#could not get the clothes looking right so i gave up
pandoraslxna · 1 day
Quid Pro Quo
Olo’eyktan Neteyam x female human scientist reader
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Words: 6.9k
Summary: You owe Neteyam a favor. Luckily, the olo’eyktan has just the idea how you could repay him.
Warnings: explicit smut, oral, fingering, sexual tension, size difference, praise kink, cum eating, scenting, I actually hate this my writing is so bad here but I tried 😩
Notes: Neteyam art on the left by @cinetrix, art on the right by @sleeptight____ on Twitter 🩵
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There is nothing you hate as much as the way the smell of the lab seems to seep into your clothes and stick to your skin after you’ve been working there all day.
When you get back to your tiny living quarters at hells gate after twelve or fourteen hours, you usually smell like dank, half-rotted crates and dust and damp concrete and dirt. It doesn't matter that you recently cleared out all the crates and sealed all the leaks and dusted until you were streaming-eyed and dripping-nosed, that the labs are as clean and sterile as you could make it. It still smells like what it is: an old, moldering wreck of a science shack.
Back at hells gate, you strip down less than two feet in the door, and then just stand there in your skin for a minute, stretching your arms, rubbing your temples, your eyes.
You’re tired and your back and neck ache from hunching over books and datapads all day, and it's another damned day with nothing to show for your work. Another day that feels like a waste of time.
Toeing the pile of clothes out of the way you sigh as you head for the bathroom. A nice long shower would be just the thing, relax some of the ache of your muscles and erase the stink of the labs from your nose.
Unfortunately, you can't have that.
The hot water heater serves the entire floor, and there's never more than a minute or two of hot water.
Once you‘ve made yourself get up at four a.m. to shower, because who the hell would be using hot water at four in the morning? Someone, apparently. You‘ve got three and a half heavenly minutes that time, but to your mind the extra minute and a half just wasn’t worth the effort of getting up so damn early.
Stepping under the water, you’re already fumbling for the bar of soap. It's harsh and smells blindingly antiseptic, but it's the only option the RDA ships to Pandora, which means the only thing the human-na‘vi resistance could raid. So it'll have to do.
The two minutes are up before you get the soap out of your hair and you end up rinsing it in water that's cool and headed rapidly toward freezing before you hurry out of the shower with a full on body shiver.
— ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆ —
The next day was just a repeat of the same events. Day after day, it was all the same.
Numbers and words were swimming before your eyes by now, and you could feel your head doing that awkward nod, lift, nod thing that told you that you were too tired to still be in the labs. But when the decision was between this, or coming home to an ice cold shower, nasty soap and an uncomfortable bed, work was a clearly the winner.
It's not like this research would be due anytime soon, or anytime at all, but you'd only just recently gained access to these files and data collected by Dr. Grace Augustine herself (thank you very much, Norm) and they gave you much more than anything those old dusty books could.
But in hindsight, they could’ve been at least a bit more entertaining. Not that it was essential boring to listen to Dr. Augustine’s fifteen minute long lecture about the importance of—
Your head shoots up so quick, you nearly give yourself whiplash as you jolt awake at the sound of a voice laced with heavy na’vi accent entering the labs.
"No!" It bursts out of you like you’re a kid caught with a hand in the cookie jar and for a moment you suffer in embarrassing silence as you wait for a response.
The contrast between his smooth, pale blue curved stripes and his much darker blue colored skin enters your vision as he takes place to stand at your desk to look at the holo you were studying.
With a sigh of relief to find that the intruder was of no danger, you rest your drooping head on one hand.
It‘s the olo’eyktan, Neteyam.
You’re a little surprised to see him here, since he rarely occupied himself at the labs, let alone show himself in interaction with the scientists working there. His siblings, his second of command and the clans tsahik, were the ones who paid a visit to everything that was lived and operated by sky people more frequently compared to him.
If he did let himself be seen at the labs, it was solely for the purpose of talking to you and letting his curiosity be known to everything you were working on at the moment.
It had always flattered you to know that the clans chief had grown so fond of you, but it was none the less unnerving to have such a giant of a man wandering around and prodding at your equipment, boring you with questions just to disappear again when it bored him. You’ve always wondered what he would even gain out of this, but shrugged it off as the olo’eyktans attempt to maintain the alliance between sky people and omatikaya, see what the tiny humans were up to while using the Clans resources and basically working under their roof.
"No, no I’m not sleeping, it’s just…"
He was so close now that you had to look up to see his face; could feel the heat emanating from his body and smell the fresh, earthy scent of his skin as he smiled down at you, board arms lazily crossed over his chest, resting just above his impressively woven cummerbund that showed off his warrior expertise. The armband around his biceps was stretched taut, and you couldn’t help but swallow down the salvia that pooled at this sight.
Clearing your throat, you quickly start again where you had left off, "I‘m trying to study this plant, we call it rain thistle. But it’s hard if you can only look at it through holograms and screens and super old recordings, you know?" With a sigh of frustration, you close the tab on your datapad and with it, the hologram that was projected onto your desk.
"Oh. Just get one to study up close." Neteyam says with a genuine smile, like it’s so obvious and you’re just a silly little human that wouldn’t have thought of that before, the most simplest answer. As if he was so oblivious to the struggle it would bring to even get close to one.
"Ha-ha, very funny," you can’t help but roll your eyes, a reaction that causes Neteyams hairless brows to raise in amusement. You know he didn’t mean to make fun of you, but still. "It only grows all the way up in the hallelujah mountains, near the banshee nests," you explain calmly, but you could feel your patience wearing thinner the more his grin widened. "There’s no way I could get one and come back alive."
Neteyam looks at you for a long moment, golden orbs entirely focused on you as he silently ponders, and then speaks up, "Ikran don’t eat humans."
You blink, considering.
Neteyams expression hasn't changed, nothing but mild curiosity, but you can sense his teasing through that grin on his lips.
There are about a million reasons as to why "just getting one" would surely end in your death and you‘re sure Neteyam knows. Still, you can’t help the sarcastic comments that only make him snicker at your frustration.
"Really? Great, that means I’ll live long enough to get the plant and then fall to my death on my way down."
Chuckling, he walks over to smooth a hand over your hair and leans in close to peak into the open books laying all over your desk. "Mawey [calm], I‘m just teasing," he purrs, causing all the fine hair at the nape of your neck to raise.
"A fkxakewll", he then says as if he has only just realized what you were even talking about, pointing at the printed image of this familiar plant in one of the books in front of you.
"That’s what I just said. A rain thistle. During rainstorms it opens up to reveal this “boll” thingy, a seedpod that’s surrounded by absorbent fibers. When the plant opens it promotes pollination in ideally wet conditions and allows the plant to absorb and store water in those fibers. This water storage mechanism helps the plant thrive without moist soil. I believe if we could somehow… I don’t know, figure out just how she does that, it could help us store more drinkable rain water at hells gate. And then we could start to figure out how to repair our water heater. It would make a lot of things easier for us, you know?"
The omatikaya man nods attentively.
"I see these almost daily when I feed oare [moon / name of his ikran]. They grow on a cliff, by a waterfall." He explains casually as he walks over to a microscope on the table.
It wasn’t his usual nature, but Neteyam could be strangely fascinated by the way the human technology at the labs worked once you coaxed him into it. His fingers twitched and he ran a hand over the equipment in front of him. It didn't respond to him as though he had the gene, but he still grinned with delight when you showed him how it worked and let him push the button to bring it to life and look at the little piece of fibre that laid underneath the microscope.
"I would do anything to get this stupid little plant…" You mumbled absently, letting out a groan before turning to your work again. With your back facing him now, you didn’t catch the way his ears perked up at what you had just exclaimed and his tail began to swish back and forth eagerly.
Raising back to his full weight and stepping away from the table, Neteyam then glanced around the room to find your back facing him, nose once again buried deep in your datapad. He couldn’t help but notice the way your hair was looking even messier than it usually did, how your desk was littered in empty coffee cups. A liquid that was well known to him due to his fathers heritage and strange habits that continued to stick to him even long after leaving his life as a human behind. Coffee is for when you’re tired. It keep you awake when you’re tired, he remembers.
"Hm. How about you get some sleep first?" He suggests with a low chuckle. "You can still take care of your little plant problem in the morning."
There comes another noise from you, a sound so quiet that his ears twitch to pick up the noise. "I‘m not exactly excited to get home so there’s no rush," you shrug, pressing your lips to a thin line.
"How come?" He quirks a brow.
Sighing, you explain, "The water at hells gate has been running cold for months now, everything smells weird and my bed feels like a slab of concrete. At least here I have a warm cup of coffee and a somewhat cushioned chair." You chuckle, albeit halfheartedly.
Neteyam nods understandingly, a hint of sympathy in his eyes as he furrows his brows.
"Why didn’t your people come to me sooner?" He cocks his head to the side, eyes scanning your face as if he was looking for an answer there. You didn’t know why, but it made you feel guilty for sounding like you were complaining about this to him.
You stare blankly back at him, cheeks tainting a faint pink. Truth be told, you didn’t know why. You just kind of expected him not to care, to not have time for such unimportant matters. Yes, he was the olo’eyktan, but that was exactly why you thought this issue wouldn’t concern him!
"I… We didn’t think— I mean, I‘m sure you have other businesses to attend to, more important things."
"But I am olo’eyktan, and you’re as much part of my people as the na‘vi are. I should hear about your problems at hells gate."
"We- Listen, we‘re already on it to fix this, please don’t worry about it. I’m serious. It’s just cold water, we‘ll live."
You don’t miss the way his deep frown did not disappear, not even as he excused himself for the night, a finger pressed to his throat comm as he listened attentively to whatever his second of command had to say, before he had to return to attend his duties at the clan.
— ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆ —
It’s not on the same day, because surely that would be weird, but when you get home a few days later, there's a small container in the little nook set into the shower wall where there wasn't anything like this when you had left this morning. You’re pretty sure you would remember if that was the case.
You almost don’t want to- can’t believe this could’ve been Neteyams work, but it smells like greenery, like heather and herbs, so much like him. Your eyes widen at the realization that it’s some kind of soap. And it's probably ridiculous to take this much sheer pleasure from shampooing hair, but you don’t give a shit. Fuck, you‘ve missed soap. It might not be the type of soap that you knew, but in a way it was actually really good smelling.
It’s so good, you can’t bring yourself to care, to ask yourself why and how. You’re just so incredibly grateful for this small gesture.
You’re ten minutes into your shower when it occurs to you to wonder when the hot water is going to run out. You frown, mentally calculating the degree to which you had adjusted the temperature, and yeah, you‘re sure of it.
You don’t even have to spin the knob all the way to the left to get heat. You lean forward and nudge the knob to the left, and the water, already comfortably warm, is almost instantly downright hot. You squeak and jump and nudge it back, and then straighten up and just stand there.
The water pressure is good, and the hot water shows no signs of abating. Did they fix the hot water heater? Install a new one? What the hell? When did that happen and why did nobody inform you of it?
For a moment, you debate getting out, thinking it might not be a good idea to press your luck, but then you can't quite make yourself do it. It's been fucking ages since you had a real hot shower, something that consisted of more than just jumping in, soaping up, rinsing off, and jumping out before you were frozen solid. And who the hell knows, it might never happen again!
So instead of getting out, you nudge the water warmer just a tiny bit, and give in to the urge to shampoo your hair a second time, which leads sort of naturally to deciding to use the paste on the rest of yourself as well, since it smells way better than the bar of soap and literally anything else you were able to call yours since you arrived on this exomoon. And finally, that weird scent of the lab is entirely gone, replaced by something natural and pleasing.
— ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆ —
Working day and night at a lab with fellow scientists did had its advantages. Aside from the smell of working together for hours in such a cramped space, with no windows to open and ventilate the room, it also meant working with someone who understood irregular sleeping patterns, who didn't expect you to talk before you'd had at least two cups of coffee, who spent enough time in a lab not to care about healthy tans or perfectly coiffed hair.
Norm is a good colleague and an even better friend. You value him and his work, but god do you hate that little bastard for arriving here over a whole damn decade before you did and earning himself one of those super expensive and super rare avatars.
And while he’s busy on his field research project, somewhere out there with the other avatars, you’re once again stuck in the labs, nose deep in a book you stole off his shelve that’s older than Norm himself -cryo sleep included.
It was a testament to the sheer focus on your work that you didn't hear Neteyam enter the laboratory until he already stood -well, crouched- under the doorway.
"Good morning, sevin tawtute [pretty human]," he greeted you in a gentle tone, smiling with his eyes closed before stepping closer. The beads of his songcord clicked against each other as he walked over to you. It‘s the first time you’ve seen him this week and you’re startled to realize he’s not wearing any of his usual olo’eyktan attire. No fancy feather garments or an extravagant loincloth, but that doesn’t mean he looks any less beautiful. You‘re more than certain that Neteyam fulfills all na‘vi beauty ideals there are. Blame it on the human-avatar dna, but that man is build like a god.
Under normal circumstances, you’d crumble under his gaze like a crouton if he’d looked at you like this, a hint of mischief glinting in his golden eyes, but something tells you it’s nothing to worry about. One of his hands is bend behind his back and he grins, causing one of your brows to raise in suspicion.
"What?" You laugh, but still can’t help the slightest feeling of unease.
Neteyams grin only widens when he steps closer to reveal what is hiding behind is back, nearly towering over you once he’s right in front of you.
"No fucking way," you clasp a hand over your mouth when he holds the content of his hand out for you, "Sorry! But- oh my god!"
"A pretty flower for my pretty flower," he chuckles, carefully placing a handful of rain thistles into your hands.
The smile on your lips stretches so far up your cheek that it almost hurts as you squeak, "oh, thank you, thank you, thank you!"
Neteyam laughs at your outburst of happiness, before you abruptly jump up to your feet, startling him with the suddenness of movement.
"Wait, don’t move! I have something for you." Off you go into a different room then, the sounds of you rustling through your bag fill his ears and he curiously bends to the side to peak over and see what you are doing. You return shortly, holding something in your palm that you offer him.
"Here," you say sheepishly.
"It’s, uhm, a bracelet. Kind of. Well, I tried okay?" You giggle nervously, holding the woven piece up for him to see. You had made it for him after yet another wonderful hot shower that reminded you that you still hadn’t thanked him for what he had done. "I know it’s nothing compared to the incredible artworks your people weave, but my teacher was Norm so, yeah. That should explain it."
Neteyam blinks, looks at the bracelet and then back at you.
"I made it for you. I really appreciate what you did for me- for us, this week. I don’t know how you did it, but I know it was you. The hot water and the soap, and now the plant too? Jesus, that’s incredible Neteyam. Seriously, thank you."
The na‘vi smiles as he picks it up from your hands. A sigh of relief leaves you when he starts to admire it. That must mean he thinks it looks at least decent.
"That is not necessary," Neteyam shakes his head then.
"No, please. You don’t have to wear it or anything, but please take it. I want you to have it. I don’t have anything else that would be of worth for you to pay you back so please take this as my sign of gratitude."
"Pay me back? With a bracelet?" His words send your stomach spinning, but the way he smiles so fondly at you sets you at ease. "Paskalin [Honey], that’s almost as sweet as you are."
There was an awkward moment during which you just stood there like an idiot, blushing over his words, stammering to form some sort of reaction. Neteyam only smiled at you— a confident smile’. So confident, you had to take a moment to gather yourself, take a breathe and wet your lips because suddenly your mouth had gone all dry.
"You don’t have to pay me back." He then said, reaching forward to take the flowers and place them on your desk. With your hands now free, Neteyam used the opportunity to intervene your fingers, thumb stroking over the back of your hand. "Unless you… really want to give me something in return."
His tone was quieter. Something inside you latched on to that. You felt the conversation shift, the way an interrogation shifts when the truth's about to be revealed. Not that this was an interrogation, no. Not with the way he lifted your hand and pressed his soft lips against your knuckles.
Neteyam could probably feel the heat rising up through your body, coloring your face.
"I- Yes, if there’s anything I could give I’d–"
"I guess I could think of something."
Neteyam was studiously casual. Still testing the waters, yet again the fine hairs on the back of your neck stood on end as if the air was electrified.
With your back pressed against the edge of the table and Neteyam moving continuously closer, you were soon caged in by his giant frame. Both of his hands came down on the table top then to balance his weight as he leaned in impossibly closer.
Unconsciously, you held your breath and leaned forward slightly, waiting. Hoping like hell you knew what he was planning to do.
And then releasing the breath in a delighted whoosh when Neteyam grinned, eyes staring at your lips, murmuring, "I’ve been wanting to do this for so long," and closed the gap between you by pressing his lips over yours.
Kissing Neteyam takes your breath away, but not in a metaphorical way. His kiss is ravenous, the force of it tilting your body to bend backwards and his lips coax yours open with little effort as you're hardly putting up any resistance. You can’t stop the little moan from escaping once his tongue curls around yours. Neteyam explores your mouth determinedly, taking what he believes to be his. His thumb runs up and down your jaw, occasionally applying pressure to adjust the tilt of your head as he changes the angle of the kiss, feels your hair tickle his forehead. Noses bump and brush, he inhales your scent, groans when it’s just as sweet as you taste.
His kiss is powerful. It commands. Look at me. Touch me. Feel me. Only me. It leads you, your movements, the pace. He presses himself harder against you, towers over you like a mountain. Your hands are small, and they claw at his arms, his biceps, his neck. They pull and pull, yet he doesn’t budge, doesn’t move unless he wants to. You make a whiny sort of noise in protest and he grins against your lips.
Neteyams hand closes around your wrist then, guides it to feel and press against his loincloth and you gasp into the kiss. "Feel what you do to me, tawtute?" He nearly whispers, gliding your palm up and down the length of him. "Feel how hard I am for you?"
Fuck, he’s big.
It was plain to anyone with eyes that Neteyam was taller than literally any human on high camp. A good two and a half feet taller. Even taller than some of the Na‘vi. When you stood next to the olo'eyktan, you were dwarfed by his size. But feeling his cock through his loincloth like this made you realize just how big he actually was.
"It’s all because of you." He leans in close, lips brushing over your ear. "Always you." You hear him inhale, nosing your throat, groaning. "You’re driving me crazy, woman."
"I didn’t even do…," your voice comes out as a breathless whisper, "anything."
"Hmh, exactly." Your breath hitched in your throat then when you felt his tongue glide over your pulse point, sharp canine teasing your skin. "You smell so much like me," he whispers, "like mine." You nearly whimper once he starts to untie his loincloth, one of his hands guiding your smaller one to wrap around his length, feel his girth, the warmth of his skin, while his other hand glides up your neck and the back of your head. With the way his fingers brush through your hair and cradle the back of your head, your eyes flutter closed for just a moment before he murmurs into your ear, "I know now what you could do to pay me back, paskalin."
