#deception pass bridge
dinosaurwithablog · 3 months
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I took my second painting class, and I painted Deception Pass Bridge!! I need some more practice, but it looks like the Bridge so I'm very happy 😊 😃 😀 I'm getting there. I think it's time to venture out on my own. I'm taking another paint your dog class in July. I can't wait!! 😍 I really love to paint!!
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orofeaiel · 5 months
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Deception Pass Bridge
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bluebrightly · 2 years
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akayna · 1 month
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Deception Pass, Washington
August 2024
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pytheon · 2 months
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sweet-as-an-angel · 1 year
Miguel’s Reaction to You Calling Him a DILF
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Warnings: Implied Smut, Dominant Miguel, Profanity, Use of ‘Daddy’, Lyla Trying Her Best <3, Fem Reader.
Despite spending every day with Lyla, an absolutely chronically online AI, Miguel knows little in the way of internet jargon.
Thus, this term - DILF - is one he’s never come across before. Namely because Lyla has never seen it fit to implement it into a conversation.
But, when Miguel overheard you calling him your “Favourite DILF; just a gorgeous, scrumptious specimen,” he had to ask Lyla to translate for him.
Miguel swore he could see her eyes widen, her brow stiffen and crease.
“It’s…it’s — uh — well…”
Lyla scratched the back of her head, her stare sloping off to the side — away from Miguel’s cattish stare. Her teeth gritted, a gateway, a preventative measure to ensure your safety and wellbeing. The only barrier between your open secret and miguel’s discovery of it.
“Oh, come on, Lyla,” Miguel crossed his arms over his chest, as if to inhibit the anxiety starting to bloom there. He doubted that you’d ever bad-mouth him, especially given how close the two of you were, but Lyla’s apprehension was starting to spark some doubts. Regardless, he persevered, kept his stare hard and neutral. “It can’t be that bad.”
“It..it means…” Lyla sighed, pinched the bridge of her nose beneath her glasses. She didn’t look up at Miguel, instead finding you in her mind’s eye and cursing you. And wishing the best for your safety.
“Dad I’d like to fuck.”
She came out with it, the words almost poisonous and sour on her tongue as they passed through. And the fact that she’d had to say them to Miguel of all people didn’t help.
At first, Miguel didn’t think he’d heard Lyla correctly, his posture and face remaining unchanged in the fallout of his discovery.
It was only after three seconds passed, four, five, that he truly heard — understood — what Lyla had said.
A warmth bled across Miguel’s face, a creeping blush hidden only by the console’s yellow hue. Without another word, Mifuel turned tail, unfurling his arms, unravelling to his broadest potential. He began his descent, his destination clear as day in his mind’s eye.
Lyla’s’s eyes widened further, almost bulging from her head. She called, stammering: “(Y-Y/N) probably didn’t mean it! Not like that! So-so don’t go too hard on ‘er, okay?”
Miguel searched the entire facility for you, his face a concoction of emotions nobody (save for yourself) had ever seen before, thus making his mood indecipherable to all that were not you.
He eventually found you, isolated, in a room. Practically begging for what was to come next. He slipped inside, closed the door behind him.
You turned and smiled, sensing Miguel’s presence; the impression of authority.
“Hey, Miggy!” you chimed, eyes crescents. You turned back to checking off your stock list, paying little heed to the shadow advancing on you.
“Playing innocent, I see,” Miguel’s voice swooped and glided as the greatest bird of prey does, coming to stand mere centimetres behind you, his warmth at your back; a dark sun.
“I thought you’d be at home, caring for our child.” His hands came to sit on your shoulders, heavy and large. For a second, you were befuddled, believing Miguel to be spinning you a riddle. Then, realisation. Your heart dropped; you knew Miguel could feel it. Oh my God, Lyla.
“We…don’t have a child, Miguel,” you laughed, humourless and breathy. You knew you had to play your cards right. Carefully. Miguel gave a heavy, brief chuckle.
“Not yet,” he squeezed your shoulders, hands slipping down the length of your arms, the feeling of spiders creeping along your skin. “But seeing as you’re so keen on calling me daddy, I see no harm in pretending.”
His lips came to your neck, pressing deceptively soft kisses there. 
You were frozen, though a fire stoked within you. One you couldn’t bring yourself to put out.
“After all, I am your DILF, aren’t I?”
You bit your lip, eyes squeezing shut as Miguel’s hands slid to your waist, pulling your back to his front where you felt something thick and large and bulging against your tailbone.
“A baseless accusation, don’t you think ?”
Your breath shuttered. “I didn’t mean it as a bad thing—“
“It doesn’t matter how you meant it. What matters is it’s inaccurate,” Miguel spoke with a stoic logic you’d seen one too many times. He pulled you to him, tighter, closer, his heart pounding against your back.
“But, luckily for you, I’m in a giving mood. I’m not going to punish you for your little transgression. Instead, I’m going to give you an out.” He descended upon your skin again, nipping it between his blunted teeth, the threat of his fangs in your periphery.
“What…what’s that?” You almost didn’t want to ask, your heart creeping up your throat as if to muffle your words.
Miguel’s hand slipped from your waist, sliding sharp fingers down the expanse of your back, leaving trails of goosebumps. You felt his hand come between where the most prominent part of himself and you connected, his knuckles digging into the small of your back. He ran a hand over himself through his suit, palmed himself. His eye twitched. “You just have to be a good girl and lay down and take whatever I give you until I say we’re done.”
