#dionysus: wait a minute. SO DID YOU HERMES!
godsofhumanity · 11 months
Hermes: Dude, we shouldn't do this. I'm backing out. Dionysus: No, you can't back out! We owe this to Hephaestus! This guy banged Hephaestus' wife! Hermes: So did you..? Dionysus: Dionysus: Yeah, but that's different.
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angelfacedelrey · 5 months
Unloved ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
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luke castellan x aphrodite!reader
summary: luke confesses some his stuggles to you, then you confess some of yours to him.
words: 1.7 k
!! MAJOR ed tw !!
a/n: this is just me venting about my ed lol. this is my first fic so please be nice <3
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There was something off about Luke. You could tell the moment you saw him. Even though you’ve only been dating for 4 months now, you know when something is wrong. During the party that the Dionysus kids insisted they threw (for pretty much no reason), he wasn’t his usual smiley and outgoing self. He seemed reserved and quiet. You were outside the dining pavilion talking to some other kids from camp. In the glow of the torches, everyone was laughing and having a good time except for him. You weren't either, but you tried to look like you were. Your arm was wrapped around his as you leaned against him and listened to the conversation, though you couldn’t focus on what they were saying. You kept glancing up at Luke every minute or so to see if he looked any happier (he never did). 
After the conversation fades out, you pull him away to a quiet area and whisper to him, “Luke, are you okay… you seem… off.”
He sighs and looks away for a second before answering, “Let’s talk by the lake.” 
Anxiety grows in your stomach. What could this mean? You just nod as he grabs your hand and takes you to the lake. The water is pitch black in the night and there is a chill in the summer air. He lets go of your hand and looks down to see your face. 
“I’m sorry… there’s just a lot going on right now,” His hand scratches the back of neck as he says this. 
“You don’t have to be sorry, Luke. I’m listening,” you say, as you look him in the eyes and gently grab his hand. “I know it must be hard since Percy and Annabeth went on that quest, I know she was like a little sister to you.”
Nervously, he clears his throat. “Yeah, but, um, it’s not just that…”
“Oh…what is it?”
He sighs and lowers his head, “Look, just promise me that you won’t view me any differently after I tell you this.”
“No, no,” you say hastily, while shaking your head. “There’s nothing you could ever say to me that will make me view you differently, Luke. I’ll love you no matter what, I promise.”
Luke looks you in the eyes again. “Nothing?”
“Nothing,” a reassuring smile grows on your face.
He can’t help but smile with you. He’ll remember that. “Look, it’s just about my dad… Do you ever feel… betrayed by our godly parents?”
Taken aback by the question, you stop to think before answering. “Betrayed how?”
“Like, they just ignore us, like we’re nothing to them. Like we’re not even their children.”
“I-I guess so. I mean I feel like that sometimes.”
“That shouldn’t be how it is, though,” He sighs and keeps talking. “I don’t think Hermes even knows most of his kids. Most of my half siblings have barely met him, if at all. It’s just so… infuriating. He goes around, siring kids, and then sits up in Olympus and just leaves them. I’ve spent my entire fucking life wondering where my father is. Waiting for him to maybe one day come and talk to me or just acknowledge my existence. But, no. I’ve only met him once, because he can’t be bothered to get to know his own fucking kid!” 
For a moment, he runs his hand through his curls and exhales before he continues. “And what I’m about to say might sound… bad…but seeing Percy get claimed just like that after finding out he’s a half blood for, like, what a week? It just intensified everything I felt before… Like some kid just shows up and now he’s loved by everyone and claimed by his father. And yet, I fight everyday and what do I get? Nothing! I’m the best sword fighter in camp, I pray, I give offerings, I’ve done everything right. But it’s still not enough for him… I’m just so fucking tired of these Gods just doing whatever they want and not caring who they hurt…”
After saying all that he turns back to look at you. You're standing there in stunned silence, unsure of what to say. 
“Luke, I… I’m so sorry,” you walk over and give him a hug. He hugs you back and rests his chin on your head. A few silent moments pass as you stay like that. The sound of campers excitedly chatting and partying could be heard distantly behind them. 
“Do you see me differently now?” He asks, quietly.
You pull away, but keep your hands on his arms, gripping him gently. “No, Luke, I really don’t. I told you nothing you say will ever make me view you differently.”
“I know it’s just that… most people would think that I’m… weak for feeling this…”
“Weak?” You look shocked. “How could anyone ever think you’re weak? You’re one of the strongest people I know!” You kiss him softly on the cheek and smile reassuringly causing a slight blush to appear on his cheeks. 
“I understand what you’re saying, trust me. I, of all people, understand what it’s like to do your best to get your parent’s love and praise… and yet, it’s never enough,” You say, trying to give him a sympathetic look.
“You understand?” Luke asks, his face softening a bit. 
“I understand all too well…” You say with a humorless laugh. “I mean, don’t get me wrong, I love my mom, but…”
“Well, y’know with Aphrodite being the goddess of beauty and all…there’s, um, a lot of pressure for us to look a certain way…”
Sighing slightly, Luke brushes a strand of your hair behind your ear. “Is this about… dieting?” He says it carefully, unsure of how to word it correctly. 
“Yeah,” you look away, ashamed to be telling someone this. “I’ve been counting calories since I learned to count. I obsess over every little thing I consume. I eat as little as I can, yet it always feels like too much. I go on runs or swims everyday… and it’s still never enough. I’m never thin enough… I love my mom, but… I can’t help, but feel like she made me start doing this.”
Now it’s Luke’s turn to stand there in stunned silence. “I had no idea… that you’re going through all this. I-I’m sorry, I should’ve noticed.” He thinks back to everyday in the dining pavilion when he’d look over to you at the Aphrodite table and see you playing with your food instead of eating. Or all the times when you’d say you weren’t hungry and would change the subject to anything besides food. Or all the daily runs he’d see you go on. Or, most concerning of all, the quick weight loss. How all your clothes that used to fit, now hang over your body like a shower curtain. Your once cherub-like face became pale and almost gaunt with dark circles under your eyes and a tired expression always. How has no one noticed? How has he never noticed?
You just shake your head and give him a gentle smile. “Luke, it’s okay. I tried my hardest to keep it hidden. Also, my mental state isn’t your responsibility…”
“But I’m your boyfriend,” grabbing your hands gently, he looks at you with a sympathetic expression. “It’s my job to care for you, especially when you’re… sick. Does anyone else know?”
“No,” you shake your head once more. “You’re the first person I told… It’s not a big deal, I’m not even that sick.”
“What?” He says, his eyebrows furrowing together as a shocked expression etches onto his face. “Not that sick? Y/N, you’re starving yourself! That sounds pretty sick to me.”
You just shrug in response.
“How long have you been doing this?”
“Since like,10 or 11. I told you, I’ve been counting calories since I learned to count.”
He stands there quietly for a bit, as his heart sinks. “That young?”
“Yeah,” you respond. 
“If you don’t mind me asking… How many calories do you eat in a day?”
“I-I don’t know,” you lie, you know exactly how many calories you consume, down to the stick of gum you’d chew for a snack. “Like about 400-800…” You try (and fail) to fight back a smile that grows on your face. Despite how unhealthy it is, you can’t help, but feel proud of it. 
Luke, on the other hand, just feels shocked and concerned. “That-that’s nothing… and for so long. Y/N, you need help. You’re killing yourself.”
“I know, believe me, I know… But I can’t stop.” 
He reaches up and cups your face, rubbing circles with his thumbs before kissing your forehead. “I wish you could realize you’re perfect the way you are. I wish you could see yourself the way everyone else does,” he says it softly. “I’d love you, no matter how you look.”
“Really?” You ask, while a blush appears on your cheeks.
“Really,” He says, tenderly grabbing your waist and pulling you close to him. You rest your head against his chest and once again, you stay like that for a while.
Slowly, you pull away and smile softly at him. “I’m getting tired, can you stay with me tonight?... Not to do anything, but just like to… be with me…” You hastily added the last part, but hesitated. Most guys don’t react kindly to you saying you don’t want to do anything.
“Of course,” Luke responds. “But can you do me a favor?”
“Can you try to… eat better tomorrow? Please, just try…”
You hesitate before answering, “I will. I’ll try.”
He smiles brightly, “That’s my girl.” He gently grabs your hand and walks you to Cabin 10.
You spend the rest of the night together in your bed. However, Luke doesn’t get much sleep. 
He holds you close to his chest as you sleep and thinks about everything you had told him. He hates himself for not noticing sooner. But a very small part of him feels relieved. If your mom caused you this much pain, then maybe convincing you to join him in taking down the Gods wouldn’t be as hard as he thought…
He hates himself even more for thinking that.   
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s-awturn · 1 month
Underworld Sun || LH44
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summary: It only took an unpretentious visit to a local florist for all of Lewis's convictions to come crashing down, and finally the lord of the Underworld found what was missing in his lonely existence.
cw: dark content, slightly stalkerish behavior, nostalgia, pure smut, Lewis!dom x reader!sub, revelation, mention of magic, violence, outbursts of rage, (fake) naivety, devotion, deep love, soulmates, family interference, mention of kidnapping.
a/n: I knew the vote would come down to Max and Lewis — and I was hoping it would be one of them, don't judge me — and I was anxious to write, I counted the minutes until the end of the vote and I thought of the title beforehand, So here we are. This story is intended to be divided into many parts, I don't know how many parts, but we'll see how it works.. Anyway, enjoy!
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Monaco, days before...
It had been a few years — or many, it's natural to lose track of time when you're immortal — since he had walked the streets of Monaco, and no one even imagined that the principality housed the new home of the gods of the Greek pantheon. The gods loved how everything in Monaco was beautiful, luxurious and exuberant, life in Monaco matched the desires and longings of the immortals; he took a deep breath as he entered the massive casino where satyrs dressed in elegant tuxedos awaited him.
"Sir, welcome, we have been waiting for you" the satyr said as he guided him to the central dome, where the other gods were waiting for him, It had barely started and he was already tired, it was always stressful coming to Monaco, having to deal with his brothers and nephews, who were always very irritating.
"Thank you Clocis, I hope I wasn't too late, the traffic was chaotic" he justified himself, even though there was no need, he hated delays, so he hated it when he kept people waiting. However, when it came to his family, any delay could be a blessing.
"People go crazy when Monaco hosts the Formula One circuit, sir," Clocis said, opening the door for the god of the underworld. "I'm sorry you had to go through that."
"It's not your fault that you have to apologize , Clocis, you can go, I'll go on my own from here, I know Argos needs your help at the casino" he politely dismissed the satyr, who waved and left him alone in the immense corridor. Hades — or Lewis, as he had come to be called since he had taken on that human body centuries before — walked slowly to the main hall, where his family would be gathered.
He pushed the door open, not bothering to wait for the servants to open it, and discreetly took his seat on Zeus's left side. For a long time he felt left out in the division of the spoils of the Titanomachy, but after ages of administering his domains, Hades couldn't feel more grateful for having been "gifted" with the land of the dead. But nothing was better than being alone in the underworld, without his relatives to trouble his patience. Being part of that family, solitude was a balm.
He waited until the uproar died down and the gods calmed down.
"Now that Hades has arrived, we can begin the meeting," Themis said, the goddess remained with her blindfold over her eyes and Hades stopped wondering how she knew things. She wasn't the goddess of justice for nothing.
"You've finally arrived! We thought you wouldn't come" Zeus said, or Michael, as he preferred.
"And I really wasn't coming, but I knew you would send Hermes to disturb me for decades, as you did during the Iliad. I preferred to avoid the fatigue," he replied simply and heard his brother's thunderous laughter. "What is this meeting about?"
The dome was filled with silence. Zeus stood up, making things more theatrical and Hades wondered if it was Dionysus who created the theater.
"A few weeks ago, traces of Persephone's sacred energy were signaled on our radars," he said, causing a commotion among those present. A strange tingling sensation tugged at Lewis's chest, making him shift in his seat. "But it was too fast and we couldn't track it."
"And what are we here for? Do you want us to start searching the gardens and flower fields for her?" Ares grumbled, earning a hard look from Zeus.
"Considering you have an affair with Aphrodite, wallowing in bushes and fields of flowers," Apollo commented from across the semicircle, Charles — or Apollo — he gave a mocking smile before dodging the sword that Max threw at him.
"Enough, shut up you two" a lightning bolt cracked and made them both go silent. "Stay alert, Persephone could be anywhere and we need to bring her home."
Hades drummed his fingers, feeling the itch in his chest grow.
"That was it? You could have sent an email," he commented, seeing Zeus' eye twitch and Poseidon laugh out loud, Ayrton almost fell from his throne, laughing as the brothers fought over their gazes.
"You should spend more time with your family, brother," he said, sitting down again. "We miss you here."
Well, everyone has my business card with my address, I will love to receive visitors, I have added a new head to my collection, you will love it"
"Brother, don't be so bitter, you are missed in our celebrations, you know that"
Lewis grunted in agreement, adjusting the cufflinks on his suit, revealing some of the numerous tattoos he had.
"I believe I am too dark for the exuberant brightness of Monaco," he said, standing up, greeting everyone and disappearing, leaving a dark trail that smelled of burnt wood.
Soon he was inside his car, it was one of the few human activities he enjoyed, driving for hours on end calmed his mind and silenced his demons. It was dramatically ironic that the god of the dead was tormented by demons, and Lewis had plenty of them. He drove through the streets of the principality until he reached the edge of the country, he crossed the border into France and the climate changed radically. The south of France had a rural, provincial feel that didn't quite match the golden exuberance of Monaco, and it was also less oppressive.
He didn't like golden things.
Lewis drove into a small town and just as the bucolic French aesthetic demanded, he parked his car at the only gas station in town and looked around, a small bakery, a bookstore, the church in the center of the village and a flower shop. He didn't know why, but his instincts pointed him towards the tiny flower shop, maybe it was the smell of honeysuckle, or maybe it was because the shop looked like it was straight out of a 1920s movie, and Before he knew it, Lewis had made the bell above the flower shop door ring. Bouquets of roses, lilies, sunflowers, lilies and tulips were scattered in the cramped space, the floral scents mingling, attacking the rhinitis he didn't even know he had.
"Just a minute, please!” Someone said from the back of the establishment and severe chills shook Lewis’s body. He walked around, looking at the flower arrangements, the gift baskets, it was all so delicate that it made him think it was a dollhouse, yet there was something there, something darker and deeper. "Sorry for the delay, the supplier delivered today and my employee is away... It's all in my hands..."
Her voice died the instant she looked at the visitor, suddenly the static between them made their hair stand on end and something sparked in both of their minds.
"Hello, I'm Lewis," he smiled, extending his hand to her.
