#x hypermobile!reader
Hi! Can I get a fic of the gold watchers with a hypermobile fem s/o with knee problems? I hope this is ok. I loved your work on the reaper nurses.
Yea of course! And also thank you!
..let's pretend that they came move around when your watching them because they like so much or smt...
Warning!: history nerd me.
Gold watchers with hypermobile!s/o who has knee problems hcs
The gold watchers are from the 18th century, or atleast wear 18th century clothing. An era which was notorious for blaming everyone and everything as witchcraft. Now why is this important?? You'll see in a bit.
The gold watchers are fond of you and like you!
The first time they see you do something with your hypermobility...Well they got freaked the hell out! And got legitimately scared of you, for a good while.
They probably already thought you were a witch/and or doing witchcraft because of the so-called technology you speak of (phones,TV,ipads,social media, literally anything after the 1920s. Which were the years that technology was first being discovered and invented,)
Please don't take this to heart, they just haven't see anything like this before :)
After a while they stopped being scared, and became fascinated with you. Probably asking you to do things with your hypermobility.
Once you tell them about the knee problems (or they find out) , they're gonna be really worried about you :(
A new rule is imputed, Always have 1-3 gold watchers around Y/n!
They don't really have anything that could help with your knee problems, unlike the reaper nurses who are in A MODREN hospital. The gold watchers are stuck in a 18th century designed realm, so no heat packs or anything. But they CAN give you hot tea and warm soup.
But they'll probably do something dumb tho. They ARE from the 18th century after all.
Like..pouring hot water on your knees...
Anyways, they do have some Painkillers such as opium, morphine, phenacetin, and acetanilide.
They don't have much to help with your knees but they are trying their best!
At this point they'll probably start calling you 'their little witch' .
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paranormalactivity5 · 6 months
Hiiii, quick question, I’d really like to start a Eddie Munson x reader series but with a chronically ill reader, but I wanna know if anyone would read it. It would be very angsty but also fluffy and maybe some smut here and there but it would delve very deep in to the truth that a lot of disabled people feel unloveable, even tho we 100000% are it’s still a thought that hangs in many of our heads that we are “too much”. Basically the premise of the series is Eddie proving to reader that he loves her so fucking much, and that he loves loving her and everything that includes. At first reader would push him away because of her self deprecating beliefs but Eddie is relentless in proving that she is just as worthy and deserving of love as anyone else. I would try and be as non-descript as possible with what illness reader has. I personally have pots, eds, fibro, fnd, and Endo and feel Eddie would be the best boyfriend and care taker. Let me know if y’all would read!
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hyperfixiation-station · 10 months
For Better Or Worse
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TW: Swearing, self-depreciation
Pairing: Gaz x Reader
Summary: In which the reader has hEDS and is feeling guilty
Is funny how much something can change over the course of two years. 
The picture you held in your hands filled you with a sense of longing. You stood in uniform, grinning brightly at the camera, sandwiched in between Soap and Gaz, who both had arms thrown over your shoulder. Ghost stood next to Soap, just barely touching shoulders, and Price stood next to Gaz, who was holding up bunny ears over his head. It was the last picture taken before you got honorably discharged. 
You sigh, placing the photo back on the dresser. You pull the drawer open so you can grab your wrist brace, the original reason you had come up here. You’re supposed to go wash the dishes, but the drive to do it disappeared as soon as you saw the picture. Instead, you sit on your bed, absentmindedly rubbing your wrist. 
Usually, you were good about being upbeat and not letting your thoughts get to you, but today was harder than most. Your mind flickers back to this same day two years ago, when you sat in the clinic, being told you wouldn’t be able to continue serving. 
Against your will, your eyes fill with tears. Not for the first time, you curse your stupid, broken body. As a kid, people had always told you it was just growing pains, that the hurt would stop as you got older. Then you hit 13, and never grew another inch, but the pain kept getting worse. You ignored it, and every other sign that something was wrong. You graduated, joined the military, and for 3 short years you served your country doing the job you loved. 
And then things changed. The pain got worse, and your achy joints began to pop out of place. At first, it was almost normal. You’d dislocate a shoulder sparring, sublux a rib while climbing a rope. But things got worse, just like always. It started small, dislocating an ankle when you pushed your chair back, dislocating a finger when you slept on your hand wrong, but then it got bigger, joints subluxing and dislocating when you went to grab a dish, or pushed down on something too hard. 
Finally, one night when Gaz found you in the kitchen, tears in your eyes, holding a shoulder that just would. Not. stay. In. Place. Did you go to see the doctor. 
Months of testing, blood draws, and X-rays later, you finally had an answer. 
“Hypermobile Ehler Danlos syndrome.” they told you, “A connective tissue disorder. There's no cure. And you can’t keep serving.” 
Of course you’d been upset, but you’d always been the kind to roll with the punches, so you shook it off and kept going. You started going to college, online, so you could at least do something with your life. 
But as the months went by it got harder and harder to go from a soldier to just a military spouse. You felt so fuckign useless all the time. Useless and needy and whiny and pathetic. Gaz would come home after being gone for a month, facing the risk of death everyday,  to a dark house because you couldn’t stand up for long enough to even make dinner without needing to sit down again. It was so fuckign stupid. 
Your vision blurs as you begin to sob. This wasn’t what you wanted your life to be like. You had wanted to fight, to protect and serve, but instead you were given a useless fuckign body that couldn’t even stand up properly. It was so fucking stupid. Stupid that your fingers constantly felt like they were broken, stupid that your ankle pops out of place because you move wrong, stupid that you pass out if you stand up too fast. Stupid stupid stupid so fuckign stupid. 
Not to mention how fuckign useless you were to everyone around you. Your husband should not come from an active warzone just to have to put up with you and your stupid, worthless body. He was so, so good about it too, which just made you feel guiltier. He would bring you heating pads, massage sore muscles, pop your shoulder back into place, and cater to your every fuckign stupid need. 
And what did you do? Nothing. Abso-fucking-lutely nothing. And you hated it, hated feeling guilty, hated being so needy, hated it, hated it, hated it.
Hands touch your face and you flinch back, not realizing someone had come into the room. It's dark now, and you wonder how long you have been sitting there. A thumb runs across your cheek, wiping tears from your face as you. 
You look up to see Gaz kneeling in front of you, frowning. 
