#deflecting feelings...he's just like me fr
kaymarie-bell · 2 years
Diasomnia Book, Chapter 2 Translations [7, 22]
as always, my own translation. I am learning as I go, I do this out of love for the game. There will be mistakes.
Summary: Day of the party. The older Heartslabyul members say their farewells. Cater is *so* not avoiding feelings right now.
Diasomnia Dorm – Lounge
Saturday night
Lilia: Hello everyone, thank you all for coming to the “Lilia Vanrouge’s Farewell Party” today
Lilia: It’s been two and a half years since I entered Night Raven College
Lilia: The time I spent here was filled with days full of youth
Lilia: Today it’s my treat. Eat, talk, and make a fuss!
*clapping and cheering voices*
Cater: He-yo, Lilia-chan!
Cater: Cay-kun and Riddle-kun didn’t really want to show up empty handed so…
Cater: *Riddle voice* “Isn’t okay if it disappears during the party?”
Cater: So I had Trey-kun make a cake!
Lilia: Oh, Cater. Trey. Also Riddle. I’m glad you’re here.
Trey: I was in the same class as Lilia only after becoming third years
Trey: Your stories were always interesting.
Trey: Since we’re both vice-leaders, and I was able to consult and rely on you...
Trey:…I wanted us to graduate with together.
Lilia: I was the one who always enjoyed talking to Trey
Lilia: As a food lover, I was able to exchange opinions, and there were also many things to discover.
Trey: I was always surprised by Lilia’s unique recipes…haha…
Lilia: I am going to give the various sweets I learned to bake from Trey to the neighbors as a way of saying hello to them.
Trey: Oh, I see-…Please follow the recipe. And be careful about the measurements and temperature.
Cater: Lilia-chan!
Cater: I wanted to do a light music club graduation concert with Lilia after our internships…
Cater: And this is what you were planning?
Cater: I can’t believe that we’re going to say goodbye all of a sudden.
Cater: Well…It’s only natural that each meeting has its farewell.
Cater: But I still feel lonely.
Lilia: Cater, we’ve been together in the light music club since we were first years.
Lilia: Frustrating practices…members leaving one after another due to differences in musicality…
Lilia: Amid all that, only the two of us who are gentle boys remained.
Cater: That’s right. Since it can’t be helped, why don’t we have a session together?
Cater: I was so surprised when Lilia-chan started playing hardcore metal with a 5-string bass!
Lilia: Hahah. My heavy sound and your pop together…
Lilia: We created such an unique sound
Lilia: I still find it strange how nobody came to scout us to an entertainment company.
Lilia: The second year, Kalim, who plays the folk instruments, joined the rhythm team…
Cater: Ha ha! It was really chaotic in the beginning, but it was really fun.
Cater:…Lilia-chan, thank you for being my friend during these two and a half years. I’ll cherish the pictures we took together.
Cater: So, let’s take one last photo! Take a pic with me!
Cater & Lilia: *pose together* yay~!
*camera shutter*
Cater: #LightMusicClub3rdYears #FirstGenGentleBoys #BFF
Cater: …Post completed!
Riddle: Lilia-senpai
Riddle: Once again…thank you for your help during the interdormitory magift competition.
Riddle: I’m sure it would’ve been difficult for us to settle the matter on our own.
Lilia: What are you saying Riddle?
Lilia: It was only thanks to Heartslabyul’s Leader that we were able to resolve it without endangering the Diasomnia students or the audience.
Lilia: I will thank you again on behalf of Malleus.
Riddle: From here on, I will speak personally
Riddle: I belong to the same equestrian club as Sebek and Silver
Lilia: Of course I know that.
Riddle: They’ve always said, “we are what we are now only because of Lilia-senpai’s guidance.”
Riddle: If I had the chance, I would’ve liked to be taught equestrian skills by this senior…
Riddle: I’m very disappointed.
Lilia: Ha ha ha! They’re always exaggerating. Don’t take it seriously.
Lilia: I hope you will continue to hone your skills alongside Silver and Sebek.
Riddle: Of course. Lilia-senpai, please take care of yourself.
Trey: Be careful not to get hurt or sick.
Cater: Stay healthy even if you’re far away! Get in touch through magicam any time~
Lilia: Yeah. You too.
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lovrre · 2 months
-All’s fair in love and war
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Prt1. Jacaerys velaryon x fem black Targaryen
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Word count: 2k
Summary: Daughter of Daemon, twin to Baela, you always felt like an outsider, too much like your father yet somehow simultaneously not enough. You thought you had no place until Jacaerys, years later, and a injured wrist brings you back to where you truly belong.
Warnings: maybe a curse word, lots of Angst, slow burn,probably some other stuff…
Author note: this will be a series, don’t worry I won’t take forever. (I’ll try) there will be smut in the later parts, a little she fell first her fell harder and ofc yearning touch deprived Jacaerys 🫦
From a young age, you could sense the rift between you and your twin sister Baela. Despite sharing the same womb, your differences were stark. She and Rhaena shared a bond that you could never quite penetrate. It was not their doing, but rather your own fiery spirit that kept you at a distance. Your mother's gentle nature was reflected in them, while you inherited your father's boldness. Though your mother's love was unwavering, you couldn't shake the feeling that a part of her resented your wild ways. Your father's favoritism of you only widened the gap between you and your sister as you grew older.
After your mother's passing, all your unpleasant behaviors seemed to amplify. You became withdrawn, even as a child. harboring anger towards the world and all within it. It felt like you could never live up to anyone's standards. unintentionally Chaos and drama seemed to follow you wherever you went. As you matured, you chose solitude, spending most days flying on your dragon, immersed in books, or reluctantly sparring with your father. With the looming threat of war, you were made to train relentlessly, often multiple times a day. Your father pushed you to practice at odd hours, in the dead of night and early morning. Over time, your body wearied from the constant exertion.
“Again“ Daemon's demand echoed as you swiftly advanced, sword aimed at his exposed chest plate. In a flash, he deflected your strike, the clash of steel ringing out. The force caused you to almost drop your sword, he was not holding back. "Again!" he roared, lunging forward to meet your blade once more. As you staggered back, your wrist throbbing from the impact, your father's eyes gleamed with sadistic excitement. determination etched on your face. Your father's blade comes down towards you, but you manage to defend against it, the sound of iron scraping filling the room. 
With all your might, you push him away stumbling back, a sharp pain shot through your wrist, a soundless crack signaling the injury. With a loud clatter of your sword falling to the ground."I am finished," you declare, with an unreadable expression on your face, as you begin removing your armor.
Daemon's gaze hardened at the sound of your sword falling to the ground. "You are finished when I say you are," he commands, pointing his sword at your discarded one. "Pick it up." "Even if I attempted, I wouldn't be able to," you reply, continuing to remove your armor swiftly and carefully. "I am finished for the day," you state, dropping the last piece of armor as you head towards the exit. Your father calls out for you but you ignore him. "Go pester Baela and Rhaena with your training," you mutter angrily, rubbing just below your wrist as you make your way to your room.
“What is the matter” your sister asked worried as you rushed through the hall to your room holding your wrist. tears welling in your eyes involuntarily due to the pain. “Nothing,” you say attempting to walk past her She blocked your path, stepping in front of you to inspect your hand.  "I can see that something troubles you. Let me assist-" Baela began, reaching out to you. "I have no need of your aid!" you shouted, pulling away from her touch before continuing to your room. The words hung heavy in the air as regret washed over you remembering the look of hurt and shock on her face. Jacaerys observed from afar before he made his way towards Baela to provide solace.
"I only-" she began, then let out a weary sigh.
"I know," Jacaerys murmured, giving her arm a reassuring squeeze. "She becomes more unbearable with each passing moment," he grumbled. “I shall speak to her," he declared, feeling a simmering aggravation building up inside him. "Do not," Baela implored. "I do not desire further conflict," she added. 
“It is fine, Jacaerys,” Baela insisted, noticing the lingering frustration on his face. “I am alright,” she said with a comforting smile. “I will leave it,” he replied with a forced smile. “Thank you,” Baela said before turning away, leaving Jacaerys in the corridor, his mind still troubled by the encounter. He made his way to your chambers.
As he approached the entrance to your chamber, the sound of your agonized cry reverberated through the corridors. Startled, he rushed inside to find you collapsed on the ground, surrounded by your gown as you writhed in pain and sorrow, too engrossed in your torment to acknowledge his presence. Never before had he seen you weep, not even in your youth; until this moment, he believed you incapable of shedding tears. "I shall fetch your father," Jacaerys offered, turning to leave. "No!" you cried out, vehemently shaking your head. "Do not send for my father," you insisted, tears shimmering on your cheeks. "I am merely overreacting," you declared, attempting to stand before sinking back down. Jacaerys promptly rushed to your side, lifting you up by your waist.
"What has happened?" He inquired, his brow furrowed as he gazed upon your condition. You look physically pained, your usually glowing skin now dull, your eyes weak. “I was sparring with my father," you gasped, trying to maintain composure in your voice.  The pain was unlike anything you had ever felt before throbbing relentlessly throughout your arm."My hand took a blow, but that is all." you muttered, disoriented as you recoiled from Jacaerys' touch. "I am unharmed," you declared, rising to your feet unaided. He remained close behind, ready to catch you should you stumble once more. "You do not appear well," he noted, brushing a strand of hair off your forehead, damp with sweat.