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little-cereal-draws · 2 months
The younger Olympians being siblings because I love them
Ares: I'm a firm believer in "if you're going to fail, you might as well fail spectacularly." -
Apollo: So, what’s the plan? Ares: I don’t know. You’re smart, *points at Artemis* she's mean, come up with something. -
Apollo: Treat spiders the way you want to be treated. Athena: Killed without hesitation. -
Artemis: You guys worried about Apollo? Hermes: Totally! Ares: Yeah, he called me in the middle of the night and just yelled, "What do I do, what do I do, what do I do, what do I do?" Artemis: And what'd you say? Ares: "I dunno, I dunno, I dunno, I dunno." Hermes: Artemis: He's lucky to have you as a friend. -
Hephaestus, skipping rocks on a lake with Ares: It’s such a beautiful evening. Ares: Yeah, it is. Ares: *whispering* Take that you fucking lake. -
Artemis: You look like a corpse that was just pulled out of the river. Aphrodite: Wrong. I look like a cool rock star who just OD'd in their own pool. Big difference. -
Artemis: Am I going too far? Apollo: No, no, no. You went too far about 7 hours ago. Now you’re going to prison. -
Hephaestus: What do people in relationships even do? Dionysus: Care about someone with your whole heart and dedicate your life to making them happy. Hephaestus: Okay. Didn't ask. Aphrodite: Asks question Aphrodite: "Didn't ask" Hephaestus: Thanks for the play by play, Captain Fuck. -
Aphrodite: Athena, we're hungry! Hermes: Athena! What's for dinner? Hephaestus: We're hungry, Athena! Athena, frying a bottle of ketchup over the stove: *screams* -
Hephaestus: So, did everyone learn their lesson? Hermes: No. Apollo: I did not. Ares: I may have actually forgotten one. Artemis: Also no. Hephaestus: Oh good, neither did I. Athena: *Exhausted sigh* -
Aphrodite, texting: Answer your phone Dionysus, texting back: Wait a minute, I can’t find my phone Aphrodite: Understood Aphrodite, 5 minutes later: You’re a terrible person. You know you’re killing me. You’re killing me, Dionysus. -
Athena, having a breakdown: I’m gonna die alone! Aphrodite: Athena, you’re not gonna die alone. Athena: Pallas was my safety net, okay? She died before I could ask if she wanted to get married and now I have to get a snake. Aphrodite: ...Why is that? Athena: If I’m gonna be an old lonely person, I’m gonna need a thing, you know? Like that guy in the subway who eats his own face. Athena: So, I figured I’ll be “Crazy Lady With A Snake.” You know? Crazy snake lady. Athena: Then I’ll get more snakes and call them my babies. Kids won’t walk past my place, they will run! RUN AWAY FROM THE CRAZY SNAKE LADY!
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sweetygardenerpeach · 7 months
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Luke Castellan x F!Hephaestus!Reader pt.2!
Warnings!: Violence, Kissing, Pet/Nick-names smut, Blood, Curse words.
After Luke healed your wounds, you guys went to the woods instead of the beach, "Okay, Ready?" Luke asked and pulled out his sword, you nodded, "Yep."You said, "Could you give me my sword back?"You asked, "Here"Luke said and tossed your sword to you, but before you could catch it, A kid with Black long-ish curly hair, grabbed it and Stabbed it into the ground. They were was wearing a CHB shirt with jeans and a green jacket wrapped around their waist,"Wait, Stop." Desmond; Son of Dionysus said. "You two aren't supposed to be here and you know it."Desmond said, "Come on, We'll just be here for a few minutes."Luke said, "No. Chiron told me to keep an eye on Y/n, since She's been claimed by Hephaestus, He doesn't want here to burn the forest down."Desmond said, "Leave us be or I'll burn you"You said while gritting your teeth. Desmond scoffs"You wish, you can't even control your power."Desmond smirks. "Oh, Watch me."you said, and fire came out of your hands and you moved your hands to make the flames stronger. "Woah, there, Chill down.."Desmond said, "Chill down?! CHILL DOWN?!!"You said angrily, and moved your hand in a horizontal motion, burning desmonds arm, "Holy fucking shit, I did not know i could do that."You said and smiled while doing so. Desmond fell to the ground and crawled away while breathing heavily. You turnrd around to face luke, and looked down and noticed a tent in his pants.. "Uh, Castellan? You might wanna take care of that."You said and pointed to his pant, while smirking. He looked down at his pants and covered his erection with his shirt, Je chuckled awkwardly,"Uh, You saw nothing.."he said while backing away and running to his cabin. You laughed and went back to camp
Time skip!!
It had been a few hours since you and luke went to the forest to 'spar'. You had went to the campfire and sat down. And your friend; Evaril daughter of Aphrodite was sitting next to you, "Hey, Have you seen Castellan?"You asked Evaril, "Hm? No, the last time i saw him he was running to his cabin."Evaril answered, "Hmm..I'm gonna go check on him, Bye."You got up and walked over to the hermes cabin and knocked on the door, and Damiand; son of Hermes answered, "'Sup."Damiand said, "Hi, Have you seen castellan?" You asked. "Yeah, He's the only one in here besides me, But i was just about to leave. Bye."He said and walked out of the hermes cabin. You walked into the hermes cabin and saw luke without his shirt."Ugh, Put on a shirt, Castellan."You said, "I'm not gonna put on a shirt, My cabin, My rules" Luke said, "First, Not your cabin, Hermes cabin. Second, For my sake and everyone else's put on a shirt."You said, "No, i'm the Head counselor of this cabin and I'm the oldest at camp."He said and smirked, "Not true, I'm One month older than you, so, Techaniclly i'm the oldest."You said and crossed your arms. He stepped closer to you, "But i'm taller."He said, "By three inches."You said. "And i have more power."You said. He grabbed your chin, "But i'm hotter."Luke said, You we're about say something but had nothing to say, "..shit."You whispered, Luke laughed, "Nice try, Flame" He said."Flame'?"You asked "Yeah, Flame."He said and let go of your chin, "Okay.." you said, "Do I get to call you something?" You asked "Besides 'castellan'?"Luke asked, "Yeah."You said, "Sure what do you have in mind?"Luke asked and crossed his arms, you uncrossed you arms, "What about Chaos? Or scar boy?" You asked, "First, Never call me scar boy. Second, No."He said, "I'm totally gonna call you scar boy to annoy you, A hundred Percent."You said while grinning. "Son of bitch.."He said while rolling his eyes, but still smiled. "I got one."You said, "Pretty boy."You said while smirking, "Pretty boy? You sure?"Luke asked, "Yep, and don't say you don't like it, 'Cuz your dick says otherwise."You said while pointing to his pants, "Mother of Mercury.."He looked up at the ceiling, put his hands on his face and groaned. You chuckled, "Looks like you could use some help."You said while smirking, "I would, but what if we get in trouble?" Luke said, "We don't even have private rooms."Luke said, "True, But when i was with the heph-my cabin i built a secret cabin in the woods for me to sleep and work on my projects."You said, "Okay, Where is it?"Luke asked, "Follow me."You said smiling, "put on a shirt." You said, Luke quickly put on shirt. You walked out of the hermes cabin and went to the woods, You arrived at a cabin with fake plants covering it and a fire symbol above the door, You opened the door, but before you could tell him to get inside, He pulled you inside and pinned you to the wall, he had already closed and locked the door, He began to kiss you aggresivelly, he pulled away, "Does this mean I'm your boyfriend?"Luke asked while grinning, you kissed him and mumbled 'yes' against his lips, "Good"He smiled, and began to kiss you again, He put his hands on your waist, and moved them up your camp T-shirt, You wrapped your legs around his waist, He put his hands under your butt for more support and moved to the spare bed, He sat you down on the bed, He kneeled down and took of your pants/shorts/skirt, He spread your legs and moved your underwear to the side, He burried his face in your pussy, And began kitty licking it, You began breathing heavily, "Ah~- Luke-...", He still kept licking your core, You put your hands in his hair, He stopped about 17 minutes later, he kissed you to make you taste yourself.
A/n: the end,I'm lazy sorry, but p.s I'm never doing smut again.. sorry. I'll make a post about the fandoms/ stuff/ things i will do. ♡
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cutelittlevamp · 2 years
Hello, I loved reading all of your fics! Especially the yandere dionysus one. Could you do one about yandere hermes or maybe yandere apollo?
First of all, I'm so sorry o.o
You have every right to be mad at me. This took me ages (not to write but to start writing it ._.)
Now, thank you uwu and I chose Hermes for your Oneshot as I prefer him over Apollo and I have another ask with Apollo so, that's that
I hope you at least like it a litte but I won't be mad if you decide to never read it at all. You really had to wait long
Also, just wanted to mention, this oneshot goes into a direction I normally don't write or - more precisely - have never written before (meaning suggestive/implied content) and I hope it's readable o.o
TW: implied content; suggestive content; getting tied up; captivity
and just to get this off my chest: in my mind, he actually stops after the last sentence
He was fast. So incredibly fast
Not just his movements but also how he talks. He also builds relationships fast - from his point of view, at least. There was no slow approach to anything he did, it seemed.
Right now it was more the movement speed that worried you though. You had just gotten out of the house that had been your personal golden cage for quite some time now and you really weren’t keen on getting dragged back there. Not to say Hermes had been rough with you - he was suffocatingly sweet normally - but he’s extremely pushy not to mention the fact that you never wanted to be here in the first place. Or be with him at all. Yet it didn’t matter how often you told him that, he just laughed it off.
‘I’m not a hunter but a good hunt can be quite thrilling if the prey is worth it’ or ‘It’s alright little strawberry. If you want to play hard to get I’ll be the perfect suitor just for you’. It seemed he had a whole list of sentences he could say if you told him you wanted to leave.
Any misbehaviour - or more, what he deemed was misbehaviour - was tolerated to a certain degree and most times he actually seemed to enjoy your ‘rebellious streaks’ but you had certainly pushed past his limit by leaving the house.
He wouldn’t like it. Not one bit.
That’s why you had to be the fast one this time. You never knew when he’d return once he left the house but he could be back any second. All you had to do is be a little faster, a little smarter than him. Well, that was easier said than done.
You had known before you left your ‘home’ that you’d have to cross a river at one point. It was visible from the windows. Yet you could find no way to safely do so. There was no bridge nor a boat and trying to swim through that current would be suicide. Still, there must be some way to cross it. Why else wouldn’t Hermes want you to leave the house? If you couldn’t get across the river then there would be no reason to contain you inside. It didn’t matter much though if you couldn’t find said way.
Frustrated you let out a low grumble and pulled at your hair. You had been out here for far too long already. “This really can’t get any worse now, can it?” “Sure it can. Just give me a minute.”
Hearing his voice - still sounding as chipper as always - right next to your ear made you tense up immediately which caused him to sigh. “I really thought we were past this.”
Then he simply picked you up and carried you back inside, going straight to the bedroom to place you on the bed. You didn’t fight back knowing quite well that it was futile and simply remained where he placed you, waiting to see what he was going to do next.
Normally he’d start lecturing you. Telling you that there was no reason to leave, asking how you could leave him alone, stating that you never even tried to understand his point of view or how he would feel when he came home one day to find you gone. Trying everything to guilt trip you. Sadly, that actually worked sometimes.
Today though he didn’t say anything. He just stood in front of the bed and looked at you. Whatever was going through his mind you couldn’t tell but he really took his time. It unnerved you, to say the least.
He wasn’t patient. Everything needed to go fast - not end fast, but go fast nonetheless. Seeing now that he did nothing but look at you while knowing he was going to do something eventually was scaring you more than anything he had ever done before. It felt like hours had passed before he finally started to move.
Agonisingly slow he removed his brightly coloured scarf, then he just held it in his hands while a small smile started to show on his face.
Before you could even comprehend what was happening Hermes was back to his signature speed, tying your wrists together with his scarf before securing it to the headboard of the bed. Still not fully understanding what just had happened you looked from Hermes to your wrists and back again a few times, a look of open confusion on your face.
Tugging on your restraints the truth finally settled in: he had actually tied you up.
“You … you tied me up …” saying it out loud didn’t help make the situation less bizarre. He had never done anything like this before. “Why would you tie me up?”
Right now you weren’t sure what upset you more: being bound to a bed or the strange way Hermes smiled at you. “It’s so you don’t run away again, strawberry.”
“So what if I do? We both know you’re faster than me.”
He hummed in agreement while slowly moving towards you.
Somehow he seemed to enjoy the slow approach today or probably just the way you reacted to it. It unnerved you just as much as the unfamiliar situation. Hermes had always been very touchy-feely but more in the way of hugs and quick soft pecks.
Now he suddenly decided to tie you to the bed and crawl on top of you? You definitely preferred hugging over this.
“Hermes please -” you started but he quickly shut you up with a kiss that made your eyes go wide with shock. He had never kissed you on the lips before.
“Don’t beg, little strawberry. It’s unbecoming for you. Also -” he paused, smiling brightly and started to play with your hair “you can’t exactly blame me for the situation, can you? It was your mistake after all.” Again with the guilt trip.
He sat back up, his eyes never straying from yours. You hoped he’d just move to sit or lay beside you but he remained on top of you, straddling your hips, restricting your movement even further with his weight.
His gaze remained fixed to yours while his hands moved to reach under your shirt and gently caress your sides. You let out a gasp of surprise at his sudden unfamiliar touches and he smiled a bit brighter in return. He wasn’t normally like this so why -?
Hands travelling further up your torso he leaned forward again so he could bury his head in your neck to shower it with kisses. That was when you finally snapped out of your freezed state and started to move beneath him. Kicking your feet and pulling at his scarf binding your wrists you tried your best to get him off you or at least to make him stop.
You did not want this. To be touched by him like this.
Yet when your movements started to annoy him Hermes simply bit down into the tender skin of your shoulder. The action made you cry out in pain yet it seemed there was something in your voice that made the god let out a content hum.
“You know, you don’t have to love me” there was sadness in his voice but it also sounded … heated. Not chipper as usual. “I love you enough for both of us. But, you know -” he moved his head so he could look at you. There was a strange fire in his eyes that sent shivers down your spine and caused a lump to form in your throat. “I really hope you’ll love me one day, my strawberry.”
Then he kissed you. Not like the quick kiss from before but passionately and heated. Almost as if he was starving and he wanted to devour you.
When you had to open your mouth to try and get some air he shoved in his tongue, deepening the kiss even more. Once the two of you finally separated you were gasping for breath.
Hermes looked down at you with a lovestruck expression on his face.
“You look so cute all flushed like this.” You could feel tears sting in your eyes as you looked at him, unable to say a word.
“I wonder how you’ll look if we go all the way.”
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skzsauce01 · 2 years
Grape Soda, the Gateway Wine
Synopsis: When Jeongin comes to you for help with stealing a pegasus in the dead of night, of course you’re going to say yes. Or, how the Great Pegasus Heist goes wrong and potentially right.
Warning: stealing
Word Count: 2.7k
Pairing: son of Dionysus!Jeongin x child of Hermes!reader
Camp Half-Blood AU Masterlist
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Every heist has a backstory, and it just so happens that this heist has a noble reason: to reunite a dear brother and sister back together because the gods forcefully separated them apart in fear that they would overthrow Olympus together. Sana and Jeongin, the two demigod children of Dionysus, are far more powerful than they appear, and with their combined skill sets, they could defeat Zeus easily.
At that point in Jeongin’s story, the sky claps with thunder, causing Jeongin to wince and to apologize to the king of the gods, saying that it was a joke. You also clap, but for Jeongin’s impressive acting and excellent narration. He bows, and you pretend to throw roses.
