#day 2: canon divergence
writingwife-83 · 6 months
Sherlolly Appreciation Week- Day 2, Monday, March 25th- Canon Divergence
Hi! This isn’t a new fic, it’s actually four years old now. But it definitely popped in my head when I thought about canon divergence, since this fic features a very different outcome for Mary, which heavily involves Molly (and of course sherlolly!). Hope you enjoy it if you haven’t gotten to read it already!
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r0b0t1me · 1 year
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also im writing a fic and we’re at 12k words with just the prologue + first chapter. heres some snippets i like
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spiriiitt · 2 months
Listening to Let Go by BTS while being sad about minecraft diaries is crazy bc actually fuck off
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Anyone else who enjoys making up headcanons or AU'S / timelines that differs from the Canon in Link Click?
One of mine is where Lu Guang knows the twins from a young age.
This could then go in a few fun (angsty) directions, depending on how we want the story to play out, how close to the Canon it could get or go in a completely different direction.
There are so many points to figure out and a lot of fun stories could come from that.
Some headcanons/general thoughts I'm juggling around in my head:
* How did they meet? Did LG used to live in that apartment building himself? Did their parents know each other? Or did they meet outside one day when LTC didn't want to go home yet?
* Did LG learn about what happened way later and could not find them before they fell into the alliance where they kill people? - Imagine the drama that eould unfold when he learns that they are the Killer-Divers. - Added thoughts, would the stabbing still even hsppen in that case? Or would LTC go after CXS instead?
* Did LG manage to get the Police involved before the death of their parents? What ways could the story go from that point? Would the twins still become involved with QJ or would LG's involvement change that into them moving in with LG (and CXS, if Shiguang is a team in this route)/ LG's parents?
What is their general dynamic? Does LG get along more with one twin? Is LTC a bit possesive and doesn't like LG's new friends?
How would the twins's dynamic with the rest of the cast be?
More to be added later!
It would make me so happy if anyone who likes this idea wants to add their own thoughts/headcanons to this!
Some headcanons:
* The twins call LG "Lu gege".
* Lu Guang learnt sign language to practice together with them.
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thetarttfuldickhead · 10 months
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A Jamie-centric pre-OT3 Christmas story told in 25 short chapters.
Masterpost / AO3
1. Prologue
This is a Christmas story. It begins—
—in December, in London, and with the whole of AFC Richmond spilling out from a theatre in an animated gaggle of waving hands and raised voices.
“Nah, you’re wrong, bruv,” Isaac told Jamie emphatically. "This shit's way better than Mickey's Christmas Carol." 
Jamie rolled his eyes at that insane opinion and set out to explain how Isaac was as wrong as wrong could be (but respectfully, like), while behind them Moe was explaining something about capitals to Thierry and Bhargava handed Dani a tissue.
After Ted had shown them Scrooged for their last team movie night, a heated debate on the best adaptation of A Christmas Carol had led to a seven night movie marathon ending with Isaac taking them all to The Old Vic for the stage version. 
Jamie, something of a theatre expert thanks to Keeley, had helpfully informed everyone that talking to the characters or shouting suggestions during the performance was not allowed, because even though that was still a fucking stupid rule – just imagine someone trying to introduce that to football games, the fans would riot and they’d be right to – that was the sort of thing Jamie did now: he was helpful. Was a team player. Gave useful tips to people before they made fools of themselves, rather than gleefully afterwards. It wasn’t always as much fun, no, but sometimes good in a different sort of way. And it wasn’t like he had much of a choice, anyway; the team had made that plenty clear when he returned to Richmond.
“All right, lads, I’m off,” he called to them now, giving up on trying to convince Isaac of the errors of his taste. Too cold for it. “Got me car over by Park Plaza.”
“See you tomorrow, boyo,” Colin said, clapping him on the shoulder.
“Good night, Jamie.” Sam’s smile was still just this side of tentative, but it seemed sincere enough and Jamie couldn’t help but smile back. He was all right, Sam.  
With less than three weeks until Christmas, the London night was chilly as Jamie made his way through it. No snow, naturally – though not unheard of, a white Christmas in the English capital was uncommon indeed. Not that chances were much better up in Manchester.
Manchester. The thought of it brought a small frown to Jamie’s face. He knew he ought to go up there after the game on Boxing Day, to visit Mummy and Simon. Before he was loaned to Richmond he’d always spent Christmas at home; last year, he’d blamed the distance and the fixtures for not being able to make it.
It hadn’t been a lie, but hadn’t been the whole truth either. Secretly, Jamie had been relieved for the excuse to stay away. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to see his mum – he always wanted to see his mum – but he hadn’t known to deal with the crushing weight of all the things he couldn’t tell her; of all the things he didn’t want her to know. It had sat heavy and silent between them, a barrier that only seemed to grow higher and higher as he was sent back to City, as he fled City for Lust Conquers All, as he begged his way back to Richmond.
Now things were better, with him and with the team (and from his dad there’d been nothing, not for months now, and maybe this time—but no. Jamie didn’t want to think about Dad now), and it was time, really, to man up and make it up to Manchester. To come clean to  Mummy and have things go back to normal.
Jamie had no fucking idea how to do that. The idea of disappointing her left a sour taste in his mouth and his stomach churning.
Still frowning, Jamie unlocked his car and slipped into the driver’s seat. The Tube would have been quicker, but he hadn’t been in the mood to be recognized tonight. It was all right if people wanted to talk football, but at least one out of three still wanted to yell at him about Amy. Which was really unfair, because nothing on that show had been real, had it, and Amy knew that.
Amy had known that, right?
Didn’t matter now. Stupid shit, over and done with. Jamie Tartt had other things to worry about.
He pulled out of the car park, turned right, and began his journey home.
This is a Christmas story, and maybe it begins here too—
­—in a house in Chelsea, on that same December eve, and with Roy Kent keeping an eye on the oven and the time, while over by the table Keeley and his niece were adding increasingly intricate details to the gingerbread dragon-unicorn-princess-whatevers they were making.
Outside, an Aston Martin passed by on its way from Waterloo to Richmond. Roy would have recognized the car, had he seen it, and Keeley too (rather intimately), but the kitchen window was facing the other way and neither of them did.
“Look, Uncle Roy, this one looks just like you,” Phoebe exclaimed, proudly exhibiting a cookie man with curious antlers and a dour expression that did indeed make him look rather like the retired player.
Keeley laughed. “Ha! Yeah, it does!”
Roy growled. It was his fond growl. It was all right this, Keeley and Phoebe and the gingerbread covering every surface in the kitchen; all right in a way not a lot of things had been since he ended his career by sending Jamie Tartt flying to the ground half a year ago.
As for Jamie Tartt… He drove past the house without looking at it twice. He’d never been inside Roy Kent’s home; never known exactly where he lived.   
That would change, before morning broke on Christmas Day. Because this is a Christmas story, and those always come with miracles.
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angelmichelangelo · 2 months
Gasp! :O Prison Dimension fic?
i was inspired when watching the movie yesterday on the way home from spain and ive got post-vacation blues so im using leo as my little stress ball to make me feel better </3 lol
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ourdramaqueen · 2 years
In Vivo | Fan fic | Wednesday Addams x Tyler Galpin
Rating: General Audiences Fandom: Wednesday Pairing: Wednesday Addams/Tyler Galpin Summary: “Well, I may have done a little digging on you after reading the rumors on Enid’s vlog.” Notes: Written for Weyler Writing Week Day 2: Tyler Attends Nevermore
“Yo, Enid! You’re not gonna believe the dirt I heard about your new roommate. She eats human flesh. Totally chowed down on that kid she murdered. You better watch your back.”
Enid stepped aside to reveal Wednesday to the foolish boy who had clearly not seen her stand behind her taller roommate, and she simply couldn’t let this occasion go. “Quite the contrary. I actually filet the bodies of my victims, then feed them to my menagerie of pets.”
He was left gaping, and Enid said in a gratingly exaggerated sweet tone, “Ajax, this is my new roommate, Wednesday.”
Ajax stared at her as she turned to face him. “Whoa. You’re in black and white. Like a living Instagram filter.”
“Ignore him. Gorgons spend way too much time getting stoned,” Enid said, clearly uncomfortable, then added, “Excuse me for a minute, I’ll be right back!” all the while shoving Ajax ahead of herself.
