#chaotic severus
slyther-bi · 4 months
Chaotic D.E. Severus incorrect quotes
Severus: Here's two facts about me.
Severus: 1. I hate hot people.
Severus: 2. I'm a hypocrite.
Severus: Ok so, apparently the "bad vibes" I've been feeling are actually severe psychological distress.
Severus: I’m a multitasker!
Severus: I can disappoint fifteen people at once.
Severus: I’m really glad “fight me” has replaced “sue me” in the common vernacular because I don’t have money, but I do have fists and I am always angry.
Severus: If a demon possessed me, I’d just be like, “Okay, take it from here, good luck man.”
Lucius: I think Barty is in trouble.
Severus: Alright. Struggling to give a fuck, if I’m honest.
Lucius: Evan, gather the others. We need to have another Severus-is-doing-something-stupid-again-and-we-have-to-stop-him-before-he-hurts-someone convention.
Mulciber: Hey, Severus, where are you going?
Severus: Well, it depends. When I die, probably hell.
Severus: But right now I’m going to McDonald’s.
Regulus: So I have made the decision to trust you.
Severus: A horrible decision, really.
Wilkes: How has life been treating you lately?
Severus: Horribly.
Lucius, texting Narcissa: I had to pick up Severus early.
Narcissa: That’s alright. Has he been sick?
Lucius: No, not sick, he's just very upset because he had a hard day.
Narcissa: Wait, why did he have a hard day?
Lucius: He took his two pet snails to school with him today, and he had the snails in his book bag. He let out the snails by the sink in the back of the potions classroom for some exercise, and Professor Slughorn thought they were snails that escaped the jars from his ingredient cupboard, so he used Severus’s snails in a potion for demonstration.
Narcissa: Oh my god.
Lucius: I know you are laughing, Cissa, but please act sad about it when we get home today.
Narcissa: I’ll try but that is hilarious.
Lucius: Yeah, I know. Stupid pet snails.
Lucius: I’m trying not to let Severus see me laugh.
Severus: Do you want this handful of moss?
Voldemort: Why would I want a handful of fucking moss?
Severus: Damn, you could’ve just said no.
Severus: Yeah I'm LGBT.
Severus: cuLt leader.
Severus: God hates me personally.
Severus: Bitchy.
Severus: *sniffles* Trying my best.
Voldemort: I assume you realize that this kind of idiocy will not be tolerated in this house.
Severus: Is there any kind of idiocy you would be more comfortable with?
Lucius: Hi, I'm Severus Snape's emergency contact.
Counter Woman: You're here to pick him up?
Lucius: I'm here to remove myself as his emergency contact.
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icarus-daedaluss · 1 month
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Pov : U joined Slytherin 📗🐍💚
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Lily: *clicks pen*
Severus: *clicks pen in response*
James: Stop that.
Lily: Stop what?
James: You’re talking about me in Morse code!
Lily: Yes, that’s what we doing. In our very limited time, we took a class on a very outdated, very unnecessary form of communication just so we could talk about you in front of you. Congrats, you figured us out!
Severus, to Remus: That’s actually exactly what we were doing.
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so tired of everyone saying James Sirius would be just like his namesakes when he's literally an oldest child. he'd be the one dragging albus and lily by the ears back into their rooms before the professors find them out of bed.
(not saying he would get caught tho)
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padfootswhiskers · 6 months
i saw a bbc sherlock reel after years today and i can't stop thinking about a no voldemort au where a broke and disowned sirius has to room with lily's weird potions genius friend and then they eventually start solving crimes together. anyway i'm slowly going insane
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shrimpalbuspotter · 3 months
Fleamont pulling up to Hogwarts one day to take Young Severus Snape under his wing as his official Potions Trainee (adopt him COUGH) and James arriving home one Summer slightly upset and confused because Snivellus disappeared from Hogwarts halfway through the year??? Just to see him sitting in HIS dining room with HIS father talking about HIS arrival and as soon as they lock eyes Snape has this smug fucking look on his face before Fleamont stands up and goes:
"James, my son! I know I haven't owled you for quite a few months now, but well, I wanted to keep this whole ordeal a suprise for you! Young Severus here has been working with me on some Potions for quite alot of time now... You see, usually I'd never pull a student from their studies at Hogwarts, but I was just so enthralled by his O.W.L results that I simply had to ask for the honour of teaching him myself! It was quite the joy that he even said yes, and well... One thing led to another, my darling son. But I think you will be very pleased to learn of a new face on the family tree, someone to talk with when Sirius isn't around."
