#community infighting
textk4kira · 14 days
Most infighting within the LGBTQ+ community can be Usually be boiled down to
"Hurt people hurt people"
Its tragic really.
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stil-lindigo · 1 year
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bedside bouquet.
a sapphic comic about a village girl and the fae she fell in love with.
creative notes:
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don't know who needs to hear this but being queer isn't a competition. if you're a homosexual transgender woman that doesn't make you "more queer" than say a straight transgender man or a cis bisexual person or a heteroromantic asexual person. this is not a hierarchy, this is a community. these labels aren't stars on a uniform determining your rank; just because you have more doesn't mean you are somehow superior to the other queer identities, they belong in the community just as much as you do.
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juniepops · 4 months
This post wasn’t supposed to get notes and the main focus was on the tags so I’m leaving those intact in case anyone clicks through to the original
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kneedeepincynade · 1 year
If your criticism of the Soviet Union can be boiled down to "hur dur authoritarianism" to me you are a deeply unserious person and i will put no weight on your opinion. We can spend hours talking about how the state power was used and its effects but i want substantial analysis before me, i will not accept something equal in its content to "Stalin bad because prison system no more harsh or inhumane of the ones in europe at the time" or "Lenin suppressed my favourite microfaction in the civil war who had no chance of defeating the white army and was chaining the peasants"
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40ouncesandamule · 1 year
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astralmlm · 2 years
This pride month, lets keep the gatekeeping and attacking of queer comrades to a minimum and instead practice radical kindness and acceptance of other queers, even (ESPECIALLY!) if you don't understand their identity or reasons.
The only way we can win liberation is by sticking together and supporting each other, not by infighting and tearing each other down over perceived wrongs. A bi lesbian or aroace person or queer kinkster are all on the same side when the fascists start knocking. Pride is a riot, stand with your fellow comrades this season and fight with us (and not against us) for our collective survival.
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weepylucifer · 1 year
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Truly do not understand where people get these takes from. From what i've seen, the communist quest is the kindest to Harry by far
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gamblegun · 6 months
I really don't understand seeing posts hating on another group of trans people as a whole. Like, that's trans people. What makes you different from any other transphobic bigot? Ohhh, but Gun, I have reason, [insert extremely specific ideology or semantic complaint]. I hate to break it to you, but all the screaming Republicans believe their reasoning is sound and righteous too lol
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remyfire · 7 months
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S2E13: Deal Me Out || S5E8: Dear Sigmund
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ballsalsda · 2 months
"we need weirder queers" not in the hypocrite that cant handle xenos or mspec lesbians way but in the "we need people to be more confident and proud of their identity. We need people to not be afraid to identify how they like. We need people to not care what others think. We need more people okaye with others identifying as 'weird' identities. We need to make the queer community a safer space for weirdos.
We need people to feel safe and accepted for being themselves. Thats the entire goal of the queer community.
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textk4kira · 2 months
tired of the community infighting between transmascs and transfems, it is complete nonsense.
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sirenium · 3 months
Someone left a hate comment on one of my posts, so ya know what that means: another positivity post!
m-spec lesbians/gays, lesboys, turigirls, and anyone else that is 'the reason the LGBTQ community gets mocked' are cool ASF and are an important part of the community. Fuck 'being valid' as a queer person; we're all invalid to bigots, and that doesn't mean shit. We're going to be here, we have always been here, and we're not going anywhere.
Nothing a blank 'hater' account says will change that, either.
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boot2004 · 5 months
Crazy to me how some people can’t agree that Palestinian liberation is more important than leftist infighting. Is calling some random anarchist that supports Palestinian liberation more important than talking about Palestinian liberation?
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turnstechgodhead · 2 months
Le sign... speaking of the server,
dirk is encouraging me to be more firm on my own thoughts for my comfort
i've seen ppl talk about it in stream a lil which im always like I Don't Care when it pops up but i've had Enough and i want to talk about the topic bc it's itching at my brain follicles.
since we're pretty strider-oriented, this had to happen at some point: strider cest/strilonde cest/in cest wont be allowed in the main server. if other people don't care, i might make a separate server.
