#dafuq am I doing
comparatorclock · 29 days
100 dollar bills are the fruitcake of money
They seem really nice, until you realize that literally nobody accepts that particular denomination
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paskariu · 1 year
I've finally found the issue with the docker yolo stuff!
My cpu is too weak to train the model :)
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lykanas · 2 months
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One year in this dumpster and I still have no clue how it actually works! 🥳
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meszkalin · 11 months
im so starved for romance like wtf
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dorenarox · 1 year
Well. I got the Scout!
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bitchesgetriches · 4 months
Everything You Need to Know about How to Increase Your Income
Make more money at the job you have
One of the simplest ways to increase your income is to just make your current employer pay you more. But while it may be simple, it ain’t always easy.
Santa Isn’t Coming and Neither Is Your Promotion: How To Get Promoted
How I Chessmastered Myself Into a Promotion at Work
The First Time I Asked for a Raise
You Need To Ask for a Fucking Raise
Ask the Bitches: “Can I Quit With Unvested Funds? Or Am I Walking Away From Too Much Money?” 
The Ultimate Guide to Growing Your Salary
Make more money at your next job
All that said, you’re statistically more likely to increase your income faster by job hopping! So if your current employer doesn’t want to pay you more, leave that sinking ship behind in pursuit of a higher salary.
Job Hopping vs. Career Loyalty by the Numbers
The Fascinating Results of Our Job Hopping vs. Career Loyalty Poll
How NOT to Determine Your Salary
When It Comes to Salary Negotiations, Are You Asking for Enough?
What To Do When You’re Asked About Your Salary Requirements in a Job Interview
If Your Employer Refuses To Negotiate Salary, Try These 11 Creative Counteroffers
Season 4, Episode 9: “I’m on the Wrong Career Path. How Do I Convince a New Industry To Take a Chance on Me?” 
Invest your way to more money
Of course there are some who say the true path to wealth is passive income: when you stop working for your money and instead let your money work for you. And they’re not wrong! Here’s how we recommend you increase your income passively.
When Money in the Bank Is a Bad Thing: Understanding Inflation and Depreciation
Investing Deathmatch: Investing in the Stock Market vs. Just… Not 
What’s the REAL Rate of Return on the Stock Market?
Dafuq Is a Retirement Plan and Why Do You Need One? 
Procrastinating on Opening a Retirement Account? Here’s 3 Ways That’ll Fuck You Over.
Season 4, Episode 1: “Index Funds Include Unethical Companies. Can I Still Invest in Them, or Does That Make Me a Monster?” 
Small Business Investing: A Kinder, Gentler Alternative to the Stock Market 
The Dark Magic of Financial Horcruxes: How and Why to Diversify Your Assets 
Make more money through side hustles
When it comes to side hustles, we have traditionally advocated caution. The last thing you want to do is burn out in pursuit of a second income stream. But with enough wits and fortitude, a side hustle could help you increase your income by leaps and bounds.
Romanticizing the Side Hustle: When 1 Job Isn’t Enough
Season 2, Episode 9: “I Use My Free Time to Volunteer. Should I Focus on Making Money Instead?”
Stop Undervaluing Your Freelance Work, You Darling Fool
Freelancer, Protect Thyself… With a Fair Contract 
Season 4, Episode 10: “I’m a Freelance Artist. How Do I Price My Work Fairly Without Losing Clients?”
Ask the Bitches: My Boss Won’t Give Me a Contract and I’m Freaking Out 
“Independent Contractor” My Ass: How to Stop Wage Theft Through Worker Misclassification 
Becoming a Millennial Entrepreneur (In the Midst of a Pandemic) With Katelyn Magnuson 
11 Awful Mistakes I Made as a Self-employed Freelancer, and How You Can Avoid Them
The Magic of Unclaimed Property: How I Made $1,900 in 10 Minutes by Being a Disorganized Mess
I Am a Craigslist Samurai and so Can You: How to Sell Used Stuff Online
What to do when you make more money
Once you increase your income, you might find yourself… not quite bored, but finding you have a little more bandwidth to handle the stuff that matters. It can be a jarring transition! Here are our thoughts on the matter.
Season 3, Episode 7: “I’m Finished With the Basic Shit. What Are the Advanced Financial Steps That Only Rich People Know?” 
Season 3, Episode 4: “The More Money I Save, the More I’m Scared To Lose It. Can I Break the Cycle of Financial Anxiety?” 
How to Avoid Lifestyle Inflation … and When to Embrace It
Ask the Bitches: I Know How to Struggle and Fight, but I Don’t Know How to Succeed
Update: I Know How to Struggle and Fight, but I Don’t Know How to Succeed 
The FIRE Movement, Explained 
I Was Happy to Marry a Poor Man. Then Things Changed.
I Have Become the Rich Relative I Always Wanted 
Believing in Miracles: A Conversation with Chris Dane Owens on Money, Creativity, and Self-Funding Art 
I Now Make More Money Than My Husband, and It’s Great for Our Marriage 
Season 2, Episode 1: “I’m Financially Stable, but My Friends Aren’t. The Guilt Is Crushing!”
The Resignation Checklist: 25 Sneaky Ways To Bleed Your Employer Dry Before Quitting
Advocate for systemic change
We don’t endorse an attitude of “I got mine.” So once you increase your income, there are lots of ways to use your newfound financial breathing room for good! Lift as you climb, my friend. Here are a few ways to do so:
Wallet Activism: Using Your Money for Good with Author Tanja Hester 
Woke at Work: How to Inject Your Values into Your Boring, Lame-Ass Job 
Raising the Minimum Wage Would Make All Our Lives Better
Post a Salary Range in the Job Description, You Fucking Cowards
1 Easy Way All Allies Can Help Close the Gender and Racial Pay Gap
The Truth About Unions: What Has Organized Labor Done for You? 
