#cw gender critical mention
enbycrip · 9 months
We’ve seen it everywhere. But it’s incredibly important that this is seen, discussed and accepted in academic discourse for a whole bunch of reasons.
The misogynist idea that AFAB and AMAB bodies are fundamentally very different and that AFAB bodies are fundamentally inferior is putting up a huge fight atm.
It’s not only “gender criticals”, though they are a big part of this and transphobia is one of the big battlegrounds of it. It’s also the anti-choice stuff rolling across the US trying to define any body capable of pregnancy as having its primary function being a vessel for foetuses.
And to do that you need to play up the idea that those bodies are fundamentally very different, and that AFAB bodies are fundamentally “intended” for pregnancy and birth. Enforcing this fake history where AFAB lives were entirely defined by pregnancy, birth and child-rearing is a weapon in that, and exposing it as ideological rather than evidence-based is *incredibly* fucking important.
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This *doesn’t* mean that we should stop pointing out the fundamentally ridiculous nature of considering hunting as important as it is painted in popular culture when most studies consider that 80% minimum of “hunter-gatherer” societies’ food is foraged. It’s a fundamentally Victorian construct that considers “hunting is the active, ‘masculine’ work so therefore it must be the *real* work of a society”, no matter how much evidence is found that foraging was far more fundamental to survival.
It is *so* important to keep on emphasising the constructed nature of not only human gender, but gendered structures in human societies.
There is this huge sociopolitical push from “conservative” religious and cultural forces all over the planet rn to push the idea that certain social structures - fundamentally misogynist ones - are somehow “innate”, “inherent” and “natural”.
Hence the push to attack trans people in particular. We put the lie to so many of their cherished myths just by existing. We are living magic - the proof of human fluidity; the living potential for change; the living promise that things Don’t Have To Be This Way.
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turtleraccoonsoup · 5 months
tumblr should implement a button that makes it so if you look up a blog theres a button to fast block them preferably in between the follow button and url cause the only reason i look people up is to block everyone on the gender critical and radfem tags
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quirkyrahne28 · 2 months
I’m not saying I hate Batman. But every time I see someone comment about hating that he died because he’s too special of a guy to get killed by Harley, I actively want to hit the man with a car.
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A totally level headed TERF having a very normal reaction to finding out that Lesboys exists /j
This chucklefuck really saw the words boy and lesbian fused together and went into a transphobic rage under the assumption that only straight “moids” are using this term when 99.9 percent of the time it’s a label used by butches and transmasc, especially trans men (Aka people that TERFs perceive as “women”).
Honestly grow the fuck up and touch grass you fucking femcel.
Edit: It’s also soo funny to think that this TERF thinks this is a “direct targeted attack” against “REAL HOMOSEXUAL FEEEEEEMALES” when veldigirls/turigirls exist, like oh my fucking sky land sea SHUT UP! Not everything trans people do is a attack against cis women, get over yourselves 😒
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shiverandqueeef · 1 year
I am genuinely curious how gender critical (and all other ideologies claiming men do not suffer under patriarchy) rationalize global suicide rates being significantly higher for men across almost all countries/cultures
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My time with trans community, I was mostly surrounded by people my age, 13-14 year olds, with some young adults too (creepy, I know). Almost every one of us were going through stuff, whether it be puberty, bad home life, bullying, etc.
Not one of us was happy with who we were. I think that’s why we all decided we were ‘trans’. Because it felt like an explanation as to why we get this why. A fix all.. And together, we all just worsened our worst attributes. We all just made each other more depressed because we encouraged each other to hate our own bodies.
sh was a big part of it too. Everyone I had ever met in that community had enacted in some form of sh, whether it be physical or mental.
The community is full of mentally ill people, especially children. I don’t know why people don’t talk about this more..
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troythecatfish · 1 year
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Here’s my personal recommendation of a YouTube video to check out:
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tiannasfanfic · 10 months
Not the Wavemother
Astarion x Reader (Fluff)
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| Astarion Masterlist | Main Masterlist | AO3 Link |
Summary: Astarion notices your discomfort while you’re trying on your new clothing.
Rating: General Audiences
Author Note: Gender neutral Reader/Tav, they/them pronouns (if any). Spawn!Astarion x Reader/Tav. No class or race for Reader is mentioned in story. No physical description of Reader either, just a general description of how the dress fits. Mild hurt/comfort for Reader with fluffy ending.
CW: Uncomfortable clothes; uncomfortable attention from said clothes; mild innuendo at the end.
Word Count: 9,87
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It had taken some convincing, but after a little bit of badgering, everyone finally talked you into trying on the outfit the Wavemother had given you.
You had been very hesitant, took your time changing and only came out after some encouragement from Karlach and Shadowheart.
Everyone fell silent though when you stepped out of your tent.
You looked breathtaking.
The dress was cut within an inch of your life, the fabric hugging close to your body like a second skin. The stooped neckline was exceptionally low, sitting just below your navel, while the slits up both sides of the skirt came just below your hips, showing a considerable amount of skin.
Had Astarion’s heart still beat, he was quite sure it would’ve stopped right then.
Even though he had seen you fully naked, he couldn’t help but stare as you slowly twirled around, letting everyone see the dress on you from all angles. A warm, tingling feeling spread through his abdomen and his stomach felt like it was full of butterflies. It unsettled him at first until he realized what it was.
It wasn’t a feeling he was accustomed to yet. While it wasn’t entirely unwelcome with you, it still felt odd to want someone in a physical manner. Before you, he couldn’t remember the last time he was with someone to fulfill his own needs, much less with someone he desired.
But after staring at you for a while, he noticed something was off.
You weren’t holding yourself like you normally would. While you were standing tall and proud, your shoulders were stiff, your posture just slightly hunched. You took everyone’s compliments and comments graciously, a polite smile on your face that was devoid of most emotion.
Suddenly, it dawned on him what it was he was seeing and the warm tingle in his stomach was replaced with a cold knot.
You were severely uncomfortable.
While you were no stranger to tight clothing and even occasionally showed some skin around camp on the warm nights, your normal choices didn’t garner much, if any, attention. Now everyone was looking at you appraisingly and showering you with praise, even Mizora.
And, with each compliment, your expression withdrew a little bit more.
By the time you turned to Astarion, your face was still a polite mask, but the glint you normally had in your eyes wasn’t there.
“You’re bring quiet, Astarion,” you stated, your voice politely neutral. “What do you think?”
It took him one second to decide how best to proceed.
He took a step back and took a long look at you, but it was a thoughtful gaze, as if you were a complicated trap he was about to disarm rather than someone intensely attractive to him.
