#comic: dc love is a battlefield
With big group battles everyone else can just get all excited like "Oh there's the wonder fam together! ❤️" or "Oh! Look at the Batfam, they're all working as a group 🥺"
But with these fast lil motherfuckers???? Do you know how often they draw multiple Flashes in a group battle just to emphasize that he's so fast that he can be in multiple places at once?
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You have to zoom alllllllllll the fucking way in to notice the miniscule detail that the second Flash in this pic has his nose covered, meaning it's Wally, therefore this is Wally and Barry fighting together and not just two Barrys.
But anyway now that I've zoomed in. Aww 🥰
also I didn't recognize Jesse because of that coloring until literally right now
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evilhorse · 8 months
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WildC.A.T.s #9
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criminalrizz · 10 months
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I cannot take this man seriously.
Okay but can we appreciate the design of Riddler in DC: Love is a Battlefield??! 😳😳
Not an art post today, but I DO have one coming soon, so stay tuned!! Insta:: @grantedspector go check it out ❤️❤️❤️
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qcomicsy · 1 year
Can you recommend me Bat-family comics to read? Which ones do you like?
I would love it!
DISCLAIMER Keep it in mind I'm a casual reader so my recs might not be the most "this is every issue they are together" or the longer ones!
Let's go!
Nightwing Annual (2021)
Dick & Jason focused
This is one of my favorites ones, it focuses both on Dick's and Jason's relationship as Nightwing and Robin and Nightwing and Redhood.
The dialogue is great, it has both it's really funny bits but also it's really wholesome ones too and it's full of heartwarming moments.
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I absolutely adore the way they handled Jason's Robin and acknowledges his violent tendencies without judging him for it.
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He's not portrayed as overly violent and reckless, but as a normal teenager having normal reactions given the things he had to deal in his past.
My only criticism is Jason still using that damn crowbar and how they kept drawing Jason shorter the Nightwing for some reason. I think it was to accentuate the "younger brother" feelings so I forgive the artist.
But it's pretty funny.
He looks like short king
Robin & Batman
Dick and Bruce focused
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Oh this one, this one it's so good, so good that almost got me crying on main. It's really beautiful, I wasn't the happiest about how Bruce behaved in the comic but it sat in a fine line between Batdad and Bruce being a terrible father/person.
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He is too hard on Robin, but it does show how he is trying.
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The art is goddamn beautiful, it has this watercolor look and Dick looks adorable on it.
It also goes deep in Dick's feelings about being Robin and what the whole jig means to him, it respects Dick's relationship with Bruce but without forgetting the love and the moments he had with his biological parents.
It's just really, really beautiful a goddamn gem between the many mistakes DC made with them two over those years.
For Tim and Dick I really recomend
Batman Prodigal (1997)
Note: The whole Kightfell series is great for a Bruce, Dick and Tim read. But for the Batfam feelings you can just focus on the prodigal parts.
Dick & Tim focused
The only thing you have to know to catch up is:
1. Bane broke Bruce's back and dignity, so he couldn't still be Batman.
2. Bruce found this guy called Jean Paul to fill for him.
3. Jean Paul is really fond of punishment and violence and the good ol' catholic guilt and goes a little bit too rogue as Batman for everyone's liking.
4. Bruce takes the mantle from Jean Paul and Nightwing fills in as the new Batman.
I wouldn't call exactly brotherly, because Tim wasn't adopted yet in the timeline this was published but they have their moments.
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New talent show case DC #2017
Duke and Jason focused
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This is also a favorite. It's a short story (unfortunately) but every single panel is worth it.
It's basically Jason and Duke bonding moment between fighting some baddies and trying to clown each other on the way. 10/10 will always recommend.
Robin War
Jason & Duke & Tim & Damian
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This one I've read recently (thanks for the asks people send to me y'all are fucking great) and it's a fucking gem!
It shows a lot their chemistry on the battlefield and how fucking insufferable they are around each other. It also shows how Duke fits as a glove in this family of misfits even before he was an "official member".
Red Hood and the Outlaws Annual (2016)
Another Dick and Jason focused!
Oh this one is a blast! It's also short but so goddamn worth it.
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Basically Jason and the Outlaws take a gig in a circus to track a Russian bad guy (gotta love how comic books have unresolved beef with Russians until this day) and well it's a circus so how can you not call Dick Grayson?
It's so goddamn funny and it has no right to be, it still very close in the timeline where Dick and Jason were definitely not in good terms, so their interaction it's all so awkward it's a joy really.
We also got a flashback from Dick and younger Jason as Robin and even the flashback is goddamn hilarious, I had such a good time reading it that it's a must read!
Now If you're here for the angst and general feeling's™
I would highly recomend.
- Nightwing Year One (Dick & Bruce)
- Death in the Family (Jason & Bruce & Dick)
- Red Robin (Tim & Dick / Tim & Damian / minor Tim & Cass / Minor Bruce & Tim)
Note: They don't interact much in this run but when they do it hurts. It also can help you understand the beef between Tim and Damian better.
- DCeased (Damian & Steph / minor Damian & Jason)
Note: It's one of the many, many DC aus but this one it's 'pretty' good (it's decent). Definitely not Batfam focused but it has one one of my favorite Damian & Steph and Damian & Jason moments. It's also one of my favorites interpretations of Damian, he gets so sweet and mature over the years that passes in the comic and his reencounter with Jason rewrote my entirety brain chemistry.
Also unfortunately it's the only time we get to see Damian and Jon growing up together :')
- DC vs Vampires ( Batfam (except Duke because the author is a coward) specially Tim & Damian / Tim & Bruce / Dick & Almost everybody )
Note: Okay this one is a fucking car ride, a rollercoaster if you will. And it's ANOTHER DC au but with yeah VAMPIRES so buckle-up.
It has major Batfam moments in the beginning and one of my favorites Damian and Tim interactions ( I'm going to reblog this with photos because Tumblr is homophobic and isn't letting me add more photos in this shit >:( ). Then it goes hard on betrayal (trying not to add spoilers) and feelings so get ready for that.
I unfortunately haven't finished (casual reader remember that) but the much I've read was really, really good.
