suggestive situations, kinda possessive Morpheus
Word Count: 1651
A/N: Oh my goodness, thank you so much for being so patient! Unfortunately, Morpheus has been one of those characters that I haven't been as motivated to write. And I hate forcing myself to write when I'm uninspired. Thankfully, I found sparks of it here and there.
I tried to follow your request as truly as I could (the lost of virginity didn't quite make it), but I ran with your possible catalyst options! I do think I need to work on my jealous/entitled Morpheus, though. I think he could've turned out better.
Nonetheless, I hope you enjoy it! And thank you for requesting it!
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Images of you and that human haunted him. It was all he could think about as he sat on the staircase to his throne. How that man approached you. How he smiled, and you returned it. How he made you laugh, soft and delicate.
Morpheus’ jaw tightened, and he snapped his book shut.
Was it too late?
Had he lost you before he could have you?
He closed his eyes, trying to fight those thoughts with the ones of you and him.
How, when Morpheus appeared, you greeted him with warmth and tenderness. How you touched his arm in reassurance or when you were startled. You knew he would protect you. It was instinctual how you moved closer and tucked yourself behind him.
He had never felt more vital.
And yet, earlier, you had that same kindness for that man.
How long had you known him? When did you meet him? What was he to you?
You would have told Morpheus about any romantic partners.
His fist clenched as his arm hung off his knee.
To think, mere days ago, he had realized that he loved you. He would have been content to dedicate himself to you silently. An ever-present confidant for his heart’s deepest desire. How quickly things could change.
He had to do something.
Morpheus had grown more agitated throughout the day. The more he thought about you and that man, the darker his mind became. 
He had finished crafting new nightmares when he sensed you had entered the Dreaming.
He had to go to you. He needed to know what that man wanted from you—and if you wanted anything from him.
You didn’t need anything from that human.
He was quick to find you within your dream.
A replica of your home, which he found strange. Rarely did your dreams play out here. You were usually conscious within the Dreaming. And his heart went out to you, knowing your day must have been stressful.
He peered into your room and nearly unleashed every nightmare in his realm.
You were laid bare with that man hovering over you.
Morpheus’ knuckles whitened. And before he could think better—before he could calm himself. He swiped the dream away and sent you into the Waking World.
You woke with a frustrated groan.
Of course. Of course, you had to wake up when things were getting good.
You scrunched your nose when you recalled who had been in your dream.
You sighed. At least your subconscious knew not to dream about Morpheus in his kingdom. You might actually die if that happened.
Though, the replacement for him wasn’t all bad. You had noticed the similarities when you met him right away. Tall, black hair, lithe, but his eyes were brown and not the blue you had come to love. And where Morpheus’ presence held authority and power, the stranger’s had a shyness, a quiet confidence that you may have been attracted to in a different time. However, you only wanted one being.
You stretched before climbing out of bed.
You weren’t sure when you realized you loved Morpheus, but after you internalized it, you promised to never act on it.
There had to be hundreds, if not thousands, of creatures who had fallen for the Dream King. And yet, you had only heard of two that captured his attention. Who were you to think you stood a chance of being his? He was one of the most important beings in existence. You were a measly human—here and gone before he could blink.
You shook your head.
You were grateful for Morpheus’ friendship. He listened and held an interest in you that you couldn’t understand. You would gladly take whatever relationship you could have with him. 
You slowly got ready for your day. You had more time with your early waking and decided to do more with your makeup. It had been years since you applied makeup for someone else’s benefit. But you wondered if Morpheus would notice anything different.
Scrunching your nose again, you rid that thought from your mind. Morpheus didn’t care about how you looked. He’d told you appearances meant little to him, that it was dreaming that held someone’s true soul.
You wished you could know his.
Morpheus would’ve broken his teeth if he were human—and perhaps his wrist, too, if he squeezed any tighter.
He stood with his hands behind his back, staring out the stained glass windows in his throne room.
He had stopped your dream from continuing, but the reality was different.
His entire arsenal of power was at his disposal. Morpheus could do whatever he wished to that human, but that would only end in you being upset with him—or furious if extreme enough.
No, Morpheus had to prove himself. He had to make you see that he was the only one for you—that only he could provide for and protect you—stand by you in the way you deserved.
And he’d do so tonight.
Morpheus appeared in your kitchen doorway, mind racing. Anger and fear and uncertainty beneath a stony exterior.
And then he saw you. As stunning as ever.
And it all vanished.
All except his desire to tell you.
Your kindness and strength had lured him to you the moment you met. He’d come to know how closely you held those you cared about, and somehow, he was one of them.
And the thought of letting you go, of you choosing someone else…he couldn’t fathom that.
You brought him so much peace.
You spun from your refrigerator to your island, produce in hand, and finally saw him.
“Shit, Morpheus!” You held a hand to your heart. “Give me a warning next time.”
His face remained as still as ever, but you swore you saw a passing gleam in his eyes.
“My sincerest apologies,” he said, stepping toward you.
You waved it away, half believing him.
“Want anything to drink?” you asked, chopping the first ingredient.
He scanned the food, but you weren’t entirely sure he was seeing it.
“I must ask something of you,” he said.
“Okay.” You placed the knife down. “What is it?”
“Have you found someone?”
You tilted your head, brow pinched. “Found someone?”
Morpheus never hesitated when speaking—and you weren’t sure that was the word for it now—but something made him consider his next question carefully.
“Are you spoken for?”
You opened your mouth, then closed it, slowly connecting the dots.
“Are you asking if I’m dating anyone?” Your heart picked up. He had never asked something so intimate before.
“No.” You licked your lips. “No. What brought this on?”
The faintest pink graced his cheeks. His eyes shifted to the side, then back.
“...You dreamt of him.” He breathed like something terrible would happen if he spoke louder.
Your heart clenched at his look of betrayal, trying to recall what he meant. Then, your eyes widened. He must have seen what happened at the coffee shop.
“Are you talking about that guy who came up to me?” you asked.
Morpheus shifted his chin downward, the most movement he used for a nod, and didn’t break eye contact.
“Morpheus…I don’t even remember his name,” you said, being as gentle with him as possible.
The space between his brows twitched. “You dreamt of him.”
Your head dropped in embarrassment.
You shrugged. “It’s been a while.”
It wasn’t much of an explanation. Although the guy had been attractive, you weren’t interested in him when he spoke—something unnecessary in dreams. All he had to do was get the job done, but with Morpheus' attitude, you could guess why that dream ended before anything could happen.
“Are you…jealous?” you asked.
“I am a king. I do not experience jealousy.” His head lifted ever so slightly.
“Historically, you do,” you said pointedly, trying to hide your smirk.
He hummed as if annoyed, but you knew better. You had stumped him.
“You are fortunate I hold you dear,” he said. “Not many can speak to me as such.”
You laughed breathily and stepped forward, grateful your answer pacified him.
You regarded him carefully. The smooth plains of his face, the sharp lines of his jaw and nose, his blue eyes. His lips. Your feelings for Morpheus were bubbling to the surface in a way you couldn’t ignore, and to think he possibly returned them? It nearly sent your head spinning.
“You know…I wouldn’t mind if you were a little jealous,” you said.
“And why is that?” He arched a brow, trying to remain composed.
“Because then it would mean you share my feelings,” you whispered. “It would mean I could kiss y—”
Lips were on yours—warm and powerful, a surge of pent-up passion. He’d waited far too long to taste you, to know the curves of your hips and the dip in your spine.
Your body melded into his as if he was the lock and you were the key. You opened him up to things he never thought he’d want to experience again. And you kept his secrets. You protected him. Made him feel safe. He was desperate to do the same for you.
You pulled away, but Morpheus followed, giving you quick kisses until you put a hand on his chest, laughing.
“Just…give me a second.” You inhaled. “One of us needs to breathe.”
The faintest pink graced his cheeks, and you grinned.
“I apologize. It slipped my mind,” Morpheus said.
You shook your head. “Don’t. Never apologize for doing that.”
You pecked his cheek, then the corner of his mouth, and lingered just beyond his lips.
“Guess I have someone else to dream about,” you whispered, each word brushing your lips against his.
He let out a low rumble. “There is no need to dream.”
His hands grasped the back of your neck and pulled you into him. You moaned when his sand whirled around you, knowing exactly where you were headed.
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Taglist: @sayumiht, @hatterripper31, @snowsatsu, @1950schick, @navs-bhat, @bookshelf-dust, @sapphireonline
If you’d like to be added to any taglists, please comment or message me with the character you’d like updates on.
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pooks · 2 months
part 4 of straw hat! Ichiji and we're at the last legs of the East Blue Saga; Arlong Park and Loguetown arcs
finding Nami and encountering the Fish Men
Ichiji arrives to a new island, along with Sanji and his new captain Luffy. on the journey there, he and the others were filled in by Johnny and Yosaku about what happened previously.
Sanji is in denial that Nami would have anything to do with Arlong while Ichiji is more rational and believes that there might be blackmail involved.
when they re-encounter Nami again, Ichiji realizes that he was right in his theory but he doesn't have the whole story and he decides that he can't interfere with something he have no business with, not when Nami rejects them.
Ichiji becomes very annoyed with Sanji's lovestruck behavior and outright tells Zoro that he has his full permission to fight Sanji if it shuts him up (and Zoro took that to heart, judging of how many times he would bicker and fight with Sanji in the future XD)
"Fight him, argue with him, tie him up, kick him in the ocean-I don't care! Just make sure he doesn't make a damn fool out of himself! I need to think." - Ichiji's exact words.
Ichiji, in dire situations, is a thinker and he sense that something is wrong here. compared to his crew maters, Ichiji responds to being attacked by the Fish-Men in a rather cold, calculated way. he hates to admit it to himself, but his training at Germa never left him and he uses it to his advantage. the Fish-Men discovers the hard way that Ichiji is not a "normal human" when he takes barely a scratch or even a bruise. when asked what he is, Ichiji replies in a chilling way
"Oh, I'm no human. I'm a monster."
Arlong, upon hearing about this, decides that Ichiji could be useful for him and orders his goons to take him alive to Arlong Park.
common ground with Nami
when the straw hats re-encounter Nami during her breakdown of being betrayed by Arlong, Ichiji understands that they're not so different after all; both of them has made a deal with a "devil" to save something they love (Ichiji, for Sanji and Nami, for her village). when Luffy declares that they're moving out to Arlong Park to defeat Arlong, Ichiji extends a hand to Nami and tells her that he has, also, sacrificed like Nami.
Ichiji then parts the hair that covers his left eye and reveals to Nami and the straw hats his secret; there's a star-burst shaped burn scar on his left eye. his eye is unharmed, but he tells them this was the prize to pay for the freedom of someone he loves. Sanji is the only one who isn't surprised about this revelation, but he looks away before anyone can see he's silently crying. Zoro catches on Sanji's reaction but says nothing (because what can he possibly say in this situation?)
they walk to Arlong Park, in the badass iconic way as they do
fighting Arlong and the Fish Men
Ichiji fights with his legs, just as Sanji does, and this is where he unlocks "Sparkling Red" for the first time. his new "power" reinforces his kicks in a more powerful way. Ichiji doesn't know what's happening to him and he has a mild crisis over it until Zoro shouts at him to focus on the fight and worry about that later
it doesn't take long for him to understand that whatever Judge experimented on his during those six months of hell is now paying off; he knows that something has changed and he has a strange power, but he uses now Sparkling Red to his advantage
of course, in a very villain-esque way, Ichiji do encounter Arlong and he gets the whole speech about a human-looking non-human would belong with his midst. Ichiji coldly laughs at the idea and says "why would I align myself with someone who doesn't keep their word? a true man would always keep his word, fish-men or not."
he reflects back on Zeff's "lessons" about being a man. the third lesson was that a real man always keep his word and stands for it.
with Sparkling Red enhancing his speed and strength, Ichiji no longer holds back and defeat most Fish-Men (the force of Sparkling Red spreads across his legs, like sparkling red lines wrapped around his legs and thighs)
he gets worried about Zoro a lot (he got his wounds reopened and has a fever), but trusts that they can pull through this and they can address Zoro's injuries afterwards
Ichiji panics when he sees Arlong Park collapse and nearly assumes the worst...until Luffy emerges from the wreckage and claims victory. overwhelmed with joy, Ichiji can't resist from hugging Usopp and dances merrily with him.
the mood is nearly ruined because of corrupt Marines and Ichiji learns fast from Nami what happened to the money she had struggled to earn to buy her village back from Arlong.
now, it's already established that Ichiji hates marines, due to they always turn to the Baratie being entitled bastards and this doesn't help. he calmly walks to Nami's side when she beats up Nezumi (the corrupt marine captain) and asks for her permission to handle this. and Ichiji just gives Nezumi a real slasher smile and says "i've never liked Marines, they always come to the Baratie and acts like entitled bastards who owns the world. but i hate corrupt marines even more. how about...there is one less corrupt marine in the world?"
he doesn't really plan to kill Nezumi, btw. but he wanted to scare him shitless...which works. Usopp later remarks that he was a little scared too and it felt like Ichiji could set the whole world on fire and destroy kingdoms with just his glare.
leaving Cocoyashi and Luffy's first bounty
the straw hats spends three days on the island, which allows Zoro to get healed up and the whole island parties to celebrate their newfound freedom. Ichiji takes in all the joy around himself and he feels at ease, seeing so many people so happy.
he thinks about Germa and silently wonders that if Judge had been a half-decent person, could've Germa Kingdom become something like this? a small kingdom, but with good monarchs and happy people. he sits down and looks up in the night skies, wondering if his mother are seeing him and Sanji and if she would be happy to see them happy and free.
onboard the Merry, the straw hats are sailing towards their last stop before the Grand Line...Loguetown, which is famous for being the birthplace and deathplace of Gold Roger, the infamous Pirate King
Luffy's first wanted poster has arrived and the crew is shocked to see his head is worth 30 million berry. Usopp is especially happy to see himself in the background of the wanted poster (just the back of his head, tho) which irks at Sanji's annoyance. Luffy, Usopp and Sanji acts silly while Nami is frustrated over their lack of taking this seriously.
Ichiji is more concerned since he figured that with Luffy having a 30 million bounty on his head, stronger opponent might come after them. he goes to consult Zoro about this and Zoro reveals that he had the same mindset, having one solution; they need to become stronger and more prepared.
Ichiji says it's only a matter of time until all of them gets a bounty on their heads. Zoro smirks at this and bets that he'll get his first wanted poster before Sanji.
entering Loguetown and cursed swords
as they docks at Loguetown, Ichiji decides to accompany Zoro when he aims to find two new swords to replace his destroyed ones (by Mihawk). Ichiji, who was trained in swordmanship at Germa when he was a child, advises him to inquire a shopkeeper about the quality about the words they're potentially selling.
Zoro jokes that he didn't know he had a hidden rival regarding swordmanship on the crew. Ichiji only shakes his head and says he doesn't aim to become a swordsman, just because he knows how to fight with swords, and his dream is to chronicle their adventures. Zoro asks him if he would write a book about him becoming the world's greatest swordsman and Ichiji answers "what made you believe that I wasn't already?"
this ends up in their first meeting with Tashigi, who bears an uncanny resemblance to Zoro's deceased friend Kuina, and Ichiji senses that Zoro is agitated, trying to calm him down. he also witnesses Zoro's "test of luck" and has a panic-induced anxiety...until he sees that Zoro's luck won against Sandai Kitetsu's "curse". Zoro also obtains Yubashiri, an heirloom blade and the finest one in shop. Ichiji feels very honored of witnessing this moment and declares to Zoro that he's certain that Zoro's adventures as a swordman will become a very good book.
Ichiji doesn't have a too high opinion of Tashigi, considering his distaste for marines in general, and he's quick to counter her argument regarding pirates or bountyhunters using legacy katana swords.
"And I suppose you are the one who decides who gets to bear a sword then? A sword is a responsibility and you bear it with honor and respect. To bear a blade like Wado Ichimonji, Sandai Kitetsu or Yubashiri...it's a big honor and their owner treats his swords like companions, not as tools. A word of advice, my lady. Don't assume things when you don't have the full story. It'll save you the embarrassment of being wrong." - Ichiji, during his call-out to Tashigi
Luffy's "execution" and Ichiji's "rage"
Ichiji is horrified when he sees Luffy being nearly executed and he's furious at the responsible pirates behind it. he shouts at Buggy, asking who he think he is to lead someone in a trap to execute them and where is his proper honor, that he should fight like a pirate, face to face
(Buggy is visibly annoyed by Ichiji's outburst and it doesn't help that he doesn't see a new pirate face. all of sudden...he sees a replica of Shanks)
the events that unfolds is pretty quick. Luffy is rescued by a cloaked "stranger", Smoker is unnerved by Luffy being similar to Gold Roger and Buggy, Alvida and their goons are defeated
Zoro and Ichiji, along with Sanji, re-encounter Tashigi who reveals being a marine and it irks at Ichiji's temper. she accuses Zoro for "tricking" her and Zoro is more unnerved by her uncanny resemblance to Kuina.
