#dc comc
crimsonkingart · 17 days
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So I drawing them AGAIN 🦇💙 In my head this AU gallops like a crazy horse
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I Hate You, be my Girlfriend Part 1 (Damian Wayne x reader)
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Word Count: 1337
Warnings: Mild language, Tim and Damian being mean to each other, bad Barbara characterization
Summary: Dick and Barbara are getting married which leads to the whole batfam wondering if Damian has a girlfriend. He does not, but he can't stand the humiliation and inadequacy he feels. One lie turns to another and he ends up on your doorstep about to ask you, someone he is not fond of, for the hugest favor in his lifetime.
“We’re getting married!” 
The sudden news had shocked everyone in the manor, including Damian himself. “You’re…what?”
Dick excitedly raised up Barbara’s arm, showing off the lavish diamond adorning her ring finger. “I proposed to her last night, I didn’t want to risk any of you spilling the beans early so I didn’t want to tell you guys until the day after.”
“Well…” Tim took a big swig of his fourth batch of coffee, “That’s nice.” The ends of Dick’s smile twitched into a subtle frown. 
“It’s not that we aren’t happy for you Dick, we really are.” Stephanie moved closer to the now engaged couple. “It’s just…you know…sudden!” She pulled Barbara into her arms, who was quick to reciprocate the gesture. “Do you guys have an idea where you want the wedding to be?”
“No, not officially, but we were thinking somewhere in Bordeaux. It has a lot of sentimental value to Bruce, and Dick wanted to commemorate his family.” 
Jason, who had mostly been quiet during the whole ordeal, let out a chuckle. “You deserve so much better Babs, you won’t be able to refund him once you get tired of him, you know.”
The family broke out into enthusiastic chatter and laughter, but the youngest of the siblings could not bring himself to be happy. Damian had known Dick for almost all of his life, and if anything, they had the strongest connection. He was the one who straightened him out, who trusted him when his father hadn’t. Dick had shown him kindness and respect. He was the best older brother he could have asked for, and even acted as a father figure when he needed it most.
Damian knew of his older brother’s numerous relationships; he was attractive and had the charisma to woo any girl in a 10 meter proximity, and yet, marriage never seemed like something in Dick’s wheelhouse. It was never exactly something in most of his family's future, considering their night time jobs and the lack of ability to keep a stable relationship. But now that his dear brother is getting married? It felt like Damian’s world was turning upside his head, like he was losing an integral piece of himself. 
Perhaps it was hidden jealousy that made Damian feel such disinterest. As much as he tried to repress his emotions, Damian also desperately wanted to unleash them; to be able to love someone unconditionally without feeling petrified or uncertain…well…he wasn’t sure if it would be a blessing or a curse. It was the main reason that out of all his siblings (other than Cass), he had never been in a serious relationship before. Sure, he’s had a few flings here and there, but nothing that was substantial. 
Tim’s out of place burst of laughter brought Damian out of his train of thought. “Demon Brat? Having a girlfriend? That’s almost as likely as me giving up coffee.”
Everyone looked to Damian in expectation, waiting for him to give out a snide remark as he usually did. Instead he gave them a blubbering utterance, his face burning from the further embarrassment. He had no idea how this topic was brought up, but most likely it was from Stephanie, who was foaming at the mouth for him to bring home a girlfriend who she could bond with. 
“HA! See! You can call me a failure all you want Damian, but at least I have a boyfriend!”
“Shut up, Tim. Why are you bringing this up anyway? It has never been a problem before.” Damian crossed his arms. Dick made his way to him, a gentle smile on his face. He placed his hand on Damian’s shoulder, like the way he used to when he was younger and about to get a brotherly pep talk. 
“You’re 20 now, Damian…I know that you have a hard time opening up to people but it would make me really happy if you could bring a date to our wedding.” Dick gave him a sincere smile, but the underlying disappointment in his voice clawed at Damian’s skin. Everyone else seemed to be utterly disappointed in him as well. Did they all just assume that he was incapable of getting a girlfriend? 
Fine. He’ll prove them wrong. 
Damian shoved Dick’s arm to the side with a stubborn huff. “TT, all of you are unbearable. If it concerns all of you so much then I may as well tell you that I do, in fact, have a girlfriend.” 
Tim let out another burst of laughter while everyone else looked at him skeptically. 
“And who might this mystery person be? The painting chick from that manga you’re obsessed with?” Jason said from across the couch. 
“No,” Damian seethed. “I have a perfectly normal love life, thank you very much Todd.”
“No offense Damian, but if you have a girlfriend, how come we have never heard you mention her before?” Duke asked. 
