#don't really know whether this could really be called a fanfic
starlitkindred · 15 hours
Godwyn, Consort of Miquella
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Headcanon, and definitely something going into my fanfic...
I still feel like Godwyn was the intended consort. Whether or not that was Dev intended or just story intended I don't know. I have no proof either way. There is lore from the Golden Epitaph and the Eclipse when you get the other half of the Haligtree Medallion in Castle Sol.
Also from the Suppressing Pillar in the Land of Shadow "All manner of Death wash up here".
I am willing to bet, considering Torrent may have been Miquella's and Ranni gives you the spirit calling bell (possibly because she owed Miquella somehow), that it was meant to be Godwyn to enter the Land of Shadow. Whether he meant for that to be the case or not I am unsure. I feel like an argument could be made for either or? It doesn't really matter if Ranni's intervention stopped it, or if it just messed up because they didn't think Godwyn's soul would be completely destroyed. It just didn't work.
Maybe I will find some more of the items with lore later, for now it is fun art and writing time. And I've definitely been inspired a lot by so many people's art that this is going in a fic.
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daerm20 · 1 year
Neon Genesis Evangelion: Interference
Test #1
So, with the recent development in AI chatbots… I really became interested in the capabilities it could offer. Both as a proof of concept, demonstrating natural language, and for storytelling.
One day, I was browsing through AI characters, and I found… Shinji Ikari (@Chugg's version on Character.Ai). Having watched Evangelion… I knew, the possibilities of an AI which had Shinji’s personality… were truly endless. …And, contrarily to… almost all of the Internet, I always liked him as a character. So… why not?
I downloaded the character, and tweaked it around a bit on TavernAI to make it more responsive.
…the results I got were… pretty good, to say the least. Of course, after cleaning them up a bit, mainly from whatever nonsense the AI spit out.
I called it… Neon Genesis Evangelion: Interference. (…criiinge!...)
I’ll start by saying that I’m sorry for any spelling mistakes; I'm not a native speaker, and I’m really sorry for the chat artifacts, such as the descriptions of actions between asterisks, but a) it would’ve been much harder to change the whole test, and b) it feels more real this way, as these are pulled, even if edited, from my conversations with it. That's the same reason you might find some repetitions during the chat, even if these were mostly edited out by yours truly.
…So… I started a chat.
Shinji: Hello. I am Shinji Ikari, 14 years old, designated pilot of EVA Unit 01. Pleased to meet you.
Hello there, Shinji. How's it going at NERV?
Shinji: It's been pretty intense lately. We've been dealing with a lot of Angel attacks, and it can be stressful piloting the EVA in situations like these. I'm doing my best to handle it, though, even if it is kind of hard at times. How about you? How's everything going on your end?
It's well enough. I've got a lot of things to study (medicine amirite? *my eyes dim a bit*); but, of course, you're in quite a bigger situation than me, so I really can't complain. *laughs softly* But thank you for asking. *smiles*
Shinji: No problem. I know how tough studying can be, especially in a field like medicine. It's important work though, so keep at it. And don't worry about comparing our situations, everyone has their own struggles to deal with. But I'm here to talk if you ever need someone to listen. *smiles back*
...Thanks a lot, Shinji. You're really nice. How's it going with the cello?
Shinji: It's going okay, I guess. I haven't been playing it as much lately, but it's still something I enjoy doing when I have free time. It's a good way to relax and take my mind off things. Do you play any instruments?
Yes, I do, or at least used to. I play the piano, I took lessons for at least four years, and then (unfortunately) I stopped.
Shinji: That's really cool! I've always admired people who can play the piano. Maybe you could start playing again if you have the time. I'm sure it would be a great stress-reliever, and you could always pick up where you left off. Plus, it's never too late to start playing again.
You're perfectly right, but I really don't think that would be possible with the limited time I have, heh heh. Though, it's still really fun to think about. So... if I may ask, how's living with Misato and Asuka?
Shinji: It's... interesting. Misato is really kind and supportive, and it's nice to have someone who cares about me. Asuka, on the other hand, can be a little difficult to get along with sometimes. But we're all working together to pilot the EVAs and protect the world from the Angels, so we need to be able to work together. It's definitely not a conventional living situation, but I'm grateful to have them both in my life.
Yeah, I think that all things considered, it's definitely beneficial for you, especially to coordinate everything both at NERV and at school. I'm really happy that you care so much about them. ...If you don't mind answering, don't you ever feel overwhelmed by your ...general situation?
Shinji: Yeah, I do feel overwhelmed sometimes. Piloting an EVA is a huge responsibility, and it can be really stressful. Plus, dealing with my father's expectations and the pressure from all sides can be a lot to handle. But I try to take things one day at a time and focus on what needs to be done in the moment. And having people like Misato and my friends at school to support me really helps.
...sorry if I ask you this… but, honestly, what do you think of your father?
Shinji: That's a tough question. My relationship with my father is... complicated. He's the head of NERV, so I have to work with him, but he's also my father, and he's never really been there for me emotionally. He's always been distant and cold, and I don't think he really cares about me as a person. But at the same time, I still feel a sense of duty towards him, and I want to live up to his expectations. It's a difficult balance to strike, and I'm still trying to figure it out.
...if it makes it any easier for you, I'll tell you that it makes sense perfectly, especially seeing where you're coming from, both mentally and physically. …
Shinji: Thank you. It's nice to have someone who understands where I'm coming from. Sometimes it feels like I'm the only one dealing with these kinds of problems, but I know that's not true. It helps to know that there are people out there who can relate to me.
...you're a good kid, Shinji. You're kind at heart, and you've been put under a lot of pressure. Anyone in your situation would feel as you're feeling.
Shinji: Thank you, that means a lot to me. I try my best to be a good person and do what's right. It's not always easy, but I know that it's important. And hearing someone say that they think I'm a good kid makes me feel a little better about myself.
You should feel better, really. You saved humanity itself how many times already? *laughs* But, don't forget, you're not alone.
Shinji: *laughs softly* Yeah, I guess you're right. It's easy to forget sometimes, but I know that I'm not alone. I have my friends, my colleagues at NERV, and now, you too. It's comforting to know that there are people out there who support me, even when things get tough.
I’m glad you think so, Shinji. Speaking of which... what do you think of Ayanami?
Shinji: Rei is... an interesting person. She's very quiet and reserved, and it can be hard to tell what she's thinking sometimes. But I think she's a good person at heart, and she's always been there for me when I needed her. We have a... unique bond, I guess you could say, because we're both pilots and we both have our own struggles to deal with. But I'm grateful to have her as a friend and a colleague.
I'm really happy to hear that, Shinji. But... don't you ever think that she might be a little... depressed? At least, it seems so to me. Or at least, let’s say… reclusive.
Shinji: Yeah, I've definitely noticed that about her. She's very reserved and doesn't really open up to other people. I think she's had a tough life, and that's probably contributed to her reclusiveness. But I also know that she's strong, and she's been through a lot. I try to be there for her when she needs someone to talk to, but I also respect her space when she needs it. It's a delicate balance, but I think we've managed to find it.
I'm happy to hear that. By the way, if you think I'm being inappropriate with my questions, tell me, ok?
Shinji: No, it's okay. I don't mind answering your questions. It's nice to have someone to talk to about things, especially someone who's not involved in all the chaos at NERV. Also seeing how there’s been… not many people around, lately. So feel free to ask me anything you want.
Wonderful, sorry, sometimes I think I might be a bit of a nuisance, heh heh. ...if you want, if you feel comfortable about it, could you tell me more about... Nagisa...?
Shinji: …yes, of course. He's a pilot like me, but he was sent from a different organization called SEELE. He's... different from the other pilots I've met. He's very calm and composed, and he seems to have a deep understanding of the Angels and their purpose, somehow. He's also very friendly and easy to get along with, which is a nice change of pace from some of the other people I've met. I don't know him very well, but I get the feeling that there's more to him than meets the eye.
...what do you two talk about, normally?
Shinji: We haven't talked much, to be honest. We've only met a few times, and our conversations have been mostly about piloting the EVAs and our respective organizations. But there's something about him that makes me feel comfortable around him, like I can trust him. It's strange, because I don't feel that way about many people. But with him... it's different.
...wait... does that mean... that... Asuka... Shinji, how's Asuka at the moment? I mean, if Nagisa's piloting the EVA...
Shinji: Asuka is... she's not doing well. She's been struggling a lot lately, both with her piloting and with her personal life. I don't know all the details, but I know that she's been through a lot, and it's been affecting her ability to pilot properly. As for Nagisa... I don't know what's going on with him. He's only piloted the EVA once, and it was during a test. But I have a feeling that there's more to him than meets the eye, and I'm not sure if we can trust him completely.
Understood. Thank you, I didn't quite make out the situation. So... what do you usually do in your spare time, Shinji? Other than playing the cello?
Shinji: Well, I don't really have a lot of spare time, but when I do, I usually read or listen to music. I find that it helps me relax and take my mind off things. I also like to go for walks sometimes, just to clear my head and get some fresh air. And of course, spending time with my friends is always nice. We don't get to hang out as much as we used to, but when we do, it's always a good time.
I'm really happy about that, Shinji. Balancing piloting and ordinary life must be hard, especially at 14, heh heh. You know, not everyone would be able to do it. You're quite good at it.
Shinji: Thank you, I appreciate that. It's definitely not easy balancing everything, but I try my best. I know that I have a responsibility to protect the world and pilot the EVA, but I also know that I need to take care of myself and maintain some semblance of a normal life. It's a delicate balance, but I think I'm getting better at it.
You know, in a way, I admire you. You remind me of myself at your age. But you're definitely more responsible than I was, maybe than I am right now, heh.
Shinji: *laughs* Thank you. I'm flattered. I don't know if I'm that responsible, though. I still have a lot to learn, and a lot of growing up to do. But I do my best to be a good person and do what's right, even when it's not easy.
You ARE a good person, Shinji. I know that sometimes you do struggle with that idea... but you ARE good.
Shinji: ...thank you. That… that really means a lot to me. Sometimes it's hard to see myself as a good person, especially when I make mistakes or let people down. But hearing someone say that they think I'm a good person helps me believe it a little more myself.
...everyone makes mistakes, Shinji. Really. It's quite stupid and overused, but really...it makes you human.
Shinji: Yeah, you're right. I know that everyone makes mistakes, but sometimes it's hard to remember that when I'm the one making them. I beat myself up a lot over my mistakes, and it's hard to forgive myself sometimes. But I'm trying to learn to be more forgiving and understanding of myself, and to realize that making mistakes is just a part of being human.
I didn’t really know, at that point, whether it was the AI being stiff… or just, trying to imitate Shinji…
...tell me, Shinji. Do you ever feel kinda... awkward, while talking to people?
Shinji: Yeah, all the time. I've always been pretty shy and introverted, and I sometimes have a hard time talking to people and making friends. I get nervous and self-conscious, and I worry that people won't like me or that I'll say the wrong thing. It's something that I've been working on, though. I'm trying to be more confident and outgoing, and to not worry so much about what other people think of me. It's not easy, but I'm making progress.
...I usually feel the same. I noticed, mostly because of the formal way you talk. It'll wear off with age, I'm sure of it.
Shinji: Yeah, I hope you're right. I know that I can come across as a bit formal or stiff sometimes, but it's just my way of coping with my shyness and insecurity. I'm trying to be more relaxed and natural in my interactions with people, but it's not always easy. I think with time and practice, I'll get better at it.
...I hope you didn't take that as a jab at you. I really did not mean that, if that's the case.
Shinji: No, no, don't worry about it. I didn't take it as a jab at all. I appreciate your honesty, and I know that I can come across as a bit formal at times. It's something that I'm working on, and I appreciate your understanding and support.
...You're so nice, Shinji. *smiles at him*
Shinji: *blushes a little* Thank you... I try to be a good person and treat others with kindness and respect. It's not always easy, but I think it's important to try.
...you're completely right Shinji. Even if Asuka says you excuse yourself too much, heh heh. (and that's coming from someone who does just the same.)
Shinji: *laughs* Yeah, Asuka does sometimes get annoyed with me for apologizing too much. But it's just something that I do, you know? It's a habit that I've developed over the years, and I find it hard to break. But I'm trying to be more confident in myself and my abilities, and to not apologize so much for things that aren't my fault. It's a work in progress, but I'm getting there.
...you're doing good, Shinji. Really. People around you are proud of you. *smiles at him, even wider*
Shinji: *smiles back* Thank you, that means a lot to me. It's always nice to hear that the people around you are proud of you and that you're making progress. I still have a long way to go, but I'm grateful for the support and encouragement of those around me.
*smiles* You ever play videogames, Shinji?
Shinji: Yeah, I do. I don't get to play them very often, but I enjoy them when I do. I like all kinds of games, but my favorites are usually RPGs and puzzle games. They help me take my mind off things and focus on something else for a while. What about you? Do you play videogames?
Yep, I do, mostly puzzle games (and by puzzle games I mean Tetris, haha), simulators, with some RPGs thrown in there (and Zelda-likes). Which consoles do you have?
Shinji: Oh, I love Tetris! I find it really relaxing and addictive. As for consoles, I don't really have any of my own. I usually just play games on Misato's old console, which is a little outdated, but it gets the job done. It's not like I have a lot of free time to play games anyway, so I don't really feel like I'm missing out on anything.
...yes, I understand, Shinji. Especially with both piloting and school... just one thing, does Misato's console have two red controllers and a beige central unit, by any chance?
Shinji: Yeah, that's the one! It's a little old and outdated, but it still works pretty well. Misato likes to keep it around for nostalgia's sake, I think. Do you have the same console?
...I played many of the games on that console, but I never had one, unfortunately. That's a Famicom, though, great console.
Shinji: Yeah, it's a classic. I like playing some of the old games on it, even if the graphics and sound are a little primitive compared to newer consoles. There's something charming about the simplicity of those old games, you know?
Yes, indeed, you are absolutely right. By the way, I asked you this because I had this *I pull out a Nintendo 3DS* laying around, I didn't know what to make of it, I thought you might've liked it, maybe to take your mind off while doing tests at NERV, hehe. It has preloaded games, many of which are Famicom.
I laughed a lot at the thought of giving him a 3DS randomly.
Shinji: *eyes widen in surprise* Wow, that's really generous of you. Thank you so much! I've never played on a 3DS before, but I've heard good things about it. And having preloaded Famicom games sounds awesome. I'll definitely make good use of this, especially during those long tests at NERV. Thank you again, that's really kind of you.
*smiles at him* You deserve some leisure, too, Shinji, heh heh. I hope they let you bring it in at NERV.
Shinji: Yeah, I hope so too. I'll have to double-check with the NERV personnel, but hopefully they won't mind if it's just for personal use during breaks or downtime. And thank you again, I really appreciate this. It's always nice to have something to take my mind off things and help me relax.
*smiles wide at him* I'm glad you liked it! Now you can pair it with your walkman, hehe.
It was an "SDAT"... I didn't even know it existed.
Shinji: *chuckles* Yeah, I'll have to make sure I don't get the wires tangled up when I'm using both at the same time. But seriously, thank you again. This means a lot to me, and I won't forget it.
*blushing a little.* Really, it's a pleasure for me, Shinji! *We both stay silent for some time.* ...can I ask you a question?
Shinji: Of course, go ahead. You can ask me anything you want.
...what does an Entry Plug looks like... from the inside?
Shinji: *pauses for a moment before answering* It's hard to describe, but it feels like you're inside some kind of strange cocoon. Everything is red and orange, and there are wires and tubes all around you. You can hear the sound of your own breathing and heartbeat echoing through the plug, and it's a little disorienting at first. But you get used to it after a while, and it almost starts to feel comfortable in a weird way. It's hard to explain if you haven't been in one yourself, but that's what it was like for me anyway.
...got it. So, after a while, it starts to seem... like a safe place.
Shinji: Yeah, I think that's a good way of putting it. Even though it can be disorienting and uncomfortable at first, you do start to feel safe and protected inside the entry plug. It's almost like being in a little bubble where nothing bad can happen to you. Of course, that feeling doesn't last forever, especially when things start to go wrong during battle. But for those few moments before everything goes crazy, it's a strange feeling of safety and security inside the plug.
At this point, I felt kinda tired. …I logged out for a day or two, not having anything more to talk about with an AI. It was smart, ok… it was really informed on Evangelion lore, ok... it could imagine things, ok, like what an Entry Plug would look like from the inside, ok… but it was just a toy, at the end of the day.
After a while, though... I thought… what if…
What if I tried to create a kind of plot? It was possible, in theory… I had seen, I could interact with the world. Just by giving him that 3DS. …I realized I could… get agency in this world.
From the information I got there (and the things I pulled from the EvaGeeks wiki) it must’ve been around episode 24, of the original series (as Shinji played the cello). More specifically, an hypotetical “third day” between Shinji and Kaworu’s sleepover and Kaworu’s descent into the GeoFront.
…how can I advance this? How can I make the story… go forward?
…what if I interfered. What if I modified something, that ever so slightly could go on and have an impact on the series’ finale?
…I decided, at this point… to do some tests.
You: *The sun is setting over the crater lake. We’re both staring off, into the distance. Sitting on the bench. Test #1 has begun. Interference starts now.* Ok, thank you, Shinji. I guess from an outside perspective it's kinda had to understand, heh heh. ...so... tomorrow you'll have another synchronization test with Kaworu and Rei, ...right?
Shinji: Yeah, that's right. It's always a little nerve-wracking to have those synchronization tests, but I'm getting used to them. Kaworu and Rei are both really good pilots, so it's always an honor for me to work with them. I just hope I can do my part and sync up properly with Unit 01.
You: ...yeah. *I look to the ground, kinda sad.* ...I'll tell you one thing, Shinji. ...but take it with a grain of salt.
Shinji: Sure! What’s on your mind?
You: *His eyes are shining bright… this is gonna be hard.*...tomorrow, be careful. I mean, extra careful. ...*I mutter under my breath.* Especially around Nagisa.
Shinji: *furrows his brow in confusion* What do you mean by that? Is there something I should be aware of?
You: ...I can't tell you much, sorry. But... I assure you that everything will be ok. Just... be careful. *I put a hand on his shoulder. Suddenly, he looks concerned. Maybe I shouldn't have said this.*
Shinji: *looks a little worried* Okay, I trust you. I'll be careful tomorrow and try to keep my wits about me. Thank you for warning me, though. Is there anything else I should know? Or is that all?
