#chats; quotes and music is all i speak
calliesmemes · 6 months
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UNHINGED SENTENCE STARTERS FEATURING THINGS SAID BY MYSELF AND MY FRIENDS WHILE WRITING AS OUR MUSES IN A CRACK-BASED NONCANON GROUP CHAT. This post is dedicated to Em, Liz, Tanny, Nellie, Mel, Ange, and everyone else in the server who recognizes these quotes — you know who you are 😈
CHANGE gendered words and in-universe phrases as needed.
SPECIFY muse for multimuses.
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“   Have you forgotten that you should not steal someone’s property? ”
“   I could slap that smug look off his face right now! ”
“   Your ears are a lie. ”
“   Woah woah that's - that's a bad word. ”
“   I don’t know if it’s allowed and quite frankly I don’t care. Fuck the rules. ”
“   Time for gremlin activities! ”
“   I hate this man. Let's prank him. ”
“   We are all going on strike today I swear ”
“   Looks like I need to invest in a kid leash. ”
“   I support her saying what needs to be said! I am done with the silencing of women!!!! ”
“   I like the dramatics. ”
“   I did not ask for a second opinion. ”
“   You seem to be doing a great job at being a nuisance. ”
“   do you want me to bring you cheese? ”
“   Next move, start chewing on the door frames ”
“   I like crumbs. They are like a little midnight snack in my bed at night. ”
“   if he wants to be a worm, LET HIM BE A WORM ”
“   the rest of you suck my toe ”
“   To be fair I am simply vibing. ”
“   I am going to commit a war crime! ”
“   I am manifesting being happy. ”
“   Am I gonna talk shit WITH you guys? because im down to talk shit about pretty much anyone ”
“   Who says? We shall revolt without question. ”
“   Let's just start burning stuff. ”
“   Did you just call me... small? ”
“   Can I convert you with my kazoo propaganda? ”
“   We were radicalised by The Little Mermaid. ”
“   Penny in the swear jar, now. ”
“   My last words are, bros before hoes. ”
“   The old men are trying to be trendy. ”
“   I can do whatever I want too! ”
“   Can we go one day without an interruption from an American? ”
“   I am so sorry. He enjoys conflict. ”
“   Why is he so tall? ”
“   For legal reasons, kids, that's a joke. ”
“   Would you like to fight the adults? ”
“   You're not meant to bite people, it's frowned upon. ”
“   He’s a fun killer, don't listen to him! ”
“   Ow! Stop kicking me! ”
“   I have quite literally begged you not to kick, hit, or bite today. ”
“   BUT I thought we were buds, pals, amigos, chums, friends. ”
“   Oh shiiiii someone’s in trouble ”
“   How much caffeine have you had in the last hour? ”
“   I'll be honest they wouldn't be so bad if they didn't speak. ”
“   Is this goof meant to be dead or what? ”
“   I am a witch. ”
“   This one reeks of self confidence when he clearly doesn't think before opening his mouth. ”
“  I call bullshit on that rule! ”
“   The point is I have a cane and I’m not afraid to use it. ”
“   If you slap me, I’ll cane you. ”
“   Yippee for women. ”
“   Sorry for being British. ”
“   Oi who's playing that ominous music? ”
“   I'm strong because I eat carrots. Oh wait or is that to see in the dark.... it's for something. ”
“   I will say sorry when i'm caught, don't you worry. ”
“   ... He's done for. Broken beyond repair. Someone play Taylor Swift. ”
“   Please refrain from punching one another. ”
“   He is becoming one with the spider I believe. ”
“   If anybody asks I will say I made you, then you will not get in trouble! ”
“   Can I be a girlboss too? I am not rude to women and I do what i like ”
“   Yippee for patriotism! ”
“   … i could make you guys rat costumes ”
“   Do you think if we started stealing bread we would lose our jobs? ”
“   why do British people ”
“   … you all need therapy. ”
“   Do you ever feel if you breathe the wrong way he will bite you? ”
“   I actively avoid whatever this is. ”
“   CARRY ME. ”
“   What if, and hear me out, they both promise not to do it again? ”
“   I wanna steal all his socks. ”
“   My socks were stolen! ”
“   Hey, watch it now. Only I'm allowed to insult me. ”
“   You couldn’t whisper to save your life. It’s pitiful. ”
“   Both of you are insufferable. ”
“   The law is overrated. ”
“   I’m afraid. Miss, you aren’t my type. ”
“   No. I swear on my life. I am being a gentleman ”
“   I support women’s wrongs. ”
“   He bites? Are you .. joking? Please say you're joking. ”
“   If you like piña coladas and getting caught in the rain ifyou're not into yoga if you have half a brain if you like makin' love at midnight in the dunes on the cape then I'm the love that you've looked for write to me and escape 🎶🎶 ”
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huramuna · 8 months
beware the sapphire peak - chapter 1.
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aemond targaryen x wife reader x alys rivers a period piece, set in 1902.
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wordcount: 2.6k
you're a young, american lady who is an aspiring author. you are wooed by a mysterious and charming savant from england. swept off your feet, you're whisked away to his family's ancient estate, Dragonstone Hall. but with all stories, secrets are hiding around every corner, and your suitor is no different. a crimson peak inspired mini series. (this will likely be about 3 parts)
@huramuna-fics - follow & turn on notifications for just my fic postings!
content: smut, angst, gaslighting, unhealthy relationships, manipulation, alys in her girlboss gatekeep gaslight era, no use of y/n, afab reader, pre-established alysmond, this isn't going where you think it is (it might be), infidelity-ish, polyamory
to death we dance - salem's heir • the flower duet - sabine devieilhe & marianne crebassa
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“You were nearly late, miss,” one of the butlers murmured in your ear. “The music’s just started.” 
“There is a quote about being fashionably late, isn’t there?” you mused, taking his gloved hand as he helped you up the steps. 
It was a banquet for your father’s business, a celebration of having struck gold (oil) and turning a huge profit. Or, in your words, an excuse for the high and mighty to get plastered and dance the night away. Your fist clenched upon the train of your dress– a lovely evening gown in eggshell white, with hand embroidered lilacs and lavender petals on it, spindling up your bodice like a trellis. Your usually somewhat unruly hair was tamed into a braided and pinned up-do, with an expensive broach poked into the bun of hair in the shape of a falling wisteria branch. 
Your father was the first to greet you, peeling away from the gaggle of portly oil barons. He kissed your cheek. “You look lovely tonight, my dear. A vision in purple, I must say.”
You smiled back at him. “Yes, well, you all but wringed my arm to get me to attend– and you shall hold up your end of the bargain… right?” you hummed softly, batting your eyelashes. 
He let out a small sigh, nodding. “I will send your manuscript to the publisher– the editor in chief is here tonight, if you’d care to mingle. Amongst… many other eligible bachelors, I might add.” 
Your father had spent the better part of the last three years gently trying to pair you up with a suitor for marriage. He was a patient man, as he had droned on about so many times before, but his patience was waning. You were twenty-one years old, and apparently, that was a ghastly sight– to be twenty-one and unmarried with no promising prospects. 
Of course, you couldn’t care less. You were more focused on finishing your manuscript in that time– you had a knack for writing and reveled in works of fiction that tended to lean to the darker sides of things. It had finally reached a point you were somewhat happy with, and had convinced your father to chat up his well connected colleagues so you may be able to send the first draft to a publisher.
The price for that, however, was to entertain suitors. At a gala. Dressed and primped like a Thanksgiving turkey. It was all so dreary to you– the ladies stared at you and whispered, citing you as the dreary one. 
Breaking away from your father with a tiny smile, you began to mingle– as well as you could, anyhow. You were awkward and a bit sheltered and it showed. However, once you said who your father was, dollar signs would flash in the eyes of the men you were speaking with, and they would push forward in the conversation. You weren’t ugly by any means and could become a good wife to some young entrepreneur– but you didn’t want that.
You were about fed up with it all three hours later, your nails clinking against the glass of champagne you were nursing for the better part of thirty minutes. Your look of slight annoyance managed to stave off any other wanton suitors– until another man approached you. You had exchanged some glances with him during the night, but you didn’t recognize him. He was tall, exceedingly taller than any of the other men there. His blonde hair, so pale it was almost white in hue, was cinched at the nape of his neck in a clean ponytail, falling between his shoulder blades. He was in a custom-fitted three piece black and green suit– you could tell from how perfectly it was hugging him, in all the right places.
A familiar heat came to your cheeks as you watched him saunter over to you with an intent in his pale blue eyes– eye? One of them, you noted as he came closer, was slightly off-color from the other and moved a bit slower. Likely fake, you thought. The light casted over the planes of his face, chiseled as it was, illuminating the slightly raised, puckered skin near the fake eye in a distinctual scar. He looked just like the perfect inspiration for a protagonist in one of your novels– or mayhaps an antagonist. He seemed to skim the line between the two in appearance alone.
“My lady,” he greeted as he finally broke the air of silence between you, his arms placed behind him in a very calculated manner. “Are you enjoying yourself this evening?” he asked then, a brow perked. His accent wasn’t American– that you knew for certain– likely something European. 
“As much as I can, sir,” you responded coolly, despite being caught slightly off guard by his sudden and overwhelming presence– a dark cloud in a perfectly tailored suit. “I hope that the…” you cleared your throat, trying to sound a little more confident than you likely were. “The… event is to your liking.” you mustered a smile, diverting your gaze to your champagne, hoping there may be the secrets to being a good conversationalist somewhere within the bubbles.
He chuckled, the sound low and husky. It caused a shiver to go up your spine. “The event is well and fine, my lady. Are you… the proprietor of the gala tonight? I wouldn’t expect a beautiful thing such as yourself to plan something like this.”
You glanced up at him beneath fettered lashes. He was complimenting you and insulting the party at the same time. “No– I am not. I’d never choose such… dreary musicians for an event like this. They’re playing for a wake rather than a party– that would be my father’s doing.” you slipped it into the conversation, that this was your father’s party, trying to gauge if this handsome stranger was after what all of the others were.
Surprisingly, his expression, smooth and cool with the barest hint of a smile perking at his naturally upturned lips, didn’t change. “Dreary,” he repeated, “Melancholic, gloomy, monotonous, vapid– all good words to describe the state of affairs.”
“You have quite the expansive vocabulary, Mister…” your voice trailed off, an inadvertent way to ask for his name.
“Targaryen– Aemond Targaryen. And you?” he reached his hand out to shake yours – how incredibly formal– as you returned your own name with a wide-eyed stare.
“Targaryen. As in… the ancient bloodline? Descended from dragons, close to royalty, Dragonstone estate Targaryen?” you asked, mouth slightly agape. From what you knew of them, they were as close to the height of English royalty, real royalty, as there was in the current year, 1902. Their wealth alone, minus all of the titles, made your father’s look like a pissant trust fund. 