“I’m sorry.” you sniff, cutting him off as he opens his mouth, “I didn’t realize what time it was.” 
“Don’t apologize.” He murmurs, “what’s going on?” 
“It’s nothing. I just…got in my head I guess.” You laugh weakly.” 
“Y/N, baby, I haven’t seen ya cry like this since, well…ever.” He runs a thumb along your lip before dropping his hands to your lap, sandwiching your hands with his, “Please let me help you.” 
“It’s just…today is hard.” A look of drawing realization crosses his face as you speak. 
“I know it is sweetheart.” He says softly, “But ya didn’t look this bad even when ya got discharged. What’s going on?” Your eyes well with tears again as you stare at the man in front of you, who is so worried and cares so much, and for what? A partner who only had 2 spoons at any given time? 
“Y/N?” He calls softly, “You with me?” 
“Why?” You whisper hoarsely. “Why?” He echos, confused. 
“Why are you doing this? Why did you stay with me? I am so fucking useless and I can’t give you the attention you deserve and I just-” A hand covers your mouth, cutting off what you were saying. You finally look up from your lap, meeting his eyes. He looks…hurt. He opens his mouth and you expect to hear something along the lines of ‘oh don’t say that’ or ‘you’re not useless’. 
“Do ya remember what we promised when we got married? He asks instead. You blink in surprise, not sure what he’s getting at.
“To have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part.” He recites, “Those weren’t empty words love. Sure, this wasn’t something we were expecting, but thus is life. If my arm got blown off tomorrow, you wouldn’t think less of me would you?” 
“Well there would be less of you so…” You tease, wiping your eyes. 
“You know what I mean.” He grins at you, standing up. He holds out his hand, gently pulling you up with him, a hand coming to steady you as your vision tunnels. 
“What do you say we go watch that creepy Supernatural show you're obsessed with and ignore the day?” He keeps his hand on the small of your back, guiding you to the stirs. You smile at him, grateful for the change in subject. 
“Gaz, honey, it's nighttime.” 
“Semantics.” You laugh at him softly, marveling at how lucky you were to land him. Things would never be okay, you would never be able to get rid of the nagging feeling of being utterly fucking useless, but with him by your side, life was a little easier to deal with. 
btw Pt.2 of L.L.A.T.P.O.I. is in the works :))
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greenunoreversecard · 5 months
hey y'all
Uh so...... I haven't done my requests, and I am so, so fucking sorry about that.
Ive been struggling with some stuff and have debated sharing it on here, but that would mean admitting the issues affect me.
But I've decided to just say it.
Recently, I got diagnosed with hEDS (hypermobile ehlers danlos syndrome)
Which was honestly expected. I've done mild research on it, and it makes sense, and it also just verified my copious amounts of joint pain is not me being dramatic.
I was also told I had dysautonomia. While I do have a vast portion of the symptoms for POTs (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome), I did not test positive as my heart rate evened out after a few minutes and stay that way. And so, because of that, I have to go to a specialist to make sure it's not anything to bad.
this one was somewhat expected I just didn't think it would be as serious as it's become. I thought it was normal.
but hey! at least I have my explanations?
another thing, I recently got told I have a small abnormality in my neck spinal area and that I have to go see a neurosurgeon just to make sure I get cleared for a physical therapy which is recommended for people with hEDS.
so I guess I've just been spending this time trying to finally let myself admit that I am not as strong as I wish I was in that these things do affect me and that they do have an emotional impact on me.
I've also been figuring out ways to minimize pain and such and what things best work for me to help keep me as normal as possible.
as I said, it's all stuff I had inklings of, it just it's really hitting me that I'm not necessarily normal to the fullest extent. And so I've kind of gotten very all over the place.
I'm not trying to make excuses I will get those done eventually and y'all already know that my posting schedule is fuckin- all over the place but I'm just saying it may take a bit more time as I grapple with my physical health affecting my mental health.
sorry for the rant and if it got sad and shit.. uhmmmm...... Whoops?
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turtletaubwrites · 7 months
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One more edit before I post it today! I'm so nervous and excited. I hope you all enjoy the conclusion of Bend Until You Break!
This story has meant so much to me. Getting to share my experiences in this format with such a lovely, sexy, bad doctor has been so much fun.
I'm having a bit of a rough day because I just got letter telling me that my 6th primary care doctor in 5 years has left Kaiser, and I've been randomly assigned a new one. So I'll have to go through the whole process again of convincing this new doctor to believe me, to treat me with dignity instead of barely disguised condescension. I'm so tired. I liked that doctor too.
And it happened right in the middle of me writing this fucking fic 😅
We all deserve to be believed. We all deserve to have support through our pain, and the grief of learning how limited our lives can become.
We shouldn't feel guilty for not being able to live like the people around us without suffering and hurting ourselves.
I hope that you all get the care that you need, and that you remember that you're not alone.
I believe you. I believe your pain is real. If no one else will listen to your pain, then you do it. Listen to your body. Find ways to modify your life. You don't need a diagnosis to use a cane. You don't need a doctor to set up your home in a way that supports you.
I hope you do find a good doctor.
But please don't wait for a doctor to write something on your chart before you believe in your own pain.
Take care of yourselves, friends. I believe you.
~Lynna 🖤
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sleepingdeath-light · 2 years
Hi! Can I get Thomas Thorne with a hypermobile fem s/o with knee problems? While I enjoy the flexibility it allows me, it comes at a price as my kneecaps were never the most stable. Thankfully, there are ways to manage this.