It gets very silly very quickly as anything made with vampires generally get (unfortunately they butchered a lot of characters in the process) but if you go head empty no thoughts you're going to get a lot of fun and maybe cry a little if that gets to you.
So this is it. I'm sure it has more of it, and oh I'm sure I forgot a lot of it but those are the one's I could get from the top of my head, so I hope you and all of the people who want to follow it have fun!
Also if someone has more recommendations feel free to add on the Reblogs, I'm sure I will eat it up anyway.
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fruitkingfrog · 1 year
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[ID: Fanart of Orion and Lightray from DC Comics. Lightray is flying, grinning and holding up a piece sign. Orion is smiling slightly at Lightray, has one hand up holding one of his blasters and an arm over Lightray’s shoulder, his legs wrapped around Lightray’s left leg. Behind them are the planets New Genesis and Apokolips and multi-colour stars, a flight trail from Lightray is coming from somewhere on New Genesis. The second image is the same as the first but with text that says “Star crossed!?”. End ID]
...better to die on the battlefield of love
| commission info & ko-fi links available on my pinned post♥! |
♥ reblogs appreciated! do not repost/edit/etc
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DC Comics Original Character Superhero: Hoplite
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Above image was Drawn by the ever excellent and talented @spider-jaysart
co-created by both @confusedhummingbird and Yours Truly
Civilian Name: Penelope Haney Troy
Former Name: Subject 66
Clone-Daughter of Donna Hinckley Long Troy
Half Sister of Robert Hinckley Long-Troy
Age: (Physically) 10 1/2 Years
Height: 5’ 7
Weight: 128 lbs
Superpowers: Superhuman Strength, Enhanced Agility, Flight with speeds at a maximum of Mach 4, Superhuman Speed, Enhanced Reflexes, Godly Stamina, Superhuman Durability, and Ability to Channel and Manipulate Incoming Lighting Bolts
Gadgets and Accessories: An Enchanted Lasso, Bracelets of Submission, An Amazonian Javelin and Amazonian Shield
Personality: Adventurous, Energetic, Eccentric, Intelligent with Battle Techniques and the Arts of Combat, Kind hearted, Loving, Selfless, Knows Cuss Words But Often Restraints Herself from their Use Unless Absolutely Frustrated, Able to Accept Most Criticism, Self Punishing If Something Involving Her Doesn’t Go Right, Sometimes Clueless With Social Cues, Not Quick to Anger But Can Be Hard to Calm Down, Respectful to Those She Feels Earns it but Otherwise is Quite Mischievous to Those Who Don’t, Tries Being Snarky but Often Doesn’t Do Well, Talkative, and Keeps Herself Busy with Very Little to Keep herself Standing Still
(Read More Below the Cut)
As part of Project CADMUS’ endless attempts for contingency plans and strategies against metahuman heroes and crime fighting vigilantes should they go rouge, The higher brass commission a restart to their highly effective cloning process with some modifications to their original design. In this case, create a clone at a younger age so they can be more easily swayed therefore controllable under their orders when the time arises. Futhermore, with hiring some mystics and magic based metas on their side, CADMUS was able to acquire DNA from Human turned Amazonian Warrior and Veteran Titans Member, Donna Hinckley Troy aka Troia.
After initial gestation which lasts about 5-6 months, the clone had by then developed into a young woman which bears a lot of resemblance to Donna albeit with some alterations due to the incorporation of other Amazonian DNA within her samples. Once she reaches an age resembling that of a 10 year old, by then thanks to the transference of all sorts of knowledge, from the basics about social skills including table manners, the learning of that English and Ancient Greek Languages, all the way up to the most advanced and complex of Amazonian combats techniques on the battlefield, the clone dubbed Subject 66 was finally released from her pod, to officially begin her training under CADMUS’ wing.
However, what the scientists at those hadn’t entirely counted on was Subject 66 exhibiting personality traits which actively questions and speaks against their goals for her, all of which conflict with her extraordinary emotions of free will and self empowerment. While they had managed some of the training they had in mind with positive results, CADMUS was overall unable to exactly control Subject 66, only reason she even cooperated with their training and what passed for their care was because at that time, she had nowhere else to go.
Enter Donna and her ‘sister’ Cassandra ‘Cassie’ Sandsmark aka Wonder Girl. During an extensive battle against routine Titan nemeses The HIVE/Fearsome Five, the secret laboratory CADMUS was operating in that contains Subject 66 was discovered by an errant Donna being tossed right into its walls, crashing though the complex and down to the vault which led to the Subject’s living quarters. She hadn’t found enough to notice her clone though as Donna immediately rushed back into the battle right out of the building. Subject 66 however noticed her ‘bedroom’ vault was wide open, allowing her to fly out of there to delicate her freedom since that the CADMUS personnel had left in a massive hurry. Once finally outside the building complex after so long, Subject 66 saw the battle between the two Wonder Girls and the HIVE/Fearsome Five, so far the battle not going so well for the Wonders. Just Donna was pinned to the street floor and about to receive a nasty looking face punch from Mammoth, suddenly the fist is caught midway through. Donna peaks an eye opening, revealing a lone girl with jet black hair with golden streaks, clad in a grey and black bodysuit with both her hands on Mammoth’s fist, holding it there with immense super strength but delivering an uppercut to the villain, sending him flying to the complete outskirts of the city, shocking much of the HIVE and allowing Cassie and Donna to gain the edge; ultimately winning the battle and saving the day.
Shortly after the HIVE are apprehended by the Bludhaven PD, Subject 66 is immediately taken to Titans Tower, making formal introductions about what she knows about herself to the Titans and their adjacent Young Just Us team. It’s here thanks to DNA testing from Victor Stone aka Cyborg the Subject learns of her genetic progenitor being none other than Donna herself, a decision that no doubt would be a major shock but Donna, being the compassionate and rational woman she is, would take sympathy with this clone of hers, valuing her as her person and understanding her feelings for freedom. This especially gets prominent once Amanda Waller, Head of CADMUS and flanked by her Task Force X, arrives later on that day with the demands to get Subject 66 back under their custody.