Your handmaiden entered the room, her face filled with alarm as she took in the sight before her. "She has injured herself," Jacaerys interjected on your behalf, dropping his hand. "I am well Naera," you insisted, your eyelids growing heavy. "You are not," he countered, his gaze fixed on you. "Bring a splint and bandages," he ordered the handmaiden, prompting her to hasten out of the room. “ I think it is broken” hemumbled examining your arm.
"Jacaerys," you muttered, catching his attention. "Do not tell my father," you managed before succumbing to the pain. Jacaerys was there to catch you as you fell into his arms, your head falling into the crook of his neck. Jacaerys carefully laid you on your bed, marveling at your beauty even in your unconscious state. It had been a long time since he had been in such close proximity to you. You had grown so much, he wondered if you had noticed his own newfound maturity. After ensuring that your arm was properly splinted and a wet rag was on your forehead, he prepared to depart. "I can take it from here," Naera declared, assuming control of the task. Jacaerys nodded, but hesitated, his gaze fixed on you as you slept. "Do not trouble yourself with informing Daemon, I will handle it," Naera stated calmly. "She mentioned that-"
  "I am aware," she confirmed with a nod. "Though Veerah is prone to fever, she will need a healer," Naera said as she wrung out another rag to place on your chest. Jacaerys nodded in understanding. "I will take the responsibility when she asks," Naera said with a reassuring smile. "I am grateful for that," Jacaerys replied with a slight smile before turning to depart. "She may not admit it, but she does enjoy company," Naera stated. "Her exterior is hard but her heart is soft," she added with a smile. Jacaerys nodded in understanding before taking his leave.
That night, as Jacaerys retired to his chambers, your memory consumed his thoughts in a way he had never experienced before. He found himself dwelling on the comfort of your presence in his arms, and the scent of you was like a revelation, awakening a desire he never knew existed. The sound of his name on your lips echoed in his mind, stirring emotions he had long forgotten. It had been years since they had exchanged more than a few words, and Jacaerys realized how much he longed for your company. Seeing this new vulnerable side of you sparked a curiosity within him, leaving him to wonder what other secrets you held
“Again!” you command with a chuckle as young Jacaerys pointed his wooden sword at you. He rushed towards you and you parried his attack, causing your wooden swords to clash. You step back and swing, knocking his sword out of his hand. "I've won, yet again," you declare proudly. "I let you win," young Jacaerys grumbled as he retrieved his sword. "Well then, you should let me lose some time," you jest. "You're the only girl I know who enjoys playing knights," Jacaerys remarks as he sits back on a large rock. "Is that strange?" you inquire uncertainly, joining him on the rock. Jacaerys shakes his head in disagreement. "I don't think so," he replies. "My mother once told me that she went on a hunt, something people say only men do," Jacaerys says, playing with his sword at his side. "I hope one day I can hunt too," you say, gazing into the distance. "We can hunt together," Jacaerys suggests, hopping off the rock and playfully hitting the sword by your side in hopes of provoking a fight. You laugh at his actions. "Try to win this time."
“How many more stones?" young Jacaerys panted, dropping an armful into the pile. "need help?" you chuckle as you place another rock onto the small castle foundation you two were building. "Not at all, I was just curious," he quipped. "Though in my head, I did not expect this to take so many days," Young Jacaerys stated, wiping dirt on his clothes. "Two days is not so many," you reply, placing down another rock. "My father said hard work breeds good results, and we want to build a great empire," you say, wiping the dirt from your hands.  “We could ask Baela and Rhaena to help” young Jacaerys suggested with a smile. You shake your head in disagreement, “they wouldn’t not like this play, too much dirt” you state looking down at your dirt covered hands. “Is that why you play with me?” Jacaerys inquired with a smile. “Yes, and you are useful when I need help with heavier stones” you joke causing the two of you to laugh. 
“We should construct a bridge for the people to cross," Jacaerys proposed. "Indeed! And we shall station guards at the entrance," you chimed in enthusiastically. “Though that means more work,” you say looking over at Jacaerys. “I believe we can do it,” Jacaerys says with a smile. The two of you took turns laying the foundation of your fortress and sent the other to gather the necessary Materials.
After an hour, you both stepped back to admire your progress. A stone hut made of mud and rocks stood before you, nearly complete. "Tomorrow we shall address the roof," you declared, brushing dirt from your hands onto your gown. "We must christen our realm," Jacaerys declared, eyeing the unfinished castle surrounded by picked flowers. "The Kingdom of Drangea," he announced. "Drangea?" you questioned. "Like dragon?" you inquired, puzzled. "No, like hydrangea, your favorite flower," he clarified, watching for your reaction. You appreciate the gesture but still shrugged.
 "I like it, but the Kingdom of Dragons sounds more formidable, a name befitting a ruthless empire." 
"What about Drangea, Kingdom of Dragons?" Jacaerys proposed. "That is a name befitting of a realm," you concurred, selecting a small, jagged stone. With a piece of timber that had been halved, you etched the name onto it. "It is now official," you declared, stepping back to admire it. "If this is our kingdom, then I am the king and you are the queen," Jacaerys proclaimed. Your heart raced in your chest, "I suppose," you replied with a hesitant smile. Sensing your uncertainty, young Jacaerys amended, "The king and queen do not need to be wed -" Jacaerys started, but you cut him off. "We lack crowns," you reassured him with a smile. "The king and queen must have a crown," you furrowed your brow, "tomorrow” Jacaerys stated with a smile. 
Seated by the window, a book in hand, your wrist tightly bound in a splint, your eyes gazed outside, lost in thought. For three days, you had been confined to your chamber, sipping on herbal soup and engrossed in a tale of a woman's demise from infection, It was not a very uplifting read. Jacaerys and your sisters attempted to visit, but you dismissed them. "He's not there," Naera's voice resonated as she brought in another bowl of soup. "He's out riding."
"I have no words for you," you replied, turning away to look out the window. "I would rather face your anger than see you fall to fever," she argued. “Where have you been? You know he forbade me to ride?" you questioned, feeling a surge of anger. “He has worked me to the point of exhaustion, shattered my wrist, and then casted me off to die like a horse with a broken leg” you huff. "Could you even mount in your current state?" Naera inquired. "Think of Luke," she proposed.
"That was a unique circumstance," you declared solemnly. "Completely different. Luke was murdered," you affirmed. "Others have ridden in worse conditions safely. We are in the midst of a war, and I cannot ride a dragon," you grumbled, staring out the window.
"I believe your sister Rhaena shares similar sentiments,” she remarked, placing your bowl down. Your brow furrowed in confusion. "Whose side are you on?" you asked, puzzled.
"Yours, always," Naera replied, settling on your futon. "I just worry about how others perceive you," she explained.
“Why?” you questioned, walking over to your bookcase. “They pay me no mind,” you stated, swapping one book for another.
“How can you be sure, when you barely interact with them?” Naera prodded.
"If you're here to lecture me, you can leave. My father has already done so," you retorted aggravated pointing towards the door.
"I apologize," Naera sighed. "I only want what's best for you," she added, fiddling with a book on your futon. "On a brighter note, Jacaerys seemed quite eager to follow your instruction."
"Did he?" You asked, feigning disinterest. "Yes, and he lingered a while after you passed out Naera replied. 
Later that evening You lay in bed, gazing up at the ceiling, unable to find rest due to the agony in your arm and the relentless thoughts swirling in your mind. No matter how hard you tried to push away the worry, it lingered every night, leaving you feeling utterly helpless. To be maimed in the midst of a war was the last thing you desired. Although you were not entirely incapacitated, it felt as though you were. You were forced to remain idle while your kin risked their lives for a cause you would willingly sacrifice yourself for. Their names would be immortalized in history, while you could only watch, all because your father had worked you like a beast for a war you could no longer partake in.
Naera had recounted tales of a mysterious healer, a witch of sorts, who dwelled in her former village. Whispers of her miraculous abilities to ward off death and bless the land with abundance had reached you. If she could breathe life into withered crops, perhaps she could mend your shattered arm, or at the very least, alleviate the pain enough for you to wield a sword once more. It was a reckless gamble, but one you were willing to take.
You rose from your bed and donned the simplest of garments, a difficult task for one who takes such pride in their attire. Gathering a handful of coins hidden beneath the floorboards, you hesitated before opting to take the entire pouch. Pulling up the hood of your shawl, you exited your chambers. Stealthily and silently, you navigated through the manse. As you traversed a corridor, the sound of approaching footsteps caught your attention. Hastily, you turned and slipped into a doorway, inadvertently knocking over a small metal statue with your foot. Cursing under your breath, you pressed your body against the door, hoping to remain unseen. "Who there?" Jacaerys's voice echoed down the hall.
You remained motionless, barely drawing breath, your heart pounding in your chest. You listened as his heavy footsteps drew nearer and nearer. Only catching a glimpse of the back of his head, you observed as Jacaerys strode down the corridor in search of the source of the disturbance. He cast one final glance before turning and exiting the hall. You remained still for a time, ensuring it was safe. Once you were certain he had departed, you ventured to the cave where your dragon lay. Taking hold of a torch that lit your path as you made your way to your beast.
you creeped forward beckoning for her, "Qamar," you whispered, rousing her from her slumber at the sound of your voice. "Qamar, it is Veerah," you called out once more. You heard her emit two loud huffs, lifting her weary head as she approached the torchlight. "Awake," you stated before her large blue nostrils became visible in the light's haze as she sniffed the air. "I have missed you," you confess with a smile, caressing her face with the same tenderness and compassion you had shown her when she was just a youngling.