“Honestly, it doesn’t look very functional to me,” he finally stated, a critical tone to his voice as he pried his gaze up from the dress to your eyes. “It is very cute, but one arrow and you’re done for, darling.”
Astarion’s words had an immediate effect. The stiffness in your posture eased some and your face slightly relaxed.
“Ah, c’mon, Astarion! That’s all you’re going to say?” Karlach said, then she clapped you on the back. “Tav is smokin’ hot right now!”
There was a slight wrinkle in your forehead, so slight anyone would’ve missed it had they not been paying close attention.
Fortunately for Astarion, he was, and already knew how to proceed.
“They are very hot, yes, but I’d much prefer them alive,” he stated, then met your gaze again. “Now, darling, why don’t you go get yourself changed before you catch a cold.”
Everyone booed at him as you hurried back into your tent, Halsin even called him a party pooper, but he didn’t care. He had caught a glimpse of the relief on your face just before you turned to go and that was all that mattered to him.
After changing back into your camp clothes, you were back to your normal self, rejoining everyone at the campfire in a pleasant mood. You took your normal place next to Astarion and slipped his arm around your back. You leaned into his side, your head resting on his shoulder.
Now that the dress was put away, everyone seemed to forget about it and began settling into their nightly routines, leaving you two to watch the fire.
You both were quiet for a while, just watching the flames and enjoying each other’s company, but after a few minutes, you broke the silence.
“I just realized something,” you said.
“Hmm?” he hummed. “And what would that be, darling?”
“You never said what you thought of the dress,” you said, then tilted your head to look up at him. “And you were staring pretty hard, too.”
Astarion looked down at you and carefully studied your expression, looking for any signs of discomfort about the topic. When he didn’t see any on your face, only a little bit of anticipation at his response, he knew you were okay with him speaking freely.
“You looked absolutely stunning, my love,” he said, softly kissing you on the forehead before dropping his voice to a soft murmur only you could hear. “In fact, one day when we have more private accommodations, I certainly wouldn’t mind if you ever wanted to wear it again just for me.”
You blinked up at him in surprise, your cheeks heating up in a blush at his implication. While you were far from a blushing virgin, it wasn’t hard for him to make you a bit flustered.
“Oh really?” you said, then smiled playfully up at him after he nodded. “In that case, I could possibly be persuaded to wear it again.”
He smiled gleefully and kissed you on the forehead again, which elicited a soft giggle from you, before resting his cheek on the top of your head as he returned his gaze back to the fire.
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oleander-nin · 8 months
Hi I really enjoyed your writing and i recently got interested in Tmnt and Rottmnt due to my sister watching the shows. I wondering if you can make headcanons about Rottmnt brothers as yanderes but the brothers more in tune with their turtle instincts. Like the yandere brothers try to court their darling but them not understanding and this frustrates the brothers. Thank you taking the time to look at this and I hope you are doing okay.
A/N, not important: You're so sweet, and this ask genuinely made me feel really happy. Although, just a quick disclaimer, I kind of took creative liberty with this because '"turtle instincts" are basically mate and leave, so.... Any criticism is welcome, constructive or not. This is supposed to be a gender neutral reader, so if I screwed up somewhere, please tell me.
CW: not very intense yandere(imo), possessive behaviors, territorial behaviors, animal instincts, biting, forced contact, dark themes
Words: 906
Summary: ROTTMNT with more turtle-ly instincts
Tag list: @f1oricide @itsyagurlchip @lordfreg @acutiewithagun @rottmnttmnt2012 @lixnininotnay @lexiechr @ssak-i
He’s somehow ever more clingy, constantly rubbing his cheeks against yours or resting his chin on your shoulder. He likes to have you with him, hissing or snapping his beak when you try to pull away.
He’s very vocal with you, constantly chirping happily or churring as you both cuddle, or giving off a high-pitched hiss if you’re doing something he doesn’t like. He doesn’t mean to, and he finds it slightly embarrassing.
Head butts you for attention. If you’re avoiding him, or doing something by yourself, he’ll just lean against you and softly knock his head against yours to silently voice his displeasure. He doesn’t like when you’re not paying attention to him, or hanging out with him. He wants to be involved with what you’re doing, and the easiest way he’s found is to just knock heads.
Lays in your lap and just retracts into his shell when he’s tired. He’ll just push himself onto you before disappearing into his shell, completely content. He knows you won’t move him while he’s tucked away, which gives him even more of an incentive to do it.
Box turtles have a homing range, which is the only area they’ll be in their entire lives. Mikey hates having you leave what he considers his range, growing agitated every time you mention going farther than the distance that spans his ‘territory’. His range would probably be all of New York, but if you ever mention leaving the state, Mikey won’t be happy. Not that you could ever leave him anyways, but just the thought makes him feel on edge.
More territorial with you. You’ve more or less been integrated into his space and become what he considers ‘home’. He doesn’t like leaving you for long because you’re his space, his happy place. 
Bites you randomly, especially when you’ve annoyed him. He has a strong bite, so he tries to hold back from accidentally severely injuring you, but he can’t help chomping when you push his buttons or try to leave.
He likes to be in the water with you. There’s most likely some form of clean water, pool–esque area in the lair, so sometimes he’ll just drag you over and lay in the water with you. He’s an aquatic turtle, and the water is soothing to him. If you can’t swim, or just really don’t like to be in the water, he’ll situate you on his chest or back as he floats on the surface.
Drags you under piles of blankets and pillows to cuddle with him. Since he can’t burrow, nor truly wants to, his blanket forts are the next best thing to him. He’ll always have some premade pile of soft things somewhere, either in his room or lab. If he wants attention, or to just be near you, he’ll drag you under the pile with him and just hold on tight.
More territorial of you, doesn’t like you leaving his sight. He can protect you when you’re near him, but if you wander off, he’s basically helpless to help you. His worry and his need to keep you safe causes him to keep you close at all times.
Aggressive when you’re with others. Because of his more territorial nature, he hates seeing other people near you or interacting with you. He doesn’t trust anyone else, which ends up with him usually intimidating or fighting everyone you're close to into leaving you alone.
Bites you randomly as you’re laying with him. Whether he’s holding you close and suddenly chomps on your shoulder, or is just talking with you before biting at your hand, it doesn’t matter. He just has the urge to bite you, almost like he’s teething. He tries to not do it hard, especially since it’s usually your shoulder/neck, but he’s left teeth imprints before.
Like to just grab you. He’ll just wrap his arms around you in a hug, or rest his hands on your shoulders. He tries to not accidentally grip too hard, but he can’t help but hang onto you when he’s feeling lonely.
Likes to touch your face and drum his fingers over your cheeks. If you pull away, he’ll get upset because it’s just one of the ways he shows his love. If you keep trying to get him to stop, it’ll only make him do it more often because he feels like you’re rejecting his love, rather than the action. Usually churrs softly as he flutters his fingers across your skin in an attempt to make you accept it.