His grip on you tightened. You could feel how dark his gaze had become, weighing heavy on you like a robe.
You said nothing – could say nothing.
“Now, you wanna say that again,” his voice was muffled by your skin, his kisses becoming wetter, languid. He pushed himself against you, taking you by the hips and pulling you so he caught you just right. You spied his eye twitch in the reflection of the filing cabinet across from you as you cracked an eye open, a steady redness overtaking Miguel’s stare, his lips turning up at the corners, revealing his fangs.
“Or are you gonna keep that pretty little mouth shut and make me into a real daddy ?”
Reblog for more content like this! It helps creators like myself tremendously and it is greatly appreciated :-)
Masterlist Masterpost
Yandere Masterlist Juicy Original Content <3
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le marquis et le moineau
Marquis de Gramont x f!reader
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themes: angst, twisted business associates(?) to lovers, dubious morals, the Marquis has his eyes set on you and only you (but you don't know that ofc)
a/n: this bloody Frenchman has been plaguing my thoughts (thanks to a very sinister portrayal by one Bill Skarsgård). Mind you, I still haven't even seen the film John Wick 4, but I'm a fan of the series, and the morsels I've seen of the Marquis have been more than enough to give rise to a new lil fixation.
word count: 932 ▪︎ more of moineau ▪︎ other works
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It started as a little game.
Just some passing fancy between yourself and the Marquis.
Or at least, that was what it was supposed to remain. Only that. A game.
But you should have known better. You should have known that any game played with Marquis Vincent de Gramont may eventually turn deadly.
Your high-risk job at the Continental usually also reaped the highest of rewards.
Tip off the right person and receive a gold coin. Deliver a message, without any bumps or bruises to all parties involved, and your reputation would be given a much-needed boost or two.
This business was danger wrapped in deceit wrapped in glamour. And you knew how to deal the right cards.
Although it seems, things are not as easy when it comes to the Marquis.
Vincent was every bit a menace as his reputation decreed. The Marquis tasked with restoring the authority of the High Table, he was nothing short of cunning and ambitious, prepared to take down any and all those who posed a threat to his objectives.
Dangerous. Deceptive. Glamourous as well, mind you. He was perfectly suited to this world.
He was also brazen, pretentious, snobbish.
And beautiful.
He knew just how to tug at your strings and make you bend. Or at least, he always tried to.
Like he was doing then, in one of the bigger rooms in his palacial estate, wherein only the two of you stood with only a few feet in between.
"What did we agree upon, mon moineau?" His silky accented voice implored.
My sparrow, he called you. The reason for which remained undisclosed to you, not for a lack of trying to wrench it out of him.
Why couldn't he call you something sweeter? Of the more classic French romantic sobriquets?
Chérie, perhaps. Mon amour. Mon coeur.
But no. You were stuck with measly ol' "my sparrow".
Of course, not that it mattered. Perhaps the Marquis reserved his sweeter words for those he actually cared for. At the very least, well-regarded enough to be associated with. Those impossibly beautiful and refined members of European aristocracy that he was so often rumoured to be wining and dining.
Unlike you. Renegade, foul-mouthed vagabond.
You stared up at his pacing figure. "I am fully aware of what we agreed upon, Vincent. What I have done does not breach that. I am perfectly capable - "
His head snapped to you menacingly. "You could have been killed, moineau."
You shrugged. "Consequences. I did not enter this damned line of work without considering the risks. As it goes, getting killed would not exactly be an uncommon occurence."
"Don't jest." He shut his eyes, and pinched the bridge of his nose, in obvious annoyance.
You took a step forward, trying to find his gaze. "And if I were to... pass... so what? Everything would simply go on. The truth is that I'm already a ghost. Doing what I do in our world makes me some kind of spectre. I am already not there."
You knew this. You repeated this to yourself when you woke, and before you went to sleep. It was the only truth you could hold on to.
Until him. Until some buried, twisted part of you began hoping that he would care.
But hope is a dangerous thing.
You continued, as he kept looking away. "You would go on. Perhaps even find a new sparrow to play with."
You felt it. As your words hung in the air, his entire mood shifted. He straightened, and with both hands burrowed in the pockets of his impeccably tailored trousers, his eyes land on you.
He slowly took a step forward, and then another, until his figure loomed over you.
In all your shared moments, you learned to discern the quick switches in his temper and his expression. But not enough, not completely.
The look he was giving you then was impossible to read.
"You think..." His left hand drifted to the hem of your blazer, toying with it. "... that I..." His index finger then drifted upward over your silk shirt, stopping in between your collarbones. His tongue briefly darted out to wet his lips, catching your eye. "... would simply replace you?"
You finally felt his touch on your face, his fingers delicately caressing your jawline.
He made a fleeting tsk tsk sound with his tongue, as if in disapproval.
"I believe you underestimate just how much you matter to me, mon moineau."
You did your best to remain unfazed. This was the game, wasn't it? Whatever you might think it can become, what you hope it can unravel into - set it aside as delusion.
Don't fall.
It's just a game to play.
Don't fall.
You took a deep breath, then smiled sweetly. Mockingly. "What makes you think I would even pay any mind to how much I matter to you? That line of thinking doesn't work for people like us, Marquis."