Y/n?" Jacaerys called out from behind you, causing your heart to sink. "You followed me?" You questioned angrily turning to face him. "Rightfully so it seems, you are not planning to ride?" he asked looking over your shoulder at your Dragon. "And if I am?" you challenged. "If you were, I would tell you that it is a certain path to demise," Jacaerys retorted seriously, moving closer. "my actions do not concern you," you declared, pulling off your hood. Even in the dim light, Jacaerys couldn't help but notice how beautiful you were. 
"Where are you going?" Jacaerys inquired as you circled the dragon, with him following closely behind.  "Once again, that is none of your concern," you stated, tightening the saddle straps on Qamar. "I will not let you to leave," Jacaerys declared as he watched you attempt to mount your dragon
"You do not let me to do anything," you State before your hand was overcome with a searing pain, causing you to lose your grip on the reins. Fortunately, you fell into Jacaerys' arms, his chest heaving with concern as he gently lowered you to the ground. You open your mouth to speak but he beats you to it. 
"How much further do you think you'll get?" Jacaerys interjected, his voice a blend of concern and frustration. 
“I do no-“
"How much further do you think you'll get in the dead of night with a broken wrist and no one to aid you?" Jacaerys questioned, his eyes filled with a seriousness that you had never witnessed before, and it suited him well. 
“Far, I reckon ” you jest, provoking a surge of anger in Jacaerys. “I am serious y/n, Do you seek death?” He inquired sternly, his eyes fixed on you. “You cannot deter me, I have made my decision,” you say meeting his gaze with unwavering determination. “I will not stand by as you all risk your lives.” you state. “What of your life?” Jacaerys asked, “Am I to sit Idly by as you risk your own?”
“Yes, you are, you are to watch as you have always. do not feign friendship now Jacaerys," you pause. "My affairs are my own, they do not concern you," you state before checking the security of the saddle once more. 
"I will inform your father," Jacaerys states gravely, causing you to turn and look at him in disbelief. "You would not dare," you challenge. "Oh, but I would," Jacaerys states firmly a smile playing on his lips. "Or I can assist you," he offers. "I do not require your assistance” You bluntly reply. "Those are your choices" he reminds.
Seated on the cold stone floor of your unfinished castle, you meticulously added leaves to the crown in your hands. The crowns, one for you and one for Jacaerys had been your labor since morning. Your fingers ached with fatigue as you continued to weave, but the image of his smile spurred you on. You hoped that by the time you finished, you would have gathered enough courage to correctly express your feelings to Jacaerys. Your mother had often read to you tales of young love and innocent crushes where rejection was inconsequential in the world of children's books. You hoped for real life to mirror those stories. Expressing emotions, even pain, was a challenge for you, it always left you feeling exposed and vulnerable. As you secured the final stem beneath the others, you raised your weary head to gaze at the sky, now painted in hues of orange. Time had slipped away from you, and you had anticipated Jacaerys's arrival by now. Yet, he had not shown up, leaving you alone with the completed crowns of flowers and leaves. you debated venturing out to search for him. Yet, there was a part of you that was certain he would come, so you decided to wait.
You remained in that unfinished castle until the sun disappeared beyond the horizon. The darkness enveloped the outside world, and only then did you rise, brushing the dirt and grime off your dress. The woven crowns remained tightly clutched in your hand as tears threatened to spill from your eyes. Wiping them away, you left the stone hut and made your way through the corridor of the home, your mind racing with reasons for his absence. "Veerah!" Naera's voice called out to you. She was younger than at the age of ten and five. her sympathetic eyes looking down at you covered in dirt. "What's wrong?" she asked, wiping the dirt from your cheeks with her thumb. "I'm fine," you replied, pushing her hand away. "Have you seen Jacaerys?" you questioned, causing Naera to tense. "Did something happen to him?" you asked worried, making Naera shake her head. "No, Jacaerys is fine," she assured, instantly bringing a smile back to your face "Where is he then?" you asked trying to contain your excitement as you squeezed the woven crowns in your hands.
 “He is in the drawing room,” Naera says with a sad smile gesturing to the door. You smile completely unaware approaching the door. You push it open slightly to see, young Jacaerys standing with his chest up, wooden sword pointed to the ceiling. “I will save you my queen” he announced Charging forward. Causing your sister Baela to fall back with a giggle, in her perfect princess dress “You have to get through me first!”  your little sister Rhaena declared pretending to blow fire from her mouth. Young Jacaerys pretends to slay her with his wooden sword causing your Baela to run into his arms. “Thank you, brave knight,” she says leaving him a kiss on his cheek. In this story, Jacaerys was a knight, Baela a princess, and Rhaena a dragon. And what were you? Nothing, the fool. 
Never in your life before had you felt so embarrassed, embarrassed that you believed even for a moment someone would pick you. Dropping the crowns on the floor you left and never spoke of it again. Never again did you acknowledge you and Jacaerys past friendship, you barely acknowledge him. You spent the next six years focusing on yourself and yourself only.
You both sat in the back of a carriage, facing each other, packed like stowaways as the carriage jolted along the rough path. "You appear improved, how are you feeling?" Etwa asked, looking at you. "Do not feel pressured to speak," you said bluntly, attempting to silence him. “you are the only person I know who remains in a perpetual state of unhappy" Jacaerys declared, gazing at you with a perplexed expression. "Then you have not encountered enough people," you retorted plainly, resuming your silence. focusing on the sound of the creaking carriage wheels on the road. 
"I did not inform your father, if that is why…," Jacaerys commented, attempting to break the silence. “I was made aware,” you declare with a tight lipped smile. The silence did not last long as he resumed speaking. “However… if your health were to not improve I might have considered-”
"Are you always so?" you asked, irritation rising within you. "So what?" Jacaerys inquired, puzzled. "Annoying," you stated bluntly. He surrendered, releasing a sigh and reclining back against the wall, clasping his hands in his lap. The moment he ceased speaking, you secretly hoped he would continue. Yet, you also enjoyed the sight of defeat in his expression. You were unwell, and you were aware of it. Your interactions with Jacaerys felt like a constant struggle within yourself, even when you meant to speak kindly, only harsh words escaped your lips.
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slamsuckingslut · 2 months
willne and y/n being good friends, where shes been in his videos a couple times before and people always do edits of them and lowkey ship them⭐️
and everybody thinks theyre dating but theyre all like "no guys😣!!" but they actually are down bad for eachother
thanks bestie!☺️
Omg this is a cute idea. i fw cutesy shit like this heavy anon. I'm gonna assume fem reader cause u said she, so she it will be.
WillNE x fem!reader
No details abt y/n, just that she is girl and has been on Wills channel and has one of her own.
Potential title;
what the fans want, the fans get.(its me, im fans.)
Anytime Will posted a video and y/n was in it, it would get more views than the ones with James, or if y/n posted featuring Will. And mainly because the comments.
lord the comments.
"omg they'd literally be the best power couple on youtube"
"bro fr rizzed her up"
Will and y/n never directly responded to comments, unless one made a joke to the other about them, making the other blush slightly. Or if James decided to make a joke, which would make both of them incredibly flustered as they immediately deflected it.
"what? Me and her/him would never work, dating her/him would be a bloody nightmare."
"Will(or)Y/n? Seriously? Nah, I don't think that'd work.."
Are just a few of the usual responses to either of them would give if asked about the comments, or if a joke happened to be made.
But privately, it wasn't so much of a joke. Will would make it seem like he couldn't stand dating her, but really that's all he wanted. And y/n seemed to think Will genuinely didn't want her, but she most definitely wanted him.
The way she'd stare at him when he spoke, or did anything really, would make Will's heart skip a beat.
The way Will would offer to help her with things or get things higher up for her gave her butterflies, especially if he reached around her.
Basically the tension was thick enough to cut with a knife, and the fans definitely noticed more and more in the videos of the two together.
And like the fans they are, would comment on every single little interaction and blow up the videos by just shipping them.
Today was no different, y/n being at Will's as they talk over ideas for videos and hang out, and boy are the comments from the fans relentless.
"Y'know, Will, I think the fans want us to get together. Wouldn't it be funny if we did a joke video of us going on a date or something? Just to mess with them?"
Will immediately blushed but hid by turning away slightly and letting out a laugh as he nodded, he managed to get himself under control and not blush.. but his cheeks were still definitely pink at the idea of taking her on a date, even as a joke.
"Ah yeah, that'd be well fun, eh? Get to take a pretty girl like you out and mess with those morons."
Now it's y/ns turn to blush as she stares at him and smiles a bit, letting out a little laugh. She nods a bit and stares at him, crossing her arms over her chest.
"But just as a joke.. right? Wouldn't want to over indulge them, right?"
Will seemed to think for a second at that as he stared at her, not really knowing what to say. He could either reject the girl he's been wanting for ages or make a fool of himself if she didn't want him.
She stared at him as she waited for a response, hoping he'd say for real, but also hoping that'd he'd play it off as a joke just so it doesn't get awkward.. but it's already awkward as they silently stare at eachother.
"I uhm-.. I mean if you want it to be a real date, I'd take you on one.. but surely you wouldn't, don't wanna over indulge the fans, eh?"
Will managed to say, feeling like his heart had broken his ribcage then dropped into his stomach as he stared at her. He managed a smile and a small chuckle as he ignored how sweaty his palms felt.
Y/n on the other hand, was freaking out. Her stomach twisting and doing flips as she tried to fight the growing warmth on her cheeks as she stared at him.
"I wouldn't mind a real date.. If you were serious."
She said as she stared at him, ignoring the lump in her throat as she bites the inside of her cheek, staring at him hopefully as she hopes he was serious, and not just messing with her.