Ichiji's temper is finally pushed when Tashigi badmouths pirates. being raised by a pirate who sacrificed his leg for him and his brother, being raised among ex-pirate turned cooks and being a pirate himself, Ichiji has nothing but respect for them. marines, however, are the scum of earth for him. he, more or less, explodes.
"Marines...more like tyrants with too much power at hand and playing demi-god! I've lived my whole life on a restaurant that doesn't discriminate pirates, marines or civilians and YET, only marines has the gall to act like spoiled, entitled and ungrateful bastards! I have heard about Axe-Hand Morgan and how he treated people like insects under his boot! And it has only strengthened my decision to never trust a marine, even if I lay dying on the ground. If you believe that you're better than anyone, just because you happened to be a marine, then lay off! Marines doesn't save pr protect people! They want to control them like puppets!"
Zoro and Sanji ends up dragging Ichiji off his feet as he's going off. Zoro subdues Ichiji by pressing on "pressure point on Ichiji's back, forcing him to become relaxed and half-conscious. Sanji whispers to Zoro that marines is pretty much a berserk button for Ichiji and vaguely mentions there was an incident at the Baratie when they were fifteen, but he have no details except Zeff told him to never mention it if he wants to keep his ass from looking like a jolly roger.
the straw hats ends up successful in their escape and realizing that they can no longer linger in the East Blue, they set course straight to the Grand Line. but not before they have a cast off ceremony and make a pledge for their dreams.
Ichiji pledges to write and chronicle the adventures of the greatest Pirate King, Monkey D. Luffy.
(end. part 4)
(read part 1, part 2 and part 3 here)
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subaquatic0mess · 5 months
Can you create dialogue on how Alejandro would react to Assistant Noah trying to warn Owen about the Spanish Charmer, by calling the Charmer an 'eel dipped in grease'?... Would Alejandro be salty that he can't vote Assistant Noah off, since Noah isn't a contestant?... Would Alejandro flirt harder with Assistant Noah? XD
Honestly I'm not sure how he would react. Ideally he'd want to distance himself from Noah simply because of spite.
Can you imagine the one person he genuinely liked tried to warn the person he can stand the less in the whole cast?
Honestly I think he'd try giving him the cold shoulder but end up quiting after realising how little it affects Noah. (Noah's just glad to have some peace on the plane for a while. He needed it from being overworked)
After a while I think Alejandro would confront Noah about the comment and Alejandro would probably realise how much Noah knows about him and Noah would realise that Alejandro truly cared for him.
So they would make up (and possibly make out?)
Noah would still call him an eel tho. That won't change but Alejandro would slowly get used to the insult.
Either that or to simply spite Noah he would flirt with him to his breaking point (where he basically snaps at him)
Maybe in this scenario Noah would kiss Alejandro just to shut him up leaving him baffled and confused. And extremely happy.
Noah would then refuse to ever talk about said kiss ever again.
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cuubism · 2 years
k so I've been thinking about the mechanics of hob's immortality because (as I think you've mentioned) we don't know EXACTLY how it works — just that he can't die.
now as I see it there are several options, some of them I've seen and some of them I came up with because I thought they would be interesting. also this is pretty long, so feel free to ignore, but I have Thoughts and Must Express Them. (tw gore)
option 1 is the most common one, where hob heals fast & if you do something that would kill a normal person, he just heals from it. maybe he goes unconscious for a bit, then he wakes up and he's better. so there are questions about does his heart actually stop for a while and then restart, what happens if you cut out his heart / cut off his head / blow him up or sth. your standard impossible-to-kill package. sometimes this option includes Father Time interfering so hob doesn't age.
option 2 is a variation which personally I like a bit better: hob heals faster than whatever kills him. so if you try to blow him up, he heals really fast so he doesn't actually get separated into a bunch of tiny pieces. cutting off his head? his neck heals into place around the knife. shoot him? the bullet is pushed out of his body as it quickly heals. but with a minor injury, he has to deal with it like anyone else, because his body doesn't need to heal super fast to avoid him dying. a paper cut won't kill him, so he has to live with it for a while. his cells are regenerating at the exact right speed so he isn't ageing or getting younger.
option 3 is that he heals at normal person speed, but no matter what you do, he just doesn't die. so if you stab him, he'll bleed out and out and out and he'll pass out but he'll still be alive even when he has almost no blood in his body left. if you blow him up, he will be alive while being a bunch of tiny pieces. so there are possibilities for some sort of unending torment.
option 4 is that he heals normally, but if you kill him, he goes unconscious for a bit and wakes up with no injuries or even scars he's acquired since the last time he was killed. each almost-death is like a reset button. maybe he ages between deaths and resets to age 34 each time he "dies", maybe he doesn't age for some other reason.
option 5 is possibly my favourite. in this one, it's just impossible for anything to kill him. like, he's impossibly lucky — you fire a gun at his head, it'll miss or the gun will misfire or he'll duck impossibly quickly. a building falls down with him inside, he happens to be standing in just the right spot so that he doesn't get crushed. the spacetime continuum bends around him to preserve his life. this version of hob would be injured & get sick like a normal person, he'd just always be lucky enough to recover. he doesn't age because his cells just happen to not deteriorate over time. some questions here about how the 17th century went — according to this theory, he would've found food before he starved, which doesn't quite make sense with "do you know how hungry a man can get when he doesn't die but he doesn't eat", but we can ignore that for now.
so basically I have lots of ideas and feel like they could all be really interesting... thoughts?
i honestly love pretty much all the options for different reasons and i'm not sure i could even pick one i think is "canon" because there are so many possibilities
the first one (he heals faster than normal) is the one i see in fics the most, which makes sense because it's super plot-convenient especially if you're writing action. i think it's maybe... the least interesting thematically? it just makes writing easy XD does make me wonder about if he was blown up or something, but maybe he just magically avoids getting completely blown up and just gets a bad wound he can heal from. i do like the idea of him "dying" in the sense that his body shuts down, he just comes back because death doesn't take his soul. makes for great angst potential
option 2 is FUN. hob: 5000, injury: 0. he gets blown up and yeets back together. "you cannot kill me in a way that matters". kind of eldritch terror hob, strange feral creature hob too.
hob just surviving despite anything works really well with his characterization, I think. it pairs with his sheer determination to live. you can drain all of his blood but he'll still come back. you can do anything to him and he'll still want to live. it's resonant. i also like the idea of him having to heal normally, it's almost too easy if he just heals automatically. life isn't easy and hob knows that well. and he still wants it. this also matches with the way death describes what she's done: she withholds her gift, she doesn't bestow a favor. so whenever hob was meant to die, death just doesn't show.
aging between deaths and then resetting is a fun idea. it would make his life easier in some sense because he wouldn't be caught out as an immortal as easy. it makes me wonder, if he "dies" of old age does he just revert, too? does he meet death each time and she does some kind of magic to put him back? almost has a reincarnation feel to it. hob gets to reinvent himself over and over, as he does in canon.
i LOVE the luck one, it's funny and charming XD hob just wilding his way through life avoiding bullets at every turn. this would require a lot of power on the part of the endless, i think, but it is VERY fun. hob can do a little Metaphysical Parkour as a treat.
i propose a sixth, which is not very canonical but would still be fun to play with: hob cannot die, but he can be killed. (sort of in the way that vampires won't die but can be killed). so hob will live "forever" in the sense that he will not age and die, will never perish of any natural malady or illness, but he can be killed so he must safeguard his life very carefully. i think it's extremely unlikely hob would have made it to 2022 (probably wouldn't have even made it to 1489) with this eventuality, but it lends a tasty weight to any moment when hob actually does risk his life. he can be killed, but he still jumps in front of his stranger with no hesitation when trouble arises. some things are worth the risk; what those things are is very interesting.
one time hob does get seriously injured in one of these stunts protecting dream, nearly dies, manages to pull through, and dream says, "I did not think you would live," and Hob just grins at him through the blood all over him and is like, "didn't I tell you when we met that I wasn't going to die?" the sheer hubris of that man, but it works out for him.
again this goes against the canon framing of death's gift - or lack thereof - but i think it's fun.
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Please consider looking to see if characters have a canon orientation (like lesbian or gay man) before posting ships of them.
Hello! I hope you're having a wonderful day~
To address this ask, I first pose a question myself; Why?
The point of shipping, or really any fan creation, is to show your love and support for media/a character by expressing yourself, your thoughts and your theories/headcanon's through your work. The reason a lot of characters are loveable and popular is because they are fully capable of allowing fans to see themselves in them and see their versions without destroying the canon.
For example; If we look at Zoro from One Piece. As far as we're aware, bro has little to no romantic inclination. And yet his top ship is with another man on the crew, who happens to be woman loving Sanji. But it isn't something that feels wrong or out of place, because the ambiguity is there and their relationship is prebuilt, fans just need to figure out how it moves to romantic. The ability to see past the initial "Oh, Sanji loves women" and see the potential branches for this path. Yes, it's probably canon he legit loves women like that, but it could also be a trauma reaction based on his back story. Or it could ALSO be possible that he's bi/pan/etc
In short; Just because someone is shown a certain way, doesn't mean that's the only option. As fans we have the freedom to conjure up theories and beliefs based on the information presented to us.
Another good example would be Naruto. He's married to a woman, and yet it's still VERY much suggested that he loves Sasuke the same way. There is no "definite" answer. Assuming there is purely because of the canon relationships is a little closed minded in my opinion.
AND, even if it is stated, people change. We weren't born thinking "Oh heck yeah, dong". We develop our tastes as we grow and learn and experience new things. A great example would be Deadpool for this. He starts off in love with a woman (I'm speaking film wise by the way) and continues to love her, but very much over the course of their relationship begins to experiment and opens up that door for himself. Some people need to find the right person that makes them question themselves before they can confirm anything. Or, on the flip side, they need to see a lot of potential and not react lovingly/sexually to them in order to put the pieces together for aro/ace.
Life is a mystery bag of tags and labels that we as humans made to understand things better, and that's ok. Be who you are and love what/who you love. Be YOU
Anyway, I think I went a bit off tangent haha XD All I'm trying to say is, doors aren't entirely shut because of one thing or another. Fans can and will continue to express themselves and their thoughts through their loved characters, and that's ok. It's healthy even! I know people who use characters to test the waters for themselves because it can't hurt the people around them. It's harmless. A bit of fun, if you will.
I will always say this to these kinds of comments, ones where you should ask yourself "why am I bothering to send this?".
It is easier to keep scrolling past something you don't like, then drawing attention to it, and yourself, by commenting something that could hurt or upset an innocent person, and honestly makes you look like a silly grumpy guts :)
Keep sailing guys, gals and non-binary pals!!
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frownyalfred · 25 days
I read misty over a week ago and I'm still thinking about it non-stop. The way you write is so magical and captivating I keep coming back to read bits of it and just feel impressed each time. Your characterise Bruce and Kal beautifully. I can't help but wonder can we ever expect a sequel for this beautiful fic? No pressure at all, but I'm still swimming in curiosity about that ending and really want answers xD also I adore your blog, thank you for sharing everything. Sending you loads of kudos
Thank you so much! I’m so glad you enjoyed. I think it will probably stand on its own, largely because I really wanted to follow the inspiration song’s arc for the fic itself.
If you haven’t had a chance to listen to Misty by Kate Bush yet, I’ll give it one last rec and then I’ll shut up 😅 the chilling end of the song is what I kind of wanted to capture with the fic’s ending.
The song details the strange dreamlike coupling of a woman and a man made out of ice…possibly a snowman, depending on how you listen. The point is, the two are incompatible — his breath is misty and cold, her touch melts him, but they still manage to come together for one night, briefly.
Yet when the narrator wakes up the next morning, there is no sign of her lover. Only a melted pile of sticks and leaves, and the windows to the bedroom thrown open. Her sheets are soaking. She begs to know where her lover has gone, and eventually steps out onto the balcony, threatening to go out on “the ledge.” Presumably to re-join her icy lover in the snow below.
For the fic itself, I wanted to capture that feeling of madness and panic that the narrator feels at the end of the song. When Bruce wakes up and his sheets are wet, the windows are open, it evokes a feeling of dread. Is Kal here? Is it just in his head? Did he damn Kal, somehow, by returning to Gotham? Is Kal taunting him? Just like in the song, it isn’t clear what happened.
A lot of people have filled in what they think happened in the comments, which I’ve really enjoyed. I think all of those theories have good footing. Leaving it ambiguous extends the dread of Bruce’s uncertainty for us, in my mind. By asking Alfred to dry his sheets, I think he is making an opening move no matter what, which differs from the narrator in the song, so desperate to rejoin her lover.
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What are your favourite Markus headcanons?
Markus is absolutely the type to take off the jacket or coat he is wearing to give to someone who needs it more - android or human alike. Markus runs a little hotter than most so he doesn't think twice about it. He's lost many coats this way XD
He doesn't like using guns. Like, he absolutely can and will if he has to defend his friends, his people, or himself but if he sees a way to not use a gun, he won't.
Markus sometimes just disappears. He never goes far or for long but he needs solitude to gather his thoughts at times. His closest friends always know where to find him (usually somewhere high up and, if possible, sunny!) but they understand that sometimes he's just needs space and time to think (and brood).
Over time, Markus has all of his scavanged biocomponents replaced as they fail, the one exception is his blue eye, which has minor issues but nothing he'd consider replacing it for. It's a physical reminder of what he went through and what he survived.
He beat boxes. The first time he does it Jericrew has no idea how to react.
Markus has a very specific type of haphephobia (fear of being touched). He doesn't hate being touched in general, one on one and in a friendly setting he enjoys touch and is actually very physically affectionate, but if a crowd of people start grabbing at him all at once it will freak him out. He doesn't lash out but he shuts down emotionally until he's away from the situation.
He loves graffiti art. Inspired by his journey to Jericho, it quickly becomes one of his favourite art forms. He has done a bunch in places humans can't reach. North joins him a lot on these ventures
Markus was initially built as a spy bot for Cyberlife, but the project was scrapped before it came to fruition. Kamski didn't want Markus to be destroyed when he left CL, so he kept Markus in his mansion until Carl had his accident. Markus doesn't remember this time at Kamski's mansion, as he was reset and reprogrammed before being sent to Carl.
After the revolution, Markus reprograms his hair so it a bit longer than the buzzcut. Curly haired Markus ftw
He has a weakness for brown eyes. This is basically canon though.
He loves Daft Punk
He can flawlessly play Rush E (thanks @tartrazeen for this one). He played it once for a few people, and someone (probably Josh) recorded it and released it to the public. It goes viral.
I'm also gonna tag @silverringeddragon in this because they sent a similar ask a while ago.
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rachi-roo · 1 year
Oh! OH! The queen hath opened her requests! May I please request a fic with lee! Sigma and ler! Dazai from BSD. I'm watching the dance scene between them and I can't help but THINK of the tk possibilities from that scene. Why do you think Sigma was so on edge? Dazai was tickling him XD
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Bungo Stray Dogs: Sway with Me
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QUEEN?! UWU *kith your forehead* Thank you so much for this request! The sillies are so very silly. Of COURSE Dazai was tickling him in this scene XD The damn scrumpy scrimblo. Poor Sigma, he really wouldn't stand a chance against him, but I'm sure he loved it really! ❤️
Summary: During their escape, Dazai decides his dance partner needs to loosen up a little.
Lee!Sigma, Ler!Dazai
Tw: None
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Spinning and twirling into the little, valuable time the two had left, Sigma was getting more and more irritated and dizzy by the second.
"Rh-! Dazai! Will you just-!" He snapped, stumbling out of rhythm with the music only Dazai could hear, trying to stiffen his stance and stop the mummy-esque man from throwing him around. "Let go already, damn it!"
Dazai tutted as he smiled, pulling Sigma into another spin using his weight, grinning at the sight of his new friends hair as it fanned out with the movement. "No, no, no, this just won't do~" He smirked, shifting the hand he held on Sigmas waist so his thumb was neatly pressed into the others hip.