How To Support a Labor Strike with 3 Simple Steps
Everything in moderation
One last thing, my lambs: don’t crush your spirit while chasing the goal of a higher income. Working hard is hard work. If you find these tactics are leaving you exhausted and demoralized, you might be on the road to burnout. And that road leads nowhere good!
That’s why we just released our glorious new Burnout Workshop. Click the button below to take a peek!
Get the Burnout Workshop Here!
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livstarlight · 2 years
Please allow me to break down this wakanda forever scene for my personal entertainment and the mere reason why I think it's the funniest shit I have ever seen
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So we have Namor who is blabbering his sob story to a stranger foreigner surface-dweller princess he met once and who has known for a total of... five minutes, give or take. But whatever, we are on a tight schedule, on the brink of war and with the risk of being exposed any minute, plus we are trying to form an alliance with above mentioned princess and her country, that seems to be the only one to have something in common with his own, so it's fine.
ANYWAY, he has just finished unraveling his people's but especially his entire life story because he wants Shuri to understand why he has to do what he has to do, and she starts arguing back, trying to find a common ground. A peaceful solution for both parties. Which... fair. Usual diplomatic stuff. They are both making sense.
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Then Shuri says THIS:
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Mind you, he is a mutant god king. A mutant god king of 500 years old. He has seen and heard a lot of things, nothing should faze him that's what I am saying. And technically has the upper hand, considering he is also sort of holding her hostage (she asked to be brought there but still) and yet:
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Stunned. Absolutely flabbergasted. Looks like his brain is stammering and failing to elaborate what's happening.
But Shuri keeps going, smart and confident in her ability to turn things around.
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She even smiles. And that's it. He is done. Now we can actually see his braincells on the loose, helplessly scattering around. Live.
(500 years old. Let me remind you. 500.)
Then... this. Whatever this is.
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1 Why are you swaying your hand around. And so dramatically. Besides, you gave her that dress.
And 2... what are you doing. Where are you looking. Please focus we are in the middle of a diplomatic meeting that could decide the fate of both of your nations for crying out loud.
But no. No no no. We are not done. If that wasn’t enough already:
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Which... scary. Shuri is genuinely unnerved, like everyone with common sense would be.
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He is just stating how things are. He is being serious, after all we are talking about a secret underwater kingdom that has been hidden for centuries, but no-
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Look at him. He is so proud. So cheeky for having delivered this stupid joke he is probably mentally giving himself a pat on the back for having thought of it in the first place.
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Look at her face. Look at her. She is a mix between "dafuq dude" and "are you for real"
I am not even gonna say anything about the fact that after her proposition he raised zero-to-none complain and/or hesitation about showing his super secret beloved kingdom that he has been going above and beyond to protect for centuries to a girl he met yesterday whom he talked to for a total of now ten minutes. Because... really.
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mshroom1e · 1 year
ೃ⁀➷ Trust Fall
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type: headcanons
how the twst characters would react to the reader suddenly trying a trust fall on them
1.4k words
Characters: NRC Students
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╰┈➤ Riddle
He'd be so caught off guard, he just freezes.
Prolly shreiks too.
You fall on the floor right away.
You get an "off with your head!"
He's just embarrassed and ends up feeling bad for letting you fall.
From then on, he refuses to walk behind you so you don't pull the same stunt again.
╰┈➤ Ace
He let's you fall.
But on purpose.
You fall flat on your back and he just laughs at you.
He helps you up though.
He's still laughing.
╰┈➤ Deuce
Panicks but manages to catch you somehow.
He thought you fell backwards by accident.
Stop you almost gave him a heart attack.
He asks if you're okay afterwards, and you tell him it was just a trust fall, and he's like "oh".
╰┈➤ Trey
He knows what you're up to.
Figures it's one of your usual antics and catches you with a fond chuckle.
Warns you not to try the same thing with Riddle though.
He can't help but to tell you to be careful so you don't get hurt if the person fails to catch you.
He's happy that you trust him enough to try a trust fall, though.
╰┈➤ Cater
He's actually quite quick to catch you.
Like Trey, he knows it's a trust fall.
He laughs and asks you to redo it but this time let him pull out his phone and record you do it.
Posts it under #friendshipgoals
(pls idk how to write this young man)
╰┈➤ Leona
He's like "dafuq" and sidesteps you.
Watches you fall.
It's not out of malicious intent. He just cannot be bothered to use any energy to catch you.
Looks at you on the ground, laughs to himself and walks away.
Calls you an airhead.
Congratulations, you played yourself.
╰┈➤ Ruggie
He's got swift reflexes, so he's another quick one to carry you.
Pay up, since he just saved your life.
You explain it was a trust fall but the cost still stands.
You pull out some madol from your pocket and hand it over to him while grumbling the entire time.
There goes your money for the next month that you managed to scrape together with blood, sweat, and tears. (no thanks to the silly bird man)
He smiles and does his little silly laugh when he gets the money off you, so maybe it was worth it.
╰┈➤ Jack
Goes to catch you but ends up fully lifting you off the ground instead.
He's ended up holding you up like Rafiki and Simba
Like Deuce, he thought you fell over and is hoping you're okay.
He's so nice ���
You tell him it's a trust fall and he furrows his eyebrows.
Kinda feels embarrassed that he fully lifted you up now.
Awkwardly and silently puts you back on the ground with a straight face.
╰┈➤ Azul
He screams and jumps back
Or am I?
Jokes aside, he's got really good arm strength, so even if he's late to catch you, he still manages to hold you up.
He's so shook his glasses almost fall off and his face is going red from confusion.
Pretty quick to recover and uses it as a business opportunity.
He saved you from falling, so now give him your dorm building.
Theres no friends in the world of business
Sigma grindset haver /j
Mainly uses the businessman front as a cover.
He's still shook but trying to play it off.