“The very same. You’re familiar with my family?”
“Ehm– familiar, more so I’ve heard of you all. Your family’s name comes up quite often in my father’s social circles. And I am quite nosy.”
“And what do you think?”
“About… your family? Mr. Targaryen–” 
“Call me Aemond.”
“Aemond– I don’t really know much besides the height of your prestige– and your family’s estate, Dragonstone. My father brought me back some photographs of it from his trips over the pond. It’s quite beautiful.”
“Your father brought you pictures of our home?”
“N-not just yours! I collect photographs of old estates, mostly ones from Europe. I like to use them for inspiration for my… stories. I’m a writer– a novice, mostly.”
“A writer? Have you published anything I might know?” 
“Oh, God no–” you laughed, covering your face slightly with your hand. “I’ve not yet been published. I actually sent my manuscript to… or will be sending one to a publisher soon. Hopefully.”
“What do you like to write?” he asked then, leaning a bit closer to you as if he was actually enjoying conversing with you. “Romance? Children’s fables?” he teased softly, his one eye gleaming. He was quite handsome, you thought.
“I like horror– mysteries, gothic fiction. I’m quite enamored with the… macabre and weird,” you admit. “I hope that doesn’t frighten you.” 
Aemond grinned, his teeth shining, canines pronounced against his thin lips. “Oh, yes, it does frighten me. But, all good horror stories should frighten their readers, yes? I expect you’re a fan of Vampyre? Perhaps Dracula?” 
“Both are good. My favorite, however, is Frankenstein. Mary Shelley is a genius. The Castle of Otranto is also wonderful and the pioneer of the genre. I remember trying to read it when I was younger and being scared of the dark hallways at night. Later on in life, those dark hallways enthused me enough to write about them– hence my… fascination with old houses.”
“Old homes certainly do have their fair share of secrets, don’t they?” he paused, straightening his lapel slightly before leaning back in towards you. “And do you believe what they say? That Mary’s husband wrote it and published it under her name?”
Your brows knit together in slight irritation. “Of course not. Why would he need to do such a thing? I hope you don’t mind me saying, but men already have enough advantages as is– publishing under a woman’s name instead might be considered a disadvantage.”
“Will you be publishing under your own name?” 
You blinked, taking a sip from your champagne. It was something you considered and went back and forth upon. “I haven’t decided. I have a pseudonym ready just in case.”
“Do tell– so I know what name to look for on the shelves within a year.” 
God, was he ever charming– and without even trying, really. He was well-spoken with a voice that was soft and almost whispery. It made butterflies bubble in the pit of your stomach– now that was a feeling you weren’t familiar with. “Dorian Gray.”
“Cheeky woman.” he mused. “Fancy a dance, Miss Gray?”
“... I suppose I could be swayed.”
Your dance together, to say the least, was a success– it started month’s worth of courting after. Aemond took you on the most splendid nights out, wining and dining you like you were a gorgeous, interesting debutante. It was exhilarating to say the least and made you feel… truly wanted– especially since his family was exceedingly wealthy, your father’s wealth couldn’t have attracted him. 
He took you to the theater, out to wondrous restaurants, and bought you various gifts like jewelry, writing supplies and outfits to wear when you went out.
It all felt very much like a dream to you– something beyond your usual, weary routine that had hardly ever changed since your mother died when you were eight years old. You’d recused into yourself then, the dark hallways that scared you so fiercely just before her death now seemed welcoming. You thrived in the dark, like a moth. 
But now, you felt something more akin to a butterfly, bathing in the sun’s light. 
It wasn’t a great surprise when Aemond asked your father for his blessing to marry you. Your father, who had harped you for years to get married, was suddenly apprehensive. 
He pulled you aside, arm around you. “Do you like this boy, dear?”
“Y-yes, father– very much so.”
“I’ll be honest, sweetheart. I’m not exactly keen on letting my only daughter go off with… some man–” 
“He isn’t just some man, father! He’s a Targ–” 
“Don’t interrupt,” he chastised firmly. “I’ve had my people look into his family further– it’s a whole mess, issues with succession, backstabbing, incest, the whole nine yards,” he took a measured breath. “But I’ve heard nothing but good things about… Aemond. But… you’d be so far away. You’d be off living in the annals of England, a whole boat’s ride away.”
“This is what you wanted, father! For me to marry, for me to be happy! This is the happiest I’ve been in… so long. You must see that?”
The creases in your father’s forehead relaxed as he regarded you for a long moment, before turning to Aemond, who was waiting patiently off to the side. He let go of your shoulder and walked to your beau, staring at him sternly. “Will you treat her right? Give her everything she deserves and more?”
Aemond perked up slightly, rubbing the side of his forefinger with his thumb in a seemingly nervous gesture. “Of course, sir. I’ll give her everything I have and more. She will be regarded as a Lady– the Lady Targaryen of Dragonstone Hall, and she wouldn’t be treated with any less respect than a Lady deserves.”
Your father’s gaze narrowed, taking it all into careful thought. “... very well. You have my blessing, son. But, one whiff of even a tear from her eye on your account, and your nads are forfeit. I may not be as well-off as your family, but I’ve got a lot of friends in a lot of places.”
The marriage was a quick affair, as your father, and now Aemond, knew you had no patience for pomp and frills. Aemond gave you a beautiful ring with an absolutely gigantic sapphire inlaid in the center, citing it as a family heirloom from centuries past. Your father saw you off onto the boat, bawling his eyes out. You’d never seen your father cry– not once. 
As husband and wife, you both agreed to wait to celebrate your wedding night until you arrived in England at his family’s estate to your marital bed.
The trip overall was a little under a week’s time upon a luxurious liner, where you both enjoyed champagne and each other’s company. You craved your husband, and he craved you in the same, but you each wished to keep your agreement intact. But it was increasingly hard, as you held one another close each night and his need for you was clearly pressed to your lower back.
Dragonstone Hall was a few hours' carriage ride north of the port and was nestled upon a high-ridged cliff. It was as gorgeous as the pictures had depicted, even moreso. It was ancient, imposing against the skyline and mingling to the clouds, where sea birds and ravens alike swirled above the towering watch towers that were supported by stone walls with vines grasping to them like lifelines. 
It was gorgeous, gothic and most definitely haunted– a perfect place for a woman of horror such as yourself. 
Aemond helped you out of the carriage, a hand placed upon your waist as he guided you beyond the gates. Your eyes were wide with wonder, taking in the scenery like a breath of fresh air. Tears threatened to spill over suddenly, as you were just overwhelmed with everything going on. You were married to someone you loved, who loved you– and were the Lady Targaryen of Dragonstone Hall. 
“Something wrong, my love?” Aemond whispered into your ear, his lips tickling your lobe.
“N-no– I’m just… very happy.”
He wiped the tears away with the pad of his thumb, clearing your vision. You glanced up at one of the windows on the third story of the castle. Someone was staring back at you.
A lady. Her hair was red, her skin almost translucent. 
You must’ve been imagining it, surely. Looking to another window, another visage appeared.
Another– this time with dirty blonde hair, her blue eyes ghastly and bloodshot. She was practically see through. 
You pressed closer to Aemond, blinking profusely– it must’ve been the exhaustion from the nights on the boat catching up to you. Once you rubbed your eyes, you looked back; the figures were gone. 
As you approached the main door of the estate, another face caught your eye. 
Another woman– with dark hair and sullen, emerald eyes. They pierced through you like two heavy jewels, making goosebumps prickle atop your arms. She wasn’t ghastly or undeathly like the other two, and when you rubbed your eyes, she was still there.
She was still there, very much a living person in the flesh, with flowing blood and a beating heart. And she was beautiful.
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moltengoldveins · 17 days
@clingyduoapologist made a really cool “what if DSMP were a stage play” post and basically the instant I saw it I was struck by the muse but I don’t want to just chain reblog the dang thing or make one huge reblog with all my thoughts so instead here are all my thoughts on this concept
i don’t think it’s a musical. I think the tone of the story doesn’t fit. But if it were, it would have a Lot of scenes of unsung dialogue, and that dialoge? Would be rhythmic poetry. It’s Shakespeare Appreciation Time baby.
i do however think there would be a live score and an orchestra. A lot of the music would need to be recorded but there’s at least be a few musicians.
different characters speak in different poetic styles at different times to communicate character and plot development.
to elaborate on that: Characters switch from loose ABBA or ABAB rhyme schemes and vaguely rhythmic meter when chatting back and forth to strict perfect iambic pentameter for tense scenes or political speeches.
Techno speaks exclusively in unrhyming dactylic hexameter, an extremely common poetic form for Greek and Latin poetry. It’s what the Iliad was written in. This has the interesting effect of making Techno sound, at first glance, unpoetic. His speech doesn’t rhyme, and doesn’t follow a common English rhythm scheme, so it wouldn’t immediately register as structured. However, dactylic hexameter is actually significantly harder to write in English than expected because of our syllable stress patterns. Speaking like that would be, objectively, a sign of extreme intelligence, but could easily be overlooked as coarse uncultured behavior.
Techno’s chorus - composed of audience members, background extras, and people (in safety harnesses) sitting in the theater rafters - speak largely in Greek and Classical Chinese, quoting sections of the Art of War and Homer’s work. The major exceptions to this are ‘Blood for the Blood god,’ ‘no,’ and ‘do it.’ They all wear a hat or some form of headband that has a glowing LED eye, hidden, but activated when they speak. The audience plants are all in dark clothes, and when the lights go down they don medical masks/sunglasses. Anything to obscure their faces.
The Chorus, a group of robed masked people who broke the fourth wall and often entered the audience, was a vital part of early Greek theatre. I am an intolerable nerd, and the thought of sitting in a dark theatre only to hear an low distorted voice beside you start to comment on the play as a whole choir of voices echo around you, then turning to see your seat neighbor is a masked person with a glowing red eye in your forehead? Literally incredible.
Dream is the only character dressed in even remotely modern clothes.
Dream is first seen as someone (again, in modern clothes) sneaking around backstage in a black hoodie: most of the audience probably assumes he’s a stagehand and not meant to be seen. Then, at some point, he moves from behind a set piece and enters the scene as an actual character, revealing his mask.
interestingly, this is really similar to what I believe is a bit of myth about why ninjas are dressed in all black in modern media. They wouldn’t have been irl, they would’ve dressed like civilians. But stagehands in Japanese theatre would dress in all-black, and were often completely visible onstage moving sets - it was common courtesy to ignore them. Then one day some playwright had the brilliant idea of having one of the stagehands enter the story as an assassin, and suddenly every actor in all-black was a threat. For the life of me I can’t remember where I read that but it’s a cool thought :D
Dream canonically can interact with set pieces, lighting, and curtains.
Dream actively directs lighting in scenes he is not in, sitting above the stage kicking his feet.
