#danny hating both their sense of style
Okay, but I need a fic (or movie) where the Ocean movies and the Knives Out movies take place in the same universe.
Lou and Blanc are old enemies to friends (wlw and mlm solidarity). Blanc solved some heist Lou pulled off with Debbie, was really impressed, yadada, they become friends later in life. Yes? Yes.
Anywho, I need like,, a plot where Debbie wants to figure out what REALLY happened with her brother because she is so sure he isn't dead. Rueben isn't saying shit, so he's no help, so while she complains to Lou, Lou's like, "I know a guy." Then Lou introduces Blanc to Debbie and they decide to go on and try to figure out what the hell happened to Daniel Ocean.
Long story short, he's on some island with Rusty. I feel like Rusty and Blanc would get along, but Daniel and Blanc? Not so much.
Also Blanc and Basher dynamic duo (funny, bad accents).
I dunno, I need these two movie franchises to be in the same universe.
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call-me-strega · 1 year
Dc x Dp Prompt #3: Of Apples and Academic Frenemies
Au where Jason and Danny are attending the same college course on mythology and classical literature and they are always getting into debates about the depictions of the characters and the historical context of stories and stuff bc the both have a different exposure to the myths. Like Jason knows literal demigods and Amazons but Danny knows Pandora and the Greek myth related ghosts plus time travel from Clockwork and the infi-map. The debates can get heated at times but the respect each others intellectual takes.
This creates a peculiar situation where everyone in the class thinks they are academic rivals who hate each other (except for the few with their shipping goggles on and sense the homoerotic tension underlying their debates) and are deeply invested in watching them interact like their own personal drama even thought at this point in time they are at best friendly acquaintances and at worst annoying classmates.
Jason rants to his family about his debate partner/rival bc he’s happy to have some who will talk to him ad-nauseam abt this stuff but also bc he wants to complain about how Danny's a “smart but annoying little twink who’s got some real audacity”. And while the batfam is happy that Jason is experiencing some normal life things like an academic frenemy they’d love to stop hearing about this guy's “smug fucking smirk” and the “annoying gleam in his eyes". They are worried that Jason will snap and beat this guy up for being too annoying. Well, except Tim who thinks Jason would rather make out with this guy than debate with him.
One day the course decides to do a big themed party/fundraiser to save up for a class trip to an excavation site of some temple ruins or something. Both of them volunteer for the organizing committee bc of the offered extra credit. This encourages the two of them to start seeing each other more and to hang out outside of their classes so the can work on event planning. Over time they actually become pretty good friends (Danny's presence filters Jason's toxic ecto and cures pit rage due to increased exposure. It was happening anyways as classmates but the close proximity sped up the process) and Jason and Danny develop mutual crushes on each other.
For the event they do, like an Olympic games style format and have people sign up in teams for events a couple of weeks beforehand. Anyone in any sort of classical/mythology related course can join and they opened the event for public spectating. They have a few traditional events like a foot race, long jump and chariot race. But the also have some silly ones like Medusa's Snakes, where they shove their faces into bowls of whipped cream and fish out gummy worms, Pandora's Amphora, where they stick there hands into a box/jar of mystery contents (grapes, slime, a live animal like rats or kittens, a bunch of glitter, soda, etc.) and whoever keeps their hand in the longest wins, and Gladiator Fights, where they try to knock each other into a foam pit with those foam and rubber jousting sticks and the such.
Neither Danny, nor Jason want to participate for fear of their physical/supernatural abilities being discovered so the both get talked into doing the emceeing and commentary for the events. They make a really good duo, snarking and bantering with each other, playing off each other's energy and providing fun commentary to the events. Everyone, including the batfam who came to spectate, is a bit baffled by how well they are getting along bc last they checked these two were rivals of a sort, mildly annoying at best and actively antagonistic at worst. However, they really seem to be enjoying themselves.
The last event of the day is a trivia contest, which they both decide to take part in and let someone else take over the emceeing. The final winning trivia question is "what trope was falsely understood as a marriage proposal or declaration of love by misinformed media, that was actually closer to a ploy of seduction and indication of sexual desire according to Greek texts" and the both ring in at the same time to say "tossing an apple to someone" and an tie for the win. They both go up on stage to receive the prize (idk a gift card or smth) and shake hands before walking away in opposite directions.
Then suddenly Danny calls out to Jason just before he leaves the stage and chucks an apple he seemingly produced out of nowhere at him. The apple has a note with the time and date of a dinner reservation on it and when Jason looks back up at Danny he see the slightly flushed boy tentatively smiling at him.
" What do ya say Jase? Will you go out with me?"
And instead of replying Jason just straight up kisses him in front of everyone. Everyone else is gobsmacked by this whole turn of events except Tim who's cackling his head off, screaming "I FUCKING KNEW IT". When the two of them break apart they grin at each other widely and Jason drags Danny of the stage presumably to go make out somewhere.
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little-pondhead · 1 year
I forgot about this.
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The whole reasoning behind the Supervillain Danny AU sketches was that his villain persona was the complete opposite of his normal, sane self and hero persona. Danny plays into the Fenton name really hard, and ramps up the “mad scientist” bit, taking inspiration from both his normal civilian life and his parents, thus using just his last name as a villain.
And then I wanted to add what Sam and Tucker might look like if they joined in on his shenanigans. To keep with the “opposite of their normal life” bit, let’s throw in some ghostly artifacts that help the two keep up with Fenton’s madness.
Sam would get an angel’s halo that helps her form ghostly wings, and she’d play into the good-two shoes angelic look, and then she opens her mouth and verbally assaults you. She pins her bangs back and wears clothes that better fit a celestial aesthetic and uses all the etiquette training her parents taught her. Manson looks like some sort of regal angel and people expect her to be the nicest out of all of them. She’s not. Manson is the sneakiest and most bloodthirsty one, and heroes regularly wonder if she has actually committed murder or not.
Tucker takes inspiration from his time as a pharaoh. He has a metal postiche that enhances his physical ability. (Maybe it gives him dreadlocks too, but I like to think Tucker is just wearing a whole ass wig.) He wears a strange mix of street wear and his pharaoh outfit, and throws his tech-obsessed self out the window. Fenton is the nerdy one here, so now Foley is the muscle. Foley plays up meathead American bully stereotype hard. He delights in throwing hands, and hunts down supers just for the sake of a fun spar. (For him not for the supers.) Foley’s favorite people to fight so far is Killer Croc and Superman. Heroes are concerned about what would happen if Foley fought for real, but then they saw what he did to the Joker “as a joke” and decided not to ask any more questions.
Basically, the trio looked at their civilian lives and picked out what they considered “villainous traits” from the people around them that they then played into as villains themselves. If that makes sense. Sam hates how her parents want a perfect child, so she makes herself look like one. She speaks in backhanded comments and has a snooty attitude, which she learned from other rich people. Tucker is constantly confronted by bullies everyday, and all the rogues that come to Amity are always fighting, so that’s what he decides to mimic. Yeah, he now gets to be the big and strong protector of the group, but all his experience with fighting have been bad ones, and that reflects in his style. And finally, Danny. Why does he take after his parents and play into the family name? Because the Fentons are one of the biggest obstacles and source of anxiety in his life. Danny associates mad scientists to pain and other bad things, so even if all he’s being helpful in a really annoying way as a villain, his parents and the threat of the GIW still influence how he presents himself. Because to Danny, those two things are far more scary than a kid with a pirate ship or a man wearing a bat fursuit.
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thenightwolf51 · 11 months
So i originally had this idea when i reblogged this post by @saphushia but i wanna just seperate it out as its own little prompt.
A quick context is that Danny seems to be roaming around Gotham like some homeless cryptid, kinda Bus to Nowhere style but with more vigilante interaction and casual offerings of first aid. And the batkids are keeping their adoption bait First Aid Cryptid(tm) secret from Batman.
One set of tags in the reblogs from @little-pondhead caught my attention
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I came up with both funny answers and an angsty answer for that "#why?" but here's the angsty one (though i promice i actually envision it to be more hurt/comfort with a lot of family fluff)
Actual Prompt⬇️⬇️
Something happens, maybe a reveal gone wrong, maybe he got capture by the GIW, maybe he lost Jazz and his parents somehow.
Whatever it is, it leaves Danny with a need to escaped to a new dimension which just so happens to end up being the DCU. He winds up in Gotham and is just trying to start over, easier said than done but at there's plenty of heros around so he doesn't need to go ghost and he can still patch up the local vigilantes to feed his obsession. He's just not up to being Phantom yet and he's still recovering from whatever happened in Amity, whether it be mentally or physically.
Plus these vigilantes are kinda fun to mess with. Danny can practically see the gears turning as they try to put together and make sense of his little "lore drops", that Red Robin almost reminds him of Wes in a way.
Its not like he really needs to hide anyways. There's no GIW here, no Anti-Ecto Acts, if it really comes down to it he could probably pass as meta and fall under those protection laws. Judging by Signal, Danny's pretty sure Batman's bluffing on the whole "hating metas" thing anyways.
It takes awhile before Danny actually does meet the big bat himself and the reaction he gets is nothing anyone was expecting.
You see theres one little detail danny couldn't have been warned about, and its that there just so happens to be a version of Jazz here.
Except this Jazz lost her Danny when they were in high school, as in full on dead and gone Danny, no halfas here, the portal simply did not work and it was just regular ole lethal electrocution that hit her little brother.
What if she grew up with a young Bruce somehow, whether it be because CPS took her from the Fentons after her Danny's death or Amity Park simply doesn't exist in the DCU making Gotham the city with the thinnest veil and thus where the Fenton's chose to settle down.
This Jazz is an adult in her 40s but was once a kid smart enough to go to Gotham Academy on scholarship (or maybe the Fenton's had enough money from patents?). A kid who took one look at young Bruce's grumpy little face and decided he needed a honest friend, one that wasn't after status or money.
This Jazz grew up being a secondary voice of reason for Bruce, ganging up with Alfred in their own crusade to enforce healthy habits on him in between their weekly tea sessions.