Yk how he tries to appear smarter in front of teachers? Well, he's doing the exact same thing but tryna appear calm in front of you.
╰┈➤ Jade
He catches you pretty solid
You hear an ominous "fufufu..." from behind you.
Is disspointed you didn't pass out since now he can't use you as mushroom fertiliser /j
He flashes his usual butler style smile and stands you back on your feet.
Sorry but Jade always seems to be plotting something so I suggest you escape now.
He's already figured it was a trust fall, so no need to explain.
╰┈➤ Floyd
His reaction depends on his mood ig
If he's default Floyd, he fully picks you up and the next thing you know, you're trapped in a warm but gut crushing squeeze.
Picks you up simba style pt. 2 but it's intentional.
Pls tell me someone else also thinks his hugs would be comfortable.
He laughs with you coz ur so silly.
Puts you on the ground after a bit and ruffles your hair if you're shorter than him (he does that daily and you can't convince me otherwise)
You end up laughing too.
Watch out though, since he might pull the same stunt on you when you least expect it.
Start doing some arm workouts coz he's gonna be a hefty number to lift.
╰┈➤ Kalim
His carpet catches you.
You happen to be in his dorm and its nearby.
His younger siblings do stuff like trust falls all the time so he isn't surprised.
He's also happy you trust him enough to try one with him.
He smiles so brightly it hurts to look at.
After all, it hurts to look at the sun when it's shining.
╰┈➤ Jamil
Is so sick of your bs
Contemplates letting you fall, but he isn't feeling that mean today, so he guesses he can catch you.
Ends up catching you, but it's definitely not willingly.
Don't try it with him again coz next time, you're falling.
╰┈➤ Vil
bombastic side eye
criminal offensive side eye
He gives you the most judgemental, critical look that you even forget why you approached him in the first place.
Bro didn't even give you a chance to test out the fall on him.
Like that one auntie that silently judges you for existing.
He is not wrinkling his perfectly ironed clothes.
You do the walk of shame as you retreat.
╰┈➤ Rook
Man's already caught your before you start to fall.
He chuckles with his usual smile.
"Tres bien, Trickster!"
You tried to catch him off guard (an impossible task), but you're the one who got shocked instead.
╰┈➤ Epel
A quick, confused noise slips out as he catches you.
You almost hit the ground but he tried his best.
Tell him it's a trust fall and you left him so lost he needs the map.
Since there aren't many kids in the place he's from, he'd never heard of a trust fall until now.
He's glad you trust him, though, and has a small smile on his face for the rest of the day.
╰┈➤ Idia
He isn't even there.
You fall with nothing but thin air behind you.
╰┈➤ Ortho
He catches you right away and it's startling how strong he is.
You knew he'd be pretty strong, but you're still surprised a little.
He also thought you fell by accident but he's happy when you tell him it wad a trust fall.
Watch out though, since there's a close to 40% chance you'll fall on the floor if you tried it on somsone else.
He's just hoping you don't get hurt.
He's such a sweet little gummy worm <3
╰┈➤ Malleus
He instantly catches you with magic.
Genuinely thought you lost your balance.
Well done, now he's walking behind you for the next week to make sure you don't fall and hurt yourself.
You tell him it's a trust fall and he's so lost he needs the map 2.0
But he's intrigued
You're quite strange, Child of Man.
You explain its only done with people you trust (usually) and he's smiling for the rest of the day.
There's no storm clouds for the next week.
You've singlehandedly made his day.
╰┈➤ Lilia
Watches you with a knowing smile.
He knows what you're doing.
Still catches you anyway while chuckling.
Says something about how funny kids are these days and leaves to go do Lilia stuff. (idk I haven't read book 7 yet lmao)
╰┈➤ Silver
You're the one catching him.
He fell asleep mid conversation and now you're left to drag him over to a nearby bench so he can rest comfortably.
bro is majestic
Watching him sleep so peacefully makes you sleepy too and you end up falling asleep as well.
Your trust fall plan ended in a joint napping session.
Idk about you but that sounds like a win to me.
╰┈➤ Sebek
He catches you.
Thinks it would be a disgrace to his training if he didn't.
You tell him it's a trust fall and he gets all smug.
"Ha! You think I can be caught of guard by the ambush of a mere human??" He says but on the inside he's happy you trust him.
Won't say it out loud though so you're left with him talking your ear off about how humans are too reckless.
That's his way of telling you to be more careful next time.
He just didn't want you to get hurt either.
After all, he does care (I hope)
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mod-kyoko · 3 months
Hmm how about Maki harukawa and Mukuro Ikusaba with a boyfriend (separate) that absolutely adores them and finds his girlfriend to be cute
maki harukawa and mukuro ikusaba w/ a boyfriend that finds them cute!
fandom: danganronpa
info: male!reader, hc format, fluff
a/n: hi puppteer, thanks for the ask! mukuro has my heart but i love writing for both these girls
maki harukawa
i could talk for hours about how maki is just a normal teenage girl on the inside
because of the nature of her childhood, she was never able to just be a kid, or a girl
never had sleepovers, never had female friends, never had a crush
being with a boy like you makes her feel like a girl, and it's difficult for her to come to terms with the fact that that's what she wants
she tries to keep up the image that she's cold-hearted and dangerous, but when she's around you it starts to slip
anytime you show her affection in public she purses her lips and her cheeks turn the darkest shade of red
she'll revert to her famous catchphrase
"do you wanna die"
you'll say "if it is by your hand i would accept any fate"
that really gets her flustered
if you call her cute to her face she'll avert eye contact and shyly deny it
"i'm not..."