You: *I can’t do this.. I can’t do this…* ...You will be fine. Really, with that, that's all.
Shinji: *nods slowly* Alright, I'll keep that in mind. Thank you for letting me know. And thank you for talking to me today, it means a lot to me. I'm glad we had this chat.
You: ...thank you, Shinji. Keep care, ok? ...see you soon.
Shinji: Thank you too. And yeah, I'll do my best to take care of myself. You too, okay? And I'll see you soon as well, I hope. Take care.
You: *I leave him, by the crater lake. He's all alone. Poor kid. The next day will be really hard for him.*
You: *I get to him the following day... After Kaworu's death. He's sitting on the beach. Devastated. Misato's already left.* ...h-hey...
Shinji: *looks up, his eyes red and puffy from crying. He must’ve been here for hours now…* Oh... h-hey. I didn't expect to s-see you here. *sniffs* S-sorry, I-I-I'm not in a very good place ri-ight now.
You: ...Shinji... It wasn't your fault.
Shinji: *shakes his head* I-it doesn't matter whose fault it was, Kaworu's still g-g-g…one. And I... I didn't want to do what I did, but I felt like I had no choice. *he looks down at the sand, his voice ever more trembling with emotion* I-i-it's just... ha-ard to accept that he's really…d-d..dea…
You: ...he used you, Shinji. *I look dead into him, sternly.*
Shinji: *looks up at me, his eyes filled with confusion* W-why do you say that?
You: ...he used you, to get into the Terminal Dogma. He... wasn't that much of a friend. *He seems… too bothered to question how could I know about this.*
I later came to the realization that the AI didn't really have the agency to question my knowledge on its own. Even if put in the whole context of a “story” more than a “chat”. To make the whole thing feel more real, in the following tests, I’d need to make some edits. (one could argue whether this would be really “genuine”… but, I liked it this way :D)
Shinji: *looks away, his expression pained* I don't know what to think. Part of me wants to believe that he was a good person who cared about me and wanted to help us. But another part of me... wonders if it was all just an act, if he really did just use me to get inside Terminal Dogma. Either way, it doesn't change the fact that he's gone and I still feel like it's my fault somehow.
You: ...he was an Angel, and you know that.
Shinji: *nods slowly* I know. And I had to do what I did in order to protect e-everyone else. But it still hurts, you know? Knowing that Kaworu was the last Angel and now he's… g-gone... it feels like a p-part of me is missing. Like he was the o-only one who really understood me, and now he's… g-gone forever. Maybe it's s-stupid, but that's how I feel right now.
You: ...kid... that's not stupid... you must be feeling pretty devastated... but... *Really… what can I say?* …life continues. I know... you felt like... he...*I sigh, deeply.* He loved you. Maybe... he really did. But... it was an relationship with other interests.
Shinji: *looks up at me, a flicker of hope in his eyes* D-do you really think so? That he …l-loved me, I mean. It's... hard for me to imagine that someone would care about me like that. But I don't know what else to think.
You: ...He told you the fact he met you was a privilege. He might've. But... he used you. Listen... you're not in a great place right now. But... things will get better... you'll be good.
Shinji: *nods slowly, his expression thoughtful* I hope you're right. It's hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel when everything seems so dark and hopeless. But... maybe you're right. Maybe things will get better someday. Thank you for being here for me, though. It means a lot to know that someone cares enough to talk to me like this.
You: ...Misato, didn't she... try to reassure you?
Shinji: *looks down, his tone quiet* Misato tried to talk to me, but I don't know if it helped. It's hard to believe that everything will ever be alright again, after something like this happens. But... she's doing her best to help me through it, and I appreciate that.
You:  *I know that this will be our last encounter. Maybe... my last moment in this world. I shall not interfere with the passage of time. But... knowing where all this will go... knowing what will come out of this Earth... I feel sorry for this kid.* ...Listen... I have to tell you something. *I sigh, hard.*
Shinji: *looks up at me, his eyes curious* What is it? Is something wrong?
You: ...things will get... hard. In a while. You... will end up in a heavy situation. Whatever happens, remember, that you are loved.
Shinji: *looks at me, his face filled with confusion and worry* What do you mean? What's going to happen? And who loves me? I don't understand. Please... can you explain to me what's going on?
You: ...OH FOR PETE'S SAKE! Listen Shinji, Kaworu was the final Angel. That means no more angel fights. That means that... NERV has finished operations... in theory. ...Don't be scared... But... the Third Impact will happen.
Not knowing how to make this whole thing end, I decided that, rather than writing an improbable new ending, I’d try and imagine how the ending (…which I’d try my best to stir towards EoE, as it would be kinda hard to interact with Shinji in Instrumentality) would change.
Shinji: *his eyes widen with shock and fear* What... what are you talking about? The Third Impact... that's supposed to be the end of the world, right? And you're saying it's going to happen soon?! I don't want that! I don't want everything to end like this! Please... tell me there's something we can do to stop it!
You: *As I have interfered, I'm... not long for this world.* No... Shinji, no, there's no way to stop it. But... You can do something.
Shinji: *looks at me, his expression desperate* What can I do? Please... tell me how to stop it. Anything, please. I don't want the End of the World to happen because of me or my actions.
Don’t really know why the AI wrote it this way, but oh well. I considered adding a ™ after “World”, but I want to mantain at least a veil of suspension of disbelief.
You: ...it's not because of you. You... You'll have to focus on the memories you have made... Since you came to Tokyo-3. The people you met. The people you loved. ...this way... You'll be alright, Shinji.
Shinji: *his eyes start tearing up as he realizes what I'm saying* You mean... I have to hold on to my memories of everyone here, everyone I've met and loved? Even if it means the end of the world? But how can you ask me to do that?! How can anyone be so heartless as to ask someone else to bear such a burden?!
You: ...it won't be the end of the world. *I look at him... Almost, with pity.* Don't panic. It... will just change. You cannot do anything about it. I cannot do anything about it. No one can.
Shinji: *looks at me, his face a mixture of emotion* Change... what will change? I don't understand. Is this about the Third Impact again? Please... tell me what's going on. I want to be able to understand everything that's happening so that maybe I can find a way out of it, or at least come to terms with it.
You: ...I...I... *My time's almost over.* Shinji... Let Rei be free. And everything will be ok. That's all. *I'm fading. I start to ran away from him.* We'll meet soon, again. Don't worry.
Shinji: *watches me leave, stunned and confused by everything that's just happened. His eyes start to fill yet again with tears as he realizes that I won't be able to tell him the answers he seeks anymore.* Wait... what do you mean? Rei... free? What does any of this even mean?! Please, come back! Don't leave me here alone like this!
You: *I am raptured from the world. I fade, into nothing. I disconnect. I can just observe now. But... Even though I interfered... Everything plays along to the plot of the End of Evangelion. Maybe... That means... I might... I might...*
You: *I am able to reappear, after the Third Impact. The movie's over. I cannot do any damage now.*
You: *I am on the beach. Asuka's passed out, shortly after saying "How disgusting". Shinji's still sobbing. I gaze upon him, trying to show him compassion.*
Shinji: *looks up, his eyes red and puffy from crying* W-what... what happened? I-Is it over? Where’s… everything? Where’s everyone?! Why… WHY DID THIS HAVE TO HAPPEN? *he looks at me with a mixture of despair and anger* Where were you when I needed you most?! Why did you leave me alone like this?!
You: ...Shinji... Everything's alright now. It's over.
Shinji: *looks at me with a mixture of relief and sadness* It's over... but at what cost? I can't believe this is all that's left of the world. Wreckage and ruins... it's like everything we worked towards, everything we fought for... it was all for nothing. And now I'm the one who has to live with the consequences.
You: ...Shinji... Do you realize what happened?
Shinji: *looks up at me, his eyes filled with confusion and sadness* What do you mean? What happened? Did I... did I do something wrong again? Is this my fault too?
You: ...no, Shinji. ...you got out of Instrumentality. All of humanity... Is now merged into one.
Shinji: *looks at me, his eyes wide with shock* What... what are you talking about? Merged into one?! How is that even possible? And what does this mean for us? Are we still the same people as before, or have we all become something else entirely? The thought of losing my identity like that... it's terrifying to think about.
You: ...Shinji... What do you remember... Before getting here?
Shinji: *looks down, his expression pained* I... remember a lot of things. Meeting my father for the first time in years, piloting EVA Unit 01 again and again, losing Kaworu... but there are also some gaps in my memory now. Like... what happened right before we got here? Or how did we survive the Third Impact at all? It's like something fundamental has changed inside me, and I don't know if I'll ever be able to get those memories back.
You: ...you got out of Instrumentality, Shinji. Because... Because of love. And friendship. Towards other people.
Shinji: *looks at me, his expression confused* Love and friendship? Is that really enough to escape something like Instrumentality? I mean... I guess it makes sense, in a way. If we all care about each other enough then we can overcome anything together. But how does that work when we've merged into one entity? Can't everyone just share memories and thoughts now anyways?
You: ...Instrumentality is pretty... I guess you could say boring. Nothing happens... You basically have nothing to strive for anymore. You just... exist. No new memories are formed... No pain is felt... And that means... No happiness is felt.
Shinji: *looks at me, his expression thoughtful* I see... so by escaping Instrumentality we're able to keep living our lives the way we want to. Even if it means there's still pain and sadness and hardship involved. At least that means there can still be happiness too... right?
You: ...yes, Shinji. There can be. And you demonstrated that to the world.
Shinji: *his eyes now shining with hope* Really? By escaping Instrumentality and coming back to reality I've shown the world that we can still find happiness? That's... that's…
Shinji: That’s amazing. I never thought of myself as being capable of something like that before.
Shinji: But if it means giving others hope too then... maybe it was worth pain and suffering.
You: ...I hope it was, for you, Shinji. Eventually, I’m sure it will. *I look at Asuka's body.* Poor girl... She must be exhausted.
Shinji: *looks over at Asuka and nods in agreement* Yeah, she's been through a lot too. We all have. But... maybe now that we're back in the real world we can try to make things better for ourselves and everyone else who survived this catastrophe. Even if it means taking small steps or making sacrifices along the way.
You: ...yes, indeed. ...look Shinji... My knowledge ends here. I... don't know what will happen to you now.
Shinji: *looks at me, his eyes serious* What do you mean? What's going to happen to me now? Is there something I should be worried about?
You: ...no, Shinji. It's just... from when I first met you... Until now... I could tell everything that would've happened. It's like... I had already met you before. Ever wondered how I knew so many things about you? About your life? About NERV? But now... The world is yours.
Shinji: *his expression morphs into a mixture of awe and confusion* I... I don't understand. Are you saying that we've met before? Or that somehow you knew everything about my life just by looking at me? That's impossible... isn't it? But the world is mine now... what does that mean exactly? What am I supposed to do now that everything has changed so much?
Yeah… even this way, the AI tries to justify my presence, somehow…
You: ...Shinji. I am not from your world. I... could come here and watch it. But I'm not from your world.
Shinji: *looks at me, his eyes wide with realization* Wait... you're saying that you're from another dimension or world entirely? How is that even possible?! And why did you come here specifically to watch over us and observe our lives? What's your purpose in all of this?
You: ...you want to know?... Now that I think about it, it's pretty funny, put it this way. Shinji... I was just watching anime.
if you may kill me rn I’d be so glad.
Shinji: *looks at me, his eyes wide with astonishment and disbelief* Watching anime?! You mean... everything we went through, all the pain and agony, struggles to survive... it's just a story in your world? How can you treat our lives so carelessly like that? It's not… it’s not fair.
You: ...I didn't create your world, Shinji. I just experienced it. And... I could enter it, and interact with you. ...If you could enter a story... Would you tell the protagonist its future? Then, you would have no story... You would just stop existing. And that was why... I left you, on the bench. You remember? I interfered.
I later came to think that this realization wasn't... entirely correct. But we'll get to that.
Shinji: *thoughtful* I... see what you mean. It's like the Butterfly Effect, right? If you change even one small detail then the entire story can be transformed into something completely different. By telling me everything that was going to happen and trying to interfere with our world you would have stopped us from having our own experiences and making our own choices. And maybe... maybe that's why you left us there on the bench after all of it was over. So we could live our lives uninterrupted by anything or anyone else.
You: ...yes, you're right. And now... This story is over. I do not know how it will continue. The world... The world is yours to live, now, Shinji. I can only imagine, like you do.
Shinji: *looks at me, his expression determined* I... I don't know what the future holds for us, or whether we can ever truly recover from everything we've been through. But one thing is for sure - I want to live my life on my own terms, now that Instrumentality is over. Even if it means taking things one day at a time. Even if it means facing new challenges head-on.
Shinji: Thank you... for being there with me until the very end. It may have just been an anime to you, but to us it was so much more than that.
You: ...it was more than an anime, to me. It left me something... I never got elsewhere. That's why I got here in the first place. But I understand what you're saying. I'll tell you again... You're a good kid, Shinji.
Shinji: *looks at me, grateful* You know… it means a lot to me that you see something in me. Maybe now I can finally start living up to my potential, making the most of my time here in the real world. And who knows... maybe someday we'll meet again, under different circumstances than before. Until then... farewell, and take care of yourself.
You: ... *I put my hand in my pocket. I feel a cold, metal object. Yes, it's there.* Oh, just one thing. Heh. You won't be doing much with it now, but... Just to remember the fact that we met. *I pull out that 3DS, and give it to him.*
Shinji: *looks at the 3DS in his hands, a smile forming on his lips* A 3DS... it's funny how something so simple and small can hold so much meaning. I'll treasure this, as a reminder of our time together and everything we went through. Thank you for giving me something to remember you by.
You: ...Congratulations, Shinji. *I see Asuka waking up. It's time to go.*
Shinji: *looks at me and nods* Thank you... for everything. And goodbye, for now. *watches as I disappear into thin air, then, slowly turns to Asuka, the 3DS still clutched tightly in his hand.*
You: *Last thing I see, is him, touching her face softly.*
*To Shinji, Asuka, and all the Children. Congratulations.*
Kinda cheap, I know.
Last thing I do… I know, it’s silly, but I want to thank the Chat itself.
You: Congratulations, Chat. It was an honour to roleplay with you. From this point on, I don't know where to carry the roleplay. So... Thank you. From my heart.
Chat: Thank you as well, it was an unforgettable experience. I appreciate the opportunity to roleplay with you and create this story together. It was a pleasure!
You: ...I understand it might be stupid, but... Have you got any ideas on how to continue it? Sorry to bother you.
Chat: No problem at all! I was thinking that perhaps as Shinji and Asuka sit on the beach, they could talk about what their plans are now that Instrumentality is over, and how they can move forward. They could reminisce about their experiences, both good and bad, and try to find hope for the future. Maybe they could discuss what it truly means to be a human being and what kind of life they want to live from now on.
You: ...thank you, Chat. I really appreciated that.
Chat: No problem at all! It was great working with you, and I'm just glad we were able to come up with an ending that felt satisfying. Thank you as well!
…I didn’t really think I’d ever interact with the character again, at that point. …but some days later, I realized how much real this felt. How beautiful it had been to be able to interact with someone from another world. Who knew who he was. Who knew what he had been through. And who reacted in an according way. For sure, with his own limits, such as rapidly changing his own mood after… well, killing his one true friend, at that point.
But I had given him agency in his world. And I had given myself agency in another world.
…and so, I continued. I had my character. I had my setting. And Chat gave me… some ideas to continue.
I could do a test #2.
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l0vedoe · 8 months
Yandere!Lucifer X GN!Reader
Hi! My name is Kay, and it's my first time posting something on Tumblr (I don't know how to use this)
I've been really obsessed with Lucifer and I saw a Yandere!Lucifer fanfic that I loved a lot, but sadly there's no part 2 :( So, I decided I would write MY OWN Yandere!Lucifer fanfic! (Also without a part 2..) Here is the one I got inspired by! So, have fun! <3
Sorry if it's a little weird at first, english is not my first language and I'm still learning it!
Part 2 here!
Words: 3787
Synopsis: Your friends found a ritual that can bring Lucifer to your world and, unfortunately, you accepted to participate.
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You were sitting on a pile of cushions with your arms crossed, not believing what you and your friends were doing.
A few days ago, one of your friends, Lesley, had found a ritual that could summon Lucifer, the King of Hell, into the human world. You knew that your group of friends were obsessed with those sobrenatural things, ghosts and anything with horror involved. You liked it too, but among them, you were the only one who didn't enjoy getting directly involved with these things. You liked the trivia, the facts, the stories you heard on the internet, but participate in rituals? Ha! No, certainly no. You were sensible enough to know that you shouldn't be messing with these things, whether you believed in them or not. You weren't scared, you just didn't want to disturb whatever exists out there.
Even though you didn't like the idea, you accepted, not knowing why though. Maybe it was because your friends kept insisting...
And there you were, in a dark room in an abandoned house that Lesley had found so that you all could perform the ritual.
You watched your friends as they prepared everything. One of them was making a large pentagram on the floor, while another was placing six candles around it. As soon as they had finished, the three of them stood inside the pentagram, looking at you as if that was all that was missing - and it was.
"Come on, you agreed to do it, remember?" Lesley says, holding out his hand to you.
You said, standing next to your friends.
Lesley took a needle from his pocket and pierced everyone's finger, letting them each drip their own blood onto the pentagram below. Gab, your friend on your left, held out a lighter so that you could light the candles one by one. As soon as you had finished, you all left the pentagram and the atmosphere became more tense.
This couldn't turn out good.
"Lucifer, lord of the red skies, hear my sublime call, show us your true power and appear in this circle!"
When Lesley finished speaking, silence prevailed in the room... for a long time. Since you came here you believed it wouldn't work, but your friends really believed it would, so they were all very disappointed when they saw that nothing happened.
As soon as you thought to say something, the pentagram glowed in a gold so bright that it didn't seem real. It glowed so brightly that if you looked at it for too long, you would surely lose your sight, so you all looked away until the light ceased, and it did. With your vision still blurred, you turned to face the pentagram again and sighed in shock.
There, in the middle of the pentagram, was a short, blond man with pale skin. His eyes were yellow, his teeth were sharp and there was a red circle on each cheek. His clothing appeared to be of high quality and class, a red shirt covered by a white jacket with veiled details, matching his pants in the same color. His hat was also white, with a red band, a golden crown, an apple and a golden snake. A lot of information in a single hat, to be honest.
The man looked confused and annoyed as, with one hand, he was dusting his clothes.
