#doing important work at the CIA I'm sure
melodyofthevoid · 2 years
for no reason in particular, do you or anyone you know pose a serious threat to residents inside the US?
What are you a cop?
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Hey, I want start off to apologize. I'm so sorry for bringing awareness to the tapes and then not clarifying on what to do or how to start. I did try to answer every question I can. I did post a guide a while back but Im still remastering it
F10- body asleep and mind awake
F12- having your consciousness in the universe and expanded
So first off you need click on drive. Once you open the drive you will see tapes.
Before staring the tapes you NEED read a MANUAL. So if you look at your bottom left corner. You will see a PDF and it will have a picture of a old man. He's name is Bob. The creator of the tapes. I love Bob.
Once you click on the tape. You scroll down and you see titles. These titles are the titles of the tape in the folders that your going to use. At the bottom of the titles, there going be a discription. These discription tell you what the tapes do but also how they work and what you need to do during those tapes. Once your done your ready to go
Step 1: open the drive and you will see the folders of tapes. ‼️DO NOT USE ANY OTHER AUDIO EXPECTED THE DRIVE. YOUTUBE COMPRESS THEM AND MAKE THEM NOT WORK‼️
[GATEWAY TAPES DRIVE ](https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/mobile/folders/1vZJg5oJvfYVwWryJh05pfkZTV0cnd026)
Step 2: click the bottom far left corner. It's a Manuel and has a picture of a old guy smiling (bob)
Step 3: find the title of the tape your going to use. Read it carefully and know what's going happened and what to do
Step 4: go to discovery and play the first tape. Don't fall asleep! Be awake during the tapes!
Great! Keep doing these tapes for each tape. Each tape you must do it 3 times or more. So you can get familiar with it. BUT MOST IMPORTANT IF YOUR NOT READY TO MOVE ON OR YOU FEEL LIKE YOU NEED KEEP DOING. THAT'S OKAY, SHIFTING IS ALWAYS GOING BE HERE SO DONT RUSH
Once you reach Tape 3- advanced F10. There's a trigger that YOU MUST MASTER. The whole point of discovery is to train your brain to be awake and body asleep.
Now continues the normal steps like the other but this time. You need keep doing it until your able do It without the tapes. This is very important because when your trying reach F12(the goal). You need to be in F10 first and master It already
After that, you NEED to do the other tapes like the normal steps. Because the 4 tape is to have fear go away and if you blockages. The 5 is for awareness while you sleep and 6- free flow- is to freestyle
‼️Make sure to let go any expectations of these tapes because this will hold you back! Put your expectations and your needs in the energy box!‼️
But you can go to F12 tape.
F12 tape is next to discovery. Know as Wave 2. A lot of people ask why only that tape and not the others. Well! If you do F12 tape and in beginning bobs explains that after F12 tape. Those tapes are TOOLS. Those tools involved with manefisting, remote viewing, answering questions etc (I recommend you to check it out)
So the thing you need to do is master F12 and then shift!
Tips and questions
Q: what are gateway tapes?
A: here's some recourses that explains it way more better then I ever could
[gateway tapes ](https://youtu.be/46E_FX-KxZ8?si=yV8dqgoBdcNJXclD)
[Gateway tapes CIA EXPLAINED ](https://youtu.be/HOFq3ruef7I?si=JbwpcgnZ9rrbGyyz)
Q: can I shift at F10?
A: yes you can. It's possible but it's not really meant for that. Its more of SATS approach if that's what you're looking for because F10 is mind awake and body asleep
Q: how many times do I listen to it
A: as many times you feel like. I personally listen to it 3-4 times a day but only because I'm in summer break. Whatever works in your schedule
Q: how do I know I'm in F10?
A: your body is heavy and your limbs are numb. Your body is supposed to be asleep. Many people reported that the hear themselves snore. Me personally, my breath is non-existent and my chest is numb in away. Or like barely there. Trust me you will know. Ofc this doesn't mean you can't move you body at all. You can move your body in F10 but need the WILL to move your body. It can be different from everyone
Q: I tried it couple of days, why is it working?
A: first off, you need patience. This is practice. It's like a baseball player wanting to be the best pitcher in the world but they throw the ball couple of times and then when it's not right. They run and cry in there room. You need take the tapes seriously not half ass it and be PATIENT. Don't rush things. That's the worse thing you can do because you will miss important cues and it's going be all bad.
Q: I keep falling asleep why is that
A: your brain and body is not used to it. Your brain isn't normal active. Its active but it's going through your sleep cycles. So having your brain be in vibration state of being awake and your body being sleep cycle. It's going get confused because it's not used to it. That's why the tapes train it.
Q: do I need earphones or headphones when listening to tape
A: yes, you need ones that aren't noise cancelling and make sure that you hear bob in your right ear. Only because there certain sounds that play in both your ears for your brain to sync.
Q: are these tapes actually going make me shift
A: yes, I believe it will. The only reason why I personally believe that anyone can 1000 percent shift because these gateway tapes were run by scientist and actually doctor in fields to perfect it. Not only that CIA agents use these and it's approved by the CIA. There actually evidence and research done. It isn't like some random teenagers made a method up in there room. These tapes are designed to open the human mind and Bob himself even talked to alter version of himself with these tapes.
Now, you gotta have open mind and believe it too. You cant go in the tapes with a negative mindset and expect a beautiful outcome. This is in every method you used..not only the gateway tapes. If you believe it won't work because whatever the case then obviously it won't work because your mind is going block everything and not letting it's self In general. This is life In general.
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lucysgraybird · 5 months
whoa...part 3 of modern!university!coriolanus x fem!reader, and it's 18+? who is she. anyways part 1 here, part 2 here
warnings: mdni, oral (f&m receiving), p in v (unprotected), blood mentions (minor), religious imagery (minor)
The summer between junior and senior year comes and goes, as does the first semester of your last year in college. It's filled with internships and grad school applications, but you're still going strong with Coriolanus. You get through the most unguarded you've ever seen him – the weeks leading up to the release of LSAT scores. You're actually unaware that it's coming up because he's been so private about the whole process until you get into a screaming match in the Snow apartment with him about something you can't even remember now. When you threaten to leave if he can't be polite, he breaks down crying – something you didn't even know he was capable of. He apologizes and explains himself, and though you suspect his tears aren't genuine, you catch him in a hug and hold him on the couch until he falls asleep. 
A week letter, his score comes in the mail: a perfect 180. The celebration is quiet – just you, his family, and his boss, who Coriolanus is closer with than you knew. He's an interesting man – his name is Strabo Plinth, and you learn that he's the CEO of a company that manufactures weapons for the government. You want to tell your boyfriend that such a job may not play well on his resumé at the polls, if that's where he wants to end up, but it's not your place and you're sure he's thought about that. 
All in all, by the time the spring semester rolls around, your futures are beginning to take shape. You both get into your dream schools, him for law and you for intelligence analysis. When that letter comes in, Coriolanus teases you up and down about being the stereotypical academic recruit into the CIA, but you care more to understand these agencies than work for them. You won't attend school together anymore, but it's not more than an hour by train to visit, and there's been no indication of the end of your relationship nearing. In fact, when your parents come down for parents’ weekend, Coriolanus spends about forty minutes talking to your father away from you and your mother, and when they rejoin the group, your father claps you on the shoulder and tells you that you found a good man.
There's a brief, blissful period at the end of the year before graduation when everything's been turned in and you can just enjoy the sunshine and new warmth. One of these days finds you and Coriolanus lounging on the quad on a blanket. Your head is in his lap as he plays with your hair, working his fingers through the small tangles that the early May breeze has created. It is quiet, and you are bored.
“Oh, Coriolanus,” you say, opening your eyes to lock on his. The midday light turns them almost white, like his eponymous snow. It takes a lot of willpower not to pull a face. 
“Yes, darling?” A nickname he's picked up in the last month or so. It made you laugh in shock the first time he said it, but now it feels lush. 
“I got an email from the dean the other day. I made valedictorian,” you say with a toothy, cruel grin.
You're hoping for a reaction, maybe a flash of anger. It dances across his features for the barest fraction of a second, enough to work a little adrenaline through your body, and then you get a neat smile and a cock of his head.
“You're not mad?”
“Why would I be? You've worked hard, you deserve it. I'm not going to get upset over a silly title.”
You sit up and turn to stare at him. “What do you mean, silly?”
Coriolanus rolls his eyes. “Don’t be like that. I mean that I decided it wasn’t important to me anymore, now that I’ve gotten into law school. I thought you had gotten over it too, but since it’s important, congratulations.”
He’s deflecting, obviously, and you tell him as much. 
The corners of his mouth quirk up and he shrugs. “Okay.”
“No, you are! What, did you get salutatorian? Since when are you fine with second place?”
“Since first place wouldn’t have gotten me anything, darling. You’re ruining this for yourself, okay? I’m glad you got what you wanted.”
You’re left with nothing to say, searching his face for any mark of that brief rage from earlier before flumping back into his lap. He laughs. 
“I’m sorry, baby. You don’t need to pout. I would’ve said something else if I had known it was going to upset you like this.”
“I’m not upset.”
“Whatever you say.”
“I’m not,” you say, giving him a gracious smile, having found a new mate-in-one. “Whether or not you wanted the title anymore, we’ll always know who’s smarter.” 
Your face says teasing – your tone has teeth. Coriolanus’ eyes narrow. 
“That’s not what this means.”
