#dark deception gold watchers x reader
Spoiled cotten! ||dark deception x child!gn!human!reader|| malak,Agatha & gold watchers || OOC!
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A/n : let's get one thing straight, gold watchers are your rich adoptive uncles and malaks your awkward dad. Agatha laughs at you for a bit.
Dividers: https://www.tumblr.com/firefly-graphics/643930238064181248/gold-glitter-dividers?source=share
@firefly-graphics for the dividers.
Warning?: out of character acting,child reader,murder, implications of murder, demons?, blindfolded reader, etc
2nd/3rd person pov!
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Your dad, malak. Randomly and very nervously decided to make you go over to your...uncles? You didn't know know what to call them but they were more like sleezy con men that your dad hanged out with. Either way it just made you feel a bit...weirded out? Maybe sad or mad. Whatever you were feeling, it definitely wasn't eased by your dad. "Listen, something...came up and needs to be taken care of. You'll be staying here with the gold watchers. Okay?"
'He definitely was mad. Maybe nervous??.' You thought to yourself. This usually happened when an....uninvited guest came. But you would be with your sister agatha usually when this happens. Why the gold watchers?. Oh well. Nothing you could've done to persuade him otherwise. He left a few moments later. Leaving you with the gold watchers. Blindfold in hand, you put it on. It was see-through enough that you could easily see everything and not bump into anything but thick enough so that the gold watchers could move, some talked to you others just gave you things. Suddenly you felt a hand on your shoulder and turned around. "Hey. Come on dinners ready." They didn't to eat but made it for you. Considering malak would melt their greedy Golden as- faces, if you even felt hungry once he came back. It was normal for him to be....worried. your human, this world wasn't made for you. But rather to kill people. If anything happened to you. It would be on the gold watchers heads. One of the gold watchers quickly gave you a plate, it was filled with (favourite food/dish) , you kinda of ate in silence. He kept near you while eating. It was normal for atleast one of them to be near or watching you. After all your a HUMAN CHILD. And more specifically, MALAKS CHILD. They had to watch you. Besides they had grown quite fonde of you. Thinking of themselves as your cool uncles when in reality they were more like the weird rich uncles who you only liked for money.
Either way, they were nice. Most the other realms monsters were. They all were like aunts and uncles or siblings and cousins. It was like a weird family for you. Kinda of like a joint custody. "Hey...here we have some things for you. They aren't as...perfect as they should be and we didn't want them so maybe you'd like them?" The same gold watcher asked. You noded, as he carefully held your hand considering how dark it was and you were wearing a blindfold. Slowly guiding you towards a...some what large gift box, it had (favourite color) ribbons and (2nd favourite color) wraping. "We thought it was would nicer to give you box filled with the stuff rather then just hand it all to you.." He chuckles awkwardly, it was nice of them to do this but at the same time, these things were probably broken or not good if the gold watchers thought it wasn't good enough or perfect enough for them, they were creatures of greed but could be nice sometimes. You lightly shake the box and hear things move inside, you slowly open the box, and see multiple things inside, small gold coins,toys,stuffed animals,broken jewellery,some very semi expensive clothes, and more, you quickly picked up the broken jewellery and gave a quick look of "wtf" to the gold watcher that brought you here, he shrugs and smiles. You put the jewellery back in the box as you pick up the clothes, it was (favourite clothing/dress) , it looked nice and the gold watchers face immediately lights up at an idea. He immediately runs over and picks you. A small yelp from you, not expecting it, considering you were looking at the things in the box and had your back turned. You immediately ask what hell he's doing, and he responds with "a makeover! The clothes your wearing are peasants clothes, you deserve better than that as our nephew/niece!" ...oh well nothing you can really do, and besides. It might mean that you'll get free new clothes...
*2 hour time skip later*
".....why is my childs clothes dyed gold....and why do you have a bag filled with money???" Malak seemed very confused. You quickly tried to explain before just sighing and saying "makeover, and it's my early birthday money." Or a variation of it. Atleast that's what the gold watchers told you what the money was for. "....your birthday isn't for another 3 months." Malak at this point just seemed even more confused, you shrugged. He just sighed and grabbed your hand. Basically holding it before opening a portal to get you to Agatha. It would be nice for the two of you to get a break and hang out with her. You both go in and see her, in her realm.