"How can I enjoy my newfound freedom if you keep dancing like the tin man~?" He cooed, applying pressure to Sigmas skinny, protruding hip. "Sway more, loosen up, like this, see?"
"Dazahai! N-Noho! Stop that, woah!" Sigma tried to lean away, but Dazai kept him close as he waltzed down the corridor with him. "Stohop! No, this isn't-! Haha!"
As Sigma struggled, Dazai interlocked their fingers with one hand, keeping Sigma from pulling away as his free hand clung to Dazais attacking wrist. "W-We hahave to beat FyodOHOR! Nyahaha!" His knees wavered as Dazai massaged his thumb slightly higher up, just teasing his side.
"Stohop!" Sigmas cheeks flushed with colour as Dazai used his struggling movements to incorporate into their dancing.
"There we go. You move with such grace when you loosen up and smile." Dazais voice was a soft coo as he looked at Sigmas expression. Admiring his bright smile that was being challenged by a very unconvincing frown.
A finger traced up the length of his back, making Sigma squeak and flinch. "Dazai! Y-You have to STAH- Stop! Eeh!" He leaned back, allowing Dazai to suddenly spin him on the spot, one arm raised high over his head.
"What lovely moves you have~ But you need to smile more!" Dazai grinned, attacking Sigmas unprotected armpit briefly, earning a flurry of panicked giggling as Sigma yanked his arm down, only to be snatched back into the waltzing position, his side coming under attack again.
"Gyaha! O-Okahay! Okay! E-Enough already! DazAHAI! S-Stop with the tickling! This is ridiculous!"
"Ridiculous? Haha, what's ridiculous is how ticklish you are. It is adorable though~"
"Uh!? Shut up! Ah! Dahamn it!"
Sigma squeaked, arching his back as he felt Dazais hand skittering across his back, tweaking several nerve points that made his breath hitch. "Eeehehe! C-Cut it out! Wah!" He gasped as Dazai used the opportunity to lean into a dip, grinning at Sigma as he caught his breath.
"You're a natural~!" Dazai sang. Sigma just glared back.
"Are you finished?" He asked, glaring up at the grinning man, his cheeks a glow with embarrassment and his breath shuddering.
"Hmm..." Dazai grinned, holding Sigma in the dipped position, slowly walking his fingers over his stretched tummy.
"I. Don't. Knoooow~" He teased, his fingers taking a step with each word. "This is a long corridor, and there's no fun in just walking."
A nervous grin grew over Sigmas face as he saw the gears turning in Dazais crooked little mind. "Dazai-"
"On we go~! Sway with me, Sigma!"
"Wahait!" The hallways were once again filled with Sigmas giggly protests as he and Dazai waltzed and spun without purpose for a while. Sigma never wanted it to end.
---------------------☆ END ☆-----------------------
Thank you for reading!
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destinygoldenstar · 12 days
☀️This Jake Stan Is Routing For Him To Take REVENGE☀️ - Total Drama Viewer Reacts to Disventure Camp Season 1 Episode 11 “Lights Out”
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(EDIT after reaction, again. There's ONE POINT in this reaction where I just... BREAK, Get so bloody pissed. It's personal stuff I got triggered by. So... be aware when that comes. You might know what scene it is.)
Jake gets slay pass.
I don’t make the rules. Jake gets slay pass. And he better use it
And at the end of last episode Jake said he wanted revenge, so YEAH. I'M SUPPORTING HIM WANTING THAT.
I don't hate Ellie, but what she did was screwed up. Gaslight your friend with their personal trauma and ruin their relationship with someone, all for your own personal benefit? Yeah. YOU BETTER BE SLEEPING WITH ONE EYE OPEN TONIGHT.
Okay I'll specify. I don't THINK she's going, that would be way too obvious and easy. So it's a, "I don't necessarily have to win, I just have to make sure you lose" situation.
Jake doesn't have to get Ellie eliminated. He just needs to make sure revenge is served hot.
And don't go after Gabby. She did nothing wrong.
I will make it clear, cause last episode it might have been confusing how I worded it: Jake is NOT 100% 'the victim' here. He was stupid, he's the reason their evil plot even worked in the first place. Being traumatized is not an excuse for impulsive behavior. Being gay is not an excuse, either. I'M AWARE OF THAT. But did he do anything to DESERVE this prior?
Did he target you? No?
Did he personally go after YOUR relationship with your partner for the sake of the game, Ellie? No?
Did he ever treat you like shit? No?
Oh god, I'm already fueled up with fire and my eyes are crusty cause I woke up an hour ago. It's morning where I'm at. I know. Weird for me.
So lets get into it and see some chaos unfold.
*I got an ad for an ice drink*
Okay even the episode itself is telling me, "GOLDEN, YOU NEED TO CALM DOWN."
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"I said I'm sorry."
Oh my god we're jumping right into this. Here we go.
"Do you have any idea what you did? You got Tom mad at me AND you voted him out!"
"Do you think I get some sick pleasure from this?"
"Maybe you do!"
"I feel terrible, Jake."
"Oh don't pull that crap with me!"
"You can't just say 'I'm sowwy' and expect me to forgive you for something that HURT ME THAT BADLY."
Flash back to every time Jake said sowwy and didn't get forgiven.
BUT despite the hypocrisy, I'm still on his side in this argument. I'm sorry. He has every right to be pissed.
"God will those two ever shut up?!"
"And you two, why should I ever trust you again?!"
"Wow, Ellie's mad that someone lied to her."
"Wow, what a damn hypocrite you both are. Who would've thought?"
They're BOTH stupid, okay?
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Miriam's just walking by completely out of this XD
"Eh I'm chilling. Where's my coffee? Elders can drink coffee, right? I'm just chilling and making white noise out of this."
"Smell that? That's the smell of tension."
...I need to get a Febreze in my room.
"And none of it is targeted at me!"
"Don't you get it Golden? I'm the villain! Therefore I'm completely excused for everything I've done!"
"You know this is your fault, right?"
"I know."
I know too. She DOES feel guilty, I'll give her that.
"You know, at one point, I thought I could trust you, and maybe I was too quick to judge you. But you've proven you're just like Grett, Fiore, and Alec. You're a no good trouble maker. Anything to win money, right? Shows your character through and through."
"Okay, I'm not about to be shamed for wanting to win. As if you don't?!"
Oh come on Ellie. You know she's right.
LISTEN TO MIRIAM. She's calling you out to try and HELP YOU BE BETTER.
She's not saying this to hurt you.
"Why would you vote with them in the first place? They betrayed you."
"After we voted out Fiore and Alec, who would've been next?"
Depends. Depends what the challenge was and what the relationships were.
"Alright, fine, it would've been you."
"See why I did what I did?"
But you could've done it WITHOUT HURTING PEOPLE.
"It doesn't bother me that you kicked Tom out. It's a game after all. But maybe you should've done things in a way where they wouldn't get hurt."
"It was the only way, Miriam. I'm sorry."
Are we SERIOUSLY going to say "But Ellie was just playing the game, so it doesn't count."
Was Jake and Tom's relationship 'just a game?' She didn't have to go the personal route. She could've just stolen that motherfucking idol and all her problems would've been solved.
Yes I'm still calling that out. Add that to the counter I did.
But look, I'm SO HAPPY that Ellie at least got called out on her bullshit... even if that got twisted in her favor.
There's slandering people and intentionally hurting them, and then there's calling them out when they did something wrong because they care about you and want you to be better.
I hope this episode at least ends with Ellie taking what Miriam said to account and realizing she was right. That would be WONDERFUL.
I know you're better than this, Ellie!
"There is no light, so it's impossible to navigate without a flashlight."
That sounds like a safety hazard.
"Two of them contain drained flashlights."
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Um... I count three, your honor.
That's an animation error.
"You will have to trust each other to share items as you make your way to the surface."
It sucks cause I think both Jake AND Ellie need that immunity more than the others.
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*Gets a 'take your style quiz' ad*
No THAT's the monster. Gotcha.
Why am I getting so many ads today?
"Trust others? I can't name one person I trust here."
Okay, yeah, she has a point there.
"Two of them are backstabbers, one of them is pissed at me, and the grandma is a grandma."
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Is this cause I gave Jake slay pass?
I know HE didn't do this, but uh...
"You know, Golden told me to get revenge on Ellie, well here you go."
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Well shit. Let me guess, Ellie has the batteries.
"We can find the exit without a flashlight!"
What are you gonna use? The wall? Idk how helpful that is.
Oh, Ellie doesn't have batteries. Okay... how is that gonna work, then?
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"I'm not leaving you!"
"Why did I feel worried when Alec got attacked by the scorpion? It's like I... cared about his well being? Weird."
Well... I'll be damned.
I thought didn't care shit about Alec. Huh.
Villain found family.
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"What's wrong? I heard screams around here."
"Oh. You. See ya."
"There's a scorpion here."
"More reason to dip."
"I'm gonna DIE."
"See you in hell."
...actually, it would be fucked up if you left him to DIE, so...
But ditch him afterwards.
"This way!"
*Doordash ad*
"Not another scorpion, please..."
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"...kinda wish it was now."
"Give me your flashlight. I can guide you along the way."
Uh, how do I put this? NO.
"Do you think we're gonna trust you?"
"Cause uh, I think I learned something from last time!"
"I can't steal your flashlight! I'm small! If I try to run away with it you'll catch up to me quickly."
Uh, yeah no. Still not buying it.
"I hate to say it, but the girl's got a point, Jake. Give her your flashlight."
"Just give it to her."
Oh my god Miriam...
Even though JAKE was the one that was NOT trusting her, and MIRIAM was the one who agreed to it.
"It's obvious I'll do my best to leave them the first chance I get. They're the fools for trusting me again."
Yeah, they're... oh my god.
If it's entirely Jake's fault, MAKE IT ENTIRELY JAKE'S FAULT, is all I'm saying.
If you want to paint the narrative that Jake is a gullible moron who believes EVERYTHING he's told. Fine. Then swap the dialogue here and have Jake be the one to suggest giving the light to her. Then I'll believe it was entirely his fault. THAT'S NOT HARD.
If you want me to hate Jake, MAKE ME HATE JAKE.
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I thought you guys were eliminated! What are you doing here?
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I didn't think we'd be dealing with MURDERERS...
Holy shit this just got a lot darker.
"When I found out at the hotel that Derek and Trevor were exterminating the animals in the forest, I was about to take justice into my own hands! But I remembered that the last time I tried, things didn't end well..."
"And how did you know it was them?"
"I may or may not have threatened the hotel receptionists so they would tell me the truth."
Oh my god Gabby, I love you XD
"I did all your spy work for you! You're welcome! Torture always works!"
(No it doesn't)
"I wanted to call the police! But with my record, I knew they wouldn't listen to me, so I remembered that you're a cop."
So Gabby's a delinquent...
Honestly I'm not surprised.
Also Tom was a spy, where'd you get this from?
"Then what are you? A ninja?"
"I saved your life. You should thank me."
"I can't believe I'm forced to work with you again."
I know. It sucks. You really should ditch him.
"Calm down. You're acting like Jake."
"Listen Ellie, I still think back to the early days, when we were the two outcasts of Team Purple-"
"What do they teach you in school nowadays?"
Bunch of useless shit, let me tell ya
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Ditch him. Ditch him. Ditch him.
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Why is Ellie being such a girlboss this episode? XD
And after I swore revenge on her at the start too
"Bye Alec."
"Oh fuck you."
Ellie is seeing the light and I'm gonna be proud of her if she does!
"I think we should take the path to the left."
You guys can SEE the light, right?
Fiore can't really trick you with the light source, can she?
"Gays and boomers first."
"You did put the batteries in, right? I can barely see a thing."
Again, Jake is the 'moron' quote on quote, but he's the one questioning this shit.
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Oh please tell me he didn't DIE from that.
Fuck you, Fiore.
I don't care that you're a kid. Fuck you.
"You meant for this to happen, didn't you, you brat?!"
Is Miriam gonna beat her ass? PLEASE.
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"I should call child protective services on you, you know?!"
Is that directed at Miriam or me cause I'm routing for Miriam to hurt you?
Would love to see that in court.
"Did you attempt murder on Mr. Jake... whatever his last name is?"
"Um, I'm a kid your honor."
"I'm going to take that as a yes."
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"Are you okay? What happened?"
"Like you care."
And here we go.
He's still mad at you. For good reason.
"No thanks, I'd rather be in the dark than-"
*Ad on a hurricane*
He'd rather be in the dark than in a hurricane. Honestly, fair.
Okay she saved him.
See, she ain't gonna leave you for dead.
Aw, Alec being so worried about Fiore though...
Damn. They actually have a bond. Who would've thought?
"Go for immunity! We can't let Ellie or Jake win."
I hope Jake DOES get immunity. HE NEEDS IT.
"And don't even get me started on what annoys me the most about you..."
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Ellie looks so done.
"UGH, consequences for my actions SUCK."
"Bruh? Why you pissed? I only took advantage of you, triggered some PTSD, betrayed your trust, lied to you, and ruined your relationship for my own personal benefit to win money. You ask me, you being pissed at me IS TOTALLY UNCALLED FOR."
I imagine they were there for hours of Jake just nonstop ranting.
"I hope you know, Ellie, I am PISSED at you. And Golden told me that she wants me to give you karma. Well here it is! I WILL NOT SHUT UP FOR THE REST OF THE TRIP."
"Tom warned me about you, and I decided 'Huh, you know what? Ellie isn't such a bad person.' Of course Tom was right. He's always right. And now, because of you, he won't ever talk to me again! You were never hurt like I was. You don't know what it feels like to be cheated on!"
Honestly, EVERYTHING he said there was just FACTS.
Ellie, you screwed him up beyond repair. That needs to be made clear to her.
Though I will say this: Trauma and being gay is not an excuse XD
He IS wrong on that front.
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Oh they made it. Cool.
Who gets the immunity though?
Talk it out? Please?
"Only one of us can win..."
"If you give this to me, maybe I'll forgive you."
Yeah, he does need it.
The opportunity is open, Ellie! Redeem yourself!
"You know what? You can eat shit and die."
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"You say you're a victim, but you're really just a sponge for drama. You feed off the smallest setbacks, acting as if the world's against you."
"Tom probably saw it too."
"You have no right to shame me."
"After you voted out Gabby, I never pulled this on you, cause I have some sense to not be a dick."
"Maybe if you weren't so annoying, your boyfriend wouldn't have cheated on you."
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*Paused the Episode on this frame*
So, this is being written TEN MINUTES after I paused the episode in that frame.
What happened in between that ten minutes was that I PAUSED the episode, got out of my seat paced around my room in rage, SCREAMED THE F WORD, I'm lucky my family isn't home at the moment so they can't hear me, and I left the room and paced around in my kitchen to calm down because I felt SICK, HURT, TRIGGERED, and ATTACKED.
Not the writer's fault. They don't know. But... OMG
I am VERY EMOTIONAL in this segment if you can't tell.
Maybe in a separate post, when I cooled my head, I'll talk about WHY this scene hurt me so much.
But my reason is not actually based off the characters. Roles swapped, I think I'd still react this way.
Bottom line is, remember when I said earlier that Miriam was calling Ellie out to help her?
This is SHAMING someone with serious mental problems that need help.
This is not 'Oh, Ellie's ROASTING Jake right now, what a powerful moment for her! Hell ya, he deserved it!'
I actually KNEW this scene existed before I watched the show. But I had no context, didn't know what episode it was, didn't know when it showed up, and I didn't remember the exact dialogue. But it was in a clip of a reaction that was cheering for Ellie doing this.
I won't give names, I won't throw hands, that's not their fault if they see it that way. This is just VERY PERSONAL FOR ME.
I won't give massive details, because it's so personal, but why it triggered me? I HAVE BEEN THERE IN MY LIFE.
It caused me a lot of problems growing up. My family AGREED with the people doing that, so that was not fun. They said 'I needed to hear this. I deserved it.'
So I KNOW WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT. This shit does no favors to the person you're 'roasting'. If anything, this makes the behavior you're calling out WORSE. They act even MORE like this whiny bratty type as a way to cope with the thought that everyone hates them!
I'm not saying Jake is innocent and doesn't deserve calling out. BUT, THAT'S NOW HOW YOU DO IT
EVERYTHING Ellie said in that was just... ANGERED ME. IT ANGERED ME.
I gotta calm down. I'm sorry. I gotta calm down. Peace.
