#sirius. which is my only passion anymore
padfootswhiskers · 7 months
i saw a bbc sherlock reel after years today and i can't stop thinking about a no voldemort au where a broke and disowned sirius has to room with lily's weird potions genius friend and then they eventually start solving crimes together. anyway i'm slowly going insane
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babybatss-blog · 4 months
Sirius x f!reader (850 words)
authors notes: Warning, this is a little bit of a horny one! Things are getting warmer so I thought this would be fitting
cw: sexual suggestions, kissing.
summary: a summer black lake day with your favourite black bf <3
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The new summer breeze brings Hogwarts Academy a rare yet opportune streak of bright blue skies, accompanied by the welcomed buzz of bumble bees and students flying above in the warm sunlight. With the holidays drawing near and end of year exams coming to a close, students are often finding themselves with nothing better to do than spend time by the black lake, soaking in the bright rays. You and your friends are no exception.
It’s a lousy Sunday afternoon when you present to Lily, Marlene, Mary, and Dorcas the possibility of going for a swim, which they jump at as an opportunity to distract from the blistering heat. The castle may be a solid freezing temple during the winter, but it seems that it is not well equipped for rare heat streaks such as this. You pack your towels and put on your bathers, luckily finding a spot on the pier empty for use.
Today appears to be another relaxing end of school term day, as you, Lily and Mary bring books and Marlene and Dorcas go for a swim, but these meditative plans are abruptly put on hold as soon as you hear the ruckus jeers from the marauders.
“Merlin, your boyfriends here.” Lily pouts, clearly unenthusiastic by the appearance of Sirius, James, and their two best mates. The boys take no notice of this, confidently strutting over to you in their overtly tight trunks and cocky smirks. Sirius and James seem much too pleased to see the staring crowd at their arrival, while Remus and Peter loiter behind as to not draw in anymore attention than has already been caught.
“Hello my darling” Sirius greets you, a signature smoulder on his pale face. Although you have been with him for a considerable amount of time already, his smooth words never fail to make you blush. He plops himself down next to you, throwing an arm around your shoulder and pinching your book from your hands despite your protests. “No need for that my dear. After all, your gorgeous, sexy, amazing boyfriend is here.” You roll your eyes, despite secretly agreeing with this notion. You would never let him know though; his ego is already big enough as it is.
“Hey Sirius” you smile, taking in his beautiful features. He isn’t necessarily buff in physique, but nevertheless his lean abs gleamed in the sunlight along with his rosy cheeks and long eyelashes. How you managed to garner his attention you never know, but sometimes he makes you feel so beautiful you almost see his point of view.
And today is no exception. You take your book back from him so you can enjoy the day how you please, but it appears Sirius has other plans as he runs his hand up and down your thigh. His hand inches further and further up your leg, causing you to find it difficult to focus on your page. You glance over at him, and he smirks. He knows exactly what he’s doing. In order to stop him, you hold his hand, which doesn’t necessarily work either. Instead, Sirius kisses your neck soft and slow. “Sirius…” you mumble, slightly embarrassed by the fact that some students are looking over at you. He hums but continues to leave soft kisses up to your jawline. Rolling your eyes you give up on reading and set the book down, knowing that it was never going to last anyways. “I won” he murmurs, before locking lips with yours into a passionate kiss. You get lost in the moment, adrift in your bound love display as your hands tangle in his silky hair and his roam your back. You almost forget where you are, before Sirius picks you up and jumps of the pier!
The cold water hits your body and surrounds you, only void in the front half of your body that is still enveloped around Sirius. Once your heads break the water you gasp for air, but Sirius merely laughs. “You prick!” You exclaim, Pushing away from him despite the smile on your face. You don’t even get the moment to recollect yourself before James, Lily and Peter Jump in over you leaving a massive splash in your direction. You laugh, shocked by the sudden shift in mood before being encased by Sirius from behind. He kisses your shoulder, paddling in the water together as you watch the others swim around. His warmth swarms you, like a blanket on a harsh windy day. You spin around, arms around his shoulders and eyes engaged with one another. “You’re such a dummy.” Although these words seem harsh, your voice is filled with adoration. “And you’re so embarrassing.” He replies, with the same tone.
As the sun shines above, the water shimmers around you and the air is filled with students laughter. The day is absolutely perfect, and spending it with Sirius seems like a dream come true.
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this is probably stupid to ask, but do you like snape? or the marauders? there's always fanwars happening between marauders stans and snape stans. tbh i'm just curious where you stand (i like both, and prefer their canon selves rather than the fanon which is btw really stupid. they feminized sirius so much its not even sirius anymore.) what made you like snape? if you do, or are you neutral with him? just for a change of question since i always ask about harry.
Thanks for the ask! I don't think it's stupid.
I prefer their canon counterparts as well, the Marauders fanon has so little to do with canon I can hardly call the characters by the same name. They just aren't the same characters. Anyway, I'm gonna try and summarise my highly subjective opinions about them here.
1. Sirius Black
He's my second most favorite character and my favorite among the characters you mentioned. I wrote about him a lot on this blog, so I don't really feel the need to write more.
But, he's smart, resilient, and goofy on occasion. His love for Harry is one of my favorite aspects of his character because he loves Harry so much. And he has his flaws. He can be cruel, cold, and arrogant and I wouldn't like him as much if he wasn't visibly a member of The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black regardless of how much he tried to get away from his legacy. I love how messy his feelings about his family are. He left Regulus' room as it was, even though the rest of the house got cleaned by the Order. He stayed in his mother's bedroom even when all the conversations he had with her portrait were in screams. I love his distrust in Dumbledore after everything he's been through and how he chooses to remain for Harry's sake — he's willing to do anything for Harry's sake.
I just truly love Sirius.
2. Severus Snape
He's the next on this list because I do like Snape, he's not a character I'm passionate about, but I like him. I think he shouldn't be a teacher (I think he hates being a teacher more than his students hate him teaching them) but he's a talented potion maker and wizard. And he is a very entertaining character, even without knowing everything about him.
But what really makes me like Snape is that I find him interesting. I think his psychology is interesting, as is his dynamic with Lily, Dumbledore, and Voldemort. Snape is a fascinating character to study from a lot of angles, and even as a reader, there is quite a bit that's up in the air about him because he's that good at being a spy and not giving us anything.
The other major thing I like about him is his competence as a spy and wizard. If there's one thing I love in my fictional characters — it's competence (and intelligence). I often joke with my irl friends that Snape is the only competent Death Eater and the only competent member of the Order of the Phoenix. We then joke that if we were in his shoes, surrounded by a lot of people who don't actually do anything and we're the only ones affecting this war from both sides, we'd probably be bitter too.
A little note that seems overlooked about Snape often in the fandom, in general, is how we think, "Oh, he's so great at Occlumancy and not being emotional" — that's not strictly true. When it comes to Lily or the Marauders all his well-crafted Occlumancy kinda goes out the window. In books 3 and 5 he throws actual temper tantrums about Sirius Black. Like, I feel Snape, deep down is actually super not well adjusted and is an emotionally unstable mess, but he learned to pretend otherwise. Basically, all the cold facade is just that — a facade. He isn't really that stoic.
3. James Potter
I'm weird about James. Like, he's almost a nonentity and what we do hear about him is either negative or comes from biased sources.
I do tend to give him more of the benefit of the doubt than a lot of other fans who prefer canon James do. He was awful when he was younger, he was a bully and he assaulted Snape and there is no excuse for his actions. That being said, I can believe he changed. War changes you and you'd be hard-pressed to find a 21-year-old who isn't ashamed of a lot of what they did or said when they were 15. And yes, some of what James did is definitely more extreme than that of the average person, but it isn't that extreme compared to the environment he grew up in. Remus tells Harry everyone was casting Levicorpous on each other in the halls. I'm not saying any of the bullying is okay, I'm just saying it probably seemed normal to him and this is important context. Same as I don't think Snape is abusive towards students when put in the context of their culture and environment where, until recently, they caned students (Snape actually seems very averse to corporeal punishment. He also likely treats Harry very different than he does literally any other student, but this is the James section).
I just, like the idea of James changing for the better. I'd like to think he did. That life and war and loss taught him something.
4. Peter Pettigrew
Probably an unpopular opinion, but I like Pettigrew more than Lupin. He's awful, he's pathetic, he's a cowardly rat man and I find his sniveling funny. Whenever I try to think of a what-if scenario in my head, Pettigrew is somehow the key to it. Because he's a character that affects so much of the plot in some incredibly crucial moments — he betrayed James and Lily, he resurrected the Dark Lord, and later, he allows Harry's survival. Idk, I just find his situation and just how pathetic he could get fascinating. It's, like, there is no rock bottom for this guy, he keeps digging. Like, you can't get more pathetic than living as a rat for 12 years when you could've moved to Argentina or something.
And at the same time, he clearly has some residual care for Harry for his father's friendship. He has so many opportunities to kill Harry or kidnap him when he runs away to join Voldemort — but he doesn't. Even after Sirius escapes and he knows his time is up, he still leaves Harry alive. When he is supposed to kill him in book 7, he doesn't, he again lets him go and pays with his own life for it. Like, again, idk, it's just how I feel.
5. Remus Lupin
I know I placed Lupin last, and it's because I don't personally like him that much. Pretty sure this is a little controversial, but I don't really like book Lupin, he does not vibe with me, at all. (Though I'd choose book Lupin over Marauders fandom Lupin every time)
Like, it bothers me that he doesn't actually care about Harry (the only one on the list who willingly physically harmed Harry, in a moment of anger, but still). It was Harry who asked to be taught the Patronus, if it was up to Remus, he wouldn't be involved in Harry's life at all. He tried to run on his wife when she got pregnant because he was scared. Like, Petttigrew is given shit for being a cowardly Gryffindor, but, look, you need some guts to betray your friends, so I'd argue Remus is the most cowardly Marauder (it's easy to be brave when you don't care for your own life).
But, all of this is part of his character and the story wouldn't be what it is if Remus bothered to get his head out of his own ass and check up on Harry. How he behaves makes him my personal least favorite Marauder, but I want Lupin to be a cowardly guy who runs away from attachment and responsibility because he doesn't trust himself with anything (especially not anything good). He's not cool, or suave, and he's desperate for people to like him but without actually knowing him because he thinks that if they do they'd run away screaming like he wants to run from himself. Honestly, I don't get why the Mauraders fandom made James the people-pleaser when Remus Lupin is right there always telling people what they want to hear so they'd like him.
Again, these are all my own personal subjective opinions, but yeah.
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hi ! i just saw your … post about regulus being the brother-in-law who literally decided to get his brother’s wife pregnant because yes yes sirius is so mean to his wife and regulus decided to take care of this issue. i just want you to write how sirius will react if he sees the belly of his wife being a bit round than usual… then he finds out she is pregnant… and so he knows she cheated on him ? then he forces her to tell him who is he ? pls pls
This is in regard to this post! Part 3
I feel like Sirius would have two very different reactions, depending on his relationship with his wife. If he doesn't care too much about her, I feel like he probably won't care if she gets pregnant by someone else, actually, he'll prefer it, because that means he doesn't have to interact with her anymore. But if Regulus actually talked with Sirius about how bad of a time you were having with the marriage, I do see him trying to approach and at least befriend her, ultimately falling for her.
If that is the case oofff… she is in for a whole new husband. The previous cold and not caring man that would use any and all excuses under the sun to leave their house is suddenly friendly. Not only friendly but flirty. Actually spending time with her, talking with her about anything and everything, favourite hobbies, passions, ideas for their life… He starts to see her as a person, not just as a pawn his parents used to force their ideals onto him. So when it's been months since the wedding, and just a few weeks since Sirius has started talking to her, not having touched her before in a sexual way; maybe stealing a kiss or two, she starts showing a little baby bump he gets angry. And if Sirius Black is one thing is impulsive, so he pins her down on the nearest surface and, holding her face impossibly close to his, with murderous eyes he spits "Who did you fuck?" which leads to her crying and apologising. And mean!sirius (my love) just goes "If you're as sorry as you say you're going to suck me off and let me fuck you like I should've all these months ago"
And as he starts pounding as hard and as rough as he can into her from behind, because "he doesn't have to be gentle with a slut" he just keeps repeating: "Who was it? Hm? I'm not letting you cum until you tell me who fucked my fucking wife." And when she finally tells him; he stops, turns her around, dries her tears and just mockingly says something along the lines of "Oh, my poor little wife, I was being so mean she had to go fuck my little brother to get an heir. Were you really that stressed? Oh, my poor baby, I'm sorry I was so mean, but you're still a little slut for fucking someone else that's not your husband."
I think he'll mostly act out of anger because he realized that his wife is actually great, and he was a dick, and now he's not the one to give her a baby/heir. He'd definitely fight Regulus after he's done with his wife.
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saintsenara · 1 month
the war of the roses - a snippet
sirius black/severus snape explicit
here’s a wee look at the next chapter of the war of the roses to tide you over before the weekend...
featuring tonks being a bonafide baddie with a terrible taste in men, sirius moping [as per], and me shoehorning in my "everything in the series connects to contemporary anglo-irish history" agenda....
Tonks has a black eye (courtesy of Augustus Rookwood) and a grey complexion (courtesy of being dragged back to work weeks earlier than she should have been). She looks exhausted. She’s lost weight. She has dark circles under her eyes and hollows under her cheekbones and he finds it almost terrifying to look directly at her.
Not because growing thinner has made it all the clearer how much she looks like Bella - he knew that; he can handle that - but because her specific brand of wan and worn-out looks so much like the one he remembers his mother putting on during his childhood - a cloak of pale skin and mourning robes and staring at the woven roses on the rug and not leaving the house - and never taking off.
Only the fact that her hair is electric blue and her aura opalescent and her appetite undiminished quells the shiver working its way down his spine, stopping him from panicking that there’s been some rip in time and the old bitch isn’t dead anymore.
‘- started quacking like a duck,’ she says, cheeks bulging out like a hamster’s with pasta bake, her luminescence - a gemstone sheen that no Death Eater’s curse could rob from her - so magnificent that even Molly smiles indulgently at her lack of table manners.
(Sirius wonders how long it took Andy - she was hardly as much of a prig as Cissy, but she’d nonetheless never gone in for eating like she lived in a pig-sty - to give up on trying to drum some decorum into her.)
‘The Muggles all thought he’d lost his gobstones - obviously - but the portrait in the PM’s office alerted the Accidents and Catastrophes lot just before they could cart him off to see one of their - oh bollocks, what do they call them? Y’know - the healers for the mind?’
‘Sike-trists,’ says Kingsley.
‘That’s the word I was looking for!’ she squeals, waving her fork in his direction with transparent glee. ‘I was going to say “suck-tits”, but I knew that wasn’t right…’
Kingsley chuckles. Moony chokes on his beer.
And Tonks stares at him, her dark eyes - Bella’s eyes; his mother’s eyes - gleaming, the dancing flames from the fireplace reflected within them. She looks thrilled, triumphant. Like making Moony shed his stiffness - the meek and restrained act he’s been perfecting since he was eleven - and reveal himself to be capable of spontaneity, of looking dishevelled and coming undone, was her goal.
Moony blushes. Tonks waggles her eyebrows extravagantly at him and then collapses into giggles.
(Sirius wonders what Andy would say. There’s no way she hasn’t warned her daughter to beware the hungry glint which lurks in wolfish eyes, betraying the monster which coils beneath an affable, moderate veneer, ready to strike. After all, she’d seen a similar heart-shaped face staring rapt and worshipping.)
‘It’s no laughing matter, Tonks,’ says Arthur, sternly, gamely diving into the fire which seems to have sprung up around her and Moony. ‘We’re very lucky that Herbert Chorley had a bad reaction to the Imperius Curse… If it had taken, the Prime Minister would be dead.’
Tonks doesn’t look remotely chagrined.
(Sirius wonders if Andy would say that passion’s flame - no matter how dangerous; no matter how quickly it burns itself out - is better than the alternative. He remembers his mother and father, drifting past each other on the stairs like ships in the night. He remembers Bella sitting awkwardly beside her new husband at her wedding breakfast, and how he and Reg had spent the next seven years - until he’d fled, for Godric’s Hollow and its fields of golden wheat - convinced that Rodolphus was genuinely incapable of smiling.)
But Kingsley is possessed by the spirit of irritation at government incompetence which all civil servants must indulge. ‘The worst thing is,’ he spits, ‘we didn’t have a fucking clue the Prime Minister was at risk until this Imperius was buggered up. It doesn’t seem to have occurred to anyone that they might not confine their attacks on Muggles to this shit with the giants… Scrimgeour told me that I’m going to be the first ever liaison we’ve had in the Muggle government. The fucking first! Voldemort probably has dozens!’
‘Why would he bother with all that, though?’ asks Tonks, still shovelling food into her mouth. ‘He wouldn’t get any credit for offing the PM. The Muggles would just blame it on their own terrorists.’
‘Exactly,’ says Arthur. ‘The Muggles would blame their own terrorists, which would give You-Know-Who the cover to keep attacking them on the pretence that the terror threat was escalating, which would involve him doing more and more magic in plain sight, which would keep the Ministry busy scrambling to cover everything up.’
‘And it hurts the Ministry’s standing with the Muggles,’ says Kingsley. ‘The relationship between the Minister and the PM is sold to them on the basis that we don’t affect their affairs in any way. We’re on thin ice with them as it is - the PM took a lot of shit about rising crime rates in February, after the breakout from Azkaban; it’s hit his polling hard - and I guarantee Voldemort knows it. It’s why he’s going after Muggle targets in the way he is. If the PM stops talking to the Minister, because he’s pissed off that he’s having to look unpopular for things which are our fault, then the Death Eaters have a clear run at creating chaos in the Muggle world.’ He picks up his fork again, jabs it with an irritated stab into a piece of pasta. ‘D’you remember in the last war, Arthur, that massacre in Belfast -’
‘- where he had all the Death Eaters dress up like Muggle soldiers. Of course I do. The Prime Minister was furious. There were genuinely worries he was going to renege on the terms of the Statute of Secrecy. We were working overtime for months to sort it all out.’
‘It killed Eugenia Jenkins’ career.’
‘I remember that Mad-Eye used to be convinced that it was Voldemort who got Mountbatten,’ says Moony, his gaze still fixed on Tonks.
‘I’m pretty sure Mad-Eye’s still convinced of that,’ mutters Kingsley.
‘Yeah,’ says Tonks, with a roll of her eyes, ‘but since Mad-Eye’s also convinced that You-Know-Who stopped the Kestrels winning the league in ‘79, I take everything he says with a pinch of salt.’