You look up at him, eyes wide and cheeks flushed in a pretty hue of pink. Ever the gentleman, Neteyam carefully but determinedly pushes you down to your knees. His three fingered hand gently holds and caresses your jaw while you get in position to crouch on your haunches. He‘s so tall, it’s a struggle to get on eye level with the price, but once you’ve straightened your back it’s manageable.
Neteyams cock is probably the most visually pleasing part of any man you’ve ever laid your eyes on. He‘s your first na‘vi, and you’re surprised to find him having little glowing dots all over the length of him. His tip has a slightly different shade of blue than the rest of him, but it looks so smooth and shines in bioluminescence pre-cum, you can’t help but lick your lips in anticipation.
Glancing up at him with eyes full lust, Neteyam‘s are a perfect mirror to yours. With a hand around himself, he nudges his tip against your pretty soft lips and you can’t help but kiss it back.
"Suck," he tells you, a little short of words, but he’s quickly forgiven. He just looks so good from this angle, abs flexing and chest heaving. So impatient to finally feel you like this, as if he was waiting for this moment for so long. With the way he groans once your tongue glides along the underside of shaft he might as well actually had been waiting. Too long, if you’d ask him.
Neteyam stroked himself a few more times before he let you take over, skin radiating heat from every point of contact, washing over you in waves once your fingers wrapped around him. He was far too girthy for your hand to close entirely around it -not that this was a problem.
It became a problem however when you tried to take him in your mouth too quickly after that.
"Easy, paskalin," Neteyam chuckled at your first pathetic attempt that ended embarrassingly fast in a gag. "So eager, huh? You have to take it slow."
You bite your lip at that, caught between the embarrassment and the unbearable need to have him inside you. Clenching your thighs together, you nod sheepishly.
"Stick your tongue out," the olo’eyktan orders and you obey without hesitation. Neteyam slowly pushes his hips forward then, gliding along your outstretched tongue. You don’t need to be told twice when he tells you to close your lips around him and start again.
You focus on his tip this time, slowly working over it, swirling your tongue around it, teasing the slit. You place wet kisses along the crown, before you continue where you had left off.
It all leads to a nice relaxed pace, and you spend quite a while licking and getting his cock thoroughly wet before you open your mouth wide enough to sink down.
"Hmh, just like that, now you got it," Neteyam groans, watching with half lidded eyes as your lips move further down his shaft. Inch by inch you bopped your head up and down his cock.
The slurping sounds you made in the process went straight to your core, sending a shuddering throb to your cunt that nearly made you loose your balance. A muffled whine caught his attention as you pressed your thighs together once more, and Neteyam grins down at you, stroking a hand through your hair. "It’s okay, touch yourself. I know you need it." You felt his cock twitch at the thought of seeing it become reality.
The strands of hair hanging into your face are obscuring your eyes and Neteyam finds himself annoyed at that. You look so beautiful on your knees, soft mouth wrapped around his cock. Nothing should get in the way of that view.
Reaching down, he tenderly tucks the soft hair behind your ear. The gesture makes you look up, meeting his gaze and he can't quite stifle the sharp inhale of a breath at the hungry look in your eyes, eyebrows pinched together as if you’re silently pleading to him.
"Come on, sevin," he purrs, "I want to watch you pleasure yourself before it is my turn."
Your right hand slips down your own body, skimming over your chest and down past the waistband of your leggings. The soft moan that escapes you, as your dainty fingers move over your clit, vibrate through his body.
The sight of you on your knees, sucking on his cock and loving it so much to the point you had to find relief in your own hands was almost enough to finish him right then and there. Heat creeps up your cheeks when Neteyam lets out a breathy groan.
"Eywa, you look so good when you blush," he says then, cupping your jaw and brushing a thumb across your cheek, feeling the tip of his cock through your skin once you hollow them. "You look even better like this, far better than I’ve always imagined."
His word encourage you to slide two digits down to your weeping entrance, circling your slit before you slowly push them in. Your eyelids flutter at the stretch.
"Look at you," Neteyam sighs, his hips slowly starting to work as he pumps his cock in and out of your mouth. "If I stopped right now, you'd beg yourself hoarse for more, wouldn't you, sevin [pretty]?"
You can’t answer in words, but instead drive your mouth down harder on his cock, moaning out what you hope sounded like a strong affirmative answer when you get the breath for it.
Neteyams eyes don't just stay open, they widen. His lips part, and he licks them, breath going shallow as he feels his pulse against your fingers working the length of him whilst you suckle on his tip. His cock's throbbing in time with his heartbeat, and it feels incredible.
Humming softly, you rub your tongue up against all these sensitive spots on his cock, finding a rhythm to the thrusts of your own fingers and the way your thumb was simultaneously circling your clit.
Neteyam just tastes so good, you would smile in delight if your lips could stretch that far. You suck harder, lips curling over your teeth and then the man above you moans.
"Oh fuck," he groans, fingers tightening just a little in your hair. "You've got such a good mouth on you..."
Shifting his hips he thrusts just a little more into your mouth, unable to hold himself back. Teasing is all well and good, but Neteyam‘s more than ready to come now.
You take the hint and drive your head down until you‘re nearly choking on his cock, all but mouth-fucking yourself on it. This time, the sound of your little gags doesn’t stop him though. With one hand holding your jaw and one holding a fistful of your hair, his hips buck and thrust into the welcoming warmth of your mouth. You struggle briefly, but then he coos softly, "Breath through it. Yeah, that’s it."
You concentrate hard on keeping your teeth out of the way as much as you can and just enjoy the feel of being used by the olo’eyktan like this.
Neteyam might still get an incidental scrape of teeth or two with you going this hard, but it's nothing deliberate; you’re just going fast enough and hard enough that it's more about giving him as much as you can than being easy and careful.
The squelching sound of your fingers prodding at your g-spot fills both of your ears and you can feel the tremors going through Neteyams thighs as that.
"I want you to tell me when you're getting close," he groans. "I want to come with you, paskalin."
This time, you pull back far enough to look up at him and nod, and then you curl your tongue around Neteyams cock on the way back down, moving back to gentle, slow, lazy licks and strokes.
Neteyam exhales a shaky sigh that morphs into a low chuckle, "yeah, good girl, take your time. I can hold it, sevin, just do as you like."
Another moan slips as you fondle with your puffy clit, rubbing tight circles into it with your slickened fingertips. Your hips squirm around from the white-hot pleasure tightening your core. No, you think, don’t hold it. You want him to come. You need it. It felt as if your own pleasure depended on him, as if you couldn’t let go unless he did.
The spell that the olo’eyktan had on you should be studied, you thought for a moment. You wanted to serve, to obey, to please him to bring yourself to that pleasure high.
Sliding your mouth tight over the pretty head of his cock, it was if you were trying to suck in a strawberry whole. The action sends a violent pulse through Neteyam that beats against your lips and makes you hum again.
The taste of Neteyam has engulfed all of your senses now, salty and hot and thick. You hear the breaths above and they throb like the pre-cum coating your tongue. You move your head forward again and swirl your tongue just behind his cock-head before dragging your lips firmly over it and off. Looking up, your eyes meet as Neteyam tilts his face and his chest tightens in time with his balls.
Slowly, you close your eyes and then open them again on a heavy pant, hand stroking the half of his length you couldn’t take in your mouth with desperate restraint, driving his arousal harder.
As you do so, you’re working the fingers of your other hand deeper into your core, thrusting and curling them just right, until the fabric of your pants was soaked in your slick. Too focused, you absentmindedly pull back up and mouth breathily around his cock, barely touching it but enjoying it bob and twitch as your breath and the edge of your tongue hits the sensitive skin. Sneaking your tongue roughly down to the base you then drag it back up the underside slowly and Neteyam moans.
Please, you think, as you stroke him faster. Please ... please come. You want it so fucking much and you can't help wondering if you actually wanted Neteyam to come more than he wanted it himself. You doubt it however, because the following groan from above lets you know just how close he was, how much he was fighting to keep everything at bay, to hold back and wait for you because he wanted you to come just as much.
He‘s thrusting into your mouth again and you’re driven on beyond your own desire to suck and savour by those hands in your hair, pulling your head in and away again, repeating this simple two beat rhythm on and on.
God, please. Your thoughts are becoming audible now in the form of little whines and whimpers that change in tone and volume with every movement of your head. He‘s so thick at his base, stretching your lips impossible wide.
More pre-cum dribs down your throat. Encouraged by that, you grab a couple of deep breaths and then relax your throat as best as you could, before moving your mouth further down. You could feel the tip of his cock nudging at the back of your throat, not even halfway in, and you have to draw back just to be able to still breathe. When you lower your head again, you manage to take in more, and the third time you nearly get it all.
"Fuck, tanhì [little star]," Neteyam hisses through clenched teeth, "so good, you feel so fucking good like this. My perfect little tawtute, sucking my cock like she’s made for it."
You can smell Neteyam even more the closer you get to his pubic bone, all sweat and sex and pure natural scents, and you instinctively try to breathe it in, choking hard on his cock as you do.
Sorry ... so sorry, you think swallowing down a gag and looking up quickly as you get your breathing back under control. You catch the way Neteyam wets his lips, mouth agape and staring down at you with so much primal need in his eyes, the sight hits you like a jolt of electricity.
You let out a high pitched whine as your fingers rub frantically over your clit. Shit, you’re so close, so so close.
Starving for the taste of his cum in your mouth, you swallows around his length each time it hits the back of your throat. Your saliva-slicked fingers go tighter, stroking faster, and you can hear yourself making that pleading noise again. Please ... please ... let me make you come ... God please.
As the first drop of cum hits your tastebuds, Neteyam lets out a throaty groan, "Come for me. Come on these pretty little fingers."
It’s all the confirmation you need to finally let go.
You feel the way you tighten in on your own digits, more slick running down your wrist as you prod your fingertips against your special spots. Thighs shaking, you barely manage to thrust them in and out of yourself as your orgasm washes over you like a tsunami. The feeling of sheer ecstasy was nearly enough to make you ignore the burning of your throat as Neteyam suddenly nestled himself as deep as he could reach with an uncoordinated thrust of his hips.
Your climax marks the end of his control, and he lets himself go. You moan in unison as rope after rope of his cum flows down your throat. The taste of it takes you by surprise. It’s awfully sweet and thick, and your mouth feels sticky with it. Neteyam comes a lot, and it’s almost getting too much before he pulls back to let his length rest on your tongue and allows you to gasp for air.
By the time you feel yourself floating back down to pandora, you had lost all sense of time, of place and person and anything but Neteyam.
You finally pull back when the tension in his thighs releases, and you swallow for the last time, wiping your fingers around the outline of your swollen lips to catch any stray wetness. Looking up, you’re met with his dazed expression, pupils blown wide, with sweat beading at his forehead, and entirely spent from this earth shattering orgasm.
"Great mother," Neteyam shuddered, laughing breathlessly.
"Guess we‘re even then, huh?" You smile up at him, voice hoarse, as you gladly take the hand he’s reaching out to help you stand on wobbly legs.
All that comes as a response is a chuckle, before Neteyam pulls you flush against him. "Oh paskalin," he purrs, hands greedily feeling up the backside of your thighs before hoisting you up to sit on your desk, "that was just for the flower."
You send him a sheepish little smile, cocking your head to the side and raise a brow, intrigued. His tail grazes your skin, gently swaying and curling around your ankle. Neteyam holds your gaze for a long moment, his grin spreading impossibly wide, until his fangs come into view, sharp tongue licking over pearly whites before he chuckles, "What about the hot water that I fixed, hm? And I got you soap too. You didn’t already forget that, did you?"
His teasing makes you grin.
"Right. Then how can I pay you back?" You ask, looking up at the man with those big doe eyes of yours. You know it’s unfair to play those little tricks on him, but you’re feeling bolder now that you’ve had his cock in your mouth and seed fill your tummy, so you bat your pretty long lashes at him as if you were begging for a treat. Neteyams presses himself closer, standing right between your thighs now before he lowers his face to your throat.
"You know exactly how", he says lowly and you feel his thumbs hooking under the waistband of your leggings. He‘s not exactly subtle with the way he presses his rapidly hardening cock against your thigh, so you let him pull your pants down with a smug little grin.
"I think I could get used to these little favors of yours," you whisper, watching with half lidded eyes as he hooks your legs up over his muscular shoulders.
"If that‘s the way you will repay me," his tip prods at your entrance, thick and hot and slicked with your spit, before he slowly pushes himself inside you, "I will do you as many favors as you’d like, paskalin."
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devoutekuna · 3 days
Matching outfits
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Includes- Toji, Sukuna, Nanami, Gojo, Geto
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Sukuna doesn't know how to make clothes, nor does he want to learn. So he raids a village in hopes to find a fashion designer who could make his daughter a matching outfit. "Tell her then" annoyed at the fact that he even had to do this. "I want to be matching dad!" Jumping at the idea of matching her father, he was her idol, wanting to be like him when she grows up, much to your dismay. "You want to be just like him?" Dreading for the poor girl's future. Trembling at the sight of the four armed man.
Atleast a week later, he had returned with his little girl. "Look daddy!" Jumping up and down as she showed the kimono. "Yeah yeah" laughing at how excited she was. The woman still bowing, not daring to raise her head from the ground.
Nanami- is very thoughtful, so when he hears that his daughter wants to be like him when she's older, as much as he doesn't want her to become a Jujutsu sorcerer he goes in full force, hiring someone to make an exact replica of his outfit, even adding in a skirt for her to have options.
"See daddy! Now we're matching" twirling around, she added her own little twist to the outfit by having a skirt on since she wasn't feeling the pants. Sat on the sofa trying to catch up on some paperwork, he almost spat out his coffee from how cute she looked, hair tied up in two pigtails, even the same tie and shirt colour, green glasses to complete her look. "Awe, you look pretty sweetheart" patting the cushion beside him.
"I'm done!" Bringing his son out to show you, holding his son by his armpits, feet dangling in the air. "I made him look cuter!" Chubby cheeks flaring a shade of pink as if he was about to cry. Your son looked rather cute, wearing the exact same uniform like salty always wore, they were identical, both white hair and blue eyes, defying your genes entirely. "My baby has always been cute" taking him from your husband's hands, laying him on the sofa. Grabbing his pink cheeks, only making him cry. "Satoru!" Slapping the back of his head. "I didn't mean to" trying to defend himself.
"I need a matching robe for my daughter, I'll raise your rank if you get it done by next week Sunday" That's what he explained to the fashion designer a few weeks ago, that's exactly what he did, gave the follower a slightly higher rank, he was thinking about killing them but he atleast had some sympathy left. It was the anniversary of becoming a leader so if course he wanted to celebrate, bringing his daughter along in a matching outfit, she looked so much like him, like a gender bend version. "Ah, daddy I look just like you!" Giving herself a quick twirl before walking out of the curtains, standing Infront of all her father's followers. "Yeah you do" patting her head as he overtook her, sitting down.
Normally he never plans stuff out but the second he heard the news that you were pregnant he's already planned out the gifts. "How about this?" Showing you the outfit he styled on his daughter, the little girl wearing a black bodysuit with a pair of grey sweatpants. "So you dressed her up like you?" Looking back from the sofa, you had to admit that she did look sure as she matched with her father. Minus him not wearing a shirt.
"Yes" saying it proudly as he placed himself on the sofa, right next to you. She seemed to enjoy the outfit as much as he did, clapping her hand as she stuck her tongue out.
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Whiskey Neat
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𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: Natasha x Reader x step!daughter!Wanda
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: SMUT, soft!dom!reader, strict!dom!Nat, sub!Wanda, step-cest, legal age gap, mommy kink, daddy kink, one slap, brat taming, manhandling, unprotected sex, face painting, oral sex, implied after care
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐲: Nat decides to teach you bratty step daughter Wanda some well needed manners while her mom is away for work.
𝐌.𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 | 𝐍𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 | 𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐏𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐞
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Wanda was starting to get on your nerves, you tried your best to get your step daughter on the right path with motivational words and gentle touches. Whenever her mother would treat her with harsh words and made the poor girl feel like a burden to the word you were there for her, stroking over her soft skin and mumbling sweet nothings in her ear to distract her from the lingering pain her mothers words had left. It wasn’t her fault after all, that college and being an adult was so god damn scary, she’d only need a pit of starting assistance to get on her feet.  
You gave her an internship at the firm you had founded when you were roughly her age, you’d given her chance after chance after chance only to be met by the same disappointment.  Wanda preferred to choose skimpy clothes even when she had to attend office. Her skirts left little to nothing for the imagination. Same thing with her low cut blouses, it almost left like she intended for you to one day bent her over the mahogany desk and color her ass in the shade you wore on your lips. 
It had happened before after a nasty fight you had had with her mother. She came into your office wearing nothing but her skimpy pajamas. You didn’t intend to share a night with her but it was destined to happen, while her mother was away you shared passionate hours between her milky thighs. Her mewled sounds were like forbidden melodies in your ears, begging you for more begging you to keep going. 
She tasted like a forbidden fruit, you longed for the fresh taste that made your life complete. Even after the first time you got to taste her, it enchanted you like an ancient spell which binds you to keep going back for more. 
The raindrops fell against the glass windows of your  home office, it had been rainy all day enchanting the air with a fresh smell. Your wife, Wanda's mother, was out of town for some business but in reality she just tried to avoid you. It was late already. You shared a chat with your friend and colleague Natasha. 
 A quiet knock interrupted you and Natasha's comfortable silence. “Wanda, my step daughter” You mumbled, turning slightly to see who was at the door. Incoming was Wanda who upon seeing the two older women blushed, hoping that they wouldn’t notice. 
“Why are you here?” Wanda looked down hiding her hands behind her back “I was hoping that you would have some time for me” You chuckle, upon seeing Nat all her bratty behavior suddenly just seemed to disappear. “I was hoping you could offer me a ride home” 
“I could offer you much more, sweetheart” You husk, knowing fully well how your words would be interpreted by the younger woman. “Come over here, Wands. Why don’t you entertain me and Nat for a bit” Wanda took a seat on your lap, being forced to look into the hungry eyes of Natasha.  
“She’s a pretty one, too bad that she’s a brat” Natasha leaned back in her office chair with the desire for the younger woman written across her face. “Maybe she’s in need of some discipline, Y/N.” Natasha was right you had tried to give her some punishments in the past but you couldn’t deny that whenever her doe eyes would swell with tears you couldn’t deny her anything. 
“Stand up” Natasha demanded, her voice dripping with authority making Wanda follow suit. “I want you to undress and get on your knees” Wanda breath hitched, this was like a dream come true for her, being used by two older women at once. Hastily she unbuttoned her blouse only to be stopped by Natasha once more. “Slowly, make a show for us like the slut you are”
You could feel yourself wetting your own panites when the silk fabric disappeared from Wanda's perky breasts. They were protected by her lacy red bra leaving little to the imagination. “Did you wear that for me baby” You husk making Wanda blush even more if that would even be possible. She gave you a shy nod before moving on to her pencil skirt and stepping out her heels “A matching set, that’s how I like it baby” 
She got on her knees not sure who to look at, Nat got up from her seat positioning herself in front of your step daughter. “Do you know why you’re a brat?” Natasha’s voice was sharp like it could cut through the air. “No, I-” Before she could finish the sentence there was a slap ringing through the air followed by a sob, it shocked even you. 
