#couldn't have done it without the lads
princeofhags · 6 months
we've done it lads
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goldenstring6123 · 2 months
THIS IS SO CUTE PLS I CAN SO CLEARLY SEE THE LADS MEN DOING THIS 😭 and the comment section had me dying where is evb finding these MEN 😔🙏
Lnds: Sleepy time!
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Warning: No warnings, afab!reader, fem!reader
Authors note: Fluff (not a lot of it) and a bit of domestic stuff.
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It had been 30 minutes since you left the bedroom. Sylus was already well on his side of the mattress, reading the news while waiting for you to come back. He thought you were just up and about doing your normal routine of drinking herbal tea and doing skincare, but it was taking you far longer than usual.
He settled the tablet down on the nightstand and walked out of the bedroom. He searched for you in every room he passed by, and when he arrived at the guest bedroom at the end of the hall, there you were, perfectly tucked in under the unused duvet.
You were curled into a ball and too engrossed in the video you were watching; you didn't even notice the black fuzzy threads wrapping around your weird curled-up position. You lifted off from the bed, and when you came to, the view was of Sylus' back as you involuntarily made your way back to his bedroom.
"So you're not going to put me down?" you asked, paying attention to the video again. "Are manners not a thing anymore?"
The brooding man didn't spare you a glance. "I'm not open for discussion. You're supposed to sleep in my bedroom. Our bedroom."
"I just wanted a bed all to myself," you uttered. Here you were, planning what to watch and what to eat for the whole night, and this guy managed to foil it.
"I don't share the same sentiment, sweetie. You have the bed every time I'm overseas on a work trip. It's even infested with your colorful pillows," he opened the door to the bedroom and reeled you in, gesturing to your side of the bed which had vibrant pillows and bed 'pets,' as you like to refer to them.
"You really can't sleep without me, can you, Mr. Big guy? Afraid that someone's under the bed or something?"
"I'm more afraid that you're going to ravage my food pantry when you're not in my line of sight."
"The guest bedroom is nowhere near the pantry and I don't ravage it—I simply take a few snacks," you clarified. "Greg would be sad if the food spoils."
"Either way, you sleep in my bedroom or my couch, nowhere else, sweetie."
"Admit it: You like my company, don't you?" You gave him a cheeky grin.
"Yes, yes," Sylus agreed sarcastically, rolling his eyes. "You make a good meat shield when we get attacked in this bedroom."
"Oh wow. Reduced to a shield." You rolled your eyes in return and slipped under the covers. "That's Onychinus' leader for you."
"Right. Are you done now? I still have an early schedule for tomorrow."
"Alright, alright. I'm heading to bed now. You can sleep."
"Good. Now come here." Sylus opened his arms and you found yourself huddled right into it like it was the perfect mold. You shifted a bit and could feel his muscles relax against your back.
"Why did you feel the need to sleep in the guest room tonight?" Sylus asked under his breath.
"I was planning on reading comics all night. Tara recommended a new romance comic which I like, but knowing you, you'd probably take my phone away."
"Then it looks like I will be the bad guy tonight."
"Maybe. Until you fall asleep." You shrugged.
You hear the handcuffs being pulled out.
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3:02 AM, it says on the clock. You weren't on the bed. It was cold and it was proof that you never went on it, which was odd considering you told sleepy little Xavier that you were going to stay over. Poor little tired hunter was exhausted after a day's work and couldn't help but doze off while watching you do your little night ritual of moisturizing and doing a facemask.
Xavier sat on the side of the bed, letting out a big yawn. He didn't know where you were, but all he knew was that he didn't like being alone. From his palm, a faint whirlpool of light emanated, enough to guide him through his dark abode. His first thought was maybe you were watching in the living room. You weren't there. He then headed to the small bedroom right beside his, a spare one for guests, but it went unused when you both shared the same bed now.
He tried his best to quietly open the door. There he saw a little bump on the mattress and it made his heart squeeze; you were adorable and looked so small. Xavier tiptoed and folded the blanket away from you. He took a deep breath and lifted you up bridal style, pressing you against his chest.
"hm?…Xavier?" you slurred, vision dark and blurry.
"I'm moving you to our bedroom," he kissed the top of your head and continued his journey to the other room.
"You were sleeping," you paused, looking for the word. The drowsiness didn't seem to go away. "didn't want to…disturb you."
Xavier wanted to say something, but he and you both arrived at the side of the bed. He gently laid you down and placed a pillow between your limbs, which you automatically hugged. Xavier crawled to his side of the bed and yanked the cover over the both of you. Though you both weren't exactly touching, the little hunter's heart eased at your presence.
Gladly, he went back to sleep, hoping to maybe see you in his dreams.
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Zayne's house was far too quiet when he arrived. It was only 7 o'clock, and by then you'd usually be in the kitchen, peeking your head out with a ladle in hand. There was no "welcome back" nor a simple "hello," but what did he expect? You were mad at him.
It's a shallow fight, really. Zayne decided to put you on alcohol time-out and took your hidden beers that you were so ready to drink after a grueling day at work. Zayne's judgment was far better than yours because when you get drunk beyond mental capacity, you tend to make a mess of the house, and you turn into a rage-filled, feisty lady. Moreover, you'd been chain-drinking for the whole week, and Zayne was getting concerned because you kept having hangovers.
His hands twisted on the knob to the little library of his house, where he would always find you on nights like these. There you were, curled in the lazy boy sofa and turned away from him. You were awake, but you didn't want to look at your lover.
"I'm home," Zayne declared.
"Dinner's in the fridge. Heat it up," you responded and closed your eyes. Zayne's footsteps grew closer and closer to you, and you felt his palm land on your shoulder.
"Your back will hurt if you sleep in that position."
The sofa might look soft and admittedly it's pretty comfortable to sit on for a long period of time, but with the curled-up position you have, it was bound to hurt when you fall asleep.
"I'm perfectly fine," you replied.
"Don't be stubborn." Zayne decided to pick you up. You wanted to thrash and get out of his grasp, but then you would look childish.
"I don't want to be with you tonight."
Zayne kept his lips in a thin line. He's more than aware that you're saying that because you're mad, but still—It hurts to hear it from you.
Gently, Zayne settled you in the middle of the bed. "I'll sleep in the living room. Stay here," he whispered and tucked the blanket over your shoulders. It was dark in the bedroom, so you couldn't exactly see him. You rolled over to face away from your lover and patiently waited for him to leave.
1:34 AM. You couldn't sleep. A can of beer would do you some good, but your tongue wasn't craving the bitterness of it. Instead, your mind looped over to a few hours ago when you said something that you didn't mean. It was harsh now that you think about it.
Now Zayne is keeping his distance from you. The owner of the house is sleeping on the couch.
With two pillows and a blanket in hand, you made your way down the flight of mahogany stairs. The living room was in full view, and Zayne was fast asleep on the couch. You nudged the two ottomans to the space between the coffee table and the main sofa. Then you threw the pillows and spread the blanket wide, letting it flutter down while you made yourself fit on the ottoman chairs.
You left a few spaces between you and Zayne, one that was filled by the cold pillow.
2:46 AM. Zayne stirred awake and found a blanket draped over his body. Beside him was his supposedly angry lover, clutching the hem of his shirt. He stared up into the chandelier above and took the pillow that was bordering between them, used it as his own, and pulled you closer, nudging the blanket over both of you even more.
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He's standing by the doorway, tapping his foot while a plushie was tucked under his armpit. He was frowning, and you could even see it through the dark.
"What?" you asked, shining the phone his way.
"So you're going to leave me alone tonight? Is that how you're going to play?" He was mad-mad, but that's why you were confused.
"Hey, drama king—you were complaining earlier in the day about my bad sleeping habits—I'm giving you the bed now so you can be at ease, but now you're mad at me again. Do you want me to sleep on the floor of your bedroom or something?"
"Duh? Of course not. I'm just complaining because it's true, but I never said you should sleep in the guest room."
"Then are you going to be alright with my sleeping habits?"
"Then sleep alone."
An audible gasp could be seen on the expression of the Lemurian. He looked so offended with the end of the conversation, but you weren't having it, so you plopped back onto the bed and hid under the covers, hoping that he'd go away.
The moment you peeked back out, you were rapidly crushed under heavy weight, making you sink to the bottom of the bed. Rafayel lay spread out on top of you, keeping you in your position and crushing you underneath him.
"Get off me! You're heavy!" You struggled underneath the blanket, nudging him and kicking him, but he pretended to be a dead body floating in the water. Rafayel kept still; if verbal convincing won't work, then he'll have to make you change your mind.
"Fine! Fine! I'll sleep with you!" you screamed. He rolled to the side, propped his elbows up, and rested his head on his palm. You just wanted to rub that triumphant grin off his face. He happily scooted underneath the blankets and hogged your side of the bed, wrapping his hand around you and shutting his eyes.
You didn't want to make a big deal of it further and decided to head to bed as well.
You were stirred awake by a strain in your neck. The lids of your eyes lifted at the electrifying pain that traveled to your head. You squinted, barely able to process the faint blue outside the window. Your body was spread out again, and nearby you could see Rafayel making use of the awkward space he was left with.
Guilt washed over your tired body.
Without much thought left, you held onto two pillows and let your body slip down to the carpeted floor. You hugged the pillow and placed another one under your head, liking the furry texture that brushed the side of your bare arms and legs. You closed your eyes again and let the tiredness wash over you.
It was cold for a summer morning. A large yawn escaped your lips and you patiently waited for your eyes to focus, and when they did, your eyes widened immediately at the beautiful sight of a sleeping Lemurian. Rafayel, too, was now on the floor, using his own arm as a pillow.
You tapped on his shoulder, and he just pulled you down back to the floor. "Five more minutes," he groaned, burying his face in your collar. Luckily, it was a Saturday, and you didn't have to go to work. You could indulge him in the meantime.
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Author's footnotes: lol the tiktok was very cute, something that you'd see in a rom-com enemies to lovers sort of romance story. It would be a pretty redundant snippet if every situation is the same for the love interest so I took the liberty of changing things a bit.
Layout by me, using Canva Premium | Do not repost
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dont-offend-the-bees · 3 months
The Scenic Route
More dead boys! Post-canon, Payneland, pre-slash/getting together-ish, bestieism, bickering, sex talk/innuendo and soppiness. 2k. Enjoy!
Also on Ao3 (need to be signed in to read)
"Cheer up, Edwin," said Charles, brightly. "Might never happen."
Edwin gave Charles a look so haughty it had its own title. "It very much has happened, Charles." He sniffed and straightened out his newspaper with attitude, the rustle of it loud and sharp as a whip crack. "I don't see why we couldn't have simply hopped through the mirror and met Crystal there."
"At this point, Edwin, I'm in total fucking agreement," said Crystal, not opening her eyes. She was burrowed under her coat like a blanket, doing her best to make the uncomfortable upright seat look like a cosy bed. Fortunately this train car was basically empty, so she had space to stretch across two seats – and no one close by to comment on the floating newspaper across the table and the fact she was having a barney with it. "You're like, the worst person to travel with."
"He's just not used to taking the scenic route," Charles joked, nudging Edwin's shoulder. "Whole world out there if you look up from the crossword, mate."
"I've already finished the crossword," said Edwin.
"With my help," Crystal pointed out.
"I died in nineteen sixteen. How am I supposed to know which songstress recorded 'Strike Me Once More'?"
"’Hit Me Baby One More Time’," said Charles.
"Atrocious name for a song," Edwin muttered. "I was given to believe violence against women was frowned upon in this day and age. And yet here you are, making popular songs about it."
"It's a metaphor, innit?" said Charles. His brow furrowed. "I think. Haven't heard it."
"We get it. You're both old ," Crystal groaned. "Now shut up, I'm trying to sleep. Some of us still need to do that."
"You would've had more luck in my day," said Edwin, wrinkling his nose in distaste at their surroundings. "Decent benches, private compartments. Of course, travelling without a chaperone might’ve raised issues. I hardly think Charles and I count, given that no one but you can see us."
"And we're lads." Charles winked at her. "Fit, single lads."
Edwin gave him a withering look over his paper. "Yes, that as well." He flipped through to the personal ads, voice dry as a bone. "Lord only knows what tomfoolery we could be getting up to without supervision."
"No offense, Edwin," said Crystal. "But I don't see you and me getting up to 'tomfoolery' no matter what century we're in."
"Hm. Something else we can agree on."
"Well, I'm game," Charles grinned, folding his arms on the table and waggling his eyebrows. "Never done tomfoolery on a train before."
Crystal snorted. "Don't. Not fun. And don't ask me how I know that,” she said, cutting Charles off sharpish before he could quiz her. “Anyway, without Edwin's fancy private compartments your options are the bathroom or risk a sneaky handjob in your seat."
Edwin perked up. "There's that word again. Charles, you never did tell me what it means."
Charles winced. "Didn't I? Um. Right. Basically, yeah, it's when you..." 
"If you're gonna sit here giving grandpa a sex ed class, I am definitely getting up for coffee," Crystal muttered, throwing her coat aside and levering out of her seat. 
"Sure you don't wanna weigh in?" Charles called after her. He fully expected the middle finger she flipped him before stomping off down the aisle.
"So," said Edwin primly, newspaper set down in exhange for his notebook. He was poised and at the ready with his pen in two seconds flat. "Handjobs."