This Jazz lost her brother and could not only understand Bruce's resoning on a minor level but encouraged his planned "journey of self discovery and healing". (Though the bat costume he made when he came back was unexpected and she gave him a look to rival Alfred for it)
This Jazz grew up to be a social worker because if anyone had cared enough to take her away from the Fenton's sooner then her brother might've still been alive
This Jazz being the one Bruce calls when he first gets Dick because holy shit he has no idea what hes doing and "Jazz, i just became a father, help!"
This Jazz being a sort of aunt to all the Batkids and is a major influence that has led to their dynamics being similar to Wayne Family Adventures
Bruce goes pale and later calls Jazz after he finally gets a glimps/meets the so called "First Aid Cryptid" his kids have been obsessed with. Because this kid that he's looking at with the barely visible lichtenberg scars... that's a face he hasn't seen in little over 20 years, that's his old friend's long dead baby brother.
Bruce sees danny and his mind rapidly jumps to all sorts of possibilities. Is this a clone? Is this a trap? Are the Lazarus pits involved somehow? Time travel? He does consider a ghost but this kid is too solid and they're nowhere near the old dilapidated Fenton Works building
Eventually, down the line when they get the full story of Danny being from an alternate dimension, Jazz might try to adopt him. Which has potential to be unhealthy but i fully believe Jazz would be aware enough not to project her decades old grief on this Danny, who is so similar but so different to her brother.
(Because I think a Gotham raised Danny would've been similar to a young Jason in street smarts so this Amity raised Danny is noticeably different)
Danny on the other hand... not sure if i could say the same, especially if he just lost his Jazz before winding up in the DCU. But again, this is an adult Jazz in her late 40s with professional experience dealing with traumatized kids, and she'll do her best to help him through it
Im imagining Jazz and Bruce to have a more platonic friendship, maybe even see each other as family, but you could go with Parent Syndrome if you want
(And because i love to see other peoples ideas and opinions, @omnicrafts @ailithnight @atiyasnake @hdgnj @nelkcats @nerdpoe @im-totally-not-an-alien-2 @dcxdpdabbles. Sorry i tag you guys so much but i like your writing, im eager to offer ideas, and your posts have been major sources of joy while ive been hyperfixating on DPxDC)
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rapha-reads · 25 days
Things from IWTV episode 10 (s2ep03) I noticed:
- the French is good this time! I still wonder if it's the actors themselves or dubbing. But it's actually understandable for a French-native person, and the language itself is exquisite. Wondering now if those lines are picked up from the book in Anne Rice's own pen, the translation of the books, or they're original lines written for the show by a French writer who has a splendid style.
- I just really loved the Armand flashback, both because of the language, and because it opens up the veil on the history of vampire covens throughout the centuries. Also we get to see more Lestat, this time Armand's Lestat and that's always a win.
- Armand is right about both Louis being broken and Claudia being pushed to the limits of how long she can accept this life of hers. I absolutely do not trust Armand, he's twisting the narrative for his own purpose (that I don't know because I haven't read the books yet), but still, he's a good judge of character. Can't not be one and survive for 500+ years I guess.
- the Loustat scenes, on the quai de Seine, in the bar and in the park, were insane.
- was that Sartre? Did. Did they just cameo'd in Sartre for the lols? Man, Paris.
- speaking of Paris, I know it was actually filmed in Prague, but man, I felt like I was back there. That Seine promenade, that's the one I walked countless times in my years living there. I could recognise the pavements like I was still there.
- Santiago's fed uppppp with Louis' BS. And he's definitely laughing at Claudia. Calling her "puce"... It's funny because in French, "ma puce" is a term of endearment, like "my darling", but indeed literally it means "my flea", so for an English-native like Claudia, it could be seen as literally being called the smallest, lowest member of the coven (like Delainey says in the episode insider), but for a French-native, it's like the coven is calling her sweetheart. And then they give her that dress and tell her she's going to play a kid for the bext 50 years, the one thing she hates being reminded of the most, and you go "ooooh. Oh, no, honey. They bad. This is bad." Clau's about to Break. Knowing how her story goes, I'm not sure I'm ready for that.
- Danny boy felt subdued this time. Like he's still reeling from Louis' invasion in the last episode, and now that Talamasca agent invading his laptop, he's feeling attacked on all sides and he's floundering to get back up again. That said, the scene with just him and Armand was particularly intense. You can sense how yearning Armand is, and how destabilised Daniel feels under Armand's gaze. In other words, that vampire really wanna fuck that old guy, and the old guy doesn't know how to feel about it but he's definitely feeling the intensity.
Need to read those books yesterday.
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duskyashe · 2 years
NaNoWriMo Day #2
[masterlist] [part two] [part three] [part four]
Prompt found here
The thing about being the half-ghost protector of a small Midwestern city whose rogues gallery consists of both the inhabitants of a parallel dimension intrinsically linked to the "living" one as well as goons from the government, is that you tend to get a bit lonely. There's never any representation for him or others like him among the well known heroes of the world, he's really got no one to model how he should fight his city's crime. Sure, Superman has a lot of powers that are similar to his own, but he's a beloved alien not a hated eldritch entity. And sure, Danny loves knowing there's other sentient life out there, but when the government is one of his rogues, it's kinda hard to look up to government approved heroes.
Though Captain Marvel was pretty cool, not gonna lie.
But his point was, as far as Danny knew, he was the only eldritch being/cryptid to have taken up heroics, ever, and that… that hurts sometimes, that he was the only one out of a rather large cast of possible "other" beings in the world to decide that protecting others was worth more than his own potential safety. He was both the frontrunner and the sacrificial lamb. If he succeeded in changing the narrative, in convincing humanity that supernatural beings and entities couldn't be defined by a few really well known bad nuts, then others would publicly fly his banner, but if he didn't, if he failed, then, well, no ectoplasmic skin off their metaphorical noses, y'know? It was isolating.
Danny honestly expected the rest of his existence would be defined by that loneliness, by being the only hero to be of a supernatural flavor others were actively terrified of. Until, that is, Sam and Tucker nearly broke his bedroom door down one Sunday morning, breathless and beaming, which was so out of character for Sam that Danny was kinda expecting his ghost sense to go off signaling she was being overshadowed. But no, she wasn't. She was genuinely excited about something, enough to act like the daughter her parents wished she was, not the down-to-earth goth beauty they actually had.
"Woah, guys, what's up?" Danny asked, sitting up from his sprawled out position on his bed. Tuck shut and locked his door while Sam pulled her phone out and showed it to him. He stared at the screen in shock for a few minutes as his friends got their breathing under control. "Is… is that… is that what I think it is?"
Sam nodded, grinning like a loon. "Tuck double checked everything. There's multiple cases with enough correlation between them, buried deep enough in the web, that for it all to be one big hoax or just a huge coincidence would be functionally impossible. This is real, Danny. You're not alone anymore." On her phone was a website, which looked like a newspaper of some sort, with a headline reading, "The Cryptid Known as Batman Strikes Again! Twoface Back in Arkham!" It was posted just last week. Danny took Sam's phone and looked through the open tabs. There were articles and blog posts and Reddit pages and YouTube channels dedicated to what seemed to be a whole clan of cryptids who made Gotham City their home. All of them praised the elusive clan. Thanked them for protecting them. For saving them.
Danny started tearing up. He couldn't help it. Here was proof that what he was doing wasn't all for nothing. It was possible to be a hero loved by those he protected while being a member of the supernatural, part-time though his membership may be.
It was at that point that fourteen year old Danny "Phantom" Fenton decided the entity called "Batman" was his hero, his idol, the being he looked up to most of all. His method of fighting crime was a tad too violent for Danny, but his style was perfect. He couldn't change who or what he was, not without some serious side effects, but if "Batman" and their clan could turn the public's favor to their side despite being so obviously not human, something even literal aliens didn't attempt to do, then screw it, Danny was going to do the same thing. He would embrace his ghostliness as Phantom, instead of trying to pretend he was still human in that form. Maybe that was his problem, anyway? Could others tell he was pretending to still be human as Phantom? It didn't really matter at the moment, but it would be interesting to test that going forward…
In the end, a year and a half is all it took for everything to completely fall apart. Danny would say he was surprised, but honestly, he'd seen this coming as far back as that incident with Pariah Dark, which ended with him ascending the ghostly throne. The way Amity Park reacted to that whole ordeal was rather telling. Although a number of the younger crowd had started shifting their views of Phantom, too many of the adults still saw him as a threat and vilified him, even after he saved all of reality.
Living in Amity Park had quickly become too dangerous for him and his team—Sam, Tucker, and Jazz—, but while Jazz was fairly easily able to get custody of Danny and get the two of them away from the boiling cauldron of tension, Sam and Tucker didn't have that option. His core protested leaving members of his fright behind in such a hazardous situation, but with no idea how things would go down where Jazz and Danny were running to, they had to leave them for the time being. If everything went to plan, then Jazz would call the rest of their fright to them.
Thankfully, with him being the ghost king now, his ghostly rogues had cut back on their attacks on his haunt during the past year, instead scheduling time with Jazz to teach him more about ghost culture, as well as other supernatural beings and their cultures. Due to these lessons, Danny, Sam, and Tucker would often debate what kind of beings Batman's clan had and how many beings the clan contained instead of finishing their homework.
Batman was obviously an entity loosely tied to shadows that had ascended to minor divinity over the past few years, while Robin had to be some sort of fey being, considering their eternally youthful appearance. This theory was backed by Robin's ability to mimic the voices of seemingly anyone. Raven, the next oldest member of Batman's clan, had to be eldritch in origin, though it was interesting that they claimed a name so closely related to death and prophecy. Danny and his friends couldn't quite agree on what kind of eldritch being Raven was, just that they were one.
Condor was an interesting being to debate, as the name also had strong ties with death, as well as rebirth. Sam thought that meant Condor was a Phoenix that wanted to stay on theme with the rest of the clan, while Tuck thought Condor was some kind of zombie. Jazz was actually the one to propose Condor may have been a lich, which honestly kind of made sense. Condor was known to have looser morals than the others in the clan, which fit with the general idea of how liches come into being, especially if those they killed came back as undead servants like some rumors claimed.
Around the same time Condor showed up, whisperings of a being named Oracle started showing up within the forums Tuck had hacked. While there was no confirmed record of appearance for her, there were multiple accounts of the other members of the bat clan sending words of thanks to her, so she might have been the actual spirit of the Oracle of Delphi, which would be so cool.