Wednesday heard a chuckle from behind her. “Do you think he’d be more or less afraid of you if he knew that you didn’t murder anyone but you put piranhas in a swimming pool instead?” 
Wednesday whirled to face the boy who had spoken. He was slouched against the wall next to the closed doors she and Enid had been standing in front of. Tall and lean, he had caramel curls and hazel eyes, his conventionally handsome face still showing his amusement at the exchange he had just witnessed.
At her surprised look, he shrugged and added with a tiny smirk, “Well, I may have done a little digging on you after reading the rumors on Enid’s vlog.”
“And how come you found out about the piranhas, but the author of the ‘number one source of Nevermore gossip’ didn’t?”
“Well for one, she spelled your last name with one d instead of two. And my dad being the Sheriff does have one advantage.” She detected a hint of anger in his voice underneath the casual tone. Bad blood between father and son? Clearly this boy was an outcast, but was his father, too? It would be unusual to find an outcast Sheriff. His mother, then? Intermarriages between normies and outcasts were not unheard of, but still rare. Interesting.
Wednesday filed that thought away for now and raised an eyebrow. “You hacked the police database? Impressive.”
“Don’t give me too much credit. It’s not hacking when you know where he’s written down the username and password.”
Wednesday hummed. “You know who I am, but you haven’t told me your name yet.”
“Tyler. Tyler Galpin.”
She tilted her head as she studied him more closely. He seemed relaxed, but there was a subtle air of danger about him, of power that could be unleashed within a moment’s notice. Students who walked past them took a wide berth around them through the open area with the picnic tables at the center of the quad. At first Wednesday had attributed it to her reputation based on Enid’s vlog, but now she thought maybe it was him. “You don’t belong to one of the main cliques.”
“No. And I’d rather not tell you quite yet what I am, because I actually enjoy having a conversation without the other party reeking of fear for once.” He frowned, studying her in his turn. “Then again, you’re not like anybody else here, either.”
“No. I’m not. And I don’t scare easily.”
There was a pause as they looked at each other, and Tyler seemed to come to a conclusion as he straightened up from his slouch. “Have you ever heard of a Hyde?”
Her eyes widened. “Actually, I have. They’re exceedingly rare. My uncle Fester met one once, during his stay at the Zurich Institute for the Criminally Insane. I am pretty certain that they had a... fling.” She scrunched her nose, then looked him up and down. “So you’re a Hyde? Tyler Galpin, you might just be the only remotely interesting thing at this school.”
His face broke out into a bright grin that took up his whole face, almost making her blink at the transformation. “I could say the same about you, Wednesday Addams.” He sobered when his eyes briefly flicked over her shoulder. “Your roommate is coming back; I better go,” he said wryly. “Will I see you around?”
With a final smirk, Tyler turned away and walked the way she and Enid had come from earlier, just in time to avoid Enid’s scandalized voice demanding to know what she was doing talking to Tyler Galpin. It was easy enough to tune her out.
For the first time since learning that she would be forcibly enrolled at Nevermore Academy, Wednesday thought that maybe she should reconsider her escape plans. After all, this might be the only chance she would ever get to study a Hyde in vivo.
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dont-offend-the-bees · 2 months
Also sorry Lonely Bones followers/enjoyers but I've just been made aware of an upcoming Payneland week so that's what I'm writing for a bit ✌
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celestialarice · 1 year
Dazatsu Week 2023 Day 2
Another angsty one-shot. Here's the link for my second day! If the link doesn't work, you can find it on AO3 with the same username (@celestialarice)! I will also be posting it on Wattpad with the same username on the second of August!
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nerdythangs · 1 year
Not me writing some more of the fic that I keep going back to every six months or so 👀
“Ah, hello! This is the Principality Aziraphale. I’m calling to follow up on some missing Incident Deed Reports from the Demon…” he checked his notes again, “Crawly? Crowley?”
He paused for a confirmation, but received a bored sigh instead.
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Jax Teller tags
Jax  ✖ (Aesthetics)
Jax  ✖ (Thoughts)
Jax  ✖ (Character Development)
Jax  ✖ (Crack)
Jax  ✖ (Headcanons)
V: Rebellion is the only thing that keeps you alive [Teen Jax] - After the death of John Teller and even before, Jax is definitely a rebellious teenager. He doesn’t handle his father’s absence, death and his mother remarrying well.  He finds love and that is something that helps him focus, but other than that, he get into trouble a lot and enjoys it.
V: The Prince Prospects [Jax as a Prospect] - Jax may be the Prince of Charming, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t have to Prospect like everyone else.  He has to learn to serve the guy his mom married, someone he’s always known. His hot headed temper leads him and others into trouble, along the way.
V: All I ever wanted was a Harley and a Kutte [Pre-Show SAMCRO Jax] - Jax patches in, like was expected and his life revolves around club life, women and crime. It’s easier to not commit to women than deal with not being over the one who left. But, that doesn’t mean that he spends all his time pining away or anything like that.
V: Some days you’re the beamer, some days you’re the goddamned deer [Season One] - Jax is the VP of SAMCRO, Opie’s out of prision, Tara’s back in town, and his kid was born way too soon because of his junkie mom.  There’s always a bunch of shit as Jax deals with feeling like shit matters more, now that he’s got a kid.
V: I’m not the one out there murdering women! [Season 2] - After the death of Opie’s wife, Jax finds himself at odds with Clay, as they deal with a new group and Ethan Zobelle.  He tries to balance it all, but finds himself wanting to be away from Clay and then seeking revenge for his mother.  
V: It’s going to get a lot worse before it gets better [Season 3] - If Jax thought things were a mess before, there even worse now. The Irish stole his son and he doesn’t know how to get him back.  He struggles with self-destructing and having to go to Ireland.  There’s no one who self-destructs quite like Jax Teller.
V: I know you killed my father [Season 4] - Fresh out of prison, Jax has goals that are more than being a part of SAMCRO. He wants to get his family out of this and makes a deal with Clay how to do so. But old secrets and lies may keep that from happening as more things grow out of control and Jax finds himself torn between what’s best for his family and what’s best for his chosen family. 
V: You can’t sit in this chair without being a savage [Season 5] - It’s a new era of SAMCRO. Jax is President and wants to do things differently. But something shocks him to the core and takes away part of his heart, something that he’ll never get back. Dealing with the fallout is difficult and Jax learns the weight of being the King of SAMCRO.
V: My self-hate is so deep, so palpable [Season 6] - Things just keep getting worse. Jax’ marriage is a mess. The problems with the Irish seem to be getting worse all the time and he finds himself falling deeper and deeper losing his vision, and wondering what the brotherhood even is. 
V  I’m sorry that the family I was given has created so much chaos in the family I’ve chosen [Season 7] - Jax wanted to do what he could to protect the club, but he’d never imagined the horrors of what happened at the end of season 6. Facing being a widowed father, he is a self-destructive mess, taking his anger and grief on anyone gets in his way. Mistakes are made and consequences have to be paid. 
V: The crow no longer speaks to me [Surviving AU] - Thought it is near impossible that it happened this way, Jax survives what happens at the end of Papa’s Goods. It takes him a long time, and the fallout from his emotional point at that time is still address. He’s not sure what happens now.
V: Soar on my Wings [Canon Divergent AU] - Instead of going down 580, Jax found himself going up to Norco, meeting Wendy and Nero up there. Now, he’s got to decide if hiding out is worth it. What will his life mean now, and can he salvage the relationships he wants to?
V: He sees all my sins, He reads my soul [Time-jumps] - Time periods of various time jumps.
Bio already on CARRD
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crowsandmurder · 2 years
Repost of Jax’ Tags
because they’re being stupid
Jax ✖ (Aesthetics)
Jax ✖ You can’t sit in this chair without being a savage (Musings)
Jax  ✖ (Character Development)
Jax  ✖ (Crack)
Jax  ✖ (Headcanons)
Jax  ✖ (Photos)
V: Rebellion is the only thing that keeps you alive [Teen Jax]
V: The Prince Prospects [Jax as a Prospect],
V: All I ever wanted was a Harley and a Kutte [Pre-Show SAMCRO Jax]
V: Some days you’re the beamer, some days you’re the goddamned deer [Season 1]
V: I’m not the one out there murdering women! [Season 2]
V: It’s going to get a lot worse before it gets better [Season 3]
V: I know you killed my father [Season 4]
V: You can’t sit in this chair without being a savage [Season 5]
V: My self-hate is so deep, so palpable [Season 6]
V: I’m sorry that the family I was given has created so much chaos in the family I’ve chosen [Season 7]
V: The crow no longer speaks to me [Surviving AU]
V: Soar on my Wings [Canon Divergent AU]
V: He sees all my sins, He reads my soul [Time-jumps]
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I love Kingdom Hearts, and I love Fire Emblem: 3Houses/Hopes.
