You belong to me
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Summary: “I don’t care who the fuck he dealt his soul with, Dean Winchester is mine.”
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Warning: Sub Demon!Dean - Dom Demon/Reader, BDSM sex, blood, languages. Dark content.
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+ 2.7k words not proofread.
A/N: Okay, I said I'm not good enough to write this but I said to myself "Fuck you! You have to write it because you love stories, you need to improve yourself." So, @holylulusworld I'm sorry in advance if it's bad. I'll do better next.
The demon!woman who dealt with Dean (S2E22) and talked with Sam (S3E5) is not named, so I had to give her one: Isabel.
From the beginning, I wanted to use I/me/myself, like my character's talking directly to the readers but I changed that. Except for the title and the line in the summary.
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It’s been decades since you’re a fucking souls dealer. Every day and night, answering those stupid living things to make their dreams come true for a period of ten years and collecting your given. You need something new, you deserve something new.
After many researchers, years ago you discovered that souls are the origin of power. Not all, but collecting specifics from a virgin or a serial killer and then once it’s absorbed, you gain strength. It’s very helpful when you want to possess and/or play with humans but a hunter shows up for exorcism you.
Pain in an ass those suckers because they don’t know how much it hurts when they rip out a demon's soul. It’s not fun nor pleasant at all to share a body already occupied and it’s worse when you discover they are believers. But what can you do, huh? None of you has a body anymore and all have job to do. So you wear their filthy skin without complaint because you know what you earn better at this end.
Anyway, souls are the keys to solving your problems. The more you’ll gain, the more powerful you’ll end to become the new king of crossroads. And you know exactly where to collect them.
A bunch of virgins and serial killers. The perfect ones are not easy to find out and they don’t fall from the sky, tho.
Several years later, it’s payday. Time to collect your belongings but lucky you, there’s a cute girl you have to possess to go to work, nothing else. Ugh! That’s funny, in all the years you spend between Earth and the Underworld, you never were a kid. It’ll be kinda fun.
The first soul of the day is Miss Peggy, her dream was to create a school for some kids who were born with handicaps. It’s always hard because of funds and visibility but easy for you. Today she’s famous all around the state and a few nearby.
- “Hello you!” she says when you come into her office and close the door behind you. “Are you lost?”
- “No, I am in the right place.” You say with a velvet sweet voice that surprises you.
- “It’s the time!” she starts to say when she notices your eyes, completely black.
You never present yourself because technically if a human meets a demon twice in their life, they know the second time it’s the same demon because they called you.
She's prepared by writing plenty of letters to say goodbye. You love when the job is clean, fast and there are no unnecessary tears.
You walk toward her and check her soul, still a virgin. Perfect. She bends over you, thinking you have something to say secretly but instead you kiss her cheek and boom, heartattack.
Just for the record, you have already met douchebags who don’t respect the terms of the contract. Some had sex and some decided to stop killing. You hate wasting your time, so you send them hellhounds to rip them apart because they deserve it. Occasionally, you destroy what they've created, just for fun. For the others who respect your rules, you love using lethal deaths like undetected cancer or heart attack.
The sun goes down, you’re now in front of the motel’s room, your weak body hurts but after a fruitful day, you do love eating ice cream. Of course, you are in a human body, a child body precisely and with no coins, maybe if you kill and rob a peadoph….
- “Hello!” Said a young boy to you.
- “Hello.” You reply.
- “I saw you wandering and you look hungry rubbing your belly. Sometimes my dad is busy for several days that he forgets, food and money are not enough for the time he’s out.”
- “I just want ice cream and after that, I will go home. Can you help me?” you ask him.
You spend long hours with this boy who is clearly into you because he never stops to check on his little brother to be sure he is still sleeping, instead obeying the rules of his father to stay in the suite, doors locked. He smiles at you and tries to make you laugh.
You feel that something is weird with him but you can’t tell what is it. Maybe if…
- “I like you. You’re nice and cute.” You say cutting him off and making him blush.
- “Do you think we will see each other again?” He asks with a little touch of sadness in his voice.
- “Why not? The world is big but everything can happen. Do you believe in a soulmate?”
- “I don’t. That’s bullshit for kids.”
- “Smart boy.” You chuckle. “But I really like you and if life makes us see each other again, I don’t want to lose my luck even if it’s only for spending a good time with you.”
- “What do you have in mind?” he asks suspiciously.
