#central sir system
servicechampions · 4 months
How Does a Condensate Drain Pan Work?
The condensate drain pan is an important part of the entire central air system. This little tray protects your home from damage and protects the furnace from microbiological growth and failure. Perhaps most importantly, it protects your home from any type of water-related safety issues. Southern California homeowners who want to keep their home and air healthy and clean should also care for their condensate drain pans.
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tofu83 · 3 months
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Let me introduce the latest high-tech prison in the Republic of All Mankind!
As you can see, it’s not a building or camp but simply a set of body armor. It can limit prisoners' freedom and correct their behavior with minimal resources
Mark, the rebel who encourage young people to engage in destruction, has the honor to serve as an example.
Turn around, Prisoner!
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"What the fuck are you doing to my body!?"
See? Even if he has thousands of unwillingnesses, he can do nothing but obey. That's because this exoskeleton has been connected to his central nervous system. Now he is not able to control his own body, but let the armor in charge.
Oh, that gentleman with crewcut hair in black jacket, you have question?
"Why not brainwash the prisoner or implant a controlling chip to make him completely compliant?"
Good question! We intend to keep their mind clear in order to let them understand what we could do to them. Let them know that every single person is just the property of our country. Even you and me both have to admit that the authority has absolutely power over us. Right?
Besides, the prisoners have to learn what is good and what is bad. Take Mark as example. He will join the rebels hunting team working with law enforcers to hunt down his accomplices, and force them into the same kind of prison he is in now.
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"You freaking bustard! I will never betray my allies!"
He is so noisy, isn’t he? No problem! Turn around to show our guest your face, prisoner! Just a click on this button,
the mouth gag and face mask will make him quiet!
Okay, let’s continue. After working for the authority many times, we infer they will finally understand how childish they were and how glory to serve the country. They will submit and be loyal to their country from the bottom of their hearts.
But we know some people are very stubborn and won’t easily be break down. If we need immediate combat effectiveness, they are the best choice because the armor also has the ability to fully control the wearer.
Lets enter the code here…
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You can see that the prisoner stops struggling and stands up straight. His eyes glowing red like robots’ because he is actually becoming a robot.
Their minds would be wiped out in order to be reprogrammed easily.
Only the useful parts of their memories will be retained, and the rest will be deleted.
Now the reprogramming is almost complete.
Hunter bot 001 active and report status!
"Hunter unit 001 is fully functional, reporting for duty."
Let me prove that he is already converted into a loyal servant of our country.
"Hunter bot 001, perform your main mission!"
"Yes sir, this unit will comply. Start searching for potential insurgents…. Target detected! A close friend of the famous rebel, Mark, is in this room!"
Wow, what a surprise!!!
"Rebel, Name: Black. Must be arrested immediately!"
Hey!That gentleman with crewcut hair in black jacket!
Congratulations on becoming the second inmate of the new prison!!!
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Prisoner 505.
König x reader.
You're in a prison, why? War crimes, that's all König knew about you, you will be the new addition to KorTac, he's the one who will pick you up and take you to your new "home" what surprises will you bring to him? Will you be enemies, friends, lovers?
Warning: I'm trying to write this for a gn reader, but idk. Mentions of violence, spelling and grammatical errors.
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König wasn't ok with this mission, Why him? Someone else could do this, he hates every second of this, he left the car, walking to that giant black door, a prison, not any prison, this one is particularly a secret prison, not everyone knows about this place, it's a place that works with one purpose, First, take any dangerous people there to rot or let private contractors buy some of the prisoners, for what? Whatever they want, depending on every prisoner's record.
Yours, it doesn't say much about you. König observed the file on his hand once more while he remembered the conversation with O'Conor and the rest.
«Why me? Do I look like a fuckin babysitter? I'm not a fuckin' driver» «You're the best for this you will keep this new guy to line, I read was undisciplined»
Prisoner 505.
Name: (y/n) Age: unknown date of birth: unknown
Codename: Buitre 6-1
reasons for imprisonment:
War crimes (not specified), murders, torture, undisciplined, deserter (prisoner left his position after committing the aforementioned crimes, was captured and executed).
This prisoner was reported as 'killed in action' before the corresponding authorities, therefore, it does not exist in the system anymore, No more information available.
König sighed and walked Inside, the "waiting room" looked really fancy, he walked directly to the man sitting at the central desk, the man was fat but very well dressed.
- I came to pick a package...
The man looked up at him carefree, extending his hand to receive the file König had in hand.
- Ah... The 505, lemme check if they already finished.
The man took the phone, pressed some numbers and Called someone else.
«Did you finish? Someone came for his package... Ahh fuck, well that's Terrible, yeah... Pretty fucked up, I'll take him downstairs then, yeah... See you.»
He hung up the phone and smiled at könig, his smile is not kind, actually it is some darkness in it.
- Unfortunately, our prisoner is in his daily discipline session. You can wait here or we can go downstairs so you can see what you're buying, Sir.
König couldn't be more angry, waiting? Hell no, that was not an option.
- Downstairs, I don't have the entire day to wait for you.
- Follow me please.
Both walked to the elevator in silence, König was curious about that Discipline routine they're giving you.
- what's that shit about discipline session?
- Oh, you will see Sir. The prisoner is always getting in trouble, so we take drastic measures. This morning the 505 sent the prisoner 296 to the nursery, he has a broken jaw and lost one of his eyes.
How many levels does this place have? Floor 99. That's where you were. König didn't say more, that was enough information for him at the moment, finally, they arrived, he could hear some people laughing, the noise of water running and some insults.
«We're having too much fun as always (Y/n) but unfortunately we don't have much time anymore» «Fuck you, you and I know that I would kill you easily if I wasn't hanging and tie up here» «Shut up»
The man punishing you, was opening a Fire hose drenching you, while another was hitting you with a rope and other instruments on a table. There you were, half naked, wet, hurt, but the anger in your eyes doesn't let any sign of pain appear on your face. You looked at the two new people who appeared in the room, the tallest man was looking at you, What a pervert, you thought.
- Do You... Like what you're looking at, Big boy?
You laughed until the water and another hit silent you. König wasn't actually looking at your body, he was looking at the way you were being punished, lost in thoughts. The fat guard who came with König was laughing at you.
- As you can see, Sir, it's very... Enthusiast, a troublemaker.
- Ja... Anyway, I have to go... So, if you can finish now, that would be great.
- Of course. Put it down, dress up, and let us know when it's ready.
That was all, König and the guard left the room, you got dressed, tied up again and kicked out of your cell. You didn't have stuff or something, it was only your prisoner uniform, all black, you started to walk behind König and the guard, you noticed König's hunting knife on his belt, you approached them quietly, König didn't feel when you took his knife, he only heard a body falling on the floor, he turned himself quickly just to see the fat guard on the floor, chocking with his own blood, you were admiring your work and smiling at him.
«i warned you, Frank, the last thing you would see before you die it would be me» you whispered to him. Then you looked at König, cleaned his knife with your shirt and gave it to him, König took it and also took you by the arm, not hard but firm enough to show some authority.
- What have you done, huh? You can't be killing people every time you want, when you're under my watch you will obey me, Do you understand?
You looked at him with deer sad eyes and nodded In silence. Why did you look at him with those eyes? Thank God, König had the mask on, you couldn't see how he blushed just for that, he let your arm go and both ran to the elevator and left before someone saw the dead body. Once you were out, König just pointed at the car, you stopped and thought about it, you were finally free, you could run away and leave König there.
That's what you tried to do, König simply sighed annoyed, you were definitely a pain in his ass, you lost him, or... At least that's what you thought, you stopped to take some air, clearly you weren't in good shape. König hand around your neck took you by surprise.
- Listen, Püppchen (doll), you're free because of me, you're out of that place because a fuckin idiot in KorTac bought you, so don't make it more difficult, this is your only chance, will you work for us or I can take you back to rot in that fuckin' black hole. Hmm? What will you decide, Schatz?.
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whumpshaped · 4 months
this has been sitting in my drafts unfinished for ages... it was supposed to be the first of my robot drabbles to go up but here we are. i hope i'll have spoons to write more for these guys... i'll post some picrews sometime for the cast and also make a masterlist and give the story a title
content: robot whumperee (literally whumpee and whumper in one i don't know how to describe it any other way), sci-fi setting, implied systemic whump, morally dubious caretaker, living weapon
Szoren grabbed the closest rag and did a cursory wipe-off on his tools before turning towards his robot: the Self-Sufficient Riot Control Unit, the very first one they'd ever created. SSRCU-01. Zaps, as they'd affectionately nicknamed it. An absolutely magnificent piece of machinery, something Szoren and his colleagues had been working on for years before they managed to get it to function properly.