“It’s what it means to me. And you clearly don’t care about that, so it should be no problem if that’s how I’m taking it.”
And ooh, you know it’s petty. You know this is possibly the most childish conversation you’ve had with anyone in years. But he doesn’t reply, opting instead to settle back on his hands and stare across the quad. There’s a mean tension in the air now, blooming hot, fizzy pride in your sternum. It’s nearly suffocating, but you breathe through it until it’s just another triumph. 
Graduation goes as smoothly as anything run by the school can – which is to say, too long and a bureaucratic clusterfuck – but you give your speech and get your diploma and take about forty pictures of Coriolanus onstage, and it feels like the perfect punctuation on this chapter of your life. After seemingly endless festivities and photoshoots with various family members, you’re dropped back at your apartment. There is no work to be done, for once: nothing to write or study, and your lease doesn’t end for another month, so nothing to pack. For the first time in your memory, you are truly idle, and you’re learning that it is not a feeling you enjoy. You pick up your phone and call your boyfriend.
“Hi, darling,” he says when he picks up. His voice is brighter than usual, a sure sign that he’s been drinking. “Did you get home okay?”
“Mhm. Did you?”
“Just laying in bed now.”
“Oh.” You try to keep yourself from sounding too disappointed, but from the huff of laughter on the other end of the call, you know he’s picked up on it. 
“What’s wrong?”
“Well, I was going to ask if you wanted to come over, but if you’re in bed, then nevermind.”
“Come over, like–”
“If you want.” You have yet to go this far with him, but tonight seems like as good a night as any. 
“Um, okay. Yeah, I’ll be right over.” 
The line goes dead, and you have to laugh. For all his airs and poise, he is still just a man. 
The benefit of today being important is that you’re already pretty done-up: your makeup is still perfect, though your lipstick gets a reapplication, your hair looks good, and you have matching, nicer undergarments on. Honestly, you’re not really sure what you’re supposed to do for this, not with him, and the confidence you had calling Coriolanus is fading fast. 
Unfortunately, it’s too late to be having those thoughts, because within twenty minutes, he’s knocking on your door. You let him in. He's still in his button-down, tie, and slacks from graduation, though he's shed his suit jacket. He leans down to catch you in a quick kiss. You wrap a hand around the Windsor knot in his tie, though whether it's to steady yourself or pull him closer is a mystery even to you. Not like it makes a difference; it elicits an electric, low groan from him anyways, his mouth opening over yours and deepening the kiss. He tastes like champagne, sweet and shimmery and young. It is a contrast to the way he grabs your waist with a heavy hand and presses his tongue in to fight yours, which feels like whiskey; all heady, stinging heat. You have not had anything to drink: you are starting to wish you had. 
When he pulls away to catch his breath, his lips are swollen and slick and stained with your blood-red lipstick and finally, finally, something alights in your chest and in your stomach and even lower, a ball of fire sitting in the cradle of your pelvis. You release his tie and drag a manicured thumbnail under the line of his bottom lip, smudging away the rouge you left there.
“Pretty,” you murmur, though you're not sure where that comes from. He is pretty, though, especially like this; undone and imperfect and desperate (you can tell as much by the way he's pressing into your hip), all for you. 
A growl releases from Coriolanus' throat and his hand goes to the belt of your dress, deftly undoing the buckle. He is desperate, but desperate for you to know that you haven't made him weak. You can only have from him what he is willing to give, he will take from you anything he wants. Or, at least, that's how he thinks as he starts dragging the zipper of your dress down, crowding you against your apartment wall.
“I have a bed, Coriolanus,” you protest weakly, the complaint dying on your lips as his latch onto your pulse point. He scrapes his teeth over the tendon in your neck, and you recall how he smiled at you when you were first dating, like he wanted to eat you. You realize he could now, if he tried, open his maw wide and sink sharp canines into the side of your throat, pierce the carotid artery and stain perfect teeth red with blood. Tipping your head back against the wall, you shiver and give him better access.
“Let’s go, then,” he murmurs, not stopping his ministrations on your collarbone, where he's working a bruise into the hollow between your clavicle and the muscle of your shoulder.
You shove his head back gently and lead him to your room, which is tidy save for your desk, which is still scattered with papers from exams. Coriolanus doesn't seem to care, just crowding you back towards your hospital-cornered bed. Once you're down, he's crawling over you and returning to suck marks down your shoulders and chest as he tugs your dress off your body. When he gets to your bra (a small, silk thing, meant to lay smooth under the dress you wore today), he just stares for a moment, tracing a finger over the fine fabric. Just as you're about to tell him to do something, Jesus Christ, he latches his lips over your nipple and mouths at it through the cloth, sending sparks down your spine and a wavering moan up your esophagus. When he switches to the other side, the wet patch is exposed to the air and the sudden chill is almost more electric than the warmth of his tongue. You wonder if he could push you over the edge with just this; it certainly feels like he could. Then he shoves a hand under your back to release the clasp and tear your bra off, and the two seconds his mouth is off your skin gives just enough reprieve that when he returns and bites down, the rush of pleasure drops straight to your core with an ache that has your hips canting up. This inspires a breathy, warm chuckle from Coriolanus.
“Impatient,” he teases. 
You swallow hard. “It's not my fault you're…”
“Good at this?” He says, dipping his hand between your legs and dancing his fingers over the gusset of your panties, eliciting a whimper and an honest nod from you. 
“You don't know the half of it, darling,” and he hooks his arms under your knees to drag your hips forward until they're nearly off the bed. He's knelt between your legs like he's taking the Eucharist, ready to devour the blood and body of all that is holy. You watch his blonde head through fluttering lashes as he licks a line up the inside of your thigh before biting down right where it meets your hip. He breaks the skin, soothes the little wound with his tongue as he works your underwear down your legs. The way he stares at you – all of you – while he's still fully clothed, no mark of the past half-hour except his loosened tie and lipstick-marked mouth, makes you squirm. He braces your hips down with a strong forearm and looks up at you with a hunger in his icy eyes that is yet unfamiliar to you.
“Pretty,” he whispers like the beginning of a prayer, echoing your earlier utterance, and collects your wetness on his index finger as he runs it through your folds. 
The foreign feeling makes you whine. Coriolanus’ tongue flicks out over his lips like a snake before he dives into your cunt like a man starved. When your hand shoots down and grabs his hair, the groan that he lets out against you has you jerking like you've been electrocuted. He only grabs the fat of your hips harder, the pads of his fingers pressing in so hard that you're sure you'll have little dotted bruises there in the morning. It's almost embarrassing how quickly he works you to orgasm, your body trembling and your breath stilted as you teeter on that peak. His eyes flash and one hand releases you. Before you can ask what he's doing, he plunges two fingers into you and curls them up right as he sucks your clit hard, and that pain-pleasure of the sudden intrusion combined with his mouth has white-hot flames engulfing your body as stars explode in your vision and your legs very nearly go numb. His tongue and fingers don't stop until you're coming down and pleading with him in a broken voice, an orison to the congregant turned deity drunk on newfound power. He acquiesces, though, crawling up your body to kiss you and lick the taste of your pleasure into your mouth. Underneath it, there's the bitter, sanguine taste from his bite to your thigh, a reminder of the vulnerability necessary for that blessing. 
Legs still shaking, head still a little fuzzy, you use his determination to kiss you breathless to flip the narrative so you're straddling his hips, his growing need heavy and hard against you through the fabric of his dress pants. One eyebrow twitches up as he grins, though it wavers when you shift on him. 
“My turn?” He asks as he smooths his hands down your thighs, and you know he can feel the way your muscles twitch and jump under your skin.
“Your turn,” you reply, and shift so you can undo his belt. 
The metal of the buckle is cold in your hands, your skin still feeling a little like it's been set aflame, but you get it off and shove your hand into his boxers, unceremoniously pulling out his cock. He lets out a choked groan at the speed, and you think his eyes roll back in his head when you slide down his body. You allow yourself a moment of hesitation, having never done this before (or even really thought about it) before taking the head in your mouth and swirling your tongue around it. The moan he lets out is primal, raw, and you are determined to get another from him as you hollow your cheeks and sink down further, minding your teeth enough to let them just graze the shaft. He shudders and jerks upward, hitting the back of your throat, and though it makes you gag, there's a certain pride in knowing you're breaking his composure, so you hold him there for a moment until he whimpers and slides a hand into your hair and you know you've taken the power back that he stole from you a moment ago. You swallow around him there before slowly moving back up, flattening your tongue against the underside before licking over his slit and sinking back down as far as you can bear, and his voice cracks around a moan as he cums down your throat. 
When you pull off him and swallow, he has an arm thrown over his eyes as he catches his breath.
“Where did you learn to do that?” He asks. His hair is tousled, sweaty strands stuck to his forehead and you grin, toothy and mean.
“Beginner’s luck,” you say as you take his softening dick in hand and watch how quickly he sits up.
“What are you-” he starts, but cuts himself off with a whine as you slide your hand up and down a couple times, trying to work him back up. “Stop, stop, that-”
Another moan, and you watch, pleased, as he starts to harden again in your grip. To be honest, you don't know where you're going with this, or what you expected to happen, you just wanted to see what other reactions you could get from him, how far you could take your regained power. 
As it stands, not very far, because he's hissing as you slide your thumb over the tip and flipping you over again so his elbows are braced next to your head.
“You're on the pill, right?” He reaches down between you to swipe his fingers over your clit.