Ibis was definitely some sort of trickster spirit, possibly even a kitsune. With their tendency to dance around an opponent until victory was assured and their tenuous grasp on the humanoid form, they couldn't really be anything else. Black Bat had to be another entity loosely tied to shadows, though they seemed more eldritch than Batman was. Starling could literally only be a banshee, what with her death shrieks every time she attacked. Weirdly enough, Signal seemed to already have a supernatural theory attached to them, said theory being that they were the bat signal given sentience and humanoid form, though Danny thought they might be more of a vengeful spirit.
There were likely others, those not as well known or even ever seen. There always were. For Danny's fright, that was Ellie, who was constantly on the move, especially now that she'd mastered teleportation and portal making. While most of his former ghostly rogues knew of Ellie, the only humans that knew of her were members of his fright and Valerie.
At the time, spitballing ideas about the members of the bat clan in Gotham was just all fun and games, a way to practice the knowledge they were learning in a more practical and entertaining way than just bookwork. Now, though, Danny couldn't be more grateful they had spent so much time on those debates, countless nights they stayed up late trawling through the deep web to stay up to date on the latest on Gotham's guardian deity and his clan. Because they had such solid guesses on what beings made up the bat clan, they'd be able to appeal for sanctuary in a more appropriate manner than if they had no clue at all.
As his and Jazz's bus drew closer to Gotham on the horizon, Danny anxiously checked that the duffle with their offerings was still secured. He hoped the bats liked their gifts; they had barely any concrete info on any of the more public members, let alone the lesser known ones. He wasn't sure what they'd do if Batman refused their appeal; with the schematics to rebuild the Fenton portal within easy access of the GIW, they couldn't risk hiding out in the Infinite Realms for fear of drawing Danny's subjects into a fruitless war.
Please, he prayed to Gotham's guardian deity, please don't turn us away. You're our last hope.
As Bruce was getting ready for patrol that night, he felt the creeping rise of anticipation. Something was going to happen tonight, something extraordinary. He just wasn't sure if it was going to be a good thing or not. Like usual.
For the past year and a half, Bruce had noticed an odd trend. Whenever something big was going to happen, something that would affect the entirety of his city, he'd feel antsy all day, right up until whatever was going to happen happened. It certainly helped cut down on the number of times they'd been caught with their metaphorical pants around their knees, but not being able to tell if the nebulous something was going to be good or not was annoying. Though, to be fair, there weren't a lot of good things that had happened since he started noticing his new sense.
"Listen up," he sighed as he stalked over to the conference table in the cave. "Something's going to happen tonight, something big. As usual, that's all the information I have, so you know the drill; if you see anything unusual, call it in." Bruce looked over his brood of children, most of them adults in their own right by now. Goodness, the years have flown by fast. "Try to stick relatively close to each other tonight, please. I want to be able to watch each other's backs in case whatever it is manages to get the drop on us."
Dick nodded with a grin. "You got it, B," he said, slinging an arm over Damian's shoulder. "C'mon, baby bird, let's run through our stretches one last time before heading out, yeah?"
"Tt, it is Todd who needs those stretches most, was he not the one to strain his knee last week?"
"You listen here, you little—"
"He's not wrong, Jay. You sure you don't want my stretch routine? It'd do you wonders, y'know."
"You mean your torture routine, Replacement? How you can get your body into some of those shapes and still call it stretching, I'll never know—"
Bruce shook his head, a small smile playing at his lips. He wasn't quite sure when that change had happened, but he'd be forever grateful it had. It pained him when his sons fought each other.
A small hand came to rest on his shoulder, drawing him out of his thoughts. He glanced down at his daughter and smiled at her look of concern. "I'm alright," he reassured her, "just thinking."
Cass looked at him thoughtfully before nodding. "It will be alright. Tonight will be good. We will stay safe. You stay safe, too?"
Bruce was nodding before she finished speaking. "Of course. We should head out, any longer and Stephanie will try banshee striking the first shady person she sees," he said, an amused glint in his eye as Steph cried out in indignation from over by the batmobile.
An hour into patrol, and Bruce's anticipation skyrocketed. Whatever was happening tonight was happening soon. "Everyone, check-in."
"Raven here, checking in, all clear here." Dick.
"This is Condor, everything's normal on my end." Jason.
"Robin, checking in, nothing is out of place." Damian.
"Starling here! Just some run-of-the-mill muggers, currently crying for daddy!" Steph.
"Black Bat. Clear." Cass.
Where's—? "Ibis here. B, I think I found the source of your feeling. Sending Oracle my coordinates now." Tim.
"Understood. En route now. Do not engage without backup, understood?" Bruce demanded, taking off toward the beacon indicating Tim's location.
"I'll try, B, but I get the impression they know I'm here."
The anticipation rose again. Whoever Tim was watching definitely knew he was there. "We'll hurry."
Tim clung to the gargoyle overlooking one of the many rooftop shrines to the Bats and the Birds. There, sitting cross-legged about a foot in the air next to the shrine, was a glowing teenaged boy with snow bright hair and Lazarus Pit green eyes. He was wearing a black and silver armored suit, similar to the suits he and his siblings wore, with a flowing cape that blended into the night hung from his shoulders and a greenish black crown floating just above his head. In his lap was a black, gray, and green duffle bag that looked to be rather full, and in his hand was a beat up looking photograph. He couldn't make out what it was a photo of from this angle, but he'd recognize a well-loved photograph anywhere.
"In position, IIbis, you may initiate contact." Bruce said over comms. Tim didn't bother acknowledging he heard and instead carefully unwound himself from his hiding place in the shadows. Carefully, he danced down the side of the building he was on, contorting himself into inhuman looking positions as he went, until he could silently drop onto the roof with the shrine. He slowly slunk forward, keeping low and accentuating his curiosity. That was the key, here, he really was curious about this kid. That was what sold IIbis as something other, something not human.
Tim was about five feet from the shrine when wide, glowing green eyes suddenly found his own, covered though they might be. Tim froze, holding the slightly exaggerated pose he'd found himself in, crouched and arched in a way that screamed wary curiosity. Cautiously, he rolled his head to the side and chirped slightly.
"You really do exist," the kid breathed in awe before he shook himself and straightened, grabbing the duffle from his lap before letting his feet meet the rooftop. "Hi, um, I was wondering if I could possibly meet with your clan leader, Batman?"
Tim stared at the kid for a long moment as Bruce silently made his way to the shadows of the shrine. At Bruce's signal, a soft tap on the comm, Tim shifted and rolled and contorted until he was standing in a much more human-like fashion, then purposefully turned only his head to look directly where Bruce's beacon said he was. The kid whipped his head around right as Bruce seemingly melted out of the shadows, his size and sheer presence seemingly dwarfing the kid, who sucked in a surprised breath but barely moved an inch. Impressive.
"Yes?" Bruce growled softly, not the unpleasant, gravelly growl reserved for criminals, but the warm, gentle rumble reserved for kids and victims.
The kid's awe only grew more pronounced, but somehow he still managed to pull himself together enough to speak. "H-hi, my name's Phantom, I'm not sure if you've heard of me or not. I'd like to ask for sanctuary for myself and my fright-mates. Our previous haunt has become rather hostile towards us, and I'm not strong enough to keep them safe. Um, I've got some gifts for you and your clan, I wasn't sure how large your clan was, so I'm sorry if I offend you or anything with the lack of gifts for everyone. M-may I pull them out?" He asked, lifting the duffle slightly to indicate what he meant.
Bruce was silent as he waited for the rest of the bats and birds to form a loose circle around Phantom, stances mostly non-threatening, and stepped forward into the glow coming from the kid. At this point, the kid's awe was nearly palpable, glancing at as many of them as he could but always facing Bruce and not moving more than his eyes.
After a further moment, Bruce tilted his head slightly and nodded, causing the kid to outright beam.
"Right! Well, first, for yourself, I have a set of ghost steel batarangs, enchanted to return to their case once they leave a hundred yard radius. They're tied specifically to the case, so you can lend them to someone else, but it's recommended you be the only one to use them for the first ten uses in live combat. Next, for Black Bat, a cloak made by the best undead tailors this side of eternity. Made from the shadows themselves, whoever wears it becomes functionally invisible in low light conditions and beyond. I was also told it grants slight shadow manipulation, as well. For Robin, a shape shifting sword from the fey realms themselves, fitting for a changeling child. All curses and tricks were totally removed, as we weren't certain you wouldn't share it with some of your clan mates, and we didn't want to accidently cause any problems that could have been averted—" Phantom kept going, pulling something from the bag, naming who it was for, and explaining a little about it, before putting it back in the bag and moving on. But what drew Tim's attention, time and time again, was the fact that Phantom seemed to be under the impression they were actually members of the supernatural—he all but called Tim a kitsune, and definitely implied Damian was a changeling! It was both amusing the kid honestly thought they were members of the supernatural, and rather concerning at the same time. They were all human, weren't they? They were method acting every time they suited up, heck, Tim was nothing more than a self trained contortionist that could mimic a few bird calls and knew a bit of self defense. Why did this kid, who was possibly an actual ghost, think they were supernaturally inclined? Were they really that good at method acting? Or was there something more to it than that?
Hey, guys! I literally stayed up working on this until midnight, so already in pushing my self proclaimed boundaries (⁠;⁠^⁠ω⁠^⁠)I had so much help from my friends on the @batpham-discord-highlights discord server, I'll look into tagging everyone that helped in the morning when I'm not struggling to stay awake (⁠´⁠-⁠﹏⁠-⁠`⁠;⁠) I hope you enjoyed this long fic, guys, cuz I was NOT expecting to write 3,266 words today! Good night, good morning, good day!
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alexiavettel · 1 year
Ten things I hate about you
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pairing: daniel ricciardo x fem!reader
word count: 2.9k+
warnings: age gap, explicit language, allusions to sex, drinking, mentions to death, motorsport accident, angst sometimes, rbr mentions (ew), Horner mentions (he’s not the bad here), no use of Y/n, Daniel Ricciardo is a walking cliché (it’s actually cute for me) and Michael and Scottie are actually babies. 
summary: The ten reasons why you hate Daniel Ricciardo through the years. But remember, the line between hate and love is thin, be careful…
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I hate the way you talk to me,
“What are you doing here kid? This is an adult RedBull party, you shouldn’t be here”
“Shut up Ricciardo, I deserve to be here as much as you”
“For being the boss daughter? Wow how deserving!” 