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(That time card isn't an exaggeration)
I'm calm. I'm okay. I went for a walk. I got some lunch. I'm good.
Fuck you, Ellie.
I can finish the episode.
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I thought Ellie was gonna get immunity. Guess not.
Wow, actually, thinking about it, she would've gotten immunity, something good for her game, if she DIDN'T waste time saying all that shit to Jake.
She could've just said "lol nope", shoved him, and then LEFT.
And she would've gotten immunity.
But no. She had to psychologically damage Jake instead. That was more important.
'For the game' my ass.
"Once again, Ellie proved what a backstabber she is. But at least this time, she didn't get away with it."
I don't want to say 'for no reason', cause you WERE being a bitch to her. But at the end of the day, you vote her off...
Unless she sides with the villains again...
Ooooooooooooooooooooooohhh shit.
I think this is it for Jake.
"Am I nervous about tonight's vote? Yes. I feel like I have no control. It all depends on Fiore and Alec."
That's true. They could vote Miriam. Or you.
Cause you and Jake are sure not as hell voting together after you both pull that shit on each other.
"In just a few short days, me and Fiore went from enemy number one to being the ones in control."
I know. That's crazy.
You guys orchestrated the whole thing, confessed that, and no one went after you. That's crazy.
Oooooooohh god...
I'm actually feeling kinda hopeless.
I think I know who it is.
Should've went for the gold.
Aaaaaaaannnnnd I know Fiore's handwriting at this point.
It's over.
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*Long Depressed Sigh*
...I knew it.
We didn't get revenge. Goddammit.
"Whatever. I don't care."
"Spoken like a man who cares."
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"Miriam, I'm so sorry to be leaving you. Maybe if I had taken things differently, none of this would've happened."
"Thank you so much for supporting me. Everything from my grandmother to Tom..."
Oh come on, don't make this sad for me.
"Don't fret, kid. I thought I wouldn't open up to anyone here. But you were patient with me, and taught me that I shouldn't judge people so quickly."
Yeah. He's chaotic like that.
"You may be down, but you're not out. Play your butt off Miriam. We'll see each other when this is all over, okay?"
Yes. Win for them, Miriam.
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...damn. I'm gonna miss that trainwreck.
"These people voted out Tom and Jake. They've fooled me time and time again. They think my days are numbered, but they don't realize who they're messing with. No more Mrs. Nice Gran."
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Aaaaaaannnnnddd that's it.
Welp, all my favs are gone.
That's usually how it is, so I don't really care about that sort of thing.
Damn, Jake got a bad ending.
Either bro gets therapy, or he's coming back more hostile and broken and distrusting of everyone around him than ever before.
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In that sense, I think Jake left the show with the worst outcome 😢
Part of that IS his fault, I admit. If he had just cooled off for two seconds and listened to Ellie, he would’ve survived and gotten a friend back. But no.
So as much as I hate the scene, I admit I DO LIKE the idea of Jake getting called out for his bullshit. In any other circumstance, HE WOULD DESERVE IT.
I can totally imagine that Jake comes back in a future season and he’s this bitter, hostile, whiny, “Don’t trust anyone. Everybody is out to get me. Everybody is an enemy who wants to hurt me.” And being even MORE unpleasant for his peers than he is in this season. (Except with Miriam) And a deeper layer being him acting that way because of self loathing. “Ellie was right. I am a dick. I don’t deserve to be loved at all. I’m going to be alone in the end.”
I would hate it, that would probably be obnoxious depending on execution, but I think that would be a consistent writing transition. (Again, kinda like Teruko)
So… I didn’t think I was gonna like Jake as much as I did. I mentioned before but I saw some out of context clips, some of them being only about hatred towards Jake and that calling out scene. So I thought, cause I didn’t know context, “Oh, he’s probably this massive dickhole of a person.”
And then I watch it for myself and look where we are. I love this trainwreck.
Not in the sense of “Cinnamon roll baby girl did nothing wrong and his trauma excuses him of all his actions” Cause uh… hell no.
It was just very refreshing for me to have a character whose experiences and issues actually make them hard to deal with and messy and ‘annoying’. Especially for someone like me who didn’t have exact experiences but also acted like that years ago until I got help.
There’s a GREAT VIDEO that really fits this topic, I’ll put it here. It’s about flawed characters and the discourse surrounding them.
(This also works for Ellie, and other characters in this show too.)
I defended him when no one else did. Till the end. I did it. I did the impossible. Hello. I’m a Stan.
Fuck you, Ellie. Fuck. You.
Okay I have two different takes, objective and subjective.
Subjectively I think I hate her now. Just cause of that scene being WRONG on so many levels.
But objectively I see her POV in the sense of “She’s too far gone”. And Jake was giving her shit. And she didn’t want to listen to Miriam. I said this last time. This is a cool concept for a character and I’m down for it.
But yeah, she’s too far gone.
Right now, if I was being subjective she’d be an F tier just for that scene alone.
But she is one of the more interesting and intriguing characters left, and I do think she has a chance to win still.
In Total Drama, they usually DON’T let villain/morally grey characters win just because that’s an ‘unpleasant ending’. Unless it’s Heather, but even then that’s… debatable cause of the season.
But you know, this is an indie show. They can do whatever they want. So who knows.
Miriam’s gotta get revenge on her though. She’s our only hope.
Jake passed on the slay pass to Grandma Miriam, and trust me. SHES COMING FOR YOU ALL.
If you guys want me to continue these reactions, be sure to let me know.
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robin-the-enby · 1 year
Hiya! I would like to request Abe Sapien x my oc it would be the continuation of the first fic and it would include her going on her first mission and how the others react to Abe and my oc getting closer. Hope you have a good day/night ^^
Someone like me p.2
Pairing: Abe Sapien x fem!reader
Warnings: mentions of killing and hypothetical bloodthirst :)
A/N: To all the lovely readers besides riya: I do not write for other people's OCs! This is an exception, since I've already written part one in the past :) With that out of the way, I am happy to come back to this, Abe was the first fictional character I ever published a fanfiction about (Confusing feelings on my masterlist, feel free to check it out ;D), so I have a special place in my heart for this man <3). Also, I would like to point out that you have no idea how much research went into this fanfic XD (but some things are completely made up, so don't come at me when some things can't be fact-checked).
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Time passed...as it does. Life at the BPRD was nothing like your calm, quiet and mostly uneventful life in the outside world. The facility was buzzing with life most hours of the day, every day of the week. Luckilly, you weren't completely shut off from the world, like some of your more unfortunate colleagues. You could go outside, thanks to your human appearance. It did take some paperwork and time before your trip got approved, but it was certainly better than being stuck inside. You also had access to the internet and your old social circle, because, well, it would be very strange if you suddenly disappeared.
But you quit your old job and told everyone you're moving somewhere far away, which wasn't a complete lie...And now only few people kept in contact with you. And when they did, you either texted or called. But it was still nice.
And it's not like you minded much. You had a whole new set of friends and a world of possibilities open in front of you. Training with Liz and having some girl time every now and then, because both you and her really needed it from time to time, movie nights with Hellboy- or Red, usually everyone called him red, which Liz almost always joined, and sometimes Abe as well.
Speaking of Abe...
After the accidental confession in the BPRD's exercise pool, the two of you were like two peas in a pod. With your passion for learning about all the different creatures that secretely roam this Earth and your aquatic abilities, you were a perfect partner not only during research, but also on missions that required agents to go underwater. So it's no surprise that the two of you spent a lot of time together while working.
But you never had to worry about being sick of each other. Your personalities mended so beautifully together that you rarely needed to be apart. When you weren't working, you both usually did your own thing, just...together. Of course, you loved to talk and learn about one another, but it was nice to be able to just be...close to someone, with no words needed. Not to mention Abe was a very adaptable person, sometimes you worried he has people pleasing tendencies, but when you needed time alone, he always understood and never pushed past your boundaries. That being said, it's only natural for partner's to argue sometimes. And while that was true and there were instances where you disagreed on one thing or another, you both were smart enough to give each other some time to cool down, when things really escalated, and then talk it through. With Abe's telepathic abbilities, communicating feelings that were hard to put into words was also fairly easy.
Finally, you felt content with the way your life was going. And honestly? Everybody was on board. They were all supportive in their own special ways. Liz was glad that Abe found someone who understood him and wasn't put off by his appearance or his abbilities. Knowing him basically her whole life, it warmed her heart that Abe was happy. Red was proud of Abe. Seeing him always as the more introverted and nerdy friend, he thought Abe would be alone for a much longer time, if not forever. Not that he wouldn't wish a happy romance for the guy, hell, he sure knew about Abe's desire to love and be loved, but the in their line of work, meeting new people is hard and doesn't happen often, and meeting people who stay long enough for romance, or any deeper relationship to bloom is even harder. And he knew that. That was why Red was seriously proud of Abe for shooting his shot. Although when his blue friend revealed to him how exactly the confession went down, Red laughed so hard he couldn't quite catch his breath for a while.
The other agents and staff of the BPRD were happy as well. With the special agents happilly taken, the bureau was just a tad calmer. There was still drama, but nothing serious, like when Hellboy used to escape just to see Liz in the mental hospital, who didn't even want to talk to him at that time. Even Manning seemed calmer, to everyone's relief.
As much as you enjoyed your time at the BPRD, it wasn't always easy. You could still remember the first mission you went on. From your first day at the bureau, you worked hard on yourself to be a good agent. You wanted to go out there and face whatever the world had in store for you. And a few months of intense training and working mostly as a researcher, the day finally came.
Manning had called you, Abe, Liz and Hellboy into the library, for Abe's comfort. And because it was spaceous enough that it easily provided privacy. There, you could go over the details of the mission ahead of you, construct a plan and immediately grab some books to help you learn what you were dealing with at once.
So here you were, sitting around a larger table, listening to Manning tell you about a mysterious creature who, according to secret sources, are responsible for the unsolved disappearings and drownings of multiple people at Wilson lake, Kansas. Based on the evidence and statements from witnesses, every person disappeared at night while going swimming. First outside of swimming zones, but then also right from the designated swimming beaches. First, the victims would swim out into the deep water, where they couldn't feel or see under they're feet. Once they got comfortable, they got pulled under, not to be seen until the next morning. The time the victims spent in water was always different. For some it was ten minutes, for others thirty minutes and for a few even an hour or so.
From what Manning implied, there were some sort of agents scouting the area even before this mission has been ordered, since some of the sources saw a snake like creature, covered in scales, with the head of a cat, or somthng similar. It seems to be able to breathe underwater and above water, and it seems to not have any hind legs.
"First, we need to at least have an idea hat we're dealing with." said Manning with a huff and everyone present turned to look at you and Abe. You tried with all your might, but couldn't remember any creature that would meet the description in a closer way than vaguely. With a slight shake of your head you pushed away from the table and disappeared into the rows of bookshelves in search of amphibian cryptids, monsters, demons and the like. After a few moments, Abe joined you in your search, not knowing sure what it could be either. Luckilly, the two of you knew the library like the back of your hand, so it didn't take long before you came back with what you were searching for.
Each holding a few books, you gave everyone a book or two and you started flipping through them. It couldn't be merfolk, because only a few species live alone and not in groups...it could be a mutant, but most things can be mutants when you think about it...You wondered as you flipped through the pages, sometimes stopping to read the description, most times skipping entire chapters. This went on for roughly half an hour, before Liz suddenly spoke up "And what if it's a Tatzelwurm?"
You all looked towards your raven-haired friend. "The what now?" Red grumbled. "Tatzelwurm, a creature commonly found in Alpine lakes. It's venomous and agressive towards humans. How could it end up in Kansas?" Abe tilted his head to the side. "Look, I'm not saying I'm right, I was just trying to point out that it matches the description almost perfectly." Liz shrugged with a huff and you nodded along her words.
"Well, it seems to be the best we've got so far." Manning said, clasping his hands together. "Are there any weaknesses mentioned in that book? Or something we might use?" you asked. Liz picked up the book and flipped through a few pages, before quickly scanning over the text of one. After a moment, she sighed "No, not really. It just warns to be careful, because a single bite can kill an adult human and supposedly it's able to let out poisonous fumes and has acidic blood." "Well, that's helpful." Hellboy grumbles, not mad at Liz, more annoyed that this case was going to be a tough one.
"Abe, is there a possibility it could be something else?" Manning asked. The amphibian thought for a few seconds about the answer "Well, that depends...Are there any creatures with a similar way of living? Yes, many. Are there any that would match the description given to us that closely? No. Or at least, I can't think of any." he shrugged at last. Manning clapped his hands together and stood up "Alright. We'll assume it's a Tatzelwurm for now. I will have a plan created tonight. Pack your things. Tomorrow at seven o'clock sharp" he looked at Hellboy with that instruction "we'll meet here and you will be given the details of the mission. Then, you'll be leaving for Kansas." he turned on his heel and walked out of the library, dismissing you all in the process.
The next morning, you all met in the library exactly as Manning said. Even Red came on time, although you suspected Liz was to thank for that. Along with Manning came two other agents, the ones who made an elaborate plan for you through the night. It was actually pretty simple, you and Abe would search the water and after you manage to find the creature- there is no "if" as you were told by Manning, you will try to lure it out of the water, where Hellboy and Liz will be waiting to dispose of the creature properly. You and Abe will also be equipped with weapons meant for close combat, which you are strictly advised against, but for safety measures, you'll still have them.
After that, you loaded the super secret garbage truck look-alike and then it was a roughly seven hour journey, spent mostly in silence, as everyone prepared themselves for the mission. You pondered taking a nap, but even if you wanted to sleep, you couldn't. It would be a lie to say you weren't nervous. But you had trained for so long to get to this point. You had done so much in life just to be able to do this. You couldn't, and wouldn't, give up now. But the thought of facing a monster that could kill you with a single bite was terrifying, especially when not that long ago, you were a simple civilian.
As if he could sense your nervousness, Abe softly reached for your hand, encompassing it in his own. As soon as your hands made contact, you knew he could read you like an open book, so you just relaxed and let him feel what you were feeling, hear what you were thinking. In return, Abe reassured you that you had nothing to worry about, that he would do his best not only to accomplish the mission, but to protect you as well. His soothing energy calmed you down significantly and you actually managed to catch some shut eye for the rest of the journey.
After arriving to Wilson lake, you and the rest of the agents set up camp near the lake, away from prying eyes. Since the lake was enormous, and the Tatzelwurm could be literally anywhere, a few technicians came along with underwater drones, which would be placed into the water in several places at the lake, scouting for the creature. After that, you and your friends will be transported as quickly as possible to the place the creature was captured at, where the plan you already were familiar with would be set into motion.
And so you waited. And while waiting, you got you gear set up, Hellboy had his guns loaded and checked, Liz had her gun loaded and checked, as well as her knife and her fire proof jumpsuit. Abe was finally able to get rid of his breathing apparatus and you simply had to put on a tight swimming top, since your legs would turn into a fin.
Abe and you immediately got in the water to warm up for the chase. After such long time of training, you had a better grip on your transformation, so now you were able to get through it more quickly and with less discomfort. Of course, you made sure not to venture too deep into the water, in case the Tatzelwurm was nearby.
After several hours, when the sun was already setting, one of the cameras in a more rocky area of the lake captured something big. A big creature. The technician controlling the drone made sure not to disturb it, and it seemed to have worked, but sadly, the drone caught just a slight glimpse of it, so nobody could be sure if it was realy the creature, or perhaps just a big catfish. But the drones nearby were informed to be on high alert, while the rest were instructed to slowly move towards the one who captured it first. That way, it was nearly impossible to miss it.
While this was all happening, your friends got notified of this progress and you promptly loaded a jeep and were driven to the place where the Tatzelwurm was supposed to be right now. On the way there, your driver got confirmation that another drone got a clear visual of the creature and it's heading towards onbe of the beaches slowly. Putting their foot down on the gas, the driver quickly told you about everything and you and Abe mentally prepared yourself. You needed to be fast, because there were lives in immediate danger.
After finding a good clearing, both you and your blue partner wasted no time and jumped in the water, taking off in the direction you were instructed, while Hellboy and Liz were driven to the location you were supposed to lure the creature to. The bottom of the lake was half muddy, half rocky. It almost seemed like a ghost town, with no creature in immediate sight. They were all probably hidden, but that didn't help the already spooky feeling that was creepin into your heart while looking around for the Tatzelwurm.