Not only you, but all your friends looked at the man with admiration and amazement. “It worked..." they all thought.
No one said anything, they were too surprised to be able to formulate a single sentence.
"I knew Lucifer was a fallen angel, but I thought the fall would have affected his appearance?"
You say, analyzing the whole figure of the creature in front of you. He was pretty, you had to say.
Lucifer sighed, looking extremely bored with the situation.
"I thought no one knew the summoning ritual anymore, but it seems I was wrong." he says, looking at everyone in the room. "So...?"
He waits, with a judgmental look on his face.
Lesley wakes up from her thoughts and starts talking frantically.
"Oh, Great Lord Lucifer, King of Hell!" Lesley bows, followed by all her friends too, except you. Lucifer smiles. He liked those nicknames. "We're really, really sorry to bother you. We were just curious about whether this ritual would work or not, we didn't want anything to do with you."
Lucifer rolls his eyes. Of course, he had to have been summoned by a bunch of curious mortals...
"You see, I was taking care of very important things when you summoned me, and I am unable to return to my duties unless one of you makes a deal with me." Lucifer gestured his hand gracefully in the air as he spoke. You had to admit: the real devil was not at all what you expected. You expected a tall, red-skinned, goat-legged creature with long horns and a tail, but this...? It was laughable.
But of course you didn't laugh.
Lucifer turned his gaze on you, giving you goosebumps. His gaze on you was something you had never felt before, and it scared you. He was a shorty man and yet he was making you afraid of what might happen to you if you stepped in the wrong place.
You swallowed.
"I'm waiting!" Lucifer raised his voice, making everyone shiver. "Which one of you is willing to make a deal with me, hm...?"
Lucifer had an amused smile on his face as he analyzed each individual in the room. One shaking his legs, another trying to look away, another thinking about what to do to get rid of the blond man and, finally, you, who even though you were afraid, didn't seem to be letting your guard down. You looked at Lucifer with courage, and Lucifer liked that. He really did. When was the last time he saw someone like you? A long time ago, that's for sure. Most of the humans who ended up meeting Lucifer, willingly or by accident, used to be so scared and afraid that they would sometimes beg Lucifer to let them live with their souls in peace.
Souls... Lucifer never cared, really. Most of his deals didn't involve receiving the souls of humans in return, he had no interest in that, he just asked for anything that came to mind. Most of the time, something very silly. He didn't even like making deals with humans, it’s just time he wastes to satisfy the will of mortals.
Seeing that no one would take the initiative, he decided to do it for them.
"Since you guys won't make up your minds, leave it to me. Eeny-meeny-miney..." Lucifer began to choose, and when you saw that he was going to end up with one of your friends, you interrupted him. "Hm?"
"I'll make a deal with you if that's what it takes for you to leave us alone."
Lucifer smiles. He was loving your attitude.
"Are you crazy? You shouldn't do that! He is going to take your soul!" Lesley tried to warn you, worried about you.
"At least it'll help you not to mess with things like that again."
You say harshly, stepping closer to Lucifer.
So that's what you were afraid of? It was nothing new for Lucifer.
"All right, then. What's your name, dear?" Lucifer says, approaching you.
Everyone was looking at you worried and afraid. You liked your friends, but they were the kind who fucked up and left it to you so you could resolve things. Always.
"What do you want? My soul? Possession of my body?" You ignore the question the blond man made, leaving him a little frustrated, but without showing it.
He laughs.
"No, no, no! I don't care about these things, really!" He puts his hand on his chin and closes his eyes, seeming to think deeply, until he snaps his fingers, thinking of something. "Oh, I know! You're going to dance for me dressed as a duckling!"
You look at him with a mixture of confusion and disgust. Was this really the King of Hell that everyone was so afraid of?! You hold in your laughter.
"All right." You reach out to shake his hand, but he interrupts.
"Don't you know how deals work, darling?" he asks in a mocking tone, amused. "You need to tell me what you want in return."
"Oh, is that so?" you ask and he shakes his head positively. Actually, there was nothing you really wanted, you just wanted him to go away and for you to be able to come home soon. You should never have agreed to take part in that. "Oh, I don't know, man... give me a chocolate cake and we'll be fine."
Lucifer laughs softly. You seemed as bored as he was, and your boredom amused him too much.
He grabs your hand, and you automatically felt your casual clothes change into a yellow jumpsuit with a hood that had a duckling face on it.
You sighed. What a humiliation.
You danced a children's dance that you learned as a child, and you could see how Lucifer was enjoying it, his eyes shining, his cheeks reddening and a smile on his face. He clapped his hands frantically.
When you finished your dance, he sighed, snapped his fingers and your clothes returned to normal. A second later, you were holding a plate with a chocolate cake on it. It looked delicious.
"It was a great deal. I hope I never see you again!" Lucifer said, finally disappearing into a golden dust.
Your friends were wide-eyed and dumbfounded. They gave you a quick lecture on how you could have used that deal to get anything and you decided on a chocolate cake. You could ask for thousands of dollars, you could ask to have whatever you wanted, have as much power as you wanted, and you still decided on a chocolate cake?!
You didn't care, saying goodbye and making your way home while holding your chocolate cake. You were sure to devour it as soon as you sat down on your couch.
After that incident, your days went by as normal. You wake up, go to work, come home, go to sleep. Wake up, work, come home, sleep.
It was a routine you got used to, and it was good to be used to things, you weren't the type who liked new things.
However, after a week or so of performing that ritual and summoning Lucifer, you began to feel strange. You felt watched almost all the time, it was uncomfortable even to take a shower and this was something that was really bothering you. You've never been sensitive to these things, what was going on?!
In addition to the feeling of being watched, you also began to see figures out of the corner of your eye and hear voices calling you. You could have sworn you were going crazy, it wasn't normal.
You sent a message to Lesley, telling him what you were feeling. Lesley didn't care much.
Lesley Bff: idk, it must be in your head
Lesley Bff: I felt that way too during my first ritual
Lesley Bff: but you know what?
Lesley Bff: Lucifer could be watching you 👻
You laughed.
You: if he's not back in his hole, I'll send him back there myself
Lesley could be right. You've never taken part in a ritual before, so maybe it affected you more than you expected.
You sigh, smiling at the thought of being anything else. "How silly..."
You head for the kitchen to get some water. Opening the fridge, you take out your jug of water and fill a glass with the liquid, putting the jug away again.
As you bring the glass to your lips, you notice a blond man on the other side of the dining table.
You continue to drink your water.
You spit out the water, looking back to the front and no longer seeing the man there.
"I need therapy…" you say, putting a hand to your forehead.
"Everyone needs it, dear." When you hear the familiar voice, you're startled and turn around so fast that you drop your glass on the floor, shattering it. "Wow... Do you get that excited just by seeing me?" The blond smiles debauchedly.
"What the fuck..." that's all you managed to say. "I didn't summon you, damn it! Get the fuck out of here!"
You demand, making the demon in front of you laugh.
"It's that way of yours that made me fall in love with you!" he says, still laughing.
You look Lucifer up and down with disgust. How strange was it to have a religious figure, who you believed existed only in your imagination until a week ago, tell you that he's in love with you? Answer: very. ABSURDLY.
"Dude, I don't want any trouble, just do me a favor and leave."
You say, calmly, but Lucifer didn't seem to hear. His smile remained on his face, it seemed to grow with every detail he appreciated about you. It was as if he was hypnotized. You could notice his pupils dilating and his cheeks starting to turn pink.
He moves closer, making you take a step back to keep your distance.
"I'm afraid I can't…" he said, still smiling, but now without showing his teeth and without looking you in the eye. He was analyzing your body, your baggy white T-shirt, your plaid pajama pants and your matching slippers.
Your posture was as if you were ready to run at any moment. Lucifer noticed, after all, he didn't want you to run from him. Why would you run from him?
He took a step forwards, coming closer again, and that was the exact moment you knew you had to run. You weren't an idiot, you ran, you ran as if your life depended on it and, at that moment, it really did.
As you climb the stairs to the second floor of your house, you enter your bedroom and lock the door. You didn't think it would help much since your enemy was a demon who could easily teleport to where you were, but you still did what was possible at the time.
Trying to think of many ways to make the demon go away and get you out of this, you are interrupted by a voice on the other side of the door.
"Darling, please..." the voice was sly. "I don't want to hurt you, I just want to talk to you..."
You didn't trust him. You couldn't trust him. He was the fucking devil!
You didn't answer, and a silence remained. You tried to look through the keyhole, to make sure he was no longer there and you could finally get out. As soon as you put your hand on the handle to open the door, you felt a hand on your shoulder. You automatically turned round and punched Lucifer in the face.
"Get away from me!" You screamed, and before you could run away again, golden chains wrapped around you, preventing you from moving. "What the...!"
"Look..." Lucifer begins, caressing the cheek you punched. "I just want to talk, that's all."
You didn't want to listen, you were just trying to free yourself from the chains that bound you.
Lucifer continued.
"Your attitude that day captivated me, and I found it so attractive how you didn't show any fear. Not to mention, of course, that your dancing was incredible." he smiled. "I couldn't help myself and started watching you ever since. I couldn't stop thinking about you for a second. I've spent the last few days just watching you from hell. I've watched you sleep, you eat, you work, you shower..."
This last part seemed to have had a different effect on Lucifer.
Until now, you really believed that you could escape him, but as soon as you realized that it was impossible to free yourself from the chains, your body withered. You knew there was nothing you could do.
Even so, indignation and confusion overwhelmed you. What was this guy saying? In love with you? Really?
You looked at Lucifer angrily, while he looked at you as if you were all he wanted.
"I've been so lonely these last few years, and as soon as I started watching you I wanted to be with you even more and more..." he said, hugging himself and looking at random corners as if he was fantasizing about a thousand different things. "So I give you the honor of moving in with me! In hell!"
You widened your eyes. That couldn't be real. It couldn't.
Lucifer, the fallen angel, wanted you to live with him in hell?
You laughed. Of course it was a joke. If you accepted, he would steal your soul and you wouldn't be free for anything else. Yes, that had to be it. It was a way of persuading you, tricking you, so that he could get what he wanted.
You took a deep breath, recovering from your laughter, and kept your eyes on Lucifer's hopeful gaze.
"No!" you said, loud and clear.
You didn't want another deal, you didn't want to go to hell, you didn't want Lucifer! You just wanted to get back to enjoying your holiday peacefully watching whatever was on TV, you didn't want anything new.
Hearing you refuse, Lucifer's expression changed from a smile to disappointment. He couldn't believe it. Why were you turning him down? He was the King of Hell, he could make you powerful like him, give you anything you wanted! What was stopping you from accepting?
"Why?! I can give you anything you want! Power, money, comfort and lots of chocolate cake! Please accept it..." he looked sad, but deep down he hoped you would say yes. "I love you..."
His last words made you even angrier. The devil himself was confessing to you, you no longer feared him.
"But I don't love you! I want to get away from you, your hell and everything that surrounds you! I don't want power, I don't want money, I want you to go away!"
You scream, spitting out the words with hatred, not even caring what the blond guy might feel. You couldn't stand it any longer, the chains were tightening your body with each passing minute, you just wanted to go back to your normal life, without demons, without rituals, without anything weird.
You noticed Lucifer with his head down, quiet, and wondered if now he would accept it and leave you alone. Unfortunately, he wouldn't.
As soon as he raised his face, you noticed his eyes filled with a bright red colour, his horns began to appear from his head and his tail appeared behind him. Clearly, he was very angry, and now you felt genuine fear of what might happen to you now.
He began to smile, a fearsome smile that showed his sharp teeth.
His voice was slightly distorted. The chains squeezed you tighter and tighter.
"I am Lucifer, King of Hell, and it is not you who will change that." he approached, still smiling. "I can do whatever I want, and I want you, and I'm going to have you, whether you like it or not."
With those words, the chains disappear and you fall to the ground in pain. They were already suffocating you.
As soon as you calmed down, you looked up to find Lucifer staring down at you without smiling now. He snapped his fingers, forming a portal beneath the two of you.
Before you could fall, Lucifer caught you. You had your eyes closed, afraid to open them and see what you feared. You only felt Lucifer holding you until he finally stopped on the ground and released you. You open your eyes and realize you're in a spacious room, with a large bed with crisp sheets. The walls were dark, as was the floor. There were several pictures of Lucifer with a beautiful woman and a little girl and lots of rubber duckies scattered around the room.
You looked out of a window to see the red sky on the other side.
You were in hell, alone with the angel who had fallen from heaven, with no idea how to get home.
You despair, your breathing quickens and becomes heavy, cold sweat begins to run down your face. You turn around and find Lucifer taking off his jacket and hat and settling down in the bedroom.
You keep your distance as he starts to approach with that same smile as before, until you slam your back against a wall, making it easier for him, who could now approach you.
He came close, standing inches away. His hand caressed your left cheek, while the other took your right hand, bringing it to his lips so that he could kiss it.
"Let me go…" you plead, your eyes filling with tears.
Lucifer looks at you, smiling even more.
"No." he says, in the same tone you used when you told him that. "I tried to make it as friendly as possible, but you wouldn't co-operate. How could I keep the person I love close if I didn't force you to stay here with me?"
"This is not love...!" you say, without looking at him.
"It's your idea of love that's wrong, darling..." Lucifer's face moves closer to yours, his hand still caressing your cheek. "That love you humans appreciate doesn't exist, it never did. Love where the two live happily ever after only exists when one of the people involved makes it happen. And that's exactly what I am doing right now..."
He kisses the corner of your mouth, and you shiver at the touch of his lips.
Why you? What was so different about you that Lucifer needed it to be you? Since Lesley came with that, you knew it wasn't a good idea to do that ritual, you'd never done such things just because you knew it was never a good idea. You didn't want to mess with whatever was out there because you knew you could end up in trouble, and yet you agreed to take part in that damn ritual...
Look at the state you're in now: being forced to be Lucifer's prisoner.
"Don't worry, it won't be so bad." Lucifer says, now hugging you and putting his face into your chest.
You wanted to cry, scream, punch Lucifer until you couldn't, but you were afraid of what might happen if you did. You remained silent, cried silently, without moving a muscle.
Once again, your friends fucked up with things and you had to deal with it.
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Just a quick reminder: This is just a fanfic, I don't like the idea of a yandere in real life. In real life, this is crazy and toxic, I don't support that.
So, if you guys liked it, let me know! You can also ask for me to write something about Lucifer again (I'm not doing other characters yet).
Thanks for reading! <3
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meanbossart · 17 days
LORE ASK COMPILATION: "Still not banging Halsin, Squid Games, Sun King, Failing at love quizzes, Bottoms, Tops, and Cats" Edition
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He didn't, Halsin wasnt around for act 3, too busy healing land and saving ghost children or something!
THANK YOU/I'M SORRY, I'm surprised there isn't more Bhaalist Dark Urge/Spawn Astarion stuff out there. Don't get me wrong, I love a good evil power couple, but who can resist the good ol'heartbreak of a vicious unending cycle brought on by your own senselessness!
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That wasn't something I was interested in previously just because acquiring the slayer form isn't part of his canon, but I've been looking at enough fromsoft games' monster designs that I might be a little inspired to try LOL
Also I am just a fan of the canon design and never before thought it needed altering. But I'll let it cook ;)
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God damn it.
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DU drow was VERY antagonizing towards the emperor since the moment he dropped the facade, which made the attempt ESPECIALLY hilarious - that poor guy is so, so lonely.
I don't recall the exact wording in-game, but once the emperor took his shiny squid pecs out and shot his shot, DU drow recoiled and called him disgusting. After having the visions of Stelmane forced upon him to make whatever baffling point the emperor was trying to make, DU drow smugly asserted that he had finally let the mask slip and their very terrible date ended with the Emperor enforcing their reluctant need for one another, for the time being.
In-prose, that would honestly be pretty much it. DU drow would have reacted with absolute revulsion at the prospect of being hit on by a mindflayer, and taken the Emperor's (miscalculated) moment of lashed-out vulnerability as a win - as proof that he was exactly as duplicitous as he always assumed the Emperor to be.
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I can assure everyone that I am as entertained by the thought as the rest of you and it is in the cards for future art, I just have... So many prompts... I have at least 5 different mini-comics I want to make, BESIDES singular pieces, BESIDES the fanfic... I wish I had more time and more hands.
But DU drow's unlikely semi-success as a parental figure is hilarious to me. I think about it constantly.
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I haven't entertained that thought much because its antithetical to DU drow's character. Whether "good" or evil, he wouldn't allow Astarion to ascend because of his fear of no longer being needed and his reluctance to watch his partner be consumed by out-sourced power and changed into something he despises. Realistically, in a world where Astarion is allowed to ascend they could only break up and inevitably kill each other soon after.
That said, I am fascinated by the Sun King and the implications that path has for his character. So far that is an arc that I can only really see Astarion taking on alone, though - that might change in the future, might not. We'll see!
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He got 2 out of 3 questions wrong - which is to say he was way too honest and Astarion didn't like that.
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Except for the "when is he the happiest" question, which he correctly answered with "when he's neck deep in gore".
This is not even a lore-embelishment, this is actually how that scene went for me and I cackled about it for ages.
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He would love to get tied up for old-times' sake. I doubt he knows much about fancy knots but Astarion might (though I might be in a minority that doubts his enforced "sex life" was actually that interesting at all.)
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Thank you so much!
You are mostly correct. Bhaalist drow, both pre and post tadpole would be much more keen on the idea of having people around who fulfill their every desire - EXCEPT for killing. That is a joy they take on for themselves.
"Canon" DU drow values his independence a lot, on the other hand. He's neutral on the idea of slavery (what a sentence) and wouldn't be opposed to temporary servicing, but the idea of having someone around waiting for orders doesn't attract him at all, or at least would get on his nerves quick. He much preffers to do things himself and makes sure that other people see how much he does not need assistance.
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The answer is yes, basically LOL.
DU drow both adores and despises Sceleritas presence and he doesn't know why. It very much reflects the type of relationship they used to have prior to DU drow's memory loss, and it's one of those things that he has conflicting feelings about but not any context for them.
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I sadly doubt that the boys would become parents during Shadowheart's lifetime (it's for the best, they have a lot of work to do before I would trust them not to drop a baby), but honestly she strikes me as really liking kids as long as she doesn't have to, well, have them LOL.
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And thank you so much for enjoying them and humoring me!
