#desperately trying to find youtube videos to have in the background
teecupangel · 9 months
Desmond being bored and deciding to make a retelling of his ancestors for shaun or historians of the assassin's. Except he 'accidentally' makes it public and it goes viral, given that sometimes its Desmond and other times its his ancestors from the bleeding effect
The Assassins desperately needed a win.
After the Great Purge, the Assassins were left imprison in a sinking ship.
William Miles and Gavin Banks tried their best to protect and hide what was left but it was a losing battle.
It made people desperate.
Desperate enough to place their fate in Desmond Miles.
Desmond Miles, the runaway son of William Miles.
Desmond Miles, the descendant to Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad and Ezio Auditore.
The golden boy of the Assassins.
He didn’t really care much about him.
Rebecca Crane was his tech support so he never even met the great Desmond Miles.
He was stuck here, in the basement of a loud club in Berlin, doing his job as one of the contact persons of Erudito.
Most of the time, he just helped Erudito fuck Abstergo’s shit up.
Or try to anyway.
Abstergo does have one of the most impressive security system money can buy.
They were slowly chipping on it though.
Most of Erudito were still trying to throw rocks at the digital bullet proof system Abstergo has while he and the best of Erudito hack into another company who uses the same system to find its weaknesses that they can use against Abstergo.
They were so close to a break through.
And he may have drunk 6 or 7 energy drinks for the last 62 hours so he actually thought he was hallucinating for a moment when he clicked the link one of the Erudito hackers he was working with had spent with the message “dude, isn’t he one of yours? O.o”.
It was a youtube video.
Of Desmond Miles…
In that motherfucking (should certainly be) secret hideout in Italy.
With that motherfucking statue of Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad behind him, completely clear on view.
“So you wanted to know what Ezio was doing while he was looking for Cesare Borgia, right, Shaun? You went out and I know I’ll be back in the Animus by the time you get here so I’m recording this so you can watch it while I’m stuck in the Animus.”
“So… Cesare left Roma after he failed to kill Ezio and got sent to Castel Sant’Angelo.”
He blinked.
Was Desmond Miles giving a history lesson???
Oh, fuck, he was.
And he just namedropped Machiavelli and Leonardo as Ezio’s companions who were also looking for where Cesare was transferred after he escaped and got captured again in Firenze.
He had started to speak in Italian.
Not only that…
His entire demeanor, even the way he sat had changed.
He had only heard about it.
The Bleeding Effect.
Desmond Miles was bleeding as Ezio Auditore in a fucking video in the internet.
His second phone began to rang and he prayed to every holy and demonic being that it wasn’t William Miles.
No matter what William Miles say, he cannot just scrub that video from the internet.
It was obvious (6 millions views! What the fuck!!!) that someone out there had already downloaded this video and taking it down would just spark more controversy.
He looked at the number and knew exactly who was calling him.
He accepted the call and said immediately, “What the fuck, Crane. Why did Miles upload a video to fucking Youtube?!”
Rebecca groaned and he could hear Lucy Stillman and Shaun Hastings shouting in the background, most probably ripping Desmond Miles a new one.
“The phone he used to record it automatically uploads to Youtube.”
He blinked.
“That is bullshit.”
“It’s true! It’s one of Lucy’s burner phones and she didn’t even change the settings at all! It defaulted to that kind of setting!”
“No phone has an automatic upload to Youtube and you know it.”
“I know but this one does! It’s so weird! It’s like… something weird is going on here!”
“I’d believe it more if you said Miles wanted to publish it as unlisted but fucked up.”
Rebecca groaned once more.
A phone that automatically uploads to Youtube.
That was such bullshit.
(Rebecca is telling the truth. The phone is a weird one and Lucy can’t even remember where she got it. Almost like… it was always there. Dun dun dun)
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moonmoonthecrabking · 4 months
something i find so fascinating about grace chasity’s brand of christianity is that there’s not much sexism in it? let me explain what i mean.
i come from a christian background and a denomination which, in my state, has allowed women in eldership positions for my whole life. i’m friends with other christians whose denominations Don’t have that and also us christian fundamentalism is very sexist, i know bc have access to social media.
aside from mark’s job being mentioned and karen’s not, as well as her doing the cooking, there’s not a real sense of gender hierarchy in the christian circles in hatchetfield. this applies greatly to the purity culture that pervades abstinence camp and npmd, with the jerris saying that “this is a progressive ministry. we believe men and women should just say no!” often, in fundamentalist circles, while men are encouraged to wait until marriage, so much more pressure is put on the women to “stop the men from stumbling” (yes, it’s bad, this isn’t a post about the horrors of purity culture).
however, in npmd (and even ac to an extent), grace is the one at risk of “stumbling” and blames men. in npmd she very much blames max for her corrupted purity (from her perspective) and that is her motivation for revenge, even before she has sex with his ghost. the responsibility is not on her to “gouge out her own eye”, so to speak, at least not without a greater risk to max. even in ac, she makes tiny sweaters for their Jesus status, which reminds me of when i would scroll down to the comments of a youtube video bc i was scared of being attracted to people (1. not a purity culture thing 2. id like to say that this was a me being scared of liking women thing, and to an extent it was, but i also remember doing it to men. 2017 was a weird time and something was probably awakening in me ngl).
as slightly more proof, she is the only one advocating for removing homecoming in npmd, and in ac she ends as the sole leader of the camp. now, an evangelical’s view of women in ministry varies on person to person (source: like two weeks ago when i was desperately trying to not get myself into a debate with other christian women), unless she’s in an ultra-conservative environment (which she isn’t, it’s middlingly conservative frankly), she would be able to do these on her own. however, this is theatre, it’s a demonstration of her desire for power and acquisition of it. she does not view herself as needing to be subservient to a man. also i think northern baptists (my hc for her) are a little less Bad than southern baptists but anyway.
the interesting thing about this, to me, is that she does share views that i would put in those less “yay women” denominations (yes this about the catholic line i guarantee you it annoys me even more when i encounter it in the real world). there’s the (internalised) homophobia. but not the internalised misogyny. this could be related to the respect given to trans identities by the depictions of idontwannabang and the chasitys in hatchetfield, creating the sense of a more egalitarian Biblical perspective than complimentarian.
like grace has this terrible relationship with purity culture, yeah, but she’s the active agent in it, and she shames the passive object of her affections, the man. that doesn’t happen that often. there are countless videos of “what women should wear to be modest” but men can go to the gym shirtless if they so choose. maybe it’s only interesting to me but still
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iceman-soup · 9 months
ftm reader (pre top surgery) x gaz
Gaz helping you through a difficult dysphoria day, when everything's gone to shit and you're struggling more than you have in months.
You were feeling kinda off in the morning, anxiety fierce and the thought of going outside or seeing anyone sending you into a state of nonverbal panic. He's been careful to keep his distance, not touching you unless you initiate it first, but keeping a steady eye on you all day.
By the afternoon, you weren't much better. You ate lunch as normal then hid away in the bedroom, hunching a blanket around your shoulders and becoming absorbed in a game you only paid half your attention to. Gaz sat on the bed, switching between reading a book and doing fuck all on his phone, glancing up every so often to check on you.
He took careful notice of how you sat with your knees to your chest, even after they must've started hurting like that for so long. You took minimal bathroom breaks to avoid the mirror and kept picking at whatever snacks were lying around. Otherwise you chewed on your lip, only stopping when he says your name as if you're the cat about to knock a glass off the side.
He makes a simple meal for dinner and brings it to the computer for you, kissing the top of your hair then going to eat his own from the bed. He doesn't say a word other than a quiet "here you go," as he gives you the food.
You shower once you're finished, then change into your pyjamas. That's when the dysphoria gets noticeably worse. Usually showers weren't too bad - you sat down under the water and just didn't look down to avoid any triggers, but that just didn't quite cut it this time. And once you were in your pjs, packer and binder taken off for bed, that shit hit you like a truck.
Thank fuck for hoodies, 'cause that was your only crutch for the next half hour or so. Your boyfriend picks up on the shift immediately, silently jumping into action, never forgetting a detail as he starts to prepare a little dysphoria sanctuary on the bed. You half-game, half-watch as he gathers up blankets and pillows, running about the house to dig out an old lego set you never got around to making yet, then fetching a tray from the kitchen so you could build it on the bed.
Gaz kisses your temple and pulls you from the chair to the little den he's made by your hand, careful to avoid touching anywhere near your chest - or anywhere, really. He plugs his phone in then props it against the hoodie you've just taken off in exchange for a blanket and dumped at the end of the bed (it was touching your arms in all the wrong ways). He opens up an old, shitty youtube video, more for background noise than anything else. You go to reach for him but he dashes off again out of the room.
Taking the lego set and the tray and setting them out in front of you, you shrink into yourself, trying desperately to ignore the way your body seems to be halfway in fight or flight mode just from the concept of boobs. The blanket is softer than the hoodie, and drapes down to cover your body. Building the lego keeps your hands and brain a little busy, and you feel more productive with that rather than fucking about on your computer all day, at least. Gaz creeps back into the room, and you look up, wondering why he's suddenly all slow.
A tiny smile tugs at your lips when you see he's holding your cat - already purring when he puts her down on the bed. She rubs her head against your knee then flops down and stretches out, purring louder when you pet her. Satisfied that everything is in place, Kyle crawls across the bed to sit against the wall, holding you tight when you shuffle towards him and lay your head on his lap, the cat curling up in the space between your stomach and hunched up knees. Your boyfriend gently scratches your scalp, muttering praise for his best boy until you're much more relaxed, watching you build the lego set and helping find a piece when you're convinced it was missing (it was right in the middle of the tray).