You kept close to Abe as you made your way through the dark water. He kept updating you from time to time from where he could sense the creature and if you're getting close. So far, everything was going well. After you made it about a kilometer into the water, where it was more than 8 meters deep, you finally spotted a sillhouette moving almost hypnotically in the water. You both swam faster and each on different side, hoping to be able to get in front of the creature and redirect it away from the beach.
As you got closer, you could clearly see that Manning's informators were right, as well as Liz. It was a Tatzelwurm. It was around two meters long, its scales a rich black colour that reflected the sunrays in small shimmers. Its head was that of a feline, except it had no fur. Its eyes were wide, yellow and wild, hungry for flesh of anything that would cross its path. Its front legs were pretty short, compared to the rest of its body, but they were adorned with long, sharp claws. After a few minutes, you managed get ahead of the creature and you started closing in on it. When you were roughly at the edge of its visual range, you quickly crossed in front of it and darted behind immediately, trying to throw it off guard. At which you succeeded, because the Tatzelwurm stopped dead in its tracks and looked around confusedly, before turning around to finally see what dared cross it.
You simply floated there, not moving for a few seconds, before you flicked your tail swiftly, as if to beckon it, challenge it. The creature's pupils slanted, turning into small slits as it opened its maw, displaying rows of sharp teeth, ready to tear meat from bone. Abe swam slightly closer towards it, seemingly not afraid of the killer cryptid in front of him, although you doubt that if you could see into his thoughts right now, you would see a myriad of emotions going through that brilliant mind of his.
This seemed to rile up he creature even more as it hunched its back threateningly and swam closer to you. You darted a few meters in one direction away from it, but as it turned to look at you, Abe moved exactly in the opposite direction. This was the final straw. The creature, frustrated and angry, let out what would've been a roar on the surface, but here it was just a stream of bubbles coming out of its maw, although that did nothing to make it less imposing. You and Abe started swimming away in the direction where Liz and Red should already be by now, the Tatzelwurm following quickly behind you.
It was a if death itself was chasing after you, the sloshing of water completely ignored by you as the only thing that you could hear was your blood pumping through your ears. The amount of adrenaline coursing through you made your skin prickle and you had to concentrate on keeping the motions of your tail as quick, but also as smooth as possible. From time to time you managed to spare a glance at Abe, who seemed just slightly faster than you, and could afford to look out for you and behind you, to see if the creature was sill following you.
And quite surprisingly, it was. Instead of getting tired of not being able to catch you, your speed, that was putting you just slightly ahead of it, was frustrating it to no end. If you saw any signs of exhaustion or that the Tatzelwurm wasn't interested in chasing you anymore, you'd have to stop and tease it again. However, if you stopped now, it would be certain death.
Slowly, you were reaching the shore. It was just a few hundred meters ahead of you. You could feel the cold water rushing against your sking as you pushed forward, caressing you as if to encourage you to keep going. You could also feel the Tatzelwurm right behind you and you imagine that if there was a way for it to snarl at you, it would, its desire to dig its sharp teeth into your tail so strong you could almost feel it.
Suddenly, you are met with the edge of the lake, the water slightly more shallow. Abe shoots up from the water and before you can stop and ponder how you are going to get out yourself, his hand is reaching for yours. You grasp onto it as if it was the last thing to keep you alive, which in this scenario might as well be true.
Abe pulled you out of the water and away from the shore, behind Hellboy and Liz, who were now dealing with the Tatzelwurm, and continued, until you were safe behind the agents who served as backup for your two friends. You were slightly dazed from the quick change of environment and from the physical strain your body and mind just went through. But feeling Abe's hands on you brought you an unexplainable feeling of safety, though later you started o suspect that was just Abe trying to keep you calm. Nonetheless, under the wave of tranquility and love you were surrounded by thanks to your wonderful partner, you allowed yourself to close your eyes and rest.
You didn't come to until you were in the car again, Abe's arms secured tightly around you with you snuggling into his chest. You closed your eyes as soon as you opened them, relishing in the weight of Abe's head on top of yours, occassionally pressing soft kisses into your hair. Back at the BPRD you learned that the mission was a succsess, the Tatzelwurm having been killed by Red and Liz and even Manning told you that for a first mission, you did a great job.
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tobiasdrake · 2 months
Digimon Adventure 01x28 - Pursuit! Hurry to Japan / It's All in the Cards
Previously on Digimon Adventure:
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Big Fucking Nerd Vamdemon and the good half of his mercenaries are now off in Japan, closing the door behind them on their way out. The Chosen Children are forced to retreat from his castle and regroup with Gennai.
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Gennai: I see. That's too bad. Yamato: "That's too bad" isn't going to cut it! At this rate, the Eighth Child is going to die! Sora: That's not all! If those Digimon run loose, they'll wreak havoc on Japan! Taichi: Is there a way we can reopen the Gate? Gennai: That's possible. Taichi: There is? Sora: How? Gennai: I can't simply explain it. You'll also need some tools to assist you. Taichi: Well, stop wasting time! Gennai: I understand. Come to my house.
Gennai points up, then vanishes from the rainbow beam. His meaning is lost on the kids, forcing him to come back and clarify his too-subtle gesture.
Mimi: He disappeared right when we needed answers? Gennai: (reappears) Look around you!
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Off in the distance, he's waving a big-ass spotlight to get their attention.
Gennai: If you follow that light, you'll find my home. Taichi: Got it! Gennai: I'll be waiting. Taichi: Yes! Let's go!
Gennai trying to be stylish but forgetting that he's talking to children, who need a bit more instruction than that.
An interesting note about the way the kids are positioned in this scene. The episode recap ended with a brief snippet of new footage, showing the kids fleeing the castle while attacked by silhouetted Digimon. They also had to fight their way out; We see the outside of the castle and hear Tentomon firing Petit Thunder, followed by an explosion bursting out of the building.
This is why Mimi's doubled over up there; They just made it back here. She's gasping for breath from all the running they had to do. When he's in frame, we can see Yamato is piggybacking Takeru as well.
The dub, as usual, cuts the recap. This scene of them escaping got cut along with it, so the dub starts right here at Gennai with no explanation of why Mimi's exhausted and Yamato's carrying Takeru.
Gennai: Myotismon has shut the Gate. You can't follow him now. Matt: Listen, Pops! You gotta help us get through that Gate! The Eighth Kid is doomed if we don't! Sora: And that isn't all! If that rotten creep goes on a rampage in the real world, lots of innocent people will get hurt! Tai: There just has to be some way we can open the Gate up again! Gennai: Well, of course there is. Tai: No kidding? Sora: How, then? Gennai: Any door can be opened with the right key. Tai: Oh, don't be so mysterious, Gennai! Gennai: Follow me to my house and I will explain everything. Sora: Where's that? Gennai: Look above you! (points up and fades away) Mimi: What kind of directions are those!? Gennai: (returns) Very good ones if you will just listen.
Matt borrowing a bit of Taichi's aggressive disrespect for Gennai.
Gennai outright tells them to look up before pointing and vanishing, which makes them all look even stupider when he needs to come back and clarify.
Note: In both versions, the spotlight is making an audible shimmer sound. But in the dub it's also roaring with the fury of a thousand angry batteries. There's wooshing wind noises and what almost sounds like rockets exploding overhead.
Gennai: Keep looking and you shall see it. Matt: There! A searchlight! Gennai: Sorry, I ran out of maps. Follow the light and you can't miss it. Tai: Excellent! Gennai: Snack time for me! (disappears) Tai: Let's jet!
I was not ready for "Snack time for me!" XD
The kids follow Gennai's signal and find it coming straight out of a giant lake.
Mimi: Wait... WHAT'S GOING ON HERE!?!? Yamato: Is his house underwater? Koushiro: I get it. This is why I couldn't find him during those two months I searched the mountains. Jou: So then how do we get there? Gomamon: (pops into the water) I'll go take a look.
Suddenly, the water ripples and bubbles emerge all around.
Gomamon: It's not me! Ehehe....
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The light parts the waters of the lake, granting the kids passage down a flight of stairs.
They don't say whether this is the same lake everyone's been crossing on Yamato's swan boat. But I choose to believe it is because it's funnier that way.
In the dub:
Joe: Looks like we're gonna be doing a little swimming. Mimi: MY HAT!!! MY BEAUTIFUL HAT!!! Matt: Either we got those directions really wrong or Gennai's house is in the middle of a lake! Izzy: So that's why I've never found it! Joe: Must be really tough to get pizza delivered. Gomamon: (pops into the water) Hey, c'mon in! The water's fine! (The lake begins to glow and bubbles emerge all around Gomamon) Gomamon: Oh no!
Fart joke's out. Mimi is freaking out about the threat of getting her hat wet instead of the inexplicable oddity of the scene. Izzy expresses the same sentiment as Koushiro, though Koushiro reminds us that he was doing precisely this during the group's split-up time. And Joe drops a pretty solid quip. XD
The waters part and the stairs emerge.
Group: NO WAY!!! Patamon: Do we use these to go down? Yamato: Looks like. Taichi: Alright, let's head down.
The kids descend past a still stunned Gomamon.
Gomamon: Huh? WAIT FOR ME, EVERYONE!!!
They head deeper down perilous stairs whose perils are unsurprising if you really stop and think about it.
Takeru: It's slippery! Patamon: Be careful!
Okay, yeah, these stairs were underwater five seconds ago. Forcing his visitors to descend a freshly-mopped stairwell is a pretty major hazard, honestly. They could break their necks! I'm filing a complaint with OSHA. Uh, as soon as I finish filing the child labor complaint.
Gennai sucks, y'all.
In the dub:
Group: (Miscellaneous cheering) Tai: Steps!? Alright, gang! We're in business!
The dub puts a commercial break here, which I think is a pretty okay place for one. They're able to then use Patamon and Matt's lines to briefly remind us of where we're at upon return.
Patamon: There are stairs going right down into the lake! Matt: They must lead to Gennai's house! Tai: Well? What are we waiting for? Joe: I was kinda hoping he'd send a boat to pick us up. (The kids descend past Gomamon) Gomamon: Hmm... HEY!!! WAIT FOR ME!!! (The kids go deeper) Mimi: If anyone wants any sushi, now's your chance! T.K.: I wish I had my boots! Patamon: Me too!
Another XD for Joe. A boat would be way better than freshly-mopped stairs. I'm with him.
Mimi also gets to make a silence-breaking quip commenting on the art. She's talking about the fish we see swimming around in the foreground while the kids are descending.
I don't think T.K. and Patamon's exchange lands very well. To get what he's complaining about, you need to already understand from context that the stairs are slick and dangerous. But when magical lake-parting is involved, I don't know that this is an assumption anyone would leap to. I certainly didn't until Takeru spelled it out for me.
Finally, the kids see Gennai's estate.
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Patamon: Look at that! Sora: Is that it? Jou: I think so.
They invite themselves in.
Everyone But Taichi: PLEASE EXCUSE US!!! Taichi: WE'RE COMING IN!!! (The kids come inside) Piyomon: THIS PLACE IS KIND OF COOL!!! Sora: It really is....
In the dub, the kids continue riffing on the art.
Patamon: Whoa! Sora: Quite a place if you don't mind living in pink fog. Joe: No lawn to mow. Tai: I don't see a doorbell. Everyone: (shouts unintelligibly) (The kids enter the yard) Gennai: WHO NEEDS A DOORBELL WITH SUCH NOISY VISITORS!?!?
I like Joe's quip here in theory; He's talking about the area outside the estate, which is the lake. But it's a little janky that we cut from that to everyone standing on Gennai's lawn.
At long last, the kids see Gennai in person waiting for them.
Koushiro: Gennai...-san? Gennai: I see you children made it here safely. Taichi: (uncertain) Is that really him? Koushiro: Yes.
Taichi first takes a moment to confirm with Koushiro that this is really, truly the man in the flesh. Then, once he's secure in that knowledge, he lets his anger out.
Taichi: HEY, GEEZER!!! I'VE GOT A QUESTION FOR YOU!!! Gennai: What's that? Taichi: Why haven't you ever come to meet us in person all this time!? Gennai: Because I'm a couch potato.
The word Gennai uses here is debushou, which means a shut-in who's too lazy to get up and go outside. The subs here translate it as "I like staying at home" which is accurate but doesn't quite get across the self-deprecation at play. I've also seen debushou translated as "a houseplant" which is hilarious but requires some explanation.
Honestly, Taichi is right to be upset about this. Back on File Island, it was a plot point that Gennai was supposed to be there to meet them Day 1 but Devimon blocked his signal. They spent two weeks alone in savage wilderness being hunted for sport by monsters they couldn't understand because Gennai was too lazy to come explain the isekai in person.
I'd be furious too.
Everyone else has questions too.
Jou: Just who are you, anyway? Takeru: A human? Or a Digimon? Gennai: Neither of those. Mimi: What does being a Chosen Child even mean? Gennai: It means that you're children who were chosen to save both of our worlds. Yamato: But who chose us? Sora: Was it you, Gennai-san? Gennai: (shakes head) Mm... Enough questions. What you should be thinking about right now is saving the Eighth Child. Now, come inside.
Once the conversation turns to the specifics of who drafted these kids for war and why, Gennai gets evasive yet again.
There's long been a friction between Gennai and the Chosen Children, especially Taichi. He omits information he doesn't want them to have and routinely talks around answering questions, managing the kids on a need-to-know basis. This in-person meeting is doing nothing to quell it.
This friction is also there in the dub.
Izzy: Wow, it's the real Gennai! Gennai: Who did you expect, Santa Clause? Tai: (uncertain) We've just never seen the real you. Izzy: Yeah! Tai: (angry) So tell us! How come you're always hiding!? Gennai: I'm not. Tai: Well, you could have come in person but you always choose projections, right? Gennai: It's just a show to impress you. Joe: What kind of a person are you, anyway? T.K.: A human? Or some kind of Digimon? Gennai: That is not important. Mimi: (directly into Gennai's ear) HOW COME YOU CALL US THE DIGIDESTINED!?!? Gennai: EASY!!! I'm old, but I'm not deaf! You were chosen to save this world and you're own! Matt: But just how were we chosen? Why us? Sora: Yeah, we only signed up for summer camp. Gennai: (shakes head) That is all you need to know for now. Come inside. The most important thing is to return to your world and find the Eighth Child. That and maybe have a nice bowl of soup and a tuna sandwich.
It's a little different, but the main difference is in tone of voice. The kids are softer and less combative with Gennai in the English version. The Japanese versions, especially Taichi, sound exasperated by the lack of clear information they've been given.
The children follow Gennai inside.
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As they enter the house, the parting of the lake waters ends and the house's exterior floods. The kids watch fish swim by the doors outside.
Takeru & Patamon: PRETTY!!! Jou: Porgies and flounder? But this is a freshwater lake. Gennai: Those are machines I made. It gets lonely, living by yourself.
Gennai pulls down a world map of the human world. He zooms the map with a flick of his fan.
Gennai: Take a look at this. (flick) Koushiro: Japan. Gennai: (flick) Mimi: Is that Tokyo? Gennai: (flick; A red circle appears on the zoomed in point) Taichi: That's the Nerima district! Gennai: Mm. This is where Vamdemon currently is.
Taichi and Yamato both suddenly gasp and jump, startled by recognition.
Taichi: (looking at Yamato) What's wrong? Yamato: No, it's nothing serious. You? Taichi: Same here. I was just noticing that he's in Hikarigaoka.... All of the Kids: Hikarigaoka!?
Hikarigaoka is kind of a big deal, which is why Taichi's so startled by it. He doesn't remember the events of the OVA well, so he can't put it into words. But Hikarigaoka is the place where Hikari's Agumon evolved into Greymon and fought a deadly battle against an invading Parrotmon; A battle that killed them both.
The other kids recognize it because they were there too. The OVA showed brief snippets of Jou, Mimi, Yamato, Takeru, Sora, and Koushiro watching the fight between Greymon and Parrotmon unfold. Yamato and Takeru were still living together at the time.
They don't know it yet but they're all connected by this dream-like monster brawl that took place one day in Hikarigaoka.
This is another point from the OVA that the dub's going to have to talk around.
Mimi: Look at the fish! Joe: But those are halibut. They're saltwater fish. Gennai: You are right. So I have to feed them popcorn, salted pretzels, and tons of salted nuts. Joe: ...do you think he's pulling our legs? Tai: I have no idea!
Not a huge change but the mystery of Gennai's regionally-inappropriate fish goes unanswered for the sake of a joke where he just lists things that have salt on them. Which, granted, does add to the crypticness of this obnoxiously vague man, so the new bit still works pretty well.