- “Don’t worry, it won’t hurt. But you have to keep the secret between us”
- “I’m not sure about that…”
You kiss his lips gently. He literally stops to function even breathing. Meanwhile, you proceed to mark his soul with two basic alchemy symbols, life and death, your favourite. It’s glowing on the skin of his right hand, a spot between the thumb and the forefinger before it disappears.
A voice in the room draws your both attention, he jumps off the table and runs to the room. He looks behind him and waves his hand to sign goodbye. The last thing you hear before the door shuts:
- “Dean! Dean!” whines a high-pitched voice.
- “There! There! Sammy. I’m here.
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You’re not on earth once every ten years because it should be boring like heaven, and with this rate when could you reach your goal? Out of question to wait for Gabriel to blow in his trumpet.
But you are more in Hell, dealing with your responsibilities: torturing souls down there, teaching new demons how to do their works and punishing those who disobey.
On earth it’s funnier, you spend your free time with criminals but they are quickly boring and useless, so you torture them and if they kill each other, you recruit the last one who breathes, to be your servant. And you adore chasing hunters, it’s a good sport.
There’s a board of the most famous and hard hunters to kill. If one of you, demons, without cheating can kill, having their soul, you are promoted.
- “You bitch! Accept that you lose.” Shout out to you, Isabel.
- “You know the rules. This one is mine. You can’t be promoting..’’
- “Listen. He called me to save his brother.”
- “He calls you?” you fake a laugh. “You were closer to him than anyone else, so you keep the call. The mark is not fuckin invisible…”
- “KNOCK IT OFF!” a firm and loud voice breaks yours, follows by the sound of heels echoing at the back of the hall which approaches. A gorgeous woman comes into the light with a cold figure on her face.
- “Dean Winchester’s soul belongs to me. We’re linked since his kid. I don’t care who he dealt with, it could be with the lord Lucifer himself, he’s my fuckin property.” You scream out.
- “I said…” a hand grab the collar of your shirt, twists it and you’ve been thrown off the room, to crash out against a column. “…knock it off! If you keep talking, I’ll make sure your tongue is useful for something less noisy.” Threats Mazikeen.
Two ribs are broken, one pierces the lung which becomes filled with blood making you drown. The vessel is dying, you need another one, so you try to stand on the feet, to go outside. But all the strength of this body, you have no choice but to crawl. Maze overtakes and squats next to you to suggest a freshly dead body not far from here and she adds that you don’t need to worry about Dean Winchester who he’s in good hands, the same who teaches you how to play with souls.
- “He’s with Alastair! Mistress, Can I check on him.” you try hardly to ask, fighting to breathe and not to faint.
- “Firstly, you need to leave this weak flesh, I don’t like to see you in pain.” Says Mazikeen to you while she wipes a trickle of blood out of your mouth. “At the morgue, upon the earth. You’ll like it.”
While you’re leaving the corpse, Mazikeen stands up and stabs her claws into Isabel's chest and whispers something in her ear. And before not being able to see anything else, you see a dark smoke leaving her mouth and flying in the other direction than yours. You love justice.
You knock your head forgetting it’s a small and cold place and the door is locked. You could use your strength to open it but your new wrists are sore and you don’t want to break them or else. You could use your feet to hit the wall, protect your head but rigor mortis. No choice but to wait and work all muscles of this new body at the same time. Thankfully, you’re powerful enough to get out of the fridge after sixty fucking seconds.
The floor is cold too and even if outside the refrigerator is colder, you remember it’s winter and at night with no one in the building there’s no heat on. You are barely naked with this thin dress on. The former host is dead in a pyjama or what?
Outside the building, Jack, your loyal servant, is waiting next to a limousine. He puts some fluffy boots on your feet and wraps you in a warm and fleece long coat. Once in the vehicle, he gives you a glass of alcohol to heat you from inside.
Back in Hell, I require Jack to go to spy on Dean but he hesitates because he knows it’s against the rules to interfere with the business of elders but he doesn’t have a choice to obey.
Alastair feels you, looks at you behind his shoulder with an arrogant smirk on his face while Dean Winchester delights torturing souls.
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This is insane! The years go and even with the billions of people on earth you are still far from your goal. You have to delegate even though you have trust in nobody but they’re loyal so you can work with that. But you need to take a break to release all the stress this job causes you because it’s exhausting and it’s bad for your body.
And for that, you have the perfect solution. A hot and bubbling bath with a fresh glass of wine and your partner in crime on the other side of the bathtub while he massages your feet and smokes a cigar.
- “I can feel that you are on your nerves”
- “I walk all the time, the deals double every year but there are fewer of my favourite, so between the ones I absorb and the percentage I can keep from the ones I have to give to my mistress…” you sigh.