“And what are you doing here? I thought you jumped off last year”
“Y’know gal once you go Danny Ric you never want to go back, your daddy likes me so here I am”
“Dear god, I thought that after you were a coward and moved to Renault I would never have see you again out of the paddock” 
“You don’t what you’re talking about, girl” the older man towers over you in the corner of the saloon.
“So unbothered until someone call you coward, right? You’re childish Ricciardo, that’s what you are”
She hates when he calls her kid. 
and the way you cut your hair.
“Oh my god what have you done, cowboy?” 
“Liked the new cut, golden girl?”
“Wow stopped calling me kid, it’s a significant development Ricciardo”
“Want me to come back calling you kid? ‘Cause I don’t mind”
“Shut up, and to be honest no. I don’t like it, the new cut just shows your age better you’re almost going bald man be careful” you said laughing.
“What wait really?”
“Your hairline looks like circuit corners, to be honest. But hear my wise words big boy, let it grow more than you’re used to. Curls look good on you”
Daniel always have his curls looking good now. 
I hate the way you drive my car.
“C’mon girl, you drunk too much” 
“OH DANIEL! What are you doing here, handsome?!” you might had a little too much long island iced teas
“M’gonna take you home, come on” he took your both hands and led you to the exit
“What about my car? She’s my precious daughter I can’t leave Daisy alone!”
“You named your car? You scare me sometimes little girl… You’re lucky I took an Uber, ‘gimme the keys” 
“Don’t talk about Daisy like that!” you drunkenly shouted in the parking lot
“You’re joking you drive a manual! You have a fucking Supra what are you? Brian O’Conner?” he put you in the passenger seat and belt you on.
“Not like you’re not a fucking formula one driver, huh? Lucky me! And don’t talk about Daisy like t-that she’s purple not orange like in fast and furious” He just rolled his eyes and started driving.
“Didn’t know you could drive, even more a manual”
“You say that because you never saw me drifting”
They spend the next night drifting in an empty parking lot. 
I hate it when you stare.
“What are you looking at mate?” Nico asked the younger man
“N-Nothing” he stopped staring at you across the paddock
“Hmm ‘nothing’ right? The ‘nothing’ you mentioned is that one covered in Red Bull merch staring back smiling right now?” Daniel immediately looked back searching for your smile but just found you laughing at one of Albon’s jokes.
She felt his eyes burning into her, she always did. 
I hate your big dumb combat boots,
“Ouch! Daniel!” You shouted after he stepped on your foot in the middle of a dinner at your dad’s house with some friends, former drivers. 
“Sorry sweetheart, I didn’t mean it” he gently caressed your hair with an apologising smile 
“Okay but why the fuck are you wearing combat boots? It’s a dinner Dan, I thought you had a better sense of style”
“Sorry darling it’s not about the boots, it’s my big feet and y’know what they say-“
“Shut up, Ricciardo”
He gifted her a pair of combat boots on her birthday. She wears it at every opportunity. 
and the way you read my mind.
“Stop. Stop thinking too much” he caressed your cheek 
“But I am not-“
“Yes you are, I can almost hear your thoughts and I know they are plenty. Just don’t make a big deal out of it, if you want to stop and pretend I never kissed you we can do it…”
He kissed her goodbye that night, and did it almost all the others nights too. 
I hate you so much it makes me sick; it even makes me rhyme.
“I have something for you… I asked Michael to put it in your driver's room” you quietly whispered while passing through him in the McLaren hospitality 
“Late valentines' gift, darling?” he said laughing.
You were scared of being a little too fast, but it was inevitable. You hate the things he makes you feel.
When the man found the sunflowers in his bed he was beyond surprised. But the two letters between the yellow fresh plants made a glint appear in his eyes. The first one had “about you and me” written down in the envelope. 
“I have sat upon the seashore
and washed away my fears.
I have lived so many days now
that they are turning into years.
I have walked up in mountains.
I have splashed around in streams.
I have conjured up ideas
that have moulded into dreams.
I have seen a thousand faces
And I've matched a thousand smiles.
I have been to so many places
that I'm losing count of miles.
I have heard the wind, so gently,
cause the trees to creak and moan,
but I have never felt a heart
as perfect as your own”
And the second one had “about your eyes” written down in brown tint. 
“You hated your eye colour,
called it a dull and dirty brown
Wished for the deep blue of an ocean,
where admirers hearts would drown
And it pained me when I realised,
you'd never see it like I do
The way your eyes hint a story,
that I want to read right through
They hold specks of stolen sunlight,
that you'd miss with just one glance
And a depth of raw emotion,
that can freeze you in a trance
They're a fix of melted chocolate,
when I'm craving something sweet
But hold a gaze that's so unwatering,
that I find it hard to meet
I fall right down the rabbit hole,
when I look into your eyes
The brown of earth's unfettered beauty,
that I yearn to memorise
When I was tired of not belonging,
they made me feel like I'd been found
And I hope you never say again,
That your eyes are simply brown.”
He even posts pics of his eyes now.
I hate it, I hate the way you’re always right.
“You need to stop running away! You want to end this or not? You want to keep hiding us from your dad like an afraid little kid? I do EVERYTHING to be with you but in the moment it gets a ‘little too real’ you run! That’s what you always do!” Daniel never screamed at you but today has been an exception.
“You don’t understand, Daniel! It’s not just my dad, it’s a lot more complicated than that!-” you mourn sitting in the sofa
“What? Have you realised that I am ‘too old’ for you? That you are wasting your time with me? That the public and your family will criticise us?”
“You are not old for me, babe… But they will speak y’know? I hate the media speculating about me with every single driver, but what if that damages your future in another team? What if your fans start treating you differently alleging that you ‘groomed’ me since we have known each other since I was 18? What if-” you started walking towards him
“You are too much worried about me, darling. Think about yourself. Think about us, how happy we make each other. I know you’re scared, babe… But that is what would make me happier. We can wait how much you want but I’m scared too. I’m scared you’re going to leave me for someone better, you have so many options it just doesn't make sense why you chose me…” he tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear and caressed your cheek after
“I am never leaving you. I am just scared” his eyes gave you the comfort you were looking for, that you always searched
“But love is scary. Specially after we couldn't even tolerate each other and now we are, this” he pointed between you “I have fears and more fears with you, but our love is bigger than all of them. If you want to be with me, for real, you also have to learn to surpass your fear. We are a team, darlin’”
He was right. He always is.
I hate it when you lie.
“You are a fucking asshole, Daniel!” You shouted after closing his door.
“I am sorry-”
“No you don’t! You could’ve died, Daniel for god’s sake. You could’ve died and I would only know after receiving a hospital’s call. You lied to me, you promised ages ago that you would never… I don’t understand, like I really don’t.”
“Darling, listen-”
“Daniel, I can't hear your voice right now. It’s making me angrier and I don’t want to act irrationally”
“Can I just explain why I lied?”
“Now? No. Please go away, I really need to think. Alone.”
You don’t understand, he had a car accident during the testing for the 2021 season and said it was nothing much. You watched everything on tv and didn’t looked too bad, but you were worried either way. The g forces are too much sometimes, but he swore he was fine. Long story short, he was not. He literally disappeared for more than 24 hours and you were looking up plane tickets to Bahrain when Michael called you telling what happened.
When Daniel crashed a part of his helmet was broken, and his head hit the neck support. Obviously could’ve been worse, but the amount of blood that came out of him was scary. Michael send you some pics after you almost threatened him of death, he explained that Daniel had only a small opening in his neck. And he was conscious enough after the crash to get out of the car, message you and go walking to the medic station. But unfortunately one blood vessel has been hit in the process and he was having an internal haemorrhage.
The thing is, he was notified before the surgery and he answered your call saying that “I am completely fine darling, just gotta do some exams and gonna be back to sleep in the hotel in some hours. Don’t worry, I love you” the first time he really said those words, and could’ve been the last. 
She said I love you back. And took care of him until he was good to go back.
I hate it when you make me laugh, 
“Oh my fucking god, Daniel! My dad is going to kill us” you said laughing after being thrown in your father’s pool with Daniel. His Monza win meant more to you two than you had expected.
“He can kill me if he wants, but it was worthy. At least I’m going to die happy. I could die happy whenever I’m with you” he kissed you messily. 
“So cheesy, Dan ew. But if you really meant it, I hope it’s going to take a bit more to your death ‘cause I have no plans of ever leaving you”
“And I am the cheesy one-?”
“WHAT THE FUCK YOU ARE DOING HERE?” Oh that must be your dad… oops?
He always loved her laugh, even when they hated each other… The sound of her laugh always was the closest thing to heaven, for him.
even worse when you make me cry.
“1st task: word search, find your gift.”
No fucking way, Ricciardo. You say “I’m sad” in one day, and in the next you wake up with this note in the bed. The only possible answer in this messy word search was office. When you got to his office desk a box of chocolates was waiting for you, with another note, this time in the format of a heart.
“2nd task: i need to be fixed, what am i?”
Just could be the wardrobe door, that shit almost knocked you up one day. Just right, honey. You found a little cute poem with another note.
“I don't want a fairytale
ending with you.
I want to be there
to help you face
your fears and 
to help you overcome
your failures.
I want to give you
the kind of love
that's not distorted
and fabricated,
but real, raw
and honest.”
“3rd task: complete the sentence, w__r_  __  _ s_en_  m__e  __me  on  _ho_e?”
With an embarrassing amount of time, you discovered to be “where do I spend more time on phone?” and that must be the main bathroom. In the mirror lipstick were marking the words
“4th task: i am in your most peaceful place”
with a little flower in the end. There’s only one place.
When you opened the wooden door that separates the living room from the garage and garden you felt tears burning your eyes. Daniel were sitting in the garden with sunflowers, picnic basket, plenty of fruits, drinks and food in general. 
“Sorry about the lipstick I used an old one and I swear I’m gonna clean after and-”
“You’re the most cheesy, cliche and argh I don’t even know what to- I fucking hate loving you!” How could you get so lucky? This 5’10’’ aussie, who has the biggest smile, loudest laugh, the best hug ever and seems like his life mission is making you the happiest person alive.