“So are you in?” he asks. He picks up his half empty can of grape soda, a sure sign that he’s nervous. Though he inherited Mr. D’s affinity for drinks, he and Sana only start treating their preferred drink of choice like water when something is wrong.
You didn’t need the play to be convinced. The moment he mentioned a heist, you were completely sold. “Of course.”
“I’ll meet you at your cabin at midnight and then we’ll head to the stables.”
The dramatic performance provided you with no actual context, but while the two of you rummage around the armory for anything of use, he explains it to you anyway.
Since Sana and Jeongin are the only campers of Dionysus’ Cabin, they’re unbelievably close, sharing everything with each other. However, Sana left for a quest with Chan, son of Poseidon, and Dahyun, daughter of Apollo, a few days ago and didn’t tell her younger brother what the quest was about. Last night, she Iris Messaged him to make sure he was taking care of himself. And that one message drove Jeongin into a frenzy because she allegedly never calls without an update about herself or whatever she’s doing. Also, he heard a thunderstorm in the background, and she’s terrified of thunder, so he needs to rescue her.
You could’ve pointed out that she was probably projecting her fears onto him or that she’s with strong demigods who can protect her—especially Dahyun with her powers of audiokinesis that can muffle the sound of thunder—but hey, you’ve never stolen a pegasus in the dead of night before, so you’re not passing this opportunity up.
When you ask him about where she was, he admits that he has no idea, but they were in a cave somewhere, he says, and caves usually mean that there are nature spirits nearby, so someone must have seen them. You nod sagely and grab a new knife for yourself as he continues lamenting about Sana. Children of Dionysus can induce madness in people, and you distantly wonder if Jeongin accidentally did it to himself.
Nothing in the armory is good for a heist, so you resort to “borrowing” some gadgets from Ares’ Cabin, namely the smokescreen grenades. Since Jeongin is set on leaving camp, you’ve decided to join him along for the journey. After, you visit the stables before they close to drop off a backpack of supplies for the informal quest before returning back to your cabin to prepare other things. You take a few lockpicks in case any of the locking mechanisms are cursed and trade your half brother Minho three bags of chips for a pouch of sugar cubes. He doesn’t ask questions, just wishes you luck with whatever you’re going to do with them.
A minute before twelve o’clock, you sneak past your siblings, some of them sleeping, most of them not. The privacy curtains around each “room” help you leave without detection, but it’s not like Jackson, Hermes’ Cabin’s head counselor, cares enough to drag you back. As long as he doesn’t see you, he has plausible deniability.
Jeongin is waiting around the back with a backpack slung over his shoulder. When he sees that you’ve only got grenades holstered at your hips, his eyebrows go up. You show him the sugar cubes and reassure him that you’re coming along to find Sana. He sighs in relief. As he leads the way to the stables, you keep watch for any patrolling guards, such as the harpies or even Mr. D himself. There’s no light anywhere, and since a flashlight would immediately alert everyone of your whereabouts, the two of you tread carefully. Occasionally, a leaf or branch crunches under your steps, scaring Jeongin. You’d prefer to make a run for the pegasus stables now, but you don’t know how fast he is, and Jeongin is also sipping on a can of grape soda.
“Can’t it wait?” you hiss.
“I’m nervous, okay? Gods, I hope Sana brought enough raspberry punch with her.”
At long last, you’ve arrived at the stables. You and Jeongin swap positions as you try to find all of the locks on the stable doors. There are several, probably because previous campers also tried to steal pegasi back in the day. Fortunately, none of them are cursed or trapped, so all you have to do is place your hand over them and let the locks automatically unlock for you. One final click later, you push open the heavy double doors and gently shut it behind you and Jeongin. He finds the light switch, and the stables come to life. You shove the sugar cubes into his hands as he scans all of the pegasi residing in the stalls.
“Which one?” you ask him as you go retrieve your backpack from a pile of hay.
“Are there really no black ones?”
You glance up, and most of the pegasi are white, with some of them having different colored markings, but there definitely aren’t any pure black ones like Jeongin wanted. He goes to a stall with a brown pegasus inside and tries to feed it a sugar cube. Meanwhile, you watch with amusement as the pegasus shies away.
“Her name is Brisket,” you report. The informational sign on her door also mentions that she’s initially distrustful of strangers and prefers apples.
“Here,” he tries again, holding out a cube that she eyes warily. “Come here, Biscuit.”
“No, her name’s Brisket. Let’s just try another one.”
You point at the stall across the way, and Jeongin shoots you a look that says, “Are you serious?” It’s not ideal, but the white pegasi has a black mane and seems far more friendly than Brisket. You approach the pegasus first, and he sniffs you all over as he searches for any treats. As Jeongin reluctantly comes over, you learn from the sign that Michelini enjoys long flights over the campgrounds and has a penchant to stick his nose where it doesn’t belong. Jeongin offers Michelini a sugar cube, and two seconds later, Michelini’s loyalty has been successfully bought.
After you unlock and open the stall doors, Michelini trots out and spreads his giant wings for all to see. You clap, and he whinnies in agreement. Jeongin climbs on first and waits for you to open the doors to the back exit before helping you on. You land solidly on Michelini, who paws the ground in protest. Jeongin lets him have another sugar cube, and that placates him enough to walk outside. He’s itching to fly, but Demeter’s and Aphrodite’s Cabin have trained the pegasi well enough that they know to wait for instructions.
“Where are we going?” you whisper as Jeongin pulls out a map from his backpack. His tiny flashlight doesn’t illuminate the paper well, so you have to squint to see where he’s pointing. “Kentucky?”
“They have the world’s longest cave system. It’s been almost a week, so they’ve probably reached Kentucky by now.”
“Alright, let’s go.”
Jeongin nudges Michelini up, and soon the two of you are in the air. Every instinct of yours is shouting for you to whoop, but this is a heist, so it’s better if you don’t right now. The cold wind hits you right in the face, reminding you that you’ve successfully stolen a pegasus for at least a night. You should do this more often.
Unfortunately, your partner-in-crime doesn’t share those feelings. He has opened a second can of soda and is combing through the map once more. Michelini flies around in circles, clearly enjoying his freedom.
“Hold me,” Jeongin abruptly says, his voice shaking. The sugar of the soda has finally taken hold. Or it could be his nerves. “You’re still here, right?”
You wrap your arms around his torso, mostly for his sanity. His backpack becomes your pillow, and the idea to swipe a bar of ambrosia from him is compelling. But you choose to close your eyes instead and let your hands remain where they are. “Yep. Wake me up when we get there.”
“Where are you going?”
Jeongin flinches at the sound of his father, and you nearly get an elbow to the face. When you peer out from behind Jeongin, Mr. D is standing—levitating—in front of Michelini. With his signature goblet of Diet Coke in hand and a loud Hawaiian shirt, he looks more like a lost tourist than a camp director who’s about to dole out punishments to thieving demigod teens.
“Good evening, Mr. D,” you politely say. “How are you?”
As is tradition, he responds by calling you the wrong name and then ignoring you. Meanwhile, Jeongin is frantically explaining why he needs to go find his sister while intermittently chugging his own soda. He and Mr. D are more alike than you thought. You wonder if Jeongin’s idea for a pegasus heist came to him while he was stress-drinking soda.
To your surprise, Mr. D doesn’t cut him off immediately but instead listens carefully. Then he remembers that you’re also here, and he banishes you to Chiron while he sorts out his family’s problems. Jeongin shoots you a panicked look, but there’s nothing you can do. The Great Pegasus Heist is over.
After landing, you walk Michelini back into his stable and feed him one last sugar cube before making your way to the Big House. In theory, you could’ve returned to your cabin without any issue, but seeing that Jeongin is about to get heavily reprimanded at the very least, you knock on Chiron’s door, waking him from his sleep, and tell him what happened. You don’t know what you expected, but one week of kitchen patrol is not it.
“Can’t you overlook this?” you try. “I came to you with good, moral intentions, and now I get punished for it. That doesn’t seem fair.”
“I can’t encourage this kind of behavior. Taking a pegasus to leave camp without permission is unacceptable. The cleaning harpies will be expecting you tomorrow. Now, back to bed.”
After a moment of silence, you quietly ask, “Is Jeongin gonna be alright? And Sana and Dahyun and Chan? Can you at least tell me what their quest is if I can’t get out of kitchen patrol?”
He smiles kindly but shakes his head. “They’re all going to be fine.”
You know they are, but having the details of their super secret quest would make Jeongin feel better and your punishment less unfair. Nonetheless, you head back to Cabin 11 where only disappointment and questions from your siblings await.
The next day, no one answers the door when you knock at the Dionysus’ Cabin, so you head to the stables with more bribes for Michelini. Riding on a pegasus, even for less than five minutes, was fun. The double doors are wide open today, and you walk past someone from Aphrodite’s Cabin giving lessons to another camper on a familiar brown pegasus. Apparently, that guy isn’t a stranger to Brisket.
You make a beeline for Michelini, who pokes his head out when he spots you. As you pet his mane and feed him apple slices, you jokingly ask if he overheard the conversation between Jeongin and Mr. D.
“Got any gossip to share?” you say as he sniffs you for better treats. According to Jackson, sugar cubes are unhealthy for pegasi, so you opted to bring Brisket’s favorite snacks instead. “I’ll bring you a whole pouch of sugar cubes if you tell me. Any tea for the sugar?”
When it’s clear that Michelini isn’t going to start speaking any time soon, you lead him outside and let him fly you over the grounds. Canoe Lake shines under the morning sunlight, and several campers from Hecate’s Cabin are already paddling around. Meanwhile, the arena is packed with people with swords and weapons aplenty. You don’t see Jeongin among the crowd. You guide Michelini to the strawberry fields because maybe he’s tending the strawberries today, but only satyrs and Demeter’s Cabin are there.
After half an hour in the sky, you return Michilini to his home, get scolded by someone from Aphrodite’s Cabin for giving him too many snacks, and feed the rest of the apples to Brisket. You have plans to sneak a midnight flight at some point, and she looks like she could be interested once you’ve bought her loyalty. Maybe if you’re extra kind to her, she’ll adopt you as her human, though you think Michelini is gunning for the position of being your best pegasus friend. You give him one last chance to tell you about last night’s conversation, but he only whinnies when you show him you’ve run out of treats.
Instead, you try Dionysus’ Cabin again, unlocking the door with ease when you receive no answer. Inside, the two beds are neatly made, and each side of the room has its own respective piles of leftover drink cans. You snag a grape soda from Jeongin’s side and take it with you in case you need to use it to lure him out of wherever he’s hiding. Seriously, where is he? Did Mr. D let him leave after all? And if he did, did Jeongin really not invite you along?
You storm to the Big House, ready to demand answers from Chiron or Mr. D, whoever you see first. What you don’t expect though, is to see Mr. D and Jeongin playing a card game on the deck. They have matching silver goblets, which is rather sweet.
“You’re okay,” you blankly say.
He smiles brightly and nods. “Sana Iris Messaged me this morning. They’ve finished their quest and are coming back now. She said they should be back tonight.”
You breathe a sigh of relief that you didn’t even know you had and open your stolen can. He says the questing trio were tasked to slay a sea monster that made its way into an underground spring and that Sana was only able to call a few times because she traded most of her drachmas for caving gear. He interrupts his recap by telling Mr. D that he lost the game.
While Mr. D grumbles and mutters something that sounds close to a swear, he motions for everyone to leave. Jeongin waves goodbye and walks down the stairs with you. You hold out the soda to him, but he passes up on it, so you continue drinking because grape soda is surprisingly good.
“We’re having a party when they get back. I told Sana what I did,” he sheepishly says, “and she said she wanted pegasi at the celebration, so do you wanna help? They really seemed to like you.”
The power of sugar cubes. “So we’re stealing pegasi again?”
“We’re not really stealing. My dad said I could throw the party, so are you still in? Or does it being legal make it less exciting?”
You elbow him, partially in indignation, partially as revenge from last night. “Shut up, or I’ll get Michelini to kick you in the face. Parties are just as fun as heists.”
“Much more likely to happen too,” he laughs. When you elbow him again, he throws his hands up in surrender. “Alright, sorry! But it’s true.”
“That sounds like a challenge.”
“It’s not.” When he sees you mulling it over, he sighs and pulls you forward to the direction of the stables. “C’mon. Brisket’s gonna take forever to like us.”
You follow him, but your thoughts are swirling with plans. Maybe you’ll push up your pegasus stealing plans for tonight. Bribe Michelini, land on the doorstep of Cabin 12, and kidnap Jeongin to be your accomplice again because both of you need to finish the crime now. Maybe you’ll even make it to Kentucky before getting caught.
Yeah, that sounds fun.
You’ve even got the perfect words to convince Jeongin to come along: “Every heist has a backstory, and it just so happens that this heist has a noble reason: to prove Jeongin wrong.”
Gods, is this what grape soda does to a person? Well, if it is, you’re not complaining.
A/N: This is the end of the Camp Half Blood AU! If you haven’t already, make sure to check out the masterlist for the other stories about the rest of the members. Thank you all for reading and for the support <3
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greekbros · 3 years
"greek-Bros: Montero"
Apollo: I'm a little nervous guys....do you think it will work?
Dionysus: Of course it will work. Besides the plan is perfect, we just slide down to Tartarus, you get to visit Hyacinthus and boom you get back with him!
Apollo: But what is he's still mad at me?
Hermes: I'm pretty certain no one would be mad at what we're about to do. Besides if this doesn't work I'm going to have to explain to dad why I begged uncle Hades to build a slide pole to Tartarus and that's an explanation I really don't know if I can explain.
Dionysus: duuuuude just blame over work exhaustion.
Hermes: *doesn't get exhausted on a normal bases*......
*few minutes later*
Zeus: *writing down on some documents while he's trying to understand why is this a stripper pole in his office* ........did Aphrodite redecorate my room... again?....
Apollo: *while sliding down wearing barley anything* --at if this doesn't wo--
Zeus: *stops and looks up*
Dionysus: *holding a bouzouki, sliding down the pole* --on't worry about it, he'll lo--
Zeus: What the?!
Hermes: *holding a flute, sliding down the pole* Hey dad! *Slides down*
Zeus: *looks up and looks down* ....
*later on earth*
Demeter: ....*looks at the hole with a pole in the middle*....*looks up and sees the Bois sliding down arguing*
Hermes: *slides down a waves to Demeter* Hey Auntie Demeter*
Demeter: *nods her head* Boys will be Bois I gu- wait a minute is this a stripper pole?!
*in Tartarus*
Hades: *writing on documents*
Apollo: *starts singing Montero by lil'Nas while straight up doing Cirque du Soleil shit*
Dionysus and Hermes: *playing accordingly to the song while sliding down*
Hades: .....oh for my own sake not again.
Hyacinthus: *just waiting in Elysium where Apollo told to wait* hmf, where is h- *looks up and sees the display of GAY* ....Oh finally he visits :D
*and so Hyacinthus and Apollo started dating again and Dionysus and Hermes had to deal with pole rashes for days*
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Title: unclaimed
Summary: Virgil is a demigod. The good news is that he is not alone. A Percy-Jackson!AU fic. Platonic/found-family DRLAMP dynamics.
