#cat bff
thenatsdorf · 2 years
“Dis dog, my best friend! Dog Dog Dog! I wuv dog!”
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catsofyore · 3 months
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Chums! 1897. Source.
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catfindr · 10 months
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pabuthefirecat · 7 months
🐈🐈‍⬛ give us treats?
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... here 🟤 🟤
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🐈🐈‍⬛ we're done now
😗 ...
🥲 .
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kandlewick · 3 months
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i'll dry the villain's tears
t h e r o s e r e d t y r a n t ' s m o t h e r pt.2
you get reincarnated into a role that became the breaking point of the villain's story and you, be it an unwillingness to cause them harm or a desire to survive, must work hard to make sure they grow into a better (or at least safer) person.
You felt entirely too overdressed sitting here at the park. Your former body's wardrobe was obviously not meant for anything too strenuous and that apparently included just enjoying your time outside in the sun. You could feel the sweat gather in uncomfortable places... but your nerves weren't just because of the warm weather.
Trey's mother sat beside you, much more dressed for the occasion, and watched as Trey and Riddle reconnected. You could hear the two of them laugh and giggle as they began playing as if nothing had ever happened and the two were quick to run up the steps leading to the slide, followed by a whole gaggle of other children. You let out a soft sigh of relief at the sight.
Not just the clothes, but your body was so stiff and rigid it was hard to even relax as you tried to breath. Your back was straight as a rod while you sat on the uncomfortable park bench, your well manicured hands firm on your lap and you shuffled uncomfortably in place. Trey's mother eyed you from her spot on the bench and offered a small smile, like she was acknowledging how strenuous this whole situation was for you.
"I'm guessing you've never brought Riddle to a public park before, huh?" She crossed her arms and leaned on them over the table, linking her fingers together, "You look like you're about to faint."
You forced out a laugh, too embarrassed to meet her gaze and pulled at the high collar of your buttoned top. You could practically feel heat waves steaming off of you. "Something like that," you admitted, "I wasn't exactly a good mother when it came to recreational activities."
You inwardly cringed at your wording — what, is Miss Rosehearts vocabulary infecting you too?
Trey's mother hummed as she continued to look at you. You could feel her bright hazel eyes staring at you. You could feel a cold sweat drip down your neck.
"Please stop me if this sounds too forward," Trey's mother leaned back but quickly offered her hand to you, "but my name is Dinah."
You blinked up at her, startled. She... wanted you to shake her hand?
She offered up her hand again and made a motion for you to follow. Almost hesitantly, you reached out and clasped her hand in your own, shaking it. Her palms were so warm, comforting, almost the exact opposite of your body's cold touch. She smiled at you, the dimple on your cheek crinkling with delight.
"I figured since our children are such good friends, we could at least try and act cordial." She glanced over as your two children sat next to each other on the swing set, the elder Trey guiding Riddle on how to kick back his feet. Riddle was hesitant and stumbled a few times, but kept giggling all the same, obviously entranced.
"Trey likes to baby younger kids," Dinah smiled, "I wonder how he'd do with younger siblings..."
You noticed that too as Riddle followed him around like a little duckling chasing after its mama. Whatever Trey did, Riddle would follow even if it meant pushing his limits. Trey watched carefully from the other end of the playground as Riddle jumped from one platform to the next, his arms out and knees shaking as he tried to keep himself balanced. Whenever he would stumble and topple over the edge nearly sending him into a fit of tears, Trey was quick to act and followed him back to the beginning.
"He's a sweet kid." You mumbled, "You're a great mother."
She gave you an almost sympathetic look, noticing your tone before reaching out and grabbing your hand, "Hey, you're not doing so bad now either." She squeezed your hand in her own and offered you an encouraging smile, "Parenting isn't easy and sometimes you don't notice the damage until it's too late but look at you," She gestured to your whole self, "Better late then never, right?"
You both sat there idly chatting until much later then you had figured you would and before long, the sun had began to set, casting the park in a orange hue. You were caked in sweat but Riddle wasn't doing much better. The two children came back huffing and puffing from exhaustion, sweat dripping off their foreheads like rivers. Riddle looked especially tired, his cheeks a bright red.