You nod and buck your hips up into his hand, and with a breathy chuckle, he takes himself in hand and starts to guide himself into your entrance. There's a slight sting - he's bigger than anyone you've ever been with before - but he takes it slow, an uncharacteristic tenderness.
That is, until he's buried to the hilt and staring down at you, then snapping his hips in a way that should hurt but doesn't. It feels full and close and warm, his skin sliding against yours, sweat and other fluids mingling. You sneak a hand down to your clit and rub quick and hard, the way you do when you're alone at night and just need to get off and go to sleep. You're determined to reach your release before he does and you succeed, catching him in a kiss just as you cum, muffling your moans against his lips. The way your walls clench around him has him going rigid and giving you the most raw, tearing groan as he spills deep inside you, clearly not having expected to get there as quickly as you forced him to. He doesn't pull out immediately, opting instead to kiss you again, and you're not sure where you end and he begins, every bit of you mixed, in some way, with every bit of him. You stroke over the tense muscles in the back of his neck and he lets out a shaky breath onto your skin. Somehow, you know you've won this round, taken a weakness from him that he never meant to show you. When he rolls off you and tugs you into his side, you close your eyes, sleepy and sated in more ways than one.
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gotyouanyway · 5 months
time lord ocs info post
ok this is a LOT of info and doesn't even cover it entirely but here's the main details about my little trio of time lord ocs :)
some of the canon details might be a little off - i haven't listened to all of gallifrey: time war yet and i'm pretty sure i nudged some facts around to make everything fit but don't worry about it <3
caldinsedravin (caldin) 3rd regeneration (f, m, m) - ex cia agent - prydonian
hollustallamanta (hollus) 1st regeneration (f) - ex guardsman - prydonian
kilicoversonterast (kilic, kilico to friends and family) 2nd regeneration (m, ?) - genetic engineer - arcalian
- become best friends through constantly being put in weird situations together
- eventually they become known for being an inseparable trio, nicknamed gallifreyan equivalent of “XYZ” as a group like cartesian coordinates. caldin is x, hollus is y, kilic is z. they hate it but privately consider themselves lucky it wasn’t something more mean
- graduated a few years before the civil war
pre/early time war
- caldin went into the cia, hollus into the chancellery guard, kilic became a teacher at the academy
- hollus and caldin got together romantically toward the end of their academy days, slowly get more serious over the years after they graduate
- they all have individual adventures for a bit (caldin regenerates) but all stay friends
- time war starts
- kilic is drafted into project revenant, gets obsessed with it and starts experimenting on himself
- when the chancellery guard is dissolved, hollus wants to run rather than be forced into the idu
- eventually she convinces caldin to go with her
- caldin wants to bring kilic with them, so they go to get him but he’s not having it at all
- they fight badly. caldin pulls a staser and goes to shoot kilic. at the same time, kilic grabs the staser and caldin’s arm, causing the blast to go through them both and intensify/kick back. they’re both badly hurt and regenerate
- kilic regenerates into the same body because of their experimentation, but it's messed up
house era
- hollus takes caldin and runs. they can’t get any kind of off-planet transport so they just flee the capitol
- they go through it for a while. they aren’t important enough to be hunted down, but if they ran into conscription officers or anything they’d be taken back in and punished
- eventually they find a House (unnamed rn) that looks abandoned and they take shelter there. the house is a little senile
- they find 2 children/loomlings/whatever you want to call them. all the adults were conscripted, the older children were taken away, but these two hid (sidan and linara. they’re a whole other story, lots going on there)
- eventually more kids join them from other houses/from the house’s loom. hollus and caldin are kind of stuck taking care of them and it’s dangerous and insane. see my post about broken looms for a little more detail but they need their own post tbh
- kilico stays in the capitol working for rassilon and the war council. the others are always trying to convince them to come join them and they won’t do it. but they can’t just leave them out there to suffer either, so they help with supplies and evading conscription etc. at great personal risk and not always unselfishly. they want hollus and caldin to come back to the capitol where they can keep them safe. they want them to stop being childish and running away. they want them to be back together and happy again. etc.
core traits across regenerations: hot headed, deeply emotional, self interested/internally focused (as in, only cares about themselves and loved ones, doesn’t pay much attention to society in general)
caldin 1 (academy & cia)
-bright, sarcastic, playful
-overly ambitious, competitive, arrogant
-loyal to her friends but doesn’t always treat them super great
-recruited by the cia more for her disposition and potential than her skill or intelligence, but did really well in training
-regenerates on her first field mission when an enemy operative attacks her
caldin 2 (pre/early time war - cia)
-serious, compassionate, tense
-still ambitious, but less tolerant of navigating fair competition and existing power structures. makes him frustrated and eventually, unwilling to even play the game once the time war messes everything up
-barks at authority but doesn’t bite
-terrified of regeneration
-regenerates due to staser feedback when shooting kilic
caldin 3 (house era)
-funny (both intentionally and not), cautious, old soul
-no filter, no patience for small annoyances, but more mature and rational than he’s ever been where it really matters
-tired, hurt, scared, but keeping it together and trying to make the best of things
-just wants his loved ones with him and for the fighting to stop and the kids to live (against all odds, he’s pretty good with the kids. not great, but pretty good)
-almost won’t even look at kilic. fight on sight. but needs the help they’re giving and misses them so bad
-extremely grouchy about the house but protects it like a housekeeper
-the struggler
core traits: analytical, bloodthirsty, insecure in herself as an individual (needs a group to thrive)
-meticulous, straightforward, level headed
-really into weapons and weapon maintenance as well as the technical aspects of combat
-bit autistic in general
-not a peacekeeper but gives the impression of being at the eye of the caldin/kilico storm
-challenges authority but in a respectful bargaining way that gets her what she wants
(pre/early time war - chancellery guard)
-the guard becomes her life and she loves it
-quickly promoted to commander
-really discovers her love of combat here and feels good having healthy safe outlets for it (not something she actively recognizes about herself but true)
-everyone’s favourite trainer because she’s honest about extreme violence and knows everything about stasers. plus she’s pretty. the new recruits all fall in love with her
-most of her squadron sided with romana during the civil war they were like blood bonded brothers and all that. except for the ones she lost (either to picking sides or to the virus or to death or whatever) which hurt so bad she never even processed it oops
-loyal to the guard (her friends) over gallifrey so when the guard is disbanded she splits immediately
(house era)
-still the same but colder. getting emotionally closed off. lonely without her comrades
-finds herself wanting to either cling to caldin or push him away depending on the day, but he’s sort of immune to it (doesn’t take it personally, doesn’t overreact to her moods)
-feels guilty about how much she still secretly enjoys combat even though it’s real and dangerous now (same as she felt during the civil war but so much worse because of how many innocents are involved now, + it's worse without the buffer of a dozen other bloodthirsty guardsmen surrounding her at all times)
-struggling to develop some kind of maternal instinct toward the kids but it’s not going great. would still do anything for them but it’s all very weird for her
-also grouchy about the house. would throttle it if she could find out which part was the neck
core traits: obsessive, curious, “i can fix everything if i try hard enough”
kilic 1 (academy)
-flippant, brainy, head in the clouds
-cares about studies and about his eventual place in time lord society way more than the others (stuffy old professor in the making, but not yet yknow)
-obsessed with the biology of regeneration. weird about it. gets the group to play eighth man bound
-stumbles into opportunities rather than having any idea of how to navigate time lord society, but it works
-often feels like he and hollus are babysitting caldin. hollus would say she’s not babysitting anyone she’s just watching the show
-a little jealous of his friends, he thinks they’re cooler than him, but doesn’t actually want to be like them. just wants to also be cool (they are all equally cool/uncool in reality he’s just got self esteem issues)
-constantly fighting with caldin but when they’re not fighting they’re inseparable
(pre/early time war)
-genetic engineer specializing in regeneration
-professor at the academy, not really through choice but because that’s the best way to get research grants and assistants
-doesn’t care that much about his students or their education, but does have a soft spot for the much younger ones and the ones who get all excited about regeneration biology like he does
-has sort of a cult following of students who are obsessed with him in a ‘this guy is so insane it’s funny let’s study him’ way but he doesn’t know about it and never finds out
-occasionally gets caught up in petty prof drama and has a good time with it (caldin’s influence)
-when the war starts and the academy is shut down, he’s drafted into project revenant and gets freakishly obsessed with it
-he’s scared of the war and thinks this will keep everyone he loves alive and safe
-personally supervises resurrections and is working on augmenting regeneration
-starts going wild with experiments and does them on himself when willing volunteers run out (he’d never get unethical enough to experiment on anyone against their will, at least)
-regenerates when shot by caldin, but into the same body because of self experimentation
kilic 2 (house era)
-regeneration induced identity issues. same body, same mind, but still regenerated. entire personality shifted to the left, intensified, came back wrong. gave them gender issues too (many such cases)
-still working on proj. rev. after the dalek attack but everything is going crazy everything is broken the vibes are twisted now that the project has moved and half the people on it are dead or resurrected
-questioning loyalty due to everything falling apart and the identity issues
-really trying to have everything both ways. keeps helping caldin and hollus evade capture on purpose, wants to go with them, wants them to come back, wants them captured, wants them safe and happy in their new home
-increasingly wants to run away and go live with them but can’t let go of the project. despite everything they still think revenant is the only way they’re all going to survive the war
-even if they did decide to flee, they don’t think hollus and caldin would take them in and they’re probably right
i forgot there was a hollis in gallifrey s4 when i made my hollus so we're just ignoring that. that guy wasn't anything anyway
idk what's meant to have become of proj. rev. after the dalek invasion but based on narvin saying they might resurrect his dad later on, i'm assuming they sort of tried to keep it going. idk.
they do have other friends and relationships besides each other. but you know how it is.
i didn't reference it much in the post for clarity but they used their academy nicknames a lot in the academy and occasionally after to tease each other. they also use them when delivering coded messages between the house and the capitol. they are xyz :)
made picrews of them <3
caldin 1, 2, 3
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Some things that are wrong with s4 Umbrella Academy in no particular order:
I love this show and the characters and I just wanna vent about everything that pissed me off the most ok? Obviously super spoiler heavy so I'm putting it under a cut
Even the setup at the beginning was weird and made no sense. I get what they were trying to show - all of them are trying to live in reality without their powers and they are all miserable. Some of it was obviously just like. Could happen but a lot of it was just out of character and made no sense:
1.1 -Alison: Where the fuck is Ray. Are you telling me that Raymond Chestnut, who was a proper pillar of morality with 50's sensibilities, just WALKED OUT on his family? Bullshit. Someone had the idea "make them all miserable" stuck in their head and got way too trigger-happy.