Everyone laughs, dragged back to levity by her refusal to take anything too seriously. She’s basking in it - their adulation - being cocky and cheeky, so sure that nothing truly evil hides in the lengthening shadows on the other side of the walls that they can almost believe she might be onto something, and let themselves forget the slog which grinds them down and makes exhausted bodies - horses fit for the knacker’s yard - out of young men.
She doesn’t realise that her swagger makes her susceptible, Sirius thinks. She hasn’t noticed that her eyes are glassy with something which could be fever, as she watches Moony watching her, neither of them pretending he isn’t. Sirius has never seen him so overt in his desire, so unwilling to merely pine from afar.
He wonders if something lupine in him has caught the scent of easy prey.
She takes a swig of beer, lips lingering for just a little longer than necessary around the bottle-top when she draws it away.
‘Scrimgeour’s putting liaisons everywhere,’ she says. ‘Ankunda’s going to be guarding Tony Blair. I asked if I could get the gig protecting Princess Diana.’
‘And did you?’ Moony asks. A purr has come into his voice, something low and sultry, like the embers of a fire.
Tonks chuckles. ‘Nah. Scrimgeour thinks that it wouldn’t do to have me pictured near her.’ She gestures at her hair. ‘Says it might ruin her mystique… It’s gone to Savage. He reckons he’s going to have a crack at her.’
‘Poor woman.’
‘Oh, I dunno.’ She winks at him. ‘She’s done worse.’
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ozai-the-bonsai · 5 months
*Sips from the glass of wine*
Well, since the tumblr interface on mobile seems to hate my profile description, I decided to create myself a better one.
(If you want to see my works, scroll down!)
About me
Hello, Zuko here. [Awkward introduction moment] Anyways, I guess I could describe myself as an ambivert person (she/her) with an alt-soul - if I hadn't been urged to suppress it, I would have ended up being punk/grunge long ago... Sadly, I got accustomed to the society's norms over the years - though I try to show my real personality from time to time. I love various genres of rock and metal, but my favourite one is by far symphonic metal. (Gatekeepers are NOT welcome in this blog so I will say this politely: go away) Currently, I am majoring in computer science with a minor in psychology and living together with my boyfriend and our pet Mooncake (which is in fact a robot vacuum, I am not responsible enough to own a cat, yet). Writing is my biggest passion and sadly, it gets neglected the easiest since I do it for myself (mostly). I hate myself for this sometimes but I try to work on prioritising what I love!
My Works
I mainly write for: Harry Potter (Sirius Black, Tom Riddle), ATLA (Zuko), HODT (Daemon Targaryen), Shadow&Bone (The Darkling), Ragnarøk (Fjor Jutul)
I used to write for (you can still request them tho): Harry Potter (Draco Malfoy), Star Wars (Anakin Skywalker, Kylo Ren), Winx (Valtor)
Cry for the Moon - Zuko x firebender!reader
Request by anon - Zuko x Water Tribe Princess!reader
Daemon Targaryen
Tame the Dragon - Daemon Targaryen x Targaryen!reader
Request by eddiemadmunson - Daemon Targaryen x BestFriend!reader
Like Lovers Do - Daemon Targaryen x fem!reader
Memento Mori - Daemon Targaryen x fem!reader
Tom Riddle
For the Greater Good - Tom Riddle x Slytherin!OC
Shadow & Bone
Power Corrupts People - Darkling x OC, one-shot or smt like this
Ghost in the Dark - Valtor x OC
Fjor Jutul
Seiðr - Fjor Jutul x OC (There is only the first chapter, the complete story is on my Wattpad)
There are also some stories (both completed and discontinued) on my Wattpad but I don't use it anymore - if anyone wants to check something out there for any kind of reason, the username is PotterCat.
[I will be updating this post with each new work]
If you have come so far and read all this, I would like to thank you for your time! Have a wonderful day ^.^
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startanewdream · 2 years
For @hinnyfest prompt #3: Sirius' birthday (or we will just pretend he didn't die at OotP so I can explain this sort of HBP missing moment)
The Owlery was at the other side of the castle, something for which Harry had never felt more grateful. It provided him a very valid reason to escape for a few minutes—or rather a few hours if he could spare. That wasn't very noble of him, but between Hermione's cold heartbreaking and Ron's passionate snogs with Lavender, he needed a moment alone.
Only the moment he arrived at the Owlery — appreciating all the thirty minutes he extended for it — he realised his plans wouldn’t work for a very nice reason.
His heart raced in a way that had nothing to do with the stairs he had just climbed. Ginny's vivid red hair was shining under the morning sunlight, wisps of her hair floating with the wind, and Harry would be lying if he'd say she didn't look like a vision coming out of his dreams—in fact, just two nights ago, he'd dreamed they had flown together to the Astronomy Tower, a thousand stars above them, and when they landed, he'd kissed her longly, desperately—
Harry had woken up feeling strangely grateful that he did not take Astronomy classes anymore because he would never be able to explain why that class would turn him on so quickly.
All in all, his creative mind was just adapting the scenario easily enough to the Owlery when Hedwig flew directly to him to land on his shoulder. Somehow, Harry's mind had ignored the owls in his fantasies involving the Owlery.
"Hey, hey, I missed you too," he told Hedwig, very conscious that Ginny had turned to him. 
“Hello,” she said, coming closer. Harry’s heart doubled its efforts in taking him to an early grave.
“Hi.” Two letters, one syllable, how did he manage to croak it in an unreasonable voice? “I didn’t expect to see you here.” There, a whole sentence, and a truthful one.
Ginny smiled; it seemed to light the whole room. Harry’s face burned as if he were too close to the sun.
“I was late to send Mum a letter—I’m a terrible person.”
“No, you are not,” he said at once.
She just shook her head. “I forgot my own mother’s birthday,” she whispered as if confessing a crime. “Between Quidditch this week and all the stress for the OWL’s, it just slipped my mind—but I’m only mentioning the stress for the exams, of course.”
He laughed, some tension easing from his shoulders, rejoicing in how at ease he felt around Ginny. Hedwig hooted with the movement, leaving his shoulder for the top of the nearest cage.
“You could blame me—the awful captain that’s making you work so much that you don’t have time for anything else.”
“Oh, I should have!” She threw him a mischievous grin that made Harry bite his tongue to keep from sighing. “Mum could never stay mad at you. Rather, Mum would have told me I need to practice more so I could be up to your standards.”
“That would be unfair—you are amazing.” Ginny blinked. Harry rushed to add: “I mean, last game—amazing Quidditch player, and the way you just made Smith eat his words—”
“Mum definitely would not appreciate this,” said Ginny, and Harry was strangely disappointed to see she still looked at ease, not picking his hidden feelings. “And what made you run here this morning?”
“Yeah, your face is all red.” Her gaze swept over his face, which did not help with the colour. “Have you run here all the way from the Common Room?”
He swallowed slowly. “Something like that.”
“That’s how you stay so fit?” She winked playfully, moving closer to Hedwig now to pet the owl. Hedwig hooted happily, a sound that Harry almost copied.
“You think I’m fit?”
Ginny gave him a funny look. “Are you that oblivious to the looks you are getting this year?”
“I am not—Looks?”
“You need a new prescription for your glasses,” she suggested. 
“I’m seeing just fine,” mumbled Harry. 
Ginny opened her mouth, but she gave up whatever she was going to say when Hedwig bit her finger gently. “Hey, she’s waiting.”
“Oh, right.” Harry waited for a moment but Ginny didn’t move away. He approached Hedwig, very conscious that his arms were brushing against Ginny’s shoulder as she resumed her caress on Hedwig, her fingers soft over the wings; for a brief, crazy moment, Harry suddenly wished that he were an owl—was it too late to become an Animagus…? “I’m sending a gift for Sirius,” he said, hoping for some coherence. Ginny’s perfume was far nicer than any smell in the Owlery. “It’s his birthday.”
“Oh, I didn’t know. I will send him a letter later!” Ginny was beaming, he knew, but Harry focused on attaching the package on Hedwig; his heart was beating so loudly that he didn’t know how she couldn’t be hearing it.
“You are a better godson than I am a daughter," she joked. "What did you get him?”
“For his birthday.”
“Oh.” His mind was having a hard time figuring out anything but the fact that they were very close. For all Ginny had said his face was red, he felt that her body was burning. “A gift.”
“That’s what usually one gets on their birthday.” Her voice was teasing still; Harry smiled back without controlling it. Hedwig was ready to depart, only Harry felt that the only way for him to remain coherent was to keep busy with the owl—she is Ron’s sister, she has a boyfriend, we are just friends, almost like brother and sister, only none of his feelings were brotherly at all or cared to whoever she was related to—”Oh, I get it.”
“You do?” He asked urgently, turning to her at last. Ginny’s brown eyes were warm and bright; Hedwig hooted and flew away, but Harry barely noticed it. 
“It’s a secret.”
He inhaled; her perfume was wonderful. “Maybe I can share it."
“Then it wouldn’t be a secret.”
“We can keep it between us, just us.” His gaze fell to her lips for a tiny moment; they looked so soft. “Ginny, I—”
The door of the Owlery opened. Harry leapt back, for a moment imagining Ron showing up with a beater’s bat on his hands, but it wasn’t him; it was Cho Chang, which Harry thought was slightly better, but not by much.
“Oh,” he said, at the same time that Cho said it. She looked flustered; there was a package on her hand but she looked back as if considering just fleeing the scene. “Er—hi.”
Ginny glanced between Harry and Cho, then took a step ahead. “Hi, Cho,” she said calmly. “I’m just leaving, don’t mind me.”
“I’m coming too,” Harry said hurriedly. He followed Ginny, trying to avoid looking in Cho’s direction. A relieved sigh escaped his lips when the door of the Owlery closed behind them.
Ginny didn’t look back until they reached the end of the stairs; they were alone in the hall, but this time Harry’s mind didn’t create any scenario. Ginny’s smile was gone, replaced by an annoyed frown.
“You didn’t need to come with me,” she said.
Harry blinked. “What?”
“If you wanted to talk to Cho—”
“I didn’t.” He fidgeted with his hands. “Things are awkward between us—if anything, I’m glad to have an excuse to just go away.”
“Oh, I thought—you seemed glad to see her, that’s all.”
“No, not really, I just—I just figured it could be someone worse.”
“Like my brother,” Ginny said, making Harry’s heart skip a beat. He opened his mouth, unsure, but Ginny added, oblivious to him: “Imagine him and Lavender coming to snog in the Owlery.”
Harry breathed again. “I would rather not.”
“Me neither, who wants to snog in the Owlery? Not very romantic.”
“No,” agreed Harry even as a part of his mind conjured the image of him pressing Ginny against the rounded wall of the Owlery, owls flying around them like angels giving them a blessing. He shook his head; Ginny was glancing at him, eyes slightly narrowed, thoughtful. 
After a moment, during which she seemed to debate something with herself, she said: “You are really over your feelings for Cho.” There was a smile at the corner of her lips. “That’s good.”
“Is it?”
“Oh, yeah. You should be with someone who makes you flush for a good reason, not because you are too nervous around them. Well, keep your eyes open.”
“For what?”
“All those who think you are fit, remember?” She patted him lightly on the shoulder, walking ahead.
Harry watched her figure for a moment, sighing quietly. Then he ran to join her. “I’m seeing very well,” he whispered, but he didn’t know if Ginny had heard him.
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polaroidcats · 9 months
You know those Karl Marx posters in Remus’ room,, I know he’d probably have more of a classic sophisticated collection of posters but do you think he maybe has one or two like this hidden around…
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Or perhaps he’s more of simplistic guy 🤷
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oh my god!!!!!!!! i am OBSESSED!!! like first of all, shirtless karl marx with tattoos of brands all over his torso is so hilarious to me!!! 😂 and secondly YES REMUS 100% HAS BOTH OF THESE AS POSTERS!!!
I think he gets the first one secretly, as a teenager maybe, and at first he just hides it somewhere and looks at it all the time but doesn't dare to put it on his wall. Eventually his parents accidentally find it and that's when they have the "you know we will still love you even if you're gay" talk as well as the "we love our communist son we're so proud of you for expressing interest in marxism" talk. It's a big day for all of them but at the end of the day remus is only a little bit embarrassed by his parents finding his secret poster, but he's mostly happy he doesn't need to hide his gay marxist tendencies anymore and the next morning that poster goes up above his bed and stays there until he moves out (at that point he's pretending to ironically like it while still being obsessed with his hot karl marx poster, so he puts it on the inside of the toilet door so he can at least stare at it while he pees). Sirius and James are obsessed with the poster when they visit him for the first time and take lots of selfies with it.
I think he gets the 2nd poster also obviously so ironically maybe as like a little art print at a solidarity flea market or something and puts it in a little frame on his wall and anytime someone comments on it he talks about the inherent communism in bdsm culture, which is not what it is about at all or what the people commenting on the picture want to hear but he's very passionate about talking about how kink is political and politics can be kinky (while definitely not fantasizing about what he would love for karl to do to him).
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loserboyfriendrjl · 1 year
sending you a prompt i just thought of: two characters dramatically breaking up in front of everyone, which they do practically every week
"you don't love me anymore!" james practically threw himself against the wall. "you're always with other people, you're ignoring me! do you not care about me anymore? ia that it?"
remus was quietly munching on his toast, while peter was serving himself with a spoonful of jam. the only people who were paying attention to the two boys were the ones that still did not grow tired of their antics, and their loud break ups in the great hall.
at the slytherin table, dorcas snickered. "should we break up like that too, evan?"
"don't test me." he grinned, putting a forkful of omelette in his mouth.
"of course not, james!" sirius exclaimed, grabbing james' arm and putting it on his chest. "i love you very much, but i need to spread my wings, meet new people, love strangers around me!"
"that's it!" james stomped. "we're over. don't come back to me again, sirius. i promised you that this would be the last time i looked over your ignorance and lack of passion in our relationship, but now i have decided that this was the last straw!"
he sprinted towards the entrance door to the hall. "goodbye, and farewell, past lover of mine." and with that said, he left the great hall, and sirius ran after him.
"no! james, wait! i love you!"
remus looked at peter, his mouth full of toast. "until next week?" he asked. the question was pointless; he, and everyone else, for that matter, already knew the answer to it.
"until next week." peter nodded gravely, pouring himself a cup of tea, and grabbing a spoon of honey to add.
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satansapostle6 · 10 months
folie à deux
Sometimes poison is sweet.
Selina Romanov and Draco Malfoy met when they were only eleven years old. The two of them have always shared an intense bond, always having gravitated towards one another. But the question still remains, as the years pass by, is their connection one of passion, or delusion?
Warnings: Contains Mature Themes/Language, Themes Such As Sexual Content, Violence, Abuse, Sexual Assault, Eating Disorders
It had been a week since the verdict of Marcus Flint's disciplinary hearing had been announced. Selina had been silently miserable the entire time, not really crying or screaming anymore, but not laughing or smiling much, either. She hadn't spoken to her Uncle Igor much since the hearing, and had no idea whether he would be able to successfully become her legal guardian. Jasper and Amana both stayed by Selina's side as much as they could, both devastated by the outcome of the hearing. None of them had spoken to or even looked at Elspeth since. Selina was of course still enraged by the school board's refusal to expel Flint, but was at least relieved by the fact that she no longer had to see him on Hogwarts grounds. At least, she thought, she had been granted that one source of relief. Spring was coming, but Selina was hardly in a spring sort of mood. Draco had also seemed particularly bitter following the outcome of the hearing. Although he and Jasper had been at odds ever since their fight in the corridor, the two of them had since calmed down in their own respective efforts to keep it together for Selina. 
But Selina was completely withdrawn at this point; she had been for a while. Nothing that had happened all term had really affected her the way it would have, whether it be positive or negative. Selina had been indifferent toward her own birthday, as well as her becoming Slytherin's team captain, in addition to escaped murderer Sirius Black being spotted, which almost led to an evacuation of the school. Selina was completely numb to the world, not having anything to offer anyone. Joy was lost on her, and she hadn't smiled much since. Jasper Carroll had done everything he could think of in an attempt to make her laugh, or even smile, but still, nothing had come of it.
Jasper and Selina were sitting alone in his dorm room after their lessons that day, silently reading through their textbooks, hoping to at least accomplish some preparations for their finals as long as they were both feeling miserable and antisocial. Selina had been looking through her Care of Magical Creatures textbook laid out on the bed, ignoring the tapping feeling on her ring for hours. Sighed aloud, she peeled off her silver ring and tossed it across the bed, forcing herself to focus. 
  "What is it?" her boyfriend looked up from his studies, brows furrowed. "Draco?"
  "Yeah, he keeps nudging the ring," she mumbled, not looking up. 
  "Is he alright?" Jasper asked passively, half-feigning his concern for Draco Malfoy's wellbeing.
  "Probably. I think he's with the boys, he probably wants us to come down," she muttered absentmindedly.
He thought for a moment, genuinely considering their options. 
  "Why don't we just go see what he wants?" he suggested, sounding surprisingly enthusiastic.
  "Why, I don't remember you being Draco's biggest fan?" Selina frowned, finally looking up from her work.
  "No, I'm not," Jasper remarked bluntly, "But you haven't even talked to anyone who isn't me or Amana in days. You should talk to your friends."
  "My 'friends'? You hate them," she pointed out.
  "I do," he admitted readily, "But, hey, they backed you up at the hearing, didn't they? And you could use a break, we've been studying for hours. You deserve it."
  "You're right about that," she nodded. "Alright. Fine. Let's go find them."
  "Good. Maybe we'll even have fun," Jasper said hopefully. 
  "Really? You, and Draco, fun?" she said dryly.
  Jasper thought about what she said. "Okay,
maybe I was being optimistic."
  "That's what I thought," she nodded, slamming her aggressive textbook shut.
Selina and Jasper searched for Draco and the other Slytherin boys, discovering the disturbing sight of a fully uniformly executioner in the courtyard.
  "Who the hell is that?" Jasper whispered as they awkwardly hurried past.
  "Walden Macnair," Selina murmured, glaring in his direction as Jasper chivalrously ushered her past. "He works at the Ministry as an executioner. He's insane."
  "What's he doing here?" he questioned, scanning Selina's features for answers. "...No. It's today?"
  "Yeah," she nodded, unable to take her eyes off of Macnair. "They're executing Buckbeak today."
  "That's terrible," Jasper breathed, feeling horrible for Hagrid. "Maybe we should pay Hagrid a visit..."
  "That's not a bad idea," Selina considered worriedly. 
They eventually found the boys, lurking about the grounds. Draco was standing around loitering with Crabbe and Goyle, as well as Theodore Nott. They seemed to all be relishing in the ordeal Draco had caused. 
