#don’t worry Achilles he does this with everyone
teecupangel · 7 months
Rather specific and weird but, how do you think Altaïr, Ezio, Ratonhnhaké:ton, and Desmond would react to having chronic migraines? Totally not asking because my chronic migraines are kicking my ass right now. Totally.
I hope you feel better, nonny, and I’m sorry this is so late TTATT
Altaïr had been living with the pain in his head that comes and goes regularly since he was a child.
He knows how to hide it and he has no plans to tell anyone about it.
Al Mualim knows of it and has told him repeatedly how important it was for nobody else to know.
It was a weakness that Altaïr cannot show to others.
So he pretends he’s fine.
Everything was fine.
He’s fine.
He must be fine.
Ezio’s sickness in the mind as the dottore would call it always worried his family. He tried to hide it at times, especially when he knows that Petruccio needed more care and attention that him. He was the older brother. The least he could do was make sure his youngest sibling would be cared for. He can endure the pain.
“You’re an idiot.” Claudia would always say as she drags Ezio to his room and force him to lay on his bed.
“I’m fine, Claudia.”
“I know. You’re helping me practice.”
Ezio had hated this ‘practice’ when he was a child. A practice to when I have my own child, Claudia would say.
It was embarrassing.
But hearing Claudia read out loud a book for children…
Feeling the warmth of his blanket…
The relaxing scent of tea that Claudia would sip from time to time…
The pain in his head was still prominent but… Ezio couldn’t help but relax nonetheless.
“Thank you, Claudia.”
“Shush, babies don’t talk.”
Everyone in the village knew that Ratonhnhaké:ton would have this ‘episodes’ every so often. They always seemed to realize it even when Ratonhnhaké:ton is trying to hide it and tell him to go home and rest or, if Ratonhnhaké:ton is being a bit too stubborn, they’ll let him do something for the village that he could do at his own pace. Nothing dangerous. They’d always check up on him every so often and Ratonhnhaké:ton would try to finish it. But his mother would always come to him before he could and they would go home. His mother would tuck him after they ate and hum some kind of song as she held her son.
When he became an Assassin, he tried to hide it. It was easy to hide it among the people who didn’t know him.
But Achilles always knew.
“You’ll only be a danger to everyone and yourself. Rest and return when you’re better.”
Achilles tried to keep his distance.
But Ratonhnhaké:ton still heard the concern in his tone.
He always watched as Achilles walked away after saying his peace even though the sound of his cane tapping against the wooden floor made the pain in his head hurt a little bit more.
Ratonhnhaké:ton supposed he should take a rest.
He didn’t want Achilles to come back and hit him on the head with his cane later after all.
Not that it ever happened.
It was an empty threat and they both knew it.
Desmond is slave to capitalism. He has no choice but to keep on working even though he has a migraine. It’s absolute hell but Desmond has grown used to this.
Even back on the Farm, he would still continue to train when he was having a migraine. Nothing has truly changed.
Hell, this is an improvement.
The worst he could do was drop some kind of glass or bottle instead of falling or getting hurt himself.
It’ll be fine.
He’ll be fine.
(He does not realize that the lighting and the music of his job is worsening his migraines, he just thinks he need to power through it)
He would probably check online for medicines that can help make his migraines ‘easier’ or remember the medicine his parents used to give him (and yeah, if it needs a prescription, Desmond’s gonna steal it)
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Billy wakes up.
He has a test today. It’s Friday, his science class has a test every Friday to go over what they learned in the week. He feels optimistic, but then his League communicator pings.
Felix Faust in Star, send backup
He sighs, bumbling down the stairs to catch Rosa and Darla setting up a quick breakfast before school and tell them he needs to head out. Rosa says she’ll write a note that he caught a sudden flu, he’ll take his test Monday when he gets back. He runs outside, calling down his thunder and is off to help as he always does.
Billy wakes up, his alarm blaring as he turns over with a groan to silence it. He brings his hand down to hit the snooze button and the side table breaks into splinters, the Strength of Heracles had activated without his permission. Again
He worries over it, spending too long silently mourning the side table his dorm room had come with and the phone that still had so much use left in it. It feels like a waste, both mourning the action and almost crying over what he lost. It’s what a quiet voice in his head tells him, that he shouldn’t cry over something so trivial, like his phone was split milk and not something that felt so special to him as the gift the Vasquez’s got him when he actually stayed until his birthday. Something he hadn’t done for any other previous foster home, something he only shared with them like he used to when he still had his mom.
He goes through the motions of getting ready for classes at the academy, going slow and measuring every pull of fabric like his shirt over his head and his jeans up to his hips. They don’t tear, but he’s scared his— that Heracles strength would cause him to ruin his clothes if he rushed like he normally did or put in too much effort.
He heads to class and listens to his history lecture, doing all he can to ignore the aged voice of a long dead king not picking their teaching technique and reminiscing their own past. The classroom one voice louder than it should be.
Marvel wakes up, jolting from sleep like the thunder claps that summon him. Hands flying to pat himself down as he looks down with horror. “Shazam!”
He’s gone as soon as Billy had woken up, the window by his bed now broken in from the lightning arching through the opening to detransform him. He heaves a breath in, then another, and quickly spirals into hyperventilating.
He didn’t even wake up in his own body. He went to bed as Billy, why did he wake up different? Wouldn’t he wake up from transforming?
He looks out the broken glass of his window, steadying his breath the best he can as the storm clouds roll away.
Billy wakes up above his bed, free falling into his mattress from the few feet he’d gone up while unconscious. Face planted into his pillow, he cries himself back to sleep.
Billy wakes up from a nightmare fighting Arson Fiend with his fist through the wall his bed is pressed against and into the neighboring room, the kid on the other side awake and yelling at him as to what he was doing.
Billy wakes up.
Billy wakes up.
Marvel wakes up, his new phone buzzing on the floor next to his bed. He’d moved it to the middle of the room, he’d started tying an ankle to the post to keep from flying out too high or far from his bed. His phone buzzes again, a call. Looking over the edge has his sisters face smiling at him, and the strength of Heracles nor the courage of Achilles helps him muster up the will to answer her with a voice not his own. He hardly has the strength to mutter his word, something he’d call out proudly with a lions roar now reduced to a complacent whimper of the battle cry it once was.
He’s told he’s just growing up, that what he’s feeling is something everyone else has had to go through. He wants to believe his teachers, the Titans, his parents, but as well meaning as they are he can’t find himself able to believe that what he’s feeling is normal.
The phone goes silent, and eternity drags on.
Inspired by @billymarvel ‘s post about Dick absolutely sucking at his lil’ pep talk to Billy about his powers going wonky, he’s a sad lil bean and I want to hug him
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patrochillesvibes · 11 months
Hi! If you don't mind me asking, do you have any hcs on Achilles and Patroclus having a shotgun marriage?
Oh, I love hc asks!
What would happen if honor was compromised (pregnant) and marriage was the only way to restore said honor? Hmm...
In TsoA, Patroclus calls it being “trusting.” I call it being a dumb blonde. Sorry, but Achilles is just not that smart. I also don’t think he’s very manipulative. He’ll 🥺 his way out of what he can, but I don’t think he’s strategic in using people.
In other words, I don’t think there’s any baby trapping going on. Achilles might beg, plead, and bribe his way into having Pat’s babies, but he doesn’t have it in him to purposely trick Pat.
So if there’s an oops, it really is an accident. I can easily see Achilles forgetting to take birth control or suppressants. Or he takes the wrong pills. Or someone plays a joke and swaps out the pills with something like jellybeans and Achilles doesn’t notice.
Or he does something stupid like this:
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And I think it would be a while before Achilles figured out he was pregnant. He’s got an athletic body, so most likely he’ll be one of those lucky bitches who shows late and doesn’t get very big. He’ll have morning sickness, but everyone (except Thetis) will either think he has a simple stomach illness or food intolerance.
I think it’s Pat who figures it out first. Perhaps a female friend makes a sympathetic comment about morning sickness. Achilles won’t get it, but Pat will. Or perhaps Achilles finally sees a physician, the physician figures it out instantly, Achilles fights with the physician bcs the physician is obviously stupid, and then Achilles goes home to Pat to complain about incompetent doctors.
Pat of course would have to secretly buy or collect the supplies for a pregnancy test (depending on modern or period au). He’d be so paranoid and stressed the entire time. Then he would have to argue with Achilles to take it. Achilles doesn’t want to bcs he’s totally not pregnant, so it’s stupid.
Immediate reactions for a positive test? Achilles would be over-the-moon excited. Jumping up and down and screaming with joy. And crying, lots of happy tears. He didn’t realize how badly he wanted to have Pat’s babies until just that moment (lies, he thought about it a lot, but his daydreams were about their far away future). Pat would not pass out, but he would have to sit down while the world around him spins, overwhelmed and worried. Achilles would probably start babbling on about gender and baby names and other more frivolous details without noticing Pat’s existential crisis.
(Pat’s crisis first revolves around the fact that Achilles is pregnant and that they’re in so much trouble. But once he realizes that he’s going to be a father? Oh boy. The anxiety. Wow.)
Telling the parents... Peleus just wants Achilles to be happy and a baby makes his son happy, so Peleus is fine. Thetis is split between uncontrollable rage (at Patroclus) and a sort of competitive excitement. Achilles is her perfect son, so he will have perfect babies. And of course it is essential that he have a perfect pregnancy. She will make it all come true and then brag about it to her sisters and friends.
Of course, Achilles and Patroclus have to get married. ASAP. No doubt there. For people of their political/social standing, having a baby outside of wedlock is a big no-no. BUT if they rush it then all of Thetis’ friends and sisters will know. What to do?
Modern AU: Achilles will be homeschooled/online classes and is forbidden from telling anyone. Depending on the au, Thetis will either arrange a wedding around the start of Achilles’ third trimester and do her best to hide the bump OR have the weeding a year after the baby is born. (if they do wait, Achilles and Pat will marry privately and the baby will be kept a secret – think of it as how 50+ years ago teenage moms were sent to special institutions to wait out their pregnancy – Thetis will probably imply that Achilles went to rehab).
In a period au, they will probably have a smaller ceremony by mid-second trimester. Then a big celebration would be held at the proper intervals. Peleus might wave off the deviation from tradition bcs the engaged couple wanted something smaller and the fact that since they’ve been together a long time there wasn’t a need to wait. A very big festival for all of Phthia and neighbors might be enough of a distraction that people won’t mind that the math doesn’t add up and it’s obvious Achilles got pregnant before the wedding.
I think in some aus Patroclus has a fantasy of running away and eloping. Achilles loves that idea. It’s SO romantic. Regency patrochilles, Achilles would be obsessed with a marriage at Gretna Green.
Actually, regency AU. Achilles and Pat would totally get caught kissing (and more). Thetis of course doesn’t want a scandal, so the next day their engagement is announced in a papers. It’s not really a marriage-of-convenience bcs they were already (secretly) courting.  
I’m not super fluent in ABO BUT…
Imagine they’re 16-ish in either Phthia or a modern setting and omega Achilles has his first heat. They know but they don’t really know. Alpha Pat is intoxicated by Achilles’ scent. He’s never smelled like this before, so good and so irresistible. His mouth waters at the sight of Achilles’ slick coating his thighs. And his brain just goes brrr (maybe his rut kicks in). Of course divine Achilles gets pregnant from his first heat. Mother Thetis is not pleased at first, but then realizes what a fantastic excuse this is to get out of war. She hides Achilles on Skyros for his confinement. (And Pat follows. There they raise their son(s?) for a few years before fucking Odysseus finds them)
Loosely inspired by a fic I read once. Let’s say it’s another sudden marriage in the ABO universe. They know they are destined to be a bonded, mated pair. But because of the marriage they have to perform the marking now. Achilles is so devastated bcs he had all these plans to make it so special and now there is no time.
do you have any hcs on this?
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kaianeedskafa · 2 years
an AFTG headcannon:
Dan makes the team take turns during workouts at the gym to put their liked songs on shuffled play for everyone so that they can share their music taste with the rest of the group. everyone agrees because it makes the entire thing far more interesting
so they go in team order
first it’s Dan who unsurprisingly hits shuffle to ‘What Does The Fox Say’ followed by ‘Bad Case of Loving You’ (which she danced with Matt to and is now one of her favourites) no one’s surprised by either song or the way Matt and Dan start shouting the lyrics.
then it’s Kevin’s turn. he hits shuffle to ‘Achilles Come Down’ and some Bastille like ‘Icarus’ and ‘Pompeii’ with a mix of ‘Greek God’ thrown in there too. being a history nerd it’s pretty much expected and no one blinks an eye just gets straight to work.
after that comes Andrew. so the whole group being snoopy as hell watches him unlock his phone to hit shuffle (his wallpapers are really cursed photos of neil and the cats, blurred and everything) and what comes on is Katy Perry’s ‘Hot and Cold’. he sets his phone down, it blasts through the speakers, he picks up his jump rope and starts working out, everyone’s staring, Neil’s looking at his phone trying to determine if it’s broken. after the song’s over Taylor Swift appears and Andrew’s mouthing along every line. they’re all shocked.