He nearly died. He was absolutely giddy with excitement as she confirmed she'd go on a real date with him. Shit. She wants to go on a date with him. His stomach does flips as he stares at her and smiles widely.
"Obviously I'd take you on a real date, y/n. But we definitely shouldn't over indulge the fans, they might all explode, the morons.."
He said as he got closer to her, seeming like he wanted to touch her somehow, but didn't want to overstep.
She stared at him as she smiled, her cheeks flushing a light red as she looked at him and stood right in front of him and glanced at his lips.
"I'll go on the date if I get a kiss. Gotta know that you're serious, y'know?"
She said as she shrugged and stared up at him expectantly, grinning slightly.
He smiled but froze, staring at her for a second. He sneakily wiped his hands on his pants, de-sweaty-ing his hands before he gently cupped her cheeks.
He hesitantly leaned in, pressing a soft and gentle kiss to her lips she could pull away from anytime. But he hoped she wouldn't and that she was serious.
And boy was she serious. She gently put her hands on his jaw, kissing him back as she smiled.
Eventually they both pulled away, staring at eachother and smiling like idiots, which they were idiots for not getting together sooner.
"So, where we goin for that date Lovely?"
"Hm, I dunno.. Surprise me, but not somewhere super fancy, somewhere simple."
He smiled, nodding as he heard her request for a simple date. He stared at her for a moment before kissing her again, to which she happily kissed him back, hugging him tightly.
It has been months since they'd been dating, and finally decided to tell the fans. Using y/ns original idea of a fake date, but it just being a real date that will could write off as a business expense. Which got millions of views, and loads of comments.
"Omg they're so cute together I can't-"
"lil bro actually rizzed her up"
Despite it being an even split between doubtful comments and comments being overly excited they got together, they eventually decided to confirm it to the fans a few weeks later..
To which so many of them freaked out, in a happy way. Tweets, posts, comments, and all of the above from fans freaking out over their favorite ship finally being confirmed.
Bro this was so silly goofy to write, i love it smsm.
also to the anon or multiple that keep requesting willne, i will continue to feed u trust 🙏 love u
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xoxoavenger · 1 year
hi! I wanted to make an ask for charles xavier x reader but if you don't want or you can't write it, feel free to ignore. :)
basically, the reader is a friend of charles and also a mutant but never really used their powers, and the first time they used was to save him (in the cuba incident). idk more what to write, i just want to know his reaction to being saved and seeing the reveal of readers powers.
oh, and your writing is absolutely amazing!! 💕💕
thank you so much!! this is sorta short but definitely sweet also I don't have the streaming services that First Class is on so it's not completely accurate but its close
Come Through
pairing: Young!Charles Xavier x Fem!Reader
word count: 775
warnings: cannon typical violence and injuries also completely changing canon like the true fanfic writer I am
"I told you to stay away!"
"And I told you that you don't make my decisions for me!"
"Oh, you're right, I'm so sorry for caring about your safety!"
"You treat me like-like I'm some glass ball!" 
"Oh my God." Alex groans, looking up at the sky. "Not this again." 
"Do they normally do this?" Moira asks, eyes flitting between the two. They continued their argument as though it was the most normal thing to do at this moment.
"Yes," Hank starts, crawling out of the wreckage. "Though never after our jet has fallen from the sky."  Suddenly, the two have stopped fighting, which causes everyone to turn to them. Y/N and Charles are staring across the ocean, eyes wide in fear. 
"Oh shit," Charles mutters as he stares at the missiles heading in their direction. Y/N grabs Charles' hand, and he squeezes it back tightly. Was this it? Was this the end? Suddenly, they all stop in their tracks. Everyone stares as Erik put his hand up, venom pulsing in his eyes. 
"Erik," Y/N whispers as she sees them all turn in sync. She knows what he's planning, knows that if he does this there's no coming back from it. Mutants will be murdered on sight; there would be a war.
"You don't have to do this, Erik," Charles' hand slips out of Y/N's as she turns to watch him walk toward Erik. Her heart is racing with anxiety and adrenaline.
"Yes. I. Do." As he says it Moira starts firing, every bullet taking more of Erik's focus to deflect, causing a few missiles to fall into the water. Y/N's heart starts to race as time seems to slow for her, head spinning as she realizes something very, very bad is about to happen. 
It flashes before her eyes, the image of Charles being shot, him falling to the ground unmoving. She's barely out of it before she's tackling Charles to the ground, feeling the bullet skim her side but miss Charles completely as they hit the sand. She can't even begin to comprehend what she just did.
The missiles fall as she screams, Erik's attention completely diverting to her. She lets out a wince of pain as Charles immediately flipped over, holding Y/N in his lap and moving his hand to find her wound. It doesn't take long, her letting out a scream as he brushes over it. 
"What have you done?" He yells at Erik, who stared wide eyed at the blood beginning to stain her blue suit. He feels sick at the sight.
"I'm fine," She muttered, a small smile on her face despite the searing ache running across her left side. 
"This is your fault!" Erik yells as he begins to stalk toward Moira, who had dropped the gun and was covering her mouth. 
"No! I didn't mean to," Moira is reeling, guilt clawing at her even though she hadn't been aiming at Y/N.
"Don't even think about it," Hank stops him, raising his eyebrows in threat. 
"How did you know?" Charles asks, and before Y/N can even think about lying his eyes are widening. "Your powers." He mutters, smile on his face only because Y/N was beginning to get up, meaning she wasn't as hurt as he feared. The two were completely oblivious of the others around them.
"I don't know how to control it." She groans as he helps her up, the pair not quite sure how they're going to get off this island. It seems Erik and his friends - including Raven, Charles notes with a lurch of his heart - have teleported off the island. 
"I can help." He tells her, letting her thread her fingers with his. Her arm was around his neck, his around her waist. "I could have helped." 
"It came through when I needed it to." She looks up at him, and he pauses as his eyes flicked to her lips. He was about to lean in as he watched her close her eyes, head tilted up, but then she was flinching away. Charles felt the hurt of rejection run through his body before she let out a hiss of pain and he looked down.
"Sorry, I'm sorry." Hank was kneeling at her side, putting a piece of fabric over her wound. "To stop the bleeding." He looked up at the two, took in Charles' face, and he opened his mouth in shock. 
"Thank you, Hank." Y/N muttered, feeling her face heat up.
"I'm so sorry." He got up and moved away quickly, and Charles chuckled slightly, only feeling a bit awkward. 
"Where were we?" Y/N said, her forwardness surprising Charles. He stared at her, only hesitating one second before putting his lips on hers. 
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moonshynecybin · 9 months
#he really does cut people out cold shoulder them with no discussion huh.... fascinating man......#invisible transgressions remembered forever at arms length#he is. i think. pathologically nonconfrontational. idk even with the sepang stuff.#like he doesnt look at marc AT ALL only performs to the press. same with argentina he sends uccio.... <- *eye* have a theory that vale on his factory settings is actually quite a desperate people-pleaser. not necessarily in a "i need others to approve of me" way (though that too) but in a "i need for others to cheer for me" (to try and explain what i mean better, he's not doing anything just to get the approval but he wants to feel approved/supported for whatever he's doing. different catalysts for action, same need). that's why he can play the crowd so well. and sepang - i think it was genuinely a protracted breakdown caused by vale realizing he's not superhuman anymore and his lead slipping and compounded by the anniversary of the worst loss he's suffered in his life
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post about graziano here, jorge confrontation here
like the thing about vale is. well we dont personally know him. so outside of stuff people close to him tell us, we only see the side of him he wants to show the press, which is still him, just more of a performance, i think. its already been discussed AT LENGTHHH that he loves to do this sort of performance and is just. generally very good at being a celebrity. and i think its an extension of his PR deftness that when jorge comes at him he just laughs and looks at his audience. he ropes them into a private joke, like can you believe this guy? which jorge (who takes to confrontation like a duck to water) HATES so bad. its a very effective deflection tactic. fr the easiest way to seem like the bad guy is to treat an argument like it is worthy of your attention. so he meep-meep roadrunner court jesters his way through off track conflict for the majority of his career. and yes he makes enemies and they tell US that he is being cold and prickly and treating them differently. but crucially. he does not seem anything other than a Chill Dude in front of the cameras. until well. sepang lol.
so yes! i think he is invested in controlling these narratives and good at it to boot. but!!!! where it gets crazy is when you get to the personal arenas. like the people he loves that he is actually invested in. where his feelings are on the line fr.
like for other (professional) conflicts he gets over it!! but not with his dad and not with marc. and part of the marc stuff is the ego involved (theyre having a GOAT-off) and the professional stakes, as ive discussed. BUT. i think he doesnt get over these two because. well. because they really really hurt his feelings, i think. like he's said in the past that he's been able to get over the rivalries he has with other racers (like biaggi) bc they WERENT friends before so he didnt gaf when it got nasty. but. he still. REALLY cares with marc. (and of course with his parents divorce. like yeah that makes sense) so i actually think its very telling that he isnt over sepang. and that he didnt look at marc at all whenever they had their epic divorce moments (sepang press conference, postrace argentina 2018) rosquez would be less real if he could just move on lol. like it is a divorce to them both for REAL. so vale is going to handle it the same way he did with his parents and quietly cut marc out while making it. VERY clear. that marc is no longer one of the people that he holds within the select bubble that gets to see vale without all of his press trappings.