All he can reply is a loud "SNIVELLUS?" immediately after the speech ends, like he was cut off from saying it before Fleamont began his rant... And James is appalled. He is shocked. His mouth has never fell open faster in his life. All the while Snape is just sitting there wearing beautiful red and silver black robes with the Potter crest embroidered into them... and the room is quiet. Like none of them want to break the tension...
Before Euphemia bursts in, tray of baked goods in hand, gasping with joy at seeing the brown haired Potter and not even stopping to read the room
"Oh, my sweet James and my new special boy Severus, both in the same room! How wonderful! How adorable! Fleamont, dear, we must get them a portrait painted together immediately! I will call someone over, this is such perfect day!"
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slytherin-boys · 4 months
Snape's gang incorrect quotes
Wes: Seriously, Evan, how many people would you have killed if we’d asked you to?
Evan: That’s not important
Evan, laying in bed: Get out of my room.
Veles, standing just outside of the door frame: I’m not in your room.
Severus, to the squad: And remember, if I get harsh with you it is only because you’re doing it all wrong.
Veles: Come on, Evan! How any times do I have to apologize?
Evan: Once!
Veles: ...No.
William: Oh man, you have any shaving cream?
Severus: No, I don't like the way that it tastes.
William: Wait...you eat shaving cream?
Severus: No. Why would I eat it if I don't like the taste.
Severus: Everyone knows that Santa is an invention designed by the big five corporations to sell tinsel and video games to an unsuspecting public.
Wes: The whole “childhood wonder” stage just blew right past you, didn’t it?
Evan: Cause your pretty and your smart, and your ignoring me so your obviously my type.
Severus, who was distracted: I'm sorry- what were you saying?
Evan: Perfect.
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Another year another Snape meme
This is a bit older but i am working on lots of new stuff
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olivers-cocoapuffs · 1 year
The Valkyries write fake notes and crinkle them and drop them around classrooms to cause drama
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moonlightdancer26 · 1 year
okay im getting brainrot about messy polycule sirius/james/lily/severus/remus where everyone is dating but also they’re best friends almost brothers but also they hate each other and cant be alone in a room but also they share a bed because they can’t sleep alone and they’re either kissing tenderly or fucking nasty and there is no middle ground. ever.
and we get this:
sirius, about severus, lily and remus: how dumb do they think we are?
james: they left us pictures of food instead of a shopping list
sirius and james then proceed to buy everything that’s not on the shopping list
This is so funny to me bc I basically just consider Marauders x Severus canon, their behaviour towards him was so fricking gay it’s insane (esp Sirius that guy was OBSESSED). I think the world would be a far more serene place if we were to erase the canon events in the Marauders-era and just write fanfics where they’re all just in love with each other
I think your idea would look something like this:
Lily: Come on, Sirius, stop being so negative! You know, when life gives you lemons-
Sirius: You throw them at Snape
***later that night***
Sirius, drunk: Snape has such pretty eyes, I love him
Severus, who’s sitting right next to her:
Sirius: Don’t tell him, okay?
Lily: I won’t
Severus: Everywhere I look, BAM! There’s Sirius
Remus: ..that’s because we all sleep in the same bed
Lily: What’s up with you and Sev?
Remus: What do you mean?
Lily: You two have been nice and helpful to each other all day. What’s your game?