“Darling, don’t cry please! I hate when you cry!” he walked over you
“You were the one that made me cry!” you laughed sniffing giving a kiss in his cheek
“Eh… I might actually have one more thing…”
“What? I don’t think you can surprise or make me cry even more-” you said cleaning away your tears.
“Surprise!” You were wrong. Definitely wrong. Inside the picnic basket instead of more food was a little dog puppy, which couldn’t even open his eyes properly in this light. They furr shined in the sunlight, nose slightly scrunched and tail faintly moving side to side.
She thought the first time she would cry for a man, that it’s not her dad, would be after a heartbreak not for a cliché surprise.
I hate it when you’re not around.
“I’m sorry, babe. I promise after this work I’m gonna get on the first plane to you, and then we can enjoy my summer break together. I swear”
That was the third time he said it, the only time he promised tho. It’s hard to get that much time to spend with your boyfriend, and then he still works in his holidays.
He did what he promised but after 3 days. 3 whole days of his absence, it’s different when he’s in the paddock. At least you got a bit of him, the good morning and good night texts, facetime before sleeping and the most important thing of your life: your dog.
When he is not around, she feels like the loneliest person in the world.
and the fact you didn’t call.
It has been a while since that happened but you still remember how the feeling was. The feeling of being just a piece of meat, just drunk sex, a replacement, an embarrassment or worst, a regret.
Your first time with Daniel was after his win in Monaco, 2018. Both drunk not only in tequila and whiskey but in lust. To be honest you don’t remember much of this night, but you remember him. And he remembers you. His hands were imprinted on your curves. Your fingers tangled in his hair. When you woke up in an empty bed, in a hotel room that was not yours. You remembered all too well.
You remembered that he didn’t call. You remembered that he ignored you in the garage and the paddock. When you finally got to ask (you sneaked into his driver’s room) why he was running he admitted “I just can’t even think when you are around now! All I have is memories when I look at you, and that makes me fucking mad! It makes me wanna hate you more but also makes me wanna kiss you more and fuck you more and I can’t! We shouldn’t. It’s wrong. I assume the responsibility, I’m sorry”
That was the first and last time he didn’t call.
But mostly I hate the way I don’t hate you,
Not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all.
“So you hate loving me? Relax I hate loving you too” Daniel gave his characteristic laugh after you finished saying your poem at the end of your wedding vows.
“We are a team, in this life and all the others". That was the end of his vows, you could see he was shaking the entire time. You risk it looking at Michael and Scottie (obviously the best men) and they were crying like babies, pretty much more than you. 
“See why I hate loving you, Ricciardo” you mentioned cleaning your tears half laughing and you could hear the guests laughing with you. 
“You’re a Ricciardo now too, darlin’”
“You can kiss the bride now”
This was not the end. She still hates Daniel, everything about him, but especially, how much he was easy to love. He promised they were a team and he will always deliver on that, the love of this life of his and all the others too.
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@laura-naruto-fan1998 enjoy <3
my taglist!!
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drawingjester00 · 2 years
A small sample of the DC x DP fic I'm working on. It's a Damian/Danny (Dead Serious) fic
Danny wonders why these things always happen to him. This was just supposed to be an end-of-year trip to Gotham. One week he didn't have to fight ghouls or deal with Vlad's fruitloopiness. The universe hated him. At least that's the only conclusion that makes sense.
It started at one of Gotham's museums. Everything was great. They were looking at old stuff and he was joking around with Tucker and Sam. Then his ghost sense went off because of course.
It wasn't a surprise to see a few ghosts come in and start wreaking havoc. How did they know where to find him? He quickly got his answer when he saw Vlad. Vlad grabbed a random kid and fled. Sam and Tucker reassured him they got the other ghost to go after Vlad.
Damian was ready to body slam this vampire-looking man. Who the hell was he and where did he come from? The man turned them both intangible, going through several walls before ending up in a mostly empty room. The man tied up his wrist and ankles but left him otherwise unrestrained. Damian was able to press the call button on his watch.
"Hey vampire, you're a long ways away from Transylvania." Damian snarked.
"I'm not a vampire you insolent brat."
Damian rolled his eyes, "Then maybe you shouldn't dress like one."
Vlad went to retort but was tackled by Danny flying through the wall. Damian would have been surprised if weird shit didn't happen to him on the daily but still he had to put on a performance.
Damian looked at the fighting pair deadpan, "oh wow gee looks like I'm in quite a jam."
By the time Vlad was sucked into the phantom thermos Damian had already freed himself. Danny looked at the kid bewildered.
"You know staring is rude."
Danny scoffed, "I wasn't staring. Who the hell are you? What did Vlad want with you?"
"I have no clue. You came in before his villainous monologue," Damian paused before snickering, "is his name really Vlad? Like Vlad the Impaler, the original Dracula."
Danny can't believe he hadn't made that connection himself. He couldn't help but laugh. Damian raised a brow.
When Danny calmed he looked at the kid, "So kid are you hurt?"
"I would think that's the first thing you would have checked for. I could have bled to death while you went hysterical."
"Since when did twelve-year-olds get so snarky."
"I'm not twelve! I'm sixteen!"
"But you're so small."
"You are only a few inches taller than me. I'm also still tall enough to kick your ass. Who are you anyway? Batman doesn't like metas in his city."
"A what now?"
"A meta," a big man stepped out from the darkness, "You okay Damian?"
"Yeah, hood. Is it just you?"
"For now, yes," Red Hood looked at Danny, "who are you kid and why are you in Gotham."
"I'm Phantom and I'm supposed to be on a school trip but one of my arch nemesis found me but I stopped him so I should get going."
"I should go back to Hood. I'm fine and I'm sure the ghost boy would be willing to bring me back."
"Uh yeah sure let's go." Danny flew off.
Red Hood lowered himself and whispered, "keep an eye on him. If you have a tracker, use it."
"I'm not an idiot. I was already planning on it."
Danny flew back into the room, "you coming?"
"Are you gonna walk 'cause I certainly can't fly or phase through walls."
"Oh yeah. Let me just, " Danny scooped Damian up in a bridal style, "there we go. You ready now?"
Red Hood snickered as Damian turned red, squawking at the poor kid holding him.
"Put me down! Don't manhandle me!"
"Sorry but this is the quickest way."
Danny rushed off. Damian scowled like an angry cat. Danny chuckled, causing the other to start another rant full of foul language. Finally, Danny landed. Sam and Tucker were there waiting.
Sam gave him a confused expression, "Why are you carrying the youngest Wayne."
"Me dumbass! Put me down!" Damian squirmed.
Danny set him down. Damian adjusted his expensive uniform muttering. Sam grabbed Danny by the ear and pulled him aside.
She whispered," What are you doing carrying the Wayne kid."
"Vlad had him. Plus I still don't know who Wayne is."
"Wayne as in Bruce Wayne, " Sam pinched the bridge of her nose as Danny stared at her blankly, "Wayne as in Wayne Tech Industries."
"Oh… ohhhh. So maybe Vlad had him for some rich guy reason."
"We should keep an eye on him. He is just some pampered rich kid."
Danny nodded and went back over. He was surprised to see the kid was still there. He shuffled uncomfortably, unsure what to do from here. What he didn't see coming was the quick peck to his cheek followed by a growled thank you. Moments later the kid was gone.
Tucker grinned, "look at you, Danny. You just get all the rich babes don't you?"
"It was just a hero kiss," Sam waved her hand in front of Danny's face, "you still there."
"Yeah yeah just wasn't expecting that."
"Go change and catch up with the class."
"Good idea."
That night Danny patrolled the city. Gotham was a whole different beast at night. It was still busy, the lights were bright and the people were completely unfazed. He decided to take a break in the park. Not even five minutes he was being dragged by a vine. Now he was upside down face to face with a pretty green skin lady.
"Whatcha got there?" The blonde lady next to her asked.
"I think this is the mystery meta that Red Hood was talking about."
"He's a cutie ain't he? What do you think we should do with him?"
"Interrogate. Why are you flying around our city?"
Danny gulped, "just making sure none of the ghosts from the attack earlier weren't causing more chaos."
"Responsible young man aren't ya."
"Look I don't want no trouble I have enough of that —"
"Ivy put him down," A boy came down from the tree tops dressed in a costume, "he hasn't done anything wrong yet."
Ivy hesitated but she dropped him. Danny landed with an oof.
"You spooky kid come here."
Danny hesitated but went over. The kid narrowed his eyes and clicked his tongue.
"Of course it's you. I heard about you," Damian walked over to Ivy, "I will deal with this," he gestures to Danny before putting his hands on his hips, "Isn't tonight date night?"
Harley smiles, "it sure is. Let's go Ives I think we can still make our dinner reservations."
Ivy grabbed Harley's hand, " be careful kiddo." She and Harley left the two vigilantes.
Damian went back over to Danny who just looked confused. So much happened in the past few minutes and he wasn't able to process it.
"You kid, what the hell do you think you're doing?"
"Uh patrolling."
"Gotham already has its team of heroes. We don't need you stirring the pot."
"I'm trying to help. I don't think Gotham's heroes know how to deal with ghosts."
"You don't know anything about Gotham."
"You know you're right. How do I know you're not a villain?"
"Because you would be in big trouble already. You're lucky those two are reformed."
"I guess you're part of Batman's crew although you're pretty short. I'm surprised the big bad Batman lets you out past curfew." Danny smirked.
Damian growled, "you better watch it, ghost boy."
"Oo did I strike a nerve."
Damian scowled and swung. Danny faked a yawn and went intangible. Damian ended up stumbling. He was quickly getting irritated. Damian tries to land a few more hits.
Danny laughed and pinched Damian's cheek, "so cute."
"I'm not cute. I'm gonna figure out what exactly you are and then I'm gonna kick your ass."
Before he could get another word in his ghost sense went off. It was the box ghost being annoying as fuck. Danny rolled his eyes before swiftly kicking his ass. Damian watched amused. Once the box ghost was away Danny was again at Damian's side.
"I didn't recognize that villain but you did adequately I guess."
"That's 'cause he is one of mine. He's a ghost."
"So you're both ghosts. Did you," Damian paused, "did you die?"
"Yeah, kinda I guess. I never thought about it that way."