Dream is often used to hand off props to characters instead of having them pull them from a pocket and pretend they were pulled from their ‘inventory.’ This begins to get confusing when Dream is acknowledged later on as the he person giving, say, TNT to Wilbur, or wither skulls to Techno.
characters address the audience as ‘Chat,’ (English’s first fourth-person pronoun my beloved) almost constantly, especially for comedic purposes- most of their monologues are addressed directly to the audience as well. For Wilbur, it’s a sign of instability when he stops addressing ‘Chat’ and start addressing the sides or back of the stage.
philza enters from the lower audience, right by the stage, probably after pooping up from the orchestra pit and taking a reserved seat halfway through so no one sees the wings.
Tommy has by far the least structured or rhyming dialogue - if it weren’t for how carefully crafted it was it would sound like normal prose.
Tommy speaks to the audience by FAR the most. Wilbur only addresses them when soliloquizing. Techno barely addresses them at all: they address him. Ranboo speaks to the audience only when alone, and it’s usually phrased like he’s writing in his memory journal. Tommy speaks to the audience at first like a loud younger brother. As he gets older, it sounds more and more like a plea for help, a prayer for intervention that will never come. Exile is one long string of desperate begging aimed our way.
Tommy stops speaking to the audience so much after Doomsday. He starts again when Dream is imprisoned. He stops for good when he dies in there, beaten, alone.
Sam and the Warden are meant to be played by different actors, ideally siblings or fraternal twins. They wear identical stage makeup and costumes, but the difference is there. None of the characters acknowledge this.
the Stage would need to be absolutely massive and curve almost halfway around the central audience, largely because it should be able to be split at times into two separate stages to show different things happening at the same time. This could possibly also work if there were two stages, but getting people to easily turn from one stage to the other without loosing sight of what was happening would be rough.
Doomsday taking advantage of the scaffolding in the rafters and using them as the ‘grid’ for the tnt droppers.
actual trained dogs for Doomsday my beloved. Would cost a fortune but could you imagine.
the entire revolution arc ripped off Hamilton, we all know that, I think we can afford to have a stagehand step forward in that frozen moment in time when Tommy and Dream have that duel, grab the arrow, and carry it slowly across the stage right into Tommy’s eye. For morale.
throughout the execution scene Techno keeps slipping out of poetic meter, especially when he sees/is worried about Phil. After the totem (which would be freaking amazing as some sort of stage effect with like lights and red and green streamers or smthn dude-) he stops speaking in poetry. The scene with Quackity is entirely spoken dialogue. Chat is silent. It’s only when he gets back and sees evidence that his house has been tampered with that Chat starts up again (kill, blood, death, hunt, hunt, hunt-) and he starts speaking in rhythm again.
Every canon death, Dream marks a tally on something in the background. Maybe it’s in his arm? Like a personal scorecard. Or maybe it’s on the person themselves, a little set of three hearts he marks through with a dry-erase marker or something.
phil and techno have a lot more eastern design elements and musical influences than the rest of the cast, except for Techno’s war theme which is just choir, bagpipes, and some sort of rhythmic ticking or thumping. Phil’s also got a choir sting but it’s a lot harsher, the ladies are higher and them men lower, and the chords are really dissonant (think murder of crows)
Tommy’s theme has a lot of drums, but its core is actually a piano melody. The inverse of Tommy’s theme is Tubbo’s, but Tubbo’s is usually played on a ukulele. Wilbur is guitar, obv, and Niki’s is on viola.
Quackity is a little saxophone lick. He and Schlatt both have a strong big band/jazz influence.
None of the instruments that play dream’s theme play anywhere else in the music. I’m thinking harp, music box, and some kind of low wind instrument.
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erisweekofficial · 1 year
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We are SO excited to have chatted with Matthew Bassett, the voice actor for Eris Vanserra in the Graphic Audio Production of the ACOTAR series.
Read below for an Exclusive Q&A with Matt ❤️
How long have you been voice acting? How did you get started in the voice acting industry?
I’ve only really worked with Graphic Audio for voice acting, and I’ve been in their roster of actors since 2012. I’ve been a stage actor (with a tiny bit of film) since 2003, and I’ve taught acting in the Washington, DC, area since 2012. When I moved to the DC area after graduate school and started working around here, a number of actors I liked and admired kept mentioning this company that provided steady work on fun material - westerns, fantasy, sci-fi. The comic book adaptations sold me, I’m a huge comics fan. Since 2012, I’ve played countless varmints, monsters, cads, aliens, superheroes/villains, and the occasional good guy. Along with Eris, my larger roles have included voicing The Homelander in all six volumes of GA’s adaption of The Boys graphic novels and Cullen in the World of Lupi series.
Can you describe the process for being selected for the role of Eris (or any other character)? Were there auditions, callbacks, or specific criteria that led to your casting?
Graphic Audio works like a repertory acting company, in that after your initial audition, they maintain your contact information for project directors to pull from when needed. I’ve done a lot of work with Colleen Delaney, director of the ACOTAR adaptations, including several longer character arcs in multiple series, so she thought I would be a good fit for Eris based on similar characters (rogueish, but with hidden depth that is explored over time) I’ve played elsewhere. I’m glad she did! Eris has been really fun.
How did you prepare for the role of Eris in terms of understanding the character's backstory, motivations, and relationships with other characters?
Graphic Audio does a fantastic job of preparing actors and directing us through performances. Colleen sent each actor a brief but rich character description, often quoting directly from the novels, as well as providing a plot description for each specific novel (necessary since the turnaround from offer to recording is very short). During our sessions, Colleen tells me everything I need to know about where Eris has been since the last scene/book and how his relationships have evolved. GA directors also read in as “scene partners,” which, considering they are all performers themselves, makes it very easy to react as I imagine Eris would.
Eris is a complex and morally ambiguous character. What aspects of his personality did you find most challenging to convey in your performance, and how did you approach tackling those challenges?
His vulnerability is very challenging. Eris has had a hard life, despite growing up with every privilege, which is difficult to convey. He hates everyone to some extent, but it all comes from how much he hates his family and himself. The scenes with Morrigan in particular take a while to record - he has all the feelings when talking to her, but he can’t show any of them.
Did you have any creative input into how Eris's voice would sound, or was it a collaborative effort with the production team and director? Were there any specific discussions about the character's vocal tone or style?
Definitely collaborative! His basic vocal character is very close to mine, with the musicality dialed up a bit so he can taunt everyone so well. Where my director really helps is pushing me to find the different levels to his interactions - when he’s teasing (often), when he’s antagonizing (mostly with Cassian), and when he’s speaking from his heart (VERY rarely, usually to or involving Morrigan).
What actors (voice, stage, film, etc) have inspired you? And did any actors or other characters help inspire your performance for Eris?
Hoo boy. Too many to list! For something like Eris, a lot of inspiration from Tom HIddleston’s Loki, Tom Cruise’s Lestat de Lioncourt, and anything Jeremy Irons has ever done. Characters that you can’t take your eyes off of, even as you want to beat the crap out of them.
Were there any specific challenges or unique aspects to voicing Eris compared to other characters you've portrayed in the past? How did you adapt your voice to capture his essence?
Y’know, for all the dirtbags, murderers, literal monsters, aliens, and villains I’ve voiced, Eris is the one with the biggest heart. The biggest challenge is allowing him to have a deep want, hidden from even himself, for some tenderness, the one thing he has been denied his entire life. A character like Eris is easy to just have fun with and play as a smug prick (which he is), but he has moments of aching loneliness that make him much richer. SPOILER: One of my most recent favorite moments was playing Eris’ surprise and gratitude when receiving a “made” dagger for safekeeping. Eris can’t fathom trusting anyone else with something so powerful and important, because he simply wasn’t shown that level of trust or respect. The moment took him by such surprise. It was great to let myself feel that in the playing.
Do you have any advice for aspiring voice actors who are considering pursuing a career in Voice Acting? Any tips for breaking into the business and honing their craft?
Train your voice! I received excellent vocal training as part of my MFA (Master of Fine Arts) in Acting at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. I learned how to care for my vocal health, how to support with my breath, and how to modulate the dynamics of my voice for character differentiation as well as basic performance beats. You may not have the inclination for that level of training, but a regular voice lesson with a singing coach will give you similar techniques. In terms of breaking in: like anything of this nature, it’s relationships. Build a strong resume, but also build strong relationships with your collaborators and a reputation for reliability. Directors know that I’ll prepare so that I can make strong initial choices, but that I am more than happy to adjust my choices as needed to make the overall production its best.
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f1bordeaux · 1 year
Can you do one with Lando and the quotes, “We were supposed to get married” + “Wake up please I can’t do this without you” + “Everything I do I do in memory of her” thank u:)
What I Desire The Most | ln4
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How do you cope? He isn't sure. None of us are really sure. Warnings: Angst, character death Pairing: Lando Norris x reader (y/n never mentioned) Word Count: 1189 Story Style | Poetry Style A/n:I wanted to write something small for this one, something with less dialogue and more story? It's sad, i suppose, so for that I'm sorry. But that's what you wanted, isn't it? ;)
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There comes a time at the end of a party, after everyone has drunk their fill, when you know it’s time to leave.
Perhaps death is the same way.
Maybe the crowd has thinned, at least of those you knew. The front door is constantly opening and closing, conversation going with it. Everybody has an equal understanding that this is it, this is the end. There will be no more lingering, no more drinking, no more festivities. Time is up. Slowly, everyone will go, leaving behind an empty house with trash in the corners. Someone’s clothes are floating in the pool. The beer pong table is still set up in the dining room. You never got to finish that chat you started hours ago. But everybody is gone now. It’s time for you to go, too. Things will be left unsaid, stories will go untold. But you had fun. You laughed and cried and danced and sang. It’s time to start over.
Maybe the party is still in full swing when you decide to leave. Nobody has crossed the ‘too drunk’ line yet. Bodies sway to the music, heat is passed on from person to person, the fridge is full, there is somebody naked coming in from the back porch. And although you’re having fun, you realize that you need to go. You’ve had your share, you’ve shown your face, you’ve come for some laughs and now, it is time to depart. Your friends will be upset, wishing that you had stayed just a little longer. Your presence will become nothing more than a photograph strung on the wall. People will speak of you in conversations like so; “Remember her? Remember how amazing she was?” But you will not be there to listen. You’ll be out the door, walking down the street with a smile on your face. You’ll be content. The party was good, you’ll tell yourself. But it’s time to start over. Time to find better.
In this circumstance, the party is in full swing. You’re leaving too soon.
His hand is intertwined with yours, the temperature difference enough to send a chill through his spine. Somewhere in the crash, you lost your bracelet. He still wears his, though. It’s orange and white, the letter beads spelling out your name. You made it for him oh so long ago. At least, it feels like that. All of a sudden, it feels like he’s known you for his whole life. It feels like you two met decades ago, bodies so familiar that you knew they had been together in another life. Your body is cold now, however. It feels different to him. It feels empty.