1.2 -Diego+Lila: It's highly improbable they would end up like this. Why are show writers so fixated on the idea that this is what having kids has to look like? Even if they did very well end up living in the suburbs, they would have some kind of secret bullshit going on with Diego being a batman-style vigilante and chasing the city's crime boss Lila. Job wise it's also stupid - Lila is smart, capable and speaks a million languages, there's no way she would be a stay at home mum, especially with her whole family living with them. Diego could definitely also find a job that would make him happier - a cop, bouncer, even working a trade, something to do with metal. Also six years is actually not that long. Even if the marriage didn't last, they wouldn't change so completely into different people.
1.3 - Why is Five working for the CIA, and why is he taking orders from some rando without even argueing. He should be drinking mimosas and growing orchids in Florida. I feel like he would probably enroll in university just to tell all his professors they are idiots.
2. Why does Klaus, who is obviously having a very hard time without his power, protest so much against getting it back? He doesn't need drugs anymore to keep the ghosts from his brain, he's spent three seasons coming to terms with his powers and not needing to surpres them with drugs. Did we just forget about that? Also his whole plot is completely pointless. It was just the writers going "What should we do with Klaus? Idk give hime a weird adventure with sex and drugs. Also make sure the CGI dog is so bad it pulls you out of the story and makes you think this is pixar for a moment)"
3. Also, where do they all live? Why were they driving all day to Maine or something and then they get into a car accident and Klaus just walks off, resurfacing in Alison's house? What?
4. Why was that girl in a squid? That was never explained and how did the Keepers know she was important?
5. Now the big one - the absolute lunacy of Lila/Five. The whole thing was BAD. Not just because Five wouldn't fuck his brother's wife (I actually don't think he would have such a moral problem with cheating, but he would at leas acknowledge it), but he would never fuck Lila. It would actually be Lila who wouldn't cheat on Diego, originally she fell in love with him against all odds and it was such a massive, complicated lovestory, she wouldn't just completely forget about all that. And even if they did fuck, they would never fall in love and be all disgustingly sweet about it. Also neither of them would ever settle down in a house and just stop trying to get back to their family and the apocalypse. Especially Lila just spent the whole season unhappy about being settled down - she wouldn't just grow strawberries while her husband is fighting the apocalypse. It was complete bullshit.
6. Why didn't Victor just tell Ben about the particles and about how can they go on happily snogging forever if he just lets him suck out those particles. It's not that difficult to say.
7. Abigail Hargreeves could do a lot of smarter things than just orchestrate the apocalypse because she's mad at her husband and she thinks they should all die. Also Reginald going "Oh yes love, that's actually the best solution you are so clever. Let's die"
8. What are Alison's powers. Is it just "general superpower" now? I've been wondering that about Victor for a while now but they were always quite vague with it, now it just seems they went completely off the rails.
Ok I think I'm done now. There was other dumb shit but these are the things that made me the most angry.
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mrsjavierp · 8 months
Where you belong?
Chapter 5 - Die For You
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Javier Peña x latin!f!reader
Summary: Running away from life as you always knew to start a new position as Head Chief on a DEA Office, far away, on Colombia. There, you'll face violence, as you never thought you could. There, you'll meet Javier Peña, your stubborn agent...
Warnings (to the whole fic): +18!, angst, smut, cheating, last relationships, drug dealing - Narcos Universe (not so accurate), bad spanish, english is my second language, use of Y/N and Y/LN. No physical description of the reader, only your clothes (sometimes). The POVs are shifting between reader (first person and Narrator - 3rd person)
(If I forgot anything, tell me, pls!)
Word Count: 2.4k
So, I'm using narcos universe, but screwing up the timeline because we need plots and things for our couple. Nevertheless, just a warning for the accuracy of the series. Btw, I'd love to know about you're thinking about it so far! Your opinion is really important! Tks <3
Y/N's POV - 1st Person
After an investigation we did together with the CIA and the Mili Group, we finally had proof about La Catedral. 
Steve, Javier and I were discussing the possibilities and what Noonan would authorize. At the end, I knew what to do first: talk to Gaviria.
We were running against time and Escobar again...
"Yes, ambassador. I know it's risky... But I know we can screw that MF and try to bring Escobar to the US. I'll talk to Gaviria, let me handle it." 
Noonan sighed, I finally won.
"Don't disappoint me, Y/LN. You've done a hell of a job in NYC and have been doing it in Colombia. We trust you. You've got a backup plan?"
"Yes. Already on it, even with plan A working. We're not stopping until we get the motherfucker."
"Good luck, keep me posted."
I called Steve and Peña to my office. 
"I'm heading to Bogota. I need to talk to Gaviria in person about it all."
"I'm going with you, jefe." - Javier said.
"No need to. As a matter of fact, I need you both here... We need to be ready to all that'll happen to La Catedral. My gut is feeling really bad."
They both knew what it meant: bad things for sure. My gut were never wrong, unfortunately. Sometimes early, but never wrong.
When I tried to reach, none of them were available.
Something is off... I reached even for Connie and she lied to my face. I'm gonna chop someone's head off.
When I arrived back at the office, my head was spinning: 
An informant confirmed Moncada’s and Galeano's deaths a few days ago, meaning that Escobar was losing his senses.  Was that the La Catedral effect? What will be his next move? The Colombian media were, by the way, publicizing it badly. Noonan would fuck me and the rest of the DEA, probably, if she didn't got fired before that. I knew how the US thought about it. And, the cherry on top: Javier and Steve missing.
I was really fucking overwhelmed. 
A couple of hours later, while I was tracing possible steps for Escobar, trying to think like him, Steve showed up at my office. 
"Murphy, what the fuck? Where the fuck were you?"
At the same time, Javier barged in: "Y/LN, I've gotta talk to you, it's urgent! I think Steve..."
"Hey, man."
"Peña, close this fucking door now!" - I yelled, furious.
I turned on the TV.
"Watch it: it's a fucking disaster. The Colombian army is outside La Catedral, Sandoval just entered... Brace yourselves."
They looked at each other, in silence.
"Here's what I think and what I'm doing: I'm suspending both of you, for a week. Stay low. I know you both tipped the media. Major Wysession told me about what you asked him, Peña... Don't you ever do that again. When I arrived here, I told all of the DEA to be straight with me and I'd be straight with you... Don't go to Wysession or Noonan or anyone. Come to me. I'll handle it. And Murphy, let me guess, Cali? Co-operation proposal?"
Steve swallowed hard.
Javier turned his face away from me.
I poured a glass of whiskey for myself.
"You better hope that Noonan doesn't get me fired."
"Y/LN, yes. Cartel de Cali kidnapped me. They didn't like that we helped kill a few of them, but apparently there was someone innocent among them..."
His words faded away as the TV announced about Escobar's escape.
Narrator's POV
Escobar ran off again. 
Noonan got... A nice retirement.
You maintained your position, since Crosby knew and liked how you worked, but didn't stop you from hearing a bunch of shit.
You send Peña and Murphy to check La Catedral, but nothing worked.
"Here's the deal, niños. We're moving to CNP headquarters. Pinzón is such an ass, but I'm working on it. He hates our kind, but who doesn't in Colombia? He threw the tip line on my lap and I'm giving it to you."
"Telephone Operator? Really? Fuck me..." - Murphy complained.
Javier was... Distant. Weird in your eyes. You pretend not to care.
Something is off... - you thought.
Weeks passed since he last touched you, in that pool. A few casual happy hours, catching glimpses. Smirks. 
When you touched yourself, even without your vibrator, his image was right there: crystal clear in your mind.
You were almost giving up drinking your beloved whiskey and dear cigars... To be healthy? 
Fuck, no.
The whiskey's flavor and the cigar's scent remind you of his breath. You wanted to keep him far, but it was becoming unbearable.
"Be patient, you two. I'm not allowed to say much for now. At least pretend to do something. I'm working on our budget and relations with both governments."
After a few screw ups from the agents, as they captured Bush and became a joke, the days were appearing longer and harder. You were practically going insane to prove Crosby, the soon to be new ambassador, that your new, big and, overall, expensive plan was going to work.
You only needed a little luck...