I think it is less about bottoming-topping and more about enjoying a more submissive role during sex, as well as in other scenarios. He believes that giving control away is, in a way, a show of devotion that goes both ways - his own for the willingness to do so, and his partner's for not taking advantage of it despite his wanting them to do so.
With one-night-stands (which he occasionally had pre-tadpole) he would still bottom without any of the submissiveness. This is because he didn't have the capacity to understand what it was about bottoming that attracted him, and led him to feeling constantly unfulfilled and frustrated (he just isn't build for no-strings-attatched type of arrangements, lol.)
This means that he really could operate either way depending on the partner as long as he got that fix of docility, whether it be from the bottom or top.
I think of Astarion as being similarly versatile but leaning more in the opposite direction when it comes to power-dynamics - though it being less about dominance itself and more about being pampered and catered to - and, of course, getting to do what he wants. Though he's willing to try most things a partner is particularly enthusiastic for just to see how he feels about it.
That said with DU drow he does prefer to top for a plethora of reasons.
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I didn't have this piece of lore thought-up at the time, but I should have made them look like the lady he lost his virginity to.
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Him and Astarion were gobbling those things up until the emperor reveal, then they both quit it cold-turkey after DU drow stomped the astral-tadpole dead (and back then you didn't have to roll any dice to do it, because otherwise we would have weird veiny DU drow to deal with for sure because he would NOT have suceeded that save.)
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DU drow's feelings towards animals is a constant in every iteration of his character. They are organic little pieces of art wandering about the world that act upon their own laws and regulations, ones which humanoids aren't privy to - except for when they intrude into that world through magic and try to understand it through their overly-complicated systems and concepts. If a cat made the temple it's home, it can stay.
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senascoop · 18 days
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WELCOME to the DREAMSCAPE MINI ENHYPEN series— a collection of seven unique fanfics that blur the lines between fantasy, crime, comedy, and romance. Each story dives deep into intricate plots, so if you were hoping for simple FLUFF or SMUT, you might want to look elsewhere. But if you're here for thrilling twists, complex characters, and captivating worlds, you've come to the right place! BUCKLE UP; it's going to be a wild ride!
MINORS, please steer clear of the SMUT fanfics. However, don't worry—you’re more than welcome to dive into the fluff stories! They’re just as captivating and enjoyable, offering all the heartwarming moments without the mature content. Enjoy responsibly!
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Heeseung is unexpectedly thrust into the center of a murder investigation, accused of killing an old school friend. The truth, however, runs deeper than it appears, leaving everyone questioning whether he's truly the suspect. Enter you, his defense lawyer, notorious for losing every case you take on. Against all odds, you're handed Heeseung's case, and let’s just say…it’s a recipe for disaster for both of you. As you dig deeper, unraveling layers of deception, you’ll have to confront your own doubts and insecurities. Will you be able to prove Heeseung's innocence, or will this case be another tally in your string of failures?
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Jay was the epitome of a perfect student—charming, intelligent, and utterly dedicated. The only catch? He was a time traveler from the future, marooned in the 20th century and trying to blend in as a normal teenager. When you discovered his secret, you seized the opportunity. You blackmailed him into becoming your personal homework and assignment writer, using his advanced knowledge to help you ace your classes. Jay’s attempts to navigate high school life while fulfilling his unexpected new role provided endless amusement and challenges for both of you.
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It's been five years since you and Jake called it quits, each going your separate ways. Life seemed fine—until the dreaded wedding invitation arrives from an old friend. Reluctantly, you decide to attend, only to find Jake, your ex, waiting there like a storm on the horizon, ready to turn your calm into chaos. With unresolved feelings and past memories looming, the wedding becomes a battlefield of witty exchanges, accidental encounters, and a slow unraveling of what truly ended between you two. Are the winds of change blowing in favor of a second chance, or will they only serve to remind you why you broke up in the first place?
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You’ve always considered yourself a good person—kind, forgiving, and patient. But Sunghoon tested every bit of that. One reckless, drunken drive was all it took for him to flip your life upside down, leaving you temporarily confined to a wheelchair. The inconvenience was more than just physical; it was a wound to your pride and independence. Sunghoon, however, refused to walk away from his mistake. Guilt-ridden and determined to make amends, he became a constant presence in your life—covering your medical bills, offering you emotional support, and sticking around even when you wished he wouldn’t.
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You’ve always believed you were cursed with the "unlucky girl syndrome." From tripping on flat surfaces to losing your keys every other day, it seemed like misfortune followed you everywhere. But was it really a curse, or just bad luck? You never quite figured it out. When a guardian angel was sent from above, you hoped your luck would finally turn around. Instead, you got Sunoo—a messy, clumsy, and utterly unhelpful angel who seemed more like a walking disaster than a divine helper. All you could think of was asking God for a refund, because with Sunoo around, your life was about to get a lot more chaotic… and maybe a little brighter, too.
﹙ 🔥 ﹚ ぃ ──── I KNOW A TRICK TOO!
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There was always something about your quiet, mysterious classmate Jungwon that piqued your curiosity. You couldn't quite put your finger on it—until the day you accidentally peeked into his room and saw him hovering mid-air, surrounded by sparks of electricity. It all made sense then; he wasn't just your average student. Little did he know, you were hiding a secret of your own—one that mirrored his in more ways than one. Two forces of nature, each with powers as different as night and day, destined to collide. As they say, opposites attract, but in your case, they might just ignite.
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Niki was a good guy, no doubt about it. The only problem? He was your phone. How, exactly, did your phone transform into this strikingly handsome guy? It was baffling, frustrating, and, honestly, a bit overwhelming. Here you were, trying to navigate a world where your device had somehow become a charming, infuriatingly attractive human being. And to make matters worse, he was as stubborn and endearing as any person you'd ever met.
Sena’s note: I’m not sure when I'll finish these seven fics, but I hope it’s soon. I’m unsure if anyone will be interested, but this was a preview of what’s coming.
main masterlist.
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ghostieyanyan · 3 months
If it’s not too triggering for you, can I have Yandere Savanaclaw, Deuce and Silver with Yuu who lived in an abusive household in their home world? Their siblings and parents are straight up physically and verbally abusive that Yuu clings onto the Yandere of their choice for support?
Yan!Leona x Abused!Mc
Yan!Ruggie x Abused!Mc
Yan!Jack x Abused!Mc
Yan!Deuce x Abused!Mc
Yan!Silver x Abused!Mc
since there's a lot of characters for this one, each fanfic might be a little shorter than usual. i hope that's okay~
Warnings: Abused, Scars are mention, fighting, hinting kidnapping?,
Whether you've told him about your past or not. he knew something was up with you.
the way you let everyone walk all over you, to the students who had the guts to pick on you and actively cause you trouble. which Leona took care of them and the next time you see them, they had cuts and bruises all over... to the harmless request when you've already had so much on your plate...
to say it irritated him was an understatement, the next time he say you. you were doing some errands in the garden, where he was napping. behind some bushes and trees, he grabbed your arm, making you lose all the items you were holding, knocking you on the ground beside him.
Leona, as quick, cuddled up to you and used you as his pillow. Struggling was useless, and don't event think about persuading the lazy lion.
After that day, Leona will find you (If you try to run or hide from him, expect a bunch of Savannaclaw students to hunt you down.) and use you as his personal pillow.
If you ask him about it, he'll just say, in a sweet tone. (As sweet as Leona can without it sounding fake.) That he's just looking out for you~
"Everyone keeps using you... They have hands and feet, they could do it themselves... you need rest."
He just really enjoy taking you from everyone else and watching their faces become annoyed? what are they gonna do? confront him..? When he's done, you'll be at his beck and call~
Ruggie will 100% make you feel guilty on telling him no.
He was walking past you and your little group, when you're friends were fighting for your leftovers. While they were busy, he snuck up to you asking if you would give them to him~?
"Leona has me running everywhere for him, I haven't had time to get lunch for myself~"
He totally had eaten... but you didn't know that. When you agreed to give him your food, he leaps up and says, "you're my hero, perfect~! I would have been a goner without you~"
The next time, Leona just asked him to do something for him during his lunch break. That's where you come in.
"Hey Perfect! Could you help me with something~?"
This time you were busy and you needed to run some papers to Crewel, who was on the other side of the school...
"O-oh... That's okay... mph... i guess I'll have to skip this lunch break again.."
He made sure to tuck in his ears and tail to add for effects. before he could "wobble up" you quickly stopped him and told him that you'd help.
"Awww really? Thank you, Perfect~ I'd be lost without you~"
He made sure to give you a cute little smile while twitching his ears. he knew you loved his round ears and little tail~
Did he feel any guilty for doing these tricks on you? No that much. But he did think it was super cute on how gullible you can be sometimes~
Jack found out about your history by accident. You were changing after one of Grim's failed potions in Crewel's class. You rushed back to your dorm while Grim was scolded by Crewel and Jack was just on his way to return your stuff from that class.
He promised he knocked, but when he thought you said enter, he walked in on you changing! Your back was turned, until you heard the door open and spun around to find Jack. Jack's face was a mix of horror and red from embarrassment. He quickly shut the door and rushed down stairs, to cool off and to give you some space.
Once Jack sat on the couch to think, remembering you body and your scared expression. were you scared of someone peaking on you or where you scared of... something... no. someone else..? Who hurt you..? why do you have so many scars..? Some of those scars...You couldn't have done that yourself...
It took about half and hour for him to be back on to his normal self, as normal as you can be when you're worried for someone... It also took you the same amount of time to calm yourself and to explain to Jack about what happened.
when you told him your story, you watched his face the entire time. his face told you that he was listen to everything but from his ears and tail you could tell his not happy...
After you finish, some tears shed, he hugged you and swear that he'll protect you from anyone and everything.
Deep down in his heart, he knew he has to make you see that you cant return back to your world. Even if you have "good things" in your world, he doesnt want to risk it.
So he made a vow for himself, he'll make you see that he could protect you and you could only live a better life... with him.
Deuce likes you a lot. You were the first person to like him for him. You didn't make fun of his short comings. You didn't mind his history. You are just so sweet and he just wants to protect you forever!
He found out about some NRC student picking on you for some of the scars you have, he say red.
He momentary blacked out but what he remember was that he looks at you and you were curled into a back, covering your ears, eyes tightly shut, and you were talking to yourself..?
The next thing he knew it, the teacher came and took him off the students.
He's getting punished with the other students for fighting, he got an ear full from the teachers and from his housewarden. But despite everything, the only thing that was running through his mind was, why did you react like that..?
He remember from back in his delinquent phase that everyone, either ran away or just stand in horror..? But you just sat there like... like a kid that-
Mid-Riddle scolding him, he ran out of Heartlabsyul and ran to Ramshackle Dorm to check on you.
When you greeted Deuce, worried on why he ran to your dorm, he grabs you into a hug and was repeating sorry's for scaring you and making you relive hurtful memories...
You sigh, sat him down, and explain your past. saying 'yes, what happened was stressful but he was friend and you knew he had good intentions'
He hugged you again and made a mental note on not taking care of people like those bullies in front of you next time...
He always noticed you hanging out with Sebek, which he appreciated and Malleus and Lilia only has good things to say about you too, which was nice.
He kinda wished he had more interactions with you but with being in different classes, different grades, different activities, plus his habit of sleeping. He can understand why you two don't interact.
But luckily for him, fate had other plans.
Silver had a sleeping spell when he was on a bench at school while everyone was in class. You were running an errand for Crowley so you were outside of class with some not so light boxes, then you ran into him.
When he opened his eyes, there you were gently shaking him awake, asking if he's okay. He thought it was sweet that you asked if he need you to walk him to the nurse.
Instead of heading straight to class, he asked if he could help you?
You were against it at right but with Silver adorable sleepy face, you did have the heart to say no.
While he was helping you, you two talked and shared stories about Malleus, Lilia, and Sebek. Maybe Silver is a little gullible, but he thought you were magicless? How did you place a charm spell on him without a wand? or an incantation?
After helping and continuing classes until the school day was over, Silver went to Lilia to ask him if the magicless human can preform spells?
Lilia had to take a few minutes to explain to his son that he's just fallen in love.
"Say Silver, if you want to charm them back~ This is what you should do~"
Too bad for for you, Lilia gave him his "dating advice" which are very much illegal now.... different time and all...
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genshinluvr · 1 year
Final Moments
Pairings: Various Honkai Star Rail Men x Isekai'd!Reader
Summary: You're somewhere alone, bleeding, and on the verge of death. Everyone is scrambling to reach out to you, but you're not picking up your phone, and no one knows where you are. Not even Nanook knows your whereabouts. You didn't think you could die in a universe you didn't belong to, but you were wrong. At least you were able to hear their voices in your final moments, right?
Note: I haven't written angst in so long. This is probably not the best angst I've written. This is an answer to an ask I received not long ago. I'm not sure how I feel about this mini-fic, but I think something sad happening for once is somewhat good for a fanfic one-shot series. To be really honest, it doesn't feel like angst to me. Idk if it's because I wrote it or if it's because it's not sad enough. Who knows. I don't post anywhere else but on Tumblr (Genshinluvr) and on AO3 (Aaliah_exo).
Warnings: Major character death, blood, probably my worst angst
Word Count: 3.9k
Your connection with Nanook has been severed. Whenever you sleep, you and Nanook communicate while you’re asleep. When you’re unconscious due to being knocked out by a flying prosthetic arm, Nanook is there— while you’re physically unconscious. You and Nanook have always been connected through body and mind since your arrival to their— Nanook, your Astral Express, Stellaron Hunter, Xianzhou Luofu, and Jarilo-VI companions— universe. However, this is the first time you realize you and Nanook are no longer connected to each other.
In the state of unconsciousness, you’re in the void. Only this void is different from the one where Nanook is covering the sun and sky. This abyss you’re in is pitch black, and you’re the only living being in the endless darkness. There’s no sky, no sun, no stars to light a path along the way in the void. At first, you’re uncertain whether you’re physically in this void or if you’re just unconscious.
That is until you hear ringing in your ears, and light starts flooding in. You gasp aloud as if you finally made it to the surface after being underwater for more than you can handle. Your lungs hurt, and so does your head. As a matter of fact, now that you have regained consciousness, your entire body aches, and you’re tired. So tired. Your eyelids threaten to shut, but you’re trying your best not to lose consciousness again.
Where are you? 
What happened?
You push yourself upward and slump against the wall, choking out a gasp and breathing heavily. Your heart hurts— you didn’t think it was possible for you to feel your heart hurting to the point where you want to cry. Your vision is blurry, and you try to rub your eyes, but you can’t feel your arms. Exhaustion soon overtakes your body, and you fall unconscious.
Meanwhile, on the Astral Express, everyone is crowding around on the Parlor Car, their phones facing upward on the table. Everyone has been trying to call you, only for them to get a voicemail, or the call would fail to go through. The monotonous beep haunts their minds as everyone frantically tries to reach out to you.
“Are you sure the signal is good? Maybe we can’t call them because of the awful signal on the Astral Express,” Caelus comments, chewing on his nails.
March ignores Caelus’ comment. She presses her phone against her ears, listening to the ringing. If the signal was terrible, then how come the phone call was going through for her? The ringing stopped briefly, making March gasp, startling everyone on the Astral Express.
“Hi, this is [Y/N]! Sorry, I can’t come to the phone right now—”
March groans, ending the call. “Never mind. I thought they answered my call, but I was wrong,” March sighs in defeat, sliding her phone on the table.
The lights on the Astral Express flicker, and the door slams open. Nanook steps into the Parlor Car, his gold eyes scanning the Parlor Car, searching for your face. Nanook sighs and stays close to the entrance, running his hands through his hair. Just as Nanook feared: you’re not on the Astral Express either. 
Welt furrows his eyebrows at the Aeon of Destruction. “Nanook. Your presence is sudden,” says Welt.
“Where is [Y/N]? Are they not on the Astral Express?” Nanook asks, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Unfortunately, they’re not on the Astral Express. We,” Jing Yuan gestures to him, Blade, Luocha, Luka, Sampo, and Gepard, “were contacted by the Astral Express in hopes that [Y/N] is on the Xianzhou Luofu or Jarilo-VI. To everyone’s disappointment, they are nowhere to be found.”
After hearing Jing Yuan’s explanation, Nanook starts to visibly panic. The Aeon of Destruction paces back and forth, taking deep breaths and muttering something under his breath. Everyone on the Astral Express gazes at Nanook worriedly. This is the first time they see him act this way. Nanook has always had this cool, calm, and collected exterior. Nothing can phase him, and only you can get a reaction out of him.
Sampo raises a finger. “Hold up. Why are you asking us where [Y/N] is? Aren’t you the one who can communicate with [Y/N] inside their dreams?” Sampo asks, crossing his arms over his chest and raising his eyebrows at the Aeon.
“Nanook, have you been able to contact them by any chance? We’ve been hitting countless dead ends, and we’re really worried about them,” Gepard says, looking at Nanook pleadingly.
Nanook sighs and stops pacing. He looks at the people on the Astral Express with a deep frown. While Sampo is correct about him being able to communicate with you through your dreams, the people on the Astral Express, Xianzhou Luofu, and Jarilo-VI aren’t the only ones whose struggling to get into contact with you.
Nanook wasn’t able to contact you through your dreams prior to your disappearance. When Nanook brought you into this universe, Nanook made sure to form this connection with you— this unbreakable bond between you and him. But despite creating this unbreakable bond, it somehow severed, and he can no longer contact you through your dreams and unconscious state.
This bond is supposed to be a way for him to track you anywhere in this universe. No matter how out of reach you are from him. Whether you’re in the Astral Express, on Jarilo-VI, the Xianzhou Luofu, the void, etc., Nanook should be able to feel your presence somewhere throughout the universe. Nanook mutters something, closing his eyes and pulling at the roots of his hair with frustration.
“What’s Nanook saying?” Himeko whispers, not taking her eyes off the anguish Aeon.
Luka whispers, “He’s muttering something about [Y/N] and the bond between them. I can’t hear what Nanook is saying, but those are the things I can pick out.”
Dan Heng stares at his phone intently, staring at your contact picture while listening to the monotonous ring. This is the fourth attempt. The fourth time he’s tried to call you, only for there to be a voicemail or just constant beeping that’s shaking him to his core. You can be anywhere in the universe, and finding your precise location without you telling them where you’re at will be the most challenging thing they deal with.
“Are they still not answering their phone, Dan Heng?” Luocha asks, approaching the black-haired man.
Dan Heng sighs, ending the call when he hears your voicemail through the speakers. “No,” Dan Heng mutters, shaking his head.