Well, as properly as they could at the time. If he didn't count the unfortunate shocking incident from the first week, and the even more unfortunate airlock incident from the second week, he could say Zaps was doing a fine job of only hurting those it was meant to be hurting.
Which, of course... Szoren didn't like that his poor baby was made for such a brutal purpose... But he couldn't change the reality of it, and he was just glad to see his creation performing well.
"So, what seems to be the problem?" he asked cheerily, adjusting his glasses as he looked over the custom murderbot.
"The central processing unit seems to be malfunctioning, sir," it said, monotone as ever. Szoren didn't mind. He wasn't good with emotions anyway.
"Malfunctioning? How? I'll run diagnostics, but you can talk to me in the meantime." He hooked up Zaps to the computer, hoping the 'malfunction' would be easy to spot and solve. At least it wasn't the motor functions this time — he really didn't need another injury.
"The reactions are delayed, sir. I hear the orders and I see the mistakes I'm meant to be fixing, but the body locks up before I can carry out the task. It almost allowed one of the workers to run away."
Szoren frowned. Zaps was entirely okay from the looks of it, or at least the computer didn't find anything wrong with it.
"I'll take a look myself. Maybe it's something to do with the joints and not the CPU."
"The joints are fine, sir," it said firmly.
"It can't hurt to check—"
"The joints are fine, sir."
Szoren felt a chill run down his spine. There was no discernible emotion in Zaps' voice; it wasn't capable of conveying human emotion. There shouldn't have been an intensity to its stare either... But for some reason Szoren felt like he couldn't push it. That wasn't a nice feeling when it came to something he himself had helped design and create.
"Zaps... I'm going to take a look at your joints now." He didn't want to do something without the robot's consent; but to be entirely fair, the robot not consenting wasn't something that had ever even crossed his mind. It was equipment. A tool. It didn't consent to being worked on any more than the screwdriver consented to being worked with.
For a long moment, Zaps didn't react. Then the light behind its visual sensors seemed to dim as it obediently popped open all cosmetic panels that were hiding major joint connections. "Yes, sir."
"Good robot," Szoren murmured, relieved. "You said they'd 'lock up'?"
"Yes, sir."
"It sounds like something that some oil should fix, but... Evidently, it's not. All of these joints are perfectly oiled."
"Yes, sir."
"And it only happens when carrying out orders? What if it's something like... Bad wiring, something triggered by the electrical impulse..."
"There are other malfunctions, sir," it interrupted, and Szoren looked up. "I'm unsure how to describe those. It is akin to a virus. Someone might have tampered with the programming."
"What's the malfunction?"
"Sometimes I get false orders to hurt my superiors, sir. While carrying out my regular tasks is difficult, these false orders are at times incredibly difficult to resist."
"What?" Szoren turned back towards the computer, frantically trying to find something in the code that could explain this. This was alarming. This was dangerous! Possibly lethal! If Zaps ended up hurting someone important, the whole tech department would be on trial; and not a favourable one. "What are these orders like? Are they like your regular orders? Maybe it's something about the target list, maybe... Maybe someone tampered with that."
He barely glanced at the robot. "Yes?"
"What is the purpose I have been created to fulfil?"
Szoren stopped. "You know your purpose."
"To punish workers who fail to comply with the rules set out for them by the Seventh Earth Council." At least it remembered that line. Szoren had drilled it into its head before anything else. "But is that..." It... trailed off? It had never done that before. Robots didn't trail off.
"Is that?" he prompted, more and more concerned.
"Is that all I've been created for?"
Szoren inhaled sharply. That was a loaded question, and one he didn't really want to answer yes to. It was the truth, though; Zaps had been created to punish and execute.
"Yes," he breathed, acutely aware that if the robot disliked his answer, it could very well turn its weaponry against him. It shouldn't be able to, but clearly, it was doing a lot of things and having a lot of thoughts it shouldn't have been able to.
It stared at him for a long, tense moment. "Understood, sir," it said eventually. Szoren exhaled.
"I'm going to switch you off and ask Kiki for some help in fixing you. How's that?" He tried to go back to his cheery attitude from before, but his voice came out strained and a little scared. Zaps didn't seem to mind.
"Yes, sir. Thank you, sir."
tags: @whumpsday
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workersolidarity · 2 months
[ 📹 Scenes from destruction evident in the Nuseirat Refugee Camp, in the central Gaza Strip, following a week of Israeli occupation ground operations and non-stop bombardment of the camp, destroying the vast majority of the camp's residential buildings.]
🇮🇱⚔️🇵🇸 🚀🏘️💥🚑 🚨
On the 196th day of "Israel's" ongoing special genocide operation in the Gaza Strip, the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) committed a total of 4 new massacres of Palestinian families, resulting in the deaths of no less than 42 citizens, mostly women and children, while another 63 others were wounded over the previous 24-hours.
The Palestinian Ministry of Health stated on Friday that over 730'000 Palestinian citizens of Gaza, in particular the north of the enclave, suffer from a severe lack of healthcare services and accused the Zionist occupation of deliberately destroying Gaza's healthcare system.
In the meantime, at a meeting of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC), the United States vetoed a resolution which would have granted full membership status at the United Nations for the State of Palestine.
The Security Council overwhelmingly supported the measure to induct Palestine into the United Nations with full statehood rights, with 12 member-states voting in favor, two abstaining (UK and Switzerland), and only the United States voting against the resolution, vetoing the measure.
In other news, a battalion commander with the IOF announced on Thursday while speaking with his Battalion's soldiers, that the Israeli occupation army would be entering Rafah following the end of the current ground operation concentrated on the outskirts of the Al-Nuseirat Refugee Camp, in the central Gaza Strip.
Meanwhile, the Israeli occupation army's 162nd military division said it had completed its ground operation inside the Nuseirat Camp, which lasted about a week, as occupation warplanes hammered the camp with endless airstrikes. The occupation army also attempted to isolate the two halves of the Gaza Strip from one another and prevented displaced Palestinians from returning to their homes in the north of the enclave.
The Commander of the Israeli occupation forces' 932nd battalion said that following the end of its ground operations on the outskirts of the Nuseirat Camp, “We are going to Rafah, and the people of Israel are counting on you to implement this in the best way, as in Nuseirat, Zaytoun, and Burj al-Tuffah, and as in Al-Shifa (hospital), so in Rafah as well," portending future mass massacres of Palestinian civilians in the city of Rafah.
Elsewhere in Gaza, the carnage continued with the Israeli occupation forces renewing intense airstrikes targeting the Al-Shati Refugee Camp, west of Gaza City, in the northern Gaza Strip.
According to local reporting, at least four Palestinian were killed, and several others wounded, after Zionist occupation fighter jets bombed a residential home belonging to the Al-Sir family, which at the time of the bombardment was sheltering displaced Palestinians, including members of the Abu Jiyab family in the Al-Shati refugee camp.
At the same time, IOF warplanes bombed a residential building in the Sheikh Radwan neighborhood, north of Gaza City, resulting in the deaths of five Palestinian civilians and wounding a number of others. Victims were transported to the Arab al-Ahli Hospital, also in Gaza City.
Similarly, occupation forces bombed 10th Street, south of Gaza City.
Yet another occupation airstrike targeted in the vicinity of the Al-Shati Camp, west of Gaza City, killing one Palestinian civilian and wounding at least three others.
In another bit of horrific news, the decomposing corpses of about 30 Palestinians were discovered in two mass graves dug in the courtyard of the Al-Shifa medical complex, in the Al-Rimal neighborhood of Gaza City, including the bodies of women and the elderly, while the fates of roughly 1'000 Palestinians who were present in the hospital during the Israeli raid remain unknown at this time.
Israeli occupation warplanes also bombed several sites in Beit Lahia, in the northern Gaza Strip.
At the same time, Zionist soldiers opened gunfire on displaced Palestinians east of Jabalia, in the north of Gaza, martyring three civilians and wounding several others.
Elsewhere in Gaza, Zionist occupation aircraft bombarded a civilian residence belonging to the Qishlan family in the New Camp area of the Nuseirat Refugee Camp, in the central Gaza Strip, after which, local paramedic and civil defense crews retrieved the bodies of two Palestinians killed in the strike. The bodies of the dead were taken to nearby Al-Awda Hospital in the camp.