Until it happened: the tip line handed to you three La Quica, one of Escobar's sicarios.
"Pinzón, I'll be a car and two men. Don't make me push further. We're just checking, we're not going to alarm'em." - you told him.
He sighed, made a joke about the fake calls... But said yes. 
As you all prepared to go, Murphy received a call from Connie and she told she was leaving Colombia.
"No, Con, please... Just listen!" - Steve was desperate.
"Murphy, go to the airport. You're not going with us. Go talk to your family, now!" - you spoked at him and he ran off.
"Let's go, boys. We all want La Quica." - I said.
Y/N's POV - 1st Person
"I swear, I don't know this one!" - Javier defended himself.
"I already told you, we don't care, Peña. But is this new? It's gotta be, as you don't know it..." - I joked, my heart was a little broken. 
The other cops laughed, as Peña rolled his eyes.
I didn't want to admit that his fame towards prostitutes and brothels made me jealous and a little resentful. 
He'd never know about how I felt nor my... Preference for a certain sextoy baptized after him.
"Stop by the payphone, back here." - I hid my gun and put on a cap, to match my jeans, sneakers and plain shirt. I could pass without no one noticing. - "Vamonos." (Let's go)
Me, Javier and one of the cops got out of the car, one by one.
But someone spotted us and told La Quica.
Out of the sudden, we're running around and, at the market, behaving as a predator hunting a prey. 
That place was so hot, so crowded... I couldn't see anything... Until he glanced before my eyes.
"Gotcha, pendejo." - I ran as fast as my legs could and a bit more. 
A fucking cross-fire started out of the blue and I had to hold a little.
Fuck! - I cursed alone.
I needed to think fast: we're just four and didn't know who to shoot.
Fuck it! I'm going after him! - I decided.
"Someone cover for me!" - I yelled and ran off again. I didn't have an answer before going.
Narrator's POV:
"Fuck! Where is she?" - Peña yelled.
When the shots stopped, they saw how the Colombians were frightened. They just wanted peace, not gringos and narcos shooting around.
"Where the fuck is my jefe?" - Javier asked again, screaming, to the other cops, seeing red, looking for you. The veins on his neck were bulging.
The backup arrived shortly with Pinzón.
"My men are looking for her, she went after one of the big fish. Some nerve the girl got, gotta say." - Pinzón mocked.
The other cops held Javier, asking for him to calm down.
Javier'd burn all the fuck down, until he finds you.
"Let me go. Not in the mood." - he said to the poor guy.
"Peña, look! It's her!" - He pointed out to you, a little bit hurt, your pink shirt torn and dirty.
Smiling like a kid on Christmas morning, you came out of nowhere, a little hurt, a few bruises starting to appear, your blouse dirty and torn up... But still looking pleased: a victorious agent.
Coming closer to Peña and Pinzón, you start:
"¡Mis amigos, mira que cosita más bonita tengo acá! I'd like to formally introduce you to this pendejo... Not La Quica this time, but we've got Luiz Rodriguez." (My friends, look what a beautiful thing I've got!)
"In my car I have a bag with 50 grand. If you give me one hour, I can make it ten times bigger." - he offered.
You burst out laughing at him.
"Oh, mi regalito..." (my little gift) - You had started, as one of Pinzón's men put on some handcuffs and you fondled his cheek. - "You're going to Disneyland. Don't worry, we're gonna take so much care of you, mi tesoro." (My treasure)
Javier knew you're mocking that sicario, but he still felt something awful on his chest, 'cause you're supposed to call him those sweet names, not that thug.
Arriving at the building, you and Javier went to the locker room, to change before going home. 
"Y/N, you scared the shit out of me. Luiz did all of these injuries? Or has anyone helped him? I swear, if there's someone else, I'll..." - he started, looking worried at you.
Y/N's POV - 1st Person
"No, Peña." - I interrupted him, as I searched for clothes in my locker. - "You're not doing anything. I can take care of myself."
Javier punched his locker hard as fuck.
"I thought I lost you! Don't ever do that again!" - he yelled.
I laughed, in a sarcastic tone, observing him. He seemed actually worried. 
"You know what, Peña? I don't care!" - I lifted my blouse, showing my huge scar on my ribs. - "Can you see it?" - his face shifted from pissed to desolated, as my eyes watered. He looked at another place. - "No! Don't turn! Take a nice long look at it! - My tone was so harsh. His eyes were so sad. - I always take care of myself! I've been alone in this world for as long as I remember, Peña. It's not my first fight on the field, it's not gonna be the last!"
His face was devastated... He felt sorry for me?
"Are you sorry for me, Peña? Oh, grow up! Why do you even care if I die or live? I know you hate me! And you know what? I fucking hate your guts as well!" - I screamed.
He remained silent. Why?
I started to change to a black shirt. I needed to leave.
I walked to the door, but when I noticed, he was behind me, holding it, not letting me leave.
"Y/N, cariño, I know you can take care of yourself, you've been doing that for a while now..." - he whispered in my ear. - "I heard you, by the way... Yes, I heard while you took care of yourself almost every night."
I swallowed hard, thinking:
Oh fuck, he heard me... Oh no...
"However, you called out my name, didn’t  you?" - he continued.
I leaned on the door pressing my back against it, turning to face him as Javier got on his knees and looked at my with those puppy brown eyes and said:
"Let me make your fantasy come true, cariño... Let me be your good boy, your obedient soldier."
His hands started to take off my boots and socks, one by one.
After that, he unbuttoned my jeans and slowly, so slowly, put it down to my feet, throwing it somewhere...
There I was, only in underwear and a shirt, my skin felt hot. 
His eyes never left mine.
I took off my shirt and bra and, lastly, his hands took off my red panties, at a slow pace, as if he was trying not to scare me off.
There I was, naked in front of Javier. 
He seemed to be thinking on what to do first, until he said:
"Tell me what you want, cariño. Let me be your good boy."
I just nodded positively.
"Words, please. Use your big beautiful mouth, cariño."
"Y-y-yes, Javi... Put your lips on me, show me how good you are..." - my voice barely came out.
He smiled, picked up one of my legs over his shoulder exposing me. His lips met my folds, oh so soft, so delicate... My hand grabbed his hair, pulling closer. 
He explored me, without any rush, as if he wanted to last as long as possible... Teasing my hole, opening me up with the tip of his tongue, fucking me. My clit throbbed, as my pussy clenched around his tongue.
I bit my lips, trying to stay quiet, my eyes closed. I couldn't look down, I was almost ashamed.
"Mmm..." - I sobbed, pulling his hair harder.
He slipped two fingers in me, and taking his mouth off me, said:
"Look at me, cariño, open your beautiful eyes while I make you feel good. Am I doing, at least, a nice job?" - he smirks, knowing he was. I opened my eyes, looking down, probably blushing. No one ever made me look as I was being eaten out. - "A little reassurance won't kill you."
"Y-y-yeah, Peña..." - I managed to say.
Oh, fuck.
His thumb met my clit, putting a gentle pressure as his middle and index fingers touched my g-spot.
"You can do better than that, cariño..." - he grinned, asking for more. - "You wet half of my face, Hermosa, you can call me Javi again."
"¡Hijo de puta!" - I cursed. - "Make me come on your lips, for God's sake... Be my good boy, Peña." - I asked.
He smiled and got back to suck my clitoris, making me shake under his touch. 
I came so hard, dripping all over Javier, calling out his name.
He took off one finger, slowing his pace. A very satisfied "hum" came out of him.
"You taste like heaven... You were such a good girl for me, cariño... But I'm greedy, you know? I want more from you and your sweet little pussy." - he smiled. - "I wanna see you beggin'... I'm not stopping now."
I was still burning from my first orgasm. 
Javier Jesus Peña was trying to kill me, for sure.
My hand traveled from his hair to his cheek, caressing him. 
"Javi... I'm only gonna say this once: do what you want with me. Do what you want to my body. I'm yours for tonight."
His finger left me, leaving me empty. 
Oh, fuck.
He stood up, looking deep in my eyes.
"My place or yours?" - he questioned. 
"Yours." - I responded, barely breathing.
He picked up my clothes, helped me get dressed and we went to his place.
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cha-melodius · 11 months
Self-Promo Saturday
Tagged by @orchidscript to list 5 works I'm proud of, doing this before Saturday gives up the ghost. The first four of these were pretty much a given; the fifth could have been many fics, but in the end I went with the figure skating AU that I feel like hits so many good notes between heart and humor and romance.
Please Don't Let Me Be So Understood (firstprince, E, 20k)
After one too many fights at work, Henry and Alex are assigned mandatory reconciliation therapy by their boss. Except the therapist thinks they're there for couples therapy... and surely, a bet on who will break first makes more sense than actually correcting her, right?
Nova, Baby (firstprince, E, 66k)
CIA agent Alex Claremont-Diaz and MI6 agent Henry Fox-Mountchristen don’t exactly get along, but that doesn’t keep their respective agencies from insisting they work together as partners. Then a mission in Colombia changes everything, and their relationship begins to shift and grow into something that neither of them ever expected… and something that could have deadly consequences.
Love is a Losing Game (napollya, E, 102k)
An AU set in the world of competitve chess tournaments during the late 1960s. When secret, late-night training matches between sworn rivals turn into something more, both men are forced to confront what is truly important to them.