"I think I'm ready to go now," Riddle sighed.
You gave him a small smile and pulled him close, rubbing your pristine sleeve against his cheeks and wiped away any of the dirt that stained his skin, laughing as he let out a soft whine. Trey wasn't faring any better and was quick to lean against his mother's lap. Dinah ruffled his hair but her face quickly grimaced at the sweat in his hair. The kids obviously were going to need a bath after this.
You pulled Riddle in to your arms and tucked him under your chin. His bright red hair tickled your face but you held him even closer as his arms wrapped around your neck. He let out a soft sigh against your shoulder. Trey, being much taller then Riddle, simply grabbed Dinah's hand. He tiredly looked up at the young boy in your arms and smiled, his hands raising to offer Riddle a small wave.
"Bye, Riddle. We'll play again sometime, ok?"
Riddle turned his head and nodded, a sleepy smile on his face, "Mmmhm..."
"We will do this again sometime, right?" Dinah lowered her voice and leaned over so that Trey wouldn't be in ear shot, "This isn't a one time thing?"
"Oh?" You blinked over at her. Oh! "Yes!" You reassured her, your voice a little too loud, "Yes, we would love that. Riddle would love to." I would love to!! You screamed in your head, eager to befriend her. You wanted friends too!!!
Dinah gave you a dazzlingly bright smile, "Then I think we should invite Chen'ya and his uncle next time too!" Riddle and Trey straightened up at this and you could tell the two of them were excited about the thought.
"His uncle?" You questioned. That doesn't sound very familiar.
"Oh yeah," Dinah laughed behind her hand, "Chen'ya's parents are always out of the country on business so he lives with his uncle and his grandfather. My husband and I are good friends with them both and his uncle is a really fun guy, I'm sure you'd find him... interesting!"
It would certainly be interesting meeting someone new that you had no idea about... plus you'd be able to apologize properly to Chen'ya and whoever his guardian was. It could possibly be very... fun. You could feel your body hum in excitement as you found yourself nodding eagerly, nearly bouncing Riddle in your arms, "I would like that very much."
And then after exchanging phone numbers, you and Dinah parted ways, the two children eager to return home and rest.
"Mmmm," Riddle hummed in your arms, his hold on you loosening as he began drifting off, "I had a lot of fun today —" He yawned loudly, his head burrowing itself further into your neck, a content smile on his face, "Thank you."
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yourgalgremlin · 4 months
📢💬 Killing Eve is a lesbian Jegulus AU:
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blefs · 5 months
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My cat and a potato sack
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cosmicsmosh · 3 months
hi sorry my bf and gf are too fucking cute like spencer recognizing angela’s brother in the chat is so sweet they’re besties your honor :’)
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theremorahs · 2 months
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14dayswithyou · 7 months
[18 May 2022] Is Ren touch starved?
Very. the only people Ren has ever been close with (aside from you, of course) were his mother and sister. But it's been years since he's last seen either of them, and he honestly doesn't really care about them anymore.
He also has zero relationship experience, no friends, and was bullied all throughout school, so... :') /please/ give him a hug or something lmao
20 Feb 2024 EDIT: Slight correction and retcon; While Ren has never fully considered River as his friend (RIP LMAO), in every sense of the word; he would be. Ren is simply unable to form connections with other people who aren't Angel, thus making him believe that River is someone irrelevant and expendable. He does tolerate him more than anyone else, however.
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cutevoid · 1 year
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be silly 🧸
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titsay · 2 years
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rt-nique · 5 months
You guys seemed to like my eepy timmy drake sketches so here’s more!
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veryluckyclovers · 2 years
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pabuthefirecat · 1 year
Remember to get your eyes checked
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by a qualified professional.
Not a cat.
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inber · 2 months
@a-kind-of-merry-war was vanquished in a brutal beast attack. Her last words were a gay little 'AUGH'. rip babes 😔🪦
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