Donna and Subject 66 however are insistent and persuasive with Waller; a back and forth that goes for about 1 hour and with the ultimatum that should the Subject being taken by CADMUS, the Titans won’t be afraid to reveal their many dirty secrets of all sorts of misbehavior to the public, Waller eventually backs down and allows Subject 66 to stay with the Titans and Donna in particular. Once the helicopter leaves the roof, Subject 66 gives a major hug to Donna in thankfulness for allowing her to stay with them, a hug Donna gives right back.
Over the course of the next few months, with weekly visits to Themyscira for enhancing and perfecting her training with the Amazons alongside Cassie in particular, forming a sort of mentor and mentee bond between them, forging her own custom made outfit heavily patterned after both Donna and Cassie’s while making it her own and meeting and befriending with the son of Donna’s close friend Nightwing, Jakand’r/Jake Grayson aka Skybird along his best friend Christopher Grayson Kent aka Nightwing Phantom, The clone also develops close bonds and connections with Donna and her birth son Robbie Long aka Darkstar, eventually also gaining a new civilian name once her adoption papers are fully completed: Penelope Haney Troy, ‘Penny’ for a nickname.
With that, she then declares her newfound crime fighting superhero identity of Hoplite, named after the elite warrior classes of many Ancient Greek city states, in particular Sparta. Also a proud de facto apprentice of Wonder Girl who Penelope looks up to as a de facto Aunt.
Occupation: 6th Grade Student of Bludhaven Academy, Amazonian Warrior in Training
Superhero Outfit: A Black and Gold Version of the NTT era Wonder Girl outfit Donna had worn with a skirt in place of pants, and the stars on it being pink and white. Complimenting the outfit is a pair of goggles once belonging to Cassie, given as a gift as a sign of their small yet strong bond growing overtime. When Penny offers said googles back, Cassie tells her not to worry as she’s got plenty of spares
Physical Appearance: Long and Combed Jet Black Hair with Golden Streaks
Bright Ocean Blue Eyes
Medium Frame with a Healthy Muscle Build Around the Arms
No Scars Present
- A big fan of the Bratz Dolls, Penny has amassed a sizable and impressive collection with her allowance money and spare change. Despite good efforts to preserve them, she still allows others to play with them. Its one of the many things that she can share in common with Mar’i Grayson aka Nightstar
- Regarding her half brother Robbie, despite being younger than him age wise, she staunchly comes to his defense if any girls start flirting with him or pursue crushes on him. Already into her first year attending school, she’s scared off about three girls who she can sense can break his heart.
- Besides his Bis Sis Mar’i, Chris Kent and Jasper Logan, Penny Troy is the one person Jake can trust above all others and most definitely one of the ones he can both relate and confide to for nearly everything. The bond between Penny and Jake has been routinely compared to the strong platonic bond between their respective parents Donna and Dick Grayson aka Nightwing. It’s a comparison frankly none of them can deny
- Speaking of Jake and Chris, while she hasn’t joined their group Team StarKnights just yet, she’s still considered a proud honorary member. She even has her own bedroom set up at the StarKnights’ base whenever it’s needed.
- Like so many in this generation of heroes, Penny can clearly see the small crushes Jake and one girl from school Meredith Robinson have for each other despite their consistent denial of it. She often is among the many ones who try planning secret dates from those two. Seeing Jake blush every time he gets too to Meredith always being a playful grin to her face.
- A Fan of 70s to 80s Rock n Roll, in particular the band called Fleetwood Mac. Takes inspiration from said band to learn playing piano, harp and most importantly for her, a cowbell. As such is often present for when Chris and Jake reform their own band, The Sidekicks, along with Mar’i and Chris’ brother Jon Kent
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earth-zero · 9 months
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Welcome to Earth-Zero
Greetings, Tumblr travelers! My name is Ariel Strusiat, and I love comic books. And above all else, I love the worlds and characters that dozens of different writers and artists have created through them over the years. As a result, I have come to wish to pay homage to them. So, and very inspired by my buddy TheMysticSpyral from @earth-93, I have decided to reinterpret the DC Universe under my personal vision. Even though I originally intended to tackle the Marvel Universe for personal reasons and still intend to do so someday, I feel the urge to do it with DC as well, purely out of fun. So what is Earth-Zero? Earth-Zero is a streamlined DC Universe, a reality that mixes and matches elements from the various iterations of the primary DC world, namely New Earth and Prime Earth. Also included are characters and concepts from other DC media, such as the DC Animated Universe, Young Justice, the DC Extended Universe, the Arkhamverse, and more. You will also find unique ideas of my own. DC imprints such as Milestone Media, Wildstorm Productions, and Vertigo Comics will also be equally represented. Earth-Zero: In the Now The year is 2000, and the Justice League has been founded following the defeat of the interstellar gladiator Despero. Bruce Wayne, otherwise known as the Batman of Gotham City, has stepped into the role of Chief Strategist for the team. Using an exclusive version of Wayne Industries' Brother-OS operating system, linked to the Brother Eye satellites orbiting the Earth along with the newly established Watchtower, Bruce seeks to gather information on his fellow League members, potential recruits and other individuals of interest to learn more about their histories, personalities and capabilities so that any choice on the battlefield will be a winning one for the Justice League. Does this mean that we will only follow Bruce's perspective throughout Earth-Zero? Of course not. Eventually, I plan to have information told from the perspective of Checkmate's Maxwell Lord and A.R.G.U.S.’ Steve Trevor. Among others, as we go deeper into this world. A Brief Timeline of Early Earth-Zero
May 14, 1998 — Clark Kent makes his public debut as Superman by saving Lex Luthor's private jet from crashing into the Daily Planet building. December 4, 1998 — After breaking up with Andrea Beaumont following his return to Gotham City in early July, Bruce Wayne steps into the shadows as Batman to fight the city's Falcone crime family. April 23, 1999 — Barry Allen is struck by lightning after a chemical accident and acquires super speed. Inspired by his retired hero and legal guardian Jay Garrick, he takes up the mantle of The Flash. August 20, 1999 — U.S. Air Force pilot Hal Jordan is selected by dying Green Lantern Abin Sur's Green Power Ring to become Earth's new Green Lantern, succeeding Alan Scott. March 14, 2000 — Arthur Curry accepts his Atlantean heritage, adopting the name Orin, and becomes Aquaman. July 30, 2000 — Diana of Themyscira, known publicly as Diana Prince, arrives in "Man's World" with Steve Trevor to appear before the United Nations in New York. Diana becomes an ambassador of peace as Wonder Woman. December 29, 2000 — Despero attacks Mars seeking to fight J'onn J'onzz, the Manhunter. Unable to face him alone, J'onn goes to Earth to gather a force that can defeat Despero. The Justice League is formed in the aftermath of the battle.