"People like us," he repeated, amusement furrowing his brow. "Non, mon moineau. There are no other people like us."
He leaned in, eyes not leaving yours, all but eliminating the distance between your faces. You could feel his breath on your skin, could count the faint spotting of freckles around his nose.
You wished to ask him what he wanted, but held back.
No. There was something better to say.
"What are you waiting for?" You managed to voice the words despite your very heart lodged in your throat.
He smiled, proud of his precious sparrow.
"Mon coeur... I've been waiting for you my entire life."
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Ahhh! 🖤 Everybody say thank you Bill Skarsgård and the on-set stylist for the visual treat that is the Marquis.
I'm not even sure if this will find the right crowd - seeing as my lovely followers are of the HotD persuasion. But oh well, I had to get it out of my system.
Could be more of this... idk 🤷‍♀️ Rest assured I haven't forgetten about all my series works, even the ones I haven't started but said I would do...
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If you are open to requests, I would like to request anything with Fae!Hyrule or maybe a feral Fae!Hyrule (follows classic Fae rules, protect your name, don’t thank a Fae, don’t make a deal, etc) , or even a cute fluffy Fae!Hyrule X Reader fic. There just isn’t enough fairy Hyrule, especially X reader fics, they are practically nonexistent. I just read your last post of a fairy/malice Hyrule X reader and am hooked. Your previous work has fed my obsession, thank you 🙏 .
Order up!
Sorry that this ended up taking so long! Just wanted to make sure everything worked out. This unintentionally got really long and i didn’t wanna convolute things as I intend to do. Special thanks to @litrllyvoid who proofread this.
Hope you enjoy~
tw: Dementia loosely described
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Your mother always told you that you were blessed. You’d watch from your little stool as she weaved her fabrics, shuttle passing through the rungs of yarn with precision. Her words were low and hushed, embellishing every word with an air of mystery. You were six months old, she said. The forests were cold and menacing as they still were, and within those woods, she sung. An odd act many of the people now would warn against for the very same reason she did it. The fae. Tricksters of the woods with sharp tongues and sly deals, your mother had them bless you. Now, you see the price. While you never were injured as a child and never fell ill, your mother took the brunt of your illnesses. She sat now in her rocking chair, hands too worn to use her loom as her mind withers. Wrapped in the great blankets she used to weave, she doesn’t remember that she made them. She doesn’t recall who she used to be. You read her books about the fae sometimes and her tall tale is all she ever mentions anymore. The small smile she has is all that’s left of her —truly her— anymore. So, with a book, a green cloak and some payment, you set off into the forest with the hopes of recovering what’s since been lost.
You’ve since grown increasingly thankful for your cloak, the furry lining keeping you blessedly warm as the fog only grows thicker and thicker. The light begins to dwindle from your path despite it only being sometime around noon. The birds are gone now. Their chitters and chortles are replaced by wind whispers and the quiet sway of your breath. You stop at an odd formation of rocks stuck in the ground, crocus and clover flowers blooming around the edge of each rock that forms the circle. Carefully you step in, leaving a velvet bag of silver coins as payment for your intrusion. The air stands still and the humidity increases, each breath uncomfortable.
“Hello there” The voice is as cautious as you feel, and yet clearer than your vision at the moment. You turn to see a thin, scruffy looking boy, brown-blonde waves of hair tousled like a sea of their own. His head is tilted to the side, hazel eyes combing over you carefully. He holds out a hand in expectations. You hesitate as you hand him the bag, especially as his thin lips twitch towards a frown. “I do not want your money” He shakes his head, his nose crinkling at its bridge.
“Wh-“ You turn fully now to face him and he doesn’t feel as scary as the stories paint his kind to be, perhaps that makes them even more terrifying. “Then what do you want?” His lips part to a tight smile, the edges of his teeth showing, you can’t tell from where you stand if they’re pointed.
“Your mother could sing, couldn’t she?” A chill skitters down your spine as his deceptively innocent voice calls. You don’t even dignify him with a response, suddenly feeling unwelcome on the grass you stand. “My mentor actually dealt with it— not me” He chuckles at the end of his words, complimenting them like birdsong does to sunrise. “We love a good song you know” You can’t for the life of you tell what it’s supposed to mean, what he intends behind the simple words. And yet his pointed ears wiggle as he smiles reassuringly, as if you weren’t bargaining over a life.
“That’s the thing-“ You choke over the words, feeling yourself root down to your cause. “She’s unwell because-“ Looking at his curious eyes picking you apart, you feel bad at the sentiments you hold. It feels as if your mind is being mixed, and yet there’s nothing apparently wrong. “Because of the deal. I want to know how to fix it.” You’re unsure exactly of how you managed to keep your voice so even, but the boy in front of you buys into it. He nods in acknowledgement before his lips pursed, his sharp cupid bow shifting.