“We were supposed to get married.” He whispered no louder than the beeping of the machine attached to your paling skin. The engagement ring on your finger has cracked in half. It’s somewhere in a plastic baggie with your phone, wallet, clothes, shoes. It’s somewhere you are not. Nobody really knows where you are to be honest. Maybe your soul is already gone. Maybe it’s not. Lando doesn’t know, either. He hopes you’re still here, listening to him beg. God he hopes you’re still here. “Wake up please. I can’t do this without you.”
Four years, he thinks. Four years was not nearly enough time with you. He needed at least a million more.
He knew that if you left him, leaving him alone on this cruel planet, that life would never be the same. He’d look for your body in each paddock he visited. Although nobody laughed like you, he would still turn around at the slight similarities other girls had in their laughs hoping, praying, that you’d be there. Never again would a race weekend feel complete. Never again would a podium feel right without your lips waiting for a congratulatory kiss. He’d have to move houses, too. There was no way he’d be able to walk in the front door of your Monegasque home and see all of your belongings next to his. Your shoes, your closet full of clothes, your blankets draped on the couch, your makeup on the bathroom counter. No, he would have to move.
He’d never swim in a pool again, too busy thinking about you and him swimming in your pool at late hours of the night. He’d never visit the beach, being reminded too often that the shoreline of Monaco was where you two met. He’d never eat pizza again-it was your favorite food. He’d never watch a Disney movie, that was what Tuesday night date nights were for. Life would become so dull, so colorless.
“I need you, baby. Please.” He spoke to nobody. He was alone in the hospital room. Sadly enough, he already knew it. “I love you.”
The weeks would pass, the days would drag on. There would never come a moment where he got over you. Sure enough, every girl who passed him in the paddock with your hair color caught his attention. He’d smile to himself, amused at how he predicted his own actions. His heart would pound, his hands would shake. It wasn’t you. It would never be you again.
He would be jealous of his fellow drivers who brought their girlfriends to the race. They opted to not speak about love, romance, date nights, their sex life or anything of the sorts in front of him anymore. A few of the boys took him to a music concert in Belgium. They followed it up with a trip to Ibiza. He refused to go to the beach, however. “Let’s just stay in the city.” He’d say. “I’m not a beach guy. I hate the beach.”
The nights were cold and lonely, the days were hot and blank. But, he raced. He pushed the limits of his car and of his body. He shocked everyone with his new aggressive, dominant and unforgiving driving style. “You’re going to kill yourself driving like that, Lando.” His race engineer would tell him.
“I know.” Is all he would respond with.
A tattoo, the first on his tanned skin, would pop up. Roman numerals-how typical, fans would say. But they would stop teasing when they realized the date, hidden on his ribcage, was your birthday.
A trophy-no, a slew of trophies would be dedicated to you; the most impressive one coming in Abu Dhabi two years after your passing. They’d begin to call him a World Champion. He’d continue to call you his reason. “Everything I do,” He’d say on the podium, tears staining his cheeks. He was a World Champion, he had a right to cry. “I do in memory of her.”
And in another life, when your body met his once more, when the heat returned to your skin, when the enjoyment of life returned to his, he would pull you close, saying with a smile; “I’ve been waiting for you.”
To which you would respond, “You’ve come so far, you’ve done so much.”
“You are better than all of that combined. You are what I desire the most. And at last, I finally can say I have it back.”
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zot3-flopped · 7 months
Two months prior to its release, would-be doyens of Swift’s Tortured Poets Department have taken its barbed track listing very literally, leading to intense, often nefarious speculation regarding Swift’s six-year relationship with the British actor Joe Alwyn, which seemingly ended in early 2023.
The album’s title, revealed onstage at the Grammy awards, was quickly linked to a December, 2022 interview with Alwyn and Paul Mescal in which they revealed that Andrew Scott started their group chat, the Tortured Man Club. (“It hasn’t had much use recently,” Alwyn said: you wonder if it’s undergone a recent revival.) Swift revealed the leading track list a day later: My Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toys, So Long, London, I Can Do It With a Broken Heart, The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived, to name a few, sending fans wild with speculation.
Swift, obviously, has every right to sing about her relationships however she wants to (no apologies to Eamonn Holmes). But in the absence of any music, some fans have spread baseless, dangerous and even libellous allegations about Alwyn’s conduct (which, for obvious reasons, I can’t repeat).
Last month, a brief fan-shot video of them dining in a New Orleans restaurant in December, 2022 was recirculated online with AI-doctored audio that made it sound as though Alwyn is saying “you don’t get to tell me about sad,” a line printed on the back of one of the new album’s four physical editions.
When Swift recently told a crowd that she was “lonely” when writing her 2020 album Folklore – some of which was co-written with Alwyn during the pandemic, a lonely time for most – fans took that as further confirmation of their theories. A live medley of three songs that all appear to reference cheating threw petrol on the fire.
Swift could make this stop. She is no stranger to airing her displeasure with the likes of Ticketmaster, Scooter Braun, Spotify and Apple Music, and, occasionally, politicians. Before she released Speak Now (Taylor’s Version) last year, she gave a veiled speech at one Eras tour date effectively asking fans not to go after John Mayer, whom she dated when she was 19 and he was 32 and is understood to be the subject of that album’s Dear John.
“I am not putting this album out so you should feel the need to defend me on the internet against someone you think I wrote a song about 14m years ago when I was 19,” she said in Minneapolis.
But for whatever reason – and obviously, no member of the public has any idea what transpired between her and Alwyn so far – this time she has opted to stay quiet.
Establishing a baseline for conduct is neither commercially risky nor unprecedented: just last week, Ariana Grande said, after the release of her post-divorce album Eternal Sunshine: “Anyone that is sending hateful messages to the people in my life based on your interpretation of this album is not supporting me and is absolutely doing the polar opposite of what I would ever encourage”.
It feels like the endgame of a cat-and-mouse act that’s gone too far. Swift’s gestures towards meaning have led every single thing she does to be considered a kind of marketing, a clue to be solved. It leaves a superstar who’s usually hot on her messaging open to misinterpretation: hints about her personal life are turned by some fans into witch-hunts for anyone perceived to have wronged her; her current silence on politics allows politicians to invoke her name, from the New South Wales police commissioner quoting Swift’s anti-haters lines while defending police to Joe Biden joking that the matter of her apparently much sought-after endorsement is “classified” on Late Night With Seth Meyers.
When Swift made a blandly neutral handwritten post encouraging US citizens to register to vote on Super Tuesday, some fans speculated that her unusual left-leaning handwriting was the real indication of her loyalties – suggesting they’re so starved of substance that they’re reading into empty messages because of this dynamic she has established. (The more likely explanation is the insane way she holds a pen.)
For Swift to only direct fans as to her wishes when it suits her, it weakens her status as a truth-teller. If the comparisons with Dickinson mean anything, she might remember that nothing in the world has as much power as a word feels like the endgame of a cat-and-mouse act that’s gone too far.
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imagionationstation · 4 months
You can call me IS or NinjaNeko! Major ninja turtles fan! I adore 2012 turtles, but my interests lie with all the movies and series! LOVED Mutant Mayhem! Can’t wait for more!!
My favorite turtle depends on the brothers in question, but it’s usually between Raph and Donnie! My favorite sibling bond is usually Leo&Donnie, but, again, it depends! Ask whatever you like- I love chatting turtles!
DISCLAIMER: I am TERRIBLE at responding to things, but I love asks! I swear! I promise that every single one is appreciated, and I definitely intend on getting around to it!
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I do a lot here nowadays, so let me fill you in!
For common tags to organize posts, check the tags below!
For a better understanding of the categories:
I’m most popular for my analyses. I tend to throw out a few rants/interpretations/descriptions on unnoticed or misunderstood aspects of turtle iterations, mainly for the 2012 gang. These guys are extremely misunderstood creatures (See what I see TMNT).
I also do Incorrect TMNT Quotes for the fandom (incorrect tmnt quotes), Tumblr Turtle story clips (ImagionationStation’s Ficlets), I make Mini Music Videos (IS TMNT MMV), post some 2012 show moments and randomly compile a full episode from a single turtle’s POV (Show Clips), and I intend to document thoughts about other shows when I have the time to watch (Turtle Comparison Notes).
I have a tag for asks (IS Asks) and a tag specifically for AUs that get dropped off in my Ask box (AU Asks). Got an AU idea that you’d like explored? As long as it’s in my comfort zone, let’s do so together!
Speaking of AUs:
Once Upon A 2012Donnie Au: Masterpost
Feral Raphie AU Blog Link: Intro
Other places to find me:
I’m on A03 and Wattpad!
I touch base on YouTube every now and then~
I share a sideblog for AUs and the like: @bringingourrealitys2life
If I see a comic scene that makes my brain explode with emotions, I’m going to want to find it again. I collect them here. Feel free to browse and see if I stumble on any that aren’t wildly popular or have yet to become so: @strictlyturtlecomics
Quick Sidenote!
I understand that the turtles have their flaws. I acknowledge that I have my flaws. I do not need you to yell these facts at me.
I reserve the right to block haters that hate for the sake of hating. If you are not willing to chat negatives without passive aggressive behavior or an open mind, I will block without hesitation.
Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful turtleful life! 💚💚
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pandorasword · 2 years
Chaeri as the 8th and youngest member of BTS.