A Good Man Is Hard To Find (lokius, M, 81k)
Getting caught eventually was probably inevitable. Mobius showing up at the prison with a job offer courtesy of the CIA? Well, that was pretty much the last thing that Loki expected. Soon he finds himself in a situation he never could have imagined: using skills honed over a life of crime in service of a government agency, all the while trying to balance his new job with his extremely inconvenient feelings for the only person who trusts him. When, after months of successful missions, he unwillingly becomes a pawn in a plot that has deadly consequences, that trust is put to the test—but he’ll be damned if he’s going to let Mobius down.
White Knuckles (napollya, M, 45k)
An Olympic Figure Skating AU. Featuring secret training sessions, falling in love with the last person you should, and learning how to lose control.
Please feel free to make this self-promo sunday, or monday, or whenever @three-drink-amy @14carrotghoul @historicallysam @myheartalivewrites @sherryvalli @kiwiana-writes @rmd-writes @iboatedhere @leaves-of-laurelin @tintagel-or-cockleshells @loki-is-my-kink-awakening @mirilyawrites @cricketnationrise @nontoxic-writes
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nerdby · 5 months
So the new Deadpool & Wolverine trailer was released.
There have been some people saying that -- surprise, surprise -- the TVA is going to be a villain in the movie and I'm not sure why but they seem confused about why the TVA would be villains.
Peeps, the TVA are cops and they're probably the most accurate depiction of cops in the history of copaganda.
Like they spend the ENTIRE first season of Loki trying to kill a very obviously trans-coded Sylvie -- literally hunting her down to kill her. If y'all don't know nothing about that ya need to Google Trans While Walking laws in the US. It literally lets the cops arrest ANY trans people they think could be sex workers. New York was one of the first states to repeal the law in 2019. But it's not just Sylvie, the TVA is after -- they just straight up MURDER anyone who steps out of line in ANY timeline EVER.
And in season two they commit MASS GENOCIDE against hundreds of thousands of variants in branched timelines for no fucking reason. Just because they existed.
"Oh but Milo the thing was melting down--"
Yes, and that was proven to be a completely moot point because even after they fixed the thingamajig -- I forgot the name and I don't have Disney+ right now -- it STILL fucking melted down because of Kang bullshit.
"Oh but Milo remember when Loki became Yggdrasil?"
Yes, Milo remembers Loki becoming the God of stories and custodian of the multiverse. That's the actual term from the comics. It's not the same thing as being a janitor. Exactly....? Cause his job is kinda to just be there and make sure things don't get tangled up and fucked up so....Huh. Is Loki a janitor?🤔
Welp, I'm sure that'll offend some batshit fanperson somewhere.
You know what else Milo remembers?
When Loki went back and saved the bad cops who committed MASS GENOCIDE and recruited them to work for the TVA again. And also that by the end of the second season the TVA's job was to observe and intervene to prevent -- basically they're the fucking thought police. Literally.
They might be worse than the fucking cops -- the TVA might as well just be the Marvelverse version of the fucking CIA. TVA. CIA. Why am I just now noticing this?😶 Anyway, there are whole ass lists of history books -- nonfiction -- and documentaries about why the CIA are terrorists so....
But getting back to DP & Wolvey....
The second season of Loki was basically -- the plot was a metaphor for the importance of police reform, right? But here's the thing we need to remember about TVA agents: They're only humans. Some of whom are perfectly okay with committing widespread, mass genocide and I don't know if we're gonna see Loki in DP & Wolvey, but I feel like that Loki might maybe be sitting on his Yggdrasil throne going,
"Son of a bitch -- Sylvie was right. You people are just infuckingcapable of not being terrorists."
Hopefully cause I swear to fucking fuck if I have to see Loki defending the CIA -- even though he can be a little delusional at times so it wouldn't exactly be out of character -- I will just not be okay. I will set the fucking cinema on fire. Not really but I will fantasize about it🤣
And that's why I think we're gonna see them turn on Wade and Logan, though. Because the good eggs are just outnumbered by the bad eggs unfortunately. The TVA is gonna use Wade to do their dirty work and just be like
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Anyway, I'm sorry my thoughts are kind of all over the place right now. I might be moving soon and I'm kinda manic right now. I don't know why I'm telling you that😂
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hetalia-club · 1 year
Historical Hetalia
I hate how the hetalia fandom makes England out to be this brilliant mastermind when actual he’s a petty idiot. And he’s been getting a pass for far too long.
Here are some of my favorite England moments through recent history. Absolut Looney Tunes bull shit.
Story 1:
America and England had a plan (that was really smart and would totally work) to build a tunnel under west Germany so they could go inside of it and listen in on what the Russians stationed there were saying.
A double Agent in England's side (but actually worked for Russia) went and blabbed about it. Russia was like “oh no! That’s such a good plan we should have thought of it! I know let’s let them half way finish the tunnel and then we can discover it then we can finish building it!” So that’s what happened America and England filled in the hole though and pretended like they got lost digging like a sewer pipe or something like that.
Story 2:
A rock exists on the coast of Scotland. This is a real big and cool rock… or that’s what England thought anyway. So worried about the rock he spent nights tossing and turning wondering if the big fuck ton of a rock was perhaps being used for spying, was it bugged? Perhaps it wasn’t a rock at all and it was a submarine? Tired of sleepless nights England sailed over there one day and placed a British flag on the rock and a plaque claiming it as official British territory. Scotland was so pissed because that was HIS very cool big rock! They are still fighting over who owns the rock today. I do think teh Scotts threw teh flag into the ocean.
Story 3:
Or the time that America had just recruited a new spy and he was on his way to meet his new British associates in NY for a spy mission they had against Russia. The British Spy’s thought he gave off sneaky vibes so the kidnapped him and killed him when he got to the meeting and then they just went inside and waited for him to show up. They contacted the CIA and were like “where’s your boy dog?” And they described him to the spy’s and they were like “New mission you guys need to find this guy because we lost communication and we think it might have been the KGB and he had important stuff on him” and the British Spy’s were like “um…. I think we know where to find him” *cue laugh track*
Story 4:
The British were spying in Russian waters in a submarine when they came across a Polish sub. They were super jealous because this one was pulling a bunch of hydrophones( devices that allowed to you listen inside of other submarines). So the British wanted them so they were real real quiet and they snuck up behind the sub and they cut the line. They took the hydrophones and made a quick get away without the Polish sub being any the wiser.
Poland had to go back to Russia and be like. "Remember the really expensive equipment you gave me to use? Yeah I think it broke off in the ocean and idk where we lost it though and I'm NOT going back for it so don't ask. Kay thanks bye!"
Story 4 (my favorite because it is the dumbest and I think about it a lot):
Let me set the scene It’s the Cold War and things are really hearting up and Britain and America are afraid that Russia may try and cross the iron curtain. America said they should burry land mines but then remembers that it would be too cold for the land mines to stay working in the winter time (Just remember this was some years ago). But our mastermind England had an original though. I'm just going to write out exactly how I think this conversation would have went because frankly it's just so dumb and I could not make this shit up if I tried.
America: Alright everybody i really think we need to do something about the Iron curtain Russia has been too bold lately. So I was thinking something like land mines but I'm not sure if it'll work they won't work in the winter which knowing Russia that's exactly when he would attack. If anyone has any ideas I'm open to them Now if we could all ju-
England: *lifting is head from the mountain of cocaine he just had his face buried in* Chickens!
America: I'm sorry what?
England: Chickens! Chickens you idiot!
America: What do you mean chickens, are you alright man?
England: Uh! You are so dumb. We get a bunch of chickens, we strap the land mines on them and we put the chickens into little cages. Then we burry the cages and give them enough food for about a week. And we can just change the chickens every week. The body heat of the chickens will keep the land mine warm, don't you see? We can use a remote to detonate the land mines ourselves.
America: Okay...that's a thought. Anyone else have any ideas? *Looks around the room of his allies as they all nod in agreement*
America: Germany, what's your thoughts on this? You don't think this is a good idea surely, right? Just burying chickens along the border of your country.
Germany: I like chickens.
America: This is worse than my idea to put little head sets on cats and turn them lose in Moscow, you all can't be forreal
Italy: Chickens are cool tho.
America: God Damn it. Okay Operation Chicken is-
England: No stupid you can't call it operation chicken, Russia will know what we are up to right away. We need to name it something discrete. If not he'll steal our chicken idea.
America: Russia dosen't want your stupid- Alright whatever, what do you want to call it then?
England: Operation Blue Bunny....No No! Blue Peacock
America: What the actual fuck is wrong with you?
(Provided a link for this one because I don't think any of you would believe me if I didn't)
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moody-alcoholic · 3 months
Unwavering Devotion Chapter 7
If there was a definition of angst it would be this chapter...
Previous <- current -> Next (coming soontm)
Enjoy the sneak peak <3
Rosaly  3 months later
“Keep this up we’ll be going all night!” I shout at the recruits running down the hill I hear someone walking behind me. 
“Evening lieutenant.” I recognised the voice its Price. I don't turn around instead noting something on my clipboard. 
“You’ve ignored all my messages this was the only way to contact you.” 
“Don’t you think maybe there was a reason for that.” I say watching the recruits. 
“I’m getting 141 back together.” He said, I chuckled.
“Okay good luck with that,” I say, bitterly. These last few months have made me bitter. 
“We found Joshua and Noah.” He says 
“That’s great I’m sure the CIA and Shadow Company will deal with them.” I say walking down the path to see the troop better. Price doesn’t say anything I turn to look at him. He looks tired, like always. 
