#characters that are like a cat that hangs out outside your house and they go missing for a month and then you see them on a random sunday
calmcoldevening · 1 year
Pov: You loved vampire!slashers in your past life and now you met them again
TW: mention of blood, biting, vampire and e.t.c
Characters: Vincent Sinclair, Michael Myers, Hannibal Lecter
English is not my native language, so sorry about misspells. I hope you enjoy it ♡
Mieloji (Lithuanian) — Darling
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You have just moved to a new small town away from the hustle and bustle of megacities. Surprisingly, you quickly found a place to live and settled into a small house, beautiful and cozy. After unpacking all the things, you decided to explore a new city a little. After all, you've been living here for quite a while, haven't you?
And now you are standing in front of a large mansion, made in the likeness of a certain Gothic style. The massive building was made in dark colors. Large windows with a pleasant view of a surprisingly well-kept garden with bushes of blood-red roses; a dark pointed roof with neat tiles; dark gray walls of the mansion with peeling paint in some places. In front of your face were massive doors made of dark oak with a neat intricate engraving on them. Something like snakes.
You take a deep breath, gathering your courage, and slowly open the door. It does not give in immediately, the old hinges creak disgustingly. And here you are inside. You can see a huge corridor with a large staircase directly opposite the entrance. The interior is made in black and red tones, in some places you can see elements of silver or gold. Huge paintings in gold frames hang on both walls of the lobby. They depict some important people with menacing faces, but you can't make out the text on the captions to the portraits. It's a language you don't know. A huge chandelier with red candles burning on it hangs on the ceiling. Even the very flame on them seems scarlet. And although it's only early autumn outside, it's strangely cool in the mansion. Almost grave cold.
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Michael Myers
You notice that your kitten is behaving strangely. Perhaps you shouldn't have taken him to such a strange mansion. The black little animal begins to meow often and asks to get off your hands. You slowly put him on the floor, and he runs straight up the stairs to the second floor.
"Michael, be a good boy and come back!" You mumble in a voice a little louder than a whisper.
Your boy has never been so restless, on the contrary, he was usually even too calm. Even when you first found this baby, he was a quiet, albeit wayward cat. As if he understood you.
You hear the cat meowing from one of the distant rooms and sigh in defeat. Slowly climbing up the burgundy trunk to the stairs, you hold on to the smooth black railing with your hand. When you reach the back room, you notice Michael sitting on a large velvet bed with a satisfied smile. It was a huge double bed with a gray canopy over it and a carved headboard. A truly aristocratic bed. You come closer, holding out your hands to the kitten.
"Come on, be a good boy, we need to go. We don't want to meet the owner of this place, do we?"
Finally, the cat climbs into your arms and you turn around to leave, but abruptly bump into something. He was a huge man. You back away in fear, landing on the bedspread. You just crashed into his chest...
Your eyes go up, examining the man with horror. He was at least six feet tall, menacing and cold as a statue. His dark curly hair fell in careless curls over his pale face. The man's face was expressionless, and his large copper eyes were bloodshot.
You reflexively hug the cat to you, trying to protect him, and you close your eyes. The man raises his hand and...
His big cold palm with rough fingers gently touches your face, stroking your cheek. You slowly open your eyes, looking at the stranger in disbelief. But now his face wasn't so impassive. Behind all this cold facade there was a hint of... Happiness?
The man was standing there, stroking your face, as your kitten jumped to the floor, starting to rub against the man's leg. What a... He never recognized strangers, even hissed at them if someone got too close to you.
You look up at a man, and your eyes meet. Why is he silent?
"Y/ N..." he mutters faintly, and your heart starts beating wildly in your ears.
How does he know your name? A moment later, and the man gets on his knees, hugging you around the waist and putting his head on your lap. Even in this position, he was huge. He covers his red eyes, starting to slowly rub his face against your knees and emit a light purr. Just like a kitten...
"Missed you."
And again just one phrase. But it's enough to make your heart start to ache strangely in your chest. Your hands seem to move by themselves, burrowing into his unruly curls and massaging his tense skin. A strange feeling of deja vu appeared inside. As if it really was before...
Looking up, you don't find a kitten.
"Michael," you mutter softly, frowning, and notice that the man raised his head, looking at you with his puppy dog eyes. His name... Michael? Just like your kitten. You sigh softly and smile at him. The man... No, Michael, he smiles a little in response and you see little fangs peeking out from under his lips. A vampire... But it doesn't scare you. For the first time, nothing scares you. It's like you've finally come home.
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Vincent Sinclair
It was a huge picturesque mansion where you wanted to stay longer. All this mysterious interior in the mystical light of blood candles caused a strange excitement in your stomach.
You slowly climb up to the second floor, looking at the paintings and leading your hand along the different railings. A truly blood-stirring place.
Walking to the second floor, your feet lead you to the first room you come across. A spacious room with dark curtains on the windows, inside there were several tables littered with papers and paraffin candles standing on them. But what caught your eye were the drawings. Oh, Father, it was a whole picture gallery! All the walls of the room were hung with old, slightly yellowed and frayed paper. And on each sheet there were different faces, as if alive. You came closer to examine them and... Your face was here. It was almost perfect. The accuracy with which your facial features and your hair were transferred, although they were somewhat longer in the portraits... Your smile is so bright and colorful. Your eyes... It was really you. But you've never worn such strange dresses... And where did your image come from here?
There was a thump behind you, as if something heavy had fallen to the floor. You turn around and freeze in place.
It was a man. He was dressed in unusual clothes for modernity, rather resembling the costumes of the Victorian era. His long hair fell over his broad shoulders, and his face was covered with a snow-white mask. Several heavy volumes of books lay on the floor in front of him. So that's what it fell...
It seems the man is hesitating. His ringed hands are shaking a little as he gathers his thoughts. It was as if he had seen a ghost. Or a goddess.
The stranger is slowly moving towards you, his dark hair flowing over his strong shoulders like silk ribbons. He slowly knelt down, gently hugging you with trembling hands. You feel this cold touch on your hot skin, but it seems almost... comforting. You look down at him, your hands almost reflexively reaching for his hair, gently running through the soft strands. And he shudders. A dull, barely audible whimper fills the room. The man presses closer to your body and mutters something indistinctly.
A simple "Vincent" flashes through your head, and you don't notice how you say it out loud. The man shudders, looking up at you, and your heart freezes. His blood-filled eyes look at you with unprecedented love and tenderness. You're back, they say.
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Hannibal Lecter
"You're finally here, Mieloji."
It was a deep male voice that made your blood run cold in your veins. You slowly turned your head towards the stairs, noticing a tall man on it.
He was dressed in a dark suit with a starched white shirt peeking out from under his vest. His entire appearance radiated elegance and sophistication. Those carefully arranged hair on her head, shining in the bloody candlelight. This sweet, but at the same time dangerous, intoxicating snow-white smile with plump pink lips. And, oh, those blood-red eyes looking into the very depths of your trembling soul.
As he slowly descends towards you, you back away, pressing into the wall. The man reaches out to you with his pale hand with neatly sharpened nails, touching your cheek. Only now do you notice how much he towers over you. Like a predator over a prey.
"I had no hope of meeting you again, Mieloji," He whispers, leaning against your neck and looking at you with his burning eyes.
"S-Sorry... But I don't understand what you're talking about..." You mutter softly, feeling your knees slowly give way, "Maybe you're confusing me with someone..."
"Oh, no, dear. I recognize you from a thousand," He whispers with a predatory smile, baring a pair of sharp fangs, "I recognize you from a thousand, Y/N."
"How do you know my name?" Your voice is shaking. It seems like it was too much for you. You were scared.
"Shh, Mieloji. I didn't mean to scare you," His gaze softens for a moment as he runs his thumb over your trembling lip, "I'm Hannibal."
He probably expected this name to give you some hint of what's going on, but you just nervously pursed your lips. What a strange man he is... Although it was worth this name to fly off his plump lips, as your heart skipped a light beat. But this is not enough to believe his words. You're just scared...
"It seems you've really forgotten me, Mieloji," Hannibal murmured with a slight bitterness, looking into your beautiful eyes. Oh, he was drowning in their alluring depths every time, "I shouldn't have let you go then... But I cherished you too much to deprive you of the joys of mortal life."
The man wrapped his free arm around your waist, pulling you into his cold embrace. Your smaller body looked so perfect in his hands... The pleasant aroma of his body hits you in the nose, mixed with a slight taste of copper and sandalwood. At this moment you feel so calm, here in his arms. It's as if the whole world around you has ceased to exist, just you and him.
His cold hand slowly looks at your tense back, lightly sliding his nails on the fabric of your clothes. Hannibal remembered it all too well: every curve of your body, the scent of your hair and your gentle voice. It was definitely you, his beloved, who returned to him after centuries. He knew it right away, as soon as he noticed you at the gate through the window of the second floor.
"Mieloji, I've missed you so much... I thought I wouldn't see you again," he muttered, a hint of relief in his voice.
Oh, how you wanted to believe him. It all seemed like a pleasant dream. You just moved out of your old town and entered a mansion you didn't know, but this was the first time you really felt at home. You were in the right place.
You almost reflexively squeeze the fabric of his vest between your fingers, and the man lets out a light laugh. He pulls away, still holding you by the waist and burying his free hand in your hair. Hannibal tilts your head slightly to the side.
"Let me show you my love again," he whispers, and you feel a painful burning sensation in your neck.
His sharp fangs cut into your flesh, and his pink lips begin to slowly suck your skin. It was painful. But gradually this feeling was replaced by something like... pleasure?
"Let me help you remember everything, Mieloji."
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adrianasunderworld · 11 months
TwstxStardew Valley au!
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Yuu inherited the Ramshackle farm from their grandfather. It's located in the little town of Night Raven in the Valley of Sages. Shortly after moving in, they find a cat called Grim. Now it's up to Yuu to restore the farm and town to it's former glory. All the characters are the townsfolk, all the staff are the ones that run the local businesses, and Crowley is the mayor. And all the students are the marriage candidates.
Sam runs the general store, but unlike Pierre he's pretty cool. Vargas is the blacksmith. Trien is the librarian, and his cat hangs out amongst the shelves. Crewel I was thinking we have a new business that is the local clothing store where you can buy the bag upgrade from him and instead of the sewing machine being in Emily's house, it's in the shop. So all that stuff would be in one place.
Kalim as the resident animal lover I can see being the one that sells you your farm animals. Maybe his business is a branch of his parents much larger business that he runs and Jamil is his employee.
I feel like it goes without saying that Idia is the Sebastian here. He's the freelance programmer living in his parents basement, and Ortho Is his kid brother you see running around town that always tells Yuu about how cool his brother actually is.
Silver lives with his veteran dad in their little cottage in the woods outside your farm, they like living off the land out there. I can also see Lilia and Baul as the ones that run the adventurers guild. Maybe the Zigvolt family dental clinic is also in town and Sebek works there. And in that same vein, maybe Mrs. Rosehearts is the town doctor and her son, Riddle, is her assistant. She's planned everything out that Riddle will become a doctor like her and take over the clinic one day.
Epel is still a farm boy here, it feels right, he's in his element in this au. The Felmiers run an orchard on the opposite side of town. His granny used to know your grandpa, and maybe Farmer Yuu can buy fruit tree saplings from them.And of course get a good price on the apple ones.
Deuce is the former town delinquent that lives with his single mom. He's doing his best to turn their life around, he grew out of his old ways and wants to do better. I can see his heart events being about people assuming he's going to cause trouble because of his old habits and Deuce having to prove he's not that little teenage punk anymore. And instead of Idia/Sebastian, Deuce is the one that takes you on the motorcycle date if you romance him.
Mostro Lounge is the equivalent of the Stardrop Saloon, and Azul is th owner with the tweels working for him.
Malleus I can see being the one that lives in the wizard tower in the woods outside your farm. He's studied magic all his life because it's all he's ever known. But he wants very badly to interact with the town and the villagers, but everyone tends to stay away. The only exceptions being Lilia, Silver, and Sebek. That is until Yuu moves in and discovers his tower, and once Malleus helps them understand the Juiminos in the community center, they become better friends.
@mangacupcake @marrondrawsalot @writing-heiress @the-weirdos-mind
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bonefall · 7 months
Talk and/or rant about why you like Bumble from DotC please?
Bumble makes me want to cry. Her story is just... heartbreaking. She's one of the sweetest, most honest characters in the entire series, and the way she is abused by Tom the Wifebeater and denied asylum by the Moor Cats, then murdered for Clear Sky's arc, genuinely makes me feel sick.
But I've talked about that before. Many, many times. Let me celebrate her brief life for this one post, just covering her during The Sun Trail. Her first appearance in Book 2 where Clear Sky murders her, Thunder Rising, is the start of the scene that begins her slow, agonizing death.
I don't only love her out of spite for how she died; I love her because she was a wonderful, warm, confident character, and an excellent friend. She provided relief from the agonizing Settler group, who are insufferably angsty and controlling of each other, and most importantly, space away from Turtle Tail's awful friend, Gray Wing.
The closer that Bumble gets to Turtle Tail, the more confrontational Gray Wing becomes. He starts to hate Bumble, as if she's stealing his Plan B while he spends all the rest of his time with Storm. I'm convinced that the writers (and the fandom sometimes <_<) believe that this is "compelling romantic drama" which makes Turtle x Gray sweeter when it finally happens, but it just makes me feel like TurtleGray is the Bad Ending for every woman character involved.
