#cw: jk Rowling
foundfamilyhq · 2 months
Hey! I was wondering, does "No Harry Potter" include Fantastic Beasts?
Yep, nothing from any of JK Rowling's franchises, including any other book series she's written outside of that universe, will be accepted here. Mod is trans and from the UK, so I don't want to think about these series on a blog I'm running for fun 👍
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aladygrieve · 7 months
it's been sixteen years and I still can't believe that Harry Potter's official final word on slavery was that it's fine as long as you treat them nicely. Like Harry's very last action in Deathly Hallows before the cut to the epilogue is to wonder if Kreacher, the SLAVE THAT HE OWNS, can bring him a sandwich. I need to lie down
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stuffing-pillows · 2 years
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this woman could have been one of the most beloved writers of the generation if she just wasn’t an asshole online, and now she exclusively writes novels about how her life is so hard because people told her to stop being an asshole
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ordinaryschmuck · 1 year
Yeah the harry Potter bitch activity Said bodily autonomy needs to be taken away from autistic women because of the number of autistic trans men
...What the FUCK does that have to do with anything?!
Like, seriously, what the FUCK!
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camelliagwerm · 1 year
can you explain what is wrong with the name sirona ryan i am not native english speaker and have no idea what is wrong with it (not defending the author i hate her a lot i just want to be in the know)
I'm going to brief about this because this lead-up to this release has been absolutely exhausting, esp. for me as an English trans person.
Every single non-white or non-British character in the shitty wizard series has a very stereotypical or outright offensive name with the potential of an equally stereotypical background. There's a lot of them and I do not have the mental fortitude to list them.
The shitty nostalgia bait game - on top of the anti-semitism and pro-slavery shitshow - has a singular transwoman in it that was essentially a token add-on to 'steer' the conversation away from the game. However, their attempt just backfired. Her name is Sirona Ryan. Sir is a masculine honorific and Ryan is an extremely common British male name. It is not a good look when you consider the Wizard Series' history with absolutely atrocious naming conventions for any character who is non-white / non-British.
The Daily Dot has a great article.
If any idiots want to argue with me on this, how about supporting any of these EU charities instead of wasting your energy:
Northern Ireland based trans advocacy: https://transgenderni.org.uk/
Advocates for LGBTQ+ and education: https://www.stonewall.org.uk/
Supports trans youth in the UK: https://mermaidsuk.org.uk/
Europe and Central Asia trans advocacy: https://tgeu.org/about-us/
Participatory grantmaking fund: https://www.transfund.org/
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rogueddie · 2 years
oh my god jk rowling wrote a transphobic self-insert real life fiction book the same length as war and peace
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shrimpfandango · 2 months
Despite what her lawyers will bully people poorer than her into saying, JK Rowling is and will forever be a Holocaust denier
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lezzian · 3 months
i actually think we should not be giving JK rowling any attention in general but to be honest maybe normies should know that woman is straight up doing holocaust denial on twitter now
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veethesnake · 1 year
In light of recent events:
Separating the art from the artist
does NOT work if said artist is
1) alive
2) directly financially benefitting from you consuming the art
Especially if they have tweeted this in the past:
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troythecatfish · 2 months
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transexualpirate · 3 months
this is actually interesting. how prone to mental gymnastics terfs are. it's somewhat viral by now the stupid tweet from jordan kermit rowling denying that nazis hated trans people and then moving the goal post. first claiming that the nazis burning books on trans healthcare was a fever dream, and when presented with proof that it very clearly happened, she changed the claim completely, as though she never said that nazis hating trans people was a lie, she just meant that "trans people weren't their first victims and not all books were burned!", as though that's not a completely different and unrelated claim
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because not only terfs agree with nazis when it comes to trans people (filthy degenerates!) but they know that agreeing with nazis on anything at all is "bad rep", so they rely on denying that nazis ever hated trans people at all, therefore not only erasing trans history but also an important part of the history of the holocaust: the book burnings - but also it shows how easily they twist and deliberately misinterpret the words of anyone that goes against them. im not agreeing with nazis, you just don't know what they actually believed in. you have sources? oh, but you can't have sources to this other unrelated baseless claim someone else "on your side" did, therefore im still right and you're still wrong, and you look stupid when you try to defy that.
and the fact that some people not only fell for that but also vehemently defend it. it's no wonder people call them a cult
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facts-i-just-made-up · 4 months
What is the difference between a witch and a wizard
Both could generally refer to any gender of mage, but certain authors of recent infamy decided that one is female and one is male. Hence this scene from a movie that I can't believe is over 20 years old:
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victoriadallonfan · 1 month
…Oh my god, she’s just copying South Park
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That’s seriously where she’s at right now. Copying South Park’s attack on the trans movement.
Also, like, this is a TERRIBLE thing to bring attention to, considering the black character of Kingsley Shacklebolt she created.
And the fact that house elves really love slavery and Hermione trying to free them was seen as naive and ignorant.
Anyways, her post is in response to people upset that she’s targeting Lucy Clark, the first openly transgender football (soccer) referee in the world, who came out in 2018. She honestly just seems like a nice person.
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But this was too much for JK Rowling! She posted the above tweet and several more
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Misgendering and sending stray shots at people who cross dress too - apparently because the media(??) is too nice to them(??)
I wonder how JKR would react to learning that pants were initially unisex, and that pants were deemed “unmanly” at times
Or the fact that people who cross dress have played important roles in history, like Dorothy Lawrence
Of course, JKR doesn’t really care about facts.
All she cares about is that Lucy had the audacity to… lightly warn people to not make transphobic comments:
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JK Rowling is a real asshole
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ayeforscotland · 1 year
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captnbas · 10 months
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hpdm through the years
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destiel-news-channel · 8 months
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[Image ID: The Destiel confession meme edited so that Dean answers 'J.K. Rowling would rather go to prison than stop misgendering people' to Cas' 'I love you'. /End ID]
every reblog adds another year to her sentence
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