  "Draco," Selina said without enthusiasm.
He looked up to see her, looking pleased that she'd actually showed up after hours of his hounding. 
  "Sel. Carroll," he beamed, "Care to watch the execution with us?"
  "'Execution'? It's a bird," she reasoned, "God, you're all idiots."
  "Come on, Sel, lighten up!" Draco Malfoy rolled his eyes, "It's free entertainment!"
Selina looked up to Jasper for guidance, only receiving an eager, encouraging nod in response.
  "Can I have a word?" she scowled impatiently.
  "Yeah, sure— Ow!" Draco exclaimed as she pulled him by the ear.
Nott and the others laughed, enjoying the sight of their friend being manhandled.
  "You told me you'd write to your father," Selina snapped. 
  Draco glanced back at his friends, hoping they overheard nothing. "Yeah, we'll, you know what usually happens when I try to argue with him!"
  "So this is it, then?" she groaned. "They're going to execute a bird like a war criminal, and that's just fine with you?"
  "What do you suggest I do, throw myself in front of Macnair?" Draco questioned. "Have you seen Macnair? He'd probably eat me!"
  "Yeah, well, you'd deserve it," Selina remarked out of frustration.
She sighed exhaustedly, briefly thinking to herself that she had no control over anything important before she scolded herself for giving into her thoughts. 
  "Hey. I tried, I really did," Draco tried to convince her. "There was nothing I could do."
  "Yeah. You're right about that," she agreed, unable to add anything else to that thought. 
Selina crossed her arms as she stood there silently, unable to redirect the conversation. 
  "Hey. How have you been doing?" Draco cocked his head at her. "I feel like we haven't spoken at all."
  "I haven't spoken at all," she corrected him bitterly. 
  "What's wrong?" he asked her, not knowing what else to say.
  "Nothing new," Selina shrugged, "Just... more of the same. You know?" she asked.
  Draco nodded, the answer making perfect sense to him given her current circumstances. "Yeah," he accepted the answer as they walked toward the others.
Crabbe, Goyle, and Theodore were all continuing to laugh at what was about to happen, thoroughly enjoying themselves. 
  "How far do you think the head will roll?" Theo asked with a chuckle. "I'll bet you ten sickles it'll roll down the hill."
  "I'll bet you twelve the giant oaf cries!" Vincent Crabbe cackled with laughter. 
Selina raised an eyebrow at Draco, picking up on a hint of discomfort as he considered what was happening. 
  "What do you think they do with the bird once they're done?" Goyle wondered. "Do you think they keep it? To eat, or something?"
Everyone, including Crabbe and Theo, all gave him strange looks. 
  "What did I tell you? Father said I can keep the Hippogriff's head. I think I'll donate it to the Gryffindor common room," Draco thought snidely, satisfied with himself as his friends laughed along.
Jasper Carroll only seemed annoyed by the comment. 
  "Wicked!" Theodore exclaimed excitedly. 
  Crabbe turned to the castle, a goofy grin appearing on his face. "Look who's here!"
Jasper and Selina knowingly exchanged looks, worried about what might unfold.
  "Ah, come to see the show?" Draco laughed cheerfully.
From that moment on, Jasper and Selina distanced themselves from his behavior entirely. 
  "This is going to end well," Jasper muttered under his breath, bracing himself as he cleared his throat. 
  "You!" Hermione Granger exclaimed, drawing her wand at Draco. "You foul, loathsome, evil little cockroach!"
This was about what Jasper and Selina had both been expecting. Draco, Goyle, and Nott were all terrified, despite their best efforts to remain composed. 
  "Hermione, no, it's not worth it!" Ron Weasley protested fearfully. 
Goyle and Nott did nothing at all to help as Draco whimpered and sniveled, silently praying that she wouldn't hurt him. He certainly looked pathetic, as if he were about to be in tears. Selina drew her wand instinctively, pointing it straight at Hermione. The two of them had never really spoken before, but until now, there had never even been any particular reason for bad blood between them. 
  "Selina..." Jasper watched her nervously, trying his best to make sure she was safe before anyone else. 
  "You curse him, Granger, and I'll blow your head off," Selina warned her calmly. 
Gregory Goyle and Theodore Nott both cowered behind Selina, begging her to protect them. Hermione glared at her, weighing her options thoughtfully. She slowly retreated, putting her wand away as she decided to simply walk away. Satisfied, Selina Romanov also pocketed her wand. Draco seemed surprised, and relieved, as she decided not to hurt him after all. However, he didn't seem to have learned his lesson at all.
  "Filthy little Mudblood," he muttered, causing her to whip around and punch him in the face before anyone could say anything else. 
Draco and the boys immediately panicked, running away from her. Draco Malfoy threatened the other two, urging them not to tell anyone that he'd been punched in the face by Hermione Granger, of all people. Jasper stopped before he  ran off with them.
  "I'm sorry," he quickly apologized to Hermione, 
deciding, in spite of his opinion of him, that it would be prudent of him to leave to check on Draco, at least physically. 
Only Selina remained, coolly eyeing Hermione as she stood there. Hermione naturally expected a rude curse of some sort from her, or at the very least a vengeful glare, but received only a curt nod as Selina ran off to find the others. 
  "That vicious little bitch! I think my nose is broken!" Draco complained as Jasper took a look. 
  "Well, it's definitely bleeding, but I think you'll be fine, mate," Jasper told him as he examined him in the corridor, unamused. 
  "Don't tell me I'm going to be fine!" Draco complained. "My face is ruined! Can you imagine?!"
  "Yes," Jasper said through gritted teeth as his patience slowly dwindled, "I can."
  "Okay," Selina sighed, "I think Draco owes them an apology, for being a demented little fuck, so he's coming with me," she concluded, eliciting an angry look from him.
  "As if! I'm not apologizing to anyone!"
  "Yes, you are," Selina insisted, "Because I know it'll humiliate you. Jas. You coming?" 
  "I don't want any part in that," he assured her. "I'll be right here," he stated, reluctantly remaining behind with the others. 
  "Alright," Selina sighed, turning to Draco, who only had a bit of blood still somewhat dripping from his nose, "Let's go."
He screamed at Selina like a child throwing a fit in a store as she dragged him off towards Hagrid's hut. The two of them eventually found Hermione Granger, Harry Potter, and Ron Weasley, none of whom seemed particularly excited to see see them. 
  "What do you want?" Ron demanded.
His friends seemed equally on edge.
  "We didn't come here to pick a fight," Selina told them, shoving Draco towards them. "I just... thought I'd apologize. For his behavior, and for the whole Buckbeak thing."
Ron and Hermione both glared at them spitefully, while Harry seemed more skeptical than anything. 
  "Look, you probably don't want to believe me, which is fine, but for the record, I never thought any of this should happen," Selina offered passively, "I told Draco to try and convince his father not to continue with this, and he did. But Lucius wouldn't listen."
The three Gryffindors seemed surprised by this, unsure of what was the appropriate response. 
  "Really?" Hermione glowered at Draco. "You tried to save Buckbeak?"
  "What, you think I care if that bloody thing lives or dies?" he snapped.
  "Oh. So you just had to put on a show for your friends, is that it?" Ron demanded.
Draco was about to retaliate, before Selina stuck out her arm in front of him to bar him. 
  "Anyways. I thought you ought to know," Selina said flatly. 
  "That's—Thanks," Harry Potter considered with a courteous nod, not sure how exactly to feel. 
  "Yeah, no problem," Selina continued, as Draco stood beside her dramatically emphasizing his movements as he rolled his eyes. "I was just gonna ask... how's Hagrid?" she wondered. 
To her surprise, Hermione was willing to supply an answer. 
  "He's fine, I think. Just devastated," she replied sadly. "Thank you for asking, I guess."
  "Do you think I could come with you?" Selina asked them hopefully. "Hagrid was always nice to me. I thought I'd keep him company."
  "That's what we were doing," Harry remarked cautiously, not expecting her to care about their friend's feelings. "I suppose you could come."
  "Alright, I'm out of here," Draco rolled his eyes as he wandered off, before Selina could stop him.
  "Thanks," she nodded kindly, walking alongside them, "I appreciate it."
Ron and Hermione walked ahead of them toward Hagrid's, clearly not willing to converse with Selina. She and Harry were stuck walking behind them, walking together in that they were headed toward the same destination, but separately in that they both felt too awkward to walk next to one another. Harry felt incredibly uncomfortable, desperately trying to ease the tension with casual conversation, seeing as Selina had demonstrated an amicable attitude so far, seeming more sympathetic than Draco and the others. 
  "So you really convinced him? Malfoy?" he asked suddenly.
  Selina nodded. "Yeah. Why?"
  "...No reason," Harry shrugged. "Just never thought Malfoy would ever try to do something good."
  "He definitely needs to be pushed," she offered. "But, I don't know, he's capable."
  "I'm sure he is," Harry responded sarcastically as they walked.
  "You can judge me for being his friend, I really don't mind," Selina assured him. 
He was somewhat taken aback by her self- awareness. 
  "I know he's not a good person."
  "Then, why do you like him?" Harry Potter dove into the real questions he'd been itching to ask.
  "He's my friend. He's like family to me," she said simply. "Yeah, he's not great, but he's there when I need him. I can't say the same for many people."
  "Yeah. I guess I see your point," Harry admitted, no longer argumentative toward the subject. 
  "I know he's an arsehole to you, and your friends," Selina told him candidly. "I am sorry about that. It gets pretty fucked up."
  "You don't have to apologize for him," Harry said immediately. "He makes his own choices."
  "Yeah," she nodded, walking beside him.
  "But so do you," he reasoned.
  "I do," she said, "Draco knows how I feel about things. I tell him when he does something he knows his wrong, the same way he still chooses to do it."
  "So why stay friends with him?" Harry asked. "He's done so many things."
  "So have I," she reasoned.
  "Maybe, I mean, I don't know you very well, but you're definitely not as bad as Malfoy," he told her.
  "I'm not much better sometimes," Selina confessed, standing with the other three at Hagrid's doorstep.
  "Hello, you three," he answered rhe door sniffling, "And Selina. Hello," Hagrid said with surprise: 
  "Hi, Hagrid. Just wanted to see how you were doing," Harry informed him. "So did Selina."
He looked back at her, sharing a private, wordless conversation with her as she nodded in appreciation.
  "That's right kind of you all, it really is," Hagrid nodded gratefully, smiling softly. "Well, come on in, I just put on a pot of tea."
The four of them sat down with Hagrid at his table, sadly gathered before the execution. 
  "Why can't we just set him free?" Harry asked him, desperate for a solution.
  "They'd know it was me," Hagrid said with defeat in his tone, "And then Dumbledore would get into trouble. He's coming down, Dumbledore. Says he wants to be with me when they... When it happens," he tried to cheerfully provide a euphemism.
Selina frowned empathetically. 
  "Great man, Dumbledore."
  "We'll stay with you, too," Selina decided with determination, earning nods of agreement from the others. 
  "You'll do no such thing!" Hagrid told her, aghast. "Sweet of you to offer, but I can't let you. Think I want you seeing something like that? No," he shook his head in horror.
Harry also seemed determined to support his friend.
  "You just drink your tea and be off. Oh. And before you do..."
Hagrid stood, opening a container to reveal a small animal.
  "Scabbers! You're alive!" Ron Weasley accepted his pet rat with relief.
  "Keep a closer eye on your pets, Ron," Hagrid reminded him.
  "I think you owe someone an apology," Hermione scowled at this new development.
Harry and Selina were both growing bored of this conversation that no longer included them, looking around out the window at nothing.
  "I think it's almost curfew," Selina murmured, doing her best to entertain.
  "Yeah," Harry realized, equally distracted.
An argument broke out between Ron and Hermione, just as a loud crash interrupted Selina's train of thought. Something had flew straight through Hagrid's open window, cracking open a vase.
  "Blimey! What was that?" 
Hagrid was bewildered. Hermione inspected the large pebble that had somehow flown through the window, as Harry took a look out the window. 
  "Hagrid!" Hermione exclaimed, realizing that Macnair, the Minister, and Professor Dumbledore were all moments from approaching Hagrid's. 
  "Oh, crikey," he murmured to himself, now seeing them coming. "It's late! It's nearly dark, you shouldn't be here! Someone sees you outside this time of night, you'll be in big trouble! Particularly you, Harry."
Hagrid hastily threw a blanket over the creature he'd been hiding in the corner, as Dumbledore and the others knocked loudly on the door.
  "Be with you in a moment!" Hagrid called pleasantly, hiding the panic in his voice as best as he could.
  "Quick... Quick!" he rushed them all out the back door.
Selina went along with the others, carefully glancing over at Fudge.
  "Hagrid..." Harry began, not knowing what to say to comfort him. "It'll be fine. It'll be okay."
  "Go, go!" Hagrid whispered, genuine fear in his eyes as they ran off behind the giant pumpkins in the garden.
Selina ran behind Harry as they dove down, careful not to be seen by anyone. The two of them exchanged worried looks, realizing that they had multiple problems on their hands. Selina watched from behind the pumpkins as Professor Dumbledore seemed to be distracting Cornelius Fudge with all sorts of random facts and thoughts, almost as if he had some sort of agenda. 
Before Selina could weigh the options, the sound of crackling branches and twigs behind them startled her. The four of them turned around, currently terrified. 
  "What?" Ron questioned worriedly.
  "I thought I just saw... Never mind," Hermione trailed off. 
  "Let's go!" Harry whispered, no longer wanting to risk being caught outside.
They all ran up the hill, watching as the events at Hagrid's hut began to unfold from a safe distance. 
  "Oh, no," Hermione Granger murmured sadly, watching as they all saw Macnair raise his scythe. 
He slowly lifted it into the air, bringing it down swiftly as a loud thump followed. Selina's eyes filled with tears as she watched, unable to do anything at all. She froze beside the others, witnessing the horrific event in silence as Hermione tearfully hugged Ron, as Harry joined them regretfully. Selina just stood there silently, lost in her own thoughts until she heard Ron yell.
  "He bit me!" Ron exclaimed, clutching a bleeding finger as he watched his rat run away.
  "Ron. Ron!" 
Harry and Hermione both called after him in a panic as he chased after the rodent. Selina watched in confusion, unsure of what to even do now. The rat seemed to run towards the Whomping Willow, which Selina automatically recognized was a huge problem. 
  "Harry, do you realize what tree this is?" Hermione asked.
  "That's not good," he responded.
  "No, it's not," Selina stared.
  "Ron, run!" Harry shouted at him.
Selina had no idea what exactly was happening at this point, now that she saw Ron cowering before a large black dog.
  "Harry, Hermione, run!" he sobbed hysterically. "It's the Grim!"
Selina had no idea what he was referring to, but wasn't waiting around to find out. She ran out of the way as she watched the aggressive dog make a beeline for Ron, dragging him into the Whomping Willow. She wasn't exactly sure how to react, given that this was a very strange development. 
Chaos unfolded, and Harry and Hermione both panicked as they jumped and ducked to avoid being hit by the moving tree, which was becoming increasingly malicious in its movements. Thinking fast, Selina pointed her wand as she looked around to make sure she was safe. 
  "Immobulus!" she cast her spell. 
The tree suddenly stopped moving completely, as both Harry and Hermione looked back at her in shock, seeming slightly injured by the tree with little cuts and scrapes.
  "Thank you," Harry breathed, thankful to be alive. 
  "Yes. Thank you," Hermione blurted out.
  "You're welcome. Now, I suppose we'd better find your friend," Selina pointed out, leading them straight into the tree.
The other two exchanged nervous glances, not thrilled about this particular journey. 
"Where do you suppose this goes?" Hermione said quietly as they walked through a dark, wooden passageway.
  "I have a hunch," Harry said darkly, "Let's just hope I'm wrong."
The corridor was dry and dusty, as if nothing much really happened inside. Selina held her wand out in front of her, on high alert as they ventured in. She surveyed her environment, slowly becoming more and more certain as to where they passageway had led them. 
  "We're in the Shrieking Shack, aren't we?" Hermione asked. 
  "It's a pretty safe bet," Selina murmured.
  Harry walked alongside her, anxious to find his best friend. "Come on."
They walked up a small set of stairs, entering a room off to the side. Selina saw Ron in the corner, still terrified out of his mind. 
  "Ron," Harry recognized.
  "Ron, you're okay," Hermione said with relief.
  "The dog," Harry said quickly, "Where is it?"
  "It's a trap! He's the dog, he's an Animagus!" Ron cried, pointing behind them as he panicked.
Selina turned, pointing her wand as she saw a rugged-looking man standing in the corner, with long curly brown hair and a crazed look in his eyes.
  "Sirius Black!" she realized.
Hermione foolishly, in Selina's opinion, threw herself in front of Harry, defending him automatically. 
  "If you want to kill Harry, you have to kill us too!" she cried.
  "Speak for yourself!" Selina Romanov turned to face her in horror, her wand aimed at the infamous murderer. 
  "No. Only one will die tonight," Sirius Black said with a menacing grin.
  "Then it'll be you!" Harry Potter charged at him.
Selina now had absolutely no idea what was going on, sensing that there was a bit of information she was missing, but she put that thought out of her mind as she focused on her own livelihood. 
  "Alarte Acendare!" she shot him high up into the air before Harry could act on his impulses. 
Hermione and Ron both watched in horror, as Harry still decided to tackle the killer they'd come across. Selina stood in front of Hermione, her wand still fixed on Sirius Black, who was only laughing as Harry held him down, aiming his wand at him.
  "Are you going to kill me, Harry?" the man laughed, seeming amused by the situation. 
Before Selina could decide whether or not she should interfere, they were all caught off guard by another presence in the room. 
Professor Lupin burst into the room, preventing Harry from attacking Black, which Selina found to be a relief. 
  "Well, well, Sirius, looking rather ragged, aren't we?" the professor taunted. "Finally, the flesh reflects the madness within."
  "Well, you'd know all about the madness within, wouldn't you, Remus?" Sirius Black posed a question.
Selina was off-put by their banter, not sure if she wanted to know what exactly was going on.
  "I found him," Sirius Black whispered excitedly, seeming more and more unhinged. 
  "Let's go," Selina urged Harry, Hermione, and Ron.
  "I know," Lupin whispered, seeming equally enthusiastic.
Selina tried to convince the others to escape, recognizing that the two men seemed to be on the same side.
  "Don't think I won't leave without you three!" Selina hissed as they whispered amongst themselves. "Do you all want to die?!"
  "Let's kill him!" Sirius cried.
  "No!" Hermione screamed, looking to Professor Lupin. "I trusted you! And all this time, you've been his friend! He's a werewolf, that's why he's been missing classes!" she revealed.