So here’s my list of KH characters in what house I imagine they would be in. Because it’s fun!
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sl-ut · 6 months
a prince’s desire
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so sorry if this sucks lol I just got really high and wrote this in like 2 hours lolol
pairing: rhaenyra targaryen x fem!pregnant!reader x daemon targaryen
description: after being reunited with her lover, rhaenyra takes her back to dragonstone to join her family and requests that daemon take her as a second wife. now, over a year after the wedding, rhaenyra wants nothing more than to see her wife pregnant, and daemon is more than happy to oblige.
warnings: SMUT, pregnancy, reader gets pretty depressed while she's preggo, mentions of masturbation, angst, slight canon divergence, alcohol consumption, mentions of (consensual) adultery turned polyamory, mentions of death (adult and children :((( ), polygamy, swearing, all other canon warnings (incest (i try my hardest to not lay this one on thick bc ew), violence, sexism, etc)
words: 5K
date posted: 27/03/24
previous installments: a princess's order a lady's demand
After his third marriage, Daemon Targaryen had absolutely no intentions of taking another wife. His history with married life had not necessarily been a good one; Rhea Royce had been nothing but a royal pain in his ass; He’d been happy with Laena, though her life came to an end far too soon; He did love Rhaenyra, though ambition and pride often came between them. Mistresses, sure–Daemon was a rather insatiable man, and Rhaenyra had been almost consistently pregnant during their early years of marriage, but he’d never even once considered that he might have to stand through yet another wedding ceremony, especially one that had been arranged and encouraged by his still living wife and future Queen of the Seven Kingdoms. 
He hadn’t been at all surprised when Rhaenyra confessed to him that she had once loved her childhood friend, nor that she did not think that she would ever truly be able to move past the conflict between them or love another quite the same. Of course, she loved Daemon, and even Laenor and Harwin to some degree, but none would ever stand up to her very first love that she’d allowed to slip through her fingers like running water. He was equally unsurprised to find that she’d not returned to their rooms on their first night back in King’s Landing, nor that she would return in the early hours of the morning with a familiar glow that he’d only seen on her after their own late night activities, especially since he’d caught wind earlier in the evening that Lady Y/n Y/l/n had returned to the capitol a widow.
There were things that he had expected from this relationship; The two would fuck, of course, to make up for lost time, they would spend the majority of their days strolling through the gardens as they had done when they were girls, and Y/n would perhaps even return to Dragonstone with them as her mistress. Daemon could not exactly blame his wife for her affections, Lady Y/n was undeniably beautiful, and he would certainly take her to bed if he were ever given the chance. She could remarry, of course, she was still young and she’d already proven herself to be fertile, even if the children had not survived infancy. Any man would be a fool to turn her away, which is exactly why Daemon found himself standing before her on the black-sand shores of Dragonstone, a chalice between them and blood dripping from either of their lips. Rhaenyra had watched on with glee, rushing forward the moment that the ceremony had been complete to engulf her new wife in a tight embrace, sealing their own union with a firm kiss. 
Daemon had not been included in the wedding night activities, though he had been invited to watch, which he did so from the balcony of their chambers in order to give them their own space. Rhaenyra’s body had been glowing in the candle light, curves and smooth, milky skin on display for him and their new wife to admire as they both had time and time again in the past. Daemon could not tear his gaze away from their new wife’s figure, no matter how hard he tried. He blamed it on the novelty of having a new wife, especially one that he was not even able to touch on their wedding night, and he might have reacted the same way if he were to see any woman naked for the first time. He stroked himself on the balcony, low grunts leaving his lips as her moans reached his ears, eyes tracing over her breasts, the pudge of her stomach, the curve of her spine, and–oh… he wasn’t sure he’d ever seen a woman’s core glisten like that before, nor had he ever heard such a prominent squelch as the Targaryen princess dipped her fingers inside. He’d always known she was a beautiful lady, but now, oh now he was able to understand to some degree why Rhaenyra was so strongly under her spell. 
Just over a year had passed, and Daemon had still yet to enjoy his newest wife to the extent that he would have liked. He did enjoy getting to know her personally, finding her much more amusing than he had expected, and they often found themselves sitting together in the evenings while Rhaenyra was busy with her royal duties. They had kissed each other on several occasions, and she had once allowed him to kneel beneath her skirts one evening after a tad too much wine, but nothing further had developed in their physical relationship. 
She had fit into their family easier than any of them could have expected. She was good with the children, taking them all under her wing as if they were her own, though her relationship with both Rhaenyra and Daemons older children was a bit strained in the beginning. Children were a bit of a sore topic for her; She rarely spoke of her own late children, but both Daemon and Rhaenyra could easily tell how broken she was over their deaths. She and Rhaenyra had bonded even more after Rhaenyra had lost her own daughter in labour, all three parties agreeing that Rhaenyra would not have any more children. 
That did not change the fact that both Daemon and Rhaenyra could tell that Y/n longed to be a mother once more. She honoured her own boys on their name days, and on the anniversaries of their deaths, but none of Rhaenyra’s children saw her as a mother, nor did she expect them to. They both noticed the way she had this longing stare in her eyes each time that one of the younger children called for their mother, or as Jacaerys and Lucerys slowly grew into young men, as her own children would not be much younger than they are now had they survived their sickness. It was just after the one year anniversary of Daemon and Y/n’s wedding that Rhaenyra proposed to him that they offer Y/n the chance to have another child, as many as she was willing to carry, but of course it would ultimately be her decision; Neither of them were very fussed either way, they both already had a small militia of children of their own, but they would be happy to welcome more into the world, especially if it meant that she would be tied to the Targaryen bloodline through more than marriage. 
They waited a while longer to bring this to her, but Rhaenyra had been subtly encouraging her to spend more time with Daemon, and even suggested that they might begin sharing a bed with one another from time to time, whether it be on their own or with Rhaenyra present. She assured her that he was in fact attracted to her, pointing out how she is the one that he stares so longingly at when he watches them together. It was not that Y/n had been opposed to this, she was equally as attracted to Daemon as he was to her, but she had not been with a man since her late husband, and she had not expected to ever take another man to bed again now that she and Rhaenyra were officially together. 
The conversation was finally brought to her a month after she and Daemon spent their first night together. They had been intimate, but she had still not allowed him to be inside of her, instead opting to pleasure him with her mouth, hands, and breasts. Rhaenyra whispered in her ear during supper one evening, suggesting that they invite their husband to join them that night, which she excitedly agreed to, completely unaware of what sort of proposition they would offer her, and she was especially surprised at how quickly she consented to their idea.
Rhaenyra had knelt behind her that night, both straddling their husband’s hips as the blonde gripped her wife’s waist to aid her movements, guiding her with every bounce of her long cock and whispering praises into her ear between kisses on her neck. Daemon had been uncharacteristically happy to sit back against the headboard and watch as his wives moved in unison over him, grunting as the tight squeeze of her velvet walls around him. He could hardly pull himself away from her lips, eagerly swallowing every one of her sweet moans as he emptied himself inside of her, sighing as she slumped back against Rhaenyra as she reached her own peak.
They had continued this for months until the maester finally confirmed that Y/n was with child, her skin glowing in delight at the thought of having a child to raise with her husband and wife. By the fifth month of her pregnancy, her stomach had swelled enough to show through her heavy gowns, and her hormones had taken full effect of her everyday life. 
If it weren’t bad enough that she was constantly fatigued, or that her feet and back ached, or that her breasts were swollen and tender to the mere brush of her gown against her sensitive nipples, she had also grown to be absolutely insatiable. She found that her thighs were constantly slick with her arousal, and that she was able to bring herself to orgasm in the simplest ways, even by just sitting on certain pieces of furniture. Daemon and Rhaenyra could no longer enjoy bedding her on the same night quite as regularly as before, all because of how regularly she was mewling for them; Daemon had even jokingly suggested that they encourage her maids to pleasure her throughout the day so that they could keep up with her, only to be met with Rhaenyra’s palm slamming into the back of his head. It even came to the point where Rhaenyra felt the need to consult the maester about how regularly all three of them were being intimate together, who advised that, as her pregnancy developed, physical intimacy may result in causing her pain.