Sirius: Oh, come on! How many times do I have to apologise?!
James: Once!
Sirius: No.
James: No, no, no. Let’s not sugarcoat this. You find me finicky, insubordinate, and irritating.
Lily: No, he doesn’t, James! Don’t be silly
Severus: I have actually used those words before... in that exact order.
Severus: What are you doing?
Sirius: Helping Moony find the chocolate I stole an hour ago.
Sirius: Oi, can you pass me the salt?
Lily: No.
Lily: You didn’t say please.
Sirius: Can you please pass me the salt?
Lily: No.
James: Merlin, right now I feel like I might never get angry again!
Severus: We go to Hogwarts, there’s always a reason to be angry.
James: I’m sick of being such a big loser.
Sirius, faking sympathy: Aw Prongs, you’re not big.
(Sirius is like a centimetre taller than him and never shuts up about it)
Sirius: I’m an idiot.
Remus: If you’re waiting for us to disagree with you, this is going to be a long day.
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slyther-bi · 3 days
Happy Snape family au
Eileen: Is letting someone win at chess sapiosexual bottoming? Tobias: Can everyone in this godforsaken family please learn the skill called "Think Before You Speak"? Severus: Ya know... it might be.
Tobias: What did Severus do this time? Eileen: More like WHO did Severus do this time?
Eileen: Severus is at that very special age where a kid only has one thing on their mind. Tobias: Boys/Girls? Severus: Homicide.
Eileen, gardening: Hey, can you bring me the hoe? Severus: Yeah, sure. *A few minutes later* Severus: Here you go. Eileen: Severus: Tobias: Why am I here?
Eileen: When Severus was born, the gods said, "He's too perfect for this world." Tobias: Please. When he were born, the devil said, "Oh, competition."
Tobias: *double checking supplies in the boat* Compass. CB radio. Sunscreen. Severus: Hot dog costumes! Tobias: I’m sorry, what? Severus: You know, in case we get lost at sea, and one of us, probably ma, goes mad with hunger, we’ll put these on. Ma hates hot dogs, so she probably won’t eat us. Tobias: Are you saying that your mother would rather eat us than hot dogs? Eileen: I DO hate hot dogs.
Eileen, holding out a cookie for Severus: Look! This ones a heart, that’s how I feel about you! Kid Severus: *Ugly crying* Eileen, holding out another cookie for Tobias: This ones like Michigan, that’s how I feel about you! Tobias, throwing his hands in the air: What does that mean?!
Severus: Why is everyone so obsessed with top or bottom? Honestly, I’d just be excited to have a bunk bed. Eileen: Eileen: I'm gonna tell him. Tobias: Don't you dare.
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penandparchments · 1 year
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Severus: I’m gonna need a human skull and I can't have you ask any questions why.
Lily: Only if you also don't ask why
Lily: *Pulls out 7 pristine human skulls* Take your pick.
Severus: This one is fine
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kkangkkangie · 2 years
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Our favorite Slytherin Duo—Harrison Potter & Celaena Phantomhive (ft. exhausted Severitus)
Platonic lovers—literally. Celaena would burn the world for Harry & Harry would make sure that she knows she’s worth living
He’s almost always there for some of the stupid shit she pulls including but not limited to, practicing incendio on flying arrows for accuracy, trying to levitate herself to bring a cat down from a tree which ends with her face-planting, magically making it rain whenever he and Draco try to have a moment, etc.
Snape wonders who’s the bad influence between the two—sassy Harry or chaotic Celaena—anyways he’s set two tracking spells on the two (i.e. they’re leash kids now)
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andiais1 · 2 years
Harry Potter next gen fic. SFW. Read tags!
Planning, Lily had found, was easy when you had competent minions. Anyone other than ALbus and Hugo really.
Teddy Lupin/James Sirius Potter, suggested Lily Luna Potter/Hugo Weasley/Albus Severus Potter.