After a brief appearance as she witnesses the Settlers arrive on the moor, the very first time we get to meet Bumble is when Gray Wing and Turtle Tail are hanging out on some sunny rocks. She's cheerful, outgoing, and curious, wanting to get to know her new neighbors.
Gray Wing, the POV character, immediately makes an incorrect assumption about her weight, thinking she won't be able to climb. She can, just fine, and she plays an Uno Reverse card on how skinny they are lmao
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First thing out of her mouth is, "Oh you are SKIN AND BONES!!" Same energy as grandma who is about to make you feel more full than you have ever been in your entire life, considering she's going to open her home to Turts in a couple chapters.
They get into a conversation where Bumble asks where they came from, and why they left the mountains. She remains friendly and open, just enjoying small talk with these total strangers. She's enjoyable and lighthearted, in welcome contrast to the Settler's group which is full of moping, miserable cats.
(and in my live-read I was even frustrated at the time by how it seemed like the Settlers would have 1 or 2 nice moments, and then go back to fighting or brooding. It's unpleasant.)
In this first interaction it's just a glimmer, but it seems that what Turtle Tail LIKES about Bumble is that she makes her feel special. She LISTENS, unlike how Gray Wing is going to be in a couple of chapters.
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She likes telling the shocking tale of giant birds to Bumble, and Bumble is happy that they're away from such hardships now. When Turtle Tail turns the questions back on her, Bumble is happy to gush about her life as a house cat.
She loves her people, playing with their children and always having plenty of food, explaining that when she gets bored she comes to the woods for a nice walk. Then, she mentions something very important.
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Historically, there WAS no aggression towards outsiders. Cats like Bumble didn't take what they didn't need, and were left alone for it. This first interaction paints the full picture. Bumble wasn't afraid of the Settlers because there never was a reason to be scared.
CLEAR SKY is inventing the borders to aggrieve random cats. Him. His idea. Before him, you could walk through the forest freely like Bumble did.
This is before the arc irrevocably goes up in flames at the end of Book 3 by committing to a Clear Sky "Redemption," and is forced to create One Eye and Slash out of nowhere for Books 4/5/6. Before that absolutely baffling mistake of a choice, it is clear that The Settlers are the problem.
There WAS no Slash or One Eye. They were retconned in midway through the arc to make Clear Sky and The Settlers look less bad.
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After this exchange, Turtle Tail dismisses Bumble's way of life and chuckles at a joke Gray Wing makes about how they'll probably never see Bumble again because she'll be afraid of them... but she's thinking about her. It strikes me as being the same kind of feeling as the swirling, murky feeling of a new crush.
Can't get the chunky kitty girl out of her head, can you, Turtle Tail?
We don't see Bumble for a few more chapters, but in her next appearance, it's implied she's been visiting Turtle Tail for a while. Gray Wing sees them sharing a meal. Please note how Turts is immediately defensive. As if she feels like she's being caught in the middle of doing something wrong.
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(Tangent: note the constant suspicion and aggression towards Wind and Gorse. who live here.)
Gray Wing is as oblivious as ever. For a character described as "wise" he's incredibly dense towards the feelings of others. Yet, always, ALWAYS, Bumble is cheerful. This brewing animosity is NOT returned, she's happy to see him again.
He tries to recruit her to the moor group and she enthusiastically declines with a "No way! I love my life, actually!"
As soon as she's out of earshot, Here Comes The Confrontation. The exact one that Turtle Tail correctly anticipated when she got defensive earlier;
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"You shouldn't have friends I don't approve of, Turtle Tail. It bothers me."
How can I NOT love Bumble? When her primary purpose is to be a friend for Turtle Tail, while Gray Wing is either ignoring her or sending her on guilt trips through this entire book? She's RELIEF for a woman who's being treated like trash, and every time she shows up she's doing something cute or helpful!
(Tangent: This book's pacing is garbage. The next scene is a sudden fox raid where a billion foxes attack the camp, and then the Settlers reveal that they don't know what a fox is. BUMBLE taught Turtle Tail about the danger of foxes. This is contradicted by the later books where there's cats back at the tribe named after foxes and Quiet Rain calls her shittiest son a foxheart. But there's waaay worse continuity errors in this arc.)
Gray Wing, the POV, hates her for no goddamn reason. It's right there on the page that he can't give Turtle Tail an answer as to why she should stop hanging out with her. The two continue to fight as Turts desperately tries to salvage their relationship while Gray Wing finds ways to snap at her or offend her.
I think the next appearance of Bumble is actually the most cringeworthy, though. I get secondhand embarrassment reading this one.
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Turts just stayed with her friend overnight, and Gray Wing throws a fit about it, hissing at her that she's using the wrong terms and that she's forgotten where she belongs. Bumble watches this all happen like 😬, and then when Turtle Tail apologizes for this asshole having a conniption, he hisses AGAIN and whines about how he doesn't need to be apologized for.
But Bumble, up to her very last appearance in this book, is helpful and open.
After Gray Wing is nearly slaughtered by Fox at the border on Clear Sky's orders, so he kills him in self defense, causing Clear Sky to disown Gray Wing as his brother, which is the final straw for the pregnant Storm to run off, and then The Pacing Brothers have a casual chat over the still-warm corpse of the dead lackey, the input lag finally sends the signal to Gray Wing's brain that he needs to go find Storm.
It's BUMBLE that tells him where she can be found, as always, cutting through tension. Turtle Tail stays behind because she's understandably fed up with Gray Wing, so Bumble brings him where he needs to go. She guides him through the town, over roads, to the abandoned building where Storm is staying.
Gray Wing whines the whole time because he is a loser.
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It's also interesting to me that when Bumble's annoyed with him, she doesn't huff or even get rude. She just glances back, and points out that there's disadvantages to his lifestyle too. You get used to it.
In better books, Gray Wing's POV would be considered unreliable in the end. He's an oblivious jackass whose thickness causes him to treat other people poorly, EXCEPT for his monstrous brother, whose violence and abuse he enables through the entire series. Though he's hailed as a "perfect boy so very full of love," he causes a LOT of the problems in his own relationships and familial dynamics.
Smarter books would encourage you to step back and think critically about the events as he perceived them;
Why did his judgement of Bumble begin to harden as Turtle Tail spent more time with her? Did Bumble do anything to deserve this?
Did Gray Wing's behavior lead to Turtle Tail's eventual decision to leave the moor? Were there other factors?
What are the flaws he can identify about himself? How will he grow from this?
Are there broader problems with The Settlers, which may have influenced the mindsets of both Turtle Tail and Gray Wing?
Unfortunately with Gray Wing, the only thing they identify as a "problem" in how he treated Turts in The Sun Trail is that he spent less time with her, as he pursued Storm. The controlling behavior and frequent arguing, the condescension, and the public embarrassment are NOT treated as negative traits to address as the series goes on.
(they never are. These are not directly addressed in any of the other terrible men in the series; Clear Sky, Bramblestar, Raggedstar, etc. only paternal neglect is condemned. Men are even allowed to beat their kids and it will not be called out.)
And breaking through that lens, you see Bumble. Who is just here to be a person that Turtle Tail needs, a good friend, someone who's confident, self-assured, and LOVES the life that she lives. I can't help but feel joy every time she walks onto the screen in The Sun Trail, because Gray Wing is SO frustrating that I'm rooting for Turtle Tail to go somewhere that she'll be appreciated.
It's as if they NEEDED to invent Tom the Wifebeater, who spawns in like some kind of random event just before Thunder Rising (the humans just... went to the shelter and adopted The Worst Cat. No checks on if he's aggressive towards other cats or anything), so that Turtle would HAVE some kind of reason to leave. Because, as you can see here, she wouldn't have gone back otherwise.
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Once Upon a Time 8
Warnings: non/dubcon and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
Characters: Andy Barber
Part of the Bookstore AU
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging.
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Questions without answers keep you awake. How did Andy get your number? How long did he follow you? Had he come all the way to your aunt's house? Is he outside right now?
Every creak of the house, every cat's paw, every noise has you tossing and turning. That brief security drifts into tenuous uncertainty. You give up just after midnight and go to the living room. You peek out the window, staring long at the street pole you think might just be a person. You back away and pull the curtains together. You retreat to the couch and turn the TV on at low volume.
You're not just scared for you anymore. You can't forgive yourself if you led Andy here. You don't know him, you don't know what he's capable of. And what you do know about him hardly lends you to assume he's a rational person.
You bend your legs, crossing your arms on your knees as you rest your chin on top. You go back through every word, every look, every gesture. What did you do? What idea did you give him? You smiled but you that's just a part of your job. You smile at every customer. You helped him find books, you helped him apply for a card, you did what was expected and nothing more. And when you saw him outside work, you kept your boundaries firm... didn't you?
You're on the edge of tears when Cece hops up, startling you as she lands on the cushion next to you. You touch her soft fur for comfort as she cuddles into you. You slide your legs off the couch and grab your phone.
You still haven't answered the ominous message. You don't think you will. What can you say? You flip open the chat and tap the three dots in the corner. 'Block'. There, that's all you can do. Talking to him only seems to fuel his delusion.
You inhale and lay down across the couch, pulling the cat to lay on your stomach. Cece purrs as you stretch out your legs and try to find a sliver of calm. You still have to go to work, you don't have much of a choice. Money is money.
You start at noon the next day; a half-shit that sprawls before you like eons. Your stomach flip and flops as you come up to the front doors, peering one way then the other, searching the faces of every customer approaching. You see him everywhere but only in your mind.
You go inside and hastily make your way back to the employee lounge. You put your stuff away and snap on your nametag, warily emerging and lingering towards the back of the store. You hang out near the manager's office until you work up the nerve to knock.
The only answer is a grunt. You wait until the door cracks open, greeted by Colin as he gives you a scowl.
"Can I help you?" He snaps.
"Yeah, uh, is Mr. Pine here?"
"No, he's off. Again," he rolls his eyes. "No, you can't leave early. The next person to ask can clean the toilets."
"I wasn't--" you swallow your protest, "thanks, sir. I'll just get to work."
"Thanks," he retorts dryly and shuts the door.
You cringe as you turn to face the store. Jeez. You fold your arms then uncross them. You have to do your job and you can't just walk around looking angsty.
You come up to the small home goods section with candles and the like as Chelsea has her phone in hand. You feel better with someone else around, even if she's ignoring you. Her small giggles and snorts underline the jazzy strings that play from the speakers.
You help a customer find the specialty hand cream the store options from a local maker then turn back as Chelsea drones dreamily. She twirls a strand of hair and smiles at the screen. You nearly scoff but you remind yourself not to be so cynical.
You near her again, pretending to sort the candles as you peek over your shoulder. Still no sign of your shadow. You're too restless to keep doing this.
"So, what's going on? Why are you so... smiley?" You ask.
"Um, oh, nothing," she preens and covers her phone.
You don't know her very well but she's a little less unapproachable than usual, "alright, you just seem... giddy. Are you... Is it a boy?"
"Shhh," she nearly leaps as she holds up and acrylic, "I... He's a man. And he's so hot."
"Oh," you nod, happy for the distraction of her babbling, "someone from classes?"
"Ha, those fuck boys," she rolls her eyes, "no, this guy. He's older, he's rich, and oh my god, he's sexy. Like... I didn't know they made men his age like that."
"Huh, wow," you mutter, "you seem really into him."
"I am so into him. You won't believe it. I was grabbing a latte over at the cafe and he paid for my order. We got to chatting and... I can't really talk about it at work," she giggles, "let me show you a picture."
She taps her phone and quickly turns the screen to you. You squint then your eyes round. You have to fight to keep your mouth from falling open. Oh my god.
You hope that means he's moved on. He got the hint and chose someone more interested. Still, Chelsea is even younger and that's concerning.
"How old is he?" You ask.
"Oh, don't judge me. He's like 40 or something. I don't know. Some lawyer," she pouts, "isn't he hot?"
She wiggles her phone at you again, the picture of Andy staring back at you.
"Sure," you agree, "I guess he's not really my type."
"Whatever," her attitude dims as she retracts her phone, "he wants to meet up tonight."
"Mmm, well, be careful," you gird.
"Ew, you're such a wet blanket," she sneers, "go away."
You shrug and do as she says. If he was off bothering Chelsea, then why did he send you that picture? Was it just him getting the last word? Or is there something else going on?
While you want to believe he's already forgotten about you, you just can't. There's a nagging in your stomach that tells you there's more to this. He's not done.
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qwimblenorrisstan · 16 days
Stitching Us Together
Chapter 2: The Puzzle
Summary: Following the previous night’s bizarre events, and the consequences it had brought, the group of four is back at it again, this time with one more puzzle piece than before.
Word Count: ~ 3.9k
Warnings: allusions to death, violence, military things, bri getting policed and parented, sassy teenagers, awful school food, nothing terrible
A/N: help I love writing for this story so much I wrote 2k words in my study block, I think I’m finally getting the hang of accents + writing for multiple characters at the same time, so now I’m just going to try and slowly flesh things out and make sub-conflicts, hope you enjoy<3
Requests are open!
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Junior was just praying to whatever gods that would listen that his dad didn’t find out.
And that Bri wouldn’t snitch.
He’d already had enough talks of “responsibility” and showing a “good example” for Josie and some of his younger relatives, even if they were worse behaved than him, and he hadn’t done anything that bad at their age.