Chaeri's Masterlist
❒ Requested ✓
「 A compilation of Chaeri and Jungkook caught on camera 」
Video posted on YouTube by chaekooknation
Hello everyone, this is chaekooknation speaking! I'm back with a compilation of videos and super-zoomed images of how Chaeri and Jungkook act when they think they're not in front of the cameras I'd like to remind everyone that this is a video purely for the enjoyment of fans who, like me, believe there's something more than friendship between the two of them ♡
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clip one ⸻ 🎬
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⠪ September 2018; Canada ⠪ At that time the members were on tour for the 'Love yourself world tour' ⠪ After the last Canadian stage in Hamilton we know that they stayed a couple of days there before leaving for New Jersey ⠪ We know this in particular because of a dinner they had one of those evenings ⠪ We all remember videos and photos posted by the staff of one of the most exclusive restaurants there ⠪ These include a video of Chaeri and Jungkook that is a bit suspicious, don't you think? ⠪ When she noticed that someone from the restaurant staff was filming her having her hand on Jk's face she made a shocked expression ⠪ Sis, why be surprised? You live constantly on camera ⠪ Unless you were about to do something that others should not know about ⠪ Anyway, she became smooth again after a second and moved her hand to the back of his neck ⠪ SUS
clip two ⸻ 🎬
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⠪ 22.04.2017; After a vlive ⠪ For this picture we have to credit our Jin hyung who posted them on weverse without them knowing ⠪ I quote the description "Armys our maknae stayed with you as long as she could. Can we all agree to scold Jungkook for not letting her sleep in peace? Turn off the lights!" ⠪ Chaeri and Jungkook had spent almost an hour chatting with us armys ⠪ "I am in Jungkookie's(hotel) room now, when we say goodnight to you I will go back to mine." ⠪ SHE NEVER DID!!!! ⠪ Isn't it adorable the way he keeps his arm around her body?
clip three ⸻ 🎬
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⠪ 2019; SBS Gayo Daejeon Music Festival ⠪ Photo taken by a group of fans from afar ⠪ Seems to be right after the show ended, probably they were waiting to leave ⠪ Fixing his coat is such an intimate and loving gesture ⠪ I wouldn't do it with just a friend. Would you do that? ⠪ Chaeri is always so caring, when it comes to him a little bit more ⠪ It was so cold that year, I'm sure she didn't want him to freeze ⠪ The way he looks at her!!!
clip four �� 🎬
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⠪ [BANGTAN BOMB] Meeting with Megan Thee Stallion pt2 | A night out
⠪ It was decided at the last minute there would be two Bangtan Bombs with the rapper: The first to meet her and the last to spend an evening together ⠪ Megan is amazing and beautiful, meeting her was a pleasure for all members, it's obvious ⠪ Chaeri might have been annoyed just for a moment perhaps ⠪ That way she tries to hold on to his coat and then retreat realizing she is being filmed makes me think (and laugh) ⠪ I don't think she felt threatened by Megan's beauty ⠪ Perhaps she was simply bored with all the attention she was giving Jungkook ⠪ Jealous Chaeri >>>>
clip five ⸻ 🎬
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⠪ 2016; ISAC ⠪ We had to zoom in a lot to get a good look at them ⠪ We remember the impact Chaeri had on the show, fighting to make the competitions mixed and no longer only for men or only for women ⠪ The camera was focusing on the other members, Chaeri and Jungkook could only be seen by those paying close attention ⠪ The way she hit the bull's eye of the target every time during the competition must have made Jungkook very proud ⠪ But do you see the way he looks at her at the end? ⠪ Google search: How to find someone who looks at you the way Jungkook looks at Chaeri
clip six ⸻ 🎬
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⠪ 2018; Mama in Hongkong (Backstage) ⠪ I loved how nonchalantly Chaeri spent the time before the performance eating rather than rehearsing ⠪ We know how much Chaeri hates to be bothered while she's eating, but this seems like an appreciated interference ⠪ Very low photo quality but we had to zoom in a lot too to make it clear who it was ⠪ The glasses Jungkook is wearing are seen back on her at the end of the video, during the goodbyes
clip seven ⸻ 🎬
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⠪ 2016; Suwon ⠪ At that time their fame was still growing, there were not as many armys as today ⠪ BLESSED SOUL, THOUGH, THAT FOUND HERSELF IN THE SAME PLACE WHERE THE MEMBERS DECIDED TO GO ICE-SKATING ⠪ I tell you, it was hard to find this video ⠪ They are totally in a world of their own ⠪ Don't you think JK teaching Chaeri anything is the best Jk? He is always so careful with her ⠪ She clearly terrified ⠪ I bet he wanted to burst out in laughter ⠪ I wish there were more moments of that day to share together
clip eight ⸻ 🎬
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⠪ BTS in the soop; Season one ⠪ Is it just me or does it seem like they were kissing at first!? ⠪ The guys' cameramen give us joy every time and I don't think they even know about it ⠪ They were filming some of the boys outside the house but if you look carefully in one of the windows you can see these two silhouettes ⠪ To me it's obvious it's the two of them ⠪ What song do you think they were dancing to? ⠪ PLEASE we need to know
clip nine ⸻ 🎬
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⠪ 2021; After the episode '131' of RUN BTS
⠪ If someone asked me to show them a video about love I would show them this
⠪ The fact that Jimin accidentally caught them behind him during his vlive makes it even cuter
⠪ This is how they act when they think the cameras are off
⠪ Chaeri smile with her eyes when she's close to her Jungkook
⠪ Who would touch her hair like that if not someone deeply in love?
⠪ We have to thank our Chaekook fan n1 Jimin for the video and the producers of RUN BTS for throwing water on them for all that time
⠪ Looks to me like she's also wearing a men's shirt…did he give it to her?
Thank you all for watching my video! It seems quite evident that there is something more between the two, what are your opinions? Stay tuned for more Chaekook videos Bye!
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Chapter 12 Nemo dat quot non habet (No one gives what they do not have) - Benidorm part 3
Next, Cartagena
Warnings: Smut and I'm sure lots of typos that I missed
Taglist: @glitterypirateduck @letsreadallday @jamesrifftapes @sofasoap @mmyrrhh
Previous / Masterlist / Next
‘‘Was that Price? Did anything happen?’’ Johnny’s voice sounded concerned when Simon hung up the phone, but the sly grin on the scarred lips of the Lieutenant made him relax right away and smile. ‘‘Shit, what did’yae do?’’
‘‘Exploding cigar’’ Simon chuckled, grabbing his glass of beer to take a sip, face mask hooked under his chin and the hood of his hoodie covering his head and most of his face, leaning back in the chair. Like always, it was too small for him, but he felt so satisfied and content in that moment that he didn’t care.
They were sitting at what Christine had called a chiringuito, which seemed to be a bar next to the beach, with good food and sometimes music. It was right by the building where they were staying, at the apartment that they had rented even before leaving the UK, not trusting the CIA arrangements in the slightest.
And in spite of all, as both men observed the girls having a good time, dancing… life was good. Gabi’s laughter could be heard over the music as she twirled following Christine’s guide. There were plenty of people dancing, and the music was at times too loud, but life was good.
‘‘Yer an awful piece of shite’’ Johnny was laughing, imagining Price’s face, and Simon just grinned, his dark brown eyes following Christine and Gabi as they danced. Carefree, duty forgotten for the moment. Even though she was wearing her face mask after finishing dinner, Christine seemed to be laughing and enjoying herself. Gabi was beaming too, as they both danced to the music, whatever it was.
‘‘He put glitter in my gloves, it’s fair payback’’ Simon justified himself, shrugging, still grinning, and Johnny just burst into laughter. The girls were making their way back to the table, chatting among themselves, and he straightened up a bit in his chair, looking for the blue that he wanted to see.
‘‘Eeeeh, guapa (Hey beautiful)’’ Someone slurred from the neighbouring table, and both him and Johnny tensed up. Simon covered his lower face again with the face mask, turning to look at a small group of men that had been ogling and trying to chat women up the whole time they had been there. When Gabi had gone to the toilet they had tried to talk to her, but she had ignored them. When Christine had gone to the bar counter to order food and drinks, one of them asked her something that she plainly ignored when she came back.
It seemed they still hadn’t got enough rejection to get the clue.
‘‘Eh, cabrón (Hey motherfucker)’’ Johnny called out to them in his broken Spanish, grabbing Gabi’s waist to pull her onto his lap. ‘‘Mi novia, cállate (My girlfriend, shut up)’’
Christine sat calmly beside Simon, in silence, trying to avoid looking at the other table. Slowly, he threw his arm around the back of her chair as usual, waiting for what he knew was coming next.
‘‘¿Y esa qué, es tuya también? (And what about that one, is she yours too?)’’ Another of the men laughed, pointing at Christine, but his face dropped when Simon leaned in, his dark eyes as unforgiving and stern as ever. His arm fell slightly between the back of the chair and her body, and his enormous hand came to rest on her waist, dragging her closer.
‘‘No’’ Ghost answered coldly, with the low, gravelly voice that promised nothing good would happen if they continued on that path. ‘‘Es mía (She’s mine)’’
He felt her body melt into his side, but he kept staring until the men turned around and decided to pay attention elsewhere. Gabi was cooing something in Johnny’s ear, but his friend was looking at him, with a smile half amused and half surprised.
‘‘Ye bastard, ye speak Spanish!’’ He laughed, slapping his shoulder and making Gabi bounce on his lap with his laughter. ‘‘But you told Alejandro in Las Almas…’’
‘‘I said nothing in Las Almas’’ Simon corrected, leaning back in his chair again, but bringing discreetely Christine’s body back with him, reluctant to let go. If he had to act like an alpha male to the whole fucking bar, so be it, as long as she was left alone. ‘‘You told Alejandro you didn’t speak Spanish. I said nothing’’
‘‘Oooh, yer an asshole’’ Johnny was still laughing heartily. ‘‘All those times Ale and Rudy were talking in Spanish in front of us ye understood everything’’
‘‘Not everything’’ Simon admitted, and then looked down at Christine, to find her blue eyes on him. ‘‘I don’t really speak it, only understand part of it’’
She nodded slowly, but seemed lost in thought. Gabi decided in that moment to speak up.
‘‘Johnny and I are going to visit a couple of bars before going back to the apartment, do you want to come?’’
‘‘No’’ Both Simon and Christine answered at the same time, and looked at each other for a second before she added. ‘‘I prefer to go back to the apartment, to be honest. I’m drained’’
‘‘Not interested in going clubbing’’
‘‘Yer loss’’ Johnny grinned, standing up with Gabi in his arms, and kissed her before setting her down on her feet. Then, he bent down to kiss Christine’s covered cheek. ‘‘Behave yerselves, don’t do anything ah wouldn’t’’
‘‘Get lost, you wanker’’ She laughed, and waved them goodbye as they left the bar, holding hands.
Even with the loud music and the chattering of the other patrons around them, the silence between them was deafening.
‘‘When did you learn Spanish?’’ Christine looked up at him, and for a second she saw something in his eyes that made her doubt and regret her question. A flash of pain, or maybe anger, and amusement.
‘‘In another life, lovie’’ Simon answered, gently, and with his free hand brushed back a strand of her hair. ‘‘I’ll tell you about it sometime’’
‘‘Does it… have to do with that story you said you’d tell me…?’’ She almost leaned into his touch, her eyes closing, and he smiled under his mask.
‘‘It does’’ Looking around, he decided he had had enough human interaction for the day. ‘‘What do you say we go back to the apartment and watch something on the telly? A movie, or whatever. While those two are whoring around’’
‘‘Don’t say it like that’’ Christine laughed, standing up, and smiled down at him. ‘‘But I like the idea of watching a movie. I hope the sofa is more comfortable than the one in the common room’’
Simon grunted his approval as he stood up, watching with satisfaction how the men in the neighbouring table cowered when they saw his size. Sometimes, being that big was an advantage. With his hand on the small of her back, barely touching her, he guided her out.
The building door was close enough to not really have time to talk about anything, and when they took the stairs up instead of the lift, as always, they kept their comfortable silence. The apartment came with two copies of the keys, one that was in Gabi’s possession, and the other Christine used to open the door.
Maybe it was not as luxurious as the CIA apartment had pretended to be, but the apartment they chose looked cozier. With two bedrooms, one bathroom, an open plan kitchen connected to the living room, and a balcony with a great view of the beach and the sea. There were faint noises coming from the neighbouring apartments.