Planning, Lily had found, was easy when you had competent minions, who were able to see towards the end result and see the logical steps in between. Planning with Hugo Weasley and Albus Potter was about as easy as stopping a greased up, frothing mouth angry pig in a passageway with only a two inch long stick and some tangled up string.
It wasn't that they were thick. Hugo for instance had inherited the best of his mother and father. His mother's ability to remember verbatim anything she read and heard was strong in Hugo, and his father's ability to see right to the heart of the matter and strike with unflinching aim (admittedly a trait Uncle Ron had only developed once past the ravages of puberty) was one of her favourite things about Hugo. He had also, Lily believed, risen to such intellectual heights, that he frequently found hitherto unknown pockets of condensed stupidity.
Albus was as cunning and as sly as any Slytherin could be, but with a temper that, when things went wrong (which they usually did, re: Hugo and pockets of stupidity) could be relied upon to inform the surrounding area of everything that was planned, that was about to happen and what had gone wrong, to a distance of at least 50 miles. His mother's temper had been joined by, and often egged on by, their Grandmother's. That both women were rumoured to be spawn of a disgusting union between Banshee and mortal was no surprise.
Putting two such people together never goes well, even when they're relegated to status of minion. That Lily had no choice but to use the two was annoying. Annoying enough that if Lily had to listen to one more minute of their discussion (read – argument) on whether tea would taste different if it was coloured pink, she would no doubt end up in Azkaban for killing them, preferably by shoving their wands up both of their arse and setting of a timed Reducto.
Although Al would probably enjoy that....
Her first choices for any plotting of nefarious schemes would usually be Rose, Teddy, Lorcan and Lysander, but all of those were out. Rose was so utterly caught up in her budding romance with Fenella Finnegan that Lily suspected those pockets of stupidity were, in fact parasitic, with a taste for Weasley brain matter. Although that tentacle curse they had perfected made Lily wonder just how kinky those girls were.
Lorcan and Lysander were off Snorcack Hunting, but everyone knew that “Snorcack Hunting” was merely a front for the fact they were attempting to shag each other in every major city on the globe. They had so far managed London, Paris, Berlin, Brussels and Tokyo. Lily was impressed, and thought that the Scamander Circuit could become just as popular as the Hogwarts Circuit. The postcards she had received, and in one case a copy of the Notice of Official Pardon from the French government told her that they were having the time of their lives. Or at least the most scandalous time of their lives.
And Teddy. Well, Teddy was out due to the fact that he was one of the targets of “The Plan.”
At last, “The Plan” was ready for implementation. Lily had always known that James, who just so happened to be her favourite brother, was closer to Teddy than anyone else. When they were younger, he had idolised Teddy, and had been utterly distraught to realise that Teddy's abilities were not learn-able.
When James had been given the Quidditch Captaincy, Teddy received the first letter. When James was made prefect, Teddy knew first. When James decided to come out, it was to Teddy. When Teddy had split up with Victoire (and wasn't that a fine old time in the extended Weasley-Potter family) James had smirked and his eyes shone with a happiness that Lily had not seen for a long time.
Yes, Lily knew that James and Teddy were close. She also knew that they both wanted to be closer, but for some reason were afraid to take that final step. Bloody cowards, making her do all the work for them. Still, Lily mused, they'll owe me for this. Owe me big.
The plan was perfect in it's simplicity, which was lucky, as simple was the best she'd managed with Al and Hugo. Tonight was Family Dinner Night, as always on Christmas Eve. The Potter's dining room had been extended to fit everyone in. There would be eating, shouting, laughing. There would be dancing and drinking after, as other guests arrived. The Finnegans, the Macmillans, the Thomases and more. Once everyone was liberally oiled, it would be time.