Selina looked over at the two men anxiously, not at all comfortable with the level of provocation that the three Gryffindors were. 
  "How long have you known?" Lupin asked her. 
  "Since Professor Snape set the essay."
  "Granger, are you stupid?!" Selina exclaimed. "Let's go!"
  "Well, Hermione, you really are the brightest witch of your age I've ever met," he remarked.
  "For fuck's sake, everyone kind of assumed you were a werewolf, you're gone after every full moon, and your boggart was the fucking moon! If we don't tell anyone, can we live?!" Selina pointed her wand fearfully, fully aware that both of them could probably kill her.
  "No one's threatening you, Miss Romanov, it'll be alright," the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor assured her, "Allow me to explain—"
  "Enough talk, Remus! Let's kill him!" Sirius Black pleaded.
The two of them fought incessantly as Selina looked back and forth between them, considering her options as far as attacking them first. 
  "Very well, kill him," Lupin relented, "But wait, one more minute, Harry has the right to know why—"
  "Guys..." Selina murmured, considering running, but not necessarily wanting to leave the other three to die.
  "I know why!" Harry said emotionally. "You betrayed my parents! You're the reason they're dead!"
  "Okay, this seems private," Selina murmured, slowly backing away, not dropping her wand.
  "Wait! No one leaves this room!" Sirius yelled as she muttered a curse under her breath.
She was fully aware that she was now being held hostage by both a murderer and a Hogwarts professor.
  "No, it wasn't him," Remus Lupin explained with a sigh, "Somebody did betray your parents, somebody who, until quite recently, I believed to be dead!" 
  "Who was it, then?" Harry demanded.
  "Peter Pettigrew!" Sirius interrupted, "And he's in this room! Right now!" he cackled.
Selina was alarmed by his hysterics, not daring to move as she watched him rambling on. 
  "Come out, come out, Peter! Come out, come out and play!"
  "Expelliarmus!" a familiar voice yelled. 
Professor Snape came to their rescue, at first ignoring the three children.
  "Vengeance is sweet, I hoped I'd be the one to catch you," he poked at Sirius Black with his wand.
  "Severus..." Lupin tried to calm him.
  "I told Dumbledore you were helping an old friend into the castle and look! Here's the proof!" Snape sneered vindictively.
  "I'm not involved in this," Selina decided, slowly creeping backwards, "So I'm just going to leave—"
  "Stay behind me, Romanov," Snape interrupted, not looking back at her.
  "Damn it," she muttered. 
  "Brilliant, Snape," Sirius belittled him, "You put your keen mind to the task, and come to the wrong conclusion. If you'll excuse us, Remus and I have business to attend to."
  "...Give me a reason! I beg you," Severus Snape snarled, his wand poking into the man.
  "Severus, don't be a fool—" Lupin sighed. 
  "He can't help it! It's a habit!" Sirius whispered, egging him on.
  "Be quiet," Lupin told him. 
  "Be quiet yourself, Remus!"
Selina sighed impatiently as she watched them argue amongst themselves. 
  "Look at you two, quarreling like an old married couple," Snape remarked humorously.
  "Why don't you run along and play with your chemistry set?" Sirius snapped in response. 
  "I could do it, you know," Snape reminded him, tempted by the idea of killing him himself, "But why deny the Dementors? They're so... longing to see you."
Both he and Selina could see the fear in Sirius Black's eyes at the mention of the dementors. 
  "Do I detect a flicker of fear? Oh, yes. A Dementor's Kiss. One can only imagine what that must be like," he murmured. "It's said to be nearly unbearable to witness, but I'll do my best."
 "Severus, please!" Professor Lupin interjected.
  "After you!"
  "Expelliarmus!" Harry shouted. 
Selina looked back at him in shock, as Snape went flying into a bed in front of them. 
  "Harry! What did you just do?!" Ron screamed.
  "Are you insane?" Selina agreed.
  "You attacked a teacher!" Hermione stared at the incapacitated potions master.
  "Tell me about Peter Pettigrew," Harry told the two other men. 
  "He was at school with us, we thought he was our friend!" Lupin began.
  "No, Pettigrew's dead! You killed him!" he turned to Sirius.
  "I thought so too, until you mentioned seeing Pettigrew on the map!"
  "What the hell is going on?!" Selina screamed.
  "The map was lying, then," Harry reasoned.
  Lupin disagreed. "The map never lies!"
  "Pettigrew's alive! He's in this room!" Sirius said. "And he's right there!" he pointed at a corner in the room.
  "Me?! He's mental!" Ron Weasley cried.
  "Not you!" the man exclaimed in exasperation. "Your rat!"
Selina Romanov was taken aback by this development, no longer able to follow the conversation at all. 
  Ron naturally refused to believe what he was hearing. "Scabbers has been in my family for—"
  "Twelve years?!" Sirius cut him off. "Curiously long life for a common garden rat! He's missing a toe, isn't he?!"
  "So what?!" Ron questioned.
  Harry seemed to understand. "All they could find of Pettigrew was his—"
  "His finger," Selina realized, remembering the stories of the murder of Peter Pettigrew that had landed Black in Azkaban.
Her grandmother had occasionally used Sirius Black as a threat against Selina when she was a child to stop her from crying. 
  "Dirty coward cut it off so that everyone would think he was dead!" Sirius boomed. "And then he transformed, into a rat!"
  "Show me," Harry demanded.
Selina watched as Sirius charged at Ron, attempting to pry the small creature from his fingers. 
  "Give it to him, Ron!" Harry told him.
  "I can't lie, I need to see this," Selina agreed as Ron begged him not to take the rat. 
Sirius grabbed ahold of the creature, until it scurried away in a panic. Everyone in the room watched as Lupin and Sirius both tried to go after it, waving their wand in its direction as it tried to disappear into the wall. But a spell eventually hit the rat, revealing a small, dumpy-looking man lodged into a hole in the wall. Selina and the others were horrified, particularly Ron. 
  "That is seriously fucked up," Selina watched as the two men grabbed him by the arms.
Ron nodded quickly, watching as the disgustingly ugly man decided to play dumb. Everyone was in complete shock, both learning that Sirius Black was entirely innocent, and that the true murderer had been posing as Ron Weasley's pet the entire time. 
  "Remus? Sirius! My old friends!" Peter Pettigrew exclaimed. "Harry! Look at you! You look so much like your father. James. We were the best of friends—"
  "How dare you speak to Harry!" Sirius yelled. "How dare you talk about James in front of him!"
  "You sold Lily and James to Voldemort!" Lupin accused him. 
  "I-I didn't mean to!" Pettigrew sniveled. 
  "I really wish I left," Selina stared as she sort of put the pieces together.
  "The Dark Lord. You have no idea the weapons he possesses! Ask yourself, Sirius, what would you have done! What would you have done?!" he wailed. 
  "Died! I would have died, rather than betray my friends!" Sirius yelled at him as they chased him around the piano, almost looking like some sort of twisted silent film. 
  "James wouldn't have wanted me killed!" Peter whispered to Harry as he tried to back out of the room. "Your dad, he would have spared me! He would have shown me mercy...!"
  "You're not buying into this, are you, Potter?" Selina hoped as she watched the grown man groveling as the other two pulled him away.
  "Should have realized, Peter, that if Voldemort didn't kill you, we would! Together!" Remus Lupin shouted. 
  "No!" Harry boomed, confusing everyone.
  "Harry," Lupin began exhaustedly, "This man..."
  "I know what he is," Harry promised him, looking down at him, still begging for his life. "But we'll take him to the castle."
  "Bless you, boy! Bless you!" he screamed as Selina kept her wand pointed at him.
  "Get off!" Harry yelled, kicking him off. "I said we'd take you to the castle. After that, the dementors can have you," he glared at him, striking genuine fear in his eyes.
Selina looked at him approvingly, appreciating the poetic justice of the punishment. She never would've guessed that Harry Potter had it in him to be so vindictive.
  "Come on," she suggested, glancing over at Snape. "Perhaps we'd better get out of here before he comes to."
  "Good idea," Sirius Black agreed, as they all piled out of the Shrieking Shack. 
Harry, Hermione, and Sirius all tended to Ron, as Lupin called her over as he dealt with Peter Pettigrew. 
  "Selina. Keep your wand pointed at him, and do as I say," he instructed her carefully. 
  "Yes, sir," she nodded, not needing to be reminded of how dangerous the man was.
Peter Pettigrew glared at her fearfully, knowing that she was no more likely than Lupin was to set him free or sympathize with him. 
  "Are you sure we can't just kill him?" Selina questioned. "I feel like that'd be easier..."
  "We need to take him to the castle. To clear Sirius's name," Lupin reminded her as they dragged him through the secret passageway back to Hogwarts.
  "I guess you're right," she admitted, wane at the ready. "May I?"
Lupin studied her for a moment, nodding once he caught onto her train of thought. 
  "Incarcerous," Selina said, as ropes bound him.
  "Please! Please, don't do this!" Peter pleaded. "I'll do anything! Please! Please, dear girl! I'll do whatever you want!"
  "Including shutting up?" she asked as she and Professor Lupin dragged him along.
  "You know, you always were my favorite student," Lupin remarked dryly as they trudged along. 
It was now dark outside. They all climbed out of the Whomping Willow, allowing Ron to rest on the ground as Selina and Lupin continued guarding the others from Pettigrew, struggling to silence him as he thrashed and struggled desperately. 
  "Please! Anything but the Dementors, I beg of you!" he screamed. "Flog me! Drown me! Turn me into a Flobberworm, anything but the Dementors!"
  "Shut up!" Selina groaned impatiently. 
  "Please, dear girl! Please, Remus!" Peter begged them. "I'll do anything, please, help me!"
  "One more word, and I'm using the Silencing Charm," Lupin warned sternly.
  "No, no!" he blubbered. "Ron! Haven't I been a good pet?! You won't let them give me to the Dementors, will you, I was your rat!" 
Ron tried his best to get away from him as Selina and Lupin attempted to contain him.
  "Sweet girl! Clever girl!" he begged Hermione. "Surely you won't—"
  "Get away from her!" Lupin yelled as he struggled against the restraints.
  "Professor! Can I do something about this now?!" Selina cried.
She watched him as his attention slowly shifted to something else entirely. Following his line of sight, Selina and Hermione both noticed the bright full moon appearing in the sky. 
  "Harry!" Hermione screamed, trying to get his attention.
Both Harry and Sirius ran back to them, realizing how urgent the situation was. 
  "Remus, my friend! Have you taken your potion tonight?!" Sirius tried to intervene.
  "Get away!" Selina yelled, running away with the other three as they watched him attempt to reason with the transitioning werewolf.
It was horrifying to witness. Selina was genuinely afraid for her life, as she gripped her wand as tightly as she could. 
Selina watched helplessly as Peter Pettigrew grinned, waving goodbye with ugly, sharp fingernails as he slowly transitioned back into a rat, scurrying out of a pile of clothes. Selina was furious but had no choice but to focus on the werewolf that currently posed a threat to them all.
  "Run!" someone yelled. 
  "Wait. Wait," Hermione Granger murmured, staring.
  "Hermione! Bad idea, bad idea," Ron whispered. 
  "No shit," Selina agreed, frozen in place, hoping the werewolf wouldn't perceive her as a threat.
  "Professor? Professor Lupin?" Hermione asked nervously.
  "Nice doggie. Nice doggie," Ron whimpered behind them.
  "There you are, Potter!" Snape yelled, running in front of them. 
He did his best to protect all of the students, hiding them behind him as he prepared to defend them. 
  "Jasper?! Draco?!" Selina saw them come  running with him. 
  "Selina! Get away from him!" Jasper Carroll yelled, terrified.
  "What the hell is happening?!" Draco cried.
Sirius Black transformed back into his animal form, fighting off Lupin as a dog. He eventually bested Sirius, which was difficult to watch, slowly lunging towards Harry and Hermione.
  "Alarte Ascendare!" Selina fought off Lupin's attack.  
She did what she could to deter him without hurting him too badly, which didn't work too effectively. A loud howl in the distance called him away from them, as everyone tried to locate Sirius Black.
  "Sirius!" Harry yelled, running after him.
  "Come back here, Potter!" Snape ordered.
  "'Sirius'?! As in, Black?!" Draco looked around. "Sel, what the fuck?!"
  "I'll explain later!" she exclaimed. 
She stood there, unsure of what to do, as Snape tried to track down Harry from where he stood. He would have chased after him, but he seemed to understand that he'd better stay with the others in case Lupin came back. 
Selina could hardly comprehend anything that was happening, looking back and forth between Jasper and Draco, Snape, Ron and Hermione, and Harry.  Deciding she'd better go after Harry, to make sure he and Sirius were both alive, Selina ran straight down the steep hill, nearly falling over and rolling down it just as the others had. 
  "Romanov...!" Snape growled, watching her as she rushed off. "Get back here, now!"
Selina completely ignored her Head of House, scrambling down toward the lake to find Harry Potter and Sirius Black. She'd hoped they were safe, but discovered that the Dementors had already found Sirius. They were circling around above both of them, not caring that Harry was a student as long as he was shielding Sirius. 
She watched in horror as many cloaked Dementors preyed on the both of them, seemingly sucking out every ounce of hope or happiness either of them had left in them. There may as well have been a thousand of them. Selina cast her Patronus as she felt the Dementors beginning to feed on her. 
  "Expecto... Patronum!"
A large, silvery white snake coiled all around the three of them, defending them from the demonic creatures. Selina watched as her spell began to take effect, gasping as she felt memories of herself and Amana, and Jasper, and Draco being sucked away, while it seemed all she had left was harsh memories of her grandmother, and her mother's murder, and Marcus Flint. 
Harry cast his own, non-corporeal Patronus, but it didn't seem to do much good against the many Dementors attacking them. Selina felt cold and clammy as she was forced to relive the day her father murdered her mother, followed immediately by the night Marcus Flint violated her.
She might as well have cast the Patronus Charm for the umpteenth time, but this was the first time she had ever actually went up against a real Dementor, let alone a swarm, or a gaggle, or a murder of them. Luckily, she was winning, but barely so.
The gigantic snake enveloping her and the other two was doing most of the work, protecting her, as well as Sirius and Harry. Selina felt her body beginning to go limp as she fought to stay standing, strengthening her Patronus as quickly as she could. 
She turned around, startled to see Draco had run after her, despite both Jasper and Snape's advice. 
  "Draco! No!" she yelled, as the Dementors began to focus on him as well.
  "Selina!" he cried, falling victim to the Dementors' attacks. 
One in particular seemed to be targeting him. It hurt her to see Draco seem so helpless against them, all of his happier memories being stolen as nothing but pain was reflected in his eyes. Draco almost fainted, overwhelmed as he felt every part of him draining away. 
  "Expecto Patronum!" she shouted again. 
Draco watched as a bright light shot out of her wand. Another beautiful snake emerged from the light she casted, saving him from the Dementor. He gasped loudly, seeing her fighting to protect him as he nearly collapsed. Selina took deep breaths, hoping it would be enough to keep her conscious. But her knees eventually buckled, causing her to collapse on the gravel by the lake a few feet away from Sirius. 
She forced her eyes open, panting hard as she felt her heartbeat slowing down far too much. She was stuck staring across the lake, paralyzed with fear, as another Patronus joined hers in shielding the three of them. It was another fearsome snake,  eventually joined by a noble stag with brilliant antlers. Selina had no idea where they'd come from, or who had conjured them. 
Her eyes closed as she saw only flashes of the worst day of her life, unable to fight off the nightmare any longer. 
  "You don't scare me, Ilya! I won't let you force our daughter to live the way you did! I just won't!"
  "You're blinded by your emotions, Adeline!"
  "You're blinded by greed!"
  "I won't have any more of this. I just won't!"
  "My daughter will not become another Durmstrang soldier trained in the Dark Arts before she's old enough to Apparate!"
  "Your daughter?! She's mine too!"
  "Not anymore! Not as long as you insist upon damning her to your fate! She will not become a Death Eater, even if the Dark Lord returns!"
Selina woke with a start, lying in the hospital wing, accompanied by a few others. She sat up in bad immediately, her eyes wide with terror. She panted heavily, as Jasper Carroll sat beside her and gently stroked her arm. 
  "Hey, hey, it's okay," he whispered, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, "I'm right here. I'm here."
  "Sirius," Selina gasped, realizing where she'd been before she woke up in the hospital wing, "What happened to him?"
She looked around the room frantically, looking for everyone else. Hermione Granger was tending to both Rom and Harry. Harry was apparently still unconscious. 
  "Don't worry about that right now," Draco told her, concerned for her wellbeing as he sat on the other side of her bed, "You need rest."
  "I need to know what happened!" Selina argued.
  "You..." Draco couldn't seem to come up with the right words. "You saved me," he whispered simply, so that only she could hear. 
  "Selina," Hermione said, approaching her bed. "Sirius, they've got him. They're going to perform the Dementor's Kiss."
  "Is there anything we can do to stop it?!" Selina demanded, not paying attention to anything else.
  "I don't think so, Selina," Jasper told her. 
Hermione turned to Harry as he woke up, basically having the exact same conversation with him as he asked for updates. 
  "I have to help him," Selina told Jasper and Draco, "Sirius, he's innocent—"
  "What are you talking about?" Draco Malfoy questioned, not understanding. "What happened?!"
  "I'll explain later," Selina said as she jumped out of bed in her jeans and black long-sleeved shirt, "I need to speak to Professor Dumbledore!"
  "Sel, get back in bed," Draco told her, "You just fought a bunch of Dementors—"
Dumbledore eventually entered the hospital wing, as Hermione rushed to speak to him. 
  "Headmaster, you've got to stopped them!" she pleaded. "They've got the wrong man—!"
  "It's true. Sirius is innocent!"
  "It's Scabbers who did it!" Ron exclaimed.
  "Scabbers?" Albus Dumbledore questioned incredulously. 
  "He's my rat, sir," he tried to explain, "But he's not really a rat... He was my brother Percy's rat, but then they gave him an owl—"
No one seemed to follow this explanation. 
  "Peter Pettigrew, sir!" Selina interrupted urgently. "He's alive! And he framed Sirius Black!"
  "Peter Pettigrew?" the Headmaster repeated. 
  "The point is, we know the truth!" Hermione concluded. "Please believe us."
  "I do, Miss Granger," the old man promised, "But I'm sorry to say, the word of three thirteen year-old wizards will convince few others. A child's voice, however honest and true, is meaningless to those who have forgotten how to listen."
  Selina stared at him with her mouth agape, horrified. "All due respect, sir, what does that have to do with anything right now?!"