Matt unsurprisingly has a mixture of guilty-pleasure rap and rock music and some low vibe tunes. ‘Chill’ comes on and everyone’s enjoying themselves and then a complete opposite genre hits and you have Panic! At The Disco’s ‘House of Memories’ blaring and everyone’s scrambling at the phone to turn it the hell down. Then it’s ‘Beggin’’ and everyone’s rocking out to the classic and in general they find Matt’s taste pretty chill.
so then it’s Aaron’s turn. Aaron somehow has the gayest taste because half his songs are Troye Sivan and the other half are genuinely good also. but everyone’s caught off guard as Wannabe by Spice Girls comes on. Aaron’s eyes go wide in panic, he leaps for his phone. Nicky snatches it and Aaron chases him around the room as it plays shouting protests no one believes that Katelyn added it not him.
Seth (rip but we’ll include him) is completely unsurprising. half his songs are rock, the other half are EDM, all of them are men swearing into the microphone for half an hour, all of his liked songs are labelled E for explicit. they listen to ‘YEAH RIGHT’ and ‘Parents’ and other shit that Andrew completely vibes with too but refuses to say and they have a pretty good time swearing their lungs out over the lyrics.
so Allison’s next. she follows her boyfriend up with a bunch of songs about how girls don’t need men or money, her songs are either pretty empowering or downright popular girl taste. they hear a range from ‘Cheap Thrills’, ‘Scars To Your Beautiful’ and ‘Bang Bang’ all in the 20 minutes they’re listening for.
after that comes Nicky. somehow his taste is less gay than Aaron yet he has a bunch of girly-pop songs and viral tiktok sounds and shit and everyone recognises each one in a heartbeat (except neil who’s oblivious as the day is long). you’ll hear ‘24K Magic’, ‘Youngblood’ and even ‘Slow Hands’ (which Aaron mimes puking to).
Renee is completely emo, half of them expected it, half of them are shocked. She’s got Lorde and Lana Del Ray on repeat, she plays ‘Royals’ and then ‘Get Stupid’ by bülow and everyone understands her better after the half hour is over.
then very lastly is Neil’s turn. most of its a bunch of old songs his mother would play (definitely a lot of Pink Floyd, The Beatles and Queen) and then the other half are just outright concerning. you have ‘Suicide’ by Issac Dunbar, ‘I Wanna Get Better’ by the Bleachers, ‘Sick Boy’ and so on and everyone’s completely worried for him by the end. Dan asks if he’s alright and Matt hugs him, Neil looks at them confused and over to Andrew who just shrugs.
overall it’s very successful, because they’re only mocking each other’s taste half the time and normally it’s arguing for three quarters of it over the music, so all in all more working out is done :)
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t3mpest98 · 5 months
ohoho, Dark OC Asks? May I ask from Spade, Softshell, Naji and Vixen?
4. What appears in your OC's darkest nightmares? 7. How far is your OC willing to go to get what they want? 14. What is your OC's "villain song"?
and you know the deal: pls hydrate!
4. What appears in your OC's darkest nightmares?
This guy. Oh my goodness. This guy had nightmares to end all nightmares. And that when he ever actually does get to sleep due to how bad his insomnia is. Usually tho, the worst ones end with Noir dying or dead and Spade could do nothing to stop it but watch. Sometimes it even includes Cyra after they grow closer as friends, either way though it end in a very horrific death
In his worst nightmares include everyone leaving him, and being told every single thing he’s ever done wrong and every single bad thing he thinks about himself. And then the bounty hunter who caused him the injury that left him half numb comes back and finished the job.
His nightmares don’t normally get to bad but when they do, well, it’s usually a really dark never ending place where he’s left alone in, he can hear people now and again but each time they’re just saying how useless he is (don’t worry Vixen makes sure he knows otherwise once he wakes up)
They are all back on Coruscant living the same miserable lives they were before, everyone is beat down into submission and she is stuck in her own body unable to say a thing. The only one of her close vod’e she sees is Steeljaw, who looks more emotionally dead than she’s ever even seen Arcane. Naji is no where to be seen and she doesn’t know whether that’s a blessing or a curse
7. How far is your OC willing to go to get what they want?
As far as it takes really, he’s not going to hesitate to kill if he has to. After a certain point he just became numb to it, they were trained to win no matter what after all.
That entirely depends on who he’s getting it for. Some of the people he loves most? He’d do anything, even if it cost him his life.
He’ll do whatever doesn’t get someone killed. Taking life was never something he wanted to do, and even tho there are terrible people out there, taking a life has never and will never feel right to him (unless say Vixen’s own life was in the line, that’s the only exception)
She would run herself to the ground to get what she wants and has done so before. Which is why everyone keeps a close eye on her when she plans on doing something risky
14. What is your OC's "villain song"?
>:DDD have fun deciphering what you will from these
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fallen--leafs · 2 years
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Dawn 2
Day 2 is quite coloured by people going their own way.
Wick and I head out together to search for resources. Well, together at first. We get split up pretty quickly unfortunately, and neither of us will end up finding our way back to the cave. :(
Achilles, too… As he’s slowly recovering, getting up, a hunting party comes across the cave—but with Honey there, they don’t attack. Achilles instead manages to sweet-talk his way into joining said party (<3) and they all go out together. Honey finds herself alone. :(
Cherry remains alone for the better half of this day. He wants to go out and kill some of the former licks, I imagine… And he would be well-equipped, let’s face it! He was trained as a human, and even the loss of Ghoul Powers shouldn’t make too much of a difference. Plus, he’s cute. It may be luck for everyone else that he doesn’t really find anyone around… He does get sponsored clean water though! So that’s a plus!
Kitty meanwhile is LIVING the LIFE! She has tasted blood and wants more. Which, given that she is human now, is a little weird? But we love to see a woman winning! With her shiny new hatchet, she goes out to hunt tributes – and stumbles upon Sorcha, just after she departed from the Group Sleepover. Sorcha survives the encounter, but I imagine an axe-wielding Kitty is a TERRIFYING sight to behold. Sorcha copes well though, and Goes To Join A Hunting Party about it.
Alessio meanwhile has excused himself from the little sleepover last night – Polite and Plotting their Murder, I imagine. He strikes out and gets a nice food donation!! Perhaps that grandma he keeps talking about came through. If she isn’t entirely fictional. He vibes, eats, and actually doesn’t kill anyone this time.
Jackie too leaves their sleepover, but aiming to hunt game and return to the shack. That one cannon shot last night still worries him, but what are the chances that was Henry. Practically zero. It’s probably fine.
Nero is having a SIGNIFICANTLY worse time yet. All by himself. Which makes me feel bad because he literally didn’t sign up for this. Anyway, Nero spends THE WHOLE DAY looking around. All alone. Probably stressed and looking for his boyfriends. :( At least he gets an undisturbed night’s sleep out of it.
Hubert probably gets the most pleasant / neutral events out of the day. He remains undisturbed and doesn’t go out to bother anyone… He just chills, kinda, practises his archery… Probably practises with the hatchet he got sponsored last night too. Turning into a killing machine!! Maybe that’s why he gets shared-highest kill count by the end of this.
Meanwhile Harlow tries to sleep through the day. I know this isn’t much, I’m sorry, but we’ll get to you.
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humanransome-note · 1 year
I’m constantly tired, angry, and lately in pain.
I found out recently that I have Chronic Achilles Insertional Calcific Tendinopathy (AICT) which is just a very ancy way of saying I’ve had a chronic case of tendinitis for the past ten ish years and the constant strain on the tendon is leading to bone spurs.
Maybe it’s the weather, gloomy at least, some nasty flooding at worse, or maybe it’s because I now have a name for this thing that I’m actually allowing myself to process and acknowledge the pain but it fucking hurts. Sharp mostly, but occasionally a tingly burning.
I work retail.
And I’m so fucking tired guys, so tired, and angry.
Tired because I’m standing all day in pain and angry because all of this plus the precocious puberty. (Yes I’m on this again)
My body is fucking wrecked, and not in the fun way. I have the sort of aches and pains you’d expect from someone in their late 30s at the earliest, mid to late forties more often than not.
The wear and tear is not reversible, the damage is done, all I can do now is manage it and I feel fucking cheated because this was something my doctor was aware of but did nothing about. I was 4’ 6” - 4’ 8” in kindergarten (4yo) the average height of an adult woman (at the time) was 5’ 4” does this not raise concerns? I told this to the orthopedist and she and the medical scribe both had to pause in shock, the scribe actually did a double take to make sure he heard me right.
There was a time where I actually thought I was older than I was being told I was because of my height and size, there was a time where I, barely older than a toddler, was damn near convinced I was being gaslit by everyone around me about my age because of how much bigger I was than my peers.
There is this pit of just, rage and disgust in my stomach and for the life of me I don’t know how to make it go away, I want it to go away. I don’t want to look at my mother and occasionally suddenly feel this wave of resentment that she (inadvertently) let this happen to me, I don’t want to look at myself in the mirror and feel like I’m going to be sick. I want to be able to stand on my own two feet without the worry that the pain will have me in tears.
I’m just so fucking tired, and at this point I’d rather be numb
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pearl-tarotist · 2 years
╰┈➤PAC: How will you recognize your soulmate? ೃ⁀➷
“I could recognize him by touch alone, by smell; I would know him blind, by the way his breaths came and his feet struck the earth. I would know him in death, at the end of the world.” (Madelline Miller, The Song of Achilles)
This PAC will help you to clarify in which moment you will realize who your soulmate is and how they look like.
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“He smiled, and his face was like the sun.”
-The moment you realize:
(Prince of wings – The Sun – King of shells)
   There will be a point in your life where you will have to fight against a big challenge, you will have to act as a clever, outspoken, and knowledgeable person. I am talking about the stock market, pop culture, also something related to the earth (plants/the ground) the weather and I think some of you may be doctors. It will be an extreme situation. And you will realize they are your soulmate because even when you are worried and uneasy, your soulmate will make you smile and laugh. Your soulmate will make you so happy and relaxed that you will be able to see the solution to the problem you are dealing with. They will make it so easy for you that you will realise you can not live without them.
(It’s funny that I got the sun card in this pile, because the quote was chosen before shuffling the cards).
-Their physic:
(Justice – 6 of shells – 8 of gems - +more).
Your soulmate has such a pretty smile, I feel like they are the type of having smile lines or dimples. They also have a pink tone skin and are blond.  They look so happy?? They have this aura of positivism and love around them, it’s wild. They are taller than you and they like to go out at night?? They do also like the sea, they will smell of sea and have strong perfumes. (I am sensing that some of you will go to dinner with them as a date and after it you both will walk next to the sea when it is already dark outside. And you both will dance when some music starts playing??). That was out of place, I know. They will have brown eyes, some dark and others a bit lighter.
“He is half of my soul, as the poets say.”
-The moment you realize:
(3 of gems – 6 of wings – Strength + 10 of gems)
It’s possible that your soulmate is a coworker or someone that usually goes to your workplace.You will realize they are your soulmate at work, I feel that you will be having a bad streak and you will need to be strong to get over it. Somehow, you will be putting on yourself this armour to go to your job (hello cancerians!) and your soulmate will hate to see how you disappear little by little; how you stop being yourself and how your smile does not appear as often. They will become so protective over you! They will always make this little remarks to other coworkers and they will use their sarcasm and irony to defend you. I think they will save you from doing a mistake in a reunion at your job and that’s when you will realize that you like them and want them to be your soulmate.
-Their physic:
(Ace of Gems – 5 of Gems- 10 of shells +more)
CEO energy. They are attractive af. They look like a snack. I think your soulmate has black hair, if it is a male they will have a bit of long hair; not straight up militar haircut. His hair would reach his nose and they would style it in a really formal way. I think they wear thight suits so it’s possible that they are your boss. They also have a prominent nose. (Reference photo: IM from Monsta x)
I think that because of it, you will always see them alone at work, your coworkers don’t want to approach him/her because of the authority they exude. But your soulmate is also really successful , not a loner, just an introverted. They do not share their energy with everyone, they know they are better than the average men.
“We were like gods at the dawning of the world, & our joy was so bright we could see nothing else but the other.”