Target Anal Retentive (Teddy) was to be lured into the garden shed by Hugo, using a ruse as yet to be decided. Target Filthy Slob (James) was also to be lured to the shed by Al, using the simple sibling attack and run away ruse. Once both Targets were in place, the shed would be locked and sealed by Lily's personal, self created locking charm. They had already made the shed ready, transfiguring an old sack into a soft, comfy bed, soft lighting and a timed howler ready to go off and gently scream at the Targets to get over themselves and shag before they become so miserable that it begins to affect everyone else. The carefully concealed mirrors would them relay everything that happened to a large mirror in Lily's bedroom.
Victoire was watching Teddy. Victoire enjoyed watching Teddy, as everything he did ended up in The Dossier. The Dossier was full of interesting observations, such as the the fact that Teddy chewed food on the right side of mouth, and that his eye twitched slightly when Aunt Ginny spoke of Mr. Lupin (Senior and Deceased. Victoire understood this, as dead people were both boring and slightly gross.)
Victoire had a plan. Victoire had decided that it was time for Teddy to stop being so stupid, and to come back to her. She had purchased the most beautiful underwear she could find; a corset, knickers and garter set in a pale pink coral silk. She had arranged her bedroom to be conducive to seduction, and had gotten an illegal, untraceable portkey from Uncle George. All she had to do was get Teddy alone and set the portkey off. Once he saw her, nearly naked, he would crumble, he would take her and he would be hers. The magic inhibiting handcuffs she'd liberated from Auror Headquarters when she visited Uncle Harry last week were just there for fun. Really.
A small giggle slipped past her lips as she thought about the coming evening's delights, unaware that she was being observed.
James knew Victoire was up to something, and whenever she was attempting to think, Teddy was involved somehow. The last time she'd had that slightly constipated look on her face, she had been concocting an unbelievably bizarre attempt to win back Teddy's affections.
From what he could remember, as he'd tried to obliviate himself and managed to only remove tiny parts of the memory (and strangely, most of his third year at Hogwarts), she had, for some reason sent Teddy a real, living baby; upon which she had charmed wings and sparkles, with a note saying that their child needed his father. The fact that child was a. female, b. “borrowed” from a muggle maternity ward, and c. black, didn't seem to make any difference to Victoire.
The ensuing chaos had been hilarious though. Uncle Bill had panicked and sprouted fur in the middle of the lunar month, Aunt Fleur had thrown fireballs at Uncle Bill, saying that Victoire's “unreasoning belief that she can do whatever she wants without reason or necessary sanity” was all his fault. Grandma Molly had cried and cooed over the baby, saying that Teddy and Victoire had created an actual angel, and Dad had locked himself in his study and refused to come out until Uncle Bill had sorted the whole mess out.
Teddy's response was swift and peacefully brutal. He'd had Victoire arrested for stalking, had a restraining order taken out on her and hired Aunt Hermione to try to have Victoire admitted to an asylum. They failed in their committal attempt, but only just.
Yes, James needed to keep an eye on Victoire tonight. Bloody family dinners. The Gods were truly cruel to have invented them.
It was all going wrong. Lily was running, along with Hugo and Al towards the high pitched scream that was coming from, she guessed, Teddy's mouth. James' voice joined Teddy's, loudly declaring that if Victoire (it could only be Victoire) didn't get her hands off Teddy right now he would “rip your tits off and make you eat them raw, you depraved, bony kneed freak show from the deepest depths of Hell!”
Off to the left, Al sniggered at the somewhat inventive threat. Hugo repeated it under his breath, trying to memorise it for the next time Scorpius Malfoy tried to curse him.
When the three rounded the corner into James' bedroom, the tableau they were confronted with was nothing short of hilarious. Teddy was backed up into a corner of the room, eyes and hair white and skin a pale green. Victoire was lay spread eagled across the bed, wearing the most frilly piece of lingerie Lily had ever seen, in a colour only a simpering Regency virgin would wear. James was towering over her, face red, eyes wide and spittle flying from his mouth as he elaborated on the tit ripping torture he was about to rain down upon her. In one of his wildly waving hands was a silver comb, which Lily guessed was charmed for some reason.