  "Selina!" Jasper hissed, worried she'd get herself into trouble. 
  "'Right now'," Dumbledore echoed, genuinely contemplating what she'd said. "Mysterious thing, time. Powerful... And when meddled with, dangerous."
Selina looked to Hermione for answers, realizing that, of course, as the smartest person in the group, she seemed to be catching onto what Dumbledore had been suggesting. Selina silently followed her lead, unsure of who else she could trust. Draco looked around the room, suspicious of everyone, especially Hermione. 
  "Sirius Black is in the topmost cell of the Dark Tower," the professor revealed grimly. "You know the laws, Miss Granger. You must not be seen. And you will do well, I feel, to return before this last chime."
Selina's eyes widened as she began to catch onto what was actually happening. She finally noticed the dainty necklace around Hermione's neck, a tiny golden hourglass-shaped pendant. 
  "If not, the consequences are too ghastly to discuss," he warned them. "If you succeed tonight... More than one innocent life may be spared."
  "Sirius," Selina whispered as she thought, "And Buckbeak..."
She was amazed at the opportunity they'd been given, to fix everything that had gone wrong that night. 
  "Three turns should do it, I think. Oh, and by the way... I find retracing my steps to be a wise place to begin. Good luck," he offered nonchalantly before leaving. 
  "What the bloody hell was all that about?" Ron demanded. 
  "He's mental," Draco decided with finality, surprisingly in agreement with Ron. 
They all watched him in confusion as he left the room without another word. Hermione looped her Time-Turner necklace around her and Harry, starting the process. Selina had seen ones like it, both in the possession of others, as well as in places like Knockturn Alley. 
  "Sorry, Ron, but seeing as you can't walk... Selina?" Hermione asked finally, realizing there was no one else in the room she could trust. "I think you'd best come along, since you can conjure a Patronus."
Selina considered it for a moment. 
  "Can I bring these two?" she asked, pointing back at Jasper and Draco, who were both standing behind her. 
  "Bring us where?" Draco demanded suspiciously, not understanding anything that had been said.
  "Absolutely not," Hermione shook her head.
  "Come on, Granger, are you seriously in a position to deny help?" Selina rationalized.
  The brown-haired girl considered this for a moment. "We can bring Jasper," she concluded. "Transporting four is already risky enough."
  "Fine," Selina sighed, looking to Jasper, "Will you come with me?"
  He seemed completely lost. "I don't think I have a choice," he responded, standing beside her, "I need to make sure you're safe."
  "Okay," Selina agreed, nodding as Hermione wrapped the thin gold chain around the four of them.
  "Wait! You can't just go with them!" Draco protested. "Both of you! Come back!"
  "We can't," Jasper told him, as Hermione secured the necklace. "We have to go."
  "We'll be right back," Selina promised him. "It'll be okay."
  "Selina!" Draco screamed at her. 
She and Jasper stood together anxiously, hand in hand, as she winded up the Time-Turner, three turns back as Harry Potted looked around, still confused. Selina and Jasper watched as everything around them disappeared, and they saw many people in the hospital wing appear and disappear before them. Eventually, the room was completely empty, and they stopped. 
  "What just happened?" Harry questioned, startled by the experience. "Where's Ron?!"
  "We just went back in time," Jasper told him calmly, trying to take control of the situation.
His approach didn't seem to work. 
  "Seven-thirty," Hermione blurted out, looking around, "Where were we at seven-thirty?"
  "I don't know, going to Hagrid's?" Harry guessed.
  "Come on! And we can't be seen!" Hermione said urgently, rushing them all out of the room.
They ran through the corridor, heading back towards Hagrid's. 
  "Hermione! Hermione!" Harry shouted to her. "Hermione, wait!"
  "Are you trying to get us caught?" Selina whispered harshly. 
  "Will someone please just tell me what it is we're doing!" he cried. 
  "You foul, loathsome, evil little cockroach!" the sound of Hermione's voice carried from outside.
  "This is the right moment," Jasper realized.
  "That's us!" Harry realized as they watched the embarrassing altercation between Draco and Hermione. 
  "This is not normal..." Harry murmured uneasily, as Hermione grabbed him so that he didn't draw attention to them.
  "This is a Time-Turner, Harry. McGonagall gave it to me first term," she explained to him sternly. "This is how I've been getting to my lessons all year."
  "You mean we've really gone back in time?" Harry asked her, as Selina sighed, waiting impatiently with Jasper.
  "Dumbledore obviously wanted us to return to this moment. I guess he wants us to change what happened after this point," she thought.
  "Good punch," Selina commended Hermione, watching  from this angle as she punched Draco. 
  "Agreed," Harry nodded. 
  "Thanks," she chuckled, not expecting the compliment from Selina, of all people. 
  "We're coming," Jasper realized as he saw a past version of Draco Malfoy running towards them.
  "Run!" Hermione whispered. 
They all hid from Draco, Jasper, and the others, waiting to head towards themselves. 
  "Come on. We should be at Hagrid's," Hermione led them towards his hut.
  "My outfit looks great," Selina murmured mostly to herself, observing her own body from a new perspective. 
  "Now you see what I see," Jasper said quietly, following Hermione. 
  "Look, Buckbeak's still alive," Harry said wistfully as he observed the gentle bird.
  "That's one thing we need to fix," Hermione remarked worriedly.
  "This is perfect. If we free him while Fudge is with Hagrid, they'll never suspect him," Selina told the others.
  "Let's go," Hermione whispered as they all ran behind Hagrid's pumpkins, where they'd been earlier. 
  "That's Pettigrew," Harry realized darkly as they watched Hagrid give the rat to Ron inside. 
  "Harry, you can't..." Hermione warned him sympathetically.
  "You don't expect me to just sit here," the bespectacled boy argued.
  "Yes, and you must!" she told him.
  "I'm afraid you don't have a choice," Jasper offered sadly. "Otherwise, we won't be able to save anyone."
  "There can't be two of you at once," Selina reasoned, "Everyone involved could go mad as a result. Dumbledore said earlier, it's dangerous to meddle with time. And he was right."
  "Yes, awful things happen to wizards who meddle with time," Hermione nodded. "We can't be seen."
  "Fudge is coming," Jasper informed them.
  "But why aren't we leaving?" Hermione asked. 
  "The window!" Selina realized, everything beginning to fall into place for her. "We have to look out the window!"
Hermione picked up a small rock that had been on one of the pumpkins, tossing it straight through the window as she realized what was meant to happen. The rock hit Harry on the back of the head. She threw another one as she'd remembered from earlier when they were in Hagrid's hut, breaking open a vase filled with sand. 
  "Are you mad?" Harry demanded. "That hurt!"
  "Sorry," Hermione apologized. 
They now looked out the window as they had earlier, seeing Dumbledore and the Minister coming with the executioner. 
  "We're coming out the back door!" she realized.
  "Go!" Selina told them, as the four of them hid behind the trees in the forest. 
They all watched as the earlier versions of Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Selina all dove behind the pumpkins, watching the adults. Hermione leaned forward, examining herself critically. 
  "Is that really what my hair looks like from the back?" she whispered, scaring herself as she accidentally snapped a few branches.
Selina rolled her eyes, as they all hid behind the trees, not ten feet from themselves. 
  "What?" Ron asked the past Hermione. 
  "I thought I just saw... Never mind," she trailed off.
Selina was thankful that even the past Hermione was smart enough not to question any hint of time travel. They watched as the past versions of them ran off, leaving only the four of them and Buckbeak. 
  "Okay, now we can go," Selina said quietly.
They ran to try and wrangle Buckbeak, careful not to be seen by the adults, as well as their past selves. Harry and Hermione grabbed the hippogriff by his chain, freeing him. Selina and Jasper grabbed a few of the dead ferrets hanging near him, hoping to entice him with treats. Harry tried his best to shoo the crows away from him. 
  "I'm glad we get to save him, too," Jasper told his girlfriend, "I just couldn't believe they were actually going to kill him."
  "I know," Selina agreed.
  "Me neither," Hermione chimed in as she and Harry tried to drag Buckbeak away from Hagrid's hut. "Come on, Buckbeak!" 
  "Come here, boy!" Selina whispered, clicking her tongue as she tried to guide him away.
  "Come with us now. Come on!" Harry Potter begged.
The four of them all pleaded with the animal as they tried to release him, hoping he'd come along. They were all terrified of being caught as Dumbledore and the others began to move outside. 
Selina began to notice that, as he redirected the Minister's attention, even the past version of Professor Dumbledore seemed to be on their side, creating a sufficient diversion for them. No matter what anyone thought of him, Selina realized, the man was respectively a genius. 
Harry and Hermione almost surrendered as they were convinced they'd been caught. Selina and Jasper both rolled their eyes, continuing to lead Buckbeak into the forest with the dead ferrets. Eventually, they were able to escape with him, as the Minister and the others realized that he was gone.
  "But where is it?" Fudge questioned in shock. "I saw the beast, just now! Not a moment ago!"
  "How extraordinary," Dumbledore remarked dryly as they got away. 
Hermione and Selina led Buckbeak into a clearing in the forest, no longer needing to drag him along. They all settled for a short while, trying to synchronize themselves with their past selves as best as they could. 
  "Now what?" Harry spoke up as they watched themselves by the Whomping Willow. 
  "We save Sirius," Hermione replied.
  "How?" he asked in turn.
  Hermione frowned, not having much to go off of. "No idea."
  "Look. There's Lupin," Harry pointed out.
  "And there's me and Draco, with Snape," Jasper told Selina. "We were starting to worry about you, you know. We went looking for you, after you didn't come back from Hagrid's. We didn't know what to do, so we went and got Snape."
  "Thank you," Selina murmured, leaning against him with her head on his chest as he held her. "I love you, you know," she told him. 
  "I love you," he echoed with a sigh, as they all waited for themselves to emerge.
They sat with their backs against a tree in the forest, watching peacefully as Buckbeak caught the birds that had been flying low.
  "At least someone's enjoying himself," Hermione remarked.
  Harry nodded. "Yeah."
  "I'm so happy we saved him," Selina sighed, watching him play. "Look at him. He's so innocent."
  "He really is," Jasper agreed. "It's a good thing Granger has that Time-Turner."
  "Do you think we can really save Sirius?" Selina Romanov asked him. "I mean, we saved Buckbeak, but... that's something else entirely. I don't think just luck is going to be enough this time around."
  "We can do it," he assured her as she brushed back his long black hair. "We have you. As long as we have you, anything's possible."
She squeezed his hand tightly, trying to calm her fears. 
  "If that's what you really think," she sighed, "Then I believe you."
  "You should," Jasper squeezed her hand, leaning down to kiss the top of her head. "You know, earlier when me, Snape, and Draco brought you to the hospital wing... I heard Snape talking to Dumbledore. About the Patronuses that saved you and Potter from the Dementors," he confided in her.
Selina listened curiously, trying to see where he was going with that.
  "He said that only extremely powerful magic could have saved you three," he told her, leaning in to whisper into her ear, "And something tells me, us going back in time made that possible."
They all watched as everyone emerged from the Whomping Willow passageway, waiting for Lupin to take his werewolf form so that they could save Sirius. Selina would've wanted to interfere early, warning everyone about Lupin and capturing Pettigrew before he changed back into his rat form, but she knew that it could only do harm. 
Selina and Jasper watched with the others as the fight gradually broke out, with Sirius going after Lupin. Sirius eventually rolled down the hill, leaving Harry, Hermione, and Selina to fend off the newly transformed werewolf. Draco and Jasper, particularly Draco, were both hiding behind Snape, unsure of what to do. 
Not having any better ideas, Hermione cupped her hands around her mouth, howling like a wolf to divert Lupin's attention. 
  "Of course," Jasper realized, remembering the howling they'd heard earlier.
  "What are you doing?!" Harry demanded fearfully.
  "Saving your life!" his friend exclaimed, continuing to howl like a wolf in heat.
  "Thanks," Harry murmured.
  "Great. Now he's coming this way," Selina saw the grey werewolf charging towards them.
  "Yeah... Didn't think about that," Hermione admitted, "Run!"
They all took off deeper into the forest, trying to outsmart the werewolf, which proved to be very difficult. Selina drew her wand as she and Jasper took off in one direction, while Harry and Hermione went in the other. They could hear Professor Lupin growling and snorting in an animalistic manner, trying to locate them. 
Jasper covered his own mouth as he breathed in and out as they all hid behind trees, trying his best to remain calm. Harry and Hermione were both scared out of their wits, paralyzed as they tried to remain still. They moved around the trees, skillfully outmaneuvering the wolf as best as they could. 
Selina waited patiently, listening for signs of their Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. Eventually, Lupin grew tired of searching for them, and ran off into the night. 
  "That was so scary," Hermione whispered.
  "Poor Professor Lupin's having a really tough night," Harry pointed out.
  Jasper nodded as they all headed for the lake. "You can say that again."
  "Sirius. Come on!" Harry urged them. 
They all stood behind the trees near the clearing where the lake was, watching the Dementors slowly feeding on Selina, Harry, and Sirius. Draco wasn't far from sharing the same fate, breaking down into tears as Selina was only able to keep him from being fed on by the Dementors. Her Patronus was the only thing currently standing between herself, Sirius, Harry, and the Dementors. 
  "We have to do something," Selina stared, watching herself being psychically torn apart.
  "Wait! Just wait," Harry told her. 
  "This is horrible," Hermione murmured.
  "Don't worry," Harry insisted. "My dad will come. Any minute now. Right there, you'll see."
  Jasper seemed the most confused. "Your...?" 
  "Don't question it," Selina shook her head dismissively, prepared to jump in and save herself and the others. 
  "Harry, listen to me," Hermione attempted to convince him, "No one's coming."
  "Trust me, he will. He's coming."
Selina was unable to continue standing idly by, as she considered jumping in.
  "You're dying," Hermione told Harry, "All of you..."
  "I'm not waiting any longer," Selina announced, running off towards the lake. 
  "Selina!" Jasper yelled after her.
  "Expecto Patronum!" 
She cast her Patronus once again, sending the giant snake after the Dementors attacking herself, as well as Sirius and Harry. Draco was watching helplessly, unable to do anything. 
  "Selina!" Harry shouted, joining her as he cast his own Patronus.
Both of the animals that represented them fought against the Dementors attacking them and Sirius before. The bright white lights drove all of the Dementors away, allowing the tiny orb that represented Sirius's soul to return to his body. He seemed to be breathing, and so did Harry, for that matter. 
Selina had never felt so powerful in her life, fighting off probably about a hundred Dementors to save herself and her new friends. She, Harry, and Sirius were eventually saved, as she and Harry exchanged relieved looks, allowing the spells to dissipate.
  "We did it," Selina told him, "Us. No one else," she laughed hysterically.
  "You're right!" Harry Potter chuckled along with her, seeming more happy. "It was us."
They both headed back to the others together, now much more amicable than they had been before. 
  "You did it! You're alive, all of you!" Hermione exclaimed happily.
  "Oh, God, I'm so proud of you," Jasper sighed, wrapping Selina in a protective hug, still holding his wand in his hand. "I'm so glad you're safe."
  "We need to get to Sirius," Selina turned to Harry as he nodded in response. "Now."
The four of them looked over at Buckbeak, realizing that he was currently their most reliable method of transportation. Harry and Hermione climbed onto him first, as Selina and Jasper rode behind them, holding on tight. All of them screamed, both terrified and excited, as Buckbeak took off. 
Selina giggled happily as Jasper wrapped his arms around her stomach, securing her in front of him as they flew off to the Dark Tower together. Everyone was enthralled as they held onto Buckbeak, surrounded by the beautiful night sky. 
  "Did I mention that I love you?" Jasper asked cheerfully.
  "You always remember to," Selina replied, smiling as they all landed in front of the highest cell of the tower.
Sirius Black turned to face them, surprised to see them coming to his rescue. 
  "Bombarda!" Hermione blew apart the metal cell door. 
Selina and Jasper ran to lift it out of the way. Selina Romanov stood in front of Sirius, kindly offering her hand to him as he stood. He took it graciously, offering her a bewildered smile.
  "Thank you."
His words said 'thank you for helping me up', but his eyes said 'thank you for everything'. 
  "Harry. Hermione," he said as he joined the others. "I cannot express my gratitude enough."
  "You don't have to," Harry Potter promised. "You're my godfather."
Sirius smiled at him, nodding appreciatively.
  "You're Selina Romanov. Aren't you?" Sirius Black asked as he approached her. 
  She nodded, not too surprised that he was able to recognize her. "Did you know my father?" she asked him. 
  "I was familiar with him," he said, walking alongside her. "He was very close friends with Rodolphus Lestrange. He married my cousin, Bellatrix."
  "Yeah," Selina nodded, recalling having heard the same thing many times. 
  "I also knew your mother, you know," Sirius changed the subject. "She was a year younger than I was. She and my brother, Regulus, were quite close. The best of friends, in fact. Very kind woman."
  "Yes," Selina murmured, walking between him and Jasper. "Yes, she was."
There was a brief silence between them as they walked.
  "I read about Regulus, in her diaries, you know," Selina informed the man. "She loved him. She was devastated when he died."
  "Yes, as was I," Sirius said earnestly. "He was very noble, my brother."
  "I'm sorry," Selina told him, looking him in the eye. "He seemed like a great person."
  "He was. He was one of those people you just had to love," he offered kindly. "And so was Adeline. I'm sorry if this is strange, but... you really do remind me of your mother a bit. Headstrong, sharp, gentle... You look like her. More so than you do your father, you know. Although, I do hear you've inherited his talent for Quidditch..."
That was something Selina was happy to hear, as he carried on listing pleasant things for the two of them to conversate about.
  "Thank you, Sirius," she said finally. 
  "Thank you," he beamed, "All of you. I'll be eternally grateful for this."
  "I want to go with you," Harry told him, sounding more like a child than ever.
Selina smiled sympathetically as Jasper wrapped his arm around her. 
  "One day, perhaps," Sirius promised the boy. "For some time, my life will be too unpredictable. And besides. You're meant to be here," he held him affectionately. 
  "But you're innocent," Harry protested quietly.
  "And you know it. For now, that will do," Sirius assured him with a smile. 
Selina held onto Jasper, watching sadly as Sirius and Harry said their goodbyes. Sirius climbed on top of Buckbeak, prepared for the both of them to make their escape. 
  "It's perfect they have one another," Jasper thought. "They're both innocent, and now, they're both free."
  "I hope so," Selina said, watching.
  "You really are the brightest witch of your age," Sirius told Hermione, making her smile, "And Selina... I'd tell you you're going to be someone someday, but you already are someone, aren't you? I hope we meet again," he said softly. 