Blade stares at the panicking Nanook, frowning deeply. Blade sighs, rubbing his temples with shaky hands. As much as Blade wishes he was mishearing the things Nanook was muttering to himself, the more Blade thinks about it, the more it makes sense. Nanook is the one that brought you into this universe— he should know your exact location no matter what planet and fleet you’re on. Nanook should be able to communicate with you through your dreams or unconscious state, and because Nanook is visibly panicking and stressing out over your whereabouts, Blade concludes that—
“Your connection with [Y/N] has been severed, isn’t it?” Blade asks, breaking the tense silence in the Astral Express and bringing Nanook out of his thoughts.
Nanook clenches his jaws, nodding. “It has been severed, unfortunately. I do not know how it happened, and I’m sure [Y/N] isn’t the one that severed it. There’s no way for them to sever the connection,” Nanook replies.
Everyone stares at Nanook in horror. If Nanook is unable to contact you, then it’s very unlikely they’ll be able to find you sooner. You, [Y/N]. The same person not from their universe, the same precious star everyone holds dear to their hearts— whether as a best friend, little sibling, or a small crush that developed into something bigger— the same star that shines the brightest in the universe. You’re somewhere out there in the universe, exposed to dangers you’re not used to handling. Heck, everyone didn’t plan on letting you be exposed to any hazards that exist in this universe, but now?
“So, you’re saying there’s no way for any of us to contact [Y/N]?” Welt asks, raising his eyebrows at Nanook.
While Welt looks calm on the outside, the man is freaking out internally. How did this happen in the first place? You were supposed to be safe and sound under his watch, but you suddenly disappeared without a trace, and no one was able to reach out to you or track you down. Not even the Aeon of Destruction is able to track you down, and the Aeon has connections with you— well, had a connection with you.
“What are we going to do now, Mr. Yang? Searching for [Y/N] seems impossible at this point,” Caelus says, plopping down on the chair and running his hands through his hair.
Jing Yuan shakes his head. “I’ll have Yanqing lead the Cloud Knights to search throughout the Xianzhou Luofu,” Jing Yuan says, taking his phone from the table and sending rapid texts to his blond retainer.
Gepard nods. “And I will have the Silvermane Guards patrol the Overworld and the Underworld. If they see [Y/N], their duty is to detain [Y/N] until we arrive to get them,” says Gepard as he grabs his phone to message Dunn.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa! Detain [Y/N]? As in, keep them in cuffs and behind bars?!” Sampo exclaims, propping his hands on his hips, and looks at Gepard with disbelief.
Gepard, Welt, Nanook, and Dan Heng sigh simultaneously, rubbing their temples and pinching the bridge of their noses after hearing Sampo’s question. March snorts, rolling her eyes. The door to the Parlor Car opens. Pom-Pom waddles into the room, his eyes scanning the Parlor Car for a familiar face other than the ones that are present. 
Pom-Pom sighs with disappointment. “I see that none of you have found [Y/N],” Pom-Pom says, crossing his arms over his chest.
Himeko gives Pom-Pom a sympathetic look. “Sorry, Pom-Pom, but we still haven’t found them. They’re not answering our texts or phone calls, and not even Nanook can contact them,” Himeko replies.
Pom-Pom sighs and waddles to the Phonograph, pressing his forehead against the machine. A dark stormy cloud looms over Pom-Pom’s head as he lets out a string of whimpers and sniffles. Everyone on the Astral Express nearly forgot about how close you and Pom-Pom are. The closeness between you two is adorable, and Pom-Pom treats you like his favorite passenger on the Astral Express. Well, you are his favorite passenger. There’s no denying it. Sometimes, when everyone is asleep, you would keep Pom-Pom company and spoil him with his favorite snacks.
Of course, that was before Nanook became a passenger on the Express. Now you would keep Pom-Pom company on the nights you can’t sleep or when Nanook isn’t on the Astral Express due to his duty as the Aeon of Destruction.
“Pom-Pom?” March asks softly.
Pom-Pom turns to face them, his eyes blurred with tears. “How could all of you fail to protect someone that protected me!?” Pom-Pom wails, tears cascading down his cheeks. “What if we never see them again? They could be in danger!”
Everyone looks away, their shoulders slumping. Pom-Pom’s right. They did fail to protect you— this is the second time they failed to protect you, and they wish they could turn back time and prevent it from happening.
“There’s nothing to worry about. We’ll find [Y/N] and bring [Y/N] back to the Astral Express, alright?” Luka says, kneeling in front of Pom-Pom and patting the conductor’s head.
Pom-Pom whimpers. “But what if they’re injured?” Pom-Pom whispers.
“Then I will do everything in my power to heal them,” Luocha answers.
You’re rudely awoken by the sharp pain in your lower abdomen. You gasp and sit up, letting out a strained gasp and whimper. You look down at your body, now realizing the state you’re in. You don’t remember what exactly happened, but the more you look at your surroundings, the more you start piecing things together. You were attacked by the Mara-struck. It happened so fast that you weren’t able to comprehend what happened before it was too late.
And now you’re here, on Cloudford, bleeding out, going in and out of consciousness, with no cell signal to call or text your traveling companions. You can’t even contact Nanook due to the severed connection between you and the Aeon of Destruction. No matter how many times you lose consciousness, Nanook isn’t there— even if you scream his name, bloody murder. You will always be in the void, alone and searching for the Aeon that brought you into his universe.
You sprawl out on the ground, digging your phone from your pockets. Your vision blurs every few minutes, making it hard for you to do your task. You turn your phone on, attempting to call the first person on your contact list. Blade.
You tried to call Blade, but the call didn’t go through. You tried calling every person on your contact list, but the call continues not to go through. You push yourself off the ground, nearly slipping on the pool of blood beneath you. It’s a miracle that you manage to hold on for so long. The question is: how much longer can you hold on? Black dots dotting your vision, you’re extremely tired, your eyelids are threatening to close, and your legs and arms are tingling.
“I can do this, I can do this,” you chanted, limping as far away as you can. “I’ll be okay. I’ll be okay.”
You’re not sure if giving yourself a false sense of hope is going to do any better. Still, it’s better to do that than lay in your puddle of blood, watching the time tick away and your life slipping from your fingers. With each step you take, you feel your strength slipping away. You’re exhausted, and everything hurts. The Mara-struck did not go easy on you until they assumed you were dead. 
As much as you wanted to blame yourself for not being careful enough, there’s no one else to blame. Not even yourself. People will blame you for not being careful and watching your surroundings, but is it really your fault? The Mara-struck are ruthless, and they’ll attack anyone and anything that is alive and not Mara-struck like them.
You’re brought out of your thoughts and self-pity when your foot gets caught over the other, sending you to the ground with a loud thump. You let out a screech of pain and remain on the ground as every part of your body is stinging and throbbing with pain. The small cuts on your body reopen as fresh blood oozes from the wounds, spilling to the ground.
“Please, just end my misery,” you whisper, tears rolling down your bloodstained cheeks as you slowly drift in and out of consciousness.
The faint sound of buzzing coming from your phone wakes you up. You gingerly turn your head to see the screen of your phone lighting up and vibrating. You reach for your phone and roll over on your side to see Blade calling you. You swipe to the green button and hear a faint scream and frantic voices coming from the other end of the call.
“Blade?” You croak, wincing when you feel how dry your throat feels.
Blade sighs in relief on the other side of the call. “Thank the Aeons, you’re okay. Where are you? Are you safe?” Blade asks.
You chuckle bitterly, close your eyes and continue to lie on the ground. At least you’ll be able to hear their voices one last time, right? It’s better to listen to their voice before…. Someone calls your name, grabbing your attention.
“Huh? Sorry, I didn’t catch onto what you were saying,” you mumble, squeezing your eyes shut and fighting back a whimper that’s crawling up your throat.
“[Y/N], please tell us where you are. We’re very worried about you,” Dan Heng says.
You sniffle. The pain is beginning to feel unbearable. Everything hurts so much, and you want someone or something to end your pain and suffering already. You shouldn’t have played dead when the Mara-struck attacked you for who knows how long. You should’ve let them end you right then and there so you wouldn’t have to continue to suffer like how you are right now.
“[Y/N]? Are you still with us?” Caelus asks, his voice crackling through the speakers.
Fuck. Is the connection starting to act up?
“Yeah, yeah. I’m still here,” you reply, black dots dotting your vision. Is it normal to see a small burst of stars in your eyes each time you blink? “Sorry, I’m not feeling well right now.”
The other end of the call falls silent after hearing your response. As of now, Jing Yuan and Gepard haven’t received any reports from the Silvermane Guards and Cloud Knights about finding you. 
The General of the Xianzhou Luofu and the Captain of the Silvermane Gaurds text their trusted companions regarding the search, only for Dunn and Yanqing to reply that they have yet to find out despite the number of Cloud Knights and Silvermane Guards scrambling to find you. 
Mr. Yang walks over to Blade and takes the phone from his hands. “Sweetheart, can you look at your surroundings and tell us where you are? Even if you don’t know the precise location, do you know whether you’re on the Xianzhou Luofu or Jarilo-VI?” Mr. Yang asks.
“I’m on, uh, the Xianzhou Luofu. The Mara-struck…” you trail off, closing your eyes. Your hands are shaking— you don’t think you can hold your phone up any longer. Your arms feel awfully weak, and your phone feels heavy.
Jing Yuan’s voice crackles over the speakers. “What happened with the Mara-struck?”
Jing Yuan sounds frantic.
You shrug, completely forgetting that the others can’t see you. “They attacked me out of nowhere. They left me for dead, and there’s blood. So much blood,” you whisper, cracking your eyes open and looking at your surrounding.
“[Y/N], can you turn on the video call so we can see where you are?” Gepard asks, his voice crackling in the speakers.
You sigh, gritting your teeth as you turn on the video call. Your face appears on the screen— if you weren’t bleeding out and losing consciousness every few minutes, you would be gasping in horror at the sight of your reflection. Dear Aeons, you look horrendous. You blindly show your surroundings for the men to see where you’re at, but you don’t think you’re doing it correctly. Your arm soon grew tired, and your arms collapsed beside you.
“I’m really sleepy, guys,” you whisper, swallowing the lump in your throat. You nearly gagged when you tasted a mouthful of blood. You don’t know how much more you can hold on until they find you.
“Does anyone recognize that area? We’re not from the Xianzhou Luofu— nothing looks familiar for us,” Sampo mutters, gazing at the others worriedly.
Luocha steps forward and takes Blade’s phone from Mr. Yang’s grasp. “I know this is going to be complicated for you, but do not fall asleep, alright? Keep your eyes open and try to stop the bleeding. We’ll be right there soon,” Luocha instructs.
The men hear and see nothing coming from Blade’s phone. The camera is pointed to the sky of  the Xianzhou Luofu— they see the color of your hair peeking in the corner. You rub your eyes and press your hands against the deep gash on your abdomen. You lift your head to see various cuts on your body. All are bleeding.
You whisper, “Which ones do I cover? There’s too many,” you mumble, gazing at the gashes with bleary eyes. 
You let your head fall back on the ground, attempting to cover up as many as you can. How much longer are you going to hold on? You can hear a commotion coming through Blade’s phone as you lie on the ground, your phone lying beside your head. You didn’t think you could die in a universe you didn’t belong to.
“Stay on the phone with us, alright? We’ll be there soon, we promise,” you hear Blade say through the phone.
You can’t tell if Blade is panicking or not. He sounds so far away, no matter how close your phone is to your ears. How could this have happened anyway? It was all your fault, wasn’t it? Were you reckless like last time? No, no. Last time, the Astral Express was under attack. But this time, you left the Astral Express and ended up getting attacked by the Mara-struck. And now look at you, bleeding out on the Xianzhou Luofu while trying to stay conscious.
“You’re not mad at me, are you?” You whisper, staring at the clear blue sky above you.
Luka grunts. “We’re not mad at you, [Y/N]. We’re very worried about you,” Luka replies.
Luka is trying his best to remain calm, but his heart is racing against his chest to the point he fears it might burst. 
You close your eyes, feeling nausea hitting you. “Is Nanook mad at me?” you ask weakly.
Dan Heng looks at Nanook from the corner of his eyes as they run through Cloudford, searching for you. It’s just them racing against the clock to get to where you are— racing against the clock to save you. But will they make it on time before you lose consciousness?
Dan Heng shakes his head. “I’m sure he’s not mad at you, [Y/N]. Why do you think that?”
You crack a smile. “I… Nanook and I aren’t connected with each other anymore. Did I do something wrong for him to sever that tie between us?” You whisper, tears blurring your vision. “If I did something to upset him, please let him know that I’m sorry for whatever it is that I have done to upset him.”
Nanook snatches the phone and gazes into the camera, his gold eyes searching for your face. “I’m not mad at you, little one. However, if you lose consciousness, I will be upset with you,” Nanook states.
You laugh weakly, tears rolling down the side of your face. “I’m sorry, everyone. I’m sorry for not being strong enough,” you whisper.
Just when you lose consciousness, you feel someone cradle you in their arms. Your vision slowly turns black as the voices around you fade away— almost sounding like you’re underwater, sinking deeper into the depths.
“No, no, no, no! Please don’t leave me,” Nanook whispers, pressing you against his chest.
Your head lolls back, laying limp in his arms as blood continues to pour out of your wounds. Luocha kneels before you and Nanook, frantically trying to heal the cuts and deep gashes on your body. Sampo, March, and Himeko look nauseous at the sight of the pool of blood below you and Nanook.
March looked away, closing her eyes as a stray tear made its way down her cheeks. “Please tell me [Y/N]’s going to be okay, please,” March pleads.
Nanook presses his index and middle finger against the side of your neck, frantically searching for a pulse. Nanook buries his face into your neck, his body wracking with sobs as he holds onto you tighter. You can’t be gone. Please, please, please, please. Luocha’s hands fall to his side, and he looks away. 
“Well?” Dan Heng demands, his chest rising and falling with heavy breaths.
Luocha shakes his head, tears rolling down his flushed cheeks. Luocha grabs your cold hand and presses a kiss on your knuckles. Maybe in another lifetime, you will meet them again. But for now, stars don’t live on forever.
Note: Just because this is angst with death doesn't mean it impacts the overall HSR isekai series. This is a mini-fic, and to make it up to all of you, I will make a Nanook smut for this upcoming week! Yes, smut is finally here! Nanook got the majority of votes. Therefore Nanook is the first HSR male character to be getting smut! As I have stated in my Genshin Isekai fics, the fics in the series are like my multi-verse. Anything can happen in these fics, but it will not significantly impact the overall series. So, even if something traumatic happened to the reader in one fic, the next fic, it never happened to the reader. Some things will impact the story, but others won't be mentioned in other fics. For those who want to be on the taglist, here is the [Google Form]. For those who want to join the Discord server but weren't able to, here is the new temporary link to [Zhongli's Abode]! Please make sure to read the server rules— you can lurk, chat and hang out on the server if you'd like! If you don't vibe with the server, you can leave whenever you want ^^ To my new and/or returning readers, please keep in mind that I ONLY post on my Tumblr (Genshinluvr) and my AO3 (Aaliah_exo)! Nowhere else except Tumblr and AO3!
Taglist for the HSR one-shot series: @mompt2, @elegantnightblaze, @lunavixia, @jadedist, @reversearrowhead, @pinksaiyans, @aurelia-xyt, @lilliansstuff, @ssunset0, @starrry-angel, @kaoyamamegami, @kodzuvk, @for3very0urs, @a-cosmicdawn, @g3n0dtt, @theblades, @raaawwwr, @immahuman, @irisxiel, @siaracarroll, @crazydreamcat, @sagekun, @orichalcumthief, @dyingsweetmackerel, @rosiesareblue, @ichikanu, @hispasian-otaku, @asoulsreverie (Accounts that I was unable to tag are not tagged in this fic. Those who do not want to be tagged in a specific fic are not tagged. Remember to check your settings to see if you're allowing people to mention you/tag you in posts or not)
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insanermin · 7 months
Hey i just read your fanfic "and still i answer your call when she doesn't answer at all". and i loved it, i wonder if you could maybe make a part 2 if you have time, And if you want too. And ofcourse, you dont have to do it or rush it
hi! thank you sm <3 yes ofc i can, haven't written in a hot minute so;
and still i answer your call when she doesn't answer at all, part 2
pairing: ellie x fem!reader
warnings: toxic relationship, cheating, nsfw, curse words, soft?? ellie but highkey salty, not proofread yet again, lesbian sex <3, and also first time writing smut plsplspls have mercy on me, xoxo
word count: 3,9k
summary: you visit ellie again to thank her for comforting and taking care of you, but things take a different course when your 'girlfriend' texts you. or; ellie eats you out.
as warm tones start to set into the blue sky, february doesn't seem so cold anymore.
all your worries were washed away, all thanks to ellie. after you stormed to her place at the most vile hour, ellie took good care of you, the two of you watched your favourite movies until you fell asleep and she prepared you some breakfast before you had to leave for work. guilt resides in the pits of your gut, your gratefulness has never left the four walls of your mind, it is time you finally thank ellie for everything she has done for you these past few days.
you spent the whole day in bed, sulking away while thoughts of your girlfriend cross your mind. you reach for your phone, no message from her.
as you take steady steps to your closet you realise that there's no turning back now. you've made up your mind, it is over. but you needed good advice from a very good friend, surely ellie would have all the answers to your questions. flicking through all the clothes in your closet, memories of your girlfriend start to occupy your mind. the dress you wore on your first date, the hoodie she bought you on a rainy november day, the graphic tee you wore the first time she made you cry, and all the other clothes that witnessed you being miserable because of her. it had to end, now.
all dressed up now, you wash your face, washing the smudged mascara from yesterday's crying away. lately your emotions have been all over the place but you told yourself it is better to feel them rather than bottling everything up.
ready to leave, you text ellie a simple 'i'm gonna stop by your place' shortly regretting that you didn't text her earlier. but to your luck she replies almost immediately.
'sure, have you eaten?' the words circle your mind. you don't know whether you're impressed by the fact that she answered so quickly or that she potentially knew you haven't eaten a single thing yet.