“An eye for an eye” The wind picks up, ruffling the trees. Suddenly the small boy in front of you no longer feels nearly as harmless. “A life for a life, one must understand.” His eyes close and he sinks in on his feet, speaking so calmly of mortality. Truly because his kind holds so much over it “To save yours, she sacrificed her own. That cannot be easily undone” His words make you sink as well. Nothing to be done. Not even for the ones who’ve done it. “Be not afraid. There is a solution” His smile is back, tight and lacking the warmth of a human. “A life for a life.” He giggles, as if the words were funny “Say you managed to bear me a child- Oh that won’t do. Too cliche. And horribly disrespectful” A freckled hand curls around the base of his chin as he ponders. “Are you unwed?” His eyes glint with a silvery light that you failed to see before. In the pure shock of the moment, you shake your head, shuffling back slightly. “Really? Wow- Sorry. If you are willing to spend the remainder of your life with me, I will save your mother. Only if we are married —wholly married, not simply for the sake of the spell— then will I save your mother. You'll still be able to visit and what not, but you'll live with me, as is proper.” He holds a hand out to you, and your fingers twitch at your side.
“Uh-“ You sip in some of the uncomfortably humid air and feel your head get lighter. An eye for an eye. Your life for hers. She was a good woman, one of unfortunate circumstances. Feeling calloused hand meet your own sealed your fate to something you could only hope to be respectable. The fae aren’t known for breaking deals. Nor are they known for breaking their pacts. Till death do you part, afterall.
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aquasarsstuff · 3 months
Your Choice, Dating sim au
Heartslabyul Route:
Summary: Awakening in a dating simulation, you find yourself immersed in a realm of whimsical fantasy, a stark contrast to the modern world you’re accustomed to. In this alternate universe where you’ve landed, will you navigate towards your fairytale ending or become ensnared in a complex web of deception? The outcome depends on your choice.
A month has passed since you've been whisk away from your home, yet you could still never get accustomed to this new world you were place on. Despite this world matching the sets of historical films and fiction you've read, it has far more advanced technology than your world's pinkie toe, due to the existence of magic. As such a heavy burden was place on your shoulders as one of the children of aristocracy: pretending to have magic. From the hush whispers sent to you by your parents, it was without a doubt that you don't possess magic. Even so, your weekdays are always used to learn more about magic and whatnot to be able to blend with fellow mage.
The setting and the plot of your life screams of familiarity inside your head. It took a few days before it finally click. You were inside one of the dating sim you've played before. There were four main leads or was it the only routes you've only got to finish? You're not sure, but you had all the information you have to survive from your bad ending. You were neither a protagonist nor an antagonist, not even a side character! Just an unseen character use as a bridge to bring romance between the protagonist and love interest in one of the routes.
You brought down the book to your table. Its pages were at least two inch thick, and its width stretches from your wrist to your elbow. You've been staring hollowly at far distance for a few minutes that you didn't notice the discomfort it brings on your skin for putting all of the weight of the book on your lap. You pressed flatly and straighten your outfit. It would not be nice to be seen unkept if there were guest to arrive, invited or not.
What will you do?
Option 1: Get out of the room
Option 2: Escape through the window
Option 3: Stay in the room (Keep reading)
You opted to get a snack, but if one of the servants caught you leaving the room, they might report it to your father, and the last thing you want these days is to get scolded for slacking off. You leaned your back closer to the couch. Its plump cushion being pressed down your weight. The number of materials on the table that is in dire need to be read, rest peacefully. Most of it were still left untouched by you. You did try to read it, for heaven's sake, but its meaning on every page was ancient to you, and it's not because you have a bad reading comprehension. It's due to the fact that you are no magic user. The books were enchanted, but you can't even feel a tinge of its presence under your fingertips, hence you can't make a connection to understand the contents. You can only sigh in frustration and scream internally, otherwise the other people living in the house might think you're getting kidnapped or something.
A boisterous laugh echoed the hall. Finally, the hours of torture will come to an end. You picked the book you were holding earlier and opened it to where you last left it off to create an illusion that you were reading as per orders. The doors to your study room opened in a flash, loud sounds of footsteps hitting the marble floor followed. A man with an orange hair, that reminds you of a carrot you had for breakfast this morning, peek inside the room. A smile as bright as his hair decorated his lips. It was Cater, your personal butler since childhood is what they said, yet you can't find any reason to believe any of those perfect grin. He did get you in trouble for several occasions.
You grip the hard covers of the book firmly in your hand, your nails digging on the thick leather. Something in your mind told you to raise this book to your face, and you did. A click was heard, before he finally stepped out of the doors, a weird gadget in his hand, presumably a camera of some sorts. You gently close the book down, and let it seat on your lap. A particularly large sigh escaped his lips, showing his absolute discontentment.
"What a shame, that shot was so perfect if it only captured your face." He took a glance at the gadget he has, probably looking again at the said photo.
What will you do?
Option 1: Say nothing
Option 2: Be condescending
Option 3: Ask his intentions (Keep reading)
"What are you doing here? Is it the time for dinner?" You still asked him, even though you knew what his arrival meant. What you don't know is why did his obsession for taking pictures was suddenly directed on to you. Nevertheless, this only strengthen your distrust for him. It's probably because of those pictures that he was able to snitch you on to your father. What was his intention? Is it fear? Loyalty? Or something else?
Entering Cater's route: (To be continued)
More options will come out later. Please tell me if you wish me to continue this au. Writing Cater was honestly just fuels my writer block ahahhaha
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silverstrayz · 9 months
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Oh! This one took a while to draw. It's definitely something different as far a design and car type. A fun and more complex look for my favorite bot.
Context, 'From across the room, you admire the dangerous deception that recently switched sides.'