“First you deny being a brat, then you don’t address me right” She grabbed her chin forcing her to look at Natasha. “Are you even grateful for Y/N giving you chances for you to be a lazy slut” There was a silence following not even you dared to break “I’m sorry, daddy” She sobbed her tears running down her cheeks, the slap wasn’t even that hard she just hopped that crying would make you have pity with her. “How about you make it up for us huh?”
Again the couch in your office came in handy otherwise you could’ve never witnessed this sinful scene in front of you. Wanda’s chest pressed against the leather couch, her ass high up in the air pressed against the bulge in Natasha’s boxers. “Go on baby, make mommy happy”
 Wanda listened to you eagerly kissing the top of your cunt, she took a few licks over your cunt humming at her favorite taste. While the younger woman was distracted Natasha slipped off her boxers, her cock already hard from earlier. Upon inspecting Wanda's cunt which was already so wet she dripped down her thighs she slowly inserted her cock. 
The poor girl mewled at the stretch not being used to the large stretch, your straps had all been smaller than Nat’s size. She broke away from your cunt making you goan at the loss of pleasure, which didn't go unnoticed by Nat. “Get back to work slut” She hissed, pushing Wanda’s face back into your cunt. 
“You do so good baby, such a good girl” You praised her only making Wanda all the more confused. She tried her best to stay focused on sucking on your clit while Nat rammed her dick inside her tight cunt again and again, hitting the younger woman’s cervix, which only made Wanda cry out more. Her muffled cries and moans were muffled by your cunt which sent wanted vibrations through your body. 
Her licks became more and more unrhythmic as she lost herself in the pleasure provided by Nat who had slipped her right hand from her hips to play with her clit. Her walls flattered around Nat indicating how close she was. “Does the whore want to cum?” Wanda nodded eagerly “Then make your mommy cum first” 
With two fingers inside of your cunt and her mouth latched on your clit you were sure you couldn’t keep it together. “Fuck, Fuck, baby, I’m cuming” With another cry you released all over her face and fingers. She clawed her on your lower stomach as she came around Nat’s cock.  
Nat was close too, pulling out to manhandle the girl on her back. With a few more bumps of her hands she came all over Wanda’s mixing your cum with her own. “Fuck, you look so pretty like this” You helped Wanda to sit up, trying your best to clean her face with a handkerchief, but you knew what she needed right now was comfort which you gladly gave her.  
“Go run her a bath Nat our good girl needs a reward”
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cvnt4him · 1 day
"woah would you look at that, deku just took out that guy with a single punch!"
"he's so amazing!~"
"you're my hero!!!"
So many people chant, root, and holler for even the slightest glimpse of his attention, even a glance.
"Mr deku, what can you tell us about this villain, you hadn't even put up much of a hassle and yet he appears to be tired!" One report gleams.
It's true. He hadn't done too much, one simple practically, light punch and the criminal was already down, he knew that. Deku knew he was good, he knew others thought he was good. He thrived on that kind of energy.
"oh~, well you know, I'm not one to brag nor bring other people down, criminal or not we're all human." He sings to the reporter, hinting at the fact she gave the measly little lowlife schmuck at best, a promotion to 'villian'. cameras flashing everywhere as he heard a bunch of girlish screams, everyone looks over to see a bunch of fan girls rallying to get an autograph.
Izuku tried so hard not to let his smile faulter, its not that he disliked his fans, really he could never, he knows one of the reasons he's here is because of his fans, and he loves them all equally no matter what. However. scrolling on the Internet, especially as a pro hero it's hard not to go down a loophole of your own fans. Izukus fans are nice, sure. But they're also bat shit crazy.
Doxxing people for disagreeing, assuming he was gay for his best friend dynamite, writing fanfiction about him and his best friend dynamite, assuming he had a new significant other because he changed up his style of clothing??
Really his fans are too much, he loves them, he does. But they are just so...smothering?
As he sees the fans hurrying toward him he tries his hardest to jump away as he was stopped by a little deaf girl who wanted an autograph.
Shit. You can't NOT give a little deaf girl an autograph it'd be bad publicity. he sighs deeply in defeat, knowing how easily persuaded he is, he'll most likely be there standing, on his feet, smiling wide and big for fans, for the next hour and a half.
Izuku sighed deeply through his nose as he finally, after 5 more hours of working, made it back to his bed, that's all he wanted. He didn't bother taking his suit off just simply jumping in his bed and groaning at the comfort he longed for.
He grabbed his phone and opened Twitter.. that was the first mistake of the night, he scrolled through his feed coming across a post of a girl just rambling about her ever lasting love for deku.
He shifted in his bed so now he was laying back on his pillows, turning up the sound to hear your beautifully slurred voice.
"- like bro.. I don't think any of you understand how my NEED for this man is like just.. sigh. I'm about to go crazy bro. If I were given the chance I'd do unholy. Unspeakable. Down right horrendous things to this man, i- aHaAVE YOU SEEN HIS NEW HERO SUIT??" You were talking to your friend who had the idea to start recording you while you were drunk, laughing and snorting at you.
The video was posted by you, the caption read; 'my friend started recording while i was drunk and i randomly went on a rant ab my love for the #1 hero 💀'
He snickered at this, genuinely finding it funny, but sooner or later it registered in his brain what you'd said..you'd do what to him.
Before he knew it he was semi hard, he looked down at his slight hard on confused, there is no way this turned him on?? He had been sent so many videos of his fan girls from all ages going down on a dildo with his name slapped on it, he never found it the least but attractive, just kind of desperate..
He watched the video again, his cock becoming fully erect as he sighed at the uncomfortable feeling of his now leaking, completely hard cock, rubbing against his suit pants.
It had been a while since he'd done something like this.. since he had used someone..he needed this, just to relax. Just a couple of strokes to get him to come, that's all.
He let out a shaky sigh, slowly trailing his thick fingers up and down his clothed cock, earning a light squeak to rip from his throat due to the slight pleasure he felt from the gentle actions.
He knew he needed it, he needed this so badly, but he wouldn't rush it. He hated when he rushed things, he says 'they never get done correctly'.
So he would be patient with himself, gently palming himself over his suit pants, letting breathy sighs leave his slightly dried and chapped lips.
He looked over to his phone to see the paused video...
'oh what the hell.' he thought to himself as he grabbed the phone, angling and holding it close to his ear to hear your voice and the loud laughs that he hopefully tried to blur out of his mind. Focusing on your voice fully.
He held the phone close to his ear closing his eyes listening to your slurred speech, and the hiccups and giggles that left your mouth, he bit his lip as his palming motions began to get harder and more rough, "I would do down right horrendous things to this man." That line stuck with him, that's what made him undo his pants and shimmy them off so he could fully touch his leaking, crying cock.
He groaned in embarrassment and disgust in himself at the sight of his already soaked boxers, why did his cock have to be so leaky!!
He whimpered at the sight, pulling his boxers down just enough to have his cock hit against himself. He wrapped two fingers around his cock and rolled his eyes back, biting his lip to sustain the sound that wanted to come out. He stroked himself slowly, letting the precum on his tip continue to drip down his thick cock.
He had listened to the audio all over again this time fixating on the part where you'd talked about his suit. He had changed up his suit a couple of times, never really straying away from the original concept he had in highschool, the green was always there to stay, and he always liked the fact his suit was more of a jumpsuit kind of thing, but changing it over the years, he went with a tighter fabric for his new and improved suit, removing the bunny ears at the back, and adding a white cape, replacing his huge bulky gloves with just as thick, smaller and well fitted ones, the white the painted his suit was now black.
He hadn't done much to his suit really.
But you and so many others thought it was the sexiest thing in the world.
He loved that, that you loved his suit, he whimpered in a pitchy octave, eyes crossing as he shut them, breaths becoming uneven as he wraps his whole hand around his aching, dripping, cock. It yearned for release, he needed it, it hurt so bad but felt so good he couldn't stop, he was sooo close!
So so close, and yet.. not close enough to get him there. He abandoned all self respect and hope for 'not rushing things' he needed to come and the only way he could is if he really touched himself.
He ripped off the top of his hero suit before rummaging in his bedside drawer to grab a Fleshlight, it was a lot more advanced than your normal average pussy shaped fleshie, it had handle and so many different modes!!! It vibrated and wiggled and had a squirt thingy that shot lube inside to make his cock slippery, not that he'd need it, his cock is like a water fountain with so much cum to give.
He turned it onto its highest setting before settling his twitching cock, dribbling with precum, inside of it.
He couldn't contain the line of moans that ripped out of him, he wanted to really he did, he wanted to keep quiet for his neighbors but he just couldn't, he felt so fucking good, he'd felt that he'd never been this hot or bothered before especially not because of some measly audio that wasn't in any way remotely sexual, and yet he was so close to cumming because of it. This video. This person. You.
You were so close to making him cum.. he was right there bucking his hips up into the contraption, shaking, whilst his whole body spasmed as he threw his head back, sweat dripping from his tired and spent body, he groaned and moaned so loudly it was so lewd, he was so lewd. He couldn't believe what he was doing, he felt so dirty, but in this very moment, he couldn't care. He was so drunk off of the immense amount of pleasure he was receiving that all he wanted, needed, was to cum.
And when he finally released with a high pitched moan, globs of tears leaving his rolled eyes, there was so much, ropes of his white, hot, thick cum squirting inside of the toy. It was still vibrating against his softening cock, it made him so overstimulated yet he couldn't move, his orgasm was so strong he didn't have the energy to take his cock out. He just sat there, holding onto the toy that continuously vibrated and massaged his limp, thick, crying cock, crying, sniffing, and whimpering.
Hell he'd probably already came again without even knowing it, his orgasms had gone on for a while, he still couldn't move, just blissfully laying against his bed, covered in sweat and tears streaming down his reddened freckled face.
As he regained his composure, the overstimulation was more than enough, he hiccuped, wiping his face from the tears and sweat that covered it, as he turned off the toy and tossed it off of his bed, he was half naked, hot, and hungry.
He groaned as he draped one of his arms over his face, feeling the sweat and tears cover his forearm, as he heard the video that had been playing over and over again on repeat. His eyes shot wide open as he scurried to grab his phone. he looked at the video in disgust. Had he really just gone to a new low, and came to this stupid video of a dumb drunk girl complimenting him??
His post nut clarity was always bad, especially because he did some pretty down bad, disgusting, sinful things. But this? Yeah he deserved to suffer for all eternity.
He groaned placing his phone under his pillow as he buried his face in said pillow, squeezing his eyes shut at how hard he'd came, his cock still filthy and sticky with his thick ooey gooey cum, now dirtying his bed.
AN: he hates himself for how much and how hard he came, he really does.
I'm making a pt 2🤭
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ysrjune · 17 hours
Earned It
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based on this ask! || omg guys, you have no idea how much I missed my twins </3 love them w/ all my heart ♡
summary ✦ having sex with your boyfriend, Scott, while his brother watches.
“scotty, stop playing around with me..” you whine as his clothed cock thrusted into your clothed core. his pants were still on, and you could see the buldge sitting uncomfortably through them. your panties were still on. those cute, white, silky ones with a small bow in the middle; that he really liked. “I can play with you all I want. isn’t that what you told me last time, baby? said that I could do anything I fuckin’ wanted with you.” he coos, still thrusting, but this time, slower.
“an’ now that im actually doing it, you’re whining. did you really mean what you said, or were you just drunk off my cock, hm? pretty sure that was the case, princess, cause I remember that pussy clingin’ onto me all bad when you said it.” he continues, now pulling the hem of your underwear down. you stayed silent, not answering him out of embarrassment. its not like he minded, but he sure was gonna tease you about it. “ts’ the matter, dolly? cat caught your tongue?” he smirked devishly and finally removed your underwear, revealing your soaking cunt.
“damn, baby. all this for me?” he asks, running his middle and ring finger up and down your folds. you choke out a moan as a response, earning you a small smile from your pretty boyfriend.. but not just your boyfriend. his twin brother, too. scott had a camera in his room, which he forgot his brother had access to through an app on his phone since they had the same kind of camera that they purchased at the same time. sam monroe, who stalked you and his brother doing such un-cleanly things through an app.
sam was stroking his cock while watching all of this. he didnt pay attention to scott, cause that'd be weird, but everything scott did to you is what sam focused on. the way his brothers fingers lovingly caressed your clit, sometimes fingering it. sam stopped touching himself for a while, while scott ate you out and fingered you for a little bit, but once you were sat down on your boyfriends cock, bouncing up and down reverse cowgirl style.. sam couldnt resist stroking himself to that. the way scotts hands gripped your waist and how he'd fuck himself into you here and there. the way your eyebrows were slightly knitted together and your cute noises in rhythm will the sound of skin slapping against each other.. it was too much for sam.
so much so that he started to moan.. loud. loud enough for scott to hear. their rooms were right next to each other, and the walls weren't that thick. you were feeling too good to actually pay attention and hear sam from next door, but scott was. he immediately knew. he remembered the camera. he looked straight at it, or course, sam wouldnt know since you were blocking scott. but scott became a little angry. how the hell could his brother do something so nasty.. he knew sam had a little crush on you, but he never thought he would do something so desperate like this.
the more scott thought about it, the angrier he got. and the angrier he got, the harder he started to pound into you from the bottom. you caught the memo that he was now the one to put in the work and get the job done. it took a few different positions and at least 15 more minutes, but after that, scott filled you up with his warm cum, which made you let out the prettiest whimper that both monroes had ever heard. scott noticed the way your cunt was drooling his cum out, and it gave him an idea. he quickly picked up the camera and gave it (sam) a good look. the alternative brother was a little scared, knowing he had been caught but was also somewhat thanking his brother for blessing him with such a sight. they'd probably get into a fist fight after this, leaving both with bruises, busted up lips, and one with a black eye—but sam didnt care about that right now. cause all he focused on was the thought of him filling you up. with the image of that in his head, he came and whimpered out your name.
“scotty.. why are you??” your boyfriend shushes you. “I have an app for this camera on my phone. it caught everything we did. starting from the making out, all the way to me cumming in you.. just wanted to get a good close up so I could jerk off to it later, maybe.” he somewhat lies and tells the truth at the same time. you brushed it off and got comfy on scotts bed, turning yourself to the wall, and closing your eyes. scott turned the camera to him real quick and mouthed out, “you sick fuck.” and then turned it off so that he could take care of you for the rest of the time.
sam knew this was gonna end up ugly.. but at least he got to see you naked instead of having to imagine it while he jerks off.
。゚•┈꒰ა ♡ ໒꒱┈• 。゚
taglist: @anakinstwinklebunny @heartsforanakin @anisscarletstarlet @sockiess @erosmutt @rottencandyblood @radiantvader @freezerbride95 @starsfortaylor @maevesversion @emmaloo21 🎀
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gglitch1dd · 17 hours
Of the Land Pt 2
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Context: Living in shame due to a misunderstanding is something you have accepted in your life. Living part of a nomadic group of wanderers in the land of Yuuie, teaches you that you have to do what you’re told to not receive more wrath. But when you are forced into marrying Bakugou Katsuki, life only gets worse for you. Or maybe it could get better with a green haired man who’s willing to save you.
Starts off as Bakugou Katsuki x Reader but ultimately will end as Midoriya Izuku x Reader 
Warning: This chapter deals with physical and domestic violence, forced marriage, sad Y/N. Reader discretion is advised, mean Katsuki
[AO3 LINK] [Part 1]
“Good morning newlyweds!” A loud voice brought you out of sleep.
Your eyes opened slowly as you looked to the empty side of the futon. You shifted but let out a hiss at the pain that you felt by your sex. You closed your eyes, deciding just to lie there for a moment. You shifted in your wedding dress. You still had it on. Katsuki had never taken it off of you.
“Eijiro, you’re making noise.” You heard the voice of Mina come out as you heard shuffling inside your tent. “Do you want Katsuki to get angry so early?”
“Katsuki is always angry.” Eijiro stated as you heard the voices come closer. It took a moment before you saw the cloth move to the side. A happy face of Kirishima Eijiro appeared with a smile on his face and bright ruby eyes. “GOOD-” He stopped as he noticed that it was just you in here. His blond best friend was nowhere to be seen. Eijiro’s face fell as he pulled the cloth to the side allowing Mina to see. His ruby eyes looked around confused. “Where’s Katsuki?” He asked.
You sat up out of your futon slowly. Mina’s golden eyes widened, seeing you still in your wedding dress. “Goodness, Y/N…” She moved down closer to you, getting on her knees by your side. She moved to help you sit up. “You’re still in your wedding dress. Why didn’t Katsuki take it off of you?”
You shrugged as you looked down away from her. “He… he just left.” Your voice was quiet.
Mina looked at you confused. “What do you mean?”
“Last night.” You tried elaborating more. “He… He finished and then he left. I haven’t seen him since.” Your voice was quiet as you tried to bite back the shame. The heavy unbridled shame of your husband not being satisfied with you on your wedding night.
Mina stilled before looking to Eijiro. Eijiro had a hard look on his face, a frown so evident and one you had barely ever seen on his face before. It looked like a mixture of disappointment but also anger. He looked to his wife. “Mina, go help Y/N bathe please. I’m going to go find Katsuki.” He turned to leave the bedding space as he walked out into the main area of the tent.
He let out a sigh. He couldn’t say he was surprised, but he was hoping for more from his best friend. He was hoping that he had some semblance of understanding for you in this situation so that he would be aware that you were both in the same boat together. Eijiro half wished he didn’t have so much hope.
Just before he could head out to the main entrance.
“Eijiro!” The large man paused as he turned to see Mina standing up and coming out from where you were. Before he could ask, he saw her move towards him with a bundle of blankets in hand. She gave them for him to check. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he looked down at the blankets. He shifted them around and then froze at the sight of crimson. He stilled his eyes going wide as he flicked his gaze back up to Mina.
Mina had a sad look on her face.
It all clicked way too fast, and it only made Eijiro angrier. He gave them back to Mina and he ran out of the tent you shared with Katsuki. The morning was a bit chilled but not enough that it prickled his skin. He looked left and right. Everyone was just starting their morning and sleepy children rubbed their eyes as they were awoken from their slumber to eat.
Eijiro ran to his right, moving carefully between people and being careful of small tired children that didn’t pay attention to their surroundings. He made his way to the centre close by. Standing where all the big fires were was his father and Chief Mitsuki. He ran over to the two of them as they seemed deep in conversation. “Father!”