As a result of a previous IOF airstrike, which targeted a tent belonging to the Ayyad family, east of Rafah City, in the southern Gaza Strip, the death toll rose to 11 overnight as victims succumbed to their injuries.
In the Khan Yunis Governate, local civil defense personnel managed to recover the decomposing bodies of four civilians from various areas of the city over the last day, while paramedic crews from the north of the Nuseirat Camp, in central Gaza, recovered the bodies of another 9 martyrs following the withdrawal of occupation forces from the area.
Additionally, warplanes with the Israeli occupation army bombed several sites in the Al-Mughraqa area, in the central Gaza Strip, wounding several citizens, while another young man was murdered by the bullets of the Israeli occupation's snipers east of Deir al-Balah, also in central Gaza.
As a result of "Israel's" ongoing special genocide operation in the Gaza Strip, the death toll among the population of Gaza now exceeds 34'012 Palestinians killed, including over 14'560 children and 9'582 women, while another 76'833 others have been wounded since the start of the current round of Zionist aggression, beginning with the events of October 7th, 2023.
April 19th, 2024
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fotibrit · 1 month
The Wrong hands - rewrite/addition of a scene in IM1
2289 words
“JARVIS, you up?” Tony knows the answer already, but in an effort to encourage the AI to interact as human-like as possible, he has developed a habit of talking to the systems as if they are as unpredictable as people.
The response from the AI is as expected, but Tony’s lips twitch into a small smile as the robot replies, “For you, sir, always”. What reliable friends he has.
“I’d like to open a new project file, indexed as Mark Two”
Jarvis is quick to clarify, possibly sensing the careful manner Tony phrased the request. “Shall I store this on the Stark Industries central database?”
The mechanic stood as he fiddled with the mechanics of the new suit. Jarvis had always been the smarter of them two. Tony had been too focused on the projection in front of him to clarify his line of thinking. Sometimes he forgets that JARVIS can’t read his mind.
“Actually, I don't know who to trust right now.” Tony hopes that explaining the reasoning for his decisions will help keep JARVIS on the same page as him. In some strange way, it also helps him to say it out loud. He doesn't know who to trust right now. There are people he works with, people he lives with, who represent the exact opposite of what he wants the company to be. Those people cannot be allowed to see his latest project. He’s on his own. “Until further notice, why don't you just keep everything in my private server?”
“Working on a secret project, are we, sir?”
JARVIS’s response takes the mechanic a bit by surprise. It may be Tony’s imagination, but the AI sounds almost judgemental, like he disapproves of how Tony is handling the project. Tony is aware that it matters nearly none what the AI thinks of Mark Two, but he still feels a distinct need to explain himself. He feels as if he is fifteen years old again, trying to impress his butler and never quite feeling like he achieves it. Tony takes a few seconds to respond, pushing back the instinct to be defensive. He has nothing to hide from JARVIS. He just needs to explain.
“I don't want this winding up in the wrong hands.” He remembers the wrong hands, the hands that shoved him around the cave and nearly forced Yinsen to swallow hot metal. The wrong hands, the ones that press a button to launch a missile without thinking twice about the repercussions. His hands used to be the wrong hands. Now he has to fight like hell to make sure his are never the wrong hands again.
“Maybe in mine it can actually do some good.”
Tony watches the hologram of his prototype spin for a few seconds before walking back over to his desk and sitting down.
How despicable he must seem to everyone. He looks down at his own hands, the ones that used to design weapons of mass destruction and throw parties when strangers bought them. A merchant of death. He wonders how many innocent people have spent their last seconds staring at a Stark Technologies logo as the weapon attached to the logo worked exactly as he designed. And now, here he is, designing yet another machine with the power to kill.
The difference, he assures himself, is that nobody else will touch this one. This suit will be his and his alone.
“J, go ahead and tint the windows. I don’t want anyone seeing this.”
The windows that open to unrestricted areas darken before JARVIS is able to respond.
“Right away, sir. Shall I restrict which access codes function as well?”
“Yeah, I don’t need anyone coming in. Thanks buddy.”
“Understood. I’ve restricted access codes, and only yours will grant access to this room until further notice.”
Right. Tony has an access code too. Tony glances towards the door, having forgotten briefly that other people existed in his vicinity. When he’s working, he tends to forget that he himself is a person. He thinks of himself as simply a more advanced machine, and being reminded that other people don't view him as the same startles him for a second, until he shakes his head to clear his mind. He needs to focus.
“These plans-” Tony sits back at his desk to admire the holographic design “-cannot leave this room. Nobody out of this room can access them, ‘kay? Not even Obie.”
“Understood, sir. Speaking of Mr. Stane, he has sent a message to confirm that there is a meeting tom-”
“Ignore him. He told me to lie low-” Tony turns away from the holographic machinery and focuses his attention instead on the physical machinery at his workstation “-and lie low I will. Especially tomorrow.”
Tony feels badly about locking his business partner out, but the way Obediah had looked at the miniaturized arc reactor after Tony made his announcement… He seemed almost hungry. Obie would have to be kept at an arm's distance until he proved himself to be on board with the new plan.
Even if the new plan isn't what his father would have liked.
Once Tony had identified the stabilization problem with his boots, his hands worked separate from his mind, twisting bolts and assessing joints. He absentmindedly muttered requests from DUM-E, who handed him wrenches and bolts. Tony’s mind is elsewhere.
The last time he had worked on a secret project, it got someone he cared about killed. The last time he put fire to metal, it had been with someone planning their own death looking over his shoulder.
How many people had died because of Tony’s ideas? Tony only knew one personally, and even that is too much to bear. Yinsen may have been the only person in the world who befriended Tony without expecting anything in return. And Tony killed him.
Yinsen had been right to call him “the man who has everything, and nothing.” Meanwhile, the man who had nothing and everything was murdered at Tony’s hands with the same technology that he's currently working to improve.
As his mind wanders, his breathing becomes more difficult and the machine in his chest suddenly seems much more alien than it had minutes prior. Tony became aware of how it pinched his skin when he inhaled too deeply. His skin feels too tight, his hair sticking to his sweaty forehead itchy, and he has a strange feeling that someone is watching him.
Tony notices, with a twisting sensation in his stomach, that his hands are shaking. He drops the tool that he had been using and stares at his own palm in horror. It’s as if his own body is betraying him to prevent him from making another weapon.
JARVIS’s sudden voice makes Tony jump, and he becomes aware of how abnormally fast his heart is beating. What is wrong? He continues staring at his hand as JARVIS speaks. “Sir, Miss. Potts asked me to remind you that you need to sleep tonight. You have not slept since returning.”
Tony had forgotten that he planned on going to bed at midnight. Clearly, Tony had been more optimistic earlier in the day. Now, with the calm quiet of night upon him, Tony is not eager to abandon his work to be alone with his thoughts in bed. The last time he slept, he half expected never to wake again, to die with a failing magnet strapped to his chest. Now, the comfortable bed feels like the wrong place for his marred and scarred body. He has a strange feeling that something is wrong, that he needs to stay here, and until he can identify the problem that's making his heart race and his hands shake, he will not be moving.
Tony clears his throat before speaking, testing how reliable his voice is. “Changed my mind, J. It's not snooze time yet.”
The mechanic tears his eyes from his hand and presses it to his side, turning his eyes back onto the project in front of him, waiting for something in the wiring to catch his attention. He’s not entirely sure where to go from here, and memories of the humid cave keep coming back to him. The lights seem too bright, giving him a headache. Something feels wrong.
“I need the lights a bit more dim, J. And get the air conditioner running in here, why don't you.”
Tony doesn't hear the reply, too focused on the strange feeling building in the back of his neck. Is someone watching him?
Keeping his head lowered, he flicks his wrist to pull up the security footage of his lab. Nobody is behind him.
He whips around in his chair and sees nothing. An empty room. It still feels like someone is watching him. In the back of his mind, he realizes he might be going crazy.
He turns back to his project and tries to let the mechanics take over his mind. He asks JARVIS to shuffle his work playlist, and tries to make his mind go blank. It takes a few minutes of staring at his project blankly, but soon the familiar schematics overtake the panic in his chest and he goes to work once more.
It takes a few minutes of him working silently for him to figure out what was wrong, and the realization comes when he accepts a wrench handed to him by DUM-E and his throat tightens again.
Tony shoves the table to send himself flying backwards in his rolling chair, putting his hands on his face.
That cave was going to haunt him forever. The humidity in this room, likely manufactured by his imagination, coupled with the feeling of being watched, and the horrifying silence of the room, broken only by metallic clangs and whirring… he feels like he is in the cave again. it takes everything in him to stay grounded.