Word Count: 4217
Warnings: some violence and weapons, Greek mythology, passing mention of curses, feelings of anxiety, some self-doubt and self-deprecation, parent issues (of course, it’s a pjo!AU), no Side is a bad guy but there’s some tension between Remus and Roman, I play a little loose with PJO timeline stuff woops, Janus has done some light antagonizing of the gods.
A/N: Honestly, it should surprise nobody that I wrote this. Heh. Just for fun to release the happy chemical in my brain. Not that deep or involved. Just a light little diddy. <3 Hope you enjoy! Edited by yours truly so all mistakes are mine. No tags because it’s a fandom-specific AU, not because I don’t love y’all. <3 
“See that tree on the hill?”
Virgil quirks an eyebrow at the boy beside him, taking in his bright orange t-shirt and the three beads on his leather necklace. He has what Virgil would swear was snake scales across the left side of his face. Janus, he had said his name was. (Like the god? Virgil had asked. No relation. Not unless Athena has some explaining to do, the boy had told him with a wry smile as if that was somehow supposed to make sense.)
He’d met Janus four hours ago in New York in Central Park after a very weird encounter with a cyclops. Though if he’s being honest, the cyclops had only been the most recent run-in with vicious creatures out of his mother’s old Greek myth anthology. He’d been ducking and dodging and outrunning them for nearly a year at this point. Janus had appeared seemingly out of nowhere, sliced the cyclops with a dagger and it vanished in a puff of gold dust.
Then Janus told him he knew a safe place to go. Perhaps he was an idiot, but Virgil had followed without much objection. The idea of a place that was safe was nearly too good to be true, but Janus had just dusted a cyclops. And Virgil figured there was at least some power in numbers, if nothing else.
Virgil follows where the other boy is pointing and sees a tall pine tree at the top of the steep hill. He nods.
“Go there. You’ll see a camp in the valley. Chiron will explain.”
“Yes. Activities director. You can trust him.”
“You’re not coming too?” Virgil looks at the boy beside him again. Janus is looking in the opposite direction of the tree back the way they’d come and he yanks the dagger out of his belt.
Janus’s mouth twitches. “We’ve got company. I will hold them off. The border is protected. You’ll be safe once you cross the tree line.”  
Alarmed, Virgil looks over his shoulder and sees a winged creature in the distance. It looks almost a like a bat, if a bat could be the size of a human person. “What is that?!”
Janus gives a slight shove to Virgil’s shoulder. “Run, Virgil!”
“I can’t leave you behind—”
Janus mutters something that sounds foreign, and yet Virgil understands it. A curse word in… was that ancient Greek? Virgil isn’t given time to process it before Janus grabs Virgil’s arm and takes off at a sprint up the hill. Virgil stumbles but he manages to keep his feet under him as he takes off at a run for the looming pine. As they get closer, Virgil chances a glance over his shoulder. The winged creature is maybe twenty yards away. It’ll be on them any second.
Janus whistles sharply. “Hey! We got incoming!”
Seemingly out of nowhere, three other kids appear from near the tree. One of them notches an arrow in an honest-to-gods bow. He aims, then releases. Virgil watches, stunned, as the blow strikes true and the winged creature vanishes in a puff of gold dust that gets caught in the breeze.
Virgil rests his hands on his knees as he catches his breath. Janus, beside him, is breathing hard as well but he nods to the kid with the bow and arrow.
“Nice shot,” Virgil tells him.
The kid looks to be maybe a year older than Virgil, and is wearing a t-shirt that matches Janus’s. He’s also got a necklace of beads, though his has five of them. Virgil realizes that some of them match Janus’s, plus a few more. He slings the bow across his back and flashes Virgil a bright grin.
“Thanks! I’m Sloane.” He extends his hand.
“Virgil.” He shakes the kid’s hand.
Sloane nods to the other two kids that had materializes near him. One of them is a girl that looks a little younger than Virgil, maybe 14, with dark hair pulled back into a ponytail. The other is a guy in a backwards baseball cap and a plaid shirt over the orange tee that looks about Sloane’s age. His necklace only has one bead on it.
“This is Valerie,” Sloane introduces. “She’s from Cabin 10. And this is Kai. He’s from Cabin 9.”
“Sloane,” Janus interrupts. “Where’s Chiron?”
Sloane jerks his head down the hill. “In the Big House with the lead counselors.”
Virgil watches Janus’s brow furrow. “Seems unusual. Did something happen?”
Valerie sighs. “Kind of. Dionysus gave one of his kids a quest. Counselors are meeting about the prophecy to see who is going.”
Janus’s eyebrows shoot up in surprise. “Which one?”
“Jack. The prophecy mentions a death. That never bodes well, and kids aren’t exactly lining up to work for Mr. D.”
Janus hums thoughtfully, his eyes trailing over the crest of the hill. Virgil watches as he shoves the knife into his belt. Kai cocks his head slightly, studying Virgil closely. Then, he looks at Janus. “Has he been claimed?”
Virgil frowns. “Claimed?”
“No,” Janus tells Kai, then looks to Virgil. “Follow me. I’ll explain as we walk.”
Janus nods to the other three and Virgil follows him down to the valley below. From this vantage point, Virgil sees the cabins Janus has been talking about, forming something like a horseshoe shape. In front of it is a large building that Virgil assumes is the ‘Big House’ that Sloane had mentioned. He sees other buildings and structures, but decides to wait to ask about them.
People mill around, most of them wearing the orange t-shirt that has a winged horse and the words Camp Half-Blood printed on them. When they notice Virgil, most of them throw a curious glance to Janus. Janus doesn’t even seem to notice.
“Welcome to Camp Half-Blood,” Janus says as they walk. “It’s one of the few safe spaces left for demigods like us.”
“Wait,” Virgil says, certain that he heard Janus incorrectly. “Demigod?”
Janus glances at him. “Hm. I gather you really don’t know very much. Yes, demigod. Half-god, half-mortal.”
“And you think I’m one of these, uh, half-bloods?” Virgil shakes his head. “Listen, I think you’ve got the wrong guy.”
Janus looks almost amused now, an eyebrow arching almost like a challenge. “You couldn’t have gotten across the border into camp if you weren’t. Let me guess… you have ADHD and dyslexia.”
“Wh—I mean, yes, but—”
“You were raised by either a single parent or no parent at all,” Janus continues.
“My mom, until—”
“You see things others either don’t see or don’t remember.”
“Please. Do stop me if I’m wrong.”
Virgil falls silent, his chest a bit tight. He crosses his arms over his chest as they walk.
Janus waits for a beat before he elaborates, sounding like it’s a spiel he’s given a dozen times already. “The ADHD is the battle reflexes. Dyslexia is because your brain is wired for ancient Greek, not modern English.”
Virgil’s mind is reeling. “But—”
“The things you see are because you’re a demigod. You are able to see things as they are.  Mortals—most mortals—get deceived by this thing called the Mist. Someday, with training, you’ll be able to manipulate it as well. It’s a useful skill.”
Virgil feels suddenly way too hot, and yet still has the sudden desire to pull the hood of his hoodie up over his hair. “Demigod,” he repeats, though saying it aloud doesn’t help it make sense. “Are… Are you telling me that my dad is a god? Like a Greek god? Zeus? Apollo? Those guys?”
Janus glances at him and looks, for a split second, almost apologetic. “I understand that it’s a lot to take in at once. This is why Chiron usually takes the initiation. He usually has a more, ah, sensitive means of broaching the subject. But since he’s meeting with the lead counselors, I’m afraid the responsibility falls to me.”
Virgil blinks. He can feel the pressure in his chest building and he forces himself to take a breath. It doesn’t help as much as he’d been hoping it would. “Which one?”
“Which god is my dad?”
They’re passing in front of the Big House now. There’s two people standing on the front porch—a blonde girl holding a Yankees cap and a boy with a goatee leaning against the railing—seeming deep in conversation. The blonde girl offers Janus a small wave. Janus nods back.
“To your question, the answer is that we don’t know,” he says. “Since you haven’t been claimed yet, your guess is as good as ours. But you might be claimed any minute now, or never claimed at all. I was claimed three days after arriving at camp by Athena. But we have several campers who haven’t been claimed at all. Remy Short is one such example.”
“Athena. Goddess of wisdom and strategy,” Virgil remembers. He’d read that name in his mother’s library when he was younger. And he has a vague memory from sixth grade social studies.
“Indeed,” Janus replies. They circle around the house and Virgil realizes that Janus is leading him towards the semi-circle of cabins. “Since you haven’t been claimed yet, you’re designated to Cabin 11. Hermes’ cabin.”
“Janus!” A bright, cheerful voice calls from behind them. Janus stops and turns, and Virgil follows his gaze. A boy that looks about Virgil’s age, maybe a year older, is running towards them from the Big House. He’s got a flop of curly hair and big round glasses.
“Patton,” Janus greets as the boy slows to a stop near them. “Virgil, this is Patton. He’s the head of the Hermes cabin.”
Patton grins and holds out his hand. “Hi, Virgil. Welcome to Cabin 11. I’ll talk to Chiron about getting you some supplies—”
“I’ll talk to Chiron,” Janus interrupts as Virgil shakes Patton’s hand. “I need to ask him about some things anyway. Patton, could you—”
“For sure,” Patton agrees readily. “I’ll show Virgil around!”
Janus excuses himself and starts towards the Big House. Virgil rubs the back of his neck and offers Patton an awkward smile.  Now that he’s closer, Virgil realizes that Patton is maybe an inch or so shorter than him. He’s got four beads on his necklace.  
“How ya doing?” Patton asks him, startling him out of his thoughts. Virgil meets his eyes. Patton’s are a warm brown, and his smile is sympathetic. “I remember my first day at camp. It’s always overwhelming.”
Virgil huffs. “Yeah, you could say that.”
“You’ll love it here,” Patton says with a surprising amount of confidence.
Virgil arcs a skeptical eyebrow. “I’ve heard that before. I don’t seem to, ah, stay in one place very long.”
“Kicked out of school?” Patton guesses. He starts walking around the cabins and Virgil follows, slipping his hands into the pocket of his hoodie.
“Yeah. Several times.”
“We all have,” Patton says, not unkindly. “That’s the best thing about camp. In the mortal world, we’re all labeled as weird or outcasts. But at camp? We’ve all been through it. Oh! This is Cabin 10. Aphrodite’s cabin.”
Patton walks Virgil around the semi-circle, explaining each cabin’s assigned deity. He adds that Cabins 1 through 3 are empty, though apparently there was a girl that used to be in Cabin 1—Zeus’s cabin—who joined the Hunters of Artemis and left camp. Cabin 2 was Hera’s, and since she didn’t have children, the cabin was mostly honorary. Cabin 3 usually had a kid in it, but he apparently was on some kind of recon mission and wouldn’t return for another day or two. Cabin 8—Aretmis’s cabin—is also, usually, empty except when the Hunters visit.
“Since you don’t know who your dad is, you get to bunk with us at the Hermes Cabin,” Patton explains. “We take all unclaimed kids, since Hermes is the god of travelers.”
“I thought he was the god of thieves,” Virgil says before he can think about it.
Patton smiles sheepishly. “Yeah, that too. If you’ve got anything important, maybe keep it with ya. Just in case. I try to dissuade stealing, but old habits die hard for some of these kiddos.”  
Patton leads him around the camp, pointing out the strawberry fields, the armory, and the forge that mostly gets used by the Hephaestus kids. A few of them wave at Patton, who eagerly waves back and calls a few of them by name. He shows Virgil the arena, where two kids are sparring. Patton takes a seat and Virgil sits beside him, watching the two boys circle each other.
Both of them are wearing matching orange t-shirts—Patton had told him that he’d be getting one too—and some armor. One of them has dark hair and square glasses. He’s got two knives, one in each hand, and even from a bit of distance Virgil can sees the slight sheen of sweat to his forehead. The other one’s hair is a couple of shades lighter. His sleeves are rolled up and he wields a sword and a shield.
“The one with the glasses is Logan,” Patton explains. “He’s a child of Athena. The other one is Roman. He’s a child of Apollo. I met both of them in Seattle before we made our way to camp together thanks to some help from a satyr.”
“All three of you have been claimed?” Virgil asks, watching as Roman charges at Logan who rolls out of the way and then nimbly jumps back up to his feet. He slashes at Roman’s back but Roman parries the blow with a well-timed flick of the sword.
“Not immediately,” Patton says. “Logan was claimed as soon as we got to camp, but it was a month or so for me. And Roman was nearly a year before Apollo claimed him during a campfire song. It certainly surprised a lot of people.”
“His brother was claimed by Ares three months before him, so most people thought Roman was Ares’ kid too.”
Virgil glances at Patton. “Roman has a brother?”
Patton’s mouth presses into a thin line for a moment, and Virgil gets the sense that it’s a touchy subject. “Yeah. Remus. It’s unusual for two kids of the same family to both be demigods, and the fact that their father are two different gods led to some… tension. Roman and Remus don’t exactly get along.”
Virgil nods his understanding and turns his attention back to the sparring pair. Roman blocks a quick slash from Logan with his shield and swipes at him with the sword, but Logan parries the blow with the other knife in his hands. Then in a series of quick movements—Virgil isn’t sure how it happens, exactly—Roman is flat on his back and Logan is on his chest with the knife to his throat.
Roman says something that Virgil can’t make out, and Logan says something in kind before he climbs off Roman and helps him up. Roman flashes a grin and shoves Logan’s shoulder before he glances past his sparring match and sees Patton and Virgil sitting on one of the benches.
Roman waves. “Heya, Padre!”
Logan glances over his shoulder and quirks an eyebrow at Virgil but stores his daggers as Roman jogs over. Patton stands and Virgil follows him down to meet Roman halfway.
“Hey, Roman,” Patton replies. “I didn’t know you started using a sword!”
Roman grabs a towel off a nearby bench and mops the sweat off his forehead. “It’s new. I’m still trying to get used to it. I think the balance is off.”
“The balance is fine,” Logan quips, stepping up beside him. “You just need more practice.”
Roman rolls his eyes but doesn’t argue. “Either way, Specs. I’ll take archery any day over waving a sharp stick around.”
“You are definitely a son of Apollo,” Logan rejoins back without malice. “And it would be unwise to only be versed in ranged attack.”
“And you are definitely a son of Athena.”
Virgil snorts, and then a part of him regrets it as Roman and Logan both look over at him. Virgil flushes slightly, uncomfortable with the sudden attention, but Patton seems to only perk up more.
“Oh! Sorry, this is Virgil. He’s a new camper. Janus ran into him on his way back and brought him along.”
“Which cabin?” Logan asks.
Virgil shrugs. “For now, Cabin 11, I guess.”
“Unclaimed, then.” Virgil listens for the judgement in Logan’s voice, but he doesn’t hear it. It sounds more like a flat statement of fact, as if reporting the weather. Logan nods once. “Very well.”