Instead, Rhaenyra encouraged her to participate in some “self-care” routines, as she had called them, telling her that pregnancy could cause her to think poorly of herself in many ways, so she thought it best that she take long, hot baths under the candlelight, drink honeyed wine and have her maids soak her in scented oils before taking the initiative to pleasure herself as much as she desired. Daemon had not been so keen on this idea, considering that he was constantly finding her with her hands between her thighs and not allowing him to cut in until she had finished, meaning that she was incredibly sensitive and could not take quite as much as she used to be able to before she began this routine. Even Rhaenyra was beginning to regret it, easily noticing the way that her maids now stared at her longingly, likely having seen and heard her in the throes of self-pleasure more times than they had with her husband and wife involved. 
When Rhaenyra brought up her annoyances with Daemon, he had been quick to point fingers, claiming that it was entirely her fault that Y/n had not been seeking them out as much. They both came to the conclusion that they needed to get her out of this habit as quickly as she had gotten into it. 
“My love,” Rhaenyra smiled sweetly as she entered her chambers, finding her settled in the bathtub with rose petals floating in the water around her. The water rippled around her rounded belly and breasts as they poked out into the warm air. Rhaenyra thought that she had never looked so beautiful in her life, with the exception of their wedding day. “How do you feel? The maester told me you had a bout of sickness after supper.”
The woman opened her eyes, smiling sleepily at her wife as she knelt at her side, one hand dipping in to feel the temperature of the water, “‘M fine, Nyra. I do not think that mutton agrees with our babe.”
The Targaryen woman laughed, “I’m sorry, my love, I know how you enjoy mutton so. I will instruct the cooks to avoid it until the babe arrives then.”
“It’s alright,” Y/n stroked a hand over her belly, “I would give anything to keep her happy.”
“Her?” Rhaenyra asked, settling her hand on the bump as well, “You expect a girl?”
“I do,” Y/n beamed, “I will be happy either way, but I have a feeling. I know how you long for a daughter, as well.”
Rhaenyra flushed, “You are too kind to me my love. I will be happy with our child regardless of gender, so long as they are a part of the one I love the most.”
Y/n giggled, “Do not let our husband hear you speaking like that.”
“He knows his place,” Rhaenyra chuckled, fingers wandering up to brush against the tender flesh of her breast, smirking to herself at the moan that fell from her wife’s lips at the smallest touch.
Rhaenyra turned her head, finding her maids looking bashful in the corner of the room. They had been witness to Y/n’s pleasure before, but never at the hand of one of her spouses. 
“Out,” She commanded, “I will finish my wife’s bath on my own.”
They all hesitated for a moment before nodding, curtsying to both women before rushing out. 
“Nyra,” Y/n scolded, “I was about to begin my “self-care”.”
“I can care for you, my heart.” The silver-haired woman cooed as she lowered her hand below the surface of the water, taking little care for the sleeve of her gown as her fingertips found the slick button between her thighs.
“It was your idea, Rhaenyra.” Her voice sounded firmer than before, and her once sleepy eyes had grown hard and accusing. 
“A stupid one, I must admit,” She sighed, rubbing small circles into her clit, “I miss how insatiable you once were, how you begged for me to touch you, how you begged for our husband’s cock.”
A flash of sadness appeared on her face as sprung to her waterline, “You were tired of me, you do not want me.”
Rhaenyra stopped her movements, “What?” 
A soft sob left her lips, “You asked me to take care of myself. I thought it might have been because you and Daemon were busy, but then I came to your rooms one night and–”
She didn’t need to finish for Rhaenyra to understand. She and Daemon had found it difficult to keep up with their wife’s libido, but once she had begun taking care of herself, they still had their own desires and spent many nights together. Rhaenyra felt stupid for not seeing how this would feel to their wife, let alone now that her emotions were heightened. She had not considered herself unattractive until Rhaenyra asked if she mentioned that self pleasure was beneficial for helping her bodily insecurities, only to find that she and Daemon were continuing to fuck without her on the regular. 
Y/n pushed her hand away, sitting up and pulling her knees as close to her chest as her stomach would allow, “Leave me.”
“My love–”
“Please,” Her voice cracked, “Send my handmaidens in, I want to go to bed.”
“Y/n, please let me–”
“Go!” She shrieked, tears now falling down her cheeks readily as she pushed herself out of the water abruptly, “Get out!” 
The door burst open, her handmaidens appearing in the room with worried expressions at the sound of their lady’s screaming. They rushed forward, helping her step out of the tub and wrapping her in her favourite silk robe. 
Rhaenyra watched as she stumbled away, ignoring the water dripping from her as she crawled onto the bed, the most heart-wrenching sobs leaving her lips. The Crown Princess did not want to leave, longing to go after her and make her understand, but the guilt that began to force itself up her throat was too much to bear. Without another word, she pushed through the doorway and into the corridor, rushing to find Daemon. 
Y/n did not leave her chambers for three days. She had breakfast, tea, and dinner in her rooms with no company except for her handmaidens. She refused to allow Rhaenyra or Daemon in to see her any time that they had come to visit, even when they each tried to assert their rank over her handmaidens. She was now almost seven months into her pregnancy, and she was continuously wondering to herself how she had let herself be talked into another child. She wept day and night, countless apologies leaving her lips to her late children, begging for their forgiveness and cursing Rhaenyra and Daemon for bringing her walls down so much that she had allowed herself to be in the position to potentially lose yet another child. 
On the fourth day, Rhaenrya had decided that enough was enough, and used the secret passageway into her wife’s room. When she found her, she felt her heart clench in her throat, finding her still in nothing but the silk robe that she’d left her in four days earlier, curled in a ball on her favourite sofa and staring blankly out the window. How had she allowed herself to hurt the one person she loved above all else again after vowing to protect her heart with her entire being? 
“My love,” Rhaenyra called out, closing the hidden door behind her. She frowned when she was met with complete silence, “My love, can you hear me?”
“What is it, Your Grace?” 
Rhaenyra cringed, having only heard Y/n speak to her so formally when she was truly angry with her. “The maester told me you have not slept or eaten in two days. It is not good for the child.”
Y/n scoffed, “The babe.”
“It is not good for you, either, my love.” 
Rhaenyra knelt in front of her, hands cupping her cheeks and grimacing at how cold she felt. Rhaenyra had gone to Daemon that night, her pale cheeks flushed red and wet from her tears as she paced for hours, wondering how they would be able to make things right with her–how had she let this happen? How could she make her feel unloved by the two people who loved her more than anything?
“Please look at me,” She whispered, head ducking to meet her hollow gaze. “I’m not sure how I can make you feel how deeply angry I am with myself. I am so, so sorry, my love.”
Y/n sniffled, but did not respond.
“May I explain myself?” Rhaenyra waited for her weak nod before she continued, “I did not mean to make you feel unwanted, by any means. You are sweet, and good, and beautiful, and I could never imagine a world where I would not want you. Daemon and I–we cannot excuse ourselves, but we can explain. We were concerned for you, for how often we were bedding you. The maester told us that we could hurt you, which is why I suggested what I did. I did not mean to imply that we did not want you. In fact, we wanted you so deeply that we turned to each other for the first time in so long because we thought you were more comfortable with taking care of yourself.”
Y/n shook her head, “I only did it because that’s what I thought you wanted.”
“I could never not want you, my beautiful wife.” Rhaenyra pressed a kiss to her clammy cheek.
“I must admit,” Y/n laughed bitterly, “I began to believe after some time that I had become a concubine for you both.”
“I do not think it is custom to love one’s concubine, my sweet.” Rhaenyra chuckled, then turned sombre when she took note of her expression, “My love, else bothers you?”
“I do not want to have another child,” Y/n whispered, “I feel almost as if I am betraying my boys. I will love this child with all of my heart, and nothing makes me more happy than to be tied to you both through blood, but I will not have another.”
Rhaenyra sighed, “I am sorry if you have felt pressured by us.”
“I haven’t,” She shook her head, “But I have done some thinking over the past two days. I have been happy here, and I do want this child, but I’m not sure that I can handle another. This child is a sibling, but to have two, it feels like I am replacing them, and to me they are completely irreplaceable.”