“That oatmeal done something to you?”
His father’s ruddy voice, raspy from his previous years of smoking, interrupted his thoughts. He glanced up, finding his father wearing a black beanie, beard combed out, but he could still see the bits of sleep clinging to the corners of his eyes. Junior’s bowl of oatmeal for breakfast lay in front of him, almost untouched, other than a few little cat bites he’d taken.
“No, just…tired.”
His dad raised a brow, knowing it wasn’t like his son to be so distracted. He must’ve known the anxiety he saw in his brown eyes, because he let out a breath, sitting down in an old wooden chair that creaked under his weight. The bus would be coming by soon.
He really should finish the oatmeal.
“Doesn’t have anything to do with what Brianna was doin’ last night, does it?”
He tried not to look too guilty. Brianna wouldn’t have snitched on the rest of them being out there, but she hadn’t gotten into contact with anyone since being taken home by the police. Hadn’t responded to any of their calls or anything. Hadn’t even read all of the texts Isla had sent.
“What’d she do?”
Keep your head down.
Don’t avert your eyes.
He tried not to focus on how his hands were sweating around the spoon he held, digging into the oatmeal and shoving a bite into his mouth just to keep from saying something stupid or outright admitting it, which was hard under his father’s piercingly blue stare.
Junior didn’t think a minute had ever been longer, when eventually his father let out a little humph, adjusting his beanie, when his mum walked in just in time to save him from whatever his dad had been about to say.
“Now what’s going on in here, boys?”
Her eyes went to him, a brow expectantly raised, expecting an answer.
“Nothin’, mum.”
The sound of a heavy vehicle sighing outside reached his ears, and he got up, scraping what was left of his oatmeal out into the trash, pulling his backpack over his shoulder.
He mumbled, his father giving him a firm look when he glanced back, only for Junior to board the bus faster than ever before, sitting down on one of the blue leathery seats.
The school was right up the street, but his parents always insisted he take the bus, for whatever reason, as if he’d get mugged while walking a mile or two down the road. Bri and Isla took the bus too, while Charlotte was usually at her dad’s restaurant in the mornings, being driven by her dad when she was in his custody. Her mom had her take the bus when she was over at her house.
However, Brianna wasn’t here today, and only Isla was, right across from Junior to his left. She quickly noticed him, shifting over to the right to lean in and whisper to him.
“Have you heard from her?”
He shook his head, not missing the anxiety in Isa’s tone.
“It’ll be fine, maybe she just overslept, you don’t know.”
He suggested, at this point just trying to keep the girl’s nervousness down. It was pretty obvious, from the way her leg was bouncing.
“But we still don’t know who that person was, and if she’s walking to school, what if they’re waiting or something? And she hasn’t answered any texts either or called me back. I mean, I know she’s dry, but she always-“
She must’ve realized she was rambling, because she slumped into her seat with a sigh, and Junior put a hand on her shoulder. He made her look like an ant, and he just now realized that.
“Her dad probably took her phone, and jumping to conclusions about last night isn’t going to help anyone. We can talk to her once we get to school. You have second and third block with her, right?”
“Exactly, and Charlie’s with you almost the entire day, so am I, we’ll manage.”
She breathed out a sigh as the bus stopped, wheels beginning to slow as the large, old vehicle also sighed as if to match her, the small doors on the side opening as everyone began filing out.
Predictable as ever, Charlie was standing with a hand on her hip by the entrance of the school, scanning through the crowd for them, finding the two of them, and cocking her head to the side in silent question.
He shook his head once.
She pursed her lips but didn’t question it further as the three of them grouped up.
“About time.”
She said, giving both Junior and Isla a look.
“For the millionth time, we can’t control when the bus gets to our houses and drops us off, Garrick.”
Isla said, shooting Charlie a venomous look, before walking off into the crowd. Charlotte raised a brow, glancing over at Junior who stood there like a big lumbering oaf, everyone having to move around him.
“Who pissed in her cereal?”
She mumbled, grabbing Jr by the arm and dragging him off to their first block. He chuckled lightly.
“Language, Garrick.”
He said, imitating the manner that Isa had said ‘Garrick’, before shaking his head and muscle memory kicking in as he began walking through the school without Charlie dragging him.
“She’s just worried about Bri. You know how they are.”
“Thick as thieves, I know.”
She said sarcastically, rolling her eyes. Jr shrugged, strolling into their classroom as he set his bag down by his seat, which happened to be right to the left of Charlotte’s seat.
She took her bags out in an organized pile from biggest to smallest, laying out her pencil and highlighters for the day, as well as a color-coded notebook with stickers neatly placed on it. Junior simply grabbed a notebook out of his bag, hoping it was the right one, and snatched a pencil from Charlie’s pencil pouch.
She gasped, trying to grab it back, but too slowly.
“Don’t you dare. That’s one of my nice mechanicals.”
“It’s a pencil.”
“Give. It. Back.”
He grinned, dangling the pencil in front of her between his fingers, and snatching it away right when she tried to grab it.
This happened about three times, before she huffed, and snapped.
“John Price Jr, give it to me.”
His full name being said made him drop the pencil he’d claimed from shock, and he grumbled about something under his breath while Charlie picked it up, placed it back into her pencil pouch, and fished out a normal orange wooden pencil before placing it down onto his desk with a light ‘clack’.
He said dryly, and she gave a snake’s smile.
“You're welcome.”
She replied a shade too sweetly.
The first bell rang, meaning everyone had to get to their class within five minutes, and Junior watched as Isla walked in, still sulking, and promptly sat down next to Charlie.
“Where were you?”
Jr asked, brows raised as he saw her pull out her things from her cluttered bag, and push them onto her desk, not bothering to organize it at all. Messy and uncoordinated, but somehow making sense for her. That was definitely Isla.
“Getting the stick out of her ass, hopefully.”
Charlie muttered, casting a look at her, and Isa shot her a glare in return.
“I was emptying my bladder, Johnny-boy.”
Isla responded, slowly fading out of her bad mood as Jr cringed at the nickname. Johnny-boy was not something he wanted to be called. Anything other than junior or ‘little johN’ that some of his relatives affectionately called him. It always made him a bit irritated, now was no different.
”That’s lovely.”
He said dryly, and the bell rang not a moment later their first block beginning. Junior tried not to worry himself, but he hadn’t seen Brianna yet, not through his glances to the halls, trying to catch her walking by, or through his frequent checks to his phone when the teacher wasn’t looking. No word of her.
That was until the second block.
He walked in, backpack over his shoulder, glancing around the hallways, entering his classroom. The teacher wasn’t there, probably in the bathroom or getting some water, and most of the students in this class were clustered in small groups, talking about god knows what. He recognized some of them from brief conversations, but others were from different grade levels and whatnot.
Someone he did recognize, though, was the human version of an angry, wet cat sulking, when he saw a familiar blond braid, walking over and finding none other than Brianna Riley in all her scowling glory.
”Where have you been? We’ve been trying to get ahold of you for-”
”This can wait until lunch.”
She said, and Jr sighed, walking back to his seat. This particular teacher had caught onto the little friend group quickly and promptly separated all of you for her peace of mind. He didn’t blame her, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t annoyed by it.
It could wait until lunch.
After listening to her Spanish teacher drone on for nearly an hour, Charlotte decided that she wanted to never hear his somehow monotonous voice ever again in her life.
Something must’ve heard her mental prayers because her worries and thoughts were quickly interrupted by the bell ringing through the classroom. Girls started packing up, picking up their bags, while the boys shoved their things in their messy backpacks and began shoving people out of the way to get to lunch. Per usual.
She could put up with their overly strong colognes, their strong-smelling deodorant, and even the disgusting smells of sweat they would leave behind in classrooms or on the bus, but the thing she couldn’t stand was all the shoving and idiotic hyena laughing she heard in the hallways.
Slipping her notebook and pencil pouch neatly into her bag, she waited at the door of the classroom for when she could find a spot to slip through and leave, interweaving between the crowds and masses of people, the metallic clanging sound of the small lockers some chose to use filling the hallways.
She strode down the hallway, turning to the side so as not to bump into two girls standing around and blocking everyone for no reason, spraying their perfumes so many times that her nose burned when she smelled it and went to one of the side stairwells that led to the lunchroom.
The main stairwells were always clogged, so she’d learned to use the side ones in her freshman year after nearly being trampled.
It meant that she usually got there before everyone else, which she did today, getting in line and walking over to the table that the group of four usually took up, and sliding her lunchbox onto it. A perk of having a family that ran a restaurant was that she always got good lunch food, never having to eat whatever sloppy mess of barely-qualifiable food the cafeteria served for lunch.
The rest of her friends, however, were not so lucky.
Isla arrived first, waving from the lunch line, and going through it before sitting down and watching Charlotte unpack her daily sandwich with nothing short of pure jealousy.
Bri was next, Isa noticing her in the line, per usual (She always had an uncanny ability to spot people in crowds, probably because of her obsession with the Where’s Waldo games) and pointing her out. Junior was right behind her, the both of them arriving at the table at relatively the same time.
Had today been an A-Day and not a B-Day, they would’ve had nearly identical schedules, and been here at the same time. But it wasn’t.
”You wanna explain why ya haven’t been answering none o’ us?”
Isa asked, the frustration in her tone obvious despite the food shoved into her mouth. Charlie cringed at it. Junior’s big, brown eyes didn’t hide his worry at all, but he remained silent for now.
”’M dad took my phone and the walkie, said I’m on house arrest for a month.”
They let out a collective breath at that, and most definitely not in relief. Junior and Charlotte opened their mouths to speak at the same time, before catching each other’s eyes, and Jr gesturing for her to go first.
”What did the police do, I mean, do you have a fine or anything?”
She questioned, and Bri’s scowl deepened.
”Detention for a week straight, is all.”
Charlie heard Isla mumbling, and doing what she assumed to be cursing under her breath, but her accent was so thick when she was worked up that she could hardly even decipher it.
”I’m assuming that means you won’t be coming by for a while?”
She asked with a raised brow, feigning sarcasm despite the worry that tugged at her. They all usually met up after school at her grandparent’s restaurant, then Bri would walk them all home, other than Charlie, since she stayed with her dad until he was done working. Some nights she would take the bus to her mom’s house, though, sometimes only on weekends, sometimes only on weekdays. It depended on how the custody was worked out every month.
But the fact of the matter was, it would be strange not having her there for a week.
”Not for a month. That’s par’ of the house arrest, can’t go out at all.”
Even stranger not to have her there for a month.
”I know your dad can be strict, but a month? Seems a bit overkill.”
Junior said, shaking his head lightly, before taking a spoonful of cafeteria tray beans into his mouth. Isla remained oddly silent, but eventually spoke, her hand going to dig into her backpack.
”Well, on the bright side, look wha’ I brought.”
She said, pulling out the manila file folder that Isla had told both Charlie and Junior about last night, after the entire arrest. Charlotte didn’t remember every detail from her Scottish friend’s rambling but knew the gist of it. At least she hoped.
A deep sigh from Bri.
”Let’s see if it was worth it,”
She said, and Isla opened the file up, placing her open backpack on the table to hide the folder from anyone in view. After what had happened last night, she didn’t know who to trust anymore. Who could’ve been in that office with the folder, who could’ve led them out to the school and called the police?
”I was lookin’ through it last night, and it’s weird, just our dad’s name’s with little nicknames in the middle. Sort o’ like a dog tag.”
She said, opening it up, and surely enough there were different things on each page. The key part of it was the names listed on one of the pages, as well as other things that had been crossed through with a thick black marker, covered up. Charlie could’ve sworn she could still smell the Sharpie ink from it. Twisting the page to a proper angle for her to see, she took a good, long look at the page.
Cap. John Price
Lt. Simon “Ghost” Riley
Sarg. Johnny “Soap” MacTavish
Sarg. Kyle “Gaz” Garrick
Everything else was either redacted or blotted out. All of them paused for a moment before Bri spoke.
”Your dad’s first name is actually Johnny?”
Isla looked confused for a moment, before taking one look at Brianna’s slightly judgmental and flabbergasted expression, and busted out laughing.
The tension in the air deflated quickly, as Jr joined in, and Charlie let out a few giggles herself. Brianna still looked quite confused by the time they were done, glaring at the piece of paper like it was the root of all evil.
”No, seriously, I thought it was John, and Johnny was just a nickname. You’re telling me that…”
She muttered, before sighing and shaking her head as if to shake off whatever had possessed her for a moment.
”Never mind.”
Jr picked up on the blonde’s subtle cues of embarrassment, and allowing himself a final little chuckle, he then refocused on the file at hand.
”Back on task, guys.”
Isla said, glancing back down at the piece of paper, skimming over it again, and lifting it to one of the buzzing cafeteria lights as if to try and see through the ink covering more than half of the words.
”So, what does this even mean?”
Isa asked, and Charlie took the paper from her hands, putting it back on the gray table.
”It means our dads have been keeping secrets from us.”
Brianna’s eyes narrowed, glancing at the paper again, then at the rest of them, eyes drifting over each of them quickly.
”Why go through all that effort? Never met a vet’ tha’ hides their background, unless they were on tha’ wrong side of a war.”
Junior and Charlie’s eyes met, briefly remembering the conversation they’d had in that alley before. It was risky to reveal it now, especially when Isla could hardly keep a secret from any of her family, but she felt odd hiding it.