Basks on you. If you’re laying down on the couch, he’ll lay on top of you and completely stretch out, especially if there’s some light source shining on you both from nearby. 
He likes being able to lay on you and warm up, finding you cozy as well as appreciating the fact you can’t exactly get away from him. You’re right there with him, and there’s nothing you can do about it.
Nips at your fingers if they’re in front of him. Like if you’re holding his cheek, he’ll nip and kiss your palm. He never bites hard, usually only nibbling on your skin while holding you.
Very vocal, constantly churring or rumbling while with you. He doesn’t usually hiss at you unless you’re actively trying to get away from him. He’ll nuzzle his beak against your face while churring, unable to stop the habit.
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skelletonscloset · 5 months
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simon x sick!reader
wc— 973
cw— sick fic!! reader is gender neutral. emetophobia warning!! > mention of throwing up. simon being a good boyfriend.
a/n— this is my first official addition to this page!! i’m still getting used to this whole “writing and posting” thing, so i’d love feedback and constructive criticism :3 enjoy!!
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your body felt hot. the weight of your sheets on top of you was all you could feel aside from the way your eyes felt glued shut and how your clothes stuck uncomfortably to your back.
the past few days you knew you were starting to catch something, a few sneezes there and a small headache there — but you’d never guess you’d start to feel this bad.
now, it’s not like you were running to the bathroom and hurling the remains of your dinner from the past night into the toilet bowl, no. however, you did feel like the inside of your throat was being clawed at by a very angry cat and your mouth was dry from not being able to breathe clearly from your nose.
forcing your eyes open, you groan as you stir from your warm and slightly damp spot of the bed, your eyes adjusting to your dark room. you lick your lips, attempting to bring back some moisture, but they dried up again almost immediately.
“ugh… si?” you groan, looking to his side of the bed where he was. well, where he would be. you blinked your eyes, lifting your hand and placing it in his spot and feeling the warmth of his body that was left behind. huh.
you peered at the alarm clock on your nightstand. 2:41 am.
“si?” you weakly called out again, your nasally voice ringing throughout your shared bedroom. a few moments pass before you hear the heavy padding of feet approaching, a muscular forearm gently nudging the door open.
simon’s dark silhouette walked in, a mug of something in hand and a thermometer in the other. he shuffled closer, setting the mug down on the nightstand and turning on the small lamp next to the edge.
the lamp illuminated his dark eyes, which shifted from the thermometer’s buttons to you after turning it on. his short, blond locks were tousled from sleep, scratching the scruff on his jaw.
“woke up a couple minutes ago. felt ya’ start to get hot,” he grunted, holding the thermometer up to your forehead as he took your temperature. after the beep, he squinted, reading back your temperature in his gruff voice.
“99.8” he stated, setting the thermometer down and sitting on the edge of the bed, rugged body slightly facing you as one leg folded onto the sheets and the other hung off the bed.
“nothing too bad, yet.”
coaxing you to sit up, he carefully brings the cup of tea towards you, pausing when your hands don’t come up to take it. he looks up at you, watching you eye the steaming cup suspiciously. he sighs
“yes, it has enough honey.” he clarifies, watching your expression relax. he held his hand beneath yours as you took hold of the mug, softly blowing on it before you took a sip.
you hummed in satisfaction, affirming his words. “thank you, si,” you murmured, “but aren’t you going to get sick too?”
“don’t worry about that, lovie. focus on you gettin’ better,” his voice rumbled. you took a few more sips of the tea, soothing your throat little by little, before deciding you were too sweaty to finish it.
you handed the mug to him before coughing into your elbow, trying to clear out the feeling of glass in your throat but failing.
“i’m so sweaty…” you groan, watching as simon automatically puts the mug down and gets up, moving to the closet as he looks for something lighter for you to wear.
he’s back within a few seconds, one of his large t-shirts in hand and a pair of sleep shorts just in case.
“up,” he nudges your arms, helping you take off your long sleeve shirt which was slightly cold with your sweat. tossing it to the side, he rolled up the other shirt, gingerly slipping the sleeves down your arms as his shirt draped across your form.
“shorts?” he asked, noting how you already weren’t wearing pants, opting to sleep in your underwear instead. when you shook your head, he walked to the closet once more, putting the shorts away and your shirt in the hamper.
“thank you, si,” you whispered tiredly.
“none of that. need anything else? some water?”
“yes, please”
he walked out of the room.
you wondered how you ended up with such a caring man as your boyfriend. he’s practically a mind reader at this point. you looked down, eyeing the shirt he picked out for you. it was an old shirt of his, one he used to wear frequently before he became a part of your life.
the shirt was a dark gray, small holes between the seams of the sleeves. it was your favorite one, hence how worn out it was. you took the soft fabric in your hands, bringing it up to smell the familiar scent.
simon walks back into the room with a fresh glass of water, noticing you. he gently tuts to himself, setting the glass next to the mug he had forgotten to take to the kitchen with him.
he plopped back into your shared bed, your body falling towards him as the bed shifted from his weight. settling the sheets over his lower half, he handed you the glass of water, waiting patiently for you to be finished. when you were, he set the glass back down, the two of you getting comfortable once more.
he subconsciously brought you towards him as you lied back down, his strong arm pulling you into his broad, clothed chest. you sighed again, breathing him in as you tried to forget about the oncoming congestion you felt. your hand settled on his waist, your legs entangled with his.
“i love you, simon.” you exhaled, closing your eyes once more.
“love you too, sweetheart,” he grumbled into your hair.
maybe getting sick wasn’t gonna be so bad after all.
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hwsing · 5 months
nsfw alphabet for germany and/or prussia? thank you!!!!
germany nsfw alphabet
notes: 18+, reader is gender neutral and i don’t think genitalia is really mentioned. includes: germany (ludwig). as always, reblogs are appreciated!
cws: mostly top + dom! ludwig; cockwarming, power dynamics, restraints/bondage, piss kink, pet play, size difference, toys, overstim + edging, pet play. let me know if i forgot any through replies, anon or PMs. wc: about 2k words. not really proof read.