Rhaenyra kissed her head, “You will not have to. I will speak to Daemon, and the maester. We will make sure that this is your last pregnancy.”
“You don’t think that Daemon will be upset with me? He won’t want any more children?”
“If he is, then perhaps we would need to rethink how many people we want in this marriage, don’t you think?”
This made Y/n giggle, and it was like music to Rhaenyra’s ears. She finally leaned into her, wrapping her arms around Rhaenyra’s middle and nuzzling into her neck. Rhaenyra gladly held her, running her fingers through her hair affectionately as she began to notice her breathing grow heavier.
“You must be tired, my sweet,” Rhaenyra turned her head to look at her, “Why don’t you have a bath while I go find you some supper, then you can rest.”
“Will you stay with me while I sleep?” She murmured.
Rhaenyra kissed her lips softly, “Of course I will.”
When Y/n woke up, Rhaenyra was still at her side, her long fingers stroking Y/n’s swollen belly over her thin nightgown. 
“Good morning, my love,” She greeted with a small smile. 
“Evening, you mean,” Y/n had not even noticed that Daemon had occupied the space behind her in the bed until he spoke up, his own hand reaching around to lay on top of Rhaenyra’s on her belly. 
Y/n leaned back into him, sighing at the warmth being emitted from his firm chest, “How long was I sleeping?”
“Almost a day,” He kissed her temple to soothe her as she cried out in surprise, “But you needed it.”
“It’s true,” Rhaenyra affirmed, “You were awake for two days straight. I’ll call your ladies, you must be starving.”
“I am,” Y/n trailed a finger up her arm, “But not for food.”
Rhaenyra shook her head as Daemon chuckled at their wife, “My love, you are very weak right now–”
“Neither of you have touched me in almost two months,” She whined, “Please.”
The two Targaryens shared a glance over her shoulder, Daemon shrugging in response to Rhaenyra’s concerned look.
“Alright,” She finally conceded, “But you must lie there, let us take care of you.”
The woman eagerly nodded, excited whimpers falling from her lips from the slightest drag of Daemon’s lips against her jugular, his fingers pulling the strap of her nightgown down over her shoulder to expose one of her tender breasts. Rhaenyra was quick to pull her into a kiss, tongue forcing itself past her wife’s lips and swallowing every sound she made, her nimble fingers twisting her perky nipple gently. 
Everything moved in a blur for Y/n over the next few moments, somehow finding herself now on her back, knees bent as her nightgown was rucked up to settle over her swollen belly, Rhaenyra wasting little time in dragging her tongue torturously through her folds, which had already been dripping with her sweet nectar from the moment that she had woken up. Her cheeks felt warm, embarrassed at how sensitive and wet she’d been before either of them even touched her and at how quickly she was able to feel herself at her peak. 
At her side, Daemon was needy for her attention. He tucked two fingers under her chin, quickly turning her head to capture her lips in a warm and messy kiss. Her own eager fingers quickly found the laces of his breeches, tugging at them until they were just loose enough to slide her hand inside and take hold of his rapidly hardening member, their sighs of pleasure being lost in one another’s mouths as she slowly pumped him until he was completely hard, whining in protest as he pushed her touch away. 
“Patience, sweet one,” He tsked at her, instead turning his attention to suckling at her breasts, tugging her other strap down to release both of her heaving tits to his mercy. 
The wave crashed over her before she could comprehend it, eyes rolling back as neither of them made any move to slow or stop their ministrations as they each licked and sucked at her most sensitive parts until she was trembling with aftershocks. 
“Do you think she is ready for me?” Daemon peered down at Rhaenyra, who had continued to lick at her clit softly.
She grinned up at him, “More than she’s ever been.”
He chuckled, reaching his hand down to feel her wetness for himself with a wicked glint in his eyes, “Perhaps we should deprive our needy little wife more often if it means she will always be this responsive.”
Rhaenyra frowned, “You are bold to assume that either of us will be able to resist for so long ever again, husband. I’m certain that I can’t.”
“Perhaps I merely need to be reminded, I may not have my wits about me.”
Within seconds, his clothes had been completely removed and was was dragging her by the ankles until her bum was hanging off the edge of the mattress and he was pressed tightly between her legs. Meanwhile, Rhaenyra had helped her slide her shift off over her head, leaving her completely bare to her husband and wife.
Her back arched off of the bed as Daemon notched the head of his member against her entrance, easily slipping inside with a drawn out moan, eyes closed as he relished in the feeling of her silky walls throbbing around him. 
“See how he desires you?” Rhaenyra whispered to her, “You make him weak, he belongs to you. We belong to you.”
She nodded, watching in awe as Rhaenyra’s slender neck was engulfed by their husband’s fingers, his meaty fist forcing her to meet his hard kiss as his spare hand slid beneath Y/n’s hip and flipped her onto her side, barely missing a beat as he threw her top leg over his shoulder and sped up his thrusts. 
Rhaenyra grinned into the kiss, reaching up to slide her middle and index fingers into her wife’s mouth, slowly thrusting them in and out until they were dripping with her saliva. Carefully, she moved them down and began circling them around her untouched hole, feeling the snug ring of muscles tighten and release under her touch. The sloppy juices of her release had dripped down and provided an extra lubricant as one of her long fingers dipped inside, stilling for a few moments to allow her to adjust to the intrusion before she pressed the second in as well. Her movements were slow, not wanting to force the tightness of her ass and further than she already was, especially with the force of Daemon’s thrusts into sweet cunt. 
Mere moments passed before her second release began bursting out of her core and splashing against Daemon’s stomach, the warmth of her juices bringing him to his own climax. She allowed him to keep forcing himself into her abused hole before she was pressing her foot flat into his shoulder to push him away. 
“Look at her,” Rhaenyra murmured to him, smirking down at her wife’s trembling body, “Look at how needy she is for us. We belong to her, but she is ours alone.”
Daemons slowly allowed his cock to slide out of her, falling down to poke at her asshole as Rhaenyra pulled her fingers out. The future queen slid from the mattress, disappearing out of Y/n’s sight as Daemon huddled overtop of her, pressing warm kisses across her neck and chest. He pulled back as Rhaenyra reappeared next to her, wiping her hands clean with a wet cloth before she made quick work of wiping the pregnant woman’s sensitive cunt clean as Daemon readjusted his breeches as she moved across the room to sit by the burning fireplace. 
Rhaenyra helped her wife move back up to lay against her pillows, tucking her in beneath the soft sheets. She crawled in next to her, pressing her lips to her forehead and chuckling when Rhaenyra felt her tugging at her skirts.
“I am alright, my heart,” She pushed her hands away, “You should rest. We will call for your supper.”
Y/n nodded, a touch disappointed that she hadn’t been able to taste her wife’s delicious cunt, but her sadness faded as she felt her eyes fluttering shut, lulling her into a deep sleep as she huddled closer to Rhaenyra’s chest.
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blackkatdraws2 · 25 days
[Achromatic Loop AU] アゴニー (agony)
[AUDIO USED:] アゴニー (agony)
↓ info dump underneath ↓ 
In case some of you are confused on why I made another post about this animation, I made the first post to promote my Youtube and this one is for Tumblr.
My main inspiration for this AUs' plot and characterizations is the original TSP game in 2011, The Stanley Parable Half Life 2 MOD! [As their story progresses, so will the version of the game.]
Stanley's life continued as normal until one day, in the middle of his work, he suddenly had a strange feeling of 'wrongness'. Ignoring it only worsened the feeling and nothing he did ever made it disappear. He doesn't know when, but he started hearing an old man's voice everywhere he went.
The Narrator's [Grey's] voice held power over everything he spoke to, be it subjects, objects, or settings. Everything he wills goes, including Stanley.
Stanley's awareness made the Parable start having problems, as the usual storyline that they've always done was not being followed anymore due to canon divergence and out-of-character behavior from the main character.
Over and over again, Stanley's insistence to breaking the story has led to the Narrator being forced to use more forceful methods to get the man to follow.
Eventually, as Stanley was about to die again after a particularly violent ending, Stanley's vision blurs and he sees walls of words in front of him.
He realizes that they were the scripts the Narrator [Grey] would read for his story. He shatters the set plot destined for him to follow and the entire Parable falls apart as the story that maintained it was no longer stable.