-"hey why is that ^ something you would allow? pretty insane." / "are you a pro shipper then??"
"so you're an anti?"
also no
i dislike this argument as a whole bc i don't 'get it' i guess because im audhd. neither side is fully correct nor fully wrong.
"fiction affects reality." and "fiction is not reality." are two different thought processes that can and should coexist in the same space.
look. fiction can affect reality, but it IS also possible to separate from it. you can para or whatever responsibly. tag it. try to make sure people who don't want to see it don't have to see it. and if minors are getting sent your shit, make sure its clear that this should NOT be happening in reality. if you're a child, keep that shit blocked. it's NOT for you and you should not be actively consuming it. (please listen to this advice bc i grew up on the internet barely supervised, from a very unhealthily early age [7-8] and then developed into a fucked up hypersexual.) (seeing something fucked up and being like AUGH my eyes! is normal because that just. happens. thats life. you deal with it afterwards in some way. talking to someone you trust etc. you do not go back for more i am begging.) (if someone is showing you these things on purpose then please read this website all the way through for me ok?)
you should not be looking at an adult exploring/enjoying fucked up shit
videogames are not going to make you or me more violent by having violence, gore, and murder in them. but videogames DO make some people violent. those people should not have access to these things. but we (you and i) cannot control that beyond making sure content is labelled and set aside. i like playing games where i assassinate people. i am not an assassin. someone could play the same game and get terrible ideas they act on. this is not my fault for playing the game.
and, if you're an adult who likes fucked up shit (me too) tag your shit or have it listed somewhere on your about that it's something you post about frequently there. and maybe reiterate that it's not real. its just toys. and should never be followed irl. yeah, it fuckin sucks that we gotta do this shit, but kids are unfortunately on the internet, with the inability to differentiate grey from black and white. your shit might be the first exposure. which sucks!! so it's our responsibility to try and mitigate harm on both sides unfortunately until we can convince parents to start parenting their children again. which sucks. i just wanna post shit in peace but the buzzing around from very loud teenagers makes me anxious. i get it.
it fucking sucks!!! but we can't control other people, especially if theyre malicious
but you control what YOU see on the internet. block anyone. (i blocked someone back in the day for disliking johndave. be free.) and help people do that (control what they see) by making it very clear. you aren't evil for not wanting to see it, and other people aren't evil for enjoying fucked up content.
also some of yall on BOTH SIDES do some truly vile shit in the name of this argument when your energy could be spent elsewhere doing shit you like or even doing things that are actually. Helpful.
so i don't like either label i dont want to be associated with either of the sides but if you want to call me one or the other then . Whatever i guess? thats your business, not mine. just know you are not a failure or a freak for not constantly reinforcing and reassuring everyone that you think adults doing their own thing in fictional spaces with little toy dolls (that theyve been doing since the 70s-80s) is gross. you can just think that like. in general and look away because the dolls are dolls. but don't go posting doll horn-knees untagged. that's rude as fuck.
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lastoneout · 8 months
It's so wild to see people in this day and age insist that bisexuality is transphobic bcs bi means "atrraction to men and women" (which, no it doesn't but w/e) and clearly "men and women" doesn't inherently include trans people. Like are they truly unaware of how that argument is itself transphobic?? Why are you assuming when I say men and women I'm NOT including trans people?? Why are you so insistent that "trans people" are some other group separate from "men and women"?? They aren't!! When I say I like men I am including trans men bcs trans men ARE MEN. Same with trans women.
I mean fuck, it's like someone responding to me saying I like all people with "but do you like nonbinary people tho" Gee, I dunno, they're people aren't they??? Stop projecting transphobia onto my words. If you don't think "men and women" inherently and explicitly includes trans people that's a YOU problem.
Anyway all mspec identities are valid and trans inclusive and us multisexual people get enough hate from people outside our community, we shouldn't be tearing each other down on top of it. Attacking bi or pan or omni people isn't gonna make bigoted monosexuals hate us any less, stop doing their work for them.
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