“I was just showing him around,” Patton supplies. “You guys wanna join?”
Logan starts shrugging out of the armor he’s wearing. “Regrettably, I said that I would assist Harley with some blueprints when I had finished sparring with Roman.”
Roman slides the sword into the scabbard at his side. “And I’m overdue for a Pegasus lesson. I can’t miss it again. The last thing I need is Mr. D giving me another earful.” Roman gives a quick two-finger salute and rushes out of the arena.
Virgil blinks at Patton. “Pegasus?”
Patton grins brightly. “Come on. I’ll show ya.”
Patton spends the rest of the afternoon showing Virgil around the camp. They go to the stables (where Roman offers to take Virgil for a ride but Virgil immediately declines because he’s never been a fan of flying). They swing by the beach on their way to the climbing wall. Virgil watches, amazed, as two kids climb with impressive speed and narrowly avoid the magma that starts to pour down it.
One of the kids has a Morningstar gripped between his teeth, a green bandana around his upper bicep and a matching one around his head. He’s fast, scaling the wall with a well-practiced ease. Virgil hears him laugh delightedly when his hand slips and he almost gets burned by the lava. It’s somehow both impressive and disconcerting.
“That would be Remus.”
“That’s Remus?” Virgil repeats, though when he looks a bit closer he sees the similarity in hair color and skin complexion. “I guess I see the resemblance.”
“Don’t tell Roman that,” Patton says lightly. “C’mon.”
They pass the amphitheater where, apparently, there would be a bonfire tonight. Patton shows him the volleyball court where four kids are playing one another. They wave at Patton as they pass.
“You seem popular,” Virgil supplies. He’s lost track of how many kids have waved at them as they walk around.
Patton lifts a shoulder modestly. “I dunno. Since Hermes is the catch-all cabin, a lot of camp knows me since they come to our cabin if they haven’t been claimed yet. Sometimes we get kids that get claimed right away, or kids that already have been claimed, but otherwise? I get to be their lead counselor for at least a little bit.”
“Sounds like a lot of responsibility.”
“I kind of like it,” Patton admits with a smile. “It’s like I’m everyone’s honorary camp dad.”
The conversation cuts out as dinner is called and they head to the mess hall. Patton explains the offering to the gods prior to the meal, and Virgil scrapes part of his plate into the fire. He doesn’t know what to ask for.
It’d be nice to have a family again, dad, he thinks, unsure of who he should even direct the comment to. Patton waves him over, offering a seat beside him.
Virgil chances a glance around the mess hall as they eat. The Hermes table is certainly the most crowded, though Virgil can’t say he finds that surprising. Athena’s table has several kids reading while eating. Two kids at the Ares table are in the middle of an arm-wrestling competition. One kid at the Hephaestus table is pouring over a blueprint, and Virgil wonders if that was the Harley kid that Logan had mentioned.
Towards the end of the meal, a few kids at the Apollo table starts singing “Bohemian Rhapsody” and it’s not long before most of their table is doing the entire song with harmony. Someone from the Demeter table tells them to ‘save it for the campfire’, but it does nothing to deter the Apollo kids. Virgil catches Roman laughing as he sings, one of his sibling’s arms slung around his shoulders.
Virgil glances over and sees Logan at the Athena table sitting next to Janus, watching the chaos unfold and the faintest quirk of his lips betray his amusement.
Virgil feels some of the tension in his chest relax just a little.
The bonfire starts around dusk. Virgil is making his way to the amphitheater from dropping supplies off at the cabin when Roman comes up from behind him and loops his arm through Virgil’s, chattering excitedly about how much he loved this part of camp. Virgil sees an ukulele case slung around his shoulder.
Logan appears a second later on the other side of Virgil, commenting dryly that the Apollo kids had done their vocal warm-ups during the dinner. This only served to lead Roman to do actual vocal warm-ups—trills and scales, specifically—as they walked. Patton and Janus were already sitting down, three rows back. Patton waves when he sees them file in. Remus is sitting beside Janus, seemingly trying to goad him into some kind of competition that he was having no interest in. The firelight glints of Janus’s scales.
“Hey,” Virgil says to Roman and Logan. “Can… I ask what happened to Janus?” He immediately regrets the question, cursing his lack of a filter, but neither of the other boys seem perturbed by the question.
“A curse from Aphrodite,” Logan answers. “Janus had gone on a quest for our mother, and it led to some… unsavory tension between himself and Aphrodite. From what he’s told me, he accused Ares of being a snake in the grass while in the presence of Aphrodite, and… well. The love goddess didn’t take kindly to that. But it’s purely cosmetic.”
Virgil arcs an eyebrow. “Remus seems chill with him.”
“I’m not sure that Remus is aware of the accusation Janus leveled at his father,” Logan muses. “And Janus is not one to hold the children accountable for the actions of their godly parent.”
“It doesn’t benefit him,” Roman adds in, using his free hand for air quotes. “Or something like that. Janus is all about himself and how he can improve his own standing.”
“Sounds like someone else I know,” Logan quips dryly.
Roman scoffs, but when Virgil looks at him, there’s a teasing glint to his eyes. “Well, I wasn’t going to say it, but you guys are half-brothers for a reason.”
Logan looks at Roman over the top of his glasses, but Roman just shoots him a cheeky smile as they approach the other three. Virgil slides into the seat beside Patton, followed by Logan and then Roman. There’s a few kids—Virgil isn’t sure what cabin they’re from—trying to lead a call-and-response chant as campers file in. Down the row, Remus enthusiastically calls out the responses at the top of his lungs.
“Roman!” A new voice calls out from the end of their row. A tall guy, a couple of years older than them, is holding a ukulele and jerking his head down towards the bonfire. “You ready to help me kick this thing off?”
Roman grins and jumps up. “Would be an honor, Thomas.” He rushes off and he and Thomas start playing a song together with practiced ease. He and the other Apollo kids start singing, and before long the vast majority of campers are joining in. A few of them, including Patton, sway a little. Virgil doesn’t sing, but he listens and tries to remember the words.
The sky grows dark. The Apollo kids eventually cede the floor to some Ares kids who start up another chant. More songs are sung, some snacks get passed around, and Virgil is starting to think that maybe, with time, he could get used to this.
“Oh! I almost forgot!” Patton says beside him, as the next song starts. He drops something into Virgil’s lap. “I got this for ya.”
Virgil looks down. It’s two camp t-shirts. The black winged horse and the Camp Half-Blood print stares up at him. He looks over at Patton.
Patton just smiles. “Claimed or not, you’re one of us. We claim you.”
Virgil feels like maybe that’s good enough for him.
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pelideswhore · 3 years
olympians (+2) at a party
zeus: drunk before he gets there, hitting on everyone in the bar, throws up on the dance floor and expects someone else to clean up
poseidon: bar tender, jealous that he doesn’t get to party, sneaks drinks into the toilet, gets caught by hades on his second trip
hades: hiding in the toilet, crying silently as he looks at the snaps persephone is sending him, shits his pants when poseidon walks in
hera: literally just there to make sure zeus doesn’t cheat, he does so anyway and she can’t do anything for it, she gets drunk
hestia: takes care of hera, makes sure she doesn’t get hurt in her drunkenness, stays out of the spotlight at the start, kills it on the dance floor towards the end
demeter: brought her own snacks, chilling on the sofa, scrolling through instagram, watching everyone’s stories though they’re literally just videos of the party she’s at
dionysus: wasted as fck, king of the party, host of the party, controls the music (here’s the playlist lol, i made it myself *hair flip*), everyone loves him
aphrodite: gets asked to dance by 5 different guys within 10 minutes, dressed risky™, crushes on the bar tender (not poseidon) and stays at the bar to talk to him 25/7
ares: drinks juice instead of alcohol, has to stay sober because he’s supposed to drive aphrodite back home, jealous of the bar tender 124%
hephaestus: waited in front of aphrodite’s house to pick her up for 30 mins, saw on her story that she was already there with ares, arrives late and probably crying
artemis: stole food and snuck out of the party, went back home 
athena: asleep
hermes: texting apollo trying to console him, desperately wants to go back to dancing
apollo: “why did no one tell me there was a party T-T”, only found out through hermes’ story, crying at home
tell me which one is you loll
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Could you do a Tommy fic thats inspired by Hades and Persephone?
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The Underworld - Peaky Blinders Greek Mythology AU - Thomas Shelby x Reader
A/N: I'm so sorry Meg that this took forever lol. I made a list for which character responds to which greek god or goddess for ease of reading. Not all are mentioned in the fic, but I thought it would be fun to share who responded to which immortal imo. This won't be a series as it's basically just the plot of season four lmao. Just a fun little twist!
Y/N - Persephone
Thomas - Hades
Arthur - Zeus
John - Poseidon
Finn - Hermes
Linda - Hera
Luca - Ares
Lizzie - Aphrodite
Polly - Athena
Alfie - Dionysus
Michael - Apollo
Ada - Artemis
Johnny Dogs - Hephaestus
Taglist: @sweetiekokkiri @haphazardhufflepuff @tarafaithe @mrsstevenbuchananstark @imagine-richards @hxnky-cat @captivatedbycillianmurphy
"Here you go. Enjoy!" you said politely, handing a man his bouquet of flowers.
"Thanks," he mumbled, and left the store.
Entering a moment later was your husband, Hades. Well, Thomas for now. You could see the form of your love underneath the disguise of the Englishman in the way he moved. You couldn't take the god out of him, no matter what. You smiled dumbly at him as he flipped the shop sign to 'closed'.
"Hello, sir. See something you're interested in?" you asked sweetly, and let your fingertips trail over the leaves of the baby pomegranate tree at your end of the counter.
"Just a thing or two," the corner of his mouth lifted as he plucked a red flower from an arrangement to his left, and stuck it in your hair.
You took his hand in yours, "I've got another hour before I'm supposed to close up shop."
"Persephone," he sighed, a loving look upon his handsome face.
"Y/N, remember! And, fine. The mortals will have to go without their flowers tonight. You'll have to tell mother why, though," you laughed lightly, slipping your hand from his to tidy up.
"I'm sure she'll understand. There's a family meeting at The Garrison."
When you were finished, you hung up your apron, shut off the lights, and locked the door behind you. Hades Thomas waited patiently for you, of course.
"Will they all be there?" you wondered anxiously. You were the only one who wasn't part of the twelve Olympians, but the others seemed to tolerate you out of fear of Hades and Demeter.
"Where else would they be? Arthur is bringing Her- ahem, Linda. Ah, fuck it, no one can hear us. Poseidon mistakenly killed one of Ares' half-bloods that was starting trouble and now Ares wants revenge. He's likely planning on starting a war here in town, which will put our cover under scrutiny. We're assembling to discuss a plan of action," Hades rolled his eyes, quietly filling you in on the drama you missed while at the flower shop.
You questioned angrily, "What did Poseidon go and do that for? Didn't he know who he was killing?"
"Unclear. I'm tempted to just go back home. Coming and going here is getting quite strenuous," Hades frowned, slipping his arm around your waist.
"Oh, hush. Do you really want Ares to give you more work? All those unsorted souls to figure out? Think of all that work you did to be able to have this life here. The man I love wouldn't let him ruin it over one demigod," you reminded him of the deaths Ares could cause, and tried to instill some confidence in your husband. He didn't like conflict, but to keep what he wanted he would have to deal with it.
He gave you a look and then resigned, "I both love and hate when you're right."
"I know." you leaned onto your toes and kissed his smirking mouth. His soft lips were always impossible to part with, so it was no surprise when he was the first to break the kiss.
"Come on," he smirked, pulling you along.
The peaceful walk to the Garrison quickly turned sour once you reached the pub. Dark clouds were forming overhead, a clear symbol of your brother-in-law's anger. With his short temper, one never knew what to expect.
"Where is he?" Tommy asked Aphrodite, otherwise known as Lizzie these days. She had a few empty bottles of gin beside her on the bar top, and was working on opening another. It took ten times the amount of alcohol to get a god drunk and it seemed like she was about to reach that amount.
"Trying not to get murdered by your brother," she rolled her eyes, gesturing to the deathly quiet meeting room in the back. The rest of the pub was empty, which only added to the sense of unease.
You reluctantly followed Tommy through to the back, the confidence you had previously fading with each second. Thunder boomed in the distance and rain began to fall.
"Brothers," Hades bowed, before taking his seat. You made sure to hold his hand, trying to reassure him and yourself that this had been the correct move.
"Hades. You've been told, yes?" Arthur Zeus asked, arms folded across his chest. His rings glinted in the lamplight.
"Yes, Hermes gave me an update," Hades answered solemnly, staring at Poseidon. John had the nerve to stare back, a defiant look set into his features.
"How many times must I inform you that this was an accident?" Poseidon chewed on the toothpick between his lips.
"Until I believe it," Zeus scoffed.
Hades frowned, rubbing his thumb across the back of your hand. This was going to be one dirty fight. Ares' energy was already causing this much tension, and it was probably exactly what he wanted.
After a few minutes the rest of the family showed up, save for Polly Athena.
"Has anyone seen her?" Apollo wondered, adjusting his suit jacket as he sat down beside his sister.
Hera answered, "I thought she was with you, Michael."
Then, the front door of the pub slammed open. The loud click of heels signaled the arrival of the goddess of strategic war, and you let out a small sigh of relief. If there was anyone who could help best Ares, it was her.
Polly demanded upon entering, "So which one of you idiots let Ares go on a rampage?"
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xbaepsae · 4 years
the ebb and flow | part six
“You’re trying really hard not to laugh. But it’s difficult to suppress laughter when the situation calls for it. So, for probably the first time ever, you laugh in front of Jeon Jeongguk.”
[demigod!jeongguk x demigod!reader]
genre: percy jackson!au, mythology!au, demigod!au, enemies to lovers!au
word count: 2k
rating: pg-13
warnings: language, the usual character tension, a brief moment of softness??
a/n: hi it’s been quite a while since my last update. but i really hope you enjoy this chapter :) xoxo
→ series masterlist!
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the fourth summer – in which there is an inspection
The last week of summer at camp is always a memorable one—be it the late nights by the beach or the insane amount of chaos that seems to ensue every year.
For example, last summer, there was a monster that managed to break through the barrier. Fortunately, everyone was able to react promptly, and the monster was sent to Tartarus; at least, that’s what you think happened. At the end of the day, you’re just happy it hasn’t happened again since then.
This summer as the new camp counselor for your cabin—after Jinyoung so graciously handed you his title before heading off to New Rome—has been an interesting one; and least to say, you’re going to miss your little legion of cabinmates. It’s been fun leading them around—to greatness, of course.
But before summer can truly end, you need to make it to your last Senior Counsel meeting of the season.
Running to the Big House, you rush into the Rec Room with hopes that you’re not the only person who’s behind schedule. You hate that the one morning you oversleep is the one morning you have somewhere to be. In the Rec Room, you notice that all of the other Head Counselors have already arrived.
“Why, y/n, thank you for joining us,” Mr. D’s mouth curves into a frown.
You wince. “Sorry for running late.”
“You’re only a few minutes late,” Chiron waves his hand. “Take your place, y/n.”