and later, when she's alone, she'll cry on her bed hugging a pillow
because maki harukawa really is just a girl, like any other, and all she wants is to experience what other teenage girls experience
you gave her that opportunity, and every day she feels her facade crumbling
the word 'cute' occupies her mind for hours after you say it
"i'm... cute. i am cute" she says to herself, tears silently streaming down her cheeks
she decided to allow herself to be girly from now on
whenever she hears those sweet words from you, like "cute" or "adorable," she smiles
also, she's decided she is okay with showing affection in public now
she's no longer afraid, and will gladly make the first move
she'll wrap her arms around your waist or grab your hand
you're the best thing that ever happened to her
mukuro ikusaba
mukuro and maki have some similarities in their upbringing but the difference between the two of them is that mukuro had a choice
she never really had the desire to live a normal child's life, or a girl's life, she just doesn't think about it
you brought that idea into her life when you fell for her
from the day you met her you were honest with her about your feelings
always letting her know how cute and pretty she is
at first she was a little surprised, because you were probably the first one that ever called her cute
she literally looked down at herself and was like "dafuq? i could kill you"
part of her maybe even thought that you weren't serious
but you didn't stop, you made sure day after day she heard from you how beautiful she is and how much you love her
eventually she got used to it, and started believing it herself
mukuro's idea of a date is taking you to a gun range
when she's holding a rifle and blowing a target tf up and you stand there and just fawn over her she's so confused
she feels all hot inside and reaches to feel her cheek, noticing that her face is burning up
you made mukuro blush, congrats
the way to mukuro's heart is definitely by showing interest in the things she's interested in
if you let her teach you how to operate a gun, or how to escape a chokehold, she's super happy
i can literally imagine her being like
"okay here's where to stab a person if you want to immobilize them but keep them alive" with the biggest smile on her face
and you're like mhm mhm awesome
you tell her you think she's the cutest when she's talking about her interests
when she's done teaching you something, you wrap your arms around her and thank her
she melts into the embrace, closing her eyes and smiling
finally, someone accepted her for her, despite her macabre interests
dangerous women live in my head rent free
-mod kyoko
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dadailybocch · 6 months
i love fanged bocchi
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Thank you, I'm glad people generally seem to like the little teefs I give her. I haven't gotten any messages or comments where someone's like "WHAT DAFUQ IS THIS MAN" like I thought I was going to initially (yet. It'll happen one day I'm sure 😆).
It was just something I started doing on a whim too, I was drawing Kikuri & thought "hey what if I gave ol Bocch sharp teeth just like her?". I doodled it & really liked it, so I just kept doing it. Now I can't imagine drawing her without her sharp canines 😆 for me personally anyways.
I have a tendency to "creature-ify" or add "feral" or beast-like features to a character if it makes sense to add them (or if I feel like doing it Just Because 😆), I draw sharp teeth & add extra hairs on Goku or any other Saiyan character as one example. And who is more of a Little Creature than Ms. The Rock herself? 😆 I've had a few folks say the way I draw her looks more like a "lost dog", which means I am definitely doing something right. 😌
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ducktoo · 2 days
Syncing Dream [Aespa x M!Reader]
5. Ramen Breakdown
Note: thanks for showing interested in the series guys! Enjoy the fluff!
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It had become something of a tradition.
After a long day of rehearsals, performances, or just surviving the chaotic world of the entertainment industry, Y/n would whip up some ramen for aespa (especially the bougee ramen that Winter always loved).
It wasn’t anything fancy, but somehow, Y/n had developed a reputation for making *perfect* ramen—something the girls had come to crave after late nights at the dorm ever since. No smoke alarms, no burnt pots. Just good old-fashioned comfort food.
But tonight was different.
Y/n had come over as usual, ready to make their favourite midnight snack as requested. The girls were all lounging around the living room, exhausted but still in good spirits after wrapping up some last-minute practice for their next performance.
Giselle was scrolling through her phone, while Ningning and Winter were sprawled out on the couch, chatting about the latest drama they were binge-watching. Karina sat in the corner, quietly observing the scene, the usual tension between her and Y/n slightly less palpable these days.
Everything seemed to be going smoothly at first. Y/n pulled out the usual ingredients, boiling the water and preparing the ramen just as he always did. The girls continued their chatter, the atmosphere relaxed and comfortable. It felt like any other night.
Until it wasn’t.
"Ya pabo, are you sure about this?" Winter called out from the couch, her tone half-joking, half-serious.
"Of course I am," Y/n responded, stirring the noodles with a grin. "I’ve been doing this for you for ages now. You know I’m basically a ramen expert."
"Yeah, but something feels off tonight," Giselle chimed in, her eyes flicking up from her phone. "I don’t know, maybe it’s just the vibe."
"The vibe?" Y/n was genuinely confused. "It’s just ramen, girls. Nothing to worry about. You watched too much K-drama now."
But then, without warning, the pot of water began bubbling more aggressively than usual. Y/n furrowed his brow, confused. He hadn’t changed anything about the recipe, and yet the water seemed to be boiling faster than normal. The noodles began to overcook, turning mushy, and the smell of burnt soup base wafted into the air.
"Dafuq...?" Y/n muttered, turning the heat down and trying to salvage the situation.
The girls all perked up, sensing something was wrong.
"Is something burning?" Ningning asked, sitting up straight on the couch.
"Y/n, what’s going on?" Karina asked, her voice slightly more serious now as she stood up from her spot.
"I don’t know," Y/n replied, frantically stirring the pot. "This has never happened before. It’s like the stove’s acting up or something."
Just then, the pot began to hiss and steam poured out, signalling that something had gone horribly wrong. The ramen broth, once the highlight of Y/n’s midnight snacks, had turned into a thick, sludgy mess.
"Uh... okay, this is definitely not normal," Y/n admitted, stepping back from the stove with wide eyes.
Before he could react further, the smoke alarm blared to life once again. The loud, piercing sound echoed through the dorm, sending everyone into a frenzy.
"Oh shit!" Giselle exclaimed, leaping off the couch as Winter raced to open the windows.