"That is never easy."
"You say that like you have experienced dying."
Damian stayed quiet. Danny looked at him and was shocked. This boy had experienced death; his silence was answer enough. A million questions ran through his head but he shook his thoughts away and just hugged Damian.
"I don't know how that is possible but I'm not gonna question it."
Damian tense. It was weird the ghost boy felt so cold but it was comforting. Danny pulled away leaving a confused and blushing Damian. Damian was still standing there when Nightwing arrived.
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fandomshatewomen · 1 year
Uhura hate vs Concerned fans? Who is really winning?
In response to SNW Uhura hate, I will like to address this objectively and logically.
1. Admitting it is wrong to hate or bully ceelia gooding.
2. Also saying she is miscast in the role of Uhura. 
I do not condone any hate or racism to any actor. Nonetheless I do believe some actor are not right for a part or sometimes actors are miscast deliberately for a part to push an agenda.
The very first time I saw the promo for snw, I was shocked at the Uhura photos as I could not truly tell if that was meant to be a boy or a girl. having to now accept that, this is meant to be a young Nyota felt too far-fetched.
We should not condone hate. However fans also need space to express genuine  concerns. I do NOT believe that the majority of people that say Ceelia Gooding is miscast hate her. they don’t just think she is right for the role and I agree.
SNW will never have cast a  Danny DeVito or a Jason Alexander actor in the role as Spock. They also would never have cast a Rosie O'Donnell as T-Pring or Chapel or Una. I love all these actors but they will be 100% wrong for some trek roles. This is the same with Ceelia Gooding as Uhura, an actress who may also be undergoing gender hormone therapy as a non-binary actor. It makes sense that Uhura looks very androgynous on the show, she is played by a non binary actor.
Sometimes even with racism, some actors still fit the part that could not be denied. Look at Halle Bailey, despite not been white she was still a perfect casting of Ariel in the little mermaid. This is not the case with Ceelia Gooding. There is nothing about her that is similar to TOS Uhura or what made Uhura Iconic.

Alright friend, you caught me on a day when I've got some extra time and spoons so I'm gonna try and engage with your message under the assumption of good faith (but to be clear, with all due respect, framing your message as "objective" and "logical" is giving big dogwhistle energy...)
Quick piece of context setting, I'm mostly familiar with Star Trek media through social osmosis and not personally watching the movies or tv shows, but I would say I'm familiar enough for a general conversation. I also did about 30min of additional research to double check my info but if I get some details wrong, that's why.
For anyone unfamiliar, Strange New Worlds (SNW) is a prequel to the original series of Star Trek (TOS) so they feature a handful of the same characters.
Now, you say there is "nothing about [Celia Gooding] that is similar to TOS Uhura or what made Uhura iconic." I think there's plenty about Gooding that is similar to Nichelle Nichols/TOS Uhura. They are both black, they are both relatively femme presenting, neither is visibly physically disabled, and they are pretty close to the same height (5ft5in vs 5ft8in). So then are you upset that SNW Uhura wears her hair short? Or are you upset that she wears pants and a tunic style jacket as her standard costume rather than sheer tights and a dress that barely covers her butt?
As an aside, "iconic" is a wholly subjective category but I don't disagree that Uhura is an iconic character. That being said, since you point out that quality, if you're up for sharing, I'm curious what you think made TOS Uhura iconic that is so different with SNW Uhura.
To quickly address your counter example, sure, if Danny Devito were cast in a prequel role to Leonard Nimoy's Mister Spock, that would strain credulity. But let me ask you this -- do you *really* see the same level of difference between the visual presentation of Danny Devito vs Leonard Nimoy and Celia Gooding vs Nichelle Nichols? Really? Let me grab a few pictures just to be sure we're all seeing the same people...
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(image description: two photos, both featuring two men standing side by side; on the left is Danny Devito, a shorter heavy-set man, with George Clooney, a much taller and slim man; on the right is Leonard Nimoy with Jim Parsons, they are both tall and slim /end id)
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(image description: two photos, both featuring femme-presenting individuals standing alone and looking into the camera; the one on the left is wearing a silky red ball gown with a deep-v neckline that shows off their boobs, they are wearing light makeup and some jewelry and their dark hair is buzzed short; the one on the right is wearing a glittery gold ball gown that has two high slits to show off her legs, she is also wearing some makeup and jewelry and her longer fluffier hair is styled in an updo typical of the 1960s /end id)
Look.......... the only specific/clear(ish) objections you've raised about Gooding getting cast in this role are about her appearance. As I have hopefully sufficiently demonstrated, I think those concerns are unfounded. If you have issues with the narrative/plot/character development for SNW Uhura, your problem should be with the writers and not with Celia.
If you're up for a little self reflection, try and get more specific about what bothers you so much about the situation. Connecting some dots here, you said SNW Uhura is too different from TOS Uhura to be acceptable to you, but you did not raise the same concerns about Ethan Peck as SNW Spock, even though he's also different from Leonard Nimoy as TOS Spock. What's the difference in the differences that makes one of these fine and one of these not?
•mod dyr
adding this photo i found of nichelle and leonard bc its so sweet <3
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gretavansteph · 2 years
without you d.r.w
enjoy these crumbs i wrote them for you 🥹🤲🏼
The argument lasted longer than usual, to the point where neither of you could remember what had even been the reason that sparked the argument in the first place. You just knew you were upset, and you knew Danny could see that.
He could feel it, he always could.
 He would always say, "If you're happy, I'm happy. If you're sad, well, you're not allowed to be because I hate seeing you sad." and he meant it.
Your connection was that strong that whatever either of you felt, so did the other person. Sometimes it was nice, you know, being on that level of understanding. Feeling seen, feeling heard, your feelings validated. But sometimes, like tonight for example, where both of you were just fuming to the point of raising your voices at each other, it wasn't so fun.
 "Look, just drop it, okay." you snapped, a deep sigh following your statement.
Danny heaved a sigh of his own, closing his eyes for a second before he spoke. "Y/N, I don't want to just drop it. Not until we come to a joint solution."
You hated how nice and understanding he could be. Sometimes you just wanted him to scream at you, tell you you were being bratty or tell you you were being an asshole. You knew you had your moments, you would always admit them, but Danny never would. He couldn't. He loved you too much to ever even think of you in any way that wasn't sweet, and kind, and loving. Gentle, as you always were with him.
 The both of you had never argued this way before. Yeah, you had had your disagreements but who doesn't? But you never said anything unkind about one another, never. You would express your dislike for the situation and your actions, but nothing was ever thrown directly at one another.
 So, truth be told, you didn't actually hate how nice he was, you adored him for it. It's what made you fall in love with him in the first place. He was so tall, and dreamy, arms that appeared so strong you felt they could protect you from anything and everything. And they did, you came to find out later on. But before, he just came off as strong, in every sense of the word. And then you got to know him, and realized he was the biggest softie in the entire world. He loved to be cuddled, more often than not he was little spoon. At least when you went to bed, when you would wake up he was behind you holding you tightly against his chest. He liked it when you played with his hair, as well as when you experimented with different hair styles on him, letting you even put his hair up in pigtails once. He didn't leave the house that day.
No matter the disagreement, the both of you always seemed to calm down enough to solve the issue before the night was over. But not tonight.
 "Look," you sighed, meeting his eyes as he stood across the kitchen, perched up on the counter top. "This isn't going anywhere, we're just running in circles and I'm exhausted, I just want to shower and got to bed."
His eyes softened at your words, and he felt guilty. Guilty for upsetting you, guilty for wearing you out, and guilty for failing to mend the turbulence you were currently experiencing. He knew he needed to give you space, it would be hard for him especially having you so close, but for the night he decided to give you your space.
"Okay," he mumbled quietly. "I'll sleep in the guest room...tonight."
You swallowed the lump in your throat, not trusting yourself to form a coherent sentence so you simply nodded, and made your way out of the room before he could say anything else.
A couple hours later you found yourself snuggled up on Danny's side of the bed, nose deep into his pillow as you breathed in his scent, trying to lull yourself to sleep but it was of no use, you couldn't do it. Not without him. For the entirety of your relationship you had shared a bed, safe for when he was away. Any other time, you slept together. In his bunk, on a pullout, on the floor of a hotel room when they messed up the groups reservations, didn't matter where. You were always together.
 The both of you knew you needed to give one another space, it wasn't good to just jump back into things right away and just forget, no matter how badly you wanted to. You could talk it out and fix the problem, but space was still needed, as to not smother one another. If it was up to you you'd be inside of his skin, and you knew he felt the same, but space was something the both of you valued before your time together, and even now.
But was that going to stop you from kicking the covers off and heading towards the bedroom door? Absolutely not.
Your hand hovered over the doorknob, a second away from turning it but someone was already doing that from the other side.
 You pulled the door open the rest of the way, your heart immediately turning to mush at the sight in front of you. There stood Danny, in all his gentle giant glory in nothing but his underwear, a blanket halfway strung over his shoulder as he fiddled with the ends of the blanket.
 "I was just coming to look for you," you admitted.
His shoulders visibly relaxed, a small sigh leaving his lips.
 You shared a knowing look, and that was all he needed as he followed you back to bed, flicking the lights off and shutting the door once again. You snuggled up into his side as much as you could, and he let out a quiet laugh as your breath tickled his neck. He pulled you as close as he physically could, and then some. Legs a tangled mess, the covers halfway on but the both of you collectively let out sighs of content. You laid in silence for a while, and you began to think he had fallen asleep until he spoke.
"I couldn't sleep," he mumbled into your hair. "Not without you."
You smiled into his neck, placing a small kiss there as you scooted even closer.
"I can't sleep without you either," you responded. "Not ever."
Nothing else was said for the rest of the night as you held each other, whispering your love into the darkness of your shared bedroom. Your argument long forgotten for the time being. You would work it out in the morning, as you always did.
 His soft hums and the warmth of his hand running down your bare back pulled you under, easing all of your worries. You were okay, you were fine.
And you could finally sleep.