‘‘I’m going to have a shower first’’ Christine commented, going to the bedroom the girls had claimed, the one with the king size bed, to grab her toilet bag. The other had two single beds, and Johnny and Simon had flipped a coin to choose. ‘‘I forgot how hot this part of the country is. It’ll get worse when we go south’’
‘‘Take your time. I’ll shower after you’’ Simon sat down on the sofa and turned the tv on, trying, hard, not to allow his mind to wander. She flashed him a smile when she walked past him to the bathroom and closed the door. A couple of minutes later, he heard the shower working.
He had managed to half distract himself with a metalworking contest when his phone vibrated in his pocket. A text from Johnny.
In case ye need some, condoms are in my bag. Cheers!
And the twat added a winking emoji and an aubergine. Simon felt tempted to write something snarky back, but decided to just ignore the text and return the phone to his pocket, seething. Only to find that his jeans were more strained than normal, and his cock was fucking hard out of nowhere.
He looked at his crotch, half amused and half affronted, and tried to get more comfortable on the sofa so he could… No, not working. The noise of the water coming from the bathroom made his mind start wandering, and wandering, and… He tried to focus on the metalworking episode.
In the shower, Christine was having her own problems trying to distract herself, but to no avail. It had started with her wishing he had showered before, because in that case she’d be able to smell him, right? Because that wasn’t creepy or pathetic at all.
And one thing led to another, and now there she was, biting the inside of her hand, her back against the wall, and her index finger rubbing slow, soft circles over her throbbing clit. There’s my girl. Es mía (She’s mine). Because I don’t fucking know what I would do without you either.
Christine bit back a low whimper, with her head hanging low to avoid water in her eyes, trying to imagine his voice praising her. His hands on her skin, his fingers inside her. Lovie. She really didn’t enjoy her own fingers inside her because it never felt good enough. But just thinking about one of his long, thick digits, toying with her folds, slowly sliding inside of her…
I will ruin you
Her eyes snapped open, and she bit down hard enough on her hand to mark her teeth. But she forced herself to continue rubbing her clit in small circles, thinking about Simon’s voice, about his broad shoulders, his big hands, his strong arms…
No one will want you after I’m finished with you, whore
Simon’s wide back, Simon’s dark eyes that equally undressed her and made her feel safe, Simon’s dirty blonde or light brown hair, she couldn’t decide on the colour but she was dying to tangle her fingers in it, Simon’s mouth, with that big scar that crossed his lips and the smaller ones around it, and the scars on his chin and jaw…
Who would want a marked bitch like you
Simon’s hot tongue between her legs, teasing her clit and plunging deep inside her, Simon’s meaty hips between her legs while he pinned her down somewhere, wherever, Simon’s cock, that made her mouth water just by fantasizing about it, Simon’s strong thighs that she was dying to ride…
Christine slid down the wall until she was sitting on the floor, too far gone for the voices in her head to ruin her this time, not this time, with Simon’s voice in her ears and the warmth of his forehead still on her forehead and…
She moaned his name. Like a whore. Like a desperate virgin. But she moaned his name as she came, harder than she had managed to come in the latest months, feeling hot water streaming down her cheeks. Salty water.
‘‘All yours’’
Simon looked up at her, startled, and for a moment, his eyes widened and his throat went dry as sandpaper.
Christine was standing there, smiling, with her hair still damp from the shower, wearing… pyjama shorts and a black t-shirt that looked enormous on her.
His t-shirt.
‘‘Where did you get that?’’ He grunted, smiling, standing up from the sofa, and she shrugged while sitting down exactly where he had been, curling up on the seat.
‘‘Mysteries of the universe’’
Simon hesitated, looking down at her and her smile. She seemed… happy. For what, he had no clue, but it warmed his heart.
‘‘We’ll talk about this later’’ He threatened mockingly, and she stuck her tongue out at him. He almost didn’t leave, but he did, before she noticed the growing strain in his jeans.
And the second he stepped into the still damp bathroom and closed the door, he felt it. Smelled it.
Her scent, everywhere. The sweet, faint scent of cherries that accompanied her whenever they weren’t deployed. He grunted while undressing, his hard cock springing free from his boxers and standing at attention, too heavy to really reach his stomach.
Inside of the shower, the scent was worse. Or better. He couldn’t decide as he washed his hair and then tried to focus on rinsing the sweat off his body, but the insistent weight between his thighs was making it difficult.
Before he knew it, his hand was around his shaft, his fingers tracing the vein on the underside, and he gritted his teeth. Her scent was making him go crazy, and as he slowly thrusted his hips forward, into his closed fist, he tried to imagine it was her hand. Her long, slender fingers around him, her body against his back, her tits pressed against his flesh, her lips on his scars.
Simon braced himself on the wall, using his forearm and dropping his forehead on the cool tiles of the shower, with a low grunt. What he wouldn’t give to shake his hesitance. What he wouldn’t give to feel her body against his, like in that goddamn dream that had made him cum in his sleep like a schoolboy.
He tried to imagine her lips wrapped around him, but his fantasy soon turned into something softer, more intimate. Her hand wrapped around his cock, and his hand guiding hers, while they kissed until their tongues hurt. Her pretty little moans, like the moan she had let out a couple of months ago in the gym while lifting weights and that had almost made him cum right there. Her giggles, like when she laughed at his jokes.
Her beautiful breasts, her thighs, God her thighs, what he wouldn’t give to have those thighs around his waist, or around his neck while getting drunk on her taste and fucking her with his tongue until she was a babbling mess underneath him.
Her voice telling him…
Simon had to bite his own arm when he suddenly came, embarrassingly soon but hard, spurting ropes of cum all over his hand and the shower wall. He growled her name.
God, what he wouldn’t give to not be afraid.
When he returned to the living room, Christine seemed engrossed on something on the TV, and when he sat down beside her, she almost jumped and fumbled with the remote to change channels.
‘‘What were you watching?’’ Simon asked, curious, trying to grab the remote and change back, but she kept it out of his reach, blushing.
‘‘Nothing! Something stupid I used to like when I was a kid’’
‘‘Well, let’s watch that’’ He shrugged, still trying to get the remote, and she hesitated.
‘‘Only if you answer something first’’
He stopped immediately and looked at her, expecting her question, but she seemed to hesitate even more. Until she sighed and looked right into his eyes.
‘‘Did you mean it?’’ When he just stared, without understanding, Christine explained further. ‘‘What you said to those idiots in the bar’’
Es mía (She’s mine). Simon’s shoulders relaxed, and his gaze softened.
‘‘I did’’
She smiled. He was still wearing a face mask, but she got rid of hers right at the door, as always, when they came back from the bar.
‘‘Ladyhawke’’ She whispered, giving him the remote, and he changed the channel back to what she was watching before, choosing the option to watch it from the start, in English. ‘‘It’s… my favourite movie since I was a kid’’
Simon smiled and raised an arm, a bit doubtful of his bold move. But she immediately moved closer, and he let his forearm rest on her shoulders as she made herself comfortable against his side.
‘‘Then I’m sure I’ll love it’’
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itsjennaortega · 21 days
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——- You started something here. i want to work with you more and i want to hang with you more. it's the best and worst thing ever. please, tell me when we can fix this ? i had the best time with making the music video and i need more sabrina in my life right away. ( @carpcnter )
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blackwolfstabs · 10 months
30 Day Writing Challenge: Day 25
The Core Four + more go to see the FNAF movie.
Chad added Mindy to the group.
Chad added Tara to the group.
Chad added Sam to the group.
Chad added Danny to the group.
Chad added Kirby to the group.
Chad added Gale to the group.
Chad named the group chat ��🐻🐰 FNAF 🦊🐤”.
Chad: Made this bc we can’t talk during the movie. I’m gonna start by saying that kid showed all signs of being kidnapped tf? Mike shouldn’t have been fired for that 😑
Tara: actually u made it bc Mindy told us to “shut the fuck up” lol
Tara: but fr fr
Mindy: ARE YOU SERIOUS?? You made a chat…
Chad: Yup
Gale: This defeats the whole purpose of watching the movie.
Sam: And phones aren’t allowed in the theater.
Tara: oh really?? Kirby r u gonna arrest us for texting in the movie theater???
Chad: I’m not gonna be able to stay quiet. I have thoughts and I must speak them.
Chad: Somebody quote that
Danny: Quoted.
Kirby: No, I’m not but I might mute the chat fr
Chad: Thank you Danny 🫡
Gale: Seriously. How are you all going to text and watch at the same time?
Sam: Bet it’s just going to turn into Chad and Tara texting “wait what just happened” after ever moment the music gets loud and they were too busy looking at their phones
Chad: Joke’s on YOU Sam cuz you’ll be missing the movie trying to tell us what happened lmfao
Tara: yeah and that’s literally ur boyfriend all the time. Danny’s clueless 24/7. #sendhelp4danny
Kirby: Just watch the damn movie!
Danny: replied to “yeah and that’s literally ur boyfriend all the time. Danny’s clueless 24/7. #sendhelp4danny”: What was just said on screen?
Tara: . . . . .
Sam: That’s what I thought. #sendhelp4Tarabcshesclueless in the chat
Danny: emphasized “That’s what I thought. #sendhelp4Tarabcshesclueless in the chat”
Danny: #sendhelp4Tarabcshesclueless
Kirby: #sendhelp4Tarabcshesclueless
Gale: #sendhelp4Tarabcshesclueless
Chad: #sendhelp4sam&dannybctheyareannoying&interruptingthemovie
Sam: 🖕
Tara: PFFT
Gale: No fucking way…
Sam: I’m uncomfortable
Chad: God Mindy you’re such a nerd
Tara: she’s not wrong tho fuck. . . 🫢
Danny: Who?
Tara: see??? i told u. buddy’s cLuElEsS xD
Sam: Tara, will you stop?
Danny: Oh okay.
Tara: no
Gale: Wait, isn't there that conspiracy that he didn’t die and is still alive?
Chad: So what, he became an actor and is in FNAF?? 😂
Tara: could be a doppelganger?? i’m convinced we all have one running around the world somewhere lol
Gale: It’s not Stu Macher, Mindy.
Mindy: But what if it is?
Tara: sPoOkY 👻
Kirby: Does anyone want any popcorn? I can pass it down
Tara: yes pls
Tara: ok 🛑‼️KAREN ALERT‼️🛑 this aunt jane lady is a full-blooded KAREN fr
Danny: 👆
Chad: Karen facts
Sam: True that
Mindy: Yeah it’s her first scene and she’s already annoying the shit out of me
Tara: gEt hEr oUtTa hErE
Tara: why can i see that being Gale tho?? PFFT
Kirby: LMFAO I see it 🙋🏼‍♀️
Sam: Soooo ur saying Gale’s a Karen????