Hypermobile S/O Headcanons | Thomas Thorne
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thank you for requesting!
reader is assumed as being female and both her and thomas are assumed as being alive/not ghosts
note : as i don’t really have hypermobility of the knees i can’t speak for whether this set of hcs is particularly accurate — so feel free to let me know if there’s anything i need to correct in that regard.
earlier on in your courtship and later your marriage, thomas was rather oblivious to your condition — assuming you to just be rather frail and prone to falling for one reason or another
of course he’s concerned but he respects your assurances that you’re fine — i mean he’s overbearing and concerned but that’s his normal state of being in a relationship so no changes there
but once he was made aware of your hyper mobility and the issues it can cause you at times, his response morphs from (relative) polite neutrality to fretting and concern
he’ll insist you hold onto his arm whenever you go out together and isn’t opposed to holding you up with an arm around your waist if your stability is particularly bad at the time
though for the most part he’ll find somewhere for you to sit down and linger by your side for the duration of whatever outing/gala/ball you’re attending
it’s equally endearing and frustrating how overprotective and overbearing thomas can get at times as, although his intentions are genuine, you’re capable of handling yourself and don’t need to be fretted over constantly
if you explain these grievances to him then he’ll apologise for overstepping and will try to back away a little bit, but there will be times where he’ll fall back on those habits (after which he’s always apologetic)
though he is still going to fret over you and will do what he can to find suitable aids for you — especially if your condition causes you to be in pain — which would be rather limited given the time in which you’d both live
but thomas can be remarkably persistent and will do whatever he can to make your life easier (without overstepping too much, hopefully)
after a while he’d settle down significantly, of course, and would trust you enough to let him know when you need help, but that overprotective gentlemanly side of him would never completely go away (for better or for worse)
in short: thomas would be overly concerned about you and desperate to help or alleviate any symptoms of your condition — which would inevitably become quite (unintentionally) frustrating on your end after a while
it’s the thought that counts, right?
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I'm back and I have ideas: what if Finny has a hypermobile fem s/o and, the first time she and Finny wake up together, the first thing he (and possibly Bard or Mey-Rin if you want to get them in on this) hears is the sound of clicking joints as s/o stretches? Like, for s/o, clicking joints are a fact of life, so she doesn't even bat an eye at it?
First off, Finny, our sweet lil bean of joy, loves that you're hypermobile
He will kiss your joints a lot and be on stand by if it goes wrong. (I'm not hypermobile but my sister is as well as double jointed so I'm her standby)
It's early in the morning and you all are getting open slowly and you decide to stretch
Finny's staring at you half asleep in so doped in love basking in the first morning with you-
Finny blinks fast and stare more as you continue to stretch and crack
It took him a moment to react but when he did it was a million questions if you were fine and if you needed anything
He did proceed to beg you with puppy eyes and the power of cuddles to show off your "trick" to the others
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farewelln3verland · 11 months
guys, my mom's birthday is in a week, and my sister and i are saving to buy her a ninja ice cream maker, and we're juuuuust short.
even if you can donate 0.25 cents...i'm so grateful :)
i set up the gofundme, but it's under both our names so thats why!
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j0kers-light · 1 month
Hi chaos! I hope you’re having a good day!
I saw your headcanons post for joker x reader who struggles with anemia & loved it so, so much! It’s always lovely when we get to see our favorite characters caring for us in little ways like that, especially when it comes to our daily struggles that often go largely ignored by society. I was wondering if you’d be willing to do a joker x f!reader with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome sometime? And as always, no pressure at all <3
— 🌹
Welcome my sweet 🌹anon!!
You ask, and I deliver! I had to do some extensive research with my mom to make sure I was accurate with this request! I learned so much via articles and short documentaries! Shoutout to my chronic pain sufferers! Chaos acknowledges you and I loves you!!
If anything doesn't sound right let me know 🌹 anon so I can correct it! I hope you enjoy! There are several sub-types of the disease but we'll focus on hEDS for this head canon 🖤✨
Since your disorder is rare and hereditary, there isn't any known treatment or any medical studies/research done to cure the illness. There isn't even a test done to diagnose its so vastly ignored! 😡😡
Society turns a blind eye to _EDS, simply chalking it up to hypermobility and being non-life threatening. WRONG.
hEDS is life threatening and sources fail to address the lifelong chronic pain and other debilitating issues that the rare disease causes. There are 13 sub types with their own crippling ailments.
Joker would hardly notice anything wrong until you go and hurt yourself, which is rather easy due to your fragile skin and joints.
Your body doesn't heal well after injury so bruises linger, scars are permanent, and dislocations are a common occurrence. Yay to pain. 🙃✨
Growing up, it was cool to show off your double joints and overly flexible body but as your age hit the double digits, you noticed the complications of your parlor tricks pretty quickly.
Muscle weakness was the first indicator followed by scarier issues like weak blood vessels and potential organ ruptures. Chronic pain is a reality that you have to endure since your body fails to function properly.
Life grinds to a halt when you have a flare up and Joker arches an eyebrow when you stay in bed for days at a time and work remotely.
Just moving is an impossible feat and your body punishes you for defying its demands for rest. You still have to live your life! Somehow.
Joker tries to crack jokes but you roll your eyes and ignore him. You’re just not in the mood.
He doesn't understand how you can go from practicing yoga in the sunroom to being bedridden in the same hour so he assumes you're faking being sick and that thought makes you cry.
Knowing that your lover believes that you are acting, hurts more than your aching joints and Joker immediately notices when your mental health begins to decline.
Now he's worried. When you can, you do as much as you're able, never knowing when your body will betray you and confine you to bed. Every moment is precious and Joker will never understand that.
Life returns back to "normal" but Joker demands answers. He's still in shock.
Weren't you on death's door just yesterday? Now you're returning to work, laughing and smiling, as if nothing is wrong. He doesn’t know what to think.
So he disappears to search the internet and after hours of clicking away, he's just as confused as when he started. (I feel you J..)
Joker refuses to believe there is nothing he can do to help his Bunny. This hEDS can't keep you down forever. Right? 👀
Why aren't there any studies, or any institutions pledging to find a cure for this?! Does he have to kidnap a doctor or two to get the ball rolling?
Joker remembers he does have a doctor on his payroll. He calls up Sarai and bombards her with the same questions he typed into Google.
Sarai doesn't give him much else to go on except keeping you comfortable, well medicated if you take any, and to continue your physical therapy but not too much exercise as to aggravate your joints.
Great... so he's back to square one!
Joker hears you groan from the next room and goes to check on his poor Bunny. He would find a way to make you feel better himself.
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You had dozed off for a long quick nap and woke up to the sound of something falling over in the bathroom.
It still hurt to move but at least it wasn’t agonizing anymore. This current pain level you could tolerate.
You were willing yourself to toss the covers back when Joker appeared in the doorway looking rather sheepish.
“Hey doll. Uhh are ya feeling up to move?” He scanned you over as if he could gauge your pain tolerance by sight. Your small smile gave him some hope.
“Mmm. I gotta get up and fix something to eat.” You were weak and probably dehydrated from lying in bed all day, but that was to be expected.