Before the cave, he hadn't accepted help in his workshop. In the cave, he had to. Now, after months of requesting pieces and help from Yinsen in the cave, the same requests being directed at DUM-E must have sent the ghost of Yinsen into his skin. Even now, he can hear the voice he’s been fighting hard to forget and move past.
“This is a very important week for you!”
Yinsens' words echo in Tony’s mind, and for a moment, visions of the fire and guns and grime overtake him.
“JARVIS, read vitals” Tony keeps his head in his hands, trying to fight off the feeling of rising dread originating from the hard metallic device in his chest.
“BP 140/90, Pulse 112 beats per minute. You seem to be in distress. Shall I send for medical aid?”
“No, no, I'm fine, give me a second.” Tony tries first to get his breathing under control enough to get his heart rate slowed. How had he fallen apart so quickly?
Snippets of his time in the cave come back to him, mismatched and confusing, each scene more repulsive than the last. A camera pointed at his face as his vision fades in and out, fifty guns aiming toward him as he speaks to save Yinsens life, waking up with wires in his chest, watching his friend die for him…
Tony lets his hands drop from his face, keeping his eyes closed, and one hand presses flat against the metallic disc embedded in his chest while the other forms a fist and punches his own leg. The dull pain seems to help ground him to his surroundings, so he repeats the motion, over and over, until he feels secure enough to chance looking up.
Tony opened his eyes and caught a glance of himself in the reflective glass lining his lab. His hair looks wild and untamed, and his shoulders slump in a way which his father would have chastised him for, if his father had been here. Most noticeable are his eyes, prominent because of the deep shadows beneath them. He does not look like himself.
He looks nothing like the man he must pretend to be, if he’s going to pull the company back to the right side of history.
“Hey JARVIS, got anything to make sure I sleep through the night?” Although aimed at the only other being in the room, Tony stared at the gaunt figure reflected back at him as he asked the question.
“I can request five milligrams of Prazosin from the clinic, which can be available in the next ten minutes. Shall I put in the request?”
“Make it ten milligrams, and before you say anything, I don't care about the side effects. Spare me.” Tony watched the man in the reflection speak, still barely able to understand how that wild creature is him.
Maybe he really is going crazy.
“Oh, and wipe all footage and audio of Lab 39 for the time I was in here.” Tony gives a small chuckle, and adds as a sort of afterthought, “I don’t need the board questioning my sanity too.”
Tony finally tears his eyes away from the man in the reflection and puts his hands on his knees to push himself to his feet. With a twinge of satisfaction, he notices that his left knee is sore in the spot his fist had hit repeatedly. He might have a bruise.
Tony claps his hands and surveys the room. “I’ll be back tomorrow, U, don’t worry.” He addresses his hydraulic arm with affection before grabbing his coat on the way out of the lab.
He would certainly be back. He has work to do. But first, hopefully whatever drug the clinic sends up knocks him out enough that he can get a few hours of rest in.
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tisiphonewolfe · 1 year
Writeblr Intro
I'm Tisiphone - or Tiss, or Tizzy, I don't mind (she/her). I mainly write SFF, but I intend to try my hand at horror and potentially espionage thrillers in the future. I also can't seem to write anything without women being very gay in the middle of it all, so I'm leaning into it.
I follow from @princessw0lf
About me:
I'm a disabled trans lesbian from the UK
What I like seeing in books? Mysteries woven through the plot that resolve satisfyingly. Characters that bounce off each other and grate against each other in interesting ways. Weird romances that don't dominate the plot, but are a key part of it. Great character development.
Favourite books? The Locked Tomb Series by Tamsyn Muir, The Unspoken Name by A.K. Larkwood, Malice by Heather Walter, The Priory of the Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon. And a lot of Terry Pratchett.
Fiction I probably won't enjoy? Something where the plot is purely interpersonal drama or romance with nothing interesting happening outside of it. Literary fiction. YA.
Outside of writing? By day I'm a software developer. The rest of my time is spent drawing, playing games both video and tabletop, and playing electric guitar (badly).
DMs/Asks/Tag games? Fire away!
@sam-glade is my pal and you should go check them out too!
With this blog I'm aiming to post writing updates, inspiration, and probably writing-related memes.
About my writing:
At the moment I'm primarily writing high fantasy/epic fantasy, with a view to trying out some more genres later on.
Admittedly a lot of the classic elements of western fantasy are in there, but I've been trying to get back to the mythological roots of creatures like elves, gnomes, and dwarves, and to present them as not being all white and vaguely British.
The world of The Tectomancy Saga is also, like that of my childhood writing hero Sir Terry, an odd shape. There's a reason for that, and we'll get to it eventually.
While my stories are currently third-person multi-pov stories, I intend to experiment on that at some point in the future.
My stories will probably all revolve around two things; a central mystery and a central relationship. I love a plot where you can pick at the smallest words and phrases, theorise about absolutely everything. I want to write stories where people have a thousand ideas about what the truth is, and each one of them knows there's a good chance they could be correct. I also, as a queer trans lady, want to write about sapphic relationships and include many people who are not cis.
My favourite themes to write are anti-authority, people breaking out of systems they've been trapped in for a long time, people being more important than power.
I'm definitely a plantser. I know kind of where I'm going, but let's see where the journey takes us along the way!
Finally, you can expect the tone of my writing to be trying to find that sweet spot between serious and dry humour that makes you groan, with a healthy sprinkling of subtle meme references.
Current projects below the cut
The Tectomancy Saga
On a bowl-shaped world suspended far above swirling blue mists, nine goddesses, witches, or geniuses, blessed their peoples with divine magics, then disappeared. Now, the world is decaying, tensions are rising, and people scramble to control the magics in order to shape the future.
Made with Crown and Claw
WIP Intro
High Fantasy: The classic Princess-in-a-tower-guarded-by-a-dragon story, but we see the machiantions that put her there, and what happens afterwards.
Releine Sholt is hand-picked by the heir to Tectomancy, Princess Almyra Tectus, to be her new bodyguard. The role has one ominous stipulation: nobody can ever speak to the Princess, on the threat of dire punishment.
'There was only one bed' turns out to have horrifying consequences.
Progress: Fourth draft done at 129.5k
Bound by Stone and Blood
High Fantasy: The saga continues from different perspectives, having different adventures, that will eventually conjoin.
Almyra vies for control of her kingdom. Ellimane tracks down two misfits who are being hunted by a rogue automaton. Releine visits hell. A new threat rises in the shadows of Versewelt, the decaying land.
Bitter exes who technically never dated are definitely not thinking about each other.
Progress: First draft underway at 69k
Snippets and Short Stories:
Flash Fiction Friday: On the Edge
Flash Fiction Friday: I Can't Tell
Her New Captain (Alternate Chapter)
Naenia, through Murder
WIP Intro
Naenia, the reaper who is responsible for death through murder, is shellshocked when a murdered homicide detective returns to life before her eyes and promptly asks her out on a date.
Detective Carina Choudhry has an odd - very Goth - new girlfriend, who saved her from the serial killer she was on the trail of.
Progress: Complete at 46k
Fay and the Red Kite (Title pending)
Fay Orrel, a trainee mech pilot, finds that her beaten-up old training machine holds an AI that has replicated its deceased former pilot. She tries to keep the other woman secret from the PMC that owns the mech, who would be certain to wipe the AI's memories, destroying Mina forever.
Progress: Well, I wrote the prologue and some of the first chapter. Being dabbled with!
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Astronauts AU: An expansion of my recent fic for The Terror Sci Fi Week. Sent on an expedition to establish a magnetosphere on Mars as part of Earth's mission to colonize the galaxy, the crews of Terror and Erebus fall apart; their replicator will only produce dubious tinned meat, the heating system fails, and there's--well, there's some kind of Creature. Featuring: Francis scoffing at Command Central's edict that there are to be NO romantic entanglements between the crew, only to find himself very much in danger of breaking it.
Tennis Pros AU: James is an aging professional tennis player making a miraculous late-career run at Wimbeldon when his coach, Sir John Franklin, dies of a heart attack mid-match. Desperate to make the most of his last chance at glory, James begs recalcitrant former tennis pro Francis Crozier to coach him, just for the remainder of the tournament. They both get more than he bargained for. Featuring: James in a tennis skirt and Francis getting his hands up it!