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horrorface · 3 months
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there's a popular fandom perception of the ghost face as adoring the entity, or that the entity favors the ghost face (the most recent evidence imo is his beautiful Masquerade skin like. goddamn. not his style but i'm sure it's a treat to feel pretty once and awhile). at first, i didn't get it. but i'm realizing now i just didn't like the lack of explanation as to why a malignant egotist like danny would ever love anything other than the violent machinations of his own narcissistic self-actualization?
and then i realized: it's a slow-burn.
in the verse 'RE: THE SCREAM', danny accumulates vast amounts of knowledge (theoretical physics, occultism) in the span of several months, or years, or no time at all. his sense of time tended to get a little screwy, a lot less linear.
and he learns about the black vale cult. he learns that they have multidimensional installations across time and space. he learns that the entity exists because the black vale cult exists.
danny can't kill an eldrich god. but he can kill people. culty people. flesh-and-blood screaming-begging-meat people. therein lay the beginnings of a plan. his best design yet. the only design that matters, now.
ultimately, the only way that danny escapes the fog is by releasing the facade. the "mask". accepting that the ghost face is not danny, and simultaneously is danny. a separate being, like the severed piece of a starfish that became another whole starfish, and still intrinsically a part of him. literally. symbolically. it doesn't matter. both are true.
the entity has schemes of its own, separate from the cult that has entrapped it. it hates its prison, too. that is the connection. the empathy they needed. because the entity, in reality, is the void. the abyss. the indefinite darkness. the cosmic ocean of infinite depths.
and he has always loved the darkness. even after all this time.
it was empathy that allowed danny to enter the fog. it is empathy that allows him to be freed from it.
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About Spectra🕷
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The "good" doctor has always been trapping people in her webs. As a well skilled psychologist she used her know how of people to get what she wanted, especially through her clients. Wether it's persuading extra pay offers, sharing confidential info, she'd do anything for the right price. Eventually though the consequences of her less ethical practices catched up to her and bit her hard, literally! Now she continues to haunt the world, trying to trap people in her webs, this time they’re even harder to get out of!”.
For her I'm getting rid of the search for beauty and focusing on her being a person who takes advantage of others for her self gain. I'm thinking of making her dark neutral. She mostly does what she does for her self gain and won't go to more trouble than she has to, for what she wants and willing to work with anyone, for the right price. On the other hand her utter lack of care for the people around her as well as her willingness to abuse her power usually makes her an enemy. She also takes joy in causing the misfortune and doesn’t show much concern or remorse for it, especially if its someone she hates.
I also want to push the parallel between her and Jazz more,both being people I with skills and interest in psychology. She could be what Jazz became if she jsut stopped caring about helping people with their issues and used them to only benefit herself. I’m thinking form a young age, Spectra was aware of humanity not being naturally good and saw that more and more as she grew. Eventually she adapted a ““let them be evil” mindset and worked to be just as, if not more cunning and underhanded than the people around her.
Spectra-You can etheir be their prey or they can be yours.
Im thinking for her ep, Jazz at first likes and really looks up to her especially for her profession(fun fact, OG Jazz in one of her futures goes to Yale, which I’m headcanon Spectra graduated from) Perhaps feels like she’s able to confide to her, always trying to look out for everyone else especially her brother, it’s nice to have someone care about her business, perhaps even encouraged Jazz to care for herself more. She’s definetley much more hurt to say the least when she realizes Spectra’s true colors. I can honestly see Spectra see a bit of herself in Jazz, even has some respect for Jazz’s ability to connect with others, with that said she wouldn’t hesitate to use Jazz as Phantom bait if it benefits her or she proved to be too much of an inconvenience. Which….
She and Jazz, have a sort of similar parallel to Vlad and Danny, if perhaps not as intense.
Headcanon VA-Teri Hatcher(Other Mother, Coraline), Kathleen Barr(Queen Chrysalis, My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic), Amy Landecker(Dr. Emilia KATAOWB), Allison Janey- Goldie O Gilt, Ducktales, Wendi Malick( Beatrice Horseman Bojack Horseman, also Eda Clawthorne The Owl House), Faye Mata(Katie Killjoy, Hazbin Hotel), Jean Smart(Depression Kitty, Big Mouth), Amy Sedaris(Princess Carolyn, Bojack Horseman), April Winchell(Ms. Finster, Recess).
Abilities- Can make webs that can drain someone's energy as well as trap and grab things and people, even make things out of said webbing and people, can crawl and climb all over walls and ceilings, can shoot out her webbing Spider-Man style, can remove her body parts and attach them back on(like sewing a doll), can fit herself into small spaces, high jumper, very flexible, sharp claws, legs and teeth, venomous bite, experience and skill in Psychology, dark empath, master manipulator, great vision(especially since she can move her eyes around), a sense of danger(like a spidey sense Spectra-NOT LIKE SPIDER-MAN!), good with the piano, experienced in forgery, knows ASL(picked it up for clients with hearing disabilities), great charisma, greater lying and great with textile.
@tachvintlogic​ helped gave me a lot of good ideas on how her web powers can work! 
Weaknesses- Webs can only last so long before she needs to remake them, weak ghost so she cant use too much and will etheir need new people to drain energy from or wait and conserve herself, she or her webs aren’t great getting wet, not strong in cold temperatures, strength if webs depend on her own state, hence why she drains people so much, not the greatest with modern tech, hard to trust even when she’s telling the truth, has little to no compassion, huge ego and too selfish for her own good.
If a person is physically or mentally down already, her webs can drain more out.
Likes- Psychology(more so using it on people), draining people, negative emotions and energy, DRAMA, textile, weaving, sewing, knitting, macrame, textile especially weave art, textile puns, dark comedy, fine arts, acting fine and cultured, getting spa treatments, vintage things, silk, red wine, insects and spiders(to eat), brunch, French cuisine, devilled eggs, coffee, dark chocolate, bitter tastes, cappuccino, brunch, fashion, gossip, piano music, the night, the color red, reading, philosophy, psychological horror/thrillers, dark spaces, interior design shows, reality tv shows(especially for the drama), and getting what she wants.
Dislikes- Jazz, Danny Phantom, Sidney( on the plus side, he’s got tons of negativity she can drain from him, on the downside it’s hard to when he can slice you to threads with his pincers in a matter of seconds), Danny’s puns, Walker and his enforcement, a lot of the ghosts in the Zone(they def reciprocate her feelings), people getting in her way, having to deal with teenagers, getting poked by needle and pins, Bertrand's snark and sass, being weak, the color blue, Jazz’s essential oils(fun fact spiders don’t like smells like lavender, peppermint or the color blue, especially light blue which Jazz wears a lot), bright lights, being called "Other Mother", being called “old”, not having her coffee, when the coffee shops get her order wrong or puts the wrong name on the cup, rain, her work getting ruined, getting wet, the cold, missing threads, loose ends, people commenting on her age and being screwed over.
Fav food- Misery ofcourse😭
Second fav- Spiders. They help her gain energy is spiders and the webbing in them🕷She'll go for insects as well🦋🐞🪲(Likes dipping such as dark chocolate or cheese covered ones like cocoa beetles).
Loves to target teens for all their hormones as well as middle-age adults. Mid-Life crisis’ are gold mines for her.
Will now and then team up with Vlad🧛‍♂️ Especially if it involves revenge on the Fenton Family. He’s one of the few ghosts she actually gets along with. With that said, they wouldn’t hesitate to turn on each other when push comes to shove. I can totally see them brunch while badmouthing people(especially the Fentons). 
Can make silk from her webbing. It’s very soft and smooth…perfect to get it on people😈
Enjoys making dolls of people she hates so she can destroy them for stress relief.
Usually smells like vintage perfume. It’s not bad but she tends to wear a lot on her, usually trying to cover up anything like say…ecto.
Though she hates the cold, has her office still cold as it makes clients accept her gifts more or warm up with stuff she made. As well as to cover up Phantom’s Ghost senses. She uses her own webbing to keep herself warm enough.
When under Walker's control, kept far away from the other prisoners so she can't feed too much on their misery. He has her do psycho-analysis of the inmates, to figure out what makes them tick. One of her biggest cases is Sidney Pointdexter. Her cell tends to have a bunch of cobwebs in it, her bed having layers and crafted pillows from her own webbing for comfort.
Made Bertrand with her powers. Reference to Other Father. The main reason he does her bidding’s because he needs her webbing to keep him together. She made him basically to do all the grunt work, she doesn’t want to waste energy on(cleaning her office, organizing her files, coffee runs, scaring the students so they’ll need to get counselled and can drain them, etc).
Also tends to have Bertrand prepare snacks and drinks for the students, to make them feel more comfortable( and TOTALLY not to make sure one doesnt end up passing out if too much energy was drained). A bit of a reference to how Other Mother lured Coraline with delicious food.
Died in 1990. Gaiman started writing the story, Coraline(Spectras inspired by Other Mother) in 1990. Died via, Black widow spider bite🕷
Got her degrees from Yale👩‍🎓 She brags about that ALOT to people. Blackmailed her psych professor.
When she isn’t draining people of their misery, will now and then swindle  people for quick crash. Her fav tactic is selling people knockoff fashion products, which after the purchase don’t even last(as she made them with her webbing). 
Prefers cash over credit💵.
Sometimes makes fake products or steals things like Chanel and Gucci for herself, to make people think she’s rich and classy👜
She and Klemper knew each other as kids🕷☃️.
Her footsteps and fingers hitting the surface sounds like needles🪡
Has definetley been involved in quite a few pyramid schemes.
Would love Melvina’s Therapy.
Keeps a sewing kit on her🧵🪡
Likes to hum. Usually "the itsy bitsy spider"🕷
Loved puppet shows as a kid. Still enjoys them now. 
She made a lot of the clothes she wears. Even made Bertrand a sleeveless vest, def not to drain him ofcourse...
Can move her extra eyes around her face. Likes to do it to creep people out.
How she died. Still working out the details but it was partly because of a black widow spider bite, was an act of revenge(client or someone close to the client she’d been screwing over) and  it wasn’t a peaceful death to say the least.
What do u think? Any headcanons u have for Spectra. I'd love to know💖
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styxnbones · 1 year
(g-c) 🌎🤝 for danny, 🖤 for apollo, 🧛‍♀️ for kellen, 💉 for cass
Danny: 🌎 Do they try to retain any part of their humanity? 