"Oppa, what did you do this time?" Ningning shouted over the alarm, already laughing despite the chaos.
"I swear, I didn’t do anything different!" Y/n yelled back, grabbing a towel and waving it under the smoke detector to stop the blaring noise.
Karina, despite her usual composed demeanour, let out an exasperated sigh and joined in the effort to fan away the smoke. Giselle ran over to the stove, trying to help, but the pot of ramen had already turned into an unrecognisable disaster.
"It’s like you’re cursed today," Karina said, her voice tinged with disbelief. “You’re like Junpei from JJK.”
Y/n couldn’t help but laugh at the absurdity of it all. "I think you might be right. Mahito is trolling with me today."
Eventually, the smoke cleared, and the alarm finally quieted down. The girls, though slightly frazzled, were still giggling uncontrollably as they surveyed the damage. The pot was beyond saving, the ramen reduced to a sad, burnt sludge at the bottom.
"Okay, what just happened?" Giselle asked, wiping away tears from laughing so hard. "You’re usually so good at this."
"I genuinely don’t know" Y/n threw his hands up in defeat. "I swear I followed the exact same steps as always. This doesn’t make any sense."
Winter came over, inspecting the charred remains of the ramen with a teasing grin. "I think you’ve lost your touch, idiot. Maybe you should retire from cooking."
"And let you cook? Helll no" Y/n said, playfully defensive. "It’s just a one-time fluke. I’ll get it right next time."
Ningning, still laughing, pulled out her phone. "I’m totally sending this to the group chat. Youngji and Yunjin will love this."
Y/n groaned but didn’t stop her. He was too busy trying to figure out what went wrong. "This has never happened before..."
"Maybe you just need a break,” Karina said, her tone surprisingly soft. She handed Y/n a glass of water and gave him a small, almost teasing smile. "Even ramen connoisseur have off days."
Y/n accepted the glass, grateful for the gesture. Despite the tension that had lingered between them for weeks, moments like this—when they could share a laugh over something as simple as ramen—made things feel a little lighter.
After the chaos of the ramen incident had settled and the group had resumed their usual banter, the atmosphere in the dorm was light and carefree again. Y/n lounged back on the couch, the failed ramen saga now just a funny memory that would definitely live in aespa’s dorm history. The girls, still buzzing with laughter, circled around him, offering their usual teasing remarks and grateful smiles.
However, just when Y/n thought the night couldn’t get any weirder, Winter suddenly blurted out something that caught everyone off guard.
"You know what?" she said, stretching her arms over her head. "We should ask the CEO if idiot can move in with us."
Y/n choked on his drink, nearly spitting it out as he sat up straight. "Wait, what?!"
Giselle burst out laughing, while Ningning’s eyes lit up like it was the best idea she’d ever heard. "Oh my god, yes! It would make everything so much easier," Ningning agreed, nodding enthusiastically. "He’s always here anyway, and he’s practically our fifth member already."
"And imagine how convenient it would be," Giselle added with a mischievous grin. "We’d have our very own sl- I mean, chef, and he could handle all of the stuff that happens around here. No more running back and forth to help us at weird hours."
Y/n shook his head, trying to wrap his mind around the idea. "Guys, I’m not moving in. That’s not how this works."
Winter, undeterred, leaned forward with an innocent look on her face. "Why not? You’re here almost every day anyway. It would just make sense.”
Karina, who had been quiet during the initial exchange, smirked from her corner of the room. "I’m pretty sure the company would say no, but it’s an interesting idea."
Y/n’s eyes darted to Karina, a mix of surprise and amusement on his face. "Even you think it’s interesting?"
She shrugged, a teasing glint in her eyes. "It would definitely keep things organised. Plus, I wouldn’t mind having someone else to share the responsibility of keeping everyone in check."
"Exactly!" Winter chimed in. "And we wouldn’t have to call him at three in the morning to come fix the Wi-Fi or handle random emergencies."
Y/n groaned, but he couldn’t help the small smile tugging at his lips. "You guys seriously don’t want me to have days off, do you?"
"Not when it comes to convenience," Ningning quipped, her grin widening. "But seriously, let’s ask the CEO tomorrow."
Y/n opened his mouth to protest, but before he could say anything, Winter pulled out her phone and began typing furiously. "I’m sending him a text right now."
"Wait, Minjeong, no—“
But it was too late. Winter hit send, and the room filled with the girls’ laughter as Y/n buried his face in his hands. "Oh god, I’m going to lose my job over this," he muttered, only half-joking.
"Relax," Winter said, patting him on the shoulder. "He’ll probably think it’s funny. Besides, it’s not like we’re really expecting him to say yes.”
"I hope not," Y/n sighed, still overwhelmed by the entire situation.
“I bet 100 bucks he will move in” Giselle challenged.
“Aeri….” Y/n sighed. “I bet a month I’ll personally cook ramen for y’all”
“Deal, mister.” And they shook hand, with the remaining members stood as witness.
A few weeks had passed since Winter’s wild suggestion to the CEO, and Y/n had almost forgotten about the whole ordeal. Between managing aespa’s hectic schedule and his usual barrage of tasks, he’d pushed the whole “moving in” idea to the back of his mind. Surely, the company wouldn’t allow something as outrageous as that, right?
But Y/n’s life was never that simple.
One day, as he was going over some documents in the practice room, his phone buzzed again—this time with an official company email. His eyes scanned the message, and his heart dropped as he read the first few lines.
“Dear Y/n,
we’re writing to inform you that, due to recent scheduling and logistical changes, your move into the aespa dorm has been approved. Your role as manager will now include living in close proximity to the group to ensure better coordination and efficiency…”
Y/n blinked, reading the words again to make sure his tired brain wasn’t messing with him.
“What the f-“
He quickly scrolled through the email, but there was no mistaking it. His move had been finalised. The company had approved it. He was really moving in with aespa.