Takeo turned to look at Eijiro. He raised an eyebrow at his son’s state. “Eijiro why are you running around so early?” He asked. “It’s not even-”
“Have you seen Katsuki?”
Takeo’s face changed as he realised that his son had interrupted him. Eijiro never did that. For starters his son looked like there was something urgent but he also looked furious. Takeo shook his head and looked to Mitsuki. “We haven’t seen him all morning.” He looked to Mitsuki.
She shook her head, her arms folded over her chest. She was the only married woman in the village that wore two piece cloth. “No, I certainly haven’t. Is he not with Y/N?”
“No.” Eijiro answered but he quickly ran away from them.
“Eijiro! Eijiro where are you going!”
Eijiro had a suspicion and he prayed that he was wrong. He prayed that his best friend was not as stupid and horrid as he thought he was. He ran towards the western edge of the community, heading to a place he had not visited since his wedding date was set to marry Mina. Considering it was morning, he wasn’t surprised when he burst through the tent, and everyone was still sleeping.
Naked women lay with sleeping men around the place, but Eijiro was looking for someone in particular. He was careful around the sleeping bodied but he was quick as he finally made it to a different space of the tent, that’s where he found him. The blond lay with one arm around a naked blond woman and another was around a slender brunette man.
Eijiro scowled as he reached over and grabbed Katsuki up onto his feet forcefully. “Huh?” The blond’s eyes opened in tiredness. “What- whoa! EIJIRO-”
Eijiro did not care for his friend’s state nor his struggling. He let Katsuki struggle as he pulled his pants up all while being dragged out of the tent. Eijiro didn’t let go of him, no matter how loud Katsuki shouted and how angry he was.
Katsuki had no clue as to why Eijiro was dragging him like this nor why he seemed to have woken up on the wrong side of his bed roll today. He let out a struggled growl as he just managed to get onto his feet, pushing and shoving Eijiro off of him. Just at the both of them got to the centre of the settlement, Katsuki managed to finally separate himself from Eijiro. He stumbled back for a moment, before finally getting onto his two feet. He let out a sigh as he stood back up straight.
Bystanders, which mostly consisted of women who were carrying jugs of water from the stream or baskets of clothes that were washed looked at the two young men in interest. They clearly were in a scuffle but why was the real question.
Katsuki stood up straight as Eijiro turned to look back at him. “Eijiro, what on earth-”
“You dare to call yourself a man!” Eijiro shouted at him. The large black haired man had his eyebrows furrowed as rage filled his ruby eyes. He raised a single finger. “One night… you couldn’t be a good man to her for one night! You use her and then go take up your fill with whores! Seriously Katsuki?!”
Mitsuki stepped forward along with Takeo, a look of confusion on her face as she looked between her son’s best friend and her son. She turned to look at her son, folding her arms over her chest. “Katsuki, what is Eijiro saying?” She asked.
Katsuki ignored his mother as he stared at Eijiro with a scoff. “You sure have some nerve, Eijiro.” He spat out. A scowl pulled onto his face. The last thing Katsuki wanted was to be dealing with marriage matters especially when they had anything to do with you. Now he had to deal with his too-good-of-a-man best friend. He tsked. “Don’t put yourself into my marriage, Eijiro, when it just started. It doesn’t matter what I do anyways, she’s a whore just like them.”
Eijiro stilled, he looked to his friend in disbelief. “Did you not see your blankets?”
“Your blankets!” Eijiro saw that Katsuki had no idea what he was talking about.
Eijiro let out a frustrated growl in anger as he grabbed his best friend and once again pulled him along. Katsuki rolled his eyes as he allowed Eijiro to drag him towards his tent which was not too far away from the centre as he was soon to be chief. Mitsuki and Takeo glanced at each other, but silently decided to follow their sons to understand the situation at hand.
Eijiro walked into the tent, just as you and Mina were leaving, holding a small basket of your bathing items with a new set of clothes. The two of you paused as you watched a very angry Eijiro disappear into your tent. You weren’t entirely sure why he was storming inside, but you weren’t going to stop him.
Then you saw Katsuki, who was left outside with his mother and Takeo. You stilled at the sight of your husband. It was the first time you were seeing him since last night and you weren’t sure how to deal with whatever you were feeling. His eyebrows were furrowed in that look of anger that was always stricken on his face. His crimson eyes glanced to you almost instantly and you felt that pit of anxiety in your stomach only grow. You felt sick as he looked at you. Your grip on your basket of items growing tighter as you tried not to shrink back, but your eyes looked away from him.
Eijiro came outside with the woolen blanket in hand. He threw it at Katsuki who just managed to catch the item. “Is that the blood of a whore Katsuki?! Does that look like she’s been dancing around bedrolls!” 
Katsuki glanced down at the blanket. He didn’t say anything as he stared down at it before slowly turning to look at you. A disbelieving smile went to his face as he let out a chuckle, shaking his head. You didn’t like the sound of his laughter, nor the look on his face. “You��” He said as he looked to you. He threw the blanket on the floor. “You lying bitch.”
Before you could even try and step away from him, he had grabbed you by the back of your neck, his rough grab was tight making you cry in pain as you dropped everything you were holding. “Katsuki!” Mina shouted in shock.
Katsuki sneered down at you as he glared down at you in disgust, forcing you to look up at him as he held you in place. His grip on you was painful and you couldn’t help but feel tears sting your eyes as you looked up at him. “You faked this didn’t you? Where did you get the blood from?”
You adamantly shook your head as you looked at him. “I didn’t.” You denied it quickly. “I didn’t. I really didn’t. It’s my innocence, I swear it.” You told him desperately as you looked up at him. “Kat-” The grip on you tightened making you stop talking for a second as you gasped, the burning feeling at the back of your neck hurting you. “H-husband! I’m telling the truth.”
Katsuki scowled, as he glared down at you. “Even now, you stick to your lies.” He said with clear disdain.  
Suddenly a hand came down on Katsuki’s wrist. There was a look on Eijiro’s face that you had never seen before. Something dark and twisted that you had never seen on the overall gentle giant. His large hand tightened around Katsuki’s wrist. “Let her go, Katsuki. She just told you that she’s telling the truth.”
Katsuki glared. “Last time I checked, Eijiro, I am the future chief, not you. You are but my second and if you want to stay that way, you’ll mind your place.” He glared at the large man who did not move from where he held the blond’s wrist. “It is against our people’s laws for you to insert yourself in another’s marriage. Is it not?”
You were on your knees at the bank of the river, a large wooden bowl next to the shores of the river as you moved to wash you and Katsuki’s clothes. You moved the material up and down the washing board as you made work to try and get everything clean. You were all alone as you did your chores. Even now that you are married, the women in your community did not take kind to working with you, often not speaking whenever you tried to join them or forcing smiles around you. You didn’t want to make things awkward, so you stuck to being on your own.
It had just been two moons since your marriage to Katsuki and the two of you seemed to find a routine. He would ignore you unless you displeased him, which happened at least once a day. You would make meals for whenever he was in your tent and would spend your nights in your futon alone while he was with whatever woman he wanted to be with, just not you. You did the household chores needed and you made sure you were at his side whenever you were summoned, but Katsuki made it pretty clear that no one wanted your opinion.
You heard a branch snap as you turned your head to look in the direction of the sound. Pausing in his pursuit towards the river as a tall man. He turned to look at you. His green eyes blinked before a smile went onto his freckled face. He nodded his head. “Good morning, Y/N.” He greeted you.
Midoriya Izuku. He was the only son of Midoriya Inko, one of the women who helped the healer, Chiyo. He was what many called a bastard. A child from a woman with no husband and whose father is unknown. His mother was ostracised, but she made a place for herself even with the ridicule and hatred. She made a place for her and her son.
You had grown up with Izuku, him being one of the many other children in your generation. He had grown to be quite the handsome man, who worked hard in the job he did for the community. He used to be a bit of a cry-baby, but he seemed to grow out of it now.
He stood not more than ten meters away from you, holding clay jug. He stood in a short-sleeved shirt, allowing you to see the scars on his arms.
You nodded your head. “Good morning.” You watched him as he crouched, moving to slip the jug in the cool water of the stream. He was being careful as he moved to fill it up. “Is your mother busy?” You asked softly. He turned to look at you. You didn’t hold his gaze as you looked down away from him. “She normally comes to fetch water at this time.”
He took a moment before letting out a humour chuckled. “She is. She’s helping Chiyo with some classes for the children so she isn’t able to do this.” He informed you. He heard his mother talk a lot about you, she seemed to like you a lot, so he didn’t mind telling you about what she was doing. You nodded your head as you moved to continue on what you were doing. You weren’t going to ask further than that. Katsuki hated when you gave men attention. You focused on washing the bloody pants that Katsuki had used to make a kill in. Izuku glanced over at you. “How’s married life?” he asked. “You and Katsuki have been married for two moons now, haven’t you?”
You nodded your head. “It’s fine. Just… just trying to please my husband.” You stated as you didn’t remove your gaze from where you rubbed the pants against the washing board.
Izuku glanced at your body. Bruised arms and neck that you were trying to cover up with a cloth, were all he had to see to know that you weren’t telling the full truth. He looked down away from you, his eyebrows furrowing. “So… what do you do now?” He asked.
You lifted up the pants out of the water in the bowl, seeing that they were still their dark colour but still had some red in them. You frowned as you put the pants back in the water and grabbed the soap. “Whatever my husband deems useful of me.” You answered honestly. “Mostly chores but I can’t do anything else.”
“How come?” He asked surprised as he took the full jar out the water, not struggling with the weight as he put it down on the grass beside him.
You shrugged. “People don’t like working with me, my husband doesn’t like me following him around.” You answered simply, not bothering to dance around the truth.
You moved to pick up the pants and squeeze them of dirty water, slowly but surely.
Izuku watched you work silently for a moment. He moved to stand up from where he was crouched. “Well if you ever need something to do, there’s always something on the farm we’ve started.” You paused, lifting your head to look at him. The green haired man motioned back towards the community. “Mitsuki gave me and some of the others a job of starting our very first farm. It’s going good so far with the seeds we traded not too long ago at that old village, but we could always use extra hands. Either way, have a good day, Y/N.” He wished, bowing his head towards you before turning around and walking away.
You watched him for a moment before turning back to the pants you were wringing of water. You’d ask Katsuki about it. Maybe he might let you try.
Want to read the entire second part? Head over to my AO3.
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shnarky-blogs · 10 hours
Can i request Yuushi with a male reader, who is a helpful fox spirit and accidently watch Yuushi masturbate, he saw the fox spirit and pulls him closer. With that, the fox male reader being a good boy to Yuushi and let him use his body 😩😩😩
𝐈 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐡𝐞𝐡𝐞
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ᵗᵒᵗˢᵒᵐᵒᵗᵒ ʸᵘᵘˢʰⁱ ˣ ᶠᵒˣ ˢᵖⁱʳⁱᵗ! ᶠᵗᵐ ʳᵉᵃᵈᵉʳ
𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘: 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐬𝐚𝐰 𝐘𝐮𝐮𝐬𝐡𝐢 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐛𝐚t𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐢𝐭 𝐬𝐞𝐞𝐦𝐬 𝐡𝐞’𝐬 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐛𝐥𝐞, so 𝐨𝐟 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐠𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐚 𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐩 𝐡𝐢𝐦!
ʸᵉˢ ⁱᵐ ʳᵉᵘˢⁱⁿᵍ ᵃˡˡ ᵗʰᵉ ᵖⁱᶜᵗᵘʳᵉˢ•́⁠ ⁠ ⁠‿⁠ ⁠,⁠•̀
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You met Yuushi awhile back, when he moved in to his new apartment that is hella cheaper you stumbled upon him while he was cleaning the dirty place up, he saw you in the closet trying to catch a little rodent, he never seen anything like you before..
A human with fox features like the ears and tail.
Eventually you two got together and became close friends after awhile, you two sometimes cuddle up against eachother, Letting you play with his hair or wear some of his shirts.
Eversince he met you he has became lucky in life, maybe because you're an animal spirit, he's been able to get a decent job and whenever he has extra money he would buy you some clothes.
But currently due to his job he's been stressed out lately, not having time take care of himself, so you eventually took care of him, making him meals, cleaning his clothes- just being helpful with your friend.
The longer he became stressed, it slowly turned to becoming sexually stressed out..
You noticed whenever it was his day off he'd lock himself up In his room, and you sometimes hear noises, it was usually locked in the inside but today.. it seems Yuushi didn't locked the door.
Curiously, you decided to take a peak and saw Yuushi with his back facing you, you could barely hear him panting heavily as he fondled with something.
When you crawled carefully towards him to get a better look you accidentally stumbled upon something which caught his attention, His eyes shot towards you and saw you staring right back at him, his face was flushed red, when you looked down you saw his.. uh- his.. genital sticking out.. it was hard.. and leaking.. you could clearly tell he was embarrassed of being caught like this.
"Y/n.. i.. i can explain"
Be chuckled out nervously, quickly covering his cock with his pillow.
He noticed you began to crawl forward pulling the pillow off his lap.
"You should've told me.. i would be glad to help you out put y'know?.."
His breath hitched when he felt your warm palm on his cock, you gently stroked his thick cock making sure to pull out some noises out of his lips.
"Y-y/n.. F-fuck more... More please"
He pleaded out, it almost sounded so cute hearing him beg like this.
You kept on stroking his cock till the beads of pre began to build up, the knot in his lower half began to form.
As he was about to finish, you stopped stroking, getting untop of him, taking your pants along your boxers off, soon you pressed his tip against your hole, lining him up straight then slid it in causing his hips to jerk forward from the tightness of your warm canal.
"Fuck you're.. you're soo.. ugh!"
He tried to restrain himself but failed badly, he began to bounce you on his cock and you gladly let him, making sure to give him the pleasure he deserves after being so sexually stressed out due to work..
You guys went on till Yuushi was satisfied, letting him cum in you because you're so kind.. he was so Greatful for the help that he gave you things you wanted whenever he get his paycheck.
He is extremely glad you guys met, you make him feel so lucky..
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mooniiify · 2 days
his imaginary girlfriend — jean kirstein x civilian! reader
contents: one shot, (almost) canon compliant, fluff; we’re gonna ignore that they’re like 14 here imagine they’re a little older idk
after two whole years of being away, jean finally gets to go back to trost.
granted, it was only because they were there to simulate an evacuation drill, so just for more practice. jean was nothing but lucky that it happened to be in his hometown.
he held the straps of his heavy military backpack as he walked down the familiar streets with connie, sasha and marco in tow. he was looking around, trying to take everything in — he couldn’t believe it’d been two years. everything looked the same; was he not at that parlor just the day before he left for the cadet corps?
“hey, jean.” sasha suddenly appeared on his shoulder, making him jump just a little. her eyes were wide, smile bright. “are you going to visit that y/n you’re always talking about?”
before jean could answer, connie scoffed from his other side. “if she exists, that is.”
jean rolled his eyes. this wasn’t the first time the topic had been brought up. jean has talked about her, of course he has, but connie never believed she existed, not even with the care packages and letters she’s sent.
marco frowned. “hey, jean seems pretty enamored with her. i’d say it looks pretty real.”
“yeah, right! i bet he’s writing all those letters by himself away from us so we won’t be able to see.” connie stood his ground. jean rolled his eyes at his friend, but didn’t say anything.
in truth, he was going to see her. he’d heard thomas wagner was visiting his family, so it must’ve been allowed. she didn’t know he was coming, never never mentioned it in the past few letters because he’d found out just recently. still, how hard could it be to find her? maybe he could start from her house, then if she’s not there, maybe at the flower shop she works at. if she’s not there, maybe—
he stopped in his tracks, as did his comrades. the four turned around, eyes falling on a lone girl stopped in the middle of the road. her clothing was simple, a long brown skirt, a white button up with a sleeves vest on top. a basket was hanging on her arm, part of it filled with vegetables, the other holding a few flowers.
jean couldn’t believe his eyes. you’d grown taller, he noted, though not by much. your hair was longer, but your eyes were just as bright, smile just as big. how has it been two years?
she wasted no time. y/n rushed over, putting her basket on the ground before she threw her arms around jean’s neck, making him almost stumble due to the added weight of the backpack. he managed to keep his balance, though — he’s been training to be a soldier for a year, it would’ve been embarrassing if he fell over — and wrapped his arms around her as well, burying his face in the side of her head, his nose brushing by her hair.
he hadn’t realized how much he’d missed her until he felt her touch.
“my walls, you’ve grown so tall!” y/n said as she pulled back just enough to put her hands on each side of his face and look into his eyes. “and strong! can’t believe you didn’t fall over.”
jean’s ears burned at that comment. “y/n!”
“see, connie? told you she’s real! you owe me bread!”
still holding onto each other, y/n and jean looked back, eyes immediately falling on connie. he was staring at the two with his mouth gaped, jaw almost hitting the ground, eyes wide. sasha triumphantly stood next to him, a smile on her face. marco gave a soft smile and a small wave.
“oh? are those your friends, jean-bo?” y/n asked, not realizing jean’s ears had become even redder at the nickname. she pulled away and moved in front of his friends, putting a hand out to sasha. “hey there, i’m y/n! let me guess, you’re sasha? the girl with the appetite?”
sasha gasped dramatically as she looked at jean. “is this all you told her about me?” she scoffed and looked back at y/n, her smile returning. “that’s me! also one of the best soldiers in the corps! and a good cook! there’s more to me than food, jean-bo!” sasha looked over y/n’s shoulder at jean for the last part. “i can tell we’ll be great friends! oh, oh, we can be pen pals!”
connie could barely greet her, still shocked that she was real. marco introduced himself nicely, shaking her hand.
“why’re you here? you need help with anything?” jean had picked up her basket and made his way next to her, a hand on the small of her back.
“oh, my mom sent me out to buy some things. i was going to head home, but i didn’t expect to run into you!” y/n slapped his chest with the back of her hand. “why didn’t you tell me you were coming?”
“i found out on a short notice, i would’ve otherwise,” jean told her, then looked at his friends. “i’ll walk y/n home and i’ll catch up to you guys later. can you tell shadis i went to visit family?”
the three agreed, bid y/n goodbye and left without protest. at least, sasha and marco did. connie was still in shock so they had to drag him along.
family, huh? y/n looked at jean — his jawline was so defined now, woah — and quirked an eyebrow. “i don’t need an escort home, you know?”
“i’m not your escort, i’m your company.” jean’s arm dropped from her back, though his hand caught hers in the process, starting to pull her towards her house. “as if you didn’t miss my ass.”
“eh, i mean, life’s been more peaceful the last two years than ever.” jean wasn’t amused at her words. y/n chuckled. “fine, it’s been boring as hell. sometimes i wish i’d joined the army.”
jean chuckled, shaking his head. “no, you don’t. it’s so much work and you’re lazy.”
it wasn’t long before they made it to her house. no one was home when they arrived. at least they can catch up properly without having to interact with others.