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bilbao-song · 3 months
ulterior motives: an unnecessarily elaborate guide & review
okay literally no one asked for this but here is my full synopsis of the ulterior motives album. i wish more secret time capsule-ish albums from past decades would be released so i can start doing this type of thing more often
🐬 disclaimer: i think only like two? three? people who follow me are (currently.....) interested in this as far as i'm aware. therefore it's going to be sooooo self indulgent and tbh partially just for my own satisfaction <3 but hopefully someone will find it useful/enjoyable/etc.!! also it's super long but like...idk it's a Review. also if ur interested but otherwise have no clue what this is about, i'm putting some useful links at the veeeery bottom :-)
🐠 relevant introductory notes: im not rlly a lostwave person actually. like as a concept i think it's very cool, but this is litcherally the only one i've come across that appeals to me thus far. i was somehow exposed to it like a year ago and went bananas bc i enjoy funky little 80s songs and i desperately wanted that song in particular. i think some people have kind of dismissed this as like, a ~tiktok thing~ and well <3 i don't care. tiktok didnt exist in the 80s but this music sure did. anyway i would urge you to ignore that entirely at this point and just enjoy the funky 80s bops no matter how they got here (actually that's like part of why i'm even making this post. consider this like...a guide. forget tiktok exists and learn to love this album full of 80s music w me)
🐬 preliminary assessment of vibes: half cute 80s synthpop and half things that make me want to pretend to be really elegant on a cruise ship somewhere between like 1987-1992, a period of time in which i was not alive but enjoy pretending i have some kind of experience with anyway. sometimes it kind of feels like music that someone would put over an old video of people walking around a mall, which is probably really appealing to a lot of people tbh. that seems to be a well-liked vibe recently. *not* an album to listen to if ur looking for something deep/poetically meaningful/super serious, 10000000% an album to listen to if u want something catchy/fun/zesty/poppy/very 80s!! it is very muchly unpretentious music for a good time
also may i just say that throughout this album there are like, random elements that remind me of like 68769376386896 different other artists who are varying degrees of wildly unrelated to this album. i mean like, there are brief moments that give me michael jackson vibes (tangentially related!), and every once in awhile something reminds me of frankie valli (??????????). that's only the tip of the iceberg tbh but if i made an exhaustive list i feel like it would just look like me listing off every third thing i have ever heard of. also a lot of people have made comparisons to wham! and i can definitely see why, soooo if that’s your type of thing!! ur in luck
🐠 a track by track analysis & review:
to preface this: if ur skeptical...the sweet spot for me is like, tracks 8-11, and if you like those, try 4 as well. i like the album start to finish tbh, but if you just want a little sampling for now, i suggest starting with those. beyond that, upon putting this together i have noticed that you can kind of break this album into categories vibe-wise. tracks 1-4 seem like they wanted to be long lost singles, 5-7 = Vibing Music. smooth and pleasant sounds to have on in the background. not the sort of thing you’d probably sing along to but the vibes are immaculate. a calm moment before things get zesty again, 8-11 = back to back hits. cream of the crop. exquisite cuisine. all pretty upbeat and poppy and i genuinely cannot imagine not enjoying this at least a little. 12-13 = very nice closing tracks to put a neat bow on it <3
pink titles = my top recommendations (i'm trying to be selective here)
here is the full album on youtube and here it is on spotify. individual youtube links next to each song title :-)
#1 - chemistry - [x] - excellent choice as a first track bc the quality is very Crisp and it kind of encompasses both the whole 80s synthpop vibe and the smooth, kind of classy thing that a lot of these songs have going on. this one is very popular among those of us who have been eagerly waiting for this album to be released and it’s super nice to have a full version available now!! we had like a minute long sample of it there for awhile and i kept listening to a three minute looped version on youtube bc i was desperate. anyway!! there’s a LOT going on here. it flows well, is super catchy, and i really like it. would probably be fun to dance to if ur into that sort of thing
#2 - your guy - [x] - smooth and snazzy!! makes u want to light some candles. spoken portions in songs are always kind of funny to me for some reason but i can lean into the overall vibe and embrace it. very cute. one of my favorite things about it are the moments where the backing vocals are like, drastically deeper than the lead vocals (around 1:42ish). love that
#3 - ulterior motives - [x] - this one needs no introduction i guess lmao. tbh i feel like i still kind of need more time to absorb this version as compared to the old version — being entirely honest, if i pay very close attention, i CAN pinpoint a few little odd things going on with it quality-wise. idk what that's about (definitely doesn’t seem to be a skill issue lmao these guys know their shit) but it also doesn't ruin it for me or anything. i feel like a major part of the issue is just down to being sooo used to hearing one particular version. any difference good or bad is going to stand out. whatever, it’s still a delicious song (and there are pleeeeeenty of different cleaned up versions ripped from the movie to be found on youtube if anyone is just fully unsatisfied w this one)
#4 - man needs love - [x] - THIS is one of the best ones hands down. once again we are monologuing in the middle of a song but imo it works pretty well here. it feels veeeery of the era and i definitely feel like this could've been tremendously popular if not for the whole Never Got Released thing. it is super fun and catchy. if u came for the wham! comparisons this should be ur starting point
#5 - so in love - [x] - the beginning to this one is soooooooooo exquisite to me. my overall take on this one is that it's kind of...well. Vibing Music. like i would never choose or recommend this for karaoke night but it is excellent for having on in the background while you do basically anything else. smooth and snazzy yet again. definitely creates some kind of vibe. also i really like a lot of the vocals on this one
#6 - you turn me on - [x] - when i first saw the title i did not expect to enjoy this one quite so much, BUT it's actually pretty great.......visceral subject matter notwithstanding (that's just rlly not my thing usually but i think i'm the odd one out here so disregard this lmao). very chill vibes; kind of in a similar category to the previous track re: Vibing Music status. lots of interesting sounds and things, very very VERY of the era. importantly, it contains that instrument that i can only ever think of as "lizard noise thing" (apparently that's a vibraslap), and that appeals to me immensely.
#7 - rock me to sleep - [x] - more Vibing Music. initially i wasn’t sure how to feel about the whole whispering thing but i’ve concluded that they pull it off well. it reminds me of something but i really can’t place what it is — some kind of particularly funky and vibey 80s background music type of thing. late 80s/early 90s fashion show music!! for sure
#8 - think i'm gonna cry - [x] - back to the more upbeat vibes. another one of my favorites!! possibly THE favorite for me. seems a little underrated among fans thus far imo so allow me to champion it here. kind of similar vibe-wise to man needs love, so if u liked that one then you'll probably feel positively about this one too. definitely another one that should appeal to anyone for whom the wham! comparison sparks interest. i honestly think this is like...one of the best tracks. if i didn't know any better you could have easily convinced me that this was popular in its era bc the overall quality is there and it reeeeaaaaally has a poppy vibe that feels almost universally appealing. it feels like a fun song for summer. also pretty short in length, so v approachable to anyone feeling impatient <3
#9 - potion of emotion - [x] - another one that i thought i wouldn't be a huge fan of when i saw the title lmao but i was wrong!! i love the deeper vocals here and just ?? well. basically everything about it. not to bust out a technical term but i do just absolutely love the synthiness. there's something kind of satisfying about the lyrics...i mean they're not like, deep elaborate poetry lmao it just sounds neat from like, an auditory perspective. anyway, it’s smooth yet fun. i want to be hearing this on a cruise ship
#10 - one last look - [x] - deliciousss. i feel like this one is almost a sssslightly different flavor of 80s vibe but i have no idea how describe it. maybe ummm idk more pop-rock than just straight pop. feels pretty summer-y. very 80s classic rock-sounding guitar parts (delicious). if i had heard this on the radio at some point i would've wholly accepted it as just like. idk a normal popular 80s song i just never happened upon before (this applies to a Lot of these tbh)
#11 - nothing lasts forever - [x] - another solid favorite for me!!! suuuuuper catchy, has been stuck in my head for like three days!!!!!! i love it!!!!! fun horns!!!!!! idk what else to say but it's fun, upbeat, and ummmmmm. one of the best songs here imo
#12 - language of love - [x] - actually probably my least favorite, but it's still fine. from what i've seen it seems pretty popular though so who knows!! i feel like putting it second to last was a good idea because it does kind of seem like…idk, calming down after four very zesty ones in a row.
#13 - lie school - [x] - if u feel dissatisfied with the new ulterior motives, this is like...the next best thing. very similar vibes both in terms of theme and sound, but not in like, a repetitive way. i actually rlly like that it's the last track bc it kind of feels like sort of a callback to ulterior motives, and i looooooove when albums do that kind of thing. anyway i definitely feel that it’s a little……hmmm. idk the whole school thing is just such a highly specific theme and they really stick with it. but i like it >:-)
🐬 closing thoughts:
i just really really like it tbh. i hope i have converted at least a few people not only bc it's a worthy cause but also bc i spent literal hours spread across two days writing this. shoutout to christopher and philip booth, thank you for this whole entire album and also for inexplicably moving to my town in the midwestern usa despite being from the uk. idk why you did that but i think it's very cool and learning that information after a year of hoping somebody would find ulterior motives made me feel like i was living in some kind of weird dream. also. vinyl release when?? <3
additional links:
rolling stone article that pretty thoroughly explains what this is about
my tag where i've been putting relevant posts thus far
album on youtube
album on spotify
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snaillock · 1 year
demotivated artist!reader x bllk boys
(bachira, kaiser)
tags: gn!reader, kaisers gratuitous stripping of course, bachira being a silly little guy, kaiser being an attention whore
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you sat at your desk, mindlessly watching a youtube video that was supposed to be your background noise as you did your art. instead your sketchbook was left on the fresh blank page as you were completely engrossed in the video.