I hope to get character profiles and concept information out in the next few days, this due to the fact that I'm busy with college. In particular, I'm excited to write about Green Lantern out of all of them. But let's start with Superman, since he's the one who started it all. See you soon!
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leorawright · 2 years
Maaaaay I request mercs with a S/O who is a botanist? Lmao during combat instead of weapons they summon plants like Ivy from the DC comics, lol but they look more like the chomp plants from mario hell they even give the mercs a mini chomp plant in a pot to keep them company their class name is literally "The Gardener" as they spend their free time outside tending to the different flowers out on the entrance to the base
P.S they have a green house that's next to the medbay called the "apothecary" where they have "Natural remedies" for upset stomachs or mild colds
Bro that's so cool!
Mercs with s/o who can summon plants
He'll sometimes stop whatever he was doing to watch you fight
He can't help it you're just to cool not to watch
He adores the way you make little flowers blow alongside the chaos that is the battlefield
Scout will also go to your greenhouse just to hang out with you
He was skeptical about your fighting style until he saw you summon a Venus fly trap that swallowed your opponent
He'd definitely love it if you got him a mini chomp plant
He'll also praise your greenhouse since Medic doesn't really do little things like that
He loves seeing people just get swallowed by your plants he thinks it's hilarious
He's also extremely careful if you give him a plant to keep all his bombs away from it so he doesn't hurt it
Demo often has hangovers so he's almost always in your greenhouse (definitely not because he wants to hang out with you)
They'll love you forever if you get them a mini chomp plant
They adore all your plants and refuse to use they're flamethrower anywhere near them out of fest they'll accidentally burn your plants
They do often go to your greenhouse simply to hang out with you and smell the plants
He's quiet intrigued by your plants
He's probably one of the best at taking care of a plant if you give it to him
He'll often come to your greenhouse when he's stressed because the smell from the plants helps calm him
He finds it absolutely delightful when you swallow someone with your plants
He'd adore a plant from you and will do everything in his power to keep it alive
He's also thankful for your greenhouse that way he doesn't have to deal with the small things and can focus on watching your plant doctor things
He'll get super flustered if you propel yourself to his perch with your plants, give him a kiss, and leave
He'd definitely want a pitcher plant and he'd keep it alive for a long time
He likes your greenhouse when no one's there so he can hang out with you and your plants in peace
He has several plants scattered around his room from you that he's had for years
He doesn't keep any in his smoking room because he doesn't want the smoke the damage them
Spy often comes to your greenhouse to clear his lungs and his mind
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necrolexic0n · 1 year
Currently rebrowsing through your epic art and a very stupid thought came into my mind that you’ve probably answered before.
When it comes to EdgyMcEdgelord what are your favorite headcanons n whatnot from your epic self and many others in the fandom even if it’s not from tumblr..?
List everything if you wish :)
if i talked about my favorite headcanons i would just be blabbing ab my interpretation of Edge so that i will do
all blabbing is under the cut!!! carefully curated headcanons for the soul
- definitely an fps game kinda guy. takes major pride in his quick reflexes and good aim.
- not the greatest at communication, of course. he puts himself down before he can get half a sentence out when he’s too embarrassed or nervous.
- plenty of scars. scratches and chips, especially on his ribcage and hands. he picks at his fingers, slowly grinding away at the bone, in the same way someone would pick at the hangnails on a finger.
- still has 1HP, but is getting up there in levels. due to the trauma he’s endured and the anomaly fucking up the timelines, his HP never really changes; his attack, however….better watch it around this guy.
- how he lost his tooth? ask him and he’ll threaten you. ask me? think he uh..”fell” down and now he’s “sans” a tooth LOL….but uh, seeing how his au is? that’s probably not the case, the poor dear…
- he’s actually a huge softie. quite cuddly! he’ll never admit it but he does enjoy soft, loving touches to his face. he’d rub his cheekbone in his lover’s hand like a dog wanting pets. yer not supposed to know that though.
- he also snores. a lot. most of the time it’s a bit quiet, but if he’s laying in the wrong position, i doubt you’ll be getting much sleep that night, heh.
- while he’s still short sporting a solid 5’1, he makes up for it in width. he’s a pretty decently sized monster!
- his eye lights are red! they’re a bit of a dark, dim red. but his eye for magic is a striking crimson. it flashes between red and yellow!
- isn’t THAT much of a sleaze but he enjoys sex jokes as much as the next frat boy.
- he is not a frat boy.
- i promise.
- besties with Classic! they’re bbfs! best bros forever.
- he doesn’t hate his brother. they don’t hate each other. sure, they get on each other’s nerves like all siblings do, maybe worse on some days, but they definitely don’t hate each other.
- there’s a small crack on his face leading from his gold tooth!
- DEFINITELY a jewelry guy. gold chain, gold rings, big fan.
- would never attack an innocent. not even for the gold or EXP. not only is he too lazy, but deep down he still has some hope in his soul. he would never really hurt let alone kill anyone unless absolutely necessary.
- his attacks are stronger, yes, but he isn’t as tactical as Classic. he tends to tire out a bit quicker, but his attacks are harder to dodge.
- likes dark humor and puns, but knock knock jokes are his favorite.
- enjoys a good mustard but prefers it on the sweeter side. that’s a secret though.
- his time spent in the lab was less with numbers and more the actual physical engineering part. he’s a hands-on learner and hobbyist! will occasionally tinker with something when he’s bored.
- dc comics lover. hands down. likes batman a normal amount (lying).