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WHATISUPEVERYBODY you know it wasn’t my intention to watch literally one episode every two weeks but here we are i guess ITS TIME FOR ANOTHER KNOX REACTS TODAY ITS MONKIE KID SEASON 5 EPISODE 4 LESGET IIIIIT
The ssssstorm within, alright, alright, something to do with Mk and blowing up maybe? who knows, perhaps we shall find out MWAHAHA! Well, i mean obviously we’ll find out we’re watching the episode—listen i just woke up i can’t be held responsible for my incoherent ramblings LETS MOVE ON
Face in hands bro i miss flying Bark. BRUTAL DUDE (gotta say it at least once every episode sorry bois :pensive_emoji:)
Sniffs, just plow straight through the underbrush its fine—
Monkey King and Mei face down… okay…. this is…. a very fun frame i will admit…. who wants matching icons—/j/jj/
scratches head. okay so we’re just using sandy yelling as a gag now… cool cool cool okay sure sure, not like Sandy never raising his voice made the emotional beat of him yelling when contention happened devastating and startling. I guess the whole overwhelming Mk with WE GOT THIS!! talk would be an inevitable one, it always worked before. I mean, except for during the season 2 special. And… any other time hype up hasn’t really… worked… Listen I’m just overanalyzing probably but some of the choices in this season with the characters just feels off to me. Ngl with every episode I watch, the less it feels like monkie kid to me. The last one wasn’t so bad, and hey, we’re only a minute 25 into this one so that might change but that’s my gut reaction right now. Makes me a bit sad! I’ve been watching Dragons Rising (ninjago) with my buddy and been having the time of my life, the animation is gorgeous and it feels like the new peeps really understand the characters and its honestly so much fun, and then I’m kinda sitting here with monkie kid and puzzle pieces that don’t really fit and I’m not sure what to do with it! I know like, it’s the same writers but it just does not feel like it to me. Could be how rushed they always are, they’re doing their best, like—oNCE AGAIN TO BE CLEAR, when I criticize anything or say it feels off, this is NOT me saying bad writers bad people bad bad bad, I’m just saying how it feels to me! It feels almost like they’re trying to bring the comedic lightness of season 1 back but like… it feels kinda plastic and wrong! WORDS FAIL ME, PLS DON’T QOUTE ME I DON’T KNOW WHAT I’M TALKING ABOUT LETS MOVE ON
the kneeling down is kinda cute good for them
Sandy hype man!
Is he just trying to get them all out of there so Mk can have some breathing roomGML;SMADF Cause otherwise splitting up is a terrible idea
Special Sandy training!!!
Mk smashing rocks together, okay that was cute h;LGKAJWOEF
Sandy so excited about meditation
I FEEL LIKE MK COMPLAINS A LOT MORE THAN USUAL. Why is he so whiny?? Was he this whiny before? Am i losing my mind???? I’ve never wanted Mk to talk less before what is going on
The crackity cracks are backity back
….me fr pretend to meditate so true==
Storm within that’s funny
Just got led to it np that’s funny
Mk’s opening secret access swishy gold thing is fun
Bro’s really assaulting a rock
Owaaaa big ol turtle…. with cracks!
Ah yes meditation, who could have seen this coming
I know he’s complaining as a deflection but :T man Mk whining so much is getting old really fast. Like its for the gag and you could say its for the deflection but MAN. Every four seconds he’s got his whiny voice on, bro?? I’m hoping they get all the humour they want out of that gag in this episode :(
Bro literally has to face his trauma to save his friend what the heck turtle that’s so rude—
OKAY WHAT IS THE BEST WAY TO WATCH THIS? I’ve tried two separate types of headphones (one stolen from my brother) a friend’s tv and just my computer’s speakers and the audio volume difference in the voices vs the music is STILL jarring. Like???? I have it turned up so much just to HEAR the voices and TRY to understand them and then the music kicks in and its bLARING and AGGRESSIVE and NOT IN A CINEMATIC WAY. dear gods its like they made monkie kid as unfriendly to watch as possible for me what is going on I’M TRYING TO ENJOY MY MONKIE SHOW STOP JARRING ME OUT OF IT [SHAKES LEGO UNTIL THEY FALL TO PIECES] I’M TRYING TO ENJOY MK HAVING TO FACE HIS TRAUMA SOMETHING I’VE HIGH KEY WANTED TO WATCH SINCE SEASON 1 WAILS
Acknowledging the “okay, i want to push that away, but i’m not going to” is really neat i like that
Hello disembodied voice
Okay, i may not be vibin with the audio, the animation, or the jokes in this ep, but my GODS does Ashe know how to write brutal dialogue. The reason Mk being so afraid of his monkey powers is because he likes it?? Oh yeah, I’m down with that i am SO down for that, I have been clawing at that concept for AGES, I am SO DOWN
So who’s going to be trying to control mk this season? Snake guy?? Newbie?? The choosing yourself and making your own path is really heavy handed so far hL;GJKASDF
Sandy’s advice?? GOD TIER. We love that. I love actual good advice in cartoons thank you
Conversations with self!!! OHHH OHH I LIKE THE EXHALE
Sandy’s trigger word is Worthy huh he dont’ like thatLKGMA;OWEFWHEEZE
nah we are so glad Mk has Sandy here actually that is so good I’VE BEEN WANTING SANDY MOMENTS FOR SO LONG AND WE GOTTEM THANK YOUUUUUUUUUU like, the rest of what i said still stands but the emotional beats still hit really nicely and I’m very grateful we still have that!
Yeah that car is gonna get smashed by mei or pigsy and tang yeah yup there we go
oH WOW-oh nvm there it goes
well ! Wonder what mei found! That felt like a little bit of a clunky ending bit for some reason i can’t explain but! Big fan of the Sandy and Mk content I love them, totally deserved, been wanting Sandy talk like that for AAAAGES BLESS
Okayokay, always ending on positive note so lets go over one more time: Mk’s talk with himself? BANGER. Once he got talking, I really liked the dialogue and I really liked the vibe of the whole thing, Loved his exhale, loved the admittance of that all being part of him and that he chooses to work on other parts of him that is AWESOME and super cool to see depicted the way it was all cinematic and cool we love that. Love diving into a little bit of the complexities of our man Sandy! Love him opening up a bit to Mk so he can see he’s not alone in his struggles! That Sandy’s got something like that too and he’s still one of the most wonderful kind people Mk knows! The people who Mk has surrounding him are all exactly what he needs and that’s really cool!!! Ough okay welp, maybe I will be thinking about Sandy and Mk’s dyname for the rest of all time RAAAAAAA I REALLY enjoyed how they wrote them there.
Thanks for reading! Sorry I’m still a bit all over the place with my reactions, i feel like I keep repeating the same things but by GOSH the audio is THROWING ME. But yeah that was a nice way of addressing some of Mk’s trauma, even if it was only for like three minutes, its well done and I enjoyed it! very excited to see they can still nail those emotional bits. HOPE Y’ALL HAVE A SPECTACULAR DAY AND GOOD VIBES HUNT YOU DOWN RELENTLESSLY. KNOX OUT
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macabrecravings · 11 months
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Feelings I Can’t Peg Down
Pairing: Julie Crawford/Leland McKinney Fandom: Texas Chainsaw Massacre Game Summary: Study sessions were a weekly occurrence in their friend group. Every Friday, they’d get together and prepare before the weekend. As the quarter dragged on, schedules got muddled and people began flaking out. Without the others to keep them on track, Leland and Julie get distracted. Their regular study session ends up taking a turn after searching for school supplies inside her closet. Who knew, that discovering a shoebox in Julie’s closet would end up awakening something inside of him, too? Warnings: NSFW!! Very explicit/graphic smut.
A/N: HELLO JULAND FANS I'm here to feed you!!! Finally <3 Sorry to make the first fic on ao3 straight up porn but... I'm totally down to write a chapter 2 (& more stories about them) if y'all like this (*/ω\*) Fr just leave a comment & It'll probably motivate me for the next week HFJHGHGH
Words: 7.3k
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“How do you feel?” She asked, tilting her head and resting her cheek on his chest. She continued to stare up at him with her bright eyes.
“I've never felt so good in my life.”
“Oh my God.” Julie tittered, rolling her eyes with a big grin on her face. She hid her flushed face by burying it in his chest.
“I'm being serious.”
“Sure, Leland.” It was clear she was laughing and joking around, but he really did feel that way. He laughed, and the movement got her to look at him again. He stared at her lips, longing to kiss them again.
Julie brushed a thumb across his cheek, and he piped up again. “I think you're the most beautiful girl I know.”
Julie let out a gasping breath, muttering to him. “I think… you're crazy.” She deflected his compliment with another laugh, but his words still took her breath away. The noise sent shockwaves through Leland, reminding him where he was.
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Read on AO3
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word-wytch · 10 months
My thoughts on Flight of Icarus (so far!)
I finally got my hands on the book yesterday and also had time to read which hasn’t happened in a very hot minute.
These are just my first impressions, commentary, and takeaways from chapters 1-9.
More will come, but I am realizing that I have so much to say that I need to break it up ✨
I will start off by saying that I was skeptical, as all of us were, when this book was announced. Prior to reading it, I had been steering clear of spoilers and others’ reactions just so that I could go in completely unbiased and with an open mind and heart.
Within the first 10 pages, I was crying. Like, openly weeping. Something about Eddie talking first person about his childhood experiences and confirming what so many of us suspected hit me so suddenly. I was not prepared for the swell of emotions that bubbled over as a result of not only that, but reading his name printed on a real, hard bound book when I've only ever read it from a screen was something else as well. Something about it being officially licensed by ST and providing us with some concrete backstory (if we choose to take it) for so many things that we've been only speculating on for the last year and a half.