Back to the Passage: Post-Rescue AU in which Francis--driven by grief, unrequited love, and some dark longing he can barely understand--agrees to captain another mission to find the Northwest Passage. When James Ross gently refuses to be his second, he is forced to accept James Fitzjames' heartfelt and clearly hurt petition for the position. It seems everything he is trying to escape will follow him regardless. Featuring: So much hurt/comfort, so many misunderstandings, so much fucking pining, and a trope I just invented: "there was only one ship!"
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union-combine · 1 month
Greetings citizens of the Union and beings from beyond! Welcome to Union News Central, I'm your host Bluglakkag Flublabbak with the War Report.
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Starting off with everyone's largest concerns, the fate of the refugees and the citizens in Khanate occupied territories. In times of war, there are few things that lift the spirits, but the efforts of our PEACE comrades and friends in the Galactic Community, the lives of hundreds of thousands of refugees are now at least a little bit safer. Escorted out of the conflict zones, and bound to new worlds with homes and welcoming communities awaiting them. Though nothing can give back what was taken, the Union is dedicated to righting these wrongs.
However, we have received a disturbing report that the occupied territories are required to pay the Khans a "tithe of levies", meaning that everyday civilians are being conscripted into service aboard Khanate vessels. It effectively means our people are being held hostage aboard Khanate ships and forced to fight against us. As you can imagine, dear friends... this is an ethical problem in more ways than one.
We go now to ex-MP Martial Sher An-Zecetesh, who is willing to speak to to UNC about the recent battles going on across Union Space. Martial Sher?
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"Greetings, comrade Bluglakkag. Unfortunately the state of the war is not what we'd like to see, the contemptable Khans have all but taken the Northern Quadrant, as well as portions of the Western Quadrant. The most recent battles, The Battle of the Aidon System and the Battle of the Sheng System both ended in a Union defeat. But the worst of these was in Aidon."
What exactly happened there, Martial Sher?
"You'll understand I can't share the specifics of the weapons or tactics used or the finer details for the sake of the IUCCM and our allies. But I will share what I can. The battle started off with three Interstellar Guard fleets and the local star base under assault by two Twin Star Sects - Sects is what the Khans call their fleets - and four Black Banner Sects. Our allies in PEACE, the @vegvasignal, the @elepharchy, and the Bzadi arrived in the system to assist and rescue our diligent fleets. Most of the Sects ignored our allies, initially, choosing instead to continue engaging our fleets. One Sect, however, split to engage SMOOCH, though they would eventually find themselves in an Elepharchic trap from which they could not escape. Meanwhile, our Vegvian allies used their unique talents to impede the Sects and strengthen their allies made efficient use of their artillery to bombard the foes from a distance. Then of course, our Bzadi allies, who were undetected by the Sects and moved into a strategic position to surprise the enemy with a full weapon assault."
It sounds like it started well, sir.
"Indeed, and it continued to go well as the battle continued, piece by piece our fleets and those of our allies were able to whittle down the shields of multiple Khanate Sects, until the point where one fled combat and another initiated a self-destructive ramming action against a fleet of ours. There were survivors of that reckless and frankly insane action, but enough fell that the fleet in question had no choice but to retreat. At this point, the Sects had all received some damage, ranging from severe to minor, whilst our allies had taken little from their assaults. I can confidently say that if the battle had continued like this, it would have been a PEACE victory."
What changed, Martial Sher, sir?
Martial Sher An-Zecetesh turned to the camera and flicked her fins.
"The Pact. I can confirm that three fleets of Argent Pact design appeared in the system and immediately engaged the remaining Union fleets and one of our Vegvian allies at their flanks. One of our fleets was destroyed in this surprise attack, and the other was forced into stealth. The balance of power drastically shifted and a full retreat was in order."
Oh my! What has the Galactic Community said about this, sir?
"The report just came in moments ago. Parliament's been informed and likely considering what instructions to give to our representative of the GUN before informing them, as it seems that the Pact has declared war on us."
Then... are you currently violating protocol?
"Yes, I am. And I don't care. The people should know the facts. Know that the Parliament has been holding the military back! We could be fighting harder! But instead our best assets ar-"
The broadcast cuts with static...
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clotpolesonly · 2 years
A Working Vacation
for the Stiles Shipping Central discord server’s monthly ficlet exchange!! @get-your-ass-in-the-impala requested funny, so i hope this delivers XD
(ps this is my 200th fic on ao3 and that’s fucking CRAZY yo)
| Sterek | G | 1.3k | Bed & Breakfast | Meet-Awkward | Humor |
(also on AO3)
There was no one behind the front desk. Stiles had forgotten what room he was in, the keycard didn’t have the room number on it, and there was no one at the front desk for him to ask. What kind of bed and breakfast—one that prided itself on being a wholesome, caring, family establishment, no less—just left the desk entirely unsupervised in the middle of the day? That was no way to run a business and he was seriously considering writing a strongly worded Yelp review.
But he couldn’t do that until he got back into his room. That was where his laptop was. Which he needed for a Zoom-call business meeting in half an hour; Lydia would have his head if he was late for another one of those.
He rapped his knuckles on the wooden countertop and called, “Hellooooo…”
The girl who’d checked him in that morning—Cora, if he remembered correctly—did not appear before him to answer his question, nor did any of the other presumed family members working at this family establishment. The front desk remained woefully unattended. The computer screen hadn’t gone dark, so they couldn’t be too far away, could they?
Absently, Stiles noted that the computer was also unlocked.
Stiles noted this again, significantly less absently.
He was not allowed to use their computer to look up his room number himself. Cora had seemed like the type to rip his arm off of his body and beat him with it if he stepped out of line, and jumping over the counter to invite himself into their system would probably be considered really far out of line. He should wait here until somebody with the proper authorization came back to look it up for him.
He waited patiently. For about twenty-two seconds.
He would be worried about security cameras if this wasn’t a tiny podunk establishment on the side of the road in the middle of nowhere. He was impressed they even had electronic keycards, much less CCTV, so he only hesitated a bit before jumping up to slide himself across the countertop to the other side. The computer was old and slow to respond, but everything was very clearly labeled on the desktop and it didn’t take him two minutes to find the list of rooms and their occupants.
“Room 16,” he muttered to himself. “Room 16, that’s me. They should really put the numbers on the—”
The bell above the lobby door jingled. Stiles froze as a pair of fatigued-looking travelers lugged their suitcases in from the parking lot.
“A room for two, please,” one lady said, southern drawl matching her fluffed up, mile-high hair. Stiles’ mouth opened to say that he did not, in fact, work here, but before he could, she added, “Do y’all have a pool? I brought my suit but the last place we stopped didn’t have so much as a hot tub, can you believe that?”
“Yes,” Stiles said automatically. “There’s a pool around the back. It’s only open until six, though, so make sure you get in before then.”
The lady’s husband asked, “Cleaned regularly?”
“Yes, sir.” Cora had assured him as much that morning.
“Good man!” the husband said with a grin. “What room’s got the best view?”
“Uh, well…” Stiles’ fingers moved without his say-so, bringing up the clearly labeled map of the facilities. “If you’re early-risers, you’ll want an east-facing suite. You don’t have to worry about city skylines out here, so you’ll get a perfect sunrise view. I’d recommend the west for its sunsets, but those suites look out over the parking lot." He waggled a hand. "It’s well-maintained, as far as parking lots go, but the uninterrupted forest view to the east is just—”
He made the chef’s kiss noise and the tourists laughed heartily.
"We also offer home-cooked meals for breakfast and for lunch!" Stiles put in. "You're on your own for dinner, but there are a number of restaurants in the town a few miles down the road. I can vouch for them personally, and I would recommend the—"
"What are you doing?"
Stiles jumped a mile high. He whirled around to find a man behind him. A stunningly beautiful man who was not Cora but was clearly related to her, with the same high cheekbones and kaleidoscope eyes. He looked both baffled and offended.
Stiles blinked. "I was…just…"
"He was about to give us our room number," the lady jumped in cheerfully. "He tells us the east side has the best view!"
"That's right," the actual employee said slowly, stepping up to edge Stiles out from in front of the computer. "Room 22 is free."
Stiles leaned against the back wall, cringing internally, as he got them checked in properly and sent them on their way. He cringed externally as the guy turned to squint at him.
"Okay, so, I came in to ask a question but nobody was in here and the computer was unlocked and I waited but nobody came back and I just needed to check one thing and then people came in and they asked about the pool and I was already back here and I didn't wanna—"
The guy raised a hand to stop him. "What was the question? The first one?"
"My room number," Stiles admitted sheepishly. "It's 16."