Yeah! Danny actually has a whopping 8 humanity, despite being some six years dead. Mostly, they just try to be the same kind and friendly person they were before. He does his best to feed in a way he finds ethical (essentially providing some temporary relief to those already a step away from the great hereafter), and not get into any fights. But, he also got pretty lucky with starting out under an attentive sire in a relatively sleepy city, so they haven't had any serious tests of their commitment to humanity yet.
🤝 What is their relationship with their sire like?
Pretty good, all things considered. Very teacher-student. Their personalities don't exactly gel- Katie is very by the books about most things and doesn't really appreciate his sense of humor or style- but they've made it work so far. There's also more than a little resentment from Danny for the way she views this as her having "saved his life" when as far as he can see all she "saved" him from was student loans.
Apollo: 🖤 How do they feel about being turned? (How did they adjust? Do they feel differently now than they did when they were first turned?)
At first is was shock, and the adjustment period was definitely rough- since his sire promptly abandoned him he ended up internalizing some wack shit about what this whole situation was. After that, she saw it as a divine ordeal, but since his little dirt nap the reality of this being like a curse Curse is slowly seeping in.
Kellen: 🧛‍♀️ Do they have any preference regarding who they feed on/how they feed?
I'm evil and decided to give Kel the Bond Junkie+Blood Leech combo, so yeah, feeding is kind of a big deal for them. Currently, they have an arrangement with their mawla, Bernadette, to feed (and consequently be bound) exclusively with her. B is also their employer, so they basically have a daily meeting scheduled (which Kel privately thinks of as a "dinner date") to catch up on what's being done that night and make sure Kel doesn't starve. Typically it's just the two of them in Bernadette's office, though sometimes her last meal is still slumped in the corner recovering (which Kel honestly hates, but would never dream of saying anything about), and Kel will kneel to accept her wrist and then desperately try to pay attention to whatever it is she's decided to talk about while they eat. if they're lucky she might play with their hair but then they're sure to miss anything being said
Cass: 💉 Have they sired anyone? If so - why, how and did they claim their childe?
Cass has both threatened and promised to turn a number of people, but has never delivered and probably never will. They know exactly how much of a pain in the ass they were as a fledgling, and though they doubt anyone could possibly cause as much of a problem for them as they did to Astrid, they still don't really see the point in all that work for basically no benefit. Like, you can blood bond people without making them immortal first- there really isn't any advantage to the sire for embracing someone that is worth the ordeal that is being responsible for a childe.
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eirian · 2 years
hey everybody im gonna ramble about art styles for a bit b/c everyone's asleep <3 LOL
PREFACE: THIS IS LITERALLY JUST MY OWN PERSONAL PREFERENCES AND OPINIONS!! i dont want to sound like i think im an authority on this stuff at all so dont take it as such. im just stream-of-consciousness rambling here
anyway on to the ramble
so occasionally i like to drown myself in nostalgia by going on deviantart and browsing old ms paint art of people's fursonas and such. tonight i was doing that and it got me thinkin about art styles and how theyve changed over the years! like, back during the time im talking about (like early 2000s-very early 2010s), the anime style was very popular at least in the furry deviantart community i was a part of. although i think that extends to human art as well, which i'll get into in a moment. but ya like, ive noticed that ppl would draw their furries all anime-y with big eyes and swirls in their very spiky fur...fur was a lot more detailed as well! there was a distinct style goin on. and over time it's kinda shifted into a less anime and more western cartoony style it feels like? sure theres still anime influences but its not Blatantly Anime anymore if that makes sense. its more squishy and cutesy i guess. of course this is just a lot of what i see, theres exceptions too here and there. as for human art the early 2000s/2010s anime art styles were just. so choice. i miss them so much actually
to get into general art styles tho, i was looking at style evolution charts for anime from the 80s to the 2020s and it was rly interesting to see!! id like to say my fav eras of style were the 90s-00s specifically, and honestly my opinion carries over to western cartoons as well. now here's where im gonna get Conch Reversal i think. bc im one of those people who--god i hate that i probably sound pretentious for this--prefers the Older art styles to the modern ones? if you follow me u know im a big fan of stephen silver's art, particularly from the danny phantom era. i love the early art styles that were goofy and cartoony and bouncy but had sharpness to them, like they were pretty angular? and nowadays it seems like everyone's into that spongey soft round style (not to bring up steven universe but like. steven universe-esque) which is appealing in its own way but not in the way that i personally would choose yknow? thats why im rly into danny phantom and stuff like that i guess
ive been told that art styles like that are outdated and maybe they are! but i find such a particular enjoyment in looking at them u_u its really hard for me to give them up. the 90s shoujo anime styles, the 00s angular cartoon styles...idk. they appeal much more to me than modern anime and toony styles :( and that probably makes me sound like an old pretentious fart but whatever LOL thats my onion and you are free to disagree i dont rly care
but ya like. idk. as an autistic person, art has always been both my biggest special interest AND hyperfixation, so i feel super strongly abt stuff like this and it makes me happy to share my feelings so !!! there u go <3 sorry this is extremely long lol
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azure-wolf-227 · 1 year
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Final MLP OC redesign MLP OC - Phantom Wail
Besides the obvious differences due to my updated style:
- I changed his first name from Phantom to Ghost because I liked how the latter one sounded; to not change it completely, his proper name is Phantom Wail with Ghost being a nickname that is often used.
- His Cutie Mark has a new design
- His mane falls down to cover his left eye
I actually wanted to draw his face in 3/4 view but it didn't want to turn right for some reason.
[Character description under the cut]
Full Name: Phantom Wail
Nicknames/Other Names: Ghost (by most ponies and others), Phantom (in formal or serious situations), Pale Freak (by jerks and bullies)
Age: 14
Shadow Glide - father (formerly called Ghost Glide)
Spirit Light - mother
Specter Shade - little brother
Special Talent: Music and Sound
Trivia: The name Ghost Wail is a reference to Danny Phantom's Ghostly Wail; Ghost has an ability similar to it.
Ghost was born in Fillydelphia in the middle of winter and, since an early age, he has faced bullying due to either being both a Thestral and albino. He has always been interested in music and earned his Cutie Mark from learning to play by ear. Shortly after the birth of his little brother, Ghost's family moved to the Night Pony town of Lunar Haven, where he still faced some bullying due to his albinism. Recently, his family moved to Ponyville, where he finally made some friends who don't mind his appearance. He even formed a band with them, playing bass guitar.
Ghost is nice and friendly though somewhat wary of new ponies due to past bullying. He is a bit of a daredevil when flying but has enough common sense to not be overly reckless. Due to experiencing it, Ghost hates bullying and prejudice and will not hesitate to help someone who is suffering. He is also not fond of pears or bright lights, as the latter hurt his eyes. Ghost loves music, especially Rock 'n' Roll and Dubstep, as well as stunt flying and strawberry smoothies. Like most thestrals, he reveres Princess Luna.
Ghost might be bi but has not had a chance to explore what his preferences might be.
Ghost is a very skilled musician, able to learn a new song just my listening to the music a few times. He is also quite agile and acrobatic while flying. Ghost also has the ability to produce a powerful sonic screech attack that can disorient other beings.
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aikoiya · 2 years
DP x MH Crossovers, Please
There needs to be more Danny Phantom/Monster High shit, man.
Not just with him suddenly there, but maybe it could be set after Phantom Planet? Except, Danny waited until they were all home to reveal himself to his parents so, only they learn of his identity & not LITERALLY THE WHOLE EFFING WORLD!!
Anyway, Phantom is now the new biggest star in both the human world & the monster underground.
Also, just like how there are rotten humans & rotten ghosts, there are also still plenty of rotten monsters. That's why the more civilized monsters need an underground.
Anyway, because ghosts are now a very widely known thing the monster underground just decides, "might as well show ourselves" & that just causes further chaos.
Or maybe Amity gets its own monster underground. I wonder what it'd be called; "Calamity Park?"
Maybe because of this the Fentons send Danny to New Salem so he can better get to know this side of himself? Either way, I like to think that the ghosts of Monster High are all ectoplasm-based ghosts like the ones in the GZ, but they're all Pales, which are like Harry Potter ghosts, but they can become solid, but not much else. They're pretty weak all things considered.
Also, I get that this is sort of Draculara's thing, but I always thought it stupid that she can just abstain from blood & be totally fine nutritionally. That takes away from the entire appeal of vampires.
Why not make it a moral dilemma? She doesn't want to drink blood but she has to in order to survive, so she, like, has it baked into desserts or made into smoothies so she can pretend it's not there. However, in order for her to choke it down, there can't be so much that she can taste. But baking it makes the blood not as nutritious while only having a small amount also doesn't meet her nutritional needs & that's why she hasn't developed any of her vampire powers yet. She's actually severely malnourished.
Like, she wishes there was a truly vegan option, but there simply isn't one for vampires. As it stands, they are obligate hemovores.
Side-note: You could make this a crossover with the Supernatural Trio AU where Tucker's a cyborg & Sam's a vampire with magic powers. Here's my version of it:
Or the Transformation Trio AU where Tucker's a werewolf & cousin to Clawdeen, Sam's a freshwater mermaid, & Jazz is a fairy.
Personally, I'd mix the 2 aus' version of Tucker. Like say, Tucker had the werewolf gene but before it activated, he was made into a cyborg via nanotech & when it does activate, he comes out looking a bit more jackle-like in appearance to go with his Egyptian ancestry/the fact that he's the reincarnation of Duul Aman. Also, I feel like his aesthetic could eventually become Egyptian cyberpunk.
As for Sam, she could either be 3/4 vampire via legacy with wiccan magic or become a freshwater mermaid, but not both.
If she goes vampire, make it so she & Draculara vibe over hating having to consume blood (though, for slightly different reasons) & Sam being an alchemical heiress & this spurs Sam into crossbreeding those Plasma Fruits from the Sims 4 from blood blossoms after discovering that sprinkling dried & ground blood blossom flowers onto normal food makes it edible for hemovores. However, it still doesn't have the right nutritional value/minerals that blood does. So, she uses the botanomancy she learned from Undergrowth to crossbreed blood blossoms with vegetables & fruits that have high protein, zinc, ect.
Either way, I really like @spookberry​’s MH Redesign for Danny. I may not agree with all they support, but they have a fantastic sense of style. Here it is:
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Look at that! He’s so cool!! <3
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