- “It’ll be a century before you could sit on the throne of the King, if you achieve your goal.” Finishes Dean
- “If I achieve them?” you snarl. His cigar falls on the floor because your hand on his throat is ready to steal his last breath. But he looks down at your wet breast, flapping above the water then he moves his hips so that you can feel his erection poking your thigh. He eyes up, licks his bottom lip and you hear a growl deep down his throat.
He removes his arm from the water to reach something on the floor behind himself, it sounds like metals colliding against each other and he presents you a black dog collar with chains on it. You release his neck, tie the necklace around him and jump off the bathtub to be behind him and grip it harder which makes him lift his body on the water and reveals how much he’s excited. He moans and while you release the grip he kisses and bites lightly the inner of your leg, still on the edge of the bathtub.
You pull a handle, hanging next to the bathtub to rinse all soap on your body, once clean you put a bathrobe on, and order Dean to join you in the bedroom who takes a towel and wraps it around his waist.
Dean knows more than well how you look naked but there is one thing that can drive him nuts it’s when you wear a black sheer body with red leather legs garters. You jump on him, snake your legs around him, bite his lips to make him bleed that you lick and kiss him passionately.
He walks back to the bed to sit on it and presses his waist against him. You push and slap him that make him lays on his back but it’s brief, you grab hard his collar behind him to put his body on the top of the bed.
You take handcuffs from your drawer and chain him on the headboard. You go back to him but this time, your ass is on the bed, your legs above his legs and bite your lips excited to play with his lovely joystick under the towel.
You lick the head making flinch your partner, drool to wet it, to simplify when you stroke him. He lightly opens his mouth due to his increased breath and time to time you hear him growl when you suck his sacks or lick his shaft.
Each time you feel he’s about to come, you brutally stop to enjoy watching him struggling because he wants more.
- “Let me cum, bitch.” He finally says.
- “One more time and you could.”
- “Please. Let me cum.” He begs.
- “You know I love when you beg.” you say while you continue to tease him and making him shakes his hips to put his cock deeper in your mouth.
You crawl up to his face, put your breast in his mouth that he sucks and bites your nipples. You hear him beg, he wants you to release him. You kiss him and slide his cock inside of you.
- Fuck! You’re damn tight.
He gives some thrust but you stop him by choking him. You are the only one in control, so you move slowly your hips and then speed up. It’s like he’s bigger in you or your are tighter. Leaning on his chest with your hands you change the move by up and down your hips. Again you feel he’s going to release the load, so you stand up making him angry and say a lot of curse words. But you stop him by kicking in his throat. He growls but he’s half angry half excited. You snap your fingers to make disappear the handcuffs, sit back to him, put back his dick in you and move your hips faster than before. He catches your breast and presses and pulls your nipple with one of his hands, licks your neck and with the other free hand, he plays with your clit. This time is Dean and you, to come together.
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During days you check all rooms that you can, kill every demon and dark creatures who don’t bring a clear answer and never stop to disappoint you.
- “Where’s Isabel? I need to know what she did again with him.” You shout.
- “She’s dead.” reply your new servant.
- “Who killed her?” you ask.
- “Sam Winchester.”
- “Stupid kid.”
- “And Alastair? He must know where he is.”
- “We can’t find him”
- “Do you want to end like the former you, who was incompetent? No? So! Go on earth and come back to me only when you’ll be able to tell me where the fuck is Dean Winchester.”
After he closes the door behind him, Mazikeen steps out of the shadow. She loves to make a such entrance. She’s so tall, majestic and still gorgeous.
She cups your face, kisses softly your lips and before she opens her mouth you knew she’s about to tell you bad news.
- “An angel named Castiel brings him back to life. His soul is back in his mortal flesh.” She says while she wipes your tears.
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Thanks for reading it. Hope you like it. My Masterlists. My SPN Masterlists.
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campsilverleaf · 2 years
death x life except they’re lesbians
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kitsune024 · 1 year
Puss in Boots Fanfiction
The Litany Of Death by BurningBurningBurning
One shots based around the POV of Death the Wolf throughout the ages. Set in chronological order.
Part 1. War, Death, Famine, Pestilence | Chapters: 1/1 |
War after war, I watched. The disgusting dismissal of life over trivial sophistry and barbaric tribalism, all to satiate material greed and yearning. You might think death would revel in his own squalor, but that could not be any further from the truth. On the day of King Arthur's fight with Mordred during the battle of Camlann, Death came for the King.