The employee checked the log. "Well, Stiles," he said, with the familiar undertone of what the hell kind of name is that to his voice, "we don't usually let people behind the counter."
"Yeah, I figured, but I was just—"
“Helping customers, apparently.” He leaned back against the counter, arms crossed. He wasn’t smiling, but there was a particular quirk to his mouth that said he might be fighting one down. His eyebrow rose. “Very nefarious of you. We might sue.”
Stiles wouldn’t have been half as embarrassed if he’d been caught out by someone less attractive, but the pretty eyes and the bone structure and the bulging biceps now on full display before him all added up to him being on the verge of spontaneous combustion.
“I am very sorry, please don’t sue me, mister…?”
The obvious answer was Hale, considering that was the name on the sign out front, but the very attractive man offered up “Derek” instead. The ease of it did nothing to diffuse Stiles’ blush. Nor did the unsubtle once-over Derek gave him.
“Oh,” Stiles said. “Okay, uh, well, that’s good! Thanks for that. Lydia—my business partner, that’s Lydia—she would kill me if I missed our Zoom meeting for litigation purposes.”
Derek cocked his head. “Zoom meeting?”
“Yeah, we need to discuss some quarterly projections, which we really should’ve done before I left for vacation, but I’ll be the first to admit that my time management skills are not what they should be for someone in my position, and my laptop is in my room which is why I needed the—”
“What time’s the meeting over?”
Stiles blinked at him. “Three-thirty, probably. Why?”
“I get off at four.”
Derek promptly turned back to the computer, leaving Stiles to stare at his broad back and comprehend the implication of those words. It took him long enough that Derek glanced back—that smile had finally broken through to grace Stiles with its presence, more than a little mischievous—and jerked his head at the counter. Cheeks burning anew, Stiles hoisted himself gingerly across it.
“Four o’clock, then,” he declared, once both feet were firmly on the lobby floor. “I’ll be here. I guess. For, like, coffee, or something? Bit early for dinner. If that’s what you meant, I mean, I could be wr—”
“I was thinking I’d go for a swim,” Derek said. “Pool’s open until six, you know.”
Stiles’ mouth went dry. “Yeah. Yeah, I do know that, we totally can… Okay.”
When all Derek did was duck his head to hide a laugh, Stiles decided that was his cue to leave, before he said or did anything embarrassing enough to make Derek change his mind. He had no idea what about this situation had made him appealing, but it had, and he was going to make the most of it.
This was gonna be one hell of a vacation.
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angelasscribbles · 1 year
One Night in Cordonia Chapter 1: Anton Severus
Series: One Night in Cordonia, a @choicesprompts Round Robin Event.
Fandom: TRR so far, but others could be added in
Pairings: Remains to be seen
Word Count: 1,027
Rating: MA
Warnings: language, plots of violence
NEXT WRITER: @aussiegurl1234
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The night was still on the hilltop overlooking the rolling vineyards of the Beaumont estate in the heart of Ramsford near the eastern border of the small Mediterranean county of Cordonia.
Anton Severus stood in the warm night air directing troop movements. The soldiers under his command were a mix of those loyal to Sons of the Earth and those that sold their guns, and their loyalty, to the highest bidder. Mercenaries. Not the most savory thing, but a necessary evil. The ends would justify the means. And he had those ends in sight.
“You have the gas?” He asked his second in command.
Claudius Pinkernickle, his right-hand man, nodded, “Yes, sir.”
“Good, good. Deploy it through the air vents. Everyone who’s anyone in Cordonian society is in there tonight. It’s imperative we take out not only the members of the royal family but any Rys loyalists as well.”
It was the night of the annual Beaumont Bash and Anton was ready to take his place as the rightful ruler of Cordonia….by any means necessary.
“What does the gas do, exactly?” Claudius inquired.
“Well, it’s never been tested before,” Anton explained, “Which is why we got such a good deal on it! But it’s a nerve agent, it should shut down the central nervous system…or did he say the limbic system? At any rate, people should die, or at least become incapacitated and then we can swoop in and do clean up.”
“All our troops have been supplied with gas masks,” Claudius told him, “So we’ll deploy the gas, wait about twenty to thirty minutes then breach.”
“Sounds good. Tonight will go down in the history books, Claude and you were here to see it, to participate in it! Something to tell your children and grandchildren about!” Anton puffed his chest out, pride coloring his words.
“Yeah, sure, boss,” Claudius hoped his reply was convincing. He was never planning to have children, but more importantly, he had his own personal agenda for being here tonight that had nothing to do with politics. He could give a rat’s ass less who was king. He had a personal matter to attend to that was long overdue and he intended to rectify that tonight.
“Just remember,” Anton reminded him, “The only member of the nobility that makes it out alive is Duchess Olivia Nevrakis. She must not be harmed in any way! She’s the key to this whole thing. Everything hinges on her. Bring her directly to me.”
Anton wondered if Olivia remembered him. It had been many years since their last encounter. It would certainly make things easier if she cooperated.
“I’ll lead the advanced team myself,” Claudius assured him, “We’ll go in ten minutes after deployment and bring the duchess out.” Hopefully by subterfuge, but he wasn’t above physical coercion.
Anton checked his watch. “T-minus fifteen minutes to deployment.”
Claudius checked in with his team via earpiece, “All troops are in position.”
“Excellent!” Anton rubbed his hands together, exactly like a villain in a melodrama, “Almost there. Nothing can stop me now!”
Meanwhile, down the hill and inside the sprawling Beaumont estate, the party was in full swing.
“I’m just saying,” mumbled a drunk Penelope, “how do we know we’re not lesbians if we don’t try?”
“You make a valid point,” her companion replied, “let me take that bottle of champagne, I think you’ve had enough.”
The crown prince of Cordonia stood near the chocolate fountain nervously adjusting his tie. The object of his affection was within his sight yet he was still hesitant to make his move. He wasn’t sure why he was so nervous, other than a crippling fear of rejection. Which seemed preposterous given his position in the social order. But then, he had gone and fallen for someone who didn’t care about any of that.
A horse trotted through the grand ballroom and peacocks ran freely up and down the grand staircase.
Bertrand Beaumont smiled broadly at the sight. It was going to be a night to remember. All of Cordonia would be talking about for months to come, he was sure of it. The reputation of House Beaumont was safe, despite the disastrous news story Ana De Luca had published last month. He shook his head sourly at the memory. None of it had been true.
He blamed Maxwell.
Upstairs, Olivia laughed as she lifted a crystal champagne flute to her lips.
“Liv!” A familiar voice interrupted her conversation, “What are you doing up here? And with him?”
She opened her mouth to respond then closed it as several soft thumps sounded above their heads. As if several people had just landed on the roof. Which was utterly absurd. Wasn’t it?
She turned back to her companion, “Please tell me security hasn’t been skimped on for this event.”
“What do you mean?”
“What do you mean what do I mean? Did you not hear that noise? And what….what’s that smell?”
They all three looked up as a low hissing sound drew their attention to the air vents, tendrils of smoke curling out of them and spreading through the room.
“What the hell?”
The hissing sound grew louder, along with a metallic groaning before all the air vents in the estate blew outward and the smoke rolled heavily through the rooms and hallways.
People ran screaming and gasping for air, looking for exits but the smoke obscured their visibility and the inebriated state of many of the guests served to further turn them around and send them wandering in the wrong direction.
Olivia was halfway down the grand staircase, breathing into her skirt to filter the air when the smoke parted and three men with gas masks approached her.
“It’s her!”
“We need you to come with us.”
“We’re here to help.”
Olivia’s eyes grew big as she saw a gloved hand reaching out toward her at the same time she heard footsteps pounding down the stairs behind her.
Her head swiveled back and forth taking in the scene in front of her and the one behind her.
A slow smile spread across her face as a course of action presented itself to her.
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sunflowercider · 5 months
Do you know the timeline for all of lloyd's accomplishments? When and what he build? And if possible the titles he achieved?