Charles squirmed. "It's not exactly arcane knowledge, mate," he said, struggling to look Edwin in the eye. "It's when you..." he made a strangled noise, and a descriptive hand gesture. "Y'know. For another bloke."
Edwin watched his hand, and realisation dawned. "Ah,"  he said, slowly tucking his book and pen away. "Indeed." He sniffed. "Crude name."
"Well, what would you call it?"
"Well. I haven't an equivalent term for the act as... bequeathed to another, so to speak.”
Charles bit his lip, holding back a grin. Who the fuck else in his life would use bequeathed in normal conversation? In a sex conversation? He crossed his arms before he could do something stupidly soppy and fond, like drop his head onto Edwin's shoulder and ask him to list his favourite words.
Edwin carried right on, oblivious to Charles' little moment. “But my father would've referred to the solo variation as ‘self-abuse’."
Charles snorted. "'Course he would."
"Yes, it was... a different time." He picked up his newspaper with an air of rigid discomfort. "People are certainly much more liberal in that regard nowadays."
"Yeah. Nowadays." Charles watched him closely. He'd always been a buttoned-up sort of chap, but. Since all that stuff in Port Townsend, with Monty and that bloody Cat King he'd... opened up, sort of. Wasn't going out snogging people or reading dirty mags in the office or anything, 'least not as far as Charles knew. But there was a curiosity in him, now. Something in those keen eyes that sparked up, latched onto certain things. All still wrapped up in good old fashioned Edwardian manners, of course, but Charles knew Edwin like the back of his hand – and he knew what his face did when he was interested in something. Just so happened what he'd been interested in lately was, well. Blokes. Some more than others. "You never try it then?" Charles teased. "The old, uh. Self-abuse?"
Edwin couldn't exactly, literally blush on account of being dead, but Charles could spot the signs. "Privacy was hard to come by," he said, carefully measured.
Charles raised his eyebrow. "But not impossible?"
"...No. No, not impossible." He cleared his throat. "Perhaps we should change the subject. Crystal will be returning shortly. Impolite to discuss it in mixed company."
Charles chuckled and sank back in his seat, casting his eyes out the window. The countryside rolled by, arid and golden. "Never been to France before."
"I suppose we haven't had any cases lead us here," said Edwin. "Nor have we had the need to travel through it," he added, voice clipped and curt. "Up until recently , that is."
"Got a right bee in your bonnet about the bloody travelling, haven't you?" said Charles. "C'mon, mate. Not like you and me are short of time, innit? Got all eternity to sit on bloody trains if we want to."
"I can think of better things to do with our time."
"Well – think of Crystal, yeah?" Charles reasoned. "I mean, she's alive. She's got what, eighty years or something left to be alive. How d’you think she feels 'bout having to spend half of it on public fucking transport?"
Edwin sighed. "Being alive was rather inefficient, in retrospect."
"I'm just saying... don't hurt to keep her company, eh?" He offered his best winning smile – and he had a good winning smile. “She's one of us, in't she?
Edwin rolled his eyes, but for once he didn't argue – Charles had him, and he knew it. "I'll... endeavour to be lenient," he offered.
"That's right big of you,” said Charles. He let their knees knock under the table. "Don't worry, not saying you have to be nice or anything. Just give the grumbling a rest for a bit, yeah?"
Edwin smirked. "Very wise of you to manage your expectations. 'Nice' is not a particular specialty of mine."
"I know." Charles grinned. "That's alright. I like it when you're a rude prick."
Edwin looked at him, and the hard lines of his face softened some. "Yes, you do seem to," he said; light, fond . "An ailment for which I fear there's no cure."
Charles ducked his head, smiling something daft. "We should do France properly sometime,” he said. “Go to Paris. Bet there's a load of old bookshops and that in Paris.”
Edwin brightened, with a little happy hum. "Capital idea, Charles. I haven't had reason to practice my French in some years." Then he sighed, proper dramatic. "Though I suppose we'll be taking the train again."
"Depends on if Crystal wants to come."
"Why wouldn't she?" Some of the stiffness had returned to Edwin's shoulders, but he was doing an alright job of hiding it. Anyone who wasn't Charles might not've noticed at all. "I daresay you two will want to take in the romantic sights while I peruse the booksellers."
Charles chuckled. 
Edwin flashed him an annoyed look. "It's a fair assumption."
"Yeah, well, we're not exactly like that."
"Is that so?"
Charles shrugged. "Had a bit of fun, but. She's still figuring some stuff out. Not looking for anything serious."
Edwin hummed, tightly, eyes fixed on the newspaper. 
Charles swallowed the lump of anxiety in his throat, and flicked the corner of the paper to get his attention. "Besides: had some stuff to figure out myself, too, haven't I?"
Edwin froze, the paper rustling in his hands as his fingers tightened on it. "Oh." He glanced furtively to Charles, while obviously trying not to look furtive. For a detective, he was a right crap actor, sometimes. "Yes. How is that... progressing?"
Charles rolled his neck, tilting his face in Edwin's direction. Edwin looked right strange, perched all prim and proper on the polyester train seat with its bowling alley fabric pattern. Charles could almost squint and see through time, to how he would've looked on a train in the nineteen hundreds; surrounded by wood panels and velvet, by family who wouldn't touch him unless it was to fix his hair, straighten his bowtie. He looked out of place here – but he was right next to Charles, so actually, he was exactly where he ought to be. And the afternoon sun on the yellow fields looked dead pretty scattered across his cheekbones and his nose and that neat, handsome sweep of dark hair from his temple.
Yeah. Charles was figuring a thing or two out, alright.
He looked away and fidgeted, trying to shut his eyes and settle back in his seat in a way that looked relaxed, unbothered – and not like he was trying to avoid looking too closely at his best mate's lips or his eyes or his long, clever fingers. "Let's make it just a you and me thing," he said. "Paris, I mean."
There was a moment of quiet, then the sound of Edwin's newspaper coming to rest on the plastic table. "...Yes. Yes, I'd like that."
Charles smiled, and let the rhythmic motion of the train roll over him – if he had a heart, it'd be thumping in time to the clickety-clack on the tracks. He couldn't sleep, not even in the dark behind his eyelids, but he could daydream. Imagine that he could feel the sun on his face, the vibration at his back.
And while he was at it, he could reach out, just a little, and hook his pinky finger through Edwin's. Just 'cause.
A very, very small laugh escaped Edwin – almost like a runaway gasp. "I suppose," he said, mildly. "The scenic route has its charms."
Soon, the thud of Crystal's boots rejoined them, along with Crystal herself. Charles didn't even need to open his eyes, so he didn't bother.
“Charles,” Crystal greeted – and then, curtly: “Edwin.”
“Crystal.” Edwin replied, with matching coolness. But the ice soon broke on an audible, weary sigh. “Truce?” he offered.
She took a loud, long, deliberate swig of coffee before answering. Her and Edwin were peas in a dramatic, petty little pod, much as neither of them wanted to admit it. “...Truce.”
Edwin cleared his throat. “Yes. Very good.” Then, after a moment: “Thank you for your patience.”
The sounds of Crystal getting resettled stopped abruptly. Charles opened his eyes and found her half in her seat, hand and coffee cup on the table, staring at Edwin like he'd grown an extra head.
"So you're in, like… a good mood, now?” she said. “That was almost an apology. What'd I miss?”
Charles glanced sideways. Edwin had his face angled to the window – and a small, soft smile barely tugging at the corners of his mouth.
"Oh," said Edwin lightly. His finger twitched around Charles’, just a little. Almost a squeeze. "Nothing of import."
Charles fought – and failed – to suppress a grin.
Crystal looked between them. "Charles. You didn't like..." She made the same crude handjob gesture he'd done earlier. "Give him a demonstration ...?"
Edwin squawked in indignation, Charles burst into surprised, sheepish laughter; and the golden fields outside the window gave way to row upon endless row of lavender and grapevine as Provence rolled alongside them, painting the plodding hours in green and purple.
And Edwin only complained about it ten, maybe eleven more times. New record, that!
Hope you liked it! Consider dropping us a comment or a reblog if you did 😊
Wrote this in part to distract myself from a horrifically busy train ride, in part as wish fulfilment while daydreaming about a world where the British public transit system isn't in shambles and I can get on a cross country train that isn't cancelled and sit in my pre-reserved seat as planned. Written and posted on my phone so apologies if that's reflected in the form and formatting!
Til next time!
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eitaababe · 2 years
— chapter 20. not him.
a/n — it's a fun one buckle up lads
series masterlist. | previous / next
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written portion below. —
you were pretty sure you were on the brink of insanity.
knowing the conversation that awaited with the male sitting just across the classroom from you made you jitter in your seat, kiri having to calm you down and force you to focus every ten minutes or so.
from the looks on his face, you were almost positive ao'nung knew what was to come, and you hated yourself for it. he was perfect on paper, and always someone you could rely on.
so how could you have it in you to break his heart?
because someway, somehow, neteyam made you feel complete. you couldn't imagine yourself without him, even if you both had your faults. you pushed the guilt aside for just a moment, letting yourself forget what you had to do.
until your professor wrapped up the lecture.
you glanced over at ao'nung, the two of you sharing a nod, and with an exhale, grabbed your things and headed towards the door, waiting for students to file out.
you picked your head up to match the familiar voice, sending a smile that didn't quite reach your eyes.
"you wanted to talk?"
"i'm sorry," you started out, and ao'nung nodded, and you assumed he already knew. "i'm so sorry— i didn't- eywa i didn't mean for any of it to go this way. i just can't-"
"you can't control how you feel, i get it," he kissed his teeth, looking down at his shoe laces. "it's always been neteyam for you. part of me always knew that. i was just kinda hoping i was wrong. and i know i was out of line when i tried to keep it from you, i should've never done that."
"i shouldn't have blown up on you," you sympathized, heart squeezing when you noticed the soft glaze in his eyes. "but i meant everything i said, when i was with you. i meant everything, and if i could've changed anything to not rope you into this mess i swear i would. i just don't want you to hate me." you finished quietly, hoping he would meet your eye.
"i could never hate you," he smiled sadly, "but i'm gonna be honest— i'm hurt. and i can't talk to you knowing we'll only ever be friends."
you nodded in disappointment, knowing he was right. "i get it," you bit the inside of your cheek, unsure of what to say. "if it means anything— i'm sorry. again. and i'm here if you ever need to reach out and need somebody."
"thank you," he shot a grateful look your way, bringing you into an embrace. "and it means everything, y/n." he held you for a moment probably too long, shutting his eyes and pretending that maybe, for just a moment, you were his.
"i'll see you around?" you spoke, squeezing his hand reassuringly when he nodded.
you turned away, walking further and further away from ao'nung, missing the way he stood still, missing your warm embrace.
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─── neteyam !
it had been about a week since neteyam's met up with you, and he swear he's going to lose his mind if he has to wait any longer.
and yes, he knows, it was originally his idea to wait and give you time before getting back into another relationship with him, but he's really starting to think how much he took holding you for granted. it didn't help you were busy the past few days, out applying for some jobs, so you two didn't have your daily breakfast trips together.
so he opted for a cup of coffee on his day off, figuring he could get ahead on some of his work rather than procrastinating (probably with you) later on.
with a hot cup of coffee on his left and a notebook on his right, alongside with a computer screen in front of him, neteyam was finally able to buckle down, feeling contempt for the first time in the past few days.
it didn't last for long, when a familiar blonde caught his eye.
attempting to avert his gaze, neteyam practically buried his head in the computer, forcing himself to focus on the task at hand and somehow avoid violet all at once. the plan wasn't foolproof, clearly, as she spotted him almost immediately and invited herself over where she clearly wasn't welcome.
he winced at the sound of his nickname, it felt almost forbidden not falling from your lips, and your lips only.
"hey, violet."
"i've been texting you, have you been getting them?"
"can't say i have." he lied, not wanting to have another cafe fiasco with the girl.
"that's so weird," she huffed, taking out her phone. "maybe i could just get your number then? so that we don't have any more cross ups."
"violet, look—"
"neteyam," she cut him off, sitting across the table from him and grasping his hands, missing the way he went stiff at her touch. "i know things might have been a little rocky lately, but all couples go through things like this and..."
whatever violet was going on about was lost on him, and time seemed to pause when he saw you, walking through the cafe. you looked like an angel, the sunlight kissing your face and highlighting your features, a smiling gracing you as well.
a smile that quickly faded at the sight of him.