You are sitting at a table with your elbows on the surface, resting your chin in the palms of your hands. Taking short glances you are trying to be subtle and not obvious that you are checking out the features of the new bot recently joining your team. His alt mode is your dream car 'Audi R8' and you are in awe to see one in person.
Being from the country, far from any big cities or places that could bring rich tourists from afar. Living in such an area, nobody could even afford such an expensive car.
You wish he'd just transform back into his alt mode so you could get close up in person look at the car. You've not seen it yet, since he walked in the base through a ground bridge, but it's completely obvious what model car he's taken. Taking another look you begin thinking if it would be rude to ask him to transform.
Meanwhile, KO acknowledges you staring while you are in your own little world. You've slightly zoned out while deep in thought, which is why you are completely unaware that KO has closed the distance between you both. You suddenly jump when you realize you weren't paying attention and notice he's looking down at you. His red eyes make him look threatening, and his intense stare seems to bore into your soul. You feel a twisting in your stomach as his eyes focus on you. He starts to kneel down on one knee and rests his hand on the other. You sit back in your chair in a weak attempt to scoot further away.
KO narrows his eyes and smiles ever so slightly. Then in a low voice he says, " Listen fleshy, it's rude to stare you know?"
You swallow and sheepishly reply, "I'm so sorry, I was lost in thought and didn't even realize I was staring."
His smile grows more sinister, and he replies, "You know, just because I'm on the autobots side doesn't mean you'll be safe around me. I suggest you watch your back carefully when I'm present, cause sometimes, I dissect victims to pass time."
Your whole body quivers and your face goes pale.
KO breaks his intimidating character and begins laughing. Leaving you confused and nervous. He brings his attention back to you. Glancing at the look on your face, he is clearly amused. "Alright human, don't worry it was all a joke. I just thought I'd have some fun before you got to know me and I could no longer pull a scenario like that off. The look on your face was priceless."
Still feeling sick to your stomach from the whole traumatic encounter, you decide to just shyly smile instead of actually replying.
Slowly he stands back up and casually smiles, "I could tell what you were lost in thought thinking about....So to make up for the intimidating introduction, would you like a ride?" After the question he winks at you.
......hope you enjoyed the little story, please don't take or use my artwork or repost on other websites. Thank you.
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vio-starzz · 3 months
Standing atop the plane of existence
A burden passed by generation
The balance of peace,
broken by desire
A road to cross, broken by fear
Instead the bridge
Leading to mind of purity
Cracks embedded in law
The shatter of perfection
Thoughts of despair
The lies of mind
Misleading all known
Broken and shattered
Misshaped to defection
Unable to cross, a broken bridge
The pain of blood
Running along scarred hands
The burdens passed by parents
The words burning like flame
Laughing of deception
A mask to lay ahead
Feelings decayed and left
A flower left to die
Wilting without the sun
A child left to grow
Without the guidance of truth
Broken and buried
Beyond the clouded skies
A sun shielded by defect
The blanket of protection
Memory lost
Scattered without recalls
Lost by time forever
Shielded by the pain
Gone to better places
Dreamed in another
A new life to create
Forming a new leaf
Brought to light
Blooming in sky of eternity
A hope on darkened sky
The nights pass once again
Clouds of rain pour till none
The sun shone bright through day
A new hope
For another day.
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dinosaurwithablog · 4 months
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Even on a cloudy day, the view from the Deception Pass Bridge is fantastic. I can see why it's one of the most visited places in Washington State.
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orofeaiel · 5 months
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Woolly Sunflowers in front of the Deception Pass Bridge
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snowywolf1005 · 15 days
I decided to watch my old show, cause of new transformer movie.
But let start the story.
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I don't know what year took place, but I'll put 2010.
You're Jake, little sister.
You're 5 years old.
Love to draw.
You first saw the autobot team, optimus prime.
You hang out with them.
You don't have their guardian autobots.
So bumblebee and Raf take you home because you'll fall off when you're one jack ride.
You can't go on adventure with them cause you're too small.
You're kinda sad, like everyone forgot about you, even June, your mom doesn't let you go on adventure.
You thought you would be lonely.
But not in till, when your school decides to go on camp.
You think everyone will be happy cause you're so annoying.
Then you decided to go on a walk by yourself without anyone noticing.
That was where you found a big cave, you decided to go in there cause yeah.
As you go down the cave, you see this gaint shadow appear in front of you.
And it's a predacons.
There's 6 of them.
Then you become friends with them, you gave them each name.
Lapis- transform an actic wolf with wings.
Color- blue and white
Amethyst- transforms Great Leonopteryx from Avatar.
Color- red and pruple.
Lily - transform a greenland wolf.
Color- red and orange
Rose- transform dragon.
Color- pruple and black.
Bluebell- transform a mountain lion.
Color - orange and yellow.
Iris - transform a grey wolf.
Color- grey blue and white.
You hang out with them much.
You didn't tell anyone about the cave and meet the predacons.
You found out that lapis can make Concussive roar: lapis has a loud, powerful roar that sends blue rings to knock down/destroy structures.
Portal Creation: Lapis roar can also open up green and blue portals (like the ground bridge), connecting two non-adjacent areas.
So you guys can go whatever you want to go.
They take you to their hideout.
They eat deception, energons, or energon cube.
They listen to you.
Follow where you go.
Play with them.
Teach them about earth, where you live, and show them your family.
Talk about your family and how you feel left behind.
They understand you, and you understand them, but you can tell their body language and their emotions.