Joker watched you swing a leg over and rushed to your side. “I uh.. ran a bath. If ya want. A Reddit post mentioned ah.. hoT water being helpful.”
It didn’t dawn on you just what Joker was saying. All you heard was the latter part of his sentence. “You have a Reddit account?”
He smacked his lips while helping you slowly walk towards the en-suite bath. To your surprise, the bath was waiting for you with a rolling cart next to it, hopefully with something to snack on.
You were speechless. “J… you did all this for me?”
He looked away and you got the impression that he was blushing. He still had his clown makeup on so you couldn’t tell for sure.
“Thank you J. I mean it.” He helped you sit on the nearby wooden bench after you kissed his cheek. “Um. I can undress myself.. if you need to—ah! Okay! You’re seriously doing this.”
Joker started with your socks and worked his way up until not a single thread of fabric was left on your body. You felt so exposed sitting there nude while Joker dipped his hand into the bath water.
It was hot enough to be medicinal but not scalding. He snapped his fingers and dashed over to the storage area to grab your bag of epsom salt before dumping a few cups in.
You got to see a rare softer side of Joker hard at work. No one would believe you if you reported this. The Joker, Gotham City’s worst nightmare, was preparing you a bath with the greatest care.
“All-right-yyy ya ready pretty girl?” Joker’s voice snapped you out of your daydream. He playfully flicked some water at you to get your attention.
You couldn’t flinch away and huffed your displeasure.
“I couldn’t resist, Bunny. Now in ya go! Hold onto my shoulders, yeah?” He picked you up as if you were made of glass and gently lowered you into the bath. “Easy doll, I know it’s hot. Just relax.”
Joker shushed any whimpers you made and held you steady underneath the water. For the next few unbearable moments, Joker was right there whispering sweet nothings to calm you down.
Finally you relaxed with a deep sigh, “This is perfect.”
“Good. If ya want, you can rest a bit. I’ll keep you.. well you know.. from drowning. But ya do need to eat something first. Here.” He dried his hand off and fed you a [insert favorite snack].
You felt like royalty and Joker had no issue helping you adjust to the role. He fed you piece by piece, offering you sips of water in between while holding your hand and rubbing soothing circles on your skin with his thumb.
The contact warmed your heart. Joker may not know much about your medical condition, but he would always be there to support you.
You couldn’t ask for a better partner.
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bratzforchris · 3 months
Bumps n' Bruises
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Summary: In which Matt just wants to play like Chris, but his body won't quite let him do that
Pairing: Little!Matt x feminine caregiver!reader x little!Chris
Warnings: Joint dislocation, chronic illness, little bit of pain and crying
Word Count: 1k
A/N: I was recently diagnosed with hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (hEDS) (the type Matt has in this fic!), so ofc I had to project :) The zebra is the official mascot for rare disorders and I felt like that photo was very little!Matt 🩷 As always, I'm not saying/assuming that Matt actually has this syndrome, nor am I saying/assuming he's a little. Hate/unnecessary rudeness will be blocked and deleted. Enjoy<3
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Matt was just like any other little in most ways. He loved stuffed animals, snuggling with his caregiver, and could easily be bribed into cleaning up his toys with a gentle promise of ice cream. Ever since he had started regressing at the recommendation of his therapist, Matt’s quality of life had drastically improved. No longer did he shut himself away in his room when the terrible feelings washed over him. Instead, he popped his paci in his mouth and got curled up on the couch or in bed with his mommy, enjoying the soft, gentle praises you showered him with. 
However, Matt’s regression wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows all the time. Having Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, especially with joint hypermobility, left the little in pain quite often. Oftentimes, a dose of ibuprofen, his heating pad, and snuggles from Mommy would do the trick to ease the physical pain, but that didn’t make the emotional part of being chronically ill suck any less. This was especially evident when Matt would watch the way his younger brother, Chris, could easily play, roll, and tumble around with no pain. 
Sharing you as their caregiver wasn’t always easy, but Matt and Chris made it work. Whereas Matt tended to lean towards a younger headspace of 1-3 and enjoyed milk and snuggles, Chris opted for a headspace of 4-6, enjoying being beyond wild, but never naughty. It was rare that the boys ever played together, simply because of their different ages. Chris enjoyed cars, trucks, and dinosaurs, while Matt liked lambs, soft lullabies, and being actively attached to your hip at all times. 
There were times though, like today, where some game clicked between the two and they would happily sit on the living room rug, sharing in each other’s company. It had started out as a relatively normal afternoon. Chris was sat on the rug, happily pushing his Hot Wheels around the “track” that he had made out of the couch cushions, while Matt sat wrapped up in his blanket, happily watching Mrs. Rachel on the television. The older of the two boys had been in a significant amount of pain earlier in the morning, complaining of “‘M bones hurt, mama”. The extra attention you’d been giving Matt due to his flare up had caused quite the whiny spell for Chris, and you silently wiped your brow, thankful for the ease in tension. 
In his small headspace, Matt didn’t know how it had happened. One moment, he was entranced in his video; the next, he was eagerly eyeing the neon orange toy car that Chris was playing with. “‘M pway too?” he asked his brother, a slight gleam in his blue eyes. 
“Matt play?” Chris hummed, happily cocking his head.
The “younger” of the two boys nodded, moving out of his blanket and scooting next to his brother. Chris handed Matt a small, blue racecar, eagerly showing him how to play with it. For the next few minutes, only the sound of happy giggles could be heard from the living room as you stood in the kitchen, stirring the mac n cheese for the boys’ lunch. It warmed your heart to hear them enjoying each other’s company, seeing as how they tended to play their own games in little space. You had just turned off the heat on the stove, when you suddenly heard a sobbing wail that could only be described as a “little Matt noise”. 
You rushed into the living room, only to see Matt with his knees drawn to his chest, cradling his right hand. Beside him, Chris had scooted slightly away from his brother, a slight look of fear crossing his features. “What happened, bubbas?” You asked softly, so as not to scare the boys anymore. 
“‘M fingew!” Matt wailed, trying to show you the injury. 
Your heart dropped when you saw Matt’s ring finger painfully dislocated, the joint of his knuckle bent at an odd angle. “Oh sweetpea,” You murmured sadly. “Can I see it?”