  "So do I," Selina agreed, watching as he flew away happily.
  "Don't you hurt her, Jasper, or I'll be back in Azkaban!" Sirius called. 
  "Don't worry, I won't," Jasper Carroll chuckled as they all watched him leave. 
  "We have to go," Hermione realized, as the clock began to chime.
All of them ran for the hospital wing, determined to make it back in time. Selina and Jasper were in front of Harry and Hermione, almost running into Dumbledore as he left the room. 
  "Well?" the Headmaster asked.
  "We saved them," Jasper responded dutifully.
  "He's free. We did it," Harry said triumphantly.
  "Did what?" Dumbledore questioned, most likely joking. "Goodnight."
He disappeared, and Harry, Hermione, Selina, and Jasper all laughed with relief as they burst into the room. 
  "Bloody hell!" Draco exclaimed loudly. 
  "How did you get there?" Ron Weasley pointed. "I was talking to you there... And now you're there!"
Selina and Jasper laughed cheerfully, watching as Draco and Ron were forced together in their baffled confusion.
  "What's he talking about, Harry?" Hermione teased.
  "I don't know," Harry chuckled along.
  "Sel! Jasper!" Draco shouted, running toward them. "What the fuck just happened?!"
They looked at one another, trying to decide how to respond. Neither of them had an answer prepared. They were still in complete shock due to everything that had just happened, unable to believe that they had actually made it, and weren't killed. 
  "I suppose we should catch you up," Jasper 
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curseofaphrodite · 3 years
The Hate, The Hate. James Sirius Potter x fem!slytherin!reader
Summary: I read The Cursed Child a long time ago, so I forgot most of the details but here it is! It’s an enemies to lovers fic. Note that I probably won’t write anymore next gen fics, but this one was fun!
Requested by @acupnoodle​ | masterlist
Tw; blood, mentions of smut 
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Not my gif. I also have no idea who this is, but he felt fit for James Sirius so yes.
There was something so satisfying about seeing Gryffindors lose, atleast for you. The way James threw his broom down in frustration made it even more enjoyable.
“See you next game, Potter,” you said, faking politeness. 
He realized he wanted nothing more than start a literal fight with you. Not with wands, oh no. He wanted to throw you to the floor and pin your hands above your head and- wait no, what the hell. No. You will not be pinning her to the ground or the wall anytime soon. OR EVER. You will not be doing anything like that, he thought quickly.
His teammates tried to cheer him up but even they looked sad. James shook his head and walked away, his face disappointed. 
You were startled. Usually he was angry, which is why you found comfort in your banters so much. Being sad and showing it was not a James move, which means he did it accidently. He was a good, passionate player, just like you. It shouldn't be new to you that he’d be hurt over the game. 
You had taunted him, and basically rubbed salt in the wound. You tried to focus on the people around you, but what you felt was nothing but guilt.
“It usually feels better, doesn’t it?” You asked your best friend. 
“What does?”
“Winning I mean.”
“I don’t know, feels the same to me,” they shrugged. 
From the next game onwards, you kept your fights to your minimum. You hardly talked to him and focused on the games, and whether you won or not, you wouldn't give him a second glance. James almost missed it, but of course he couldn't say that.
Everything outside the quidditch game was fair game. You still fought, got him in trouble and smirked smugly whenever you could. The hatred remained, but it wasn't as strong as before.
Going home in the winter break wasn't your biggest concern because you liked Christmas. The only part about it that made you irritated was that it’d include seeing James again. Did I mention you two were practically neighbors? Your parents loved the Potters too, which made hating their son more troublesome than necessary. 
They couldn't understand why James and you always scowled at the other, but they didn't care much anyway. Mr. Potter had repeatedly said you reminded him of Ron and Hermione, and you knew they ended up married, so that was not a comforting thought. 
It wasn’t a secret that they weren’t the best of friends, which was why James was surprised when you showed up at his door at the night of Christmas Eve.
“Oh hey, it’s you.” He said, his eyes focused on the stack of presents in your hands. “Don't tell me all those gifts are for me?”
“Don’t be ridiculous. Can I hide these in your house? I’ll get them later,” you said, almost pleading. “I was doing some last minute shopping when my parents were outside, but they arrived earlier than usual.”
“What’s the magic word?”
“I’ll punch you in the nose?”
“Try again.”
You bit down your lips from hurling more curses at him. But a sharp wince left your mouth anyway. He then noticed how your forearm was bleeding. 
“What the hell happened?” He asked, baffled.
“I broke a vase, slipped and fell on them, it’s not important. Just take these, would you?” 
He didn't need more persuasion. He instantly did as you asked and made way for you to get inside.
“No, I said I’ll get them later,” you repeated blankly.
“You’re not going back to your house bleeding. Don't you think they'd ask why you look like you were mugged?”
“You’re coming in, and that’s final.” 
He thought you’d really punch him in the nose then, but you followed him inside, surprising both him and you.
His parents were visiting the Weasleys, which only made the encounter more awkward. His siblings randomly bursting in while he was getting the first aid and asking if you were his girlfriend didn't help either.
“I can do it myself,” you said angrily as he came near you with the first aid box.
“With one hand?” He raised an eyebrow.
“No.” He ignored your whining and pulled your left sleeve up. He cleaned your wound first, then applied some kind of fancy ointment while you bit back a scream. 
“Is it paining?” He asked with a smile.
“No, it’s very pleasant,” you shot back.
“Your girlfriend is pretty,” Lily, his sister, sighed. 
“Not my girlfriend,” he said casually.
“Not in a million years,” you agreed with your teeth gritted.
Ten minutes later, you were all bandaged up and looking less like Carrie. You thanked him and he nodded, escorting you back to the door.
While you didn’t think he’d live this incident down anytime soon, that's exactly what he did. Even after you were both back in Hogwarts, he didn't bring up how he helped you, not even when you continued bantering with him. He hardly even fought with you anymore too.
It felt weird, but also good. But mostly weird.
“Why the hell are you like this?” You asked after Potions class one day. He looked confused.
“What do you mean?’
“You’re not fighting with me anymore, it’s driving me nuts! Okay you helped me that day, but it does not mean we’re besties now!”
“I never thought we would be,” he said laughing. “I just don't see the point of fighting with you nowadays. I don't even hate you, so why would I?”
“Awe, Potter’s got a crush on the Slytherin captain now?” You asked, raising an eyebrow. 
He shrugged. “Maybe I do.” 
He was always straightforward and while you usually envied that, you were just plain shocked now.
“You’re joking, right?” 
“No, I’m serious. So serious that Sirius is my middle name.” He laughed again. You felt yourself going pale. 
“What am I supposed to say to that?” 
“Say you’ll go on a date with me,” he looked a bit nervous now. Adorably so. “If you actually hate me, you don’t need to-”
“I don’t hate you.” 
“Good,” he kept staring. “So will you go on a date with me?”
“I- uhm, yes. I think I will.” You felt a slight smile spreading across your face, realizing you meant it. 
Who knows, maybe you are like Ron and Hermione more than you’d like to admit.
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Well, I want in.
13 & 18 my darling Dani. With the prettiest of pleases. And I don’t even care who you do (yes even prongfoot or snirius but the cringe is great and mountainous)
okay so since i am……a complete dyslexic dumbass…..i somehow misread the prompt numbers by one? and i am only now realising these are actually 12 and 17 instead of 13 and 18? but i already wrote it so you will have to accept them (youre welcome to send me another one as an apology tho (like, as me apologising to you - you do not owe me an apology))
(also no great mountainous cringe for you today, i did wolfstar feat. jegulus for you. this is a 2-in-1 package deal) (also i wrote half of that to the song you sent me and the other half to MSI)
12. Do they have many heated arguments? How do they smooth things over? + 17. Who's more likely to pull the other in by the waist and kiss them passionately?
Send me an OTP question from the list and a ship and I’ll respond with a drabble.
James glances around the dark backyard, its emptiness amplified even further by the thick layers of white snow covering everything around them. It’s criminally cold outside, to the point that even the usual warming charms they use on the go do not work anymore to chase away this kind of frost.
“I’m telling you, Reg, it’s a bad idea.” He says and brings up his hands to rub them together, breathing out a cloud of warm air onto his frozen palms. “Sirius doesn’t just cancel plans last-minute like this, something must have happened.” The warm breath out of his mouth rises up to his glasses, clouding his vision with hot steam.
“I don’t care, James, they promised us dinner.” Regulus reaches out to take off his glasses, wipes them on the hem of his robes, and runs a quick spell on the glass of the spectacles before gently sliding them back up his nose. “And Sirius’ ideas are bad all the time anyway, I’m allowed to have one bad idea every once in a while.” He turns back to the door and knocks with the bottom of his fist, much more loudly and forcefully than last time. “Open up, we’re freezing out here, you animals!”
There is finally a sign of life from inside, voices and a sound of feet shuffling downstairs before the door is thrown open and Sirius appears in the doorway. Besides a black jumper and jeans, he is wearing a deep frown on his face, glaring down at them like they are a chorus of children asking for donations on Christmas for the seventh time in one evening. He looks mostly tired.
“Hello,” Regulus tilts his head to the side and gives his brother a wide smile. “Next time you keep me out in the cold like this, I’m blowing the door out.” He pushes underneath Sirius’ arm, which is blocking the passage with the way it’s rested against the other side of the wall, and unceremoniously makes his way inside.
Sirius watches him as he does, but does not say anything. Once Regulus is inside, he turns to James.
“Prongs,” He raises a hand to run it through his hair. “don’t take this the wrong way, but why are you here?”
James offers him a sheepish smile. “Reg said that if you ask me that, I get to blame everything on him.” He steps forward to pull Sirius into a hug before getting inside. He can feel the tension in his shoulders when he does, although Sirius does return the embrace and steps aside to let him in.
“Reg, I understand that you are a big, pretentious douchebag with no concept of personal space,” he grumbles as they both make their way over to the kitchen of their house, where Regulus has already dropped off his snow-covered coat and is now busy rummaging through the cabinets, “and I respect that, but this is a really bad time.”
“You are about to have a really bad time if I don’t eat.” Regulus yells back from the kitchen.
The commotion draws attention from upstairs and Remus comes down to join them, hair a little dishevelled and the same frown in place that is still present on Sirius’ face as well. “James?” He asks, a little puzzled, just before his eyes wander over to Regulus.
James grins at him and raises his hand in greeting. “Our portkey point was around here, so we thought we would stop by before we head home.” He explains apologetically. “We can go if we’re interrupting, it’s not--”
“Don’t be ridiculous.” Regulus cuts him off as he pulls out a half empty box of cereal from one of the cabinets, grimacing in disgust at the packaging before shoving it back inside, “we are staying, they owe us a dinner.”
Remus turns to face Sirius and his eyebrow raises in a silent statement. He nods his head in Regulus’ direction subtly, and Sirius grunts loudly, leaning back against the counter behind him.
“What do you want me to do?” He asks in irritation. “They’re already here.”
“This is exactly what we talked about.” Remus says impatiently. “You have no boundaries.”
“I told them not to come today, they just showed up!” Exclaims Sirius in return, throwing his arm up in the air as he gestures at James next to him.
“Because you allow it!”
“What was I supposed to do, leave them outside?”
James uses the opportunity to slide away from between them while he remains unnoticed and joins Regulus, who is now crouched down by the freezer, studying the contents of it with a careful concentration on his face.
He pulls out a long plate with a row of frozen lamb ribs in it. “How about some ribs on the grill?” He drops the plate on top of the counter and goes for the fridge next. “With some..” he pauses, eyes scanning the insides of the appliance methodically, “mashed potatoes and asparagus. Merlin, these two really need help with their shopping, there aren’t even any mushrooms in here.”
“My friends don’t show up here unannounced whenever they feel like it.” Remus goes on, the accusation in his tone growing as they keep arguing.
“Sounds like a plan.” James agrees. He snaps his fingers at the utensils drawer to float the necessary tools out of it while Regulus performs a thawing charm on the frozen ribs. “I’ll start on the potatoes and the salads.”
“Your friends? What friends do you even have, Remus? We have the same friends, James is your friend as much as he’s mine--”
“Oh, come on, now you’re just being a cunt.”
Regulus gives them both a funny look. “Let it be stated for the record that I am friends with none of you. I only have unfortunate family ties in this room.”
“Go freeze to death.” Sirius snaps at him harshly at the same time Remus turns his head to say, “Shut it, Regulus.”
Regulus pushes his bottom lip out in a mock-offended pout and turns to gaze at James sadly. “They are being mean to me.”
James smiles despite himself and reaches out a hand to ruffle the other’s hair gently. “You should probably leave them alone unless you’re actually trying to get us kicked out.”
Regulus leans into the touch. His gaze wanders back over to the bickering pair. “What’s their deal anyway?” he asks with a click of his tongue.
James shrugs his shoulder. “They fought about something before we got here.”
Regulus stares off at the wall thoughtfully for a moment, then turns to address his brother again. “When was the last time you had sex? That usually solves--” James hurries to quickly slap a hand over his mouth.
“See?” Remus exclaims pointedly, turning to look at Sirius. “No fucking boundaries. Either of you three.”
Sirius lets out a low bark of laughter. “Oh, that’s rich coming from you.”
Remus’ eyes narrow. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
 Regulus arches an eyebrow and turns to face James once more. “Are they arguing about boundaries? Them, seriously?”
James tunes out the rest of their argument to focus on the dinner instead. Regulus works swiftly and methodically, and he is even faster when he is hungry, which is very fortunate because while James hates to be the kind of person to diminish other people’s problems, he can not help but agree that sometimes certain grudges just go away on their own if you sit two people down in a warm living room and shove a bit of well-cooked food down their throats. The human body is just magical like that sometimes.
“If you ask me,” Regulus says, lowering his voice to half a whisper when they sit down at the table after the ribs have been seasoned and pushed into the oven to cook. “All they really need is some hot, steamy shower sex and a plate of hot grilled ribs.”
James pulls up the kettle at the centre of the table to pour them both a mug of chai. “Before or after the ribs?”
“Before, obviously.” Regulus deadpans, offering him a grateful nod when James slides the mug over to his side. “Food is best after sex.”
“Mmm.” James feels his lips curl up in a smirk as he brings up the cup to his lips. “Now you’re just giving me ideas on purpose.”
“Can you two stop being gross all over our dining table,” Sirius says with a grimace as he flops down on a chair across from them. The argument seems to have died down a little by now, but the heavy atmosphere still hangs in the air between them. “I’m about to throw up, thank you.”
Regulus watches his brother for a moment, the mug pressed between his fingers tightly. He looks over to James, gestures at Sirius with his eyes and raises his eyebrows in question. James gives him a subtle nod, to which Regulus blinks slowly in confirmation.
“I shall go check on the ribs.” Regulus announces loudly, pushing himself up from the table. I’ll talk to Lupin, he mouths at James wordlessly over his shoulder before leaving him and Sirius alone at the table.
James’ eyes wander over to Sirius, watching him as he drums his fingers against the surface of the table impatiently, eyes staring off at an unfocused point on the wall across from him. James sighs and reaches out a hand to close it over Sirius’.
“What is this about, Pads? Really.”
Sirius exhales slowly through his nose. He shuts his eyes and raises a hand to run it through his hair in a nervous gesture. “I don’t know, it’s not really… about anything, you know? It’s just..” He huffs out a sigh, averting his gaze to the window beside them. The snow keeps pouring on, covering everything in a dirty shade of white.
“Everything.” James agrees with a nod. “I know.” And he knows from the heavy look in Sirius’ eyes that he also knows.
It’s not a secret that the past few years after the war have been tough on all of them. And while it seems like it was such a long time ago, these things have a tendency to stick, to a point he could never even imagine to himself. Grieving people does not really have an expiration date on it, and apparently neither do the legal trials at the Supreme Wizarding Court.
Even Regulus’ trial, which was by far not as controversial as many of the others, like Bellatrix’ and Malfoy’s, was still dragged out into years and years of unending hearings, publicised in a way that should have never been allowed in the first place. The Ministry insisted on milking every last drop out of their stories, until Sirius was prepared to actually march down to the Minister’s office himself and threaten to set fire to the entire building if they don’t stop this absurd charade.
They were all promised a clean sheet, an opportunity to start over and change the society they live in, secure a better environment than the one they grew up in for kids at Hogwarts, a stronger support system for kids from non-magical families, better laws and conditions for marginalised groups in the wizarding world; werewolves, goblins, elves.
But what they were not told was that nothing came without a price, and that after all the fighting they’ve already done, most of it was still ahead of them, and nobody was going to give it to them that easily. Sirius was very vocal about his opinions in favour of the disbandment of the Beasts Unit and complete reform of the Registry, which did not always draw the most positive of attention.
All in all, it was not easy for either of them. Sometimes things just boiled over and got the best of them. James knows it for a fact because he and Regulus used to fight about that too, all the time. They still do, although it’s been getting better.
“How’s Harry?” Sirius asks suddenly.
James looks up to meet his eye. “With his mum and Mary. They have that thing in Ireland next month, so he’s staying with them this week instead.” He glances at the snow storm outside for a moment before returning his gaze back to Sirius. His fingers are still dancing against the table restlessly, drumming out an anxious melody.
“You know, Pads.. he’s not really upset about anything you said or did. It’s more about.. It’s frustrating. When these things get to us. Because it’s supposed to be us against them, you know? And instead here we are, fighting with each other over minor bullshit. It feels like losing to them.”
Sirius watched him for a long moment. “Yeah, I know.” He says quietly. “I hate that.” He admits, and James can hear the strain in his voice when he says that. “I will burn down the Ministry one day, mark my words.”
James feels his lips curl up in a smirk despite himself. “Just don’t forget to call me.”
There is a noise from upstairs and Regulus makes his way back into the kitchen, followed by Remus shortly after. James quickly excuses himself from the table under the alibi of having to help Regulus set the table, but more with the intent of leaving Remus and Sirius alone to talk for a minute than anything else.
“Sorry for yelling.” Sirius says quietly after a moment of silence between them when Remus lowers himself down into the chair across from him, eyes fixated on his own hands.
Remus raises his gaze to meet the other’s. “Sorry for calling you a cunt.”
Sirius blinks at him, then a small smile tugs at his lips. “Yeah, that was a bit uncalled for. You’ve been spending way too much time with my brother lately.”
Remus mirrors the smile. “Oh, yeah, and whose fault is that, Padfoot?”
Sirius rolls his eyes at him, but there’s a hint of affection in it. He gets up from his seat and hops over to take the chair next to Remus, leaning in to press a quick peck to his lips as he does so.