For a long moment, Y/n just stared at his phone, his mind racing with a mix of shock, disbelief, and a bit of panic.
How did this even happen? Was it Winter’s persistence? Or maybe the CEO just had a weird sense of humour?
Whatever the reason, there was no going back now.
Later that day, Y/n found himself standing outside the aespa dorm with a few suitcases and boxes of his belongings. He had no idea how to feel about this new arrangement—part excitement, part dread—but before he could dwell on it, the dorm door flew open, and he was greeted by the beaming faces of the girls.
"Oppa!" Ningning called out, bounding over to him with enthusiasm. "You’re finally here! Welcome home!"
"It’s about time," Winter added with a grin, already grabbing one of his suitcases and dragging it inside as if it weighed nothing. "I told you it would happen."
"Yeah, yeah," Y/n muttered, still in disbelief. "I didn’t think they’d actually approve it, though."
"Well, we’re glad they did," Giselle said, flashing him a bright smile as she took one of the boxes from his hands. "Now we don’t have to call you at all hours of the night to come over."
"You guys really think this is going to make my life easier, huh?" Y/n said, shaking his head as he stepped into the dorm.
"Oh, definitely not," Karina’s voice chimed in from behind him. She was leaning against the doorframe with her arms crossed, a small smirk playing on her lips. "It’ll probably be way harder for you now.”
Y/n let out a groan as he set down his remaining box. "Jeez, thanks for the vote of confidence, Jimin."
Karina just shrugged, her smirk widening. "Just being honest."
With the girls’ help, it didn’t take long to get Y/n’s things inside. They bustled around him, arranging his boxes in the small guest room he’d be using. Ningning hummed a little tune as she helped unpack, while Winter darted in and out of the room, offering unsolicited advice about where things should go. Giselle, on the other hand, took the opportunity to remind her manager of the bet.
"Hey loser, remember the bet?" she asked, eyeing one of the boxes suspiciously.
"Ah shit, right. There's that." Y/n groaned, completely forgot about the deal.
"Well, I'll be looking forward to your meal, Chef." Giselle quipped. "We can’t have you slacking off just because you live here."
"It’s not slacking off," Y/n protested. "And it's gonna be a month anyway*"
"Eh…nah" Winter teased, plopping down on the bed and giving him a mock-serious look. "We did say a month, but it might go on for…."
"…ever." Winter pouted, making the manager disgusted at his childhood friend's antics.
Y/n rolled his eyes, but deep down, he couldn’t help but feel a sense of comfort from their playful teasing. Despite the chaos and unpredictability of his new living arrangement, it wasn’t as awkward or uncomfortable as he’d feared.
In fact, it almost felt... natural.
As they finished unpacking, Y/n couldn’t help but notice Karina hanging back, watching the others with a thoughtful expression on her face. Their interactions had been better lately—less tense, more relaxed—but there was still something unsaid between them. It lingered, unspoken, beneath the surface.
Before he could think too much about it, Karina walked over and handed him a small bag. "Here," she said, her tone neutral but with a hint of something else. “I picked up some snacks earlier. Figured you might need a break after all this."
Y/n blinked, momentarily taken aback by the gesture. It wasn’t much, but it felt like an olive branch of sorts—an attempt to ease the tension between them. He offered her a small smile. "Thanks, Jimin."
She nodded, her usual confident demeanour softening just a little. "Don’t mention it."
The room was quiet for a brief moment, the weight of their previous awkwardness still lingering, but for the first time in a while, it didn’t feel so heavy. Maybe, just maybe, things were starting to shift between them.
Tl:dr - Y/n has been added to the dorm.
Y/n lay in bed, still processing the day’s events, staring up at the ceiling of his new room. Living with aespa, being a part of their daily routine, their ups and downs—it all felt surreal. He was still getting used to the idea of sharing a space with them, knowing that tomorrow morning, instead of showing up at their dorm with coffee or breakfast in hand, he’d be here—part of the group in a way that felt strange yet... right.
He was about to drift off into sleep when he heard the door creak open. Before he could fully register what was happening, Winter barged into the room, casually plopping herself down on the edge of his bed as if it was the most normal thing in the world.
“Yah, Y/n,” she said with a grin, pulling her knees up and making herself comfortable. “You thought you were safe in here?”
Y/n blinked, too tired and too caught off-guard to respond right away. “I... what? Minjeong, what the f-”
“Tomorrow. Breakfast. You better be ready to cook it,” Winter demanded, poking him on the forehead. “We’re not going to let you slack off just because you moved in with us. Actually, now that you’re here, we expect better ramen.”
Y/n groaned, rubbing his face. “I knew this was going to happen...”
“Of course it was going to happen,” she said with a mischievous glint in her eyes. “And trust me, we’re not going easy on you. Especially Karina. She’s still skeptical about your skills.”
“Karina? Skeptical? You’re the one who made me cook at midnight last time. And also every single time since we auditioned together.”
Winter laughed, leaning back on her elbows. “Yeah, but she’s the one who’s going to make sure it’s perfect.”
“Great,” Y/n muttered, half-joking. “First day in and I’m already a chef instead of a manager.”
Winter chuckled before giving him a more serious look. “But, hey... welcome to the dorm, Y/n. We’re glad you’re here.”
Y/n felt his heart warm a little at that. Despite all the teasing and chaos, there was a genuine sense of family that had been building between them. And also Winter look even more dazzling under the moonlight.
“Thanks, Jeong.”
She grinned, getting up to leave but pausing at the door. “Oh, and one more thing... you should check your face in the mirror before you go to bed. You might find something interesting.”
Y/n frowned, confused. “What are you talking about?”
Winter just giggled and slipped out the door, leaving him baffled. He groaned again, pushing himself out of bed to check the bathroom mirror. As he flipped the light on, his eyes widened.