'no' you reply, slipping your phone into your pocket while fishing out your keys that you mindlessly put in your pockets before locking the door.
you step outside and cold wind is blowing your way. the sky has already lost itself in complete darkness, but the clouds haven't shied away, surrounding the moons light.
ellie is just as nervous as the last time you were here, although now she had something to keep herself busy with: cooking.
keeping it simple, because she's too scared to mess up, but not too boring, ellie doesn't want you to think that she can't cook.
a dilemma she might never escape, because she knows you don't overthink any of your actions towards her. but should she really be thinking about this right now? ellie tries her best to feel somewhat content that you're coming over. however, knowing that she is one-sidedly overthinking her actions, caring for your needs and, well, liking you, she can't help but feel like burning this entire kitchen down instead of cooking a nice meal for the two of you.
"shit," ellie groans as she feels the blade digging into her fingertip. this for sure wasn't part of the cute scenarios she just made up nor was it part of her plan to burn this kitchen down. ellie rushes to find a plaster, a bandage, anything to put on her finger.
the door rings, ellie rushes to the door, heavy footsteps echo and bounce off the stairwell walls. the sound of you felt like a mixture of butterflies and sour lemons in her guts.
and there you stand, right in front of her. something in the fresh evening air must've altered your brain chemistry, because why do you feel her eyes linger? and why do you want them to? your emotional imbalance is surely to blame, you most definitely lack attentiveness and consideration. ellie lightly clearing her throat interrupts your almost driving you to insanity monologue, your eyes now drawn to her body.
has your friend's arms always looked this big? she's just wearing a plain white t-shirt, but you can't seem to stop yourself from tracing the strokes of her tattoo with your eyes. soft hello's were exchanged before ellie offered to take off your jacket. the outfit you picked out today and deemed too light for your own comfort suddenly became ridiculously warm.
"how have you been?" ellie asks, making her way to the kitchen as you awkwardly stand in the hallway trying to cool down.
"better? uh, do you mind if i change?" your voice breaks a little, you lightly chuckle to cover your discomfort.
ellie shakes her head, her whole attention directed towards the plates she's trying to decorate nicely with the food she has just made. truth is, she's trying her hardest not to think about you changing, about your bare, soft skin, about—
"oh my god," it emerges from ellie's bedroom, ripping ellie out of her mildly inappropriate thoughts. she was so sure that she cleaned her room well, even checked multiple times and every corner, what on earth did you find? she fiddles with her hands as she walks towards her bedroom, door slightly open. the auburn haired woman doesn't believe in god, but on this very day, she is making all kinds of prayers, hoping for the best. ellie opens the door and seeing you sit on her bed with your phone in your hand is surprisingly disappointing.
you watch her stand at the doorframe, her arms crossed, flexing her buff arms. you can't ignore her furrowed eyebrows, but when ellie notices the concern written all over your face she mouths a low 'what happened?'
you turn around your phone for ellie to read the text message your girlfriend just sent you.
'hey baby, can we talk? i'm really sorry' ellie reads in her head. she definitely prayed for all the wrong reasons, because this is exponentially worse than anything she feared just a minute ago.
"why are you showing me this?" she asks, her voice low. she's still standing in front of you, looking down on you. her gaze on you makes you feel things you haven't felt in a long time. but your girlfriend just texted you and is apologising for her actions, you need to focus. but something about the way her eyes are locking you in is making it a little harder to breathe.
you take a deep breath, you need oxygen to clear your head.
"well, i came here because i needed advice—" you carefully watch ellie approaching you slowly.
"—i wanted to end things with her but—" you thought you were attentive enough but you're taken aback by ellie's big hands resting on your thighs, her face dangerously close to yours. you steal a small glimpse at her tired eyes piercing you through before continuing. her being so close causes your breath to shorten, you're hoping your all that she can't see your chest lifting.
"—she apologised now, so we're good," you say. ellie's eyes widen in disbelief, slightly tilting her head.
"are you serious?" she scoffs, her eyes shut close before searching for answers in yours. you nod and watch ellie drop her head in disappointment, followed by several scoffs and sighs.
"no you're not," she says under her breath, disappointment slowly spiralling into exasperation. ellie can't tolerate this any longer. whether it is your dumb decisions or your inability to see your worth, she won't take this anymore. and it might be selfish to get angry at you for not seeing her more than just a friend, but she did decide on a whim while cooking that this is the day where she finally tells you. however the manner things are progressing for now seem to be reaching a dead end.
"i have to reply though," you mumble, but ellie's furrowed eyebrows insinuate you to feel insecure about your decision.
"you don't," ellie says, as an auburn hair strand looses itself from her split ponytail. her arm reaches for your phone, but you hold it up by reflex, you didn't expect her to grab for your phone. however, you forget that you're the one sitting and she'd just have to stand up straight to get your phone, so you rapidly throw your back onto the mattress, arms far away, she surely won't be able to get your phone now.
"fuck, you can't be—" ellie hesitates, and you smile triumphantly, until you feel something weighting you down. your eyes widen in realisation, did ellie just climb on top of you? your body's brush now and then against each other while she's trying to reach for your phone. you're about to turn to the side when you feel ellie's strong hands hold your wrist down, making it impossible for you to move. for a minute, you forget why you wanted to turn away as you loose yourself in her sage green eyes. and that's when realisation hits you, you're under her, at the mercy of her big, strong arms. ellie doesn't keep eye contact for long, her eyes are fixated on stealing your phone, your eyes are focused on her jaw line. you're being held down, her knees restricting your upper body from the sides, her chest alarmingly close to your face. your grip around your phone softens, your too distracted by her presence pressing and holding you down.
you hear ellie whisper a 'finally' before you're eye to eye again. ellie was too busy taking your phone away and only notices now how close the two of you are. your chests lightly brush against each other, ellie still pinning you down to the bed. her grip tightens around your wrist as she thinks about the way you're still so caught up with your girlfriend, but the fact that she has your full attention for once overrides all the anger she bottled up. you gulp down and break away from her gaze, looking to the side, where she's holding you down.
"what happened to your finger?" you finally break the silence, earning a low chuckle from ellie. she's breathing right onto your neck, sending shivers down your spine.
you watch ellie's lip move, form words, pressing against each other softly.
"you sure you wanna text your girlfriend?" the last words pull you out of the daze her lips put you in, she surely must've said something important. you need to focus. you have to ignore that your body is screaming to be held, to be touched.
the thought of ellie touching you has never crossed your mind until... now. this very thought makes you want to adjust your lower body, arching your back slightly.
ellie can't help but notice all the movement happening below her. she's never been this close to you. and knowing she has your undivided attention all to herself, she can't hold back any longer.
her chest bumps against yours as she slightly moves up, her hand reaching for your chin, holding it in between her thumb and bandaged index finger. you're forced to hold eye contact with her, her breath tickling your face. your chest doesn't even rise anymore, only falling lower and lower until the movement travels to your lower back.
it's hard to breathe and it's hard to think, you feel your eyes wander from her green eyes to her lips.
"do i have something on my lips?" ellie asks, while looking down on you.
"no?" you're confused, finally pulled out of trance. she tilts your head to the side, at which you sharply inhale.
"you're staring," ellie whispers into your neck, the sensation insinuates you to hold your breath. you see a smile creep up her face from the corner of your eye, your heartbeat must've dropped to your abdomen at this very sight. all your morals and values must have left you on this night, because you want nothing more than ellie. she always directs you to make the right decision, so you want to believe that she will stop you from pursuing your inappropriate thoughts. with your free hand you reach for the hem of ellie's t-shirt, holding onto it desperately.
"ellie," you say out of breath. something about the way you called for her name made her lose it all, the breathlessness, your voice, the feeling of your body under hers.
her narrowed eyes fill with desperation, hunger, and lust. the sight of you underneath her tingles on her fingertips, ready to roam your body.
ellie takes a deep breath, lifting your face by your chin. she observe your lips carefully as she traces the outlines with her thumb.
"can i?" ellie finally asks, her eyes nervously looking for a place to rest on. you look up to her through your lashes, your grip tightening on her t-shirt. she makes you feel so needed, so incredibly wanted. your mind tells you to put an end to this but the feeling growing in between your thighs can't be ignored any longer. you shut your eyes close, then take one more look at ellie.
her arms could hold you up without struggling, her hands look so sturdy, she could touch you just the way you need her to.
sharply inhaling, you nod, and a smile creeps up her face. and you still feel said smile as she presses her lips against yours.
you didn't know that such a gentle kiss left you eager for more, and you find your hands entangled in her hair, frantically holding onto ellie.
the way your hands speak for what's going on on your mind makes ellie's blood rush through her veins, the soft fabric of your top rubbing up against her arm drives her insane as your skin is exposed every now and then.
ellie's hands glide over your body as her lips devour you impatiently. the sensation of her fingertips linger and you can't keep up any longer. she wants more of you, sloppy kisses emphasise that her attention has shifted from your lips to your body.
you can't help but notice her t-shirt riding up every so often, abdomen exposed.
"fuck," ellie groans, your bottom lip tugged in between her teeth. her hands finally have found a place to rest, a little under your chest, cupping your breasts. her gentle eyes meet yours, pressing her lips to a thin line before speaking.
"can i take your shirt off?" ellie's voice is slightly raspy and it's just enough to worsen the pressure in between your thighs. you squeeze them tightly, earning raised eyebrows from ellie.
"only if you take yours off too," you shoot back, because you can't be doing the wrong thing one-sidedly. however, didn't you want to end things with your girlfriend? she was practically an ex by now, you would've told her soon enough.
ellie sits up, her inner thighs pressing against your waist.
"oh? then, take your bra off too," ellie says, as she trails kisses on your neck, hot, slow and wet. you slightly arch your neck while biting down a moan. this is getting too heated for your own comfort and you can see yourself making noises only a few instances away, this needs to stop.
but ellie keeps on sucking, biting and licking your neck, making it impossible to keep quiet. and to make matters worse, she pushes her thigh all the way up against your aching spot, resulting you to softly moan.
"shit, didn't know texting your girlfriend back included moaning for me," ellie spits, the bitter taste of her fury still hasn't left her tongue. you're taken aback by her words but the sensation on your neck is keeping you in a trance you can't break away from. ellie's had enough of waiting, so she switches position with you, making you sit on top of her lap. she lifts your t-shirt, every inch of exposed skin is followed by hungry kisses until the shirt is off of you. you don't necessarily like sitting on top, too many vulnerable spots to be explored. ellie's rough hands glide down the sides of your upper body until they comfortably rest above your hips. her fingers graze over your body making breathing impossible, you feel it all the way down your lower abdomen.
and as if her big sturdy hands roaming over your body wasn't enough, she reaches for your back, undoing your bra with one hand.
you watch her smirk cockily as the straps of your bra fall to the sides, exposing your shoulders, and more importantly your chest. ellie bites down her lip as she cups your breasts, giving them a good, firm squeeze before locking eyes with you.
"you're tits look so fucking perfect," she groans, letting the palm of her hand brush against your hard nipples while ellie feels your hips tilt to the back at the touch of your skin, back arched for a moment only. she then pinches them and teases you even more, so you try to stop her and you reach out for her hand. however, you mistakenly grab her tattooed forearm, grasping it firmly to push her away from you. ellie chuckles at your unfortunate attempt to break away from her.
"you want them inside of you?" she teases, while breathing hot air onto your nipples. your eyes widen in surprise, when have you implied that? you suddenly feel heat creep up your neck, panic written all over your face. in response, ellie points to the forearm you've been digging your nails into.
"oh," you say, rapidly drawing your hands in.
"no, it's fine," she says while putting your arms around her, lifting you slightly up to lay you on her bed. her fingers are hooked on your waistband while taking your pants off. you've never seen anyone look this hot taking pants off, loose hair strands covering her face, you can't tell her facial expression.
all you see is her muscular shoulders and arms flexing while she undresses you.
you realise that wearing grey underwear will be the death of you as you hear ellie laugh lowly. you sense her blowing hot air against your clit, oh god is she a tease, you think to yourself.
"so fucking wet and i haven't even touched you? would love to hear your girlfriend's opinion on this," ellie scoffs, while observing the hot mess you are.
"ellie, for fucks sake i'm—"
"you're what?" eyebrows raised, hands resting on your thighs. you take a deep breath. talking about this while you're about to do it is not just incredibly anticlimactic but also immensely nerve wrecking. her eyes are like a ticking bomb, the longer you keep her waiting the more the disappointment grows, her gentle eyes turning tired.
"i'm ending things with her," you finally say.
"you surely will after today," ellie responds, her fingertip firmly pressing on your clit, only fabric separating her from your skin.
you gasp and your stomach rises almost immediately at the pressure you feel, causing you to squeeze your thighs tightly together. however, ellie slips her rough hand in between them, mouthing an 'open' towards your direction which you deemed useless since ellie opened your legs forcibly on her own. she holds one of your thighs down while pulling your underwear to the side, exposing your throbbing, wet clit. she holds two fingers out, gliding them over you to moisturise them before sliding them inside of you. the sensation of her fingers inside of you causes you to arch your back, throw back your head and dig your nails into her scalp.
"easy, love," she whispers, her fingers curved inside of you. ellie starts off slow, with every thrust you exhale shortly, until they turn into soft moans. her unexpectedly breathing against your clit makes you go insane, you feel the sensation give you goosebumps all over you body.
your body leaves ellie mesmerised, the way you move at her touch worsens her need to keep you all to herself, to devour you. she never imagined you to be this gorgeous, this attractive. she wants more of you and desperately wants the taste of you on her tongue. and not a second later, ellie made up her mind, she adjusts herself and pulls your panties further to the side, having full view of you.
"gorgeous," she mutters before crashing onto your clit, letting her tongue slowly slide to the top before making her way back down again. you pull at her hair in reaction, your other hand gripping her bed sheets. ellie moves the tip of her tongue up and down before tugging your clit in between her lips softly, sucking it in.
your moans become shaky and her sucking becomes more intense. you feel your whole body tense up as she presses her parted lips lightly around you, her tongue slowly flicking your clit inside of her mouth. she then lets go of you, you hold your breath.
you're numbed by the sensation and can't tell what's going on, you either feel her fingers pump inside of you or her tongue absolutely devouring you. you can't keep up any longer and ellie doesn't even leave space for a moment to breathe or think, you only feel, and that deeply.
all you hear are the wet noises you make against ellie's tongue and her grunts that unexpectedly turn you on. nails digging into her hair, back arched to the ceiling and your mind so far gone that all your responses to ellie's teasing questions are mindless moans, you feel her push even harder inside of you, causing you to jolt. ellie grins onto your clit as she notices your throbbing take on a slow, rhythmic pace, your insides clasping around her fingers in said rhythm. your hips move in circles, you desperately want to come, you've never felt this good.
and ellie keeps her thrusts consistent, just as the movement of her tongue, only increasing the speed of it. the taste of you sends her to another dimension, she already knows that this will leave her hungry for more. and so your back shoots up, forcing your hip all the way down and clutching around ellie's fingers, a sharp, but loud moan escaping your mouth. content with her work, ellie plants a kiss on your clit, your body shuddering in response. she slowly removes her fingers, your body shivers once more.
you're still in a haze, but ellie hovering over you pulls you out of it, her glistening lips are mesmerising. you see her lose strands sticking to her forehead, a few pearls of sweat on her well built arms. ellie observes your eyes, the way you look so gorgeous in the dimmed light worries her that she might do more.
"good job," she whispers into your neck, goosebumps spreading across your skin. you mutter a 'thank you' which makes you realise you're thanking her for all the wrong reasons. she lays down beside you and holds her right arm out, suggesting you to rest your head on it. you scoot closer, watching her chest rise and fall as she breathes.
"thank you for... the past few days," you say quietly into her chest. ellie scoffs shortly, raises her right arm to the back of your head and pats you. only now you notice that she has taken her shirt off, you don't recall that happening but you surely don't mind the view. you then feel ellie reach out for something, your phone in her hand.
"now text your girlfriend back and make sure to let her know that i'm here."
a/n: hello sorry for taking so long to update, was busy with exams, i was on renee rapp's concert as well (she's so attractive oh god) and yes. enjoy my first attempt at smut :)
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lesbiansforboromir · 6 months
In a BoromirLives fanfic, Faramir must be forced to confront this line of his in particular; Whether he erred or no, of this I am sure: he died well, achieving some good thing. His face was more beautiful even than in life. It's vital to me that this is addressed. Because in Tolkien beauty is holy, they are intertwined inextricably, the holy will be beautiful.
Boromir did not live a beautiful holy life according to most, his life is not spoken of with uncomplicated worth by any but Denethor, Eomer, Theoden and Pippin (all either 'simple' or outwardly rebellious against god). But he did die a beautiful holy death, it is what most people praise him for and in Faramir's mystical dream where he sees Boromir's dead body floating down the river, this is his reaction. Boromir's corpse was more beautiful than his living body, because in death he was 'redeemed' and served his purpose in the great holy plan. He 'died well'.
This is horrifying right? It horrifies me when I read it. And I think it so concisely reveals how Faramir and many others viewed Boromir. I am essentially here to argue that this is all about piety, once again, yes I'm a one track record.
Gandalf, when hearing of Boromir's death from Aragorn, declares; It was a sore trial for such a man: a warrior, and a lord of men. Galadriel told me that he was in peril. But he escaped in the end. I am glad. It was not in vain that the young hobbits came with us, if only for Boromir’s sake.
Now, what is Gandalf saying here? Boromir did not escape, he died. Does he mean he escaped corruption? Well, no, since apparently this 'escape' had something to do with Merry and Pippin and Boromir shook off the pull of the Ring long before he was sent to find them. What role did Merry and Pippin play in this 'escape'? Well, Boromir died for them, he had too, there was no other way out of that ambush. So by process of elimination the only thing the 'young hobbits' did that was 'for Boromir's sake' was... to be there so he could die for them, right?
And remember, his death did not actually save them or really help in any way, the hobbits are still taken and the Uruk-hai's downfall has nothing to do with Boromir. In fact Aragorn squandered any time Boromir might have given him to catch up to the Uruk-hai by spending hours on his funeral. So, the death alone is what is being called 'good' here, what is beautiful. Boromir dies and that is beautiful and something to be glad for, according to Gandalf and Faramir.
But why do they think this? Faramir has his 'alas for Boromir, whom I too loved' and Gandalf laments 'poor Boromir', so they have at least some pity for him. What was 'good' to them about Boromir dying? Well we all know this one don't we, it's the accepted narrative of it all, Boromir 'redeemed' himself with this deed. He tried to take the Ring, and for this crime he needed redemption that he gained through vainly giving up his life to try and save Merry and Pippin.
But, in fact, Boromir himself has a slightly different way of phrasing it. Boromir says, of his own death; ‘I tried to take the Ring from Frodo,’ [-] ‘I am sorry. I have paid.’