Well, lapis is your best friend, they are.
You just like predacons' wishaper.
But when you have to leave the camp, lapis will pick you up.
Then your family noticed how you were acting different.
They saw your drawing of different people.
You draw your friends all lot, and they still wonder who might be.
Optimus, notice your drawing of the simple of the predacons sign.
He knew something was up.
Not until when Megatron found full pack of Energon cube where at your friends hideout is.
Optimus and his team decided to take the eneregon.
They were stopped by 6 predacons.
So, you ordered your friends to attack the deceptions and protect your family.
They did so, but Megatron wanted to capture them even though he thought they never listened to his order, so he wanted to capture you.
And optimus wants to speak to you, and everyone wants to speak to you.
Oh boy... you're in trouble.
But you guys talk, and they agreed to pay attention to you.
You didn't want that.
You have friends who pay attention to you.
A few days pass.
Agent fowler said the predacons are allowed to stay.
Your friends and family get along each.
Then Bumblebee has a crush on lapis (I'll be writing Bumblebee x prediction reader lapis)
You meet your future self.
Then Megatron kidnapped you as an excrement, but you've been saved.
You have a lot of adventures.
You order your predacons if whenever you're sick or hurt, they have to follow optimus orders. early.
Your predictions don't speak cause they're shy, but they work it out.
You meet new autobots friends.
You met the rescue bots with bumblebee and lapis.
But that is when optimus and his team have to leave Earth.
Bumblebee got his voice back.
Then you say goodbye to them, but you know you'll meet again.
Years pass without autobots, but your friend predacons decided to stay here because this is their home.
You and your predacons discover there's more predacons on earth.
When you turn 8, you see starscream.
He said he wants you something that is very dangerous, but you refuse.
So, lapis attack starscream, then you lost your left arm.
You head to the hospital, and you were given a robot left arm that can shoot out Lazer beam like optimus and his team has.
You train a lot, fighting, disguise.
The predacons you found were under in the gaint cave.
So you took care of them, you discover more and more about them and study them a lot.
You use the journal to write about them and give them names.
But you still wonder if you remember optimus said that predacons used to live cybertron.
But how did they get here? How did they find Earth? How did they get to earth? So many you thinking.
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I'll make the year 2017
Now you're 13 years old, you did travel a lot.
You sometimes visit the old base that we're destroyed by Megatron.
You miss the old times.
You make your own suit like Iron Man movie.
You make some weapons.
You keep searching more predacons if their alive.
That is where you and your friend predacons meet Bumblebee and optimus.
You're so happy to see them.
You found out bumblebee has a team.
You explained to them what just happened and how you lost your arm.
They're were mad at starscream but happy that you're okay.
Then you meet the rescue bot again.
You actually went to time and met your younger self.
You're happy to see your family again.
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pytheon · 2 years
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perfectsunlight · 1 year
[𝟎𝟒] 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠
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𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: 𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐞
𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬: 𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐓𝐎𝐎 𝐖𝐄𝐋𝐋
𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 | 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭
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the atmosphere in the courtroom was tense as yujin took her place on the stand, her heart pounding in her chest. the divorce hearing between her and wonyoung was already a mess, but then the prosecution brought out the accusations of infidelity. yujin knew the truth, but admitting it meant unraveling a web of emotions and secrets she had carefully hidden.
her gaze shifted to her soon-to-be ex-wife, whose eyes held a mixture of anger and hurt. the actress could see the pain etched on her face, a reflection of the shattered trust and broken promises. the weight of her guilt intensified, and she knew she couldn't escape the consequences of her actions. nevertheless, she knew that she still had to do something. 
“did you know hwang y/n prior to your marriage with your wife?” wonyoung’s lawyer asked, arms folded across his chest as he stared at her intently. her palms were sweaty, gripping her knees as she sat on the witness stand. this was it. it was time to face the music, no matter how badly she didn’t want to hear it.
yet, when her turn came to defend herself, yujin couldn't bring herself to admit the truth. she still denied the affair with you, despite the gnawing guilt eating away at her conscience. 
“yes. we went to highschool together, had a few classes together. but it was nothing more than that. i was already dating wonyoung back in high school.” she answered, not technically fully lying, but also not being fully honest either. the court didn’t need to know that. they only needed to see that she loved her wife.
yujin loved wonyoung, but she knew that the evidence was stacked against her. 
wonyoung’s eyes burned with accusation and determination. she stared at the woman she once loved, who was once again lying on oath about her own adultery. ahn yujin was an outstanding liar, but jang wonyoung was an outstanding lawyer. she was going to get the truth out of her lover, no matter how long it took.