These are a few snippets that really had me going:
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Anyway, I'm broken.
Onto the writing --
I genuinely think what I've read so far has been incredibly well-written. The first person narration sounds so much like Eddie, as does the dialogue. The insights and ways he describes things cleverly but also with that touch of dark humor that he deflects with so often is very present. I do feel like I'm stepping into his curly noggin and viewing the world through his bambi eyes. It's such a treat.
Also, I have noticed her using many words that he frequently uses in his limited dialogue on the show in her narration, the main one I can think of right now being "not exactly". It's touches like these that let me know how closely she's paying attention.
I am also impressed with the general quality of prose, how she seamlessly integrates setting and character description into the scene. Also clever and creative ways to describe objects that still stay very in character. This one stands out:
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Also this. This hyper-awareness that his home life is different than his peers, something I try to illustrate in my own writing and appreciate that this author did as well:
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As a writer, I learn so much from reading. I can honestly say that I am learning from this experience as well, and dare I say it, am inspired.
The chapter I am working on now for DSSCTM deals heavily with similar themes and questions that FOI covers, such as Eddie's motivations for staying in school, his relationship to his dad, and how he views himself. So I feel a lucky sense of coincidence that this book was released during the time I am writing it. I, like everyone else, invented my own backstory for his parents that suited the story I was trying to tell and will keep it for consistency going forward.
Characters that stuck out to me --
Gareth -- OH. MY GOD. BABY GARETH. Little fluffy ball of rage. I cannot. My heart is going to explode fr. Also the tenderness with which Eddie handles him is just too much for me.
Ronnie -- Stan her. You know, this character really makes me wonder how much of our fics the author has read because I feel like it is one of the most common and earliest tropes for our Reader characters to be best friends of his that grew up in the trailer park along side him. Maybe it's just an obvious trope? But interesting she included it. Also making her the book-smart one who's got a golden ticket out is another very common thing I see in our stories.
Chrissy -- I love the bit of backstory I've read so far and how sympathetic she writes her. I love that we get the whole scene of them before the talent show and them bonding for a short moment.
Al -- There aren't enough words for how big a piece of shit this man is. When he said this to Wayne I almost yeeted my book across the room. Nobody talks to Wayne Munson like this in my house. 😤
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Paige -- Eh. Not sold tbh. Although I do appreciate reading through Eddie's first person narration about him having a crush on someone though. It's cute. Just the crush part, not Paige specifically. She's mid so far.
Principal Higgins -- I had to suspend my disbelief a bit for how strong he came on tbh. I mean, I think she made a somewhat believable case for his absolutely unhinged behavior but it still struck me as borderline unbelievable how Higgins spoke to Eddie like that. What it did confirm for me was something I had suspected from the beginning, which is that Eddie's dad never graduated high school. Also, I appreciate the question being asked about why he is still in school BUT my issue is that this question isn't as applicable in his first senior year as it is in his third. I think the author was trying to find a reason for Higgins to be asking it and had to dig a little to try and make it believable. It's a question I have asked myself, one that I had Teach ask him in the first chapter of DSSCTM, and one I will be exploring in ch. 16.
One final theme-related thing I noticed and appreciate:
How chapter 4 ends with his dad telling him to sleep on the idea of pulling off a heist with him and chapter 5 begins with "The question is pretty simple. At the end of the day, who do you want to be?" and proceeds to a scene of him building a character with Gareth. Likewise in real life, Eddie is figuring out who he wants to be, and I think using this as a metaphor is really clever and beautiful.
ALSO. A theory. Illian died right? Illian wasn't Gareth's he was Jeff's. What if this is alluding to the possibility of another character we all know and love who supposedly died in canon to be able to come back and re-invent themselves? 👀
Could just be my delusional ass reading into this way too much but it was just a thought I had.
Anyway, onward. ✨
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cinamun · 1 year
I’m not saying Rahul was right in any way with his actions because choices were definitely made and not good ones nor safe ones. BUT his words were loud and fr kinda correct. Now idk how Dira felt about him prior to this whole debacle aside from him being her friend so I can’t speak to him trying to insinuate she has deep feelings for him. What I can say though is, does Dira know any of Ryker’s interests? If her were to ask what’s his favorite color, would she know? We haven’t seen much interaction between them so who’s to say but judging from how she deflected that question…this will definitely serve as a huge eye opener for her but I’m curious to see will she realize she really doesn’t like Ryker or any of the other guys she allows to chase after her (kinda like we saw with Indya…I definitely see the parallel between the two just less extreme with Dira. Darren wasn’t always the nicest guy and did some crazy fucked up shit too.) or will she realize that she does want to be with Ryker because she likes him for him and needs to put in the effort to get to know him better. Will Ryker be patient and want to pick up the pieces that Rah caused to fall out of place or will he do the whole “I’m not the one that hurt you so why are you punishing me for it”? And how would Dira react to that especially after all this?
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Okay fam because the monologue was MONOLOGUING!!! The problem is, at no point was she obligated to answer given the circumstances.
*takes the lemon pepper wings out*
So, basically, I think he had a genuine and valid line of questioning.
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And the one about interests I think is fair; when she started coming around the A/V club, I think their friendship was starting to blossom and even become flirty and Rahul was glowing n shit like that lmfao.
I think if she left him on read for Ryker, he's owed an explanation.
Not, and I repeat, NOT under the circumstances he chose!
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soupbabe · 1 year
Hiii, before I say anything else I love the new theme. I saw you were looking for requests so obviously I had to send one in. How about a reader (he/him) that brings them gifts all the time (a cool rock, a flower he picked while on a walk, candy he thought they would like, ect) with Louis Ives, Bo Sinclair, and anyone else you feel compelled to write
Male! Reader Bringing Various Characters Crow Gifts
Featuring: Louis Ives, Bo Sinclair, and Edward Nashton
Thank you!! I couldn't help myself and added Riddler, I missed writing for him! 😅
Tagging: @slaasherslut , @the-pinstriped-hood , @bugginbeetlew
Bo Sinclair
- I think Bo just didn't get it for the longest time
- He'll give his thanks and put them in his pocket, but that never stopped him from watching you from afar and going "what the hell is that boy doing"
- See's it as junk at first, but he starts coming around to it eventually
- Sure it's a rock but you beam everytime you give it to him
- Who's he to kill his man's happiness?
- Still thinks it's kind of weird, but he just accepts it
- Keeps all of his little treasures in a drawer
- He likes it when you bring him old, rusted tools and hardware. His whole demeanor brightens
- You give it to him and ask what it is, and now you're stuck sitting on the gas station counter to him explain to you the difference between a ratchet and a wrench
Edward Nashton
- Oh he's head over heels for the little gifts you give him!
- Takes everything in him not to squeal over it in all honesty
- Oh yeah. It's all going to the shrine made for you
- Oh no creepy incel guy is doing creepy incel things who would've thought/lh
- Expect Edward to return the same energy, but it's less "oh I found this thing that just reminds me of you" and more "oh I've tracked down every single one of your interests and sought out this specific item that I'm playing off as a coincidence"
- He's so red and the face and shy, it's easy to play off his uncomfortable demeanor as him being nervous
- One time you found a newspaper with an empty crossword and gave it to him and you swear you've never seen Edward smile that hard
- You two ended up solving it together, with Eddie feining ignorance so you could help him with the clues
- He'd play dumb for as long as he can, all of it meant spending extra time with you <33
Louis Ives
- She's a little confused, but she gets the memo quicker
- She flushes every time you bring her something, she's never met someone, let alone a man, who's so dedicated to giving her gifts
- Louis presses them herself, writes the date of when you gave them to her, and what kind of flowers they are!!
- If you can't tell she's very sentimental
- Omg she'd gladly give you little gifts back !!
- They'd be books about different types of rocks, your favorite animal, or all the other interests you have!!
- If you give her candy that she likes she's going to be so bashful
- Fr how did she meet a man so thoughtful?? She's immediately going to deflect any attention on her by asking if you'd want some too, it's only right if she does
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tododeku-or-bust · 5 months
i know the poll is presumably gone (i just checked tumblr 30min ago) but to the people who use their black friends/relatives/etc. as accessories to deflect from being called racist: fuck you. this is exactly why you're not safe to be around.
i am white. i have mixed (black/white) relatives. the rest of my family, aside from them, are white. and preach about reverse racism bullshit to the point where my mixed aunt does not bother discussing it (racism and other heavy topics) anymore with them. one of her daughters expressed a racist remark while i was staying with them over the summer a couple years ago, saying that her older brother wasn't black because he wasn't as dark as she (the daughter) was. then she proceeded to say, quietly, that yeah. white people scare her. she also said i scare her just because i'm white. that broke my fucking heart.
like... those relatives are soooo important to me in a whole bunch of ways. i trust them so much, when i was with them and whenever i came to visit afterwards they were all so excited to be around me because i don't make this shit about them. or downplaying their shit. i try to help them through it. there's been a few times when a few other white kids picked on them and i was just like uhhh. nuh uh! (tells them to fuck off. [in a more PG way.]) it's so bare minimum but we all treat each other like human beings unlike our other relatives.
this isn't me trying to toot my own horn. i'm white. i have privilege. i acknowledge it. i am not immune to being misinterpreted or racist even while saying this shit. it can come off as underhanded. i know this. i am mostly just saying something more along the lines of, white people won't fucking get it until it reaches a whole different level of personal to them, because no they won't understand the racism and shit like black people experience. until they decide to open their stupid eyes and just observe their interactions and the shit going on around them too.
this is long as hell, sorry about that. i really like your posts, i love seeing Phi art on my dash. your creative sideblog is very informative to me and i have started reading the resources you've offered and looking for more on my own after encountering all this. whether you stop trying to educate others or not, i hope you still have as much fun as you can with your posting and i wish all the racist fucks bothering you a very "read the fucking white fragility books and get over yourselves." tldr i'm with you 1000000% because why the fuck wouldn't i be, basically. thanks for your epic content and the time you make to share resources. have a good day/night. :-)
I hate that that little girl has internalized that racism and colorism like that. Because it means the people around her are saying things like that. She's not the only one either. I remember years ago that "you're beautiful" video, where one of the Black women in the video was genuinely angry and hurt at being told she was beautiful, likely bc she was used to being mistreated. She thought she was being mocked, and people were "oh why's she such a bitch" well you don't realize how much Black women are treated like we really aren't worth shit (unless we sacrifice ourselves and "be strong") from a young age.