- bisexual, demi-romantic. you’ve gotta be REAL special to catch his eye. anyone would think he’s completely aromantic, even himself, but once ya get him started…hoo boy.
- has an impressive body count both on the battlefield and in the bedroom but uh…that’s not really a surprise, is it?
- prefers a private life. he would be a gaming streamer but have toby fox levels of privacy. guess that makes this post pretty redundant lol
- likes cars! but likes motorcycles more. the cars interest was passed to his brother.
- he loves dogs!! especially big dogs. any big scary dog. st. bernard, doberman, pitbull, great danes, you name it. he knows the secret of the biggest dogs being the sweetest.
- for his human design he has a few piercings and tattoos. he would have them if he could get them for sure!
- does boxing when he’s angry, helps blow off steam. he does it more for the purpose of enjoyment when on the surface.
- this man LOVES donuts. i don’t understand his obsession. he just really likes them.
- will fuck up a burger retired spider-man style.
- definitely still an asshole. standoffish to anyone he doesn’t know. he’s an asshole to the people he cares about too, just in a loving way. he’ll call you stupid and roughhouse but is still careful with you regardless.
- cigar smoker fs
- doesn’t remember resets all that well but definitely knows their happening
- moderate to severe insomnia
- bro found a console in the waterfall dump heap and made it work. has like two games on it.
- doesn’t cuss as much as people think. a casual sentence enhancer user. nothing too wild but he has a..large arsenal of swears. you might catch one in spanish if ya pay close enough attention.
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phoenixglacier · 10 months
Next in DCxTouRabu we have to talk about Clark. Because his sword is kinda important. His sword has a whole background character arc going on like he’s very important. Sayo’s off quietly to the side being Bruce’s lil bundle of vengeance personified and Kiyomitsu’s —Kiyomitsu is very important okay he’s like— he’s over there being Jason’s platonic FL-equivalent or something. And then there’s Clark’s sword. And Clark’s sword is Yagen.
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SO FIRST OFF you know Yagen Toushirou if you know anything about tourabu. But if you don’t, don’t worry! The in-comic narrative (this doesn't actually exist) shows you Yagen’s arc when he shows up (retrieved from the enemy on an extraterrestrial mission, probably?). It gives you the five-second rundown on Yagen’s past. He’s a sword for battle. He assassinates people of not quite entirely his own free will. He’s fully understanding that some of his previous masters were bad people and that he was loyal to them and able to calmly coexist with both inside him.
He’s not someone worthy of such a pure and righteous mission such as Superman’s (“Nonsense!” Clark insists, because he doesn’t think he’s any more worthy of Superman’s mission himself). He’s not someone who’s able to protect or heal or comfort, hurting is all he’s ever known and all he’s ever been made of (“See, that right there tells me that you want to, and that definitely sets you apart because if you want to, you can do it.”). He stays by Clark’s side anyway, because there probably is something he can offer in terms of battle considering all the active threats (he diligently works in the farm, the horses love him even if Yagen doesn’t quite love them back, he tears through Clark’s old biology books and the new ones he brings back because sue him if his passion is medicine okay he wishes that could be what he was made of instead—)
Yagen’s slow character growth throughout the story starts from Clark giving him a chance to be what he wants to be instead of what his past has made him be — he wants to be a healer. He wants to be nurturing and protective and isn’t that just ironic? Also yes his glasses were given to him by Clark.
Yagen is the sword that makes swords a well-known aspect of the DC. Think multiverse back in the days that the JLA was only just going “We think a multiverse may exist?” Of course, Yagen does exist as a very confusing sword that hangs around the JLA tower and diligently heals people with the very ordinary power of very human medicinal knowledge. And then once in a while a major threat occurs and Superman picks up a tiny knife to go wipe out the battlefield alongside him. Or maybe Lois is about to do something stupid and Yagen will just be shadowing her down the street, a quiet preteen who’s been tasked with protecting Superman’s love and eventually wife.
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hi! do have any comic recs for ppl wanting to get into flashfam?
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This was a dangerous question to ask me. You live on the wild side. I like that.
But to be serious, yes. Yes, yes, I do.
You can't go wrong reading the Mark Waid run. If you want specifically Flash family stuff start at issue #92 of Waid's Flash run and read up from there to #159.
I will also always recommend the Impulse series.
Beyond that the Wild Wests arc is great for the Wally, Linda and the twin's dynamic.
There's also The Flash: Rebirth mini, DCU Rebirth, Death Metal: Speed Metal, Joshua Williamson's Finish Line arc and Waid's 'The return of Barry Allen' arc. Flash Forward is great, Justice Incarnate is great, Teen Titans Lazarus Contract has some good Wally + Ace moments, DC's Love is a Battlefield has a great Avery and Ace story, and Flash War is honestly pretty good as well.
Also just.... all of Jeremy Adams' run. If you just want to get into the current Flash comics and don't really want homework just read that. (Maybe also Death Metal: Speed Metal #1 and Generation Zero as well)
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empressofthelibrary · 2 years
Opinion on Ships:
🌟Superman x Lois VERSUS Superman x Wonder Woman
💰BatCat vs Wonderbat vs TaliaBat?
🐦Nightwing x Kory VS. Nightwing x Batgirl VS. Nightwing VS Donna Troy
*rolls up my sleeves* Okay, this one's gonna be long, so I had to wait until I had laptop access and enough brain for it.
🌟 Superman and Lois. The power couple of the ages. Almost literally the Mom and Dad of DC Comics. They're perfect and I love them, and I genuinely can't see either with anyone else. Lois Lane is this unstoppable force of nature despite the fact that she's this squishy fragile human. Clark is a softhearted human despite the fact that he's a space alien with nigh-godlike power. It's so easy to become jaded when you're watching the news all the time. Being in the middle of it and reporting on it? Lois' heart could harden so easily. But it doesn't, because Clark is out there, tirelessly working to make the world better, and helping her to do the same. At the same time, with all the power he has, it would be really easy for Clark to just... Go dark. Become a conqueror. For the greater good, of course. But he doesn't, because Lois keeps him human and humble, keeps him grounded. They're the light in each other's lives and they both need the other to be the best versions of themselves.