"(Name)! .....why are your clothes covered in yellow dye?" Agatha giggled at how silly you looked, "well...dont worry. it looks good on you. Just a bit silly that's all!" She reassured, still gigling as you you started to giggle with her. It was a bit of a silly situation. malak just smiled and stared at his two children.
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encountering child reader hcs ; gold watchers
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requested by ; ❤️ anon (02/05/23)
fandom(s) ; dark deception
fandom masterlist(s) ; here
character(s) ; gold watchers
outline ; “Hiii could I maybe get the gold watchers with a child reader who just randomly appeared in their world alone?
Thanks in advance
❤ anon”
warning(s) ; canon-typical references to violence, implied child death
the gold watchers aren’t exactly known for their empathy or their paternal instincts — they’re demons born from greed, so why would they need anything other than that greed?
they’re used to enacting punishment on those who enter their hell portal: slashing, bludgeoning, capturing, incapacitating
they live for the indulgence, the sport, the violence
they’re in no way equipped to care for anyone for their own selfishness — let alone a child
so imagine their collective shock when you stumble into their estate
so small, so young, so innocent — how did you even get there?
either way it’s not like they can ask you — you’re terrified of their petrified forms and run whenever they move (which, granted, it must have been startling for you to notice something moving whenever you look away)
they have to improvise heavily to make sure you don’t get hurt or scare yourself to death — which meant fetching and making some friendlier looking masks and using signs to communicate with you
though, naturally, this was very difficult as they had to both explain their predicament to you and try to not terrify you
they didn’t want to hurt you, after all — you were only a kid
but once they got the hang of communicating with you and you stopped running away and started understanding the situation, things started to go much smoother
whenever you wanted to play you’d use a spare scrap of fabric as a makeshift blindfold, allowing your new companions to move freely
they’d leave notes around the manor and gardens with instructions and messages for you
some are kinder — think ‘take care of yourself’ or ‘your new toys are in the foyer’
but most are more basic — e.g. ‘lunch is at 12 sharp, so not be late’, ‘finish your chores’, ‘your bed still needs to be made’
they spoil you with clothes and toys — things that they have no reason to covet as they’re of no use to them, but that they have an excess of for some reason
they can be quite pompous at times, but if you’re particularly persistent then you’ll usually get what you want from them
they’re basically a large collective of rich uncles who make sure you don’t die or get bored
this does mean locking you in a room sometimes when a visitor arrives — but it’s for your own good, they promise
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speckle-meow-meow · 2 years
Oooooo I saw dark deception in your fandoms and I recently got back into it.
I was wondering if we could get maybe two gold watchers x non-binary reader who is getting helped by the main character (I forget his name)
The gold watchers just sitting there like:
ರ⁠_⁠ರ ಠ⁠ಗ⁠ಠ "are we just gonna stand here or?"
For sure!!
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Gender: Non-bi
Warnings: nerp if there are tell me!
You were Bierce's assistant? Idk but go along with it
You and doug (the main character) got along surprisingly well even though he was a dick to people
You helped him get the secret notes without Bierce knowing
If you couldn't get out of there might as well help the people who arrive
One of the missions which is one of the hardest was Deadly decadence
You joined him to make the collection process faster and it went well but the gold watchers were confused and mad.
It was a fun and games
Until the mansion portion
You and Doug were trapped in the room surrounded by the gold watchers
You didn't know if they spoke other than laughs, grunts, and sighs
So you did what seemed to be a rational thing at the time
"Hello, look I know this is irritating. Having 2 people come and steal your things and ruining your home, but we don't really want to be here either. "
Doug whispered to you looking frightened and confused "Y/n what are you doing?! I don't hink they can respond"
One of the could watchers stepped up and responded with a snide comment "of course we can talk you fool. " you both looked surprised well Doug looked more surprised than you did but before you could say anything else another gold watcher spoke up "Um excuse him, but I also have a question? What are you miss? Mr? What ever you are? " you looked surprised but laughed,
"Oh me? I'm Mx, I'm non-binary! And I know that you don't know what that means but it's nothing bad"
all the gold watchers looked at you, they scanned your figure trying to find any defining features to tell what gender you were but they couldn't find anything, you looked so feminine yet so masculine at the same time. It was strange but at the same time it was a breath of fresh air.