Gennai: (brings down the map) Now a look at the weather. (flick) State. (flick) County. (flick) City. Does anyone recognize this area? Tai: Our hometown? Gennai: Mmhmm. And the red flashing circle indicates Myotismon's location. Tai & Matt: (gasp and jump) Tai: Myotismon! Matt: Wow, he's only a mile from where we all live. Gennai: I'm afraid so. Tai: I'll bet you that he goes downtown.... This is not good!
What's downtown, Tai? Why is downtown so ominous? Hey, Tai. Hey, Tai, what's downtown? What do you think he's going to do downtown?
After all of the Japan namedropping of the previous episode, we are right back to geographically playing coy about the kids' point of origin, and also kind of implying that it's the U.S. with that "state, country, city" bit.
And also the dub team doesn't know about Hikarigaoka so they have no idea why all the kids are freaking out right now, and it shows. Thus we have the mysterious and ominous downtown.
Matt, incidentally, is bad at reading Gennai Maps. Hikarigaoka is about 18 miles away from "where we all live", which is Odaiba.
A brief cut to Hikarigaoka shows us Vamdemon and his forces lurking on a rooftop while electronics around the area go haywire. Phones are ringing off the hook. Technicians are at work on the issue but can't seem to find any cause.
In the dub, the city's quiet. There's no sign of any sort of technological malfunctions. But the technicians complain that something's causing "interference".
Then we return to Gennai for further instruction.
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Taichi: Come on! Tell us how to open the Gate! Gennai: Let's not be hasty. You'll need to use these.
Rifling through his cabinets, Gennai finds a set of cards and lays them out in front of the Chosen Children. There are ten cards in all.
Gomamon: Ha! There's one of me! Koromon: And Agumon! Mimi: What are these? Gennai: Cards. Taichi: We know that! Gennai: Do you remember seeing nine holes in the slate in front of the Gate? Koushiro: Um... Yes! There was. Gennai: You must place these cards into those holes. Koushiro: But you gave us one card too many. Gennai: There's an extra card mixed in. I'm not sure which. Taichi: Which hole do we put each card in? Gennai: Well... I don't know.
Unhelpful as always, Gennai! Thanks!
Sharp-eyed viewers may already be able to tell how these cards should be arranged on a 3x3 grid, and which two cards are redundant to each other.
In the dub:
Tai: Please tell us how to open the Gate back to our world! Gennai: You certainly are impatient. Keep your goggles on, my young friend! (Gennai lays out the cards) Gennai: You'll need these. Matt: Check 'em out! Tai: Whoa, Digimon keycards! Tentomon: It's the spitting image! Joe Alright! Look at Gomamon! Gomamon: I'm cuter in person. Koromon: There I am too! Mimi: But what are they for? Tai: Yeah, and how do they help us open the Gate? Gennai: Well, there are nine holes on the stone wall of the Gate. Izzy: Yeah, so... Oh, wait! Do the cards go into the holes? Gennai: That's right. However, take a closer look. It's not quite as simple as that. Do you see the problem? Izzy: You're giving us one too many cards. Gennai: That's right! One of them is a fake.
For once, the dub kids are slower on the uptake than their Japanese counterparts. Gennai has to explain the numerical flaw to them before they notice it's there.
Then Tai has the worst idea, provoking a response that both Gennai and the audience have wanted to do to him many times.
Taichi: Oh well. We'll just put the cards in a random order and go with that!
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As he feels the biceps of furious adulthood wrap around his neck, Taichi suddenly regrets finally meeting the old geezer/Jiji in person. This man is responsible for mobilizing child soldiers. He does not give a fuck about the ethics of punitive child abuse.
Gennai: YOU CAN'T DO THAT!!! Taichi: Hck hck sputter Gennai: If you do that, you'll be cast into some random and unpredictable world! Mimi: Do that many worlds really exist? Gennai: Yes. There's also a risk that you may not be fully reconstituted on the other side. Mimi: What do you mean?
Gennai demonstrates with the example of Mimi and Palmon entering the Gate, only to come in with their data merged into amalgams of each other on the other side.
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We briefly see Palmon looking up at Mimi with a hurt expression. She seems a little bit offended that Mimi took this so harshly.
Mimi continues melting down and shrieking No's in the background while the others carry on with the meeting.
Gennai: That is why, unlike Vamdemon who used an incantation for this, you will need to solve this with your own abilities. Jou: But there are so many things we don't know. Gennai: Anyway, here are the cards. Relax and enjoy yourselves tonight. The enemy won't attack you here.
Gennai can smell questions coming and changes the subject before they even have a chance to ask.
In the dub, Gennai is so mad at Tai's poor decision-making that he rips two of Mimi's lines out of the script, talking straight through her lip flaps.
Tai: We'll try 'em all until we get the right combination! (Violent, cathartic throttling ensues) Gennai: No, you will not, you silly boy! That's absolutely the last thing you should do! There are many, many other worlds! If you put the cards in the wrong holes, it will be a disaster! You could end up in a different world with no way to return! (ahem) Let me explain. (Mimi and Palmon demonstration) Gennai: The wrong cards might take you to a world where, for example, people and Digimon switch skin! Mimi: NOOOOOO NOT THAT!!! I LIKE MY SKIN!!! (loudly cries through the rest of the scene) Gennai: Don't worry! Don't worry! You're not going to switch your skin with anyone as long as you learn how to use the cards correctly. Joe: But we don't have any idea what to do! Gennai: You must learn to use your power the way Myotismon is using his. Tomorrow, I'll teach you the proper use of the cards.
So, obviously I'm miffed about Mimi having two of her lines cut. For entirely reasonable and objective reasons, I assure you. I will have Gennai's kneecaps.
More seriously, "Use your power the way Myotismon is using his" is an odd way to translate "Myotismon did it with an incantation but you need to use your own abilities instead." I can kinda see how it connects. "Myotismon achieved it by using his power that was unique to him, and now you have to use your power that's unique to you to achieve the same." But it's janky and comes off sounding like he's saying we need to do things the way Myotismon does them.
The more pressing contradiction is that Gennai promises to explain how the cards work in detail to them, which is exactly the opposite of what he's telling them in the original scene. He does not have the answer to the card riddle.
This comes at the cost of telling them they can actually have a nice, relaxing, perfectly safe night. Which, at this point in their adventure, is just such a nice thing to be offered that I'm sad it got cut.
The kids go to bed for the night.
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Jou sleeps between Taichi and Sora because I guess he's still upset over that "I want some of Sora's love!" thing. Mimi gets her own private little corner to herself like the princess she is, following that rude, triggering experience Gennai inflicted on her. Yamato and Takeru have pulled their futons close together then thought better of it and decided to sleep in the same futon anyway. And Koushiro is absent.
Koushiro is with Gennai, trying to learn more about the lore of Digimon.
Koushiro: This world is similar to ours, but there's still a lot that's strange about it. Why is that? Gennai: Do you know what this world is comprised of? It's something equivalent to the atoms and molecules of your world. Koushiro: Data, right? Gennai: Correct. Everything in this world is comprised of the data running through computer networks in your world. When you encounter something strange here, it's because of faulty or missing data. Koushiro: I see. On that note, Gennai-san, are you also made of data? Gennai: Nrgh.
Not a word. Gennai didn't have a good evasive response to that one and just grunted reflexively. Koushiro takes that as confirmation.
Koushiro: But you do have a real body somewhere, don't you? Just like we do? Gennai: Nope. Koushiro: Are you something different from a Digimon? Gennai: Yes. It's because I don't have an attribute. Koushiro: An attribute? Gennai: Although this world is created by data, Digimon are further classified by the attributes Data, Virus, and Vaccine. Koushiro: I see.... Gennai: On that note, has the Digimon Analyzer been helpful for you? Koushiro: Yes! But there's something that's been bothering me. Gennai: What's that? Koushiro: This only contains data on the Digimon that I've met. I can't access data on Digimon that the others have seen. Gennai: I understand. Koushiro: Can you do something to fix it? Gennai: Yes. Let me borrow that for a while. Koushiro: Okay. Gennai: I'll have it fixed by morning. You should get some sleep. Koushiro: Okay.
In the dub, Gennai starts off by saying that the Digital World - which I guess we're no longer calling Digi-World - is made of molecules and atoms too.
Izzy: The Digital World is like our world but different. Why is that? Gennai: The same material is used in all worlds! Izzy: Molecules and atoms? Gennai: Exactly! Everything here in the Digital World - plants, trees, buildings, even the Digimon themselves - came from computer data in your world. So if there are strange things here, they are the result of broken or missing data. izzy: What about you, Gennai? Are you just made up of computer data too? Gennai: Of course! So, in each of the worlds, I would appear somewhat different. Izzy: But Gennai, if you're not human, how are you different from Digimon? Gennai: I have no attributes. Izzy: Attributes!? Just what does that mean!? You mean the different attacks Digimon have? Gennai: Yes! And the way a Digimon Digivolves. But attributes determine much more than that. They explain why some Digimon are good and some are evil. All Digimon can be classified as Data, Virus, or Vaccine. Izzy: We're definitely familiar with the Virus kind. Gennai: By the way, have you used that Digimon Analyzer I gave you? Izzy: Yes. But there is something I wanted to ask you about it. Gennai: What's that? Izzy: I'm only able to access information on Digimon that I have seen. Not on the ones that the other kids have seen. Gennai: Hmm... You're right, that is a problem. Izzy: Is it one that you can solve? Gennai: You just leave it to me, my young friend. I should have it all taken care of by morning. But, for now, you had better get some rest. Izzy: 'Kay.
This infodump is more or less the same. Though Gennai claims that being made of data would cause him to take different forms if he went to other worlds. Which doesn't really track or segue well out of the conversation they were having. The Digimon don't seem to have a problem with visiting other worlds without changing shape.
It also replaces the interesting clarifying question of whether he's "made of data" like the Digimon or "made of data" like the kids' digital bodies.
The next day, the kids have a satisfying breakfast. Gennai enters with Koushiro's laptop in hand to show off how he's upgraded it.
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Gennai: Are you ready? Kids: YES!!! Gennai: I've added an adaptor to Koushiro's laptop. If you insert a Digivice in here, the information of Digimon that its owner has met will be added to the Analyzer. I've also installed several new programs. Take a look at the manual when you get the chance. Koushiro: Thank you! Gennai: It may be tough for you, Chosen Children, but have faith in your abilities. Jou: (faceplants into the table) The abilities of the Chosen Children, huh? Sora: Hey! Have more faith! Gennai: I'm sorry I cannot be of any further use. Now go, children! I wish you luck. Kids: YES!!!
The dub starts this scene with a silence-breaking quip.
Sora: Wow, Joe. Why not just eat the bones too? Joe: Hey! I was hungry! Gennai: (enters) Good morning, all. Kids: HI!!!
Can I just say that having the kids yell "HI!!!" instead of "HAI!!!" is hilarious for meta reasons?
Gennai: Izzy, I've completed the modifications for your computer. When you insert someone's Digivice into this adaptor, the Analyzer will show information on any Digimon that person has seen. I also installed a new screensaver. You know the one with the colored fishes swimming around? I really like that one. Izzy: Great minds do think alike! Gennai: Now, I have a request for all of you. I don't want you to forget that you are the DigiDestined. Joe: I'll never forget this stomachache. Urrrrgh.... Sora: Joe, this is serious! Gennai: I have done all I can do. I can no longer help you once you return to Myotismon's castle. Good luck!
Fuck do you mean, you've done all you can do? Gennai, weren't you going to show us how to use the cards? What happened to that?
"Hey DigiDestined, don't forget that you're the DigiDestined," is an absolutely terrible way of presenting "Have faith in your abilities as Chosen Children."
The kids return to Vamdemon's castle, now guarded by the two Devidramon that Tailmon left behind. There's kind of an awkward commercial break here in the original. We leave Gennai and see them creep up on the castle for like two seconds, then cut to commercial, then come back on the Devidramon guarding the place. So it disrupts the flow.
Not sure why they didn't just put the commercial break after Gennai wished them luck, then come back to Vamdemon's castle.
Peering through a slightly opened door, they try and figure out how they're going to get in there.
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Yamato: What should we do? Taichi: This is bad. Tentomon: (loudly) WANT ME TO DEAL WITH THIS!?!? (Taichi and Koushiro exchange looks, then nod together) Tentomon: HERE I GO!!!
Tentomon is chomping at the bit to go loud and fuck these guys up. The second Taichi and Koushiro give him the okay, he Super-Evolves all the way up to AtlurKabuterimon and bursts in guns blazing.
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Koushiro: Hurry! While they're distracted!
Koushiro shouts as they sprint down the corridor away from the carnage. Which is certainly one way to describe AtlurKabuterimon wasting one Devidramon so fast we don't even see it, then slamming his axe horn straight into the other's neck and firing Horn Buster point-blank.
I would say they are "distracted", to be sure. AtlurKabuterimon is not cackling maniacally while he does this, but I'm gonna imagine he is.
The dub moves the commercial break to where I suggested, splitting up Gennai's "Good luck!" from the kids approaching the castle. It then gives Joe a silence-breaker on their way in.
Joe: Man, this place looks even scarier than it did the first time.
There's a little jankiness to moving it like this, though. The last shot before commercial is Taichi looking up and the first shot coming back is a snarling Devidramon. These shots are not connected to each other; They're separated by commercials. But cutting them together like this makes it look like the Devidramon is looming over Tai.
It was animated with the commercial break being at that spot in mind. So in the end, both versions feel a little off.
As the kids approach the door, Tai and Matt are given no lines, and Izzy speaks in regular speaking voice rather than a hushed whisper.
Izzy: How do we get past the Devidramon? Tentomon: Leave that to me! I'll take 'em out while you go in. (Tai and Izzy exchange looks, then nod together) Tentomon: ...
Tentomon is sadly not roaring "PIXEL DUST FOR THE PIXEL THRONE" in this version. He's still gung-ho about fighting the Devidramon but is not in a hysterical blood frenzy.
AtlurKabuterimon erases the Devidramon so hard that it breaks the coding on the castle.
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In a flash of light, all the wonky physics of the place vanish, and the kids are dropped unceremoniously on a flight of stairs.
(They did speculate earlier that Vamdemon's power was sustaining the wonky physics. It's probably no coincidence that the effect ended after a) Vamdemon fucked off to another reality and b) the last of his gargoyle Devidramon guards was destroyed.
But on the other hand, Horn Buster broke Vademon's pocket dimension too. Horn Buster may just be really good at wrecking the custom programming that others have put into their surroundings. AtlurKabuterimon taking an axe not just to your face but your hours and hours of SQL coding.)
Mochimon flops down the stairwell, all of his power spent on gleeful mayhem. Koushiro catches him in his arms.
Koushiro: Mochimon! (catch) Mochimon: (weakly) How did I do? Koushiro: I think you fixed the distortions in the airspace here! Taichi: C'mon! Let's move!
No change in the dub.
Once they've arrived at the Gate, Taichi lays out the cards and tries to figure out the 3x3 patterns.
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Taichi tries to classify them as
Good Guys: Gomamon, Unimon, Agumon, Andromon
Bad Guys: Gazimon, Drimogemon, Digitamamon
Disgusting Guys: TanosamaGekomon, Kuwagamon
Despite the fact that this setup puts four cards in one category and two in another, he snubs Elecmon, presumably picking that as the fake card.
Also, this is Drimogemon slander. He forgives Unimon and Andromon for the things they did under Black Gear influence but still calls Drimogemon a villain.
And another thing! I get that we have Kuwagamon trauma but what did he do to get classified as disgusting while the child-labor capitalist is merely bad?
I have a lot of issues with Taichi's breakdown.
Dub Tai describes them as "Good one, bad one, funky one".
Jou takes the next crack at them.
Small: Gomamon, Agumon, Elecmon, Gazimon
Medium: Digitamamon, Unimon, Andromon
Large: Drimogemon, TanosamaGekomon, Kuwagamon
Jou makes no assumptions about which card is the fake.
Joe, however, classifies them as "In-Training, Rookie, and Champion", the dub's terms for the Baby, Child, and Adult stages.
He actually has the right idea, as the stages are one of the two axes on the grid. However, the labels he gives are wildly incorrect for the cards shown. Holy shit, Joe. Gomamon should fucking slap him for calling him an In-Training Digimon.
From there, the others start giving it a shot, but we don't get to see how they separate the cards out.