“aren’t you supposed to be doing something” you snapped out of your focus from the distraction and turned to see bachira cheekily smiling at you with an eyebrow raised and hands on his hips
“ugh fine you caught me,” you said as you turned back to look at your computer and felt bachira wrap his arms around you and his head rest on his shoulder.
“i just… don’t know how to start. i’ve been on an art block for weeks now and it’s starting to wear me down.” you let out a deep sigh as you rambled and tapped your pencil on the desk, “it’s just so hard to find any ideas now”
as bachira listened to your rant, he unwrapped one of his arms from your shoulder and silently reached out for your colored pens and markers with his tongue out in absolute concentration, none of which you noticed.
your ramble got interrupted the second you heard marker scratching on paper. you look down to see bachira doodling on your sketchbook
“bachira?! what the hell are you doing!?” when you said that, he quickly snatched up your sketchbook and a couple of markers and ran out the room giggling, too fast for you to catch up. ‘god why did i date a football player’ you sighed and ran out to find him
you spotted him on the couch, comfortably laying on his stomach as he continued doodling on your stolen sketchbook with your stolen markers. you immediately snatched the book out of his hands.
“i cannot believe you would take my things like that! not only did you take my sketchbook, you also drew in it without my permiss- oh wait…” your scolding trailed off as you took a look at the page he drew. you saw the vibrant squiggles and lines he did along with some star shapes and hearts.
“wow this is actually really pretty,” you said, sitting down right next to him. you took one of your pens that bachira stole from your desk and started to draw on that page, using the art bachira did as a colorful background to bring out the black ink of the figures you drew in front of it. bachira rested his head on your shoulder and watched the entire time.
“hehe looks like i once again saved the day,” bachira laughed as he looked at your ‘collaborated’ work.
you rolled your eyes at his comment. “ok fine i guess you did help with my art block,” you smiled and kissed his cheek, “i appreciate it and i appreciate you”
bachira grinned and wrapped his arms around your waist, “you are so so welcome!”
“is this something you did with your mom every time she couldn’t paint?” “oh yeah constantly” “ah should’ve guessed”
you sat at your desk while scrolling through different photos on your laptop, trying to find something to draw since your brain was completely dried out of ideas
“babe~” you sighed as you heard a whiny voice from behind you. uh oh kaiser needs attention. you turned your head to look at him
“what do you need kaiser”
“how much longer are you gonna be in here for? you’ve already been here all day…” it’s only been an hour.
you rolled your eyes as his whining got more desperate and you spoke, “who knows at this point. i’ve been stuck for a while so you might have to wait for the rest of the day.” you glanced at him, knowing that would get to him.
“no darling! you cant stay here all day”
“well if you have any ideas for me, i’ll love to hear them”
he closed your laptop, pushing all your things aside, and sat on your desk right in front of you with his leg crossed over his knee, “how about this… you should just draw me.” he smirked as he looked down at your unimpressed face
you thought about it for a second before nodding, “you know what… that’s not too bad of an idea! i’ll do it.”
“ok great!” he said as he started taking his shirt off.
“kaiser no! i don’t need a nude model so please leave your shirt on!”
“fine…” he groaned, hesitantly removing his hands from his shirt and smoothed it out. he mumbled, “it’s nothing you haven’t seen before anyway”
you playfully rolled your eyes and got your stuff ready. you started drawing him as he did various poses while basking in all your attention. every now and then he would try to convince you that him stripping off his clothes would help more but you kept shooting that idea down. you had to deal with him constantly walking naked around the house already.
once you finished, you showed him the sketches. he wrapped his arms around you and kissed you multiple times, each one on a different spot on your face. “wow you did such a good job! you captured my beauty so well”
he took photos of your sketches while gushing about how good of an artist you are and how blessed he is for having you (and also how blessed you are for having a great and attractive model like him)
the next day while he was out at practice, he showed off your drawings to his teammates, bragging about how beautiful and talented his partner is
a/n: haha hai so like i was planning on only sticking to hcs format for this blog but i really wanted to do like a drabble/hc thingy and i also have very little writing experience so sorry if this sucks ass. hope you enjoyed it!
this was supposed to be a three character post but i struggled to
think of another so if anyone wants a part 2 with diff characters, feel free to request so with the characters you want!
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Prompt: After vanessa is freed from ol' peepaw willy's control. One day, Gregory just sorta offhandedly comments "by the way, you had a real crappy knife as Vanny". Vanessa, understandably, questions how he knows this. Gregory proceeds to drag her to the store to buy a 4 buck knife, victoria brand (because i recently got one and omg that's sharp). Vanessa is now glad that Vanny was kind of a dummy. (I thought this could be funny!)
Basic implant background for Vanessa here! This is silly, lol.
It started with a movie trailer in which a character was shown attacking a friend because of mind control. It was all rising drama as the second character desperately tried to break their friend free without hurting them while still trying to defend themself. It struck a sour note in Vanessa. 
Had any of her victims, Gregory or otherwise, tried to snap her out of it? Begged for her to wake up, for her not to hurt them? Would they have known to? She didn’t remember enough from those months, her memory scattered and patchy. 
“You must have been so scared,” she murmured, almost without noticing. She immediately tensed when Gregory turned to look at her; That Night had been one of the Things We Don’t Talk About since it happened, and the last thing she’d meant to do was break that unspoken agreement.
But Gregory just made a dismissive noise. “Not really.” 
“Not—not really?” 
He sent her a half pitying, half apologetic look. “You were a really incompetent murderer, is all.” 
And despite how unbelievably stupid it was, Vanessa found herself mildly offended. “Excuse me?” 
Gregory sighed, put-upon. “Forget I said anything.” 
Vanessa did not, instead leaning forward to mute the TV. “No, no, we’re having this conversation. And I’m sorry for bringing it up—for making you uncomfortable, but—”
“Uncomfortable? What are you talking about?”
She gestured at him. “I don’t exactly want to make you relive a traumatic experience.” 
He stared at her blankly for a second, but before she could start to worry that he was having a flashback or something, he snorted, amused. “Ness, I hate to break it to you, but I didn’t find that night in the pizzaplex particularly traumatizing.” 
“You—what? But we, we have that silent agreement not to talk about it!” 
“Yeah. Because you get all self-loathing and thousand-yard-stare-y when you’re reminded of it.” 
“I—” Vanessa cut herself off, narrowing her eyes. Did she get like that? “But—your nightmares?”
He bit his lip, and she got the impression he was trying not to laugh at her. “I’ve never had a nightmare about you or the pizzaplex, actually.” 
“But I—your insomnia, the way you’re so tired in the morning sometimes, and sometimes you fall asleep with the light on!” 
“I have friends in other time zones,” he explained. “And what kid doesn’t stay up to all hours on YouTube? You wouldn’t believe how many theory videos are out there about Fazbear Entertainment and all the murders and stuff.” 
The murders. Her murders? Were there more murders committed by other murderers? 
They stared at each other for a long minute, Vanessa’s worldview shifting in multiple different directions and Gregory placidly watching it happen. 
“Okay, we’ll—come back to that, maybe, but—sorry, just. Let’s circle back to incompetent murderer. The hell does that mean?” 
“Let me put it simply: you dedicated six-plus hours to trying to kill me… and now I live in your house.” 
Vanessa slumped into the couch cushions, unable to argue. 
To add insult to injury, Gregory started counting off a list of incompetencies on his fingers. “Your costume was frankly comical with its bug-eyes and buckteeth and weird smile. I have to assume the mask severely limited your vision with the amount of times you just completely missed me despite me being right in front of you. You had no sense of urgency with the way you were skipping around, and you made it extremely easy to avoid you because you had no concept of stealth or subtlety. Using the animatronics to help you might have been a half decent idea if doing so hadn’t dumbed them down so much. An actual dog would’ve been better at tracking me.” 
She opened her mouth to interject, but he kept going. 
“The one time you did get close to me, you were so dead-set on maintaining the stupidest cover ever that you practically let me get away. I mean, seriously, who were you trying to fool? So what if I, the kid you were going to kill, knew Vanessa and Vanny were one and the same? And despite having an entire building’s worth of security cameras at your fingertips, you never used them to find me, and the door locks were useless with all the keycards laying around. Admittedly, that’s not entirely your fault, but as a murderer, I think you should’ve been more meticulous about that. And the worst part—”
This roast against her mind-controlled self got worse? 
“—your knife was a piece of crap.” 
A few seconds ticked by as Vanessa’s brain tried to take in his criticisms without thinking of them as points that she needed to improve upon. “What was so bad about my knife?” she asked, perhaps a bit too petulant.
Gregory shrugged. “It was a standard kitchen knife, which wasn’t the worst thing you could’ve chosen. But it clearly hadn’t seen a sharpener in way too long.” 
“How would you know?” Because, admittedly, it wasn’t like she’d ever gotten close enough for him to learn firsthand anything about her knife. 