One of the gold watchers which seemed to be the leader stepped up
"We'll let you go with the shards only if you promise us you'd come back Mx. Y/n. So. Do we have a deal? "
Doug looked shocked, and you well you were surprised. "Of course I'll come back! "
They let you leave
But not without giving you a chase so Malak wouldn't get suspicious
When you both reached the gate you felt your chest your heart was beating so fast, it was so fun, so exilerating (?)
You couldn't wait to go back!!
{Thank you anon for requesting this, sorry if it didn't go exactly as your request but I got a boost of inspiration and sorta went off. Anyways hearts, reblogs, requests, questions, and comments are welcome! Hope you enjoyed this! }
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free-for-all-fics · 2 years
Random thoughts and prompts/Ideas for Gold Watchers from Dark Deception because I love these video game enemies and the level setting and I think they’re underrated. I wish there was more fics for them. Pls tag me if you write anything inspired by these 💜
1. Since all the Gold Watchers in Deadly Decadence are men, what if there was a lady/female gold statue among them in the manor? A beautiful golden noblewoman who wears the most magnificent gowns and opulent jewelry fit for a princess or higher status. Maybe the Gold Watchers take turns to share in her love and attentions like a poly romantic relationship sorta? Maybe she’d participate in their sadistic games of murder or gleeful axe swinging? But perhaps she’d use a different kind of blade, like a sword or daggers? I dunno! I’ve just been thinking about this since discovering the game. In the update, it’s shown that the gold watchers keep creating more of themselves and there’s a giant Titan watcher outside too. So what if it was like a weird Frankenstein type thing where they created a woman? (Sort of inspired by fanart I saw of a character called Duchess Rose-Mary)
2. Dark beauty and the beast type situation but instead it’s reader being held captive in the Deadly Decadence manor by the gold watchers who are obsessively in love with her, in part because she’s so beautiful and they don’t think mere mortals deserve to behold her. They keep killing mortals who enter the manor and there’s the giant Titan Watcher outside too so any chance of rescue or escape is slim to none.
3. “The real treasure is the friends you made along the way” The scroll reads. You grumble and turn to show the rest of your team only to find they’ve all been turned into statues of gold.
4. “Do I look like I’m made of money?”
“….. Have you looked in a mirror? You’re a SOLID GOLD talking statue!”
5. The golden statue had seen wars, romance, famine, and wealth. It had always been content with its lot in life, unmoving and hard. However, now, a flower bloomed but a step away, and it wanted nothing more than to touch that flower and experience its gentle beauty for itself. (Perhaps the “flower” is the reader? Or could be a literal flower)
6. A weird statue shows up in the local museum. The inscriptions found with it translate to, “Maddened by greed, we sealed him. Be warned, he will awaken to kill you.”
7. When the palace was cursed, everyone began to turn to gold. To save you, they gave you the elixir of immortality. After watching the kingdom fall to ruin, you wander the palace alone. Guarding your true love’s statue from the elements and anyone who trespasses to find immortality or steal the soul shards.
8. A statue falls in love with a girl he cannot speak to.
9. You were born with literal components of figurative idioms - a silver tongue, a heart of gold, nerves of steel, an iron stomach, green thumbs, etc. You’re on the search to find the source of your affliction and the reason why it happened.
10. Midas sobbed as he clung to his wife, now transformed into gold. Then she embraced him back. “I’m sorry, my love. Gold is a little harder to move than flesh, but I figured it out.”
11. “Just because I turned her to gold doesn’t mean I can change her back. If I could, then I could turn ANY gold into her, and that would be infinitely more tragic.”
12. People always said you had a heart of gold. Today the doctors confirmed that this is literally the case. They weren’t sure how it happened but they’re pretty sure it’s terminal.