🌠 With that in mind, I just don't see the same appeal in Clark/Diana, and I like them better as friends. They have the same "essentially a god" problems, and while Clark would be eager to teach Diana about life in rural Kansas and help her get her footing in Man's World... They can't counterbalance each other in the same way. I haven't read many WW comics and don't have a solid grip on Diana's personality, but they feel too similar to really work.
...This has made me very aware that Lois/Diana would be interesting though. Possibly the three of them as a triad. Hmm...
💰 Batcat, huh? I've never really been into this one, tbh, though the flirty rooftop chases and back-and-forth banter are appealing. The starcrossed-lovers angst of it is fun, but I think Bruce/Talia did that better. A solid 7/10, they work better when it's just Selena trying to get a reaction and not any kind of Serious Relationship.
✈ I couldn't find a laurel wreath emoji so Wonderbat gets a plane in honor of the Invisible Jet. I have to say, I... Kind of don't see where this one came from? The only comics-canon love interest of Diana's I'm aware of is Steve Trevor, and Bruce is just. Such a different dude. Steve Trevor was this hotshot daring pilot who loved adventure and had this debonair attitude. Bruce is... Not that. Hell, Ollie Queen makes more sense, if we use Trevor as a baseline for Diana's type. Or, like. Hal. Oh, oh cripes, gonna end that train of thought right now.
🦇 Bruce/Talia, though. Oh my god. Talia being caught between loyalty to her father's cause and loyalty to her heart. Between making her own choices and letting herself fall in love with the man her father approved of, even when she knows she'd have chosen him outside of Ra's influence. Bruce knowing she loves him and wanting to let himself love her, but knowing he has a duty to Gotham and can't let himself choose her over the city again. Talia knowing that and forcing herself to leave Bruce so he can be what Gotham needs! The drama of it all! The romance! These two were made for a soap-opera, I swear. And Talia's love for Bruce extending past him and to her stepsons??? Because why else would she have resurrected Jason and helped him through his recovery, except out of love? UGH, I can't. I just can't. They're too good. (Also baby-me heard Talia call Bruce 'My Beloved' and almost died because that was the most romantic shit I'd ever heard at age thirteen and it still holds up today.)
🐦 Dick and Kory are just... So good. They're so soft and sweet with eachother, and absolutely deadly on the battlefield. 100% the Battle Couple Blueprint. They slow-dance in the kitchen of Titans Tower and sing one another back to sleep after nightmares and just. The utter adoration and devotion and reverence. The ferocity and depth of their love and how it contrasts with how tenderly they care... I love them so much I can't form words. I'm still brokenhearted over their divorce, even if I understand why
🕸 DickBabs is such a notp of mine, actually. They grew up alongside one another, and while childhood-friends-to-lovers is a thing, it's never been my thing. And with Babs being a few years older than Dick, I just see her putting Robin squarely in the "annoying kid brother" box as kids. They're family, they don't need to be anything else.
🦅 Dick and Donna work best as what they are -- close friends who grew up together and aren't sure if they're closer to siblings or cousins, but definitely aren't romantically involved, gross. I like them having a sort of rivalry as kids, and being affectionately annoying as adults. I love them and how they look out for each other in a platonic/familial way. I like to think that half the League still calls them The Wonderkids, even though they're closer to thirty than they are thirteen.
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inulatus · 1 year
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future state: harley quinn #1 - 1/05
dark nights: death metal #7 - 1/05
future state: the next batman #2 - 1/19
dceased: dead planet #7 - 1/19
joker/harley: criminal sanity #7 - 1/26
batman: white knight presents harley quinn #4 - 1/26
batman: the adventures continue #8 - 1/26
let them live! unpublished tales from the DC vault #1 - 2/02
harley quinn and the birds of prey #4 - 2/02
manbat #1 - 2/02
future state: harley quinn #2 - 2/02
dc love is a battlefield #1 - 2/09
future state: the next batman #4 - 2/16
batman: white knight presents harley q. #5 - 2/23
manbat #2 - 3/02
batman #106 - 3/02
infinite frontier #0 - 3/02
batman: urban legends #1 - 3/09
batman black & white #4 - 3/23
batman: white knight presents harley quinn #6 - 3/23
harley quinn #1 - 3/23
the other history of the dc universe #3 - 3/30
manbat #3 - 4/06
batman #107 - 4/06
batman/fortnite zero point #1 - 4/20
harley quinn #2 - 4/27
batman black & white #5 - 4/27
batman/fortnite zero point #2 - 5/04
batman/fortnite zero point #3 - 5/18
wonder girl #1 - 5/18
harley quinn #3 - 5/25
dc's round robin #1 - 5/26
batman #109 - 6/01
batman / catwoman #5
the joker presents: a puzzlebox #1 - 6/07
dc pride #1 - 6/08
the joker presents: a puzzlebox #2 - 6/21
harley quinn #4 - 6/22
infinite frontier secret files #1 - 6/29
batman #110 - 7/06
batman/fortnite zero point #6 - 7/06
future state: gotham #3 - 7/13
detective comics #1039 - 7/13
the joker presents : a puzzlebox #4 - 7/19
harley quinn #5 - 7/27
batman #111 - 8/03
suicide squad: get joker! #1 - 8/03
suicide squad: king shark #1 - 8/07
future state : gotham #4 - 8/10
harley quinn #6 - 8/24
harley q. 2021 annual - 8/31
batman fear state alpha #1 - 8/31
batman #112 - 9/07
suicide squad #7 - 9/07
harley quinn: the ebkt #1 - 9/14
batman: the world batman day special edition #1 - 9/18
catwoman #35 - 9/21
batman #113 - 9/21
deathstroke inc. #1 - 9/28
harley quinn #7 - 9/28
are you afraid of darkseid #1 - 10/05
the joker presents: puzzlebox #3 - 10/05
harley quinn: the ebkt #2 - 10/12
catwoman #36 - 10/19
batman #115 - 10/19
harley quinn #8 - 10/26
batman #116 - 11/02
the joker presents: puzzlebox #4 - 11/02
dark knights of steel #1 - 11/02
harley quinn: the ebkt #3 - 11/09
batman #117 - 11/16
batman secret files: the gardener #1 - 11/16
harley quinn #9 - 11/23
catwoman #37 - 11/23
detective comics #1045 - 11/23
batman fear state omega #1 - 11/30
gotham city villains anniversary giant #1 - 11/30
the joker presents: a puzzlebox #5 - 12/07
dark knights of steel #2 - 12/07
tis the season to be freezin #1 - 12/14
batman: the adventures continue season two #7 - 12/14
harley quinn: the ebkt #4 - 12/14
harley quinn #10 - 12/28
detective comics #1046 - 12/28
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gothamsfinestdummy · 2 years
ooh I saw you were looking for some Harley Quinn recs and I wanted to toss in some suggestions from the one-offs:
the Harley Quinn 25th Anniversary Special (uneven since it's an anthology, but even the comics with her and Joker are quite good, and there's some bonus batjokes-if-you-squint)
the Eat Bang Kill Tour (a direct followup to the HQ animated series that focuses on her romantic relationship with Ivy but doesn't require much knowledge of the show; ymmv on the art and story, I adore the art so much I don't care that the story is a little messy)
the Harley and Ivy story in DC Love is a Battlefield (bonus Bruce Wayne attends a supervillain wedding with Catwoman as Matches Malone)
and lots of Harley Quinn Black, White, and Red especially #1, #3, #10, #11, #14, #15
(#4 is bad in a kind of want to watch the trainwreck way and has a ridiculous plot about Joker being a rapper, #8 has great art but meh story)
There's also Catwoman #43-45 from Selina's current run that focuses on their friendship, and some good small appearances by Harley in the current Poison Ivy run and Poison Ivy: Cycle of Life and Death
eep sorry this got so long!