“That’s assuming that he even has one. I’m betting my money that he’s just faking it.” Tim shrugged, getting up to pour himself another batch of coffee. 
This was fine. Damian could handle a little lie such as this. All he had to do was pray to find a date before the wedding and convince his family that they had been together from the start. It should be easy enough. Dick turned back to Damian, surprised that this news was not spilled to him sooner. “Who’s the lucky lady, Dami? Is it someone we know?” 
In hindsight, he should have known that his family would have asked for a specific name of this mystery girl. Damian was stumped and his face only flushed further. There were not many girls that he was friends with, let alone ones that he could pretend to be in love with. 
“His silence speaks more than-”
“I-it’s Y/n, if you must know!” Damian blurted out before Drake could even finish his sentence. He must still be salty from losing against him in that monopoly game they had a week or so ago…
For the first time in the last few stressful minutes, Damian was able to take a sigh of relief as all his family stared at him in silence. Once again, Dick was the first one to break the stillness. “Well, I’m happy for you, Dami. I’ll make sure to officially send invites to the both of you when the time comes.” 
“Yeah, whatever.” The feeling he got from proving his siblings right was not enough to get rid of his underlying (stress). He knew that he had majorly fucked up, not only by lying to his family (of which were talented detectives), but by stating that his girlfriend was someone, in reality, he had no interest in. Damian could not understand why no other girl came to mind, why he had to say your name out of everyone else’s. He reasoned to himself that the mention of France skewed his brain into thinking about you, recalling the few times you had mentioned wanting to go there. That didn’t make the situation any better for him though, he would rather die than admit about thinking of you. 
Normally Damian was never one to back down out of a fight or a challenge, he was the son of Bruce Wayne and Talia Al Ghul, grandson to Ra’s Al Ghul after all, but going up to you and explaining the whole ordeal was the hardest thing he has ever done. It took him a few months to finally muster up the courage to go up to your door. He was willing to push past his disinterest in you if it meant not looking like an idiot in front of his family. 
When he knocked on the door, Damian was surprised with how quickly you opened it. Your eyes widened at his sudden appearance, the half eaten muffin in your hand leaving crumbs on the freshly swept floor. “Damian? What are you doing here, are you okay?”
“I need to ask you a favor…” 
I decided to make this a multiple part series, probably going to span about three or four oneshots in total. I figured that it would be easier for me to write and it would allow me to release the story faster for you guys! :D
I'm about to pass out because I'm tired, but I hope everyone has a good day/night!
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torvocomics · 1 year
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https://torvo-comics.wixsite.com/torvo I was looking for things and I found these images. I did this mix of fanarts before I had my breakdown. As misshapen as it is, it's not something I can do these days, so I'm very fond of it. The characters that appear are the ones that have marked me the most in the world of comics.
 Estaba buscando cosas y encontré estas imagenes. Este mix de fanarts lo hice antes de tener mi colapso. A pesar de lo deforme que está, no es algo que pueda hacer en la actualidad, así que le tengo mucho cariño. Los personajes que aparecen son los que más me han marcado en el mundo del comic.
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pulpsandcomics2 · 1 year
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Adventure Comics #247     April 1958     cover by Curt Swan
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all-about-that-rec · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Superman - All Media Types, Batman - All Media Types Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne Characters: Clark Kent, Bruce Wayne Additional Tags: superbat - Freeform, Fluff, teeth rotting fluff, they're just two soft men, Couch Cuddles, bruce with glasses, It's a Thing People, Cuddling & Snuggling, they're so in love, Idiots in Love, sappy feelings, POV Clark Kent, no beta we die like jason todd, Soft Superbat Summary:
Clark finds Bruce lounging in his study and is delighted when he asks Clark to join him on the couch. AKA Superbat couch cuddles <3
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gurumog · 2 years
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Front cover of: Weird War Tales vol.01 #112 (June 1982) DC Comics
Art: Ross Andru
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tamikadraws · 1 year
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P.S. I don't think he actually ended this man, but wouldn't it have been great if he pre-emptively saved the lives of the people Joker is inevitably going to kill again by doing so? Cos this jail thing is clearly not working lol. I feel like I would've liked this story a lot more if I had more of an attachment to Batman than the basically non existent attachment I have now. Twas alright tho.