“They were Special Forces,”
She said in a hushed tone, leaning in, her eyes glancing around for any eavesdroppers. Both Bri and Isa looked mildly surprised, Bri more angrily confused than anything.
“Wha’s that?”
Isla asked with a furrowed brow, and Charlie answered back.
“Dealin’ with terrorists, missing bombs, all that deal.”
“How do you know wha’ they were?”
Bri asked with narrowed eyes, all the while Jr silently watched, keeping his mouth conveniently full of food so he couldn’t be questioned like Charlotte.
“I..went through my dad’s computer a while back, got into some old locked files. There wasn’t a lot that wasn’t redacted, but it gave some of their mission reports.”
Bri and Isa shared a glance, the scot of the group’s nostrils flaring.
“And ya dinnae think te tell any o’ us, nay?”
Per usual, her accent got thicker the more worked up she was, leading to some mostly non-legible sentences that took Charlotte a few minutes to even mentally translate.
“I thought it would be better to let them come to us about it first, and I don’t want my dad to know I snooped through his computer and broke into some of his files.”
“Righ’, because the Garrick family name can’t be tarnished, can it?”
Bri said in a rough tone, Isa opened her mouth again, but one of the blonde’s hands lying on her arm that was on the table stopped her, making her settle down. Looking upset, rightfully so Charlie would admit, Isla then turned her attention to Jr.
“An’ what about you? You’re not mad?”
She questioned as if the obvious answer was yes. Charlotte knew the obvious answer was yes, she’d kept something important from them, even if only trying to keep things good, and if they’d known beforehand then things could’ve been different.
Junior looked like a deer in headlights.
He swallowed a spoonful of beans, glancing between the pair at one end of the table, and back at Charlie on his side, clearly weighing his options here.
“I think it was wrong to keep it from us,”
Isla opened her mouth to speak again, her fiery temper stoked higher, but Jr cut her off before she had the chance.
“But, I think she had the right intentions, and the only thing we can do is move forward.”
He finished. A sigh of relief from Charlotte, one of probable resignation from Isla, and a final sigh of reluctant agreement from Brianna.
“He’s right. Whoever set us up last night, they knew this,”
One of her fingers went to tap against the names on the file.
“And for wha’ever reason, they wanted us, or at least Isa, to know it too.”
Junior nodded, the gears in his head coming back to life, working out a plan, a solution to a problem.
“Do you think it’s possible they only meant for Isla to follow? I don’t see how they could’ve known she would walkie all of us.”
He suggested, his forearm now propped against the table, the back of his hand holding his chin up, utensils now discarded on the lunch tray that he’d forgotten about by now.
“Unless they’ve been watching for a while.”
Charlie suggested, and a collective shiver went through the group at that. The thought of someone watching them, stalking them for days, weeks, even months on end was nothing short of terrifying.
“I’m wonderin’ if our shadow-man called the cops, or someone outside all o’ this did.”
Isa said, stabbing at her food with renewed vigor, Bru nodding as if to support her point.
“Who would be up that late other than someone purposefully watching, anyway?”
Charlie asked, and Jr shrugged.
“Some people go out for a midnight cig, or stay up late watchin’ the game, you never know. We can’t just write off any civilians because we’re suspicious and paranoid.”
Jr offered to the conversation, another nod from everyone involved. Bri glanced over at Isa, then at Charlie.
“You said they were special forces?”
She asked, and Charlie nodded. A slight pause.
“Any other details you remember from those files?”
Charlie wracked her brain, thinking if anything she remembered from the lines of text she’d gotten out of breaking into her father’s locked computer files. It had been gibberish, mostly, just military lingo that she didn’t understand and a lot of numbers.
“Not really. Numbers, a few maps near Western Asia, military lingo. Nothing I understood.”
She said, and Bri nodded.
“Why? What’re you thinkin’?”
Jr then asked, and Isla watched carefully.
“You’re saying our dads killed terrorists and I’m assumin’ a whole lotta other crazy shit, so even if they’re retired, doesn’t mean any of their relatives are safe. Anyone lookin’ for some payback…”
Her voice trailed off at that, shaking her head. Junior’s first thoughts were of his little sister and mother, and the countless nieces and nephews he had, Charlotte’s mind going to her grandparents and family, and Isla’s mind shooting to her giant Scottish family.
“They wouldn’t. I’m sure you’re just overthinking’ it.”
Isa said, swallowing thickly. A shadow passed over Bri’s eyes as she spoke next, her eyes focusing on the paper, on her father’s name, more on the thick letters before her father’s name.
“You ever met my uncle, nephew, or my grandparents?”
She asked, and they exchanged glances before Junior dared to speak.
“No, I’ve…never heard of them before.”
Charlotte watched Bri’s knuckles go near white with her death grip around the cafeteria fork she held which looked all too close to snapping.
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bubuslutty · 1 year
Day 3: Cat Crisis
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this is part 3, all parts
pairing: demon/angel!fem reader x 141
word count: 2.5k
tags: a bit of lusting cuz my boys r hot, naughty moments but nothing nsfw, proofread by me so sorry for any mistakes
warnings: smoking
summary: Kuromi gets stuck on a tree, Angel almost has a heart attack and she finally meets Simon, properly.
a/n: this is just fun and silly really. I hope u enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it 💖 ALSO!! VERY IMPORTANT!! I can't seem to be able to tag some of you, even if the username is correct, so please check your settings.
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Angel has to admit, she likes this assignment quite a lot. It was fun, living in a nice house in a quiet neighbourhood, with interesting and fascinating neighbours. At least, the ones that live to her left because her neighbours to her right are an old couple who barely make any noise, you'd think nobody even lives in their house.
That trip to Tesco was more fun than she expected. Turns out that Johnny was funnier than she imagined, nothing in his file could have prepared her for Soap's colourful character and hilarious jokes. And Kyle was as charming and intelligent and quick to joke as she'd imagined.
And Price was calm and collected, making sure that the two men didn't get in trouble in the store. But it didn't make hanging out with him any less fun, oh he was plenty fun, Angel knows it, and can practically taste it. It's just going to take a bit of work to make him open up. Angel can't wait to start working with him.
About the actual shopping, the men proved themselves useful and very helpful. Angel was grateful for this because buying food and cooking was a bit of a hassle and she gets overwhelmed with the stupid amount of choices for the same fucking thing. They recommended certain snacks, drinks, food combos, and things easy and quick to cook, and even helped her pick out the freshest fruits and vegetables. Eating was hard, Angel has no idea how humans do it every day.
When they paid for everything, Angel was pleased and surprised when Price went ahead and grabbed her shopping for her without saying anything. She told him he didn't have to, that she could carry her things by herself with no problem, but he claimed it was the least a gentleman could do.
No matter what Angel told him, he refused to give them to her until they reached the car and he told her to dig inside his pocket to unlock the car and open the trunk. "Your Captain is so stubborn," Angel complained to the other two men, with a pout on her face.
"Tell me about it." Gaz sighed, making her giggle in disbelief.
Now she was happily suckling on an orange-flavoured popsicle, sitting on her dining table, facing the garden's opened door. She was enjoying the sunlight and breeze on her skin when a very loud scream startled her. Angel nearly dropped her popsicle when her eyes zeroed on the big tree at the back of her garden, and Kuromi right at the top, screaming for help.
Angel gasped in horror, throwing her unfinished popsicle in the trash and running outside her garden, barefoot. Angel has no idea if her cat has the same sort of abilities as she does. She is immortal, that she’s sure of, but whether Kuromi can get hurt or not is a mystery to Angel. And she doesn't feel like testing that theory today at all.
"Kuromi! How did you get up there?!" Angel was actually panicking, as she looked at the many branches the tree had and just how high her stupid cat decided to climb. How the hell is she supposed to get her cat down without using her powers to do something so ridiculous that the Wish Office will phone her, and ask if she's out of her mind?
"Kuromi, you stupid fucking idiot, you'll die!" Angel was now on the verge of tears. She loved her stupid cat to death, and would rather die instead of watching her kitty get hurt. Angel approached the tree, squinting her eyes and looking up at the branches and thick leaves, seeing if she could climb up.
Angel was so preoccupied with trying to figure out how to save her cat, that she didn't notice Ghost smoking while leaning against the door that separates their kitchen and garden. He had a plain grey zip-up hoodie, a pair of loose black sweats and his skull mask on, hunched up on his nose bridge, keeping his lower face out so he could easily smoke.
He silently watched Angel argue with her cat. He knows a bit about his neighbour from Soap and Gaz, and he has to admit, not only she's pretty but intelligent. Even though his guys seemed to like her, Ghost doesn't easily trust people and she's no exception. He kept watching her struggle, on the verge of tears, until he decided to put his cigarette out.
Ghost silently walked down their garden while lowering his mask back down. It was so stupid how low the fence was. It just reached his waist and it would be so easy for him to jump into her garden. And that's exactly what he did, jumping over the fence with one hand on it for support.
Angel slightly jumped when he stood next to her. She didn't hear him come over, and she just stared up at the man with panicked eyes. She knew he was Simon, the pretty blue eyes were the same along with the pale eyelashes.
Simon was not even looking at her, he was looking up at the tree where Kuromi was. Angel took the opportunity to really look at him. He was absolutely fucking huge, for no reason at all. And he had sleeve tattoos on his veiny arms, Angel thanked fate that Simon decided to roll up his sleeves because his tattoos are beautiful. And what's even prettier, is the skin of his neck and collarbone. He wasn't wearing anything underneath the zip-up hoodie and Angel felt her mouth water.
Simon finally looked down at her, and Angel immediately opened her mouth to speak, "Do you think you can help me get Kuromi down, please?"
Simon gazed down at her hopeful eyes, and simply nodded, "Stand back."
Angel nodded, "Thank you so much!"
She stepped away and watched the man get closer to the tree. "Be careful!" Angel said, her hands clasped against her chest, watching Simon work his way up the tree quickly.
"Kuromi, you hurt him and I'll fist-fight you!" Angel shouted at her cat, who hissed back down at her owner.
Simon couldn't help but chuckle at the woman's antics and when he knew if he climbed any higher, no branch would support his weight, he broke one with his bare hand and used it as a makeshift ladder for the cat. He stretched his body as much as he could, "Come on, kitty, get over here." Simon crooned.
To his utter surprise, the cat listened and started slowly scooting over towards him on a shaky branch. Kuromi successfully reached Simon's branch and held onto it very tightly and Simon gently lowered the cat down towards him. As soon as she was easily reachable, he grabbed the cat by the scruff of her neck and hugged her to his chest with one hand.
"Alright, now how can I get down with you?..." Simon mumbled and hummed when he got an idea. He hugged the cat with one arm and used the other to zip off his hoodie, using his thick thighs for support so he wouldn't fall.
Angel watched with awe how Simon managed to completely take off his zip-up hoodie, leaving his glorious amazing upper half naked, and bundled up Kuromi in the hoodie. Simon glanced down at Angel and smirked under his mask, "Catch!"
Angel literally screamed and he laughed, almost tearing up. "You dickhead!" Angel shouted, ripping grass from the ground out of anger and throwing it towards his direction.
Simon made a makeshift fanny pack using the hoodie's sleeves, securing Kuromi against his chest while he carefully climbed down. When he wasn't too far from the ground, he decided to jump off and roll to safety, with the cat still clutched against his chest.
Angel almost fainted and immediately ran to Simon as he stood up, dusting off his knees. "My baby!" She cried, grabbing her cat from the hoodie and kissing the kitty over and over on her small face.
Simon watched the woman with amusement as she checked over her cat and finally looked at Simon, her cat still in his arms. "Thank you so much for saving the life of my dumbass cat. But if you scare me like that again, I will make you regret it." She said, pressing a finger to Simon's naked chest.
He glanced down at her finger and met her eyes cooly, "You're welcome."
"You actually scared me so much, probably even more than Kuromi did!" Angel sighed, nuzzling her face in her cat's fur. Now Simon actually feels a bit guilty for scaring her and scratched the back of his neck.
"Do you want a cup of coffee?" He offered.
Angel lifted her head, surprised, "Cup of coffee?"
"To apologise."
Angel blinked at the man and cracked a small smile, "I think I'd like that."
Simon gave her an awkward nod and jumped over the fence and turned to her, hoodie held in his hand. "Come on."
Angel looked at the fence and then at her cat still in her arms, "Uhm, okay, hold Kuromi for me."
She walked closer to the fence, holding Kuromi so Simon could grab her. But Simon dodged the cat and held her by the armpits, just like she was holding her cat and easily lifted her over the fence. Angel squealed and wrapped her legs around his waist and wrapped one arm around his neck while the other was holding Kuromi against her chest.
Simon froze, his hands hovering over her back.
"What are you guys doing?"
Angel and Simon whipped their heads towards the voice and saw Soap holding a basket full of clean laundry, ready to hang it outside to dry while Gaz held a smaller basket of colourful pegs.
"Uhm, nothing!" Angel let out a nervous laugh and jumped off Simon, rushing inside their home with her cat in her arms.
Soap and Gaz glanced at each other and then back at Simon, "Why are you shirtless?" Gaz asked.
"Had to use my hoodie for the cat." Was Simon's dry answer and he walked inside, leaving Soap and Gaz with even more questions.
He found Angel awkwardly standing in the middle of their kitchen, and noticed that she was barefoot. "Wait here." He said and left the kitchen.