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
king of overthinking so trust that he’s likely to go above and beyond, especially at first. it’s also partially because he’s pretty deep in kink culture, but not quite porn dead brained; instead, he’s like… really conscious of being mindful. he’s not really the type for pillow talk and he can get pretty flustered after sex, so he’s gonna busy himself with getting you what you need.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
for him, it’s probably his overall physique since we all know this madlad works out like the world is about to request him to singlehandedly carry it on his shoulders. as much as he can be self critical, he’s pretty proud of himself!! he likes the confidence he can have in his strength and health and all that good stuff.
on his partner’s, he’d probably say something like their smile in an almost bashful way, but in reality it’s going to be their chest/hips/thighs/butt; whichever catches his attention the most, really. he just feels a bit bad that he’s that perverted, but you’ll know by how much he pays attention to that spot. i think he’s a boob guy (regardless of size/gender) though
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
ludwig is nasty in a way that should be studied. for someone who is so neat, he is very messy with cum — *both* yours and his. the type to kiss you after you swallow his cum, to stuff his fingers into whatever hole he creamed into to ensure it doesn’t leak, make you suck his fingers after getting you off with his hand. he likes to cum in you, but he does like how demeaning it is to cum on your body
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
what isn’t a dirty secret of his would be easier to answer… everything is a dirty secret to him. he’s a private person, okay! god forbid you somehow find his private tab. regardless of if you’ve been dating for years or a short time, he’s so embarrassed that he’ll go red.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
he’s not super experienced because 1. he has little to no game, ESPECIALLY with feminine presenting people and 2. he’s always been pretty busy. by modern day and age he’s by no means a virgin, though. he’s gotten around enough — but he still is pretty awkward and tense at first. knows what he’s doing, but can find it hard to actually go through with it is all. give him a second to hype himself up!
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
anon stop it you’re embarrassing him with these questions :( LOL no but he’s pretty versatile, probably likes positions you’ve never even heard of but … maybe the seashell is his favourite. overall, likes positions where he can more or less go to town and put some weight on you, because even when bondage isn’t involved he’s inclined to pin you down.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
please do not make a joke while his dick and balls are out they’ll literally shiver up inside him and never come out again
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
when he has a partner he’s extremely well groomed. shaves by default but if his partner makes it known they like some bush he’ll grow some out
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
intimacy is something ludwig struggles with a bit. he worries he’s too awkward and just butchers it, completely ruining the mood; still, he definitely tries, especially when things are still just starting. he’s not very smooth with sweet words, and he knows he isn’t either. so, this intimacy is going to come from what he’s doing — the way his strong hands carefully hold you, how his lips kiss up your leg while he undresses you, the feeling of him holding your hands tightly while fucking you.
he does find cockwarming to be extremely intimate. ludwig does like it quite a bit; he’s not easily overstimulated either so he can handle it for a good period of time as well. he likes to big spoon for peak intimacy… holding you makes his heart almost give out
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
this isn’t terribly uncommon for ludwig. his sex drive is high, and he doesn’t get game often. he will use his own imagination, but only under the condition that something is inspiring him; for example, his crush or partner. otherwise, he has plenty of porn saved.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
we would be here all day if i said all of them. so lets just unpack a few
power dynamics: he kind of needs a sub/dom dynamic in the bedroom. he greatly prefers being the dom, but he can find it a bit hard to bring himself to actually act on his desires. and so, he really, really likes when you play up the submissive thing; the more pathetic you are, the more he’s gonna feel the urge to make you a mess. his mess though! he’s likely to manhandle you since he’s… probably stronger than you.
restraints: he’s not super picky with this one because as long as you’re at his mercy he’s satisfied but, he REALLY likes bondage benches. loves them actually. be warned because he’s gonna go to pound town with this one
piss kink: very into humiliation and he’s not above purposely making you piss yourself. the more embarrassed you are, the better, really; he’d entertain the idea of pissing on or in you as a punishment. would understand if you are not into this though because he is self aware enough to know it’s nasty
pet play: feel like this one is a given but anyways, he does like the kitty thing but he especially likes the puppy side so he can train and discipline you.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
anywhere around his or your house/apartment. “risky” sex would spike his anxiety in ways that should not be apart his foreplay… overall prefers a bed but he’s not above fucking you bent over the counter or smushed up against the wallz
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
unfortunately for him, just about anything. he’s horribly down bad. the lingering scent of your perfume/cologne/etc after you leave is enough for him to get him stiff.
i would say his biggest turn on’s though are; times when your size difference (if there is one) is prominent, when you’re struggling physically with something (the small groans/moans/whimpers… his mind travels FAST), and if you wear makeup. he likes the idea of ruining it
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
this is hard because i struggle to imagine him having a big no other than, like, surprises/not respecting boundaries and things of that nature. he’s pretty open minded because he of all people has no room to judge…!
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
prefers fast and rough for obvious reasons.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
does not like quickies. ludwig can see the appeal but… he’s only going to do it if he gets caught up in the moment enough to. not a common thing to expect from him
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
now you already know. he’s pretty open minded. the main times he’d be hesitant would be if the idea includes him bottoming or subbing, but he’s usually still down to at least try once
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
he generally lasts a decent amount of time, but the first few times he sleeps with his partner he tends to take forever to cum because he gets SO nervous he cannot let himself. he prefers 2-3 rounds generally, but he does draw them out as much as he can. generally, he makes you cum at least twice before he does at all.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
he’s easily one of the most into toys out of the cast in my opinion. he doesn’t like them on himself as much as he likes using them on you. he does have a handful, but will expand the collection with his own money if he discovers more online or his partner shows interest in a new one. i wrote a bit about this here
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
him being a sadist is well known i think 😭 he’s nervous to do it at first, as he is with everything, but once he feels comfortable prepare yourself because this man will not be your peace in the bedroom. whether it’s edging or overstim, making you get off on his boot or thigh, keeping you restrained with one of those fuck machines… he’s awfully creative.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
ludwig isn’t very loud and isn’t very talkative. unless he’s in enough of a headspace to degrade you anyways……. he groans quite a bit when he gets close but he’s not much of a screamer. even when he does talk during sex, it’s pretty much to the point and without many filler words. he does check in pretty often though, just to see how you’re doing.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
gets a lot of dom drops/post nut clarity after particularly intense sessions but he’s very reluctant to share this. he just feels embarrassed/ashamed about reaching out for reassurance or comfort. it’s pretty easy to tell when he’s feeling like this though, he’ll be extremely quiet and have a tense look on his face while he goes extra with your aftercare while completely neglecting himself
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
now rarely do i give a man the credit of being well endowed but… i have to say that he is. i simply cannot picture him without a massive dick. i personally would guess around 8”, thick AND veiny; most certainly struggled to know what to do with it at first but he discovered the power of it soon enough!! actually kind of shy about it because he’s had a notable amount of experiences with a partner being iffy about how big he was. lmao
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
clearly pretty high. he’s also pretty well disciplined though, so it’s not enough to like.. take over his life or anything. ends up sexually frustrated often because of this… he has a poor habit of ignoring his needs
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
ludwig doesn’t usually fall asleep after sex unless it’s like just before his usual bed time. and even then, he probably will fall asleep after you since he’s busying himself with aftercare and whatnot. sleeps the best after getting to empty his balls once or twice though!