-The moment you realize
(The hermit – King of roses – 6 of shells)
You will realize in a moment of introspection, in a moment where you will be tired of the exterior world. Usually, you are someone that likes to be alone and you feel the most comfortable in silence. You are used to acting in a mature way or to display the acting of a master. It’s hard to get to you but you will realize that they are your soulmate because you want them next to you when you are alone. They are nothing like you, they are a motivator, they are a doer. Your soulmate is a leader: he/she is used to be in a position of command. They act with passion and you like that they are your soulmate because the dynamic open the door to many possibilities for a better situation. I feel like this is an “enemy to lovers au”, not enemies that want to kill each other; but people that dislike the other because they don’t understand that the other is the part of their soul that is missing.
-Their physic:
(The moon - Prince of roses  - 7 of gems)
I think they look young; even with their passion and skills this person may be younger than you or at least, look younger. I think they have a beard of two to five days (if they are a male). They do also have curly hair. They have a crazy energy, and they are always moving from place to place, I think they are skinny, like a college student that do not know how to cook. Timothée Chalamet vibes . I think they also have a shaped face, you will instantly realize their cheekbones and chin. They also look like they are hiding something, they may wear clothes that are usually baggy.
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buuggerz · 2 years
On the other side of the coin, Zag would also be so sweet with Hazel too, showing her he's immune to the cursed gems and being so in love with Arion, I think she'd play mythomagic with him and Nico and he might teach her a bit more about swords too
Definitely !!
I think When Nico First Brings Hazel to Meet Zagreus, He’s a little Nervous cause- (i want my siblings to get along cause i love my sister and it’s nice having a brother-kinda panic)
Which is immediately is Relived.
Because it’s impossible to Not love Hazel, and what’s better than one little sibling, TWO LITTLE SIBLINGS!
Hazel Would be So happy to know she has even more family!!
She!! has!! two brothers!!
I completely agree on Them playing Mythomagic Together!
-Zagreus and Hazel are always a little lost, But they love asking questions, Cause Nicos always happy to answer them!
-Zagreus Would also totally encourage Hazel to summon Gems! especially if The don’t effect him. Especially if it helps her practice! Hazel and him would after go through all of them and identify them!
-Hazel would also Happliy Tell Zag about New Rome and the stables!! and how she loves the horses very much and taking care of them!
-Also Zag Enjoys Giving Hazel pointers on different Sparing techniques. Nico and Him Gets super happy when she does well. they Always make sure to let her know how proud they are of her! They also sometimes Practice with Achilles!
-Zag and Hazel would also Form the “Make sure Nico’s taking care of himself team” cause They know that their brother tends to forget to take care of himself.
-Nico Says It’s not fair that They gang up on him like that- but then again he brought it upon himself
-Nico and Hazel Also Mercilessly Tease Zagreus on His Crush on Thanatos. Especially when the God god of death is found in the palace, And Zagreus can’t help but tease him.
-Zagreus also likes To introduce Nico and Hazel to everyone’s like this:
“These are my Wonderful Little Siblings, The Prince and Princess Of the Underworld - Nico di angelo and Hazel Levesque- You know-“
Regardless if They are already very aware of Nico and Hazel, He also then goes off to Gush about their accomplishments.
He does this not only cause he loves his siblings but cause he knows it embarrasses them a little- And that’s his Duty as an older brother.
-Zagreus also Becomes very Protective of them, after his siblings are mortal demi gods- sure they can hold their own. But that doesn’t mean that he doesn’t worry.
-Nico and Zagreus also share sarcastic banter ever so often- that becomes a competition to see who can outwit the other- Hazel tends to keep track who wins in her sketch book
(One time the we’re going back n forth at the end
Nico: At least i know what birds are
Zagreus: *overly dramatic gasp* You little shit- you know im sensitive about that nico
and all three of them burst out laughing)
-Hades and Zagreus still have a Strained relationship, But they try to get along for Nico and Hazel’s sake-
-Their shared love of the demi-gods becomes some common ground for conversations that aren’t fights.
Everyone in the Palace that The both royal gods are In Better moods when the Demigod siblings are visiting
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teecupangel · 3 months
Is it cringe of me to believe that Mary Read/James Kidd’s daughter was fathered by Edward? Yes. Do I enjoy the concept and drama it comes with though? Yes.
I don’t think so. For me, the narrative gave enough leeway (Edward’s awkward questioning on who the father is was quite telling of the kind of relationship they had) that the idea of Edward fathering Mary’s daughter is feasible.
The drama would also be very, very enjoyable.
Especially if we push aside Edward and focus on the Edward Kenway’s children drama XD
Haytham didn’t know about her but Jenny did. She remembered how her father looked for her because she was the child of one of the friends he lost (Jenny thinks it was more than that but she had no proof other than the way Edward talked about this supposed ‘friend’).
And to hammer in the foil aspect between her and Haytham, she’s found by Milo a few days after Edward’s death and she’s adopted by Milo to be trained as an Assassin.
They don’t necessarily know she’s Edward’s kid until she gets older. She had Mary’s dark hair and eyes but her facial structures looked too similar to both Edward and Mary to be a coincidence.
Milo tells her about her possible ‘ancestry’ and she becomes more or less his adopted daughter.
So when Haytham kills Milo, she sets out on a quest for revenge and gets suckered in the whole prologue of AC3 and Rogue plotline.
Unorganized Notes:
Achilles still trains Ratonhnhaké:ton but she becomes Ratonhnhaké:ton’s other mentor (she’s not officially a mentor though)
Haytham knows they’re half-siblings but doesn’t really care (or so he tells everyone he doesn’t care). He does feel that she is what Edward Kenway wanted for his child. A talented Assassin who upholds the Creed and tenets.
She believes Haytham is sullying the Brotherhood because he’s a Kenway. She’s also slightly jealous because he had spent his childhood with their father and angry that he would walk away from their father’s (family’s) legacy.
Anne follows her because she’s worried and sometimes act like an understanding grandma and a cool grand-aunt to Ratonhnhaké:ton. She and Achilles have this ‘I can’t stand her/him’ routine going on but everyone can see that they’re just acting like that and they are worried for one another.
How does her inclusion in Rogue change the plot? Idk, you decide XD
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ragingbookdragon · 3 years
Finding Love In The Louvre
A Bruce Wayne x Reader One-Shot
Word Count: 2.2K Warnings: None
Author's Note: An old story I edited! Enjoy the fluff! -Thorne
The day started as it usually did, her standing by the elevator, waiting for the doors to open so she could hand him his coffee and explain his schedule. Sure enough, the doors opened at eight A.M. on the dot, and he stepped out, briefcase in one hand, phone in the other. He shoved his phone in his pocket, accepting the outstretched coffee she held. He moved quickly, but she kept pace.
“Good morning Mr. Wayne.” He hummed in return, taking a sip of the coffee; she paid no mind, continuing with, “So today you have a board meeting in room one-forty-two,” His mouth opened to complain, but she held up a hand, silencing him, “I can’t put it off any longer, I’ve already tried.” He grumbled in return, causing her to smile lightly as she kept speaking.
“That starts in an hour, and it should end at eleven. I recommend after that you go and check with Lucius about the gala coming up while I order lunch. I should have that ready by twelve-fifteen, then the rest of the day is paperwork and the occasional friendly visit with the office workers.”
By the time she was done, he was taking a seat at his desk, shifting papers around. She stood with her tablet in one hand, the other propped on her hip. “Anything you need me to do before I go sit down?”
He handed her a sheet while he looked at the monitor, waiting for the retina scanner to start. “Fax that to Gotham Academy, if you would.”
She took it, looking it over before asking, “This for Damian’s field trip to the Louvre?” He nodded, and she murmured, “I still can’t believe you managed to talk the headmaster into letting you fly his class to France for a couple days.” She eyed him over the top of the paper. “You know you’re going to have to go, right? You got the trip allowed. It’d look bad on your part if you didn’t go.”
He finally looked over at her, a curious sparkle in his eyes. “Have you ever been to France, (Y/N)?”
She tipped her head side to side. “If you count a plane ride over France while on the way to Holland, then yes. But have I been to France? No.”
Bruce leaned back in his seat, hands curling around the arm rests of his seat. “Do you want to go?”
(Y/N) raised an eyebrow. “And keep an eye on a group of rambunctious teenagers? Uh…no. I already have enough trouble keeping your group in check.” Bruce gave a laugh at her words, but she followed with, “But if you need me to go with Damian, I can work it into the schedule.” He nodded, and she tapped at her screen. “Alright, I’ll fax the paperwork with our information for travel.” She turned, making her way to her desk when his voice reached her.
“Wait! Our inform—I’m going too?”
She simply threw a thumbs up, sitting at her desk.
She settled into the cushioned seat, a sigh of relief slipping through her lips.
An amused voice sounded beside her, “Getting comfortable (Y/N)?”
She hummed, pushing the button to recline her seat. “Eight hours in first class? Are you kidding me? Of course, I’m getting comfortable.” Bruce grinned, settling into his seat the same as her. She watched him groan as he lifted his legs, stretching them out.
A knowing tone came up and she said, “I told you not to wear hard-bottomed shoes. You should’ve gone with sneakers.”
“Why do you enjoy torturing me, (Y/N)?”
She laughed at his words, looking over at him. “I tell you not to do things and you do them anyway. It’s not hard to find the chastising humor in it.” Bruce opened his mouth to reply, but it was cut off by a small huff, and they both looked over, seeing his youngest son collapsing into a seat beside them. (Y/N) reached over, gently caressing the top of his head. “Don’t want to hang around with the simpletons anymore, Damian?”
He nodded and closed his eyes, curling up in the seat. “I have never met a group of kids more idiotic than my class.” His eyes flew open, and he leaned across the arm rest, a sneer on his face. “Just last week, that troglodyte Trevor made a comment so ridiculous, even his reasoning was absurd.”
(Y/N) nodded and asked, “What’d he say?”
Damian scoffed and replied, “He said that he wanted to be like Achilles because he looked cool.” She waved a hand for him to continue. “So, I said, ‘Really, you want to be a man that throws a tantrum when he doesn’t get his way?’ And this fool had the audacity to look at me like I had just asked him-”
His rant was cut off by Bruce, who said, “Damian, enough.”
Damian rolled his eyes whispering, “I cannot stand how stupid they are.”
(Y/N) snorted, leaning close and telling him, “Give them a chance, Damian.” The look he gave her made her wish she’d had a camera, and she continued with, “You have to remember, these people haven’t been schooled like you have. You’re more advanced than the average thirteen-year-old. They’re still learning how to switch classes without a teacher escorting them.”
Damian leaned back, a look of thought on his face, then he retorted, “They are still stupid.”
(Y/N) reached over, handing him a book. “Here kiddo. Keep yourself occupied.”
He took the book, flipping it over. “What is this, ‘Hell Divers’ about?” (Y/N) popped a cracker in her mouth, pointing to the back. He read it silently, then made a motion to hand it back. “Doesn’t look interesting.”
(Y/N) swallowed and put another cracker in her mouth, shifting it to the side of her cheek with her tongue as she pushed the book back. “I brought the whole series.” She grinned at him, holding up the set. “I bet you can’t read the entire thing by the time we land.”
Damian scowled, snatching the books from her, and opening the first one. She gave a satisfied smile and turned back to the front when she felt eyes on her. (Y/N) looked over, seeing Bruce staring at her, his eyes narrowed in suspicion.
She raised an eyebrow questioning, “What?”
He tipped his chin towards Damian. “How’d you do that?”
“Do what?”
“Get him to read something he didn’t find interesting?”
(Y/N) reached over and condescendingly patted his arm. “The same way I get you to buy new suits every gala.”
Bruce looked at her in confusion. “And that way is?”
(Y/N) reclined in her seat, pulling her blanket up to her chin and pulling the eye mask down her eyes. “I tell you that someone there might be able to out dress you, and that spurs you to make sure you look the best.”
She couldn’t see him, but she could picture his face and arms as he pouted, “So you manipulate me?”
“With all the care and affection you need Mr. Wayne.” And that was all she said before rolling over and curling up and drifting off.
“And stay with your guides at all times! Chaperones, if you get lost or separated from your guide, you have Mr. Wayne and my cellphone numbers, please call, do not stay lost!” (Y/N) looked at the chaperones and guides. “Does everyone understand?” Cheers and nods came from all sides, and she waved them off. “Then be free! Curfew is at nine P.M.! Be there before nine, please! And be careful!” Her words fell on deaf ears as the groups dispersed, and she groaned lightly, rubbing her temples.
A hand rested on her lower back and she looked up, seeing Bruce smiling at her. “Don’t worry so much, (Y/N). Everyone will be fine.” She nodded, trusting his words, then he tipped his head to the side. “Damian’s hailed a cab. Let’s go hit the Louvre, then we’ll go to lunch.” She followed him to where Damian was holding the car door and slid inside.
The drive didn’t take long, and soon they were walking around the museum. Damian had wandered off, waving his hand, and saying, “I can handle myself.”