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— y/n and lo'ak are planning to apply as baristas at the cafe so when they saw neteyam's post they were going to surprise him there
— violet's starting to suspect neteyam and y/n have something going on so she went to the cafe to talk to neteyam about what they were
— lo'ak saw what was happening inside the cafe and tried to stall y/n before she could walk in the cafe
taglist #1 / closed ! @n7ytiri @ilovejakesullysdick @possysblog @love-chx @evphology @afro-hispwriter @ydsm-29 @goldeneywa @doulcha @krazy-kattzz @squid4 @blairrrrrr @neteyamforlife @dreamtogether2000 @444lyra @ambria @cawi00 @calums-betch @powowowy @fadingpalacebonkpsychic @elegantkidfansoul @kolsmikaelson @mirikusashes @yukichan67 @goodiesinthecloset21 @netemoon @teyums @littlethingsinlife @coconut-dreamz @anm3mi @jjkclub @il0veheartz @liyahsocorro @drugs-for-memes @zendayaswrld101 @grierpilots @misscaller06 @lightskinloak @mommyneytiri @inluvwithneteyam @halibanana @iheartamajiki @ipoopedmypants47 @neigesprincess @lookiiheh @ghostjoohoney @ronalsgirl @alwayswndr @khaleesi56 @azaleaniath
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gadriezmannsgirl · 1 year
Hi can u do one where reader childhood bsf comes over by surprise when the team and wags (w readers &gavis fam) are over at readers house in there big yard they having a get together and him and his family were invited to stay and he keeps making remarks and saying things about there childhood memories and his sister says “I really wanted you as my sister in law”wich made everyone mad like gavis family and friends and his mom said “maybe I can stil have y as my daughter-in-law and that caused everyone to get even more mad bec everyone loves them together and they don’t want anything to happen to them and can we have a jealous gavi?
I programmed this with the hour-posting thing, hope it works!
Kinda loved this request, I mean... The audacity of the mom saying "Maybe I can still have you as my daughter-in-law" makes me think of Belén going all crazy and defensive like: "Hell no, she's mine!"
Audacity -P.G
Summary: When you get hints of love confessions in front of your boyfriend made by your best friend, you gotta step up and make things clear.
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You were having the greatest time ever with your family, your boyfriend's family, a few of his friends and teammates like Pedri, Ansu, Alejandro, Ronald, Kessié, Ferrán, Eric, Robert and his girlfriends/wives were here doing a parrilla, most of them still over the moon with their LaLiga title, taking advantage of the fact that the Páez Gavira family was also here and fourth members complete you decided to do another little celebration.
A few of the lads like Busi, Alonso, Ousmane and Frenkie couldn't come because of personal stuffs but the rest of them said "I'm in".
You laughed when Pedri was telling an story when the bell rang, confused you thought it was one of the guys but everyone was already there so deciding to not interrupt everyone else you went to open the door.
When you did so, you didn't expected for your best friend to be behind it, especially since he left for Portugal to study and you had four years and half without seeing each other but still talked, not frequently as you used to do but still.
You were surprised? Yes, in both good and bad ways. You missed him? Yes, this guy has been your best friend since you were eight years old. You were mad? Yes too, you already have plans going on and he just can't appear himself like nothing. Also, how did he knew the direction of your shared house with your two years boyfriend, Pablo? And most important... How was he let in if you lived in a residential condominium?
"Hola" You said tight smiling still not processing everything
"Do I not get a hug or you already changed me?" You laughed lightly shaking your head but still decided to hug him
"I'm surprised, it's all" Your voice came out muffled by his clothes
"Gonna let me come in?" Your eyebrows lifted at his request. This wasn't like him. Where was left the sweet and shy guy that you always had to protect from people?
"Portugal has changed you, hasn't it?" You asked still not letting him in but in fact leaned at the door
"For the best" You nod taking him in
"Thought you hated tattoos?" You asked watching one on his bicep
"This one is meaningful" You hum nodding
"What does it mean?"
"The skateboard is me and the sunflower is you. You've always liked sunflowers and I remember that time where you putted a sunflower in the skateboard and I pushed it" You laugh at the memory lightly
"It fell off the hill" You said still giggling making Josué laugh too
"It did"
"You shouldn't have done that though. You could've done something else, there's like a million significative things to do" You shook your head
"Well... I missed you and I wanted to have this memory of you" You smile lightly
"Well thank you" You nod "Don't expect me to do me one though"
"Only if you want" You shook your head
"Not in the mood for one of those" You reply lightly as he laughs
"The new house is pretty... And really big. All for yourself?" You nod "When did you left your parents house?"
"Like sixth-seventh months ago"
"You didn't told me" You shrug your shoulders
"I guess I forgot to" You look at him "Sorry for that" He shakes his head not really paying attention to it "What are you doing here by the way?"
"You don't want me to?"
You laughed "I told you I'm surprised" You removed yourself from the door "Short vacations? Long vacations?"
"Short vacations" You hum nodding "Uni's been hard so I took the first chance I got to come back here for a week"
"I'm glad for you" You said smiling
"Are you busy?" You nod
"I am actually"
"What are you doing?"
"I'm in a... celebration? get-together? both?" You ask laughing lightly "So yes... You can come back tomorrow and I can help you with anything, we can catch up too" You propose excited
"I'm leaving tomorrow to Madrid to see my mom's family side"
"Ah! What a shame" You say when all of sudden you heard a woman's yell
"Y/N!" You look behind Josué's shoulders and see his mom and his older sister making their way towards you
"You brought your family?"
"I really thought you were doing nothing, like old times where you only did school things"
"Yeah well... Old times" You fake laughed, not liking his comment "I'm busy, Josué"
"Please, just a few minutes then we'll be out of your hair" You sigh opening the door for him to come in
"Fine" He fistbumps the air "Only because of your family because if not I would have made your ass get back" He laughed as you hug his family, also not seeing them for the same amount of time as your best friend
"We missed you so much!" You smile
"I have missed you too, señora Ana"
"None of señora, just Ana" You laugh closing the door
"I'm loving your house, girlie" Josué's sister, Bárbara said "Can I stay over?"
"Maybe not today" You laugh "Make yourselves at home" You say going to the kitchen to settle the five of you there for a while.
A few minutes have passed, you were chatting with them when your mom comes inside asking for you and gasps when she sees her friend, Ana. You fought the need of rolling your eyes, this wasn't supposed to happen.
You loved them but you were pissed at the fact they just showed up like I'm here, if you haven't seen me and done, no. It didn't worked it that way, you were busy and they didn't respected that.
Now, your mom was talking with them all excited and invited them to stay for a little while and you wanted to yell at her no but two things happen. One, you never raised your voice at her. Two, it would be seem in a bad way that you don't want them here.
And you don't. Right now, you don't.
Seconds later, Pablo came in worry written on his face "Amor, is everything okay?" He asked and when he saw you his worry left but then confussion took over his pretty face watching the four unknown people to him in his house "Sorry" He apologized
You walked towards him, grabbing both of his hands "Everything's good, mi vida. Don't worry"
"And who are they?"
You sigh "He's my whole life-best friend, the one I told you about that's living in Portugal now" You said looking at Pablo "He's Josué Salvador" You introduce your best friend "His sister, Bárbara Salvador" You point out the girl "And his mom Ana" Pablo nodded "Señores, this is my boyfriend Pablo Páez" You smile
A few "Nice to meet you's" were heard in the exchange
"They decided to give me a little surprise visit, considering we've not seen each other for four years" You added smiling
"Que lindo de su parte" (How nice of them) Pablo said looking at you as you tried to apologize with your look
"But Y/N told us you guys were a bit busy so we might as well go now" Josué said as Ana lamented
"Already?" You smiled painfully at her
"I'm sorry, I asked him to come tomorrow but he said you'll be off to Madrid to see your family. You grabbed me by surprised, we had already done plans" You felt Pablo's arm go around your waist as you lean into him
"They can stay for a while" Pablo blurted out as everyone look at him
"You sure?" Bárbara asks impressed
"You sure?" You ask not believing him and at the same time giving him a look "I mean... You sure?" You changed your tone
"We wouldn't like to step in and-" Pablo cut them off
"You can join us for a while if you'd like. You haven't seen Y/N for four years and it was a nice gesture of you to surprise her, a few minutes more won't hurt anybody" You gave him another look and he just brushed it off
Fun thing he had said that.
One hour later he was clenching his jaw over and over again, he was with his eyebrows furrowed and he only heard the "Do you remember when we..." words over and over again. It wasn't fun anymore. Everyone and even you, kept trying on taking the lead of the conversation to another place, change the subject, but everything you said he always managed to bring it back with a: "That reminds me of..."
Every single one of you were tired of hearing those stuffs. Pablo was retracting his words and he now understood your looks.
"You know" Bárbara spoke "I really wanted you both to be together as a couple and for you to be my sister-in-law" Now, everyone opened their eyes wide as possible as you coughed the drink you had taken and Pablo sat up straight in his seat, pulling you more into him. You put your hand on his thigh
You could see the looks of disbelief, anger and annoyance of everyone
"Really? I didn't know that" You tried to play it off "Sorry to say that won't happen. I've never seen Josué in that way and I don't think I ever will, I already got my boyfriend"
"We thought it was obvious Josué was in love with you" His mom said
"He almost didn't took up on the scholarship for you" Bárbara continued
"Glad he did, wouldn't wanna be a dream crusher" You replied quickly as they got quiet for a bit
"Also, she already has a sister-in-law" Pedri says nodding as Aurora smiles pointing at herself
"The best one" You go to high five her but miss it causing you to laugh
"But you can still be" Ana said "You know, maybe you can become my daughter-in-law and Bárbará's sister"
"Maybe you can go and look for another one" Belén said laughing lightly trying to light up the mood "This one's mine" She grabbed your shoulders and kissed your cheek as you grab her hands and kiss her cheek smiling
"We saw her first" Bárbara said
"She's not an object" Alejandro says shaking his head
"She can choose who her in-law's will be" Ana, Robert's wife said as you nod
"And those are the Páez Gavira family" You said immediately, happy that your friends got your back
"Yes for now... Maybe in the future who knows?" Ana said smiling
"I don't think so, señora" Pablo said "I intend on spending the rest of my life next to Y/N as her boyfriend, in a future her fiancé and then her husband. You can add into the mix the dad of her children, I'm not letting her go, she's the love of my life" You smile grabbing his hand
"It's disrespectful of you to come here and say those kind of stuffs" Araujo's wife, Abigail said "And mostly when we all love Y/N and Pablo together, they are it for each other"
"Yes, it truly is" Your mom said nodding "This is a family get together too, we don't really appreaciate these kind of vibes here and mostly when we are celebrating something really important for all of us. I'm not letting you enter my daughter's and my son-in-law's house and sit there talking trash, I'm sorry to be the one who says this but I think it's the best if you leave"
"Walk us out?" Ana asked you, your mom stood up without problem and opened the door that gave access inside your house.
"Are you really gonna let this happen?" You shrug your shoulders as you see Josué turn around at the door, you sigh lightly
"Hey, I wasn't the one who started saying stuff that I wasn't supposed to say, I have a boyfriend and for your sister to say something like that in front of our faces, bro... She has THE balls" You shook your head "We've changed, Josué. Our friendship isn't the same it used to be as when we were fourteen and much less when we were eight. I'm not the same and you're not the same" You look at his tattoo "I'm sorry I never knew you were in love with me and I'm sorry I don't see you in that kind of way, I'm happy with my boyfriend, I'm in love with him and I want the rest of my future with him. That little stunt your mom and sister did was awful and childlish"
"Your life is in Portugal now, mine is still here in Barcelona. With this amazing people" You mention all around you "We can remember the good times because you're still my best friend the one who supported me through everything and you will always be. But I don't think I can forgive this, your family didn't just insulted me, they insulted my boyfriend, his family, my family and our friends, that crossed a line. I hope you get the best girl ever because you are an incredible boy and wish you the best" You smile pushing your fist out for him to hit it
"Sorry for everything" He said pushing his fist with yours "Lamento mucho todo esto, gente" (I'm sorry for all of this, people)
"Try not to do it often" Pablo said behind you as everyone laughed lightly
And with that Josué left and a big silence was formed in between you.
"Okay... We know you're guapa, Y/N" Pedri said smiling "We just didn't know you had that kind of power, attracting not only the men but their families as well" You laughed loudly
"La señora Belén fighting for her yerna" Robert said making you laugh as Belén kissed your hair
"I was just protecting one of the family members" She said as you smile at her
"I didn't liked her from the beggining" Aurora said shaking her head as your mom returned
"We could see it when Bárbara mistaked the Gucci belt" Ferrán said still making the laughs return but Pablo stood up, excused himself for a moment and left.
You sighed, excusing yourself too and left after him.
"Pabs" You said jogging upstairs into your shared bedroom "Pabs" You called out for him "Amor" You watch him sit on the edge of your side of the bed, hands on his head as his elbows rested on his knees "Talk to me?"
"I'm just impressed by the audacity of that people" He said shaking his head in disbelief "They just passed over me like as if I was nothing. I felt fucking small"
"Even I did. I was so uncomfortable, I didn't even wanted them to come in. Not everyone can appear as if nothing, I only let them in so I could talk with them for a few minutes but everything went out of hand. And you were just being nice when you let them stay... But I gave you your place, I let them know I'm not changing you and the lads helped too"
"I know" Pablo nodded looking at you "I'm just shocked"
"And jealous?" You hinted as he gave you a look but sighed
"He shared so many things with you, mi vida! It is a bit impossible to not get jealous, I think he knows you even better than I do"
"Stop that. He doesn't. You know me, the present me and you will know the future me. He knows the past me and like I said, I changed. He knows my favorite fruit at twelve was strawberry but you know now that, that's not true..."