“are you hungry? i can make you this new recipe i learned, i—“
“hell yes, i’ll help you. i haven’t had a good meal in two years.”
jean dropped his heavy backpack on the ground near the front door, shedding his cropped jacket and letting it hang on one of the dining chairs. after helping y/n unload the basket, the two cooked a simple meal, though one that jean enjoyed way too much after living off of stale soup for so long.
they went to her room then, laid in her bed. her bed wasn’t very big so they were pretty close to each other, but neither minded. jean took in her features, every change and every part that stayed the same. she looked so pretty in his eyes — how did he get so lucky?
“so, how are you as a cadet?” y/n broke the comfortable silence. her hand was on his temple, her thumb drawing soft shapes. “sasha said she was one of the best around. how about you?”
“i’m ranked above her. sixth,” jean informed, his eyes never leaving hers. how was he supposed to live away from her for the next years? decades?
“sixth?” y/n’s eyes widened. “jean-bo, that’s incredible! you must be really, really good then!”
“‘course i am. i didn’t go there to slack off,” jean said as he pressed a kiss to her forehead. “but I really missed your dumb ass.”
y/n rolled her eyes. “yeah, i missed you, too, i guess.”
jean’s hand had moved to her face now, too. copying her moves. “two years passed, just one more and we can go to the interior.”
y/n sighed, her hand dropping from his face and moving to hold the one on hers. “jean, we talked about this. i can’t just go to the interior because you’re going. that’s not how it works.”
“i don’t see why it wouldn’t work,” jean disagreed.
“it won’t work because i’m middle class and a normal citizen, not a solider. i can’t just go to the interior.”
the corner of jean’s lips lifted up just a little. “but if you’re the wife of an mp, there wouldn’t be a problem, would there?”
y/n’s eyes widened, her eyebrows shot up. then she slapped his chest and looked away, avoiding his gaze at any cost. “shut up. don’t say things like that. for all you know, you’ll change your decision at the end.”
“i doubt i will.” he ran a hand through her hair. she still wouldn’t look at him. “but even if i did, i would still find a way for you to be okay and safe.”
y/n faced him again, a small smile on her face. “you know, i don’t really deserve you.”
jean scoffed. “look who’s talking, miss sunshine-and-rainbows.”
“why do you have to always ruin the moment?” y/n rolled her eyes at his childishness, but her smile only grew. “i really love you, you know?”
jean nodded, the side of his face rubbing against the pillow. “i love you, too.”
“and i’ll support you no matter what you choose to do,” y/n said, her hand that had been holding his tightening. “just, wherever you choose to go, promise me to stay alive.”
jean nodded. there was no need to think about the promise — there was no danger in the inner ring. “i promise.”
“can you stay the night?” y/n asked after a brief moment of silence.
jean sighed. “i wish i could. i have to be back by noon for roll call. i’m sorry.”
y/n gave him a smile and nuzzled into his chest. “it’s okay. let’s just make the most of these few hours.” jean nodded, pulling her closer and nuzzling his nose in her hair again.
jean didn’t know back then his heart would waver, that he would choose a different path than he’d promised her. despite that, despite the danger he had willingly put himself in, the one promise he was determined to keep was to stay alive and go back to her.
and he kept it.
ummm okay this was NOT supposed to be this long idk what happened but uh enjoy it’s not proofread and it’s 3:39 a.m. so i’m not doing that loll
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Burning Hearts Chapter 18
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Pairing: Law x Straw Hat Zoan Type (named) OC 
Summary: You were teleported across the globe in an instant, away from your crew. Your body was badly broken and beaten, thrust into the harsh landscape of a Northern island. You are discovered by the Heart Pirates and brought back to health. Startled upon waking up in a foreign place with an unfamiliar crew, you are shocked with the news that you’ll be spending two years there. Trafalgar Law, the captain of the Heart Pirates has made a promise to train you, but will it become something more than a mentor relationship?
Tag List: @zoros-fourth-sword @cottoncandyloverrrr @airwolf92 @nothing-but-brass @tuskjohnny
Burning Hearts Chapter 18: Interruptus
— —
The days grew darker and colder as you approached the one year mark of being a “captive” of the Heart Pirates. As your mentorship with Law evolved into something more than just a student/teacher relationship, you yearned to feel his body closer to you. As intimate as you grew with Law, you had still yet to fully consummate your union. 
It was always something.
It was like the gods themselves were stopping the two of you from taking it all the way. It was either one of you wan’t in the right mental state for it, too nervous or anxious, and when you were both feeling hot and bothered, something got in the way. 
First, it was the time in the forest… 
One chilly late-fall morning, you were finishing your training session with Law in the woods and you couldn’t help but turn it into an exhibitionistic make-out session. It all started when you had him pinned against the cool earth, your blades just millimeters from his heaving chest, and your black wings looming over the both of you. 
His face was sweaty, chin tilted up slightly to avoid the edge of your blades… gods he looked so beautiful underneath you… you gave in to your urges and dropped your swords and gripped his face before smashing your lips on his. He sighed heavily before letting his own sword clatter to the ground so he could grip the back of your head. The kiss was needy, wet, and desperate. You had such little alone time that you couldn’t help but break your rule of never acting like lovers (or whatever he considered you to be to him) during your training sessions. You were both pent up, he could forgive you for breaking the rule just this once… 
You hummed into Law’s mouth as he used his free hand to grind your hips down onto his. He smirked at your pleased reaction. 
*bdbbbtbb bddbbbtbbb*
The sound of a snail ringing shattered the serenity of the forest clearing. 
“Shit.” Law pulls back from you and sighs. 
“Don’t answer it…” You purr into the column of his throat as you place wet kisses along it. 
“No I have to get it-“
“Please honey, they can wait…” You plead as you toy at the collar of his shirt and nip at his exposed collarbones 
“No I’m getting it-“ Law says as he wrestles his snail out of his coat pocket and picks up. 
“What?!” Law answers, angrily. You lean back on his lap and roll your eyes. You could have sworn you saw the snail in his hand wince. 
Penguin’s voice came through the speaker. 
“Hey are you still with D? Can you ask her if you’re supposed to wash the whites on hot or cold. I can never remember.”
“YOU CALLED ME OVER LAUNDRY?!” Law shrieks at the snail, blowing its eyes back. 
“Yeah you said if we had any emergencies we could call.” Penguin states on the other line. 
“Laundry is an emergency?!” You watched as Law grew redder and redder. 
“I dunno, I thought so.” 
“When I get back I swear to-“ Law seethes but you interrupt him. 
“Hot if it’s towels and sheets, cold if it’s clothes.” You pipe up. 
“Hey thanks! See you guys back here soon!” Penguin’s dopey smile is evident through the phone. The line clicks. Law sighs and throws his head back against the ground. 
“You’re probably not in the mood anymore, huh.” Law gives you a defeated smile from underneath you. 
“No… not really. Plus, there’s a hill of fire ants like, 2 feet from your head.” You say calmly. 
“WHERE?” Law jumps up with you on top of him and you take to the air. You laugh as you fly back to the base, leaving Law with a hat full of ants. 
Then there was the girls night you forgot about.
A quiet Saturday evening at the base resulted in Law offering to bring some Sora comics over to your room so he could read them to you. Comic books weren’t really your thing, but you saw the faint sparkle in Law’s eyes when he pitched the date idea to you. It was so sweet, so vulnerable… you couldn’t say no. 
So here you were, laid up on your pillows against the headboard. Law laid on his back too, his head and shoulders resting in between your torso and arm. You stroked his shoulder as he settled his head against your chest. He held up each comic so the two of you could see and he explained and read each panel in detail. You hmm’d and made other interested remarks as he fanboyed over his favorite series. 
“Well that’s the last one I brought. Maybe later next week I could bring a few more over-“ Law caught himself rambling. “I mean, if you’re interested.” 
“I’d love that, it’s a date.” You smiled as you leaned to kiss the top of his head. 
Law sets his cherished comic books on your bedside table before climbing on top of you. 
“Oh, can I help you, Mr Trafalgar?” You coo up at him with a smile as he hovers over you, his lips barely ghosting over yours, teasing you. 
“I think you can…” Law smirks against your lips gently. He snakes his hand to your thigh, lifting up the big tee shirt you were wearing and then spreading your legs. He gently cups your mound over your panties and you hum in approval. Law feels your wet heat through the cotton fabric. “You definitely can…” 
Before Law’s lips can finally envelope yours the way you’re craving, you hear a loud THUMP against your bedroom door. 
“Bitch why is your door locked? You flickin’ the bean or something? Come on, it’s girls night!” Ikkaku shouts from the other side of your metal door. 
Law’s eyes shoot up to meet yours again, this time in a panicked expression. 
“Shit I forgot it was Saturday!” You whisper to Law. 
“Fuck, I gotta get out of here…” Law says quietly before sheathing the room in blue. 
It wasn’t more than a second before the weight on top of your body was lifted and you were alone in your room. You take a second to catch your breath and pull your tee shirt back down past your thighs before standing up to unlock the door. 
“Sorry, sorry! I totally forgot! I lost track of time…” You apologize as you open the door. “You know how it is.” 
“Yeah yeah whatever, I found this bottle of tequila under Shachi’s bed… let’s hope they didn’t backwash in it too badly…” Ikkaku says as she strolls into your room and flops onto your bed, bottle of liquor in hand. “Holy shit he was just here.”
“What?” You spin around as you close the door behind her. 
“Law. He was totally just here. Oh my god I just cock blocked you!” Ikkaku’s expression was a strange mixture of sympathy and amusement. 
“I-I don’t… how???” You stutter out. 
“There’s comic books on your nightstand and it smells like stale coffee in here.” Ikkaku cocks her head at you knowingly. “You two were just in here making out, I banged on the door, and he freaked out over anyone knowing about the two of you so he ‘room’ed himself back to his office. Am I right?”
You sigh. 
“You’re not wrong.” You hop onto the bed across from your friend and grab the tequila bottle from her hand. You pop the cork off and take a swig. The clear liquid burns the back of your throat, but it soothes the feeling of embarrassment of being clocked so harshly and the annoyance of having Law’s touch ripped away from you again. 
“Damn… sorry, girl…” Ikkaku pats her hand on your knee. “Well! We’re here now, so drink up!” She tries to lighten your mood and tip the end of the bottle upwards in your hand. 
“Guess so!” You smirk and take another swig. 
— — 
THEN there was the time in the kitchen… 
You were walking past the galley with your laundry basket on your hip when you noticed Law standing at the counter alone, eating an orange and facing away from you. You change your course and enter the kitchen.
“I thought I’d only have to deal with the perverts on my own crew stealing my underwear… but here I am missing some again. Any chance you’d know anything about that?” You say teasingly as you set your laundry basket on the kitchen island counter.
Law turns around with his brows furrowed. 
“You have crew mates who take your underwear?” Law says with a slight twinge of annoyance in his voice. 
“Just the cook and a 90 year old reanimated skeleton.” You remark casually. 
Law’s expression becomes even more puzzled as he tries to make sense of your comment. 
“But what would the skeleton even-?” Law questions as you press your body against his and wrap your hands around his neck. 
“I don’t question it, just like I’ve let you steal them for almost a year now…” You smirk and play with the hair at the back of his neck. 
“Y-you don’t care that I’ve had them?” Law says quietly, looking at the door making sure it was closed and no one was coming by. “I wanted to bring them back I just didn’t know how to-“
You stand on your toes and press a tender kiss to his blathering lips. 
“It’s ok honey…” You say as you pull back. “It’s kind of hot..” You smirk. 
“Y-you think?” Law whispers into your lips. 
“Mhmm…” you affirm as you kiss him again, fingertips still tickling the back of his scalp. 
Law’s demeanor shifts from embarrassed to cockiness as he grips your ass firmly with both hands and hikes you up into his arms. 
“Well in that case, I think we should take this to my office…” Law smiles and kisses you firmly, gripping your butt tightly. 
Before you had a chance to respond you were dropped swiftly and your tailbone met the cold metal floor with a thud. 
“What the fuck, dude?” You ask as you regain your clarity. 
“Hey is anyone making dinner tonight? Woah, Daisy why are you on the floor like that? Are you okay?” Shachi rips open the door to the galley and bursts in. 
“She tripped. You know how she is.” Law hurriedly pulls you to your feet before immediately breaking physical contact. 
You rise to your feet and dust yourself off. 
“Hah hah, yep! Clumsy me!” You feign a laugh. 
“Damn, captain you should really check her out. She’s like, always falling all over the place. Maybe she’s got like, some inner ear issue or something? Or maybe those scaly dragon wings mess with her balance…”
“I will keep that in mind, Shachi.” Law says stoically. 
“Yeah, another time for that examination then, I think.” You huff as you slide out of the kitchen and back to your room. 
— — 
The time in his office was different… You didn’t wait for him to return.
You had finally had enough of the tension. You wanted Law. Law wanted you. You had both made it very clear. It was time you stopped waiting for the perfect moment and make the moment yourself. 
You took a long shower, taking care to wash your hair and shave to your liking. You applied lotion and perfume and let your hair dry naturally, the way that Law liked. After your shower you  threw on a soft black robe and headed straight for Law’s office. It was late enough that no one else would be walking the halls. 
You knocked twice to no response. You waited.
You knocked twice again.
You tried the doorknob. It clicked open. 
“I should’t be doing this…” You whisper to yourself before pushing the door open. You peek your head inside and look around. The entire office was dark, including his adjoining bedroom, the only light on was the one on his desk. You were drawn to it. 
“Law?” You call out into the room as you step in. You close the door behind you. 
You walk to the archway leading into the bedroom. His queen sized bed was unmade, but unoccupied. You turn back to his empty office and start to move towards his desk. You sidle up next to his desk, curious as to what he was working on. 
What catches your eye is a large, marked out map spread across Law’s desktop. You see large buildings on the map circled and marked with their entry and exit points. This was an island you’ve never seen before…. Flower fields marked several terraces of the layered land and cobblestones streets ran like veins across the map. 
Your fingers finally reach the corner of the paper. 
“Dressrosa…” You whisper as you glide your hand across the title of the map. 
“Oh my god…” You pull your hands to your mouth and gasp. This was an attack strategy. Law was leaving his crew for a solo mission.
Law was planning to kill Doflamingo. 
“No… he can’t…” You back away slowly from the desk, your hands still to your mouth. 
With the shock of this realization you sprinted from Law’s office, down the dimly lit hallway back to your room. You swung your door open and threw yourself under your covers, breathing heavily as you tried to put yourself to sleep. How could you go on knowing Law was planning a suicide mission?
— —
**AN- HEY YALL Sorry this took so long! I think the big THING will happen next chapter, will probably be out Sunday? Thank you for being so patient and reading the series! LOVE YOU!**
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mazzystar24 · 13 hours
actually the hospital wing joke is starting to bother me a lot more because buck actually fucking died 😭and he didnt even change clothes from being at the hospital all day why would you say that to someone. ik it was a fakeout but bobby looked like he was fr coding on the table. and like just a couple weeks before chimney almost died?? like im sorry i only accept those kinda jokes from people who have known me for years and even then they can be a little upsetting.
thats the thing though!!!! id be perfectly fine with buck and tommy if they gave us more than actual crumbs. 709 felt like buck had more chemistry with ravi in the same scene that tommy was in! they’re supposed to be dating so why do they feel like colleagues? and why are the more emotional and vulnerable scenes getting given to EDDIE if they want me to support buck and tommy as a couple? why wasnt tommy at the hospital with them considering he’s said multiple times he wishes he had a family like the 118 does? why are the only times hes on screen now only establishing his jealousy and that gerrard exists? is that the only reason why hes still here?
actually i wanna get back to 706. it wouldve been so easy to keep tommy there but they wrote him out of most of the episode 😭 he couldve said for the bachelor party! he couldve helped them find chimney! he couldve done literally ANYTHING. chimney was confused as hell as to why he even showed up at the wedding at all 😭 but no!!! they had him show up, ignore what buck wanted, then leave so we could have buck and eddie performing their drunk mating rituals or whatever 🤸‍♂️ but yeah buddie who?
also im never letting go of the wedding singer comment btw because what was that. why did they make tommy reference a movie where the two leads in the ROMANTIC COMEDY start the story dating the wrong people. i feel insane about it actually. also him calling buck evan will forever confuse me until we get an actual acknowledgement in canon because literally why
and the humor falls so flat but eddie has the same type of humor and it never does. he was making fun of buck in 706 (the making chimneys wedding about him line) but it never actually felt serious to me?
anyway sorry for yelling in your inbox i have a lot of mixed emotions about this season -birthmark anon
Yes totally get that like I’m the same like me and my best friend will be saying downright horrendous trauma jokes to eachother that make people around us clutch their pearls but I feel like it takes a certain level of rapport to get to trauma joke level - ig not everyone is the same when it comes to that but I think that again the writers absolutely failed to give us enough bucktommy scenes that justify having this kinda line
AGHSKF NOT THE BUCK /RAVI AHJDKFKF 😭😭😭 THIS IS ESPECIALLY FUNNY WHEN YOU SEE THE BUCKTOMMY SCENE AT THE CEREMONY VS THOSE BUCKLEY DIAZ FAMILY STILLS (still bitter the scene got cut) like someone explain to me why the actual couple is coming across less couple-y
Like i can’t remember who I was talking to the other day but I was saying like this 🧍emoji just embodies Tommy to me
AHSJKF we going back to 7x06 and that’s so valid of us AGSJKF DRUNK MATING RITUALS AHJDKFKF STOP IM CACKLING
YES ABOUT THE HUMOUR like there just isn’t that balance or lightness to even the joke out, like I’m a big dry humour and sarcastic girlie but it’s just not being delivered right in a way idk if it’s the writing or the acting or just the fact its most his very small screentime but it’s just falling flat to me
Never apologise for yelling in my inbox babe and same for the mixed emotions
Love ya birthmark anon byee 🫶🫶
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mystarsohee · 3 days
Hiiii, would it be ok to request something really soft and cozy with cg!Taeil? No pressure, I just love your writing and I'm curious about how you'd write him
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genre: so much fluff!
restless nights with taeil lead to the familiar voice of his flowing through the air
!!! non-sexual agere, only cg name used is daddy.
cg!taeil gn!reader
"hi baby. lets get ready for bed now?"
taeil says, as he comes near you who is sitting on the couch watching tv.
"can i finish this episode?? pleaseee daddy?"
you bat your eyelashes up towards him, in hopes to extend your tv time just a bit longer. knowing taeil, he gave into your pleas. he takes a seat right next to you, placing his arm around your shoulder to keep his baby close.
the two of you stayed like this for around 10 minutes, until the end credits started to roll. you thought you were slick and stayed put, hoping the autoplay would start the next episode without taeil noticing. but he knows you way too well, you've tried to do this multiple times (he won't admit that it works on occasion) taeils already a step ahead of you, and has the remote already in hand, turning off the tv.
with swift yet careful movements, he carries you to the bathroom so you could get ready for bed together. taeil brushed your teeth with a fruity flavored toothpaste, since the usual mint made your mouth feel weird. after you rinsed, you watched him brush his own teeth. it was so mesmerizing, something about him. he was doing a simple task, yet he looked so so handsome doing it.