They both fall into a sort of alternate version of their setting, filled with unused assets, unexplored rooms, and drafted or erased plotlines left down in this achromatic world like garbage. This was their first contact with each other.
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Just Friends (König x F!Reader)
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How to Escape the Friendzone 2/4 (Word count 5.3 k)
Summary: König is a horny, creepy killing machine obsessed with a shy, kind reader who has a raging knife kink.
Tags/warnings: 🔞 Eventual smut, eventual violence, angst, dark romance, canon divergence. Crack treated seriously. Yandere undertones, implied stalking, panty stealing, major character death, size kink, voyeurism, possessive sex, twisted, fluffy feelings. Loner boy/gentle girl dynamic. Protective!Obsessive!Top!König. Reader works as a cleaner at the base. She is described to have hair and prefers to wear dresses off work. Not safe or sane but mostly consensual.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Massive arms go about her as she's pulled against a lean chest. It's an awkward, tense hug. He smells of open air and coppice, with a whiff of acrid sweat on top as she lays her head somewhere between the bumps of muscle of a warm chest.
Not even the body heat makes him appear more human: his heart is not pounding as fast as she thought it would after making it clear he would score some tonight.
She fears she's dealing with a sociopath. Might even be a psychopath.
"Are you still afraid?"
"I don't know." Her breaths are everything but steady as she inhales the intoxicating scent of a madman.
"Don't be scared. I will only hurt those who wish to hurt you."
His pledge renders her weak; it makes her legs shake. She gets far more than she bargained for when pulling him in to give her a little late-night comfort.
Friends with benefits is a situation bad enough, but this is not okay. The guy's fixation seems boundless, and if she tries to wriggle out of this… relationship and starts seeing someone else, it might end up in König scrubbing the potential future love interest's guts off his shoes.
And something in the idea isn't even wholly appalling.
Good God…
"I don't want you to hurt anyone," she whispers like it isn't his day-to-day job – to hurt and kill people. She is on the verge of collapsing to the floor and stays upright only because he holds her in authoritarian embrace.
"Little angel, it's what I do." He releases her only enough to bow his head and look into her eyes. His stare betrays slight distaste. Those eyes are calm mirrors of how can someone be so naive.
"You come to me if someone is mean to you," he orders in a stern voice that makes her feel faint.
"Alright," she breathes a fluent little lie. He's satisfied with her answer, however, and presses her head back against him with effortless control.
She imagines him knifing someone with a listless stare from sparing a glance her way; she fantasizes him strangling some chauvinistic moron in the darkness after they have been "mean" to her. Quickening breaths betray her sick thoughts to him because he pulls her even closer. She can feel the enormous cock pressing against her body with a promise of violence.
"Angel… I wish you would stop teasing me."
"Yeah?" Her laugh is restrained, and her heart is racing inside her chest – like it's some kind of a good idea to have a heart attack while a murderous psycho turning into a boyfriend is in the same room with her. "Where's the fun in that…?"
"Do you always tease men like this?"
"No," she swallows a mouthful of woodland and musk. "Just you."
"König… Can I see your face?"
The man finally seems to find his reserve again. He detaches from her, and she can hear the audible gulp inside the hood.
"Maybe later."
He shifts his weight from one foot to the other like he usually does when he's a bit nervous. Probably to ease the discomfort from still being forced into those pants with such an astoundingly large, swelling erection, too.
She can't come up with anything that might explain why the man is so uncomfortable with showing his face. From the small glimpse she saw in the showers, everything looked completely normal. There is some other reason why he wants to wear the mask, most likely some mental block, and she would simply have to wait until he's ready and willing to take it off.
"How about a kiss?"
He doesn't shake his head or escape her as she hesitantly steps toward him and raises a hand to the hem of his hood.
"If I just…"
He does nothing as she starts to raise the mask. The look in his eyes is somewhat haunted, though.
She lifts it just enough to reveal a clean-shaven chin and a pair of thin, tightly shut lips. She briefly notices that there's a scar on his jaw before his mouth opens to call her in. They're polar opposites of each other: she feels breathless and limp when their lips meet while he's a statue of rigid power. Even his mouth is tense as she catches his bottom lip between hers and tries to soften that immortal stiffness. Distant notes of hops catch her tongue just before he pulls her back into a crushing hug.
The guy is not the most perfect kisser. He's very avid, though. In fact, his eagerness is what makes it a scary experience, what makes the kiss clumsy. He smashes his lips on hers with force, then opens his mouth so wide she fears he will devour half her face.
The ungloved hands slide down her back and cup her ass. He's gentle, but she still feels like she's levitating, half an inch above the ground from his groping. He moans like they are already having sex, but before she can disconnect herself from the violent kiss, he does it for her.
"I want to fuck you," he pants across her lips, eyes half-lidded and drunk. "Can I fuck you?"
The man has no conception of how to dance these dances. He simply declares his wish to shove his junk inside her and kill those who might do her harm. She feels dizzy in his arms, like dew that will evaporate under too much heat.
"Yeah, yes," she tries to sound sane, although there's nothing sane about this.
So much for being just friends or being nothing at all…
Her heart is beating faster and faster; it wants to rend itself out of her chest. She feels ample sweat between her thighs, then realizes it's only her own wetness that has broken through the cotton of her underwear. The dress is so tight in the middle that she can't simply try and throw it over her head, and the buttons at the front seem to have suddenly become too big to slip through the holes.
He doesn't take any of his clothes off while watching her undress. The instant she opens her whimsical veil of blooms, he moves close and shoves the fabric down her shoulders so that it drops sadly on the floor. Then he flicks a knife out.
Shit… Shit what the fuck–
The blade is forced with a flat surface under the middle of her bra. He pulls the fabric away, turns the blade - it's a miracle she's not bleeding by the time he cuts through the center front like it's butter. Her breasts fall free, and the destroyed lingerie hangs cheaply on the side before it gets dragged away too. She looks at his work, her exposed tits and the crude, fat knife he swiftly returns to its sheath.
"That was my favorite br–ah…"
The man is terrifying, even when he sinks to his knees. He dives for her breasts, licks the undersides and sucks her nipples like he's famished. Her head rolls back, and she feels fainter still as he gropes her like she's his toy, chews a nipple until she shudders and cries in pain. Then he goes down, down, panting hot breaths on her skin as he goes, the hood grazing and tickling her skin.
His hands shake slightly as he tears down the last piece of covering fabric from between her legs. She can't even step out of the briefs before a blazing tongue is pushed to her clit, all but delicately.
Perhaps he's not a virgin, but he's not a veteran, either – still, it draws a filthy moan out of her.
She has to take support from his head to prevent herself from falling when the tongue simply forces its way between her legs. It curls to meet her folds, slick with her wet. She knows she's practically leaking at this point, and hears how he licks his lips.
"Of course the angel tastes like heaven too," he rasps in her mound, sounding rather… bitter. Almost annoyed.
She thinks it's only the beginning, but he suddenly rises like a Kraken from the sea, like a Godzilla about to destroy an entire city.
"Get on the bed. All fours."
She chokes the whimper that tries to escape her, then turns and crawls onto the bed as if they are running out of time. His urgency is hers now, and she presents herself to him, waiting for the man to thrust in without remorse, but it's his mouth she feels first.
"Uh–Oh my god…"
He licks her with a flat tongue, torturously slow while she's on display. They're long, profound sweeps, as if he wants to sample her rather than give her pleasure. Although he does give her an immense amount of it.
She falls on her elbows, face down on the bed, exposing more of herself to him in the process. Her pussy has been neglected for so long that the feel of his hot tongue on her is absolutely breathtaking, thigh-shaking. She pushes herself back a little, lets him taste his own medicine for once.
And of course it only makes him more unhinged.
"You're wet like a…" he laughs a short, dry laugh straight into her folds, and she finally whimpers at the sound. "You want it so bad?"
It's a sad little confession but more than enough for him. He freezes behind her, and something in the way the air shifts tells her he has risen and is now standing high above her as she's in this crudely vulnerable position.
"I've made you wet this whole time?"
She snivels, opens her eyes, closes them…
"Yes," she sobs in the bed, nearly topples, but he grabs her ass and keeps her in place.
"Ach du lieber Himmel…"
She pants and cries in the sheets, but the sobering silence lasts only for so long.