Drawn across his cheeks and forehead in colorful marker were doodles—smiley faces, stars, and a few other unidentifiable squiggles. His eyebrows had been drawn into exaggerated arches, and there was a tiny mustache inked above his upper lip.
2-0 towards Aespa girls. And Y/n definitely knew it was Winter's idea.
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ninjaturtlemaniac · 2 months
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The night of the Battle of the Bands.
Everyone is preparing backstage.
Cider was changing things last minute and rattling everyone.
“Steel, you're playing the Sensitive set.”
“Floyd's Songs? You said we could do our songs tonight?”
“And now I'm saying you're playing the Sensitive set. It's not that hard of a request, Steel. Sheesh. Don't make me say it again.”
Steel death glared Cider as he disappeared from backstage.
Much to his brother's dismay, Floyd offered help to those on the opposing team.
Cider had apparently told the drummer of Head Lice to quote “Smile more, you look prettier that way.”
Hed and Les were also having issues with outfits that Cider had told them to wear.
Apparently the outfits ‘appealed to the audience more’ but it made them uncomfortable and it felt like they were purposely being hidden behind the looks.
Floyd stepped in to help the band prevent Liv from ripping Cider to shreds and also offered some encouraging advice about their clothes. “In the end, Cider wants you to perform at your best. Wear what you think will help you do that.”
Floyd offered words and assistance to Four The Madlads who were having similar issues. Everyone had been discouraged from their usual onstage quirks and flourishes.
Floyd had put two and two together and found that apparently everyone had been told off by Cider, except the members who were Rock Trolls.
Floyd helped as much as he could in the moment but could tell from their faces that they were apprehensive about going against what Cider had told them to do.
Floyd even helped Steel with his equipment.
“I thought you would’ve figured this stuff out by now, huh Steel?” Floyd tried to joke.
Steel grunted in response and snatched the guitar back from Floyd.
“Don't let Cider get to you. He's not worth the energy.”
“I owe him everything.”
“That doesn't mean he gets to control you.”
“He doesn't control me!” Steel growled.
Floyd sighed in defeat and started to walk away.
“Hey!” Steel shouted.
“Did he… control you?”
“Every chance he got. I didn't even realize what he was doing till it was too late.”
Steel goes quiet as if thinking those words over.
Floyd turned to leave but stopped.
“Oh.. Steel?”
Floyd smirked, “Don't be gentle.”
Steel snort laughed “You know I never am.”
In the background.
Otto frustratedly complained to noone in particular as he did his makeup. “Dafuq? We're all about to go on! What could possibly be more important that Cider's decided to disappear NOW?!”
@felsicveins @zivazivc wonderful characters ❤️
Where did Cider go? 🫨
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hismercytomyjustice · 1 month
Ayyy, my OCD finally calmed the fuck down so lemme try this again!
I have quadrupled my cringe and am now quadruply free! ♡\( ̄▽ ̄)/♡
This time, the boys face the Consequences of their Actions™ and get creative (?) with their problem solving!
If you’re so inclined, please check out the fourth standalone of my little Radioapple Hazbin series, Watch Your Tongue (It Might Come Back and Bite You). Preview below!
“Didja somehow manage to get 666 News to let ya do another interview?”Angel asked.
“What? No. Why?” Charlie answered, sounding baffled.
“Cuz there’s a news truck in front of the hotel. And Katie Killjoy herself is out here reportin’ live.”
“What?!” Charlie and Vaggie shouted in unison.
“Do you think it could be about the extermination?” Charlie asked.
“No, that was weeks ago,” Vaggie said.
Alastor could hear the frown in her voice. That one never smiled. He wasn’t entirely certain she knew how.
“Hang on, I’m pullin’ up the livestream.”
There was a beat of silence before Katie Killjoy’s voice filled the kitchen.
“Breaking news in Hell today! We have received reports that the Radio Demon may have finally gone fucking senile! Multiple witnesses claim to have seen him in clothes that may very well be from the last century! I personally don’t fucking believe it, but you shit fucks won’t stop harassing us at the station, so I’m Katie Killjoy, reporting to you live from in front of this shitty hotel!”
Alastor’s eye twitched, his smile becoming more of a grimace.
The news feed cut off and Angel began talking again. “Oh, shit! Smiles is trendin’! Along with ‘the end is nigh,’ ‘dafuq,’ ‘is radio dead,’ an’ ‘voxtech conspiracy’. Huh, Doomsday District’s already on fire too! Lil’ early for them. They usually wait until at least noon.”
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openminded-freak · 1 year
Wally x Feral!Reader Pt. 3
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I woke up on the floor with a killer headache and a lot of questions.
First of all, where the actual hell am I? I know damn well this isn't my house because there's not a single object in my home that is as colorful as these fucking walls. There was paint splatters everywhere and not a drop of white to be found on them. There were also painting supplies littered around the room, like paint cans and brushes.
And second of all, what's up with this shitty headache? I know it's not a hangover because there's not a drop of alcohol in this neighborhood. Trust me, I've looked.
I figured I'd sit up and look around. At least I wouldn't be laying on the nasty ass floor. Seriously, when's the last time this room's been swept?
There were papers taped all over the walls. Some were cute drawings of the neighborhood and it's inhabitants, some were detailed paintings of random objects, like an apple or a colorful feather, and there was also just random doodles. That wasn't what got me concerned, however. The drawings of me were what really got my attention. Not just drawings though, there was messages along with them.
"You're the apple of my eye."
"I'm your best friend."
"I can't see you. Do you see me?"
"You don't like me, Neighbor."
"I'm looking at you."
I was so distracted by the messages that I didn't notice him come into the room until I heard a quiet giggle behind me. I whipped around to see Wally standing there with his arms behind his back, smiling.
"Neighbor! I'm so glad you're awake.. You were asleep for a long time.. Ha.. Ha.." He stood there staring at me for moment, waiting for me to say something. I just stared at him blankly.