“There is no 141 anymore Price.” I say tired, throwing my arms out almost pleading for him to let it go. “I haven’t heard from Gaz in months, John is dead Si…” I choke, I cant say his name. I hold my ground, turning around again so he cant see my fight to stay emotionless. I hear him sigh. 
“I’ll have Laswell send you the details.” He said sounding defeated. 
“When you’re done watching recruits maybe give it a look. You’re a soldier Rosaly, and we have a job to finish.” I shake my head, angry. I hear him take a step away. 
“It’s what Johnny would have done… Simon too.” I turn round and watch as he walks of the grass. 
“Price!” I shout, sighing. “Why me? You have a chance to build a new 141, a better 141 you literally have your pick of any soldier. Why me?”
“I think out of all of us you deserve some revenge.” He says as he walks back over to me.
“Is Gaz on board?” 
“Yeah.” He nods, I have no idea what happened with me and Gaz. A few days after I was back in Scotland, he abruptly left. We spoke a few times after that then nothing. I mean I wasn’t exactly in the talking mood but even Price came up to visit and called from time to time. 
“Where are they?” I ask, I see Price smile. 
“I’ll have Laswell send you the details.” He repeats.
“I go back home tomorrow,” I say. I don’t know why I said that, Johnny wanted the house filled with love and people he loved. It feels weird since I left there a month ago, I don’t even know if I can go back yet. 
“We can meet there. Thursday?” He says, that was two days away. I nod, turning back to the troop running up the hill. I hear him walk away again. I was all of a sudden regretting this. I should hear him out at least, he was right it’s what John and Simon would have done. I take a big gulp of air in clearing my throat as the troop made it back to me. 
“Well?” I say waiting for them to say something. I let them talk, trying to explain what they did to the dummy they just dragged up and down the hill. I squeeze my eyes closed as they start to mess up again. Fucking Price. Now I'm too distracted to focus. I sigh dismissing them, Price has riled me up too much, I hope whoever is taking over from me can do a better job. 
I make it into the mess sitting down at the table with the other staff, the base captain moves over to sit in front of me. Captain Sands, he’s new young, it’s his first command position. 
“So what did captain Price want?” He asked. I shrug sipping my tea. “What you didn’t hear him out? Seemed like he had something important to say.” 
“He always has something important to say.” I say back to him, I look down the table at the other officers talking amongst themselves. I never felt like I really fit in but I was told if I wanted to teach I had to accept the promotion. At least Price was good enough to put in a good word for me. 
“So when will you be back?” He asks. I shrug.
“I have 3 weeks of leave saved, probably going to use them all at once so I can get back to work.” I say. 
“Oh great so you’ll be back before the new recruits come, that’ll be fun.” I nod finishing the cup of tea. 
“I should go pack, I have a long drive tomorrow.” I say getting up, taking the sandwich off my tray and heading to the staff dorms. To get to them I have to walk through the recruit corridors. 
“Why is she such a bitch though? My boots are never going to be dry for inspection tomorrow.” I hear someone say, I stop in my tracks eavesdropping. 
“I heard her husband was killed in action.” Someone else said.
“Doesn't give you the right to be a bitch though.” The first girl said.
“She was special forces before this.” Yet another girl said. 
“What really? Why is she here?” 
“Cos her husband was killed in action dumbass then she went fucking crazy from what I heard.” I crossed my arms taken aback by what I was hearing.
“You’re going to have to dry your boots by the tumble dryers.” One of the girls said I could hear them making their way to the door. I stood there when they opened the door they both jumped. I saw other girls in the room jump out of my line of sight. 
“You girls sure do hear a lot.” I said, they looked embarrassed their cheeks going red. I sighed I couldn’t be bothered to be dishing out disciplines on my last night I just wanted to sleep not be burred in paperwork. I step aside, nodding at them to leave. They rushed past me, I could hear them giggling as the doors closed behind them. I closed my eyes shaking my head and made it to my room. My bag was already packed, I just wanted to sleep, and not speak to anyone. I pulled my clothes off throwing them over the chair for tomorrow then flopping into bed in my underwear. I plug my phone in to charge and roll over in the bed looking at the ceiling in the dark. Maybe going home would be a good thing, maybe I did need a break. Maybe it was time to dust the skeletons out the closet.  
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note: there are no historical references in anything written below. sorry i'm not 2kczech👍 anyway here's a shit ton of hcs timeline: 1929 context: a) about carlo's family note: the word racketeering came into use in america in 1927 and i'm not sure carlo would use it. but i don't know of a synonym that has the same horrifying meaning why is carlo at ease with doing something that was a big blow to his family? carlo grew up without parents in empire bay, so he doesn't have any warm feelings for them specifically (nor for sicily). he met his brother when he was already of age (i forgot the timeline of my own comic and i'm too lazy to look, but carlo's around 18, if i remember correctly). there are two things that dictate his communication with his brother: 1) it's not really xaviero's fault that carlo grew up alone in the empire bay, and there's certainly a subconscious desire for a reunion. 2) this is about tradition*. it's all about control and imposition: since it's your own brother, you kinda have to keep in touch with him. not a lot of sincere warmth here *the whole thing about following tradition to me has to do with the theme of pawns and lack of choice. it gets weaker when carlo becomes a capo and goes away almost completely when he becomes a don
b) what are eddie and carlo talking about or "how carlo falcone realized how important it is to bribe the press well"* carlo's brother, xaviero, is a journalist with strong moral principles. the very type that the cia (or criminals) eventually kills. xaviero showed carlo an article about the empire bay's underworld one day and asked carlo's opinion. carlo answered that it was unrealistic shit. it turned out that xaviero had let carlo read his article. carlo's words gave xaviero the idea to really get to know the situation from the inside, so he started hanging around the mafia and their habitats, asking people etc and finally started writing a realistic (and anonymous) column about the mafia in the newspaper where he worked. this column found an incredibly strong response and interest from the public, especially from the police. soon both crime families were in shit, some of the most reckless accomplices were arrested, some of the most anxious businessmen broke deals bc of the fear that their companies would be exposed in cooperation with crime. someday carlo almost randomly finds out who the author of the column is and realizes how fucked up the situation is for him. if the author is his brother, then carlo becomes the first suspect for leaking the information to journalists. the story with the column is hushed up with the help of moretti, but for carlo it became a painful and teachable experience indeed *based on: "carlo falcone, <…> frequent officer of the empire bay press guild association"
and i'm gonna post these 2 again bc there's finally a context:
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oh also i forgot to mention in my last ask, what do the villains do in the au??
u mentioned that ghirahim tries to kill the links and ganon kidnapped him as a baby, is their goal just to take down/assassinate the royal family?
and what about other loz antagonists like vaati or majora or cia or the yiga or-
i’m getting too ahead of myself- no need to answer my questions all at once lmao
Nono dw, they're very good questions !
I was rambling about this to my friend a while ago and they joked about Ganondorf being a kind of mob boss, so I'm going with that kind of idea. It's a bit like how in oot Ganondorf pledges alliance to the royal family, but he plans to betray them and take over Hyrule- he is good friends with people in the government so they excuse his actions. He also pays them to keep quiet and silence victims when things get out of hand.
In this au, the Royal Family and government work hand in hand, so Ganondorf also fakes loyalty to them. His end goal is to break down the people until they're fully at his mercy and not able to fight back, then work his way up to having full power over Hyrule. The Zeldas are the only members of the royal family who can work mostly outside of his radar, which is why they're very significant.
As for the other Zelda antagonists, I feel like they'd be people working under Ganondorf who've sworn their loyalty and he's given them power, wheras the Yiga are basically his fan club who he finds annoying, but uses their loyalty to his advantage. He doesn't care for the Yiga, he mostly prioritises the other loz villains as in the games they play more of a significant role.
Like, Ghirahim and Zant for example; they're basically his sons, he trusts them the most so uses them for the more important tasks, because in sksw and tp the actual characters play more significant roles and are an active threat that shows up to humble the respective Link. But because of that, Ganondorf is constantly comparing them and uses one's achievements to belittle the other, so both of them are seeking his praise and favour, trying to break the other down to be the superior one. Ghirahim was kidnapped because it's a well-known fact that people in that family are typically incredibly smart and talented in their fields so Ganondorf wanted thag on his side. Zant willingly joined after being pissed off for being constantly rejected by everyone and just wanting to join the 'winning team' so that he could flaunt his power to those people.
For Cia, seeing as I'm fairly certain in Hyrule Warriors canon she commands an army and before that was in charge of timeline stuff, I'm gonna say she's a part of the Government overseeing laws and generally what people do. She's also working to train up an army of sorts with loyalty to Ganondorf, but most of them are Yiga Clan. She's grown to despise bananas now...
Ganondorf doesn't really play a huge role in Majora's mask, and there's nothing confirmed about the origins of Majora other than a small spinoff manga, so I'm not entirely sure about Majora's role. But taking inspiration from another modern au- Skyward Floored's incredibles au- maybe Majora could be more of its own thing who just works with Ganondorf as they share ambitions of power and world domination. Majora's more brutal, however, and deals with... enemies of Ganondorf, let's just say. This also has something to do with Time's facial tattoos...
As for Vaati, I'm not too sure about what role he plays in his games so I can't say much for him. But he does have a strong connection with Shadow, who just so happens to be Four's ex boyfriend who went missing.