“okay. did you or did you not remain in contact with hwang y/n after graduation?” wonyoung’s lawyer asked again, the man’s lips pressed into a thin line. even he knew that yujin was lying, but he just needed to make her expose herself. 
yujin shook her head, knuckles white as she gripped her knees. “no. we never talked outside of class, we were just acquaintances. i occasionally saw her at award shows and we would exchange greetings, but it was nothing more than that.”
the man pushed the glasses up on the bridge of his nose before continuing with another question. “those photos of her were found in your camera bag. why were they there?”
the brunette sighed deeply before answering. “she had a crush on me for the longest time. it was more like an obsession than a crush. those were pictures she sent me right after i graduated high school. they aren’t recent.”
the memories of her relationship with the blonde flooded her mind. you two had shared a connection that transcended something beyond a “friendship.” but the fear of losing everything, including her reputation and the marriage she had built with wonyoung, had forced her to deny the truth once again.
as the proceedings continued, yujin felt a heavy burden settle on her shoulders. the weight of her deception grew unbearable, suffocating her with each passing moment. the damage was irreparable, and the foundation of trust she had built with wonyoung was crumbling beneath the weight of deceit.
then it was time for the testimony of the witness. the judge on the stand motioned for the doors to open, and yujin’s eyes darted to the door, searching for a lifeline, a reason to hold onto the façade she had created.
the tension in the courtroom reached its peak as you were called to the witness stand. ahn yujin's heart sank further, fearing what truths her former lover would reveal. the journalists and others in the room began murmuring to themselves, making the judge hit the gavel to bring order to the court.
the actress couldn't bear to meet your gaze. she knew you would recount the relationship, painting a vivid picture of their affair that would leave no room for doubt. however, some part of her was silently praying and pleading for you to defend her. 
yujin knew you loved her, you always had. there was still a slim chance you would lie on her behalf.
you sat down, facing wonyoung’s lawyer. technically, you had been summoned by the court to testify in defense of yujin. but you would do no such thing. 
“do you, y/n hwang, solemnly and sincerely swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?” the clerk asked, making you raise your right hand to swear in.
with your right hand raised, you took a deep breath before speaking. “i do.”
you could feel all the eyes in the room on your figure, and even though it was a feeling you were used to as an artist, you couldn’t help but feel that this time it was a bit different. this time you felt like a caged animal in a zoo.
but for the first time since meeting yujin, you knew this was your chance to finally free yourself from this cage.
wonyoung’s lawyer approached you, clearing his throat before asking you a question. “you and yujin went to high school together, correct?” you gave the man a curt nod. “yes, sir.” 
his black hair fell over his eyes for a moment as he looked down at his clipboard before his gaze met yours once more. “when you first met ahn yujin, was she dating wonyoung already?” 
for a brief moment, a flicker of a memory from all those years ago came to your mind. the day you first met yujin was a memory that once made you smile. except, now it only brought you to anger and disappointment. 
“no, sir.” 
yujin felt her heart stop. this was it, the beginning of the end. you were going to expose everything, weren’t you? and there was nothing she could do to stop it. her head hung as she gripped her fists in her lap. you were about to put a knife through the body of lies she had created so perfectly.
wonyoung’s lawyer nodded before following up with another question. “yujin denied knowing you as more than someone in your classes. could you please tell the court how you two met?”
you poked the inside of your jaw, gaze flickering to yujin’s hung head before looking back at the man in front of you.
“where should i start?”
you first met yujin your sophomore year in first period algebra. 
the bell rang overhead, different students walking into the classroom and taking their seats. the tall brunette took a seat next to you, with a sequin smile that made your heart skip a beat. she was a beautiful girl, you knew that much. last year you had seen her in your freshman english course, but you never spoke to her since you sat on opposite sides of the room. you didn’t even know her name, either.
“i guess we’re going to be partners for the year.” she said with a chuckle. her shoulder nudged you gently and you could only mirror the smile on her face. “it seems so.” you replied softly.
class went on as usual, the teacher already teaching a full lesson on the first day of class. in the middle of your note taking, you saw yujin’s finger sliding a small piece of paper towards you.
wanna go to a party later?
you let out a quiet huff of amusement before scribbling a response on it and sliding it towards her. 
i don’t even know your name.
yujin smirked as she wrote a response back, eyes glancing at the teacher to make sure she wasn’t going to get caught.
i’m yujin. wanna go to a party with me later?
a smile crept onto your lips as your gaze flickered to hers. her dark eyes glimmered with a look of mischief that somehow made you feel drawn to her. you slid the paper back again after writing a reply.
you don’t even know my name. how can i trust you?
yujin bit her lower lip to stifle a laugh, quickly looking across the room again to make sure the teacher’s eyes weren’t on hers before she slid her written response.
you can trust me. what’s your name, pretty girl?
you rolled your eyes playfully at the response, narrowing your eyes at the girl next to you who was smirking still. your pen slid across the paper, and you gave her a smile as the bell rang for class to end.
yujin watched you pack your things and leave the room quickly, making her scoff lightly. her eyes glanced down at the note you two had been passing and a smile crept onto her face once more.
i’m y/n. xxx-xxx-xxxx.
yujin’s baggy vintage tee flowed in the wind as she rode her motorcycle, turning the corner to your street. the moonlight casted shadows that danced in the midnight wind as she saw you standing on your porch. 
she smiled and motioned with her head for you to come hop on. “come on, pretty girl. we’re going to be late.”
“you don’t wear a helmet? that’s dangerous, and i don’t think it’s very trustworth of you.” you teased as you walked closer to her, smiling and raising an eyebrow. 
the girl on the bike simply reached into the compartment behind her and pulled out a helmet and handed it to you with that sequin smile. “i’m letting you wear it, and i think that is very trustworthy of me.”
you couldn't help but laugh as you put it on, shaking your head as you slid it on and hopped on the back of yujin’s bike. your arms snaked around her waist as yujin drove, the nighttime air feeling cool against your skin. 
once you got to the party, yujin helped you off the bike. your high heels stepped on the cobblestone pathway that led up to the house. the music was loud enough to be heard from the outside, people lingered on the patio and the front porch as you and yujin made your way inside.
the taller girl held the door open for you, and your eyes immediately met those of your best friend.
a grin appeared on your face as you saw the other girl run up to you and give you a hug. “y/n you came?!” she shouted over the music, feeling your chest vibrate as you laughed.