13. While preparing dinner, your new partner cuts themself on a kitchen knife. Their blood drips gold.
14. You have the breathtaking power to turn anything you touch into pure gold. The only requirement to succeed doing so is that you need to hold your breath until the transformation is complete. If your ability is ever interrupted, you slowly start turning into gold yourself.
15. She was cursed to laugh silver and weep gold, so that her sorrow would always be worth more than her joy.
16. Your baby is born with golden eyes. Everyone tells you to kill it, but you refuse. Everyone avoids you and your family. It isn’t until today you find out why everyone is so terrified.
17. Within decrepit halls of the golden castle walls, you find yourself nearing the treasure room. All that pain, that struggle, all that loss - finally going to be worth something. In the doorway you stand tall, only to find a room full of nothing. The room is completely whitewashed.
18. You have the golden touch, but instead it turns gold things into human flesh.
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behrads-world · 2 years
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abstract-crossverse · 3 years
Hi... What if.. One of the gold watchers took a liking to the mortal, and dont, like, try to kill em... Maybe some gay action if u feel me...
Y'know what's weird? I feel like I've written something similar to this before, but I can't find the post
This is general Gold Watcher
"Liking?" [Dark Deception x Reader, headcanons]
One of them? Liking a mortal? Blasphemy!
But it happened so oh well-
We're gonna call this one Gold again, for simplicitys sake
It started when you first used your stun ability on one of them and saw Gold holding his head in (seemingly) pain
You felt bad and gently put your hands on his cheeks, gently rubbing your thumb over his cheeks
Sadly you didn't even realize the stun had ran out and heard footsteps behind you, looking back you saw another statue and when you looked back to Gold he was just staring at you, confused and dumbfounded you had the guts to get so close
Though you took your hands off and stated running again, he just stood there, looking at you run away while the other statue gave him a bump on the shoulder for not killing you while you turned your head and kept running behind you
After that you saw him around a lot, but he never got too close and seemed to close off his friends's paths trying to get to you
Eventually you where getting cornered, and as your back hit to wall behind you, with all of the gold watchers in front of you, you failed to notice Gold getting close by your blind spot
He snatched your arm and ran with you to that one hidden room with the writing on the walls, no one aside him knew about that room
You ran to the other side of the room, away from him as he closed the door
Somehow he could move with you staring, but he interrupted your thoughts by asking you if you were okay
After a while of your response and awkward silence aside from the yells and running around from the other statues asking he put the mortal, you asked why did he help you
He just said that it was repayment, for showing him a bit of kindness when he was in pain before
You two hit it off since, touching on various topics about the overworld or take turns listening to each other rant about things you didn't like or shitty people you met
After a while of talking, Bierce told you to stop playing around with the statue and get the ring piece, party pooper
You told Gold that, and while he got a little upset about it, he understood you had a job to finish
You both left the room cautiously, but it didn't matter if you did, the statues had telekinesis, they knew exactly where you were so you both just started running, he helped you the best he could
Like getting soul shards you missed or closing off his 'friends', etc.