He sucked in through his teeth, faux apologetic. “Another point against you,” he teased. “I stole your knife around 4:30 and you apparently didn’t even notice.” 
“You didn’t. You didn’t!” 
“I did!” His smile turned smug. “And I never gave it back.” 
“You still have it?” Vanessa asked. Was that something to be concerned about? Especially since he had such a clear idea of what made a person a good or bad murderer. 
“Duh. And you’re not getting it back now. It’s part of my collection.” 
Terrifying little menace. Vanessa looked back at the TV and unmuted it. Her thoughts swirled. 
A few minutes later, she huffily turned to Gregory again, smacking the couch cushion as she did, and loudly said, affronted, “Incompetent. Incompetent? Me? Really?” 
Gregory immediately bursting into laughter didn’t help her outrage. 
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saraculberry122 · 1 year
Sammy Ingram Is A Liar
I have known Samantha a.k.a. Sammy for over 10 years. We used to be extremely close friends up until recently. I had to cut her off, because my self, and some of our other friends called her out for constantly lying in her videos. She has already cut off Other friends for calling her out. One of our friends, Tallia, called her out over a year ago, publicly, and Sammy pretended to not know who she was. Sammy has been a habitual, and pathological liar her entire life. She used to lie about her race, and heavily edit her photos and tell people that they weren’t even when it was extremely obvious. She would tell people she was Hispanic, then she would tell people she was half black. She knows how to manipulate people into believing whatever she tells them. I will attach messages to this thread. I was recently blocked after trying to upload a video about the situation on YouTube, she reported my video immediately, and it got taken down for bullying and harassment. I tried to re-upload it, but since my kids were in the background of my video, I think it’s safer, if I don’t.
She always tries to silence everyone who calls her out. She cuts her friends off and blocks us. Then she pretends as if she doesn’t know us. She has never manifested anything in. This is not her first time using social media to scam people. She has admitted to us that she steals other peoples videos. She has sent me links of other peoples post and videos, saying she was going to make a video like it. She talks shit about her coaches, and even tried to scam some of them. Which is why her coaches are constantly leaving. She always says she doesn’t care about her clients, she just wants to make money. She always complains about her clients and her situation is calling them names and laughing at them for being desperate.
Around the time of her father‘s passing, and I reached out to her and told her that I pray she stops lying and does the right thing. She got mad at me and wouldn’t talk to me for a few months. When she did reach out to me she told me she would confess publicly. me and Tallia, are used to create google accounts, and Facebook, pages and fake success stories for her. We were commenting, 20 or 30 success stories under all of her post. When she started her Facebook group, we would post success stories from accounts we created. She literally asked us to do this, so that people would buy her coaching and think she was legit. And she used to buy her Instagram followers. She used to tell people she was Hispanic, which is not true. She would lie about where she is from. All she does is lie. She never manifested Bobby, I have no clue how she made him agree to even filming videos about it. But I’m sure she Gaslite him or manipulated him as she did so many people we know.
She has a burner Twitter account that she used to use to bully people online. The account is still active and she uses it to defend herself, pretending to be someone else to anyone who sends her hate online. She pretends like it’s a supporter but it’s actually her. You may have noticed this account around. She blocked all of her friends on this account along time ago, so I don’t remember the name of it. I’m sure one of you can find it and figure it out. I years ago, she would always create fake accounts to bully people or make herself seem better. Since she is a good liar and manipulator, it’s usually easy for her to get away with everything. I’m sure she has brainwashed her followers into believing everything she says. she loves playing the victim and always has. Every time she starts some thing with someone, it’s always their fault. She is constantly throwing rocks at people and then hiding her hands. This has been going on way before this YouTube channel.
I’m sure like always. She is going to pretend like she doesn’t know me. The same thing she did to TALLIA I will see if I can find a picture of us together. Please help me get this message out. I worry for her son Major Devon Ingram every single day. I pray he doesn’t end up like a pathological liar like his mom. I tried to tell her for years she needs to confess to all of the fucked up stuff she’s done. She continues to say she will, but I doubt she will ever. I cannot wait to see how she will lie and manipulate her way out of this.
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silverwolf1249 · 2 years
Raising Awareness: China's White Paper Protests
If possible, please consider reading and sharing this post.
So my tumblr has absolutely nothing to do about politics, but this is something hitting a little close to home and stuff like this is so important to get seen because it sure won't get the attention it needs, so I want to help increase its visibility any way I can.
I can't even begin to tell you my shock when I learned that the top 2 universities in China (Tsinghua University and Beijing University respectively) were both protesting against the CCP. That the protesting started from people all over China, and once some universities began protesting, the networking between the academic institutes made the protests quickly spread to roughly 175 universities all over China and abroad like Harvard and Caltech which have decent amounts of Chinese international students. I've even seen a few signs about the Ürümqi Fire (one of the major tipping points that started the protests) on my own university campus, which was the reason I started researching the situation.
For some background for those who might not know, the origin of using a piece of white paper to protest comes from a joke when Russia was still the Soviet Union. The general gist of the joke is that a man passes out blank fliers out to people, and gets arrested. He shows that he's only handing out white pieces of paper, but gets locked up anyway because "The fliers may be blank, but it shows your true intentions!". This, by the way, was explained to me by my dad, so it may deviate a little from the original joke. In any case, it's used to represent everything they cannot say aloud due to China's censorship.
But back to the coverage on the situation. I've been searching through most of the major english speaking news sources and read what I expected to see. Police intimidation in broad daylight, entering trains and people's own homes, and accosting people to delete any possible pictures they had from the protests and deleting all social media apps and VPNs which could help spread the word. They also recorded people's personal data, facial recognition, retinal scans, fingerprints, etc.
Several people were grabbed and arrested. There were also apparently a few journalists (including one from the BBC) who got caught trying to cover the issue and got beat up and arrested by the police before being let go after a few days. There's some other stuff as well, but overall it was mostly what I expected, but I still felt like there had to be more. I turned to my dad for some help, who's fluent in Mandarin.
With just one small search in YouTube with the phrase "白紙抗議", I got so much more new information. The phrase translates to white paper protests in traditional Chinese. This helped me find a treasure mine of recordings from a Taiwanese news channel that went further in detail and showed more first hand footage and images that was different than what I'd already seen, and so much more terrible to watch. But there were also videos and images that made me want to applaud the protestors.
Remember when I mentioned that an event called the Ürümqi Fire was a major tipping point to all the protesting? For some background information, Ürümqi is the capital city of Xinjiang, a huge region of China's north west area, and is also know as the Uyghur Autonomous Region.
The Ürümqi Fire was an event where an apartment building in the city burned down, killing at least 10 people. This wasn't even the first incident since China's zero-Covid policy, it just happened to be the event that got the ball rolling. In the english speaking media I looked into, I only saw pictures of the fire, or a silent video of it.
In the video I found? The recording also had sound, people screaming desperately for someone to help, unable to escape their locked rooms, and with no firemen coming to save them until much, much too late; all issues stemming from China's zero-Covid policy. It only gets worse from there.
Currently in english speaking media, most people only suspect more violent police suppression than just restraining people. Well, no need for any more speculations when you can watch two first hand accounts of young women being beaten by the police for not complying. The actual violence is, thankfully fully censored. Just seeing the beginning of the videos alone made my heart drop to my stomach.
But it's not all doom and gloom. These videos also held plenty of pictures of slogans graffitied by protestors all over different college campuses, and lemme tell you, people get creative under rigid censorship. I'm still not clear what some of them actually mean because I'm barely able to speak any Mandarin, there's no hope in me deciphering the word play. There was also a clip in one of them on how one student at Tsinghua University started a protest on her own, until she was surrounded by a veritable crowd of people.
I will be adding both of the videos I watched below, they both have english subtitles and can help explain more than I can. They also go into more detail other major reasons people, especially college aged people, began protesting. Most of them are unsurprisingly, covid related.
Other than that, it's just...so incredibly frustrating and heartbreaking to see what these people are up against. The White House released a statement essentially saying they won't touch the topic because of the potential fallout with China. Apple is apparently helping the CCP by limiting AirDrop time to prevent protestors spreading awareness to other people. And, let's not forget what the CCP did with the last large, public, student ran protest; the CCP sure tried their best to make sure it was erased from their history.
The protestors, the majority being people my age, have everything against them. A much like the Hong Kong protests, they don't stand a very high chance at succeeding. But they're still fighting out there for what they believe in, and have definitely left their mark in history. I have so much respect for all of them, I'm worried for all of them, and all I can do is sit here and write this post and hope more people see this and spread the word. At the very least, I want raise awareness over the situation.
*Just a reminder to watch the videos at your own risk as they contain potentially triggering content*
(the first video is the most recent update
the second one only has english subtitles for part of the video, but they have Mandarin subtitles if you're willing to google translate, and also the first hand clips throughout the whole video are still worth to watch even if you can't fully understand what they're saying)
Some Other Sources:
*If these sources or any of my words above end up being from unreliable sources or later found to contain false information/updated information appears, don't hesitate to send asks or comments so I may edit my post/delete the links/add new or better sources.*
White House Weighs How Forcefully to Support Protesters in China
New Symbol of Protest in China Roils Censors: Blank White Papers
China Covid protests explained: why are people demonstrating and what will happen next?