They're all evil and irredeemable, but some character depth couldn't hurt right-?
Anyways, thank you for the ask !! I didn't mean to ramble for so long but have a nice existence lmao-
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respectthepetty · 1 year
Can you help me or perhaps point me in the direction of someone who can help me?
In bed friends when the lights all cut out and Uea panics to reach for the light we have a focus in on a book on his night stand. By Julia Child ‘my life in France’
And I wanna know……. Could this have a meaning?! It’s a clear focus and I wanna know if I’m a) insane it’s just a book or b) delving into the deeper thoughts of Uea and his night reading 👀
Anon, I was being quiet about this because I don't know how to shut up, but...
Can't a book just be a book? (It's not). Does it have to mean something? (It does). Maybe it means nothing. (It means something). Maybe it was simply placed there for the aesthetic. (Copyright infringement, my people?). Not all books have to mean something. (But some do mean something). Nobody asked about these books on King's nightstand.
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Was it because we didn't get a clear view of them? Why are these books less important than Julia Child's My Life in France. Is it because it was very obvious and near the focal point of the shot?
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Much like these other books in other series that clearly meant something to the plot:
Nueng in Never Let Me Go and Wang in 180 Degree Longitude Passes Through Us reading Plato's Symposium about soulmates being separated
Books in Moonlight Chicken being used to show the characters' personalities
Jae Young sleeping on books about artificial intelligence to understand Sang Woo in Semantic Error while Sang Woo rests next to books about Doomsday because his world is exploding
Wan's books in Between Us showing he is a romantic at heart when Tul spends the night in his bed
Vegas reading a book that foreshadows his plot in KinnPorsche
1984 being used as an extended allegory in The Eclipse
Pete sitting in front of color-coded books subtly telling him to give Kao a second chance in Dark Blue Kiss
I'm not sure how copyright infringement works internationally, but here in the land of lawsuits, if a book is shown incidentally, it's fair use, which means if it just happens to make it into the shot, it's okay. If the shot can be proven to show intention (like, say, lingering on the book), permission has to be sought to use the book's cover. This isn't always the case, but production companies tend to do their due diligence in order to make sure no issues occur post-production. American artist Grimes most likely ran into this issue when she showed The Art of War in her video for "Violence" which caused the book to be blurred after the video's release.
So if the book is clearly seen, I lean on the side that it's intentional. My Life in France is Julia Child's autobiography covering as she became a chef and TV personality. The book is on King's side, but in Uea's house, so I'm unsure whose it really is, but the book gives insight into Child's marriage with her husband, Paul, her love for food and life, and her presence in male-dominated fields (she was in the CIA prior to becoming a chef).
Child always stood out, literally and figuratively. She was over six feet tall, and, as mentioned, she was in male-dominated fields. She got attention, sometimes negative, merely for existing. Uea stands out no matter where he goes.
Her marriage with Paul was one of equals. They moved around often for his job, but he always encouraged Child to pursue her own dreams and supported her. He built her kitchen, which is now on display at the Smithsonian, he diced and chopped her ingredients, he set the table and arranged food so it was more pleasing to the eyes (something she was never concerned about), and he always fought along side her. She noted several times in writing and interviews that without Paul, she wouldn't have had her amazing career. Uea knows a King like that.
Finally, Child comments throughout the book about how food and life should be enjoyed. Uea doesn't do this enough, but we see him on dates (not dates?) with King joking about getting half of the menu because King is paying and biting the birthday cake King gives, and we see Uea taking Child's advice - Life itself is the proper binge.
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grinly · 2 months
The government is scared of the left entirely for structural reasons.
Crazy people talk about the "shadow government" a lot - but it's just unelected functionaries that keep things running.
A lot of the time its the corporations that keep your water and power going. Sometimes it's the CIA doing what they were told to do when they started.
During the American revolution it was the local functionaries that kept roads working, stopped people from dumping poo into the street, all the things essential to organize people to make food and other goods and move em around.
England was too far away to govern directly, so these people just took over after the revolution. Central America was set up by the Spanish and the Spaniards that did it there left instead of siding with the revolution.
(That's why their revolutions led to third world countries instead of trading partners with huge plantations and organized armies. No one was left to organize the business of keeping shit and dead bodies off the street, and make sure food and the less important things were made and moved around.)
The far right should be objectively more scary, but they do that by getting a lot of guns and walling themselves off in a compound. Eventually they get Waco-ed. That's easy to deal with.
The left wants to move food (and other, less important things) around to people who need it, keep the streets clean, give people a good place to live and good jobs.
It's not about ideology. A lot of the left's ideology is increasingly puritanical, self defeating, weirdly divisive, and/or just retarded. The government loves and encourages that.
But the Black Panthers made sure people in their communities could eat, have jobs, and be safe. The government needed to do everything they could to disrupt that. And for that the CIA made sure every leader was assassinated, and has been funding and supporting dupes like the violent rapist who thought up "Kwanzaa" (look it up. Though keep in mind the CIA literally has agents on staff at Wikipedia) and the girl in your local leftist community with an upper class family who they caught with a bag of weed and Adderall and flipped. The one who argues excessively about language and procedure even and especially when it interferes with the process of keeping people fed and safe.
But no one's gonna read this are they? Because the kind of things that take off are the kind of things that upper class connected but so relatable "UwU I worked as a bartender vote for me" type of girl posts.
Ah well. Back to petting my cats and making sure I'm fed, safe, and the other less important things. The government won't do it for me. There's no community to help. I can't really help provide one part of that to others that they take care of the rest. We're all on our own, as designed.
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sapphire-weapon · 7 months
Something that's been bugging me for quite some time now about CV is the Leon email thing. Like, the government basically kidnapped him just a couple months before... and yet he has enough access to a computer that he can get a personal email from a friend at a random ass hour and can send a message to said friend's brother so quickly that he can get there a few hours later?
Like... I feel like there would be more restrictions in place?
Would they have trusted him with his own computer? Did Claire just so happen to catch him during MS Paint fun time??
Would he have gotten in trouble for this???
no, it's never made sense, and capcom has never tried to make it make sense.
CV and RE3 started development at the exact same time and were being developed concurrently. at the start of both dev cycles, code veronica was intended to be billed and shipped under the title "resident evil 3." and the RE3 as we know it today was meant to be a side-story spinoff. this changed due to dumb contract conflicts that i won't bore you with.
but the important thing is that CV was being made before the RE3 epilogues were ever conceived of. the epilogues were slapped into RE3 at the last minute so that RE3 would feel like it was actually pushing the series forward in time.
so at the time that that bit about claire emailing leon was written and put into the game, the concept of him having been kidnapped by the government didn't exist.
which means that, at one point in time, capcom's vision for leon's character was very different. somewhere out there in an alternate universe, leon and sherry were never kidnapped by the CIA and were still together while leon was doing detective work to track down chris while claire was doing the infiltration work.
i'm sure that the remake will fix this detail and make it make sense, but it's kind of sad and a little whimsical to think of what might have become of leon kennedy had sony not had an exclusivity deal worked out with capcom for RE.
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dippable · 2 months
just watched vita carnis (and went to the hidden youtube link) and ouugghhgh the implications...
okay so, i think vincent bararre's a BIG part of the story- since he had gathered information on the carnis and became a wanted man in canada. in terms of who CARCAS is... i don't really know? i do think they've got a reason to be doing what they're doing but i don't know if they're a governmental entity, or a form of rebellion against the carnis, i just don't know.
now... i'm gonna say something that people don't really agree with. i don't think the prince's tale is some super old story. i think that just before the carnis began appearing, the prince's tale was playing out on that island in hudson bay. i think the critters that found him and helped him heal quicker were humans that saw the potential of the carnis and fed it so that it'd grow and hopefully help humanity. when the prince woke up and worked his magic is when i think the carnis appeared- i think the prince made the carnis to help them, each with different uses. the crawl is for food, the trimmings for comfort, the meat snakes for waste, the mimics for culling humanity's population (and, in a way, cutting down on pollution by just. eating people), the harvester to enrich the soil, the host to make spores that'd force people to help the carnis, the monoliths to protect, and the singularities to power the carnis itself. i think the critters in the forest are meant to represent humanity- and at a time when people began to give a shit about pollution, their home wasn't as bountiful- so the prince gave them what he could. do i know where the prince or the royal family are from? nope!!
i think vincent's story is pretty important too. he's a guy who found his father torn to shreds in his home, then the cops just didn't do anything about it? i'd be pretty miffed too. however, he is outright wanted by the CSIS (for my americans, it's like the canadian version of the CIA) and it's likely he's in grave danger at the moment. i don't really know much else about him (but i do know that after watching the tape with chris and janice, he sighs- knowing the people who tried to find out what happened to his father are now dead must suck.)
for CARCAS, i don't really know much. i do know that in the video where they invade facility zero, the static is green- the exact opposite of red. i feel as though this is a turning point in the carnis. however, seeing the singularities, i was reminded of the giant meat snake from episodes before that used cow skulls as huge teeth. this makes me think, was the cult trying to force a singularity by making a huge mass of meat? maybe the snake was foreshadowing? or maybe the cult wasn't as scientifically advanced, and they tried to make the closest thing to a singularity they knew? i'm not entirely sure. however, i'm scared to know whether or not there are more singularities honestly.
overall great series. facility 0 had me jaw dropped hand over my mouth the entire time and when i saw the singularities i GASPED. super cool i hope to see whatever else there is for it
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