Taking control, Lily sent Al down to their Dad's study to get his secret, and therefore known by everyone, pair of Auror handcuffs. She told Hugo to go to Teddy and try to bring him round, without laughing at the terror struck look of horror on his face. She moved towards the bed, grabbed James and dragged him away from Victoire and sitting him on the desk chair, pinning him there with a look that promised pain and torment should he move.
When Al returned, out of breath and still laughing, Lily quickly placed the handcuffs on Victoire and, just to be safe, tied her to the bed post with two of James' belts. Victoire's shouting was silenced quickly, the silencing spell coming from a revived Teddy.
Thinking quickly, Lily grabbed Teddy's and James' hands, dragging them from the room and declaring that they needed to calm down and that there was some booze in the shed that she, Al and Hugo were planning to keep to themselves. Hugo agreed quickly, while Al was still busy laughing at Victoire.
Finally at the shed, Lily, was nearly out of patience. She shoved them roughly in, cast the locking charm and walked swiftly back towards the house, Al and Hugo trailing in her wake. Right now, she was past caring if Teddy and James got it sorted or not; the plan had been ruined and Victoire's exploits were going to cause hell on in the family, yet again.
Hugo's hand slipped into hers as they walked into her bedroom, Al locking the door as he entered last. Sitting on the bed, she activated the mirror and was confronted by the image of a half naked Teddy kissing James as though the world was about to end. Her smug smile slipped slightly as she felt soft lips on the back of her neck and a gentle hand moving slowly up her leg. Looking down at Al's messy hair resting against her thigh, dark and bold against her pale skin, she smiled again, tender and accepting.
She supposed they had earned this reward, all of them. Idiots they may be, but she really did love them.
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ms-snape · 1 month
Tender Moments(severus snape x professor!reader)
request: so that person asked for professor!reader x snape jsut being super cute and omestic and tender, I couldn't find the request anymore sorry but if the person that asked about it read this please tell me u did in comment
Word count: 1115
The sun dipped low over the turrets of Hogwarts, casting long shadows across the grounds. Inside the stone walls, the flickering fire in the staff room offered a warm glow against the encroaching evening chill. Y/N, a professor of Herbology, had just finished grading a stack of papers that now lay scattered across her desk like fallen leaves. She stretched, letting out a breathy sigh, and glanced at the clock on the wall. It was nearly time for dinner, but more importantly, it was nearly time to see Severus.
“Just a few more minutes,” she murmured to herself, running her fingers through her hair. The thought of Severus always made her smile. Their relationship had blossomed in the most unexpected way—two souls drawn together in the shadows of the castle, finding light in each other.
The heavy oak door creaked open, and in walked Severus Snape, his robes billowing slightly as he entered. The moment their eyes met, a spark ignited in the air between them, and Y/N felt her heart race.
“Y/N,” he said, his voice low and smooth, “you’re still here?”
“Of course I am,” she replied, trying to suppress the grin that tugged at her lips. “I was waiting for you.”
Severus raised an eyebrow, a hint of amusement flickering in his dark eyes. “Waiting for me, or waiting for dinner?”
“Both, I suppose,” she laughed softly, letting the warmth of his presence envelop her like a favorite blanket.
He stepped closer, and she could smell the faint, familiar scent of potions and herbs on him, mixed with a hint of something uniquely Severus. “You should know that waiting for you is always worth it,” he said, his voice dropping to a whisper.
Her breath caught in her throat. “You say the sweetest things,” she replied, tilting her head slightly to meet his gaze.
With a gentle sweep of his hand, he brushed a stray hair behind her ear. “It’s the truth.”
Y/N felt her cheeks heat up as she leaned into his touch, feeling safe and cherished in this small moment. The fire crackled, snapping gently in the background, creating a cozy rhythm that matched the quickening beats of her heart.
“Shall we join the others for dinner?” Severus asked, his tone shifting slightly as he stepped back, breaking the momentary bubble they had created.