Apple Limits iPhone File-Sharing Tool Used for Protests in China
How blank sheets of paper became a protest symbol in China
Protests erupt across China in unprecedented challenge to Xi Jinping’s zero-Covid policy
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sapphire-weapon · 7 months
I genuinely think you're super talented and have many passions. Some people aren't that lucky. You just gotta find what to do with those things. I think you need to allow yourself to dream a bit more, to believe things can turn out the way you want them to. When we suggested the whole YT account thing you were clearly into it but then started being like oh but its not gonna do well dont get your hopes up, which ok that could happen, but IT COULD ALSO DO SUPER WELL!! Im sure most youtubers who are big didnt expect it in the beginning. But it all starts with trying.
The same way you're gonna complete your first multi chaptered fic, you can keep outdoing yourself, even if it feels small or insignificant, it's still more than what you did in the past, and you can keep accomplishing more. But you have to believe it can happen first, approach it with a different mindset, romanticize the whole thing no matter if it feels stupid, dream big. Only you can do it. Don't allow yourself to drown in your circumstances. Please. We got you.
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you guys are all so inspirational
common stereotype: fandom is just a bunch of depressed shut-ins trying desperately to keep their heads above water re: their mental health my followers: TOUCHING GRASS IS FOR PUSSIES, ROLL AROUND IN THAT SHIT AND LET THE SUN SHINE ON YOUR FACE AND LET THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD WASH OVER YOU!!!
the biggest thing getting in my way right now re: the youtube channel is that i can't find video editing software that's both free and easy to use. i don't have an A/V or film background. i need very basic tools LMAO
if anyone has a cracked copy of something they can give me, please send it my way. piracy is always morally correct.
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notasapleasure · 2 years
EastEnders run (2000-2001), Part 1/4
COME GET YOUR (so many) (bad quality) SCREENCAPS, BABES
I’ve split this into four parts (1: four episodes, 2: three episodes, 3: three episodes, 4: the two episodes from 2001), and posting the rest of the parts may be interrupted by other recaps if I need a break from Albert Square... Apologies for the many unexplained references to long-standing EastEnders characters. I have walked through the shame I thought I was already free of and come through fully cleansed and at peace: yes, I remember this era of the soap fairly well.
God the visceral response I have to the theme tune like 'switch it off switch it off flee the room!!' I mean I do remember phases where I saw it regularly - Sonya's surprise baby, Ian Beale being miserable, Frank wearing nothing but his spinning bow-tie...
I'm still traumatised.
I am only here because young Chook is described as a heart-throb. And it's accurate.
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Fuckkkkk me i am slain
Jack Robbins’s first appearance was on 17 August 2000, his second on 21 August, but unfortunately those are two of the three episodes I couldn’t find on YouTube. if I turn them up later I’ll do another post for completism’s sake.
22 August 2000
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He’s following his ex. Jury’s out as to whether we’d call it stalking yet.
Oh look it's Ian Beale! God, maybe I saw this when it aired? Scary thought.
So from what I understand, Chook is Jack, whose ex, Sandra has moved back in with her ex (big menacing guy I forgot his name - BEPPE! Blast from the past Beppe). Jack's desperate to see Sandra and talk about things. There's something iirc about Sandra being unable to have kids and Jack being ok with that, while the guy she's with doesn't know. Squick potential: high.
(Steps' cover of Tragedy is playing in the background of a scene and I just. Astral projected to the Smash Hits awards 1998 hhhhhhh)
Ooh Jack's going for a lunchtime pint with menacing boyfriend Beppe. Aren't you a copper, Jack?
I'd hit that too.
The video quality is tragic, I'm sorry...
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Having a cheeky fag outside so he can catch Sandra and get her name taken off the paperwork on his flat :')
Looks like all three of them are going for a pint after all! Sandra doesn't want to, and Jack's not exactly receptive to those vibes...if you love her that much have you considered respecting her wishes, Jack?
Beppe is asking if he doesn't have a girlfriend! Awks. Just fucknmng. Ficking. Fuck. Fucking look at him though
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It's a sore point. Beppe gloats about Jack the lad getting stung.
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"Look, if you really wanna know, we were living together. But she left me."
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🥺🥺🥺🥺 Sandra what's wrong with you love???
Beppe tries to help by pointing out that he and Sandra split up and then got back together "for good" so there's hope for him yet!
Beppe please note how little you are helping
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Drinking a tiny glass of wine (or gin?) and smoking fags (indoors! This is like archaeology!) And though Sandra told him to go, he gets another round in and says it's the only way he can get to talk to her.... Sandra: "There's nothing to talk about!" Don't be a creep babe.
Beppe volunteers his whole afternoon if Jack needs to work through anything :')
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Ah yes, Beppe and Sandra already have a kid - Jack says it must be hard just having the one when Beppe says they're trying for a second.
The expression of a man who knows that ain't going to be possible and can't say a thing about it:
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Jack.exe has encountered a problem and needs to shut down!
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Video rentals! History in action!
Beppe's so worried about his dear friend Jack. Hasn't seen him for years but he doesn't like seeing him like that.
Jack honey, I'd like you a lot more if you weren't behaving so much like a stalker standing in the rain outside Sandra and Beppe's place. Banging on the door and yelling.
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She doesn't 'owe' you squat, dude :(
Oh mai gawd TAMZIN OUTHWAITE. this is. This really is the Era.
He wants to know why she just up and left with nothing but a note, says he gave her the space she asked for but doesn't know why she's here with Beppe now. She says it's because of the kid (who we haven't even seen crol).
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"Maybe I wanted to be with Joe too!" Soft. Kicked puppy whine. We could have tried for custody, visiting rights, all very noble and then again SHOUTY. >:(
*squirts him with spray bottle*
Bad. I don't care if it's compulsory on EastEnders. Behave yourself.
He does, a bit. Can't understand why it matters that Beppe still loves her.
"After all I've done he still loves me."
"After all you've done? Sandra he's the reason you left in the first place."
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Sandra tells him she always loved Beppe even when they were together and, I repeat myself from Casualty: "Look, Lise, you can pinpoint the exact moment etc etc" :(
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"You really reckon you love this guy?...So why are you lying to him? You promised him another kid. How you gonna do that?"
Jackolas I am warning you about your tone and I have the spray bottle at the ready again >:(
He just sound ls a bit defeated now when she asks what he's going to do next, but immediately asks "What are you scared of?" when Sandra is cagey about telling Beppe she can't have kids anymore.
Jack was there for her when she had a miscarriage and hysterectomy, and can't understand why she'd stay with Beppe if she's afraid he'd leave her on finding out :(
Sandra, quite rightly: "This is not about you!"
But he's very attached to the baby they didn't get to have and he thinks she's blaming him.
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She refuses to leave Beppe, he refuses to be left by her etc etc round and round again. It's believable I guess but oof.
Also fucking weirding me out how much Sandra looks like Felicity Jones...
And now he's acting like it's "all because I couldn't provide you with a kid" yiiiiiikes
*furiously spritzes big man with squirty bottle but has to cover her eyes because it's not like that kiss was BAD I mean -*
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I’m so sorry for the image quality, lighting, camera angle, etc etc.
I will just say that the way he breaks the kiss, by taking her shoulder and pushing her back, is identical to the way he breaks the hug with Cassian in Rix Road, though :3
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"You tell Beppe it's not him, it's me you love."
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Sweetheart you are SMOKING but that is no excuse. I think Sandra and Joe need some space away from all of you, and I'm certain this would have been my feeling if I saw this in 2000 because I never liked the big shouty men of EastEnders.
He did get the bombshell line before the credits though, so kudos young Chook!
24 August 2000
One assumes Jack is not, in fact, leaving. Well he's certainly not going to leave if Sandra's the one calling him 👀
God look at all these people having their lunchtime pints! (Yes that was jealously you detected in my tone)
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Sandra, helping yourself to a man's fag while he's smoking isn't a neutral gesture, just ask Merab and Irakli...
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She's mainly worried he'll tell Beppe about things and he's no fucking gent about it, saying why should he keep quiet *reloads spray bottle*
(I feel like a PI taking long lens snaps of these two on the park bench smh)
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"I don't care what you say", no matter how nice what comes after this is.... it's not something you should be saying to express your love here 🙃
She does kind of agree that there's still something though. "Can't have it all, can I?"
I already knew I had no maternal instinct but if I could go and live child-free with *gestures* then I'd say that's close enough to 'having it all'. [N.B. *gestures at husband* I do actually Have It All]
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Sandra: "Please don't mess things up for me."
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And.... it's probably just because he hasn't said anything for a bit, but that scene left me sympathising with him more. Sandra hasn't exactly handled the break-up well and expecting him to 'not mess things up for her' when she's just messed up everything for him is a bit rich.
We've interrupted this programme for a theological discussion of euthanasia!
Also yeah, Tamzin Outhwaite early bi crush, for sure.
There's plenty of other entertaining stuff in this episode (oh god what am I saying) but no more Jack!
4 September 2000
Seeing Ian Beale happy brings such a feeling of foreboding. This can't last, mate.
Here's the infamous Joe! Sandra and Beppe seem happy. How nice for them.
Phil Mitchell and your face like a slapped arse! I forgot you'd be here too!
Lunchtime drinks with his best mate Beppe! Oh Jack...:/
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Jack love, if you can't handle seeing your ex back with her previous guy, maybe stop going for drinks with said guy in the only local drinking establishment :')
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Smoking sure is a filthy habit when you look like that doing it (don't @ me)
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Ooh, Jack's in CID, specialising in illegal gambling. Fancy!