“yeah! yujin asked me to come.” you answered, still smiling as she pulled away to raise an eyebrow at you, glancing between you and yujin. “don’t start inez, we’re just friends.” you warned playfully, earning a snicker from yujin who was behind you. inez laughed as she shoved you playfully before dragging you by the hand. 
“okay, well then grab your friend and come dance with me!” inez shouted as she laughed, and you could only grab onto yujin’s hand and pull her away with you.
as you and yujin joined inez on the dance floor, the pulsating beats filled the air, engulfing you in a wave of energy. the three of you danced and laughed together, losing yourselves in the rhythm of the music and the feeling of the moment. 
yujin's laughter echoed in your ears, and you found yourself captivated by her contagious enthusiasm. then, suddenly yujin’s hands were on your waist as she whispered into your ear. 
“do you trust me?” she hushed, the closeness making her sound louder than the music in that moment. you turned your head and raised an eyebrow at her. “no.” a laugh escaped your lips as you looked at her.
the taller girl raised an eyebrow back at you, mirroring your smile. “you gave me your address and your number in one day, and yet you still don’t trust me?”
your eyes rolled playfully. “touché.” 
ahn yujin felt her heart flutter at the sight of your smile, and she whispered into your ear again. “wanna get out of here?” 
your eyes met hers once more, and you couldn’t help but feel your cheeks heat up for a small moment. logically, you knew this wasn’t exactly a smart idea. you had only met this girl today, but for some reason you felt like you could trust her. her presence was magnetic, slowly drawing you in with every passing moment.
you gave inez a quick wave before letting yujin pull you towards the front door. inez gave you an eyebrow raise, but you just gave her a reassuring wink before disappearing into the other room.
inez would definitely start talking about you and yujin at the party together, but you knew most people didn’t take inez’s gossip seriously. 
once you and yujin hopped back onto her bike, she drove off in a direction on the outskirts of the city by the beach. upon arrival, you two got off of the bike and walked under moonlight in the sand. the sounds of the ocean meeting the shore at this hour was comforting. 
you gripped the cardigan around your body tighter, the chilly ocean breeze felt a little too cold for your liking at this hour of the night. the taller girl turned her head and looked at you as you walked side by side.
“tell me something you’ve never told anyone else before.” she asked, hands in her pockets as she walked.
you smiled at her, watching as her hair blew over her face. your head looked to the sand beneath you as you hummed in thought. “in 7th grade, i kissed my best friend in the hallway and the next day i got put in detention for it.”
yujin couldn’t help but laugh at you. “did he snitch on you because you were a bad kisser?” 
“she snitched on me because she was a fake friend.” you corrected, rolling your eyes playfully at the tall brunette.
her eyebrows raised in surprise. “i don’t believe you. i think you’re a bad kisser, and you secretly don’t want anyone to find out.”
you scoffed lightly and playfully glared at her. “i’m sure you’d love to find that out for yourself, wouldn’t you?” 
“and what if i did?” she shot back quickly, slowly coming to a halt as she turned to face you fully.
you couldn’t help but keep smiling at her. yujin was witty, and you liked that. you liked that a lot. “i don’t kiss strangers, yujin.”
yujin’s jaw dropped but she quickly turned it into a smug smile. “you know my name, that doesn’t make me a stranger.” the sound of the midnight sea creating a comfortable ambience that surrounded the two of you.
“i don’t know you, that’s what makes you a stranger.”
the taller girl hummed in agreement, nodding slowly as she thought about something for a moment before speaking to you again.
“get to know me then.” 
your bare feet turned to face her fully, raising an eyebrow as you moved your heels into your other hand. when you two had first gotten here, you took them off because you didn’t want to walk in the sand with heels. you raised an eyebrow at the taller girl, scoffing a little.
“why would i do that?” your answer was laced with a tone of lightheartedness.
yujin only smiled at you. “because i want to get to know you.”
as the night went on, you discovered more about yujin beyond the classroom setting. she shared stories, dreams, and aspirations, allowing you a glimpse into her world. it was a night of forging a bond, one that surpassed mere acquaintances and delved into the realm of genuine friendship. 
perhaps there was something more to this connection, something that could potentially grow into a deeper connection than just friendship. 
when you are young, they assume you know nothing. except in that moment, you found yourself knowing one simple thing: you would forever remember this night, all too well.
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𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓: @silantryoo @neuftaeng @regaiis @jisooftme @skisk1 @pandamiswifey @bzeus28 @jiihu @jeindall777 @yacii @jiwoneiric @cooldazetidalwave @chaersly @sunasami @nkahydnxo @shashatonin @lea-pg @wonyoluvr @urfriendlylocalidiot @writingficsblog @yoontoonwhs @aurumness @pandafuriosa60 @solwanq @lizseos @yourlittlecherry @aloneinacity @luv4tzu @onecalm-anon @sewiouslyz @li0ilthecxnt @awkwardtoafault @kikelikesmc @1r3n31ty @mitangiieee
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