Everything was going well untill you got cornered by the other statues
The other statues held Gold pinned down and they decided that turn you up to Malak wasn't a good enough punishment, they tried to make you into one of them
Though your teleportation really came in handy at that moment, and you managed to get Gold out of their grip and you two continued along
You managed to get the ring piece faster with his help and passed the boss fight with the titan, he was gonna drop you off at the portal but you pulled him along to the front of the manor
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" he asked whilst you pulled him along to the main portal
"BRINGING YOU WITH ME, IM NOT LETTING YOU DIE!" you retorted, by those words, Gold picked you up and ran faster to the portal and practically dived in with you
You two ended up on back in Bierce's room, laughing and holding each other as you were able to escape, Gold said he'd cry if he could
Bierce did give you both and earful about it, but said that as long as Gold didn't distract you from your deal too much, he could stay
And so he did, and even accompanied you through some portals, those being the Sewers, Crazy Carnival and Hospital
You two ended up kissing after the hospital, actually, while you were finished with the big Nurse
He told you how no one's ever been so special to him aside from you and that wished you to be his
You agree ofc lmao, though he ends up being stuck with Bierce once mama bear level rolls around
When you get back and get the rings back to Bierce, he charges at you and gives you a kith
You two cuddle after that and get some well deserved sleep
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dark-light-oof · 3 years
How they comfort you part 2
Again, P A N I C M O D E
he'll make you tea to help calm you down
Say the word and Kiyoshi will gladly play his shamisen for you
He'll pretty much try to strangle anyone that made you feel very upset
He'll also run you a bath with sakura blossoms on them
"Please don't cry my blossom, I hope I can make you feel better and make your troubles go away"
So, 10/10. He's honestly very good at comforting others despite how long he weeps for :)
Ah yes, the quiet and forgotten one
The moment Alex sees you crying, it's an automatic trip to his room
He's read A LOT about mental illnesses and ways to help calm someone down
Alex will gladly read to you
He'll even read to you while your taking a bath to help calm you down
"It, worries me when you c-c-cry. I shall help you a-anyway I can"
He'll pretty hold you while your sleeping, whether your in the library or in one of the living rooms. Say the word, and he'll let you sleep on his lap anywhere :-)
9.5/10. He does struggle in the beginning, but got better at it
Oh boy-
He'll automatically have a song written by himself ready
Goldie will pretty much force poor vincent to play the song for you
Very much willing to listen to you vent while he's working on something
"Your crying and sadness breaks this musician's heart~ please smile and laugh for me, your voice music to my ears~♡"
He'll gladly cut down anyone that makes you sad, trust me on that. He WILL do it
9.8/10. Goldie may be a teensy bit overdramatic at first, but he's learned to calm down as time went by
Part 3 in progress...
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 5 years
Could you possibly write Gold Watchers x Reader in which the reader is blind? i always wondered how they'd react, since i believe they're physically unable to move when you look at them. So how would they react to someone who can't see, since they'd finally be able to freely move without worry of suddenly freezing. Thank you, and i absolutely love your blog!! uwu
Awh thanks! I’ve always thought about this idea, too!
“We can move freely?”
“How can that be?”
“Not sure..there’s a peasant roaming around, though, but they seem unaware of our presence.”
One of the Gold Watchers looked over at you, seeing you slowly making your way through the hedge maze. The energy you felt radiating from the soul shards was your only guidance as your hand absorbed them, before you continued to collect the next one.
They were flabbergasted, least to say. Although judging from how you didn’t react to their presence–even when you were looking right at them–they could only assume one thing.
Hearing heavy footsteps, you glanced towards the direction they came from as they stopped just a few feet in front of you. “Ah, good day, peasant!” A male English voice spoke up.
You turned fully to him. “Hey. You trying to collect shards, too?”
The Gold Watcher smiled nervously, drawing out his axes. “Why no. These shards belong to us, the Gold Watchers. And you are but a mere peasant. It’s a miracle you’ve lasted this long in our realm.”
You just chuckled, jumping back right as he swung an axe at you. “Well, if you knew I couldn’t see, then you would’ve already killed me, right?”
He gawked at how you were able to dodge that, but then he looked back at the other Gold Watchers, who were blissfully conversing with one another. 
In that moment he had second thoughts about killing you. After all..they never had this much freedom to move before. It made them feel even more alive. If they kept killing you until you weren’t able to return here, then..another mortal would come along and they’ll lose their autonomy for sure.
Finally, he sighed in defeat and put away the axes. “Very well, peasant,” he sneered, before he offered his hand. “Truce?”
“Truce.” You shook his hand, although before he could let go, you took a second to feel its smooth texture. Your glazed eyes widened with surprise. “Wowie..is this really gold?”
The Gold Watcher scoffed at your inquiry. “Wh-Why, of course it is! Only the finest!”
You just chuckled in amusement, sensing his struggle to maintain his dignity.
For now, the shards could wait.
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gothy-froggy · 3 years
Open :
Closed :❌
Hello so I’m realizing that the only way I’ll be making fan fics is that I get requests so I’m making this if anyone wants to requests anything!