Angel took the opportunity to look around the kitchen. It was tidy and didn't have any plants or any sort of decoration. The fridge did have some menus and coupon codes for Domino's on it. However, next to the kettle, there was an impressive coffee machine, the sort that's expensive with many settings, fancy buttons and cool gadgets.
Angel barely drinks coffee, almost never, but now she was excited to see Simon work the cool machine.
She heard footsteps and turned around. Ghost was back and dressed in a t-shirt now, he also had a pair of slippers in his hands. "Wear these." He placed the pair next to her feet and Angel did as he said, heart fluttering in her chest, how silly.
"What would you like?" He asked, turning around and washing his hands in the sink.
"What?" Angel said, staring at his ass, completely distracted.
"Coffee. What sort of coffee would you like?" He turned back around, just as Angel ripped her eyes from his ass.
"Uhm," Angel gulped, she had no idea if he caught her staring or not but she wanted to scream either way. "I don't drink coffee that much, so make me something sweet, please."
Ghost stared at her silently, which made Angel nervous. Did she say something weird?
"What's wrong?"
Simon shrugged, "Nothing." and went straight to work, preparing mugs and pressing this button and that button on the coffee machine.
Both Angel and Kuromi were intensely staring at the beeping sleek machine and Simon smiled when he noticed. "What does Kuromi mean?"
"The name itself or who is she named after?" Angel ripped her eyes away from the coffee machine and looked over at Simon.
Angel smiled, "Well, according to Google, Kuromi in Japanese means 'black beauty', but I've named her after a cartoon character whose name is Kuromi. Actually, Let me show you."
Simon glanced at the woman as she dug her hand in her pocket and retrieved her phone, opening google."That's Kuromi," Angel said, making Simon lean closer so he can see better.
"What type of creature is that?" Simon asked, squinting his eyes and trying to guess what type of animal the character was.
"It's actually a white bunny wearing a black jester hat! See! It even has a little pink skull! And instead of having a fluffy tail, she has a devil's tail, isn't she cute?" Angel said, Simon looked at her then back down at the cat in his arms.
"But your cat isn't a rabbit." Simon said.
"I know! But look! She's white with black ears! And a black tail! And she's mischievous just like Kuromi! And I gave her a pink collar with a pink skull!" Angel said, practically vibrating next to Simon, eyes big and literally glowing.
Simon tilted his head down and lifted the kitty's chin up, seeing the shiny skull dangling off the collar. He turned the skull over, reading Angel's full name and phone number.
"I can see the similarities." Simon hummed, giving the cat scratches, making her purr.
"There's another similarity, actually." Angel grinned.
"Really?" Simon said, still scratching the cat.
"Between Kuromi and you!" Angel said, and Simon lifted his head, meeting her eyes, he raised a brow, prompting her to spit it out.
"The skulls, silly!" Angel giggled.
Oh, yeah. The skulls.
Simon unconsciously reached for his mask but stopped his hand before it caressed the hand painted skull. The machine beeped and Simon removed the mug from under the machine, opening the cupboards to get sugar.
"Can we join you for a cup of coffee?" Soap suddenly asked, entering the kitchen, followed by Gaz.
"Of course, this is your house." Angel smiled and Gaz immediately ran to the cat in her arms, cooing and petting the little thing.
"And you have to tell us how you ended up on him while he was shirtless, which he wasn't, earlier in the day." Soap said while getting snacks.
"Okay, and did you know that your friend Simon is actually an evil little shit?" Angel said, as if it was the most shocking thing ever while she sat down at the table next to Gaz, who was holding her cat in his arms.
"Ghost, call me Ghost." Simon quickly corrected her.
"Ghost actually scared the shit out of me, I thought I was going to die!" Angel continued without missing a beat.
"You thought you were going to die? What the hell happened while I was in the shower?" Price said, walking inside the kitchen, wearing a white t-shirt and a pair of shorts, hair still wet.
"Oh my days, John, sit down and let me tell you what he did!" Angel groaned, patting the other seat next to her.
"Well, alright then." John shrugged and sat down.
Simon sighed, placing her mug down and getting more mugs out to make coffee for everyone, "Fucking hell…"
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tag list (pls ask to be added or removed): @obiwankenobis-lap @goapgrim @smalldemonlover @loveyhoneydovey @cutiecusp @pinkwigonmytv @mandythemint @itsberrydreemurstuff @tapioca-marzipan @fruitymoonbeams-blog @poohkie90 @chaoticevilbakugo @anubis-reed @thefairybird @skytacvia @marytvirgin @cynicalmnm @maechanexe @t0jis-worm @1800imgay @4ndjelij4 @multitargaryen @lilpothoscuttings @mysticalpandabear
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soranihimawari · 6 months
Fates Aligned
Word Count: TBD
Pairing: Akaashi Keiji x YN!Reader
Rating: AKF (Akaashi Keiji Fluff)
Notes: Josei manga refers to manga which appeals to young adult women. :]
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Thinking back on your high school days could pose a problem for you. You're attending your reunion and are amongst friends who are filling you in on their lives: who got married to who, who's adding to their family, and who's dating who. You realize as they talk you become more and more disassociated in the conversation. It's not like you had any juicy gossip to offer--you weren't dating anyone with the prospect of marriage on the way and you definitely weren't expecting an addition to your family except for maybe adopting another kitten to go along with the two year old cat you have waiting for you at home.
As the night progressed, you enjoy a few more drinks and light snacks at your end of the table. That is until you see him. Him, the young man from your past Japanese literature class with stunning gun-blue metal eyes, soft charcoal hair, and quiet nature. His best friend was the loud and often cheery captain of the volleyball team. You remember him as a gentle soul, after all he was much taller than you then. Nowadays, as you over hear of his publishing successes, you are shy to say to you have read many of his publishing house's manga. Your collection is massive, yet no one here would think you were an avid fan.
Until one member of your side of the table brings up a highly popular josei manga title. Your ears perk up as you enter the conversation saying you are an avid fan and reader of the title. A few things to note: the title was published online independently, second, when the copyright was up for renewal, a new publishing company bought it to have the author continue the story, third said author was attending is high school reunion in the pub where you seemed to be gushing over their work.
Whatever you said caused Akashi Keiji to confidently stride up to you and hang out at your end of the table.
"I take it you like that work," he says. "You're, yln yn,m right? Shared a desk with you in Japanese literature."
He seems amused. You seem a bit flustered as you swirl your empty water cup in your hands. You were trying to be a little less drunk before calling it a night.
"You remember me?" you say with a slight scoff. "It's usually hard for people outside of my friend circle here to recognize me. Nice to see you too Akaashi-kun."
He laughs as he clinks glasses with you. As the night progresses, you two become more and more acquainted past the "what happened after university" and the "where/what do you do now" questions.
You were pleased to know he landed a publishing job much like he was impressed your hobby of photography landed you a few lead exposes for National Geographic. Regardless of the years spent apart from that one classroom in Fukurodani, Akaashi lets you in on a little secret.
"You know," he begins. There is a small curl of his lips. "Sitting next to you inspired me to start drawing a little."
"Really? Now that you're a publisher, I didn't think you'd have to be the artist behind the manga," you reply.
"True, but my first manga heroine? She was inspired by you," he said this casually as he pulls out his phone to show you a very rough sketch of a short, limited series run of a manga you read online.
"N-no way," you gasp. You start to see little coincidences of you in the character when you re-read the first few pages and you glance back at Akaashi.
"I was too shy and reserved back then to ask, but," he starts when you hand him his phone back. "Would you like to go out with me sometime? I have a deadline to meet next Thursday, but Friday I am free."
And without missing a beat, you reply.
"Sure, I can be free next Friday. Anything for the author of 'fates aligned': a red string of fate short series," you smile brightly as he chuckles.
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orangelemonsstuff · 2 years
Imagine child Ace and Deuce were the first one you met and they were fighting about something, could be Ace teasing Deuce then Deuce punched him and then they fight, you have to hold Deuce back because Ace was definitely losing, and since you have extra pennies to buy candies you treat them to ones but you'll only give it to them if they made up!
after few days of being friends you three come across a fiercy gray stray kitty, he scratched up Ace and Deuce so you call him Grim and you three begs (or steal) food from your home to feed it everyday
Jack comes next to your group, you met him through your elementary school and started hanging with him, Including Ace and Deuce, he does say you three are annoying but he never shoos you three and sometimes comes with you to feed the cats or just go play on the playground
another days come by, recess and you came across a cute girl... uhh climbing an apple tree? the three of you watched as she fell down and running up to her crying, apparently "she" was a boy and his name was Epel, he was trying to get the apple from the three because he forgot his lunch from his grandma and he is really hungry, in the end, all of you you shared some of your food from your lunches to him to prevent him from climbing up again.
next one is a meanie, his name was Sebek, he kept bullying you and following you around calling you "human" because he thinks he is smarter than you, your friends defended you from him (including the cat) which made him cry from guilt and run away from you all, you felt bad from making the crocodile boy cry so you follow him and you comfort him, then lead him to your friends to apologize.
AND JUST IMAGINE THIS!! (think like the main gang from omori)
All 5 of you walking home together following the leader sorta stuff (of course the leader was you), sleepovers at everyone's house (Sebek's room is filled with posters of what he calls "Amazing Malleus-Sama!!" which you assume is a cartoon character) and then going on Halloweens in your little costumes together!! you five would tell scary stories about each other idk sam the boogey man or something to scare each other and it mostly ends up with Ace scaring Deuce and then ends up paying for it, Jack , Epel, and Sebek would act tough like they're not scared but seconds later Ace would pop out behind their back and scaring them. PICNICS!! when someone fights at your group (usually Ace and Deuce) you are the one to settle them down with trinkets like candies or toys. when you all need to study for a test or do homework, Jack would teach you all but it ends up with all of you rough housing in the end, books and papers forgotten.
on weekends or summertimes where all of you are free, you play with them from morning to afternoon and when you get hungry, no worries!! Epel has a basket of apples to go! he always carry it with him whenever you all play outside, on the playground, the stony low water river, or catching bugs at the nearby outskirt forest. don't worry about even getting lost, Sebek's loud voice would always find your ears and all you need is follow it because he doesn't want to catch bugs since it's unbeing of a "soldier of Malleus" as he says. as Ace scare him with a beetle while running and screaming. afternoons when al of you need to go home, you all share sodas and ideas what to do next day tomorrow, and before some of the weekend or summertime ends all of you had a tradition to sleepover at one of you's houses.
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on an outsiders kick so heres the main gang as things me and my friends have said
Soda: Your wish is my command. Be gay forever
Steve: I'm still straight but I'd fuck you now
Soda: Not that gay
Darry: I dont really like you. Why are you always hanging around?
Dally: I ask myself the same thing every single day
Pony: I know we're supposed to be saying embarrassing things about ourselves but before we talk about me i'm really upset Two-Bit didnt mention the fact that he was in love with thomas the train
Two-Bit: i watched ONE episode when i was FIVE go fuck yourself
Pony: You have a shrine by your bed
Two-Bit: irrelevant
Johnny: I'm not really scared of anything, no
Johnny: but cats freak me out. and so do dogs, sometimes, but mainly cats. and especially ducks. oh, and needles, and doctors in general. also loud noises, sharp objects near me, any sort of projectile, and stoves. but like, thats not that many things
Dally: I understand so much about you now
Pony: I'm going to write a novel and all of you are gonna have characters based off you. Any questions about it?
Two-Bit: Am I hot?
Pony: No. Next question
Darry: Am I going to regret reading this?
Pony: For sure. Next.
Johnny: Please dont make me a crybaby
Pony: You shouldnt read this. Next
Steve: Can me and Soda date?
Pony: You already are. Next
Soda: Can me and Steve not date?
Pony: Too late. You know you love him. Next
Dally: You're going to make my character really deep, arent you?
Pony: Possibly. Havent decided yet. Anything else?
Johnny: Is Dally as hot in the book as he really is?
Pony: I'll no longer be taking questions because I'm extremely uncomfortable, but on second thought, you might really like this book
Two-Bit, upon walking in on Steve and Soda cuddling: I leave for FIVE minutes and i'm left out of fucking everything. all the fucking time. i hate everyone in this house
Steve: Do you want to lay with us?
Soda: Yeah, come lay with us
Two-Bit, practically dropping himself on them: I'm still mad at you
Dally: For some reason Ponyboy is really obsessed with the idea of me being really soft inside and just not showing it so I dont get hurt. I think he wants me to be narrative foils with our other friend too
Dally: How do i tell him i'd change the narrative doom him if i could and feel no remorse without crushing that hope in him
Pony: I like to think its a secret but me and everyone around me knows im writing a slowburn, hes only soft to him trope, slight enemies to lovers fanfiction about Johnny and Dally in my head
Dally: the term fanfiction implies i have fans
Johnny: i'm a fan of you
Pony, whispering: they practically write it themselves
Dally: Here, i stole this. dont ask questions, just take it
Darry, taking the sleeping pigeon that Dally just handed him with a mildly horrified expression: where did you get this?
Dally: i told you i'd bring back souvenirs from my field trip. no more questions
Johnny: Not many people like me.
Johnny: its probably because im kind of a pussy, but i like to tell myself its because i'm annoying because at least then im not calling myself a pussy
Dally: Wait, wait. Who doesnt like you?
Johnny: Huh? Why does it matter?