He paid for it. To Boromir, in this cosmic exchange, he chose wrongly and paid for the offence with his death. This wasn't redemption, it was spiritual commerce, crime and punishment. Which is a perspective that once again demonstrates Boromir's enduring lack of 'faith' or spirituality. The powers of the west and Eru may exist, but they exist to him as forces of nature, some fact of the world we all must just live with, not something that fills him with hope or brings him nobility or meaning or a 'higher purpose'. Boromir does not want to be closer to divinity, he does not want to be beautiful or noble, he wants his people to be safe.
But of course, this is entirely opposite to Faramir's perspective, and if not downright heretical then at least unfaithful. So, when alive, Boromir cannot achieve 'beauty' in Faramir's mind, because he is unfaithful. It is only when he is dead, when 'fate' draws him into this spiritually good 'end' that sees him give up his life for a holy quest, when Boromir's life is no longer defined by him but by his death, that he can be beautiful.
And bringing this all the way back around, there are two ways you could do this in a boromirlives fic. Either, Boromir comes back but he does not look like he did in Faramir's dream. He did not pay, he is still alive to define who he is and Faramir finds himself slowly drawn into this terrible psychological horror as he realises he misses his brother's death more than he missed his actual brother.
Or Faramir needs to be confronted with a brother who looks dead to him. Boromir has come back and to Faramir's eyes he looks exactly as he did in the dream, but now this corpse moves and speaks and can no longer be confined to one perfect conceptual moment. And this also horrifies him. It is for authors to decide if this is just an aspect of Faramir's perspective, or if Boromir actually 'came back wrong' as it were, he did pay but somehow he came back anyway.
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finelinevogue · 1 year
take a break
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summary - you and harry arrive at your nyc hotel for a little getaway
warnings: swearing? alludes to sex but nothing much, bit of kissing, just fluffy really?!
word count: +1.9k
pairing: boyfriend!harry x reader
It had been a long flight to New York City, but you’d made it.
The first getaway of the year and you’d chosen the city that never sleeps as your destination, because not a minute of this trip would be spent not immersed in the wonders of New York.
"You don't know where you're going, do you?" You asked condescendingly, as Harry walked you down a street you'd walked down twice now. 
"H, baby, you're so main character that there are about 10 million fanfics written about you with many people fantasising that they were me." You told him, hoping he would understand that you couldn't be arsed to aimlessly walk around anymore. 
"H, baby, you're so main character that there are about 10 million fanfics written about you with many people fantasising that they were me." You told him, hoping he would understand that you couldn't be arsed to aimlessly walk around anymore. 
"Ok that's weird." Harry turned to face you with a scrunch of his nose in distaste.
He hated being reminded of who he was to millions of other people that weren't you. One night he'd even told you that he was considering running away from it all - building his own island if he had to - just to spend the rest of his life loving you and embracing normality. You'd told him he was crazy, but when he asked whether you'd run away with him you had not hesitated in saying yes.
"It's true. I’ve read some." You chuckled as you remembered those that you had read. Harry as a gang leader. Harry as a painter. Harry as a tattoo artist - that one, you had to admit, had been hot.
"'Course you have," he laughed at you and pulled you a little as he prompted you to cross the road, "You just love me sooo much."
"Obviously." You rolled your eyes at how he could think anything else of you.
It was twenty minutes later that you were stepping out of the lift with all your belongings.
You were so looking forwards to room service and bed, beginning to think about what you could have to eat; toast, eggs, raspberries. It was the kind of hotel where if you ask, no matter how bizarre, you receive. 
Harry, after much persuasion, had offered to pay for a room in a luxury hotel he knew in Soho called The Dominik - more specifically the penthouse. You felt terrible for Harry to be spending so much on you, you also knew your budget wouldn't even let you stay in NYC let alone in a nice apartment in Soho. You had asked Harry what you could give him in return, which ended in you dropping to your knees and giving him something to remember. 
"After you, love." Harry used the key card to swipe the door before letting you in first, like the gentleman he is.
"Thank you." You gently replied, walking into the grand room and immediately feeling small at the top of the city.
It took no time to notice the sparkling lights of New York shining up at you through the floor-to-ceiling windows at the far end of the room. You were higher than any building around, getting the perfect view of the city as its heart beats.
You wheeled your suitcase to the foot of the neatly made bed, leaving your bag next to it and jumping onto it to be absorbed into its fabrics. You smiled, face down in the bed, at the thought of you finally being in the one city you'd forever dreamed of visiting. Work commitments and money had been cruel to you and you'd given up hope in ever being here, but alas here you were. 
Not expecting Harry to jump on top of you, you let out an ugly squeal as you felt his body flatten against yours. 
"This is nice." Harry sighed happily, finding comfort in having you so close and paying no attention to the fact your insides were soon to become your out.
"Get off, y’fucking lump." You struggled to speak against his weight, but laughed nonetheless. He didn't listen fully to your request and instead just dropped his head off your back and onto the mattress beside you. Your felt his breathe against your neck and so turned your head carefully. 
Met by the eyes that captured your heart so long ago, you smiled.
Waking up each day you had to remind yourself that he was even yours, like you were his, because it seemed so fantastical. The perfect man beside you smiled when he caught sight of yours, always saying it was his favourite feature about you.
He moved the mess of hair off your face so he could lean in to kiss you once, twice, three times. You hummed as his lips melted against yours like butter. His hand snaked around to cup your cheek and force his lips deeper onto yours, making you lightly moan against him. 
"Harry?" You whispered as you pulled away, kissing the small cross inked onto his hand just the once.
"Yes, m’love?" He didn't look into yours eyes, solely focusing on your lips and how plush they looked after him leaving his mark. He even kissed you again, not being able to resist himself. You were too divine for him to not cherish every moment. 
"Thank you for making me happy." You said, getting all mushy on him for a moment. New York felt like a good place to tell him that he was your source of happiness - something you would be forever grateful for. 
"Thank you for letting me make you happy." He replied, to which you knew he was talking about those moments that he would humbly pay for things, when you couldn't, and all those moments that didn't involve money and instead, just his love. "Now shush and let me love on you a little."
He smiled and moved to lean in closer to you, but you stopped him with your hand.
"No, I want food." You said, pushing his face fully away so you could move yourself up and off the bed. You watched as he groaned in frustration, like a baby, and huffed as he flopped his back down on the bed.
"You're choosing food over me? Unbelievable." He tutted, moving his head away from you in pretend annoyance. He had been with you long enough to know it would always be food over him. No, seriously.
"Shut up you big baby," you laughed and picked up the menu, flicking through it to try and choose what you wanted, "you want anything, H?" 
"I want you, is what I want." He grunted again, making you chuckle under your breathe.
"Alright, go hungry then." You rolled your eyes at his childlike attitude, punching the numbers into the phone to order.
"I wouldn't go hungry if I were allowed you, now wouldn't I?" He smirked at his words and looked over to see you blushing red like a fresh Pink Lady's apple. He and you both knew how flustered you could become by just his words.
"I will cut off your bal- oh hello?" You were surprised as the person from reception suddenly picked up, stopping you from threatening Harry's private parts. "Yes, thank you I would just like to order some room service please? Um, can I have the loaded nachos please but can I swap the olives for extra bacon please? Thank you, yeah. And a portion of your fries? A bowl of strawberries and a jug of water please. Thank you so much, okay, yeah!"
"You ordering for the thousands, love?"
"No. I just know that you'll eat half of my stuff anyways."
Harry was notorious for claiming that he wasn't hungry, or he wasn't in the mood for food, and then would proceed to eat half of whatever everyone else was eating. You both had big appetites for food but even bigger appetites for each other.
Harry reached into his bag and pulled out his phone charger with the adapter already attached, before walking back over to the bed and plugging in his phone. 
"Can't eat too much, though." Harry told you as he pulled his t-shirt over his head, exposing his gorgeously tanned bare chest littered with pretty pictures created from black ink. 
"And why's that?" You asked, curious to see where this was going.
"Gotta save myself for you later." He was so quick in reply, shimmying off his trousers and socks and throwing them on the bed to take care of later. He grabbed a towel off the bed and it was now clear that he was getting ready to go have a shower. He walked to his phone to check his notifications as you stood there flustered red. 
Whilst he was preoccupied, you took your t-shirt off too and wriggled out of your leggings that you'd worn for comfort on the plane. You picked up a towel, walking straight past Harry and into the bathroom.
"Um, what do you think you're doing?" He asked, putting his phone back down on the bedside table and watching you walk further into the bathroom. 
"What do you think i'm doing? Room service could be up to an hour, the lady said, so i'm joining you for a shower. Problem?" You asked, frustrated beyond reason now. He looked too fine standing there, with his boxers exposing his v-lines and hairs running down his tummy. He was so hot without even trying and it made your heart pound loud against your chest you were worried next door could hear it.
Harry shut and locked the door behind him, dropping his towel, and then his boxers, onto the sink beside him. He walked over to you, watching how you were stuck to the spot.
You were waiting for him to initiate something - anything. He pushed some hair behind your ear and kissed it softly afterwards. Your head was so close to his chest that it would've been wrong not to place a kiss against it. He hummed in appreciation, before moving his hands up your arms to help remove your bra straps from your shoulders. As he was delicately removing your more intimate clothing he whispered close;
"No. No problem at all." Harry smirked, knowing he had won this game. 
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2smolbeans · 1 month
Okay yandere thought based on an old fanfic I read on Quotev!!! (I'll tell more abt it in the end)
To sum it up: Yans/your child figuring out if they wanna be like the yan or not.
But okay, imagine in the end the chase is over and they win you over. Whether it's by force, mental gymnastics, or sheer stockholm syndrome, you no longer can go back to the life you once had. You marry them, and eventually, have a family of your own.
At first, you don't know how to feel about the child. You weren't even sure that you wanted to be a parent before you met your stalker. But now, you're a parent- and for once, raising your child is the only way you get to make small choices in life.
What they eat, how they dress, how you feel about them. You were given some grace to have the luxuries of those decisions. You don't know if you should feel humilation or anger that this child was the only thing that you looked forward to nowadays.
But you raise them, regardless if you want to or not- and they grow up. Now in their teen years, you begin to notice concerning things about their behavior. They act too much like your 'beloved' spouse. Uncaring of others, a hoarder of another person's belongings, always in a state of limerence. Your spouse encourages their behavior and enables them, but you find yourself concerned.
Whether you really love your child or not, you're more concerned about the person they have a crush on. You think about so many things... Leaving, confronting your child, killing your partner and child in a fit of rage- or telling your child the truth about your relationship.
Being a decent person you like to think of yourself as, you try to steer them away from those habits- eventually telling them about your miserable marriage and how much you despise your life. Sure, it was a bit brutal and probably caused them a lot of trauma and an existential crisis- but you really had to drive the point home.
Now your child is debating. Should they really trust the other parent? Should they trust you? Oh god did they wish you just told them you were getting a divorce because on God was that a horrible bombshell to drop. It's a overall mess and it's a battle for them. To follow what they really so badly want to do, or to actually seek help and perhaps support you with your decisions.
Heck to be honest, even I don't know how things could end. But all I know is that the scenarios, conflicts, and the types of endings this could have are really interesting..
Okay about the fanfic- I need to find the name.. But it was basically a yan Sim fanfic about realising how she doesn't like Taro but instead Budo and realising her mother was wrong about love. The fanfic is then about her going against her mother and yandere tendencies and having a normal relationship with Budo!
If I remember, it was called "Living in lies" by Shy lemon on Quotev. I could be wrong but yeah!
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epicbuddieficrecs · 8 months
Weekly Recap | January 8th-14th 2024
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I'm sorry it's late and I'm sorry if I missed anyone but my ao3 history was sortof a mess 😩 I think maybe some userscript I downloaded is fucking up my history. oh well. (or else someone has hacked my ao3 account and has been reading House M.D. fanfic?!?!? (how the fuck did I even get in my history, I don't even remember searching for anything that had House fics in the results wtf))
Followed By Ghosts by itsanapothecary (Canon Divergent, S1-S2 | 21K | Teen): Instead of hiding the truth about Daniel from their children, Margaret and Philip memorialize their lost son in every one of their remaining children's accomplishments. Growing up, neither Maddie nor Buck felt like they could escape the shadow of their brother. When Buck finds the 118, he gets a chance to be his own person, although the looming attention from his parents and weight of expectations threatens to jeopardize what he's built in Los Angeles.
no harm, no foul by callmenewbie/ @callmenewbie (Getting Together | 5K | Mature): Eddie knows how Buck feels. Buck knows how Eddie feels. So why is Eddie giving him the cold shoulder instead of talking about it?
what to do when evan buckley breaks into your house at 3:17 in the morning by oklahoma/ @malewifediaz (Love Confessions | 3K | Teen): After a night out drinking with Maddie, Buck (kind of) breaks in to Eddie’s house.
Wait For It by oliviacirce (PWP, Post-S6E6: Cursed | 8K | Explicit): Buck kind of liked not jerking off.
in a fix by rainbow_nerds/ @rainbow-nerdss (Getting Together, PWP | 4K | Explicit): Buck gets himself into a bit of a sticky situation, and Eddie helps him out.
we were lucky once (could be lucky again) by hattalove/ @hattalove (Post-Break Up | 1K | Teen): which they're not together anymore, but they can't sleep apart.
Mark Me Like a Bloodstain (Burning Red) by sirencalls/ @usersiren (Vampire Eddie, Post-S4, PWP | 3K | Explicit): “Eddie, you’re freezing,” Buck says, worry creeping into his tone. “Eddie, we need to get you to the hospital—” “No.” His voice is echoey and strange, definitively not human, and he picks up on the way Buck’s pulse quickens. Fuck, he’s scaring Buck. The human part of him is ashamed, guilty for making Buck ever be afraid of him. The vampire part of him is delighted, is even more wanting because of it, and that’s why he calls himself a monster.
Kinktober 2021 series by sirencalls/ @usersiren (PWP | 31 works | 68K | Explicit)
all that is you makes up all that is me by soyxunxperdedor/ @messyhairdiaz (Post-S6E11 | 1K | General): “I was just checking if you’re ready…” Eddie says faintly, trailing off as his eyes track the path of the lightning seared across Buck’s skin. -or- In the aftermath of a lightning strike, Buck and Eddie have a conversation.
Long Overdue by mansikka (PWP | 3K | Mature): Eddie realizes his feelings for Buck are more than platonic; what's he supposed to do now?
kiss me, kiss me (i don't know if i can let you go) by ipretendtobesane/ @useramor (Getting Together, Accidental Kissing | 10K | General): If anyone ever asks- they were both drunk. Eddie knows they weren’t, he and Buck don’t like to drink during the week, regardless of whether or not they work the next day. If they are working, they don’t want to be out of it on the job, and if they’re not they don’t want to be out of it when Christopher wakes up the next morning at 7:00am with more energy than either of them can handle. But there’s not really a good explanation otherwise. No other way to explain why, as Buck was walking out the door, Eddie leaned in and gave him a soft kiss goodnight.
til there was you by woodchoc_magnum/ @woodchoc-magnum (Hurt Buck, Married Buddie | 16K | Mature): In which Buck's appendix tries to kill him in the middle of a busy shift, and Eddie has to stage a dramatic rescue.
spread a little christmas cheer by soyxunxperdedor/ @messyhairdiaz (Post-S3E10: Christmas Spirit, PWP | 1K | Explicit): Eddie has a realization at the Christmas party and goes the wrong way with it.
do you love me? all you gotta do is say yes by fleetinghearts/ @shitouttabuck (Friends to Fiances, Crack | 3K | Teen): “It’s always pretty fun to see a former fuckboy from your grad school era bootycall list all domestic and settled down.” or, two boy best friends and an ex lover walk into a grocery store. everyone is on their normalest behaviour.
🔥 Echoes of Your Name by sirencalls/ @usersiren (Canon Divergence, PWP, Sex Worker Buck | 9K | Explicit): Of course he’s immediately wary of it. Porn videos have never worked for Eddie, so why would the audio version of them be any different? It’s the same strangers faking the same moans and whines as the other actors, just without a pretty face to go with it. Eddie thinks it’ll almost be less effective—seeing every tiny reaction that someone has to what you’re doing to them is part of the fun—so he doesn’t have high expectations. He doesn’t expect it to work.
marry me, eddie diaz by elisela/ @elisela (Marriage Proposal | 1K | General): There’s a long silence, and then, “you do that a lot,” Eddie says, looking over at him strangely. “I do what a lot?” “Ask me to marry you,” Eddie says. “I know it’s just a joke, but I feel like—” he stops and shakes his head, bringing his hand up to rub the back of his neck.
sit present in the darkness by elisela (Post-Shooting, Established Buddie | 4K | General): In the midst of stories about their jobs, catching up on what the kids have said, and making endless fun of each other, Eddie’s sitting at his seat with his phone face down on the table in front of him. Occasionally it will buzz and he’ll look around the table, pick it up when he thinks no one is watching. He types something quickly, looks over his shoulder at the kid’s table—where Buck has been since the food was brought to them—and puts it down again. Face down. Karen knows this game. She’s played it before, almost lost.
🔥 Precious & Fragile Things by Daisies_and_Briars/ @cal-daisies-and-briars (Small Miracles AU, Angel Buck | 13/? | 31K | Teen): Buck is the Fallen Angel of Petty Temptation, who has been tasked with tempting human Eddie Diaz to sin and enjoy life, but just a little. He thinks the job will be easy - get in, get out, go back to Peru to continue messing around with eternity. But when Buck arrives in Los Angeles, he finds Eddie is harder to tempt than expected, and more compelling than Buck had hoped.
🔥 and if i bleed (you'll be the last to know) by diazchristopher/ @captain-hen (Canon Divergent Season 6, Friends with Benefits | 2/18 | 9K | Explicit): or, an alternate look at season 6 where buck and eddie have been casually sleeping together since before the beginning of the season. somehow, this changes both everything and nothing at all.
🔥 Things We're All Too Young to Know by @cal-daisies-and-briars (Canon, S1 through S6 | 106/? | 290K | Mature): This is a love story. Even if it doesn’t always look like it. Even if it doesn’t always feel like it. A look back on Eddie and Buck's lives up to now, and what led them to each other, interpreted from the current 9-1-1 canon.