Star Wars
Jedi/light force users
Obi-Wan Kenobi x reader
Anakin Skywalker x reader
(Mandalorian/Rebels) Ahsoka Tano x reader
Luke Skywalker x reader
Leia Organa x reader
Qui-Gon Jinn x reader
(Caleb Dume) Kanan Jarrus x reader
Cal Kestis x reader
Aalya Secura x reader 
Shaak Ti x reader
Bounty Hunters/Smugglers/etc
Boba Fett
Jango Fett
Cad Bane
Asajj Ventress 
Fennec Shand
Han Solo
Zam Wesell
Din Dirjin 
Hando Ohnaka
Sith/Dark force users
Darth Vader
Darth Maul
Darth Nihilus 
General Grievous 
(More coming soon)
Fives x reader
Rex x reader
Cody x reader
Hunter x reader
Tech x reader
Crosshair x reader
Echo x reader
Wrecker x reader
Wolffe x reader
Tup x reader
Fox x reader
Eli Vanto x reader
Thrawn x reader
Hera Syndulla x reader
(Others coming soon)
Dead by Daylight
Danny Johnson/Jed Olsen (Ghostface)
Herman Carter (Doctor) x reader
Evan Macmillan (Trapper) x reader
Philip Ojomo (Wraith) x reader
Michael Myers (Shape) x reader 
Anna (Huntress) x reader
Adiris (Plague) x reader
Legion (Frank,Susie,Julie,Joey) x reader
Kazan Yomaoka (Oni) x reader
Caleb Quinn x reader
Pyramid Head (Executioner) x reader
Ji-WoonHak (Trickster) x reader
Tarhos Kovács (Knight) x reader
Feng Min x reader 
Quentin Smith x reader
Kate Denson x reader
Steve Harrington x reader
Yui Kimura x reader
Leon Scott Kennedy x reader
Jill Valentine x reader
Jake Park x reader
Vittorio Toscano x reader
Slashers/Killers/Horror Movies
Ghostface (Billy Loomis, Stu Macher, Mickey Altieri) x reader
Pinhead x reader
Harry Warden (Miner) x reader
Jason Voorhees x reader
Brahms Heelshire (Boy) x reader
Michael Myers x reader
Bubba Sawyer x reader
Thomas Hewitt x reader
Bo Sinclair x reader
Vincent Sinclair x reader
Billy Lenz x reader
Dark Deception
Bierce x reader
Reaper nurse x reader
Malak x reader
Doug Houser x reader
Gold Watchers x reader
(More coming soon)
You all are able to requests Fandoms and characters! AUs/plots as well (will be coming soon)
Resident Evil
Claire Redfield x reader
Chris Redfield x reader
Leon Kennedy x reader
Jill Valentine x reader
Carlos Oliveira x reader
Ethan Winters x reader
Lady Dimitrescu x reader
Karl Heisenberg x reader
Albert Wesker x reader
Ada Wong x reader
Jerome Valeska x reader
Jeremiah Valeska x reader
Edward Nygma x reader
Victor Zsasz x reader 
Oswald Cobblepot x reader
Johnathan Crane x reader
Jervis Tetch x reader
Twisted Wonderland 
Riddle Rosehearts x reader
Ace Trappola x reader
Deuce Spade x reader
Trey Clover x reader
Cater Diamond x reader
Leona Kingscholar x reader 
Jack Howl x reader
Ruggie Bucchi x reader
Azul Ashengrotto x reader
Jade Leech x reader
Floyd Leech x reader
Kalim Al-Asim x reader
Jamil Viper x reader
Vil Schoenheir x reader
Epel Felmier x reader
Rook Hunt x reader 
Idia Shroud 
Malleus Draconia x reader 
Lilia Vanrouge x reader
Silver x reader 
Sebek Zigvolt x reader
(more coming soon) 
 Will Not Write
Stuff like those
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Hi! Can I get a fic of the gold watchers with a hypermobile fem s/o with knee problems? I hope this is ok. I loved your work on the reaper nurses.
Yea of course! And also thank you!
..let's pretend that they came move around when your watching them because they like so much or smt...
Warning!: history nerd me.
Gold watchers with hypermobile!s/o who has knee problems hcs
The gold watchers are from the 18th century, or atleast wear 18th century clothing. An era which was notorious for blaming everyone and everything as witchcraft. Now why is this important?? You'll see in a bit.