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snailss · 7 months
Main Masterlist
Daryl Masterlist (includes marchweres)
Prompt list by: @marchweres
CW: Poor writing, short, swearing, reader is referred to as ‘woman’ once but it is otherwise gender neutral, mentions of scars, characters are naked but it is still semi sfw, slightly suggestive, not proof read, lemme know if i missed anything!
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Daryl was filthy.
The man was a walking biohazard, his clothing stained with grime and walker guts, yet he still refused to hop in the bath, stating that it was ‘fuckin’ pointless’ until after he had shifted for his hunt later. In a point of desperation to get him clean, you told him you would join him.
Which leads you to now.
You’re slowly rubbing shampoo in the mans hair while he grumbles about something incoherent, his words garbled. There’s a smile on your face while you nod along to the stories of his run, your hands massaging his scalp lightly with each pass of his hair. Despite him being taller than you, you’re behind him, his back pressed flush against your bare chest.
Slowly, you rinse the suds out of his hair and move down. You pour some soap on your hands and begin to rub his back, loosening the tight knots and stress out of his muscles. Your fingers trail lightly over his scars, being sure to kiss the occasional one before you pass by it with the soap.
With open mouth kisses, your lips trail up to his scent gland, sucking against it softly and giggling at the small whine he lets escape. Such a big, strong man, all just to be unraveled by the slightest touch.
“Shit, woman..” his voice trails off, his torso melting into your body and leaning against you.
You hum in acknowledgement, kissing and sucking his neck, leaving a nice plum coloured mark on his throat. The procedere forces a groan out of Daryl, and you think that maybe, just maybe, you should bathe with him more often..
A/N: I’m still new to writing, so please be kind in the comments! I wanted to try some Marchweres Prompts, so here we go!!
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reotheworld · 2 years
all the world's a stage as you like it
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❝ the one and only you, you're my celebrity ❞
➜ how yandere!manager!alexis ness is with you
➜ fem!reader (idol!fem!reader)
sugar level: 20% & 100% | cw: knife, possessive and obsessive behavior, suggestive themes, cursing, controlling tendencies, let me know if i missed out on anything!
an: i was supposed to make this with kaiser but all my creativity budget went to ness-
• behind his sweet smiling facade is the most loyal, devoted and dedicated manager ever to work with you. he's not leaving his position anymore. why should he? he knows you like the back of your hand, even with his eyes closed, he knows what your curves and breast size are. • despite the gender cross of work, you'd think ness is the strict type of manager. the ones who'd scold you if you show up on set or studio late, not getting your lines or choreography correct, but actually he's the opposite! • has these little stars and hearts in his eyes as he watches you behind the scenes. he'd clap his hand happily at you when you've done a good job. • he makes it a point to get along with you. wanting to know the big and small details of your life. • never ever leaves your side. he follows you like a dog follows it's master. it's okay, he gave you the handle of the leash anyway. • highly speaks of you! every time you're brought up or at least someone mentions your name, all words of flowery praises and compliments roll out of his lips. • doesn't handle criticisms thrown at your way very well! if the director of the commercial or photographer you're working on tells you that you're not doing a good job, you can bet alexis is already cursing at them. saying that they're the ones not doing their job perfectly. • behind closed doors, he's already threatening them that if they talk down at you again, he wouldn't hesitate to slit the knife he's holding against they're neck. • you could just be standing there, wearing the ugliest clothes or your hair is not cooperating with you but alexis ness would still look at you like you're responsible for the sun, moon and stars in the sky. • ultimately hates fan signing! he doesn't see the point why you have to smile, hold hands and talk to your fans, especially the male ones. • he's the one who is clearing and leading you to the path of fame you oh so deserve. so please only smile, hold hands and talk to him. fans are only to admire you from afar. • as the event ends, he is quick to sanitize your hands with wet wipes and alcohol. • he's responsible for the fans' gifts not reaching you too. they're only good decorations when it comes to taking pictures. after that, he'll take them away to never be seen again! • absolutely loves it when you share your personal life to him! even when he doesn't ask for it, it feels as if you're letting him inside your heart. don't worry, he'll be the one to close and lock the door! • have a male idol or actor sending you a love call? alexis is already besides you, whispering manipulating negatives he made up to your ear. • "he's no good at all. i heard that he's actually responsible for tearing apart his female lead star's family." • the paparazzi complimenting your dress on the red carpet? thank alexis for that! he's always responsible for the dresses and other outfits in general you wear! • he knows what's good for you. listen to him. • one time, when a certain media outlet spread a rumour about you and alexis are dating, he did nothing at all to shut it down. in fact, he prompted the rumor to keep going! • reason for that? the fans found out his personal instagram and all the posts are nothing but with you and about you, captions that contain "fleeting" emotions and cryptic messages that one can interpret on their own. • the type to offer to put lotion on you and massage it across your skin when you're tired after a long day at work. • but honestly he's just looking for an excuse to be able to touch you! getting to stand by your side is one thing, but to be able to touch you in sensitive and sensual areas is another. • "i-is this okay...?" • "yes, y/n. does this side of you still hurt? come and let me massage it for you." • also the type to give you those types of hugs that lasts longer than intended. • doesn't care about his salary. money comes and goes, all he wants to do is to be by your side forever. • but you don't know all of that because in your eyes, alexis ness is the best and most caring manager you have!
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eepyuii · 10 months
frostbite — pt. 1
pairing ; childe x gender neutral!reader
content ; childhood friends to “rivals” to lovers, slowburn-ish
cw ; some swearing, mentions of wounds & medical stuff, dottore warning (?) he doesn’t exactly do anything but y’know- it’s dottore, sort of proofread
note ; i am so scared, i’ve never posted anything like this on tumblr or at all LMFAO this is my first fic ever and very self indulgent. ive already posted 5 chapters of this on ao3 but i was curious as to how the tumblr ajax kissers would react to it. im sorry if this sort of info tab isn’t very descriptive, im just basing it off what i’ve seen from the viewer’s perspective.
ALSO, for context- tetya= aunt and dyadya= uncle in russian!
constructive criticism is appreciated!
next part | masterlist
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“hey, watch your step! snow’s gotten harder and slippier these days…”
“yes, sir!”
“yes, father!”
just as the warning rings out, it’s followed by the dry crunch of heavy boots against snow. it’s not the same soft sound as it was a month or so ago, rather it sounds almost as if the ice gnashes aggressively at the leather boots.
it gnaws at your ears painfully, though you’ve been sensitive to such sounds for as long as you could remember, yet you still flinch.
ajax notices right away. he always does.