James does not realise he is staring until Regulus clears his throat next to him. “I think I also deserve a kiss for my matchmaking services.”
James turns to smile at him warmly. “Oh, you deserve a kiss regardless, love.” He reaches out a hand to wrap it around Regulus’ waist and pulls him closer against him, tilting his head in an angle to press a strong kiss to the other’s lips.
“So, you were saying ribs?” Sirius yells at them from the table.
Regulus clicks his tongue and begrudgingly pulls away. “Honestly, what would you do without us.” He grumbles.
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lyallblacklupin · 3 years
Hey. I don't know if you are still taking prompts... but if so, I may have a challenge for you. 😉
Remus has to stay in the hospital wing for longer than usual. Sirius is secretly dating Remus and can't stand being away even though Madame Pomfrey says no visitors.
Thank you for such a cute prompt. I hope I have written just like you wanted. <333 Happy Reading! Stay Magical!
Rating: Teens and Up Audience.
The night was befalling as the walls of Hospital Wing started darkening, and the torches around the room ignited flames automatically with a thud. The room is filled with utter silence of the unoccupied beds with Remus Lupin being an exception, laying exasperatedly awake with bandages wrapped around his left leg. His stomach growled but it was the least he cared about because of the aching on the tips of his fingers and toes as his chest was in a constant state of agitation. He wanted something. No, he was craving for someone. He couldn’t stop his brain from the race of unwanted thoughts.
What if he doesn’t want me anymore?
What if he has realized that I’m not worth dating?
What if he is better off with my absence?
Suddenly, his thoughts came to a halt when his senses heightened with someone’s fastidious and highly familiar presence. Remus didn’t even have to look to recognize because it was none other than Madam Pomfrey. He loved her but not momentarily—infact not from the past five days who had strictly banned any visitors since his and Sirius’ fight. Speaking of, he shut his eyes as the memory enrolled in his mind all over for the hundredth time.
“I could have killed you!”
“But you almost killed yourself!” Yelled the boy who Remus was in love with.
“That is the last thing to be worrying—“ But he was not finished when the boy lunged at him and yanked him by his fists clutching his hospital dress, bringing him eye to eye and nose to nose as he growled, “Don’t you ever fucking say that. If you don’t care a shit about yourself then at least care about me! Us! But you don’t! You don’t care about us! Fuck you, Lupin!”
Remus’ heart was hammering in his chest, the pain of his broken leg was long forgotten. The tears glistened in the boy’s hard eyes. And before he could lift him his hand to hold his jaw, to soften the clenched face, to wipe his hurt away, Madam Pomfrey burst inside with her raging thunder.
“Mr. Black! Hands off this instant! How dare you bully a patient like that!? And within the Hospital Wing!” And he loosened his grasp which left Remus with an empty feeling in his chest. Even if he was being held brutally, he didn’t care because he was held by the foremost person in his life. The person he would never wish to leave.
“He’s my—“ He tried but his voice was a whimper in comparison to Madam Pomfrey’s.
“A week’s detention Mr. Black for scaring my patient like that! None of your friends will ever visit the Hospital Wing! Now off you go before I take away the house points!”
He gave Remus one last look of misery, tears still swimming in his heaven-made silver eyes, and scurried away from the hospital.
Remus numbly watched Pomfrey re-bandage his wounds. He suddenly felt so despondent and lonely after rethinking everything. He had hurt his favorite person in the world. And all that person had done was the care and love him with his deepest sincerity. He also knew that his lycanthropy had always been on his mind that even led him to convince the rest of his friends to become Animagis just to protect Remus from hurting himself. And now Remus had done the very same thing by not allowing his pack to accompany him to the last full moon. His broken leg and severe wounds were the aftermaths of his isolated transformation
He didn’t want to admit that he regretted his decision because deep down inside he had been unbound from the usual fretfulness of hurting his friends. He’d been better off hurting himself than hurt them, especially Sirius Black.
Now, it had been five days and Remus had not seen him. Neither James nor Peter.
“Ma’am?” He didn’t realize he had called her before she looked at him in question while applying the salve on the half-healed wound. He hissed in pain but asked anyway, “When am I getting discharged from this bed and these walls?” The bitterness cut through his voice sharply which made Pomfrey look up in surprise.
“Well, Remus. I expect to call me Poppy instead of Ma’am after five years I’ve been treating you.” Remus suddenly felt hot with embarrassment, “And it will take few more days until your walk starts, and then you’ll be well enough to join your classes and friends.”
The way she spoke, Remus felt like he had centuries to wait. He flopped down on his bed again with disappointment, the hollowness in his chest created a bigger void. A Sirius Black void. He needed it to be filled by that very person. The longing was more than Remus expected, intense enough to cause burning in his eyes as his throat began to constrict gradually, tightening his chest. He held himself until his throat had turned thorny. He let out a shaky breath and tears spilled down his temple, founding their place in his already messy hair. He cried silently. He ached and ached until sleep drifted him away.
Even in his dreams, he saw dark hair rippling like the black sea, shiny grey eyes like silver orbs, and fair skin like snow accompanied with pink flushes on the dips of the body. And then he saw a hand reaching out to him and just as he tried to grasp it, the hand flew away with a burning brush on his arm. The sensation was warm enough to jerk him from his unconsciousness. Remus’ eyes opened up to the same ceilings of the hospital wings. The room was still inky blue. He saw his dinner tray on the nightstand in which the food had gotten cold and dry. He immediately touched his left arm where the same sensation was tingling his skin. Or maybe he just felt it in reality? But no one was there. Remus was alone and cold.
He tried closing his eyes again, feeling no appetite at all, but he sensed a faint noise of rustle. He ignored it before it came back again with a feeling of fingers brushing his arm again. He sat up abruptly, clutching his sheets to his chest. His eyes were scanning the room desperately when—
“Moony?” Remus screamed when he saw Sirius’ head appear in the mid-air. Sirius rush ahead to put his hand on his mouth, “Shh! Please! I don’t want to get more detentions, Moony!”
It was all too much to process; Sirius appearing like a genie with no body—before he pulled off the Invisibility Cloak, and Sirius’ warm and sweaty hand on Remus’ mouth, and most importantly, Sirius was here in front of him after five fucking days. He removed his hand once Remus calmed down.
“Look, Moony, I’m sorry—“ He never got to the end of it because Remus shoved Sirius in his embrace. The embrace that was yearning for Sirius only. He thought he might have thrown away anyone if they had tried hugging him before his boyfriend. Remus squeezed him impossibly closer and tighter. He was clutching him like a lifeline. He had his face nuzzled in Sirius’ chest. His fragile arms were strongly wrapped around Sirius’ torso. He was relishing the scent, the touch, the love, and everything he had missed.
“Fuck, I missed you, Pads.” He grunted in his collarbone, “I was longing for you…”
“I’m here.” Sirius cooed in his ear, pressing a kiss beneath it, “And I’m not going.”
“You’ll have to,” He chuckled, traveling his hands to find Sirius’ and intertwined them both.
“Eventually, yes but don’t ruin the moment, Moony.” Remus was torn between tightening his embrace or pulling away to gaze at Sirius’ face but then he felt the other move away. They parted from their lingering hug, and Sirius delicately held Remus’ face and bent down to kiss him. Remus felt his body was set on fire. They kissed languidly at first until their desires amplified their passion. Sirius dug his knees on the bed while Remus complied by pulling him in his lap. Suddenly, his boyfriend gasped and jerked away.
“Remus! Your leg is broken and—I’m sorry!”
“Hey, hey, it’s okay. It’s just my calf area. I was not hurt okay?” Remus shushed him, peppering kisses on Sirius’ hands. The other boy nodded but frown still sitting on his face. He sat against him on the bed and Remus didn’t leave his hand. He just wanted them to be touching like an assurance of never parting again. They sat in silence. The flaming torches on the walls had already died out.
“Why did it took you so long?” Remus asked sheepishly, running circles on the outside of Sirius’ palm to make him sure that he was not mad.
“It’s not like I didn’t try,” Sirius spoke softly, “Had to sneak out from James’ hell hound eyes. And the last two days were spent in getting caught by Mrs. Norris. That fucking cat.”
“I love cats, okay? Don’t insult them.” Sirius cocked his eyebrow at him, “Yeah but she is such a pain in the arse.” They giggled. Remus couldn’t avert his eyes from Sirius who was avoiding his gaze, “Last two days, huh? It’s actually been five days. Are you mad at me?”
“Moony, how can I be mad at you?” The gentleness in his voice was powerful enough to cause Remus to feel hot behind his cheeks, “But yes, I admit that I was angry. I thought you didn’t want to see me. I thought that you’d want some space. But then I couldn’t stay away from you for so long. Life has been terrible without you.”
“Life has been terrible without you too, Sirius. I missed you so much. I felt bad the second you left this room. I felt so sorry to hurt you like that—“
“Your pain is my pain, Remus,” Sirius said sternly. His eyes are hard as steel. “You can’t isolate yourself like that. I know you fear hurting us but Moony, can’t you see? You are already hurting us like that. James has been quiet lately and Peter…well, he is just following his pursuit. What I mean is, none of us can see you wounded in hospital for like a week because of us. That we weren’t able to protect you.”
“It’s not your responsibility—“
“It is. You are mine.” Sirius squeezed their already entwined hands. The words were like a gush of affection in Remus’ heart. He was suddenly out of arguments. He smiled at the boy before him who smiled back weakly, “And yes, it’s been only two months since we started dating, but you already feel like my responsibility now.”
Remus arched an eyebrow at his flustered expression, “Wow, that’s quite patriarchal with few amendments since a man is claiming his supremacy on the other man.”
“Wha—you dominate over me all the fucking time!” They broke out in fits of laughter but then immediately clapped their hands on each other’s mouths to keep it down. Funnily, the more they forced themselves to be quiet the more laughter bubbled out of them. Remus suddenly grabbed Sirius by his collar and crashed their lips together. Their giggles were turned muffled until they were silently devouring each other’s mouths. Sirius was now moving from his jawline to his neck, and Remus turned into mush as the warmth began pooling into him. He just wanted to stay like this forever.
Suddenly, they both froze when the sounds of approaching footsteps came from the hall. Sirius lunged down to the floor to grab the invisibility cloak, and suddenly the door swung open.
“Mister Lupin?” McGonagall?
“Professor McGonagall.” Remus’ voice shook.
“I am sorry for barging into the Hospital Wing just like that, but I wanted to ask if Mr. Black might have stopped by here?” Even in the dark room, Remus was able to see the grave creases on her forehead. He gulped and eyed down the floor to found Sirius was nowhere to be seen.
“Umm…No, Professor.” He stammered.
“Well, that lad is one hurricane, isn’t he?” She sighed, “I hope you are recovering well, Remus.” Her voice softened and a hint of a smile passed her face. He nodded and then she was out of the hospital.
After he had made sure that there were no sounds of any footsteps he said, “What did you do now?”
“I came during my detention with McGonagall.” Sirius peeked through the cloak, with his entire body invisible.
“Okay, you look very creepy like that.” He stood, brushing off the dust from his trousers, “Come here, now. I want to relish you till my heart is contented. You are getting more detentions anyway.” He opened his arms for Sirius who fell into them with the goofiest smile on his face.
“You are such a masochist, Moony.”
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comfortwriting · 3 years
Unexpected - R.L
Masterlist, Requesting Rules, Writing Prompts
Remus Lupin (Marauders Era) x Fem Reader 
62: He grabbed you by the wrist and pulled you into him, you could tell he was furious, jealous, and mortified. 
65: Your lips crashed against his whilst his hands fumbled with the zip on the back of your dress. 
Requested/About: Lupin and one of his good friends meet up a few times a month to have sex, one night at a party, Lupin sees her getting too close to his best friend and he hopes that their night of passion will change that. Unfortunately, their night of passion leads to something unexpected and only makes things worse. 
Warnings: Smut, unprotected sex, jealous Lupin, pregnancy, and swearing.
“So what’s going on with you and Mooney, then?” Sirius asked, leaning back in his chair, staring at your answers.
You looked over your shoulder, smiling at Remus, he looked up at you and smiled back shyly, his pale face and tired eyes more noticeable than usual.
You covered your answers with your hand, rolling your eyes at him “I don’t really know” you replied “we don’t really feel the need to put a label on things, y’know”
You and Remus considered many labels but none of them was able to justify how the both of you felt about one another without knowing each other's feelings. You’re both really really good friends that fuck, nothing more, nothing less - but outside the bedroom, his friends would always treat you as if what you had with Remus was so much more than the casual hook-ups.
“Have you fallen for our dear Mooney?”
“Now now, don’t get too excited, he doesn’t get any kinkier once he’s back to normal”
You were fine with being friends that fucked for the rest of your life, you never felt like you were in any hurry to make him your boyfriend or to put a spin on things, but not knowing how Remus felt - that sometimes bothered you, perhaps he wanted to be so much more than what you’re happy with.
Sirius stared at you, the corner of his mouth curling into a grin whilst Professor Flitwick collected in your mock papers.
James turned around in his seat, smirking with Sirius “will you be coming to the party tomorrow?” James asked.
You nodded your head and yawned, “yeah” you replied, stretching in your seat “It’ll be the last time I get to see him before the full moon”
Sirius wiggled his eyebrows up and down, causing James to smirk more, both of them breaking out into a laugh when you covered your face, your cheeks turning red.
“Look” you sighed, pointing at James “you try anything, and I mean anything at all, and you can kiss your second chance with Lily goodbye.”
James put his hands up in defence, pretending to be scared and murmuring “oh Y/N! please don’t set S-Snivellus on me, I’ll behave, I-I promise!”
Sirius couldn’t contain his laughter, shooting glares at Severus as he glared at you all from his desk. Peter looked a little afraid and cowered in his seat, you rolled your eyes at James, Remus blinked heavily to stay awake, smiling to himself at the sight of you.
You wound your hair around your wand, holding it for a moment and then letting go, watching your now springy curls twirl down and bounce, Lily walked around the room, applying the tiniest bit of blusher to her cheeks.
“You can get away with wearing such little makeup!” her friend commented as if she read your mind.
You applied your mascara and matte lipstick, looking at yourself once more in the mirror - you’d think you were going out for a meal, or to a dance, but you were only going down to the common room, you felt kind of silly for putting this much effort in, especially since Remus and you were friends; who did you have to impress?
Lily shook her head “I only wear it for special occasions, hopefully, this shade will keep that James Potter as far away from me as possible.”
“Hey” you called out, turning away from the mirror and walking towards Lily and her friend “I know you can’t stand him, and his ego is bigger than his shoe size, but James can be really nice once you get to know him” you defended your house teams seeker, walking towards the door “give him a chance.”
Bursting into the common room the smell of fire whiskey, smoke from the fireplace, and butterbeer overpowered the room, the chatter and laughter drowned out your thoughts whilst you searched for Remus.
You caught many eyes in the common room, none the beautiful shade of green you were so desperately interested in and searched for - you couldn’t find him anywhere.
“Bit lost, Y/N?” Sirius called out, nudging you in the arm playfully, another smirk creeping on his face.
You frowned, continuing to look for Remus on the spot, “I can’t find him anywhere, did he cancel?” you looked through the window at the night sky, searching for the moon.
“No, love” Sirius replied, taking a sip of fire whiskey “he’s a bit weaker tonight but he promised he’d be here.”
Part of you wanted to go into his dorm room and check, but you were friends - you couldn’t invade his privacy even if you were given permission to do so.
You nodded, feeling slightly better but also more worried about Remus, he hated the plague that was forced upon him and took over him once a month - you started to question whether or not he was already in the shrieking shack, all alone and falling apart.
Sirius noticed your sudden dip and put his arm around you, pulling you in closely “he’s going to be okay, Y/N” he said lowly into your ear “we’re all worried about him.”
Remus stood across the room, staring at you seemingly melting into Sirius’s embrace. Despite feeling sick, drained, and weak, he felt like transforming then and there, ripping Padfoots arm off his body.
“thank you” you smiled up at Sirius, part of your worries dissipating “I’m glad he has you lot to look after him”
Remus couldn’t bear it anymore, watching whilst his best friend got closer and closer to taking you away from him - he clenched his sweaty palms into fists, storming over to you with all of his strength, shivering against the cold despite the amount of heat engulfing you all in the room.
You looked over your shoulder, your eyes finally meeting those beautiful green ones you spent ages searching for. Pulling away from Sirius you hurried over to Remus and wrapped your arms around him as gently as you could, you nuzzled your face into his neck, his cool skin relieving you from overheating.
“I’ve been looking for you everywhere!” you breathed, now pulling away and smiling at him, then frowning “I thought you cancelled.”
“is that why you were so close to him?” Remus spat, his temper ticking like a time bomb casually jolting in his stomach.
You flinched away from him, staring into his eyes feeling taken aback.
“He’s my friend” you replied as softly as you could “are you alright?”
He grabbed you by the wrist and pulled you into him, you could tell he was furious, jealous, and mortified. Your lips crashed against his whilst his hands fumbled with the zip on the back of your dress.
You pulled away from the heated kiss “not here” you pulled his fingers away from your zip.
Remus licked his lips slowly, staring at you as if you were something to eat, he grabbed you by the wrist again and lead you to his empty dorm room, fighting against his paranoia.
James and Sirius watched the two of you leave the common room, muttering to one another about the status of your relationship, debating whether or not to make a bet with the little gold that sat in the bottom of their pockets.
“Potter!” Lily called out, walking over to the two troublemakers “your hair looks ridiculous”
The two of you got undressed and couldn’t keep your hands off one another, Remus pushed you down onto his warm bed, his cold hands tracing around your breasts whilst he planted kisses down your neck, your soft moans filling the dorm room and exciting him even more.
Remus sucked on your neck softly, leaving little love bites before pulling away and taking your breast into his mouth, sucking slowly as you took his length into your hand, pumping it. Moaning against your breast, Remus pulled away and reached for the lube in the drawers on his bedside table.
“are you sure you want to?” you asked nervously, staring into his lust-filled eyes.
He nodded and smiled softly, “of course” he replied, “do you?”
You mirrored his smile and nodded your head “of course I do, Remus.”
He applied the silky lube onto his length, and then more onto his fingers which he spread across your entrance, slipping two of his fingers inside of you, pumping in and out to get you warmed up.
His cock hardened and you watched him in awe, biting your lip and moaning at the feel of his touch, he held the base of his cock with his other hand and looked into your eyes for approval, you nodded and he lined himself up against your entrance, pushing himself inside of you slowly, filling you up as your walls tightened around him.