Dally: No reason. Just, like, give me an example
Pony, in the kitchen and hears all of this: *puts the knives in the cabinet where Dally wont look for them* I dont really want to have to bail anyone out again
Soda, to Darry: I think Steve is kind of in love with me, but I really dont want to have to break it to him that I dont feel the same
Steve, with Soda in his lap: *stops playing with Sodas hair* What?
Soda: Nothing, baby, you're fine
Darry: I will never understand you
yes, one of my friends did bring a live pigeon back from a field trip. it slept a lot, and we'd hold him all the time while he slept and he'd stay asleep when we passed him around because we had to move. i hope he wasnt sick and is doing okay
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pryings · 23 days
TOA Anniversary Munday
thank you neffi for this template!!!
Celebrating TOA and the people who contribute to make our group what it is.
Repost, don't reblog. Only fill in what you feel comfortable sharing!
Happy anniversary, TOA! Here's to many more years spent together.
Name: ruaidhrí (said pretty much like the english name rory and if you want to spell it that way that's fine too, ik irish names throw people off)
Pronouns: he/him
Birthday (no year): 25th of october!
Where are you from? What is your time zone? i live in colorado and my timezone is MST
How long is your roleplay experience? i don't know exactly how many years since i sometimes have years where h don't rp but i've been rping on and off since i was 11-12.
How were you introduced to roleplaying as a whole? oh gosh, so ff.net used to have (maybe still has, i literally have not been on that site in ages) these like... forums? and i joined one for elder scrolls rp a little after oblivion came out. i was far and away the youngest one there but everyone was so nice in helping me turn my character into a proper oc with like... backstory, a real personality, etc. after that, i spent a lot of time using it to try and grow my creative writing skills.
How were you introduced to TOA? honestly i just stumbled across it randomly! i had just replayed a few fe games and was looking through some tags and thought it might be fun to try fire emblem rp (i'd done some on indie tumblr back in the day, as well as in an mfrp a little bit, but never fire emblem exclusive rp) so i sent arden to check it out and, well, here we still are.
Do you have any pets? simon (mini poodle), john hancock (tabby cat), and tim & geeb (fluffy black cats)
What is your favorite time of year and why? (Season, holiday, general period) early spring! i also like late fall for its temperature, but i dislike snow/sleet/wet socks so spring is preferable because it's not very snowy here!
What is your IRL occupation? blessedly unemployed (health issues have prevented me from working aha)... i used to work IT though!
Some interests and things you like/enjoy? i like birdwatching, reading academic articles about ancient civilizations, and making espresso drinks
What non-Fire Emblem games do you play? currently enjoying bg3 + doing a dragon age replay (in preparation for veilguard). outside current, i really like most single-player rpg type games (esp. with customizable character), stealth games (dishonored favorite), and Identity V is the first asymmetrical horror mobile game developed by NetEase for
Favorite Pokemon type & Pokemon: my favorite pokemon ever is alakazam (and its whole line) i've loved alakazam foreverrrrr! favorite type is steel, though! apart from my psychic baby most of my other favs tend to be steel types
Tell us some funfacts and trivia about yourself! oh gosh i'm so bad at fun facts...
- i can put both my feet behind my head but i can't touch my toes - my favorite non-ancient empire to read about is austria-hungary - my cat tim was rescued from Outside
How did you get into Fire Emblem? friend's cool older brother was playing a bunch of the games in a seemingly random order. when i'd hang out at that friend's house sometimes we'd sit and watch. i asked him to lend me some and he did!
What Fire Emblem games have you played? i have now played all of them! (last year when i answered this i hadn't technically played them all, but i'd seen playthroughs and watched let's plays of all of them at the very least)
First & Favorite Fire Emblem games: a bad translation of fe4 was first, por is still my favorite—but tbh there's not really one i dislike
List your 5 favorite Fire Emblem characters across the series! - KNOLL (promoted to number one he's my special guy) - reyson - canas - ashnard - pandreo
Who was the first character ever to make you go “ooh I like this one in particular” and why? Can be any context and reason! QUAN—i have such a distinct memory of seeing him come in but i don't remember my initial thought, only that he would have my heart forever
Any Fire Emblem crushes? 😳 vander. duessel. hardin.
If you’ve played (or are familiar with) the following games, who was your first S support? Who would you S support nowadays? - Awakening: first was sumia! i don't have a set nowadays because i've done a different one on each playthrough - Fates: first was xander, would probably still do xander if i were to replay - Three Houses: first was seteth, if i replay i'll go for hanneman - Engage: first was pandreo! next time i plan to do ivy though
Favorite Fire Emblem class? i like shapeshifter classes! beasts, dragons, laguz, etc. i just think they're fun to play with
If you were a Fire Emblem character, what would be your class and stats? Would you be playable? oh gosh, i'd be an infantry axe unit probably. middling starting stats but high growths if you really work at making me good (there would be heated debates over whether the necessary time investment would be worth it)
If you were a Three Houses character, what would be your affiliation? black eagles!
If you were an Officers Academy student, what would be your boons, banes and potential budding talent? axe boon, heavy armor bane, budding talent in faith magic (could be classed into an fe:a style war cleric and it would be my suggested goal)
If you were an Engage character, which nation would you originate from? i want to say brodia!
How do you pronounce TOA? 🤔 toh-ah
Current TOA muses: just knoll <3
Past TOA muses? robin, niles, almedha, reyson, hardin, iago, perceval, lachesis (i think that's all?)
Who was your first TOA muse? If you no longer have them, can you see yourself picking them up again? my first muse was m!robin and thankfully i am spared any temptation on picking him up as he is currently being written.
Do you believe you have a type of character you gravitate towards writing? (If you filled this out last year, has this changed in any way?) i'm kind of all over the place, aren't i? i like characters where i can poke at hidden depths but ones who aren't too closely guarded. i like characters who are shy, withdrawn, standoffish, guarded, etc. in some way but who open up when spoken to. i don't think this has changed since last year, i've been writing for a long time and kind of know my comfort zone.
Do you have characters or types of characters you don’t think you can handle writing, but wish you could? boisterous/loud and over the top characters always challenge me, but i've never really managed to make them work, which is a shame because i tend to enjoy lively characters!
What kind of scenes, situations etc do you believe you enjoy writing the most? (If you filled this out last year, has this changed in any way?) -i love writing threads where setting/scenery is a focus, where i get to sort of use the landscape as a bit more than set-dressing - i enjoy throwing my muse at characters who mistrust him for whatever reason, and like to explore the kind of slow, mutual understanding that comes from two people getting to know one another - i really just like putting him in situations in general, forcing him to socialize—he's a very withdrawn character so any excuse to have him meet new people is very enjoyable
Do you have any scenario in mind for your muse(s) that gets you thinking “man I hope I get to write this one day”? nothing specific! i have kind of an arc for him but it's loosely-defined right now
Favorite TOA-related memories? HAPPYLAND WAS SO MUCH FUN. sincerely i loved the interactions he had there <3
Present or past tense? i default to present, but adapt to what my partner prefers on this!
Normal size text, small text, no preference? small text, bolded dialogue. just easier for my eyes to take it in that way.
Got any potential muse delusions to share? 😉 oh gosh. i recently had to go down to just one muse because my health is not so good, but i will admit i already have a few delusions. if i can get myself back to a spot where i feel like i can write a second, someone may return.
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bringmefoxgloves · 1 year
i want to get more into saw/saw blogs b4 X comes out - what r some of ur fave saw blogs
Hi! You caught me at a good time (one where I have energy) so let's see if I can pump this out. I am in no way an authority on the entire Saw fandom so I will only be talking about my little corner of the internet. Please forgive me, my beloved followers, mutuals, and other owners of posts I have loved in this very small fandom-because I may forget some of you. The brain fog sometimes gets the best of me and if I did a full complete list, it would be.... It would be so long. This is in no way in order of best or worst, and sometimes I just have no words for why I love a person's blog.
@turnipoddity - Oh, what an artist! Every single post I see, love it. So excited to see an artist acquiring the Saw brainrot.
@bloodcoveredgf - Luna! Also just all around funny & good posts in addition to the Saw insanities.
@dracofelin - Jay has such good writing, and will make you love the ship of Mark Hoffman/Peter Strahm (coffinshipping).
@thefoulbeast - Simply put, Will's art makes me want to bite my own arm off. If you're interested in the video game Pathologic, his blog is worth a follow for that too.
@bathroomtrapped - I sometimes get the honor of previewing Larry's art mid-construction (because with all those colors and layers, it looks like building a house) and even half finished, it blows my socks off <3
@sawtrapz - Kaz, oh Kaz (!!!), Kaz gets my brain clicking about some of the rarepairs of this fandom and I will always spin your boygirl Adam in my head.
@cl0wnb0yyy - Will is just a great person in the fandom, also if you like Midnight Mass or NBC's Hannibal.
@ispyspookymansion - Kora looms large in the Saw fandom in my mind so it would be impossible to assemble this list without him.
@3razyswfangirl / @kiramillet - Kira's pixel art is amazing!!! Bunny <3
@tibby - Take a look through Tibby's saw meta. You won't be disappointed.
@allegedly-writer - Contrary to Jack's url, Jack can sure damn write! He just posted a fic and guess who it's for <3
@hansy-pansy-art - OUGH another amazing amazing artist. Also currently in a Red Dead Redemption moment, which I love.
@piddgeon - Speaking of RDR.... Mercury! Ah, just. (Chef's kiss) of a human being.
@samwis - Jami, who hears all my most insane horny thoughts who is such a mainstay in my corner of Saw fandom.
@romanromulus - Adam writes fics that will make you scream and cry into your pillow at midnight.
@tapeworrmart - Just. Ough. Art that I dream of one day hanging on my wall.
@vanilladella - a.m.'s art is my discord header. Enough said.
@carouselcometh - Remy is hilarious and also you need to read his series on Ao3.
@onehandkilling / @fatmasc - Shlomo... What do I say? Just go. Follow. Also threw in their fat fashion blog because YES!!!
@angel-trapped - Téa, you absolute legend. Origin of angelshipping (to me) (aka Lindsey Perez/Allison Kerry)
@sawtrapx - Liv, such a fun human being!!!
@starlightsailfish - Star's Saw Warrior Cats makes me dance in excitement.
@iinsawdious - Adrien is the best champion of the Adam & David (Saw 0.5) & Specs (Character from the Insidious franchise, also played by Leigh Whannell) are family hc. I love his enthusiasm!!
@adrianicsea - Adrian! Just. AH!!! Adrian's Sleeping with Ghosts series was perhaps my first introduction (outside of Adam romanromulus) to the sheer brilliance of Saw fandom writers.
@dodddraws - Dodd's art is.... I'm just at a loss for words, scrolling back through his blog. So much nsfw goodness.
@sawvhs - Rar's art is so so so iconic.
Okay I have to cut this list off here, jfc. There's others I should probably put on here but I'm getting tired and sweaty and my hands are hurting. Follow these people, check who they're reblogging from or who is reblogging them, go forth, prosper anon. Welcome to the Saw brainrot.
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aokoaoi · 1 year
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▎chapter one : her dearest.
▎content warning : nothing yet:p
▎ character pairing : leon kennedy x reader.
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YOU STARED OUT AT the window of your apartment in complete boredom, the task you were once occupied on now left alone neglected on your desk. The radio that rested on the counters of your kitchen was on, softly blaring old songs, filling up the usual silence of your house.
Days like this are moments you're used to, just looking out on the scenery outside, your chin on the palm of your hands, sighing out of nowhere now and then. Moments like these keep you at ease, and it helps you relax even if you're constantly reminded of the work you left on your desk. But sometimes you can't help but miss the feeling of the house you once resided in.
The house you grew up in.
Thinking about the times back in raccoon city, the city you were originally raised from, puts a smile to your face. The times where you and your brother would constantly argue and compete over who gets firsts, like the most comfortable spot on the couch, the remote, who gets to change the channels and watch their favorite shows and series.
Your first home was those types of homes that was always busy. Your home was small, but it was enough to fit four happy family members, so every room you're in, silence was never allowed. You're mother was always hanging around the kitchen, listening to the radio and cooking whatever food you like. Meanwhile your brother was in his own room or in the living room with your father, watching live games or raging over a thrilling series.
You? Stuck up in your room, constantly brushing your cats fur or reading a magazine. If you're being forces out of your room by you're mom, you're either playing games with your brother on the backyard or picking on him for his bad pitching.
Your brother and you like to play baseball together, since your father used to play it. It was never serious or professional, it was all just for the fun of it since your mother desperately wanted you and your brother to bond over something. So, your dad came up with a solution for your mom's problem; baseball.
One time, you almost broke a window when you were batting. It was a miracle the ball only bounced off the wall inches off the window. The ball was never seen after that. Neither of you told your parents about it either, you just explained a lie as to why the ball was lost.
A smile forms on your face when you recalled the memory, shaking your head to your own amusement before looking back at the piled up papers you needed to work on as it laid atop the textbooks. You were about to frown at the sight of it until a loud ring tone rang around the quiet interior of your apartment.
Standing up, you walked to the counter where you left your phone, answering it without bothering to look at the contact.
"Hello?" You merely said, your words short and curt. There was an amused breathy chuckle on the other line, the sound giving you a wave of familiarity.
"Geez, shorty, I know it's been a few months but does your greeting have to be that cold? I'm hurt." The voice of someone none other than your brother emerges from the other line. You could practically hear the faux hurt in his tone, imagining him placing his hand on his chest with a smug frown on his face.