“here,” he goes, the cloud of his warm breath visible. turning your head toward the boy, you see that he’s handing you his earmuffs.
a sheepish grin invades your lips as you wordlessly take him up on his offer. mind rid of the god awful crush of the snow, you come up with a brilliant idea.
“last one there’s a rotten catch!” you charge onwards with a laugh.
“ah, n-not again!”
ajax’s father only watches from behind as his son hurries to catch up, a defeated sigh leaves him. “these kids…”
said kids were already reaching the lake clearing at that point. the frozen water already has its own layer of fresh-fallen snow, making it seem like an entire new tundra- that is, until you and ajax brashly create footmarks and snow angels on the surface while his father is still yet to catch up. if he’d been closer you would’ve heard the old man’s grumbles about having to carry all the fishing gear.
thankfully, there were no rotten catches that day.
your best friend’s laughter and your very own echo in your head like bells in an empty chapel, uninvitedly. the entire memory is instead invited by the sight of a father on the street with his own children, he carries a bucket and fishing rods as the youngins run ahead excitedly. you conclude that you should’ve left for zapolyarny palace earlier today.
this morning cannot start off on a bad note, not when the doctor had meticulously scheduled an operation for this very day with your presence prerequisited.
you’re acutely aware of this.
you’re still acutely aware of this when you slam your work bag onto the desk with such force that even the fatui guard monitoring the palace hallway jumps.
and you’re still acutely aware of this when you almost bump into one of your boss’s segments on your way to the operation room, a most certain death that would be if you did bump into him. even as you break your stress fueled stride, the segment blocks the path forward.
“if i didn’t know any better, i would assume this is your first day on your first job. ever.”
you furrow your eyebrows confusedly while the segment coldly scrutinizes you top to bottom.
“even the lowliest of fatui recruits know that the first thing one should do after clocking in is get into the proper uniform.” he indicates with a snark in his tone.
ah- your lab coat.
“yes sir. my apologies.” with a haste in your step previously thought impossible to achieve without actually sprinting, you beeline straight to your office, which is conveniently on the other side of a very long hallway from the operation room. so long, in fact, that it gives enough time for a certain someone to slink into the office room without you even seeing it.
you don’t notice him even as you’re already inside the room. well, how could you with such tunnel vision, powered by your early-morning frustration and innate fear of disappointing the doctor. you’re practically out the door with lab coat in hand when he finally quips.
“uhm, doc?” the voice is shaky but still impossible to not recognize.
god dammit.
the tsaritsa was truly not on your side today. with a deep inhale, you do your best to keep a neutral expression as you turn around to face the head of red hair that haunts your dreams. or rather nightmares.
“how may i help you, lord tartaglia?” you still hated that title.
“well heh… this is the head nurse’s office, i believe you can help me by exerting the very function of this room?” the harbinger puts on a friendly front, acting like he can’t feel your burning glare. within it, you start to gauge at what’s brought him here, few surface-level scratches and even fewer cuts that are ever so slightly deeper present on him.
“i’m afraid i’m running late for an important appointment with the doctor, you’ll have to ask one of my subordinates.” you state matter-of-factly and start turning to leave again.
“w-wait, please!” he reaches out to stop you and the hand lands on your bicep, rather than your wrist which would’ve been a quicker latch. huh. “let me talk to him afterwards, he’ll understand. plus, i’m your boss as much as he is.”
“you’re quite literally not.”
“yeah, i’m not. still your boss though.”
childe is not of as high authority over you as the doctor is, afterall you’re one of the doctor’s assigned assistants, but the way he talks so casually and… playfully makes him seem even less bossy. but you don’t allow yourself anymore time to dwell on it, instead you roll your eyes and give in. your boss almost giddily sits on the examination bed.
the sterilized silk gloves slide snugly onto your palms as you look your patient up and down.
“how did you even manage to get yourself roughed up so early in the morning?”
“it’s never too early in the morning for a spar! though- hah… even i didn’t expect to take this many free hits.”
“who were you sparring?”
“eh, some junior lieutenants at the northwest wing. there were some new recruits there too so i figured i’d set an example for ‘em.”
northwest wing..? you visibly pause at the revelation.“that’s… on the other side of zapolyarny palace.”
“so there’s nurses there too.”
childe himself seems to pause then- you were catching onto him. he realizes he must think about his next actions as carefully as humanly possible.
“ahah… a-are there?”
good one, ajax.
you look down at the alcohol-soaked cotton ball sitting snugly between your tweezers and then up to a scratch right above childe’s eyebrow- seems like the perfect time to treat your patient. the sting comes before the harbinger can even react and much to his dismay, you keep the cotton ball on his forehead even as attempts to lean away from it.
“childe tartaglia,” you start, voice menacing and low. “did you orchestrate a sparring session with low-rank officers and get yourself injured on purpose to come see me?”
“a-ah ouch!” childe hisses. “surely you w-wouldn’t commit medical malpractice over something as trivial as this?” clearly he forgets who you work for, or pretends to at least.
“start talking.”
“okay, okay! yes, i did all that…” the red head sulks with a defeated sigh. pleased by the confession, you move away with your alcohol cotton ball of doom and give him space.
you watch the tsaritsa’s weapon of war crumple into himself, looking off into a meaningless corner of the room.
“i… i’m being stationed to liyue tomorrow.” his voice is entirely different from what it was when this entire ordeal began- quiet, hesitant.
“and?” is your response before you can even think about how douchey it sounds. it’s already too late when you see childe deflate even more and feel like you just kicked a puppy.
“and i wanted to come and give you the news.”
really? that’s all he wanted from this?
“then why go through all this effort of sparring newbies at practically the ass crack of dawn and lose? why not just come here and tell me at once?”
he scoffs bitterly. “like you’d talk to me under normal circumstances.”
the regret you were feeling from your cruel response from earlier quickly bleeds out into incredulousness.
“you haven’t talked to me under normal circumstances since we were fourteen.” you stab back and childe bites his tongue, he won’t retaliate this time. the rest of the appointment is spent in the deadliest of silences as you finish tending to his “injuries”. neither of you ever look up to face the other.
you pack up quickly as to haul ass from the office room as soon as possible. but not before you mutter stoically- “have fun in liyue.”
and childe is left to sit pathetically on the bed and contemplate his astronomical failure.
what a wretched week.
the days seem to take a thousand years each to end, the laboratory feels stuffier, the people less tolerable and you swear the pen in your hand feels heavier than a lead ingot.
“are you done sulking?”
oh yeah, there’s also the ruthless fatui harbinger you work under and the equally insulting bajillion copies of him. you know bajillion is a gross overestimation but you also gave up keeping track of how many segments the doctor has a long time ago, they’re bossy all the same.