Dude!! Thank you so much for this! I’m excited to check all of those out. I’ve been a little interested in Black, White, and Red specifically, so thanks for pointing out certain issues.
(The issue about Joker being a rapper does sound like a train wreck. And hilarious)
And don’t worry about your ask getting long, mi amigo, I’m very happy that there’s a lot! Always love getting them.
Thank you so much again!! Please take care and stay safe out there, pal.
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rangerdew · 1 year
Honestly my opinion on a lot of ppl following dc comics at this point is like .. You can just leave bc you sound real miserable. But then I remember that my bravest dearest yozi is responsible for like at least 80% of my knowledge of dc discourse. And you know I love that shit. So like what am I doing? Telling our brave soldiers to leave the battlefield, because it’s too terrifying? No. They are doing us a sacred duty. The duty of seeing what tom taylor is up to this week i guess
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otakusmart · 1 year
Upcoming DC Movies in 2023 That’ll Decide DC’s Future
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DC Comics was introduced by Malcolm Wheeler-Nicholson in 1934 and is known as Detective Comics. It gained popularity with the audience when they could not watch high-graphic movies. People used to read comics and relate them to the pictures designed in those comic books in this era. As time passed, new superheroes were introduced by DC Comics. Superman was the first superhero, and the story was written by Jerry Siegel and artist Joe Shuster. Now DC Comics is getting back on track, and we'll see four new movies this year. Yes, DC Comics is attempting to compete with Marvel's incredible film, generating a lot of buzzes. We all know how hard they've worked on their characters and storylines since 2008, when Batman debuted as the Dark Knight. Superman debuted as the Man of Steel in 2013. The audience is becoming like a coconut; they pretend to be something from the outside and something else from the inside. No matter how much you show your love for Marvel, deep down in your heart, you know that DC Comics is also working great, and their hard work is paying off. Want to know how and why DC Comics is getting better day by day? Let’s find out by reading the full article about the upcoming DC movies in 2023.
Upcoming DC movies in 2023
Shazam! Fury of the Gods (DC Comics)
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Shazam! Fury of the Gods will be released on a global scale very soon. This film was supposed to be released on April 1, 2022, but due to unforeseen circumstances, it has been pushed back to June 20, 2023. The movie Shazam was picked from Fawcett Comics and published by DC Comics, and now they're the original project holders of this comic. The first Shazam movie! was launched by the director David F. Sandberg on April 5, 2019. The film had a budget of ten crores USD and received numerous nominations, including the MTV Movie & TV Award for best comedic performance. We all know how fantastic this movie was with Zachary Levi's and Asher Angel's comic timing and the best cameo role of Superman at the end, and we'll be seeing them all again in movie theaters worldwide. About the movie
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Shazam! Fury of the Gods is all about the Mamaragan's (the Old Shazam Wizard's) magical staff, and it's the primary source of Shazam! God has the power and is good enough to become a god, and he can bestow godly powers on anyone. In this movie, the three Daughters of Atlas, Hespera (Helen Mirren), Kalypso (Lucy Liu), and Anthea (Rachel Zegler), are the main villains who are after this magic staff because they believe that the power of Shazam! is stolen by the children. To reclaim all of the powers from the Shazam family, these sisters intend to take the magic staff and repair its power of transferring Shazam's power, which Billy broke in the first installment of Shazam. ALSO READ: Top 10 funny movies on Netflix that will never be not funny (2023 rewatch) Powers of Shazam and the magic staff
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If we talk about the magic staff, like how powerful it is, you can compare it with Thor's Mjölnir; both can give the powers of the gods to anyone, but both are slightly different because of Mjölnir. Mjölnir's specialty is the power of thunder, which can destroy anything that gets in its way, but to use it, the weapon's holder must be worthy and have a pure heart.  That's why it's a pure form of weapon, and its primary intention of creation was to destroy the opponent on the battlefield. The magic staff has both elements of destruction and creation with the power of thunder, which can give the power of god to anyone worthy and make them a warrior, but it can also create its own life form and give new life to any being in this world that is dead. In this way, the magic staff wins the race for power. The Flash Movie (DC Comics)
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Flash is a DC comic character who can dash; he gained this ability while working in his lab, attempting to capture the extra-dimensional yellow energy that killed his mother when he was a child. One day when Barry Alan was in his lab, he was so frustrated and was planning how to catch the yellow extraterrestrial energy. Still, unfortunately, red lightning energy blew up from the window when he threw the small machine at it, and then it entered the lab and stroked his body. After this incident, he remained unconscious, or we can say he was in a coma for nine months, and when he woke up, he found some changes in his body, like he was feeling starving and the fat percentage of his body was too low, and he got six-pack abs. He noticed that he could see everything in slow motion at times, but he had no idea that this was the energy that struck him; it was absorbed by his body while he was in his lab, and he gained the ability to run faster than a bullet train. It was the red lightning energy that was reacting in his body.  ALSO READ: An Interesting tour of Japan’s period movie Sansho the Bailiff Powers of the Flash