The sound of a belt being opened shoots her skin full of goosebumps. Only a few seconds later, the fat tip of his cock is swept across her folds: it probes for a second, then slides in.
"Scheiße… So tight…"
He hisses and goes all the way in – the journey is long and torturous as he stretches her wide. The thickness only grows at the base, his balls are already tight as they arrive to press against her.
And mercy is not at the top of his list as he realizes she has denied her need and therefore, his. He starts to sail inside her, back and forth, in and out, like it's his job, too. It's total torture. She might just pass out before this is over.
"You little tease…" He seizes control of her hips while using her as his own personal fleshlight. The noise of wet, slick fucking is deafening. The pace is upped soon, and he has to use strength to hold her in place while ramming her from standing while she tries to hold on for her dear life and hold onto the sheets.
"Not so fast, König," she whimpers into her pillow, but he won't listen. The pace is frantic, and his thrusts are deep; he fucks her with despair, with anguish-driven, starved thrusts born from greed.
Nothing has ever felt so good, nothing.
"Just friends, eh?"
She has a hard time deciphering whether he is happy or mad. His voice is pitchy, and she knows, she just knows that he sounds equally as unglued on his missions. Perhaps that's why people rarely talk to him.
"Don't–don't be angry…"
"No? Say that you want me," he commands somewhere behind her, desperation coating the air with pungent sweat and musky arousal. "Say it–say it–"
"I want you," she finally cries, and it feels like an absolution. An amnesty. Remission of sin.
There's panting and frantic sound of slaps of flesh against flesh behind her. The air all around is pure electricity. It makes her quiver and throb and squeeze: him, the sheets, anything and everything.
"I will bring you flowers every morning and fuck you every night. Ja?"
His length is the only thing she can focus on; all else dissolves into a hazy mist. The cock glides in her like he's oiling a gun part, and he could ask her to kill someone and she would only say–
"Yes, yes."
He slides in and out with less and less control, moans and grunts with every thrust now. She's already past the point of no return, even though the orgasm keeps hovering right beyond her reach. She only needs a few more minutes. Or maybe just one...
"König… Not...so–fast…"
He answers something in German, an annoyed string of words she has no clue what they mean. He's probably just swearing profoundly.
"Get...what you deserve..."
That's the only thing she can flesh out from the English that follows. He finally finds some mercy with a choked groan and tries to slow down a little. It's even worse when he does that. He pulls almost completely out, then sinks back in, agonizingly lazy, and that does it: the full length of his giant cock slipping inside her without effort makes her walls clench.
"Oh God…" Her back is arching, her toes are curling, a tight cry disappears somewhere in the pillow, and he won't stop with the – "Oh–fuck–!"
"Yeah," he cheers her on as she screams, cries in the sheets while his cock swims in her. His hands dig into her hips, and she barely has brains left to think it might leave bruises. The orgasm comes in waves, shakes, and he won't let go even when she's only a heap of throbbing, soaking flesh and rapture.
And it's not the end; quite the contrary. He continues to fuck her with abandon: balls slap against her with every jab; they must be covered in her juice at this point, making the sound of sloppy thrusts utterly obscene. She's able to stay in a face-down, ass-up position only because he's holding her there for his cock.
The grunts turn into a wide, thick groan as he approaches the edge as well. The pace slows down almost to a halt before he comes.
"Jetzt…kommt–" he groans through gritted teeth, voice all taut while he grinds through his release. It's a multitude of deep, oddly paced thrusts, a sad attempt to get everything he can, and she's still like a wet gulf sucking him in.
The last throes are sluggish, the madness starts to pass, and she feels like every bone has left her body. There is nothing solid left when the man slowly relents and settles somewhere deep inside her. She can hear how he pants with his mouth open, and it sounds painful, wet, almost drooly. Then he swallows with a breathless gulp, slips out, and lets her go.
She immediately falls forward - topples, crashes, crawls on the bed, tries to rearrange what's left.
Just friends...
He crashes somewhere beside her, spent and out of breath. The front of his shirt is covered in sweat; the air is filled with the stale scent of musk and saline sweat and pure, mad sex. She can barely catch a glimpse of the slick, glistening length of him. It feels like a miracle that this thing has been inside her. It’s not that it’s monstrously thick: it’s simply long, curving a little to the side, lean and aggressive even when growing soft.
"You play with fire, Engel. Why did you make me wait so long?"
The masked killer beside her is panting but satisfied for now, and turns his head to look at her. She has to muster all her courage to look back.
"I'm…a bit shy."
"You're perfect," he declares while watching her in her sex daze and ruin. So, at least he's not angry. He finally looks… normal, even with that absurd hood still on, with that intoxicated, admiring stare in his eyes. The ice in his blues has turned into melting snow.
"I noticed you the minute I arrived here."
She can't prevent a hand from reaching out at that, from splaying fingers over his chest.
"I noticed you too," she whispers back before moving closer to snuggle him. His heart is finally thumping in his chest, right under her cheek – from the late exercise or their closeness, she can't tell. A heavy arm goes around her, pressing her further into the nook of his armpit.
"You remind me of one of my knives," he says while holding her close.
Oh good God…
"You are a butterfly knife girl."
"Ja. Small and cute and a lot of fun. And I can't get enough of you."
So much for getting rid of the man after getting some d. God, what was wrong with her? Any other woman would have put up some boundaries, perhaps gotten a restraining order by now.
"Is it… a good knife?" Her voice comes out as an annoying squeal, and he pulls her closer, ever closer.
"I mainly use it for playing."
She wets her lips in an attempt to calm herself, to comfort herself. She’s just another plaything for a murderer whose hunger seems endless, even if he’s more civil now. Still, she fears this man is only after sex and violence. Her little dresses and petite lingerie won't stand a chance against such brutality.
"What knife are you…?"
"Classic Glock field knife. Tall and ugly."
Behind the thin veil of indifference, there's pride. It borders on arrogance. She catches a dash of bitterness, too: field knives don't pair well with butterflies, perhaps.
"König, you're not ugly," she breaks their odd cuddle to look at him. "This sounds like a trustworthy knife to me."
He looks back at her with an even warmer tinge to the glacier of his eyes.
"It is. You cannot hope for a more loyal blade."
Her gaze drops somewhere in the darkness of his shirt. He's pledging himself for the second time to her, and it causes another storm inside her head. There's warmth on her cheeks, too.
"You are cute when you blush," he observes with pleased tranquility.
Perhaps... Perhaps he doesn't want to hurt things he finds cute.
Perhaps he will take care of them, like he takes care of his knives.
It still takes some getting used to that he allows his hood to be lifted just enough to push his tongue inside her mouth or pussy but taking it off to show his face is too much. She is lying there with him in an odd post-coital dream, thoroughly naked while he's still fully dressed. But she doesn't feel cold, not when pressed against his blazing form like this.
"Did you nick my underwear?" She asks out of the blue, and the hand stroking her waist stops in the middle of an idle caress.
"I might have," he admits without a single ounce of remorse in his voice.
"König… That's not cool," she says, knowing he can hear the lack of scolding in her voice.
"You want them back?"
"I… Gosh. Yes, that would be nice."
What a pervert.
"Or... Nevermind. Keep them," she sighs, trying to brush off the fact that the underwear in question wasn't even clean. "Do you steal women's underwear often?"
"No. Just yours."
A laugh meant to convey her shock is far too laced with joy to make it clear that she finds his deeds preposterous. She simply fails at every turn in trying to express that she's a decent woman. He knows it now, probably saw it long ago; that she's the perfect cheval glass to his perversions.
The hand on her hips moves to caress her thigh, and the drowsy stare observes her with growing mischief.
"Ready to go again?"
He takes her hand and moves it right over his cock. It's lean and demanding, and pulses under her palm.
Tall and ugly, she thinks while her walls dare to throb with hunger.
"You make me hard," he says, almost as a whisper, "all the time."
Jesus… There was definitely no rulebook when it came to this guy.
She gets to watch from the bed how he gives her a show as the man finally decides it's time to take his clothes off. The shirt is the first one to go: it flies somewhere on the floor while he holds on to his hood. The sculpted muscle looks even bigger up close, and the plates are covered with thin hair. It runs thicker below the navel, and his thighs are pure power: they surround the sleek length of his cock like trunks of strength when he finally gets himself out of those pants.