Beppe leaves the table and Jack looks at Sandra: "This must be fate..."
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"Why don't you just drink up and go, eh?"
He pulls SUCH a face at this but the video quality is horrible.
Oh lovely, now Beppe's inviting him to come round and hang out with him and Joe while Sandra's out. Just form a polycule already guys!
Ohhhh Jack, back on your bullshit
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Leave her alone! Sympathy has expired - I'm getting the spray bottle again....
Oh Laura :( pleasure derived from seeing Ian Beale happy: eliminated. Billy's slut-shaming Mel, Sonya's Backstreet Boy-bangs boyfriend is going to get her knocked up...all the men are AWFUL. Actually Beppe is one of the only well-behaved ones right now. Yikes.
21 September 2000
The 5 September episode isn't up on YouTube so, we're on to 21 September, how will I ever catch up?
Oh, little Mo and co have moved in!
Mate, are there no buttons on that shirt?
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Sandra thought he'd gone for good. "What made you think that?"
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I mean ok, following her to the launderette is bad, stop it Jack, but then again:
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"If I fell apart every time you decided to drop in I'd be a right mess wouldn't I?"
You're a stronger woman than I am Sandra 🫡
Presumably he has gone away for a bit because he asks if she fell apart when he left - to which she says he doesn't have the right to ask that sort of question anymore. It's like watching a fight in a nursery playground smh.
Thank u YouTube gods for the slightly better quality video this time
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He's applied for a transfer to Bristol and says she and Joe should come with him. He thinks she's 'hiding behind' Joe, because she won't try for custody and would "rather play 'appy fam'lies wiv Beppe than wiv me!"
Sandra says that's not true, which uhhhh isn't exactly going to put him off
Rights for Sonya's big thighs! Actually she was so important to me for that.
Ohhhh Sandra's subtly quizzing Ian's property lawyer about custody cases...
Frank's getting in on the All Men Are Awful act, and Dot's really getting into her crisis of faith, wow! We're trying out some Biblical textual criticism, go girlies! (Aww, old Ethel has died since last episode - and it sounds like Dot helped her). Blimey Dot Cotton having a Shakespearian soliloquy alone in the church sure was A Scene! They did not have to go that hard!
So let's lighten things up with a bit of teenage larceny :)
Dot's turned herself in for murder. This isn't Jack related, I'm just. It's wild, ok?
End of Part 1! Can’t believe how much more enjoyable this is than like....any modern police procedural. Jack’s scenes are pretty repetitive, and because I haven’t seen the first two episodes he’s in I don’t know if we ever see what his life with Sandra was like. He talks about how nice and normal it was, and I can imagine the kind of desperation he shows if she’s really acting like a cultist who’s gone back inside, but it’s really not clear enough that that’s what’s going on, so he does come over as somewhat too intense and entitled. Pretty, though. I’ll give him that. My one piece of constructive criticism? All those buttons undone and no chest hair - I don’t believe it for a minute. I will track down whoever waxed him and wax every inch of their body and douse them in dettol.
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winderlylandchime · 10 months
I wasn’t even going to send this at first but i figured you guys deserve to witness the type of stupidity i deal with every day.
He told our mom about his broken wrist and this is how he decided to do it. Earlier today/yesterday (I completely am fucking up my sleep schedule right now) were on facetime talking and you could see him trying to find the courage to do it and then our mom said something along the lines of how horrible something would be. And he apparently decided that this was his opportunity because he went ‘yeah, you know what else would be really horrible mom? Breaking *both* of your arms. That’d be a nightmare! Can’t brush your teeth, can’t go to the bathroom alone. Can’t do anything!’ And you could see our dad in the background with his head in his hands because he accidentally found out about his broken wrist and swore us to secrecy about him knowing. And our mom the whole time was just staring at him like he’s fucking stupid and then very slowly as if she’s speaking to an child she goes ‘yes…(his name)….that would be….bad..’ and this idiot goes ‘mhm, which is why thank god, i only broke one of my wrists’ And she obviously yells out ‘YOU DID WHAT?! How did you do that? What did you do?!’ Then she started calling for me to find out what happened and somehow i got in trouble and she’s freaking out if the rest of him is okay and that he needs to be more careful and she’s talking at the speed of light and he’s trying to cut in and then he just yells ‘YOURE MISSING THE POINT! I CAN STILL PEE ON MY OWN! NO HELP NEEDED’ and all three of us went silent and just stared at him until he went ‘okay yeah, i heard it too.’ The good thing is dad tried to help and changed the topic to make it about my brother’s Justin shirt he was wearing and this idiot went ‘dad, focus. We were talking about my wrist’ and then he noticed dad staring at him like he’s an idiot and he went ‘oh OH yeah, my shirt.’ And just started talking about Justin and Randy’s podcast and how he’s thinking about watching Desperate Housewives bc of Gale (all that was said in one giant long sentence) Our mom was cool after that though and even joined the conversation about Randy. I actually think she is kinda liking the stories about qaf/britin but the problem is she is finding them out through my brother. So if she’d have a more reliable source I’m sure she’d love it and randy/gale as well. Bottom line is: I’m related to an idiot. And it is very late because he kept me up all day and night cause of qaf AND he also have me an entire presentation about what type of video edits about Britin and to which songs he’d like to see. He wanted me to search it on youtube id they exist so he’ll have stuff to watch. So I’ll be back with the updates after I come back to life. Never thought qaf would be destroying my late 20s like it did my early 20s
OH MY GOD. I love your brother. This is my approach to bad news. Or like when I go shopping and come home with a lot of bags. I always tell my spouse to focus on all the things I didn't buy. Entire stores worth of items unpurchased, by me.
Based on what I know about your parents (date nights to the drag bar) I think they would love QAF. But your brother is maybe not the best messenger for it. The most enthusiastic? Absolutely. The best? Mmm. Maybe not.
If he wants fanvids, I love these: https://www.youtube.com/@roseability1804 If you've read LaVieEnRose's fics on AO3, these are her vids!
0 notes
mmorgsalsa · 2 years
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My question now is which of the two programs Hitfilm PRO or Davinci Resolve STUDIO are ahead in the respective points and for what the programs can generally be recommended. That's when I finally came across Hitfilm and Davinci Resolve, because they have processing and effects in one.Ībove all, I want the best ofs with a few effects, gaming videos and films I am currently looking for an editing program.
#Adobe after effects magic bullet looks plugin download movie
Is there a free option or is it possible with my video editing program Davinci Resolve? Hit movie or Davinci Resolve?
#Adobe after effects magic bullet looks plugin download how to
I have a Stinger Transition but don't know how to make it transparent in the background without After Effects. can I make cooler effects there? I like to do Star Wars effects :) and is it easier than DAVINCI? Alpha background for OBS? Now I wonder if Adope is worth it and etc. At the moment I am using the free edition of DAVINCI resolve. I'm considering accepting the Black Friday offer for the Creative Cloud (student price) - I cut clips as a hobby and love VFX effects. There are Form Magic Bullet Looks RSMB S_Blue S_Glow S_Shake S_Warpbubble and Twitch what about it and why doesn't it work? I'm a newcomer to Adobe I just downloaded it today. Hello dear community, I recently wanted to download an intro template and I did it you needed Cinema 4D and After Effects at Cinema 4D everything worked, everything went changed, when I wanted to do the Adobe After Effects part came 8 Missing effects when I went in. What are the basic advantages of Affter Effects over Davinci Resolve or vice versa red giant or rsmb?Ĭan someone tell me more precisely what they are for and which of the two is better? use Adobe after effects (I'm still a beginner) Thank you in advance Adobe After Effects missing effects? when I try to open Magic Bullet Looks in Ae I get this message (see picture) Can someone help me? Adobe After Effects vs Davinci Resolve 16? when I try to open Magic Bullet Looks in Ae I get this message (see picture) Can someone help me?Īdobe After Effects Magic Bullet Looks does not work. LG Adobe After Effects Magic Bullet Looks does not work. Has anyone evt what virus is free and can send me the link? I'm looking forward to an answer. Hello I've been looking for the two plugins for After Effects and Sony Vegas for a long time! Only when I look at YT can I only find which ones have viruses and I'm still desperate because I can't find anything! For After Effects / Sony Vegas Sapphire Plugin and Magic Bullet Looks crack without viruses?
#Adobe after effects magic bullet looks plugin download Pc
What can I do about it? My pc shouldn't be the problem because it is very expensive. The preview of the videos that I edit hangs or jerks whenever I have done a color grading or something similar. I'm using the free version of davinci resolve 16 Beta and have some performance issues. Thanks in advance Why is the preview jerky with davinci resolve? Could I still cut in 4K with the AMD Ryzen 5 3600? As a GraKa I have a GTX 1660 and 16 GB of RAM. According to the DaVinci Resolve website, you need at least a Ryzen 7. Since I don't have that much money, I'm looking for a € 900 PC. I edit videos and am currently assembling a new PC. Please only seriously intended answers! DaVinci Resolve with AMD Ryzen 5 3600? Now my question: is it really virus-free? And does it really work? I then watched a tutorial on Youtube and saw that everyone only download this plugin from the Red Giant site. I discovered the Magic Bullet Looks plugin and wanted to download it right away. Hey, yesterday I downloaded After Effects CS6 and wanted to add a few plugins to it. It is best to have a look at the websites of the plugin providers.Īfter effects magic bullet looks virus-free? Pure assumption: There may be different versions of these plugins, depending on what you use as the "main program". These are two completely different programs !! You can't just use the plugins from one program in another Plugins: Sapphire, Magic Bullet looks, Red giant universe and the Rsmb twitxtor plugin However, I noticed that my plugins that I have still used davinci are not there.