Bypassing your grumpy camp director, you take your seat in-between Park Jimin and Jung Hoseok around the dingy ping pong table. The son of Ares offers you a narrow look—probably still upset you snatched his flag from underneath his nose last week—which you return with the same enthusiasm. “Can I help you, Park?”
“Don’t mind mister grouchy-pants over there,” Hoseok suddenly speaks up. “He clearly woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.”
“Not all of us can wake up as chipper as you, Hobi,” Jimin uses the son of Apollo’s infamous nickname.
“Well, I can’t help it if the sun makes me happy.”
“Everything makes you happy. It’s quite sickening, actually.”
Quickly, you realize that this little banter could seriously get out of hand. Luckily, you’re not the only one. Chiron takes a quick look at them and clears his throat. “That’s enough you two; we only have one week left of summer.”
“And there’s much you heroes have to do,” Mr. D adds, popping the tab of his Diet Coke. “I cannot wait for you little vermin to be gone; except for you, y/n…you never seem to want to leave.”
“I would if I could,” you roll your eyes. “I guess we’ll just be stuck here together.”
“Speaking of things to do,” Chiron changes the conversation, “there is one major thing left to be done before the end of summer.”
“Are we throwing a party?” Kim Seokjin asks, hair and face looking as perfect as ever.
Chiron frowns. “No, and there better not be anything of the sort happening in Cabin Ten.”
For a moment, you swear the son of Aphrodite’s eyes are shimmering. “Of course not, unless you want to throw us a party. A party seems fun.”
“A party does seem fun,” Chiron suddenly agrees. “We haven’t had one of those in a while…”
Seokjin’s eyes grow wider. “I want huge balloons and an extravagant display table. Also, is there any way to hire a DJ? No offense, but lyre playing is so ancient.”
“That could probably be arranged…” Chiron trails off, like he’s not even aware of what he’s saying.
“Cut it with the Charmspeak, Lim Sejin.”
The son of Aphrodite’s eyes whip to Dionysus. “It’s Kim Seokjin, Mr. D.”
“Lim Sejin, Kim Seokjin—same thing,” the god of wine rolls his eyes. “But seriously kid, cut it out. We’ve got serious business to attend to.”
“Fine,” Seokjin crosses his arms. “As you were saying, Chiron?”
Chiron blinks a few times. “Oh, yes—the major thing that must be done is cabin inspection.”
The entire Senior Counsel seems to tense at that. It’s not that everyone is a total slob, but cabin inspection is so tedious. There’s a reason it’s only done once in a while. And sometimes, you do end up finding some disgusting beds. The Hermes Cabin is always questionable. You’ve never had to do cabin inspection, and you don’t plan on it.
“Are there any volunteers?” Chiron continues. “You all know two counselors need to perform the tasks.”
As Chiron says that, everyone starts to look at Kim Taehyung. When he realizes that you’re all looking at him, he begins to shake his head aggressively. “No way—I did inspection last time. Besides, I’m busy with the Pegasi—I don’t have time to check all the cabins.”
He is right—the son of Zeus does have a lot of other responsibilities. But you all looked at him first because he is just so good at taking on different tasks.
“Okay, so excluding Taehyung…any volunteers?” Chiron asks again. No one dares to look at him. “Come on, heroes. There are worse things to do here.”
While there is some truth to that statement, no one budges. But for some reason, you feel compelled to offer your service? The thought of coming into contact with stinky socks is less than ideal, but you want to prove to Chiron and Mr. D that you’re serious about being Head Counselor of your cabin. And you want to make your mother proud.
So, almost subconsciously, you raise your hand. “I’ll do it, Chiron.”
Everyone’s head swivels toward you. Surprise and interest simultaneously mares their faces. Even Mr. D looks shocked that you spoke up—his Diet Coke spilling from his hand.
“Great, y/n!” Chiron exclaims. “Anyone want to join her?”
“I’ll do it.” For the first time today, your eyes look in his direction. Jeon Jeongguk stares back at you with his signature smirk plastered onto his dumb face. “I’ll help y/n out with cabin inspection.”
Chiron hums, probably wondering why your sworn enemy is offering to assist you. “Interesting. You may join her, Jeongguk.”
“I’ll gladly take anyone else but Jeon,” you groan. “Chiron don’t make us do inspection together. Please.”
“You’ll be fine, y/n. It’s just one day of cabin inspection. It’ll be fun.” Chiron says as he moves onto the next topic, something about the dining pavilion.
“Come on, y/n,” Jeongguk taunts with a smile. “It’ll be fun.”
It’ll be fun, they said.
Walking towards Cabin One with your clipboard, you turn around and watch as Jeongguk slowly follows behind you. In his hand, he carries his own clipboard and pen. “Don’t do anything stupid, okay?”
“Sure, captain,” he mock salutes you, pen now hanging out of his mouth.
You roll your eyes and continue towards Zeus’s cabin. Once you’re in front of the white marble structure, you take in the columns and bronze decorations. Cabin One is the biggest of all the cabins—to reflect Zeus’s position as King of Olympus; you don’t think you’ll ever get over the robust columns and cold exterior.
“This place gives me the creeps.”
“Shut it, Jeon,” you order, knocking on the door. It opens mid-tap, revealing a smiling Taehyung. He opens the door wider, allowing you both to walk in.
“Welcome to my humble abode,” the son of Zeus says, revealing a pretty empty cabin.
You notice a few beds in the corner, but that’s about it for the furniture. In the middle of the room, boasts a rather intimidating statue of the god of thunder himself. The statue seems to stand ten feet tall, and you wonder how Taehyung can even stand to live in such a space. You voice this thought out loud, to which only seems to make the son of Zeus rumble with laughter.
“I’m just used to it, I guess. The others don’t mind either.”
Walking around the room, you can’t help but give Cabin One a perfect score—if anything, you feel like it’s almost too pristine in here. Looking over your shoulder, you notice Jeongguk giving the same score.
“Let’s move on, shall we?” you ask, not waiting for Jeongguk to give you an answer before you’re walking away.
The two of you bypass Cabin Two—which belongs to Hera herself and means no one lives there—and make your way towards Cabin Three. You allow Jeongguk to walk in front of you—since this is his place, after all—and you don’t miss the way sweat begins to bead along his brow.
“I hope for your sake, the cabin’s clean,” you remark, to which he doesn’t say anything.
“I’m sure my siblings cleaned up…” he trails off, seemingly unsure of his own words.
Jeongguk opens the door of the gray sea-shelled building and reveals a dark interior. His half-siblings are nowhere to be found, probably off doing their activities. You follow Jeongguk inside and watch as he switches the lights on. For the first time, you take in the glowing walls and the ceiling that makes the cabin appear as it’s underwater. There is also a fountain that looks like a fish in the room; and as you’re staring at the water sprouting from its mouth, you see it.
The last bed in the row is trashed—the sheets have been haphazardly thrown everywhere and clothes hang from each corner like a monster rolled through the space or something. On the floor beside the bed, there are even more clothes and random things; like miniature figurines of Hippocampi and other sea creatures.
You don’t realize it, but your mouth had dropped open. “Styx…who’s bed is that?”
Slowly, you turn to face your enemy. You expect him to be ready with a snide comment, except he seems at a loss for words. Jeongguk’s face is devoid of color and he looks absolutely horrified. You put two and two together, realizing that the trashed bed belongs to him.
“I am going to kill them,” he barely says above a whisper. For a second, you almost feel kind of bad for the son of Poseidon; then again, why should you feel bad for him? You don’t even like him. “When I asked them to clean up, I didn’t mean for them to give me all of their shit!”
You’re trying really hard not to laugh. But it’s difficult to suppress laughter when the situation calls for it. So, for probably the first time ever, you laugh in front of Jeon Jeongguk. It starts off as simple air passing between your lips, but soon morphs into something full-bellied as you feel laughter vibrate throughout your whole body.
He looks at you with wide eyes—probably thinking you’ve lost your mind—but you can’t help it. You can barely muster the words, “T-This is gold.”
As you shut your eyes, tears practically fall from them as you continue to laugh, you miss something. You miss the way Jeongguk’s wide eyes soften a bit as he continues to stare at you. The softness doesn’t last long, and you probably wouldn’t have caught it because his gaze becomes sharp in a blink, but it was there. It was real. Though he would never admit it to you.
“Shut up,” he says instead, which gradually sobers you up. “This is humiliating.”
You nod. “Oh, absolutely.” This causes Jeongguk to frown. “And I am so giving you a terrible grade for this.”
Focusing back on the task at hand, you give Cabin Three a big fat one out of five—much to the disappointment of a certain cabin member. As Jeongguk grades himself, you raise an eyebrow when he gives himself a modest score of three.
“What?” he asks, feigning ignorance.
“Three? C’mon, Jeon,” you roll your eyes. “You must see the destruction that is your bed.”
He scrunches his face. “But it’s not even my mess!”
You give him a look; one that says don’t fuck around right now. And it seems to work because Jeongguk, albeit begrudgingly, changes the three next to his cabin to a one. By the time he looks up again, you’re already halfway out the door.
“Come on, Jeon; we don’t have all day!”
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maandags · 4 years
Requests are open!!! *does an excited hoppy dance* oh my goodness the excitement. May I suggest a) something with Matt Holt, perhaps in an au with some sort of power (like a demigod or witch or ATLA au, etc.) or b) something for HTTYD with no pairing and plenty of dragon presence! Bonding/interacting with dragons, etc. Thankyouthankyouthankyou you are such an amazingly skilled author and making requests like this is a very special privilege. Thank you for sharing your writing :)
it’s Capture the Flag day at Camp Halfblood, and nobody lets you forget it.
of course, the nervous jitters get to you, as well. you’re not immune, even though you’ve never been a particular lover of the game. but it’s Camp tradition, and Camp Halfblood is your home, so you’ll fuck up your friends (and not-so-friends) every once in a while to keep things interesting. sure.
it’s Hephaestus, Demeter, Ares,  Apollo -- that’s you -- against Athena, Aphrodite, Hermes, and Dionysus. you’re not worried about Dionysus’ kids -- their heart isn’t in the game, and it’s easy to tell. Athena and Hermes are the ones who will pose an actual problem, you suspect. 
as you get ready, fingers making quick work of the straps on your breastplate, swinging your quiver over your shoulder (holding blunt-tipped arrows -- so they’ll still hurt like a bitch, but won’t do serious damage); strapping on your bracer, then pulling on your leather glove. you reach for your helmet, fighting the urge to roll your eyes at the red plume sticking out of it. it’s tradition, Y/N.
“you think you’re gonna win today, L/N?”
you squint up at the boy decked out in full Capture the Flag regalia, a sword at his side and a knife strapped to his thigh, brown hair mussed and glasses slightly askew on his nose. “half your team aren’t fighters, Matt. not like you and I am.” you lean back, cross your arms. “let’s just say I’m not disliking my chances, here.”
Matt shakes his head with a grin. “we’re going to crush you.”
“HOLT!” both of you whip around to the source of the voice -- it belongs to a tall Hermes kid, one of the only campers older than Matt and you, standing with his hands on his hips, glaring intensely at his teammate. “stop fraternizing with the enemy!”
Matt snickers, then bows. “well. I guess duty calls. I’ll see you after we win the game.”
“you’re so full of shit.”
“I love you, too.”
as he turns, you shout after him, “I’ve got an arrow with your name on it, Holt!”
the team captains convene -- Matt’s sister Pidge, on one side, and an Ares kid named Tyler on yours. the flags are hidden, everyone moves to their side of the creek. as you walk, Tyler and Keith, a Hephaestus kid, go through the battle plan one more time. you’ve heard it countless times before, so you listen with one ear. 
Tyler points to you. “Y/N, up in the trees. slow ‘em down as much as you can.”
“always, boss.”
“don’t get distracted by brown-haired sons of Athena,” Keith quips with a grin.
without missing a beat, you reply, “as long as you don’t get distracted by blue-eyed sons of Aphrodite, fuckwad.” Keith goes red and shoves his middle finger in your face, so you respond in kind.
“guys,” Tyler says, sounding both annoyed and tired and resigned, “focus, please.”
some obscene gestures and mouthed insults later, you’re stationed up in your tree, standing on a sturdy branch, bow at the ready, an arrow nocked. (special arrows. Keith helped out with this; you’ve got some stinkbombs, some explosive arrows, some sticky ones... they’re nasty. you can’t wait to use them.) you’ve tied yourself to the tree by your waist, having made the mistake of not doing so in the past and paying the price with bruises and cuts.
the horn sounds. the game’s begun.
border duty isn’t the most exciting part of the game. if you were a close-range fighter, you would have killed to be in the scouting group, or the flag-capturing group. but you’re not, so a spot up in the trees it is.
after a couple minutes, you spot the group of campers charged with capturing the actual flag leap over the creek like cheetahs, splitting up into two groups immediately after crossing over into the other side. despite everything, your heart rate speeds up, just a bit. your grip on the nocked arrow tightens. 
then, out of the depths of the forest in front of you, three campers race towards your side of the creek. trying to go fast, while also being quiet. heh. not if you have anything to say about it.
you bring your bow up to your face and aim, loosing it almost immediately. elegantly. effortlessly, as Matt would say. it sinks into the earth in front of the nearest camper with a dull thud, and a split second later it explodes, sending dirt and loose branches and leaves everywhere. 
before the three campers can do anything to react, you’ve let loose another arrow. this one, when it explodes, poofs out a cloud of thick red smoke, which rises high above the treetops. could just as well have been a flare. stealth mission? not so much.
but you’ve given yourself away, now. not that it matters much, now. worth it. 
“FUCK YOU, Y/N!” that’s Lance. son of Aphrodite, one of the few who is actually invested in the game. (a little too invested, in your opinion.) 
you blow him a kiss, send him a wave. “I love you, too!”
Lance yanks his fellow campers up, shakes his fist up at you. “you play dirty!”
“I’ve been here for eleven years, Lance. I deserve to play a little dirty.”
at that, Lance laughs. you narrow your eyes. “eleven years, huh?” he grins. “still can’t recognise a simple distraction?”
“what are you –” you cut yourself off, cursing, whirling around, only just managing to spot a head of brown hair zipping through the trees. 
before you realise you’re doing it, you’ve already drawn another arrow. this time, as you pull it back, you breathe out, relaxing, concentrating on the tiny shifts of movement you can still see through the trees. behind you, Lance is still shouting – “he’s gone, Y/N, we’ve outsmarted you, just admit it, you’re gonna lose –” but you drown him out. 
you let the arrow fly, and a whole second later there’s the unmistakable “augh!” of someone who just ate shit. (tangling arrow: its impact triggers the uncoiling of a spool of iron thread, hopelessly tangling the target’s legs.) 
you throw Lance a glance over your shoulder. he throws up his hand. “for the GODS’ SAKES, Y/N.” 
“do not,” you say, lips curling into a grin when you spot your group of flag-catchers, three strong, approaching from the other side of the river, the silver Athena banner rippling between them, “underestimate a child of Apollo.” 