But yeah, I mean... White people are scary 😅 unfortunately, she right 🤣 I'm a grown ass adult, and witnessing just how cruel many white people are willing to be to maintain their own comfort, beliefs, and the status quo... It's terrifying fr. Look at the state of American politics rn.
I appreciate you reaching out and trying to make me feel better ☺️ I also appreciate that you like my Phi content! She's my darling girl, that I want to give all the love that every Black girl deserves to have ❤️
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worldformula · 1 year
complicated relationship with Aymeric you say 👀 I would love to hear about it
also do you have a blank version or link to the blank version of that “characters who are just like my WOL fr” chart it intrigues ms greatly. I love that it’s specific about what exactly the inspiration from the characters is.
Here’s a link to the .psd because the framing layers makes it a bit hard to use as a regular png. Go nuts!
As for Aymeric…
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Long story short, they never fostered an actual real relationship before just getting in the nitty gritty of intimacy because it is my religious belief that Aymeric is deeply repressed like a Catholic maiden and Utushama kept just leaving for MSQ immediately the day after they’d fool around. Utushama assumed they were on the same page (this wouldn’t work because they have conflicting responsibilities) (this is also kind of an excuse, he’s starting to develop a pattern of starting something, ditching ASAP, and then using MSQ as a noble excuse) but they weren’t really. I love to pretend Lucia is mad at him for this because it made Endwalker kind of funny. Usual spoiler warning for everything ahead!
Short story long, after the Dragonsong War’s end, they kept things entirely professional including their dinner and dealing w the aftermath of it all but were slowly (and I mean SLOWLY) building a tension between them like it was a Victorian period drama. Like, a show of ankle would give Aymeric a heart attack at this point. So they had two days of building up to this that no one in the world could’ve possibly guessed was any kind of build up to anything followed by one night of Halone-dishonoring acts (initiated by Utushama because why not. Why not hit and run the beautiful President of Dragon Catholics City after you saved them all. Especially after increasingly escalating moments of barely repressed interest). And immediately after, without explanation or any warning, Utushama left for MSQ, with the assumption that they were both in agreement that they couldn’t have an actual relationship because one of them loves their country more than anything else in the world and the other is a traveling adventurer. He didn’t say this because it was so obvious to him but Aymeric was obviously left a little confused and feeling slightly abandoned but bigger things at stake, y’know.
And then they meet again when Ala Mhigo is liberated because all the Eorzean Alliance leaders are there and Utushama is feeling very disoriented and bad because Zenos just killed himself in front of him, denying him of any closure to the distress he’s been feeling for all of Stormblood. And they are once again very professional as if they hadn’t explored each other’s bodies that one time. Aymeric invites him to dinner again and when the subject of trying to define their relationship is brought up, Utushama deflects by hitting him point-blank with the “ok, do you want to do that again” and Aymeric is flustered enough by this that despite being a very savvy politician, the Catholic maiden part of him overrides the many slightly orange flags. Once again, Utushama slips away without warning immediately after.
They don’t speak again until right after the Ghimlyt Dark, wherein canon provided me a lovely moment of quiet between the two of them. Utushama, being injured, is then unable to escape from this conversation that Aymeric begins, wherein Aymeric himself first confesses to hoping to be something more serious, to which Utushama answers in a manner that is between bafflement and regret that they weren’t ever going to be a thing (because again, he thought they were on the same page about this). Aymeric is sad but can see the logic in this and admits that Utushama deserves someone who cares more about him than their political responsibilities, who could and would follow him to the ends of the earth. (There is no reason for him to be so self-deprecating on the matter because it’s not as if he were the one at fault for this, but Utushama just has a way of making people feel bad for wanting reasonable things from him. It’s kind of cruel of him but he also is entirely unaware that he’s doing this.) This is a fun bit of foreshadowing for me personally because this could mean anyone but should the monkey’s paw curl, that sure does describe a certain horrible prince he despises. But after accidentally doing all that to Aymeric, maybe he does deserve to be tormented. Just a little. I’ve been following a sort of narrative path wherein anyone who likes Utushama for being a hero figure can’t actually get with him for good because they’re enabling his bad habits and it’s going to end badly.
Anyway, all this made the Endwalker casting quests very fun because they just kind of josh around lightly and even reference their old fling without it being a whole thing and it feels like the weight of whatever they were doing is off Aymeric now so he’s able to be confident and normal again. If they ever fool around again post-Endwalker, it’s noticeably different because Aymeric has moved past the whole blushing maiden for the hero role. Utushama is admittedly kind of. Strangely sad to see him move past him but by then knows that it was probably for the best. It’s just hard for him to even metaphorically feel like he’s the one being left behind. And Lucia is no longer mad at him but it’s really funny to let him keep thinking she is!
So yeah, his relationship with Aymeric is kind of tangled and convoluted and despite indulging once or twice, he doesn’t actually seem to like talking about it beyond whatever’s professional because he’s just very private. I’ve no idea what the general consensus is on Aymeric and Estinien’s relationship but I imagine it was much more straightforward than this. Utushama inadvertently projects and assumes it was just as complicated based on the way Estinien talks about Aymeric in MSQ tidbits but I think it’s funnier if it was actually relatively tame and Estinien is just being dramatic.
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ssreeder · 1 year
sreedie. it is time.
NO SOKKA baby people want to be your friend you just DONT LET THEM
pls sokka thinking he can gaslight himself out of being in pain is so in character but so. goddamn Frustrating
sokka is giving anna from frozen with his whole “my firebender’s awake so IM awake” deal
listen I get why sokka is like oh I should cut back on the swearing if I wanna Grow as a person but like,,, as an australian the concept of swearing being Bad is just so foreign to me lmao
I think it’s a really interesting component of the zukka relationship (highlighted by your traumatic drowning scene thx sreedie) that sokka’s instinct is to try to hide in/behind zuko??? like he’s obviously very protective of zuko too, but I think that in a way, even when sokka is on the offensive and is the person defensive zuko from the outside world he’s still using zuko as like, idfk a shield?? of sorts??? to deflect away his fear for himself and all that jazz… does that make any sense whatsoever????? idfk lads
STOP ik it’s a super serious moment but all I could think about when sokka was like “he had to do it for zuko” wAS THE FUCKING let me do it for you tiktok sound T-T
not aang talking like an actual certified therapist at 12 years of age omfg- wish I was that emotionally well adjusted fr
damn sokka really said #codependecy
finally ohmygod
katara: I can feel the toxins in zuko’s blood
iroh externally: oh?
iroh internally: whatthefuckwhatthefuckwhatthefuck
LMFAO zuko calling sokkatara momo while his body is actively trying to kill itself as a JOKE is the most zuko thing ever. the most comedic thing about this boy is his absolutely Disastrous timing (by which I mean it’s impeccable)
PRISON PALS I still love that moniker <3
noooo not zuko worrying about shen when we know damn well shen got kebabed >:(
can katara please tell sokka that zuko wants him by his side. like girl. please.
okay I really do Not want this to happen, nor do I think it actually Will happen bc uhm duh, but it would be like,, so ironic of zuko did just die. like they went through all that and for what LMAO (it’s not funny it’s Not Funny why am I giggling to myself)
lmao sokka is worrying himself into a early grave bc he cares so much about zuko but he’s also 100% ready to immediately assume that zuko let him down by outing sokka as a liar (I mean he’s right, but still. harsh)
woah woah woah sokka calm your tits man, rasu might be sex on legs but your sister is only 14 and that’s just gross
SEE rasu my reasonable child <3 (he’s also so snarky I actually love him so. much.)
insane how fast sokka switches from “rasu >:(“ to “rasu :D” when he learns that rasu knows zuko lol
“sipping the sauce” LMAO
uh yeah rasu I think jee has every right to be worried ngl
sokka is just out here exposing himself bc he’s JEALOUS I cannot anymore with this boy
“prince zuko is a character without trying to be one” yKW I JUST REALISED?? ZUKO HAS MAJOR MR BEAN ENERGY just more homocidal and uh,, traumatised
god thinking about jet’s amputation has me squeamish as FUCK
sokka rearranging his book stack so the sex book is in the middle is so relatable agsjekfpf it’s giving the same energy as getting a massage and hiding your underwear between the rest of your clothes after you get changed into the robe thing
not sokka being endeared by zuko’s love for the art of thievery <3 mood
damn. after all that and sokka just exposed himself. cant even blame it on zuko this time buddy.
you can always count on little sisters to put you back in your place (as the little sister can confirm)
not the angst train going past us like choo choo motherfuckers.
I am not going to bag katara in any way, shape, or form for pretending to be sokka to get information out of zuko bc I would’ve so done the same thing with like,, zero hesitation. maybe I’m just a lying liar who lies though so idk
anyways: screaming, crying, destroying your living room and smashing all your lightbulbs.