She and Bruce simply nodded, watching him go before they set off themselves. They walked around, observing the pieces, until (Y/N) saw a particular one. Her feet sunk into the ground and she stopped, staring at it in admiration.
Bruce glanced between them. “Nike?”
She nodded, telling him, “I remember learning about her in Humanities back in community college, but I never actually imagined ever seeing her.” (Y/N) paused, a calm look coming across her face. “Pictures don’t do her justice. She’s more impressive than I thought. And bigger.”
Bruce listened to her, then asked quietly, “Do you like art, (Y/N)?”
She tipped her head side to side. “Here and there. I like pieces that catch my eye or look interesting.” She glanced at him. “I really enjoy history and science museums.” (Y/N) reached over, nudging him in the side. “Maybe for the next fieldtrip, you can fly us to D.C., and we can hit the Smithsonian.” (Y/N) stepped away and nodded to the next room. “C’mon, let’s go to the next exhibit.”
He fell into step beside her and as they observed the next piece he murmured, “Would you like to go to the Smithsonian, (Y/N)?”
She half focused on his words, absentmindedly replying, “Whenever the next field trip comes up, sure.”
A gentle grip took her hand and she looked over, seeing a serene look in his eyes, and he asked, “No…would you like to go to the Smithsonian…with me?”
(Y/N) blinked, then gestured clumsily between them. “Like…just us?” He nodded and she clarified, “Me and you…together?” He nodded again, a smile accompanying it, and she couldn’t help but ensure, “No one else? Just…us?”
Bruce huffed a laugh, gently squeezing her hand. “Just us.”
(Y/N) felt her cheeks warm, and she looked down, mumbling, “Oh…I…I don’t know if the schedule is clear…”
Another squeeze followed by, “As the boss, I can clear any and all plans made.”
Her heart fluttered at his words, but she pushed it aside, glancing back at him, her eyes firm. “Are you being serious with me right now? You’re not pulling joke?”
Bruce’s eyebrows furrowed and he admitted, “I don’t actually know if I should be offended that you think I’m playing a joke or not, but to answer your question, no, I’m not pulling a joke.” He let go of her hand, trailing his fingers up her forearm, the other arm curling around her. “I’m being one-hundred percent serious.”
He gave her a smile, blue eyes shining. “I would like it if you spent the weekend with me in D.C.” He paused, lips pulling downwards as he added, “Or just spent the weekend with me. We don’t have to go anywhere…if we’re together, that’s all that matters to me. I just really want you—”
(Y/N) cut him off, pressing her lips to his cheek. He grinned at her, watching as she murmured, “I would love to go to D.C. with you, Bruce.” She pulled away, slipping out of his grip, and wandering off towards the next room. He stared at her back, heart thumping in his chest when a voice sounded below him.
“Took you long enough.” His mood soured, and he looked down, seeing Damian standing there, arms crossed over his chest.
“When did you get here?” He asked.
Damian glanced up at him and muttered, “Since the start of your embarrassing courting.” Bruce reached over and ruffled his hair, laughing at how Damian slapped his hand, a glare in his eyes.
“It wasn’t embarrassing.”
“Not to you. But the others were considering throwing up.”
Bruce’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “Others?”
Damian simply held up his phone, and Bruce looked into the eyes of his other sons who were returning his gaze, albeit smugly.
“So, (Y/N)’s finally gonna join the fray? Cool!”
A hand shoved Dick’s head aside, and Jason looked into the camera. “I’m seriously surprised it took you this long, old man. I mean, how long has she been your secretary? When Dick got there?”
A new voice picked up from the side, and Tim’s head squeezed into view. “Actually, (Y/N) was there before Dick got there. She was there when Bruce started working at W.E.”
Dick’s head shoved Jason’s aside, and his snarky grin appeared. “But the point is, nice going, Bruce! It’s only taken you like seventeen years to get her to go out with you! You must be one weird guy for it to take so long. Maybe it’s because—”
At this point, Bruce had grunted, turning on his heel and marching off after (Y/N). Dick sputtered through the camera, “Damian! Go after him! I haven’t finished explaining his problems!”
“There’s not enough time in the world to explain all the old man’s problems.”
“You’re one to talk, Jason.”
“I dare you to say that to my face replacement.”
Damian rolled his eyes, shutting off the phone and walking after his father, a smug smirk playing at his lips.
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fandom-go-round · 3 years
It’s spooky season time!😎✨ Not sure if I’m doing this correctly but I do have a request! How do you think Chiron and Achilles would react to dressing up with their love one? For some reason I can imagine them dressing up a matching theme. Thank you!
No worried anon, you did this perfectly! This was super fun to write, thank you for sending it in!
You have to be the one to approach him about a costume. He’s content to watch everyone dress up and it won’t cross his mind once to dress up himself. Chiron is happy to let you pick the theme and he’ll gather materials to make them how you want.
He’s handier with a needle and thread than you would think. He’s nowhere near Vlad’s level of skill but he can sew in a straight line and add some fancy stitches here and there. If you’re wanting something completely crazy, Chiron will ask one of the more skilled Servants for tips and lessons. He’s very quick to pick up new things so by the time the costumes are done he’s improved more than you would think possible.
Chiron likes costumes that are cuter and more majestic than silly or dark. He thinks its funny if you want to do something around Greece and will happily make the costume more period accurate. Overall, he’s not going to veto anything except if you want him to dress up as Achilles. It would be really funny and he does like to torture his pupil but he doesn’t want to mess with his hair. Even he has lines he won’t cross.
He sticks close to you while you’re both dressed up, smiling at how excited you get when people compliment your matching outfits. He’s content to let you take the reigns and parade around. Chiron is a supportive partner and goes out of his way to make you feel good. No one is going to give you any negative comments with him there, smiling threateningly over your shoulder. This is one of his happiest moments with you and he’ll be damned if someone tries to stop it.
He’s super excited to dress up. The minute people start talking about dressing up and costumes, Achilles is coming to you and asking question after question. You explain to him the traditions and he immediately asks to do matching costumes. It adds more emphasis on your relationship and he loves that. And he refuses to let anyone else do a matching costume with you so he’s going to ask first.
Achilles wants to do something dramatic or sexy, maybe a little scary. He knows that he’s sexy and he knows that you’re sexy, why not show off? You’re the best partner to have and he wants everyone to know that the two of you are together. If you hate that idea he’ll back off, puppy dog eyes wide and lip sticking out. You call the shots realistically and Achilles will let you pick what you’re most comfortable with.
He is no help at all trying to make the costumes. He’s happy to go shopping and running errands with you but actual sewing? Don’t let him touch a sewing machine or a needle and thread. Achilles will help! Oh sure he will! Buttons will go on backwards and things won’t be even but he’s so proud of it. You have to let him down gently and distract him a little to actually get sewing done.
Your costumes make a big splash. Well, Achilles makes a big splash and you’re around for the ride. Everyone loves your costumes and Achilles gets dragged into a few different conversations and mock fights. You’re happy to let him go, chatting with other people and having a good time. Achilles insists that the two of you get a photo together and he carries it with him everywhere. It’s something that he treasures, just like he treasures you.
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iliumheightnights · 3 years
Reiner Braun Fluff ABC's | Reiner Braun x Male Reader
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Fandom: Attack on Titan Pairing: Reiner Braun x Male Reader ~~~ A = Attractive (What do they find attractive about the other?) - Okay we all want to say he loves his boyfriend’s heart but no. He more than likely finds his boyfriend’s ass the most attractive thing. Don’t worry he still loves ya.
B = Baby (Do they want a family? Why/Why not?) - Yes Reiner would want a kid, maybe two...but not in a world where Marley and Paradis were still at odds. After though? For sure he does.
C = Cuddle (How do they cuddle?) - Big spoon. He’s the big spoon that cuddles his boyfriend pretty tight.
D = Dates (What are dates with them like?) - Awkward to say the least. He has NO idea how to date or even what dating entails. Thought the more he dates, the more romantic he gets. So LOTS OF DATES!
E = Everything (You are my ____ (e.g. my life, my world…)) - “You’re my entire world M/n. Without you...I don’t know what I’d do.”
F = Feelings (When did they know they were in love?) - He would first start crushing on his boyfriend during training. He’d probably have a LOT of questioning going on. It wasn’t until the battle of Trost District did he truly realize he loved him.
G = Gentle (Are they gentle? If so, how?) - Reiner is surprisingly gentle. This strong muscle man might be a bit awkward and strong at first, but he’d quickly get out of that and just be a soft boy! He loves hugging his boyfriend from behind and placing a kiss on his cheek. He’ll also love to carry him around as well.
H = Hands (How do they like to hold hands?) - Reiner didn’t start out as a hands person but as time went on he never wanted to let his boyfriend’s hand go.
I = Impression (What was their first impression?) - Growing up in Marley, he was told the Eldian’s on Paradis were wild savages, so that’s exactly what he thought at first. Then he spent more time on Paradis and around his boyfriend. That’s really what started getting his mindset changed around.
J = Jealousy (Do they get jealous?) - Oh yeah he does. Jean and Eren better stay away from his boyfriend otherwise he’s going to go all armored titan on their asses. You know that deathly stare Mikasa has? Yeah, he does that.
K = Kiss (How do they kiss? Who initiated the first kiss?) - He’d want to kiss his boyfriend, but more than likely it’s his boyfriend that kisses him first. I can see Reiner being a rather sloppy and awkward kisser but when he’s really passionate...he’s a GREAT kisser.
L = Love (Who says ‘I love you’ first?) - Reiner does. He says it right before the expedition outside the wall. Reiner knows he’ll be safe...but he’s not sure what exactly would happen after so he figured it was the time.
M = Memory (What’s their favourite memory together?) - There were two that spoke to Reiner. The first was when he and his boyfriend had snuck off during training before they were dating and went swimming in the lake late at night. The second was watching his boyfriend absolutely DOMINATING titans during the battle of Trost and Reiner being whipped for him.
N = Nickel (Do they spoil? Do they buy the person they love everything?) - No Reiner doesn’t. I mean he would want too but....do you even get paid in the survey corps? However, Reiner WILL snatch bits of extra food or lose items from places to gift to his boyfriend. It’s not stealing if it’s for love right?
O = Orange (What colour reminds them of their other half?) - Okay call me cliche but, Red, Yellow, and Orange are the only colors I can picture when I think of Reiner. They’re aggressive yet also calming and comforting all at the same time. Perfect for him.
P = Pet names (What pet names do they use?) - I can see him calling his boyfriend ‘my love’, ‘beloved’, and ‘babe’.
Q = Quaint (What is their favourite non-modern thing?) - Going on walks. He likes to take little walks either through town or through the nearby forests with his boyfriend.
R = Rainy Day (What do they like to do on a rainy day?) - Cuddle session with his boyfriend and reading a book.
S = Sad (How do they cheer themselves/others up?) - He sucks it up. Yeah, Reiner is one of those people that hides his emotions away from people but his boyfriend knows him pretty well. His boyfriend is the one that tries to cheer him up.
T = Talking (What do they like to talk about?) - Reiner really talks about his boyfriend, and how handsome and great he is. Reiner is literally a himbo.
U = Unencumbered (What helps them relax?) - Cuddles are always a good way to get him to relax. But he’s also a sucker for a good massage.
V = Vaunt (What do they like to show off? What are they proud of?) - His boyfriend and his strength. Reiner carrying his boyfriend: “Have you all seen how amazing my boyfriend is!?”
Eren and Jean: “Yeah!”
Reiner death glare intensifies.
W = Wedding (When, how, where do they propose?) - It doesn’t happen until...AFTER everything that goes down in the manga. It’s rather small, his mom his there along with his friends. Historia is the one to marry them, which everyone finds ironic. As for how,when and where the proposal happens...let’s just say it was during the life and death scenario.
X = Xylophone (What’s their song?) - I really wanna say wrecking ball by Miley Cyrus...I really do. But really I see Achilles come down by Gang of Youths being his song, especially after learning about his past.
Y = Yes (Do they ever think of getting married/proposing?) - Yes. In fact, he REALLY debated not following through with the rest of the plan and just staying on Paradis with his boyfriend.
Z = Zebra (If they wanted a pet, what would they get?) - A dog. He’d probably want like a German Shepard. He’d want an outdoor dog ya know.
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johaerys-writes · 3 years
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Fandom: The Song of Achilles
Pairing: Achilles/Patroclus
My entry for Day 1: Music & Day 2: Deities of @patrochillesweek​ 2021! Where the Greeks in Troy celebrate Dionysus' festival, and Achilles and Patroclus spend some time alone (~4.5k words, rated E for smut, check Ao3 link for full list of tags)
Read on Ao3!
Chapter 1: With a Shuddering Gasp
The music from the lyres and cymbals drifted through the camp, mingling with the crackling of flames from the many bonfires that had been lit. The celebrations for Dionysus’ festival had been going on for most of the day and the night before, and the scent of incense and wine hung heavy in the air.