“Not just yet.” Y/N took a step closer, her fingers brushing against his. “I want a moment with you first.”
Severus hesitated, then nodded, a rare softness in his expression. “Very well.”
She led him to a nearby armchair, inviting him to sit. He settled down with a slight sigh, and she nestled beside him, resting her head against his shoulder. The warmth of his body radiated against her, and she closed her eyes, savoring the comfort of his presence.
“Tell me about your day,” he prompted, his voice rumbling gently.
“Well, I had an amusing encounter with a particularly stubborn Venomous Tentacula,” she began, recalling the chaotic scene earlier that afternoon. “It wouldn’t stop wriggling. I swear it was trying to escape my lesson plan.”
Severus chuckled, the sound deep and rich. “It seems you have your hands full,” he teased lightly.
“More than you know.” She laughed, the sound mingling with his, creating a warm harmony. “But I wouldn’t trade it for anything. Teaching here is a dream.”
“And what about your dreams outside of teaching?” he asked, turning serious.
Y/N paused, glancing up at him. “You mean, like… our dreams?” she asked, a hint of vulnerability in her voice.
“Yes,” he said, searching her eyes. “What do you want?”
She hesitated, feeling the weight of the question. “I want… I want to create a life that feels warm and alive. I want to share it with someone who understands me.”
His gaze softened further, and he leaned in, brushing his lips against her forehead. “You have that with me, Y/N. I hope you know that.”
The tenderness in his words made her heart swell. “I do, Severus,” she replied, her voice a mere whisper. “I just sometimes worry about what tomorrow may bring.”
“Tomorrow is not our concern right now,” he said firmly, yet gently, pulling back to look at her. “Let’s focus on today.”
“Agreed,” she smiled, feeling lighter. “What do you want to do then?”
“I want to enjoy this moment,” he said, leaning closer again. “And maybe…”
Before she could respond, he captured her lips with his, a sweet, lingering kiss that sent butterflies dancing through her stomach. The world around them faded, and all that existed was the warmth of his mouth on hers, the taste of warmth and familiarity.
When they finally pulled apart, she was breathless. “That was—”
“Perfect,” he finished, a smirk playing on the corners of his mouth.
Just then, the door swung open again, and in walked Minerva McGonagall, her expression shifting from surprise to amusement as she caught sight of the pair.
“Goodness,” she exclaimed, her voice a mixture of mock horror and genuine delight. “Am I interrupting something?”
Y/N’s cheeks flushed as she pulled back from Severus, who merely raised an eyebrow at his colleague. “Not at all, Minerva,” he said dryly, the corner of his mouth betraying a hint of a smile.
“Just having a… moment,” Y/N added, her embarrassment turning into laughter. “Nothing scandalous, I promise.”
“I’m sure,” Minerva replied, a twinkle in her eye. “But I must say, it’s lovely to see the two of you together. Hogwarts could use a bit of warmth now and then.”
“Indeed,” Severus said, his tone surprisingly accommodating. “And what brings you here, Minerva?”
“I came to fetch you both for dinner,” she said, stepping further into the room. “Albus has prepared quite a feast, and he’s rather insistent we all join him.”
“Lead the way,” Y/N said, standing up and offering her hand to Severus, who took it with a slight nod.
As they walked together, fingers intertwined, Minerva couldn’t help but glance back at them. “You two are positively glowing,” she remarked, her expression softening. “It’s good for you, Severus.”
“Don’t make such a fuss, Minerva,” he replied, though the slight flush on his cheeks gave him away.
“Just stating the truth,” she said lightly, guiding them down the stone corridors lined with portraits that watched them with interest. “And don’t think I haven’t noticed how you’ve transformed, Severus. Love does wonders for a person.”
Y/N squeezed his hand tighter, feeling a rush of warmth surge through her. “I think you’re right,” she said, looking up at Severus, who seemed to ponder her words.
“I suppose it does,” he conceded, a hint of a smile breaking through his usual stoic demeanor.
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