"whatcha thinking bout?" he questioned, with his toothpaste filled mouth. you could barely understand him!
"uhh.." your words were cut off with giggles, he did look a bit silly right now!
he ruffled your hair a little, before rinsing out his mouth. with a pout, you turned back to the mirror to attempt to fix your hair. taeil let you rub the moisturizer into his face, in exchange, you let him rub it into yours! many, many, giggles were shared.
when you and taeil were in appropriate clothes for rest, he once again carried you to your shared bed. he placed you down, and handed you a stuffed animal you seemed to be attached to currently. getting comfortable, he pulled you closer and began to fall asleep.
————— ୨୧ —————
eventually, taeil began to stir. it was still pitch black outside. he noticed you weren't in his arms anymore, pretty common since you tend to move in your sleep. he also noticed your uneven breathing. and the way you kept moving your position slightly.
"baby? are you uh- awake?" taeil whispered, just in case you were just sleeping weird.
"hmmmpph.. yea.." you replied and turned to him, sounding somewhat upset.
the room was pretty much dark, except for the nightlight which lit the room a little bit. despite that, he could see the remnants of a number of tears and the distress in your expression. taeil looked at the colored alarm clock on your bedside table, the time read 1:46am.
"have you been awake this whole time?" he asked.
"dunno daddy... just.. just can't sleep." you started to feel tears again.
you hated not being able to sleep. it wasn't anything serious, just the occasional nights where your mind wouldn't leave you alone! it also wasn't anything bad, usually you couldn't stop thinking about taeil, or whatever show you were into at the time.
he pulled you close, and started to rub your back.
"i can talk you to sleep if that'll help?" taeil asked, he knows it helps sometimes.
you nodded, along with a hum to show your agreement.
so taeil did just as he said. he talked. talked about what he did today, about what his plans are for the week, about his members, anything that came to mind. he even started to talk about you! just different things he adores about the way you are.
he talked about how cute it is when you mispronounce words, the way your face lights up whenever you're at the playground, and also about how you uplift his mood when you're around. he talks about your hugs, how they make him feel so warm inside.
you cut him off, "you really think all those things daddy?"
he really thought you were asleep already. turns out you listened to every word he said to you.
"yeah, of course i do. everything i said about you is true."
"i love you, daddy."
"i love you more my baby."
he planted a kiss to your head. its been almost 45 minutes since he woke up from sleep, and taeil realized that talking you to sleep wasn't gonna work tonight, so he did the next best thing.
"do you want me to sing you a lullaby?" he asked.
obviously, you said yes. who wouldn't want taeil to sing them to sleep? cmon, his voice is so beautiful theres no way you could turn it down.
he cleared his throat, and started to sing. you were unfamiliar with the melody as well as the lyrics, so you put two and two together and concluded that he was probably singing an unreleased song. it was so beautiful, and that was emphasized with taeils soft vocals.
his voice flooded through your ears, and finally, your eyes began to feel heavy. after hours of trying to sleep, taeil saved the day (night?) with his angelic voice.
you were forever grateful for taeil. you probably wouldve been up all night long if it weren't for him sending you to dreamland.
by the time taeil finished singing a second song, he found that you were long asleep. smiling to himself, he is so glad that he's able to help you when you have troubles. he wants to be there to help you all the time, even if its not about falling asleep at night. for a good while, taeil takes the time to stare at your sleeping face. you looked so peaceful at this hour, yet he felt so terrible knowing you were up, alone, trying to sleep. he wishes you came to him earlier. but nonetheless, you were asleep, and in a few minutes, taeil would be too.
author note: cmon, what could you possibly expect to get out of requesting cg!taeil if hes not using his godly singing voice to sing baby to sleep? anyways, i used some of my mutuals hcs for taeil as inspo for this! i hope you enjoyed anon, and im sorry it took longer than i usually take for reqs!
as always, feedback is always appreciated 💕
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natashascumslut · 13 hours
WHY? | natasha romanoff
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SUMMARY: You said the wrong thing, and suffered the consequences.
WARNINGS: Angst.. 🥳
a/n - i wrote this at 2 am.. so.. sorry if it doesn’t make much sense and that it’s short lmfao ‼️
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A sour expression spread across her face as the words slipped out your mouth, you froze, why wasn’t she reacting?
“What?” She asked flatly, her tone of voice had changed. Her hands fell from your waist. You started to panic, your chest tightening.
“I love you.” You repeated weakly, you watched her visibly become tense as tears blurred your vision. She stuttered, but no words came out. She didn’t love you back. After everything you’d been through together, all the ups and downs, all the breathless nights and sunny afternoons, she felt nothing.
You stepped back, your hand coming up to your mouth to stop yourself from speaking, or puking, you weren’t sure. You scrambled backwards, quickly gathering your bag and keys before leaving her apartment faster than water cascading into a sink.
You expected to hear her voice behind you, calling you back, telling you she was just shocked and that she loved you too. And then she’d cradle you in her arms and you’d feel like an idiot for thinking she didn’t love you back. But you heard nothing, nothing but the tapping of your shoes against the hard floor in the hallway and your ragged breath.
Rain immediately started soaking your hair as you stammered out of the building, what had you done wrong, why did she not love you back? You had done everything to be perfect for her, bringing her coffee in the morning or taking care of her when she was sick, why?
Your soft sniffles mixed with the rain as you hauled for a cab under the pouring rain, god this felt like a movie. Except in the movies, she would come running out into the rain and kiss you. You looked around hoping that maybe, just maybe, this really was like the movies, but the redhead was nowhere to be seen.
A cab finally pulled over, and you slipped your soggy, weak body into the back seat. You felt like disappearing when you noticed the look the driver gave you in the rearview mirror. He looked so annoyed by your sadness, Natasha would’ve cared, she would’ve held you until you felt better. Was it all fake? Did she not actually care when she cradled your face and wiped your tears away, did it all mean nothing to her?
You stared at the rain trickling down the car window, it being far too fast for you to focus on a single drop. But luckily it wasn’t long till you were home, weakly trudging into your apartment. It felt so cold now that she wasn’t here, god, you just wanted to be in her arms.
Maybe if you hadn’t told her you loved her, you wouldn’t be in this situation. You would still be in her warm embrace, cuddling up on the couch. Because believing she loved you was much less painful than knowing she didn’t.
Maybe if you hadn’t been so stupid as to think could she could love you back, you wouldn’t be here right now. You slumped down onto your couch, not caring about your wet clothes.
Your sobs echoed the now eerily quiet, dark room. No longer filled with her contagious laughs or lustful moans, you’d give anything just to hear the sound of her soft breaths near your ear as she fell asleep on your shoulder.
Why didn’t she love you?
You went three weeks without hearing a word from her, not even a text. You expected at least an explanation, or a sorry, but you got nothing. Until you ran into her in a store, immediately recognising the hum of her voice as she spoke on the phone. You froze as you heard the voice get closer, until it was right next to you.
You felt her eyes on you, but you refused to turn to her. Your eyes dragged along the shelf, acting as if you were looking for something, when in reality you were trying your hardest not to cry.
You finally turned when you heard her call your name, your breath hitched as your eyes met hers and you felt as if you were going to puke again. She looked unfazed, like you running out of her apartment after telling her you loved her didn’t affect her at all.
“Hi.” She said hesitantly, you tried to stop the words from leaving your mouth, but they were out before you could take them back. “Why didn’t you go after me?” You asked, your voice was weak and slightly shaky, she winced.
“I.. i don’t know.” She answered, this felt so stupid, you’ve never wanted to disappear so badly. You watched as her eyes changed, as if she regretted it. You felt a tinge of hope, maybe she did love you, maybe she was just scared. But it was gone almost as fast as it came, and so was your hope.
“I do care about you.” She affirmed, your shoulders dropped slightly. You didn’t believe it, and you didn’t think Natasha did either. “Then why haven’t i heard from you for three weeks?” Your eyes were heavy, you were so tired of this. She shuffled uncomfortably, her fingers toying with her rings. You sighed, “Forget it.” You turned, hoping to hear her voice, but it wasn’t any different than it was three weeks ago, she watched you walk away, she let you walk away.
You left the store, no longer caring about the things you went in there for in the first place. You didn’t understand why she didn’t love you, you couldn’t wrap your head around it. Everything you had done together pointed to love, the way she would look at you, the way her fingers danced gently and innocently over your body as you drifted off to sleep, everything.
You just wanted to understand why, but by the looks of it, you never would.
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Would you want me to?
Word count: 1 300
TW: blood and stuff. But it's not too graphic I think?
I got the idea from a comment left on a post where I asked for fic ideas, so hey you if you want me to mention you here, please message me :)
“Sirius, what the fuck?” Remus asked, rushing over to his boyfriend, looking over him frantically. Sirius was covered in blood, there were blood splatters all over his face and shirt, there was a wound on his cheek, but there was no way all the blood could’ve come from the small cut. There was partly dried up blood sitting atop his lip and under his nose. His hair was wet, but Remus wasn't sure if it was blood or water or what, maybe he didn't want to know, especially not if it was blood. His breathing was heavy, like he had just ran a marathon, but his eyes were calm, calmer than they usually were. He was smiling like a lunatic, it wasn't his normal wicked grin, but something eerie, and so out of place in this situation.
“Don't worry, moons. It's not mine.”
“That’s not a fucking comforting factor. Sirius what-.” He ran his hand through his hair, letting Sirius take his other hand, smiling again. But this time it was softer, calmer, more Sirius-like. It still felt weird, but somehow comforting and calming the panic that had started to rise in his chest. “What's this Sirius? What- what’s going on?”
“Nothing, don't worry, baby.” He whispered, rising up to his tiptoes to kiss his cheek. Remus felt something stick to it, and when he brought his hand up to feel, he ended up wiping away blood. He looked at Sirius, there was just something about those eyes that made him trust, feel safe. It made something inside him calm down, he didn't have to panic, it'd be okay. “I'm gonna go take a shower.”
Remus nodded, but didn't let go of his hand so he could actually go. “Are you hurt?” Sirius closed his eyes for a moment, shaking his head, still smiling softly. “You'd tell me if something wasn't right? "
'Cause I really need to know. I wanna help.”
“I’ve just got a little cut on my cheek, love, that's all.” He smiled, bringing Remus' hand up to his lips, kissing his fingers before letting go of his hand and starting to walk towards the bathroom. “Oh, and I think my nose is broken.”
“Sirius!” He gasped, but Sirius just grinned, closing the bathroom door behind himself, and soon after Remus heard the water start to run. He sat down at a kitchen chair, running his hand through his hair, sighing as he glanced at the closed bathroom door. He got up after a moment, searching for the med kit they kept in one of the kitchen drawers, or that's where he had last seen it in. It took some time to actually find it, but when he did, he set it down onto the table, pulling out an ice pack to help with the swelling that was bound to happen, especially if it was broken like Sirius had said.
“Hello, love.” Sirius whispered, hooking his chin over Remus' shoulder while standing behind him, even though it was a bit difficult to do. Remus jumped slightly, not realising Sirius had sneaked behind him. He turned around so he could face Sirius, leaning against the counter, and looking at him. He was dressed in fresh clothes, no more blood, just his pyjama bottoms and one of Remus’ jumpers. There was still blood on his cheek though as it kept seeping from the wound. “You scared of me, darling?”
“When you fucking sneak behind me, yeah. Go sit down, I wanna look you over.” Sirius nodded, going to sit down in a chair, smiling as Remus walked over to him with an ice pack wrapped in a cloth. He gave it to Sirius, going to switch on the light so he could actually see. “Your nose is swelling up, and it looks like it's bruising. Does it hurt?”
“A bit yeah.”
“Hold the ice there, please, love? I'll get you some painkillers in a minute.” Sirius nodded, bringing the ice pack up to his nose, smiling up at Remus as he looked through the med kit. Then he started to clean the cut on his cheek, then covering it with a gauze pad, hoping to keep it clean. “You should go to the hospital. It doesn't look too good, y'know.”
“It’s gonna be fine.”
“It’s going to leave a scar, Sirius.”
“Mhm, maybe.” he hummed, looking out of the window for a moment, the sun was slowly setting, but then he looked back up at Remus. “At least I'll look cool.”
Remus rolled his eyes. “You’re an idiot.” Sirius just laughed, watching as Remus gathered the trash from the table and packed the med kit back up, then walked behind him into the kitchen, throwing away the trash and putting away the med kit. When he turned back, Sirius offered the ice pack back to him, but Remus shook his head. “I told you to keep it there, didn’t I?” Sirius groaned, but brought the ice pack back up to his nose anyway.
“C’mon love, it’s not even that bad.”
“Your nose is fucking broken.” He muttered while walking back over to Sirius and sitting down onto the chair next to him, taking his hand, smiling slightly as Sirius intertwined their hands together, giving it a reassuring squeeze. “What happened?” He asked nervously, biting his lip as he glanced away. The same anxiety started to rise as it did when Sirius had first walked through the door. He let out a stuttering breath as Sirius didn’t answer, but just kept smiling at him. Remus looked back up, this time with tears starting to burn in his eyes, he couldn’t help it, it just happened.
“Nothing happened, baby. Don’t cry, please.” He whispered, setting the ice pack down, shifting so he could lean closer to Remus, and gently cupping his cheek, stroking his thumb over his cheekbone for a moment before speaking again. “I’m okay, so are you…” He smiled softly, wiping away the tear that dripped down, making sure to look Remus in the eyes. “I was just making sure that you’ll be okay in the future, too.”
“Sirius what-?”
“Shh, it’s okay, I promise.” Sirius whispered, leaning to give him a tender kiss. Remus closed his eyes at the feeling, he felt safe, like always with Sirius, like nothing could hurt him anymore. He still didn’t understand though, he desperately needed to know what had happened, but at the same time, he wasn’t sure if he should know. They hardly ever kept secrets, so for Sirius to be keeping something like this, maybe it was for the better. Maybe it was better if he didn’t know, but oh, he really wanted to.
“Do you trust me?” He asked quietly, breath tickling against Remus' lips as he looked up at him. Remus opened his eyes, looking at Sirius, nodding instinctively. It was an automatic reaction, but he did mean it. He always did if Sirius asked. “Good.” He smiled, kissing him again before pulling away, looking at Remus.
“Sirius?” He asked after a moment, Sirius hummed, running a hand through Remus' hair, waiting for him to continue. “Are you going to tell me what happened?”
“Do you really want to know?” Remus nodded again, feeling the anxiety wash over him once more, it felt like he was drowning in it, and he really needed for Sirius to pull him back to the surface. “I just want to keep you safe.”
“They’re not going to hurt you anymore.” He whispered with a small smile, eyes flickering between Remus' and the floor. “They won't…”
“Sirius what did you do?”
“Nothing, no Rem, I didn't do anything like that, just, y'know.” He chuckled, watching as Remus' expression changed, no longer panicked, at least not as much. “Nothing like that, baby.”
“Would you want me to?” Sirius asked with a grin, smiling as Remus' eyes widened and he shook his head.
“No- no…” he rushed out. “Of course not.” Sirius just smiled, giving him a kiss before he got up from the chair letting go of Remus' hand, and started to walk towards their bedroom. “Sirius?” He called after him, Sirius hummed, turning around at the door, leaning against the frame. “What are you doing?”
“Going to bed, I want to sleep.” He said, and Remus nodded, still looking at him, unsure what he should do. “You coming, love?” Remus nodded slowly after a moment, getting up and following after Sirius.
Hellooo <3
You've now read the most unhinged thing I've ever written, how did it feel? Did we like this? I'm not entirely sure how to feel about this one honestly, but I think it's good, maybe? Perhaps. While being the most unhinged thing, it is also the shortest one I've written in a while.
I really want to write stuff during the summer and I should have a lot of free time, but we'll see how I use it lol. Rn I'm working on a few different fics, one of them being Lily and Pandora, so look forward to that I guess.
Oh also, happy pride month everyone!
Remember to take care of yourself <3, hopefully you have a nice summer. See you around somewhere maybe, maybe not.
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indigosunsetao3 · 3 days
Lunch and Dinner Date
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First expansion of Older CIA Alex list.
"Hey Jack," you say casually as you set your purse, keys and sunglasses in the small plastic bin to go through security. You found it funny that they bothered with this sort of thing considering more than half the people working here could probably kill you with a paperclip. Formalities you suppose.
"Hey," Jack says with a smile as he slides your items through the scanner before indicating for you to walk through the metal detectors. "Back again to see the old man?"
"Someone has to make sure he eats," you answer as you scoop up your things on the other side. You slip the strap of your purse on your arm before taking the visitor's badge and clipping it on the lapel of your dress. "See you later," you toss over your shoulder with a smile before heading to the elevators.
You had moved back home to live with your father almost six weeks ago. The man you had lived with halfway across the country had decided that he needed something more in the bedroom; two other women more to be precise. You had your suspicions for a while but to walk in on him balls deep in one woman while the other was sloppily kissing him had been a shock, to say the least.
After you recovered from the scene in your bedroom you had immediately called your father, the only person in your life who could help. He was there two days later helping you pack up your things while your fiancé had a meltdown. It had been a nightmare but thankfully your father hadn't rubbed the fact he was right in your face too many times.
When you get to your father's office you find his secretary had already left for lunch, a delicate little sign on her desk indicating she was away. That was fine with you, she was nice older lady but her ability to talk was outmatched and frankly you were talked out. The job your father secured for you, after pulling a few strings, required you to converse with people all day long.
A short knock on the door was the only indication you gave that you were there before you opened it. Your father had told you to come at this time so you weren't worried about interrupting anything. Apparently he had been wrong, or he had a surprise guest. Just as you step through the threshold you spot a man sitting across from your father's desk and you dad immediately closes his mouth as if he had been midsentence.
"Sorry," you breathe out as you move to back out of the room. "Tabitha wasn't here and I assumed you were ready," you babble out as the unknown man rises from his seat looking at you. "I can wait-"
"No worries," the man says for your father as he hastily gathers up papers and locks them away in his desk. Clearly you had interrupted something secretive. "I was just on my way out actually," he smiles and you return the gesture a bit meekly as you look at up at him; even in your heels he towers over you.
He's dressed in casual clothes, jeans and simple t-shirt but the air he gives off oozes he's anything but a civilian. The way he stands shows his confidence, shoulders back and head high. You watch how his eyes survey you as if taking in every detail, sweeping from the tips of your toes and up your body before landing on your face giving you an easy smile.
His gaze is enough you feel a blush creeping up your chest and neck from embarrassment for interrupting and just the blatant scrutiny.