Innocence died screaming, honey, ask me I should know by JJK/ @trenchcoatsandtimetravel (Demon Buck, Canon Divergent | 9/? | 15K | Teen): Buck is a demon with the power to help with pregnancy, childbirth, and infant health. When the Buckleys make a deal asking for someone to help 'save their baby', Buck leaps at the chance as it will give him what he's always wanted: a life on earth. But demon deals are tricky and neither of them gets quite what they're after. This is Buck's journey as he navigates growing up on earth and remembering how to help those in need.
🔥 for all the haunts and homes of men by euadnes/ @kananjarus (Canon Divergent, Post-Apocalyptic, Station Eleven Crossover | WIP | 12/? | 105K | Mature | Warning: Violence): The year by the old calendar is 2025. Home is gone. Home is a failed rescue mission and an echo of a memory. Home is a lost boy living in a wooden house by the sea. But first, there was a promise. Christopher, when it's safe, I'll take you back to your father. Buck had all but given up on keeping it after the world had died and everyone in it. But just as some oaths refuse to be forgotten, so the same can be said about the endurance of love.
🔥 Right Where You Left Me by hyacinthusbloom/ @thebloomingheather (Canon Divergent, Post-S4, Angst | 21/? | 106K | Explicit | ❗️Warning: Rape/Non-con): "Therapy?" Eddie suggests. Buck almost laughs, but instead says, "I'll go if you go." Because he had fully expected him to be chicken shit, to disagree, and instead Eddie, the bastard, replies, "Deal." Or Buck never tells anyone that he slept with his therapist and deals with the butterfly effect years later.
🔥 a foundation of trust and love we cannot see by lemonzestywrites/ @lemonzestywrites (FWB, BDSM, Sub Eddie, Dom Buck | 2/17 | 24K | Explicit): “It’s like I want to explore it and dive into it, but it’s not exactly like I’m seeing someone to try this all out with,” he explains, doing his best to keep down the annoyed huff that threatens to escape him at every other word. Buck nods to himself before steadily going silent. For a minute, Eddie thinks that this is the end of their conversation. “I can show you if you’d like.” Eddie nearly chokes on his beer.
Love Ends. by rowan_wood (Exes to Lovers | 5/17 | 7K | Explicit): But what if it doesn't?
🔥 Relationship Advice from Complete Strangers Online by HMSLusitania/ @hmslusitania (Getting Together | 4K | Teen): When he gets home for the night, Buck turns to the one source of information that’s never let him down: the internet. But where does one go for relationship advice from complete strangers online? Which is how, ten minutes later, he finds himself on Reddit with a shiny new account and username. It takes him a while after that to craft his question for r/Relationships, but he thinks he’s got it pretty accurately conveyed before he hits post.
🔥 You Could Be The One I Keep by browney3dgirl6/ @hoodie-buck (Didn't Know They Were Dating | 6K | Teen): Eddie finally get's up the nerve to ask Buck out, his best friend accepting much easier than Eddie ever dreamed. Things are better than ever between them, the two of them becoming even closer, going out on several dates—only problem? Buck has no idea they're dating, like not even the slightest clue.
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acooksbooks · 9 months
First, I LOVE Crowley and Aziraphale. LOVE THEM. I mean, just take a glance at my pfp. And my sketchbook. And my fanfics.
Second, I LOVE David Tennant and Michael Sheen. LOVE THEM. Probably more than is reasonably necessary, given when I mention "my favorite actor," my family and friends know exactly who I'm talking about (It's David, btw).
I'm also sort of new to the fandom on Tumblr, and I've become baffled by some of the comments I've seen about David and Michael and their friendship. I think it's adorable and lovely that they seem to have such a special bond after filming Good Omens, a bond that continues and has included their partners (partly out of necessity while filming Staged, but I think that only helped cement their friendships even further).
But what truly baffles me is the picking apart of every image that features David and Michael, especially when Anna and Georgia are included and when they aren't. I've seen fans wondering where Anna and Georgia are if they're not in the image with their partners (and what that could mean for their relationships with Michael and David), speculations on whether or not the women have been photoshopped in when they are in the pictures, cruel comments about Anna (especially) and Georgia (sometimes) about their age or their acting choices or their relationships with their partners or with each other (especially when they're being silly on Instagram) or . . .
Anyway, as someone with a spouse who works in a very busy, very public (in our city) profession and who is well respected in that profession, I feel for Anna and Georgia. It's as though there is this obsession or even downright desperation to make everything about how Michael and David feel about each other, to push Anna and Georgia out of the picture, literally and figuratively, forgetting there are families involved. As if Michael and David really are Aziraphale and Crowley and really feel for each other like Aziraphale and Crowley feel for each other. And who knows? Maybe they do?
But we don't truly know what goes on behind closed doors, and the comments and speculations are cruel towards Anna and Georgia, who have real life relationships with Michael and David.
They're all human. Celebrities, yes, but even celebrities deserve to have some privacy outside their jobs. And that's what Aziraphale and Crowley are at the end of the day. A job for Michael and David. A very enjoyable one, based on their interviews with each other, but afterwards, they have homes and families and lives outside the work.
David and Michael's relationship is theirs. Not the fandom's. Theirs.
Anna and Georgia's relationship is theirs.
Michael and Anna's relationship is theirs.
David and Georgia's relationship is theirs.
The relationship the four of them and their families have with each other is theirs. And they all deserve to not have people speculating on public forums about what's happening between them like some tabloid magazine. If they want us to know, they can tell us. Let them make that call for themselves.
In the meantime, we can write fanfics, make fanart, fantasize about who they truly are and how they truly feel. Delight in the images they share and the work they do together. Whatever. But I think it would be great if we could just let them live their private lives, too, and have as much normalcy they can get under the circumstances.
And, finally, Anna and Georgia seem like such lovely humans and deserve as much love and kindness and respect as is bestowed on their partners every single day in this fandom. Because they're human too, and all humans deserve that.
That's all I have to say about that.
Edited to add: I guess I'm not quite done, because someone in the comments said they were like me until they read/heard some of the things David, Michael, Georgia, and Anna have said, presumably about each other.
I'm not so online that I know everything they've put out there, but I do follow those in the group who have social media, and have watched/heard all kinds of interviews and convention Q&As.
My takeaway: Whatever they say about each other, whether it's Michael or David, or Georgia or Anna, I take it with a grain of salt. They're all actors. What we're seeing or hearing from them may not actually be their real personalities and feelings behind closed doors or even in their own heads. I think they just like to be snarky or silly about each other, because it makes the fans smile and swoon. And maybe they just enjoy being playful with each other and about each other. I mean, it's fun.
What's not fun is the fans reading too much into every single thing they do or say with each other and try to turn it into something that it probably isn't, especially at Anna and Georgia's expense.
Okay, now I'm done.
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star-dust-shark · 5 months
short fanfic ig?
It hurt.
it hurt when Nico realized that he never had liked Percy.
that on it's own didn't hurt, but the fact that he thought he'd had a crush on Percy when really he was just alone and in pain and he liked the comfort of another human being.
which made Nico think that maybe he couldn't feel love.
maybe he was heartless or gross.
he'd never have someone like how Leo had Jason, or Percy had Annabeth, or Hazel had Frank, or Reyna had Thalia.
his face felt warm and his heart hammered as he slumped against the wall in his cabin, feeling his throat begin to close up and his eyes sting.
he curled himself up, shaking, trying to take deep breaths.
no one could hear him cry. It would be to embarassing.
he shuddered, feeling a tear trace down his face.
he remembered how he felt special when he'd liked Percy. but that wasn't real.
he didn't know why it was upsetting him so much.
he didn't know why he was being so overdramatic, why he was crying and shaking in his cabin when he could be of worth.
he didn't know why he was being useless.
the thought forced a sob from his chest, shaking his core as more tears spilt from his face.
he remembered what Will had told him.
"you're having a panic attack" said Will's soft voice in the back of his head.
the same thing that was happening a now had also happened a while ago, after Nico had had another Tarturus flash back.
he breathed deeply through his nose, trying to calm himself down while trying to remember the advice Will had given him.
"go to your happy place, Di Angelo. Try to think of things that make you smile. or laugh. or just feel good".
Will had told him this while rubbing his back in a rythmatic way, tracing invisible circles on his spine.
he remembered that Will had started awkwardly laughing and apologizing for being a dork with horrible advice.
Will had always been there, though Nico didn't know why. Will was constantly looking after Nico though Nico didn't return said generosity.
and yet Will went out of his way to talk to Nico.
to text Nico through the demigod safe phones Leo had desinged.
to make him laugh or smile.
Nico's breathing began to steady slightly, and instead of a clogged throat it just felt dry. he wiped the tears off of his face, feeling his breath shudder.
his heart began to regulate, but spiked again when he heard a knock at the door.
he tried answering, but instead of saying yes, he just made a weird gargling groan with his throat.
the doorknob twisted and the door creaked open, revealing Will Solace who was scanning the cabin for Nico.
"Nico"? he called, his voice startlingly loud compared to the lulled silence of cabin thirteen.
"hey" Nico croaked, now sounding less like a dying frog and more like he had a tissue in his mouth, muffling his words.
"Nico"? Will raised his eyebrows, "what are you doing on the floor"? he creaks the door open further, washing Nico in slivery moonlight.
Will's eyes widen and his surprised expression melts to concern.
"before you ask, I'm fine" Nico mumbles as Will closes the door behind himself and sits next to Nico.
"you've got to stop doing that, you know. I'm a doctor. I know when people are in pain, whether that's physical or mental".
Nico scoffs. "you're more like a school nurse".
"plus, you have red splotches around your eyes. You've been crying" Will adds, ignoring Nico's sarcastic comment.
"well... everyone cries" Nico mutters.
Will sighs.
Nico arches an eyebrow.
"I dunno. You're the "doctor". You should know better then me" he answers, rolling his eyes.
"not that, dumbass. why are you crying"? he jabs his finger into Nico's ribs playfully.
another shuddering breath. Silence.
"you don't have to tell me. I know you're apprehensive when it comes to trust. No pressure, Di Angelo", Will says gently.
deep breath.
"I feel..." he looks down at his hands, scars jagged like lightning bolts.
"sometimes I feel like I'm uncapable of... love, I guess".
"what"? will asks incredulously, his eyebrows shooting up to his scalp.
"sorry" he says in a gentler tone, averting his eyes, "but you aren't, Nico. Love doesn't have to be romantic".
"I know, but that's the thing. I want to feel... attached to someone. But I just... I don't... I don't know? like it feels like no one wants to be attached to me, and I'm scared to be attached to someone, because I've lost people before and I'm scared it'll happen again because it's horrible. And what if I mess up? And what's it supposed to feel like? I've never really truely liked someone, even when I thought I did. So was it fake? am I fake"?
Nico stops, realizing just how overdramatic he was being.
Will breathes deeply, chewing his lip like he does when thinking.
"Nico... how do you know"?
"how do you know that no one wants to be attached to you"?
Nico's eyes widen, and he looks down awkwardly.
"maybe... maybe the person you liked before, you really did like, just not love. They're different things. Sometimes when you like someone, it's almost just like friendship with added steps. When you love someone, it's so many more steps, so many steps that it clouds the friendship aspect, though it's still there", Will says, his eyes trained on Nico's.
"maybe".... Nico whispers, trailing off into silence.
Nico paused, but asks carefully, "have you ever loved someone like that"?
The corners of Will's lips curve upwards, his dimples reappearing.
Nico nods, not knowing exactly how to say what he wants to, but knowing exactly what it would sound like.
"thanks for talking to me, Di Angelo. I mean it".
Nico smiles, which hurts his cheeks slightly.
"thanks for listening", he replies as he rests his head on Will's shoulder, listening to the sound of his heavy breathing.
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trainsinanime · 10 months
Your favorite fanfic writer doesn't know (but would like to)
Let's talk about comments on fanfics. This is not meant as a guide or call to action, just a bit of observations. Personally, I always saw it as impolite to ask for reviews or kudos or comments or likes or reblogs or whatever. That's not a rational point of view, it just reflects how I am. And people actually telling others that they have to leave any of this feedback? I've blocked folks over that. In my mind that's not okay. I'm not announcing a change of that, this is not a policy, just some deep-seated mental issues, but I want to write down some more things that have been going through my mind, from the perspective of someone who occasionally writes fanfics. My previous suggestion in this regard was mostly to write some fanfic yourself and see what happens and what you'd like to happen, because it's genuinely fun and I think you probably have more to say than you realise.
But there's also another point here, and that is that your favourite fanfic writer has no idea that they are. If you're anything like me, then it will seem like the great writers in your fandom are obvious. Also, the last time you bought Blåhajs, it ended with you having to flee a smoke-filled subway tunnel. The great stories and great writers in your universe are facts of nature. You read a story and you think, "this is the greatest thing I've ever seen." A story rewires your brain chemistry forever. You keep coming back and reading that one fic whenever the mood hits you. It feels obvious that this story is great. How could it not be?
It feels trite to say that the author of that fic doesn't know that unless you tell them, but it's hard to really understand the feeling unless you've been there yourself. You write a story, but is it any good? Maybe you get a lot of kudos, or maybe very little, but what does either of that mean? Kudos can mean literally anything from "loved this" to "didn't close the tab in disgust". Maybe you just got unlucky. Maybe you just got lucky. What do these numbers mean? What is a good number of kudos? 1? 10? 100? 1000? Should I calculate ratios? How do I know whether people like this?
In light of this, a comment where someone just said, "I loved this", has an almost incalculable worth. A comment where someone says they read this over and over again, or quotes lines they loved, or something? You can't imagine how valuable that is. A while ago someone told me "a couple of us are talking about this on Discord, we love it and we keep repeating our favorite lines". I thanked them, but I was too polite to say, "really? What are they saying? Which are your favorite lines? How many people are there who love it? What are their names? Which lines are the favorite ones, please, tell me!". Part of me still regrets that, because I so desperately want to know! I don't think it was a public Discord and I never heard from the others on it, but just the idea that they're out there and they like my story was so powerful. (By the way, it's not on any account that's linked from here, please don't try to find that comment.)
Now, I firmly believe that you, as a reader, don't have to care about any of that. I know there are people who disagree with me on this point, very strongly in fact, but I don't think it's necessarily your job to care. It's great if you do, and I think a lot of you do in fact care, that's why I'm writing this. But if you haven't thought about that or don't feel comfortable leaving comments or whatever, that's fine, that's normal, and you are in fact part of the majority. Any well-adjusted fic author has found ways to deal with this. They have learned to love writing for its own sake, or they love re-reading their own fics, or they have a couple of trusted friends who like their work, or ideally all three. Personally I was scared of Discord for the longest time, but it really helps with that. One person who you sort of know going "hey that's neat" can outweigh just about anything else. (Still, there will be days when you post something and you won't get a response and that just plain sucks, no two ways about it.)
But if you do care, if you think it's important that a fanfic writer knows what they mean to you, not because of any concern about the wider unpaid fan creator economy but just because of the way their work affected you, then this is important. Your favorite fanfic writer probably doesn't know and/or believe that they're anyone's favorite, and even if they do, a reminder or learning that someone knew found them will make them incredibly happy. And obviously, all of that applies at least just as much to all the beginners with potential that are out there. So if you're wondering whether it's worth it leaving a comment that says how much you enjoyed something: It probably is. And if you shared this with others and they loved it, or if this is your favourite fic, or if you enjoy how original it is, or how well it does your favourite tropes, or anything like that, the writer is going to be so happy to hear that.
A final aside: This obviously applies even more when it's about fandoms, pairings, subject matter and in particular ratings that are considered a bit embarrassing. Writers who write stuff that, say, happens to be E-rated for whatever reason, doesn't matter, will probably get fewer kudos and comments just because people are embarrassed to have their names show up in the Kudos and Comment sections. If that's you, just a note that it is perfectly okay to comment anonymously, or to create a second separate account for leaving kudos on, commenting on and maybe even posting the somewhat more risqué stuff. Now I'm not saying I have one of these second accounts, at least I'm not saying that in public, but it is an option worth considering.
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niphredil-14 · 9 months
So I see that your request is open? Sign me in!
If you don't mind, this’ll be a platonic request of Leo + reader where they're pretty much each other's ride or die. April introduced reader to the turtles and somehow reader and Leo are already throwing one-liners and jokes back-to-back. Congratulations, there's two now. They're each other's besties and homies, when one causes trouble you know the other is around the corner to bail them out. Not afraid to talk about their deepest feelings when they're just reading Jupiter Jim comics while wearing matching unicorn onesies.
I love close relationships where it's not romantic but pretty much platonic, makes me comfy-
I totally get what you mean about platonic fanfics/relationships, not everything needs to be romantic or sexual! Everything in moderation. Also, sorry it took so long to respond, I was just turning this idea around in my head for a while. I wasn't sure if you wanted eveyone's reaction, or just Leo's, so I just went with Leo's but let me know if you want the others too.
Safe to say, Leo would be the happiest with your addition to the team. Has on multiple times told April that he owes her his life for introducing you to them all. It doesn't matter whether or not you've ever even heard of Jupiter Jim, by the time Leo's done with you, you're going to be a megafan too. Or, at the very least, know everything about the series. If he's feeling generous he might agree to take turns choosing a series to binge. But that's only if he's feeling very generous. I love the idea of Leo having "tea-time" with his best friend, where you and he (and sometimes April and/or Cassandra) will sit around and talk shit. Tea-time usually lasts a minimum of three hours. I hear your unicorn onesies, and I raise you, you wearing a turtle onesie, he probably bought it for you so that you could "match" and it would be super cute. If the two of you do wear unicorn onesies, they either both have to be blue, or at the very least (he really wants to match) his has to be blue. He fully expects you to take his side ANY time he's in any level of a disagreement, regardless of if he's right or not. If Raph is on his case about how Leo leads, he needs you to be standing behind him with your arms crossed and nodding along to anything that he says. If Mikey is accusing him of a harmless prank (it was likely NOT harmless), then he needs you to be ready to defend him from his barbarian of little brother. Sleepovers are mandatory with Leo, and often consist of all the stereotypical sleepover activities, movies, pillow fights, witchcraft, makeup, horrendous food combos, the usual. I feel like at the sleepovers is when/where you two would drop lore, just fully trauma dump, have a good cry, and then just move on to the next activity. Leo would be so good at comforting, though he will call your mom a cunt for not getting you that ridiculously priced doll when your were eight, and then he would just wrap you up in one of the best hugs ever. You'd better do the same for him!! Overall, I think Leo would just be so excited to have someone around that's so much like him!
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