"Ha.. Anyways.. I brought you here so we could bond together! I know we had a rough start, but I want to be your friend-"
"You literally kidnapped me but pop off king."
His smile became strained at that. "Ahem.. As I was saying.. I think we could become great friends if you'd give me a chance, Neighbor.. Home won't let you leave until you do.."
I gave him a weird look. I mean, yeah, Home can lock all the doors but has this mf never heard of windows? Crazy aaah.
He ignored my look. "Did you like the messages I left for you? I think they're the most.."
"What up, I'm Jared, I'm 19, and I never fucking learned how to read."
"What-" He didn't get to finish whatever he was gonna say before I picked up a paint can and shattered a window.
Wally yelped and Home screeched something terrible. The noise sounded like it was coming out of the walls themselves and it was ear-piercingly loud. It didn't affect me much though. After all of the death metal that I used to blare through my speakers, I was almost deaf.
"IT'S FREE REAL ESTATE, BITCH," I screamed as I leapt through the broken window. I hit the ground hard but got up quick and started running to Julie's. I'll hide in her fucking hair if I have to, as long as I'm safe from this fucked up muppet.
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bitchesgetriches · 6 months
{ MASTERPOST } Everything You Need to Know about Retirement and How to Retire
How to start saving for retirement
Dafuq Is a Retirement Plan and Why Do You Need One?
Procrastinating on Opening a Retirement Account? Here’s 3 Ways That’ll Fuck You Over.
Season 4, Episode 5: “401(k)s Aren’t Offered in My Industry. How Do I Save for Retirement if My Employer Won’t Help?”
How To Save for Retirement When You Make Less Than $30,000 a Year
Workplace Benefits and Other Cool Side Effects of Employment 
Your School or Workplace Benefits Might Include Cool Free Stuff
Do NOT Make This Disastrous Beginner Mistake With Your Retirement Funds
The Financial Order of Operations: 10 Great Money Choices for Every Stage of Life
Advanced retirement moves
How to Painlessly Run the Gauntlet of a 401k Rollover
The Resignation Checklist: 25 Sneaky Ways To Bleed Your Employer Dry Before Quitting
Ask the Bitches: “Can I Quit With Unvested Funds? Or Am I Walking Away From Too Much Money?”
You Need to Talk to Your Parents About Their Retirement Plan
Season 4, Episode 8: “I’m Queer, and Want To Find an Affordable Place To Retire. How Do I Balance Safety With Cost of Living?” 
How Dafuq Do Couples Share Their Money? 
Ask the Bitches: “Do Women Need Different Financial Advice Than Men?”
From HYSAs to CDs, Here’s How to Level Up Your Financial Savings
Season 3, Episode 7: “I’m Finished With the Basic Shit. What Are the Advanced Financial Steps That Only Rich People Know?” 
Speaking of advanced money moves, make sure you’re not funneling money to The Man through unnecessary account fees. Roll over your old retirement accounts FO’ FREE with our partner Capitalize:
Roll over your retirement fund with Capitalize
Investing for the long term
When Money in the Bank Is a Bad Thing: Understanding Inflation and Depreciation
Investing Deathmatch: Investing in the Stock Market vs. Just… Not 
Investing Deathmatch: Traditional IRA vs. Roth IRA
Investing Deathmatch: Stocks vs. Bonds 
Wait… Did I Just Lose All My Money Investing in the Stock Market? 
Financial Independence, Retire Early (FIRE)
The FIRE Movement, Explained 
Your Girl Is Officially Retiring at 35 Years Old
The Real Story of How I Paid off My Mortgage Early in 4 Years 
My First 6 Months of Early Retirement Sucked Shit: What They Don’t Tell You about FIRE
Bitchtastic Book Review: Tanja Hester on Early Retirement, Privilege, and Her Book, Work Optional
Earning Her First $100K: An Interview with Tori Dunlap 
We’ll periodically update this list with new links as we continue writing about retirement. And by “periodically,” we mean “when we remember to do it.” Maybe remind us, ok? It takes a village.
Contribute to our staff’s retirement!
Holy Justin Baldoni that’s a lot of lengthy, well-researched, thoughtful articles on the subject of retirement. It sure took a lot of time and effort to finely craft all them words over the last five years!
In case I’m not laying it on thick enough: running Bitches Get Riches is a labor of love, but it’s still labor. If our work helped you with your retirement goals, consider contributing to our Patreon to say thanks! You’ll get access to Patreon exclusives, giveaways, and monthly content polls! Join our Patreon or comment below to let us know if you would be interested in a BGR Discord server where you can chat with other Patrons and perhaps even the Bitches themselves! Our other Patrons are neat and we think you should hang out together.
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lensman-arms-race · 19 days
I guess 'the hardware heads were human' was the unexpected twist of episode 77 that DafuqBoom mentioned recently. I really hate it. Like you I would've liked it better if it they've always been robots.
Do you have any theories on how that happened, do you think it's the usual sci-fi mind-uploading or something to do with portal?
Dafuq did say that the twist would be in part 3 (or part 4 if it ends up being split further) so I'm hoping that wasn't it and the twist is still to come!
By 'something to do with portal' I'm not sure if you mean the weird beam of light that we saw Cathy and co summon in the flashback ("opening the main gate"), or if you're referencing the game Portal, in which there is some 'human become computer' plot.
I really hope it's not mind-uploading in the sense that Cam Matriarch is literally just Cathy but in a new body. That's so boring and strips away everything I like about the techfolk! I want Cathy to be the creator and mentor of Cam Matriarch or something similar (which was why POV cam got reminded of Cathy).
I am disheartened by how many people seem to think that Cam Matriarch actually shapeshifted her appearance. No she didn't! It's a common cinematic technique! How is people's media literacy this terrible?
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