Tara: yes
Kirby: I can’t unsee it
Chad: Bahahaha!
Mindy: Don’t even get me started on the parallels 😆
Gale: Oh please, I’m not THAT much of a bitch.
Tara: yeah ok suuurree
Kirby: You literally radiate Bitch-Karen energy idgaf I’ll be the bigger person to say it 
Gale: replied to “You literally radiate bitch-karen energy idgaf I’ll be the bigger person to say it”: I hate you. 🖕
Danny: If Gale is Aunt Jane, then Kirby is Vanessa because she’s a cop. 
Gale: Tara is Abby. HA! There.
Danny: Because she’s an annoying little sister?
Sam: o.O
Gale: Precisely.
Tara: no. no fucking way. that’s NOT me AT ALL
Kirby: I’m processing this information
Mindy: Lmfao YES and Sam’s Mike 😂😂😂
Tara: replied to “Because she’s an annoying little sister?”: shut up Danny, nobody asked you. just do what you’re good at and look like ur paying attention 😤🖕
Mindy: Stubborn, immature, feisty… it definitely sounds like you Tara. 
Chad: and Mike is quiet, traumatized, and has family issues. That’s Sam. 
Chad: Ok fine it’s canon, sorry babe 🫡
Danny: emphasized “Stubborn, immature, feisty… it sure sounds like you Tara.”
Danny: emphasized “and Mike is quiet, traumatized, and has family issues. That’s Sam.”
Gale: At first I was just throwing a thought out there, but now that you mention it, they’re pretty good analogies for the Carpenters.
Kirby: Ditto
Kirby: Guess we’re FNAF characters in another universe 😂
Sam: Their relationship isn’t anything like ours tho
Chad: Sure, it is! 
Danny: Mike and Abby love each other a lot, but they fight every other day, if not every day. You and Tara do that. They have absent parents. You two do too. Mike is constantly holding down a job to support him and Abby. Sam, you do that. Abby does what she wants, regardless of what Mike says. Tara does the same thing. Sounds pretty accurate to me
Mindy: I respect the resemblance 🫡
Kirby: Whoa— 🤯
Gale: See? I know what I’m talking about, Tara. 😉
Tara: no. . . that’s 1000000% INACCURATE 
Sam: Ok maybe it’s a little similar, but still…
Chad: Round of applause for Danny! Guess he’s not so clueless after all 👏👏
Gale: 👏👏👏
Mindy: Kudos Danny kudos 👏👏👏👏
Kirby: 👏
Sam: Kudos
Tara: NO. fuck ur applauding. you guys don’t know me at all smh
Mindy: Hey T, wanna draw a picture for your friends at Freddy Fazbear’s??
Mindy: Sam, you’ll let her, right? They’re just innocent animatronics that wanna play with your sister 😁
Sam: I’m not sure how to respond to that 🙃
Gale: Everyone in favor of Tara = Abby, say “aye”
Mindy: Aye 🙋🏽‍♀️
Chad: Aye-aye, dare I say (love you Tara 😘) 
Kirby: Aye
Danny: Aye 🫡
Mindy: replied to “I’m not sure how to respond to that 🙃”: Just say aye
Tara: Sam don’t you dare
Sam: I’m not. I still don’t think they’re us…
Kirby: You two are no fun
Gale: It’s all fun and games until the games turn against them.
Sam: The fun was supposed to be watching the movie! 
Danny: Alright, I’m out
Chad: Same
Tara: yeah everybody shut up so we can watch k thx bye
Mindy: Lol victory is sweet
Sam: emphasized “Alright, I’m out”
Kirby: 👌
Gale: replied to “Lol victory is sweet”: It sure is.
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this one's for you @dreamersbcll - i hope you're doing a little better but if not, i hope reading this stupid little text chat will make u smile 🩶
All my best ♡ - parker
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jmdbjk · 1 year
[...aggressively posts the thoughts of boss man of JIMIN FANCLUB...]
There he is! Yes, it is Chief Executive/Chief Hypeman (not to be confused with Hybe... puh-lease)/Chief ball-juggler/the one and only Jeon Jungkook... [applause APPLAUSE applause] thank you, thank you very much.
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[also aggressively crops out the weverse logo]
Some of us were reticent to speak out loud about whether JK would do a live (because Jimin left the country) for fear of being called delulu... but when we all came online... lo and behold... everyone else had the same thoughts... As everyone is saying... two is a coincidence but three times? It's a thing y'all.
It's also not a coincidence that he was playing a Muni Long song in his underwear folding live last month. We should all learn by now, when it comes to Jimin and Jungkook, there are no coincidences.
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I love the way he mangled the rap parts! He's one of us!
Is it just me or does that ray of light traveling up the side of his head give Like Crazy MV vibes?
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He sang and hummed Angel Pt. 1 intermittently between other songs and chatting throughout this live.
I noticed a few changes in Kook's surroundings and I wonder, since the stalker food delivery scare, I wonder if they've come up with some new guidelines for broadcasting lives from their homes? Use an opaque drink container; point the camera away from areas that show personal affects; keep the volume low enough that you don't disturb your neighbors (this makes me laugh because he has been notorious for potentially disturbing the peace for YEARS!). He received a "semi" complaint. Semi...
Imagine having the retched luck of buying/renting an expensive and very nice apartment in a very nice part of the city... and your punk neighbor is constantly playing loud music/singing in the wee hours of the morning? (have no fear neighbor, he won't be living there forever).
Not a coincidence when Jimin was cautious about being too loud in his own apartment during his #1 BB100 live at 3:30 a.m. Why? He knew that JK received this semi-complaint. If they aren't together, they are surely up in each other's DMs all day. I digress.
I wonder if Kookie is finally listening and following a few of these guidelines? We won't call them rules because I think to Kookie they are just "strongly recommended suggestions" quote/unquote. But perhaps its time he heeds some of these suggestions. I know Hobi would be proud.
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Except he was belting out Taeyang's song so he forgot he was supposed to be keeping the volume low hahahahaha.
Kookie cooking a lot lately, gaining weight, no big deal, he can just lose the weight (after all he's a 25 year old male with a mesomorph body type). He says he is back to working out and having to "kind of" have to go back to maintaining his body. His right shoulder is giving him a little issue with tightness but it needs to get better quickly because.... he didn't say.
He reminds us he's not on that old dusty boring Instagram app anymore but he looks at weird and wild TikTok these days (lord help us). But is probably where he saw the Jimin Summoning challenge.
He saw a comment "We're so sorry"... does this mean Weverse Armys finally got the memo about being total dumbasses in the comments in the past and are cleaning up their act now?
Songs he listened to/sang today: Charlie Puth x Dan+Shay: That's Not How This Works; Imase: Night Dancer (JK made a comment that they needed to make songs like this); Taeyang: Seed (In Your Heart); Seventeen: Son Wukong; Taeyang: Shoong!; TWICE: Cupid; Seventeen: Let's Fight.
This made me laugh (turn up the volume):
He mentions Hobi finishing his basic training...
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He let out a decidedly resigned sigh and said:
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And then he did an military marching chant... and it just occurred to me... JK would make a good drill leader. If that's even a thing?
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Right, Kookie... we'll never notice... we'll just be bawling our eyes out every time we see it get shorter and shorter knowing what's coming.
Overall, he looked upbeat and in a very good mood, no low points or withdrawn moments. A lot has happened between the last time we saw him live and now. It seems like he's in a very good and positive frame of mind. He said he would be back soon.
I will leave you with Kookie butt-wiggling in his chair:
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presidenthades · 3 months
So... 😳🤯
What did you think of episode 3?
I’m starting to realize I have a pattern in my general opinion of the episodes. When you look at scenes and dialogue at an individual level, it can be pretty great. The writers are churning out a lot of moments that are destined to become screenshots, quotes, GIFs, and memes that get reposted a lot on social media. But if you step back and look at the big picture, you realize it doesn’t make sense and there’s a lot of inconsistency/lack of logic.
I’m still enjoying the show more than not, but that’s mostly because of the acting, set design, costumes, music, etc. The writing is the weak spot, and it’s disheartening. But that means the show is prime material for fanfic, so silver linings? Maybe? 🤷🏻‍♀️
I’m not a fan of the show’s consistent theme of “women are good, men are violent and want war.” That ain’t feminism, and feminism isn’t supposed to be the moral lesson of the Dance anyway.
I like that Rhaenys is generally level-headed, but I don’t like that the show wants us to pretend like her mass-murdering a bunch of smallfolk at the Dragonpit is no big deal, or that somehow it’s supposed to look bad for the Greens instead of the Blacks. If nobody rioted over Rhaenys’s actions, then nobody should be rioting over the hanging of the rat-catchers. And yet it’s only the hanging of rat-catchers which catches flack. 🧐
Alicent and Criston are unofficially having a fight. TBH I think they’re more interesting like this than when they’re just having sex all the time. I do love that Gwayne seems to realize something is up between them almost instantly; definitely Otto’s son.
Speaking of Gwayne: he’s a smarmy rich kid, and I kind of love him. I would loathe him in real life, but he’s just so fun to watch.
I’m glad that Rhaena finally gets dialogue!!! I love that we see her complicated emotions about being sent away because she’s the only non-dragonrider. The leak about her and Sheepstealer seems more and more likely…but I really am hoping Nettles remains in the show. I would prefer if Rhaena’s arc demonstrates that you don’t have to be a dragonrider to have a good story and be of value to the war effort, and her hatching Morning is a great moment in the book.
I also prefer the theory that Daenerys’s eggs came from Dreamfyre, but it’s not a hill I’m gonna die on.
I LOVED Harrenhal. Spooky vibes, Simon Strong just being like “we don’t want trouble,” Daemon’s hallucination sequence, first glimpse of Alys Rivers. It’s giving me ideas for more Joff adventures. Honestly, I would love if HBO produced some kind of Westerosi horror ghost story anthology.
This is a very minor scene in the episode, but it baffles me so I’ll chat about it a bit. When Rhaenyra is worth her council and they suggest “go somewhere safe while we conduct the war effort,” she calls it treason.
Why is it treason?? They’re literally telling her their ideas to her face. They’re not hiding anything. And it’s basically what happened in the book: Rhaenyra sat out of most of the war while other people conducted it. I feel like this particular scene/dialogue was forced to showcase that Rhaenyra is a woman in a man’s world.
Rhaenys and Corlys’s scene was very sweet. It’s also definitely foreshadowing Rook’s Rest.
I’m not sure I like Helaena’s scene. I read comments that she’s hyper-rationalizing as a coping method, but that doesn’t come across the screen well. I think it’s because Helaena isn’t getting the screentime necessary to convey a lot of this stuff, so we have to resort to BTS commentary to get confirmation that yes, Helaena does actually mourn Jaehaerys, she hasn’t just moved on after a few days.