"Because you love watermelon" You nod
"I love watermelon" You agree "See? There's a whole stuff he knew about my twelve year old me but you know them better. Don't be jealous because yes, he may have been my best friend, but you're my best friend now, you're my partner in crime, you're my rock, the shoulder I lay and cry on, the ying to my yang, the love of my life, my boyfriend and my everything. Stop that and focus on the important things, your career, your life, your family, us" Pablo smiled
"You're right... Just like always" You smiled giggling and leaned up to grah his face and kiss his lips "Love you" He said as you blush
"Y yo te quiero mucho más" You replied standing up "C'mon, let's tell everyone the party's cut short so we can cuddle. I know you want that and I also want that"
"You truly are it for me, you know me so well" He hugged you from behind kissing your neck as you both laughed
"What can I say? I'm whipped for my man"
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Taglist: @gaviypedrisbride @stuckinaf4nfiction @elijahslover @azzpenswrld
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delta-06 · 1 month
Small Soap blurb. @cultnix
You were at the edge of the boxing ring inside the now empty gim. It was quiet, you liked it as you didn't have to listen to all that unnecessary and lively chatter, your ears could finally rest. You were wearing only shorts given the fact that it was really hot and the fans couldn't keep up with the warm ambient.
You looked down and saw your covered hands before getting up and beginning to punch the air in some repetitive schemes. Your mind was empty as it was taken back to Las Almas, you visualized Shadow 0-1 in front of you Ghost, Soap and Alejandro and then nothing. You punched the air again, this time with more aggression as you wanted to best the shit out of the commander. You saw Soap get hit with bullets before falling down the hill's crest into the darkness of the trees.
"Fucking hell" you yelled as you punched a direct hit that made you loose balance and fall head first into the hard black cover. You stayed there, not moving, facing the wall.
You were in the filthy cell with Alejandro who was cursing everything and everyone in spanish, while he was shouting angrily at the camera, you were sitting down looking at your blood stained hands with only two thoughts: was Johnny ok? Was Ghost going to save him? You didn't know.
Well now it was unnecessary as you were shaken awake by that stupid gaelic accent he had
"Lad? You good there? Broken?" he tilted his head to the side in a mocking tone as he was taking in the sight of a miserable *your rank* in front of him. You eyed him and then sat.
"Negative" "Good, what's wrong?" "Nothing" the silence fell again as you eyed him, well, his arms and half exposed pecks. He always managed to set yourself off, you didn't know how but you didn't mind it for the most part. Why? Simply because you loved him enough to tollerate his constant yapping.
"That shit's revealing John-" you pointed out "ouch, going for names love?" he hopped on the ring as he patted your shoulder "come on, I wanna fight-! Need to blow off some steam"
You got up and faced him directly in his eyes "fine" you punched his left side and he did too, in less than a minute it looked like two lions were fighting with the mowhack one coming victorius.
To mock you he sat on your back with his legs parted at each side and leaned in to wisper in your ears "I won this time" he smuggly grinned. "Only because I was exausted" "excuses dude, only excuses" he smirked.
you two remained like that before you turned yourself around and saw the dawn lights peaking shily from the closed windows, they hit directly Johnny's right side of his face making his light blue eyes turn even paler and his scar more visible.
He was still on you looking at you with a questioning expression. You looked away and then propped yourself up on your elbows and reached a hand to him, he hesitaded and went down and leaned to your touch as he felt your hand between the wet strands of his mowhack.
"Thought I lost ya there...in Las Almas" you sounded hurt but relieved he was in front of you, breathing and living.
"Takes a lot more than that to kill me" he smiled softly as he went down to put his hand on either side of your head. He scratched your cheeks feeling the low stubble growing as well as some old healed cuts and bruises.
"I know" you kissed one of his hands "I don't know what I would've done...you know, without your constant yapping" he laughed as he kissed your cheek, earning a hug.
"Price offered us a night at a quiet bar, says he and Laswell have bad news for us" "Regarding who?" you sighed "I don't know, but ut doesn't look very well"
"Either way...we are going to make it out alive right?" "Of course!" you snickered at that watching his smiling expression before diving in into a very welcomed kiss.
(Requests open, I need ideas bleh ) Read me
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harrysmimi · 2 years
Little Lad
Synopsis: One where Harry has to take care of his baby on his own for the first time
More of my work
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Little Emir was just nine months old and already a big mama's boy.
Harry was very jealous of that really, both ways, that little stole away his wife, and he clearly loves his mum more. But he also cherishes that, seeing his bany have such and amazing relationship with his Mummy already.
YN owned one of the most busy and known Bakery Cafe in the city, which meant her being busy with work most of the time though she still made time for her family. She had a last minute client come in with a huge wedding cake request, which her and her team of course did not deny. But that meant she sad to spend all night at bakery to het the order ready. His anxiety started to settle in when she called in after lunch to tell him she will home very late.
Harry can get through this, right?
He have been on a break since he wife was eight months pregnant. He has been there tending to his little lad along with bis wife. But god did he not except for a full breakdown from his nine month old boy.
All day Harry spent his time, cleaning up after the little boy. It seemed this much when he'd gotten so used to help of his wife. The laundry was a hassle. Washing up the poopy diaper and tiny clothes without anyone by his side.
He had Emir sat by the side on a little blanket with his toys to keep him busy as he did the laundry and dishes for the day. Hearing his little baby talk.
"What are you doing?" He asked, watching his lad be all fascinated by this new toy his mum got him, wood measuring spoons which he could chew on too. He threw it across the room, bunch of spoons went straight to the electronic appliances and started crawling his way to the toy. Harry didn't understand his play time one bit. "No, don't go there!" He picked him back up and fetched his toys.
But is Emir going to listen? He's a little baby!
It happened once, twice, thrice. Harry gave up and moved up all the appliances on the counter. Did it make a huge mess in the kitchen? Yes! At least his little boy isn't going to hurt himself.
There were house chores he had to get all done so his wife can come home and rest after working for hours and hours straight. Being a pastry chef is hard enough. He just wanted to help but he couldn't when he has a baby who is full of energy and adrenaline being introduced to his new toys this week.
Emir takes up after him for that, he would agree.
Harry's the same whilst on stage performing to his fans.
But this was exhausting for him to do everything on his own, plus his anxiety was doing nothing but add fuel to the fire. The boy kept running into things or getting himself stuck in things. He never noticed how easy it is to have another person around to help. It's usually him and his wife doing all the mundane things together, it is easy that way as there is always someone with a baby who had just learned to crawl. And he's a quick crawler.
Harry was becoming more and more tired having to run around after him, or calm him down after very fifteen minutes when he'd go to wash some dishes or get the laundry all sorted, or get the cats fed and clean up their litter boxes. Or when he prepared for dinner for himself and the boy.
Emir had a nappy burst when Harry thought he had gotten five minutes to sit down and breathe. The bath time was traumatising, with Emir screaming and crying for no reason. That's when Harry realised it was long after his nap time and he was sleepy and tired and hungry as well.
"It's okay my love, Papa's here for you." He assured his little boy after he had calmed himself down, which wasn't for more than three minutes. "I love you." Harry wiped his teary eyes with the pads of his thumbs, wrapped him up in a towel burrito before taking him to the master bedroom. He got the little lad dressed in his sleep onesie and brought him downstairs.
"I'm so sorry, Papa is having a hard time with your Mumma gone." He shared as he had him settled into his highchair, "I'm trying my very best, I promise." He felt bad.
Seeing Emir's tired eyes teary, as he was almost dozing off to sleep without having been eaten, it was his fault that he couldn't look after his son when his wife is stuck at work. Only if he could keep track of time properly and have fed him first than getting distracted by cooking and cleaning and doing the laundry. He felt a heavy pit in his stomach of guilt.
"Come on, Emir eat up then we can go to bed." Harry was feeding the little boy his dinner. He was all strapped up in his high chair, busy playing babbling and smacking his hands on the table still tired and worm out to the fullest.
"Mumma-mumma-mumma." He started his squealing. He learned to call both his parents recently.
"Mummy is working, my baby," Harry talked to him, "is that good?" He cooed watching him take a bite of the little rice porridge he made from YN's mum's recipe. "I know it's not as good as your mum makes it, but we can make it due."
His phone started ringing, "oh look, it's your mummy!" Harry answered the face time call from YN and perched up his phone against Emir's water bottle.
"Hello boys!" YN chirped. Harry saw she was kneading some pink fondant. "Are my lads doing lad things that lads do cause lads are cool?" Harry laughed at that.
"Mamma!" Emir squealed.
"Hello my love, are you eating your dinner?" YN said.
"I don't know how you do this." Harry spoke up.
"Feed him, he's so wiggly!" Harry exclaimed trying to give Emir another little spoon full of food. "See! This is why I took up on bottle feeding." YN just laughed. Harry's very afraid to spoon feed him because he's afraid that the metal cutlery is going to hurt his boy somehow. He loves to sit with his with a bottle of milk or formula, that's a good bonding activity as well.
"I probably sound like a horrible person, but — Emir come on, darling!" Harry was close to having a breakdown.
"Harry, it's okay, love. You're doing good he just looks a bit tired." He watched her take her phone and head out of the kitchen telling her employees what to do next whilst she talked for a minute on the call. "It's okay!"
"I don't know, I've been anxious all day." He shared, "you do it all so flawlessly."
Honestly she doesn't. He had seen her make mistakes too but she knows how to quickly move on and fix her mistakes. He didn't know how she does that, really. He reckons it's because she lived with her older brother who's got three kids here in London until she married. She always talked about baby sitting the babies when her brother and his wife would go out, for work or whatever it was.
"And that's okay, okay?" She assured him, "I am so sorry I can't come back home right now. You're already doing so good."
"I hope so, he hasn't eaten anything, I forgot to put him down for a nap earlier as I got caught up with the chores." Harry pouted still trying his best to have his little boy fed. "What do I do!?"
"Harry, look at me," she demanded so he did, "play with him for a bit and then try again. If that doesn't work then give him some formula."
"Okay." He nodded. Emir knocked off the bowl of rice, spilling it all over himself. "Oh god, I'm gonna cry!"
The little boy started laughing finding it humourous.
"Yeah, you find it funny huh?" Harry scoffed. Can he be mad at that adorable face? He placed a kiss on his boy's head.
"Anyway, Harry I'll be home after midnight so please don't wait up for me okay?" YN shared.
"Do you have too much work?" Harry looked concerned looking at his tired wife. Yeah, she hasn't been working that much since Emir's birth, but the breast feeding and everything which comes post delivery was taking a toll on her, physically. He hated to see that. He felt bad to even ask that question.
"No, almost done here." She shared, looking down at her work station, "just a handful of things to sort out then, Jay and Kat will be delivering the cake tomorrow at the venue."
"Okay, drive home, yeah?"
"Mhmm, I will." She nodded, "please don't be hard on yourself. Give him some formula and he'll be off to sleep."
"Yeah. I love you."
"I love you too!" YN blew a kiss each to both her boys before she hung up.
"You're a proper lad, aren't you?" Harry sighed and scooped up his son out of his highchair carefully. "Being so rowdy today."
Emir just laughed and shied away, hiding in his dad's chest. Harry chuckled and brought him in the kitchen with him, propping the baby on his hip he made a bottle of formula. "Let's go lounge on the sofa, hmm?"
Harry got comfy with his baby on the sofa, draping the fluffy throw on the boy to keep him warm. Emir just lied on his chest having his meal all sleepy yet it didn't seem like he wanted to sleep.
"Mumma!" He squealed looking at his dad.
"No, baby I'm Papa." Harey laughed. "Can you say Papa?"
"Papa!" He squealed again.
"Yay!" Harry celebrated, pressing sloppy kisses on his chubby cheeks. "I'm really sorry, my love. I was having a bad day today." He felt guilty for having him wait up for dinner. "I hope you aren't mad at me. Mumma is a really good help, isn't she? But she's stuck at work today. I know we shouldn't rely on her but this was the first time were together, isn't it? We had a lads day in today. Well, more like you had a proper lad day. Where did you get all the energy from, hmm?"
Emir just sighed dramatically, resting his head back on his dad's chest. All snuggled up he was starting to fall asleep.
Harry adores his little boy. He worried the day he was born because he didn't had that love-at-first-sight connection with him. It took him time to learn about him. His little boy was a new human and he felt like he needed to get to know him first, but there was no doubt he would protect the little bundle of joy with his life. It took some time to make peace with it all, that it was okay to feel that way.
Now they're both inseparable. Even though Emir is more of his Mumma's boy, he still manages to have fun with his Papa.
Today just added to that all that guilt for him.
The next thing Harry knew was feeling gentle taps on his arm. "Harry, do you wanna go sleep in our bed?" It was his wife he found when he finally opened his eyes and found his boy missing.
"Where did Emir go?" He panicked.
"I put him in his cot." She shared, "do you wanna go upstairs and get comfortable?"
"Yeah, sorry I fell asleep here." He sighed, "when did you get back?"
"Just fifteen minutes ago."
"Hmm, let's go upstairs and sleep. I am so tired." He got up to follow after her, "did you manage to get the order done?"
"Yeah, we did." She yawned making him giggle, "sorry I'm very tired."
"So am I, love." He draped his arm around her waist, tuck her closer to him.
"How did your day go?"
"Oh, don't ask!" He sighed dramatically. "I still feel bad, you know." He was walking straight to bed giving her space to go get ready to join him but, she stopped him.
"It's okay, Harry." She cooed, "come sit here. Please?"
"Come on." He walked her to their bed.
"You don't have to feel bad, okay? I know you tried your best, he knows you did." She assured him, stood in between his thighs to hug him.