"Have a nice lunch," the man says simply to your father, extending his hand to shake before his gaze is back on you. "Ma'am," he tacks on as a goodbye which earns a full on flush from you. He definitely notices, the smile that plays in his lips expands to a full on smirk.
You watch him leave from the room and barely hear your father clear his throat asking if you're ready to go.
"I don't know a single person," you bemoan your father as you slip your mother's old diamond earrings into your ears.
"That's the point," you father answers as he comes around the corner and gives you a wide smile, his gaze clocking you wearing your late mother's jewelry. "Time for you to meet some people. I'm tired of sharing the living room with you every night. You're young, you need to be out having fun, not watching documentaries with me," he grins extending his elbow.
"All of these people are too rich for my blood. I won't have anything in common with them."
"Find a rich guy to take you home and off my hands," he jokes before helping you into the hired car. "Some of the guys will be there anyway," he tacks on. You know the guys are his personal team that he works with. Some of them your dads friends from his military days and others at the CIA that were still out working in the field. "Alex even agreed to go," he chuckles a bit as he scrolls through his phone distracted, "I was starting to think he had some secret family I didn't know about. He never joins team outings."
"Keller," your dad answers as if that would be enough of an explanation. When he looks up and sees your blank expression he continues, "he was in my office that day when you barged in like you owned the place."
"Oh right," you answer feeling the blush again. You hadn't forgotten about Alex, even if you didn't know his name. His gaze had almost burned with how he watched you, x-rayed you really, with his ice blue eyes. It had been a passing meeting but it had apparently impacted you more than you realized.
Once you are at the banquet hall you head inside to find your seat. Little placards around the large linen covered tables indicate where you should sit and you find yourself with Alex on your right at a table in the very front. It doesn't look like the rest of the party have arrived yet so you decide to just sit and wait for the place to fill up before trying to mingle. Just as you're about to grab your seat to pull it out a hand clamps down on the delicate gold back and stops you.
"Allow me."
You turn expecting to see one of the staff and open your mouth to protest them having to help you into a seat. But you shut it instantly as you spot it's not the staff but Alex standing there. He's not in casual clothes this time. He's in his dress blues and you feel yourself swallowing as you take it in for a second. Everything is crisp, clean, and on point. Medals and bars adorn both sides of his chest and you even spot his special skill and marksmanship badges, more than you had ever seen on another man or woman.
"Looks like you're stuck with me all evening," he grins fingering the placard with his name. He slips into his own seat before catching the eye of a waiter to bring over drinks.
"A familiar face is always welcome," you answer, twisting your hands in your lap a bit. You rub your thumb over your left ring finger for a second, a nervous tick, before you remember there is nothing in that space anymore. "I feel like all I do is meet new people every day, bit disorienting."
"Your father has plenty of friends," Alex answers as he leans to the side a bit as the waiter takes your drink order. He's careful to listen to what you want, storing away your preferred drink in the back of his mind. "I've worked with him for a while now and even I still don't know all their names." Lie. Alex knew them all, even the secret undercovers because he didn't trust anyone and he needed to know exactly what was happening at all times.
"My new job also keeps me on my toes, literally," you smirk a bit. "I think my father forgot I much prefer to be in the background but the job he got me has me working the floor at an art gallery."
"Art?" Alex asks sounding interested as the waiter returns with a glass of red wine for both of you. "Is that your background? I know your dad said you had finished college not that long ago." He knew all the details already but it was polite to keep the conversation going to pretend he didn't.
"Ah, yeah sort of. More history with an understudy in art but finding a job in history around here is a little hard when you aren't an old white man," you laugh a bit sipping on your wine and find Alex smiling as well. It's a slightly crooked grin that gives you a glimpse of an old scar that runs down his chin to disappear into his beard.
"What sort of history are you most interested in?" Alex asks as he twists in his seat to face you better. The place is finally starting to fill up and a few people have joined your table now but Alex pays none of them any mind. His eyes are locked on you in that same intense look he gave you in your father's office those weeks ago. It doesn't feel as scrutinizing but it's certainly focused.
You explain that your favorite sub subject of history is actually studying the downfalls versus the rise of empires. What caused the collapses, how the signs had been stacking up but no one saw them before it was too late. How other empires exploited and rose from them before falling to the same fate in different ways.
Alex remains rapt in his attention on you and you find easing into a topic you knew about made it so much easier to talk. Especially when your audience was so engaged and asked the proper questions at the right time. He doesn't let a lull in the conversation happen and fills in the spaces with his own tidbits of random knowledge or ideas. He doesn't let the conversation remain on him too long either, always reverting back to you.
When the charity speeches began Alex is careful to pay attention to the stage but you see him stealing glances at you. You grin at each one, finding yourself looking at him as well. It was nice to finally have someone that you could possibly call a friend around here. You had been too shy, too self-conscious, to try and forge out new relationships just yet. Your fiancé had been sure to shatter that small bit of self esteem you had with what he did.
Toward the end of the night, laughing over your fifth or sixth glass of wine, you grip Alex's upper arm and state you have to have his number so you can send him a picture of the thing you were both chuckling about. You weren't sure how many drinks you truly had because Alex never let you hit the bottom of the glass before a waiter appeared with another. He agreed quickly and rattled off his number to you, watching you carefully type it in your phone before you send him a purple heart so he could store your number.
"How was your evening?" Your father asks a bit later in the car after Alex had walked the both of you out to the valet before walking out to his own self parked car. Your dad had been too busy schmoozing to sit down long enough to engage in conversation with you.
"Oh it was fine," you answer simply, feeling the bit of headrush as you lean back against the car seat.
"Make any friends?"
"Alex. Well I think anyway..." you say after a second. "He's was really...nice," you grin at your dad, rolling your head on the headrest to look at him a bit lazily.
You hold back the rest of your assessment of your father's employee, figuring your dad did not want to hear how Alex's breath on your ear when he leaned over to whisper something during a speech sent a shiver straight down your spine. Or that you had perhaps shifted a little closer to Alex so your bare leg was pressed up tight against his under the table and he hadn't pulled away. Or how Alex always rose from his seat to help you in and out of your own and you caught his eyes watching the lowcut line of your dress when he thought you were distracted.
"Nice," your dad says in a bit of a deadpan.
"Oh stop it, this was your idea."
"You know he's over a decade older than you right?"
"Dad...stop. He was nice," you shrug. "Didn't realize friends had an age limit."
Your father stays quiet the rest of the ride as he fiddles on his phone and that is fine with you. You dig out your own phone where Alex had responded with his own emoji a few moments before, a simple red heart in response. It's enough to make your stomach flutter for a second but you tamper that down and instead send the picture you promised you would so he could see the evidence of the story you told. It was stupid really, but you had both laughed hard enough that people had given you dirty looks.
As the car ride continues you replay the evening over and over in your mind, glancing at your phone every now and again waiting for a response. Your dad is right, he's so much older and has more life experience. Why would he be friends with you? By the time you are home you have successfully convinced yourself Alex was just being nice because of who you were; his bosses daughter. The hopeful bubble you had in your chest about making a new friend deflates.
Especially when Alex leaves your picture you sent him on read.
Unfortunately for Alex he had somewhere to be right after the charity gala. An assignment your father had set him on conveniently quickly. He had to ditch his things in his car and change before catching another ride in an unmarked car to take him to the airport. He couldn't have his personal phone on him to respond, but the burner he kept tucked in his go bag had all your information stored in it.
He's able to keep tabs on you, watching you post on your own social media as well as your job's over the next few days. And maybe one night when he's feeling particularly lonely he hacks your work's security system just to watch you walk around in those sky high heels and tiny little skirts. Those pretty legs occupy his waking and sleeping thoughts for many hours, especially when he watches you in the dark of his room.
Alex's feelings toward you are anything but friendly and he intends on showing you that. But he knows how to play the game. His career depends on his ability to read people and he had read you like a book. He knows you need a little soft coaxing and confidence building so pouncing on you right away like he wanted to was out of the question. Your shit of an ex fiancé had made you feel worthless, undesirable, but Alex had turned the tables back on him.
A few well placed emails and suspicious files on your ex's computer will effectively end his career when an anonymous tip comes in. Then those women he had brought into his bed over you would leave him once the money runs out and he'll be left scrambling. Maybe he'd feel an ounce of the pain you had gone through after what he had done.
Alex had tracked through all your online files. Found the emails of heartbreak you had left in your drafts and never sent, poured through the deleted photos on your computer and had seen first hand the screaming fight from the night you caught your ex on your security camera's cloud account. It had been rough to watch and for once Alex actually felt a pang of guilt for prying so far.
Killing your ex had been an option that crossed Alex's mind when he watched the video of you crying on your couch from all those weeks ago. He could do it without anyone being the wiser, but watching the guy suffer seemed the better option. Besides, thanks to this man's shitty decision you were now here, perfectly poised for Alex to swoop in and show you exactly how a man should treat you.
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kpop---scenarios · 3 hours
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Pairing: Bang Chan x Reader x Lee Felix
Genre: Mafia, Arranged Marriage
Warning: None right now
Word Count: 3.4k
“Babe?” You call out, closing the front door of your apartment behind you. You set your bag down on the table in the front hall, slip off your shoes before making your way further inside. Heading into the kitchen, the lights are dim, your boyfriend's uniform is laid out on the table, ready for him to put on in the morning for the 24 hour shift he was going to be working. You wander into the living room, seeing Seo Joon sitting on the couch with his head laid back, softly snoring as the show he was watching continues. Gently, you push his shoulder to wake him up, grabbing his hand to drag him to your shared bedroom so you could both pass out. It was a long day and you were exhausted.
“How was your day?” Seojoon asks you, his eyes barely open as he slips off his shirt and then his pants, crawling into bed with just his boxers on.
“It was fine.” You mutter. “Pretty uneventful.”
“Sounds about right.” He says, letting out a big yawn. You crawled into bed beside him, scooching closer to him. You lean in to kiss him, his eyes shooting open. He turns his head slightly, so you catch his cheek instead of his lips. You're a little taken aback as you look at him, feeling hurt, which was a feeling you'd come accustomed to over time. You really weren't sure why you'd continued to let it bother you.
“I've got a big day tomorrow, I need to sleep.” He tells you, rolling over to face away from you.
“Yeah okay.” You huff. “My dad called earlier, I need to go see him tomorrow.” You say, rolling over too, your back facing his.
“I don't know why you're telling me, I'll be busy working. Again.” He sighs. You don't respond. You honestly don't know how to respond.
Your relationship with Seojoon wasn't always like this. At the beginning of the two of you dating he was very sweet to you, he would hold you, take you on dates, kiss you and actually be affectionate. Since he became a paramedic a year into your relationship, things have been different. He's been distant, cold and just not the man you fell in love with. You'd tried to talk to him about it - one too many times but he always said he was fine. You knew you weren't going to get anything out of him so you stopped trying. Sex was never a thing with the two of you, he told you from day one that he was saving himself for marriage, but that didn't stop the two of you from doing other things here and there, never consistently.
But now, it's been a year since any of that has happened, the longest it has ever been for you. The last time you rubbed your pussy on his clothed cock, you both came but the look he gave you made you feel like the most disgusting person, he looked at you with disgust. He made you feel insecure, but secure, and most of the time you felt safe with him. You also hoped that one day the man you fell for would return to you but for right now you were just taking it day by day.
The next morning, you're awake and dressed, ready to go to your father's house. Seojoon's side of the bed was cold, he had already been gone for hours.
On your way to your fathers house, you think about the talk you'd been hearing from various sources. Every person had been talking about these rumors that were floating around, things that were happening underground but you hadn't had a chance to speak directly to your father to see if there was any truth to any of it. He was the one you could go to about the things you'd hear and he would always tell you whether or not there was any sort of truth to any of it.
Your father was a very wealthy and a very feared man. A man that Seojoon did not know, and one you weren't sure if he would ever know. He was a man who took what he wanted, hurt whoever got in his way and made deals with a lot of people who others would consider to be the devil. You were the daughter of the second largest mafia organization in the country.
It was a life you had always known. Seojoon has never pressed the issue of meeting your father and you didn't know if you appreciated that fact, or sort of resented him for it. You also didn't think that confessing the fact that your father was participating in drug distribution, prostitution and all other illegal activities would do well to your relationship but part of you also wanted Seojoon to know where you came from. However, if you could trust him with that information, well that was a whole other story.
Late at night, when Seojoon was snoring beside you and you couldn't sleep, you thought about the things he didn't know or didn't want to know about, despite having been together for 3 years. He'd never asked you about your family, your childhood. The only information he ever got was things that you volunteered to tell him. Those thoughts would always leave you feeling confused about him, and whether or not he was truly in this relationship with you.
Your car comes to a stop in front of your fathers large house, two men in all black stand outside the front door, their fingers interlaced in front of them, not a smile on either of their faces.
“Wonho. Shownu.” You smile at both, they each give you a nod before opening the front door for you. You walk in, the familiar scent brings you back to your childhood, growing up in this house. The walls down the long hall are covered with pictures of family, friends and others your father has done business with. You make your way down the long hallway, listening to the buzzing chatter of the men roaming the house. It was always like this, as long as you could remember there were always so many people inside the house at all hours of the day and night. You've seen many things growing up here, men loading weapons in the living room, getting bullets pulled out of them on the kitchen counter. Going into the basement for a popsicle and seeing someone who ratted hung up with chains being tortured. It really didn't take you long to become accustomed to what was going on inside this house.
“Dad?” You call out, standing in front of the living room, but also near the kitchen and his office. It was always one of those three rooms you could find him in.
“In my office with Mia.” He yells back.
You figured. Mia was your half sister, his daughter but with the woman he married before he was with your mother. She was a few years older than you and the two of you never truly saw eye to eye. You felt like she hated you, and though she has never confirmed or denied, you maintained that thought.
“I've been hearing a lot of shit dad.” You say, walking into his office. Mia sits in front of your dad, who sits behind his desk. “You're marrying one of us off?” You say.
Mia looks back at you with wide eyes. “Is that what you wanted me to come today for? To tell me you've arranged a marriage for me? Because if that's true, it's not fucking happ…” She yells before being cut off by your father.
“No.” He says. “Well, not quite.” He continues. “Mr. Lee and I have been discussing joining our organizations. I've been wanting to get into trafficking and more in depth organized crime for a while, and he's been wanting to step foot into drug distribution.” He says. “You two know as well as anyone the best way to combine is through marriage.”
“I'm in a relationship though. A good.. well, a relationship.” You blurt out. Your father did not know about Seo Joon. Or so you thought.
“Yeah I know, with the nurse, or whatever. We're going to have to have a chat about him.” He says, pointing at you.
“He's a paramedic, dad.” You correct him. Your father just stares at you before turning to your sister.
“Mia, I mainly mean you. Mr. Lee has two sons. Lee Felix, and Bang Chan, as you know Mr. Lee took Chan into custody after Mr. Lee's best friend, Chan's father passed away. I don't give a fuck which one you choose, but you need to choose one. We’re having a party if you will, tomorrow. You'll meet them then. I expect you to wow them.” He explains. You take a deep breath, so fucking relieved its not you, but slightly stressed that your father knew about Seo Joon. You shouldn't have been surprised. You should have known your father finds out everything.
‘So I don't have to be there, right?” You ask, smugly smirking at the back of Mia's head.
“You are expected to be there, Y/N.” He says. Your smirk fades quickly. “Understood?” He asks.
You nod your head. “Yes sir.”
“What if I don't want to?” Mia asks, crossing her arms.
“This isn't up for fucking debate, Mia. Either you do it or I'll kick you out and cut you off.” Your father threatens.
The room is quiet.
Mia shuffles in her seat, uncomfortably as the awkward silence continues.
“Do I make myself clear?” He asks.
“Crystal.” She says, abruptly getting out of her chair and storming out of the room.
“Well I'm gonna head out.” You say, clearing your throat before turning towards the door.
“Y/N.” Your dad begins. “That boy. The one you're dating. It would be in your best interest to break things off with him.” He finishes, looking down at a stack of paper.
“We've been together for a while. We live together. I'm not going to just leave him. I know you haven't met him yet but..” you continue on.
“I don't want to meet him. I'm telling you now to end things. That's all. I've got work to do, I'll see you tomorrow. Don't be late.” He says, cutting you off. Typical of your father. You wished one of them had wanted to meet the other one.
You left your fathers house annoyed. Not really wanting to go to the party tomorrow but also at how your father acted. How could he tell you to break up with Seojoon without even having met the guy. As you drive off the property, you call your boyfriend just to check in and see how his day is going.
“What?” He snaps, answering the phone.
“Woah, sorry. Was just calling to check in.” You mumble.
“Well I'm busy, sorry.” He sighs. “How was your dad's?” He asks. You perk up a little at his question.
“It was fine. He wanted to let me know about a party he's throwing tomorrow evening.” You say. “I don't suppose you'd be feeling up to accompanying me?” You ask.
“I have to work, YN. I picked up an extra 12 hour shift after this one so no, I can't come with you to your fancy party. Some of us have to work for a living.” He snaps.
You're quiet.
So is he. For a second.
“I gotta go. Bye.” He says, hanging up the phone. You really fucking wondered why you were even in this clearly one sided relationship.
That night you ate dinner alone, crawled into bed alone, and woke up the next morning alone. You checked your phone and you didn't even have so much as a “Hi” text from your boyfriend. You felt done. You didn't want to try anymore, you didn't want to care anymore. It was exhausting to be in a one sided relationship with him. You were done being the one to call or to text. You were done being the one to start conversations or be affectionate. Whether or not he noticed would be the sign that you needed on if you were going to continue things with him.
Later that afternoon you got ready for the party. You hadn't heard anything from Seo Joon and you weren't going to be the one who messages him first. If he wanted to talk to you then he would reach out to you. Arriving at your father's house, the front door is wide open, you can hear the music from outside, as well as a ton of people waiting to get in. Shownu and Wonho were standing in front of the door, checking the lists to make sure only the ones your father wanted got into the house. There were too many groups who either wanted to ambush your father or get into business with him and he didn't want to deal with it tonight.
“Excuse me.” You say. “Pardon me.” You say, moving through the crowd of people towards the front door.
“You look good.” Wonho smiles, winking at you before moving sideways to let you in.
“So do you.” You smile, moving past him inside. It was your typical type of party. Food, a lot of drinks and a lot of serious conversations and deal makings. You quickly grab a drink, chugging it back before grabbing another one and one more just in case. You looked around for your father to say hi, but instead your attention was caught by an extremely handsome man trying to talk to your sister. You sat on the couch behind them, listening to him try to say anything at all to Mia.
“Hey there.” He says, going to tap her on the shoulder.
Mia doesn't even give the poor man any acknowledgement. You take another sip of your drink, smiling as you watch him awkwardly stand there, trying to figure out something else to say.