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funsui · 1 year
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Golden Batman
Artist/Model: Melissa Croft || IG
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comicsiswild · 2 years
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L.A.W. (Living Assault Weapons) (1999) #6
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santaplix · 1 year
Pagina de comic. Proceso de entintado y color
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dmck-designs · 2 years
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wotw round 1
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propaganda under the cut!
jason todd:
Was Batman’s Robin, died, came back crazy af with a crave of vengeance, killed so many people which was pretty cool but he’s like, really intense and he’s not a villain but he is kinda of an asshole and has committed some ugly crimes, yet he’s “poor baby Robin, he’s just a scared little kid and never did anything wrong, Batman is so mean to him” my brother in Christ, Jason is a very complex character but innocent is never a part of it and defenseless baby is not it either
Canon: 6'4 wall of muscle, carrying an array of guns and knives, career trajectory is best described as "undead crime lord/vigilante". Fandom wants to talk about his trauma and daddy issues while feeding him homemade cookies.
emil sinclair:
Gets depicted as uwu soft baby boy despite ehile being a scrub in the grand hierarchy of the setting: instantly killing a dude in full plate armor with his halberd, stabbing another one into an unrecognizable mess in anger, getting murderously furious at the christofascist who killed his family + hometown, pulling himself from unconsciousness to impale one of the perpetrators for said family murder to save his boss, crawling his way to said christofascist over a mountain kf corpses which includes his currently dead allies while melting in acid, and possessing one of the most brain dead IDs in the entire game thats especially geared towards tearing apart cyborgs and mecha which is arguably his best kit to date once he gets going and pretty much a lot of people use
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bluebeetle · 10 months
Also my pitch to dc comcs
Joey wilson and hartley rathway meet
They bond over being mlm and disabled and knowing asl and music and how their powers deal with bodily autonomy and control.
Joey realises he was groomed (looking st u deathstroke 2016 writers) nd works thru it
Hartley finally remembers White Wally and has to deal with having forgotten his friend bc of cosmic bullshit
Hire me dc
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geekcavepodcast · 1 year
DC Comics Announces New Creative Teams for “Titans,” “Green Lantern,” and “Cyborg”
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As part of “Dawn of DC,” DC Comics has announced the new creative teams and info for Titans, Green Lantern, and Cyborg.
Titans will be helmed by writer Tom Taylor and artist Nicola Scott. With Dark Crisis ending the Justice League, a new team has had to rise up to protect the Earth. That team is the Teen Titans. “Each member joined as a much younger hero certain that one day they’d be invited to join the Justice League. Now they’re not just joining the League...they’re replacing it! Are the no-longer-teen heroes ready for the big leagues? Danger lurks around every corner as Super Heroes and Super-Villains alike challenge the new team before they’ve even begun.” (DC Comcs)
Titans #1 goes on sale on May 16, 2023. Above is Scott’s in-progress cover for Titans #1.
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Green Lantern will be helmed by writer Jeremy Adams and artist Xermánico. After the events of Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths, “the Guardians of Oa at the heart of the Green Lantern Corps have quarantined Sector 2814, home of the planet Earth—and its champion along with it! A heartbreaking defeat has sent Hal reeling, returning home to rediscover his roots…and find the man responsible for ruining his life: Sinestro. At least if he's willing to hot-wire a power ring to do it.” (DC Comics) The debut issue will also feature part one of Phillip Kennedy Johnson and Osvaldo Montos’ John Stewart Green Lantern story.
Green Lantern #1 goes on sale on May 9, 2023. Above is Xermánico’s Character Design for Green Lantern.
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Cyborg will be helmed by writer Morgan Hampton and artist Tom Raney. “When a family emergency brings Cyborg back home to Detroit, Victor Stone surprisingly finds himself enjoying returning to the simpler life—where everybody sees him for who he really is and always was, rather than a larger-than-life superhero. It’s been a while since Vic’s been able to lower his guard and seek a purpose outside of being Cyborg 24/7. But a lot has changed in Detroit while Victor’s been away. An aggressive new company is turning the Motor City into an overclocked engine for revolutionary artificial intelligence...and no one knows better than Cyborg that technological transformation always comes at a steep human price!” (DC Comics) DC Power: A Celebration, on sale on January 31, 2023, will give readers a preview of what is to come in the new Cyborg comic.
Cyborg #1, featuring a main cover (above) by Edwin Galmon, goes on sale on May 16, 2023.
(Images via DC Comics)
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This issue of WORLD’S FINEST COMICS was released after a recent editorial shake-up at DC, one which saw editor Julie schwartz taking over the Batman titles from Jack Schiff. The singular exception was WORLD’S FINEST, which instead was delivered into the hands of Superman editor Mort Weisinger. Which makes sense–Mort’s books were the top-sellers in the line, and Superman comprised one half of the…
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