#cutting quotes
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damn. david was so right for this.
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moonys-library · 10 months
"i swear on my life" bitch you're suicidal swear on something else
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gotstabbedbyapen · 17 days
APPARENTLY Apollo would have been addressed more in the earlier Epic drafts (he didn't get more lines but he is honored in a song)
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If the Ismarus raiding arc was kept, I wonder if this would be the beef Apollo would have with Odysseus in God Games. But then his priest (Maron) already forgave Odysseus so there's no point for Apollo to be mad anymore.
Anyways, I can see Apollo fighting with Jorge about the removal of this song.
Apollo: Keep that song. Keep it!
Jorge: But it'll make the musical too long!
Apollo: I don't care, you have to keep it! It has my name in it!
Jorge: No, I'm not keeping it!
Apollo: >:( *gives Jorge music block for a month*
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ao3-crack · 11 months
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iamnmbr3 · 4 months
Harry: The true master of the Elder Wand was Draco Malfoy.
Voldemort: Oh no not this again. I had enough of your Malfoy obsession during sixth year.
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canon-gabriel-quotes · 7 months
Only the most important bits of the dev stream (trust me) with subtitles!
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to all of splatsville... happy holidays
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bruciemilf · 6 months
Alfred: Lieutenant Gordon turned on the Batsignal exactly 20 minutes and 30 seconds ago. Just thought you’d like to know
Bruce who’s been redoing his eyeliner all day, about to have a breakdown cause he can’t find his eyeshadow: 19 minutes.
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gatoburr0 · 4 months
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humanshark · 8 months
Guys I made the Gibson/Jill scene into an iCarly episode 🙏
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soni-dragon · 20 days
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“and what if who and what i am is going to get you killed?”
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+ ramblings :)
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anders-hawke · 4 months
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That very night, after their lovemaking, Psyche approached the blissfully asleep Eros with a lamp and a razor. It didn’t take her long to identify him: she didn’t only see hairs of gold, purple cheeks, and neck whiter than milk, but also her husband’s bow and arrows lying beside him. Awestruck and curious, she pulled one of the arrows out of the quiver and pricked herself while doing this. The pain startled her, and a drop of burning oil fell from her lamp upon the shoulder of Eros; this awoke the god momentarily and, just as soon as he realized that his wife had broken her promise, he fled away without a word. Too bad that Psyche, owing to the arrow wound, had now fallen even more intensely in love with her husband.
— The Myth of Eros and Psyche (inspired by @nic-coughlan)
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goldenamaranthe-blog · 5 months
Apple Seed 16: Baby of Mine
-Baby Cries Echo Through the Hotel-
Lucifer: (slowly getting more and more excited) B-Baby. Baby. Th-That's a baby! Ha-HA!!! The baby's here! (sprints up the staircase)
Hazbins: (all exchange glances and speed after Lucifer)
Lucifer: (reaches the door and starts clawing at it like a puppy) Can I come in? Can I come in? Can I come in? Can I come in? Can I come in? Can I come in? Can I come in? Can I come in?
Carmilla: (opens the door while blocking the way) Quiet! The mother is resting.
Lucifer: (tippy taps his feet impatiently) Mmmmmm!
Carmilla: (rolls her eyes and moves just enough to let Lucifer slide through)
Lucifer: (gasp squeals and scrambles into the room, whispering excitedly) Charlie! Vaggie! How is it? Where's the- (jaw drops as tears spring to his eyes)
Vaggie: (silently crying as she half sits, half lays, on the bed, propping herself up on her elbow as she kisses Charlie's head then the baby's head while stroking the baby's back, being mindful of the slightly lavender colored spots on the shoulder blades that looked like a place for wings to sprout in the future)
(whispering) Lo lograste, mi amor. Lo hiciste. Él es perfecto.
Baby: (fussing slightly against Charlie's chest, and black horns start pushing up from the hairline. They have Vaggie's white-silver hair, curved nose, off grey skin that looks like a mix of both Charlie's and Vaggie's, little white marks accent underneath their eyelashes, little fairy feathered - red hooves that matched Charlie's, and purple circles stand out on their chubby cheeks.)
Charlie: (flushed, sweaty, and crying as she holds the baby to her bare chest and sings) Baby mine, don't you cry. Baby mine, dry your eyes. Rest your head close to my heart. Never to part, baby of mine~
Baby: (horns retreat as they calm down and nestles into Charlie's breast)
Lucifer: (trying so hard not to burst out into a loud wail of a cry at the moment) H-Hey, kiddo. How do you feel?
Charlie: (looks at Lucifer tiredly) Exhausted, ha, but worth it. (nods to the baby) Come say "hello" to your grandson.
Lucifer: (excitedly tippy-taps over and looks at the baby with a coo) Hey, little duckie.... Oh, he's so precious! Look at his little hoofsies! (Tickles the baby's little feathered hooves) They'll harden up in the next week or so. And are those spots fow his wings to show up?! Gee, he really is a perfect mix of both of you! Have you thought of a name? I think Charles would be perfect. Little CJ!
Vaggie: I got shot down with that one already, Sir. (smiling down at the baby as she brushes her finger along his cheek) We decided on Samael.
Lucifer: (eyes widen in shock at his old name from Heaven) S-S-S... A-Are you....
Vaggie: Don't worry, Sir. We're calling him Sammy for short. Samael -Sammy- Lucifer Morningstar.
Baby Sammy: (gives a little, sleepy, gummy smile at his name with a coo)
Lucifer: I-I need a moment! (rushes out the door and immediately wails tears of joy) OOOOOOH-HO-HO-HOOOOOOOOOOOH!!! HE'S SO BEAUTIFUL, EVERYONE!!!!
Hazbins: (sounds of party poppers, bombs exploding and spreading blue smoke everywhere, and kazoos going off fill the room from the hallway) CONGRATULATIONS!!!!
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Special Thanks to my friend Sevi for making me this adorable art piece of Sammy!
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humaudrey · 2 months
I'm rewatching D1 for fic reasons and this scene just came to me:
Fairy Godmother: If someone hands you a crying baby, do you: A) Curse It, B) Lock It In A Tower, C) Give It A Bottle, or D) Carve Out Its Heart?
Uma: Trick question, because if the baby's parents are villains, you leave them to rot on the Isle where they learn to fend for themselves.
Fairy Godmother: Uh–
Uma: I mean, you're the heroes, that's what you guys did. So doesn't that mean it's the right thing to do?
Fairy Godmother: Uma, you've done such a good job today, I actually think you should be exempt from this class for the rest of the semester.
Uma: Actually, I think I'll stay.
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balkanbitch · 2 months
Dipper: You dated the interdimensional demon that almost the destroyed the world?
Ford: He wasn’t “the interdimensional demon that almost destroyed world” when I was dating him
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whump-in-the-closet · 2 months
“what do I have left? Nothing. I have nothing!”
Their friend leaned in, blood trickling down their high cheekbones and shadows under their eyes.
“You have rage.” They cupped Whumpee’s face with a hand stained with dirt, chalky and coarse against their skin. Forehead to forehead, they whispered, “Use it.”
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