“Hi.. uh, are you Mia?” He asks. She turns to look at him, scoffing before turning back to those she was talking with. You can't help but laugh, a little too loudly. He turns to look at you as you cover your mouth, trying to hide your giggles.
“What?” He asks.
“I.. nothing.” You smile. “Good luck with her.”
“Believe me.” He sighs, sitting next to you. “I don't want to be talking to her, but my father is making me.”
“You're one of the two who is supposed to get married, aren't you?” You ask.
“How do you know that?” He asks.
“L/N Y/N.” You smile.
“Ahh, the sister to.. that one.” He laughs. “Bang Chan, but you can call me Chan.” He smiles. Before you can answer, a second, overly attractive man stands beside Mia, smiling. He tries to talk to her, but she gives him the exact same treatment as she gave Chan.
“Bro. Don't even bother.” Chan sighs, pulling him to the couch. “YN, this is Felix, Felix, Y/N.”
“Hi.” You smile.
“Mia's sister.” Felix smiles.
“The one and only.” You laugh, finishing your drink. “You're better off not to even try with her, she doesn't want to get married.” You say.
“You say that as if we actually have a choice.” Felix laughs.
“Well, I mean.. it sucks to suck.” You grin.
“You do know that whoever she doesn't pick, is marrying you, right?” Chan says.
You choke. You don't know what you choked on, but it was something. “I.. what? No, that's not a thing that's happening.” You laugh. Your dad would have told you, right? “Besides, I'm in a relationship.” You say.
“Ah, yeah, the cop.” Chan says, rolling his eyes.
“He's a paramedic.” You respond, raising an eyebrow.
“Oh right.” He snickers. “The paramedic.” He says, looking at Felix, who gives him a knowing look.
The rest of the evening you spent with both those men. The conversation flowed so easily, nothing was forced, you never ran out of things to talk about with them. It was honestly refreshing. The fact that they asked you questions about yourself, things that Seojoon hadn't even asked you, and he was supposed to be your boyfriend. At the end of the night you said your goodbyes to them, and you didn't want to. You wanted to continue being with them, there was just something about them that made you feel safe and secure being around them. That night when you got home, your apartment was empty. You walked in, got yourself ready for bed, checked your phone and there were no messages from Seo Joon. At this point, you were tired of him not even trying with you. You didn't care anymore. But you did care about what Chan had said earlier. you couldn't get it out of your head. You laid down, your mind replaying what Chan had said about Seo Joon, over and over.
“Ah, yeah, the cop.”
He wasn't a cop. Those are two very different professions, you can't just mistake a paramedic with a cop. You closed your eyes, and it takes you back to a moment where you had overheard a conversation that made you question, Seo Joon. Honestly at the time you had thought he was cheating on you, but now you weren't sure if it was cheating or maybe he really is a cop?
You were laying in bed, alone, tossing and turning, unable to sleep. Seojoon had been in bed with you but you assumed he thought you were sleeping when you heard him on the phone.
“Hey..” he sighs. “Yeah no, I know. No No, I don't think she suspects anything.” He chuckles. You can hear him shuffling around in the kitchen. “Look, I'm trying my best here with her. This shit isn't easy.” He snaps. “I'll try that. Yep, I'll keep you updated. Bye.” He begins walking towards the bedroom, you lay back down, closing your eyes, snoring softly. You can feel the bed dip slightly beside you. He scrolled through his phone for a few minutes before he plugged it in and went to bed. You barely slept that night, wondering if he was cheating and who he was cheating with.
You close your eyes, wanting to stop reliving memories that hurt you. It wasn't beneficial for anyone. You tried to sleep again, until your phone pinged. You had hoped the message was from Seojoon.
It wasn't.
[From: +82-463-3629] Hey, Y/N. It's Chan.
[From: +82-394-1293] And Felix. It was good talking to you today.
[From: +82-463-3629] It was. We wanted to know if you wanted to hangout tomorrow night?’
[From: +82-394-1293] Unless you and your ‘paramedic’ boyfriend have plans?
You chuckle at the conversation already.
[To: +82-463-3629,+82-394-1293] No plans. What did you guys have in mind?
The next night, even though you knew better, you put on your little black dress that hugs your curves, your favorite shoes and got yourself out the door, without a word from your boyfriend, if you could even call him that anymore. You wanted to forget about him tonight. You walk outside your apartment, looking around, you hear a car honk at you. You turn to look, seeing Felix smiling as he holds open the passenger door for you.
“You look beautiful.” Felix says, helping you into the car before closing the door.
“He's not lying.” Chan smiles.
“Thank you guys.” You laugh. “Where are we going?” You ask.
“Some of the men in our group own a club. We were thinking of drinks and maybe some dancing.” Chan smiles. You buckle your seat belt happily.
“Sounds great to me.”
The three of you sit at a table, drinks scattered all around. You're all drunk, laughing, having a great time until you turn your head towards the bar, and you see Seojoon standing there with a woman. Your smile drops, you look away, Chan and Felix notice immediately.
“What?” They both ask. Felix stretches a little, looking at the bar. He spots Seojoon immediately, and understands.
“That's him right?” Felix asks. “Your boyfriend?”
“How did you know that's him?” You ask.
“Believe me, I know a lot of things.” Felix says. You turn around to look at him, just in time to see his arm snake around the waist of a woman you recognized.
Chaeyoung. She was Seojoon's partner at work. Why were they dressed up and at the bar? Why didn't he tell you? Why wasn't he at work? What the fuck was happening?
“You okay?” Chan asks.
“I'm fine.” You smile. “That's his work partner. It's fine. Everything is fine.” You mutter.
Everything was not fine.
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siconetribal · 6 hours
Put it on My Tab 14
Pairing: Jason Todd x Fem!reader
Working with customers, rude customer, that stressful work life is all the rage these days
Please comment/like/reblog. If you’d like to be tagged moving forward, please let me know!
As always, a huge thank you and shout out to @harlequin-hangout for the amazing banners you made for me.
If you’re new to the story, please check out the master post for the rest of the chapters.
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“I can help the next customer in line over here!” Y/N shouted over the din of the teenagers that came flooding in after school. It was a mix of private school uniforms and fashionable public school students flaunting their name brand accessories and latest phones. It really was a marvel to see how carelessly they would just flash their parents’ money as if it was their own hard earned pay. “Next customer in line, please.” She spoke a little louder and watched as a rather quiet but handsome looking teenager walked up. It was obvious that his clothing was well made, tailored to fit him, but it lacked the flashy logos that everyone else was wearing. A public school kid? He looks like he’s a couple years younger than me. A senior perhaps? “Welcome, what would you like for me to get started for you today?” She cordially asked, though once again, there was something about him. Just like the young detective, she felt like she needed to be cautious.
“A large cup black eye with ristretto, light sugar, and a bear claw.” 
“Did you want me to exchange the espresso with the ristretto or did you want me to add it with the espresso?” She hesitantly questioned, eyeing him a bit suspiciously. There was no sign of major fatigue aside from the slight bags under his lids. It was not uncommon to see some exhausted seniors who diligently worked to keep their top marks, but there was an edge to him. His gaze was not hazy from exhaustion. On the contrary it was sharp, too sharp.
“Add it to the drink and warm the pastry, please.” He pulled out his wallet and waited for her to ring him up.
A lot more crazy coffee drinkers on this side of Gotham than I originally thought. She hesitated for a moment before pressing the necessary buttons on the screen. “For here or to go?”
“The name for the order?”
“Ok, your total comes out to $11.48, will you be paying cash or card?”
“Cash,” he quickly pulled out a $20 bill and handed it to her. The drawer sprung open with a ring and she handed him the change as she closed it.
“Please have a seat, we’ll call your name when your order is ready.” She gave him another cordial smile, waiting for him to move so the next customer could come up, but the young man called Tim did not budge. An awkward silence stretched between the two of them as he simply silently stared at her. “Is there anything else you need?”
“No, thanks.” He shook his head and dropped the change in the jar in front of her and left. Citlalli came over from her right, watching Tim as he sat down.
“Everything ok?” She whispered to Y/N who moved over to start his order.
“Yeah, we’ve dealt with much weirder things.” She shrugged it off to help ignore the sense of unease Tim gave her.
“True, but he was just standing there, staring at you.” She frowned, scanning the dining area quickly to see Tim watching them. “And he’s still watching you.”
“He’s probably thinking about what else he might want to order. Customers do it all the time, ordering one thing only to consider adding something else after the fact.” Y/N casually brushed it off. “You’re thinking too much about it, he’s just an overly caffeinated burnt out studious senior wishing for the school year to end already.”
“I guess,” Citlalli bit into her lower lip as concern for the safety of her dear friend doubled with her current streak of luck. “If he gives you any trouble, oi! Look at me, mija!” She grabbed Y/N’s face, squishing her cheeks while making her look at her. “You tell me right away. I'll have his ass kicked out at full speed!” She snapped her fingers after relinquishing Y/N’s face. “You've been through enough between that bill, my dumbass cousin, and the sudden midnight order that broke the window. Let me help where I can.”
“Thanks, Cici, I will, I promise. He's just like any other awkward teen trying to get out of high school that would pay big money for a coffee IV drip and I'm going to treat him as such. If he pulls any funny business, you'll be the first to know.” Y/N gently squeezed one of Citlalli’s shoulders before returning her attention to complete the order and call out to him for pick up. 
The next few customers were of the usual variety, a majority of them ordering the sugar loaded ice blended drinks regardless of how cold some of the days have been. It was the technical orders with the highly detailed instructions that irked her. 
If they think this is so easy to do, why don't they just go home and make it themselves? If I ever find out who came to with this ridiculous and disgusting sounding flavor combo, I'll throttle ‘em! She shared frustrated looks with her fellow baristas. It was clear that this drink would be burning through some of their supplies quickly. 
When the fruity whipped up topping heavy blended drinks were completed, they were placed out for pick up by her coworker while Y/N went back to the register.
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Tim quietly watched his person of interest deal with the complex orders and demanding customers. The smile plastered on her face the entire time was an impressive feat. One obnoxious customer was one too many in his opinion, but there was nothing that he could do and he knew any retaliation on her end would lead to disciplinary actions against her. She was responsible, respectful, and resilient; but none of this information got him any closer to solving the mystery that was her. 
The customer is always right, like hell they are. He rolled his eyes at the passing thought. She’s smart, but is it enough to grab attention? What did she do with the ‘tip’ Dick gave her? Why did he think to give her that? What am I missing? He knows her, somehow. I need to figure out how. He finished the last of his order and stood up, tossing his trash and quietly leaving the establishment. He would need to observe her for longer and possibly try to gain some insight from the other customers and staff. 
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The daytime quickly became dark, the days slowly growing shorter as autumn progressed. The number of customers dwindled down as the evening hours struck. There were still a few lingering customers with their laptops, typing away. The loyalty customers occasionally came to the counter for the complimentary refill on regular coffee while the non-rewards customers ordered something different each time. Citlalli had gone home for the evening and soon it was simply Y/N and two other baristas as a few late night customers came in.
“Hello, what would you like to order?” Y/N smiled at the older woman. Much like all the other customers, she was well dressed and carried a designer bag. Her long sharp acrylics were clicking and tapping against every surface she touched as she looked through the large bag for something. Finding whatever it was, she kept her hand inside to hold whatever it was.
“Hi, I would like to order a medium iced mocha macchiato with almond milk and an extra shot of espresso. Have the mocha drizzle divided equally in the bottom and on top of the foam, with light ice. Add 3 pumps of caramel syrup, 2 pumps of toffee nut syrup, and a sprinkle of cinnamon on top. Serve it in a grande cup with a separate cup of ice on the side and a packet of sweetner.” She kindly smiled back after quickly running through the instructions. Any relief Y/N had felt froze up in her veins at the complex order that was thrown at her.
“I’m sorry, could you please repeat that a little slower? I want to make sure I have it down correctly.” The older woman pursed her lips and narrowed her eyes. “Thank you for your understanding in wanting to make sure your specific drink is made exactly as you ordered.” Y/N added for good measure. It seemed to do the trick as she nodded and slowly repeated the overly complicated order slower. Y/N read it back to her for verification before ringing out the order. “You can have a seat, we’ll call you when your order is ready, Susan. Thank you, again, for being a loyal customer.” She added, this was something their boss insisted they say to reward members. 
“Ah, ah, I’m not done just yet!” Susan pulled out her hidden hand which held one of their decorative cups. “I bought this from your store and last time I was here I couldn’t help bit notice the little shelf over here.” She pointed to her left.
“Ah, yes, that is our discount shelf. Anything on that shelf is 30 to 40% off.”
“Exactly, and this thermos is on that shelf. You can see it on the second shelf towards the left over there.” Y/N leaned over to rhe left a bit to get a better view from the register before nodding her head.
“Looks like it’s there, so yes, it’s on sale now. Did you want to buy another one?” She offered, though she was not entirely sure why Susan brought her thermos. “Oh, did you want your drink made in your cup?”
“No, well yes, but that’s not why I’m bringing this up.”
“No, you didn't want to buy or no, don't use the cup?” Y/N frowned, unsure which answer went to which question.
“No, I do not want to buy another one. Yes, put my drink in here. The reason I am talkimg about this is because I am upset. When I bought this thermos, I paid full price.” Y/N silently stared at Susan for a few seconds, unsure where this was even going as she took the cup and placed it with the ticket for use.
“Yes, because it was full price when you purchased it.’
“Do you see the issue here?”
“No, I do not. What is the issue?”
“Well, why is it on sale now?”
“We’re clearing out the overstock we have of those designs to make room for new designs.” She calmly explained.
“Ok, the problem is that I paid full price for a product that you’re get it rid of anyway.”
“Well, this sale started a week ago. This style thermos was brand new or one of the newer products when you bought it, so it was not on sale. If you bought this cup anytime prior to a week ago, you would have paid full price..”
“Exactly, you see how this is discriminatory, right?”
“Driscriminatory,” she repeated the word and watched Susan nodd her head excitedly. “How?”
“Yes, you can see how this is discriminating against customers, like myself, who bought this before the sale!” She eagerly explained.
“Uh, no, you just happened to buy it before it was put on sale. We don't have control over which tumbler or thermos will sell out or not. This particular design had a few items left, so they are now on sale.”
“Ok, here is the cup and here is my receipt.” Susan continued to push through, ignoring everything that Y/N was explaining to her. “I would greatly appreciate it if you gave me the difference of the discount in cash.” She held out the thermal sheet of paper. Y/N took the slip, checking the date to see if there was something that could be done. 
“Firstly, this was charged on a card. If I were to refund the difference, it would go back onto your card. That can't be done though, because you purchased this three months ago. This is proof that you did and are ineligible for a refund of the difference due to the current sale that has been placed three months after your purchase.” 
“And why not?!” Susan snapped as she became more and more irate as the conversation went on.
If you listened to a single word I’ve said thus far instead of soewing your tosic stupidity all over the place, maybe you’d already know the answer! “Because you bought it three months before the sale.”
“Young lady, this is completely unfair! If you were going to put it on sale, you should’ve never put it at full price! This is robbery! I am due proper compensation for such poor financial etiquette and discrimination!” Her voice grew shrill as she raised it. All Y/N wanted to do was slap a piece of tape over the brighgly colored lips of the annoying customer and chuck the troublesome cup out the door with her.
“The only thing I am allowed to do is offer you another one at the discounted price. I cannot do anything else.”
“This is the most horrid customer service I have ever had in my life! How can you just stand there and deny a loyal paying customer what they want?! Where is your manager, I demand to speak with them!”
“I am the acting manager at this time.”Lucky me-not! “Even if I weren’t, the manager would have said the very same thing.”
“All you little brats act as a manager when it’s conveninet to you! I swear, this generation is nothing but trouble, full of disrespect, and lying! I want to speak with the owner, Donavan, yes I do know him.” She smugly smirked.
“Mr. D is not in at this moment. He left for the evening two hours ago and will be back tomorrow. You’re welcomed to come back at that time and speak with him.” Y/N flatly answered.
“No, call him now.” she slammed her manicured hand onto the counter, scaring some of the other customers and the other barista. A throbbing pain started to grow at Y/N’s temples as she took a few moments to keep her cool and not risk her job with a harsh response.
“Why don’t you call him? Since you say you know him so well, call him. Let him know that you’re harrassing his employee for doing her job and following his rules implemented in his establishment.” A calm male voice called out from the end of the line. Everyone turned to find the owner, only to see a tall and strong looking biker with a helmet. He stepped forward others made room for him. Pulling off his helmet, Y/N’s jaw fell open from shock at seeing Jason standing there.
He rides a motorcycle?! Of course he does! Wait, that’s not important! He’s going to cause trouble if this crazy lady actually calls Mr. D! Before she could try to de-escelate the situation, Jason turned so his back was to the register as he looked down at the rowdy customer. Y/N watched Susan’s face go from angry red to a blush pink the moment she laid eyes on the handsome young man. Straightening up her posture and adjusting her clothing, she turned to face Jason.
“I know how this might look just walking in, but she has been quite insolent this entire time. I am merely trying to teach her her place.” Her voice was calmer, sweeter, thick like molasses kind of sweet over a honeyed tone.
“Not from what I’ve seen since you walked up here. Did you forget you nearly hit a biker with your car and cursed them out? Hi, that biker was me. Now, get your drink and sit quietly or leave, or you can call the owner and he can check the CC footage to see what happened. You pick,” he calmly repeated. Y/N was not able to see the look in his eyes, but she could tell from the way Susan’s face paled that he was very intimidating. She quickly gathered her things, snatching the receipt as she hurried away to wait for her drink.
“Thanks for the help. I’m sorry you had to step in like that.” The genuine smile of relief she gave him was a direct shot to his heart, and the vigilante was none the wiser why. It injected warmth into his veins and filled his chest with immeasurable pride.
“Don’t mention it, I told you, I save damsels in distress. You just happen to be in distress more often than most.” He smirked and winked at her, earning an eye roll in response. “I’ll have to insist you clock out for the rest of the day though. You look exhausted and after all of that, you deserve a free night at the least.”
“Go on, Y/N. I’ll handle her drink. We told Cici already and she said to just clock out for the shift. She’s on her way now.” A coworker nudged her towards the back. “Don't keep your boyfriend waiting!”
“Yeah, you've covered enough of our shifts, go have fun!” The other joined in, ushering her through the back doors without giving her a chance to explain that they were not together like that. All she could do was sigh in defeat as she headed to the staff room to clock out and grab her things. This was a misunderstanding that could easily be fixed next time.
Returning to the front of the store, she avoided lengthy eye contact with her coworkers who were clearly having too much fun with this turn of events. One kept wiggling their eyebrows while the other was a fit of giggles. “C’mon Wonder Boy, let's go.” She grabbed his arm and led him back out the doors.
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Tag: @vbecker10 @wordsfromshona @harlequin-hangout @harpy-space @tild3ath @gone-batty-fics @princessbl0ss0m @dakotali @antiquecultist
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