“not sulking, sir, just… thinking.”
“thinking about the medical records you’re supposed to be overseeing surely?” he taunts and you can only scoff non-committedly.
said medical records were mere reports on several of the doctor’s past experiments and operations, arguably not worth such a commitment of your time or worth a hackling from your boss. either way the words and paragraphs had merged into blurred lines and incomprehensible messes in your eyes about ten minutes ago, you were only pretending to be doing something at this point.
the irresistible force of your boredom drives your gaze to anywhere but the papers in front of you, eventually settling onto a corkboard hung up on a farther wall of the doctor’s laboratory. tired retinas struggle to focus on the blueprints that are stuck onto the corkboard but they seem to have rough sketchings of… body parts? they’re definitely not human, no, instead the drawings indicate they’re robotical. on another blueprint is an unfinished rendering of the full robot body. the shape language is unconventionally stylized, to a point where they almost resemble traditional inazuman patterns or even… the patterns on scaramouches robes-
“l-lord dottore!! i have an u-urgent matter sent by lord pierro himself.”
“out with it. quick.” the segment doesn’t even bother to face the stammering officer that had bursted through the door right then.
“u-uhm… some of our liyue informants have reported t-that rex lapis suddenly p-perished during the rite of descension,”
“rex lapis, dying? well,” he drawls amusedly. “that would certainly be a sight. but how exactly does this development concern me? is the banker not available?”
“w-well y-yes… lord pierro specifically requested for your word on the matter a-and perhaps see if one of your s-subordinates could… be on-site?”
dottore’s segment lets out an exasperated sigh while a gloved hand goes up to pinch the bridge of his nose. “unfortunately it doesn’t surprise me that the collective surplus amount of agents we have stationed in liyue harbor proves to be utterly incompetent to the point where the jester himself would come to me for help.”
a feeling of dread settles in your chest as you try to digest the insane information you’ve been given-
rex lapis, the oldest of the seven archons of teyvat, is dead.
pierro, the head of the fatui harbingers, is requesting dottore to send one of his subordinates to investigate the scene.
that’s you, you’re dottore’s subordinate.
which means you’ll be sent to investigate an archon’s death. in liyue.
that’s where he is.
your head feels like it’ll explode any second now. the segment, ever so brilliantly clever like his prime version, seems to have the same idea as you and beams a sharp-toothed sadistic grin.
“why my assistant here does seem to be available, wouldn’t you say?” he turns a serpentine stare over to you.
“err… i don’t think i could leave my post here, sir, i am the head nurse after all-“
“nonsense, i doubt the bumbling idiots of this palace will find themselves into anything more troublesome than a papercut while you’re gone.”
oh the irony of hearing that after your… situation the other day. you huff defeatedly, standing up to start packing for your impromptu trip. the mysterious blueprints in the laboratory long forgotten.
morepesok hasn’t changed a bit since you left.
which, as much as you love your hometown, isn’t saying much- morepesok is as uneventful as it gets. in such a small seaside snezhnayan village, the only points of interest are the painfully traditional values of fishing and family.
the visit to your parents’ house is brief but comforting, some teary goodbyes and heartfelt words about how pleased and proud they are of what you’ve accomplished for yourself- achieving such a high position in the fatui ranks by merely helping people. you don’t even consider telling them about the doctor.
but what makes you feel worse is the visit to ajax’s family home. it’s like the house has been frozen in time, the place where you spent years of your childhood is intact and unchanged- except for some newer family pictures, of course.
teucer, tonia and anthon are the ones to greet you first, then ajax’s parents come along. huh… ajax. you hadn’t even noticed the switch your brain does whenever you’re back home. here, he’s ajax but in zapolyarny palace, he’s childe or tartaglia. but there’s no time to dig yourself a deeper hole in that topic because you’re presently being pampered like a very own daughter of the house by his parents.
“my dear, look at you! you look so grown and mature… have you been eating well?” his mother walks up to cup your cheeks with the most genuine parental love. she, like the rest of the environment, looks exactly as you remember her, with a few newer white strands betwixt her bright orange curls. well, remember is a strong word.
“tetya, it’s only been a few months since we’ve seen each other, i’m all the same.” you laugh and she reciprocates.
“yes yes, i know… and- oh! as a matter of fact, we saw ajax just this week, said he was being transferred to a northland bank all the way in liyue!”
and when you thought you could not feel shittier about this.
“it is a shame to have our ajax so far from home so suddenly but at least we still have you, dearest!” she grins, pinching your cheek with more vigor than you’ve seen apparent in fatui sergeants.
“hey!” the three younger siblings call out in unison.
“yeah, a-about that, tetya…” you start hesitantly. “i’m… also being transferred to liyue. there have been some unexpected developments and i’ll just be on field to check up on things.”
ajax’s mother huffs incredulously. “by the tsaritsa’s name! they must hate mothers over at that palace!” she shakes her head with disappointment. “speaking of which, have you gone to see your parents yet?” you only nod. “good good… well anyhow, are you in a hurry, dear? i could make you some hot chocolate and then you’re free to be on your way.”
how could you ever deny your tetya’s hot chocolate?
the rest of your stay in the household is spent chatting with the family and playing games with the younger kids, as well as drinking a cup of hot chocolate so delicious you almost cry. the afternoon is nearing its end when you’re walking out the door and teucer is bawling his eyes out at your departure, or maybe he’s just tuckered out.
“have a safe trip, kiddo.” ajax’s father pats you on the shoulder firmly.
“thanks, dyadya, i will.”
“oh! and take care of ajax, make sure he doesn’t get in over his head.” this time it’s tonia who pipes up and the rest of the family nods in agreement.
“bye bye, everyone!” you’re already at the house’s front fence, waving back as fiercely as you can.
the only thing you don’t notice is the knowing look that is shared between tonia and her mother when she mentions ajax.
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psychokatrixxxy · 3 months
Random rant/analysis (ig) of the CW's Supergirl (Arrowverse)
Heads up, I only watch the first 3 seasons of Supergirl before losing interest. Writing just wasn't as compelling, and I was busy with other stuff.
My first introduction to Supergirl was through the CW's Supergirl, I had no knowledge about her character. Hell, I barely knew anything about Superman's origins. The only DC media I had really consumed was Young Justice and a few episodes of Batman: The Brave and The Bold. The only reason I even watched Supergirl was because it looked interesting. (And for some reason, it was in the kid setting for Netflix, which... yeah, it shouldn't of been. There was no nudity but the implied sex and stuff made child me a little uncomfortable and like can we get back to the fighting?) But that's besides the point.
My point is, that show did Kara dirty.