“No,” Matt cried. “Hurts.”
Despite Matt’s sobs, you gently took his right hand in your own, examining the dislocation. Luckily, it wasn’t terrible enough to have to go to the emergency room, but unfortunately, you were going to have to pop it back in. “Shhhh, I know, angel. Let Mama pop it back in, baby.”
Though his blue eyes filled with fear, Matt allowed you to take his hand and gently pop the joint back into place. His sobs echoed around the room for a moment, until they slowly dissipated once he shoved his thumb back into his mouth. Your heart broke for your boy, hating the way his condition put him in so much pain. Thankfully, Matt wasn’t much taller or heavier than you, so you gently lifted him onto your hip, setting the down of you down onto the couch. The boy immediately curled into your side, sniffling softly as he sucked his thumb, which allowed you to glance over at Chris, who was still curled into the corner, anxiously looking on. 
“Hey bubba,” You hummed with a soft smile. “Wanna do me a big favor?”
Chris nodded eagerly, always a “helper” little one. “Mhm!”
“Can you go get Matt an ice pack for his finger, please?”
Chris nodded enthusiastically, scurrying off towards the kitchen, eager to help. While you waited, you gently plucked Matt’s thumb from his mouth, replacing it instead with his sunny, yellow pacifier that was laying on the coffee table. By the time Chris returned, carrying an animal shaped ice pack, Matt was almost asleep, yawning widely. Nevertheless, you placed the coldness onto his hand, hoping it would ease some of the discomfort from the dislocation. The younger of the two littles hopped up onto the couch beside you, snuggling into your side as well. 
You were silently thankful for the fact that you had turned the stove and the oven off before the fiasco, knowing there was no way the littles were letting go of you now. Matt was beginning to nap in your lap, while Chris grabbed the TV remote, eagerly flipping the television to Cars with a happy giggle. And yet, you wouldn’t have it any other way. 
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restinslices · 6 months
hiiii :D
would it be okay for you to do bi-han, liu kang and kung lao x hypermobile reader if you're not too busy or anything?
like reader has alot of pain in the knees, back and gets frequent migraines and they try to help?
Hey bookie, I wasn’t ignoring you. I was just procrastinating 😭. Finally got to it though! When I looked it up a hypermobile person seemed like a double jointed person but with occasional aches but obviously there could be stuff I missed since I’m not hypermobile. Because of that I mainly focused on the things you brought up however if there’s certain things I missed, you can always request again.
When it comes to your joints moving more than normal, I don't see him making a big deal about it 
I don't see him being like “omg that's so cool” but I also don't see him being like “that's freaky”
It's something he notices but doesn't point out
When it comes to pain he'll suggest stretching it out, which might do the opposite but it's what his brain conjures up first 
I just feel like stretching and trained assassins go hand in hand
He knows multiple stretches that focus on those areas and that's what he'd suggest first 
There’s also other physical activities like walking for your knees
His brain goes to physical things
If all else fails, he's a walking ice pack 
I don't think he'd necessarily want to be an ice pack but if I'm the wind under your wings, spit out a couple ice cubes for me 
As for migraines I am a firm believer that Bi-Han as the oldest brother is a mini medic
He'd assume your sick so he'd advise you to drink tea, eat soup and keep your eyes closed so they're not being strained while looking at something bright 
If you get migraines often he'd buy some thick ass curtains so the sun doesn't peek through 
He may be a lil asshole but I'm gonna stay delusional and believe he'd be a good partner 
He's a good man Savannah- 
Liu Kang
I also think he wouldn't make a big deal out of it 
He might comment on it but you'd be forgiven for thinking he forgot about it 
Idk how you could use this in fighting but if you could, all 3 of them are impressed 
When it comes to pain in the knees and back, he's the opposite of an ice pack 
His power might work better with aches and pains. Depends on your body
I doubt heating his hand up would be difficult for him 
He mostly wants you to rest and take warmth baths to soak your joints 
Him and Bi-Han are mini medics but Bi-Han is more of a physical therapist. Also sitting around is a problem for him. Liu Kang is more patient and understands that there’s nothing wrong with taking a break and letting yourself heal
He probably also knows a bunch more healing methods I don't 
He's been around the block for awhile. He knows how to do other things besides leave someone concussed 
Assuming you're a regular human, he knows how weak your body is (no tea no shade) and you really need to rest or you'll break down 
That's his thought process with migraines as well
Has you sleep a lot more since migraines can be eased with sleep 
He knows all the tricks in the book. You know when your parent is like “you have a headache? why don't you *insert the most old and outlandish bullshit*”? 
That's him 
You'd think he'd use all this worldly knowledge to oh, idk, build an empire or smth but no
Kung Lao
He wouldn't make a comment in a mean way but he would do a double take 
Maybe I'm wrong but I would imagine people don't go “hey! How are you? I'm hyper mobile btw” 
So when he sees a joint kinda move funny he's thinking “am I tweaking? I gotta be”
But then it happens again and he's like “aight, what the fuck was that?”
He asks a few more questions but that's kinda it. He won't ask your whole life story. If you wanna share more, then you will 
When it comes to pain you gotta thug that one out-
I'm joking… slightly 
Liu Kang is a demigod. Bi-Han is a human but got magic powers. Kung Lao is a normal person and only has a hat
And I don't wanna hear about the magic shit in his moves. In the game I'm pretty sure he only has that hat. The hat is cool and all but my point is, he can't magic any pain he feels away 
He knows better than anyone that sometimes you just gotta take the shit on the chin and try to go on about your day 
However, that wouldn't be his only solution 
Regular human who can't make his own ice packs means he's a regular human with tons of medicine 
Medicine he'd obviously share 
He'd even buy some specifically for joint pain and keep it on him for you 
Same with medicine for migraines 
He probably has way more of those so he can't carry all those bottles but he carries some in his pocket 
He actually has a phone so he's for sure looking up ways to help with any pain or discomfort 
Whatever comes up, he'll suggest to you or help you with 
Your pain won't go away the quickest with him but it's obvious he's trying his hardest 
I did not mean to give Kung Lao the most-
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gravehags · 1 year
some know it lovingly
Pairing: Phantom x f!Reader
Rating: Explicit
Tags: phantom being a certified Good Boy, oral m!receiving, titty fucking, reader is having some concerning thoughts, Phantom is hypermobile
Words: 2,642
Summary: What a sweetheart that Phantom is. But you know all too well what sweetness can hide.