LOL @lloydfrontera come get your anon 😂
Hi nonnie! I cant promise I can give you everything, since 1) thats. a big fucking ask for a 400+ chapter novel and 2) i actually havent finished it yet (im reading the Yonder chapters). That said, here's my Arc List I made for myself (up to ch 360ish), spruced up for other's readings:
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Arrival / Ondol construction
Lloyd duel with Sir Neumann
Coal mining/Ants defeat
Icehouse(Seokbinggo) for the orcs / Necromancer defeat
Wetland Reclamation
Water poisoning / Aqueduct construction
Cremo (underwater concrete pillar construction / defeat of Gigatitan)
Magenta Capital suspension bridge construction / Meet Julian
Queens Assassination Attempt
Locust swarm defeated
Monster domino reversal / Recruiting Bibeong
Refugees arrive / Apartment complexes begin construction
Elf Woods (lloyd makes a contract with a group that has been actively avoiding humanity for literal centuries)
Sewer construction / Solitas acquired (lloyd hires a fucking dragon. This might not ever be known in the future? It was a secret between lloyd, javier, and solitas himself)
Zombie Mastodons barely defeated by lloyd
Namaran’s Wall (lloyd beats up 30 necromancers, javier and lloyd take down Hell's Knight, lloyd constructs a support system for the crumbling foundation of the city)
Sultan Kingdom / Water tunnel (Qanat) construction
Julian and Sheherazade get married :)
Royal garden construction (lloyd only partially helps with this one, focusing mostly on the central canal with a lock system to raise and lower the water level safely)
Bone Dragon defeat
Hell / Train construction
Dragon King patronage / wake up calls
Third Ending Spoiler
Mermaids (another infamously hard-to-get-along-with race lloyd contracts with) / Jjimjjalbang construction
Heart of Winter
Centaurs / Colosseum construction
Return to Seoul
Finally home / Rebuild Jewel of Truth / Swordmaster Syndrome
Angel Interference (lloyd and javier beat up a whole-ass angel) / """"Solution""""" to Destiny
Tears of Summer “prophecy” (lloyd has the angels make up a prophecy and appear before the House of Peers to say it. It was rather flashy)
Mountain switchback train construction (lloyd uses time magic so not only is the construction of a train on a mountain impressive, but he did it in what looks like a few days too)
Let's see... as for Titles, thats a little harder since I wasn't keeping track of those... I'll list what I can remember/find, but I must note that the "titles" Lloyd receives are from the system, not ones officially provided by the people of Lorasia.
System Titles
[Exemplifying Punisher] (ch 101)
[Builder of Dead Estates] (ch 101)
[Honored Warrior of the Barbaric Tribe] (ch 101)
[Guardian of Cremo] (ch 101)
[Magentano Carry] (ch 101)
[Bell Saver] (ch 109)
[The Eldest Son of the Frontera Family] (ch 119)
[Hell's Singer] (ch 177)
[Top Gun from the West] (ch 197)
(I feel like im missing a few here...?)
[Upper Abdomen! Upper Abdomen! Upper Abdomen!!] (ch 271)
(huh, maybe missing some here too?)
[Hell's Top Talent] (ch 359)
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1863-project · 7 months
Looking through your blog, many of your train posting is northeastern focus, which, absolutely fair, love what's around you, but what are some of you favorite non-local trains, historic or modern? Around the US and/or international
Ah, yeah, I'm in Northern New Jersey, so I tend to do a lot of PRR, NYC, Lackawanna, Jersey Central, Erie, etc. (not to mention the NYC Subway, PATH, NJT, etc.). Grew up going to the Strasburg Rail Road a lot as a kid, so in terms of historical railroading, I was exposed to the Pennsy first, and everything else just got picked up as I continued along.
In terms of the rest of the US, I've inherited a fondness for the Nickel Plate Road's Berkshires from my dad. In 2015 we went to Jim Thorpe because 765 was visiting and normally she's not that far east so we couldn't miss out on it.
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It was a real treat, we got to walk right up to her and everything.
I also love the streamlining for the Southern Pacific (the Daylight is just gorgeous), everyone knows the Santa Fe (still haven't made that French toast but I swear I will), and the Southern...the green paint on their locomotives...divine. And of course, nobody has a better logo than the Chessie System! I also need to do a big shout-out to the Milwaukee Road, as well, because those Atlantics are a dream drive for me that I'll never get because they're all scrapped. But those timetables make me drool...
Internationally, most people who follow this blog are aware that I'm a huge fan of Sir Nigel Gresley's work with the LNER and have a particular obsession with the A4 Pacifics. Driving one would be a dream come true. I know they won't let me take Mallard out (she hasn't operated since the 1980s anyway), but there's a few A4s that are in operational status, so...I promise I won't immediately go for the speed record or anything.
In terms of modern stuff, I'm also fond of the E5/H5 Shinkansen trainsets. They're gorgeous and they operate so well at high speeds. Keep an eye out for the ALFA-X, though, it's due to dethrone them as the highest speed regularly running Shinkansen trainset if it goes into revenue service!
That's a brief overview - a verrrry brief one - but I'm always excited to see trains from everywhere, especially historical ones. It's genuinely the longest-lasting passion in my life (it's been there for over 30 years now) and I hope it stays that way forever!
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nyxrev · 1 year
Just some stuff I noticed, from small to serious.
旦那 (dan'na)
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K so I found it funny Black Sperm calls Saitama “dan'na” bc the term can mean different by its context, eg. an honorific for husband, patron, or master, etc. I believe it's translated to English as “Boss” which is most fit but when I first read it I automatically associated it with “master” of the more softer nuances and not the rougher casual “hey boss” sort of vibe, so I was surprised like, huh BS is unusually deferential to Saitama, esp. bc the rest of his speech pattern is fairly casual. But, makes sense bc he's seen enough to know. Also makes sense bc on one hand, rn he has to pretend to be a benign, goofy “monkey” …idk how ppl see a black teletubby n just believe it's monkey but s'ok, story logic… to get by heroes, hence the casual goofy monkey speech, but on the other, he absolutely does not want to cross Saitama, so he chooses to refer to him politely.
master (of a house, shop, etc.)​
husband​: can be used to refer to your own, or smb else's husband (add honorifics). Some other ways of address: 夫 otto, 主人 shujin,
sir; boss; master; governor​: used to address a male patron, customer, or person of high status
patron of a mistress, geisha, bar or nightclub hostess; sugar daddy ​(パトロン)
alms; almsgiver:​ Buddhism, usually written as 檀那 for Buddhist context
As you can see, a non-exhaustive list of what it can mean. With automatic association to house -hold and patronage nuances, my mental image got mildly confused for a moment. Like can you really see an obeisant, nice little BS who humbly serves Saitama with utmost formality??
I feel myself make an uneasy face I cannot quite describe.
Also it was good to see him ask about Manako, but I do want to know if she's alive and safe.
Homewrecker? No it's (unlicensed) Demolition. Opennenoorn Get Out
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^after the scene when Forte got hit, Fubuki told Saitama to go with her and said:
Basically the reason she gave for their excursion was, “I'll let you meet the person responsible for the destruction of your residence.”
Whom I thought was Psykos bc at the moment, we saw parallel scenes of Tsukuyomi guy at her cell and Tatsumaki had not arrived, but Saitama doesn't know Psykos yet, so when Fubuki made her speech, Saitama confused without so much as context to who all the ppl on scene are, then Tatsumaki arrives most destructively, he must have thought it could be absolutely no other than the “chibi” who threw Genos on a wall.
Which is why Saitama went “I see, the one who destroyed my home was…(Tatsumaki) ಠ ◡ ಠ##”
But I had to wonder who did Fubuki really mean to refer to with “the person who destroyed your place”? If Fubuki meant Psykos how would Saitama react?
Fortress Haven or Death Maze?
Hige Coffee: lit. Beard Coffee (lol)
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Well it's good to see Max and Shadow on break, but an emergency call cuts it short, and amidst the commotion, one of them (I assume it's Max) laments the place is so big it's easy to get lost.
What can I say, it's almost like the new HQ, with its concentrated yet puzzled pyramid structure, complete with a moat of self-isolation, remotely omniscient surveillance, a manufactured façade of paradise with luxury security atop seven hells of hidden disasters eager to be released, and so on…almost like it's a direct visual representation of HA's operation hierarchy: centralized system of power and economic monopoly, yet rife with office politics, factions at tension, dysfunctional management, corrupt unstable foundation, and unsavoury secrets to hide.
Cohesively staffed, an impregnable fortress. Yet improperly managed, an exit-less death maze.
And I say it bc the place is not only complicated and spacious but also uniform. Its grand Jenga-Lego stack of cluster structures look so similar, if not literally the same, from every angle, if you rotated it on a turntable, I couldn't tell the sides from each other nor which faced NESW at first.
Of course, part of why they got lost is, it's newly built, heroes just moved to residency, obviously, it's not out of expectation for heroes, or anyone who's never step foot there for the matter, to be unfamiliar with exact floor plan details of such a vast, complex structure, its design sleek at best and dystopian at worst.