Keith and Tyler are being chased by a growing group of blue-plumed campers, but you know it’s no use; those two are fast bastards. for the fun of it, you send another exploding arrow towards the pursuers’ ankles. the dull pop! and consequent yelps make you grin.
Keith takes a final leap over the creek and skids to a halt on the other side. the banner shifts in his hand, from silver to blood-red. 
he holds it above his head, and you let out a loud whoop before sticking two fingers in your mouth and letting out an insanely loud, piercing whistle.
the game is over. you’ve won.
you descend from your tree, dropping the last five feet to the ground, shaking your head at the mob of campers who’ve hoisted Keith and Tyler upon their shoulders and are jumping up and down. you cross your arms.
“fucking eh. I really thought we had you this time.” 
an arm drapes itself around your shoulders, and you grin, shooting a glance up at your boyfriend. “I told you I had an arrow with your name on it.” 
“you did. I’ll outrun you eventually.” Matt dips down, presses a kiss to your cheek. 
“pfft. good luck with that. you almost fooled me this time, though,” you add, poking his side. “almost.” you look down at his red-streaked legs. his knees are also scraped and slightly bloody, but his eyes are twinkling with mirth. “sorry about your ankles.”
he sighs. “yeah. I think I’ll need someone to carry me back to camp.” 
you shake your head again with a chuckle, leaning your head on his shoulder. “you’re so full of shit.”
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intelligentdumbass · 4 years
The Golden Apple Incident but-
(Honestly writing this felt like writing a glorified shitpost, so-)
Olympus’ garden was breath-taking; bioluminescent flowers blooming under Selene’s far-reaching gaze as the immortals were having the time of their lives, drunkenly singing under the serene night sky.
Hermes couldn’t help but subtly gaze back at Apollo every now and then, who was talking with one of the muses, when someone caught him off guard by wrapping an arm around his shoulder. He instantly knew who it was the second he smelled the wine in his breath.
“Jealous?~” Dionysus wiggled his eyebrows.
Hermes scoffed. “Jealous of what?”
Dionysus motioned back to the nine sisters. Calliope had her arms wrapped around Apollo’s neck while the god had just given her a small kiss. Hermes rolled his eyes, but, oh little did he know, he was faintly blushing.
The younger brother sighed.
“Look man, if you’re going to keep this up, then you‘re absolutely hopeless. I mean, at this point literally everyone except the distracted blonde you haven’t confessed to knows that you want a piece of that-”
“Hahahaha, I have no idea what you’re talking about. Anyway, have you seen Eris? I heard she wasn’t-”
“Hey, don’t change the subject!”
“It’s not what you think! I swear I was just slightly… concerned? I don’t know, he seems a lil off and Cal can prolly sense it too-”
“Pft, excuses excuses-”
Then it happened.
The festivities were suddenly interrupted by their father’s voice thundering across the garden.
“AH-” “What’s this?!”
On his hand he held out an apple as if it was made of pure solid gold. The fruit had struck him on the nose while he was chatting with his siblings. It glimmered and sparkled under the ambient moonlight as if it was enticing all of the immortals to come and have a closer look.
“It… has something engraved onto it? Hold on-” He cleared his throat, and now all eyes were on the king.
“‘It is with my greatest pleasure to present this apple to the loveliest god of them all, a trophy that will stand the test of time, a symbol of the lord’s unrivalled beauty and allure.’”
Whispers echoed throughout the venue, jumping from ear to ear. Now, of course, Zeus would’ve gladly declared himself ownership of the gift as it was thrown at his face. However, barely had a minute passed when the apple was already gone; snatched out of Zeus’ hands by the god of love whose wings immediately threw him up into air as he curiously stared at the prize he was about to award to himself.
“Still the same old insolent piece of shit, huh?”
A golden arrow whizzed out of nowhere, fired from a silver bow and carried by the evening breeze. It narrowly missed Eros’ head and pinned the fruit against one of the trees.
Eros flew after the apple as fast as he could, but by the time he managed to grab a hold of it, there was already another hand, from the archer god himself, and neither party seemed willing to let go.
He hissed. “You arrogant bastard.”
Apollo replied with a shit-eating grin. “Oh please, look whose talking.”
There was one single thought in Hermes’ head. ‘Oh boy.’ He tried to get even closer, running to where Ares and Aphrodite were. He just had to see this.
“Wait!” Athena interrupted, as she was a teensy bit worried that those two were about to murder each other. “This all feels a little… off. We don’t even know where that apple came from-”
“Don’t know; don’t care Misses killjoy!” Eros rolled his eyes. “I can assure you that I sense no malicious auras or weird obscure magic so, perhaps this really is just a gift from some fanatic, at which I am extremely flattered-”
Apollo laughed. “Really, you?? Why on earth would anyone give this to a saucy twink who’s barely taller than Hermes?”
The messenger frowned at the mentioned of his height. Ares gave him a few pats on the back while Dionysus, Artemis and a few other gods snickered. Athena just sighed like she gave up and doesn’t want to involve herself any further. On the other hand, Zeus had stopped trying to come up with a scheme to take back the fruit the second he saw his son want it too. Still though, the way Eros’ and Apollo’s fingers twitched, almost like they wanted to break each other’s necks, was starting to get kind of concerning.
“Okay okay please calm down, both of you.” The last thing Zeus wants is someone’s ichor to be spilled in the middle of a goddamn wedding. “How about-”
“Since you’re the king of the gods, that you be the judge of whoever is deserving to have this apple?” Apollo smiled. “What a wonderful idea father!”
Eros took advantage of that brief distraction of Apollo addressing his father to take the apple and throw it towards his dear mother. “Look, I know he’s usually the one who calls all the final shots, but don’t you think it’d be more fitting to let the literal goddess of beauty decide?”
Zeus thought about it, but decided that choosing between his favorite son and the bastard that could make his libido act up again was a terrible idea. Even Aphrodite herself seemed hesitant to choose and handed the fruit over to Ares because he and Hermes wanted a closer look.
“Uhm, no. I think my very obvious biases would make me one of the least fitting judges for that matter; same goes for Aphrodite. How about… let a mortal who is not part of any of your cults decide, and to please swear not to endanger their life over this.”
 The two gods gave each other a brief death glare before reluctantly agreeing to Zeus’ suggestion.
“Good. Now, where did that apple go?”
They all turned towards Ares, who didn’t have the golden fruit in his hands.
“Dad.” Eros stared. “Where’s the apple?”
“Let’s just say… I got hungry.”
There was a long pause before Eros continued.
“C-Come again?”
“I said what I said; I got hungry and that apple was right there and I got curious so, yeah. Surprisingly tasty-”
“I’m sorry,” Athena just had to interject. “But did you just admit to eating a lump of gold?!”
“Bold of you to assume that would stop the god that broke a chicken’s femur when he bit into its thigh.”
The goddess couldn’t tell if he was faking it and therefore hiding something or if he was actually very serious. Now she really did give up listening in to this conversation and proceeded to walk off to wherever Persephone and Artemis were. It was probably for the best, as it almost looked like she was losing more and more brain cells the longer this situation went on.
Apollo raised an eyebrow, but didn’t say anything. Meanwhile, Eros was struggling to process what the fuck just happened. He flew over to Hermes who was trying his best not to laugh his ass off.
“Hermes, do you have something to do with this? Did you steal it??”
“Huh? No, why the hell would I want to steal it?? I may be cocky, but not that kind of self-aggrandizing cocky. I don’t have the golden apple with me.”
Eros narrowed his eyes. “How do I know you’re not-”
“Because he isn’t, all of what Hermes just said is true.” Despite the contents of what he said being perfectly harmless, Apollo sounded like he was about to brake Eros’ back the moment he saw the god of love reach into his quiver.
Eros backed off. “Okay okay, but then what? Is that it?!”
The blonde shrugged. “It appears so.”
“Why do you suddenly act like you don’t care??”
“I mean, of course having a pretty golden apple say you’re the best is great, but in my case it’s kind of unnecessary, isn’t it? Like, duh.” There it was again, that shit-eating grin. “Honestly, it was mostly because I didn’t want YOU to have it and gods fucking forbid you use it to constantly annoy me for the rest of eternity.”
Despite the incident that had killed the mood a few minutes ago, the party seemed to be back in full swing now that Aphrodite took Eros back to wherever Psyche was. It was almost like nothing had ever happened.
Hermes, however, was interested in separating himself from everyone else as far as he possibly could, and he had dragged Apollo along with him until they were deep in some obscure part of the garden.
The messenger let out a nervous laugh. “Okay I have something I need to tell you.”
“That what Ares said, even though I can definitely see him doing it just to piss me off, was a red herring and that he hid the apple somewhere before giving it back to you once Aphrodite got Eros to go away?”
“Damn, you know me too well huh?” He took off his hat, revealing the luster of gold resting on his brown chestnut hair.
The archer laughed. “I’m surprised you got him to cooperate.”
“Guess I’m just that likeable! Plus, he owed me one after distracting you for… something.”
“You what-”
The messenger grabbed the apple and placed his cap back on his head. “I didn’t steal it for myself though.” He smiled, “It is with my greatest pleasure to present this apple to the loveliest god of them all, a trophy that will stand the test of time, a symbol of the lord’s unrivalled beauty and allure.” and then offered up the prize to the surprised blonde.
Apollo accepted, mildly flustered. “Is… Is there some sort of ulterior motive to this?”
“I… suppose you could call it that.”
He sighed. “What do you want, Herms?”
“W-Well… it’s nothing big.” There was a sudden faint flush on Hermes’ cheeks. “What about… a kiss?”
The archer stared and the messenger almost started backtracking on his request but, well, the blonde cut him off before he could, with a soft peck on his lips.
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Tupelo Honey
Word Count: 2k
Film: Moonwalkers
Warnings:  explicit and consensual drug use and smut
A/N: None of us know anything about the affable, simple-minded, downright hysterical stoner Leon from Moonwalkers. It’s fun to have a tabula rasa with such a great character.
Chapter 1: The Kult of Dionysus
Chapter 2 - Raspberry Swirl
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Leon fidgeted nervously after having been instructed to “fluff” himself.  What some saw as a blank expression on his face aimed towards the “crew,” (if they could be called that)  but Honey saw confusion as he pulled his shirt over his head and nervously fumbled with his jeans.  
“They want you to get hard.  Masturbate or whatever you can to get it up,” her tone was frank while she slid out of her clothes.  
Honey’s skin broke out in goosebumps thanks to the draft of the old estate.  Leon openly stared at her bare breasts, the nipples hardened from the cold.  She playfully squeezed them and winked hoping to break the tension.
“Forget them anyways, Leon.  It’s supposed to be just the two of us fucking right? Just look at these,” she cupped her tits from underneath and lifted them in the young man’s direction.  “You can touch them if you want.  That’ll get you hard, I bet.”  
“Should I wait until they start filming?” green eyes flicked towards Renatis, two men who looked like bikers and Johnny nervously pacing back and forth as he chain-smoked.  Only one other woman was present, typical.
Leon tentatively palmed his junk with one hand as if he was answering his own question.  The more he rubbed, the more she caressed herself in return.  Their eyes locked on to each other but Honey’s strayed downwards to notice an erection was forming. A smirk played on her lips as she nodded her head in encouragement before reaching inside of her panties to slip a finger inside of herself.  Honey’s motions deft as she began that circular motion she was familiar with when she wanted to get off.  Despite the audience, a wetness formed as quickly as the crimson that started to creep over Leon’s cheeks. He watched every movement her hand made and the speed against the cloth covering his pelvis followed suit.
“Ma-maybe you should just start filming,” Johnny tried to say quietly but slurred with absinthe.
“This is a good idea, Ginger Hermes. Ok, let’s do that.  The sex can BE the story.”
Honey grimaced, but rolled her eyes just the same.  Her fingers only stopped because she lost herself and felt herself close to the edge unexpectedly.  Leon’s body started to twitch under the friction he created, very obvious on the verge of cumming himself.
Then in a rush of movement and mouths and lips and tongues fighting with each other, Honey and Leon began kissing without any prompting.  His hands on her ass before he yanked her panties down over her hips.  She dug her nails into the small of his back and began to grind her against his thigh signaling how turned on she was.  His erection pressed against her stomach as he swallowed her tongue before biting it teasingly.  They moaned into each other’s mouths.
Honey was the first to break the kiss and got down on her knees in front of Leon.  She took his underwear with her and helped him step out of them.  She took his cock in her hand as she gazed upwards in his direction and ran her tongue around the head.  Switching back and forth between consuming him completely and lapping the head.  Then traced upwards along the shaft with the tip of her tongue and wrapped her lips around the head.  Honey repeated this a few times with a building speed. Leon’s hand gripped her hair and tugged, his body writhed where he stood the harder she sucked.  She could tell he was about to get off and sat back to offer her breasts.
“You can cum on them if you want,” she offered.
But someone sneezed,  the spell was broken, and Leon’s cock deflated right in her hand.  Clearly remembering where he was and what he was doing and how.  Honey groaned and sighed loudly before she got up off the ground.  She switched gears, and began sucking on his neck instead.  Hand grabbing his member still slick with her own saliva so she could wank him off.  Except that wasn’t even working.
“No, I can get another erection,” Leon sounded defeated.  “I just have a bit of.  They’re all watching us, is all.”  His eyes never left the crew despite all Honey tried to work him back up. “If I had a little something it might work.”
“I think your mate has some cocaine,” Honey pointed at Johnny still burning a hole in the floor. He looked up at the sound of his name. “Also this floor is fucking uncomfortable to kneel on.  Can we move to the bed already?”
Ten or fifteen minutes later Leon and Honey lie naked beside one another on the bed.  Leon propped up on his elbow facing her.  Honey on her back with one arm casually above her head, hand pressed to the ornate headboard as he started to pour white powder carefully across the top of her breasts then marked a trail over her stomach towards the soft down of her pubic hair.  There was enough left over when Leon finished that he handed the rest up to Honey and she held it over her nose and inhaled deeply.    
They had come to an agreement as Johnny reluctantly handed over his packet of cocaine.  Only Renatis could be in the room with them, and if Leon needed to be high to get it up, the two of them would do it together.  
Now he was leaning over Honey’s body with his face buried in her tits and his hand between her legs teasing her sex.  His fingers pumped quickly in and out of her, slipping easily in to find that bud of nerves.  Leon snorted the cocaine as swiftly as his hand worked her clit, sending Honey’s moans into giggles as she clasped the back of his head.  She urged him further down her body by tugging his hair towards where his fingers were fucking her.  Her hips bucked upwards reflexively as he continued doing the drug off her stomach, her eyes never leaving his as he periodically stopped to look up at her.
Leon’s tongue snaking in and out afterwards along her skin until he found his head between her legs now.  Legs that he spread enough to use his mouth as a replacement for his fingers.  A mouth he used to cover the folds of Honey’s sex and push his tongue deep inside.  Tip of it finding her clit again before he started to suck on the hood, tongue darting in and out nimbly.  He worked faster as the cocaine kicked in.  His inhibitions behind him as he lapped at her.  Nicked playfully at her with his teeth as she roughly pulled on the mess of curls and cried out in pleasure.