Yamato: Let me try. How's this? Weak, so-so, and strong. But we still don't know which card is the wrong one. Sora: I bet it's where they live! Like land or sea! Mimi: Maybe it's the number of syllables in their name. Like A-gu-mo-n, that's four.
Everyone in this group has reasonable ideas except Taichi and Sora. The former of whom is letting some weird-ass biases show. And the latter. Like. Sora? Hey. Hey, Sora. Name one of these Digimon who is aquatic. Name one.
This is not going to be solved by the soccer club.
...actually, Koushiro is a member of the soccer club so, ironically, it is. Huh.
In the dub, Matt steals Jou's idea but as a sarcastic suggestion born of frustration.
Matt: Or could it just be small one, medium one, big one... How can we be sure!? And we still don't have a clue which card is the fake one! Sora: Maybe it's where they live. Water or land? Mimi: Maybe the key is in their names! Like, Agumon starts with 'A', that's letter #1, then... oh, no, it really doesn't make any sense.
Sora's idea gets translated straight. Mimi keeps the idea of names and lettering but in a way that's more familiar to an American audience than counting syllables/katakana lettering.
Skipping Takeru because I guess he had zero ideas and is just deferring to the older kids, now it's Koushiro's turn to get his thinky-think on. Koushiro approaches the pedestal that the cards need to fit into, while thinking aloud.
Of note: Koushiro begins talking while Mimi's making her suggestion and trying to arrange the cards in the original, speaking over her. Yet more fucking rudeness from Koushiro to my kid that's gonna get him tossed off a cliff.
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Mochimon: What's wrong? Koushiro: Vamdemon broke the seal with magic. Therefore, the pictures on the slate must also relate to magic. Mimi: (finishes sorting) AUGH!!! It still doesn't fit! Koushiro: I've seen these marks from occult pages on the Internet. The lion and archer are from the twelve Zodiac constellations. But the monkey isn't part of it. Also, these stars.... Mochimon: Do you know what they mean? Koushiro: No. But there must be some significance to them.
The dub, on the other hand, lets Mimi finish speaking before she prompts Izzy to share his thoughts.
Mimi: Izzy, what are you looking at? Izzy: Myotismon used a spell to open the Gate and I think this picture must have something to do with it. Some of these characters, I know. Sagittarius and Leo are signs of the Zodiac, but there's nothing about a monkey in any horoscope. And what's the significance of this star pattern?
We lose Koushiro crediting his familiarity with the zodiac to "occult pages on the internet", but replaces it by offhandedly mentioning horoscopes. No loss in the English version; We were all about astrology in the late 90's and early 00's United States.
Zodiac-based divination was so mainstream in American culture back in the day that I actually had a momentary kneejerk reaction over Koushiro calling it "occult". Like. Fuck do you mean occult!? They're just constellations that people use on a daily basis to oracularly divine the future for millions of stranger-- oh.
So, culturally, this is a good change. It's super easy for Izzy to just start namedropping Leo and Sagittarius. Those things are right there in the morning newspaper your dad reads every day. Kids will get it. And if they don't, it's easy for them to find out.
Suddenly, the building shakes. Outside, large chunks of the castle are beginning to move and reconfigure.
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Takeru: W-What's that sound? Yamato: I don't know. Mimi: It feels like something awful.... Patamon: I'll go take a look!
Patamon flies up the stairs to scout what's happening. While that's happening, Taichi tries another configuration.
Taichi: How about this? Sora: Well.... Jou: It's useless. Mimi: It is not! Don't say that! Jou: Even if we come up with something that might work, there's no guarantee it's correct. Yamato: That's true, but--
Before he can finish, the castle shakes again. The structures have begun to fall in on each other.
This is meant to be a quiet build-up to tension. The background music is absent, as Taichi and the others are still trying to figure out the cards. We don't know that we're in danger yet, but something certainly seems to be happening that warrants investigation.
The dub plays their Peril Music track and dials the alarm up to 11 from the moment the kids notice the first quakes.
T.K.: Matt, what's that sound!?!? Matt: I don't know! Mimi: Well, maybe someone should go take a-- Patamon: I'll go find out! (flies off) Tai: Come on, guys! We have to figure out the cards! Sora: Yeah! Let's go! Joe: What's the point!? We'll never unlock the Gate. Sora: Don't even say that, Joe! Joe: Even if we put the cards in the holes so they look right, we have no way of knowing until it's too late! Matt: We have to try, Joe!
Nonetheless, the crux of this scene - Jou despairing over the unsolvable card puzzle - comes through intact.
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Patamon: (soaring back down the stairs) WE HAVE TROUBLE!!! THE CASTLE IS CRUMBLING!!! Taichi: WHAT!?!? Mochimon: AUGH!!! This might be my fault! I broke the ceiling earlier! Patamon: All of the passages are blocked! Yamato: So now we can't turn back! Sora: That's not all! This place will start collapsing soon too!
With their backs against the wall, Jou-senpai makes a pronouncement, harkening back to what Gennai said to them before they left.
Jou: Taichi. Taichi: What? Jou: I'm going to let you handle this. Taichi: What's this all of a sudden? Jou: I'm not saying I don't want the responsibility. This is because I have faith in you! Taichi: Eh!? Yamato: Me too! At times like this, we should follow our leader. Taichi: Hey, now! Since when am I the leader!? Yamato: When you disappeared, we all fell apart. You were the one who brought us back together again! Taichi: That was a coincide-- Mimi: WHO CARES!?!? Sora: Mimi-chan? Mimi: DO SOMETHING TO TAKE ME HOME!!!
Then Mimi suddenly sticks out her tongue to reveal she was playing around.
Mimi: I've been whining like that this whole time, but that's not how it works. I won't speak selfishly anymore. Sora: That's right! If we don't change ourselves, nothing else will! Yamato: That is why I'm putting my faith in our nakama. Taichi: Everyone.... Yamato: You agree, don't you, Takeru? Takeru: Yeah! Even if we do end up in a different world, we'll all be together. That's why I'm not scared! Yamato: That's right! Sora: What about you, Koushiro-kun? Koushiro: (uncomfortable) Y-Yes. I always had faith in Taichi-san even before all this. Group: DO IT, TAICHI!!! (beat) Taichi: (with resolve) I will.
As of this moment, Taichi is officially team leader. The group has decided that he proved himself over the course of the PicoDevimon to be the glue that holds this nakama together.
We're a long way from that shit he pulled at Nanomon's pyramid. Chronologically. It's been months so nobody's thinking about that anymore, except Tai because that was like yesterday.
The dub starts this section off by removing the point Mochimon made about this being his fault.
Tai: Something tells me we don't have much time! Patamon: Hey, everyone! The walls and ceilings in the castle are caving in! The passages are all blocked! Matt: That means we can't go back the way we came in! We're trapped! Izzy: Now we have to open the Gate. One of us has to choose nine cards and put them in the holes, and that will be that. Joe: You, Tai. Tai: Me? Joe: Yeah, it's your call. Tai: Mine!? Why is it up to me!? Joe: I'm not trying to put you on the spot or anything like that. I just think we all really believe in you, Tai. Tai: Me?
This endorsement doesn't really hit as hard when Joe isn't at least on paper our responsible senpai who's supposed to look out for us. The Team Weenie wants Tai to do it; Big surprise there. Fortunately, we still have the others.
Matt: Joe's right! In times like these, decisions need to be made by the one in charge! Tai: Hold on, have you guys all gone crazy!? Who made me leader!? Matt: Do you remember when you were gone, Tai? We fell apart without you around! And after all that, weren't you the one who managed to bring us all back together again? Tai: Uh, yeah, I guess-- Mimi: JUST DO IT, TAI!!! Sora: Mimi? Mimi: I JUST WANT TO GET BACK TO MY HOME, THAT'S ALL!!! (Mimi suddenly gives a :P) Mimi: Oh, I'm sorry. I was being selfish again. I have to remember that we're a team. Come on, Tai! Save the day! Sora: Yeah, we have to believe in our friends! Remember what Gennai said? Matt: Yeah! He said to believe in our power! You believe, don't you, Tai? Tai: Maybe....
He did not. What Gennai said was "Don't forget that you are the DigiDestined. I cannot help you at the castle. Good luck!" You could infer that sentiment, but he certainly didn't say those words. The English kids are referencing things only said in the Japanese script again.
Mimi's moment of self-deprecation spinning into self-actualization is replaced with Mimi sincerely whining but then catching herself. Which isn't necessarily a bad change but it does mean her sudden :P partway through doesn't make much sense.
From there, instead of asking T.K. and Izzy's opinions, the kids just start calling back to other episodes. I guess we don't care what those two think.
Joe: Come on, we've gone through a lot of weird stuff already! If we hadn't stuck together, we never would have beaten Seadramon! Matt: Or smashed Tyrannomon! Mimi: Or escaped from Toy Town! Joe: And I'd still be making french fries in Vegiemon's diner if you hadn't saved me. You can do it, Tai! Group: YOU CAN DO IT, TAI!!! (beat) Tai: (with resolve) ALRIGHT.
Those feel like weird examples to me. Yamato and Gabumon fought off Seadramon by themselves. Taichi and Agumon defeated Tyrannomon by themselves while everyone else was afflicted with Love Serenade. Mimi and Palmon defeated Monzaemon and saved the team from Toy Town with help, but it was from an army of Numemon, not the other kids.
None of those victories was achieved through teamwork and relying on one another. Though the Vegiemon one, at least, is valid. That is a solid example of overcoming a problem by working together and having each other's backs.
ShogunGekomon would have been another good example to draw on, as Togemon, Ikkakumon, and Greymon/MetalGreymon all worked together to protect Mimi from him and ultimately vanquish him.
Also, general rallying about teamwork isn't what we're talking about here anyway; We're trying to puff up Tai into believing he deserves a position of authority over the rest of the group. He only gets credit for two of those four examples.
This is off-topic, and it replaces sincere moments of Takeru and Koushiro expressing their faith in Taichi, in the nakama, and in their ability to persevere through whatever comes their way.
(Especially Koushiro, who has always believed in Taichi and you can see that throughout the series. Koushiro looks up to Taichi like an older brother.)
Once Taichi is placed in charge, he immediately passes the buck to the correct person to be doing this actually.
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Taichi: Just to confirm this: Will all of you really follow my decision? Group: (synchronized nodding) Mmhmm. Taichi: Great! Then I've decided! Koushiro! I want you to choose! Koushiro: M-Me!? Mimi: If that's what Taichi-san's decided, then I think it's a good idea. Yamato: We're counting on you, Koushiro! Takeru: Koushiro-san! Koushiro: But if I get it wrong-- Jou: No one will hold it against you. Sora: We have faith in you! Taichi: What they said.
Yeah, this is definitely a Koushiro problem. An esoteric and poorly-explained lore puzzle is directly within his wheelhouse.
The dub follows the script until Jou and Sora's lines. The two of them get cut in favor of having Mimi and Tai chime in again.
Izzy: But what happens if I'm wrong? Mimi: No one will blame you. Tai: We all know you're the right one for the job, Izzy. Go for it!
Once the decision is made, Koushiro gets work trying to crack this mystery.
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Koushiro: Well, then.... Mochimon: Koushiro-han, maybe your laptop can help. Koushiro: My laptop?
Everyone stands by silently and watches Koushiro take out his laptop and open it up.
Koushiro: If I had access to the internet here, I would be able to ask people who know more about the occult.
He leafs through the Digimon Analyzer, skimming over profiles. Devimon, Leomon, Ogremon, Kentarumon, Whamon--
Koushiro: Ehh!?
He goes back, and we see the sigils superimposed over their entries. It's not Sagittarius and Leo; It's Kentarumon and Leomon.
Koushiro: Then the monkey is....
Koushiro pulls up Etemon's profile, adding it to the list.
Koushiro: This is it! But what does it mean? (flashback) Gennai: Digimon are further classified by the attributes Data, Virus, and Vaccine. Koushiro: Attributes!
Koushiro zooms each profile in on the three's Attributes.
Leomon: Vaccine
Kentarumon: Data
Etemon: Virus
That's one axis.
Koushiro: Who here has met Digitamamon and TonosamaGekomon? Jou: I have. Koushiro: Bring me your Digivice!
Koushiro plugs Jou's Digivice into the laptop and downloads those two profiles.
Over in the dub:
Izzy: I still have no idea how this all fits together. Motimon: Maybe you could use your computer to help figure it out! Izzy: The computer? Right now, I'd rather use it to log onto the internet and book us a flight out of this place. (Izzy skims through the profiles) Izzy: HUH!?!? Wait a minute.... (Izzy goes back through) The horse. The lion. And... THE MONKEY!!! THAT'S IT!!! (flashback) Gennai: Remember, all Digimon can be classified as Data, Virus, or Vaccine. Izzy: Could it be!?
We don't get to see the confirmation of his question for ourselves. The dub cuts the shot of him zooming in on the three Digimon's attributes. Probably because of how skittish they are about showing Japanese letters onscreen.
He then casts his vote on TonosamaGekomon's name. Remember how the Analyzer said ShogunGekomon but all the characters said Shogunmon?
Izzy: Who here has met up with Digitamamon and Gekomon? Joe: I have! Izzy: Give me your Digivice.
The Analyzer, incidentally, still clearly reads "SHOGUNGEKOMON" in the big bold English font they used to replace the original Japanese lettering.
All this context is precisely what Koushiro needs to crack this puzzle.
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Something absolutely none of the kids picked up on is that the cards themselves hint at the X-axis. Vaccines have a red background, Datas have a green background, and Viruses have a blue background. That would have been a great place to start, but every single one of these kids failed at pattern recognition.
Their school needs to do better at teaching critical thinking.
Taichi: Did you figure it out? Koushiro: Let me explain. (Koushiro draws his own reproduction of the pedestal in the sand) Koushiro: Listen closely. Take a look at this. Lion, Archer, Monkey. These respectively represent Leomon, Kentarumon, and Etemon. Each has a different Attribute. Specifically Vaccine, Data, and Virus. What I'd like to point out next are the number of stars. From top to bottom, they mean Child, Adult, and Perfect-stage. If you put the cards in the appropriate places.... Jou: It's a perfect fit! Sora: That's amazing, Koushiro-kun! (zoom in on Gomamon and Agumon) Koushiro: But there are two here. Either of them could be the wrong one, but I can't tell. I'm sorry. I couldn't live up to your expectations. Jou: What are you talking about? You did great!
The kids all give Koushiro a round of applause.
Koushiro: (smiling) Everyone.... Sora: You should decide the rest, Taichi. Taichi: Will do. You were a big help, Koushiro. Thank you.
The dub follows the same script until Izzy makes the same mistake Joe did.
Izzy: The stars starting from the top represent In-Training, Rookie, and Champion! So now we can put all the cards in the right squares. Sora: You did it, Izzy! Good work! Tai: We knew you'd figure it out! (zoom in on Gomamon and Agumon) Izzy: But wait a minute. Not so fast. There are two cards here. One of them is the fake but I don't know which one. So that's it. I'm sorry, we still can't be certain where the Gate will open to. Joe: But we made it this far! That's great! (round of applause) Izzy: Yes, it is! Sora: Tai can pick which one's fake. Tai: if I can't, everyone gets an ice cream and I'm buying!
Like. The dub team just forgot what they're calling the stages. Come on, guys.
It's a good thing Koushiro was able to get us this far because we are out of time. As the castle continues to shake and fall apart, spiders suddenly descends from the ceiling.
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Jou: Who is that!? Koushiro: (laptop) I'll have their data pulled up in a minute.
That is Dokugumon. An Adult-stage Virus-type Insect Digimon. The name comes from dokugumo, which means a poisonous spider.
This Digimon does not exist in the V-Pet. Yet. It's an early preview of an up-and-coming new addition. This episode aired on September 19th, 1999. Dokugumon is a Nightmare Soldier added in the .5 edition released the following month, replacing Bakemon in the lineup.
The Chosen Children are being attacked by a product ad.
Narrator: Dokugumon. A cursed Digimon whose entire body is covered in a computer virus. Their special attack, Stinger Poration, is released from their sharp fangs. Dokugumon: Anyone who damages Vamdemon-sama's castle will pay with their lives!
Well, there's a fucking word. "Poration". The formation of pores. Dokugumon will make new pores in your skin. Using their stinger. Fun for the whole family!
Appropriately, the dub has Izzy do the diegetic rundown.
Tai: What is that!? Izzy: I'll tell you in just a minute! Izzy: (rundown) It's Dokugumon! An evil Digimon with computer virus parasites covering his body! Dokugumon: INTRUDERS IN THE CASTLE MUST BE DESTROYED!!! GO GET THEM!!!