I enjoyed the vulnerability that Aegon shows during his armor fitting, and his discourse with Larys. I don’t necessarily like Larys, nor do I like him manipulating (?) Aegon, but it’s fun to watch.
I can understand Aegon’s thought process to go out with The Boyz as his own coping mechanism, but like many things this season, it’s thanks to the acting. TGC’s face shows a series of emotions as Aegon realizes what a mess he’s in, then ultimately he decides he might as well go out on the town to get a semblance of normalcy. Without that degree of acting, it would be easy to dismiss Aegon as not caring about anything.
It was fun to follow Ulf’s perspective on the streets of KL. His dialogue was a bit clunky because the writers are trying to set up the dragonseed plot. He and Hugh are going to be an interesting pair to watch, with show!Hugh being the serious guy while Ulf is the clown.
No surprise here, but the brothel scene definitely gave me a lot of emotions. 🥲 I like to think sober!Aegon wouldn’t have been as much of an ass to Aemond, after all the times that Aegon has indicated he’s strongly relying on Aemond and Vhagar. Alas, Aegon was very drunk and said a lot of things he shouldn’t have said. Ewan also had phenomenal face-acting in this scene, where you could see him going from horrified and embarrassed to Stone Cold Badass™️.
HOWEVER. If the E4 leak I’ve heard is true, that Aemond tries to kill Aegon because of this brothel scene, I’m gonna be very pissed. We got a scene in E2 where Aemond says he regrets killing Luke…and now he’s gonna kill his own brother in cold blood? 🧐
Septa Rhaenyra… I’m sorry, but this whole sequence was unintentionally hilarious to me. The whole idea is kinda ridiculous. If you forget for a moment that Luke and Jaehaerys are dead, the scene with Alicent and Rhaenyra gives the vibes of two former besties having a spat over something unserious. Honestly I might use it as inspiration for some Alicent and Rhaenyra interactions in my fics, but the big difference is that nobody’s kids have been murdered (yet?) in my fics.
Overall, E3 was a setup episode for future episodes, so it feels like nothing much happened. I’ll still be here next week for E4, but I’ll probably be grumbling about the writing again. 💀
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orfejsa · 24 days
What I've done this summer!
So just a day before school starts, I've decided to make a little list of events in my life, travels and accomplishments that accrued this summer.
I traveled to Dalmatia. I'll never get sick of the Adriatic Sea, even after years of going to various towns on the coast. Makarska was a highlight.
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My father took our family to a secluded mountain village called Lukomir. I loved it there. The altitude made me sick every time I looked into the distance, realizing I'm never too far from a 200-meter drop. The most memorable part was the way back. We chose to go a different way, and that ended up being a horrible decision, since the road was stuck in the 19th century and was composed of rocks the size of babies. Basically, this is the worst macadam I've experienced.
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Took a journalism school that was held by a regional news outlet. I was the youngest and least experienced there, but it didn't stop me from getting the most out of the program. It made me realize how much I gravitate towards investigative journalism and what skills I should be working on. My main takeaway, though, was that I "don't know how to speak" which is a direct quote from two different TV hosts. This sentiment humbled me greatly.
I worked three different jobs! All were eye-opening experiences. I've never treated retail workers/cleaning staff badly, but after working In those fields, I have even higher respect for people who do these jobs and have been doing them for years.
I had so much fun with friends. Hikes, long walks, and chats over coffee, drinks and cake made this summer very colorful for me. I love them all so much.
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Going to the gym is one of the best things I've done for myself. It made me realize how much the years of Illness and stagnancy had weakened me, and gaining even a little bit of strength back has been great.
Made my first cheescake!!
Hobbies took a bit of a backstage this summer, but I didn't mind it much. I still did a fair bit, though. I had a few sewing projects, my favorite and most despised being the book cover I made that is either too big or too tight for most of my books, but it works fine for now. I've read a bit too, and I'm happy I did because, by accident, I've discovered one of my favorite books, Guards! Guards! By Terry Pratchett. Maybe I'll write a little review of it one day.
I've played a few games too, mostly because, after a lifetime of gaming on the shittiest hardware imaginable, I finally got myself a solid little PC! But because this happened only a week and a half ago, the game of the summer remains "Chrono Trigger," which I played on my 3DS.
I hope everything can remain this fine for me. It's nice being just fine for the first time ever. I'll work on building a few habits. Like actually studying, being fully engaged in my work — no music or YouTube. Generally, I want to stop using YT so much. It's the only social site that still has a firm grasp on me. Silence shouldn't be giving me such a hard time.I hope to engage with interests that have been on the back burner for way too long. I've made a list, so we'll see how I'll manage.
I really want everything to go well this year, but that will greatly depend on me.
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welcomehomerandomness · 11 months
Welcome Home Randomness Masterlist 1
If Welcome Home characters have Squishmallows
This user loves Welcome Home characters
I do not have an original personality. I stole it from Welcome Home characters.
Welcome Home characters but I give them Genshin Impact voices parts 1 2
A rainy day with the butterfly expert, the mailman, and the shopkeeper
Welcome Home characters as Project Sekai songs
Welcome Home is therapy
Frank is not nobody's housewife
POV: Wally is introducing you to his neighbors.
Wally tells the truth
Top 10 Welcome Home Villains
Welcome Home Character Aesthetic Collages
If Welcome Home characters have houses and cars in the real world
Sunny looks familiar...
Wally Darling be like:
Frank, Eddie, and Howdy Appreciation Edit
Welcome Home characters as hilarious paint shade names
Lady Dimitrescu and Wally Darling have a chat
Wally Darling and his gay boyfriends go on a road trip
Welcome Home characters as scientific diagrams and textbook images that look like memes
POV: You're watching a Welcome Home character's Instagram stories: Wally, Barnaby, Julie, Frank, Eddie, Howdy, Sally, Poppy
Things to do with your friends this summer
The most shocking thing ever
Dances to get rid of creepy dudes on the dance floor
Welcome Home characters as IKEA items
Welcome Home slander
Wally's audition
Welcome Home characters as Florida man news headlines
Silly and goofy puppet content parts 1 2 3
Welcome Home Website Prediction Post (July 22, 2023 Update)
Welcome Home Website (7/22/2023 Update) Bingo Card
Welcome Home Website Update Reaction Notes (7/22/2023) (SPOILERS) Parts 1 2
Welcome Home characters but I made them into cursed inspirational quotes
[SPOILERS] Welcome Home catchphrases but I played them at the same time
[SPOILERS] Nostalgic Reminiscence
Give the Welcome Home characters faces
[SPOILERS] “It’s-For-You!” Telephone calls but I played them at the same time
[SPOILERS] Welcome Home mystery audios but I played them at the same time
[SPOILERS] Welcome Home answer videos but I played them at the same time
(Un)helpful guide/infodump to Welcome Home
[SPOILERS] "Eddie's Big Lift" Storybook Record but every time Eddie speaks, it gets faster
Welcome Home characters as Ensemble Stars songs
All About Me (Welcome Home Edition)
[SPOILERS] “Just So” Song Demo but Frank is gone
Welcome Home characters but they have Wally's face (TW: Cursed)
Why you should get into Welcome Home
[SPOILERS] Live Interview Audio Segment but the interviewer and the audience are gone
Welcome Home Canon Deaths (TW: Emotional 😭)
[SPOILERS] Wally’s secret audios but I sped them up and added the vine boom sound effect
My Welcome Home Theory (Hear me out…)
10 Canon Facts about Every Single Welcome Home Character You Totally Didn’t Know About
Random Frank, Eddie, and Howdy Fact
POV: Wally explaining to the neighbors what being controlled feels like
Welcome Home Babies
Wally finally brushes his hair
Welcome Home characters as fairy comments
Welcome Home Live Action Cast Reveal
The Neighborhood Powerpoint Night
A Welcome Home website secret has been discovered!
Who ate all the food
Welcome Home characters as elements (educational)
Welcome Home characters as YouTubers
Welcome Home during quarantine
Kermit did not care 😭
Kung Welcome Home ay isang Filipino teleserye (If Welcome Home is a Filipino teleserye)
Welcome Home but everyone is living in an apartment
Welcome Home but the home is not welcomed Parts 1 2 3 4
My Top Nine Favorite Welcome Home Characters
The Official Wally Darling Makeship Plush Toy ad but I edited it (WARNING: Loud sounds and music)
Wo Xing Shi Trend: Wally and Barnaby; Frank, Eddie, and Howdy; Julie, Sally, and Poppy
Smurf Cat Wally Plush spotted!
Welcome Home characters as AI-generated inspirational quotes (SOURCE: SootHouse on YouTube)
Howdy's message in Makeship Wally Darling plush ad reversed
Welcome Home is better than Justin Bieber
Welcome Home as Jeaney Collects videos Parts 1 2
Ah hell nah they done turned Welcome Home characters into pronouns
Single Celled Organisms
The neighbors found out about AUs
Welcome Home Questions Game 2023
Wally, Barnaby, Julie, and Sally play Roblox at 3 am
Welcome Home characters as hilarious street names and addresses
Welcome Home Birth Month Game
Welcome Home Halloween 2023 Update Reaction (SPOILERS)
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8bitgarden-sys · 5 months
Introduction: DID System | Writer | Swiftie | Human
"In this city's barren cold, I still remember the first fall of snow..."
Hello, my name is Gray! Some important facts about me:
I am a DID system! We all go by different names and pronouns, but Gray they/them is always okay! As of 4/20/24, we have almost 100 alters! Yikes
I am a w33d user! I will not be trigger tagging this as pot is extremely important to my mental health and my disabled fiance's physical and mental health, as well as many people I know who use responsibly. If you argue with me on this, I will block you. Idc if you block us lol. Do what you need to for your safety.
My writing page, mostly if not entirely for fanfic, is @8-bit-fanfic
I am a HUGE SWIFTIE. I'm not huge in the community, and I try not to be unhealthy or weird in the parasocial relationship, but I do adore her music and her lyricism speaks to me in ways I didn't think possible.
Most alters have a specific playlist they listen to! Feel free to ask us our favorite songs!
ADHD haver, probably autistic, BPD haver, DID haver, depression & anxiety, PTSD, more things probably
"It's just white noise, and it's just my choice."
wanna talk but have social anxiety, awkwardness, or don't know how to navigate a DID system? I understand, I am also many of those things. Here's some conversation starters you can send in an ask, and feel free to just send the number with "intro post" !:
Who's fronting rn? (plus maybe a follow up question!)
Tell me a random fact about the alter fronting rn
Top favorite song rn?
Pick 3 random alters and assign them a Taylor Swift song
What's been going on lately?
What art project of yours are you excited for the most rn?
What is something you want to get better at?
Favorite Taylor Swift quote rn?
Info dump abt a hyperfixation/special interest
"I once was poison ivy but now I'm your daisy."
I hope you all have a wonderful day and I look forward to making friends and chatting!
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