You untangle yourself from Sunshine’s grip as quietly as possible, not wishing to disturb her. She’s still softly snoring when you locate your robe but by the time you put it on she’s got one eye on you, the other obscured by her pillow.
“So you just hit and run, huh?” she says in a sleepy voice.
“I’m sorry,” you whisper, coming back over to kiss her on the forehead, “I’ve got duties in Papa’s office today and I can’t stay.”
Pouting, she grabs your arms and yanks you back down to the comfort of the bed. Wrapping her arms around you tight she squeezes and lets out a yawn.
“Don’t go,” she murmurs into your hairline, “please.”
There’s a tenderness in her voice that makes your stomach do a flip and your heart ache. How could you possibly leave her behind after that? At the same time…you don’t want to earn Papa’s ire, although he is far more easy going than some of the other retired papas. Maybe he’ll forgive you if you’re a few hours late…
“I’ll text him,” Sunshine says, seemingly sensing your worries, “he can’t say no to us.”
You scoff lightly. “Oh yeah? And why is that?”
“Because he’s a sap,” she grins before stifling another yawn, “he only wants what’s best for his ghouls. The siblings too.”
“Does he…” you ask tentatively, pulling back slightly from her embrace, “does he know about…um…me and the ghouls?”
Your face flushes as Sunshine looks at you peculiarly.
“What do you mean?” she says softly. You feel stupid for even bringing it up.
“Nevermind,” you say, returning to her arms. An uneasiness settles in your belly thinking about what exactly it is you mean to the ghouls. You are aware of how you feel and while they have been affectionate…what if it was just an act? What if after you’ve been with all of them they disappear from your life, their interest in you gone now that they have gotten what they want? Sunshine rubs circles into your back and while it’s comforting, your anxiety will not let you return to sleep.
A week later found you in the kitchen, putting groceries away. You’re taking oranges out of the bag when you spy someone out of the corner of your eye lurking in the doorway. A slender, dark haired ghoul with a pretty face stands there, fidgeting with his hands.
“Hey, Phantom,” you say with a smile, charmed by his clear nervousness.
“Hi,” he says, stepping into the kitchen, “Are you busy? If you’re busy I can come back.”
You laugh a little, setting down the carton of milk you’re holding.
“I’m just puttering,” you say, crossing your arms and leaning against the fridge. “What’s up?”
“Nothing. Nothing I just um…” he’s closer to you now, only a handful of feet away, and his tail twitches behind him. “Wanted to tell you you’re really pretty.”
The words come out in a rush and you blink several times, watching a flush creep across his cheeks.
“Oh! That’s…thank you,” you’re blushing as hard as he is at this point, “you’re so sweet. You came all the way down here to tell me that?” When you reach out to lightly grab his bicep he lets out a sigh and practically melts into your touch.
“Been thinking about doing it for a while,” he confesses, rubbing the spot on his arm your hand just left. “I’m not very good at this. Dewdrop makes fun of me because I haven’t really talked to you and I know you’re…special to the ghouls.”
His apprehension warms your heart and you smile at him once more.
“Tell Dew to get fucked next time he gives you shit, please.” When he lets out a laugh and his shoulders relax, you know you’re on the right track.
“Why don’t you help me put the rest of these groceries away and then we’ll sit and talk, yeah?”
He nods eagerly, and begins handing you items to put away.
The conversation that follows goes well into the night.
The next time you meet up with Phantom, it’s in the ghouls’ practice room. He invites you there to hang out - and maybe show off to you a little, you think as you watch his long fingers slide over the fretboard with finesse. Whatever his intention is, it’s working and you find yourself eyeing the movement of his hands with a fire in your belly. On the whole he’s calmed down around you but you’ve seen the way his gaze lingers on the low, curved neckline of your habit. Whenever you catch him looking you lean forward a little, slightly pushing your chest out and you thrill in the way his mouth hangs open and his fingers twitch. You repeat the action now and smile a little when his fingers slip while playing.
“Phantom,” you begin quietly. “Can I ask you something?”
“Y-yes,” he says, setting the guitar down and rubbing his hands on his knees.
“Do you know what I’ve been doing with the other ghouls?”
He flushes deeply and avoids your eyes. “Uh…yeah. Swiss and Dewdrop like to talk about it. Talk about how…” he clears his throat, “sweet you are. How good you feel.”
You nod thoughtfully. This isn’t new information to you, but you remind yourself to have a stern talk with the two aforementioned ghouls.
“And…do you want me like that?” you ask, scooting closer to him so your knee touches his.
“Yes,” he says quietly, ears burning. “Satan, yes but I…I didn’t want to be presumptive or anything.”
You’re deeply touched by his respect for you, in addition to being moved to action. When you gently put a hand on his thigh he spreads his legs and reveals the tent in his trousers.
“Phantom,” you say, “dear Phantom. What a good boy you are.”
You watch as the words make his hips buck upwards and he lets out a little moan. Clenching your thighs together you reach out to stroke his cheek and turn his face towards you.
“Kiss me,” you whisper and he’s on you like lightning, pulling you over to straddle his lap. You grind down on his clothed cock before he presses his lips to yours, sliding a hand up your back. You’re just as eager as he is, delighting in how smoothly his tongue slips against yours. You fist his dark hair, sliding your fingers up to rub at the base of his horns and he lets out a long, low moan. So you do it again, swallowing the sounds he makes with your sloppy kisses. When you pull away from him, he lets out a pathetic little whine but when he sees you slide to your knees between his legs his jaw drops. Spreading his thighs, you lean forward and nuzzle against his bulge, delighting when he thrusts against you. Idly you mouth at his cock, already noting the growing wet spot on the front of his pants. When you reach up to unfasten his button and zipper, he eagerly lifts his ass up and shimmies his pants down his hips. With teasing slowness, you expose his cock to the cool air of the room, admiring the deep red of the tip and the precum already dripping and sliding down the shaft. You look up at him and smile at the way his eyes are scrunched shut in pleasure and you haven’t even touched him yet.
“Hey,” you murmur, rubbing your cheek on the inside of his thigh, “Phantom. Look at me, honey.”