"But I don't know if he ate properly." His voice was low as he sniffled, his face buried in her chest. "I got so distracted."
"Harry he's a baby, he'll wake us up if he's hungry." She said, running her fingers through his hair, "you know it's okay to make mistakes I'm sure he isn't even going to remember anything in the morning. We'll do one thing, let's bring him over to sleep in our bed tonight, yeah?"
Harry doesn't like that. He'd insisted on sleep training their baby since he turned six months old, but he agreed today.
"Yeah!" He nodded.
"Harry? You're crying?" She cooed and bent down to look at him. "It's okay, I promise."
"I, I know. I just can't help it." He chuckled sheepishly. YN smiled and wiped away his tears with her sweater paws, press a few sloppy kisses on his either of cheeks.
"I brought made your favourite cake pops." She reminded him, "kept them away in the fridge for you."
"You did?" His face lit up instantly.
"Mhmm." She nodded, "the ones with chocolate cake and coffee butter cream."
"Oh I love you so much!" With his arms wrapped around her middle he pulled her down, flipping them over he buried her down in the mattress.
"Oh my..." She laughed, "I should have told you that earlier."
"Yeah!" He agreed. "You should have!" Lifting his head up from her neck to look at her, he pressed sloppy wet kisses all over her face.
"Now don't go eat them all cuz I used a lot of coffee in it." She explained, "you won't be sleeping tonight then."
"I'll go bring our little lad in then, leave you to relax and do your skincare and stuff." He gave her another peck on the mouth before he lifted himself off her.
When YN returned from taking a shower and doing her skincare, he found her boy fast asleep. Emir lied on his side in the middle spooning his small teddy tucked under his arms. Harry lied just behind him with his hand rested on his little tummy.
Tag list:
@vrittivsanghavi @buckymydarlingangel @sweetwritingfanficfriend @theroosterswife24 @sleutherclaw @melllinaa @michellekstyles @sunshinemoonsposts @marialikescherries @japanchrry @onlyangelrain Lemme know if you want to added to the tag list
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rascalentertainments · 4 months
Wish Granted 🌟👩🏾🎶 (Wish Reimagined)
Chapter 2: Into the Woods
Chapter 1
As the trees closed behind him, Flazino slowly followed the well worn path into a small community, featuring many homes that were surrounded by nature. No magic was required or allowed here, for everything was built or crafted by hand from the ground up.
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(Look how beautiful these look! They would've looked so good in 2D! I haven't really seen a whole lot of art for the Hamlet concept, so for extra reference, imagine the homes looking similar to Pacha's village)
The abundance and depth of the trees in the Uncharted Forest kept the people of this haven safe from the eyes of Magnifico. Those who realized his true intentions with their wishes fled here, where they could live in peace and save their families from a terrible fate.
Although it was late into the night, the people here were wide awake in preparation for their own ceremony. Which is exactly each month the young apprentice would take his monthly trip here.
He was greeted by an old man who was holding a mandolin and a warm smile on his face. "Young Flazino! You're just in time, the ceremony will be beginning soon."
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No sooner had the boy dismounted from the horse, he was caught in a tight hug by the old man. Though he was smaller than other residents, his heart was as big as the forest itself. Flazino couldn't help but smile back as he returned the hug.
"It's good to see you again too, Sabino." He said with a laugh. He took the bags off his back and started unpacking the supplies from it: Extra clothes, seeds to grow fruits and vegetables, food he was able to sneak away from the day's meals and a few toys for the children there.
"Sorry its not as much as usual. I've been having this strange feeling I'm being watched recently, so I didn't have time to get more..." Flazino sighed.
Sabino shook his head. "That's alright, lad. Every little bit helps. You've done so much for us this past year. We can't ask for a better friend." he patted the boy on the shoulder. "Come now, you can at least stay, have some food and chat for a while before you go."
He called over two other men to gather the supplies. "Alan, Howard, would you mind taking these and passing them to others?" The men did as instructed and Flazino followed Sabino a little further into the woods where right in the center of it, people were gathered around each other while most of them held bright colored ribbons in their hands.
Flazino knew very well what was happening. Just as the rulers of Rosas had a wish ceremony at the end of each month, the people of the Hamlet had an event of their very own. In order to keep their remaining wishes from Magnifico, each resident that turned 18 or older in that month would write their greatest wishes on ribbons and tie them to an old olive tree on top of a hill. In hopes that one day they will come true, without the fear of them being broken by the King.
An older woman announced that it was clear to travel to the tree, that there were no signs of spies or guards of Rosas near. She led the young people up the hill.
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As the two of them began to follow the group, Sabino heard a small, but loud, "Baaa! Baaaa!" 🐐
He looked down and saw a baby goat rubbing his head against his leg and it looked up at the old man with a smile.
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"Oh! Valentino! Nice to see you too!" Sabino said with a laugh as he picked up the goat and rubbed his head. "I bet you're as excited as me, hehe."
"There you are! How many times have I told you not run off like that without me? You could've gotten hurt." A concerned voice came from the distance. It came from a teen girl, with a worried yet annoyed look on her face as she approached. It seems like her pet did this a lot.
"Oh, don't be so dramatic, Asha." He waved a dismissive hand at her. "He's just excited. Just like me. Isn't that that right?" Sabino said as he nuzzled the goat's nose. "Baaa!" Valentino said in agreement.
Asha gently took Valentino in her arms and (finally) greeted Flazino. "Good to see you again, Flaz. I hope that our 'favorite' rulers are treating you well." she said with a hint of sarcasm.
Sabino joined the group, presumably to have a bit of a music session with his musician friends at the top. They all shared a love for music and found kinship with each other through their passions, so it was understood.
Flazino rolled his eyes and smirked at Asha. "Oh yeah. Being a sorcerers' apprentice is great! I run errands, invite some newcomers to their possible doom, Feed a deadly feline that literally wants to bite the hand that feeds him and oh yeah, try to write another song about how great the king is!" He said the last part with fake enthusiasm. "You know he made me a write a part that said: '♬ I let you live here for free, and I don't even charge you rent!♬' ?"
Asha raised an eyebrow hearing this. "Um, isn't that the same thing?" she asked.
"THAT'S WHAT I SAID TO HIM!" Flazino exclaimed and put his arms out in exasperation.
Asha couldn't help but laugh. Given that the guy had to deal with two royal pains and their spoiled exotic pet everyday, he had to vent to somebody, and Asha was always there to listen. He's helped keep the Hamlet safe for two years, he's at least earned it. Not to mention he tries to learn to use some of Amaya's potions in secret.
Asha herself ventured regularly in her dairy. She was completely fed up with hiding from the people that ruined their lives. As a child, she did see the world with wonder, but as she grew older, Asha started to see the world outside the Hamlet a bit more harshly. She just wanted one day see the world again without fearing for her family's safety. Asha had seen the cruelty of Maginifico. When his false sincerity was gone....he was a monster.
While the two of them (and Valentino) chatted and exchanged information on Rosas, Sabino and about ten people made their way up to the hill.
(We see in a faraway shot that Sabino is actually making his way ahead faster than some of his friends in excitement, telling them jokingly to pick up their pace, only for him to have to slow down himself, out of breath.)
It was a little long, but once they saw that tree adorned with ribbons as colorful as their wishes, it was always worth it.
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As each individual tied their ribbon to the tree, they looked to the stars shining brightly above them if only they could hear the wishes in their hearts. There were days that it hurt to even put them out there. It was a high chance that they never get granted, but they had to try, right?
One older man was left in line, but as he looked at tree, he started to have doubts. What if it never came true? Was it even a dream worth keeping? He took a few steps back and apologized to the old woman. "I'm sorry, Germaine. I'm...just not ready." He said, with a touch of sadness in his voice.
The woman shook her head. "No need to apologize, Manuel. You can make your wish whenever you're truly ready." She said as she patted him on the shoulder.
The man nodded and proceeded back down the hill, passing by the other wishers. Sabino quickly gave him a comforting hug. "Don't be ashamed of your wish. Its a beautiful one." He whispered to Manuel.
This gave the man a bit of comfort, but he failed to realize that the ribbon he placed in his pocket earlier was now gone. Once the others had begun to return to the bottom, Sabino stayed back and quickly put the ribbon in his own pocket. He couldn't help but chuckle to himself, "Hehehehe! *cough cough cough* ahem..." Luckily no one saw that...
Not long after, the young apprentice knew it was time to leave. He was given the requested mushrooms, said his goodbyes and gave Achilles the signal to depart. The tree entrance once again opened to let Flazino out, he waved goodbye to his Hamlet friends and watched as the trees closed behind him.
The horse took off in a dash once more leaving the Hamlet behind. However, he wasn't quite alone. We then see a closeup on a patch of open bushes, with a pair of glowing green feline eyes peering through, watching the boy leave. A devious smile appeared below it, then the face disappears into the black.
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As some time passes, we see how the people hear take care of each other and live their lives. A few of them are washing clothes in a nearby river, others are making their own flour, and later bread. Both the men and women tend to a large field, where they plant seeds of various fruits and vegetables. Many of these end up producing large harvests for the people.
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(Seriously, these concepts arts are GORGEOUS. And I've read a lot of Art books, but Wish's is on a new level!)
Another scene passes and Asha is seen reading to a group of kids, as they listened in wonder about a magical fairy that loved to help others in need.
"So the fairy used his magic to bring the whole town joy. No need was seen as too big or small to grant. Each and every person was special to him."
One little girl asks "Did the fairy ever find someone he loved?"
Asha chuckled. "Of course he did." She turned the page where the glowing fairy was dancing with a human girl under the moon. "While he was pretty loud and carefree, she was quiet and kept to herself. They were very different from each other, but they fell in love all the same."
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The montage then cuts to the inside of Asha's family cottage, her mother Sakina had just finished making a couple new clothes for their neighbor's young sons. "Asha, I'll be back soon to give Hans these clothes. And Saba...?"
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Sabino was in his chair snoring away, when he was startled by Sakina's question. "Huh? What? Where am I?" He looked around in supposed confusion.
Sakina raised in eyebrow. She loved Sabino, but there were times he tried to be sly, especially with Asha. "Don't get into any foolishness." she warned.
Sabino let out a loud yawn that woke Valentino up, who actually was sleeping by his feet. "Oh, fine. Fine. I'll keep an eye on the girl. "Riiiiight after my nap." he said in a groggy tone. He slowly leaned back in his chair and back to snoring.
Sakina took a moment, sighed and proceeded put the door.
Ten seconds later, Sabino opened one eye and made sure the overbearing mother was gone. Once the coast was clear, he leaped to his feet and grabbed his mandolin. Valentino followed the old man curiously as he proceeded to find Asha.
"Well, goodnight Saba." his granddaughter yawned as she started heading upstairs. She stops once she hears her saba's voice behind her.
"Asha, would you mind coming with me before we turn in for the night? I'd like to show you something important..."
Little did Asha know that her life would soon change forever, thanks to one wish of her own....
Woo-hoo! Chapter 2 is done! I wanted to wait until I finally finish "Kingdom of Wishes", so now with that read though complete, I've gone back to writing this little story/movie! This one was a little shorter, but I was able to find lots of wonderful concept art pictures from not only Wish, but also other Disney films! I even found some perfect horseback scenes added them to Chapter 1, if you'd like to check it out!
The thing I wanted to show here is that while Sabino does have wisdom, he's a cheeky old man. 😆 I actually based him off of the grandmother from Mulan, so he has that extra kick to him. We haven't really had a fun elderly man character in Disney since "UP", and I wanted to bring the fun from past elder characters into this. In the actual film, Sabino did feel like a character and I liked Victor Garber voicing him, but we never get any time towards him. His whole character was done dirty, and he's just nearly cut from the film until the very end. Disney cut out HIS OWN SONG. The ENTIRE reason the plot even started, the reason Asha wanted to get the wishes back, and THEY CUT IT OUT. FOR PETE'S SAKE, MAN—
For this story, Saba's in his 80's but acts like a kid sometimes, and just wants Asha to have that same spirit again, since she lost the fun part of herself after her father died. She can still be kind, but her positive outlook is practically non-existent.
Also, a fun bit I came up with is that everyone else in the Hamlet is named after a Disney music composer, from the past and present. Even better, Lin Manuel's name is mentioned in the deleted scene, so it fit right in!
And for those who are wondering, yes, Star will be appearing soon! In chapter 3 we're gonna go back to our favorite royal pains, see more of Asha and her family so they can be fleshed out some more and then our sparkling boy is going to appear. Plus, I really wanted to start off with only a little humor since the story is more serious at this point. But then when Star comes in, he's gonna bring in a lot more fun and joy to the table. Plus, this is the first time I'm writing a fantasy based story here. I usually write sci-fi and/or superhero stories, so I pray I'm doing this right. 😅
I love to hear your comments, so make as many as you want, and I'll see you guys in chapter 3!
Thanks for reading!