"Few months? Elias, it's nearly been a year." You huffed, rolling your eyes as your brother let's out a sound as if he was unsure of your words.
"It's only been nine months! That's nothing from a year." He softly yells defensively, and you resist the urge to roll your eyes again. Despite that, you smiled, happy to hear from him again.
You sit right back down in your couch, your assignments long forgotten once again. "So why did you call? Want another favor or something?" He scoffs at your words, clearly offended.
"Hey, let it go. That was one time."
"Answer the question, El."
"Okay, okay! Geez you're mean," you lightly chuckle at his mutter, waiting for him to continue. "Ma and dad called me yesterday, since it's near my break they asked if I wanted to visit them back home." He said. You stopped staring at your nails at his respond, brow lifting curiously.
"I said I'd think about it first because I wanted to ask you if you wanted to come visit them with me." You cooed at that, earning an embarrassed scoff from Elias.
"Ellie! How sweet of you, of course I'll go!" You grinned enthusiastically, ignoring how your brother cursed at you for that annoying nickname.
"Hey, why are you just telling me this when you said they called you yesterday?" Your smile fades into a petty frown.
"They called me in the afternoon, I was in the middle of taking a nap until the ringtone rudely interrupted me. After the call ended, I just passed out so I didn't get the chance to tell you immediately." He explains.
"Sounds like you alright." You both shared a soft laugh.
"When do you plan on visiting them? I'm okay with whenever." You then questioned again, and you could hear a curt sound of clothing shuffling, and you know that was him shrugging his shoulders. You sigh,
"Well how about this Tuesday? 29?" You suggested, and he gives you a careless yet satisfied hum.
"Great, I knew you could plan this for me." He smugly spoke from the other time, and you only irked, unimpressed. "Haha, you're hilarious." You rolled your eyes with a huff, and Elias snickers.
Elias clears his throat, "Well, I gotta go now."
You frowned at his words, but you understood why. Now that he has a new job, his lifestyle has now changed and he's now busier than before, which is why he barely has time to contact you and your parents. His rarely gets breaks off work, but it's better than not having any at all. At least that's what he said.
You nodded as if he could see, "Alright. See you." He hums at that, muttering a goodbye as well. The call ends and the apartment was yet again filled with silence. This time, you dislike it. Sparing your paperwork a glance, you stood up from where you were sat and walked to your room, suddenly interested in taking a nap.
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sunnnfish · 7 months
hey sunnfish what if I asked about tsukkiyama and made it 2018 again
YEEESSSSSS TSUKKIYAMAAAAA !!!! Makes sense compels me so so much. The childhood friends the drama the WHAT DO WE HAVE OTHER THAN PRIDE !!! I think kiri really pinned me when they said i like characters that go :3 >:3 :3c >:3c because they are so both like that and i love them both separately and together. Little menaces. Also tsukishima ties into the whole Guy who says they dont care about this thing (secretly really cares about this thing). Anyways. Tsukishima who is such a bitch and cant tolerate anyone but yamaguchi and yamaguchi who is friends with everyone despite not being like crazy fucking good at volleyball. The tsukishima who doesnt care and doesnt try vs yamaguchi who trains and practices so so much even outside of team practice just so he can be good enough. Be useful. They’re FOILLLSSSS. Gbvdxc <- cat just stepped on my keyboard. Everybody say hi cat. Anyways. It’s really all just like Love & Passion to me. Tsukishima classic What am I really passionate about. What am i doing with my life. I’m just going with the flow. Yamaguchi classic Who cares if you’re really passionate about it or not just do your best!!! And maybe you’ll find something along the way. What do we have other than pride………. Also like. Their dynamic. They are SUCH childhood friends. Will bitch and bully to each other all the time. Hang out at each others houses. Yamaguchi being a little cheerleading when tsukki really lays into someone. It’s so good man. Sigh…. Tsukkiyama…..
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List of the types of cats Lackadaisy characters would be if they were actual cats because I'm bored:
Rocky: Rocky is the kinda cat you first meet and you think he's just the sweetest, most innocent little thing ever, and he stares up at you with those big, adorable eyes, and then 24 hours after adopting him you realize how much of an absolute MENACE he is. He's broken everything in your home, scratched everything, and clawed the shit out of your leg for fun, but you can't bring yourself to get rid of him because 1) if you dont put up with him, who will? And 2) LOOK HOW CUTE HE IS CURLED UP ON THE WINDOW SILL!!!
Freckle: Freckle is the kinda cat that's always super shy and kinda skittish around everything. He jumps at any sudden sound, and if you make the mistake of moving furniture around, he will act like hes walked into an entirely different house. It takes forever for him to warm up to you, but when he finally does, hes the sweetest little kitty ever. But then, you get him that one toy and he goes batshit insane. I'm talking jumping of the walls, skittering across the floor, nearly crashing into things, etc. To the point you wonder if he's even the same cat.
Ivy: Ivy is the kind of cat that's always weaving in and out of your legs and follows you everywhere. You sit at the computer, shes ontop of it. You go to the bathroom, she's at the door wanting to sit in your underwear. You leave the house, you have to make sure she doesn't follow you. She doesn't want anything, she just wants to hang out. She's the kind that would take to a cat harness like a duck to water, and would be so happy to go out with you and explore.
Mitzi: You know those videos of that one cat that does fashion runway shows and gets dressed up, but genuinely doenst seem to mind/actually really likes it cause she's the center of everyone's attention? That's Mitzi. She would love being pampered and treated like a queen, and would expect no less. She doenst just tolerate being put in fancy little dresses or being brushed and groomed, she'd LIVE for it. She loves attention of any kind and will absolutely gat attached to anyone who gives it to her.
Wick: Wick is one of those cats that's just an absolute angel all of the time. He's always there to say hello when you come home. He just lays in your lap while you work. He lays on the pillow next to you in bed, just an absolute sweetheart. He'd borderline be emotional support animal material, always at your side when you need him. He's never doing anything he shouldn't (at least, not that you know of), and he never minds being pet or cuddled, even if it wasn't his idea. You also notice him seeming oddly fascinated with a certain lanky stray tom cat that keeps coming by your window.
Zib: Zibs the kind of cat that was a stray that just showed up outside your house, and you felt bad for him, so you start leaving food out for him, and he gets a bit more comfortable with you being around, but still doesnt seem all that interested in you, and then one day, he just walks into the house and flops down on the couch like he owns the place. He still likes to be outside to wander, usually to the neighbors to hang out with their fluffy brown cat, but he always comes back at night and curles up on your lap while you watch TV. He's the kind of cat that you don't adopt. He adopts you.
Viktor: Viktor is one of those cats who takes a long time to warm up to people. He just kinda stares at you from across the room, almost with a look of mistrust, and he wants nothing to do with being pet or cuddled. If you try to force it, all you do is push him away. But if you respect that and give him his space, you're eventually gonna start waking up with him laying next to you in bed, or he'll come up to you on the couch and lay on the opposite side. He doesn't want to be pet, he just wants to be next to you. That's how he shows affection.
Mordecai: Mordecai is similar to Viktor, but he just straight up does not warm up to you. He's less your pet cat and more a roommate who has slight disdain for you and doesn't pay rent. You just exist in the same place. He does his own thing, and you better not interrupt him, cause you will get hissed and/or clawed at. He doenst like toys, or Catnip or anything. The only thing he seems to like is staring out your perfectly symmetrical windows. He occasionally brings you birds, but you can't tell if it's a gift or a threat.
Nico and Serafine: These two are the cats at the shelter that can't be separated because they're a bonded pair. They're the kind you bring home, and they immediately run to the tallest part of the house and just stare at you. Every time you enter the same room as them, they just stare at you from above and don't move. You know they can get down due to the food being gone every day and the couch getting progressively more scratched up, but you never see it. And then, one day, you wake up with Niko sleeping on your face, Serafine over your neck, and the corpse of the biggest rat you've ever seen at the end of the bed. You've done it. You gained their approval... expect a lot more dead things.
I feel threatened by Mordecai. And the Savoys...but touched, too!
Wick is literally like my one cat, but he's a mix of Wick and also Zib. God I love this!!!
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quiveringdeer · 2 years
so I took a nap with my cat, but since I woke up I haven't been able to get the above observation outta my head. And dunno how to make it into a character post so figured I'd just share here. 
This started as a long-winded scene idea I was typing up in dms to @marleysfinest after they commented about reading about Reiner cursing in that silly incorrect quote post I made where Pock pushed him down the stairs--just hit real different. And I couldn't agree more.
But instead of becoming the filthy smut I was originally trying to get at, my weird as fuck brain created this spiral of I don't even know what! It's highly self indulgent self insert as Reader. (I mean isn't that what we all write these as?) Though I did try to curb some of my more ridiculous dialogue options I initially intended to use.
Anywho, before the fluff and silliness have some meta musings:
Definitely see Reiner growing up with his mom being the type that doesn't allow bad language in the house. So he's careful about not cussing. And he definitely does, more so in high school and college when he joins a few sports teams because teen boys and all that jazz. But he tries to even outside of that or just hanging with friends because Gabi's been born and he wants to be a good example and such. 
But so I was thinkin about dating Rei and never really noticing that he tends not to curse until finally hearing him curse for one of the first times. And because it's the number one cause for yelling expletives, it happens when you're having movie night at your place. There isn't a lamp near the couch --cause who can afford a lamp in THIS economy! (okay maybe you just moved in and things are still in boxes but you both have a standing date night that moving was not going to interrupt I dunno! I dunno why my brain insists on giving convoluted scenarios that really are unneeded 🙃)--
Reiner x Reader
Anywho, no lamp. So of course you do rock paper scissors to figure out who has to get up from the snuggly warm spots on the couch to go turn off the overhead light and he loses. And after turning off the lights, in a rush to get back to the warm snuggling on the couch, he stubbs his poor bare toes on a sturdy box. "Shit!"
No, like reeeally hard. "SHIT MOTHERFU-!" Perfect. So yes. He stubs his toe so hard it throws off his generally great balance and as he's trying not to land on anything important he falls to the floor with a big thud! "Fuck!" 
And the whole thing happens in a number of seconds. 
You've launched yourself over to the side of the couch closest to him now. Peering down in the dim light of the DVD Title Menu screen, "Rei, honey you good?" 
He's sitting up by this point, groaning and muttering as he squeezes his poor, traumatized toe. "Yeah. 'M good." Casting those warm amber eyes over to you, Reiner tries for a grin but manages more of a grimace as he starts to pick himself up. "Too eager to get back to cuddling you." 
Settling back into your previous spot on the couch you notice him not putting his assaulted foot fully on the floor. "Aww, sweet baby." 
His large body sinks gingerly onto the sofa beside you. He's not trying to sustain any more injuries just dropping himself heavy onto the cushions like he wants to. 
"You sure you're good? Don't think I've ever heard you swear like that before." 
Reiner dips his head, masking his face in shadow as he feels his cheeks heat. Not that you could see it in the minimal lighting anyway. "Sorry. Didn't mean to. But yeah. I'm okay." To prove his point he lifts up both his legs and wiggles his toes, back-lit by the TV screen. "All in working order." 
A tiny amused huff of air puffs past your lips at the endearing little gesture. "Okay." While patting around the fleece blanket with one hand for the remote, your other arm lifts to rest across his broad shoulders. Your fingers curve around the top of his head, sinking into the soft blond strands as you begin massaging gently. It's an unconscious action at this point. You've argued before that running your fingers through his hair feels just as nice to you as it does for him. 
Reiner's neck is tilted back, by the time you finally locate the remote beneath the folds of endless fleece. Eyes closed, completely content to just listen to the movie he's forgotten the title of already. 
"Also, you didn't have to apologize. For cursing." He turns his head just slightly to see you looking at him with a fond smile. "I don't mind. I honestly can't believe this is literally the first time I've ever heard you do it. And we've been dating for months." 
You settle the remote on your lap and keep your eyes on his face. There's a short silence as you watch Reiner's mouth twitch. His brows pull down slightly like he's sifting for the right words. 
"My mom always said it was a vulgar habit. So I grew up making sure I didn't slip up at home or in front of strangers." 
You laugh and have to quickly follow it with words when you notice Reiner's face go tense. "Sorry, was just laughing cause I'm happy to know after three months of dating you no longer see me as a stranger." 
Immediately Reiner starts to sit up straighter, eyes going wide as he angles his large body toward you. "That's not what I–" 
One of your fingers presses to his lips, silencing his rebuttal. The hand that'd been occupied in his hair now lays comfortably on his shoulder. "I know honey. Relax. I'm just teasing." 
Grin still present from your earlier laughter, you lean in for a slow, tender kiss that has Reiner melting further toward you. Your foreheads rest together as you part from his lips. You have to bit your bottom lip to seal in another delighted chuckle when your eyes open to see his, closed. Honey blond lashes fanned against his cheeks and pretty, wet lips still slightly puckered for more kisses. It never ceased to charm you how such a large, handsome and objectively intimidating man could simultaneously produce the most adorable mannerisms. 
"I hope you can feel comfortable enough to do it more in the future. If the urge strikes. Liiiike another lost battle against a box. Or anything really. Whatever. You don't have to hold any part of yourself back from me, Reiner. Okay?" 
His eyes had fluttered open as soon as you began to speak. His head nods a bit. A slight up and down motion you feel more than see, with your foreheads still touching. Reiner's eyes close again as he presses forward for another kiss. 