But I must wonder, for I feel like it will become a problem later, HQ's isolated vast complexity… If it doesn't fall apart from its core first, what with overpowered resident, destructive visitors, and let's not forget the basement full of a nasty little monstrosity of pets the corrupt executives keep for cash flow they don't use to pay heroes.
Air and Blue Fire: Cyborg Surgery?
On a scale of beneficial to suspicious, question.
Notice the text right next to Air? It's an SFX.
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キュイーン kyui—n (onomatopoeia): like a whirr sound effect, low sounds of machinery at work, usually small technical ones which contract or spin. For example, camera lens… how ominous, don't you think?
While Forte is eager to get out of bed and make a quick work of the noisy monsters who disturb his already bad day, blow off convenient steam, it looks like Air can't even emote natural, human facial expressions, and it unsettles me so!
If you look long enough it almost looks like he is controlled like a puppet Σ(-᷅_-᷄⁉︎)
As for BlueFire, I can't tell if it's an empty sleeve or a prosthetic arm but hopefully he got an arm with extra spicy flamethrower fingers so he can be extra terribly efficient. He'd probably max his specs to roast evildoers out of spite. I sense one step to Genos. Same age, similar personality.
Bonus: List of Every Hero Present
aka. faces you see the last moments of your life, if you happen to be a mischievous monster at the wrong place at the wrong time.
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Top panel: Golden Ball, Spring Mustachio, Red Muffler, Funeral Suspenders, D-pad, bottom L hat prolly Gun Gun, Shooter, Smile Man, Skunk-Boy Gasmask, top L corner Eyelashes, Mohawk Hacker, Brass Knuckles guy, Great Philosopher, Magic Trick Man, Darkness Blade, Bones, prolly Blue Fire's back (front of Bones), All Back Man? (didn't he quit?), Butterfly DX, Kusari-Gama, Mushroom, Horse-Bone, Twin Tails, can't tell who the mop of dark hair next to her is but prolly Blizzard member, Tank-Top Al-Dente, Tank-Top Rockabilly, another two Blizzards by the suit,
Bottom: Eyelashes, Brass Knuckle, Spiked Club Blizzard, L- Max, Genji, Stinger, Tank-Top Mask, Tank-Top Racer, Crescent Eyebroll, Green, Wild Horn, Skunk Boy Gasmask, Tank-Top Al-Dente, Tank-Top Rockabilly, a sliver of Darkness Blade, Heavy Kong.
Fubuki Group? More like Mafia?
Look at how they stand. Look at how they walk. Look at their formation. If each of them were as strong as Needle Star got, fought as well as the support team cooperated, if equally valued and given opportunity to contribute their expertise, they truly would be formidable, fearsome foes, and reliable allies Fubuki can trust to hold their own and not constantly worry about. Of course part of the problem is Fubuki's own insecurities but we know she has the potential to be a great leader if she put her focus on the right path and used her power to maximum beneficial strategy
Counted around 33 members without Fubuki or Saitama. Rowdy Suit Gang. Mountain Ape n Lily stand out and you can see them from far away.
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Extra Bonus: Spot the Spy 6-6
Nah cuz I really need to talk about the cursed Tsukuyomi guys. I brewed some praises n some toasty roasty jokes. I need to cook some wacky, juicy conspiracy about them. Just a little gentle speculation.
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ukrfeminism · 11 months
4 minute read
Police tactics used against terrorists are being used to catch the 100 worst predators targeting women in London.
The Met said a system assessing 35,000 offenders reported each year for crimes against females was being used.
It follows a series of scandals and a review that found the force was racist, misogynist and homophobic.
Commissioner Sir Mark Rowley said: "It's taking the organised crime or terrorism approach to male predatory violence."
"If we go after them proactively, build a case against them, get them off the streets, that protects women and children in London, so that's an indicator of something more innovative, more front-footed, and how we reform how we police London", Sir Mark added.
The Cambridge Crime Harm Index (CCHI) is the first system that measures the seriousness of crime harm to victims, and not just the number of officially recorded crimes.
It gathers data on tens of thousands of men recently convicted of domestic assault, rape, sex offences, stalking, and harassment to rank the 100 who pose the highest risk to the public.
'Rebuild public trust'
Baroness Casey was appointed to review the force's culture and standards after the abduction, rape and murder of Sarah Everard by serving police officer Wayne Couzens, in 2021.
During the course of her review, another Met officer, David Carrick, was convicted of a series of rapes, sexual offences and torture of women.
Plans to overhaul the force, a £366 million two-year scheme dubbed A New Met for London, are being launched with visits to every borough in the English capital.
Bosses say there will be an increased emphasis on neighbourhood policing in a bid to rebuild public trust.
Some 240 officers out of the Met's total workforce of around 34,000 will be moved from central to local teams.
There are also plans to recruit 500 more community support officers (PCSOs) and an extra 565 people to work with teams investigating domestic abuse, sexual offences and child sexual abuse and exploitation.
Each borough will have at least one front counter open 24 hours a day under the proposals.
During austerity from 2010 onwards, local borough teams were cut so that between two and four boroughs were covered by one basic command unit.
Sir Mark, who previously said there were hundreds of officers in the Met who should have been kicked off the force, said bosses are "sacking and suspending more officers than ever before".
He added: "I've got a minority of my people I need to sort out, and we're doing that as rapidly and as quickly as we can do."
Mayor of London Sadiq Khan said: "Londoners will rightly judge this plan on actions not words, and I will be unflinching in holding the Met and the Commissioner to account and supporting him to deliver."
London's Victims' Commissioner Claire Waxman OBE said: "A New Met for London clearly sets out how the Met plans to turn around the force and deliver for Londoners, but there is no time to lose, as they need to quickly and effectively improve their support to the thousands of victims they interact with on a daily basis."
Sonja Jessup, BBC London home affairs correspondent
Why hasn't this been done before? This approach - using data to try to target the most dangerous suspects more precisely - is already used to tackle terrorism and serious organised crime.
But there've been two significant changes.
The first is the increase in reports of rape and domestic abuse: police say the numbers are too big to manually identify which cases to prioritise and they need to find new crime fighting methods.
The second is about the pressure on the Met to take violence against women and girls more seriously. Campaigners have warned many victims have lost confidence in the force.
The Met hopes to restore that trust, but that will mean not only bringing more offenders to justice, but also demonstrating a change in its own culture, as a force criticised as "institutionally misogynist" by Baroness Casey.
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anarchotahdigism · 4 months
Seattle, at Bruce Harrell's personal urging, is deploying new police surveillance around the city, including the nefarious and notoriously its unreliable Shotspotter, which police regularly use in other areas to justify deadly force and police response, as well as evidence tampering. Shotspotter allows police to update, modify, and delete its files and triggers on the fly as police decide.
"As an alerting system, ShotSpotter exacerbates police violence by sending police on high alert into our neighborhoods. A 2021 report by the Chicago Office of Inspector General showed that “evidence of a gun-related crime” was only found in “9.1% of CPD responses to ShotSpotter alerts”.
But for each of the other 90.9% of alerts, police are still dispatched. A video from 2023 showed a heavy SPD response to a 911 caller alleging shots fired, showing officers pointing their rifles toward an unarmed man in crisis. Officers finally left after a tense standoff with intervening community members. Every false positive is another possibly deadly encounter.
In Chicago, a ShotSpotter alert has already led to an officer shooting and killing 13-year-old Adam Toledo in 2021." ..... "
Just as concerning though, are the other two technologies the City is requesting: CCTV cameras and Real-Time Crime Center (RTCC) software.
The SIR proposes to not just install city-owned CCTV cameras, but also to allow “privately-owned security systems […] to voluntarily share video of storefronts and areas where the public has access” with the City. This would be a massive expansion of police surveillance, giving police potentially real-time surveillance video from any/every business concerned with petty theft or houseless people.
These feeds would then be integrated into Real-Time Crime Center software, which “provides a centralized location for real-time information and analysis” and “integrates dispatch, camera, officer location, gunshot detection, 911 calls, records management systems, and other information into one ‘pane of glass’ (a single view).”
Additionally, the RTCC software for CCTV cameras 'can also provide in-application video analytics that use machine-learned algorithms to analyze camera feeds and, using object recognition, locate specific items, people based on clothing, or vehicles based on description.' " Harrell, a proud Trump supporter, is entrusting a massive panopticon to the same police department that sent the most number of police officers to participate in the 1/06 insurrection and is one of the most brutal PDs in the US. SPD is a threat to Seattle, and with its regular training exchanges with the IOF, a threat to Palestinians as well.
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