@annymation @signed-sapphire @oh-shtars @kenihewa @chillwildwave @tumblingdownthefoxden @wings-of-sapphire @emptyblog7 @lazytitans-world @mythartist21 @kstarsart @uva124 @spectator-zee @emillyverse
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louisupdates · 10 months
Birmingham, how're we doing? This is the part of the show where we go fucking crazy for my two incredible supports. Wait, wait. [Talking to a fan in the crowd] She knows it, she knows the speech. Give it up for Rachel Chinouriri! Give it for The Academic. Go fucking BIG! And with this being the last of the year, I just wanna say, right. If you've been to just this show, or maybe multiple shows, and I appreciate it if you have. This show doesn't happen without a lot of people that work really, really fucking hard to help put all of this together. I don't just do it on my own, you know. Give it up for every single— Wait. Give it up for every— [Pointing into the crowd] Security, over there a sec. We'll just hold for a sec. [Waits for security to assist someone in the pit] Cheers lads, thanks a lot. Okay, right. As I said, right, there are people that work their fucking asses off to make this tour fucking happen, right. And I am incredibly grateful to work with an incredible team, so please go fucking big for my incredible crew! This has been a whirlwind year, a whirlwind tour, couldn't have done it without all of you, so a special thank you to all of yous, you know who you are. Okay, soppy shit over. In fact. Whoa, whoa, wait. There's one last thing. Listen, arguably the most important thank you, and I do this every night, but let me do this in a special kind of way. Anyone who's been to any of these shows on this year. Anyone who's supported any of the shows online and maybe couldn't make it to a show. I feel your fucking support every single day and let me say how grateful I am. Thank you, thank you, thank you. This year has been incredibly special. I hope it's been alright for you too.
- Louis Tomlinson speaking at FITFWT23: Birmingham [18.11.2023], text via LouisT91Updates
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obscuremantisman · 4 months
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Maaaan, i love writing about silly eldritch creatures. ALSO, WE'RE ALMOST HITTING 30 EPIC FOLLOWERS EVEN THOUGHT I'VE BEEN AS ACTIVE AS A ROCK?!?! YIPPEE!!!
this is following both ending J and ending L.
⪧ I appreciate criticism, ideas, and your opinions. ⪦
As you finished wrapping up your target's body, you threw it inside the trunk, closing it without much care, and walking back to the front.
A heavy sigh left you as you plopped down on the seat. Your back was killing you. That's what you get from carrying heavy weight for too long. You glance up, staring at the roof empty-minded for a few seconds before today's events replay in your head.
You fucked up, you had been working nonstop, and countless hours were spent on a mission that was supposed to end midday, all because you had made a tiny mistake. The little mistake that simply provoked a chain of unpredictable events, being almost the death of you in several moments.
"Aaargh... I should've been more careful, next time I might actually not make it." You scolded yourself, stretching your arms with a frown plastered on your face. This mission was simply a disappointment, one of your worst performances this year. You could've done so, so much better, and that fact bothered you.
You wiped off some sweat from your face, glancing down at the empty seat beside you in thought, your eyes widening as realization hit you like a truck. "Aaarrgh! I'm such a fucking moron! Out of all things, I just had to forget about this!!!" The words came out of your mouth before you could even think, grabbing a fist of your hair.
Were you really coming back home with empty hands? again? You're supposed to already have new books from the local library inside your car. You panicked, looking around for any kind of magical solution.
You could try reaching the place right now... but you were so far away from it at the moment that you'd never get to the damned library in time if you wanted to keep a low profile, which was necessary to keep you out of the police sight.
You bit the inside of your cheek, staring at the front mirror, finger tapping at the wheel. Was it worth it? No matter what plan you elaborated, too much risk was in sight. You were hesitant, of course, rethinking all choices available while guilt crept to your mind, an image of Hector coming to mind. The lad being the sole reason you'd bring home so many books. A smile crept onto your face as you recall Hector's expression when you told him he could read any of the books you had around, his happy hums replaying in your mind.
He had become a massive bookworm once you introduced him to the world of literature, and you felt absolutely no guilt in admitting that you couldn't resist spoiling him rotten, trips to the library turning into a habit.
You sighed, hands clutching the wheel, any thought of coming home with nothing being discarded as you turned the car on, your foot going down on the accelerator with force. "I need those damn books!!!"
When you finally stopped the engine at a safe place, you immediately ran to the building, almost falling face to the floor when throwing yourself at the library's door. It attracted a few stares, but you couldn't care less about the embarrassment passed, although stiffly walking for Hector's preferred book section, hiding your face from view.
You looked like a mess. You had, quite literally, gotten the books just by the last minute, and life was practically drained from your complexion. You had been resting on a wall for a few minutes, recovering your forces when the lights of an open store across the road caught your attention. You tried your luck with it, having a bit of money spent on delicious treats for the night. Now with two grocery bags in arms, and lips dry as chopsticks, you walked back to your car, resting your face on the wheel. You waited silently for nothing to occur for a few seconds, fisting the air in victory, plastic bags being put just on the seat beside you. "Mhm, let's see, three books, a bag of caramels, aaand a chocolate cake." You grinned, glancing at the street a few times before putting your car to work again.
You felt happy to see your house, taking the bags as excitedly as you could and sneaking to the back of the car, using the key in your other hand to open the trunk.
Taking out the body from inside the trunk was the easy part, you've come to have a facility in weight lifting due to how you did your job. The hard part was the back pain achieved later, which right now was killing you.
"And up you go." You threw it over your shoulder, closing the trunk with a slap, the bags in your arms swinging around as you walked.
You open the door, greeted by the smell of waffles in the air. Hector must be enjoying the waffle maker you brought last month, you thought to yourself.
You had a glance around, closing the door behind with one foot. "Hectoor! I'm home!" You called out, the lack of answer not bothering you as you walked further in.
You eyed the walls as fleshy tendrils with teeth came into view, something you grew accustomed to seeing within the years of living with Hector. They slid closer to you without much stealth, the largest one coming ahead to reveal an eye, black sclera, and shiny green iris.
"Hi there." You greeted it, reaching a hand to pet the tendril, a hum leaving you as it slid past your fingers to around your arm, its pupil expanding as it stared straight into you.
It had a firm yet wet, squishy composition, rather satisfying with your gloves on, which had you spend a good few minutes squeezing it around, not that Hector minded, letting you do as you please.
You were brought back to reality once your sore muscles hurt yet again, making you groan, letting go of the tendril and continuing in your way.
You took a turn towards the kitchen, poking your head in to have a look inside, only to be taken by surprise as you came face to face with Hector, who was not only savoring a waffle but also waiting for you, a gurgling laugh leaving him at your reaction.
You sighed, putting your hand on your heart as you calmed down. You swear Hector is gonna end up giving you a heart attack one of these days. "A sneaky bastard as always, I see." You only received a little hum in response before his interest was peaked at your things.
You looked behind yourself at the wrapped body, to the bags, and then at him. He was staring at you for permission, digesting the remains of his waffle more quickly.
"Did you do any bad?" You questioned playfully with a lifted eyebrow, and he shook his head frankly, giving you the best puppy eyes he could manage, already approaching. You chuckled, signaling with your head for him to proceed.
You watched as he crawled towards the body eagerly, being quick to take it with his fleshy limbs and pull it towards the living room, where most of his form rests.
You popped your shoulders and didn't dare to keep looking once Hector tore apart the plastic. The gruesome sight would've spoiled the sweets for you. "I brought more books. Surely you finished the ones I last gave you, right?" You asked, leaving the groceries at the table while listening to the supposedly happy gurgling with a smile.
You went looking for water in the fridge, finishing the drink with a relieved sigh, your throat thanking you very much. Putting the empty cup away, you take off your coat, throwing it to a chair only to stretch out yourself after, your back giving off a satisfying pop.
You glanced at one of Hector's eyes in the wall, which had been watching you in interest all this time. "Oh, yeah, try not to make much of a mess, okay?" You spoke out loud. "Because I can't keep stealing new carpets." You frowned, and thought of the last three carpets you got, all gone now, reduced to dust to erase evidence.
You pouted for a moment. They all looked so nice but the blood was hell to get off. It certainly pained you to see them go.. despite not spending much time around the living room due to your busy life.
"If you save our new carpet from getting dirty, I might get you...." You spoke slowly, a chuckle leaving you as tendrils slid closer from the side of your view in anticipation of your words. "An extra piece of cake!!!" You revealed the cake inside one of the plastic bags with a ta-da, hand hovering around it dramatically.
All eyes you could see had extended pupils, almost like a cat, a sequence of excited hums following action as they tried reaching for the sweet while you moved it away just in time. "Oh! Hey— come on now—!" You laughed, holding the cake the best you could away from Hector as his limbs latched onto your arms.
"Hey, hey, the first piece is mine. Don't even try." You shooed Hector away, placing the cake on the table while eyeing the creature suspiciously. It looked delicious, really, the Chantilly glistening in the light. You took off your gloves and the cover, sweeping off some topping with a finger, savoring the taste with a hum of delight, acting oblivious to the light push received from Hector, who was anxious to have a taste, too.
You poked the closest of Hector's tendrils before walking to the sink, washing your hands before anything. Behind you, squelches could be heard, and you deducted a little someone was trying to get a sneaky bite, if not already. You simply rolled your eyes, turning back, only to be met with Hector, who had already returned from the living room, his mass seated awkwardly in a chair and a knife already in his hands, an excited glint in his eyes as he waited for you.
"How helpful..." You mumbled out with amusement, drying your hands with a cloth and taking two plates for each before coming to divide the cake, taking the knife away from Hector.
He couldn't resist, coming closer and staring at the treat with pure interest. By the time you finished cutting, Hector was practically ready to pounce, shifting around agitatedly, and quickly taking his plate once you offered it.
He desperately needed a bath, drool dripping from whichever mouth was in your view, the blood covering his body definitely making you concerned about the state of the living room. As he was in no rush to savor his piece, you went to get a brief inspection of the room he was last in, quickly sighing in relief when there was no blood in sight except on Hector's body. He was on point like always. It almost made you excuse him from looking like a rabid animal at the moment.
You returned to the kitchen, taking your piece and inviting Hector to spend the rest of the day with you, taking the briefly forgotten caramels you brought in hand and throwing it to him as a gift. It was safe to say you both enjoyed the lunch.
Pillows were on the couch to help with your back pain as you cocooned your body with a blanket, an empty plate resting by the couch arm. Hector was back to his favored wall, entranced in reading the books you bought while savoring the sweets he had.
An entertaining movie played on TV, quiet so as not to disturb your company. A comfortable silence settled between you both. That is how what was left of the night was spent.
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I took too long to post this. Also, did you like the banner? I didn't find a cool pic for it so i made one.
••● anyways, you can download and play the epic game here ●••
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for the prompts, if you're still needing them. these are.. a LOT.. because I love your writing and consume everything you ever put out... and I would love if you chose any or all of these... 72, 75, 66, 64, 62, 47, 33, 25 🥺
Anon, I have wanted to do all of these so bad! But I couldn't quite get there. 😅 So here was my top three:
#25: A king's ransom is used against Thorin...only it's Bilbo who is revealed.
Most Valuable Treasure in Erebor
Rating: T
Warning(s): Canon-Typical Violence
“You have to leave, Bilbo Baggins. Now.”
“What?! Gandalf, no! I can’t. I’m one of the Company.”
Gandalf turned to face the hobbit, his blue eyes wide and nervous. Never a good sign on a wizard.
“I don’t think you’ve realized quite what you’ve done.” The wizard urged. “Thorin won’t be forgiving on this slight, I can promise you that.”
Bilbo shifted from foot to foot, wondering if Gandalf somehow knew what Thorin thought of his gift. He decided to play dumb. “Well, I imagine he’ll be disappointed I gave his present away. But he’ll use my share of the treasure to get it back. You’ll see.” 
“Bilbo, the King Under the Mountain’s weak spot has been successfully identified, but it wasn’t a shiny piece of metal like you seem to think.”
Bilbo blinked and blinked again. “ME?” He finally asked incredulously.
Gandalf rolled his eyes before grabbing Bilbo’s arm to lead him away as if still anticipating enemies. “A bachelor you may claim to be, but I never took you as obtuse to courting customs.”
Bilbo’s cheeks felt like they had caught fire as he stumbled over his own feet. He certainly wasn’t, but he also didn’t expect it to be that obvious. Did Thranduil know? Living as close to dwarves for as long as he had, did he know what value Thorin had put on the mithril?
#66: The mountain is rather big, and Bilbo gets lost...a lot.
The Love of Mahal's Children- Chapter 2
Rating: T
Warning(s): None
Ushmik was wise enough not to answer, but he did turn his accusing glare onto Thorin. The King sighed, especially when his Consort raised an eyebrow at him as well. 
“He will get lost. He always does.” Ushmik implored.
“Let’s not forget who broke you and twelve other dwarves out of the Woodland Realm. I will be fine, Thorin.” Bilbo argued.
Thorin was beyond exasperated. He knew this is how anyone who had to deal with him and Dis for extended periods of time probably felt, but his empathy was buried deeper below his annoyance with every moment.
“Ushmik, Bilbo has lived here for two years at this point. He can surely find his way to the opening of a tea shop without that much hassle.” 
The older dwarf let that settle for a moment before nodding.
“Fine. I will do it. I’m not that sick anyways.”
Thorin sighed as Bilbo all but wrestled the dwarf back into bed.
“Please Ushmik, take the day off. I don’t want to have to order you as your king.” Thorin remarked wryly.
Bilbo, trying a different tactic, moved to take Ushmik’s hand. “Akhrâmadad, you know that I love our time together traversing Erebor very much. But I want nothing more than for you to get well.”
“It’s just a little cold.” The dwarf mumbled petulantly.