The gold watchers are fond of you and like you!
The first time they see you do something with your hypermobility...Well they got freaked the hell out! And got legitimately scared of you, for a good while.
They probably already thought you were a witch/and or doing witchcraft because of the so-called technology you speak of (phones,TV,ipads,social media, literally anything after the 1920s. Which were the years that technology was first being discovered and invented,)
Please don't take this to heart, they just haven't see anything like this before :)
After a while they stopped being scared, and became fascinated with you. Probably asking you to do things with your hypermobility.
Once you tell them about the knee problems (or they find out) , they're gonna be really worried about you :(
A new rule is imputed, Always have 1-3 gold watchers around Y/n!
They don't really have anything that could help with your knee problems, unlike the reaper nurses who are in A MODREN hospital. The gold watchers are stuck in a 18th century designed realm, so no heat packs or anything. But they CAN give you hot tea and warm soup.
But they'll probably do something dumb tho. They ARE from the 18th century after all.
Like..pouring hot water on your knees...
Anyways, they do have some Painkillers such as opium, morphine, phenacetin, and acetanilide.
They don't have much to help with your knees but they are trying their best!
At this point they'll probably start calling you 'their little witch' .
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Hiii I'm new to requesting on this blog and I could see ur rules due to the spinny wheel of death my internet is fine I think that it might be you changed your name or something idk but I couldn't see your rules so if I'm listing things u can't or won't do please tell me I don't wanna overstep!!
But I saw ur Gold watcher fics and I've become obsessed ❤
Anyways I was hoping you could do the gold watchers with a s/o who has a third eye both physically and magically, they can see the future and are incredibly knowledgeable
I mean they've been a loved for a couple thousand years no biggie yk
But the down side is is that they have to meditate daily because if they don't they'll go insane or just hysterical and start to freak out.
Thanks if you do this request ❤❤❤
Yea, the link hasn't been working for a good while now. (I'll probably just remove it and just requests:open/closed or smt) anyways this request is absolutely amazing,dude your talking about my area of expertise. (I love requests like this.)
Also sorry this is so short. I'm having writers block right now,
Gold watchers with a gn!s/o who has a 3rd eye both physically and magically and can see the future but has to mediate daily (very short) hcs
Congratulations mx.Y/N! It's a witchcraft!
The gold watchers are from the 18th century, and wear 18th century clothing. A era which was notorious for blaming everything as witchcraft. This is pretty important.
They probably found you while you were meditating, or you just appeared. Either way, you knew you would meet at some point.
Your 3rd eye scares them. Like alot. Your future telling is much more scarier to them. They don't like someone who's more powerful then them. (Most of them were probably REALLY greedy and selfish princes and kings, and pretty prideful.)
They call you a witch/wizard, after a while of getting to know you and being quite fond of you, the nickname starts to become endearing. A sweet name for a sweet witch/wizard like you! :)
Your future telling is helpful at times, others it just scares them.
The gold watchers really like you! But are afraid and disturbed nonetheless.
They hate it when you have to mediate.
It makes them feel lonely:(
But the most of them stay near you when you meditate.
They're protective when your meditating, after all they don't want their favourite human(?) To go insane :)
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kindhearted blind s/o hcs ; malak
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requested by ; anonymous (11/11/21)
fandom(s) ; dark deception
fandom masterlist(s) ; here
character(s) ; malak
outline ; “Hey, could you do Malak x kind blind reader? Like, the reader is too kind for their own good, and can't see any danger where they are.”