I had never before attended such a festival. It wasn’t celebrated this widely in Opus or Phthia, where I had grown up. The Dionysia was among the largest festivals in Athens, celebrated with days and nights filled with drink, dance and theatrical performances of all kinds. Here, in the Achaean’s camp, where people from the farthest reaches of Greece gathered, it had quickly become a tradition.
I had been in the healers’ tent for most of the day, and now the moon hung high over the dark sea. My fingers were red from scrubbing, my eyes were tired, and the pungent scent of astringent was thick in my nostrils. I was weary, but it was a pleasant sort of weariness. When I worked, my mind was free of thoughts, of worries. I focused only on the act of healing, on helping the wounded soldiers as best I could. A bloody skirmish earlier that day had filled the beds in the tent to bursting, yet no lives had been lost. Perhaps the Trojans had been as tired of bloodshed as the Greeks were on that chilly February afternoon.
“Your wound needs to be cleaned and dressed once a day,” I told the soldier I'd been tending to, securing the bandage around his arm. “And stay away from the thick of the fight, if you can help it. Sweat and dirt will only slow down the healing.”
He nodded and stood up, limping away. I brushed the sweat from my brow with the back of my hand, letting out a soft sigh, just as Philomela, one of the healers’ assistants, approached me.
“It’s late, Patroclus,” she said. “You should join the celebrations, before they are over.”
I smiled at her. She was small in stature, with her wild curly hair bound in tight braids. She was one of Menelaus’ women, taken after an attack on one of the northern villages of Troy. She’d been brought to me one day with a cut on her thigh, her knees scraped, her eyes wide in panic and terror. I had been the first to treat her, and she had since regarded me with kindness and reserved affection. Menelaus was kind with his women, and he often let her join me while I worked, helping me, and I taught her what I knew.
“I don’t often join festivals like these,” I told her earnestly. “There's too much noise and commotion, and I am not a heavy drinker.”
“What about your prince?” she asked, her gaze darting away before settling on me again. “Achilles?”
The name was uttered quietly, almost apprehensively. It always stung, just a little, to know that the captives thought of Achilles with so much trepidation. His exploits had earned him something of a reputation, as I understood it: the Greeks revered him, while the Trojans feared the very mention of him. Philomela had visited our camp once or twice, and had seen that Achilles was quiet, almost gentle, when he wasn’t in his armour, yet a hint of disquiet was always there.
I shook my head, dipping my hands in the brass bowl that we used to clean ourselves. The water was cold and refreshing when I splashed it over my face and neck.
“Achilles does not much enjoy noisy gatherings like these either,” I said. “He... prefers being on his own these days.”
It had not always been so. Achilles relished the attention of others; he blossomed with it, and there was bound to be much of it if he joined in the celebration. His campaigns over the last couple of months had been met with overwhelming success, filling his men’s coffers with gold and riches and their camps with slaves. The leaders of the Achaeans would toast him and drink plenty of wine in his honour, the bards would sing of his achievements and his skill in battle until the early morning. Yet, boasting such as this was not always met with alacrity. There were many amongst the Danaans that envied Achilles the power of his station, and sneered at his reputation when they thought he was out of earshot.
Achilles was proud, and rarely paid attention to rumours and gossip. Yet, when he sometimes refused to grace Agamemnon’s lavish dinners with his presence, I could tell it was because the leader of the Greeks occasionally had trouble holding his tongue, especially after a few cups of wine. That was when the older man would gloat and boast, often blowing his own achievements out of proportion, in an effort to measure up to Achilles’ greatness, his promise of glory, the prophecy that had followed him since the moment of his birth, his reputation that only grew, day after day.
One does not need the blood of a goddess, he would say, his cheeks flushed from the drink, eyes gleaming, after recounting a story that was supposedly about a hero of old, if they have the favour of one. Would you not agree, Pelides?
Achilles pretended not to hear, not to know. He would smile at Agamemnon with all his teeth and toast him graciously, as Peleus had taught him, but he was still a man. He had learned to hide his true feelings from others, but I could still see how the whispers fuelled his frustration, how they turned him bitter, even when he insisted they did not.
Achilles was sharp and direct from nature; it troubled him when others were not. He wanted things to be simple and clear-cut, yet, here, they were anything but.
I sighed again, patting my hands dry on a linen towel. Philomela was by my side when we walked out of the tent, and into the festivities. The bonfires were burning high into the night, and from the lit braziers tendrils of incense smoke curled towards the stars. Soldiers and their women gathered around the heat, drinking and dancing to the rhythm of the music that the bands were tirelessly playing. Not a few were wearing animal furs, their faces darkened with soot, as was the custom.
No sooner had I walked out than someone grabbed me by the arm and thrust a cup of wine in my hands. I blinked up, startled, to see Diomedes grinning at me.
"Come," he said. "Drink. Celebrate with us."
I smiled politely and shook my head. "I really should be going back."
"What for?" Odysseus was quick to appear beside him, his usual easy smile ready on his lips. "You've been working all day. Everyone deserves a break, from time to time."
"That's right." Diomedes' wolfish grin got wider, his dark eyes sparkling. "All work and no play makes people dull, haven't you heard?"
Odysseus smiled encouragingly at me behind the rim of his own cup. "Have a drink with us. Just because he doesn't join us anymore doesn't mean you can't."
Of course he was referring to Achilles. It had not gone unnoticed that he had been avoiding gatherings such as these of late. I swallowed as I accepted the cup and reluctantly brought it to my lips. If my presence there could smooth those ruffled feathers, then a drink or two couldn't be that bad, could it?
The wine hit my tongue in a rush of heat, honey and spices. It warmed me as it glided down my throat, pushing the edges of my weariness away. I took another draught, letting its acidic sweetness jolt me awake.
My mild surprise must have been plain on my features, for Diomedes clapped me on the shoulder, chuckling knowingly. "That's it," he said, "that's a good lad. Now, drink up."
I didn't need further encouragement. The wine was unlike any I've ever tried; before long, I had drained my cup, and a servant had filled it to the brim again. The wild cadence of the drums and the flutes matched the beats of my heart, and I wasn't even thinking about my tired and aching limbs when Menelaus' arm wound around my shoulders, pulling me towards the writhing, undulating crowd.
In the smoke of the fires, in the heat of so many bodies moving close together, I forgot about my troubles, my worries. The edges of consciousness blurred, a mist that curled around me, rendering me indefinable. I closed my eyes and simply moved to the rhythm, blending into the crowd like a single petal amongst countless falling cherry blossoms, swirling with the wind.
In the depth of that mist, in the midst of that insubstantial territory, I saw him.
I saw him as he was once, years before, far away from the fires and blood of the war, from the intrigue, the whispers, the jealousy. I saw him running down the beach in Phthia, the pink undersides of his feet flickering. I saw the rich honey brown strands that hid in the depths of his golden hair, the wind that combed through them and brought them before his eyes when he turned to look at me. I saw him swimming in the stream in Pelion, the water running down his limbs in laze swirls.
I could see him clearly in my mind's eye, as if he were there. I could see him laughing, singing, playing his lyre in the pale light of morning, golden and vibrant and carefree. And in him, I saw myself.
I opened my eyes as the beat of the music reached a wild crescendo, as the people cheered and sang at the top of their lungs. Cups were raised high up in the air, wine swirling, overflowing, spilling from its confines and mixing with the brown dirt underfoot. Menelaus was dancing with one of his women — Aristea, his favourite, the fabric of her colourful dress tangling at her ankles as he swirled her about. Her laughter was drowned out by the noise, fading away.
I took a deep breath to center my focus, and stepped back, away from the crowd. My heart was still beating fast, and the music was hypnotic, but I knew I had to return to my own camp before it got too late.
Odysseus and Diomedes were caught in the festivities as well, so no one noticed me slipping away. Only Philomela's eyes caught mine amidst the sea of bobbing heads, and pushed her way towards me. She was holding a bowl filled with the sweets that the slaves had made earlier that day for the festival, dried fruits stuffed with nuts and drenched with syrup.
"For you," she said, smiling warmly at me, "and your prince."
The music and noisy chatter from the festival had dulled to a hazy, distant thrum by the time I made my way back to our camp. I was still feeling lightheaded from the drink, breathless from dancing and weaving through the endless rows of tents and throngs of inebriated, laughing soldiers. My brow was damp with sweat despite the chilly night, and my pulse still thumped in my throat in a strange sort of anticipation, a restless hunger. I clutched the bowl close to my chest, and hurried on.
The soft, plaintive sounds of Achilles’ lyre reached me as soon as I caught sight of the Phthian banners, fluttering in the breeze at the edges of our encampment.
Achilles was sitting on a bench, my mother’s golden lyre nestled in his lap. His fingers ran over the strings languidly, plucking notes that were brighter than water from a babbling stream, sweeter than honey. In the fire’s trembling halo, he seemed ethereal, very nearly transparent, yet at the same time more vibrant than I had ever seen him, dispelling the darkness of the night beyond. His hair caught the amber light on the flames and reflected it in aureate strands, his skin shimmered like polished gold, the muscles of his arms rose and fell underneath it like waves with every movement.
Beautiful, my mind supplied, as it always did when I looked at him. I had been gazing upon him since I was a child; it still was not enough for me to get used to him, to the effortless grace of his presence, the perfect symmetry of his eyes, his lips. The festivities that had been raging for a day and a night may have well been for Dionysus, yet it was Achilles, right there before me, who looked like a god, one for whom people gathered on wintry nights like this, to drink and dance and fornicate in his honour.
Would people remember him with kindness, I wondered, many years from now?
His jade green eyes snapped up to mine, and the familiar heat rushed through me, brushing away my swirling, distracted thoughts.
He set the lyre beside him and stood up. “You stayed with the healers until late tonight,” he said.
“I did,” I replied simply, standing at the edge of the fire. The bowl with the sweets was still cradled in my chest. Achilles glanced at it curiously, then at me.
“Is there something amiss?” he asked.
Of course he could tell I was different, just by looking at me, without me having to say anything. He always understood so much more about me than he let on.
“I just like looking at you.”
Achilles tilted his head ever so slightly to the side in question, a tiny fox’s smile curling the edges of his lips. He stood up and paced towards me unhurriedly, his footsteps barely audible on the soft earth.
My pulse raced ever so slightly when his finger brushed carefully under my eye. “You’re flushed,” he said.
“I had some wine. At the festival.”
“Ah.” His finger travelled higher, tracing my cheekbone. “Your pupils are larger than usual. What did you do?”
“Nothing.” I smiled. “It’s so I can see you better.”
Achilles huffed a quiet laugh at that, his features softened by pleasure. He always liked it when I gazed at him, praised him. The sound of his laughter slithered down my spine like warmed honey.
I do not know what possessed me then. Perhaps it was the drink, or the moon that hung high above us like a silver coin, or the way the firelight danced in his eyes and caressed the side of his face, but I had to be alone with him.
I took his hand in mine, walking backwards towards our tent. I could not look away, nor did I want to.
“One of Menelaus’ women gave me these sweets,” I told him. “They’re for you.”
“Is that so?” he hummed, amused. He caught on the game I was playing instantly, by reflex. “Then I’ll be sure to try them.”
We stepped in the tent together, the leather flap closing soundlessly behind us. I set the bowl on the low table that stood in the center of the place that we had come to call home, ever since we’d come to Troy.
We stood opposite each other across the table, facing each other, our breaths the only sounds. I swallowed; I did not know why I was feeling so restless all of a sudden, like it was the first time we had found ourselves alone.
“Take your pick,” I said, gesturing at the bowl.
Achilles quirked a fair brow as he glanced down at them, like a lord perusing a lowly merchant’s stall. “I will not choose at random,” he replied in an artfully haughty tone. “You must choose for me. You are my therapon; I know you will choose well.” He was in a playful mood, smiling at me like a mischievous boy; I loved it when he got like this. I didn’t often get to see him like that anymore.
I picked up one of the sweets and brought it to my lips. My teeth sank in the supple flesh of a dried fig, the walnuts within it softened from the syrup. I chewed slowly, my eyes never leaving him.
“How is it?” he asked. “Is it good?”
I shook my head. “Not good enough for you, my prince.”
Achilles bit back a grin, eyes shining. “Go on, then. Try another.”
And so I did. I picked up the syrupy fruits slowly, one after another, watching him. Every time Achilles asked me how it was, I answered in the same fashion: “Not good enough for you, my prince.”
I tried one of every sweet in the bowl, until my tongue clung to the roof of my mouth with the sweetness. When I had finished my thorough examination, Achilles crossed his arms leisurely before his chest.
“So, what is your verdict?” he asked, smirking. “Which one amongst them is the sweetest for me?”