“Even still.” Bilbo smiled. “Please, let me prove to you that I can do this. It will not make me need you any less.”
#72: It's been weeks since Bilbo and Thorin have been able to be intimate.
Every Wedding Has a Few Disasters- Chapter 2
Rating: E
Warning(s): Smut
“Now to us dwarrows, we usually give a simple toast at this time and let the party get under way.”
There were many stomps and shouts of approval at that, and Bofur waited for it to quiet down before continuing.
“However, to our newly crowned Consort and his lovely family here with us, I’m told their traditions require me to make this speech a little more personal and well…you know me, lads. I’m never one to turn down a chance for storytelling.”
Bilbo had to hide a laugh at his cousins’ horrified expressions when Bofur was pelted with rolls and pork. To think, he’s at the point where this is normal behavior. 
“So this little story comes from a few weeks ago when wedding planning and their combined duties left them next to no time for…other aspects of their relationship.”
“Oh Mahal.” Thorin grumbled, his face turning ashen.
Bilbo pat his hand apologetically while trying to hide his smirk. Bofur had given him a heads up earlier that day. He supposed he forgot to pass on the message to his new husband. The miner’s eyes twinkled brightly seeing Thorin squirm as a grin split his face.
“Trust me. This is a good one.”
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dontyouworrydaddy · 11 months
I'm snickering at the idea of 141 meeting a real sweetheart right? But sweet heart is so chaotic and actually dangerous. "We need a distraction..." and next thing you know a miniature bomb goes off and sweetheart just has this little evil grin
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𝒜 𝒹𝒾𝓈𝓉𝓇𝒶𝒸𝓉𝒾𝑜𝓃
Task Force 141 + gn! Reader
Literally love this Idea. I can imagine the confused face they’re gonna have on their face after seeing you doing THAT. I hope you love this 💘
»»————- ☠ ————-««
You are the newest member of the Task Force 141, had always been known as the "Witch" of the team. Your gentle demeanor and kind-hearted nature often contrasted sharply with the misunderstood people and nature.
One day, as your team gathered for a critical mission briefing, Captain Price addressed the group. "We've got a delicate operation ahead, lads and lass. We need to infiltrate an enemy compound, and the key is to create a diversion that'll allow us to slip in undetected."
The room fell silent as everyone considered their options. That's when you, with your ever-present sweet smile, chimed in, "Well, Captain, we need a distraction, right?"
Price looked at you, a glint of amusement in his eyes. "That's right, witch. A distraction."
You had a mischievous twinkle in your eye, and suddenly, an idea sparked. "I've got just the thing. How about a little surprise for our foes?" With a wink, you reached into your bag and pulled out a miniature, bomb, meant for "jokes". You always had a thing for things blowing up. In high school you blew up a trash bin and now you’re helping them to build one for a little distraction.
The rest of the team exchanged glances. They knew that behind your sweet exterior was a streak of devious creativity. "Alright, Witch, show us what you've got," Ghost said, curiosity piqued.
With everyone's attention on you, you tossed the tiny bomb onto the table. They didn’t believe you until they actually saw that in Action.
That was until today. You’re all in the West, fighting the enemy as you remember your bomb being in your side pocket. It was the only way to distract the enemy and win enough time for you to get into the car, where the team is already waiting for you.
Without thinking twice, you throw your bomb far away from you and it creates a loud boom and a lot of smoke. Without waisting time, you ran to the car and immediately closed the door. "Go, go, go!" you yell at gaz as you relax into your seat. You could feel your heart basically beating out of your chest.
The team burst into laughter, unable to contain their unexpected diversion. Even Price couldn't help but chuckle. "Well done, soldier. You never fail to surprise us."
As you wipe away the sweat on your forehead, you couldn't help but smile at your teammates. "You see, a little chaos can go a long way."
With your distraction in place, the team moved forward with the mission.
Later, as you all successfully completed the mission, the team couldn't help but appreciate the unique blend of chaos and sweetness that you brought to their lives. They had learned that you might be a sweetheart, but you were also a formidable and resourceful operator who could turn any situation to your advantage.
As you all gathered back at base, Ghost chuckled and said, "Witch, you may be a real sweetheart, but you're also dangerously unpredictable. That's what makes you one of a kind."
You flashed your ever-present sweet smile and replied, "Well, what can I say? It keeps things interesting."
And indeed, it did. The boys knew that with you on their side, their missions would always have an unexpected and entertaining twist, thanks to the chaotic, yet lovable, Witch of the team.
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kvetchinglyneurotic · 9 months
🌹🌹🌹🌹 for whenever needed :)
I wrote this in a haze last night when I should have been sleeping and I'm not sure if I'll ever expand it into a proper fic, so I'm sticking it here. Part of it is under the cut because it's a) long and b) is about Jamie's Amsterdam story
Roy makes it about a week before it all comes spilling out. They've been playing shit, 'cause Lasso may have rediscovered Total Football but he sure as shit hasn't rediscovered how to coach it, and if he's being perfectly fucking honest neither has Roy. Or maybe he would, if fucking when I was fourteen... didn't keep playing on loop in his head. He picks Jamie up from his front door every day and he's grinning, bouncing around like the chipper twat he is, twenty-five and whole, and all Roy can think about is the twiggy kid he had been, hair stuck up in every direction and mud smeared on his shins. He'd dug up pictures, is the thing, that first night back — got home aching and more exhausted than he'd been after a full ninety minutes back in his player days, and instead of going to sleep he'd dug around through the depths of City's website, through a mountain of those bullshit player profiles he refused to do but Jamie loved, 'til he found a picture of the Man City 2010 U16s. Recognized Jamie right away, the big dark eyes and prickish smirk and long sleeves 'cause the muppet always got cold. And he was a fucking child. A tiny, scrawny little lad, must've been one of the youngest on the team the way most of the others dwarfed him. No one could ever have mistaken him for an adult, not that it would've been any less abjectly fucking horrifying if he'd looked like a full-grown man by the age of thirteen.
Ted corners him in the office. Or rather, Ted knocks on the door while he's got his head in his hands and the lights off, same as he has every evening since Amsterdam. Pokes his head in with his jacket already on and his bag slung over his shoulder, says, "You know I'm always ready for a late night special on the go session of the Diamond Dogs but if sitting in the dark's what gets your brain juices going, I can respect that. Just make sure to skeddaddle on out of here before our good friends over in maintenance come lock up; I love this place but a night with a locker room aroma ain't to anyone's taste," and Roy says, "Jamie told me he was raped in Amsterdam." They both freeze, Ted in the doorway with that stupid folksy smile still fixed on his face, Roy with his elbows planted on the desk and his fingers twisted through his hair. He feels sick. Jamie's already been violated and now Roy's gone and done it again, just fucking spilled his private trauma without permission 'cause he couldn't handle it. "What?" Ted asks, breathless. "He told you— he was— he told you in Amsterdam, or it happened—" "Fucking both," Roy grinds out. "Oh." Ted's gone so pale he's almost grey. "He seemed fine on the bus." "Not when we were there." Roy says. "I mean, he told me when we were there. Happened when he was fourteen. Don't think he knows that's what—" he sucks in a deep breath, not that it does jack shit to make him feel better. "But it is. That's what happened, and now I don't know what the fuck to do."
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Announcement: 1st blog anniversary
Hey, lads, ladies, fellow letter mafiosos and attack helicopters! Today is my first blog anniversary! It has been an amazing and crazy year for this blog, and I'm really happy that I managed to get this far. But I couldn't have done it without you all amazing people in this little niche community!
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(I decided for Faux to be in another outfit, lol)
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fangsandfeels · 8 months
It's probably a very unpopular opinion, but initially, I liked Wulbren when I encountered him in the game. And how couldn't I? The lad greets us with an escape plan up his sleeve and that plan includes breaking the tieflings out! A true blessing for any Tav who never intended to cooperate with the Absolute and got a headache from thinking how they would get out all of the prisoners. What Wulbren did was badass and spoke a lot about his principles and priorities.
Now, a less-then-lukewarm reunion with Barcus was something I expected because nothing could be that easy, and from what we've seen, Philomena too abandoned her girlfriend for The Idea without even bothering to break up with her. So, at that point, I had a reason to suspect that either Wulbren was a dick or he tried to keep Barcus away from whatever he was brewing so he won't get caught in the fallout (he has a propensity for getting himself in trouble, after all).
But come Act 3...
...and Wulbren is presented as an irrational, vengeful prick who refuses to look deeper into the matter. We can follow his vision and blow up the Steel Foundry without looking into it, inadvertently causing more destruction, or going against him.
However, after what I learned thanks to @y-rhywbeth2 here (hope you don't mind me tagging you) is that the reason for Wulbren's innate distaste for Gondians may lie even deeper than "they worked with the tyrant, they must pay".
Wulbren's clan follows Gaerdal Ironhand, the lawful good gnome deity. His followers are militaristic and devoted, committed to protecting the gnome community and dealing with internal and external threats.
The best defense is unswerving vigilance. Serve Gaerdal with absolute dedication and devotion. Defend and protect gnome communities against all invaders both obvious and hidden. Never cease to hone the skills of war, and take the opportunity of relative peace to pass such talents on to gnomes at large.
While Gond isn't mentioned as Gaerdal's adversary, their dogmas contradict each other. Despite being a patron of inventors and craftsmen, Gond is so dedicated to creating inventions ("wonders") and spreading them that he has no concern for safety or consequence. Gond also welcomes all alignments and approves of his followers forcing their way into power, subtly controlling leaders and destroying any opposition, so they could promote their inventions and creations. Accumulation of power and personal wealth is smiled upon.
So, Gaerdal Ironhand is all about caring for the community and taking any measures necessary to protect it - even if such threat comes from fellow gnomes, Gaedral's followers are supposed to undertake the grim duty of being the judges and doing what's necessary. If Wulbren is a dedicated follower of Gaedral, it's understandable why he has so much contempt for the Gondians: they are careless, irresponsible, so obsessed with the "can it be done?" they forget about "should it be done?" - and look at where it got them. Play stupid games, and win stupid prizes.
Of course, he would take any accusations of being too harsh as an insult - especially given that he literally lost his fellow clanspeople to protect the city.
Given all that, I wish there could have been a more complex resolution. Showing Wulbren the door minimizes the fact that he wasn't just obsessed with killing the Gondians, but also was ready to die for his people (he didn't expect anyone to save him and he was planning on saving himself and others). He organized a guerilla movement that was effective enough for Gortash to put him on the Wanted list. If Gondians started working with Gortash of their own volition (I didn't explore the game enough to find any tangible proof or content that debunks this theory), but then found themselves shackled and enslaved, that would add to his bitterness. Being treated as a local madman for fighting the threat everybody else is idiotically blind to tooth and nail affects you. Heavily. Bitterness and spite become part and parcel of your struggle and when someone tries to tell you you're being unreasonable or not kind, you snap at them - what do they know?
Of course, that doesn't necessarily mean that Wulbren and Barcus should kiss and make up.
But having the option to point out to Wulbren that Barcus has been actually upholding Ironhand's ideals all this time and went to great lengths to do the right thing; make him finally acknowledge and respect his friend would have been nice.
Also, by admitting that Barcus was right, Wulbren could have seen where he was wrong or unable to see things differently - which would have prompted him to put his trust in Barcus even if he still instinctually wants to oppose and cuss him out for being so naively tolerant.
Because, I think Barcus deserves some recognition from Wulbren - even if they don't remain friends, going simply to colleagues (mostly because Barcus decides he did enough and it's time for him to stop running after Wulbren, especially now that he is safe). And also, because the entire Ironhand clan story needs more polishing, given that its premise in Act 1-2 was so interesting.
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teeswrites · 4 months
LN- All roads lead to you
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Disclaimer: contain smut!!
Chapter 5- Abu Dhabi
Yas Marina Circuit, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (GST- UTC/GMT +4).
7:05 PM
As soon as the race ended, Lando turned off the engine of his car and turned on his own engine. There was no time left to congratulate Max or console Lewis. "Lando! Where are you going?" Charlotte shouted running after him "I have to go back to my hotel room" "What?! Why?!" "I must get on a plane in 50 minutes!" "He shouted back "You have what?! Lando, can you please wait for me?" he stopped to wait for her "Thanks" he started walking again "What do you mean by catching a plane?" "I am going to Santorini" "It's the last race you don't need to anticipate holidays" "I do have" "And can I know why?" "If I don't catch this plane, I won't be in Greece till today" "Why do you need to be in Greece that night?" "So she will not sleep with the Italian hot lad" "What?! Who?" "A girl who I used to go out with" "What's about her?" "I can't let her sleep with him" he said taking his racing suit off, she turned her back "She used to be your girlfriend?' "No" "So what do you have to do with her sexual life?" he stopped for a minute "Cause she was supposed to be with me" Charlotte felt his feelings "Lando…" "It's my fault" he continued to dress his regular clothes "She tried to take me out last week and I made up a ridiculous excuse" he finished dressing "Now I have to fix it" She turned to face him "I see that you have feelings for her, but…" he touched her shoulder "no Charlie, I just need to have her. Otherwise, I will drive insane" She took his hand off her shoulder, such a womanizer "... But, I can't let you" "I am going anyway" "Lando!" "Charlotte!" She breathed deeply "Please don't make anything ridiculous" he hugged her "Love you" "Love you too" and he ran to catch his plane.