warning(s) ; brief references to canon typical violence
he has got no unearthly idea how you ended up here because by all accounts you’re the exact opposite of the type of person he expects to see
you’re kind, too kind for your own good at times, and he’s caught you trying to befriend everything from the reaper nurses and mama bear to clown gremlins and murder monkeys
and on top of that you’re completely blind, having lost all of your vision in life and kept that little trait in death
so you have no clue what you’re going to run into because he certainly can’t get you a guide dog
and you almost always run into bother — like you’re a trouble magnet or something similar
you nearly gave him a heart attack when he lost track of you in the hotel, thank satan that the chef monkey was able to lead him to you
he doesn’t even have hair and you’re going to turn him grey
so because of all of the above, malak decided to just have you accompany him when he does his rounds of the various hell portals under his jurisdiction
because he doesn’t trust you to not run head first into trouble during one of your well-intentioned meanders away from him
mama bear loves you because you help out with her babies, and she’s probably the most empathetic demon to your plight — keeping an eye on you for her darling malak and making sure her babies don’t cause you too much trouble
similarly the reaper nurses are excellent caretakers and will work as a team to keep you away from the dangerous areas of the hospital — they also find your kindness endearing and a welcome breath of fresh air so they look forward to your visits
the dread duckies, clown gremlins and murder monkeys all kind of just avoid you or lure you back to malak (or vice versa) because their realms are so dangerous and they’re not equipped to deal with you
the duckies do appreciate your soft and kind demeanour, though
the gold watchers don’t tend to pay you any mind when you visit, just doing their own thing and moving about freely — but they will pull you away from any danger when it shows up
the joy joy gang will look after you using their clone army to keep you out of trouble, but if it wasn’t for malak you’d for sure be dead and eaten
penny is the only one you get along with because she finds you adorable and you can have some lovely conversations with you
hangry just thinks you’re food and lucky does whatever malak says
agatha adores you but she does tend to play rough and she can forget about your blindness and get annoyed when you’re a bit slow or you miss her during a game
but some brief scolding from her dad will usually set her on the right path and she’ll apologise to you for being a bit mean
but all in all, malak does what he can to protect you — both your physical self and your open heart
as both are at great risk of being eroded and harmed by your time spent in hell
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speckle-meow-meow · 1 year
What requests are you most excited about writing or are gonna post?
I love hearing about this
Honestly the requests I’m excited about writing is
Emperor belos fluff
Soulmate au with lucas baker (requested by my amazing soft taco friend)
Literally any welcome home content
Platonic angel male!reader x Gold watchers from Dark deception
And I was working on this for a while but a Baron Draxum x reader story ( it was not requested but one day while watching RotTmnt I decided “Hey why not” yk?
Those are the ones I’m excited to do
I am currently working on the Emperor belos fluff request since it’s small and seems like an easy request, so those are the projects I am currently working on/haven’t finished yet!
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In order of oldest to newest. The ones at the top are the oldest and the ones at the bottom are the newest.
Starts of exactly where the last masterlist left of.
(Dark deception) Gold watchers with a gn!s/o who has a 3rd eye both physically and magically and can see the future but has to mediate daily (very short) hcs :
(Beastars) | plant fertiliser. | beastars OOC!tem x murder!plantobsessed!insane!human!reader | PLATONIC.| :
(Welcome home arg) | Shelfs | Howdy pillar x gn!Reader | really short fanfic | :
(Welcome home arg) Howdy pillar with a reader/ s\o that just came into the neighbourhood [headcanons] :
(Welcome home arg) Howdy pillar with a reader who can be very skittish at times hcs :
(Welcome home arg) Julie joyful and howdy pillar (separate) with a short s/o:
(Welcome home arg) Julie joyful & fem!reader doing a girls night hcs:
(Dark deception) Spoiled cotten! ||dark deception x child!gn!human!reader|| malak,Agatha & gold watchers || OOC! :
4th MASTERLIST (starts right where it left off) :
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In order of oldest to newest. The ones at the top are the oldest and the ones at the bottom are the newest.
(Starts off exactly where the last MASTERLIST left off)
(Stray game) Momo x gn!human!reader
(Markiplier cinematic universe) Engineer/space mark x captain!gn!reader
(Markiplier cinematic universe) Mack..? | jacksepticeye!mack x reader
(Stray game) Clementine x non-binary!reader
(Y/n insert) | Realism. | Y/N fanfic |
(My Who killed markiplier AU) Two darks AU CHAPTER 1:
(Dark deception) Reaper nurses with a fem!hypermobile!reader that has knee problems:
(Dark deception) Gold watchers with a hypermobile!reader that has knee problems:
3nd MASTERLIST (starts right where it left off) :
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behrads-world · 2 years
Malak X an angel reader that snuck out of heaven?
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