Honey felt the warmth start to build in her chest, the impending explosion as her heart beat erratically. She felt wild, untamed despite looking right in the camera several times. A coy smile playing on her lips as she seductively bit her fingertip in its direction. she contorted herself and Leon so that he was laid sideways on the bed flat on his back. His head still working her sex with his mouth and tongue furiously as she kneeled just a little. His hands deep in the skin of her thighs making her legs start to buckle.
Uninhibited, Honey rode Leon's face as she bent to take his cock in her mouth again. The faster his tongue moved, the harder she sucked and swallowed more of his shaft. There was nothing passionate or attractive about this position, but they struggled to outdo one another. Both fucking each other mouths. Leon's pelvis hitched up so that Honey had to take most of his cock in her mouth. Her hips grinding in a circular motion to match the pace of his tongue.
“Now, fuck her my litle pixie!” Renatis called out from somewhere. The pair were so lost now in what they were doing that it didn't matter. “I think they are enjoying this. Carnal delights have taken over the nervous system, yes?” he assumedly questioned Johnny.
Instinct kicked in, and Leon suddenly pushed Honey off his face. He wrapped an arm under her body and lifted her upwards and away from his cock. Her face displayed disappointment, but Honey  was so high her body was floating above it all.  Her sex ached to be filled, and she said as much when Leon tossed her laughing on the side of the bed.
“Give us a show as you Blimeys say, right?” she giggled as she drew her knees up with feet on the edge of the bed. Her hand languidly stroked her sex as she started fingering herself. “You're gonna fuck me, right?” Honey pleaded, back arched.
“Is that what you want?” Leon asked his hands on her thighs and spread them. His erection was visibly throbbing.  The filter between his mouth and brain torn down by the stimulant coursing through his veins. Wild look in his eyes and lips. “I'll fuck you, but promise me you'll watch while I do it.”
Honey bit her lip and reached for Leon’s cock to slide herself on to, but he swatted them away. Instead he hooked his arms under her knees and draped each one of her legs over a shoulder. Hands on the thick of her hips, Leon buried his cock so deep inside Honey she felt it in stomach.
Using her waist as an anchor, Leon started pounding furiously into her. Inside to the hilt so that his hips slammed into her ass and pelvis. Over and over as Honey clawed his forearms and let herself be manipulated by him. Unable to help it, she maneuvered her head to look right at the camera. She stared long enough at Renatis and Johnny that they both seemed somewhere between horny and uncomfortable. The tightness in their pants gave it away.
Leon took Honey's face so that she was looking at him again. “You're supposed to gives us a look when we're fucking,” he insisted. His palms flat on the bed now bending Honey’s legs back towards the mattress. The entire bed shaking with how hard they were fucking.
Without warning, Honey cried out “I'm gonna fucking cum!” And she did in a burst of fire screams of passion. The cocaine intensifying her orgasm, eyes never leaving the green ones starting almost into her soul.
Spurred by her release, Leon exploded inside of Honey despite his body still crashing into her own. Almost like an afterthought, a primal growl accompanied his orgasm. Then he collapsed on top of her, head and curls covered in sweat pressed into Honey’s breasts as she tangled her fingers up in his hair. The stimulant rushing through them still causes them to fall into a fit of giggles.
“BRAVA my little pixie and succubi!” Renatis applauded. “Now get out of my fucking bed. I have guests arriving later. Here!” he waved money at the couple who stumbled over trembling as the adrenaline and dopamine drained from their naked bodies. “You have earned this un peu plus”
The lion woman suddenly appeared with a bottle of something and the opium pipe as well as a bowl of pills and tabs of paper. Honey helped herself to the entire bottle swallowing the entire contents before allowing the burn to interrupt her.
Leon fidgeted like he had done before their “film shoot.”  “I don't think I’ll have any more opium. Maybe just a little acid, right?” His eyes searched Honey’s for approval.
“You're a grown fucking man, Leon. Don't look to me n Johnny for permission. I just can't stand a fucking dope fiend, is all.  that shit turns you into a living vegetable.” Honey said with a shrug.
Leon quickly let the tab dissolve on his tongue and pocketed a few pills for later. Honey dropped the acid herself before realizing everyone had left them alone and naked. She crossed her arms over her bare breasts and started shivering in the cold air and sobriety. Embarrassment taking over at her behavior and consent to make a porno.
“You reckon I can put that on a CV somehow?” Leon questioned. “I have an audition this week for a new Jean Seberg film in Paris.”
“Did you know she's wanted by the FBI for abetting and organizing with the Black Panthers. It's why she can't leave France.” Leon's eyes widened. “We have that in common, right? I'm also under watch for helping out the Black Panthers with an anti-Vietnam and Civil Rights rally in Manhattan,” she was frank.  
“Except it was my old man, “domestic partner” as we say. He and a few guys went rogue and tossed  Molotov cocktails into a  few police precincts in Queens and Brooklyn. My flat was the safehouse, except the cunt set me up. Been over here ever since.”
Leon’s bottom lip turned out as his eyebrows were furrowed with surprise. “Righteous.” was all he could manage. A beat of silence, “Say Honey Comb isn't your real name is it?”
“Nope. Grazia Bartucci.” Honey held out her hand.
Leon took it and nodded with a dopey grin on his face. “Leon. Just Leon”
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lifeofroos · 3 years
Writing Ariadne fanfic is my drug (Also on AO3)
Ghost Story
‘You look pretty.’
Ariadne woke up when she heard the soft voice. ‘Phaedra? Is that you? Why aren’t you asleep…’ she quieted down when she saw a girl of about eight years old sitting at the edge of her bed. She was almost see-through. ‘Oh, hello.’
‘Hello. You look pretty.’
‘Thanks. So do you.’
The girl looked at herself. She shrugged. ‘I think you are prettier.’
‘That doesn’t mean you can’t be beautiful too. May I know what you are doing here in my room? It is already quite late.’
‘I just became like this,’ she softly said, ‘And I wanted to know what the palace looked like. I could see it from my house.’ She looked around for a moment. ‘I think it looks very nice.’
‘Yes, it sure does look nice.’
‘You fit here.’
Ariadne sighed. ‘I am not sure. You know, I always wondered what it was like on the outside of the palace. I have never seen it.’
‘Not?’ The girl looked surprised. ‘Like, never ever?’
‘Only a few glances from the windows.’ Ariadne smiled and looked at the ceiling. ‘I want to know what the sea looks like.’
‘The sea is so beautiful!’ The girl clapped her hands together. ‘I wish I could show it to you.’ She quickly glanced around the room again. 
Ariadne sat up straight. ‘If you really want to see what it looks like, I can show you the palace,’ Ariadne offered. ‘I am currently the lady of the house, so I know where everything is. My father… eh… doesn’t really have a queen, at the moment.’
The girl nodded, understanding. She had heard the rumors about queen Pasiphae. She thought for a second. ‘I wonder what it would be like to be the boss of a household.’ She sighed. ‘I’ll see it now, when you show me!’
‘Are you really going to leave the island now?’ 
Ariadne looked up. It was the middle of the night, but it didn’t matter that Cora was here now. She wouldn’t be able to sleep anyway. 
The ghost sat down on the bed next to her. Ariadne looked at her. ‘Yes. I have instructed him on what to do.’ Her facial expression got soft. ‘He has my clue and my fathers’ sword. He should have no trouble…’ she swallowed at the idea. ‘No trouble with Him. Then we’ll set sail, to Athens, and I'll be away from here.’
Cora gave a firm nod. ‘I think that will be good. Crete has a dark shadow over it. All the ghosts here are so sad. A lot of them died because…’ the girl swallowed. ‘Him,’ she whispered, before continuing: ‘I think it is better if you leave.’ She looked at the bed. 
Ariadne gave her a sad smile. ‘I wish I could hug you goodbye.’
Cora smiled and put her arms around Ariadne. ‘I can hug you, though.’
‘Thanks, Cora.’
‘I liked being your friend, but I think you should be happy.’
Ariadne smiled. ‘Thanks. I think I love Theseus.’
‘He has your heart.’
Ariadne began to laugh, now. ‘Well, I am not sure about that.’
‘Still, you should get away if you can!’ Cora breathed in. ‘I’ll be fine.’
‘Take good care of yourself, Cora. I pray Hermes will find you soon.’
She pushed her bridal vail aside. ‘Cora!’
‘You look even more beautiful than before!’
‘Cora, how did you get here, so far away from Crete?’ Ariadne laughed. ‘Come. I can put flowers into your hair.’
Cora giggled. ‘I am a ghost, silly, you know that…’
‘No, look.’ Ariadne picked up a few  flowers that grew beneath the tree. The forest was filled with light that day, so that the flowers seemed to glow. ‘Sit still.’
She began braiding the flowers into Cora’ hair, to her amazement. ‘I didn’t know you could do that!’
‘I couldn’t until now.’
Cora looked at her vail. ‘Is it because you got married?’
Ariadne snickered. ‘Sort off, yes.’
‘But, I heard Theseus didn’t marry you after all…’
Ariadne stopped moving for a second. ‘Well, no. That you heard about that...’
‘It was all the people on Crete spoke about for some time,’ Cora told her before shaking her head. ‘Anyway, who is it? Who has your heart now?’
Ariadne sighed. ‘It’s Dionysus.’
Cora jerked her head around, which made a flower Ariadne had put in fall out again. ‘The god?’
‘Why? I mean… good.’
‘Because he loves me, Cora. I have his heart, to put it in your words, and he has mine.’
Cora turned back. ‘You didn’t say that with the other guy.’
‘I think, deep inside I knew Theseus didn’t see me that way.’ No matter how much she loved her husband, it still stung a little.
Cora thought for a few seconds. ‘No-one ever told me you should be in love to marry,’ she said. ‘My mother said only love for your children mattered. I don’t think I could have loved someone like you love people.’
She felt Ariadne stop braiding for a second. ‘Well… it doesn’t happen often, when people are just told who they should marry. That’s why… I am happy I wasn’t. I still chose to go with Theseus, no matter what else happened.’
It was quiet for a moment. ‘I am happy I wasn’t told who I should marry either,’ Cora decided. She looked at the braid, which Ariadne hung over her shoulder.  ‘Oh! It’s so beautiful!’ she cheered.
‘Yes, it turned out well,’ Ariadne agreed, a little taken aback by the girls words. 
‘Ariadne!’ The girls mouth fell open. ‘Why are you here, in the Underworld?’
Ariadne slowly shook her head. ‘Well... All humans die some day.’
‘But you were married to a god!’
‘But I wasn’t immortal. Maybe… maybe if I had asked…’ Ariadne tried to stay calm, but it proved to be difficult. After a few seconds, the tears were streaming down her face. ‘Cora, I…’
The girl reached up and wiped a few tears away. ‘Don’t cry,’ she said. ‘It isn’t so bad here. The ghosts are friendly and Hades is a good king!’
‘I am sure you are right,’ Ariadne said, while trying not to cry. ‘I am sure you are.’ 
Cora looked around. ‘I… I can braid flowers into your hair,’ she offered. ‘Like you did for me that day.’
‘That was the last time I saw you on earth.’
‘Yes. After that, Hermes found me and led me down below. It was the first day away from Crete.’
‘How was that?’
‘It wasn’t so bad,’ she muttered, while she made Ariadne sit down and she gathered a few affodils, ‘As I said, it is peaceful here. You can stay with me.’
‘Yes,’ Ariadne said flatly.
After a few minutes of silence, Cora pulled Ariadnes’ hair a little too hard. ‘Ouch!’ Ariadne swallowed. ‘What is it that you are thinking off?’
‘Do you miss Dionysus?’
‘Yes,’ Ariadne quietly agreed, ‘I miss him.’
‘You didn’t miss the palace, when you left.’
‘No, I didn’t. I didn’t love that place. My heart wasn’t there.’
‘But it was with Dionysus?’
Cora nodded. ‘I glad you did find the person who had your heart,’ she said. 
‘Where do you think your heart was?’ Ariadne asked. 
She felt the girls’ hand tremble. ‘I don’t think it was anywhere, or anyone had it.’ 
‘Of course it was somewhere…’ While she said it, Ariadne figured the girl might be right. ‘Oh, Cora, I am so…’
‘It’s okay,’ she whispered, ‘It is strange when you first die, and you probably miss…’ She fell quiet, while she bound a flower into her hair. 
‘Wait! Wait a moment.’
‘I something wrong?’
Ariadne kissed her husband. ‘I need to say goodbye to someone. Will that hurt? If it will, you must say it now, then I will come…’
‘No… no, it’s okay.’ Dionysus pushed some strands of hair out of her face. ‘You can say goodbye.’
Ariadne took a deep breath. She looked around. ‘Cora? Where are you?’
The girl appeared close to them. ‘Sorry, I hid when the surface fell,’ she told them. 
Ariadne chuckled. ‘It’s okay now, I believe,’ she told Cora, with a look on her husband. 
Cora nodded. ‘You’ll be going home now.’
‘Is it really home?’
‘It’s where your heart is.’
Ariadne hid her face behind a hand to hide a blush. Dionysus softly pushed it away. ‘That’s cute.’ She smiled.
Cora giggled. ‘You should go with him. I am happy here, I am with my friends.’
‘Those girls you met that are your age?’
‘Yes. But I’ve got one more thing to say.’ She took a deep breath. ‘You know, I have been thinking about where my own heart was, or is.’ She shrugged. ‘I don’t think it’s Crete, but I do know it was somewhere.’
‘Will you tell me, when you find out?’ Ariadne plucked an affodil and slid it into Cora’ hair. 
‘But I can’t!’
‘In a dream,’ Ariadne explained. ‘You’ll know how to do it.’
Cora slowly nodded, a little more certain of herself. ‘Okay.’
Ariadne looked around the flowery meadow. She could feel the girl was here. ‘Cora?’
‘Ariadne!’ She came skipping towards her. She had colourful flowers in her hair. ‘Look…’
‘It’s gorgeous…’
‘I know! And I feel really gorgeous, too!’ She sighed a happy sigh. ‘I know now where my heart was. It was with you, but not the way you and your husband share it. Like you were my big sister.’
‘Was I a good big sister?’
Cora nodded. ‘Yes. Because you braided flowers into my hair, and showed me around the castle, and cared for me in the Underworld.’
‘How is it there?’ 
‘It is okay. We got many more friends.’ She began to blush. ‘And there is a boy I like.’
‘Do you want to give him your heart?’
Cora nodded. ‘Yes.’
‘Be careful.’
Cora snickered. ‘Yes.’ Her expression got more serious. ‘Will this be the last time I ever see you?’
Ariadne thought about it for a second. ‘Not if you visit me more.’
‘I will visit. I will visit very often.’
‘Then I’ll leave something on the altar for you sometimes.’
‘I like strawberries.’
‘Then it’ll be strawberries.’ Ariadne stroked her hair. ‘Sorry, you are probably too old for that.’
‘No.’ Cora laid a hand on Ariadne’s. ‘Never from you.’
Ariadne smiled. ‘I’ll see you again, Cora. Goodbye.’
A/N: This doesn’t seem as polished as some of my other works, but that might be the stress about final exams slowly seeping into every part of my existance.
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