5 and a half hours later
Santorini, Greece:
11:26 PM (EEST- UTC/GMT+3)
She looked bright in that golden party dress, even tho it was just a detail cause that night in Italy when she was wearing a rock band tee and ripped jeans shorts was proof she looked bright in every way.
She had a glass in her hands, probably not beer and definitely not zero alcohol cause she was gigglier than usual. For the first time since he had that idea, he froze, without being able to move his feet. What if it was a mistake? What if he would ruin her night? Nah. He couldn't think like that, it would be ridiculous and he promised Charlotte no ridiculous things. Also, once back to Woking, the lecturing for leaving at the end of the race would be unpleasantly waiting for him. And somehow she invited him, with those daring words 'if you were there'. He wasn't sure if it was an invitation or a challenge but he was about to do it anyway, no matter which was her real intention. Anyhow, he was there and she wouldn't have sex with the Italian model if he was there, right? Right! Or at least he hoped...
Even so, he didn't want to lose it, lose his time, lose his job, make Charlotte lose hers, had emitted tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere for no reason, he needed to be sure it all wasn't going to be in vain. So he decided to call her and see how things went. Actually, he should have called her before catching a plane to Greece, but it was already done, so fuck it.
He took a deep breath, tapped her name on contacts, and clicked on it, waiting anxiously for her to pick. To be fair, looking at her staring hesitantly at her phone, unsure of what she should do, made him even more anxious. But not as anxious as when she decided to pick up. So anxious he remained in silence for a few seconds "Hello?" he cleaned his throat, his voice sounding a bit different from usual "Hey..." "Is everything alright?" "Yeah! I... hum, just need you to do something for me" she sighed "Hi, Lando, how are you? It's nice to talk with you too" he sighed embarrassed, already blushing "Sorry... Hi, beautiful, how are you?" "Too late Lando, what do you need me to do?" "Don't sleep with the guy" she sniffed putting her drink down "Lando..." "Listen to me" she sighed, leaning on the bar counter consenting him the word "Go ahead" "I made a mistake" he continued "I agreed it all was done with you, but I am not a quitter, I am persistent, I work hard and I never stop until I achieve my goal, plus I hate to lose and I won't let you sleep with the other guy" he made a pause to accumulate some guts "I like you. And I want you and if missing all the last race of the year interviews and other stuff to tell you this isn't enough for you, just tell me what's and I will do it" "Did you miss all the interviews just for calling me?" Fuck, Lando! You and your big mouth "Hum... yeah!" "Why? I mean couldn't you just wait till it ended?" "No, I had... I have to know you're not with him when you're supposed to be with me" She chewed her inner cheek "You turned down my invitation the other day!" "I know but…" It has no 'but' she was right. He lost again and put his ass on the line for absolutely nothing, because he didn't have any morals and... she took a deep breath and admitted "You're enough already" Wow! shot-right-in-the-heart. "So why you're being so harsh?" "Because... I saw this movie over and over, and it always has the same end: you guys say those beautiful things, my heart melts, I feel bad for seeing you humiliating yourselves over me and I bend up. And as soon as you have an orgasm, the cursing is over, Guys like you get out of trance and fall back to reality. And guess what? They remember about the girl who is in fact special to them and, damn, I don't like it, fuck! I want to be enough for you as much as you are for me. And not only sexually, do you understand me?" he felt bad for her, it wasn't right to be treated like that and he knew it. Oh, he knew it "Just please don't sleep with him" "I…" " I promise we will talk about it all next time we meet" She took a pause to breathe deeply, he didn't dare to look at her, scared of seeing her expression, how much pain he was causing her " "Okay" she gave up. He smiled "Okay" he repeated softly, she was overwhelmed of course and she wanted to cry, he could tell due to her breath sound, so he aligned his shirt's collar and walked towards her.
Apart from the butterflies throwing a party in his stomach, he felt good and confident. His clothes were nice and he tried as much as he could not think about how screwed he would be if it didn't work, but he remained strong, touching her shoulder softly "Don't cry" he demanded, she turned around confused, taking her phone away from her ear, she couldn't believe "Lando…" "Hi!" he smiled "Hold those tears back, miss" he said calmly ending the phone call and rubbing a tear drop from her face, leaving glitter on his thumb "How... What are you doing here?" "I came here to do it" he pulled her for a hug, a strong, full of feelings hug "I am sorry" he whispered against her skin "You came here to hug me?" he pulled his face back just to look at her, still in shock "Yeah" he affirmed, confident. She smiled "And this" he pulled her to a kiss, an intense kiss, that made her relax for the first time since she started to drink thinking about the McLaren's driver; "Take me out of here" she muttered against his lips "Okay" he took her hand and guided the big mess he made her become away from the bar, away from the crowd, and mainly away from the good looking Italian guy, to where they could be only the two of them, to where she didn't have to hide the amazing person she was and fake to be another one, where she could eat pizza and watch k-dramas in comfortable clothes, where he could sleep like a baby, laid on her full-of-pizza belly after 3 months of zero quality sleep and jet lag effect.
He was so lost in those good memories that he didn't even notice the rushed pace he got, she giggled "Wait, wait, wait" bringing him back to reality "What's wrong?" she took her golden Jimmy Cho high heels off and he noticed how much he liked her small stature, smiling at her "What are you doing?" "Now I can follow your pace" "Sorry" "No, is fine. I love to have my bare feet" he looked at her small, princess feet on the stone stairs 'so adorable' "In this case, you're welcome" she giggled 'Fuck! He was crushed on a freaking smurf' "All good?" "All good" "So let's go" he bounced the stairs down, with her glued on him, tugging them to the hotel elevator, where he kissed her again.
In the hotel room, where they ripped off each other's clothes, the moonlight was the only flash of light coming from the half-open window. She had her back laid on the mattress, her hips widely open, knees parted at its extreme, with his athletic body between her thighs, filling her cervix with himself. The sound of "Lan..." she let slip from her lips, without being able to finish, still unsure if due to the cutting hard breath or the sudden electricity sparkling inside her core every time he moved, even for a millimeter, or breathed, or made a sound, or sweated, or looked at her, anything.
She moaned slowly, in a low tone, more like a whine, she wanted to pay more attention to the sounds they made together, the sounds coming from him. Suddenly the forearms on each side of her frame flexed up, his weight concentrated on his palms, his sweaty, still firm tho, hands slid down and had a strong, soft grip on her ribs, lifting half of her body, lowering half of his till he got sit with her on his lap. They didn't need to say it loud out, it felt like a performance they presented too many times already. She started to move her hips, knees working, flexing up and down, hips making circles, rubbing her body up and down his abdomen. Her messy bun tight on the top of her head will get stuck in his mind for the following weeks. He placed a hand on it and undone her hair, throwing the elastic away from the bed, she shook her hair, making it slide down to her neck and shoulders. He looked into his eyes, which have been avoiding during the whole time they were inside that room, and she looked back, regretting instantly, cause his eyes told her earlier about luxury and then were talking about pleasure, both things which shouldn't exist between them in her perception.
She slowed the pace of the riding, forcing him to say or do something. "Faster" he said among the heavy breaths. She dried a few sweat drops on his face "I don't want to" he looked into her eyes again "What do you want, then?" "You to do something about it". Sadic, he thought "Fine" he took himself out of her and turned her hips 180 degrees suddenly, placing her belly on the mattress. He placed one knee on each side of her legs and slightly pressed her body against the sheets, getting inside of her again. The bed muffled her sounds, so he bent forward to ask, low and sexy on her ear "Hands and knees, princess. I want to hear you" She smirked and obeyed his demand, becoming scandalous when he started the thrustings. She didn't need to fake it, she felt it all, out loud, to everyone who wanted to listen, but doing it for him to listen only, that was the important thing, the reason why. He pulled her body up to him, moaning on her ear, thrusting roughly. She placed one hand on his nape and pulled his hair as she felt the explosion before they cum on each other.
They were laid on the bed having pillow talk
"I think you are more than enough" "Really?" "If I didn't why would I come here against my superior's orders at the last race of the year? I could find sex in anyone else but you are the only you" She raised an eyebrow "What about Dubai?" Freaking Katerina "How do you know about it?" "It was all over socials" She was right "Anyway, didn't you hear the 'against my superiors orders' and 'at the end of the calendar' part?" she chuckled "Okay" "You look adorable when you are drunk" "Slightly tipsy" "Slightly tipsy?" "Uhum" "Sure" he muttered caressing her hair "Lewis says that's my automatic answer for when someone asks me if I'm drunk" "You and Lewis are good friends aren't you?" He asked casually "Yeah" she answered indifferently, enjoying the hair caressing "He knows how to value a friendship. Maybe..." she yawned "Maybe I can have the same thoughts about you someday. Except that I don't want to be friends only" he smiled "I know that you will" "I hope..." Then she fell asleep with the soft movements he was making on her hair. And while he watched her calm and soft expression he found himself desperate and anxious. He stopped the caressing slowly, taking a lot of caution for not waking her up. Then he stepped out of the bed to grab his phone and left for the hotel lobby. Wearing his beige shorts, hotel flip-flops, and his unbuttoned white shirt. A few people looked at him on his way to the elevator, whispering and giggling to each other but he didn't care, he was too angst for it.
Carlos was sleeping deeply. The snorting denounced him. Nothing could break that majestic oneiric experience. Nothing except his old teammate. He struggled to open his eyes and when he finally did he picked up the phone, angry "Qué putas horas crees que son aquí? (what fucking hours do you think is here?)" "What!? No, Carlos, that's not time for Spanish classes" the Spanish man looked at the clock on his side table "That's right. It's 3 in the morning! It's no time for speaking Spanish or any language at all. It's time for fucking sleeping!" "I know, I know, but..." "What?!" "I am panicking" Carlos sat on his bed, concerned "What happened, bro?" "I... I hit on two girls at the same time" "Two only?" Carlos said indifferent as he was used to that behavior of Lando "Well, it had a few more. But those two especially" "What's new about it?" "I think I have feelings for them both" "Hum, that's new. You are never in love with anyone..." "I haven't said this word!" Carlos continued as he never was interrupted "... And now you are in love with two simultaneously" Lando rolled his eyes "Yeah..." "That's why you are panicking?" "I don't know what to do" "Pick one" "Isn't that simple" "Which of them do you like the most?" "How am I supposed to know?!" "Which of them do you think is more interesting?" "They both are interesting" "The prettiest?" "They both are pretty. And hot" "Which one do you like to spend more time with?" "I don't know! I... Carlos, stop asking questions! I don't know the answers!" "Right. Which of them would you put your hand on fire for?" "None. I choose my hand" "Not literally, stupid. I mean take risks, do stupid things, ruin your career for, I don't know, something like that..." Finally a good question. He knew for which one he had done all of those things already "That one I know the answer" "Do you really?" Carlos asked surprised "Yes. Thanks for your help, man. It was very useful" "You're welcome?" "Have a good night. Bye" "Bye..." Carlos didn't think that he was very useful. In fact, if he was the one receiving the advice he gave to Lando he would only get more confused "Bueno. Ahora puedo volver a mío sueño (Good. Now I can back to my dream)".
Lando entered the room trying not to wake her up. He stood there watching the serenity of her sleep. He would kill for sleeping like that. The door didn't wake her up but his loud thoughts did. She opened her eyes slightly before sitting on the bed. She rubbed her eyes, sleepy "What's up?" "I..." He approached the bed sitting at the side next to hers "I had Carlos on the phone" he pointed to his iPhone "At 3am?" "Yeah" "Is everything okay?" He took a deep breath "No" she tried to touch his hand but he retreated "What's wrong?" "I can't go out with you anymore" Her bright faded away, as she was made of sugar and his words were water.  He was ready for her screaming with him and throwing the whole hotel room in his head, but she just chuckled, sarcastic, bitter "Why it doesn't impress me?" "Look... I just can't" "You just can't" She shook her head, turning her back to him "I should have never slept with you" She walked away from him, and he followed "Wait..." "Why? Why did you come till here and look for trouble if you knew it would hurt me? I let it very clear I couldn't handle this right now" "Because I couldn't let you sleep with the good looking Italian!" she hit him with the pillow softly "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!? IS THIS A COMPETITION NOW!?" "I haven't said that" "Unfortunately I like you not him, idiot. My life would be a lot easier if I had a crush on Giaro, not on you" and he knew it was true it was written on her wavy eyes "I..."  she waited for him to say something, at least try to fix the chaos he started, but nothing came, he just didn't know what to say. She threw herself on the sofa and covered her face with the pillow "If that's all, please leave my hotel room" "I..." "Just leave now and never talk to me again, yes?" he tried again "Please don't be mad at me" she looked at him "I can't believe you!" "Please..." "Get out!" She got into the bathroom and closed the door. He was about to try to talk with her, say sorry for what he'd done, but a text popped on his phone screen. It wasn't the boss, Charlotte, Carlos, Max, or Daniel, but was her. The other her 
'Missing you'
That was what the text said. He grabbed his stuff from the bedroom floor, his phone and wallet, wore his white Nike airs, and as fast as he got there, he was out. The text was a coincidence only. He had already made up his mind at the hotel lobby. He promised Charlotte not to do stupid things but unfortunately, he let her down "It's better Charlie doesn't find out" he thought.
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