#Adobe after effects magic bullet looks plugin download license
Nodelocked, Subscription or floating license.įor floating and render license options, contact us.I already edit videos a lot and wanted to switch from Davinci resolve to after effects. If no GPU is available, Sapphire will render in CPU mode. METAL enabled cards are supported on Mac OS. We recommend using the latest NVIDIA Studio drivers, where possible. More information can be found here, under "Supported GPUs". GPU Acceleration: An NVIDIA GPU with compute capability 3.5 (Kepler) or above. Monitor: 1920×1080 or higher, including high dpi 4k monitors Processor: 64-bit Intel or AMD CPU with four or more coresĭisk: High-speed disk array or SSD storage Linux:Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 & 8, CentOS 7 & 8
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cachememory · 4 years
5am-11am for me is a weird time bc no one in the parlour is awake so im left to my own devices like a big cat stalking back and forth in a too-small cage
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malusokay · 2 years
I'm going into grade eleven this year, I'm a sixteen year old girl. I suffer from 6 mental illnesses. Grade 10 was a really bad year for me regarding my grades n stuff because of my mental health. How can I get good grades while also prioritizing my mental health? I've decided to go to the library instead when I'm studying, I have a noisy home. What else could I do?
I totally understand your situation; I also struggled a lot during that time of my life. Going to the library is already a great idea, but I have some more tips I would like to share with you! I feel like reducing the stress caused by school is the most important aspect to help your mental health.
This may sound a bit silly, but taking cute notes really helped me stay focused; I used an IPad Pro and good notes for that.
Reading classical literature in your free time, I grew up around classics and realised quickly how much I benefitted from reading them. I also recommend annotating while reading to focus more.
Watch YouTube videos about the topics you are currently learning; you can also watch study vlogs to motivate yourself.
Email your teacher when you have trouble with homework, especially if you struggle with talking in class. It shows them that you are trying your best and are interested.
Learn to romanticise school. I will make a more in-depth post about this!
I switched from private to online school in 11th grade, which helped me a lot.
Use notion to organise your school stuff, It's a bit complicated at first, but you can find free aesthetic templates online to make it easier. Once you understand it, you can customise everything to your needs.
Use Grammarly to make writing essays easier. I really recommend getting the paid version if you can!!
Don't skip school and eat enough. I had the terrible habit of skipping school when I didn't feel good, don't do that! Just attend class, even if you don't have the energy to take notes or raise your hand.
Join Studytwt on Twitter. It's a sweet community of people who motivate each other, help each other with school stuff and are, in general, really lovely!
Check out LifeAt.io. It's a website that creates an aesthetic atmosphere with little videos and music to play in the background, like a cafe atmosphere or rain and stuff like that. This might be especially helpful since you mention that you live in a noisy home.
Now I also have some more 'unethical' advice; if that's not your thing, just ignore this section; use these tips ONLY if things are getting bad and your grades a stressing you out and making your situation worse.
Desperate times call for desperate measures, right?
Google your homework and school books; most of the time, you can find the answers online. If you are lucky, you can find something like a teacher version to your school book with all the answers for sale.
Use Photo math for Mathematics. It's an app that gives you the answers to any math problem and explains everything in a straightforward way without any wordy bs.
Omnicalculator. Literally helpful for any subject. It's a free website that you can just look up. Totally recommend.
If you have any more questions or need someone to talk to, feel free to message me or send me another ask! I hope this helps you a little, and I wish you all the best for your new school year! <3
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moonctzeny · 3 years
nct 127 as computer engineering majors (suggestive/smutty)
this was a personal attack and I'm having nct 127 brainrot so y'all have to suffer with me
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hot TA with a fat ass that almost made you fail the class bc who the fuck pays attention to what's written on the board when he stands in front of it?
wears expensive shirts with long sleeves that he pushes over his elbows while explaining the most crucial formulas- your lab partner has to shove you so that you don’t drool all over your worksheet
you offer to help around the lab he's supervising after you somehow pass the course just to spend more time with him
you swear he flirts with you in the most gentle ways but you never bring it up bc you don't want to make him uncomfortable when he's working
but you're both adults and he doesn't teach your class anymore so you're free to ask him out but he's scary to approach you know?
until one day you're alone putting the machinery back in place when he draws a brand new circuit for tomorrow's morning class on the whiteboard and you ask him to explain the flow of electricity through those diodes
and he does and damn he's so hot when he goes all science on you so you tell him just that
how his voice and intelligence really tuns you on and you can teach him a thing or two yourself if he’ll let you
and anyways thank god you arrived at the lab the next morning before any of the students to wipe down the handprints you left on that whiteboard
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study buddy who is very creative at finding new ways to make you procrastinate with him
at first he begs you to borrow your black nail polish and even convinces you to draw little designs on each nail for him
you do a pretty bad job because truth is you have a big crush on johnny and being so close to him makes your hands shake
after you're done he takes your hands in his, and lays them flat over his mousepad
"I'm gonna paint them on yours too! I want to match you!"
you agree bc it's hard to breathe at this point and you've also downed a couple of beers while waiting for the polish to dry
"I always wanted us to try a couple look. even if it's just nails"
"yeah. is it a bad thing?"
you shake your head negatively and he smiles so brightly you get a little dizzy, relishing in the way you squirm under his stare
johnny somehow coaxes you into climbing into his lap, his teeth breaking the skin of your neck as he removes one article of clothing after the other
"we're gonna mess up our nails johnny"
"good. make a mess out of me."
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computer engineering senior and part time pc building youtuber nakamoto yuta falls in your life like a black angel to your salvation
aka he slid in your dms after you posted on your story that you’ll never finish the mandatory Assembly project on time and was having a public meltdown
“how about you buy the project from me and then you’ll only have to worry about staying cute 😜”
you roll your eyes at the message but damn you’re really desperate at this point so you agree to stop by his place to make the transaction
but before you do you decide to check out the link to his youtube channel to kinda gauge what type of guy he is
and damn you think you might have harbored a little online crush from watching his pc building series because yuta is smart and funny and way way way cuter than what his instagram pics let on
you’re quite nervous when you enter his apartment physically after seeing it as a background to his videos so many times
he has an all rainbow neon setup on the most fancy desk you’ve ever seen and that’s when he mentions it’s very durable and you think why would that matter and then you’re like oh
you excitedly ask him about all the parts and that’s how it becomes obvious that you’ve become an avid watcher of his channel during the past week
“I can’t believe I met my cutest subscriber ;)”
anyways yuta is even hotter in real life than in his videos and he smells like green soap and you think that out of all the colors neon pink looks the best when reflected on his naked skin
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he drags his fingers through his dyed locks in frustration, the color he chose for this month being a dark purple
he doesn’t care if his professors say it’s not gonna be easy working around people with all the piercings and shaved eyebrow patches on his face; taeyong prefers working with machines only anyways
a truly gifted programmer as he is, it’s weird to see him so frustrated over the neon green letters on his pc screen.
“I just can’t figure out why I’m getting this error. I tried using try-catch blocks, a break clause to debug it but still nothing works”
you’d be fine with letting him figure it out in peace if there wasn’t one problem: taeyong has this habit of moaning a little when he’s concentrated
and you think taeyong is hot on a normal day but even more so when he’s oblivious to the way he’s pushing you into a deeper level of hell with every breathy sound that leaves his lips
“you’re too hot to be worrying over java”, you think and when he stares back at you with wide eyes you realize you’ve voiced your thoughts out loud
but he still gladly takes your offer to help him relax with your mouth
doyoung (cw: praise, bimbofication)
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doyoung is a senior who pays for his gas by tutoring younger students
you met for the first time when you drunkenly had a very public makeout session during a frat party last winter but that is a story for another time
programming classes were fine for you but numeric analysis was where you drew the line
you remembered him telling you all about how he’s pretty good at math that night when you were too preoccupied thinking how to shove your tongue in his mouth so here he is now, in your small apartment, kissing his teeth
“no, no, we just talked about this. It’s simple linear propolation”, he groans while correcting your shabby numbers in red ink, stretching his arms to release the pent up frustration in his body
“how about you motivate me with something? that way I can learn more effectively?”, you suggest in your most innocent tone but Doyoung doesn’t buy it one bit, ordering you to sit on his lap while he dips his hand past the hem of your shorts
“you solve a problem and I keep playing with you. you make a mistake and I push one more finger in that canny mouth of yours”
and see, you’re conflicted because you’re not sure what you like hearing more from doyoung: him calling you his ‘smart pretty girl’ or his ‘dumb princess who only likes to be braindead around him’
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you and jaehyun have always had a rivalry when it comes to who’s the best programmer between you two
he makes fun of your terrible identation and you make fun of his bad error handling practices
so you organize little hackathons at his place, because it’s exciting and you always end up enjoying your time there in more ways than one
you bet on who can hack the university’s official website faster, loser does whatever winner wants, and you’re about almost done when jaehyun smuggly asks you to refresh the page
it all looks normal and for a second you think he cheated to win time, but when you squint your eyes under your school’s logo you finally see it
“thank god you’re hot because you suck at coding <3”
with hot blood rushing to your ears you chase him all the way to his kitchen, throwing threats here and there of what you’re gonna do to him once you get your hands on him
you finally manage to entrap him between your body and the fridge, taking his glasses off his face while he holds his breath
with their thick frame and his MCU t-shirts he looks like your average IT geek strolling through the campus- yet you know that what’s hidden under it all is a whole different thing
and you like that only you get to see it
a little magnet from some trip to a european country pokes the skin of his neck but jaehyun’s undivided attention is on you, thinking that you might slap him any second now
he chokes on plain air when you map his stubbled jaw with your fingers instead, all the way through until you rest them over his lips
you push them through the rim of his mouth until he tastes your salty skin and in this moment of pure want he knows exactly what he wants the loser to do
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you didn’t know jungwoo before your professor partnered you up together for your IoT elective course, but programming this small computer surely brought you together
and by that I’m talking about staring at each other way longer than necessary, leaving gentle touches while your hands accidentally brush when they want to gnaw at something more: basically an obvious attraction that you turn a blind eye to
you chose a quite simple project: using a raspberry pi to make a sensor that warns the user if their heartrate raises too high
but it just wouldn’t work. You tried running around your place, doing jumping jacks, even had jungwoo scare you but to no avail
tired and slaving away until the am, you offered jungwoo to crash on your couch, not wanting him to wander around so late
he gratefully accepts the towels you offered him for a quick shower, forgetting about the sensor, but when you see him exiting your bathroom it starts to beep with life
jungwoo emerges from the steamy room with wet blonde bangs kissing the apples of his cheeks. The hoodie jacket he came over with was now unzipped, revealing the defined lines and hard abs that he’s criminally hidden all this time. Remaining droplets of water run down the hollows where his muscles connect, his hipbones peaking from the sweatpants that hang dangerously low from his waist
you get up from your seat when he makes eye contact with you, not sure why but the sight surely deserves a standing ovation.