I’m so mad that there’s no zukka reunion BUT !! you did give us a library which I was SUPER not expecting but enthralled by nonetheless so ig I’ll have to forgive you
ANYWAYS hope life has retired from kicking you around bc that’s my job and I’m the only one allowed to make you suffer >:(
also I just reread my last comment and realised I already said I’d smash all your lightbulbs so ig this is just a trend now. have fun living in medieval times forever ex-lover <3
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Oh shit that’s so true, Sokka is very Anna and Zuko is very Elsa haha. (Odd how that happened lol)
Soooo I do think Sokka depends on Zuko WAY too much, emotionally physically mentally - but if that’s all he has to keep him waking up in the morning who am I to stop him. (But building up his own physical strength, dealing with his own issues instead of just focusing on zukos trauma, and allowing other people in his life to get close to him and then help him would be GREAT ;))
Sokkatara is now canon I’m obsessed with the nickname leekie beloved your brain is too big.
Rasu was like “oh no this kids crazy” & then Sokka said “tell me about Zuko” and rasu twirls his hair and giggles “SURE” & that’s how friends are formed. Take notes.
Katara & Sokka just need to get into one big “getting along shirt” and call it a day… but I kind of think Sokka would try to claw his way out… so yeah we don’t do that.
Lies are being exposed and Sokka has ZERO ground to keep standing on so he better accept the help or he is really going to drown. Ha.
Alright ex love I will see you soon!! :) <3
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comphetkoncass · 1 year
superboy man of tomorrow 2 liveblog lets GOOOOO
obviously spoilers ahead
the cover is exactly how i feel about this guy. yes. squish him. he is pocket-sized. i will pick him up and squeeze him like a stress toy <3
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every panel of kon getting hurt tbh (and for fellow kon whumpers. its a fucking FEAST.) <3 but also - that post going around that says ttk cant deflect energy, this is delightful acknowledgement of that. all my homies love when the ttk shatters like an old coke bottle.
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obsessed with all the panels about him talking about trying to do this with ~style~, but also getting his ass beat and feeling like this is actually a workout. yes my child. tell me it's difficult. overcome <3
"this is what i wanted. me, on my own, against the scum of the universe" baby no
"no one is coming to save me. not clark, not tim, not cassie, not bart... not even kelex." BABY NO but also. prettiest boy in the galaxy. look at this shit.
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the argument about not letting innocent people get hurt. kon you are . such a good person. i love you. u just never falter
intergalactic cloning lore!!! kon finding people who share shocking similarities with him!! i dont often like random characters but i'll admit i'm a fan of these guys. i'm even bothering to remember their names unlike how i treat most side characters (sorry. im a bad comic fan. however. there are so many fucking side characters. do you really expect me to remember everyones name who stays in a comic for less than 3 issues). anyways go pira! these guys are already bonding, i love them and want the best for them. thats right babes you take down that empire. maybe listen to kon about uhhhhhh not letting everyday civilians die in the property damage though. pls.
also there seem to be similarities with some of starfire's backstory? what is it with these alien races who want to clone, splice dna, and/or genetically alter existing races fr. kon and kory should bond over this i think.
kon has sooo much respect for his friends. i love that he keeps mentioning them :') this boy is a bonafide bff. ALSO. HAVE SOME RESPECT FOR YOUR OWN RESOURCEFULNESS HONEY... YOU GOT THIS!!!
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"they think i'm just a weapon? well, if both sides are looking for a fight, they're in luck -- i'm just itching to show them what the house of el has to offer." YEAH BABY YOU ARE A PROUD PART OF THE HOUSE OF EL. YOU HAVE A FAMILY. <3 <3 <3
his dorky awkward little grin. ohhh my goddddddddddd. hes so fucking proud of himself. hes teaching them :') he thinks hes such a good role model. im going to squeeze him to death.
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"i start to think about what conner kent would do AND ITS INFINITELY COOLER" YOU GO BABY. im so fucking obsessed with this. im having so much goddamn fun with this issue actually. they saw kon stans and they gave us exactly what we wanted. i feel so seen
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whos ready to punch through a space fleet. me. im ready. im ready to watch you have the time of your goddamn life next issue.
overall i REALLY like this issue! i don't usually love the whole, "solo series in space" thing because it seems like an excuse to separate characters from the main cast and isolate them and make any growth happen outside of their friendships on earth, which often ends up pretty meh. however. this is fun and engaging and kon references his friends enough that i'm cautiously optimistic.
i do hope kon runs into other mainline characters at some point in this series though; anything to ground this more into main canon and make sure character development ties back to the main series.
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The second part was just so great that i had to read it again literally please have mercy on me 😭
The love hee has for y/n is just so ugh 😭
Love please remember your amazing and take care of yourself <3
Its me again hehe
my 💙anon! Creators can only be lovely through lovely readers. ♥️ and I’m trying to! It’s not me! Heelel will not spare anyone, he’s so relentless…him and heethan I swear 🤦🏻‍♀️ lol
I loved that you all loved the latest chapter. It truly is my favorite and I am happy that you all can feel the immense love (though it is insane and very…dangerously unhealthy, much like Heethan’s love for readen) but nonetheless, it is still love, and it’s the purest love you’ll find. I’m so glad you all can feel that through the words I display when showing off heelels story. I want to create a world where readers can drift away from reality and have dreams about at night, I want you all to live in bliss and happiness through fantasy, dark lore, and passionate romance. Heelel and Heethan are there for you guys, and I am honored that I can draft their story and their love for you. ♥️
I keep re-reading heelels intro (that seriously is my favorite part) but also….the brothers and their impeccable timing in saving uou…and their transformation to demon forms! It was epically pleasing.
also in part 1……..my god heelel deflecting his attack last minute to avoid blasting you the second he sees you…..man…that is true love. Whatever your greatest feature is, you caught his eye….pure beauty in the form of love and insanity. Oh to live in that universe fr fr….lol.
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gierosajie · 2 years
(Already asked this on monarch's blog, but wanted to know your opinion too bc you're cool and I like your ideas)
What if the reason we never see Venti's wings is that he doesn't have them anymore?
Like, maybe he tried to go against Celestia for some reason (probably regarding Khaenri'ah), so he was punished by losing his wings?
What if the other Archons mever knew about that, and discover the fact only recently? How do you think they would react?
I'm suddenly realizing just how much people looked at this guy with wings and went "it'd be a shame if he,,,lost them" sjdhdkhdkgg
But anyways, I like to imagine they discover it during a heat of the moment because Venti is just so secretive about himself, especially things that would bother him like Idk, losing his 2nd most recognizable characteristic. Plus, no one has actually seen him for the past 500 years because he was asleep and is currently prancing around in his human guise
I'm picturing a scenario where the archons are falling, and we know most of them can float or fly so they manage to catch themselves in time. But then they realize Venti isn't among them and is still falling even when there is enough anemo for him to manipulate and he's not doing anything-
Meanwhile Venti is trying to get his bearings, the wind is trying to get him to grab on yet he doesn't, his instincts are screaming at him to open his wings, but they're no longer there to respond. And let's not forget that to him, he just lost two limbs very recently, with no time to get used to it. It's disorienting in a way (I can't find the exact word). It wasn't like the time he fell from the tower because he had been exhausted then. At this moment though, he's completely aware of everything and he can't move like he was supposed to. He can still float and fly with just the wind alone, but his mind and body aren't responding, still desperately trying to move what isn't there, so he's just bracing himself for the ground
Luckily, Zhongli catches him soon enough and everyone gets situated on stable ground
There's probably gonna be a lot of silence there. Some worried glances thrown around, mostly by Zhongli and Nahida. Ei would look a bit concerned, though she'd mostly be thinking about what went wrong. Focalors, I think would be slightly panicked? Like Idk she kinda strikes me as someone who doesn't take well to things not lining up to her established logic. Unsure about the Pyro Archon since we don't know if it's Murata or if she's been replaced, but if it is Murata, then I think she'd be trying to get Venti to spill about why he didn't do anything
Venti is firmly not saying anything and begins deflecting. The Tsaritsa catches his eye and she has a hard look on her face. Like she's figured it out and doesn't like the confirmation. At all. But she understands, and the others begin realizing this too.
Someone probably accidentally moves too close to his back and normally he's used to it being sort of exposed. Still, the incident is just all too fresh in his mind and the feeling of someone or something that close to where his wings used to be makes him involuntarily flinch back.
Nahida is the one brave enough to ask about it because speculation isn't going to answer them. Venti's silence though, is enough of an answer. No one demands any more information after that. They all know the value of saying nothing and it would be a waste of time trying to breach the other subject without actually mentioning it directly.
Venti strikes me as someone who rarely rarely receives contact. Like, there's always a bit of distance with him often being at the back (he's just like me fr). I don't think he would mind a hug though if they're careful, especially since he couldn't exactly wrap himself with his wings anymore.
They probably wouldn't have much time to do anything as they're gonna be going back into the fray. Ei might be the one that would try to give a hug (making sure to avoid the upper back) after things settle down more since it seems like something she has no qualms over. But for now as they begin walking, Nahida would come up to him, mentioning how she's seen this as a way to comfort, and squeeze his hand. It's small, but it does ease the shakiness somewhat.
During the inevitable fight, Venti is given a wide berth so he could properly do his support thing, but some of the other archons make sure someone's always there to cover for him while he does cover fire for them. They may not work together as well as they would have liked, but they have each other's backs
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