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We can compare Flash's speed to Superman's speed; if we watch an episode of Superman the animated series, we can see how, as time passed, Barry Allan unlocked the powers within him to run in the form of light. Gradually he broke all the limits of speed and the dimensional wall, which headed to create or introduce the multiverse in the DC Universe. In this movie, the main character, Barry Allan, is played by Ezra Miller. Barry Allan tries to do time travel so that he can save his mother from getting murdered by Eobard Thawne (the Evil Yellow Flash), but when Barry Allan creates the gate of the multiverse, it changes the whole reality of the present, past, and future.  He also meets another version of Barry Allen, played by Grant Gustin, who looks more attractive, is more confident, and is smarter than him. ALSO READ: Chainsaw Man Season 2: Release date, caste,and everything you need to know Why is The Flash movie getting too hot? According to some sources, we can see Superman (Henry Cavill), Supergirl (Sasha Calle), Batman (Ben Affleck), and another universe's Flash (Grant Gustin) in this movie.  After all, we'll be seeing Multiverse for the first time in any DC movie, which excites the audience, and we're all excited to watch and can't wait for the release of this movie in June 2023. Blue Beetle (DC Comics)
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Blue Beetle was first introduced in the 1967 comic book Blue Beetle and was expanded in 1986 in another comic book, Blue Beetle: Secret Origins #2, Blue Beetle #1 (2006), and Blue Beetle #1 (2011) will be featured in this film. Several characters became Blue Beetles.  The first man who became the Blue Beetle was an archaeologist named Dan Garry, who found the temple, and while he was doing his research there, he found a beetle-shaped scarab. He took it with him to his lab, and when he was researching it, he touched it, and the scarab was fused with his body.  Then, he didn’t know what happened to him, but soon he was shocked when he tested his power of super strength.
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In every generation of DC comics, we can see that three characters got the Blue Beetle powers. When Dan died, he gave the Beetle Scarab to his friend Ted Kord, but soon he realized that it was not an ancient artifact but some kind of alien technology. One of Ted's good friends inspired him to become Blue Beetle with no superpowers. Still, as time passed, Ted accepted the Scarab's supernatural powers and became the Super Hero, Blue Beetle, and the Scarab was passed down to a teenage boy named Jaime Reyes, who became the final Blue Beetle. ALSO READ: 12 South Korean Movies that have to be on Everyone’s Watch List (January 2023) About the movie
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According to sources, American actor Xolo Mariduea, also known as Victor Graham in the Parenthood series and Miguel Diaz in the Cobra Kai series on Netflix, is playing the role of Jamie Reyes (Blue Beetle). The supervillain would be Victoria Chord, and the beautiful American actress Susan Sarandon, also known for many other super hits like Helen Prejean's in Dead Man Walking, Pearl there are some possibilities that Ben Affleck is also playing the role of Batman in a cameo scene. Why you should watch this movie?
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We’ll see more action in this movie, and the new DC series will begin. As we all know, DC has released Justice League twice: the first time on November 17, 2017, and the second time on March 18, 2021, with deleted scenes from the first.
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The character Blue Beetle is connected with Batman and Robin in manga and anime, too, and if we talk about another comic of the DC Universe, Jamie Reyes (Blue Beetle) is a part of the Teen Titans. Without Batman, this movie will be incomplete, and everyone knows that where there’s justice, there’s Batman.
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So now that DC is trying to introduce the Teen Titans movie soon on the big screen, that's why the characters of the Teen Titans appear gradually in DC movies. We saw one scene in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice where Batman looks at Robin's suit and is spoiled by the Joker: "HAHAHA Jokes on you, Batman." This is how DC Universe cleverly introduces another line of comic characters to bring their new teams.  ALSO READ: Ichi The Killer Full Movie Review, And Ending Explained
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After seeing all of these strategies, there's no doubt we'll see a DC film similar to The Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox as a sequel to Zack Snyder's The Justice League. Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom
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In 2018, we already watched the movie Aquaman. The Handsome Hunk Jason Momoa played the lead male role of Aquaman, and the gorgeous Amber Heard played the female lead role of Mera.  This film was a worldwide box office success, earning $ 1.148 billion, and now its sequel, Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom will be released, with Yahya Abdul-Mateen II playing the character of Black Manta. This movie was going to release on December 16, 2022, but for some reason, it will terminate in December 2023. In this movie, Aquaman is trying to protect Atlanta and the rest of the planet from the big danger of the Black Manta and his troops, who will try to conquer the world Earth through Atlantis. ALSO READ: 31 Spine-tingling horror movies you cannot watch alone About the movie
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Aquaman deals with another country and makes his own army to protect Atlantis from Black Manta and his soldiers. I don’t know much about it, but according to the source, these are the facts that we can see in the movie Aquaman 2, and its trailer will be released very soon. We can now see some of the Aquaman 2: Behind the Scenes videos on YouTube. Why DC fans are waiting for Aquaman and the lost kingdom?
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We've all been anticipating this film since we saw the first installment, a mix of action, thrills, comedy, and romance.  We all loved watching how Atlanna's son Arthur Curry became the Aquaman, who never worried about returning to his homeland: Atlantis because he was unaware of it, and when he discovered that he has all the special powers because of his mother. 
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Atlanna, the former queen of the underwater kingdom of Atlantis, he returns there and takes revenge for his mother and becomes the Aquaman by pulling out the trident from his mother.  According to the sources, we’ll see Ben Affleck as Batman in this movie, which means the new danger is on its way to Earth. ALSO READ: Top 10 Pakistani dramas you much watch to experience morality and romance Read the full article
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