Part 2. The value of a life | Chapters: 1/1 |
Death may not have gotten his original prize, but the end of Jack Horner? Now that was something worth killing for.
Part 3. Icy Warm End | Chapters: 1/1 |
I come across an aged man with bronze skin sitting cross in a blizzard far from the rest of civilization in nothing but a toga, my first thought is to ask. 'Why, oh why elderly mortal do you seek the cold?' But I end up asking, "Hm, don't you have anything better to do on your last night alive?" Instead.
Part 4. Death Comes For All | Chapters: 1/1 |
Death reunites with an old friend.
Part 5. An Ode to Death | Chapters: 1/1 |
Death is not always followed by blood or hate, in the years following his actions against Puss In Boots and seeing the legendary hero take his last breaths— Death walks on calmer feet, and his whistle is lighter.
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sadclowncentral · 4 months
when i got my medical certificate i very confidently answered the question "what do you do if a person becomes unconscious?" with "remove from the room immediately" only to be met with puzzled silence by the instructor and that's when i learned that the deeply ingrained nautical fear and grim reality of seamen and their rescuers asphyxiating in enclosed spaces due to build up of toxic gas or especially lack of oxygen does not translate to land.
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christadeguchi · 8 days
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(✿◕‿◕) die (ꈍ ꒳ ꈍ✿)
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Ship trope I'd love to see more of: "Are we in love? I mean, yeah, probably, but that's a problem for future us. Right now we're just trying to make it through the Plot."
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noknowshame · 2 years
why is religious Christmas imagery all so joyful and pleasant? where is the inherent horror of the birth of Christ? A mother is handed her newborn child, wailing and innocent. Her hands come away sticky. Red. Simply by giving her son life she has already killed him. He is doomed from the beginning. Her love will not save him from suffering. Because the thing cradled in her arms is not a baby, it is a sacrifice: born amongst the other bleating animals whose blood will one day be spilled in the name of what demands it. the night is silent with anticipation. Mary, did you know? That your womb was also a grave?
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nicecrumbart · 3 months
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Keep thinking about that one scene in secret life
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mimi-maru · 6 months
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I Want To Live (Life and Death)
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cycutmondie · 6 months
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otiksimr · 5 months
Favorite genre of picture, snakes wrapped around bird beaks.
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brucie-baby · 1 month
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the fact that alfred was the one to put up jason's memorial is so important to me
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tariah23 · 7 months
The manga industry, especially JUMP, needs to hurry up and do away with weekly scheduling for mangaka. There needs to better regulations put into place for their health and safety because this is pitiful. Two weeks - monthly updates should’ve already been the standard for the manga industry at this point. These money grabbers will only continue to put the lives of these artists at stake for the sake of capitalism unless some serious changes are implemented.
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everwalldigan · 9 days
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Bruce being a toxic boy mom when it comes to nightwing will never not be funny as fuck he is literally the biggest nightwing defender one bad word against him and the next day he’ll show up at ur house
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hoodedjelly · 2 months
Still Feel by Half Alive
(there is a second of flashing at the start was unsure if i should tag it or not, but this is the warning)
[youtube video link]
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hinamie · 2 months
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#my art#jujutsu kaisen#jjk#yuji itadori#megumi fushiguro#itafushi#fushiita#fanart#jjk fanart#jujutsu kaisen fanart#megumi#yuuji#im shaky and numb the way this took years off my life#genuinely cannot believe i thought it was smart to make it a comic i could have stuck at a painting and it would have been fine#but nooooooo in my hubris i thought Surely im an expert at this longform stuff now Surely i can do it :)#and then it killed me it killed me dead this is like over twice as long as the train comic and 4 times as detailed#backgrounds . angles. i yearn fr death.#AND I HAD 2 WRITE THEM ACTUALLY TALKING GGSDH i am actually so insecure abt the way the dialogue flows gomen....#i wanted to add more to it to fix how clipped and rushed i think it reads#but that would mean drawing more expressions would mean drawing more panels would mean more gd hyDRANGEAS#so ultimately i decided 2 have the conversation take the hit because let me tell u.#if i have to draw. one more blue petal i will snap i will lose it#i knew tht would happen n wanted to alleviate some of the pain so i found a few brushes that helped speed up the process#but the thing w a lot of premade flower brushes is they also come preshaded n look uniform in a way that stands out badly against my style#so i had 2 render over them anyway........#yuuji's domain rly putting me through the wringer first the train station now death by a bajillion petals smh#all that to say tho . my labour of love . i am going to take a nap#hina.comic
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