When I first mentioned the character of Supergirl, one of my friends' critics was that she thought her character was pointless because she was just a female version of Superman and she found it pointless to just make a girl version of a character.
And yeah, that's what the CW did. That Kara was just a girl version of Clark. A quirky reporter that's actually an alien adopted by human farmers and is struggling with her identity as a Kryptonion and as a Human.
Obviously, there are differences between her and Clark. She has an adoptive sister, she works with the D.E.O, etc. But the core of her character, her humanity, she's just a girl version of Superman.
But as stated before, I was a young dumb child who didn't know much about Superman, so I loved it. But now I understand that they completely messed up Kara's character.
Kara is compassionate, but she's also a hot-headed, fierce, and impulsive teenager. Yeah, you could say she does does become like the cheerful bubbly Supergirl of the CW, but we never see her being the scared, angry girl who just lost her parents, her entire home, and is now stranded on a new planet, with new powers she doesn't understand and can't control. We don't see her as the teenager that comes off as angry because she's scared and doesn't want anyone to see it.
Superman came to Earth as a baby, Earth is all he knew. It is his home. He grew up learning to control his powers to fit in, to not accidentally hurt someone.
Supergirl came to Earth as a teenager, her home is gone, everyone she knew and loved is dead. She has to learn about a whole new culture, while grappling with brand new powers she hasn't learned to control.
Superman and Supergirl are very different characters, just because they're both "Supers" and have similar costumes and powers (which is because they are cousins) does not mean they are just gender bent versions of eachother.
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nekoning · 3 months
I want to speak in support of transfems, as someone who is TME that embodies some of the arguments used to deflect acknowledging transmasc privilege. I want to start by saying that nothing I'm going to say is something transfems haven't said before and that you should prioritize listening to transfem voices.
Just to give context, for most of my life I was a masculine, non-passing transmasc, now I'm a visibly gnc agender person who's been 2 years on T, but what is important is:
There has not been a single stage in my transition journey where I have not been more privileged than transfems.
Not when I was pre-T, not when I was masc, not now that I'm gnc and sometimes get read as transfem, never.
I can only speak from my experience, but I will use it to deconstruct a few of the most common arguments used by TME people to criticize TMA people that speak out about transmisogyny.
1) “Transmasc people face the same level of oppression, any disagreement to this is an attempt at dividing us”
(CW: mentions of SA and murder)
Believe me, I know oppression. For another context i live in Latin America, where if you've paid attention to statistics about transphobia, it gets pretty bad here. Transmascs I know have had heartbreaking life stories, a lot of them have suffered SA, a few became sex workers to survive, that and more transphobia transmascs have talked about before.
Not too long ago, I was in a candlelit vigil with other transmascs, mourning the murder of Ever, a trans man who suffered violence, was killed and dismembered. He was treated as a woman in the news like in most cases here, a lot of us wondered if we could be next.
That same day I saw a post about transmasc privilege. My first knee-jerk reaction was to feel defensive, how could I get told that in that moment? how could anyone think we're privileged? A lot of transmascs are having that reaction now, the problem is you're staying with that reaction instead of listening.
You think what transfems are saying is that you stand with cis men at the top, hand in hand, only rewarded and not faced with any harm. That is not what they are saying, what they are pointing out is that even if we're both at the bottom, transmascs are one step above, 10 cents above, it is not wrong to point out that difference, it's fair.
I could go on and on with anecdotes about how other transmasc people and I suffer, and yet, none of it will erase that privilege. It’s in the name that appears in my ID and CV, it's in the way masculinity is favored in comparison to femininity, it's in how the community's response to my suffering will most often be open arms instead of being harassed, called pedophile or rapist, being banned and more of what happens to transfems, it's structural, it's patriarchy.
Everyone has a duty to recognize in which ways they are privileged. It is the duty of transmasc people to recognize that, even though the little privilege they have is not enough to protect them from transphobes and cisnormativity, it is enough to be weaponized against transfems if they choose to do so. The same way that even if a cis man is the best of allies and is discriminated by other aspects of his identity, he still holds more privilege than women.
We have to be aware of this privilege not because there is an “oppression olympics”, but because it's necessary if we want to use it in favor of transfems and not against them.
If you think transfems speaking out about the mistreatment they face is what is destroying unity, you're wrong. it's your lack of solidarity that is.
2) “GNC or feminine transmascs suffer the same treatment, so everyone is affected by transmisogyny”
I'm very fluid in my gender expression and nowadays I pass most of the time as a man. Sometimes I get read as transfem by strangers and get harassed, because of this I've started to become anxious about going outside.
And that is kind of the point, I started getting treated worse when read as transfem, in no other stage of my transition, not even when I didn't pass at all and was very masc, was I ever treated this harshly. And you know what? it's still not as bad as what transfems go through.
Because it's occasional and accidental, it's not even directed towards me really, the oppressive system in place doesn't have me as a target. Some other transmascs will give me the side-eye for being feminine, still not as bad. Some people will misgender me, see me as a cis woman, still not as bad, cis women ARE more privileged than trans women. If something happens to me, I can reach out to my safety net and be supported.
Maybe you should ask trans women what happens to them when they reach out for help, what happens when they speak out about what happens to them. I can't claim to be just as oppressed when the bullets just graze me, they are taking the direct hit and you are not protecting them.
3) “We don't know the reality of transmasc oppression. There is not enough data about us yet to make these claims”
That fact infuriates me as much as it infuriates you, I wish we were studied more, because it is true that sometimes our experiences are undermined. However, despite that, I don't need statistics to know that transfems are telling the truth, because it's how patriarchy works. They are women, I am not. We are both trans but stand in different sides of the spectrum, patriarchy punishes moving towards their side.
If you're still old enough to remember, what was one of the most common things cis men would tell women when they would speak about the oppression they faced? "show me the statistics." Don't do that to trans women, even when we both know it's unfair that the statistics don't exist, don't. Believe trans women, it's as simple as that. I don't need statistics to believe them because we have decades of history as proof.
To end this, Sylvia Rivera and many more transfems fought to get their voices heard despite the rest of the community trying to silence them, the same thing is happening now.
When will you listen? when will you contribute to making the community safe for trans women? If you want an united queer community, strong enough to fight against cisnormativity and patriarchy, then you need to make your choice between defensiveness and solidarity, I already made mine. And please hurry, because transfems really need us right now.
There is much more everyone should know about transmisogyny, but you have to hear it from them, they are the experts, read books and articles made by transfems, listen to what transfems are saying on this site, listen to the transfems in your community, be there for them.
edit: i can't believe i have to say it again, these are my experiences only, not speaking for everyone, and still, personal experiences are one thing, a systematic, structured oppression is another, it changes nothing.
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