Ever obedient, his eyes fly open and his breathing becomes ragged as he takes in the view of you on your knees before him. You keep looking up at him from under your lashes as you place a sweet kiss on the tip. The action makes his whole body shudder, and when you lick experimentally at the pre beaded in his slit he keens. Gently you wrap your hand around his veined shaft and lean in to slide your lips over the head. Suckling at the tip for a few moments, you see Phantom’s hands white knuckling the chair out of your periphery. Still with the head of his cock resting on your tongue, you take one of his clenched hands and guide it into your hair. You pull off him for a moment and look at him fondly.
“I’ve never done this before,” you say with a small smile, “tell me what feels good, okay?”
His mouth forms the words the first time but nothing comes out so he nods instead. You return your focus back to his swollen cock and once again wrap your lips around the tip. Slowly, you bob your head, taking more of him in with each movement. This is so different to anything you’ve experienced so far - sure you had Cumulus’ strap in your mouth but it’s so very different to the hot flesh currently pumping in and out of you. Phantom’s fingers tighten in your hair, but he doesn’t move to guide you and instead is content to simply have something of you to hold on to. When you hollow your cheeks and suck, his hips buck wildly into your mouth, causing you to gag lightly. He’s apologizing profusely from above you but in response you do it again. And again. Your eyes are watering and lips burn from the stretch as you manage to take all of him in your mouth, your nose brushing against the dark curls at his base. 
“Fuck, baby,” he whines, his grip on your hair almost painful, “you look so good taking all of me like that.”
It’s the filthiest he’s been so far and you’re suddenly spurred on to make even more lewd things fall from his lips. You begin to pull off him, suck hard on the head, then slide your mouth back down to take all of him. You’re stuck in the rhythm of the act for a while before Phantom cries out.
“Stop! Stop please…”
Perplexed, you pull off of him and look at him with concern.
“Phantom? Did I do something wrong?”
He chuffs out a pathetic little laugh and hunches over himself, placing his hands on your cheeks to meet your gaze.
“Sweetheart…will you let me do something?”
You’re intrigued, to say the least.
“Yeah of course, what is it?”
He lets out another delirious little laugh and slides his thumb over your swollen lips.
“I want…I wanna fuck your tits. Please.”
Oh. Oh. When your mouth falls open he takes the opportunity to slip his thumb inside and press against your tongue. You smile around his fingers as you suckle on the digit lightly before pulling away.
“Fuck yes, Phantom.”
In a flash, he’s standing and gesturing for you to lie flat on your back. Smoothly, he straddles you and jerks down the front of your habit and your bralette in one swift gesture. When his eyes land on your bare breasts you feel his cock twitch against your belly. Sliding his body up to position himself, you watch his eyes roll back as he grabs at you to cradle his dick between them.
“Look so good like this,” he breathes, running his thumbs over your hardened nipples. “So fucking good for me, just like the others said.”
You reach your hands up to press your breasts together and his hips begin to jerk forward in a steady rhythm.
“How long have you wanted me like this?” you ask, a grin curling your lips as he fucks you.
“Forever,” he moans, “since I was summoned and I saw you with the others. Something about you. So pretty. So perfect.”
You’re content to lie there and take him, leaning forward every once in a while to graze the head of him with the tip of your tongue. Suddenly he pauses his thrusting and reaches a hand backwards behind him to hitch your habit up and expose your cunt.
“What are you doing?” you ask, hands still squeezing your breasts. He tosses you a wicked little grin before sliding his hand down the front of your underwear. “Isn’t that uncomfortable?”
“Nah,” he says simply, “I’m real bendy. Don’t want to neglect you, baby.”
When his fingers dip into your slick and begin to circle your clit, your loud moan makes his hips jut forward. Suddenly the two of you are in a rhythm as he fucks your chest and fingers your clit at the same time. His body is contorted but he doesn’t seem to mind as his thrusts become faster. His fingers are moving deftly against you and you arch your back into his touch. 
“Gonna make you cum,” he pants, unceasing in his rhythm, “gonna make you cum and then I’m going to cum all over these beautiful tits.”
You begin to feel that sweet pull in your spine through your stomach and when he pinches your clit you buck upwards, crying out.
“Phantom, fuck,” you moan, “fuck honey don’t stop, don’t stop. I’m gonna–I’m so–”
In an instant your back bows off the floor as much as it can with his weight on top of you. Your cries are loud, wanton, and undoubtedly can be heard from outside the room but you can’t bring yourself to care. Phantom rubs at you through your orgasm, only slipping his hand out of your panties when your breathing begins to become steadier. Now he’s feral, both of his hands covering yours as your both push your breasts together tighter around his cock. Lifting your head up you make sure every pass of the tip meets your tongue and his thrusts begin to become sloppier. You know his end is soon when he begins to let out keening whines of your name, back arching. 
“Come on Phantom,” you coo, “come on these tits, baby.”
Quickly he pulls back and takes hold of his cock, jerking it hard and fast. With a low, hoarse moan he comes in ropes across your breasts and onto your neck, his hand continuing to slide over himself until he cries out and collapses forward. When you lift your head up to inspect the mess he’s made of you, you gather a good amount of his seed on your forefinger and bring it to your lips. Keeping your eyes on his, you slip the digit in your mouth and suck with a lewd moan. He’s saltier than you expected, but not unpleasant, and you adore the way his eyes darken at the act. After a moment he swings his legs off of you and lies down next to you on the floor.
“Did I live up to your expectations of me, love?” you enquire lightly, his cum cooling rapidly on your chest. He lets out a tired but jubilant laugh.
“You have no idea,” he says, nuzzling into your side. “The others…they always talk about how pretty you are or how good you feel but…”
“But what?”
He sighs softly, toying with your hair. “I don’t know. The ghoulettes say there’s something special about you and I believe it.”
Special. There’s that word again. The fears you had while curled up with Sunshine wane a little but not entirely. You feel like there’s something that’s been going unsaid between you and the ghouls, but you don’t have the energy right now to pry into it. With a groan you sit up and Phantom follows suit.
“Need a shower,” you say, adjusting your bralette and pulling your habit back up to cover yourself. “Would you like to join me?”
Phantom’s tail is thumping eagerly on the ground beside him before he stands and helps you up, then tucking himself away.
“Anything you say, beautiful,” he says, following you out of the practice room.
Such a good boy, you think.