Again, the dub cuts the reference to the fact that AtlurKabuterimon's enthusiasm destroyed Vamdemon's castle and caused the calamity we are currently in. In the dub, Dokugumon's just acting as a security guard.
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Dokugumon does not lead with Stinger Poration, instead sending a swarm of weird-ass baby spiders whose existence is super questionable within the Digimon life cycle. But eventually they would be acknowledged as KoDokugumon.
Garurumon, Togemon, and Ikkakumon all evolves and unload on the KoDokugumon swarm. A few get through and attack Sora, provoking Pyokomon to regain her Piyomon form and counter with Magical Fire.
In the dub, Garurumon forgets his attack name (Howling Blaster) and instead calls Blue Blaster, which is Gabumon's.
While the Digimon hold the line, Taichi places the cards on the pedestal and agonizes over the final decision.
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Taichi: Which one. Agumon or Gomamon? Mimi: TAICHI-SAN, HURRY!!! Jou: It doesn't matter which!
Hahaha it kind of does matter if you don't want to swap skin with Gomamon, my dude.
The dub cuts Jou's line which is no real loss because it's kind of stupid. XD
Tai: I can't decide! Which one is the fake card? Mimi: HURRY UP!!! CHOOSE!!! Tai: If I choose wrong, we're toast!
While Taichi agonizes over this choice, Dokugumon enters the fray themselves.
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Dokugumon: I WON'T LET YOU ESCAPE!!!
Binding the three Adult Digimon with webbing, they yank them up helplessly into the air and hit them with Stinger Poration.
Togemon: I'M GOING NUMB!!! Dokugumon: THE CHILDREN ARE NEXT!!! Yamato: GARURUMON!!! Sora: GANBATTE!!!
There's another conjugation of ganbaru, the important Japanese cultural principle of working hard and persevering through tremendous adversity.
The dub cuts most of this combat shouting. Dokugumon just cackles menacingly. They name the webbing attack "Poison Thread", and then the actual Stinger Poration is called "Poison Cobweb".
Matt: GARURUMON!!! Sora: Digivolve again!
Not quite as punchy as shrieking ganbatte at the top of her lungs.
Garurumon takes Sora's advice and perseveres.
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Super-evolving into WereGarurumon, he uses his Kaiser Nail to cut the other two free and wrestles with Dokugumon. The bright red energy released by his Kaiser Nail cuts straight through the walls, knocking huge chunks off the dwindling mountain holding up the castle.
Gomamon and Palmon lose their Adult-stage and revert as they fall.
Patamon?: TAICHI!!! Yamato: You're still deciding!? Sora: PICK ONE!!! Taichi: Alright, I've got it!
Fulfilling the idea Gennai throttled him for, Taichi throws both cards face-down and just turns one over.
Taichi: THIS ONE!!! (turns over Gomamon) Open the Gate, GOMAMON!!!
In his defense, there is no way to discern which card to use. At this point, it is a 50/50 coin flip, and there's no wrong way to flip a coin. What Taichi just did was a clever method of breaking choice paralysis. I've actually employed similar methods many times in my life.
In the dub, only Matt yells at Tai.
Matt: TAI, YOU'VE GOTTA MAKE UP YOUR MIND NOW!!! WE'RE OUT OF TIME!!! Tai: (throws down the cards) Okay! It's this one! (turns over Gomamon) Come on! NOW!!!
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The Gate opens wide, granting the children passage to whichever world lies beyond, and they take off running.
Except Yamato, who stays behind to grab his Partner.
They will not.
WereGarurumon: KAISER NAIL!!!
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Dokugumon takes a point-blank Kaiser Nail that decapitates the goddamn castle, cutting through what's left of the mountain and bringing the entire thing down like a freshly logged tree. The attack erases Dokugumon.
Once the up-and-coming Nightmare Soldier IN STORES NEXT MONTH has been carved into pixel dust, Yamato catches the reverted Tsunomon and they too make the long sprint to the other world.
Yamato: Thank you, Tsunomon! LET'S GO!!!
The dub obviously changes out "I'll drag you to Hell with me".
Matt: Leave him and come on! Dokugumon: YOU'LL NEVER GET OUT OF HERE IN ONE PIECE!!!
They also cut WereGarurumon calling his Kaiser Nail. Then Matt's line is:
Matt: It was real close, Tsunomon, but it looks like we made it!
Bit too calm for my liking.
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The children wake up back at the campgrounds, lying on the ground in front of the shrine they'd started at all those months ago.
Yamato: (waking up) Th-This is.... Taichi: Japan? Jou: This shrine... WE'RE ON THE CAMPGROUNDS!!! WE MADE IT BACK!!!
Mimi starts bawling from sheer joy and relief.
Sora: This is where we left for the Digimon's world. (beat) Sora: Where are our Digimon!? Koushiro: It couldn't have been a dream, could it? Sora: (heartbroken) ...maybe it was the wrong card-- Piyomon: Sora! Sora: (gasp, suddenly ecstatic) OR NOT!!!
Sora's come a long way from being weirded out by Piyomon's pushy friendliness and reluctant to emotionally connect to others in general.
In the dub, they don't mention Japan.
Matt: (waking up) H-huh.... Tai: Where are we? Joe: I know this place. This is the summer camp where we all met! You did it, Tai! We're home again! Mimi: OHHHHH HOME WHOOOAAA!!!
Dub Mimi doesn't so much cry as... some kind of yowling vocalization.
Sora: We're back to where we were first sucked into the Digital World. But where are our Digimon? Izzy: I wonder if we got the cards wrong after all? Sora: (heartbroken) Then in this world, we could be without them. Piyomon: You can't get rid of us that easily! Sora: (gasp, suddenly ecstatic, giggles)
Here Izzy theorizes that the card was wrong, rather than Sora despondently accusing it.
Right as it's revealed that the Digimon made it across too, the insert song "Seven" fires up to relieve the tension, which comes across as surprisingly hopeful now that we're back.
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Palmon: Looks like you're all awake. Taichi: (jolly) And where did all of you get off to? Gomamon: Foraging for food!
The Digimon all reveal berry bushes that they brought with them. How Tsunomon and Koromon carried theirs, I have no idea. The kids have a good laugh about it.
Jou: Hahaha! This is Japan, so you don't have to eat that stuff anymore! Mimi: You'll get to eat nicer things! Everyone: WELCOME BACK!!! WE'RE HOME!!!
The dub overcompensates for the fact that we are admittedly in Japan right now by turning this last bit into another rousing round of just rattling off American things.
Palmon: Wake up! Come on, sleepyheads! Tai: We're up! We're up! Where have you been? Gomamon: (berries) We thought we ought to go look for a little lunch! Joe: Hahaha! Now that we're home, we don't have to eat leaves anymore! We can eat cheeseburgers! Mimi: That's right! And pepperoni pizza! T.K.: And french fries! Matt: And ice cream! Sora: Yeah! And broccoli: Other Kids: BROCCOLI!?!?
Before we can wrap up, Koromon has a question for Taichi.
Koromon: Taichi, why didn't you choose my card? Taichi: Your card? Oh, uh... I wanted to keep it as a souvenir? Koromon: Really. (¬_¬)
Koromon is right to be skeptical. Taichi is lying through his teeth. He picked at random.
Dub Tai seems to sell his lie better.
Koromon: How did you know that my card was the fake, Tai? Taichi: I didn't. I kept your card because you're my friend! Koromon: Hehe, that's so nice! (¬_¬)
Though the expression he's making doesn't really vibe with the pleasant response.
Taichi quickly changes the subject.
Taichi: A-Anyways! We should start looking for the Eighth Child. Yamato: Yeah! Vamdemon must already have made his move. Taichi: Hikarigaoka. I'm certain that's where the Eighth Child is. Let's find the kid before they do and rescue them! Group: RIGHT!!!
Good news, Vamdemon can't have gotten far. The time dilation that Taichi experienced earlier means it's been like eight minutes since he and his forces arrived in Japan. But the kids don't really understand how that works yet.
In the dub, of course, they've been dancing around Japan so they're not going to say Hikarigaoka.
Tai: Hey, everybody! We've got to go and find the Eighth Child! Matt: Yeah! And we've got to get a move on since Myotismon's there ahead of us! Tai: I'm happy that we're finally headed back to my hometown! And we already know that's where we're gonna find the Eighth Child! LET'S GO!!!
Tai, you live in Odaiba. You're as bad as Matt when it comes to reading Gennai Maps.
Ironically, Tai is actually so wrong right now that he comes full circle to being correct. Because the Eighth Child is, in fact, in Odaiba. Odaiba isn't the plan. But it is where she is. So. I guess. He gets a cookie anyway.
Assessment: I wonder what Dokugumon did to get snubbed from the Assault Team? They're not a mercenary. They actually work for Vamdemon, like Tailmon and PicoDevimon. If they really are just the security guard then they've done a terrible job of it, 'cause this is the first we've heard of them after fucking around the castle for two days straight.
I mean. They're dead now, so I guess it doesn't matter. RIP spider who was way too late to this party.
This episode formally introduces Digimon attributes to the series. They've technically been around since the very first rundown but now the kids know about them. Koushiro is becoming more and more capable as the Guy In The Chair.
This is a hard episode to watch only because it comes between the kids nearly making it to Japan and the kids being in Japan, which is arguably the best part of the series. So part of me was just vibrating in my chair wanting to get to Japan for the whole episode. XD
The dub had some unbelievable mistakes this time around. Like. Messing up attack names is one thing but they forgot what they even named the tiers of Digimon stages. They also cut out minor plot points and any mention of Japan or Hikarigaoka.
I wouldn't call this a complete hack job but it's not one of the dub's better episodes.
15 notes · View notes
oddballwriter · 1 year
hi! i love your writing! <3 is it alright if i request for going on a road trip with jake lockley? i just imagine there'd be so much snacks and chaos LOL XD
Warnings: mentions of drifting, speeding, and over all shenanigans in a car 
Author’s Snip: I feel like being stuck in a car with Jake would actual be the best one to be on a road trip with. He seems fun in a car.
I’ll shut up now. Enjoy! And don’t be afraid to request.
It can be
Trust me it is
I don't know what the trip would be for. Maybe he's taking you on a mission, much to the possible dismay of the other two, or you guys are taking a trip somewhere
He's not too used to people in being in his car who aren't cab clients or someone who's end is near so yeah
He doesn't let you touch his radio, just try and stomach it okay
Jake seems like the only snacks he brings for a road trip is beef jerky and nuts so if you don't like those you have to bring your own snacks
He's quiet in the beginning because he's used to having to be quiet (since no one likes talking to the cab driver). But starts talking at some point
You can do most of the talking for him though. He actually likes listening to you talk <3
Jake knows how to drive but that doesn't mean he obeys all the laws
If you guys are on an open road and you can't get caught, he's fucking flooring it for the sake of it
Honestly, if you want and there's a big enough and secluded enough spot he'll teach you how to drift and do maneuvers
You guys visit tourist stops sometimes if they sound weird enough. Like the worlds largest pistachio or something
This all doesn't sound that chaotic and thats because he's sort of holding back. He doesn't want to do anything too dumb that could get you hurt. But if he finds that you can handle it then he'll let loose and be more risky
It's still fun though
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fareehaandspaniards · 9 months
I sometimes wonder how comes you ended up SO attached to Damian specifically? When you first appeared you was just one of us Micolash simps, but before I've noticed it is just Damian everywhere ggjhggkj Sorry if you've answered somewhere already, but what made you so obsessed with Damian? What was that thing that made you see his potential and appeal the way you do now?
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Well, yes, you were right to point out that when I came here, I was mostly interested only in Micolash! But gradually getting used to the character, you start to think about his surroundings! And if Edgar I liked from the first glance and he always will be my favourite nerd-accountant-church boy with issues, then Damian I just ignored at first xd And in the game did not really notice him, although he stands out among the phantoms - Loch Shield, ability to heal with choir bell, Mensis cage (AND his amazing look. Long hair and tired old face? Ooooh, I'm in). The cage in particular makes you think that he is a very difficult character which belongs to an enemy fraction and fights on your side. Well beyond that, it was worth taking a closer look at him and it all went on its own :'D
Most of the fandom sees him in a similar way - caring, selflessly giving of himself to Micolash, loyal to the core, a bit slow due to age, and cozy man. My first vision of him was also like he is an absolute angel, the purest creation in the entire game! That was second phase of my simping I think xD Granddilf with the biggest heart and purest soul, loyal servant of his beloved one - oh my god!! Makes me go crazy because I want him to be respected immediately, be loved and cherished. Maybe he is my type? I don't know. Old, really OLD man with loving heart and I-i-i-i... melting...
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One of my headcanons is that Damian can kill a human, do crimes, cruel medical experiments (he is a Mensis scholar after all) but he can never hurt a child! ^^^^ There is him with little Yurie, Micolash and Edgar, and image I drew after a cool discussion with Fantomette! We talked about possibility of Edgar being Micolash's son, which means that Damian could possibly be his godfather xd
(Also you may see a plushie bunnie in little Micolash's hands and it has much more sense that it may seem!)
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I am too lazy to explain I am sorry Dx But I wrote about bunny and little Irzhie here, in an ask game. The question was - what would be his favourite toy? >>>
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Me and my husband talked about Irzhie too much and came to many funny and creepy conclusions and ideas (Damian's obsession with his little brother, projection his brother on Micolash, insanity, necromancy and,,,, Many other things :^) , so that picture was born)
(Sorry to put it in your ask lkak.ermkeamg,g,fdmg BUT you can't shut me up when it's about Damian D: )
I mean you can put Damian in ANY headcanon and he still be kindest man ever existed.
In myvision of lore he helped Rom when she felt really bad in Byrgenwerth, was one amongst three people in the whole college who supported Caryll, he protected Micolash his whole life, he was trying to soften Micolash's deeds and didn't want him to involve innocent children in his experiments (as much as adults. But I believe that Yahar'gul people were sort of fanatics so there were many volunteers for School of Mensis medical stuff), he was the one who will always do his best to help whenever you ask.
And my poor old man is also a saddest creature, because the fact is a fact - no matter if he hates or loves Micolash or just fights against his ideas in game, Micolash is in a Nightmare and Damian is here. I shipped Damicolash and it was really bittersweet. Mico dies and what is left for Damian? Only grieve and sorrow?
Damian/Yurie - bitter end, Damian/Rom - bitter end, Damian/Micolash - bitter end, Damian/anyone else - bitter end! :^)
Anyone else except sir Gremia! (This man deserves another post he is also so complicated! My husband KNOWS how much I adore him. Many of our daily jokes include him lol) Gremia has a strong need in an "adult/mother" archetype and also in "wife/lover", he needs someone who will pat his head and whom he can protect. And Damian needs someone to take care of, to protect and to be protected by that someone (Theme for another post :Р)
Damian, who gave love but didn't receive it, who did his best for Micolash but ended up leaving the Mensis School because his beloved crossed all bounds of sanity, who believed in Kos, his goddess of mothers and children, who genuinely tried to help everyone - I wanted him to be happy.
It really concerned me and I think then started the third phase of simping, when I found out that Sir Gremia exists and Damian just can't be perfect (it's so wrong and boring. I love when a character is like alive person, so it means they are problematic! There are no "normal" people)
I have to say, as you mentioned, I have seen him as a chad, attracting everyone to him xD But right now for me he has flaws, he can be very annoying sometimes, plus overprotection of Micolash (I think Micolash even got tired of him. Sounds like an absolute Micolash plus that may be a reason he let Damian go from serving him), weaknesses and traumas, cruelty and coldness in his heart, and a strong attachment to the past. But he's the kind one. And that's what hit my heart the hardest way. He is player friendly for his own unknown reasons, but I believe his destiny and talent is to lead and protect, which is what he has been doing all his life.
I write a fic about him and Gremia right now, connected with the early Healing Church and I want to put there all my headcanons, big and small and finally finish his story and give him the end of the game that he deserves
I am sorry for the amount of text. Old man took a place in my heart, he does not only looks like an absolute perfection but also seems to be a wonderful person with lots of issues and flaws. I LOVE HIM
I need to improve my drawing skill so I will draw him better and he will become more popular :'D
Maybe I got a little off-topic? But I want you to know how I see him - it's the main point of my simping xD So hard to put all my thoughts in one text. Hope it's not hard to read. It's much easier to write a story than tell the chaos that is happening in your head with your blorbo xD
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