“I don’t know why the alarm went off all of a sudden”
jungwoo only smirks, slowly approaching you until you’re just a deep breath away from your chest touching his naked one
“I think it works just fine. What if I do this?”, he wonders as he lets the knuckles of his hand trail from your wrist up your arm until it stills right over your junction, applying soft pressure
and when he finally sucks your bottom lip in between his own you’re worried the sensor might break from beeping so hard
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mark is a college athlete, trying to balance an engineering major and vigorous hockey practices on his shoulders
he promised his microelectronics professor he will help out with equipment maintenance for extra credit
you’ve volunteered to help with maintenance as well, feeling a weird sense of comfort between the oscillators and broken chips you have to fix
and mark is always late to your sessions but you don’t mind bc he’s cute as a button
and you heard from jeno that he thinks you’re cute too which is GOOD
mark barges in late with wet hair straight from his after-practice shower and he fills the small room with the scent of watermelon shampoo
he apologizes and you heat up the soldering iron for him and that’s when you realize: mark has no idea how to work the machinery
he touches the hot metallic tip with the pad of his index and screeches in pain, you immediately run over to inspect the dumbly inficted wound
you tie it up with a bandage you had buried somewhere in your bag and he looks so cute with his big, watery eyes and wet hair that you just have to kiss it better
mark’s breath hitches in his throat when he feels his fingers so close to your plump lips, and he thinks that he wants to be burned by one more thing before he leaves this room
you teach him patiently how to fix all the broken parts while staying safe, yet he can’t possibly be patient when you lead his hands with yours and he can feel the swell of your breasts against his back
mark doesn’t only smell like watermelon, but tastes like it too
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haechan is your partner in crime; no one can remember the last time they saw you without the other on campus
you spend so much time on the computer center of your building that when the supervisor asks you two to clean up the server room for a few extra bucks you say yes
you unplug a couple of coaxial cables to properly dust off the server and you start playing around with them: using them as whips and chasing each other
in your excitement you take a long red cable and loop it around haechan’s neck, tugging the edges until it chokes him slightly
what you didn’t expect was a deep, pretty moan to bouce against the walls, asking you in between ragged breaths to do it again
so you do, and he moans gutturally again, lust filling up his half lidded eyes in a way that almost makes you think he’d let you do whatever you want to him
but haechan’s not so easy to succumb to you, shoving your body against the metal box as he sucks on your jawline, the connectors around you bringing you even closer together
you tug on his makeshift collar once more, forcing him to look at you, and you warn him that you might accidentally mess something up on the server if you continue
“if it means I get to fuck you dumb against it then I couldn’t care less”
you smirk at his response and with a hand on top of his head you push him on his knees before you. he’s gonna have to earn it.
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hhhecates · 3 years
Okay, hear me out, I have this hc about inumaki that I need to share bc I like to make my thoughts everyone's problem,,,
What if inumaki knows sign language, he learnt it all by himself while growing up to be able to communicate with others (cause it's canon that amongst his family they communicate with their hearts, pliz i wanna cry). And well, he uses sign language mostly when he's out and about in his daily life cause man can't really be talking in onigiri ingredients to strangers. Thing is that with his friends, he doesn't really use it??? He's so so grateful that they manage to interpret what he means, it fills his heart with a new type of warmth when he literally speaks food but yūta nods along attentively, maki mostly rolls her eyes at his misplaced and quite sarcastic interjections (because you can feel the attitude coming from that tuna mayo sometimes), megumi never misses a beat and answers him right away and reader loves having conversations with him and ever so often asks inumaki his opinion on anything and everything and they just look at him with stars in their eyes as he rambles in ingredients.
Sometimes inumaki even relishes it, he likes leaving his friends hanging and arguing over what he says because he's just a fucking menace and he knows it.
But inumaki sometimes gets insecure, sometimes he does throw in a couple of signs hurriedly to make sure that he is understood, sometimes it's even mindlessly, signing his favourite words or the ones that he uses more often just because he is used to it. Some other times it can even be desperate, during fights against curses when he wished he could cry out his friends names but restrains himself because it's too dangerous, and then it's big, hurried and shaky motions, his hands trembling and eager to shout safety when his voice can't.
But inumaki never tells, never asks his friends to learn sign language for him, he doesn't want to burden them with that, so instead he limits his use of it around them as much as he can, because he knows they would pick up on it. He just knows by the way they always make sure never to speak over him or how they hush others whenever he does speak up.
What if reader notices anyways?? And it's not like the others don't care as much, they do, they really do. But maybe reader already knew a little sign language themselves, maybe they just like learning languages in general, maybe, just maybe, they find themselves looking at inumaki a little closer, a little more attentively.
And then reader decides to start learning sign language too. They watch videos, read articles, buy books (that they have to hide under their bed because inumaki is a nosy fucker with the people he's comfortable with, hell, I'm pretty sure reader has to erase their youtube history otherwise inumaki would quickly find out whenever they binge watch videos together). And at the beginning it's hard, it's so hard learning on their own, and it's hard also for them to restrain themselves from using it around inumaki, from asking him if they're signing correctly and wondering if inumaki could teach them all of his favourite words. But they manage to keep their mouth shut, to wait until they get better so that they are sure they could have an actual conversation without inumaki having to worry about using words too complex for reader to understand.
But then, it's yūta finding reader one afternoon while they're struggling, borderline crying, over compounding and reduplicating and sentence structure and it's all getting to their head so they're  f r u s t r a t e d. And yūta, like the absolute fucking sweetheart he is, he immediately offers to help them and ofc bby wants to learn too cause inumaki is his bestfriend too >:/
And please, I just know that these two would end up dragging the entirety of Jujutsu High in their plan and teach all of them sign language.
JUST IMAGINE, study nights in reader's dorm room, with snacks and energy drinks cause they gonna need them for sure, yūta and reader are teaching the others with like 12 different books strewn all over the floor, 3 different videos playing in the background and it's so damn chaotic. Megumi is probably a natural cause he already uses hands gesture to evoke his shikigami, so he can remember hand signs very easily and can do them so cleanly while like nobara and yuji be struggling and just yell at fushiguro cause "it's not fair" and "he has an advantage". Panda is there just to support them cause he can't really sign with his paws, but he just manages to instill more chaos by teasing and poking fun at Maki (poor girl has zero patience).
And gojo would 100% join them just to sprinkle more chaos and be the absolute menace that he is. (But lowkey he wants to learn too ofc).
And ofc, they're probably so outwardly secretive about it that inumaki notices it right away and he just has to be a nosy little shit about it (cause how dare they leave him out of it) so one night he quite literally bursts into reader's room only to find Maki and Itadori yelling over "how the fuck non-manual modifiers work" and Gojo and Nobara laughing their asses off and making jokes about their awful awful hand coordination, reader and Yūta are probably so fucking done, Panda is enjoying them freaking out like it's the last season of his favourite tv show.
And it's honestly hilarious how quickly they fall silent in complete and utter horror at the sight of inumaki standing there.
And then they all kind of fumble around and try to greet inumaki and like introduce themselves or say something in sign language one by one bc that's what they had been preparing for, right?? And it's probably so messy but inumaki doesn't give a fuck and then, he just starts crying.
Prob they take it the wrong way too, and they all start panicking, but he is quick to try and reassure them, hands shaky by how overwhelmed he is, that warm feeling he had learnt to associate to his friends is back, but tenfold, and it makes his cheeks burn and a smile so big break on his face. And then he signs back "hi everyone, I'm Inumaki Toge".
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