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blue-sterling0357 · 1 year
Hi! Can I get Agni and Baldroy with a hypermobile fem s/o with knee problems? I hope this is cool.
(I enjoyed this, apologizes if it's wrong..)
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Agni and Baldroy X Reader with hypermobility
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✜ He wished to be as flexible as you, he even tried to understand how to be flexible but to no avail, he can't be and that's a hate crime according to him....
✜ He is actually quite surprised that you're this flexible naturally, he is quite worried about your knees though, you have told him how your knees ache horribly, so he helps you by massaging your legs when he's free, he's happy to do so.
✜ If it's possible he tries to limit huge leg movement for you as to stop you from making a lot of leg movement could cause your legs to dislocate most likely your knees could dislocate and so it hurts and when your legs hurt you whine and he's upset about it as well.
✜ He also carries you on stairs because as you have stated a few times, you legs hurt when you go up or down and he doesn't want you to experience that so often while helping the servants.
✜ He often takes you on walks as walks are said to help hypermobile people reduce stiffness in their joint or dislocations, he also very often runs you warm baths as to help relieve your joint pain.
✜ Whenever you get joint pain or maybe you end up getting a dislocation, the first person he goes to is obviously Sebastian, who tells him how to look after you and how to reduce the pain for a while.
✜ He also heard from Sebastian that swimming and cycling are ideal exercises for people with hypermobility so he takes you swimming nearly everyday very early in the morning or in the evening and takes you cycling everyday as well, or when you both feel like it!
✜ Sometimes you knees also lock up if you're standing too long, so he asks Ciel to make arrangement for you to make sure you don't stand up for too long while working and risk locking up your knees.
✜ He freaks the fuck out of the fact that your skin is very stretchy as well to the point you cover your thumb with the skin on your hand, it's freak him out...
✜ When you did it in-front of him the first time, he though your thumb snapped off your hand and was carrying you while rushing to Ciel and Sebastian, who were equally as scared until you told them that this is very normal for you.
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Agni Iyer
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✜ Agni is quite familiar with this, mainly because Indian medical research is very large and very deep, so he knows how to handle you a bit.
✜ Agni makes sure you're not extending your knees too far or you're doing very strenuous tasks as to not risk hurting yourself or having horrible joint pains.
✜ He is always very happy to massage your back, legs or arms if your arms, legs or back are paining, he does not mind helping you whenever you need help!
✜ He also runs you warm baths, rubs oil on your body in case of joint pain, takes you on walks or gives you holidays whenever you need due to the fact that you're having horrible joint pains.
✜ Whenever you do very strenuous tasks he gets worried sick, something is gonna happen like you're gonna dislocate some joint and he's not going to be able to help you as if there isn't a literal doctor just a call away...
✜ He always takes you swimming in rivers or lakes whenever you both have the time and maybe cycling nearly everyday to help with your joints because doctor told him these are ideal for a person with a condition like yours.
✜ He takes doctor's advice very seriously like any other Indian would, but maybe a little too seriously...He would honestly stop you from doing anything, basically you're on bedrest most of the time, until somebody reminds him you're capable of doing things and these occurrences are quite rare and
✜ He also learnt form the doctor that your skin is very stretchy, it freaks him out, but it's fine, he finds it funny when you do stuff with you skin...
✜ He and you both do those type of things to test your flexibilities, and you of-course win all the time, it doesn't annoy him, he's happy to have fun with you!
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turtletaubwrites · 7 months
I need to be real with you I've actually very recently been figuring out I probably have EDS(no proper diagnosis/medical care yet bc. Well I'm sure you get it lmao) and your fic is doing things to my brain. My god. Law is a freak and his shit would absolutely work on me. You know what yeah I DO want to be taken on an ethically dubious impromptu submarine adventure if it means no manual labor, thank you SO much sir.
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Thank you so much, this cracked me up 😅 This man has me in a fucking chokehold, and I would 100% let him kidnap me with no complaints.
And yeah, I've basically created the ultimate hEDS fantasy, lol. We all deserve a sexy doctor to take care of our every need, and to actually fucking LISTEN and offer real fucking help.
I hope your journey goes smoothly, and that you are blessed with the best doctors! Physical therapists are amazing, so if you can find one they should have some real advice for you. Plus they can actually read the pain in your body while working on you, so they've always believed me right away, and had a lot of compassion. The issue is that they can't diagnose hEDS, even though they can walk you through the diagnostic criteria and go "Oh yeah, you fucking have that. Go get your doctor to diagnose you."
If only it was that easy. (I've had 3 different physical therapists say that to me 🙃)
Don't lose hope though. The best thing that happened when I figured it out was that I started being kinder to my body. I listen to it. I have a shit ton of various braces, heating pads, ice packs, and a wonderful cane that folds into a stool because standing fucking hurts.
It's still a struggle to feel confident using aids in public because people suck, but I'm working on it.
I wish you the best of luck with your process, and that you have people in your life that care and support you.
Probably not as much as Law would though 😅
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I’m back! Can I get a scenario of Peter and hypermobile fem s/o? Like, they’re sleeping next to each other (if you want, maybe for the first time) and, when they wake up in the morning, the first thing he hears is the sound of clicking joints when his s/o stretches and she’s not even fazed because this is normal for her. Maybe she even does that thing where she stretches her arms and turns her hands like 360 degrees and clicking ensues.
All I'm thinking is he would be the same but not too much so waking up and seeing/hearing this for the first time he was surprised but was like "Add on the Cute Things list"
But one day the circus had to share a room together since plot reasons and the others heard it for the first time they were-
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manias-wordcount · 2 years
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𝘈𝘯𝘨𝘴𝘵 =  ➼   𝘍𝘭𝘶𝘧𝘧 = ✧   𝘋𝘢𝘳𝘬 =  ❊   𝘚𝘮𝘶𝘵 =  ♡
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Yoichi Isagi x Reader
If Only for a Moment✧ 
It takes a little convincing, but you followed his lead and now you're here.
Seishiro Nagi x Reader
Unless You Try✧
You'll never get what you're looking for. Unless you try.
Meguru Bachira x Reader
I Like You Too✧
It’s not that it’s completely unexpected.
Hypermobile S/o with knee problems HCs✧
Rin Itoshi x Reader
He seems to have lost his. Ever since he met you...
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