You pull back, increasing the distance between your faces as both your hands move to cup his cheeks. "I mean it." 
Finally his mouth quirks up in a smile, "I got it." 
"Good." Index fingers from both of your hands twiddle the short hairs just above his ears. "So you get that also means if the urge strikes to curse in a positive way?"
"Positive way?" Rei's brows knit together as he tilts his head just a smidge to the left. "Maybe I don't, got it." 
Another short burst of laughter leads your response, "Yeah. Positive way. Like overcome with such positive feelings the only words that can truuuly harness the euphoria are curses."
His head cants further at an angle before things click in place. "Oooh. Really?" 
"Mmmhm. Actually, if you wanna be more vocal in general, I'd like that. I love the sound of your moans, but the right words can really hit different." 
"Oh. I can try to talk more, if you like that." 
"Ideally, you'll like it too."
You can tell by that short response that he's getting caught up in his head. "Reiner?" Your palms squish in his cheeks gently. "Are you trying to think of what things you'd say?"
"Uh. Maybe. I feel like it'll be awkward. No one's ever asked me to talk more during sex. Didn't know it was a thing, to be honest."
Pulling your hands from his face you mute the TV. The DVD Title Menu music was becoming a bit overestimating for this conversation. With the repetitive sounds silenced you maneuvered your body to more comfortably talk with Rei. One leg tucked up between you both, other still situated over the front of the couch. Soft, fluffy blanket redistributed over both of your lower halves.
Reiner, resettled himself in a more comfy position too. Elbow resting against the back of the couch so he could lean his cheek on his knuckles. It wasn't uncommon for conversations to bloom up and distract you both from previously set plans. While it had been a bit unsettling at first, he really relished them now. He was unused to people asking questions and genuinely wanting to hear his thoughts. Okay, that wasn't entirely true. Bertholdt had always been an active listener. So was Pieck. But they'd known each other since elementary school and were close friends.  
Maybe that's what it was. He wasn't used to these kinds of conversations happening so frequently with a romantic partner. None of them had ever been so curious to ask and he'd never gotten around to offering up the information freely. Perhaps that was something he should bring up in his next therapy session. 
"Hmm, do you think it's awkward when I talk while we're having sex?" 
There's quiet confidence paired alongside genuine curiosity situated in your tone. And while it's been many years since he's been a virgin, this simple straightforward question has the tip of his ears flushing hot. 
Reiner forces himself to meet your gaze as he responds, "No. I just figured…I don't know. Just never thought about it."
"Not that anyone should use them as any kind of blueprint for real sex, but is there no dirty talk in the porn you watch? Like, the dudes. Do they not say anything?"
If he'd been eating or drinking, he would've certainly choked. Mark this down for another topic he's never discussed with a partner before. "Uh, no? Maybe? Like you said, I don't really watch to pick up tips or tricks." Okay. Maybe that wasn't fully the truth. Some videos had certainly sparked fantasies he's put into motion once or twice. 
"Okay, fair." Lifting up the blanket, you move the leg you've had extended over the front of the couch, across Reiner's lap. "Hmm…We'll have to find you more memorable porn, babe." 
You snort out a laugh and the sounds eases the tension of embarrassment coiling in his gut. His free arm slips beneath the blanket to hug your leg close to his body. The heat from his palm is distinct as he smooths his hand up and down the outward side of your leg. "You've got to be the first girl I've ever met that wants their boyfriend to watch more porn." 
"I'm most definitely not. You just haven't reached that stage of information security clearance with other women yet. And I'll have you know, I was implying you need to watch better porn, not necessarily, more." A giant grin stretches across your face after putting on a mockingly serious voice for that last sentence. Obviously, you're in a very playful mood tonight and the energy is infectious. 
"Ah. Forgive me, that's a very important difference right there."
"Damn right it is!" 
Reiner can't help but shake his head at the ridiculous exclamation even has laughter rumbles out through his lips.
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Puppy Love <3
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characters: Park Chanyeol, Kim Jongin, reader
word count: ~2000
warnings: brief mention of abandoned pets but they are safe and sound in the fic itself no worries, it's all the fluffiest fluff ^~^
a/n: Happy Holidays @galaxybambamm - whichever you celebrate - 'tis me, your secret santa (Admin S, @starchild--27) ^-^ ❄️✨
I hope you are well and that you have a good time for the last couple of days of the year (and hopefully also with the little scenario i came up with :D)
this is my gift for this year's EXO-L Secret Santa event, which was wonderfully hosted by @exols-silver-christmas. Thank you so much for your dedication and hard work, once again I had a really good time participating and I hope we'll see each other again for round 4 next year ♡
Happy holidays to everyone who reads this, I hope December treats you kindly and that the new year starts all smoothly 💕✨
If someone asked you what your favorite thing during the Christmas holidays was, you never had to think long and hard about it. Sure, spending time with your loved-ones, not having your boss breathing down your neck everyday and the magic of the snowy scenery were all aspects you greatly appreciated but there was one thing you loved most: having time for volunteering at the local animal shelter.
When you were still in school, helping out with going on walks, grocery runs or simply enjoying playtime with the cute pets were your most-beloved hobbies, but after graduation, life just got too busy, so you could only visit maybe once or twice a month. Like that, the days around Christmas and before New Year's have been reserved for the shelter ever since. 
You could hear the yipping, whining and high-pitched barking of the puppies from outside already as you approached the main entrance of the old building that housed the shelter, and the mere sound made your heart skip two or three beats. You couldn’t wait for the tiny creatures to finally nag on the seam of your pants, eager to play around with you or to receive affectionate caresses.
With your lips stretching into a content smile you gave the entrance door a firm tug so you could slip from the chilling cold of winter into the welcoming warmth of the hallway. Quickly you shed your jacket with its last reminders of the snow outside, hanging it on the rack that was already carrying three more jackets. You wanted it to dry at least a little before you would put it on again. 
You let your eyes wander through the hall. Most of the doors were closed, like the ones which hid nursing and play rooms for puppies, kitties and occasionally bunnies, as well as a small medical station for emergencies and minor injuries that didn’t require a vet right away. Only the doors that led to the office and storage rooms had been left open, probably in a hurry. The last time you’d visited the shelter, everyone was going crazy over a cat that went missing on the day it was supposed to be adopted - turned out someone had forgotten to close the doors for a short moment, one long enough for the cat to follow its curiosity over the threshold of the playroom only to be found asleep on a pile of documents in the rather messy office.
The sound of voices and the shuffle of steps from behind one of the closed doors shifted your attention away from your memories and towards the door which led to the great playroom where both puppies and kitties were running free to explore once they were old enough to do so safely. You didn’t quite understand how it was possible for you to smile even wider but the familiar sounds of a frustrated, very human whine and an infectious laugh somehow managed to have exactly that effect on you.
With fast steps you approached the door, pushing it open carefully so none of the animals could weasel its way out while you were entering. The scene that presented itself in front of you was equally familiar to you as everything else in the shelter: there was Chanyeol, a little ball of white-brown fur curled up in his lap, as he desperately tried and tragically failed to hide dog treats from a certain energetic, black toy poodle. And there was Jongin, who sat next to his friend, laughing at his misery while running gentle fingers through the light fur of two more puppies that had curled up on the younger’s legs. 
“Hey there, guys!” you greeted them happily, “And hello to you little ones too.” You crouched down to pet the small army of kittens that had assembled at your feet. A lot of them were still quite young, too young for being adopted and too young for you to know them from previous visits. 
“Hey there yourself- Okay, okay. Here, Toben. Take the treats, it’s pointless to train you when you refuse to listen” Chanyeol pouted at the poodle and resignedly let the dog have its way, sort of forgetting to finish greeting you but you didn’t mind at all - the two of you had been friends for a couple of years now after all, always trying to visit the shelter together since you’d discovered your mutual love for animals. You were used to Chanyeol’s antics, the way he’s been trying to get into Toben’s good graces since his family had adopted the dog a few years ago from the very shelter both of you were volunteering in your free time. Soon enough, Jongin had joined your trio with endless adoration for puppies and a natural knack for dealing with dogs of any age or breed. Jongin, who interrupted fondling the baby dogs in his lap to wave at you with a happy smile before he turned to Chanyeol with the words “You know, maybe he would listen better if you didn’t always reward his lack of obedience.” 
But his friend didn’t seem to want to see reason, only huffing loudly through his nose, expressing his frustration as he handed Jongin the box with treats, challenging him to try to get the playful poodle to listen. Of course, Toben lost interest in Chanyeol the moment he had handed the treats over, now jumping and running around Jongin, who held up a treat out of the small dog’s reach and said with a stern tone “Sit!”
Toben stopped in his wild racing and sat down immediately, wagging his tail in eager anticipation. 
“I hate this dog,” Chanyeol said dryly with no bite or seriousness in his voice, and tended to the napping fluffball in his lap instead.
Giggling at the scene that had just played out, you made your way to the center of the room where your two friends were sitting and joined them on the ground, only to instantly be jumped by Toben who was hoping to get himself yet another treat if he behaved cutely (or rudely) enough. Instead, you pulled out a squeaky toy you had grabbed from a box in the hallway and carefully tossed it a little further away from your group - you didn’t want to hit one of the babies but also thought Toben could entertain himself for a little while so you had the chance to catch up with Chanyeol and Jongin and the little puppies in their laps, that you hadn’t seen around before.
“And who might these little guys be?” you cooed as you watched one of the puppies on Jongin’s leg wake up from its slumber, yawning and stretching out its little paws in the sweetest of ways. 
“They came here, I think, two or three weeks ago. Three new puppies and their mom. Junmyeon said, someone found them abandoned at a rest area near the highway and brought them over. But they are recovering very well so far” Jongin explained calmly as he re-adjusted the now awake puppy, wanting to prevent it from falling off his leg. 
Maybe you should be more used to such stories - you’ve been working with rescue cases for a long time now after all - but hearing about abandoned pets, especially puppies and especially during the colder seasons, always had your stomach dropping, your heart breaking a little every time. You had never understood how people could just drop off their pets out in the cold if they didn’t want or couldn’t afford taking care of them anymore, why they couldn’t just bring them to a shelter - that’s where the animals would end up anyway. But there was no use in getting all too angry over that, you thought to yourself as you watched the ball of light brown fur slide down Jongin’s leg after all and waddle towards you in healthy curiosity. You were here to help caring for the innocent creatures now, supporting a place that was dedicated to find them a new home - that thought never failed to bring you comfort.
“I know, it’s sad but look at the bright side,” Jongin nudged you in the side, lifting your gaze from the puppy sniffing at your shoelaces, “Chanyeol is totally in love with the little one in his lap already.”
“Yeah, there is no way I am not adopting her myself,” Chanyeol chimed in upon hearing his name. “Time for a dog that actually loves me.” And as if he had understood exactly what Chanyeol had said, Toben suddenly let out an upset bark and started running laps around his owner, who couldn’t help the dumb-founded expression on his face. Jongin and you exchanged meaningful looks at the irony of the situation. Sometimes it was very hard to believe that it was actually impossible for Toben’s behavior to be as calculated as it seemed. 
The poodle’s shrill barking had woken up the two other puppies though, so the three of you decided that it was time to take out the little one’s for an outdoor playing session. Junmyeon, who managed the shelter over the holidays and was probably bored out of his mind sorting documents in the office, had already prepared three tiny harnesses for them, complete with soft cotton applications that would provide some protection from the cold for the little rascals. You picked up the puppy that had played with your shoes before, another little girl as Chanyeol informed you, to get her ready for the outing. 
“This little princess here,” Chanyeol scratched the puppy in his arm behind her ears, “is Zzar. You know, short for Mozart.” She snuggled even closer to him. It was so adorable you almost let out a puppy-like whining sound yourself. She really seemed to be especially fond of Chanyeol, the total opposite of Toben, who never missed an opportunity to tease your friend.
“The one you are handling right now doesn’t have an official name yet, but I've named her Brahms in my head,” Chanyeol explained as he watched you fastening the straps of the little harness, before he handed you one of the leashes. 
“Of course you did,” you laughed. It would have been more surprising if he didn’t continue with naming pets after composers.
“The third one is Debussy” Chanyeol finished off his naming process, sending a cheeky grin towards Jongin.
“Don’t worry, I won’t ever call you that,” Jongin only half-whispered into his puppy’s ears, obviously with the intention of teasing Chanyeol who threw a fake punch in return - you couldn’t help chuckling at the typical habits and antics they displayed.
Something mischievous was flashing in Jongin’s eyes but before the situation could escalate into friendly but nonetheless petty bickering you loudly cleared your throat and gestured towards the scurrying puppies with a nod of your head.
“I think these babies can’t wait for their outdoor adventure time anymore,” you decided with feigned seriousness as all three puppies were leashed and more than ready to go, so the three of you grabbed your jackets and stepped into the cold air.
Everything felt so comfortably familiar as the three of you ventured outside, along the path that led to a small playground for dogs not far from the shelter. So it didn’t surprise you when Jongin dropped the box with the dog treats, the snacks scattering all over the ground. Or how Chanyeol told you with big eyes that he couldn’t tell you now what Christmas gifts he bought for his dogs because “it’s supposed to be a surprise - I can’t tell you right in front of them”. Or the way all three of you broke into a laughing fit when one of the puppies got a little too over-excited in its playfulness and stumbled over its tiny legs. 
That was how you knew, no matter how long you hadn’t seen each other, there were always things that would never ever change. ♡
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