I licked my lips, sticky with honey and spices, as my heartbeat soared. I reached into the bowl and dipped two fingers in the syrup, then slowly, holding Achilles’ gaze, I lifted them to my neck, dragging them across my skin.
“I am, my prince.”
Achilles’ eyes flashed in the half dark. There was something feral about the way his gaze honed in on me; a hunter’s gleam. He circled the table, closing the distance between us in two well-measured strides. I could smell the sweet scent of his sweat as he leaned in close, and a deeper, muskier one; the smell of his arousal. I bit the inside of my lip as his arm wound around my waist, pulling me until I was flush against him.
“Then I shall have you,” he whispered in my ear.
I shivered when his tongue brushed the side of my neck, warm and slick, velvet smooth. My head tipped backwards and I clung to him, holding him tight against me. His skin was hot to the touch underneath the fabric of his chiton, hotter than my own. Achilles’ mouth traced the hollow of my throat, the line of my jaw, the curve of my chin, before brushing over my own.
“I believe,” he hummed, his tongue flicking over my bottom lip, “this, here, is the sweetest yet.” His hands were on the base of my spine, drawing me in, and I was helpless in his hold. “You chose well.”
A soft moan escaped me, my fingers sinking into Achilles’ fragrant strands while he kissed me until my breath was all but gone from me. I followed the line of his neck, his shoulder, undoing the golden clasps that held his chiton in place. I could feel the weight of his waking interest pressing up against my thigh, and I suddenly couldn’t bear the feeling of clothes between us, or anything else; it had to be just us.
I pushed the fabric down, caressing and kissing every inch of skin I uncovered. I looked up at him when I had sunk down on my knees before him, bare as he was, his form illuminated by the shifting light of the brazier. My pulse hummed in my ears as I let my gaze follow the muscled planes of his chest and stomach, the definition in his arms, the strength of his powerful legs. He was watching me, too, through eyelashes that gleamed like threads of gold.
“My sweet Patroclus,” he whispered, thumb brushing over my lips, and in his gaze that familiar fondness lingered, unchanged through the many years I’d known him.
This. This was how I liked him best. When he was naked before me, body and heart, looking at me like this, touching me like this. This was when I knew he was mine, and mine alone; the world could not take this from me. From us.
I leaned forward and wrapped my lips around him, taking him in my mouth. Achilles shivered underneath me, his lips falling open on a quiet moan. His emerald eyes were dark with wanting, bottomless, when he reached down and threaded his long fingers through my hair. I was caught, pinned under that gaze, magnetised.
“Achilles,” I breathed, kissing the smooth skin of his navel as I stroked him, breathing in the musk of his sweat, the scent that rose from him: sandalwood, pomegranate, almonds and earth.
His hold on the back of my head tightened. He pulled me up gently and nudged me towards our bed, and I followed, half stumbling over my own toes.  
My back sank into the furs as Achilles climbed over me, hovering above me. His smile was half-obscured by the trembling shadows, framed by the curtain of golden hair that fell around his face. The scent of the oil he used wafted in the air when he opened the vial that lay beside our bed.
“There’s more I haven’t tried,” he said.
“Is there?” I whispered. I spread my thighs wider apart, sighing when I felt the pressure of his fingers between my legs.
“Yes.” He kissed and nipped his way down, glancing up at me mischievously every time his fingers and tongue drew more shivers from me. His breath was hot over me when he said, “I have saved the best for last.”
I laughed, but the edges of my laughter broke on a strained sob of pleasure. I could feel him everywhere, his hands wandering all over me, the heat of his mouth swallowing me whole. I closed my eyes and surrendered to him, to this blissful, blessed torture. I was helplessly drawn to him, in his hands a mere plaything. Like the lyre he played, I was but an instrument, his touches drawing sounds from me that were meant for his ears alone.
When my heart had been filled to bursting, just when I thought that I would unravel in his hands, he pulled back, climbing back up the length of me again. His cheeks were flushed and so were his lips, his length hard against my skin where it touched me.
I reached up and cupped the back of his neck, heart beating wildly in my chest. “Is there more you’d like to try?” I asked in a teasing whisper. “Or have you had enough?”
“Enough?” His laughter was husky, a tad breathless. He kissed me deeply, reaching for the oil once more. “I’ll never have enough, philtatos.”
I gasped softly when he pressed against me, opening me up. My arms and legs wound around him, as if by rote, clutching him hard, pulling him to me. We were flush against each other, our bodies locking perfectly like two pieces of a whole. There was no one else but him in the world; there was no room for anything else. Just my skin touching his skin, the smell of his hair and the sweetness of his mouth, his quiet sighs in the half dark, and this hunger: these endless wells of aching want that existed between us, this fire that burned eternal.
We moved and breathed in unison, the edges between us blurring once more, our bodies melting into one. I closed my eyes and lost myself in that heat, that pressure, the pleasure that built and built, yet it was still him that I saw behind my eyelids. Even when my gaze turned inward and I drifted, swimming in the deepest recesses of my mind, I could always find him there, waiting for me, his image crisp as if he were right before me. He was a part of me, as I was of him; there was no me without him.
Achilles buried his face in the crook of my neck as he thrust deeper, harder, more urgently. His brow was damp with sweat now, his fingers digging into the flesh of my thigh where he held me fast. I was pinned underneath him, legs spread open at either side of his powerful hips, my hands roaming over the taut muscles of his back. Muscles that I knew better than my own, lines and angles that I could trace in the dark, with my eyes closed.
“Patroclus,” Achilles said in a shuddering gasp against my throat as his thrusts got faster, more erratic. “Patroclus—”
Achilles often got impatient, chasing his finish like a lion locked on to a deer, yet I didn’t want this to end just yet. I didn’t want to lose this warm, melding feeling. I hugged him tightly and pushed him to the side, flipping us both around.
I pinned his wrists above his head and held his gaze as I rolled my hips slowly, sinking down on him.
Achilles looked up at me, flushed and panting, his skin glistening, his hair spread in lazy golden swirls about his head. I leaned down, pressing my forehead to his.
“The fastest of the Greeks,” I hummed, “in all things, it seems.”
Achilles laughed, the sound vibrating through me where we were connected. “A champion in all things, you mean.” He grinned wickedly, yet it wasn’t long before his laughter turned into breathless, shaky moans again, his length stiffening within me. My name poured forth from his mouth with every breath, over and over, kissing it onto my lips, whispering it over my flushed and warmed up skin.
Achilles had never told me that he loved me, and I had never told him. It was always understood between us, a truth as natural as breathing, buried deep beneath our skin and woven in our bones. Yet when he said my name like this — Patroclus, Pa-tro-clus — repeated it like a chant, like it was holy, I knew well what he meant.
And so did he.
“Achilles,” I whispered into his hair, threading my fingers through his. “Achilles,” I gasped when he bucked, arching underneath me. “Achilles,” I breathed, when I felt the warmth of his pleasure blossoming inside me, when he melted in my arms, when his eyelids fell over his eyes like the petals of a nightflower at dusk.
We lay like this for a long while, arms and legs tangled atop the furs. I held him tight, long after our breaths had eased and our heartbeats had found their natural rhythm. The music and voices from the festival drifted through the leather walls of our tent, mingled with the trill of the crickets, the hoot of distant night birds hidden in the trees. Though I knew where we were, what lay beyond the safe haven of our small home; though the weight of a long day of healing death was quick to return to my limbs, it did not quite stir the peace between us. I had him, like this, soft and pure and unblemished like the first time I’d seen him, the first time I’d kissed him, the first time I’d laid with him. No one could take this from me. From us.  
“Patroclus,” Achilles sighed sleepily, nuzzling into the hollow of my throat, arms coming around me to hold me close.
Yes, I thought. I knew well what he meant, when he said my name like this.
“Achilles,” I whispered in return, and closed my eyes.
Thank you so much for reading! Likes and reblogs are greatly appreciated :) If you enjoyed this one-shot, I’d love to hear your thoughts. Have a great day! <3
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cryingcow · 4 years
Character Story - Mine (Holiday) [RGGO]
Due to certain personal circumstances, I’ve moved up Mine’s story on the list. Thank you @chaoticcandies​ and @firstorderglory​ for the request!
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Story: Right before Mine goes on his Okinawa field trip, Daigo informs him that another one of Kiryu’s bodyguards has been killed. Daigo asks him to investigate while in Okinawa to see whether someone does or does not have a plan to assassinate Kiryu. Mine solves the problem by funding and formulating Kiryu’s assassination plan himself.
Daigo: “Now Mine, I want you to make sure Kiryu-san is safe, okay?”
Mine, buying several rifles: “Yes, Daigo-san.”
Daigo: “That means I want him alive and not dead, you hear me?”
Mine, writing Kiryu’s name on his portable guillotine: “Loud and clear, Daigo-san. :)”
1) Match pump - “lighting a match and stopping the fire with a water pump”. In other words, solving a problem that you yourself made in the first place. The phrase also came up back in Sera’s story, I think.
2) Like a beehive - “turmoil”
|The Nishikiyama Family field trip by Kanda completed their itinerary without delay, and they returned back home. However, Mine remained in Okinawa on his own . . .|
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Boy: “Ojiisan! It’s the long-awaited summer vacation, play together with us more!”
Kiryu: “Yeah, let’s invite everyone to play baseball later.”
Boy: “Hooray! Absolutely, Ojiisan!!”
Girl: “Ojiisan! I can’t find my colored pencils . . .”
Kiryu: “Recall when you last used them . . . maybe you’ll find them soon?”
Girl: “Hmm . . . where could they have gone?”
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Mine: “. . . Is this the orphanage ‘Morning Glory’?”
Mine: (. . . Indeed, for me to be ‘the’ Fourth Chairman’s bodyguard . . .)
|A few days before the Nishikiyama Family field trip.|
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{Mine knocks on Daigo’s door and enters.}
Mine: “Excuse me.”
Daigo: “Mine, I’m happy to see you. I heard from Kanda, are you going to Okinawa?”
Mine: “Yes . . . I’ll be in trouble with Kanda-no-aniki otherwise. He doesn’t care that it’s inconvenient for me.”
Daigo: “Heh . . . However, this time it’s convenient.”
Mine: “. . . What do you mean?”
Daigo: “There’s a problem in Okinawa. It cannot be made public.”
Mine: “. . . Is it related to Kiryu-san?”
Daigo: “. . . As expected, you make good guesses. That’s correct.”
{Daigo is silent for a few seconds.}
Daigo: “The Fourth Chairman is secretly being guarded in Okinawa.  . . . But the other day, one of the escorts was killed.”
Mine: “So you’re asking me to investigate.”
Daigo: “Yeah . . . many people in the Tojo Clan don’t like Kiryu-san. If someone dies because of that, it will cause unnecessary waves in the organization . . . Investigate this matter. And ensure the safety of the orphanage . . . Mine, can I ask this of you?”
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Mine: (. . . Nothing else to do about it. It’s a direct order from Daigo-san. I should set aside my personal feelings and fulfill my mission. Now, I was able to confirm Kiryu-san’s appearance. Should I join the escort staff . . . ?)
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Mine: “Are you Chinen?”
Chinen: “Mine-san? I’ve been waiting for you. Let’s move over here . . .”
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Chinen: “I and Osugi, the escort who was killed, were keeping an eye on ‘Morning Glory’. That night . . . Osugi and I were doing different things. The attack happened then . . . The next morning, Osugi was found floating along Kubochi River . . . he was shot in the head at close range.”
Mine: “What is the criminal’s aim?”
Chinen: “That’s still unknown . . . However, investigations are underway on those who are connected to Morning Glory. Apparently a man named Teruya who is helping Morning Glory is being looked into.”
Mine: “To survey the supporters of Morning Glory instead of the orphanage directly . . . how strangely roundabout.”
Chinen: “Yes. So I thought I’d get the information and went straight to that Teruya . . . but he was being strangely vigilant, I didn’t get anything out of him at all.”
Mine: (It’s obviously not the work of a civilian. It’s not unreasonable to be wary, but . . .)
Mine: “There must be a reason for this Teruya to be vigilant. It might be best for me to listen to his story. Show me to Teruya.”
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Teruya: “I’m very sorry for the other day. For that person to be Mine-san’s subordinate . . .”
Mine: “No, there appears to be a misunderstanding . . .”
Teruya: “I see . . . so why is someone like Mine-san here?”
Mine: “I heard you are in a critical situation as someone minding the orphanage ‘Morning Glory’. Maybe I can help . . . If you don’t mind, could you tell us the story?”
Teruya: “. . . Actually, the company’s server was hacked and the stolen information is being used as blackmail. The other day, yakuza-like men rushed into the office and said to give them 200 million if I didn’t want anything to happen to my customers . . .”
Mine: “Did you pay?”