You moaned out softly, watching his perfect scarred body move whilst he thrust inside of you, Remus moved closer and wrapped his arms around you, pushing himself deeper inside of you. Your arms wrapped around him and pulled him closer, your lips hovering against his ear, each and every one of your moans you let out not going unheard.
His lips grazed against your collarbone, the sight of his lower back and bum making you blush with each thrust. Your hands travelled up higher, your fingers now tangled in his light brown hair, Remus pulled away from you and grabbed onto your legs, propping them up upon his shoulders, his cock travelling even deeper inside of you, the head brushing against your G-Spot.
“Remus, I can feel you against my-” you scrunched your eyes shut, unable to control your moans.
Remus felt his heart flutter as you moaned out his name, seeing you look so exquisite and blissful whilst he pleasured you - no one else, just him.
Bucking his hips, Remus groaned out and gripped onto your waist, keeping you in line whilst he fucked you deeper and faster, hitting your G-Spot over and over, sending you over the edge, your hands gripping onto his bedsheets so tight that your knuckles turned white.
“You feel so fucking good!” You moaned out again, your lip now red from all of the biting “I’m-” your legs began to jolt uncontrollably “I’m getting close!”
Each and every time you came undone onto Remus, it flicked switches inside of him, his cock started to throb inside of you, twitching with each and every thrust - he felt himself - like you - getting closer and closer to bursting.
The sight of your legs jolting, your back arching, your mouth wide open, the sound of you moaning his name, telling him how good he felt, your walls tightening around him, the thought of your cum spilling down his cock - he couldn’t take it anymore, and before he could control himself, he released his seed deep inside of you, being too dazed to realise what he had done.
Remus collapsed on top of you, chasing his feeling of bliss before his other feelings of shame and disgust crept upon him.
You laid there, Remus on top of you, your heart pounding in your chest, not knowing what Remus had done, your stroked his hair and felt yourself getting closer to drifting off to sleep.
After five minutes of cooling down, Remus’s body language made it pretty clear that he wanted to be left alone, guilt and hurt surged inside of you, a few meters behind the panic - you quickly scrambled to your feet, getting dressed and hurrying out of his dorm room.
James and Lily were having the smoothest conversation together than anyone had ever seen, not a single argument had broken out and Sirius watched, scanning the room for more fire whiskey with each cup he emptied.
Seeing tears run down your face as you scrambled towards your dorm, he tried to follow you but stopped in his tracks, realising there was no way he could get up there, instead he walked towards his own, bumping into a very poorly, annoyed, and irritable Remus.
Sitting on the tile floor of the shower, you pressed your eyes into your hands, seeing colourful stars appear in the darkness. Remus didn’t say a word to you since that night and he had been at the shrieking shack for over a week, refusing to return despite the begging and convincing of Padfoot, Prongs, and Wormtail. Your period was also late, your breasts swelling and constant nausea made you worry.
You wanted to sit under the flowing hot water for the rest of the day, but you knew you couldn’t, in a few minutes time your life could be changed forever. Your hand rested on top of your stomach, the thought of another life in there bringing you to tears.
Standing up, you turned off the water and grabbed your towel, drying yourself and wrapping it around you, trying to stay as warm as possible.
Getting changed into some comfortable clothing, you walked into your empty dorm room, opening your drawer and peering over at the pregnancy test two thick red lines peered back at you through their little windows; your now stomach doing flips, your heart sinking down into your flipping tummy, and your life-changing forever.
With your test stuffed into your tracksuit bottom pockets, you hurried across the Quidditch pitch, running over to James who was too busy waving at Lily up in the stands to notice you.
“Where is he!” you demanded.
James looked confused and slightly alarmed “who? Mooney? You know-”
“No!” you hissed under your breath, trying not to cause a scene “Sirius, I need him, where is he?”
“He’s catching up on homework by the lake-”
You took off and sprinted past James, too focused on finding your best friend to thank him or care about disrupting Quidditch practice.
Finally reaching Sirius you collapsed next to him on your knees, against the tree, tears running down your face and your lips going bright red and swelling.
Sirius dumped his books on the grass without a second thought, accidentally spilling his inkpot across the pages he had worked so hard on.
“I don’t know what to do” you cried, your head going back into your hands, rocking yourself forwards and backwards.
Sirius could feel his heart pound like yours, he put his arm around you and pulled you back into his arms.
“What’s the matter, Y/N?” he asked softly, rubbing your arm “please tell me.”
You dived into your pocket and pulled out the pregnancy test, handing it to him.
Sirius stared at the test, his heart dropping when he finally understood the results, knowing how Remus would react if he found out about being the reason an innocent baby would turn into a monster.
“I don’t know what to do” you cried “he’s just my friend, this was never meant to happen.”
Sirius debating many of the plans that swam around his head, but he picked the one he knew was best.
“We can’t hide this from him,” he said softly, lifting up your chin so you would finally look at him “he’s our friend, he deserves to know.”
Remus finally broke out of hiding, appearing and feeling much better than before, but unfortunately, he had walked over to you and his best friend at the wrong time - getting the wrong end of a very confusing stick.
“deserves to know what?” he called out, his voice shaking.
You jumped out of your skin and looked at Remus, more open wounds on his face slowly healing.
His eyes fell on the pregnancy test in his best friends hands “are you...” he sounded breathless.
You nodded your head slowly “yes” more tears formed in your eyes.
Remus shook his head and swallowed hard, clenching his fists, his eyes shooting daggers into Sirius.
“I trusted you, Padfoot!” you raised his voice.
Sirius got to his feet quickly, shaking his head “Remus, settle down, this isn’t what you think-”
“sure it is!” Remus flashed you a glare “you’ve always been close to her, you’ve always tried to push me out so you could have her!”
“Remus, please!” you begged, standing up and pulling on his arm “let me explain!”
“explain what exactly?” Remus croaked “that you’re carrying my best friend’s baby?”
You shook your head, hyperventilating whilst your hot tears ran down your red cheeks “no, the baby isn’t his you idiot!”
Remus paused, stopping himself from inching closer to Sirius, his eyes desperately searching yours.
“W-What do you mean?” Remus asked.
“The baby I’m carrying” you choked “it’s yours.”
Taglist: @amourtentiaa @reeophidian @inglourious-imagines @alwaysnforeverfangirl @impulse-anchor 
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thirdwheelerjames · 3 years
Motion Sickness
For @goodboylupin’s Candy Hearts Challenge. My Candy Heart prompt was In a Fog.
Read on AO3.
Regulus was pretty much done with humanity. Throughout his life he had gone through different names, Amor, Eros and, that horrible one associated with a flying baby, Cupid. Personally, he preferred Regulus, one he had adopted after several centuries on Earth, and had somehow ended as a star’s name. He didn’t mind sharing.
He’d seen many love stories come to life, being the one to give birth to them through different means and tactics. Sometimes they were long-lasting, beautiful creations, others resulted in horrible trainwrecks that he couldn’t be arsed to fix anymore. At first, when he was young and still believed he was special or something, he’d whined and suffered when his masterpieces were destroyed (be it cheating, death, or his fellow gods and goddesses fucking up), but after millennials of watching humanity tear itself apart, he didn’t mind that much, one less love story wouldn’t be the end of the world.
Tonight, however, was supposed to be a simple affair. He was always able to see two people were meant to be together a long time before they met, and he’d finally set the perfect encounter. His bow and arrow, both hidden in the shape of rings around his fingers, were ready to make love and passion derive. He waited by the bar, doing his best to look unapproachable (his good looks were a horrible disadvantage when trying to work) and sipping an Old Fashioned while he waited for the show to begin. Regulus checked his watch, a shiny silver, obnoxiously expensive thing because after years on Earth he’d become shallow, that told him he had 15 more minutes before getting to work.
The lights around the place dimmed and people instantly started shouting with excitement. On the far side of the room stood a small stage where several instruments laid, waiting for the infamous Marauders to play them. The indie band, which had launched into fame with a not-too-mediocre EP called Up to No Good, about a year before, were “returning to their roots” in a dingy London pub on a Friday night.
Regulus waited patiently, enjoying his not so bad drink and dreaming of going back to his peaceful flat in Islington. At 22:34, half an hour later than they were meant to come on stage, but right on time as Regulus had predicted it, the Marauders finally appeared.
Their frontman, James, or Jack, or Janice Potter, introduced the band with some cheesy remark about how much they missed home or something of the like. Soon after, they started playing. Regulus had to give them credit, they weren’t that bad, and that Potter fellow had a certain charm.
When his watch marked 22:50, he unsuspiciously transformed his rings into an actual bow and real arrows, invisible to the human eye. He raised it, still feeling a thrill run through his spine, and without a second hesitation shoot until the arrow stuck on the person’s heart. His satisfied smile only lasted a second before he realised, he had messed up. Fuck, he hated millennials and their social anxiety! He had shut the wrong person. Instead of the pretty redhead he was supposed to shoot, there stood a curly-haired man, who looked slightly out of place in his huge jacket and his nervous stare. Where was the redhead? He truly hated undecisive people. Lily Evans (someday—or now, never—Potter) was supposed to be there, but apparently, she had passed her ticket to her best friend, Remus Lupin. (Regulus knew this because Remus was meant to be Lily’s bridesman at her wedding, where he would finally declare his undying love to Sirius, James' best friend.) (He had really fucked up.)
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” he muttered under his breath. It was such a rookie mistake, and the stupid fog coming from the stage wasn’t helping him focus. Even gods needed glasses after a certain hour and he could feel a migraine starting.
In the spur of a moment, unwilling to leave poor Remus to die of a broken heart and unrequited love, Regulus raised his bow and an arrow flew until it hit Sirius Black in the centre of his chest, six months before it was meant to. The guitarist, who so far had been focused on his instrument and tumbling from C to Bb with steady fingers, stopped playing altogether and raised his head. As if an invisible thread united them, Remus and Sirius looked intensely at each other, until a huge smile illuminated the latter’s face and he threw a wink in Remus’ direction. James nudged his best friend unkindly after several seconds with the song lacking the guitar’s melody, and Sirius finally seemed to recover control over himself, not before noticing the adorable blush that stained Remus' cheeks even in the low lighting and the thick fog.
Only then was Regulus able to breathe peacefully again. He’d have to concoct a new plan to get James and Lily together, but at least he hadn’t fucked up both couples. Not yet at least, he thought. He walked among the fog towards Remus, because, if he was going to have to see this whole thing unfold, he might as well get front row seats.
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culturecalypsosblog · 3 years
Todays starseed & Greek mythology blog is on Lyrans
What is a Lyran Starseed?
Known as the original keepers of ancient knowledge, Lyran starseeds are highly intelligent, evolved beings originating from Vega, the brightest planet within the Lyra constellation.
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Rather interestingly, it’s highly unlikely first-generation Lyrans exist anymore. The lyran civilization is considered ancient, it’s the galactic equivalent to Earth’s ancient ‘Romans’ or ‘Egyptians’.
We know they existed at some point, but now only descendants of their bloodline exist.
The original lyran energy was believed to have been wiped out during the Draco-Lyran war, an energetic war against greed, power, and control.
The remaining lyrans decided to flee their homeland, entering reincarnation cycles in other star systems such as Pleiades, Sirius, and Orion.
This is why many Lyran starseeds feel a connection with the term ‘old soul’ – it’s extremely likely they’ve lived many, many lives on other planets, galaxies and systems before reincarnating on planet Earth.
With their original civilization being wiped out, you’d think they would feel a strong sense of homesickness like the Mintakans. However, that couldn’t be further from the truth.
What is a Starseed? Are You One of Them?
Unlike any other starseed, Lyran and to some extent Feline starseeds feel very at home on Earth. They love the chaotic nature of Earth life and the undeniable freedom that comes with it.
They are the true pleasure seekers amongst us, reveling in this planet’s food, drink, culture, and oddities.
Their old, wise self recognizes that there is no point in looking to the past or yearning for what was. Instead, they only choose to look to the future and live in the now.
However, some younger Lyran starseeds have noted feeling stuck or a sense of uneasiness about their next reincarnation, as it’s not possible for them to ever go ‘home.
Lyran Starseed Origin – Where is My Soul From?
Lyran starseeds originate from Lyra, a small constellation sometimes visible in the night sky.
It’s bordered by Vulpecula to the South, Hercules to the East, Draco to the North, and Cygnus to the West.
In star maps, it’s represented by a vulture or an eagle carrying a lyre, one of the lyran starseed activation symbols.
The most famous star in this constellation is Vega, which is also one of the brightest stars visible from Earth. Lyra is known as the ‘Falling Eagle’ or ‘Falling Vulture’ to astrologers.
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14 Major Signs that Confirm You’re a Lyran Starseed
1. You’re an old soul
Lyran starseeds carry undeniable elder energy. An energy that’s serious and wise and everybody knows to respect.
Unlike younger souls, you know that there are things you can change, and some things that are best left alone. You trust that whatever is meant to be will be.
2. You trust in the flow of life
You have a deep inner knowing that everything in life will work out, despite the ups and downs you may face along the way. You believe that you have the inner strength and knowledge to handle any obstacle thrown at you.
Whilst you feel the need to control your life at times, you always end up resorting back to a state of flow. You will excel even in the harshest of conditions.
3. You love anything to do with history
Lyran starseeds have an insatiable thirst for history, especially ancient history. This reminds them of their background and heritage. You’ll likely feel a weird connection or sense of belonging when learning about old times.
4. You’re a very passionate person on the inside but…
You don’t let this passion overthrow your deeply grounded nature. You carry a very balanced masculine and feminine energy, although you can quickly adapt your energy to suit the task at hand.
You do act on your inspired ideas but unlike Pleiadian starseeds or Andromedan Starseeds don’t feel the need to act on them straight away in a hurried nature.
You know that passion, as with any feeling comes and goes. You prefer to act when the time feels right to you.
5. Your sacral and root chakra are strong
Your sacral and root chakras are the strongest within your chakra system, although the rest of your chakras are fairly balanced.
You might be drawn to the color red, in recognition of the fire element Lyrans founded, and due to the strength of your root chakra. Orange might also be a color you’re attracted to.
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6. You love to have a good time
You’re a true pleasure seeker, enjoying everything that Earth has to offer. You love food, drink, culture, and everything in between. You love experiencing new things and love to have a good time.
One thing to note here though is that Lyran Starseeds aren’t usually reckless with their behavior. You’re likely to enjoy the finer things in life, even aspiring to live a life of luxury.
7. You feel drawn to lost lands and ancient civilizations
You can’t wait to learn more about the lost lands of the world. You love anything to do with myths, legends and have a fondness for conspiracy theories. You believe in things many Earth souls would believe are ‘wacky’ or ‘out there’.
8. You’re drawn to the arts of magick and divination
You’re naturally skilled at more or more psychic abilities; divination, tarot, elemental magick, fortune-telling, clairvoyance, just to name a few.
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You’re more likely drawn to older methods of magick e.g. candle magick as opposed to newer, modern forms e.g crystal magick.
9. You’re an effortless manifestor
Manifesting comes easy to you, almost too easy. You have to be careful what you say out loud or think as you know the universe is only too keen to grant your wishes. Every cell in your body naturally vibrates at a higher frequency.
You most likely resonate with 777hz or 888hz when listening for pleasure. You are what others might call ‘naturally lucky’, but you know luck has got nothing to do with it.
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10. You’re an independent person
Fiercely independent, you hate relying on other people for anything. You are the type of person who believes it’s better to do something yourself and do it well. You appreciate boundaries in your relationships and crave alone time to recharge.
11. You are quietly confident
Lyran starseeds are most likely to carry off that quietly confident energy. Unlike Arcturians, you’re not open about feeling confident.
You rely on your aura and energy to speak for itself. You’re what others would call ‘humble’, perhaps even ‘too modest’.
On the flip side, if you’re out of alignment with your true self, you might lack confidence and embody low self-esteem.
12. And a little impatient when it comes to results
Remember when I said you’re an effortless manifestor? Well, that comes at a price.
You sometimes expect results to come quicker than they should, and forget that you’re living in a 3D dimension where energy is dense and less free-flowing. You get impatient when things don’t happen as fast as you would like them to.
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13. You love adventures and spontaneity
You value your freedom and love spontaneous adventures, surprises and trips. You realize that it’s all part of the experience on Earth, that your soul gets to enjoy a physical, 3D world.
You see the world as a playground for your soul. You may feel drawn to visiting the Earth’s most spiritual places.
14. You’re fearless in the pursuit of your dreams
Whilst negative and self-sabotaging thoughts can creep up on you, you’re not the type of person to let them override your positive, optimistic outlook on life.
You recognize that you’re simply experiencing a feeling that is common on Earth, or better yet, you acknowledge that you’re absorbing other people’s energies that don’t belong to you. You’re emotionally and intuitively intelligent.
Lyran Starseed’s Mission & Purpose on Earth
Lyran starseeds truly are an oddity but in the best possible way. Compassionate yet authoritative, wise yet caring, lyran starseeds encompass the best of what the human race has to offer.
With that in mind, some would argue that the Lyrans have already performed their unique mission and purpose – it’s long been believed that Lyran and Feline starseeds played a unique role in the creation of humanity, offering the element of fire and seeding the first souls to Atlantis and Lemuria.
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On a personal soul level, Lyrans are here to embrace abundance and freedom on every possible level.
They must learn to tap into their strong intuition and trust where they’re being led, even if it doesn’t make sense.
The intelligence of the universe lies within their soul DNA and they must trust that no matter how rough the seas become, they can weather anything providing they tap into that higher knowledge.
Do Lyran Starseeds Have a Natural Affinity with Animals?
Yes! Lyran starseeds are likely to be drawn to animals, or perhaps it’s the other way around.
Animals, especially cats, birds, and small rodents are attracted to their gentle, warm, and inviting aura. This is said to be due to their close connection with the Feline starseeds.
Lyran Starseed Activation Symbols
The most common Lyran symbols are the Lyre and the harp. Associated with the Greek God, Orpheus, the lyre is symbolic of entertainment, fun, and feasts.
Together the lyre and the harp represent the Lyran’s abundant and playful nature. It’s an ode to them enjoying the good things in life. It’s also a sign of their creativity and grounded passion.
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Greek mythology:
Lyra represents the lyre of Orpheus, the musician and poet in Greek mythology who met his end at the hands of the Bacchantes. When he passed, his lyre was thrown into a river. Zeus sent an eagle to get the lyre and placed both of them in the sky.
Greek mythology, Lyra represents the lyre of Orpheus. Made by Hermes from a tortoise shell, given to Apollo as a bargain, it was said to be the first lyre ever produced. Orpheus's music was said to be so great that even inanimate objects such as rocks could be charmed.
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