The v-shape of his upper body is something she will never get over. Broad shoulders shrink and curve into narrow hips which in turn swell into powerful thighs, and while perhaps this guy wouldn't win the gold medal at a fitness competition – judged by the way he's lean and athletic but not low fat ripped – he certainly is the most beautiful man she has ever had the pleasure to lay eyes on. He's a demigod with his herculean strength, a titan who's too big for the world of mortals. A tormented Samson who will never be tamed with treachery or tricks.
The bed sags as he crawls back to her like the gentlest predator. Her legs open wide to receive him – a classic missionary feels like the most intimate choice after the faceless pounding she received earlier. He gathers her legs as he proceeds: forces them up, up, almost next to her arms until he's hovering over her exposed pussy.
She should've known that some boring missionary wouldn't satisfy this man at all.
Her eyes drop to her legs and what's between them: she's in no position to do much of anything, but as the tip of his cock – smooth, pristine velvet – slides across her wet folds once more, she rather helplessly tries to drive her hips up to meet him.
It's like she's drunk or in a dream. The scene is wild and filthy: she's plump and spread open, ready for the taking, thighs almost in her ears as he draws his hips back and finds her opening.
"Please be gentle," she begs with a whisper. He halts for a while to lock gazes with her rabbit stare.
"You are pretty when you beg, little one. But I would never hurt you."
She swallows, and her lips part – his gaze instantly falls on her mouth, then raises back to her eyes, gentle and painstakingly ardent. He's close, so terribly close – and not just physically. Her thighs quiver with anticipation as the thick velvet slides in.
Holy fuck–
She savors the spread, and he's gentle, like he promised. The groan that erupts from inside the hood above makes her walls ache. He's so merciful this time, and she wishes to lift the black veil that still keeps them apart, to see his face as he takes her, to see that scar on his jaw and how his mouth hangs open with hunger, just like hers…
His cock comes out all wet – she can hear it – before plunging right back in, and it makes her mewl.
"Oh God…" Her eyes shut tight from the sensation of being so filled. She's even more starved than she thought. It's scary, far scarier than the mass murderer above and inside her.
"You like that?"
He's breathing heavy, and she knows he's looking at her, the distorting face of pleasure, the way she's biting her lip. Tears try to force themselves out from the passionate, featherbrained proximity, from being so tightly knitted together, like a bunch of happy, overstimulated nerves.
"Look at me," he orders, and she opens her eyes like they're under his command and not hers.
"You like it like this?"
She nods with tears in her eyes, and he won't stop looking at her like she's his most prized possession.
"Gut. I will make you scream again."
The man's dreamy stare follows every twitch of a lip, every bat of an eyelash. She looks down briefly to escape that love – the sight of the long thickness disappearing in her while she is so crudely open for him makes her feel dizzy, even when she's lying down.
Some pillow princess…
"Sehr schön," he comments while watching her face which must look like that of a dumb, anesthetized doll. His cock has that effect, and now that he's hovering over her, staring into her soul while filling her, it makes everything even more painful because it's sweet. She's under lazy waves, and decent men seem the most boring thing on earth right now.
"You like my knives?"
"You stared when I played with my knife."
She knows he has caught her staring more than once and bites her lip again not to blurt out how she had stared when he had played with... other things as well.
"Mh, yeah… It was beautiful."
"You're beautiful."
The sudden waves of intimacy leave her fragile and weak. His stare is nothing short of a caress. She is open and helpless for him to pound to his heart's content, but he's gentle, bordering on loving...
"I can teach you how to play with them."
Jesus Christ, this dude is just crazy.
"Uh-huh," she agrees to it with her mouth hanging open from the overload of sensation. The lewd sound of his cum pushing out of her with every thrust is an obscene background music for this – or any – conversation.
"I have a collection."
Why the hell would he be talking about his knife collection in the middle of–
"I own at least fifty knives. I can show you all of them if you come to my room."
His gaze is at least as piercing as his cock, and she realizes how serious this is: knives are his life. He finds them beautiful too, he collects them and cares for them. They're a profession, but they're also the most important thing in his world.
Knives are his essence.
And he had likened her to a butterfly knife...
The sound from where they are joined rises to a sluggish crescendo: drowsy, filthy claps of flesh on soaked flesh. He makes her sick and well at the same time: he drags her to hell and raises her to heaven. He's the remedy and the curse. He plays with her like he plays with his knives: ravenous, entranced, obsessed.
She tries to concentrate on too many things at once: that intoxicating voice, the memory of him playing with death, the cock plunging inside her over and over again, making warmth pool below. She imagines him killing people with his collection, picking his tool for the day. He's not the only lunatic here because even the very thought makes her tight around him.
"You are close?"
"König… Just–" she whispers on the cusp of a deeper, soul-rending orgasm.
"You like it when I talk about knives?"
She breathes laboriously and tries to hang onto the last bits of her sanity, but he knows her, knows her already. He weighs down on her until her thighs come to rest right next to her breasts. He's plowing her in a crude angle, indecent and deep. It's vulgar, and she loves it; loves the way he stares at her, all helpless under him.
"Please, I'm gonna–"
"I can show you my guns too."
"I'm gonn–ah–!"
She shatters, her walls clench; her pussy sucks him like he's hard candy.
“Sieh dir das an… You were made for me.”
"Nh– Please…"
Her head tosses on the pillow as if in a dream. She's fathomless, and going to pass out, the cock inside her makes her eyes roll back in her head until she sees white, the color of saints.
"Shy girl… Beg for it."
The voice that answers his command is not that of a shy girl; it's not hers at all. She hears it from underwater, and her reality consists solely of the man filling her, spreading her, transforming her from an angel into something deliciously wicked.
Please, just–
It's not her voice, and yet it does sound everything like her. It begs, mewls a plea after the other in a string of helpless little whimpers.
Don't stop, please pleaseplease…
"Besser als jedes Messer…" he rasps, more darkly now. "You drive me crazy, Engel."
A chant arises in her head: she has sinned and there's no turning back. He feels far better than any promise of heaven. She could never have guessed that being cast out would feel so good.
His release comes with a tight rip, he goes taut like in that shower, only ten times more desperate. The hiss under the hood turns into a pained, strained roar of a grunt. The first time was foreplay, a quick one: this is true release. She almost hopes she would faint as the whole body of the Austrian titan goes hard as a rock. She couldn't be more spent and used, and still, her pussy answers his godly essence by clenching around him, pulling him in like he's the best man there is.
The man of her dreams, the man from her worst nightmares...
His eyes are liquid, the waterline twitches. She sees behind the walls, a millisecond's worth of fragility before his head drops, and the muscles are released from the violent trance. Broad shoulders cage her in like she's suddenly deep inside a mountain pass. Spent and dead and gone, there's no hurry any longer: he is buried deep inside and throbs whatever leftovers he has to give her.
She's filled to the brim, crushed under his weight, banished: and it's only delicious, the feeling of her body disappearing somewhere in the depths of the bed he has plowed her into. She waits dutifully as the man gathers himself, even gets brave enough to touch him. The masked face is buried somewhere in her neck, and his stomach ripples with a few shivers as her hand runs down his spine.
"I want to do this every day," he declares softly while panting through the thick fabric of his self-made shield. She feels pure horror and thrill in her chest.
To do this every day… She will eventually break, like a toy that has been used too much. She's not made of steel like those butterfly knives used mainly for playing.
"König, this is crazy… We're crazy," she tries to put into words the unholy mess raging inside her. He snorts before releasing her from the absurd position. The weight of him leaves her empty as he pulls out, then drags his way beside her to gather her back into his arms.
"Don't be ashamed, little one," he coos through the mask. "You don't have to pretend with me."
Two rounds of intense sex have liberated him, the manic terror has turned into a strange compassion. The look in his eyes is magnanimous and tender, almost droopy. She feels weightless and timid, an angel once more.
"We belong together, you and I," he states with conviction that sends sweet dread inside her heart. "Don't worry. You will never be lonely again."
Her fate is sealed, and she fears a big, fat knife will cut her heartstrings too if she tries to escape his protection. Her jaw trembles at the prospect of him returning to her every day to fuck her bare after an adrenaline high on the field. She sees a future of tears and sweat and cum, a beast lulled into sleep amidst a withering sea of flowers and torn lace.
She tries to find the right words, hopes he will be swift and merciful in his execution.
König, please…
It's not the hood, it's–
"Everyone fears me," he sighs beside her. "I'm glad you don't."
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