Teruya: “No, I couldn’t come up with the money right away, so they’ll wait a week for me to ready it by then . . .”
Mine: “I see . . . the next time the men arrive, prepare the money. And for the hacking, I’ll provide you with the security we use.”
Teruya: “Th-Thank you very much . . . but, to give them the 200 million . . .”
Mine: “I’ll get it back later. We’ll let them grab the money and swim home so we can gather information.”
Teruya: “Will the plan really work that well?”
Mine: “Please be assured. Leave everything to me.”
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{Mine and Chinen are hiding behind a corner as they follow the yakuza-like men with the money.}
Chinen: “They don’t seem to notice our trail . . .”
Mine: (Get back the money, extract information from them, hit their organization, rebuild Teruya’s business . . . then the orphanage is protected and business is completed. But-- Is that really okay? The escort was killed because he tried to protect Morning Glory . . . in other words, people were sacrificed because of civilians like Kiryu. Daigo-san was worried, but that a situation like this could greatly shake up the Sixth Chairman’s structure . . . Then what I really need to do now--)
{A noise comes from their hiding place.}
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Yakuza-like Man A: “. . . Oi, who’s there!! Come out!!”
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Chinen: “! Mine-san, I’m sorry . . .”
Mine: “. . . No, it’s just as well. There are no witnesses and I can hit them here.”
Yakuza-like Man A: “I’ll tell you what to hit! Did you come here to get the money back?!”
Yakuza-like Man B: “We’ll make you spit it out!!”
{Mine beats them up.}
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Yakuza-like Man A: “Huwee . . .”
Yakuza-like Man B: “That guy has the money, let’s run!!”
{The other two run away.}
Mine: “Chinen, chase them!”
Chinen: “Yes!”
{Chinen runs after the two.}
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Mine: “Oi, you . . .”
Yakuza-like Man A: “H-Hiii?! Do-Don’t kill me!!”
Mine: “I won’t kill you. I just have a request for you . . .”
Yakuza-like Man A: “Re-Request . . . ?”
Mine: “Get in touch with your boss right now.”
Yakuza-like Man A: “Wha . . . What do you want with my boss?”
Mine: “Hmph . . . would you rather die here?”
Yakuza-like Man A: “I-I understand!! I’ll do as you say!!”
{The yakuza-like man makes a call.}
Yakuza-like Man A: “I-I’m sorry, Boss. I’ll hand over the phone now . . .”
Mine: “. . . Are you the boss of this guy?”
Man: “Wh-Who are you?”
Mine: “Heh. Don’t worry about that.  . . . I’m your collaborator.”
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Man: “. . . A collaborator? Who are you.”
Mine: “You don’t need to know that.”
Man: “. . . Do you think we’d trust someone no one knows?”
Mine: “. . . How about credit? Heh. I’ll give you 500 million. How’s that?”
Man: “5-500 million . . . ?! You’re bluffing . . .”
Mine: “You can decide later whether it’s a bluff or not.”
Man: “. . . Why would you go so far . . .”
Mine: “What you’re attempting to do is convenient for me . . . that’s all there is.”
Man: “. . .”
Man: “Bring the money and let my subordinate guide you. Once I receive it, then I’ll trust you.”
Mine: “Understood.”
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Mine: “Oi.”
Yakuza-like Man A: “Hiii . . . ! Y-Yes . . .”
Mine: “The boss wants to see me. Take me to him.”
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Mine: “The promised 500 million. Also the 200 million taken from Teruya.”
Boss: “. . . Certainly. You did bring it. I trust you. I’m Inami, leader of the Inami Family. You want to cooperate with our plan, but how much do you know?”
Mine: “Your purpose is to encroach into Okinawa’s resort development plans, which have been stopped for several months. The orphanage supported by Teruya is on the planned development site. Teruya is being threatened to acquire the land. Is it because Kiryu Kazuma is on that land that you chose such a roundabout method?”
Inami: “. . . That’s right. Previously, the Tojo Clan’s Tamashiro Family was aiming for that land . . . They were almost destroyed by Kiryu. It’s a well-known story around these parts. We don’t attack the orphanage directly because we fear Kiryu’s retaliation. We don’t have enough weapons and soldiers to deal with Kiryu.”
Mine: “What if I said I would pay for that?”
Inami: “! No way . . . you want Kiryu to be . . . ?”
Mine: “No need to snoop around any deeper. However, hasn’t my financial strength given me ‘credit’?”
Inami: “. . . All right.”
Mine: “Heh. It was nice to meet you, Inami-san.”
Mine: (These guys will get rid of Kiryu as part of their job. Kiryu’s existence is Daigo-san’s Achilles heel. I will cut off any future worries here.)
|That night. Mine met up with Chinen while hiding his relationship with Inami.|
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Chinen: “I see . . . it was the work of the Inami Family? Was their aim to crush Morning Glory without provoking the Fourth Chairman . . . ?”
Mine: “Yeah. I was careless and let him escape, but I heard their goal.”
Chinen: “But what do we do? Even if we know who the enemy is, there’s only two of us. This is originally a top secret mission. We can’t expect support from the Head Family.”
Mine: “The enemy will try to do more damage to Teruya. Leave that to me. You should go back to being Kiryu-san’s bodyguard.”
Chinen: “U-Understood!”
|A few days later.|
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Teruya: “--Then, I will try to do as Mine-san says.”
Mine: “This is expected to increase sales by 20%. Management should be fairly stable.”
{Someone knocks on the door and enters.}
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Yakuza A: “Sorry for intruding when you’re busy, Teruya-san.”
Teruya: “Who are you guys . . . ?!”
Yakuza A: “Teruya-san’s place seems to still be fine, so we thought we’d like to get a little more money . . .”
Teruya: “I-I have no money to pay you!!”
Mine: “. . . What do you mean by coming to the office without an appointment? Truly there is no common sense among yakuza.”
Yakuza B: “Oh yeah? And who are you . . . ?”
Mine: “Would you like to be sent back quickly?”
Yakuza A: “Don’t be a fool!! We’ll beat you both up!!”
{Mine beats them up and sends them running.}
Mine: “That doesn’t mean they won’t come here again. Let’s keep meeting up here regularly for a while.”
Teruya: “I sincerely thank you very much.”
Mine: “Hmph. No, this is all for Morning Glory.”
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Inami: “As mentioned, those at the bottom that I sent don’t know about you.”
Mine: “Yeah, thanks to that, Teruya trusts me completely.”
Inami: “. . . Phew, I’m glad you’re on our side.”
Mine: “Until Kiryu has been done away with . . . perform the next step in the plan well.”
Inami: “Should we take over the system by exploiting the security vulnerabilities introduced into Teruya’s company?”
Mine: “Yeah. I’ll then act like I noticed the exploitation and stop it.”
Inami: “So it’s a match pump?  . . . You’re a con artist.”
|A few more days later.|
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Inami: “Hehe. Thanks to you, Teruya’s company is running smoothly. But is it necessary to help Teruya just to get rid of Kiryu?”
Mine: “There is this situation here . . . That being said, the weapons have been procured . . . how are things on your end?”
Inami: “We’ve pulled out enough men from the surrounding organizations to strengthen our force . . . are you ready to go anytime?”
Mine: “Is that so . . . then let us move the plan to the final stage. Kidnap Teruya tonight and have him call Kiryu as a hostage.”
Inami: “! Having a hostage to block his movements would have Kiryu like a beehive, right?”
Mine: “That’s right. Don’t mess it up.”
Inami: “We’ve set up the table this far. Failure isn’t an option.”
Mine: “I’m counting on it.”
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Yakuza A: “Thank you for your hard work.”
Mine: “The confrontation happens tomorrow. Don’t mess it up.”
Yakuza A: “Yes sir!!”
{The yakuza runs off.}
?: “Huh? Mine-san?”
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Mine: “!”
Chinen: “Mine-san, why did you come out of the Inami Family office . . . ?!”
Mine: “Chinen . . . ! You . . . should be monitoring the orphanage . . .”
Mine: (Damn . . . I was caught off guard . . . ! I should have foreseen that something would go wrong . . . !)
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Chinen: “Mine-san . . . you’re getting along very well with the Inami Family . . . what is the meaning of this . . . ?”
Mine: (Shit . . . I wasn’t careful of my actions . . .)
Mine: “. . . Chinen. It was wrong to keep quiet. But please calm down and listen.”
Chinen: “. . .”
Mine: “As you can see, I have a cooperative relationship with the Inami Family. But that’s to extract their information.”
Chinen: “Then it wouldn’t be necessary to hide it from me. I’ve never been in contact with the Inami Family.”
Mine: “That is . . .”
Chinen: “Don’t try to deceive me! Mine-san, are you connected with the Inami Family?!”
Mine: (Tch . . . Is it impossible to salvage the situation anymore . . . ? Then I’ll have to get rid of him here--)
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Chinen: “. . . Just kidding. Ahaha.”
Mine: “? . . .”
Chinen: “Ahaha. Don’t worry. Actually, I’m also a traitor.”
Mine: “. . . What did you say?”
Chinen: “I’m also colluding with the Inami Family, trying to crush Morning Glory. Are you surprised? So was I when I heard Mine-san had joined hands with Inami. But I agree with assassinating Kiryu to wake up Daigo-san. I’ll cooperate too!!”
Mine: (. . . Have I been turned around? Was it all by Chinen’s hand from the start?)
Chinen: “I’ve heard the plan from Inami. Let me in on it too! Mine-san!”
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Mine: (If everything goes as planned, Inami, who has kidnapped Teruya, should have gotten in touch to call Kiryu . . .)
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Haruka: “Ojiisan! Are you really going out alone . . . ?!”
Kiryu: “Yeah . . . Teruya’s life is in danger if I don’t obey.”
Haruka: “Could it be the Tamashiro Family who has Teruya-no-ojiisan, just like before?”
Kiryu: “No, that is absolutely impossible. At the time, Daigo promised, ‘I will not touch Okinawa’. He’s not one to break his promises.”
Haruka: “. . . not Daigo-san . . . ? Then, who on earth . . . ?”
Kiryu: “It doesn’t matter who they are. Teruya is a friend who supports Morning Glory. You can’t abandon your friends. Isn’t that right?”
Mine: “! . . .”
Haruka: “Ojiisan . . . you’re come back, right?”
Kiryu: “Yeah, I’m definitely coming back. Haruka, look after the kids while I’m gone.”
Haruka: “Yup . . . ! Please take care, Ojiisan.”
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Mine: (Kiryu’s words . . . he’s not riding on his strength. He should know what would happen when he boldly goes out alone. Nevertheless . . . Friends . . . ? Even if he’s just a total stranger who’s in it for the money . . . !)
Mine: (. . . Kuh. That is Kiryu Kazuma . . . the man Daigo-san is aiming for . . .)
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Inami: “To really show up alone . . . the legendary yakuza seems to know no fear . . .”
Teruya: “Ki-Kiryu-san . . . I’m sorry . . .”
Kiryu: “Teruya . . . ! Are you hurt . . . ?!”
Inami: “Oops, don’t move, Kiryu . . . if you move, this gun will blow his head away, okay?”
Kiryu: “Taking a civilian as a hostage . . . you’re a lowlife.”
Inami: “Anyway . . . is it wrong for a yakuza to get what they want by any means necessary?”
{A big group arrives.}
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Kiryu: “! . . .”
Inami: “You notice? Countless muzzles are aimed towards you . . . you’re already a trapped mouse!”
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Mine: (It seems that things are going according to plan . . .)
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Kiryu: “At the time, Daigo promised, ‘I will not touch Okinawa’. He’s not one to break his promises.”
Kiryu: “It doesn’t matter who they are. Teruya is a friend who supports Morning Glory. You can’t abandon your friends. Isn’t that right?”
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Mine: “. . .”
Mine: “. . . Hmph. I’m hesitating.”
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Chinen: “Mine-san! This is the end. We have Kiryu covered from the rear--”
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Mine: “--No, I can’t let this go through.”
Chinen: “Mine-san, what are you saying . . . ?”
Mine: “I’m cautious. Until I am certain of something, I try not to come to conclusions. In other words . . . Kiryu’s murder is on hold.”
Chinen: “! Do you mean to betray us . . . ?! Why now . . . !”
Mine: “Hmph. You don’t need to know.”
Chinen: “Don’t play around . . . !! It’s only a little longer until Kiryu can be killed!!! If you get in the way, we’ll kill you too!!!!”
{Mine defeats all of them, and they all collapse.}
Mine: “Now, the reinforcements are taken out . . .”
Mine: (The rest depends on your efforts. Please do your best to hold on . . . Fourth Chairman.)
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Inami: “Kuh . . . Reinforcements haven’t come yet?!”
Kiryu: “What’s wrong. You seem to be getting very impatient?”
Inami: “Sh-Shut up!! Do-Don’t move!! You want something to happen to him?!”
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Mine: “The distance is roughly 200 meters . . . Well, that’s no problem . . . I didn’t think the rifle I bought would be used for this . . .”
{A shot rings through the air.}
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Inami: “Guaaa?! M-My hand?!”
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Teruya: “Hi-Hiiii?!”
{Teruya breaks away from his hold and runs.}
Inami: “W-Wait! Did he escape--?!”
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Kiryu: “I don’t know who . . . but someone helped.”
Inami: “O-Oh no--”
{Kiryu beats everyone up.}
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Mine: “Is that the ‘Dragon of Dojima’ . . . ?”
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Mine: “Heh, you’re too obstinate.”
Chinen: “Because of you, my plan is ruined . . . My sister and her husband committed suicide from a large debt because Daigo stopped the Okinawa resort plan . . . ‘Protecting Kiryu’s whereabouts’ is a dumb reason! Killing Kiryu so that Daigo will taste the sadness of losing a loved one-- guhaa . . . !”
{Chinen gets punched by Mine and collapses once again.}
Mine: “I’m not interested in your story.”
|Thus . . .|
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Woman in swimsuit: “Um . . . are you alone?”
Mine: “Am I? As you can see, I’m alone.”
Woman in swimsuit: “Yes . . . sorry for suddenly calling out to you. So . . . are you sightseeing in Okinawa?”
Mine: “No. Had to do a bit of business from Tokyo.”
Woman in swimsuit: “You’re from Tokyo?! I hear the city is nice! So . . . have you finished your business yet?”
Mine: “Yeah. I just had to handle some trivial trouble. It was a minor job.”
Mine: (Teruya’s company is safe after what happened. Both Inami and the Inami Family have been taken care of . . . I’ve reported to Daigo-san that everything was the undertaking of Chinen.)
Woman in swimsuit: “U-Um . . . In that case, why don’t we have a meal together at a nearby shop?”
Mine: “. . . Heh. Yeah, if it’s okay with you.”
Woman in swimsuit: “R-Really?! I’m glad . . . !”
Mine: (Kiryu Kazuma . . . I understand why Daigo-san looks up to you. I withdrew this time . . . heh. Do you have any idea what’s coming next? . . . Fourth Chairman.)
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smallraindrops-blog · 3 years
To Have And To Hold
Hypnos x female!reader
Word count: 2k
Part One
Warning:War, dead people and children, Ares ( let be real, that guy is a warning all on his own) kissing and sexual themes, no beta
The shade that came in the library was polite but clearly overwhelmed from their work. They handed over the letter quickly and gave a bow before hurrying out.
You pushed aside your own paperwork, "Lady Athena?" You asked out loud to no one but yourself. You typically only get letters from your sisters or parents.
You carefully opened it, a sense of dread unfolded in your chest.
'Dear Y/N.
I wish I was writing to you in better times. Unfortunately, I must keep this letter short. I'm in need of your help, desperately.
I can explain more when I see you. When you reach the surface, call for me.
You ran out the library, uncaring about leaving scrolls on the tables.
You made it to the East wing and you glanced to Achilles, only to see empty space. You paused for a second then you heard it, crying and countless voices together begging and yelling.
What in the world...
"Silent!" Hades boomed and a harsh bark followed. The house quieted down, only soft sobs remained.
You walked in slowly and couldn't stop the gasp. You had never seen so many shades all in one place and you even saw some standing in the Styx.
You saw Achilles in front of Hades' desk, facing the crowd. His normally kind face was cold and his grip on the spear was tight.
Hades stood up, "Silent." He repeated. Queen Persephone and Zagreus stood next to Hades, both their faces unable to hide the worries they felt.
"Thanatos, please continue."
"Lord Ares has gone mad with war lust. Hermes nor I can keep up with the amount of dead. And as I speak, Ares and Eris are tearing through another city." Thanatos' tone was hard and flat.
You swallowed, unable to believe what you were hearing.
"What has Zeus done to step in?" Hades asked warily.
"He has yet to do so, lord Hades." Thanatos replied.
Hades opened his mouth but a shade broke past the group. "Please, you have to help us! They will follow us even in death, it won't ever stop!"
"Didn't I tell you to be silent!? And Ares can't come here, no matter how hard he tries."
The shade shook their head, "No, not him-" the other shades joined, all begging and more crying started.
"Be quiet, all of you!"
Zagreus spoke up, "Wait, we should hear them out, Father."
"No. We have bigger problems." Hades rubbed his forehead."Thanatos, give this letter to Hermes. The sooner we can put Ares and his friend down the better."
There was a moment of silence after Thanatos vanished.
You took a shaky breath, and looked around to find Hypnos. You heard him speak in his cheerful voice before you saw him, "Well, alrighty. That sure was something, huh? Line up! Come on everyone, and mind the little ones."
He wasn't in his usual spot but a little past Hades' desk along with Dusa and several workers shades. You walked over, "Hypnos."
He looked up at your voice, his eyes widened in alarm. He dropped the quill and paper he was holding. "How much of that did you see?" He whispered.
"Enough." You whispered back. "I got a letter from Athena, they need my help."
"What?" He asked in a strangled whisper. You showed him the letter. He read the letter once, his face blank.
You waited for a response, frowning at his unreadable face.
Then he folded up the letter calmly as he met your gaze, "No. Absolutely not. I will not allow you to go." He said softly.
"Hypnos!" You replied, no longer staying quiet. "You have no right to tell me what to do." You reached for the letter but he held it out of reach.
"Blood and Darkness." Hades cursed. "We do not need your marital disputes in the great hall especially now. Leave."
You flushed, realizing you could feel eyes on you. Hypnos grabbed your arm gently, "Oh of course, Lord Hades. Don't worry, I will be back shortly after I handle this." Hypnos said pleasantly, " What was the saying? Happy wife, happy life? But hey why am I telling you? You know all about that."
Hades glared down at the both of you and you desperately wished for a hole to swallow you whole.
Before you could apologize for Hypnos' lack of tact, he vanished you along with him.
You looked around, trying to push away the nausea. Thankfully he had chosen to reappear just outside of your bedchambers.
You turned on him, "For blood's sake what was that about Hypnos?"
"Can we talk in your chambers? Or the library, whichever one you want." He asked, sounding guilty.
Good, you thought viciously.
"Oh so I do get a say in something then? Or will you be 'handling' that too?" You snapped at him. You pushed out your door, not bothering to invite Hypnos in. You stood in the middle of the room, arms crossed.
Hypnos closed the door behind him quietly. "I'm sorry but Lady Athena will have to do without your help if it means you have to go to the surface. I cannot let you go up there."
"That is my decision, not yours." You shook your head. "I have to go."
"Didn't you hear how Ares has gone mad? That guy is crazy on a good day, let alone whatever is happening now." Even with the guilty look on his face, Hypnos shook his head. "You have never even seen a war, have you? It's not a pretty sight."
"We don't even know what she needs help with, I doubt I will be anywhere near a battlefield. She knows I'm not a warrior."
"The fact you have to even be on the surface is too much." Hypnos floated over to you but didn't touch you, his hands spread out. "War isn't predictable. One person's decision can cost other people's their lives, well beyond the battlefields. And it never ever ends up the way leaders plan for it to."
You stayed quiet, looking down at the ground. You couldn't get your mind off the letter even with Hypnos’ reasoning. Athena wouldn't ask for anything unless she truly needed it.
"Y/N, please look at me." Hypnos lifted your chin up, your eyes flicked toward his before you made yourself look away.
"I would give you anything if it made you happy, you know that." Hypnos spoke carefully. "You can help Lady Athena, I'm not saying you can't but you need to do it from here. There is no point in risking your safety."
Hypnos waited for you to respond only to sigh when you shook your head, too upset to speak.
"Send a letter to Athena, and I will help out too, love. Okay?" Hypnos' eyes studied your face.
"Can't you just come with me?" You asked, hating how your voice cracked at the end. "If you're so worried."
"No, I am needed here and I'm doubtful I would be a welcomed face." Hypnos gave a slight grin, "Besides, I already won the last war when I got you as my wife."
he looked at you so softly, it made you blush. You pulled away, you will not let Hypnos sweet talk you. “Oh, yes. Just remind me of another time I was mad at you. That will work out for you.”
“I-i just-“ Hypnos chuckled but he was clearly unamused. “Obviously I have a case of foot in mouth. Y/N, I just want you to be safe. Am I wrong to want my wife to be safe?”
You glared at him, “Well obviously not, Hypnos. Don’t play that game with me.”
Hypnos glared back, both of you silently glaring at each other. Hypnos broke first and rubbed his eyes with a frustrated sigh. You resisted the urge to walk over and smooth away the weight you could see on him.
When Hypnos looked back at you, you didn’t expect the serious look in his face, “Just promise me something.”
“What?” You watched him warily, not used to this reaction from him.
“You won’t try to leave without me. If- and that is a very big if by the way, we have to go up to help whoever, you won’t go where I can’t keep an eye on you.” Hypnos said, his golden eyes stayed on your face.
“I’m not a child, Hypnos.” You muttered.
“I know that. But you have never been in a war and I have and I know how ugly it gets. I hope I am overreacting, really I am.” Hypnos came closer again, “Just promise me. Please.”
“I-i but.. Fine. Okay, I promise.” You said. You glanced at Hypnos and upon seeing the relief on his face, you turned away, guilt
“Just… give me some alone time, okay?” You said, unable to hide how upset you were.
He was quiet for a few minutes. “Alright. I will have tonight’s dinner sent for you. I will check in on you later, okay?”
“Okay.” You agreed, staring at the wall. "Thank you."
Hypnos looked at you a moment, a hand reached up for a second before falling back down, before he left.
You pushed down the guilt you felt, Hypnos was the one in the wrong for not helping you.
You paced around the room, biting your lip nervously as you tried to think.
You couldn't take the path Zagreus does, and you weren't sure if he would or could help you. You didn't have a boat and from the looks of it Charon wouldn't have space anyway.
And Cerberus was…
You groaned and covered your face.
You were efficiently trapped, the realization caused the fading anger at Hypnos to come roaring back.
You sat down on the bed when a knock came. "Y/N? C-can I come in?" Dusa's voice was normally a welcomed thing but right now you don't think you can stomach being around others.
But it wasn't Dusa' fault you told yourself.
You opened the door and she floated in. "Are you okay? I kinda saw what happened in the hall."
You shook your head and explained everything. You reached for the letter only to remember that Hypnos still had it. "Blood and darkness Hypnos." you muttered. You couldn't believe he was treating you like a child.
Dusa was quiet for a few moments. "Well actually, I might know a way. It is the same way Queen Persephone took to return here. She doesn't have to travel the same way everyone else does."
Hope lifted in your chest. "Do you know if Cerberus would be there?"
"Far as I know, he wouldn't be near there since Queen Persephone is here." Dusa frowned with worry, "But you know how dangerous it is, right? Meg told me stories about the last war and the kind of people she had to punish for their acts during it."
"I have to go. My family could be at risk. Can you cover for me? Just a little bit."
Dusa stared at you. "Just promise me you will be careful okay? And if anyone asks, even Hypnos, I won't lie okay?"
You hugged her. "Thank you!"
"Just please be careful." Dusa muttered.
The snow was still there, unmarked and soft. You took a breath, the sharp, freezing air hurt your lungs but it felt amazing.
You weren’t sure if the hallway Queen Persephone took would work for you but thankfully it had just been an unusually long and winding hallway.
When you got back, you were planning on telling Zegreus about it. Let's see Hades do anything about that.
You watched the snowfall, gentle and pure, with a sigh. You tugged your travel cloak tighter, the last time you wore this was during your wedding.
It wasn't the same place you and Hypnos had gotten married. But seeing the snow brought memories. Of the fear, of how you almost stumbled over your vows, how Hypnos' hand holding yours was the only warm thing you could feel. Of the nervous yet serious look on his face when you both said the final vow…
You shook your head, finding your resolve. You glanced back at the opening, guilt rising in you.
And hurt.
You thought Hypnos would understand, it was your family. He was normally so big on family, bending over backward for his own family. You thought he would support you. You swallow and with one last look back, you step out into the snow.
It took you a moment but with the deepest breath you could take, you called for Athena.
Almost immediately, a warm golden light filled the field.
Athena was just tall and golden as you remembered. She didn't smile but she took your hands in her own, "Thank you. I must admit I was worried you wouldn't come."
You decided not to mention your disagreement with Hypnos as you tried to give a comforting smile.
"Of course, I am more than happy to help. But I am a bit lost on what I could offer for you." You watched her sighed and moved away.
"What I am about to ask of you is no small favor. If you wish to have no part of this, I will understand." Athena said gravely.
You nodded. "Let me decide."
After she studied your face for a moment, Athena spoke.
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